KIIT Review-Vol-13| Issue-VI | October 2012


KIIT Review-Vol-13| Issue-VI | October 2012
Declared U/5 3 of UGC Act, 1
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
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(KilT Entrance Examinati on)
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is the All India Entrance Examination
conducted by KilT University,
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Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS greeting His
Excellency Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble President of India
on behalf of KilT & KISS at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.
25th September 2012
Man Becoming Economic Entity:
KISS Humanitarian Award Conferred
Prime Minister of Bhutan
on Bhutan PM
Seminar Lecture on 'Social Justice:
Issues and Challenges'
at KilT Law School
T hird
15th Bhagwan Mahaveer Award
YV Chandrachud Memorial
Lecture at KilT
for KISS Founder
3rd National Finance Conclave
KiiT International School Among
Top 20 Residential Schools in India
Student Achievement
Feed back
Wireless e-Campus
D e c l a r e d U/S 3 o f UGC A c t
Multiple streams powered bV
a common passion- excellence
In today's age of exposure and value addition, KilT University has been able to live up to
society's expectations. Its unique focus on quality education with humane touch has
resulted in its transformation from a small technical Institute to a world class University
within the shortest span of time.
• Accredited by NAAC of UGC
in 'A Grade'
• 20 world class campuses spread
over 25 sq. km. of area
• 23 schools offering
50 academic programmes
• 1500 faculty
• Academic partnership with
over 60 foreign Universities
& researchers
and 18,000 students
KilT University is a member of prestigious national and international organizations such as
International Association of Universities (IAU),
Association of Indian Universities (AIU),
Association ofCommonwealth Universities (ACU), University Mobility ofAsia and the Pacific
(UMAP), Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) and United Nations
Academic Impact (UNAI).
School ofCivil Engineering
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Kalinga Institute ofMedical Sciences (KIMS)
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Kalinga Institute ofDental Sciences
School ofComputer Engineering
Kalinga Institute ofNursing Sciences
School ofComputer Application
School ofFine Art
School ofApplied Sciences
School ofLanguage
School ofLaw
School ofYoga
School ofManagement
School ofMass Communication
School ofFilm and Media Sciences
KilT Universtiy, At/PO-KIIT, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, IN DIA, Tel. : +91 674 2725113, 2741998
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Rajesh Verma
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Satyabrata Das
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Co nvocation is
the most importa
nt event in the aca
demic calendar
an educational
institution. It is
also a major mile
e in the life of a
student. Graduat
es of2012 batch
ofKIIT Universi
ty can take prid
the fact that the
e in
y were blessed
by none other
n His Excellency
Lyonchhen Jigmi
Y Thinley, Hon'ble
Prime Minister,
The Royal
Government of Bh
utan on this very
significant occasio
Mr. Thinley
is a world leader
with a difference.
At a time when
nations of the worl
are mindlessly
purs uing econo
mic advantage,
he advoca tes
increas ing the hap
piness content of
mankind. Such hu
mane policy, as
against mechan
ical pursuit of
wealth, has made
tan one of the
happiest cou ntri
es of the wo
rld. In his tho
ught provoking
Convocation A
ddress, he told
the graduates that
piness comes
from balancing
needs of the
body with min
d, caring for
enviro nment, pres
erving fundament
al institutions
family and
marriage an d givin
g. It is a great hon
our forKilT Uni
versity to confer
the Degree of
D.L itt., Ho noris
Causa and for KIS
S to confer 201
KISS Hum anitarian
Award on a toweri
ng personality like
Mr. Thinley.
Three more emine
nt personalities
from different
parts of the world
and India - Mr.
Ghulam Farooq
Wardak, Ho n'ble
Minister of
E ducation, Isla
mic Republic of
Afghanistan, Dr.
Sun Ham,
Hon'ble President,
Hanseo University
, South Korea
and Prof. (Dr.)
Baidyanath M ishr
a, Eminent Econ
omist- were
rded D.Li tt. I
D.Sc., Honoris
Causa at the 8'h
Annual Convo
cation of KIIT
University. The
last two months
witnessed sev eral
other important
functions in KIIT
and KISS. Third
YV Chandrachud
Lecture, organize
d byKilT School
of Law, was deli
vered by Hon'ble
Mr. Justice A. K.
Patnaik, Judge,
Supreme Court of
India. Another
Judge of the Sup
reme Court of
India, Hon'ble Mr
s. Justice Gyan
Sudha Misra deli
vered a seminar
lecture on 'Social
Justice: Issues &
Challenges' at KilT
School ofLaw.
Mr. A dity a Puri, M
D, HDFC Ban k
graced the Third
Nation al Finance
Conclave organize
d by KIIT
School of Manage
ment. These eve
nts are indicative
of the fact that
KilT andKISS striv
e for excellence.
Co ntribution of ou
r Founder, Dr.
A. Samanta in the
field of education
and social service
was recognized
recently by Bha
gawan Mahaveer
Foundation whe
conferred the
prestigious 15th
Bhagwan Mahave
er Award on him .
Annual Co
Man Becoming Economic Entity:
Prime Minister of Bhutan
His Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon'ble Prime Minister, The Royal Government of Bhutan
offered a new perspective of life- pursuit of happiness- to the graduating students of KilT University at
its 8th Annual Convocation on September 9. He g raced ceremony as the C h ief Guest. Obsession with g rowth has
bro u g ht o u r environment a n d civi lization to the bri n k, said Mr. Thin ley i n his convocation a d d ress, while e m p h a s izing that the world
is in desperate need of c h a n g e . He was also conferred the Degree of D.Litt., Honoris Causa.
Three other eminent personalities from India and different parts of the world were conferred degrees of
D.Litt./ D.Sc. by KilT University on the occasion. The recipients of Honorary Degrees are- Mr. Ghulam
Farooq Wardak, Hon'ble Minister of Education, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (D.Litt.), Dr. Kee Sun
Ham, Hon'ble President, Hanseo University, South Korea (D.Sc.) and Prof. (Dr.) Baidyanath Mishra,
Eminent Economist, Bhubaneswar (D. Litt.).
(From L) Dr. Sasmita Samanta,
Registrar, Dr. Kee Sun Ham, Hon'ble
President, Hanseo University, South
Korea, Mr. Ghulam Farooq Wardak,
tt./D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) will be conferred on
Hon'ble Minister of Education, Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan, His
Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y.
Thinley, Hon'ble Prime Minister, The
Royal Government of Bhutan, Prof. N.
L. Mitra, Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.)
Baidyanath Mishra, Eminent
Economist and Prof. P. P. Mathur, Vice
Chancellor at the 8th Annual
Convocation of KilT University.
"We have become less of human being, and
more of economic entity. We need to reclaim
our society from the market forces", the
Bhutanese Prime Minister said.
H a ppi ness comes from ba l a ncing needs of the body with
those of m ind and it thrives o n l y when people a ro u n d a re
a lso h a p py, said Mr. Th i n l ey, who has won world
a ppreciation for proposi n g Gross Nati o n a l H a ppi ness
(GNH) as an a lternative deve l o pment p a ra d i g m a n d
a dvocating its i nclusion a s t h e ni nth M DG. He advised
the stud ents to serve the society and exhorted them to
m a ke a beg i n n i n g by serving their parents a n d protecting
the i n stitution of m a rria g e . Mr T h i n ley t h a n ked the U niversity for bestowi n g on h i m the Degree of D. Litt., H o n oris Causa. The
honour is recognition of his contribution for the betterment of man, said Mr. Wardak in his acceptance
speech. " After visiting KilT & KISS, I have learnt that one single individual, even if he had a deprived
childhood, can change the world with his dedication", he said referring to Dr. A. Samanta, who s i n g l e ­
h a ndedly esta b l ished KilT U n iversity, a leading i n stitution o f professional educatio n i n I nd i a , a n d Ka l i n g a I n stitute o f Socia l
Sciences (KISS), the l a rgest free residentia l tri ba l institute of the worl d .
K i l T
R e v
Dr. H a m congratu lated the recipients of Honoris
Causa degree and g ra d u ating students of K i l T
U n iversity. "I devel oped interest i n I nd i a after
watc h i n g a movie on Mahatma G a n d h i , when I
had j ust passed my medical cou rse", he said,
adding that Dr. S a m a nta treads the path shown by
Mahatma G a n d h i . I n d ia, one of the 'yo u n gest'
cou ntries of the world, has ach ieved rem a rkable
progress i n the field of ed ucation, Prof. Mishra
stated . However, need of the hour in ed ucation
sector is modern ization, q u a l ity i m p rovement a n d
teachers' tra i n i n g, t h e nonagenari a n econom ist
Dr. Sasmita Samanta, Registrar leading t h e academic procession a t the
8th Annual Convocation of KilT University.
Expressing best wishes to the g rad uate students, Prof. N. L. Mitra, Chancellor, K i l T U n iversity, in his presidenti a l a d d ress, advised
them to keep some space i n their m i n d s for the u n d e rprivileged c h i l d re n . Observing that g l o b a l economic g l oo m is affecting I nd i a n
economy, he asserted t h a t higher g rowth rate ca n b e ach ieved b y focus i ng o n a g ri c u lture a n d t h e a g riculturists. Earlier i n his report,
Vice Cha nce l l o r, Prof. P. P. Math u r said that the U niversity has ta ken i n itiative to g ive i m petus to research o n the ca m p us. D u ring the
last yea r the U n iversity has ta ken ra pid strides i n the a rea, h e said, i nform i n g that more than 1 4 research projects from various
nati o n a l and i nternational fu n d i n g agencies have been sa nctioned with a total budget outlay of over Rs. 4 crores. The U niversity has
ach ieved 1 00% placement for the 2 0 1 2 passed - o ut students, he added.
Total2,216 graduates were awarded graduate and postgraduate degrees in various disciplines. Saurav
Prakash, B.Tech (CSE), Abhaya Kumar Sahoo, M.Tech (CSE) and Girish Kumar Ajmera, B.Tech (E&TC)
won Founder's Gold Medals for securing the highest CGPA across all programmes, in postgraduate
courses and in undergraduate courses respectively. Similarly, 12 students were awarded Chancellor's
Gold Medal, while 15 students got Vice Chancellor's Gold Medal. P.K. Bal Memorial Gold Medal, PPL
Gold Medal and Nanibala Memorial Gold Medal were also given away on the occasion. Eighteen
research scholars were awarded Ph.D. degrees.
Dr. Sasm ita Sa ma nta, Reg i stra r p roposed the vote of tha n ks .
-His Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon 'ble Prime Minister, The Royal
Government of Bhutan
Annual Convocation
Mr. Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley
Hon'ble Prime Minister
The Royal Government of Bhutan
Dr. Kee Sun Ham
Hon'ble President,
Hanseo University, South Korea
Mr. Ghulam Farooq Wardak
Hon'ble Minister of Education
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Prof. (Dr.) Baidyanath Mishra
Eminent Economist
,1 conv
D e g ree s
o f.
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Soaety of
Convocation Address
His Excellency
Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley
Hon'ble Prime Minister
The Royal Government of Bhutan
(9th September 2012 at KilT University)
Hon'ble Chancellor, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Hon'ble
President Ham of Hanseo University, Korea, President
of the KilT U niversity and KISS, Madam Bal and the
g reat humanitarian, Dr. Samanta. I would also like to
recogn ise particularly the eminent members of the
faculty, guests, and, above all, the graduating class of
I w o u l d l i ke t o beg i n b y fi rst tha n k i n g t h e U n iversity for the
honour that it has bestowed o n me with an H onorary Doctorate
in Literature. I s h a l l at a l l time, both in public l ife as well as in my
private l ife, try to ensu re that I l ive to the expectations of the
U n iversity that has given me this partic u l a r s i n g u l a r h o n o u r.
Tha n k you very m u c h !
After w h a t m a y have seemed l i ke a n etern ity, t h e g ra d uati n g
class today has c o m e t o t h e o n e o f t h e c u l m i nati ng points i n
you r academic career. You have i n this U n iversity a cq u i red the
knowledge and s k i l l s that will e n a b l e you to become successful
i n you r l ife. Today is certa i n ly a n occasion for celebration, for
j u bi latio n . I n fact, as I sta nd here, I wonder whethe r I am
delaying your celebrati o n . I do not thi n k you a re i n a mood for a
long speech a n d I w i l l try to be brief.
But as m uch as it is an occasion for j u bi lation a n d celebrati o n ,
t h i s is a moment f o r conte m p lation, f o r med itation - as y o u r
Cha ncellor w a s tel l i n g m e . I t is a sacred moment today i n y o u r
l ife. T h i s is a time t o reflect, i ntrospect a n d try a n d u n d e rsta n d
t h e m e a n i n g a n d pu rpose o f l ife.
In so d o i n g , it is o n ly to be expected that you wi l l a l l come to
rea l ise that it is h a p p i n ess that you wa nt in l ife, that you seek i n
l ife. B u t you need to go beyond that - beyond that i nto
u n d e rsta n d i ng what rea l ly is h a p p iness, a n d how does one
a cq u i re it, o n e achieve it. I n B h u ta n , a country that has been
g uided by the p h i l osophy of Gross Nation a l H a p p i ness, which
is in fact a deve l o pment p a rad i g m that is based o n the bel ief
that the pu rpose of deve l o pment m u st be to fulfi l l the s i n g l e
most d es i re o f every h u m a n i n d ivid ua l . And t h a t is happi ness.
H a p p i n ess we u n d e rsta n d to be a cond ition where o n e is able to
ba la nce the needs of the body with those of the m i n d . As we try
to u n d e rsta n d happi ness, we d iscover that h a p p i ness, i ndeed, is
a state of being that one ca n not experience u n less a l l those
a round us a re in h a rm o n y with us, and a l l those a round us a re
h a p py.
It is a n i ntercon nected world in which we l ive. If people a round you
a re u n h a ppy, you ca n not be h a p py. And the fa mous B u d d h ist
master of I ndia o n ce said that the cause of a l l sufferings is the
p u rs u it of self i nterest (th i n ki n g of oneself o n ly) while h a p p i ness
a rises when one t h i n ks of others - when you conte m plate such
thoug hts that you a re inspired i nto t h i n king a bout servi n g society,
serving com m u n ity a n d bri n g i ng a bo ut c h a n g e i n the world .
You w i l l a l l be leaders in a very short w h i l e with the kind of
terms of how much we can consume, how much we can
buy and how much we can sell. O u r va l u e to society is only as
ed ucation that you a re e q u i pped with . Rather, you a re leaders
a l ready. And as leaders you ca n cha n g e .
And what has been the resu lt? A m u ltipl icity of ca l a m ities that we
But is there a n e e d t o c h a n g e the worl d ? Defi n itely so.
The world
is in desperate need of change. For too long hu manity has
pursued the wrong kind of d reams, the wrong kind of
ends. For too long society has been pursu ing material
prosperity at the cost of everything. Qu ite l i ke what the
a re experiencing day after day a l l over the worl d . Firstly, we a re
beg i n n i n g to experience the hazards of g l oba l warming, c l i mate
c h a n g e . Natu ra l d isasters a re occu rri ng with g reater frequency
a n d mag n itude. N ew d iseases a re spread i n g . Crops a re fa i l i n g .
There is food a n d energy shortag e . Com m u n ities a re c ru m b l i n g .
Chance l l o r has mentioned . When I said at the cost of everyth i n g , I
Menta l i l l ness h a s become t h e most ra pidly s p rea d i n g d isease.
mea nt at the cost of fa m i ly, friends, the e nviron ment.
And su icide is o n the rise.
We have pursued, under the conventional economic
models, continuous and limitless growth despite the fact
that it is a finite world in which we live. The resou rces a re
l i m ited . As human beings with moral conscience we have
to understand the natural resources, that are our
common heritage, do not belong to us, our generation
alone, but the generation unborn as well. And yet, o u r
resou rces a re depleti ng very ra pid ly. W h a t w e leave t o fut u re
g e nerations is someth i n g that we s h o u l d thi n k about, someth i n g
that s h o u l d m a ke us feel g u i lty.
So we need to th i n k a bout cha n g e . I n the p rocess, what have we
beco m e .
We have become less of human beings, and we
have become absolute economic animals. And our value
to society, which in fact has become a marketplace, is in
Economic and fi n a n c i a l crisis a re the story of the day a n d we
wonder as to whethe r the current recessi o n that we a re g o i n g
th ro u g h may lead t o g l o b a l d epression . Unem ployment is on the
rise and cou l d possibly g row. Governments a re fa i l i n g peo p l e .
Confl icts a re o n t h e rise. And above all, as resources deplete,
if we continue with the way we live, if we continue to be
guided by this obsession with g rowth, we can only
imag i ne what kind of conflicts will rise and how we will
destroy ourselves even as we destroy Earth.
So we need to c h a n g e . We need to reclaim society from the
market forces. We need to become human bei ngs with
values. We need to revitalise society, communities and
''We have become less of human
beings, and we have become absolute
economic animals. And our value to
society, which in fact has become a
marketplace, is in terms of how much
we can consume, how much we can
buy and how much we can sell."
bring c h a n g e i n the workplace, who w i l l bri n g mora l ity and
ethics i n the workplace. Try to be the person i n the workplace
who has u n d e rsta n d i n g , a ppreciation, accom modation a n d
tolera nce for a l l you r peers. U nd ersta nd a n d rea l ise that your
success must not come at the cost of your peers, of your co­
workers. And u ndersta nd that the job is not what m a kes you , it is
what you m a ke of the job that wi l l g ive you success i n l ife .
Ta ke i nterest in your job, commit yourself to it. As you ta ke
interest a n d com mit yourself, you w i l l fi n d the job - however
sma l l it m i g ht be, u n i m portant it m i g ht be when it was fi rst g iven
I do not wa nt to engage in a long lectu re a n d I w i l l be brief. Let's
to you - i nteresting . And as you take interest, you w i l l a pply your
beg i n by trying to revita l ise society, to recreate society. How do
creativity, you will a p p l y you r ski l ls, you will become i n novative
we begi n ? S i m p l e ways - fi rst of all, today let's all conte m plate
and the job w i l l g row, in terms with its va l u e , in terms of its
and t h i n k of who a re those that made it poss i b l e for us to
p roductivity,
experi ence this j u b i l a nt day - the day that we g ra d uate from this
org a nisation and you wi l l succee d .
with that your va l u e w i l l
g row in
U n iversity. Who made the sacrifices for us to be able to find
a d m ission i n this U n iversity a n d study here? Who have
Today is t h e day w h e n y o u s h o u l d u n dersta nd t h e i m portance of
borrowed money so that we could attend this U niversity? Who
h u m i l ity a g a i n , that your Cha ncellor has spoken of, even
have worried for us, who have strived for us so that we cou l d
though you may now feel that you have now succeeded a n d you
succeed i n l ife? O u r parents .
have become h i g h ly ed ucated q u a l ified people - g rad u ates. I n
fact, today i s the d a y that you m ust conte m plate a n d reflect o n
Today is the day when we must all remember our
parents and commit ourselves to dedicating our lives
to serving our parents. This is something that the
modern world does not have time for. As we u rba n ise, as
our fa m i l ies n uclea rise and as we a re obsessed with g rowth and
success a n d a cc u m u l ation of wea lth, we have no time to t h i n k
o f a nyone else - j u st o u rselves . B ut that d o e s not g ive you
h a p p i ness. Beca use as I sa i d , in an i ntercon nected world you
can not be ha ppy u n less people a ro u n d you a re h a p py.
the virtues o f h u m i l ity.
Humility is what opens doors - to opportunity, doors to
friendship, doors to relationships, doors to advise and
counsel, which we all need. You go out with arrogance,
and you will be met with arrogance. You be humble and
you will find yourself becoming the object of reverence
and respect by your colleagues and even by your
superiors. Respect is not what you d e m a n d , respect is what
you g a i n . And h u m i l ity is the best way to go a bout d o i n g it.
And so, let's beg i n with o u r fa m i l ies. Let's beg in with o u r p a rents.
Let's com m it o u rselves to dedicati ng our l ives to m a k i n g o u r
p a rents h a p py. I f w e ca n do that, i f w e a re people w h o a re
"What will become of human society
prepared to serve a n d dedicate o u r l ives to the happi ness of o u r
will have a lot to do with what becomes
p a rents, w e w i l l b e good citizens, w e w i l l b e g ood members of
society, we w i l l be good to o u r siblings, to o u r relatives, to o u r
of India. And what becomes of India is
n e i g h b o u rs, t o o u r com m u n ity. And s u c h people wi l l a lso be
in your hands, in your thoughts and,
extremely ca ring when it comes to the enviro n ment that e n a bles
indeed, in your actions. Make India a
us to s u rvive. We w i l l care for our enviro n m e nt as wel l . We will
recogn ise that the e nviro n ment i n the end is a set of l ife support
system . And when the e nviro n ment col l a pses, we w i l l col l a pse,
country that can lead the world
towards a bright and great future."
we will die a s wel l .
Let's become caring citizens and let's
begin by caring for our parents.
You a re a l l you ng people a n d in the next yea r, five yea rs a n d
defin itely with i n t e n yea rs y o u wi l l a l l get m a rried - most o f you at
least. And let's a lso conte m p late at this time the mea n i ng and
pu rpose of m a rriage. As a very i m portant i nstitution, a s the
b u i l d i ng block of society, when m a rriages colla pse, when
ma rriages cru m ble, so will society. It is a sacred u nd erta k i n g . It
is not someth i n g that you engage i n for one day, or yea r o r two
a n d then decide that it is not worth it.
Please reflect on the importance of marriage and try to
preserve and protect this institution; for, in protecting
this institution, you will preserve and protect the well
being of society.
As you e m bark on your ca reers, a lso try to be a person who will
So these a re some of the th i n g s that I wou l d l i ke to suggest you
consider o n this day, that you med itate upon, reflect a n d
i ntrospect. And I assure you w i l l succeed i n m a k i n g y o u r l ives
h a p py. You w i l l succeed in causing a n d creating h a p p iness with i n you r fa m i l y, with i n the com m u n ity a n d nation as a whole.
You a re citizens of I ndia - a g reat nati o n , beco m i n g o n l y g reater.
The C h a n cel lor spoke a bo ut how you a re becom i ng g reate r ­
econom ica l ly, pol itica l l y, soci a l l y, tech nologically a n d even
m i l ita ri ly. What will become of hu man society will have a
lot to do with what becomes of India. And what
becomes of India is in your hands, in your thoughts
and, indeed, in your actions. Make India a country that
can lead the world towards a bright and great future.
I t h a n k you . I wish you a l l the success in l ife.
for all
AVIK SARKAR, MBA (MARKETING & ITM) for best student of
highest CGPA in the whole University across all the Post
Marketing Specialization in MBA
Graduate courses
securing highest CGPA in the whole University across all the
NIDHI SINGH, B.B.A.LL.B for securing highest CGPA in LL.B
Under Graduate courses
highest CGPA in M.Tech
( F I N A N CE
MANAGE MENT) for securing highest CGPA in MBA
CGPAininformation Technology, B. Tech
securing highest CGPAin Civil Engineering, B. Tech
ANKITA BAFNA, BA.LL.B for securing highest CGPA in
highest percentage of marks across all the Post Graduate
Engineering, M. Tech
NIDHI SINGH, B.B.A.LL.B for securing highest CGPA in
securing highest percentage of marks across all
S WASTIK PRADHAN, MTECH (ME) for securing highest
ARADHANA SONI, MTECH (CS&IS) for securing highest
highest CGPAin Civil Engineering, M. Tech
for securing the highest CGPA in MBA with specialization in
securing the highest CGPA in MBA
rounder in MBA
CGPA in Computer Science &Information Security, M. Tech
the Under
Graduate Programme ofKalinga School of Social Sciences
in Electronics
CGPA in Mechanical Engineering, M. Tech
KUMAR ABHISHEK, BCA for securing highest CGPA in
PIYUSH KUMAR, BBA (HR) for securing highest CGPA in
highest CGPA in Electrical Engineering, M. Tech
securing highest CGPAacross all the B. Tech Programme
Programme ofKalinga School of Social Sciences
ANISHA KANODIA, B.TECH (IT) for securing highest
GROUP) for securing highest CGPA in LL.M
AVIK DATTA, B.TECH (EE) for securing highest CGPA in
Electrical Engineering, B. Tech
MICROBIOLOGY) for securing highest CGPA in M.Sc.
( Applied Microbiology)
highest CGPA in Computer Science & Engineering, B. Tech
(Rural Management)
highest CGPA in Electronics & Electrical Engineering, B.
MARKETING) for securing highest CGPA in MBA
PANKAJ KUMAR, MCA for securing highest CGPA in
TAPAS MIHIR, B. TECH (ME) for securing highest CGPA
in Mechanical Engineering, B. Tech
with specialization in
Human Resource Management
highest CGPAin MSc.(Bio Technology)
K i l T
R e v 1e w
igmi Y. Thinley became Prime Minister (Lyonchhen) of
Bhutan after leading h is party, the Bh utan Peace and
Prosperity Party or Druk Phuensum Tshogpa, to
victory in Bhutan's first ever national election in March 2008.
He represents Nanong S h u m a r constituency in Pemagatsel, Eastern
B h uta n . Before the i ntro d u ction of democracy in B h uta n, he served
the previous government in various capacities, i n c l u d i ng as M i n ister
for Fore i g n Affa irs a n d M i n ister for H o m e a n d C u ltura l Affa i rs. H e
a l s o served a s Pri me M i n ister from 1 998 t o 1 999 a n d a g a i n from
2003 to 2004, when ca binet m i n isters held the post on an a n n u a l
rotati o n a l basis.
Born in Bumthang, Bhutan in 1 952, Thinley graduated with
honors from St. Stephen's Col lege of Delhi University and
went on to obtain a master's degree in Public Administration
from Pennsylvania State University in 1 976. He joined B h uta n
Civil Service in 1 9 7 4 .
C u rrently h e a lso serves a s Chairman o f h i s cou ntry's Tou rism
Cou ncil, Dzong kha
Development Comm ission, Gross Nationa l
H a p p i n ess C o m m ission, Nati o n a l Environment C o m m ission, Royal
Ed ucation Council, Ugyen Wa ngchuck I nstitute of Conservation a n d
E nviro n m ent; a n d Patron o f Nati o n a l S o l i d Waste Management
Prog ra m m e . Thin ley has pu b l ished many essays and pa pers on a wide
ra nge of topics and spoken at severa l conferences, meetings a n d
sem i n a rs. H e has a d d ressed t h e U n ited Nations General Assembly
n u m e rous times, spoken at regi o n a l s u m m its and other i nternation a l
meeti ngs s u c h as t h e SMRC, t h e B I MSTEC a n d t h e N o n -Aligned
Movement a s Prim e M i n ister a n d Fore i g n M i n i ster of B h u ta n . He is an
I nternation a l Counselor for the Asia Society, New York; Member of
the I nternati o n a l Advisory Board of the Netherlands Deve l o pment
Org a n izati o n ;
Cha i rm a n
of Steering
C o m m ittee
for the
I nternation a l Expert Work i n g Gro u p for the new para d i g m to promote
well-being a n d h a p p i ness of a l l l ife on e a rth .
As a concerned leader Jigmi Y. Thinley has always
advocated for G ross National Happiness ( G N H ) in
measuring progress of any nation, instead of depending on
growth in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GOP). He has
a lways looked for h a p p i n ess for every i n d ivid u a l a n d conti n ues to
e m p hasise on the need for a hol istic a p p roach to develop m ent. H e
a dvocates
e q u ita b l e
s u sta i n a b l e
s o c i o - e co n o m i c
development, j u d icious use o f natura l resou rces, conservation of
enviro n m e nt, motivation for deve l o p i ng h u ma n relations a n d good
governa nce. For the h a p p iness of i nd ivid ual, he spea ks a bout hea lth
res i l i ence, cu ltu ra l
being, e d u cati o n a l
atta i n ment, enviro n ment
diversity, com m u n ity vita lity, e motio n a l
psychological wel l being, etc.
A person with such sensibil ity and sensitivity could not have remained without being rewarded, for which he has
received many awards and accolades like Dasho, Red Scarf, Orange Scarf titles, Druk Thuksey and Coronation medals.
In 2009, H is Majesty the Fifth King of Bhutan awarded Thin ley the Druk Wangyel Medal - the highest civilian decoration­
for excellence in carrying out his duties. That sa me yea r, Pen n State presented h i m with the Disti n g u ished Al u m n i Award, the h i g hest
honor the u niversity confers on a n outsta n d i ng a l u m n u s . In Febru a ry of this yea r, Th i n ley received the HR Strategic a n d Iconic Leader Award
at the World H R D C o n g ress 20 1 0 in M u m ba i, an i nternation a l i n itiative dedicated to s h a p i n g the future of organ izations thro u g h ta l e nt
ma nagement a n d development.
As a concerned leader Jigmi Y. Thinley has always advocated for Gross National
Happiness (GNH) in measuring progress of any nation, instead of depending on growth
in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) .
'0-KIITRev e
:Jvtost (])istinguislied
£yonch.lien Ji{Jmi tY. fJ:'hinfey
on[� a few courageous inoiviouals can tbink of a cbangeo worlo
oroer. A microscopic minorit� can proclaim tbat1 we neeo to relook
at wbat constitutes true societal progress at buman level. Your
oevelopment philosoph� of Gross National Happiness (GNH) goes
far be�ono tbe singular pursuit of limitless materia[ prosperit�
wbicb bas captureo tbe imagination of tbe worlo. You bave been a
leaoer witb a vision wbo cou[o prescribe certain conoitions for
happiness ano put GNH over GDP. Your strong views tbat we aU
are bouno together b� a sbareo vision regaroless of tbe oifferences in
our materia[ conoition make �ou stano taU amongst others.
In recognition to �our wisoom1 aovocac� to induoe happiness as a
voluntar� ninth MDG1 KilT Universit� unanimous[� resolves to
confer tbe Degree of Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) on �ou
tbis oa�1 9tb September 2.012. on its Btb Annua{ Convocation.
(Achyuta Samanta)
It is i n d eed a g reat day - a n u n p recedented day - in my l ife for
three specific reasons. Fi rstly, a person a l reason,
I am deeply
touched and honou red for the recognition of my
commitment and services to the humanity. Of course I a m
h a p py, but I a m also h u m bled, beca use I a m not u n i q ue, I a m not
speci a l . I do my bit for educatio n and h u m a n deve l o p m ent, but
there a re m a ny others, who I hope o n e day will a l l be recogn ised .
I s h o u l d momentously do more to deserve such a rewa rd . But,
a n yway, this is the g reatness of KilT U niversity a n d its leadersh i p
that they h a v e reco g n i sed my l ittle b i t o f services t o t h e h u m a n ity.
The secon d most im portant reason is that today we have lea rnt a
Only one individual, who had lost his father to become
deprived of the blessings of his father and who was in a
poor fa m i ly, could ch ange the world with the
commitment, dedication, vision and mission. This is a
great lesson that you are learning.
That every one of us, if we fol low the path, ca n change the worl d .
We can make the world a better place for human being
and we can create such a world through education. So,
we will be using, in our future, KilT and KISS as role
models. I hope we a l l w i l l be a b l e to synergise the effort of the
dedicated tea m mem bers of D r. Sa ma nta .
And the third reason that I a m very very ha ppy is today we make
a promise that we all sitting here will be your
ambassadors. We will let mill ions of people know about
this place and we would try to maxim ise the potential ity
that we see in this place.
We w i l l defin itely try o u r level best o n ce a g a i n to use the
opport u n ities here for the betterment of h u m a n being wherever
they a re . Many others w i l l come and they wi l l know how they ca n
uti l ise the potenti a l ity of this place for the betterment of h u m a n
beings i n other pa rts o f t h e worl d . I wish you a l l t h e best. I tha n k
you Dr. Sa m a nta for this i nitiative a n d I tha n k y o u for h ol di n g this
occasio n .
I express my special thanks to the Government
of India that they have allocated two of their senior-most
managers Mr. Srinivas and Mr. Majumdar for helping
Afghanistan to reform our education system.
:Jvtost CJJistinguislied
qfiufam Parooq 'Wartfat
In a countr-:9 oevastateo b-:g successive conflicts resulting in senseless
violence, one barol-:g finos a person wbo bas not mortgageo bis soul. It
neeos lot of courage ano conviction to acknowleoge Inoia1s role in
oevelopment of eoucation in Afgbanistan1 oespite being traineo in a
countr-:g1 not so ver-:g frienol-:g witb Inoia. Abanooning stuoies to work
for tbe countr-:g ano subsequentl-:g graouating in spite of being a
refugee in anotber nation brings -:gou closer to tbe ioeals of Mabatma
Ganobi. As an astute politician, concerneo for eoucation in a war torn
nation, -:gou bave given a new oimension to tbe fielo of eoucation,
exemplif-:ging tbe out-:g of a concerneo leaoer of tbe people.
In recognition to -:gour vision for an eoucateo Afghanistan ano in
appreciation to -:gour efforts in bringing Inoia ano Afghanistan even
closer, KilT Universit-:g unanimousl-:g resolves to confer tbe Degree of
Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) on -:gou tbis oa-:g1 9tb September
2.012. on its 8tb Annual Convocation.
(Achyuta Samanta)
Founder- KilT
First of a l i i wou l d l i ke to celebrate 20 1 2 a n n u a l convocation of K i l T
University. I heartily convey o u r hea rtfelt congratulations from a l l m y
friends i n H a nseo U niversity in Korea . I wou l d l i ke t o tha n k esteemed
Dr. Sa m a nta, Founder of KilT U n iversity a n d KISS for givi n g me such a
memora ble m o ment of honour a n d then KilT U n iversity com m ittee
members for a rra n g i ng this ceremony. At the same time I express my
con g ratu lations to other honora ble recipients - esteemed Prime
M i nister of Bh uta n , esteemed Ed ucation M i n ister of Afg h a n istan a n d
e m i nent Econ o mist Prof. Mishra .
Despite g reat d istance between I n d i a a n d Korea, 1 500 yea rs ago,
when today's modern tra nsportation was not ava i l a b l e , Kore a n
B u d d h ist m o n ks noted t h e i r observations w h i l e trave l l i n g thro u g h
I n d i a , which was even then a country with a n advanced civil ization . I n
the books they wrote their fee l i ng s a n d thoug hts a bout cu lture a n d
civil ization o f t h e cou ntry. Thro u g h these books I ndia beca m e known
to far d istant Korea .
Personally when I was a g raduate from
Med ical School in 1 965 I had a chance to watch a movie on
Mahatma Gandhi. Upon watching this movie, I came to have
a lot of interest in India and I began to have lot of respect for
this Indian hero and saint.
H istorical ly, I ndia has left outsta n d i n g cult u ra l m a rks u pon not just
Korea, but a l so many Asi a n cou ntries. B u d d h ism is o n e of them. Thus,
cultura l i nfluence by I n d ia has a l o n g history of development of
h u m a n relationsh i p . As is well known there a re two types of h u m a n
relationsh ip - o n e i s positive a n d t h e other c a n b e negative. Positive
h u m a n relation sh i p is a creative one, prod ucing h a p p i n ess. Negative
h u m a n relationshi p is destructive one, causing u n ha ppi ness. My
relationshi p with Dr. Sa m a nta was i n itiated by esteemed former I n d i a n
Am bassador t o Korea, Mr. Taya l a n d w e have shared a very positive
relationshi p for past five yea rs.
Relationship between KilT University in India and Hanseo
University in Korea and between Dr. Samanta and myself
have developed into successful and positive bond. This
much I can say with certainty. I have confidence that our
relations hip will continue and develop further. This
relationship brings hopes of g reat happiness to the students
of the two universities and people of the two countries in
general. I have tremendous amount of respect for Founder
Dr. Samanta and I personally feel brotherly affection for him.
H is works remind me of the philosophy that Mahatma
Gand hi told us about. J ust like Mahatma Gandhi, who was
the great beacon of India, Dr. Samanta is the light of
education as well as philanthropic practice of 2 1 st century.
Today I become a l u m n i m e m be r of K i l T U n iversity a s a person with
love a n d respect for I ndia a n d I n d i a n peo p l e . And I would l i ke to be a
friend of as m a n y I n d i a n people as possi ble. I wou l d l i ke to shape a
successful future by esta blishing a stron g relationshi p based u pon o u r
m utual sincerity. Tha n k you!
9vlost (])istinguisliecf
(})r. 'l(pe Sun Xam
One rare[� finos a person equaU� at ease with a surgica[ knife ana a
pen. With proven exceUence as a oistinguisbeo p[astic surgeon in
giving shape to tbousanos of deft [ips, �ou have taken pa[ate surger�
to a new height. Doing surger� free for tbe neeo�1 oemonstrates a
rarest of rare sensibi[it� of a concerneo surgeon. Giving co[ours to
human tbougbts1 have maoe �ou a ver� sensitive poet. As an
acaoemician of highest oroer1 �ou too have exceUeo being a recipient of
man� honours ana acco[aoes from aU over the worfo. No wonoer1 that
unoer �our o�namic [eaoersbip1 Hanseo Universit� bas reacbeo tbe
pinnacfe of g[or�.
In recognition to �our contribution to tbe societ� as an extraoroinar�
surgeon1 a sensitive poet ana an ab[e aoministrator1 KilT Universit�
unanimous[� reso[ves to confer tbe Degree of Doctor of Science
(Honoris Causa) on �ou1 this oa�1 gtb September 2.012. on its
Btb Annua[ Convocation.
(Achyuta Samanta)
We a re very happy that D r. Achyuta S a m a nta has been a b l e to
conquer not only Odisha, but at the sa me time thro u g h out Asi a . I first
of a l l express my appreciation to D r. Sa ma nta for wonderful work that
he has done for this U niversity. I am rea l ly g rateful to the U n iversity for
conferring this degree on me. I j u st wa nt to m a ke three observations
The fi rst thing we have to consider that in case of India we have
made a lot of progress with regard to education. Only from
30 universities in 1 950 -51 , we have now more than 500
universities in India. Only from 750 colleges then, we have
now 24,000 colleges or more. However, our enrolment is
much less at 1 2.1 , whereas the world average comes to more
than 2 times.
Our pop u l ation is i ncreasing. I nd i a is a 'young' cou ntry. More tha n 60
to 65% of the pop u l ation is below the a g e of 3 5 . About 50%
pop u l ation is below the age of 2 5 . They a l l req u ire ed ucation . We
have to i mpart education not o n l y for the purpose of economic
development, but for the purpose of increasing the awareness in the
cou ntry, e n l i g hten i n g the people so that they can be the message of
e n l i g htenment to the common m a n of the cou ntry. And , therefore,
what is more i mporta nt now we have to i n c rease the n u m ber of
colleges a n d u niversities.
One attempt has been made here in Odisha by D r. Achyuta Sa m a nta .
The second thing that I wa nt to emphasise here is there is a need for
tech nica l education . We a re a tra d itional cou ntry. Science a n d
technology a re improving now. Today w h a t is ca l l ed knowledge;
tomorrow it will be ca l l ed outdate d .
We have to impart science
and technology education so that our people will be updated
with different types of skills. We a re creating a l a rg e n u m be r of
jobs a n d new vocations a re com in g . For these jobs tech nica l
ed ucation is req u i red . Third thing, which I th i n k is the most important,
we have to change not only education, but also qual ity of
education. You w i l l be surprised to know that in case of I nd i a a l a rge
n u m be r of e n g i n eers a re not getting jobs, beca use they a re
unemploya b l e .
If you want to improve the qual ity of education, then there is
a need for improving the type of curriculum, the type of
education, the type of teachers so that they would be able to
bring out a new change in the educational system. The type of
ed ucation that we a re imparting is only cra m m ing. What you need
rea l ly is thi n ki n g . More emphasis should be g iven to training of
the teachers, so that qual ity education can be imparted to
the students. Tha n k you very m uch!
"We have to change not only education, but also quality of education. If you want to
improve the quality of education, then there is a need for improving the type of
curriculum, the type of education, the type of teachers so that they would be able to
bring out a new change in the educational system."
- Prof. (Dr.) Baidyanath Mishra, Eminent Economist, Bhubaneswar
R e vie w
�ost (])istinguislied
cprof. ((})r.) (}Jaitfyanath 9rtishra
As an outstanaing teacher ana a great economist1 tbe state bas ever
proauceai �ou bave remainea one of tbe worthiest sons of Oaisba.
As a concernea economist1 �ou bave alwa�s aavocatea for juaicious
ana efficient use of aiminisbing resources1 aevelopment of
alternative energ� sources1 population control1 improvement of
forest area ana a less consumerist attituae for giving our future
generation a aecent ana aignifiea life. As an able eaucationa{
aaministrator1 �ou bave left inae{ib{e mark as a Principal ana a
In recognition to �our acaaemic excellence1 futuristic vision for a
better life ana eaucationa[ leaaersbip1 KilT Universit�
unanimous[� resolves to confer tbe Degree of Doctor of Letters
(Honoris Causa) on �ou1 tbis aa� tbe 9tb September .201.2 on its
Btb Annual Convocation.
(Achyuta Samanta)
Founder- KilT
Presidential Address by
Prof. N. L. Mitra
KilT University
Convocatio n is a very special a n d proud occasion i n the l ife of
every students g ra d u ating from the U niversity. It has to be borne
in mind that your h a rd work and preparations i n yea rs you have
spent as a stud e nt sha l l be the key for you r success in the
profession you choose . All of our graduating students
spreading across the country and abroad are the
Ambassadors of this University. Your good words
about your Alma Mater and efficient service in the
endeavor you undertake to pursue shall be a source of
strength and a guiding light for hundreds of coming
generations in this institution. The trajectory of g rowth a n d
development o f your U niversity h a s been u n i q u e i n I nd i a ,
especi a l l y i n t h e private sector. T h e person a l interest ta ken by
the Fou n der to provide the best of opport u n ities in the U niversity
has contributed i m m e nsely to the development of the campus.
Today the campus facil ity and infrastructure is
comparable to the very best available in any other
private and public University in the country.
You a re l a u n c h i n g you r career i n a cha l l e n g i ng eco n o m i c
conditi o n . Cou ntry after Cou ntry i n E u rope is fac i n g fi n a n c i a l
crisis, g rowth has b e e n consistently negative i n t h e last decade
or so and there is an economic wh i rlpool in which a l l cou ntries
of the world a re sucked i n .
If today Europe is in the
whirlpool, there is no guarantee that US 14 trillion
economy will remain safe. India therefore can also not
remain insulated. At this critical time we have to work
harder wherever we are and try to increase our
At th is critica l h o u rs too, we have a si lver l i n i ng i n o u r economy.
Our service sector has a very positive sign of g rowth.
Both agricultural and industrial sector have tremendous growth potential. We have a robust6 0% of our popu lation,
which is effective work force, w h i l e the work force in C h i n a is g ra d u a l ly g o i n g d own d u e to n egative pop u l ation pol icy one c h i l d
policy h a v i n g u ltimately a negative i m pact. I n s u c h a 'down t h e h i l l' g l o b a l economic conditi o n , too, I nd i a has t h e thi rd h i g hest g rowth
rate at present in the world a n d the g rowth rate of the last q u a rter has seen upwa rd tre n d s . I strongly feel that the growth of Indian
economy can be firmed up at a much faster and higher rate provided we give importance to agricu lture and the
agriculturists. Ag riculture req u i res education at a l l levels. A few Agricultura l U n iversities ca n not meet the e n o rmous d e m a n d of
a g ri c u lture. There has to be new pla n n i n g on a g ricu ltura l ed ucation , I suppose, to provide a g ricu ltura l ed ucation at a l l levels, prima ry,
secon d a ry, degree a n d U niversity leve l .
Agriculture must also have t h e operation o f scale. So w h y not a ny modern management tec h n i q u e be d es i g n ed that would s u it
o u r l a n d system ? Government of India in 2002 amended the Companies Act and included in it the provision for
incorporating producers' company. Similarly, the recent circular of foreign direct investment includes some sector of
farming and agricu lture also in the foreign direct investment scheme, l i ke, horticulture, sericulture, a nima l h u s ba n d ry, a n d
floricu lture etc i n t h e l ist o f F D I u p to 1 00% u nd e r a utomatic route. T h e biggest cha l le n g e i s t h e u ncerta i nty o f monsoon . Presently
ma rketi n g cond ition is awfu l l y bad a n d scarcely reg u lated . All this req u i re a n ew u nd e rsta n d i n g a n d pla n n i n g in the a g ricu ltural sector.
R e vie w
Vice Chancellor's
Report by
Prot P. P. �athur
Ours i s a nascent but a very vibrant university. We
celebrated its 8th Foundation Day in Febru a ry last. I a m
extremely ha ppy t o report to you that i n such a short span the
U n iversity has g ot a very h i g h visi b i l ity a n d has been recogn ized
as an i n stitution that is i nvolved in a very h i g h q u a l ity teac h i n g
a n d resea rc h . It w a s very a ppropriate t h a t t h e 99th session of
the I n d i a n Science Congress Association was hosted in this
U n iversity from 3-7 J a n u a ry 2 0 1 2 . In con j u nction with it the
C h i l d ren's Science Congress and Women's Science C o n g ress
sessions were a lso org a nized very successfu l ly. A total of a bout
1 8,000 delegates from I nd i a a n d a bout 250 from a b road
participated in it. I am not aware of a n y such a young i nstitution
which was entrusted with the tas k of o rganizing such a mega
event i n this cou ntry.
The number and quality of faculty have the greatest
im pact on the performance of an educational
institution. We have adopted an extremely effective
process to recruit and retain qualified and talented
faculty members. In the various schools of the U n iversity 253
facu lty mem bers have joined d u ri n g the period of the report,
out of them m a ny of them possess P h . D degrees. Most of these
facu lty
m e m bers
i n d ustry
The facu lty mem bers and the research schol a rs have been a b l e
t o p u b l i s h 1 1 5 research papers i n p e e r reviewed j o u rn a l s a n d
a bout 5 1 papers were presented i n nati o n a l a n d internati o n a l
conferences b y t h e m si nce t h e last report.
The tremendous
progress in the research culture is also evident from
the number of research grants received in the last one
year. During this year more than 1 4 research projects
from various national and international fund ing
agencies have been sanctioned with a total budget
outlay of over Rs. 4 crores. The U n iversity has org a n ized
severa l nation a l a n d i nternation a l conferences a n d workshops. The U n iversity promotes the culture of research by a l lowi ng the facu lty
mem bers to p u rsue hig her studies. D u ri n g this yea r 1 1 facu lty members received P h . D. degrees from this a n d oth e r U n iversities.
University has signed many MoUs, through them students and faculty exchange programs are facilitated. I am happy
to inform you that at this time 40 students from Ataturk University, Turkey are in our University for one semester for a
Certificate Course. Four of o u r students attended E n g l ish S u m me r C a m p 2 0 1 2 at Nationa l Formosa U n iversity, Ta iwa n . The
U n iversity is a lso forg i n g n ew strategic tie - u ps with m u lti- n ation a l compa nies l i ke Siemens, EMC2 and I ntel for tec h n ica l tra i n i n g as well
as setting up of laboratories.
The University takes its social responsibility very seriously and ensures that no qualified applicant is denied h ig her
education for want of financial resources. We have provided free education to more than 750 students many of whom
are tribal or hail from socially d isadvantaged sections of the society. Free education is given not only to the students in
social sciences but also to those in Engineering, Medicine, Law, Nursing, Biotechnology, and Management schools.
The U n iversity has i nstituted scholarships and fel l owsh i ps for non sti pend i a ry M.Tech. and P h . D. students.
The University is proud of placing it on record that it has achieved 1 00% placement for the 2012 passed-out students. I n
a way i t i n d i cates the q u a l ity o f educatio n provided b y the u n iversity. D u ring th is yea r 70 com p a n ies visited the U n iversity o ut o f them 4 1
were i n the core sectors.
K i l T
R e v
Supervisor(s) : Dr. K. G. Mishra & Dr. K. M. Parida
Deepak Kumar Singh,
Topic: Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conductor: A Case of Doped
Management - KSOM)
Topic: A Comparative Study on Profitability of Nalco and
Supervisor(s) : Dr. S. P. Sinha & Dr. S. Bhattacharjee
Supervisor(s): Dr. B. C. M. Patnaik
Gopal Kumar
Rajesh Prakash Dubey, School of Civil Engineering
Snigdha Panigrahi, Physics (School ofApplied Science)
B iotechnology
Hydrodynamic Estury - A Case Study ofHooghJy
Topic: C-Repeat B inding Factor and Peroxisomal Proteins in
Combating Abiotic Stress and Investigating the Evolutionary
Supervisor(s) : Dr. B. Das
Profile ofPeroxisomal Targeting Signals in Plants
Arun Kumar Rout, Mechanical Engineering (School of
Supervisor(s): Dr. C. N. Kundu & Dr. S. Reumann
Mechanical Engineering)
Topic: A Study on Reinforcing Potential of Rice Husk in
Regalin Rout, Biotechnology (School ofBiotechnology)
Top i c :
Thermal and Wear Resistant Polymer Composites
I so l ation
M o squitocidal
Supervisor(s) : Prof. (Dr.) Alok Satapathy
Santoshini Sahu, Chemistry (School ofApplied Science)
Topic: Environmental Impact Assessment Studies on Major
Industries in andAround Bhubaneswar City
Supervisor(s) : Dr. B. B. Kar & Dr. K. Parashar
o f Bacillus
of Indigenous
Identification of A Novel Subspecies, Bacillus Thuringiensis
Subsp. Odishaensis
Supervisor(s): Dr. Vishakha Raina & Dr. P. Luethy
Pragnya Panda, Biotechnology (School ofBiotechnology)
S. S. A. A. AI-Mekhlafy, English (School ofHumanities)
Topic: Purification and Characterization of A Novel Histone
Topic: A Study on Indigenous Approaches to Enhance Teachers'
H2A Specific Endopeptidase (H2Ase) from Chicken Liver
and Learners' Proficiency in English in Rural and Tribal Areas in
Nuclear Extract
Supervisor(s) : Dr. M. Suar & Dr. J. Satchidananda
Yemen: Preparation of Materials
Supervisor(s) : Dr. Manmath Kundu & Dr. Biswajeet Das
Lopamudra Ray, Biotechnology (School ofBiotechnology)
Top i c :
M.A.J. Gubaily, School ofHumanities (English)
for the
Undergraduate Learners ofEnglish in Yemen
I s o l ation,
P artial
Purification of Chitinases and Application Potential of Novel
Streptomyces Strains from Chilika Lake
Supervisor(s): Prof. M. Kundu & Prof. B. Das
Supervisor(s): Dr. Vishakha Raina
Anindita Swain, Chemistry (School ofApplied Science)
Topic: Estimation of Chromium in and Around Ferrochrome
Niladri Bhusan Pati, Biotechnology (School ofBiotechnology)
Top i c :
Industries and Evaluation oflts Remadial Measures
Identi fication
D e velopment
Supervisor(s) : Dr. B. B. Kar
AnanyaAnupama, School ofApplied Science (Chemistry)
Topic: Potential Utilization of Fly Ash for Industrial Effluent
S a fe
Typhimurium Vaccine
Supervisor(s): Dr. Mrutyunj ay Suar
Supervisor(s): Dr. B. B. Kar
of Novel
M anagement
( School
Ashok Kumar Sahu, School ofMechanical Engineering
Topic: Improving Rural Odisha Through Connectivity
Top ic:
Supervisor(s) : Dr. Ipseeta Satapathy
Optimization of Multilayer Coated Carbide Tools in Hard
Turning of Steels
Supervisor(s): Prof. B. Sahu
of Civil
Suresh Kumar Dash, Chemistry (School ofApplied Science)
Topic: Drought Analysis and Management in KBK Di stricts of
Topic: Design of Functionalised Mesoporous Materials; Heavy
Metal Adsorption and Their Catalytic Applications
Supervisor(s): Dr. Bitanj aya. Das
In Pictures
Sidelines of 8th Annual Convocation Ceremony
His Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon'ble Prime
Minister, The Royal Government of Bhutan greets all after
receiving the KISS Humanitarian Award. Dr. P. K. Patasani,
Hon'ble MP, Bhubaneswar and Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT &
His Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon'ble Prime
Mini ster, The Royal Government of Bhutan garlanding a statue
ofLord Buddha in KISS campus.
KISS look on.
His Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon'ble Prime
Mini ster, The Royal Government of Bhutan distributing fruits
among patients at KISS dispensary.
Mr. Ghulam Farooq Wardak, Hon'ble Minister of Education,
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan interacting with students at the
vocational training centre ofKISS.
Students ofK.iiT International School welcoming His Excellency
Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon 'ble Prime Minister, The Royal
Government ofBhutan in their campus .
Mr. Dorj i Wangdi, Hon'ble Minister of Labour and Human
Resources, The Royal Government ofBhutan garlanding a statue
ofLord Buddha in KISS campus .
K I I T R e v 1 e w
KISS Humanitarian
Award Conferred
on Bhutan PM
Ms. Ana Maria Nieto Centeno, Hon'ble President, Helsinki
Espana, Spain; Ms. Silvia Escobar Moreno, Hon'ble Special
Ambassador for Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs &
Cooperation, Spain; Smt. Saswati Bat, President, KilT & KISS;
Ms. Anne F. Stenhammer, Regional Programme Director, UN
Women, South Asia Regional Office; His Excellency Lyonchhen
The KISS Humanitarian Award for 2012 was
conferred on His Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y.
Thinley, Hon' ble Prime Minister, The Royal
Government of Bhutan on 8th September 2012 i n
acknowledgement of h i s "vision for a beautiful world a n d
concern for t h e h u m a nity at l a rge".
Ste n h a m me r,
Reg i o n a l
Pro g ra m m e
Ms. Anne
D i rector,
Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon 'ble Prime Minister, The Royal Government
of Bhutan; Mr. Ghulam Farooq Wardak, Hon'ble Minister of
Education, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Dr. P. K. Patasani,
Hon'ble MP, Bhubaneswar; Prof. N. L. Mitra, Chancellor, KilT
University; Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS and
Mr. R. N. Dash, Secretary, KilT & KISS at the 2012 KISS
Humanitarian Award ceremony in KISS.
Women, South Asia Reg i o n a l Office presented the award
to Mr. T h i n ley at a g l ittering ceremony held at Ka l i n g a
I nstitute o f Socia l Sciences ( K I S S ) , B h u ba neswar. The KISS Humanitarian Award was instituted by Dr. Achyuta Samanta,
noted social activist and Founder of KISS, the largest free residential tribal institute of the world, in 2008 to honour
and recognize individuals with exceptionally high contribution to the society in various fields relating to social
issues and who have d istinguished themselves as true humanitarians. Awardees, whose works s h o u l d be in h a rmony
with the pri n c ip les of KISS, a re chosen by a h i g h - level j u ry.
"Concerned by the widening g a p between the rich a n d poor a n d the way i n which h u m a n ity is being i m pe l led toward self
destruction by insatiable g reed, depleti n g natural resources and ris i n g confl icts, you have moved the world to consider a lternative
development models. To this e n d , you have offered Gross Nati o n a l H a p p i ness ( G N H ) as a hol istic, susta i n a ble a n d i n c l u sive
development para d i g m" , said the citati o n . The award
ceremony was graced by Mr. Ghulam Farooq
Wardak, Hon'ble Minister of Education, Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan, Dr. P. K. Patasani,
Hon'ble MP, Bhubaneswar, Ms. Silvia Escobar
Moreno, Hon'ble Special Ambassador for Human
R i g h t s , M i n i s t ry of F o re i g n Affa i rs &
Cooperation, Spain and Ms. Ana Maria Nieto
Centeno, Hon'ble President, Helsinki Espana,
Spain. In his reciprocation speech, M r. Th i n ley said that
the h o n o u r wi l l enco u rage and i n s p i re him to cont i n u e
The KISS Humanitarian Award was
instituted by Dr. Achyuta Samanta, noted
social activist and Founder of KISS, the
largest free residential tribal institute of the
world, in 2008 to honour and recognize
individuals with exceptionally high
contribution to the society in various fields
relating to social issues and who have
h i s work with renewed vigour.
distinguished themselves as true
e w
There are so many children in the world who do not have opportunity for education and to pursue their dreams, he
said, adding that individuals like Dr. Samanta provide hope in their lives. " KISS is realizing humanitarian d ream of
quality education for marginalized children. It has already achieved what Bhutan is still struggling to achieve", the
Prime Minister of Bhutan stated, while calling Dr. Sa manta "one ofthe greatest humanitarian in the world today".
C o n g ratu lating Mr. Thi n ley for the award, Mr. G h u l a m Farooq Wa rda k recounted h i s contribution for the world peace. Ms. Anne F.
Ste n h a m m e r com mended Dr. Sa ma nta for ta king q u a l ity ed ucation to the m a rg i ns of I n d i a n society. Ed ucation has power to change a
society a n d the worl d , said Ms. S i lvia Escobar Moreno, wh i l e expressi n g happi ness that g irls constitute a bout 5 0% of students' strength of
KISS. D r. Patasa n i extended welcome to the Pri me M i nister of B h uta n, Ed ucatio n M i n i ster of Afg h a n istan a n d other d i g n ita ries to Odisha
on beh a lf of the Ch ief M i nister of Od isha and people of the state.
It is a h o n o u r for KISS to present this award to a personal ity l i ke M r. Th i n ley, said D r. Sa m a nta , w h i l e welco m i n g the dig n itaries to KISS.
Smt. Saswati B a l , President, KISS del ivered the presidentia l a d d ress . Ka l i nga Wa r awakened h u m a n ita ria n s p i rit in E m peror Ashoka and
subseq uently h u m a n ita ria n m issions were sent to cou ntries fa r and wide from this land, sa i d Prof. N . L. Mitra, Cha ncel lor, KilT U n iversity.
Mr. Thinley, who heads the first democratically elected Government of Bh utan, has won world appreciation for
proposing GNH as an alternative development parameter and advocating its inclusion as the ninth Millennium
Development Goals. Before the i ntroduction of d e mocracy i n Bh uta n i n 2 0 0 8 , h e served the previous government i n various
capacities, i n c l u d i n g a s M i n ister for Fore i g n Affa i rs and M i nister for H o m e a n d C u ltural Affa i rs . H e also served as Pri me M i n i ster from
1 998 to 1 999 and a g a i n from 2 003 to 2 00 4 , when cabinet m i nisters held the post on an a n n u a l rotational basis.
KISS Humanitarian Award is being presented every year since its inception to great compassionate leaders of vision
and concern for human values from different parts of the world. Previous recipients of the award are Rt. Hon Lord
Nicholas Addison Philli ps, President of the Supreme Court of The United Kingdom (2011 ), His Excellency Rt. Hon. Sir
Anerood J ugnauth, (then) President, Republic of Mauritius (201 0), Dr. Ham Kee-Sun, Hon'ble President & Founder,
Hanseo University, South Korea (2009) and Madam Bomo Edna Molewa, (then ) Premier, North West Province,
Republic of South Africa (2008).
Mr. R . N. Dash, Secreta ry, KISS proposed the vote of tha n ks.
K i l T R e v
Past Recipients
of the KISS
Humanitarian Award
20 1 1
Rt. H o n . Lord N i cho las Addison P h i l l i ps
President (Chief Justice) of the
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
201 0
Rt. H o n . S i r Anerood J u g nauth
Eminent Social Worker & H is Excellency
the President of Mauritius
D r. Ham Kee-S u n
Eminent Educationist & Physician and
Hon'ble President & Founder, Hanseo University,
South Korea
Ms. Edna Bomo Mo lewa
Noted Social Worker & Hon'ble Cabinet
Minister, Social Development,
South Africa National Assembly, South Africa .
� KIITRev e w
His Excellency Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Hon'ble Prime Minister, The Royal Government of Bhutan
receiving the KISS Humanitarian Award 2012 from Ms. Anne F. Stenhammer, Regional Programme
Director, UN Women, South Asia Regional Office in the presence of Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT &
KISS and other dignitaries.
Rec i p rocatio n S peech of H is Exce l le n cy
Lyo n c h h e n J i g m i
Y. Th i n ley, H o n ' b l e Prime M i n iste r,
The Royal Gove rn m e nt of B h utan
Most respected Dr. Achyuta S a m a nta , Fou n d e r o f KISS a n d K i l T, S mt. Saswati B a l , President, KISS a n d KilT, Prof. N . L.
Mitra, Chance l l o r, KilT U n iversity, D r. P. K . Pata s a n i , Hon'ble M P of B h u ba neswar, Hon'ble Mr. Farooq Ward a k, M i nister
of E d u cati o n , Afg h a n ista n , S pecial Ambassador Ms. Si lvia Escobar Moreno, Anne F. Ste n h a m m e r, Reg i o n a l
Progra m m e D irector, U N Wom e n , Ms. Ana M a ri a N i eto Centeno, President, H e l s i n k i Espa n a , S p a i n , lad ies &
gentl e m e n .
K i l T R e v
e w
Dr. Sa m a nta , S mt. Saswati B a l , President of KISS, S h ri R. N. Dash,
"Your recognition, Dr. Samanta, of
my efforts to contribute to society
in whatever way I can is
encouraging and inspires me to
continue to serve with optimism
and renewed vigor."
I a m deeply honoured to receive the KISS H u m a n ita ria n Awa rd .
This honour is a cause for deep sense of joy a n d p ride for me a n d
t h e people o f B h uta n , especi a l ly si nce it comes from a n institute
that has been so successful in rea l i s i n g its noble h u ma n ita ria n
vision of bri n g i n g the coveted rea l m o f h i g her a n d excel lent
educatio n with i n the g rasp of the m a rg i n a l ised a n d d e p rive d .
KISS has successfully done what we in Bh utan are
struggling to do - to reduce drop-out rate to zero, to make
our students employable by the time they complete their
college and schools through KISS's unique curriculum of
incorporating vocational training within the formal
education system.
I a m i n d eed h u m bled to j o i n the ra n ks of e m i nent people who a re
Secreta ry of KISS a n d a l l who have been i nvolved i n b ri n g i n g this
event together and for prov i d i n g hope and i n s p i ration to so ma ny.
May your work flourish for generations to come a n d may a l l who
a re touched by your work i n turn be of benefit to many i n need of
help and hope.
Whether you are born in rich family or poor family is a
sheer accident - an accident of nature. Whether you are
rich or poor, you are born with same potentials, same
intelligence. And whether you are rich or poor, you have
dreams. It is no shame to be poor. But what is shameful is
that there are so many children in the world today who do
not receive opportunities to realise their dreams and to
pursue thei r dreams. But the good thing is that there are
people like Dr. Samanta, who was born poor but who
pursued his dreams and succeeded. And today he is
g iving to you an exceptional opportunity to realise your
potentials and dreams.
And this you must fulfill. Yes, your Hon'ble MP did say
that your education here - your admission, your food,
you r hostel and so on - is all free. But I don't think it is free.
There is a price that you must be prepared to pay. And
that price is what Dr. Samanta expects from all of you. I
t h i n k, a n d certa in ly, I wish that you sha re his d rea m , that you s h a re
gathered here today a n d who have been honoured in particu l a r
his vision, that you succeed in your stud ies here . Ta ke adva ntage
with t h i s d istinction b y t h e Ka l i n g a I n stitute o f S o c i a l Sciences i n t h e
of the fac i l ities that has been g iven to you here and then engage i n
l a s t fou r yea rs s i nce its i n ception . That this institute and the
award have been founded by one of the g reatest
humanitarians of the world today, Dr. Achyuta Sa manta. It
t h e busi ness o f u p l ifti n g you r com m u n ities. Not o n l y succeed i n g
is indeed h u m bl i n g , a n d at the sa me time, a source of g reat pride
and i n s p i rati o n .
Your recognition, Dr. Samanta, of my
efforts to contribute to society in whatever way I can is
encouraging and inspires me to continue to serve with
optimism and renewed vigor. For that I tha n k you .
I wou l d l i ke t o briefly p a y tribute t o a l l those w h o have h e l ped me
a l o n g the way these m a n y years.
My first tribute goes to His
Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan who introduced the
expression 'Gross National Happiness' as the goal for
Bhutan and guided and inspired me right from my very
first year of service, and who continues to inspires all of
us even today.
My mother a n d my wife - I tha n k for sta n d i n g by my side u nfa i l i n g ly
a n d encoura g i ng a n d supporting me in so m a n y countless ways.
To my col l eag ues, who advised and h e l ped me. And fi n a l ly to the
yourselves, b u t e n s u ri n g t h a t t h e poo r fa m i l ies that you c o m e from
also get the opportu n ity to rise. That the c h i l d re n that a re born
after you w i l l have the opportun ity and w i l l be inspired by you to
succeed .
It is my prayer that each of you w i l l e n d eavo u r to p u rsue the
d reams of D r. Sa ma nta .
Tha n k you very m u c h .
"Your education here - your
admission, your food, your hostel
and so on - is all free. But I don't
think it is free. There is a price that
you must be prepared to pay. And
people of Bh uta n for putting their trust in me and giving me the
that price is what Dr. Samanta
opportun ity to serve them for the last 3 8 years. F i n a l ly, I offer a g a i n
expects from all of you."
my deepest tha n ks t o Bh utanese people, t o the K I S S , it Founder,
e w
alR"i'fhf ufl<nowffidro �
Association of Microbiologists of India
of Microbiologists of India (AMI)
Dr. V. M. Katoch, DG, ICMR, India
Prof. Jeff Mil ler, ASM President, USA
Prof. Trinad Chakraborty, Germany
Prof. Sayed Hassnain, India
Prof. Peter Sebo, Czech Republic
Dr. Laura Bruno, Italy
Mr. S. Sinha, DBT, India
Prof. Umesh Varshney, India
Dr. Bhaskar Saha, India
Prof. Kawarabayasi Yutaka, Japan
Prof. Subrat K Panda, India
Dr. Tom Classen, UK
Prof. S. P. Adhikary, India
Dr. Sunil K Lal, India
Dr. R. C. Kuhad, India
Prof. Rup Lal, India
Dr. Rakesh Sharma, India
Dr. Gobardhan Das, India
Dr. S. K. Parida, India
Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG, ICAR, India
Dr. J R vander Meer, Switzerland
Prof. V. Nagaraja, India
Prof. Tim Vogel, France
Dr. Roberta Congestri, Italy
Dr. Ami! Ghosh, India
Dr. S. R. Rao, India
Dr. Jack A. Gilbert, USA
Prof. Eva N Karlsson, Sweden
Prof. Geeta Satpathy, India
Prof. Tanya Das, India
Dr. Akhil C Banerjea, India
Dr. Woutrina Mil ler, USA
Dr. Banwari Lal, India
Dr. Heman! J Purohit, India
Dr. Amulya K Panda, India
Dr. V. C. Kalia, India
Dr. K. Venkateswaran, USA
Dr. Ranjan Nanda, india
Confe ren ce
2 2-25th N ov, 20 1 2
Address : Dr. Mrutyunjay Suar, Organising Secretary,53rd Annual AMI Conference, School of
Biotechnology, KilT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, Pin: 751 024
Lyonchhen Meets Bhutanese Students of KilT
On the sid e l i nes of Ki l T's 8th Convocatio n a n d 2 0 1 2 KISS H u m a n ita ria n Awa rd cere m o n ies, H is Exce l l e n cy
Lyo n c h h e n J i g m i Y. T h i n ley, H o n ' b l e Pri m e M i n iste r, The Roya l Governm ent of B h uta n i ntera cted with the
B h uta nese stu d e nts of K i l T U n ivers ity. As m a ny a s 2 5 Bh uta nese stu d e nts - 1 5 boys a n d 1 0 g i rl s - a re p u rs u i n g
M B BS, B . Tech a n d BDS co u rses a t t h e U n ive rsity. T h e stu d e nts p rese nted a docu m e nta ry, m a d e especia l l y for
the Lyo n c h h e n , o n the re lati o ns h i p between K i l T a n d B h uta n . They expressed their l ove a n d respect fo r Ki lT
U n ivers ity and its Fo u n d e r. Lyo n c h h e n to l d the stu d e nts that they were b l essed a n d fo rtunate to be stu d y i n g
n ot j u st i n a re n owned a n d d i sti n g u i s h ed i n stituti o n , but a l so i n a bea utifu l a n d serene e nviro n m e nt. H e to l d
the stu d e nts that they h ave ta ken u p va l u a b l e co u rses that wi l l e n s u re i m m e nse co ntri bution i n the
deve l o p m ent of the co u ntry. Lyo n c h h e n a l so i nteracted with the stu de nts over a q u estion-a n swe r sess i o n .
Bhutan PM Celebrates B ' day at KilT
H is Exce l l e n cy Lyo n c h h e n J i g m i
T h i n l e y,
Pri m e
M i n iste r, The Roya l Govern m e nt
of B h uta n ce l e b rated his 6 0th
birth d a y a m i dst stu d e nts fro m
B h uta n at KilT U n ivers ity. M r.
T h i n ley cut his birthday ca ke a n d
sa i d , " It was a coincide nce that I
a m i n I n d i a this yea r. " It was a
g reat h o n o u r fo r a s m a l l cou ntry
l i ke B h uta n , said D i ks h a C h etri,
B h uta n ese stu d e nt,
stu d e nts
we re
overwhe l med with the g estu re of
K i lT
U n iversity
fe l i citate o u r P M .
Years ofExcellence
2 0 1 2 Inter-Congres s
International Union of Anthropological
and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
Ch ildren and Youth i n
a C hang i ng World
November 2 6 - 3 0 , 20 1 2
Organised Jointly By:
I UAES Commission on Chi ldren, Youth and Chi ldhood
8: Centre for Chi ldren Studies, KISS, Ki lT U niversity
Seminar Lecture on 'Social Justice:
Seminar Lecture on ' Social Justice :
Issues & Challenges ' at KilT Law School
Issues & C h allenges ' at
KilT Law School
Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Gyan Sudha Misra, Judge, Supreme Court of lndia
flanked by Ms. Sangeeta Thakur, Noted Social Activist and Dr. A. Samanta
her visit to KISS.
Hon'ble Mrs . J ustice Gyan S u d ha Misra , J u d g e , S u p reme Court of I n d i a d e l ivered a
sem i n a r lectu re o n 'Socia l Justice: Issues & C h a l l e nges' at K i l T Law School on 2 2 n d
Septem ber 2 0 1 2 . " E d u cation a n d c h a racter b u i l d i ng is t h e only sol ution t o social
inequa l ity and other socia l problems. One person ca n not change the com m u n ity, a l l
have t o b e aware", s h e said i n h e r ta l k . A hea lthy society ca n b e set u p o n ly after
erad ication of a l l d iscri m i n ations a n d i ne q u a l ities, she stressed . E l a bo rati ng o n
different h u rdles on t h e way t o soci a l j ustice, she sa i d , soci a l j ustice ca n not be achieved
o n ly by leg islati o n . In spite of va rious provisions of socia l j u stice in the Constitutio n ,
there is a l o t o f d iscri m ination , she stated, a d d i n g that i t is society's responsi b i l ity to
"Education and
realize the d re a m of social j u stice as enshri ned in o u r Constitutio n . Parents have a
character building is
responsi b i l ity to m o u l d the thou g ht process of the c h i l d ren from the very beg i n n i n g , she
expla i ned, e l a boratin g that rig ht type of ed ucation w i l l go a l o n g way in achieving
the only solution to
soci a l justice. Semi n a r lecture o n 'Social J u stice: Issues & C h a l lenges' is a u n i q u e
social inequality and
experience f o r t h e students a n d facu lty a l i ke, said Dr. A. Sa m a nta , Fou nder, K i l T & K I S S .
Wel co m i n g J ustice Misra , Prof. N . L. Mitra, Cha ncellor, K i l T U niversity sa i d , with i n j u st
other social problems.
five yea rs of its esta b l i s h m e nt, KilT Law School has j o i ned the league of p re m i e r law
One person cannot
i n stitutes of the cou ntry, recog nized and respected i n I n d i a as wel l as a broad .
change the community,
all have to be aware . "
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E v e n ts
Speech of Hon 'ble Mrs. Justice
the whole worl d . My good wishes a re with you .
Gyan Sudha Misra, Judge,
I wish to tell y o u that where y o u are born, in which
Supreme Court of India at Kalinga
Institute of Social Sciences (KISS)
on 22"d September 2012
family you a re born and i n which comm unity you are
born d o not have any i mpact today. What matters is
h ow much opportunities you have g ot in life. By g race
of God, your parents have sent you here . You s h o u l d not n u rse
any type of i nferiority complex. You a re fortu nate that you have
come to a very good i n stitute for your educati o n . This is a big
o pportunity for you to be successful i n l ife. You should take fu l l
benefit o f this opportunity.
Wa rrior- s a i nt dedicated to the ca use of educatio n a n d social
s e rvice, S h ri S a m a nta j i ; my dearest friend S mt. Sangeeta Tha kur;
Sh ri Alok J h a ; a l l offici a l s a n d teachers of th is i nstitute; a nd ,
a bove a l l , dea rest g i rls a n d boys o f KISS,
I have visited m a n y ed ucatio n a l
i nstitutions d u ri n g last 1 8-20 yea rs
of my s e rvice as J ustice or Ch ief
Ka l i nga
more sig nificant i n case of g i rl s . If a g irl does not have a stron g
fa m i l y backgro u n d , there a re many people at workpl a ce who try
without any expectation for himself.
I regard him as modern day
I nstitute of Social
Sciences (KISS) .
for success. This a ppl ies in case of both g i rls and boys; but it is
"Dr. Samanta is tirelessly and selflessly
working to give you a better future
J u stice . H owever, I feel h u m bled to
S kill of work and strong character a re very i mportant
I commend D r.
institute for a better and b right future of tri bal boys
seeing here today is amazing.
When I was C h i ef J ustice i n Ra nchi High Court, we fought fo r the
rig hts of g i rl c h i l d through court. I regret that I did not know at that
time that this type of institute exists here . Had I known it then, I
wou l d have sent m a n y c h i l d re n here for stud ies.
D r. Samanta maintains a low profile even after d oing
s o m uch and achieving so much. This is also a matter
of g reat s u rprise. These days people do a l ittle, and ta l k b i g .
So much has b e e n done here, b u t p e o p l e outside O d i s h a have
very l ittle awareness a bout this i n stitute.
He is tirelessly and
selflessly working to g ive you a better future without
if you have a
strong character and there is
q uality in your work, no one can
' g u ru mantra' to you. You fol low
this, a n d I am confident that no o n e
ca n stop you from getting a h e a d .
Samanta, who conceptualised and established this
and g i rls. I have seen many institutes, but what I a m
to exp loit her. But
We have a very good Constitution that g ives u s Right
to Equality and Equal O p po rtunity. If you help
yourself, no one can prevent you from getting ahead
in life. J ust rem e m be r two thing s - q uality of work and
perfo rmance; and strong character. M y good wishes
a re with you.
I consider myself l u c ky that I g o t a cha nce t o visit t h i s p l a c e . It was
a rea l i sation that there a re sti l l people who do what they thi n k a n d
say. If ever you feel that I c a n be o f a n y h e l p t o you, d o let me
know. I wa nt to conti n u e to be attached to this i nstitute and look
forwa rd to opportunity to visit here m a n y more times i n future.
Tha n k you very m u c h !
any expectation for himself. I regard him as modern
"We have a very good Constitution that gives
day Vivekanand.
us Right to Equality and Equal Opportunity.
I despise show off, a rtificia l g ra ndsta n d i n g and fa lse pride. After
coming here I see that his actions a re in consona nce with his
words. I a m very g l ad to visit this i nstitute. I pray that reputation of
KISS may spread not o n l y in Odisha, but also a l l over I nd i a a n d
If you help yourself, no one can prevent you
from getting ahead in life. Just remember
two things - quality of work and
performance; and strong character."
K i l T
R e v
KilT & KISS Founder Delivers Tal k
KilT & KISS Founder Delivers Talk at
UN Women Leadership Summit
a t U N Women Leadership Summit
Third Y V Chandrachud Memorial
Lecture at KilT
women can be brought
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS delivered a talk at the Leadership
Summit organized by U N Women i n Jaipur on 4'h October 20 1 2. The day­
long summit, titled 'Dialogue for Change: Women in Politics, Policies and
Liveli hood', was graced by Ms. M ichelle Bachelet, Hon'ble UN U nder
Secretary General and Executive Director, UN Women, Shri Ashok Gehlot,
Hon'ble Ch ief Min ister of Rajasthan, Shri V. Kishore Chandra Deo, Hon'ble
Union Minister of Tribal Affai rs and Panchayati Raj, Shri Jairam Ramesh,
Hon'ble Union Minister of Rural Development and Drinking Water &
Sanitation, Smt. Krishna Tirath, Hon'ble Union Ministry of State (lnd) for
Women and Child Development, Mr. Eivind Homme, His Excellency the
Norwegian Ambassador to I ndia and Ms. Anne F. Sten hammer, Regional
Director UN Women, South Asia.
about and superstition
D r. S a m a nta's ta l k featured i n the second session of the sum mit titled 'Wo m en's
"Education is the only
tool through which
empowerment of
Economic E m powerment: Chang i n g Destin i es', c h a i red by Ms. Laksh m i Puri, Assista nt
can be done away with. "
Secretary Genera l and Deputy Executive D irector, UN Wom e n . Ed ucation is the only
tool thro u g h which em powerment of wom e n ca n be bro ug ht a bout and s u p e rstition
can be done away with , he em p h asised .
D r. S a m a nta , who has won i nternati o n a l accla mation for Ka l i nga I nstitute of Social
Sciences (KISS), a model i n stitute of tri ba l em powerment thro u g h ed ucation he has set
up in B h u ba neswa r, a lso presented a memento to Ms. Mich e l l e Bachelet on behalf of
the triba l c h i l d re n of Odish a .
KISS is the largest free residential institute for tribals i n the world which
provides education from kindergarten to postgraduation, vocational
training and all other basic amenities of life absol utely free to 20,000 tribal
children. Girls constitute about half of the student strength of KISS.
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E v e n ts
Third YV Chandrachud Memorial Lecture at KilT
One ca n not e n joy freedom of expressi o n a n d other freedom g u a ra nteed by the Constitution without ed ucation , said Hon'ble Mr. J u stice
A. K. Patnaik, J u d g e , S u p reme Court of I nd i a . He was del iveri ng the T h i rd J ustice YV C h a n d ra c h u d Memorial on 'Right to Ed ucation u nder
the Constitution of I ndia' at Ki lT School of Law, Ki lT U niversity o n 6th October 2 0 1 2 . Expla i n i ng the provisions of the Right to E d u cation,
which is a Funda menta l Rig ht, J ustice Patna i k said every c h i l d between the age of s ix and fou rteen yea rs s h a l l have the rig ht to free a n d
com p u l sory ed ucation i n a n e i g h bo rhood school , ti l l completion o f e l e m e nta ry e d u cati o n . Beyond fourteen yea r, there is no p rovision of
free ed ucation, he added .
Article 45 of the Pa rt IV of t he Constitution, which is D i rective Pri nciples of State Policy, says "The State s h a l l endeavour to p rovide, withi n a
period of ten yea rs from the commencement of this Constituti o n , for free a n d com p u l sory ed ucation for a l l c h i l d re n u nti l they complete the
age of fourteen yea rs . " While tech n ica l , p rofession a l and higher ed ucation a re not fu n d a m e nta l right, but such ed ucation is generally
made ava il a b l e to all o n the basis of m e rit, J u stice Patna i k said, w h i l e q uoti ng Article 4 1 and a rticle 37 to expl a i n ed ucation as a
fu n d a m e nta l
h i g h l i g hted some
u n known facets of J u stice
C h a n d ra c h u d 's l ife, p a rti c u l a rly his com m itment to rig ht to educati o n . He
also a n swered some of the q u estions posed by law students of KilT.
Welcoming J ustice Patn a i k, Prof. N. K. Cha kraborty, Di rector, KilT School of
Law sa i d I n d ia is a m o n g a few cou ntries of the world that recogn ize
ed ucation as a fu n d a m e nta l rig ht. Right to E d u catio n act came i nto effect
from 2 0 1 0 . Dr. A. Sa ma nta , Founder, K i l T & KISS; Prof. P. P. Math u r, VC, KilT
Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. K . P atnaik, Judge,
Supreme Co urt of India delivered the Third
Justice YV Chandrachud Memorial Lecture
on 'Ri ght to Education under the
Constitution of India' at KilT School of Law
on 6th October
University, D r. Satyen d ra Patna i k, Rector and D r. Sasmita ra n i S a m a nta ,
Reg istra r were p resent on the occasion . .
K i l T
R e v
KilT & KISS Celebrate 66th
KilT & KIS S C elebrate
Independence Day
�fdb llriD(Ql®�®IIDffik�rnce Day
The occasion was also
graced by
Ms. Susan Benn, Founder,
Performing Arts Labs
(PAL) , London, Shri
Nilmadhav Panda,
eminent cine director
and more than 20
nationally and
acclaimed film
The 66th I ndependence Day was celebrated with patriotic fervor at different ca m p u ses of
makers and script
KilT & KISS. President of KilT & KISS, S mt. Saswati Bal hoisted the Tricolour a n d g raced the
occasion as C h ief Guest i n KISS. Add ressi n g 20,000 tri bal students of the I nstitute, she
writers of the Green
advised every student to strive to become a perfect h u m a n bei n g . S peaking on the
occasion as Guest of H o n o u r, S h ri N i l ma d hav Pa nda, e m i nent cine d i rector sa i d , students
Screen Team.
should keep in m i n d what they a re d o i n g a n d how fa r their works a re a ppropriate. Dr. A
S a m a nta, Founder, KilT & KISS expressed his g ratitud e to S h ri Pa nda a n d mem bers of
Green Screen La b for their presence in KISS a n d KilT. The occasion was a lso g raced by Ms.
Susan B e n n , Founder, Perform i ng Arts Labs (PAL) , London a n d m o re tha n 20 nationa l l y
a n d i nternati o n a l ly a c c l a i m e d fi l m ma kers a n d script writers o f the Green Screen Tea m . Mr.
R. N. Dash, Secreta ry, KISS a lso spoke o n this occasion . D r. P. K. Routa ray, C EO, KISS
p resided over the meeti n g , w h i l e D r. P. K . Das proposed the vote of tha n ks . Students
presented colou rful m a rc h past and cu ltural progra m mes on the occasion .
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Mr. Nilamadhab Panda, Noted Film Maker and Founder &
Executive Director, Eleeanora Images speaking on the
E v e n ts
Ms. Susan Benn, Founder & Artistic Director, PAL, London
speaking on the occasion.
66th Independence Day celebration at KISS.
NCC cadets of KilT University.
Students presenting colourful cultural programme.
Students presenting colourful cultural programme.
K i l T
R e v
Gandhi Global Family Celebrates
Gandhi Jayanti at KISS
Gandhi Global Family Celebrates
Gandhi Jayanti at KISS
Celebration of
KilT, KISS Mourn
Vilasrao Deshmukh's Death
15th Bhagwan Mahaveer Award
for KISS Founder
There is A Lot to Learn from KISS:
UNFPA India Representative
The 1 5th Bhagwan
Mahaveer Award was
conferred on Dr. Achyuta
E m i nent Ga n d h i a n soci a l workers cong regated at KISS a n d threw l ig ht u po n Ma hatma
Samanta. Past recipients
Gandhi's ideals o n the occasion of G a n d h i Jaya nti o n 2nd October 2 0 1 2 . Add ressi n g
of this national award
d rea ms. Rea c h i n g benefits of l iteracy a n d ed ucation to d e p rived sections of the society was
1 6, 5 0 0 tribal boys a n d g i rls o f K I S S , they said that KISS has b e e n a b l e t o fu lfi l l G a n d hiji's
G a n d h i ji 's d rea m , and KISS has been a b l e to fulfi l l this d re a m today, the g uests rema rked .
include Aung San Suu
They advised students to fol l ow the path shown by Mahatma G a n d h i .
Kyi of Myanmar (20 1 2 ) ,
S peaking on t h e occasion, Dr. A. S a m a nta , National Secreta ry o f G a n d h i G l o ba l Fa m ily
Shri Anna Hazare ( 1 997) ,
and Founder, K i l T & KISS i nformed a bout the i n itiatives ta ken by Gandhi Global Fa m i l y for
wide publ icity of G a n d h i j i's ideals thro u g h various progra m mes. It may be mentioned that
Dr. Prakash Murlidar
Odisha Cha pter of Ga n d h i Global Fa m i l y has been u nderta king va rious progra m mes
every yea r i n the a reas of peace a n d a m ity, Gram Swa ra j , removal of soci a l vices, etc. in
Amte and Dr. Mandakini
ord e r to ta ke G a n d h i a n t h i n ki n g and val ues to the people. Dr. P. K. Routray, C EO, KISS, Mr.
Ra bi Behera, Soci a l worker, M r. S u re n d ra Das, State Coord inator of GGF, Dr. D i l i p
Prakash ( 1 998).
Sric h a n d a n , Dr. B i m a l e n d u Mohanty, J o u r n a l ist Mr. Pradosh Pat n a i k, Mr. D i l i p H a l i a n d Dr.
P. K. Das, Director, Live l i hood, KISS were a m o n g those present.
KilT, KISS Mourn Vilasrao Deshmukh 's Death
Students, staffs a n d m a nagement of KilT a n d KISS expressed g rief over the dem ise of S h ri
Vilasrao Desh m u kh, Hon'ble U n ion M i nister of Science & Technology a n d E a rth Sciences.
S h ri Desh m u kh had visited the two institutes twice d u ring 2 0 1 1 and 2 0 1 2 , i n the ru n u p to
the 99th I nd i a n Science Congress at KilT U n iversity. H e had won everyone's heart with his
cha risma a n d pra g m atism . Paying rich tributes to the late Union M i n i ster, Dr. A. Sa ma nta ,
Fou n der, KilT & KISS said that his g u i d a nce, s u p p o rt a n d contribution in the u n p recedented
success of the 99th I nd i a n Science Congress ca n never be forgotten .
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E v e n ts
1 5th Bhagwan Mahaveer Award for KISS Founder
The 1 5th Bhagwan Mahaveer Award was conferred on Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KISS on 1 Oth October 2 0 1 2 . He received the
award from Dr. K. Rosaiah, His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu at a g l ittering ceremony held at Chinmaya Heritage Centre,
Chennai in the presence of more than one thousand delegates. This prestigious National award has been instituted by Bhagawan
Mahaveer Foundation. The 1 5th a n n u a l awards which carry a cash price of Rs 1 0 lakh, a citation and a memento each, were decided
after processing over 260 nominations by a j u ry headed by former Chief Justice of I ndia M N Venkatachaliah. Mahaveer Award is a
national award and its past recipients include eminent personalities l ike Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (20 1 2), Shri Anna Hazare ( 1 997),
Dr. Prakash Murlidar Amte and Dr. Ma ndakini Prakash (1 998) .
There is A Lot to Learn from KISS : UNFPA India Representative
"There is a lot to be lea rnt from Ka l i n g a I n stitute of Soci a l
Science (KISS) , especia l ly with respect t o h o w t h e i n stitute
has a pp l ied different prog ra m mes in a h o l i stic m a n ner,"
said Ms. Frederi ka Meijer, U N F PA Cou ntry Representative
to I nd i a . She was o n a two-day visit to the state to meet
with the govern ment and non govern ment agencies to
d iscuss on U N F PA's partners h i p for Pop u lation a n d
Development programs i n t h e state. A s a part o f h e r
p rogra m me, she visited K I S S o n 1 7th J u l y 2 0 1 2 a n d
interacted with t h e students o f tri b a l com m u n ity studying
i n the i nstitute.
Ms. Meijer a ppreciated the efforts made by KISS to
e m power
c h i l d re n
com m u n ities
of the
thro u g h
d isadva ntaged
ed ucation .
expressed confide n ce that Life Skills Ed ucation i m p a rted
to the adolescents at KISS is a positive step a n d w i l l have
fa r rea c h i n g effect on the hea lth and well being of future generation of Odish a . The LSE being im plemented at KISS with su pport from the
U n ited Nations Population Fund ( U N F PA) s i nce 2 0 1 0 covers more than 3000 adolescent g irls and boys in a residentia l set up. The
a p p roach at KISS is a com pre h ensive one where Life S ki l ls E d u cation is transacted thro u g h c u rri c u l a r and co-curri c u l a r methodology a n d
is backed u p b y counse l i n g a n d hea lth services. Besides, creative com m u n ication activities, exposure visits a n d research o n issues of
adolescents in the state have e n riched the i n itiative prov i d i n g rich i n s i g hts to the needs of you n g g irls a n d boys of the state. Ms. Meijer
tha n ked Dr. A Sa m a nta , Founder, K i l T & KISS for h i s noble effort towa rds em poweri ng the wea kest section of the society.
Mr. Aditya Puri, MD, HDFC Visits
KI S S & KilT
Mr. Aditya Puri,
MD, HDFC Visits KISS & KilT
3rd National Finance Conclave
KISS a Glowing Model of
Inclusive Growth : Mr. Aditya Puri
Mr. Aditya Puri, M D, H D FC Bank a rrived i n B h u b a n eswar on a two-day visit to K i l T & KISS.
O n Friday he visited a l l ca m p u ses of KilT a n d KISS, the l a rgest free residential i nstitute for
tri b a l s i n the worl d . KISS is rea lly a beautifu l place, he sa i d expressi n g h i s satisfaction, while
"The country needs
com me n d i n g its Fou n der Dr. A. Sa m a nta for esta b l i s h i n g such a n i nstitute.
inclusive growth and
Add ressi n g 1 6,500 tri ba l stud e nts of the i nstitute, he sa i d , success comes only after h a rd
work a n d conti n u o u s effort of a person. This is the secret of a n y successfu l person, he
Kalinga Institute
stated, adding that the beg i n n i n g is a lways fu l l of stru g g l e . Future of the cou ntry is bright as
ed ucation i n I nd i a is g rowi ng, he sa i d . He advised students to put more effort to a c h i eve
Social Science (KISS)
success a n d contrib ute towards nati o n b u i l d i n g .
is as a glowing
Welcom i n g Mr. Pu ri t o t h e ca mpus, Dr. S a ma nta s a i d that visit o f a persona l ity l i ke h i m is
example of an
very i m portant for the I n stitute. This wi l l have a positive i m pact o n the students of KISS a n d
KilT, he a d d e d , w h i l e tha n king Mr. Puri for t h e visit.
enduring model for
inclusive growth."
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E v e n ts
3 rd National Finance Conclave
KIS S a Glowing Model of Inclusive Growth : Mr. Aditya Puri
There are inherent dangers in popul ist policies and deficit
financing for a growing economy like India, said Dr. Aditya
Puri, Managing Di rector, HDFC Bank at School of
Management ( KSOM) of KilT Un iversity in Bhubaneswar on
29th September, 201 2. Delivering keynote address at the
3rd National Finance Conclave organ ized by KSOM , he
made it clear that the country needs i nclusive growth and
cited Kalinga Institute Social Science ( KISS) as a glowing
example of an end uring model for inclusive growth. He a lso
d elved i nto the root ca uses of fi n a ncia l crises worldwide a n d
d i rections for fi n a ncia l pol icy a n d i ntermediation i n I n d i a .
T h e conclave, which h a d 'Meeting the New C h a l l enges i n I n di a 's
Financial Ma rkets' as its theme, was g raced by corporate leaders l i ke
Mr. Ga uta m Cha kravarti, Di rector, PE Gro u p, B l a c kstone Fund
Services, M r. Vi p u l J haveri, Partner & Head M&A Tax, Deloitte
H a skins & Sells, Mr. N a resh M a kh i j a n i , Executive Di rector, KPMG
a n d Mr. Biswa j it Mohanty, M a n a g i n g Di rector & C EO, SBI Pension
I nd ia's fi n a ncia l m a rkets face a two-fold set of c h a l lenges. O n the
one hand, there is the cha l l e n g e of broad e n i n g their base by
im provi n g domestic and foreig n partici pation . O n the other h a n d ,
they have t o weather t h e storm ema nating from t h e developed world, post t h e U S s u b p rime crisis a n d t h e o n g o i n g E u ro zone crisis. The
o n e- d a y conclave hosted two tec h n ical sessions with these cha l lenges in the backgrou nd .
The first tech nica l Session dealt with 'Ma n a g i n g U n certa i nty'. M r. Cha kravarti spoke o n 'Ma n a g i n g risk d u ri n g the E u ro crisis a n d the
s l i d i ng I nd i a n Rupee'. Mr. Jhaveri spoke o n 'Tax havens a s i nvestment routes: Is GMR a ca l i brated reg u latory response ? ' . The second
technical session dea lt with ' E n ha ncing participation'. Mr. Makh i j a n i spoke o n ' S E B I 's new Alternate I nvestment Funds reg u lations: Pav i n g
t h e w a y f o r n e w I nvestment Veh icles'. Mr. Moha nty spoke o n 'Deve l o p i n g I n di a 's corporate a n d govern ment debt ma rkets. '
E a rl ier, D r. A . Sa ma nta , Founder of KilT & KISS welcomed M r. Puri a n d other dig n itaries a n d participa nts to the conclave. K i l T School of
Ma nagement has a long history of academic exce l lence, p rov i d i n g i n d ustry-focused ma nagement ed ucation, he sa i d . As part of its
i n d ustry-aca d e m i a i nterface, KSOM conducts National level conclaves in a l l major functional a reas such as Fina nce, Ma rketing a n d H R,
he i nformed. I n the i ntrod uction to the conclave, Dea n , Prof. Ashok Sar outl i ned the role of ca pita l m a rkets, the b a n k i n g sector a n d
infrastructure fi n a n c i n g i n t h e I nd i a n economy. T h e conclave w a s w e l l attended b y representatives from t h e i n d ustry, acad e m i a ,
p rofessio n a l bodies, students a n d society-at- l a rge m a ki ng it a g ra n d success.
K i l T
R e v
Green S creen Lab 20 1 2 ' in KilT
Green Screen Lab 201 2 ' in KilT
KiiT International School
among Top 20 Residential
Schools of India
KiiT-Athon for National Sports Day
K i l T School of Film and Media Sciences i n association with E leea nora I ma ges Pvt. Ltd { E I ) ,
N e w Del h i a n d Perfo rm i n g Arts Labs (PAL) , London o rg a n i zed a 1 0 - day workshop 'Green
Screen La b 2 0 1 2 ' for q u a l ity c h i l d ren's c i n e m a i n I n d ia to create a 'new wave' i n I nd i a n
C h i l d ren's c i n e m a with i m a g i nation, ca re a n d respect for t h e fa m i l y a u d ience.
I n a u g u rati ng the workshop, D r. A. Sa ma nta S a i d , KilT has been org a n izing many nation a l
a n d international workshops i n c l u d i n g 99th I n d i a n Science Congress. B y hosting Green
Noted German
Screen La b 2 0 1 2 , students of K i lT School of F i l m and Media Sciences w i l l be benefited, he
Director, Arend Agthe,
added. Speaking o n the occasi o n , Nila Mad hob Pa n d a , whose " I a m Ka l a m" is o n e of the
most-awarded and critica l ly-acc l a i med I nd i a n c h i l d ren's fi l ms of recent times sa i d "The
Indian new-age
ca l l for entry to the La b el icited a huge response and the selection j u ry had a tou g h time
picki n g up the chosen 1 8 as the q u a l ity of the s u bmissions was genera l ly q u ite hig h . I n
filmmaker Onir and
fact, this g ives u s g reat hope a bout the futu re o f c h i l d re n 's c i n e m a, which has been a
screenwriter Sanjay
neg lected g e n re in I nd i a l a rg ely." Also he informed that he would be m a king a fi l m , where
students of Ka l i n g a I n stitute of Soc i a l Sciences (KISS) wou ld be i nvolved as KISS is the rea l
Chouhan of "I am
inspiration for c h i l d ren fi l m ma kers to m a ke a fil m .
Kalam" and "Paan
Sussa n B e n n , Founder PAL sa i d , we can m a ke better cinema i f i t w i l l b e experimente d . Mr.
Singh Tomar" fame
S h rava n Ku m a r, C EO, C h i l d ren's Fi l m Society I ndia (CFSI) said these types of workshops
will mentor 1 8
a re very essential for I nd i a n C h i l d ren's fi l m m a kers, so that they can l e a rn more a bout
screenplays for
KISS for m a ki ng c h i l d ren's fi l m . Mr. H. S. Khatua, C EO, K i l T School of F i l m a n d Media
I nd i a n c h i l d ren's psychology. Later he i nformed a bout a proposal from CFSI to tie up with
Sciences p roposed vote of tha n ks . Noted Germ a n Di rector, Arend Agthe, I nd i a n new-age
children's cinema at
f i l m m a ker Onir and screenwriter S a n jay C h o u h a n of " I am Ka l a m" and " Pa a n S i n g h
this Green Screen Lab
Tom a r" fa me w i l l mentor 1 8 screen p l ays f o r c h i l d re n's cinema at this Green Screen La b
20 1 2 , while at least 5
screenplays include six from North-East I n d i a as part of the La b org a nisers' idea to bring
2 0 1 2 , w h i l e at least 5 fi l m s a re l i ke l y to get fu n d i n g for production in 2 0 1 3 . The 1 8
out the many exciti n g stories from the n e g lected region to the m a i n stre a m India and
films are likely to get
beyond . The selected screenplay writers were Ad h i ra j S i n g h (Forgot About Mina); Anusha
N a n d a k u m a r & S a ndeep Sa ket (Mou nta in by the Roadside), Bassanti Patha k (Pincha My
funding for production
Ta l ki n g Dog), B haskarjyoti Das {The Puppet Theatre) , Do m i n i c Meg a m S a n g m a
in 20 1 3 .
Mother's D rea m ) , G a u rav Saxe n a (Ra ngze n ) , Jyoti N isha {Ka h a n i Cha m ki Aur Cheeku
Ki), Ree m a Borah {Yeh J o H a ra Hoi), Reem a S e n g u pta {Kayko) , Rom i Meitei (My Home),
Shazia Kha n {Sa b i h a ) , S o u m e n d ra Pad h i {Ti me to Run), S u d i pto Sen {Amata l i ) , Utpal
Borp u j a ri {lshu) and Vijay Ra j a n S i n g h (A Roadside Drea m), l rfa n jami {jaagna m a n a hoi'),
Mohi nder Singh ( B h u j a ng) and K Ra mcha n d ra n (Ch i l d re n of Rhyth m ) . I n the ful ly­
residentia l La b, there were intensive g ro u p a n d o ne-one sessions with La b mentors a n d
experienced d i rectors, as w e l l as a dvice o n international c h i l d ren's f i l m production,
m a rketing a n d d istri bution from visiti n g g u est mentors from I nd i a and E u rope. Screen i ng
of a n d d iscussions on i nternationa l ly acclaimed c h i l d ren's fi l ms were a lso h e l d .
e w
...... �
E v e n ts
KiiT International School among Top 20 Residential
Schools of India
KiiT International School ( KiiT-IS) has joined the el ite league of top 20 residential schools of India. The school was
ranked 20th in the country in an annual survey on ranking of schools in residential category by 'Education World', a
popu lar national-level magazine, last week. KiiT International School, which is only five years old, has been ranked 1 st
in the State of Odisha and 4th in Eastern India. This annual survey evaluates thousands of schools in residential
category on different parameters. KiiT I nternation a l School has ea rned top h o n o u rs due to its q u a l ity teac h i ng and world-class
facil ity. It is the only school in Eastern I ndia to offer both I nternation a l Bacca l a u reate D i p l o m a Progra m m e ( I B D P) and I nternation a l
General Certificate o f Seco n d a ry E d u cation (IGCSE) o f U niversity o f C a m bridge as i nternation a l curri c u l u m a n d Central Board of
Seco n d a ry E d u cation (CBSE) as nati o n a l cu rric u l u m . It attracts students from a l l States of I ndia as well as 1 5 cou ntries d ue to its nati o n a l
a n d i nternatio n a l fa m e . T h e school has recruited teachers from 1 5 d ifferent cou ntries t o m a i nta i n d iversity a n d h i g h sta n d a rd o f teac h i n g .
H i g h ra n k o f K i i T I nternati o n a l School i n t h i s p restigious survey is a matter o f g reat satisfactio n , said Dr. A. Sa m a nta, Founder, KiiT- I S , K i l T
& K I S S . Students o f t h e school a n d their g u a rd ia n s expressed h a p p i ness over t h e ach ievement. "KiiT I nternational School w i l l g a i n more
reputation a n d score even hig her in such ra n kings in com i ng years", said Dr. Mona Lisa B a l , C h a i rm a n of KiiT I nternati o n a l Schoo l .
KiiT-Athon for National Sports D ay
Students of KiiT I nternation a l School a rra nged a m i n i M a rathon on 2 9th
Aug ust 2 0 1 2 . Prof. ( D r.) H a rekrishna Sata pathy, Hon'ble VC, Nation a l
Sanskrit U n iversity, Tirupati a n d D r. A. Sa ma nta , Founder, K i l T & K I S S flagged
off the fi rst ever K i l T- Atho n . The KiiT- Ath o n e rs were the pri m a ry a n d m i d d l e
yea r students, a l o n g with t h e teachers. T h i s was held t o commemorate
N ationa l Sports Day a n d to spread the message that KiiT I nternati o n a l School
bel ieves i n h o l i stic g room i n g and experie ntial learning, which is the essence
of i nternational schoo l i n g . KiiT I nternation a l School advocates learning
beyond classroom beca use these a re the d e m a n ds of g l o b a l ization a n d
i nternation a l varsities. Hence t o place Odisha on t h e g l oba l platform KiiT
I nternationa l School offers IBDP (Geneva ) , IGCSE (Ca m bridge, U K) a n d
C B S E ( I n d ia) . T h e sports a n d wel l n ess c l u b of KiiT- I S have a lso j o i ned h a n ds
with KiiT-Athoners for 'save e n e rgy' awareness d rive. Dr. Mona Lisa B a l ,
C h a i rm a n , KiiT- I S ; Mr. S a n jay S u a r, Pri c i p a l ; Ms . E m m a Pac i l l i , Coordi nator,
KiiT I B D i p l o m a ; Mr. S u re n d ra Nath Mohanty, Ad m i n istrator, KiiT- I S a n d othe r officia ls were present on the occa s i o n .
Talk on 'Volunteerism in the U.S . '
at KilT
Talk on 'Volunteerism in the
U.S.' at KilT
" M i l l ions of volu nteers a re devoti n g their time work i n g with youth thro u g h mentori ng ,
tutoring o r teac h i n g i n t h e U . S . " , s a i d M s . D i a na Aviv, President a n d C E O of
I ndependent Sector, a coa l ition of n o n - p rofit organ izations. I n a ta l k o rg a n i zed by the
U . S . Consu late Genera l , Hyd e ra ba d a n d Ka l i nga I n stitute of I n d ustri a l Tec hn o l ogy (Ki lT)
on 'Vo l u nteerism in the U . S . ' on 24th Aug ust 2 0 1 2 , Ms. D i a na sa i d , m o re tha n a q u a rter
of volu nteers p a rtici pated in f u n d ra ising activities or sold items to ra ise m oney for a
"All should learn from
c h a rita ble o rg a nizati o n .
the exemplary work
Pra ising t h e efforts i n Ki lT & K I S S b y Fou n d e r Dr. A. S a m a nta, she s a i d a l l s h o u l d learn
done by Dr. Samanta
from the exe m p l a ry work done here . Giving exa m p l es of U S vol u nta rism she said some
in KISS here. Some 63
com m u n ities contributes s i g n ificantly to the nati o n a l economy. S h e a lso i nformed that
63 m i l l io n American a d u lts vol u nteer each yea r. The time they put i nto serving their
the America n i nternati o n a l vol u nteer agency, the Peace Corps, fou nded by former
million American
President Ken nedy, has placed 2 l a kh volu nteers in com m u nity development jobs in 1 34
host cou ntries.
adults volunteer each
Compa ri n g you ng a n d a d u lt volu nteers i n U . S . , she said, contra ry to conventi o n a l
year. The time they
wisd o m , most o f t h e p e o p l e vol u nteer i n m i d - l ife a n d their n u mber g ra d u a l ly decli nes
put into serving their
a pproa c h i n g retirement. However, i n d ivid u a l s who vol u nteer d u ri n g ea rly reti rem e nt do
so with g reater freq uency tha n their m i d - l ife cou nterparts. Among o l d e r a d u lts the
volu nteer rate rema i ned steady at 2 3 . 6%. This was 9 . 2 m i l l ion a d u lts dedicati ng 1 . 7
b i l lion h o u rs to com m u n ity service.
significantly to the
Ms. Aviv is touring I n d ia a s part of a speaker prog ram sponsored by the U . S . State
national economy."
leaders h i p network f o r America's n o n profits, fou ndations, a n d corporate g iving
Department. She is the president a n d C E O of I n dependent Sector, the natio n a l
progra m s . By representing tens of thousands of org a n izations across the country,
I ndependent Sector a dva nces the common good by l e a d i n g , strength e n i n g, a n d
m o b i l izi n g t h e c h a rita ble com m u n ity.
S h e a lso exp l a i ned how America ns who d o not have the mea ns to m a ke l a rg e fina ncial
d onations to cha rities find ways to donate the i r time a n d ski l l s to those who need it. Ms.
Aviv a lso took q u estions from students of K i l T & KISS. Prof. P. P. Math u r, VC, K i l T U n iversity
d e l ivered the welcome a d d ress, w h i l e D r. Sasmita Sa ma nta , Reg i stra r proposed vote of
tha n ks .
e w
Indian Academy of Social Sciences (ISSA) in association with KilT University shall hold 36th session of lndian Social Science
Congress (ISSC) between December 27 and 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 a t Bhubaneswar, Odisha, with a view to discovering, developing and
disseminating Science of Nature-Humans-Society capable of flowering of creative potentialities of people o f all
sections/classes/genders and enabling them to enjoy higher quality of material, social, cultural and spiritual life in peace and
harmony with Nature and S ociety.
'Science, Society and The Planet Earth' is the focal theme of :XXXVI Indian Social Science Congress. It is offshoot oft he focal
theme, 'Working for Peaceful Co-existence and a Just World' of XXXV Indian Social Science Congress and is designed to
develop a new paradigm of science ofHumans-Society-The Planet Earth.
The main object of the Congress is to discover, develop and disseminate Science of Nature-Humans- Society through critical
appraisal and integration of current research and theory in all branches/disciplines of science taught and researched in Indian
universities, colleges, research institutes, R&D organizations and national/regional laboratories. Allied to it are six other major
To improve quality of education and research in Indian universities, colleges, research institutes and R&D organizations.
To provide feedback to the government on working of national policies of education, health, agriculture, industry, ecology,
environment, social justice, poverty, hunger, unemployment, Science & Technology, social harmony, emerging economic,
political, social, S&T challenges etc.
To enable all sections/classes of peoples of India to enjoy higher quality of material, social, cultural and spiritual life while
To create congenial democratic institutional and social conditions for flowering and utilization of creative potentialities of
To make India self-reliant, self-sufficient and eco-friendly.
living in peace and harmony with Nature.
young minds.
To develop sustainability science capable of making humans learn to conserve the Planet Earth and its life- supporting
attributes/resources-and restructure their social and economic systems in accordance with the same.
Dr. N.P. Chaubey
Prof. P.P. Mathur
Prof. Motilal Dash (Local Secretary)
Indian Academy of Social Sciences
XXXVI Indian Social Science Congress
Iswar Saran Ashram Campus
KilT University
Director (Academic)
Allahabad 2 1 1 004, India
Bhubaneswar 75 1 024
Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences
Tel :
(0) 0532-2544245
M : 09873666 1 5 3
KIIT University Campus 1 0,
Telefax : 0532-2544 1 70
P.O. KIIT Bhubaneswar 75 1 024
E-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
M : 08763004 1 00
Tracheal Stenosis Repair by
Coblation in KIMS
KIDS Faculty Delivers Keynote
Address at International Conference
Tracheal Stenosis Repair by C oblation
Mr. Bi jaya ( 4 0 ) from Nayagada d istrict lost his voice a n d experienced a bnorm a l
breathing fol lowi n g a road accide nt two yea rs back. He w a s breath i n g through a n
KIMS Doctor Visits Norway for
o p e n i n g made extern a l ly over trachea (tracheostomy) since the accident. At KIMS,
l a ryngofiss u re and removal of a bnorma l tissue from na rrowed seg ment of trachea
were done using 'Coblator'. This is a new tech n i q u e performed for the fi rst time in
KilT Faculty to Receive UWA
Odisha. The patient successfully rega i ned his voice i m m ed i ately after su rgery. The
Effulgent Star Award
voice was record e d .
KilT Faculty Attends SAP
The s u rgery w a s conducted by D r. Khageswa r Rout, Dr. Ani I K u Das u n d e r su pervision
of Prof. R. N . Biswa l i n E a r- N ose-Th roat Department of KIMS. D r. Am it Prod h a n was the
Academic Conference,
a n esthesiologist. Both s u rgeons, Dr. Ro ut and D r. Dash, have received tra i n i n g in
Asia Pacific Japan 2012
reputed i n stitutes outside Odish a . Voice loss and breath i n g problem a re common in
neck i n j u ry and prolonged i ntu bation patients. This new method for restoration of voice
Ph.D. Awarded
and respiration is a boon for road accident patients . KIMS now provides the
ma nagement of a i rway and voice pro b l e m i n road accident patients at affo rd a b l e p rice
and patients need not go outside Odisha for th is expensive treatment.
KIDS Faculty Delivers Keynote Address
at International Conference
laryngofissure and
Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura of Kal inga Institute of
Dental Sciences (KIDS), K i l T U n iversity d e l ivered a
removal of abnormal
tissue from narrowed
keynote a d d ress at the 25th Ann u a l Conference of the
segment of trachea
the I n d i a n Section of the I nternational Association of
I nd i a n Society of Denta l Research ( I S D R) held a l ong with
Denta l Research (IADR) i n C h e n n ai on 4th October
were done using
201 2.
'Coblator' . This is a
H e presented the paper entitled 'Diag nosis of O ra l
new technique
Ca ncer -
Molec u l a r
C h a i rside
performed for the
Approach' with D r. S h a s h i Ra n j a n . E l a borat i n g o n subject,
first time in Odisha.
procedu res a n d a d j u n ctive diagnostic tech n iq ues that
D r. B e h u ra expl a i ned a n u m b e r of cha ir-side screen i ng
The patient
ca n act a s effective a i d s and fac i l itate the ea rly detection of o ra l cancer and other
a S r. Lecturer i n Dept. of Ora l & Maxi l l ofacia l Pathology of KIDS.
potenti a l ly m a l i g n a nt conditions. D r. S hyam S u n d a r B e h u ra , MDS, PGDMLS , FAGE , is
regained his voice
KIMS Doctor Visits Norway for Training
immediately after
Dr. Kabikanta Samantaray, eminent ENT Surgeon
of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS),
B h u b a n eswar visited E u ro Sleep C l i n ic of N o rway for
a dvanced surg i c a l tra i n i n g on behalf of KIMS.
Sama ntaray is the first person from Odisha to visit this type
of c l i n i c . Dr. S a m a ntaray was tra i ned on coblation
technology in s u rgery (blood less and p a i n l ess) su rgery.
This method w i l l be h e l pful i n the state l i ke Odisha i n
d ifferent E N T s u rgery.
e w
...... �
E v e n ts
KilT Faculty to Receive UWA Effulgent Star Award
Dr. 5. M. A l i , Professor in Electrical Engineering, K i l T U n iversity has been chosen t o receive
'UWA Effu lgent Sta r of the Decade Award' in October 2 0 1 2 . It is a reco g n ition to his excel lent
research work i n the field of renewa ble energy - both solar and w i n d . The award, i nstituted by U n ited
Writers' Associatio n , is conferred by the Deputy Governor, Reserve B a n k of I nd i a every yea r. E m i nent
i ntel l ectua l s and erud ite spea kers would also be g racing the award ceremony to be org a n ized by
Dr. Ali has done his D.Sc. a n d Ph . D. in electrical eng i neeri n g from I nternational University,
Ca l iforn i a , USA i n 2008 a n d 2006 respectively. H e had done M.Tech from C a lcutta U n iversity. H e
h a d g u ided three n o s . of P h . D. students i n h i s research a re a . D r. A l i h a s more t h a n 4 0 papers i n
d i fferent nation a l a n d i nternation a l conferences i n t h e field o f renewa ble energy t o h i s credit,
besides l 0 pa pers p u b l ished in N ational a n d I nternatio n a l j o u rna ls. He has conducted m a n y
semi n a rs, workshops a n d short term tra i n i n g p ro g ra m s f o r the facu lty members o f eng i neeri n g
colleges i n col l a boration with AICTE, ISTE, M H RD, DST & Ministry o f I nd u stries, Govt. o f I nd i a . He i s
attached with National Executive Council member o f ISTE, N e w Del h i ; Vice President, S o l a r E n e rgy Society o f I nd i a ; Executive
Comm ittee Member in E lectrical Division of I nstitution of E n g i n eers I n d i a , Orissa State Center; Ex- C h a irman, ISTE, O rissa Secti o n ; Ex­
Sectional C o m m ittee mem bers of the I nd i a n Science Congress Association, Kol kata ; Vice - C h a i r m a n , I nd i a n I nstitution of I n d u stri a l
E n g i neeri n g , O rissa Cha pter.
For h i s contribution in the fie l d of science a n d tech n o logy, Dr. Ali won more tha n fiftee n Natio n a l & I nternati o n a l awards l i ke S a d a n a n d a
Memorial Awa rd , M a d h u s u d a n Memori a l Award, I S T E Calcutta Condensation a l N ation a l Awa rds, UWA Life Ti me Ach i evement Award,
ISTE Best E n g in eering Col lege Teacher Award a n d Lead i n g E d u cators of the worlds 2009. Ki lT actively enco u rages a n d s u p p o rts
research activity a n d the ach ievement of Dr. Ali wou l d motivate other facu lty mem bers of the u n iversity, said Dr. A. Sa m a nta , Fou n der,
K i l T & KISS. Dr. Sasm ita Sa ma nta , Registra r a lso con g ratu l ated Dr. Ali for wi n n i n g this prestigious award .
K i l T
R e v
Vehicle by
Showcased at
International Event
'Steeldust', a supermileage veh icle
prototype designed by a group of
passionate students of KilT University,
was showcased at the prestigious
Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2012 held in
Sepang International Circu it, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia from 4th July to 7th
J uly 2012. KilT Team, comprising of six
s t u d e nts of the D e p a rt m e n t of
Mechanical Engineering - Anu nay
C h a u d h ary, Sourav Pyke, S u brat
Sa rkar, S n e h Sagar Raj , B a i d i k
Chakraborty, Anupam Deo and Anurag
Deo - became the first ever from
O d i s h a t o p a rt i c i p a t e i n t h i s
international competition.
Key featu res of the car 'Steeld ust' includ e
mod ified 49 cc 4 stroke s i n g l e cyl i nder
Honda e n g i ne, tu b u l a r A l u m i n u m T6 6063
chassis, fi ber reinforced plastic for stron g
a n d l ig ht aerodynamic outer body with j ust
2 .5% d ra g , 1 6 inch mou nta i n b i ke recu m bent wheels a n d p ressurized fuel del ivery system with e lectronic fuel i n j ecti o n .
The car passed
all the stringent technical and safety inspections at the event in one shot, a matter of pride for the amateur team of
students, who called themselves 'Octane X', that developed it.
There were 1 15 other teams from across the continent competing in this high profile event. 'Steeld ust' was d riven on the
sa me track where legends l i ke Michael Sch u m a cher, Fern a ndo Alonso, Sebasti a n Vette ! a n d Lewis H a m i lton d rove their ca rs. The
students' endeavor for eco-friend l y a n d s m a rter m o b i l ity was tested and the i n novative design was p ra ised by the hosts. The project not
o n l y gave them a cha nce to i m pl ement the theory, but also hel ped the students u n leash the i n n e r potential to i n n ovate a n d fi n d
i m pl e m e nta ble solutions t o practical pro b l e ms .
Shell Eco Marathon Asia is an iconi c educational project that challenges competing student teams to design and build
the most energy-efficient vehicle possible. The competition dates back to 1 939 when Shell employees in USA made a
friendly wager over who could travel farthest on the same amount of fuel. Si nce then it has expa nded to two m o re continents Asia a n d E u rope. Every yea r student tea m s from a l l over the world com pete
Shell Eco Marathon Asia is an iconic
educational project that challenges competing
student teams to design and build the most
energy-efficient vehicle possible. KilT Team
became the first ever from Odisha to
participate in this international competition.
to cover the farthest d i sta nce on the least a mo u n t of energy. Some ach ieve
d ista nce eq u a l to Pa ris from Moscow (2,485 km) on o n l y one l itre of fue l .
K i l T tea m expressed g ratitude t o Founder o f K i l T & KISS, Dr. A . S a m a nta for
i n s piration,
facu lty
M r.
Ku m a r
M r.
Satya b h u s h a n H ota , Mr. Anta rya m i M a h a ra n a , Mr. Pa bitra Das, Prof.
I s h a m Pa n i g ra h i a n d Prof. P. C h a n d rasekhar for g u i d a nce a n d s u p port.
KSOM Organises Kolosseum 2012
Noted singer Kunal Ganjawala
performing on the occasion.
Kolosseu m 2 0 1 2 , the a n n ua l B -school festiva l of School of
Management, KilT U n iversity (KSOM), con c l u d ed on 1 4th
October with
electrifyi n g
performa nce
Ku n a l
Gan jawa l a , Bol lywood singer o f ' Bheege H o nth Tere'
fame. He performed before a rapturous c rowd of more
tha n a thousand
corporate g uests,
persons and facu lty mem bers.
The event, held from l 2'h to l 4' October 20 1 2 , saw
p a rticipation from more tha n 30 col l eges from across
I nd i a , i n c l u d i n g l iT Delhi, J a m n a l a l B a j a j , XIMB, l iT
B h u ba n eswa r,
u n d e rg ra d u ate
severa l
oth e r
post-g ra d u ate
p restig i o u s
i nstitution s .
sched u l e for the three d ays were jam -packed with C u ltu ra l
M a n a g e m e nt
ga mes
i nc l u d i n g
B u s i ness
com petitio n , B - Q u iz, M a n agement Games, Debate, Street Play, Photography, T-s h i rt Pa i nting a n d Advertis i n g . LAN - based C o m p uter
ga mes were a lso part of the com petitions.
The eve n i n g s were l it u p by the g rand creative events such a s Choreogra phy, Fashion S how and Rock Band com petiti o n . Several tea ms
from both i nside a n d outside of Odisha slugged it out on a g l itteri ng sta g e . There were some fa b u lous costu mes o n display as were
synchronized da nce performa nces. Apart from the events, there were workshops cond u cted for partic i pa nts i n c l u d i ng Lyrical H i p H o p
a n d Leaders h i p . Another h i g h p o i n t o f Kolosseu m w a s t h e d i s p l a y o f t h e s p i rit o f E ntrepre n e u rsh i p a m o n g t h e KSOM students.
Rena issa nce, the students' entrepre n e u rs h i p c l u b org a n ized a " H o ot" at the Kolosseu m g ro u n d , where stud ents tu rned entrepre n e u rs a n d
catered t o t h e p a rticipa nts with a w i d e ra n g e o f 'prod u cts' ra n g i ng from a g a m e o f lottery t o fresh home-cooked food .
syo\\1 S
KIS S Girls Core Probables in National Rugby Team
Four g i rl s of Ka l i n g a I nstitute of Soci a l Sciences (KISS) have
been selected a s core p robables in I ndia Women Rugby
Tea m . They attended the ca m p at S ports Complex, Balwa d i ,
P u n e from 1 9th Septem ber t o 8th October 2 0 1 2 . The
players in c lu d e Bhagyalaxmi B a ri k, Sita m a n i H e m bra m ,
S a n j u kta M u n d o a n d M i ra ra n i H e m bra m . Bhagya laxmi
Barik has a l ready p layed as a m e m ber of I nd i a n Women
Rugby Tea m i n Asi a n Games 20 1 0 .
S i m i l a rly four students - both boys a n d g i rls - of KISS have been
selected i n Odisha State H a n d ba l l Tea m for 1 7th East Zone
(Men & Women) N ational H a nd b a l l C h a m p i o n s h i p sched u led
to be held at Aga rta l a , Tri p u ra from 2 5th to 28th Septe m b e r
2 0 1 2 . The players i n c l u d e C h a n d a n Tu i ka , J a g a n nath Prod h a n ,
S a rita Saba r a n d S o n a l i Ma l l ick.
KISS Students Selected for National Kho-Kho Championship
Three boys and fou r g i rls of Ka l inga I nstitute of Social Sciences (KISS) were selected in Odisha S u b- J u n i o r Kho-Kho tea m for
S u b - J u n i o r National Kho- Kho C h a m pionship (Boys & G irls) held from 2 8th Aug ust to 1 st Septe m b e r 2 0 1 2 at Ba ka ro Steel City,
J h a rkha n d . Wh i l e D a l i m ba M a j h i , M a m ita J a n i a n d N a g a m a n i Baskey were selected i n the g i rls' tea m , S u k u l a l Hem b ra m ,
S u n a ra m Kisku, Pradeep Ku. D e h u ri a n d Ma laya K u . M a j h i m a d e i t t o t h e boys' tea m . S i m i l a rly, three K I S S students were
selected i n Odisha Senior Kho-Kho tea m for Federation C u p (Men) held from 2 8th Aug ust to 1 st Septem ber 2 0 1 2 at B a ka ro
Steel City, J h a rkha n d . Selected students a re S i d h a nath S o ren, Ka lidas M u rm u a n d N a rsi n g h M a j h i . Mr. Ka l a n d i C h a ro n Rout,
Sports Teacher of KISS acco m p a n ied as Coach of Odisha Senior Kho-Kho tea m for Federation C u p (Men ) .
Chief Ministers of Kerala and Karnataka had invited Dr. A. Samanta, Founder of
KilT & KISS to discuss about setting up replica of Kalinga Institute of Social
Sciences (KISS) in their respective states. Dr. Samanta made detailed one hour
presentation before both the Chief Ministers on activities and functioning of KISS,
the largest free residential tribal institute of the world.
111111111111 1111111111111111
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS exchanging pleasantries with Shri Oommen Chandy,
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Kerala.
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS greeting
Shri Jagadish Shivappa Shettar, Hon 'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka.
R e v
Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) has attracted attention of policy makers from various States
of India as well different parts of the world. In this connection, senior ministers from different States
and the High Commissioner of South Africa to India visited KISS recently with a view to replicate this
unique model of tribal empowerment through education.
Shri Sushi! Kumar Modi, Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar
Dr. A. Samanta presenting memento to Shri Giriraj Singh, Hon'ble
interacting with a tribal girl ofKISS on 1 2th August 2 0 1 2 .
Minister ofAnimal Husbandry & Fisheries, Govt. of Bihar during his
visit to KISS on 29th May 20 1 2 .
Shri Padmakar Valvi, Hon'ble Minister for Sports & Youth Welfare,
Shri Rajendra D. Gavit, Hon'ble Minister of State for Tribal
Govt. of Maharashtra, Smt. Valvi and Dr. A. Samanta with tribal
Development, Labour, CAD & Horticulture, Govt. of Maharashtra
children ofKISS on 7th September 20 1 2 .
interacting with a tribal girl ofKISS on 30th August 20 1 2 . Smt. Gavit
and other officials look on.
Kum. P. K. Jayalakshmi, Hon'ble Minister for Welfare of ST, Youth
Rev. Harris Majeke, His Excellency the High Commissioner of South
Affairs, Museum & Zoos, Kerala meeting tribal girls of KISS during
Africa to India on a visit to KISS on 23rd September 20 1 2 .
her visit on 5thAugust 20 1 2 .
, Pa n o
vocational training unit ofKISS on 26th September 20 1 2 .
t... .
Students from different countries doing Internship Programme
in KISS.
Communication, Circuits and Systems
(iC3 S-20 1 2 )
School of Electronieos
KilT Universlt"·
Prof. William Kerr, State University of New York (SUNY), USA
(From L) Mr. A. K. Sen, Director & Senior Professor, School of
delivering a talk on "Arole for Ship in Mucosal Inflammation Stem
Electronics Engg, Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS, Prof. (Dr.)
Cell Biology & Cancer" at KilT School of Biotechnology on 8th
Aj oy Kumar Ray, Vice Chancellor, Bengal Engineering & Science
October 20 1 2 .
University, West Bengal, Prof. P. P. Mathur, VC, KilT and Dr. Sasmita
R e g i s trar
C o n ference
Communication, Circuits and Systems (iC3S 2 0 1 2) organised by
KilT School ofElectronics Engineering on 6th October 20 1 2 .
Dr. Vece Paes, Fonner Olympian & Anti Doping Consultant, Board of
Mr. Ansuman Das, CMD, NALCO visiting the RO water filtration
Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) in KISS on 4th October 20 1 2 .
plant ofKI S S on l st 0ctober 20 1 2 .
Medi a Potpo urri
Reclaim Society from Market
Forces, Says Bhutan PM
Express News Service
Bhubaneswar: Observing
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Humanitarian. Award for
Bh utan prem ier
St t
that people had become less
ofhuman being and more of
economic entity, Bhutan
Prime Minister Jigmi Y
Tbinley on Sunday said it
has been necessary to pull
the society out of market
forces to achieve happiness.
uwe have become Jess of
human being, and more of
economic entity. We need to
reclaim our society from
rket forces," Thinley said
e gracing the 8th AnSEPTEIIBE�
��:��� :onvocation of Kalinga
:� -!!!!
== �: c�lr��"t':: ������;
e as chief guest.
Happiness comes from
h those o f mind and i t
ives only when people
,.... .... """.....
Afghanistan's EducaUon Minister Ghularn Farooq Wanfak receiving
tile 0 litl (honoris causa) from KilT University Chancellor Nl MHra.
around are also happy, said
Thinley, who has won world
appreciation for proposing
Gross National Happiness
(GNH) as an alternative development paradigm and
advocating its inclusion as
the ninth MDG (millennium
development goa1). "Obses­
our environment and civili­
sation to the brink,"Thinley
said, while empha<;ising that
the world is in need of
change. He was also con­
ferred the Degree of D Litt,
Honoris Causa.
Offering a new perspec­
tive oflife_ pursuitofhap­
piness _ he advised the
students to serve the society
and exhorted them to make
a beginning by serving their
parents and protecting the
institution ofmarriage.
The recipients of Honor­
ary Degrees are _ Ghulam
Farooq Ward.a,k, Minister of
Education ofAfghanistan
Litt), DrKeeSun Ham, preS­
ident of Hanseo University
in South Korea (D Sc) and
Prof Baidyanath Mishra,
Economist ofBhubaneswar.
A1together 2,216 graduates
were awarded graduate and
post-graduate degrees in
various disciplines.
.BusineSs' S:taDda·.
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Indo-Bhutan relation to
tt..· �-,�
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eminent economist & former vice·
Chancellor of Odisha University of
Agriculture and Technology(OUAT).
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T H E 8�"HIN DU im society from n�: - ��� ·· --·
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hutan prerruer
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Bhutan PM calls for change m perspective of growth
.. . ,
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The VIP takes pert In the 8th annual convocation
of Kill University
· . , .
Lehar,n humlllty, serve others:
B U an pM 10 students
. .
out of market forces, says Thinley
o n fe r red on B h u ta n ese Pre m i e r
ates were awarded gradu­
degrees in various disci­
plines .. Similarly, 12 stu­
Chancellor's Gold Medal,
while 15 students got Vice
Chancellor's Cold Medal.
P.K. Bal Memorial Gold
Medal, PPL
old Medal
and Nanibala Memorial
Gold Medal were also
given on the occasion.
Eighteen research scholars
·ocated its n
i clusion
ninth millennium
ment goal.
ess:ion with growth
ught our environ­
d civilization to the
le Bhutanese Prm
i e
ising that the world
of change. He
conferred the
Degree of D Utt, Honoris
Offering a new per·
spective of life-pursuit of
happiness-he exhorted
students to serve society
and urged them to make a
beginning by serving their
parents and protecting the
institution of marriage.
Education, Afghanistan, Dr
Kee Sun Ham, President of
South Korea, and Prof
Baidyanath Mishra, emi­
nent economist were con­
ferred D Lit, 0 Sc and
Honor ary Degress respec·
Altogether 2,216 gradu-
Expressing best wish­
es to the gradu ate stu­
dents, Prof. N. L. Mitra,
University, advs
i ed them
to keep some space in
their minds for the under­
Observing that global eco­
nomic gloom is affecting
Indian economy, he assert­
ed that higher growth rate
be achieved by focus­
ing on agriculture and
Media Potpourri
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