CRUCIBLE GAME GUIDE GAMMA RELEASE The Gamma release of the Crucible Game Guide should be just about everything a participant needs to create a character and engage in the Chronicle. Additional setting material can be found in the Crucible Codex that will help with working out backstories and the nature of the greater setting. Some feedback is still welcome as we polish this document, though we will not be making any major changes to the structure of the ruleset, and will focus our efforts on streamlining and tweaking existing material. Artwork or photography to embed within this document would also be appreciated. Feedback can be emailed to [email protected] CONTENTS Page Chronicle Participation 2 Characters4 Abilities6 Combat Abilities Professional Abilities Arcane Abilities Knoweldges Flaws 6 7 10 11 12 Game Calls 14 Concepts & States of Being 17 Magic20 Alchemy24 Crafting & Enchanting 26 Resources27 Currency & Equipment 28 Downtime30 1 CHRONICLE PARTICIPATION The Chronicle Crucible is intended to be a 3-year Live-Action Roleplaying Chronicle consisting of seven Chapters, each with a weekend Chapter game and a variable number of day games in between. The Chapter games are to be held in Auckland, though the day games are hoped to be held in multiple centres, including at least Auckland, Wellington, and Hamilton. The theme of the Chronicle is one of adventure, exploration, faction loyalty, colonial conflict, and arcane mysteries. Though there is intended to be a noticeable theme of dark fantasy within the setting, elements that in particular may disturb participants are either to be optional participation or not to be portrayed within the Chronicle. For more details, please consult the Crucible Welfare Guide. Participation in the Chronicle is restricted to those 16 years or older, except where a parent or guardian is present and taking care of one who is underage. Information on the Crucible Chronicle can be found on the website at Gamemaster Team The overall command of and decision making in regard to Crucible is through a team of Gamemasters (GM) that act as the absolute authorities on any matters that occur in relation to the Chronicle. The members of the Gamemaster team are listed on the website. Quartermaster - This important Out-of-Character role will be filled by either a Gamemaster or a senior crewperson, and will be an important point of contact for characters with special abilities or with equipment requests or returns. They will be located at a set point at each Chapter event, and at some Day events. Faction Representatives - Each player and NPC faction will have an Out-of-Character representative that between games and during any Chronicle events will act as a contact point for the GM team and the players belonging to that faction, or in the case of crew, those who have a preferred NPC faction. The names of these representatives are listed on the website. Participation - Players As a player in the Chronicle, a participant is expected to select from one of the six player factions (on the following page) with which their character will be aligned, and then develop their character and their backstory in a way that will work in well with the other players in their faction. All the necessary information to create a player character can be found within this document, though additional setting information can be found in the Crucible Codex, and there are many more spells, artefacts, lost knowledge, and special abilities awaiting discovery within the Chronicle. An appropriate character is one that has a set of traits and abilities purchased with a player’s starting Experience Points, a selection of spells and knowledges purchased with Gnosis Points (where appropriate), a selection of key equipment purchased with starting wealth in sunshards (ss), and a backstory document that describes to us who the character is. While it is up to a participant to decide how much of a backstory they provide us with, if this amounts to over two pages worth of writing, participants are asked to provide a summary of no more than a page that the GM team can review with haste when necessary. To submit a character and their backstory, players are required to create it as a Google Document, and share it with [email protected] (with edit permission). The document should be titled ‘Crucible - [Character Name] - [Player Name]’. This will allow the GM team to review and keep track of the character, even as you update it over the course of the Chronicle. Participation - Crew As a crewperson, a participant will play a variety of roles over a game as specified by the GM team. The purpose of these roles is to provide challenges for the players to try to overcome, while enriching the world with NPC characters and making it feel like as much of a living, breathing environment as is possible. To allow the GM team to focus on the task of running the storyline, a system of badges has been implemented in the Chronicle which crew can be rewarded with if they meet the criteria. These allow a crewperson to lead scenes, generate plot, use special abilities, and finish off fallen foes without the need to obtain specific sign-off from the GMs. In the Chronicle there is some capacity for crew participants to possess selfgenerated characters belonging to the NPC factions and notable characters from the backstories of the player factions. Their appearance in the Chronicle games will be dependant on the number of crew that have signed on and appear at an event. To create and submit such a character, the same process as the players use should be followed, though ‘NPC’ should be added in brackets after the Character Name in the title of the Google document. For more information, please consult the Crucible NPC Guide on the website. 2 Alteraan Grown prosperous through an industrial revolution built in part on a foundation of resource exploitation and lower class labour, most Alteraanians ignore the mutterings of druids and peasants about the smog that clouds the skies. They are instead quite comfortable with the status that their industrial advancement has given them amongst the Five Realms, and that they are assuredly richest of the kingdoms. To be a noble, either in parliament or not, is through mercantile aptitude or careful social climbing, providing you can also watch out for all the knives aimed for your back. For the rest of the Alteraanian society, daily life is centred around working a steady job that will put food on the table with the most common dream being owning land. Alteraanians typically wear reds and purples with gold accents. Leonine or laurel motifs figure heavily and armour or jewellery are the most usual displays of wealth. Dra’zhar The largest of the Five Realms, the Dra’zhar are a nomadic, communal, self-sufficient society. Ruled over by Khans, who can be men or women, and unified under a supreme Il-Khan, an individual’s worth to their tribe is based on what they can contribute to their family and community, as a fighter, producer of food and through household tasks - regardless of gender. Exporting only when there is an excess, they trade in horses, alchemical mixtures, and aetherstones, and are careful to reserve anything their tribe can make use of. No other army has defeated the Dra’zhar in large-scale warfare on the open plains, in part because Dra’zhar tribes are always ready to move on, and to fight. Though the Dra’zhar are famous for their horseback troops, the foot troops are equally fearsome. Light, comfortable, and durable clothing in browns and reds with copper accents is the standard, with thick leather being the most common form of armour. Horse or geometric motifs are popular, and trophies are a sign of nobility or significance. Korashur Korashur is a magocracy in which those who study or practise magic are seen as innately superior to those who do not and the most powerful lead the realm. Korashur maintains the largest slave population in the Five Realms, a resource it uses to support much of its society. In Korashur one’s gender is irrelevant; the strength of an individual’s will is all that distinguishes them from others. Those who can understand and wield the mysteries of the arcane arts are elevated above all others, and those who fail the state are the lowest of the low. The common colours in Korashuran dress are purples and blues with silver accents, with draconic or elemental motifs. Nobles and mages invest resources into enhancing their staves, wands, or other magical foci (or other magical items if the person is not a mage), and mages frequently have tattoos of arcane glyphs which they will display at any opportunity as signs of their prowess. Sachsenheim The people of Sachsenheim are proud and resilient, equally capable of wielding a sword, a plough, or a ship’s tiller, with a culture that deeply honours their ancestry and the courage and capability of the individual. Of recent lament is the occupation of Northern Sachsenheim by Alteraan in the wake of the last Crown War. Though the peace accord struck with their northern neighbours has effectively ceded it to their control, many Sachsens are anxious to reclaim it as soon as the opportunity presents itself. The common colours in Sachsen dress are blues and whites with bronze accents, and eagle or runic motifs figure heavily in ornate outfits. The most common items that a noble or person of renown will invest resources into enhancing are their weapons. The general style of dress is fairly consistent from upper to lower classes, with sturdy leggings and a comfortable shirt covered by a tunic or dress being the base outfit. Various leather belts, baldrics, bracers, and breastplates often worn for functional and aesthetic purposes, commonly embossed with ancestral designs. Armour for battle is commonly chainmail, though those with fewer resources or those who skirmish tend to prefer leathers. Valeria The Empire of Valeria is renowned across the Five Realms and beyond as a land of virtue and righteousness, as well as a place of enigmatic rituals and arrogant knights. Valerians are a people devout in their belief in the goddess Chiera as the divine protector. The poor are given food and shelter even when they cannot afford it themselves, while any with means will give a share of what they have to the church. Women in Valeria are held in high regard and it is the duty of a man to respect and protect and obey women to the utmost of his ability. Valeria is ruled by an Empress, considered to be the avatar of Chiera and through whom the Goddess’ will is done. The wearing of Masques within Valerian society is a prominent ritual engaged in by nobles and peasants alike. Reflecting the need in life to put a role and its responsibilities ahead of someone’s personality, the wearing of a mask stylised in some way to the role being carried out can be anything as simple as one that just surrounds the eyes, to a full face mask and hood. Valerian colours are whites and greens with gold accents, with gryphon or solar motifs in ornate outfits, which involve a lot of frills and decoration. Heavily ornamented masks are the main show of wealth and importance. The Hounds Descended from an ancient order of mage-knights, the Hounds are a hardened mix of vengeful hunters, pardoned criminals, and mystic archivists. Members rise through the ranks from the harsh life of a rank-and-file initiate to the even harsher life of a Witcher, and fulfill duties ranging from the hunting of monsters to fostering diplomacy and peace between the Five Realms. After training, initiates will go through severe testing in order to become Witchers. Made chemically sterile, Witchers can never truly lay down their weapons and turn to a new life; the blood in their veins, the years of training, and the fear of normal citizens means that once a Witcher, always a Witcher. Their common dress colours are black or brown, though other colours and accents will be included by Hounds working to be accepted in particular realms. 3 CHARACTERS STARTING CHARACTERS Each new player starts the Chronicle with 30 Experience Points (XP) to spend on Traits, a Path, and/or Abilities. This total and any additional XP gained through the course of the Chronicle will be carried over in the event of a player choosing to make a new character after an existing one perishes or is retired. TRAITS A character possesses five core traits that form the basis for derived traits like Health and Mana, and determine which abilities they can acquire. These traits are Power, Finesse, Fortitude, Will and Wits. Each character starts with a score of 1 in each trait, and 2 additional points to distribute amongst them as they see fit. The derived traits are calculated as follows: Health is the character’s Fortitude plus 2, and if they are a Spellcaster, they also possess Mana, which is equal to 2 times their Will. Any additional points beyond this cost 5 XP. The maximum each of these traits can go to is 4. Additional trait points may be purchased over the course of the Chronicle. PATHS The paths are optional classes of characters with a collection of trait bonuses and discounted abilities appropriate to their theme. A Fighter for instance is able to use almost any weapon or piece of armour they wish, and a Druid is adept at foraging and creating elixirs. They cost 20 XP each, can only be purchased at Character Creation, and only one can be purchased for each character. Optional skill selections are distinguished by being divided by a ‘/’, and a player may select one of the two for their character. Though any character may possess an ability from a path without meeting the prerequisites, to use any such abilities, the character still need to possess the necessary trait levels as specified by the ability and any prerequisite abilities. Fighter A warrior, trained in the military arts since youth and at the front line of any conflict. Paladin A warrior who also has some grasp of the art of spellcasting. +1 Power & +1 Will x1 Weapon Ability Novice Spellcaster Spellslinger x1 Weapon Ability / Weapon Channelling Armour Fitness Adept / High Mage Keen Intellect / Resilient +1 Power & +1 Fortitude x2 Weapon Abilities Resilient x1 Weapon Ability / Shield Adept Adept Armour Fitness / 2-Handed Weapon Control Stalwart / Weapon Focus Mage One practised in the art of spellcasting, and knowledgeable about the arcane world. Druid A guardian of the wilds, versed in survival and magic. +1 Will & +1 Wits Novice Spellcaster Adept Spellcaster Mana Reservoir / Warmage College Mage / Spellslinger Scholar / Novice Forager Countermagic / Ritualist +1 Fortitude & +1 Will Novice Alchemist Novice Forager Resilient / Scholar Novice Spellcaster / Adept Forager Novice Hunter / Spellslinger Adept Physician / Hardy Bard A consummate communicator; perhaps a diplomat, storyteller, or musician. Ranger A scout, skilled at tracking, hunting, and fighting. +1 Wits & +1 Finesse Novice Merchant Small Weapon Adept Hidden Blade Stealth / Social Network Novice Pickpocketing / Scholar Backstab / Danger Sense +1 Power & +1 Wits x1 Weapon Ability Novice Hunter Novice Archery / Hamstring Hunting Adept / Craftsman Stealth / Scout Easy Heal / Scrounger Tinker A skilled crafter, particularly with weapons and armor. Wanderer A resourceful jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. +1 Finesse & +1 Fortitude Craftsman Armourer / Scrounger Artisan / Trapper Novice Merchant / Scholar Prospector / Novice Spellcaster Puzzler / Novice Alchemist +1 Wits & +1 Fortitude 20 XP to spend on Abilities Discount on any Novice level abilities (-1 XP cost) Penalty on any Expert level abilities (+2 XP cost) 4 ABILITIES These are skills and advantages that characters may possess that enhance what they can do. Each ability has its own XP cost, and the acquisition of new abilities occurs during the Downtime. All characters by default start with the abilities of Weaponry, Novice Armour Fitness, Novice Shield, Novice Physician, and Literate for free. Like Path abilities, if the character does not possess the necessary prerequisites, they still possess the ability, but cannot use it until they meet the prerequisites. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT Experience Points (XP) - Used to build a character and add additional abilities to their repertoire, XP is allocated to the participant rather than a specific character. It is earned by players and crew in equal measure, and will persist over the course of the Chronicle. On top of the 30 XP a participant starts the Chronicle with, additional XP can be gained through possession of select Flaws, and through ongoing attendance at Chronicle events. A participant will gain 5 XP per Chapter Game and 2 XP for participating in one or more day games within a Chapter. Gnosis Points (GP) - Representing knowledge of the arcane and knowledge of the world, GP can be used to acquire spells, alchemical formulae, and other special knowledge. It is also used to imbue enchanted artefacts. All characters by default start with their Wits x 5 in GP, and gain their Wits x 2 in GP each Chapter. Equipment Points (EP) - Representing generic material in the game environment, EP can be obtained primarily through looting. EP can be traded for currency in-game, or used in the downtime for equipment or the construction of faction structures. Currency (ss) - A character will start the game with 1,000 sunshards (ss) of currency to spend on particular pieces of equipment and special items, and will earn at least 100ss each Chapter. For more details on currency and equipment, please read the Equipment chapter of this guide. Updates to characters are handled during the downtime through the shared Google character document, or by sending an updated character document via email that is the complete text with any changes since the last version highlighted (if added) or struck-out (if removed). DOWNTIME Between each Chapter game there are 2 downtime phases. In each of these phases a player participant has the option of carrying out up to 3 actions to hopefully improve the position of their faction and their own character. For those that do not choose to submit such actions, the default action is Labouring at the location of the Faction Base. Exploration - The character explores a section of the island in an active manner, hoping to find foes, treasure or mysteries. Patrolling - The character defends a section of the island in a passive manner, guarding it against hostile intent and strengthening the faction. Labouring - The character puts their skills to use harvesting and/or processing resources for the benefit of their faction. Each part of the island will have a risk level that may change over the course of the Chronicle. Carrying out an action in a part of the island will mean that a random roll is made by the Gamemaster team to determine the outcome of the action. To determine success or failure, the traits and abilities possessed by each character provide a hidden cumulative Combat Prowess, Arcane Prowess and Skillful Prowess. These scores are compared to the outcome of the roll, and success, failure or an effective tie will each deliver different outcomes. The outcome of an action will be conveyed to a player in a simple format that indicates the nature of the encounter, and the benefits or drawbacks that came out of it. The specific nature of the encounter will be up to the player to determine, and should be taken as an opportunity for personal story development. Note that in situations where multiple characters from the same faction carry out an action in the same part of the island, Prowess bonuses will be added to the players’ scores, improving each other player’s outcomes. FACTION COMMAND Each of the player factions will have an overall Faction Commander who is expected to lead their forces in their expedition. This role is one that is not tied to XP, and will need to be maintained by roleplaying. With the exception of the Hounds, each Faction Commander has the ability during the Downtime to carry out special actions using the NPC resources of their faction. Each of the four functions below can be held on to or delegated by the Faction Commander to other players. Warmaster The Faction Commander or delegate can deploy NPC troops to locations to Guard, Assault, or Capture territory. Player characters carrying out actions in parts of the island to which troops are sent will have a significant effect on the performance of the troops. Spymaster The Faction Commander or delegate gains additional information on events within their faction and on the island during the Downtime. Governor The Faction Commander or delegate can devote Faction Resources to the development of the Faction Stronghold or territories. Paymaster The Faction Commander or delegate is in charge of the Faction Treasury. This includes arranging and paying Faction members to complete tasks, sourcing income, arranging and issuing loans to Faction businesses, and if the Faction does so, paying Faction members a weekly stipend. More information on Faction Command and the various abilities can be found later in this document in the Downtime section. 5 ABILITIES Berserker XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Fortitude 3 If already engaged in combat, you gain +5HP until the end of the Encounter, but if you are reduced to 0HP before the end of the Encounter you are automatically DEAD. You are also Immune to FEAR until the end of the Encounter, and you cannot cast spells or perform actions that would require focused attention. COMBAT ABILITIES Weaponry XP Cost: FREE (Novice) Prerequisites: None Use of any melee weapon. Each deals 1 point of damage. Small Weapons, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Weaponry, Finesse 2 Adept with Small Weapons (< 50cm) - BLEED 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Weapon Focus XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: 1 Weapon Skill, Will 2 1/Encounter you may gain an additional use of a power related to a Weapon skill that you possess that you have already used. Small Weapons, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Small Weapons, Finesse 3 Expert with Small Weapons (< 50cm) - SLOW 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Weaponmaster XP Cost: 5 (Expert) Prerequisites: 5 Weapon skills (at least one at Expert level) You gain 1 additional use of a 1/Encounter power related to each Weapon skill you possess, and you can double the number of skilled shots you can make with Archery. Swords, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Weaponry, Power 2 Adept with Swords - STUN 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Archery, Novice XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: None You can use a bow or crossbow. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Swords, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Swords, Finesse 2 Expert with Swords - +1 AP per sword you are wielding (up to 2 in this manner). This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Archery, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Archery, Finesse 2 Can perform a skilled shot 2/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Axes, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Weaponry, Power 2 Adept with Axes - +2 damage 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Archery, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Archery Can perform a skilled shot 4/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Axes, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Axes Expert with Axes - SHIELD BREAK 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Blunt Weapons, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Weaponry, Power 2 Adept with Maces/Hammers - CRIPPLE 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Blunt Weapons, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Blunt Weapons, Power 4, Fortitude 2 Expert with Maces/Hammers - LETHAL 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Polearms, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Weaponry Adept with Spears/Glaives - KNOCKBACK 1/Encounter when a target is close enough to you that you cannot swing the polearm at them. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. Polearms, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Polearm, Power 2 Expert with Spears/Glaives - PIN 1/Encounter. This ability counts as a Weapon Skill. 2-Handed Weapon Control XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Power 2 Weapons you use over 110cm in length do +1 damage when you wield them two-handed. Staves do not gain this bonus damage. Crippling Shot Prerequisites: Power 2, Adept Archery CRIPPLE target with a skilled shot. XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Penetrating Shot Prerequisites: Power 3, Adept Archery LETHAL target with a skilled shot 1/Encounter. XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Staggering Shot Prerequisites: Power 3, Adept Archery KNOCKBACK target with a skilled shot. XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Bleeding Shot Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Adept Archery BLEED target with a skilled shot. XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Resilient Prerequisites: Fortitude 2 You have an extra point of Health. Powerful XP Cost: 8 (Expert) Prerequisites: Power 4 +1 damage on all melee and thrown weapon strikes. This is a Might bonus and does not stack with any other Might bonuses. XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Stalwart XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Resilient You have an extra point of Health, and 1/Encounter can RESIST a CRIPPLE or BLEED effect. Sundering Strike XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Power 3, 2-Handed Weapon Control 1/Encounter ARMOUR BREAK or SHIELD BREAK with a 2-Handed Weapon. 6 Indomitable XP Cost: 5 (Expert) Prerequisites: Fortitude 3, Stalwart You have an extra point of Health, and 1/Encounter can RESIST an AGONY effect. Easy Heal XP Cost: 2 (Novice) Prerequisites: None Any source of healing on you restores an additional +1 HP. Strong Skull Prerequisites: Resilient Only STUNNED when affected by SLEEP. Time Periods Abilities, calls and other aspects of the game often have times associated with them. These include: XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Encounter: This is a narratively appropriate period of time as in a movie or television scene, roughly approximate to 20 minutes if there are no appropriate cues. Examples include a combat until the foes are vanquished or leave the field and no chase is given, or trial of a murderer until the final judgement has been given. Stoic XP Cost: 4 (Expert) Prerequisites: Fortitude 4, Will 4 1/Watch if you suffer a FINISHING BLOW or DEATH effect, you return at 1HP at the end of the Encounter. Hardy Prerequisites: Resilient RESIST Poison/Disease 1/Encounter. Watch: A day is divided into 4 watches, 7am-1pm, 1pm-7pm, 7pm1am, and 1am-7am. Day: A day time period is from 7am tile 7am the next day. XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Chapter: This is the period from the start of a weekend Chapter game to the start of the subsequent weekend Chapter game. Shield, Novice XP Cost: FREE (Novice) Prerequisites: Power 2 You can use a small shield (<80cm diameter) to absorb weapon strikes without taking damage. Bleeding Strike Prerequisites: Finesse 3 BLEED target 1/Encounter with a melee strike . Shield, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Fortitude 2, Novice Shield You can wield a large shield (80-130cm in diameter). While wielding a shield, RESIST SHIELD BREAK 1/Encounter. Knife Thrower XP Cost: 2 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 3 Can call BLEED, CRIPPLE and use Backstab with a thrown weapon, if the abilities are possessed through other skills. Shield, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Power 3, Fortitude 3, Adept Shield While wielding a shield, STUN 1/Encounter (Do not actually shield bash anyone). Armour Fitness, Novice Prerequisites: Power 2 Armour can grant up to 2 AP. XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Backstab XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Finesse 2, Small Weapon Adept Add finesse to damage with a short weapon melee attack 1/target. Target(s) must be Off-Guard and attacked from behind. XP Cost: FREE (Novice) Assassinate XP Cost: 4 (Expert) Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Backstab LETHAL 1/Encounter. Off-Guard target is immediately reduced by a melee strike to 0 HP and Dying. Armour Fitness, Adept XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Fortitude 2, Novice Armour Fitness Armour can grant up to 4 AP. XP Cost: 4 (Expert) Silent Killer XP Cost: 2 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Wits 2 If using a small weapon you can whisper FINISHING BLOW or LETHAL to the target (rather than call it). Hamstring XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 2 CRIPPLE opponent’s leg 1/Encounter with melee strike . Quick Kill XP Cost: 2 (Expert) Prerequisites: Assassinate LETHAL actions only allow targets 1 minute of Dying before Death ensues. Note that this will need to be specified to any targets it is used on. Armour Fitness, Expert Prerequisites: Power 3, Adept Armour Fitness Armour can grant up to 6 AP. Subdue XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 2 Attacks on unaware targets with a sap inflict SLEEP, in addition to 1 point of damage. Poison Master XP Cost: 4 (Expert) Prerequisites: Finesse 4, Wits 2 When a poison elixir is applied to a weapon you wield, you may make the relevant call 3 times before its uses are expended, rather than once as usual. Somnophore XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Subdue A target that you affect with SLEEP through use of a sap can be made to remain unconscious for the remainder of the Encounter (must specify to target). PROFESSIONAL ABILITIES Hunter, Novice XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 2 You can gather any of the novice level creature reagents (Green). It takes 2 minutes to harvest a single reagent, and you have to stay within several metres of the reagent corpse during this time. You may defend yourself without interruption, but if you leave the area and return you must start again. Hunter, Adept XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Wits 2, Novice Hunter You can gather any of the adept level creature reagents (Yellow). It takes 2 minutes to harvest an adept reagent and 1 minute to harvest a novice reagent. You can also gather monster trophies (cards). 7 Hunter, Expert XP Cost: 5 (Expert) Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Adept Hunter You can gather any of the expert level creature reagents (Red). It takes 2 minutes to harvest an expert reagent and 1 minute to harvest a novice or an adept reagent. Forager, Novice XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 2 You can gather any of the novice level plant/environment reagents (Green). It takes 2 minutes to harvest a single reagent at a Harvest site (green cord and marker tied around a tree or feature) and you have to stay within several metres of the Harvest site or your chosen unmarked location during this time. You may defend yourself without interruption, but if you leave the area and return you must start again. Literate XP Cost: FREE (Novice) Prerequisites: None You can speak, read and write in the Common Tongue. If you are a Sachsen you can also speak, read and write in the Old Tongue, and if you are a Dra’zhar you can also speak, read and write in the Bestial Tongue. Retinue XP Cost: 5 (Novice) Prerequisites: None You gain an additional Downtime action for which you do not personally suffer ill effects if you fail. Forager, Adept XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Wits 2, Novice Forager You can gather any of the adept level plant/environment reagents (Yellow). It takes 5 minutes to harvest an adept reagent and 1 minute to harvest a novice reagent. Notable XP Cost: 5 (Novice) Prerequisites: Any two Traits at 3 or higher You are prominent in some manner and you will be faced with Special Encounter Challenges at the start of most Chapter games and some Day games when you report in to the Quartermaster. Forager, Expert XP Cost: 5 (Expert) Prerequisites: Wits 3, Adept Forager You can gather any of the expert level plant/environment reagents (Red). It takes 5 minutes to harvest an expert reagent and 1 minute to harvest a novice or an adept reagent. Social Network XP Cost: 5 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 2, Finesse 2 Gain information on other characters. This is taken as exceprts from their character biographies. Prospector XP Cost: 4 (Novice) Prerequisites: Fortitude 2 You can extract ores from in-game locations, taking 10 minutes per measure of ore. If you also possess the Powerful ability, the time taken to extract ore is only 5 minutes. Informant Network XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Wits 3, Social Network Can trade information on the actions of other players with the GMs in exchange for information or resources. Confidant XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Wits 3, Social Network You can disclose as many discrete pieces of information as you wish to the GM team and one or more player characters. The GMs have veto over any and all pieces of information to be covered by this ability. If agreed to by the GMs, these pieces of information can never be revealed by abilities such as Social Network or Informant Network. They can, of course, be uncovered through in-character investigation. In addition, other player characters can reveal information to you that with GM approval can also become protected from information gathering abilities, though you are free to keep or reveal it as you wish. Craftsman XP Cost: 4 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 2 Can make weapons, armour and other objects, and gains additional bonuses when trading Equipment Points in to the Quartermaster. You can also break objects down into Equipment Points. Can repair leather, bone and fabric armour, and small shields. Artisan XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Craftsman An artisan can craft arcane blanks for use in enchanting and special rituals. Armourer XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Power 2, Fortitude 2, Craftsman Gain further bonuses when trading Equipment Points in to the Quartermaster. Manufacture or Repair all types of physical armour, including large shields. Trapper Prerequisites: Wits 2 You can lay traps. Fearless Prerequisites: Will 3 Immune to FEAR effects. XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Rallying Presence XP Cost: 5 (Expert) Prerequisites: Will 4, Fearless Dispel FEAR on any person whom you are able to touch and whose attention you are able to gain. Characters are Immune to FEAR for the rest of an Encounter if you appropriately motivate them and as long as they are within 2 metres of you, and you are still standing. XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Merchant, Novice XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 2 Gain an additional 150ss each Chapter. If taken at Chronicle commencement, your starting wealth is 2,500ss. Scout XP Cost: 5 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 3 You gain a fourth personal Downtime action and gain a bonus to the outcomes. By reporting to the Quartermaster, you may also be given Scouting Report cards during a game that you can roleplay out when next in a Wilderness Area. Merchant, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Merchant, Wits 3 Gain an additional 350ss each Chapter (supercedes Novice Merchant bonus). If taken at Chronicle commencement, your starting wealth is 5,000ss. Puzzler XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Wits 3 You can solve puzzles more easily. By reporting to the Quartermaster, you can be shown samples or hints of puzzles in the Chronicle. Merchant, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Merchant, Wits 4 Gain an additional 850ss each Chapter (supercedes Adept Merchant bonus). If taken at Chronicle commencement, your starting wealth is 10,000ss. Investor XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Merchant, Will 2 You gain an additional variable amount of ss per Chapter, based on your faction’s Stronghold and outposts. Black Marketeer XP Cost: 5 (Novice) Prerequisites: Adept Merchant You can trade Equipment Points for Rare Items, and you can access the Black Market in game via the Quartermaster. 8 Danger Sense XP Cost: 4 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 3 Players knows what the risk level for an area is when exploring, and have a chance to avoid the worst outcomes. Pickpocket actions are also less effective against you. You can always hold onto specified items from an attempted pickpocket, losing another item of your choice instead, and you only ever lose half your currency in a container if pickpocketed. Deductionist XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 3 You are skilled at the art of assessing a scene and determining facts about it. You will be issued with an OOC guidebook which contains explanations for Investigation Reference Codes that you may encounter during gameplay. Forensic Alchemist XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Deductionist, Novice Alchemist You gain additional pages for your OOC guidebook that contain information on clues of an alchemical nature related to Investigation Reference Codes. Hypnotism XP Cost: 4 (Expert) Prerequisites: Will 2, Wits 3 If engaged in direct conversation with a non-hostile target for at least two minutes, you can follow up with a CHARM call that allows you to ask the truth of them or calm them down for the remainder of the Watch. Hidden Blade XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Wits 2 Can keep a very small weapon (<25cm) or an object no larger than your fist hidden on yourself, marked appropriately with a teal band. Physician, Novice XP Cost: FREE (Novice) Prerequisites: Will 2 You can, through the application of a bandage, provide Medical Stabilisation to Dying characters. Even without a bandage you can, by placing both hands on the site of an injury, increase the time it takes for a character to die to double whatever their death count is presently at for as long as your hands remain on them. If your hands are removed then the character must restart their death count at 10 seconds. Lockpicking, Novice XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 2 Pick simple (Green) locks using a set of thieves tools. Lockpicking, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Lockpicking Pick complex (Orange) locks using a set of thieves tools. Physician Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Wits 2, Novice Physician By providing medical attention for a minute or more and roleplaying as you see fit, you can restore 1HP to an injured character, and an additional 1HP at the start of each Watch unless they are injured again. It is up to you as the Physician to tell the patient how they are being treated and how they might behave after recovery. A character suffering from Aether Sickness can be cured of the effect, or if still injured, prepared so that magical healing can be used within the Encounter to restore them without causing Aether Sickness. You may also, through a minute of medical attention, remove a POISON effect that is affecting a character. Any POISON you are treating does not take effect unless your treatment is interrupted. Lockpicking, Expert XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Lockpicking, Wits 3 Pick magical (Purple) locks, though you require special equipment. Pickpocket, Novice XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 3 You can attach pegs to the pouch, satchel or backpack of an unaware character and thieve a specified object, a random object, or some currency. You can also steal Cache Markers from characters or location in-game and hand them in to the Quartermaster for rewards. Pickpocket, Adept XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Pickpocket If successful with a pickpocket attempt, you may take the entire contents of a pouch, or two items from a satchel or backpack. Physician, Expert XP Cost: 4 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Alchemist, Adept Physician You can, with various items and effects, recover a recently deceased character, provided they have not died as the result of an ANNHIALATE effect. After at least 5 minutes of treatment, you can draw a token from a Fate Bag, and if it is a success the character is restored to life, though they are in a state of Dying. Using a SHOCK effect, an elixir of Adrenaline, and/or an elixir or spell that restores HP, each allows you to draw an additional 1 token at the time of the check. If the success token is not drawn, the character is indeed dead, and this ability cannot be used on them again by you or any other Physician. An Expert Physician also heals +1 HP with any restoration college magic that heals HP. Pickpocket, Expert Prerequisites: Adept Pickpocket You can pickpocket while Invisible. XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Scrounger XP Cost: 2 (Novice) Prerequisites: None You can take equipment points from NPC’s more quickly - 2 items per 10 seconds rather than 1. Game resources (spell packets, reagent pouches) can be traded in for EP outside the GM Control Room. Stealth XP Cost: 5 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Wits 3 Become Invisible 1/Encounter. You must be next to and remain near of some cover (within about 3 metres and no-one between you and the cover) while invisible. If you enter an Encounter while Invisible, this counts as a use of the ability. Surgeon XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Adept Physician, Finesse 2 You can, through at least a minute of medical attention, remove an Injury (BLEED, CRIPPLE, and LETHAL) from a character. One in the Many XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Stealth You can use your Stealth ability to become invisible while within or directly next to a group of at least 4 other non-hostile people. This cannot be used to hide if a hostile target is aware of you before you attempt to hide. Pathologist XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Adept Physician, Wits 3 You can, with the right reagents and effects, remove a DISEASE from a character. Escape Artist XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Finesse 3, Wits 2 If bonds are not checked, after 5 minutes you count as having slipped your bonds (non-magical). Creature Lore XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Adept Hunter / Scholar / Inducted Witcher OOC guide provided to Creature Glyphs, which will appear on certain creatures or locations. The guide details weaknesses and other useful facts. 9 Torturer XP Cost: 4 (Novice) Prerequisites: Fortitude 2, Will 2 Inflict AGONY on an incapacitated target for as long as you attend to them. Use of this skill on a target requires Welfare Consideration prior to any roleplaying of it. Sorcerer XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, cannot possess Shaman or High Mage A sorcerer can call DRAIN 1/Encounter on a wounded or dying target to obtain 2 Mana, inflicting a point of damage in the process, and in the case of a stabilised character at 0 Health, putting them back into a DYING state. A sorcerer can also substitute human body parts for 3 adept and 3 expert reagents that they have specified. These are the Eyes, Liver, and Tongue for the adept reagents, and the Brain, Heart, and Lungs for the Expert reagents. Before any spell is cast with such a reagent, 6 tokens must be drawn from a Fate Bag for a second circle spell, or 4 tokens for a third circle spell, with a white token indicating success. If the white token is not drawn, the spells effect backfires on the caster, and they should interpret the effect in an obviously negative manner for the caster. ARCANE ABILITIES Alchemist, Novice XP Cost: 4 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 2 You can create Arcqua Vitae bases and Novice Elixirs. You gain an additional number of Gnosis Points each Chapter equal to your Wits (this does not stack with Gnosis granted by being a Spellcaster). Alchemist, Adept XP Cost: 5 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Alchemist You can create Arcqua Fortis bases and Adept Elixirs. Alchemist, Expert XP Cost: 6 (Expert) Prerequisites: Wits 3, Adept Alchemist You can create Arcqua Regia bases and Expert Elixirs. Mutageneticist XP Cost: 1 (Expert) Prerequisites: Finesse 3 / Inducted Witcher, Adept Alchemist You can create Arcqua Corpus bases and Mutagens. Enchanter Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Craftsman You can craft Enchanted Artefacts. Spellcaster, Novice XP Cost: 4 (Novice) Prerequisites: Will 2 You can cast 1st Circle Spells. You gain an additional number of Gnosis Points each Chapter equal to your Wits (this does not stack with Gnosis granted by being an Alchemist). Spellcaster, Adept Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster You can cast 2nd Circle Spells. XP Cost: 5 (Adept) Spellcaster, Expert Prerequisites: Will 3, Adept Spellcaster You can cast 3rd Circle Spells. XP Cost: 6 (Expert) XP Cost: 3 (Adept) College Mage, Conjuration XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Will 3 Spells from the Conjuration college cost 1 Gnosis Point less to learn (not retroactive). You can 1/Watch, restore 1 Mana to an assembled gathering of mages including yourself through a 5 minute ritual casting at a Place of Power. College Mage, Divination XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Will 3 Spells from the Divination college cost 1 Gnosis Point less to learn (not retroactive). A caster that possesses this ability will also be issued with pages for their OOC guidebook which contain information on properties of Enchanted Artefacts marked by Arcane Reference Codes. They can consult this book at any time when inspecting an item. High Mage XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, cannot possess Sorcerer or Shaman You can choose to add or subtract 1 damage/health/mana from any damaging/healing/drain spell that you cast. If a spell has an effective duration less than an encounter, you can choose to double or halve that duration. If there is an area that is affected by the spell, you can double or halve that area. You may however, only do two of these modifications at once. You can also cast 1st circle spells without the need for reagents. College Mage, Evocation XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Will 3 Spells from the Evocation college cost 1 Gnosis Point less to learn (not retroactive). You can at any time create a minor light (small OOC torch) at no mana or reagent cost. Shaman XP Cost: 4 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, cannot possess Sorcerer or High Mage At a Place of Power you can affect up to your Will in additional targets when casting a spell through Ritual Spellcasting (i.e. Will 3 you to affect up to 4 targets with a spell). Spells that are cast through Ritual Spellcasting can be held until a later point (end of the Watch at the latest) for use by imbuing their effect into a fetish. A Shaman can hold up to 3 spells for later in this manner. The fetish should ideally incorporate a description of the spell effect imbued into it, so as to inform the eventual target about what the effect specifically is. At a Place or Power, a Shaman can lead a group Ritual Cast (regardless of the specific spell) to cast a 2nd or 3rd circle spell with a chance of not needing to expend the necessary reagents, though they must have still have it in their possession at the time. For a 2nd circle spell at least 2 additional mages are required, and each person pays 1 mana. At the conclusion of the casting the Shaman must draw from a Fate Bag a number of tokens equivalent to the number of mages taking part in the ritual (to a maximum of 5 tokens). For a 3rd circle spell the process is the same, but the minimum number of additional mages is 5, the mana cost to each mage is 2, and only 1 token for every 2 mages is drawn (to a maximum of 5 tokens). If the white token is drawn the spell is successful, and the reagent is not expended, if not, the spell is still cast but the reagent is used up. A Shaman may only attempt one 3rd circle spell in this way per Watch. Note that the Resurrection spell can never be cast without the use of its necessary reagents. College Mage, Illusion XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Will 3 Spells from the Illusion college cost 1 Gnosis Point less to learn (not retroactive). While Invisible or Incorporeal, you can cast spells as long as they do not cause damage or other injury. College Mage, Necromancy XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Will 3 Spells from the Necromancy college cost 1 Gnosis Point less to learn (not retroactive). You can control a number of raised creatures equal to your Will. College Mage, Restoration XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Will 3 Spells from the Restoration college cost 1 Gnosis Point less to learn (not retroactive). You can, at the end of an Encounter, spend 1 mana to fully heal yourself without suffering Aether Sickness, as long as you are conscious and not Dying. College Mage, Transmutation XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster, Will 3 Spells from the Transmutation college cost 1 Gnosis Point less to learn (not retroactive). 1/Encounter you can instantly by touch, repair one object at the cost of a unit of quartz or iron ore in your possession, that disintegrates as a result. Channeller XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster During an Encounter, a channeller can, by paying the mana and any reagent cost themselves, grant a willing chosen individual the ability to cast a spell that targets someone else. 10 Warmage XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Adept Spellcaster You can cast any first circle Warmage spell three times and any second circle Warmage spell twice for the mana and reagent cost of a single cast of the spell. Warmage spells are noted as such in their description. Scholar XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 2 You gain an additional number of Gnosis Points each Chapter equal to your Wits x2. If your character possesses Alchemist or Spellcaster, you only gain additional Gnosis Points equal to your Wits, but the Gnosis cost for learning Mutagen Formulae or Artefact Schematics is reduced by 1. Ritualist XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Will 3, Novice Spellcaster You can cast any spell as a Ritual Cast at a Place of Power, allowing the spell to be cast on a target within the Place of Power other than yourself. Teacher XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Wits 3 1/Encounter you can instruct up to three people at once in a lower level use of a skill you possess without them needing to possess the skill or its prerequisites. The skills that qualify are Weapon Skills including Archery (they get 1 use of any skilled shot you possess other than Penetrating Shot), Shield, Hunter, Forager, Physician, Pickpocket and Alchemist. If you are Adept or higher at the skill, instructed people count as Novice if they were unskilled. If you are Expert at the skill, instructed people may count as Adept if they are a Novice. The effect lasts until the end of the Encounter. You must roleplay the instructions for one minute prior to this benefit taking effect. Countermagic XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Prerequisites: Will 3, Adept Spellcaster You can spend 2 mana to call COUNTERSPELL on the spell of another caster as it is cast, thereby stopping its effect. Spellslinger XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster You can cast non-ritual spells with only one hand free, rather than two as is normally required. If there is a shield or other large object strapped to your arm, that hand does not count as free. Keen Intellect XP Cost: 3 (Novice) Prerequisites: Wits 2 You gain 2 additional Gnosis Points each Chapter, and a one-off bonus of 12 GP. Weapon Channeling XP Cost: 3 (Adept) Prerequisites: Spellslinger You can use weapons and objects longer than a wand to deliver touch attack spells with a melee strike. You do not require any hands free to use a spell in this manner, but without a reagent pouch, you must still touch the reagent before casting. Mana Reservoir Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster Mana total increases by 4. KNOWLEDGES (Costs in Gnosis Points) XP Cost: 2 (Adept) GM Note: Anything other than Language that is learnt can be shared with other players, but GP must be spent for them to learn and be able to use them. Forgotten knowledge can be shared without cost. Masque XP Cost: 2 (Novice) Prerequisites: None You can meditate for 5 minutes with a Mask of the Twelve (refer to Enchanted Artefacts section) and then don it to gain its benefits and drawbacks. Mutagen Acclimatisation XP Cost: 2 (Novice) Prerequisites: None You can gain the benefit provided by one mutagen at a time. Gain its positive effects, though your Health is reduced by 1 and you gain an alchemical branding. Mutagen Ascendancy XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Mutagen Acclimatisation You can gain the benefits provided by up to two mutagens at a time. Gain their positive effects, though your Health is reduced by a further 1 and you gain a minor derangement. Mutagen Apotheosis XP Cost: 2 (Expert) Prerequisites: Mutagen Ascendancy You can gain the benefits provided by up to three mutagens at a time. Gain their positive effects, though your Health is reduced by a further 1 and you gain a permanently Blighted injury. Inducted Witcher Prerequisites: Hound Faction You do not suffer from Mutagen Toxicity effects while under the effect of Mutagens. You can gain the benefit provided by one mutagen at a time and this stacks with other mutagen abilities. POISON effects take 2 minutes to take effect rather than 1 minute. You can RESIST Disease 1/Encounter and, even if infected, you can ignore one of the required components for the necessary cure. You are however completely sterile and cannot sire or bear children. 1st Circle Spell Prerequisites: Novice Spellcaster You learn a 1st circle spell. GP Cost: 2 2nd Circle Spell Prerequisites: Adept Spellcaster You learn a 2nd circle spell. GP Cost: 4 3rd Circle Spell Prerequisites: Expert Spellcaster You learn a 3rd circle spell. GP Cost: 6 Novice Elixir Recipe Prerequisites: Novice Alchemist You learn a novice elixir recipe. GP Cost: 2 Adept Elixir Recipe Prerequisites: Adept Alchemist You learn an adept elixir recipe. GP Cost: 4 Expert Elixir Recipe Prerequisites: Expert Alchemist You learn an expert elixir recipe. GP Cost: 6 Language GP Cost: 10 Prerequisites: Literate You can read and write one of the uncommon tongues of Aluvian, Old Tongue, Bestial, Vythran, High Runic, Draconic, or Aethereal. XP Cost: 3 (Expert) Forgotten History Fragment GP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: None You gain understanding of a piece of forgotten knowledge. Mutagen Formulae Prerequisites: Adept Alchemist You learn the the recipe for an alchemical mutagen. GP Cost: 5 Artefact Schematic GP Cost: 5 Prerequisites: Enchanter You understand how to imbue an item with arcane energy to create a particular artefact. Alchemical Homeostasis XP Cost: 2 (Adept) Prerequisites: Inducted Witcher You become Immune to DISEASE and Aether Sickness. 11 FLAWS A character may possess up to two flaws, which may be selected only at character creation. Possession of a flaw grants additional trait points, or advantages (and disadvantages) that cannot be acquired through other means. These are expected to be acted out during the course of gameplay. Elder A lifetime of experience has taught you much (+8 XP), but you are now not as sprightly or resilient as you once were. Your HP is reduced by 1 and your Dying time is only ever 2 minutes at the most. You are expected to act appropriately for your age, as excessive stress may bring about ‘undesirable’ outcomes at the discretion of the GMs team. Necrophobia Though well versed in the ways of the world (+3 XP), you are terrified when faced with the Undead. When faced with one (or more) you cannot advance, only retreat. Dumb as an Ox You possess +1 Power, though cannot resist any Mental Effects. You are also illiterate. You start with only Wits x 2 in GP and gain only your Wits score in GP each Chapter. You cannot take any ability to increase GP. Daemonophobia Though well versed in the ways of the world (+3 XP), you are terrified when faced with Demons. When faced with one (or more) you cannot advance, only retreat. Sensitive Hulk You possess +1 Fortitude, though FEAR effects always last at least until the end of the Encounter. Agrizoophobia Though well versed in the ways of the world (+3 XP), you are terrified when faced with Bestials. When faced with one (or more) you cannot advance, only retreat. Too Smart to Die You possess +1 Wits, though as soon as you take a point of damage (to HP or AP) you cannot attack or cast magic that targets others, only defend youself. Lasts until the end of the Encounter. Crippled by the Gods A past adventure left you with profound experience (+4 XP), but permanently crippled one of your limbs or left you blind. Try as you might, you cannot be healed mundanely or magically of this injury. Delicate Physique You possess +1 Finesse, but each time you take a point of damage you are CRIPPLED in the limb that is hit (ignore this effect if you are hit on the same limb multiple times). Grizzled Addict A hard life has given you much experience (+4 XP), but you must consume a chosen drug for at least two out of the four Watches per Day, otherwise until you consume it and for at least the remainder of the Watch afterwards, you fall under the effect of a major derangement linked to the addiction. Unburdened Morality You possess +1 Will, but you are Soulless. Daimon You have made a particularly horrid pact with an aetheric entity for its favour. In exchange for 3 wishes provided by the entity, your soul is pledged to them and an uncertain fate awaits you after death. In addition, if you possess and use a Fate Bag for spellcasting, you must add and additional 3 black tokens to your Fate Bag, bringing the total to 12 black and 1 white token. Every time you fail a Fate Bag draw when involved in casting a spell, make a note of this. When you have accumulated 8 such failures, report to the GMs. The Voices in my Head You can never gain a benefit from abilities, spells or items that would otherwise allow you to RESIST the effects of a CHARM or DOMINATE call, but any CHARM and DOMINATE effects only ever last for 1 minute at the most. Fortunate Fool You always start a Chapter game without any currency, only equipment that you previously possessed, though items of significance have a habit of turning up in your possession. Arcane Savant The Gnosis Point cost to learn any spell or enchanted artefact schematic is reduced by 1, though all spells that you cast must be done as rituals. Perpetual Student You cannot cast 3rd circle spells or create expert elixirs. In addition, if you take part in any group Ritual Cast, you do not contribute toward the drawing of additional tokens. Your lengthy tutelage means that spells and elixirs cost 1 less GP to learn (to a minimum of 1). You cannot also possess ‘Spellbook Scholar’. I am Invincible You are blighted with a form of incurable leprosy and though Immune to AGONY, cannot feel when you are bleeding or damaged and each time you take a point of damage you count as having acquired the BLEED effect. Spellbook Scholar To cast any spell more powerful than a cantrip, you must refer to a spellbook. Your studious practice though means that the cost to learn any spell is reduced by 1 Gnosis Point (to a minimum of 1). You cannot also possess ‘Perpetual Student’. 12 Power flows through you When you wear physical armour you become unable to cast any spells for the rest of the Watch, but you can regain 2 mana 1/Encounter if you meditate for at least 5 minutes. HIDDEN ABILITIES Touched by the Wildlings You can see Invisible things, but whenever you are under the effect of a spell of any duration, you count as being CONFUSED. In addition to the abilities and flaws listed in this section, there are additional ones present in the Chronicle that may become apparent to participants as the storyline progresses. Touch of Death You possess the ability to inflict 1 damage every 10 seconds to a touched target. You cannot however, possess any level of Physician, cannot brew healing potions, and healing spells you cast restore one fewer HP than normal. Aether Shadow You cannot cast spells or gain benefit from magic that is cast on you or from elixirs that you consume. You are also completely unaffected by mutagens. The up-side is that any effects delivered via spell packets or point attacks only last 10 seconds, unless they deal damage or an instant effect (like CRIPPLE or LETHAL), in which case you are affected as normal. Terminal Fate Death follows in your footsteps (+5 XP), and each time you take a point of damage you need to receive medical stabilisation or at the End of Encounter you count as Dying. Marked for Death Damned by the gods, got on the wrong side of the assassins guild, and betrayed a vengeful ex-lover, et cetera, et cetera (+10 XP). Either way, you are doomed. NPC crew will be made aware that you are ‘Marked for Death’ and are at liberty to promptly kill you if given the chance. This is not a flaw for the faint-hearted. You cannot also possess ‘Special Snowflake’ or ‘The Darkest Past’. Special Snowflake You’re the one true hero of this Chronicle, the offspring of a god, and champion of the downtrodden, et cetera, et cetera (+6 XP). Whatever the reason, everything seems to revolve around you. NPC crew will be made aware that you are a ‘Special Snowflake’ and are at liberty to come to you and mercilessly beg your assistance for the most inane of troubles. There will be little respite. This is not a flaw for the faint-hearted. You cannot also possess ‘The Darkest Past’ or ‘Marked for Death’. The Darkest Past Tragically, your family have all been murdered, your lover left you at the altar, and your lands have been completely overrun by tuskjaws with you as the last survivor, et cetera, et cetera (+6 XP). Nobody has a darker past than you. NPC crew will be made aware that you have ‘The Darkest Past’ and are at liberty to inundate you with angst whenever appropriate, and you are never immune to Night Watch encounters. Your sleeping place must be reported to the GMs at the start of a Chapter game, and you should expect to be disturbed while you attempt to sleep. This is not a flaw for the faint-hearted. You cannot also possess ‘Special Snowflake’ or ‘Marked for Death’. GM Note: In building a character, you should not take any of these last three flaws because your character is a hero or they have a dark past. These are flaws meant to allow participants to create characters that will in all likelihood only last a short while, as the unbridled force of the GMs and crew bear down on the player. This does not mean that you get special personal plot or anything actually positive out of these flaws, but hey, the additional XP is something, right? 13 GAME CALLS BLAST (Modifier) Instant Effect An attack that deals damage or an effect all targets within 5 metres of the caster. The user should call “BLAST 3” or “BLAST PARALYSE” for example, and perform a suitable action (such as throwing both arms out to the side). Game calls are simple utterances that are intended to be used to convey an effect or mechanic quickly and simply when there is no practical way to physically represent it. It should be noted that though these calls exist to assist with consistency and diversity of effects, good roleplaying should always come before mechanics, and players and crew alike are encouraged to look for ways to improve the immersiveness of an encounter beyond the use of mechanics such as calls. BLEED This represents a wound at a critical location that deteriorating faster than magical healing can counteract it. Healing spells and potions as well as Regeneration abilities are rendered useless until medical attention has been applied and the BLEED effect is removed. If a target still possesses any AP, the strike must land on part of the target not covered by leather or metal armour to take effect. If it strikes armour instead it is automatically resisted. When using calls, chaining of words should be kept to a minimum, and the following rules should apply: • <Modifier><Damage/Effect><Duration> is the desired order of words in a call. This is not an absolute rule, but rather a recommendation to improve consistency. • One cannot do a Damage call and an Effect call at the same time. Only Modifier calls can be chained with Damage or Effect calls. • One cannot call two Effects at the same time. • The default Duration for most calls is 1 minute with the exception of the FREEZE call, and any effects that are delivered by POISON. Any durations different to this must be called by the user. • There ideally should be some delay between calls to help targets process what effects they have been subjected to and how they might react. BLIND 1 Minute Duration Target cannot see. Player are allowed to keep eyes open for safety purposes, but roleplay accordingly and act as though one cannot see anything (thousand mile stare). TWO / THREE / FOUR etc. Instant Effect Whether through a weapon attack, a magic spell or some other effect, damage above the default or done in unusual circumstances should be called by saying ‘two damage’ or ‘two’ for example. The default is that all melee and thrown weapon strikes do one point of damage, arrows do three points of damage, and that spell packets do none (although the spells they deliever may well do additional damage). Only calls in this list that are marked with (Modifier) should be combined with a multiple damage calls. GM Note: It should be noted that there are those that prefer to use the terms “Double” or “Triple” for instance in place of numbers. While we would encourage participants to adopt numbers instead, these alternate terms are also acceptable. CHARM Mental Effect, Watch Duration Target believes that the source of the effect is a close and trusted friend until the end of the Watch. They will take action to assist the source according to their nature until the end of the effect, though they will not take any action that directly harms themselves or one of their other friends. The target is not bound to follow the caster, and can always choose to leave their presence. Any harmful act by the caster against the target breaks the effect. CONFUSE Mental Effect, 1 Minute Duration Target becomes confused. If threatened (in combat or not) they will wildly lash out with their weapons (though cannot use special abilities) at targets around them. If unthreatened they will have difficulty processing information (up to target to roleplay). COUNTERSPELL Instant Effect Hold up palm of hand and call “Counterspell” against a spell effect just cast, where you are either near to the caster, or you are within 5 metres of the target (or the target yourself). The spell fails to take effect completely. No reagents are expended by the caster of the countered spell, but they still lose the mana for the spell. They cannot attempt to cast the spell again for 1 minute. Note that you cannot COUNTERSPELL a COUNTERSPELL. AGONY 1 Minute Duration A target affected by agony is Incapacitated as their body is wracked with immense pain. They cannot effectively focus on their surrounding or take any action except to writhe around and perhaps lash out (without causing damage) to those around them. BLIGHT(Modifier) Instant Effect If struck by a blighted blow, any damage taken that Encounter cannot be healed by normal means until the BLIGHT effect is removed. If the blighted attack is another form of injury (like CRIPPLE or BLIND), it is indefinite and cannot be healed by normal means until the BLIGHT effect of that specific injury is removed. ANNIHILATE Instant Effect A variant on FINISHING BLOW or DEATH that has the same effect, but has greater ramifications for the character. The nature of this will become apparent in the Chronicle. ARMOUR BREAK Instant Effect Armour is broken and cannot regenerate Armour Points until repaired. It provides no AP while broken. BANISH Instant Effect Target spirit is instantly returned to its home plane. No effect on mortal creatures. Injury, Indefinite Duration 14 CRIPPLE Injury, Indefinite Duration A limb hit by a crippling attack is rendered useless until healed. If the torso (includes the front and back of the shoulder) is hit by such an attack, the target gets to choose which limb is affected. Arms are unable to hold anything heavy (like longswords or shields), and if a leg is crippled the target is forced to move with a significant limp. If both legs are crippled, the target collapses to the ground, though is still able to crawl if they so choose. DEATH Target is instantly killed (they do not bleed out). KNOCKBACK Instant Effect Target is forced to move away at least 3 metres from source of the KNOCKBACK effect and spend a few seconds recovering before joining any combat again. Instant Effect DISEASE Injury, Indefinite Duration Target becomes infected with a Disease. Unless otherwise specified, this is akin to a bad cold that reduces their HP by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and leaves them feeling unwell. LETHAL Injury, Indefinite Duration This represents a wound at a critical location that is deteriorating faster than magical healing can counteract it. If the target is struck in the torso (includes the front and back of the shoulder) with the effect, the target is immediately reduced to 0 HP and is Dying. Healing spells and potions as well as regenerative abilities are rendered useless until medical attention has been given and the LETHAL effect is removed. DISINTEGRATE Instant Effect Target is instantly turned to ash, though their spirit lingers. A disintegrated target becomes an invisible spirit until they decide to pass on or they are fortunate enough to be ritually reconstituted. Note: This effect might at times be represented by the flash of a bright green spotlight. MUTE 1 Minute Duration Target cannot speak. This does not by default stop a spellcaster from casting their magic, and the afflicted target can still use calls to represent the effects of their actions. DOMINATE Mental Effect, Encounter Duration Similar to Charm, but can be used against hostile targets. Target believes that the source of the effect is a close and trusted master until the end of the Encounter. They will take action to help and defend the source until the end of the effect, and they can take action that directly harms themselves (like stabbing themselves). DRAIN Target loses 1 HP, unless more is specified such as ‘Drain 2’. Depending on the source of the ability the user might gain those drained HP as their own to heal or use for some other purpose. Drain can also be called to indicate mana drain, in which case the user would specify ‘Drain 2 Mana’. Lastly it can represent soul drain, in which case it is ‘Drain Soul’, rendering the target Soulless. PARALYSE 1 Minute Duration Target is frozen in place and counts as Incapacitated. PIN Indefinite Duration Target cannot move from the spot while the object pinning them is against them, though they can still act. They cannot push the object away (too heavy or it is embedded in them) and if a third party pulls it away during combat the target takes the damage of the weapon again, which should be called by the wielder of the pinning object. Instant Effect POISON (Modifier) Injury Poison is an effect modifier that must be said before the actual effect it is inflicting, such as ‘Poison Sleep’. This indicates that the effect will not begin until 1 minute (up to the target to track) after the call is made, but will last until the end of the Encounter (or it kills the target in the case of some lethal poisons). If a target still possesses any AP, the strike must land on part of the target not covered by leather or metal armour to take effect. If it strikes armour instead it is automatically resisted. One cannot call multiple damage as part of a POISON attack. GM Note: It might be useful for a user to call ‘Poison (x) in one minute’ to make it clear to the target that the effect does not strike them down immediately. FEAR Mental Effect, 1 Minute Duration Target is forced to run away and/or hide from the caster. FREEZE 10 Second Duration Call “Freeze” and then by default 10 seconds later “Resume” A short time-out call for use in slowing combat down rather than stopping it completely. All in the vicinity should stop what they are doing as though paralysed while the caller may (depending on the source of the ability) take some other actions during the count of the call. FRENZY Mental Effect, 1 Minute Duration Target goes into a frenzy and attacks the the nearest obvious threat to them. FINISHING BLOW Instant Effect Also sometimes uttered as “KILLING BLOW”, this call is used by players and NPCs alike to indicate when a target has been definitively killed. The target must be Incapacitated and the user must make a clearly appropriate action like motioning cutting a head off, along with a clear call that those in the immediate vicinity can hear. Characters can still die by succumbing to their injuries or in dramatic scenes where it is obvious they will not survive (like having their head chopped off), and this call is primarily meant for combat. Note that certain monsters may require something more than just a finishing blow to kill them or prevent them from resurrecting. GM Note: In certain circumstances it may be dramatically appropriate for a character to threaten another character by holding a blade to their throat. In most cases, if the cut is made and/or FINISHING BLOW is called, the character should treat this as though they are now Dying. OOC, it is recommended that for safety purposes, unless both parties are comfortable with a different position, that a weapon used in this manner be held across the collarbone rather than the throat. Pressure to the throat should never be applied. REFLECTED Instant Effect This is a call to let another character know that an attack, spell or special ability that they have used on you has been turned back on them, and should be called as REFLECT ( x ), where x is the call or damage that was just dealt to you. If it happened to be a spell packet ability, the character must pick up the spell packet and immediately throw it back at the caster (and hit them) for it to take effect, otherwise it is assumed to have just been resisted. The REFLECT call does not work on BLAST calls, arrows/bolts, or COUNTERSPELL calls. RESISTED Instant Effect This is a call made to let other characters know that an effect used on you has been resisted and therefore you remain unaffected by their spell or special ability. The special effect still occurs though, so if it affects multiple people; only you are unaffected. SHIELD BREAK Shield is broken and cannot be used until repaired. Instant Effect SLEEP 1 Minute Duration Target is rendered unconscious and collapses to the ground Incapacitated. 15 SLOWED 1 Minute Duration Target can only walk slowly, and all other actions should be exaggerated. The target should keep one foot on the ground at all times, and can only walk by bringing both feet together and then taking a step, bring both feet back together and so on. Roleplay other actions slowly. OUT-OF-CHARACTER CALLS INVALID(Instant) An indication to let another player/crewperson know that a particular effect does not work in the way they think it does, and that they have not expended its use. STUN 1 Minute Duration Target is unable to focus on their surroundings, and may stagger back from the source of the effect. They cannot actively attack, run, or perform complex actions, though they can defend themselves if attacked. STATUS(Instant) Target should give an indication as to their condition - Healthy, Wounded (about half health), Near-death, and at their discretion additional information that might not be obvious to the player but would be to their character. If a target thinks they are being targeted with the STATUS call too often, then they are allowed to ignore the extra STATUS calls. TURN Indefinite Duration Targets of the specified type ‘TURN UNDEAD’ for instance, must step back from and not advance towards the source of the call for as long as it is maintained. The source of the call should have one hand up with open palm extended, and may repeat the call as long as the hand is still up to ensure targets know the call is still in effect. The call is not directional, and even targets behind the source are affected. WEAPON BREAK Weapon is broken and cannot be used until repaired. TIME-OUT (Indefinite) The safety call for when Out-of-Character a player or NPC has been injured or there is a substantial safety concern that requires the game to stop. All players and NPCs are expected where possible to go down on one knee where appropriate and halt any action except where they are assisting with resolving the OOC situation. The converse call of “Time In” is only to be called by the most senior GM (or PC or NPC if no GMs are present) and only once the one who first made the call is satisfied with the resolution. Instant Effect WEAPON SPECIAL DAMAGE TYPES A call to denote that damage being inflicted by a weapon is of a particularly type that may bypass certain resistances the target normally possesses. The use of this call is at the discretion of the user, and may be used once at the start of a combat, or multiple times to remind the target of the weapons nature. The damage works by converting the kinetic energy of the weapon into the special damage. This means a weapon that does 1 HP mundane damage would do 1 HP of the special damage instead. ARCANE(Modifier) Instant Effect Arcane damage. SILVER(Modifier) Instant Effect Silver damage. HOLY (Modifier) Instant Effect Holy damage (a form of celestial fire). FIRE (Modifier) Instant Effect Fire damage. SHOCK(Modifier) Instant Effect Electrical damage. 16 CONCEPTS & STATES OF BEING This section illustrates gameplay elements that we intend to include in the Crucible Chronicle, along with details around the various states of being that a character can find themselves in. CONFLICT ATTACKS, WEAPONS Any normal weapon attack does not require a call, and is assumed to deal 1 point of damage per strike. Note that each strike must be appropriately dramatic and plausible - if a player strikes lightly in rapid succession the target is justified in reducing the number of those hits that they count. Attacks that strike the head, hands, or groin of a target are not valid and can be ignored by the target. Some abilities grant bonus damage. LIFE AND DEATH HEALTH Characters can take damage equal to their Health, subsequent to any damage inflicted on their armour. It is up to players to decide how they want to roleplay increasing amounts of damage they have taken. Once a character is reduced to 0 health they are incapacitated and fall to the ground DYING. At 0 hp you can delay falling to the ground to take a hit that will look dramatic, but you cannot act. If the attacker walks away you must collapse. Players may choose at any time to count themselves as having been crippled, bled, blinded or having suffered other injuries for the purposes of enhanced roleplaying. ATTACKS, TOUCH Some attacks can only be delivered through touching the target. The user must be careful to do so safely and with respect, especially if such an attack is being used in combat. Note that touch attacks against a target’s shield affect the target if they are effects other than damage (BLIND or KNOCKOUT for instance). Billowing cloaks and weapons do not count. DYING (aka Bleeding Out) If reduced to 0 Health through combat or other means, a character is Dying, and has five minutes to receive Medical Stabilisation or die. Unless specified, it is up to players to choose whether they are knocked out or rolling around the ground in pain while Dying. While they can take weak actions to try and crawl or hold back a weapon (ineffectually), they cannot effectively resist action taken against them and, being Incapacitated, are vulnerable to FINISHING BLOW. ATTACKS, SPELL PACKETS Some attacks (mainly magic) require that a spell packet be thrown at the desired target. If it hits it takes effect, if it misses it fails. Note that all attacks that use spell packets can also be used as touch attacks without the need for spell packets. Note that spell packets that hit a target’s shield or weapons still affect the target if they are effects other than damage (BLIND or KNOCKOUT for instance). Billowing cloaks never count. ATTACKS, POINTED Some attacks or special abilities only require that the character point at a target and say what the effect is. It automatically takes effect (though it can be resisted). It can be damage, a special ability, or both. Note that all attacks that use a pointed attack can also be used as spell packet or touch attacks. MEDICAL STABILISATION Unless specifically knocked out, a character that is at 0 HP and Dying can be treated by a Physician of Novice rank or higher with the appropriate equipment and become Medically Stabilised, meaning the character is no longer Dying. A character that is on 0HP but otherwise Medically Stabilised should refer to their treating Physician as to what sort of movement or activity they can engage in. A character cannot stabilise themselves with the Physician ability. A character can, however, self-administer or have used on them an elixir or spell that restores HP. If used in this context, the character is automatically stabilised and regains 1HP, no matter how many HP the elixir or spell might normally have healed. ARCHERY Arrows and Crossbow bolts inflict 3 damage if they hit a target. Skilled shots are a generic term for special call attacks made by Adept and Expert archers, inflicting either BLEED, CRIPPLE, KNOCKBACK, or LETHAL, depending on which archery skills the character possesses. An archer can choose to vary how many of each call they use. Due to the difficulty sometimes in hearing calls over long distances, an archer should not expect their target to hear them if too distant when hit. If the target ignores the effect and seems genuinely oblivious, the effect is counted as not having affected them, though the use is still expended. HEALING A character naturally regains 1 HP at the start of each Day, and regains an additional 1 HP at the start of each Watch if they have received treatment from a Physician of Adept rank or higher since their last injury. If a character possesses Fortitude 3 or 4 the amount healed increases to 2 in both cases. They can also regain HP via arcane means, through spells, elixirs, or other such routes. In those cases the nature of the healing should be provided in the description of the item or ability. ARMOUR Wearing armour provides the ability to take additional points of damage that are removed before a character’s Health is affected. No matter how much armour you are wearing, you can only possess a number of Armour Points equivalent to the maximum allowable by your Armour skill. Armour Points are restored at the end of each Encounter. The loss of Armour Points is more representative of the wearer becoming fatigued than actual damage to the armour. If a character still has Armour Points when struck by a weapon blow with a POISON or BLEED effect, that effect is resisted. Call RESISTED. INJURIES Some special forms of damage, referred to as Injuries, include BLEED, CRIPPLE, DISEASE, and LETHAL. These particular effects are indefinite in nature, but can be removed through the ministrations of a Physician of Adept rank or higher through a period of roleplayed treatment as determined by the Physician. Injuries can also be healed via arcane means, through spells, elixirs, or other such routes. In those cases the nature of the healing should be provided in the description of the item or ability. DEATH If a character receives a FINISHING BLOW or ANNIHILATE, or bleeds out after a period of Dying, then the character is dead. Short of a quick intervention by an Expert Physician or a particular arcane means, the character is gone. A player character who suffers this fate should report to the Quartermaster when they are ready for the next steps. IMMUNITIES Certain abilities, effects, and items grant Immunity to other effects in game. These essentially function as the ability to indefinitely RESIST certain other effects. 17 SOULLESS A creature that has lost its soul becomes progressively deadened to the world and to empathy for other living creatures. They find it difficult to lie, to love, to care about their friends and family. They will act primarily out of self-interest, and rarely hesitate in taking a life or destroying something if it gets in their way. In functional terms, a Soulless entity does not regenerate mana at the start of each day and cannot meditate to draw energy at the start of each Watch, they cannot be resurrected unless their soul is returned to them (though they can be reanimated as an undead), and from a roleplaying perspective should view the world and its inhabitants with a lack of empathy and only cold rationalism. Effects that target emotions have no effect on someone who is Soulless. ALTERED STATES AETHER SICKNESS The use of most magic to heal wounds (two or more times during a Watch), and the overconsumption of elixirs (three or more during a Watch) causes a character to suffer from Aether Sickness. This crystallisation of arcane energies in their body reduces the character’s maximum HP by 1, which cannot be recovered except by medical treatment from an Adept Physician or higher. BLIGHTED Conveyed typically via the BLIGHT call, damage or other injuries inflicted in this way cannot be healed by mundane or standard magical means until the BLIGHT effect has been removed. CURSED The effects of a curse vary, but if you are handed a curse card (similar to a disease card), you have been struck by a curse. It typically has an indefinite effect until removed, or until the conditions of the curse are satisfied. The casting of curses involves a blend of magic and alchemy. OFF-GUARD For attacks and abilities that require the target to be deemed OffGuard, the touch or strike must land between the shoulder blades of the target and be delivered from behind. This state is distinct from being Incapacitated, and a character that is caught Off-Guard in an apropriate circumstance by a FINISHING BLOW is rendered Dying rather than instantly Dead. DISEASED By default, a character infected with a Disease is down 1HP and the effect is indefinite, though they can be cured of it by medical attention from a Physician. A source of Disease may, after calling DISEASE on a target, provide them with a Disease Card which supercedes the default impact with whatever is on the card. The infected character must adhere to what is on the card, and the cure for their Disease may require specific forms of treatment from a Physician. A character cannot be infected by the same disease more than once at the same time, and if infected by multiple diseases, similar effects do not stack. If in possession of multiple cards of the same sort, an infected character may hand up to half of their cards to another character if the two touch, or if they are within two metres of each other for more than a minute (this is repeated until the infected character is down to their last card). OUT-OF-CHARACTER (OOC) This is when a player, object, or a player’s action is not part of the game. Hand-on-head, T-sign, red headband, red cord-tie. MISCELLANEOUS CONCEPTS DERANGEMENTS Certain peculiarities, abilities and spells etc. make reference to derangements. These are roleplaying cues for characters afflicted with a debilitating mental condition, and can be either minor or major, and either temporary or permanent. Unless specified, any derangement is to be taken as minor and temporary. INCAPACITATION A target can be incapacitated by various means. Examples include being affected by AGONY or DYING, or through paralysis or being tied up. The particular cause of incapacitation will define what the character can and cannot do in the state, though in all of them they are vulnerable to a FINISHING BLOW. ELIXIRS These are alchemical concoctions with imbued magical power that are represented by a flask filled with liquid (must be non-toxic, nonalcoholic and harmless in case accidentally drunk, preferably water). They are created by an alchemist through a combination of reagents, and their effects (noted on a label attached to the flask) begin immediately. Poison is an exception. When an elixir is prepared as a poison and applied to a weapon, the effect is indicated by a call preceded with POISON. Poisons take effect 1 minute after the strike has been dealt. INCORPOREAL An Incorporeal character can still talk and be seen, but cannot interact or be interacted with by anything. Unless otherwise specified, an incorporeal character that becomes corporeal cannot attack or cast magic for 2 seconds after becoming corporeal. Characters that are Incorporeal should wear a yellow headband to denote they are Incorporeal. Objects that are Incorporeal should also be marked with an obvious strip of yellow fabric. If an Incorporeal character does not have immediate access to a yellow hedband, they can also hold one hand across their chest to denote they are in this state. INVISIBLE An Invisible character cannot be seen or heard when they speak, and they cannot normally interact or be interacted with by anything (though certain special abilities or effects may alter this). Characters that are Invisible should wear a teal headband to denote they are Invisible. Unless otherwise specified, and invisible character loses their invisibility if they attack a target or cast magic. Objects that are Invisible should also be marked with an obvious strip of teal fabric. If an Invisible character does not have immediate access to a teal headband, they can also hold both hands across their chest to denote they are in this state. Lasting spell effects can also be marked by teal coloured paper, though unlike people and objects this is only for the purpose of allowing those with the ability to see the invisible to determine the effect of the spell. At night, this effect should ideally be represented by teal (blue) glowsticks. ENCHANTED ARTEFACTS These are special items that have been crafted with imbued magical power. They typically allow the repeated use of spell-like effects, though they are vulnerable to destruction and theft. 18 EQUIPMENT POINTS These are an abstract representation of trinkets and general equipment acquired by characters, useful for trading or making into other more useful items, or can be handed in to the Quartermaster for variable rewards. They are typically represented by either red glass beads or strips of red fabric. REAGENTS Reagents are magically infused plant and creature parts that can be used for the casting of spells and the creation of elixirs and enchanted items. GM Note: Though in the wider setting reagents are not always necessary for spellcasting, they are important for successful spellcasting in magically unstable areas. The region in which the Crucible Chronicle takes place is exactly such an area, hence reagents are required for spellcasting. REPAIRING ITEMS Though armour and weapons can take a lot of wear and tear before needing repair, good maintenance is vital to maintaining an optimum functional capability. In the event that armour or weapons have been affected by an ARMOUR, SHIELD, or WEAPON BREAK call, an Armourer is required to properly fix it, and it is encouraged that they spend at least 5 minutes roleplaying repairing the armour (ideally off the wearer). Beyond this it is encouraged that players consider general armour maintenance as a roleplaying opportunity, rather than a strict requirement. For normal objects it is up to a Craftsman to roleplay the repair of the item as they see fit, though for special items the Craftsman is not familiar with, there might be additional work required (as directed by GMs). FATE BAG This is a small pouch filled by default with 9 black tokens and 1 white token. It is used by players for various spells and other tasks to determine if they succeed, judged by whether or not they pull out the white token over a series of draws. Certain abilities modify the contents of a player’s Fate Bag. The bags and their contents are technically not in-character, and therefore cannot be taken/stolen from a player. Fate Bags and Tokens are an OOC prop provided by the player if they require it. GNOSIS POINTS These are an abstract representation of arcane learning by an individual, and can be used to learn spells, alchemical formulae, and hidden knowledge, and to imbue enchanted artefacts. RESOURCE HARVESTING Plant and environmental reagents can be harvested from orange pouches within the game area, and creature reagents from orange pouches on creatures. They can only be obtained from these orange pouches if the obtainer has the appropriate skill in Foraging or Hunting. They can also be acquired from loot pouches, treasure stashes or other sources than do not require harvesting. Each reagent is represented by a token or prop (both count as the same). To track the use of adept and expert level abilities and re-use the reagents tokens for future events, collection boxes for expended reagents will be located in a few places at the game venue. For those with the ‘Scrounger’ ability, there is the additional benefit of collecting up empty orange reagent pouches and other discarded game props and trading them in at the GM cabin for additional equipment points or other rewards. LOCKS Doors and containers within the setting can be locked, and are represented as such by a coloured piece of cord tied in a simple knot or bow-tie on the latch. A simple lock is represented by green cord, a complex lock by orange cord, and an arcane lock by purple cord. If used to lock a door, the cord cannot actually impede the opening of the door for safety purposes. LOOTING Many NPCs will carry pouches on them which can, without too much difficulty, be looted to obtain currency, equipment point tokens, and special item cards. For every 10 seconds of looting an Incapacitated (or dead) target, a character can take 1 card, 1 EP, or all their currency. Players are also vulnerable to theft and looting by some NPCs, so IC possessions must be guarded wisely. RITUAL SPELLCASTING Some spells require additional preparation time. 5 minutes is the default time for a ritual spell unless otherwise specified. THIEVERY While by default there is no actual stealing of items allowed in the game (other than gold, EP, and plot items), highly treasured items may be represented by red Cache Markers (cubes or other abstract objects), and glyphs on them refer to specific sorts of prizes. These can be stolen and traded on the Black Market for a large amount of gold or other valuable objects. These can be found in the possession of NPCs, PCs or in set locations. To obtain items held by other players or NPCs, a thief can attach red pegs to their target’s pouch or satchel without raising suspicion. 2 pegs must be successfully attached, after which the character should report to an NPC to retrieve the desired contents in the container. Other characters can notice the actions of a thief if they see one with red peg in hand (looking shifty) or in the process of placing a peg (actively stealing). For specific objects that are being stolen, a thief may attach a red tie to indicate the item has been stolen (but not actually take the physical item). MANA This is an abstract representation of aetheric power channelled by an individual for the purposes of casting spells. Anyone with the ‘Spellcaster’ ability has a Mana reserve normally equal to twice their Will score. This Mana reserve is automatically replenished at the break of dawn and dusk unless otherwise specified. The responsibility for keeping track of Mana is up to the player, and might be done by tokens in a pouch, hair ties around the wrists (swap them from one to another as they are expended) or in one’s head (if the player feels they can keep a fair track of it that way). MENTAL EFFECTS Various special effects are classified under the general category of mental effects. Truthtelling, Psychic Reprogramming, and love potions are examples of these sorts of effects. To help denote these effects, it is recommended casters use the “Jedi two-finger wave” or “two-fingers to the head”. TRAPS These are mechanisms generally designed to hurt and/or incapacitate people or creatures that trigger them. A craftsman may make a physical trap from the equipment list, and anyone may place one of these. Any physical trap must be constructed in a safe OOC fashion. For this purpose, no pit traps are allowed. POISONING In addition to using poison elixirs on weapons through the use of a POISON call, you can also use elixirs to poison food. To do this, attach a green sticker to plates or cups with the poison effect written on it. Any person eating the food will be poisoned, unless they have had the forethought to purify the drink or meal. The poison takes effect 1 minute after the person has finished their meal. If the person eating notices the sticker before cleansing or eating the food, the poison takes effect even if they cleanse it or do not eat it. WEAPON SKILLS Important for fighters, the weapon skills in the game include the adept and expert levels of Small Weapons, Swords, Axes, Blunt Weapons, and Polearms, as well as all three levels of Archery. 19 MAGIC Magecraft As much a part of the world as the four material elements of air, earth, fire and water, the fifth element of aether, known commonly as magic, exists in the world as a combination of the ten aetheric winds; Death, Life, Fate, Forces, Matter, Mind, Prime, Space, Spirit, and Time. Summon a simple weapon or other tool for the rest of the Encounter. OOC the caster should ideally have the prop at hand, perhaps marked normally with a red tie to indicate it is OOC. Requires a common reagent. From an understanding of the aetheric winds there have arisen seven colleges of magic: Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Restoration, and Transmutation. Each draws predominantly on one of the aetheric winds in particular, along with aspects of the others. Of the ten winds, Prime does not have its own college as its raw power is to be found across all magic; Time is intertwined with Fate; and Spirit neither as it is the domain of entities not of this world. Peacebinding Point attack inflciting DOMINATE on target with the specific command that until the end of the Encounter, the target cannot take hostile action unless they are attacked first by another target. Requires a common reagent. Ward Every mage’s casting of spells is powered by internal reserves of arcane power, known as Mana. This mana is drawn from the surrounding environment, and naturally replenishes at the break of dawn and dusk when the aetheric winds settle most upon the world. Units of mana are measured in arcans. The more powerful the spell, the more mana is required. All spells cost 1 mana to cast, unless otherwise specified. SECOND CIRCLE SPELLS Astral Beacon Ritual Cast Caster sets a destination point for any Portal spells they cast. A caster may have only one Astral Beacon in effect at any one time. This spell cannot be dispelled. Requires Lotus as a reagent. A spellcaster must by default have both hands free for spellcasting. The exceptions to this are if they are holding an object that can fit in their palm, a wand, or if they have a special ability that modifies this requirement. When casting a spell, one hand should at least touch the reagent or pouch that it is stored in for the power of the reagent to be channelled as part of the spell. Speaking is not necessarily required for spellcasting, and mute spellcaster can still cast using calls unless otherwise noted. Banishment Warmage Touch attack to target to BANISH them if they are a demon or spirit. Requires Briar Heart as a reagent. Dispel Magic Touch target to remove the effect of an active spell on them. Caster must specify what type of effect it is that they are dispelling from the target to be successful. Appropriate effects to be dispelled are any lasting call effects or specific effects from a magical source. Requires Faerie Dust as a reagent. Cantrips are first level spells that if a spellcaster possesses at least 3 noncantrip spells in that College, are free in terms of Gnosis Point cost. Any Gnosis Points already spent to obtain these cantrips are refunded. Portal Ritual Cast Caster transports themselves to a pre-set destination point, upon completion of the ritual going OOC and immediately proceeded to that destination point to reappear IC. The caster may as part of the ritual casting lay down a 5 metre white cord in an approximate circle, and upon completion of the ritual, anyone and anything wholly within that circle is transported to the destination point along with the caster. College of Conjuration Associated with summoners and hedge wizards, the College of Conjuration is empowered by the Wind of Space. In addition to granting the user the power to translocate, it also can bring or banish other creatures or entities to the caster at their whim, and grants the highly desired ability to dispel lingering magical effects. FIRST CIRCLE SPELLS Cantrip Ritually commend a valued item to the gods in the hope of gaining their favour. Items may be handed in outside the Quartermaster for the chance to receive a divine boon at a later point. Poor choices of offerings may result in a negative outcome for the caster. This spell can only be used 1/Day. Rain/Drought Ritual Cast Caster can lay down a white cord up to 5 metres long to represent an energy wall that lasts until the end of the Watch. No entities can pass over it unless specifically allowed. The caster, if present, may allow passage to a specific individual. Otherwise, the caster may attach a tag to the cord, allowing one or more broad categories of entity passage (Humanoid, Bestial, Demon, Undead etc.). Projectiles are not stopped by a Ward Five special practices of spellcasting also are known to exist: High Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Enchanting, and Alchemy, though some mages debate the former at great length. It should be noted that the special practices of High Magic, Shamanism, and Sorcery are mutually exclusive; a Sorcerer cannot be a High Mage, nor a Shaman a Sorcerer for example. Divine Offering Mental effect THIRD CIRCLE SPELLS Phase Shift Caster becomes Incorporeal until the the end of the Watch and should don a yellow headband. At any time they may swap to a teal headband and become Invisible and visa versa, though once a change is made, the caster cannot make another for at least a minute. Requires Frost Orchid as a reagent. Cantrip Increases/decreases the likelihood of rain. Lots of castings from lots of people to make it happen, and counter-castings (casting the opposite version) reduce the chances. Raise Astral Force Blink Translocate Ritual Cast Summon at a Place of Power, an army of Astral Warriors to do the casters bidding until the end of the Watch. Up to 5 extras may be employed from your faction or the Quartermaster to portray Astral Warriors, each having 5 lives. Caster may immediately go OOC and with hand on head, promptly walk to an alternate location within line of sight and up to about 100 metres away, then removing their hand from their head and reappearing IC. The caster cannot attack for 2 seconds after reappearing. 20 College of Divination College of Evocation Probably the most esoteric of the seven, the College of Divination is empowered by the dual Winds of Fate and Time, granting the gifts of prophecy and comprehension to those that need it. When action is called for, it also can be used to curse and slow the foes of the caster, or grant the caster prenatural accuracy with their attacks. Common on the field of battle, the Wind of Forces empowers the potent College of Evocation. War mages and other practitioners of this field can blast their foes with arcane bolts and throw them to the ground with a flick of the wrist, or if really determined, can cause the very ground to shatter and split around them. FIRST CIRCLE SPELLS Chronicity FIRST CIRCLE SPELLS Freeze Water Cantrip Cantrip Caster can tell the time without need to reference external cues. Turns a bucketful volume of water into ice. Marriage Warm Earth Cantrip Cantrip Two willing people in love are Fate-bound together. Gets rid of morning frost on the ground. Cheat Knockback When rolling dice, can call PAUSE to quickly reroll the dice. Requires a common reagent. Spell packet inflicting KNOCKBACK on target. Requires a common reagent. Detect Lies Light Can use a flashlight to represent a small beacon of light for the rest of the scene or until dispelled. Requires a common reagent. Mental effect CHARM touched target to specifically ask of them to “Truthfully tell me if you just lied about...”. No other forms of command can be issued or the actual nature of the truth asked as part of this spell’s effect. You need to have the target draw 5 tokens from a Fate Bag, and if they draw the white token they must tell the truth. This spell can only be used on the same target 1/Watch. Requires a common reagent. Magic Missile Stun Spell packet inflicting STUN on target. Requires a common reagent. Caster may enquire of a target if they are under the effect of CHARM, DOMINATE, or if they possess a BLIGHTED injury. The caster can also enquire as to whether the target has a spell affecting them, and if they possess any mana. Requires a common reagent. SECOND CIRCLE SPELLS Force Cage Point attack inflicting PARALYSE on target. Then the caster can place a white cord in a circle around target that then traps the target within the circle until the end of the Encounter. The target is Immune to all sources of damage while within the circle, and cannot cast any magic, make attacks or use abilities on anything outside of the cord. Until the end of the Encounter, no-one else can enter the circle unless the caster dispels the effect. Requires Faerie Dust as a reagent. Warmage Touched target is not affected by a specified spell of your casting until the end of the Watch. Requires a common reagent. SECOND CIRCLE SPELLS Comprehend Language Caster can understand a language that is being spoken to you until the end of the Encounter. The spell doesn’t however allow the caster to read or communicate in the language. Requires Wormwood as a reagent. Curse Ritual Cast You are allowed to create a curse card in consultation with a GM, and when this spell is used, you may give such a card to a pointed target, rendering them Fate-bound. The reagent(s) required for the Curse will depend on the desired effects. Identify Immolate Spell packet inflicting FIRE 5 to target. Requires Blackmoor as a reagent. Kinetic Blow Point attack inflicting 3 damage to target. Requires Slender Vine as a reagent. Ritual Cast This spell can be used by the caster to call “DOMINATE, what magical effects do you have on you at present?” on a touched target. A caster that possesses this spell will also be issued with pages for their OOC guidebook that contain information on properties of Enchanted Artefacts marked by Arcane Reference Codes. They can consult this book each time they cast this spell for each item they wish to identify in this way. Requires Witch Briar as a reagent. Wall of Flame Warmage Caster can lay down a yellow cord up to 5 metres long in any shape they want to represent an energy wall that lasts until the end of the Watch. If the caster is present when a target passes over any part of the cord, the caster can call FIRE 3 on that target. Requires Drake Talon as a reagent. THIRD CIRCLE SPELLS Spirit Sight Chain Lightning Caster can see Invisible things with teal markers (headbands, tags, paper) until the end of the Watch. Requires Lupine Fur as a reagent. Point attack inflicting 5 damage to up to 6 targets (no-one can be targeted twice). Requires Stormweed as a reagent. THIRD CIRCLE SPELLS Prophecy Warmage Spell packet inflicting 2 damage to target. Requires a common reagent. Detect Magic Aura Exclude Targets Warmage Earthquake Ritual Cast Caster calls PAUSE, then promptly specifies that all targets within a 10m radius suffer KNOCKBACK and take 5 damage. Requires Troll Jaw as a reagent. Once the casting of this spell has been completed and the Quartermaster notified of that fact, at some point subsequently during the Watch supernal inspiration is likely to strike the caster to reveal to them what the future may hold (GM update). Requires Heart Rose as a reagent. Temporal Flux Call FREEZE and the caster can still move, attack and take other actions during the 10 seconds this call is in effect (no In-Character speaking though). Requires Dahaka Sand as a reagent. 21 College of Illusion College of Necromancy Some would say the most insidious and powerful college is that of the College of Illusion, empowered as it is by the Wind of Mind. Used by both diplomats and charlatans alike, the powers of invisibility, charming, fear, and aura manipulation are tremendous indeed. Feared by those that do not understand it, the College of Necromancy is empowered by the Wind of Death. It allows those that delve into its study to not only cripple the living and control the dead, but also protect against the dark powers and even in rare cases steal back the dead and return them to life. FIRST CIRCLE SPELLS Beast Tongue FIRST CIRCLE SPELLS Cantrip Fruit Fall Talk to wild creatures. Most make lousy conversationalists, but you never know until you try. Flavour Food Cantrip Makes all ripe fruit in a small area near you fall off the tree, to be caught or picked up. Cantrip Wither Crop Makes food taste nicer. A useful trick for disguising poor quality food, or as seasoning. Cantrip Destroys weeds. Charm Mental Effect Spell packet inflicting CHARM on target. Requires a common reagent. Drain Essence Touch attack on target to DRAIN 1 HP or 3 Mana. Restore 1 HP at the end of the Encounter for each unique target you drained in this manner, Dread Gaze to a maximum of your Will. Requires a common reagent. Point attack to cause FEAR in the target. Requires a common reagent. Soul Marks Mental Shield Caster may OOC ask a target if they are BLIGHTED in any way, or under the influence of a Mental Effect and what that type of effect is, or bound by an Oath of Fate. Requires a common reagent. Caster can RESIST the next mental effect of their choice. Requires a common reagent. Telepathy Mental Effect Speak with Dead With fingers to their head, the caster can communicate with a distant target through a shared sympathetic connection. Requires a common reagent. Ask three questions of a dead person, though they are under no compulsion to tell the truth with this spell. Repeated castings from any source cost +1 mana cumulatively. Requires a common reagent. Stitched Mouth Point attack inflicting MUTE on target. Requires a common reagent. SECOND CIRCLE SPELLS Alter Aura The caster may choose to lie or outright refuse to answer a question about any magical effects they are under, any derangements they possess, or any CHARM, DOMINATE or BLIGHTED injury effects they are affected by. If, however, the caster is specifically asked if their aura is altered, they must respond with a yes. Requires Witch Briar as a reagent. Alter Memory SECOND CIRCLE SPELLS Animate Dead Touch a corpse to bring it back as a ghoul under your service for the rest of the Watch, until dismissed, or destroyed. Caster can only control one ghoul in this manner at a time. Makeup or some indication of their undead state should be provided to them by the caster as soon as practically possible. Requires Lupine Fur as a reagent. Mental Effect. Ritual Cast Touched target has a specific memory permanently changed, and the target character is not aware that this change has occurred. Note that use of this spell requires Welfare Consideration. Requires Demon Tongue as a reagent. Demon’s Aegis Enfeeble CRIPPLE target with a Point Attack. Caster can specify a limb or leave it to the target to decide. Requires Arachne Fang as a reagent. Mental Effect. Ritual Cast Entropic Guard Caster is Immune to DRAIN (Health, Mana and/or Soul) until the end of Watch. Requires Grave Dust as a reagent. Caster becomes Immune to any CHARM or DOMINATE commands that demand the truth until the end of the Watch. Requires Wormwood as a reagent. Rigor Invisibility Spell packet; PARALYSE target for 5 minutes. Requires Ghoul Bile as a reagent. Caster becomes Invisible until end of the Watch, or until the effect is dismissed. Requires Pixie Wing as a reagent. THIRD CIRCLE SPELLS THIRD CIRCLE SPELLS Control Creature Resurrect Mental Effect Point attack inflicting DOMINATE on target. Requires Fire Fern as a reagent. Reprogramming Ritual Cast Target is resurrected to life and full HP. Target needs to have a soul. Requires Angels Hair and Goliath Tusk as a reagent. Summon Wraith Mental Effect. Ritual Cast Ritual Cast Summon a fearsome ghost from the Underworld to do the casters bidding until the end of the Watch. An extra may be employed from your faction or the Quartermaster to play the ghost. Requires Executioners Hood as a reagent. Touched target has a permanent modification made to their behaviour, and unless specified, the target character is unaware that this change has occurred. Note that use of this spell requires Welfare Consideration. Requires Hags Eye as a reagent. 22 College of Restoration College of Transmutation Empowered by the Wind of Life, the College of Restoration grants mages the ability to heal themselves and other, curing disease and grievous injuries. For those not afflicted it can be used to imbue them with increased strength, will or resilience. Granting a mage the greatest power to manipulate the physical fabric of the world, the College of Transmutation is empowered by the Wind of Matter. Though commonly used for making and destroying items, more subtle uses include the manipulation of locks or the redirection of other magical effects. FIRST CIRCLE SPELLS Cleanse Hands FIRST CIRCLE SPELLS Cantrip Oxen Shoulders Sterilises the hands of the caster. Preserve Food Cantrip Target can bear a heavier burden until the end of the Watch. Cantrip Renders a loaf of bread or similar sized piece of organic matter more resilient to the effects of decay for several weeks. Polychromatic Shift Cleansing the Body Harden Protection Cure the touched target of POISON, and they become Immune to POISON/DISEASE until end of Encounter. Can be used as a component of curing certain Diseases that a target is affected by. Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires a common reagent. Grant an additional 1 AP until the end of the Watch. Needs to be cast on armour and stacks with the existing armour. Requires a common reagent. Healing Touch Touched object is temporarily repaired until the end of the Encounter. Requires a common reagent. Ritual Cast Jury-Rig Heal the touched target by 2 HP (takes effect at the end of the Encounter). Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires a common reagent. Ritual Cast Lock/Unlock Remove Fear Ritual Cast Caster can with a touch lock a door, container or other appropriate opening with a magical lock, indicated by a purple cord that they should tie to one doorhandle if a door or through the latch if a container or similar item. The caster may also remove such a purple cord unless indicated otherwise. Requires a common reagent. Touched target is no longer affected by FEAR until end of Encounter. Requires a common reagent. Revive Touched target has the effects of SLEEP and/or STUN removed from them. Requires a common reagent. Sunder Object Touch attack against an object that breaks it. The object becomes unusable until repaired. Such objects should be marked by the caster with a red cloth-tie. This effect will not break doors, and cannot be used on creatures. Requires a common reagent. SECOND CIRCLE SPELLS Exorcism Cantrip Subtly changes the colour of an object from one tone to another. Ritual Cast Touched target (creature) has a possessing influence or entity removed from them. Requires Mandrake Root as a reagent. Lions Roar Touched target is Immune to FEAR and CHARM until the end of the Watch. Requires Briar Heart as a reagent. SECOND CIRCLE SPELLS Mage Armour Mighty Striking Spend up to your Will in Mana for equivalent AP that lasts until the end of the Watch (does not stack with normal AP). Note that Mage Armour does not protect against BLEED or POISON effects like mundane armour does. Requires Black Quartz as a reagent. Grant +1 Damage on all melee strikes for Encounter. This is a might bonus and does not stack with any other might bonuses. Requires Drake Talon as a reagent. Recovery Touched object is repaired. Particularly intricate or arcane objects may be resistant to this effect. Requires Lotus as a reagent. Repair Restore the touched target to Full HP (takes effect at the end of the Encounter). Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires Moon Lily as a reagent. Stoneskin Ignore the next 5 damaging melee hits, ranged hits or damage spells that strike you. Requires Myrmidon Claw as a reagent. THIRD CIRCLE SPELLS Regenerate Limb Ritual Cast Sunder Shield Ritual Cast Point attack, SHIELD BREAK target’s shield. Requires Myrmidon Claw as a reagent. Requires Grave Dust as a reagent. Regenerate a lost limb of touched target and/or remove all CRIPPLE injuries on target. Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires Blood Moss as a reagent. THIRD CIRCLE SPELLS Valiant Fury Inferno’s Touch Caster deals +1 damage with melee strikes and becomes Immune to any non-damaging calls the caster chooses that directly target the caster. This is a might bonus and does not stack with any other might bonuses. Requires Satyr Horn as a reagent. Point attack inflicting DISINTEGRATE on target. Requires Ifrit Heart as a reagent. Invulnerability Caster cannot take damage from any source until the end of the Encounter. POISON and calls that inflict Injuries therefore do not affect the caster either. Requires Star Diamond as a reagent. 23 ALCHEMY Opening of the Mouth If fed to the corpse of a humanoid, three questions can be asked of them. This can only be used once per corpse.. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. Though considered an arcane art, Alchemy does not require the practitioner to directly tap into the flow of mana in the world. Instead, through careful blending of reagents, the alchemist creates powerful elixirs that generate magical effects through their own power. Elixirs mimic spells through a combination of aetherstone and potent reagents, and anyone can consume an elixir to experience its effects. Crippling Poison Consumer suffers POISON CRIPPLE, or can be used to make a single call against a struck victim if applied to a weapon.. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. Creating elixirs can be as simple as crushing the necessary reagents together or as complicated as distilling and rectifying them to form a purified admixture. In roleplaying terms, the time a player spends on creating an elixir is up to them to decide. As many mixtures may be created as a player has the necessary reagents for, though each different type of mixture should be prepared separately. Confusion Consumer effectively becomes drunk and CONFUSED until the end of the Watch. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. Even once an alchemist has reagents in hand, it requires skill and some fundamental appreciation of magic to work them into a desired elixir. Alchemists are classed based on the highest potency that they can work with; the novice is limited to mixing common reagents, the adept can add in lesser reagents, but it is the expert that knows how to blend greater reagents with the others to form the most potent of elixirs. Argent Scourge Spell packet inflicting SILVER 2 to target. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. Alchemist’s Fire Spell packet inflicting FIRE 3 to target. Used as an arrowhead, the archer can call FIRE 3. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. The use of elixirs is up to the user, though the alchemist may provide input as to how it is meant to be taken. Their effect is almost immediate upon the user, unless noted otherwise. Elixirs mimic spells through a combination of aetherstone and reagents, and anyone can consume an elixir to experience its effects. If someone consumes 3 or more elixirs over the course of a Watch, they begin to suffer from Aether Sickness. Cauterise Consumer has a BLEED or LETHAL effect removed from them, but they are under a BLIGHTED SLOWED effect that lasts until the end of the Watch. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. Wandering Mind Consumer can astrally project during Duskwatch or Nightwatch. They become an Incorporeal projection of themselves until the end of the Encounter. They appear next to their now slumbering physical body. The consumer needs a representation of their physical body, which remains where they left it when they consumed the elixir. Upon the effect ending, they must immediately return to where they believe the body to be. If their body has been moved and they cannot find it or it has suffered a FINISHING BLOW, they die and become a ghost. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. It is recommended that each elixir be tagged with a label describing what the effect it has is hidden on it. Elixirs that are consumed take effect immediately. Any Elixir applied to a weapon (a Poison) or placed in food or drink has its effect occur 1 minute after a successful strike (as per the POISON call). ELIXIR BASES Arcqua Vitae Base liquid for Novice Elixirs. Requires 1 sunshard worth of Aetherstone. Arcqua Fortis Base liquid for Adept Elixirs. Requires 10 sunshards worth of Aetherstone. Arcqua Corpus Base liquid for Mutagens. Requires 10 sunshards worth of Aetherstone. Resistance Consumer can RESIST the next POISON or DISEASE effect that affects them before the end of the Watch. Arcqua Regia Base liquid for Expert Elixirs. Requires 100 sunshards worth of Aetherstone. Alacrity Consumer is no longer PARALYSED if so already, and they become Immune to PARALYSE until the end of the Encounter NOVICE ELIXIRS Healing Balm Consumer is healed by 2HP at the end of the Encounter. Consumer suffers Aether Sickness. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. ADEPT ELIXIRS Restore Corpus Consumer has all their HP restored at the end of the Encounter, though they gain Aether Sickness. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Goliath Tusk as a reagent. Cure Poison Consumer is cured of any POISON effect they are afflicted by. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. Aether Draught Consumer gains 4 Mana if a spellcaster, or Aether Sickness if not. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Pixie Wing as a reagent. Clarity Consumer has STUN, FRENZY or normal anger effects removed and is Immune to them until the end of the Encounter. Requires Arcqua Vitae and a common reagent. Plague Guard Consumer becomes Immune to POISON and DISEASE until the end of the Watch. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Ghoul Bile as a reagent. Sleeping Poison Consumer suffers POISON SLEEP, or can be used to make a single call against a struck victim if applied to a weapon. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Faerie Dust as a reagent. Paralysing Poison Consumer suffers POISON PARALYSE, or can be used to make a single call against a struck victim if applied to a weapon. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Arachne Fang as a reagent. 24 Adrenaline POISON FRENZY. Also functions as a component for resuscitation provided by an Expert Physician. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Lupine Fur as a reagent. MUTAGENS Mutagens are special elixirs that when consumed have an indefinite effect on the consumer, and cannot be removed from their system without special cleansing. For those without the necessary tolerance to mutagens, toxicity effects also persist for the consumer. Explosive Bolt Spell packet inflicting SHIELD BREAK or ARMOUR BREAK against target. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Blackmoor as a reagent. 1st mutagen - Consumer gains a branding mark that cannot be healed and their HP is reduced by 1. Cleansing Fever Functions as a component for removing Disease from an afflicted character.. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Mandrake Root as a reagent. 2nd mutagen - Consumer gains a permanent minor derangement and has their HP reduced by a further 1. 3rd mutagen - Consumer gains a permanent BLIGHTED injury and has their HP reduced by a further 1. Invisibility Consumer becomes Invisible until the end of the Watch.. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Ectoplasm as a reagent. 4th mutagen - Consumer gains a permanent major derangement and has their HP reduced by a further 1. Independent Will Consumer becomes Immune to DOMINATE and CHARM effects until the end of the Encounter.. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Black Quartz as a reagent. Note: Inducted Witchers ignore these toxicity effects. ADEPT MUTAGENS Adrenal Dampener Immune to FRENZY. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Briar Heart as a reagent. Truthtelling Consumer finds it difficult to tell lies to you until the end of the Encounter. If questioned by you, the target will need to draw 5 tokens from a Fate Bag, and if they draw the white token they must tell the truth. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Witch Briar as a reagent. Archon’s Hand BANISH target with a touch attack 1/Encounter. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Demon Tongue as a reagent. Aether Shield Consumer can RESIST up to 3 effects delivered by spell packet or point attack before the end of the Watch. Requires Arcqua Fortis and Briar Heart as a reagent. Aural Veil Immune to CHARM. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Myrmidon Claw as a reagent. Aureus Praecordia Immune to DEATH, just Dying instead. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Pixie Wing as a reagent. EXPERT ELIXIRS Angels Touch Consumer has one BLIGHTED injury they are suffering from removed, as well as all other normal injuries. Requires Arcqua Regia and Blood Moss as a reagent. Dragonskin Dermis Immune to FIRE and SHOCK damage. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Drake Talon as a reagent. Resurrection If fed to the corpse of a recently dead character, they are brought back to life by the end of the Watch. Requires Arcqua Regia and Angels Hair and Moon Lily as reagents. Quicksilver Sinews Immune to PARALYSE. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Ectoplasm as a reagent. Trollbark Cranium Immune to STUN. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Lupine Fur as a reagent. Deadly Poison Consumer suffers POISON DEATH, or can be used to make a single call against a struck victim if applied to a weapon. Requires Arcqua Regia and Executioners Hood as a reagent. Venom Sac POISON PARALYSE 1/Encounter. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Ghoul Bile as a reagent. Juggernaut Consumer takes no more than 1 damage per blow until the end of the Encounter, and can use KNOCKBACK up to 5 times before the end of that Encounter. Requires Arcqua Regia and Star Diamond as a reagent. EXPERT MUTAGENS Iron Palms Reduce the damage of any strikes that hit you in the forearms by 1. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Troll Jaw as a reagent. Zephyr’s Dance Consumer may until the end of the Encounter, go OOC at will and with hand on head, translocate by promptly walking to an alternate location within line of sight and removing their hand from their head, reappearing IC. The caster cannot attack or translocate for 2 seconds after reappearing. Requires Arcqua Regia and Black Pearl as a reagent. Entropic Carapace Never take more than 2 points of damage per attack. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Dahaka Sand as a reagent. Hyperchron Platelets Recover all your HP at end of each Encounter, as long as you are on 1 HP or medically stabilised. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Dragon Blood as a reagent. Immolation Spell packet inflicting DISINTEGRATE on target. Requires Arcqua Regia and Stormweed as a reagent. Pyrovoltaic Grasp Touch attack for SHOCK or FIRE damage at will. Can inflict a SHOCK of FIRE attack for 3 damage 1/Encounter. Requires Arcqua Corpus and Ifrit Heart as a reagent. Stasis Shackle Consumer is paralysed by a poison indefinitely and does not age while this effect remains. They need to be treated and have the poison removed to recover. Requires Arcqua Regia and Frost Orchid as a reagent. Susceptability The consumer falls under an indefinite CHARM effect from the next person the consumer is spoken to by who greets them by a name that they are known. Requires Arcqua Regia and Fire Fern as a reagent. 25 CRAFTING & ENCHANTING A creative individual with resources at hand can make all manner of useful and fantastic creations, particularly when magic is brought into the mix. At its simplest, the combining of mundane materials such as different types of wood, metal and stone through Crafting can create items from jewellery to castles, and at its most useful, the blank forms of magical artefacts. The arcane art of Enchanting, is the process of taking a blank item and imbuing it with persistent magical power for a set purpose, using a range of potent ingredients and manipulations. ENCHANTED ARTEFACTS Through an intricate process of magically weaving a special spell into carefully crafted Arcane Blank, an enchanter can create an Enchanted Artefact that retains the ability to generate a persistent magical effect, or at least one that can be repeatedly replicated. The creation of each artefact is a complex process, requiring comprehension of the enchanting schematic, a selection of appropriate reagents, and the timeconsuming crafting process itself, especially if the enchanting is best carried out under the light of a full moon, or while surrounded by the fires of an active volcano. CRAFTING A character that possesses the Craftsman skill has the ability to manufacture a wide range of items as is needed by their faction, and by other players in particular. While much of this is up to roleplaying and the decision of the crafter (the Gamemaster team is not concerned about what is required to create a cup or a piece of clothing), a crafter may be required from time to time to make a special item of relevance to key events in the Chronicle, or some particular piece of equipment for another player. Lastly, before each artefact is awoken from its intial dormant state, an investment of awareness must be imparted by either the enchanter or a willing chosen individual. This small measure of power activates the potential of the artefact and allows its use by anyone, though it forever retains a small link to the individual that awoke it. Each Enchanted Artefact should ideally be marked with a small purple tag, sticker or strip of fabric somehow. This marking should have on it the identification code corresponding to what the item is. Those with the Craftsman skill also gain a bonus on the result when trading in Equipment Points through the Quartermaster. Mark of the Light 1 GP Amulet + Mithril + Solar Creeper + Ectoplasm + Grave Dust Wielder can TURN Undead 1/Watch. Notably, for use in Enchanting, a craftsman that also possesses the Artisan ability can also manufacture specially prepared foci for imbuing with magical energy. These items are known as Arcane Blanks, and can take whatever specific form the crafter chooses, as long as they roughly match with the theme of the blank. Adamant Shield 3 GP Armour + Adamantium + Ifrit Heart + Black Quartz + Goliath Tusk Shield is Immune to SHIELD BREAK. Wielder is Immune to KNOCKBACK. Canopic Jar 1 GP Container + Gold + Lotus + Briar Heart If in possession of an unbound soul, you may store it within the jar. Only those with the ability to handle souls can place or remove from the jar in this way. Amulet - Worn around the neck, artefact amulet provide forms of protection and mental power. Requires 50ss worth of materials to craft. Armour - Formed typically as either a chestpiece or shield, artefact armour provides substantial protection. Requires 250ss worth of materials to craft. Shades of Gray 2 GP Eyepieces + Mithril + Wisp Essence + Myrmidon Claw + Lotus The wearer can see Invisible creatures and objects. Bindings - Usually manacles or bracers, artefact bindings trap or disempower the wearer or those in the vicinity. Requires 150ss worth of materials to craft. Cloak - Worn over the back, artefact cloaks empower the wearer and grant powers of transformation. Requires 150ss worth of materials to craft. Staff of Channelling 1 GP Rod + Gold + Ectoplasm + Mandrake Root Staff can be used to deliver spells as touch attacks without the requirement for any special Abilities. Container - Varied in form, artefact containers trap or act as focal points for exotic powers. Requires 100ss worth of materials to craft. Rod of Light 1 GP Rod + Quartz + Drake Talon + Faerie Dust This functions as an OOC torch that can be activated and deactivated at will. Crown - Worn on the brow, artefact crowns are imbued with powers of domination and control over the wearer’s surroundings. Requires 250ss worth of materials to craft. Eyepieces - Usually spectacles or masks, artefact eyepieces grant enhanced perception and accuracy. Requires 150ss worth of materials to craft. Golem 4 GP Statue + Adamantium + Soul Larva + Star Diamond + Blackmoor A nearly indestructable guardian construct that follows the will of the creator or one the one to whom it has been soul bound. Rod - Wielded in hand, artefact rods deliver powerful effects at their touch. Requires 50ss worth of materials to craft. Statue - Whatever the scale or material, artefact statues are animated constructs with prodogious power. Requires 2000ss worth of materials to craft. Lightning Disc 1 GP Trinket + Iron + Moon Lily + Drake Talon Touch attack inflicting SHOCK 2 1/Encounter. Trinket - Highly varied in form, artefact trinkets provide all manner of curious abilities, though usually of limite power. Requires 25ss worth of materials to craft. Universal Key 1 GP Trinket + Gold + Arachne Fang + Slender Vine Single use. Can unlock any mundane lock (green or orange) without the need for the key or the Lockpicking ability. Weapon - Whether sword, axe or other form, artefact weapons have their ability to slay and destroy enhanced. Requires 150ss worth of materials to craft. Animus - Esoteric in form, an animus is usually worn over the heart and grants potent abilities to the wearer. Requires 500ss worth of materials to craft. Exsanguinator 2 GP Weapon + Crystal + Blood Moss + Ghoul Bile + Witch Briar BLEED struck target 1/Encounter. 26 RESOURCES The world of Sarradar is bountiful in its resources, and the prosperity of the realms relies upon the extraction of them from the environment, their crafting into goods of value, and their trade amongst the populaces using systems of bartering and currency. In particular, for those seeking to produce high quality tools or weapons, or for those that practice the arcane arts, there exist particular resources that must be sought out and in some cases carefully extracted for the benefit of their unique properties. To use these reagents, one must first harvest them, or have someone else do it for them. To obtain a plant or environmental reagent one must be skilled in the art of Foraging, knowing how to recognise a rare reagent, and extract it successfully without destroying it. Likewise, to successfully remove the right part of a creature to use as a reagent, one must be skilled in the art of Hunting. REAGENTS As the aetheric winds course across the world their magic suffuses certain plants and creatures with a measure of latent power. Certain plants, creatures and types of mineral ore absorb energy from one or more of the aetheric winds and thus when harvested in the right manner, can significantly enhance the ability for a mage, alchemist or smith to harness that stored power and channel it into their works. ORES It is well known by anyone that works with the earth that is made up of many different forms of rock and dirt. Some are good for growing crops in, others for building walls and castles. There are also those that once extracted can be purified and worked by a talented smith to forge weapons, armour and other useful tools. There are eight ores in particular that are noted here for their significance. One talented in the art of Prospecting has the eye to identify whether a vein is valuable or not, and what ore type is present within it. Using a pickaxe or similarly suited tool, a prospector can either mine themselves or oversee the mining activity of others. If the right place has been found, it will usually take about ten minutes to extract a suitable quantity of ore, or as little as five minutes if the miner possesses the ‘Powerful’ ability. Reagents come in many different forms, each imbued by one of the ten aetheric winds. While some speak of rare reagents that hold the power of two or more winds, none have yet been proven to exist according to the magical colleges of the Five Realms. Both plant and creature reagents have three grades of potency: Common, Lesser, and Greater. The higher the potency, the more resilient and rare the plant or creature tends to be, so while the alchemical elixirs formed from reagents harvested from them are potent indeed, the acquisition is often a challenge in of itself. Quartz - Rarely used for weapons or armour, the significance of quartz lies with its aetherically infused form. ENVIRONMENTAL REAGENTS Wind Common Lesser Greater Fate Thistle Head Witch Briar Heart Rose Time Morning Dew Faerie Dust Frost Orchid Forces Sulphur Blackmoor Stormweed Prime Sunflower Mandrake Root Solar Creeper Space Fern Frond Slender Vine Black Pearl Mind Sea Shell Wormwood Fire Fern Life Ginseng Moon Lily Blood Moss Spirit Spider Silk Lotus Angels Hair Death Jasmine Grave Dust Executioners Hood Matter Rock Salt Black Quartz Star Diamond Wind Common Lesser Greater Fate Rabbit Foot Arachne Fang Dahaka Sand Time Nautilus Shell Pixie Wing Vampire Dust Forces Serpent Scale Drake Talon Dragon Blood Prime Butterfly Wing Briar Heart Ifrit Heart Space Bird Beak Ectoplasm Eidolon Sigil Mind Cat Brain Demon Tongue Hag’s Eye Life Dog Canine Goliath Tusk Satyr Horn Spirit Sea Anemone Lupine Fur Wisp Essence Death Raven Rib Ghoul Bile Soul Larva Matter Gopher Tooth Myrmidon Claw Troll Jaw CREATURE REAGENTS Iron - Common in use for everything from household utensils to weapons and ships’ anchors, iron is a durable and useful material. Silver - Thought seen mostly in adornments and high quality household items, silver has a special use in weapons and armour for use against particular supernatural creatures. Armour crafted primarily of silver protects against poisons and diseases, while weapons made of the substance inflict grievous wounds upon some of the most fearsome of creatures. Gold - Though poor at protecting against attacks or holding an edge when used to form armour or a weapon, the use of gold in battle is in that armour of it renders the wearer resistant to the effects of damaging magic, while as a weapon a mage can channel their powers through it to be released upon those they strike with it. Crystal - Imbued with the element of water from a base material of quartz. Adamantium - Imbued with the element of earth from a base material of iron. Mithril - Imbued with the element of air from a base material of silver. Orichalcum - Imbued with the element of fire from a base material of gold. EQUIPMENT POINTS Equipment Points (EP) are an abstract representation of trinkets and general materials acquired by characters, and are typically represented by either red tokens or marked strips of red fabric. These can be used to make various items with the ‘Craftsman’ skill, or traded in to the Quartermaster for variable rewards. The more EP that is handed in, the more likely the reward is going to be something useful. Specific equipment is represented by a larger red token or a Cache Marker, both marked with specific codes for what they relate to. These need to be handed in to the Quartermaster for their specific reward. GM Note: While we have included the specific common reagents here, which ones are used for spellcasting in the Crucible Chronicle is irrelevant from a mechanical perspective. As long as you have any one common reagent, you can cast a spell with that as the component. 27 CURRENCY & EQUIPMENT A realm does not run itself on good intentions and the strength of its warriors alone. The trade of goods and currency representative of goods and services is a vital component of the functions of each of the Five Realms, and indeed most races with any structure to their society. Within the Five Realms there exist multiple currencies, from the major currencies of the realm themselves (Sovereigns, Marks, Denarii and Crux), to local currencies and those of distant realms. For the purposes of the Chronicle, however it will be the aethershard currency commonly used by the Dra’zhar that form the basis for the in-game economy. A Lightshard (ls) is the lowest denomination, and are formed from small chips or cut crystals of poor quality clear or pale yellow aetherstone. A Sunshard (ss) is the common denomination for trading, and is typically a well formed yellow crystal of useful aetherstone. 1 ss equals 10 ls. During the Chronicle, while it is encouraged that players buy and sell food, trinkets and clothing, and pay those that help them or they are feeling generous towards using their currency, the Gamemaster team are not concerned with tracking whether a player has paid in-game for every last piece of equipment they possess. A Moonshard (ms) is a valuable denomination, a near flawless blue aetherstone prized for arcane purposes. 1 ms equals 50 ss. A Nobleshard (ns) is a very rare denomination, a perfect purple aetherstone crystal of inherent power and potential. 1 ns equals 20 ms. For those that wish to read it, the Crucible Codex provides a longer list of equipment possibilities, but this is intended more for reference purposes, as many of the items on the list will not have any practical impact upon the game except for set dressing. Each character starts with 1000 Sunshards (ss) to buy their weapons, armour, tools and other key pieces of starting equipment. WEAPON Cost (ss) In-Game Use Arrow / Bolt One arrow or bolt 5 Short Weapon Small weapon such as a dagger or hatchet up to half a metre long 20 Less than 50cm in length. Does not count as another sort of weapon, even if in the shape of one. Sap Solid blackjack that can be used to bludgeon and stun a victim 20 Can be used by anyone to strike an Off-Guard target (between the shoulder blades) and inflict STUN. Stave Simple two metre wooden pole for multiple uses including combat 20 Does not get a damage bonus from the ‘Two-Handed Weapon Control’ ability. Counts as both a polearm and a blunt weapon for the purpose of Weapon Skill abilities, though they cannot be used to deliver LETHAL attacks. One Handed Weapon Standard sword, axe, mace or similar weapon intended for single-handed wielding and between half and just over a metre long 40 Between 50 and 110cm in length. Bow / Crossbow Projectile weapon capable of shooting an arrow or bolt with tremendous power 60 Must have a draw strength of no more than 30lb. Two Handed Weapon Large sword, axe, mace, glaive or similar weapon intended for twohanded wielding and over a metre long 80 Over 110cm in length. If using the ‘Two-handed Weapon Control’ ability, both hands must still be holding the weapon when a blow is landed to qualify for the bonus damage. ARMOUR Cost (ss) In-Game Use Helmet, Open Leather or metal partial head protection 100 Provides 1 Armour Point. Can RESIST any STUN effects through use of sap against you. SLEEP effects though use of a sap against you are reduced to STUN (but not then resisted). Shield, Small Small lightweight protection against sword blows and arrow fire 100 Less than 80cm in diameter. Any melee strike that deals damage or most effects delivered by a weapon are automatically resisted if they strike the shield. Effects delivered by spell packets that don’t specifically deal damage affect the wielder of a shield they strike. Bracers Leather or metal forearm protection 100 Provides 1 Armour Point. Tassets, Light Leather upper leg protection 100 Provides 1 Armour Point. Helmet, Closed Leather or metal full head protection 150 Provides 1 Armour Points. Immune to STUN effects, and RESIST any SLEEP effects through use of sap against you. Breastplate, Light Leather torso protection 150 Provides 1 Armour Point. Greaves Leather or metal lower leg protection 150 Provides 1 Armour Point. Shield, Large Large sturdy protection against sword blows and arrow fire 200 As Small Shield, but between 80-130cm in diameter. Breastplate, Medium Thick leather or metal torso protection 250 Provides 2 Armour Points. Tassets, Heavy Metal upper leg protection 250 Provides 2 Armour Points. Breastplate, Heavy Metal torso protection 400 Provides 3 Armour Points. 28 TOOL Cost (ss) In-Game Use Trap Debilitating and potentially lethal device to set up for intended victims 10 You can set up a popper trap that inflicts 3 damage and CRIPPLE on anyone that triggers it. Merchant's scale Finely balanced scale for the measurement of currency or fine trade goods 20 Craftsman's tools Sturdy and adaptable tools for any craftsman to ply their trade 50 Musical instrument Common musical instrument 50 Reagent pouch Specially treated pouch to keep hold of important magical reagents, from which a caster can draw their power at a short distance. 50 Do not need to touch reagents before casting. Must be worn on the person to be used. Adventuring kit Wulfe Frys special collection of all the bare essentials for a starting adventurer 100 Is intended to cover a wide range of various minor items of adventuring gear, such as candles, small mirrors and a ten metre rope. Lock, novice Simple lock for keeping things secure 150 When placed on a lockable object, indicate its level with a green cord. Spellbook Blank parchment tome for mages to inscribe spells within 150 Thieves' tools Set of lockpicks and other precise tools for breaking and entering 150 Required for use of the ‘Lockpicking’ abilities. Lock, adept Advanced lock with some protection against would-be lockpickers 300 When placed on a lockable object, indicate its level with a orange cord. Alchemist's kit Alembics, calcinators and other assorted devices for concocting potent elixirs 500 Required for creating any elixirs using the ‘Alchemist’ abilities. Enchanter's tools Precise arcane instruments for imbuing potent energies into awaiting items 500 Required for creating any Enchanted Artefacts using the ‘Enchanter’ ability. Physician's kit Well-stocked selection of tools and consumables for treating the sick and injured 500 Required for treating anyone for the Adept and Expert level ‘Physician’ abilities. Pocketwatch Complex mechanical device for keeping track of time 500 Ritualist's tools Esoteric and potent foci for channelling ritualistic magic by those with the art 500 Required for Crafting Required for casting any spells that are marked as or carried out as a Ritual Cast. MATERIAL Cost (ss) Common Ore One unit of quartz or iron ore 40 Uncommon Ore One unit of silver or gold ore 100 Rare Ore One unit of a rare aetherically infused ore such as Crystal, Adamantium, Mithril or Orichalcum 1000 Common environmental reagent One unit of a common environmental reagent, such as Fern Frond, Ginseng, Jasmine, Morning Dew, Rock Salt, Sea Shell, Spider Silk, Sulphur, Sunflower or Thistle Head 2 Common creature reagent One unit of a common creatre reagent, such as Bird Beak, Butterfly Wing, Cat Brain, Dog Canine, Gopher Tooth, Nautilus Shell, Rabbit Foot, Raven Rib, Sea Anemone or Serpent Scale 3 Lesser uncommon environmental reagent* One unit of a lesser uncommon environmental reagent, such as Black Quartz, Lotus, Moon Lily, Slender Vine or Wormwood 30 Lesser rare environmental reagent* One unit of a lesser rare environmental reagent, such as Blackmoor, Faerie Dust, Grave Dust, Mandrake Root or Witch Briar 60 Lesser uncommon creature reagent* One unit of a lesser uncommon creature reagent, such as Briar Heart, Drake Talon, Ghoul Bile, Goliath Tusk or Pixie Wing 90 Lesser rare creature reagent* One unit of a lesser rare creature reagent, such as Arachne Fang, Demon Tongue, Ectoplasm, Lupine Fur or Myrmidon Claw 120 Greater uncommon environmental reagent* One unit of a greater uncommon environmental reagent, such as Blood Moss, Executioners Hood, Frost Orchid, Solar Creeper or Stormweed 400 Greater rare environmental reagent* One unit of a greater rare environmental reagent, such as Black Pearl, Fire Fern, Heart Rose or Star Diamond 600 Greater uncommon creature reagent* One unit of a greater uncommon creature reagent, such as Eidolon Sigil, Hag’s Eye, Satyr Horn, Troll Jaw or Wisp Essence 800 Greater rare creature reagent* One unit of a greater rare creature reagent, such as Dahaka Sand, Dragon Blood, Ifrit Heart, Soul Larva or Vampire Dust 1000 Angels Hair reagent* One unit of the incredibly rare reagent known as Angels Hair 3000 GM Note: The reagents marked with a * cannot merely be purchased during the Downtime. They must be found in-game, or through a specific means of acquisition. 29 DOWNTIME There are two categories of action for the Downtime, one for players, and a supplementary one for the Faction Commander and their delegates. The Downtime throughout the Chronicle is divided into 12 Phases, with 2 between each Chapter game. FACTION COMMAND The Faction Commander or their delegates have the ability to order several other types of actions during a Downtime Phase. These actions can be as extensive as the Faction has resources to carry them out. The island of Avyrnas is divided into territories, and each action is linked to a territory. Each territory has a terrain type, the possibility of a notable location, and up to 3 resource sites. It also has a risk factor that can change over the course of the Chronicle. These actions should be submitted via the Faction Command form on the website. WARMASTER Each Phase, a territory will have a Risk Factor assigned - No Risk, Low Risk, Moderate Risk, or High Risk. The Warmaster is in control of the military forces of the Faction, known as the Faction Troops. These forces are organised into Warbands, each consisting of 100 soldiers and 200 support personnel. A territory can be uncontrolled, or controlled by a player or NPC faction. Territories controlled by other factions are automatically one Risk Factor higher for those not of that faction. Hounds ignore this increased Risk Factor for territories controlled by other player factions. The Faction Troops can be deployed to territories on the island, to assault, capture or defend them. Assault - Deployment to an uncontrolled territory up to 2 territories away from one that is already controlled by the faction. They gain a bonus to Military Strength for any battle they fight in that territory, but cannot capture the territory. PERSONAL ACTIONS By default, each player has 3 actions during a Downtime Phase, with a 4th action if they possess the ‘Scout’ ability, and a special additional action if they possess the ‘Retinue’ ability. Capture - Deployment to an uncontrolled territory adjoining one that is already controlled by the faction. If undefended or if they successfully defeat any opposition, the territory is claimed by the faction These personal actions should be submitted via the Downtime form on the website. Defend - Deployment to a territory already controlled by the faction. A personal action can be one of three things: Explore, Patrol, or Labour. The default personal action is always Labour at the Faction Stronghold territory at No Risk. A warband can be either Fresh, Worn, Weary or Broken, with a base effective Military Strength of 100, 75, 50 or 25 respectively. Improved Weapons & Armour and various other enhancements can increase a warband’s Military Strength. Explore - 2 territories beyond an already controlled territory. Anyone can spend 1 action to increase the range of their remaining actions by one. Those with the ‘Scout’ ability automatically get +1 range. The presence of player characters from the Warmaster’s faction in a territory to which Faction Troops have been allocated, increases their effective Military Strength. If there is at least one Hound in the territory, the backup counts as the next level. Patrol - Increase Military Strength of a controlled territory. Enough people also causes surrounding territories to be affected. The effect lasts for two Phases. Each Downtime Phase, the Warmaster is expected to set the Conflict Stance between their faction and the other factions. These can be Hostile, Neutral or Allied. The default stance towards other player factions is Neutral, and to NPC factions it is Hostile. Labour - Increase Faction Resource yield from a controlled territory. Gain additional personal resources. Each personal action results in an Encounter Challenge, the nature of which is determined by random rolls made by the GM team at the end of each Downtime Phase, modified by the Risk Factor and character specific modifiers, including the ‘Scout’ ability, Wits 4, and Fated effects. If the warbands from two or more factions are deployed to the same territory during a Downtime Phase, there are several outcomes. Hostile & Hostile - Battle ensues between the warbands. Success, failure, or a marginal pass on an Encounter Challenge is determined by comparing the cumulative Combat, Arcane or Skillful Prowess of the character with the level set by the challenge. Hostile & Neutral/Allied - Battle ensues between the warbands, with the Neutral forces at a disadvantage. The result of an Encounter Challenge will be displayed as the type of encounter (i.e. ‘Cultists’, or ‘Locked Chest’), the outcome (succeed, pass, or fail), and what you gained out of it (i.e. gold, injuries, information). It is up to the player to then, if they so wish, to craft the story of how that encounter played out. Neutral/Allied & Neutral/Allied - Territory is contested and though no battle ensues it cannot be claimed by either faction. Possible gains or losses out of an encounter include; allies, blessings, currency, curses, enemies, equipment points, fame/notoriety, gnosis points, information, injuries, items, special locations and more. Neutral - If the other faction is Allied, nothing happens. If it is Neutral the territory becomes contested. If Hostile, battle ensues with the Neutral forces at a disadvantage. If a territory is already held by a faction, a warband from another faction that enters it results in several outcomes based on their faction stance. Hostile - Battle ensues If other members of the player’s faction, or the Hounds faction allocate the same sort of action to a territory the player has allocated an action to, the player gains a bonus on their action outcome. The presence of at least one Hound in the territory means that the backup counts as the next level. Allied - If the other faction is Hostile, as above. If Neutral or Allied, the territory is not contested and both faction forces can support each other in battle against other factions. Food from the faction that controls the territory is consumed by the forces of the other faction though. The presence of a warband from the player faction in a territory that player is carrying out a personal action in grants a reasonable bonus to the player’s combat prowess, and minor bonuses to arcane and skillful prowess. SPYMASTER During a Downtime phase, the Spymaster can choose to use their influence to reveal the orders of Warmasters from other factions before they are carried out, or conceal the orders of their own Warmaster. They also stand to gain information about the actions of players from their own faction and others, though this may sometimes require expenditure from the Faction Treasury. 30 Temple - Improves the overall morale of the Population. All members of a player faction that use a personal action in their Faction Stronghold have a chance of becoming Fated. Warehouse - Stores Raw Materials and Wealth and Luxuries and reduces their deterioration. Workshop - Increases the production of Wealth and Luxuries from Raw Materials by craftsmen. OUTPOSTS (Territory Dependant) Archaeological Dig-site - All members of a player faction that use a personal action for Labour in a territory with an Archaeological Digsite gain an additional 1 Gnosis points that Downtime Phase, and have a chance to discover Hidden Abilities or Knowledges. This bonus stacks. Coastal Hamlet - Generates additional Food. All members of a player faction that use a personal action for Labour in a territory with a Coastal Hamlet have a chance of obtaining Equipment Points as salvage. Fort - All members of a player faction that use a personal action in a territory with a Fort, or one that neighbours it have the Risk Factor reduced. Faction Troops assigned to defend a territory with a Fort have their Military Strength increased. Faction Troops assigned to assault or capture a territory neighbouring one with a Fort in it have their Military Strength increased. GOVERNOR The Governor is in charge of the Faction Resources, and can draw upon them to further develop the Faction Stronghold and outposts in controlled territories. GM Note: Hounds count as members of all player factions for the purposes of gaining benefit from development. Ley-line Locus - All spellcasters within the Faction gain an additional +1 to their mana total. This bonus stacks if multiple Loci are held by the Faction. FACTION RESOURCES Lumber Mill - Generates additional Raw Materials. All members of a player faction that use a personal action for Labour in a territory with a Lumber Mill have a chance of obtaining lesser or greater environmental reagents if they possess the ‘Forager’ ability. Population - Made up of soldiers, craftsmen and support personnel. Can decline over time through conflict, illness and misadventure. Food - Required to feed Population. Does not accumulate over Downtime Phases. Low food decreases effectiveness and reduces population, while excess food increases effectiveness. Sacred Grove - All members of a player faction that use a personal action for Labour in a territory with a Sacred Grove have a chance of obtaining lesser or greater environmental reagents if they possess the ‘Forager’ ability, and have a chance to discover Hidden elixir or spell Knowledges. Livestock - These generate additional Food, or can be slaughtered for more food. Weapons & Armour - Allows support personnel to be converted into soldiers, and enhances Military Strength of warbands. Shrine - Increases the overall effectiveness of any Raw Material generation in the territory, and increases the Military Strength of Faction Troops deployed to Defend the territory. All members of a player faction that use a personal action in a territory with a Shrine have a chance of becoming Fated. Raw Materials - Used for developing the Faction Stronghold and its outposts. Deterioration means that some is naturally lost during each Downtime Phase. Tools - Allows support personnel to be converted into craftsmen, and increases production of Wealth & Luxuries. Mine - Generates additional Raw Materials. All members of a player faction that use a personal action for Labour in a territory with a Mine have a chance of obtaining rare ores if they possess the ‘Prospector’ ability. Wealth & Luxuries - Increases happiness of Population and contributes to success of the faction at the conclusion of the Chronicle. Deterioration means that some is naturally lost during each Downtime Phase. Watchtower - All members of a player faction that use a personal action in a territory with a Watchtower have the Risk Factor reduced. Faction Troops assigned to defend a territory with a Watchtower have their Military Strength increased. FACTION STRONGHOLD Athaeneum - All members of a player faction that use a personal action for Labour in their Faction Stronghold gain an additional 2 Gnosis points during that Downtime Phase. This bonus stacks. PAYMASTER The Paymaster is in charge of the Faction Treasury, which at the commencement of the Chronicle consists of 25,000ss. The Treasury can be used by the Paymaster to outfit Faction players they choose with any equipment other than the Angels Hair reagent. Barracks - Increases the Military Strength of Faction Troops overall. Deep Water Port - Protects naval vessels from harsh seas and enhances maritime trade. Farm - Generates Food and shelters Livestock. At the end of each Downtime Phase, the Treasury will be recalculated based on income and expenditure dependant on Warmaster, Spymaster and Governor actions. After commencement of the Chronicle, lesser and greater environmental reagents cannot be purchased straight off the equipment list, and must be found in-game or acquired through some other means. Foundry - Generates Weapons & Armour from Raw Materials by Craftsman. Granary - Stores some of any excess Food from one Downtime Phase to the next. Guild House - Generates Wealth and Luxuries. The Paymaster is responsible for setting how much the Population earn each Downtime Phase, and how much each player earns. Good management of the finances will improve the morale of the faction while preventing the Faction Treasury from running dry. Palisade - Increases the Military Strength of Faction Troops deployed to Defend the Faction Stronghold. Reinforced Defences - Significantly increases the Military Strength of Faction Troops deployed to Defend the Faction Stronghold. Shipyard - Allows the construction of new naval vessels and the repair of existing ones. 31 32