Max Power Oct 1998 (BMW)


Max Power Oct 1998 (BMW)
FIERTHE5oth lap ol the
confidencewas at a
1o berngcaretularoundthe corners AdvEe
was go ng 1o happe. soon.The
Cosworlhenginewas whooshnzing awayunclerthe hugebonnet.suppy ng
a gafgantuan33obhpto the backwhees. but
the massive255 Falkentyresshowedlittle
srgnofgivingup gnp.11'eownerwas mres
away.unawareol the pasringrt was gen ng at
the handsot an o\,ersteerlunkie,
bul woud
the bastards ide? Nope.
Ercusesrangedfrom'it w6s far too blsy on
that roundaboutto rny pantswereakeady
brmmrng, b|4 noneof I reallymanered.
\adim Butl s craz)tsedes with a Cossre
engne (a n pprn Cossieenginelof Christs
sakel)desefvedto be drven like thar.A four
we bo.rowedNadm s c ior a tlle onger
than he expected.!!ell, t just wouldnl ha!€
b€enpoliteif we hadnl cru sed the streelsof
Edrnblrgh.shadeson, tlrn€s oud checkng
oul th€ townfor q'ralrlyscottishbeaver
SuQns,ngas ( seemsfor a car wnh such
a. awesomebodykt,rhe Ssenes dd.1
attractmuchaltenton in the cfty.Perhapst s
rhe blackpaintlalthoughf you look closery
you r s€e a green.bile and purplenrp),or
pedaps fs becauseit looksso rntimdating.
We saw loads or people glance at
th€ car and qurcklylook
rl theywerelookng nto the eyes
ol Medusa.-No offenc€
inlended,Nadim.bur yourcar
lookshlie a nrobsteasnrolo' and the b rds
so, to a tou g rls \\ho slo e a so ra'r
g anceat the caron l !, 31 _ t on! - gf ci!
centre flefe s wlratyou f) sscd
A iull Zeemaxkittedbodyshe s" ch
rncudes 'nrusthave cornersp ners an. a
fronrbunrpe.srmrarIn shapeto the Ear _E
mouthfrequentlyseenon bashngsha':
land our ofncemanager,Mrchelled!..C .
Whenvewed ffornabove.the flaredarches
makethe car rook ke ihe automot!e
equvaent of a dumbbell.and rhe deep D
Vbrdr: Nick Pictlue.r Fly
<I s ne sl1]risrcaerlLrate tlre nlscle iook
, r i : , s a so fro lfe Jf.
. f Ll. s f €nr c'lel n ^ d rep e .ed { llr a
verv nre nde.n rnt !o! d
- rfo d slsteD
. srlerle rn g dar 1r ! ng 10
: r ! . , . saeor
' : . , 1' f.,1 rro ,,:. fri: oL l. lt f; pp€nec . .
T", t a. ! - rirr ' .a !rmrate s l! 1o f ant ns l.
ro k ng hot ., !\ I ii!.:s b crrnd lhe r ear
, ! h ees to. d ll,i!.' .oo .9 . I lad t hey r ook
50 good 1 doe\' 1 .d!1er ]n;l lfe! do
. 9 s o ute! n.l ,! :. -€ .lne ! r . ' r es
Ta [ .t .r _c: .,
1 _S lhe a'ler
e ! ne tre. ar ii d trrj p .s1 ng s as k c ot eiil
t i e door t o he ! ,tse I On c. l d had s one s r . r l
qralled oa.l ofto frr i-.e a.d nrt \ s on
' L s r or€d.rhe s8 h :r.jr.e f' J laf ir €d e\ ei
aDsour€ r slun.'ig.
\nd m read a Cos!!o(h Eurt: ClrCe
ieaiure rn [1a( and th€ io ow n! q.ote
rr.lJl,e.r h nr bj |re nlls and a.r r lrrtrf f8
I . r' s , re.. s!Ocrh e.o eslrr€ C , . ! -€ r , ouid
c ! s! pe' nan 8 .:.,an . sp ar,' ! r ' ' . ' r l
capri n Arnerca ro ed nto orn Hn\ .g .c,,fr
o w . ed anlt lr n g olh er:h an Eef r f r s . Nadn)
d e c deo on t he o n \ .f se -s r , I c Dt . .
| ltch o r. ol ttre niosl nioo,ta.tlashs tras
r n - _. r . i s ! . e:r e € e . e \ e r {a s p o s t r r o f ! . i
.or.e.r \ !!rr ch nr€i.r r_r €ng re sas p aceo
. os e r o lln. lr e w a r l .L o o l s w s € . r e a l e s a n
Lr g\ t . p . o . | o n t b l t t h s s d s s o o f c u r e d
,r rh i o!3|\ carbof e.r s . a 'abr ..'e.l b!
Gooae Rac ne
The whc ' . ! . S . . t s o l r tI . 1 8 i n ! ! o r f ! S s .
were bouglrt iro.r Auto Dcs gn Techncs .
Br - dl. r i ior . g ! p . o l e r r {o n ^ d +h a i g r a n d .
\ l- igq .i-s dc.eN Nad n s 8MW
Cosxorl s n lr!€ .drenre n acr ne !v€
t r or . Lgr r! . . t o r e d l r a n g n l a r o l n d
El nlJ r r r , I r . N a d n r . w e t h a n k y o ! T u r g h
ao a ttle rarn dance belore
:l oie to s€e nos soesals tre
c nudgL' r I , - . , . ! r 'r , l ! j !
c€r Dlh . nftr
rdEn t|ro *e rm'b'm.d
by'.Ath.n5 rnto dE o{ th. tn,6 Gd!c.
xd .eFa'am€
I wtktut t@rhg a4 het. pduntdbtr - Rtstrt.

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