trustee`s corner - Concord Township
trustee`s corner - Concord Township
K E E P I N G O U R R E S I D E N T S C O N N E C T E D Fall 2014 TRUSTEE’S T CORNER here is a new look to Concord Township’s website ( The trustees are hoping that residents find the new format informational and easier to navigate. Plans are for the website to be an evolving resource, with both fixed and changing content. New pages and information will be added in the coming months. The Home page features standard pull-down menus, as well as links to information and forms that residents request most often. There are Quick Links to each of the township’s departments, as well as agendas, videos and minutes from township public meetings. The latest news and announcements, and a schedule of upcoming events are prominently featured. The Fire Department’s home page features contact information, links to forms, dates of upcoming fire department events and the department’s latest news. The pages feature information about the programs and services offered by our fire department, as well as safety information. The Service Department’s pages offer information on who maintains the various roadways that traverse our township. Residents should find updates on road repair projects; contact information; and links to forms, such as snow barricades or road opening permits. Zoning regulations, as well as forms and applications, can be easily accessed from the pages of our Zoning Department. A new website feature is a listing of available commercial properties in the township, as well as a listing of active local businesses. While the township utilizes multiple methods of obtaining this information, business and/or property owners should not hesitate to contact Zoning Inspector Bruce Bullard at [email protected] to have their business information included on the website. The most recent listing of classes and events can be found under the Recreation tab through the Grapevine link. There is information on recreational facilities, as well as the activities of our 55+ Social Group. Community organizations that sponsor youth and adult sports activities are asked to periodically review the contact information contained here and send updates to [email protected]. The new website platform allows the township to put more information on the web, and to update it more frequently. Residents are encouraged to visit the website periodically to learn more about what is happening in our community. If there is specific information you are looking for but can’t find, please contact us at Town Hall, and we will be happy to assist you! The Concord Township Grapevine SERVICE DEPARTMENT Concord Township Ohio Frank Kraska, Service Director, 354-7510, ext. 108 Janet Hlavac, Administrative Assistant, 354-7510, ext. 116 General Information Trustees Paul Malchesky Chairman Office: 357-5537 x3031 Cell: 440-487-3812 [email protected] Caroline N. Luhta Vice Chairman Home: 352-3228 [email protected] Christopher Galloway Cell: 440-749-1439 [email protected] Amy L. Dawson Fiscal Officer Office: 354-7510 x128 Mon-Thurs. [email protected] Town Hall 7229 Ravenna Road Located at the corner of Route 608 and Ravenna Road Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., M-F 354-7500 Fire Station #1 11600 Concord-Hambden Road Located next to Town Hall 354-7504 Fire Station #2 10154 Prouty Road Located just south of Route 84 354-7509 Community Center 7671 Auburn Road Located west of State Route 44 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., M-F 639-4650 T he Service Department’s goal during the past summer leading into the fall season was to develop and carry out a comprehensive road maintenance program for its nearly 70 miles of Township roadway. A combination of crack sealing, chuckhole and joint repair with our Dura-Patch machine were implemented to stabilize areas of roadway which have begun to deteriorate. This low cost method of maintenance will help extend the life expectancy of our roadway systems. Service Department crews also replaced concrete and asphalt on Township roads that were predetermined to be in need of immediate replacement. Concrete repairs were completed on Brightwood Drive, Candlestick Lane, South Meadow Drive, Sawmill Court, Mountain Quail Place, Saddlewood Lane, Cali Court, College Park Drive, Conestoga Trail, Buckboard Lane and at the time of this publication further plans for additional repair at various locations were being considered. In late August we also completed full depth asphalt road repair on Mount Royal Drive. Response was also needed to address concerns which arose due to several heavy rainfalls which attributed to localized flash flooding. This work included creek stabilization and cleanup, roadside ditching and culvert replacement per request. We would like to remind residents to never dump tree debris, grass clippings or other compost materials and fertilizers into our local creeks and waterways as this can contribute to blockage and pollutes our watershed which is critical to our local environmental systems longevity and functionality. 2014 Road Improvement Program Concord Township Service Department with the assistance from Lake County Engineer Ted Galuschik helped plan and coordinate the replacement of nearly 5,200 square yards of roadway on Far Hill Drive and Jennifer Court. This area that was first constructed in the 1970’s was deemed as an area with significant road deterioration and lacked a drainage system to support the long term integrity of the road structure. Nearly 3,000 feet of under drain and a 4 inch drainage layer were added to this pavement design to further prevent a similar cycle of surface failure in the future. Tom Trivisonno, Mike West and Paul Malaghan of the Lake County Engineers provided on site inspection throughout the project and through their vigilance and professional expertise made sure the project was executed with efficiency. Right of Way Usage We want to remind residents on Township roads that if any work at their residence takes place on or near the roadway including roadside ditches the homeowner or contractor may be required to obtain a Right of Way Permit in advance of such work taking place. Please contact our office for further information related to this process at 440-354-7510 Ext. 108 or on our website at Culvert Replacement Program Residents wishing to have their driveway culvert replaced can stop by Town Hall or the Service garage located at 7229 Ravenna Road to submit a replacement request. Residents will be informed on what size pipe they will be required to purchase in advance. There is a standard two hundred dollar fee for this service which includes continued on page 6 2 Fall 2014 FIRE DEPARTMENT R. Mike Warner, Fire Chief, 354-7504 • Ron Terriaco, Deputy Chief, 354-7504 ur summer storms put our Disaster Preparedness to the test. When the emergency sirens sounded were you ready? Keep the following in mind as you begin or update your plans. O 1. Get a Kit Be ready to make it on your own for at least 3 days. A basic kit may include: • Water – 1 gallon/day/person • Food • Battery powered radio and extra batteries • Flashlight and extra batteries • First Aid kit • Whistle • Filter mask • Moist towelettes • Wrench or pliers • Manual can opener • Plastic sheeting and Duct tape • Garbage bags and plastic ties • Unique family needs such as medicines or pet supplies 2. Make a Plan Communications – Disaster may strike when your family is not together – how will you connect? Consider directing each family member to contact the same friend or relative – an out of town contact is also a good idea. Shelter in Place – You may be directed to stay in your home. Where in your home could your family safely stay for several days? Get away – If directed to leave the area, where will you go, how will you get there and do you have a portable supply kit? School and Work – Think about where your family spends time and learn the emergency plans for each location. 3. Be Informed Besides NE Ohio’s weather threats, would you know what to do in a biological, chemical, explosive, nuclear or radiological disaster? By beginning a process of learning about specific threats, you are preparing yourself to react to an emergency. A great place to begin learning about preparedness is: Concord Township Fire Prevention: 440-350-1896 It makes sense to prepare and Concord Twp. Fire Department is developing programs to assist you. Programs will be held at the Concord Township Community Center. To register email: [email protected] Emergency Preparedness FOR Pet and Animal Owners September 25th • 7-9pm October 18th • 9-11am General Preparedness February 7th • 9-11am February 19th • 7-9pm March 7th • 9-11am March 19th • 7-9pm Preparedness for Seniors April 11th • 9-11am April 15th • 1:30pm-3:30pm (Concord 55+ Meeting) Where’s the fire hydrant? Please assist the fire department in keeping the fire hydrant on or near your property clear of overgrown vegetation and snow. The department has the location of each hydrant documented and all hydrants are now equipped with a pole marker. However, having to search for and/or unbury a hydrant could delay our response. If you are unable or need assistance clearing a hydrant please call the department’s nonemergency numbers: Station #1 440-3547508 or Station #2 440-354-7509 AND make sure your address numbers are visible, from both directions upon approach to your house. You may order a green reflective address sign from Concord Township Firefighters Local 3327 for $15.00. Order forms are available on the Concord Twp. website: Open burning of yard debris such as leaves or sticks, refuse, or construction material is not permitted in Concord Township. When completing your fall clean up, utilize the Township’s brush drop off events on October 11th and 18th from 8 am to 2 pm as an alternative to burning. Working together, we can keep Concord Township a fire safe community! Text, don’t talk! Unless you are in danger, send a text. Texts may have an easier time getting through than phone calls, and you don’t want to tie up phone lines needed by emergency workers. 3 The Concord Township Grapevine OFFICE OF THE FISCAL OFFICER Amy L. Dawson, Fiscal Officer, 354-7510, ext. 128 Cindy Sadler, Accounting & Payroll Assistant, 354-7510, ext. 103 Linda Thirion, Assistant Cemetery Sexton, 354-7510, ext. 102 Financial Update T hrough the middle of August, we have received $7.3 million in revenue, which is 62% of 2014 budgeted revenue. The revenue figures include nearly 100% of our tax settlements. Expenditures total $5.28 million – 36% of 2014 budgeted expenditures. We have several upcoming large expenditures that will increase the percentage. We have already received most of our Real Estate tax settlement proceeds from 2013 and will need $1.0 million of that balance for specific projects. Finally, $4.3 million is specifically earmarked for long-term capital projects. Concord Township continues to be financially sound and we are fortunate to be able to look forward to many projects that will keep Concord a safe and beautiful place to live. We currently have $9.9 million in the total Treasury. Disclaimer – The Concord Grapevine is intended for general information purposes only. While advertising copy is reviewed, no endorsement of any advertisement is intended or implied by Concord Township and its Trustees, representatives and employees by publication in this Newsletter. Concord Township assumes no liability for any reader’s use of such advertisements. At all times, Concord Township reserves the right to reject any advertisements submitted for publication. If you can dream it, we can do it. FULL-SERVICE RESIDENTIAL REMODELING & BUILDING COMPANY Kitchens & Baths • Windows & Doors Roofing & Siding • Outdoor Living Room Additions • In-Law Suites Finished Basements • Sunrooms/Porches (440) 255-9692 WWW.AVIDCONSTRUCTION.COM 4 Fall 2014 ZONING DEPARTMENT Bruce Bullard, Zoning Inspector, 354-7510, ext. 105 Vehicle Storage on Property T he following information highlights the storage requirements for recreation vehicles, junk motor vehicles, and historic and collector’s vehicles on a property, as outlined in the Zoning Resolution. Recreational Vehicles. Owners of camping and recreational vehicles, as defined in this Resolution, may park or store such equipment in any residential district subject to the following conditions: (Amended 4/1/2011) 1. Not more than one recreational vehicle, camper or boat, or trailer for such vehicle or equipment, shall be stored outdoors on a lot comprising less than one acre. (4/1/2011) 2. A recreational vehicle shall not have fixed connections to electricity, water, gas or sanitary sewer facilities, and at no time shall this vehicle be used for living or housekeeping purposes, or as an office or other business use. (Amended 4/1/2011) 3. If the camping or recreational vehicle is parked or stored outside, it shall be parked or stored behind the building setback line of the lot or in the side or rear yards on a paved or gravel surface. The building setback line shall mean the line established by the Concord Township Zoning Resolution which defines the area between said line and the street or lot line, on which no building may be constructed. Recreation vehicles stored on the property shall be adequately screened from view from adjacent property with the use of walls, fencing or natural screening, proposed or existing, which shall be equally effective in winter or summer. (Amended 4/1/2011) 4. Camping or recreational vehicles may be parked anywhere on the premises for loading or unloading purposes for a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours, as long as such parking for loading or unloading purposes does not obstruct the view of driveway vehicular and pedestrian traffic of adjoining or abutting properties. Trustees Corner continued from page 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE The committee working on the Comprehensive Plan Update 2014 is more than half way through the process, and is ready to provide residents an update on its progress. An informational meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 24th at 7 p.m. at the Community Center, 7671 Auburn Road. The residents who sit on the committee are being assisted by Mark Majewski, of Northstar Planning and Design. The committee has spent most of its time thus far reviewing planning, zoning and design concepts in the area of the Capital Parkway extension; and have recently begun to address other long range planning issues in the township. Majewski will recap for those in attendance what the committee envisions thus far; and will seek feedback from those in attendance. “Junk motor vehicles” shall not be stored on any property for a period of more than 30 days, unless the vehicles are concealed from view from any other property. A vehicle is considered a “junk motor vehicle” if it meets all of the following criteria: 1) Three model years old or older; 2) Apparently inoperable; and 3) wheels, tires, engine or transmission. Historical and collector motor vehicles that are unlicensed and stored on a property shall also be concealed by means of buildings, fences, vegetation, terrain or other suitable obstruction. A “historical motor vehicle” is any motor vehicle that is over 25 years old and is owned solely as a collector’s item and for participation in club activities, parades and similar uses, but is not used for general transportation. A “collector’s vehicle” is any motor vehicle or agricultural tractor or tractor engine that is of special interest, that has a fair market value of $100 or more, whether operable or not, and that is owned, operated, collected, preserved, restored, maintained or used essentially as a collector’s item, leisure pursuit or investment, but not as the owner’s principal means of transportation. A licensed collector’s vehicle can also be considered a junk motor vehicle if it meets the three criteria outlined above. Wellness Wellness Institute For more information Institute on the vehicle storage requirements outlined above, please contact the Zoning Office. Wellness Institute A Complete Wellness Wellness Institute Experience NATURE NATURE At the Lake Health Wellness Institute we want to make wellnessWellness a way of life. We can Wellness Institute help you achieve your goals. Institute Here’s how: CARING CARING INFORMATION INFORMATION • Acupuncture • Massage Therapy • Reiki Sessions EXPERTISE EXPERTISE QUALITY QUALITY • Medical Nutrition Therapy (Nutrition Counseling) • Group Fitness Classes • Physician-supervised Weight Loss • Wellness Coaching • 10,000 Steps Program • Stress Management • B Fit 4 Life Fitness Challenge • Weight 4 Life Weight Management Program NUTRITION NUTRITION • B Fit 4 Life Monthly Activity Series The Wellness Institute is located at the TriPoint Medical Center Physician Pavilion 7580 Auburn Rd., Concord Township. For more information, call 440-375-8153. We get it. 5 The Concord Township Grapevine SERVICE DEPARTMENT continued from page 2 the stone required to backfill the area. The service department will also excavate roadside swales on request. We also want to remind residents that a permit is required if they have any intention of enclosing or changing the profile of their present drainage swales. Street Sweeping A stewardship between Lake County Storm Water Department and Concord Township has instituted and maintained a regular street sweeping program. Subdivision roads in the Township are swept from three to four times each year between spring and fall. Debris that builds up along roadways contains nonpoint source pollutants that need to be disposed of in a regulated environment and it helps assure our goals for a clean storm water system. Residents are reminded not to deposit any yard waste or pollutants along or adjacent to their road. Brush Drop-off Program Concord Township Service Department will again offer two Saturdays October 11th and 18th, from 8:00am to 2:00pm to drop off brush and yard waste. Service department employees will be on hand to assist residents in the off loading of materials at our service garage located on Ravenna Road right behind the Town Hall. Limbs, twigs and branches (4) inches in diameter or less will be accepted. Yard waste will be accepted in biodegradable bags or easily handled containers which can be dumped by hand. The brush is chipped and made available to the residents for pickup during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Proof of Residency will be required. Mailbox Snow Barricades The Service department will provide the labor to install snow barricades for residents living on Concord Township maintained roadways at no charge. The barricade consists of an aluminum board, two steel posts, reflective numbers and hardware. The materials must be purchased from Concord Township at the cost of $40.00. These barricades absorb the impact of heavy snow being discharged by the snow plows. Please keep in mind that this barricade is not a guarantee that your mailbox will not be damaged during the course of the winter season. If you are interested in having the Service Department install a snow barricade, please stop by Town Hall and fill out an installation form. You can also print the application form from our website at, please click on the Services and Department link then the Service Department. Once the form is complete and the material reimbursement is submitted, we will schedule the installation. This will be a one-time installation and all maintenance thereafter is the responsibility of the resident. Leaf Pickup During the week of November 17th, Concord Township will be conducting a leaf pick-up service for residents. Residents will be required to supply their own biodegradable leaf bags. After the bags have been filled with leaves only, they should be placed at the curb where the vendor will pick them up. Only bagged leaves in biodegradable bags will be picked up. No bulk leaves, piled leaves or leaves in plastic bags will be accepted. The collection will begin at 6:00 am the morning of November 17th and there will be no returns to pick up bags that were not at the curb when collections begin. This service normally takes five to six days to complete, so thank you for your patience during this pick-up. 6 • Leroy Township • Painesville City • Painesville Township Concord Township's 2014 Fall Classes & Community Events ART CLASSES Instructor – Sandy Patterson Sandy attended the Art Institute of Chicago on scholarship during high school. She received her B.A. and M.A. from the University of Louisville majoring in painting and printmaking. She is listed in Who’s Who in American Art. Sandy has taught at the University of Louisville, the Beverly Art Center in Chicago, St. Xavier College in Chicago, Lakeland Community College, Mentor and she is presently teaching at the The Fine Arts Association in Willoughby. WONDERFUL WATERCOLORS This class is for beginners through advanced students. Learn how to use watercolor techniques to create beautiful paintings. Students will learn design, texture, color, light and depth of value. We will paint from nature out-of-doors and from photos you bring to class. This eight-session class is offered on Tuesdays, September 30 through November 25 (NO class on November 11) from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. RESIDENT FEE: $75 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $80 3-D DRAWING of liqueurs, go from ordinary to extraordinary. We will also do PLENTY of sampling of the liqueurs the night of class. YOU MUST BE 21 TO TAKE THIS CLASS. There is a $10.00 food fee payable to instructor the night of class. This onesession class is offered on Thursday, October 2, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $15 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $19 MY MOTHER’S POLISH KITCHEN You don’t have to be Polish to love Polish foods! This class will be a sharing of recipes and cooking tips from the instructor’s Polish mother. You’ll get recipes for all the traditional favorites from Kielbasa to Pierogis as well as recipes for soups, salads, main dishes and desserts. Come to class hungry as several dishes will be prepared and sampled. There is a $9.00 food fee payable to the instructor the night of class. This onesession class is offered on Thursday, October 16, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $15 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $19 This class is for beginners through advanced students. This class teaches realistic drawing skills that looks 3-D, from still life and photos. Students will focus on learning how to position, proportion and practice line and shading techniques. The student will learn how light and shadows define 3-dimensional objects and how to place them in an atmosphere. This is a great class to help build a portfolio. This eight session class is offered on Tuesday, September 30 through November 25 (No class on November 11) from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $75 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $80 MEDITERRANEAN COOKING WITH JUDI SUSHI FOR ALL Instructor – Chef Judi Strauss PLEASE PRE-REGISTER FOR COOKING CLASSES. We want to have enough for everyone to sample! LIQUEURS Take this class now & learn how to make your very own homemade Liqueurs and have them ready to go by the Holidays. You’ll learn the history of liqueurs and how their combination of fruit, herbs, and spices can enhance your cooking. We will sample recipes that, through the addition With a beautiful climate and access to the sea, the foods of the Mediterranean will awaken your senses. From the Grecian Isles to the foods of the Middle East, you will get a chance to try some tasty, simple dishes that you can easily duplicate at home. There will be plenty of food to sample and recipes to take home. There is a $9.00 food fee payable to instructor the night of class. This one-session class is offered on Thursday, October 30, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $15 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $19 Sushi is fun to eat and is not hard to make, with a little practice. In this class you’ll get a hands-on chance to roll your own using some typical and not so typical ingredients. From the California Roll to Sweet and Sour Sushi (made with chicken) you will get a chance to have some fun and see sushi in a whole new way. There is NO raw fish served in this class. There is a $10.00 food fee payable to the instructor the night of class. This one-session class is offered on Wednesday, November 12, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $15 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $19 SIGN UP EARLY! – REGISTRATION FORM ON PAGE 15 7 2014 Fall Classes & Community Events SOUTHERN COMFORT No matter where you live, you have probably enjoyed some of the wonderful dishes from the South. With long growing seasons and a rich multicultural heritage, southern cooking combines simple, classic dishes and homey favorites. From grits to pralines, this class will give you the chance to taste an array of dishes with many more recipes for home. Food fee of $9.00 payable to instructor the night of class. This onesession class is offered on Thursday, November 20, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $15 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $19 STAINED GLASS Instructor – Vicki Vessel STAINED GLASS PHOTO FRAME Want a new and artistic way to display a photo? How about a stained glass frame? You will choose your pattern from a number of options, and select your colors and textures to create your frame. You’ll learn how to cut and shape glass and assemble the project from start to finish using the copper foil method. No experience is necessary for this class and all tools and safety equipment will be provided for you. Dress comfortably, no open toed shoes, not recommended for pregnant women due to chemicals used. Ages 16 and up. Material fee of $20.00 payable to instructor the first night of class. This four-session class is offered on Tuesday, October 7 through October 28 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $85 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $90 STAINED GLASS JEWELRY In this class you will select from various colors and textures of glass to make several different pieces of stained glass jewelry using supplied “patterns” and different assembly methods. You will work with glass cabochons and learn how to cut and shape glass for your pieces. You’ll have the opportunity to create a “pattern” that you design! No experience is necessary for this class and all tools and safety equipment will be provided for you. Dress comfortably, no open toed shoes, not recommended for pregnant women due to chemicals used. Ages 16 and up. Material fee of $15.00 payable to instructor the first night of class. This three-session class is offered on November 18 through December 2 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $65 / NON-RESIDENT: $70 PIYO Instructor – Kelly Quittenton Kelly is a certified PIYO strength instructor. PIYO delivers the muscle-sculpting, core focused benefits of Pilates along with the flexibility and power of yoga. Kelly chose to become an instructor to help support anyone that is trying to better themselves. She lost over 100 lbs, works full time, and tries to juggle being a mom, daughter, friend, and the best employee she can be. With PIYO in her life, she is able to do it all. 8 PIYO CLASS PIYO is a low-impact, high intensity body transformation program that uses the most effective Pilates and yoga inspired moves to sculpt long, lean muscles and burn fat. Using fluid movements, you stay in constant motion and receive a dynamic cardio workout that typical Pilates and yoga workouts lack. This program is easy on your joints, provides the fat burning results you get from more intense workout programs, and gives you a defined long lean physique. Bring a sticky yoga mat, shoes, (although most workouts can be in bare feet), water, and a towel. This program is ideal for any age, body type, or fitness level. This six-session class is offered on Saturdays, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Session 1 – October 4 through November 8 Session 11 – November 15 through December 20 RESIDENT FEE: $50 per session NON-RESIDENT FEE: $55 per session PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS Instructor, Jim Sedelacek Jim is a second career photographer and owner of American Photo Adventures. He is a lifelong photography enthusiast that survived the film days and made the leap into digital photography 5 years ago. Jim’s love of travel and landscape photography has taken him to some spectacular places, and a discovery of sports, architectural, event and portraiture photography keeps him home learning something new. Checkout his website at PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS Not quite satisfied with the photos you take? Make most of the equipment you already have. Learn techniques in composition, perspective and lighting that can take your photography to the next level. The principles presented here apply from cell phones to DSLRs. Bring your camera to class. This four-session class is offered on Thursday, October 9 through October 30 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Two optional field trips will be scheduled to experiment with techniques learned in class. RESIDENT FEE: $60 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $65 INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY Did you just invest in a super zoom or DSLR camera? Confused by the dizzying array of options and features? We’ll be covering how and when to take your camera off Automatic to get the results you wanted. Learn about proper shutter speed, composition, focal length and aperture. Discover photo organization and backup techniques. We’ll review basic photo manipulation software. Bring your camera to class. This foursession class is offered on Thursday, January 8, through 29, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Two optional hands on field trips will be scheduled to practice techniques learned in class. RESIDENT FEE: $60 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $65 SIGN UP EARLY! – REGISTRATION FORM ON PAGE 15 2014 Fall Classes & Community Events GETTING STARTED WITH MEDICARE Instructor – Laura Mutsko If you are approaching at 65, or are just going on Medicare for the first time, this is your opportunity to gain a basic understanding of how Medicare works. You will learn what Parts A, B, C and D cover and what is not covered. You will learn the difference between a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Advantage Plan. You will also receive information on Health Care Reform and some of the ways it is already affecting those on Medicare. This class is designed to make Medicare easy to understand and help you get all your questions answered. This one-session class is offered on Wednesday, October 1 OR Tuesday, December 2, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $10 per person / $15.00 per couple NON-RESIDENT FEE: $15 per person / $20 per couple MAXIMIZING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS Instructor Lee Quinones, Registered Financial Consultant and Registered Principal with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Mr. Quinones is one of the advisors at Johnnycake Financial Services, Inc. a local firm with professionals focusing on retirement income solutions. They are located at 9930 Johnnycake Ridge Rd #5D here in Concord. They offer securities through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC as well as many Life and Long Term care insurance products. Many people opt to claim Social Security benefits as soon as they’re eligible. In fact, according to Investment News, Nov. 25, 2012, 70 percent of retirees claim Social Security benefits before reaching full retirement age, even though their benefits will be permanently reduced. Simply by waiting to claim benefits, Social Security indicates that payments could increase by as much as 8 percent a year. It would be hard to find a conservative investment that currently offers that kind of payout! Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed, please join us to learn some strategies that might increase your spousal and/ or lifetime benefits you receive from Social Security - spousal benefits, “file and suspend” tactic, “do over” option, “start, stop, start again” option. This one-session class is offered on Wednesday, October 1 -OR- October 29, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $10 per person / $15 per couple FAIRY GARDEN CLASS Instructor – Karin Stubler KIDS FAIRY GARDEN CLASS Learn about fairies and fairy lore. Create your own fairy garden to take home & enjoy. You will paint a unique chair to put in your garden. Materials included in fee are pot, plant, chair, fairy and other holiday accessories. This one-session class is offered from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on the following dates: Session I – Fairy Garden – Monday, October 6 Session II – Scary Garden – Wednesday, October 29 Session III – Holiday Garden – Wednesday, November 19 Resident fee: $30 / Non-resident Fee: $35 ADULT FAIRY GARDEN CLASS In this class, you’ll create a unique craft with living plants. Create your very own fairy garden to take home and enjoy. Materials included in fee are pot, plants, fence, chair, and other holiday accessories. This one-session class is offered from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on the following dates: Session I – Fairy Garden – Monday, October 6 Session II – Scary Garden - Wednesday, October 29 Session III – Holiday Garden – Wednesday, November 19 Resident fee: $30 / Non-resident Fee: $35 MOTHER DAUGHTER JEWELRY CLASS Instructor – Terri O’ Leary In this class you will make one bracelet and one pair of earrings. There will be thousands of beads to choose from. You can also choose crystal or stone beads for a small additional fee. This one-session class is offered on Wednesday, October 8 OR Wednesday, November 5 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $25 per couple NON-RESIDENT FEE: $30 per couple POTTERY CLASSES Instructor – Danielle Klein FALL BOWL In this class you’ll glaze a serving bowl approximately 14”L x 9” W x 3 ¼ H using a fall color theme. The bowl and glaze are provided. Bowls will be fired after the class and a pick-up date will be announced the night of class. This one-session class is offered on Wednesday, October 8, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $45 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $50 PAINTED WINE GLASSES In this class you will paint four large red wine glasses for Christmas. You’ll learn how to use enamel paint on glass, while painting Christmas trees on each glass. All supplies will be provided. This one-session class is offered on Wednesday, November 19, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. RESIDENT FEE: $40 / NON-RESIDENT FEE: $45 OHIO CONCEALED CARRY CLASS Instructor – Lake County Firearms Training, LLC Bob Reese & Mike Urbania This class will cover the CCW application process, weapon nomenclature, gun safety, Ohio concealed carry laws and basic shooting fundamentals. The classroom portion is divided into two 5-hour classes followed by a 2-hour live fire class at a SIGN UP EARLY! – REGISTRATION FORM ON PAGE 15 9 2014 Fall Classes & Community Events local shooting range, on a date to be determined. This class is required to obtain an Ohio Concealed Carry license. This class is offered by Lake County Firearms Training, LLC, and the instructors are O.P.O.T.A. certified firearms instructors with over 36 years law enforcement experience. Please DO NOT bring a weapon to the classroom. Weapons and ammunition will be required at the shooting range. This classroom portion is offered on the following dates from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Session I - Wed., September 24 & Thurs., September 25 Session II – Wed., October 22, & Thurs., October 23 Session III – Mon., November 17 & Tues., November 18 RESIDENT FEE: $115/NON-RESIDENT FEE: $125 EVENTS The 6th Annual HALLOWEEN HAUNT at GRISTMILL VILLAGE Thursday, October 23 – 6:30 p.m. snow scape craft; some “FROZEN” marshmallow treats and meet with Santa Claus. This event is geared for kids ages three through 10. Parent’s participation is required. Don’t forget your cameras. RESIDENTS FEE: $12 per child NON-RESIDENT FEE: $15 per child 5th Annual LET’S “LIGHT UP CONCORD!” HOUSE DECORATING CONTEST It’s time to start planning your Holiday display! This year, we are changing things up a bit. The Judges will vote on the three categories listed below and pick a winner in each category. To have your home formally judged, fill out a contest entry form and check which category your home is in. Entry forms can be found on the Township website at Judges will vote on: Join the Concord Recreation Department and the businesses at Gristmill Village on Thursday, October 23rd for the Annual Halloween Haunt. Meet at Reider’s Fresh Market Café at 6:30 p.m. and get your Halloween bag and first treat. Then, trick-or-treat your way through the shops at Gristmill Village for more treats. All participants are encouraged to dress in costume, parent’s included. This event is geared for those ages 2 through 12. Parents must accompany children. A “FROZEN” Christmas Experience Concord Community Center Friday, December 5, 6:30 p.m. Come and experience a “FROZEN” Christmas night at the Concord Community Center. Kids will make a “FROZEN” • Traditional Decorating – reds/greens and a festive mix of Christmas décor • All White – white twinkle lights, natural theme • Clark Griswold – lots of lights, decorations, music, etc. There is also a new “People’s Choice” award that will go to the home that receives the most votes on the Township Face book page. To cast a vote for your favorite house on face book, go to Concord Township, Lake County Ohio, and post the address of the house you are voting for. All entries & votes must be in by December 12, 2014. Judging will take place December 14 - December 17, so have your lights on by 6:00 p.m. and most importantly, be sure your address is clearly visible. If the Judges can’t see your address, they can’t judge your home! For an entry form, please visit our website at Girlfriends’ Night Out Thursday, November 6 • 6-9 p.m. • Concord Community Center Join us for an empowering evening of FREE financial, legal, and medical guidance for today’s woman. Financial Advisor Michele Johnson will provide direction on your financial health and hazards to avoid. Attorney Susan Seacrist will offer tips to prevent critical legal mistakes. Dr. Jorge Garcia-Zuazaga will speak about skin cancer awareness and how spot checking can save your life. Then, start your holiday shopping early! Browse thru jewelry, purses & totes, gourmet gifts and more! All guests have a chance to win one of several door prizes! Bring a friend or come alone and make a new acquaintance. Space is limited so please RSVP early to Concord Township Recreation Department at 440-639-4650. Sponsored by: Johnnycake Financial Services - An Independent Firm Raymond James Financial Services 9930 Johnnycake Ridge Rd # 5D Concord, OH 44060 / 440-350-7510 Seacrist Law Office Apex Dermatology 38109 Euclid Avenue Willoughby, OH 44094 440-946-5297 7580 Auburn Rd. #301 Concord, OH 44077 440-352-7546 Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse the opinions or services of Susan Seacrist or Jorge Garcia-Zuazago. 10 SIGN UP EARLY! – REGISTRATION FORM ON PAGE 15 Fall 2014 CONCORD GARDEN CLUB Concord Garden Club Celebrates 53 Years in October! W ith roots well anchored in the past, Concord Garden Club is planting the horticultural seeds of the future in their 53rd consecutive year of learning and service to our community. From the founding members like Gladys Buschmann, Elga Pomeroy, Florence Hamilton, Evelyn Haas, and Betty Anderson to current members numbering 52, our goals and mission have not wavered. Highlighting the town hall, the old horse trough, Routes 608 and 86 cemeteries and the community center each growing season with lots of blossoms and unique plantings, plus winter holiday decorations, is a labor of love for this club. We nurture the plantings; learn new techniques and processes of growing with enthusiasm while we make new friends through our work for the community. Our second Wednesday of the month meetings are filled with interesting programs to broaden our knowledge of horticulture. We have off-site programs/field trips several times a year, such as recently visiting the Metroparks Environmental Learning Center off Alexander Road, here in Concord. Our founding members met on October 4, 1961, to establish a club with women of like minds regarding horticulture, providing civic beauty and promoting conservation of our natural resources. Their legacy happily lives on in our present day club mission. As time marches forward, I would wish that we remember and honor the past and share our efforts and knowledge with all who are interested in preserving our community for the future. From Novices to Master Gardeners…Something For Everyone! In Gardening Friendship, Carla Vidrine, President/Concord Garden Club 2014 Please contact us for further info at 440-639-4650 Proud to Support the Communities We Serve Bill Starr Mortgage Loan Originator NMLS# 697500 See us for all your banking needs. 7595 Crile Road, Concord, OH 44077 Donna Price Branch Manager NMLS# 750516 Located in the Gristmill Village Shopping Plaza (440) 352-1072 DPrice_ProudToSupport_Grapevine_ad.indd 1 11 8/15/2014 3:13:07 PM The Concord Township Grapevine R E C R E AT I O N D E PA R T M E N T Linda A. Legg, Recreation Director, 639-4650 Debra Bechel-Esker, Assistant Recreation Director T H ANK YOU to everyone who came and enjoyed “Uncorked” and Concord Community Days! O ur annual community celebration would not be possible without the support of many generous contributors and dedicated volunteers. THAN K YO U TO O U R M A JO R S PONSORS BUSINESS AN D I N D I V I D U AL D ONO RS Thank You to the businesses and individuals who contributed towards the Fireworks show: • Bailey Pest Control • Accurate Landscaping, Inc. • Active Plumbing Supply Co. • B.B. Bradley Company • Barrington Homes, Inc. • Big Creek Veterinary Hospital • Charles A. Pengal, Inc. • Cinetic Landis Corporation • Classic Lawns • Cometic Gasket • Countryside Truck Service Inc. • Cowan Heating & Air Cond. Inc. • Crile Road Hardware • CT Consultants • Dr. & Mrs. Brian K. Johnson • Hallmark Excavating • Hanson Insurance Agency • Insurance Partners • ISK Americas Incorporated • Kennington Electric Corp. • Little Mountain Signs • Lysle & Shirley Scott • Normandy Village II • Orthopedic Associates • Patrick & Karen Brophy • Pine Hill Country Care • Seivers Security Inc. • Spats Café • Thomas Pyle Insurance Inc. • Tina Joyce, D.O., LLC • Walter Music & Vending Co. • Wiles & Richards Attorneys • X Press Printing Services, Inc. Thank You to the businesses who contributed goods and services to our Chinese Raffle: • • • • • • • • • • • • • AlterCare Beach Club Grill Browns Football TLC Home Medical Supplies American Dry Cleaners Anyes Salon for Him & Her Cleveland Botanical Gardens Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Concord Leroy Chamber of Commerce Concord Pizza Congressman David Joyce Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RR Dollywood 12 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Eagle Design & Construction East Coast Custard Edible Arrangements Ferrante’ Winery Finestra Gallery Giant Eagle Grand River Cellars Winery Grandview Golf Course Great Harvest Bread Company Green Ride Golf Course Guido’s Pizza Haven Hedges Designs, Inc. Jack Arra’s Salon & Spa • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jennifer & Company Salon Ladies & Gentlemen Salon Lake County Captains Lake County Firearms & Assn. Lake County YMCA Lake Metroparks Linda Gress, Seamstress Manhattan Deli Maple Ridge Nursery Marie Ferris, Chocolatier Mary Lou Wilcox MELT Mo’s Art Rocks Fall 2014 Concord Community Days (continued) Thank You to the businesses who contributed goods and services to our Chinese Raffle: • • • • • • • • • Old Firehouse Winery Oscar Giovanni Salon Painesville Country Club Passion Fashion Patterson Fruit Farm Pinky’s Beverage Pro Football Hall of Fame Pub Frato Quail Hollow Country Club • • • • • • • • • Quilted Cat Designs Rabbit Run Community Arts Red, Wine & Brew Reider’s Market Riders 1812 Inn Rose Pointe Tea Room Rose’s Hair Salon Sage’s Apples Sauder Village Thank You to our Parade Sponsor: • Thomas Pyle Insurance Thank You to our VOLUNTEERS: • First Federal Lakewood, Donna Price & Crew • Fifth Third Bank, Pat Russell & Crew • The Greg Pernus Group • Lynn Smeltzer, Jack Arra’s • Courtney Beard, Altercare • And individual volunteers: Bob Dawson, Larry Legg, Sally Shelby, Barb Bechel, Norine Cameron, Andrea Zapach, Carrie Vieweg, Len Zito, Susie & Phil Wade, Nina GuidetGaines, Bruce & Judy Bullard, Mike & Brooke Penny and family, Dan & Becky Garry and Ron Sheaks. • Thank You to Ellie Davidson for working so hard to procure the goods & services donated to our Chinese Raffle. • Thank You to Maple Ridge Nursery and Accurate Landscaping for providing decorative plants and flowers. • • • • • • • • Step2 Company Sunny Street Café The Cleveland Orchestra TNT Tanning Tommy’s Jerky Verdi’s Italian Market Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Zaps Complete Car Care CONGRATULATIONS to the 2014 Winners of Concord Community Days! 1. Citizen of the Year a. Bob Penny (posthumously) – Mike & Brooke Penny and family received the award in Bob’s honor. 2. Scholarship Winners a. Kaila Yamamoto b. Andrew Ferrell 3. Photo Contest Winners a. Best in Show: Brooke Penny 4. Parade Winners a. Band/Musical: Red Hackles Pipe Band b. Business Entry: Thomas Pyle Insurance c. Cheerleaders: Riverside Youth Cheerleaders d. Classic Car: Tony’s Toys e. Color Guard: American Legion f. Costumed Characters: Ashtabula Blue Belles g. Fire Trucks: Lubrizol 2960 & 2963 h. Marching/Baton: Emerald City Twirlers i. Other: Phil Shrout Corvette Club j. Political: Paul Malchesky k. Youth Group: Maple Festival Queen THE GREG PERNUS TEAM Professional Real Estate Advisors 440-266-6400 WWW.THEGREGPERNUSTEAM.COM • 13 The Concord Township Grapevine CONCORD 55+ FALL MEETINGS All of our meetings start at 1:30 p.m. and are free unless otherwise noted. Please note that several of our upcoming meetings require reservations in advance of the meeting date. We can be reached at 440-639-4650 to make your reservations. September 3rd – Richard D. Ondo was born in Painesville, Ohio, and spent four years in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam conflict. Now he’s an author who lives in Fairport Harbor, and weaves his life experience with Lake County locations into his recent series of books. Meet this author and hear about his fictitious stories in local setting. Book signing will be available! September 17th – Bob Kobele will be here to talk about the SS John W. Brown Liberty Ship, one of two, still operational, and one of three preserved as museum ships. As a Liberty ship, she operated as a merchant ship of the United States Merchant Marine during World War II and later was a vocational high school training ship in New York City for many years. us at 440-639-4650 by Monday, November 17th, to let us know you are coming. Judi needs to know how much food to bring! December 3rd – Holiday Bingo! People of all ages have enjoyed playing BINGO! Join the Recreation Staff for an afternoon of holiday themed fun! Win prizes, snack on desserts, and enjoy the holiday spirit with some friends! December 17 – Annual Holiday Celebration. **Luncheon begins at NOON** You are cordially invited to join the Recreation Staff at the Community Center to celebrate the holidays together! Come for a special afternoon of Christmas cheer and enjoy a full course meal. Entertainment provided by Dennis Ford. Preregistration and payment is required by December 10th. Cost for luncheon is $12.00 per person. October 1st – Lunch & Learn This meeting starts at 11:30 a.m. Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Dunn from Lake Health will be here with a Senior Health Lecture and free lunch! Come and enjoy a box lunch OR salad provided by Food for Thought while listening to Dr. Dunn. The deadline to register for this event is Wednesday, September 17th. Come Grow With Us! October 15th – Black Friday Lake Erie’s “Perfect Storm” The name “Black Friday” was given to the date of October 20, 1916, after a violent storm sank ships and ended 51 lives on Lake Erie. Georgann and Mike Wachter will tell the chilling and captivating story of the storm and the shipwrecks and the tale of the two captains who were the sole survivors of that harrowing event. November 5th – Veteran Appreciation Ceremony Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for the sacrifices made by veterans. To show our appreciation we invite all veterans to be our special guests to honor in a special way. We ask that Veterans and their families call us to register, so each veteran in attendance can be individually recognized. Contact the Community Center at 440-639-4650 by Monday, November 3rd to register a Veteran who will be attending this special ceremony. November 19th – Judi Strauss When Judy is in the house, we know something special is cookin’! Join us as Judy demonstrates how to prepare Holiday Appetizers. There will be plenty of recipes to sample too! Call 14 Our Mission To stimulate economic development by fostering opportunities for advocacy, networking, education, and civic duty. Exclusive Member Benefits Include: • Web Listing • Chamber Office Plus Program • CertifiChecks • Worker’s Compensation Group Rating • Mailing Lists • Newcomer Kits • Affordable Advertising • Anthem Chamber Saver program • And More! Go to and click on the Programs and Services link for detailed descriptions. 440.354.3147 � Chamber Office: 7575 Fredle Drive, Concord Fall 2014 Concord Township Community Center Registration Information GENERAL INFORMATION – Registration is open to all Concord residents and residents of surrounding communities. Concord residents pay the resident fees listed and non-residents pay the non-resident fee. Early registration is encouraged, as classes are cancelled one week prior to start date if registration is insufficient. You are considered enrolled when registration form and payment are received. You are notified ONLY if the class is filled or cancelled. REFUNDS – REFUNDS ARE MADE ONLY IF REQUESTED PRIOR TO THE FIRST CLASS SESSION. SCHEDULE – Fall Classes start the week of September 29, 2014. During inclement weather, please call the Center at 440639-4650 to see if classes have been cancelled. Please complete the registration form and return it with a check or money order made payable to Concord Township. Material fees listed are payable to the instructor the night of class. You may also register at the Community Center in person. If you have any questions, please call 440-639-4650 for more information. ✁ Class Mail-In Registration Form Please choose your classes carefully. Registration fees are refundable only if we are notified prior to the first scheduled class session. Material fees listed in class description are payable to instructor the first night of class. Please make check or money order payable to Concord Township and mail with registration form to: Concord Township Community Center, 7671 Auburn Road, Concord, Ohio 44077 Phone: 440/639-4650 NAME:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________CITY:______________________________ZIP CODE____________ CONCORD RESIDENT: ❑ YES ❑ NO PHONE: (Home)__________________________________________(Work)___________________________________________________ AGE (IF CHILD):__________________________________CHILD'S NAME:__________________________________________________ CLASS:_________________________________________________________ CLASS DATE:___________________ FEE:______________ CLASS:_________________________________________________________ CLASS DATE:___________________ FEE:______________ CLASS:_________________________________________________________ CLASS DATE:___________________ FEE:______________ 15 Concord Township 7229 Ravenna Road Concord, OH 44077 Prsrt Std U.S. Postage PAID Mentor, OH Permit No. 235 Dated Material Please deliver by Wed., Sept. 17 pporting u S r o F u o Y k n Tha unity Days Concord Comm d” Event! rke and Our “Unco ule Inside! d e h c S s s Fall Cla Find us on Facebook
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