Healey Library - University of Massachusetts Boston


Healey Library - University of Massachusetts Boston
University of Massachusetts Boston
The University Mace
Symbols of authority and power, maces were originally hand weapons designed
for use against armor. Topped by the flame of knowledge, the University mace
has the University seal as a focal point and unifying element. The shaft, of
fourteen rods of black walnut, symbolizes the [ourteen counties of the
The head of the mace is gold plate over highly polished brass. Complex curves
radiating from the hub in which the seal is centered reflect light in constantly
changing patterns, symbolic of the many-faceted environment of the university
Academic Costume and Regalia
The academic regalia worn by faculty and students at this ceremony represent
traditions which come down from the Middle Ages, when European universities
were institutions of the church. At that time, robes were a common form of dress,
particularly for officials of church and state. The cut of the robe, its adornment,
and the colors used comprised a specialized heraldry that conveyed the rank
and station of the wearer. At the universities, both faculty and students were
considered to be part of the church hierarchy and were expected to wear the
prescribed gowns. As society moved toward more modern forms of dress, only
royalty, clergy, judges, and academics retained the traditional regalia, reserving it
only for ceremonial use.
Modern academic regalia retain some of the symbols of the earlier forms of
ceremonial dress. The gown tends to be fullest, longest, and heaviest for the
doctoral degree. The sleeves for the bachelor's and master's gowns are typically
open at the wrist. Cuffs are more common on the doctoral gown, and its sleeves
are adorned by three velvet strips, symbolic of the degree. The mantle worn about
the shoulders, called the hood, is the remnant of functional headgear worn for
warmth in the unheated classrooms of medieval universities. Today its colors
refer to the school that granted the degree and the level or discipline of the degree
(e.g., navy blue for PhD, pink for music).
The usual color for academic gowns in the United States is black. However, many
universities in this country and many others throughout the world have adopted
more colorful robes. In general, this practice has been limited to schools more
than one hundred years old. Among the schools represented by colorful robes at
commencement ceremonies are Boston College, Boston University, Brown,
Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, New York, Oxford, Princeton,
Rutgers, Stanford, Tufts, and Yale Universities, and the Universities of California,
Kansas, and Rhode Island.
Ceremonies (Please Note!)
Honoring Our Graduates
(Please Note!)
Diploma-presentation ceremonies for individual UMass Boston colleges, as well
as the McCormack Graduate School, will be held after the main ceremony at
various locations on campus. For details, please see the separate page that was
distributed with this program. We ask all guests to remain at their seats until the
academic procession has left the Campus Center lawn.
To permit both the graduates and their guests to enjoy today's celebration,
we ask all members of the audience to remain seated during the ceremony, to turn
off cell phones, and to avoid making any sounds that might make it difficult for
others to hear.
This program is for ceremonial purposes. The official list of graduates is
maintained by the university registrar.
of Massachusetts
Commencement 2006
University of Massachusetts Boston
Friday, June 2, 2006
Campus Center Lawn
University of Massachusetts Boston
Boston, Massachusetts
The Program
Michael F. Collins, MD, Chancellor, University of Massachusetts
The Academic Procession
Call to Order
Noushin Ashrafi, Chair, University of Massachusetts Boston
Faculty Council
The National Anthem
Christina E. DeVaughn, Class of 1999
Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton
UMass Boston Campus Ministry
Michael F. Collins, MD, Chancellor
Greetings of the University
Jack M. Wilson, President, University of Massachusetts
Presentation of the Chancellor's Distinguished Scholarship Award
to Jacqueline Fawcett
Michael F. Collins, MD, Chancellor
Presentation of the Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award
to John Ebersole
Michael F. Collins, MD, Chancellor
Presentation of the Chancellor's Distinguished Service Award
to Kamaljit Bawa
Michael F. Collins, MD, Chancellor
Presentation of the John F. Kennedy Award for Academic Excellence
to Catherine Reyes
Paul Fonteyn, Provost
Remarks on Behalf of the Class of 2006
Catherine Reyes
Conferral of Honorary Degrees upon
Marvalene Hughes (Doctor of Laws)
Barack Obama (Doctor of Laws)
Thomas W. Payzant (Doctor of Laws)
Sylvia Poggioli (Doctor of Humane Letters)
Principal Address
Barack 0 bama
Conferral of Doctoral Degrees
Conferral of Master's Degrees, Graduate Certificates, and Bachelor's
Degrees upon Students from
The College of Liberal Arts
The College of Management
The College of Nursing and Health Sciences
The College of Public and Community Service
The College of Science and Mathematics
The Graduate College of Education
The John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies
Singing of "To UMass Boston"
(See inside back cover for lyrics.)
Concluding Remarks
Michael F. Collins, MD, Chancellor
At the conclusion of the main ceremony, all graduates except those in
the College of Liberal Arts will proceed by college to individual
diploma-presentation ceremonies. College of Liberal Arts students
will remain at their seats on the Campus Center lawn to receive their
diplomas. For details, please refer to the separate page that was
distributed with this program.
Marvalene Hughes
Doctor of Laws
Marvalene Hughes is the ninth president of Dillard University and the first woman to
hold that position as a permanent appointment. Dillard, which enrolls approximately
2,200 students, is a historically black private liberal arts school in New Orleans with
ties to the United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ.
A psychologist with expertise in conflict resolution, Hughes graduated from Tuskegee
University and received a PhD in counseling and administration from Florida State
University, later doing postgraduate work at both Columbia and Harvard. She has
published widely on issues related to education, organizational management, human
behavior, and diversity, and she is a much-in-demand public speaker, on these subjects
and others, in the United States and abroad. In addition, she is a member of several
local and national boards, among them the American Council on Education's
Commission on Women in Higher Education.
Before assuming the Dillard presidency, she served as president of California State
University Stanislaus, and she has held high-level executive positions at the University
of Minnesota, San Diego State University, and other institutions of higher learning. She
is credited with a number of academic support and outreach initiatives, including a
summer mentoring program for young blacks and an innovative effort to enroll more
disadvantaged men in college using learning contracts.
She had to call on every bit of her professional training soon after arriving at
Dillard in July 2005. In late August, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, leaving the
fifty-five-acre Dillard campus underwater for several weeks. With damages estimated at
nearly half a billion dollars, Dillard was forced to abandon the campus and set up in a
nearby hotel. Ms. Hughes provided masterful direction during this difficult time,
keeping the school in touch with its academic standards and traditions.
We honor Marvalene Hughes for her longtime service as a higher education administrator,
for her successes in creating educational opportunity for people of color, and for visionary
academic leadership in the face of unprecedented natural disaster.
Barack Obama
Doctor of Laws
Barack Obama is a United States senator from Illinois and a rising figure on the
national political landscape. He delivered a stirring and memorable address at the
2004 Democratic National Convention, which was held in Boston. A tireless public
servant, he has worked as a civil rights attorney and on behalf of children and working
families, and as a legislator he has considerably enhanced the public discourse on issues
such as veterans' affairs, the environment, and death-penalty reform.
Obama received a bachelor's degree in political science from Columbia University, then
moved to Chicago to work as a South Side community organizer. He returned east to
study law at Harvard University, serving as the first-ever African American editor of the
Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors. Back in the Windy City, now to
lecture at the University of Chicago Law School and practice law, he organized a
voter-registration effort that helped elect President Bill Clinton and the first African
American woman ever to serve in the U.S. Senate, Carol Moseley Braun.
He was a member of the Illinois state senate for seven years, working with both
Democrats and Republicans to create and enact legislation designed to benefit the
working poor and other marginalized groups. Notable among these measures was an
earned-income tax credit that resulted in significant tax cuts for Illinois families.
Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Obama is the only African American now serving III
that assembly, and the fifth in U.S. history. A member of the Senate's Environment and
Public Works Committee and Veterans' Affairs Committee, he is a prominent presence
on Capitol Hill in support of immigration reform, U.S. energy independence, and
improved access to quality education.
We honor Barack Obama for advancing and protecting the interests of the less fortunate,
for adherence to a political credo that transcends both party and race, and for many
thoughtful and farsighted contributions to the nation's principal lawmaking body.
Thomas W. Payzant
Doctor of Laws
Thomas W. Payzant has been superintendent of the Boston Public Schools (BPS) since
October 1995. Before that, he was President Clinton's appointee as U.S. Department of
Education assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education. He has been
schools superintendent in four other U.S. cities, has held many positions as a teacher
and school administrator, and has made significant contributions to both the practice
and theory of public education nationwide.
His "Focus on Children," a comprehensive blueprint for education reform, has guided
BPS's adoption of new curricula, rigorous evaluations of faculty and staff, and efforts to
improve students' skills and learning expectations. Working with the Boston business
community, he has raised more than $30 million for BPS teachers' professional
development. Owing to these initiatives and others, Boston's young students across the
board have shown steady improvement on a variety of standardized assessments.
He has a strong Massachusetts pedigree. A native of Quincy, he attended high school in
Mt. Hermon, received a bachelor's degree from Williams College, and took a master's
in teaching and a doctorate in education from Harvard University. As Boston's schools
superintendent, he has worked to further the model partnership between UMass Boston
and the BPS. In 1998, he was named Massachusetts Superintendent of the Year and was
one of four finalists for the national version of that award. The Council of the Great
City Schools honored him with the 2004 Richard R. Green Award for Excellence in
Urban Education.
His professional record also includes service on numerous committees and councils in
the education field. He has received honorary degrees from Lesley and Northeastern
Universities, among other distinguished institutions, and he is the author of many
highly regarded journal articles, reviews, and book chapters on education topics over a
broad front.
We honor Thomas Payzant not only for his signal success in improving Boston's public
schools, but also for his active role over many years in raising the educational standards
to which this nation aspires.
Sylvia Poggioli
Doctor of Humane Letters
Sylvia Poggioli is senior European correspondent for National Public Radio's (NPR)
foreign desk. Since joining NPR in 1982, she has reported on major world events like
the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, civil war in the former Yugoslavia, and the
first Gulf War. She can be heard on NPR's award-winning news shows Morning
Edition, All Things Considered, and Weekend Edition. An American who has lived in
Europe for much of three decades, she is often sought for her views on issues such as
U.S.-European relations in the post-Cold War world.
She was born in Providence, Rhode Island, the daughter of Italian anti-fascists who
fled Italy when Mussolini came to power, and spent her childhood in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. After earning a bachelor's degree in romance languages and literature
from Harvard College in 1968, she studied at Rome University on a Fulbright
scholarship, then joined the English-language desk of the Ansa news service in Italy as
an editor, a position she held for fifteen years.
Poggioli's journalistic talents have been widely lauded. For her reporting on the Bosnian
conflict, she received the 1993 George Foster Peabody Award and the Edward Weintal
Journalism Prize. The following year, she was elected a Fellow of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences for her accounts of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. In 2002, she received
the Welles Hangen Award for Distinguished Journalism from Brown University.
Individual on-air analyses have won her recognition as well. Her broadcast "War in
Bosnia: Women's Bodies Used as Battlefields" received the 1994 National Women's
Political Caucus/Radcliffe College Exceptional Merit Award, and her piece "Religious
Tour of Sarajevo" earned a Silver Angel Excellence in the Media Award. She was part
of the NPR team that won the 2000 Overseas Press Club Award for its coverage of
NATO's 1999 air war against Yugoslavia.
We honor Sylvia Poggioli for her informed and nuanced worldview, for unflinching
pursuit of the truth even in difficult circumstances, and for upholding the highest
standards of journalism over a long career.
Recipients of Graduate Awards
Vidya Appukuttan-Suseela
The Lipke Memorial Travel Award
Martha Burke
The Award for Outstanding Scholarship
in Special Education
Timothy Burke
The MSPA Award for Outstanding
Achievement in International Relations
Carrie Byron
The Robert W Spayne Research Grant
for Work Leading to the Master's Thesis
Carmella Kearsley
The David A. Kennedy Prize for
Outstanding Work in the Field of Poetry
Kathryn Kendall
The Vincent Cristiani Endowment Award
in School Psychology
May Jawad
The Barbara E. Luedke Book Award for
Excellence in Historical Archaeology
Nomi Krasilovsky
The American Studies Book Award
Paskorn Champrasert
The Robert W Spayne Research Grant
for Work Leading to the Master's Thesis
Bic Lam
The Award for Outstanding Achievement
in Counseling
Heather Charles
The Robert W Spayne Research Grant
for Work Leading to the Master's Thesis
Christian Lawrence
The Biology Program Award for
Outstanding Achievement
Susan Coomey
The Vincent Cristiani Endowment Award
in School Psychology
Michael LeBlanc
The English Program Award for
Outstanding Achievement, and the Alvan
S. Ryan Ward for Best Literature Paper
Karen Crounse
The Critical and Creative Thinking
Award for Personal and Professional
Justin De Sorgher
The History Program Book Award for
Benjamin Donner
The Clinical Psychology Book Award
Nancy Lin
The Clinical Psychology Book Award
Soheila Lopopolo
The James E. Blackwell Prize in Applied
Chu Ly
The Teacher Education Program Award
for Excellence
Jamie Doyle
The David A. Kennedy Prize for
Outstanding Work in the Field of Poetry
Margaret Maina
The Award for Outstanding Achievement
in Human Services
Mark Earley
The Ann E. Berthoff Award for the
Outstanding Final Exercise in
Composition Studies
Margaret Manning
The Maxwell J. Schleifer Memorial Prize
Gordon Eby
The Robert W Spayne Research Grant
for Work Leading to the Master's Thesis
Lauren Fleischer
The Bettina Harrison Award for
Outstanding Teaching in Biology
Brenda Myers
The Award for Academic Excellence in
Instructional Design
Gloria Cross M wase
The Award for Excellence in Public Policy
Bo Pang
The MSA Award for Academic Excellence
Melinda Gammon
The Lipke Memorial Travel Award
Anne Price
The Award for Outstanding Academic
Achievement in School Psychology
Philip Granberry
The Craig R. Bollinger Memorial
Research Grant for Work Leading to
the Doctoral Dissertation
Rachael Sargent
The Award for Academic Excellence in
Nursing (MS Program)
Patricia Halloran
The Award for Academic Excellence in
Applied Linguistics
Mary Elizabeth Harrington
The Award for Academic Excellence in
Nursing (PhD Program)
Susan Jacobucci
The Barbara E. Luedtke Book Award for
Excellence in Historical Archaeology
Erin Scott
The MBA Award for Academic Excellence
Cecilia Shiner
The Award for Academic Excellence in
Applied Sociology
Sean Shirley-Davidson
The Award for Outsanding Leadership
and Achievement in Educational
Joseph Smith
The Craig R. Bollinger Memorial
Research Grant for Work Leading to
the Doctoral Dissertation
Alan Stoskopf
The Craig R. Bollinger Memorial
Research Grant for Work Leading to
the Doctoral Dissertation
Brian Sokol
The Richard A. Hogarty Award
for Academic Excellence in Public Affairs
Lee Timms
The Lipke Memorial Travel Award
James Stark
The Lipke Memorial Travel Award, and
the Craig R. Bollinger Memorial
Research Grant for Work Leading to the
Doctoral Dissertation
Carl Spector
The Award for Outstanding Achievement
in Environmental, Earth, and Ocean
Sarah Woodside
The Award for Outstanding Achievement
in Dispute Resolution
Lan Yang
The Chemistry Program Award for
Outstanding Achievement
Hui Zou
The Award for Outstanding Achieuement
in Computer Science
Beibei Zhang
The Applied Physics Program Award for
The following graduate students were elected to Sigma Theta Tau,
the National Honorary Society in Nursing:
PhD Student
Mary Harrington
MS Students
Kathryn Barrett
Jennifer Butler-Rickard
Seray Cuthbertson
Sigal Dagiely
Kerrie Flynn
Kathya Gavazzi
Melissa Leonard
Christine A. Mattera
Deborah Pereira
Laurie A. Reilly
Lisa Viveiros
Heather Antonia Waden
Recipients ofSenior Honors
Kristin Jean Boggio
Alexander Vegas Fairley
Computer Science
Francine M. Bouska
Communication Studies
Sarah A. Forte
Corey 1. Campbell
George Galileos
Dana K. Clark
Women's Studies
Sean Giere
Classical Studies
Elizabeth Jean Collins
Stacey E. Gilchrist
Elena Cruz
Mark E. Goldberger
English, and Creative Writing
Jessica .\1. Cullivan
Criminal Justice
Marilyn .\1. Gomez
Michelle Lyn Denault
Keith R. Greene
Anthony Dendler
Mikhail B. Grinberg
Political Science
Daniel E. Diamond
Creative Writing
Derick Hoskinson
Patrick Michael Donnelly
Melissa A. jelrsen
Creative Writing
Christopher N. Enwonwu
Melissa Margret Kibbe
Laura V. Paz
Lucille Kooyoomjian
Hispanic Studies
~line Kimura
Ashley Ann Peles
Autumn J. Kycia
Hispanic Studies
Joshua D. Pezet
Hallie Harjung Lee
Lucienne Pierre
James H. Luke
Panisa Pochanard
Elliot Maraniss
Catherine Reyes
Autumn McEuen
Keriann B. McLaughlin
English, and Creative Writing
Lia Rousset
Jennifer Rose Smedley
Political Science
Elizabeth A. McGlinchey
Megan Lynn Stembridge
Timothy]. Menz
Nicole Marie Syngajewski
Samuel ]. Miller
Political Science
Emily Taranto-Kent
Peter Thomas Molgaard
Yasuhito Yamamoto
Asjah C. Monroe
Ronald B. Watkins
Political Science
Verena-Catherine Niederhoefer
Bonnie M. White-Washington
Damali Omolade
Andrew S. Zwicker
Computer Science
Recipients ofDepartmental Prizes
Hernani M. Afonso
Outstanding Achievement in History
Jennifer L. Aronson
Distinction in Psychology
Mark Joseph Baldi
The Alice E. Trost Memorial Prize in
Rachael Elizabeth Bates
Distinction in Criminal Justice
Guy P. Bellino
Distinction in Political Science
Christine Berg
Distinction in Nursing
Amanda N. Bock
Distinction in Art
Fatmata Alika Braima
The Eddie Segelman Award
Devin Emily Bramhall
The Robert Risse Prize in
Communication Studies
Katherine Elizabeth Brendel
Distinction in Political Science
Sara Brockway
Distinction in Sociology
Dianne Marie Cannon
The Wall Street Journal Award for
Academic Excellence in Management,
and Distinction in Marketing
Valerie Jennette Chin
Distinction in Biology
Demetra A. Chornovas
The Robert Risse Prize in
Communication Studies
Dana K. Clark
The Founders Award for Excellence in
Women's Studies and Social Activism,
and Distinction in Women's Studies
Kiely M. Coffey
Distinguished Service in Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Elizabeth Jean Collins
Distinction in Chemistry
Tamara R. Corriette
Distinction in Sociology
Elena Cruz
Distinction in Physics
Jessica M. Cullivan
Distinction in Criminal Justice
Liam Patrick Curran
Distinction in Economics
Albert J. Daly
Distinguished Service in Nursing
Martina Danailova
The Maurizio Vannicelli Award for
Distinction in Political Science, and
Distinction in French
Joseph Anthony DeBottis
The Theresa M. Corcoran/George Roddy
Graduate Scholarship
Laura B. DeCosta
Distinction in Accounting
Maeve Michaeline Desmond
The Marie I. Farrell Award
Daniel E. Diamond
The Marcia Keach Memorial Poetry Prize
Autumn J. Kycia
The Maria Luisa Osorio Prize in
Hispanic Studies
Edward J. Larrivee
Distinction in Biology
Savina Ying-Yan Lau
Distinction in Social Psychology
Keri Anne Leigh
The Louise E. Roberts Award for
Distinction in Theatre Arts
Man Wai Leung
Distinction in Criminal Justice
Soheila M. Lopopolo
The T. Scott Miyakawa Memorial Prize
in Sociology
Swaati B. Eklund
The Joann P. Stewart Award to an
Outstanding Female Graduate in
James H. Luke
Distinction in Biology
Nakisha Jeanine Ertha
The Clinton M. Jean Prize in Africana
Janice Mascarenhas
Distinction in Political Science
Alexander Vegas Fairley
The Taffee Tanimoto Award for
Outstanding Service in Computer Science
Folashade Tiabat Faleve
Distinction in Accounting, and
Distinction in Finance
Sean Giere
Classical Studies
Stacy E. Gilchrist
The American Studies Founders Award,
and Distinction in Anthropology
Miriam E. Godfrey
Distinction in Sociology
Keriann M. Graham
Distinction in Management
Andrew Michael Hyman
Distinction in Art
Adam R. Jaime
Distinction in Political Science
Cynthia Jane Kalkwarf
The Bettina Hall Harrison Award in
Biology, and Distinction in Biology
Melissa Margaret Kibbe
The Adrienne Jill Barnett Memorial Prize
for Academic Excellence in Psychology,
and Distinction in Psychology
Nobuko Kilgour
The Mary B. Newman Award for
Academic Excellence
Benjamin Kirby
American Studies
Karina Klimtchuk
Distinction in Sociology
Stella Krayter
Distinction in Finance, and Distinction in
International Management
Kristy M . .vlaag
Distinction in Nursing
Majd Adil Mayyasi
The Arthur W Martin III Scholarship
Danielle A. McGarry
Distinction in Theatre Arts
John Wesley McKinzie III
Distinction in Economics
Keriann B. Mcl.aughlin
The Paul F. Boller Prize in History, and
Distinction in English
Susan J. McNeely
Deans Award for Distinguished Service
in Nursing, and Distinction in Nursing
Kate E. McShane
Distinction in Criminal Justice
Arthur M. Meacham
Distinction in Computer Science
Kimberly Anne Measor
The Sally Goss Memorial Prize in
Dawn Marie Medeiros
The Colleen Maxwell Award for
Community Service, and Distinction in
Tracey Metivier
Distinction in English
Hin .vliller
Distinction in Management Information
Matthew McNamara Morin
Distinction in Music
Alice N. Morrison
Distinction in Nursing
Verena-Catherine Neiderhoefer
The Ina Samuels Memorial Prize in
Idalia Andrea Zabaleta Neira
Distinction in Economics
Anthony S. Nguyen
Distinction in Management
Lorraine M. Silvia
Distinction in English
Odgerel Odonkhuu
Distinction in Marketing
Katerina Slezinger
Distinction in Operations Management
And Information Systems
Kennedy y. Oppong
The David Walker Prize in Africana Studies
Erik Caesar Parena
Distinguished Service in Nursing
Sherlie Marie E. Viciere
The Susan C. Schneider Memorial Prize
in Latin American Studies
Ashley Ann Peles
Distinction in Anthropology
Brian James Ward
The John J. Conlon Prize in Theatre Arts
Lucienne Pierre
Distinction in English
Shiri D. Weinbaum
Distinction in Nursing
Damian Mark Quanking
The Maurizio Vannicelli Award for
Distinction in Political Science
Rosemary C. Willhauck
Distinction in Social Psychology
Catherine Reyes
Distinction in Biochemistry
Kerry L. Rodden
Distinguished Service in Nursing
Lena L. Scott
Distinction in English
Andrea Claire Wyson
Dean's Award for Distinguished Service
in Exercise Science and Physical
Andrew S. Zwicker
The Leonard J. Kirsch Prize for the
Outstanding Economics Graduate
Alex David Silverman
The Martin Andic Prize for Distinction in
The following students were elected to Beta Beta Beta, the National Honor Society in
Kathleen Campbell
Kimberly D. Carroll
Valerie Jennette Chin
Cody London Choate
Adaugo C. Eluwa
George Galileos
Cynthia Jane Kalkwarf
Hallie Harjung Lee
James H. Luke
Autumn McEuen
Timothy J. Menz
Panisa Pochanard
Ravi Ramdeo
Emilie Rioux
Nicole Marie Syngajewski
Jessica Thomas
Yin Wong
Selamawit Girmay Yohannes
The following students were elected to Sigma Tau Delta, the International Honor
Society in English:
Valerie Ann Locash-Haley
Erica S. Mena
Laura V. Paz
Maria A. Sienczylo
The following students were elected to Sigma Theta Tau, the National Honorary
Society in Nursing:
RN-to-BS students
Kathryn Andrews
Kathryn T. Brown
Michael Rhoades Dodge
Lauren Godsoe
Karen Lesperance
Cathi Mabon
Alice Morrison
Theresa Monahan Smith
janine O'Donnell Stephens
Marilyn Vachon
BS Students
Megan Benoit
Tina Ciesluk
Wendy Hori
Sara Houck
Kristy Maag
Susan McNeely
Carolyn Peterson
Steven Richardson
Kerry Rodden
Kelly Roque
Dyanna Sun
Walter Tarantino
Lisa Travers
Shiri Weinbaum
The following students were elected to Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Honor Society in
Political Science:
Guy P. Bellino
Michelle L. Buckley
Martine Danailova
Alexander Keen Grant
Mikhail B. Grinberg
Bradford P. Lucas
Samuel J. Miller
David E. Powell
Damian Mark Quanking
Andrew Christopher Quant
Anie Sergile
Jennifer Rose Smedley
The UMass Boston chapter of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, wishes
to acknowledge the following graduates for their outstanding academic performance in
achieving the BA or BS degree in psychology:
Orlando E. Alcazar, Jr.
Jennifer L. Aronson
Jessie D. Baird
Jennie Irene Bingay
Stephen E. Brown
Cindy L. Cadet
Kathleen Campbell
Michelle L. Curran
Kristin Anne Cusak
Kristen M. Dauphinais
Elise Joyce Dewey
Peter W. Ducharme
Marina Furman
Mark E. Goldberger
Jessica Gutierrez
Joanne Marie Handibode
Anastasia Haines
Ilda Hanxhari Demeo
Christopher Nolan Henry
Danielle Jones
Samantha Maguire
Laura C. Matos
Robert W. McGovern
Lara Noelle Miele
Ann Ellen O'Brien
Edward Pacheco III
Eric J. Percoco
Jessica Ann Santiccioli
Elina M. Shnayder
Nicole Marie Syngajewski
Christina Mary Tarani
Rosemary C. Willhauck
Brittany E. Woods
The following students were elected to Alpha Kappa Delta, the International Honor
Society in Sociology:
Daniella Nicole Boucher
Claudia L. Contreras
Kerri A. Donovan
Wanda T. Johnson
Justin Randall Laliberte
Kellie J. Moloney
Heather Ann Schweda
Andrea V. Talbot
Candidates for Degrees and
Certificates, June 2006
Graduate Programs
Doctor of Philosophy
Laura Cestari Long (BS Boston College; MSN Southern Connecticut State University)
Dissertation title: Impact of Medicare Payment Policies for Home Healthcare on
Nursing Sen/ices and Patient Outcomes
Lelia Carolyn Orrell Elliston (BS University of Massachusetts Boston) Environmental
Sciences/Environmental Biology
Dissertation title: Natural History, Genetics and Population Biology of Sabatia
Kennedyana (Plymouth Gentian): An Endangered Plant of Atlantic Coastal Plain
Shellie Robin Simons (BS State University of New York; MS Boston University) Nursing
Dissertation title: Workplace Bullying Experienced by Nurses Newly Licensed in
Massachusetts and the Relationship to Intention to Leave the Organization
Michelle Marie Washko (BA Villanova University; MS University of Delaware; ~lS
University of Massachusetts Boston) Gerontology
Dissertation title: Volunteering and Older Adults: An Exploration of Behavioral
Determinants and Their Effects on Volunteer Commitment
Doctor of Education
Stefan Battle (BS Boston University; MSW Boston University) Education/Leadership in
Urban Schools
Dissertation title: Establishing Classroom Contacts and Interactions: White Educators'
Attitudes About Early Adolescent Black Males
Yolanda G. Burnett (BA Framingham State College; MEd Eastern Nazarene College)
Education/Leadership in Urban Schools
Dissertation title: Exploring the Meaning of a "Good Education": Why Black Parents
Choose Charter Schools in the Metropolitan Boston Area
Linda Britton Cabral (BS Wheelock College; Mlid Boston College)
Education/Leadership in Urban Schools
Dissertation title: Letters from Four Antebellum Black Women Educators to the
American Missionary Association, 1863-1870
Ralph Dudley Kidder (BA Lehigh University; MBA Boston University; MA Duquesne
University) Education/Higher Education Administration
Dissertation title: The Evolution of Mission in Urban State Universities in Post- World
War II America: A Comparative Case Study
Marjorie Kirstein (BA University of Massachusetts Boston; MA University of Chicago:
MA University of Massachusetts Boston) Education/Leadership in Urban Schools
Dissertation title: Universalizing Universal Design: Applying Text-to-Speech Technology
to English Language Learners' Process Writing
Dore Korschun (BA Marianopolis College; Diploma in Education McGill University)
Education/Leadership in Urban Schools
Dissertation title: Assessing Language Status in Bilingual Education
Anita Jo Miller (BA Colorado State University; MS University of Massachusetts Boston)
Education/Higher Education Administration
Dissertation title: An Examination of the History and Relevance of the Summer
Institute for Social Progress at Wellesley, 1933-1956
Master of Arts
Khaitan Alecsandr Allen
History/Teaching History
Andrea Lynne Gnong Applied Sociology
Candice Allgaier Dispute Resolution
David Gonzalez Nieto Applied
Frances M. Araujo English
Robert Grant American Studies
Helen Barrington Dispute Resolution
Amy M. Green Applied Linguistics
Susan A. Bartlett English
Denise Michelle Haley American Studies
Darios Raul Benitez-Felix Historical
Patricia A. Halloran Applied Linguistics
Madonna L. Berry American Studies
Nichole A. Brigger English
Michelle ~1. Hardy Critical and Creative
Beverly A. Bucklin Dispute Resolution
Bridget Anne Conlon Bunten Applied
Teresa Kavanaugh Burke Applied
Christopher R. Callahan
History/Teaching History
Michelle M. Callahan Applied Linguistics
Karen L. Haller Applied Linguistics
J. Hancock English
Emily M. Henehan History
Linda Vanessa Hewitt English
Lisa B. Hickler Applied Linguistics
Donna Lynn Karrel Holden History
Laura D. Horowitz Applied Linguistics
Nathaniel Dowd Horowitz Applied
Kevin Matthew Carr English
Yu-Ling Hsiao Applied Linguistics
Frank Michael Carvino Critical and
Creative Thinking
Jui-ling Hsu Applied Linguistics
Lee Chih-Hui Applied Linguistics
John Charles Cole English
Jason David Humphrey English
Chen Tien I-Tien Applied Linguistics
Katherine Mary Corcoran English
Susan A. Jacobucci Historical
Natalie Veronica Crawford Applied
Wilson F. Karaman History
Beverly E. DaCosta Applied Linguistics
Katie Dargan Applied Linguistics
Dulce Maria Dedieu Applied Linguistics
Justin Lee DeSorgher History
Susan E. Dill Dispute Resolution
Barbara Louise DiTullio Critical and
Creative Thinking
Edward W. Donovan Applied Linguistics
Jamie Beth Doyle English
Natanael J. Duarte Applied Linguistics
Gregory Robert Dubell Historical
Alexandra D'Urso Applied Linguistics
Mark E. Earley English
Adele L. Keeley Dispute Resolution
Jonathan M. Kelly American Studies
Judith K. Kelly American Studies
Michael Bartholomew Kennon English
Grace S. Kim Clinical Psychology
Elizabeth ~1. Kiniry Historical
Adam Kleinberger Dispute Resolution
Johny Laine Dispute Resolution
J. Lally
Starla Christine Lane Historical
Amber Aurelia LaPiana English
Beck Hing Lee Critical and Creative
Lance Victor Eaton American Studies
Rebecca K. Lewis English
Gordon G. Eby Dispute Resolution
Soheila M. Lopopolo Applied Sociology
Michelle D. Englbrecht History
Kelly Christina Macdonald American
Jason Epps English
Robin Elizabeth Estabrook Applied
Reiko Maeda American Studies
Amy L. Feingold Applied Linguistics
Jennifer Theresa Malpiedi Historical
Anne F. Fleche Applied Linguistics
Heather L. Martin Applied Linguistics
Susan M. Forward Dispute Resolution
Nicholas Charles Martin History
Christopher J. Friel Dispute Resolution
Molly Bree
Bertha Lucia Fries Martinez Critical and
Creative Thinking
Michael G. McDonald Dispute
Diana Smith Gallagher Historical
Marie C. Mcfronnell English
Applied Linguistics
Gina M. Gentile Applied Sociology
Amy E. McLaughlin-Hatch Critical and
Creative Thinking
Rima M. Girnius Applied Sociology
Todd Allen Mefford History
Chou Mei-Yu Applied Linguistics
Fatima M. Moitoso Applied Linguistics
Cecilia Marie Shiner Applied Sociology
Shiho Shinke American Studies
Asjah C. Monroe Applied Sociology
Courtney J. Smith English
Jeffrey M, Morehouse Applied
Jill Michelle Smith Applied Sociology
Terry L. Smith Critical and Creative
Olivia Guerrero MOlZ Applied
Anne E. O'Donnell Applied Linguistics
Jennifer Alaine Soberal English
Ralph Durant Suiter III American Studies
Betty L. Oliver English
Brianne May Sullivan History
Angela Rose Marie Orlandi Applied
Danielle Tabela Applied Linguistics
Peter Edward Palingo History/Teaching
Jesse Tauriac Clinical Psychology
Linda S. Thomas Applied Linguistics
Marisol Palomino Applied Linguistics
Doan Van Thua Critical and Creative
Jonathan Knight Patton Historical
Joanne Pacheco Tosroes Applied
Rebecca Marie Peyton Dispute
Angela L. Piotrowski Applied Sociology
Janean M. Pulera English
Brian T. Quirk American Studies
Gretchen Lee Randall Dispute Resolution
Margaret Mary Randall English
Julia Ravinsky Applied Linguistics
Emmanuel Rene Applied Sociology
Michelle Lynn Riehl English
Ramit Ring English
Jefferson A. Riordan English
Michael R. Ryall Applied Linguistics
Jason E. Saltmarsh History
Kathleen Tripodi Historical Archaeology
Luz R. Valdez Critical and Creative
Noelle Visani History
John P. Ward History/Teaching History
Meaghan Watt Applied Linguistics
Edward T. Whelan History/Teacbing
Christopher R. Widelo Dispute
Courtney Elizabeth Williams American
Sarah J. Woodside Dispute Resolution
Helen D. Yazbeck English
Rachel R. Schneider American Studies
Margaret E. Young Applied Linguistics
Helena A. Zarecki Villarroel Applied
Kimberly Anne Seroll Applied Linguistics
Maura T. Zlody Dispute Resolution
Courtney Ruth Saythcr Dispute
Huda I. Shalhoub Applied Sociology
Master of Science
Melissa Abber Public Affatrs
Juliette B. Abelard Human Services
Jennifer Maureen Butler-Rickard
Nursing/Nurse Practitioner
Matthew Aaron Adamowicz Biology
Susanna Facci Cali Public Affairs
Yaw O. Adjei-Koranreng
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Lucia Williamson Campriello Public
Affairs/International Relations
Thomas McAllister Bain Jr. Public
Affairs/International Relations
Sandra A. Castelluccio
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Venkara V. Bhanu Prakash Bandla
Environmental Sciences
Paskorn Champrasert Computer Science
Kathryn Lynn Barrett Nursing/Nurse
Dimpi Shashin Chheda Computer Science
Samuel D. Barwick Public
Affairs/International Relations
Andrew John Benedick Physics
Melissa A. Berman Public Affairs
Zi-Jing Chang Accounting
Deborah M. Cobb Marine Sciences and
Elena Cruz Chemistry
Seray Cuthbertson Nursing/Nurse
Maha Karouani Bridges Physics
Sigal Dagiely Nursing/Nurse Practitioner
Timothy John Burke Public
Affairs/International Relations
Andrew Newton Deslaurier Human
Nicole A. Desrosiers Nursing/Clinical
Nurse Specialist
Jeanne B. Marston Nursing/Clinical
Nurse Specialist
Melanie J. L. Deware Human Services
Christine Ann Mattera Nursing/Nurse
J. Domelowicz, Jr.
Public Affairs
Katherine .\1. Donahue Biology
Anton D. Dormer Biotechnology and
Biomedical Science
Manikya Madhu Babu Eadara Computer
Deborah Anne Eisner Public Affairs
Margaret .\1. Eng Human Services
Sara C. Espowood Biology
Lauren Kathleen Fleischer Biology
Anne-Marie D'Angelo Florent Public
Kerrie E. Flynn Nursing/Nurse
Laura Beth Forker Gerontology
Robert D. Forti Public Affairs
Maura Elizabeth Galligan Nursing/Nurse
Kerstin Gerst Gerontology
Marion E. Gordon Public
Affairs/International Relations
Jennifer Ann Gray
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Andrew Kevin Herlihy Public Affairs
Mark A. Howland Public Affairs
Chengjing Hu Computer Science
Pierre Jona Imbert Public Affairs
Elizabeth Johns Gerontology
Rebecca Lee Johnston Nursing/Nurse
Emily Anne Juster Shield Public Affairs
Melissa Ann Kennard
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Barbara A. Kluesner Environmental
Sunghwan Ko Biology
Matthew Paquin Landry Public Affairs
Christian Lawrence Biology
Melissa H. Leonard Nursing/Nurse
Matthew Jacob Long Physics
Patricia A. McCann-Sreacie
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Robert Calvin Mcf.arty Public
Affairs/International Relations
Kathleen S. .\1cGarry Nursing/Nurse
Ann Marie Menna Nursing/Nurse
Roland R . Milton Human Services
J. Morad Public Affairs
Thuy-Thao Duc Nguyen Accounting
Bo Pang Accounting
Bhartiben Ishwarlal Patel
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Debra C. Pereira Nursing/Nurse
Anya Alexandra Petroff Public Affairs
Richard C. Pittman Human Services
Muhammad Murtaza Qureshi Computer
Shubhabrata Rath Physics
Laurie Anne Reilly Nursing/Clinical
Nurse Specialist
Theresa .\1. Rodriguez Human Services
Rachael Lynne Sargent Nursing/Nurse
Rachael R. School Public Affairs
Roosvelt Simil Human Services
Marybeth A. Singh Nursing/Nurse
Boyce W. Slayman Public Affairs
Brian Eli Sokol Public Affairs
Ritesh Sood Computer Science
Sherri L. Sore Human Services
Christopher J. Stack Public
Affairs/International Relations
Margaret G. Strickler Gerontology/
Management of Aging Services
Stephen Edward Tarantino
Nursing/Nurse Practitioner
Can Lu Physics
Chad S. Torbin Public
Affairs/International Relations
Lisa Marie Lugo
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Lisa Paula Viveiros Nursing/Nurse
Victoria A. Maguire Public Affairs
Margaret W. Maina Human Services
Alice Mall Public Affairs/
International Relations
Srinivas Mandalemula Physics
Gail Marshall Nursing
Heather Antonia Waden Nursing/Clinical
Nurse Specialist
Phyllis F. C. Wan Accounting
Xiaoguang Wang Accounting
Natalie Leland Wiatrowski Gerontology
Kathleen B. Wilson Gerontology
Andrew C. Wise Public Affairs
Wendy Rainbow Wong Human Services
Lan Yang Chemistry
Accelerated Bachelor of ScienceMaster of Science
Master of Education
Alexandra Zachopoulou Biotechnology
and Biomedical Science
Linda Yuk Kwan Yip
Gerontology/Management of Aging
Sisal' Ayele Zemedkun Public
Affairs/International Relations
Caitlin Young Public Affairs
Hui Zou Computer Science
Beibei Zhang Physics
Kathya R. Gavazzi Nursing
Stefanie]. McCredie Nursing
Aileen Winifred Adams Education/NonLicensure
JoAnn L. Brown Education/Elementary
Tara T. Agwo Instructional
Design/Instructional Technology
Michael Page Buckley Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Marisa R. Aldoupolis Special Education
Nichole Ann Bukowski Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Joshua Amir Alexander Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Susan Lea Anderson Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Martha Shanley Burke Special Education
David Preston Buse Education
Christopher]. Buttimer Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Julia Andrews Education/
Margaret L. Camire Special Education
Serena Jayne Arienti Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Christy L. Cannistra Education/NonLicensure
Myriam Anselme Armand Special
Katherine M. Catanzano Education/NonLicensure
Leeann M. Aubuchon Counseling/
Marriage and Family Therapy
Hsueh-Ni Chang Counseling/
Marriage and Family Therapy
Lauren Austrian Education/Elementary
Wendy]. Backman Education
Catherine]. Baker School Psychology
Gilad Barkan Counseling/Marriage and
Family Therapy
Katherine M. Barnett Education
Stefanie D. Beckerman Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Suzanne]. Chapin Special Education
Rosalia Chiulli Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Julie "'1. Christianer Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Lyssa Anne Clayton Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Aletha Cole Instructional Design
Stewart M. Bell Education
Barry F. Collins, Jr. Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Leslie Marie Benner Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Heather Conlan
Education/Non- Licensure
Steven M. Bentley Education
Sarah Ruth Cook Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Adam G. Berberian School Psychology
Rebecca L. Berger Education
Gladstone Jefferson Cooke Education
William C. Berry Education
Tania Cornelio Counseling/Marriage and
Family Therapy
Kerry A. Birchall Special
Education/Visual Impairment
Alison Laura Bietz Educational
Nicole Marie Boeri School Psychology
Luis P. Bonilla Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Amy M. Boone Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Rachael S. Borr Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Stacy Bromberger Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Elizabeth M. Costa Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Suzanne Elaine Coyne
Education/Elementary Education
Darcy Blair Cullinan Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Erin L. Curran Education
Jocelyn Alice Cyr Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Ann D'Angelo Educational
Eric D. Daffinrud School Psychology
Mary A. Davis
Education/Non- Licensure
Jill A. Davis-Cacace Education
Sherri L. DeCosta Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Michael F. Hogan Education
Paul Andrew Hough Education
Stephen Charles Hufsmith Instructional
Design/Instructional Technology
Folarin E. Ibidapo Education
Sarah Michelle DeCruz
Education/Elementary Education
Sheldon Yukio Ito Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Melinda D. DeSanctis Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Esther Victoria Jackson Counseling/
Rehabilitation Counseling
Sandra Elizabeth Derstine Education
Lena Jar-Curran Special Education
Michael DiSandro School Psychology
Amanda H. Jenkins Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Stacey A. Dobrowolski Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Erin Marie Doherty Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Joanne B. Doherty
Education/Non- Licensure
Roody Jocelyn Special Education
Darlene Katherine Johnson
Counseling/School Guidance
Clare G. Jones Instructional Design
Kimberly Taft Drooker Special Education
Elaine Kakambouras Education
Ryan C. Eisenberg Education
Elizabeth N. Keane Education
Jacqueline Evon Elder Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Lauren M. Kelly Special Education
Jason S. Ellis Education
Andrey Kneller Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Kelli C. English Education
Kristin Anne Knowlton Special Education
Jennifer Clark Ericson Education
Rebecca Marie Lahaie School Psychology
Kristen Jan Ervick Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Bic N. Lam Counseling/School Guidance
Kathryn Dendor Fanning Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Cathryn Virginia Ferraro Education
Amy E. Ferreira Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Jamie Ferreira School Psychology
Nicola Jaye Larcombe Education
Joseph P. Lawlor Education
Heather J. Leonardo Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Rebecca Lynn Lepow
Education/Elementary Education
John Ryan Field Education
Barry Lewis Education
Judith Anne Foley Instructional Design
Justin B. Libby Education/Elementary
Suzanne E. Fontas Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Brynell J. Francis-Smikle Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Michael A. Garland
Education/Elementary Education
Allan Claude Gehant Educational
Karen Lee Giatrelis School Psychology
Andrew Lawrence Gilmore
Education/Non- Licensure
Milagros Gonzalez Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
J. Graham Education
Michelle Jean Graham Education
Cecile Angela Guzman Education
Elizabeth M. Haggerty Special Education
J. Lohnes School Psychology
Julie Erin Lomartire Education
Alexandra Patrice Louis Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Anne T. Lunghi Special Education/Visual
Chu Ly Education/Non-Licensure
Kelleigh Marie Mahan
Education/Elementary Education
Amber Lorraine Malm Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Lisa B. Mancino Special Education
Debra D. Martin Education/Elementary
Sharon Nellie Maurer Instructional
Ilana S. Halko Special Education
Caitlin M.
Liang-Shu Han Instructional Design
Dana M. McCarthy Education
Special Education
Julie A. Harrington Education
Mary Teresa McCarthy Education
Kristin L. Herrick Special
Education/Visual Impairment
Julie A. McCoy Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Colleen M. McDonald School
Marcia Kawa Hermolin Rabinowits
Counseling/Mental Health Counseling
Emily Anne McGinnis Education
John C. Randall
Education/Non- Licensure
Johanna H. McGlauflin Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Paul E. McGowan Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
David F. Rea Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Liese Reagan Special Education
Elizabeth A. McIntyre Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Jonathan V. Redden Education
Elizabeth Marie McManamy
Counseling/Mental Health Counseling
Wendy Rich Education
Sarah L. McMillan Education
Michael Austin Meagh Education
Sheila M. Mihalick Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
David Patrick Mills Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Kati M. Reinke Education
Stacy M. Rodriguez- Rennard
Counseling/Mental Health Counseling
Mary Catherine Rogers Counseling/
Rehabilitation Counseling
Blanca M. Rosa Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Sharon M. Rusconi Education
Marlena Lynn Minkos School Psychology
Nicole A. Ruttan Education
Mariusz Michal Misiaszek Education
Nancy Maria Sacchetti Education
Lauren K. Mondoux Education
Gregory-Roland R. Salgado Education
Daniel J. Moran Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
N asrin Samadi Education
Robert Francis Mosher Special Education
Bruce A. Samuels Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Gloria E. Myers-Clark Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Katrin H. Sanford Counseling/
Marriage and Family Therapy
Heather Jean Nabbefeld Education
Ben Kaplan Sanoff Education
Barbara A. Najjar-Owens
Education/Elementary Education
Ilana Scanlan Saxe Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Linda Neault Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Steffen Paul Schmidt Education
Paula C. Nelson Education
Karen Elise Schwartz School Psychology
Nadine Rossanna O'Garro Education
Alison May Scott Education/Elementary
Steven Anders Oakland Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Jessica E. Serino Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Sharon Wille Padnos Special
Education/Visual Impairment
Michele Setterlund Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Victoria E. Parker Education
Juanita M. Shaffer Ratzlaff
Education/Middle and Secondary
Rachel Susan Pauli Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Cochise T. Pearson Education
Alicia Marie Peralta Education
Seema Sharma Education/Elementary
Isabel Christina Perez Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Dolores A. Shea Counseling/Mental
Health Counseling
Julie A. Perry Education/Elementary
Sean Shirley-Davidson Educational
Ekaterina A. Peshkova Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Jonathan Simon Education
Ana A. Polanco Education
Rebecca Emily Simon School Psychology
Adam J. Shopis Education
Sara M. Potts Education
Zosia W. Skorko Education
Raymond D. Powell Jr. Educational
Aaron Josef Skowyra Education
Simon M. Proudlock Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Michelle Elizabeth Smith Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Jennifer Lynn Puntenney Education
Heather Lanae Soberg Instructional
Sandra Pyrarn-Loyer Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Jacqueline Lee Sousa
Education/Elementary Education
Master of Business
Emily Kathleen Stuckey Education
Lauri A. Thorne Education
Rana Sukhtian Counseling/
Rehabilitation Counseling
Melissa Marie Tibbets Instructional
Michael R. Suleiman Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Kristina Brett Tobey Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Linda Ann Sullivan Sholes Special
Education/Visual Impairment
Matthew Tondorf Special Education
Elizabeth B. Todzia Education
Corinne E. Sullivan Education
Tri M. Tran Education
Mathew Edward Sullivan Education
Irischa :\1. Valentin Education
Susan C. Sullivan Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Payal Sham Vighne
Education/Non- Licensure
Katie Anne Sutton Counseling/
School Guidance Counseling
Patricia A. Vio Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Nicole Juanita Tabolt Education
Brinda Tahiliani Education
Joseph R. White
Education/Non- Licensure
Erin P. Takacs Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Vanessa A. White Counseling/
Rehabilitation Counseling
Yuan Min Tang Counseling/Mental
Health Counseling
Marsie M. Whitehouse Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Marcia Lynn Tavares Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Julia M. Wismar Education
Kathryn E. Terrill Special Education
Eric Alexander Wood Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Adina Marie Thomas Education
Nayanika Yellepeddi Instructional Design
Elton T. Thomas Education
Soyoung Yoo School Psychology
Ekaterina A. Andreeva Business
Hideaki Kamiyoshi Business
Claire Lyn Banks Business Administration
Douglas A. Lapp Business Administration
Jorge Isaias Barrera Business
Olga A. Lavrenko Business
Ryan D. Boxill Business Administration
Alice Marie Lubeck Business
William Carron Business Administration
Rinrawi Chokate Business Administration
Carmelo Cinqueonce Business
Amy L. Cook Business Administration
Joshua A. Coulsey Business
Kathleen M. Davin Business
Satya P. Divi Business Administration
Holly B. Federovich Business
Ana Cristina Fill Business Administration
Richard L. Mallory Jr. Business
Ann K. McGlynn Business Administration
Cintia O. Miranda Business
John V. Modica Business Administration
Krupa Murthy Business Administration
Kaushik Narayanan Business
Fatih Osmani Business Administration
Dimitrios Papadopoulos Business
Bianca C. Garcia Business Administration
Amy Lynne Rossi Business Administration
Heidi Joy Gregory-Mina Business
Jimmy W. Sam Business Administration
James A. Hazard Business Administration
Yvonne F. V. Saunders Business
Daniel G. Holmes Business
Erin L. Scott Business Administration
Nguyen Hoang Huu Business
Aaron E. Stevenson Business
Rajiv R. jaganathan Business
Gregory D. Stipkovich Business
Mehul K. Shah Business Administration
Alfred Jones Business Administration
Mine Ulusoy Business Administration
Kaltra Kamberi Business Administration
Louis G. Waldorf Business
Certificate of Advanced
Graduate Study
Susan Lea Anderson Counseling
Robin L Antollino-Bukoski School
Amanda H. Jenkins Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Jane M. D. Bailey School Psychology
Regina Bankole Educational
Kathryn Campbell Kendall School
Caroline Anne King School Psychology
Rachel Marie Bates School Psychology
Holly A. Brockmire School Psychology
Sherry Lynn Kravitsky Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
Breda A. Butler School Psychology
Kristine A. Landgraf School Psychology
Sandra Baldner Maas Educational
Dawn Marie Monacella School
Heather Marie Murphy School
Sarah Schulz O'Loughlin School
Amber L Camelio School Psychology
Willette Charles-Conroy Educational
Susan M. Clark School Psychology
William R. Collins School Psychology
Renate Ward Corrigan School
Kelly L Cotton School Psychology
Steven Otto Johnson School Psychology
Jaime Lynn Curley School Psychology
Elaine Pagliarulo Counseling/School
Guidance Counseling
Karen L Perry Daley Educational
Anne Harris Price School Psychology
Lara De Santis School Psychology
Christine A. DeYeso Educational
Christine ~. Finn School Psychology
Michael W. Fish School Psychology
Marie E. Foley Counseling
Kate Johanna Hersman School
George Singo School Psychology
Valerie J. Spencer Educational
Tricia F. Tagami School Psychology
Colleen Marie Venna Educational
Nidhi Walia School Psychology
Kristen E. Walsh School Psychology
Katherine Janice Wisse School Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Munira Abdella Sociology
Reem Abousamra Political Science
Keilah Caroline Billings Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
John Adam Adams Economics
Archline H. Bing Criminal Justice
William Michael Adduci Economics
Jennie Irene Bingay Psychology
Jennifer A. Adolph Sociology
Erich P. Birkby Psychology
Nora Rose Adukonis Psychology
Amanda N. Bock Art
Kwadwo Agyeman Economics
Cathy A. Boisvert Psychology
Danielle A. Aikens Sociology
Joe P. Bonni Anthropology
Orlando E. Alcazar, Jr. Psychology
Vincent A. Borrello History
Ricardo R. Alexandre Criminal Justice
Daniella Nicole Boucher Sociology
Mohamed I. Ali Economics
George S. Bournakis Psychology
Panther A. Alier Political Science
Heather A. Bowers English
Allyson Allen Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Joel Edward Brady History
Lisa A. Allen English
Molly English Bragga Criminal Justice,
and Sociology
Trista L. Allman Women's Studies
Devin Emily Bramhall English
Jacqueline F. Alves Africana Studies
Samuel Adam Breen Art, and English
Joana Idalina Amado Women's Studies
Katherine Elizabeth Brendel Political
Emily Amezquita Criminal Justice
Catherine Damay Anderson Art
Corey J. Anderson Psychology
Nicole Marie Anderson Criminal Justice
Dorota Andruszkiewicz Psychology
Nissa M. Anson Anthropology
Edgar Arciniegas Economics
Maudeline Aubourg Psychology
Decilia Nordis Austrie English
Mistere S. Ayele Psychology
Grace O. Babalola Criminal Justice
Karen Elizabeth Brennan Psychology
Max Bresca Sociology
Ian Briggs Sociology
Erica K. Brown Psychology
Shameeka Y. Brown Political Science
Joseph Brooks Buckley English
Michelle L. Buckley Political Science
Meredith Katherine Buffington
Psychology and Sociology (joint Major)
Jason E. Burch Political Science
Cheryl L. Bagetis Political Science
Paul F. Burgoyne Psychology, and
Criminal Justice
Jessie D. Baird Women's Studies, and
Sociology, and Psychology
Tina Yvonne Bustion Criminal Justice
Abigail Joy Baisas Psychology
Carl E. Baker Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Mark Joseph Baldi Economics
Pearlina D. Bannis Africana Studies
Sanja Banovic Economics
David S. Barile Criminal Justice
Tahina Barlatier Psychology
Guerdy S. Baron Theatre Arts
Lourenca R. Barros Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Karen M. Barrows Political Science
Paola Batti Art
Rachel A. Beard English
Stephenie Bellerice Sociology
Guy P. Bellino Political Science
Lyn Ben Simon Theatre Arts
Fabiola C. Benjamin Criminal Justice
Marguerite Bergel Art
Rachel E. Berkowitz Psychology
Peter S. Butler English
Amy S. Butterworth Criminal Justice
Elizabeth Ankje Byl Individual Major in
Race, Class, and Gender in Latin
America and the Caribbean
James Michael Byrne English
Cindy L. Cadet Psychology
Corey I. Campbell Psychology
Jason M. Campos English
Candeliere Criminal Justice
Vanessa F. Cano English
Milagros C. Canseco Psychology
Joanna ~1. Carabello Criminal Justice,
and Sociology
Sadiya A. Carr Psychology
Teresa Casseus Sociology
Yvonne Caulfield Psychology
Donatella Cedrone Political Science
Marc A. Cesar Economics
Byung Chul Cha Economics
Izabela Anna Chabik English
James Chan Economics
Ashley Teresa D'Amour Psychology
Sean Chan Economics
Myra Jennifer D'Souza Political Science
Charles Ken Chear Sociology
Gifty P. Debordes-Jackson Sociology
Laura Chiminello Psychology
Arion Dako Economics
Arquimides Y. Chinchilla Criminal Justice
Lori L. Dameron Anthropology
Demetra A. Chornovas English
Martina Danailova Political Science, and
Aaron Michael Christopher Political
Tanis L. Christopher Sociology, and
Political Science
Antonio Ciolfi English
Lori F. Cipullo Psychology
Robin John Citrin History
Erin M. Clancy Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
J. Clark Political Science
Colleen B. Clark Psychology
Crystal Lynn Clark Psychology
Dana K. Clark English, and Women's
Michael Sean Dannaher English, and
Political Science
Genevieve Sheila Dannenberg Women's
Studies, and Sociology
Ana Dilcia Dapkas Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Elmina L. Darville Criminal Justice
Gina M. Daza Theatre Arts
Glaucimone Daniele De Jesus Political
Christine E. Defelice History
Michael Paul Degagne History
Oksana Deinak Anthropology
Angela S. Clemence Sociology
Selene Garcia de Kapoor History
Elizabeth Hardy Clemons Psychology
Brian F. Delaney Philosophy and Public
Erika Marie Cohen Art
Renee Alicia Cohen Political Science; and
History; and Sociology; and Ethics and
Social and Political Philosophy
Carmen de la Rosa Political Science
Bernard .\1. Delvecchio History
Ilda Hanxhari Demeo Psychology
Rebecca L. Coleman English
Victoria Demetra Dickinson English
Maureen A. Coletta History
Michelle Lyn Denault Anthropology
Paule G. Comeau French
Misha C. Derissaint Theatre Arts
Tara Marie Connell Psychology
Jaime A. Desena American Studies
Lindsay A. Connors Art
Brian T. Deveau Criminal Justice
Claudia L. Contreras Spanish
Matthew L. Devito English
Danielle Nicole Cook History and
Archaeology (joint Major)
Daniel E. Diamond English
Rosanne Coric History and Archaeology
(joint Major)
Shaumba-Yandje M. Dibinga Africana
Elise Joyce Dewey Psychology
Cindinely D. Correa English
Kelly A. Dicarli Theatre Arts
Timothy James Coughlin Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
David :M. Dicrescenzo Criminal Justice
Trevor R. Craven American Studies
Natalie Veronica Crawford Sociology
Erwin A. Dimagiba Political Science
Linh Thuy Do English
Julie Elizabeth Dobson Art
Charles H. Cremens Political Science
Vicki A. Dodge English
Sarah E. Crockett American Studies
Brent .\1. Crouch Political Science
Andrea .\1. Dollar Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Andrea Lyn Cuccinello Psychology
Patrick R. Donlan Political Science
Paul F. Cullen Economics
Patrick Michael Donnelly English
Jessica .\1. Cullivan Criminal Justice
Kerri A. Donovan Criminal Justice
Daniel Cunha Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Nicole H. Donovan English
Julian Cure Economics
Susan M. Donovan Psychology
Stephanie Anne Curley Sociology
Tara N. Doody Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Michelle L. Curran Psychology
James Dooley Anthropology
Patrick M. Curran Sociology
Ryan James Downing History
Kristin Anne Cusack Psychology
Cesar Augusto Doza-Paez Economics
Kristin M. D'Agostino English
Erin .\1. Driscoll Psychology
Nikki P. D'Alessandro Economics
Jonathan Jay Dubois Anthropology
Peter W. Ducharme Psychology
Katelyn Dwyer Art
Ayan 1. Gedi Economics, and Africana
Meghan K. Ebbs Sociology
Lynn C. Gelski Sociology
Amber Ray Eddings Psychology
Landy Georges English, and Africana
Swaati B. Eklund Economics
Joanne Renee Elder English
Bonnie Gerepka Women's Studies
Farida Ellouizi French
Akron Getachew Sociology
Amanda Catherine Enos Sociology
Benjamin Rahul Ghosh Political Science
Su C. Erdogan Sociology
Jurgita Giedraityte Psychology
Nakisha Jeanine Ertha Africana Studies
Sean Giere Classical Studies
Christina ~1. Everberg Spanish, and
Individual Major in Latin American
Politics, History, and Culture
Milena Gil Psychology
Stacey E. Gilchrist Anthropology; and
American Studies
Matthew P. Fabian English
Joseph Albert Giovino III American Studies
Kristin Maria Fallica English
Leia M. Glennon Psychology
Annemarie Fallon Art
Miriam E. Godfrey Criminal justice, and
Psychology, and Sociology
Sahba Joseph Farivar Ethics and Social
and Political Philosophy
Mark E. Goldberger English
Dana C. Faughnan English
Mark Johnson Feeney Psychology
Paulo L. Gomes Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Michael Patrick Feeney Criminal justice,
and Sociology
Yessenia 1. Gomez-Bautista Criminal
Tonya M. Fernandes Sociology
Ying Tiffany Gong Art
Alicia Ferro Psychology
Alexander Keen Grant Political Science
Julianne M. Ferro Psychology
William O. Graves Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Jennifer Fish Psychology
Brianne E. Fitzgerald Psychology
Kieran M. Fitzgerald Criminal justice
Susan M. Fitzgerald Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Kemba R. Gray Sociology
Amy Lynn Grebe Psychology
Eric R. Greenberg Criminal justice
Keith R. Greene English
Julia Louise Flattes Criminal justice
Meaghan E. Greene-Newhall Psychology
Matthew C. Flynn Theatre Arts
Lisa A. Greggo English
Kimberly A. Forrest Psychology
Mairead R. Griffin English
Sarah A. Forte Anthropology
Mikhail B. Grinberg Political Science
Nathalie A. Fostin Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Jessica Gutierrez Psychology
john L. Gunderson English
Maria F. Fragoso Psychology
Karla G. Guzman Psychology
Brunel Francisque French
Vivian T. Ha Sociology
Erin K. Frane Sociology
Eric Aksel Haaland Ethics and Social and
Political Philosophy
Patricia ~1. Frantz Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Kevin A. Hachey Sociology
Joseph John Fredenburg Economics
Anastasia Haines Psychology
Rachel Friesecke Philosophy, and
Individual Major in Religious Studies in
[udeo-Christian and Buddhist Traditions
Itai Halevi Anthropology
James Larry Hall Criminal justice
Kerrie L. Hamill-O'Neil Psychology
Jorge E. Fuentes Theatre Arts
Kelly Jean Fulchino English
Pamela M. Harrison Psychology
Marina Furman Psychology, and
Criminal justice
Ina H. Harten Political Science
David Robert Gabeau Africana Studies
Jill M. Gagnon Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Brian E. Gale English
Alexander Lawrence Gang English
Bryan Gangemi Psychology, and Spanish
J. Hanley Psychology
Shunsuke Hasegawa American Studies
Jennifer Suzanne Haskell History
James A. Hastie Economics
Sarah E. Heitz Art
Diane M. Hendershott Art, and
Stephanie Henderson Criminal justice
Sean Patrick Hennegan Sociology
Christopher Nolan Henry Psychology
Laura Ann Kain Theatre Arts
Alexis Herrera Psychology
Susie K. Kallon Africana Studies
Mayurni Higashida Psychology
Shannon Kimberly Kehoe Art
Malcolm C. Hill History, and
Aaron B. Kellerman Psychology
Thomas A. Hobson English
Sharon Kelley Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Christopher L. Hoffman Philosophy, and
T. J. Kelly English
Najeema Holas-Huggins English
Sylvia Khalarian Economics
Daniel James Hooley Economics
Narine Khrkhryan Sociology
Christopher D. Hosman English
Sang-Bum Kim Economics
Catherine M. Kenny English
Hilary Lee Houtchens Art
Steven M. Kim Political Science
Kate Elizabeth Howard French
Drake A. King Art
Melissa Karina Howard Psychology
Benjamin Kirby American Studies
Timothy A. Howard Music
Benedicte V. Kjobstad Political Science
Thomas H. Hughes Theatre Arts
Myungjoo Ko Political Science
Truong Van Huynh Theatre Arts
Kristine Marie Kohl Psychology
Andrew Michael Hyman Art
Ariel Kollangi Psychology
Ermioni A. Idaris Economics
Lucille Rizzo Kooyoomjian Spanish
Ugwumba F. Iheduru Psychology
Aaron Krock Economics
Randy R. Isaacs Criminal Justice, and
Jade Y. Kwong Anthropology
Adam Kristopher Kunda Economics
Fumie Ishizawa Economics
Autumn J. Kycia Spanish
Paul Joseph Iversen Individual Major in
Study of Comparative Mysticism
Anne Lahey History and Archaeology
(joint Major)
Adam R. Jaime Political Science
Justin Randall Laliberte Criminal Justice
Elizabeth James Theatre Arts
Devin C. Janey English, and Political
Benjamin G. Janos Anthropology
James R. Jean English, and Economics,
and Sociology
Gideawn Jehudijan Art
Melissa A. Jeltsen English
Erika Y. Jimenez Criminal Justice
Sindia B. Jimenez Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Kenneth Richard jobity Psychology
Devin M. Johnson English
Erika Marie Johnson Psychology
Sarah Schuver Johnson Psychology
Wanda T. Johnson Criminal Justice, and
Celeste Marie Jones Psychology
Danielle Jones Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Tamika N. Jones English, and Spanish,
and Philosophy
Erion Lame Economics
Louise Landau English
Stephanie Landers Art
Sinman Lau Classical Studies
J. Lavallee
Political Science
Nikki M. Lavelle Classical Studies
Michelle G. Lavine Ethics and Social and
Political Philosophy
Dinh Bach Ngoc Le Economics
Daniel F. Leary Political Science
Jessica Leblanc Art
Leo Daniel Lechtenberg History
Aaron A. Lee Individual Major in
Japanese Language and Cultural
Jessica Vanessa Lee Political Science
Yen-Ting Lee English
Kira Leekeenan English
Keri Anne Leigh Theatre Arts
Laurent E. Lejeune Anthropology
Karen Leow Anthropology
Jillian Rebecca Jope English
ManWai Leung Criminal Justice
Abner Joseph Economics
Tresca T. Liburd Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Natasha Maryan Josephs Criminal Justice
Kris Imari Joyner Africana Studies
Yanga D. Junior Economics
Inkyoung Kong Political Science
Katarzyna Kasia Kaczkowska English
Ryan Lindgren Philosophy
Michele M. Lisio English
Xin Liu Economics
Anthony J. Livecchi Economics
Sau Lai Lo Economics
Valerie Ann Locash-Haley English
Timothy]. McDonough English
Komphek Loeung Economics
joseph Michael McFadyen History
Ingrid N. Lopez Gonzalez Psychology
Danielle A. McGarry Theatre Arts
Amanda Lopez Psychology
Elizabeth A. McGlinchey Psychology
Danissa Paola Lopez Psychology
Keil ]. .\-lcGonnigal Political Science
Soheila M. Lopopolo Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
jonathan S. McIsaac History
Robert W. McGovern Psychology
Stephanie M. Lorento Criminal justice
Michele M . Mckeon Criminal justice
joseph]. Loschiavo Political Science
Keriann B. Mcl.aughlin History, and
Alexander Thomas joseph Loughran
Philosophy, and History
Marc A. Louis Charles Economics
Mimose Louis Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
jeremy S. Lovasco Political Science
Nancy Luc Psychology
Mark D. Mcl.aughlin History
Meghan Elizabeth McLaughlin Criminal
Thomas Osborn McManamy Political
Bradford P. Lucas Political Science
Elizabeth A. McNamara Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Kianga I. Lucas Anthropology
julie M . McNeill Philosophy
Kurt Adam Lusas Theatre Arts
Kate E. McShane Criminal justice, and
Patrick K. Lynch Philosophy
joseph Edward MacFarlane Criminal
Daniel T. Madden English
Lawrence john Madden English
Sanea Teresa Almeida Magalhaes
Curtis Francis McSorley Criminal justice
Kimberly Anne Measor History, and
Kathaleen]. Mello-Gobron Anthropology
Lauren E. Melnicki English
Cody Damon Merritt Political Science
Kathleen A. Magee English
Andy R. Metzger English
Samantha C. Maguire Psychology
Lara Noelle Miele Psychology
Sachian Mahon Psychology
Geah Ann Miller Psychology
julia R. Mahoney English
Michael Miller Philosophy
Nima Majzoubi English
Samuel]. Miller Political Science
Naomi R. Malabre Psychology
Valerie Miller Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Thomas E. Maloney Economics
Alexander Foss Manchester English
Sheri M. Mangini English
Carla L. Marciello Criminal justice
Brian David Margetts Sociology
Marguerite D. Mars Economics
Robert Martinelle American Studies
Andrea L. Martinez Political Science
james A. Martino Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
janice Mascarenhas Political Science
jennifer M. Massey English
james D. Matesanz Spanish
Laura C. Matos Psychology
Danielle Mattos English
Kathleen McAvoy English
Catherine A. McCarthy Psychology
Kristen Marie McCarthy Psychology
Katie Eileen McCauley Psychology
Thomas More McCauley Classical Studies
Terrance L. McConnico English
Sarah E. McCormick English
Christopher john McCray Psychology
justin William Milligan Political Science
Michael D. Mills Political Science
Tanisha L. Milton American Studies
john]. Mitchell History
Peter Thomas Melgaard Anthropology
Brennan]. Molina English
jacqueline A. Molina Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Kellie]. Moloney Criminal justice, and
Asjah C. Monroe Sociology
james j. Moonan Criminal justice
Patrick M. Moore History
Meghan Kathleen Moran English
Steven]. Moran English
Maria D. Moreno Anthropology
Christopher Mackenzie Morgese Political
Kellyanne Moriarty Psychology
Matthew McNamara Morin Music
Marisa ]. Morrill Psychology
john Nicholas Mortell English
Leah .\1. Moyo Political Science
Michelle A. Mullenhoff Psychology
Mark Jason Pearrow Psychology
Timothy Michael Munzert Sociology
Matthew Higgins Peck History
J. Murphy Psychology
Ashley Ann Peles Anthropology
Colleen C. Murphy Criminal justice
Bridgett Pelosi English
Dawn Marie Murphy Psychology
Lillian Pena Political Science
Jennifer Lynne Murphy Psychology and
Sociology (Joint Major)
Dana R. Murray-Tonks Sociology
Kate Perfetti Economics
J. Pennant Political Science
J. Percoco Psychology
Matthew Benjamin Nannis English
Bethanie Petit Frere Spanish
Maria Margarida da Ponte Narciso
American Studies
Stherlie Petit-Frere Criminal justice, and
Melanie Ann Nasif English
Samantha Won Petrucelli Political Science
Cynthia Navarro Vargas Psychology and
Sociology (Joint Major)
Ezalino J. Picanco English
Christian A. Negron Criminal justice
Maureen C. Neil Psychology
Frantz Pierre Philosophy
Lucienne Pierre English
Rose-Laure Pierre Criminal justice
Khoi Cong Nguyen Economics, and
Political Science, and American Studies
Ylira Pimentel Psychology
Michelle T. Nguyen Psychology and
Sociology (Joint Major)
Alicia Posell Wilson Art
Eric M. Pluciennik Political Science
Daniel J. Noonan Economics
David E. Powell Political Science
Ginn B. Norris Women's Studies
Matthew B. Power Individual Major in
Study of Religion, and Philosophy
David R. Norrman Psychology
Erin M. Noyes Psychology, and Criminal
Caitlin M. Powers Criminal justice
Tammy M. Powers Sociology
Karla Stephanie Nunez Sociology
Penny J. Price Spanish, and Psychology
Pisey Mia Nuon Art
Justyna F. Przygocka Political Science
Nwabugo M. Nwokeji Criminal justice
Kelly Lynn O'Connor Psychology
Kathleen O'Donnell Psychology and
Sociology (Joint Major)
Jennifer E. O'Leary Psychology
Denise Anne O'Rourke English
Arunsi Ochor Theatre Arts
Lindsay G. Oleson Psychology
Damali Omolade Psychology
Kennedy Y. Oppong Political Science,
and Africana Studies
Effie Orfanides English
Hugues E. J. Orisma Psychology
Efosa A. Osagie Criminal justice
Rekiatu A. Osiebo Economics
Antonella Purpura Psychology
Dritan Qirko Political Science
Andrew Christopher Quant Political
Kathleen A. Quintal Ethics and Social
and Political Philosophy
Janel Courtney Rabinowitz Psychology
and Sociology (Joint Major)
Christina M. Raciti Psychology
Wilmot Max Ramsay Spanish
Denita D. Rawlins Political Science
Jennifer L. Raymond Theatre Arts
Astrid Jeanette Renberg Psychology
Julie C. Reposa Political Science
Jhunthiwa Rerkwanchai Criminal justice
Jennifer Ann Reyes Psychology
Rachel V. Ottaviano Psychology and
Sociology (Joint Major)
Masako Ouchi Psychology
Christina Maria Ricks English
J. Ricci
Theatre Arts
Edward Pacheco III Psychology
Charles Ritterson III Criminal justice
Scott Palmer Sociology
Werly Robert Political Science
Nicole G. Parisi Criminal justice, and
Jenny L. Robinson Art
Ofelia G. Robles Economics
Daniel A. Rodriguez Women's Studies
Steven C. Parker Psychology and
Sociology (Joint Major)
John Richard Rodriguez Political Science
Jacqueline R. Parks English
Heidi Del Romero Psychology
Joseph Charles Parsons History
Michele Marguerite Rooney Philosophy
Rhonda Emily Patrick Sigh Psychology
Megan ~1. Rose English
Laura V. Paz English
Marjola Roshi Psychology
Charles A. Peabody Psychology
Lia Rousset Art
Alexander K. Rubie English
Matthew Karl Rudolph Theatre Arts
Daniel J. Rudy Political Science
Leanne Therese Ruell Sociology, and
Criminal Justice
David Hayes Ruttinger Classical Studies
Emily J. Sirois Criminal Justice
Ilya 1. Sitnikov Psychology
John L. Skeffington Art
John J. Skelley English
Jennifer Rose Smedley Political Science
Alan James Smith Anthropology
Andrew C. Ryan American Studies
Andrew M. Smith Sociology
Dylan C. Rykerson Political Science
Ari J. Solod Political Science
Ngo Tan Ryu Political Science
Lucy Sommo Political Science
Eric M. Sachsenmaier Political Science
Jan Saintpierre Psychology
Jun Hyung Song Economics
Chadi N. Salamoun History
Haley A. Salinas Sociology
Shantu S. Salvi Anthropology
Walid M. Samaha Economics, and
Political Science
Kenneth R. Samoisette English
Liliana Sanchez Psychology
Jessica Ann Santiccioli Sociology
Leonarda A. Santos Criminal Justice
Steven Santosousso English
Jakelyn Sosa Psychology and Sociology
(joint Maior)
Justin R. Spellman Sociology
Kathy A. Spinelli Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Marsha Natasha Springette Criminal
Ernst Stcine Political Science, and Music
Kelly A. Stearn Psychology and Sociology
(Joint Maior)
Christopher John Stec Criminal Justice
Megan Lynn Stembridge English
Matthew G. Sawyer Psychology, and
Ethics and Social and Political
Jennifer R. Stets Psychology
Sasha Schlegel English
Jennifer Diana Stryer Psychology
Emily P. Schwan History
Heather Ann Schweda Sociology
Shannel Sturgis Psychology
Elizabeth Ann Stockwell Art
Lena L. Scott English
Edward G. Summers Sociology
Eric E. Summerville Africana Studies
Tara C. Scott Criminal Justice, and
Raymond Symonds English
Lee M. Seidler Political Science
Michael A. Szkolka Classical Languages
Mari Seki Art
Andrea V. Talbot Criminal Justice
Taro Sekimoto Art
Emilie Renee Tami Psychology
Brittany P. Syer Spanish
Anie Sergile Political Science
Christina Mary Tarani Psychology
Elina Shakaryan Criminal Justice, and
Emily Taranto-Kent Art
Kathleen J. Shaughnessy Psychology
Kristen Shaw Psychology and Sociology
(joint Maior)
Lindsay A. Shea Psychology
Laura Sherriff English
Gulet Shirdon Africana Studies
Hyzenthalay A. Shiver Theatre Arts
Matthew D. Shugrue Psychology, and
Jamil H. Siam History
Wendi A. Sickinger History
Julia Diane Siegle English
Alex David Silverman Philosophy
Lorraine M. Silvia English
Andrew Kohji Taylor Music
James Elton Thayer Philosophy
Patrick Themistocle Economics
Thistle Political Science
Alliston Dacosta Thomas Africana Studies
Gillian Carla Thomas Psychology and
Sociology (Joint Maim)
Nathaniel A. Thomas Political Science
Sandra-Lee Michelle Thompson Criminal
Chealyn Tim Sociology
Rebecca D. Tink Psychology and
Sociology (joint Maior)
Rachel Marie Tisdale Classical
Languages, and Art
Jeremy S. Simmons English
Kristin T. Towlson Psychology
Katherine Elizabeth Simmons Political
Science, and Individual Maior in Irish
Michael Keef Simons English
Jessica Ngoc Tran Psychology and
Sociology (joint Maim)
Amarj it Singh Economics
Kazuyo Tsukuma Economics
Tara Marie Tremblay Psychology
Laura Trzpit Art
James Joseph Tully History
Jason E. Wilcox Criminal Justice
Tai Uemura Economics
Amanda Lynne Wilding English
Lillian Charlotte Uhlig English
joseph L. Williams Theatre Arts
Lawrence C. Unegbu Criminal justice
Stacey A. Williams Political Science
Christine Michelle Vaicius Criminal
Tanya Williams English
Keith William Van Hook History
jonathan R. Winegar-Mendez History
Peter C. Vanremortel History
Andrea F. Wong Economics, and Political
Andrea Vasquez Sociology
Brittany E. Woods Psychology
Marissa Nell Ventre Psychology
Michael K. Worrell Economics
Rehana Vhora Political Science
Maureen Elizabeth Worth Philosophy
Sherlie Marie E. Viciere Alricana Studies
joseph Wright History
Randeep S. Vinepal Psychology
Karen-jane Wright English
George A. Vorse Philosophy
Katerina C. Xanthopoulos Psychology
Jeanne L. Walker Psychology
Yasuhito Yamamoto English
jacqueline M. Waller Art
Catherine T. Walsh English
Oscar A. Yepes Philosophy and Public
Matthew H. Walsh Sociology
Meredith A. Yerkes Political Science
Rebecca S. Walton Theatre Arts
Keiko Yoshinaga Spanish
Brian james Ward Theatre Arts
Michael C. Young Individual Major in
Urban Studies
Tarshima N. Washington Psychology
Catharine Devonshire Watkins
Ronald B. Watkins Political Science
Welch Psychology
Daniel Werner Political Science
Barry]. West Art
Lindsay Whitworth Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Amanda K. Yu Sociology
Laiyan Yu Psychology and SOCIOlogy
(joint Major)
jehanara Zafar Economics
Yuliya V. Zaitsava Psychology
Matthew]. Zaremba English
Anthony Leon Zaroda Criminal justice
Diana M. Zegarra Calderon English
Kristi Lynn Wigmore English
Bachelor of Science
Kristen M. Dauphinais Psychology
Verena-Catherine Niederhoefer
Roxann Cassandra Harvey Psychology
Kera E. Penney Psychology
Leonid Y. Kharin Psychology
Cheryl Lynne Sanderson Psychology
Stephen E. Brown Psychology
Melissa Margret Kibbe Psychology
Bonnie Lynn Vallie Psychology
Sokleang Koy Psychology
Natalia G. Walczak Psychology
Miroslava A. Linhart Psychology
Katrina]. Wallace Psychology
Margaret A. Malin Psychology
College of Science and Mathematics
Bachelor of Arts
Bhawana Adhikary Computer Science
Jacinta C. Arena Earth and Geographic
Ulrike Elsa Johanna Baigorria Individual
Major in Environmental Studies
Michael James Benway Sr. Computer
Christine M. Carlson Earth and
Geographic Sciences, and Political
Jennifer Anne Cavagnol Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Allanna Michelle Cox Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Mubarak Abdulkadir Dantata Earth and
Geographic Sciences, and Philosophy
Brian E. Gale English
Bachelor of Science
Linda A. Gilday Earth and Geographic
Paul Jacob Goldner Physics
Claude A. Keswani Computer Science
Nathan D. Nickerson Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Michael J. Oakley Computer Science
Jacqueline Dianne Sanders Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Elena Sekmokene Mathematics
Holly Anne Sutherby Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Sarah Y. Vendetti Earth and Geographic
Michael Ventresca Computer Science
Tucker Gri Zenski Earth and Geographic
Adedamola Adeyanju Biochemistry
Alexander Vegas Fairley Computer Science
Eric David Farkas Earth and Geographic
Susan O. Aduayi Biology
Aquila Fatima Biochemistry
Maria Alkhalil Biology
Maridane Aunaxe Biology
Demetri C. Felis Biology
Bogumila Finnerty Biochemistry
Naimah Asiya Aziz Biology
Anton 1. Bagayev Computer Science
Matthew W. Gage Biology, and Art
Gigar K. Abrha Earth and Geographic
Kathleen Ann Gaffey Biochemistry
Arney Barakat Biology
George Galileos Biology
Lauren Fae Bazinet Biology
Tara J. Gallagher Mathematics
Peter Gamache Earth and Geographic
Iti Behari Computer Science
Ruyter Bellevue Earth and Geographic
Akberet A. Beyene Biochemistry
Kristin Jean Boggio Chemistry
Adil Bousalem Biochemistry
Shannon Leigh Gerrish Biology
Marilyn M. Gomez Biology
Stephanie G. Gray-Hart Biology
Arash Haghayegh Physics
Lisa Ann Buckley Biology, and Psychology
Sarah Carla Hannoosh Mathematics
Kimberly D. Carroll Biology
Steven Hartono Biology
Nino Chargeishvili Biology
Elizabeth Ruth Hill Biology
Valerie Jennette Chin Biology
Rhian A. Hodges Physics
Cody London Choate Biology
Derick Curtis Hoskinson Biology, and
Roman Chokler Computer Science
Kerri D. Ciecko Biology
Mayuka Hosoi Biology
Rachel E. Cochran Biology
Moriah Rachel Cohen Biology
Jim Huang Computer Science
Cynthia Jane Kalkwarf Biology
Elizabeth Jean Collins Chemistry
Rania A. Kansoun Biology
Elena Cruz Chemistry, and Physics
Jasminder Kaur Biology
Emily Joan D'Amato Biology
Mohammed Safi 1. Khalifa Biology
Mellanie Ann Dansereau Biology
Anthony Dendler Biochemistry
Rosine B. Kilomo Biology
Hortense M. Dossous Biology
Michael A. Ellis Biology
Adaugo C. Eluwa Biology
Christopher N. Enwonwu Biochemistry
Allison Eugley Mathematics
Scott B. Kiaer Biology
Mine Kimura Biology
Aaron Keith Kroma Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Daniel T. Lam Biology
Daniel Sehyup Lee Biology
Hallie Harjung Lee Biology
Wing Lee Biology
Sean Thomas Smith Biology
Thiago Leonor Biology
Xia Li Biochemistry
Eun-joo Sohn Biology
Gary William Snyder Physics
Cai Y. Liang Computer Science
Felix L. Su Biochemistry
James H. Luke Biology
Nancy Ly Biology
Nicole Marie Syngajewski Biology
Daisy N. Tahsoh Biology
Richard A MacDonald Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Marie E. Taylor Biology
Jeannine M. Marks Biology
Jessica M. Thomas Biology
Ami Yolanda Martinez Biology
Hillary M. Tirrell Biology
Febe O. Terrero Biology
Majd Adil Mayyasi Physics
Quyen L. Tran Biology
Autumn McEuen Biology
Kristen Marie Trudell Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Arthur M. Meacham Computer Science
Matthew D. Merris Physics
Lindsay M. Miller Biology
Chimdi R. Uchendu Mathematics
Kalu O. Ukoh Biochemistry
Luis Manuel Montrond Biochemistry
Katie Marie Moser Biology
Lauren Christine Van Dyke Biology
Sergey Veytser Computer Science
Kim Hong Nguyen Biology
Emmanuella Victor Biology
Lena Hoang Nguyen Biochemistry
Jaime Richelle O'Keefe Biology
Zachary O. Waldon Biology, and
Nelson Ebot Orock Biology
Zi Wang Biology
Louisa A. Ouzounian Biology
Chime Wangmo Biochemistry
Henry Okey Ozulumba Computer Science
Kellie L. Ward Biology
Juan Park Biology
Bonnie M. White-Washington Biology
John F. Pearson Biology
Ilana R. Perna Biology
Haregwoin M. Woldetensay Biology
Yin Ling Wong Biochemistry
Panisa Pochanard Biochemistry
Ravi Ramdeo Biology
Tenzing Yangchen Biology
Denise J. Reidy Biology
Catherine Reyes Biochemistry
Selamawit Girmay Yohannes Biology
Vibhu Sachdev Biology
Marta Magdalena Sianoszek Biology
Allan Y. Yao Biology
Jong Yoon Biology
Mohamed Ziani Biology
Andrew S. Zwicker Computer Science,
and Economics
College of Public and Community Service
Bachelor of Arts
Tracey Catherine Adams Human Services
Tracey M. Amos Human Services
Gerasimos Antzoulatos Legal Education
Michelle R. Kennedy Human Services
Kelly Human Services
Ann '\1. Kenney Gerontology
Alice Jean Kessler Labor Studies
Mohamed Badaoui Criminal Justice
Kafunda Banks Human Services
Timothy P. Killea Criminal Justice
Peter Aaron Bos Human Services
Deborah Koenig Human Services
Andrea M. Boyer Legal Education
Nancy K. Bradley Capasso Community
Matthew D. Landry Community Planning
Keith E. Lawrence Gerontology
Sylvanwillow Eric Leaf Human Services
Carolyn F. Brown Human Services
Gwendolyn Lewis Gerontology
Suezanne P. Bruce Legal Education
Cluny Vanessa Louis Legal Education
Sarah E. Maclennan Human Services
John S. Buckley, Jr. Criminal Justice
William Bradley Bumpus Labor Studies
Kasey Ann-Marie Cameron Legal
Jamie Lee L. Manning Community
Ashley T. Mason Human Services
Candace M. Cheatham Legal Education
Thomas F. Mclntyre Legal Education
Nicole Chester Human Services
Michelle Lynn Coleman Legal Education
Stephen Melia Criminal Justice
George W. Mitchell Human Services
Sarah Colomba Human Services
John W. Morash Community Planning
Mary K. Connolly Gerontology
Leily B. Mozafarian Legal Education
Anne M. Corazzini Gerontology
Tranika K. Corbett Legal Education
Judith Coughlin Labor Studies
Helena Cruz Human Services
Veronica ~1. Murphy Human Services
Kathleen M. Murray Community
Paul Neenan Human Services
Marne H. Day Community Planning
Rita A. Noonan Legal Education
Heidi Decarolis Legal Education
Cletus B. Onye Human Services
Joseph Michael Decato Legal Education
Leticia Ortiz Human Services
Tali A. Degany Human Services
Cenia G. Paulino Human Services
Kelli Ann Doherty Human Services
Jelena Petrovic Legal Education
Joseph Peter Donnelly Management of
Legal Institutions
Joan O. Pierce Human Services
Nicholas John Driscoll Human Services
Yves Pierre-Louis Human Services
Todd G. Ellis Human Services
Zainab Elmi Management of Human
Maria I. Escalera Community Planning
Jason W. Pramas Community Media and
Ivette Rivera Human Services
Gertrude M. Pierre Human Services
Lauren A. Pinnock Legal Education
Jason C. Faria Labor Studies
Danny E. Rosquete Legal Education
John E.B. Farley Criminal Justice
Sara I. Fay Human Services
Jeffrey Sanchez Legal Education
Kathryn M. Foley Gerontology
John G. Santiago Community Media and
Marie E. Fricker Community Media and
Shirlene H. Sapp Gerontology
Leonard David Scolletta Human Services
Amy Lee Gallant Legal Education
Kali Geddes Human Services
Annette O. Gonsalves Management of
Legal Institutions
Eric M. Shanks Human Services
Seaman Human Services
Alexandra Mary Siemiatkaska Legal
Judith Anne Gorton Gerontology
Dawnmarie Hastings Human Services
Malgorzata K. Slezak Human Services
Hajrija Jusufbegovic Human Services
Trudy A. Stewart Human Services
Kristela Katro Legal Education
Franklin T. Katunda Community Planning
Bradford Roberts Stoler Community
Karen L. Kelley Human Services
Rose G. Sullivan Human Services
Kathryn Elizabeth Speranza Gerontology
Wanda R. Sutton Community Media and
Christy Tarantino Labor Studies
Gertrude E. Thompkins Criminal Justice
Tamara Trejo Community Planning
Georges E. Voyard Human Services
Torleah A. Washington Management of
Human Services
Diana E. Wader Human Services
Leah Marie Wentworth Community
Dominique Vilmont Human Services, and
Todd A. Williamson Criminal Justice
Alex Volpe Human Services
Riche C. Zamor Jr. Community Planning
College of Management
Bachelor of Science
Fasil B. Abraha Management
Sonia Costarita Management
Lara M. Agha Management
Camoy C. Creary Management
Kedir Hussein Ahmed Management
Sergio P. Cruz Management
Randolf Alouidor Management
Ashely D'Amour Management
Christina M. Alves Management
Anh Thu Ha Dang Management
Sonya Alves Management
John E. Davidson Management
Ahmed Aman Management
Samira Amini Management
Laura B. DeCosta Management
Luckia Angelidis Management
Elida M. Debarros Management
J. Dawson
Robert D. Arey Management
Maria Farah Deller Management
Jacqueline Arias Management
Simone Marie Delphonse Management
Daphnie Armand Management
Maria Di Ramio Management
Maged Armanious Management
Pavli Nikollaq Dishnica Management
Youssef Chawki Bachir Management
Abdul R. Balbaky Management
Anton Romanovich Dolgopolov
Ann M. Barrett Management
Carolina A. Dominguez Management
Lisa Marie Basque Management
Andrew Doyle Management
Katiuska Bello Management
Mihaela Dumea Management
Robert J. Benham Management
Anwar Ifeanyichukwu Edwards
Ruth Bernard Management
Gisele "'1. Beya Management
Jocelyn A. Bogard Management, and
Jalila El Jadidi Management
Doueihi Jamil ElDoueihi Management
Monir Elazzouzi Management
Jamara L. Bonilla Management
Muhammad 1. Ellahi Management
Ester G. Borok Management
Bikrom Borthakur Management
Folashade Taibat Faleye Management
Harry Bowen Management
Milad Farahani Management
J. Errie
Jill L. Bresciani Management
Paula A. Feroli Management
Krystal M. Brooks Management
Katherine Elizabeth Ferranti Management
Dianne Marie Cannon Management
Sean P. Fitzgerald Management
Tessa M. Cappuccio Management
Julianna Foley Management
Christine M. Carpenter Management
Douglas Bontempo Frawley Management
J. Cassell
Michael David Frederick Management
Shannon M. Cedrone Management
Emily Catherine Fuqua Management
Cintia Centeio Management
Peter Frank Gandolfo Management
Rachel G. Chahine Management
Abesera Melake Gelaw Management
Rorth Chan Management
Louis Gerard Management
Yenchung Chang Management
Evyenia Gerasimidis Management
Rachael F. Charles Management
Jennifer Ann Gibbons Management
Phu Chau Management
Joyce O. Gomes Management
.'Maisy W. Cheng Management
Marisa P. Gomes Management
Amina Cherif Management
Kerry Anne Gordon Management
Yan MinXian Chiu Management
Ryan G. Gould Management
Mitchell Y. Chuah Management
Christine J. Govan Management
Connie Y. Chung Management
Joseph Grafton Management
Espierre Cimea Management
Keriann M. Graham Management
Schubert Claude Management
Tarin Marie Grillo Management
Christina B. Connolly Management
Maryan F. Gure Management
Kevin Phillip Connolly Management
Brunilda Guzman Management
Michelle C. Costa Management
Hong X. Ha Management
"Degree awarded posthumously.
Malyun Hassan Haji-Ali Management
Seonyoung Ha Management
Christopher Lee Hartman Management
Yuci Ma Management
Jamila A. Hassan Management
Christos Magoufis Management
Lorraine Jean Hickey Management
Erin Murphy Mahoney Management
Shih Ju Ho Management
David J. Holm Management
Ali Abdullah Masood Management
J. Mallozzi Management
Gregory J. Horenian Management
Emanuel Matos Management
Hsin-Ti Hou Management
Nicholas Dustin Mattia Management
Carol Hsu Management
Lissa G. Maryka Management
Changyi Yi Huang Management
Kathryn McDonald Management
Yi Chiu Huang Management
Eileen Anne McLaughlin Management
Quechi Thi Huynh Management
Dennis Mclvarnara Management
Osarhiuyirnen Ernest lmafidon
Wei G. Mei Management
Regina Izrnaylova Management
Konjit Mersha Management
Amy Michelle Izzo Management
Katarzyna Anna Jakubik Management
Eskedar Z. Meshesha Management, and
Criminal justice, and Sociology
Melisa B. James Management
Efim Miller Management
Patrick Jean-Brice Management
Carl B. Johnstone Management
Mohamud Hassan Mohamed
Michael Jordan Management
Vidia C. Monteiro Management
J. Joy Management
Juner juste Management
Fetahe B. Mekonnen Management
David John Monti Management
Michael A. Morris Management
Mike Kaing Management
Paul Christopher Murray Management
Olga Karatasakis Management
Thanusha V. Nagalingam Management
Caroline Kristen Kelly Management
Vittorio Nahum Management
J. Kester,
Jr. Management
Nobuko Kilgour Management
J. Kim
Laiya Nan Management
Jerry Napoleon Management
Christina D. Navarro Management
Jennifer .\1. Kingsbury Management
Rosemary W. Ndungu Management
Anna Kokoreva Management
Mekuria Aylew Negussie Management
Dominika Elzbieta Kosmicka Management
Fetlework Kahasay Neria Management
Stella V. Krayter Management
Guderian Nery Management
Li Hua Lai Management
Wai Fat Ng Management
Dane K. Lai-Fook Management
Anthony S. Nguyen Management
Chor Leung Lam Management
Hugh Nguyen Management
Elaine Lam Management
.\linh Ngoc Nguyen Management
Rita Kar Yiu Lam Management
Thuydung Nguyen Management
Thuy Thi Thu Lam Management
Trang Thi Nguyen Management
Gilbert Chaneco Laureta Management
Tri 1'v1. Nguyen Management
James Lay Management
Maciej Damian Niedziolka Management
Keon Ah Lee Management
Edmond Martin Montoya Noble, Jr.
Kwan Y. Lee Management
Linda Lo Lee Management
Sam PI Li Management
Fuyin Lin Management
Jane Y. Lin Management
Kevin Lin Management
Shu W. Liu Management
Edgar Lluveres Management
Gabriel Gustavo Loarca Management
Arsenio S. Lobo Management
Allison Lopez Management
Ronic M. Louis-Jacques Management
Aristoten Lula Management
Phil .\1. Noel Management
James Beebe Norris Management
Blessing 1'1. Nwulu Management
Holly .\1. O'Connor Management
Maeve Margaret O'Connor lvlanagement
Sharon D. O'Neil Management
Stephen .\1. O'Reilly Management
J. Obas Management
Hamilton O. Odunze Management
Olamide Olugbenga Odusami
Sunyoung Oh Management
ljeoma A. Oli Management
Muhammed K. Sillah Management
Jamal Oufkir Management
Chan Kahna Sok Management
Mimoza Papa Management
Bumjun Park Management
Rosaline Sam Stamatos Management
Bhavina Patel Management
Dharmesh Patel Management
Filipe A. Souto Management
John J. Stella Management
Prabhod Sunkara Management
Boris Peysakhov Management
Steve Sze Management
Kelly Pham Management
Lan P. Truong Management
Tiffany J. Phillips Management
Ryan P. Piccinin Management
Winnie Y. Tam Management
Jean Pierre Management
Ajebe H. Tassew Management
Malgorzata M. Pokucinska Management
Domingas D. Tavares Management
Laleh Talakoub Management
Aishah S. Pouncie Management
Stacey M. Thistle Management
Aline Henrique Prado Management
Kiyoshi J. Tomita Management
Francisco Toro Management
Erin Marie Preiato Management
Victoria C. Printz Management
Dominique Ray Torres Management
Kristen M. Provost Management
Lan B. Tran Management
Seamus Patrick Quinn Management
Han C. Quon Management
Michael Linh Tran Management
Minh N. Tran Management
Mohammed S. Rafique Management
Marie Georgette Trocher Management
Ramila Ranjitkar Management
Hung Truong Management
Mica D. Remy Management
Li-Jen Tu Management
Muhammad Riaz Management
Masha Rigin Management
Peter J. Tusi Management
Norman D. Vail Management
Lester Martin Ringler Management, and
Political Science
Edward Vasquez Management
E'atirnad A. Rizk Management
Alix G. Vercruysse Management
Eun-Young Ro Management
Eleanor Villanueva Management
Shirley Vanterpool Management
Carmen E. Rodriguez Management
Nhut T. Vo Management
Norma 1. Rodriguez Management
Kelly Ann Walsh Management
Anne D. Romain Management
Eileen Jeannette Wentzel Management
Marjorie S. Salas Management
Christina Lucia Salazar Management
Andy Wu Management
Yi Xia Management
Maria del Pilar Sanchez Management
J. Witczak Management
Daniel Antonio Santos Management
Liping Xie Management
Edwin Santos Management
Diana A. Yassin Management
Joshua Schultz Management
David S. Yee Management
Bonah Kpaka Sengbe Management
Shamas Management
Randal Elton Yee Management
Diana Victor Zaki Management
Edward J. Sharkey Management
Qi Shen Management
Karolina J. Zdzitowiecka Management
Michael Charles Zeogas Management
Fedy S. Sidhom Management
Jia Zhang Management
Jeremy R. Sieffert Management
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Bachelor of Science
Rebecca L. Anapol Nursing
Jennifer Dawn Kosloski Nursing
Kate Anastasio Nursing
Polina B. Kotoni Nursing
Kathryn Andrews Nursing
Francis Kumahia Nursing
Lisa L. Baillargeon Nursing
Leslie A. Lauersdorf Nursing
Natasha V. Begon Nursing
Judith Leamy Nursing
Sasmrita Belbase Nursing
Robert Joseph Lescinskas, Jr. Nursing
Colleen Bemis Nursing
Karen A. Lesperance Nursing
Meagan E. Benoit Nursing
Barbara C. Livingston Nursing
Christine Berg Nursing
Sou Chhing Lor Nursing
Colleen Ann Borawski Nursing
Karen L. Lynskey-Lake Nursing
Amanda]. Boudreau Nursing
Jingli Ma Nursing
Fatmata Alika Braima Nursing
Kristy M. Maag Nursing
Mara A. Bresnahan Nursing
Cathi Ann Mabon Nursing
Deborah G. Bronstein Nursing
George Magabe Nursing
Kathryn Teresa Brown Nursing
Maureen Maloney Nursing
Diann C. Burnham Nursing
Jennifer Lynn Maynard Nursing
David L. Carey Nursing
Corey Michele McAfee Nursing
Kristine F. Carlo Nursing
Tricia S. McDonough Nursing
Prudy Carter-Donovan Nursing
Donna ]. Mcf-arland Nursing
Baptista Charles Nursing
Susan]. McNeely Nursing
Tia Chisholm Nursing
Dawn Marie Medeiros Nursing
Tina Lien Ciesluk Nursing
Jacinre Menelas Nursing
Glenn Colassi Nursing
Daphne Merveille Nursing
Renee Y. Collard Nursing
Deborah Mary Moore Nursing
Albert Joseph Daly Nursing
Alice Morrison Nursing
Sarah Beth Davidson Nursing
Barbara Ann Mullin Nursing
Demanche Nursing
Christine Elizabeth Murphy Nursing
Gina Desrosiers Nursing
Kelly M. Nagi Nursing
Lynnette ]. Dias Nursing
Michael Rhoades Dodge Nursing
Ossy Chuks Nwokocha Nursing
Emily Ogechi Ekechukwu Nursing
Joanna Lee O'Brien Nursing
Rose Mery Mery Estinvil Nursing
Janine O'Donnell Nursing
Geimima C. Etienne Nursing
Helen Ngozi Ojugbana Nursing
Namugerwa Nursing
Joan Gainey Nursing
Sarah Nwamaka Otiono Nursing
Catherine Ann Gentile Nursing
Erik Caesar Parena Nursing
James Gill Nursing
Carolyn Hilary Peterson Nursing
Angela M. Gilli Nursing
Stacey A. Peterson Nursing
Melody Gustavus Nursing
Hong Pham Nursing
Sada Haubourg Nursing
Aji S. Philip Nursing
Dawnielle F. Holloran Nursing
Elizabeth M. Pierre Nursing
Christine]. Holmes Nursing
Maria]. Rappoli Nursing
Wendy Hori Nursing
Steven J. Richardson Nursing
Sara Thorsen Houck Nursing
Scott Robinson Nursing
Paul Igboenyesi Nursing
Theresa Roche Nursing
Marija Indruh Nursing
Kerry L. Rodden Nursing
Marissa Kim Jenkins Nursing
Ana Rodriguez Nursing
Elizabeth Jordan Nursing
Kelly 1. Roque Nursing
Caroline W. Karugu Nursing
Marybeth Rosa Nursing
Nagma Kc Nursing
Emily Amanda Rovenko Nursing
Elizabeth Janice Kendricken Nursing
Leslie A. Sarna Nursing
Roula Kerins Nursing
Katherine Grace Sandell Nursing
Exercise Science and
Physical Education Program
Bachelor of Science
Estier Sayegh Nursing
Maria Alice Tisei Nursing
Amber Dawn Schrantz Nursing
Entela Engjell Topalli Nursing
Abeer Hyun Shin Nursing
Lisa Travers Nursing, and Psychology
Brianne C. Slane Nursing
Mary P. Uzoma Nursing
Rachel S. Slate Nursing
Marilyn R. Vachon Nursing
Theresa Delene Monahan Smith Nursing
Melissa Valente Nursing
Dyanna Chen Sun Nursing
Pebely Vargas Nursing
Susan]. Sweatt Nursing
Suze Alexandra Viaud Nursing
Julianne Theresa Swiderski Nursing
Duane Volney Nursing
Walter Matthew Tarantino Nursing
Shiri D. Weinbaum Nursing
Alixandra Tilahun Nursing
Tanisha Tristaca Young Nursing
Stephanie A. Adams Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Cassie Leah Fisher Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Fendy Alexis Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Ricardo Hernandez-Pinzon Exercise
Science and Physical Education
Eric T. Bateman Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Erica]. Johanson Exercise Science and
Physical Education
William P. Bertoni Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Karen S. Ko Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Amanda ~1. Boucher Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Thanh-Huong Le Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Ryan Thomas Brooks Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Marie ~1. Madden Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Bridgette R. Chaisson Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Nicholas]. McCaulley Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Kiely M. Coffey Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Alicia Newton Exercise Science and
Physical Education
John Thomas Co ito Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Molly E. Norton Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Joseph Anthony DeBottis Exercise
Science and Physical Education
Kathleen Ann O'Neill Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Julius K. Enang Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Marie-France Odena Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Nathania Marie Figueroa Exercise
Science and Physical Education
Nathan]. Proulx Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Recipients ofDegrees and
Certificates, December 2005
Graduate Programs
Doctor of Philosophy
Susan Marie Culman (AB Sarah Lawrence College; ~lEd Harvard University; MA
University of Massachusetts Boston) Clinical Psychology
Dissertation title: Understanding Women's Emotions: Breadth or Distress?
Mary Elizabeth Harrington (BA Tufts University; MS Medical College of Georgia)
Dissertation title: Role Activities of Advanced Practice Nurses in Cardiac Surgery
Programs in the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System
May H. Jawad (BA Whittier College; MS University of Massachusetts Boston)
Dissertation title: Normative Stressors and Psychological Well-Being in the Context of
Post- War Environment
Gloria Cross Mwase (BA Tougaloo College; MS University of Massachusetts Boston)
Public Policy
Dissertation title: Participation and Community Benefit: A Case Study of the Boston
Enhanced Enterprise Community, 1994-1999
Marie-Eileen F. Onieal (BS Pace University; Master of Management of Human Services
Brandeis University) Nursing
Dissertation title: Hospital Closures in Massachusetts: A Case Study of the Waltham
Hospital Closure
Jay Orville Peterson (BS University of Wisconsin Madison; MA University of Texas at
Austin) Environmental Sciences/Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sciences
Dissertation title: Physical and Biological Influence on the Mesoscale Zooplankton
Distribution Along an Arctic Shelf Region
Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault (BA American University; MA University of Massachusetts
Boston) Clinical Psychology
Dissertation title: Inflexibility in State and Trait Worry: Implications for Adaptive
Yonit Joanne Himmelfarb Schorr (BA Columbia University; MA University of
Massachusetts Boston) Clinical Psychology
Dissertation title: Quality of Life After Exposure to Trauma: Moving Beyond Symptom
Assessment and Exploring Resilience Factors
Raymond Siegener (BS Allegheny College) Environmental Sciences/ Environmental,
Coastal and Ocean Sciences
Dissertation title: The Identification and Distribution of Environmental Endocrine
Disrupters in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay
Matthew Thomas Tull (BA Wake Forest University; MA Southern Methodist
University) Clinical Psychology
Dissertation title: A Preliminary Investigation of Emotional Avoidance and Emotional
Awareness Among a Sample of Non- Treatment Seeking Panicker
Master of Arts
Dragana Bolcic-Jankovic Applied
William F. "'leNeil History/Teaching
Sean F. Britt Historical Archaeology
Galadriel A. Mel-hail Applied Linguistics
Amy Corso English
Gretchen Shae Moore English
Teresa R. Dujnic Historical Archaeology
Cheryl L. Morgan English
Linda G. Flores Applied Linguistics
Joseph Morrissey Dispute Resolution
Nicole B. Fortin Santoro Clinical
Sophy Vith Nun-Hoeger Applied
Jack Alan Gary Historical Archaeology
Lynsey Page English
Samuel Lira Gordenstein Historical
Daniel P. Reynolds History/Teaching
Lara N. Herosy Applied Sociology
Kevin D. Richardson English
Carmella Roy Kearsley English
Tanya K. Rodrigue English
Nomi Krasilovsky American Studies
Christopher Shurtleff American Studies
Ann E. Lapienski English
Therese E. Signaigo American Studies
Jennifer Lynn Lasher History/Teaching
Elizabeth Ritter Trach English
Diann F. Simmons Applied Sociology
Michael R. LeBlanc English
Peter Tiensi VanDo American Studies
Margaret Manning Clinical Psychology
Amanda Jane Zink English
Gordon C. Marshall English
Noureddine Zoukhri Applied Linguistics
Cristin Renee Martineau Dispute
Master of Science
Lalitha Adusumilli Environmental Sciences
Oleg Rukavishnikov Computer Science
Sara A. Berner Public Affairs/
International Relations
Shereen Courtnae Russell Public
Affairs/International Relations
J. Spector Enuironmental Sciences
Srinivas Chivukula Physics
Hsiao-Yin Chung Gerontology
Maxene R. Spolidoro Public Affairs
Amy Leigh Dykstra Gerontology
Yuxin Sun Computer Science
Derrick Anthony Jones Public Affairs
Erin ~1. Valentine Biotechnology and
Biomedical Science
Joseph Moran Kimpel Computer Science
Seungah Lee Gerontology
Sunitha Mathew Computer Science
Charles T. Walsh Biomedical Engineering
and Biotechnology
Stephen Moran Computer Science
Master of Education
Jennifer Laurie Abrams Special Education
Molly Patricia Dunne Education
Laurena Y. Adams Education
Scott Bartholomew Education
Peter S. Fay Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Elisa G. Blanchard Education/Elementary
Lee A. Fazio Special Education/
Visual Impairment
Josh G. Bornstein Special Education
Patricia G. Flynn Education
Rachael Brewin Special Education
Cheryl Lynn Gannon Special
Education/Visual Impairment
Dorothy J. Burke Special Education/
Visual Impairment
Adele Geringer Education
Nathalie Calixte Education
Annmarie M. Giurleo Special Education
Steven A. Cassel Education
Chun-Fai Chan Education
Shannon Gongoleski
Education/Elementary Education
Tracy Ciulla Education/Middle and
Secondary Education
Jordan Paige Heller Education
Holly Innes Graham Education
Susan E. Crawford Education
Anne Holzman Education
Sara Davis Education
Timothy J. Kelleher Special Education
Laura Ann Donadio Education
Elizabeth A. Kennedy Education
Kaney L. Donahue Education
Meaghan Kenney Education
Peter Donaldson Education
Jason D. Krienke School Psychology
Richard F. La Cara Education
Mary Agnes LaBonte Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Annmarie Murphy-Risteen
Counseling/Mental Health Counseling
J. Myers Instructional Design
Matthew LaSpina Education
Alina Pages Education
Margaret Leonard Education
Jennifer Alicia Panarelli Education
Karen E. Lepri Education/
Middle and Secondary Education
Tricia Lee Reynolds Education
Susan M. Lush School Psychology
Kate Scales Education
Elen Brenna Maguire
Education/Elementary Education
Lisa Elizabeth Shea Education
Gretchen E. Mansfield Education
Timothy Patrick McAlarney Education
Michael Edmund McGough Education
Donna M. Mitchell Education
Eleanor M. Sbardelli Education
Ariana Sicairos Education
Craig Lewis Sweeney Special Education
Rebecca L. Taylor Special Education
Flavia Steiner Viggiani Education
Jessie Ellen Vogt Education
Dawn Marie Monacella School Psychology
Master of Business
Garrett Colgan-Snyder Business
Shane O'Bannon Kelly Business
Katia S. DePina Business Administration
Joyce Litani Business Administration
Michelle C. Desmond Business
Jason Carl Luft Business Administration
Nageswararao Gorantla Business
Walter F. Peters III Business Administration
Kristen M. Perry Business Administration
Lin-Yi Huang Business Administration
Kathleen Quinlan Business Administration
Ioannis Karagiannis Business
Craig S. Shoemake Business
Asher Karnes Business Administration
Agnieszka Vorbrodt-Schurma Business
Salim Kassouf Business Administration
Certificate of Advanced
Graduate Study
Yu-Lun Lu Business Administration
Susan M. Coomey School Psychology
Rene D. Puopolo School Psychology
Virginia L. Kime-Wan Zaid School
Allison Skye Counseling/
Marriage and Family Therapy
Kristen E. Perry School Psychology
Kevin Wreghitt Counseling/
Mental Health Counseling
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Hernani M. Afonso History
Gregory D. Fennell English
Alana Antonellis English
Jillian Marie Ferragamo Art
Jessica Y. Anzueto Psychology
Tina M. Fisher Art, and Theatre Arts
Christopher T. Athanas Criminal justice
Caitlin Fitzgerald Art, and History
Megumi Azuma Psychology
Mark Alex Flaherty History
Rachael Elizabeth Bates Criminal justice,
and Sociology
Achu Collins Fon Criminal justice
Andres F. Bedoya Sociology
Julia S. Franco Sociology
Krysten M. Bercume English
jaclyn Suzanne Freestone Psychology
Gary Best Foreman American Studies
Rebecca Maria Billado Sociology
Laura F. Freitas Theatre Arts
James A. Bing Criminal justice
Meredith Jean French Psychology
Nicoleta C. Bleskan Anthropology
Andrea Marie Frisoni Psychology
Brook Boardman Political Science
Lisa Danielle Frissora Criminal justice
Michael D. Botelho Art
Kazuo Fujita Economics
Janece P. Boudreau Sociology
Joseph J. Gaeta, Jr. American Studies,
and Political Science
Francine M. Bouska Theatre Arts
William Joseph Braun Philosophy
Rachael M. Gaffney Criminal justice,
and Psychology
James Farnsworth Chase Breed Political
James A. Gentry English
Tessa Brisson Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Jenelle G. Gibbs Criminal justice, and
Sara B. Brockway Sociology, and
Criminal justice
Jonathan H. Godin Anthropology-History
Irvin 1. Brooms Political Science
Melissa Ann Gomes English
Lisa Marie Bradley Psychology
Heather C. Galvin Sociology, and English
Mileda A. Golloshi Political Science
James Donnell Bynum English
Michelle T. Gouveia Psychology
Reino G. Carlson Art
Laura-Lee Green Criminal justice
Martha Jeanette Foley Caron
Joanne Marie Handibode Psychology
Michael R. Carta, Jr. English
Jessica Harman Hinckley History
Maya R. Chaprut Political Science
Timothy Donovan Hollis Anthropology
Phillip S. Cheng Economics
Sarah E. Hopkins English
Megan Hill English
Michelle Cioffi Psychology
Carll P. Jaboin Economics
Emily H. Connell Sociology
Nancy Joelle Constant Psychology
Thaddeus A. Jabzanka Ethics and Social
and Political Philosophy
Carolyn A. Cooney English
Michael Jacaruso History
Georgett S. Copeland Economics
Shunsuke Kanazawa Anthropology
Tamara R. Corriette Sociology
J. Andy Kane English
Liam Patrick Curran Political Science,
and Economics
Asher Karnes Economics
Marybeth L. Damata Art
Amanda S. Kelly Theatre Arts
Jesse Michael Dana Sociology
Jennifer L. Kenney Criminal justice
Yusuke Date Art
Karina E. Klimtchuk Psychology, and
Denise Miriam DeChristoforo Sociology
Farah Desrosiers Political Science
J. Doherty Political Science
Leika Kawasaki Economics
Kerri A. La Vita Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Katie L. Donovan Psychology
Sean F. Donovan Philosophy
Zachary Michael Lane History
Sasha-Gaye O. Dunn Criminal justice
Savina Ying-Yan Lau Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Shelah Dvizac Psychology
Patrick B. Dwyer English
Ehab John Elkaliouby Political Science
LaDue Sociology
Beck Hing Lee Economics; and Ethics
and Social and Political Philosophy;
and Political Science
Seng Hwan Lee Philosophy and Public
Policy, and Political Science
Esther Paul Sociology
Janet Pawlowski English
Alexander Lennox Miller Anthropology
Malgorzata Pec Political Science
Georgia Lianos English
Jennifer M. Peguero Psychology
Elizabeth A. Loewen Psychology
Nicholas P. Pegurri Political Science
Joseph Michael Lombard Criminal
Justice, and Sociology
Helena Antoinette Percival English
Sanjin Loncarevic Criminal Justice, and
Heidi A. Peterson Criminal Justice
Kristina Lopez Sociology, and Criminal
Maria Alexandra Luchin Psychology
Mary-Therese Magee History
Erin Kathleen Maher Sociology
Tara O. Makhmali English
Donna M. Malone Psychology
Carly Sue Manion Political Science
Elliott Charles Maraniss History
Nicole M. Marek Psychology
Jenny Lee Margeson Criminal Justice
Cedric N. Martin Sociology
Obi Mbawuike Economics, and Sociology
Michaela Anne McCafferty History
Lauren J. McCarthy Criminal Justice
Janet E. McCourt Art
Emily McElfresh English
Joshus Connors McGuire Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Melinda D. McKenzie Sociology
John Wesley McKinzie III Economics
Kimberly Dawn Mello Economics
Pamela Dawn Mercer Psychology
Tracey Anne Metivier English
lana T. Milanova Economics
Amy H. Mirabito Psychology
Melissa J. Mitchell Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Rosetta Miranda Mojahed English
Brian H. Monroe History
Migdalia Montesino Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Akiko Morimoto Economics
Negar Mortazavi Music
Carl Joseph Mullen Criminal Justice
J. Murphy Psychology
Trieu K. Nguyen Economics
Headly Noel Political Science
Matthew W. Norcia Psychology
Joseph P. Norton English
Sophy Vith Nun-Hoeger Sociology
Kevin P. O'Beirne Sociology
Ann Ellen O'Brien Psychology
O'Halloran Psychology
Carmen V. Osorio-Bermudez Psychology
Jessica M. Pacheco Psychology
Perry History
Kristena .\1. Pfeffer Individual Major in
Japanese Studies
Christopher J. Pierce Psychology
Virginia A. Pires Spanish
Alyssa Jane Pitman Political Science
Damian Mark Quanking Political Science
Kalen Ratzlaff Music
Daniel Martins Rocha English
Theresa Luis Rodrigues Theatre Arts
Muhria Ahmanise Sanati Philosophy
Eric Richard Saulnier Sociology
Sharon R. Scott Criminal Justice, and
Elina M. Shnayder Art, and Psychology
Angela M. Sicuranza Sociology
Marta A. Sienczylo English
Marisa L. Simeone Sociology
Diann F. Simmons Sociology
Irina V. Slepak Political Science
Omran M. Sobhieh Economics
Tomoko Someya Psychology
Analee Soto History
Eric G. Steeves Psychology
Andres C. Strohmeyer English, and
Political Science
Christine M. Sullivan History
Akiko Tango English
Frank M. Tarara English
Danielle E. Tewksbury Criminal Justice
Jennifer J. Thomson English, and
Efrain Toledano Criminal Justice, and
Reiji Tomizawa Economics
Lucinda M. Tribou Criminal Justice
Laiwan Lai Tseng Economics, and
Individual Major in Japanese Studies
Emilio Vallejo Psychology
Jessica Veira Psychology
Pedro Eduardo Velilla Guarin Economics
Elizabeth C. Vincent Italian
William Vi Vuong Economics
Kaitlin Elizabeth Waldron English
Colleen A. Walsh American Studies
Elizabeth Anne Wells Criminal Justice
Heather Hope White English
White Sociology
Kristen Anne Whitley American Studies
Nicole Marie Yeager Political Science
Rosemary C. Willhauck Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Noah Youngstrom Psychology and
Sociology (joint Major)
Cindy D. Wilson English, and Political
Rachel Kate Yovino Psychology
Tina Wong Psychology and Sociology
(joint Major)
Idalia Andrea Zabaleta Neira Economics
Kan Xu Economics
Bachelor of Science
Victoria S. Yue Criminaljustice
Raphael 1. Zeno Economics
Gelen Haydee Zepeda Psychology
Sylvia Lois Taylor Psychology
College of Science and Mathematics
Bachelor of Arts
Patricia A. Benjamin-Stewart Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Elizabeth Anne Murray Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Joseph Flaherty Computer Science
Timothy M. O'Neill Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Abeba G. Gile Computer Science
Wataru Hirono Earth and Geographic
Bachelor of Science
Sushma Adhikari-Badal Biology
Robert E. Askew Jr. Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Collin A. Johnston Earth and Geographic
Rafia Khan Biology
Jacques Beljean Mathematics
Jason A. Kucinski Physics
Katarzyna Marra Blaszka Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Najwa Lamnii Biology
Berhan Bogale Biochemistry
Samantha B. Lydiard Earth and
Geographic Sciences
Kathleen B. Campbell Biology
Larrivee Biology
Jetser Carasco Mathematics
David Constantino Marrocco Biology
Daniel N. Cartier Biology
Timothy J. Menz Biochemistry
John W. Cazeau Biology
Jacy-Thuhang Nguyen Biology
Phung Binh Chau Earth and Geographic
Todd .\1. O'Neil Computer Science
Emmanuel C. Obusez Biochemistry
Jennifer Leigh Connor Biology
Mary Jane Olson Biology
Milene S. R. Da Silva Biochemistry
Hetal G. Patel Biology
Marilyn F. De Jesus Biology
Joshua D. Pezet Biochemistry
Stephen P. Geary Biochemistry
Emilie Rioux Biology
Ziad A. Ghafour Mathematics
Keilah Y. Santana Biology, and Spanish
Nina Jefferson Biochemistry
Michael L. Watson Biology
College of Public and Community Service
Bachelor of Arts
Meghan V. Doran Community Planning
Faduma A. Maow Human Services
Sheila M. Hampton Human Services
Jesualdo S. Miranda Criminal justice
Andrew Frederick Hill Criminal justice
Steven Murga Criminal justice
jeriann Kelsey Human Services
Catherine .\1. Webber Gerontology
College of Management
Bachelor of Science
Natnael Zewdu Abate Management
Ryan E. Light Management
Christelle A. Ahyee Management
Kathleen E. Linck Management
Prisca A. Ahyee Management
Steve R. Lissaint Management
Alberto David Alfaro Management
Mei Yi Liu Management
Norvi Andrea Management
David Lococo Management
Diane V. Antunes Management
Dulce Fernandes Lopes Management
Marc R. Arria Management
David Phillip Ludka Management
Hemilda Bayer Management
Qianqian Ma Management
Sokhom Bin Management
Amit Majumdar Management
David T. Buckley Management
Stamatina Malouchou Management
Ruohui Cai Management
James R. Marks Management
Sin Man Chan Management
Nidhal B. Marzougui Management
Caren Valeros Chaneco Management
Mayimputu Masarnuna Management
Nicole C. Chedid Management
David Anshel Miller Management
Kevin Coffey Management
Monica B. Coscio Management
Fotini Minasidis Management
Thomas L. Crawford Management
Jason Y. Moreno Management
Glenn Chaneco Cruz Management
Dennis Mwangi Mungai Management
Janeen Elizabeth Danieli Management
Kathy T. Nguyen Management
J. Miller Management
Cam Ha T. Dao Management
Christina K. North Management
Lauren M. DeMinico Management
Kerri-Ann M. O'Connor Management
Geraldine Ingrid Saliba Deller
Kathleen R. O'Dell Management
Odgerel Odonkhuu Management
Fatih Denek Management
Daniel Akyea Ohemeng Management
Thi M. Do Management
Peter J. Oldytowski Management
Alan J. Doggart Management
Kristian A. Olsen Management
Joseph F. Doherty Management
Yin Ping Pang Management
Michael J. Donovan Management
Maria Fernanda Contreras Perez
Alla Efendiyeva Management
Jeffery R. Ellis Management
Shaun M. Peters Management
Ketsia Eustache Management
Justin M. Priesing Management
Michael Joseph Farina, Jr. Management
Pattaraporn Rassamee Management
Daniel Patrick Fitzmaurice Management
Lee Iolana Richardson Management
Richard P. Flaherry Management
Stephanie Melinda Roberts Management
Rianna L. Frady Management
Akira Sagawa Management
Felix Frimpong Management
J. Gauron
Matthew J. Sanborn Management
Stela Y. Sejdini Management
Quintina Ornellas Giorgione Management
Niruthika Sivananthan Management
Stefanos Gkoudoulas Management
Katerina Sergreevna Slezinger
Allison Joyce Griffis Management
Sayed M. Halabi Management
Inna Smilansky Management
Karen A. Hansen Management
Peter J. Sweenie Management
Warren James Hurley III Management
Vi T. Ta Management
Lynne M. Johnson Management
Tomoko Tanaami Management
Wakadima Kadima Management
Hung Q. Tran Management
Christophe N. Kavak Management
Tanya E. Tretyakova Management
J. Khachan Management
Kerrie A. Urban Management
Owais A. Khan Management
Carol Fang Wang Management
Enkel Kreste Management
Nichole R. Ward Management
Shannon Clair Larkin Management
Chuanfen Wen Management
Alexander R. Lawson Management
Mona W. Wen Management
Michael Patrick Leary Management
Kevin M. Yee Management
Hiu Hung Yeung Management
Shireen E. Yousheei Management
Alen Yildiz Management
Raphael F. Zeno Management
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Bachelor of Science
Dada Nkechi Anidiobu Nursing
Pamela P. Holmes Nursing
Emily A. Appel Nursing
Margaret D. Hyde-McGonagle Nursing
Lizete Maria Brilhante Barbosa Nursing
Katherine Hansen Kalinowski Nursing
Kathleen M. Bates Nursing
Marylynne Kane Nursing
Lauren E. Belleville Nursing
Jennifer Karoul Nursing
Seth Benjamin Katz Nursing
Tina M. Bencivenga Nursing
Janet Lee Beswick Nursing
Solange Bien-Aime Nursing
Margaret Mary Kelly Nursing
Sandra Atelene Blackwood Nursing
Lorri E. Legacy Nursing
Neubert M. Lageana Nursing
Katie L. Burba Nursing
Esthere Luc Nursing
Dawn E. Burns Nursing
William J. Madden III Nursing
Karen M. Davis Nursing
Michelle K. Maguire Nursing
Maria Veronica Diaz Nursing
Marie Michele Montauban Nursing
Stacie L. Dolan Nursing
Cristina S. Morrissey Nursing
Quermine Dolne- Vilfort Nursing
Winnie Moy Nursing
Ijeoma Elizabeth Ojiaku Nursing
Patricia Dominique Nursing
Mary Agnes Donovan Nursing
Loudelyne Petit Nursing
Kimberley A. Doyle Nursing
Anh Thu T. Pham Nursing
Margarette Alice Dure Nursing
Joy M. Roseman Nursing
Egidia Rugwizangoga Nursing
Meghan L. Emery Nursing
Marjorie Fontile Nursing
Camille Y. Sanabria Nursing
Dawn Williamson Fusi Nursing
Tameika N. Shakespeare Nursing
Marie Josie Gachette Nursing
Michael J. Tady Nursing
Katelyn Theresa Gale Nursing
Laurence John Topliffe Nursing
Maritza George Nursing
Lauren June Tracy Nursing
Nevada E. Gray Nursing
Jennifer A. Travers Nursing
Elizabeth E. Halloran Nursing
Exercise Science and
Physical Education Program
Bachelor of Science
David P. Blandino Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Olavo Billy Gomes Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Cory John Bowman Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Stephen K. Chin Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Timothy M. Guerriero Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Stefani N. Kosinski Exercise Science and
Physical Education
David W. Coffin Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Melinda R. Laliberte Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Stephanie L. Davidson Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Sara E. Lang Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Maeve Michaeline Desmond Exercise
Science and Physical Education
Justin Francis Merenda Exercise Science
and Physical Education
Lacie Fillippini Exercise Science and
Physical Education
Andrea Claire Wyson Exercise Science
and Physical Education
University Trustees and Officers
Trustees of the
University of Massachusetts
James J. Karam, Chair
Karl E. White, Vice Chair
John A. Armstrong, PhD
Dennis G. Austin '72
Lawrence Boyle '73
Matthew E. Carlin
Christine K. Cassel, MD
John A. DiBiaggio, PhD
Edward A. Dubilo
Fritz Hyppolite, Student Trustee
William F. Kennedy
Ruben J. King-Shaw, Jr.
Craig Longo, Student Trustee
Valerie Louis, Student Trustee
Robert B. McCarthy
Robert M. Mahoney
Heather M. Makrez, Student Trustee
William T. O'Shea
Janet D. Pearl, MD
Stacey R. Rainey
Robert K. Sheridan
Brian R. Silver, Student Trustee
President of the
University of Massachusetts
Jack M. Wilson
Administrative Officers of the
University of Massachusetts
Retiring Faculty"
Michael F. Collins, MD, Chancellor
Paul Fonteyn, Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Ellen M. O'Connor, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Andrew O'Brien, Deputy Chancellor
Darrell Byers, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement
Kathleen Teehan, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
Charlie Titus, Vice Chancellor for Athletics, Special Projects and Programs, and Interim
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Kathleen Q. Powers, Chief of Staff
Martyne Hallgren, Chief Information Officer
College of Liberal Arts
George Smith, English
Mary Shaner, English
College of Management
Octavio Richetta, Management Science and Information Systems
Lawrence Franks, Accounting and Finance
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Sherry Merrow, Nursing
College of Science and Mathematics
Geza Schay, Mathematics
Thomas N. Margulis, Chemistry
':. The list of confirmed faculty retirements was not final when this publication went to
Chair of the Faculty Council
Noushin Ashrafi
Mace Bearer
Robert Crossley
John Tobin, University Marshal
Luis Aponte Pares
Joan Arches
Christina Bobel
Julia Brennan
Jeff Burr
Mary Ann Byrnes
Susan DeSanto-Madeya
Linda Dittmar
Peter Fejer
Eleanor Kutz
Tatjana Meschede
Michael Novak
Geza Schay
Heidi Stanish
Felicia Wilczenski
Christina E. DeVaughn '99 earned her BA in music at UMass Boston and her master's
degree in opera performance at the Boston Conservatory. She was a recent New
England Regional finalist in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions and
has won many awards and prizes along with a Boston Conservatory of Music Division
Scholarship. She has been a soloist with the Boston Pops and is currently a member of
both the National Spiritual Ensemble and Divinity. In 2004 she created and presented
the Black History Education Program for Mobile Opera in Alabama.
The following members of the University of Massachusetts Boston Chamber Singers
will assist with the singing of the alma mater:
Brian Middleton
David Carney
Maria Serpa
Commencement Committee
Gail Hobin, Chair
Suzanne Allmendinger
Judy Byrne-Ariel
Ann Carbone
Kerri Cleghorn
Geoff Combs
Valerie Corrente
Noel Cotterell
Chuck Coyne
Carol DeSouza
Kristine Doherty
Rosanne Donahue
Allison Duffy
Dale Frizzell
Sheila Gagnon
Cheryl Harris
Marjorie Katz
Janel Kiley
David Levine
Janis Mahoney
Thomas Marchirelli
.\lila Margul
Steve Martinson
Nancy McCarty
Amy D. Mei
Anita Miller
Valerie .\1iller
Joyce Morgan
Christine Murphy
Kenneth Nolte
Linda O'Brien
Philip O'Donnell
John Potter
Kathleen Quinn Powers
Sierra Reynolds
Christopher Rivard
Mitch Walker
James Wise
Joseph Wright
The Alma Mater
To UMass Boston
We beheld, UMass Boston, a torch in your hand,
Saw a crown on your brow, heard your voice of command
That we follow the lead of your bold guiding light
Toward knowledge and wisdom and fervor for right ...
Toward knowledge and wisdom and fervor for right.
How that glow has burned bright through the passage of years
As our dreams dispelled doubts and our hopes assuaged fears,
As our eyes watched that gleam with conviction and trust,
And we learned to place faith in the good and the just ...
And we learned to place faith in the good and the just.
May that torch never dim as life beckons us forthMay it shine like a jewel of fathomless worth.
Like tall ships setting sail may we steer evermore
By that beacon of beauty and truth on the shore ...
By that beacon of beauty and truth on the shore.
The UMass Boston alma mater is to be sung to the melody of "The Meeting of
the Waters," from a song by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) based on an old Irish
air. The same melody was used for the alma mater of the State Teachers College
at Boston, a predecessor of Boston State College, which became part of UMass
Boston in 1982. The lyrics were adapted from those of a State Teachers College
at Boston class song. The alma mater was established at the request of the
chancellor with the help of a Faculty Council committee including Lisa Cheney,
Larry Kaye, Thomas O'Grady, Mary Oleskiewicz, and Diane Richardson. The
adaptation of the lyrics is the work of the committee as a whole; the musical
arrangement is by Mary Oleskiewicz.
Special Thanks
The flags of various nations on display at this ceremony represent a tradition that
began with a gift of the class of 1987. The sculptured head ofJohn F. Kennedy
that is presented to the winner of the John F. Kennedy Award is the gift of the
John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.
Broadcast of Principal Address
Today's principal address by Senator Barack Obama will be recorded and
broadcast, together with comments by Chancellor Collins, on Sunday, June 4,
at 7:30pm, on the university's radio station, WUMB (91.9 FM, www.wumb.org).
Honoring Our Graduates
Today all of us come together to celebrate the academic accomplishments
of new alumni of UMass Boston. Today's pageantry acknowledges the
efforts of each individual graduate, and each one of them will appreciate
your help in making Commencement 2006 an enjoyable and memorable
event. Please review this page to make yourself aware of important information you will need, and ways you can contribute to the success of the
day. We thank you for your cooperation.
As the Graduates Enter and Leave...
Please remain at your seats and avoid blocking the aisles. The main ceremony begins with an academic procession, signaled by a musical fanfare,
and ends when graduates have marched out of the seating area on the
Campus Center lawn. The three main aisles must remain free so that those
in the procession can march in and out without delay.
Cell Phones and Other Intrusions
The graduates request your undivided attention during today's ceremonies.
Please turn off any potentially noisy electronic devices, such as cell phones,
pagers, radios, and electronic games, and keep conversation to a minimum
while the ceremonies are in progress. This courtesy will allow everyone in
attendance to hear today's speakers.
Professionals will be photographing each student as degrees are presented.
Your graduate will receive information by mail from the photographers
about purchasing his or her photographs (no one will be obliged to do
this). You are welcome to photograph diploma presentations from your
seat, and you will also be able to take photographs after the ceremonies.
Diploma-Presentation Ceremonies
Diploma-presentation ceremonies for individual UMass Boston colleges, as
well as the McCormack Graduate School, will be held after the main ceremony at various locations on campus. Please note that both graduate and
undergraduate degree recipients, and their guests, are invited to attend the
ceremonies for the colleges that house their academic programs. The locations of the ceremonies are given below and on the map provided on the
other side of this page. To reach your ceremony, please follow the signs
marked with the name of your graduate's college.
Ceremony Location
College of Liberal Arts (CLA)
Campus Center Lawn
College of Management (CM)
Front Field (adjacent to Quinn Administration Building)
College of Nursingand Health Sciences, including
Exercise Science and Physical Education
Pinning: McCormack Hall, Ryan Lounge, 3rd Floor
Reception: .McCormack Hall;
Cafeteria, 3rd Floor
College of Public and Community Service
Campus Center, Ballroom,
3rd Floor
College of Science and Mathematics (CSM)
Clark Athletic Center Gym
Graduate College of Education (GCOE)
Rear Athletic Field (behind the Science Center)
McCormack Graduate School (McC)
Healey Library, Lounge, 11th Floor
Important Locations
Free Concert and Barbecue
This Afternoon at 3:00!
In addition to ceremony locations, the map on the other side of this page
also shows the locations of rest rooms and places where you can purchase
food, drink, and UMass Boston memorabilia.
Sweet Honey in the Rock, the Grammy-winning a cappella ensemble,
will perform on the main stage outside the Campus Center, and a
barbecue will be served. All are welcome! Sponsored by the UMass
Boston Alumni Association.
.~ University of
UMASS Boston.

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