- Bosch India


- Bosch India
Bosch India News
Corporate magazine from Bosch India
Cover Story
Bosch Technology Exposition 2016
Lead Story
Celebrating 20 years of Bosch Packaging in India
Bosch Power Tools Chennai Plant – a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility
March 2016
2 | Contents
Bosch India News | March 2016
Dear colleagues,
In the last issue of Bosch India News, we featured the important highlights of a very memorable
2015 for the Company in India. I hope 2016 has so far been a good year for each of you – it has
certainly started out as an eventful one for Bosch in India.
The Bosch Technology Exposition 2016, the subject of our cover story, was a success in many
ways. The expo got an overwhelmingly positive response from both visiting customers as well
as the hardworking Bosch associates who manned the stalls. Our products and solutions for
powertrain systems and electrified mobility as well as connected and automated mobility were
well appreciated by the representatives of leading Indian OEMs. The months of effort that went
into the organization of the event so that it went off without a hitch can well and truly be said to have paid off.
2015 was a key milestone for our Packaging business in India – the division celebrates its 20th year of operations in the
country. In this issue you can read about its journey so far – with insights from colleagues who have been with the business
as it has developed to become a market leader in the country.
November 2015 also saw the inauguration of our 15th manufacturing plant in the country, with the opening of the Power
Tools plant in the country. We take a look at this key business development and what the plant hopes to achieve in the near
and long-term future.
There have been a number of events taking place around Bosch India facilities to promote safety in the workplace, social
engagement initiatives and furthering the diversity project in the company. All this and more are covered in this edition of
Bosch India News.
This will be my last edition as Editor-in-Chief of Bosch India News. I will be handing over the reigns as head of Corporate
Communications to my successor, Ameet Rele, in April 2016 . I wish him all the best and hope to see Bosch India News
evolve and grow under his able leadership.
As always, we hope you enjoy reading this issue of the magazine and we would love to hear from you. Tell us what you liked
or didn’t like and if there’s anything you would like to see featured in future editions. Mail us at [email protected]. You
can also post ideas and feedback on the Corporate Communications @ India community on Bosch Connect.
Happy reading!
S. Sujit Nayak
3 Cover Story | Bosch Technology Exposition 2016
7 Lead Story
| Celebrating 20 years of Bosch Packaging in India
9 Milestone| Bosch Power Tools Chennai Plant
– a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility
11 Event| Metallurgy Road Show India 2015:
“Tough Situations, Reliable Solutions”
12 Social Media | Bosch continues to make significant strides in the social media space
14 Impact| Safety all around: Bosch India conducts campaign to increase safety awareness
16 CSR
| Bosch associates spark joy and spread happiness in aid of Primavera India
18 CSR| Bosch India kicks off multiple social engagement initiatives
20 Feature| New vision for BanP and BidP unveiled
21 Feature| All in the family – Bosch locations hold events for associates and families
23 Feature| Bangalore plant associates showcase their artistic side
24 Special| Power up your jet packs and teleporters!
27 Crossword| Bosch India News March 2016
Crossword Puzzle
Issue 1: March 2016
Editor-in-Chief: S.Sujit Nayak
Managing Editor: Saudha Kasim
Associate Editor: Poornima R
Cover image:
The Bosch Technology Exposition 2016
featured Bosch India’s automotive
technology products and solutions for
powertrain systems and electrified mobility,
connected mobility and automated mobility.
Thenmozhi Gunasekaran
Sachin Kulkarni
Giridhar J
Raina Singh
Srinivasa BA
Vijayalakshmi S
Shivaprasad Sulladmath
Somtirtha Das
Parag Veluskar
Juelle Dsouza
Printing: Vykat Prints Pvt Ltd
Bosch India News | March 2016
Cover Story | 3
Bosch Technology Exposition 2016 is
resounding success
Entrance to Bosch Technology Exposition 2016 (left) and inauguration of the event by Steffen Berns, Managing Director of Bosch Limited
and President, Bosch Group India, Markus Heyn, Member of the Board of Management, Robert Bosch GmbH and Navin Paul, Executive
Vice President, OE Sales at Bosch India (right)
It took months of planning, hours-long
in-person and telephonic meetings
spanning continents and time zones,
quite a few late evenings in the office
and weekends spent finessing the
finer points of organizing the largest
showcase of Bosch’s automotive
technology offerings in India.
In the end, the Bosch Technology
Exposition 2016, held at the Stellar
Gymkhana in Greater Noida from
February 3 to 6, 2016 was a success
in many ways. For the second time,
the event was held at this particular
venue to coincide with the Auto Expo
2016 that was taking place just across
the road at the India Expo Center.
Over four days – days marked by clear,
crisp weather – around 500 customer
representatives visited the various
stalls at the event, interacting with
Bosch employees who explained the
company’s powertrain systems and
electrified mobility offerings as well
as automated and connected mobility
products and solutions for the Indian
automotive market.
An event with many firsts
With the aim of making the event more
attuned to the digital era, a slew of
innovative event management features
that leveraged technology were
deployed at the venue. These included
a registration desk with tags that had
QR codes printed on them for invitees
– when the guest arrived, his or her
name flashed up on a welcome screen.
QR scanners were also kept at certain
product displays – if the guest wanted
more information about the product,
he or she just needed to tap his/her tag
on the scanner and a product brochure
would be emailed to his or her email
address. For the first time, feedback
was collected digitally as well from all
those visiting the event.
In the German beer garden – that is
now a traditional feature at the Bosch
Technology Exposition – a Twitter wall
was installed and guests and Bosch
employees were encouraged to tweet
about their experience at the event
with the #BoschTechExpo.
Innovative solutions on display
The event was inaugurated by
Markus Heyn, Member of the Board
of Management, Robert Bosch GmbH,
Steffen Berns, Managing Director of
Bosch Limited and President, Bosch
Group India and Navin Paul, Executive
Vice President, OE Sales at Bosch
At the press conference held on
February 2, 2016, Heyn said, “Bosch’s
continuous success in innovation is a
result of our unwavering commitment
to solving problems that will benefit
the society as a whole. Bosch in India
is no exception: we offer products that
are beneficial and applicable across a
wide spectrum.”
The exhibition was divided into
two areas: the general area and the
restricted Research Room where only
special invited guests were allowed
to enter and see cutting-edge Bosch
automotive solutions.
On display in the general area were
innovative diesel solutions that will
help vehicles meet BS5 and BS6
emission standards. These included
Bosch’s modular common-rail systems
for one- to six-cylinder engines that
are capable of delivering 1450 bar to
2000 bar.
4 | Contents
Bosch India News | March 2016
Markus Heyn addressing the journalists at the press conference on February 02, 2016
Customers could also get to see
Bosch’s gasoline direct injection
that will ensure drivers benefit from
higher torque at low speeds – in this
system, fuel is injected straight into the
combustion chamber at high pressure.
This is an effective means of reducing
fuel consumption on one hand and
greatly boosting driving dynamics on
the other.
Among the other technologies on
display at the event were the Bosch
48-volt boost recuperation system
(BRS) that is a perfect complement for
downsized engines, generation 9 of
ESP that is the latest global platform
of Bosch active safety systems and
enhances safety by mitigating the
risk of skidding, even on partially
flooded streets, Bosch’s scalable
ultrasonic-based parking and driver
assist systems, Bosch’s power density
line generator that can achieve an
efficiency of around 76 to 80 percent
through the use of high-efficiency
diodes and active rectification,
Bosch’s mySPIN – a highly appealing
smartphone integration solution that
creates a perfect device-vehicle link
to ensure safe and reliable in-car use,
ABS 10 and MSC solutions that ensure
a two wheeler riding experience with
greater safety and more fun, and
the two-wheeler electronic engine
management system (EMS) that can
reduce fuel consumption by up to 16
opportunity to try out several Bosch
technology offerings on demo vehicles
at the venue. One of these, the parking
and driver assist system, was tried
out 32 times during the event. These
scalable ultrasonic-based parking and
driver assist systems give OEMs the
freedom to offer customized solutions:
from basic functionalities such as park
assist to more complex functionalities
such as park steering control and the
side view assist for safer lane changes.
Also popular among visitors was the
eScooter demo vehicle that was tried
out by around 60 people per day on
Demo vehicles prove a hit
Locally developed technologies
under the spotlight
Customers visiting the event had the
One offering from Bosch that
For the first time at the Bosch Technology
Exposition 2016, QR scanners were kept at
certain product displays and if the guest
wanted more information about the product,
he/she just needed to tap their tags on the
scanner and the product brochure would be
e-mailed to them if an e-mail ID was available.
Bosch India News | March 2016
Cover Story | 5
Glimpses of the Bosch Technology Exposition 2016
gained attention from both media
and customers was the Intelligent
Transport Management System
(iTraMS) that works in passenger cars,
commercial vehicles, and off-highway
vehicles. iTraMS is not only available
in newly produced cars, but also as a
retrofit solution. Its features include
tracking of vehicle location, condition
monitoring, and performance analysis.
At the press conference, Heyn stressed
the importance of local development:
“Bosch’s iTraMS platform is a
connectivity solution tailored to
the Indian market. It provides
accurate vehicle-information on
your smartphone and can immensely
reduce everyday driving cost.”
The solution goes even further: the
key benefits of this platform also
include fleet management, essential
and emergency services, off-road
applications, and intelligent transport
solutions as part of smart-city
Another outstanding example for
local development that was on
display at the event was Bosch’s
“e-Call”, which was developed
with contributions by the Bosch
India engineering team. Vehicles
equipped with the safety system
trigger an automated emergency call
whenever a crash happens. Using
data-mining techniques, the solution
considers variables such as real-time
vehicle-, accident-, and environment
information to estimate the probability
of severe injury. This information
can be used by emergency service
providers to prioritize the type of
ambulance service needed to reach an
accident location.
A resounding success
“There is excellent participation from
our customers and they are spending a
lot of time going through the products
and solutions on display,” Berns said
on the second day of the event. As the
expo wound down, it was clear that
it had been a resounding success:
there had been a substantial increase
in number of visitors compared to
the previous edition in 2014 and the
feedback from customers and Bosch
employees who manned the stalls was
overwhelmingly positive.
For many of the Bosch employees
who participated in the event, it is
an experience that they won’t forget
– it was an invaluable opportunity to
present their products and solutions
to OEMs and understand the needs of
the modern Indian consumer. It was an
incredible learning opportunity, many
of them agreed – one that could only
help them as they strove to develop
technologies that will shape the future
of Indian mobility in the years to come.
6 | Contents
Glimpses of the Bosch Technology Exposition 2016
Bosch India News | March 2016
Bosch India News | March 2016
Lead Story | 7
Celebrating 20 years of Bosch Packaging
in India
Bosch Packaging associates in Verna celebrating the launch of ‘We are Bosch’ in 2015
In 2015, Bosch’s Packaging division
in India achieved a key milestone: 20
years of operations in the country, a
journey that has seen the business
growing with great leaps and bounds.
For two decades now, Bosch’s
Packaging Technology division has
been making great strides in the Indian
market. The Packaging Technology
business in India commenced in
Bosch’s Bangalore Plant in 1995. Two
years later, the company launched
the first product, the TW100 NEL, a
machine which enabled packing large
fill volumes of corrosive products,
ranging from salt to detergents in a
reliable and cost efficient way. Around
the turn of the century, in 1999, Terra
25, at the time the latest ‘form, fill and
seal’ machine, was launched to meet
the demands of the customers in the
Netherlands, Brazil and India.
In 2007, an important decision was
made to shift the business’s operations
from Bengaluru to Goa – a shift that
would enable the company to expand
product offerings. Five years later,
in 2012, the Verna plant in Goa was
established. For Ashok Gourish,
Business Head, Bosch Packaging
Technology, India, this move to the
new plant was a key milestone: “The
inauguration and occupation of this
state of the art facility took care of the
requirements of a machine building set
up and has established and improved
a very strong supply chain and
operational processes.”
An unforgettable journey
“20 years is a long time,” says Chandra
Prasad R who heads the Confectionary
and Food unit – he joined the Bosch
Packaging division in India in 1997.
“Packaging automation was a new
field for us and it took a while to build
the know-how and product line.” But
today, he says, he is satisfied with
the progress the Bosch Packaging
business has been making in the
“I participated in the national product
launch of first machine packed “Tata
Salt” in Hyderabad,” says Chandra
Prasad. It is just one of many memories
that he cherishes in the two decades
he has spent with the division. “I will
also not forget the successful launch
of the fastest candy wrapper – it
wrapped 2000 candies per minute!”
He also remembers visiting Bhuj
and Gandhidham not long after the
devastating earthquake in 2001 and
helping customers rebuild their
packaging operations.
Another Boschler who has been with
Packaging almost since the beginning
is Annamalai P. He joined Bosch in
1979 as an apprentice – in 1997 he
joined the Packaging division and is
currently Manager, Design, processing
of customer projects for VFFS
machines. “We have grown multifold,”
says Annamalai. “We can proudly say
that we are the leaders in packaging
technology and also tell our customers
– relax! It is Bosch!” For Annamalai
the happiest moment in his time with
Bosch Packaging – and there have been
many successes to which he has been
a proud contributor – is: “The day I
heard I got a patent for developing
the SVI2600 machine required to
penetrate B-segment market without
compromising on technologies and
to enhance performance of current
It’s not just the senior Bosch associates
at Packaging India who are proud of
this business milestone – Gauri Naik,
who has been working as Senior
Officer Marketing for the past two
years, says, “I feel very proud – and
most importantly, I feel happy that we
have completed not just 20 years, but
20 successful years in India!”
A bright future
When asked how he sees the future
market for Bosch Packaging in India,
Gourish says, “The packaging industry
has seen a positive growth in the past
and it is expected to grow significantly
in the future too. Needless to say, we
are part of the emerging market and
the packaging industry in totality has
massive potential. In the last eight to
8 | Lead Story
Bosch India News | March 2016
Bosch’s Packaging division in Verna, Goa
10 years, we have seen a strong double
digit growth every year and this is due
to our enhanced customer services
and solutions with our constantly
upgrading portfolio and I foresee that
this will continue. It is not only that
we grow strongly but we also acquire
a strong market share in our relevant
It’s clear that the strong and talented
team with the right mix of skills at
Bosch Packaging in India have been
vital to the division’s success in India.
Sudan Surlakar who leads the HR team
in the Packaging division, says, “”Each
employee has played a significant role
in our success. These past two decades
have been a good way for the business
to consolidate its market position. The
business is growing and it will provide
employees ample opportunities to
showcase their potential and growth in
the company.”
The Terra 25 machine launched in 1999 (Left) and SVI2600 machine (right)
These past 20 years have been well
spent, says Gourish, “…but I remember
reading a book in which a wise person
says that ‘Milestones are created to be
broken and to create new milestones’.
So let us not be complacent about it let us be more focused and innovative
with good operational excellence and
most importantly, let us be motivated
to create new milestones.”
Bosch India News | March 2016
Milestone | 9
Bosch Power Tools Chennai Plant – a
state-of-the-art manufacturing facility
Senior Bosch Power Tools management representatives plant a sapling during the inauguration of the plant
Bosch India officially inaugurated
its 15th manufacturing facility in
the country on November 20, 2015.
Spread over two acres of land, the
plant located in Oragadam, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu will manufacture products
for Bosch’s Power Tools business
division. Steffen Berns, President
and Country Head, Bosch Group
India and Managing Director, Bosch
Limited, said, “In line with our localfor-local strategy, this plant will
cater mainly to the requirements in
India with a small share of exports
to Asia, Middle East and Africa.”
Elaborating further, he said, “The new
local manufacturing facility of our
advanced Power Tools will enable us
to produce innovative and high quality
products at competitive cost to meet
the region-specific demands of our
customers in India. The new location
also provides us with more options to
ramp up capacity in the medium-term
based on the needs of the Power Tools
The Chennai Power Tools plant (ChiP)
will manufacture products such as
angle grinders, impact and rotary
drills, rotary hammers, marble cutters,
air blowers including motors for all the
Panish P K, Regional Sales Director
of Bosch Power Tools, India said,
“Bosch has invested in a state-ofthe-art manufacturing facility for its
customers in India. This facility owing
to a higher capacity and localization,
enables improved flexibility and
a shorter lead time. Additionally,
the plant will be producing tools
best suited for Indian users thereby
focusing on the ‘Make in India’
Located at M/s Indospace SKCL
Industrial Park, Oragadam – Walajabad
road, the plant is approximately 37 km
from Chennai International Airport
and is in close proximity to the Bosch
Central Distribution Center.
A lean and agile plant
Speaking to Bosch India News,
Giridhar J, who heads the plant
management at ChiP, spoke about the
reason behind the opening of the new
plant and why Chennai was specifically
chosen: “Along with the rest of Bosch’s
Bangalore Plant, we were also required
to relocate and we had to choose a
location which gives us the operational
efficiency, cost competitiveness,
flexibility as well as proximity to
customer and supplier. We did a
value base analysis between Bidadi,
Gangaikondan, Sanand and Chennai
and it was Chennai which came on top
in this analysis.”
For Boschlers working at the plant,
it has been a hugely enriching
experience. Arunachalam Panju,
Senior Manager, Controlling Finance
and Accounting, said that the strengths
of the plant are clear: “It’s lean and
agile and the flexible labor model helps
10 | Milestone
Bosch India News | March 2016
A view of the Chennai Power Tools plant
in quick adoption to the highly volatile
Power Tools market.”
Ananth Kini, who heads the TEF, FCM
and HSE functions at the plant – and
who has been involved in bringing up
the infrastructure on this project says
he has had a wonderful experience.
“It was an especially proud moment
for me when we handed over the best
Power Tools manufacturing facility – all
necessary measures in terms of safety,
the work environment and other
facilities have been taken care of when
designing this plant.”
For Giridhar, heading the plant has
been an enriching experience that
Associates working on the shop floor in the plant
has not been without challenges. “We
have set ourselves a very high level of
expectation. We want to be the number
one plant among all Power Tools plants
worldwide. We have all the necessary
assets to achieve this goal: the best
associates, unparalleled infrastructure
and a highly motivated organization.”
Bosch India News | March 2016
Event | 11
Metallurgy Road Show India 2015:
“Tough Situations, Reliable Solutions”
The organizing team at the road show (left) and inauguration of the road show at Tata Steel, Jamshedpur
Bosch Rexroth India (DCIN) had
organized a road show for the steel
sector in October 2015. This initiative
was all about the Drive & Control
Solutions for Steel and Bulk Materials
Handling Applications—from initial
bid and engineering to start-ups and
modernization, from components to
systems to projects.
The show was planned for two weeks
starting from October 4 to October 16,
2015. The event travelled across India,
covering major customers located
at Bangalore, Mumbai, Ahmedabad,
Delhi, Jamshedpur and Ranchi,
and Kolkata. At the final location in
Kolkata, the customers handling bulk
materials sector were also present.
A visit to the technical lab at the SJB
Institute of Technology, Bengaluru,
was also arranged. DCIN has set up
a technical lab there under its own
Industry –Institute initiative.
Speakers during the event included
Houman Hatami (DC-IA/SDM31),
Juergen Harm (DC-IA/SDM31),
Jan-Dirk Voggenauer (DC-IA/
SDM31),Martin Wahl (DC-MA/SPP52)
from Germany and Sanmay Dasgupta
(DCIN/SET1), Amish Lakhani (DCIN/
SET1), Kaushik Banerjee (DCIN/
SEL1), Yogesh Ladhe( DCIN/SPE DCIN/
SLR) from India. Deepak Chellani
(DCIN/SA1) represented the DCIN
Deepak Chellani, Director (Sales),
Bosch Rexroth India said, “We are a
project driven company and global
partner to all major customers in the
steel segment. Knowledge sharing
with our important customers at such
forums will boost the customer’s
confidence in us. We are utilizing
such platforms to showcase our
technical and innovative strength. I
will say that such close proximity to
the customer is making us different
from the competition and increasing
mutual trust with our customers. This
will prove to be a success path for long
term growth for both the sides.”
As a part of this road show, various
technologies including applications
in steel production and finishing,
foundry and bulk materials handling,
axial piston pumps for heavy industry
“F” Series), proportional and servo
technology and integrated axis
controllers, filtration technology, large
hydraulic drives (Hagglunds Motors),
energy saving concepts and much
more were showcased.
Houman Hatami and Sanmay
Dasgupta (Head of Steel sector,
Bosch Rexroth Germany and
Bosch Rexroth India, respectively)
expressed their satisfaction for the
response received during this event
and said, “We are sure that the new
technologies showcased are the most
optimum solutions for the market
which is currently going through
tough situation and are confident to
strengthen our customers and create a
mutual win-win situation in years
to come.”
Several customers also gave their
feedback saying that such kind of
interactions are required wherein
technical updates and innovations can
be discussed openly and jointly with
experts in relevant drive and control
Post the show, the company is sure to
capture new business opportunities in
this market and is confident that it will
strengthen its position further in the
metallurgy market in India in the years
to come.
12 | Social Media
Bosch India News | March 2016
Bosch continues to make significant
strides in the social media space
With an ever greater emphasis on the
digitalization of communications,
Bosch India has continued to take
up new social media campaigns and
initiatives to increase its reach to as
wide an audience as possible in the
Here’s an update of all things social
that the Bosch India social media team
has been doing the past few months:
Launch of Youtube Channel
YouTube was the one major social
media platform where Bosch India
had yet to establish its presence.
After months of planning and content
collation, the channel was officially
launched in December 2015.
A contest was held as part of the
launch campaign on all social media
channels: users were asked to answer
five questions based on the videos
uploaded on the Bosch India YouTube
channel. The winners stood the
chance to win exclusive gifts – around
150 participants took part in the
contest. The campaign went on for 10
days on the other Bosch India social
media platforms – Twitter, LinkedIn
and Facebook – and reached a total
of around 17 lakh members of the
company’s new media audience.
Bosch Smart Manufacturing
Conclave 2015 – #BSM2015
The Bosch Smart Manufacturing
Conclave held in November 2015, in
Mumbai, brought together Industry
4.0 leaders and practitioners from
India and Europe. The social media
campaign for the event resulted in
extensive engagement with users
across various platforms. The
‘#BSM2015’ trended on the day of the
event and had an estimated 5.1 million
The social media campaign for the
2016 edition of the Bosch Technology
Exposition, had one clear objective:
to showcase Bosch India’s leading
position as automotive technology
innovators and pioneers. This was
achieved with a range of different
types of posts and tweets such as GIFs,
interactive polls, and creative posts
explaining how complex operations of
Bosch India News | March 2016
Bosch products are able to positively
impact the lives of millions.
While the engagement rates speak
for themselves, it is important to note
that the users were able to understand
and get closer to Bosch products
through the online channels. This
campaign had a total reach of 861,447
on Facebook, earned 411 followers on
Twitter and had an organic impression
of 32,368 on LinkedIn.
Social Media | 13
14 | Impact
Bosch India News | March 2016
Safety all around: Bosch India conducts
campaign to increase safety awareness
From left: Rajendra B (BanP/PT), Gopikumar A (BanP/PC), Mohan V C (C/PSR), Andreas Wolf (RBIN/EM DS/MG-IN)
and Dayananda L (BanP/HSE,FES) at the launch of the Safety 360 campaign
Aiming to become a world-class
organization in terms of safety,
Bosch India kicked off the Safety 360
campaign in the last quarter of 2015.
Increasing awareness about safety
not just in the workplace, but also at
home and on the road, the campaign
was officially launched in November
2015 at BanP. Andreas Wolf (RBIN/
EM, DS/MG-IN) joined senior plant
management Gopikumar A (BanP/
PC) and Rajendra B (BanP/PT) for the
Our official ambassador - The Safety
360 mascot
The specially created Safety 360
mascot inflatable was also unveiled
during the event by Wolf. Later, while
addressing the associates, the senior
management emphasized the need to
be aware of safety rules and the mindset required for ensuring that safety is
always the first priority.
The message
Wolf, who is leading the efforts to
sensitize the need for safety across
the board, said in a special video
message during the launch that:
“Safety is a very important issue
for company like Bosch and we are
aiming to become a world-class
organization in terms of safety. This
is why we have launched the Safety
360 campaign. This campaign is valid
not just at the workplace or plant but
at home, and on the roads too. We
want all our employees to have a safe
life and want to become an accidentfree organization. To achieve this, we
would require a systematic approach
where the root causes for the accidents
would be investigated and assessed.
We will take all the efforts to make
Bosch an accident-free organization.”
Safety all around – a message from
Bosch associates and their families
The management further went a step
ahead to involve the families of the
associates in this campaign. For this,
the Bosch associates and their families
were asked about the importance of
safety in every sphere of life as part
of the Safety 360 campaign. As part
of the campaign, various locations
also nominated safety ambassadors
– associates who best exemplified
safe behavior and who would act
as messengers for the Safety 360
Bosch India News | March 2016
Impact | 15
Emergency Response Training (left) and Safety ambassadors at the Jaipur plant (right)
Ensuring safety - Emergency
Response Training (ERT)
A training on Emergency Response
was organized and conducted by the
C/PSR-IN department in associations
with the fire department from Bosch
Feuerbach from November 24, 2015
to December 3, 2015 at BanP and BidP.
Addressing the assembled associates
during the training session, Wolf
said, “This is an excellent initiative to
strengthen the emergency response
at locations. An efficient emergency
response team should be able to
respond to any emergency arising
from the risks at their respective
locations within a short time. Let this
workshop be the first step towards
achieving that. The locations should
do a gap analysis and see if the existing
infrastructure would address all the
high risks at their locations. The plant
management should give utmost
importance in developing effective
ERTs at their locations.”
The training was for 8 days and
comprised practical and classroom
sessions on fire-fighting, rescue
techniques and chemical spill
management. The classroom training
was presided over by the fire chief
from Bosch Feuerbach and also by
HSE/FES associates from Bosch India.
The training was carried out at BanP
#Safety360 campaign on Bosch India Social Media channels
and BidP and the participants were
involved in the mock drill exercises
conducted at both of these locations.
Safety 360 on Social Media
A one-week campaign starting
from end of October to November
was hosted on all the Social media
platforms like Facebook, Twitter and
LinkedIn. The #Safety360 became
quite popular on Facebook and
Twitter. The campaign achieved 904
new likes on the Facebook page –
the posts created for this campaign
focused on safety in all aspects in a
very new and a comprehensive way.
16 | CSR
Bosch India News | March 2016
Bosch associates spark joy and spread
happiness in aid of Primavera India
Performers and volunteers on stage at the end of the show
It seemed appropriate that one of the
dances during the Spark of Joy event
held at Christ College auditorium
in Bengaluru on November 22,
2015 featured umbrellas. The city
has been deluged by frequent rain
showers and cloudy skies making it
the rainiest November in a century,
but that didn’t prevent more than
1,000 Bosch associates, their families,
business partners and Primavera
India beneficiaries from attending this
special Bollywood themed event.
Aimed at raising funds for the trusts
that Primavera India supports in the
country that help children in need, the
event included performances ranging
from songs by celebrity singers and
dance numbers by Bosch’s very own
talented associates. The audience
got to listen to songs from the golden
years of Bollywood to contemporary
numbers. Associates from Bosch
Limited (RBIN) and Robert Bosch
Engineering and Business Solutions
(RBEI) got the chance to display some
seriously slick dance skills that led to
the audience giving a standing ovation
at the end of the three hour long show.
Among the dances performed was one
with black lights and another that was
a nod to retro Bollywood.
Ultimately, the event did what it
had promised to: spark joy and
spread happiness not just among
the audience, but also among the
underprivileged children who will
benefit from Primavera India’s
support. The smiles and laughter that
echoed through the hall at the end
of the event were a testament to its
overwhelming success.
Steffen Berns (RBIN/P), V K Viswanathan (Chairman, Board of Directors, Bosch Limited), Andreas Wolf (RBIN/EM DS/MG-IN) and Soumitra
Bhattacharya (RBIN/EC) inaugurate the event (left) and Gopikumar A (BanP/PC) speaks at the end of the event (right)
Bosch India News | March 2016
About Primavera India Trust
Primavera was originally founded
by few Bosch employees in Germany
with the goal of helping slum dwelling
children in developing or emerging
countries and to offer them a new
perspective on life. Primavera now
supports many projects in about 12
CSR | 17
countries including Brazil, China, India
and Cambodia. Several activities are
taken up by volunteers from various
Bosch locations. The funds are raised
by members, friends, sponsors and also
through events etc. Primavera provides
medical care, educational support and
other basic needs to more than 30,000
children all over the world.
Primavera in India is committed
towards helping underprivileged
children by providing them with
support systems - reasonable quality
of education, basic health care,
vocational training and means to make
them independent. Read more about
the Trust and its work here.
18 | CSR
Bosch India News | March 2016
Bosch India kicks off multiple social
engagement initiatives
Soumitra Bhattacharya (RBIN/EC) signing the MoU with the Akshaya Patra Foundation represented here by senior members Sundeep
Talwar and R. Madhan
Bosch has had a long, proud tradition
of working towards the betterment
of the neighborhoods and society
in which it operates. In the past few
months, Bosch India has kicked
off a number of social engagement
initiatives, specifically to help children
get improved access to education.
Here’s a rundown of each of these
Meals for schoolchildren in Bidadi
Bosch India will be funding the
construction of a centralized meal
kitchen in Jigani, Anekal Taluk,
Karnataka, for the Akshaya Patra
Foundation. This kitchen, based on
cauldron technology, will facilitate
the preparation of mid-day meals for
15,000 school children (to be extended
up to 30,000) in Bidadi and Anekal
The MoU was signed on January 2,
2016 in the presence of Soumitra
Bhattacharya, Joint Managing Director,
Bosch Limited. Also present on the
occasion were O. P. Goel (RBIN/TCT,
BanP/TCT) and senior members of the
Foundation including Sundeep Talwar
and R. Madhan. As per the MoU, Bosch
will extend project and purchase
management expertise for the project
execution, besides funding the cost of
the kitchen construction and utensils.
The total funding by Bosch towards
this project is INR 70.46 million.
and needed an upgrade to its
existing facilities. The building was
inaugurated today at an event attended
by representatives from RBIN and
BanP senior management including
Soumitra Bhattacharya (RBIN/EC),
Ramesh Saligrama (BidP/PM) and
Gopikumar A (BanP/PC).
Bosch’s engagement with Akshaya
Patra has primarily been through
Bosch volunteers. For many
underprivileged children, who would
have to work for a square meal every
day, the food from this kitchen will
not only help meet their nutrition
needs, but also enable them to access
The new school building comprises
three classrooms with the capacity to
expand to two more floors for future
requirements. The new facility also has
three toilets and one toilet for children
with special needs. Besides this, a
drinking water facility with 10,000
liter capacity has also been provided
to the school. The total project cost
was around INR 3.5 million and it took
eight months to be completed.
Facility upgrade at Bidadi school
Around 100 students at the
Shanumangala Higher Primary
School in Bidadi will now benefit from
learning in brand new classrooms – all
thanks to Bosch Limited’s Bangalore
The school, located near the RBIN
Bidadi Plant, had a very old building
Speaking about the new facility,
N Kamalakshi, Headmistress,
Shanumangala Higher Primary School,
said, “I am very happy to see the new
building and look forward to more
support for three more classrooms in
the future.”
Bosch India News | March 2016
CSR | 19
The Bosch-Tata Strive Joint Skill Development Initiative for Youth Empowerment will take BRIDGE to five ITIs in Karnataka
Bosch and Tata Strive begin CSR
journey on BRIDGE
On January 18, 2016, Tata Strive
(the Tata group-wide skilling
initiative) signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with Bosch
on the “Bosch-Tata Strive Joint Skill
Development Initiative for Youth
Empowerment”. The two organizations
will work together to take the Bosch
CSR initiative, the BRIDGE (Bosch’s
Response to India’s Development
and Growth through Employability
Enhancement) Program, to five
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)
in Karnataka. The MoU also includes
exploring joint development of short
term technical courses, including one
on mechatronics, to start with.
Signatories included Soumitra
Bhattacharya (RBIN/EC) and Anita
Rajan, Vice-President and COO of
Tata Strive.
Bosch Limited’s Bangalore plant helps upgrade facilities at the Shanumangala Higher Primary School in Bidadi
20 | Feature
Bosch India News | March 2016
New vision for BanP and BidP unveiled
Bosch Limited and Diesel Systems senior management unveil the new vision for the Bangalore and Bidadi plants
On January 15, 2016, a new vision
statement for both Bangalore and
Bidadi plants was unveiled at BanP.
Senior management representatives
during the event included Soumitra
Bhattacharya (RBIN/EC), Andreas
Wolf (RBIN/EM DS/MG-IN) and senior
leadership from Diesel Systems,
including Franz Hauber (DS/EB1 DSB1/GP), Rudolf Maier (DS/EB2 DS-B2/
GP), Reinhard Niederfeld (DS/FC),
Martin Hartmann (DS/FC-B1), Stephan
Albers (DS-B1/MG), Juergen Markwart
(DS-B2/MG) and Hermann Butz (DS/
FC-B2). Bangalore Plant management
including Gopikumar A (BanP/PC) and
Rajendra B (BanP/PT) also participated
in the event.
Why a new vision?
Both the Bangalore and Bidadi plants
required a new vision statement that
aligned with the We are Bosch global
mission statement as well as the Diesel
Systems India vision.
Bangalore Plant management took the
lead in the project with Venugopal S
of BanP/DBE overseeing the overall
process and best practices. The
process adopted included looking at
what the stakeholders (customers,
suppliers and society) wished to see
the plants achieve and the future
hopes of the senior management
and employees. A number of core
team meetings, plant management
discussions and two vision workshops
led to the conceptualization of the
new vision. For the first time, inputs
from employees at all levels and
across hierarchies were taken into
consideration while conceptualizing
the new Vision 2018 for BanP and BidP.
“Important to have a clear vision”
At the launch, where the key points
of the new vision and how it was
conceptualized were explained,
Hauber remarked that “It is important
to have a clear vision – you need to
know where you have to go.”
He also stressed the important of
safety, quality and need to achieve
targets in a time of volatile markets. It
was necessary to have customer focus.
Hauber, who was returning to the
Bangalore plant after almost a year,
said that he was glad to be back. “BanP
always felt like home.” He wished the
plant a successful future and was sure
that the motivation and abilities of the
employees here would help it reach
the target.
Feature | 21
Bosch India News | March 2016
All in the family – Bosch locations hold
events for associates and families
“Celebrating Relationships” was the theme of the Family Day held at the Naganathapura Plant
The last few months have seen Bosch
locations around India holding
special events for associates and their
families. Both the Chakan Plant (part of
Bosch Chassis Systems India Limited)
and the Naganathapura Plant held
these events, which helped associates’
family members increase their
awareness about the company and its
“Celebrating Relationships”
On December 28, 2015, Bosch’s
Naganathapura Plant held Family
Day with the theme, “Celebrating
Relationships”. Around 3,500
associates, their spouses, parents and
children – a truly cross-generational
crowd – thronged the plant’s green
environs on the day.
Every invitee was extended a red
carpet welcome with a traditional
band. The events of the day were
flagged-off jointly by Dr. Shripad S
B, Deputy Labour Commissioner,
Department of Labour, Mr. Basavanna C,
Chief Fire Officer, Karnataka State
Fire and Emergency Services and
Mr. Mahadevan H, President – Mico
Karmikara Sangha - Naganathapura
along with NhP Plant Management
Team. Dr. Rohini Katoch Sepat, Deputy
Commissioner of Police, Bangalore South East Division, Karnataka State
Police, also graced occasion.
All the guests of honor, government
officials, employees, parents and
children were taken in a procession
for the Plant visit. The visitors were
provided the opportunity to witness
the operations of both Starter
Generators and Motors and Spark
Plug and they also visited the canteen.
En route, display boards were put up
depicting the history of the company,
products, customers, welfare and
employee engagement initiatives etc.
for the information of visitors. They
also visited the ‘Shantinikethan’ area
in the grounds before entering the
colorful stage function area.
During the formal stage function, the
guests of honor called on the audience
to redefine the values of relationships
in their addresses. The formal stage
function was followed by spectacular
and colorful cultural events by
employees, their children and a few
professional artists. There was also
a photo wall – where the families of
each and every employee could take
photographs that were presented to
them when leaving after the event.
The Plant Management received
appreciation for organizing the events
in a professional manner. The most
common refrain among the attendees
was that event was truly historic.
Factory Visit 2016
On January 31, 2016, RBIC organized a
‘Factory Visit’ for all Bosch associates
and their families to the company’s
plant in Chakan. Associates had the
opportunity to show their workplace
to their families and also give them
an opportunity to view the array of
products manufactured here. The
event started at 3.00pm and went
on till 6.00pm – around 600 visitors
participated in the Factory Visit.
22 | Feature
Bosch India News | March 2016
Factory visit 2016 at RBIC was held on January 31, 2016 and around 600 visitors participated in the event (above and below)
There was also a special stall
displaying Home Safety Equipment
that turned out to be of keen interest
for a lot of visitors. One of the
highlights of the evening was the
activity options for the children
that included Tattoo Making and
Interaction with Live Cartoons.
Families also enjoyed the scrumptious
spread of food items served at the
The feedback for the event was very
encouraging as everyone appreciated
all the arrangements. This was clearly
a great team effort and a task well done
by the organizing team and all the
volunteers. This event will certainly go
down as one of the most memorable at
the Chakan Plant!
Bosch India News | March 2016
Feature | 23
Bangalore plant associates showcase their
artistic side
Nagaraj M (BanP/HRL), Gopikumar A (BanP/PC) and Rajendra B (BanP/PT) visit the hobby fair stall (left) and more views of the event
(right and below)
“The purpose of art is washing the
dust of daily life off our souls,” said
Pablo Picasso. In concurrence with the
master painter’s thoughts, Bangalore
plant management held two events in
December and January that brought
out the artistic side of associates. The
first, a Hobby Fair and the second,
a Rangoli Competition were a great
way for employees to showcase their
talents outside of work.
Hobby Fair – a first for Bangalore Plant
Diversity is one of the key Bosch
values – and it comprises four different
dimensions: Gender, Generation,
Internationalities and Culture.
In this context, the first ever Hobby
Fair at Bangalore Plant was held on
December 9, 2015. The event was
inaugurated by Nagaraj M (BanP/
HRL). Vijayalakshmi S (BanP/HRL21.2)
gave an overview of the Hobby Fair
and introduced the participants. The
aim of the event was to showcase
and promote the talents of the plant
employees. Around 2,000 employees
visited the Hobby Fair.
The hobbies exhibited included coin
and note collections, chalk and pencil
lead carvings, paintings, antique
collections and more. One associates
who has a talent for catching snakes,
gave tips on how to catch the reptiles!
Rangoli contest
A Rangoli competition was held on
January 31, 2016, at the Bangalore
Plant as part of the diversity initiative.
Around 41 participants (employees,
their spouses and children) drew
colorful, thematic patterns in front of
the main canteen and brought a festive
atmosphere to the plant premises.
The theme for the contest was
national and international festivals.
Various festivals such as Sankranti,
Diwali, Independence Day and
Ganesh Chaturthi were colorfully and
creatively depicted by the participants.
Nagaraj M inaugurated the event
and this was followed by a briefing
of the competition done by Asha M
of the BanP/HRL21.1 department.
The participants got 90 minutes
to complete the colorful patterns.
Employees went around to view
the artworks and tried motivating
the participants for their efforts
and creativity. They also shared
their feedback on the event on a
metaplan board. Gopikumar A (BanP/
PC) made sure to view each entry,
interacted with the participants
and congratulated them on their
skillful work. A four member panel
comprising experienced employees
evaluated all the entries and chose the
top three.
24 | Special
Bosch India News | March 2016
Power up your jet packs and teleporters!
As part of the Bosch Technology
First prize:
ready as I’ll ever be.”
Exposition 2016 internal
communication campaign, a Flash
The Earthling by Khaba Meetei Oinam
Science Fiction contest with the theme
“Mobility of the future” was held in late
January and early February.
The contest was open to all Bosch
India associates located in the country
and the Bosch Connect platform was
used as a submission tool for the
very imaginative and out of the world
The Captain smiled and said, “I’m
A decorated test pilot for the European
Space Agency, he was selected
The year was 2302. Only 12 years
amongst thousands to be the first man
ago, physicists had finally cracked
to travel to an exoplanet, Kepler-186f,
the unified field theory that combines
chosen for its similarities to Earth.
the wonders of the quantum realm
with the grandeur of gravity. With this
As Captain Fischer finally got strapped
discovery, humanity could finally begin
in, the radio piece in his ear came alive
to realize the dreams of science fiction
with Dr. Ranade’s voice, “All comfy
that had captured so many hearts since
entries. The only restriction on the
Captain? Bathroom breaks are not
the times of Verne. The collaboration
allowed from now on.” The Captain
contestants was that the word limit of
between the Indian, Chinese and
chuckled and answered, “Roger that!”
500 words had to be adhered to. So
European space agencies, aptly
here are the top three entries as well as
called The FUTURE (Fundamental
Unlike the chemical rockets of the past,
the popular winner (as determined by
Technologies & Universal Research),
the Capsule was not going to travel in
the number of votes the entry received
had come up with a propulsion system
space, at least not in the conventional
on the Connect platform).
to effectively tunnel through space.
sense. By precise manipulation of
the Quintessence Field (formerly
For the uninitiated, Flash Fiction is
basically fiction that can be “read in
a flash”. It’s a quick read that prizes
brevity – authors have a very limited
space in which to capture ideas, create
believable characters and make an
impact on the reader.
Dr. Ranade, the lead scientist, was
known as Dark Energy back in the 21st
seeing over the final preparations for
century), the capsule would ‘squeeze’
the first ever manned demonstration of
space-time to reach its destination in
the technology. Braving the cold winter
evening, she stood on the exposed
Worm-Port (that’s what the media is
As the count-down began over the
calling it anyway), as the Capsule was
loud speakers, the Captain had nothing
being fueled and primed for launch the
much to do but sit tight and wait for the
next morning.
capsule to re-emerge in conventional
The four entries that follow best
space-time on Kepler-186f’s surface.
exemplify these qualities of Flash
As she stood there, Captain Fischer
He noticed the vibration was becoming
Fiction. The futuristic mobility that
walked up to her. He greeted the
uncomfortable, and before he could
most of the authors imagined in
Doctor and some engineers close by,
hear the last bit of the count-down,
their stories enabled characters
and looked on as the whole place was
a thunderous bang overpowered his
to roam across universes and time
buzzing with people and equipment.
senses and suddenly everything went
Dr. Ranade stole a glance at him,
and appreciate the gifts that planet
earth has bestowed on humanity.
Environmental concerns were also a
common thread running through not
just the winning entries, but also many
of the other submissions.
dreading for any signs of doubt on
his face. After all, since one of the last
He wasn’t sure what happened. He
three unmanned missions went LAC
tried his radio but all he could hear was
(Lost all Communications), there was
static. Realizing it was no use sitting
good reason to be worried.
there, he finally decided to step out.
Bosch India News | March 2016
Special | 25
Third prize:
Immediately as he opened the hatch,
He tweaked the speed controls and
the air was hot and his instrument
the time controls, nothing happened.
indicated an over-saturation of CO2.
Just when he was about to get out of
The Red Faction by Ashish Mishra (DS/
He walked out in the thick smog,
Travella, he heard a humming sound
and after a couple of steps he felt
and the motors revved up to life. But
something on the ground. He leaned
wait! He hadn’t entered his destination!
The clouds poured and roared outside.
down for a closer look. And there it
He wondered where it would take
Silence filled the car. I gazed at flashes
was, a worn-out newspaper with the
him. In seconds, he was in a different
of lightning as I rode. Not drove,
headline “Climate beyond recovery!”
place. The surroundings looked a lot
rode. Nobody drives a car nowadays.
A partial date was still visible… May
different with green things all around
Not in the old sense. You pop up a
and he had never seen the skies so
panel on your device and enter the
blue. Though the surroundings looked
destination. Everything else is done
serene, he was scared for his own
by the Central Commute System, or
Second prize:
safety. He checked the navigation
CCS. It is exactly what it sounds like.
Time Warp by Reema Mishal Dsouza
system to find out where he was.
Long ago, governments decided to
“Earth” it read. And he couldn’t believe
withdraw the freedom to ‘drive’ and to
it! How could this possibly be the
replace it with a delivery service. Their
“I give up!” Colin cried in frustration.
Earth? He took an image and searched
argument was that driving was unsafe
He’d been working hard all these
it up on the database. Yes it was the
for humans. It turns out, they were
days on “Travella” the ultimate travel
Earth- but it was the Earth in 2016!
right; accidents almost never happen
solution designed to take anyone to
So much had changed in the last 500
any more.
any place in the galaxy. Colin always
years! But wait he was supposed to
wondered, if information could travel
travel to a different planet and not to
The latest news item on the display
that far, why couldn’t people? And
a different time. He couldn’t believe
panel was about yet another TC
that was the thought behind building
what he had created! Time travel
generator explosion on Mars. This was
was not what he had in mind while
nothing new. These things were so
designing it. He went back to his lab,
frequent that the government had been
From that day till now, he had spent
carefully checked through all the data
forced to postpone their schedule
many sleepless nights. Once the basic
that was collected and he concluded
for complete colonization. Everyone
system was put in place, he began
that his system worked for both time
had expected the Mars colonization
working in isolation as this was a
travel and intra galactic travel.
to go without a hitch, as had been the
secret project. His plan was to use the
With all things in place for the next
case with the Moon. But these strange
electromagnetic waves and particles
day- oh wait he could travel back and
incidents had kept the government on
that were present in vacuum according
forth in time, he decided to go back to
its toes.
to Quantum Mechanics. Travella’s
the time he wished he could go back
body had been built with the help of
to- his childhood! He also went to
The next news item was one I had
his colleagues who thought it was just
the time when the Earth was a better
been expecting. “President dies in car
another vehicle. All that was left was
place. He knew what his next project
accident” the title blared. The timer
fitting the circuitry that made intra
proposal was-To make the Earth a
flashed; “ETA in thirty seconds”. While
galactic travel a reality. Things were
better place to live in. Satisfied, he
I had investigated a few crashes during
working fine and the initial results
went off to sleep with a smile on his
my career, I had never expected to be
were promising. But something went
face, dreaming about the appreciation
called in for such a high profile case.
wrong and Colin wasn’t able to figure
that would come his way. This was just
I work at Bosch, the Loco Navigation
out what it was. Time flew and the next
the start, he still had to figure out how
division, the only supplier of auto-
day was he was supposed to present it
to put “Travella” to good use.
mobile auto-correctors on Earth
to his boss.
and the Moon. Auto-correctors are
26 | Special
Bosch India News | March 2016
essential components that rectify
Then the computer started abruptly
early 2000, the viruses had killed
any systemic errors in the car
and connection relayed a message to
thousands of people but as the time
instantaneously. As chief designer, I
all available clients – which was the
passed cure was discovered and the
was naturally called in to investigate
entire world. The message read “Leave
human race started becoming immune
the auto-corrector’s failure in the
Mars Alone”.
to it, the age old deadly bacteria and
President’s car.
the viruses even when present on our
Popular Winner:
bodies are no longer a threat to us but
that’s not the same for people in the
As soon as I got out of my car, I was
taken to the crash site where many
The Time Traveler by Bharath
past. He realized that he was the one
investigators were already examining
Bangalore Somashekar (RBEI/ECG3)
who brought the viruses of the future
to the past, frightened by what he
the wreckage. I was briefed about
the investigation until then. The CCS
It was 10pm on a Friday night when
has done he hurried toward his time
log showed no incorrect entries for
Bharath returned to his room with
machine and pressed the Return to
start, end and route. After twenty
tears in his eyes, apparently his dad
Present button. He stepped out of the
isn’t happy about his academics in
time machine with a sigh of relief as he
school. He cried himself to sleep.
reached the present.
six minutes and fifty four seconds in
the journey, the positioning system
had malfunctioned which the auto-
Suddenly he was woken up with a
brilliant idea that could make his dad
His heart started pounding hard
look proud of him, he looked at the
for what he saw, the whole human
time and it was 2.am, he rushed into his
race was wiped out long ago by the
dad’s garage where he could get a few
viruses that they couldn’t combat.
things to get his idea working, he burnt
The Apocalypse has finally happened.
the mid night oil for his idea, unaware
Amidst the trauma he pulled out an
of the time passed finally there it
idea to time travel back and stop
was, the TIME MACHINE that he had
himself from creating the Machine,
dreamt. Does it work? He put himself
when he went back to that time he
to the test and there he was in the year
realized he himself wasn’t there to
1990, his invention finally worked,
create the Machine, he wasn’t even
soaring high with happiness he met the
born as the whole human race is
people around and started socializing
extinguished. He is right there but he
and having fun before he could get
anything could tell what happened
wasn’t even born! That’s what they
back to his time, but suddenly things
call the “time travel paradox” and he
to the vehicle it was this. I flashed it
changed, people around started dying
learnt it the hard way. Imprisoned by
on the super computer we had been
with a variety of diseases which seems
his thoughts, agonized by the guilt, he
provided. All the readings appeared
to appear for the first time on earth,
suffered until he was finally woken up
to be normal, except for the last log of
there was no cure nor any technology
by his mom with her usual complains
the communicator. It contained a file
to find a cure.
of how everyday she has to wake him
corrector immediately rectified. But
thirty seconds later, the flux generator
switched polarity although the
track guiding rails were functioning
normally. This coincided with the autocorrector inexplicably shutting down
and thus causing the disaster.
After sifting through the wreckage,
we managed to retrieve the red box.
We had to cut it open as the box
handle was missing. To our relief,
the micro-memory was still intact. If
written in a code which I had never
up. He woke up from that dream with
seen before. Owing to its unknown
He seemed to identify most of the
immense happiness and lived on
source, it was not recorded in the
diseases but he couldn’t understand
happily ever after.
communicator log. I extracted the
why there was no cure to stop such
file and ran a decoder. The decoder
simple diseases. There it was, the
crashed and the screen went blank.
thought finally banged in, he finally
Perplexed, I tried rebooting, but
realized what was happening, the
to no avail.
viruses causing the diseases were
first found in the late 90s and the
Bosch India News | March 2016
Crossword | 27
Bosch India News March 2016
Crossword Puzzle
1. The family day was held in this Bosch Plant
2. Bosch India will be funding the construction of a centralized kitchen for this foundation
3. What was unveiled at the ‘safety 360 campaign’ by Dr.Wolf?
4. This was the first ever time this event was conducted by Bosch Bangalore
5. Bosch India’s 15th manufacturing facility is in?
6. We strengthened our digital presence with the launch of?
Send your answers to [email protected] – the first three winners will win exciting prizes!
Answers for Crossword- Bosch India News December 2015
Across 6. Makeithappen
Down 1. Primavera
2. Vintagebosch
3. Gangaikondan
4. Japan
5. Feuerbach
Winners of Crossword- Bosch India News December 2015 are:
FIXED-TERM Prakash N Banu (ChiP/TEF)
Safaya Puja (NaP/QMM2)
Sadawarti Priti (CP/PPC-AT8.1)
Bosch India News invites news, views, stories, comments and suggestions with appropriate photos and captions from all
of you. Please send your articles to [email protected] before April 30, 2016 for the next issue.
Edited and published by Sujit Nayak on behalf of Bosch Limited, Hosur Road, Adugodi, Bengaluru 560 030. Reproduction of any article from Bosch
India News without express permission of the editorial team is a violation of copyright.