From Our Family to Your Family


From Our Family to Your Family
From Our Family to Your Family
Venice Family Clinic provides quality health care to
low-income, uninsured and homeless families
and individuals on the Westside of Los Angeles.
Table of Contents
Greeting From Liz Forer
Our Family In 2012: Personal Stories
4 – 11
Our Mission and Philosophy
Programs and Services
Clinic Locations and Service Area
Our Family In 2012: Highlights in Care
16 – 17
Who We Served In 2012
18 – 19
From Your Family to Our Family
20 – 21
Strategic Plan: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2015
Financial Highlights
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
Our Family In 2012: Donors
26 – 29
Our Family In 2012: Volunteers
30 – 38
Management and Boards
Legacy Society
Dear Friends,
When I think of family, I take comfort in knowing that I am loved and cared for by a support
system of people who are deeply invested in my well being. Knowing that I can lean on my
family and loved ones for strength and guidance gives me courage to face the world and
tackle the many challenges that each day brings. And when I reach a new goal, the sense
of accomplishment I feel is sweetened when my family joins me in celebrating.
In honor of the staff, volunteers, donors and patients that make up our family at Venice
Family Clinic, the theme of this year’s annual report is “From Our Family to Your Family.”
I often marvel at the family connections among our staff, patients and supporters. In fact,
many of the individuals and families who are involved with Venice Family Clinic have been
with us for a decade or more—and oftentimes, across generations. Their stories are as
numerous as they are varied:
a medical assistant who has provided care for a mother through two
pregnancies—and one on the way—is hugged by her children when they visit the Clinic;
a donor who was persuaded by his spouse to tour one of our health centers
recruits his parents and children to get involved;
a health insurance enrollment staff member whose parents and brother are
patients, making her even more empathetic to the hurdles our patients must overcome
to access health coverage and make ends meet.
However people come to Venice Family Clinic, they stay with us because they know they
are a part of our family.
Over the past year, our family has continued to adjust to the shifting landscape of health
care brought on by the Affordable Care Act and Venice Family Clinic continues to embrace
that change. Thanks to Obamacare and our efforts to shape its implementation at the state
and county levels, about half of our patient population will have access to Medi-Cal in 2014.
Many of our patients will take advantage of being able to purchase health insurance for
the first time through Covered California, the state’s insurance exchange.
In order to keep helping as many needy families as possible, Venice Family Clinic is
rethinking many of the ways we operate and serve our patients and staff. The new Strategic
Plan introduced in this report lays out a roadmap for how we plan to work together to
provide care to the neediest families in our community while ensuring that our own family
at Venice Family Clinic is financially sustainable and able to thrive in the future. This vision
takes a great deal of investment from our family of staff and supporters. Venice Family Clinic
must continue to rely on the support of our donors, foundations and community partners to
help us provide health care to our patients who have nowhere else to turn.
Thank you for your support and for being a part of our family.
Elizabeth Benson Forer, MSW/MPH
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Venice Family Clinic
Elizabeth Benson Forer, MSW/MPH
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Families Grow Together
The Garcia/Aguilar Family
When Jazmin Garcia first came to Venice Family Clinic as a teenager, she was uninsured and
expecting her first child. The attention and helpful information she received from the doctors and
staff at the Robert Levine Family Health Center let her know that she had come to the right place
for her medical care. Thanks to the prenatal care she received at the Clinic, Jazmin’s daughter
Sophia was born healthy in 2003. When she brought Sophia in for her first well-baby visit at the
Clinic, Jazmin was deeply appreciative of the staff and their excitement as they met her new baby
for the first time. It was their heartfelt welcome that let her know that she could trust Venice Family
Clinic’s doctors and medical staff to care for her and her growing family in the years to come.
One of those providers was Todd Lechtick, a veteran medical assistant who has offered his
signature brand of down-to-earth compassionate care to countless patients and families at
Venice Family Clinic for almost 30 years. Todd volunteered at Venice Family Clinic for six years
before joining the medical staff full-time and is a comforting presence and mentor in the Rose
Avenue clinic for patient families like Jazmin’s—and their children.
“One of the joys of being at Venice Family Clinic as long as I have been here is seeing families grow
right before my eyes. Over time, I get to know many of these families fairly well because I’ve seen
their kids since they were two months…four months…six months…all the way through childhood and
into their teenage years, when some start going to the teen health clinic at our Robert Levine Health
Center. For many of the families I work with, I literally get to watch their kids grow up. It’s amazing.”
During a recent appointment at the Rose Avenue clinic, Todd warmly greets Sophia, now eight
years old, and exchanges a high five with Sophia’s six year-old little sister, Alondra, when he
finishes taking her vital signs. He remembers when Alondra was once fearful of coming to the Clinic
because she was afraid of shots. Now, Alondra runs to hug Todd when she sees him. And with
another child on the way—a son—Jazmin looks forward to the day when Todd gets to welcome him
into our Clinic family as well.
“I love the attention from the doctors and the way they treat me and my girls,” confirms Jazmin.
“This is one of the reasons I like bringing my family here: the doctors and staff know you.”
Bringing Smiles To Families
Nicole Thompson-Marvel, DDS
“My family always took us to the dentist growing up. I thought Dr. Hill was the most fabulous dentist
in the world!” laughs Dr. Nicole Thompson-Marvel, staff dentist at the Ruth Zeigler and Jack Skirball
Dental Clinic. “Even though my parents were insured, it wasn’t until years later that I realized that the
clinic we visited was a community dental clinic—much like the ones where I would train to be a dentist!”
A native of Jackson, Mississippi, Dr. Thompson-Marvel always knew she wanted to be a doctor—she
just wasn’t sure which medical specialty she wanted to pursue. After finishing high school at 16 years
old, Dr. Thompson-Marvel started learning more about dentistry while a pre-med undergraduate at
Xavier University in New Orleans.
“One day I went to the library and checked out a book on dentistry,” explains Dr. Thompson-Marvel,
who would still see Dr. Hill during her trips back home. “As I started reading, I could hear Dr. Hill’s
voice in my head encouraging me to pursue dentistry.”
Inspired by a post-baccalaureate medical program and Dr. Hill’s words, Dr. Thompson-Marvel enrolled
in dental school at the University of Mississippi. Throughout dental school, she would volunteer at a
nearby community dental clinic. After graduating, her desire to provide comprehensive dental care to
low-income families led her to rural Sicily Island, Louisiana, where she would help start the
community’s first dental clinic.
“Sicily Island was a tiny town in the middle of cotton fields with a single gas station and one grocery
store. Our patients would sometimes travel an hour or more to our clinic for dental services,”
Dr. Thompson-Marvel remembers. “Seeing how grateful and happy our patients were when they left
certainly inspired me to focus on providing dental care to needy families at a community clinic.”
After almost seven years in Sicily Island, Dr. Thompson-Marvel relocated to Los Angeles in 2006.
With our first staff dentist in place, Venice Family Clinic was now able to offer dental services to our
patient families. What began with Dr. Thompson-Marvel and a small team of assistants working out
of a single portable chair at our Simms/Mann Health and Wellness Center has grown into a
comprehensive dental program at the 1,800-square Ruth Zeigler and Jack Skirball Dental Clinic,
opened in 2011. Today, the dental clinic continues to grow—both in the number of families served
by the clinic and its use of medical technology. In fact, the newly launched electronic dental records
system will make it easier for Dr. Thompson-Marvel, Dr. Indulal Nagrecha and our team of volunteer
dentists to track the treatment of the 2,000+ patients who visit the dental clinic each year.
“In Louisiana, our dental patients would show their gratitude for our services by cooking their favorite
dishes and giving them to us at the clinic,” explains Dr. Marvel. “Our patients at Venice Family Clinic
express their thanks by actually following the advice we give them. When they come back for their
next visit, we tend to see noticeable improvement in their oral hygiene—and that makes me smile.”
Families Make Our Work Possible
The Liker Family
As long-time supporters of Venice Family Clinic, co-chairs of the Silver Circle Gala from 2007–2012,
and, of course, our 2013 Irma Colen Leadership Award honorees, Julie and Dr. Harley Liker have
demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to Venice Family Clinic and its goal to provide health
care to families who have nowhere else to turn. Together, their generous contributions, fundraising
leadership and countless hours of volunteer work have made an invaluable impact on Venice Family
Clinic and its continued growth.
“As Harley and I started creating a family of our own, I was struck by the numerous health care
challenges presented by raising children, from routine pediatric visits to actual illnesses,” explains
Julie, a member of Venice Family Clinic’s Advisory Board and a founding member of the Mental
Health and Child Development Board Subcommittee. “We wanted to do our part to make sure that
low-income and uninsured families have access to quality medical care regardless of their ability to pay.”
Dr. Liker has been involved with Venice Family Clinic for over 20 years. From the early 1990s—when
he provided care to the Clinic’s patients during his residency at UCLA—until today as a member of
the Clinic’s Foundation Board, Dr. Liker is part of a family of supporters whose passion for Venice
Family Clinic directly advances the Clinic’s growth. In fact, Dr. Liker helped secure the $3 million gift
from the Simms/Mann Family Foundation to open the Simms/Mann Health and Wellness Center
in 2006. It was one of the largest donations in the history of Venice Family Clinic.
“When I think about how far Venice Family Clinic has advanced in the last twenty years, I can’t help
but feel a tremendous sense of pride regarding the impact we’re making on thousands of lives
in our community,” confirms Dr. Liker, pictured here with his family outside the Simms/Mann
Health and Wellness Center in Santa Monica.
Today, the Likers have made their support of Venice Family Clinic a family affair: their children
routinely volunteer at the Clinic and donate books and toys to the Children’s Play Area. Julie has
organized school trips for their children’s classmates to volunteer at Venice Family Clinic and their
son donated a portion of his Bar Mitzvah gifts to the Clinic. Thanks to the continued support of
families like the Likers, Venice Family Clinic is able to remain a medical home for thousands in
need across Los Angeles.
Generations Of Care
The Gochez Family
“I wouldn’t change what I do for the world!” exclaims Ingrid Gochez, a community health insurance
program specialist at the Irma Colen Health Center in Mar Vista.
Although Ingrid has worked for Venice Family Clinic for six years, she’s been a part of our family
since she was eight years old. Growing up, Ingrid’s parents were uninsured and they relied on Venice
Family Clinic for their family’s health care. She remembers the kindness and attentiveness the staff
gave her family and credits the counseling services she received as a key turning point in her life.
“As a teenager, I definitely got myself into trouble, as all teenagers do, and my mom knew exactly
where to go. She brought me to counseling services at the Rose Avenue Clinic and it changed my
life forever because I had an outlet to share with someone who wasn’t one of my parents,” Ingrid
explains. “I dropped out of high school for a while and my counselor was the one who encouraged
me to home school and continue my education. Even after I got pregnant, I stayed motivated to
complete my GED in part because my counselor kept encouraging me. I had my parents—but I
know that connection with my counselor was just as important in making me the person that I am.”
Today, Ingrid is part of a team that helps ensure our patients have access to health care
coverage—including understanding their eligibility for public health programs, completing the
enrollment process and renewing their coverage annually. In 2012, the Clinic dedicated additional
staff and resources to make sure eligible patients are properly enrolled. With Ingrid’s mother
and father still receiving their medical care at Venice Family Clinic as Healthy Way L.A. enrollees,
Ingrid knows firsthand how critical her role is in helping patients understand the changes in the
health insurance enrollment process.
“For many of my clients, particularly those for whom English is not their first language and who
speak Spanish dialects, the enrollment forms can be intimidating to navigate and understand,”
continues Ingrid. “With all the changes in the health care coverage programs, even explaining to my
parents how things have changed can be difficult. I think part of the reason my clients trust me to
help them is because I remember coming here as a little girl and being grateful for the services that
I received.”
Our Mission and Philosophy
Mission: To provide quality primary health care to people in need.
Vision: To improve the health of people and communities through accessible, quality care.
Philosophy: (a further definition of the Mission): Venice Family Clinic is guided by specific
principles which are the foundation of its day-to-day decision making and future planning.
The principles are as follows:
Venice Family Clinic's highest priority is to provide primary health care to those without access to
care. Prevention, treatment, care management and health promotion are integral components of
the primary care that we provide. Venice Family Clinic strives to provide comprehensive medical,
mental health, educational and supportive services, as well as appropriate specialty care.
Our service model reflects our commitment to improving the health of individuals and communities.
We continuously strive to deliver the highest quality health care.
The Clinic demonstrates leadership through its strategic advocacy efforts on behalf of the uninsured.
We promote cultural competence in all aspects of our organizational culture and service delivery.
Patients are partners in their health care relationship with providers at Venice Family Clinic.
Providers and staff demonstrate respect for and understanding of cultural differences. We believe
that health problems and solutions are best approached by an understanding of the whole person
in the context of physical, emotional, social, cultural and economic needs.
Venice Family Clinic values its dedicated staff. We endeavor to maintain a culture of
collaboration, service, mutual respect and appreciation for all contributions.
Volunteer services are the cornerstone of Venice Family Clinic's organization since its inception.
Volunteers and staff work in partnership to accomplish our mission. Community involvement and
institutional collaborations secure vital resources for the Clinic.
Our enduring commitment to medical training enables the Clinic to have a broad and sustained
impact on community health through the formation of dedicated, knowledgeable health professionals.
Venice Family Clinic embraces research that contributes to its mission and benefits the
communities that we serve.
Venice Family Clinic promotes community development. We strive to optimize quality of life by
strengthening individuals, families and communities. We facilitate leadership training and patient
involvement in program design, delivery and evaluation.
Programs and Services
• Primary health care including medications, diagnoses, treatments and laboratory tests;
• Pediatric care including well-child, developmental screenings, immunizations and parenting classes;
• Teen services focusing on reproductive health care and contraception;
• Health education for chronic disease prevention and management: weight management and nutrition
• Reproductive health care for men and women, including prenatal care, contraceptive services,
prevention, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and cancer detection and
• Chronic disease management for asthma, cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes and obesity;
Service Area Borders
North: Mulholland Drive
East: La Cienega Boulevard
South: Imperial Highway
Venice Family Clinic provides a medical
home through seven clinical sites on
the Westside of Los Angeles County.
• Homeless health care including clinic and shelter-based services and case management;
• Vision care program, including ophthalmology, optometry and digital retinal screening;
• Dental care including exams, x-rays, extractions, root canals, fillings, fluoride varnishes and oral
hygiene education;
• HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services, linked to supportive education, case management and
social services through a partnership with Common Ground called Westside Partners;
Clinic Locations and Service Area
• Specialty care provided by volunteer physicians in areas such as cardiology, dermatology,
ear/nose/throat, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology, podiatry and rheumatology;
• Health insurance enrollment assistance;
• A domestic violence screening and intervention program called Safe Families;
• Mental health care services, including counseling, stress and medication management, support
groups, case management and psychiatry;
• Child development services including an Early Head Start program called Children First—a homebased program for infants and their families; and
• Acupuncture, chiropractic care, osteopathy and mindfulness-based stress reduction as part of the
Integrative Medicine Program.
Our Family In 2012: Highlights In Care
eConsult: Modernizing
Specialty Care
Coordinating Care for Seniors
and Persons with Disabilities
As a community clinic at the forefront of medical
technology, Venice Family Clinic was among the
first clinical sites in Los Angeles County to start
using eConsult, a new collaborative telehealth
initiative of the L.A. Care Health Plan, MedPOINT
Management and the Los Angeles County
Department of Health Services that allows
primary care providers to consult remotely with
specialists, thereby ensuring our patients
have more efficient access to specialty care
and appointments.
Since spring 2012, Venice Family Clinic has responded
to a significant increase in seniors and people with
disabilities (SPD) seeking health care services.
Many of these patients suffer from acute and
chronic illnesses that require teams of specialty
doctors and health care coordinators for effective
treatment. These patients were transitioned, often
without prior notification, from Medi-Cal fee-forservice care to Medi-Cal managed care provided
by Venice Family Clinic.
The electronic consultation and referral system
makes it easy for providers and specialty care
physicians to have an ongoing online dialogue
and share clinical information to better coordinate
patient care. The specialist can request more
information, provide treatment recommendations,
or recommend a face-to-face visit as necessary.
eConsult is successfully reducing the notoriously
lengthy specialty referral and appointment process
to a few days and decreasing unnecessary
specialty care visits that cost our patients—and
the health care system—time and money.
In total, Venice Family Clinic has become the
assigned medical home to 2,200 SPD patients living
in our service region. We have taken several steps
to ensure these patients get the care they need,
including creating a SPD Quality Improvement Task
Force. We are working to put in place the resources
and establish the relationships that will ensure seniors
and people with disabilities at Venice Family Clinic
receive quality care and are assured the quality
of life they deserve.
New Access Point Grant
Virtual Dental Care for Children
In June, Venice Family Clinic received a $975,000
New Access Point federal grant to improve the
health of underserved communities by assuring
access to comprehensive, culturally competent,
quality primary health care services. This grant
will allow Venice Family Clinic to reach more
low-income men, women and children on the
Westside, and particularly focuses on serving
additional homeless patients.
For low-income families, a trip to the dentist’s office
is usually deferred until it’s absolutely necessary:
when they feel pain. That’s why in 2012, Venice
Family Clinic became the first community health
center in Los Angeles County to participate in the
Virtual Dental Home program, a telehealth initiative
that brings dental care to underserved children—
right in the communities they are in.
The grant period of eighteen months translates
into $650,000 annually for Venice Family Clinic and
offers increased reimbursement for patient visits
and pharmacy prescriptions. “The health care law
is making our community health centers stronger
and ensuring more Americans get the care they
need,” confirms HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
“These awards demonstrate a commitment to
improving and expanding access to quality health
care for local communities.”
Developed by the University of the Pacific’s Arthur
A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, the groundbreaking
Virtual Dental Home project allows dental hygienists—
like Venice Family Clinic’s Mireya Rodriguez, pictured
here with 4 year-old Maira Reyez at Pine Street
Preschool in Santa Monica—to bring portable
imaging equipment into community sites such as
Head Start programs to take x-rays and photographs,
perform cleanings and temporary fillings, and create
an online dental record system. The records are then
reviewed remotely by Venice Family Clinic dentists
who provide further diagnosis and create treatment
plans—including scheduling appointments for more
extensive treatment at Venice Family Clinic’s Ruth
Zeigler and Jack Skirball Dental Clinic. With plans to
expand the virtual dental home project to additional sites
on the Westside, our dental team will be able to teach
important oral health care habits to even more needy
children who might otherwise go without dental care.
In Fiscal Year 2012, we cared for 23,802 patients through a total of
106,307 health visits to Venice Family Clinic’s seven clinical locations…
live below poverty
have no insurance
(…and sometimes,
we even made house calls)
In addition to serving thousands of needy families each year at our seven clinical locations,
Venice Family Clinic is a leader in neighborhood efforts to provide care to homeless individuals
and families living on the street and in local shelters. Under the leadership of Director of
Homeless Services Terri Brehove, MD and Coley King, DO, our shelter outreach and street
medicine programs have grown into a new county-funded partnership with local community
groups to not only provide medical and mental health services, but to move the chronically
homeless into permanent supportive housing.
Through an innovative initiative of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Services known as the Integrated Mobile Health Team (IMHT), Venice Family Clinic’s Coley King, DO
and Carrie Kowalski, PA-C hit the streets each week with a team of case workers and mental
health and substance abuse counselors from the St. Joseph Center and OPCC. Together, they
offer mental health and medical services to homeless individuals on the streets and beaches,
schedule appointments and make at-home follow up visits to patients who have transitioned
from homelessness into housing through the program.
“I started off with a bicycle and a trailer,” admits Jens Jensen, a formerly homeless patient
pictured here receiving medical care from Kowalski and Dr. King at his new apartment in
Los Angeles. “Off and on, I was homeless for over twenty years. Now I have to place a live.
I have a bed and dishes. I don’t have any more problems with the police department and I’m
eating healthier and staying on my medications thanks to this program.”
From Your Family to Our Family
From families who give anonymously to top physicians, Hollywood executives and world-renowned artists, we’re grateful to our
family of contributors, foundations, corporations, community partners and volunteers who support Venice Family Clinic each year.
In 2012, Venice Family Clinic received an unprecedented outpouring of generosity from our Westside neighbors. Through a wide
array of events including hosted fundraisers, shopping events, toy drives and even a newly-released coffee-table book with
proceeds to benefit Venice Family Clinic, we’re continuously inspired by our neighbors’ commitment to our mission and the
innovative ways they get involved.
Financial Highlights
Strategic Plan
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2015
Income Total $41,052,317*
An organization that is advancing its mission needs a set of strategies to guide
its program development, build a solid financial foundation, and prepare for
challenges that lie ahead.
Through the collective work of the Board of Directors, Foundation Board,
Strategic Planning Committee, patients, volunteers and staff, Venice Family
Clinic’s Strategic Plan for July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2015 was developed. We also
reached out to community leaders and other stakeholders for their input and
analyzed data from a community needs assessment report to create this plan.
All of these ideas are encapsulated in four key strategies that will drive our
progress over the next three years:
Strategy I:
Serve the neediest while ensuring financial sustainability.
Strategy II:
Enhance the skills and talents of Venice Family Clinic staff
by investing in staff training, staff development and
communications opportunities with the intention of
increasing patient satisfaction, staff retention and efficiency.
Strategy III:
Strategy IV:
While these four strategies provide a brief overview of Venice Family Clinic’s
priorities through the end of Fiscal Year 2015, the full strategic plan with detailed
goals, objectives and activities can be viewed online at
Government Contracts & Grants
Private & Community
Support (In-Kind)
Sale of Donated Property
Third-Party Reimbursements
for Services
Private and Community
Support (Cash)
Interest and Dividend Income
Expenses Total $42,866,572
Prioritize efforts to improve service delivery, create
greater efficiency and develop and enhance
partnerships to optimize service to the community.
Plan and evaluate the breadth and depth of services and
infrastructure that will enable Venice Family Clinic to fulfill its
mission while taking into account the rapid change of the health
care system.
Health Education & Outreach
Fund Raising
Children First Program
Health Care**
As we look to the future, we welcome your input on how Venice Family Clinic can
best use our resources to expand our organization and continue offering quality
health care to thousands of families in need in our community.
* Does not include realized and unrealized loss on long-term investments ($326,663).
** Health care includes emergency and lab services, medical salaries, clinical volunteers, drugs, and pharmacy supplies.
Statement of Activities
and Changes in Net Assets
Statement of Financial Position
For the Year Ending June 30, 2012
For the Year Ending June 30, 2012
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term investments
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $343,379 and $835,745, respectively
Grants and contributions receivable – short-term, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $25,000 and $25,000, respectively
Pharmaceutical inventories
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Total current assets
Long-term investments
Contributions receivable – long-term, net of discount
Beneficial interest in charitable remainder trusts
Property and equipment, net
Total assets
Revenues, gains and other support
Cash Revenues
Private and community support
Government support
Third-party reimbursement for services
Interest and dividend income
Realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments
Gain on sale of donated property
Net assets released from restriction
Total Cash Revenues
In-kind contributions
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenue, gains and other support
$4,154,948 $14,217,335
$14,628,738 ($14,628,738)
Total in-kind expenses
Support services
Management and general
Fund raising
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current liabilities
Lines of credit
Notes payable, current
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Total current liabilities
Pledge liabilities
Total liabilities
Net assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Note: A copy of the full audited report is available upon request.
Program services
Health care
Children First Program
Education and outreach
Total program services
In-kind expenses
Laboratory and x-ray services
Physician and other clinical volunteers
Children First Program volunteers
Donated drugs and pharmacy supplies
Other donated supplies and services
Total supporting services
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets at beginning of year
Net assets at end of year
Gifts from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
Estate of Sylvia and Mose J.
The Simms/Mann Family
Dr. Victoria & Ronald Simms
The Skirball Foundation
Ruth Ziegler
$100,000 - 999,999
Kathleen Aikenhead
The Atlas Family Foundation
Lezlie & Richard Atlas
Gerrie Smith & Dr. Neal Baer
California Community
Varian S. and Gwendolyn L.
Green Fund
Rose and David Dortort
The California Wellness
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Lou Colen
The Eisner Foundation
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable
The Fineshriber Family
Ruth Flinkman-Marandy
Patricia & William
Gumpert Foundation
The William H. Hannon
George Hoag Family
Kaiser Permanente of
Southern California
W.M. Keck Foundation
L.A. Care Health Plan
The Norman and Sadie Lee
Wilbur May Foundation
Anita May Rosenstein &
Arnold Rosenstein
Brian Rosenstein
Amanda May Stefan
The Barry and Wendy Meyer
The Resnick Family
Lynda & Stewart Resnick
Dr. William Resnick
RGK Foundation
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Health System Mission Fund
Health System Mission Fund
Saint John’s Health Center
State of California Attorney
Tides Foundation
UniHealth Foundation
Ziering Family Foundation
Marilyn Ziering
Anonymous (2)
$50,000 - 99,999
Baxter International
The Dharma Grace
Chuck Lorre
First 5 LA
Center for Oral Health
International Creative
Management - (ICM)
Constance Lawton & James
OneWest Bank
The Rose Hills Foundation
Jeffrey E. Sinaiko
United HealthCare Services, Inc
UC Davis Center for Health
and Technology
UCLA Health System
David Geffen School of
Witherbee Foundation
$25,000 - 49,999
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
The Carol and James Collins
The Help-Som Child
Amy & James Childress
Joseph Drown Foundation
Dr. Susan Fleischman &
Paul Katz
Fox Sports Media Group
The Karsten Family
Marilyn H. Karsten
Karinna & Timothy D. Karsten
William M. Keck, Jr.
Susanne & Paul Kester
The Karl Kirchgessner
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Liker Consulting Inc, A
Medical Corporation
Julie & Dr. Harley Liker
Marcled Foundation
Gail Margolis, Esq.
Laura & James Maslon
The Harold McAlister
Charitable Foundation
Estate of Dr. William Molle
The PIMCO Foundation
The Specialty Family
The Vollmer Family
Eva Vollmer
Frederick R. Weisman
Philanthropic & Art Foundation
Billie Milam Weisman
Diane & Michael L. Ziering
$10,000 - 24,999
The Angeles Clinic Foundation
Dr. Lawrence Piro
Dr. Carol Archie & Dr. Edward
Kathy K. & Matthew Scott Barrett
The Cecile & Fred Bartman
Blue Shield of California
The David Bohnett Foundation
Judy & Bernard Briskin
Charities Aid Foundation
Lisbet Rausing & Peter
Corporation for Supportive
Roy E. Crummer Foundation
Dr. Mayer B. Davidson &
Roseann Herman, Esq.
Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation
The Richard F Dwyer Eleanor W Dwyer Fund
The Edelstein Family
Charitable Foundation
Estate of Robert L. Feldman
Elizabeth Benson Forer &
Daniel Forer
Friends of the Culver City
Youth Health Center
The David Geffen Foundation
Diane & Dr. Jimmy Hara
David Hockney
Louise & Herb Horvitz
Dr. Louise Horvitz
The Mark Hughes Foundation
Tatiana & Todd James
William L. Jones
Dr. Satish Kadaba
Maria Hernandez & Henry
Melinda Lerner & John Powell
Diane M. Lesser
Diana & Derek Lidow
Major League Baseball
Dr. Diana Bonta & Dr. Frank
Maxicare Research and
Educational Foundation
Medtronic Foundation
Milken Family Foundation
Audra & Jeff Nathanson
National Council for Community
Behavioral Healthcare
Eli Lilly & Company
New England Patriots
Robert Kraft / The Kraft
NBC Universal
in memory of Coach
Tom Martinez
Rebecca Pollack Parker &
Hutch Parker
The Gary Saltz Foundation
Fern & Robert Seizer
David & Judy Shore Foundation
Judith & David Shore
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.
Harriet & Richard Squire
Sunair Children’s Foundation
Travel Store, Inc.
Wido Schaefer
Michele Rakoff & Alan Sieroty
United Breast Cancer Foundation
United Way of Greater
Los Angeles
J.B. and Emily Van Nuys
Rebecca & Michael E. Vest
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Gail & Irving Weintraub
Wells Fargo Foundation
Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky
Los Angeles County Board
of Supervisors
$5,000 - 9,999
Debra Abramowitz &
Dean Prober
The Actors’ Fund
Patricia Adams
The Allergan Foundation
Attias Family Foundation
Diana & Daniel Attias
The Bloomingdale’s Fund for
the Federated Dept Stores
Dr. Sarah E. Carpenter &
Robert Newman
David Casares
Cathcart Millennium
Foundation, Inc.
Comerica Bank
Dole Food Company, Inc.
Foundation of the Pierre
Fauchard Academy
Tomas Fuller
Jowlinda Bastvan & Tom Funke
Jeanne & Arnold Geffner
The Diane & Guilford Glazer
Diane & Guilford Glazer
Google Inc.
Andrea Gorfolova
Christine & Dr. Chester F. Griffiths
Estate of Goldyne Hearsh
Susannah & Chris Henrikson
Leslie Joseph
Christine & Jordan Kaplan
Sharon & Michael Kelley
Jena & Michael King
Rini & Arthur Kraus
L.A. Louver Gallery
Laboratory Corp of America
Deborah Laub
Sheelagh Boyd & Larry Layne
Carlos Lazaro
Tracey Loeb & Kent Beyer
Cody Lukert
Lisa Maki
Amita & Viren Mehta
Cheryl Nakao-Miller & James
Miriam Muscarolas
MusiCares Foundation, Inc
Roberta & Richard Nathanson
Kenneth T. and Eileen L.
Norris Foundation
Nuveen Investments
Harriet & Richard Orkand Family
Educational & Charitable
Carol & William Parente
Dr. Patricia & Dr. Thomas Paulsen
Jay & Rose Phillips Family
Jeanne Phillips
Ronald Segall
Diane Sherman
The Lucille Ellis Simon
Simon-Strauss Foundation
Patti & Richard Sinaiko
Sitrick Brincko Group
Nancy Sitrick & Michael Sitrick
Snyder Family Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Snyder
Judith Snyder Solomon &
Stanley Solomon
State Farm Insurance &
Financial Services
Rachel & Eric Stern
Sidney Stern Memorial T/U/W
Betty & Marvin Hoffenberg
Harold R. & Winifred R.
Swanton Foundation
United Talent Agency
United World of the Universe
Fred Segal
Wasserman Foundation
Laura & Casey Wasserman
Weingart Foundation
Karen & Richard Wolfen
Jean & Lewis N. Wolff
Zolla Family Foundation
Susan & Edward M. Zolla, III
Erik Neandross
Anonymous (6)
$2,500 - 4,999
Marianne & Abdelmonem Afifi
Lucy & Isadore B. Adelman
Susan Adelman &
Claudio Llanos
American Cancer Society
Paul Appel
Bonnie Berman, PhD &
Jay Farbstein
The Bilger Foundation
Dahlia & Arthur Bilger
Bonne, Bridges, Mueller,
O’Keefe & Nichols
Susan Marie & Dr. David Boyer
Beatrice Breslaw
The Brotman Foundation of
California United Bank
Ellen & Don Castleman
Patricia Chalfin
COPE Health Solutions
Jackie Dalessio & Brad Stewart
Ignacio Darnaude
Jeffrey E. Davis
Sky Dayton
Raquel DeLavandeyra
Bart Durham
Guilda & Zouheir Elias
Helen C. Engelbert
Jay Farbstein
Fenton Nelson LLP
Erica Fisher
Karen and Dann Florek
Erin Quigley and Don Foster
in memory of Robert Levine
Juli Pari-Frankel & Eric Frankel
Samuel Fusco
Laurie & Stephen Gatlin
Geek Eyewear
Alena Lehrer
Francoise Gerard & Jerome
Dennis Gilbert
Gladstone Michel
Richard Glucksman
The Good Works Foundation
Laura Donnelley
Beth Greve
Harman Family Foundation
Jane Harman
Pamela & David Hibbert
Marsha & Mark Hierbaum
Salman Hussain
In Sync Advertising, Inc.
Intelligent Healthcare
Ruth Jacobson
Grace & Dr. Brian Kan
Laney Kapgan
Sharon Kelley
Angela & Robert Kent
Patricia M. & Joseph A. Kouba
Evelyn & Nathan Krems
Lady’s Secret Foundation
Joyce F. Klein
Laemmle Theatres
Dr. Barbara A. Levey &
Dr. Gerald Levey
Rebecca & Dennis LeVine
Dr. Nell Levy
Janice & Dr. Mark Lieberman
The Los Angeles Kings
Hockey Club
Los Angeles Trial Lawyer’s
Deborah Love & Rob Corn
Lowe Family Foundation
Christy & Michael Lowe
Paula & Sidney Machtinger
Pamela & Dr. Alvin Markovitz
The Marmor Foundation
Deborah Barak Milgrom
Etan Milgrom
The Morrison &
Foerster Foundation
Ann & Jerome Moss
Drs. Charlotte & Alfred Neumann
Eileen Harris Norton Foundation
Dr. Noel & T. Christopher Plourde
Gwen & Brian Potiker
Suzanne Preacher
Mary Townsend Radford
Jodie & James Rea
Dr. Margaret Rea &
Dr. Michael S. Wilkes
Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas
Los Angeles County Board
of Supervisors
Judie Rosner
The Parish of Saint Matthew
Alvin Sargent
Simone Scharff
Cinda & Stephen Schrader
Vijayalakshmi Srinivasan &
Srinivas Raghavan
Dr. Molly Selvin & David
Silicon Valley Community
Steven Smith
Ronda & Dr. David Solomon
Debra & Bruce Spector
Albert Sweet
Marsha Temple & Warren Olney
Time Warner Employee Grant
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Denise & Russel Tyner
Über Content, Inc
Warner Bros. Television
Irene Weibel
Tina Weyand & Jeremy Daw
Hilary Wills
Elizabeth (Leisa) & Sam Wu
Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca,
Fischer & et al LLP
Leah & Sam Fischer
Lisa & PJ Shapiro
Heather Thomas &
Skip Brittenham
Gisela & James Zukor
$2,000 - 2,499
Mrs. & Dr. Edwin Amos
Arent Fox LLP
Sonja & Lowell Brown
Amy & Barry Baker
Anissa & Paul Balson
Suzanne & Larry Baraff
Ronna & Joshua Y. Berlin
Diana Gibson & Michael Braden
Eli & Edythe L. Broad Foundation
Charles G. and Jessie R. Cale
Chris Chambers
Susanna K. Chan
Dr. Katherine Alice Chang &
Dr. Thomas Einstein
Jill Eisenstadt Chayet &
Mark Chayet
Shellee Colen & Dr. Michael
Community Partners
Kimberly Cooper
Janice & Richard Cordova
Dr. Linda Cowan
Creative Artists Agency
Randee & Ken Devlin Family
Randee & Kenneth Devlin
Carolyn Durkalski
Naomi & Jim Ellison
Janet & Jake Farber
Dr. Andrea & Dr. David Feinberg
Roberta Feuerstein
Erin King Foley
Margaret & Dr. Eric Fonkalsrud
Dr. Gregory Frazer
Elizabeth L. & Glen L. Friedman
Jsu Garcia
Wylie Gelber
Adleen & Richard Gibbs
Ellie & Barry Goldstein
Bari & Kenneth Ramberg
Diedre & Lawrence Gordon
Dr. Carol Schwartz &
Elliot Gordon
Randi & Dr. Jerome Greenberg
Laura Gross
Dana & Marc Guthrie
Jeff Guthrie
Erin Harnisch & Peter Williams
Florence & Harley Hatcher
Dr. Jessica Lehman Hirsch &
Dr. Peter Hirsch
Hitter Family Foundation
Hilary & Robert Nelson Jacobs
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
Lillian & Leon Katz
Sheila & Stan Kay
Ingrid Kiefer
Cheryl & Dr. Howard Krauss
Jody Legendre
Linda D. Levitz
Raquel & Bertam Lewitt
Gail & John Liebes
Melissa Mathison
Edith Matthai
Diana & Bruce McHugh
Lisa & Dr. Ronald Moy
Amber Busuttil Mullen &
Christopher Mullen
Linda & Bengt Muthen
Roberta K. Nieberg, MD &
Kenneth C. Nieberg, MD
Dr. Regina Pally &
Dr. James Korb
Stella Schloss & Dr. Neil Parker
Skylar Peak
The Hon. Joy Picus &
Dr. Gerald Picus
Penny & Nickolas John Rhodes
Dr. Mary Ann Rosenfeld &
Sheldon Kadish
Jake Ryan
Janet Salter
In memory of Maxwell Salter
Madeline & Philip Schwarzman
Abby Sher
Barbara Ann Taub
Dana Wieger & Dr. Gil Tepper
Gil Tepper, MD,
LA Free Spine Care
Gil Tepper, MD,
Miracle Mile Medical Center
Venable Foundation Inc.
Toby & Robert Waldorf
Cathleen & Leon Waronker
Barbara & Henry Wirtschafter
Jory Faermark & C. Victor Wylie
$1,000 - 1,999
Daniel I. Abrams
Gerald Abrams
Ann Alexander
American Endowment
Dr. Michal Amir
Susan Armbruster
Bob Arum
Vicki F. Baker
Emilio D. Barroso
Katheryn & David Barton
Jalinda Bastian
Stacy Beale Memorial Fund
of the Liberty Hill Foundation
Bemis Balkind LLC
The Frances & Benjamin
Benenson Foundation Inc
Dr. A. E. Benjamin
Erinn Berkson
Suzanne & Johnnie Blankenship
Bloom Hergott Diemer
Rosenthal & LaViolette, LLP
Ruth & Jacob Bloom
Anna & Harry H. Borun
Ruth & Dr. E. Raymond
Devra Breslow
Caren Brooks
Randy Dean Brown
Daniele Severi Bruni
James Byrne
Mrs. Richard N. Calabro, Jr
Judith & Jeffrey Caren
Castruccio Family Foundation
M. Ellen Castruccio
Sarah Jane Castruccio
The Charitable Foundation
Jennifer & Robert Chartoff
City of Santa Monica
Laurel & Aaron C. Clark
Sandra Colucci
Shirley & H. Stephen Cookston
Cooperative of American
Physicians, Inc.
Beryl Cowley
Dina & Irl Cramer
Nicole Crepaz
Dallas Cowboys
Dr. Cornelia B. Daly &
Dr. Arthur Southam
The Davidow Charitable Fund
Anthony Depa
Bernice Earle
Gregory Econn
Carol Eliel & F. Thomas Muller
Ruth Engel
William Escalera
Mary Ellen & Michael Fernhoff
Helene Feuerstein
Russell Flinkman
Forest Family Foundation
Cindy Forman
Lois & Jason Frand
Friars Charitable Foundation
Gisela and Jeff Friedman
Charitable Foundation
Gisela & Jeffrey Friedman
Larry Greg Fullmer
Sandra Garfield &
John B. Power, Esq.
Robin Garrell
Aileen P. Garrigues
Rose Gilbert
Terry & Todd Gilman
Amy Glad
Jane R. Glassman
Jay Glazer
Dr. Paula & Philip Glosserman
Drs. Gertrude & Samuel Goetz
Rachel Golden & Baldeep Singh
Roslyn & Abner Goldstine
Eileen Goodis & Dr. Eric Strom
Google Matching Gifts Program
Patricia & Ed Goren
Lois & Richard Gunther
William R. & Virginia Hayden
Health Net of California
Dr. Estelle Herron
Kendall N. Houk
Jane Jelenko & Bill Norris
Joanne Jubelier, PhD
Maureen Kaine-Krolak
Deborah Kanter & David Bartis
Renee & Dr. David Kaplan
Dr. Daniel Kelly
Frances Kent
James Kimmel
Lauren & Richard King
Kiwanis Club of Santa Monica
Roger Kohn
Judy & Jule Lamm
Suzanne Lerner
Nancy & Dr. Myron LeVine
Christine Lincoln
Heidi & Damon L. Lindelof
LLWW Foundation
Los Angeles Orthopedics, Inc
Estate of Marian Mackensen
Chris & Lawrence Madans
Dr. Gerald Markovitz
Ruth E. Matthias
Katherine K. McTaggart
Loreto & Edgardo Melo
Andrew B. Miller
Nascar Foundation
Angela & Albert Nassi
Jesse & Stephen Nathan
Jon Neustadter
Sandra Zober Nimoy Trust
Darin L. Olien
Edith & Richard Oppenheim
Laura Ornest & Rick Leslie
Dr. Allen Pachtman
Mindy & Thom Panunzio
Albert Parvin Foundation
Mike Pereira
Dr. Anne L. Peters
Dean Petrakis
Janine Poreba &
Paul Lieberstein
Martin Prince, OD
Steve Prince
Jody & Thomas Priselac
Marlene & Michael Rapkin
Jerry Reinsdorf
Research Foundation for
Plastic Surgery
Dr. Cadvan O. Griffiths
Bonnie & David Rickles
Donna & Ira Ritter
Lois Rosen
Laura & Jamie Rosenwald
Fran Morris-Rosman &
Richard Rosman
Ross Dress for Less
Terry & Howard Rubinroit
Barbara & Paul Saben
Allen Sackler
Valerie Salkin
Samy’s Camera
Hedy & Samy Kamienowicz
Ellen & Richard Sandler
Santa Monica-UCLA Medical
Center & Orthopaedic Hospital
Vicki & Matthew Scheele
Michael S. Segal
Yvonne De C. Segerstrom
Dr. Nadine Semer
Marcia & John Shackelford
Tom Shadyac
Thomas K. Shine
Cody Shirk
Eric L. Small
Will & Jada Smith
Family Foundation
Thomas Solomon
Murray Sperber
Jay Stark
Arthur Stickgold
Corky Hale Stoller & Mike Stoller
Susan Sullivan
Swimmer Family Foundation
Erika & Michael Swimmer
Sally Swimmer
Matthew Tager
Akiko & Koichi Tamaoki
Julia & Neil Tardio
Deborah & David Trainer
Blossom Trustman
Ms. William Turner
Norman R. Tyre &
Marjorie Tyre Foundation
Joy Coburn
David Uliendorf
Union Bank Employee
Diane Wagner
Len Wechsler
David Weiner
Michael Weisman
Wertheimer Foundation
Ellie & Thomas Wertheimer
Patricia & James Whiting
Nicholas B. Wild
Ann Marie & Jack Wilder
Margo & Irwin Winkler
Charitable Foundation
The Winnick Family Foundation
Gary Winnick
Jan & Edward Woods
Margaret R. Worley
Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Yoka & Smith, LLP
Andrea Yoka
Yee-Yoong Yong & Gavin Liau
Eileen & Robert M. Zigman
Anonymous (3)
Government Funders
U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services
Administration for Children
& Families—Early Head
Start Comprehensive Child
Development Program
Health Resources &
Services Administration
State of California Attorney
State of California Department
of Education
State of California Department
of Health Services
Los Angeles County
Department of Health Services
Los Angeles County
Department of Public Health
City of Santa Monica
In-Kind Donors
(Valued at $1,000+)
Artist Cards
Les Christensen
John Van Hamersveld
Jay Mark Johnson
Frederick R. Weisman
Art Foundation
Cardiology Diagnostics
Joel Isackson, MD
Pacific Heart Institute
Saint John’s Health Center
Children First Early Head Start
Lorraine Blatt
Gloria Mucino
Bob Nelson
Westside Infant Network
Children’s Holiday Movie
Dole Food Company
The Ella Fitzgerald Foundation
G2 Gallery
Jakks Cares
Chef Ronnie Orr
Sony Pictures
United Artists Theaters
Godeleine de Rosamel Ziering
Henry Schein Cares, Inc.
Health Education, Promotion
& Community Outreach
Heal One World
Kaiser Permanente
Novo Nordisk
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Quest Diagnostics
Saint John’s Health Center
Santa Monica-UCLA Medical
Center and Orthopaedic
UCLA Medical Center
Medical Equipment &
Joan Colman
Jonathan Gording
NOVA Medical Products
Non-Medical Supplies &
Yolanda Dawson
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable
Naomi Goldman
Eydie Grossman
Susan Jansen
Steven Kipper
Lynise Levine
Stephen D. Marks
Walter Parkes
Elizabeth Pena
Sara Roos
Strange Invisible Perfumes
Shirley Windward
UCLA Medical Center
Computing Services
Abbott Labs
Becton Dickinson
Boehringer Ingelheim
Direct Relief International
Eli Lilly & Company
Merck & Co.
Novo Nordisk
Pfizer, USPG
Pfizer Labs
Roche Pharmaceuticals
Beverly Tower Imaging
Pacific Eye and Ear Institute
Resolution Imaging
Ronald Reagan UCLA
Medical Center
Saint John’s Health Center
Santa Monica-UCLA Medical
Center and Orthopaedic
Western Imaging
Silver Circle Gala
Argyle Salon & Spa
Aroma Coffee Roasters
The Beverly Hilton
Fox Entertainment
Fox Sports
LA Kings
Mighty Leaf Tea
Twentieth Century Fox
Warner Bros.
Westfield Corporation
Venice Art Walk & Auctions
Anheuser Busch Brewing
Architect’s Newspaper
Art Platform Los Angeles
Art Scene
California Home and Design
C.A.V.E. Gallery
Classic Party Rentals
Clever Creative
Cosmos Designs
Delta Airlines
Designer Services Group
Digital Domain
djn Gallery
Don Francis Conservation
Glaceau Corporation
Gelson’s Markets
Google Los Angeles
LA Magazine
LA Weekly
Lora Schlesinger Gallery
Memento Extraordinary
Conservation Framing
Ota House Fine Art Framing
Pabst Brewing Company
Robert Berman Gallery
Rose Gallery
Ruth Bachofner Gallery
Samuel Freeman Gallery
Sealed Air Corporation
Sherman Design Center –
Custom Framing
Taylor de Cordoba Gallery
Ultimat Vodka
Universal Art Gallery
Utrecht Art Supply
Venice Skills Center
Visual Art Source
The Westin Europa &
Regina, Venice, Italy
Westminster Elementary
Whole Foods Venice
Venice Art Walk & Auctions
Derek Albeck
Lita Albuquerque
Peter Alexander
Isabelle Alford-Lago
Charles Arnoldi
Don Bachardy
Bill Barminski
Lisa Bartleson
Kelly Berg
Tony Berlant
Lorraine Bubar
Stephan Canthal
Corrine Chaix
Paul Chilkov
Gisela Colόn
Robbie Conal
Lori Cozen-Geller
Davis & Davis
Wendell Dayton
Guy Dill
Laddie Dill
Ned Evans
Tom Everhart
Shepard Fairey
Kyle Field
James Georgopoulos
Cameron Gray
Maria Greenshields-Ziman
Kenny Harris
James Hill
Brad Howe
John Huggins
Sharon Johnson-Tennant
Daniel Kaufman
Burton Kopelow
Po Shun Leong
Maria Lonner
Arturo Mallmann
Jeffrey Manpearl
Kim McCarty
Cecilia Z. Miguez
Dan Monteavaro
Andy Moses
Ed Moses
Juan Carlos Muñoz
Geraldine Neuwirth
Judy Nimtz
Elizabeth Orleans
Claire Oswalt
David Allen Peters
Ed Rusha
Analia Saban
Sudad Shahin
Ruth Snyder
Sean So
Gary Steinborn
David Trulli
Alison Van Pelt
Alex Weinstein
Miriam Wosk
Vision Care
Dan’s Optical
Elite Optical (Essilor)
Retina-Vitreous Associates
Medical Group
UCLA Mobile Eye Clinic
Jules Stein Eye Institute
Every donor is important to
Venice Family Clinic. If your
name is not listed within the
appropriate category or is
listed improperly, please call
310.664.7932 so the
correction can be made.
Active between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
Dawn Upchurch
Elena Nazabal-McManus
Jean Libonate
Lucy Lau
Matt Safarik
Wing-Benn Deng
Yo San University
Acupuncture Students
Mona Andoot
Karen Bostock
Anna Diaz
Laura Drago
Grace Enriquez
Audrey Guss
Van Harding
Monica Hilton
Cara Jolly
Lisa Koritsoglou
Meirav Leshem
Michael Mensal
Sarah Nargiso
Megan O’Connor
Patrizia Paiar
Marvyn Perez
Kathleen Poncher
Megan Riddle
Hileia Seeger
Jacqueline Ware
Corey Williamss
Advocacy Interns
Karen Aragon
Danielle Goynes
Mary Ellen Friedman, MD
Robert Meth, MD
Clare Thomas
David Ng
Licerio Castro
Anesthesiology Tech
Ramon Hernandez
Patricia Keane, MD
Stephen Kirsch, MD
Susan Frugone, MD
Carla Berkowitz
Dilan Kalubowilage
Marlies Kovenock
Soheila Mizani
Stephen Gardner
Cancer Detection
Wendy Corona
Caroline Hwang
UCLA Mobile Mammograms
Navid Noori
Shireen Noori
Carolyn Rayburn
Kelsey Read
Michelle R. Rihani
Sarah Samandary
Jie Zhuang
Joseph Ahdoot
Olujimi Ajijola
Noel Baire
Lennis Burke
Cheng-Han Chen
Richard Cheng
Ravi Dave
Elizabeth De Oliverira
John Dinkler
UCLA Mobile Echograms
Brian Fagan
Ibrahim Helmy
Jonathan Hoffman
Joel Isackson
Anthony Koppula
John M. Lee
Robert Loitz
Azar Mehdizadeh-Dastjerdi
Rene Packard
Tim Provias
Tamar Sallam
Daniel Sanchez
Cheri Silverstein
Irving Tessler
William Vincent
Jessica Wang
Linda Zhou
Chiropractic Students
Gloria Abrams
Victoria Abrams
Alexandria Alberts
Jill Alberts
Michael Alberts
Cynthia Ayala
Marielle Bagnard
Catherine Barnes
Radu Bogdan
Carol Davis
Louis M. Del Pozzo
Jennifer Engler
Gabriela Galvez
Nayeli Galvez
Sandra Galvez
Berenice Garcia
Roberto Garcia
Trisha G. Glenn
Karen Goldberg
Kristen Goldberg
Peter Harvisit
Gloria Hernandez
Mackenzie Howe
Ashely Klotz
Stephanie Klotz
Grace Kuhlenschmidt
Todd Letchick
Isabela Leyva-Garcia
Olga Leyva-Garcia
Blanca Lopez
Sharon McQueen
Riley McClendon
Maurice Morales
Chris Navarro
Lauren Pearl
Cate Post
Susan Post
Laurie Principe
Leslie Roberts
Emma Sanderson
Lee A. Sanderson
Linda Semon
Monica Spiro
Basia Tcheng
Jill E. Thomas
Betty-Jo Tilley
Daniel P. Whalen
Megan Wheeler
Chelsea Worrell
Haley Worrell
Deborah Worrell-Hale
Seshu Alla
Saif Alqaseer
Rohan Balasuriya
Ileana Becerra
Sivani Chandradas
Brigette Duran
Swestha Dutt
Alesandra Espinoza
Monica Malhotra
Cereza Marks
Jessica Murillo-Garcia
Arvind Muthukrishnan
Telo Pablo
Jason Stine
Linda Vazquez
Clinic Assistants
Randa Abboud
Farah Abdi
Farzana Abed
Veronica Abernathy
Maureen Albia
Mark Alonso
Angela Angel
Katayun Appoo
Allyson Ayson
Moosa Azadian
Anish Badjatiya
Jennifer Banks
Sumati Bavisetty
Supriya Bavisetty
Jessica Bedell
Gerald A. Bempong
Jesse Bendetson
TaNeisha Bennett
William Bennett
Jennifer Bentley
John Bernard
Deep Bhatt
Makiko Bogaki
Shahriyar Bolandian
Jenna Borok
Joanna Brandt
Brigitte Buehler
Dave Bugayong
Krista Cascia
Pamela Chan
Alex Chao
Cary Chiang
Liza Chio
Alexander Cho
Scott Christensen
Cynthia Davila
Melinda Davis
Cassandra De La Torre
Sahar Derakhshanian
Amrita Desai
Ali Doroudchi
Jeffrey Edwards
Matthew Elmasri
Jamie Fajardo
Jessica Fan
Nicholas Frazier
Andrew Frierson
Hannah Garcia
Jessie Garcia
Erica Gee
Zunera Ghaznavi
Chanita Goldenberg
Gabriela Gonzalez
Carla Graichen
Samantha Guevara
Chelsea Harmon
Bahareh Haykani
Mastaneh Haykani
Alison Headley
Mayra Hernandez
Sunita Hingorani
Laura Huettner
Teresa Hughes
Teresa Huynh
Isabelle Ibarra
Nicole Jackson
Virginia James
Larissa Johnson
Akaash Kataria
Anadjeet Khahera
Linh Khanh
David Kim
Yihwa Kim
Maria Kolmakova
Argina Kudaverdian
Lawrence Kuklinski
Jojo Lai
Azim Laiwalla
Chia-Chi Lee
Cindy Lee
Marcus Lee
Alvin Li
Soobin Lim
Lauren Lipnick
Irene Louie
Jessie Lynn
Josephine Lyons
Michelle Mahanian
Linda Marcus
Anupam Maroly
Claire Mazahery
Daniela Mendoza
Tiffany Mock
Sara Mottahedan
Lauren Moy
Sean Nazari
Christi Ng
Kaley Ngo
Bella Nguyen
Cynthia Nguyen
Johnny Nguyen
Josephine Nguyen
Nhu T. Nguyen
Phuong Nguyen
Ezinna Nnabue
Vanessa Olvera
Paulina Ong
Matthew Ortega
Linda Pabon
Pooja Patel
Sujana Patel
Rod Paulsen
Nykia Peace
Jason Pedowitz
Keila N. Perez-Castellanos
Kelly Perkins
Jacob Perrin
Michael V. Plato
Candy Ramirez
Aneela Reddy
Srinidhi Reddy
Jennifer Rhee
Serena Roddam
Robin Rodriguez
Lindsay Rogers
Michael Roman
Jack Rosner
Julian Ruiz
Julie Sackman
Jason Saidian
Felicia Salanga
Julie B. Salzman
Dennis Sambolin
Brooke Scheidemantle
Rekha K. Sekhon
Jazmin Sevilla
Negeen Shahandeh
Mohammad Shahshahan
Laura Sherman
Aaron Shpiner
Rachel Siemons
Brett Simenhoff
Samuel Simpson
Nesim Sisa
Aida Siyahian
Miranda So
Simi Sohal
Allie Southam
Aswin Srinivasan
Kate Stein
Katie Stern
Allen Susman
Tracey Tan
William Tan
Ayesha Tariq
Paulina To
Michelle Tom
Vanessa Torres
Amy Tressan
James Truong
Monica Tsai
Meghan Verga
Linda Vien
Christine Vuong
Claire Wang
Yi F. Wang
Candace Weisz
Dana White
Bennett Williams
Courtney Williams
Brenton Winship
Carole Wong
Eric Wong
Dorna Yaghoobzadeh
Nicole Yap
Justin Yoshida
Linda Yu
Sofia Zahid
Community Outreach
Marilyn Lerner
Marit P. Shapirod
Dental Assistants
Fiorella Candamo
Marisol Ceballos
Jesus Cervantes
Alice Chang
Maryam Ghavamian
Charles Jasper
Lin Jing
Raveena Kanwar
Maston Kucheki
Wanni Lie
Jaycee Lim
Jessica Lopez
Alisha Nichols
Batool Obeidat
Steven Phan
Kristy Potts
Alexandra Quiroz
Jose Rodriguez
Afra Saleh
Sean Sooferian
Mark A. Sy
Jennifer Villalta
Ramsen Warda
David Weld
Jack Yeung
Alicia Chang, DDS
Allan Parigian, DDS
Anu Rajasekaran, DDS
Indulal Nagrecha, DDS
Miriam Razi, DDS
Lisa K. Chipps-Vassilev, MD
Melvin Chiu, MD
Noah Craft, MD
UCLA Dermatology
Saeed Jaffer, MD
Mohan Kamath, MD
Christina Kim, MD
Delphine Lee, MD
Ralph Massey, MD
Ronald L. Moy, MD
Maggie Olsen, MD
Rhonda Rand, MD
Myron Samovitz, MD
Adriana Schmidt, MD
Ki-Young Suh, MD
Belinda Tan, MD
Edward L. Tobinick, MD
Dispensary Assistants
Edom Assefa
Shana Barkhordari
Amy Barsoum
Jonathan Chiang
Ilona Datskovskaya
Michael De Guia
Christine Duong
Michael Edwards
Tina Ho
Payam Javaherizadeh
Ann-Louise Johansson
Jasbir Kaur
Grace J. Kim
Jackie Kim
Stella Kim
Angie Koo
Julie Larsen
Jiaxi Li
Mary Lim
Justin Lin
Lillian Luu
Vanessa Ma
Hoang Nguyen
Johnny Nguyen
Melissa Odulio
Raquel Phillips
Sandra Pineda
Paiman Sarrafzadeh
Joy Shi
Stephanie Sun
Anna Szeto
Dang Tran
Linda Tran, MD
Joanna Wu
Diana Zhang
Alyssa Ba, MD
Brian Worden, MD
Chester Griffiths, MD
Greg Frazier, MD
Emergency Medicine
Amy Stone, MD
Mayer B. Davidson, MD
Janet Winikoff, MD
Nilem Patel, MD
Family Practice
Nisha Agrawal, MD
Anne M. Arikian, MD
Anna Cao, MD
Arthur Channessian, MD
Jinsun Choi, MD
Shanna Choi, MD
Rebecca Clear, MD
Matthew Connolly, MD
Walter Coppenrath, MD
UCLA Department of Family
Thomas J. Early, MD
Benjamin Gilmore, MD
Joshua Goldman, MD
Karla Gonzalez, MD
Angela Hernandez, MD
Linda Huverserian, MD
Jennifer Kwok, MD
Martine Laing, MD
Duy Le, MD
Lenard Lesser, MD
Jennifer Logan, MD
Sarah Louie, MD
Luz Lozano, MD
Melanie Lungay, MD
Ricardo Manuel, MD
Morodak Meas, MD
Manuel Mendoza, MD
Ernesto Mendoza, MD, Jr.
Victoria Millay, MD
Gerardo Moreno, MD
Katherine Neuhausen, MD
Pedro Olea, MD
Yassi Omidvar, MD
Monica Plesa, MD
Laura Pratt, MD
Brian J. Raffetto, MD
Surya Reddy, MD
Analiza Sanchez, DO
Shannon Snoon, MD
Rachel Solomon, MD
Shabana Tariq, MD
Derjung Tarn, MD
Alana Ugell, MD
Sandra Vizireanu, MD
Leanne Zakrzewski, MD
Timothy Zee, MD
Robert Elson, MD
UCLA Gastroenterology
Fellowship Program
David Rimoin, MD
Health Education
Nicole Apsay
Christopher Ascencio
Virginia Azzariti
Whitney Barns
Isa Barth-Rogers
Aamir Bhimani
Kristian Clausen
Christine Curry
Cathy L. Deguzman
Brian Dickey
Adaora Ezeani
Armand Flores
Julie Gerber
Angela Gonzales
Ashley Hunter
Sandra Ibrahim
Alison McCleary
Revecca Millan
Carol Ochoa
Tiffany Pham
Juliette Reid
Nancy Repreza
Isa S. Rogers
Hanna Shin
Health Insurance
Rasha Ahmed
Waka Banchi
Bryan Castillo
Sandra Contreras
Melissa Estelle
Ann M. Hernandez
Lissette Islas
Risa Kahn
Sally Khakshooy
Brittany Mastin
Kelly Nishikawa
Selene Solis
HIV Education
Marisol Ornelas
Jared Rinaldi
Maya Steinborn
Khoa Truong
Infectious Disease
Ellie Goldstein, MD
Internal Medicine
Janet Abou, MD
Ivy Amezcua, MD
Erin Atkinson, MD
Dustyn Baker, MD
Gaurav Banka, MD
Alejandra Bautista, MD
Douglas Bell, MD
Jihane Benhammou, MD
Pooya Bokhoor, MD
Kelly Bolton, MD
Nina Bondade, MD
Kara Bradford, MD
Erica Bromley, MD
Rachel Brook, MD
Arleen Brown, MD
Timothy Canan, MD
Steven Carlson, MD
Caitlin Carroll, MD
Ashley Casano, MD
Alejandra Casillas, MD
Alex Chaing, MD
Tarun Chakravarty, MD
Canagaretnam Chandradas,
Michael Chang, MD
Jennifer Chew, MD
Eric Chong, MD
Tina Chou, MD
Leo Chuang, MD
Robert Cole, MD
Edgar Corona, MD
Morgan Cross, MD
Amy L. Cummings, MD
Evelyn Curls, MD
Linda Czypinski, MD
UCLA Department of Internal
Shireena Desai, MD
Seper Dezfoli, MD
Allison L. Diamant, MD
Paul Dicapua, MD
Ravi Dixit, MD
Mark Dodd, MD
Erin Dowling, MD
Kenrik Duru, MD
Roland D. Eavey, MD
Ashkan Ehdaie, MD
David Eisenman, MD
Jessica Eng, MD
David Epstein, MD
Kellie Ernzen, MD
Rauz Eshragi, MD
Michael Estes, MD
Yulsi Fernandez, MD
Lindsay Finkas, MD
Sara Fong, MD
Sylvia Fonseca, MD
Albert Fuchs, MD
Jennifer Fulcher, MD
Bryan Garber, MD
Ronak Garg, MD
Atara Geft, MD
Jennifer Goldstein, MD
Rietta Goodglick, MD
Kimberly Grueneisen, MD
Ruben Guzman, MD
Farnaz Haji, MD
Maria Hamilton, MD
Jerome Helman, MD
Estebes Hernandez, MD
Shipra Hingorany, MD
Catherine Hooper, MD
Allyson Hoppe, MD
Borin Hou, MD
Emily Hsieh, MD
William Huang, MD
David Hunt, MD
Judy Hwang, MD
Danielle Ivanova, MD
Frank Johnson, MD
Daniel Kahn, MD
Reva Kakkar, MD
Beverly Karpman, MD
Brian Kim, MD
Tiffany Kim, MD
Jayon Kim, MD
Judy Kim-Hwang, MD
Mira Kistler, MD
Matthew Koehler, MD
Molly Koehler, MD
Rene Kohlieber, MD
Madlavi Koka, MD
Ben Kretzman, MD
Stephen Ku, MD
Sameer Kulkarni, MD
Sonali Kulkarni, MD
Nicholas Kwaan, MD
Justin Laube, MD
Thuy Le, MD
Steven Le, MD
Jane Lee, MD
Marissa Lee, MD
Joyce Lee, MD
Peter Lefevre, MD
Lucinda Leung, MD
Jesse Levin, MD
Vivian Liao, MD
Jessica Liao, MD
Daniel Ling, MD
Danielle Lingnau, MD
Erica Lubliner, MD
Asha Mansulkhani, MD
Elise Martin, MD
Karen Martinez, MD
Stacey Maskarinec, MD
Ian Mecham, MD
Wendy Medina, MD
Shahab Mehdizadeh, MD
Amy Metzger, MD
Christina Metzler, MD
Wendy Molina, MD
Jayavani Moodley, MD
Myrna Nahas, MD
Kimberly Narain, MD
Steven Neal, MD
Jonathan Neyer, MD
Marie Ng, MD
Leah Ngure, MD
Christopher Nguyen, MD
Andrea Oh, MD
James O'Keefe, MD
Michael Ong, MD
Jeremy Orr, MD
David Padua, MD
Neil Parikh, MD
Margaret Park, MD
Margaret Parker, MD
Amar Patel, MD
Leena Patel, MD
Nimesh Patel, MD
Sajan Patel, MD
Ami Patel, MD
Bharat Patel, MD
Molly Patterson, MD
Peter Paull, MD
Lin Pei-Fen, MD
Janelle Plavchan, MD
Ioana Popescu, MD
Ritbune Prakobhit, MD
Janet Pregler, MD
Jose Quiroga, MD
Nalini Rajagopal, MD
Lucas Ramirez, MD
Anisha Rastogi, MD
Lhasa Ray, MD
Sunil Reddy, MD
Nicholas Reese, MD
William Reid, MD
Adam K. Richards, MD
Michelle Rios, MD
Erica Romblon, MD
Joshua Rubin, MD
Laura Rush, MD
Inderpreet Saini, MD
Ramin Salehi-Rad, MD
Norma Sanchez, MD
Joshua Santos, MD
Joshua Sasine, MD
Kareen Sassi, MD
Michael Seibert, MD
Digish Shah, MD
Sigish Shah, MD
Rena Shah, MD
Ruby Shandilya, MD
Martin F. Shapiro, MD
Ashok Sharma, MD
Rebecca Shatsky, MD
Victoria Sheen, MD
Jagruti Shukla, MD
Karandeep Singh, MD
Edwina Skinner, MD
Lisa Skinner, MD
Anna Skor, MD
Jane S. Spiegel, MD
Salitha Sunderrajan, MD
Robin Tang, MD
Nicholas Tangohaivang, MD
Niki Tank, MD
James Templeman, MD
Holly Thomas, MD
Elizabeth Trevathan, MD
Roberto Vargas, MD
Alexander Viehman, MD
Tammy Wan, MD
Yi-Chium Wang, MD
Neil Wenger, MD
Aisha Williams, MD
Anisha Williams, MD
Jason Williams, MD
Paul Willis, MD
Lauren Wolchok, MD
Hawkin Woo, MD
Joyce Wu, MD
Jamie Yao, MD
Patrick Yao, MD
Julia Youn, MD
Phillip Young, MD
Christine Yu, MD
Liz Yzquierdo, MD
Melody Zaya, MD
Annie Zhang, MD
Kali Zhou, MD
Alexander, Zider, MD
Radhika Zopey, MD
Marriage & Family Therapy
Elisa Rodriguez, MFT
Susie Yoo, MFT
Medical Records
Mohammed Abbas
Hilsen Alvarez
Melissa Angulo
Cameron Arakaki
Nell Baldwin
Maria Barrios
Carol Barth
Ben Benhuri
Daniel Benhuri
Susana Bentsen
Alan Bleiberg
Seth Bronstein
Beverly Carman
Luci L. Cassella
Michelle Castanaza
Hannah Chadwick
Alanna Chau
Ram Chintamaneni
Yuen-Ying Chiu
Leah Christopher
Katherine Chuang
Swani Chundrades
Kin Coil
Rachel Cooper
Matilda Criel
Elizabeth Dale
Cecilia Deng
Seliene Diarte
Marlen Diaz
Dominic Dickinson
Gilda Djabarzade
Triet Do
Ramzi Dudum
James Dyer
Dana Edelman
Carlee Ettinger
Selamawit W. Fente
Megan Freiburger
Adan Galvez
Alex Garcia
Matthew Gillen
Eric Gray
Andrew Griesbaum
Shelby Grody
Meg Groom
Baron Haghnazarzadeh
Andrew Halber
Ivan Halim
Christian Hernandez
Laura Hubert
Jonathan Hughes
Partow Imani
Atsuko Ishihara
Lia Issagholian
Marcus Jew
Sangrae Jo
Daniel Kao
Jesse Landeros
Louis Larin
Elizabeth Lazaro
Esther Lee
Jinsol Lee
Michael Leibman
Josef Lerer
Rachel Lewis
Edwin Li
Mark Lin
Annalou Lingat
Daniel Manzoor
Angelica Martinez
Alicja Martins
Charlene Mayo
Maleah McGuire
Heather McNab
Shirin Mesri
Bethany Miller
Danielle Miller
Tiffany Morton
Melissa Munoz
Aparna Murali
Marian Mussman
Han Myat
Maritza Nat
Monica Nat
Kim Nguyen
Daniel Niknam
Jacqueline Ortiz
Prusha Paktinat
Neel Parekh
Ken Patel
Jonathan Peters
Bryan Pham
Rakshya Pokharel
Kimberly Price
Babitha Ramakrishna
Eliza Randall
Kyle Ransom
Aruna Reddy
Niranjan Reddy
Stephanie Ricaldi
Harmony Richman
Christina Rollock
Merrill Rubens
Kazuhiro Sabet
Marlene Santiago
Amanda Schafenacker
Tia Schlegel
Maggie Schmidt
Julia Shih
Ryan Shimizu
Brittany Smith
Karthik Srinivasan
Kathryn Suko
Sanam Tabrizi
Chad Tanioka
Jason Toobian
Linda Trinh
Siomara Valladares
Jagruti Vasavada
Ying Vuong
Cherisse Watts
Daniel Wilson
Arlene Wu
Sabrina Yep
Medical Students
Ashley Kissinger, MD
Carissa White, MD
Erin Chong, MD
Jennifer Huang, MD
Mary A. Baquing, MD
Sarah Kim, MD
Stephanie Frangos, MD
Ajay Yadlapati, MD
Ashley Lewis, MD
Brian Lichtenstein, MD
Chris Yadlapati, MD
Christopher Hooper, MD
Christopher Thrash, MD
Colin Robinson, MD
Debra S. Lotstein, MD
Diana Guse, MD
Emery Chang, MD
Eric Curcio, MD
Eyong J. Ly, MD
Henry Kirolos, MD
Jayong Ly, MD
John Ly, MD
John T. Chang, MD, MPH
Lindsay Wells, MD
Mike La, MD
Mina Kang, MD
Mridula Watt, MD
Phil Chamberlin, MD
Philippe Champagne, MD
Rachel Klein, MD
Richard Thrash, MD
Sayumi DeSilva, MD
Stacey Weinstein, MD
Weiyi Tan, MD
Ronald Nudelman, MD
Edmond Teng, MD
Jonathan Kim, MD
Lekha Rao, MD
Nancy L. Sicotte, MD
Mythili Sundaresan, MD
Edmond Teng, MD
Nurse Practitioner Students
Nicollette Sanchez
Rob Phoenix
Kimberly Adams, RN
Jude Aquino, RN
Irit Barak, RN
Joyce Bramble, RN
Brenda Broady, RN
Pamela Cruz, RN
Virginia DeCastro, RN
Graziele Dieter, RN
Lara Escaleron, RN
Gloria Farmer, RN
Nilah Garrido, RN
Doris Gilbert, RN
Elvia Gilmore, RN
Lisa Goettl, RN
Jennifer Gonzalez, RN
Tammy Hack, RN
Bridget Haga, RN
Joanna Hernandez, RN
Nili Hirsh, RN
Jennifer Huang, RN
Theresa Hunt, RN
Angelika Huynh, RN
Stephanie Khouw, RN
Myung Lee, RN
Kristin Logdhal, RN
Kristine Lorenzo, RN
Christine Lund, RN
Dolly Moosay, RN
Paul Ndawula, RN
Sharon Osmera, RN
Reena Pant, RN
Dinah Perez, RN
Cathy Perumbral, RN
Natasha Punjabi, RN
Judy Raphael, RN
Celia Rosel, RN
Penny Rosman, RN
Catherine Sellek, RN
Lauren Sherry, RN
Jennilee St. John, RN
Andrea Stella, RN
Kylie Taylor, RN
Enouze C. Vandyke, RN
Ning Wang, RN
Rebecca White, RN
Monica Yoon, RN
Nursing Students
Jade Aquino
Olivia Bermudez
Danielle Duquette
Lea Heller
Brooke LeBlanc
Amanda Margoles
Marilyn Orellana
Rodelyn Samson
Jenny Shapiro
Laura Villagenor
Reisha Fryzer
Alin Akopians, MD
Gayane Ambartsumyan, MD
Priya Batra, MD
Anna Beavis, MD
Havovi Birdie, MD
Katrina Blanch, MD
Kathleen Brennan, MD
Laurie Brunette, MD
Alex Chiang, MD
Michelle Cho, MD
Airis Collier, MD
Shannon Connolly, MD
Julia Cormano, MD
UCLA Department of
Obstetrics & Gynecology
William A. Freije, MD
William Frumovitz, MD
Erin Gee, MD
Jason Hove, MD
Cathy Huang, MD
Kirsten E. Jensen, MD
Lirona Katzir, MD
Lindsay Kroener, MD
Erin Lewis, MD
Deborah Lin, MD
Debra Linker, MD
Jamie McGuire, MD
Aisling Murphy, MD
Lisa Nicholas, MD
Kameron Poole, MD
Rashmi Rao, MD
Navi Reiners, MD
Angela Robinson, MD
Valentina Rodriguez, MD
Brianne Romeroso, MD
Michael Sela, MD
Mary Shung, MD
Carilyn Sparks, MD
Lauren Sundheimer, MD
Linh Tran, MD
William Tsoi, MD
Carrie Wambach, MD
Timothy Weiss, MD
W. Benton Boone, MD
Joseph Caprioli, MD
Candice Chen, MD
Candice Chow, MD
Donald E. Dickerson, MD
Amy Folk, MD
Richard Hulquist, MD
Jeremy Levenson, MD
Sunmin Park, MD
Kelly Wang, MD
Estelle Herron OD
Myron L. LeVine, OD
Keith Simon, OD
Terri Stibel, OD
Optometry Assistants
Mostafa Ahady
Courtney Robinson
Sepehr Shabani
Wendell B. Shepherd
Annie Son
Adaku Ume
Alison Vasan
Joanna Vuong
Sarah Wexler
Andy Zhang
Satish Kadaba, MD, QME
Eric Schmitter, MD
Michelle Aguilar, MD
Prashanti Alekal, MD
Martin Anderson, MD, MPH
Ryan Baker, MD
Gowthamy Balakumaran, MD
Shyam Bhaskar, MD
Kala Bhasker, MD
Rujuta Bhatt, MD
Karen Bodnar, MD
Richard Cabrera, MD
Mary Cambou, MD
Gina Capodanno, MD
Natalie Cerda, MD
Angela Chang, MD
Celina Clift, MD
Tumaini Coker, MD
Ryan Coller, MD
Ramona Davoudpour, MD
UCLA Department of
Grace Deukmedjian, MD
Mary Deutsche, MD
Molly Dorfman, MD
Rebecca Dudovitz, MD
Liana Eng, MD
David Feazell, MD
Gladys Felix, MD
Polina Feygin, MD
Jeremy Fox, MD
Cambria Garell, MD, II
Neil Gholkar, MD
Lydia Kim, MD
Janice Kim, MD
Lauren Kim, MD
Leslie Kimura, MD
Gauri Kolhatkar, MD
Scott Kubomoto, MD
Alice Kuo, MD
Mike Levy, MD
Mary Limbo, MD
Karen Lin, MD
Susan Mackensen, MD
Sarah Maufe, MD
Celia Montelongo, MD
Natalie Muth, MD
Shweta Namjoshi, MD
Bergen Nelson, MD
Maria Nguyen, MD
Alfred Pennisi, MD
Jeff Penso, MD
Eric Peters, MD
Kimberly Peterson, MD
Sheila Phillips, MD, FAAP
Shawn Quinlan, MD
Joseph Rojas, MD
Norma Rosales, MD
Ayelet Rosen, MD
Tanaka Saph, MD
Mary Saphyakhajon, MD
Rena Sarhangian, MD
Megha Shah, MD
Patricia Staley, MD
Machiko Tanaka, MD
Mary Tanaka, MD
Ashaunta Tumblin, MD
Sridevi Upadhyayula, MD
Erin Uyeda, MD
Kimberly Uyeda, MD, MPH
Kamala Vallabhaneni, MD
Grace Wan, MD
Nicole Webb, MD
Dennis Woo, MD
Mukesh Bhakta, PharmD
Archana Patel, PharmD
Phlebotomy Students
Nicoletta Cavallo
Christopher Cedre
Oli Eide
Araceli Garcia
Rayya Jones
Matthew Kagan
Brian Kwan
Sheila Lau
Bianca Lizarraga
Jeanette Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
Matt Lundberg
Delores McKinney
Brittani Peterson
Kim Rogers
Colleen Sam
Annabelle Sasu
Davood Tarzi
Diana Ulloa
Tia Weston
Physician Assistant
Matt Lundberg
Physical Therapy
Brenda Cain, PT
Brittani Cain, PT
Krysta Cainagoy, PT
Anthony Carroll, PT
Andre Chavez, PT
Amy David, PT
Christina Demetropolis, PT
Alan Eldridge, PT
Ed Escobedo, PT
Kevin Galacgac, PT
Ismael Gallo, PT
Kelly Grimes, PT
Kelli Holland, PT
Garret Hom, PT
Katy House, PT
Chris Kaer, PT
Ashten Kawabe, PT
Jessica Keeler, PT
Krysten Keener, PT
Kacey Krenshaw, PT
Patricia Lepe, PT
Michael Lockwood, PT
Heather Lokar, PT
Alex Mancilla, PT
Diedra Manns, PT
April Milado, PT
Amanda Olsen, PT
Amy Olsen, PT
Dominick Paluso, PT
Lori Parchman, PT
Shantel Phillips, PT
Rebecca Pitts, PT
Chris Reinbold, PT
Shawn Roth, PT
Maria Serret, PT
Peter Sui, PT
Naomi Wolman, PT
Ted Yang, PT
Plastic & Reconstructive
Herbert Goldberg, MD
Robert Hutcherson MD
Michael Zarrabi, MD
Carl Fleisher, MD
Joshua Golden, MD
Jacqueline Heller, MD
Rebekah G. Howland, MD
Felipe Jain, MD
Jennifer Kruse, MD
Regina Pally, MD
Jerome D. Tepperman, PhD
Alvin Markovitz, MD
Ami Oren, MD
Laurie Reynard, MD
Basil Clyman, MD
Michael H. Weisman, MD
Thomas Susko, MD
Alexis Alejandre
Tiffany Ancheta
Nicole Andonian
Nora Badiner
Eric Barnard
Meron Begashaw
Yasemin Bulut
Manveer Chatha
Elaine Chiang
Spencer Chin
Aline Chung
Stephanie Clavijo
Pasha Dabiri
Ranjit Dhaliwal
Hao Dieu
Daniel Duel
Meghan Dutt
Leila Emami
Julie Escobar
Shannon Esswein
Francesca Fong
Crystal Garcia
Daisy Gonzalez
David Groves
Heer Harjot
Michelle Harris
Harjot Heer
Abigail Hinojo
Christine Hsu
Alex Karan
Ariel Karwat
Albert Ko
Brent Kokubun
Michelle Lau
Andrew Lee
Yichen Lee
Sepideh Limothim
Jamie Lou
Mimi Ly
Susan Ly
Cherise Meyerson
Brenda Munoz
Anu Murthy
Hao My Dieu
Han Myat
Kevin Nguyen
Joey Orpilla
Angel Pan
Sungmee Park
Priya Patel
Harman Rahal
Anmol Rangoola
Holly Rankin
Christopher Rehage
Jamie Sabellon
Zakir Safdar
Alexandra Schulz
Reeti Sharma
Sampat Sindhar
Joy Sunthonlap
Wendy Tsan
Julie Vo
Linda Vu
Cindy Vuong
Angel Wu
Lauren Yang
Kermit Zheng
Social Work
Paola Latorre-Rey LCSW
Marlene Rotblatt LCSW
Social Work Interns
Alessandra Giampaolo
Armin Bauer
Carol Bastias
Diane Belinsky
Diane J. Bass
Gabriela Osorio
Irene Campos
Jihan Sims
Joanne Contreras
Julia Gomelsky
Julia Socolovsky
Julie Liker
Karine Kamara
Ligia Espinoza
Michelle Tulac
Priscilla Lozano
Rebecca Lara
Roberto Lopez
Sharon Korobkin
Stephannie Grijalva
Yesenia Rodriguez
Juan A. Alfaro
Miguel Aparicio
Jenifer Bartz
Emily Batton
Elizabeth Blas
Jonathan Castellanos
Karina Cervantes
Gabriela Chavez
Michael Davis
Kellin Esquivel
Iliana Garcia
Cindy Guzman
Angelika Lillo
Jose I. Lozano
Ingrid Maravilla
Beberlin Meza
Roxanna Napoles
Christian Pabon
Jairo Pabon
Hannah Palmer
Diana Partida
Noemi Quinteros
Derek Raguindin
Anu Ramachandran
Martha Rodas
Diana Salazar
Caryn Salgado
Francisco Sandoval
Sherri Sawaya
Margie Velazquez
Anna Volk
Ursula Wagh
Sam Wechsler
Robert Casillas, MD
Tracey Childs, MD
Marjorie Fine, MD
Kiera Kamm, MD
Jeremy Korman, MD
Todd Sachs, MD
Jan Takasugi, MD
UCLA Sports Medicine
Kodi Azari, MD
Prosper Benhaim, MD
Andrew Concoff, MD
John DiFiori, MD
David Fish, MD
Dena Florczyk, MD
Seth Gamradt, MD
Heather Gillespie, MD
Sharon Hame, MD
Michele Hamilton, MD
Michelle Kittleson, MD
Bert Mandelbaum, MD
Emily Martin, MD
David Mc Allister, MD
Kambiz Motamedi, MD
Aurelia Nattiv, MD
Mark Pocinich, MD
Chris Pogson, MD
Nelson Soohoo, MD
Jeffrey Wang, MD
Jennifer Repo
& Fund Raising
Board Committees
Susan Adelman
Carol L. Archie, MD
Stan Chiu, AIA
Rebecca J. Danelski, LCSW
Paul Davis
Paula A. Davis
Richard de Armond, MSW
Bart Durham
Aime Espinosa
William Flumenbaum
Luis Galvez
Lynda D. Gray
Chester F. Griffiths, MD, FACS
Jimmy H. Hara, MD
Daniel D. Helberg
Lee H. Hilborne
Douglas I. Jeffe
Ashley H. Johnson
Joanne R. Jubelier, PhD
Brian D. Kan, MD
Laney Kapgan
Constance G. Lawton
Lou Lazatin
Harley Liker, MD, MBA
Tracey Loeb
Frank Matricardi, Dr. PH
Michael McClain
Viren Mehta
Wendy B. Meyer, PhD, LCSW
Christopher O'Brien, MD
William D. Parente
Neil H. Parker, MD
William Resnick, MD, MBA
Paul Saben
Flora M. Santacruz
Fern Seizer
Stewart L. Seradsky
Lourdes Servin
Jeff Sinaiko
Wendy L. Smith
Todd Stern
Millie Sterz, RN, MPH
Arthur Stickgold
Marsha Temple, Esq.
Carmen Thomas-Paris
Elina Vartanyan
Shirah Vollmer, MD
Carl Weissburg, Esq.
Michael S. Wilkes, MD, PhD
Elizabeth L. Wu
Children First Early Head
Start Program
Agustin Orozco
Angela Peters
Azadeh Salek
Chelsea Jones
Erica McDonnell
Hannah Shin
Julia Lembrikova
Kathleen Palas
Lisa Tripp
Loraine Blatt
Sulin Wu
Children’s Holiday Movie
Gloria Abrams
Victoria Abrams
Alexandria Alberts
Jill Alberts
Michael Alberts
Cynthia Ayala
Marielle Bagnard
Catherine Barnes
Radu Bogdan
Carol Davis
Louis M. Del Pozzo
Suzanne Dranow
Jennifer Engler
Gabriela Galvez
Nayeli Galvez
Sandra Galvez
Berenice Garcia
Roberto Garcia
Trisha G. Glenn
Karen Goldberg
Kristen Goldberg
Peter Harvisit
Gloria Hernandez
Mackenzie Howe
Ashely Klotz
Stephanie Klotz
Grace Kuhlenschmidt
Todd Letchick
Isabela Leyva-Garcia
Olga Leyva-Garcia
Blanca Lopez
Sharon McQueen
Riley McClendon
Maurice Morales
Chris Navarro
Lauren Pearl
Cate Post
Susan Post
Laurie Principe
Leslie Roberts
Emma Sanderson
Lee A. Sanderson
Linda Semon
Monica Spiro
Basia Tcheng
Jill E. Thomas
Betty-Jo Tilley
Daniel P. Whalen
Megan Wheeler
Chelsea Worrell
Haley Worrell
Deborah Worrell-Hale
Children’s Play Area
Steffan Alvarez
Nicholas Anderson
Yegermal Asnake
Erynn Baldwin
Simone Burnett
Brian Chu
Chelsea Cronin
Michael Diaz
Elizabeth Dimitrova
Ryan Dollbaum
Madelin Dunton
Alissa Eno
Charles Fabish
Florina Garci
Rim Gebremariam
Arash Gharib
Monica Gutierrez
Tamalyn Hack
Liset V. Hernandez
Juanita Herrera
Iaelishia Hicks
Raelishia Hicks
Hayden Howard
Lily Howell
Wendy Hsiao
Simratjit Hunjan
Aydin Jang
Jieun Jun
Kasuni Kotelawala
Shaina Lever
Molly N. Llamas
Ashley Maldonado
Stephany Martinez
Esteffany Medina
Adriana Mellor
Sean Moss
Lui T. Oi
Nicole Okita
Dorcas Olayemi
Sean Pan
Alison Rachowiecki
Harman Rahal
Ramin Rajaii
Allison Ramsey
Jamie Rey
Cynthia Ruiz
Hipolito Ruiz
Luis Sanchez
Lisa Sedivy
Jonathan Shahbazian
Michael Suiter
Connie Tan
Lisa Tan
Eric Wagreich
Melissa Wilcox
Halina Yee
Samuel Zetumer
Sandy Zhu
Agustin Orozco
Angela Peters
Azadeh Salek
Chelsea Jones
Erica McDonnell
Hannah Shin
Julia Lembrikova
Kathleen Palas
Lisa Tripp
Loraine Blatt
Sulin Wu
John Adams
Sana Ahmad
Rebekah Aladdin
Christopher Alford
Sonya Allahyar
Saif Alqaseer
Alyson Alvarez
Amos Anderson
Loris Anderson
Thomas Anderson
Rattan Appoo
Jo Ellen Aragon
Tramaine Austin-Dillon
Rohan Balasuriya
Janel Baruengo
Scotland Beavers
Ileana Becerra
Jennifer Beers
Elisabetta Beraldo
Katya Bernard
Tony Biel
Stephen Blaha
Chet Bohao
Esmeralda Bonilla
Rex Boone
Ben Bregman
Patrick Brown
William Bruns
Katie Burgett
Tom Burke
Tab Bush
Marilyn Cabrera
Dario Calderon
Chelsea Campos
Jaime Campos
Cindy Cancio
Joe Cantu
Scott Carter
Jose R. Castillo
Irene Chapa
Aman Chaudhary
Mike Che
Eric Chen
Julia Chen
Kelly Chien
Tanvi Chonasgi
Draco Chu
Johnathan Cilien
Greg Clark
Sharon C. Claros
Michael Cogley
Jessie Comstock
Eric Contreras
Christine Coons
Steve Copeland
Matthew Correia
Daniel Crandall
Erica Crawford
Patty Crespo
Damian Crichfield
Hilary Crocker
David Cutman
Kensley Davis
La'Shana Daykhorsky
Matthew Dick
James Dittmer
Albert Domasin
Steve Duday
Amy Duong
Brigette Duran
Swestha Dutt
Karston Erickson
Alesandra Espinoza
Stephen Estes
Ilinca Filimon
Nicole Flowers
Alec Frank
Ronald J. Frederick
Gregory French
Natalie French
Jovanna Galindo
Kenneth Gao
Omar Garcia
Camila Gelmini-Brown
Dan Genetti
Marissa Giron
Sandy D. Gordon
Steve Gratwick
TaMisha Greathouse
Christopher Greene
Aarti Gupta
Robert Hardin
Shanon Harmon
Talisa Hayes
Vincent Hederman
Nousha Hefzi
Paul Heinjus
Ryan Herren
Erik Hilkey
Jason Hill
Jerry Hill
Kati Hinman
Jessica Hobbs
Scot Hobert
Bryan Holdman
Lydia Hu
Jeffrey Huchenson
Jennifer Huynh
Nicholas Ingram
Catherine E. Iwata
Sri Jeevaprakash
Ava Jones
Dan Kael
Art Kardashian
Steven Kay
Amber-Rose Kelly
Aseem Kelly
Hyun J. Kim
Skylar X. Kim
Daryl Knebel
Dan Kozlowski
Elijah Kravets
Gali Kronenberg
Rahim Laiwalla
Steven Lam
Elissa Lappenge
Laura Lavin
Braden Lay-Michaels
Michelle Le
Kevin Lee
Harrison Levy
Jake Liker
James Look
Kaye Lu
Sara Mackey
Eloisa Madrigal
Nicole Magueflor
Kenneth Maher
Michael Mango
Ariana Martinez
Gregg Marx
Gary McDaniel
James McDaniels
Nathaly Medina
Manolo Mejia
Elizabeth Meshes
Vincent Mitchell
Chynna Moerlien
Gregory Mooney
Jessica Murillo-Garcia
Justin Natoli
Daniel Neri
Angelique Nguyen
Tuyen Nguyen
Idnss Njike
Laura Ochoa
Kip O'Neal
Giannina Orozco
Edgar Ortiz
Patrick Owen
Telo Pablo
Michael Andres Palmieri
Youri Park
Steve Parks
Kandrap Patel
Chett Patrick
Elliot Penhasian
Huong Pham
Linh Pham
Victor Pina
Iliana Ponce
Allyson Pressman
Christopher Pritchett
Cindy Pubols
Cindy Puga
Dana Pysz
Michael Quilario
Shahryar Rahdari
Luis Ramirez
Jennifer Reaves
Jessica Reback
Nikita Reiserer
Maricarmen Reyes
Robert Reza
Raul Rios
Roxana Rojas
Frank Roller
Lizbeth Romo
Stacey Rosborough
Daniel J. Rosen
Corey Roskin
Roxana Rubio
Joseph Sahagun
Meljon Salazar
Jennifer Samson
Seira Santizo-Greenwood
Shira Saperstein
Eric Schiff
Rachel Schlossberg
Rebecca A. Schreiber
Gynai Seaborne
Joseph Seeman
David Sequeira
Jonathan Shahbazian
Deja Shepherd
David Shorter
Allyx Shriver-Rice
Cheryl Sims
Molly Sinclair
Sampat Sindhar
Robert Smith
Kiran Sonnad
Roslyn Soriano
Emma Stackpole
Ian Sterling
Jason Stine
Andrew Stogel
Aaron Straus
Kevin Sweers
Autumn Taylor
Steven Taylor
Kirby Tepper
Tracey Thompson
Erik Mulianto Thong
Kamie Tierce
Alexander Totz
Serge Tran
Dat Trang
Ocean Tsai
Christina Tse
Luis Urbina
Robert Diego Vallejo
Linda Vazquez
Veronica Viceñas
Tarsha Walker
Sarah A. Wall
Mark Warwick
Shannon Wasley
Kelly Wasserman
Michael Weber
Vanessa Wegman
Myke Weiskopf
Huang S. Weng
Kirk White
Nikki Williams
Anna Wong
Peter Wowkowych
Kim Woynowskie
Jennifer Wright
Gabriella Wynn
Griselda Yanez
James Yoder
Eric K. Yun
Ettore Zaccarelli
Ruby Zasloff
Ashli Zeinart
Silver Circle
Belen Anzaldo
Ronnie Blaszczyk
Jovan Bowles
Cliff Carter
Ivy Chang
Chris Dax
Harish Dharmarajan
Amanda Dobernic
Katie Enright
Samantha Guevara
Bazillia Gutierrez
Gabriela Islas
Cheryl Quintana Leader
Brendan McCreary
Darcie Miller
Shweta Namjoshi
Alejandra Perez Orozco
Vanessa Ortiz
Cindy Pubols
Andrew Shubov
Marla Stevelberg
Amy Tebo
Joanie Thompson
Peter Williams
Venice Art Walk
& Auctions
Jen Aaron
Farah Abdi
Ridwa Abdi
Kimberly Adams
Heng Adrian
Penny Akashi
Robin Akashi
Beth Allyn
Liza Alon
Virgilio Alon
Eloisa Anderson
Martin Anderson
Chelsea Anderson
Abraelle Anderson-Shirley
Alexandria Anderson-Shirley
Blanca Andres
Andrea Andrews
Nannina Angioni
Nick Anglewitz
Vu Anh
Rodolfo Arce
Jennifer Arnette
Rasheed Asim
Valorie Avedisian
Vickie Baker
Claudia Baldreas
Ellen Balkan
Jessica Baluyot
Michael Barloewen
Zoila Barrios
Joyeux Noel Battle
Liz Bazan
Alan Beckman
Jill Bernshouse
Shawna Birnbaum
Carolyn Bishop
Michele Blackmon
Ronnie Blaszczyk
David Blocker
Judi Bloom
Laura Blum
Jennifer Boller
Leta Bonin
William Bonner
Eric Borja
Steve Bornstein
Lana Borsook
Seo Boseok
Helen Bottum
Anthony Brannan
Melendez Brannan
Wendy Brazill
Devin Brooke
Janet Brown
La Shaun Brown
Shelly Brown
Susan Brown
John Butta
Rhonda Byer
Kelly Caffrey
Peggy Calamaro
Nadezh Callueng
Kristina Campbell
Robert Canchola
Maj Canton
Roxanne Carlos
Nichol Carlson
Samantha Carnell
Wendy Carraher
Peggy Chase
Roberto Chavez
Wu Cheng
Zheng Chenwa
Karen Chu
Paru Chul Min
Jim Ciccone
Juliana Ciccone
Justin Ciccone
Karen Ciccone
Stephen Ciotta
Kathi Claude
Tom Cleys
Amy Coane
Denise Cochran
David Cohen
Sandra Colucci
Kathy Conaty
Ann Connelly
Jennifer Connelly
Lauren Connery
Carlos Contreras
Bailey Conway
Simon Cordova
Keith Costantino
Kimberly Cowan
Heidi Coy
Jahkeim Cromedy
Jan Cross
Patricia Cross
Osmond Cruz
Susan Curtis
Debora Dale
Kate D’Andrea
Aliya Daniels
Karen Davidson
Ramona Davis
Judy De La Torre
Richard deArmond
Molly DeBower
Marlyn Dege
Laura Denahy
Michael Detto
Susanne Detto
Rhonda DeVictor
Eliana Deza
Harish Dharmarajan
Jessica Diamond
Jessica Dinsay
Raynor Dona
You Dong Ki
Francine Dorsey
Sherman Dorsey
Reut Douer
Erica Eddings
Barbara Eichorn
Shahar Eldar
Porhasian Elliot
Lily Ellison
Sarah Engle
Ashlee Enriquez
Richard Escobar
Violet Estrada
Janelle Everill
Erika Fabian
Wang Fancher
Diane Fantl
Pam Fees
Jan Ferguson
Cindy Fierro
Pat Fierro
Maria Filippou
Matt Florin
Sabine Forster
Doug Freed
Hallie Freeman
Susan Freeman
Helen Frick
Cindy Friedberg
Lynn Friedman
Susan Friedman
Caroline Futoran
John Garcia
Aileen Garrigues
Lisa Gelber
Jmar G. Gemora
Courtney Gero
Pomish Gertrude
Lisa Gild
Anna Gilmore
Alexis Ginn
Judy Giovani
Naama Givoni
Becky Gold
Jeanne Goldsmith
Carlos Gomez
Ruby Gonzalez
Susan Goodman
Hollie Gorish
Christopher Gray
Zoe Ann Green
Barbara Greenfield
Michael Greenfield
Jeff Grier
Barbara Grotts
Jonathan Guerrero
Judy Gutierrez
Ana Gutshall
Lauren Haas
Timika Hall
Ashley Halverson
Kim Han Na
Vanita Hanson
Erin Harnisch
Meredith Harsh
Margot Hartman
Anne Harvey
Cindy Henry
Linda Hensley
Jordan Herb
Robyn Herring
Sarah Highley
Shelley Hochberg
Rochelle Hochburg
Gregory Holland
Sharon Hollingsworth
Sylvia Hornidge
Kristi Horvath
Martin Howard
Angela Howe
Wang Hu
Linda Hughes
Gabriella Islas
Yadira Izaguirre
Elkrief Jade
Kung Jae Won
Bonnie Jaffe
Marilyn Jaffe
Brad Jamison
Kim Jay
Karen Johns
Christopher G. Johnson
Sue Jones
Gloria Jurisic
Wang Kai Lun
Nancy Kakoyannis
Stacy Kamin
Stella Kaminskaya
Olena Kataieva
Halisha Kessee
Becca Kistulentz
Janessa Klein
Kelly Kleinschrodt
Matt Koehler
Molly Koehler
Neal Krone
Claudia Krumlauf
Janet Kupchick
Richard Kurland
Hayana Kwon
Nancy Lahana
Karen Lamp
Karen Lauterbach
Carlos Lazaro
Veronica Lebron
Sarah Lederman
Brenda Lee
Doris Lee
Taehyun Lee
Samantha Leija
Phyllis Lessin
Linda Lessing
Gerard Leutner
Sandy Levin
Jana Leyrer
Ngo Lihn
Elvira Linarte
Mimi Lind
Ngo Linh
Diane Locklear
Margarita Loeza
Alma Lopez
Blanca Lopez
Rudy Lopez
Reyna Lopez
Maya Lujan
Mariane Luna
Vi Luong
Ellen Lutwak
Colleen Lynch
Susan Lynch
Fran Lyness
Janice Lyons
Jennette Maclaughlan
Pete Mais
Shoshana Maler
Lisa Mallory
Cheng Man Yin
Annette Mann
Ashley Manning
Enriquez Maria
Gregory Masatani
Kathleen Mascari
Dawn Mattocks
Brooks Maxine
Korin Maxson
Michael McClain
Kamikka McCoy
Madeline McCusker
Leslie McDougall
Monica McFerren
Theresa McGuirk
Bruce McHugh
Diane McHugh
Natsko McKissack
Alma Mejorado
Jimenez Melanie
Jennifer Melendez
Pat Mendez
Max Mendoza
Parrick Michael
Barbara Miliken
Jamie Millman
Kim Minkyeong
Colin Mitchell
Barbara Mizrahi
Crisanta Monterroso
Kristin Moore
Ivan Morales
Roxy Morataya
Arnette Morgan
Joan Morrissey
Guadalupe Mota
Mary Murphy
Donna Murray
Michael Muttera
Teri Muttera
Suzanne Najarian
Shweta Namjoshi
Kopelow Nancie
Keshia Nash-Johnson
Kimberly Nichols
Suzanne Nichols
Arnette Nick
Patterson Nicole
Chris Nochez
Paul Norlen
Linda Novack
Kristal Oates
Jenny O’Brian
Chinyere Oparaocha
Amy Oswick
Ron Ozur
Lipman Paige
Pamela Pakzad
Joselyn Palacios
Amelia Pang
Veronique Pascal
Lucia Pasquinelli
Diane Patalano
Lucia Patino
Eddy Patron
J. Adrienne Pender
Nick Perlmuter
Andrew Petrovsky
Toni Pezone
Tiffany Pham
Melissa Phuphanich
Rulging Pi
Judy Pies
Tang Pingtao
Rhoda Pregerson
Joanne Press
Jack Prichett
Brittany Prtugal
Cindy Pubbs
May Pun
Loan Quach
Phung Quach
Marisa Ratoff
Anna Maria Ray
Kevin Ray De La Cruz
Dona Raynor
Jodie Rea
Anjali Reddy
Jonathan T. Reid
Toni Reilly
Rachel Reilly
Karen Reitz
Mary Jo Reutter
Nikki Ribas
Crista Riccio
Kelly Rich
Aimee Richer
Zack Ritter
Judy Roberts
Terry Ellen Robinson
April Rocke
Melissa Rodriguez
Lindsay Rogers
Danelle Rondberg
Waller Rose
Marilyn Roth
Jeff Rothman
Elizabeth Shubov
Jerry Rotramel
Kat Rotramel
Laura Rutebuka
Sheril Sakai
Alma Salazar
Devon Salazar
Michael Salerno
Eileen Salmon
Shifra Saraff
Marie Sarapata
Stacey Scarborough
Lindsay Schanidt
Miriam Schorr
Carol Schwartz
Ken Scott
Collin Seals
Marlene Seelig
Cristobal Sema
Surjarutra Senna
Nathan Sestack
Lucia Sferrino
Mary Kay Shaefer
Susan Shapiro
Arzu Sharee
Valerie Shavers
Tigre (Elizabeth) Sheets
David Shioji
John Shiroma
Bonnie Shok
Liu Shuaiting
Ashley Shubert
Rayne Sieling
Rachel Siemons
Diane Silver
Gayle Simon
Stacy Sinclair
Lucia Singer
Stephanie Slack
Liza Smirnoff
Margaret Smith
Mary Smith
Tim Smith
Marta Soriano
Eleanor Stahl
Jennifer Stanley
Carol Stannard
Maya Steinborn
Derek Stemrich
Barbara Sternberg
Stephanie Stillings
Casey Swinburne
Lam Tae Ho
Miche Tagawa
Basia Tcheng
Amy Tebo
Christopher Teichert
Rhonda Teichert
Emsiale Tejiro
Dolores Theard
Carmen Thomas
Jill Thomas
Wydney Thomas
Joanie Thompson
Alex Thurnher
Ward Tilghman
Mark Tomlin
Diana Torres
Tonja Townsend
Ingrid Trejo
Thalia Trentacarlini
Nancy Treutelaar
Pauline Trinh
Anne Troutman
Pat Trujillo
Marianna Tuchscherer
Maika Tugnao
Lauro Valdovinos
Marcela Valdovinos
Kathryn Varlotta
Evelyn Vasquez
Sandra Vasquez
Lawrence Vaughn
Annika Veldre
Christine Waljeski
Carol Walsh
Jonathon Wang
Lee Wanhi
Gale Warren
Arnette Weat
Vern Webb
Laura Weiss
Dianne Welles
Patti Wienke
Albert Wijaya
Nancy Wilding
Peter Williams
Mikey Wilsker
Karen Wilson
Amber Winters
Joan Wrede
Margaret Wu
Holly Wyman
Hannah Yi
James Yi
James Yoder
Lee Yong Ju
Candace Young
Dale Youngman
Nicole Zagelbaum
Janice Zeitinger
Jennifer Zhang
Don Zink
Janet Zitron
Make Venice Family Clinic
Part of Your Legacy
Management and Boards
Elizabeth Benson Forer, MSW/MPH, Chief Executive Officer
Karen Lamp, MD, Medical Director, Ziegler Chair in Family Medicine
Laney Kapgan, Chief Development Officer/Director of Development
Karen Lauterbach, Community Health Insurance Program Manager
Loreto Melo, Chief Financial Officer
Venice Family Clinic
Board of Directors
Chester F. Griffiths, MD, FACS
William Flumenbaum, ChairElect
Joan E. Herman
Brian D. Kan, MD, Chair
Ashley Johnson, Secretary
Jeff Sinaiko, Treasurer
Mayer B. Davidson, MD
Paula Davis
Aime Espinosa
Luis Galvez
Rev. Lynda D. Gray
Neil H. Parker, MD
Bill Resnick, MD
Paul Saben
Flora M. Santacruz
Stewart Seradsky
Lourdes Servin
Carmen Thomas-Paris
Leisa Wu
Venice Family Clinic
Foundation Board of
Susan Adelman
Carol L. Archie, MD
Neal Baer, MD
Rick Bradley
Lowell C. Brown, Esq.
David M. Carlisle, MD, PhD
Mayer B. Davidson, MD
Susan Fleischman, MD
William Flumenbaum
Jimmy H. Hara, MD
Ashley Johnson
Brian D. Kan, MD
Stacey Scarborough, Director of Children First/Early Head Start
Anita Zamora, Chief Operations Officer
Daniel Hillman, MD
Joanne Jubelier, PhD
Karl A. Keener, Esq.
Ruth Moss
Marsha Temple, Esq
Deborah Laub
Constance Lawton
Lou Lazatin
Harley Liker, MD, MBA
Tracey Loeb
Gail Margolis, Esq.
Melissa Martinez
Frank Matricardi, Dr PH
Viren Mehta
Wendy Smith Meyer, PhD,
William D. Parente
Hutch Parker
Neil H. Parker, MD
Bill Resnick, MD
Paul Saben
Michael Sarian
Fern Seizer
Alan Sieroty
Jeff Sinaiko
Russel Tyner, AIA
Michael S. Wilkes, MD, PhD
Leisa Wu
Venice Family Clinic
Board Emeritus
Ruth Bloom
Venice Family Clinic
Philanthropy Board
Kathleen Aikenhead
Lou Colen
Marjorie Fasman
Ruth Flinkman-Marandy
Hilary & Robert Nelson
Glorya Kaufman
Susanne & Paul Kester
Shawn & Larry King
Deborah Laub
Susan Adelman & Claudio
Chuck Lorre
Laurie MacDonald
Anita May Rosenstein
Victoria & Ronald Simms
Harriet & Richard Squire
Eva Vollmer
Billie Milam Weisman
Sylvia Weisz
Ruth Ziegler
Marilyn Ziering
Diane & Michael Ziering
Janet & Jerry Zucker
Venice Family Clinic
Advisory Board
Martin Anderson, MD, MPH
Bernard Briskin
Stan Chiu
Henry G. Cisneros
Lou Colen
Lucia Diaz
The thoughtful generosity of Legacy Society members ensures the sustainability of the Clinic’s
essential services for tens of thousands of low-income and uninsured individuals. Planned giving also
provides numerous financial benefits to donors, such as reduced taxable income, options for
distributing estates to heirs, reduced capital gains, even income for one’s retirement.
For more information about how to include the Clinic in your will or establish a life-income gift, please
contact our Chief Development Officer Laney Kapgan at 310.664.7932 or [email protected].
If you have already named Venice Family Clinic as a beneficiary in your estate plan, please contact us
so that we may appropriately recognize your generosity.
Laddie John Dill
Raymond Eden
Leah Ellenberg, PhD
Lila Garrett
Allan Gordon
Daniel Helberg
Roseann Herman, Esq.
Douglas I. Jeffe
Diedre Kelly-Gordon
Mary D. Lane
Barbara A. Levey, MD, FACP
Julie Liker
Connie Linn
Al Markovitz, MD, FACP
Michael McClain
Kelly Chapman Meyer
Robert Moverley
Charlotte Neumann, MD, MPH
Chris O’Brien
Regina Pally, MD
Kenneth Ramberg
Joyce Rey
Brian K. Rosenstein
Todd Stella
As of March 21, 2013
Design: Christopher G. Johnson and Courtney Gero • Photography: Ray Chavez, Christopher G. Johnson, Rob Latour, Melinda Lerner, Jonathan Leibson,
Margaret Molloy, John Salangsang, Alan Shaffer, Warner Bros. Television Entertainment/Chris Frawley
Membership in Venice Family Clinic’s Legacy Society continues to grow as supporters of all kinds—
recognizing the abiding need for accessible, quality health care for all Angelenos—include the Clinic
in their wills or other planned giving arrangements.
Legacy Society Members
Robert C. Aronoff
Dr. William Molle, MD
Irma & Louis Colen
Charlotte Neumann, MD, & Alfred Neumann, MD
Katherine Bard
Mayer B. Davidson, MD, & Roseann Herman, Esq.
Sylvia & Mose Firestone, PhD
Patricia & William Flumenbaum
Elizabeth & Daniel Forer
Elaine Hoffman
Ruth Jacobson
Joanne Jubelier, PhD
Satish Kadaba, MD
Marilyn H. Karsten
Amita & Viren Mehta
Carol Mortier
Janet Papkin
Maida Richards
Stanley Richards
Erich and Martha Schweiger
Fern & Robert Seizer
Jeffrey Sinaiko
Leonard Stone
Ina Tillman
Beatrice Zeiger
604 Rose Avenue
Venice, CA 90291-2767
General Information: 310.392.8630
Development: 310.664.7910
Patient Appointments: 310.392.8636
[email protected]