2012 - Transcending Boundaries


2012 - Transcending Boundaries
Welcome to the 2012
Transcending Boundaries Conference
Transcending Boundaries was created with the intent of gathering and forming
alliances within the bisexual/pansexual, trans/genderqueer, intersex, polyamorous and allied communities, but we have grown to be so much more. We
are now an open forum for anyone who has an interest, opinion, or position to
gather, network, and learn from each other.
This conference is designed to increase understanding, build solidarity, and
encourage activism among our communities. Transcending Boundaries has a
history of creating welcoming, stimulating environments. This is a great place
to feel at home being yourself, even if you don’t fit into a nice, neat box of
sexuality, gender or relationships. It is also an opportunity to meet interesting,
friendly people and learn from each other!
We urge you to take this unique and powerful opportunity to learn about other
communities outside your own. We also encourage you to take the time to connect with yourself within this safe space.
The organizers of this conference want everyone to experience the freedom
to be themselves. As such, please be considerate of other people’s differences
and patient with anyone who might mistakenly offend. After all, part of building community is making mistakes and learning from them! Once again, the
Transcending Boundaries Conference welcomes and thanks you for attending.
Letter from the 2012
Transcending Boundaries Chairperson
Welcome to the 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference. We are proud to
have Ignacio Rivera as our Keynote speaker this year as we not only continue
to explore how we collaborate and join the vioces of our communities together,
but also how we balance our sexuality, our gender and other facets of our identity across our relationships. In other words, how do we “Bring It All Together”.
We have made some efforts to facilitate more discussions this year, so we have
made changes to how we do our panels and our new continuing discussions.
The panels this year are designed to be topics that are important to all of us,
then have speakers to offer different perspectives from different communitees.
Additionally, in the Ballroom, we have designated tables to continue the discussions, questions, and perspectives of every workshop past the allotted time.
Then there is you. This is your conference. A time and place where your voice
can be heard in the creation of a world for all of us. Please take time to tell me
your story and enrich my experience.. I hope we can use this time to learn
from and enjoy each other. Thank you for inviting me to your conference. ~~~ Ian Cooper Rose
Bulletin Board
In an effort to ensure the safety and privacy of all conference participants, everyone must adhere to the following rules
and guidelines:
No photographs, video or audio recordings are permitted without express
permission of all involved.
Do not give away or sell names, contact
information, and other personal or identifiable information of persons involved
or participating in the conference without
their express written consent.
Personal stories and information disclosed during workshops and informal
gatherings are considered confidential.
Respect the privacy of others. Any
press or media MUST REGISTER
PRIOR to the conference.
No interviews are allowed at the conference. Any press must be arranged with
the organizers.
We reserve the right to ask you to leave
if you are violating our rules or are
making the conference an unsafe place.
All bathrooms will be available to all
genders and bodies.
Physical accessibility: The MassMutual
Center and Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place Hotel are both wheelchairaccessible and are fitted with elevators
throughout the facility. The parking garage across from the hotel and MMC are
equipped with handicapped parking spots
and elevators.
Cover Art
A very special thank you to artist
Katie Diamond for the wonderful
cover art illustrating this year’s
theme “Bringing It All Together”
Other needs: If you have any specific
accessibilty requests that you did not indicate on your registration form, please
let us know so that we can try to accommodate you. We strive to have this conference be accessible to as many people
as possible, and we will do everything
feasible to allow you to participate fully.
Please Be Advised
Transcending Boundaries will have official photographers documenting this
year’s event. Photographs will be used
for promotion on the Transcending
Boundaries website. If you do not wish
to appear in these photos, please get a
bracelet from the information desk.
Please help us continue to improve the
Transcending Boundaries Conference by
filling out an evaluation form for both the
conference as a whole and the presentations you attend. You will find the evaluation forms at the info desk and in each
conference room. Please return finished
forms to the box labeled “Evaluations”
located at the information table. Thanks
for your cooperation and your ideas. Our
contact e-mail is [email protected]. You can also also
fillout workshop and conference forms on
the transcendingboundaries.org web site
Call for Staff
The next Transcending Boundaries can’t
happen without you! If you are interested in being a part of next year’s conference team, please e-mail us at info@
transcendingboundaries.org. We would
love to have your assistance!
Do you see a panel you’re interested in
sitting on yourself? Check the registration table, where there will be sign up
sheet for additional panelists. Each panel
will have time for questions from the audience, and if you’re feeling shy, you can
submit your question in advance at the
registration table as well.
History of Transcending Boundaries
Transcending Boundaries grew out of a project of BiNet USA, a national
bisexual organization. Throughout the 90’s, BiNet helped bisexual activists
around the country organize on a local level. They sponsored regional conferences, including one in the Connecticut/New Jersey /New York Region.
In 2000, BiNet replaced its regional focus with a more centralized organizational style. Those in attendance at the 2000 Tri-State Conference voted to
continue the conference independently from BiNet USA and to hold the next
year’s conference in New Haven, Connecticut.
The organizing committee expanded the scope of the conference in two ways:
widening the geographical reach to include the entire Northeastern United
States, and including transgender and intersex issues as well as bisexual ones
in the conference theme. The new name “Transcending Boundaries” reflected
this expanded scope, as well as the fact that bisexuals, transgender persons,
and intersex persons do not fit into the simple categories of gay/straight, man/
woman, and male/female.
Transcending Boundaries, Inc. was founded in 2001 based on an expanded
vision: a Northeast regional conference for bisexual, transgender, and intersex people and our allies. In 2009, this focus was expanded to include the
polyamorous community as well. Transcending Boundaries has held five successful conferences between 2001 and 2006, teaming up with the Americas
Conference on Bisexuality in 2005 and PFLAG Northeast in 2006. After a
brief absence, Transcending Boundaries returned with renewed energy in 2009
featuring Tristan Taormino. In 2010, Lee Harrington helped us discuss the
“Intersections” of gender, sexuality and reationships. Kate Bornstein taught
us how to radically welcome a world “Beyond Binaries”. This year Ignacio
Rivera will help us “Bring iIt All Together.
Plenary Luncheon
Saturday at 12:00pm in the Ballroom
It is important for us to share a meal together. Breaking bread is a our traditional way of building community and to celebrate our diverity while finding
our common challenges to overcome together.
Our Penary and Community Meeting is proud to present Ignacio Rivera as
our keynote speaker this year. Talking about the challenges in our world that
prevent us from “Bringing It All Together”.
As always, we will give you a chance to speak out. We only have a couple of
minutes per person, but it is a good chance to get the word out accross all of
our communities and to let us know what is happening in your community.
The Organizers
2012 Chairperson - Ian - Ian is proud to be part of the team that makes the Transcending Boundaries Conference happen, serving as the 2012 Conference Charperson.
An artist and activist, he is focused on building a community of like minded people
and professionals to live and create together. Bi, poly, and kinky, he lives with his three
partners and their son in Springfield, MA.
Director of Content - Jenn - Jenn has played a number of roles in her life, both literally as she earned her BA in Drama from Ithaca College, and figuratively as she earned
her MEd from University of New Hampshire. Her most important role is currently as
the owned girl of Jawn. She has recently served as the Director of MAsT Mass (Masters And slaves Together), a monthly discussion and support group for those interested
in pursuing hierarchical relationships.
Director of Operations - Aimee - Aimee is thrilled to be serving as a Director of
Operations for the 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference, and to continue her
position as the Transcending Boundaries Treasurer. As a solo attorney practicing in
Western Massachusetts, Aimee is a polyamorous, kink, and queer friendly professional who focuses on child welfare, domestic relations, and basic estate planning. She is a
member of the bar in both Massachusetts and Connecticut. Aimee lives in Springfield,
MA with her three partners, their son, 4 cats, and one tiny dog
Director of Communications - Julia - Julia is happy to be this 2012 Director of Communications. After a few very inspiring years attending TBC, Julia became one of the
founders of the Five College Queer Gender and Sexuality Conference at Hampshire College, and then an official TBC organizer. Julia identifies primarily as a geek and gamer,
but also as genderqueer, polyamorous (although Julia is currently in a monogamous
relationship), pansexual, agnostic, kinky, bratty, and a switch. Julia is usually assumed
to be a heterosexual, straight, cisgendered female, which has been a pretty big struggle
for most of Julia’s life, and one of the reasons that TBC is so important to Julia. Julia
encourages you to attend all of the awesome workshops this year, get to know many
new people, and contribute whatever time or money you can to keep TBC going strong!.
Direcor of Membership - Sara - Sara (aka the leprechaun) is pleased to be promoted/
conned into being this year’s Membership Director. She identifies as queer and/or
bisexual and/or a dyke depending on circumstances. She enjoys reading, politics, and
MMORPGs. Sara has recently been thinking a lot about the intersection of faith and
sexuality. Sara is still looking for a job in communications or environmental policy
near either Western MA or D.C. People should ignore anyone telling them that Sara
likes pink fluffy bunnies. Rainbows and unicorns are ok, though, shamrocks are far
Director of Fund Raising - Micah - Micah is proud to have been part of the Transcending Boundaries staff for the last four years, the first three years as Director of Operations. A two-time graduate of UMass, he lives with his family of choice in Western
Massachusetts. As a father, Micah asks you not to accidentally knock over the toddler
you’ll see running around all weekend, and as the Director of Development, he wants
to remind all of you to leave your spare change in the jar at Registration before you
head home.
The Organizers
Mistress of Ceremonies - Lorelei - ������������������������������������������������
The super fabulous Lorelei Erisis is a transgender performer, writer, activist, adventurer and Pageant Queen. She received extensive
training in improvisation and sketch comedy at the renowned Second City in Chicago
and Los Angeles and has performed all across the country including as the Emcee of
the Noho Pride Celebration! She is also a director,teacher and independent filmmaker.
She is especially proud to have directed and performed with The Fully Functional
Players in Los Angeles, the first and only all-transgender improv group in the country!
In addition to her Second City training she has also studied at a number of other theater workshops and schools, including an apprenticeship in Pantomime and movement
with Ryszard Choroszy, the assistant to and disciple of the great Polish artist Henryk
Tomaszewski, the founder and director of the Wroclaw Mime Theatre. Follow her blog
on The Web at: transprov.wordpress.com and watch out for her monthly column: “Ask
A TransWoman” in The Rainbow Times!!! Slaínte!
Audio/Visual - Alex - Alex has been an organizer of Transcending Boundaries since
2009. She graduated from Skidmore (where she was active in the Pride Alliance) and
the UConn School of Social Work, where she earned her MSW. She works as a substance abuse clinician with legally involved individuals in Waterbury, Connecticut. In
her spare time, Alex is the youth group advisor at her synagogue, as well as a longtime professional ski instructor. Alex has long been fascinated by sexual expression
and its intersections with spirituality and mental health. She hopes to use a future license in Clinical Social Work to continue her work in sex education and mental health/
substance abuse treatment. She lives in Hartford with her cat.
Photographer - Jawn - Jawn is a photographer and musician from Worcester. He
has been active in the BDSM community for over a decade. With His Doll is the
leader of Reverend Reacharound, an irreverent folk-punk duo. They are also starting an LBGTQIK-friendly photography business, Jawniffer Photography, for event
and portrait photography. Jawn can be found online at Jawnhenry.com, Jawniffer.com,
ReverendReacharound.com and Heart-Shaped-Boy.com.
Writer - Melissa - Melissa Kaplan has been involved in gender and sexuality activism since her early teens. She joined TBC staff following an eye opening experience at
the 2009 conference. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with a QUILTBAG/
poly/BDSM friendly private practice in northeast Massachusetts, and also works part
time at a community mental health center. Melissa is grateful to the support of her
friends and chosen family in her professional and personal life. She is owned by an
abnormally large housecat.
Thank you!
Greater Springfield
Convention &
Visitors Bureau
8 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
Ignacio Rivera
Ignacio Rivera is a Queer, gender
fluid, Trans- Entity, Black Boricua
performing skits, spoken word,
one-person shows and story-telling
internationally. Ignacio is a lecturer/
trainer, activist, new filmmaker,
sex worker and self-proclaimed sex
into kink, called “Crossing” and the
other is a short about gender called
“They” Both films have been shown
at various film festivals across the
As a lecturer/ trainer, Ignacio has
spoken at home and abroad on such
topics of racism, sexism, homo/
transphobia, transgender issues,
trans 101, sexual liberation, antioppression, anti-violence, multiissue organizing and more. Ignacio
currently consultants with various
organizations in New York City
conducting professional development
trainings for NYC high school staff.
Ignacio is the founder of Poly Patao
Productions. P3 is dedicated to
producing sex-positive workshops,
performance pieces, films, play
parties, panel discussions, social/
political groups and educational
opportunities that are specially
geared toward queer women,
transgender, multi-gender, genderqueer, gender non-conforming and
gender variant people of color.
As a filmmaker Ignacio currently
embarked on a film project, “Shades
of Kink” a series of educational/
documentary style films around
inserting a racial/class/sexuality and
gender into the Kink world. Ignacio
also has completed two experimental
shorts. Their first short is an adult
short about moving from normality
As a sex worker Ignacio is a Prodom and is working in the adult
film industry. They can be seen in
their debut performance in Pink
and White Productions, “In Search
of The Wild Kingdom” and Morty
Diomand’s “Trans Entity: The Nasty
Love of Papi and Wil.”
Ignacio is also one of the founding
board member of Queers for
Economic Justice, a progressive
non-profit organization committed
to promoting economic justice in
a context of sexual and gender
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 9
1:00pm Friday
Room 1
Queerying Erotic Narratives
Dakota Raynes
In this hands-on writing workshop, we
will discuss erotic narratives as tools
for imagining the unimaginable. Dakota
will draw on their own autoethnographic
writing and their Master’s thesis work
with transgender erotica. Participants
will try out exercises designed to
help highlight, negotiate, and disrupt
hegemonic scripts in our own and others’
erotic writing. We will also brainstorm
ways to co-create a more queer erotic
reality together through storytelling.
Please come with pen, paper, and a
willingness to ask yourself questions! No
writing experience required. (
18+ only
Room 2
Creating and Educating (Unlikely) Allies
Dawn Fortune
For many years, churches and religious
leaders were viewed as oppressors and
persecutors of GLBT people, and in
many cases, rightly so. As more and more
faith communities begin to open up to
GLBT people, they need education and
encouragement, even while we continue
to hold them accountable for their words
and actions. Faith leaders, whether
Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Unitarian
Universalist, Pagan, or from some other
tradition, respond to familiar language
and may need what we’d call “remedial
instruction,” around gender and sexuality
issues. This workshop will lay out a
basic format for educating church leaders
– both professional clergy and layleaders. Reaching out to emerging allies
is difficult work and takes patience and
temperance, but as the past decades have
shown us, faith communities can sway
others beyond our reach to a position
of support, affirmation and advocacy.
boundaries, negotiating our relationships
with others, and making sure to obtain
consent from those we engage in any kind
of relationship with, kink or otherwise.
Room 3
Implications for Changing Language
in the Print Media Discourse of SameSex Marriage From 2004-2012
Andrea M. Hackl, C. Reyn Boyer, M. Paz Galupo
Ever since Massachusetts became the
first state to legalize same-sex marriage in
2004, the same-sex marriage movement
has made great strides throughout the
country. Today, same-sex relationships
encounter heightened visibility in
the public sphere, making same-sex
marriage a key political issue in the 2012
presidential elections. The relationship
and marriage experiences of bisexual
men and women, however, are still
largely invisible both in society at large
and in the media. Significantly impacting
Attorney at Law
Child Welfare
Domestic Relations
Basic Estate Planning
10 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
1:00pm Friday
public opinion and cultural understanding
of sexual minorities, the media portrayal
of bisexual men and women plays a
significant role in our understanding
of their relationships. The following
comparative study analyzed the language
used to discuss same-sex marriage in
The New York Times between February
and May 2004 and 2012. In both years,
same-sex marriage dominated the public
discourse as presidential candidates made
it a key political issue to move voters.
Specifically, we analyzed the usage of
sexual orientation labels in relation to how
they were used as 1) nouns or 2) adjectives
to modify a) marriage; b) couple/partner;
c) individuals; d) community; and e)
acts. Results indicate that the language
used in The New York Times evolved to
a more inclusive and positive language,
with the discourse now centered around
same-sex marriage rather than gay and
lesbian marriage. However, marriage and
relationship experiences of bisexual men
and women are still largely absent in the
same-sex marriage discourse. Considered
a national opinion maker, discussion
will focus on how the language used in
The New York Times frames the larger
Room 1
political debate on same sex marriage and
plays into stereotypes regarding sexual
minorities. Discussion will also focus on
the broader implications of the findings
for transcending boundaries across our
various LGBT communities and will
make suggestions for how the discourse
around marriage equality could be used
for bringing us all together.
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Consent,
Negotiation, and Boundaries
Joshua Tenpenny, Avory Faucette, Barry
& Cathy Smiler, James O’Deorain
Consent is an topic of heated discussion
nowadays in the kink community, but it’s
not just in that community that we need to
be aware of establishing our own personal
boundaries, negotiating our relationships
with others, and making sure to obtain
consent from those we engage in any kind
of relationship with, kink or otherwise.
As with all of our panel discussions this
weekend, there will be an empty chair
available for conference participants to
jump in and out of as they would like to
join in the discussion, pose a question, or
make a point.
2:30pm Friday
Power, Privacy, and Privilege:
Internet Safety for Sexually Vocal
A social networking website isn’t the
same as your favorite physical-world
hangout. That sounds pretty obvious,
but sometimes it’s not. Many people,
as philosopher and scholar Marshall
McLuhan noted, “approach the new
with the psychological conditioning and
sensory responses of the old.” Even after
making an effort to hide one’s identity
online, a huge amount of most people’s
personal information – such as legal
names, addresses, phone numbers, and
employment records – can be found
using trivial searches that anyone can do
in less than 10 minutes. In this workshop,
long-time digital civil liberties activist
and Internet privacy advocate maymay
will use scenario-based role-plays and,
with participant consent, a live demo,
to explain what you need to know to
protect your privacy online – all in plain
English. You’ll learn how to find and use
Internet privacy tools, evaluate social
networks based on your personal needs,
and determine the riskiness of posting
different kinds of media online. Despite
what you may have been lead to believe,
never posting personally identifiable
information to the Internet isn’t a
solution because what makes social
networks valuable to users like us is just
such information. Come with questions,
leave with a solid understanding of the
ins and outs of Internet safety.
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 11
2:30pm Friday
Room 2
Aging and Ageism
J.M. Sorrell
Aging is something we all have in
common, and yet LGBT communities
most often focus on youth. There are both
additional challenges and gained wisdom
for transgender older adults. We will
explore intergenerational opportunities,
and we will discuss guiding principles
and needs for transgender older adults
both in the mainstream and in transgender
communities. Room 3
The Unintentional Closet: Queer
Identity in Hetero-presumptive
Winter Tashlin
It’s a straight world out there. What effect
does it have on our identities as queer
people when we are in situations where
the people around us make assumptions
about our sexuality orientation or gender
identity. Does it matter how the world
outside our doors perceives us, or can
we go through life knowing who we are
without that external validation? In this
workshop we will commiserate, discuss
and strategize ways to live, work and play
in a our broader communities, while still
staying true to ourselves and maintaining
the crucial balance between being out and
getting ourselves in trouble.
Room 4
Deafhood, Transhood: Cultural
Identity and Activism
Avory Faucette
What does it mean to be trans as a
cultural identity? Why do some people
retain a trans identity and others grow out
of it? What impact do these differences
in the experience of cultural identity
have on activism and advancing trans
rights? In this workshop, participants
will learn about the idea of Deafhood and
some basics of Deaf culture as a model
for considering trans as a condition versus
trans as an identity. We’ll explore the
relationship between cultural identity and
activism and tackle some tough questions
around autonomy in identity formation,
passing privilege, and community
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Faith and
David Serio, Raven Kaldera, Dawn
Fortune, Sara Brosnan
Those of us who don’t necessarily “fit in”
with mainstream culture can find things
even more uncomfortable as we look
to join an organized religious group or
follow our own spiritual path. How do
you follow a tradition that may teach that
your identity is “wrong”? What successes
have you had within your own faith
community of gaining acceptance and
educating others?
Room C
Being That Person
We all know that person, and many of
us have been that person. You know, the
one in the front row with their hand up,
always reminding everyone about that
group of people inadvertently (we hope)
left out? This discussion is for all of us
who are “that person”, the one always
bringing up access issues, gender issues,
race issues, whatever – we’ve got issues!
At least the people who always wind up
with our hands in their faces might think
so. We’ll discuss what it’s like to be “that
person”. Do we get taken seriously, or
dismissed as just having a pet cause? Do
we become the point person on an issue,
or do we get treated like Exhibit A? Do
our voices help to gather others like us
and allies, or do we get singled out? How
does being “that person” affect us and
our identities? Are we a positive force for
change? And most importantly, where are
we all going on our day off - or will we
ever get one?
12 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
4:00pm Friday
Room 1
Room 4
Islam and Homosexuality
Dave Serio
Very little is known about Islam, especially
when it comes to homosexuality. I use
exegetical methods of looking at verses
in the Qur’an to offer a perspective
of how Islam does not condemn
homosexuality, using the story of Lot as a
prime example. I also talk about different
reactions from homosexual Muslims and
attitudes towards homosexuality in the
Islam world. Transitioning with a Third Gender
Raven Kaldera and Joshua Tenpenny
Let’s think clearly about what physical
transition means when it intersects with
identity. Wondering whether to physically
transition but held back because you don’t
have a solidly male or female identity?
That doesn’t have to be a barrier. Let’s talk
about the ambivalencies of shapeshifting
your flesh when your identity is all over
the place. Come with questions!
Room 2
Room 5
Isms & Phobias: Informing or Ignoring
the Ignorant
Jennie Steinberg
This interactive workshop will feature an
audience-participation discussion about
ways to respond when you encounter
homophobia, transphobia, biphobia,
racism, ableism, and other forms of
ignorance. Participants will have the
opportunity to share their experiences
and thoughts, and helpful tips will be
provided. Panel Discussion: Living Multiple
Lives: Holding Different/Conflicting
Dawn Fortune, Melissa Kaplan, Jawn’s Doll
Everyone holds multiple identities, and
sometimes it is stressful to identity with
two groups that don’t agree with each
other. You can feel like a superhero with
a secret identity, but without the super
powers. How do you move within these
different groups, while holding and
honoring your true self?
Room 3
Queering Role in BDSM Play
Kristen Stubbs, Ph.D. and Matt
The idea of breaking binaries around
gender and sexuality can be very
empowering. In this session, we look at
queering identity in the context of BDSM:
“kinky vs. vanilla”, “Dom vs. sub vs.
switch”, and “top vs. bottom vs. switch”
are all categories that we can reimagine.
We’ll discuss the concept of a “rolequeer”
identity and have a group brainstorming
session about how to subvert norms and
rewrite traditional BDSM roles in our play.
18+ only
How to Create Intimacy with Anyone:
Talk and Workshop
James O’Deorain
This will begin with an informative talk
explaining methods for creating intimacy
– some that don’t work well as well as ten
that are useful. The talk will be followed
by a workshop: we’ll practice some of
the methods explained. You can leave
after the talk if you’re not comfortable
practicing with strangers, but you cannot
stay and watch.
Room C
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 13
9:30am Saturday
Room 1
Know Your Rights & The State of
Trans Equal Rights Movement
Gunner Scott
Do you have the right to be served in
a restaurant, rent a hotel room, or be
treated at an emergency room? Can your
employer not promote you because you
transitioned on the job? Transgender
communities deal with a myriad of issues
created by flawed policies, ignorance,
and the binary gender system. This
workshop will provide a summary of
the legal protections afforded to cross
dressers, transgender, transsexual, and
genderqueer people at the local, state
and federal levels. We’ll also consider
the work that still needs to be done,
and discuss the ways in which ongoing
education and policy efforts are essential
to making sure that positive laws and
policies make a real difference in peoples’
Room 2
5 Common Mistakes Made by WellMeaning Allies
Jennie Steinberg and Rebecca Papadinis
We allies mean so well, but everyone
makes mistakes. Come learn from two
queer-affirmative therapists about some
common faux pas and what you can do
to avoid them.
Room 3
Protecting LGBT Elders
Angie Perone
LGBT and gender non-conforming elders
and older adults face numerous barriers
to asserting their legal rights. We face
additional hurdles when our families
of choice begin to age with us. This
workshop will address how to navigate
some of these legal obstacles and
engage in a facilitated discussion on
intergenerational support.
Room 4
Bisexuals Making Mixed Orientation
Marriages and Relationships
Mark Rheault
Mixed orientation marriages and
relationships where one partner is
bisexual and the other heterosexual often
contain complex relationship dynamics.
This workshop will review the issues
and challenges bisexuals face in our
relationships with our partners, family,
and friends with an emphasis on positive
outcomes. Mixed orientation marriages
and relationships provide tremendous
opportunities for personal happiness and
growth when approached with the proper
attitudes. This workshop will include an
opportunity for participants to share their
strategies for success as we can all benefit
from the stories and experiences of others.
Participants of all sexual orientations will
come away with a better understanding
of mixed orientation marriages and
relationships and the many ways we can
make them fabulous relationships.
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Differ-Sexuality:
My Life as a _____Sexual
raycho, maymay, David aka SwitchMe
Sexuality can be defined in many
different ways, and different orientations
present different challenges. All along
this spectrum, however, are joys and
challenges we can all relate to. Share
your identity, how you define it, what
makes it great, and what you wish other
people would know about you.
Room C
Transcending Language - A Poetry
Lori Desrosiers
This is a short but fabulous writing
workshop, finding some time for each
of us to write a poem inspired by the
themes of the Transcending Boundaries
14 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
9:30am Saturday
Conference. Lori Desrosiers is a
published poet who also edits a poetry
journal. She is currently working on an
anthology of poems about polyamory,
and has a book coming out in the Spring
from Salmon Poetry. 11:00am Saturday
Room 1
Connect, Accept, Respond, Empower:
Supporting LGBTQ Youth
Wes Nemenz
This interactive workshop will provide an
overview of suicide among lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and questioning
(LGBTQ) youth and the different
environmental stressors that contribute
to their heightened risk for suicide. After
reviewing current research, there will
be an emphasis on best practices and
practical steps that service providers,
educators, and LGBTQ non-profit
professionals can take to promote a
positive environment for all youth. In
addition the workshop will discuss best
practices regarding the discussion of
suicide, bullying and related topics with
a focus on keeping youth safe.
Room 2
Changing the Playbook – Negotiating
Asexual/Sexual Relationships
Kristen Stubbs, Ph.D. and Matt
What does it mean for an asexual
person and a sexual person to start
a relationship? Kristen (pansexual)
and Matt (asexual) share some of
their experiences and lessons learned,
including understanding what (a)
sexuality and physical intimacy mean for
them; exploring the dynamics of physical,
emotional, and romantic connections; and
communicating desires and boundaries.
Room 3
Transgender Feminism 101
Dr. Joelle Ruby Ryan
This workshop will give an overview
of what is meant by trans feminism and
why it matters. The opening presentation
will cover key ideas in trans feminism,
including the history of transphobia within
feminism, the problem of trans-misogyny,
and historical and contemporary
controversies such as women-only
space, “radfem” attacks on trans women,
and diverse trans-feminine sexualities.
We will also contextualize transgender
feminism within sex-positive, third-wave
feminism, post-modern queer theory, sex
worker rights and intersectional theory
and activism. Come add you voice to
the dialogue and help move feminism to
embrace trans, genderqueer and gender
nonconforming communities! Room 4
Metamour Intensive
Rebecca Crane
As polyamorous folks, we talk a good
game about our relationships with our
“metamours”: people with whom we have
a partner or partners in common. For many
of us, a cornerstone of our polyamory is
having caring, appreciative, and mutuallysupportive metamourships. But poly
communities don’t talk much about
HOW we develop and maintain these
relationships. Meanwhile, mainstream
culture tells us that our lover’s other
lover is someone we should dislike and
distrust. How do we make the leap from
“threat” to “family member”? How do
we stay connected to our metamours
when relationship troubles hit? Why do
metamour relationships even matter?
In this hour-long Metamour Intensive,
we’ll dig deep into the nature of having
and being a metamour. Drawing on the
challenging work of Franklin Veaux,
maymay, and David Jay, we’ll discuss
what metamour relationships are and
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 15
11:00am Saturday
WHY we don’t talk about them enough;
share concrete strategies for building
and facilitating healthy, fulfilling, stable
metamour relationships; and untangle how
normative cultural programming gets in
our way. By the end, you will understand
why strong metamour-relating skills are
important not just to polyamory but for
social justice work as a whole.
Room 5
Panel Discussion: What’s Next?
Aging in the Queer Community
Robyn Ochs, Angie Perone, Barry &
Cathy Smiler, Ian Cooper Rose
One thing we all have in common: we’re
all getting older. But we don’t always
talk about the unique challenges and
opportunities that come with getting older
in the queer community. How will your
transgendered body change again? How
can you ensure your same-sex loved one
will be protected if one of you is sick?
And how can you include your entire
poly family in the difficult and emotional
decisions that need to be made?
Room C
Double Edge: BDSM and
Raven Kaldera and Joshua Tenpenny
From the man or woman who crossdresses for the first time as part of a
BDSM scene, to the transsexual who is
trying to figure out which play parties
they can attend, being transgendered in
the BDSM scene is both a blessing and a
challenge. At the same time, a remarkably
high percentage of transgendered people
identify with leathersex – why? We’ll
discuss how BDSM roleplaying lends
itself to gender play, struggle with the
political implications of being gender
transgressive perverts, talk about what
happens to D/s roles when people change
gender roles, and remind folks of what we
have to teach the larger community. For
transgendered folks of all stripes, their
partners, friends and allies, and anyone
who’s curious about the intersection of
kink, power exchange, and the gender
spectrum. 18+ only.
2:30pm Saturday
Room 1
Polyamory As Self-Determination
Barry and Cathy Smiler
Polyamory isn’t about how many
relationships are active at any moment,
and not at all about sex. Rather, it’s about
knowing that each person has the right
to choose whatever sexual/relationship
structure works best for that person (in
honest communication with all other
stakeholders). So polyamory is really
about self-determination: the right to live
your own life your own way. But so are
lots of things. Women’s rights, LGBT
struggles, issues around race and class,
and much more. Thus, “there’s no such
thing as polyamory.” That is, polyamory
isn’t a separate thing, but rather an
example or special case of something
much larger: self-determination, living
your own life your own way. By reframing
polyamory to highlight this classic
American ideal, we: tap into a solid
positive mindset about all this; avoid the
distracting question of sex and who does
what with who (because in this framing
it has no bearing); and create openings
to connect with other movements
dealing with self-determination issues
in their own communities. All this helps
create broader, less charged, and more
productive conversations.
Room 2
Asexuals are Queer, Too!
Dr. Joelle Ruby Ryan
Are asexuals queer? What is the place of
asexy folks within the wider LGBTQ+
Community? Is combating acephobia a
priority within the queer movement? If
these questions intrigue you, please
16 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
2:30pm Saturday
come to add your voice to a rousing
discussion of asexuality within the queer
community! The goal of the workshop is
to increase understanding of asexuality,
facilitate a safe space for ace folks and our
allies, and brainstorm ways to promote
ace visibility and education in the queer
community. How can we work together
to build a queer community that is truly
ace-inclusive and affirming? We will
also focus on how asexuals contribute to
a vibrant queer identity and culture and
ways that asexual human rights benefit all
of society, pushing us to re-think notions
of sexuality, kinship and relationships. Room 3
My Naked Self
The 20% Theatre Company: Claire
Avitabile, Anthony Neuman, Katie
Burgess, Puck Matz, and Nicole Wilder
My Naked Self is an introductory workshop
for anyone interested in exploring their
gender identity, sexuality, body/self-image
and/or awareness through guided writing
exercises, improvisational movement, and
encouraged sharing or performance. This
workshop is a challenging, inspirational
examination of who others
think we are, who we think we are, and
the not-so-simple truth: who we are. No
theatre or writing experience necessary!
18+ only
Room 4
Beyond Binaries: Identity and Sexuality
Robyn Ochs
How do we decide what – if any – label
to attach to our complicated and unique
sexualities? What labels are out there, and
what do they mean? In this interactive and
eye-opening program, we’ll be exploring
the landscape of identity, the complexity
of attraction, and more. And we’ll be
doing an eye-opening anonymous survey
of ourselves and looking at the results!
Come find out how we identify, where we
fall on the sexuality spectrum, and just
monogamous and how kinky we are…
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Building Long-Term
Kelli Dunham, Gunner Scott, Jennie
The beginning days, weeks, months,
and years of a relationship are full of
the excitement of firsts. How do you
keep that excitement going as you hit the
thirds, sevenths, or fifteenths? Being in
a long-term relationship may require a
different set of communication skills than
in the beginning, and we’ll talk about
keeping the thrill alive as you build your
relationship through the years.
Room C
Reclaiming Power-Over
Raven Kaldera and Joshua Tenpenny
The general view of power dynamic
relationships‚ meaning relationships
where both parties carefully negotiate
one person having a certain amount of
power and authority over the other‚ is that
it is politically incorrect, and probably
only done by people with psychological
damage. Comparisons are made to the
unhealthy power dynamics of “traditional”
marriages and nonconsensual slavery.
However, many modern practitioners
of Dominant/submissive, Master/slave,
and Owner/property relationships are
politically aware people who are turning
the past on its head and creating a whole
new form of power dynamic‚ one that has
the possibility of making society itself
a healthier place for all relationships.
Raven and Joshua will discuss how
mindful power dynamic relationships can
actually be quite radically subversive to
the political status quo; and how to build
one, how to explain one to your radical
friends, and how to understand one if it’s
not your thing.
18+ only
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 17
4:00pm Saturday
Room 1
EMERGENCY! Planning for
Unplanned Healthcare
Kelli Dunham
The LGBT, genderqueer, kink, polyamorous
and other communities traditionally
underserved by our health care systems are
often particularly – and understandably –
wary of seeking emergency care, even when
care is badly needed. In this interactive
workshop, genderqueer nurse and comic
Kelli Dunham walks participants through
a visit to the emergency room, presenting
information about general ER infrastructure
and leads participants in brainstorming and
role playing ways in which they can be
empowered to facilitate relatively positive
endings to various ER scenarios. Also
included will be a discussion of picking
an ER buddy and developing a written ER
Room 2
The Politics of Sex: Intimacy Power
and Control
Ignacio Rivera
This workshop will discuss the ways
in which we are taught about sex and
how rigged it is. We will discuss the
dominant-culture model of sex, love and
relationships. We will examine how to
break those ideas down and expand how
we are intimate with one another. This
workshop will also go into intentionality,
negotiation and safety.
Room 3
Gender Improv 1
Lorelei Erisis
Second City trained improviser and “Miss
Trans New England” Lorelei Erisis will
share and discuss insights about gender
as well as the basics of improv and
how it can be used to enrich your own
relationships and personal presentation.
This is a hands-on workshop that will
explore the performative aspects of
gender using the techniques and tools of
improvisational acting. Participants will
have the chance to stretch their legs, open
their minds and get up on their own feet to
learn some basic games and exercises. No
improv or acting experience is necessary
(though experienced performers are
welcome too!), just the willingness to
try something new and have a little
fun. Come ready to play!!!!
Room 4
Bisexuality 101 & Beyond
Robyn Ochs
What is bisexuality? What does it mean
to identify as bisexual? What are some
of the challenges to understanding
and representing this often overlooked
segment of the LGBT community?
Please join us for a lively presentation
by award-winning speaker, writer and
educator Robyn Ochs. Bring your own
list of myths: we’ll analyze them a bit and
explore their origins.
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Reflecting Our
Experiences in Art
Claire Avitable & Nicole Wilder (20%
Theatre Company), Lori Derosiers, kd
The arts can be a powerful tool for
education, building alliances, and sharing
our experiences. Join some of our artistic
professionals as they share how they use
their talents to build awareness of our
communities and share their many varied
experiences. And if you feel inspired,
share your own experiences afterwards at
our open art space! As with all of our panel
discussions this weekend, there will be
an empty chair available for conference
participants to jump in and out of as they
would like to join in the discussion, pose
a question, or make a point.
18 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
4:00pm Saturday
Room C
The Feminist Submissive: Reconciling
the Conflict
Coyote Too and Zhiva Zhenska
Internal and societal conflicts. How does
one reconcile the desire to submit with
feminist ideals? How can a relationship
based on inequality stand up to modern
egalitarian models? How can we, as
submissive women, reconcile our desire
for submission with our awareness of the
hard-won battles and ongoing struggle
of feminism? How too, does a male
Dominant manage his own conflicts and
dominate without guilt? In this talk we
plan to discuss how the act of submission
can be an expression of choice and an
example of “enthusiastic consent” that has
been made possible by feminism. The role
of D/s in dismantling rape culture will be
touched upon, as well as the importance
of intentionality and negotiation in
developing relationship dynamics. We will
discuss what power exchange really means
in a relationship and how a submissive
holds power within the exchange, how
D/s relationships compare to traditional
and progressive relationships, and
why “different” does not have to mean
“unequal” in any relationship.
18+ only
5:30pm Saturday
Room 1
Laughter is a Revolutionary
Gesture: Humor as Self-Care
Kelli Dunham
The nature of our work as intersectional
activists is intense and that, combined
with passion, can sometimes contribute to
depression and burnout as well as a single
focus on movement work that is neither
healthy for us as individuals nor effective.
Yet there is a notable historical precedent
for intersectional activism using humor
as both a strategy in communication
and a tool for personal empowerment.
This workshop explores how we can
reclaim humor and use it to relieve stress,
communicate better, subvert the rigid
gender binary and build resilience. You
don’t have to consider yourself “a funny
person” to participate in this workshop.
It’s about discovering our own unique
sense of humor. We’ll have fun and NO
ONE will make you wear a clown nose,
Room 2
SALACIOUS Magazine: The Beginning
kd diamond
Starting up a magazine is difficult enough
– imagine starting up a smut magazine
with a queer, feminist, anti-racist mission
and a focus on illustration and high art!
Katie will walk through the various trials
and tribulations she encounters creating
and running SALACIOUS, and take
questions on the process.
18+ only
Room 3
Deviant Bodies: Intersections in Body
Policing for Fat Folx and Trans* Folx
Dakota Raynes and Rebecca Crane
Chasers. Surgery. Invasive questions about
our bodies. Never finding clothes that fit.
Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.
In this facilitated round-table discussion,
we’ll explore similarities, differences and
intersections between ways that fat bodies
and trans* & gender non-conforming
bodies are policed in our culture – and
we’ll look at how these intersections play
out in intimate relationships between
individuals who are fat and/or trans*.
Dakota is a genderqueer trans* person
with thin privilege. Rebecca is an
inbetweenie fat person with cis privilege.
We’ll share thoughts and stories from our
own relationship journey together and
insights from conversations with other
fat and trans* friends. We invite everyone
with related experiences to join us for
a conversation on working together,
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 19
5:30pm Saturday
staying conscious, and supporting and
celebrating each others “deviant” bodies
and histories.
Room 4
Lost in the Law? Legal Rights for
Bisexual and Gender or Sexually
Fluid Persons
Angie Perone
Courts have historically denied legal
rights of bisexual and gender or sexually
fluid individuals. However, the legal
landscape is changing. This workshop
will address various ways to protect
bisexual and gender or sexually fluid
persons. We will conclude with a
facilitated discussion about creative ways
to push the courts further (including nonlegal options).
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Affecting Public
Policy: Elections and Beyond
Avory Faucette, Barry and Cathy Smiler,
Lorelei Erisis, Sara Brosnan
Did you know there’s an election next
week? Obviously, election season is a
time when it’s easy to get involved in
shaping public policy, but there’s also
so much work to be done the rest of the
year. Our panel participants will share
their experiences in the political process,
and share their own strategies for getting
involved. And don’t forget to vote! As
with all of our panel discussions this
weekend, there will be an empty chair
available for conference participants to
jump in and out of as they would like to
join in the discussion, pose a question, or
make a point.
Room C
Communication for Dating and
Winter Tashlin
“Hey you, wanna play?” Sure there are
times and places where that might work
just fine, but it’s not for everywhere or
everyone. Maybe you aren’t the type to
walk up to someone and proposition them
that way. Or maybe you are, but you can’t
quite figure out how to approach your
partner(s) about trying out something
totally new. Perhaps you’re even someone
in a long term relationship that’s gotten
sexually stale who can’t find the right way
to say “you know, I miss banging you on
a regular basis, what can we do about it?”
If any of these sound familiar, join us to
talk about strategies and communication
for dating and scoring. Both in person
and on-line situations will be discussed
in the class.
18+ only
10:00am Sunday
Room 1
The United States Prison System Tearing Us All Apart
Black and Pink - Jason Lydon
The United States Prison Industrial
Complex functions as a form of
oppression in our world. LGBTQ people
are disproportionately impacted by the
violence of the police, judges, prosecutors,
and prisons themselves. LGBTQ people of
color are direct targets of this violence. In
order for us to all come together, we
must deal with the realities of the US
punishment system and build community
through the walls until the day we tear
them down. This workshop will provide
an overview of the US penal system, the
specific impacts it has on LGBTQ people,
and give tools for moving forward in the
movement towards abolition. Room 2
One Body: Two Spirits – Native
American Honoring of Multiple
Gender Traditions
Spence PeaceMaker Waya (Wolf) Crier Carver
Of over 400 distinct indigenous Nations
in North America, 155 have documented
multiple gender traditions (Pruden &
20 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
10:00am Sunday
Hoskins, 2006). Two Spirit, a translation
of Ojibwe (Chippewa) term, “indicates
a person whose body simultaneously
houses a masculine spirit and a feminine
spirit” (Wikipedia). Before we were
considered sinful we were healers.
Before we were dangerous, we were a
blessing. Participants will learn the First
Nation tradition of honoring Two Spirits,
to apply in their communities.
Room 3
Queer: One Word, Many Meanings
Kelly Kroehle, Evan Thornburg, Kemar
Jewel, and DeAngelo Cameron of The
Attic Youth Center
That’s queer. You’re a queer. LGBTQueer.
We’re here; we’re queer. Queer
community. We know this term has
power both constructive and harmful,
and we wish to use it with intention. This
discussion will ask participants to consider
“What is Queer?” by showcasing the
distinct narratives of four queer-identified
individuals from The Attic Youth Center
in Philadelphia and how they relate to the
term. With perspectives ranging from firstgeneration Caribbean-American to raised
in the Baptist church to Butler-loving
theorist to raised by two gay dads, we
share this term but not necessarily much
else. Topics covered in this facilitated
discussion will include: schisms of gender,
age, race, and class found among queeridentified individuals; whether “umbrella
term” is an appropriate label for queer;
experiences residing in communities
where queer has not been reclaimed; queer
as a political, normativity-challenging
stance versus a practical behavioral
label; if queer fits in LGBTQ; whether
or not queer is, can, or should be distinct
from a “queer studies”; and various other
points of dissent and agreement. Looking
forward, we will ask the audience to assist
us in querying strategies toward a dynamic
queer community that effectively retains an
emphasis on person-specific experiences.
Room 4
Reconnect your Pleasure Path
David, aka SwitchMe
Our deepest inner selves are often a
tangle of confusion and fear. Much of
who we are as human beings is wrapped
up in our sexuality, and in this place we
often find a deep pleasure. For too many
of us, however, that path to pleasure has
been broken by abuse or neglect. It may
be overt, tinged with violence, or it may
be more covert and hidden. No matter
how we look at it, a vital part of who we
are is broken. This workshop draws on
my experience with the work of Dr. Betty
Martin. Here we will gently reintroduce
the notions of pleasure and how we
might learn to give and receive, take and
accept. We will have a discussion about
these concepts, followed by a series of
careful, gentle exercises that are designed
to help us re-open that broken path. The
prices of relearning this is centered not on
sexuality, but the simple act of learning to
receive and to fully accept simple pleasure
from ourselves and from others. None of
the activities are sexual in nature. This
workshop is not about sex at all, but is
about how we can learn to accept ourselves
just as we are, along with the ability to
experience pleasure. This workshop is
designed for survivors of abuse of any
sort, and will deal with topics that may
be challenging emotionally. There will
be no late admittance after a 5 minute
introduction. No participants will be
required to do anything.
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Coming Out/Living Out
Kristen Stubbs, Mark Rheault, James
O’Deorain, raycho
Coming out can be a stressful, exciting time,
and after that comes the freedom of living
as your true self. This discussion is a chance
for you and our panelists to share their own
coming out stories and strategies, and talk
about what happened next. Share the good,
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 21
10:00am Sunday
the bad, and the ugly parts of living “out”.
out of as they would like to join in the
discussion, pose a question, or make a point.
Room C
Burlesque & Gender
Eddie Paradise with members of Happy
Hour Burlesque
What is burlesque? How does it mesh with
feminism and genderfuck? Burlesque has
its roots in thumbing ones nose at gender
roles. Burlesque performers regularly
take their clothes off on stage but the acts
are considered “empowering” rather than
demeaning. How does this work? Come
to this panel with your questions and
12:30pm Sunday
Room 2
Marriage Is Not The Movement: Two
Young Trans/Queer Activists Talk
Avory Faucette and Stephen Ira
In recent years the LGBT movement
discourse has become increasingly
dominated by a focus on marriage equality,
while critical trans and queer priorities go
underfunded and under-addressed. Two
young queer activists will sound off about
how we see ourselves and our peers fitting
into “the movement” and our vision for
a youth-led queer/trans movement that
prioritizes bullying, housing, health,
violence, and other serious structural
issues to make lasting change. This will be
a highly interactive panel where everyone
is encouraged to participate and brainstorm
strategy in a space that encourages
radical discussion and prioritizes the
needs of those most marginalized in our
communities. Activist and writer Stephen
Ira of the Mattachine Review blog will
discuss online activism and grassroots/
local strategies for youth, while Avory
Faucette of the National Center for
Transgender Equality will talk about how
the national movement and non-profit
organizations can focus on trans/queer
priorities for a sustainable future.
Room 3
Lifeguard Workshop
Wes Nemenz
The Lifeguard Workshop is a structured
conversation with middle school, high
school and college age youth regarding
mental health, suicide and healthy ways to
cope with stress and anxiety. The workshop
informs youth of the various services
offered by The Trevor Project and guides
them in a conversation of how to recognize
the warning signs of suicide and how to
get help for themselves or a peer who may
be feeling suicidal. The workshop ends
by helping the participants identify ways
that they will seek to deal with stress and
anxiety in a healthy way and how to identify
supportive adults in their own environment.
(For high school/college students)
Room 4
Kink, Race and Class
Ignacio Rivera
How does race/racism/classism play
into our kink? As a person of color in
the kink world, can we leave out some
of our identities at the door? Are poor
people apart of play parties/ kink world?
Why? Why not? Do kinksters operate in a
vacuum? Is it possible to be kinky and not
political? How can we respect one another
and continue to navigate within the kink
sphere? Let’s talk about race baby!
18+ only
22 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
12:30pm Sunday
Room 5
Panel Discussion: Genderfluid: What
Does It Mean to You?
Mark Rheault, David aka SwitchMe,
Lisa Jacobs
Of all the terms you may learn this
weekend, “genderfluid” is one of the
most complex. This is a term that many
use, but they don’t always mean the same
thing when they say it. Our panelists
will share their own definitions, what it
means to them, and their experiences as a
genderfluid person.
Room C
Gender Improv 2
Lorelei Erisis
Second City trained improviser Lorelei
Erisis will share and discuss insights about
gender as well as the basics of improv and
how it can be used to enrich your own
relationships and personal presentation.
This is a hands-on workshop that will
explore the performative aspects of
gender using the techniques and tools of
improvisational acting. Participants will
have the chance to stretch their legs, open
their minds and get up on their own feet to
learn some basic games and exercises. No
improv or acting experience is necessary,
just the willingness to try something new
and have a little fun. 1:45pm Sunday
Room 1
Freedom to Connect: Polyamory as
a Social Network of CompassionMoving Devices
Although few people seem to realize it,
the Internet is a very sexual technology.
It functions using the same principle
as love: abundance is more valuable
than scarcity. If you drew people as
dots and the relationships between
them as lines connecting the dots, the
result would look remarkably similar
to the topology of telecommunication
networks like the Internet, wherein dots
represent telephony devices (phones,
fax machines, computers, etc.) and lines
represent interconnections between
them. However, a telecommunication
network in which each device could
only be connected to one other device
– a compulsorily monogamous world
view – would not be very useful. Why
buy a phone that can only call one other
phone in the world? This freedom to
“connect” with whomever we choose,
to exchange ideas with others regardless
of geographic constraint, undeniably
enriched our intellectual experiences. Is it
so hard to imagine the same phenomenon
holds true when we exchange bodily
fluids or emotional adventures? Nonmonogamous
culture has ancient roots, but modern
technologies have dramatically changed
how people behave. The inverse is true
as well: polyamorous culture encodes
discrete ways to “packetize” empathy
and emotional communications, forming
a peer-to-peer infrastructure for the
transmission of information about
human relationships – a literal social
network of compassion-moving devices.
Social behaviors are influenced by the
technologies we have available, but
the technologies we have available are
also influenced by social behaviors, or
embedded cultural scripts. How would
Western society change if the “pairbonded sexual-romantic couple” were
no longer its central organizing social
construct? In this session, explore the
myriad ways polyamory’s key tenet – that
a relationship involving more than two
individuals is a good and valuable thing
– was influenced by and can be applied to
everything from social media marketing,
social justice activism, and, of course,
sexual freedom.
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 23
1:45pm Sunday
Room 2
our gender and our sexuality, but also
our politics, religious beliefs, even our
computer choices (gods forbid one own
both a Mac and a PC). The truth is that for
many of us, these categories have gotten
limiting. Sometimes our “boxes” can feel
in conflict with one another, or we are
perceived as “other” by one community
we feel kinship with because of our ties to
another. In this workshop we will discuss
strategies for living “outside the box”
and embracing our individuality without
loosing the vital sense of connection to
community that many of us crave.
Room 3
Room 5
Using Social Media to Change the World
Richard Dedor
From former mayoral candidate and
author, Richard Dedor, comes an engaging
and interactive session looking at where
social media is and where you can take
it for your organization. You’ll see how
you can utilize current technologies like
Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr as well as
emerging technologies to engage, inform
and raise awareness. You’ll leave with a
better understanding of technologies role
in your mission and a plan to execute it.
MadFemmePride Magic: Recipe for
Hands-On Diverse Queer Community
Janie, Maggie Cee, Dora, and Ebonie of
MadFemmePride (MFP) is Boston’s
3,000-member community of queer+ (bi,
queer, poly, lesbian, gay, questioning,
ally) femmes, feminine folks, and our
femininity-supportive friends. Unlike
other groups that have added in the
T, B, and Q later, MFP has celebrated
bisexual and transgender folks from the
very beginning. We have always valued
inclusivity and diversity and we work
collaboratively to create real, friendly
community through our events. We are
proud to have sustained MFP for over
8 years with a changing group of coorganizers and ongoing involvement
by active members. This interactive
workshop both demonstrates and shares
our recipe for community building,
with hands-on tools for friendly events,
insight on leadership practices, and tips
on sustainability. Room 4
Living “Outside the Box”
Winter Tashlin
Lesbian-Gay-Bi-Trans-QueerQuestioning-Intersex-Ally the list could
go on. We “box” ourselves in a wide
variety of ways, not just with regards to
Panel Discussion: Working With
Aimee Bouchard, Melissa Kaplan,
raycho, Jennie Steinberg
As people living outside the “mainstream”
culture, we often find ourselves in
situations where we are dealing with
professionals who may not understand
our special needs. It can be exhausting
to have to explain yourself in a way to
ensure you get the care, attention, and fair
treatment you deserve. Our panelists come
from medical and legal backgrounds,
and will be happy to share not only their
experiences in dealing with professionals,
but “insider” tips on finding a professional
who wil work best with you.
Room C
Photography for Every Body
Jawn and Jawn’s Doll
Some people can’t help but look great in
pictures. For those of us who don’t, there
are some simple tips and tricks you can
use to make yourself look fantastic! In
this workshop, we will explore how to
pose to accentuate your best features, look
at some psychology behind “masculine”
and “feminine” poses, and go through
the basics of lighting and model
releases. This workshop is for models
and photographers alike, and will be
interactive. Bring your cameras! Friday
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Room C Ballroom
Intersex Day Ceremony
(Room C)
Creating and
(Unlikely) Allies
Us All
Aging and
Closet: Queer
Identity in
Marriage Is Not
The Movement
2:15pm ~ Break ~ 2:30pm
Internet Safety
for Sexually
Identity and
Faith and
Being That
3:45pm ~ Break ~ 4:00pm
Islam and
Isms &
How to Create
Intimacy with
Queering Role
with a Third
Living Multiple
Anyone: Talk
in BDSM Play
Gender Identity
and Workshop
4:45pm ~ Break ~ 5:00pm
Birds of a
Birds of a
Birds of a
Birds of a
Birds of a
The Naked I
(Room C)
Rocky Horror Picture Show
(Room C)
Birds of a
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Know Your
5 Common
Mistakes Made
by WellMeaning Allies
LGBT Elders
Room 4
Room 5
Making Mixed
Marriages and Differsexuality
Room C Ballroom
Language - A
PANEL: What's
Double Edge:
Next? Aging in
BDSM and
the Queer
10:45am ~ Break ~ 11:00am
Feminism 101
Changing the
11:45am ~ Break ~ 12:00pm
2:15pm ~ Break ~ 2:30pm
Polyamory As
Asexuals are
Queer, Too!
My Naked Self
Identity and
Building Long
3:45pm ~ Break ~ 4:00pm
EMERGENCY! The Politics of
Planning for
Sex: Intimacy,
Power, and
Improv I
The Feminist
Bisexuality 101 Reflecting Our Submissive:
Experiences in Reconciling the
& Beyond
5:15pm ~ Break ~ 5:30pm
Laughter is a
Revolutionary Magazine: The Deviant Bodies
Lost in the
Affecting Public n for Dating
and Scoring
SALACIOUS Party / Costume Photography
(Second Floor)
Transcending Boundaries
Costume Dance Party!
(Room C)
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Room C Ballroom
Interfaith Service
(Room C)
The United
States Prison
One Body: Two
System Spirits
Tearing Us All
Queer: One
Word, Many
your Pleasure
Coming Out /
Living Out
Burlesque &
Improv II
for Every Body
Lunch / Check out
Kink, Race,
and Class
1:30pm ~ Break ~ 1:45pm
Freedom to
Using Social
Media to
Change the
Pride Magic
Living "Outside
the Box"
Working with
2:45pm ~ Break ~ 3:00pm
Final Pannel
(Room C)
Closing Ceremonies
(Room C)
One-on-One Time
Our One-on-One time is your chance to talk to different professionals that
support our community. These are people that can offer insight to you in
legal, medical, spiritual, and mental health industries. One on one time will
be available on a first come-first served basis with some of our wonderful
presenters. This is a great opportunity to ask your burning questions or get
some resources in a more private setting.
Art Space
Come express your creativity in our open art space on the Second Floor. We’ll
have all kinds of art supplies to allow you to tell your story, share your ideas or
just have fun. All are welcome to participate, regardless of perceived artistic
ability. There will be space provided to show your creations as well, so don’t
be shy. Join us in creating a work of art that transcends boundaries!
Special Events
Opening Ceremony, 12:00pm Friday
Intersex Day of Awareness
Intersex Day of Awareness started on October 26, 1996 when a group of intersex activists protested the practice of surgically altering intersex infants outside a pediatrics conference. Since then October 26 has been a day of education
and action around issues affecting intersex individuals. Trancending Boundaries acknowledges the importance of recognizing the struggles of intersex individuals in a society obsessed with “normal” bodies and the gender binary.
By telling and hearing the stories of intersex people, we hope to diffuse some
of the shame and secrecy around intersexuality and help all members of our
community become better allies.
Birds of a Feather, 5:00pm Friday
Room 1 - Alex
Meet people interested in the
intersection between their spirituality,
sexuality, gender, and relationsthip.
People from all faiths are welcome to
bring their insights in navigating this
essential parts of our whole.
New to TBC and our Communities
Room 2 - Ian
First time at TBC or even to your own
community? Please come by and say
hello as we meet each other and share
what we know on who is here and
what is going on.
Parents and Families
Room 3 - Aimee
Come share the joys and challenges
of raising a family, or just being
in one. Children are welcome to
attend. This meet & greet is open
to all, including queer parents and
parents of queer children.
Little Pins For
Sale at the
Information Desk
Room 4 - Barry & Cathy Smiler
New to polyamoury or looking to
meet old or new friends, this hour is
a time to enjoy and hear from people
with multiple partners.
Room 5 - Melissa
By popular demand! Mental health
workers, doctors, lawyers, and any
other professional that serves our
communities are encouraged to attend
this meet and greet and networking
event. Gain resources throughout
the Northeast and beyond, meet
your colleagues, and share ideas.
Room C - Kristen Stubbs
People in interested in making their
own fun will be getting together to
talk design and materials, as well as,
just saying hello to other kinky craft
Coat and Bag check at the
Information Desk for a
Donation to TBC
Special Events
Friday - Room C - 7:30pm
.The Naked I: Wide Open
The 20% Theatre Company
Claire Avitabile, Anthony Neuman, Katie Burgess, Puck Matz, and Nicole Wilder
The Naked I: Wide Open features monologues and short scenes filled with
fresh, sexy, humorous, gut-punching, and unbelievably honest and true stories
by transgender/gender non-conforming individuals and allies – exploring
gender identity far beyond the land of “male” and “female”. The original, fulllength production had its world premiere in Minneapolis in February 2012
to eight completely sold-out audiences, and featured over 50 artists. This
“abridged” version is currently touring the country and features a handful
of the original performers and writers. Copies of the full script will be for
sale after the show. 20% Theatre Company is committed to supporting and
vigorously promoting the work of female and transgender theatre artists, and
celebrating the unique contribution of these artists to social justice and human
rights. For more information please visit www.tctwentypercent.org.
Friday - Room C - 9:00pm
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Come Again Players
Have fun unwinding after your first day at TBC as we all wait in antici…pation
of an exciting weekend to come! The Come Again Players of South Hadley will
lead us in the audience-participation cult classic, The Rocky Horror Picture
Show. Leave your tossables at home, but feel free to dress as your favorite
character (or not), and we’ll all do the Time Warp again!
Custom embroiderers who do personalized
T-shirts, tanks, hats, towels, blankets, leather bags
and various other goods.
At vending events, we bring our machines to do
on the spot personalization!
Also by e-mail we will work with you and do up a special shirt,
blanket or leather for that special gift or always wanted to have item.
More information write to [email protected]
Special Events
Saturday - Second Floor - 8:00pm
Cocktail Party
Wrap up your day or gear up for the night. Cocktail time is the chance for the
early risers and the late to beds to come together and mingle. It’s our time of
transitory transcendence from workshops to bass drops! A chance to order up
from the bar and celebrate with new friends. Relax and relate with old ones.
Or rev up for the dance party and gear up for the costume contest.
Round Table with Rum and Coke? Lasciviousness over Lagers? Whiskey
and a whine? Now is the time! It’s the cocktail hour and everyone’s invited!!
Saturday - Ballroom - 9:00pm
Transcending Boundaries Dance Party
We’re so close to Halloween that we just couldn’t resist having TBCs first costume party! This is a perfect opportunity for that costume you always wanted
to wear that you feared was too “out there” for other parties. Our photographer
will be present to take pictures of you and our beloved MC Lorelei Erisis will
be awarding a prize for the best costume. DJ Kelvin spins in the ballroom until
Sunday - Room C - 9:00am
Interfaith Service
Please join us for an inspiring service of contemplation and celebration. Take
the theme of Bringing Us All Together to heart as we transcend our multiple
faiths to share with each other through words and ritual. This service will be
led by presenters of many faiths, and is open to all, regardless of religion or
spiritual persuasion. Even those with no spiritual impulse will find meaning in
this community gathering.
Sunday - Room C - 3:00pm
The Final Panel: The Future of Our Community
Ignacio Rivera, Robyn Ochs, maymay, Winter Tashlin, Lorelei Erisis
Come join past and present Transcending Boundaries keynote speakers
and presenters as they discuss the future of our community. After a weekend spent looking at how our individual sexualities, gender identities and
expressions compliment and conflict with each other, our panelists will
discuss what they will take away from this year’s conference, and how we
can take what we experience in our TBC “bubble” with us all year round.
30 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
20% Theatre Company/Claire Avitabile
Claire Avitabile is an award-winning
director and theatre educator, and the
founding Artistic Director of 20% Theatre
Company in Minneapolis, MN. A graduate of Smith College, cum laude, Phi Beta
Kappa, Claires’ passions (and 20% Theatre’s) include the development of new
plays and queer theatre, promoting social change through performing arts, and
coaching emerging artists. She received
her BA in Theatre from Smith College in
Northampton, Massachusetts. For 20%
Theatre Company, Claire has directed
over ten plays, including the sold-out and
award-winning productions of Standards
of Care and The Naked I: Monologues
From Beyond the Binary, both by FTM
transgender playwright, Tobias K. Davis,
as well as The Naked I: Wide Open which
was created by the company in February
2012 and will be touring conference and
universities beginning Fall 2012.
My Naked Self
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 3
20% Theatre Company/Nicole Wilder
Nicole Wilder received her MA in Theatre with an emphasis in Directing and
Women’s Studies from Miami University
in August 2008. She currently lives and
works in Minneapolis, MN as a theatre
director, performer, musician and workshop facilitator. Nicole is a company
member of 20% Theatre Company, a
group of people committed to supporting and vigorously promoting the work
of female and transgender theatre artists,
and celebrating the unique contribution
of these artists to social justice and human rights.
My Naked Self
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 3
Andrea Hackl
Andrea Hackl is a graduate student with
the department of Women’s & Gender
Studies at Towson University. An Austrian native, Andrea has gained research
experience in Ohio, California, Maryland, Berlin, Salzburg, and Vienna. Her
main research interests are the media
representation of LGBT individuals and
the same-sex marriage movement in the
United States.
Bringing Us All Together?: Implications
for Changing Language in the Print Media Discourse of Same-Sex Marriage
from 2004-2012
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 3
Angie Perone
I am a civil rights attorney at the National
Center for Lesbian Rights in San Francisco. I have assisted transgender and
gender non-conforming persons in cases
involving discrimination and harassment
in work and school. I have also presented workshops through the Transgender
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 31
Rights Project.
Protecting LGBT Elders
Saturday at 9:30 am, Room 3
Panel: What’s Next? Aging in the Queer
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 5
Lost in the Law? Legal Rights for Bisexual and Gender or Sexually Fluid Persons
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room 4
Avory Faucette
Avory Faucette is a radical genderqueer
feminist activist and writer. Zie writes at
the blog Radically Queer and is Director of Operations for the National Center for Transgender Equality. Zie is also
the founder of QueerFeminism.com. Hir
work focuses on intersections of gender,
sexuality, and other identities. Zie is particularly interested in non-binary gender
and sexuality. Zie is also an award-winning international human rights legal activist with a law degree from the University of Iowa.
Panel: Consent, Negotiation, and Boundaries
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 5
Deafhood, Transhood: Cultural Identity
and Activism
Friday at 2:30 pm, Room 4
Panel: Affecting Public Policy — Elections and Beyond
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room 5
Marriage is Not the Movement: Two Young
Trans/Queer Activists Talk Strategy
Sunday at 12:30 pm, Room 2
Barry and Cathy Smiler have been active in open relationship, sex-positive,
personal growth, and activist communities for many years. They are both members of the Polyamory Leadership Network, and former members of the final
Board of Directors of the Chesapeake
Polyamory Network. Formerly Californians, they now live in Maryland, where
they lead and produce events, often
through BmorePoly. BmorePoly offers
50-60 events every month throughout the
Mid-Atlantic (DC/MD/VA area) and appreciates elements and practices drawn
from a wide range of sex-positive traditions and communities, including polyamory, personal growth, intimacy, tantra,
swing lifestyle, BDSM, sacred sexuality,
the LGBTQ community, political activism, massage, pagans, nudists, and other
explorations of alternatives. BmorePoly
is only one year old, yet by embracing
and emphasizing the common ground
underlying all these supposedly disparate
traditions and communities, it has grown
to become by far the largest and most active such group in the Mid-Atlantic.
Panel: Consent, Negotiation, and Boundaries
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 5
Panel: What’s Next? Aging in the Queer
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 5
Polyamory as Self-Determination
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 1
Panel: Affecting Public Policy — Elections and Beyond
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room 5
C. Reyn Boyer will be graduating from
Towson University in 2013 with her degree in Psychology & LGBT Studies.
Bringing Us All Together?: Implications
for Changing Language in the Print Media Discourse of Same-Sex Marriage
from 2004-2012
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 3
Coyote Too and Zhiva Zhenska – Coyote has a BA in Anthropology, a minor
in Psychology and has been studying the
anthropologically aspects of relationships since the early 80’s. He first began
exploring the BDSM community in the
late 80’s. Zhiva focused on Women’s
Studies as an undergraduate, and is currently researching gender issues and
32 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
Created by 20% Theatre Company from Minneapolis, and featuring the stories of transgender
and gender non-conforming artists and allies, The Naked I: Wide Open explores gender
far beyond “male” and “female” in a series of fresh, sexy, humorous, gut-punching, and
unbelievably honest monologues and short scenes. “It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever
seen in my life. Life-affirming and life-changing... Everyone should hear these stories!”
Warning: Adult language, sexual situations, and nudity. Not
appropriate for youth. Performance runs approximately 50
minutes and will be followed by a discussion with the artists.
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 33
in the United States. I love incorporating breath and energy techniques more
deeply into my work and life. I recently
attended (for the second time!) Dr. Betty Martin’s very powerful “Like a Pro”
training on the nature of consent and am
developing a number of workshops that
deal with this often challenging process.
I’m a certified Cuddle Party Facilitator. I
am moving into my own full-time practice, and am looking forward to the many
different ways of connecting with others.
I’m settling into, and embracing, my own
identity as a transgendered person (ok,
I label me as a co-gendered, bisexual,
polyamorous switch!) and it’s proving to
be a powerful force in my life.
Panel: Differ-sexuality: My Life as a
Saturday at 9:30 am, Room 5
Reconnect Your Pleasure Path
Sunday at 10:00 am, Room 4
Panel: Genderfluid: What Does It Mean
to You?
Sunday at 12:30 pm, Room 5
ual and economic justice. She has been a
community organizer, fundraiser, Teamster, bus driver and home repair contractor. Her interests in church work include
anti-racism education, class issues, antibullying efforts and diversity work, as
well as community outreach. Born and
raised Irish Catholic, Dawn became a UU
in the early 1990s and has been active in
a number of churches in Maine, including
Waterville, Allen Ave. in Portland, Ellsworth, and Belfast, which is her home
church. She recently completed a year
as a student minister at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Haverhill, Massachusetts and is presently working as a
carpentry contractor and estate groundskeeper.
Creating and Educating (Unlikely) Allies
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 2
Panel: Faith and Spirituality
Friday at 2:30 pm, Room 5
Panel: Living Multiple Lives: Holding
Different/Conflicting Identities
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room 5
Dave Serio is currently a graduate student at Wayne State University in Detroit,
Michigan studying Middle Eastern Studies. I currently work at the Arab American
National Museum in Dearborn, Michigan
as an educator where I conduct hundreds
of tours and presentations around the
Mid-West on both Arab Americans and
Panel: Faith and Spirituality
Friday at 2:30 pm, Room 5
Islam and Homosexuality
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room 1
Dora is an organizer with MadFemmePride, an activist for transgender equality,
and just generally a femme-about-town in
Boston, Massachusetts, where she lives
with her high-school sweetheart and the
requisite two cats. Follow her on twitter:
MadFemmePride Magic: Recipe for
Hands-On Diverse Queer Community
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 3
Dawn Fortune is a Unitarian Universalist
seminarian at Andover Newton Theological School in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, with an anticipated graduation date
of 2014. A longtime activist in GLBTQIA
and progressive political causes, Dawn is
keenly interested in issues of social, sex-
E. Winter/Wintersong Tashlin (www.
barkingshaman.com) is an educator, activist, blogger, and shaman who teaches
workshops on such diverse topics as
queer/LGBT issues, BDSM, pagan spirituality, polyamory, and disabilities. He is
associate editor for The Bilerico Project,
an LGBT politics & culture blog, as well
as an assistant producer/programing director for Dark Odyssey Events. Winter
34 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
has presented workshops for Transcending Boundaries, Five College Queer Gender & Sexuality Conference, QueerPlayCon, Dark Odyssey, Geeky Kink Event,
Mass General Hospital, PassionateU, and
many others. He has appeared in television documentaries featuring topics such
as polyamory, spirituality, and genital integrity in both the United States and Great
Britain. His photography has appeared in
Salacious Magazine, on the websites of
Crash Pad and Fruit Punch Productions,
as well as in a number of both pagan and
mainstream books.
The Unintentional Closet: Queer Identity
in Hetero-presumptive Situations
Friday at 2:30 pm, Room 1
Communication for Dating and Scoring
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room C
Living “Outside the Box”
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 4
Ebs – Through the power of social media and organizing events through madfemmepride, I have found great joy in
helping create safe and friendly spaces
for queer people.
MadFemmePride Magic: Recipe for
Hands-On Diverse Queer Community
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 3
Eddie Paradise of Happy Hour Burlesque – Happy Hour Burlesque has
been bringing fun and playful body positive burlesque to the stage since 2009.
Our shows pull on both classic and neoburlesque traditions, presenting classic
teases and talent acts along side modern
twists. Eddie Paradise: Fearless Leader of
Happy Hour Burlesque, Sex Toy Partys
and Education for Oh My in Northampton, MA, part-time fetish model, and
amateur burlesque historian.
bet ween the ages of 16 and 24?
We are looking for young trans
women, of any HIV status, to take
part in a research study focusing on
a variety of health topics, including
sexual health. Those who join will be
reimbursed for their time.
you might be eligible to
participate if you are:
• A trans woman/On the MTF spectrum
• Age 16 to 24
• Sexually active
For more information and to see if you are eligible please call or text 617.299.9013 or
email us at [email protected]. Visit us at www.ProjectLifeSkills.org
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 35
Burlesque & Gender
Sunday at 10:00 am, Room C
Gunner Scott is the Executive Director
of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) and is a nationally
recognized activist, educator, and community organizer on Transgender Rights,
LGBT health issues, and LGBT partner
abuse. In 2011, after 5-year campaign,
the Massachusetts legislature passed the
Transgender Equal Rights bill; this legislative campaign was lead by MTPC
under the direction of Gunner Scott. He
holds a BA in Liberal Arts from Goddard
College and has written articles for Boston Phoenix, Bay Windows, What’s Up
magazine, Sojourner Women’s Forum,
“Agitate and Activate”, the introduction
to Pinned Down by Pronouns, a 2003
Lambda Literary nominee anthology, and
is a co-author on the study and the article
in the American Journal of Public Health
entitled “Transgender Health in Massachusetts: Results From a Household
Probability Sample of Adults.”
Know Your Rights & The State of Trans
Equal Rights
Saturday at 9:30 am, Room 1
Panel: Building Long-Term Relationships
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 5
Ignacio G. Rivera is a Queer, gender
fluid, Trans- Entity, Black Boricua performance artist, currently performing
skits, spoken word, one-person shows and
story-telling internationally. Ignacio is a
lecturer/trainer, activist, new filmmaker,
sex worker and self-proclaimed sex educator. As a lecturer/ trainer, Ignacio has
spoken at home and abroad on such topics of racism, sexism, homo/transphobia,
transgender issues, trans 101, sexual liberation, anti-oppression, anti-violence,
multi-issue organizing and more. Ignacio
currently consultants with various organizations in New York City conduct-
ing professional development trainings
for NYC high school staff. Ignacio is the
founder of Poly Patao Productions. P3 is
dedicated to producing sex-positive workshops, performance pieces, films, play
parties, panel discussions, social/political
groups and educational opportunities that
are specially geared toward queer women,
transgender, multi-gender, gender-queer,
gender non-conforming and gender variant people of color. As a filmmaker Ignacio currently embarked on a film project,
“Shades of Kink” a series of educational/
documentary style films around inserting
a racial/class/sexuality and gender into the
Kink world. Ignacio also has completed
two experimental shorts. Their first short
is an adult short about moving from normality into kink, called “Crossing” and the
other is a short about gender called “They”
Both films have been shown at various
film festivals across the country. As a sex
worker Ignacio is a Pro-dom and is working in the adult film industry. They can be
seen in their debut performance in Pink
and White Productions, “In Search of The
Wild Kingdom” and Morty Diomand’s
“Trans Entity: The Nasty Love of Papi and
Wil.” Ignacio is also one of the founding
board member of Queers for Economic
Justice, a progressive non-profit organization committed to promoting economic
justice in a context of sexual and gender
The Politics of Sex: Intimacy, Power, and
36 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
Saturday at 4:00 pm, Room 2
Kink, Race, and Class
Sunday at 12:30 pm, Room 4
J.M. Sorrell is the Director of SAGE
Western Massachusetts. SAGE is a services and advocacy organization for
LGBT older adults, allies and friends.
JM identifies as a lesbian who has many
non-conforming gender qualities. She is
also a Justice of the Peace, and as such
has officiated for over 525 lesbian, gay,
gender queer, transgender and heterosexual couples in Massachusetts over the
last nine years. JM is one of 25 certified
trainers from around the country who
facilitates curricula from the National
Resource Center on LGBT Aging. She
believes that patriarchal violence and oppressive rule will continue until gender
transcendance and acceptance of the entire spectrum is in place.
Aging and Ageism
Friday at 2:30 pm, Room 2
James O’Deorain is a radical equality
activist who resists oppression, prejudice,
and marginalization (both of myself and
of everyone else). My goals in life are to
learn in order to grow, and to grow in order to connect with all life more openly,
more creatively, and more intensely. I do
this through self-exploration, unpacking
my own privilege and internalized oppression, listening carefully to people
(especially people who face oppression I
don’t), sharing any useful understanding I
gain (publicly, via livejournal), practicing
compassion, and challenging others to do
the same. I feel that there are so many
compassionate people who could make
beautiful change given the right catalyst.
I want to be that catalyst. I also consider
creativity to be very important; I consider
that if I can’t see a solution, it is because
I am not thinking creatively enough yet.
Panel: Consent, Negotiation, and Boundaries
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 5
How to Create Intimacy with Anyone:
Talk and Workshop
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 37
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room 3
Panel: Coming Out/Living Out
Sunday at 10:00 am, Room 5
Janie will use any excuse to be superfemme & fearless! Her activism began
quietly in the bisexual movement, gained
momentum when she helped organize the
2006 Transcending Boundaries conference, and burst forth with madFemmePride 7 years ago. She digs radically inclusive events and LOVES how people
of all stripes & genders are creating a
femme-centric friendly revolution in
Boston!! This is what queer community looks like: www.meetup.com/madfemmepride! :-)
MadFemmePride Magic: Recipe for
Hands-On Diverse Queer Community
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 3
Jawn is a photographer and musician
from Worcester. He has been active in
the BDSM community for over a decade.
With His Doll is the leader of Reverend
Reacharound, an irreverent folk-punk
duo. They are also starting an LBGTQIKfriendly photography business, Jawniffer
Photography, for event and portrait photography. Jawn can be found online at
Jawnhenry.com, Jawniffer.com, ReverendReacharound.com and Heart-ShapedBoy.com.
Panel: Reflecting Our Experiences in Art
Saturday at 4:00 pm, Room 5
Photography for Every Body
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room C
Jawn’s Doll has played a number of
roles in her life, both literally as she
earned her BA in Drama from Ithaca
College, and figuratively as she earned
her MEd from University of New Hampshire. Her most important role is currently as the owned girl of Jawn. She has
recently served as the Director of MAsT
Mass (Masters And slaves Together), a
monthly discussion and support group for
those interested in pursuing hierarchical
relationships. She works with Jawn creatively as part of Reverend Reacharound
(ReverendReacharound.com) and as a
photographer for Jawniffer Photography
(Jawniffer.com). She can also be found
online at Jawns-doll.com.
Panel: Living Multiple Lives: Holding
Different/Conflicting Identities
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room 5
Photography for Every Body
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room C
Jennie Steinberg is a Massachusetts licensed mental health counselor specializing in queer and nonconformist issues,
as well as self-esteem and life transitions.
I own a limited private practice in Lexington, MA and am very excited to be attending my first Transcending Boundaries conference!
Isms & Phobias: Informing or Ignoring
the Ignorant
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room 2
5 Common Mistakes Made by WellMeaning Allies
Saturday at 9:30 am, Room 2
Panel: Building Long-Term Relationships
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 5
Panel: Working with Professionals
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 5
Dr. Joelle Ruby Ryan is currently a
Lecturer in Women’s Studies at the University of New Hampshire, where she
also sits on the President’s Commission on the Status of Women. She is the
Founder of TransGender New Hampshire
(TG-NH) and currently sits on the Steering Committee for that organization. She
is currently finishing up work on her third
autobiographical film, Transilience, and
also working on several writing projects. Her major areas of academic and
activist interest include: queer, ace and
trans rights, feminism, fat studies and fat
liberation, sex worker rights, and film/
38 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
media criticism and production. When
not speaking truth to power, she enjoys
spending time with her two dogs, tending
to her houseplants, eating out, reading,
writing and watching movies.
Transgender Feminism 101
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 2
Asexuals are Queer Too!
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 2
Joshua Tenpenny is Raven’s Boy, and
his devoted assistant, partner, and slave
for life. He is a massage therapist, Shiatsu
practitioner, and yoga teacher. He is polymorphously perverse, and finds spiritual
fulfillment through any kind of worthy
Panel: Consent, Negotiation, and Boundaries
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 5
Transitioning with a Third Gender Identity
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room 4
Double Edge: BDSM and Transgender
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room C
Reclaiming Power-Over
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room C
is a queer, erotic comic artist who fuses art with politics, graphics
with sex, and education with visuals as
a method of altering societal norms and
breaking down preconceived notions of
gender and sexuality. Her work throughout New England, and across the country
at large, has been called “imaginative,”
“ambitious,” “fresh,” and “creative.” Her
dogmatic approach to comics and art as a
transformative experience sets her apart
from other artists. Diamond’s comic-art
has been published in Gender Outlaws:
The Next Generation (ed. S. Bear Bergman and Kate Bornstein, Seal Press, August 2010). In a creative collaboration
with queer vaudevillian cohort Johnny
Blazes, Diamond’s comics move to the
story-telling level to aid Blazes’ story of
genderqueeritude and self-discovery. In
April 2010, Diamond decided to embark
on a mission to fill a need in the queer
feminist community by creating the queer
feminist sex magazine, Salacious. Salacious is set apart from its peers by its focus on illustration, high art, and stunning
visuals. The first issue launched in January 2011, and the second in May 2011.
Salacious Magazine is now an international project, sporting over 90 contributors and an infinite number of supporters,
and continues to grow every day. You can
learn more about Salacious Magazine at
www.salaciousmagazine.com Additionally, Diamond’s anatomical drawings
can be found in Tristan Taormino’s The
Secrets of Great G-Spot Orgasms and
Female Ejaculation: The Best Positions
and Latest Techniques for Creating Powerful, Long-Lasting, Full-Body Orgasms
(Quayside). In March 2012, Diamond’s
illustrations will be featured in The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play
and the Erotic Edge (ed. Tristan Taormino, Cleis Press). Working from photo
and book reference material, Diamond
worked to create succinct and sexy instructional drawings that highlight and
emphasize the text within. In addition
kd diamond
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 39
to drawing and designing to her heart’s
content, Diamond teaches a multitude
of classes and workshops. You can find
those classes listed here.
Panel: Reflecting Our Experiences in Art
Saturday at 4:00 pm, Room 5
SALACIOUS Magazine: The Beginning
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room 2
Kelli Dunham (kellidunham.com) is
everyone’s favorite ex-nun genderqueer
nerd comic. Kelli was one of Velvet
Park Magazine’s 25 Significant Queer
Women of 2011 and author of four books
of humorous non-fiction, including two
children’s books being used by Sonlight
conservative home schooling association
in their science curriculum. Kelli has performed nationwide at LGBT pride events
(Seattle, Long Beach CA, Rhode Island,
Baltimore, Atlanta), colleges (University of Delaware, Penn State University,
Smith College, Temple University, Colorado State University) and even the occasional livestock auction. Both her comedy
CDs, “I am NOT a 12 Year Old Boy” and
“Almost Pretty” are on regular rotation
on Sirius Satellite Radio’s mainstream
comedy station and she has appeared on
Showtime and the Discovery Network.
Kelli was the winner of the 2007 Fresh
Fruit Festival Award of Distinction for
stand up comedy, although she has never
before or since been called distinguished.
Kelli recently returned from a 12 day, 10
city tour of the Southern States via Megabus which included a 2 AM encounter
with a pick-up truck full of homophobes
in a Montgomery Alabama Speedy Check
Cashing Parking Lot and an even scarier
encounter with Sarah Palin. Kelli’s third
comedy CD “Freak of Nurture: Why Is
The Fat One Always Angry” is making
its mad mad way to a New York release
this fall.
Panel: Building Long-Term Relationships
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 5
EMERGENCY! Planning for Unplanned
Saturday at 4:00 pm, Room 1
Laughter as a Revolutionary Gesture:
Humor as Self-Care
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room 1
Kelly Kroehle, MSW is the Program
Coordinator at The Bryson Institute of
The Attic Youth Center in Philadelphia.
An Ohio native, they studied Gender
Studies and LGBTQ Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison before
earning a Masters of Social Work at the
University of Pennsylvania. A lifelong
advocate of thoughtful dialogue as a
means of understanding difference, Kelly
is a skilled facilitator with a practical understanding of social and organizational
change that is grounded in best practices.
As Program Coordinator, they work with
and on behalf LGBTQ youth to facilitate
Out. Proud. Safe.
Get Tested. STI & Rapid HIV Testing.
Amherst • Great Barrington • Greenfield • Holyoke
North Adams • Northampton • Pittsfield • Springfield
40 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
workshops and trainings that lend themselves to cultures of respect and support
throughout the region. In their spare time,
they love barbecue, crosswords, and
Queer: One Word, Many Meanings
Sunday at 10:00 am, Room 3
Dr. Kristen Stubbs is a queer, pansexual, kinky roboticist who’s more interested
in people than in technology. She is an
aspiring maker who enjoys learning from
other geeks, makers and hackers (regardless of whether they identify as kinky)
and from other sex-positive and kinkpositive people (regardless of whether
they identify as makers or geeks). Kristen blogs at The Toymaker Project about
technological empowerment with respect
to sexuality, gender and pleasure: How
can we make, hack or adapt technology to
serve our wants and needs? Kristen’s life
goal is to empower other people to find
out more about themselves and become
toy makers and hackers, too.
Queering Role in BDSM Play
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room C
Changing the Playbook — Negotiating
Asexual/Sexual Relationships
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 3
Panel: Coming Out/Living Out
Sunday at 10:00 am, Room 5
Lorelei Erisis – The super fabulous Lorelei Erisis is a transgender performer,
writer, activist, adventurer and Pageant
Queen. She received extensive training
in improvisation and sketch comedy at
the renowned Second City in Chicago
and Los Angeles and has performed all
across the country including as the Emcee of the Noho Pride Celebration! She
is also a director,teacher and independent filmmaker. She is especially proud
to have directed and performed with The
Fully Functional Players in Los Angeles,
the first and only all-transgender improv
group in the country! In addition to her
Second City training she has also studied
at a number of other theater workshops
and schools, including an apprenticeship in Pantomime and movement with
Ryszard Choroszy, the assistant to and
disciple of the great Polish artist Henryk
Tomaszewski, the founder and director of
the Wroclaw Mime Theatre. Follow her
blog on The Web at: transprov.wordpress.
com and watch out for her monthly column: “Ask A TransWoman” in The Rainbow Times!!! Slaínte!
Gender Improv 1
Saturday at 4:00 pm, Room 3
Panel: Affecting Public Policy — Elections and Beyond
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room 5
Gender Improv 2
Sunday at 12:30 pm, Room C
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 41
Lori Desrosiers is a bi, poly poet whose
experience is in encouraging youth and
adults to write through trauma or to
gain insight into their poetic selves. She
has a book of poetry, The Philosopher’s
Daughter soon to be released by Salmon
Poetry and a chapbook, Three Vanities
from Pudding House Press. She has been
involved in Split this Rock political poetry festival in Washington, DC and is
chair this year for the November 30/30
poetry challenge to benefit the Center for
New Americans in Northampton, MA.
She has conducted workshops at the Austin International Poetry Festival and New
England College’s MFA program. She
edits and publishes a journal of narrative
poetry, Naugatuck River Review.
Transcending Language — A Poetry
Saturday at 9:30 am, Room C
Panel: Reflecting Our Experiences in Art
Saturday at 4:00 pm, Room 5
Maggie Cee is an artist, activist, dancer,
and educator committed to community and
social change. She is the founder and artistic director of The Femme Show, a groundbreaking touring variety show about queer
femme identity. Onstage, Maggie strives to
offer provocative, inspiring performances
and writings. In addition to the Femme
Show, she been seen at MondoHomo, the
HOT Festival at Dixon Place in New York
City, the 2008 and 2012 Femme Conferences, and the Stonewall Inn. Her writing
has appeared in anthologies including Second Person Queer from Arsenal Pulp Press.
Dance and choreography credits include
Big Moves, Ballet Rox, the Boston Children’s Dance Festival, and Dances in Black
and White at the Schubert Theatre. She is
the 2011 recipient of the History Project’s
Lavender Rhino Award for an emerging
LGBT history maker.
MadFemmePride Magic: Recipe for
Hands-On Diverse Queer Community
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 3
Mark Rheault has a lifetime interest in
the psychology of variations in gender
identity and sexual orientation. In addition to presenting workshops on bisexuals and their relationships at regional conferences, Mark is involved with several
support groups helping others understand
the joys of living life authentically as a
bisexual with the ones we love.
Bisexuals Making Mixed Orientation
Marriages and Relationships Fabulous
Saturday at 9:30 am, Room 4
Panel: Coming Out/Living Out
Sunday at 10:00 am, Room 5
Panel: Genderfluid: What Does It Mean
to You?
Sunday at 12:30 pm, Room 5
Matt is a graduate student in mathematics who identifies as asexual, kinky, and
Changing the Playbook — Negotiating
Asexual/Sexual Relationships
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 3
– Formerly a free software programmer “by day” and a sexual freedom
advocate “by night,” Maymay has been
an outspoken member of kinky, queer
communities since 2002. Now a fulltime activist, writer, and public speaker,
he frequently examines cultural and political issues ranging from censorship to
community building and beyond on his
blog at maybemaimed.com. Using an interdisciplinary approach that treats sexuality as a lens on the rest of life, Maymay
also hosts the Internet talk show KinkOnTap.com, authors the explicit photography blog MaleSubmissionArt.com, and
founded the all-ages KinkForAll.org series of sexuality education unconferences. Since its inception in New York City
in 2009, educators and activists brought
KinkForAll to 6 cities across America
including Washington, DC and San Franmaymay
42 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
cisco. He currently volunteers as the
Chair of the Technology Special Committee for Conversio Virium, America’s oldest student-run BDSM education group.
Maymay’s seminars have been featured
at conferences from coast to coast, and he
regularly injects sex-positivity into each
and every community he geeks out with.
His presentations, lectures, and workshops focus on queer identity and experience, sexuality, media and censorship,
gender (with a focus on masculinity),
technology, and especially the intersection of these things. As a social justice
technologist, maymay rallies hackers,
Makers, DIY enthusiasts, environmentalists, and myriad other groups to support
sex-positive feminism. As a sexual freedom activist, maymay works to connect
enclaves of the sex-positive movement
with one another through the power of the
Internet and social networking. As a sexually submissive man himself, maymay
is also known for challenging deeplyheld beliefs about “kinky” sex by exploring common visual depictions of sexually
dominant women, and especially submissive men. His work has been featured by
the internationally-distributed counterculture publication Filament Magazine,
feminist books such as Reclaiming the F
Word, and academic works like Playing
on the Edge: Sadomasochism, Risk, and
Intimacy. Maymay’s theorizing draws
heavily from the free and open-source
software movement, whose principles of
transparency, accessibility, and diversity
underpin everything he does.
Internet Safety for Sexually Vocal Laypeople
Friday at 2:30 pm, Room 3
Panel: Differ-sexuality: My Life as a
Saturday at 9:30 am, Room 5
Freedom to Connect: Polyamory as a Social
Network of Compassion-Moving Devices
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 1
has Open and Affirming
congrgations that offer
God’s Extravagant Welcome
to people who are transgender,
lesbian, gay, bisexual,
same-gender loving
or questioning
For information about
LGBT Concerns
And to find an Open
and Affirming Church
In Massachusetts
Go to
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 43
M. Paz Galupo is Professor of Psychology and Director of LGBT Studies at
Towson University.
Bringing Us All Together?: Implications
for Changing Language in the Print Media Discourse of Same-Sex Marriage
from 2004-2012
Friday at 1:00 pm, Room 3
Raven Kaldera is a queer FTM transgendered intersexual shaman. He is the
author of too many books to list here, including Dark Moon Rising: Pagan BDSM
and the Ordeal Path and Dear Raven and
Joshua: Questions and Answers About
Master/Slave Relationships. He and his
slaveboy Joshua have been teaching and
presenting workshops regularly for many
years to the BDSM, Neo-Pagan, Sex/
Spirituality, transgender, and other communities. ‘Tis an ill wind that blows no
Panel: Faith and Spirituality
Friday at 2:30 pm, Room 5
Transitioning with a Third Gender Identity
Friday at 4:00 pm, Room 4
Double Edge: BDSM and Transgender
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room C
Reclaiming Power-Over
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room C
Rebecca Crane is an unrepentant relationship anarchist who has been doing
education and activism around consensual non-monogamy since the age of 15.
She attended the very first Transcending
Boundaries as a teenager in 2001 and is
excited to be back in 2012. A sociologist
and social justice advocate, she is particularly interested in how individuals negotiate healthy and empowering intimate
relationships within the context of larger
social structures. Rebecca has traveled
to seven continents, has a weakness for
tiny cupcakes, and wants to Queer All the
Metamour Intensive
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 4
Deviant Bodies: Intersections in Body
Policing for Fat Folx and Trans* Folx
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Room 3
Rebecca Papadinis: is a mental health
therapist with a MEd in Professional
Counseling and Human Development. I
work as an outpatient clinician for a community mental health agency. Prior to
moving to New England I was in private
practice in central Kentucky and was the
only therapist in the region who specialized in LGBT issues for adults, children
and families.
5 Common Mistakes Made by WellMeaning Allies
Saturday at 9:00:30 am, Room 2
Richard Dedor – I make my home in
New York City, where I operate my training and coaching company. Through all
my experiences, I have come to believe
that each of us has the ability to overcome
any obstacle we encounter; in addition to
having a positive impact on those around
us. I have spent the last ten years volunteering for community groups, working in politics and the non-profit sector,
and currently spends his time consulting
companies on their social media tactics
44 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
and execution. When I was 18, I ran for
mayor of Mason City, Iowa, a town of
30,000. The campaign propelled me into
the national spotlight. I finished third, but
proclaimed on election night that it had
been a victory. I hold a degree in public relations and have written one book,
Anything is Possible.
Using Social Media to Change the World
Sunday at 1:30 pm, Room 2
Robyn Ochs is an international speaker,
award-winning activist and the editor of
the quarterly publication Bi Women and
the 42-country anthology, Getting Bi:
Voices of Bisexuals Around the World.
Her writings have been published in numerous bi, women’s studies, multicultural, and LGBQ anthologies, and she has
taught courses on LGBT history and politics. An advocate for the rights of people
of ALL orientations and genders to live
safely, openly and with full legal equality, Robyn’s work focuses on increasing
awareness and understanding of complex
identities, and mobilizing people to be
powerful allies to one another within and
across identities and social movements.
She has served proudly on the Board of
Directors of MassEquality since 2003.
Panel: What’s Next? Aging in the Queer
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 5
Beyond Binaries: Identity and Sexuality
Saturday at 2:30 pm, Room 4
Bisexuality 101 & Beyond
Saturday at 4:00 pm, Room 4
Rev. Spence C. PeaceMaker WayaCrier Carver, MPA, MSW, WV Licensed
Graduate Social Worker: aka TwoSpirit – Male-Bodied, Poly, Bisexual,
Sexually/Gender Fluid. WV State Psychiatric Hospital Social Worker. Social Sciences 19+ years. Founder/Co-President
of all-volunteer gender/sexual diversity
nonprofit - Rainbow Community Center,
Inc. 16+ years. Co-founder of Two Spirits
of WV. Member - Appalachian American
Indians of WV. Presented in January 2012
at the Creating Change Conference, and
July 2012 at the Gender Spectrum Conference. Professionally spoken/taught all
levels preschool to higher education publicly and as instructor.
One Body: Two Spirits — Native American Honoring of Multiple Gender Traditions
Sunday at 10:00 am, Room 2
Wes Nemenz is the Education Manager
- East for the Trevor Project, the nation’s
leading suicide prevention and crisis
intervention organization for LGBTQ
youth. Wes oversees education initiatives
for the Trevor Project, including the coordination and presentation of hundreds
of workshops and trainings a year. Wes’s
previous experiences include presenting
hundreds of workshops and trainings on
creating safer spaces for LGBTQ individuals in New York schools and professional environments, coordinating youth
programs at an LGBTQ community center and developing social media strategies for non-profit organizations. Prior
to moving to New York, Wes worked
with Equality North Carolina on their
grassroots campaign to successfully pass
the School Violence Prevention Act, the
South’s first-ever LGBT-inclusive antibullying bill. Wes graduated from the
University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a BA in Communication Studies and Public Relations.
Connect, Accept, Respond, Empower:
Supporting LGBTQ Youth
Saturday at 11:00 am, Room 1
Lifeguard Workshop
Sunday at 12:30 pm, Room 3
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 45
02/21/1967 – 12/26/2011
Science Fiction conventions
And Specially the
Transcending Boundaries Conference
will never be the same without you.
The world is changing and so is the
Transcending Boundaries Conference.
We need new leaders to join our organizers to plan the next conference.
Please email [email protected]
for more information on joining the team.
46 - 2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference
Aimee K. Bouchard
BitSmith Technology Group
Jawniffer Photography
Melissa J. Kaplan LMHC
New England Leather Alliance
Tom Limoncelli
Cosmetic and Wellness Center - Dr. Martorell
Inciting Defiance
Independent Psychotherapist
MKT Productions - Chaotic Kiss
Amarez Jewelz
At First Glance Publishing
Fenway Health
Sarah Lemons
Jennie Steinberg, LMHC, LLC
United Church of Christ - Open and Affirming Churches
2012 Transcending Boundaries Conference - 47
Transcending Boundaries is committed to hosting a conference that is accessible to
all community members. This page is a reference for all attendees to foster that goal.
Stress Management
Transcending Boundaries can be a loud, exciting and busy experience. People from all
over the country are convening on the Mass Mutual Center for a weekend of education, fun and community organizing around a multitude of issues and identities. While
this is absolutely fabulous, it does mean that attendees need to take gentle care of
themselves to avoid stress and have a truly pleasant experience. TBC has set up one
(1) quiet zone, located on the 2nd floor at the landing. This space is for decompression,
relaxation and stress management.
For the convenience of speech-readers, we set aside blue stripe seats front and center
in every workshop room. Workshop participants use microphones in the larger workshop rooms.
Transcending Boundaries Conference is a chemical-free, scent-free conference. This
means that the conference requests that all participants refrain from wearing perfume,
cologne and other fragrances, and use unscented personal care products in order to
promote a fragrance-free environment.
Each of the conference workshop rooms is outfitted with blue painters tape marking
space for wheelchair users to efficiently access and use the space. Additionally, chairs
placed on blue lined space are intended for those with visual or hearing needs.
Allies: How Everyone Contributes to an Accessibile Con
One of the greatest ways to make Transcending Boundaries accessible to people with
disabilities is to educate ourselves, regardless of disability status on how to be an ally.
When in doubt, remember that ‘person first’ is the best way to go. Disability is only
part of a person’s life and story, and getting to know them rather than focus on their
disability/ies goes a long way to being an ally.
• Don’t ask intrusive questions, however well-intentioned. Questions about medical conditions and personal health can be irritating, exhausting and demeaning.
• Don’t assume people with disabilities want or need fixing.
• Offer help--don’t assume it’s needed. Most of us are taught to “help the handicapped” but not “does this person want and/or need help?” If you think someone
needs assistance, just ask. If they say yes, don’t make assumptions; instead listen
to the details of what the person with disabilities wants. If they say “no thanks”
don’t be offended. What might look overly complicated or inefficient can be what
that person with a disability finds works best.
• Ignore service dogs while they’re working. Do not pet, feed, or interact with them.
If you would like to interact with a service dog, please ask the handler first. Respect a no answer! There are lots of reasons a person may not wish for you to
interact with their service dog.
• Respect the blue lined space marking accessible locales for people with visual,
hearing or mobility needs.
Proud photographers
of the
We are LGBTQIK-friendly
photographers for all your
event and portrait needs.
Available for reasonable
travel from the Central
Massachusetts area.
Let us help to capture your
special moments!
Contact us for select TBC
[email protected]
[email protected]