Tour Of Orange - Pickups Limited – Orange County Chapter


Tour Of Orange - Pickups Limited – Orange County Chapter
Orange County Chapter
The Official Publication of Orange County Pickups Limited
January - February 2007
Tour of Orange...Saturday November 18
by Chris Travers
This tour was probably one of the coolest things I have done with the truck group if I say so myself. The idea
of an event like this came to me after going through that large stack (or should I say pile) of magazines on a
rainy day at home. I was reading the Rodder’s Journal and saw a piece on a tour of old time garages in the Los
Angeles area. I said to myself, we can do that. After all we are Pickups Limited of Orange County and the City
of Orange is loaded with shops and stores that would make guys like us act like a bunch of blind dogs in a meat
After a few phone calls and visits, the plan was set. All that was left was to create a route sheet and figure a plan
to keep everybody moving. You know how we all are when we get together and start bench racing. We needed
to keep the action moving because there were 6 shops to visit within 5 or 6 hours. That’s harder than it sounds,
but at least the total travel distance
would be less than 10 miles!
The first challenge was to get everybody together to start. The Beach
Cruisers had begun their day before most of us (surprise, surprise)
across the street at the Katella Grill
for breakfast along with Bill Beverly and one of his buddies. Dale,
Dusty, Steve and me floated in as
the starting time got closer. Soon
everybody began to gather across
the street at the Stadium Marketplace. With Al and Larry and their
buddies joining us from Pomona
and Inland Empire before I knew
it we had 22½ trucks! That’s right
22½ as Joe from San Gabriel joined
us but did not drive his F-100, but I
still needed to count him didn’t I?
continued page 4
The Pres Says...
by Jeff Hornsby - President
I thought December was going to be a little less hectic. Could I
have been more wrong? Some of us went to a little show the day
before the John Force show with about 100 cars and all sorts of
vendors. It’s put on by Coast Air Brush in Anaheim and it gets bigger each year with tons of Rat Rods and customs. The next day
was the John Force CHP’S For Kids Christmas show with over
800 cars and an amazing crowd of about 10,000. One of our own
left with a Best of Show award…way to go Rich Miller!
The next week was our Christmas Party at Northwood’s Inn in La
Mirada. If we get any more members we are going to need another room as all seats were taken. After all the festivities, some
of us with very little sleep checked the weather and headed out
for the Ventura Chapter’s Xmas Tree Chop. Chris, Carl, Pam and
I pulled into Denny’s in Sylmar where we found Dusty waiting to
have breakfast. We finished breakfast and it was off to Fillmore.
Ray and his gang were on hand at the park to check us in and
direct us to our spot where we cleaned up the trucks. We then
set out to spend time with the member of other chapters and see
some hot rods we have not seen before. The run was cut short
around 1:00 do to dark clouds and a threat of rain.
2006 is done and 2007 is now upon us. With the help of the returning Officers and some new ones, we are poised to make this
year better then the last. I hope all of you are looking forward to the things we are going to do in 2007. More
fun more runs and more bench racing.
Membership is an important part of any club and to that end we need to keep up what we have been doing to
expand our numbers. It’s really not that hard; just do what you have been doing and enjoy our hobby. I can’t
begin to tell you how much fun it is to be a part of the Pickups Limited orange County Chapter.
Club unity as I have said in the past is very important and we need to support all the chapters. If another
chapter has and outing or show we all need to attend if possible; after all what can be better than hanging out
with fellow truckers.
Chapter unity is also important and with the safety inspections coming up in February, we need to help each
other pass. Rudy Weber is the new safety Chairman and he is going to need plenty of help since we have a
few more trucks than last year. If you need help or want to know what the inspection consists of check with
me Rudy or read Spray Can Larry’s column in this issue of Hauln’ Freight. It’s not really all that bad, we just
want to make sure that your wheels don’t fall off and that your brakes work plus a few other things. Keep in
mind if you need help with your truck, just ask. You will be surprised how many people might show up to help
and some just to watch.
The 25th Anniversary F-100 Western Nationals is looking like it will be the premiere Ford truck event on the
west coast. Ed and his committee have been working overtime to ensure that this will be show not to miss
The officers of Orange County Chapter have dedicated themselves to make sure you all have a good time
next year so enjoy.
Keep on trucking
by Ed Oe - Vice President
Happy New Year!!
It’s another year older, another year to grow the club
even bigger! Man! 2006 was a great year for Orange
County, Pickups Limited. It a great feeling to see so
many new faces at the meetings each month. That
will be on the top of my resolutions for 2007, to get to
know our new members.
Really, it’s been a fun year and thanks to all of you
who have kept it fun! With the direction set, new officers in place, another grandbaby on the way, daylight
savings time starting earlier this year; we can only
expect good things to happen for 2007.
Keep it real.
Orange County Pickups Limited - a chapter of Pickups Limited of So. California
PRESIDENT- Jeff Hornsby - [email protected]
VICE PRESIDENT- Ed Oe - [email protected]
TREASURER- Rich Miller - [email protected]
SECRETARY- Larry Lopez - [email protected]
SGT. AT ARMS - Ron Jacobs
NATIONAL COUNCIL REP- Carl Stubbs - [email protected]
NEWS LETTER EDITOR & ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Chris Travers - [email protected]
Orange County Chapter
Copyright ©2007
Pickups Limited Orange County
Chapter. All Rights Reserved.
Nothing whole or in part may be
used, republished or copied without the written consent of Pickups
Limited Orange County Chapter.
Tour of Orange
Before I could get the driver’s meeting started,
I saw that there was a group already hovering
around Al’s truck with the hood up and Kelly had
one of his trick Pure Power oil filters apart for everybody to see. This was 7:30 in the morning and
we weren’t even on the road yet. I could see that
this was going to be a fun group for sure.
After the first level of BS was finally finished, we
set sails for stop #1 & #2 at C.W. Moss and Reid’s
Rod Parts. These two stores are located in the
historic Orange Circle business district, just two
blocks west of the traffic circle. The building itself
is full of local historical significance let alone tons
of cool car stuff. C.W. Moss is one of the older
establishments in the area that caters to Ford
geeks like us. Although they recently went out of
the truck side of the business (see Oval Industries
later in this section), it is still quite the candy store.
This place has more automotive memorabilia than
most museums would have. Everything from a
vintage Manny, Moe, Jack and Dusty???? Statue
to vintage gas pumps, this place is stuffed with
goodies. They even had probably one of the largest collections of beer cans that I have ever seen.
It was reported that several members lost some
money here.
Right next door was Reid’s Rod Parts. For those
of you that like the rat rod look, this is your spot.
Besides these items, they have lots of goodies
from Painless, Lokar and others ALL IN STOCK!
This is good to know as sometimes we would rather drive and get it today than do the mail order
thing. Again reports of members of the group losing money were heard.
It was time to get going to the next stop,
ABS Power Brakes. In order to get
there safely, I did not want this group
to clog the left turn lane, so that meant
one lap around the traffic circle. Steve
Stillwell took off first to position himself
for photos which he posted on Classic Truck World…great shot of Larry
Willett’s ride by the way. The guys
at ABS were ready for us and gave a
great presentation of their top-of-theline electric booster. This is the same
unit that Dan the Music Man recently
installed in his panel. This unit allows
for the most positive pedal action you
will ever see and also gives you the
ability to shorten the brake arm itself.
That’s great news if you are looking
for a more comfortable foot situation
by positioning the throttle and brake in
a more natural position. That’s something to think about. These guys are
totally into cars and trucks of all styles.
It is in their blood and the blood of their
kids too as was evident by seeing the
youngsters busy detailing their push
car so the little ones can ride in style.
Besides the recent investment that
Dan made here at ABS, rumors were
circulating that yet again more members were in the process of loosing
money here too.
The next leg of our journey was the
longest, almost 2.5 miles to Altered
Engineering. Don and his crew have
one of the coolest hot rod shops you
will ever see. Some guys were commenting on how nice it was that they
cleaned everything up for us but let me
tell you, this place is always sanitary.
There were current and past projects
well marked to answer our questions
before we could ask then all over the
place. A frame assembly was in progress and had all of our interest, except
for Dan. It seems that there was a
460cdi motor on a stand with a for sale
sign on it. Yep, you guessed it. Dan
was the guy that was next on the list
to loose some of his cash or should I
say most of his cash. As I am writing
this, his panel is resting comfortably
at Altered Engineering getting its long
awaited transplant and a ton of other
We could have stayed at Altered all
day but it was time to move along
to Fast Eddie’s Race Car Fabrication. This leg of the journey was
0.8 miles long but fun just the same.
Leading out of the driveway at Altered, I could hear several rubber
deposits being made on the pavement. Oh what fun! Fast Eddies
is a unique shop that specializes in
metal fabrication of all types. He
was working on a PT Cruiser with
a late model Hemi conversion, 2
early model Corvettes, and a ‘56
Chevy Pickup (we forgive you) and
3 or 4 other projects. Yes this is a
rather large shop. Eddie has just
about every metal working tool you
can imagine, just like those guys on
TV have. I needed to wake Dale
up from his daze as he was trying
to figure out how to slip one of the
shrinkers under his t-shirt. Nice try
Last on the list was a preview visit to the new Oval Industries all Ford
showroom. Oval is part of the Truck Shop/Car Shop group on Batavia in
Orange. These guys have been doing everything Chevy for a number of
years but have been working behind the scenes producing sheet metal for
F-100’s for quite a while. Through a little inside information, we found that
they were going into the retail F-100 parts business beginning right after
Thanksgiving. Well a few well placed phone calls and a little begging got
is in for this preview look and boy was it worth it. They have a dedicated
building for F-100’s and Broncos that is right at 40,000 square feet! These
guys have everything. To bring their
inventory up to speed as quickly as
possible, a deal was struck with
C.W. Moss for all of the Truck parts
so there are even some N.O.S.
parts in stock. They may not have
everything in stock just yet, but give
them time…they will. The real trick
is going to be keeping Fritz away
from the parts counter as he was
seen making several trips to his
trick with large and small boxes all
for his Uni-Body project. There was
more than a bit of money dropped
here at Oval. Heck I even sprung
for the bits needed to rebuild my
wiper assembly that took a dump
during the Super Tour last May.
Tour of
Quite a bit of money was spent today which was a surprise to me and I
am sure a pleasant surprise to each of these great vendors, many who
will be joining us at our upcoming F-100 Western Nationals in June.
They were all excited to meet our great group of truckers and establish
some new relationships.
All together this was a great day. I think everybody had a good time and
an education to boot. I hope that you will be able to join me on January
28th for a ride around Palos Verdes. We will eat some
good food, look at some great views, and see how the
rich people live. Who knows what type of surprise may
be around the next corner.
Orange County Chapter
Spray Can Alley...
by Larry Lopez - Chapter Secretary
Here we are again, hopefully you all have had a wonderful Christmas, and received all the things you wanted for
your truck and are off to a great New Year! As some of you might have noticed by the amount of people that attended the Christmas party, the club has
grown a lot since last year. I would say that it has doubled. That means there will be a new group of trucks showing up to some of the club events. I know that I have not had time in between the club meetings to inspect any
trucks so hopefully we can get all the new trucks inspected real soon. I would hope that most of you have a
good idea of what kind of shape your truck is in. I know from experience that some things can come up with out
any sign that there was a problem but I would hope that hasn’t already happened to anyone. Rudy Weber will
be hosting his first official club inspection at Pure Power on February 17th so that should give all of us time to do
any repairs needed. We all need to be inspected but the new guys need this so they can get their official club
Now its time to get back to trucks. Did all of you take advantage of Oval Industries grand opening? I did, I
picked up some front turn signal lamps and new bezels, a new mirror, wiper arm and a dome light switch. Just
a few little things I been meaning to replace. At our next meeting I hope to see some shinny new parts on your
I haven’t had the time to do anything to the AC installation but all the major parts are installed so all that is left
is some electrical and small detail stuff. I will update you on that when they are completed.
In the last issue I wrote about some new latches available from Mid Fifties. Well I
contacted them to get some more information on the door latches, and they were nice
enough to send me a set of installation instructions. The installation is straight forward,
the pictures are a little fuzzy but you can make sense of them. If you were one of the
persons who asked about them, let me know and I’ll get you a copy of the instructions.
There is one thing that I found out about this system, you can lock the doors from the
outside but you can not lock them from the inside. The only down side to that is that you
have to get out and unlock the door for your special someone or your buddy.
It will be nice to see what happens this year, I’m hopping to paint my truck this year, I’ll finally have my other
truck paid off and will be able to dedicate more funds to it. I don’t know about you but I have other projects I
would like to see closer to being finish or at least see then move further towards completion. My 65 Galaxy is
need of a lot of work, but that will come with time. That will be my other cruiser some day.
Well it’s been fun being the official safety officer for the chapter but my main task for 2007 will be that of secretary so remember to keep safe because the Spray Can is watching you!
Have fun and will see you next edition.
Spray Can Larry
Big Foot Speaks...
by Rudy Weber, Safety Coordinator
A new year brings about changes and new challenges. The
change I am talking about here is my new club position as
Safety Coordinator. It is always hard to follow someone that
has done a good job which is exactly what Larry has done
over the past few years. I plan to continue the same
thouroughness to the job that Larry did and hopefully have
some fun while we do it.
The first order of business is the annual Pickips Limited of
Orange County safety inspection. This will take place at Pure
Power on Saturday February 17th beginning at 9:00am. The
inspections should be similar to last year except for the number of
trucks involved. WIth over 30 members, this could be a long day. You can all be a big help by doing several things first:
• CLEAN YOUR TRUCK! - I know this sounds simple but if you can
give your motor, trans, and rear end a bit of a squirt, it will make the job of finding leaks easier and the job of crawiling around
more enjoyable.
• BRING A JACK AND JACK STANDS - this will speed things along as you can remove a wheel for inspection beforehand to
make the process faster.
• KNOW WHAT”S WRONG - It’s your truck so be famaliar with what it needs. It can save time during the inspection if known
problems are pointed out before the work begins.
Just like last year, the things to expect in a Pickups Limited safety inspection are:
• Brakes - Ask yourself if your brakes “really work”. Don’t kid yourself here. Remove a front and a rear wheel to look for
leaking brake cylinders and axle seals and to get an idea of how much brake material is left
• Steering - checking for loose or worn steering links, excessive play in the steering gear box, and the condition of the steering
coupler and bushings
• Suspension - Can you really steer your truck? Front and rear shocks, worn or missing bushings, broken or cracked leaf springs
• Body - check for doors that don’t close securely, unsafe and cracked windows. The gas cap must function as designed. A spare
tire is recommended for long trips
• Electrical - Can you see your hood when it rains?
All lights and turn signals must work. Unsafe
wiring will be noted and wipers must function.
The safety inspection this
year is hosted by one of our
Instrument gauges should work
newer members Kelly Tidwell
• Engine Compartment - checking for any leaks in
of Pure Power Inc., at his
Huntington Beach location
the engine, power steering and radiator. Check
on 2/27/07.
for soft radiator hoses, poor wiring, and battery
Remember, we start at
Pure Power Inc.
15751 Chemical Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
John Force Holiday Toys for
Kids Show...Sunday December 3
by Chris Travers
Each year 14 time NHRA Funny Car Champion John Force
opens up his facility to a car show that benefits the CHP /
KCAL Christmas Toy Drive. Every year this event gets larger, but I think this year it actually blew an “O” ring! Cars and
trucks were in the streets, driveways, and parking lots of the
surrounding industrial park. There were way too many cars
to count and the crowd was huge. Jeff, Rich & Bill were all
parked at the east end of the street with a few of the San
Gabriel Valley gang tucked away in one of the parking lots.
Besides the fact that the CHP collected a ton of toys for the
kids and our own Rich Miller walked away with the Best
Truck award, we were able to meet the gang from Overhauling, eat our fill of In & Out Burgers, see the Force collection
of cool cars and memorabilia, tour the workshop and offices, and that was just for starters. I passed out over 300
F-100 Western Nationals flyers and met a great new bunch
of truckers in the process. How can it get any better than
Coast Airbrush’s 5th Annual Kustom Kulture Show
By Steve Stillwell
December 2, 2006 – Anaheim, California.
I guess I was surprised as everyone else that Coast Airbrush has actually been holding what started out as a
back-shop Saturday show for five years! Best part of this show is, there are no entry fees and no awards. The
closest thing to a trophy is David, Coast Airbrush’s owner, giving recognition to each artist who was on hand displaying their wares and talents.
With the rat rod movement enjoying a front seat when it comes to current
day popularity, it was no surprise that much of the art, pin striping and
even the girls dress code of the day leaned in the direction of the fifties.
Rock a Billy was a strong element. Interesting, fifties trucks fit right in
and there was no shortage of questions being tossed at the guys from
Orange County who attended this show – Jeff, Ed, Chris and yours truly.
Chris gets my vote for hard luck as he actually had a tooth extracted, gum
stitched up, popped some over the counter pain medicine and made it to
the Pancake House just as we were about to drive away!
David Monnig and his wife Raina have done one heck of a job of cultivating a thriving business in historic Anaheim. Starting with meager beginnings, Coast Airbrush went from marketing basic airbrush supplies to
now being a major warehouse distributor for House of Color paints, every
airbrush component known to man and even 3-D sculptures in case you
want a flamed sailfish.
I can’t overlook how desire and determination has put Coast Airbrush
on the map. David has introduced
hundreds of amateur artists to the
trade through classes as well as his
Tiki Lounge becoming the hub of
professional air brush artist gatherings. Check out the Coast Airbrush
website for David’s visit of the show
and a look at this unique business.
As for the OC PUL guys, Chris held
out for as long as possible. Jeff lit
his trademark wannabe Havana,
donned his cowboy hat and renewed
friendships. Ed and I hit every vendor booth being sure to invite them to
the Western Nats. This was a major
job as the street that runs the length
of the block behind Coast Airbrush
had been turned into what seemed
like about a hundred booths. I haven’t hit on the show because
the photos will tell that story. I’m sure next year’s Kulture show
will be even larger and more interesting, so I’m marking my
calendar to attend. Enjoy!
What’s Going On...
All official club events are indicated in bold print with this PUL Special Event icon
6 - Trompers Hot Rod Swap Meet - Corner of Figueroa & Egal Vista in Egal Rock, CA - (323)254-5500
7 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
11 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm @Denny’s - Beach Bl. at Ball Road in Anaheim
Information -
14 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
26-28 - Pomona, CA 58th Grand National Roadster Show @ the Pomona Fairplex.
Information - 877-ROD-SHOW or
28 - Tour of Palos Verdes - a senic drive around Long Beach, San Pedro, Palos Verdes, & South Bay
areas. See places you never thought existed! ALL CHAPTERS ARE WELCOME.
Starting time 8:30am from Dale’s Diner - 4339 E. Carson St., Long Beach CA 90808 - Ending at Ricky & Ronnie’s (310-326-1213) 1301 Sepulveda Blvd. in Torrance 90501 -
Information - Chris Travers - [email protected]
28 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
4 - Annual Hillco Super Bowl Sunday show & shine - Hillco Fastner Warehouse
7522 Park Ave. in Garden Gove, CA 92841 - Information call (714) 657-7442
8 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm @Denny’s - Beach Bl. at Ball Road in Anaheim
Information -
11 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
17 - Annual Members Safety Inspection @ Pure Power - Starts at 9:00am
( Information - Rudy Weber
4 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
8 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm @Denny’s - Beach Bl. at Ball Road in Anaheim
Information -
11 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
30 - April 1 - Goodguys Del Mar Nationals
8 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
8 - 22nd Annual Fabulous Fords Forever – Knott’s Berry Farm
12 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
22 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
29 - 2nd Annual Rev’ved Up 4-Kids - Downtown Torrance - To Benefir The Center for Learning Unlimited
Information - Debbie Baker (949) 752-5115 x10 or [email protected]
10 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
13 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
17-19 - F-100 Super Nationals - Chilhowee Park, Knoxville, TN - Pat Ford Promotions
Information - (704) 872-7327 or E-mail - [email protected]
3 -14th Annual Canyon Cruise - Featherly Park - (714) 680-0293
3 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
9 - Fountain Valley 50th Anniversary Car Show check for information
10 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
14 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check ­for information
23 - Pickups Limited’s F-100Western Nationals - Canyon RV Park at
Featherly Park in Anaheim, CA - Special Guests, Vendors and Events
Information - [email protected] -
Take your best buddy crusing tonight...
8 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
12 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
15 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
Orange County Chapter
9 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
12 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
17-19 --North/South Run - Santa Maria, CA - Information call ?????
26 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
9 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
9 -18th Annual Belmont Shore Car Show - Belmont Shore/Long Beach, CA
13 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
22 - 8th Annual Crusin’ for a Cure – Orange County Fair Grounds, Costa Mesa, CA
Information - or (949) 752-5115 ext. 10 or [email protected]
7 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
11 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
14 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
8 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
11 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
25 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
8 - Annual Chapter Christmas Dinner - Place and information to be announced
9 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
9 - 36th Annual Tree Chop - Fillmore, CA - Pick-Ups Limited, Ventura County Chapter
Information - Ray @(805) 498-8497
1st Sunday of each month- Irvine - Million $ Breakfast Cruise - Park Place Plaza, Michelson & Jamboree
7:30 - 10:30am. - INFO Call John @ 949-300-8329
1st Sunday of each month - Legends - 1155 East Route 66, Glendora - 4:00pm to 7:00pm - Information (951) 681-4605
1st Wednesday of each month beginning in April – Twilight Cruise Night - NHRA Museum 1101 W. McKinley Ave.
4:00pm - 8:00pm - 909-622-2133
Every Wednesday - Downey - Frisco’s Drive-In - Chariot’s Car Club - 5:00pm - 8:30pm (begins in March) 562-254-9130
Every Thursday - Fullerton - Giovanni’s Pizza - Imperial Hwy. & Harbor - 4:30-7:30pm. - 714-773-4044
Every Friday - Garden Grove - 12891 Historic Main Street - 4 - 8:30pm. - 714-636-2010
Every Friday - Burbank - Bob’s Big Boy - (818) 843-9334
Every Friday - Ricky & Ronnie’s - 5:00pm - 11:00pm - 1301 W. Sepulveda Bl. Torrance (310) 326-1213
Every Saturday - Huntington Beach - Donut Derelicts, Magnolia & Adams in front of Adams Avenue Donuts
6:00am - 8:30am (714) 963-2928
Every Saturday - Ford Design Center in Irvine 5 Freeway north of the “Y” - 7:00 - 9:30am
Every Saturday - El Monte Airport / Ana’s Kitchen, Lambert Entrance - 626-285-7889
Every LAST Saturday - John Force Race Station - 4-8pm - 22722 Old Canal Rd., Yorba Linda, CA 92887 (714) 921-1651 -
2nd Saturday of each month - Open House at Boyd Coddington’s - 811 East Lambert Rd. - 9am – Noon
3rd Sunday of each month - Morning cruise at Hero’s - Fullerton
For a comprehensive listing of events in Southern California and elsewhere, log on to these great web sites: ○ ○
As run chairmen for the 2007 F-100
Western Nationals, I just want to
say “Let the Show Begin”.
If you had a good time at the 2006
show then you need to start to get
excited about the 2007 show. It’s
the 25th anniversary of the F-100
Western Nationals and this edition
is going to be a real barnburner!
I’m happy to report that your show
committee has already inked a
great assortment of vendors, printed flyers, developed a show program, created a special show web
com, and completed the T-shirt art,
our shirt vendor is even coming to
the event and will be creating a few
custom pieces for those attending.
With this being the event’s 25th anniversary, the 2007 show will feature Pat Ford of F-100 Supernationals fame as our special guest
emcee, our special guest Jack Ries
of the original So Cal Pickups who
is responsible for starting the F-100
movement in the Western United
States, and as many of the original
Pickups Limited group as we can
round up.
For those of you that have the extra time or may be coming from out of the area, Friday the 22nd will feature
“Jeff’s Cruise of the Beach”. We plan to guide everybody on a tour of our beautiful Orange County beaches and
surrounding areas. This cruise will end at the John Force Race Station in nearby Yorba Linda, just one off ramp
west from our show site. John will have his facility opened only for this event so you won’t want to miss this one!
More details to follow on this. If you are traveling from out of the area, we have arranged for a discounted rate
at the Extended Stay hotel right next to the John Force Race Station. Details for the hotel are on the show site.
The date is Saturday June 23rd at our same location, Canyon RV Park at Featherly in Anaheim, California. That
gives you almost six months to plan your trip and fix up that ride of yours. You won’t want to miss this once in a
lifetime show!
See you there!!
Ed Oe
2007 F-100 Western Nationals Run Chairman
DUSTY’s Corner...
Drill & Tap--Everyone will have to drill holes, tap holes or just cut metal at some
point of any construction project. Drilling and taping is a common
problem and I’ll try to put in my two cents. Tapping is pretty much
using the right size tap in the correct diameter hole.
Taps come in three types;
1. Starting Taps - These have a long lead, maybe ten
threads and are not used too much.
2. Plug Taps - The most common and have about three
turns of lead
3. Bottom Taps – These have only about one and one
half turns.
General use would be a Plug tap. Tap drill sized can be calculated by
subtracting the thread progression from the major diameter and getting the closest drill size. Or just consult
a thread chart.
Cutting oil or taping fluid should be used in order to ease the cutting pressure on the tap by allowing the chips to
slide across the cutting face of the tool. Oil can have different things added to it such as chlorine, sulfur or molly,
(molybdenum disulphide or how ever it’s spelled). Oil just keeps things from welding to the tool and being ripped
loose, re-welding and in this process repeating over and over constantly. This produces an enormous amount of
heat which aids the welding process -- I think you should understand. Oil good! Friction and heat bad. With taps
remember, you get what you pay for. A cheap tap set will loose the cutting edge fast causing binding of the tap
and worse yet a broken tool just when you don’t want it to happen.
Cut & Grind--All of the problems I have been asked about in relation to the club have been about grinding and working aluminum. Gringo or sanding aluminum with abrasive cones or disks can be improved by the use of a stick cutting
wax. The sticks can be purchased at an industrial supply or hardware store like McFadden Dale, McMaster Carr,
Grainger, or even from Eastwood, for about eight dollars. All of the sticks I’ve seen are about fifteen ounces and
should last in a home work shop for a least a year. During the process of
grinding, heat builds up and the aluminum chips that are free in the abrasive
portions of the pads will be impacted by other free and hot chips, actually
dust. This will weld the dust together and form a pin of material. Soon the
entire surface is composed of about thirty or forty chunks of aluminum. This
will just skid across the surface not accomplishing anything. At this point if
(with the pad or cone stopped!) the pin can be scraped, or actually popped
off the surface and the entire surface can be reasonably well cleaned. A thin
coat of wax is reapplied and things are good to go. Pads when kept clean will
cut much faster and last much longer. Pads don’t last forever and experience
will tell when they should be changed.
Wax doesn’t work well on steel because the grind and actually a burning
effect are involved in abrasive removal of steel or cast iron. If you have a problem just give me a yell and I can
probably come up with a reasonable answer. I’m usually at the meetings or hanging around somewhere.
See ya,
[email protected]
Editors Ramblings...
Welcome to 2007!
The advent of a new year hits people in different ways. Some of us worry about getting older, others worry about
the state of the world we live in (wow that’s a big one), while others of us just try to concern ourselves with matters that are under our own control.
The New Year’s resolution is one thing that many people may look to because this is one thing that is under
our control. Even though statistics show that over 80% of all these resolutions are never fulfilled, we make them
anyway so let’s make this easy this year. Make a promise to yourself to spend more time with your truck. That’s
right, your truck. After all, it won’t talk back to you, it will always be there for you, it allows you more time to go
out and play with the other boys, and there are few other things that you possess that probably give you more
satisfaction! That makes sense to me. No, I’m not saying to ignore your wife (I may be dumb but I’m not stupid)
and family but I’m sure that they understand this devotion that you have to that old Ford of yours. Sure, Christine
thinks that I am crazy when it comes to my cars, but she still came through this Christmas with that gift card for
Harbor Freight!
Just always remember that you can get as old as you want, as long as you never mature!
Keep in touch,
Chris Travers - Editor
[email protected]
San Diego Chapter announces 2007 board
Annual O.C.Chapter Christmas Party
December 9 brought the first taste of winter to the O.C. but that didn’t stop this
group of truckers from putting on the feed bag. We gathered at the Northwoods
Inn in La Mirada for another great evening of food and friends. Tom Chodak
made all of the arrangements including door prizes to ensure that everybody
would enjoy the evening. I remember just a few years ago when this event was
held at one of the long tables anyplace within the restaurant but this year we
filled every seat in a private room with over 40 in attendance. Now that’s membership growth!
All along I have been saying that it is all about the people and the trucks. In every
issue of Hauln’ Freight I
give you plenty of pictures
of trucks and hot rods, but
let’s take this chance to
enjoy some pictures of us.
Wow, some of you guys
clean up real good!
Orange County Chapter
35th Annual Ventura Chapter’s Tree Chop
For 35 years, the gang from the Ventura County chapter have been involved in this event which began as a
Sunday outing with the trucks to go out and actually chop
down a Christmas tree for the house. What began as just
a modest group of buddies has grown into a top notch
show that often has several hundred vehicles in attendance.
This year the fearless foursome of Carl, Jeff, Dusty, and Chris ignored
the threats of rain, wind and cold and made the early morning blast up
I-5 to Fillmore. We were greeted at the gate by Ray and his Ventura
Chapter group that guided us to our precisely measured parking spots.
We were joined shortly by several members of the San Gabriel Valley
and San Diego chapters. In all there were almost twenty F-100’s there
which was by far the most dominate mark of the day.
The weather cooperated for the most part until around 1:30 when the
clouds started moving in fast. The alert orginizers moved the awards
part of the program up and started to move fast themselves I’ve got to
hand it to them. Even though some of the crowd was scared away by
the threat of rain, there were still about 150 vehicles that needed to be
moved out quickly, and they did it...with the help of Santa of course.
Make your plans now for this event in 2007!
You and your
Name: _____________________________
City: ______________________
Address: ________________________________
State: _____________ Zip: _________________________
Area Code: ______ Phone: ___________________
e-mail: __________________________
F-100’s Currently Owned
Year: _____ Model: ____________________
Year: ______ Model: ____________________
Year: _____ Model: ____________________
Year: ______ Model: ____________________
Year: _____ Model: ____________________
Year: ______ Model: ____________________
We are collecting photos of members and their cars for our web site ( If you
would like your truck displayed for all the world to enjoy, please include photos and any history/specs
with your application. Please write your name on the back of any photos...better yet, you can e-mail
this information to [email protected]
Pickups Limited Membership Dues
Dues are $10 per month or $110 per year if paid annually by February 1. New members joining after
January may prorate their membership fees at a rate of $10.00 per month. Please send check or
money order payable to Pickups Limited to:
Pickups Limited
P.O. Box 4631
Anaheim, CA 92803
[email protected]
Orange County Chapter
Your Brake, Steering and Suspension Specialist!
available options:
● Mustang II IFS Air Spring System - add $200
● Rear Disc Brake System w/ E-Brake - add $300
Now available from Classic Performance
Products! Frames and chassis for
the early model pick-ups. Frame
rails are extended 2” for
increased rigidity and clearance between crossmember
while maintaining the original
profile. Quality made to ensure you
are getting a solid, safe and quality foundation for your classic truck project.
Starting at
Chassis above shown with standard Mustang II IFS System, front sway bar, rear leaf kit, 9” drum
brake rear axle, brake booster and master cylinder. Prices as shown - $7,595/kit
Fits ‘48-’64 Ford Trucks
Comes complete, nothing to fabricate or buy.
Features crossmember, coil spring-shock
towers, 1” tubular A-arms, spindles (stock
height of 2” drop), new manual rack & pinion
gear, 11” disc kit, black powder coated
springs and painted shocks. Options: sway
bar, power steering, air spring kit, chrome/
polished A-arms additional. Free Power Rack
upgrade and Shipping!
Starting at
Designed to fit
‘48-‘56 Ford
1” bar with
bushings and 3/4” stainless adjusters, bolt-on brackets, rear crossmember,
coil-over shocks and panard bar. Available
chrome, $999 and polished $1,299.
Special, Plain - Starting at $789/kit
note: Kits and prices may vary between
certain applications.
lifetime Guarantee
on all Parts!
Special - Starting at $299/kit
Update your classic truck
to a late model 3” diameter rear end. Available
‘53-‘56 Fords. Fits Chevy,
10 bolt, 12 bolt and Ford
9”. Kit comes ready for
Bracket Kit - Special $85/kit
This is the perfect way to add power steering
to your Chevy or ‘53-‘60 Ford truck while
retaining the original style front axle. GM kit
shown with optional steering U-joint. Parts
sold separately or as a complete kit.
ClassiC PerformanCe ProduCts, inC.
Tech Line:
(714) 522-2000
175 E. Freedom Street • Anaheim, CA 92801 • Dept. PLN • Fax: (714) 522-2500
Front or Rear Sway Bar - starting at $119/kit
Available for ‘48-‘60 Ford trucks.
Now you can lower your
truck up to 3” and
maintain your
suspension travel.
Designed for easy
bolt-in installation.
Special - Starting at $389/kit
Includes mounting
bracket, pedal, booster,
master cylinder, prop
valve and hardware.
Fits early Chevy and Ford trucks.
Plain - Starting at $299/kit
Polished/Chrome - Starting at $499/kit
Shown with optional $50 prop valve.
Special - $199/kit
Complete Kit - Starting at $579/kit
This kit keeps your truck steady while
going into hard turns.This is a must for the
lowered truck. Kit includes front or rear
sway bars, brackets, all necessary hardware
and installation instructions.
Designed to fit stock
drum brake spindles, on your classic truck.
Works with easy to find late model 5-lug
rotors and GM calipers.
(800) 823-0954
rotor upgrade.
Special - starting at $89/kit
Complete bolt-in kit available for ‘48-‘56 Ford
trucks. Our kit lowers classic trucks 4” and
features leaf springs, shock kit, mounting
brackets, weld-in axle brackets, all necessary
hardware and installation instructions.
Special - Starting at $499/kit
Order Line:
Designed to change drum to disc brakes.
Available for all the popular early Chevy and
Ford truck. Kit works with stock spindles
and includes 11” rotors, calipers, bearings,
mounting brackets, seals, dust caps, brake
hoses, hardware and instructions. Shown with
Crossmember Kit - Special starting at $379/kit
Available for all popular engine and transmission combinations.
Includes crossmembers, rubber mounts and
mounting hardware.
Special - Starting at $100/kit
Tanks - Starting at 389/ea
Sending Unit - Starting at 29/ea
Fuel Fill Door - Starting at 19/ea
Tank Hose Kit - Starting at 15/kit
6/6/06 4:04:27 PM
Pick-up Limited ad.indd 1
Hauln’ Freight is published 6 times a year by Orange County Pickups Limited.
Rates based on the calendar year (pro-rated as needed) are:
Business card size = $60
1/4 page = $100
1/2 page = $150
Full page = $250
Your ad must be paid up front for the year before publication. All ads need to be submitted in
electronic format using one of the following or comparable formats:
Adobe PDF
In Design
No scanning, hand sketches or stuff like that. As the news letter is also available on our web
site, this means that your ad is also posted on web site. For more
information contact Chris Travers at [email protected]
We have our business meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each
month at 7:30pm....LOCATION: Denny’s
See map below or check the Pickups Limited web site at
We often meet at another time of each month for cruising.
Call for details!
Questions? Call
Ed Oe at (714) 493-0703
Orange County Chapter
P.O. Box 4631
Anaheim, CA 92803
• Tour of Palos Verdes
• Annual Safety Check
• F-100 Western Nationals
907 S Beach Blvd Anaheim, CA 92804-3982

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