CiFzen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo


CiFzen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo
Ci#zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo Julie Banfield | Postdoctoral Fellow 13 December 2013 CSIRO ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE @42jkb 2 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Larger datasets need more processing power! !"#$
Slide courtesy of Ivy Wong (CASS) 3 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Cogni#ve Surplus 200 billion hours a year spent watching TV by US adults TV People have A LOT of free <me! Wikipedia Slide courtesy of Chris Synder (Zooniverse/Alder) 4 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb 5 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb 6 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb 7 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Science Publica#ons Since 2008, Galaxy Zoo à 32+ papers, 720+ cita#ons 25 20 Whale FM 800,000+ par#cipants 15 Ancient Lives Old Weather Ice Hunters Milky Way 10 Planet Hunters Supernova 5 Stormwatch Galaxy Zoo 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 8 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Is the Universe ‘lopsided’? 9 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb “Classifying very large data sets is obviously beyond the capability of a single person. Therefore the galaxy classifica<on problem calls for new approaches” Lahav et al. (1995) Science 10 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb The History the Zooniverse Kevin Schawinski ETH Zurich @kevinschawinski Chris Lintof University of Oxford @chrislintof 11 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Ci#zen Science Pros and ‘Cons’ •  People eyeballing-­‐power •  Huge samples •  Pafern recogni<on •  Discovering unknowns •  More <me for science •  Cheap •  Outreach + actual science 12 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb •  Outreach can be hard •  Must be compelling •  On-­‐going maintenance •  Can’t do everything Ci#zen Science 1. 
For good science return à Project must excite Users are smart and tech savvy but easily bored Keep it simple. Some result >> no result Leave interpreta<on to the professionals 13 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Evolu#onary Map of the Universe 14 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb 9°
Courtesy of Ilana Feain 15 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb 16 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Ac#ve Galac#c Nuclei (AGN) Images courtesy of NRAO/AUI 17 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb 18 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Demo RGZ 19 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Image 2 radio sources •  X and Y coords •  ULC lowest contour 2 infrared sources •  X and Y coords 20 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb “MongoDB (from “humongous”) is an open-­‐source document database, and leading the NoSQL database. Wrifen in C++” h^p:// C
Ruby C++ Rails CSharp Scala Java Perl PHP Python 21 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Ivy Wong -­‐ Julie Banfield -­‐ Ray Norris -­‐ Larry Rudnick -­‐ Stas Shabala -­‐ Brooke Simmons -­‐ Rob Simpson -­‐ Chris Snyder -­‐ Ed Paget -­‐ Amit Kapadia -­‐ Melanie Gendre -­‐ Enno Middelberg -­‐ Arfon Smith -­‐ Laura Whyte -­‐ Chris Lintof -­‐ Karen Masters -­‐ Kevin Schawinski -­‐ Kyle Willef -­‐ Heinz Andernack -­‐ Rob Hollow -­‐ Nick Seymour -­‐ Steven Bamford -­‐ Tania Burchell -­‐ Lorefa Dunne -­‐ Lucy Fortson -­‐ Samuel George -­‐ Ian Heywood -­‐ Maf Jarvis -­‐ Hans-­‐Rainer Klockner 22 | Ci<zen Science and Radio Galaxy Zoo | Julie Banfield | @42jkb Thank you CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Julie Banfield OCE Postdoctoral Fellow E Julie.Banfi[email protected] CSIRO ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE 6FLHQFHLVDSURFHVV,W

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