
Local Ride Activities
British Columbia: Vancouver Island – Members and other riders meet Sundays at 10:30
at Moka House Coffee Cook St. Village, 345 Cook Street, Victoria, BC
June 3 and July 1 – Planned Day ride 9:30, Julia’s, 300 Broadway East, (breakfast about 8 AM)
June 13 and July 18 – Meet and Greet, 7 PM Cuff
June 5 and July 3 – Meet and Greet, 7 PM Portland Eagle meeting and event planning
June 10 and July 8 – Breakfast and possible Day ride
Victoria Day 2012
The weather was great as about 25 people went to the Pine Flats campsite a day early for the 43 Victoria Day Weekend
run. They occupied the lower campsites and were prepared for the truck when it arrived about 2:30 Friday afternoon
loaded with the food and supplies for the 90 plus people who had registered.
Others also had arrived by then and the
camp was set up in less than an hour.
Throughout the afternoon most of the other
riders appeared and picked up their run
gifts of t-shirts and kickstand plates.
Dan prepared his “flower-decorated” campfire while Randy and Roy organized the kitchen volunteers for the first of many
outstanding meals.
After dinner David F gave the president’s welcome, Dan and Deb reviewed safe riding, and Dave E outlined some of the
potential day rides for Saturday. As usual the campfire pulled everyone together – warming old friends and introducing
new ones. We were pleased to have so many new guests join us this year – setting a new record for attendance.
Saturday began early with coffee around the campfire and the kitchen in full swing preparing a breakfast of scrambled
eggs, ham, and hollandaise on a croissant along with fruit, sweet rolls, and other
Many people headed out for day rides about 9:30 while others relaxed in camp or planned short trips back to civilization.
Dave E led a relaxed ride of two-up bikes and novice riders to Lake Wenatchee and then lunch. Others selected higher
speed options, but everyone made it back in time to shower and assemble for the 5 PM club meeting.
The group photo gives you an idea of how much fun everyone was having.
Following the president’s famous margaritas the campfire was turned into a giant grill allowing people to cook a steak to
their liking and accompany it with all the fixing.
After dark members voted on their choices for 2013 campsites and Andrew presented the 2011 run video with photos,
video, and music to remind us of the great times we had last year. As always, members and guests are reminded to get
their photos to Andrew for next year’s video. With lots of guests and new bikes the lineup for the bike initiation was
substantial. The evening continued with people talking around the campfire until late.
Sunday morning began with a pancake breakfast before the memorial service to honor those members we lost in the past
year. Three brass plates were added to the tree as members recalled their experiences with Frank, Perry, and Greg.
About a third of the riders were staying over Sunday night, so
most of the camp was broken down and loaded into the truck
before people departed. Those headed to Portland escaped
the rain, but Seattle riders were not so lucky getting home.
The Sunday evening meal was leftovers, but they were great!
It was followed by “extreme bocce” (because of the slope,
holes, and tall grass) and a campfire well into the evening.
The weather at the campsite on Sunday afternoon and
Monday was still delightful. After final loading the truck
departed Pine Flats about 8:30 Monday - another successful
Victoria Day Weekend. Thanks to all who helped make it so.
From the handlebars of the President
Hot men! The 43 Victoria Day weekend was a great gathering of tents, motorcycles, and the men that ride them! They
travelled from afar and it was the largest ever attended our Victoria Day weekend!
And it could not have happened without the strategic efforts of your club officers Paul DeRoy, Dave Eckert, Tom Swope,
and Jack Osterberg; along with many awesome members like Dusty Evers, Darwin Goetz, Deb Odenrider, Dan Sweer
and Andy Hahn. We even had some stellar guests like Meat Hammerberg, Jeff Conner and Paul Weiss, and Kaler Wise
that went out of their way to unload the truck in Seattle.
If you’ve felt that you missed out, and wished you could’ve been there, we’ll have additional pictures up on the website. If
that’s not enough, then come and join us this summer, ‘cause we missed you, too!
The next run will be in Coulee, WA. I’m looking forward to this weekend ‘cause it’s suppose to be hot. And BOY!, do I
love when it’s hot ; {D
So fuel up your tanks, pack your swim suits, bring your camera, and join in! We’ll have scenic views, hot nights, and great
rides with the guys.
Men, it’s time to rev those engines and get your ride on!
Upcoming Weekend Camps for 2012
June 15-17
July 20-22
August 24-26
September 21-23
October 19-21
Steamboat Rock State Park near Grand Coulee, WA
Log House Resort, Enterprise, OR
Cougar Rock in Mount Rainer National Park, WA (fourth weekend)
Sasquatch Provincial Park, Harrison Hot Springs, BC (fourth weekend)
Silver Falls State Park, east of Salem OR
June Weekend Camp at Steamboat Rock
Registration is now available on the website for our weekend run to Steamboat Rock State Park on June 15-17.
Registration is $15 for members, $20 for guests. Registration closes June 12 at 9 PM PDT.
Our group site is located on the banks of the lake so bring your swimsuit as well as plan to do one of the great day rides
that are available. We assemble Friday night with our opening campfire. Group rides on Saturday will be followed by the
club meeting and dinner at a local restaurant. Saturday night around the campfire renews friendships as you discuss the
day’s activities.
We expect it to be hot and dry and we will be bringing one of the large cook tents and a cooler for ice. Bring your
Plan to take extra time for July
Our Border Riders July camp is located in Enterprise, Oregon which is a long distance ride for all our members. However,
it is home to some of the very best motorcycle roads in the country. We plan to have food catered in on Friday evening.
Breakfast will be available at the campsite on Saturday and Sunday. Our club meeting and dinner will be held at a local
restaurant on Saturday night and a shuttle will be available if you don’t want to ride
We will have some short day rides planned, and there are non-riding activities at camp or in Enterprise or Joseph. But if
you really want the best riding experiences they will be full-day rides…..and there are several. Here is an example of one
road you should not miss. This is Rattlesnake Canyon and is listed as number 15 in the nation by the AMA
Other rides include a trip to Halfway, OR or visiting Wallowa Lake. We will also have longer rides for anyone who has
time available. Some members have already said they plan to take a few extra days. You may add days to the beginning
or end of the club weekend – and we have arranged with our camp hosts for a discounted rate of $8 per day per person
which includes the towels for your shower. Additional full-day rides and other alternatives to camping are available by
sending an email to [email protected]
Portland Riders Visit Silver Falls
The May day ride for Portland members and guests was an opportunity to visit our October campsite at Silver Falls.
Because the weather in October may be questionable this ride will allow all vehicles. The camp will be at the “Old Ranch”
which is a large grassy area for those who want to tent, and a large “barn” for those that just want to bring an air mattress
and sleeping bag. The building has a central large fireplace and sleeping bunks along the upper balcony.
Birthday Men
The following members have birthdays in June. Maybe someone will buy them some motorcycle bling to celebrate. Take
a moment to tell them Happy Birthday.
Mark C (June 3); Iain M (June 8); Paul D (June 9); Ron L (June 17); Ron V (June 20); David F (June 28)
Other Gay Motorcycle Club Events
Here is information about other ride opportunities that might be of interest:
Golden Fleece Run - by Rocky Mountaineers Motorcycle Club of Colorado will not be held this year.
Hawgs Dawgs will hold their run over the June 8-10 weekend in Ava, MO if you are up for a long ride (2K from Portland).
Bubba is an old friend of mine and would love to meet some other Border Riders. Information at Their event ties into a larger event the following weekend (but that conflicts with our
monthly run).
Valley Knights Motorcycle Club (Sacramento, CA) Their French Meadows (July 20-22) run conflicts with our run to
Enterprise, OR. However, if you plan to be in the bay area this would be a fun run to attend. Contact Gerard Wing at
[email protected] for more information.
Barn Dance - Mollalla, OR - Saturday July 28. Portland guest rider Dave J hosts an annual BBQ and barn dance for
about 100 people with an opportunity to tent camp overnight. This is always a lot of fun. Information at
Badger Flats - The Satyrs Motorcycle Club from LA will be hosting their 2012 Badger Flats Camping weekend over Labor
Day ( 8/31-9/3). This event was the start of the gay motorcycle camping runs and this year they celebrate their 51 run.
It is located above Huntingdon Lake about 60 miles east of Fresno, CA high in the Sierras. The weekend cost is $219.00
Details at
Oregon Bears – September 13-16 the Oregon Bears annual camp will be at the Lone Fir Resort in Cougar, WA.
( Bikers welcome, additional details at
Queer Biker Invasion of Death Valley – is scheduled for October 6-8, 2012. This is a non-camping motel ride departing
from San Francisco and always has an unusual mix of bikes and riders. General information at
How to become a Border Rider member
The Border Riders Motorcycle club is the largest and one of the oldest gay motorcycle clubs in North America. Founded
in 1969 it currently has over 70 members primarily from Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. The club provides
social and educational opportunities for our members and guests interested in recreational motorcycle touring. Our
diverse, international membership is composed of both seasoned riders and beginners, and we come from all walks of life
and professions.
We also accept all types of bikes. Our members ride a variety of makes and models ranging from sport to touring
motorcycles, and we welcome any motorcycle capable of sustained highway speeds. This is about riding and group
camaraderie rather than motorcycle brand. The commonality that binds us is the love of motorcycling and the enjoyment
that comes from touring some of the best roads for motorcycling in Canada and the USA—all in a spirit of friendship and
In the off season, we do monthly meeting and look for social activities to keep people involved. These meeting are open to
members and invited guests.
To really participate in the club we encourage you to consider becoming a member. Riders who have ridden with the club
for a year may be sponsored by a member. Your sponsor will work with you to submit a photo and short bio which will be
posted on our private website. Members will be informed of your desire to be a member and you are encouraged to be
sure that other members get to know you. At our general meeting in January club members vote privately on prospective
members. Accepted members receive their colors at a ceremony at our annual Banquet in February.