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Poverty The AJESKT* P^_ ""^* ZEALAND (Limited.) * H. COX, TTI TAILOR & WOOLLEN DRAPER, Gladstone Road, Gisborme. CENTRAL BUTCHERY, Custom House, and General Commission Agent. GLADSTONE ROAD. The Union Fire and Marine Insurance Company. MERCHANT, IMPORTER, Head Office Forwarding, COAL Capital Reserve Fund ...... Chbistohukch £2,000,000. £37,600 TNSURANCES against loss by Fire Wool and every other kind of Preduce AND /"IR.OFT, TJUMILY AND HOTEL ORDERS on allkinds of property. Marine received for storeage or shipment. FOR AUCKLAND VIA TAURANGA pORTJiiE carefullyattended to. Insurances by steamer and Sailing made on Advances all kinds of a Produce SHTPS IN PORT will find this conshipment to London or any Colonial Vessel on Cargo andHulls. Steamship. |Date of Sailing.|Cargo Till |j^ venient Establishment to get their sup- forAmerican LOWE STREET, Wool insured against all risks from Ports. | loin or May ISp.m^Sat. 6 plies from. Omapere_JJ3un, Woolshedto England. CONTRACTORS canmake favourable FOR AUCKLAND. AND RUSSELL. Lowest current rates. GISBORNE. 139 arrangements. COALS! COALS! |2 p.m. Sot. |8am Wturarapa |Sun, May tt Imported directfrom the Mines, and sold GRAHAM, PITT, & BENNETT, Agents. FOR MELBOURNE via SOUTHERN O SAUSAGES MADE EVERY DAI. at the lowest remunerative rates, and J. WILLIAMS anypart of the town. delivered in PORTS. SOUTH BRITISH FIRE & MARINE Fresh Tripe and German Sausage pm 5 INSURANCE COMPANY, WAIROA, Rotomahana |Fri May 4 | 4p.m. Tues. I The Forwarding Agency willmeet a long Of New Zealand. to CASH purchasers. Great concessions FOR AUCKLAND. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT felt want. Consignments to arrive or for p.m. | 3 aim | | May 3 4 Wed. Sthn. Cross Thus. received or shipped. Weights CAPITAL £1,000,000 LiberalDiscount allowed onPrompt shipment, AND VALUATOR. and returns carefully forwarded. FOR JL JD SYDNE¥~ Sat, 1 Sun. May 13 Waihora | 2p.m. Payments. |8am [a card.] FOR LONDON VIA SUEZ CANAL, Orient S.N. Co ~~ ILeave Sydney. ILeave Melbourne. May 31 May 25 1 1 Lugitania Passenger Tickets must be taken at the W AND NATIVELAND AGENTS, Giftborne. SPIRIT MER- CHANTS, GROSSMAN N, Dentist, MR. Corner of Palmerston Road and Surgeon — Bright street. Artificial Teeth on Gold, Platinum, and dental base Celluloid. Stopped. Fit Guaranteed. CARLAW SMITH <fc CO., AUCTIONEERS, LAND BROKERS, Stock, Station, and General Commission Agents, STANDARD AUCTION MART, Gisbobne. my. 1 THELWALL & CO., FAMILYBUTCHERS, and DENTISTRY. 1jy the SHIPPING new 412 BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. fI^HE undersigned are prepared to give Estimates for the ERECTION OF NEW BUILDINGS Of every description. The Fitting of Shop Fronts, Shops, and Offices, is made a special branch of of Gladstone Road and PeelCorner their business, street, Gisborne. p** Cash Purchasers liberally dealt a35 With. O'RYAN, REARDON & ENGINEERS, CIVIL AUTHORISED AND SURVEYORS. Licensed Surveyors under the Land Transfer Aot, Offices :Masonic Buildings, Gisborne. JAMES BROWN, Ekgineek, Millwright and Blacksmith. Repairs done on the shortestnotice. HARRIES & LINCOLN. Entrance to Workshop : Next Messrs.Parnell & Boylan'sIronmongery Store, GladstoneRoad. 21 # public that he has resumed his BEGS that new old trade, and is now SAW -MILLS. J.R.MORGAN opening SURROUNDING Denmark ;and also at Rowland k. Co., Wellington, and Shaw & Son, Wellington, BRICKLAYER, Watchmakers and Jewellers to his Excelto announce that hehas purchased lency the Governor, the W.H.S. has just received a Large Stock LIME-BURNING BUSINESS FROM of Watchmaker's and Jeweller's Tools and Material Maiu, Hair, Case and Clock MR. CLEMENTS, "Springs, Screws, Pinions, Wheels, Cylinders, .Balance Stops, Jewel Holes, Watch Andis now in a position tosupply (ilassea and Keys, Clock Keys, &c. LIME of aFIRST -CLASS QUALITY. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Musical Boxes .Neatly Repaired. W atch and Clock Work guaranteed from 12months to 2 years, and if a Watch BEST PORTLAND CEMENT, or Clock, alter delivery is not found te Always on Hand. 444 give satisfaction, will be re-examiued and repairedfree of ciiarge. TOURING A RCHITECr AND QUANTITY SURVEYOR. will have consignments of FRESH OYSTERS BY EVERY STEAMER. 855 STEWART BATES, Auctioneer, AND GENERAL COMMIS- AGENT, LAND OPOTIKI, BAY OF PLENTY. Oysters openedat any time to order. Suppers prepared, and also provided on the premises. SION W. KNIGHTS. 742 Numerous valuableFreehold andLeaseholdProperties,both Town and Country, ranging between 25 acres to 1000 acres, with CrownGrant titles, for sale ou favorable terms. From his long residence in the Bay of Plenty, S.B. possesses a thorough knowledge of the district, which lie will be happy to place at the disposalof intending investors. Fullparticulars of properties forwarded 619 post free onapplication, ~ JAMES W. WITTY. AND Confectioner of al hand. FANCYkindsCONFECTIONERY always on Concerts, Balls,Dinners, Weddings, etc., attended. Families and Shipping Supplied. cate,payablein London if required. W. Adaib, Agent at Gisborne. BRITISH & MERCANnVTOKTH JLN tile insurance compy. LONDON AND EDINBURGH. — plenty of water. Apply to w. madder, Bricklayer, GladstoneRoad. E. K. BROWN, CUSTOM-HOUSE STREET, Gisborne. 897 "THE PHARMACY.' Drapery,Clothing, Hosiery, GladstoneRoad. J — ARE 20 „ „ „ „ Ashby's Ale 60 75 Tennent's Ale " Ex May Queen," * *** 'I W, W. 100 5 qr.-casks KilmarnJck (pints) Whisky Ex "Duncraig," 20 cases Wachter's CelebratedChampagne 10 qr.-casks Pale Sherry 10 Silver's Port Wine 5 30 o.p. Lemon HartRunv 3 FineOldPaleJamaica 300.p. 5 Ex Pareora," 30 cases Chateau Jolimont|Claret 20 Lisbrae Claret Also, always on hand A large stock of Bitters, Liqueurs, Ginger Wine, Geneva, JDKZ, Old Tom, Wolfe's Schnapps, Sarsaparilla, Lime Juice Cordial, &c. Brandy, Whisky, Claret, Champagne Cigarsof best brands in 50's and 100's. „„ „ " " G. W. BISHOP, BALANCE OF SUMMER STOCK, GLADSTONE ROAD, Gisborne. 557 Is now being clearedoff at AND STATION AGENT, possessing extensive influential business connections with settlers in all parts of the colony, the undersigned has great facilities for negotiating Purchase or Sale of PEO- FROM Proprietor. Establishment will found of AT thiscarefully-selectedStock be a British and Foreign Medicines AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. WOOL BROKER, &c. Cash buyers of every description of Produce. Cash Advances made against Stock and Station Securities, and against growingClipa and Crops, — Agents for South British Fire and Marine Insurance Companyof New Zealand Little's celebratedNon-poisonomSheep Dip. Anderson's OamaruFlour. Moore's new patent Barb Wire, 3 barbi. COMMON, SHELTON & CO. 5 qrs. Superior oldBlended Whisky 20 25 GISBOBNK. Have for Sale the followingDIRECT IMPORTATIONS :— FENCING WIRE, Acorn cQb. -CASKSGrw «■> Brand. pts. 75 cases „ Hennesy's * Brandy AND STATION AGENTS. SHIPPING AND STOCK GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, „ „ „ „„ — LARGE & TOWNLEY, t7lurniture, bedding, and Sj carpet warehouse, . "*"« V COILS No. 6 lee's 'Glcnluu* W»l *"9 QR.-CABKS er*s 'Kilmftrnoe* lOA on COILSNo. 7 * *v Ov A(\ COILS No. 8 1 iv irtCOlLSNo,B,iital wire COILSNo.10,Steel v wire orv Galvanised ou COILS Barb Wire Kn KEGS Stables, IJ, 0 v ijand 1} inches A TONS First-class 9 *v Galvanised Iron. 26-gauge, 5,6, 7,8, 9 and * 10 feet lengths. OALVANISEDNAILS, « Ridging, Spouting, Lead Washers, LeadheadedNails,andaLarge Stock o( Builders' and — 20t«ns. ANDERSON'S Red A Lion Brand-20 — K TONS OATMEAL. O C TONS BRAN. 0 K ** TONS RICE — Dressed, Japan and Java. SUGAR. JB t Counter-atons. 2nd Counter— s Tfi ±.\J. tons. 3rd Counter 2 tons. Cc brated ROSTER'S ■*■ BugleBrand< Baas' Beer andStout. ALE. A CASES, Quarts. QOMPANV'S — 5 1CASES, 9 <uO The DISPENSING DEPARTMENI willreceive the particular attentionand manipulation of Mr. Bishop, who haa had twenty-six years' experiencein the business. -»-v» T«r ia DRUMS StO«k< xv holm Tar 9 TONS of Arsenic, in cwtsk icwto * IJL Aj TONS Oeaulna Whit« hud. la c<rU.,icwts. and ii. T>ED LEAD, in lVi and2B's *■» TARPAULINS, x Breat variety very cheap-12 ; 14 x 18, 40s. ; ?fs Jg * 18, 455. ; 18 X *»V SALT, in bottlef ft CABEB Keen'i °M«« * S * 4- kAoTaiAN Powder 5Q 5 CASE/wfes Whisky. nr CASESDunville's - Whisky. KA CASES Robertson's CASES Wolfe's x Schnapps. Old Tom. 1Q xv CASES K A CASES J.D.K.Z. «JV Geneva, 3 gals. "° C) C ladeiincludes * v&aes Keillert, 20 do Morris Wood ( o. tA SESJA MB qQ cases y, w 6V AB W Pickles 5 . CASES Gray's English Confeo- QA oyj tionery a CASES Hogarth* 9 *U Worcestershir Sauce 9A CASES Hogarth'i Lime Juice d Jont a °' 25 *' CA S E S JWtßatt '^Vlad 9ft CASESHall's Ale, "v 1K -° * CASES Manna30 °h 25 CASES, Piuts. 60 *°*' K C AS E S Curria det U ai\ UXJ ?A Slf-Muller's — *Q CASKS CoalTv inDRUMSSpirit* "« S. ESJ?,1 20C^ Swiss Mil Pints. STOUTCASKS,Quart,. J-0 Boars-head Stout Pints and Quarts. c A CASKSHennery's and Sons'celebratedPianos;alsoagent for L. Neufeld, of Berlin. Have also Pianos by Bord, Broadwood, Hartman, and others. All these Pianos wv 0 supplied with the latest improvements, and each guaranteed to be perfect and the bestofita kind Pianos and Pianettes varying in prices from £30 to £100. Brinsmead's Pianos up to 70 guineas. American Organs and Harmoniums Have in stock Organs by Smith, Woods, and Mason& Hamlin. Purchasers can rely upon having good instruments, and in thoroughly good " Also in casks tons. *v pts. andQte. K CASES Hall's Gisborne & Napier, Raw tO DRUMS Boiled Oil 7C MES, 2Sff J3 10««& coarsb O's-20 lons. Q TONS FINEdo. O Celebrated WOOD'S Star Brand Flour oa CASES TABLB Pianos Soleagents forJohnBriusmeads CASES J.D.K.Z. Geneva, 4 gals. -IA CASES J.D.K.Z. xyj (Green Cases) condition and order. Pianos and Geneva, 2 gals. „ "T J}m" T » BPLI *1 TANK «** » cw* Bi Car 1 10 'i^?. CASES TarUrie Acid, ea«.l4s 30 C^ . - a CASES fry', Co 79^^^ 1v coa and Choco* * l»te, Homospathie "xtract, Epps', Van -,Huten'a] LAMP 1CASK BLACK CASES Ruddle9 & Red and Blue 1A CASEBJohnion'f IV corn Flour 1 tA O\J DRUMS Little ! sheepDip k «* CASKS do. do. ea CASKS Cemea* oyj *-° do. Whiting 1/> PERTIES, freehold or leasehold, HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES AND Organs sold on the Deferred Pay9AQR-CASKS'Laid. AY Law's' best Blenstocked or unstocked ; and is also prement System. APPLIANCES, ded Whisky. pared to effect purchase or sale of AND Sole for Sewing Agents Machines— LIVE STOCK, and to make liberal VETERINARY MEDICINES KEPT AND CIGARETTES— Bestbrands in great the Celebrated DAVIS VERTICAL CIGARS variety. advances on the same, or on WOOL FEED and the well-known and WOOLPACKS AND CORNSACKS. consigned to him for sale. reliable Wertheim Machines, The SADDLERY A large stock ;verygood value. construction of the "Davis" Machine GRASS SEEDS of ever}- description. &c., &c, &c. being an entire departure from the R. orthodox style of Sewing Machines, it Napier. Friend-in-need Ointment, jyl is capable of doing work which cannot COMMON, SHELTON & CO., Castor Oil PiUs, be even attempted by any other 850 Gisborne. Balsam, Pectoral machine. OYSTER SALOON, GLADSTONE LuttrelVs Condition Powders ROAD, fot Read the Award of the Judges ! 11 Horses, (Next Mr. Hall's Saddlery). At theSydney International Exhibition ROYAL LETTERS PATENT Carminative, Infants' of 1879-80, after a contest extending over BY Worm Powders. six and the months, BEVERIDGE, severest tests yet J. appliedto Sewing Machines in the Colony, Fruiterer, Fishmonger, Poulterer, AUCKLAND PRICES will be charged, the judges haveendorsed the verdict of the and Grocer, people, and awarded the Only Prize for butTERMS CASH, to announce that he HAS Except in cases of emergency or distress Sewing Machines to AND OPENED hia NEW PREMISES TheDavis Vertical Feed Sewing on MONDAY, October 30th, with a SCAB KENNEDY & BENNETT. general assortment of Fruit, Fish, Machine NON-POISONOUS. Fresh Roasted Coffee. Poultry, Grocery, &c, and solicits a ! COALS !! COALS !!! On every point." Prices varying from COALS patronage. public share of £7 17s. 6d. to £30. Fresh supplies of Oysters by every FIRM are preparedto offer NewProduceof every kindBought andSold. steamer, which he is prepared to sell a view to making the above castle Coal at rates that Crockery, China, and Glassware 768 preparation aCERTAIN Speciwholesale or retail. We would beg to draw the attention DEFY ruling at rates. COMPETITION. Insurances effected of the public to thefact of our having fic for scab, the manufacturers have Arrangemanta have been made for a a very large and varied stock ofGlaßS- greatly increased its strength. arrive regular supply, monthly, despatch. Commissions executed with to of Newware, Clu'na, and Earthenware, inThe undersigned have a stock of fluid castle and Bay of IslandsCoal. cluding Tea Sets (a great variety of 20 per cent, stronger than any hitherto They are quite prepared to allow the bothFrench and Irish china), Fancy manufactured, and willguaranteethis to IRONMONGERY Coal to answer for itself, feeling confident Glassware in the shape of Vases, be a positive cure for scab, ticks, lice. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE that in quality it cannot be surpassed. Lustres, Flower-stands, &c, and a The price has also been considerably HOLLOW ARE, CUTLERY great assortment of Wines, Tumblers, reduced. STATIONERY, SADDLERY &c, &c. Dinner Sets complete of 75, KENNEDY Messrs. & BENNETT GLADSTONE ROAD. Price 7s per gallon in casks of 40 85, and 100 pieces (several patterns to FANCY GOODS Are preparedto deal with customers on a gallons, sufficient to dip 8000 sheep ; select also a from) ; large TOBACCOS, &c. stock of most liberal soale, allowing Rouen, Teddesley, and Blue Pheasant 78 6d in five and ten gallondrums. Established 1877. PER CENT. DISCOUNT for CASH. Cups and Saucers, Plates and Dishes. PER CENT. DISCOUNT for CASH. Toiletware (100 sets to select from) ; COMMON, SSSLTON ft 00, Knight i TjIURNITURE AND BEDING of every also, Bakers, Jelly Moulds, Mugs, -*Agents. Importer & General Merchant, 387 S3" Cash at our Office ox the Spittoonß, Nest Eggs, Flower-pots description made on the premises. Wharf. (both every and kind fancy plain),and Custom House Street, of necessary Earthenware. A quantity of first-class Fencing Posts GISBORNE, Also, everykind of Imported Goods in the 853 always on hand. Furnishing Trade. Country customers may depend on every (Late S. Stkvknson). care being given to the proper paoking of CARTING! CARTING ! NOTICE OF REMOVAL. goods ordered. — The following SPECIALTIES txe ~MLLtfR, M. troduced, and will be found worthy trial and patronage : Sheep Dip BEGS SPECIFIC THE LITTLES CHEMICAL FLUID. WITH — J. WHIN RAY, Central Furniture Warehouse, Edward 5 Brown, MASONIC STABLES, Pictures of every descriptionMounted and WOON has Removed to an Framed. begs to announce that Office SECOND DOOR THROUGH , he is at all times prepared tc > ; A large selectionof Oleographs on hand. BIG GATE opposite Post Office, bohind AND AND COMMISSION AGENT. i THE GISBORNE DISCOUNT COY. Remove Furniture in spring vans. l Union Steam Shipping Company's rooms. LIMITED. Office : Corner of Childers-street and I PIANOS 21 different instruments to Valuator Peel-street, opposite the Police Barracks. Agent for Public Trustee select from. Original Invoice price Carting done on the shortesi b Incorporated under the Joint Stock Com- Generalnotice Interpreter and MaoriAgent in or country. from £28 £100. quoted town to j panics' Acts. Loans on freehold, security negotiated Mb. Witty has several Stations ancI Farms in the Wairoa County in his hands 5 from LI00 upward. prepared English, Austrian, andColonial Land bought or sold on commission. American, for Sale, and having just finished a per to negotiate Loans, and j Goods arriving by the steamers make to certain advances. sonal inspection of the whole of the County. ; made Chairs of every kind. Having had experience of the working attended! to. For torms of application and particulars, as Assessor for Property Tax Valuations, p of the several Acts affecting Native lands, " apply f to i willbe able togive intendingpurchasersol iis preparedto confer withstrangers seeking ALFRED W. CROFT, land in thisDistrict any informationthej7 i Gravel from the beach supplied on reason; HOUSE AGENT AND VALUER. informationrelative to acquiringland. Manager, 51l i 702 Lowe street. able terms. nayrequire. Gisborne, Feb. 28th 276 I 094 528 LICENSED GOVERNMENT BROKER UNDER LAND TRANSFER ACT. " Ex Lochnagar," 50 cases Griffin's S.P. Ale, qts. 50 pts. 50 Guineas' Stouts, qts. " D. MALCOLM ORR, Agent for Poverty Bay. I Business Notices. TTTHOLESALE WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, W CUSTOM HOUSE STREET, Gisborne, Have on hand, in Bond and Duty Paid a very large stock of WINES AND SPIRITS, BOTTLED ALES AND STOUT, AUSTRALIAN WINES in woodand case,LIQUEURS,CIGARS, etc., etc. All the best known and favourite Brands kept in Stock, and sold at the LowestPossible Prices. Established 1809. cation to PEICB:ONBPHNNY. a7~graham & co., COMMON, SHELTON & COT, — f^\ OODPADDOCKING, securelyfenced, 23 Policies on Wool andProduce to tht United Kingdom are granted in tripli- Business Notices ALSO ON SALE— " Usher's Special Reserve Whisky. Subscribed Capital...£2,ooo, ooo sterling In Bond, Fbee and Duty Paid : Fire Reserve Funds, 1876....£1,082, 768 A Large Stock of Australian Wines. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Note the Address Insurances effected for Seven Years AGENTS FOR— ROYAL HOTEL, THE OPPOSITE by are charged for Six only. ReadBros.' Dog Head Ale and Stout, prepayment Gisborne. 581 Road, Gladstone promptitude Losses settled with and Tenneuts' Well Park Ale and Stout, LIBERALITY. Ashby's Ale. 271 WALTER GOOD, Forms of proposals and all further on applimay information be obtained PRACTICAL GRAZING. VJC rangements. — ("lIVIL W. J. QUIGLEY, INSURANCE W. MADDER, . MR. J3L^ /C<f^ V\ i^ \^ T\JT COST PRICE FOR CASH. STOCK SUPERIOR "TNSURANCES against loss by Fire I on all kinds of P.roperty. Marine Insurance by Steamer and Sailing Vessel on Wool covered against all risks from Woolshed to England at LowestCurrent Rates. COMMON, SHELTON& Co., Agents in Gisborne. 725 and commodious To the INHABITANTS BUTCHER'S SHOP at the corner of Gladstone Road and GISBORNE Peel street, where he will beprepared to supply only the beat and primest New Zealand Insurance Company. qualities of Beef, Mutton, and Pork DISTRICT. to his customeis. \Wn FIRE DEPARTMENT. J. M. has now succeeded insecuring against loss by fire on SCHIPPER, H. some of the finest cattle and sheep IN of pr< perty may every description THE COLONY. For quality and out be effected with this Company. his meat cannot b9surpassed in New WORKING WATCHMAKER AND Zealand. JEWELLER, MARINE DfiPAB*MENT. 83 JOHN MAYNARD. Merchandise,Goods and Freights inBegs to inform the Public that he was sured by steamers and sailing vessels. formerly Journeyman at H.E. Schipper's, Watchmaker aud Jeweller, Copenhagen, Risks on specie subject to special ar- and Iron Work of TJAVE FOR SALELADIES' FANCY SUMMER GOODS allkinds madeand repaired. or Less than Coßt. Forging,Fitting,Turning andScrew- KAURI TIMBER of all descriptions P. T. & G. euttingpromptly executed. GENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS, HATS, & HOSIERY. Doors, Sashes, Mouldings, Shingles. PEEL STREET, GISBORNE Back of Messrs. King and Co.'s Flour Sawing and Planing done at low This is clearly and really; a Realising Mill. no 18 rates. and Clearing Large orders for Kauri Timber inWILLIAM TATTLEY, SAIiJE3 1 dented on commission. 426 Usual prices are markedin plain figures. & MINING ENGINEER, No difficulty in arriving at amount to J AUTHORISED LICENSED SURVEYOR AND be takenoff for Cash Payments. MAKAURI STEAM SAW-MILL. ARCHITECT. will last for TWO months, owing QUALITY WHITE Saleto the large quantity of goods to Address:Eden Villa,GladstoneRoad. PINE TIMRER. be disposed of. 9s. Od. per 100 feet at Mill. Surveys andother work entrusted to 10s. 6d. delivered. W. T. will receivehis best and prompt Groceries, Wholesale and Retail. 884 attention. SECOND CLASS : 6s. 6d. per 100 feet at Mill. [A OAED.] J. R. HURREY. An earlyinspection invited. 232 W. P. FINNERAN, Parcels delivered in any part of the ARCHITECT. town. Ornos : GLADSTONE ROAD, OYSTERS ! OYSTERS !! (OppositeHeraldOffice) Gisborne. 427 the SeasonMrs. W. Knights Country orders promptly attended to. MACHINERY H. E. JOHNSTON. NOTICE. BEGS Teeth HARRIES & LINCOLN, JL quantity. 462 to inform his friends and the Office before embarking. CUSTOM HOUSE STREET, All heavy luggage must be sent down Gisborne. in time for cargo lighters. No dogswillbe carriedon the steam LicensedCustom House Agents. launch, "Snark." Goods warehoused in bond in their large, commodious, and thoroughly For further particulars apply to dry and well-ventilated bonded OFFICE, COMPANY'S store, at moderatecharges. CustomHouse Street. Entries passed, and Customs workof all Business Notices kinds undertaken. 272 GRAHAM, PITT & BENNETT, A UCTIONEERS, STOCK AND J\. STATION AGENTS, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Cash purchaser of Fungus in any JOHN MAYNARD ANDW. GRAHAM AND CO., ■TTTINE AND Head Office : Auckland. 117 f PUBLISHED 3VERT BVBMNQ \ I Insurance Companies. H. E. JOHNSTON, Wharf Store, 113 TIME TABLE FOR MAY. LETTER. KTETOTS Business Notices Business Notices BusinessNotices i Shipping Bj|s\ COAST EAST Herald THE EVENING HERALD, GISBORNE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1883. Vol. X.— No. 1910. STEAM "TJNION SHIP CO. OF NEW Bay SDOLEMAN EDWIN — I ' LARGE &~TOWNLEY, Gisborne & Napier. 341 proprietor, B. 0. FRYBR,[i» THEdetermined increase therepuobtained by these stablesfor tation to ATTENTION, CIVILITY, and COMFORT, CRAWFORD'S BEER AND CRATED WATERS. And to that endhe has securedthe ser vices of Mr. ALBERT PRITCHARD as Manager. Landau, Brougham, ri^HE undersigned beg to inform the X Public that all orders for CRAW- Single Buggies on hire. Double and FORD'S WELL-KNOWN BEER, and First-class Hacks always obtainable. Horses broken in to Saddle CRATED WATERS, CORDIALS, &c. ' left with them will be properly attended Harness. Manager: A. PRITOHARD to. Proprietor :B. C. FRYER, PORTER & OROFT. 10* THE EVENING HERALD. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 1883. Pert of Poverty Bay. Special Advertisements. HIGH WATER Men's, Boys', and Youths' JIAY Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 2 * 3 5 6 7 .... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.52 2.17 3-33 4.35 5.25 C. 5 "" "" Clothing Department. P.M. 1.31 2.68 i.7 5. 2 5.-17 C'23 A.M. "" huvc been madeivith various Tweed<k Woollen Manufactories in New Zealandand Victoria, which will enable the Proprietor to placebefore the Public of Poverty Bay the largest and best stock of COLONIAL MADE CLOTHING of all descriptions ever imported into the district. Ihe ARRANGEMENTS PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moos, 7th, 9.29 a.m. 10.25 a.m. First Quarter,14th, FullMoon,22nd 2.42 p.m. Last Quarter, 30th, 1.55 a.m. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. The s.s. Southern Crossleft Napier at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and will arrive in Gisborne at daylight to-morrow morning, leaving again for the North at 8 a.m. She willcall at Tologa Bay, with 200 sheep, for A. Reeves,Esq. Goods are all equallothosemadeto measure. Fit and Style guaranteed. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. A Single Garment at LESS than Wholesale Price. (Keutkr'sTelegrams.] MELBOURNE, May 1. Sailed, this afternoon— The Union steamship Arawata, for the Bluff. (PBR MERCHANT SIiIPri.NO AND I'NDBRWRITBRS' ASSOCIATION.) LONDON, April 30. Ship Ashmore from Auckland, (27th Arrived: Dec.) ;Jlercia, from Wellington (5Jan.); Wanganul, from Wellington (10 Jan.) ;Serapis, from Wort Chalmers (10Feb). Arrivedat New York :Catarfeith, from Auckland (3Feb). Shirts,Hats, Hosiery, Boots, Shoes, Saddles and Bridles. W. ADAIR. TELEGRAPHIC COMMERCIAL. [Keutkr's Telkorams.] MELBOURNE, May 1, The Melbourne manager of the National Mortgage and Agency Co. of New Zealand reports of the local grain market aa follows .-—Shipping wheat is to 5s sd;malting barmy is in good steady at 5i 4d (3d to 5s lOd;New Zealand oats are demand at 68steady, at 2s lOd to 3s 2d for feeding, quiter,but and 3s 2d to3s 4dfor millingsorts ;New Zealand oats,under bond. 2s 3d to2s Bd. LONDON, April 30. A further portion of frozen mutton, ex Cuzco, wassold to-day. Meat of goodquality brought 4td to 4Jd,and inferior '2id per lb. Consols remainat lU2{. New Zealand securities are— s per cent 10-40 loan, 106, ex div ;5 per cent 1889 loan, 10(5 ;4J per cent 1879-1904 loan, 102J ;4 per cont inscribed stock, 102J. The market rate of discount has advanced to 3 per cent (sic). Adelaide wheat, ex store,is quotedat 60s ;New Zealand ditto, 45s to 48s Cd. Adelaide flour, ex warehouse, has fallen to 395. Australian tallow is firm at last quotations. Best Scotch pig iron, No. 1, f.o.b.inClyde, has declined to48s 6dper ton. Galvanised iron, 26 guage, packed in cases f.o.b. in London, £19 10s. Best Sydney sun-dried copra, £20 15s. Australian leather— Best sides haverisen to 10|d. andSouth ;also the AusFor Napier, Wellington, Rotomahaoa,on May .Friday, tralian Colonies,per 4th, at 3.30 p.m. For Auckland, per Wairarapa, on Saturday, May sth, at 7p.m. For the UnitedKingdom, Continent of Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and the West Indies, via ban on Friday Francisco ;also the Sandwich Islands, May 18th, at 3 p.m. Money Orders may bu obtained, andletters registered until 2 p.m. same day. This mail will be due in London on July 2nd. A steamer of the Peninsular and Oriental lint leaves Melbourne on May 22nd. Correspondence Specially so addressedandprepaid the Brindisi rates of postage, viz., eightpence per half-ounce, will be forwarded by everyopportunity. The next inward European mail via San Francisco, is dueat Gisborne on Friday,May 4th. J. SHRIMPTON, Chief Postmaster. Special Advertisements. ZEALAND LOAN AND TVTEW -I* MERCANTILE AGENCY COM- PANY. [Limited]. Head Ofpicb— lQueenVictoria Street, Mansion House,London, E.C. £3,000,000 £210,000 Capital made on all kinds of Produce and ADVANCES Freehold Property. Indents undertaken in any market. AGENTS FOR- Ruston, Proctor, and Coy., AgriculturalMachinery, Lincoln. Felteu andGuilleauman's Barb Wire, Germany and London. Maurice Gandy (the Gaudy Driving1 Belt), London. Loganand Wilson's Sheep Dip. The Company acts as Agents for all branches ol business. R. HILL FISHER, 16th April, 1883. LAND INDUSTRIES ! THE GISBORNE DISTRICT. TO THE PEOPLE OF MESSRS. HALLENSTEIN BROS. Desire to inform you that a RETAIL BRANCH of the "KTEW ZEALAND /CLOTHING T^ACTORY WILL BE OPENED In their NEW PREMISES, MAIL NOTICE. Rbsbrvb Fend ENCOURAGE NEW ZEA- Manager, Gisborne. 800 Gladstone Road, On SATURDAY, MAY 12. To effectually introduce their Goods, and drive out the imported article, they have decided to sell a SINGLE GARMENT At the WHOLESALE PRICE ! All Goods are marked in plain figures, for net CASH ONLY. Any article purchased and not approved of will be exchanged with the same courtesy with which it was sold, or, if desired, the money will be returned. The success which has attended the New Zealand Clothing Factory's Retail branches in Auckland, Wellington,Napier,Christchurch, Duuedin, and other towns, leadsthe propietorsto believo that there exists a praiseworthy desire on the part of the public to encourage New Zealand Industries, especially wheresuperioradvantages are offered, and your support is solicited on this understanding only. J. W. COOK, Manager, GisborneBranch, New Zealand Clothing Factory, 900 GladstoneRoad. FOR SALE. FREEHOLD. ACRES FREEHOLD, with 8,000 Lease4AAA jVVV hold of first-class limestone country. centrally situated SECTION lv Custom A Houae street, capitallyadaptedfor residence of a business man. 42 acres, nearly all first-class land, flat, well watered, within 3miles of Gisborne. About 6 acres, GISBORNE TOWNSHIP;goo? land; picturesquely planted with willows ; well watered ; unexceptionable site tor family esidence. 450 ACRESFreehold, withi« a few miles of GisAND borne ;one of thebeat farms inthe district. (12) 7-aOOMED HOUSE,standing on a half-acre of EAST COAST NEWS LETTER. land, wellsituated. Valuable J-ACRE, corner Custom House and CWide18 Streets. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. 2 WELL-SITUATED Sections in PALMERSTON ROAD,close to EnglishChurch, GISBORNE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1883. LEASEHOLD. 2000 ACRES Leasehold, 20 miles from Gisborne. ; sheep. (5) First-class land 500 THE ENGLISH MAIL, 0500 ACRES,on the Coast ;capital selection ;20 years' lease. Price moderate. (4) 10,000 ACRES Leasehold, on the Coast; 3000 Our mail summary supplies but little sheep, 500head cattle,60 horses. Rentnominal. (10) fresh to whathas already been transmitted 13,000 ACuES Leasehold, 20 miles from Gisborue, by cable, and read by the public weeks with 4000 sheep. Nominal rent. (43) records of 8000 ACKK3 Leasehold ;eßsy distance from town ; ago, excepting, perhaps, some commanding position;now carrying 8000 fiheep. ships lost or abandonedat sea, and the loss Rent low. (45) consequent upon these 40,000 ACRIvS Leasehold, 20miles from Oisborne. of life invariably Well-watered, first-class land ;with 0000 sheop and calamities. The troubledstate of Ireland, and the aaitation it has stirred up though800 head cattle. Moderate rent. (41) 1000 ACRES Leasehold, 20 miles from Gisborne ; out the United Kingdom, continues to hold about 300 first-r.lass flat land, remainder consisting place amongst the questions of of easy hills, surface-sown ;fenced and subdivided, a foremost the day, and all sorts of theories are put with about 2000 sheep. Rent moderate. {09) 6500 ACRES, the freehold of a portion nf which forth by all sorts and conditions of men. acquired. First-class laud, Kood house, That this vexedquestion may be best adhas been men's hut, stock\ard, sheep dip, Sic., &c. ; 5000 justed, the latest is that ameeting ofIrish, first-class sheep ;long lease,moderate rent. (100) Goodwill of 750 acres Good L^^d mixed hill and Scotch, and English members of Parliaflat ;on lease, fair rent, moderate purchasing clause ment has beenheld for the purpose of form600 ACRE FARM,part held on lease, with pu.committee, with the view of chnsing clause, part on deferred payment sj-stem; ing a political shaping public opinionin regard to Irish goodhouse, &c,,&c.;fenced andimproved. S ACRES of Laud, about 18 years' lease. reform. The Committee is reported as being quite an impartial one, and no F. DUFAUK, Land Agont. Parnellites are connected with it. The recent dynamite outrages have naturally [C. W. FBBRIi W. IUTCLIKFB.t incensed the British public, and, as already known, strong repressive measures have WM. RATOLIPPE & Co., been adopted oy the English Parliament. Poverty Bay Herald There will be a meeting in the Wesleyan hand over your keys. She said she would no less than five people, and when intoxiChurch this evening for the purpose of send for a policeman, and have me taken cateddescended very low. His Worship said the conduct was disinaugurating a Band of Hope in connection to gaol. Ma'am, said I, let's have the with th:it place of worship. Addresses are keys ; hand 'em over right off, and graceful, and lie was sorry to see a young to lie (1 liviTtul by the Revs. J. McAra, and no nonsense, and then, may be, the man appear before the Court on such a J, T. I'iiilold. There will be singing and policeman will have qtiite another bit of charge. He wouldinflict a fine of £5, and work to do. But, of course, you know, costs £3, in default 30 days' imprisonment neither the head centres" nor their con- recitations. federates know at what moment they may Mr. Dickson, cf the Argyll Hotel, was old man, she didn't. Sarah, Isaid, you withhard labor. preservation ia the first law in nature" prompting so many now in the h inda of the authorities to save themselvesby turning informers, have upset the diabolical programme so well arranged— and part of which has "been put into execution— anil be pounced upon by the police. Thus, to continue the programme would be unsafe, and the Fenians are at their wits ends. The high handshownby the British Government lias not been a moment too soon, and the proceedings of both Houses of Parliament have arrested what gave promise of endangering the lives, and destroying the property of people who have had nothing whatever to do with any bye-gone oppression of Ireland. Leaving this unpleasant question, we find that the same old story has been brought across the seas of the poverty that exists amongst the laboring classes through the scarcity of labor, this time not only in England, but in Paris. It is evident that there is only one cure for this state of things, and that is for tliOße who are able and willing to work, to go out to either one or other of the British Colonies, where the harvesttruly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Since the mail was despatched, however, better news has been cabled, to the effect that England gives promise of entering upon an era of prosperity. We hope there are some reasonable grounds for the statement. The French people appear tohave become quite enthusiastic over the Channel tunnel question, and take no heed of the opposition shown against it on the English side of the water. Though it may not be just yet, the time is not far distant when the two Nations willbe united by a railway under the sea. One other matter, and we have done. It must be gratifying to New Zealanderß to find that a deeper interest than ever is being manifested in England in the welfare of this Colony. It is surprising how many years have passed away, during which thousands of England's sons and daughters have emigrated here, without New Zealand being better known at Home. It is only just now the knowledge of her natural resources is being spread throughout the Old World. " The fact is, to use an old quotation, Water will find its level," and by this we mean, in spite of opposition, this Colony is now asserting itself, and showing how rich, fertile, and productive it is. During late years a great number of old colonists have visited the land of their fathers, and, like men risen fromthe dead, they have told of the beauties and glories of the world they have been inhabiting, andthe people, after listening, haveexclaimed in the language of one of old, that the half had not before been told them. We believe, with increased direct steam communication, the returnof old settlers, and the supplies we arenow sending Home, that the time is not far distant when a great commercial trade willarise between this Colony and England. We shall doubtless yet require a great deal more of the abundance of money England possesses, but in return we shall send there food to feed the over-teamingpopulation,and we shall provide desirable homes for those who make up their minds to come here and dwell in theland. CLOSED DOORS. enquiries to-day why and wherefore the doors of the room wherein the Harbor Board in solemn conclave assembled were last night closed and bolted, thereby preventing the public from gaining access to the chamber. Probably there are times and seasons when such a precautionary measure should bo adopted, but recourse to it should only be exercised under the most exceptionable circumstances, and when questionshave to be debatedin committee by which publicity would endanger the public welfare. Many have been the A3 a rule, hole-and-corner proceedings are regarded with a great deal of suspicion, and few causes gain any advantage by being discussed inprivate. After thepublic transaction of the routine business, the matter last night under consideration, with closed doors, was the letter of Messrs. Common, Shklton & Co., inviting the Harbor Board to submit their claims to arbitration, and by such means to Bettle for ever this vexedquestion. After a long discussion, the doora were again thrown open, when a draft resolution was submittedto the effect that while the Board did not altogetherignore Messrs. Common, Shelton & Co.'s interests, they may possibly settle the matter between themselves without the aid of arbitrators, and the Board enquired of Mr. Shelton', who had entered the chamber, if the Board did all in their power to keep them in possession of their premises at a rental to be agreed upon, until the site should be requiredfor harbor reclamation purposes, if that would meet their views. To this proposal Mr. Shelton objected, on the ground that they might be ousted in two or three years. This course having failed, the Board enquired if Messrs. Common, Shelton & Co. could suggest any other way of settling the difficulty without resorting to arbitration, but the only effect this appealhad was to cause Mr. Shelton to again refer the Board to the letter before them. Ultimately it was agreed that the further discussion should stand adjourned until this evening, for the purpose of allowing the members time for further consideration, willi the view to frame some proposal, which, we trust, will set the matter at rest satisfactory to all parties concerned. We certainly declare in favor of the deliberations of the Board being conductedin public. This is a public question, and should not be discussed in private. Ou our fourth page will bo found an article on "Journalism," and some interesting Facts and Scraps. l Auctioneers Stock Station, That old agitator, Michael Davitt, ESTATE, AND GENERAL appears to have become convinced of the futility of the Fenian fraternity resorting COMMISSION AGENTS. to such measures, and he has written a Licbnsbd Nativb Iktbrprbtbrs andLand Purchase vigorious letter, in which he says such proAgbnts. ceedings can only have the effect of exaspCertificated Accountants inBankruptcy. " BROKERS under The Land erating the English Democracy, and that LICENSED LANDTransfer Act." it will be better to wait another twenty years than to play into the hands of IreAGENTS FORland's enemies by giving way to despair TheMutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company and revenge. The public already know of New Zealand. that the Fenian Convention, sitting in New Zealand Accident Insurance Company. Philadelphiahave come to a similar conSpeightit,Co.'s Dunedin Ales. &c., &c. Stamps, clusion, andMr. Parnell has been activein Ffrost's Rubber Hotel, his exertions to quell the feeling that had Offices :Next AlbionClub 42 found GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. vent in action in attempting to destroy public buildings and take the lives TO LEND ON MORTGAGE. of prominent public men. How far the sincerity of these manifestoes go is a Any amount required up to a supply of debatable matter. Many persona believe (iqa /wtA Consequent uponhaving just that itia a dread of being brought to book X)OV,\r\J\J. English Capital are as instigators of Fenian outrages that has been placed in this market for Investment, we upof £1000 and negotiate sums now enabled to produced these exhortions from Messrs. wards,upon nrst-closs landed estate, at 7 pcr■ cen Parnell and Co., and we incline to the Smaller sums at a slight advance. BORROWERS of tins belief that there is a large substatum of are strongly advised to take advantage being still ordinary rates demanded opportunity, in this theory, and only regard the truth "expostulations" quoted from 7J to9 per cent. of these men with suspiCHAS. POWNALL & CO., cion. The gallows staring the PhoenixPark Scriveners and Mortgage Agcntfj murderersinthe face,andthe factthat"self Grey Street, Wellington. LAJSD, . The report of the case of alleged forgery by Natives, that came before the Court today, is unavoidably hold over till tomorrow's issue. The usual monthlymeeting of the School Committee will take place to-night. There was a meeting of the Vestry of Holy Trinity Church last evening to con- sider the tenders for the new parsonage. Ittranspired that there had been a misapprehension as to the alleged discrepancy between the architect's estimate and the lowest tender which proved to be about L7O. It was ultimately decided to make some slight alterations, and call for fresh tenders both here and in Napier. Our East Coast Correspondent writes from Waipiro, under date April 30th, that Mr John Harding, for many years lessee of the Tawhiti Hotel, retires this week, it is said to take the management of Mr J. N. Williams' run. Mr Harding's successor ia believed to be Mr White, for some time known as manager for Messrs Somerville ami Haig. Settlers generally along the coast regret Mr Harding's retirement from that hostelry, but nevertheless congratulate him on his appointment. Colonel Whitmore and Captain Porter's recent visit to the Coast appears to have been satisfactory from various standpoints. Mr Scott, native dispenser, has recently arrived at Waipiro from Waiapu. He reports that a child ricently broke its thigh at — Waiomatatini. The fracture wasreduced, and thu little unfortunate ia now doing well. to-day presented with a very nice specimen of a white cock pheasant,by one of our local Bportsmen. It wasshot by Captain Winter. As these birds arc uncommon, they are naturally curiosities, as the feathers are a pure white. This early victim to the sportsman's deadly aim will be on view at the inner bar of the Argyll this evening. The Manager of the South Pacific Petrolenm Company notifies al) those shareholders who have not yet paid the nineth call, which was due on the11th April, that unless payment is made on or before the 9th hist., their shares will be forfeited. Those who have not paid the eighth call can do so up to the day of sale, as is done under the New Zealand Act. The worshippersat Holy Trinity Church on .Sunday evening were entertained with a selection of music not provided for in the programme of the evening's service. Mr liast sat at the organ, the congregation were at ease in their pews listening intently to the words of the clergyman announcing what meetings were to take place during the week ;in the midst of which the organ struck up business ou its own account. Every eye was at once directed towards the instrument, the bellows boy at the moment enjoying a snoose, the organist lookedamazed, aud the members of the choir suddenly bethought themselves that the minister hadgiven out the hymn, and they had overlookedthe fact. Still the organ pealed forthits notes, and yet there were no signs of human agencies being at work. What could it be ? Was it the sound of the last trump, and had Gabriel really brought the summons ? In rapid succession each worshipper asked himself a nurrber of questions, but no definite solution of this extraordinary freak of the organ could be arrived at, until an investigation was made, and the fact was revealed that the sounds hadbeen caused by no spirit or human hand, but, to quote "it was Dick Deadeye in "Pinafore" the cat." Yes, a pussy had entered the hunting apoor half-famchurch, and whilst ished church mouse that had sought amof bush within the precincts the organ, had unconsciously, in the chase round the interior of the musical machine stepped upon a succession of"keys, and " so produced music, which is dethe unaccountable scribed as none the less harmonious than a cat-a-wauling. — SOCIAL DISTINCTIONS. behaved yourself infamously. Idon't see how you can expect to get a good place ; and why do you callme old man, and use slang words. This comes of education. You perhaps have had a better one than your mistress, but your teaching should have shown you to be* content in that station of life in which you have been placed. All that Sarah said to me in reply to my objurgations was, Bother, Idon't see it. My misses, as she calls herself, wants to be bigger than what she is, and why shouldn't I. Sarah, I said, with that solemnity the subject demanded, there must be social distinctions in this world. ask, approve of the wife of a Would you, I man who sells his teaby the box to associate with the wife of a man who sells the same article by the pound ? Should a woman who keeps a servant that washes her husband's shirts take tea with another woman who does his washing herself ? A sheep-owner goes to a butcher, and persuades him to buy a smalllot of sheep, and they have a drink together over it ;but is he not of very much finer material than the man who turns his sheep into legs and shoulders of mutton? Would itbe pi-oper for the two men's wives to be on visiting terms. The butcher's wife may perhaps havebeen well born, reared, and educated; the other may not possess any of these qualifications ;but then, her husband sells his sheep by the carcase, and theother only when they are cut into joints. No, Sarah, Icant say whether your late mistress was a lady or not, so much depends on circumstances. Iknow that a short time back, when two persons, a gentleman and his wife, came to settle in (Jisborne, there was a discussion between two ladies whether these should be called upon. One said that for her own part she should not think of doing so till she had seen what sort of furniture was going into the house. The first thing was n piano, when the two ladies immediately afterwards left their cards. Ifthe piano had been a mangle or washing machine, of course they would not so have lowered themselves, which, Sarah, my girl, was quite the right anil proper thing to do. Your late mistress may be a lady notwithstanding, as you say,thatshespellssoap s-o-p-e,andcandles with two d's. Itdepends on her furniture and whether she keeps a servant to use the soap which she mis-spels. You should never be bitter against society. You don't know what you may come to yourself some of these days. Perhaps you may turn up a lady, andbe called upon. ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. The Glasgow Express from Edinburgh, on March 18, telescoped the train fr<m Glasgow, at the new central station. .Seventy-five persons were killed, and . many injured. 11.I P. O'Connor, M.P. for Galway, delivered an address at Leeds on the 27th March. He had previously beenchallenged by the Mercury to say whether he had received any of the funds of the Land League. He failed to notice the question inhis speech. 1 LordEdmond Fitzmaurice, the member for Calne, deniedin the Houseof Commons on the 19th April, that Government had ever proposed to appointa British Resident at the Vatican. The Fenian sympathisers find a hopeful augury in the fact thatHer Majesty should have fallen on St. Patrick's Day. A committee which is being formed in London for the purpose of freeing the Parnull estates is making but slow progress. The London Observer says that Judah P. Benjamin's health permitting, he will probably accept a judgeship. Business in London and Paris was reported on March 12th as extremely dull, and an immense number of laborers are out of work inboth cities. The Channel tunnel scheme is being vigorously agitated in London. With a view to securing concessions in its favor, the French engineers have shown they can proceed to Dover at the rate of 132 feet daily, having bored already one mile and a quarter. This would complete a gallery 18 feet wide the whole way across in a little over 18 months. French enthusiasm on the subject takes no account of English opposition. AUCKLAND. This Day. Professors Walker and Tucker, of Auckland University, were out boating, when the boat capsized. Walker was drowned, and Tucker only got ashore with great difficulty. Later. Professors Tucker and Walker, of Auckland University, accompanied by a lad named Byddi-r, son of the proprietorof the Northumberland BoardingHouse, were out for a sail in an open boat, yesterday afternoon, and when near Ponsonby Reef, and about 100 yards from the shore, the boat gave a lurch, and Professor Walker fell spralling to leeward with his arms over the gunwale. The boy swam ashore, telling the Professors to strike out if they could swim. Tucker swam to the boat, and held on, but when he looked round he could not see Walker, who must have gone down. Three boys put off and saved Tucker from the boat in an insensible condition. He soon recovered. The search for Walker's body was unsuccessful. He was single, aged 26, and had only arrived by the Rotomahana a fortnight ago. He was to have accepted the chair of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in Auckland University. Henry Mills, stove-maker, has takenthe preliminary steps to secure a divorce from his wife, on the ground of adultery. The co-respondentis alleged to be a leading — medical man. The petitioner, who has been married since 1853, alleges in his affidavit, that he has lived with his wife until the last few clays. On February 15, he became aware of her bad conduct. She was ill, and fearing death, confessed to a priest that she had for some past been improperly intimate with the doctor. The petitioner claims £500 damages from co- respondent. The police intend taking action against the keeper of the Chinese gambling house in Wakefield street. The Candle Manufacturing Company's machinery has arrived. The city vital statistics are Births, 79 ; — deaths, 33. The annual meeting of the Northern Steamship Company took place to-day. The balance-sheet showed a net profit for the year endingMarch 31, of £11,063 3s 2d, or,including balance from the previous year, £11,518 8s 9d ; appropriation for payment of dividend for the six months ending March .31, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, £2,607 4s 6d ; writtenoff for depreciation, £1,000 ;amount carried to insurance fund, £2,500 ;balance to new account, £1,053 19s 9d. A meeting of Irish, Scotch, and English members ofParliament washeld inLondon on March 13th, at which it was decided to form a political committee, with the view of shaping public opinion in regard to Irishreform. The committee ib quite an impartialone, and noParnellites are connected with it. The ship Dunstaff, from Calcutta, via WELLINGTON. Dundee, was wrecked on the coast of Day. Aberdeenshire on March 17th. Fifteen The Customs' revenue for This Wellington men, besides a number of women and for last month amounted to £18,180 ;beer children, were drowned. The Norwegian ship JohnBertram, from duty, £314. No informationhas yet been received New York to Rotterdam, is reported the Agent-General respecting the GISBORNE HARBOR BOARD. (March 17th) abandoned at sea. The crew from tenders for a direct steam service to New was saved. The steamer Boyne has been seriously Zealand, the time for which closed yesterThe usual fortnightly meeting of the above day. Board was held in the Council Chambers damagedby a colision with the Glenrish. The valuable thoroughbred horse Palmlast evening. Present :His Worship the She has been floated and docked at Liver- bearer, who ran second in theDerby three Mayor, in the chair ; Messrs Tutchen, pool. wasconsigned by the Halcione, The proposal of an international alliance yearsago, Brown, Lewis, Townley, Chrisp, Whinray which arrived from London yesterday, to against Fenians, Anarchists, Socialists, Messrs. and Smith. Clifford and Weld, of Flaxbourne. The minutes of the previous and special aud other enemies of society, as consti- Unfortunately, however, the animal died meetings having been read and confirmed, tuted, has been discussed in London. It during the voyage. the outgoing and incoming correspondence would be speedily accomplished if the Mr. George Bennett, a very old and United States would join the league. was read. Wellington citizen, has A powder depot at Passocorose, in Italy much respected to hand over to the promoters of Wharves. explodedon April sth, killing 40 persons offered A letter was received from Messrs Ken- and injuring many more. The explosion the home for aged poor three acres of land nedy and Benneit, pointing out that the was caused by a workman carelessly in the neighborhood of Wellington, as a part of the wharf just repaired wanted sue- throwing a match near some 2 cwt.of gun- site for a home. The Government have received a cable ing to, owing to the late fresh. Left to powder. from the Agent-General, under date April the Public Works Committee. Baron Wertheim, the wealthiest manu- 30, stating thatas yetno tenders had been facturer in Austria, died in Vienna on the received Demand. for the direct steam service. April afternoon of 4th. A letter was received from Messrs BrasThe NationalTheatre inBerlin has been sey and Fraser, solicitor-;, demanding LlO burned to the ground. No loss of life for the detention of the.ketch Lucy James. occurred. The destruction of the theatre AUSTRALIAN NEWS. Mr Bourke .st. ited that the ketch Lucy is complete. James had owed wharfage for three trips. BT ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH— COrYKtOIIi. The Hungarian colony of 20,000 souls, H« had seen the Captain and the Harbor Bukovina, propose to emigrate, in order at SYDNEY Master, and Capt Miller had told him to avoidstarvation. This Day. that ho would telegraph to Capt. Gibbons, Bismarck declares, in reply to a letter Messrs Augustus Morris and George who was part owner of the vessel, and the from the CrownPrince, that he intends to Rankin, Commissioners appointed to inmoney would be paid. The money was devote the remainder of his life to con- quire into the working of the landlaws of not paid, and after he had lookedup the New South Wales, have made their report Act, he wroteto the Collector of Customs sidering the finances of the Empire. Michael Davitt has written a vigorous to Government. It strongly condemns the to stop the ketch from coming alongside letter onthe dynamite policy. He says it effect of the existing land acts. the wharf, which was done, and the money can only have the effect of exasperating The Legislative Assembly has passed a was paid. Mr Chriap thought that the preliminary the English democracy. It would be far motion, rescinding theresolutionof Nov. 8, wait another 20 years than to 1881, censuring Barker, late Minister of steps taken were not correct. It was better to the hands of Ireland's enemies, Mines, for his connection with Melbourne into quite right that the Collector of Customs play Creek Copper Mine award. should withold all papers until the dues by giving rein to despair and revenge. — - [BY SXVDEB.] Thk long troubled question "has again cropped up in the newspapers, What is an Esquire?" and the papers don't seem to know how it should be disposed of. An authorised lexicon decides an Esquire to be, "A shield bearer, or armour bearer; an attendant on a knight." But, although we have in thepresent day neither shield bearer, nor armour bearer, we have milgo lions of Esquires. For instance, if I into a shop, we will say in (Jisborne, and order a couple of Crimean shirts or a bag of sugar, or a small box of tea, the bill comes in to me, addressed J. Snyder, Esq. If Itake no notice of the bill, which is generally the case with me, Iget a civil request to pay it, but theaddress is still J. Snyder, Esqr. Itreat the second notice with contempt, as Ithink it should be, when I receive a threat to place the matter in the hands of a lawyer. As an Englishman, Iobject to being bullied, and let the affair take its course. After a time Iget what is called a lawyer's letter, demanding payment,with the charge added for writing such letter. This time Iam addressed simply as Mr J. Snyder. Itreat the letter with utter indifference, and byand-bye Iam served with a summons, addressed,not as anEsquire,nor as a Mister, but simply and unaffectedly as J. Snyder. Now,why do 1ceasetobe anEsquirebecause Irefuse to pay an account,"or am not able to do so, and become plain Mr." whenan insolent demand is made on me, which is again narroweddown to no handle to my name when the law takes me in charge. My name stands the same throughout the transaction, but not my title. Why is this as it is? Iask the editor of so well were paid. Mr Tutchen moved that the opinion of conducted a paper as the Herald to inform me. the Borough solicitor be asked on the subIfurther propose to ask him to solve a ject. He likened the matter to a man who difficulty which has lately come before " me. owed him rent, and until that rent was Itis comprised in the question What is paid he would not let the goods go. Mr Townley thought that they hadmade a lady?" It came about in this wise ; A little while back a young woman who I a mistake in not allowing the ketch to come once knew as a girl in one of the Govern- alongside the wharf. He wouldmove that ment schools, came to me and asked advice be taken, and the Board wouldabide whether I knew where she could be fixed by that advice. The Board then went into committee to up in decent service. She had, she told me, left her last place because she had consider the following letter from Messrs. been cheeky. Her employer had called Common Sheltou & Co. : her from the kitchen and said,Sarah, Iam Sheltos & Co.'s Claim "Commox, going out this evening, so get your We have your favour of the Bth March, master's tea ready. Who ? Isaid. Your and having taken advice on the matter, remaster, says she. Who is he, ma'am? says gret we cannot adopt the idea contained in ;Idon't know him. Why, your master your resolution, but in order to facilitate a I is my husband, says she, and he will want settlement of the question we are quite his tea. Then, ma'am, said I,if he is your willing to refer the whole matter to arbihusband he is most likely your master. tration, and shall be willing tomeet a comHe's not mine. I'm not a partner in the mittee of the Harbor Board to arrange the concern ;but if you will pay me my wages terms and conditions of such arbitration. Iwould like to leave. You get good Yours faithfully, Commox, Shelton' & Co." don't see why you wages, says she, and I After Committee had discussed the should wish to leave. Yes,ma'am, said I, questionthe for over an hour, Mr. Brassey, to the wages are good as far as they go ;but watch the interests of Messrs. Common, they don't go far enough with me, and I Shelton & Co., ami Mr. Shelton in person, must have more. However, ma'am, says came in, and the discussion was kept up till I, the gentleman shall have his tea ready a late hour, whenit was finally decided to for him whenhe comes in. And out goes adjourn till 7 o'clock this evening to again the Presently my lady in the tantrums. boss comes home, and the first questionhe go into the matter. asked was, Where's your misses ? Who's she, sir ? Isaid. Who is she ? he said ; BOROUGH COUNCIL. why, my wife to be sure ; who do you A special meetingof the Borough Council suppose Imeant ? Well, sir, she's not my misses, whatever she may be to you. was then held, the same members being There's too much misses and mastering in present. Tenders, this crib to suit my constitution. Sarah, The following tenders were opened for says he and Icould see he was pretty well on Sarah, said he, putting out his thelighting, cleaning, &c, of the Borough hand to take mine, I admire you greatly ; lamps :— Peter Scarle, £24 10s ;J. Hearthere's a lot of spirit about you. Well, field £40. The tender of Mr. Scarle was sir, says I, Idon't want your admiration, accepted. andif you hadless Bpirit in you than I Tram Rails, have aboutme, you would'nt stand such a consideration the loauof the tram The chance as you do of getting your face rails from the CountyofCouncil was allowed slapped;but if you will be good enough to let me, Iwant to go away to-morrow to stand over till next ordinary meeting. morning. You can do the admiring busi ness when lam gone. So he didn't say RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT. another word. This Day, went breakfast, next at I morning, The in when the two were together, and said, [Before James Booth, Esq., R.M.] will you pleasepay me my wages and let Drunkenness, me go. Not, said the man's wife, till you Naera Waereho pleaded guilty to the have had your box searched. My box searched, ma'am, said I. Do you suspect above offence, and was fined 10s, in default me of having taken any of your property ? 24 hours' imprisonment. DISOKDKKLY BEHAVIOUR I don't know, says she, you'vebeen saucy, Alexander Wyllie was charged by the and you may have been worse. Do you say that I'm to have my box searched ? I Police for that he did, on the Kith April, said. Yes, Sarah, that's what Imean. use threatening behaviour in the bar of and whereby a breach Then, ma'am, said I, comeon and search ; the Masonic Hotel, and she did come and turn overmy things, of the peace Mras occasioned. MrBrassey said he appeared for defenand found nothing but what belonged to me— at any rate there was nothing dant, and would plead guilty, but said his that belonged to her. Are you quite clientMrns sorry the offence was committed satisfied, ma'am? said I. Oh, yes, and would promise such conduct would she said, I suppose it's all right. not be repeated. The Sergeant said he would accept the Now,then, ma'am, said I,you've searched my boxes, I must take the liberty plea of guilty, and would not go into the of searching your drawers and cupboards. charge simply on account of his relations. I've quite as much right to suspect you as The defendant'sconduct was very bad inyou have to suspectme,sonow then please deed on this occasion, as he had assaulted — — — — CABLE NEWS. HEAVY FLOODS IN THE SOUTH. — BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH COPYRIGHT. [Reuter'sTelegrams.] LONDON. May 1. Telegrams havebeen received from the Hon. G. Kong, reporting that great excitement prevails throughout China, in consequence of the state of affairs in Tonquin, and the action of the French Government in pushing its claims in that country. French men-of-war have been warned of the Chinese, and ordered to keep watch upon the coast. Owing to the alow progress which has been made with the Affirmationin Lieu of Oaths Bill, in the House of Commons, the Premier has given notice that he will move that precedence be given to the measure. The Rev.G. H. Connor, M.A., Deau of Windsor, who has been seriously ill, is now dying. Later.— The Very Rev.G. H. Connor, M.A., Dean of Windsor, died to-day. Ithas been ascertained that the AgentGeneral for New Zealand has not received any tenders for the direct steamservice between New Zealand and England. The time for receiving tenders expired yesterday- TELEGRAMS. [Per Press Association.] DUNEDIN. SERIOUS DAMAGE TO BRIDGES, RAILWAY TRAFFIC SUSPENDED. (Per UnitedPress Association.) TIMARU. This Day. It has been raining very heavily here for the last 36 hours, and there are extensive floods north and south of Timaru. There is 4£ feet of water in the main stre«t of Temuka, and a number of houses are inundated. The express train from the north could not get beyond Orari, owing to the damage to the railway line. The south train is stuck up at Makihiki, owing to the samecause. At Albury the line is also damaged, and communication is stopped. The rivers are all overflowing their banks, and a great deal of damageis expected. Itis still rainingheavily. Later. Still raining;morelargebridges damaged. A portion of the town ofTemuka has beenunder water for thelast 24 hours, and a number of residents have had to leave their houses. At Albany a blacksmith's shop was washed away by the river, and a family named Cowper barely escaped with theirlives. AtWashdyke several families were taken from their dwellings in the middleof the night. The railway is considerably damaged on the North and South Albanylines, a number of small bridges being washed away. No mails have arrived from Christchurch or Duneiiu. — OAMARU. This Day, Owing to the damage caused by the rains, the traffic on the north railheavy way, between Timaru and Oamaru, has been suspended. The Express train from Dunedin wasstopped here, and will return to Dunedin in the afternoon. CHRISTCHURCH. LATER.—Heavy rain has been falling for This Day. the past three days. The train which left The Salvation Army has leased the in the afternoon for Timaru got as far as Gaiety Theatre as abarracks for twoyears. Studholme Junction, but was unable to return, owing to the line being damaged WANGANUI. since it passed. There are no reports of This Day At the Supreme Court, in the murder injuries to the Southern or branch lines. case, the verdict was brought in at 11.15 ASHBURTON. last night, of guilty, but recommended to This Day, mercy. The judge passed sentence of The heavy rains which have prevailed death, but as the prisoner is pregnant, she during the past few days have resulted in ia respited until next criminal session. the rivers being flooded. The Ashburton At the Supreme Court, John Burke was and Hinds rivers are very full between indicted for perjury, butprisoner's counsel Orari and Rangitata railway stations, a objected to the indictment on the ground considerable portion of the line being that the information was heard before one washed away. Itis feared that the bridge justice instead of two justices of the peace, over the Hinds river will go before mornor one justice beins; a Resident Magistrate. ing. This morning, the express to DuneThe Chief Justice held this as fatal, and din could not go further than Ashburton, prisoner was discharged. Win Glenworth most of the passengersreturning toChristwas indicted for burglary at the Com- church. The Hon. Mr. Rolleston is a mercialHotel, Waverly. It was discover- passenger by her, and has gone to where ed in the course of trial that there wa3 no the line is interrupted. A gang of men is evidence to go to the jury. The prisoner being despatched to repair the damage. was acquitted. The criminal business The Raugitatais not in very heavy flood, then concluded. and no Fears are entertained concerning This Day. The Edwin Fox left for the Bluff this morning, but after towing over the bar, the hawser broke, and being a heavy S.E. sea, her cargo shifted, and she was towed back to port. THE EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1883. the bridges over that river. Itis expected the line will not be ready for traffic for at least two days. It is reported that the bridge over the Selwyn is in danger, so that communication both north and south may be interrupted. CHRISTCHURCH. This Day. Heavy rain set in againlast night, and continued almost without intermission till daylight this morning. Itis still raining at short intervals. All the rivers are in flood, anditis feared thatextensivedamage ■willbe done. The north train was unable to get beyond Sefton this morning,and the southern express has been stopped at Ashburton, through fears being entertained as to the safety of the Rangitata bridge. Later. The rain is much lighter. It is not expected that the trains will run further south than Rakia to-day. The traffic is suspended on the North line. WELLINGTON. This Day. A steady rain set ivlast night, and has continued since. It is stillraining heavily, and there are no indications ofits abating. — SPORTING TELEGRAMS. Auctions. GRAHAM, PITT & BENNETT Will hold their usual monthly sale of Wool and Sheepskins, in their iron store, on THURSDAY, 3rd May,at 12 noon, when they will oiler about OArv SKINS, AND SEVERAL BALES OF WOOL. LAND FOB SALE. ACRES FREEHOLD,stocked Q v/w a»d with all necessary im0«0f^AA 130 acres Freehold;alluvial flat, capable of great improvement. 4,500 acres Leasehold;long term unex- PITT& — Will sell by auction NEXT. on MR.Ambling McDONALD'S well-known Cob, ''SPIDER." 912 CHEEP FOR SALE. 90S SATURDAY 75C 6 and full-mouth Ewes. 2*50 Fresh S-toothEwes. f)00 4, 6", and full-mouth Ewes. 3,000 4, G, and full-mouth Ewes. 400 4-tooth Ewes, cross 2,000 Wethers, 4, 6, and full-mouth. 1,000 Wethers, 6 and full-mouth. 1,000 Wethers, 4 and 6-tooth. Wanganui, this day. The following nominations for the Wan- — ganui HandicapSteeplechase werereceived last night : Loch Lomond, A.G., Kuahine, Past Time, Rally, Bab, Reform, Chandler, Christmas, liata, Diomedes, Woodpecker, Dan, Calamity, Mount, Parnell, Dhudeen, aud Ngata. Auckland, this day. The following are the acceptances for the Cambridge Cup : Tim Whiiller, Sst 101b; Hippodamia, 7st 101b; Merlin, 7st 91b ; Lone Hand, 7st 71b ;Larry, 7st 71b ; Maori, 7st 51b ;Mystery, b'st 111b. — Havebeen favored withinstructions from G. Mitford Taylor, Esq., (who is leaving Gisborne,) to sell by auction at their mart, on SATURDAY, the sth iust., at 2 p.m. rTIHE WHOLE of his HOUSEHOLD X FURNITURE, consisting of Diningroom and Kitchen Tables, Chairs, Couch, Chest of Drawers, Dressing Tables, Washstands, Iron Bedsteads and Mattrasses, Perambulator, School Desks and Forms, One Ameiican Stove and Kitchen Utensils. After which will be offered 909 Oranges, Potatoes, &c. — — P. L. O'M EA RA to announce his havingpurchased the premises opposite Hurrey's BEGS Flour Mill, Pahnerston Road, lately occupied by Mr. D. M. Orr, and, having Steam Power, he is preparedto Cut Chafk, and Crush Oats and Maize, at moderate rates. WOOD TURNING Of every description done to order. FOR SALE A LL those Shareholders who have not D. M. O WOOL AND SHEEPSKINS : yet paid the Ninth Call, which was Gisborne— First THURSDAY in each Month, at noon. due on 11th April, are hereby reminded HAS 3rd May that unless same be paid on or before 9th GROCERIES, LIVE STOCK : inst., their shares will become foi"feited ; "*-*" — and those whohave not paid the preced- Makaraka Every alternate WEDNESDAY, at 2 p.m. ing (Eighth) Call on their forfeited shares, 9th May cannow do so up till day of sale, as is the following Scrip, which sold on20th Marchlast, through non-payment of Seventh Call, by applying at the office and producing old Scrip, can recover their proportion of HOLDERSwasof 15th May 446 k " — A * KOPUA KAIRONGOUE BLOCK, THOMAS BUDDLE, Solicitor for the Bill. 4a. 2r. 27p., opposite 832 surrounded by poplars, and on which is now growing NOTICE. several large quince trees in full bearing, occupied by Mr. King. Persons found Trespassing with The above-named Block, late the proDog or Gun on WAINUI and perty of R. Newsham, deceased (French Bob), Iam instructed by the Public KAITIwillbe prosecuted. R. SHERRATT. Trustee to letby tender. A lease will be April 28th, 18S3. 880 given for seven years, from June next. Tenders to be send in, addressed to the undersigned, up to noon of SATURDAY, CAUTION TO GUNNERS AND May sth, 1883. SPORTSMEN. f^iONTAINING V-7 oldmill at Makauri, ALL EDWIN WOON, Agent Public Trustee. Giaborne, April 30, 1883. COOK COUNTY 896 COUNCIIT" ANYONE atTOANGA, PUKETAPU, KARAWA, found TRESPASSING with Dog or Gun, in any of my Paddocks or elsewhere, will be prosecuted. 885 E. CAMERON. will bereceived at this Office J- for the undermentioned Works, up TO SPORTSMEN AND OTHERS. to 7 p.m. on THURSDAY, 10th MtJy :— persons trespassing with dog and gun on any portion of the WaiA96— Bridge, Tologa Bay. A97— Bridges, Wainui Flat, East Coast hirere Block, near Ormond, will be prosecuted. Road. MATENGA TAIHUKA, A98 Drains, Wairoa Road, Patutahi. 852 For the owners. A9 or KaiSpouting, Channel teratahi Hill. CAUTION. The Specification and Plan for A96 may TEN SHILLINGS REWARD. be inspected at Mr. W. W. Brown's Store, Tologa Bay. has been laid on the AWAJ. WINTER, PUNI BLOCK, or "Sand Hills." All dogs found there will be destroyed. County Enginer, A Reward of 10s will be paid to any Gisborne, April 30, 1883. 891 person giving information leading to the discovery of the owners of any dogs found A General Servant ;also killing sheep, and a further reward of 10s a Nurse Girl. Apply to Mrs. E.If. for killing any such dog. Ward, "The Hermitage." 911 670 A. C. ARTHUR. A Purchaser for 300 acres Land, Suburban Section 94, TO BUILDERS. Patutahi Survey District, on the Te Arai river, opposite the Hon. Randall Johnson's will be received by the land. Apply by letter, "K.E.W.," Box undersigned, up to MONDAZ next, SB9 the 7th May, 18S3, for ALTERATIONS 62, Post Office, Napier. and ADDITIONS to a Dwelling-house in A MAN to milk and Pahnerston Road. Flans and Specifications can be seen at make himself generally useful. 898 my residence. Apply,Bridge Hotel. Lowest or any tender not necessarily A HOUSEMAID. Apply accepted. W. J. QUIGLEY, T V to Mrs. C. Gray, Waiohika, or to 820 900 Mrs. W. L. Wuaiams, Gißborae. Architect, ALL — POISON tGEO. WANTED— WANTED— — WANTED— %T7ANTED— TENDERS — FASHIONS — AT A CHOICE SELECTION of Plain and To J. Wilson & Co. April, 16th, 1880. Figured Velveteens,newest shades, Gentlemen, Having thoroughly satisfrom 3s. 6d. per yard, at fied myself, after eight months' trial, of the reliableness of your concrete flooring I LEWIS'S intend at once to lay two other floors in my stable, and altogether do away with SATINS, all colors, at the asphalt, which I have found to be no Sixty Cases Drapery, H. LEWIS'S use on a stable floor, subject to the amount Rugs, of rough use that mine gets. The concrete COSTUME and Cashmere Cloth at still remains sound and solid, and appears Direct from the Manufactuiers, ex the ships "Closeburn" and "'Wellington." just as good as when first laid. Yours, H. The LARGEST IMPORTATION, the BEST ASSORTED W. Crowther. STOCK IN GISBORNE. PLAIN and Fancy Serges, Merinos, Pukekohe, December 12tb, ISB2. Winceys, and Wool Plaids, at Messrs. J. Wilson & Co., IX. LEWIS'S Sir, Auckland. The concrete tank which Ibuilt and plastered with Wilson's Hydraulic In Wool Taitans, Wincies, French Merinos, French Cassimir, French Foule, LADIES' ULSTERS, Dolmans, and Lime holds 3,000 gallons, and cost for Caledonian Tweeds, Princess Helena Biege D'Eccosser, Black Brocades, Cloth Jackets, from 11s. each, at lime, sand, and freight, £5. The labor I Estamines, Black, Persian, and Grecian Cords, Black Satin Wool never had anything to do myself. I H. LEWIS'S did Lame, Black Louis Velveteen, Colored Louis Velveteen,in all the new with concrete work before, but followed Figured Forget-Me-Not Velveteens, in all the leading colors. ; shades VELVET, Plush, Felt, and your instructions, and have every reason LADIES' Seal Hat*, newest shapes, at to lie satisfied with the result, as the tank has been in use for twelve months, and is Silks, Satins, Plushes and Silk Velvets, H. LEWIS'S perfectly tight. Ottoman Silks, Brocaded Silks and Velvets. William Jenkins, LADIES' HOSIERY, a largo assoitPukekohe West. meat, at 11. LEWIS'S All Mahurangi Limes are not alike, and has an excessively LARGE STOCK of every Article for none of Wilson's is genuine without the Domestic purposes. LADIES' NIGHT DRESSES, 3s. 0"d. Trade Mark. and upwards, at Also on sale Bricks, Sand, Pipes, etc. Horrock's,Crewdson's, in and other well-knownmakes. CALICOES John Wilson & Co., H. LEWIS'S SHEETINGS :Finlay's Twilled and Plain, 54, 72, 80, 90, and 100 inches 81, Queen street. LADIES' CHEMISES, from 2s. each, N.B. Please write for circulars exFLANNELS : Real and Imitation Welsh, Colonial, & Saxony Flannels plaining treatment. 827 TWILLED FLANNELS, for Tea.Gowns and Morning Wrappers, in all WM. ADAIR'S. H. and Ten Bales Blankets and — DRESS MATERIALS HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY. R W.A. — H. LEWIS'S H. LEWIS'S ON SALE— the new colors. HYDRAULIC LIME. PULHAM, BANNATYNE MESSRS. & CO., of Mahurangi, beg to notify that they now prepared to execute are WOOL CLOUDS, Squares, aud Cross- orders for their HYDRAULIC LIME, overs, at THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT a NEW ZEALAND NATIVE LAND H. LEWIS'S SETTLEMENT COMPANY, Is worth inspection. It consists of [Limited.] Highest price given for Produce, Hides, Gents', Boys', and Youths' Suits, surplusproceeds. Tallow, &c. Overcoats, Trousers, Trousers and — Certificate Nos. are 70-71, 275, 639, Extension ok Limits of Operations and 855 D. M. ORR. Vests and Coats, niadeof Kaiapoi, English, Scotch, aud (ieelong 651, 706-707, 718, 784-785, 1104. General Enlargement of Powers. Tweeds. DAVID ISLES, FIDELITY COMPANY'S MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' Manager. is Hereby Given, that Appli- £2,000 on the Queen's Birthday HATS, all kinds, at IyOTICE ' -*Hamon's Buildings, cation is intended to be made to the Meeting. 906 General Assembly, at the ensuing Session thereof, by the New Zealand Native nptHE Advertiser wishes to meet all at Land Settlement Company (Limited) for JL the close of to-night's Wesleyan Band of HopeMeeting who are willing to leave to bring in a Billauthorising the said join an undenominational Band of Hope Company to extend its operations over the 910 North Island of New Zealand, and to and Blue Ribbon Army. change the situation of its Registered |^|N VIEW TO-NIGHT, AT THE Om'ce, and to acquire and hold lands as Trustees or Agents, and to manage lands ARGYLL HOTEL, on terms to be arranged with the owners At the Inner Bar, thereof, and to guarantee payment of liabilities of persons transferring Lands to A WHITE COCK PHEASANT. 912 it, and to purchase its Shares voluntarily FOR AUCKLAND, via EAST and compulsorily, and to borrow money, and issue debentures, andcreate debenture COAST. stock, and to mortgage itslandsand unpaid Capital,and to contract with the Crown Tj^ TIHE Ketch or the Minister of Public Works, or the AGNES MARTIN," Public Officer for the Construction of Roads Capt. J. Nicholas, Bridges, and Works, and to appear in the "■■HIM Will leave for the Coast and Auckland Native LaudCourt by counsel, agents,and on or about FRIDAY, 4th May. For Particulars of Freight or Passage, witnesses, and to make application thereto apply to— to have its interest in land denned and COMMON SHELTON & CO., vested in itself, and to amalgamate with A gents. other Companies, and to confer and vary Note. Freight on all parcels and small other rights, powers, and privileges. paokages mustbe prepaid. 903 AndNotice is also given that copies of IN THE ESTATE OF C. D. BERRY. the said Bill will be depositedin the Office of the Examiner of Standing Orders, at MEETING OF CREDITORS in the Wellington, either before or within fourj Estate of Christopher David Berry willbe held at the offices of Porter teen days after the commencement of the and Croft, Lowe street, on MONDAY, 7th said Session, and will be open to the inmMay, at 2 o'clock p.m. spection of all parties. ALFRED W. CROFT, Dated this Seventeenth day of April, one 904 Trustee. thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. AUCKLAND, N.Z. H. LEWIS'S TRIMMINGS, Black, Brown, R FURGrey, and White, at All of the best description, Imported Direct, sold at Lowest Current Rates, and delivered on the shortest notice. Gisborne, 2nd May, 1883. AUTUMN and WINTER J.TOson&C? either at Kilns, or at their Auckland H. LEWIS'S Branch, Custom House street West, where REQUISITES, BLANKETS, Ruga,Quilts andCounter- all particulars may be obtained. As this Lime is now so well known in the Auckpanea, splendid value, at HORSE FEED, land market, P., B. and Co. trust that H. LEWIS'S architects, builderß, and contractors will COAL AND FIREWOOD. give them a fair share of their support. The Third TUESDAY in each Month, at 2 p.m. 17th April with the Latest MARK QUILTS AND COUNTERPANES, in White and Colored. TWILLED CRETONNES AND CHINA MATTINGS BLANKETS: White 9/4, 10/4, 11/4, and 12/4.— Splendid value TABLE DAMASK, DAMASK CLOTHS, AND TABLENAPKINS COSTUMES! DEEiSSES! FARM AND STATION Waerenga-a-hika— done under the New Zealand Act. TRADE — — sales as under : l DEPARTMENTS NOW REPLETE HYDRAULIC LIME OPEN. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of the above at 60 Cases Drapery and 10 Bales, — NEWCASTLE COALS. FIREWOOD, Uncut or Cut. SOUTH PACIFIC PETROLEUM GRAHAM PITT & BENNETT COMPANY (No Liability). TERMS CASH. Beg to intimate that — they will holdregular 533 P f^i "LEWIS'S GRAHAM PITT &. BENNETT COMMON, SHELTON & CO. 77G [Per United Press Association.] NOW >$\VSON<S OODS ! pired. 990 acres Freehold ;300 acres flat. 440 acres Freehold. WITHOUT RESERVE. 200 acres Freehold. 742 acres Freehold; 600 sheep, 70 cattle 54 acres best land in Cook County. GRAHAM, BENNETT 790 acres Freehold ;good situation. Will sell by auction, without reserve, at 12,300 acres Leasehold ;within easyreach their mart, on SATURDAY, 12th inst., of Gisborne. at 11 a.m. " 13,000 acres Freehold ; excellent soil. fTIHE S.S. ROSINA," as she now lies X in the Turanganui River. GRAHAM, PITT &. BENNETT, XTTINTER improvements. 907 Terms— Cash. Auckland Advertisements. XTTINTER /^iOODS ! XL LEWIS'S — MLLINEhY, MANTLtS, AND UhUhi.ULUIhING! The Large Show Room up-ytairs is well stocked with all the Newest and most FashionableGoods ever shown in Gisborue. The JACKETS, DOLMAJSS, and MANTLEfcS are imported from Parity and being all Tailor-made, are commendedfor theirperfect tit, and caretul attention to iiuish. N.B. Drain Pipeß and Tiles, Bricks andSand always in stock. 497 500 UJLSTERS TO SELECT FROM. A UCKLAND TIMBER COMPANY A LIMITED (late G. Holdship & Co. HOSIERY AND WOOL GOODS. They have the largest and most perfect 500 doz Women's,Girls', & Children's CashmereHosiery have been imported Wood-working Machinery in the Southern this season, and are marked at such prices as will astonish every one. Hemisphere, and manufacture every de- Wool Shawls, Scarves, Ties, and Polka Jackets. scription of Sash, Door, Moulding, Turnery, Fretwork, Carvings, Wheel Spokes, FUK THIMMINGS, in every style and width. etc., etc. DKESS TKIMMLNGS in endless variety. Buttons, Lace Hibbons, Sash Saw Mills and Timber Stations at Kibbons, watered and plain colors;Biocaded, Broche, and Ottoman Whangaroa, Mangonui, Kennedy Bay, and Kibbons, Terry and Satin Kibbuns, all colors. — PortCharles. Head Office, Saw Mill, and Manufac- KID GLOVES Josephines, in White, Light Tints, Black and Dark Colors, 2, 4, and 6 Buttons ;all sizes kept in stock. GROCERIES and OILMAN STORES, tory :Auckland. Send for pattern sheets and price lists. prices, best brands andlowest at 839 Birthday Handicap. Queen's from the country, and town customers, will find thia Stock _ — -— - the Visitorsselect First £300 h, mwis\s, from, being the Largest and Best Assorted, and the trader r -. best to Second 200 prices most reasonable. Third 100 All others divided (about £21 each)... 150 BOOTS ! BOOTS !! BOOTS !!! Races,May 24.— Close about May 19. __ — Total Amount... £750 MESSRS. GARRETT BROS. Tradesmen's Handicap. Fust £200 "13EG to announce that they have just Second 150 Third 100 All others divided(about £12 each)... 100 Total Amount... £550 20 Bonds at £20 ouch £4uO 20 Bonds at £10 each 200 20 Bouds at £5 each 100 Total of CO Bonds...£700 The total number of Prizes is about S2, and the total amount of the Event is £2,000. — There will be Five Separate Drawings for Each Ticket, viz.: Two Drawings for undersigned HE l^'l ty.£ij&j9l HP inform his v>i JCWi JL begsto and the public MARK- — I-****. ,- ,1 BOOTS GARRETT BROS., Tanners, Curriers, Leather BON"MAKCIIE hTUKKS. 18 8 3- A UT U MN-l88 3 aipouters. Manufacturers and I * IV TX 7inter) T\rapOTV THELWALL~¥~Ca OATEN CHAFF of best quality ;also, a few tons of PRIME OLD HAY, pressed ~ SQ_CASES XTAVE now on hand this Season's into bales to suit customers. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. AAMARTT . "ITrELLINGTOTVT FROM GLASGOW LX UAMARU & VV ELLINGTOIM FROM LONDON; The New Langtry Cloth, Caledonian, Eroadalbine, and Grampion Dress Stuffs; Colored Cashmeres in aU the newest shades; Black and Co ored L to*. B1 1 and r Colored Velveteens, with and Trimmings Buttons to match. 463 AYSTERS! AYSTERSI! Season Mr. PETERSEN will have FRESH OYSTERS BY EVERY DRESS \ DEPARTMENT STEAMER. Factory andWarehouse: Wakefield street, friends -vs^^iss generally that he has Auckland. Taunery and Works: Whan, Oysters opened at any time to order. Auckland. Branches :New Plymouth, Leased the Waerenga-a-hika Stables from and Thames, at prepared Napier, Waipawa, Mr. W. Cooper, and that he is to Suppers prepared, and also provided on break in a limited number of horses. GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. the premises. broken as ladies' or gents' All horses 847 be required. may hacks, as C. PETERSEN. ARRIVED. 901 A written guarantee given with all TUST horses. broken PAINTS, PAPERHANGINGS, &c. Horses or foals wintered and handled on easy terms. TO SPORTSMEN ! begs to announce to his Horses properly trained for matches or " IP friends and the public that he race meetings. taken over the whole of the Painting 825 JOHN THORPE. CARTRIDGES {or Breech-loaders, has Business lately carried on by Messrs. Houoiiton & Hall, and that all orders for Brown, Blue, and Green. TO LET. Painting, Glazing, Paperhaugiug, &c, &c, wire, for Muz- left at the shop opposite the Royal Hotel, 50 to 300 acres First-class LAND will be punctually attended to ; and perzle-loaders. on the Taruheru River, securely sons requiring PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, fenced, with right to tenant to take crop CASES, Brown PAPERHANGINGS, &c, would do well to give him a call, as he intends to clear off. Rent Free. the whole stock off cheap. For particulars apply to and Green. P. BARKER, F HALL, D Single barrel, o«»lc and Whataupoko. GUNS 895 Late Houuuton" & Hall. 897 Muzzle and Breech-loading. DEPARTMENT FROM CARTRIDGES, . LET— TO one year, Four Acres Good Graz- FOR ing Paddock, fenced, close to town. —Apply, 822 F. DUFAUR, Land Agent. LET— The House lately occupied by Mrs. Webb, situate in Grey street. TO —Apply to W. Ratcliffe & Co. 785 — ThePublic are cautionedagainst LOST. negociating CHEQUE, drawn by Charles W. Ferris in favor of John a Halev, or order, for the sum of £155, dated 15th May, 1883. 890 JOHN HALEY. POWDER Diamond Grain, Alliance, H. and FFF. SHOT Common and Chilled. CAPS CENTRAL CASH STORK HAVING - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS of thebest quality kept in stock. A Large Assortment of And a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GUN FITTINGS, at the lowest possibleprices. LADIES', MAIDS', A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CROuKERYWARE, . CLOTHING nCDADTMFMT UtrMKI MfclM I- BOOTS and SHOES To be Sold Cheap ! EUREKA~~HOUSE. SADDLE "J j 5/8 and 7/8 Cambric . Handkerchiefs to choose from.— Best mr offfered R . borne —^— —— —— —^— — —^— ——— Our Stock of Clothing is the Cheapest, and Best Assorted in Town, and purchasers can get a Single Garment at WHOLESALE PRICE. In our Show Room willbe found many SHOW Special Lines in Fancy Wool Hosiery, not to be procured in any other shop in Town. DOOM KOOIYI n.nn^^i^ RIBBONS. 100 dozen . The Newest Shades. Sash Rilsl3OaS ia ftU MEN'S, and CHILDREN'S Which will be sold at Cost Price for Cash, ri^HE undersigned begs to notify that In order to effect a clearance. as I intend going out of this willing X she is to give Lessons in Hue altogether. and all CREWELWORK; MUSIC also CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE kinds of Art Needlework executed. Ad- A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN of every description sold at dress :Mrs. Pranc;ley, Lowe Street. 599 AND FLOWER SEEDS to lowest prices. arrive shortly. ARRIVED, per Agnes Martin, CENTRAL CASH STORE, 35,000ft. first-class KAURI. To arGladstone Road. 874 rive, per Agues Donald, 50,000ft. second class KAURI. To arrive, per Gisborne, A. G. CROLL, HORSES to be LET ON 2,000 HOBART PALINGS. HIRE, at E. Matthews', Roebuck J. R. MORGAN & CO., General & Furnishing Ironmonger. 913 Wharf Timber Yard. 577 Ro*d. JUST __ Mclv AY, purchasedthe Business lately carried on by Mr. W. Judd, solicits a share of the public patronage. FL Double, Waterproof, and Central Fire. WADS Thick Felt and Elastic Cloth HOSIERY & HABERDASHERY DEPTMT. lo^ " Calicoes, Sheetings, Quilts, Blankets, Rugs &c special Line in Down Quilts. Wool andUnion Shirtings, Diapers, Hollands, etc., etc. mi m ucctcd MANCHESTER FTTALL CARTRIDGES, AND BALES— SO PAI<KELL & BOYLAK aiencw offering their Fiist Shipment for the forth coming aerson, which have been speciallybought for the Gisborne trade. During this and Boot ADAIR. utuiuJN Autui nAT WinteK Diaper I IS — HORSE-BREAKING. — llYj0 received a Shipment of PRINCE ARTHUR HOTEL, AND QHOES! hobson and wellesley streets, 00 TS AND OHOES! Auckland, newly built and handsomely finished ; Consisting of is consideredby the travelling public FRENCH -MADE EVENING SHOES, to be one of the best Family and Commercial Hotels in the Australasian Colonies. PRUNELLA DANCING SHOES, The Proprietor has studied to give every convenience and comfort that a first-class LADIES' SEWN LIGHT WINTER house should contain, for which he begs to BOOTS, solicit a fair share of the public patronage. rv Poverty Bay Herald filed. 851 GENTLEMEN'S SEWN LIGHT WINTER BOOTS, the Races, and Three Separate Drawings LADII'S' GLOVE-KID E.S., for the 60 Bonds. And various other kinds and descriptions Programmes £1 each, and two 2d. stamps. Cheques (with Is. exchange) to too numerous to mention. be payable only to a No or to Bearer. P.O. Orders payable to Fidelity Co. only. If half-notes send by separate posts. No As the above are of the latest and most Registered Letters or Telegrams accepted. novel kiuds ever introducedinto Gisborne, Address only to "Fidelity Company, an inspection is invited. care of Alfred A. Cameron's Box No. 251, Dunedin." 754 >.. h?^ "^PITIVg. MILLINERY, nRFS<*MAKII\Ifi DRESSMAKING. Our Millinery and Dressmaking Departments are, for Style, Pit, lQ ftad piaislL' admitted o. ia QiQi om *° *" EARLY INSPECTION PARNELT mDDAWC RIBBONS. O INVITED^ TDOYLATVJ GLADSTONE ROAD AND LOWE STREET. THE EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MAI 2, 1883 G. R. MOORE GRAHAM,piTT & T)E NNETT, JLJ Request Inspection of one of tho Grandest Selections of HAS REMOVED Ever placed before the Public of Poverty Bay. The Viands and the style of serving them willbe calculated to enhance the NEW PREMISES, DANIEL PAGE ORMOND LINEJOF COACHES. ARGYLL MESSRS. BOND & HATTEN'S GISBORNE Ctr&h&Sl & BOJLH&tt quiredPitt far Family and StationUSO> which they are SELLING — Specially All Parcels andLetters booked at the above Offices will receive prompt attention. CARTING DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. - BOND AND HATTEN, - - Proprietor DXJCCA recommended ROYAL OAK HOTEL. THE BRIDGE HOTEL, FLANNELS Real and Imitation Welsh, Saxony's and Colonial BIG RIVER. At Low Prices. very Flannels D. D I N A N, COLORED TWILL FLANNELS— Pink, Sky, Mid. Blue, Navy, rr^HIS large, commodious, and cen- (Late of the DewdropInn, Kaiteratahi), J_ trally-situatedHostelry, standing Cardinal,Grenat, Maroon, and White. to inform his friendsand the at the junction of the Wairoa and BLANKETS English and Colonial in White aud Colored. public generally, that he has Coast Roads, is admirablysuited for the leased the above commodious, well CARRIAGE AND TRAVELLING RUGS— AII sizes. to and from BEGS convenience of Travellers Graham, pitt, & bennett, DRAPERS & CLOTHIERS, Gladstone Road, Gisborne. MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF IEOMOMEEY, HAEDWAEE, situated Hotel from the Proprietor,Mr. T. Scrivener, and that he is making alterationsand improvements which will ender it equal to any Hotel in the istrict. Napier. It is an easy distance from Gisborne, and situated in the most picturesque part of the Bay, at the junction of Te Arai and Patutahi Roads. The drive from Town is as pleasant a one as Capital Accommodation for Families could bedesired. andBoarder?. Only the best brands of Beers, Wines, First-cxass Accommodation and Gooi> j Spirits, &c., kept in stock. R. M. STEGGALL, 688 514 Proprietor. TURANGANUI HOTEL, | SITUATED Harris : Street and Read's Quay. Close to the Wharf. Commanding most pictuiesque view the Turanganui and the Bay. o TTNEQUALLED ACCOMMODATION Beast, U forMan and Agricultural Implements and Tools, Only the very Beßt Brands of WINES, FOR FAMILIES AND BOARDERS. SPIRITS, BEER, &c, kept in stock. OXTTIiBR"ST, Pie Dishes Wash-up Dishes Dippers Candlesticks Candle Moulds Cake Tins Jelly Moulds TeaPots Coflee Pots Flour Sifters KnifeBoards PepperBoxes Mortice do CasementLocks Brass and Porcelaiu Guagea audGouges Squares aud Bevels Pad audFrameSaws Turkey aud Arkausas Stoves Cinder Sifters Oil Slips assorted Egg Beaters Bench Planes Dutch Ovens Hollows and Rounds Flour Scoops 0. G. and Rabbit Flour Buckets Planes Smoothing Irons Pumps Screws andBolts Bead and Fillister Camp Kettles Plough and Sash Paint and Oil Mugs Planes Pannicans Putty andLead Levels and Plumbs Dryers Tin Plates Varnish and Rules aud Pencils Wall Paper Tin Funnels Brad Punchers Dust Pails and Pana Spout Spikes Gimblets and Awls Sheet Zinc BreadGraters Bread Cutters Sheet Lead Tool Baskets Knife Boards Tower andPadBolts Spokeahaves Blind Furniture KnifePowders BoxwoodHandles Knife Rests Sash Weights and Beech Mallets Beech Cramps Fastenings GalvanizedNails Ewbank Nails Sash Line BeechScrews Wire Nails Haud and RipSaws Saw-sets and Files Rim Locks Firmer Chisels Pincers and Plyers Registered do Mortice Locks Hammers &Handle Furniture Register Grates Leamington Kanges Butt aud Tee Hinges Corrugated Iron Spoutiug Lead Pipe Lift and Force — N.B. The Culinary Articles in the above list may be had in a great variety of sizes, in Tin, JCopper, Wrought and Cast Iron, and Enamel, &c. The Builders' Ironmongery,— Our twelve years experience gives us a perfect knowledge of the requirements of this portion of our trade. Arists' — Tools. Of these we keep a complete the best makers. ment of Newest Goods, by AND BOYLAIff, IRONMONGERS, Gladstone Road, Gisborne. PARNBLL (Latb 321 S. De COSTA, of tub GOOD BILLIARD TABLE. 446 British llotbl, Lyttblton Proprietress. ALBION HOTEL, NAPIER. STOCK begs to inform his friends that he has taken the above W Hotel, and trusts, by civility and atten- THE ORMOND HOTEL. begs to inform THE undersigned public generally, Purchased Goodwill, his friends and the that he haß the Stock, etc., of the above popular, wellsituated Hostelry from Mtb. Buchanan, and he trusts by strict attention to the requirements of the public, to retain the patronage so liberally bestowed on his tion to the wants of customers, to merit a share of their support. Billiard-room,Bath-room, and comfortable Parlors, and every convenience, com- predecessor. bined with cleanliness and moderate Every accommodation, and private suites of apartments for families. charges. Only the very best Beers, Wines, and Spirits kept in stock. English and Colonial Ale on draught. Crawford's Beer always on tap. 201 First-classStablingand Paddocking Accommodation. CRITERION FAMILY AND COM 62 JOHN CLEMENTS. MERCIAL HOTEL, Hastings street, Napier. CRAWFORD'S BREWERY ABERDEEN ROAD, GISBORNE. P. GORMAN, Proprietor. 202 Waerenga-a-hika Hotel. WILLIAM COOPER, Proprietor. /CRAWFORD'S XXX and XX ALES. Kj /CRAWFORD'S EXHIBITION Kj STOUTS, The reputation of the above has been maintainedagainst all competitors. CRAWFORD'S & TONIC WATERS, for quality, are unsurpassed. Unequalledaccommodationfor Families The trade supplied on liberalterms. and Travellers. Crawford'sBeer and CratedWaters alwys onhand. Thia well-known and favorite house of callis situated at the junction roads of the country districts, and is provided with every convenience for parties visiting Ormoudandelsewhere. assortOwners of Racehorses Are hereby informed that dry, spacious, well-ventilated stabling and loose boxes are attached to the hotel, the use of which may bo obtained at a moderate In Implements we have a fine show of Ploughs, Harrows, Horse Hoes, Chaff Cutters, Oat Crushers, Corn Shellers, and Flour Mills, and spare fittings. All steel Spades, Shovels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks, Hakes and Hoes, Axes, Adzes, Augurs, Wedges, Maul Rings, Blasting Powder and Fuse. j charge. The undersigned being the lessee of the Waerenya-a-hika Racecourse, horoeowners may obtain the use thereof for training purposes at a nominalrate. Paddocks well grassed, well watered, securely fenced. CommodiousSale Yards. First-class, well appointed Billiard Table. W. COOPER, Proprietor. 537 GINGERADE.— An effervescing and non-intoxicating tonic. The demand for this beverageis dailyincreasing. 312 FEEEY HOTBL Mouthof the Big River. DEVERY having secured this to spare noexpense to makehis visitors comfortable. As civility costs nothing he will have to make a moderate charge for the firstclassbrands of Wine, Spirits, and Beer whichhe willalways have on hand. Town rates strictly observed. 423 "VfEDHotel, intends _LN THE SETTLERS' HOTEL, Gladstonk Road. F. E. MURRAY Proprietor. Breairfaat-8 a.m. Luncheon— lp.m. DINING ROOM- Dinner— 6 p.m. COMMERCIAL AND READING ROOMS. B "*-** «- SITTING AND BEDROOMS. Billiard Boom-TWO TABLES. " EUROPEAN SIDE OF THE HOUSE/ OrKN FKOM 9 A.M. TILL 12 P.M. DAILY. SAMPLE ROOMS. FL(JNGE AND SHOWER BATHS. from a noisy meeting at Wanganui. Some mean wretch has gathered up the jewels" of a Christchurch barmaid. The real Joint Control."—That which the butchers exercise over the price of meat. A dynamite cartridge has been found in " Christchurch. The West Coast Railway Commission no fewer than fourteen are to report on alternateschemes. Did Richard 111. exclaim — " Give me another horse i" because he was tired of the nightmare hehad been riding ? " Now Irritable schoolmaster then, :What comes stupid, what's the next word " mouse, alter cheese?" Dull boy A sir." Cardinal Newmansays a gentleman is never no pain one who inflicts ;then dentist can be a gentleman. The superficial area of Londonis a little overone square mile, and to cleanse and water thia one square mile costs nearly £30,000 a year. What is a poor fellow to do who finds himself wrappedin a blaze of glory ? He can safely trust to the envy of his friends to puthim out. Aman named George Mitchellis incustody at Melbourne, charged with causing the death of his wife. Alter he had given her a beating witha chair while she was druuk, shedied rather suddenly, suffering from concussion of thebrain. — JOURNALISTIC. BRITISH EMPIRE HOTEL, PEEL STREET, GISBORNE. (Near the Masonic Town Hall.) THE CLEANLINESS, COURTESY, AND REGULARITY, WHICH this HOTEL is already bo justly celebratedfor, will still becarried out in their integrity. WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST QUALITY. Crawford's and Ehrenfried's Beer always on Tap. FIRST- CLASS STABLING ACCOMMODATION. - - Proprietors Messrs. OURRIE & HOGAN. WINES AND SPIRITS, Of the best brands. ALE AND STOUT On Draught and in Bottle. BRUSHWARE AND ELECTRO-PLATE, ETC. PROPRIETOR. Gladstone Road, Gisborne. — Secure Paddocking and Good Stabling. Meat Dishes ARGYLL ARGYLL ORMOND. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Steamers Stew Pans Preserving Pans Spoona Ladles Paste Jiggers ARGYLL THE CHANDOS HOTEL, > GISBORNE, at the corner of Warm dry Stabling. D. DINAN. BRASSFOUNDERY AND LAMPWARE, GridIrons Griddloa Gravy Strainers Cullenders ARGYLL ARGYLL Liquor. Just Landed, ex "Lady Jocelyn," direct from London, a Fry Pans ARGYLL . t3T Insubmitting the above particulars to their Patrous, and the Public at large, Graham,Pitt, & Bennett respectfully solicit inspection of their immense Stock, whichfor price and variety has not been equalledin any previous season. " - DICKSON'S ARGYLL HOTEL. Wool Shawls, Squares, Scarves, and Tie3, from tho maker. Wool Petticoats, /"lOACH leaves Ormond for Gisborne DAILY, at 8 a.m., leaving the Albion Collars, various sizes, hand-made. Lace Mitts, in black and colors. Lace Capes, Ties, Handkerchiefs in Keal and Imitation Luces. Gloves in Cloth, Fleecy Club Hotel Hotel, Gisborne, returning the same afternoon. Taffeta, andTan Cape, with Fur and Spring Tops. Fur Trimmings, two, three, handsome and four inches wide. Black Fringes in Silk, anduChenille, the moßt ORMOND BOOKING OFFICE :Mr. P. Barries Store. we have ever been enabled to show. Fingering Yarns in all qualities, from 2s. 9d. upwards. Mr. S. M. Wilson's Albion ClubHotel. BItIPEKY. HOUSEHOLD uave an enormous stock of every article re- - GLADSTONE ROAD. IN BALL DRESSES EXTRMELY CHEAP. COTTON, or Scoured Unbleached Calicoes LIQUORS.— ARGYLL VELVETEENS OF EVERY SHADE AND COLOR. Fancy Wool Goods, Gloves, Laces, &c, &c. p.m. The BEDROOMS are numerous, and are larger than is customary. There are several COMFORTABLE SITTING ROOMS. From the Balcony, which commands a viewof the whole Bay, the lovera of the beautiful may admire the lovely scenery presentedby the broad expanse of water and its varied aurround* patientsin excess of its accommodation. ings. Theend striven for will be to make those whofavor him bytakingup their Young Men's Club is to be established residence, temporarily or permanently, at the Masonic, FEEL QUITS AT inALyttelton. HOME. Woman's Right— To marryher brotherin-law. The Best Procurable. Mr Watt, M.H.R., got a vote of thanks 0 DBESS MATEEIALS. <V6have a Choice Assortment of New Materials, with Broche Silks, Satins, and Sash Kibbous to match. .- ACCOMMODATION. TO HIS The Stock of these Goods is a marvel, comprising all the Latest Productions French of the French and English Designers, i.e., Vicunas, Milled Beiges, Croiae, and many other makes too numerous to mention, all of which are pronounced EXTRA GOOD VALUE. Flour Dredgers Milk Dishes Butter Prints Hair Seives Fire Shovels TABLE. oi BALES! MANTLES, JACKETS, DOLMANS, & ULSTERS, in Beaver, Scotch Kyrlts, Mattelasse, Diagonal Worsted and Cashmere. Styles : Four-in-Hand and Newmarket. These goods, having been all purchased from Berlin, and manufactured by experienced Tailors, can be strongly recommended for Style, Fit, and Finish. Kettles WELL-BUILT and ELEGANT HOTELis complete in allDepartment* andnow reputation which he has alreadyacquired. These Shipments are now opened up, and include the Kewest Styles and Designs that can be procured in the English Markets. Boilers Saucepans much satisfaction in announcing that this LARGE, BREAKFAST,8 a.m.; LUNCH, 1 p.m. ; DINNER, 6 OASES AND ' Ex l Closeburn and s.s. l Waihora.' —— — "pHE undersigned has THE Autumn a Winter Drapery 12 r in full operation. JL 68 A Wiltshire farmer states that he cured his daughter of the Grecian bend by pourng wateron her, and holding her in the un tillshe warpedback again. The Prince of Wales, on April 24th, paid a visit to the White Star Liner lonic, Captain Takee, which has been chartered by the New Zealand ShippingCompany for the direct steam service to New Zealand. His Royal highness expressed admiration at theclass of vessel, and the arrangements for the comfort and safety of passeagers. He also evinced great interest in the extension and improvementsof the refrigerating machinery, whichis being erectedon board of her. Mr. Isinay, manager of the White Star Line, Mr. J. L. Coster (of Christchurch), Chairman of the New Zealand Shipping Company, Mr. O. R. Stickland, manager of the Company in London, and Mr. Falconer Larkworthy,DirectorinLondon, werepresentedto thePrinceof Wales, who displayed much interest in the wellfare of New Zealand, and said he wished everysuccess to the direct steam service, c It is proposed to have anannual Masoni ball at Thames. Auckland Lunatic Asylum has 100 GLADSTONE ROAD. To the Ladies of Gisborne and the Country Districts. \^n FACTS AND SCRAPS. MASONIC HOTEL, NOTICE. SFES O XAX* E. P. JOYCE - Proprietor. THE GISBOBNE HOTEL. A. ALLANACH - o- - ■ ■■ PROPRIETOR. o rpHE _L ACCOMMODATION compri.ios Commercialand Sitting Rooms, bo*.h for public and private use. The Bedrooms are lofty, well ventilated, and command a view of the surrounding country. No effort willremain untried to make the GiaborneHotel a comfortable and quiet reaort for Boarders. BATH ROOMS. A Good and Liberal Table is provided. The latest subject of gossip in Christ* church has beencertainrecent changes in the journalistic world. Some three months ago itold you of thehigh pressurecompetition to whichnewspapers had come here two morning and three eveningjournals, to bay nothing of weeklies. This sort of thing palpably could not go on for long, and last week the smash came. The shareholdersowning theEvening Telegraph discovered that instead of paying the expenses of their enterprising paper, they had lost, on a year's operations,between five and six thousand pounds. At the same time, the owners of the Piest, of which the Evening Globe is an oflishoot, found that the Globe had been too much reduced by the competition of the 2Wegraph to make it worth the expense and trouble of printing. The twoparties came together, and the transaction which followed resulted in the purchase and virtual extinction of the Telegraph by theproprietors of the Press and Globe. Itis true that the name Telegraph has been re* tamed for the Press's evening issue in preference to that of the Globe; but the paper is the Telegraph only in name. Its matter is that of the old Globe, namely, an almost complete reprint of the Press. The skin is Esau's, but the voice Jacob's. ihe moral of this affair is plain enough, and may be interesting to some of yourreaders. Itis that no newspaper, however enterprising, well con* ducted, and powerfully backed, can be madeto pay unless there is room for it, andbusiness sufficient to support it in the placein whichitis started. The 1elegrapk ownedamongst its shareholderssome of the soundestand strongest capitalists in Christchurch :it was lavishly fed with money, was wellprinted and writtenfor, and well editedby Mr. Twopeny (late of theInter* national Exhibition). Yet theonly result of a year's struggling, pushing, and fighting, is that its shareholdershavelost their money, and Mr. Twopeny returns to — Adelaide,a sadderandpoorer man. There was not to be got requisite to feed the Telegraph, so it is simply starvedto death. *j Any of your citizens who may at any time contemplatespeculatingin freshnewspapers might do worse thanremember this. There — again only two now newspaper offices THE BAR IS SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST BRANDS OF are in Christchurch. Correspondent in the WINES, SPIRITS, AND ALES. j N*Z. Herald. Noted Bouse for Crawford's and Dunedin Ales. EGULAR SALES are held by the undersigned at Ohaupo, (centra To the Hotel is attacheda handsome and principal market for Store Cattlel also Fat Cattle, Sheep, Horßes, &c every first and third Thursday in the Furnished with one of Turner & Price's Best Tables, and presidedover by an month. obligingand competent Marker. At Cambridge Yards, fortnightly, for Cattle, .Sheep, &c, every second and fourth Thursday. CHARGES IN ALL CASES STRICTLY MODERATE. At Cambridge Yards, monthly, for Horses,Vehicles, &c, first Saturday. Special Sales held immediately on arrivalof stock if requested by o tses Valuations made and out-door salesJB UAWA, TOLOGA BAY. conducted Consignments to andfromourMessrs. Hunter and Nolan, Auckland, will be received and forwarded with care and despatch. W. J. HUNTER & CO. 587 (Late Proprietou of the Puka Hotel at Tokomarv), Communications addressed toOhaup taken theabove Hotel, begs to notify to his numerous frieuda and the willreceive prompt attention. travelling public generally, that he ia prepared to administer to their needsin Good accommodationpaddocks at Oha po, Cambridge, Pukerimu, and FIRST-CLASS STYLE. PaterangL THE BEDROOMS have undergone complete renovation, and now present all the desiderata of a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. The CUISINE is under the manageROSELAND HOTEL. ment of an experienced and well-known Cook. The STABLES being under the | MAKARAKA. immediate superintendenceof the Proprietor, will be well supplied with First-class Bedding and An Groom is experienced constantly attendance, in The J. R. SCOTT Peopmetoe,# are in splendid grass, and, being well fenced, afford first-class PaddocksFeed.^ (Late of the Masonic Hotel, Napier, accommodation for TRAVELLING STOCK. "pvESIRES to informhis friends and XJ the public thathe has taken the The Large Stock of Wines and Spirits have been specially selected by above well-known Hotel, and that he the Proprietor, and cannot be surpassed for excellence of quality. The situation of will Bpare no efforts to make it the the Hotel, being next to the Post Office, and at the commencement of the Coastal general house of call to those travelling Road, on the northernaideof the UaWa River, affords special advantages to Travellers between the town and country. and Stock Owners. The well fenced Paddocks are immediately on the Coast Road, GoodStabling and Paddock Accomand do away with the necessity of huddling mobs of Stock past the houses forming modation provided. the Township. Commodious and well-ventilatedBedrooms andPrivate Sitting-rooms. Civility, Cleanliness, and Attention, ' THE TOLOGA HOTEL, "^ F R A N K LV N ~~H 0 D G E 3, HAVING Is the motto always adopted by the Proprietor, who solicits a continuance of the WIN^S AND SPIRITS UNSUBPABBBD. custom which has at all times accorded to him by the public. Special arrange""VTOTEB HOUSE for Crawford's ments can be made for Privatebeen Apartments. The Tourist and Invalid will find in Printed andPvblithed by H. J.BrsBNXLi, JLN andSpeight's Alos. this Hotel for the Proprietor*,Frbdbrkk Ddtajtr Comfortable and commodious ana<**andThomas Chkisp, at theirRegistered M EASE, COMPORT, AND LUXURY. ments for boarders. Printing Office, GiadatoHeJtoad, Qitbome W) Every convenience at command, inPovertyBay, N.2. cluding a ShowerBath. 234 Wjiwway, Jiay 2, 1883. ■TSRIMCS MOID BRA'S133.