Annual Report - The National Ballet of Canada


Annual Report - The National Ballet of Canada
for our Donor Community
Table of Contents
Message from Karen Kain, Artistic Director
Message from Barry Hughson, Executive Director
Message from David Binet, Chair, Board of Directors
Selected Statistics: 2014/15 Attendance
Grant Thornton Auditors’ Report
Summary Financial Statements
Selected Statistics: 2014/15 Revenue
Selected Statistics: 2014/15 Expenses
The National Ballet of Canada 2014/15 Board of Directors
Artistic Excellence
New Productions
Education & Outreach
MAD HOT BALLET: Lost in Venice
In Memoriam
The National Ballet of Canada Staff
Government Support
Message from David Macdonald, Chair, The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Grant Thornton Auditors’ Report, Endowment Foundation
Endowment Foundation Financial Statements
“Under the reign of Karen Kain, The National
Ballet of Canada has flowered into one of the
most thrilling companies in the world.”
Toronto Life
Evan McKie and Svetlana Lunkina in Chroma. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Cover: Greta Hodgkinson in Being and Nothingness. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Message from the Artistic Director
The 2014/15 season was an exhilarating one for The
National Ballet of Canada, full of wonderful artistic
challenges and successes, all of them showing our
company to be a proud and vibrant creative force
on the international dance scene. In September we
took our stunning, popular production of Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland to Lincoln Center in
New York City. Not only was the ballet rapturously
received but our performances marked the first time
in 26 years that the National Ballet had performed at
Lincoln Center.
We began the year at home in a novel way,
participating in the first-ever World Ballet Day, a
groundbreaking online initiative involving ballet
companies from around the world, providing a
behind the scenes look at how ballet companies
rehearse and prepare for performances. It was an
enormous success with over half a million people all
over the globe watching.
Our Fall Season was an especially satisfying one in
artistic terms. It brought together one of the greatest
20th-century story ballets, Kenneth MacMillan’s
Manon, a ballet as rich with character and emotion
as any you will find and followed it with John
Neumeier’s extraordinary Nijinsky, a work that is
sure to take its place as one of the great classics
of narrative ballet. Together they displayed the
incredible depth and resourcefulness of our entire
Audiences continued their love affair with our
seasonal family favourite, The Nutcracker. The
season's performances of the ballet marked
its biggest ever box office returns. I was also
enormously thrilled to see how well all of our
dancers, especially many of our new ones,
embraced and excelled in The Sleeping Beauty,
an extraordinarily demanding but richly rewarding
ballet, giving it a freshness and relevance for a new
generation of ballet goers.
In our Winter Season we hosted The Eleventh
International Competition for The Erik Bruhn
Prize and I’m happy to say that our own Hannah
Fischer was awarded the prize for best female
dancer, performing a new work created by
Choreographic Associate Robert Binet.
Guillaume Côté, Principal Dancer and
Choreographic Associate, continues to grow as
a choreographer, as evidenced by the success
of his ballet Being and Nothingness, a complex
and superbly accomplished work combining
philosophic themes with inspired choreography.
This was paired in our summer mixed programme
with parts one and three of Shostakovich Trilogy
by Alexei Ratmansky, who created our new
Romeo and Juliet.
The 2014/15 season saw a number of company
members celebrating 20 years of service: Principal
Violist Angela Rudden, Wardrobe Supervisor
Marjory Fielding, Assistant Wardrobe Coordinator
Grant Heaps, Wig and Makeup Supervisor Charles
Seminerio and Scheduling Coordinator and former
dancer Sophie Letendre. Each received a gold pin
in recognition of this career milestone.
A number of notable anniversaries took place
in the 2014/15 season. Hornist Derek Conrod,
Violinist Jayne Maddison, Principal Harpist
Lucie Parent, Principal Bassist Hans Preuss and
Violinist Wendy Rogers; Principal Pianist Janis
Neilson, Director of Production James Thornley
and Associate Director of Audience and Donor
Services Veronica McLellan all celebrated 25
years with the company. Recognized for 30
years of service were Principal Cellist Maurizio
Baccante, Contra Bassoonist Elizabeth Gowan
and Bass Clarinetist Gary Kidd. Principal
Trombonist David Archer marked 35 years of
There were a number of retirements and
departures from the company at the end of the
season, including Ernie Abugov, beloved stage
manager, who had been with the National Ballet
for 42 years, First Soloists Keiichi Hirano and
Patrick Lavoie, Second Soloist Christopher Stalzer
and Corps de Ballet Members Juri Hiraoka and
James Leja. All of their talents and contributions
to the company will be greatly missed.
Construction Supervisor Gordon Graham also
retired after 19 years with the company. As well,
Sonia Rodriguez marked an exceptional milestone
in her career, celebrating 25 stellar years with
the National Ballet. I’m pleased to announce
that Naoya Ebe and Elena Lobsanova were both
promoted to the position of Principal Dancer and
we welcome new Principal Dancer Jurgita Dronina
to the company.
I particularly want to thank Emmanuelle Gattuso
and Allan Slaight for their generous support as
the lead philanthropic donors to our production
of Le Petit Prince, the exciting new upcoming
full-length ballet by Guillaume Côté. And as
always, great thanks are due to all of our dancers
and musicians, our board and patrons, our
administrative staff, wardrobe and production
personnel and our Executive Director Barry
Hughson. Every one of them contributes vitally
to the ongoing success of the company and I
look forward to more years of working with them
as we build towards an even more exciting and
artistically fruitful future.
Karen Kain, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt., O.Ont.
Artistic Director
Karen Kain. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Message from the
Executive Director
At The National Ballet of Canada, the 2014/15 season
was a time of great progress and momentum. Karen
Kain continued to execute her remarkable artistic
plan for the company, with highlights including the
return of Kenneth MacMillan’s Manon after a 16-year
absence, the world premiere of Guillaume Côté’s new
work, Being and Nothingness and the return of Rudolf
Nureyev’s The Sleeping Beauty. The company also
toured Christopher Wheeldon’s Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland to the National Arts Centre in Ottawa and
to the David H. Koch Theater at New York’s Lincoln
Center. The New York tour marked the company’s
first appearance at Lincoln Center in nearly 30 years,
and was met with both critical and audience acclaim.
Behind the scenes, the company made progress on
a variety of fronts. We engaged TRG Arts, a datadriven patron-focused consulting firm, to analyze and
establish greater cohesion around our marketing and
fundraising efforts. Our marketing and development
teams delivered results throughout the year, from our
box-office record-breaking run of The Nutcracker by
James Kudelka, to our most successful fundraising
year in memory. Extraordinary achievements by an
extraordinary team of professionals.
We also began a significant restructuring of our
technology department, replacing an out-sourced
model with a full service in-house technology team
led by our new Director of Technology, Christopher
Sonneman. This investment will help to position
The National Ballet of Canada at the head of our
field in a technology-driven marketplace, from data
management, to marketing, to dissemination of our
art through projects like World Ballet Day and the
livestreaming of our education programs across
Barry Hughson. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
We also turned our focus to The Walter Carsen
Centre, the home of the National Ballet for almost
20 years. With the completion of construction on
Toronto’s beautiful, renewed lakefront, we began a
series of modest renovations to our facility, including
major improvements to the space occupied by our
Dancer Health and Wellness Programme. We will
continue making improvements to The Walter Carsen
Centre over the next several years to ensure that the
building continues to meet the needs of the company
and provide an inspiring place to work for our artists
and administrators.
Finally, I am pleased to report that the National Ballet
ended the fiscal year with a modest surplus for
the sixth consecutive year. A combination of fiscal
discipline and wonderful investment by our growing
family of patrons has ensured that we start another
fiscal year in a position of strength.
I hope you enjoy reviewing this Annual Report, and
that you will take great pride in our shared progress.
None of what has been achieved would be possible
without your support, and on behalf of Karen, our
dedicated Board of Directors and the entire National
Ballet family, I thank you.
Message from the
Chair of the Board
of Directors
The 2014/15 season added to the numerous
successes of the past several years, offering
landmark performances, a world-class ballet
competition, new opportunities for community
engagement, and international touring. All of this has
occurred within an organization that continues to
be both innovative and stable – a place where new
ideas can flourish because they find the right talent
and support. To my mind, each performance by The
National Ballet of Canada conveys the optimistic
energy of a company on the rise, one with the means
and ambition to present the best of Canadian arts
and culture on the world stage.
The support of donors and friends has been
fundamental to our progress. Many of the season’s
most memorable occasions were made possible
by groups and individuals who believe, as we do,
that great dance provokes us to think deeply about
ourselves and our world, affecting us at both the
individual and community levels. We see evidence
of this all the time, in the warm reception from our
audiences and the willingness of donors to share
their love of dance with audiences worldwide. Our
World Ballet Day broadcast, which received generous
support from John and Claudine Bailey, Sandra
Faire and Ivan Fecan and Joan and Jerry Lozinski,
is a striking example of the broad impact of cultural
philanthropy, and the power of dance to foster crosscultural bonds and understanding.
Central to every National Ballet achievement is the
tenacious leadership of our artistic and executive
staff. In his first full year as Executive Director, Barry
Hughson has ably steered the organization through
a busy season of events and performances that
finished with a modest surplus. I look forward to
working closely with Barry as he brings his singular
charisma, vision and passion for ballet to bear on this
Under Artistic Director Karen Kain, the National Ballet
continues to strengthen its reputation for excellence
with bold, in-demand programming of classical
and contemporary works. This season, we added
to the dancer roster even at the highest level of
Principal Dancer, staged new work, attracted visiting
choreographers and coaches, and garnered strong
reviews on tour. These are the type of advancements
we expect from the world’s best ballet companies
and, increasingly, for which Karen is known.
I am honoured to work with Karen, Barry, our
volunteers and donors and the Board of Directors
at this wonderful time in the National Ballet’s
development when we have such remarkable talent
in our ranks. On behalf of the Board, I thank all our
friends and colleagues for contributing to the ongoing
success of The National Ballet of Canada.
Barry Hughson
David Binet
Executive Director
Chair of the Board of Directors
David Binet. Photo by Sian Richards.
2014/15 Snapshot
Attendance 2014/15
Toronto Season
Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts
Number of Performances
Allegro Brillante, Carousel (A Dance), The Man in Black, Chroma
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Erik Bruhn Competition
Being and Nothingness, Symphony #9, Piano Concerto #1
The Sleeping Beauty
Total Main Season Performances
The Nutcracker
MAD HOT BALLET Gala Performance
Total Four Seasons Centre Performances
Number of Performances
Los Angeles, California
New York City, New York
Ottawa, Ontario
Total Touring Performances
Number of Events
Ballet Talks
Community Outreach
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Display, New York
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Display, Four Seasons Centre
The Sleeping Beauty Display, Four Seasons Centre
Class on Stage
Dance About
Exploring Ballet Workshops
Master Classes
Summer Dance Intensive Classes
Nutcracker Story Time
Share the Magic Performances
YOU dance Performances
YOU dance Workshops
YOU dance Live Streams
World Ballet Day
Total Outreach
In Studio Classes
Grand Total
audience members
community outreach events
outreach event attendees
artists make their home
at The National Ballet of Canada.
6 years of balanced
2014/15 revenue
2014/15 expenses
accumulated surplus
operating surplus for the year
$0 debt
total fundraising
(The National Ballet of Canada and The National Ballet of
Canada, Endowment Foundation)
members of our donor
Elena Lobsanova in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Photo by Sian Richards. Naoya Ebe and Artists of the Ballet in class on stage. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Shaila D'Onofrio, Meghan Pugh, Calley Skalnik and Lise-Marie Jourdain in Symphony #9. Photo by Karolina Kuras. Svetlana Lunkina and Artists of the Ballet in
The Nutcracker. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Financial Statements
Summary Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
$ 12,261
$ 11,920
Box Office
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Investment and other
$ 12,261
Marketing, publicity & outreach
Fundraising and development
General administration
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures
Fund balances — beginning of year
Pension re-measurements
Fund balances — end of year
$ 2,690
$ 2,954
$ 6,067
$ 5,956
The Gretchen Ross Production Centre Fund
The fund consists of The Gretchen Ross Production Centre, the home of the scenic
production workshop and storage facility for the company's sets, props and theatrical
The Walter Carsen Centre Fund
The fund consists of The Walter Carsen Centre, the home of the Company's rehearsal and
administrative functions at Kings Landing.
Summary Statement of Financial Position
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Employee future benefits
Capital assets
$ 3,012
$ 3,012
$ 3,272
$ 8,672
$ 3,576
$ 2,917
$ 15,165
$ 14,839
$ 2,031
$ 2,034
$ 2,343
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Interfund (receivable) payable
Deferred revenue
Fund Balances
$ 8,672
$ 3,576
$ 2,917
$ 15,165
$ 14,839
Criteria for presentation of summary financial statements
The information selected by management for presentation in the Summary Financial Statements has been identified as being the most pertinent and useful financial data for inclusion in The
National Ballet of Canada annual report.
Audited financial statements are available on The National Ballet of Canada official website.
2014/15 Revenue
2014/15 Expenses
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Private Sector Fundraising Revenue
New production sponsorships
Special Events
Total Fundraising
Marketing, publicity and outreach
Sources of Revenue
Box Office
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Investments and other
39% Box Office
63% Performance
32% Fundraising
14% Marketing and Publicity
20% Government Grants
9% Fundraising
6% Endowment
Foundation Grant
9% Administration
3% Other
5% Facilities
The National Ballet of Canada
2014/15 Board of Directors
We Applaud Our Volunteers
David W. Binet, Chair
The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator, Chair
Allison Freeman, Turnout
David Binet, Chair, Board of Directors
Linda O’Leary, Chair, Esprit de Corps
Jane Darville, Chair, Patrons’ Council
Lynda Prince, Chair, Special Events
Melanie Dowhaniuk, Co-Chair, Turnout
Gretchen Ross, Chair, Major Gifts
Development Committee
John Bailey
Ryan McNally
Susanne Boyce
Donna Meyers
Jane Darville
Linda O’Leary
Stephen Delaney
David Pell, ex officio
Recognition Committee
Marlene DelZotto
Nancy Pencer
The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator
Jack Petch, ex officio
The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator, Chair
Bronwen Evans
Lynda Prince
Patrons’ Council
Jane Darville, Chair
Gretchen Ross
Jordan Applebaum
Noreen Taylor
Fiona Berry
Sandra Faire
Robbie J. Pryde
Greta Hodgkinson, ex officio
Jessica Ray
Robert Brews
Barry Hughson, ex officio
Gretchen Ross
Judi Conacher
Victoria Jackman
Victor R. Royce
Karen Kain, C.C., ex officio
John B. Simcoe
Krista Kerr
Mavis Staines, C.M., ex officio
Gala Committee
Frank Toskan & Darren Zakreski,
Jeanie Davis
Lee Anne Downey
Taanta Gupta
Robert Lawrie
Christopher Stalzer, ex officio
Vanessa & Mark Mulroney,
Honourary Co-Chairs
Janet Lewell
Daniel F. Sullivan
Inger Bartlett
Avril Higgins
Philip Lieberman
Noreen Taylor
Michelle Eaton
Ann Hogarth
Jerry Lozinski
Cornell C.V. Wright
Sandra Faire
Anne LeGresley
Jane Gill
Eunice Lumsden
Jay Hodgins
Sylvia McGovern
Barry Hughson
Geneviève McKillop
Karen Kain
Julie Medland
Enid MacIntosh
L.J. Nagel
Courtney MacNeil
Linda O’Leary
Adrian Mainella
Janet Parkinson
Rob McGee
Paul Savard
Evan McKie
Lenore Walters
David Macdonald
Honourary Board of Directors
Avie Bennett, C.C., O.Ont.
Judith Cohen
Judi Conacher
Missy Crosbie
Jeanie Davis
Sherry Taylor Drew
James Fleck, O.C.
Kevin Garland
William Harris
William Herridge, Q.C.
Donald K. Johnson, O.C.
Paul O’Donoghue
Rose Patten
Aaron Regent
Robin Vaile Robinson
Susie Scace
Nicholas Mellamphy
Vanessa Harwood
Lynda Prince
Turnout Cabinet
Lauren Prince
Laura Rapp
Melanie Dowhaniuk
Nada Ristich
Allison Freeman
2014/15 Office and
Theatre Volunteers
Maegan Ayre
Earl Barnsley
Charlotte Broome
Linda Campbell
Peng Chiang
Bailey Chui
Paula Clayman
Meaghan Crowe
Reggie DesRoches
Jim Dunn
Maureen Dunn
Laura Ennis
Jill Humphries
Ria Hoff
Neil Moran
Marisa Ortega
Diana Spadafora
Astrid Stec
We gratefully acknowledge
the passion and dedication of
the members of The Volunteer
Committee, The National
Ballet of Canada
Sonia Rodriguez
Bernice Royce
Cabinet Members
Irit Shay
Vanessa Antinucci
Róisín L. Tiwari
Catherine Barry
Tina VanderHeyden
Flora Do
Stephen Wagg
Gabriel Fain
Janet Zuccarini
Marie-Christine Joly
Jessica Kelly
Jonathon Voigt
Scott Wu
Dancer Representatives
Giorgio Galli
Chelsy Meiss
Guillaume Côté is sponsored through Dancers First by Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight.
Côté and Xiao Nan Yu in Nijinsky. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Prima Circle
The National Ballet of Canada expresses its deep gratitude to dedicated and passionate supporters whose significant lifetime
giving has helped us achieve our vision. The Prima Circle acknowledges the extraordinary generosity of donors whose cumulative
support to The National Ballet of Canada and The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation has reached these major
Prima Ruby Circle ($5,000,000 - $9,999,999)
Mona Campbell, O.C.
Walter Carsen, O.C.
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
One Anonymous Donor
Prima Emerald Circle ($2,500,000 - $4,999,999)
BMO Financial Group
Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight
Joan & Jerry Lozinski
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
RBC Foundation
Gretchen Ross & Donald Ross, O.C.
TD Bank Group
The Volunteer Committee, The National Ballet of Canada
Prima Circle ($1,000,000 - $2,499,999)
John & Margaret Bahen
John & Claudine Bailey
Torunn & David Banks
Horst Dantz & Don Quick
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Margaret Fleck & Jim Fleck, C.C.
Kevin & Roger Garland
Gail Hutchison
Beryl Ivey, C.M. & Richard M. Ivey, C.C.
Hal Jackman Foundation
Sarah & David Macdonald
The McLean Foundation
Nancy Pencer
Frances & Tim Price
Susan Scace & Arthur Scace, C.M., Q.C.
Ada Slaight
Lawrence Heisey, O.C. & Ann Heisey
Rosamond Ivey
Laidlaw Foundation
Judith & Robert Lawrie
Anna McCowan-Johnson &
Donald K. Johnson, O.C.
The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation
Julie & Ted Medland
Lynda & Jonas Prince
Sandra L. Simpson
Diana St. B. Weatherall
Five Anonymous Donors
Gail Drummond & Bob Dorrance
Celia Franca
Lynda Hamilton
Jerry & Geraldine Heffernan
The Audrey S. Hellyer Charitable Foundation
Ann Henderson & Lyman Henderson, C.M.
Lucille Joseph & Urban Joseph, O.C.
J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
Sanford & Patti McFarlane
Jim & Sylvia McGovern
Ned & Georgina McLennan
Robin Robinson
J.M. Doc Savage
Carolyn Sifton Foundation Inc.
C. Anderson Silber
Mr. George R. Sutherland
The Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation
Four Anonymous Donors
The range of artistically important ballets that defined the
2014/15 season upholds The National Ballet of Canada’s
reputation as a top ranking company with some of the
world’s most versatile dancers. We are deeply grateful
for the continued support of the generous groups and
individuals who made this season possible and with whom
we share our every success.
Visionary Circle ($500,000 - $999,999)
Ralph & Jeanie Davis
Mr. Thor Eaton & The Honourable Nicole
Eaton, Senator
Margaret & David Fountain
The Frank Gerstein Charitable Foundation
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Nona Heaslip
Impresario Circle ($250,000 - $499,999)
Gail & Mark Appel
David & Kim Beatty
J.P. Bickell Foundation
Susanne Boyce & Brendan Mullen
Judith & Marshall Cohen
Judi & Lionel Conacher
Catherine & Ian Delaney
George & Kathy Dembroski
Sherry & Edward Drew
Laura Dinner & Richard Rooney
Investor Circle ($100,000 - $249,999)
Elaine J. Adair
Karen and Ray Arbesman
Tony & Anne Arrell
Mary Eileen Ash
Gregory & Irene Aziz
Lynly & Trevor Bailie
Karen & Bill Barnett
Daphne Bell
Dr. Ann E. Camps
Anne Marie Canning
Susan Chant
Dr. John H.C. Chiu, in memory
of Yvonne Chiu, C.M.
Missy & Allan Crosbie
Elizabeth A. and
Richard J. Currie, O.C.
Adelle and Paul Deacon Nanton
Fund at the Toronto Foundation
Deloitte Foundation Canada
George A. Fierheller
Alison Arbuckle Fisher
“The National Ballet of Canada has always
taken special pride in its ability – and
willingness – to embrace and engage with
many different kinds of dance, from the
traditional classical canon to works of
experimental urgency. The 2014/15 season
is an especially rich demonstration of our
company’s range and commitment to a
diverse and challenging repertoire and is a
testament to the National Ballet’s openness
and commitment to the many varieties of
classical dance.”
Artistic Director Karen Kain, C.C.
Ms. Helen Gardiner
Mary & Graham Hallward
Pat & Bill Harris
Hon. & Mrs. Paul T. Hellyer
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Herridge
Leonore Valborg Hetherington
Richard & Martha Hogarth
Mrs. Renata Humphries
Joan F. Ivory, C.M.
Annie Emily Kains
Marjorie Kains
Ms. Krista Kerr
Dr. Gurney M. Kranz
Arthur Labatt, O.C. & Sonia Labatt
Philip & Sherri Lieberman
Local 58 Charitable Benefit Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Marple
Clive & Fran Minto
Vanessa Morgan & Steve Wolf
Linda & Kevin O'Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Pankratz
Aaron & Heather Regent
Barrie D. Rose and Family
Tony Scott-Fisher
Sir Neil and Lady Elizabeth Shaw
Eileen Smith
Helen Allen Stacey
Maureen and Wayne Squibb
Irving Steinberg
Dr. Robert Summers-Gill
Anne Tanenbaum
Heather Thomson and Richard Thomson, O.C.
Mr. James M. Tory Q.C.
Lenore Walters
Ms. Ruth Watts-Gransden
R. Howard Webster Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Wheler
Lucy White*
Judith R. Wilder
Beth Wilson
Three Anonymous Donors
Tanya Howard is sponsored through Dancers First by Nancy Pencer.
Tanya Howard in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
2014/15 Roster of Dancers
Guillaume Côté
Greta Hodgkinson
Svetlana Lunkina
McGee Maddox
Evan McKie
Heather Ogden
Sonia Rodriguez
Piotr Stanczyk
Jillian Vanstone
Xiao Nan Yu
Principal Character Artists
Lorna Geddes
Alejandra Perez-Gomez
Rebekah Rimsay
Tomas Schramek
Hazaros Surmeyan
First Soloists
Naoya Ebe
Tanya Howard
Keiichi Hirano
Stephanie Hutchison
Etienne Lavigne
Patrick Lavoie
Elena Lobsanova
Tina Pereira
Jonathan Renna
Robert Stephen
Second Soloists
Skylar Campbell
Jordana Daumec
Alexandra MacDonald
Chelsy Meiss
Tiffany Mosher
Jenna Savella
Brendan Saye
Christopher Stalzer
Dylan Tedaldi
Corps de Ballet
Jack Bertinshaw
Trygve Cumpston
Shaila D’Onofrio
Jackson Dwyer
Rhiannon Fairless
Hannah Fischer
Francesco Gabriele Frola
Giorgio Galli
Selene Guerrero-Trujillo
Emma Hawes
Juri Hiraoka
Kathryn Hosier
Rui Huang
Harrison James
Lise-Marie Jourdain
Larissa Khotchenkova
Miyoko Koyasu
James Leja
Artists of the Ballet in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
(As of June 30, 2015)
Elizabeth Marrable
Shino Mori
Jaclyn Oakley
Andreea Olteanu
Félix Paquet
Brent Parolin
Meghan Pugh
Asiel Rivero
Ben Rudisin
Kota Sato
Nan Wang
Ethan Watts
Sarah Elena Wolff
RBC Apprentice
Programme /
YOU dance
Nicole Blain
Patrick Foster
Giorgio Garrett
Christopher Gerty
Spencer Hack
Soo Ah Kang
Elenora Morris
Clare Peterson
Calley Skalnik
Andrew Tomlinson
Dancers First
Sponsorship Programme
Members of Dancers First provide direct support to the company’s dancers, ensuring they receive the best
training and performance opportunities in an environment that prioritizes health and wellness, individual growth
and career actualization. In recognition of their extraordinary generosity, donors are encouraged to develop
deeper relationships with their sponsored dancers and to learn more about the art form they support. Thank
you to our Dancers First Chair, Gretchen Ross, and to all our Dancers First sponsors for investing in our artists.
George & Kathy Dembroski
Principal Dancer Jillian Vanstone
Gretchen Ross
First Soloist Naoya Ebe
Emmanuelle Gattuso and
Allan Slaight
Principal Dancer Guillaume Côté
Patricia Younger
First Soloist Keiichi Hirano
Ira Gluskin &
Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Principal Dancer Sonia Rodriguez
in celebration of her 25th Anniversary
Mr. Thor Eaton &
The Honourable Nicole Eaton,
First Soloist Robert Stephen
Robin Robinson
Second Soloist Brendan Saye
Sherry and Edward Drew
Corps de Ballet member
Francesco Gabriele Frola
Renata M. Humphries
Corps de Ballet member
Jaclyn Oakley
Diana St. B. Weatherall
Second Soloist Chelsy Meiss
Judy & Bella Matthews
Corps de Ballet member
Hannah Fischer
Second Soloist Jenna Savella
Robbie Pryde
Corps de Ballet member Ethan Watts
Tony & Anne Arrell
Corps de Ballet Sponsor
Donna Meyers & Doug Richmond
Corps de Ballet member
Kathryn Hosier
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
First Soloist Elena Lobsanova
Anne-Marie Canning
Corps de Ballet member Giorgio Galli
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain, C.C.
First Soloist Tina Pereira
JJ Dayot & Rick Schiralli
Corps de Ballet member
Emma Hawes
Nancy Pencer
First Soloist Tanya Howard
Stephen Delaney
Corps de Ballet member Félix Paquet
Lucy White*
Corps de Ballet member
Harrison James
Rolex Canada Ltd.
Rolex Dancers First Award
Giorgio Galli and Anne-Marie Canning. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Rolex Dancers First Award
After an absence of 16 years, Manon returned to open The National Ballet of Canada’s 2014/15 season on
November 8, 2014. Long regarded as one of Kenneth MacMillan’s most dramatic ballets, Manon enjoyed a
warm reception from Toronto audiences and critical praise across local and national media. Anthony Dowell,
who created the role of Des Grieux in 1974, arrived at the Walter Carsen Centre in September to work with
the dancers, a truly special event captured on film through our World Ballet Day broadcast. In addition to
several important debuts from National Ballet dancers, Manon featured guest performances by Marcelo
Gomes and James Whiteside of American Ballet Theatre.
“The production is an outstanding season opener by the National
Ballet, and judging by the speed in which the entire audience
jumped to its feet during the curtain call, I’m not the only one who
was seduced by Manon.”
The National Post
The recipients of the fifth annual Rolex Dancers First Award were Principal Character Artist Rebekah Rimsay,
First Soloist Elena Lobsanova and Second Soloist Dylan Tedaldi. Ms. Rimsay was recognized for her brilliant
portrayals of the Stepmother and Stepsister in Cinderella, Ms. Lobsanova for her captivating performance
as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and Mr. Tedaldi for his extraordinary work in Spectre de la Rose. Each year, the
Rolex Dancers First Award recognizes outstanding performances by a female and male dancer in the previous
season, as determined by a committee of members from The National Ballet of Canada's artistic staff.
The winners received $3,000 and a sculpture by glass artist Elizabeth Beecham of Glasstronomy Studios.
Artistic Director Karen Kain and Victor Royce, President and CEO of Rolex Canada Ltd., presented the award
at the Rolex Dancers First Dinner, held September 22, 2014.
The Rolex Dancers First Award is an essential part of the Dancers First sponsorship programme.
Manon is presented by
The Rolex Dancers First Award and Dinner is presented by Rolex Canada Ltd.
Special thanks to The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation for supporting Manon.
Dylan Tedaldi, Elena Lobsanova, Karen Kain, Rebekah Rimsay and Victor Royce. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Harrison James is sponsored through Dancers First by Lucy White.
Jillian Vanstone is sponsored through Dancers First by George & Kathy Dembroski.
Harrison James and Jillian Vanstone in Manon. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
The Eleventh International
Competition for The Erik Bruhn
The Sleeping Beauty
Celebrating Sonia Rodriguez in her 25th Anniversary Year
Rudolf Nureyev’s famous staging of The Sleeping Beauty closed the 2014/15 season on a magnificent note,
and provided an ideal forum for celebrating Principal Dancer Sonia Rodriguez in her 25th year with The
National Ballet of Canada. The company paid tribute to Ms. Rodriguez with a special performance on June 13,
Corps de Ballet member Hannah Fischer won the female prize in The Eleventh International Competition for
2015, in which she appeared as Princess Aurora, a role she has been dancing for 18 years, alongside Principal
The Erik Bruhn Prize, held in Toronto on March 24 for five participating ballet companies: Boston Ballet, The
Dancer Piotr Stanczyk.
Hamburg Ballet, The Royal Danish Ballet, San Francisco Ballet and The National Ballet of Canada. Principal
Dancers Heather Ogden and Guillaume Côté hosted the event.
Together with her partner, Corps de Ballet member Ethan Watts, Ms. Fischer performed a pas de deux
from Act III of The Sleeping Beauty and A Wild Space Between Two Hearts, a new work by Choreographic
Associate Robert Binet commissioned for the event. Carlo Di Lanno of San Francisco Ballet won the male
prize and Boston Ballet’s Yuri Yanowsky won the Choreographic Prize. The dancers each received $7,500 and
a sculpture by Canadian artist Jack Culiner, generously donated by Artcast. The winner of the Choreographic
Prize, established in 2009, also received a Jack Culiner sculpture and a $2,000 cash prize.
“As for Rodriguez, it’s hard to
believe she’s celebrating 25 years
with the company, given that she
is still dancing like she’s 25. Both
dramatically and technically she
keeps getting better and growing
as an artist.”
National Post
Since 1988, the Erik Bruhn Competition has continued the work of its namesake in nurturing young talent and
celebrating artistic excellence.
“Hannah Fischer and Ethan Watts represented The National Ballet of Canada. With
home court advantage they took to the stage to an enthusiastic roar from the crowd
and performed the most emotional dance of the five: a rousing, almost fiery pas de
deux from The Sleeping Beauty.”
The Sleeping Beauty is made possible by generous contributions
from Margaret Fleck & Jim Fleck, C.C., The Catherine and
Maxwell Meighen Foundation, Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado,
C.M., Gretchen Ross and Nancy Pencer & Michael Benjamin.
Sonia Rodriguez is sponsored through Dancers First by Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin in celebration of
her 25th Anniversary year.
Sonia Rodriguez in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Support for The Sleeping Beauty:
Paul and Adelle Deacon
The National Ballet of Canada benefitted enormously from the generosity
of pioneering donors who supported the creation of Rudolf Nureyev’s The
Sleeping Beauty in 1972. Chief among them were Paul and Adelle Deacon,
vibrant members of the National Ballet’s donor family. The company dedicated
a performance of The Sleeping Beauty to Adelle in the spring, and hosted a
special event in her honour to recognize the lasting impact of her and Paul’s
The Eleventh International Competition for The Erik Bruhn Prize is presented by John and Claudine Bailey.
Sculptures donated by Artcast Inc.
Hannah Fischer is sponsored through Dancers First by Judy & Bella Matthews.
Ethan Watts is sponsored through Dancers First by Robbie J. Pryde.
Yuri Yanowsky, Hannah Fischer and Carlo Di Lanno. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Adelle Deacon and her children. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Major Gifts
(As of June 30, 2015)
Music Director and Principal Conductor
The Music Circle and Orchestra
David Briskin
Maintaining a world class, in-house orchestra is one of the National Ballet’s highest priorities and a recognized part of our
ongoing success. We thank the following donors for providing vital support to The National Ballet of Canada Orchestra, the
country’s only dedicated ballet orchestra, as well as guest conductors and players, new compositions and the maintenance of the
music archives.
John & Claudine Bailey
Nani & Austin Beutel
David W. Binet
Jeanie Davis
Maxine Granovsky Gluskin & Ira Gluskin
Mary & Graham Hallward
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
Gretchen Ross & Donald Ross, O.C.
The Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation (Rehearsal Pianists)
One Anonymous Donor
Special Gifts
The National Ballet of Canada is proud to recognize the following donors for their generous gifts in support of special projects.
John & Claudine Bailey
The Eleventh International Competition for The Erik Bruhn Prize
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
Dancer Health & Wellness
The Frank Gerstein Charitable Foundation
Underwriter, Guest Artist Fund
Ada Slaight
Share the Magic Underwriter
Lucille Joseph & Urban Joseph, O.C.
Choreographic Workshop
Mr. George R. Sutherland
Dancer Health & Wellness
Esprit de Corps
Launched in October 2013, Esprit de Corps is an ambitious donor group that provides dedicated support for the Corps de Ballet,
the largest rank of dancers in the company and a training ground for future soloists and principal dancers. Led by Esprit de Corps
Chair, Linda O’Leary, this group is helping to raise the level of dancing throughout the company by creating a world-class Corps
de Ballet.
The National Ballet of Canada thanks all members of Esprit de Corps for their support:
David & Fiona Berry
Jeanie A. Davis
Rags & Indra Davloor
Ms. Krista Kerr
Anne & David LeGresley
Eunice Lumsden & Peter Luit
Geneviève McKillop & Chris Bennett
Linda & Kevin O'Leary
Eric Tripp & Maria Smith
Sarah White
Ms. Beth Wilson
Cornell Wright & Sarah McEvoy
One Anonymous Donor
Aaron Schwebel, Concertmaster
Lynn Kuo, Assistant
Olga Laktionova
Andrew McIntosh
Elaine Thompson
Paul Widner
Dominique Laplante, Principal
Second Violin
James Aylesworth
Jennie Baccante
Sheldon Grabke
Xiao Grabke
Nancy Kershaw
Csaba Koczó
Sonia Klimasko-Leheniuk
Yakov Lerner
Jayne Maddison
Ron Mah
Aya Miyagawa
Wendy Rogers
Filip Tomov
Joanna Zabrowarna
Paul Zevenhuizen
Angela Rudden, Principal
Joshua Greenlaw, Assistant
Hans J. F. Preuss, Principal
Paul Langley
Robert Speer
Cary Takagaki
Leslie J. Allt, Principal
Maria Pelletier
Shelley Brown, Piccolo
Mark Rogers, Principal
Karen Rotenberg
Lesley Young, English Horn
Max Christie, Principal
Emily Marlow
Gary Kidd, Bass Clarinet
Valerie Kuinka
Johann Lotter
Beverley Spotton
Larry Toman
Maurizio Baccante, Principal
Marianne Pack
Stephen Mosher, Principal
Jerry Robinson
Elizabeth Gowen, Contra
Vincent Barbee
Derek Conrod
Scott Wevers
Richard Sandals, Principal
Mark Dharmaratnam
Robert Weymouth
David Archer, Principal
Robert Ferguson
David Pell, Bass Trombone
Sasha Johnson, Principal
Lucie Parent, Principal
Michael Perry, Principal
Tim Francom, Principal
Mark Mazur
Kristofer Maddigan
Orchestra Personnel Manager
and Music Administrator
Raymond Tizzard
Gary Pattison, Principal
Lucie Parent
Meghan Pugh. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Members of The National Ballet of Canada Orchestra. Photo by Aaron Vincent Elkaim.
Aaron Schwebel Appointed New
The Dancer Health and Wellness
The National Ballet of Canada appointed Aaron
The dancers of The National Ballet of Canada are exceptional artists and
Schwebel as Concertmaster of The National Ballet
athletes who push their bodies to the limit each day. Nurturing health
of Canada Orchestra, a role he assumed with the
and wellbeing in all facets of the dancers’ lives and careers is one of the
winter programme of The Man in Black, Chroma,
company’s deeply held objectives and, under the direction of Karen Kain,
Allegro Brillante and Carousel (A Dance).
has become part of our mandate with an onsite Health and Wellness
A native Torontonian, Mr. Schwebel has been the Assistant
Principal Second Violin with The National Ballet of Canada
Established in 2005 and led by Director of Dancer Wellness Marla Pichler,
Orchestra since March 2013. Mr. Schwebel performed the
the programme is among the most comprehensive in the ballet world
violin solo in Watch her in the 2013/14 season and acted as
today. The team consists of medical and health professionals ranging from
Guest Concertmaster for A Month in the Country, Manon
sports medicine physicians and orthopaedic surgeons to nutritionists,
and The Nutcracker in the 2013/14 and 2014/15 seasons.
physiotherapists, massage and athletic therapists and more.
“Aaron is a gifted young violinist. His warm, charismatic
musical personality and versatility as a performer have
led him to pursue a variety of roles and collaborations,
and I’m thrilled to welcome him into this new position
with The National Ballet of Canada Orchestra.”
The National Ballet gratefully acknowledges the leadership of Board
Member Lynda Prince for launching a crucial funding initiative in support
of dancer health and wellness.
Music Director and Principal Conductor, David Briskin
Official Health and Wellness Partner
Naoya Ebe is sponsored through Dancers First by Gretchen Ross.
Aaron Schwebel. Photo by Bo Huang.
Naoya Ebe. Photo by Aaron Vincent Elkaim.
RBC Emerging Artist Apprentice
Dancer Exchange
Rhiannon Fairless and Ethan Watts received the
In January, Corps de Ballet member Emma Hawes participated in a dancer
RBC Emerging Artists Apprentice Award for their
exchange, spending several weeks in Denmark with The Royal Danish
achievements in the 2013/14 season. Donna Meyers,
Ballet to perform in the world premiere of Swan Lake by Nikolaj Hübbe and
Senior Vice-President and Head of Risk for Wealth
Silja Schandorff. Earlier in the season, Andreas Kaas, a Corps de Ballet
Management at RBC and National Ballet Board Member
member with The Royal Danish Ballet, arrived in Toronto to perform with
presented the award.
The National Ballet of Canada in The Nutcracker.
Established in 2012, the RBC Emerging Artist Apprentice
Award recognizes young dancers in the Apprentice
Programme who have demonstrated significant artistic
growth, professionalism and talent in the previous
“I hope that other young dancers will get an opportunity
like this, to see other artists and gain new perspectives
on this magnificent art form.”
Corps de Ballet member Emma Hawes
The RBC Apprentice
Programme is supported by
Emma Hawes is sponsored through Dancers First by JJ Dayot & Rick Schiralli.
Ethan Watts, Donna Meyers and Rhiannon Fairless. Photo by Gary Beechey.
Emma Hawes. Photo by Sian Richards.
Dancer Promotions &
The annual Patrons’ Council Season Closing Party
was held on June 7, 2015 at Integral House, the
home of the late Dr. James Stewart, a mathematician,
musician and passionate supporter of the arts. At this
special event, Artistic Director Karen Kain announced
a record number of dancer promotions along with
Investing in new productions is essential for Artistic Director Karen Kain to realize her vision for The National
the recipients of the 2015 David Tory Award and the
Ballet of Canada as a world leader in ballet. The strength and breadth of our repertoire is helping the company
Patron Award of Merit.
attract the best talent and touring opportunities, so that the National Ballet continues to receive prestigious
offers to collaborate on new works and tour internationally. Expanding the repertoire put the National Ballet on
Joining the rank of Principal Dancer were First
the map as an exemplar of Canadian arts and culture.
Soloists Naoya Ebe and Elena Lobsanova.
With great enthusiasm, friendship and commitment, our donor community made it possible for the National
Other promotions were: Stephanie Hutchinson,
Ballet to present several exciting new works in the 2014/15 season.
Etienne Lavigne and Jonathan Renna to the rank of
Principal Character Artist; Skylar Campbell, Jordana
Daumec, Francesco Gabriele Frola (from the Corps
de Ballet), Harrison James (from the Corps de Ballet),
Chelsy Meiss, Jenna Savella and Dylan Tedaldi to
First Soloist; and Jack Bertinshaw, Hannah Fischer,
Emma Hawes, Kathryn Hosier and Brent Parolin to
Second Soloist.
“They have the spirit, energy and athleticism of
an American company, but at the same time
they have this tradition of telling stories. The
dancers are very open – they love having the
choreographer in the room and they respond
very quickly, with such focus and also with
Entering the Corps de Ballet from the RBC
Choreographer Christopher Wheeldon
Apprentice Programme are Christopher Gerty,
Spencer Hack, Soo Ah Kang and Calley Skalnik.
Karen Kain also recognized retiring dancers Keiichi
Hirano, Patrick Lavoie, Christopher Stalzer, Juri
Hiraoka and James Leja for their years of dedicated
work and inspired performances.
David Tory Award
First Soloist Robert Stephen was the recipient of the 2014/15 David Tory Award, named in honour of the former
Vice-Chairman of The National Ballet of Canada’s Board of Directors, David Tory. Mr. Stephen is recognized for
his humility, professionalism and exemplary conduct with an award of $3,500.
Patron Award of Merit
Hannah Fischer and Harrison James received the Patron Award of Merit from the Patrons’ Council Committee
of The National Ballet of Canada. The award is given to one male and one female Corps de Ballet member
or Apprentice at the end of each season in recognition of their progress. Ms. Fischer and Mr. James each
receive a prize of $1,000. An additional donation of $1,000 was made in their names to the Dancer Fund of The
National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation.
Thank you to the executors of Dr. Stewart's Estate for their premission to hold the Season Closing Party at
Integral House.
Top: Jordana Daumec, Dylan Tedaldi, Jenna Savella, Jack Bertinshaw, Kathryn Hosier, Emma Hawes, Chelsy Meiss and Elena Lobsanova.
Bottom: Juri Hiraoka, James Leja, Karen Kain and Christopher Stalzer. Photos by Gary Beechey.
Artists of the Ballet in Piano Concerto #1. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Production Builders
Ratmansky and Côté
Each year, The National Ballet of Canada invests significant resources into new productions. Support from our
Canadian Premiere and World Premiere
Production Builders is invaluable to this process and has the long-term effect of advancing the art form and
demonstrating the full range of our dancers’ artistry, dedication and technique.
The following individuals and foundations have made significant contributions to National Ballet productions in
the 2014/15 season and in future seasons.
Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight
Richard M. Ivey, C.C.
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
Frances & Tim Price
The Volunteer Committee, The National Ballet of Canada
One Anonymous Donor
In June 2015, the National Ballet offered two new works as part of the spring mixed programme: Being and
Nothingness by Principal Dancer and Choreographic Associate Guillaume Côté and parts 1 and 3 of Alexei
Ratmansky’s Shostakovich Trilogy. Being and Nothingness – a world premiere – is an expansion of an earlier
solo Mr. Côté created for Principal Dancer Greta Hodgkinson. The work, set to the music of Philip Glass
featuring set designs by Michael Levine and costumes by former Corps de Ballet member Krista Dowson
(pretty, fancy), builds on the original solo with a more comprehensive meditation on key themes in Jean-Paul
Sartre’s existential philosophy. The premiere drew an enthusiastic reception and sealed Mr. Côté’s reputation
as a choreographer to watch.
With Symphony No. 9 and Piano Concerto No. 1, Toronto audiences saw two parts of Mr. Ratmansky’s
celebrated Shostakovich Trilogy. The ballet evokes Mr. Ratmansky’s native Russia and the legendary composer
Dmitri Shostakovich to explore the tensions between art and politics, and freedom and responsibility.
The Producers’ Circle
The Producers’ Circle is a group of visionary donors that collectively contributes over $1 million each year to
underwrite new productions. The National Ballet of Canada gratefully acknowledges the entire membership of
this extraordinary group, led by Chair, Sandra Faire.
John & Claudine Bailey
David Binet
Susanne Boyce & Brendan Mullen
Gail Drummond & Bob Dorrance
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Kevin & Roger Garland
Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight
The William & Nona Heaslip Foundation
“The National Ballet’s spring program
pairs work by Alexei Ratmansky,
probably the biggest name in
contemporary ballet, with a
world premiere by Guillaume
Côté, one of the Toronto
company’s choreographic
associates (and a principal dancer).
By juxtaposing an established artist
and an emerging artist, the program
is a showcase of current directions in
new choreography.”
The Globe and Mail
Rosamond Ivey
Hal Jackman Foundation
Anna McCowan-Johnson & Donald K. Johnson, O.C.
Judy Korthals & Peter Irwin
Judith & Robert Lawrie
Mona & Harvey Levenstein
Jerry & Joan Lozinski
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
Julie Medland
Shostakovich Trilogy (Parts 1 and 3)
and Being and Nothingness are presented by
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
Lynda & Jonas Prince
Susan Scace & Arthur Scace, C.M., Q.C.
Sandra L. Simpson
Noreen Taylor & David Staines, C.M., O.Ont.
Rhiannon Fairless. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Lead philanthropic support for Shostakovich Trilogy (Parts 1 and 3) is provided by an anonymous friend of the National Ballet and
The Producers’ Circle.
Lead philanthropic support for Being and Nothingness is provided by an anonymous friend of the National Ballet, The Volunteer
Committee of The National Ballet of Canada and The Producers’ Circle: John & Claudine Bailey, David Binet, Susanne Boyce &
Dr. Brendan Mullen, Gail Drummond & Bob Dorrance, Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan, Kevin & Roger Garland, The William & Nona
Heaslip Foundation, Rosamond Ivey, Hal Jackman Foundation, Anna McCowan-Johnson & Donald K. Johnson, O.C., Judy
Korthals & Peter Irwin, Judith & Robert Lawrie, Mona & Harvey Levenstein, Joan & Jerry Lozinski, The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain, C.C., Julie Medland, Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M., Lynda & Jonas Prince, Sandra L. Simpson and Noreen
Taylor & David Staines, C.M., O.Ont.
Kathryn Hosier is sponsored through Dancers First by Donna Meyers & Doug Richmond.
Félix Paquet is sponsored through Dancers First by Stephen Delaney.
Kathryn Hosier and Félix Paquet in Being and Nothingness. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Allegro Brillante and
Carousel (A Dance)
Support for Le Petit Prince
A Landmark Gift from Emmanuelle Gattuso
and Allan Slaight
The winter programme featured the company premieres of two exciting short ballets, George Balanchine’s
famous Allegro Brillante and Christopher Wheeldon’s Broadway-inspired piece, Carousel (A Dance). These
Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight presented The National Ballet of Canada with an extraordinary gift
ballets appeared with James Kudelka’s beloved ballet, The Man in Black and Wayne McGregor’s contemporary
for new productions, donating $2 million to support the creation of Le Petit Prince, the first full-length ballet
sensation, Chroma.
from Principal Dancer and Choreographic Associate Guillaume Côté. This is the largest single gift for a new
production in the company’s history.
Allegro Brillante is quintessential Balanchine, a fast-paced, joyful work that celebrates the purely aesthetic
power of ballet. Set to Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.3, the ballet proved our dancers to be dazzling
David Binet, Board Chair of The National Ballet of Canada, spoke on behalf of the entire company in
technicians. Just 15 minutes long, Mr. Wheeldon’s ballet evokes the unique atmosphere of Richard Rodgers’s
expressing thanks to Ms. Gattuso and Mr. Slaight: “All of us who love The National Ballet of Canada are
1945 musical, Carousel, to convey powerful meanings around friendship, love and the machinery of life.
enormously grateful for this remarkable gift. This is an exciting affirmation of Artistic Director Karen Kain's
Carousel (A Dance) was so popular that the company performed it again as part of the 2015 MAD HOT
ambition to develop talent, new audiences and new productions. Support like this helps ensure the vitality of
BALLET gala programme.
the National Ballet.”
Ms. Gattuso and Mr. Slaight have been Dancers First sponsors of Mr. Côté since 2008. Their remarkable
gift shows a deep understanding of the need for new productions and confidence in Mr. Côté’s talent as a
“The ballets on view, two of them company premieres,
span almost half a century of movement evolution, aptly
demonstrating the art form’s ability to embrace tradition
while exploring new inventive possibilities.”
Toronto Star
choreographer. With two successful workshops to date, Le Petit Prince will have its world premiere on June 4,
2016 with a new score by Kevin Lau, designs by Michael Levine, lighting by David Finn and video designs by
Finn Ross.
“I am delighted to support Le Petit Prince, Guillaume and The National Ballet of Canada,” said Emmanuelle
Gattuso. “The creative team, led by Guillaume, is such a wonderful convergence of talent and represents the
National Ballet’s first all new Canadian full-length production in a decade. I hope my gift will inspire others to
support this company that continually challenges themselves and the audience with new work.”
BMO Financial Group is the presenting
sponsor of Le Petit Prince.
Leadership support for Le Petit Prince has been generously provided by Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight.
Additional philanthropic support for Le Petit Prince is provided by The Producers’ Circle: John & Claudine Bailey, David Binet,
Susanne Boyce & Dr. Brendan Mullen, Gail Drummond & Bob Dorrance, Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan, Kevin & Roger Garland, The
William & Nona Heaslip Foundation, Rosamond Ivey, Hal Jackman Foundation, Anna McCowan-Johnson & Donald K. Johnson,
O.C., Judy Korthals & Peter Irwin, Judith & Robert Lawrie, Mona & Harvey Levenstein, Joan & Jerry Lozinski, The Honourable
Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C., Julie Medland, Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M., Lynda & Jonas Prince, Susan Scace &
Arthur Scace, C.M., Q.C., Sandra L. Simpson and Noreen Taylor & David Staines, C.M., O.Ont.
Elena Lobsanova is sponsored through Dancers First by Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan.
Francesco Gabriele Frola is sponsored through Dancers First by Sherry and Edward Drew.
Guillaume Côté is sponsored through Dancers First by Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight.
32 Lobsanova and Francesco Gabriele Frola in Allegro Brillante. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Dylan Tedaldi. Photo by Barbara Cole.
2014/15 Corporate Sponsors
The National Ballet of Canada is pleased to acknowledge the extraordinary support of our Corporate Sponsors.
Presenting Sponsors
BMO Financial Group
Special Projects
Nutcracker Story Time
TD Bank Group
Official Suppliers
Official Hospitality Partner
Hilton Toronto Hotel
Lead Sponsor,
Lost in Venice
Official Dry Cleaner
The Nutcracker
TD Bank Group
Ratmansky & Côté
Alice’s Adventures in
Co-Presenting Sponsors,
New York Tour
Thomson Reuters TD Bank Group
Dance About
RBC Apprentice Programme
RBC Emerging Arts Project
YOU dance
The Woodbridge Company
Share the Magic Title Sponsor
Sun Life Financial
Performance Series Sponsor
Performance Sponsors
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada
Sprott Asset Management
TD Securities
Official Event Supplier
Chair-man Mills Inc.
Ottawa Tour Transportation Sponsor
VIA Rail Canada
Official Floral Supplier
Terrain Flowers
Official Cosmetics Supplier
M∙A∙C Cosmetics
Official Travel Supplier
Uniglobe Plus Travel Group
Official Valet Partner
Gatsby Valet
Official Health and Wellness Provider
Medcan Clinic
Official Brewery
Steam Whistle Brewing
(July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015)
Corporate Associate
($1,500 – $4,999)
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
Mercedes-Benz Canada Incorporated
The National Ballet of Canada has made a triumphant
return to international touring in the past five years,
performing in world-class cities from Washington, D.C.
to Los Angeles, New York City and London, England. We
have also maintained our annual tour to Ottawa, Ontario.
The renewed activity reflects Karen Kain’s ambition to put
the company back on the map, as one with the creativity,
talent and resources to make real advances in ballet.
As we continue to offer the best of Canadian art and
culture on the world stage, we extend our thanks to
those who continue to share their passion for dance by
supporting the National Ballet. Because of your generosity,
the company was able to undertake several significant
tours in the 2014/15 season.
Official Office Systems Supplier
Teknion Corporation
2014/15 Corporate Council
Corporate Executive
($5,000 – $14,999)
Egon Zehnder International Inc.
Local 58 Charitable Benefit Fund
Power Corporation of Canada
Corporate Donor
($500 – $1,499)
Fabulous Printing
Fidelitas Holding Company Ltd.
Reitmans Incorporated
“These tours emphasize the importance of
having original works in the repertoire by
super-hot choreographers that help define
a ballet company.”
The Globe and Mail
2014/15 Foundation Donors
(July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015)
$15,000 – $29,999
Audrey S. Hellyer Charitable Foundation
Hal Jackman Foundation
$5,000 – $14,999
The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation One Anonymous Donor
$2,000 – $4,999
Hope Charitable Foundation
The K. M. Hunter Charitable Foundation
Jackman Foundation
The Langar Foundation
$500 – $1,999
Judith Teller Foundation
The Young Family Foundation
One Anonymous Donor
Greta Hodgkinson in The David H. Koch Theater, Lincoln Center. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Los Angeles
Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, The Music Center
New York
David H. Koch Theater, Lincoln Center for the
Performing Arts
In July 2014, The National Ballet of Canada returned to The Music Center in Los Angeles with four
With the generous support of the Joyce Theater Foundation, The National Ballet of Canada returned to New
performances of Alexei Ratmansky’s masterful production of Romeo and Juliet. This was the company’s
York City in the fall to present Christopher Wheeldon’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, one of the most
second engagement at the prestigious Music Center; the National Ballet first toured to Los Angeles in 2012
successful new works in the repertoire. The performances were held at the renowned David H. Koch Theater
with Christopher Wheeldon’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
at Lincoln Center, an important dance venue where the National Ballet last performed 26 years ago. The tour
was an enormous success, giving the company a coveted opportunity to perform for some of the world’s most
demanding critics and discerning dance audiences.
“For old-fashioned drama, a
thrilling musical score played
live and, oh, yes, some gorgeous
dancing fueled by intricate
choreography, the National Ballet
of Canada had a hit ever since it
premiered Alexei Ratmansky's
Romeo and Juliet in 2011.”
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a
spectacular show featuring the beautiful
dancers of Canada’s National Ballet,
along with fabulously stunning sets,
extravagant costumes and a glorious
original score. A true feast for the eyes,
ears and heart.”
Linda Shelton, Executive Director of The Joyce Theater
Los Angeles Times
Thomson Reuters and TD Bank Group are Co-Presenters of
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
audience members attended
5 performances
Lead philanthropic support for Romeo and Juliet is provided by Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M. with
additional generous support from Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan, The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation, an
anonymous friend of the National Ballet and Walter Carsen, O.C.
The National Ballet of Canada thanks Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan, Judith & Robert Lawrie and John & Claudine
Bailey for generously sponsoring the Los Angeles Tour.
F Elena L
Heather Ogden and McGee Maddox in Romeo and Juliet. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
audience members attended
7 performances
Lead philanthropic support for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has been provided by an anonymous friend
of the National Ballet with additional support generously provided by The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen
Foundation, Richard M. Ivey, C.C., Rosamond Ivey, Robert & Judith Lawrie and Wallace McCain & Margaret
McCain, C.C.
Additional generous support for the New York tour provided by The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
and Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
Jillian Vanstone and Dylan Tedaldi in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
National Arts Centre
In April 2015, The National Ballet of Canada travelled to Ottawa for an expanded six-performance run of Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland at Canada’s National Arts Centre. The company has toured successfully to Ottawa
every year since 1969 and the experience remains integral to our touring objectives. The 2014/15 presentation
of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in Ottawa followed highly successful performances of the ballet for
Toronto and international audiences.
Education &
The National Ballet of Canada is committed to improving
access to high quality dance experiences through its
comprehensive Education and Outreach programme. With
generous support from donors, corporate partners and
friends, the company reached thousands of young people
and families through education and outreach initiatives in
the 2014/15 season.
“The stagecraft may be monumental,
but Wheeldon’s genius lies in all the
tiny, subtle details he choreographs so
lovingly into each character.”
The Ottawa Citizen
“We want children to understand that
dance is an art form that uses movement,
shape, and rhythm to convey the human
experience. We also seek to promote the
continued joy of dance, as all children
have an innate desire to move to music.”
Lindsay Fischer, Artistic Director of YOU dance
Official Transportation Partner
audience members attended
6 performances
Lead philanthropic support for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has been provided by an anonymous friend
of the National Ballet with additional support generously provided by The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen
Foundation, Richard M. Ivey, C.C., Rosamond Ivey, Robert & Judith Lawrie and Wallace McCain & Margaret
McCain, C.C.
The touring of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to the National Arts Centre in Ottawa is made possible with
support from Jerry and Joan Lozinski and The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
The John & Margaret Bahen Fund supports the company’s Canadian tours.
Lisa Robinson at a YOU dance performance. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann.
Jack Bertinshaw in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
World Ballet Day
School Programmes
YOU dance
The National Ballet of Canada’s largest and most popular education programme, YOU dance takes a multi-faceted
approach to introducing the joy and meaning of dance to students in grades four to six. The programme includes
school-based workshops and live performances by dancers in the RBC Apprentice Programme.
YOU dance is supported by Ballet Club Relevé, J.P. Bickell Foundation, The McLean Foundation, Beth & Brent Wilson,
The Woodbridge Company Limited and One Anonymous Lady.
Ballet Club Relevé: Robin Anthony, Colette Barber, Diane Blake, Caroline Booth, Joanne Eidinger, Eileen Farrow,
M. Patricia Fischer, Nancy Holland, Jane Humphreys, Nancy Jain, Trodi Linders. Margaret MacLellan. Dianne Maziarz,
Gisele McIsaac, Kathleen Metcalfe, Kristi Strangeland, Susanna Stuart, Eli Taylor, Kate Thornley-Hall and Nancy Viner.
students participated in 104
movement workshops and 15
YOU dance performances
children and adults with autism
and special needs attended 2
YOU dance performances with
their families
Student participating in a YOU dance Workshop. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
YOU dance Live Stream
Building on the success of last year’s provincial live-stream,
The National Ballet of Canada broadcast three live YOU dance
performances from Toronto's Betty Oliphant Theatre into
classrooms right across the country.
students watched 3 YOU dance
livestreams in classrooms across
The first-ever World Ballet Day was held on October 1, 2014, giving
Dance About
As the National Ballet’s longest running outreach programme,
Dance About has been introducing students to the world of ballet
for over 45 years. The programme relies on a narrator and piano
accompanist to take children through a day in the life of a dancer,
over half a million ballet lovers worldwide unprecedented access to
students in Grades 1—6 attended
Dance About performances
life behind the scenes at five leading ballet companies. The broadcast
crossed several time zones, starting with The Australian Ballet and
moving through Bolshoi Ballet, The Royal Ballet, The National Ballet of
Canada and San Francisco Ballet.
offering elements from class, rehearsals, makeup, wardrobe and
Streaming live from The Walter Carsen Centre, the National Ballet
invited viewers to watch company class, selected rehearsals of John
people viewed the first
international World Ballet Day
Neumeier’s Nijinsky and Kenneth MacMillan’s Manon, interviews with
Dance About Sponsor
Karen Kain, Barry Hughson and David Briskin, behind the scenes
tours of the wardrobe department, shoe room and more. Canadian TV
Exploring Ballet Workshops
Exploring Ballet Workshops encourage students to explore their
creativity and expressive potential through movement. Led by
an experienced dance educator, Exploring Ballet introduces
basic ballet terminology and dance concepts with participatory
personality Denise Donlon hosted the four-hour live stream along with
children participated in 10
commentators Principal Dancer Heather Ogden and former Principal
Dancer Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Additional generous support for The National Ballet of Canada’s four hours of live stream on World Ballet Day
provided by John and Claudine Bailey, Sandra Faire and Ivan Fecan and Joan and Jerry Lozinski.
activities that engage the imagination.
Supported by an Anonymous Donor
Artists of the Ballet rehearsing Nijinsky for World Ballet Day. Photo by Catherine Chang.
In Theatre Programmes
Share the Magic
Share the Magic makes it possible for youth and families affected
by illness and socioeconomic challenges to attend live ballet
performances at absolutely no cost to them. Established in 1986,
Share the Magic has been bringing the joy of dance to thousands
of audience members each year.
MAD HOT BALLET: Lost in Venice
children and family members
attended 2 free Share the Magic
Share the Magic is generously underwritten by Ada Slaight.
Share the Magic Title Sponsor
Ballet Talks
Our popular Ballet Talks hosted by Ballet Master Lindsey Fischer
give audience members deeper insight into the ballets they are
about to watch.
audience members attended
43 Ballet Talks
Class on Stage
The National Ballet of Canada’s annual presentation of Class on
Stage provides a rare glimpse of the dancers as they prepare for
the day in a master class with Artist-in-Residence Rex Harrington.
A daily ritual for all dancers, the 75-minute company class warms
up the body and prepares the dancer physically and mentally for
rehearsals and performances.
people watched Class on Stage
The National Ballet of Canada unveiled MAD HOT
BALLET: Lost in Venice on June 17, 2015, a magical
evening of dance and festivities that raised over
$1 million in support of the company’s continued
prosperity and artistic excellence.
The National Ballet DanceBreak programme continues to grow
and introduce new generations to the magic of live dance.
Established in 2007, DanceBreak is a membership programme
for 16 to 29 year olds offering more affordable tickets on
performance days.
The gala performance, curated specifically for the
event, opened with the Summer pas de deux from
The Four Seasons featuring First Soloists Tanya
Howard and Patrick Lavoie. This was followed by
the Act II pas de deux from Manon, performed by
In Studio
For the second consecutive year, the National Ballet has opened
its doors to students for recreational dance and fitness classes.
In Studio offers a range of dance disciplines, from ballet and
jazz to contemporary and DanceFit, at beginner to professional
levels. Members of the National Ballet and renowned
contemporary dancers teach the classes.
Principal Dancer Greta Hodgkinson and Corps de
people participated in
1,219 classes
Ballet member Harrison James, and The Wild Space
Between Two Hearts by Choreographic Associate
Robert Binet, which was commissioned for The
Eleventh International Competition for The Erik Bruhn
Prize and performed by Corps de Ballet members
Principal Dancer Jillian Vanstone and Corps de Ballet
Hannah Fischer and Ethan Watts.
member Harrison James in the lead roles.
The programme also featured the company premiere
The National Ballet is extremely grateful to Gala Co-
of Sir Frederick Ashton’s Méditation from Thaïs,
Partners in Charity
performed by Principal Dancers Sonia Rodriguez
Each year, the National Ballet receives numerous requests from community partners like schools, youth centres
and hospitals for unique prizes or mementos relating to ballet, such as signed pointe shoes or posters. Our
community partners use these prizes as part of their broader fundraising strategies to raise much needed
funds for their own operations. We are proud to serve the broader community in this way. In 2014/15, the
National Ballet was able to fulfill over 250 requests for donated items.
Svetlana Lunkina. The performance closed with a
and Piotr Stanczyk, and the classic solo Dying Swan
after Michel Fokine, performed by Principal Dancer
performance of Carousel (A Dance) by Christopher
Wheeldon, a highlight of our winter programme, with
Chairs Frank Toskan and Darren Zakreski, along with
the entire gala committee, for their stewardship of this
exciting event. We extend our sincere appreciation to
our lead sponsor, CIBC, for its continued loyalty and
support and to all our corporate partners, sponsors,
table buyers and friends for its contributing to the
success of Lost in Venice.
Co-chairs Darren Zakreski and Frank Toskan. Vanessa and Mark Mulroney. Jay Smith, First Vice President, CIBC Wood Gundy. Linda O’Leary, Nancy Lockhart,
Lynda Prince, McGee Maddox and Helene Clarkson. Barry Hughson and Karen Kain. Ivan Fecan and Sandra Faire. Photos by Gary Beechy, Ryan Chan and
Kayla Rocca.
MAD HOT BALLET: Lost in Venice
Presenting Sponsor
Individual Giving
The National Ballet of Canada thanks the following donors and sponsors for their generosity and commitment
in the interest of great dance. These gifts from Patrons, Friends and Turnout members support the outstanding
artists, performances and activities of the National Ballet. (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015)
Leadership Tables
The Thor E. and Nicole Eaton Family
Charitable Foundation
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan/Lynda &
Jonas Prince
Joan & Jerry Lozinski
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain, C.C.
Rogers Communications
The Room
The Woodbridge Company Limited
Lost in Venice Tables
Salah Bachir & Jacob Yerex/
Kate Alexander Daniels & David Daniels
John & Claudine Bailey
Susanne Boyce & Brendan Mullen/
Noreen Taylor & David Staines
Rosamond Ivey & John Macfarlane
The Jackman Family
Steven & Lynda Latner
Judith & Robert Lawrie/
Sherri & Philip Lieberman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Debbi Sobey
Frank Toskan & Darren Zakreski
Xiao Nan Yu and Friends
Assurant Solutions
Barclays Capital Canada Inc.
Barrick Gold Corporation
Bartlett & Associates Ltd.
BloombergSen Investment Partners
BMO Financial Group
Burgundy Asset Management Ltd.
Diamante Development Corporation
Impact Kitchen
M·A·C Cosmetics
Morgan Meighen & Associates
National Bank
Sage Investments Limited
TD Bank Group
Torys LLP
UBS Securities LLC
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited,
Brokerage, Valet Sponsor
Marlene & Elvio DelZotto, Performance
Segment Sponsor
Den Bosch + Finchley, Performance
Segment Sponsor
Giambattista Valli, Reception Sponosor
Eileen Farrow, Performance Segment
Sarah & David Macdonald, Performance
Segment Sponsor
Linda & Kevin O’Leary, Performance
Segment Sponsor
VIP Tickets
Alex Bouzari
John Carter
Indra & Rags Davloor
Carlo De Angelis &
Brenda Stinson
Nick Del Sorbo
Melanie Dowhaniuk
Heather & Michael Faralla
Darren Farwell
Robert & Julia Foster
Daniel J. Greenglass &
Joe Brennan
Taanta Gupta
Mary & Arthur Heinmaa
Krista Kerr
Eunice Lumsden & Peter Luit
Geneviève McKillop &
Chris Bennett
Jimmy Molloy &
Bernadette Morra
Linda O’Leary
Roland & Dorothy Pfeiffer
Rolex Canada Ltd.
Rose Room Recording and
Sousie & Galen D. Weston
Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto
Carl & Jennifer Spiess
Stan Design Inc.
Toronto Pearson
Roxane Tota
Jon & Olga Voigt
Lindy Barrow
Judith & Marshall Cohen
Judi Conacher
Jeanie Davis
Sarah & David Macdonald
Julie Medland
Gretchen Ross &
Donald Ross, O.C
Sage Investments
Go Sato
George R. Sutherland
Róisín & Atul Tiwari
Lenore Walters
John H. Williams
Campari Canada
Chair-man Mills
Eska Water
Evoke Designs
Four Seasons Centre for the
Performing Arts
Gatsby Valet
The Globe and Mail
M·A·C Cosmetics
Noble Estates
North 44 Catering
Pusateri’s Fine Catering
Regency Printing
Steam Whistle Brewing
Special Thanks
Album Studio & Equipment
Aleksandar Antonijevic
Arrow Graphics
Bottega Veneta
Bustle Clothing
The Butler Did It
Ryan Chan
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
FASHION Magazine
Melissa Gilbson
M·A·C Cosmetics
Lisa Mann
Evan McKie
Bernadette Morra
Mark Oliver
Photo Star
Sonia Rodriguez
Squish Candy
S1 Studios Toronto
Terrain Flowers
VIA Rail Canada
Director’s Circle
($25,000 & above)
Tony & Anne Arrell
John & Margaret Bahen
John & Claudine Bailey◊◊
David W. Binet◊
Ms. Susanne Boyce & Dr. Brendan Mullen
Anne Marie Canning◊
Judi & Lionel Conacher◊◊
Elizabeth A. and Richard J. Currie, O.C.◊◊
Jeanie A. Davis◊◊
Mr. JJ Dayot & Mr. Rick Schiralli
Mr. Stephen Delaney &
Ms. Robyn McCallum
George & Kathy Dembroski◊◊
Ms. Laura Dinner & Mr. Richard Rooney
Sherry Taylor Drew◊◊
Gail Drummond & Bob Dorrance◊
Mr. Thor Eaton & The Honourable Nicole
Eaton, Senator◊◊
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan◊
Kevin Garland & Roger Garland◊◊
Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin◊
Mary & Graham Hallward
Nona Heaslip◊◊
Mrs. Renata M. Humphries◊◊
Richard M. Ivey, C.C.◊◊
Rosamond Ivey◊◊
Anna McCowan-Johnson &
Donald K. Johnson, O.C.◊◊
Lucille Joseph & Urban Joseph, O.C.◊
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation◊◊
Mrs. Judy Korthals & Mr. Peter Irwin◊◊
Judith & Robert Lawrie◊◊
Mr. John B. Lawson, Q.C.◊
Mona & Harvey Levenstein◊◊
Joan & Jerry Lozinski◊◊
Sarah & David Macdonald◊◊
Judy & Bella Matthews
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain, C.C.◊◊
Ned & Georgina McLennan◊◊
Julie & Ted Medland◊◊
Donna Meyers & Doug Richmond
Nancy Pencer◊◊
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.◊◊
Mrs. Lynda Prince◊◊
Robbie Pryde
Aaron & Heather Regent◊
Robin & Ross Robinson◊◊
Gretchen Ross & Donald Ross, O.C.◊◊
Sandra L. Simpson◊
Ada Slaight◊◊
Mr. George R. Sutherland
Heather Thomson &
Richard Thomson, O.C.◊◊
Diana St. B. Weatherall◊◊
Lucy White*◊
Six Anonymous Donors
Artistic Circle
($15,000 – $24,999)
Mr. & Mrs. David & Kim Beatty◊◊
Nani & Austin Beutel◊◊
Dr. Ann E. Camps◊◊
Rags & Indra Davloor
George A. Fierheller◊◊
Lynda Hamilton◊
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Herridge◊◊
Anne & David LeGresley◊
Ms. Vanessa L. Morgan & Mr. Steven Wolf◊
Victor & Bernice Royce
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Sullivan◊
Cornell Wright & Sarah McEvoy
One Anonymous Donor
($10,000 – $14,999)
Elaine J. Adair◊◊
Gregory & Irene Aziz◊
Mrs. Fiona Berry
Robert Brews & Kenneth Brown
Mrs. Earlaine Collins◊
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Creed◊
Margaret & David Fountain◊◊
Mr. and Mrs. John Grant◊
Mr. & Mrs. G.R. Heffernan◊◊
Richard & Martha Hogarth◊◊
Gail Hutchison◊◊
Victoria Jackman◊
Ms. Krista Kerr◊
Eunice Lumsden & Peter Luit◊
Ms. Geneviève McKillop & Chris Bennett◊
Peter & Melanie Munk◊
Ms. Linda O'Leary◊
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Royer and Family
Tony Scott-Fisher◊◊
Stephanie Stavro
Mr. Eric Tripp & Ms. Maria Smith
Sarah White
Judith R. Wilder◊
Ms. Beth Wilson
Artists of the Ballet in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
($5,000 – $9,999)
Alison Arbuckle Fisher◊◊
Mona Bandeen, C.M.◊◊
Karen & Bill Barnett◊◊
Judith & Marshall Cohen◊◊
Mr. John Coke & Ms. Cathy Cranston◊
Jane Darville & Dr. Skip Bassford
Adelle and Paul Deacon Nanton Fund at
the Toronto Foundation◊◊
Julie Di Lorenzo
Maureen & James Dunn◊
Graham Fell
Dr. & Mrs. Voldemars Gulens◊◊
Ms. Taanta Gupta◊
Hon. & Mrs. Paul T. Hellyer◊◊
Joan F. Ivory, C.M.◊◊
Jennifer Kaplan
Margaret Kawaja◊◊
Dr. Gurney M. Kranz◊◊
Arthur Labatt, O.C. & Sonia Labatt◊◊
Rahim Ladha*
Paul A. Lee, Q.C. & Jill Maynard◊◊
Philip & Sherri Lieberman
Mr. & Mrs. A. Maggiacomo◊◊
Vincent Mercier & Kirsten Halpin
Nancy Miller & Glen Ireland
L.J. Nagel & Stan Solomon
Ms. Marianne Oundjian
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Pannell
Mr. D. Ross Peebles & Ms. Judith Cole◊◊
Frances & Tim Price◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Reininger◊
Esther Sarick◊
Dr. Hugh Siddall
Mr. Ken Snider & Dr. Deborah Leibow◊
Mr. Geoffrey Wayne Squibb◊◊
Dennis & Denny Starritt◊◊
Mr. Charles Strachan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark & Kim Surchin◊
Michele Leighton Symons
Dr. Jake & Dr. Ruth Tedaldi
Catherine Thiessen◊
Mrs. Nicola Tory◊
Lenore Walters◊◊
Miss E. Joan Williams
Mr. John H. Williams◊◊
Ms. Helen Ziegler◊
Two Anonymous Donors
Major Patron
($3,000 – $4,999)
Ms. Yeti Agnew & Mr. Christopher Birt◊◊
Mark & Gail Appel◊◊
Ms. Yveline Audemars &
Mr. Humberto Rivero◊
James Austin & Hans Eppenberger◊
Gillian & Ken Bartlett◊◊
Florence Sharpe Barwell◊◊
Professor Marion G. Bassett◊◊
Dr. Thomas H. Beechy◊◊
Ms. Josée Bouchard & Mr. Paul Belanger◊
Walter M. & Lisa Balfour Bowen◊◊
Mr. Jonathan Briggs
Mr. David Broadhurst◊
Sheila Brown & Doug Guzman
Ms. Martha Burns◊
Jane Campbell & John McLeish
Margaret & John Casey◊◊
Dr. John H.C. Chiu, in memory of
Yvonne Chiu, C.M.◊◊
Guillaume Côté* & Heather Ogden*
Mary & John Crocker◊
Missy & Allan Crosbie◊
Ms. Marilyn Crowley
John E. Davies◊
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis◊
Mr. Allan Dines◊
Judy Dunn
Mrs. Anne W. Dupre &
Mr. Fredrick J. Marker
M.G. Eaton & David S. Kertland◊◊
Ms. Sharon J. Evans◊
Mr. Joseph Fantl & Ms. Moira Bartram◊
Anna-Liisa & Graham Farquharson◊
Mrs. Isabel & Mr. Wayne Fox◊
Ken & Linda Foxcroft◊◊
Judith Gelber◊
Maxine Goldberg◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Mary Gore
Carol Gray◊◊
Mrs. Lorna Greenbaum◊◊
Ralph & Roz Halbert◊◊
Pat & Bill Harris◊◊
Ann Hogarth◊◊
Mr. C.R. Hunter◊◊
Mr. Frank & Dr. Margaret Ionson◊◊
Jaye Jenkins◊
Patrick & Barbara Keenan Foundation◊◊
Joy Levine◊
Patricia Linders
Mr. Anthony Lisanti
Donald & Lorraine Loeb◊
Douglas L. Ludwig & Karen J. Rice◊
Mrs. Kari MacKay
Judy Manji◊
Sue & Biff Matthews◊◊
Ms. Dianne Maziarz
Patti McFarlane◊◊
Mr. Ryan McNally
Clive & Fran Minto◊◊
Anne and Charles Morison◊
Ms. Bernadette Morra
Mr. Noel Mowat
Mr. David Murray
Dr. Bo Y. Ngan◊◊
Michael & Nina Overbury◊◊
Mr. Douglas L. Parker◊◊
Mr. Raymond Pladsen
Mrs. Rosemary Rathgeb◊
Mrs. Shirley Reid
Diana Reitberger*◊
Mrs. Jennifer Revelle
Ms. Stephanie Roberts &
Mr. Kevin Hamilton
William & Lesley Rogan◊
Mr. Gary Rogers◊◊
John & Susan Rose
Judith & Jack Rose
Maxwell L. Rotstein &
Nancy-Gay Rotstein◊◊
Robert Rubinoff◊
Mr. Go Sato◊◊
Paul J. Savard◊◊
Barbara & William Shaw
Mr. Lawrence Schafer
Ms. Diane Schmidt◊
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott
Malcolm & Katrine Siverns
Stephen & Jane Smith◊◊
Dr. Myra Sourkes◊
Ms. Karen Sparks◊◊
Mrs. Doreen L. Stanton◊◊
Brenda Stinson & Carlo De Angelis
Dr. Robert Summers-Gill◊◊
John Theo◊◊
Gillian Thomas & Michael Easterbrook◊
Mrs. Elizabeth Tory◊◊
Ed & Sylvia Vanhaverbeke◊
Ms. Ruth Watts-Gransden◊◊
Mr. Brian B. Wilks◊◊
Nan & Jack Wiseman◊◊
Mrs. Timothy Wright◊
Ms. Vivien M. Wu◊
One Anonymous Donor
($2,000 – $2,999)
Ms. Karin Apold
Jordan Applebaum & Andrea Burridge◊
Dr. Talitha Arndt & Mr. Ed Esposto◊◊
Lynly & Trevor Bailie◊◊
Richard Baird◊◊
Hugh & Colleen Balders◊
Ms. Katherine Barber◊◊
Winifred Barclay◊◊
Justin Barr
Inger Bartlett & Marshal Stearns◊
Dr. Ewa Bernadska & Dr. Neil Gordon
Mr. John R. Birkett◊◊
Gayle Boxer Duncanson
Paul & Ann Brehl
Mr. Eric Bresler & Ms. Juidth Klarman
Julia & David Briskin*
Margaret Brock◊◊
Della H. Campbell◊◊
Denise Cargill
Colleen Carmichael◊
Mr. John Carter
Diana Chant & Bill Mitchell◊◊
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Cheskes
Peng Chiang◊◊
Ms. Linda Chu & Mr. John Donald◊
John Church
Mr. Philip A. Clappison◊◊
Helene Clarkson
Mr. Hugh M. Clarkson◊◊
Christine Connelly & Michael Heiber
Mrs. Louise Cornblum◊
Pauline Couture & Ian Morrison◊
Dr. Pamela Craigie & Dr. Verne Glavin
Mr. Chris Cummings
Mr. Philip Cummings
Carole Curtis◊◊
Jack Darville
Professor K.G. Davey◊◊
Mary-Kathleen Delicaet & John Young
Amanda Demers & Brian Collins◊
Trina DeSa◊
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Diamond
Wilf & Brenda Dinnick◊◊
Mrs. Susan Dore
Ms. Lee Anne Downey
Ms. Melanie Edwards & Mr. John Brown
Bronwen Evans
Heather & Michael Faralla
Joan Farano◊◊
Individual Giving—Patron continued
Catherine Fauquier◊
Ms. Cecil Fennell◊
Ms. Catriona Ferguson
Rupert Field-Marsham &
Lindsay Dale-Harris◊
Ms. & Mr. Frances & Ronald Filegan◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. John Flemer◊
Robert & Julia Foster◊
Mr. Lorne Fox & Mr. Ken Marple◊◊
Dr. George & Mrs. Olga Gale◊
Mr. Blaise Gaetz◊
André J. Galipeault, C.M. &
Suzanne Galipeault◊◊
Mrs. Hilda Gan
Mr. Peter Garstang◊◊
Ms Susan Garvie◊
Bronwen Gates◊◊
Heather V. Gibson
Mark & Louise Golding◊
Ms. Deanna Gontard
Judy & David Goodings◊◊
Mr. Donald D. Grant◊◊
Ms. Susan Greenbloom
Sara Griffiths◊
Alayne & Malcolm Hamilton◊◊
Ms. Naomi Harris◊◊
Ronald M. Haynes◊◊
Ms. Susan Hayward Payne◊
Mr. Jason Heayn & Ms. Andrea Venneri
Catherine & Clarke Herring
Avril Higgins & Robert Page◊◊
Mr. Brian Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgkinson
Mr. Philip and Dr. Claire Holloway◊
Mr. Richard Howes
Mr. Fred Hurlbut & Ms. Catherine Barlow
Dr. Melvyn Iscove◊◊
Jarvis & Associates◊◊
Mrs. Amala Jayatilleke
Ms. Gail Julie◊
Mrs. Lorraine Kaake
Ms. Miriam Kagan
Karen Kain*, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt., O.Ont. &
Ross Petty◊◊
Mr. Saleem Kassum◊
Prof. & Mrs. James King◊
Margaret D. King◊
Dr. A. Kong & J. Wilkie◊◊
Ms. Catherine Lace
Kathryn E. Langley Hope
Linda K. Lee
Dr. Calvin Lei◊
Mr. Andrew Lengyel◊
Dr. Vance Logan◊
Mr. Allain Lupien
Dr. Brenda Martin
Ms. Liza Mauer & Mr. Andrew Sheiner
Janice May◊◊
Ken McCarter & Dianna Symonds◊
Marcia McClung
Ms Jennifer K McDonald
Ms. I. McDorman◊◊
Jim & Sylvia McGovern◊
Mrs. June McLean◊◊
Hélène & Ray McLenaghan◊◊
Ms. Margaret C. McNee◊
Mr. Timothy McNicholas
Ms. Sylvia M. McPhee◊◊
Elaine Kierans & Shawn McReynolds
Mr. Anthony Meade
Susan Melton◊◊
Gary L. Miles International Consulting
Mr. and Mrs. Benoit Mulsant
Ms. Eileen Newell◊
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Pankratz◊◊
Rene Pantalone◊◊
Graham & Janet Parkinson◊
Dr. Michael Partridge &
Dr. Sudha Rajagopal◊
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Paterson◊◊
Sarah and G. Scott Paterson
Mr. Robin B. Pitcher◊◊
Mrs. Wanda Plachta◊
Mrs. Claudine Pope
Mr. Benjamin Prinsen◊
Dr. Linda Rabeneck &
Dr. Catherine Campbell◊
Mr. Robert Raizenne
Dr. & Mrs. G.R. Rastegar
Ms. Jessica Ray
Dr. Penelope Reed Doob◊◊
Juta Reed
Ms. Barbara Reid
Mr. Justice Sydney Robins &
Mrs. Robins◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Robitaille
Mr. Peter Ronn
Andrea Rosen & Stephen MacDonald◊
Mr. & Mrs. Rainer & Sharyn Rothfuss◊◊
Mr. Geoffrey Rytell◊◊
Ms. Elodie Sandford
Mr. Alan Schwartz
Dr. Hugh Scully &
Vanessa Harwood, O.C.◊◊
Mr. Greg Sharp
Mrs. Joan D. Shaw◊◊
Mr. John B. Simcoe
Mrs. Joan Sohn◊◊
Marion Soloway◊
Ms. Anna Stahmer-Jarmain &
Mr. W. Edwin Jarmain◊
Ms. Astrid Stec
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Stern◊
Karyn Tessmer & Dr. George Konn◊
Cynthia & Craig Thorburn
Bonita & Walter Thornton
Maureen & Philip Tingley◊◊
Ann-Marie Toccacelli◊◊
Mr. Jeffrey Verman & Ms. Sandra Vettese
Ms. Marje Virro
Jon & Olga Voigt
Mr. Peter Webb◊◊
Judy & Graham Weeks◊◊
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Wheler◊◊
Dr. Margaret White & Patrick Foody
Mr. Greg Wiebe
Ms. Barbara Williams◊◊
Gregory Williams & Warren Sorensen◊◊
Shelagh and David Wilson Fund at the
Toronto Foundation◊◊
Durhane Wong-Rieger◊
Maria T. Zakos◊
Ms. Denise Zarn & Mr. James Shenkman◊◊
Mrs. Maria-Luisa Zoppas◊◊
Veronica Zufelt◊◊
10 Anonymous Donors
Grand Jeté
($1,250 – $1,999)
Tim Badgley◊
Cathy Barber
Mrs. Lori Bianchini
Ms. Janet Bulger
Leslie Buskard◊
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Buttle
Miss Linda Campbell◊◊
Ms. M.C. Clancy◊
Ms. Yvette & Mr. Mike DeBiasi◊
Mrs. M. J. Dundas & Mr.
John Petrosoniak◊◊
Mrs. Lois J. Field◊◊
Ms. Tamara Glied
Katherine Halpenny* & Sean Smith
Mr. Peter Heisey◊
Mr. Istvan Hlinyanszky
Ms. Susan Keen◊
Katerina Kuprijanov
Ms. Linda Kurdydyk◊
Mr. Richard LaPrairie
James Lindala Family Foundation at the
Toronto Foundation
Ms. Diana Massiah◊
Dr. Charles Minett & Mrs. Nina Minett
Ms. Delia M. Moog◊◊
Neil & Prue Morrison
Margaret Nicholson
Dr. Steven Nitzkin
Kathleen & Chris Renner
Ms. Jennifer Rook
Elaine M. Roper◊
Gerard Roxburgh* & Susie Burpee
William & Meredith Saunderson◊◊
Harold Sclodnick & Lynda Gilroy
Mrs. and Mr. E.J. Shatilla◊◊
Mrs. Heather Sheehan◊◊
Mrs. Stanislawa Skrok◊
Mr. Timothy Spain
Carol Swallow
Muriel Tait
Mr. Alex Tosheff
Deborah Wulffhart
Four Anonymous Donors
($850 – $1,249)
Mrs. June Abel◊◊
Ms. Joan Addison
Miss Margaret Agar◊◊
Isobel Allen◊◊
Robert & Mary Pat Armstrong◊◊
Dr. and Mrs. Ian Blumer◊◊
Sera Bryce
Harold Chmara & Danny Hoy◊◊
CI Investments
Hilda Clark◊◊
Mr. Stephen R. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Coleman
Sheila Croft
Thérèse Culnan
Maija Dale◊
Ms. Anne Davidson
Individual Giving—Brisé continued
Ms. E.L. Ellins◊◊
Mr. Larry Enkin◊
Mr. J.H. Galloway◊◊
Elinor Gill Ratclifee C.M., O.N.L., LLD (hc)
Frances Greenwood
Mr. T.M. Hall◊◊
Mrs. Sylvie Hatch
Mr. Ronald Holgerson
Mr. Lee Horigan
Ms. Alanna & Wade Jack
Ms. Pennie R. Jevnikar◊◊
Mrs. Frances E. Johnson◊◊
Dr. Caroline Newman & Mitchell Kamiel◊
Mr. Carl Knipfel
Katerina Kuprijanov
Janet Lamb◊
Ms. Mary Susanne Lamont
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. MacLellan
Anne S. McLeod◊◊
Mrs. Ingrid Mida
Miss Joan C. Pape◊◊
Mr. Alan Pearson◊
The Perston Family◊
Mr. H R Martin Phills
Mr. Brayton Polka
Ms. Nancy Posluns◊
Powis Family Foundation
Janet Redhead
Mr. Eddy Reitberger
Ms. Maggie Robertson
Mr. Juan M Rodriguez
Mari & Jim Rutka◊◊
Sandra Rye◊
Mr. Guerino Sanvido
Mrs. Mary E. Sarjeant◊◊
Ms. Ibolya Smith◊
Ms. Solway and Mr. Moore◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Sullivan
Tony and Caley Taylor Family Fund at
the Toronto Foundation
Ms. Elizabeth Terry◊
Ms. Wendy Trainor
Ms. Ruth Vernon
Jingjie Wang
Lyn M. Westwood◊◊
Ms. Michele Wiederkehr◊
Karen Wierucki◊
Mr. Luke Windisch
Hastings & Irene Withers
Ms. Ethel M. Woods◊◊
Kevin Coombs &
Teri Worthington Coombs◊
Carole & Bernie Zucker
Four Anonymous Donors
($500 – $849)
Mrs. Jo-Ann Ackery
Scott and Sonja Addison
Ms. Phyllis Agg
Vanessa Alexander
Dr. Vina Alexopoulou
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anastasiades◊
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick and Janet Appleton
S.E. Arliss
Ms. Karen & Ms. Donna Atkin◊◊
Ms. Margaret Atwood
Lisa Bajor
Mrs. Margot A. Baker
Peter & Marilyn Balan
Mr. & Mrs. John Balmer◊
Mrs. Barbara Bank
Mrs. Ursula Bargenda◊◊
Michael Barkley & Gary Burrows◊
Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Barnsley◊◊
Ms. Deborah Barrett
Ms. Elaine A. Bartolini
John & Leanna Bayliss
Christopher & Christina Begy◊
N. Beilstein & A. Lee
Tsur Ben Haim
Mr. Nicholas Birch◊
Mr. Kim Birchard & Mrs. Carol Dorman◊◊
Ms. Katherine Bischoping◊◊
Melynda M Bitzos & Paul Mesbouris◊
Drs. Blackstock & Valntine
H.J. & Tina Blake
Mrs. A. Blom◊◊
Mr. John Bonnycastle
Susan M. Borden◊
Ms. S. Braithwaite◊◊
Dorothy Novotny Brandenburg
Ms. M.J. Breithaupt
Christopher Bredt & Jamie Cameron◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Allan and Freda Brender◊◊
Mrs. Johanna Brett
Teresa Briggs
Dr. Ian and Mrs. Brindle
Mr. Tristan Brookes
Mr. Charles Brown◊◊
Ms. Shirley Brown◊
Mr. Ian Burns
Mr. W.C. Buttimer◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Eleanor Carpen◊◊
Dr. Alfred L. Chan
Ms. Hsing-Yi Chang
Ms. Alice Charach
Linda Charbonneau
Mr. Juan Chica
Siobhan Hyland & Ivan Chittenden
Mr. and Ms. Donald Chu◊◊
Mr. Douglas Clemence
AJ Cohen Family
Zane and Joan Cohen◊◊
Ms. Nancy Conn
Mr. John E. Connolley◊
Mrs. Sydne Conover-Taggart
Ms. Jill Cooter◊◊
Mrs. Anne Corbett
Mrs. Carole Cordner
Richard Cornwall & Janice Cornwall
Joanne Coutts◊
Denton Creighton & Kristine Vikmanis
Ms. Joanne Crookshank◊
Mr. Hugh Crosthwait
Robert Crouch◊
Mr. & Ms. David Currie◊◊
Elaine & Michael Davies
Ms. Anne Day◊
Ms. Linda G. Day◊
Mr. Antonio de Lozada
Mrs. Saira Deen-Zammit◊
Mr. Sergei Dmitrevsky◊◊
Mr. Colin R.C. Dobel◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Dobell◊◊
Rob Dolan
Mrs. Lilliana Dominguez
Mr. Steven D. Donohue◊◊
Mrs. Louise Eason^
Mrs. Judith Edmondson◊◊
Ms. Leilah Edroos
Ms. Kim Edwards
Mr. Michael Elliott
Nancy Embry◊◊
Susan English
Mr. Hugh Evans◊
Joan A. Farlinger◊◊
Mrs. Laura Farquhar◊◊
Darcy & Sheila Farrell◊
Mr. Kevin Farrell
Mrs. Maureen Farrow
Ms. Trish Fedora
Helena & David Fine
Mr. Trent Flack
Phyllis and Ab Flatt
Alice Fox◊◊
Ms. D.J. Fraser◊
Mr. Robert Fraser
Ms. Nancy Fung
Mr. Douglas G. Gardner
Ms. Kristina Getz
Ms. Patricia Gilbert◊
Mrs. Justine Giuliani
The Gliddon Family
Ms. Wendy Glover
Andrew and Aviva Goldenberg◊
Mrs. C. Warren Goldring◊◊
Mr. Richard Goodman◊
Dr. and Mrs. R.M. Gorcynski◊
Mr. Laurent Goulet◊
Dr. Noelle Grace
Dr. Tara Graham
Ms. Rosemary Grant
Ms. Sandra L. Green &
Ms. Mary Stephenson◊
Ms. Eleanor Greer
Mr. Charles Greiner
Colin Gruchy◊◊
Ms. Carolyn Haddock
Mr. Michael Hafeman◊◊
Mrs. and Mr. Mary Hall
Elisabeth Handler◊
Mr. Jack Harris◊
Mrs. Joan E. Hart◊
Ms. Sherry Hatton
Mr. & Mrs. William Heaslip◊◊
Ms. Karen Heese◊
Ms. Helen Ziegler
Mrs. Betty J. Hellwig◊◊
Mr. Peter Hendrick
Ms. Nancy J. Hennigar
D. G. Henrikson◊
Ms. Martha Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Heyland◊◊
Neil and Carol Hicks
Ms. Susan Hill◊
Mel Hogg
Ms. Margaret Holton
Christopher Hopgood◊
The Horn Section of the National Ballet
Mrs. Jillian Horne
Richard & Susan Horner◊◊
Connie Hosier
Sherry Houser◊
Ms. Elizabeth Howson◊
Ling Hu & Dr. Virgil Huang
Mr. Donald Hughes
Ms. Jill Humphries◊◊
Mrs. Fiona Hurwitz-Cohen
Andrew Iacobucci & Kristin Andersons
Denise Ireland◊
Dr. Eric Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Jackson
Ms. Tracey Jardine
Mr. Greg Johns
Mrs. Elspeth Johnson
Dr. David Johnston
Elizabeth Johnston◊
Dr. and Mrs. Ian Johnston
Dr. Niki Kanaroglou
Ms. Marilyn Kay Richards◊◊
Mrs. Jessie Kazi
Sheryl Kennedy & Bill Fleury
P. Kertland◊◊
Joyce King◊
Mr. Aubrey A. Kissoon & Family◊
Olga Kopti◊◊
Catherine Kourkounakis
Lindsay & Bud Kronenberg◊◊
John and Ann Lang◊
Mrs. Carolyn Lawson
Gail & David Lea
Donna Leavens and Evelyn Beachli
Clare & Susan Lewis
Mr. Eric Lipka◊
Dr. Amy Low
Hubert Lum & Eve Leyerle
The Queens Shoppe
Ms. Sharon Lymer◊◊
Ms. Flora Macdonald◊◊
Ms. Nancy MacDonald◊
Mr. John MacIver◊
Pamela & William MacKenzie◊◊
Mrs. M. Joan Mackie
Ms. Bosko Madic◊
Ms. Susan Magee
Connie & Peter Mak◊◊
Deirdre Malone
Miss Laurie Markus◊◊
Marcia S. Martin
Mr. Tony Matthews
Fred Mattocks
Ms. Barbara McCreath
Mrs. Marcia McNabb
Robin Melnick◊
Mr. Ulrich Menzefricke◊◊
Marion Meyers, Caitlin &
Nicolette Henderson◊
Anne & Brian Miatello
Ms. Annabel S. Mills
Colin & Meta Mills◊◊
Lynne & Paul Milnes◊
Mr. Frank Mongillo
Miss Christina Moorshead
John & Christine Moran
Leslie J. Moran
Ms. Heather Mundell
Mr. & Mrs. John Nagel
Mr. & Mrs. James & Lynn Neufeld◊◊
Ms. Carol Newall◊◊
Mrs. Margaret Nightingale
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Northwood
Ms. Judith O'Callaghan
Dr. Jean O'Grady◊
Ms. Lia Overs◊
Alfred Page & Ann Donaldson-Page
Shirley Page◊◊
Mrs. Anna Pataky
Ms. Lesley Paterson◊
Ms. Elizabeth Patterson◊◊
Dr. Roger Pearce
Nicola and Alexandra Perpick
Mrs. Margaret Perschy◊◊
Dorothy and Roland Pfeiffer
Elyssa Phillips
Nina & Terry Picton◊◊
Mr. and Mrs. John Pildner
Ms. Lois Pineau
Mrs. Nancy Pollack
Stephanie Porter
Ms. Jane Pound◊
Mr. Harold Povilaitis◊◊
Dr. Sydney Price-Sparling
Ms. Mary Purbhoo
Mr. David Purcell
Mr. Chris Purdye
Mrs. Patricia Quigley
Alexa & Jane Rakochevich
Dr. Oswaldo and Belen Ramirez
Miss Cecille Ratney
Malcolm & Pam Rawlingson
The Redwood
Ms. Tanya Rehaluk
Evan and Hazel Roberts
Meghan Robertson
Mrs. Elizabeth Ross◊◊
Heather Joy Ross
Mrs. Leeann Russell
Dr. Michael Sayer
Ms. Marlies Schlichting
Ms. Sylvia Schmid
Ms. Ruth Scolnik◊◊
Mrs. June Scott◊◊
Vincenza Sera
The Serbinis Family
Shreya Shah
Mrs. Marjorie Sheridan
Ms. Dorothy Shoichet◊
Mrs. Christine Simpson◊
Kathleen Skerrett
Donald A. Smith◊◊
R. Smith◊◊
Ms. Louise Smith
Piotr Stanczyk and Rebekah Rimsay in The Man in Black. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Myrna Stait-Gardner◊
Mr. Kenneth Stephen◊◊
Cheryl E. Stephenson◊◊
Mr. David Stephenson
Mr. and Ms. Alan Stewart
Mr. Anthony Stewart
Mr. Hamish Stewart◊
Penelope Stewart & Carol Stewart
Ms. Sharon Stibbard
Dr. Doris Sutherland
Mrs. Judy Tanenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Tanzer
Ms. Agatha Tawaststjerna
Ms. Diane Taylor◊
Mrs. Joan Taylor◊◊
Mrs. Helen Tazzman
Doretta Thompson & Caroline Law
Ms. Catherine Thomson◊
Dr. Lynne Thurling◊
Ms. Jennifer Tory
Mrs. H. Tregenza◊
Wai-Yee Tsai
Barbara & Marlow Tucker
Ms. Nadya Tymochenko
Mr. Berton Ung
Paul & Alison Uys◊
Miss Patsie Vallon
Mr. Robert Vanderloo
Gail Vanstone
Lisa & Keith Verity◊
Mrs. Gillian Von Teichman◊◊
The Very Reverend Peter Wall &
Anne Harvey^
Mr. Gordon Warme◊◊
Roger and Ulli Watkiss◊
Ms. Barbara Weider
Mr. Jacques Wensvoort
Lynda Wilson
MJ and Rosemary Wood
Barbara & Martin Worndl◊
Mr. William Wray
Mr. Mitchell Wywiorski
Ms. Judy Yamamoto◊
Mr. Alan Young
Mrs. Karen Young
Dr. Paul & Debbie Zeni
Mrs. Sharon Zuckerman
Ms. Carolina Zuniga
Miriam & Bernard Zylberberg
19 Anonymous Donors
*Artist and Staff
◊ Donor for 10 years or more
◊◊ Donor for 20 years or more
The National Ballet of Canada thanks all
Fouetté, Pirouette and Plié level donors
for their generous support.
Young Professionals' Programme
Ms. Farhana Ahmed
Vanessa Antinucci
Ms. Alice Barnett
Catherine Barry
Marie-Pierre Bélanger
Laura Blenkinsop
Mr. Michael Bushara
Mr. Aaron Campbell
Trina DeSa
Ms. Stephanie DiGiuseppe
Ms. Victoria Diplacido
Flora Do
Ms. Melania Dowhaniuk
Ms. Pamela Draper
Ms. Michelle Eaton
Mr. Gabriel Fain
Allison Freeman
Mr. Geoffrey Fulton
Mr. Brian Gan
Ms. Heather Gillesby
Miss Jia Gu
Mr. Michael Hochberg
Mr. Justin Ingraldi
Jessica Kelly Design
Marie-Christine Joly
Dr. Hannah Kashyap
Mezan Khaja
Hannah Kohn
Linda K. Lee
Ms. Julia MacPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Marcus
Miss Natalie Mazzaferro
Ms. Karin McCaig
Ms. Jaime McConomy
Ms. Roz McLean
Mr. Bryan McLeese
Kristina Milbourn
Ms. Kyla Morgan
Marisa Ortega
Mr. Marc-Olivier Page
Golbou Rad, Rad Design Inc.
Miss Emma Richan
Mr. Andrew Talpash
Mr. Jon Voigt
Leah Wright
Scott Wu
Ms. Michelle Yeap
Mr. Chris Zownir
Turnout Corporate Members
Torys LLP
In Memoriam
Brian Ronald Macdonald
Brian Macdonald passed away peacefully at his home on November 29, 2014 surrounded
by family. An award-winning director and choreographer for stage, television, musical
theatre, opera and ballet, Mr. Macdonald was among the first recipients of the Order of
Canada (1967). He was elevated to Companion in 2002, received the Governor General's
Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement in 2008 and the Queen Elizabeth
II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012.
Many of Mr. Macdonald’s considerable achievements are specific to dance. In 1951, he
became a Charter Member of The National Ballet of Canada and he went on to serve as
Resident Choreographer for the Royal Winnipeg Ballet through the 1950s and 1960s. Rose
Latulippe, which he created for Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet in 1966, was the first truly
Canadian full-length ballet and the first to be telecast in colour.
Mr. Macdonald was closely associated with dance at The Banff Centre in Alberta for more
than 45 years as a choreographer, teacher and mentor, and ultimately as director. His
book, Dancing in Thin Air: Looking Back on Sixty Years of Dance at The Banff Centre was
published in 2007.
The world of Canadian arts and culture benefited greatly from Mr. Macdonald’s creativity
and dedication.
Grant Strate
Grant Strate, one of Canada’s most accomplished dance artists and a Charter Member
of The National Ballet of Canada, passed away in his home on February 9, 2015 in
Vancouver. He was 87. Mr. Strate danced with the National Ballet from 1951 to 1962 and
was the company’s first Resident Choreographer from 1964 to 1970. During his tenure, he
choreographed more than a dozen ballets, including The Fisherman and His Soul, House
of Atreus and Triptych.
In 1970, Mr. Strate created Canada's first university dance programme at York University
in Toronto and in 1980 he joined Simon Fraser University in Burnaby B.C. as Director for
the Centre for the Arts. Following his retirement, Mr. Strate continued to be active as a
teacher and choreographer and in 2002 he published Grant Strate: A Memoir. He was a
recipient of the Order of Canada and was awarded the Governor General’s Performing
Arts Award for Lifetime Achievement.
Neil Fennell
Long-time Property Master, Neil Fennell worked with the company at both the
Hummingbird Centre and Four Seasons Centre, and was an integral part of the National
Ballet support team in every way. Artistic Director Karen Kain said, “Neil was the one who
celebrated the early tours with us to New York, told us to breathe in the wings and always
showed enormous goodwill toward all the dancers behind the scenes.”
Mr. Fennell retired from the National Ballet in 2012 after an extraordinary 49 years with the
Svetlana Lunkina and Evan McKie in The Nutcracker. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Artistic Director
Karen Kain, C.C.
Artistic Administrator
Gerard Roxburgh
Rex Harrington, O.C.
Principal Artistic Coach
Magdalena Popa
Senior Manager of Telesales
James Pereira
Archives Manager
Caitlin Dyer
Piano Concerto #1
Felipe Diaz
Consulting Chiropractor
Dr. Cameron Borody
Manager, Human Resources
Kathleen Matatya
The Sleeping Beauty
Laurent Hilaire*
Consulting Foot Specialist/
Dr. Nicholas Durand, D.Pod.M.
Chief of Staff/
Executive Assistant to
the Executive Director
Stephen Word
*Made possible by
a generous donation
from The Frank Gerstein
Charitable Foundation
Consulting Opthamologist
Dr. Michael Easterbrook
The National Ballet of Canada is grateful
to Sports Medicine Specialists (150
Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto); the
University Health Network, Department
of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine;
and the
Senior Ballet Master
Peter Ottmann
Guest Teachers and Coaches
Aleksandar Antonijevic
Mercedes Bernardez
Michel Faigaux
Robert Glumbek
Owen Montague
Matjash Mrozewski
Tatiana Tchernova
Senior Ballet Mistress
Mandy-Jayne Richardson
Dancer Wellness
Choreographic Associates
Robert Binet
Guillaume Côté
Director of Dancer Wellness
Marla Pichler
Company Sports Medicine
Dr. Michael Clarfield
Music Director and
Principal Conductor
David Briskin
Company Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr. Darrell Ogilvie-Harris
Principal Pianist
Janis Neilson
Company Physician
(Family & Sports Medicine)
Dr. Julia Hamilton
Edward Connell
Andrei Streliaev
Zhenya Yesmanovich
Artistic Director,
YOU dance/Ballet Master
Lindsay Fischer
Pointe Shoe Manager/
Assistant Ballet Mistress
Lorna Geddes
Personal Assistant to the
Artistic Director/
Administrative Manager
Pamela Steele
Company Management
Sarita Dotan
Scheduling Coordinator
Jones Henry
Sophie Letendre+
Guest Répétiteurs
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Jacquelin Barrett
Karl Burnett
Anthony Dowell
Patricia Ruanne
Performance Psychologist
Dr. Doug Misener
Company Athletic Therapist
Paul Papoutsakis
Company Physiotherapist
Ginette Hamel
Company Massage Therapists
Brian Bastedo
Vlodek Kluczynski
Ron Mulesa
Medcan Clinic (150 York Street, Toronto)
for their continued support of the Dancer
Health and Wellness Programme; and to
those physicians who have generously
donated their time to The National Ballet
of Canada.
Orchestra Personnel Manager
and Music Administrator
Raymond Tizzard
Lucie Parent
Executive Director
Barry Hughson
Board Secretary
Pamela Ouzounian
General Accountants
Sandra Gandola, CB
Daisy Lee
Demitrios Prevenas
Kate Kim
Li Ye, CPA, CGA+
Shu Zhang, CPA, CGA+
Marketing Operations Associate
Danielle McCann+
Madeline Wong
Application Support Analyst
Kruti Shah
Assistant Manager of Telesales
Alison Moss
Systems Administrator
Andrew Anderson
Publicity Coordinator
Christine Achampong
Facilities Manager
Stephen Chadwick
Web and Digital Media
Sean Leonard
Director of Communications
Julia Drake
Senior Associate Director
of Communications
Belinda Bale
Associate Director,
Audience and Donor Services
Veronica McLellan
Senior Manager,
Audience and Donor Services
Bethany Bleile
Director of Finance and
Barry Shour, CPA, CA
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Melissa Piercell
Director of Human Resources
Leigh Ann Layno
Carousel (A Dance)
Jacquelin Barrett
Jason Fowler
Urgent Care
Dr. Janice Weiss
Director of Technology
Christopher Sonnemann
Senior Manager, Interactive &
Marketing Operations
Stephen Cunningham
Symphony #9
Katita Waldo
Consulting Physician
Dr. Julia Alleyne
Payroll and Benefits Manager
Jenny Mah
Director, In Studio
Kate Kernaghan
Senior Manager,
Catherine Chang
Stage Manager
Ernie Abugov Retires
Assistant Publicity Coordinator
Nima Naik
Coordinators, Audience and
Donor Services
Karen Brown
Anne Meighan
Box Office Supervisor, Audience
and Donor Services
Patty Pederson
Audience and Donor Services
Terry Bursey
Marc Cormier
Denis Couillard
Michael Cursio
Allison Everett
Karla Kampars
Maddy Palmer
Heidi Reimer
Rafael Renderos
Paulina Saliba
Maggie Thistle
Devin Upham
Beth Wolfe
Amy Yu
Administrative Assistant,
William Bruce
Senior Development Manager,
John Hart
Senior Manager, Major Gifts
Joanna Ivey
Senior Manager,
Corporate Partnerships
Susan Rutledge
Manager, Development
Operations and Individual Giving
Leah Heidenheim
Assistant to Cutters
Susan Howse
Assistant Stage Manager
Tiffany Fraser
Assistant Wardrobe
Grant Heaps
Lighting Coordinator
Jeff Logue
Costume Rental Coordinator
Mary Hurley
Master Carpenter
John Alexander
Wig and Make-up Supervisor
Charles Seminerio
Head Electrician
Stephen O’Connor
Footwear Coordinator
Lacey Hammond Harrington+
Bianca Laudadio
Property Master
Michael Ellenton
Footwear Assistant
Rose Marie Thomas
Assistant Carpenter
Paul McNamara
Manager, Special Events
Rebecca Hodge
Assistant Carpenter/Flyman
Geoff Kay
Senior Officer, Friends’ Corps
Deanna Underwood
Assistant Electricians
Ron Gorveatt
Chris Brooks
Officer, Major Gifts
Marielle Bryck
Resident Cutters
Ruth Bartel
Christopher Read
YOU dance Stage Manager
Peter Sherk
Associate Director of
Development, Major Gifts
Kate Halpenny
Graphic Designer
Kyle Greenwood
Assistant to the
Wardrobe Supervisor
Kathleen Johnston
Stage Managers
Ernest Abugov
Jeff Morris
Director of Development
Diana Reitberger, CFRE
Senior Graphic Designer
Joanna Todd+
Wardrobe Coordinator
Barbara de Kat
Assistant to the
Production Director
Alex Naylor
Education and Outreach
Lisa Robinson
Assistant Manager, Audience
and Donor Services
Nicole Ascroft
Resident Pilates Teacher
Je-an Salas
Antoine Vereecken
Manager, Audience and
Donor Services
Susan Eissler
Business Analysts
Fernando Margueirat
Mohiuddin Faruqe
Seta Nigoghossian
Associate Director
of Production
Yvette Drumgold
Telesales Representatives
Daniel Ariaratnam
Zoya Boruchov
Stephan Carmichael
Rahim Ladha
Joyce McKerrow
Brian Ravok
Rachelle Zilber
Lisa DiQuinzo
Lisa Novielli
Victoria Shillington
+ Maternity/Parental Leave
Production Workshop
Officer, Writer
Caroline Dickie
Construction Supervisor
Peter Newman
Officer, Special Events and
Taylor LaFontaine
Assistant Carpenter
Sandy Middleton
Officer, Research
Laurie Nemetz
Scenery constructed at the Gretchen
Ross Production Centre by members of
I.A.T.S.E. Local 58.
Officer, Communications
Tara Robinson
Property Supervisor
John Miracle
Executive Assistant to the
Director of Development
Margie Pacini
Resident Scenic Artist
Kelly Palmer
Coordinator, Administration
Lucy White
Junior Coordinator,
Special Events
Melanie Baird
Production Director
James Thornley
Assistant Scenic Artist
Mark Reid
Properties constructed at the Gretchen
Ross Production Centre by members of
I.A.T.S.E. Local 828.
Wardrobe Supervisor
Marjory Fielding
Government Support
The National Ballet of Canada’s beloved Stage Manager Ernie Abugov retired at
the end of the 2014/15 season after an incredible 42 years with the company. Over
the course of his career, he worked with every Artistic Director from Celia Franca
to Karen Kain, and toured internationally to Israel, Asia, Europe, Mexico and
throughout Canada and the United States. Ernie has always been one of the best
in the business at “calling the show,” a dear friend to the artists and staff and a
We acknowledge the
financial support of the
Government of Canada
through the Department
of Canadian Heritage
via the Endowment
Incentives component
of the Canada Cultural
Investment Fund.
Bringing the arts to life
De l'art plein la vie
The Government of Ontario through the
Honourable Michael Coteau, Minister of
Tourism, Culture and Sport.
The Volunteer Committee,
The National Ballet
of Canada
welcome, constant presence backstage. We wish him nothing but the best for the
adventures still to come.
Ernie Abugov. Photo by Sian Richards.
The National Ballet of Canada operates under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association.
The National Ballet of Canada is a member of the Canadian Dance Assembly and Dance USA.
Message from David
Macdonald, Chair
Gifts to The National Ballet of
Canada, Endowment Foundation
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation investments provide a stable source of income and
long-term security to support the company’s artists and activities.
The National Ballet of Canada,
Endowment Foundation
Thank you to the following donors who made a major gift to the Endowment Foundation.
(July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015)
2014/15 was another good year for the Endowment
Foundation, with solid asset growth, strong investment
returns and a new record disbursement to The
National Ballet of Canada. Total fund balances grew
by $4.7 million or 8.4% to a new all-time record of
$61.3 million at June 30, 2015. This growth reflected
a mix of new gifts ($1.3 million) and strong net
investment income ($5.3 million for a 9.5% overall net
return), while administrative costs remained nominal.
Donations comprised lifetime and estate gifts from
individuals ($0.2 million), a corporation ($0.1 million)
and a matching grant of almost $1.0 million under the
Endowment Incentives Component of the Canada
Cultural Investment Fund. With about $3.1 million of
remaining headroom under this programme’s lifetime
cap of $15 million, we expect the prospect of further
matching grants will inspire donors to continue to build
the Endowment Foundation, helping ensure the longterm financial stability of the National Ballet.
The Endowment Foundation’s good results and our
Board’s decision last year to increase the payout Target
Rate of 3.5% of Adjusted Book Value to 4.0% for the
current fiscal year onwards, supported an increase in
the disbursement to the National Ballet in 2014/15 for
the sixth consecutive year to a record $1.85 million. We
also further strengthened our distributable reserves,
which protect against future investment return volatility,
and our inflation protection cushion, which ensures
that real (inflation-adjusted) support can be maintained.
Both measures now stand at healthy levels. With a
higher starting fund balance, the Foundation expects
to increase its annual support to the National Ballet
again in 2015/16. The only note of caution is that after
six years of strong gains (averaging 12.2%) and with all
major asset classes now trading at full valuations, we
expect investment returns will be comparatively modest
over the next several years. Our strong distributable
reserves should hold us in good stead in all but the
most dire market environments.
In fiscal year 2014/15, the Board of Directors decided
to separate each endowment fund into two related
funds - an endowment fund that retains the historic
dollar value of gift contributions and an expendable
David Macdonald. Photo by Sian Richards.
fund which holds the accumulated undistributed
investment income. This step provides added clarity
on the Endowment Foundation’s financial position,
performance and the funds potentially available for
distribution to the National Ballet. It also provides
greater disbursement resilience, by strengthening the
Foundation’s ability to maintain stable, predictable and
sustainable operating support to the National Ballet in
all market environments.
To our donors, I can’t thank you enough. Over the past
decade, The National Ballet of Canada has emerged
as one of the world’s leading dance companies. It
has achieved extraordinary success by realizing
Karen Kain’s audacious and brilliant strategy of
investing in the best dancers, attracting world-class
choreographers to create unique new works and touring
them to the most coveted ballet centres in the world.
This investment in excellence has required significant
risk capital in the near term and a commitment to
building a strong, permanent endowment to sustain
Karen’s legacy for the long term. You, our donors, have
committed generously to realizing this vision and must
be recognized for your role in this story of exceptional
growth. On behalf of the Board of Directors of The
National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation, I
extend my thanks and my congratulations to you all.
Thanks to you, the company’s prospects have never
looked brighter.
BMO Financial Group
The Estate of Walter Carsen, O.C.
Ms. Laura Dinner & Mr. Richard Rooney
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
The Estate of J.M. Doc Savage
Cornell Wright & Sarah McEvoy
Ms. Vivien M. Wu
Ms. Vivien M. Wu
Tribute Gifts
Generous donations have been made to recognize the following individuals.
In Memory
In Honour
Phyllis Elizabeth Agg
Carlos Lugo Aguilar
Nicholas Birch
Valerie J. Brown
Perry Dellio
C. William L. Jeanes
J. Ross Robinson
Maggie Morris Smolensky
Marian Young
Nancy V. Young
Jane Aitkens
Charlie Andrews
Michael Baker
Rae Dellio
Steven Esber
Rachel Fain
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Keith Flemming
Maxine Goldberg
Karen Kain
Anna McCowan-Johnson &
Donald Johnson
Donald Johnson
Lynda & Jonas Prince
Glenn Renecker
Cathie Ross
Jillian Vanstone
The National Ballet of Canada recognizes with gratitude those individuals whose commitment to the company
extends beyond their lifetimes.
(July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015)
The Estate of Walter Carsen, O.C.
The Estate of Horst Dantz & Don Quick
The Estate of William Michael Dobell
The Estate of Helene Joyce Kofman
The Estate of Henri Kolin
The Estate of Vida Peene
The Estate of Mr. J.M. Doc Savage
The Estate of Mary Jane Lois Sharp
The Estate of C. Anderson Silber
The Estate of Margaret Smolensky
The Estate of Helen Allen Stacey
The Estate of Jeanie Irwin Walker
The Estate of One Anonymous Donor
To my fellow members of the Endowment Foundation
Board, I thank you for sharing your time, your expertise
and your passion for the company. Your commitment to
growing the Endowment Foundation and to stewarding
it with wisdom, foresight and discipline has produced
results that we can all be greatly proud of.
2014/15 Endowment
Foundation Board of Directors
David Macdonald, Chair
Barry Hughson, President
Karen Kain, C.C., Vice
Barry Shour, CPA, CA,
Diana Reitberger, CFRE,
Director of Development
Pamela Ouzounian, Secretary
David Banks
David Binet
Ed Esposto
Mary Hallward
Lucille Joseph
Krista Kerr
Jerry Lozinski
Sue Matthews
Vanessa Morgan
James Pitblado, C.M.
Patrick Lavoie and Artists of the Ballet in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
The National Ballet of Canada,
Endowment Foundation
Named Funds
Celia Franca Society
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation provides financial strength and stability, helping to
The Celia Franca Society of The National Ballet of Canada recognizes and thanks the thoughtful donors who
ensure the vitality and excellence of the National Ballet today and for generations to come. The National
have arranged planned gifts that will extend beyond their lifetimes. These planned gifts, such as bequests in
Ballet is grateful for the commitment and dedication of those who have established a Named Fund within the
wills or gifts of life insurance, will support great dance for generations to come. (July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015)
Endowment Foundation.
The American Friends of Canada Dancer Fund
The Appel Family Fund in Honour of Bram & Bluma Appel
The John & Margaret Bahen Fund supports the company’s
Canadian tours.
The John & Claudine Bailey Fund
The David & Kim Beatty Fund
The BMO Financial Group Fund
The Mona Campbell Fund
The Walter Carsen New Creations Fund
The Judith & Marshall Cohen Fund
The Horst Dantz & Don Quick Dancer Wellness Fund
The Paul & Adelle Deacon Fund
The Celia Franca Memorial Fund
The Kevin & Roger Garland Fund
The Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Fund
The Gail Hutchison Fund
The Beryl & Richard Ivey Fund
The Hal Jackman Foundation Fund
The Anna & Don Johnson Fund
The Lucille & Urban Joseph Fund
The James Kudelka Fund
The Sonia & Arthur Labatt Fund
The Joyce Lee Memorial Fund
The Joan & Jerry Lozinski Fund
The Sarah & David Macdonald Fund
The Sylvia M. McPhee Dancer Fund
The Julie & Ted Medland Fund
The Nancy Pencer Fund
The Sandra & Jim Pitblado Fund
The Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Fund
The J.M. Doc Savage Fund for the RBC Apprentice Programme
The Ada Slaight Fund
The Fran Taubkin Dancer Fund
The David Tory Memorial Fund
The Volunteer Committee Build-a-Ballet Fund
C. Anderson Silber
This year, The National Ballet of Canada was honoured to receive a bequest
from longtime friend and ballet lover, C. Anderson (Andy) Silber. Mr. Silber
attended his first National Ballet performance in 1965 and became a
devoted supporter, volunteer and subscriber immediately thereafter, enjoying
many special moments with the company together with his late partner,
Rea Wilmshurst, who was also passionate about dance. Mr. Silber was a
Celia Franca member, a member of the Patrons’ Council Committee and a
member of the Volunteer Committee.
Mr. Silber was particularly devoted to the dancers and he had a genuine
interest in strengthening dance in Canada on a broad scale, as evidenced
by his involvement with Canada’s National Ballet School, Ballet Jörgen
and many other dance organizations. In his own words, Mr. Silber wanted
to “help keep alive the art we care about.” He passed away on August 19,
2013, and is sorely missed by a close community of friends and artists at the
National Ballet. In keeping with his interests, Mr. Silber's bequest has been
directed to Dancer Health and Wellness.
Elaine J. Adair
Margaret Agar
Vanessa Alexander
Isobel Allen
Reid Anderson* & Dieter Graefe
John Bailey* & Claudine Bailey
Lynly & Trevor Bailie
Torunn Banks & David Banks*
Ms. Katherine Barber
Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Barnsley
Gillian & Kenneth Bartlett
Florence Sharpe Barwell
Professor Marion G. Bassett
Avie Bennett*
David W. Binet*
John R. Birkett
Ms. Katherine Bischoping
Mrs. Gail Boire
Marnie Bracht
Mr. Douglas Bradley
Jennifer Burton*
Patricia Campbell
Dr. Ann E. Camps
Professor Alfred L. Chan &
Mr. Michael Farewell
Peng Chiang
Marilyn Creighton
Jane Darville & Dr. Skip Bassford
Elizabeth and Ted Davidson
Jeanie A. Davis*
Amanda Demers & Brian Collins
Marilyn J. Doekes
Art & Mary Douloff
Sherry Taylor Drew*
Maureen & James Dunn
Ardith Ekdahl
Dena Feng
Beverley Flint
Lorne Fox
Mr. Douglas G. Gardner
Kevin J. Garland*
Ann (Kadrnka) Garnet
Stanley Gavlick
Maxine Goldberg
Freda & Allan Brender
Ms. A. Graham-Calderisi
Mr. Donald D. Grant
Tony & Kitty Griffin
Carol Guppy
G. Michael Hale & C.N. Jacobsen
Dr. Ronald M. Haynes
Ann Henderson & Lyman Henderson, C.M.
W.R. Herridge*
Lewis Hertzman
Mr. James Hewson
Christopher E. Horne, Esq.
Margo Howard
Gail Hutchison
Richard M. Ivey, C.C.*
Joan F. Ivory, C.M.*
Elsa Jackson
Ishrani Jaikaran
Ms. Agnes Jenkinson
Greg W. Johns
Robert D. Johnston*
Ron & Nancy Johnston
Karen Kain, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt., O.Ont.* &
Ross Petty
James Kerr & J. Linden Best
Mr. Elmer Rob Koppel
Kathryn Kossow
Andrea C. Kovats
Gurney M. Kranz
Lindsay & Bud Kronenberg
Elizabeth Kun
Jessica Lindenfelser* & Paul Lindenfelser
Mr. Eric Lipka
Ms. Chung-Yee Loo
Mr. Doug Lowry
Joan Lozinski & Jerry Lozinski*
Sarah Macdonald & David Macdonald*
Tim MacDonald* & Michelle Morin
Polly K. A. MacFarlane
Nancy Main
Mrs. Sue Matthews
Janice May
Marcia McClung*
Mrs. Barbara McKenney
Miss Jean McPhee
Ms. Sylvia M. McPhee
Julie Medland* & Ted Medland
Stephanie Meredith
Ms. Elizabeth Metcalfe
Sigmund & Elaine Mintz
Mrs. Joan Moes
L.J. Nagel & Stan Solomon
Marina Nawrocki*
Ms. Janis Neilson*
Laurie Nemetz*
Tony Sylvestre & Lisa North
Miss Dorothy M. Parr
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado*, C.M.
Dr. Linda Rabeneck
Kenneth F. Read
Dr. John Reeve-Newson
Peter Reeve-Newson
Diana Reitberger*
Mr. Eddy Reitberger
Margaret Riggin*
Marie Angela Sampson
Mrs. Mary E. Sarjeant
Paul J. Savard
Richard Ira Saxe
Christine Scott
Robert Smith
Larry S. Snyder
Karen Sparks*
Mrs. Doreen L. Stanton
Carolyn & Gordon Ste. Croix
Astrid M. Stec
Cheryl E. Stephenson
Mrs. Frances M. Stretton
Ann Sutton
Ronald Taber & Rowland Galbraith
Judith Tait
Veronica Tennant*, C.C., LL.D, D Litt
John Theo*
Mr. Nicholas Tomiuk
Lennox Toppin*
Ms. Diane Torney
Robin Robinson*
Marje Koidu Virro
Lenore Walters*
Diana St. B. Weatherall
Jill & Geoffrey Williams
Mr. John H. Williams
Ms. Ainslie Wood
Ms. Ethel M. Woods
Ms. Vivien M. Wu
Mr. Denny Young*
Veronica Zufelt*
30 Anonymous Donors
*Current and Former Artists,
Staff and Board Members
The National Ballet of Canada,
Endowment Foundation
Summary Statements of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Investment Income
$ 61,292
$ 56,546
Administrative and investment management fees
Donation to The National Ballet of Canada
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures before undernoted
Unrealized gain on investments
Excess of revenue over expenditures
Fund balances— beginning of year
Fund balances— end of year
Summary Statements of Financial Position
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Investments, at fair value
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
$ 61,361
$ 56,606
Fund Balances
Endowment funds
General fund – unrestricted
$ 61,292
$ 56,546
$ 61,361
$ 56,606
Criteria for presentation of summary financial statements
The information selected by management for presentation in the Summary Financial Statements has been identified as being the most pertinent and useful financial data for inclusion in The
National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation annual report. Audited financial statements are available on The National Ballet of Canada official website.
Audited financial statements are available on The National Ballet of Canada official website.
The National Ballet of Canada
470 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3K4
416 345 9686
Charitable Registration Number:
11905 1449 RR0001
The National Ballet of Canada,
Endowment Foundation Registration Number:
88989 8722 RR0001
Keiichi Hirano is sponsored through Dancers First by Patricia Younger.
Keiichi Hirano and Xiao Nan Yu in Nijinsky. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.