January Minutes - Sewickley United Methodist Church
January Minutes - Sewickley United Methodist Church
SEWICKLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH JANUARY 2014 Minutes January 2014 From The Pastor’s Heart It is hard to believe that in a few short days we will turn the calendar page to not only a whole new month, but a whole new year. As we prepare to say goodbye to 2013, the morning news programs, newspapers and tabloids are inviting us on a journey, a journey to look over our shoulders and look back. Many are titling this journey, “The Year in Review.” The memories of 2013 will not be easily erased. Some regard it as a year of blessings, perhaps because of opportunities of advancement in education or career that have come their way, or an account of success in business undertakings, or the gift and blessings of a marriage or the blessing of the birth of a baby or grandbaby. I am equally aware that for some, 2013 was one of mixed blessings due to sad incidents that might have taken place: economic woes; tragedy that struck close to home; severe illness and/or loved ones who departed this life. Some are looking forward to closing the book to 2013 and thankful to see it end. As I look back over the 2013 church calendar, I am in awe and filled with thanksgiving for all the ways you have been faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ. You have been the Church in the giving of yourselves in countless ways: the giving of your time and talents and your financial support as you helped to continue building the Kingdom of God. We have paid our Connectional Apportionments in full ($26,223.00). Nurture, Witness and Outreach has provided ministry in so many ways totaling approximately $18,000.00. This does not include the 53 children at Bethany House for whom we provided Christmas gifts and weekly meals, as well as providing meals for the Center for Hope. There are so many other ways we have been the face of Christ to the community and the world. I thank you and am honored to be the pastor of such a caring congregation who takes seriously its call to make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the world. All of this does not include the gigantic step of faith we have embraced to renovate the sanctuary and pipe organ. A total of $170,000 has been pledged to this project. Please continue to pray for this project. If you have already pledged, I thank you. If you have not pledged and are able, please give careful prayer and consideration as to what God is calling you to do. As we prepare to close this book called 2013, we are also called to stand on tip- toes looking to the future. God has exciting and amazing plans for this Church. The next four months we will worship in the Simpson Room as our sanctuary and pipe organ are under renovation. We will offer continued updates on the progress as we look forward to Easter Sunday (April 21, 2014) when our bishop, Bishop Thomas Bickerton brings the Easter Message and consecrates our renovated sanctuary. We look back and give thanks; we look back and recognize 2013 as a spring board to our looking ahead with eager anticipation as to what God has in store for us individually and collectively as a church. Continued next page Pastor Russel has an open door policy. Anyone wishing to speak to the pastor, is welcomed and encouraged to call. He is available 24/7. You may reach him at one of the numbers below. If there is an emergency, please call the parsonage regardless of the time. Church Office: (412)741-9430 Pastor’s Office: (412)741-9433 Parsonage: (412)741-9679 Cell Phone: (412)735-5072 E Mail: [email protected] I NS IDE TH IS ED IT ION From the Pastor’s Heart ............................. 1 2014 Committees ....................................... 7 Birthdays .................................................... 5 Baby News ................................................. 2 Calendar................................................... 10 Education News ......................................... 2 Notes ....................................................... 11 Nurture, Outreach & Witness ............... 4 & 5 Poinsettia Dedications ............................... 6 Prayer Requests ........................................ 5 Sanctuary Renovation Project ................... 8 Shut-In List ................................................ 8 Treasurer’s Report ..................................... 6 Window News ............................................ 8 Worship Opportunities................................ 3 JANUARY 2014 MINUTES FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART, CONTINUED I look forward to making the journey through 2014 with you. Prayers for a blessed New Year, Nancy and I wish to thank you all for the Christmas wishes and gifts. We also wish to thank our Church family for the generous Christmas gift. Pastor Russel Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Baptism on December 22, 2013 was Brody Alexander Brenneisen. Brody was born on September 11, 2013 in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Wendy and Bill Brenneisen, and the brother of Ava and William. Brody’s grandparents are John and Judy Zitzman, and Claudia and the late Bill Brenneisen. His godparents are Heather and Anthony Patterson. Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Baptism on December 22, 2013 was Aubrianna Adalyn Ishman. Aubrianna was born in Sewickley, Pennsylvania on September 28, 2013. She is the daughter of Faith Cook and Cody Ishman. Her grandmothers are Rebecca Bennett, Jr. and Dana Ellis. Aubrianna is the greatgranddaughter of Rebecca Bennett, Sr. and James Bennett. Her godparents are Donovan Brown and Rachael Marino. Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Baptism on December 29, 2013 was Bode Robinson Ledger. Bode was born on October 18, 2013, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Justin and Kate Ledger, and the brother of Andrea. Bode’s grandparents are Anne Robinson and Bob and Jill Ledger. Elizabeth Joy Hartman was born on October 30, 2013, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Tracey and Brian Hartman, and the sister of Jacob. Elizabeth's grandparents are Gary & Marlene Pflugh and Jack & Sandy Hartman. Her godparents are Brad Hartman & Sherri Wydra. H u m a n R e l at i o n s S p e c i a l O f f e r i n g Ja n u a ry 1 9 The Human Relations Day offering funds are divided as follows: our voices — staying awake and keeping watch." ♥ Community Developers Program: 57 percent Other examples of Human Relations Offering benefits include: ♥ United Methodist Voluntary Services Program: 33 percent ♥ Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program: 10 percent A community developer, based at a Florida United Methodist church, directs a ministry for school-age children and youth. The “primary focus is to help the kids see Jesus and to help them grow developmentally and spiritually.” • In Little Rock, Ark., another community developer project—at Theressa Hoover UMC—oversees 12 ministries providing day care, after-school activities, gang intervention, jobs training, substance-abuse treatment, affordable/supportive housing and more. • A program in Wilmington, Del., offers guidance and a caring community for at-risk women, ages 12 to 17. Participants focus on life skills such as improving school performance, finding a job, managing time and money, resolving conflict and setting goals. Please give generously using the special envelope or marking your gift accordingly. Because of a Human Relations Day grant, United Methodists of all ages travel to Washington, D.C., where about 30 seminars on national and international affairs per year take place at the United Methodist building across from the U.S. Capitol. The high-impact seminars date back more than half a century with luminaries such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Hubert Humphrey. The sessions empower and equip participants to put their faith together with action steps to change their world. After each group chooses a topic — poverty and homelessness, human trafficking, immigration, environmental justice — seminar designer Susan Burton tailors a unique learning experience. "The program," she said, "offers us the opportunity to increase our knowledge of ourselves and our faith, increase our knowledge of injustices impacting our brothers and sisters in our own communities and throughout the world, and identify new ways to use • (2) JANUARY 2014 MINUTES Worship Opportunities - JANUARY 2014 Contemporary Worship Service: 9:00 AM Sunday School for all ages: 10:00 am (September—May) Traditional Worship Service: 11:00 AM January 4, 2014 Epiphany of the Lord Sacrament of Holy Communion January 19, 2014 Second Sunday after the Epiphany Human Relations Day A/V Person 9:00 am: Sandra Lane A/V Person 11:00 am: Volunteer Needed Liturgist: Roger Thomas Lectionary Readings Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 (UMH 795) Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 A/V Person 9:00 am: Volunteer Needed A/V Person 11:00 am: Volunteer Needed Liturgist: Atleah Grubb Lectionary Readings Isaiah 49:1–7 Psalm 40:1–11 (UMH 774) 1 Corinthians 1:1–9 John 1:29–42 January 12, 2014 Baptism of the Lord First Sunday after the Epiphany Sheltered with Love January 26, 2014 Third Sunday after the Epiphany A/V Person 9:00 am: Volunteer Needed A/V Person 11:00 am: Caitlin Steele Liturgist: Bola Nicholson Lectionary Readings Isaiah 9:1-4 Psalm 27:1, 4-9 (UMH 758) 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 4:12-23 A/V Person 9:00 am: Lou Ann Scott A/V Person 11:00 am: Pam Hess Liturgist: Jessica Moore Lectionary Readings Isaiah 42:1–9 Psalm 29 (UMH 761) Acts 10:34-43 Matthew 3:13-17 E D U C AT I O N N E W S BIBLE STUDY is held each Wednesday in the church library. Come confronts Pharaoh publicly, and YHWH acts of his own accord. at whichever time best fits your schedule: 9:30 am or 7 pm. Everyone YHWH hardens Pharaoh's heart after each episode so He can show more of His power. In Scene 3, YHWH finally defeats Pharaoh's sun is welcome! The SUNDAY NIGHT SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDY is watching the god, Ra, by blotting out the sun and killing the first born. YHWH video miniseries "The Bible," which appeared recently on the History commands both light and life! Finally, Pharaoh kicks all the Hebrews channel. Come at 6:30 for fellowship and snacks, or 7:00 to dive into out of Goshen together with all the riffraff in Egypt. Still, Pharaoh has to take one more run at these slaves to show his military might. They the video. We meet at the Moffett's house at 212 Pilgrim Drive. escape by crossing the Sea of Reeds. Act II is now finished, and Everyone is welcome! Pharaoh is no longer Moses' nemesis. Moses, the trained administrator, now has a new problem! The EXPLORERS' CLASS finished Act I of Exodus in November. Moses was born and raised as an Egyptian prince. He into Median Part of Act II is a change from "cat theology" to "monkey theology". A where lived for some 30 years with Jethro and Zipporah. He learned cat always seizes her kittens by the nap of the neck and takes them to basic Hebrew and learned about YHWH. Act I ended when a curious safety. A monkey mother rescues her young, but the monkette has to Moses finds a burning bush and is given his commission to liberate hang on. In Genesis covenants are given to individuals. Beginning the Hebrews from slavery. with Passover YHWH makes contracts with the Hebrews which requires them to participate. We are finishing Act II. YHWH has used Moses and Aaron to systematically discredit each of the Egyptian gods. Each scene has We will continue exploring the Bible until we understand everything it three episodes; YHWH confronts Pharaoh personally, YHWH has to say. Please come join us each Sunday in the library at 10 am. (3) JANUARY 2014 MINUTES NURTURE, OUTREACH & WITNESS ACTIVITIES AND NEWS GOODIES BEFORE SERVICES — Bagels and other goodies will be served in the hallway before each service starting on January 4th. THANK YOU to everyone who helped shower the Bethany House children with Christmas gifts and to all who donated gloves, socks, mittens and scarves to help keep the kids warm. Your generosity and love is so very much appreciated and truly makes an impact in the lives of these children! CLEAN CLOSETS FOR CAMPERSHIPS Continue to keep your closets and dressers tidy! Donated items (clothes, belts, hats, shoes and purses) may be placed in the large room of the church basement. As construction is underway, we ask for your patience for any inconveniences. Please be mindful of using the doors off of Thorns Street or the doors off of the parking lot. Please be courteous to the worship services at 9 am and 11 am in the Simpson Room. A hospitality area well be setup and available for you to use in the basement. FOR YOUR SAFETY, please do not go into the sanctuary while it under renovation. PRESCHOOL BETHANY HOUSE BREAKFAST/LUNCH MINISTRY SUMC has embarked on an additional ministry for the preschool children at the Bethany House. On Mondays, we are providing breakfast and lunch. We are looking for volunteers. If you are available to help prepare and/or serve breakfast and/or lunch, or provide part of the meal, please contact Belinda Resler 412-741-7665 or [email protected]. This opportunity promises to be fun and rewarding! SECRET PALS ALL YEAR LONG — On Sunday, January 26th we will have our annual soup and sandwich fellowship after the traditional worship in the Simpson Room. We will also begin our Secret Pal partnerships which will last for the whole year of 2014. Sign up to be a partner in January. Come on the 26th to get your partner and to enjoy hot soup! Details from Bola Nicholson or Donna Sawhill. FOURTH SUNDAY FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION - JANUARY 26, It's cold out there! Please consider donating soups, stews, and other cold weather food to the Sewickley Community Food Bank. The cart will be out on January 26th, but your donations are welcome anytime. CENTER FOR HOPE FOOD PROJECT — On Thursday, January 30th, the Girl Scouts, led by Sandra Lane and Belinda Resler, will serve a turkey dinner at the Center for Hope in Ambridge. This is one of SUMC's ongoing mission projects for 2014. Please see Sandra or Belinda to donate milk, juice, a cake, or cupcakes. They could also use a couple more servers. THANK YOU, HELPERS AND BAKERS AND CANDY YUM MAKERS!! Thank you for helping turn your cookie dough into ‘dough’ for our annual Cookie Walk fundraiser! Because of all of our volunteers who rolled and iced cookies, filled ladylocks, and stirred and dropped candy and cookies totaling 6,000 pieces, the Cookie Walk earned $1891 for the general fund. While on Saturday, December 14th, the day of the walk, the snow kept the crowd low, our congregation made up for it on Sunday, when our sales were nearly $400. Next year we will definitely have sales on both Saturday and Sunday. SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, 2014 FOR OUR NEXT COOKIE WALK. Thank you again. MONTHLY LUNCHEONS — The Sewickley United Methodist Church will be serving our community luncheons on Thursday, Jan. 9 and 23, from 11 am to 1 pm, in the Simpson Room. On January 9, a lovely buffet of homemade salads with Pastor Russel’s famous homemade rolls will be offered. And on Thursday, Jan. 23, the menu includes homemade soup (your choice of Broccoli Leek or Cream of Mushroom) and a yummy ham BBQ sandwiches. All luncheons include a yummy dessert and bottomless drink for only $8! It is the best lunch in town !!! Mark your calendars and join us. INK CARTRIDGE, CELL PHONE AND SMALL ELECTRONIC RECYCLING – Sewickley UMC will be using ‘Funding Factory’ to recycle these items, while raising funds for outreach projects. The list of acceptable items is extensive, with full details available on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary or online at fundingfactory.com. Generally, Funding Factory will pay the church for items such as ink and toner cartridges, cell phones, iPods (even damaged), iPads and laptops, digital cameras, MP3 players, GPS Systems (even damaged). Look for the collection box in the Simpson Room and in the church basement. Clear your unwanted items, recycle responsibly, and help fund outreach ministries. (NO DESKTOP UNITS, NO Want to volunteer to help? We’d love to see some new faces, men and women. If you haven’t helped with our luncheons in the past, you don’t know what you are missing. We not only serve a wonderful meal to the public, and help raise funds for our church, but we also have a wonderful time of fellowship. Please contact Belinda Resler with any questions at 412-741-7665 or [email protected]. MONITORS, NO NON-DIGITAL CAMERAS – WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK ON-LINE OR ASK MARTHA BOWARD) (4) JANUARY 2014 MINUTES KID’S NIGHT OUT NURTURE, OUTREACH & WITNESS ACTIVITIES AND NEWS, continued Our weekly “Kid’s Night Out” program, which includes dinner, is held on Tuesday evenings for all children and youth from kindergarten through high school. The schedule includes time for Middle and High School Youth Group activities and Youth Choir and Wesley Chorale practice. All are welcome to participate in each activity as they wish. The schedule is as follows: While your donations for the next Rummage Sale are very much welcome and appreciated, please hold off on bringing them to the church until after the Turkey Dinner (Feb. 13, 2014). We are most thankful to the congregation for their donations and support of our rummage sales. BOOK CLUB — The next meeting of the book club will be Monday, February 3, at 7 pm, at the home of Dotty Price. We will discuss The Killing of Jesus by Bill O'Reilly. Save the Date!!! The 66th Annual Turkey Dinner will be February 13, 2014 Look for details soon! Tim McCombs Troy Gleason Wendy Shepard Jeremy McCoy Peggy Gleason Bonnie Stoicovy Rachel Boward Delaney Bollman Carol Egenlauf Allison Lenhardt Frank Cannister Family of Charlotte Bacon Family of Ella Mae Bailey Olive Bower Father Chuck Rhonda Coles Dee The Dornsife Family Corrie and Todd Engle Elementary aged kids Games or other activity Dinner Bible Study Youth Choir Games or other activity 5:30—5:45 5:45—6:30 6:30—7:15 7:15—8:00 Middle School Youth Dinner Bible Study Games or other activity Wesley Chorale 5:30—5:45 5:45—6:30 6:30—7:15 7:15—8:00 High School Youth Dinner Games or other activity Bible Study Wesley Chorale Cheryl Barwell Yawah Nicholson Laura Hess Mike Swaney Oscar Aguilera Benjamin Spencer Bo Lenhardt Bill Merryman Jeff Canter Dot Speak 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/5 1/6 1/9 1/10 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/18 Family of John Furry Rella Guzan Patty Hagadorn Byron Harriger, Jr. Henrietta Kara Hine Delaney Joos Jennifer Johnson Kevin Kenny Jacqueline Kurzum Dixie Lemasters Lori and John Bola Nicholson Yawah Nicholson Cindy Mascara Shayne Matthews and her family 5:30—5:45 5:45—6:00 6:00—6:45 6:45—7:15 7:15—7:30 Barbara McCullough Sara McCullough Eleanor Milligan Scott Milligan Nicole La’Keeta Pittman Margot Pomeroy Kola Ramos Cori Reasoner Erin Remaley Family of Lisa Robb Don Robbins Andrea Robbins Jim Rogansky Elmer Schaefer Barbara Schlund (5) 1/20 1/23 1/24 1/24 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/27 1/30 1/30 Family of Jack Shepherd Wendy Shepherd Myrtle Smith John Sotirakis Joe Stenson Larry Stine Family of Arliene Swanson Jim Theys Stephen Thomas Carole Ann Thomson Tom and Nancy Hanna Wise Rex Woodard Family of Nancy Wright Terry Yandrich Bill & Eleanor Zoeller JANUARY 2014 MINUTES CHRISTMAS EVE Poinsettia Dedications In memory of Jerry’s parents, Carl and Fannie Hagadorn by Jerry and Patty Hagadorn In memory of Chris Henthorn by Tom and Marsha Kemp In memory of Alvin C. Jones by Dorothy A. Jadlowiec In memory of Jack Shepard by Wendy Shepard In memory of her father, Wesley Smith, Sr. by Pam Smith In memory of Charles Lang by Jean Lang In memory of Joe and Esther Boward and Ruth Idecker by the Boward Family In memory of James Brimbury by Paul and Judy Collier In memory of the Littlecott Family by Jean Lang In memory of Richard and Jeri Cole by the Cole Family In memory of Ruth Byland by the Resler Family In memory of Debbie Kemp by Tom and Marsha Kemp In memory of James H. Sye by Shirley Sye In memory of Patty’s parents, Joseph and Emma Hendrickson by Jerry and Patty Hagadorn In memory of Patty’s grandparents, John and Emma McConnell by Jerry and Patty Hagadorn In memory of our loved ones by Bob and Dana Yant To the Glory of God by Jerry and Patty Hagadorn In memory of Eugenia Barrack by the Resler Family For the gifts of God’s healing and blessings by the Pomeroy Family In memory of Michael Grossarth by Steve and Pat Grossarth To the Glory of God by the Bollman Family In memory of William Funkhouser by Jean Lang In honor of her family by Ronna Sue Cole Vangura In memory of Veronica N. Wagner by Dorothy A. Jadlowiec In honor of Yemi, Yawah, Brianna & Isaiah Nicholson by Willie and Bola Nicholson In memory of Howard, Viola and Shirley McCoy by Delores McCoy In honor of Amanda, Alec, Jessica and Dan Hooper by Steve and Pat Grossarth In memory of Paul Henthorn by Tom and Marsha Kemp In honor of the Red Bird Mission Team by Pam Hess In memory of Edward and Kathryn Kramer by All of their Children In honor of her mother, Myrtle Smith by Pam Smith In memory of Lynda Vogel by Steve and Pat Grossarth In honor of Pappap Idecker by Rachel Boward In honor of Wayne Barrack by the Resler Family In memory of Elmer and Clare Swaney by Mike and Kristine Swaney In memory of Florence Shepard by Wendy Shepard Here is a summary of the November Treasurer’s Report: Pam Hess, Treasurer 2013 Budget Budgeted to Date Expenses 273,081.92 250,308.61 19,645.41 242,254.23 Receipts 273,081.92 244,244.58 23,944.36 269,382.25 0.00 (6,064.03) 4,298.95 27,128.02 Overage (Deficit) (6) November Year-to-date JANUARY 2014 MINUTES 2014 CHURCH COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Church Officers Other Work Areas for 2014 Lay Leader ............................................................................. Kim Benjamin Administrative Council Chair .................................................. Susan Moffett Lay Member to Annual Conference ..................................... Martha Boward Staff Parish Relations Chair ................................................... Lou Ann Scott Finance Chair............................................................................ Joe Boward Treasurer ..................................................................................... Pam Hess Trustee Chair ............................................................................ Terry Soster Nurture Chair ........................................................................ Donna Sawhill Outreach Chair..................................................................... Martha Boward Witness Chair.......................................................................... Diane Bartley Library Co-Chairs ..................................... Warren Kinneer and Eva Houser U.M. Women Chair ............................................................. Kristine Swaney Communications Chair.............................................................. Jack Moffett Memorial Chair........................................................................ Atleah Grubb Education Chair ................................................................... Tonya Bollman Worship Chair ..................................................................... Kristine Swaney Website..................................................................................... Jack Moffett West Cluster Representative .................................................... Kris Swaney Membership Secretary ................................................................ Pam Hess Church Union............................................................................. Barb Bower Hospitality Committee............................................Steve and Pat Grossarth Disaster Coordinator..........................................................Byron Harriger III Historian .................................................... Charles Wilson and Carole Ford Luncheon Coordinator ...........................................................Belinda Resler Children’s Church ................................................................... Andrea Lewis Youth Choir.............................................. Susie Moffett and Charles Wilson Wesley Chorale ...................................... Kelly Herman and Charles Wilson Handbell Choir ......................... Pam Mayo, Jack Moffett and Kim Benjamin Kid’s Night Out......................... Pastor Russel, Aimee Scott, Donna Sawhill .................................................................... Bill Utterback and Susie Moffett Fellowship of the Cross ........... Pam Mayo, Tonya Bollman & Bill Utterback Acolytes ................................................................................. Laura Geason Church Council Memorial Committee Finance Committee Worship Committee Witness Susie Moffett, Chairperson Diane Bartley Kim Benjamin Mark Benjamin Tonya Bollman Joe Boward Martha Boward Barbara Bower Pam Hess Sydney Lane Sandra Lane Felicity Moffett Jeff Moore Dorothy Price Donna Sawhill Lou Ann Scott Aimee Scott Terry Soster Nicole Steele Bonnie Stoicovy Kristine Swaney Mark Wiggins Atleah Grubb, Chairperson Jean Lang Belinda Resler Pat Rudy Dot Speak Myrtle Smith Ruth Thomas Joe Boward, Chairperson Rev. Russel Shuluga Hurst Bartley Kim Benjamin Mark Benjamin Tonya Bollman Martha Boward Barbara Bower Debbie Chesney David Fields Linda Flaherty Atleah Grubb Pam Hess Susie Moffett Donna Sawhill Lou Ann Scott Travis Sollinger Nicole Steele Kristine Swaney, Chairperson Pastor Russel Shuluga Hurst Bartley Kim Benjamin Tonya Bollman Laura Geason Pat Grossarth Virginia Harriger Kelly Herman Pam Hess Murch King Pam Mayo Jack Moffett Susie Moffett Dotty Price Wendy Sheppard Shirley Sye Bill Utterback Charles Wilson Diane Bartley, Chairperson Gordon Chesney Ed Cymbalak Jim Hamilton Wilma Hamilton Byron Harriger, Jr. Sandra Lane Jack Moffett Janice Patz Roger Thomas Staff Pastor Relations Committee Lou Ann Scott, Chairperson Kim Benjamin Joe Bollman Martha Boward Kathy Canter David Fields Jack Morrow Bola Nicholson Dotty Price Donna Sawhill Bill Utterback Nancy Wiggins Committee On Lay Leadership Pastor Russel Shuluga Diane Bartley Mark Benjamin Carole Ford Jenine Furry Warren Kinneer Alisa Lenhardt Susie Moffett Jack Morrow Dorothy Speak Outreach - (Mission) Martha Boward, Chairperson Barbara Bower Roberta Davis Carole Ford Wilma Hamilton Barry Lewis Nancy Wiggins Communion Committee Barb McCullough Kandace Kramer Pat Grossarth Martha Boward Tracey Canfield Bill Utterback Library Committee Warren Kinneer, Chairperson Tonya Bollman Rachel Boward Eva Houser Sandra Lane Alisa Lenhardt Board of Trustees Terry Soster, Chairperson Hurst Bartley Paul Collier Bill Ferguson Pat Grossarth Tom Hess Pete Hiles Sandy Kuriger Greg Lane Sandra Lane Ed Sawhill (7) Education Committee Tonya Bollman, Chairperson Pastor Russel Shuluga Kara Briggs Jim Canfield Tracey Canfield Jim Hamilton Wilma Hamilton Andrea Lewis Susie Moffett Bola Nicholson Willie Nicholson Aimee Scott Bill Utterback Mark Wiggins Nurture Donna Sawhill, Chairperson Pat Ferguson Dorritt Field Carole Ford Becca Greggs Josh Inklovich Dotty Price Belinda Resler Nancy Shuluga Pam Smith Beth Soster Bonnie Stoicovy JANUARY 2014 MINUTES Sanctuary Renovation project update That same article contained information on how friends and supporters of the church can help with our project by donating through a paypal account that we have setup on the church website. We can all help to get the word out about this to our friends and coworkers. Christmas is nearly here as I write this and this will be the last renovation update I will be writing prior to commencing construction. After the New Year begins, I will be writing to keep you updated on the progress of the construction. We are just days away from launching one of the most important events in our church’s long history. The next time I write the update we will be well under way with construction. My Christmas wish is that the coming year will bless all of you with renewed faith in God’s promise and that His power will strengthen your relationship with Him and with each other. What a blessing to be part of this church. On Dec 29th we will have our final service in the old sanctuary and we will be worshipping in the Simpson Room until the new sanctuary is dedicated on Easter Sunday 2014. Our Bishop, Thomas Bickerton will be in attendance to deliver the message and participate in the consecration. What a big day that will be in the life of our church. It is truly a blessing to see God’s plan unfold in such a visible way. What an exciting time to be at SUMC! Hurst Bartley In the December 26 edition of the “Sewickley Herald” there was an article on our renovation. It is very fitting that the community know what we are doing in our church. I think it is fair to say that the people of Sewickley, whether they are members of our church or not, have an attachment to our church. After all, we are one of the oldest buildings in Sewickley. We have been here on the corner of Broad and Thorn streets since Sewickley's inception. Thorn Street itself is named after Reverend Charles Thorn, one of our first ministers. Our Clock tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Sewickley, and most of us know that the community came out in force to help us rebuild that tower in the 1990’s. Hurst Bartley, Chair Russel Shuluga, Pastor Charles Wilson, Music Director Susie Moffett, Council Chair Terry Soster, Trustee Chair Joe Boward, Finance Chair Kristine Swaney, Worship Chair Pamela Mayo, At Large Barbara Bower, At Large Donna Sawhill, At Large STAINED GLASS WINDOWS This is a reminder that the stained glass windows in the sanctuary are only to be opened and closed by authorized personnel. We have installed labels on the poles used to open and close the windows advising who these people are. Starting immediately, they should be the only people using the poles. No one else should attempt to raise or lower the windows. Thank you. On December 26th, Pittsburgh Stained Glass Studios removed the final eight windows to be restored. They removed the six stained glass windows in the chapel and narthex and the two transom windows over the Thorn St. entryway. The windows will be taken to Pittsburgh Stained Glass Studios’ facility in the West End, taken apart, broken glass repaired or replaced, good glass cleaned of its existing stencils, new stencils applied, fired to make the stencil adhere, new lead installed as they are put back together, painted, and re-installed by April 1st. This deadline will coincide with the work now being planned for the sanctuary. Please write to our Shut-Ins and keep them in your prayers. The church office can provide you with contact information. Marge Anderson Elsie Becker Lois Churchill Mary Ann Cottom Mignon Emmert Mel Gittins Shirley & Hank Graham Don Idecker Joe & B.J. Manzinger Anne & Jim Phipps (8) Grace Scott Marianne Schaefer Grace Steup Chuck Staiger Helen & Bill Smouse Evelyn Sye Jim & Margie Theys JANUARY 2014 MINUTES Music Notes from Charles Wilson In this, and in many newsletters to follow I will be explaining in some detail the restoration of our pipe organ. As we have heard many times, “we have an historic instrument,” and we do! My recent research confirms not only that fact, but that we have a very special instrument. Pipe organs are like buildings, they are, and were, influenced by the time and thinking of the period of their design. Our organ falls into a very interesting period known as the ‘Late Victorian Period,’ or sometimes called the ‘Romantic Organ.’ The primary tonal influence was the sound of the orchestra, with many pipes fashioned and built to sound like strings, winds, brass, and of course, the organ sound which is created by the “Diapason” pipe. The Main Division, called the “Great” Organ, is made up of the following: (remember, organ pipes come in sizes 16 foot, 8 foot, 4 foot, 2 foot, and fractions!) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16’ Double Open Diapason-—61 pipes 8’ First Open Diapason—61 pipes 8’ Second Open Diapason—61 pipes 8’ Dopple Flute—61 pipes 8’ Melodia—61 pipes 8’ Viola da Bamba 61 pipes 4’ Octave—61 pipes 4’ Fle de Amoure—61 pipes 2’ Quint 2/23—61 pipes 2’ Super Octave—61 pipes 2’ Mixture III-ranks—183 pipes 8’ Trumpet—61 pipes 8’ Clarinet (from the choir division) Chimes The keyboard of the organ is the same in style as the piano, only shorter—61 keys. For each key (black and white) there is a pipe that sounds that pitch. So, one particular sound needs 61 pipes to complete one “rank” of pipes. One rank, or set of pipes, is required for each sound in the organ. So, the size of an organ is determined by how many ranks it contains. Much like a building’s size is often determined by how many floors it has. Our organ, when completed will have about 37 ranks. So multiply 37 by 61 and you arrive at 2257 pipes. This is considered a medium size instrument. We have many To the right is what a Diapason Pipe looks like. As you can pipe organs in Pittsburgh that number 100 ranks or more; you can do see, it comes in different sizes some ranks sixteen feet, the math! others 8 feet. We are very fortunate our pipe organ was built in 1908, by the M. P. The Diapason, also called the principal pipe is classified as a Moller Company. This was an excellent period for Moller and all the “Flue Pipe.” They are open cylindrical metal pipes which original pipework survives today, and is in very good condition. The produce a tone that is peculiar to the organ alone. The foot of pipe sounds selected are a great example of the Romantic Organ, the pipe is separated from the body of the pipe by a lead and our instruments is large enough to play much of the organ music plate called the languid. When air is blown into the toehole, a of that period. While saving and restoring all the existing pipework, constant pressure is maintained in the foot as air is forced we plan, as the funds become available, to add yet a few more ranks through a slit (called the flue) between the languid and the of pipes to update the sound, and round out the original instrument. lower lip. Issuing forth from the flue is a sheetlike air jet which Each keyboard of the organ is called a “division.” The current is directed toward the outside edge of the upper lip. instrument has three divisions, or three keyboards, two for the hands As the air jet blows across the mouth of the pipe, it interacts with the and one for the feet (or pedals). When complete, our instruments will air column in the pipe body and creates a slight vacuum therein. The grow to four divisions, three for the hands and one for the feet. We vacuum draws the air jet inward, and since it immediately creates will be installing a newer Moller console (control center) for the organ pressure in the pipe body, the air jet flips outward again. This rapid that will have three keyboards and a pedal board. Even though some alternating movement of the air jet into and out of the pipe, and the of pipes won’t be installed until a later time, there will be a “draw resulting flicks of the tip of the air jet across the upper lip, interact, knob” (control to add and remove sounds) in place on the console for one with the other, in a complex yet synchronous way, to create a them. steady oscillation of the air column in the pipe body. To this day, Our plan is to complete this project in three phases. The first physicists are studying and experimenting with flue pipes in order to completed for the rededication of the Sanctuary in April, and the other understand and explain the complexitiesassociatedwiththeir two phases as the campaign continues. The fist step in toneproduction.TheOrganists’ManualbyRogerE.Davis understanding this complex project is to examine each division pp.191" separately by showing and explaining each pipe. If you have any questions feel free to talk with me at church, call me 412.913.7543, or email me [email protected]. Congratulations to Edgeworth Elementary fifth grader Alexander Clifford for earning second place in his school’s competition in the 26th annual National Geographic Bee. He was one of 26 participants! (9) JANUARY 2014 MINUTES January 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pancake Breakfast to Benefit Kevin Kenny 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Liturgists' Breakfast 12:30 PM UMW Epiphany Luncheon 5 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM "Fellowship of the Cross" 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Small Group Bible Study 6 7 5:30 PM Kid's Night Out 8:00 PM AA 8 9:30 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Luncheon Preparation 6:00 PM Leap of Faith 7:00 PM Bible Study 10 9 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Monthly Salad Luncheon 6:15 PM Handbell Choir 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 11 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM QVMS Drama Club Cast Party 12 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM "Fellowship of the Cross" 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 12:00 PM Turkey Dinner Committee Meeting 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Small Group Bible Study 13 6:30 PM Finance Committee 6:30 PM Trustees 8:00 PM Council Meeting 14 5:30 PM Kid's Night Out 8:00 PM AA 15 9:30 AM Bible Study 6:00 PM Leap of Faith 7:00 PM Bible Study 16 6:15 PM Handbell Choir 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 17 18 20 21 5:30 PM Kid's Night Out 8:00 PM AA 22 9:30 AM Bible Study 6:00 PM Leap of Faith 7:00 PM Bible Study 23 24 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Monthly Soup and Sandwich Luncheon 6:15 PM Handbell Choir 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 25 27 28 5:30 PM Kid's Night Out 8:00 PM AA 29 9:30 AM Bible Study 6:00 PM Leap of Faith 7:00 PM Bible Study 30 Center for Hope Dinner 6:15 PM Handbell Choir 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 19 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM "Fellowship of the Cross" 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Small Group Bible Study 26 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM "Fellowship of the Cross" 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 12:00 PM Fellowship 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Small Group CONFIRMATION CLASS 31 Welcome to our newest church members Confirmation class for all of those 11 years of age and up will begin on January 26. Please contact the office or let Pastor Russel know (in writing) if you plan to take part. The classes will be held during the Sunday School hour (10 am) and will run up to Easter. Dorothy Jadlowiec Kate and Justin Ledger (10) JANUARY 2014 MINUTES A NOTE OF THANKS The SPRC Committee would like to thank everyone that donated to the Annual Christmas Purse. Your contributions were a nice way to say thank you to our wonderful, dedicated staff at this blessed time of the year. Happy New Year! Dear Sewickley United Methodist Church, November 2013 provided to be a record month for the Connellsville Area Community Ministries. We provided food to 534 families, this included distribution of 454 turkeys for Thanksgiving meals. Your contribution helped to provide the resources to distribute this food to the needy families in the Connellsville area. Thank you for your support and helping us to meet the needs, not only through the food pantry ministry, but also through our various crisis ministries that help prevent the shut off of utilities and eviction when clients are unable to meet their utility and rent payments. This Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, please remember that your support of Connellsville Area Community Ministries allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the needy and hurting people we serve. Merry Christmas, Chip Rowan, Executive Director Connellsville Area Community Ministries Dear Members of Sewickley UMC, If our thank you could be more tangible—you’d receive about 50 hugs today. That’s because—with your gift from Conference Advance Special to EUMA—you are helping us to aide the 50-plus people who will receive shelter and support through our program today. A recent review of our program numbers revealed some interesting information. In the last year, both the Refuge and Project Hope Outreach helped 30% more people than the previous year. In fact, through all of our mission programs, we helped 554 more people than the year before, for a total of 2,971! That’s a lot of hugs! It goes without saying, we wouldn’t be able to say “yes, we can help” to any of these 2,971 people if it weren’t for you. We can be there to give safe shelter, a listening ear, clothing, food, guidance and support because of our marvelous donors like you who make it all happen. Thank you for joining us in helping those in our community who are most in need. Keep updated through our website at euma-erie.org on how, together, we are accomplishing God’s commission to serve those in need. Thanking God for you, Cheryl Davis, Executive Director Erie United Methodist Alliance Dear Friends: Dear Friends in Mission: Thank you for your Advance Special gift received through the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church. This gift makes it possible for the Church Union to continue its work in the Pittsburgh region and within the urban areas of the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference. On behalf of the United Methodist Church Union Board of Directors, thank you for your generosity and continued support from Sewickley United Methodist Church. Thanks for all you do! Blessings, Rev. Larry P. Homitsky, President United Methodist Church Union Thank you for partnering with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Through your gift, you are helping to provide humanitarian relief when war, conflict, or natural disaster disrupts life to such an extent that communities are unable to recover on their own. Through the compassion and solidarity of faithful friends like you, UMCOR is able to provide comfort to those impacted by disasters like earthquakes and storms, food for the hungry, and healthcare to those who otherwise would have none. These are just a sampling of the good works that gifts like yours make possible. One hundred percent of your gift through The Advance, the designated giving channel of the United Methodist Church, will go directly to the people who need it most. Thank you for giving so generously both our United States and International Disaster Response projects. To those who purchased gift tags, bought hot chocolate on Light Up Night, contributed gift cards for our college kids' care packages, donated You can find out more about UMCOR’s work by visiting our website at umcor.org. Your gift will bring hope to those who need it most. money or items for the gift bags for our shut-ins, and joined us for an Grace and Peace, afternoon of Christmas caroling, the FOTC kids would like to say: Shawn Bakker THANK YOU! We very much appreciate all of the support for our various Roland Fernandes, General Treasurer Deputy General Secretary December projects. Dear Wonderful Church Family. Thank you for your kind and generous “Christmas Purse” gift. I am truly grateful and thankful to you all. Blessings, Pam Hess I would just like to thank Pastor Shuluga and the Fellowship of the Cross for the beautiful poinsettia and nice gift bag that Pastor Shuluga brought up to the house the other day. It was so nice to be remembered at Christmas time and I appreciate your kindness. Mary Ann Cottom (11)