ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 1 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 2 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 S L OV E N S KO Z D R U @ E N J E V E T E R I N A R J E V Z A M A L E @ I VA L I S L O V E N I A N S M A L L A N I M A L V E T E R I N A RY A S S O C I AT I O N ZBORNIK REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJA O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI http://www.zdruzenje-szvmz.si/ 3 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 VSEBINA Hackett T: The critical cat – Triage, vascular access and emergency treament ............................ 7 Hackett T: Feline shock – The unique challenges of treating cats .............................................. 11 Romagnoli S: Feline pediatrics ................................................................................................. 13 Romagnoli S: Techniques for neonatal resuscitation and critical care ....................................... 18 Hackett T: Managing the dyspneic cat – Case studies in feline respiratory distress ................... 23 Hackett T: Feline trauma ......................................................................................................... 26 Romagnoli S: Practical use of hormones in feline reproduction ................................................ 29 Romagnoli S: Ovarian remnant syndrome in the queen: Clinical approach to a surgeon’s dilemma ........................................................................................................... 38 Domanjko Petri~ A: Sr~no popuš~anje pri ma~ki ....................................................................... 41 Knez V: Zgodnja sterilizacija in kastracija ma~k ........................................................................ 43 Kogovšek J: Kirurško zdravljenje zlomov stegnenice pri ma~kah ............................................. 46 Bourdeau P: Fungal diseases of the skin in cats ...................................................................... 49 Bourdeau P: Skin condition in cats: parasitic or not? .............................................................. 56 Brlo`nik M, Zaninovi} P, Zdovc I: Pristop k diagnostiki bolezni spodnjih se~il pri ma~ki ............. 60 Rejec A, Jeraj M, Butinar J, Fidel JL: Pospešeni protokol obsevanja pri zdravljenju ploš~atoceli~nega karcinoma smr~ka in ustne votline pri ma~kah ............................................. 61 Firm I, Rejec A, Butinar J: Sindrom »okna na kip« in akutne ledvi~ne odpovedi pri doma~i ma~ki ..................................................................................................................... 62 Pogorevc E, Celinšek B: Diagnostika pankreatitisa pri ma~kah ................................................. 63 Zajc R: Dihalna stiska pri ma~ki – stabilizacija, diagnostika in pogosti vzroki ............................. 65 Porenta K: Rehabilitacija in fizioterapija psa po operaciji kolka – klini~ni primeri ....................... 67 Firm I: Osnove EKG za tehnike ............................................................................................... 69 Lukanc B: Pooperacijska oskrba ma~ke .................................................................................... 71 Seliškar A: Ma~ka in analgetiki ................................................................................................ 74 Celinšek B: Odvzem biološkega materiala pri ma~ki ................................................................. 78 Nemec Svete A, Tozon N: Ravnanje z vzorci za izvajanje testov za ugotavljanje ku`nih bolezni ma~k ............................................................................................................... 80 Knez V: Krvne skupine ma~k .................................................................................................. 84 Pavlin D: Rokovanje s katetri in sondami ................................................................................ 87 Erjavec V: Razlika med ma~jo in pasjo ustno votlino ................................................................ 89 Suhadolc Scholten S: Majhne skrivnosti za boljše po~utje ma~k ............................................... 93 Izdalo: Slovensko zdru`enje veterinarjev za male `ivali Fotografija: Arhiva Term Krka Krofi~ M, Mlakar N, Tomsi~ K, Pavlica Z, Seliškar A, Tozon N: Celostna obravnava geriatri~nega stomatološkega pacienta – klini~ni primer ........................................................... 94 Nemec Svete A, Lukanc B, Tomsi~ K, Seliškar A: Kvantitativno dolo~anje koncentracije CRP pri psih z uporabo nove imunokemijske metode .......................................... 97 Ravnik U, Suhadolc Scholten S, Tozon N: Hemobartoneloza pri ma~ki – klini~ni primer .......... 100 Oblikovanje: AKTA DESIGN www.akta-sp.si Naklada: 250 izvodov Plavec T: Hiperaldosteronizem pri ma~kah – pogostejši kot si mislimo? ................................... 102 Marhold C, Slavec B, Ra~nik J, Zadravec M, ^on~ M, Dov~ A: Diagnostika klamidijskih oku`b pri ma~kah .............................................................................................. 104 Oman M, Dov~ A, Kvapil P, Kastelic M, Miheli~ B: Zdravstvena problematika zapuš~enih ma~k v mestni ob~ini Ljubljana. ........................................................................... 106 4 2 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 UPRAVNI ODBOR SLOVENSKEGA ZDRU@ENJA VETERINARJEV ZA MALE @IVALI SZVM@ ORGANIZACIJSKI IN UREDNI[KI ODBOR Doc. dr. Alenka SELIŠKAR, dr. vet. med. (predsednica), Ljubljana Prof. dr. Nata{a TOZON, dr.vet. med. (podpredsednica – bodo~a predsednica), Ljubljana Igor FIRM, dr. vet. med. (blagajnik), Mozirje Sara SUHADOLC SCHOLTEN, dr. vet. med. (tajnica), Ljubljana Mag. Jure PIPP, dr. vet. med. (~lan), Ljubljana Mag. Iztok VALENTIN^I^, dr. vet. med. (~lan), Maribor ^ASTNA ^LANA ZDRU@ENJA: Prof. dr. Vjekoslav SIM^I^, dr. vet. med., Ljubljana, Slovenija in Prof. dr. Jones R. BOYD, Dublin, Irska. WORLD SMALL ANIMAL VETERINARY ASSOCIATION - WSAVA OFFICERS President: Dr. David WADSWORTH ( U.K. ) President elect: Dr. Jolle KIRPENSTEIJN ( The Netherlands ) Secretary: Dr. Walt INGWERSEN ( Canada ) Vice president: Dr. Peter J. Ihrke ( USA ) Treasurer: Dr. Diane SHEEHAN ( Australia ) Immediate past president: Dr. Brian ROMBERG ( South Africa ) FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN COMPANION ANIMAL VETERINARY ASSOCIATIONS FECAVA OFFICERS President: Dr. Johan Van TILBURG ( Belgium ) Vice president: Dr. Simon ORR ( U.K. ) Past president: Dr. Andrew BYRNE ( Ireland ) Secretary: Dr. Monique MEGENS ( The Netherlands ) Treasurer: Dr. Jerzy GAWOR ( Poland ) EJCAP Editor: Dr. Keith A. DAVIS ( U.K. ) 5 3 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Generalni pokrovitelj: PFIZER LUXEMBOURG SARL PODRU@NICA ZA SVETOVANJE S PODRO^JA FARMACEVTSKE DEJAVNOSTI, LJUBLJANA, Letališka 3c, 1000 Ljubljana Simpozij so omogo~ili še: ABBOTT LABORATORIES D.O.O., PODRU@NICA LJUBLJANA, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana BTL MARKETING D.O.O., Zalo`nikova ulica 43, 1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani DIPROS D.O.O., Gorenjesavska cesta 54, 4000 Kranj FECAVA - THE FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN VETERINARY COMPANION ANIMAL ASSOCIATIONS INTERVET INTERNATIONAL B.V., BOXMEER podru`nica Ljubljana, Kri`na ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana IRIS MEDNARODNA TRGOVINA D.O.O., Cesta v gorice 8, 1000 Ljubljana KEMOFARMACIJA VELETRGOVINA ZA OSKRBO ZDRAVSTVA D.D., Cesta na Brdo 100, 1000 Ljubljana KRKA, TOVARNA ZDRAVIL D.D., Šmarješka cesta 6, 8501 Novo mesto MM SURGICAL DRU@BA ZA TRGOVINO IN ZASTOPANJE D.O.O., Galjevica 81, 1000 Ljubljana NOVARTIS VETERINA D.O.O., Verovškova 57A, 1000 Ljubljana SALUS d.d., Mašera Spasi}eva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana SCHERING - PLOUGH CENTRAL EAST AG LUZERN, ŠVICA PREDSTAVNIŠTVO V SLOVENIJI, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana SANOLABOR D.D., Leskoškova cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana TOSAMA TOVARNA SANITETNEGA MATERIALA D.D., Šaranovi~eva cesta 35, 1230 Dom`ale UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI VETERINARSKA FAKULTETA, Gerbi~eva 60, 1000 Ljubljana VETCONSULT PHARMA TRGOVINA IN MARKETING D.O.O., Gerbi~eva 50, 1000 Ljubljana VET PET TRGOVINA D.O.O., Letališka 29, 1000 Ljubljana VETERINA PLUS D.O.O., Dunajska 51, 1000 Ljubljana VETPROMET, ZASTOPANJE D.O.O., Cesta na Brdo 100, 1000 Ljubljana ZOO MARKET PREIS MARKETING, TEHNOLOGIJA IN IN@ENIRING D.O.O., Eipprova 3, 1000 Ljubljana 6 4 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 P XXIII. SIMPOZIJ SOBOTA, 24. april 2010, velika dvorana KKC Moderator: Kogovšek J 09.00 – 09.30 Domanjko Petri~ A: Sr~no popuš~anje pri ma~ki 09.30 – 10.00 Knez V: Zgodnja sterilizacija in kastracija ma~k 10.00 – 10.30 Kogovšek J: Kirurško zdravljenje zlomov stegnenice pri ma~kah 10.30 – 11.00 ODMOR Moderator: Kotnik T 11.00 – 11.45 Bourdeau P: Fungal diseases of the skin in cats 11.45 – 12.30 Bourdeau P: Skin condition in cats: parasitic or not? 12.30 – 14.00 KOSILO Moderator: Valentin~i~ I 14.00 – 14.15 Brlo`nik M, Zaninovi} P, Zdovc I: Pristop k diagnostiki bolezni spodnjih se~il pri ma~ki 14.15 – 14.30 Rejec A, Jeraj M, Butinar J, Fidel JL: Pospešeni protokol obsevanja pri zdravljenju ploš~atoceli~nega karcinoma smr~ka in ustne votline pri ma~kah 14.30 – 14.45 Firm I, Rejec A, Butinar J: Sindrom »okna na kip« in akutne ledvi~ne odpovedi pri doma~i ma~ki 14.45 – 15.00 Pogorevc E, Celinšek B: Diagnostika pankreatitisa pri ma~kah 15.00 – 15.15 Zajc R: Dihalna stiska pri ma~ki – stabilizacija, diagnostika in pogosti vzroki 15.15 – 15.30 Porenta K: Rehabilitacija in fizioterapija psa po operaciji kolka – klini~ni primeri 15.30 ZAKLJU^EK SIMPOZIJA O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH rogram MALIH @IVALI ^ETRTEK, 22. april 2010, velika dvorana KKC PREDKONGRESNI DAN - DERMATOLOGIJA (dermatološke parazitoze) 08.00 – 09.00 PRIJAVA UDELE@ENCEV 09.00 – 09.15 Kotnik T: Otvoritev 09.15 – 10.00 Bordeau P: Differential diagnosis of the alopecic dog 10.00 – 10.30 Bourdeau P: New aspects in canine leishmaniosis 10.30 – 11.15 ODMOR 11.15 – 12.00 Predstavitev klini~nih primerov 12.00 – 12.30 Skupš~ina Dermatološke sekcije 12.30 – 14.00 KOSILO 14.00 – 14.15 Pipp J: Pozdravne besede 14.15 – 15.00 Convert G: Cat scratch disease, a dermatological issue? 15.00 – 15.45 Bourdeau P: The variety of skin conditions due to mites (and ticks) in dogs 15.45 – 16.15 ODMOR 16.15 – 17.00 Bourdeau P: Dermatoses due to fleas or other insects: A challenge for the clinician 17.00 – 17.45 Bourdeau P: Internal parasites in dogs: How to control them? - some key points from Dirofilaria to Leishmania 17.45 – 18.30 Razprava 20.00 VE^ERJA (Merial) SOBOTA, 24. april 2010, mala dvorana KKC PROGRAM ZA VETERINARSKE TEHNIKE 08.00 - 09.00 PRIJAVA UDELE@ENCEV Moderator: Seliškar A 09.00 – 09.30 Firm I: Osnove EKG za tehnike 09.30 – 10.00 Lukanc B: Pooperacijska oskrba ma~ke 10.00 – 10.30 Seliškar A: Ma~ka in analgetiki 10.30 – 11.00 ODMOR Moderator: Knez V 11.00 – 11.30 Celinšek B: Odvzem biološkega materiala pri ma~ki 11.30 – 12.00 Nemec Svete A, Tozon N: Ravnanje z vzorci za izvajanje testov za ugotavljanje ku`nih bolezni ma~k 12.00 – 12.30 Knez V: Krvne skupine ma~k 12.30 – 14.00 KOSILO Moderator: Pavlin D 14.00 – 14.30 Pavlin D: Rokovanje s katetri in sondami 14.30 – 15.00 Erjavec V: Razlika med ma~jo in pasjo ustno votlino 15.00 – 15.30 Suhadolc Scholten S: Majhne skrivnosti za boljše po~utje ma~k 15.30 ZAKLJU^EK SIMPOZIJA PETEK, 23. april 2010, velika dvorana KKC 08.00 – 09.00 PRIJAVA UDELE@ENCEV 09.00 OTVORITEV SIMPOZIJA Moderator: Seliškar A 09.00 – 09.45 Hackett T: The critical cat – Triage, vascular access and emergency treament 09.45 – 10.30 Hackett T: Feline shock – The unique challenges of treating cats 10.30 – 11.00 ODMOR Moderator: Tozon N 11.00 – 11.45 Romagnoli S: Feline pediatrics 11.45 – 12.30 Romagnoli S: Techniques for neonatal resuscitation and critical care 12.30 – 14.00 KOSILO Moderator: Pipp J 14.00 – 14.45 Hackett T: Managing the dyspneic cat – Case studies in feline respiratory distress 14.45 – 15.30 Hackett T: Feline trauma 15.30 – 16.00 ODMOR Moderator: Knez V 16.00 – 16.45 Romagnoli S: Practical use of hormones in feline reproduction 16.45 – 17.30 Romagnoli S: Ovarian remnant syndrome in the queen: Clinical approach to a surgeon’s dilemma 17.30 – 19.00 SKUPŠ^INA SZVM@ 20.00 VE^ERJA (Pfizer) POSTERJI Krofi~ M, Mlakar N, Tomsi~ K, Pavlica Z, Seliškar A, Tozon N: Celostna obravnava geriatri~nega stomatološkega pacienta – klini~ni primer Nemec Svete A, Lukanc B, Tomsi~ K, Seliškar A: Kvantitativno dolo~anje koncentracije CRP pri psih z uporabo nove imunokemijske metode Ravnik U, Suhadolc Scholten S, Tozon N: Hemobartoneloza pri ma~ki – klini~ni primer Plavec T: Hiperaldosteronizem pri ma~kah – pogostejši kot si mislimo? Marhold C, Slavec B, Ra~nik J, Zadravec M, ^on~ M, Dov~ A: Diagnostika klamidijskih oku`b pri ma~kah Oman M, Dov~ A, Kvapil P, Kastelic M, Miheli~ B: Zdravstvena problematika zapuš~enih ma~k v mestni ob~ini Ljubljana 7 5 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 8 6 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 The Critical Cat Triage, Vascular Access and Emergency Treatment Tim Hackett Triage Veterinarians must understand the unique problems related to feline size and physiology that require special attention in emergencies. With a basic understanding of feline emergency medicine these small patients that can be managed in most veterinary hospitals. Each new patient should be evaluated in an orderly and systematic manner. Problems that interfere with vital physiological functions should receive the highest priority. These are generally disorders of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, or neurological system. Disability--Is there evidence of neurological injury? Sei zures? Subcutaneous emphysema over nasal sinus es? Broken teach? What is the posture of the animal? Is the animal bright, alert and responsive? Does the animal respond to painful stimuli? Are the pupils di lated, constricted, of equal size, and responsive to light? Is there an extremity fracture that might threaten a peripheral nerve? Management of the life-threatening problems identified during the primary survey is continued as shock therapy begins. The secondary survey identifies all other problems related to the trauma. The entire animal's body is examined again from head to toe. Necessary diagnostic samples are collected and submitted. Only when the patient is stable are indicated radiographs taken. In-depth management of the patient's less life-threatening problems is undertaken in the definitive care phase. Initial Assessment Do an initial assessment of the critical feline to identify life-threatening physiological problems. Whenever a problem is identified immediate therapy is begun. This "primary survey” follows the ABC (and D's) of triage and resuscitation: Cardiovascular System Airway--Is the cat having difficulty moving air? Is there an airway obstruction? This can create a highpitched sound heard best over the obstruction. Breathing--Is the cat dyspneic? What is the color of the mucous membranes? Pulmonary contusions, pneu monia, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, diaphrag matic hernia, and broken ribs can all result in a rapid, shallow (restrictive) breathing pattern. Circulation--Is there evidence of hemorrhage, fluid loss or heart disease? Are the mucous membranes pale and dry? Are the femoral pulses weak and rapid? Are the extremities cold? Is the abdomen distended? External blood loss is and a venous catheter is inserted. Blood samples are collected for analysis of the packed cell volume and serum total solids. The remainder of the sample can be saved for a complete blood count and biochemical analysis. The initial intravenous solution can be any crystalloid fluid, such as normal saline, Hartmann's lactate, or Normosol-R. Crystalloid fluids should be titrated to each patient. Cats are extremely sensitive to overhydration and aggressive fluids can easily create more problems with pulmonary edema. Our technique is to administer one fourth of a shock volume (Shock volume in cats is 45 ml/kg of crystalloid fluid) in the first 10 minutes. We give the dose in 10 ml/kg test doses to avoid iatrogenic fluid overload. Most case that are volume depleted will show improvement with only modest fractions of the total shock volume. Titration cannot be overemphasized. Serious problems can develop if too much fluid is given to quickly. Tim Hackett D.V.M., M.S. Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Associate Professor and Small Animal Medical Chief of Staff After the initial bolus, we assess for evidence of shock (rapid heart rate, tachopnoea, weak pulses, cool extremities, slow capillary refill time), and then give another quarter shock volume over the next 20 minutes. At thir- James L. Voss Veterinary Medical Center Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 [email protected] 9 7 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 ty minutes the patient is again assessed and a packed cell volume and total solids is evaluated. Packed cell volume and total solids are rechecked thirty minutes after beginning fluid therapy. If the packed cell volume drops below 25 to 30% and the patient is still showing signs of shock, whole blood is given. If the serum total solids drops below 45 gm/L a colloid should be used to maintain intravascular volume. We tend to use hydroxyethyl starch at doses of 5-10 ml/kg. Colloids like crystalloids can cause volume overload. Take care when giving these fluids quickly. Other variables include fluid balance (body weight, central venous pressure), serum electrolytes, urine production, coagulation function and patient comfort. Fluid Balance. Because of increased capillary permeability and decreased systemic vascular resistance, critically ill cats can experience large fluid movement from the vasculature into the tissues. Crystalloid fluids can lower protein levels causing a drop in the oncotic pressure. With increased vascular permeability and abnormal distribution this may cause interstitial edema. If fluid accumulates in the lungs, gas exchange is impaired and oxygen delivery reduced. Cerebral edema will cause progressive changes in mentation. Frequent checks of the body weight, central venous pressure, mentation and urine production are vital. Respiratory rate and thoracic auscultation should be repeated listening for changes associated with pulmonary edema. Excessive fluid losses (vomiting, diarrhea, polyuria) should be measured or estimated and replaced with crystalloid fluids as they occur. Respiratory system Respiratory distress in cats is a therapeutic dilemma. Critical cats can be so compromised that diagnostics and treatment can cause respiratory and cardiac arrest. A diagnosis should not come at the expense of the patient. An induction chamber for cats works well to give the cat added oxygen while observing them in an attempt to localize the respiratory problem. Try to determine the nature of the problem first with observation. A rapid shallow respiratory pattern suggests restrictive disease while a slow deep inspiratory pattern is seen with airway obstruction. With the restrictive pattern, auscultation can help differentiate pleural space disease (pneumothorax, hydrothorax) from parenchymal diseases (pneumonia, pulmonary edema). Vascular Access for the Critical Cat Since fluid therapy requires close attention to prevent overhydration, variables like packed cell volume, total protein, glucose, and electrolytes should be checked several times a day. For this reason it is important to have reliable vascular access. This is best accomplished with a jugular, or medial saphenous central intravenous. Cats will become more and more distressed as they struggle for oxygen. A stressed animal will need more oxygen so the problem can get worse. Mild sedation with very low doses of a diazepam or a narcotic can allow the anxious dyspneic cat to relax and breathe more efficiently. Restraint for catheterization, radiographs and physical examination should wait until the patient is relaxed and breathing easier. In the case of pleural effusion or pneumothorax, a thoracocentesis can provide a diagnosis at the same time it is providing the life-saving treatment. Veterinarians and veterinary technicians that can reliably gain vascular access in the sickest cats are valuable members of the patient care team. Often, the patients most in need of vascular access are the hardest to catheterize. Catheterization Basics Secondary Survey and Hospitalization Intravenous catheters are invasive devices and their use must be managed with potential complications in mind. Direct access can also allow infectious agents a means of bypassing defenses to colonize the host. These “foreign” materials can also cause a variety of inflammatory complications from mild vasculitis to serious thrombosis and vascular occlusion. Cats dealing with critical illness develop a variety of predictable complications. These patients are at risk of organ failure. Hypothermia, acute respiratory distress (pulmonary edema), sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, renal failure and liver disease are just some of the problems seen regularly in our feline critical care practice. By anticipating multiple organ dysfunction, monitoring critical hemodynamic and respiratory variables and treating abnormalities that are identified, these patients may be supported throughout hospitalization. A surgical preparation of the skin over the catheter site, and sterile handling of catheter and connection tubing will minimize infectious complications. Hair should be clipped within 2 to 4 cm of the site. The area should then be cleaned and disinfected with antiseptic surgical scrub for 3 minutes. While it is not necessary to wear sterile gloves when placing intravenous catheters, the person handling the catheter should have clean hands. We recommend wearing disposable vinyl or latex gloves Intensive, serial monitoring is the core of critical care medicine. Readily obtainable physiologic variables are used for screening, early warning and hopefully, early correction of life threatening problems. Packed cell volume, total protein, oxygenation parameters (mucous membrane color, oxygen saturation) have already been discussed. 10 8 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 travascular catheters, this procedure is easily mastered using fresh cadavers. People anticipating a need for this skill would be wise to learn it before they need it. Unfortunately this route can only be used for giving fluids, not for drawing blood. when scrubbing the skin, then drying or changing the gloves when handling catheters and tubing. After the catheter is in place, the site should be covered with a clean dressing. The catheter needs to be held securely, however think about how you will remove or change connections when you are applying the bandage. Incorporating “T-port” connectors in the final bandage will take the strain of movement off the catheter. These connections are also easily replaced without having to replace the entire dressing. Hematologic and Physiologic Variables to Monitor and Address in Critical Cats Catheters and the local site should be checked every 24 to 48 hours. The bandage should be removed, and the vessel palpated. The catheter should be removed and a new one placed in another site if there is any evidence of inflammation or thrombosis. Oncotic pressure. Serum albumin when low should be addressed with appropriate nutrition and colloidal fluids (blood or hetastarch). Total solids should be monitored and kept above 35 g/L. Persistent hypoalbuminemia is associated with increased mortality in critically ill animals. Central intravenous catheterization A large-bore, teflon, jugular venous catheter can be maintained for days. Incorporated into a bandage around the cat's neck, these catheters tend to stay dryer, cleaner and can remain in longer than peripheral catheters. Central venous catheters are useful in obtaining a central venous pressure (CVP). The CVP provides important information about fluid loading and the hearts ability to pump the fluids forward. Large central catheters can also be useful for repeated blood sampling. By drawing 3 cc of blood back into a syringe pre-loaded with 0.5 cc-heparinized saline (1 U heparin/ml 0.9% saline flush), any volume of blood can then be sampled. The heparinized blood can then be returned to the patient and the line flushed. This “Three-syringe” technique will minimize patient discomfort and iatrogenic blood loss. Electrolytes and glucose. Calcium, sodium, chloride and potassium should be maintained within normal limits. Potassium should be added to maintenance fluids to avoid iatrogenic hypokalemia. Potassium containing fluids should never exceed a rate of 0.5 mEq/kg body weight/ hour of additional potassium. Blood glucose should be maintained between 100 and 200 gm/dL (5.5 11 mmol/ L). Hypokalemia that does not rapidly correct with high levels of supplemental potassium may respond to magnesium supplementation. Hypomagnesemia is common in the critically people and animals. Unfortunately, serum magnesium represents only a small fraction of whole body magnesium and is not a reliable measure. Magnesium can be replaced at 0.75 - 1 mEq/kg/day by constant rate infusion in 5% dextrose in water. After 24 hours the dose is lowered to 0.3 to 0.5 mEq/kg/day or the animal can be switched to a magnesium containing maintenance crystalloid fluid. Central venous catheters should be avoided in patients with bleeding disorders, seizures or hypercoagulable states (hemolytic anemia, hyperadrenocorticism, DIC, protein losing nephropathy). Urine production. Urine output and urine specific gravity tells us about renal blood flow and function. Recumbent and azotemic patients, and those at risk for multiple organ dysfunction should have an indwelling urinary catheter in place with a sterile closed collection system. Low urine output (< 1 ml/kg/hour) in a hydrated patient may represent acute renal failure. A low urine output with elevated urine specific gravity is an indication of inadequate fluid intake (IV fluids or drinking). Quick intervention with fluids, and diuretics (furosemide 1-2 mg/kg) may start urine flow and prevent permanent renal damage. It is important to withhold furosemide until dehydration is corrected. Patients that are hypotensive following fluids may benefit from a positive inotrope like dobutamine to offset any drops in cardiac output as a result of furosemide. Intraosseous catheterization The smallest and sickest cats are often the most difficult to catheterize although they may be the most in need of intravenous fluid therapy. Rather than struggle with a small, peripheral catheter, or the trauma of a vascular cut-down procedure, an intraosseous catheter can provide short-term access. Placed in the medullary cavity of any long bone, the intraosseous space rapidly absorbs crystalloid fluids, colloids and drugs. Any needle with a stylet can be used. We will usually use an 18-gauge bone marrow needle or a 20 to 22-gauge 1” spinal needle. The needle is usually placed in medullary space of the femur in cats. Intraosseous catheterization is a worthwhile skill for feline emergency and critical care practitioners. The intraosseous space is always available regardless of the degree of hypovolemia or dehydration. Unlike other in- 11 9 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Coagulation. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a common component of systemic illness. Daily examination of a blood smear for decreased platelets and fragmented red blood cells is inexpensive and easy. Tests of factor function (prothrombin time) should be considered if bleeding is occurring with normal platelet numbers. The most important treatment for DIC is to remove/resolve the underlying cause. Specific therapy is directed toward decreasing microthrombi (heparin), providing missing factors (fresh frozen plasma) and improving perfusion (fluid/colloid support). Pain control. Cats in constant stress will become immunosuppressed. It is vital to the care of the patient that it be made as comfortable as hospitalization will allow. The appropriate use of analgesics, padding, bandage changes and personal contact will have positive effects on the patients overall sense of well-being. Physiologic Variable Optimal Values Intervention Systemic arterial pressure Central venous pressure Urine output Blood Glucose Packed Cell Volume Total Serum Solids Albumin Arterial blood gasses >90 mmHg <3 cmH20 (5-10 cm H2O if loading) >1 ml/lb/hr >3.9 mmol/L 25-35% >35 g/L, < 50 g/L >10 g/L PaO2 > 70 mmHg Sa02 > 92% PaCO2 < 35 mmHg HCO3 > 14, < 24 pH > 7.3, < 7. 5 >70, <150 BPM Normal range varies with equipment Fluids, inotropes Diuretics, venodilators Diuretics, dopamine Nutrition, dextrose Transfusion Plasma, colloids Plasma Supplemental oxygen Supplemental oxygen Ventilatory support Fluids, perfusion Fluids, perfusion Fluids, analgesics, anti-arrhythmics Blood, plasma, heparin Heart rate Prothrombin time 12 10 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Feline Shock The unique challenges of treating cats Tim Hackett Introduction Baseline information Shock, in it's most basic form, is an inadequate delivery of oxygen. If we look at oxygen delivery as an equation we can address all the variables involved can correct those we can. When deciding on rates, volumes, and types of fluids for our sick feline patients, it is especially important to know about the electrolytes, and the cat's normal body weight. If there are acute decreases in body weight, most of these losses can be attributed to water loss. This will allow a more accurate assessment of dehydration. If ideal weight is not known and the animal is clinically dehydrated (poor skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, sunken eyes) the degree of dehydration can be estimated at approximately 10%. DO2 ml/min (oxygen delivery) = CaO2 (oxygen content) x CO (cardiac output) CO = Heart rate x Stroke volume CaO2 = SaO2 (Oxygen saturation) x Hgb (hemoglobin concentration) x 1.34 + (PaO2 x 0.003) Circulatory shock is divided into 3 major classifications; hypovolemic shock, cardiogenic shock or pump failure, and distributive shock. Though the mechanisms for each are distinctly different, each results in reduced oxygen delivery (DO2) to tissues through low blood flow or uneven distribution of flow. In actual feline practice we usually deal with issues of blood volume and poor cardiopulmonary function. A single patient may have several pathologic processes simultaneously resulting in reduced perfusion of tissues. A thorough physical examination should be performed; assuming fluid losses are not life threatening. If however, your quick assessment suggests life-threatening complications (abnormal mucous membrane color, abnormal capillary refill times, tachycardia, tachopnoea, weak pulse, cool extremities, obvious blood loss, etc.), then your first goal of fluid therapy will be to save the life of the animal and your thorough physical examination will have to be postponed and fluid therapy to stabilize the patient's condition must be started first. Third-space losses involve the accumulation of large fluid volumes in cavities such as the pleural or peritoneal space and intestinal or gastric lumen, or in tissues around fracture or trauma sites. These losses result relative hypovolemia without predictable changes in body weight. Cats are notoriously bad at shock. Instead of compensating for low volume with a faster heart rate, the cat in shock is often bradycardic. Cats also have issues with cardiopulmonary function leading to problems handling shock rates of fluids. Close attention is required to prevent iatrogenic pulmonary edema when giving large volumes of fluid to feline patients. Mucous membranes are good indicators of hydration. Color and refill time, as well as moistness, should be assessed. The color of the mucous membranes will vary considerably. A septic patient often has red, injected, mucous membranes, while a severely hypovolemic patient may have pale to gray mucous membranes. Because many factors will govern the color of mucous membranes, this feature alone cannot be used to assess hydration. Tim Hackett D.V.M., M.S. Decreased skin turgor, sunken eyes, dry mucous membranes are other subjective observations that suggest clinical dehydration. Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Associate Professor and Small Animal Medical Chief of Staff James L. Voss Veterinary Medical Center Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 [email protected] 13 11 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 The Emergency Phase The Replacement Phase When a patient is excessively hypotensive and has clinical signs of shock, the blood volume must first be restored. If there are no clinical signs of shock, one can proceed to the second phase of fluid replacement. The volume of fluid administered during the rehydration/replacement phase is based on an assessment of fluid needs for (1) returning the patient's status to normal (deficit volume), (2) replacing normal ongoing losses (maintenance volume), and (3) replacing continuing abnormal losses (continuing losses volume). The volume of fluid required is based on the patient's weight, but you should be prepared to administer a plasma volume each hour if crystalloid solutions are being used. In the cat this is 45-50 ml/Kg/hr. By dividing the total fluid volume into 1/8-1/4 test doses and titrating to effect (frequently monitoring of endpoint variables), one may determine when it is appropriate to move to the second phase of fluid resuscitation (rehydration phase). If the clinical signs of shock resolve after the first bolus, there is no need to proceed with another bolus of fluid. Move on to the rehydration phase. One must be cautious about overhydration and hemodilution. Overhydration during the emergency phase is most likely to occur when large volumes are administered to cats with pulmonary contusions, preexisting pulmonary edema, aspiration pneumonitis, hypoproteinemia, brain injuries, and underlying heart disease. Hypovolemic Shock The primary defect in hypovolemic shock is an inadequate circulating volume. This can be from sudden massive blood loss as in surgery or trauma or fluid loss from vomiting, diarrhea or renal disease. Because cardiac output relies on stroke volume and heart rate, the patient with inadequate volume will be tachycardic in an attempt to compensate. Neurohormonal pathways detecting a drop in blood pressure will lead to increased vascular tone in an attempt to shunt circulation from the periphery to vital tissue beds. This results in cool extremities, tachycardia, prolonged capillary refill, oliguria and weakness. Treatment should be directed at the primary source of fluid loss while correcting the fluid deficit. Crystalloid fluids can be used initially to restore circulating volume. Crystalloids will improve cardiac output and should not be withheld for fear of diluting the red blood cell mass. Oxygen delivery is a function not only of oxygen content but of cardiac output as well. Maintenance volumes are normal ongoing losses. Ongoing losses are divided into sensible and insensible losses. Sensible losses can be measured and are water losses in the urine and feces. Insensible losses are normal but are not easily quantitated. These water losses occur with metabolism, and from the respiratory tract. One-third of the maintenance volume is made up of the insensible volumes and two-thirds, sensible volumes. Traditionally, maintenance volumes have been estimated at about 66 ml/kg/day. The Maintenance Phase The last phase of fluid therapy is the maintenance phase. At this point the patient has received enough fluid to compensate for shock (if necessary) and has had a partial replacement of any deficit volume. Chronologically, this phase begins no sooner than 24 hours after fluids were begun. Objective signals that the patient is ready to be placed in the maintenance phase are an absence of clinical signs of shock or dehydration, and the body weight will have increased by at least the percentage of dehydration already corrected. During the maintenance phase, you will be providing both maintenance volumes and continuing losses volumes. Oxygen delivery to the tissues is one of the primary functions of the cardiopulmonary system and of primary importance to the patient manifesting signs of circulatory failure. If the defect in the transport of oxygen to the vital tissues can be identified and removed while the patient is supported, recovery is possible. With a treatment goal of improving oxygen delivery to the tissues we can increase cardiac output by increasing stroke volume (fluids). Oxygen content can be increased by increasing the hemoglobin concentration (Red cell transfusion) and increasing oxygen saturation (Oxygen supplementation). 14 12 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Feline pediatrics Stefano Romagnoli The success of neonatal care depends on normality of pregnancy as well as parturition, as abnormal pregnancy and/or dystocia may easily predispose neonates to develop pathological conditions or transient hypoxia which may threaten their survival during the first few hours/days of life. Sadly, it is inevitable that some kittens will die, and a low level of loss is to be expected, even in the best run breeding cattery. It is generally found that pedigree cats have higher levels of neonatal mortality than non-pedigree. In one study, pedigree cats had an average kitten mortality of 34.5% from birth to one year of age (range of 8-40%), compared to 10-17% in non-pedigree cats. These higher levels of mortality may reflect inbreeding within pedigree cats. However, there may also be bias in the non-pedigree data as it is difficult to get accurate figures for pet cats. Normal kittens eat or sleep 90% of the time for their first 2 weeks. Unfortunately, neonates tend to show limited responses to disease, so their presenting signs are rarely indicative of a particular condition. Regardless of whether they are hungry or ill they typically cry excessively, and/or fail to suckle. The most common signs of illness are weakness, hypothermia, lethargy, restlessness, and/ or regurgitation of milk. Sick kittens respond poorly to their environment, and typically have either very thin abdomens from lack of food or very swollen abdomens from swallowing air. They often lay separated from the other kittens and are ignored by the queen. Sick kittens need to be treated immediately as they cope very poorly with anorexia or hypothermia. Approximately 15-40% of kittens die between birth and 3 months of life, with the majority of these losses occurring at birth or within 4-5 weeks of age. Deaths occurring at birth or within the first 2 weeks in otherwise normal neonates are generally referred to as “fading syndrome”. The 2-week distinction is rather arbitrary, and most clinicians will consider as fading kittens all those newborns that die within 12 weeks of age. Kitten losses up to 12 months of age are due to problems acquired in utero, at birth (birth to 2 weeks) or around weaning time (5 to 12 weeks of age). Neonatal kittens may die suddenly or “fade” within a few days. Unfortunately, the clinical signs of many neonatal diseases are very similar and vague. While normal kittens tend to cuddle together and sleep contentedly between feeds, sick kittens tend to lie separately, are generally more restless, are not keen to suckle, and cry frequently (if still strong enough to do so). Neonates are vulnerable because their thermoregulatory mechanisms are poorly developed, they are at increased risk of dehydration and hypoglycaemia, and they are immunologically immature. Therefore, regardless of the initiating cause, neonates rapidly become hypothermic, hypoglycaemic, dehydrated, hypoxic, and die. They are predisposed to hypothermia because they cannot thermoregulate, lack insulating fat and thermogenic brown, cannot induce peripheral vasoconstriction, cannot react to cold by shivering, and have a large surface area to volume ratio over which to loose body heat. Hypothermia then triggers ileus and reduced intestinal absorption, increases susceptibility to infection, and eventually leads to cardiopulmonary failure. Neonates are predisposed to hypoglycaemia because they have high energy requirements (2-3x the metabolic rate of adults/kg body weight), but have no energy reserves and their immature livers are inefficient at generating energy. This can then be exacerbated by hypothermia-induced reduction of intestinal absorption. The neonatal risk of dehydration is because they have a higher percentage of body water (82%) than adults, while incurring greater loses through their immature kidneys, lungs and skin. The most important causes of “fading” or sick kittens are 1) birth/queen-related factors, 2) Congenital abnormalities; 3) Low birth weight; 4) Inappropriate environment; 5) Inappropriate nutrition; 6) Neonatal isoerythrolysis; 7) Infection. Stefano Romagnoli, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl. ECAR President, European Board of Veterinary Specialisation Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Agripolis, Legnaro, 35020 (PD) University of Padova, Italy [email protected] 1) Birth / queen-related factors - Kittens that suffer dystocia have a significantly increased risk of death within the first few weeks of life. In fact, prolonged labour or dystocia are probably the most significant causes of neo- 15 13 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 natal death. This results from the effects of hypoxia and/ or trauma. Dystocia occurs in ~6% of pregnancies (range 0-18%). Studies have shown that cats with extremes of conformation, such as the Siamese and Persians, experience much higher levels of dystocia (7-10%) than cats with normal conformation (generally <5%). Hypoxia during birth can result in stillbirth, or the birth of weak, slow, kittens that fail to suckle. These kittens usually die within the first week of life or, due to failing to ingest sufficient colostrum, have an increased risk of infectious disease. Kitten mortality is usually highest in the first litter born to a particular queen and after her fifth litter. The high death rates in kittens from first-time queens probably relates to inexperience, trauma and cannibalism. Older queens tend to have smaller litters and tend to produce more kittens with congenital defects. The negative effect of extremes of litter size is seen as reduced survival of single kittens, and of kittens from litters of 7 or more. Kitten mortality also increases with increasing maternal obesity, and with other queen-related causes, including a lack of milk, mastitis, or maternal neglect. 2) Congenital abnormalities - Obvious physical defects may be seen in 10-20% of stillborn kittens. However, the prevalence varies considerably; from 1-10% of kittens born to research cats, to 1-31% of kittens born to pedigree cats. Congenital disorders are present from birth, and can affect any body system. They may result from genetic disorders or teratogenic factors. Because inbreeding increases the risk of genetic disease, congenital disorders are seen more frequently in pedigree cats. In addition, certain defects are seen more frequently in some breeds than others. Congenital defects resulting from exposure to teratogenic substances may be seen in cats of any breed. For example, cleft palates may result from treatment with griseofulvin, corticosteroids, or excessive amounts of vitamin A; skeletal deformities may result from the administration of organophosphate anti-flea products. It has also been suggested that overheating, in some pregnant cats, may result in an increased risk of skeletal deformity in their kittens. Severe defects usually result in stillbirth or early neonatal death. Milder disorders may result in fading kittens, or only become apparent later in life. 3) Low birth weight - Underweight kittens have a significantly increased risk of neonatal death. They are physiologically immature compared to normal-weight kittens, and they may be too weak to nurse adequately. In addition, they lack insulating fat and thermogenic brown fat, and they have weak thoracic muscles and immature lung development. They are particularly susceptible to hypothermia, dehydration, respiratory failure, and sepsis. Kittens may be born underweight because of maternal malnutrition or ill-health; congenital disease; in utero infections; or any condition that results in poor placental blood supply. The average birth weight for most breeds of cat is 100g ± 10g. However, it is normal for some breeds to have significantly smaller kittens (Oriental; ave. 80g); while others (Maine Coon) have significantly larger kittens (ave.120 g). It is therefore very important to know what the average weight for kittens of a particular breed is when trying to decide whether or not a particular kitten is underweight. As a general guideline newborn kittens <75 g are likely to have very high death rates. 4) Inappropriate environment Environmental factors, such as extremes of temperature and humidity, poor hygiene, overcrowding, or over-handling, all result in increased kitten mortality. Ideally, the kittening room should be well ventilated, draft free, and maintained at a fairly constant 18-24oC temperature, 55-60% humidity. This will allow the dam to be comfortable, and she can supply any additional heat required by the offspring. Where kittens have to be hand-reared it is necessary to supply additional heating. Ideally the temperature in the box should be maintained at 29-32oC, but the box should be large enough for the kittens to move away from the heat if they become too hot. The temperature is gradually reduced to 27oC by 7-10 days and 22oC by the end of the first month. Overcrowding will lead to increased infectious disease and disease resulting from competition at the mother’s nipples (which can in turn result in inadequate nutrition [see below]). Over-handling will not only limit the kitten’s feeding time, but with nervous queens, may result in cannibalism of her kittens. Providing kittens with a suitable environmental temperature is essential. A kitten that has ceased to suckle regularly will quickly become cold and hypoglycaemic. Since neonates cannot shiver and are unable to control their own body temperature hypothermia will result, and this will lead to a further reduction in activity and suckling. The rectal temperature of new-born kittens ranges from 35-37oC in the first week, to 36-38oC in the second and third weeks, and reaches normal adult levels of 38-39oC by the fourth week. Hypothermia is particularly harmful as it can initiate a number of other problems. For example: a week-old kitten should have a temperature of 3537oC and a heart rate of 200-250 bpm. However, if its temperature falls to 30oC, its heart rate will fall to 40-50 bpm. While this is initially a protective response, if sustained, it can lead to a decrease in respiratory rate, which may in turn lead to cardiopulmonary failure. Also, a hypothermic kitten will not suckle effectively, its gastrointestinal motility will become depressed, and it will have an increased susceptibility to infection. It is therefore important to check the temperature of any potentially weak or ill kittens. However, if their rectal temperature remains <34oC for prolonged periods of time the kitten is likely to die. 16 14 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 5) Inappropriate nutrition - Care should be taken to feed the queen an appropriate diet. Incorrect nutrition of the queen can affect the quality of the milk she produces. Generally, when the queen is healthy and producing adequate milk the kittens should have no problems with inappropriate nutrition. Inadequate milk production may be associated with an inexperienced or overly nervous queen, old queens, sick or malnourished queens, dystocia, certain familial traits, systemic illness or mastitis. Inadequate milk uptake by the kitten can also result from anything causing kitten ill-heath or weakness, from competition and bullying by siblings, or any environmental factor that distracts or upsets the queen-kitten bond. Normal kittens should suckle within 2 hours of birth as they can only adsorb colostrum in the first 16-24 hours of life. Since any kitten not gaining sufficient weight has an increased risk of neonatal death it is important to weigh kittens regularly (at birth, daily for the first week, then at least twice weekly until after weaning). A loss of <10% may be expected in the first 24h, but after that there should be daily weight gain (~10-15g/day; 5-10%); they should double their birth weight by 1-2 weeks of age and weight gain should be steady and progressive. Failure to gain weight over 24 hr requires attention and any weight loss should be investigated, as kittens losing more than 10% body weight are unlikely to survive. It is essential that kittens gain adequate nutrition as they have a greater risk of developing hypoglycaemia than adults. This is because they are metabolically less able to generate glucose than adults, while having a much larger requirement for it. Any kitten that is ill or stressed may develop hypoglycaemia. This may be seen as weakness, hypothermia, crying, difficult breathing, seizures, coma and, eventually, death. Neonatal kittens are also very susceptible to dehydration. This may result from inadequate consumption of milk, or excessive fluid losses (usually associated with overheating, excessively low humidity, or diarrhoea). Kittens contain relatively more body water than adults and their water turnover rate is twice that of adults. Neonatal kitten maintenance fluid requirements are ~130-220ml/kg/ 24h, compared to 50-65ml/kg/24h for a mature cat. This is because kittens have greater fluid losses through their skin, lungs and kidneys, which are all immature. Since the kittens derive all of their food and water in the form of milk, when the supply is inadequate, supplemental feeding is needed. Where the kittens have been orphaned or the queen is unable to feed them they will need total replacement feeding. Weaning should begin at 3-4 weeks of age. It is important to ensure that all of the kittens gain sufficient food at this time. In large litters competition at the food bowl can lead to weaker kittens being bullied and so eat less. 6) Neonatal isoerythrolysis - Neonatal isoerythrolysis (NI) is relatively common is certain purebred kittens. Cats have 3 blood groups; Type A, B, and AB. Type A is genetically dominant to Type B. Genetically, a Type A cat may therefore be A/A or A/B. The rare blood type AB is inherited slightly differently, and is recessive to Type A but dominant to Type B. AB cats are only found in breeds in which the Type B has been identified, usually increasing in frequency as the percentage of Type B cats increases. The frequency of Type A, B and AB blood types varies between breeds (Table 1), and also, to some extent, between countries. Generally, most domestic short and longhaired cats (DSH/DLH) are Type A (75-100% Type A; 0-25% Type B; 0-10% Type AB). Interestingly, the Bengal breed appears to have a particularly high number of AB cats, although actual prevalence data are not yet available. Unlike puppies, kittens have naturally occurring antibodies against the other blood types in their plasma. Antibodies of the IgG class (and to a lesser extent of the IgM class) are acquired by kittens with colostrum. Kittens with blood type A have weak anti-B antibodies, while kittens with blood type B have strong anti-A antibodies. Since these antibodies occur naturally, the queen does not need to be sensitized by previous pregnancies or blood transfusions. Since the highest proportion of Type B cats are seen in British Short Hair (BSH) cats, NI is seen most frequently in this breed of cats. During the first 16 hours of life maternal antibodies are transferred to the kitten through colostrum ingestion. If the kitten has blood type A or AB and the mother has blood type B, colostral antibodies will lyse the kitten’s red blood cells. Haemolysis can be intravascular and/or extravascular, causing severe anemia, nephropathy, multiple organ failures as well as disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Since all blood type B cats have high antibody titers, even primiparous mothers can have litters with NI. Clinical signs develop more often in blood type A or AB kittens born to blood type B mothers. As the fetus is protected from maternal antibodies, kittens at risk are born healthy and nurse vigorously, but will start showing clinical signs within hours to days after colostrum ingestion. Clinical signs will include either a) sudden death; b) progressive failure to nurse and to thrive during the first 3 days (with presence of dark, brownred urine caused by haemoglobinuria, icterus, anemia) with death occurring during the first week; some kittens may survive and develop a tail-tip necrosis between the first and second week of life, which may then slough between 3 days and 2 weeks of age. or c) no clinical sign except for presence of tail-tip necrosis, positive direct Coombs’ test and moderate anemia. 17 15 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 100% Type A ~80% Type A 75-100% Type A 60% Type A 40% Type A Siamese Somali Domestic Short-Hair Domestic Long-Hair Devon Rex British Short Hair Burmese Abyssinian Persian Tonkinese Birman Oriental Maine Coon Norwegian Forest Cat Table 1: Breed prevalence of feline blood types Where NI is seen, all sexually active cats should be bloodtyped to prevent further inappropriate mating. In addition, it is recommended that all BSH cats should be bloodtyped prior to breeding. This can be done using a simple in-house test card (Rapid Vet-H, dms laboratories). It is important to ensure that Type B queens do not mate with Type A toms. Where an unknown mating has occurred, placental blood can be used to determine a kitten’s blood type. If the queen’s blood-type is known to be Type B, and a kitten is found to be a Type A, it can be prevented from suckling the queen, at least until it is >24h old. While this procedure will prevent the occurrence of NI, the lack of colostrum will leave the kitten at risk of infectious disease. Kittens showing signs of NI, if <24h old, should be immediately removed from their mother to prevent further absorption of anti-A antibodies. In kittens, most colostral antibodies are absorbed by 12-24h of age. Once removed, the kittens can either be fostered to a Type-A queen, or fed milk replaced formula for 24 hours. After this time it is generally safe for them to be returned to their dam. If the anaemia is severe a blood transfusion will need to be performed. However, despite removing the kittens as soon as clinical signs are noted, most affected kittens die within their first week of life. 7) Infection - In general, infections are involved in relatively few early neonatal deaths. However, they can result in significant mortality from 3-4 weeks of age onwards. Since neonatal kittens have immature immune systems, and gain <5% of their maternally derived antibodies (MDA) transplacentally, they need to gain protection from infectious disease via transfer of MDA in the colostrum. The passive protection of the intestines by MDA continues for the entire duration of suckling as IgA antibodies resist gastric degradation and can bind potential pathogens in the gut lumen, preventing them from attaching to or penetrating the intestinal mucosa. The ability of neonates to absorb MDA begins to decline 6h after birth, and is no longer possible after ~48h. The majority of neonatal infections are caused by agents to which vaccines are not available; it is therefore important that neonates are born into the same environment as their dam has been living since she will then have raised anti- bodies against its resident infectious organisms. The protective effect of systemically absorbed MDA usually begins to wane from 3-4 weeks of age. The kittens’ natural immunity is still developing at this time, and since most vaccine regimens do not start until ~8 weeks of age, this can leave a period of time when the kittens are particularly at risk from these infectious diseases. A healthy kitten should be able to cope with a low level of infectious organisms within its environment. It will generally experience no more than occasional mild and brief clinical signs. However, if the kitten’s immune system becomes suppressed serious disease or fatal infections may occur. Factors which may contribute to an inadequate immune response include inadequate colostrum intake, inadequate nutrition, low birth weight, peri-natal hypoxia, congenital disorders (especially of the immune system), previous trauma or infection, a low environmental temperature, or an unhygienic environment leading to a build up of contamination with infectious agents. Respiratory and gastrointestinal infections are seen most frequently. Viruses • The cat flu viruses (feline calicivirus [FCV] and feline herpes virus [FHV-1]) are perhaps the most commonly seen viral infections of kittens. While in healthy kittens infection may be mild and brief, weak kittens may develop more severe clinical signs or secondary bacterial infections. FHV-1 infection may also be associated with abortion. • Feline coronavirus infection (FCoV), like the cat flu viruses, is hard to eliminate from breeding catteries. When present, infection may be associated with an increased incidence of reproduction failure, abortions and stillbirths. Affected kittens may show signs of diarrhoea, malaise, or “fading”, and occasional cases of more classical effusive feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). • Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) is usually seen in catteries that fail to vaccinate properly. It is occasionally seen in kittens from vaccinated queens, possibly resulting from severe environmental contamination. In- 18 16 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 fection may result in abortions, stillbirths, fading kittens, diarrhoea, panleukopenia, septicaemia, cerebellar ataxia, and/or death. • Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) has been almost eliminated from the pedigree breeding population in many countries. Neonatal disease caused by this infection is therefore seen mainly in rescue catteries. In this situation it may result in reproductive failure, abortions, stillbirths, fading kittens, a panleukopenia-like syndrome, septicaemia or death. • (In puppies canine herpes virus is a common cause of puppy loss, and can result in abortion, or neonatal death associated with abdominal distension and pain at <3weeks of age. Other common viral infections of puppies include canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, canine coronavirus [which appears to be changing in significance], canine adenovirus-2, and parainfluenza). Where infectious disease is suspected it is important to ensure that the queens’ vaccination programme is up to date. Since kittens gain some protection from infectious disease in the form of MDA passed in the colostrum, it may help to give booster vaccines prior to mating. In some cases it may be appropriate to instigate an isolation breeding and early weaning programme. Bacteria - In kittens, bacterial infections are often seen secondary to viral infection. However, bacterial infections can also be seen without prior viral infection. In most cases the bacteria originate from the queen’s birth canal (beta haemolytic Streptococcus sp. [Strep. G infection]), gastrointestinal tract (E. coli, Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., many normal enteric bacteria), or respiratory tract (Bordetella sp., Pasturella sp., Mycoplasma sp.). Clinical signs depend on the site, nature, and severity of the infection. They may include diarrhoea, coughing, dyspnoea, polyarthritis, omphalophlebitis, or dermatitis, as well as the less specific signs more typical of fading kittens. Ultimately, many of these infections may result in septicaemia and death. The increased risk of sepsis in neonates results from the factors listed above, especially failure of passive transfer of MDA. In addition, neonatal propensity to develop hypoglycaemia and intestinal ileus (especially when cold), significantly increases the risk of translocation of enteric bacteria into the blood stream. This is exacerbated by sepsis further predisposing to hypothermia and hypoglycaemia (possibly resulting from impaired liver function, depletion of glycogen, and peripheral utilisation of glucose by bacteria and leucocytes). Disease may be very sudden or may run a more protracted course. While the clinical signs are varied, they frequently result in bradycardia, dyspnoea, dehydration, weakness, crying, seizures, coma and death. Sepsis often occurs as the final stage of other conditions, and is particularly associated with systemic viral infections. The most common cause of sepsis are gram-negative bacteria, but can include; Streptococcus, E. coli, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Clostridium, Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Pasteurella and Salmonella. Parasites - In well-run catteries parasite infestation should not be a problem. Where queens are not dewormed, heavy kitten infestations can result in a poor body condition, soft or bloody stools, lack of appetite, a pot-bellied appearance, weight loss, and occasionally death. A severe flea, tick or hookworm infestation can result in significant anaemia. Gut parasites, such as Giardia, Tritrichomonas foetus, Isospora or Cryptosporidia may cause diarrhoea and a failure to thrive. Toxoplasma infection may result in abortion, stillbirths and fading kittens. References and suggested readings · · · · · · · Blunden AS (1998) The Neonate: Congenital Defects and Fading Puppies. BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Reproduction & Periparturient Care, p 143-152 Feline Advisory Bureau Manual of Cat Breeding (2006), FAB Publications, Tisbury. Feldman DC and Nelson RW (1987) Feline reproduction. In: Canine and Feline Endocrinology and Reproduction. Ed. Feldman DC and Nelson RW, WB. Saunders, Philadelphia. pp. 525-548 (or the 2004 edition). Hoskins JD (1995) Fading puppy and kitten syndrome. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XII, eds. RW Kirk and JD Bonagura, WB. Saunders, Philadelphia. pp. 30-33 Hotston Moore P and Sturgess CP (1998) Care of Neonates and Young Animals. BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Reproduction & Periparturient Care, p 153-169 Little S (2004). Breed Specific Reproduction Projects; Heritable Aspects of Cat Breeding; Feline Reproduction: A Manual for Cat Breeders and Veterinarians (CD ROM); www.catvet.homestead.com , [email protected] Sturgess CP (2006) Feline paediatric medicine. Eur J Comp An Pract 16(1): 83-94 19 17 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Techniques for Neonatal Resuscitation and Critical Care Stefano Romagnoli When a neonate is in critical condtions treatment must be instituted immediately, after which the clinician may concentrate on the kitten, the rest of its litter, their mothers health, and the overall health and management of the other cats in the cattery. In fact, it is only through a complete history that the true nature of the problem can be determined. If sick kittens are not to die, they must be detected and treated early as their health status can deteriorate rapidly. This paper will focus on perinatal reviival as wel as on some of the most common health problems in young kittens such as hypothermia, hypoglycaemia and dehydration and their clinical approach in a practice situation. The following protocol should be adopted and the following information collected for each critical neonatal patient: Physical exam - Weight and body condition should be assessed, presence of signs of trauma, congenital defects, or disease should be carefully investigated. While some congenital defects, such as cleft palate or atresia ani are readily evident, others, like congenital heart defects, are only evident on a post mortem examination. It is important to be aware of normal age-related changes and not over-interpret normal findings e.g. neonatal joint instability or cardiac murmurs. The coat should be checked for quality, cleanness and parasites. The thorax and head should be checked for normal shape and feel; normal heart rate is ~200-220 beats per minute; normal respiration is ~15-35 breaths per minute. The abdomen should feel gently full, not swollen, tight or empty. The intestines and bladder should feel soft, mobile and nonpainful. The extremities should be pale pink (extremity erythaemia is often associated with sepsis). Eyes and nose – Kittens should open their eyes between days 5-14; a mild cloudiness is normal and should resolve quickly. While a small amount of sticky discharge is not of major concern, closed eyelids that are swollen or matted with pus is. Gums - Until about a week old healthy neonates have Stefano Romagnoli, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl. ECAR President, European Board of Veterinary Specialisation Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Agripolis, Legnaro, 35020 (PD) University of Padova, Italy [email protected] dark pink or red gums. However, sick neonates often have pale, grey or bluish gums. Umbilical cord – This should be dry and free of discharges, and normally falls off between 3-7 days of age. It is of concern if it is still moist, painful, inflamed or discharging. Defaecation and urination – Since stimulation of the perineal area in kittens of <3 weeks of age results in defaecation and urination this technique can be used to look for the presence of diarrhoea or constipation (present in ~60% of sick kittens), and to check urine colour (see below). Blood sampling: The small size of kittens makes collection difficult. It is usually only possible to take very small volumes of blood (0.3-0.5 ml, rarely up to 1.5 ml). Total blood volume is ~75ml/kg, so at 1 week a kitten of 200g only has ~15ml total). Blood should be collected from the jugular vein. Care should be taken not to induce a large haematoma. This can result in significant loss of circulating volume, and can, if severe, obstruct the airway. Collect samples into 0.5 ml EDTA and heparin tubes, run glucose on a single drop using a glucometer, and run packed cell volume (PCV) and total protein (TP) on a micro-haematocrit tube. It is often only possible to assess PCV, TP, urea, glucose, and blood smear cytology. In order to correctly interpret the results it is important to know what is normal for kittens of that age (Chandler 1992; Hotston Moore and Sturgess 1998). For example, normal neonatal kittens have mild normochromic normocytic anaemia, and blood urea and creatinine levels in kittens are considerably lower than adults. Few biochemical and haematological results are specific for a particular disease. Severe anaemia may be seen with NI, or a heavy flea or hookworm infestation. Panleukopenia may be seen with FPV, FeLV, or sepsis. Hypoglycaemia is common, regardless of the cause of illness. Hyperbilirubinaemia may be seen in NI or liver disease. Hyperammonaemia may occur with hepatic encephalopathy and a congenital portosystemic shunt. Urine collection: Stimulating the kitten’s perineum with a warm moist cotton ball is a useful method for collecting a urine sample. Urinalysis can be helpful in the diagnosis of NI, where brown-staining urine results from haemoglobinuria. Pyuria is suggestive of a urinary tract infection, while a specific gravity of >1.017 indicates dehydration. Glucosuria is not abnormal in neonates. 20 18 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Further investigations: More specific tests include serology (e.g. FeLV, FIV), slide agglutination or Coombs’ test for NI, pharyngeal swabs for the cat flu viruses, or ocular swabs for chlamydophila felis. If a bacterial infection is suspected swabs, blood or urine can be taken for culture and sensitivity. In cases of septicaemia, it is difficult to obtain sufficient blood to perform blood culture. It is usually more rewarding to sacrifice a moribund kitten, and then send fresh samples of heart blood, heart tissue, liver, lungs, etc. for culture. Survey radiography or ultrasound examination may be considered, but there is little radiographic contrast in kittens (so reduce the kV by half of that used in an adult of the same body thickness), and ultrasound examination may require a “stand-off” for the probe. Faecal cultures can be examined for the presence of pathogenic bacteria, Giardia spp., Tritrichomonas foetus, coccidia, and intestinal parasites. Peri-natal kitten revival Hypoxia related to dystocia is probably the single most significant factor in neonatal mortality. Since the healthy mother cat will generally make a good job of nursing her kittens, it is important not to interfere unless necessary. However, intervention is recommended when a kitten is not breathing, or on the few occasions when maternal instinct appears to be lacking. The aim is to imitate the cat’s own methods; she ensures that the kitten’s nose and mouth are clear, then, with a nipping/licking action, she chews through the umbilical cord. This, and more vigorous licking of this area, provides stimulation of respiration. The cat then gives the kitten a more general drying lick, then concentrates on the perineal area in order initiate bowel and bladder functions. If something goes wrong of the mother does not have any maternal instinct, the following intervention should be put in place: • Severe the umbilical cord - If the umbilical cord has not broken on delivery, separate it using 2 haemostats >2 cm from the kitten’s abdominal wall. Complicated cutting and tying are not usually necessary. Dipping the stump in chlorhexidine is a common procedure, although there is no need for disinfection if the kitten is born in a clean environment. • Clear the airways: Tear the membranes from the nose, wipe the nose and open the mouth, tilt the kitten’s head down and clear away any fluid. If the kitten is not breathing, or if it has come tail first and possibly inhaled fluid, it is necessary to clear debris and fluid from the airway. If suction equipment is available this can be done by sucking the debris out of the airway. This can also be achieved using a Jackson cat urinary catheter attached to a 5-10 ml syringe as a gentle suction apparatus. The catheter can also be used to induce the kitten to sneeze and cough by stimulating its nose/throat. One of the traditionally used methods involves swinging the kitten. To do this, place the kitten in the palm of your hand, its back to- wards your palm and neck between your forefinger and third finger, its head protruding between your fingers. Enclose the kitten in your fingers and, turning your hand palm downwards with your arm extended, give a gentle swing several times; make quite sure first that you are not too near any protruding edges or disaster will follow. The swing will have the effect of forcing fluids out of the kitten’s airway and a further wipe of its nose and mouth will clear any debris away. Keeping some absorbant paper on the nostrils of the kitten during the procedure will allow to detect minute quantities of liquid coming out. The swing will also serve to stimulate respiration. Take care; if performed too vigorously this method can result in brain haemorrhage. • Stimulate respiration: If the kitten is still not breathing, some form of artificial respiration may be necessary. Mouth-to-mouth respiration can be useful, but only if very carefully performed. There are several points to remember. It is of no use blowing fluids and debris further down the airway; these must be cleared away first (see above). Secondly, the capacity of kitten lungs compared to humans is minute. Blow very gently and allow a pause for expiration. Repeat this cycle every 3-5 seconds. Breathing into the kitten’s airway through a small endotracheal tube or drinking straw may help to reduce the risk of over-inflating the kitten’s lungs, and be more hygienic than direct mouth-to-mouth. Various methods have been used to make the new-born animal gasp, including the administration of brandy or other spirits to the kitten’s tongue, flicking its chest sharply but gently with a fingertip, alternate warm and cold water applications, or the insertion of a 25-g needle into the nasal philtrum. However, it is more reliable to apply a drop of doxopram hydrochloride (20 mg/ml) sublingually. A strong regular heart beat should be easily palpable; if not, external cardiac massage can be attempted. It is important to note that unlike adults neonatal heart rates fall in a protective response to hypoxia, and this should not be misinterpreted. If the dam was given opioids prior to delivery naloxone hydrochloride (0.4 mg/ml) can be administered to the offspring (1 drop sublingually) to reverse respiratory depression. If in doubt persist with stimulating the kitten; some can still be revived after >30 minutes from birth. That said, the longer the duration before breathing the higher the risk of hypoxia causing brain damage or blindness. Hypoxic bradycardic puppies may respond to the administration of atropine into the umbilical vein. While no information is available on the use of this method in kittens, it may be worth considering. Since premature kittens often have very poor pulmonary development the administration of dexamethasone (0.1mg) may help to stimulate surfactant production. Supplementary oxygen should be given until the kitten is breathing regularly and is obviously vigorous. This can be done using a small face mask, an oxygen box, or using a fine urinary catheter to administer intranasal oxygen (the adapter to a 3 21 19 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 French endotracheal tube can be used to connect the oxygen supply to the catheter). The kittens tongue is a reliable indicator of respiration. If the kitten is receiving sufficient oxygen its tongue will be pink, if not it will have a bluish tint. Critical Care of Neonatal Kittens Sick kittens need to be treated immediately. Supportive therapy is aimed at re-warming, maintaining blood glucose levels, correcting dehydration and, when required, supplying additional oxygen. Hypothermia - Neonatal kittens cannot thermo-regulate, they lack insulating fat and thermogenic brown, and they cannot react to cold by shivering. They loose heat rapidly, especially if left wet. Body temperature generally falls from ~36oC at birth, to 30oC within a few hours, then increases to 38oC over the first week. It is important that these temperatures are maintained as hypothermia can initiate a number of other problems: e.g. a week-old kitten should have a temperature of 35-37oC and a heart rate of 200-250 bpm, but if its temperature temporarily falls to 30oC, its HR will fall to 40-50 bpm. While this is a protective mechanism, if persistent, it can results in a decrease in respiratory rate that may in turn leads to cardiopulmonary failure. Also, a hypothermic kitten will not suckle effectively; it may develop gastrointestinal ileus, and will have an increased susceptibility to infection. It is important to check the temperature of any potentially weak or ill kittens, however, if their temperature is maintained at <34oC for a prolonged period of time they are likely to die. The kitten should then be rubbed all over with a clean towel. This further stimulates respiration and dries the kitten. It should then be kept warm. If the mother is ill or uncooperative, place the kittens in contact with a warm, well-covered hot water bottle and conserve the heat by covering the bed with a blanket. Great care must be taken not to inflict contact burns on the kittens by having the bottle too hot. When attempting to re-warm hypothermic kittens it is important to do so gradually, ideally over 1-4h, depending on the severity of chilling. Rapid re-warming can lead to cardiovascular collapse and death. Importantly, overheating can also be detrimental, and can quickly lead to dehydration and death. Because hypothermia can markedly reduce the absorptive ability of the intestines concurrent hypoglycaemia and dehydration cannot be corrected using oral solutions; parenteral fluids are needed. sions and death. If a kitten refuses to feed, prompt action is required. Kittens have no energy reserves and will deteriorate rapidly. If a kitten is showing signs of hypoglycaemia, a few drops of glucose syrup placed on its gums can be life saving. However, if the kitten is cold, glucose solution should not be given by mouth as it will not be adsorbed from hypothermic intestines. More severe cases can be corrected by the parenteral administration of isotonic glucose solutions. It is important to correct any hypothermia at the same time. When giving supplemental glucose it is important to monitor glucose blood concentrations as kittens can easily become hyperglycaemic. Once recovering the kitten can be fed a small amount of glucose solution, and either the amount and/or frequency of routine feeding should be increased. Note: the nutritional requirements of a septic kitten are increased (~1.5x maintenance) so in these cases it may be necessary to provide nutritional support by tube feeding (see later). Tube feeding: If kittens are too weak to suckle for themselves, then tube feeding is perhaps the cleanest and most efficient method by which to deliver nutrition. However, it requires proper equipment and good technical skills. Also, as the kittens have no control over how much they are fed, they can easily be given too much (or too little). Stomach tubes must be soft, flexible, blunt-ended and generally not more than 2-3 mm wide. A premature human infant feeding tube is ideal (6-10 French feeding tube for neonates and 8-10 French for kittens over 300g), or a soft rubber canine urethral catheter may also be used. The tube must be measured to the correct length (from the kitten’s nose to the last rib), and an indelible mark should be made on the tube at this point. The tube should be lubricated with K-Y jelly before it is used. To place the tube the kitten’s mouth must be opened by pressing gently at the corners, and, keeping the head flexed downwards, the tube is then slid along the roof of the mouth and down the back of the kitten’s throat into the oesophagus. The tube is passed down the oesophagus until the mark on the tube is level with the kitten’s nose. The other end of the tube will then be in its stomach. A syringe containing pre-warmed milk can then be attached, and the milk can be delivered slowly, directly into the stomach. If the kitten’s head is kept flexed forward, it is quite difficult to miss the oesophagus and so pass the tube into the airway by mistake. Many kittens mew loudly throughout the whole procedure, and it is useful to note that they cannot do this if the tube is in the airway. If the tube does not pass easily or if coughing occurs withdraw the tube from the kitten’s mouth and try again. Frequency of feeding:: 0-2 weeks: Hypoglycaemia - This results from inadequate or infrequent feeding and if protracted can cause severe depression, muscle twitching and occasionally lead to convul- 22 20 6-10 feeds/24h at 2-4h intervals. 2-4 weeks: 4-8 feeds/24h at 3-6h intervals. 4-5 weeks: 3-5 feeds/24h at 5-8h intervals. ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Diarrhoea and dehydration - Diarrhoea is common in kittens, particularly those fed milk replacement formula. It may also be caused by over feeding; giving too concentrated a solution of milk replacement formula; or as a result of infection (usually caused by poor hygiene). Treatment must be prompt as dehydration can develop rapidly, followed by collapse, hypothermia, and death. Looking for skin tenting is an unreliable method of assessing dehydration in neonates. Instead, dehydration should be assessed by weight loss, dryness of mucus membranes, and urine specific gravity (>1.017). • Mild cases respond well to dilution of the milk replacement formula 50:50 with boiled water, which can then be given until the diarrhea stops. Treatment with SQ fluids may be required (see below, but starting with ~1ml/30g is reasonable). B • Severe cases should be given no milk at all. Instead they can be given oral support with 5-10% glucose solution, glucose-saline, or isotonic electrolyte solution until the diarrhoea stops. While oral supplementation may help, it is generally better to give parenteral fluids. If the neonate is cold, do not give any oral medication/fluid. • Intravenous (IV) or intraosseous (IO) routes are used most frequently for parenteral access. IV access can often be gained using a 23-25-g catheter placed in the cephalic or jugular vein. However, kittens’ short legs can make catheter placement difficult and flow hard to maintain. IO access can be easily gained using the proximal femur (Figure 1). Subcutaneous (SQ), intramuscular and intraperitoneal (IP) routes are less advisable as the absorption is slower and less reliable than in adults, especially if dehydration or shock is present. In addition, the IP route requires strict asepsis, and carries a small risk of puncturing viscera. If the IP route is to be used the daily fluid requirement is calculated (see below) then the volume is divided, and given 2-3x daily. Figure 1. Placement of the IO needle in the bone marrow. A) The proximal femur is preferred in the cat while the wing of the ileum can be useful in dogs. Picture: Slatter D, Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, third Edition, 2000, WB Saunders, Philidelphia. B) Detail of the placement of the IO needle within the bone marrow of the proximal femur. IO needles can be left in place for up to 72 hours, although their use is often limited by clotting within the needle. To try to reduce this risk, the needle should be flushed regularly with heparinised saline, usually every 6 hours. Picture: http://courses.vetmed.wsu.edu/samdx/bm.asp. • Use fluid pumps, syringe pumps, or a burette with a paediatric giving set (60 drops/ml) to reduce the risk of over-hydration to which all neonates are particularly susceptible (in part because of their immature kidneys). • Fluid requirements per kg are higher in neonates than • While sick neonates are often acidotic their reduced adults but total volumes required are low. Immature kidneys lack the ability to concentrate urine so fluid losses cannot be controlled, especially if there is concurrent vomiting and/or diarrhoea. Maintenance fluid rates in kittens <2 weeks of age are 130-220ml/kg/ 24h (ave. 180ml/kg/24h), by weaning ~120ml/kg/24h, and adult levels of ~50-65ml/kg/24h from 6 months. hepatic ability to metabolise lactate to bicarbonate means that lactated Ringer’s should not be given. Saline or Ringer’s are better choices in kittens <7 weeks of age. In severe acidosis bicarbonate can be given as per known acid-base status, or ~2mmol/kg can be given over 10-15 mins. Hypoglycaemic kittens should be given 5% dextrose solution mixed 50:50 with saline, or 1-2 ml of 10-25% glucose in very severe cases. All fluids should be carefully warmed prior to administration and kittens should be closely observed for signs of over-hydration. Example: 1 week old kitten, 200g, needs 36ml fluid/24h maintenance; 1.5ml/h (~1 drop/40 seconds using a paediatric giving set). If 7% dehydrated, the estimated deficit is 14ml. Therefore, the fluid rate should be ~2.5ml/h over 6h (1 drop/20sec), then reduce to ~2ml/h (1 drop/ 30sec); but always monitor for over-hydration. • Once the kitten has been warmed up and given fluid therapy it must be allowed to recover quietly. Feeding can only begin once the kitten is warm and able to suck. Stomach tubing is not helpful here, since when 23 21 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 a kitten is cold and collapsed its intestines stop functioning, so stomach contents can be easily regurgitated and then aspirated. As soon as the kitten is able to suck, it should be given isotonic glucose or Lectade solution (~1.0 ml/100 g body weight) given every 15 minutes until it is rehydrated and can urinate when massaged. If all goes well, diluted milk replacement formula can then be introduced after 24 hours, and full strength milk 24 hours after that. • The administration of antibiotics is not recommended, particularly for the treatment of diarrhoea. Antibiotics severely disrupt the process of normal colonisation of the gut by harmless bacteria, and can therefore make the situation worse. Antibiotics cannot be used as a substitute for colostrums and good hygiene. References · · · · · Cave TA, Thompson H, Reid SWJ, Hodgson DR and Addie D (2002) Kitten mortality in the UK: histopathological examinations (1986-2000). Vet Rec 151: 497-501 Chandler LM (1992) Pediatric normal blood values. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XI, eds. RW Kirk and JD Bonagura, WB. Saunders, Philadelphia. pp. 981-984 Hoskins JD (1995) Fluid therapy in the puppy and kitten. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XII, eds. RW Kirk and JD Bonagura, WB. Saunders, Philadelphia. pp. 34-37 Hotston Moore P and Sturgess CP (1998) Care of Neonates and Young Animals. BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Reproduction & Periparturient Care, p 153-169 Sturgess CP (2006) Feline paediatric medicine. EJCAP 16(1): 83-94 24 22 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Managing the Dyspneic Cat Case studies in feline respiratory distress Tim Hackett Introduction As we discussed in the first lecture on triage, respiratory distress in cats is a therapeutic dilemma. Critical cats can be so compromised that diagnostics and treatment can cause respiratory and cardiac arrest. Try to determine the nature of the problem first with observation. A rapid shallow respiratory pattern suggests restrictive disease while a slow deep inspiratory pattern is seen with airway obstruction. With the restrictive pattern, auscultation can help differentiate pleural space disease (pneumothorax, hydrothorax) from parenchymal diseases (pneumonia, pulmonary edema). With an understanding of the factors that increase the work of breathing we can narrow our list of possible problems. Work of breathing For gas exchange, fresh air must be brought into the alveoli through the process of alveolar ventilation. The O2 cost of quiet breathing is extremely small, being less than 3% of total resting O2 consumption. With voluntary hyperventilation it is possible to increase this to 30%, probably greater with respiratory disease. For animals with obstructive or restrictive lung disease, the O2 cost of breathing can limit their exercise ability. Muscles of the respiratory system must overcome several forces: Elastic recoil and airways resistance. The elastic forces opposing inhalation are a combination of elastic properties of the lung and alveolar surface tension. Elastic forces were described above as they effect pulmonary compliance. Airway resistance is the pressure difference between the alveoli and the mouth divided by flow rate and is determined Poiseuille's law: Where R = airway resistance, n = viscosity, l = length and r = radius. Note the critical importance of tube radius; if the radius is halved, the resistance increases 16fold. However doubling the length only doubles resistance. Airways resistance is determined by lung volume, bronchial smooth muscle tone and dynamic airway compression. At reduced lung volumes (expiration), radial traction supporting the bronchi is lost and airway caliber is reduced. Dynamic airway collapse is seen with forceful respiration. Sudden changes in intrathoracic pressure can affect the large airways. Minimizing the work of breathing Cats will adopt respirations to minimize the work of breathing. Those with upper airway obstruction will have a slower, deeper inspiratory effort with stridor (whistling sounds) heard loudest over the point of narrowing. By decreasing the speed of airflow past an obstruction this breathing pattern will favor maximal flow through narrowed airways with minimal energy expenditure. It's easy to understand the problems of airway obstruction by trying to breathe through a straw. Intrathoracic airway collapse (thoracic trachea and bronchi) will have increased expiratory effort. Tracheal collapse will often have a loud snap, bronchitis/asthma patients will have pronounced expiratory wheezes. Tim Hackett D.V.M., M.S. Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Associate Professor and Small Animal Medical Chief of Staff James L. Voss Veterinary Medical Center Animals with pleural effusions, pulmonary edema or pulmonary fibrosis will adopt a restrictive breathing pattern. By minimizing the change in volume while increasing the respiratory rate they can maintain alveolar minute ventilation despite decreased pulmonary compliance. Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 [email protected] 25 23 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Observation Try to determine the nature of the respiratory problem first with observation. A rapid shallow respiratory pattern suggests restrictive disease while a slow deep inspiratory pattern is seen with airway obstruction. With the restrictive pattern, auscultation can help differentiate pleural space disease (pneumothorax, hydrothorax) from parenchymal diseases (pneumonia, pulmonary edema). Imaging Cats presenting with upper or lower respiratory signs should have a thoracic radiographs when it is safe to restrain. Bronchial patterns develop as the peribronchiolar tissues become inflamed (as would be seen with bronchitis or bronchial asthma). Interstitial patterns develop with thickening of the fibrous structures of the lung. Alveolar patterns characterized by “Air bronchograms” are caused by fluid accumulation in the alveoli (pulmonary edema or pneumonia). Thoracic and cervical radiographs can be used to diagnose collapsing trachea, tracheal or laryngeal foreign bodies, and tracheal or laryngeal masses. The clinical signs and physical examination abnormalities associated with near drowning, smoke inhalation, are similar with electric cord bites with the exception of oral burns and can usually be ruled in or out with the history. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) results from a variety of pulmonary insults and can be thought of as organ failure of the lung. The clinical criteria for a diagnosis of ARDS include hypoxemia, pulmonary infiltrates (fluid accumulation in the lung tissue) without evidence of heart failure and decreased pulmonary compliance. The primary pathogenesis of this edema is an increased alveolar capillary permeability. Problems associated with the development of ARDS include aspiration of stomach contents, traumatic pulmonary contusion, inhalation of noxious gases, oxygen toxicity and a variety of infectious diseases. Secondary lung diseases associated with the development of ARDS include gram-negative sepsis, trauma (not just chest trauma), pancreatitis, transfusion reactions and toxins. Removal of the primary causes and administration of oxygen support preferable with positive end expiratory pressure are the principle treatments. Pulmonary Thromboembolism Pulmonary Edema Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema occurs occasionally in cats secondary to electric cord bites, sepsis, following near drowning or choking, uremia, smoke inhalation, and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Most cats that chew on electric cords are presented with acute onset of dyspnea and oral burns, which may or may not be associated with dysphagia or ptyalism. The syndrome occurs most commonly in the young. Pulmonary edema develops rapidly, generally within hours. Common physical examination abnormalities include oral burns, dyspnea, and pulmonary crackles. Thoracic radiographs show mixed interstitial and alveolar patterns that are most prominent in the dorsal portions of the caudal lung lobes. The pathogenesis of edema is thought to be increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure and increased alveolar-capillary permeability. Increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure is likely due to a centrally mediated burst of sympathetic activity, which causes constriction of resistance and capacitance vessels leading to a shift of blood from the splanchnic viscera into the circulation. This ultimately results in overcirculation of the pulmonary vasculature. Increased peripheral vascular resistance increases pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure and pulmonary venous pressures increase as the left ventricle pumps against increased outflow resistance. Treatment includes supplemental oxygen, morphine (0.05 mg/kg by subcutaneous injection) to reverse the sympathetic tone. If morphine is unavailable, other narcotic agonists and agonist/antagonists may also be beneficial. Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is the occlusion of the pulmonary vasculature by products of the coagulation cascade. Thrombosis of pulmonary vasculature results in an ischemic condition. This commonly results in tachopnoea, dyspnea, and potentially, cyanosis. PTE occurs through 3 major mechanisms, damage to vascular endothelium, altered pulmonary blood flow, and hypercoagulability. Diseases commonly associated with damage to vascular endothelium include dirofilariasis, neoplasia, valvular heart disease, endotoxemia, and any cause of vasculitis including pancreatitis and immune mediated disease. Altered pulmonary blood flow occurs most commonly with cardiomyopathy, partial venous occlusion by granulomatous disease or neoplasia, valvular heart disease, vascular tumors, any form of shock, polycythemia, and hyperviscosity syndromes. Syndromes of hypercoagulability can be either primary or secondary. People develop primary antithrombin III (ATIII), protein C, plasminogen, and plasminogen activator deficiency as well as dysfibrinogenemia that predisposes to thrombus formation. Acquired hypercoagulability occurs with many diseases resulting in decreased production of ATIII, lost of ATIII, increased concentration of some coagulation factors, platelet hypersensitivity, or thrombocytosis. The most common clinical signs associated with PTE include acute onset dyspnea or tachopnoea with or without cough and hemoptysis. Auscultation generally reveals increased bronchial sounds; crackles are rare. Split second heart sound may occur due to pulmonary arterial hypertension. 26 24 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Diagnosis can be difficult. Thoracic radiographic findings are dependent on the primary disease but can include increased interstitial densities, increased size of the pulmonary arteries, mild right heart enlargement, alveolar lung disease, and pleural effusion. Occasionally, thoracic radiographs are completely normal. These cases are often oxygen dependent but respond well to supplemental oxygen (noticeably better oxygenation, reduced respiratory rate, and decreased anxiety). Diagnosis is often by compatible underlying disease and a positive response to oxygen. Feline Bronchial disease There is no clear terminology for the bronchial obstructive diseases in the cat. Bronchitis is inflammation of the airways. Asthma generally implies a reversible bronchoconstriction related to hypertrophy of smooth muscle in airways, hypertrophy of mucous glands, and infiltrates of eosinophils. Asthma in cats is a Type I hypersensitivity reaction, often without an obvious cause. Cats with bronchitis not due to asthma generally have infiltrates of neutrophils or macrophages as well as hypertrophy of mucous glands, hyperplasia of goblet cells, excessive mucous, and ultimately fibrosis secondary to chronic inflammation. Causes include bacterial infection, (including mycoplasmosis) viral infection and parasitic infections. Cats with bronchitis can be of any age. There is no obvious breed or gender predilection. Primary presenting complaints include cough, dyspnea, and wheezing. Physical examination abnormalities include cough, dyspnea, and crackles, and wheezes in the pulmonary tissues. Increased bronchovesicular sounds may be the only abnormality noted on auscultation. If dyspnea occurs, it commonly has a pronounced expiratory component. Open mouth breathing or panting commonly occurs during periods of stress. Cats presenting dyspneic as an emergency are often to distressed to handle. Physical examination, intravenous catheterization and diagnostics could prove fatal. The best approach is to place them in an oxygen cage while obtaining a history and observing their respiratory efforts. Pleural Cavity Diseases of the pleural space cause a decreased tidal volume and a restrictive breathing pattern. Characterized by the rapid, shallow respirations and dull lung sounds, fluid and air in the pleural space can be diagnosed and treated by rapid thoracocentesis. Once removed, fluid can be examined to determine the likely cause. Thoracocentesis is performed using a 20 or 21g needle attached to a short piece of extension tubing. Alternatively a larger (19g) butterfly catheter may be used. The needle and tubing are attached to a 20-60 cc syringe through a 3-way stopcock. A 2x2 cm area over the lateral chest wall between the 6th and 10th intercostal spaces is surgically prepared. With the animal comfortable in either sternal or lateral recumbency, the needle is advanced into the thoracic cavity. It is helpful to mark the location of the needle's bevel before advancing into the chest. Once either air or fluid start flowing, the needle can be laid flat against the chest wall with the bevel facing in toward the lungs. This will allow complete re-inflation without lacerating the lung on the needle. A negative thoracocentesis may be due to fibrous adhesions and small pockets of fluid. It is usually not necessary to evacuate all fluid or air so a negative tap should not be pursued by re-directing the needle or repeated attempts. Radiographs may be helpful to decide if further attempts are warranted. Diaphragmatic hernias may also cause significant pleural restriction but yield a negative tap. These patients should be given supplemental oxygen while radiographs are taken. Thoracic radiographs reveal primarily a bronchial pattern. Overinflation and air trapping is seen in some dyspneic cats with chronic disease. Cytology of transoral airway wash samples reveals increased mucus with variable numbers of eosinophils, neutrophils, and macrophages. Bacteria may or may not be visualized. Aerobic and Mycoplasma culture as well as antibiotic susceptibility testing should be performed regardless of the type of inflammatory cell and whether or not bacteria are seen. Cats with eosinophilic airway cytology should be assessed for dirofilariasis using adult antigen detection tests or newly developed antibody tests. Fecal flotation (Toxocara and Toxascaris in kittens), Baermann examination of feces (Aelurostrongylus), and fecal sedimentation (Paragonimus) should be performed in cats with eosinophilic airway cytology particularly if indoor-outdoor and from parasite endemic areas. 27 25 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Feline Trauma Tim Hackett Introduction As we learned in the first seminar, each emergent patient should be evaluated in an orderly and systematic manner. This is especially true in trauma. It is the job of the triage team to evaluate and treat injuries interfering with vital physiological functions. While trauma by its very nature is a polysystemic disease, pulmonary complications present one of the most common, and life-threatening aspects of trauma triage. It is the purpose of this lecture not to review trauma triage, but to concentrate on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of traumatic injury to the respiratory tract. These injuries require immediate recognition and treatment, as aggressive fluid therapy can make some of these injuries worse. It is important to assume some degree of thoracic and pulmonary injury in all veterinary trauma patients. In a canine study, thoracic injuries were present in 58% of patients presented for treatment of orthopedic injures. Pulmonary contusions, pneumothorax, and fractured ribs were most commonly observed. These findings have also been noted in cats falling from great heights and suffering other forms of trauma. Pulmonary Contusions Lung contusion is the most common acute pulmonary complication of blunt chest trauma. Due to the compliant nature of the feline thorax, severe injury may be present without external signs of trauma. Such a contusion may occur under the site of a flail chest or independent of obvious external injury. A large bruise in a very bad place, the contused alveoli fill with blood, and fluid resulting in atelectasis. Hypoxemia will result from pulmonary shunt as blood flows through these non-venti- lated portions of lung. With time, pulmonary contusions appear radiographically as a diffuse interstitial to alveolar lung pattern. The location varies with the injury. It is important to note that contusions may not be evident on radiographs for several hours after the injury so a radiograph taken on admission may not reveal the severity of the injury. Complicating trauma management is evidence that respiratory insufficiency following pulmonary contusion may be iatrogenic. The use of large volumes of rapidly administered crystalloid solutions can exacerbate the fluid loss into damaged tissues worsening the hypoxemia associated with the contusions. Maintaining plasma colloid oncotic pressure with the use of plasma or other colloid solutions may lessen the occurrence of respiratory insufficiency by preventing water loss into the injured lung. We use even more conservative fluid replacement in trauma patients with pulmonary contusions. Using a combination of crystalloid fluids (5-10 ml/kg, 1/8 to 1/4 of a typical shock volume) and colloid solutions (whole blood, or hydroxyethyl starch) we strive to maintain a minimally acceptable blood pressure (mean pressure of 60 mmHg) while avoiding iatrogenic pulmonary fluid overload. Patients with severe contusions may present with or develop hemoptysis. Blood from the mouth, agitation and respiratory distress are all indications that pulmonary parenchymal hemorrhage is ongoing and aggressive treatment is necessary. These patients are quickly restrained (fast acting anesthetic or a paralytic) and intubated. Ventilating with 100% oxygen and 5-10 cm H20 positive endexpiratory ventilation will help keep remaining alveoli open, and open catalectic lung units. Patient tidal volume should be monitored closely as positive pressure ventilation and damaged lungs can lead to a tension pneumothorax. Tim Hackett D.V.M., M.S. Pneumothorax Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Simple pneumothorax occurs when gas accumulates in the pleural space but pleural pressure does not significantly exceed atmospheric pressure. Gas can enter the space either from outside the chest wall, as occurs with bite wounds, sharp objects, or weapons, or via the lung through a tear in the lung parenchyma. Small amounts Associate Professor and Small Animal Medical Chief of Staff James L. Voss Veterinary Medical Center Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 [email protected] 28 26 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 of gas cause pleural pressure to increase slightly, but it remains sub atmospheric during inspiration because it is in equilibrium with the negative alveolar pressure. Although pleural and alveolar pressures become positive during forced expiration, slight separation of the pleural spaces does not compromise ventilation. If the pneumothorax is small and the pleural leak seals itself, the gas will be absorbed as a result of partial pressure differences between gas in the pleural space and in the blood. Tension pneumothorax is characterized by a progressive increase in pleural pressure sufficient to impair circulation. This occurs as gas enters the pleural space and remains there during expiration because tissue or fluid occludes the pulmonary parenchyma. While tension pneumothorax can occur during spontaneous negative pressure inspiration, it is more likely with intubated patients receiving positive pressure ventilation. The accumulating gas not only collapses the lungs but also interferes with venous return to the right atrium. Thoracocentesis is preferred in the initial evaluation of thoracic injury. With a 20-gauge needle attached to an intravenous extension set, 3-way stopcock, and 60 ml syringe, one will aspirate air, fluid, or both. It is advisable to aspirate from both right and left sides of the thorax. A thoracostomy tube allows rapid, continuous evacuation of air or fluid from the pleural space. If it becomes necessary to use needle thoracocentesis more than twice to alleviate dyspnea, placement of the thoracostomy tube is necessary. Before placing the tube, a sterile preparation of the thorax is provided. Insertion is best accomplished with a stylet enclosed in the tube in order to avoid unnecessary dissection of subcutaneous tissues the thoracostomy tube can be either intermittently drained with a syringe, or continuously evacuated using controlled suction. Intermittent syringe evacuation is the only way to quantify the volume of air removed. The thoracostomy tube is removed when the pleural leak has sealed and the lungs have re-expanded and/or when fluid drainage has decreased in blunt trauma this is usually one to three days. Physical examination and chest roentgenograms are used to determine suitability of drain removal. Additionally, daily cytological evaluation of the thoracic effluent should be monitored for incidence of infection. Fractured Ribs Rib fractures are painful and limit diaphragmatic and chest wall motion. Failure to adequately expand the lungs results in atelectasis of the underlying lung and hypoxemia. Flail chest occurs when three or more ribs, or the junction of ribs and the sternum, are each fractured at two points. This results in paradoxical inward movement of the flail segment during inspiration when the rest of the thoracic cage expands. Because the hypoxemia associated with flail chest results from atelectasis due to pain and contusions of the lung underlying the flail segment, therapy is aimed at relieving pain through analgesics and local blocks, supplemental oxygen, and supportive measures while the contused lung heals. As we saw in the last seminar, each trauma patient should be evaluated in an orderly and systematic manner. Injuries that interfere with vital physiological functions should receive the highest priority. These are injuries that involve the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, or neurological system. Serious injuries that are not immediately life threatening includes: fractures, luxations, and intra-abdominal injuries (ruptured spleen, liver or damage to the urological system). Minor injuries may merely require observation, monitoring, and serial evaluations to assure they do not slip to a more serious status. Initial Assessment Using our standard triage scheme, the initial assessment of the trauma patient identifies life-threatening physiological injuries. Whenever a problem is identified immediate therapy is begun. This "primary survey” follows the ABC (and D's) of triage and resuscitation (see the first lecture “The Critical Cat”) Management of the life-threatening problems identified during the primary survey is continued as shock therapy begins. The secondary survey identifies all other problems related to the trauma. The entire animal's body is examined again from head to toe. Necessary diagnostic samples are collected and submitted. Only when the patient is stable are indicated radiographs taken. In-depth management of the patient's less life-threatening injuries is undertaken in the definitive care phase. The fractures are stabilized, and careful inspection for "hidden" injuries is begun. Abdominal Trauma Abdominal injuries are occult. Injuries caused by blunt trauma include lacerations of the liver and/or spleen, urological trauma, infarcted bowel, or reproductive organ damage during pregnancy. Penetrating injuries from gunshot, impalement injuries, and bite wounds are more obvious. The wounding potential of missiles is related both to velocity and mass of the bullet. High velocity missiles produce cavitation within the abdomen that is sufficiently energetic to disrupt hollow organs, break bones and spread contamination. Physical examination findings and diagnostic studies are required in deciding which abdomen should be surgically explored following penetrating injury. This decision is generally based upon signs of peritoneal penetration, unexplained shock, ileus, organ evisceration, free gas on radiographic examination or evidence of bacteria or plant debris following abdominocentesis or peritoneal lavage. Blunt abdominal trauma cases are challenging diagnostic problems because the clinical manifestations may be delayed for hours or days. Abdominal tenderness is an important clinical signs 29 27 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 of peritoneal irritation by blood or intestinal contents. Less life-threatening emergencies Ultrasound is the most sensitive means to identify and locate peritoneal fluid. If unavailable, a four quadrant abdominocentesis is our preferred means for confirming blunt abdominal injury. From the fluid obtained, a packed cell volume, total solids, cytology, billirubin, and creatinine can be evaluated. If the packed cell volume of centesis fluid exceeds the peripheral packed cell volume, very likely there is either a splenic, hepatic or renal parenchymal laceration. In the dog or cat our approach is to treat these patients as conservatively as possible. With an abdominal pressure bandage and individualized fluids therapy, it is unusual to require surgery for a splenic or hepatic laceration. Caution should be employed in applying an excessively tight bandage when thoracic injuries are also present. Fractures and luxations of the bony pelvis and extremities are not considered life-threatening emergencies. Of greater importance is the damage to associated neural, vascular, and soft tissues surrounding these bony injuries. In fractures of long bones, blood loss may exceed 25% of the total blood volume. This blood is often not obviously lost but rather sequestered about a fracture site. With major biliary tree or common bile duct injury, the clinical signs of icterus are often delayed 4 to 6 weeks. If the abdominal fluid bilirubin is approximately 30 times greater than peripheral bilirubin, then surgical exploratory will be required to close the lacerated organ and lavage the abdomen. This surgery is not considered an emergency procedure. With urological injury, the packed cell volume of the abdominal fluid will be lower than the peripheral packed cell volume due to hemodilution with urine. The diagnosis is confirmed by comparison of abdominal fluid urine nitrogen or creatinine to peripheral blood values collected at the time of the abdominocentesis. Emergency management of intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder, urethra, and/or ureters involves drainage of the abdominal fluid via an indwelling catheter until the patient is sufficiently stable to undergo anesthesia and surgical repair. Prior to surgery, contrast studies of the kidneys, ureter, and bladder should be performed to assess the severity of injury using an excretory urogram. If there is evidence of lower urinary tract injury, positive contrast urethrography and cystography may be necessary. Fractures are classified as either open or closed. Most closed fractures pose no immediate threat should remain partially exposed for assessment of color, pain, swelling, discharge, odor, and temperature. Open fractures require a thorough cleansing and covering of the wound along with appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Contaminated wounds should be cultured to life and definitive repair is generally delayed at least 24 hours. Application of a splint will relieve pain, lessen additional swelling of the limb, and prevent a closed fracture from becoming an open fracture. The principle of immobilization of the joint above and the joint below the fracture decreases the usefulness of splints in animals. In splinting, the toes with antimicrobial sensitivity performed. The last step in the emergency management of the open fracture is the application of sterile gauze and immobilization if possible. Bite wounds, gunshot wounds, and wounds with massive contusions should not be closed. Early closure of these wounds generally results in disruption and prolonged convalescence. Definitive fracture treatment is undertaken after the animal is stabilized. Luxation of joints requires use of principles described for fractures. Most joint luxations are closed and are easily managed. Following resolution of shock, the luxation is reduced and ligamentous damage investigated to ascertain the necessity for open repair. If plant debris or significant numbers of mixed bacteria be found with centesis of the abdominal fluid, a ruptured viscus is likely and exploratory surgery is indicated. Use of peritoneal lavage for diagnosis of abdominal injury should be considered if abdominocentesis is negative. If no blood, bile, urine or intestinal fluid can be aspirated, the abdominal fluid is irrigated with 10 to 20 ml/kg of warmed crystalloid fluid. If feasible, the patient is moved from side to side to assure the fluid reaches all areas of the abdominal cavity. The fluid is then allowed to drain via gravity. 30 28 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Practical use of hormones in feline reproduction Stefano Romagnoli As with other species, the use of hormonal compounds in cats requires a thorough understanding of the physiology of reproduction, which will be briefly reviewed here. The onset of puberty in the cat occurs from 4 to 12 months of age depending on season, day length, body weight and breed. However, onset of puberty as late as 18-21 months of age is reported for Persian and long haired queens (Table 1). In cats, there is a critical weight which has to be reached (2/3 of the adult body weight, or 2.3-2.5 kg) before puberty is attained. Furthermore, if the critical age and weight are reached during the period of decreased day-length, the onset of puberty will be further delayed. Breed N° of queens Mean Range 8 11.3 7.0-14.0 Abissinian Birman 7 11.3 10.0-18.0 45 7.7 4.0-19.0 6 13.0 9.0-18.0 33 9.6 4.0-16.0 7 12.4 9.0-18.0 Persian 40 11.2 6.0-21.0 Siamese 20 9.3 4.0-20.0 Other breeds (long –haired) 17 11.0 6.0-18.0 Other breeds (short -haired) 19 9.4 4.5-15.0 Burmese Colourpoint Hymalaian Manx Table 1 – Breed, number of females considered, age at puberty in months and range for some breeds of queens (modified from Jemmet & Evans, 1977, and Povey, 1978) Stefano Romagnoli, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl. ECAR President, European Board of Veterinary Specialisation Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Agripolis, Legnaro, 35020 (PD) University of Padova, Italy [email protected] The feline reproductive cycle is divided into proestrus, estrus, postestrus, diestrus and anestrus. Proestrus is indicated by continuous rubbing of the head and neck against any object, some vocalization but refusal of mating, and it is reported to be very short and often not observed (Shille et al., 1979). It lasts an average of 1.2+0.8 days. Estrus behaviour in the queen, as in other mammals, is indicative of receptivity to mating, and is characterized by signs which are similar to those of proestrus but more intense, more frequent vocalizing, crouching with the forequarters pressed to the ground and hyperextension of the back which causes lordosis, so that the vulva is presented for mating. Unlike canine estrus which begins with decreasing serum estradiol concentrations, estrus in the queen occurs at peak follicular activity. Feline ovulation is induced by LH released from 31 29 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 the pituitary in response to a neural reflex originating from the vagina stimulated by the Tom’s penis. Occurrence of ovulation does not shorten duration of estrus which averages 8.5+4.2 days (range 2-19 days) in bred queens (regardless of whether or not follicle(s) ovulated). Instead, absence of coitus is associated with a shorter duration of estrual behaviour (6.2+2.9 days). The length of estrus may vary depending on the season, with longer duration in the Spring (5-14 days) as opposed to other seasons (1-6 days). The number of follicles ovulating has been related to the number of matings, with one mating/estrus not being sufficient to cause ovulation in up to 50% of bred females, and >4 matings/estrus being associated with high numbers of follicles ovulating (Concannon et al., 1980; Romagnoli, 2005). The term Postestrus has been used to indicate the stage which follows one estrus and precede the next in queens which did not ovulate (Lofstedt, 1982). The term metestrus is sometime used, but may be a source of confusion as it indicates a phase of corpus luteum development which does not occur in non-ovulating queens. Queens that ovulate show evidence of corpus luteum development, therefore going through a normal Diestrus whose length varies depending on occurrence of conception. Diestrus lasts approximately 35-45 days in nonpregnant queens, and approximately 60 days in pregnant queens. Following luteolysis, cyclicity resumes with a 710 days delay both in pregnant and non-pregnant females, although lactation and suckling may inhibit resumption of cyclicity for 2-3 weeks post-weaning. Queens exposed to natural photoperiod undergo Anestrus, a phase of reproductive quiescence, during late Fall and early Winter (October-December). As in the canine, the feline estrus cycle can be easily staged with vaginal cytology. Exfoliated vaginal epithelial cells can be collected with a saline-moistened cottontipped swab gently inserted for approximately 2 cm into the vagina and then rolled onto a glass slide; or by flushing 0.5 cc of saline into the vagina with a Papanicolautype pipette, placing a drop of vaginal fluid on glass slide and then smearing it. Any of the Romanowsky-type stains can be used satisfactorily (Giemsa, Wright’s, New mehtylene blue, Leishman blue, Diff-Quik) to stain feline vaginal smears whose patters do not differ greatly from those of the bitch. Percentage of anuclear squames is reported to be 10% on the first day of estrus, and to increase to 40% on the fourth day of estrus, with the percentage of intermediate cells falling from 40% to 10% during the same period (Shille et al., 1979). Although easy to perform also in felines, vaginal cytology is not routinely used in queens to stage the estrous cycle (ovulation does not need to be identified as it generally occurs when the queen mates), but rather to look for vaginal epithelial cornification in cases of silent or prolonged heat. During the follicular phase estradiol concentration increases rapidly from 12-15 pg/ml during proestrus to 25 pg/ml on the first day of estrus, then up to >70 pg/ml within the following 4-6 days, then down to 20-25 pg/ml on the following 1-2 days and finally reaches 10-15 pg/ ml (a concentration typical of postestrus) between 7 and 10 days after the onset of estrus. Induction of oestrus and ovulation Oestrus induction in the queen is commonly achieved using PMSG. A variety of different treatments have been used as shown in Table 2, but PMSG at the dose of 100150 IU a single time followed by 50-100 IU of hCG 5-7 days later is the protocol that consistently has given the best results. Some efficacy of the antiprolactinics has been claimed, but not substantiated so far. Although prolactin does not seem to play a role in determining feline anestrus, clinical evidence indicates that in previously fertile queens prolonged use of cabergoline results in oestrus induction. This is in line with the observation that in the bitch the lowering of prolactin due to the use of antiprolactinic drugs is not always followed by induction of oestrus (Okkens et al., 1997). No information is available on the use of cabergoline in queens with primary anoestrus. On day 2 of induced oestrus, hCG (100 IU) or GnRH (50 mcg gonadorelin, or 0.8 µg buserelin) should be injected intramuscularly (IM) before mating. However, pathological conditions like illness (progesterone-producing ovarian cysts), inadequate animal husbandry and feeding as well as too young age have to be excluded before medical induction of oestrus and ovulation. Induction of ovulation may be necessary in case of permanent oestrus, for induction of pseudopregnancy to prolong the interoestrus interval or in case of artificial insemination. In these cases, ovulation can be induced by IM or SC injection of hCG or GnRH (at the above dosages) when the queen is in oestrus or also by slightly rubbing a cotton swab at the vaginal mucosa to achieve vaginal stimulation and to induce a LH surge mimicking the mating of a tom. It may be necessary to repeat this procedure several times to get sufficient LH concentrations to induce ovulation. 32 30 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Protocol Dosage Reference PMSG 100-1000 IU, 5-7 d Cline et al., Lab An Sci 1003, 1980 PMSG+hCG 100-150 IU on day 1 + 50-100 IU on day 5-7 Cline et al., Lab An Sci 1003, 1980; Donoghue et al., Biol Reprod 46:972, 1992; Swanson et al., Biol Reprod 57:295, 1997 FSH+hCG 2 mg/day 4-5 days + 50-250 IU Dresser et al., Therio 28:915, 1987 FSHp+hCG 2 mg on day 1, 0.5-1.0 mg days 2-5 + 50-250 IU Tsutsui et al., Jap J Vet Sci 51:677, 1989 huFSH + hCG 7.5 or 15 IU days 1-4 + 100 IU on day 4.5 Orosz et al., Therio 37:993,1992 hMG + hCG 15 IU days 1-5, + 100 IU on day 6.5 Orosz et al., Therio 37:993,1992 FSHp (ultra pure) 2.5-10 mg total dose, in 5 days Verstegen et al., J Reprod Fert Suppl 47:209, 1993 Antiprolactin drugs Cabergoline 5 mg/kg, max 15 days Verstegen, unpublished Table 2 – Oestrus induction protocols in the queen. Unwanted pregnancy Unwanted mating in privately owned sexually mature outdoor cats is common and detection of pregnancy in these cats is usually quite late in gestation. Fetal parameters can be measured by ultrasound to estimate the date of parturition.5 However, if a cat is presented immediately after unwanted mating, it should be checked for evidence of mating (signs of scratching and biting, spermatozoa in a vaginal smear) first. The use of estrogens causing closure of the utero-tubal junction and therefore inhibiting the transport of the embryo is very effective, but due to the risk of side effects (especially pyometra), injections are not recommended. Repeated injections of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α) for induction of abortion after day 30 have been described with significant side effects (salivation, vomiting, diarrhea) and variable success rates (25-75 %, n=4). Dopamine-agonists have been used occasionally in cats for induction of abortion from day 30 onward, although the available information on this drug in the feline is scant. Production of litters by feral cats was prevented by addition of cabergoline to the diet of pregnant females at a dose of 5-15 ug/kg/day for 4-12 days. In a controlled laboratory study, cabergoline at doses of 1.7 ug/kg given i.m. daily for 5 days, starting at day 30 of pregnancy, induced luteolysis and terminated pregnancy in 4 of 5 cats, with negligible side effects. In another study, the oral cabergoline formulation, (Galastopä Ceva-Vetem, Italy) administered per os at a dose of 15 µg/kg for 4 to 7 days terminated pregnancy in 8 cats when started between day 30 and 42, but failed in 2 cats when started at day 45. This failure of abortifacient efficacy in late pregnancy is perhaps not surprising, since the feline placenta is thought to produce progesterone during the last 3 weeks of pregnancy. Emesis was a side effect in some animals. The use of antiprogestins was recently proposed for termination of the feline pregnancy. As progesterone is necessary for maintenance of pregnancy, its withdrawal or the blockade of its receptors with antiprogestins, allows opening of the cervix and spontaneous contractions of the myometrium. Aglepristone treatment has been proven to be safe and effective for early, midterm and late pregnancy termination in the queen. Success rates in queens vary from 100% for early treatment (days 5/6 after mating), to ~ 85 % for mid-pregnancy treatment (days 25 to 33) to <70% for late treatment (days 45). Two injections (10-15 mg/kg BW) on consecutive days are recommended; due to variable success rates following midterm or late termination of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination should be performed to make sure that abortion is complete. Currently, many authors consider the use of aglepristone as the method of choice for prevention of nidation and mid-term termination of pregnancy in the queen. In cats, antiprogestins can also be used for: 1) open and closed-cervix pyometra – Conservative medical treatment of bitches with pyometra can be achieved with the administration of 10 mg/kg of aglepristone on days 1, 2, 8 and then also 15 and 28 depending on the clinical situation in bitches with both open cervix and closed-cervix pyometra (Romagnoli et al., 2006). The use of aglepristone should be associated with antibiotics if necessary, and can also be associated with PGF provided that cervical opening has occurred. Unpublished information indicates that the effect of aglepristone on pyometra in the queen (using the 15 mg/kg dose) is probably the same as in dogs. 2) treatment of feline mammary hypertrophy - Benign mammary hypertrophy is a benign fibroglandular proliferation of one or more mammary glands which typically occurs in young queens at their first luteal phase. The proliferation of the mammary gland is due to an excessive response to the action of progesterone which is present in presumably normal concentrations in affected animals. Mammary glands will start swelling rapidly and within 2-3 days all glands become very swollen, firm and 33 31 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 nodular. If left untreated, the problem may disappear on its own without any complication in most cases. Treatment with prostaglandins or antiprolactinic is not effective, while removal of ovaries or administration of aglepristone can be curative. When mammary hypertrophy occurs following progestogen administration, signs typically do not subside immediately following neutering or withdrawal of progestin therapy (Gorlinger et al 2002). In such cases, surgical removal of persisting nodules should be considered in order to perform histology and rule out presence of neoplasia. Recently, it was shown that the condition is responsive to aglepristone (Wehrend et al 2001, Gorlinger et al 2002, Meisl et al., 2003), which may be an option also for cats treated with long-acting progestogens. Although dose regimens for aglepristone in cats have not been reported, anecdotal treatments with 15 mg/kg are known to be effective as abortifacients or in case of a pyometra. Dosages for mammary hypertrophy may need to be higher or prolonged in time depending on whether it is a spontaneous disease or if it is due to progestogen administration. Recently, Muphung et al (2009) studied the effect of aglepristone in a group of queens treated with a high dose of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA - 50 mg) followed by 2 injections of 10 mg/kg aglepristone 3 weeks later. Based on histology and immunohistochemistry, no evidence of an effect of aglepristone on the mammary gland of treated queens was present. Lack of effect might be due to the very high dose of MPA used, to the rather low dose of aglepristone (10 mg/kg instead of 15 mg/kg), to the short treatment with aglepristone (only 2 injections) or to the long interval between MPA and aglepristone treatments. 3) Aglepristone has recently been successfully used also for induction of parturition in term bitches. There is no information on such use in queens. Control of Reproduction Surgical contraception is not any longer the only approach requested by owners, as an increasing part of them would appreciate to preserve a cat’s future reproductive potential. Furthermore, restrictions are being imposed on surgical castration in an increasing number of countries for ethical reasons and animal welfare legislation. Alternative approaches are based on interference with endocrine regulatory mechanisms and may include the use of a) progestins causing a negative feedback on the pituitary, b) GnRH agonist implants leading to a down-regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis and c) melatonin implants. Progestins - Synthetic analogues of progesterone, also termed progestins or progestogens, are pharmaceutical compounds commonly used in (dogs and) cats for temporary (starting the treatment shortly before prooestrus onset) or prolonged (starting in anoestrus) postponement of oestrus, or for suppression of oestrus (starting the treatment after proestrus onset). The following compounds are currently available in various parts of the world: medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), megestrol acetate (MA), proligestone (PR), chlormadinone acetate (CMA) and delmadinone acetate (DMA). From the clinical point of view all these products act in the same way through a block of the production and/or release of GnRH from the hypothalamus (Romagnoli and Concannon, 2003). Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) is a long-acting progestin, developed for human use in the 1960’s and widely available in most countries of the world as a veterinary drug for use in dogs and cats (oral formulation) or mostly dogs (depot formulation). As MPA is slowly metabolized by the liver, its effective circulating levels can be maintained for 3 to 6 months after a single intramuscular injection. Various treatment regimens have been recommended for small animals with the minimum effective dose being approximately 2.0 mg/kg for queens (Table 3). Higher dosages have been suggested and are occasionally found on drug leaflets in some countries, but their use should be discouraged because of the increasing risk of side effects at MPA doses > 3.0 mg/kg in both bitches and queens. MPA should be administered in anoestrus, and treatment length should not exceed 2 years (or 4 injections at 6 month-intervals). The interval from treatment to the first spontaneous oestrus ranges from 1.5 to 26 months after the last injection. In some countries MPA is not recommended for use in cats (Jackson, 1984) Megoestrol acetate (MA) is a short-acting progestin, which is better suited than MPA for temporary postponement and suppression. MA is typically available as an oral formulation (although parenteral formulations are marketed in some countries) with dosages varying in the bitch depending on the cycle stage: from 0.55 mg/kg/day for 32 days in anoestrus up to a maximum dosage of 2.2 mg/ kg/day for 8 days in early prooestrus. In anoestrus queens it should be given at the dose of 5.0 mg/cat every 2 weeks, while this dosage can be increased to 5.0 mg/cat/day for up to 4 days in case of a breakthrough heat. Dosing of injectable MA formulations should be done carefully based on body weight, keeping in mind that no dose response data are available to demonstrate what is the most appropriate protocol for injectable MA in small animals. Delmadinone acetate (DA) and Chlormadinone acetate (CA) are synthetic progestins whose action on the reproductive and endocrine system is similar to that of MPA (they are derivatives of MPA): effectiveness is reportedly good for prolonged postponement of cycle in cats at the dose of 2 mg/cat. Published information on both drugs 34 32 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 is scant. Post-treatment fertility is reportedly normal for both. DA is currently available as a veterinary drug in some European countries. Androgens – Like for progestins, administration of androgens in the female will suppress gonadotrophin release thanks to a negative feedback upon the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Furthermore, androgen receptors have been identified in oestrogen target tissues and androgen administration may cause a decrease in the response of oestrogen function. Natural and synthetic androgens have been used for the control of oestrus in bitches and queens. These drugs are commonly employed in racing Greyhound bitches, not only because of their suppressive effect on oestrus, but also because of their anabolic effects. As with progestins, treatment with androgens should be started when the animal is in the first half of anestrus, as delaying its administration until late anoestrus may prove ineffective (Kutzler, 2006). In cats, the use of androgens is not currently advised due to the incidence of side effects (on which, however, there is little if any scientific data available). There is no information on the efficacy and safety of testosterone in cats, and mibolerone is not recommended in this species due to the fact that the effective dose (50 µg/day) is close to the toxic dose (60 µg/day). Proligestone (PGS) is the most recent type of progestin available for use in (dogs and) cats, which has been developed to selectively act on the hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal axis with less progestational activity compared to other synthetic progestogens. However, based on studies performed in The Netherlands a range of side effects has been reported also for this compound (at least in dogs). The recommended dosage regimen in queens is 10 mg/kg repeated after 3 and 4 months, and then every 5 months. Breakthrough heats may occur during treatment, although their incidence has not been studied in bitches or queens. Table 3 shows the suggested dosages of the most commonly used progestogen-based compounds in the queen. Suggested Dosage Cat MPA 2.0 mg/kg IM every 5 months MA in anestrus: 5 mg/cat every 2 wk or 2.5 mg/cat/wk PO (better if divided into 2 administrations every 3.5 days) in proestrus: 5 mg/cat/day for 4 days, then 5 mg every 2 wk, PO DA PO: 0.25-0.7 mg/kg, once a week. SC: 2.5-5.0 mg/kg, every 6 months. For oestrus suppression, SC: 0.5-1.0 mg/kg, for 6 days or 2.5-6.75 mg/kg, one or two injections 24 hours apart PGS 10 mg/kg SC every 3, 4, 5, 5 months Table 3 – Suggested dosages of the 4 most commonly used progestogen compounds in queen for the control of reproduction: MPA = medroxyprogesterone acetate; MA = megestrol acetate; DA = delmadinone acetate; PGS = proligestone GnRH agonists - A recent development in the field of the control of reproduction in the queen is the use of longacting GnRH agonists, which have become commercially available as veterinary drugs in Europe during 2008. Both deslorelin (Suprelorin, Virbac) and azagly-nafarelin (Gonazon®, Intervet) have proven effective in controlling eline reproduction in preliminary trials. Based on ongoing studies at the University of Padova in adult queens, the 4.7 mg deslorelin implant seems to be effective in inhibiting reproductive cyclicity for >12 months, and good efficacy has also been observed in delaying puberty in male and female cats implanted at 2-4 months of age. Deslorelin (Suprelorin®, Virbac is currently marketed in Europe for use in male dogs, therefore its use in queens should be regarded as extra-label. Azagly-nafarelin is not marketed yet anywhere in the world. Melatonin - The cat is a seasonal breeder (long-day breeder) influenced by day light with increasing melatonin concentrations and decreasing sexual activity following decreasing photoperiod. Exogenous melatonin may mimic this effect and has therefore been described in cats for intravenous, subcutaneous and oral administration. Oral administration of melatonin for 30 to 35 days (given 3 h before lights-off) effectively and reversibly suppressed oestrus without any side effects. Because permanent oral administration is impractical in daily routine and clinical practice, melatonin implants were tested for their efficacy in controlling feline reproduction. Whereas melatonin implants containing 12 mg suppressed oestrus in 3 of 4 cats only, Gimenez et al showed that 18 g implants (Melovine®, CEVA Sante Animal, Libourne, France) were highly effective (9/9 cats). Treatment in interoestrus resulted in 35 33 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 a prolonged duration of efficacy compared to treatment in oestrus (113.3 ± 6.1 days vs. 61.1 ± 6.8 days). Initial oestrus induction for 2-3 days was observed in 3/9 cats (interoestrus) and 7/9 cats (oestrus). Whereas in the former study one cat suffered from uterine pathology after treatment, no side effects were observed in later trials. Regarding fertility all effects are fully reversible and mating at the end of treatment resulted in pregnancy rates of 75%; so treatment with a melatonin implant seems to offer a new promising alternative for short-term oestrus cycle control in the queen while preserving future reproductive potential. However, further studies with more animals are necessary to finally evaluate the risk for side effects. SIDE EFFECTS OF REPRODUCTIVE DRUGS The incidence of progestin and androgen side effects appears to be associated with overdosing, a wrong choice of patients and/or administration during stages of the cycle other than anoestrus. For instance, while a dose of 2.5 mg/kg of MPA in a young, healthy bitch can be used safely for at least 18-24 months (or for 3-4 injections at 6-month intervals, provided it is injected in anestrus), a dose of 6.0 mg/kg is at risk of causing side effects well before 18 months, and a dose of 10 mg/kg will cause acromegaly and pyometra after an equal or shorter treatment period. Similarly, a dose of 3.0 mg/kg will cause development of benign and malignant mammary tumours in bitches if administered every 3 months for 12 consecutive treatments. Normal dosage in healthy females Normal dosage in females with subclinical disease, high dosage, or prolonged treatment Delayed onset of parturition Benign and malignant mammary nodules Skin reaction at inoculation sites Cystic endometrial hyperplasia, pyometra Masculinization of female foetuses Acromegaly Behavioral/metabolic changes (decreased libido; increased appetite and body weight; polyuria/ polydipsia) Diabetes mellitus Adrenocortical suppression in cats (using MA) Cushing’s disease Table 4 – Side effects due to the use of progestins following administration of a) normal dosages in healthy females, or b) normal dosages in females with subclinical disease, normal dosage for too long, or dosages higher than indicated. A reversible adrenocortical suppression is reported in normal cats receiving megoestrol acetate (MA) at dosages of 5.0 mg/cat for 7 to 14 days. A safe dosage may cause side effects if: a) administered in dioestrus (because of the coincident endogenous progesterone secretion adding to exogenous administration), b) given to an animal with a pre-existing disease (such as subclinical cystic endometrial hyperplasia or diabetes), or c) administered to a pregnant female (as it will delay perturition). An example of potential side effects occurring following a normal or a high dosage of progestins is reported on Table 4. Although side effects have been reported more commonly for MPA, CA, DA and MA than for PGS, it should be noted that the clinical use of gonadal steroidal compounds in dogs and cats started almost 50 years ago, at which time very little was known on reproductive and endocrine effects of steroids, while PGS has been introduced into the veterinary market more recently and perhaps used with more caution and attention to dosages. Reported side effects of PGS include pain at the injection site and discoloration of the hair; although earlier clinical trials have not reported development of uterine disease or mammary tumours when PGS is used at the suggested dose regimen, no large clinical studies have been performed in recent years. PGS can probably be regarded as slightly safer than MPA. However, small animal clinicians should use the same degree of caution when using any progestin (Table 4). Fertility is generally not affected by the treatment with progestins, although the endometrial proliferative action due to these drugs may alter endometrial status particularly in prolonged treatments. Similarly to progestins, androgens may cause side effects if administered at too high dosages, for too long or in the wrong patient. Reported side effects for androgens following chronic treatment with normal dosage include the most common clitoral hypertrophy and vaginitis, and the less common virilisation, masculinisation of female foetuses, body odor, urinary incontinence, urine spraying, mounting behaviour, cervical dermis thickening and epiphora. Furthermore, overdosing may result in anal gland inspissation and resulting odors. Androgens are known to be much less harmful to fertility due to the lack of endometrial proliferation, although endometrial atrophy may become chronic following prolonged treatment. Reproductive side effects following chronic use of mibolerone at efficacious dosages include ovarian fibroma, endometrial atrophy and vaginal mucosa atrophy. Beagles (but not other breeds) treated with mibolerone appear to have a reduced response to ACTH challenge. In general, the use of androgens is not recommended in 36 34 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 the following cases: a) animals intended for future breeding; b) young animals (7 months old or younger bitches, due to early epiphyseal closure); c) Bedlington terriers due to their genetical predisposition to chronic progressive hepatitis; d) pregnant animals; e) animals with androgen dependent neoplasms or with a history of liver or kidney diseases GnRH agonists appear to be much less harmful for reproductive and general health of bitches and queens when compared to gonadal steroids, because of the fact that their action is based on removal of endogenous steroids from the general circulation, thereby eliminating any potential risk of hormonal related conditions. However, these compounds may be a source of problems both in terms of owners convenience as well as health risks for the female being treated. GnRH agonists provide a powerful stimulus for the pituitary, which is forced to release all its reserves of gonadotrophins until down-regulation occurs. The interval from treatment to onset of down-regulation may vary from 2 to 4 weeks. During this period, ovarian activity and secretion is typically stimulated, which may cause induction of heat if the female is treated in anoestrus, or a surge in progesterone secretion if treatment occurs in dioestrus. Heat induction can be a major inconvenience for an owner who is requesting control of oestrus for her/his pet. Such oestrus is normally fertile; therefore, a bitch may conceive and become pregnant, but often spontaneous abortion occurs at mid-pregnancy as soon as pituitary down-regulation occurs. The surge in progesterone production may exhacerbate a subclinical uterine or ovarian condition, as well as delay parturition if treatment is performed during the last trimester of pregnancy. Induction of heat is not observed when bitches are treated in dioestrus or retreated in anoestrus (when the previous implant is still functioning), although breakthrough heats have been observed within the last month prior to re-treatment. As with all treatments which are supposed to be repeated over time at regular intervals, owner compliance is an important limiting factor. Failure of owners to bring back their bitches or queens for successive treatments often accounts for breakthrough heats. Treatment during a breakthrough heat should be carefully avoided, as administration of any reproductive drug during the follicular phase is likely to carry a risk for the female. A list of effects/side effects of progestins, androgens and GnRH agonists is presented in Table 5. Effect Progestins Increased frequency of GnRH peaks Decreased frequency of GnRH peaks XXX Suppression of ovarian activity XXX Suppression of uterine motility XXX Suppression of adrenocrotical axis XXX Ýncreased secretion of prolactin and growth hormone XXX Ýnsulin resistance XXX Endometrial proliferation and secretion XXX Atrophy of endometrial lining Cervical closure XXX Proliferation of mammary parenchyma XXX Atrophy of mammary parenchyma Lactational arrest XXX Foetal developmental defects XXX Delayed parturition XXX Increased appetite and body weight XXX Vaginitis Increased libido/aggressiveness/mounting behaviour Anabolic effects Physeal closure in prepuberal animals Decreased libido/aggressiveness XXX Clitoral hypertrophy Urinary incontinence/urine spraying Skin decoloration XXX Growth of anal hepatoid glands Thickening of cervical dermis, epiphora Androgens XXX XXX XXX GnRH agonists XXX (a) XXX (b) XXX (b) XXX (b) XXX (c) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (d) XXX (c) XXX possible XXX (possible) XXX (e) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Table 5 – The most relevant clinical effects, including side effects, of progestins, androgens and GnRH agonists on the reproductive system, mammary gland, body weight and behaviour of bitches and queens. (a) present only during the first 2-4 weeks following treatment, after which it disappears; (b) present only after the end of the first 2-4 weeks following treatment; (c) present only during the first 2-4 weeks following treatment in bitches implanted with deslorelin during diestrus; (d) this effect is maintained in bitches implanted in anestrus, while it appears at the end of the induced oestrus in bitches treated in anestrus. (e) if implanted during the last trimester of pregnancy 37 35 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR A SAFE USE OF REPRODUCTIVE DRUGS IN QUEENS The ideal candidate for a progestin or androgen treatment is an adult postpuberal female in anestrus, while the ideal candidate for treatment with a GnRH agonist is an adult postpuberal female in diestrus. Before a female is treated with long acting compounds she should be evaluated for normality of uterine and mammary conditions as well as of glucose metabolism. A minimum database of clinical information to be gathered prior to administering a long-acting compound should include a) collecting a thorough reproductive history to rule out occurrence of estrus within the last 1-2 months (which would mean that the queen might have ovulated and therefore she might be in diestrus); b) a complete clinical exam; c) palpation of the mammary gland to rule out presence of mammary nodules; d) a vaginal smear to rule out presence of oestrus. Also, if heat occurred within the last 2 months it would be appropriate to wait a few more weeks or assay progesterone to rule out diestrus. In general, a progestin or androgen treatment period of 12-18 months is considered adequate in most patients, although longer treatments can also be safe provided that the female is given a thorough clinical check as described above (a-d) prior to each treatment. While most bitches and queens may tolerate well treatment periods of more than 12-18 and up to 24 months, animals with a preexisting disease such as subclinical diabetes, small mammary nodules or cystic endometrial hyperplasia may see their condition worsen rapidly as a result of a progestin treatment, or may experience a temporary worsening in case of treatment with a GnRH agonist in diestrus. A series of considerations on patient selection and type of presenting complaint for which a progestin treatment should or should not be used is presented (Table 6). Do not use progestins … as this may cause In pre-puberal queens (depot compounds) feline mammary hyperplasia (a) In pregnant females fetal development defects or delayed parturition In pseudopregnant bitches pseudopregnancy to relapse and become chronic During diestrus side effects due to to overdosing (b) In females with vaginal haemorrhage Worsening of underlying condition (c) In diabetic patients Worsening of underlying condition (d) In bitches with prolonged heat Worsening of underlying condition (e) Table 6 – Potential side effects due to the use of progestins at normal dosages depending on patient selection. (a) in prepuberal queens it is best to use initially a short acting compound (such as MA) per os for 1-2 weeks and then change to a long acting progestin once potential side effects have been ruled out. (b) the stage of the reproductive cycle should always be identified using vaginal cytology and/or serum progesterone assay, and the bitch or queen should best be treated during anestrus; diestrus should be ruled out in felines too, as 30-60% of queens ovulate spontaneously, maintaining thereafter a 30-45 day-long diestrus. (c) prolonged sanguineous vulvar discharge following parturition in the bitch can be a critical problem which should either be treated with a uterine contractive drug (i.e. as ergonovine) or sent to surgery. Milder bloody vulvar discharge can be caused by uterine neoplasia, cystic endometrial hyperplasia with superimposed endometrial inflammation, pyometra, metritis, none of which conditions will benefit from administration of a progestin. (d) although not always necessary, it would be wise to measure blood glucose before and/or after a prolonged treatment to confirm health status with regard to glucose metabolism. (e) a prolonged heat may be due to ovarian cyst/s, a granulosa cell tumor, or may be due to a split heat (in the bitch) or to a misinterpretation of normal estrous signs by the owner. For none of these categories is a progestin treatment indicated. 38 36 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Literature and Suggested Readings on Control of Reproduction Banks DR, Stabenfeldt G (1982) Luteinizing hormone release in the cat in response to coitus on consecutive days of estrus. Biology of Reproduction 26, 603-611 Chakraborty PK, Wildt DE, Seager SWJ: Serum luteinizing hormone and ovulatory response to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone in the estrous and anestrous domestic cat.. Lab An Sci 29:338-344, 1979 Concannon PW, Hodgson B, Lein D: Reflex LH release in estrous cats following single and multiple copulations. Biol Reprod 23:111117, 1980 Erünal-Maral N, Aslan S, Findik M, Yüksel N, Handler J, Arbeiter K. Induction of abortion in queens by administration of cabergolin (Galastop TM) solely or in combination with the PGF2α analogue Alfaprostol (Gabbrosim TM). Theriogenology 2004;61:1471-5. Fieni F, Martal J, Marnet PG, Siliart B, Guittot F. Clinical, biological and hormonal study of mid-pregnancy termination in cats with aglepristone. Theriogenology 2006;66:1721-8. Findik M, Maral NE, Aslan S. The use of proligestone, megestrol acetate and GnRH on queens with the aim of hormonal contraception. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 1999;23 (Suppl 3):455-9. Goericke-Pesch S, Georgiev P, Wehrend A. Prevention of pregnancy in cats using aglepristone on days 5 and 6 after mating. Theriogenology 2010, accepted Georgiev P, Wehrend A. Mid-gestation pregnancy termination by the progesterone antagonist aglepristone in queens. Theriogenology 2006;65:1401-6. Georgiev P, Bostedt H, Goericke-Pesch S et al. Induction of abortion with Aglepristone in cats on day 45 and 46 after mating. 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Non-surgical methods of contraception and sterilization. Theriogenology 2006;66:514-25. Jöchle W, Jöchle M. Reproduction in a feral cat population and its control with a prolactin inhibitor, cabergoline. J Reprod Fertil 1993;47:419-24. Johnston SD, Kustritz MVR, Olson PNS. Prevention and termination of feline pregnancy. In: Johnston SD, Kustritz MVR, Olson PNS, eds., Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Philadelphia, London, New York, St Louis, Sydney, Toronto: W. B. Saunders Company, 2001: 414-30. Loretti AP, Ilha MR, Ordas J, Martin de las Mulas J. Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical study of feline mammary fibroepithelial hyperplasia following a single injection of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate. J Feline Med Surg 2005;7:43–52. Lofstedt RM: The estrous cycle of the domestic cat. Compend Cont Ed Pract Vet 4:52-58, 1982 Michael RP – Observation upon the sexual behaviour of the domestic cat (Felis catus L.) under laboratory conditions. Behaviour 8: 1-23, 1961 Meisl D, Hubler M, Arnold S - Treatment of fibroepithelial hyperplasia (FEH) of the mammary gland in the cat with progesterone antagonist Aglepristone (Alizine). Schweiz Arch Tierheikd 145, 130-136. 2003 Muphung W, Rungsipipat A, Chatdarong K – Effects of the antiprogestin aglepristone on the uterine tissue of cats administered medroxyprogesterone acetate. Reprod Dom Anim 44 (Suppl 2):204-207, 2009 Middleton DJ, Watson AD, Howe CJ, Caterson ID. Suppression of cortisol responses to exogenous adrenocorticotrophic hormone, and the occurrence of side effects attributable to glucocorticoid excess, in cats during therapy with megestrol acetate and prednisolone. Can J Vet Res 1987; 51:60-5. Munson L, Bauman JE, Asa CS, Jöchle W, Trigg TE. Efficacy of the GnRH analogue deslorelin for suppression of oestrous cycles in cats. J Reprod Fertil 2001;57 (Suppl 1):269-73. Onclin K, Verstegen J. Termination of pregnancy in cats using a combination of cabergoline, a new dopamine agonist, and a synthetic PGF2α, cloprostenol. J Reprod Suppl 1997;51 (Suppl):259-63. Robinson R, Cox HW – Reproductive performance in a cat colony over a 10 year period. Lab Anim Sci 4: 99-112, 1970 Romagnoli S, Concannon P W. Clinical use of progestins in bitches and queens: a review. In: Concannon PW, England G, Verstegen J, Linde-Forsberg C, eds., Recent Advances in Small Animal Reproduction. International Veterinary Information Service, Ithaca NY (www.ivis.org) Romagnoli S – Failure to conceive in the queen. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 7 (1): 59-64, 2005 Root MV, Johnston SD, Olson PN. Estrous length, pregnancy rate, gestation and parturition lengths, litter size, and juvenile mortality in the domestic cat. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1995;31:429–33. Rubion S, Driancourt MA. Controlled delivery of a GnRH agonist by a silastic implant (Gonazon) results in long-term contraception in queens. 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Wildt DE, Guthrie SC, Seager SWJ: Ovarian and behavioural cyclicity of the laboratory maintained cat. Horm Behav 10:251-257, 1978 Wildt DE, Seager SWJ, Chakraborty PK. Effect of copulatory stimuli on incidence of ovulation and on serum luteinizing hormone in the cat. Endocrinology 1980;107:1212–7. (A) 39 37 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Ovarian remnant syndrome in the queen: clinical approach to a surgeon’s dilemma Stefano Romagnoli Introduction The term Ovarian Remnant Syndrome (ORS) describes occurrence of heat after ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy in the bitch or queen which can be due to the presence of residual ovarian tissue not completely removed at surgery, or to the presence of a partial or complete separation of normal ovarian tissue during development on the broad ligament (Wallace, 1991; Johnston et al., 1996; Prats, 2001). As presence of ovarian tissue on the broad ligament has been reported only in the queen and only anecdotally (Bloom, 1954; Stein, 1975), the ORS should not be considered as ovarian pathology but rather as a surgical complication of ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy (Pearson, 1973). When performing an elective ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy, the surgeon should always look very carefully the broad ligament around the ovary to rule out presence of abnormal ovarian tissue in this location. A supernumerary ovary as such is thought to be extremely rare and has never been reported so far. Single or double, monolateral or bilateral nodules in the broad ligament near the ovary are occasionally encountered in the queen, but they are generally adrenocortical tissue which is of no clinical significance in the cat. A less common cause of ORS can be a piece of ovarian tissue accidentally dropped into the abdominal cavity during surgery. Such pieces of tissue can establish vascular connections with the omentum or the serosa of abdominal viscera, and become active again thus allowing ovarian follicles to grow and reach the preovulatory stage. Revascularization of ovarian tissue following ovariectomy has been reproduced experimentally by suturing a sliced fragment of ovary in a serosal pouch of the stomach or under the splenic capsule (bitch), or to the mesenStefano Romagnoli, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl. ECAR President, European Board of Veterinary Specialisation Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Agripolis, Legnaro, 35020 (PD) University of Padova, Italy [email protected] tery or lateral abdominal wall (queen). Cyclic signs of proestrus and estrus can be observed in bitches undergoing such a surgical treatment (Leroux and Venderwalt, 1977). In the queen, ovarian remnants experimentally sutured or left free into the abdomen can revascularize and become active in follicular growth in about 90% of cases (Shemwell and Weed, 1970; DeNardo et al., 2001). In women, failure to perform a complete removal of the ovary may be due to presence of inflammation of the ovary, ovarian bursa or periovarian tissues at time of surgery. However, this is rarely the case in small animal medicine as bitches and queen are generally spayed electively as young individuals with little of any chance of presence of inflammation in the ovarian or periovarian tissues. A practical approach to diagnosis of ovarian remnants Queens and bitches with ORS may display signs of proestrus or estrus at regular or irregular intervals. Signs of heat generally appear within weeks to months following surgery, although occasionally the delay may be longer (several months to 1-2 years). Estrous signs are often characterized by the normal sequence of physical changes typical of proestrus and oestrus (male attractiveness and acceptance, cornified vaginal smear, vulvar swelling and discharge in the bitch). Breeding can be observed normally although pregnancy will not occur. Bitches with an ORS may exhibit signs of false pregnancy several weeks to a few months following estrous behaviour, or the false pregnancy may even be the only sign if estrus was silent. One bitch showing signs of estrus 7 years after ovariohysterectomy was reported to have a granulosa cell tumor on the ovarian remnant (Pluhar et al., 1995). In a report describing 11 cases in the cat the interval between surgery and return to estrus was 17 days to 9 years with an average of 2 years (Wallace, 1991). In one case chronic vaginitis was the presenting complaint for a toy poodle bitch with an ORS (Perkins and Frazer, 1995). In order to advance the diagnosis or plan a diagnostic approach es- 40 38 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 trus can be induced in both bitches and queens by oral administration of cabergoline at the dose of 5 mg/kg daily (1.0 cc of the commercial product per 10 kg of body weight) for 3-4 weeks, starting in anestrus (Prats, 2001). Diagnosis of ORS requires confirmation of presence of residual ovarian tissue through observation of a cornified vaginal smear in a spayed female. Assaying serum estradiol may not be helpful as estradiol is secreted in a pulsatile manner, thus making confirmation of high serum levels often impossible on just a single serum sample. Vaginal cytology is more useful, although occasionally it may not be fully consistent with estrus (Wallace, 1991). The vaginal smear should be collected when the female shows signs of heat as reported by the owner. A degree of cornification >50% indicates that an estrogen source somewhere within the organism is targeting the vaginal epithelium. If the ovary is ruled out, the only other estrogen source is the adrenal glands. However, adrenals are not known to be able to secrete estrogens in quantities enough to cause recurrent and cyclic estrous signs. Ovulation induction is of pivotal importance in the queen and can be performed in the bitch as well (although less crucial in this species) using GnRH at 25-50 mg/queen or 2.2 mcg/kg in the bitch, or hCG at 250-500 IU in the queen or at 50 IU/kg in the bitch (England, 1997; Prats, 2001). Serum progesterone should be assayed on blood sample collected 2 weeks after heat/induction of ovulation. Differential diagnosis of ORS includes all those conditions responsible for vulvar swelling and discharge in the spayed bitch, or for estrous behaviour and breeding acceptance in the spayed queen, such as: vaginal or uterine (if only ovariectomy was performed) neoplasia, vaginitis, uterine stump pyometra, exogenous estrogen therapy, trauma, coagulopathy. Abdominal ultrasound or radiography are not considered useful techniques in cases of ORS because of the small size of the ovarian fragment and the fact that tissue reaction around ovarian pedicle/s often prevents recognition of an ovarian remnant unless an exploratory laparotomy is performed. Even on exploratory lapatoromy it may be difficult to recognize a small piece of pinkish/red tissue among viscera, unless one or more follicles or corpora lutea are present. For this reason it is very important that surgery is not attempted unless a fully cornified vaginal smear is present or serum progesterone has risen to concentrations >2.0 in the bitch, or >1.5 ng/ml in the queen. A serum progesterone concentration above the threshold is indicative of presence of luteal tissue which is easily identified (more easily than follicles) because of its yellowish colour. both ovarian pedicles or the caudal poles of both kidney should be thoroughly checked at surgery. If nothing can be identified upon visual inspection at this time a vast excision of scar tissue around the ovarian pedicle/s should be performed and all tissues submitted for histopathology. Remnants of ovarian tissue are almost always found around the ovarian pedicle/s (Miller, 1995; Johnston et al., 1996). Therefore it is not necessary to perform a long and exhaustive search of the entire abdominal cavity, although the broad ligament should always be checked as accessory ovarian tissue might be present there together with an ovarian remnant. Removal of an ovarian remnant in diestrus in a bitch may induce pseudoprengnancy. The only other option would be a life-long treatment with a progestogen, which is not advisable for its side effects and because of practical implications (twice yearly injections, costs etc.). A more recent alternative, still not commercially available, would be the use of long acting GnRH superagonists such as Deslorelin (Romagnoli et al., 2009). This compound is reported to inhibit the hypothalamicpituitary release of LH and FSH for up to one year in dogs and cats, therefore preventing estrus in bitches and queens without causing any of the progestogen or steroid-related side effects. Deslorelin comes in small cylindrical oil-based implants the size of a microchip, which are to be placed in the subcutaneous space. Animals have been re-implanted after the first year with prolonged effect and no negative consequences. Preliminary data from our laboratory indicate that prolonged use of deslorelin in queens may be a viable option (Romagnoli et al., unpublished observations). When discussing therapeutic options for a case of ORS with a client, it is important to highlight the fact that recurrence of estrus after spaying is a common problem especially in queens (Miller, 1995) and it is not related to ability of the surgeon or conditions of the animal: no correlation was found between occurrence of ORS and any of the following patterns in the bitch: age of the dog at spaying, breed, difficulty of surgery (elective vs nonelective) physical conditions of the bitch (normal weight vs obese) or ability of the veterinary surgeon (newly graduate vs experienced veterinarian) (Wallace, 1991). How to eliminate an ovarian remnant Exploratory laparotomy is the treatment of choice. As ovarian remnants can be present on one or both ovaries, 41 39 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 References Bloom F – Pathology of the dog and cat. Evanston, IL. American Veterinary Publications, Inc, 1954 DeNardo GA, Becker K, Brown NO, Dobbins S – Ovarian remnant syndrome: revascularization of free-floating ovarian tissue in the feline abdominal cavity. J Am An Hosp Assoc 37:290-296, 2001 England GCW – Confirmation of ovarian remnant syndrome in the queen using hCG administration. Vet Rec 141:309-310, 1997 Johnston SD, Root MV, Olson PNS – Ovarian and testicular function in the domestic cat: clinical management of spontaneous reproductive disease. Anim Reprod Sci 42:261-274, 1996 Leroux PH, Venderwalt LA – Ovarian autografts as an alternative to ovariectomy in bitches. J South Afr Vet Assoc 48:117-123, 1977 Pearson H – The complications of ovariohysterectomy in the bitch. J Small An Pract 14:257-266, 1977 Perkins NR, Frazer GS – Ovarian remnant syndrome in a toy poodle: a case report. Theriogenology 44:307-312, 1995 Prats A – Ovarian remnant syndrome in the queen. EVSSAR Newsletter, 4 (1):5-8, 2001 Pluhar GE, Memon MA, Wheaton LG – Granulosa cell tumor in an ovariohysterectomized dog. JAVMA 207:1063-1065, 1995 Shemwell RE, Weed JC – Ovarian remnant syndrome. Obstet Gynaecol 36:299-303, 1970 Stein BS – The genital system. In: Feline Medicine and Surgery. Santa Barbara, American Veterinary publications Inc., 1975 Romagnoli S, Stelletta C, Milani C, Gelli D, Falomo ME, Mollo - Clinical use of deslorelin for the control of reproduction in the bitch. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2009 vol. 44; p. 36-39, Wallace MS – The ovarian remnant syndrome in the bitch and queen. Vet Clin North Am 21:501-507, 1991 42 40 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 SR^NO POPUŠ^ANJE IN ARTERIJSKA TROMBOEMBOLIJA PRI MA^KAH Aleksandra Domanjko Petri~ Sr~no popuš~anje in arterijska tromboembolija sta še vedno slabo prepoznavni stanji v klini~ni praksi. Zlasti prvo se pogosto zamenjuje z drugimi vzroki za dihalne te`ave, kar ima pogosto usodne posledice za `ival. Predstavljeni bodo znaki ter najpogostejše nepravilne interpretacije v takih primerih, pravilna diagnostika ter terapija zlasti urgentnih stanj, ki je pri ma~ki nekoliko specifi~na. Pogosti vzroki sr~nega popuš~anja pri ma~kah Najpogostejši vzroki sr~nega popuš~anja pri ma~ki so razli~ne kardiomiopatije – patološka stanja sr~ne mišice. Poznamo ve~ vrst kardiomiopatij glede na morfologijo, tj. hipertrofno, restriktivno, dilatacijsko ter desno-prekatno aritmogeno.(1) Sam izgled kardiomiopatije se lahko s progresijo bolezni spremeni, zato obstaja tudi razred neklasificiranih kardiomiopatij. Za hipertrofno kardiomiopatijo vemo, da je genetskega izvora, podobno se sumi za aritmogeno desnostransko kardiomiopatijo. Nekatere sekundarne kardiomiopatije nastanejo kot posledica nekega drugotnega vzroka, taka je dilatacijska, ki je posledica pomanjkanja taurina v prehrani. Od sekundarnih vzrokov za sr~no popuš~anje pri ma~ki je potrebno omenit nekontroliran hipertiroidizem, relativno pogost pri ma~kah starejših od 10 let. Pri tej bolezni je levi prekat lahko zmerno hipertrofiran, vendar nikoli tako kot pri hipertrofni kardiomiopatiji. Ob hipertrofiji levega prekata pomislimo tudi na sistemsko hipertenzijo, ki se lahko pojavi so~asno s hipertiroidizmom ali pa najve~krat kot posledica ledvi~ne bolezni. Za klinika je predvsem pomembno prepoznat napredovanje bolezni in pravšnji ~as ko je potrebno ukrepanje. Asimptomatska ma~ka s kardiomiopatijo zahteva druga~en pristop kot tista v sr~nem popuš~anju. doc.dr. Aleksandra Domanjko Petri~, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana, [email protected] Klini~na predstavitev ma~ke v sr~nem popuš~anju in diferencialne diagnoze Klini~na slika ma~k v sr~nem popuš~anju je lahko dokaj razli~na in zavajajo~a, zato klinika pogosto zavede v razmišljanje od drugih mo`nih diferencialnih diagnozah. Ma~ka v sr~nem popuš~anju je pogosto tahipnei~na in/ali dispnei~na. Tahipnei~na je praviloma zaradi napredovalega plju~nega edema, dispnei~na pa zaradi plevralnega izliva. Lahko je prisotna kombinacija obojega. Lahko diha z odprtim gob~kom in na ta na~in v `elodec nabere veliko zraka, kar je `e zavedlo nekatere, da so pomislili na zasuk `elodca. Pogost problem pri ma~kah je, da jih interpretiramo kot pse, kar pa je zavajajo~e. Zavede nas lahko tudi, ker pri vseh ma~kah ne slišimo šuma na srcu ali aritmij. Nekatere imajo povsem normalni sinusni ritem v okviru normalnih frekvenc. Kadar pri ma~ki slišimo galopni ritem ali vsaj rahlo aritmijo je to znamenje, da z njenim srcem nekaj ni ~isto v redu. (~e pa tega ne slišimo, pa ni nujno da je s srcem vse v redu!) Plju~ni hropci in odsotnost šuma lahko koga zavede v razmišljanje o astmati~ni krizi, vendar so pri astmi praviloma prisotni piski, lastnik pa pove, da ma~ka ob~asno kašlja. Kašelj ni zna~ilen za ma~ko v sr~nem popuš~anju kot je to pri psih. Znaki tahipneje/ dispneje se praviloma pojavijo nenadno brez predhodnih znakov. Pridušeni toni srca in plju~ govorijo v prid plevralnega izliva, prav tako nabrekle jugularne vene. Rentgen in ultrazvok sta klju~ni diagnosti~ni metodi za ugotovitev vzroka, vendar je potrebna posebna previdnost, da ma~ko v taki stresni situaciji ne spravimo ~ez rob. Butorphanol (0,1 mg/kg IM) omogo~i varnejše ravnanje s tako stresno `ivaljo.(1) Na rentgenski sliki lahko vidimo plju~ne infiltrate v primeru popuš~anja srca, ali plevralni izliv. Ma~je srce pogosto ni tako o~itno pove~ano kot pri psih (saj hipertrofiran prekat hipertrofira navznoter) in pove~an levi atrij tako o~itno ne privzdigne sapnika kot pri psih v stranski projekciji, ker je ma~je srce v toraksu nekoliko bolj le`e~e. Kadar nismo prepri~ani o vzroku dihalne stiske lahko ma~ko v sternalnem polo`aju in po potrebi z dodajanjem kisika pogledamo na hitro še z ultrazvokom. V ve~ini primerov levostranskega popuš~anja srca je levi atrij zna~ilno pove~an. Natan~nejšo ultrazvo~no preiskavo lahko odlo`imo na kasnejši ~as, ko je ma~ka stabilna, 43 41 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 saj natan~na determinacija miokardne bolezni ni nujna za primarno urgentno zdravljenje. Doma~a oskrba ma~ke s sr~nim popuš~anjem Smiselno je ma~ki izmerit tlak, saj ~e je hipotenzivna naša nadaljnja diureti~na terapija ne bo delovala. Ostale rutinske laboratorijske preiskave odlo`imo na ~as, ko je ma~ka stabilna. Takrat je predvsem smiselno kontrolirat elektrolite, saj ma~ke ob neješ~nosti hitro postanejo hipokalemi~ne, ter ureo in kreatinin. Dolgoro~no `elimo vzdr`evat primeren tlak v srcu in prepre~it ponovitev akutnega sr~nega popuš~anja, ter tromboembolije, ob tem, da se ma~ka po~uti dobro. Prva dva cilja dose`emo z aplikacijami furosemida ter zaviralca konvertaze. Furosemid dr`imo na najni`jem mo`nem odmerku, ki še prepre~uje zadr`evanje teko~ine v telesu (ma~ke so nanj ob~utljivejše), npr. 1-2 mg/kg /12-24 ur ali vsakih nekaj dni). Nekatere ma~ke po akutni krizi lahko celo ne potrebujejo ve~ furosemida. Diferencialno diagnosti~no pomislimo še na travmo prsnega koša (anamneza!), preveliko koli~ino infuzijske teko~ine, nekardiogeni plju~ni edem ali hude plju~ne infekcije. Plevralni izliv je najpogosteje modificiran transudat ali pravi hilotoraks v povezavi z obstrukcijo venskega in limfati~nega priliva (1). Terapija ma~k v sr~nem popuš~anju Kratkoro~ni cilj terapije ma~ke v sr~nem popuš~anju je olajšanje hipoksemije, zmanjšanje tlaka v levem preddvoru in izboljšanje hemodimani~ne funkcije. Akutno sr~no popuš~anje zdravimo ne glede na tip miokardne bolezni. Kisik, diureza in venodilatacija predstavljajo pravilen pristop k ma~ki v levostranskem sr~nem popuš~anju. Plevralni izliv moramo drenirati, najbolje z metuljasto iglo »roza barve«. Furosemid apliciramo previdno 1-2 mg/kg/ 2 uri, raje pa na ve~je ~asovne razmike (npr. na 6-8 ur), ob tem pa moramo spremljati diurezo in pitje. Ma~ke v takem stanju ne pijejo, zato jim dajemo vodo po brizgi, ~e pa s tem povzro~imo prevelik stres pa apliciramo nekaj teko~ine pod ko`o ali damo ma~ko na perfuzor na zelo po~asno I.V. infuzijo elektrolitske raztopine. Ne apliciramo glukoze, ker s tem pove~amo kapilarni tlak in tlak v levem preddvoru, kar pove~uje plju~ni edem. Ma~ke v sr~nem popuš~anju in hipotenziji Nekatere ma~ke razvijejo znake nizkega minutnega volumna skupaj s sr~nim popuš~anjem. Obi~ajno so hipotermi~ne, bradikardne in mo~no hipotenzivne (sistoli~ni tlak >70 mmHg).(1) V takih primerih so potrebni pozitivni inotropi, ki jih apliciramo intravensko, (dopamin, dobutamin) v odmerkih za izboljšanje tlaka (1-2 µg/ kg/min titriramo do maks. 5 µg/kg/min za dobutamin). S tem `elimo izboljšati sistoli~ni tlak na 100 in ve~ mmHg, normalizirati sr~no frekvenco in telesno temperaturo, zato ma~ko tudi ogrevamo dokler je potrebno (obi~ajno 12-24 ur). S teko~inami i.v. smo zelo previdni, apliciramo s perfuzorjem ni`je odmerke od vzdr`evalne teko~ine. V kolikor je potrebna kontrola sr~ne frekvence zaradi izboljšanja diastoli~ne disfunkcije lahko dodamo zaviralce beta, (zlasti velja za ma~ke z obstrukcijo levega izto~nega trakta), oz. zaviralce kalcija (npr. diltiazem). Zaviralce beta nikoli ne vpeljemo v ~asu sr~nega popuš~anja, ampak šele v kompenziranem stanju. Arterijska tromboembolija Pri vseh oblikah napredovalih kardiomiopatij lahko pride do arterijske embolije zaradi visokega tveganja za nastanek strdka, ponavadi v levem preddvoru. Le ta se v nekem trenutku odlepi in odpotuje v arterijski sistem, kjer se najve~krat zagozdi v razcepiš~u aorte z obema iliakama. Prizadete ma~ke so v hudi bole~ini, se oglašajo in so pareti~ne. V~asih je epizoda embolije prvo znamenje, da ima ma~ka bolezen srca. Klini~ni znaki so bolj nezna~ilni pri emboliji mezenterialne, cerebralne, koronarne, renalne ali drugih arterij. Hipotermija je slab prognosti~ni znak. Ma~ke so zaradi bole~ine tahipnei~ne in takšne je te`ko lo~iti od tistih v sr~nem popuš~anju (potreben RTG). Najprej poskrbimo za bole~ino, obi~ajno z opiati, v nadaljevanju lahko damo fentanilski obli` (1-3 µg/kg/h). Ni idealne terapije, še vedno ni enovitega sklepa o naju~inkovitejšem zdravljenju. Uporablja se aspirin (5 mg/ma~ko vsake tri dni – nizek odmerek se je izkazal za enako u~inkovitega z manj stranskih u~inkov kakor visoki odmerek aspirina), nefrakcioniran heparin, ali nizkomolekularni heparin kot preventiva novemu nastajanju strdkov (ob heparinski terapiji je potrebno preverjati ~ase strjevanja). Warfarin, ki se uporablja v ta namen pri ljudeh je povezan s previsokim tveganjem za krvavitve, ma~ke je tudi te`ko spremljati v ta namen. V preizkušanju je novo zdravilo clopidogrel, ki pa pri nas še ni na razpolago (2). Literatura 1. Luis Fuentes V. Management of Feline Myocardial Disease. In: Bonagura DJ & Twedt DC. Eds. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV. Saunders 2009;809-15. 2. Tobias AH, Fine DM. Arterial Thromboembolism in Cats. In: Bonagura DJ & Twedt DC. Eds. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV. Saunders 2009 44 42 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 ZGODNJA STERILIZACIJA IN KASTRACIJA MA^K Vanja Knez Uvod Mednarodno priznane študije Zadnjih 10 do 15 let sterilizacija in kastracija ma~k nista ve~ tabu, ampak veljata za osnoven servis ma~k v veterinarski mali praksi. Le-ta po protokolu zajema dehelmintizacijo, cepljenje (core, non-core priporo~ila AAFM, ABCD) in sterilizacijo oz. kastracijo. Z omenjenim protokolom podaljšamo `ivljenjsko dobo ma~k in tako ve~inoma do~akajo normalno pri~akovano starost, ki je od 10 do 15 let. V tem ~asu so tako oskrbovane ma~ke za veterinarje vir stalnega dohodka. V strokovnih krogih pa se postavlja ve~na dilema, v katerem obdobju je najbolj primerno in najla`je opraviti poseg. Stroka mora biti v tem soglasna in zagovarjati je potrebno strokovne argumente, ki jih bom v tem referatu podala. Ena izmed prvih pomembnejših študij zgodnje sterilizacije in kastracije je iz leta 1993 (3-4). Študija je zajela 96 ma~k (od tega 48 samcev in 48 samic), starih od 6 do 14 tednov. Dokazali so, da zgodnja sterilizacija in kastracija ne ogro`ata ma~jih mladi~ev, ~e se dr`imo predpisanega protokola. Zgodovina V Severni Ameriki in Kanadi je zgodnja sterilizacija in kastracija rutinski poseg `e dobrih 35 let. (1) Zgodnjo sterilizacijo in kastracijo opravljajo od starosti 6 do 12 tednov pri te`i vsaj 1 kg. Potreba po zgodnji sterilizaciji in kastraciji je izvirala iz dejstva, da so `ivali, posvojene iz zavetiš~ kljub zagotovljenim brezpla~nim posegom, dogovorom in pogodbam imele mladi~e. Ker so zaradi prenatrpanosti zavetiš~ morali prepre~iti neza`elena rojstva, so se odlo~ili za zgodnejšo sterilizacijo in kastracijo. Vse posege so prestavili na ~as pred posvojitvijo. V Evropi, predvsem v razvitih dr`avah, sta bila sterilizacija in kastracija rutinska posega, vendar ~asovno postavljena v obdobje od 6. meseca dalje. V današnjem ~asu pa nevladne organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z zaš~ito `ivali v dr`avah EU, pozivajo h kastraciji in sterilizaciji okoli 4. meseca starosti. Tudi zdru`enje The cat group (RSPCA, FAB, ESFM, AHT, BSAVA, CATS PROTECTION, THE BLUE CROSS idr.) zagovarja in promovira politiko zgodnje sterilizacije in kastracije. Pomemben je njihov akt: 4 months-policy statement 1. (2) Predsodki glede posega se porajajo predvsem v ju`nih in nerazvitih dr`avah. Z razvitostjo dr`ave raste tudi odgovornost ljudi do `ivali. Vanja Knez, dr. vet. med. Istega leta je AVMA podprla koncept sterilizacije in kastracije za pse in ma~ke pri starosti 8 do 16 tednov zaradi preštevil~nosti populacije. Susan Little v svojem ~lanku Zgodnja sterilizacija in kastracija ma~k poudarja, da koncept zgodnje kastracije in sterilizacije ni nobena novost. (1) V razvitem svetu se oba posega izvajata `e dobrih 35 let. Kadar govorimo o zgodnji sterilizaciji in kastraciji, govorimo o posegih v starosti od 8 do 16 tednov. Opustiti moramo tradicionalno mišljenje, da je primeren ~as za sterilizacijo in kastracijo med 5-im in 7-im mesecem starosti. Mnogo veterinarjev `al še vedno najraje opravlja posega v tem obdobju, kajti takrat se po~utijo najbolj varne. V zgodnejšem obdobju jih skrbita predvsem protokol in anestezija. Ostali zadr`ki, povezani z zgodnjo sterilizacijo in kastracijo, so zaostajanje v rasti, pretirana debelost, spremembe v obnašanju in boleznim spodnjih se~il. Iz Englove študije iz leta 1977 (1) izhaja splošno znani mit, da so zgodnje kastrirani samci nagnjeni k obstrukciji se~nice in boleznim spodnjih se~il. Ta zastarela študija je bila polna napak, vendar se nekateri še vedno sklicujejo nanjo. Novejše raziskave so pokazale, da bolezni se~il pri kastriranih ma~kih niso povezane s kastracijo, ampak izhajajo iz drugih faktorjev, kot so stres, dieta ter število ma~kov. (3-4) Vzroki pretirane debelosti so ponavadi povezani s prehrano, telesno vadbo, pasmo, starostjo in statusom. Raziskava iz leta 1996 (5) ka`e, da je potreba po kalorijah manjša za sterilizirane/kastrirane ma~ke. Za samce, kastrirane med 7 tedni in 7 meseci, je 28% manj, za sterilizirane samice iste starosti pa 33% manj. Ker je miši~ni razvoj pri samcih odvisen od androgena, je manjša miši~na masa posledica le-tega, ne glede na ~as kastracije. Klinika Tristokosmatih, velika klinika za male `ivali, Kajuhova 5a, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] 45 43 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Ena izmed pomembnejših raziskav (6) predpubertetne sterilizacije/kastracije je dokazala, da ne prihaja do telesnih in vedenjskih razlik (mese~no so preverjali šest vedenjskih lastnosti) med skupino ma~k, pri katerih sta bila posega opravljena zgodaj in skupino ma~k, steriliziranih/ kastriranih pri tradicionalni starosti. Dokazali pa so, da prihaja do vedenjskih razlik med steriliziranimi/kastriranimi in nesteriliziranimi/nekastriranimi ma~kami. Sterilizirane/kastrirane ma~ke so v odnosu do ~loveka bolj ljube~e. Tudi do ostalih pripadnikov svoje vrste ka`ejo manj znakov agresije. V to študijo so bile zajete 3 skupine ma~k: 1. skupina: ma~ji mladi~i, sterilizirani/kastrirani pri 7-ih tednih starosti; 2. skupina: ma~ji mladi~i, sterilizirani/kastrirani pri 7-ih mesecih starosti in 3. skupina: nesterilizirane/nekastrirane ma~ke. Predmet analize je bil tudi vpliv gonadnih hormonov na razvoj skeleta. Distalna radialna zrast se ponavadi zapre po puberteti v starosti od 14 do 20 mesecev. Predvidevali so, da so gonadni hormoni potrebni za normalen razvoj simfizne zrasti. Pri prvi in drugi skupini so ugotovili zapoznelo zaprtje distalne radialne zrasti. Na dolgi rok pa ni bilo nikakršne razlike v dol`ini kosti radius in ulna pri vseh treh skupinah. Druga študija zaprtja radialne zrasti pa ka`e (7-8), da prihaja do razlik v dol`ini opazovane kosti med steriliziranimi (ne glede na to ali so bili sterilizirane/kastrirane pri 7 tednih ali 7 mesecih) in nesteriliziranimi ma~kami. Izsledki ameriške raziskave (9) ka`ejo, da sta zgodnja sterilizacija in kastracija popolnoma varna posega glede vpliva na zdravje in vedenje ma~k. Raziskava je zajela 263 ma~k, posvojenih iz zavetiš~, ki so jih spremljali 37 mesecev. Ciklus ma~ke in razmno`evanje Ma~ka je sezonsko poliestri~na `ival, pri kateri se gonitev lahko za~ne `e s štirimi meseci, odvisno od pasme, telesne te`e in vpliva fotoperiode oz. delovanja melatonina, ki ga izlo~a ~ešarika. Ovulacija nastopi ob parjenju. Brejost ma~ke traja v povpre~ju od 57 do 63 dni. Pasemske ma~ke in vzreditelji Velika ve~ina vzrediteljev prodaja svoje mladi~e, ki niso za vzrejo, `e sterilizirane/kastrirane. Poskusno smo s tem za~eli v letu 2000. Šlo pa je predvsem za ma~ke, ki so bile prodane za ljubljen~ke in niso bile namenjene za razplod zaradi genetskih ali kakšnih drugih napak. Tako pri kongenitalni napaki, kot je npr. popkovna kila, korigiramo hernijo in isto~asno ma~ko še steriliziramo/kastriramo, ker take ma~ke ni dovoljeno uporabljati za razplod. Za sterilizacijo/kastracijo pred prodajo smo se odlo~ili, ker smo imeli slabe izkušnje s pogodbami in smo edino tako lahko prepre~ili nadaljnje razmno`evanje za razplod neprimernih ma~k. Ma~ke gredo lahko v nov dom pri starosti 12 tednov in ni~ prej. Pediatri~ni protokol Pri zgodnji sterilizaciji/kastraciji je anestezijski protokol varen in ni potrebno imeti posebne opreme. Kirurški poseg je tehni~no nezahteven. Prednosti in koristi so obojestranske za `ivali in praktike. Pred posegom samim moramo pozornost nameniti: hipoglikemiji, hipotermiji, krvavitvam in infekcijskim boleznim. 1. splošni pregled mladi~a pred posegom Priporo~eno je da so prej dehelmintizirani in cepljeni. Pri pregledu smo pozorni na razne anomalije (npr. kriptorhizem, hernije). 2. te`a Ma~ji mladi~ naj ima vsaj 1 kg telesne te`e. 3. prepre~evanje hipoglikemije Da prepre~imo hipoglikemijo, odstranimo hrano le 3 do 4 ure pred posegom in `e 1 uro po posegu ma~jemu mladi~u ponudimo manjši obrok. 4. pred posegom Mladi~i iz istega legla naj bodo skupaj v mirnem in toplem prostoru, da zmanjšamo stres in razburjenje, apliciramo i/m anestetik. 5. »koktajl« anestetikov V literaturi je razli~no število kombinacij za pediatri~ni protokol. KDT (Ketamin-Domitor-Turbogesic) koktajl: - 4 IE ketamina (100 mg/1ml) - 2 IE medetomidina (Domitor 1 mg/ml) - 2 IE butorfanola (Torbugesic 10 mg/ml) Doza za 1 kg. Za kastracijo je zadostna i/m aplikacija, za sterilizacijo pa po potrebi še inhalacija izoflurana (tubus 2.0). 6. omoti~ni mladi~i Mladi~em, ki so še zelo omoti~ni, dodamo 5 % glukozo oralno. 7. prepre~iti hipotermijo Hipotermijo prepre~imo z grelnimi blazinami, minimalnim britjem in minimalnim polivanjem z alkoholom. Po operaciji preverimo temperaturo rektalno (normalna TT mladi~a 37,6-38°C). Mladi~e grejemo s toplimi brisa~ami, termoforji, grelnimi lu~mi. Pri tem pa moramo biti ves ~as pozorni, da jih ne pregrejemo. 8. zbujanje Zbujamo z Antisedanom. 9. analgetik Metacam kapljice,1 gtt oralno (0,1-0,05 mg/kg TT ma~ke) 46 44 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 V zadnjem obdobju je bilo izvedenih nekaj študij predvsem zaradi t.i. stranskih u~inkov in predsodkov, ki so se porajali v povezavi z zgodnjo sterilizacijo in kastracijo. Veterinarji, ki izvajajo pediatri~ni protokol, izjavljajo, da je hitrejši in manj stresen za `ival. Ma~ji mladi~i še niso predebeli, ni krvavitev, po posegu hitro okrevajo in se hitro zbujajo iz anestezije. Z zgodnjo sterilizacijo/kastracijo se izognemo posegom pri gone~ih ma~kah, brejih ma~kah in ma~kah s piometro. Daljnoro~no s posegom prepre~imo tumorje na seskih in tumorje testisov. Z uravnavanjem populacije prepre~imo nepotrebne evtanazije ma~k v zavetiš~ih in zmanjšujemo prenose bolezni v preštevil~ni populaciji (npr. levkoza in ma~ji aids). Materialni stroški so pri opravljanju posega zgodaj manjši in tudi minimalna specialisti~na oprema nam olajša delo. Povzetek Raziskave so pokazale, da ni ne telesnih ne vedenjskih negativnih stranskih u~inkov zgodnje sterilizacije in kastracije ma~k. Stroka priporo~a sterilizacijo/kastracijo ne pri tradicionalnih 6-ih mesecih, ampak pri 4-ih mesecih v izogib prezgodnji brejosti. Sam zgodnji poseg je s poznavanjem in z upoštevanjem pediatri~nega protokola za veterinarja enostavnejši in cenejši. Viri 1. http://catvet.homestead.com/EarlyAlter.html 2. http://www.fabcats.org/cat_group/policy_statements/index.html 3. Faggella, A.M. and M.G. Aronsohn (1993). Anesthetic techniques for neutering 6- to 14-week-old kittens. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 202(1): 56-62. 4. Aronsohn, M.G. and A.M. Faggella (1993). Surgical techniques for neutering 6- to 14-week-old kittens. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 202(1): 53-55. 5. Root, M. (1995). Early spay-neuter in the cat: Effect on development of obesity and metabolic rate. Veterinary Clinical Nutrition 2: 132-134. ISSN: 1076-3872. 6. Stubbs, W.P., M.S. Bloomberg, S.L. Scruggs, V.M. Shille, and T.J. Lane (1996). Effects of prepubertal gonadectomy on physical and behavioral development in cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 209(11): 1864-1871. 7. Root, M.V., S.D. Johnston, G.R. Johnston, and P.N. Olson (1996). The effect of prepuberal and postpuberal gonadectomy on penile extrusion and urethral diameter in the domestic cat. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 37(5): 363-366. 8. Root, M.V., S.D. Johnston, and P.N. Olson (1996). Effect of prepuberal and postpuberal gonadectomy on heat production measured by indirect calorimetry in male and female domestic cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research 57(3): 371-4. 9. Howe, L.M., M.R. Slater, H.W. Boothe, H.P. Hobson, T.W. Fossum, A.C. Spann, and W.S. Wilkie (2000). Long-term outcome of gonadectomy performed at an early age or traditional age in cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 217(11): 1661-1665. 47 45 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 KIRURŠKO ZDRAVLJENJE ZLOMOV STEGNENICE PRI MA^KAH Jo`e Kogovšek Izvle~ek Pri ma~kah so med zlomi skeletnih kosti najpogostejši zlomi stegnenice. Konzervativno zdravljenje je smiselno le v primerih, ~e fragmenti niso dislocirani. Frakture z dislociranimi fragmenti je potrebno zdraviti kirurško z osteosintezo. Najve~krat se pri tem uporabljajo intramedualarne igle ali zunanji fiksatorji. Kadar po implantaciji igel pri~akujemo med fragmenti nemir, je potrebno take osteosinteze kombinirati s hemicerkla`ami, zunanjimi fiksatorji, ploš~icami ali cerkla`ami. Za odprte kominutivne frakture je najprimernejša imobilizacija z zunanjimi fiksatorji. Abstract Femoral fractures are the most common fractures of skeleton in cats. Conservative treatment is indicated only if there is no dislocation of the fragments. Surgical treatment with osteosynthesis is needed for fractures with dislocated fragments. Intramedullary needles and external fixators are most commonly used for osteosynthesis. If instability of fracture is expected after needle implantation, osteosynthesis should be combined with hemicerclage, external fixators, lamellas and cerclages. Najpogostejši vzroki za zlom stegnenice so travme. Med temi prevladujejo prometne nesre~e, padci iz višine, udarci... Ve~ina lastnikov ma~k ob prihodu v ambulanto pove, da vzroka ne pozna, da je prišla `ival s potepa po treh nogah ali pa, da so onemoglo našli nekje ob cesti. Niso prav redki primeri, da zlom spremljajo še druge poškodbe; zlom medenice, poškodbe v podro~ju trebuha, prsnega koša... NEKAJ ANATOMSKIH POSEBNOSTI STEGNENICE PRI MA^KAH: Diafizni del femurja je pri ma~kah oblikovan nekoliko ovalno in je praviloma raven. Med diafiznim in vratnim delom stegnenice je pribli`no 130 stopinjski kot. Glavica stegnenice se prehranjuje ve~inoma iz ekstrakapsularnega krvnega plete`a, ki obkro`a vrat stegnenice. Pri mladih ma~kah se znatno oskrbuje tudi preko `il ligamentum teresa (vrvasta vez). Oskrba preko `il ligamenta se pri ma~kah prekine pri starosti nad sedem mesecev. Kondila stegnenice sta, ~e jih primerjamo s pasjo kostjo, skoraj povsem v osi diafize. Rastna cona v distalnem fiznem delu je znotraj sklepne kapsule, kar je pomembno pri kirurškem zdravljenju distalnih epifizioliz (pri Salter Harris zlomih). UVOD Pri ma~kah so zlomi stegnenice, glede na odstotek zlomov ostalih kosti skeleta, na prvem mestu. Fossumova ocenjuje, da je takih zlomov ve~ kot 30 %, po naši analizi pa kar 48 %. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je po pogostnosti zlomov na drugem mestu tibija s 14 % in na tretjem mandibula s 4 odstotki. Glede na mesto zloma stegnenice delimo na tiste na proksimalne delu, diafizne in zlome v distalnem delu. Najve~ je zlomov v diafiznem delu. Zlomi v bli`ini sklepov so posebnost mladih `ivali, pri katerih rast še ni zaklju~ena. IMOBILIZACIJA ZLOMOV STEGNENICE KONZERVATIVNO ZDRAVLJENJE Konzervativno zdravljenje zlomov femurja je smiselno, ~e je zlom brez dislokacij. Pri odraslih `ivalih so te poškodbe zelo redke. Klasi~na imobilizacija z obvezami, oziroma opornicami za ma~ke praviloma ni primerna. K sre~i ma~ki bole~e ekstremitete dr`ijo v fleksiji ob telesu (naravna imobilizacija), zato pogosto zadoš~a le dr`anje `ivali v zaprtem prostoru (kletki). prof.dr. Jo`e Kogovšek, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] 48 46 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 OPERATIVNO ZDRAVLJENJE Zunanji fiksator Pri ma~kah zlome femurja z dislociranimi fragmenti naravnamo v pravilno anatomsko pozicijo le z ustrezno kirurško tehniko. Za imobilizacijo se uporabljajo implantati, ki zagotavljajo stabilnost in zato tudi hitro zraš~anje. To pa je tudi dovolj za ~im krajšo rehabilitacijsko dobo. Za osteosintezo femurja se uporablja ve~inoma eksterni fiksator tipa I. Primeren je skoraj za vse vrste zlomov. Skoraj nikoli pa niso primerni za fiksacijo intraartikularnih kominutivnih fraktur. Le redko se aplicira zunanji fiksator tipa II. Ta bi bil primeren predvsem za imobilizacijo Salter Harris fraktur. Intramedularne igle Za osteosinteze diafiznega dela femurja pri ma~kah se pogosto uporabljajo intramedularne igle ali `eblji. Najboljši rezultati so s Steinmannovimi iglami. Kirshnerjeve `ice so primerne za mlade ma~ke oziroma ma~ke manjših pasem. Kuntscherjevi in Rusheve `eblji se precej opuš~ajo. Primeren je tudi Schantzov vijak, ki je sicer namenjen za imobilizacijo z zunanjim fiksatorjem. Slaba lastnost osteosintez z iglami so pogostokrat nestabilnosti med fragmenti (rotacija fragmentov). Premer medularnega kanala je povpre~no od 5 do 6 mm. Za imobilizacijo se uporabljajo igle, ki izpolnjujejo pribli`no 70 % medularne odprtine ( premer 3,5 do 4,2 mm.). Po implantaciji igel, ki izpolnjujejo le 30 do 40% medularne votline, je zaradi pri~akovanega nemira med fragmenti, potrebna še dodatna imobilizacija. V ta namen lahko uporabimo enega od naslednjih antirotacijskih materialov: cerkla`e, hemicerkla`e, zunanje fiksatorje ali nevtralizacijske ploš~ice. Odli~na rešitev so Steinmannove igle na zaklep. Za imobilizacijo s takim implantatom se uporabljajo igle, ki zapolnijo medularno votlino do 70 %. Igle lahko vstavljamo z retrogradno ali z normogradno tehniko. Priporo~ajo normogradno tehniko, ker se tako manj verjetno poškoduje ishiati~ni `ivec. Po izkušnjah Montavona se je med retrogradnim vstavljanjem in zaradi predolgega intramedularnega implantata poškodoval ta `ivec kar pri vsakem ~etrtem pacientu. Z normogradno tehniko, še posebej ~e je implantat tanjši, se pri ma~kah lahko vstavljajo igle nekoliko lateralno od ishiati~nega `ivca. Normogradna tehnika je primerna tudi za perkutano naravnavo zlomljene stegnenice. Dol`ino igel odmerimo na osnovi rentgenskega posnetka. Za srednje velike ma~ke so primerne igle dol`ine od 9 do 11 cm. Igla naj bi segala po implantaciji do proksimalnega roba patele, oziroma do višine trohanterja. Najmanj nevarnosti, da bi implantat poškodoval `ivec, je takrat, ~e je igla potopljena v fosso trochantearico. Za suprakondilarne ali epiziolizne frakture je mogo~a imobilizacija tudi z nameš~anjem igle skozi kolenski sklep iz med~vršne jame. Boljša je retrogradna tehnika, ker `elimo hrustan~ni del le odpreti kot pokrov~ek, ki ga po vstavitvi igle vrnemo v prvotno lego. Sicer se epifiziolize imobilizira z dvema Kirschnerjevima `icama – lastovi~ji rep. Debelina transosalnih igel ne sme presegati 20 do 25% premera kosti. Najprimernejše transosalne igle so s pozitivnim (izven nivojskim), notranje pa z negativnim navojem (v nivoju). Igle vstavljamo nekoliko kavdalno (kavdolateralno) ob vastusu lateralisu. V enem fragmentu naj bosta vstavljeni vsaj dve igli. Minimalni nemir med fragmenti dose`emo, ~e so vstavljene tri transosalne igle. Pogosto se nameš~a zunanje fiksatorje skupaj z intramedularnimi iglami. V takih primerih je lahko dovolj le ena transosalna igla v vsakem od fragmentov. Fossum zagotavlja dobre rezultate, ~e sta sklenjeni povezovalna palica in intramedularna igla “tie–in povezava”. CRIF sistem (Clamp – Rod Internal Fixator) nekoliko spominja na eksterni fiksator. Razlika je v tem, da je fiksator prekrit z mehkimi tkivi in je verjetno metoda prihodnosti. Zaradi visoke cene je pri~akovati, da se bo metoda ve~ uporabljala za osteosinteze pri psih. Imobilizacija s ploš~icami Za imobilizacijo stegneni~nih zlomov se pri ma~kah uporabljajo dinami~ne kompresijske ploš~ice, oziroma nevtralizacijske ploš~ice. Boljše so ploš~ice, ki se na dolo~enih mestih stikajo s kostjo LCDCP (limited contact – DCP). VCPs ploš~ice lahko med operacijskim posegom odre`emo (rezalne) do `elene dol`ine. Ker so nekoliko tanjše, jih zato lahko oja~imo tako, da polo`imo eno na drugo (sendvi~ sistem). Najboljši rezultati so z LCDC ploš~icami za diafizne transverzalne frakture femurjev. Zelo dobro anatomsko repozicijo dose`emo z Uni Lock ploš~ico (mandibularne zaklepne ploš~ice), ki sodijo med vsestransko prilagodljive implantate. Predvsem so uporabne za zlome v distalnem delu femurja. V proksimalno in distalno luknjo vstavljamo bikortikalne, v ostale pa monokortikalne vijake. ^e je stabilnost slabša po namestitvi ene ploš~ice, lahko drugo privijemo z druge (medialne) strani. Med zlome proksimalnega dela sodijo zlomi glavice femurja, epifiziolize, zlomi vratu, avulzije trohanterja in subtrohanterne zlome. Zlome vratnega dela in glavice femurja lahko po anatomski repoziciji imobiliziramo z vijakom in antirotacijsko iglo. Pri mladih `ivalih je mogo~a osteosinteza le z dvema Kirschnerjevima iglama. Biomehaniki so dokazali, da se dosega stabilnejšo osteosintezo, ~e sta igli postavljeni paralelno. Igle se lahko vstavlja retrogradno ali antegradno. Ret- 49 47 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 rogradno je enostavnejše za nameš~anje, vendar z antegradnim principom povzro~imo manj poškodb na mehkih tkivih. Še manj poškodb na mehkih tkivih pa povzro~imo po ventralnem pristopu. Trohanterne frakture so za kirurga manj zahtevne. Dobre rezultate se dose`e s tehniko „zuggurtung“. Subtrohanterni zlomi so pri ma~kah redki. Navadno so sestavni del kominutivnih zlomov diafiznega dela. Za osteosintezo se uporabljajo zunanji fiksatorji, ploš~ice ali tudi igle. V nekaterih primerih je potrebna kombinacija dveh (n.pr. igla in eksterni fiksator). Kominutivne frakture vratu ali glavice pogosto ne omogo~ajo tako solidne naravnave in fiksacije, da bi lahko pri~akovali dobro pooperativno funkcijo prizadete noge. V takih primerih se je potrebno odlo~iti za osteotomijo preostalega dela glavice. LITERATURA 1. P.M. Montavon, K. Voss, S.J. Langley–Hobbs. Feline Orthopedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Disease.Philadelphia: Saunders, 2009. 2. Fossum TW. Chirurgie der Kleintiere. Urban & Fischer, 2007. 3. Auer J. Veterinary specialty news. The VetFix System (Clamp-Rod Internal Fixator) AO – Development News – Number 1, 2004: 2 – 4. 4. Keller M, Voss K. UniLock: Application in small animals. Locking bone plate/screw systems were developed for use in human maxillofacial surgery. The authors describe applications of the UniLock system in small animal surgery. AO Dialogue, 15, 2002. 20 - 21. 5. Brinker WO, Piermattei DL, Flo GL. Small animal orthopedics and fracture repair. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1997. 50 48 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Fungal diseases of the skin in cats Patrick Bourdeau Fungi form a group of very original pathogens more or less adapted to develop in the living tissues. Amongst domestic mammals the cat is probably the most frequently concerned by mycoses, and skin infection the most common. Dermatophytes are the first cause of dermatomycose but a variety of other fungi can be encountered in Europe. I Dermatophytoses Dermatomycoses, generally superficial, due to keratinophilic fungi: Microporum and Trichophyton (+ in humans Epidermophyton). Synonym: ringworm. The most important species of dermatophytes in cats is by far Microsporum canis. The second species, probably misdiagnosed isTrichophyton mentagrophytes. Cats can be infected by other species of dermatophytes (See table I). Table I: Most important species of dermatophytes infecting cats Main host, source Others species M. canis Cat, dog Rabbit, horse, rodents … M. persicolor Rodents microtinae (voles) Dog, cat .. M. gypseum Soil Dog, horse… T. mentagrophytes Rodents All species (Dog, cat…) Human contamination +++++ ++ + +++ Morphology of dermatophytes in lesions - Septate hyphae (2- 6 µm. diam.) in stratum corneum, more visible in hairshafts (in bundles). - Arthrospores. ± spherical (2 à 8 µm according species). (hair follicle, surface of skin…) - Development in hairshaft Ectothrix (= endo-ectothrix). Hairshafts surrounded by small spores (2 µm) « mosaic » = microsporic : (i.e : M. canis) short chains = microïd (i .e : T. mentagrophytes) (Microsporum persicolor do not infect hairshaft. Clinical aspects a) Classical annular ringworm - The most frequent with Microsporum canis. Prof. Patrick Bourdeau, - Frequent in young animals, incubation 1 - 4 weeks (2 months ?) DVM, Dipl. ECVD, EVCP Dermatology /Parasitology / Mycology - Non pruritic (general situation). Oniris: Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes, France - Annular alopecia (0.5 to 5 cm in diam.) spontane [email protected] 51 49 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 ous regrowth of hairs in the center of lesions (individ ual spontaneously heal). Skin non reactive, thin scal ing. Diagnosis - A variant in hunting or foraging animals due to T.mentagrophytes (Microsporum persicolor or Mi crosporum gypseum.) : Localized, slowly extensive, generally facial and scaly lesion. May become multifo cal and generalized. 1) History : frequent in young cats ( less than 1 year of age) ; persians and other longhaired breeds ; colonies (catteries) ; season (T. mentagrophytes : autumn-Winter) ; contagion : other cats, dogs, humans b) Kerions - Quite unfrequent in cats as compared to dogs, mainly due T. mentagrophytes (M. canis …) - Surelevated, rounded, inflammatory suppurative (fol liculitis) plaques. Unique or multiple, mainly on face. c) Diffuse alopecic dermatophytosis Quite frequent in cats. Moderate erythema, diffuse alopecia ± scales and crusts. Localized or extensive. d) Feline miliary dermatitis Pruritic Diffuse alopecia, moderate erythema and scaling ; mul tiple little papules and crusts. e) Onychia and paronychia - Rare. Mainly T. mentagrophytes or M. canis. Fragil ity of claws, (several digits and legs) f) Combined dermatophytoses - Much less frequent than in dogs - Extensive, scaly and erythematous many combina tions of species. g) Mycetomas - Underdiagnosed. Mainly in persian cats. Sometimes called « pseudomycetoma ». Deep infection (dermis with dermatophytes that forms « grains » in a suppu rative reaction (plaques, fistulae). Lesions quite fre quently located on the dorsum. See below Successsive steps are necessary to observe, isolate then identify causal agent. 2) Wood’s light : Fluorescence from living spores of dermatophytes in anagen hairs : only Microsporum canis (most of strains) : Modified by topical therapy. Positive wood’s light is confirmed by microscopic examination. 2) Microscopic examination Skin scrapings and hairshafts examined in lactophenol, (lactic blue, KOH). Typical aspect of parasitised hairshafts. (M persicolor do not develops in hairshaft). 3) Optionnal : orientation test : Dermatophyte test medium.DTM - The growth of dermatophytes is suggested if rapid change of color of the agar (turn to red). 7 to 14 days. Many limits (sensitivity – specificity). False positive and negative. - must be confirmed by identification under microscope. 5) Fungal culture Sample : (Mc Kenzie toothbrush method, Mariat carpet method). Inoculation of Sabouraud medium. Condition for development may vary with dermatophytes. Incubation 27°C. Growth can be modified when previous antifungal treatment have been applied. Identification depends on the technicity of the lab : in general 3 wks (to less than 6 days). Precise identification will help to understand epidemiology of each case, and conception for control. 6) Histopathology : Not an indication except : Histopathological findings - PAS stain allows a better visualisation of fungal elements (hyphae) 1) Moderate inflammation: only filaments in stratum corneum + arthrospores + invasion of infundibulum and hairshafts. 2) Inflammatory. : Papulovesicular. Intraepidermal vesicles, spongiosis, crusts, dermal infiltrate (neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils). (Possible Confusion with autoimmune skin disease). 5) Mycetomas : granulomatous inflammation surroundig filamaents and vesicles grouped in « grains ». a) If interesting for differential diagnosis (histopatholgy useful for other suspected dermatoses) b) In case of mycetoma. Control - Once the diagnosis is made the infected animal(s) has to be isolated in a place easy to clean and disinfect. - Other animalsl shoud be separated and a fungal culture performed (Carpet or Toothbrush). If contaminated they will be treated. Topical treatment Long haired cats should be clipped before and during the treatment (only 10% of cure in Persians if not clipped..) Topical antifongal agents applied once or twice a week : 52 50 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Enilconazole rinse – antifungal containing shampoos (miconazole). Evolution/follow up Total duration of antifungal therapy 6 weeks (2 weeks after « clinical » cure). Even in case of apparent cure 25 to 30% remain carriers or infected and relapse may occur. Systemic treatment - Griseofulvin : dosage frequently too low in labelled products. At least 25 mg/kg bid (oral) is necessary. Contraindicated in pregnant females and immunosuppressed cats. - Ketoconazole : 5-10mg/kg (oral) daily. Control liver parameters. Environmental disinfection - It is important to clean the environment of infected cats (vacuuming, washing at high temperature…) - Itraconazole : 5 mg/kg/day. Treat very other week 3 times (total of 6 weeks). Well tolerated in general. - Enilconazole in spray (Clinafarm may help to treat potentially infected surfaces. Some authors propose the use of fumigation although no demonstration support the efficacy of such protocol). II Malassezia - The importance of Malassezia yeasts has been initially demonstrated in human (Malassezia furfur) then in cdog (Pityrosporyum canis). In cats the knowledge is much more recent and limited. - A group or yeasts (13 species described) lipophilic, morphologically similar. Amongst these species only one species : M. pachydermatis, the most common species in dogs and cats, do not need lipids to grow in culture. All other species are said lipodependant. Malassezia furfur is mainly anthopophilic (75-78 % of healthy people, 46 % of normal fungal flora of hairs). Occasionally isolated from animals (pig, sheep, elephant…). Agent of pityriasis versicolor in humans. - Malassezia pachydermatis Zoophilic. Isolated in numerous species of mammals and birds : Ear canals, skin, mucosae (perianal, oral…). Accidental transient contamination have been described: M. furfur in animals, M. pachydermatis in humans : hands, ears, eye. (+ vaginal, urines, fungemias) Characteristics of major species of Malassezia (adapted from de Hoog) Malassezia Buds growth CremophorEL SGA 40°C growth Esculin Catalase Tween 80 Tween 40 Tween 20 pachydermatis Wide + + - + + - V v furfur Wide - + + + + + + V sloffiae Wide - + - +,V + + + - sympodialis Wide - + -,V + + + + + obtusa Wide - - - - - - - + globosa Narrow - - - - - - - + restricta Narrow - - - - - - - - - Rapid growth in culture (1 mm at D1–D2) . - Elongated yeasts (cylindrical to globose) (2 - 7 µm in size ). - Budding (blastoconidia) wide or narrow with cicatricial marks. Thin capsule. - Typical shape « foot-print… » - Lipophilic ( olive oil 1% - medium or Dixon) - Optimal growth 35 -37°C ; in practice rapid growth at 27-32°C, - Not inhibited by cycloheximide . 53 51 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Malassezia dermatitis is a superficial infection (skin and mucocutaneous junctions) due to the proliferation of several species of Malassezia III Crytococcosis (terminology : malasseziosis is not recommanded ) A systemic mycosis due to Cryptococcus neoformans A breed predisposition has been shown in dogs (Basset hound, Teckel, West Highland White Terrier, Shar Pei), but nor really in cats. Proliferation favourized by many conditions: hypersensitivities, endocrinathies, immunodeficiencies. It is mostly observed in cats (other species : dog, cattle, horses...exceptionnal in birds). - An important disease in immunocompromised humans (transplant, neoplasia, AIDS). The agent is very common and has a Worldwide distribution. Cryptococcosis is likely underdiagnosed. Malassezia otitis - Erythemato-ceruminous, generally bilateral. - Pruritus (positive auditopedal reflex) abundant (± liquid), brownish cerumen. Malassezia dermatitis - Rapid growth in culture (opt. 32 °C). Inhibited by Actidione. - Spherical yeast 4-6 µm. (2-25 µm in lesions); Unipolar to multiple budding ; Thick Capsule (visible in indian ink) - Erythema, diffuse alopecia, greasiness of skin, scaling variable. - Other species of Cryptococcus do not grow at 37°C. (non pathogenic) : C. albidus, C. laurenti, C. terreus, C. uniguttulatus.… - Typically on ventral part of neck (±oval), chin, skin folds and periorificial areas. - A major source is dejections of birds (digestive tract), fruits, milk… - Generalized seborrhoea. Malassezia pododermatitis : ± paronychia (brownish deposit at the base of claws). Diagnosis Observation of numerous Malassezia in skin smears or acetate tape tests: Look for Malassezia on a least 5 microscopic fields (X 400 or 1000). Interpretation: carriage is normal ; - Huge number in otitis or high number in dermatitis - MOG (= Malassezia OverGrowth = microcolonies associated to corneocytes) in stained smears, associated with suspicion for hypersensitivity. Fungal culture (both lipid-rich and non lipid-rich medium in case of suspicion) Many possible methods for sampling. Histopathology : Malassezia can be eliminated from biopsies at the beginning of the process for fixation. Non specific perivascular pattern associated, to occasional spongiosis. Lymphohistiocytic infiltrate.The presence of Malassezia within infundibulum could be a criteria for pathogenicity. Contamination is mainly by inhalation, (possible inoculation in cat). Dissemination via blood and lymph and tropism for CNS. Not contagious - Defects of cellular immunity facilitate the development. (FeLV), corticotherapy). FIV+ cats have an increased carriage, more severe clinical signs and respond less to treatment. Clinical signs - Many subclinical infections - In general a chronic disease. Several forms may coexist on the same individual Rhinosinusal form The most common. Chronic nasal discharge, respiratory distress, proliferations at nares openings, ulcers of the nose. Pseudotumoral mass on the nose occasionally fistulized. Enlarged lymph nodes. May extend to eyes (chorioretinitis) or CNS (meningitis). Respiratory : Rare in carnivores . Dyspnoea and cough. Neurologic Ocular Photophobia, uveitis ( uni or bilateral) Skin lesions Very frequent ( > 50% of cases), mainly located on the face and extremities Secondary to dissemination, possibly primitive ( inoculation) 54 52 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Papules, nodules (2 cm), plaques, ulcers reddish and purulent. In general multiples. Disseminated forms Lesions Little inflammatory reaction. Viscous aspect due to the very abundant yeasts in lesions (capsule material that inhibits phagocytosis). Diagnosis - Yeasts in general very abundant in lesions ; observed from direct smears (diluted indian ink, Diff quick): shape, thick capsule. - Fungal culture (Growth at 37°C + inhibited by cycloheximide) - Diagnosis : Direct examination of pus (filaments ± irregular ± vesicles) difficult to observe. Possible stains of smears. Histopathology: epithelioid or purulent reaction with irregular fragmented hyphae. Variable aspect. Fungi are pigmented or not in lesions. Definitive diagnosis only by fungal culture (specialized Lab.)(multiple culture, on different medias may be necessary). Interest of immunochemistry controversial (specificity ?). Treatment : Surgical excision can be curative ? Variable efficacy of antifungals (no rule). Modern azoles (Ketoconazole, Itraconazole) or (and) Amphotericin B (IV slowly ex 0,2 mg/kg alternate day). - Histopathology : Suggestive but not diagnostic. Abundant yeasts, surrounded by an empty halo (capsule). Capsule can be stained by alcian blue. Prognosis guarded to poor (unresponsiveness to antifungals or relapses not rare). - Serology : V Mycetoma Very useful by detection of circulating capsular antigens (agglutination). Positive at titers > 8 (frequently 16000). Occasionally false negative. Response to therapy is associated to decrease at least by 2 or 4 of the titer. - Fungal mycetomas = Eumycetomas IV Phaeohyphomycosis - Subcutanous mycoses. Generally necrotic and ulcerative with cavities containing pus. Pus contains grains = microcolonies of hyphae. - Grains may be dark (black fungi) or light (Acremonium, Pseudallescheria…dermatophytes). - Mycoses due to Brown fungi (Dematiaceous), generally subcutaneous, secondarily ulcerative. - To differenciate from actinomycotic mycetomas. - Unfrequent but certainly underdiagnosed. (Confusions with abcesses, neoplasms..). - At least 15 fungi involved in humans. In animals mainly: Curvularia (C. geniculata), Drechslera, Pseudallescheria, Altenaria… - Frequent in tropical areas. In veterinary medicine mainly on cats (dogs, equine, birds, amphibians…) . Most of agents are saprophytic on plants and opportunistics: At least 60 species involved. These fungi contain melanin and are pigmented ; olivaceous to dark brown in culture. Identification difficult : Nomenclature changing (many names in papers are obsolete): i.e. Drechslera (Bipolaris) spicifera, Alternaria, Exophiala jeanselmi, Phialemonium sp. Phialophora verrucosa, Scoleobasidium humicola, Pseudomicrodochium suttonii. - Sporadic - In general infection by traumatic inoculation rarely inhalation (human). - Contamination probably by inoculation. - Worldwide or localized distribution according to species. Most of these fungi are saprophytic on plants. Clinical presentation : - Cats the most frequently species concerned - Dermatophytic mycetomas (improperly called: pseudomycetomas). Essentially Microsporum canis in persian cats. - Lesions mainly on extremities, face, dorsum. - Plaques or nodule(s) with pus that contains visible grains (0,1 to 3 mm). - Favourized by intercurrent diseases or immunosuppressive therapies. Diagnosis : Direct observation of grains in lactic blue or KOH 10%. Differenciate from actinomycetes. - May occur years after infection. Chronic evolution. Histopathology = may also differenciate the 2 types of mycetomas. - Unique or multiple lesions : nodules, plaques, occasionally ulcers Fungal culture necessary for definitive diagnosis. - Other localisations (± associated) (joints, bones, ocular, CNS). Pure neurologic forms may exist. Treatment : Difficult ; careful surgical excision + long and massive antifungal therapy (azoles, amphotericin B). 55 53 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 IV Hyalohyphomycosis Complication : dissemination, rarely respiratory . - Subcutaneous mycoses due to colourless ( non melanized) fungi. Diagnosis - Many species of opportunistic fungi involved. - Pyogranulomatous lesions on inoculation sites. - Frequent diffuse panniculitis and extension. Diagnosis : Direct observation of hyphae in the pus (possible staining) Careful samping and culture in a specialized laboratory. Histopathology (not very specific) Prognosis poor. Treatment include surgical excision and drainage, systemic antifungals, correction of intercurrent diseases. Yeasts abundant in pus (if present). In most animal species (except cat ?) fungi are rarely seen in biopsies. Special stains ( silver) mandatory. Culture. Immunology (immunofluorescence, immunodiffusion) possible in humans. Treatment Modern systemic antifungals. Classical with NaI (solution 20% IV : 20g ou 40 mg/kg 25 days) then orally. Problem of tolerance. Risk of transmission to humans ; bite or even licking from cats. V Sporotrichosis Infection due to the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii. (Previously Sporotrichum schenckii). Worldwide mainly tropics VI Histoplamosis Mycosis due to systemic infection by the dimorphic Histoplasma capsulatum. « Darling disease ». Cat but also pig, rodents/rabbits, birds ( parrots), horse, dog and mainly Human being. Wide distribution in warm and temperate countries. North America, South and central America (sporadic) Africa an Asia. In Europe : Italy, Rumania, Denmark. Pathogenic form = yeast Many species are concerned : Human, dog and cat … (37°C in blood agar + thiamin) non inhibited by cycloheximide. - Pathogenic form (generally intracellular) Globose to elongated (« cigar » like) yeasts (3-6 µm). Histopathology : typical when surrounded by star shape Splendore-Hoeppli reaction (= asteroid bodies) Filamentous form ( environment on soil and plants) Culture 25°C. on usual medias 7 - 20 days. Mycelium very thin (1-2 µm), sympodial ovoid to trinagular conidias., Slow development in culture at 37°C. (3-4 wks on blood agar +CO2). Very small yeasts (2-3 X 3 -4 µm) thickwalled, lemon shape, terminal budding on narrow basis. - Filamentous form produced in environnement (humid and rich in organic debris) like birds nests (caves of bats…) or culture in usual media inf 30°C. Thin filaments with echinulated microconidias (2-6µm) and globose conidias with tubercles (6 - 25µm) Infection : Sporadic disease, mainly rural. Telluric origin Inoculation (rarely ingestion). Incubation variable 2-3 weeks. Clinical presentation : - Inhalation of conidias.( ingestion ( ?) pure digestive forms in dogs). - Conidias transform to yeast in lungs then are phagocytised and disseminate (lymphatic , blood). Cutaneo-lymphatic form Favourized by any immunodeficiency inclusion iatrogenic. Mainly on extremities, face (indurated plaques, nodules) frequent ulceration with brownish pus ? Clinical presentation : In cats also nummular crusts. Lesions may spontaneously heal whereas other appear. Lymphatic vessels and lymph node reaction Many latent forms; Respiratory forms ; Digestive forms (diarrhoea bloody or liquid) occasional vomiting. Cutaneous forms (occasional): Nodules, plaques, fistulae; oral ulcers, 56 54 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Others: ocular, neurologic, joints Lymph nodes en,largement. Anemia with neutrophilia and monocytosis. Hyerbilirubinemia, increase of alkaline phosphatases and ALT. Diagnosis Difficult Radiography (thorax, abdomen : enlargement of liver and spleen) Observation of yeasts from stained smears (special stain) of pus (broncho alveolar liquid, punctions…) very small, intracellular. Histopathology (APS, Gomori-Grocott) very small intracytoplasmic yeasts ( possible confusion with Leishmania) IDST histoplasmin : little interest in companion animals. Serology (immunodiffusion, IDGA, agglutination...) in humans. Some cross reactions remain with Blastomycosis, Coccidioidomycosis). 57 55 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Skin conditions in cats: parasitic or not? Patrick Bourdeau Dermatologic conditions in cats are particularly difficult to diagnose. In this species the clinical presentation is frequently common to very different disease conducing to “syndromes”. Amongst these syndromes Alopecia, Pruritus and scales, Nodules and plaques are the most common I Alopecia and parasites In cats alopecia appears usually in large, sometimes confluent patches. It can be self inflicted or due to abnormally easy epilation or shedding. The underlying cause is often difficult to precise. Ia Self inflicted alopecia Fleas Fleas are a common cause for alopecia in sensitized cats. The parasitism due to fleas is extremely common and, in France, there is little seasonal variation during the year. It means that the monthly percentage of infested cats is more or less stable (± 30% on dermatological cases) due to infestations from indoor environment. Clinical presentation: Licking occurs mainly on the lateral parts of the body symmetrically to the dorsal line. In general a certain degree of pruritus is also present and lesion extend on the body surface. The lesions can be complicated by excoriations crusts and papules. Diagnosis: Fleas can be easily observed in light coloured animals or collected with a flea comb. Flea faeces are also easy to see and sometimes larvae are observed by owners in the bedding. Control Flea control in cats is not easy although mainly active products are available. One of the main key points is the action on fleas present in the environment of animals and the prevention of contamination of this environment (indoors and outdoors). This is of importance in cat that goes outside. Most commonly used insecticides are fipronil and imidacloprid as spot on. Nitempyram is also very efficient but short acting. Once fleas have been seen the treatment has to be done for months in order to control the already present generation of fleas from the environment. Arthropod growth regulators have been developed for cat: lufenuron is given once a month and control the development of flea larvae that ingest the AGR in their food (adult flea faeces) this prevent the development of cocoon and further generation of fleas. Pyriproxyfen can be used as a spot on and blocks the larval stages and even the egg laying, with a very long residual effect. S methopren is combined to fipronil to extend the action of the insecticide. To be effective the flea control has to be maintained on a long period (several and AGR combined to insecticides to break the life cycle. Other causes of self inflicted alopecia (non parasitic) Food allergy Probably the second major allergic condition in cats associated to alopecia (not detailed here). Prof. Patrick Bourdeau, DVM, Dipl. ECVD, EVCP Dermatology /Parasitology / Mycology Oniris: Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes, France [email protected] Comments on Psychogenic alopecia This disease is diagnosed when all allergic/parasitic causes have been excluded and if the cat has some behavioural troubles. 58 56 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Stereotypies are obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). They derive from modified behaviours ex sudden running or jumping, circling (tail chasing), head shaking, etc. Behaviours derived from grooming include self-licking and hair chewing/ pulling in the cat. This may result of an underlying abnormality (i.e: physical trauma of the CNS, epilepsy) or an abnormal behaviour, in reaction to a conflict due to inappropriate environment or management. If the conflict persists the behaviour might become repetitive and develop into a stereotypy to any unfavourable situation. Endorphins (opioid peptides) might be important in the onset of the behaviour and, dopamine involved with the maintenance of the behaviour. As the dopamine turnover is increased, stereotypies can be induced by drugs that activate the dopamine system, such as amphetamine and apomorphine. Also a serotonin subsystem in cats could selectively activated by chewing or grooming. Clinical presentation: Siamese, Burmese, Himalayan and Abyssinian cats could be predisposed. The lesions are the result of chewing, licking and hair pulling Alopecia: middle of the back, perineal, genital areas, medial thighs, ventral abdomen, front legs, shoulder and feet. Initially the skin surface is normal until traumatized by the tongue (development of a plaque). Diagnosis: Trichoscopy shows broken hair and licking restriction by the application of an Elizabethan collar is temporarily curative. All other pruritic causes of self-licking (allergies, parasites) have to be ruled out. Control Behavioural Identification and removal of the stress cause is the ideal therapy. Drugs like: amitriptyline (5 mg PO BID), diazepam (1-2 mg PO BID or SID); Opiate-receptor blockers for short-term stereotypies: naloxone (1 mg/kg SC once) (naltrexone, nalmefene, diprenorphine) or dopamine antagonist haloperidol (1 mg/kg PO SID initially, then taper), for a longer period (> 1 year). Drugs that - inhibit the serotonin re-uptake: fluoxetine (1 mg/kg SID), clomipramine (1,25 – 2,5 mg PO SID), imipramine. Sedatives and tranquilizers are generally ineffective. - Observed in groups or catteries or rescue facilities but also many individuals without any apparent contamination. Contagious?- Not necessarily underlying disease but often FIV positive, diabetes, renal disease, neoplasia, Iatrogenic due to steroids, - Age variable: often aged catsInfection combined to Demodex cati not rare - Biology of this form: unknown. Superficial? Clinical presentation:Pruritus often present, occasionally absentAlopecia, erythema, scaly and crusty dermatitis on the face, neck and ears. In some cases rather on ventrum and limbs; rarely generalized or otoacariosis like with Demodex cati. DiagnosisSkin scrapings: on a large surface (eventually apply mineral oil on skin). Examine other cats of the household. Variable abundance: In some cases More than half of the D. gatoi population sampled is made of ova, indicating rapid population growthTrichoscopy, Histopathology Microscopic observation Adults of Demodex cati are quite long 180 to 220 microm. and Demodex gatoi is only 110 – 140 microm .Mixed infection with D. cati not uncommonControl Treatment of demodicosis in cats is not as well established as it is in dogs. The most regularly active drug on D. gatoi should be Lime Sulfur dips (6 times at 5 to 7 days interval)Macrocyclic lactones: Very controversial. Ivermectin orally. Start with 200 ug/kg daily for one week, if no side-effects increase dose to 0,4 mg/kg? Or 0.3 mg/ kg for months Lower or stop treatment if showing neurological signs of in coordination or lethargy. Milbemycin 1 mg/kg orally e” 2 months or higher dosages ( problems of tolerance)Amitraz (0,02% once/twice a week): ± tolerated by cats (concentration of active ingredients?) contraindicated in diabetic catsTreatment of environment sometimes mentioned (never done). Other causes for alopecia in cats Immune-mediated Sebaceous adenitis, mural lymphocytic folliculitis, alopecia areata Associated with trauma/injections/topical treatments: Ib Alopecia with broken hairs Injection site cicatricial alopecia, topical steroid treatment, post-traumatic alopecia (fracture of pelvis, sacrum) Endocrine/Metabolic Broken hair due to infection or parasites; Dermatophytosis (see other lecture), Demodicosis Diabetes, Cushings, iatrogenic/spontaneous – (± skin hyperfragility syndrome) Neoplastic Demodex Paraneoplastic alopecia, epitheliotropic lymphoma. Two forms of Demodex have been described in cats and received different names. Demodex cati (the “regular”Demodex) and short demodex: D. gatoi. Demodex gatoi - Almost no publication is available. Mainly described and observed in North America (sunny, hot humid) In Europe very rare 59 57 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 II Pruritus If pruritus is observed in cats it is necessary to initially evaluate a parasitic disease (not all detailed here) Parasites causing pruritus in cats Mites Mange : Notoedres cati Eosinophilic plaque : Well defined, surelevated, rounded to oval lesions. Erythematous and highly pruritic. Sometimes ulcerated. Mainly located on ventral abdomen and thighs. Occasionally in other places. May occur on every cat: classically associated to Flea allergy, atopy or food allergy. Can be combined to Feline miliary dermatitis. Ear mite : Otodectes cynotis As licking is important secondary bacterial dermatitis is common. Fur mite : Cheyletiella blakei, Lynxacarus radovskyi Histopathology : Chiggers : Trombicula autumnalis Eosinophilic dermatitis with hyperplasia, mastocytes abundant and epidermis frequently ulcerated. Insects Fleas Cat flea : Ctenocephalides felis Feline miliary dermatitis Rabbit flea : Spilopsyllus cuniculi Small yellowish crusts and papules with diffuse distribution. Prurit present, generally moderate. Dorsum, neck, generalized. … Lice Felicola subrostrata Diptera Mosquitoes : Non-parasitic causes of primary pruritic skin disease in cats are mainly related to allergies (Food intolerance allergy), infections (superficial pyodermas), neurologic defects (i.e: cervical pruritus) or even neoplasia. Most often the clinical presentation and skin lesions accompanying these diseases are not specific and include syndrome like: Feline miliary dermatitis, eosinophilic granuloma complex, and indolent ulcer. Histopathology similar to eosinophilic plaque bust less severe. FMD could be a relatively initial step before other clinical manifestations. Observed with allergies, ectoparasites, bacterias, dermatophytes, drug reactions, pemphigus foliaceus…. Indolent ulcer A necrotic, ulcer, generally localized to the upper lip (uni –bilateral). Not painful. Has been associated to allergies or infections Histopathology variable: frequent neutrophilic infiltrate, fibrosis, occasional “eosinophilic mush”. Occasionally could evoluate in epidermoïd carcinoma? (Or rather carcinoma from the beginning). Mosquito bite hypersensitivity. Eosinophilc granuloma, linear granuloma Eosinophilic granuloma is composed of surelevated well delimited lesion (papules, nodules), firm, yellow to pink in colour, linear, frequently on the posterior aspect of Thighs (also chin, digits, oral cavity). It is asymptomatic and rarely the lesion may become ulcerate with white points (collagen). Repeated mosquito bites on cats may result in papular to ulcerative lesions (nose, pinnae …). It is a seasonal condition, more frequent in cats living outside during night. Histopathology reveals an inflammation rich in eosinophils. Initial pruritus is minimal but may increase Differential includes allergies, viral (herpes, pox) dermatoses and dermatophytes. There is no breed predisposition but young animals and females seem predisposed. Comments on Exotic fur mite This condition may spontaneously resolve or associated to eosinophilic plaques or indolent ulcer. It has been associated to flea hypersensitivity, food allergies, atopy, mosquito bites, genetic predisposition, bacterial or viral (calicivirus) infection. Histopathology: a granulomatous nodular infiltrate multifocal (eosinophilic mush). Lynxacarus radovskyi (= Felistrophorus radovskyi) is a parasite in cat, another species is found on Lynx in America: Lynxacarus morhani slightly different. - It is a permanent parasite, eggs; larvae nymphs and adults are found onto the host. Known distribution is warm and humid areas: Pacific, west tropical Atlantic, south and central America USA (Texas). This parasite could easily extend (cf worldwide extension of 60 58 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Cheyletiella in cats and dogs).The condition is contagious and sometimes epizootic. Transmission probably by direct contact. Nothing is known about the resistance in environment. More prevalent in adults (6 – 12 years)- Pruritus is occasional. Feline Miliary dermatitis has been observed. Occasional gastrointestinal signs and gingivitis (licking?) Clinical signs are not specific. Haircoat matted, scaling, a « pepper and salt » aspect (scales + mites). Epilation is easy and tegument itself not concerned. - Lesions are more pronounced on dorsal and lumbar area, head and neck.- Differential includes causes of scaling in cats: ectoparasites (Cheyletiella, fleas an lice), causes of seborrhoea. - Final diagnosis is based on trichoscopy with parasites and eggs. The control is not difficult and similar to lice. Carbamates, lime sulfur, pyrethrins have shown to be effective. Macrocyclic lactones are also effective (i.e. ivermectin 0.3 mg/kg once). Probably all other acaricidal (phenylpyrazoles) are also effective.- There is no risk of human contamination. Nodules and plaques Causes for nodules and plaques in cats include: Infection: Abscesses (very common), bacterial granulomas (including actinomycetes and mycobacterias), fungal granulomas (phaehyphomycosis, cryptococcosis, mycetoma). Neoplasia A variety of skin tumours develop in cats like in other species. Parasites Various ectoparasites may induce the eosinophili granuloma complex (see above) Parasite granulomas: myiasis, aberrant migration of nematodes, and rare cases of Dirofilaria repens. Feline leishmaniosis. Leishmaniosis in cats a new reality ? - General leishmaniosis (leishmania infantum) is described in cats in some foci (particularly in Italy). - During a long time this disease was considered as non existing (failure of inoculations. and negative surveys). However arguments “pro” also existed, and infections were observed in a number of countries in new and old world, half of them asymptomatic. Leishmania infantum is involved in Mediterranean countries however other species may develop in cats. Clinical signs - General symptoms (50%), Loss weight, anorexia, occasion anal fever.- Haematology: Anaemia frequent (pale mucosae) (non regenerative), (± leucopoenia, leucocytosis, monocytosis) Hyperproteinemia, less marked/dog: gamma-beta Glob.± incr. Creatinin, urea. - Skin Ulcers = the most frequent (> 50%) on face, ears, lips, tongue, ± disseminated.Nodules = Suggestive (± 50%) « Oriental sore » like? Inoculation sore? Unique or multiple Simultaneous or progressiveGenerally small (± 0.5 cm) occasionally large > 3 cm. Ears, nose, lips, eyelids, extremitiesAlopecia: Head, ventral …Scales, crustsEosinophilic granuloma complex: one case ( Hubert) Lymphadenopathy (30%) - Also mentioned: Bronchopneumonia, digestive, stomatitis, renal failure, - Ocular signs- Asymptomatic carriage (isolation of Leishmania or serology) - Diagnosis: Blood: Anaemia frequent (± leucopoenia, monocytosis), Hyperproteinemia, ± incr. Creatinin, urea. Less marked/ dogDetection of FIV ± FeLV ± IFPSerology Antibodies: IFA: positive generally low titers: 80 to 160 (-> 2560); ELISA, pos. > 0.5?Others: Circulating antigens? PCR Passos et al (1996): Positive on isolated confirmed cases (Laruelle, Pennisi) Positive on 61% of a group of suspected cases (Pennisi) IFA + PCR to recommend? Smears (cf dog): Ulcers, lymph nodes, bone marrow ++ (necropsy: liver, spleen) Histopathology (cf dog) Direct observation routine stains or Immunochemistry (when not visible). -Treatment: Medical: very few data on series and nor real reference treatment Treatment similar to those used in dogs. Epidemiology : The age is often not indicatedThere is no role of sex or breed although facial lesions are common in longhaired breed.It may occur on domestic or feral cats. The role of an underlying disease, like in humans, remains unclear and a variety of associated conditions have been described (ectoparasites, fungal infections, allergic or auto-immune diseases). 61 59 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 PRISTOP K DIAGNOSTIKI BOLEZNI SPODNJIH SE^IL PRI MA^KI Maja Brlo`nik1, Pavo Zaninovi}1, Irena Zdovc2 Prevalenca bolezni spodnjih se~il pri ma~ki (BSSM) je okrog 7%. Pri ma~kah do 10 let, so najpogostejši idiopatsko vnetje, urolitiaza in uretralni plaki. Bakterijske oku`be najdemo ve~inoma le pri ma~kah nad 10 let. V prispevku je podan problemski pristop k diagnostiki obolenj s prikazom zna~ilnih klini~nih skupin (obstrukcija se~nice, bakterijska oku`ba in idiopatski cistitis). Podane so zna~ilnosti anamnesti~nih podatkov, opa`anja ob klini~nem pregledu in razlike v urinskih sedimentih pri skupini sedemdesetih ma~k - klini~nih pacientov z znaki BSSM. Na osnovi anamnesti~nih podatkov, temeljitega klini~nega pregleda in analize urina lahko v ve~ini primerov postavimo zanesljivo diagnozo Maja Brlo`nik, dr.vet.med., dr. Pavo Zaninovi}, dr.vet.med., doc.dr. Irena Zdovc, dr.vet.med. 1 PRVA-K, Klinika za male `ivali, Gorki~eva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana 2 Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Inštitut za mikrobiologijo in parazitologijo, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 62 60 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 POSPEŠENI PROTOKOL OBSEVANJA PRI ZDRAVLJENJU PLOŠ^ATOCELI^NEGA KARCINOMA SMR^KA IN USTNE VOTLINE PRI MA^KAH Ana Rejec1, Matja` Jeraj2, Janoš Butinar1, Janean L Fidel3 Ploš~ato celi~ni karcinom (PCK) smr~ka pri ma~kah je tumor belih ali svetlejših ma~k, nastanek pripisujemo ultravijoli~nim `arkom. PCK ustne votline je najpogostejši tumor ustne votline pri ma~kah, povezujemo ga z okoljskimi dejavniki in mutacijami. PCK smr~ka je lokalno agresiven tumor, ki redko metastazira. PCK ustne votline je lokalno agresiven tumor z napredujo~o destrukcijo kosti in visokim metastatskim potencialom. Incidenca metastaziranja je razmeroma neraziskana zaradi te`ke lokalne kontrole in umiranja preden se razvije metastatska bolezen. Prognoza PCK smr~ka je dobra, posebej pri zdravljenju v zgodnjih fazah, pri ustnem PCK je prognoza slaba, problem je uspešna in trajna lokalna kontrola, boljša je v zgodnjih fazah bolezni. brez napredovanja) je trenutno 4,5 mesece. PCK ustne votline, zdravljen s 14 frakcijami v 9 dneh pa je ravnokar kon~an. Vidni del tumorja je v regresiji. Zdravljenje PCK smr~ka je kirurško, resekcija ulcerativne lezije z ustreznimi zdravimi robovi, vendar povzro~i iznaka`enost obraza; v poštev pride še krioterapija, fototerapija, intralezijska kemoterapija z derivati platine, sama in v kombinaciji z radioterapijo in radioterapija sama. PCK ustne votline pri ma~kah lahko zdravimo kirurško, uspešnost je mo~no odvisna od lokacije. Znano je, da ma~ke prenašajo velike ustne resekcije slabše od psov. Empiri~no vemo, da so ustni PCK locirani bolj rostralno manj maligni, novejši podatki pa govorijo o korelaciji volumna tumorja in malignosti, kar govori v prid manjše malignosti bolj rostralnih tumorjev, saj jih odkrijemo la`je, ko so še manjši in najverjetneje manj maligni. Radioterapija PCK smr~ka je znana kot uspešna, manj pa je uspešna pri PCK ustne votline. Znano je, da ima PCK kratek podvojitveni ~as, kar govori v prid radioterapiji s kratkimi ~asovnimi intervali (hiperfrakcioniranje) z majhnimi dozami. Avtorica (JF) je razvila pospešene protokole, ki smo jih uporabili pri dveh ma~kah z obema vrstama PCK. PCK smr~ka smo uspešno zdravili (10 frakcij v 5 dneh), PFI (interval Ana Rejec, dr.vet.med., Matja` Jeraj, dipl.ing.radiol., prof.dr. Janoš Butinar, dr.vet.med., Janean Fidel DVM MS DACVR (radiation oncology) DACVIM (oncology), Dept.of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Washington State University, USA 1 Bolnica za `ivali Postojna, Cesta v Staro vas 20, SI-6230 Postojna 2 Onkološki Inštitut Ljubljana, Zaloška c. 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana 3 Dept.of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Washington State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, ZDA [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 63 61 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 SINDROM »OKNA NA KIP« IN AKUTNE LEDVI^NE ODPOVEDI PRI DOMA^I MA^KI Igor Firm1, Ana Rejec2, Janoš Butinar2 Sindrom “okna na kip” je zaradi pogostosti takšnega tipa oken v Evropi pogost vzrok travmatske ishemi~ne nevromiopatije. Predstavljamo primer doma~e ma~ke, ki je bila pripeljana v Bolnico za `ivali Postojna dva dni po tem, ko je obvisela na doma~em oknu. Tipi~ni simptomi, zna~ilni za ta tip poškodbe, so: hipotermija; bole~ine v zadnjih okon~inah, ledvenem podro~ju in trebuhu; otekline mišic zadnjih nog; hladne zadnje okon~ine; slaboten do odsoten femoralni pulz; parapareza ali paraplegija, pogosto v povezavi z zmanjšanimi spinalnimi refleksi zadnjih okon~in; odsotnost globinske bole~ine. V opisanem primeru je prišlo še do dodatnih zapletov v zdravljenju (ventrikularna tahikardija, hiperkalemija), ki smo jih pripisali reperfuzijski poškodbi, in do akutne ledvi~ne odpovedi (v nadaljevanju ALO), ki je bila najverjetneje posledica ledvi~ne ishemije in hipoperfuzije v ~asu vkleš~enja v okno. Zaradi ALO smo se znašli pred resno dilemo, kakšno prognozo dati v tem primeru in kaj svetovati skrbnici `ivali glede na omejene fina~ne zmo`nosti in negotovo prognozo, ki je brez ALO kar dobra, saj si kar 80% `ivali po enem mesecu opomore (~as trajanja hospitalnega zdravljenja je od 1 do 12 dni). Kljub negotovi prognozi smo se skupaj s skrbnico odlo~ili za nadaljevanje zdravljenja, ki je bilo v prvih dneh usmerjeno predvsem v protibole~insko terapijo, zdravljenje šoka, zdravljenje motenj v sr~nem ritmu in antibioti~no profilakso zaradi nevarnosti bakterijske translokacije iz ~revesja. V nadaljevanju pa se je terapija osredoto~ila predvsem na lajšanje simptomov ALO in zadostno energijsko oskrbo anoreksi~ne `ivali. Zato smo ma~ki vstavili ezofagealno sondo, ki se je pokazala kot klju~ni del terapije. Slednje izpostavljamo, ker je bilo glede na etiologijo in akutnost procesa ledvi~ne odpovedi predvsem pomembno dati ma~ki dovolj ~asa za vzpostavitev normalne ledvi~ne funkcije, k ~emer bi seveda pripomogla tudi hemodializa, ki pa `al v Sloveniji in bli`nji okolici ni dostopna. Po desetih dneh smo ma~ko odpustili v doma~o oskrbo. Igor Firm, dr.vet.med., Ana Rejec, dr.vet.med., prof.dr. Janoš Butinar, dr.vet.med. 1 FIRM, Veterinarska interna medicina, Igor Firm s.p., Nove Loke 35, SI-3330 Mozirje 2 Bolnica za `ivali Postojna, Cesta v Staro vas 20, SI-6230 Postojna [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 64 62 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 DIAGNOSTIKA PANKREATITISA PRI MA^KAH Estera Pogorevc, Barbara Celinšek UVOD KLINI^NI ZNAKI Bolezni eksokrinega pankreasa so relativno pogoste, vendar pri ma~kah `al mnogokrat napa~no diagnosticirane zaradi nespecifi~nih klini~nih znakov ter pomanjkanja ob~utljivih in specifi~nih laboratorijskih testov. Napredek na podro~ju razumevanja patofiziologije, prevalence in potencialnih vzrokov pankreatitisa je lahko klju~nega pomena na poti do pravilne in uspešne terapije. Klini~ni znaki pri ma~kah s pankreatitisom so nespecifi~ni. Ma~ke so letargi~ne in neješ~e; izguba te`e, bruhanje in driska se pojavijo redkeje (1-4). ETIOPATOGENEZA PANKREATITISA Ne glede na vzrok je pri vseh pacientih problem nepravilna zgodnja aktivacija tripsinogena znotraj pankreasa kot posledica avtoaktivacije in/ali zmanjšane avtolize. Tripsin je glavna proteaza, ki jo izlo~a pankreas. Njegova prezgodnja aktivacija znotraj acinarnih celic vodi do avtodigestije in hudega vnetja, zato je zaš~itni mehanizem ta, da je tripsin shranjen v zimogenih granulah v acinusih v obliki inaktivnega prekurzorja tripsinogena. Kadar se avtoaktivira prevelika koli~ina tripsina, zaš~itni mehanizem popusti in pride do veri`ne reakcije, kar vodi v avtodigestijo pankreasa, vnetje in nekrozo peripankreati~ne maš~obe ter lokalnega ali bolj generaliziranega sterilnega peritonitisa (1). Dejavniki tveganja za pojav pankreatitisa so holangitis, vnetno obolenje ~revesja (IBD), infekcije (FIP, herpesvirus, calicivirus, panleukopenija, toksoplazmoza), travma, ishemija, hiperkalcemija, hipertrigliceridemija, zastrupitev z organofosfati, mastna hrana. Pri ma~ki se izvodilo trebušne slinavke in `ol~no izvodilo stekata v duodenum preko skupnega voda. Ob mehanski ali funkcionalni obstrukciji tega voda pride do vdora `ol~nih kislin v izvodilo trebušne slinavke. IBD lahko povzro~i pankreatitis zaradi bruhanja (zviša se intraduodenalni pritisk, kar lahko povzro~i pankreati~nobiliarni refluks), refluksa duodenalne vsebine in vdora bakterij skozi skupno papilo (2). asist. Estera Pogorevc, dr.vet.med., Barbara Celinšek, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected], barbara.celinš[email protected] Pri pregledu lahko ugotovimo dehidracijo (54%), hipotermijo (46%), ikterus (37%), povišano temperaturo (25 %), bole~ trebuh (19%) ali maso v trebuhu (11%) (2). Pri ma~kah s hujšo obliko pankreatitisa se lahko pojavijo resni sistemski zapleti kot so diseminirana intravaskularna koagulacija (DIC), plju~na tromboembolija, kardiovaskularni šok in multiorganska odpoved (4). LABORATORIJSKE UGOTOVITVE Hematološke preiskave lahko poka`ejo normocitno, normohromno, regenerativno ali neregenerativno anemijo, hemokoncentracijo, levkocitozo ali levkopenijo. Biokemijske preiskave: hiperbilirubinemija, povišana vrednost alanin aminotransferaze in alkalne fosfataze, hiperholesterolemija, hiperglikemija, hipokalcemija in hipoalbuminemija (2). Zni`ane vrednosti kobalamina se lahko pojavijo pri nekaterih ma~kah, najverjetneje v povezavi s spremljajo~im ~revesnim obolenjem (motena absorbcija v ileumu) (1, 4). SPECIFI^NI TESTI Aktivnost amilaze in lipaze Nimata klini~nega pomena pri diagnostiki pankreatitisa ma~k (4). Tripsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) Ma~ji TLI (fTLI) meri tripsinogen in tripsin v serumu. Kljub temu, da imata tripsinogen in tripsin izklju~no pankreati~ni izvor, je ob~utljivost tega testa pri diagnostiki pankreatitisa ma~k nizka. Pancreatic lipaze immunoreactivity (PLI) Specifi~no dolo~a koncentracijo ma~je pankreasne lipaze v serumu in je trenutno najbolj ob~utljiv in uporaben test za diagnostiko pankreatitisa pri ma~ki (2, 3, 4). Diagnosti~na ob~utljivost fPLI pri kroni~nem pankreatitisu ni znana (1). Trenutno se test izvaja le v Idexx-ovih referen~nih laboratorijih. 65 63 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 RENTGENSKA DIAGNOSTIKA Na rentgenski sliki trebuha so lahko le blage spremembe ali pa jih ni, vendar je slikanje zelo pomembno za izklju~itev morebitne akutne popolne obstrukcije ~revesja. ULTRAZVO^NA DIAGNOSTIKA Najbolj ob~utljiva in neinvazivna slikovna metoda je ultrazvok, ki je zelo specifi~en, ob~utljivost same preiskave pa je v veliki meri odvisna od izkušenosti operaterja in resnosti bolezni. Še ve~jo ob~utljivost se ugotavlja pri akutnem pankreatitisu, saj je takrat dobro vidna meja med edemom pankreasa in nekrotizirajo~o peripankreati~no maš~obo. CITOLOGIJA Pri citološkem pregledu vzorca tankoigelne biopsije, lo~imo lahko med vnetjem in novotvorbo. Negativni izvid ne izklju~i pankreatitisa, saj gre lahko za fokalne spremembe (4). PATOHISTOLOGIJA Na podlagi ugotovitev klini~nega pregleda, laboratorijske in slikovne diagnostike za ~asa `ivljenja ma~ke ne moremo lo~iti med kroni~nim in akutnim pankreatitisom – potrebna je patohistološka preiskava post mortem. Akutni nekrotizirajo~i pankreatitis (ANP-Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis) se ka`e kot nekroza acinarnih celic pankreasa in peripankreati~ne maš~obe z razli~nim obsegom vnetja, krvavitev, mineralizacije in fibroze. Vnetje je lahko prisotno, vendar prevladuje nekroza. Akutni gnojni pankreatitis (ASP-Acute Suppurative Pancreatitis) se razlikuje od ANP po tem, da je prisotno vnetje (lahko tudi nekroza), vendar prevladujejo nevtrofilci. Pojavlja se redkeje kot ANP in ve~krat prizadene mlajše `ivali. Kroni~ni negnojni pankreatitis (CP-Chronic Nonsuppurative Pancreatitis) se ka`e kot vnetje, kjer prevladujejo limfociti, fibroza in atrofija acinusov, prisotna je lahko tudi nekroza. Ostala obolenja pankreasa, ki jih lahko natan~no razlikujemo le na podlagi patohistološke preiskave, so še nodularna hiperplazija pankreasa, novotvorbe, pseudociste in absces pankreasa. Atrofija pankreasa je pogosto rezultat degeneracije, involucije, nekroze in apoptoze eksokrinega dela `leze. Pri ma~kah to najve~krat ka`e na zadnjo fazo kroni~nega pankreatitisa. LITERATURA 1. Watson PJ, Bunch SE. The Exocrine Pancreas. In: Nelson RW, Guillermo Couto C. Small Animal Internal Medicine. 4th Ed., Missouri, Mosby Elsevier, 2009: 579-606. 2. Washabau RJ. Acute necrotizing pancreatitis. In: August JR. Consultations in feline internal medicine. Vol. 5, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders, 2006: 109 – 119. 3. Stinehewer J. The liver and pancreas. In: Chandler EA, Gaskell CJ, Gaskell RM. Feline Medicine and Therapeutics. 3rd Ed., Gloucester: BSAVA, 2007: 435 – 453. 4. Xenoulis P, Steiner J. Feline pancreatitis. Veterinary Focus. Vol. 19, No. 2, 2009: 11 – 19. 66 64 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 DIHALNA STISKA PRI MA^KI – STABILIZACIJA, DIAGNOSTIKA IN POGOSTI VZROKI Radovan Zajc Uvod Zdravljenje dihalne stiske (DS) pri ma~ki je lahko zelo stresno za veterinarja. Njihova ob~utljiva narava nam ote`uje delo. Slabo se odzivajo na diagnosti~ne in terapevtske ukrepe, saj jih prestrašijo, s tem pa se njihova DS še poglobi. Zato nam primanjkuje ~asa za poglobljeno diagnostiko in vzro~no terapijo. Odzivati se moramo hitro, vzporedno morata potekati diagnostika in terapija. Koristne informacije dobimo s hitro, a iz~rpno anamnezo. Zelo pomembno je, da si vzamemo ~as in natan~no opazujemo dispnoi~no ma~ko. Na koncu opravimo še hiter klini~ni pregled. Anamneza Anamnesti~ne ugotovitve nam lahko mo~no pomagajo pri diagnostiki in terapiji. Nekaj uporabnih vprašanj, ki jih zastavimo lastniku: Koliko ~asa te`ko diha? Kje `ivi ma~ek? Ali kašlja? Ali hujša in nima apetita? Klini~ni znaki Pomembno je prepoznati klini~ne znake DS pri ma~ki. Lahko se pove~a frekvenca dihanja, pove~a se napor pri vdihu in izdihu, diha z odprtimi usti, lahko je zaspana in depresivna. Ma~ka sedi ali le`i v sternalni poziciji (ortopnea). Za DS ma~ke sta zna~ilna dva dihalna vzorca: restriktivni in obstruktivni. Pri restriktivnih motnjah se plju~a te`ko razširijo ob vdihu. Zato je dihanje hitro, kratko in plitvo. Sem prištevamo bolezni plju~nega parenhima, kot so plju~nica, edem in novotvorbe ter bolezni plevralnega prostora, kot so pnevmotoraks in plevralni izliv. Pri obstruktivnih motnjah prihaja do mehani~nega o`enja dihalnih poti, kar povzro~i, da je dihanje po~asnejše in globoko. O`enje zgornjih dihalnih poti spro`i napor pri vdihu, medtem ko pri boleznih spodnjih dihalnih poti (astma) opazimo napor ob izdihu. Pri hudi in dolgi DS se dihalne mišice utrudijo. Nastopi paradoksalni vzorec dihanja. Zanj je zna~ilno, da se ob vdihu medrebrne in trebušne mišice skr~ijo. Zato se meRadovan Zajc, dr.vet.med. Veterinarstvo Trstenjak – Zajc, d.o.o., Klinika za male `ivali, Ul. padlih borcev 23, SI-1000 Ljubljana, www.klinika-vtz.si [email protected] drebrni prostori vbo~ijo, prav tako trebušna stena. Ob izdihu pa se trebuh izbo~i. Klini~ni pregled Pri klini~nem pregledu opazujemo barvo vidnih sluznic. Blede sluznice ka`ejo na hipoksemijo, anemijo ali periferno vazokonstrikcijo, cianoti~ne ali modre sluznice pa na hudo hipoksemijo. Pri avskultaciji plju~ lahko slišimo piske, poke in pove~ano ali pridušeno plju~no dihanje. Piski so nepretrgani zvoki razli~nih višin in glasnosti, ki jih slišimo obi~ajno le med izdihom. Ko sta steni bronhija dovolj blizu, nastane pisk zaradi vibriranja sten. Slišimo jih pri obstruktivnih boleznih dihal (astma). Poki nastanejo zaradi nenadnega odprtja prej stisnjene dihalne poti. Slišimo jih lahko med vdihom (bronhitis) in izdihom (bronhitis, plju~ni edem). Kadar so dihalni zvoki tihi, govorimo o pridušenem plju~nem zvoku. Nastane takrat, ko se plevralni prostor napolni z zrakom, teko~ino ali tkivom (pnevmotoraks, plevralni izliv). Sr~no avskultacijo in palpacijo pulza delamo so~asno, da zaznamo sr~ne šume ali aritmije. Izvid sr~ne avskultacije pri ma~ki pogosto ni v sorazmerju s sr~no disfunkcijo. Zato odsotnost sr~nih šumov in galopnega ritma ne izklju~uje bolezni srca. Stabilizacija Vzporedno z iskanjem vzrokov DS za~nemo tudi z zdravljenjem. Na prvem mestu je to dovajanje kisika. Na naši kliniki v ta namen uporabljamo kisikovo kletko in kisikov ovratnik. Kisikova kletka je optimalna metoda za zagotavljanje dobre oksigenacije. Prednosti te metode so: minimalni stres za ma~ke, dobra kontrola koncentracije kisika, ogljikovega dioksida, temperature in vla`nosti zraka. Edina slabost je izolacija pacienta. Zelo priro~en in u~inkovit za kratkotrajno dajanje kisika je kisikov ovratnik. Za dolgotrajno terapijo ni primeren, ker lahko nekontrolirano naraste koncentracija ogljikovega dioksida, hkrati pa se zrak v ovratniku preve~ segreje. Zelo dispnoi~ne ma~ke pogosto niso dovolj stabilne za diagnostiko. Hkrati nam klini~ni znaki in hitri klini~ni pregled ne povesta dovolj. V takšnih primerih uporabljamo empiri~no zdravljenje, dokler ma~ka ni dovolj stabilna za nadaljevanje diagnostike. 67 65 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 anamneze te`kega dihanja in drugih klini~nih znakov. V nasprotju z psi ma~ke ne kašljajo, obi~ajno nimajo šuma, niti galopnega ritma. Vzorec dihanja je restriktiven, pri avskultaciji plju~ slišimo glasnejše dihalne zvoke ali poke. Rentgenska slika plju~ nam ka`e klasi~ni perihilarni alveolarni vzorec ali so alveolarni vzorci kjerkoli po plju~ih. Ker je plevralni izliv zelo pogost vzrok DS pri ma~ki, naredimo plevralno punkcijo, posebno pri ma~ki, ki ima tihe dihalne zvoke. Plevralno punkcijo naredimo pred RTG slikanjem . V primeru pozitivnega rezultata diagnosti~na plevralna punkcija preide v terapevtsko. ^e je plevralna punkcija negativna, posumimo na dva najpogostejša vzroka DS: kardiogeni plju~ni edem in astmo. Zato je empiri~na terapija sestavljena iz enega odmerka furosemida Bolezni plevralnega prostora V našem okolju so bolezni plevralnega prostora med najpogostejšimi vzroki DS pri ma~ki. Sem spadata plevralni izliv in pnevmotoraks. (1 – 2 mg/kg, IM, IV) in enega odmerka kortikosteroida (deksametazon 0,25 – 0,5 mg/ kg, IM, IV ). Nizka doza furosemida ni škodljiva za astmo, prav tako tudi nizka doza steroida ne bo škodila ma~ki z boleznijo srca. Restriktivni dihalni vzorec in pridušen dihalni zvok ob avskultaciji sta klasi~na znaka bolezni plevralnega prostora. Z rentgenskim slikanjem prsnega koša potrdimo prisotnost teko~ine. Ob hudi DS in sumu na plevralni izliv se zgodaj odlo~imo za plevralno punkcijo. Pogosti vzroki DS pri ma~ki Najpogostejši vzroki DS pri ma~ki so: bolezni srca, bolezni plevralnega prostora in astma. Manj pogosti vzroki pa so: bolezni zgornjih dihal, bakterijska plju~nica in plju~na tromboembolija. Diagnosti~na punkcija preide v terapevtsko. Analiza plevralne teko~ine (celokupni proteini, število celic, citologija) nam pomaga zdraviti osnovno bolezen. Bolezni srca Astma K boleznim srca pri ma~ki spadajo: hipertrofna, restriktivna in dilatativna kardiomiopatija. Hipertrofna in restriktivna kardiomiopatija vodita v diastoli~no disfunkcijo in posledi~no pomanjkljivo polnjenje levega prekata. Dilatativna kardiomiopatija pa vodi v sistoli~no disfunkcijo in zmanjšano kr~ljivost levega prekata. Vsem pa je skupno levostransko sr~no popuš~anje, ki se klini~no ka`e z plju~nim edemom. Obi~ajno ma~ke preidejo v DS brez Pomemben vzrok DS pri ma~ki je astma. Pri njej gre za so~asno stiskanje bronhijev, pove~ano produkcijo sluzi in hipertrofijo gladkih mišic bronhijev. Pomemben je anamnesti~ni podatek o dolgotrajnem kašlju. Dihalni vzorec je obstruktivni z pove~anim naporom pri izdihu. Pri avskultaciji slišimo ekspiratorne polifone piske. Rentgenska slika poka`e bronhialen vzorec z »krofi« in »tra~nicami«, hiperinflacijo in ravno trebušno prepono. Astma Bolezni srca Bolezni plevralnega prostora Piski Poki Pridušen dihalni zvok Poki Sr~ni šumi Pove~an ekspiratorni napor Galopni ritem Kašelj Obstruktivni vzorec Restriktivni vzorec Restriktivni vzorec Kisik Kisik Kisik Bronhodilatatorji Diuretki Plevralna punkcija Zdravljenje osnovne bolezni Glukokortikoidi Slika1: Algoritem diagnostike in zdravljenja DS pri ma~ki Literatura 1. King LG. Respiratory Disease in Dogs and Cats: Elsevier, Saunders, 2004 2. Smith FWK, Jr., Keene BW, Tilley LP. Rapid Interpretation of Heart and Lung Sounds: Elsevier, Saunders, 2006 3. Schwarz T, Johnson V. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging: BSAVA, 2008 68 66 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 REHABILITACIJA IN FIZIOTERAPIJA PSA PO OPERACIJI KOLKA - klini~na primera Kristina Porenta zadnejga dela telesa, predvsem zadnje desne noge, miši~ast prednji del telesa, izrazit prenos te`e na prednje noge, razbremenjevanje zadnjih nog. Omejena in bole~a ekstenzija (110°/B) in abdukcija operiranega kolka, propriocepcija zadnje desne noge odsotna. Gibljivost ostalih sklepov ohranjena. Trias znotraj referen~nih vrednosti. 1. UVOD Med pogostejše operativne posege na kol~nem sklepu štejemo trojno osteotomijo medenice, totalno endoprotezo kolka, stabilizacijo po luksaciji in zlomih kolka ter odstranitev glavice stegnenice. Najpogostejši problem po operaciji kolka so bole~ina, atrofija mišic operirane noge in zmanjšana gibljivost prizadetih sklepov, še posebno, ~e so bile te te`ave prisotne `e pred operacijo. Zaradi bole~ine in oslabelih mišic `ival noge ne uporablja primerno, kar pogosto vodi v dodatne komplikacije, ki okrevanje podaljšujejo. Program rehabilitacije in fizioterapije se sestavi na podlagi vrste operativnega posega, klini~nega stanja pacienta in mo`nosti lastnika za sodelovanje. V prispevku sta predstavljena program rehabilitacije po odstranitvi glavice stegnenice in program rehabilitacije po trojni osteotomiji medenice. Bistvena razlika med njima je, da se obremenjevanje operiranega uda po osteotomiji glavice stegenice spodbuja ~imprej, po osteotomiji medenice pa bolj postopno in previdno (1). b) Klini~ni primer 2 - po osteotomiji medenice V fizioterapevtski ambulanti je bil sprejet 1 leto star, nekastriran, 40 kg te`ak nemški ov~ar Thor, 3 tedne po operaciji desnega kolka (trojna osteotomija medenice) zaradi kol~ne displazije. Pri klini~nem pregledu je ugotovljeno šepanje na zadnjo desno nogo med stojo 1/5, hojo 2/5 in tekom 3-4/5. Pri sedanju spodvije zadnji nogi v desno stran, pri vstajanju izrazito razbremeni operirano nogo, pri hoji jo postavlja preve~ vstran in obra~a navzven. Pri uriniranju ne dvigne nobene noge. Prisotna atrofija in zmanjšan tonus mišic operirane noge, napete in bole~e mišice hrbta, predvsem lumbosakralno in interskapularno, bole~e tudi mišice ramenskega obro~a. Ob brazgotini tipne trdoelasti~ne bulice. Gibljivost operiranega kolka rahlo zmanjšana fleksija (60°/B), extenzija (155°/B), bole~ina (B) prisotna tudi pri kon~nih obsegih gibov abdukcije ter notranje in zunanje rotacije. Gibljivost ostalih sklepov ohranjena in nebole~a, propriocepcija ohranjena. Trias znotraj referen~nih vrednosti. 2. MATERIALI IN METODE Anamneza: a) Klini~ni primer 1 - po osteotomiji glavice stegnenice V fizioterapevtski ambulanti je bila sprejeta 15 mesecev stara, sterilizirana, 48 kg te`ka psica Lia, pasme veliki švicarski planšarski pes. Pri 6-ih mesecih starosti je prišlo do epifiziolize glavice femorja in opravljena je bila fiksacija s 3 iglami. ^ez ~as psica noge ni ve~ obremenjevala, ugotovljena je bila asepti~na nekroza glavice stegnenice in migracija ene igle, zaradi hudih bole~in na nogo ni ve~ stopila, zato je bila opravljena osteotomija glavice. Pri klini~nem pregledu 10 dni po odstranitvi desne glavice stegnenice je ugotovljeno šepanje na zadnjo desno nogo med stojo 2/5, hojo 3/5, teka ne zmore. Strma stoja zadnjih nog. Pri sedanju se vr`e na levi bok, vstane s te`avo. Med hojo zelo zvija telo. Opazna je huda atrofija mišic Lestvica šepanja: OBREMENJEVANJE UDA MED STOJO: 0 - normalno; 1 - delno obremenjuje;, 2 - rahlo se dotika tal; 3 dr`i ud v zrak; 4 - ne more stati MED HOJO in MED TEKOM: 0 - ne šepa (vse ude obremenjuje enakomerno); 1 - komaj opazno šepa (z razbremenjevanjem uda;, 2 - o~itno šepa (z razbremenjevanjem;, 3 - o~itno šepa (z intermitentnim obremenjevanjem); 4 - sploh ne stopi (dr`i ud v zrak ves ~as) Kristina Porenta, dr.vet.med., dipl.fiziot., CCRP Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije – So~a, Linhartova 51, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] 69 67 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Program fizioterapije: 4. DISKUSIJA - Hlajenje operiranega kolka v akutni fazi. - Segrevanje operiranega kolka pred razgibavanjem. - Masa`a zadnjih nog, hrbta, mišic ramenskega obro~a. - Pasivno razgibavanje in raztezanje sklepov operirane noge. - Stimulacija refleksov. - Vaje za propriocepcijo, koordinacijo in ravnote`je. - Vaje za krepitev atrofiranih mišic. - Hoja v vodi. - Krajši po~asni sprehodi na vrvici ve~krat na dan, kasneje postopna uvedba teka. - 2 dni v tednu po~itek, od aktivnosti samo sprehodi. - Uporaba pripomo~ka za la`jo hojo za zadnje noge. Vrnitev `ivali v normalno funkcijo se po osteotomiji glavice stegnenice pri~akuje po treh mesecih, pri osteotomiji medenice pa po štirih mesecih po operaciji (2), ~e je bila `ival pred posegom v dobri fizi~ni kondiciji. Lia noge pred operacijo `e ve~ tednov ni uporabljala. Prišlo je do hude atrofije in skrajšave mišic zadnje desne noge ter posledi~ne omejene gibljivosti sklepov, predvsem kol~nega, kar je zahtevalo daljšo in zahtevnejšo rehabilitacijo. Zaradi velikosti in te`e pasme bo šepanje verjetno stalno prisotno, saj bi bila optimalna rešitev le kol~na endoproteza, za kar pa se lastniki niso odlo~ili. Nasprotno je Thor okreval hitreje od pri~akovanj, kar morda lahko pripišemo zgodnjemu pri~etku intenzivne in strogo nadzorovane rehabilitacije in fizioterapevtskih postopkov. K uspehu terapije so v obeh primerih veliko pripomogli tudi lastniki, ki so upoštevali navodila in redno izvajali del terapije tudi doma. - NSAID in hondroprotektivna terapija. - Ambulantna terapija 2 – krat na teden, druge dneve lastniki v omejenem obsegu izvajajo sami. - Prepre~evaje skokov, zdrsov, padcev in nenadnih ekstremnih gibov. 3. REZULTATI a) Po 16-ih tednih rehabilitacije Lia hodi lepo, vsede se, ule`e in vstane pravilno. Zmore enouren sprehod in hojo v klanec. Nogo med stojo obremeni normalno, šepa med hojo (1/5) in tekom (1-2/5), sicer je `ivahna in razigrana. Razlika v miši~ni masi zadnjih nog ni ve~ opazna, okrepljen cel zadnji del telesa. Boljša gibljivost operiranega kolka - ekstenzija 145°. Propriocepcija prisotna. 5. ZAKLJU^EK Program rehabilitacije po osteotomiji medenice se uporablja tudi pri okrevanju po vstavitvi kol~ne endoproteze in stabilizaciji kolka po poškodbi. Zgodnje vklju~evanje pooperativne rehabilitacije omogo~a hitrejše in boljše okrevanje, in tako lahko pripomore k optimalnemu rezultatu operacije, ne glede na vrsto operativnega posega na kolku. b) Po devetih tednih rehabilitacije (12 tednov po operaciji) je Thor zelo `ivahen in razigran, vsede se, ule`e in vstane pravilno, poskuša skakati, kar se mu še ne dovoli, pri uriniranju pa dviguje obe nogi. Pri stoji in hoji operirano nogo normalno obremenjuje, pri teku in po intenzivnejši aktivnosti pa ob~asno še šepa (1/5), Ohranjena polna gibljivost operiranega kolka, rahlo bole~a le v kon~nih stopinjah obsegov gibov. Obseg miši~ne mase na zadnjih nogah simetri~en. 6. LITERATURA 1. Schulz K. Diseases of the Joints. In: Fossum TW. Small animal surgery. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Saunders, 2007: 1143-315. 2. Bockstahler B. Postoperative Joint Rehabilitation. In: Bockstahler B, Levine D, Millis D. Essential facts of physiotherapy in dogs and cats. Im Schloss: BE Vet Verlag 2004, 128-72. 70 68 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Osnove elektrokardiografije za veterinarske tehnike Igor Firm Uvod Elektri~na aktivnost srca Elektrokardiograf (EKG) ni v svoji najbolj osnovni obliki ni~ drugega kot voltmeter (galvanometer), ki meri spremembe v elektri~ni aktivnosti srca med dvema elektrodama. Elektrokardiografija je postopek zapisovanja teh sprememb na papir oziroma monitor. Prvi, ki se je resneje ukvarjal z bele`enjem elektri~ne aktivnosti srca, je bil Nizozemec Willem Einthoven, ki je tudi uvedel poimenovanje valov, uporabljano še danes (P-QRS-T), ter leta 1924 prejel za svoje izsledke tudi Nobelovo nagrado za medicino. Da bi lahko srce u~inkovito opravljalo svojo funkcijo ~rpalke, mora delovati usklajeno. Kr~enju obeh preddvorov, ki kri iztisneta v prekata, sledi kr~enje le-teh in iztisk krvi v aorto in plju~no arterijo. Govorimo o usklajeni atrioventrikularni kontrakciji. Miši~ne celice srca se skr~ijo le v primeru sprejema elektri~nega stimulusa, kar strokovno imenujemo depolarizacija. V fizioloških okoliš~inah se najprej depolarizirata oba atrija in nato z ustreznim zamikom še oba prekata. Temu sledi obdobje repolarizacije, ki omogo~i ponovitev celotnega procesa. Pozitivno in negativno elektrodo lahko postavimo kamor koli na ali v telo. Najpogosteje uporabljana in najenostavnejša postavitev je namestitev elektrod na ko`o okon~in. Tako pridobljen posnetek elektri~ne aktivnosti imenujemo površinski EKG s postavitvijo elektrod na okon~ine (za razliko od prekordialnega, ezofagealnega oziroma intrakardialnega na~ina, pri katerih postavimo elektrode na prsni koš, v po`iralnik oziroma neposredno v sr~ne votline). Vse sr~ne celice imajo sposobnost lastne elektri~ne aktivnosti, vendar je v desnem atriju podro~je, ki ga imenujemo sinoatrijski vozel (SA vozel), v katerem prihaja do pospešenga nastanka elektri~nih dra`ljajev. Zaradi te lastnosti imenujemo ta del srca tudi sr~ni ritmovnik (’pacemaker’), ki lahko pod vplivom simpati~nega `iv~nega sistema sr~no frekvenco zviša, pod vplivom parasimpatikusa pa zni`a. Uporabnost EKG v veterinarski medicini se ka`e danes predvsem pri diagnosticiranju in monitoriranju aritmij in motenj v prevajanju dra`ljajev, spremljanju u~inkov zdravil z vplivom na srce, monitoriranju sr~ne funkcije pred, med in po anesteziji ter oceni sr~ne frekvence v primerih, ko zaradi slabo tipljivega femoralnega pulza ali zelo neenakomernega in hitrega ritma to ni mogo~e. Za~etek vsakega sr~nega cikla je torej v SA vozlu, od koder se elektri~ni dra`ljaj najprej širi skozi mišice preddvora in naprej skozi atrioventrikularni vozel, v katerem pride do kratkega zamika oziroma upo~asnitve prenosa. Prehod elektri~nega dra`ljaja iz preddvorov v prekata poteka skozi Hisov snop, ki se nato razcepi na levo in desno vejo ter kon~uje v sr~ni mišici kot Purkinjejeva vlakna. Snemanje elektrokardiograma Za pogled na elektri~no aktivnost srca iz šestih smeri (standardni površinski EKG s šestimi odvodi – I, II, III, aVL, aVF, aVR) moramo na pacienta pritrditi vsaj tri `ice, ki glede na nastavitev na aparatu predstavljajo pozitivno ali negativno elektrodo. Lahko pa pritrdimo še ~etrto, ki jo pritrdimo samo zaradi zmanjšanja motenj (ozemljitev). Okon~ina Standardni Ameriški Oznake na medicinskih EKG napravah Rde~a Bela RA (right arm – desna roka) Prednja leva Rumena ^rna LA (left arm – leva roka) Zadnja leva Zelena Rde~a LL (left leg – leva noga) ^rna Zelena RL (right leg – desna noga) Prednja desna Zadnja desna Igor Firm dr. vet. med. - FIRM, Veterinarska interna medicina, Igor Firm s.p., Nove Loke 35, 3330 Mozirje, [email protected] 71 69 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Standardni površinski EKG idealno snemamo v desnem stranskem polo`aju, na podlagi, ki izolira pacienta od okolice (plastificirana pena, debela brisa~a). Pri zelo nemirnih pacientih, ki no~ejo le`ati na boku, pa ga lahko posnamemo tudi v stoje~em polo`aju. Pri snemanju v stoje~em polo`aju moramo biti še toliko bolj pozorni na mo`nost motenj, ki nastanejo kot posledica premikanja okon~in, nekoliko pa se lahko tudi spremeni velikost posameznih kompleksov. Elektrode v veterinarski medicini pritrdimo na okon~ine `ivali s pomo~jo ’krokodil~kov’ (na prednjih tacah na ko`no gubo nad komol~nim sklepom, na zadnjih tacah na ko`no gubo nad kolenskim sklepom), ki jim nekoliko pobrusimo zobe ali pa uporabimo samolepilne elektrode za enkratno uporabo, ki jih prilepimo na blazinice stopal. Stik elektrod s ko`o izboljšamo z uporabo ultrazvo~nega gela (nekaj ve~ dela s ~iš~enjem) ali pa kar z raztopino za razku`evanje ko`e, ki vsebuje alkohol. Najprej obi~ajno posnamemo kratke odseke vseh šestih odvodov pri standardni kalibraciji (hitrost papirja 25 mm/ s in ob~utljivosti 10 mm/mV). Temu sledi še snemanje daljšega odseka v II odvodu za interpretacijo ritma. Novejše ve~kanalne EKG naprave naredijo to avtomatsko. Pri snemanju bodimo pozorni na mo`nost nastanka artefaktov. Najpogostejši artefakti so motnje zaradi elektri~ne interference, miši~nih kr~ev (tremorji) in gibanja `ivali. Ve~ini se lahko izognemo z ustreznimi filtri, premike `ivali pa lahko na EKG izpisu ustrezno ozna~imo. Po izpisu zadovoljivega EKGja ne pozabimo na ustrezno ozna~itev, ki naj vsebuje datum, podatke o kalibraciji, oznako odvodov, podatke o pacientu in uporabljenih zdravilih. Interpretacija EKG zapisa Pri interpretaciji EKGja je najbolje slediti naslednjim korakom: 1. ocenimo kakovost in kalibracijo zapisa 2. dolo~imo frekvenco in ritem 3. ocenimo morfologijo P-QRS-T valov 4. dolo~imo srednjo elektri~no os srca 5. posvetimo se interpretaciji motenj v ritmu. Najenostavneje dolo~imo frekvenco iz EKG posnetka tako, da ozna~imo na posnetku šest sekundni odsek (pri hitrosti snemanja 25 mm/s je to 15 cm in pri hitrosti 50 mm/s 30 cm), v katerem preštejemo komplekse in njihovo število pomno`imo z deset. V primeru, da število P valov ni enako številu QRS-T kompleksov, si njihovo število zabele`imo lo~eno. Preverimo tudi, ~e so kompleksi kompletni, t.j. ali ima vsak QRS-T kompleks pripadajo~ P val in vsak P val svoj QRS-T kompleks. Izmerimo amplitude in trajanje intervalov reprezentativnega P-QRS-T kompleksa v II odvodu, obi~ajno pri hitrosti snemanja 50 mm/s (1 mm = 0,02 s) in ob~utljivosti 1 mm = 0,1 mV. Parameter Enota PES MA^KA Frekvenca Udarci na minut 60-180 (mladi~i <220) 120-240 Trajanje P vala Sekunda 0,04 0,04 Amplituda P vala mV 0,4 0,2 P-Q interval Sekunda 0,06 – 0,13 0,05 – 0,09 Trajanje QRS Sekunda 0,06 0,04 Amplituda R vala mV <2,5-3,0 <0,9 Trajanje Q-T intervala Sekunda 0,15-0,25 0,12-0,18 Srednja elektri~na os Kotne stopinje 40-100 0-160 72 70 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 POOPERACIJSKA OSKRBA MA^KE Barbara Lukanc Nadzor in pomo~ pri zbujanju ma~k iz anestezije moramo zagotavljati tako dolgo, dokler ni ma~ka popolnoma pri zavesti. Bolne `ivali lahko po~asneje okrevajo po anesteziji in pri teh je potreben daljši nadzor. Najve~ nenadnih in nepri~akovanih anestezijskih smrti se zgodi ravno med prebujanjem in to najpogosteje zaradi ne`elenih u~inkov anestetikov (zavor kardiovaskularnega in respiratornega sistema) in pomanjkljivega spremljanja ter pomo~i med prebujanjem (1). Ekstubacija Preden `ival ekstubiramo, pogledamo ustno votlino, jo o~istimo in s prijemalkami ali s sukcijo, odstranimo krvne strdke, slino, zlo`ence, zlasti po posegih v ustni votlini (2) in po potrebi s sukcijo skozi traheotubus o~istimo kri, sluz in slino iz dihalne poti (3, 4). Odpihnemo meši~ek in odve`emo tubus (5). Pri prebujanju moramo biti pozorni tudi na bruhanje, da ma~ka ne bi aspirirala vsebine zlasti, ko je `e ekstubirana. ^e ma~ka bruha po ekstubaciji, ji nagnemo glavo navzdol, da je ni`je od prsnega koša in s tem prepre~imo aspiracijo. Nato pregledamo ustno votlino in odstranimo izbruhano vsebino. Ma~ke ekstubiramo zelo zgodaj, ko se jim povrne palpebralni refleks in refleks po`iranja. Pri ma~kah ne odlašamo z ekstubacijo, saj s tem lahko spro`imo laringospazem (2, 5). Pri laringospazmu so grlni hrustanci tesno skupaj, da zrak ne more prehajati v sapnik. Pri nekaterih ma~kah lahko pride do refleksnega zaprtja dihalnih poti ob ekstubaciji in ~e so nezavestne lahko pride do popolne zapore dihalnih poti (4). Klini~no izgleda zelo podobno laringealni edem, ki lahko nastane po ponavljajo~i intubaciji v plitvi anesteziji, po poškodb pri intubaciji, zaradi prevelikega tubusa ali zaradi alergije (2, 4). Pri laringospazmu in laringealnem edemu ma~ke dihajo glasno, hropejo ali te`ko dihajo, poudarjeno je gibanje prsnega koša, lovijo sapo in pri vdihu vzdigujejo glavo. Preverimo barvo sluznic, pomerimo saturacijo s pulznim oksimetrom in ~e je nad asist.dr. Barbara Lukanc, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] 90 %, je obstrukcija najverjetneje le delna in ne popolna. V tem primeru ma~ke oksigeniramo, ~e jim s tem ne povzro~amo preve~ stresa in jim iztegnemo vrat. ^e je ma~ka cianoti~na, izgublja zavest ali je saturacija pod 90 %, jo moramo intubirat, ~e je mogo~e, sicer napravimo tra-heotomijo (4). Po ekstubaciji `ivali namestimo sternalno z iztegnjenim vratom in jezikom, da omogo~imo prosto dihalno pot (2, 5). Podporna terapija pri prebujanju pri skoraj vseh `ivalih zajema teko~insko in protibole~insko terapijo (1) ter ogrevanje (3). Ogrevanje Po operaciji so `ivali pogosto hipotermi~ne, ker anestetiki zavirajo proces termoregulacije. Hipotermija je najve~krat razlog za podaljšano zbujanje (1), ker je zmanjšana presnova in podaljšano izlo~anje anestetikov. Za hipotermijo so dovzetnejše manjše `ivali, zato je najbolje, ~e hipotermijo lahko prepre~imo. Dodatno se `ivali ohlajajo pri operacijah, kjer je odprt prsni koš ali trebušna votlina. Blago hipotermijo `ivali dobro prenašajo, hujša hipotermija pa lahko povzro~i ve~ komplikacij (3). Zaradi hipotermije lahko pride do motenj v koagualciji (slabša funkcija trombocitov, po~asnejša aktivacija kaskadnega sistema koagulacije), pove~a se mo`nost infekcije, upo~asnjena je presnova zdravil, nastane tkivna hipoksija (sekundarno zaradi vazokonstrikcije (1), ker se pove~a periferni `ilni upor in zmanjša poraba kisika), acidoza in motena je elektri~na prevodnost srca. Z drgetanjem `ivali pove~ajo telesno temperaturo, zaradi pove~anega miši~nega dela se pove~a poraba kisika, lahko za ve~ kot za 200 %. Hipotermi~ne ma~ke lahko ogrevamo z ogretimi odejami, vodno grelno blazino, masa`o (3), grelnimi telesi, ki so lahko polnjeni s suhim ri`em in jih pogrejemo v mikrovalovni pe~ici. Preden jih polo`imo ob `ivali, preverimo temperaturo grelnih teles in jih zavijemo v brisa~o. Kadar ogrevamo hipovolemi~ne `ivali, damo grelna telesa na prsni koš in abdomen, ekstremitete pa pustimo hladne, da prepre~imo periferno vazodilatacijo in da z ogrevanjem periferije ne zmanjšamo povratne informacije nevronov do termoregulacijskega centra. Manjše ma~ke lahko ogrevamo v inkubatorju. Pomembno je, da ma~ke med ogrevanjem oskrbimo tudi s teko~insko terapijo in smo pozorni na hipo- 73 71 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 tenzijo, aritmije, odstopanja v elektrolitih, prizadetost centralnega `iv~nega sistema in plju~ne zaplete (6). S preve~ intenzivnim ogrevanjem `ivali z elektri~nimi grelnimi blazinami in s toplimi plastenkami lahko `ivalim povzro~imo opekline, ki so zelo bole~e in jih lahko opazimo šele ~ez nekaj dni (3). Ko telesna temperatura ma~ka dose`e 37°C, ponovno preverimo krvni tlak, ki ga po potrebi lahko zvišamo z infuzijo hetaškroba (6). Sistoli~ni krvni tlak pri ma~kah lahko merimo neinvazivno s pomo~jo doplerskega merilca tlaka (3). Teko~inska terapija Nezadostno nadomeš~anje in vzdr`evanje intravaskularnega in intersticialnega volumna je najpogostejši razlog za dekompenzacijo in smrt ma~k. Za o`ivljanje ma~ka s hipovolemi~nim šokom uporabimo kombinacijo kristaloidov in koloidov ter ma~ka ogrevamo. Z o`ivljanjem s samimi kristaloidi pogosto povzro~imo nabiranje teko~ine v plju~ih in plevralno (6). Koloide uporabljamo pri ma~kah v odmerku 10 do 15 ml/kg/dan intravensko (i.v.), kadar pa je potrebno hitro pove~anje volumna, jih lahko damo nekoliko hitreje in sicer 1 do 3 ml/kg i.v. v 15 do 30 minutah (1), oziroma 5 ml/kg v 10 do 15 minutah, dokler ni sistoli~ni tlak nad 90 mmHg. Hitra intravenska infuzija hetaškroba lahko povzro~i bruhanje in hipotenzijo. ^e se krvni tlak ni zvišal odmerek hetaškroba ponovimo in nadaljujemo s kontinuirano infuzijo hetaškroba in sicer 0,2 do 1 ml/kg/uro. Pri tem skrbno spremljamo ma~ka, da mu ne damo prevelike koli~ine teko~in, s ~imer bi povzro~ili edem plju~. ^e se nam to zgodi, zmanjšamo koli~ino kristaloidov, koloide prenehamo dajati in damo furosemid (6). Intravenski katetri Ve~krat na dan preverimo polo`aj intravenskega katetra in morebitno ote~enost ta~ke distalno od venskega katetra. Za zaš~ito pred grizenjem venskega katetra lahko uporabimo ovratnik (6). Transfuzija Pri podaljšani koagulaciji `ivali potrebujejo koagulacijske faktorje, ki jih lahko nadomestimo s transfuzijo sve`e krvi, ki je prav tako potrebna pri hipoproteinemiji in hematokritu ni`jem od 18 % (1). Oksigenacija @ivali lahko ote`eno dihajo pri: poškodbah glave (oslabljena odzivnost na hiperkarbijo), po operacijah v prsnem košu, `ivali s plju~nim edemom, ascitesom (zaradi pritiska na diafragmo), anemijo, hipermetabolnimi stanji (hipertiroidizem), bronhospazmom (astma, bronhitis) (2), kriti~no bolne in resno poškodovane `ivali, `ivali v stresu (zaradi hospitalizacije, bole~ine) (1). Tem `ivalim poleg ostalega potrebnega zdravljenja (analgetiki, diuretiki) zagotovimo še oskrbo s kisikom (1, 2). Nasi~enost hemoglobina s kisikom (preskrbljenost tkiv s kisikom) lahko ugotavljamo s pulznim oksimetrom (3). Kisik jim lahko dovajamo prek maske, nosnega katetra, kisikovega ovratnika ali s pihanjem kisika s pomo~jo anestezijskih cevi. Na ta na~in pove~amo vdihano koncentracijo kisika na pribli`no 40 % (1). Tabela 1: Dele` vdihanega kisika (FiO2) glede na na~in dovajanja (7). Šokovna triada pri ma~kah Šokovno triado pri ma~ku predstavljajo hipotenzija bradikardija - hipotermija. Ko baroreceptorji zaznajo nezadostno napetost arterij, se simultano s simpati~nimi vlakni stimulirajo tudi vagusova vlakna. Zaradi tega ma~ki v šoku ne odgovorijo s tahikardijo. Tkivna prekrvitev na periferiji je poslabšana, kar prispeva k hipotermiji. Ko pade telesna temperatura, se zni`a tudi sr~ni utrip. Kratko obdobje hipotermije je koristno pri krvavitvi, da se mo`gani in srce zaš~itijo pred ishemijo, dokler ne nadomestimo volumna krvi. Kadar pa telesna temperatura pade pod 34°C je termoregulacija oslabljena. @ivali se pri tej temperaturi niso sposobne same ogreti, ker jim preneha sposobnost drgetanja. Ko telesna temperatura pade pod 31°C termoregulacija popolnoma odpove. Pove~ana viskoznost krvi in metabolna acidoza, ki spremljata hipotermijo lahko še zmanjšata funkcijo miokarda. Pri ni`ji temperaturi se tudi izgubi termoregulacijski mehanizem vazokonstrikcije in pojavi se vazodilatacija z bradikardijo, ki ima za posledico hipotenzijo (6). Na~in dovajanja kisika FiO2 Pretok kisika (l/min) »flow-by« - z anestezijsko cevjo 0,24 – 0,45 6–8 Obrazna maska 0,35 – 0,55 6 – 10 Nosni kateter 0,3 – 0,5 1–6 Kisikova kletka 0,4 – 0,5 Kisikov ovratnik 0,3 – 0,4 0,2 – 0,5 Predihavanje 0,21 – 1,0 10 – 15 Intratrahealni kateter 0,4 – 0,6 50 ml/kg/min Pretok kisika pri nosnem katetru uporabljamo 100 do 200 ml/kg/min, kar nam zagotavlja 30 do 50 % kisika (2, 5). Kadar pa uporabljamo kisikov ovratnik pa za dosego 30 do 40 % kisika uporabljamo pretok kisika 1 l/min. (5). Za zelo hipoksi~ne `ivali uporabljamo kisikovo kletko ali inkubator (2). Zaplete pri zbujanju lahko pri~akujemo tudi po operaciji diafragmalne kile in sicer reekspanzijski plju~ni edem, ki nastane zaradi hitre ponovne razširitve atelektati~nih plju~. Ve~krat se ti zapleti pojavijo po operaciji kroni~ne diafragmalne kile. To lahko prepre~imo med anestezijo, da se izognemo agresivnemu predihavanju 74 72 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 plju~ s pozitivnim pritiskom in agresivnemu odstranjevanju zraka iz prsne votline prek torakalnega drena (8). Analgezija Ustrezna in zadostna protibole~inska terapija omogo~i hitrejše zbujanje in manj ne`elenih u~inkov, kot so: tahikardija, vazokonstrikcija, aritmije, tahipnoa in nezadostno dihanje, slabše celjenje ran zaradi sproš~anja kortizola in imunosupresivnega delovanja. Prav tako nam bole~ina lahko npr. pri poškodovanih `ivalih zakrije druge znake (tahikardija, blede sluznice, podaljšan ~as polnjenja kapilar), ki so prav tako lahko znak hipovolemi~nega (hemoragi~nega) šoka (1). Za analgezijo in kemi~no imobilizacijo ma~k poskrbimo še pred bole~im posegom. Ma~ke bole~ino poka`ejo z nemirom, depimiranostjo in razdra`ljivostjo, agresivnostjo, redko pa s tahikardijo (6). Opioidni analgetiki in lokalni anestetiki so primerni skoraj pri vseh prizadetih `ivalih, medtem, ko nesteroidne analgetike smemo uporabljati le pri zdravih `ivalih, prizadetim `ivalim pa jih smemo dati le po rehidraciji in po ustreznih laboratorijskih izvidih seruma (ledvica, jetra) (1). Hudo bolnim ma~kam sedative in analgetike titriramo do u~inka, ker je lahko odgovor organizma razli~en (disfunkcija ledvic in jeter). Za blago sedacijo in protibole~insko terapijo lahko uporabimo butorfanol (0,4 do 0,8 mg/kg intravenozno), na 2 do 6 ur na za~etku. Pri hudi bole~ini pa uporabimo morfij (0,1 mg/kg intramuskularno) skupaj z diazepamom (0,2 mg/kg intravenozno). Uporabimo lahko fentanilske obli`e z odmerkom 12 ali 25 µg/h na ma~ka (6). Terapevtski odmerek v krvi dose`e po pribli`no 12 urah in traja do 6 dni. Pri ma~kah moramo paziti, da jim ne damo prevelikih odmerkov opioidov, saj lahko povzro~ijo vznemirjenost in zmedenost, zlasti pri tistih ma~kah, ki niso dobile sedativa. Pri mo~ni bole~ini bomo to razburjenje zaradi opioidov redko opazili (5). Kletka Poskrbimo, da so `ivali na mehkem in ~istem, da jim sproti odstranimo blato, urin, bruhanje in jih o~istimo oziroma umijemo. V kletkah za prebujanje pa naj ne bo hrane in vode (3). Literatura 1. Grubb TL. Anesthesia for patients with special concerns. In: GL Carroll ed. Small animal anesthesia and analgesia. Ames: Blackwell, 2008:193 – 238. 2. Holden D. Postoperative care: general principles. In: Seymour C, Duke-Novakovski T eds. BSAVA Manual of canine and feline anaesthesia and analgesia. 2nd ed. Gloucester: BSAVA, 2007: 265-73. 3. Taylor R, McGehee R. Postoperative management. In: Manual of small animal postoperative care. Williams & Wilkins, USA, 1995:5 -23. 4. McKelvey D, Hollingshead KW. Anesthetic problems and emergencies. In: Veterinary anesthesia and analgesia. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2003: 238-85. 5. McKelvey D, Hollingshead KW. General anesthesia. In: Veterinary anesthesia and analgesia. 3rd ed.St. Louis: Mosby, 2003: 51-118. 6. Kirby R. The cat is not a small dog in ICU: Parts I and II. In: Proceedings of WSAVA, Rhodes, 2004. 7. Cave C. High Dependency Nursing. In: Aspinall V. The complete textbook of veterinary nursing. Elsevier, 2006:533 – 554. 8. MacPhail CM. Diaphragmatic hernias. Proceedings of the European Veterinary Conference - Voorjaarsdagen, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2009. 75 73 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 MA^KA IN ANALGETIKI Alenka Seliškar Prepoznavanje bole~ine Ankete, ki so jih izvedli med veterinarji in veterinarskimi tehniki v razli~nih dr`avah (1, 2, 3, 4), so pokazale, da pri ma~kah uporabljajo bistveno manj analgetikov kot pri psih. Razlog naj bi bila bojazen pred ne`elenimi u~inki analgetikov in nepoznavanje vzorcev obnašanja, s katerimi ma~ke izra`ajo bole~ino. Znaki akutne bole~ine so bolj izraziti kot pri kroni~ni bole~ini in jih je zato la`je prepoznati. Ma~ke se le redko oglašajo v primerjavi s psi, ki pogosto cvilijo ali stokajo. ^e se poskusimo dotakniti bole~ega dela telesa, nekatere ma~ke pihajo ali ren~ijo, druge pa se poskušajo skriti ali pobegniti. Pri bole~ini v trebušni votlini se dr`ijo zgrbljeno. Manj se gibljejo in ne ka`ejo zanimanja za okolico, se ne ~istijo in imajo zanemarjen ko`uh, odklanjajo hrano in stike s ~lovekom (prosto`ive~e ma~ke se zavle~ejo na nedostopno mesto ali se sploh ne vrnejo domov). Pri mo~ni bole~ini pospešeno dihajo, pri prebujanju iz anestezije po bole~ih posegih brez ustrezne analgezije pa lahko pride celo do mani~ne reakcije. Ma~ke se me~ejo po kletki, grizejo obvezo, nas poskušajo napasti, ren~ijo in zavijajo (5, 6). Znaki kroni~ne bole~ine so bolj subtilni in nemalokrat jih spregledamo. Ma~ke so manj aktivne, ne zanimajo se za okolico, telesna te`a se zmanjša na ra~un neješ~nosti. Pri lokalizirani bole~ini so znaki bolj specifi~ni; npr. pri bole~ini v ustni votlini grizejo z manj prizadeto stranjo gobca, šepajo na prizadeto okon~ino, mišice okon~ine, ki je ne obremenjujejo, so atrofi~ne. Kadar je prizadetih ve~ sklepov, hodijo zvezano (5). Za uspešno zdravljenje bole~ine je klju~nega pomena poznavanje obnašanja ma~k in zdravil, s katerimi odpravljamo bole~ino. Pomembno je tudi, da pristopimo k odkrivanju in zdravljenju bole~ine antropomorfno, kar pomeni, da predvidevamo, da ma~ka ~uti bole~ino vselej, kadar bi jo ~util ~lovek v podobni situaciji oziroma pri enakem doc.dr. Alenka Seliškar, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] bolezenskem procesu. Uporabimo multimodalni na~in zdravljenja, kar pomeni, da hkrati zdravimo z razli~nimi analgetiki, kar nam omogo~i boljši izid zdravljenja. Opioidi Opioidi se uporabljajo za zdravljenje bole~ine `e ve~ kot 2000 let in še vedno ostajajo zdravilo izbora za zdravljenje zmerne do mo~ne bole~ine. Spadajo med mamila, katerih proizvodnjo in promet ureja Zakon o proizvodnji in prometu s prepovedanimi drogami. Veterinarski tehnik jih lahko aplicira `ivali le pod nadzorom dr.vet.med. z licenco za opravljanje veterinarske dejavnosti, ki odredi koli~ino in na~in aplikacije mamila. O nabavi in izdajanju opioidov mora dr.vet.med. voditi ustrezno evidenco, mamila pa shranjevati na predpisan na~in. Opioidi lahko pri ljudeh in nekaterih `ivalskih vrstah povzro~ijo spanje, zato jih imenujemo tudi narkoti~ni analgetiki. Ve~ji odmerki (npr. morfij ali metadon nad 0,3 mg/ kg) lahko povzro~ijo ekscitacije ali mani~no reakcijo pri ma~ki. V Tabeli 1 so našteti le opioidi, ki so dostopni v Republiki Sloveniji. Za uporabo pri `ivalih je registriran butorfanol (Torbugesic, Fort Dodge Animal Health), zanj velja tudi manj oster re`im uporabe (ni potrebno voditi evidence izdajanja zdravila, ni potrebno shranjevanje na na~in, ki je predpisan za npr. morfij). Vsi ostali našteti opioidi so registrirani za uporabo pri ljudeh. Te lahko ob upoštevanju kaskadnega sistema uporabljamo tudi pri ljubiteljskih vrstah `ivali, ki niso namenjene za prehrano ljudi. Opioidi zavirajo dihanje, minutni dihalni volumen se zmanjša predvsem na ra~un frekvence dihanja. Zavor dihanja obi~ajno ni izrazit, razen kadar uporabimo visoke odmerke opioidov v kombinaciji s sedativi ali anestetiki. Ve~ina opioidov minimalno vpliva na sr~no-`ilni sistem. ^isti agonisti povzro~ijo bradikardijo in hipotenzijo pri hitrem intravenskem injiciranju. Bradikardijo lahko zdravimo z dajanjem antiholinergikov, hipotenziji (posledica sproš~anja histamina in zavora vazomotornega centra) pa se poskušamo izogniti s po~asnim intravenskim ali intramuskularnim dajanjem. Petidin lahko injiciramo samo intramuskularno. 76 74 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Opioidi u~inkujejo tudi kot antitusiki, pri psih in ma~kah je v te namen registriran butorfanol. Zmanjšanje venskega tonusa in s tem zmanjšanje venskega priliva po dajanju opioidov (morfij) s pridom izkoriš~amo tudi pri zdravljenju kongestivnega sr~nega popuš~anja. dola z opioidnim antagonistom naloksonom. Zaradi mešanega mehanizma delovanja tramadol spada med zdravila z manj ostrim re`imom uporabe, podobno kot butorfanol. Injekcijska oblika tramadola se lahko uporablja le v veterinarskih klinikah, medtem, ko lahko peroralno obliko (tablete s podaljšanim delovanjem, kapsule, kapljice) in rektalne sve~ke predpišemo tudi za doma~o uporabo. Opioidi zmanjšajo propulzivno aktivnost prebavil. Tonus gladke miši~nine in sfinkterjev se zve~a, peristaltika pa upo~asni. Bruhanje je posledica dra`enja centra za bruhanje (morfij) (7, 8). Tramadol lahko povzro~i zavor dihanja v kombinaciji z anestetiki. Kratkotrajno dajanje lahko izzove slabost in bruhanje (zelo redko pri ma~kah), dolgotrajno pa zaprtje ali drisko. Tramadol je sinteti~ni centralno delujo~i analgetik, ki se ve`e na m opioidne receptorje, obenem pa inhibira sproš~anje noradrenalina in serotonina, zato ga razvrš~ajo med druge opioide. Mešani mehanizem delovanja lahko pojasnimo z le delnim antagoniziranjem u~inkov trama- Tramadol se uporablja za zdravljenje zmerne do mo~ne akutne in kroni~ne bole~ine. Po oralnem dajanju se dobro absorbira (75% biorazpolo`ljivost). Tabela 1: Priporo~eni odmerki opioidov pri ma~ki generi~no ime lastniško ime, proizvajalec odmerek, ~as delovanja morfij Morphini chl., Alkaloid Skopje 0,1 – 0,2 mg/kg i.m., s.c 6 – 8 h metadon Heptanon, Pliva 0,1 – 0,2 mg/kg i.m., s.c 6 – 8 h petidin Dolantin, Hoechst 5 – 10 mg/kg s.c., i.m.2 h, u~inkuje v 30 min po s.c. aplikaciji fentanil – injekcijska oblika Fentanyl Torrex 50 mcg/ml, Torrex Pharma 1 – 4 mcg/kg i.v.medoperacijsko, 15 – 20 min, u~inkuje v 2 – 5 min fentanil – transdermalni obli` Durogesic, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 2 – 5 mcg/kg/h, 6 dni, u~inkovina dose`e terapevtsko plazemsko koncentracijo v 12 h po namestitvi obli`a, 12 in 25 mcg/h butorfanol Torbugesic, Fort Dodge Animal Health 0,2 – 0,4 mg/kg, iv., i.m., s.c., 1 – 2,5 h tramadol Tramal, Grunenthal GmbH; Tadol, Krka maks. do 3 mg/kg s.c. ali im. ali p.o., 8 – 12 h (do maks. 15 mg/ma~ko) Nesteroidni analgetiki Nesteroidni analgetiki (NSAID iz angl. non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs) u~inkujejo protivnetno, analgeti~no in antipireti~no. NSAID inhibirajo ciklooksigenaze (COX), s ~imer zmanjšajo sproš~anje prostaglandinov in tromboksana A2 (7). Znani sta dve obliki COX, t.j. COX-1 ali osnovni encim ter COX-2 ali induktivni encim. COX-2 sodeluje pri nastanku prostaglandinov odgovornih za vnetje, povišano telesno temepraturo in bole~ino, COX-1 pa pri nastanku prostaglandinov, ki imajo pomembno vlogo pri vzdr`evanju normalne funkcije ledvic in prebavil. Terapevtski u~inki NSAID naj bi bili vezani na inhibicijo COX-2, medtem ko naj bi bila inhibicija COX-1 odgovorna za nekatere toksi~ne u~inke NSAID (razjeda `elodca, odpoved ledvic). Ve~ina NSAID v terapevtskih odmerkih ne vpliva na strjevanje krvi. Izjema je acetilsalicilna kislina (Aspirin, Bayer Pharma), ki se ireverzibilno ve`e na COX trombocitov in inhibira tvorbo tromboksana A2, vse dokler se trombociti ne obnovijo (5 do 8 dni do nastanka novih trombocitov) (1). Do nefrotoksi~nosti NSAID lahko pride, kadar je zmanjšana prekrvitev ledvic, npr. pri hipovolemi~nih `ivalih ali pri hipotenziji med anestezijo. Pri zmanjšani prekrvitvi ledvic se v ledvi~no `ilje sproš~ata PGE2 (ledvi~na sredica) in PGI2 (glomeruli), ki povzro~ita vazodilatacijo, s ~imer vzdr`ujeta prekrvitev ledvic. Kadar je produkcija prostaglandinov znatno zmanjšana zaradi uporabe NSAID, ledvice ne morejo vzdr`evati normalnega pretoka krvi, kar vodi v odpoved ledvic. Ni povsem jasno ali je ta u~inek odvisen samo od COX-1 ali tudi od COX-2 inhibitorjev. Z vzdr`evanjem zadostne prekrvitve ledvic z uporabo minimalnih odmerkov zdravil, ki zavirajo sr~no-`ilni sistem med anestezijo ter uporabo primerne teko~inske terapije, lahko zmanjšamo tveganje za nefrotoksi~nost. Prav tako naj ne bi uporabljali NSAID hkrati z drugimi potencialno nefrotoksi~nimi zdravili ter izredno previdno pri `ivalih z boleznimi ledvic. Uporabo NSAID med brejostjo odsvetujejo, prav tako pa naj jih `ivali ne bi jemale vsaj pet dni pred uporabo prostaglandinov za reprodukcijske namene. Hkratna uporaba NSAID in kortikosteroidov je kontraindicirana, saj kortikosteroidi inhibirajo fosfolipazo A2, ki sodeluje pri sproš~anju arahidonske kisline iz fosfolipidne celi~ne membrane. Ker NSAID inhibirajo COX, ki katalizirajo konverzijo arahidonske kisline v prostaglandine in tromboksan, se zve~a tveganje za ne`elene u~inke (7, 8). 77 75 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Tabela 2: Priporo~eni odmerki nesteroidnih analgetikov pri ma~ki generi~no ime lastniško ime, proizvajalec odmerek, ~as delovanja karprofen Rimadyl, Pfizer do 4 mg/kg s.c., i.v. enkratni odmerek (lahko ponovimo najve~ enkrat ~ez 3 dni s.c.), p.o. dajanje ni priporo~eno meloksikam Metacam, Boehringer Ingelheim 0,2 mg/kg p.o., s.c. ali i.v. prvi dan, naslednji dan nadaljujemo z 0,1 mg/kg p.o./24 h do najve~ 4 dni, nato 0,05 do 0,1 mg/kg p.o. vsak drugi ali tretji dan robenakoksib Onsior, Novartis 1 mg/kg p.o. (s.c. perioperacijsko), do najve~ 6 dni Gabapentin Gabapentin (Neurontin, Pfizer) je strukturno analog gamaaminomaslene kisline, registriran za zdravljenje nevropatske bole~ine pri ljudeh. Dnevni odmerek pri ma~ki je 5 – 10 mg/kg p.o., razdeljeno v dva odmerka. Ne`eleni u~inki se pojavijo pri do 25% `ivali in sicer zaspanost, utrujenost in pridobivanje telesne te`e pri dolgotrajnem dajanju (1). Katerih analgetikov ne smemo uporabiti pri ma~ki? Pri nesteroidnih analgetikih se dr`imo pravila, da uporabljamo le zdravila, ki so registrirana za uporabo pri ma~kah, saj ma~ke zaradi druga~ne jetrne presnove kot jo imajo psi in ljudje (imajo omejeno koli~ino encima glukuronil transferaza, ki omogo~a presnovo NSAID prek glukuronske konjugacije), niso sposobne presnoviti NSAID. Posledica je mo~no podaljšan razpolovni ~as zdravila in kopi~enje zdravila do toksi~nega odmerka, ~e zdravilo odmerjamo na enak na~in kot pri psu ali ~loveku. Torej, ne uporabljamo NSAID registriranih za ljudi, saj jih ima ve~ina zelo ozek varnostni profil ali pa so celo toksi~na za ma~ko! hemoglobinurijo, intravaskularno hemolizo, zlatenico in znake okvare jeter (zve~anje aktivnosti jetrnega encima alanin transaminaza ali ALT). Koma, kr~i, plju~ni edem, jetrna nekroza in akutna odpoved ledvic so slabi prognosti~ni znaki. Smrt nastopi obi~ajno 2 do 6 dni po zau`itju paracetamola. Zdravljenje do 2 uri po zau`itju paracetamola vklju~uje gastri~no lava`o (ali pa izzovemo bruhanje). Ma~ki apliciramo protistrup (N-acetilcistein, Fluimikan, Lek) v kombinaciji s C vitaminom, jo oksigeniramo in nudimo podporno teko~insko terapijo (2). Nesteroidni analgetik fenilbutazon (ena od u~inkovin v preparatih Tomanol, Dexa-Tomanol, Byk Gulden Konstanz), ki se ponekod še uporablja pri zdravljenju vnetij lomotornega aparata pri psih in konjih, je izredno toksi~en za ma~ke in sicer povzro~a hepatopatije, nefropatije, krvavitve iz prebavil in ob~asno tudi ireverzibilno supresijo kostnega mozga (7, 8). Paracetamol ali acetaminofen je analgetik-antipiretik. Ne u~inkuje protivnetno. Pri ljudeh ima dober varnostni profil, ~e ga uporabljamo v predpisanih odmerkih. U~inkovino najdemo v številnih preparatih (npr. Lekadol, Lek; Daleron, Krka; Panadol, Glaxo Smith Kline; Calpol, Mc Neil Products), ki so naprodaj v lekarnah brez recepta. @e najmanjši odmerek za npr. otroka je toksi~en za ma~ko. Zaradi omejene glukuronske konjugacije pri ma~ki se paracetamol presnavlja na druge na~ine (sulfacija, oksidacija), pri ~emer nastajajo toksi~ni presnovki, ki povzro~ijo methemoglobinemijo, nastanek Heinzovih telesc in denaturacijo eritrocitne membrane. Klini~ni znaki zastrupitve v prvih 4 urah po zau`itju paracetamola so: progresivna cianoza (blede sivomodre sluznice), tahikardija, tahipnoa, dispnoa, apati~nost, bruhanje, neješ~nost, obrazni edem in edem šap, srbe` in hipotermija. Ma~ke so redkeje hipertermi~ne. S preiskavo krvi in urina ugotovimo hematurijo, anemijo in hemolizo. Redkeje prisotni klini~ni znaki so: ataksija, letargija, razširjene in neodzivne zenice, nistagmus, fotofobija, slinjenje, solzenje, napet trebuh, hiperestezija in trzanje. Kasneje (2. do 7. dan po zau`itju paracetamola) ugotovimo 78 76 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Literatura 1 Dohoo SE, Dohoo IR. Attitudes and concerns of Canadian animal health technologists toward postoperative pain management in dogs and cats. Can Vet J 1998; 39: 491-6. 2 Dohoo SE, Dohoo IR. Factors influencing the postoperative use of analgesics in dogs and cats by Canadian veterinarians. Can Vet J 1996; 37: 552-6. 3 Lascelles VBX, Waterman A. Analgesia in cats. In Practice 1997; 19(4): 203-13. 4 Watson ADJ, Nicholson A, Church DB, Pearson MRB. Use of antiinflammatory and analgesic drugs in dogs and cats. Aust Vet J 1996; 74: 203-10. 5 Mathews KA. Management of pain in cats. In: Hellebrekers LJ, editor: Animal pain. Utrecht: Van der Wees, 2000: 131-44. 6 Dobromylskyj P, Flecknell PA, Lascelles BD, Livingston A, Taylor P, Waterman-Pearson A. Pain assesment. In: Flecknell P, WatermanPearson A, editors: Pain management in animals. London: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000: 53-79. 7 Nolan AM. Pharmacology of analgesic drugs. In: Flecknell PA, Waterman-Pearson A, editors. Pain management in animals. London: WB Saunders, 2000: 21-52. 8 Lascalles BDX. Clinical pharmacology of analgesic agents. In: Hellebrekers LJ, editor. Animal pain. Utrecht: Van der Wees Uitgeverij, 2000: 85-116. 9 Pascoe PJ. Problems of pain management. In: Flecknell PA, Waterman-Pearson A, editors. Pain management in animals. London: WB Saunders, 2000: 161-77. 10 Gaynor JS. Other drugs used to treat pain. In: Gaynor JS, Muir WW III., editors. Handbook of veterinary pain management. St. Louis: Mosby, 2002: 251-60. 11 Campbell A. Paracetamol. In: Campbell A, Chapman M, editors. Handbook of poisoning in dogs and cats. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2000: 31-8. 79 77 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 ODVZEM BIOLOŠKEGA MATERIALA PRI MA^KI Barbara Celinšek UVOD ODVZEM VENSKE KRVI Jemanje vzorcev pri ma~ki lahko predstavlja pravi izziv. Praskala bo in se upirala, poleg tega je tudi izredno gib~na, zato moramo izbrati najmanj stresen na~in zanjo in hkrati ne pozabiti tudi na svojo varnost. Epruvete Pred jemanjem krvi si pripravimo ustrezne epruvete: - * epruveta z EDTA za hematološke preiskave (vijoli~en zamašek) Pri naro~ilu preiskave, odvzemu in ravnanju z vzorcem se moramo izogniti napakam, ki lahko klju~no vplivajo na kon~ni rezultat laboratorijske analize in s tem na interpretacijo laboratorijskega rezultata. * epruveta z litijevo soljo heparina za npr. amoniak (zeleni zamašek) * epruveta s soljo heparina in litijevega jodacetata za dolo~anje glukoze in laktata (sivi zamašek) PREDPRIPRAVA NA ODVZEM Pred vsakim jemanjem vzorcev izpolnimo spremni dopis s podatki o vrsti analize, katero `elimo, da naj laboratorij opravi, vrsti `ivali, priimku lastnika, imenu napotnega veterinarja, datumom in ~asom odvzema ter ostalimi podatki, ki bi lahko vplivali na rezultat analize (1). Vzorce po odvzemu tudi ustrezno ozna~imo. Pripravimo si tudi material za odvzem (igle, brizge, katetri,...) in material za hranjenje vzorca (epruvete, sto`~aste epruvete za urin,…). Roke si umijemo in razku`imo, pri jemanju urina obvezno uporabimo rokavice. epruvete z antikoagulanti : - epruveta za odvzem krvi z natrijevim citratom za teste hemostaze (modri zamašek) - epruveta za odvzem krvi brez dodatkov – serum (rde~i zamašek) (1). Mesta odvzema Vzorec venske krvi lahko pri ma~ki odvzamemo iz jugularne vene, v. cephalice in redkeje, iz v. saphene med. Odlo~itev, iz katere vene bomo jemali kri, je odvisna od koli~ine krvi, ki jo potrebujemo, klini~nega stanja in kooperativnosti ma~jega pacienta. Jugularni veni potekata po obeh straneh vratu od baze uhlja do vhoda v prsno votlino. Asistent prime ma~ko v sternalnem polo`aju z eno roko za glavo in jo rahlo povle~e navzgor, z drugo pa jo prime za sprednje ta~ke in jo raztegne preko roba mize. Na ta na~in si zagotovimo dovolj maneverskega prostora in varen odvzem. Prednost jemanja iz jugularne vene je hitrost odvzema in zadostna koli~ina krvi, kar zagotavlja kakovostno odvzet vzorec. Previdnost pri takem odvzemu velja pri ma~kah v dihalni stiski, ma~kah z izcedkom iz nosnic in ma~kah s hujšimi stomatološkimi te`avami. Barbara Celinšek, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] Vena cephalica antebrachii poteka od medialne strani karpusa preko dorzomedialnega dela sprednje tace do komol~nega pregiba. Ma~ko fiksiramo s prijemom za vratno gubo in ji glavo usmerimo v nasprotno stran od mesta odvzema. S pal- 80 78 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 cem druge roke komprimiramo veno v komol~nem pregibu in jo malce potegnemo lateralno, da jo zravnamo. Z ostalimi prsti ~vrsto dr`imo za komolcem, s ~imer prepre~imo, da bi ma~ka potegnila taco k sebi (2). Vpliv odvzema Pri po~asnejšem odvzemu lahko pride do strdkov v vzorcu. Tak vzorec ni primeren za hematološke preiskave. Sprostitev hemoglobina iz eritrocitov (hemoliza) je najve~krat posledica nepravilnega odvzema in lahko vpliva na laboratorijske analize. Vzroki za hemolizo so lahko: - mesto vboda nismo posušili po uporabi dezin fekcijskega sredstva - predolga uporaba `ilne preveze - dolgotrajni odvzemi s tanko iglo - premajhen volumen krvi odvzet v epruveto s prevelikim volumnom, v kateri je vakuum - pregrobo stresanje epruvete (1). ODVZEM URINA Faktorji, ki vplivajo na odlo~itev, s katero metodo bomo pridobili urinski vzorec, vklju~ujejo klini~no stanje pacienta, logistiko jemanja in vrsto preiskave, ki jo `elimo opraviti. Ker na~in odvzema vzorca lahko vpliva na interpretacijo urinske analize, je pomembno, da na spremni dopis zabele`imo, s katero metodo je bil urin odvzet. Prosto ujet urin, ki ga prinesejo lastniki ali ki ga dobimo s stiskanjem mehurja, je preprosto, neinvazivno pridobljen vzorec, primeren za splošne urinske preiskave. Slabost takega odvzema je mo`na kontaminacija preko se~nice ali posode za lovljenje urina. Cistocenteza je najprimernejša metoda, kadar `elimo pridobiti vzorec za bakterijske kulture, saj se izognemo kontaminaciji preko spodnjega genitourinarnega trakta. Potreben pa je zadostno poln mehur, kar pa je pri pacientih s cistitisom v~asih nemogo~e. V vzorcu se lahko pojavi tudi iatrogena hematurija, ki se je ne da lo~iti od patološke, bolezensko povzro~ene, zato je ta metoda manj primerna za monitoriranje pacientov s patološko hematurijo (3, 4). ODVZEM DLAKE ZA MIKOLOŠKE PREISKAVE Kadar dlake pri preiskavi z Woodovo svetilko fluorescirajo, s pomo~jo forcepsa populimo predvsem te dlake ter jih shranimo v primerno embala`o (npr. petrijevka). V primeru, da dlake ne fluorescirajo, populimo ~im ve~ dlak z roba sprememb, po mo`nosti take, ki so polomljene in nezdravega videza. ^e klini~nih sprememb ni in sumimo, da gre za asimptomatskega nosilca oku`be, dlako odvzamemo tako, da s primerno sterilno krta~ko pre~ešemo `ival. KLAMIDIOZA S sterilno vatenko naredimo konjunktivalni, `relni ali nosni bris. Poleg vzorca epitelija je primeren tudi bris izlo~ka. VZOREC BLATA Za parazitološke preiskave je potrebno nekajdnevno zbiranje blata, ki ga v tem ~asu hranimo v hladilniku. Kateterizacije se poslu`ujemo pri samcih in je relativno sterilen postopek, ki pa najve~krat zahteva sedacijo pacienta. S ~im bolj sterilnim odvzemom moramo prepre~iti iatrogene infekcije. Urinski vzorec, odvzet s kateterizacijo, lahko vsebuje ve~ eritrocitov kot prosto ujet urin, primeren je za dolo~anje bakterijskih kultur in diferencialno diagnostiko vnetja mehurja in ledvic. LITERATURA 1. Nemec A. Vzor~enje in faktorji vpliva na interpretacijo laboratorijskih rezultatov. In: Zbornik referatov XVI. simpozija o aktualnih boleznih malih `ivali. Polj~e: Slovensko zdru`enje veterinarjev za male `ivali, 2003: 26 – 31. 2. Robben JH, Dongen AM. Collection of material for laboratory examinatin. In: Rijnberk A, van Sluijs FJ. History and Physical Examination in Companion Animals. 2nd ed., Elsevier Limited, 2009: 232 – 242. 3. Foster D, Matthewman L. Laboratory techniques. In. Simpson G. Practical Veterinary Nursing. 3rd ed. Glouchester: British Small Animal Veterinary Association, 1994: 115 – 169. 4. Wamsley H, Alleman R. Complete urinalysis. In: Elliot J, Grauer Gf. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Nefrology and Urology. 2nd ed. Gloucester: British Small Animal Veterinary Association, 2007: 87 - 116. 81 79 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 RAVNANJE Z VZORCI ZA IZVAJANJE TESTOV ZA UGOTAVLJANJE KU@NIH BOLEZNI MA^K Alenka Nemec Svete, Nataša Tozon Izvle~ek 1. Uvod Hitri testi, s katerimi ugotavljamo oku`bo ma~k s parvovirusom (ma~ji panleukopenia virus), z ma~jim virusom imunske pomanjkljivosti (FIV), virusom ma~je levkoze (FeLV) in corona virusom (FECV), temeljijo na uporabi imunokemijskih metod s katerimi dolo~imo prisotnost protiteles ali antigena v vzorcih blata ali krvi (polna kri, serum ali plazma). Za zagotavljanje pravilnosti rezultatov z odvzetimi vzorci krvi oziroma fecesa ravnamo v skladu s priporo~ili za ravnanje z biološkimi vzorci. Pri izvajanju hitrega testa upoštevamo navodila proizvajalca tako za samo izvajanje testa kot tudi glede ~asovne stabilnosti vzorcev. Laboratorijsko medicino lahko opredelimo kot dejavnost v okviru katere izvajamo razli~ne preiskave biološkega materiala, ki izhajajo iz ~loveškega ali `ivalskega telesa. To so na primer kri, urin, blato, znoj, likvor, kostni mozeg, punktati telesnih votlin, solze, plodovnica in tkiva. V sodobni medicini je vloga medicinskega (=klini~nega=diagnosti~nega) laboratorija zelo pomembna pri postavljanju ali potrditvi diagnoze, pri spremljanju zdravljenja bolezni in tudi pri oceni splošnega zdravstvenega stanja. Za kakovost rezultatov, ki jih posreduje medicinski laboratorij, pa so pomembne vse tri faze dela: predanalitska, analitska in poanalitska faza. Laboratorijsko osebje zagotavlja natan~nost in pravilnost laboratorijskih rezultatov preko procesa zagotavljanja kakovosti v skladu s trenutno veljavnimi predpisi in standardi (ISO 15189) v vseh treh fazah dela (1). V veterinarski medicini, pa tudi v humani (bolnišnice), se predanalitska faza, ki zajema naro~ilo preiskave, odvzem vzorca in ravnanje z vzorcem do analize, ne odvija v celoti v laboratoriju. V tej fazi velikokrat sodeluje ve~ oseb razli~nih profilov, kar je nemalokrat vzrok številnih napak. V nedavno objavljenem ~lanku P. Boninija in sodelavcev je prikazano, da 44-75 % napak izvira iz predanalitske faze (2). Abstract Rapid tests for the determination of infection of cats with parvovirus (feline panleukopenia virus), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline enteritic coronavirus (FECV) are based on the immunochemical methods that detect antibodies or antigen in blood (whole blood, serum, plasma) or faeces. In order to assure the accuracy and correctness of laboratory results collected samples of blood or faeces must be handled with the recommendations for handling with biological samples. doc.dr. Alenka Nemec Svete, univ.dipl.in`.kem.in`., prof.dr. Nataša Tozon, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana Hitri testi, s katerimi ugotavljamo morebitno oku`bo ma~k s parvovirusom, s FIV-om, FeLV in corona virusom, temeljijo na uporabi imunokemijskih metod s katerimi dolo~imo prisotnost protiteles ali antigena v vzorcih blata ali krvi. Najpogosteje uporabljene imunokemijske metode so ELISA in imunokromatografske metode. Protitelesa ali imunoglobulini so proteini, ki jih organizem proizvede kot odziv na telesu tujo molekulo, imenovano antigen. Antigeni pa so po svoji naravi lahko proteini, polisaharidi, nukleinske kisline, pa tudi manjše molekule. Imunokemijske so torej metode, pri katerih izkoriš~amo za identifikacijo dolo~enih protiteles ali antigenov v bioloških vzorcih, interakcijo protiteles z antigeni, ki so povzro~ili njihov nastanek. Lastnost imunokemijskih metod je visoka specifi~nost in ob~utljivost (3). Hitri testi za ugotavljanje omenjenih oku`b pri ma~kah so enostavni za uporabo in, kot `e samo ime pove, ne zahtevajo veliko ~asa za izvedbo. Kot vzorec uporabljamo [email protected]; [email protected] 82 80 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 razli~ne vrste biološkega materiala, to je lahko polna kri, serum ali plazma ter feces. Z odvzetimi vzorci ravnamo v skladu s priporo~ili za ravnanje s krvnimi in drugimi vzorci, saj omenjene vzorce velikokrat uporabimo za nadaljnje analize (4). Pri izvajanju hitrega testa upoštevamo navodila proizvajalca tako za izvajanje testa kot tudi glede ~asovne stabilnosti vzorcev. 2. Ravnanje z vzorcem venske krvi Potem, ko smo odvzeli kri po priporo~enih navodilih za odvzem venske krvi, moramo s takimi vzorci ravnati skrbno in v skladu s spodaj navedenimi navodili (4). 2.1 Polna kri, plazma, serum Polna kri imenujemo vzorec krvi, katerega smo odvzeli v epruveto z antikoagulantom. Antikoagulanti (EDTA, litijev heparin, natrijev citrat, natrijev flurid z litijevim heparinom) na razli~ne na~ine prepre~ijo nastanek strdka. Vse epruvete z antikoagulanti, razen epruvete z natrijevim citratom, moramo po odvzemu rahlo premešati. Epruvete z antikoagulantom vedno napolnimo s predpisanim volumnom, saj premajhen volumen vzorca, glede na koli~ino antikoagulanta, lahko povzro~i nastanek mikro strdkov in vpliva na rezultate hematoloških analiz (5). Pred izvajanjem hitrih testov preverimo morebitno prisotnost strdkov v odvzetem vzorcu polne krvi. Znano je, da so ma~ji trombociti podvr`eni in vitro agregaciji (6,7). Agregacija trombocitov v ve~je skupke, lahko tudi manjše strdke, vpliva ne le na rezultate hematološke analize, temve~ tudi na rezultate hitrih testov, kjer lahko ugotovimo razli~ne nespecifi~ne reakcije. vzorec centrifugiramo po pribli`no 2 do 5 minutah. ^e pa vzamemo epruvete, ki vsebujejo delce stekla, lahko vzorec centrifugiramo po 15 do 30 minutah po odvzemu. Za pridobitev seruma zadostuje centrifugiranje vzorcev na 1300g, 10 minut. Tako pridobljeni serum odlo~imo iz istih razlogov kot plazmo. Serum ni potrebno odlo~iti v primeru uporabe epruvet z dodano inertno gelsko snovjo, ki zaradi centrifugiranja ustvari neprepustno pregrdo med serumom in strdkom. 2.2 Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na rezultate Najpomembnejši in najpogostejši dejavniki, ki lahko med ravnanjem s krvnim vzorcem in njegovim transportom vplivajo na rezultat analize, so izbira antikoagulanta, ~as, lega epruvete, temperatura in pretresanje vzorcev (4). Antikoagulant Za nekatere analize je zelo pomembno, da je kri odvzeta v epruveto z antikoagulantom, za druge analize pa brez njega. Za izvajanje hitrih testov je najpogosteje uporabljeni antikoagulant EDTA, to je vzorec, ki se uporablja za izvajanje hematoloških preiskav. ^as Priporo~a se, da serum ali plazmo takoj lo~imo od krvnih celic oziroma najkasneje v dveh urah po odvzemu krvi (8). Po kon~anem izvajanju hitrega testa preostanek vzorca seruma oziroma plazme shranimo v hladilniku ali zamrzovalniku za morebitne nadaljnje preiskave. Lega epruvete Plazma je supernatant, ki ga dobimo po centrifugiranju vzorca polne krvi, odvzete v epruveto z antikoagulantom. Tak vzorec lahko centrifugiramo takoj. Za pridobitev plazme, vzorce, z izjemo vzorcev odvzetih v natrijev citrat (koagulacijske preiskave), obi~ajno centrifugiramo na 1500g 15 minut. Po kon~anem centrifugiranju vzorec plazme takoj odlo~imo od celic. Podaljšani stik plazme s celicami vpliva na koncentracijo analitov v plazmi zaradi metabolizma, ki poteka v celicah ter aktivnega in pasivnega prehoda analitov med celicami in plazmo (8). Plazme ni potrebno takoj odlo~iti v primeru uporabe epruvet z dodano inertno gelsko snovjo, ki zaradi centrifugiranja ustvari neprepustno pregrado med serumom in celicami. Serum je supernatant, ki ga dobimo po centrifugiranju vzorca polne krvi, odvzete v epruveto brez antikoagulantov. Vzorec centrifugiramo po kon~ani popolni koagulaciji, ki obi~ajno pote~e v 45 do 60 minutah pri sobni temperaturi. ^e ~as koagulacije ni zadosti dolg, lahko latentni fibrin povzro~a te`ave tako pri izvajanju hitrih testov, kot tudi pri uporabi v analizatorjih. Koagulacijo lahko pospešimo z aktivatorjem. ^e uporabimo trombin lahko Po odvzemu krvi postavimo epruvete v stojalo pokonci, z zamaškom navzgor. Tak polo`aj omogo~a popolno koagulacijo, manj se pretresa vsebina epruvete in manjše je tveganje za nastanek hemolize, ki klju~no vpliva na številne biokemijske parametre, ki bi jih morebiti dolo~ali po kon~anem izvajanju hitrega testa. Temperatura V primeru, da bomo vzorec plazme ali seruma uporabili, ne le za izvajanje hitrega testa, temve~ tudi za dolo~anje analitov, ki zahtevajo hlajenje vzorcev (koagulacijske prekave, laktat, amonijev ion, kateholamini), vzorce odvzete krvi postavimo v ledeno kopel in centrifugiramo v hladilni centrifugi. Pri ravnanju s krvnimi vzorci se moramo izogibati temperaturam nad 35°C, saj se pri tako visoki temperaturi pospeši spreminjanje sestavin, tudi protiteles in antigenov, ki jih dolo~amo s hitrimi testi. Za nekatere parametre `e temperatura nad 22°C ni primerna. V strokovni literaturi se priporo~a, da odlo~eni serum ali plazma ne ostane pri temperaturi 22°C dlje od 8 ur (9). Zato v primeru, da bomo z odvzetim vzorcem seruma ali 83 81 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 plazme izvajali dodatne biokemijske preiskave, serum ali plazmo shranimo v hladilniku. Serum ali plazmo na gelu praviloma shranjujemo pri 4°C do 24 ur. Po tem ~asu vzorec seruma ali plazme odlo~imo v plasti~no epruvetko in, odvisno od namena, vzorec shranimo v hladilniku ali zamrzovalniku (4). V nasprotju s serumom ali plazmo, polno kri hranimo na sobni temperaturi do 24 ur po odvzemu za morebitne hematološke preiskave (10). (13). V primeru odlo`ene analize lahko vzorce seruma ali plazme, shranjene v hladilniku na temperaturi 2 - 7°C, uporabimo do 7 dni po odvzemu. Uporabimo lahko tudi predhodno zamrznjene vzorce, katere pred analizo centrifugiramo. Hemoliti~ni ali lipemi~ni vzorci ne vplivajo na rezultate analiz. V primeru uporabe vzorcev polne krvi, kri odvzamemo v EDTA ali litijev heparin. Vzorce polne krvi uporabimo sve`e ali shranjene v hladilniku na temperaturi 2 - 7°C v sedmih dneh po odvzemu. Pred izvajanjem testa preverimo morebitno prisotnost strdkov, saj le-ti vplivajo na rezultat. Pretresanje vzorcev Z odvzetim vzorcem ravnamo skrbno, še posebej, ~e `elimo odvzeti vzorec uporabiti za nadaljnje biokemijske preiskave. Pretirano pretresanje vzorcev lahko poškoduje eritrocite, kar povzro~i nastanek hemolize. Hemoglobin v hemoliziranem vzorcu ne vliva na rezultate hitrih testov, zato pa vpliva na vrednosti številnih biokemijskih parametrov (pove~a aktivnost alanin aminotransferaze, aspartat aminotransferaze, laktat dehidogenaze, koncentracijo T4 in `eleza, rahlo pove~a koncentracijo hemoglobina, fosfata, magnezija, kalcija, serumskih beljakovin in albumnov ter zelo zni`a aktivnost alkalne fosfataze). 3. Ravnanje z vzorcem fecesa Vzorec fecesa, v primeru odlo`ene analize, lahko shranimo v hladilniku (do 2 dni) ali za dlje ~asa v zamrzovalniku. 4. Hitri testi za ugotavljanje oku`b s panleukopenia virusom, FeLV, FIV in FECV 4.1 ’Parvo’ test S hitrim ‘parvo’ testom, ELISA ali imunokromatografskim, ugotavljamo prisotnost antigena, panleukopenia (parvo) virusa, v vzorcih fecesa ma~k. Test lahko uporabimo tudi ugotavljanje parvovirusa v fecesu psov in virusa enteritisa v fecesu kun, lisic in rakunov, saj imajo vsi trije virusi zelo podobno strukturo (11). Hitri test izvajamo s sve`im vzorcem fecesa. V primeru, da testa ne bomo izvajali na dan odvzema vzorca, lahko vzorec shranimo do 48 ur na temperaturi 2 - 7°C ali zamrznemo za daljše ~asovno obdobje. 4.3 ’FIP’ test S FIP hitrim testom, ELISA ali imunokromatografskim, ugotavljamo prisotnost protiteles proti FECV virusu v polni krvi, plazmi ali serumu. Kot vzorec lahko uporabimo polno kri odvzeto v epruvete z EDTA, litijevim heparinom ali natrijevim citratom, pri ~emer preverimo morebitno prisotnost strdkov, saj le-ti vplivajo na rezultat. V primeru odlo`ene analize lahko vzorce seruma ali plazme, shranjene na sobni temperaturi, uporabimo do 4 ure po odvzemu, oziroma do 4 dni, v primeru shranjevanja vzorcev v hladilniku, na temperaturi 2 - 7°C. 5. Zaklju~ek Rezultate testov je potrebno ustrezno interpretirat, saj prisotnost specifi~nih protiteles ne pomeni nujno bolezni, in nasprotno, njihova odsotnost ne nujno izklju~uje oku`be. Kljub visoki ob~utljivosti in specifi~nosti testov in predhodnemu ravnanju z vzorci ter strokovni izvedbi testov, so mogo~i tako la`no negativni, kot tudi pozitivni rezultati. Poleg tega je mo`na navzkri`na reaktivnost pri oku`bi z medsebojno sorodnimi vrstami virusov. Presoja mora vedno sloneti na celostni obravnavi pacienta. 4.2 FeLV/FIV testi S hitrimi FeLV/FIV ELISA testi ugotavljamo prisotnost antigena virusa FeLV (p27 protein) in protiteles proti virusu FIV v krvi. Na tr`iš~u so na voljo številni hitri testi, kombinirani in posamezni, katerih rezultati so primerljivi s klasi~nim ELISA testom (12). Kot vzorec lahko, v skladu z navodili proizvajalcev uporabimo serum, plazmo ali polno kri. V primeru dolo~anja FeLV antigena je prioritetni vzorec serum ali plazma, nekoliko manj zanesljiva je polna kri 84 82 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tietz NW. Quality assurance. In: Tietz NW, ed. Textbook of clinical chemistry. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1986; 548-592. Bonini P, Plebani M, Ceriotti F, Rubboli F. Errors in laboratory medicine. Clin Chem 2002; 48(5):691-698. Crowther JR. Basic immunology. In: Walker Jm, ed. ELISA. Theory and practice. Totowa: Humana Press, 1995: 1-34. Prezelj M. Priporo~ila za ravnanje s krvnimi vzorci. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdru`enje za klini~no kemijo 2006: 1-18. Piskar M. 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A comparative study of a new rapid and one-step test for the detection of parvovirus in faeces from dogs, cats and mink. J Vet Med B 2000; 47: 145-153. Hartmann K, Griessmayr P, Schulz B, et al. Quality of different in-clinic test systems for feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus infection. J Feline Med Surg 2007; 9: 439-445. Panel report on the colloquium on feline leukemia virus/feline immunodeficiency virus: tests and vaccination. JAVMA 1991; 199: 1273-1277. 85 83 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 KRVNE SKUPINE MA^K Vanja Knez Poznavanje krvnih skupin je v praksi pomembno zaradi transfuzije, pri pasemskih ma~kah pa zaradi neonatalne izoeritrolize. Krvne skupine so genetsko zapisane na eritrocitih in so za vsako vrsto specifi~ne. Set alelov za krvno skupino (dva ali ve~ alelov) tvori skupaj sistem krvne skupine. @ivali lahko proti drugi krvni skupini razvijejo protitelesa, imenovana izoprotitelesa ali aloprotitelesa. Zaradi teh protiteles nastanejo hemoliti~ne transfuzijske reakcije in pri mladi~ih po porodu neonatalna izoeritroliza. Ma~ji sistem krvnih skupin ima tri alele: A, B in izredno redko AB. Krvna skupina A je dominantna nad B. Ma~ke krvne skupine A imajo genotip AA, Ab, AAB in samo homozigotna bb. Zelo redka ma~ka s krvno skupino AB ima tretji alel recesiven na A in dominanten nad B, kar privede do izraza obeh substanc. Parjenje ma~ke s krvno skupino A z ma~ko s krvno skupino B ne privede do krvne skupine AB, razen ~e ni A nosilec recesivne AB. Poznavanje krvnih skupin je pomembno zaradi transfuzij, saj imajo ma~ke naravna protitelesa, razen redke krvne skupine AB. Krvna skupina B ima mo~na protitelesa antiA. Ma~ke s krvno skupino A imajo malo protiteles anti-B. Pri transfuziji dajalca B in prejemnika A zasledimo hiter razpad eritrocitov, ni pa takšne hude reakcije kot pri neonatalni eritrolizi, kjer pride posledi~no do pogina mladi~ev krvne skupine A od matere krvne skupine B. (1-2) Vanja Knez, dr. vet. med. Klinika Tristokosmatih, velika klinika za male `ivali, Kajuhova 5a, SI-1000 Ljubljana Neonatalna izoeritroliza V ma~ji pediatriji se pogosto sre~ujemo s pojavom nenadne smrti na videz popolnoma zdravih mladi~ev in eden od vzrokov je lahko tudi neonatalna izoeritroliza. To je poškodba neonatalnih eritrocitov zaradi maternalnih protiteles, ki jih mladi~ zau`ije s kolostrumom v prvih urah `ivljenja, ko je gastrointestinalna bariera prehodna. Pojavlja se samo pri mladi~ih krvne skupine A, rojenih materi krvne skupine B po porodu. Prebavni trakt je prvih 16 ur `ivljenja prehoden za maternalna protitelesa. Pri materi s krvno skupino B se razvijejo mo~na protitelesa proti antigenom krvne skupine A v obdobju od 1. do 3. meseca po rojstvu. Ta protitelesa lahko pri mladi~ih povzro~ijo akutno hemoliti~no reakcijo. Mladi~i krvne skupine A in AB se rodijo zdravi, vendar po zau`itju kolostruma razvijejo klini~ne znake neonatalne izoeritrolize. Prenehajo jesti, postanejo letargi~ni, pojavi se hematurija in poginejo v nekaj minutah ali urah. Vsi mladi~i iz rizi~ne skupine ne odreagirajo vedno tako, ampak lahko razvijejo milejšo obliko: sprva postanejo anemi~ni, v prvem tednu ikteri~ni, v drugem tednu pa se poka`e še nekroza konice repka, ki kasneje odpade. Zaradi visoke rizi~nosti pri reprodukciji pasemskih ma~k odgovoren vzreditelj pred paritvijo testira svoje vzrejne ma~ke. V primeru, da ima samica s krvno skupino B samca s krvno skupino A, bo vzreditelj mladi~e po porodu odstranil od samice za 16-24 ur in jih hranil z nadomestnim mlekom. Lahko pa jih po porodu tudi testira s komercialnimi testi, pri ~emer uporabi popkovno kri po porodu. Mladi~i s krvno skupino B lahko ostanejo pri mami, mladi~e s krvno skupino A pa se odstrani za 16-24 ur. Posamezni vzreditelji si pomagajo tudi tako, da isto~asno parijo še samico s krvno skupino A in mladi~e s krvno skupino A prestavijo k njej, da dobijo kolostrum. Mladi~em, ki ga niso dobili, pa je za zaš~ito priporo~ljivo aplicirati pod ko`o serum ma~ke s krvno skupino A. Mladi~e je mogo~e prvih 24 ur tudi pustiti pri materi, da jih neguje, seske pa se prekrije, da ne morejo sesati. To pa je v~asih lahko neu~inkovito, saj so mladi~i izredno iznajdljivi in se nekako prerinejo do seskov, posledica pa je seveda pogin. [email protected] 86 84 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Zastopanost krvnih skupin Zastopanost krvnih skupin v posameznih pasmah v Sloveniji je slede~a (testiranje krvnih skupin pri pasemskih ma~kah v Sloveniji 2005): pasma št. ma~k krvna skupina A PERZIJSKA 9 krvna skupina B 8 1 EKSOT 8 6 2 ORIENTALKA 12 12 0 SIAMKA 9 9 0 NORVEŠKA GOZDNA 3 3 0 ABESINKA 5 5 0 BRITANKA 14 13 2 BIRMANKA 3 3 0 DEVON REKS 17 15 2 AMERIŠKA GOZDNA 17 15 2 TURŠKA ANGORA 2 2 0 DOMA^A MA^KA 70 70 0 OCICAT 7 7 0 skupaj 176 94,9% 5,1% Dolo~ene pasme, kot so siamska, ruska modra, ocicat in orientalska, so zastopane le pri krvni skupini A. Krvna skupina B pa je pogosto prisotna pri devonih, korniš rexih, britancih, perzijcih, eksotih ipd. V tujini je stanje podobno, pozorni pa moramo biti na imena pasem, saj razli~ne organizacije pasme razli~no poimenujejo (npr. himalajka – colorpoint perzijka).(1-2,4) Samo skupina A Nizka zastopanost skupine B(1-10 %) Srednja zastopanost skupine B(10-25 %) Visoka zastopanost skupine B (>25 %) Siamka Ameriška kratkodlaka ma~ka Abesinka Britanka1 2 1 1 1 Tonkineska1 Ameriška gozdna ma~ka1 Birmanka1 2 3 Korniš reks1 Orientalka1 Manx1 Burmanka2 Devon reks1 3 Norveška gozdna ma~ka1 Himalajka1 Eksot1 Perzijka Ragdolka1 Škotska klapouška1 Turška van ma~ka1 Somalijka1 Turška angora ma~ka1 12 Sfinga1 3 1 2 3 vir: Dr. Giger, University of Pennsylvania rezultati raziskave opravljene na ma~kah v Veliki Britaniji, vir: C. Knottenbelt, University of Glasgow“ vir: Dr Addie, University of Glasgow 87 85 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Testi Povzetek Testi, ki se uporabljajo za dolo~anje krvnih skupin, so komercialni in enostavni za uporabo. Testira se lahko v ambulanti, rezultat pa je na voljo `e v pol ure. Najpogosteje je v uporabi test Rapidvet-H Dms laboratories, Agrolabo S. p. A, v zadnjem ~asu pa tudi Alvedia, Quick Test A+B. Slednjega je la`je shranjevati, saj ga ni potrebno hraniti v hladilniku. Poznavanje krvnih skupin pri ma~kah torej ni pomembno samo pri transfuziji, ampak tudi pri vzreji, da bi prepre~ili neonatalno izoeritrolizo. V primeru genetskih testov za ma~ke se lahko hkrati ugotavlja še krvna skupina. Laboratoriji ponujajo razli~ne pakete testov. Odvzem krvi je po navodilu laboratorija. Najpogosteje jemljemo kri z EDTA ali pa tudi vzorec sline. Rezultati testa Krvna skupina N/N tip A ali AB N/b nosilec B; lahko tip A ali AB b/b tip B Pred paritvijo dolo~enih pasem je potrebno narediti test krvne skupine ma~ke. Kljub znani krvni skupini ma~ke je potrebno pred vsako transfuzijo narediti navzkri`no reakcijo zaradi kompatibilnosti, ker ni univerzalnega dajalca. Genetski test ne lo~i med krvno skupino A in redko skupino AB, zato ga ozna~ijo z N. To pomeni: ~e ima ma~ka genotip N/b, je nosilec krvne skupine B, ~e pa je rezultat b/b, ima ma~ka krvno skupino B. S pomo~jo genetskega testa lahko izlo~imo nosilce krvne skupine, da bi prepre~ili neonatalno izoeritrolizo. Dogaja se tudi, da vzreditelji, ki imajo samico krvne skupine B, iš~ejo le samce krvne skupine B. To pa ni priporo~ljivo, saj se tako o`a `e tako ozek genetski krog pasemskih ma~k. Kljub temu, da ima ma~ka znano krvno skupino, je pred transfuzijo vedno potrebno narediti navzkri`no reakcijo pred posegom zaradi nevarnosti hemolize. V zadnjem ~asu so odkrili krvno skupino anti Mik. Nekompatibilnost le-te lahko povzro~i transfuzijsko reakcijo kljub temu, da se ma~ke ujemajo po krvni skupini. Navzkri`na reakcija Major; 1gtt krvi dajalca + 2 gtt plazme prejemnika Minor; 2 gtt plazme dajalca + 1 gtt krvi prejemnika Kontrola; 1 gtt krvi dajalca + 2 gtt plazme prejmnika S pipeto nanesemo na predmetnico in zmešamo. Reakcija se poka`e v 15-ih sekundah.V primeru aglutinacije dajalec ni primeren za transfuzijo.(3) Viri: 1. Urs Giger et al., Feline Blood Typing and Crossmatching to Ensure Blood Compatibility: How to Avoid Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions and Neonatal Isoerythrolysis, ACVIM 2007, DACVIM, ECVIM, ECVCP; Karen V. Jackson; Nicole M. Weinstein; Elanor Withnall. Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2. Susan Little. The Winn Feline Foundation, Feline blood types and Neonatal Isoerythrolysis. DVM, DABVP (Feline). 3. ESAVS, Feline Medicine & Surgery III, Zurich 1998. 4. Vanja Knez. Zbornik 6. podiplomskega izobra`evanja veterinarske zbornice, Neonatalna izoeritroliza, Ljubljana 2010. 88 86 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 ROKOVANJE S KATETRI IN SONDAMI Darja Pavlin Venske kanile Indikacije: intravenozna aplikacija zdravil, aplikacija anestetikov, infuzje kristaloidov in koloidov, transfuzija, merjenje centralnega venskega tlaka Kontraindikacije: kanile ne vstavljamo preko ko`e, ki ka`e kakršnekoli znake vnetja oz. infekcije (pordela, gnojna ko`a, izpuš~aji), centralne kanile (v v. jugularis) ne vstavljamo `ivalim z motnjami v strjevanju krvi. Za intravenski dostop pri ma~kah najpogosteje uporabljamo periferne venske kanile, saj je njihovo vstavljanje preprosto in vzdr`evanje nezahtevno. Kanilo najpogosteje vstavljamo v v. cephalico antebrachii na prednji nogi, lahko pa tudi v lateralno ali medialno v. sapheno na zadnji nogi. Pri ma~kah za periferni venski dostop ponavadi uporabljamo 20 - 22 GA kanile. Skozi periferno kanilo nikoli ne apliciramo hipertoni~nih infuzijskih raztopin (npr. ve~ kot 0,9-odstotni NaCl, 40-odstotna glukoza, ...). Vensko kanilo pri ma~kah zlahka vstavimo tudi v v. jugularis, saj je lahko dostopna in bistveno ve~jega premera kot periferne vene, kar je še posebej pripravno pri manjših `ivalih in mladi~ih. V jugularno veno pri ma~ki ponavadi vstavimo 18 - 20 GA kanilo, pri mladi~ih 22 GA. Posebej je primerna za hitro aplikacijo ve~jih volumnov infuzije, kontinuirano aplikacijo zdravil (s perfuzorjem), parenteralno hranjenje in aplikacijo hipertoni~nih raztopin. Skozi centalno vensko kanilo ne apliciramo anestetikov in infuzijskih raztopin z dodanim kalijem. Kanilo vedno vstavljamo preko ko`e, nad katero smo prej natan~no pobrili dlako in jo asepti~no pripravili. Pri starejših ma~kah, ki imajo debelejšo oz. bolj trdo ko`o ter pri mo~no dehidriranih `ivalih si pri vstavljanju lahko pomagamo tako, da najprej z debelejšo iglo naredimo majhno zarezo v ko`i, s ~imer si olajšamo dostop do `ile. Vstavljeno kanilo preperemo s heparinizirano fiziološko raztopino (2 IE heparina/ml fiziološke raztopine). Na ta na~in asist. Darja Pavlin, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] preverimo, da smo kanilo dejansko vstavili intra- in ne paravenozno in prepre~imo nastanek krvnih strdkov v kanili. Kanilo pritrdimo z lepljivimi trakovi ter povijemo z obvezo (vata in elasti~ni povoj), pri ~emer pazimo, da nobena od obvez ni pri~rvrš~ena pretesno, saj bi to ote`evalo pretok teko~ine skozi kanilo. Pri jugularni kanili bi pretesna obveza povzro~ila dodatno neugodje `ivali in v skrajnih primerih celo te`ave z zau`ivanjem hrane in dihanjem, pri perferni kanili pa otekanje šape. Pri ma~kah se je izkazalo najbolje, da nogo z vstavljeno kanilo povijemo celo (vklju~no s šapo), zaš~itnega ovratnika pa ponavadi ne potrebujejo. Obvezo nad kanilo vsaj enkrat dnevno odvijemo, kanilo preperemo s heparinizirano fiziološko raztopino, da preverimo lokacijo kanile in preverimo, da se niso pojavili znaki tromboflebitisa, da ni prišlo do iztekanja teko~ine paravenozno in zatekanja okon~ine. Pri ma~kah, ki potrebujejo dolgotrajni venski dostop, eno kanilo uporabljamo najve~ 4 dni, nato vstavimo novo v drugo `ilo/okon~ino. ^e se pojavijo znaki vnetja na mestu vstavitve kanile, jo takoj odstranimo. Urinski katetri Indikacije: reševanje zapore se~nice, sterilni odvzem vzorca urina, merjenje proizvodnje urina. Kontraindikacije: ne vstavljamo ga `ivalim brez zapore se~nice, pri katerih ne potrebujemo vzorca urina in so sposobne samostojnega odvajanja in higiene (se lahko premikajo in postavijo v polo`aj za uriniranje). Ma~ji samci poosto potrebujejo vstavitev urinskega katetra. Pri ve~ini, še zlasti pa pri tistih z zaporo se~nice, je za vstavitev katetra potrebna sedacija. Kateter lahko samcu vstavljamo tako, da `ival le`i bodisi na boku ali na hrbtu. Pomo~nik z eno roko zagrabi bazo repa `ivali in ga nekoliko potegne navzor in proti glavi, s ~imer olajša prolabiranje penisa iz prepucija. Prepucij pred kateterizacijo dobro o~istimo in asepti~no pripravimo in pri vstavljanju uporabljamo sterilne rokavice. Urinski kateter nama`emo z lubrikantom in ga vstavimo v se~nico. Pri ma~kih z zaporo se~nice si pri odpravljanju zapore pogosto pomagamo s prepiranjem se~nice s toplo sterilno fiziološko raztopino. @ivalim, ki bodo kateter imele vstavljen ve~ dni, tega prišijemo na prepucij z dvema šivoma. Kateter pove`emo 89 87 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 z zaprtim sterilnim sistemom zbiranja urina (vre~ka za zbiranje urina ali ve~ja brizga) preko podaljška za infuzijo, ki ga je priporo~ljivo na enem mestu z lepilnim trakom pritrditi na rep `ivali, s ~imer še dodatno onemogo~imo, da bi si `ival kateter odstranila. @ivali obvezno namestimo zaš~itni ovratnik. Kateterizacija ma~je samice je mogo~a, vendar se je poslu`ujemo redkeje. Pri ma~kah urinski kateter vstavljamo v enakem polo`aju, kot pri samcih, s tem da pri samicah kateter v se~nico vstavimo na slepo preko vhoda v se~nico, ki se nahaja na dnu vagine. To izvedemo tako, da konico katetra vstavimo v vulvo vzdol` ventralne stene in jo potisnemo kranialno, medtem ko z drugo roko robove vulve povle~emo narahlo kavdalno. Na ta na~in kateter zdrsne skozi uretralno papilo v se~nico. Hranilne sonde Indikacije: prehranska podpora za `ivali, ki ne morejo oz. no~ejo jesti. Kontraindikacije: razli~ne, odvisno od vrste sonde: bruhanje, regurgitacija, nezmo`nost po`iranja, funkcionalne ali anatomske bolezni po`iralnika, nezavest, poškodbe obraza, nosnih votlin in `rela, ... Hranilne sonde se uporablja za asistirano hranjenje `ivali, ki same niso zmo`ne zau`ivanja hrane ali hrano dolgotrajno zavra~ajo. Pri ma~kah najpoosteje uporabljamo dve vrsti sond: nazogastri~no (oz. nazoezofagialno), ki jo skozi nos vstavimo v po`iralnik ali `elodec in ezofagostomo, ki jo vstavimo v po`iralnik skozi kirurško rano na vratu. komplikacija uporabe ezofaostome. Pri previjaju kirurško rano okoli sonde vsaki~ nama`emo z antibioti~nim mazilom. Pri vseh hranilnih sondah je izrednega pomena, da se ne zamašijo z ostanki hrane. Nazogastri~na sonda zelo majhen premer, zato moramo biti pri pripravi hrane izredno previdni, da jo pripravimo dovolj teko~o in brez kakršnihkoli grudic ali koš~kov, ki bi lahko zamašile sondo (npr. a/ d dodatno razred~imo z vodo ali uporabljamo hrano v prahu, ki se zmeša z vodo, odsvetuje se uporaba katerekoli zrnate hrane, tudi ~e jo dodatno spasiramo). Ezofaostoma ima ponavadi nekoliko ve~ji premer, vseeno pa hrano pripravimo ustrezno teko~e konsistence, da si olajšamo aplikacijoz brizgo. Sondo pred za~etkom hranjenja najprej preperemo s toplo vodo, da se prepri~amo, da je normalno prehodna. Hrano pred aplikacijo pogrejemo malo nad sobno temperaturo in apliciramo po~asi ter ves ~as opazujemo, ali `ival ka`e znake nelagodja (slabost, bruhanje). Sondo po vsakem hranjenju obvezno preperemo z vodo, da iz nje odstranimo vse ostanke hrane in zapremo s pokrov~kom. Kljub hranilni sondi naj imajo `ivali vedno na voljo tudi hrano in vodo v posodici, da lahko za~nejo jesti samostojno, ~e to `elijo, saj obe omenjeni sondi ne onemogo~ata prostovoljnea jemanja in po`iranja hrane. Nazogastri~na je preprosta za vstavljanje (ne potrebujemo posebne opreme in pri kooperativnih `ivalih lahko vstavimo brez anestezije), vendar lahko preko nje hranimo le manjše koli~ine zelo teko~e hrane, saj je sonda zelo tanka. Za hranjenje jo lahko uporabljamo do najve~ dva tedna. Sondo po vstavitvi ponavadi prišijemo z nekaj šivi na ko`o na ~elu in `ivalim namestimo zaš~itni ovratnik. Posebne nege ne potrebuje. Hrano lahko po njej apliciramo kontinuirano (s pomo~jo perfuzorja), ali pa dnevno koli~ino hrane razdelimo v ve~ manjših obrokov. Ezofagostomo vstavimo kirurško pri anestezirani `ivali. Po vstavitvi `ivali obvezno namestimo zaš~itni ovratnik in vrat na rahlo povijemo, da zaš~itimo kirurško rano. Obvezo vsaj enkrat dnevno odstranimo in preverimo izgled kirurške rane, saj je infekcija ne tem mestu glavna resna Literatura Vascular access techniques. In: Hackett TB, Mazzaferro EM. Veterinary emergency & critical care procedures. Ames: Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2006: 29-34. Urethral catheterization in male cats. In: Hackett TB, Mazzaferro EM. Veterinary emergency & critical care procedures. Ames: Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2006: 126-137. White RN. Emerency techniques. In: King L, Hammond R, eds. Manual of Canine and Feline Emergency and Critical Care. Cheltenham: BSAVA, 1999:307-341. Eirmann L, Michel KE. Enteral nutrition. In: Silverstein DC, Hopper K, eds. Small animal critical care medicine. St. Louis: SaundersElsevier, 2009: 53-8. Jackson MW. Nutritional support of the critically ill cat: theoretical and practical concerns. Congress Proceedings of the 18th ECVIM-CA Congress, 2008: 134-6. 90 88 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 RAZLIKA MED MA^JO IN PASJO USTNO VOTLINO Vladimira Erjavec Ma~ke so kot ljubiteljske `ivali v ZDA in VB številnejše od psov. Od psov se razlikujejo po številnih zna~ilnostih. Zelo pogosto se ma~ke obravnava kot majhne pse, zato prihaja tako pri postavljanju diagnoze kot pri samem zdravljenju do številnih nepravilnosti. Zaradi tega bodimo pozorni in imejmo za relevantne informacije samo tiste, ki so rezultat prou~evanja ma~k. Razlika med usti in ustno votlino Usta so odprtina v obrazu, s katero se pri~enjajo prebavila. To je prostor med zgornjo in spodnjo ustnico. Ustna votlina (cavum oris) pa je del prebavil, ki jo omejujejo spredaj ustnici, lica od strani, svod oblikuje trdo nebo, spodaj pa podjezi~no dno in jezik. Zobni lok jo razdeli na ustni preddvor (vestibulum oris) in pravo ustno votlino (cavum oris proprium). K strukturam ustne votline sodijo poleg zob, jezika, sten (lica, trdo nebo, podjezi~no dno) še ustnice in slinske `leze. Pri ma~ki je ustna votlina kratka in široka, zato je pregled pri `ivalih, ki so kooperativne, razmeroma enostaven. Divji psi, ki sami lovijo, plen najprej zgrabijo z zobmi in ga usmrtijo z grabilci (kaninusi). Medtem ko ~vrsto dr`ijo plen, s sekalci in grabilci trgajo kose mesa. Pri tem si pomagajo s prednjima nogama. Hrana se tare med griznimi ploskvami zob v zgornji in spodnji ~eljusti. Psi hrano bolj malo `ve~ijo. Pogoltnejo lahko namre~ razmeroma velike kose mesa, ne da bi jih pre`ve~ili, temeljiteje pa drobijo kosti ali druge trde dele hrane. Ma~ke z zobmi odre`ejo manjše kose mesa, ki jih oblikujejo v gri`ljaj in ga pogoltnejo. asist.dr. Vladimira Erjavec, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Veterinarska fakulteta – UL, Cesta v Mestni log 47, 1115 Ljubljana [email protected] Ustna sluznica Celotno ustno votlino z izjemo zob pokriva ustna sluznica, ki ima številne naloge; s svojo strukturo š~iti spodaj le`e~a tkiva in vsebuje receptorje za temperaturo, dotik in bole~ino ter okušalne brbon~ice. Slina, ki je produkt slinskih `lez, sodeluje pri zaš~itni vlogi ustne sluznice. Pri psu ima ustna sluznica klju~no vlogo pri uravnavanju telesne temperature. Glede na polo`aj, funkcijo in sestavo delimo ustno sluznico na `ve~no, oblo`no in specializirano ustno sluznico. @ve~na sluznica pokriva mesta, ki so izpostavljena `ve~nim silam, primer sta dlesen in trdo nebo. @ve~na sluznica je ~vrsta in poro`eneva, trdno je pripeta na periost (vezivno ovojnico na površju kosti). Ker ima veliko manj `iv~nih kon~i~ev kot oblo`na sluznica, je veliko manj ob~utljiva. Oblo`no sluznico najdemo na spodnji strani jezika, ustnem dnu, licih, zobiš~nem nastavku in mehkem nebu. Ta sluznica je zelo ob~utljiva, mehka in premi~na, na spodaj le`e~a tkiva je rahlo pritrjena. K specializirani ustni sluznici štejemo sluznico zgornje površine jezika z jezi~nimi papilami, ki vsebujejo okušalne brbon~ice. Jezi~ne papile imajo zaš~itno in ~utilno vlogo, saj vsebujejo receptorje za dotik, vro~ino, bole~ino in okus. Ustnice Pri nekaterih vrstah `ivali (konj) sodelujejo ustnice pri razbiranju in preskušanju hrane, ki jo posredujejo v ustno votlino, zato so zelo ob~utljive in premi~ne. Pri ma~kah ustnice nimajo tako pomembne vloge pri hranjenju, zato so manj premi~ne in tanjše. Pes ima obse`ne in ohlapne ustnice, ki so zelo gibljive, a jih hotno lahko zelo omejeno premika. Zgornja in spodnja ustnica sta poraš~eni in nosita številne dolge tipalne (sinusne) dlake, zlasti na zgornji ustnici pri ma~ki. Imenujejo se brki. Na notranji strani zgornje ustnice se pri ma~ki nahajajo labialne papile Kakšno funkcijo imajo labialne papile (zaradi njih so ustnice nazob~ane), ni znano. Zgornja ustnica ima v sredinski ~rti zarezo, ki se imenuje filtrum ali `lebi~, pri nekaterih pasmah psov je zelo globoka. To je ozko podro~je modificirane ko`e. Maksilarni labialni frenulum je pri ma~ki zelo kratek in tesno pripenja zgornjo ustnico na dlesni~no sluznico. 91 89 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Spodnja ustnica je krajša in jo zgornja presega predvsem spredaj, delno pa tudi na straneh. Pri ma~ki so v njej lojnice, t.i. cirkumoralne `leze (sna`ilne `leze), ki so številnejše kot v zgornji ustnici. Ustni~ne ko`ne `leze izlo~ajo snov, ki se med umivanjem nanaša na dlako in jo na ta na~in neguje, igra pa tudi pomembno socialno vlogo. V negovanju ko`uha ma~ke izjemno u`ivajo. Pri hujših obolenjih ustne votline ma~ke prenehajo z negovanjem ko`uha. Pri psu je spodnja ustnica ohlapna in tanka, njen rob je nazob~an. Na spodnjo ~eljust je pripeta s frenulumom (vezico) v podro~ju grabilca ter s slabo nakazanimi gubami sluznice mediano, ki onemogo~ajo ve~je premike ustnic. Jezik Jezik je zelo gibljiva miši~na struktura, ki le`i na dnu ustne votline med mandibulama in se nadaljuje v orofarinks. Kadar je gobec zaprt, zapolnjuje celotno ustno votlino. Jezi~na konica (apex linguae) prehaja nazaj v telo (corpus linguae), to pa se nadaljuje v koren jezika (radix linguae). Pri psu igra jezik veliko vlogo pri hlajenju. V miši~ju blizu spodnje ploskve jezika je mediana vretenasta tvorba, t.i. steklinski ~rv, lyssa, ki jo pri palpaciji jezika zlahka zatipamo. Lyssa je vezivna cevka, napolnjena z maš~obnim tkivom, pri psu so v srednjem delu cevke pre~noprogasta miši~na vlakna in hrustan~ni oto~ki. Pri ma~ki se pojavlja muskulatura le redko, hrustanec pa nikoli. Od steklinskega ~rva poteka fibrozni septum do dorzalne površine jezika in po sredini jezika in pri psu oblikuje `leb, ki poteka kavdalno skozi celotno telo jezika. Pri ma~ki `leba ni. Posebno pri psu ima jezik spredaj ostra stranska robova, tu je jezik širok in plosk, izoblikuje pa se lahko v nekakšno `lico za zajemanje teko~in. Slinske `leze Pri psu in ma~ki je tkivo slinskih `lez v ustni votlini bogato in razporejeno po prete`nem delu ustne sluznice. • številne male slinske `leze, ki imajo številna kratka izvodila, so razporejene po zadnji tretjini jezika, li~ni sluznici ter sluznici ustnic in mehkega neba, po`iralnika in `rela. ^eprav so majhne, pa je njihovo število veliko, zato je njihova sekrecija sline pomembna in veliko doprinese k skupni koli~ini izlo~ene sline. • Trdo nebo Sluznica trdega neba tvori parne, poro`enele, proti `relu rahlo konkavno uslo~ene pre~ne sluzni~ne gube, nebne gube, rugae palatinae, ki jih je pri psu 8 – 12, pri ma~ki pa 7 -8. Papile na trdem nebu so zna~ilne le za ma~ke. Usmerjene so kavdalno in sodelujejo pri prijemanju. velike slinske `leze: ma~ke in psi imajo nekaj parnih velikih slinskih `lez. Zanje je zna~ilno eno dolgo izvodilo, ki se izteka v ustno votlino razmeroma dale~ stran od same slinske `leze. Nitkaste bradavice so mehke, ro`ene nitke na jezi~nem hrbtu, ki dajejo jeziku bar`unast videz. Te nitke so majhne, zakrivljene in obrnjene proti `relu. Pri ma~ki so, za razliko od psa, mo~no poro`enele, ve~je, a manj številne. Zato daje njihov jezik videz fine `i~ne š~etke, nitkaste bradavice slu`ijo predvsem za jemanje teko~in, za „ostrganje“ hrane (npr. ostankov mesa s kosti). S pomo~jo bradavic si ma~ke negujejo ko`uh, po drugi strani pa bradavice ma~kam onemogo~ajo, da bi izvrgle linearne tujke, ki jih vzamejo v ustno votlino (npr. sukanec). Dlake, ki izpadejo med negovanjem ko`uha, se zato nabirajo v `elodcu in iz njih nastajajo dla~ne kepe („hairballs“); pomešajo se s hrano in se izlo~ijo z iztrebki ali pa jih ma~ka izbruha. male slinske `leze: ~eljustna ali mandibularna (glandula mandibularis). Le`i rahlo kavdalno in medialno od ~eljustnega kota (angulusa mandibule). Pred njo in delno pod njo so lnn. mandibulares (~eljustne bezgavke). POZOR: Pri palpaciji prihaja velikokrat do zamenjave in ~eljustne bezgavke ocenimo kot pove~ane, ker dejansko otipamo ~eljustno slinsko `lezo!!! ^eljustna `leza je okroglasta, pogosteje je ve~ja kot podušesna slinska `leza in je tudi svetleje obarvana. podjezi~na ali sublingvalna (glandula sublingualis). Sestoji iz 2 delov, glandula sublingualis polystomatica in glandula sublingualis monostomatica. li~na ali zigomati~na (glandula zygomatica) – podušesna ali parotidna (glandula parotis) – otipamo jo le, kadar je pove~ana. To je majhna trioglata `leza, ki obdaja bazo uhlja. molarna – prisotna je le pri ma~ki. ^e se nahaja na bukalni strani spodnjega molarja, govorimo o bukalni ali li~ni molarni slinski `lezi. Kadar se nahaja na notranji strani spodnje ~eljusti, na lingvalni strani molarjev, govorimo o lingualni molarni slinski `lezi. Kakšna je specifi~na vloga molarne slinske `leze, ni znano. Po kirurški odstranitvi niso opazili nobenih klini~nih sprememb v funkcioniranju jezika, vla`nosti ustne votline ali nastajanju trdih zobnih oblog. Slina Slinske `leze proizvajajo slino, ki ima zapleteno sestavo in številne naloge. Odvisno od hidracijskega stanja `ivali in jemanja vzorca je lahko slina prozorna in vodena ali pa gosta in sluzasta. Male slinske `leze proizvajajo predvsem mukozno (sluzasto, `elatinasto) slino, velike slinske `leze pa bolj vodeno slino (serozno), ki vsebuje encim ptialin, ki igra pomembno vlogo pri razgradnji ogljikovih hidratov. 92 90 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Slina vla`i ustno sluznico, navla`i in oblikuje bolus hrane, kar olajša `ve~enje in potovanje bolusa skozi ustno votlino in po`iranje. Slina ima pomembno zaš~itno nalogo pred bakterijami, saj vsebuje encime, lizosome in imunoglobuline. Slina tudi mehansko spira ustno votlino (sluznico in zobe) in na ta na~in zmanjšuje število prisotnih bakterij. Proteini, ki se nahajajo v slini, se ve`ejo na mikroorganizme in na ta na~in prepre~ujejo njihovo lepljenje na tkiva ustne votline. Slina deluje proti glivicam in virusom. Zobje Na splošno velja, da zobje pri ma~ki izrastejo 2 – 4 tedne prej kot pri psu. Zobovje pri ma~ki je glede na zobovje pri psu zreducirano zaradi kratkih, stisnjenih ~eljusti in to na vsaki strani za en zgornji premolar in en zgornji molar ter na obeh straneh za dva spodnja premolarja in dva spodnja molarja. Ker navedeni zobje manjkajo, je zobovje pri ma~ki skrajno sekodontno (pomeni, da imajo ostre grbice, (izbokline) s katerimi ma~ka re`e meso podobno giljotini. Sekodontno zobovje imajo tipi~ne zveri. Pri rezanju hrane sodelujeta predvsem prvi molar v spodnji ~eljusti in ~etrti premolar v zgornji ~eljusti.). Ma~ke imajo tako kot psi heterodontno zobovje, kar pomeni, da imajo ve~ skupin razli~no zgrajenih zob. Incizivi ali sekalci so razmeroma majhni zobje, primerni za „rezanje“. Imajo le eno, dolgo korenino in kratko, ostro zobno krono. Incizivi v zgornji ~eljusti so ve~ji od incizivov v spodnji ~eljusti in po velikosti naraš~ajo od prvega do tretjega inciziva. Pes in ma~ka imata po šest sekalcev v zgornji in v spodnji ~eljusti, pri ma~ki so mnogo manjši. Kaninusi ali grabilci so najdaljši zobje in imajo eno mo~no korenino, ki je lahko do dvakrat daljša od zobne krone. Zobna krona je koni~na in ukrivljena. Z grabilci pes zgrabi in dr`i plen ter trga meso, pri ma~ki pa slu`ijo predvsem za dr`anje in ubijanje plena. Pes in ma~ka imata štiri grabilce, ki so pri ma~ki mnogo ostrejši. Predmeljaki ali li~niki imajo lahko eno, dve ali tri korenine. Njihova zobna krona je koni~na in ima ve~ grbic. Odrasel pes ima šestnajst predmeljakov, po štiri levo in desno v spodnji in zgornji ~eljusti, pri ma~ki pa manjkata prvi premolar v zgornji ~eljusti na obeh straneh ter prvi in drugi premolar v spodnji ~eljusti na obeh straneh, tako ima ma~ka 10 predmeljakov. Meljaki ali ko~niki imajo pri psu – izvzemši prvi meljak v spodnji ~eljusti – ravne grizne ploskve, primerne za drobljenje hrane. ^eprav se zobna gniloba (karies) pri psu v primerjavi z ljudmi pojavlja zelo redko, se najpogosteje pojavlja na griznih ploskvah meljakov. V zgornji ~eljusti ima odrasel pes po dva meljaka na levi in na desni strani, v spodnji ~eljustnici pa po tri na levi in desni strani. Ma~ka ima v zgornji in spodnji ~eljusti samo po en meljak na vsaki strani. Ker nima zob z ravnimi ploskvami, ki slu`ijo drobljenju hrane, ima ma~ka zna~ilen ugriz, pri katerem hrano re`e. Pri spodnjem molarju je rezilna ploskev izoblikovana z dvema skoraj enakima deloma krone, glavno in distalno grbico, ki ju podpira velika mezialna korenina, distalna pa je zelo majhna. Zgornji ~etrti premolar, ki se imenuje tudi drobilec, zdrsne s svojo palatinalno ploskvijo mimo bukalne ploskve spodnjega prvega ko~nika. Skupaj delujeta kot škarje; na tem mestu je stisk ~eljusti najmo~nejši. Tu ma~ke trgajo meso in drobijo kosti. Temeljito `ve~enje pri mesojedih ni potrebno, ker goltajo cele kose mesa in kosti. Pri mle~nem zobovju ni meljakov, to velja za ma~ke in pse. Obolenja ustne votline pri ma~ki 1.) Parodontalna bolezen Je najpogostejše vnetno obolenje ustne votline ma~ke, gre za vnetje obzobnih tkiv, do ~esar pride zaradi kopi~enja mehkih zobnih oblog na zobeh ob robu dlesni. Mehke zobne obloge so sestavljene iz ostankov hrane in predvsem bakterij, ki se razmno`ujejo v hrani. V ustni votlini `ivali so našli ve~ kot 500 vrst razli~nih bakterij, nekatere povzro~ajo smrad, druge pa vdirajo v dlesni in druga obzobna tkiva. Ko se v mehke zobne obloge vgradijo minerali, postanejo te trde in predstavljajo zobni kamen. Zobni kamen sam ne povzro~a obolenj obzobnih tkiv, res pa je, da postane površina zobne krone hrapava in se zato nanjo še bolj lepijo ostanki hrane in bakterije. Parodontalna bolezen se za~ne kot vnetje dlesni (gingivitis). Vneta dlesen je temno rde~a, nabrekla in zelo rada krvavi. Vnetje dlesni lahko povsem pozdravimo s primerno ustno higieno, lahko pa napreduje v globino, kjer povzro~i postopno propadanje obzobnih tkiv (vezivnega tkiva, kosti in zobnega cementa), ki dr`ijo zob v ~eljustni kosti. Takšni zobje postanejo majavi, se navidezno podaljšajo, med zobom in dlesnijo nastanejo razli~no globoki „`epi“ in bole~e gnojne otekline. ^e se ne zdravi pravo~asno, zobje na koncu izpadejo. Z ustreznim in pravo~asnim ukrepanjem lahko parodontalno bolezen prepre~imo ali jo nadziramo. Mehke zobne obloge je treba s š~etkanjem odstranjevati vsak dan, veterinar pa naj po potrebi opravi zobni poseg. Pri napredovali parodontalni bolezni je treba izdreti mo~no prizadete zobe, ki se majejo. 2.) Resorpcija zob pri ma~ki (FORL – Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions ) Je ena najpogostejših obolenj ustne votline pri ma~ki, prizadene 25 – 75 % ma~k. Za bolezen ni pasemske predispozicije, oba spola sta prizadeta enako, vendar število prizadetih ma~k naraš~a s starostjo. Resorpcije zob ne smemo zamenjevati s kariesom, ki se pri ma~kah ne po- 93 91 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 javlja. Resorpcija zob se pojavlja tudi pri starejših psih, a veliko redkeje. Navadno se pri~ne na skleninsko cementni meji ali pod njo, navadno na li~ni strani zoba. FORL je bolezen sodobnega ~asa, saj je na zobeh pri najdenih lobanjah izpred leta 1950 skoraj ni najti. 3.) Kroni~ni gingivostomatitis pri ma~ki, tudi limfocitno plazmocitni gingivostomatitis Stomatitis (vnetje ustne sluznice zaradi katerega koli vzroka) je zelo pogosto obolenje pri ma~kah, medtem ko se pri psih pojavlja le pri `ivalih z oslabljenim imunskim sistemom, navadno ob kontaktu sluznice z zobmi, ki so prekriti z zobnim plakom. Pri ma~kah opazimo lokalno ali difuzno kroni~no vnetje dlesni in ustne sluznice. Za enkrat ni znano, kaj je povzro~itelj tega obolenja. Opazimo razli~ne stopnje vnetja dlesni (gingivitis), li~ne sluznice, podro~ij lateralno od glosopalatinalnih gub, ki se ga pogosto napa~no poimenuje „faucitis“, jezika (glositis), trdega in mehkega neba ali kombinacije teh. Poškodbe so navadno simetri~ne in ve~krat izra`ene na mehkih tkivih v podro~ju premolarjev in molarjev kot pa incizivov in grabilcev. Prizadete ma~ke te`ko jemljejo hrano, imajo te`ave pri po`iranju, se slinijo in so brez apetita. Zanimivo je, da so bolj prizadete ma~ke, ki `ivijo skupaj z drugimi ma~kami, kot tiste, ki `ivijo same. Pri klini~nem pregledu ugotovimo zna~ilno vneto ustno sluznico, `ival ima lahko tudi pove~ane bezgavke. Pregled krvi mnogokrat poka`e hipergamaglobulinemijo, ki je posledica kroni~ne antigenske stimulacije. Pri prizadetih ma~kah opravimo test za FeLV/FIV, da izklju~imo mo`en vzrok obolenja. Literatura 1. Bonello D. Feline inflammatory, infectious and other oral conditions. V: Tutt C, Deeprose J, Crossley DA, eds. BSAVA Manual of canine and feline dentistry. Glouchester: BSAVA, 2007: 126–47. 2. Gorrel C. Oral examination and recording. V: Gorrel C ed. Veterinary dentistry for the nurse and technician. Edinburg: Elsevier, 2005: 41–54. 3. Gracis M. Orodental anatomy and physiology. V: Tutt C, Deeprose J, Crossley DA, eds. BSAVA Manual of canine and feline dentistry. Glouchester: BSAVA, 2007: 1–21. 4. König HE, Sautet J, Liebich HG. Digestive system (apparatus digestorius). V: König HE, Sautet J, eds. Veterinary anatomy of domestic mammals. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 2004: 277-342. 5. Rigler L. Anatomija doma~ih `ivali. Splanhnologija. Ljubljana: Veterinarska fakulteta,1987: 22–53. 6. Rothuizen J, Schrauwen E, Theyse LFH, Verhaert L. Digestive tract. V: Rijnberk A, van Sluijs FJ, eds. Medical history and physical examination in companion animals. Edinburg: Elsevier, 2009: 86–100. 94 92 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 MAJHNE SKRIVNOSTI ZA BOLJŠE PO^UTJE MA^K Sara Suhadolc Scholten Ma~ke veljajo za misteriozna in fascinantna bitja, ki v ljudeh, ki jih ne poznajo, vzbujajo strah ali celo nelagodje. Zgodovina jih povezuje s ~arovnicami, zato so bile dolgo ~asa tako ma~ke, kot ~arovnice preganjane. Ko pa so se ma~ke prikradle, bolje re~eno »pripredle« v naše domove, so se nam za~ela postavljati nova vprašanja, kakšne te `ivali sploh so. Prvi znani predniki iz dru`ine ma~k (znanstveno ime Felidae) segajo 45 milijonov let nazaj. Predniki ma~ke, kakršno poznamo danes, pa segajo “samo” 8 do 10 milijonov let nazaj. Podatki o za~etkih udoma~evanja ma~k so razli~ni vendar nekatere teorije predpostavljajo da se je to dogajalo `e 7000 let pred Kristusom.Nekateri pravijo, da ma~ke ne bodo nikoli popolnoma udoma~ene, ker so samozadostne. Ljudje so ma~ke tolerirali, nikoli pa popolnoma sprejeli. Zgodovinsko je trajalo kar nekaj let, da so zavzele takšno pozicijo in ugled, kot ga u`ivajo danes (1). Svetovni splet nam ponudi nekaj zanimivih številk o razširjenosti ma~k: - na svetu je pribli`no 200 milijonov ma~k - naši sosedje Italijani jih imajo 7 milijonov Razmerja v številu ljudi in ma~k so slede~a: - svet 1:34 - Avstrija 1:1 - Evropa, Amerika 1:4 (2). V ZDA je leta 2007 `ivelo pribli`no 81 milijonov ma~k, povpre~no število ma~k na gospodinjstvo je 2,2 in za obiske pri veterinarju so porabili 81 dolarjev (3). Z ma~kami rokujemo ne`no, previdno in brez strahu. Ko se jim pribli`ujemo, jih nagovarjamo, in ko smo se prepri~ali, da se ji lahko pribli`amo, to tudi storimo. Ker so to ~iste `ivali, zahtevajo tudi v okolju, kot je veterinarska klinika, red in ~isto~o. Svojega novega domovanja na kliniki se morajo privaditi, tako vizualno, kot tudi olfaktorno. Vonjave razku`il, dišav, drugih `ivali, neo~iš~enih straniš~ in stare hrane so za njih zelo mote~e. Kletka, posode, straniš~e morajo biti vsaj enkrat dnevno o~iš~ene. Njihovo vidno polje iz kletke naj bo ~im širše, omogo~imo jim opazovanje z višine, ponudimo jim skrivališ~e, kamor se lahko umaknejo. Ob vsakem hranjenju ma~ko vzamemo iz kletke, ~e je le mogo~e ji za~asno odstranimo zaš~itni ovratnik, ponudimo ji ve~ razli~nih vrst hrane, se z njo ukvarjamo. Po kon~anem hranjenju ma~ko o~istimo. ^e jo hranimo prisilno, lahko uporabimo ovratnik ali slin~ek, ki omogo~ata, da ostane dlaka in okolica ma~ke ~ista. Lastniki, ki ma~ko na kliniki obiš~ejo, naj bodo z njo sami. ^e je le mogo~e, jih namestimo v drug prostor, kjer se ma~ka druga~e ne zadr`uje. Higiena venske kanile in njene obveze se izvaja vsaj enkrat dnevno, obvezo odvijemo, preverimo stanje ko`e pod obvezilnim materialom, preverimo ote~enost šape. ^e bolezen in karakter ma~ke dopuš~ata, ji omogo~imo sprehod po prostoru. Za nekatere ma~ke je priporo~ljivo, da jih opazujemo na daljavo. Kontaktov z drugimi ma~kami ali `ivalskimi vrstami se izogibamo pa ~eprav v doma~em okolju z nekaterimi sobivajo. Torej, za ma~ko, ki biva pri nas, si moramo vzeti ~as. V Veliki Britaniji `ivi pribli`no 8 milijonov ma~k, od tega 92 % nepasemskih. Glavna razloga, zaradi katerih imajo ljudje na Otoku ma~ke, sta ljubezen do ma~k (27%) in u`ivanje v njihovi dru`bi (27%) (4). Literatura Sara Suhadolc Scholten, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana 1. Introduction to Feline Behaviour.In: Bonnie V. Beaver. Feline behaviour:a guide for veterinarians,second edition.St. Louis, Missouri:Saunders,2003:p.1-7 2. http://www.suite101.com/blog/shaya_weaver/ how_many_cats_are_there 3. http://www.avma.org/reference/marketstats/ownership.asp 4. http://www.pfma.org.uk/overall/pet-population-figures-.htm [email protected] 95 93 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 CELOSTNA OBRAVNAVA GERIATRI^NEGA STOMATOLOŠKEGA PACIENTA – KLINI^NI PRIMER Martina Krofi~, Nina Mlakar, Katerina Tomsi~, Alenka Seliškar, Zlatko Pavlica, Nataša Tozon UVOD ANESTEZIJA IN POOPERACIJSKA OSKRBA Adultna parodontalna bolezen (AP) je najpogostejša bolezen ustne votline odraslih ma~k, saj prizadene pribli`no 85 % populacije (1), sledi ji odontoklasti~na resorptivna poškodba (ORL), ki prizadene okoli 29 % populacije (2, 3). V prispevku je opisana celostna obravnava ma~ka z napredovalo parodontalno boleznijo in ORL. Deset dni po prvem pregledu smo opravili stomatološki poseg v splošni anesteziji. Ma~ka smo premedicirali z metadonom (Heptanon, Pliva) 0.125 mg/kg s.c. in po preoksigenaciji s 100 % kisikom uvedli v anestezijo s propofolom (Propofol 1%, Fresenius Kabi) 6,25 mg/kg i.v. Anestezijo smo vzdr`evali z izofluranom (Forane, Abbott Laboratories Ltd.) v 100 % kisiku. Med anestezijo smo ma~ku i.v. injicirali Hartmanovo raztopino v odmerku 5 ml/kg/h. Zaradi sistoli~nega šuma na srcu smo odmerek izotoni~ne raztopine med anestezijo prepolovili, saj bi z ve~jim odmerkom lahko preobremenili sr~no`ilni sistem in povzro~ili plju~ni edem. Po uvodu v anestezijo smo ma~ku aplicirali antibiotik amoksicilin s klavulansko kislino (Augmentin, GSK) 20 mg/kg i.v. Med anestezijo smo spremljali delni tlak izdihanega CO2 (ETCO2), koncentracijo vdihanega in izdihanega izoflurana ter telesno temperaturo. Elektri~no aktivnost srca smo merili z elektrokardiografom, z Dopplerjevim merilcem pa smo neinvazivno merili sistoli~ni arterijski tlak. Frekvenca srca je bila med posegom med 120 in 140 utripov na minuto. Ma~ek je med anestezijo dihal spontano s frekvenco okoli 20 vdihov na minuto, ETCO2 pa je bil med 33 in 40 mmHg. Arterijski tlak je bil po uvodu v anestezijo nizek (70 mmHg), verjetno zaradi vazodilatativnega u~inka propofola in izoflurana, zato smo ma~ku aplicirali sinteti~ni koloid (Gelofusine, B Braun Melsungen AG) v odmerku 0,3 ml/kg v 10 min. Po tem se je arterijski tlak zve~al na 90 mmHg. KLINI^NI PREGLED IN PREDOPERACIJSKA PRIPRAVA Zaradi zmanjšanega apetita in `ivahnosti so na pregled pripeljali ma~ka, kastrata, starega 20 let, s telesno maso 5,6 kg. Ma~ek je shujšal, v zadnjem mesecu ve~ pil in uriniral ter imel zadah iz gob~ka. Pri pregledu smo ugotovili dehidracijo, tahikardijo, levostranski sistoli~ni šum II. stopnje, vnetje dlesni in trde zobne obloge. Hematološki, biokemi~ni (se~nina, kreatinin, alkalna fosfataza, alanin aminotransferaza, skupne beljakovine, albumini, koncentracija kalcija) in urinski parametri (kemi~na analiza urina s testnim trakom, specifi~na te`a urina, merjena z refraktometrom in urinski sediment) ter raven skupnega tiroksina (T4) v serumu so bili znotraj referen~nih vrednosti, test na prisotnost specifi~nih protiteles proti virusu ma~je imunske pomanjkljivosti (FIV) in prisotnost virusa ma~je levkoze (FeLV) je bil negativen. Ma~ku smo s.c. aplicirali 100 ml izotoni~ne infuzijske raztopine (Hartmanova raztopina, B Braun Melsungen AG) in nesteroidni analgetik meloksikam (Metacam, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica) 0,2 mg/kg. Zdravljenje z meloksikamom smo nadaljevali 2 dni v odmerku 0,1 mg/kg p.o. Za zmanjšanje števila bakterij v ustni votlini smo predpisali mazanje dlesni z gelom s klorheksidinom (Stomodine gel, ICF). @e po enem dnevu se je ma~ku klini~no stanje izboljšalo, samostojno je za~el jesti in postal je `ivahnejši. Martina Krofi~, dr.vet.med., Nina Mlakar, dr.vet.med., Katerina Tomsi~, dr.vet.med., doc.dr. Alenka Seliškar, dr.vet.med., prof.dr. Zlatko Pavlica, dr.vet.med., prof.dr. Nataša Tozon, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Med prebujanjem smo ma~ku aplicirali meloksikam v odmerku 0,1 mg/kg i.v., 6 ur po premedikaciji pa smo ponovili aplikacijo metadona. Aplikacijo antibiotika smo ponovili 2 in 8 ur po prvem odmerku. Teko~insko homeostazo smo po posegu vzdr`evali z injiciranjem Hartmanove raztopine v odmerku 2 ml/kg/h i.v. Ma~ka smo odpustili v doma~o oskrbo še isti dan in mu predpisali analgetika meloksikam v odmerku 0,075 mg/kg/24 h p.o. in tramadol (Tramal, Krka) 2,5 mg/kg/12 h p.o. za dva dni. Antibioti~no zdravljenje smo nadaljevali deset dni z amoksicilinom s klavulansko kislino (Synulox, Pfizer) 20 mg/kg p.o Lastnici smo svetovali, naj ma~ka pribli`no teden dni hrani z mehko hrano. 96 94 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 STOMATOLOŠKI POSEG Ma~ek je imel kljub visoki starosti še vse zobe, ki so bili prekriti z mehkimi in trdimi zobnimi oblogami. Na nekaterih zobeh smo z zobno sondo odkrili erozije sklenine, ki so segale tudi v dentin. Dlesen ob njih je bila mo~no pordela in je ob dotiku z inštrumentom zakrvavela. Vizualno in s pomo~jo parodontalne sonde smo dolo~ili indeks vnetja dlesni in indeks mehkih ter trdih zobnih oblog, izmerili globino dlesninega `epa, hkrati pa ugotovili mo`no razkrito razcepiš~e korenin in majavost zob. Na vseh grabilcih je bila vidna recesija dlesni in posledi~no izpostavljene korenine. Vsi li~niki in ko~niki, z izjemo spodnjega desnega ~etrtega li~nika in prvega ko~nika, so imeli globino sondiranja 2 mm ali ve~. Zaradi brezupne napovedi izida zdravljenja AP in ORL smo se odlo~ili za izdrtje vseh grabilcev in vseh li~nikov razen 408 ter ko~nikov 209 in 309. Najprej smo z zvo~nim luš~ilcem odstranili mehke in trde zobne obloge nad in pod dlesnijo ter ustno votlino temeljito sprali z vodnim sprejem. Enokoreninske li~nike in ko~nike smo izdrli z metodo zaprte tehnike izdiranja, ve~koreninske li~nike ter ko~nike pa smo najprej razdelili v enokoreninske fragmente in jih nato izdrli z metodo odprte tehnike izdiranja. Prav tako smo z odprto tehniko izdrli grabilce, kjer smo pri spodnjih odstranili del kosti z lingvalne strani. RAZPRAVA Parodontalno bolezen predstavljajo vnetne spremembe parodoncija (dlesni, alveolarne kosti, cementa in pozobnice) povzro~ene z mehkimi zobnimi oblogami (4). Parodontitis odraslih ma~k AP je ena od oblik te bolezni, ki se pri~ne `e kmalu po erupciji stalnih zob, vendar se zaradi po~asnega napredovanja klini~no poka`e šele kasneje (1). Pri ma~ki z omenjeno boleznijo klini~no opazimo mehke in trde zobne obloge, razli~ne stopnje vnetja dlesni, majavost zob, lahko pa tudi `e izpostavljeno koreninsko razcepiš~e. Na podlagi ocene parodontalnega statusa se odlo~imo za obseg zdravljenja, saj bolezen predstavlja vir kroni~ne oku`be organizma. Sistemski u~inki se pojavijo zaradi delovanja eksotoksinov in endotoksinov ter prehodne bakteriemije ob grizenju in stomatoloških posegih. Zaradi parodotitisa se lahko pojavijo bolezni srca in o`ilja (endokarditis, okluzije koronarnih arterij, miokardni infarkt, diseminirana intavaskularna koagulacija, šok), bolezni dihal (kroni~ni bronhitis, kroni~no obstruktivno obolenje plju~, fibroza, emfizem), ledvic (degeneracija tubulov, limfoplazmocitni intersticijski nefritis, pielitis), jeter (vnetje parenhima, fibrozacijske spremembe portalnega sistema), sladkorna bolezen in druge (5). pozni fazi, ko zajame sklenino ali vrat zoba, saj je pogosto pokrita z vneto in hiperplasti~no dlesnijo. Lahko vodi tudi do zloma krone oz. njene popolne resorpcije in pokritja ostanka zoba z dlesnijo (6). Najpogosteje sta prizadeta spodnja tretja li~nika. Pri ve~ini ma~k se ORL pojavlja simetri~no (7). Do danes še ni u~inkovite preventive ORL, zato moramo prizadete zobe najve~krat izdreti. V primeru ankiloze koreninskega dela zoba pa se lahko na podlagi rentgenskega izvida odlo~imo le za amputacijo krone (4). Ma~ek je ob prvem pregledu kazal nezna~ilne klini~ne znake. V primeru take klini~ne slike moramo predvsem pri geriatri~nih pacientih izklju~iti kroni~no ledvi~no odpoved in bolezni jeter, kar smo izklju~ili na osnovi laboratorijskih preiskav krvi in urina (8). Pri starejših ma~kah pogosteje pri~akujemo hipertireoidizem, še posebej, ~e se pojavijo nekateri ali vsi od naštetih klini~ni znakov: tahikardija, sistoli~ni sr~ni šum, poliurija, polidipsija in neješ~nost (9). Ker je bil ma~ek v stiku z drugimi ma~ki, smo opravili test na FeLV in FIV, saj se kroni~ni gingivitis, stomatitis in parodontitis lahko pojavijo tudi v povezavi s tema boleznima. FeLV in FIV sta pogostejši pri mlajših ma~kah, kljub temu pa je poznavanje stanja pomembno za prognozo zdravljenja sprememb v ustni votlini (10, 11). Glede na slabo splošno stanje ma~ka ob prvem pregledu smo ga najprej rehidrirali in mu nudili ustrezno analgezijo, zaradi ~esar je ma~ek pri~el jesti `e naslednji dan. Po stomatološkem posegu smo te`ave v ustni votlini odpravili. Vzrok vnetja in bole~ine je bil dokon~no odstranjen, `ival pa je lahko ponovno za`ivela kvalitetno `ivljenje. ORL je do danes znana kot idiopatska resorpcija zobnih struktur z odontoklasti, ki se pri~ne na koreninskem cementu, nadaljuje v dentin, prizadene pa tudi sklenino. Uni~en cement in pozobnico nadomesti kosti podobno tkivo, kar privede do zraš~anja zoba z okolno kostjo (ankiloza zoba) (4). Poškodba na zobu postane vidna šele v 97 95 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 LITERATURA 1. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Domestic feline oral and dental disease. In: Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB, eds. Veterinary Dentistry Principles and Practice. Philadelphia: Lippencott-Raven, 1997; 485. 2. Ingham KE et al. Prevalence of odontoclastic resorptive lesions in a population a clinically healthy cats. JSAP 2001; 42, 439-443. 3. Reiter AM, Nachreiner RF. Evaluation of calciotropic hormones in cats with odontoclastic resorptive lesions. American Journal of Veterinary Research 2005; 66, 1446-1452. 4. Gorrell C. Small animal dentistry, Saunders solutions in veterinary practice. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2008. 5. Pavlica Z. Sistemski u~inki parodontalne bolezni pri psih. Veterinarske novice 2002; 28: 53- 61. 6. Dumais Y. Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions. WSAVA, Vancouver, 2001. 7. Gorrel C. Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions. WSAVA, Bangkok 2003. 8. Feldman EC. Polyuria and polydipsia. In: Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, 6th ed., Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2006; 102-105. 9. Rijndberk, A. Thyroids. In: Rijndberk A, Kooistra H, eds. Clinical endocrinology of dogs and cats. 2nd edition, Hannover: Schlutersche, 2010; 73. 10. Sellon RK., Hartmann K. Feline Immunodeficiency virus infection. In: Greene CE: Infectious diseases of the dog and cat. Georgia: Saunders, 2006; 131-143. 11. Hartmann K.. Feline Viral Leukemia virus infection. In: Greene CE: Infectious diseases of the dog and cat. Georgia: Saunders, 2006; 105-130. 98 96 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 KVANTITATIVNO DOLO^ANJE KONCENTRACIJE CRP PRI PSIH Z UPORABO NOVE IMUNOKEMIJSKE METODE Alenka Nemec Svete, Barbara Lukanc, Katerina Tomsi~, Alenka Seliškar Izvle~ek Uvod C-reaktivni protein (CRP) je najpomembnejši protein akutne faze vnetja, tako pri ljudeh kot tudi pri psih. Pove~ano koncentracijo CRP pri psih so ugotovili po kirurških posegih, pri infekcijskih in vnetnih boleznih. Za dolo~anje koncentracije pasjega CRP obstajajo številne imunokemijske metode. Ve~ina teh je zelo zamudnih in zahtevajo posebej izurjeno osebje in aparature. V naši raziskavi smo preizkusili najnovejšo imunokemijsko metodo, osnovano na merjenju magnetne permeabilnosti, ki omogo~a dolo~anje koncentracije CRP v serumu psov v samo 11 minutah C-reaktivni protein (CRP) spada med najpomembnejše proteine akutne faze vnetja, tako pri ljudeh kot tudi pri psih. Sintetizira in sproš~a se iz hepatocitov kot odgovor na pove~an nivo proinflamatornih citokinov (IL-6, TNFα) v sistemskem krvnem obtoku. Ime je dobil zaradi svoje lastnosti, da reagira s somatskim C-polisaharidom pnevmokoka (Streptococcus pneumoniae) (1,2,3). V humani medicini slu`i dolo~anje CRP kot pokazatelj vnetnega dogajanja. Koncentracija CRP se zna~ilno pove~a pri poškodbah tkiva zaradi bakterijske infekcije in po operacijah. Pri virusnih oku`bah praviloma ni povišanja CRP, zato lahko pri ljudeh hitro in zanesljivo razlikujemo med bakterijskimi in virusnimi infekcijami (1). Abstract C-reactive protein (CRP) is the major acute phase protein in man and dog. Increased concentration of CRP was determined in dogs after surgery and dogs with infectious disease and chronic inflammatory disease. There are several immunochemistry methods for determination of canine serum or plasma CRP concentration, majority of them are time consuming, require well-trained personnel and specialized equipment. New immunochemistry method, based on the measurement of magnetic permeability, which enables the determination of canine CRP concentration in 11 minutes, was used in the present study. Pri zdravih psih je CRP prisoten v nizkih koncentracijah. Koncentracija CRP se zna~ilno pove~a pri psih po kirurških posegih, pri infekcijskih in vnetnih boleznih (2,4). Študije potrjujejo uporabnost dolo~anja CRP pri spremljanju poteka zdravljenja s kortikosteroidi, saj le-ti vplivajo na število levkocitov in absolutno število nevtrofilcev, na parametra, ki se sicer uporabljata za spremljanje poteka vnetnih bolezni (5,6). Za dolo~anje serumske oziroma plazemske koncentracije CRP pri psih obstajajo številne komercialno dostopne imunokemijske metode (7,8,9), ki pa so zaradi na~ina izvajanja zelo zamudne, zahtevajo ustrezne aparature in so namenjene analizi ve~jega števila vzorcev hkrati, kar je za klini~no prakso nesprejemljivo. Uporaba humanih imunokemijskih metod ni priporo~ljiva zaradi razli~nih antigenskih lastnosti pasjega in ~loveškega CRP (10). V okviru preliminarne raziskave smo preizkusili najnovejšo imunokemijsko metodo, osnovano na merjenju magnetne permeabilnosti, ki omogo~a dolo~anje koncentracije CRP v serumu psov v samo 11 minutah (11). doc.dr. Alenka Nemec Svete, univ.dipl.in`.kem.in`., asist.dr. Barbara Lukanc, dr.vet.med., Katerina Tomsi~, dr.vet.med., doc.dr. Alenka Seliškar, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 99 97 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Materiali in Metode Rezultati in Razprava V raziskavo smo vklju~ili 18 psov razli~nih pasem, spola in starosti, pri katerih smo opravili razli~ne kirurške in stomatološke posege (Tabela 1). Zdravstveni status smo dolo~ili na osnovi klini~nega pregleda ter rezultatov hematoloških in biokemijskih preiskav (podatki, razen števila levkocitov, niso prikazani). Serumsko koncentracijo CRP smo dolo~ali z imunokemijsko metodo (LifeAssays Canine CRP Test Kit, Sweden). Spodnja meja detekcije metode je 10 mg/L, zgornja pa 140 mg/L. Koncentracija CRP je bila pri psih (n=12), pri katerih s klini~nim pregledom in laboratorijskimi preiskavami nismo ugotovili sprememb splošnega zdravstvenega statusa, v mejah normalnih vrednosti (7,8,12) to je v razponu od < 10 mg/L do 17 mg/L (Tabela 1). Pri ostalih psih smo, v skladu z literaturnimi podatki, dolo~ili pove~ano koncentracijo CRP (2). Tabela 1: Koncentracija CRP in število levkocitov pri zdravih in bolnih `ivalih CRP (mg/L) levkociti (x 109/L) Podatki o psu Poseg 1 psica, X, 5 mesecev, zdrava ovariektomija 17,0 8,98 2 pes, X, 10 let, zdrav higiena ustne votline in orhiektomija 70,0 9,62 3 psica, X, 2 leti, zdrava ovariektomija 13,0 6,69 4 psica, YT, 4 leta, zdrava ovariektomija 16,0 7,24 5 pes, YT, 7 let, parodontalna bolezen, epileptik higiena ustne votline, ekstrakcija zob 76,0 9,28 6 pes, TM, 2 leti, zdrav zobna akrilatna opornica 32,0 / 7 psica, GR, 6 let, ileus mediana laparotomija, gastrotomija, resekcija dela ~revesja 270,0 22,19 8 pes, X, 11 let, lumbosakralna stenoza dorzalna laminektomija <10,0 6,04 9 psica, X, 8 let, kroni~ni apikalni parodontitis 208 ekstrakcija zoba <10,0 8,25 10 psica, NB, 4 leta, ruptura kolenskih kri`nih vezi levo, kroni~ni gonitis tehnika »over the top« ter delna odstranitev ve~jih kostnih izrastkov <10,0 10,18 11 psica, JKP, 5 let, raztrganina na levem stegnu šivanje rane <10,0 / 12 psica, X, 14 let, ruptura kolenskih kri`nih vezi levo, epileptik tehnika po Gambardelliju, o`anje kapsule <10,0 13,34 13 pes, IS, 14 let, atrofija mod in nadmodkov ter vaskularni hamartom desnega nadmodka orhiektomija in elektrokemoterapija <10,0 9,18 14 psica, X, 7 let, ugrizne rane šivanje ran 78,0 18,94 15 pes, BS, 8 let, ko`ni hemangiopericitom na desnem komolcu odstranitev novotvorbe, torakalni aksialni dorzalni re`enj <10,0 12,57 16 pes, GR, 12 let, prostati~na cista orhiektomija, biopsija prostate 16,0 12,37 17 pes, MO, 5 let, parodontalna bolezen, osteomielitis susp. higiena ustne votline, gingivektomija 21,0 13,24 18 pes, X, 9 let, ruptura kolenskih kri`nih vezi desno tehnika »over the top«, meniskotomija <10,0 8,99 19 psica, X, 13 let, gnojno vnetje maternice ovariohisterektomija 155,0 30.37 20 psica, CAT, 12 let, gnojno vnetje maternice ovariohisterektomija 92,0 22,29 100 98 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 Zaklju~ek Nova imunokemijska metoda za dolo~anje CRP v serumu psov je enostavna in hitra za uporabo. Za ugotavljanje diagnosti~ne uporabnosti metode pri razli~nih boleznih oziroma spremljanja poteka zdravljenja bodo potrebne nadaljnje študije. Literatura 1. Pepys MB, Hirschfield GM. C-reactive protein: a critical update. J Clin Invest 2003; 111: 1805-1812. 2. Nakamura M, Takahashi M, Ohno K, e tal. C-reactive protein concentration in dogs with various diseases. J Vet Med Sci 2008; 70: 127-131. 3. Yamashita K, Fujinaga T, Miyamoto T, Hagio M, Izumisawa Y, Kotani T. Canine acute phase response: relation between serum cytokine activity and acute phase response. J Vet Med Sci 1994; 56: 487-492. 4. Yamamoto S, Shida T, Miyaji S, et al. Changes of serum C-reactive protein levels in dogs with various disorders and surgical traumas. Vet Res Commun 1993a; 17: 85-93. 5. Ohno K, Yokoyama Y, Nakashima K, Setoguchi, Fujino Y, Tsujimoto H. C-reactive protein in canine idiopathic polyarthritis. J Vet Med Sci 2006; 68: 1275-1279. 6. Kjelgaard-Hansen M, Jensen AL, Houser GA, Jessen LR, Kristensen AT. Use of serum C-reactive protein as an early marker of inflammatory activity in canine type II immune-mediated polyarthritis: a case report. Acta Vet Scand 2006; 48:9 doi:10.1186/17510147-48-9 7. Kjelgaard-Hansen M, Kristensen AT, Jensen AL. Evaluation of a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the determination of C-reactive protein in canine serum. J Vet Med 2003; 50: 164-168. 8. Yamamoto S, Shida T, Okimura T, Otabe K et al. Determination of C-reactive protein in serum and plasma from healthy dogs and dogs with pneumonia by ELISA and slide reverse passive latex agglutination test. Vet Q 1994; 16: 74-7. 9. Eckersall PD, Conner JG, Harvie J. An immunoturbidimetric assay for canine C-reactive protein. Vet Res Commun 1991; 15: 17-24. 10. Yamamoto S, Miyaji S, Abe N, Otabe K, Furukawa E, Naiki M. Canine C-reactive protein (CRP) does not share common antigenicity with human CRP. Vet Res Commun 1993b; 17: 159-66. 11. Ibraimi F, Kriz K, Merin H, Kriz D. Magnetic permeability based diagnostic test for the determination of the C-reactive protein concentration in undiluted whole blood. J Magn Mahn Mater 2009; 321: 1632-1634. Otabe K, Sugimoto T, Jinbo T, et al. Physiological levels of C-reactive protein in normal canine sera. Vet Res Commun 1998; 22: 77-85. 101 99 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 HEMOBARTONELOZA PRI MA^KI – KLINI^NI PRIMER Urška Ravnik, Sara Suhadolc Scholten, Nataša Tozon Hemobartonelozo povzro~ajo gram – negativni epicelularni mikroorganizmi, uvrš~eni v rod Mycoplasme. Zaradi afinitete do eritrocitov jih ozna~ujemo s predpono hemo – hemoplazme oziroma hemotrofne mikoplazme. S pomo~jo molekularnih metod so pri ma~kah potrdili dve razli~ni vrsti: Haemobartonela felis large = Mycoplasma haemofelis (M. haemofelis) in Haemobartonela felis small = Mycoplasma haemominutum (M. haemominutum). Ve~ino klini~no zaznavnih oku`b povzro~a M. haemofelis, medtem ko oku`ba z M. haemominutum obi~ajno poteka klini~no nezaznavno in/ali z minimalnimi laboratorijskimi odstopanji, razen pri so~asni oku`bi z virusom FeLV. Najpogostejša pot oku`be naj bi bila s krvosesnimi zajedalci (bolhe, klopi), vendar omenjenega na~ina prenosa eksperimentalno niso mogli potrditi. Opisujejo tudi mo`nost vertikalnega prenosa, ki ravno tako ostaja nepotrjen. Ni povsem raziskano, ali je Mycoplasma haemocanis (M. haemocanis), prej Haemobartonela canis, samo izolat M. haemofelis, ali gre za drugo vrsto. Bolezen, ki jo povzro~a, pa je pri psih bistveno redkejša in manj pomembna. Klini~ni znaki hemobartoneloze pri ma~kah so odvisni od stopnje anemije, faze bolezni in imunskega statusa `ivali. Najpogostejši klini~ni znaki so neposredno povezani z anemijo: blede sluznice, depresija, neješ~nost, oslabelost, lahko ikterus in splenomegalija. Akutno oku`bo obi~ajno spremlja povišana temperatura, ki se lahko intermitentno pojavlja tudi pri kroni~ni oku`bi. Ma~ke v kroni~ni fazi so lahko subklini~no oku`ene. Pri njih lahko pride do izbruha klini~ne oblike bolezni po razli~nih stresnih stanjih ali ob so~asnem pojavu druge bolezni. Diagnozo postavimo z mikroskopskim pregledom razmaza periferne krvi pobarvanega s klasi~nimi metodami barvanja, pri katerem vidimo povzro~itelja na površini eritrocitov. Ker število organizmov variira, je lahko rezultat mik- Urška Ravnik, dr.vet.med., Sara Suhadolc Scholten, dr.vet.med., prof.dr. Nataša Tozon, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana roskopskega pregleda la`no negativen v do 50 % primerov, zato je pri mo~nem sumu ob negativnem rezultatu potreben dnevni pregled krvnih razmazov 7 dni zapored. Zanesljivejša metoda dokaza oku`be je PCR, ki je ob~utljivejša in s katero lahko lo~imo med posameznimi vrstami povzro~itelja. V prispevku opisujemo klini~ni primer oku`be z M. haemofelis pri doma~em kratkodlakem ma~ku, starem 2 leti, ki je bil na Kliniki za kirurgijo in male `ivali sprejet zaradi apati~nosti, inapetence in kaheksije. V anamnezi so lastniki povedali, da je ma~ek kastriran, prete`no zunanji, cepljen proti panlevkopeniji in oku`bam zgornjih dihal, redno razglisten, FeLV/FIV negativen. Prve te`ave so opazili pred štirimi meseci, ko je bil ma~ek sprejet pri drugem veterinarju, kjer so ugotovili povišano telesno temperaturo, pove~ane površinske bezgavke in anemijo. Ob sprejemu na naši kliniki je bil ma~ek afebrilen, apati~en, kahekti~en, tahikarden, z izrazito anemi~nimi sluznicami in ikteri~nimi belo~nicami. Vzorec polne krvi z EDTA smo analizirali s hematološkim analizatorjem (Technicon H-1TM System). Prvi rezultati hematološke analize krvi pri ma~ku so pokazali levkocitozo (19,40x109 g/L; referen~na vrednosti 5,5-19,5x109 g/ L) in anemijo (število eritrocitov 0,66x1012/L; referen~na vrednost 5-10x1012/L, hematokrit 0,05 L/L; referen~na vrednost 0,30-0,45L/L). Odstotek retikulocitov v razmazu polne krvi je znašal 0,4 %, dejanska vrednost, popravljena na obstoje~i hematokrit, je torej 0,04 %, kar ka`e na neregenerativno anemijo (referen~na vrednost 0,4-6,4%). Mikroskopska preiskava krvnega razmaza je pokazala prisotnost zna~ilno razporejenih epieritrocitnih mikroorganizmov, kar potrjuje sum na M. haemofelis. Ma~ek je bil hospitaliziran, pri~eli smo s terapijo z doksiciklinom (Clinofug D 50 mg ®, Dr. August Wolff) 10 mg/ kg tt/24 ur. Dnevno spremljanje hematokrita ni pokazalo bistvenega porasta, zato smo ma~ku kljub izboljšanju klini~nega stanja po šestih dneh dali transfuzijo polne krvi (30 ml). Hematokrit je bil dan po transfuziji ni`ji od pri~akovanega, zato smo terapijo dopolnili z metilprednizolonom (Medrol®, Pfizer Luxemburg) v imunosupresivni dozi 2mg/kg tt/24 ur. Ma~ek se je na terapijo dobro [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 102 100 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 odzval in bil po dveh dneh odpuš~en v doma~o oskrbo. Antibioti~no zdravljenje je nadaljeval še 3 tedne, imunosupresivno pa do prve kontrole, 10 dni po pri~etku zdravljenja. Prva kontrola hematokrita je pokazala porast, klini~no stanje ma~ka je bilo odli~no, zato smo se odlo~ili, da imunosupresivno zdravljenje postopno zmanjšamo (2mg/kg tt/48ur) in po enem mesecu popolnoma ukinemo. Ob popolni ukinitvi terapije je prišlo do relapsa. Ma~ek tako ostaja na terapiji z metilprednizolonom v dozi 1mg/kg tt/24 – 48 ur od novembra 2008, se odli~no po~uti, hematokrit je v mejah referen~nih vrednosti. V obdobju zdravljenja pa do danes prejema ma~ek še podporno terapijo, ki vsebuje vitamine in makro elemente (Hemolitan pet®, Vetnil Brazilija) v dozi 1gtt/kg tt/12 ur. Anemija pri hemobartonelozi se obi~ajno pojavlja cikli~no, kar je rezultat cikli~nega pojavljanja povzro~itelja v krvnem obtoku. Epizode anemije so obi~ajno povezane s povišano temperaturo in levkocitozo ter nastanejo kot posledica sekvestracije oku`enih eritrocitov v retikuloendotelnem sistemu in skrajšani `ivljenjski dobi celic. Pomembnejša od neposredne poškodbe eritrocitov pa je imunsko pogojena poškodba, ki je posledica vezave povzro~itelja na steno eritrocita, kar lahko razkrije ali spremeni eritrocitne antigene, zaradi ~esar pride do nastanka antieritrocitnih protiteles. Razvije se sekundarna avtoimuna hemoliti~na anemija (sAIHA), ki zaradi mo`nosti prehoda bolezni v kroni~no obliko lahko zahteva do`ivljenjsko zdravljenje. Zdravljenje hemobartoneloze s hujšo obliko anemije je sicer priporo~ljivo `e v za~etni fazi kombinirati z imunosupresivnimi zdravili, s katerimi zmanjšamo eritrofagocitozo. Po zvišanju hematokrita poskusimo imunosupresivna zdravila postopno ukiniti, vendar moramo pacienta spremljati. Kljub morebitnemu negativnemu krvnemu razmazu na prisotnost povzro~itelja je namre~ lahko prisoten imunski odgovor organizma in posledi~no sAIHA, kar zmanjša mo`nost popolne ukinitve zdravil. Brez ustreznega zdravljenja zaradi anemije pogine pribli`no tretjina ma~k z akutno hemobartonelozo. Tiste, ki akutno fazo pre`ivijo, imajo dobro prognozo, vendar lahko do`ivijo relaps ob pojavu druge bolezni oziroma stresnega stanja. Zato je pomembno, da pri pacientu, pri katerem diagnosticiramo hemobartonelozo, ne zanemarimo morebitne prisotnosti primarne bolezni, ki je potencialno pripeljala do akutizacije hemobartoneloze. LITERATURA 1. Harvey JW. Haemobartonellosis. In: Greene CE, ed. Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 2nd edition, Philadelphia: Saunders Company, 1998: 166 – 71. 2. Geiger U. Regenerative Anemias Caused by Blood Loss or Hemolysis. In:Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, eds. Veterinary Internal Medicine, 6th edition, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders, 2005:1902 – 4. 103 101 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 HIPERALDOSTERONIZEM PRI MA^KAH – POGOSTEJŠI KOT SI MISLIMO ? Tanja Plavec UVOD Primarni hiperaldosteronizem je posledica novotvorbe ali hiperplazije klob~i~aste plasti nadledvi~ne `leze, ki vodi v pove~ano izlo~anje aldosterona in posledi~no motnjo homeostaze natrija in kalija. Klini~ni znaki so ve~inoma odraz hipokaliemije ter hipernatriemije. Bolezen diagnosticiramo klini~no, laboratorijsko in s pomo~jo slikovne diagnostike. Zdravljenje je v primeru enostranskega tumorja kirurško, v primeru obojestranske hiperplazije pa medikamentozno. Izlo~anje aldosterona iz klob~i~aste plasti (cone glomeruloze) nadledvi~ne `leze v fizioloških pogojih poteka pod vplivom stimulacije sistema renin-angiotenzin-aldosteron (RAAS) (1-3), kalija in ACTH (1,4). Aldosteron je glavni mineralokortikoid, ki deluje na mineralokortikoidne receptorje v distalnih tubulih ledvic, v kolonu in slinskih `lezah ter s tem vzpodbuja reabsorbcijo natrija ter izlo~anje kalija in vodika. Retencija natrija vodi v ekspanzijo volumna ekstracelularne teko~ine (1,3). Poznamo primarni ali sekundarni hiperaldosteronizem. Pri primarnem hiperaldosteronizmu (PHA), tumorske ali hiperplasti~ne celice klob~i~aste plasti avtonomno izlo~ajo aldosteron. Mehanizem negativne povratne zveze vodi v nizko ali normalno aktivnost plazemskega renina (PRA) (2,5,6), sekundarni hiperaldosteronizem pa se pojavi kot odgovor na aktivacijo sistema renin-angiotenzin-aldosteron, ki ga spro`i hipovolemija ali zmanjšanje u~inkovitega volumna krvi, pri ~emer pri~akujemo visoko PRA (6). Stanja so lahko posledica jetrne ciroze, popuš~anja ledvic ali kongestivnega popuš~anja srca (3). Primarni hiperaldosteronizem (tudi Connova bolezen) lahko delimo na dva glavna podtipa: enostranski, ki je posledica adenoma ali adenokarcinoma nadledvi~ne `leze, ali obojestranski, ki je posledica hiperplazije nadledvi~ne `leze (tudi idiopatski hiperaldosteronizem). Obe patologiji vodi- asist.dr. Tanja Plavec, dr.vet.med. Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Klinika za kirurgijo in male `ivali, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana [email protected] ta v pove~ano izlo~anje aldosterona, ki ni ve~ pod vplivom fizioloških spodbujevalnih/zaviralnih mehanizmov. In ker je aldosteron glavni regulator homeostaze natrija (pove~ano zadr`evanje v organizmu in posledi~no pove~anje ekstracelularne prostornine teko~ine) in kalija v organizmu (pove~ana kaliureza), so klini~ni znaki posledica motnje homeostaze teh dveh mineralov (2). V veterinarski literaturi je trenutno opisanih 31 primerov PHA pri ma~kah. Le-to povzro~ajo unilateralni karcinomi skorje nadledvi~ne `leze (10/31), manj je unilateralnih adenomov skorje (6/31), bilateralnih adenomov (2/31) in bilateralne hiperplazije skorje nadledvi~ne `leze (3/31); pri ostalih primerih vzrok ni opisan (6). Klini~ni znaki, ki se ob primarnem hiperaldosteronizmu pojavijo, so tipi~no posledica sistemske hipertenzije zaradi volumske ekspanzije krvi (z o~esnimi krvavitvami, slepoto, odstopom mre`nice, nevrološkimi znaki in motnjami obnašanja) in/ali polimiopatije zaradi hipokaliemije (ventrofleksija glave, oslabelost okon~in, ataksija) (2,3), pojavljajo se tudi poliurija, podipsija, polifagija in hujšanje (7); hipokaliemija pa lahko vodi tudi v razli~ne sr~ne aritmije ali kaliopeni~ne nefropatije. Ti znaki so lahko hudi in se pojavijo akutno, lahko pa se znaki pojavijo intermitentno in v bla`ji obliki (2). Bolezen diagnosticiramo na podlagi klini~nih znakov, laboratorijske potrditve kipokaliemije, povišane vrednosti kreatin kinaze, hipernatriemije, povišane koncentracije plazemskega aldosterona in zni`ane aktivnosti plazemskega renina ter povišanim razmerjem med tema dvema vrednostma (3), pojavljajo se lahko tudi alkaloza, hipofosfatemija, ter hipomagnezemija (8). Referen~ne vrednosti za PAC so 110 – 540 pmol/l oziroma 40 – 195 pg/ml, za PRA 60 – 630 fmol/l/s oziroma 0,3 – 3 ng/ml/s, za razmerje PAC:PRA pa 0,3 – 3,8 (9). V študiji, kjer je bilo opisanih 11 ma~k s primarnim hiperaldosteronizmom najverjetneje zaradi bilateralne hiperplazije klob~i~aste plasti (histološka diagnoza potrjena samo pri treh ma~kah v tej študiji) vrednosti aldosterona niso bile tako povišane kot pri ma~kah s tumorji nadledvi~ne `leze in tudi vrednosti PRA niso bile toliko zni`ane kot v primeru tumorjev (4). Ultrazvo~no ali s pomo~jo ra~unalniške tomografije ali magnetne resonance lahko ugotovimo pove~anje ene ali obeh nadledvi~nih `lez, z venografijo preko vene saphe104 102 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 nae lateralis pa lahko ugotovimo potencialno invazivno rast v v. cavo caudalis (3,5). Normalna dol`ina nadledvi~ne `leze pri odraslih, zrelih ma~kah je 10,7 ± 0,4 mm, maksimalni premer oziroma debelina pa 4,34 ± 0,3 mm (10). Zdravljenje je v primeru enostranskega pove~anja nadledvi~ne `leze kirurško (enostranska adrenalektomija in po potrebi trombektomija) (7), v primeru obojestranske hiperplazije ali tumorja nadledvi~ne `leze z zasevki pa simptomatsko: nadomeš~anje kalija v obliki kalijevega glukonata (2 6 mmol PO BID) in/ali kalijevega klorida, aplikacija antagonistov aldosterona (npr. spironolakton 2 4 mg/kg PO SID) in zdravil za zni`anje krvnega tlaka (npr. amlodipin 0,125 mg/kg PO SID – BID). Klini~ni znaki polimiopatije se dobro odzovejo na nadomeš~anje kalija in zdravljenje s spironolaktonom, ~eprav serumska koncentracija kalija v veliki ve~ini primerov ostane pod referen~nimi vrednostmi (3). Prognoza ma~k, ~e pre`ivijo akutno perioperativno obdobje, kjer je glavna komplikacija krvavitev, je dobra in ni odvisna od tipa tumorja (adenom ali karcinom) (3). ZAKLJU^EK Primarni hiperaldosteronizem moramo vklju~iti med diferencialne diagnoze pri vseh srednje starih in starih ma~kah s hipokaliemi~no polimiopatijo in/ali sistemsko hipertenzijo in je ne smemo ve~ smatrati za redko bolezen. Po adrenalektomiji lahko dose`emo zelo dobre ~ase remisije (do pet let), vendar sam poseg s sabo nosi precejšnje tveganje med in postoperativnih krvavitev. Medikamentozno zdravljenje s spironolaktonom in nadomeš~anjem kalija v ve~ini primerov odpravi znake polimiopatije, zdravljenje z amlodipinom pa znake arterijske hipertenzije, ~eprav je ta v nekaterih primerih refrakterna na zdravljenje (3). LITERATURA 1. Flood SM, Randolph JF, Gelzer ARM, Refsal K. Primary hyperaldosteronism in two cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999; 35: 411-6. 2. MacKay AD, Holt PE, Sparkes AH. Successful surgical treatment of a cat with primary aldosteronism. Case report. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 1999; 1: 117-22. 3. Ash RA, Harvey AM, Tasker S. Primary hyperaldosteronism in the cat: a series of 13 cases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 2005; 7: 173-82. 4. Javadi S, Djajadiningrat-Laanen SC, Kooistra HS et al. Primary hyperaldosteronism, a mediator of progressive renal disease in cats. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 2005; 28: 85-104. 5. Moore LE, Biller DS, Smith TA. Use of abdominal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism in a cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000; 217 (2): 213-5. 6. Briscoe K, Barrs VR, Foster DF, Beatty JA. Hyperaldosteronism and hyperprogesteronism in a cat. Case report. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 2009; 11: 758-62. 7. Rose SA, Kyles AE, Labelle P et al. Adrenalectomy and caval thrombectomy in a cat with primary hyperaldosteronism. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2007; 43 (4): 209-14. 8. DeClue AE, Breshears LA, Pardo ID, Kerl ME, Perlis J, Cohn LA. Hyperaldosteronism and hyperprogesteronism in a cat with an adrenal cortical carcinoma. J Vet Intern Med 2005; 19: 355-8. 9. Javadi S, Slingerland LI, van de Beek MG et al. Plasma renin activity and plasma concentrations of aldosterone, cortisol, adrenocorti cotropic hormone, and á-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in healthy cats. J Vet Intern Med 2004; 18: 625-31. 10. Barthez PY, Nyland TG, Feldman EC. Ultrasonography of the adrenal glands in the dog, cat, and ferret. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 1998; 28 (4): 869-85. 105 103 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 DIAGNOSTIKA KLAMIDIJSKIH OKU@B PRI MA^KAH Cvetka Marhold1, Brigita Slavec1, Jo`ko Ra~nik1, Marko Zadravec1, Maja ^on~, Marko Oman2 in Alenka Dov~1 1. UVOD 3. DIAGNOSTIKA KLAMIDIJ Z imenom klamidije (gr.: chlamys -÷ëáìõó - plaš~) poimenujemo razli~ne skupine bakterij iz dru`ine Chlamydiaceae. Sprva so klamidije uvrš~ali med viruse, saj so organotrofni obligatni znotrajceli~ni organizmi evkariontskih gostiteljev. Klamidije so majhne, kokoidne po Gramu negativne bakterije (1). Oku`be s klamidijami lahko ugotovimo z razli~nimi laboratorijskimi metodami za dokazovanje klamidijskih antigenov in protiteles proti klamidijam. Uporaba dolo~ene diagnosti~ne metode je odvisna od vrste in koli~ine vzorca ter opreme posameznega laboratorija. 3.1 Metode za dokazovanje klamidijskih antigenov Znotraj dru`ine Chlamydiaceae sta dva rodova: Chlamydophila (Cp) in Chlamydia (C). V rod Chlamydia uvrš~amo C. trachomatis, C. muridarum in C. suis. V rod Chlamydophila pa so uvrš~ene Cp. psittaci, Cp. pneumoniae, Cp. pecorum, Cp. abortus, Cp. felis in Cp. caviae. Infekcije povzro~ene s Cp. psittaci, Cp. abortus in Cp. felis predstavljajo potencialna zoonozna obolenja (1). 2. KLAMIDIJSKE OKU@BE PRI MA^KAH Klamidijske oku`be pri ma~kah najpogosteje povzro~ajo izolati Cp. felis. Primarni gostitelj te bakterije je doma~a ma~ka in je endemi~no razširjena po vsem svetu. Pri ma~kah povzro~ajo obolenja zgornjih dihalnih poti, kar se klini~no zazna z nosnim izcedkom, kihanjem in vnetjem o~esne veznice. Pri samicah oku`ba s Cp. felis lahko povzro~i tudi kroni~no vnetje rodil (2). Klamidijske oku`be se z ma~k lahko neposredno z o~esnim in nosnim izcedkom prenese na ljudi, pri katerih najpogosteje povzro~ijo vnetje o~esnih veznic, redkeje tudi plju~nice. Za obolenje klamidijskih oku`b so dovzetnejši ljudje z oslabelim imunskim sistemom (2). Ob~utljivost in specifi~nost diagnosti~nega testa za dokaz klamidijskega antigena je posredno odvisna od ustreznosti vzorca. Za diagnostiko so primerni izlo~ki in eksudati, ki vsebujejo epitelne in mukozne celice. Pri ma~kah se odvzame bris vnete o~esne veznice in/ali vnete nosne sluznice. Najprimerneje je, da se vzorec po odvzemu in med prenosom v laboratorij hrani v prenosnem gojiš~u saharozno fosfatni pufer (2SP) pri 4º C. ^e vzorcev ne moremo prenesti v laboratorij znotraj 48 ur, jih zamrznemo (3). a) Hitri komercialni encimsko imunski testi S hitrimi komercialnimi encimsko imunskim testi (najpogosteje se uporablja Clearview® Chlamydia MF) lahko v brisu ku`nine zaznamo klamidijski antigen. Slabost teh testov so številni la`no pozitivni rezultati. Da se ovr`ejo morebitni la`no pozitivni rezultati, se za potrditev rezultatov hitrih testov uporabljajo specifi~ne diagnosti~ne metode, kot so direktna imunoflourescenca in molekularne metode veri`ne reakcije s polimerazo (4). b) Direktna imunofluorescenca (DIF) Cvetka Marhold, dr.vet.med., asist.dr. Brigita Slavec, dr.vet.med., asist.dr. Jo`ko Ra~nik, dr.vet.med., Marko Zadravec, dr.vet.med., Maja ^on~, študentka VF LJ, asist. Marko Oman, dr.vet.med., doc.dr. Alenka Dov~, dr.vet.med. 1 Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Inštitut za zdravstveno varstvo perutnine, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana 2 Zavetiš~e za zapuš~ene `ivali Ljubljana, Gmajnice 30, SI-1000Ljubljana [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Z DIF ugotavljamo antigen s pomo~jo specifi~no ozna~enih protiteles in dolo~imo polo`aj antigena v tkivu ali celici. Strogo specifi~na vezava omogo~a, da kompleks antigen–protitelo ostane ~vrsto vezan tudi v nadaljnjem postopku obdelave. Pri spiranju se odstranijo nevezana protitelesa, ki motijo pri ocenjevanju reakcije. Metoda je hitra, vendar manj ob~utljiva kot molekularna metoda veri`ne reakcije (5). c) Molekularne metode veri`ne reakcije Zaradi znotrajceli~nega na~ina `ivljenja, klamidij ne more- 106 104 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 mo gojiti na umetnih gojiš~ih. Razmno`ujemo jih lahko v celi~nih kulturah, v kokošjih embrijih in v laboratorijskih `ivalih. Do razvoja molekularnih diagnosti~nih testov je bila izolacija „zlati standard“ med neposrednimi metodami za dokaz oku`be s klamidijami (6). Dokazovanje povzro~itelja oku`b z metodo veri`ne reakcije s polimerazo (PCR) ima številne prednosti pred drugimi metodami, s katerimi dokazujemo antigene. Izolacija na tkivnih kulturah in kokošjih embrijih zahteva infektivno obliko bakterij, vzorec pa lahko razglasimo za negativnega šele po enem tednu. Pri tem pa je izvajalec izpostavljen ve~ji nevarnosti oku`bi s patogeni. Z metodo PCR lahko teoreti~no zaznamo `e eno samo klamidijo v vzorcu. Test PCR je hiter in ga lahko zaklju~imo `e v dveh dneh. Pridobivanje rezultatov še v krajšem ~asu omogo~a metoda PCR v realnem ~asu. Njena uporaba mo~no naraš~a, saj postaja dostopna tudi za manjše diagnosti~ne laboratorije. Metoda daje hkrati kvalitativno in kvantitativno informacijo ter ne zahteva dodatne obdelave vzorcev po pomno`evanju, kot je npr. lo~evanje amplikonov na gelu. Na ta na~in se mo~no zmanjša mo`nost laboratorijske kontaminacije s PCR produkti (7). 4. ZAKLJU^EK Klamidije povzro~ajo številne bolezni pri ljudeh in `ivalih. Nekatere med njimi so povzro~itelji zoonoz. Hitra in zanesljiva laboratorijska diagnostika klamidij v veterinarski medicini ni pomembna le za spremljanje zdravstvenega stanja `ivali, temve~ tudi za preventivno ukrepanje pred prenosom oku`b z `ivali na ljudi (2). 3.2 Serološke metode Pri seroloških testiranjih ima ve~ji diagnosti~ni pomen porast titra protiteles pri ponovnem pregledu iste `ivali, kot pa sama ugotovitev pozitivnih titrov protiteles. Serološki testi dopolnjujejo molekularno diagnostiko in so pomembni tudi za epidemiološke študije. Specifi~na in hitro izvedljiva serološka reakcija je indirektna imunofluorescenca (2). a) Indirektna imunofluorescenca (IIF) Osnova pri IIF metodi je vezava serumskih protitels s specifi~no ozna~enimi kompleksi. Pozitiven serološki test ka`e, da je bila `ival oku`ena s klamidijami, ni pa nujno, da pri `ivali tudi trenutno poteka aktivna oku`ba. La`no negativni rezultati pri `ivalih z akutno oku`bo se poka`ejo, kadar so vzorci odvzeti pred serokonverzijo. Zdravljenje s protimikrobno u~inkovino lahko zmanjša odgovor protiteles. Povišan titer protiteles pri parnih serumskih vzorcih ali kombinacija titra protiteles in dokaz antigena potrjuje oku`bo s klamidijjo (5). LITERATURA 1. Everett K. D., Bush R. M., Andersen A. A. 1999. Emended description of the order Chlamydiales, proposal of Parachlamydiaceae fam. nov. and Simkaniaceae fam. nov., each containing one monotypic genus, revised taxonomy of the family Chlamydiaceae, including a new genus and five new species, and standards for the identification of organisms. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 49: 415-40 2. Rodolakis A, Mohamed K. Y. 2010. Zoonotic potential of Chlamydophila. Veterinary Microbiology 140: 382-91 3. Keše D., Petrovec M., Avši~-@upanc T. 1999. Posebnosti pri odvezmu in prenosu ku`nin za dokaz klamidij, rikecij in erlihij. V: Mikrobiološka analiza ku`nin. Nova Gorica, Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo: 55-56 4. Greguri} G. G.., Vlahovi} K., Slavec B., Gra~ner D., Dov~ A. 2010. PCR confirmation of Chlamydophila felis from nasal and conjunctival swab samples of a domestic cat in Croatia. Acta vet. (Beogr.), vol. 60, no. 1: 23-29 5. Dov~ A. 1998. Klamidioza (Chlamydia psittaci) pri doma~ih in divjih pernatih `ivali v Sloveniji. Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana. Veterinarska fakulteta: 157 6. Everett K. D. E. 2000. Chlamydia and Chlamydiales: more than meets the eye. Veterinary Microbiology. 75: 109-126 7. Berg H. F., Maraha B., Bergmans A. M., van der Zee A., Kluytmans J. A., Peeters M. F. 2003. Extraction of Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA from vascular tissue for use in PCR: an evulation of four procedures. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 9, 2: 135-139 107 105 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 ZDRAVSTVENA PROBLEMATIKA ZAPUŠ^ENIH MA^K V LJUBLJANI Marko Oman1, Alenka Dov~2, Pavel Kvapil1, Marjan Kastelic3, Barbara Miheli~1 UVOD Za zapuš~ene ma~ke na obmo~ju Mestne ob~ine Ljubljana (MOL) skrbi Zavetiš~e za zapuš~ene `ivali Ljubljana (zavetiš~e). Zavetiš~e zapuš~enim ma~kam nudi potrebno veterinarsko oskrbo v skladu z minimalnim zdravstvenim varstvom, ki je opredeljeno v Pravilniku o pogojih za zavetiš~a za zapuš~ene `ivali (1). Zakon o zaš~iti `ivali definira zapuš~ene `ivali kot `ivali, ki so najdene, oddane ali odvzete hišne `ivali, kamor spadajo tudi doma~e ma~ke. Posebna kategorija so “prosto`ive~e ma~ke” – ma~ke potomke udoma~enih in zapuš~enih ma~k, ki nimajo lastnika in `ivijo prosto v okolici, so najdene in se štejejo kot zapuš~ene ma~ke. Ulov in oskrbo prosto`ive~ih ma~k izvajamo po rednem programu in v okviru projekta “Prosto`ive~e ma~ke v Mestu Ljubljana”. PROJEKT PROSTO@IVE^E MA^KE Program je nastal na podlagi pobude ob~anov MOL. Glavni namen projekta je vzpostaviti nadzor nad populacijo z uvedbo registriranih hranilnih mest in prepre~evati nenadzorovano razmno`evanje ter širjenje ku`nih bolezni z veterinarsko oskrbo prosto`ive~ih ma~k. V tem prispevku prikazujemo rezultate prevalence prisotnosti protiteles proti ma~jemu virusu imunske pomanjkljivosti (FIV) in antigena virusa ma~je levkoze (FeLV). Projekt smo v okviru rednega programa izvajali `e leta 2008. Na podlagi pridobljenih dodatnih sredstev za namen projekta smo v letu 2009 obseg oskrbe ma~k podvojili. V letu 2008 je bilo steriliziranih oz. kastriranih in vrnjenih v okolje 688 ma~k, v letu 2009 pa 1165. asist. Marko Oman, dr.vet.med., doc.dr. Alenka Dov~, dr.vet.med., asist. Pavel Kvapil, dr.vet.med., asist. Marjan Kastelic, dr.vet.med., Barbara Miheli~, uni.dipl.biol. 1 ZOO Ljubljana, Ve~na pot 70, SI-1000 Ljubljana Projekt se izvaja ob sodelovanju s ~lani interesnih zdru`enj (društvo Ma~jelovka in drugi), zainteresiranimi fizi~nimi osebami ter najditelji. Zavetiš~e jim nudi opremo za ulov in transport ma~k, prevoz ma~k ter hrano. Vsak najditelj ob predaji ma~ke v zavetiš~e poda osebne podatke in podatke o ma~ki, vklju~no s to~no lokacijo mesta najdbe, ki jo ozna~imo s koordinatami (2). Podatke vpišemo v evidence. Na podlagi obdelave pridobljenih podatkov smo izdelali karto naseljenosti ma~k. Najve~ ma~k (med 50 in 86) je bilo v letih 2008 in 2009 ulovljenih na posameznih obmo~jih: Trata, ~rnuški vrti~ki, Fu`ine, Moste – Toplarna, Moste, KC, Trnovo, Spodnja Šiška in Podutik. Ma~ke so bile lovljene na 379 mestih, to je skupaj na 133 razli~nih lokacijah. V obdelavo smo vklju~ili tudi pridobljene pozitivne rezultate hitrih komercialnih testov za ugotavljanje prisotnosti protiteles proti FIV in antigena FeLV. Najve~ (med 8 in 12 ma~k) FIV pozitivnih ma~k smo ugotovili na obmo~jih Trata, Dravlje, ~rnuški vrti~ki, Zelena jama, KC in Trnovo, skupno na 85 lokacijah. Menimo, da pogostnost primerov sovpada z ve~jo gostoto populacije. V okviru zavetiš~a se je ma~ke steriliziralo oz. kastriralo in vra~alo v okolje `e od leta 2004 (do leta 2008 skupaj 1.983 ma~k). Zaradi nepopolnosti podatkov o dejanski števil~nosti populacije ne moremo govoriti, saj je neznano število ma~k oskrbljenih tudi s strani zasebnih veterinarskih organizacij. Na podlagi neuradnih podatkov naj bi bilo od leta 2004 skupno steriliziranih oz. kastriranih okrog 5.000 ma~k. Najve~ (med 4 in 7 ma~k) FeLV pozitivnih primerov smo ugotovili na posameznih obmo~jih: Stegne, ~rnuški vrti~ki, Nove Jarše, Zgornja Zadobrova, Zavoglje in Kosovo polje, skupno na 38 lokacijah. Najmo~nejše prekrivanje FeLV s FIV je na obmo~ju ~rnuških vrti~kov, kar je verjetno posledica koncentracije populacije zaradi rušenja tamkajšnjih objektov. FIV IN FeLV 2 Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta, Inštitut za zdravstveno varstvo perutnine, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana 3 Ambulanta BUBA d.o.o. Ro`na dolina 5, SI-1290 Grosuplje [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] FIV se ve~inoma prenaša s parenteralno inokulacijo virusa iz sline ali krvi, to je najpogosteje pri ugriznih ranah ob pretepih; posledi~no je prevalenca oku`b višja pri samcih. Poro~ajo tudi o oku`bah preko sluznice ob spolnem 108 106 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 kontaktu, vertikalno preko placente in s sesanjem pri novorojenih mladi~ih. Po vdoru v organizem sledi viremija in v dveh do osmih tednih nastanejo specifi~na protitelesa (3). ma~kah na obe bolezni. Glede na vse v letu 2009 oskrbovane prosto`ive~e ma~ke je prevalenca FIV 8,4 % in je višja kot v letu 2008, prevalenca FeLV 1,6 % (ni`ja kot v letu 2008) in prevalenca dvojne oku`be 0,5 %. FeLV se prenaša se enako kot FIV, oziroma tudi z urinom in blatom. Po za~etni infeciji, ki je ve~inoma po oronazalni poti, se virus replicira v limfati~nem tkivu orofarinksa. Pri ve~ini imunokompetentnih ma~k se virusna replikacija ustavi zaradi mo~nega imunskega odgovora. ^e pa imunski odziv ni zadosten, se FeLV znotraj mononuklearnih celic razširi sistemsko. Tar~na tkiva so timus, vranica, bezgavke in slinske `leze (primarna viremija). Lahko se virus razširi v kostni mozeg in inficira hematopoetske prekurzorske celice. Oku`eni trombociti in granulociti cirkulirajo v krvi in predstavljajo sekundarno viremijo. ^e gostitelj ni sposoben eliminirati virusa, lahko preide v stanje latentne infekcije oziroma lahko se razvije perzistentna viremija (4). Od 141 bolnih samcev je bil ugotovljen pozitiven rezultat na FIV v 53 %, na FeLV v 6,3 %, na obe bolezni v 3,5 %. Od 136 bolnih samic je bil pozitiven rezultat na FIV ugotovljen v 25,7 %, na FeLV v 9,6 % in na obe bolezni v 1,5 %. V letu 2008 smo, kot prejšnja leta, vse ma~ke testirali s hitrim imunokromatografskim testom za ugotavljanje FIV in FeLV. V letu 2009 smo testirali le ma~ke, ki ka`ejo kakršnakoli klini~na znamenja bolezni. Literatura navaja, da je prevalenca FIV in FeLV precej višja pri ma~kah, ki ka`ejo klini~ne znake, zato je ta odlo~itev smiselna. Pri ma~kah mlajših od 6 mesecev smo testirali le FeLV. Uporabljamo Speed Duo FeLV – FIV, BVT (Virbac Group), ki je primerljiv z drugimi podobnimi testi (4). Velika prednost testa je enostavno skladiš~enje in preprosta uporaba. Glede na vse oskrbovane samce (530) je prevalenca FIV pri njih 14,1 % (višja kot v letu 2008), FeLV 1,7 % in na obe bolezni 0,9 %. Pri samicah (774) je prevalenca FIV 4,5 % (ostaja na ravni leta 2008), FeLV 1,7 % in na obe bolezni 0,2 %. Rezultati potrjujejo v literaturi navedeno ve~jo prevalenco za FIV pri samcih. Tudi v naši raziskavi se je v primerjavi z letom 2008 prevalenca pri samcih pove~ala, pri samicah pa ostaja na enaki ravni. Rezultati potrjujejo tudi navedeno ve~jo prevalenco pri bolnih ma~kah. Verjetno bi bila prevalenca FIV še višja, ~e bi virus ugotavljali s PCR metodo, ki je bolj ob~utljivejša in bolj specifi~na kot komercialni hitri testi (3, 5, 6, 7). Pri FeLV je zanimivo, da smo ugotovili enako prevalenco pri obeh spolih glede na celotno populacijo. Razlogi za tak pojav nam niso znani. Prav tako nam niso znani razlogi za precej ni`jo prevalenco FeLV, kot jo navaja literatura, po kateri naj bi bilo 61,1 % zunanjih ma~k pozitivnih. Z uporabo PCR metode bi verjetno prišli do rezultatov, bolj podobnih študijam drugih avtorjev (3). V letu 2008 je bilo testiranih 775 prosto`ive~ih ma~k (241 samcev in 447 samic). Pozitiven rezultat na FIV je bil ugotovljen pri 7,2 % ma~kah. Pri samcih je bil FIV ugotovljen v 11,8 %, pri samicah pa v 4,5 %. FeLV je bil ugotovljen pri 3,2 %, pri 1,7 % samcev in 1,5 % samic. FIV in FeLV sta bila ugotovljena pri 0.8 %, pri samcih v 0,1 % in pri samicah v 0,7 %. V letu 2009 smo testirali samo klini~no obolele ma~ke. Od skupno 1304 ma~k smo testirali le 277 (21,2 %) ma~k. Pri 50,2 % bolnih ma~kah je bil ugotovljen pozitiven rezultat. Od tega je bil pri 39,7 % bolnih ma~kah ugotovljen pozitiven rezultat na FIV. Pri 7,9 % bolnih ma~kah je bil ugotovljen pozitiven rezultat na FeLV in pri 2,6 % bolnih LITERATRURA 1. Veterinarska zbornica. Oman M, Lindtner Knific R et al. (2010). Zbornik 6. Podiplomskega izpopolnjevanja veterinarske zbornice, 139- 44. 2. Geopedia - interaktivni spletni atlas in zemljevid Slovenije: http://www.geopedia.si 3. Tozon N, Nemec Svete A, Zemlji~ M, Zakošek M , Barli~ Magajna D, (2008). High Prevalence of feline Imunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in Slovenia. Acta vet. (Beogr.), 58(2-3): 191-201. 4. Greene C E, (2006), Infectous Diseases of the dog and cat, Third edition, 105-31. 5. Hartmann K, Griessmayr P, Schulz B, Greene C E, Vidyashankar A N, Jarrett O, Egberink H F (2007), Quality of different in-clinic test system for feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia infections virus J Feline Med Surg. 9: 439-45. 6. Muraj J K, Roberts M A, Skillings E, Morrow L D, Gruffydd-Jones T J (2009), J Feline Med Surg. 11 (6): 467-73. 7. Lara V M, Taniwaki S A, Araujo jr. J P (2008), Occurrrence of feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats. Ciencia Rural, Santa Maria 38 (8) 2245-49. 109 107 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 110 108 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 111 109 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 112 110 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 113 111 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 114 112 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 115 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 116 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 117 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 118 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 119 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 120 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 121 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 122 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 123 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 124 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 125 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 126 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 127 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 128 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 129 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 130 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 131 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 132 ZBORNIK REFERA TOV REFERATOV XXIII. SIMPOZIJ O AKTUALNIH BOLEZNIH MALIH @IVALI Dolenjske Toplice, 22. - 24. april 2010 133