- Bosch India


- Bosch India
Bosch India News
Corporate magazine from Bosch India
Cover Story
“We are Bosch!”
Lead Story
Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Modi visit Bosch in Bengaluru
Bosch lends helping hand to Nepal earthquake victims
December 2015
2 | Contents
Bosch India News | December 2015
Dear Readers,
A visitor to Bosch in the past few months would have seen some unusual posters around our
plants and facilities. The visual is distinctive, with a “We are Bosch” claim in bold, red lettering
and a pale blue globe with our associates’ pictures on it.
This is our new mission statement, effective since January 1 this year. It’s not every day that
a company gets a new mission statement. And to be involved in the launch and rollout of that
statement is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Our cover story of this edition of Bosch India News focuses on We are Bosch and its launch and rollout through our
locations here in India.With this statement, all of us at Bosch India have a clear understanding of what is expected of us in
this rapidly changing world. This new statement is easily accessible and compact and in keeping with the evolving
demographics of the company.
Bosch was also honored in October to play host to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Angela
Merkel. It was a historic event, and highlighted how the company has been making in India since the 1950s, the future of
manufacturing and ongoing skill development initiatives aimed at Indian youth.
While we focus on key business developments and associate achievements in this issue, we also take a look back at the
past and the successful historical campaign that was launched this year. After all, to understand where we are going, we
need to know where we are coming from.
We also feature special articles on Bosch’s contributions to the relief efforts after the Nepal earthquake and the extremely
successful Social Engagement Day held in February – these initiatives showcase the best of the company and its
philosophy to always be a responsible corporate.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue of the magazine and we would love to hear from you. Tell us what you liked or didn’t
like and if there’s anything you would like to see featured in future editions. Mail us at [email protected]. You can also
post ideas and feedback on the Corporate Communications @ India community on Bosch Connect.
Happy reading!
Sujit Nayak
3 Cover Story
| “We are Bosch!”
7 Lead Story
| PM Modi & Chancellor Merkel visit Bosch
9 Event
| Bosch Bidadi plant inaugurated
11 Event
| Gangaikondan plant inaugurated
12 Senior
| Interview with Andreas Wolf
14 History
| #VintageBosch campaign
16 Feature
| Bosch Rexroth project for NMDC
17 Feature
| K4000 Rally report
18 Feature
| ‘Try Bosch-Change Your Life’ Campaign
19 Feature
| Bosch Novotel energy project
20 Profile
| Shreyansh Srivastava
Issue 1: December 2015
Editor-in-Chief: Sujit Nayak
Managing Editor: Saudha Kasim
Cover image:
The new mission statement We are Bosch
provides a blueprint on the way forward
for the company in a rapidly evolving
technological and economic landscape.
The year 2015 also saw the historic
visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
and Chancellor Angela Merkel to Bosch
Bengaluru as well as the opening of the new
plant at Bidadi.
22 Social Media
| Round-up of Social Media campaigns
24 Environment
| World Environment Day celebrations
26 Diversity
| 2nd Bosch Diversity Day celebrated
27 Impact
| Bosch helps Nepal quake relief efforts
29 CSR
| 1st Social Engagement Day
Thenmozhi Gunasekaran
Poornima R
Sachin Kulkarni
Raina Singh
Vinila Kalive
Siddharth Jha
Niraw Nishant
31 Crossword
| Crossword contest and corrigendum
Printing: Vykat Prints Pvt Ltd
Cover Story | 3
Bosch India News | December 2015
“We are Bosch!”
The launch of the new mission statement, We are Bosch, at Bosch’s Bengaluru Plant
On January 1, 2015, the new mission
statement, We are Bosch, officially
replaced the old House of Orientation
across the Bosch world.
For Jyoti Modi, who has recently
joined Bosch Limited’s BSV
department in Bidadi, the new mission
statement clearly acts as a unifying
factor. “The statement’s headline is
giving me my identity as a Bosch
associate and that I am a part of this
big, diverse family. For a new
employee like me that’s definitely
motivation to perform the best that I
can,” she says with a smile.
Why the need for a change?
House of Orientation was nearly a
decade old – and the rapidly changing
world made it clear to the Bosch
management that it was imperative for
the company that it needed to rework
its mission statement.
As the world becomes more complex
and dynamic and increasingly
unpredictable, we at Bosch have to
adapt better to these changing
circumstances. Hence, “We are
Bosch”. The new statement has an
important role to play in this context.
Straightforward and compact, it
expresses how we see ourselves as a
company. It serves as a frame of
reference in these dynamic times,
provides the basis for the strategy of
the operating units, and provides
strong impetus for the company’s
further development. On a more
general level, it creates a clearer
common understanding of Bosch
strategy. In other words, “We are
Bosch” gives clear expression to the
change the company is going through.
As stated by Chairman of Board of
Management, Robert Bosch GmbH,
Volkmar Denner, “Our new mission
statement “We are Bosch” explains
what drives us, what we have in
common and what we stand for. We
want to leave a lasting trace in the
world – achieved by a unique,
outstanding team.”
What’s new in the statement?
In his message to associates that
accompanied the introduction of We
are Bosch, Denner details the content
of the statement: “The mission
statement comprises five tiers that
systematically build on each other. At
the very top is our objective to secure
the future of Bosch and to generate the
strong and meaningful development
our company’s founder Robert Bosch
called for in his will. The next tier
specifies what drives us: Invented for
life. Our products spark enthusiasm in
people, improve their quality of life,
and help conserve natural resources.
The third tier outlines our strategic
focal points, which are customer
focus, shaping change, and achieving
excellence. They describe the
overriding challenges we face and
need to master.
In confronting these challenges, we
can rely on our strengths: our Bosch
culture, our innovativeness, our
quality, and our international focus.
These elements comprise the fourth
tier. Our values − the fifth tier − are the
bedrock of the mission statement. You
can find detailed information on it on
these pages and in many other
communication media. In order to
facilitate the use of “We are Bosch” in
practice, we’ve deliberately focused
on electronic media. For instance,
downloading the app will give you
constant access to its contents as well
as to explanatory videos and links to
the operating units’ strategies. We
want “We are Bosch” to be rooted in
4 | Cover Story
Bosch India News | December 2015
The official launch at Bosch India
How can a company – especially one as
geographically diverse as Bosch in
India – ensure that every associate, no
matter how junior or remotely
located – was aware of the new
mission statement? This was a
challenge for the Corporate
Communications team. Clearly what
was needed was an eye catching
launch event and then a series of
sustained communication activities
with buy-in from senior management
across all locations.
The We are Bosch launch at BanP featured performances by talented Bosch
associates such as Manjunatha H of DS who is a Yakshagana artiste.
real life, with real practical benefit.
This was also the explicit wish of the
associates we consulted before
embarking on this project.”
A number of people were involved in
conceptualizing and creating We are
Bosch: the entire board of
management, the division presidents,
works council members, and other
associates from different functions,
countries, and levels of the hierarchy.
For the board, it was very important
to take the wide range of perspectives
on board, and in this way to secure
widespread acceptance for the new
mission statement. Associates
devoted a lot of energy to the task.
RBEI associates with the We are Bosch block letters in the Koramangala office.
For the launch, the Bosch Limited
headquarters in Bengaluru – and the
first established manufacturing
location of the company in India – was
to be the stage. And the date chosen
was pretty significant –March 20, 2015
was the day of Ugadi, the traditional
Karnataka New Year. More than four
thousand associates gathered together
in the general canteen of the
Bengaluru Plant to celebrate the
official launch.
In his presentation to associates
during the event, Steffen Berns,
Managing Director of Bosch Limited
and President, Bosch Group India,
Cover Story | 5
Bosch India News | December 2015
We are Bosch was also launched at one of Bosch Limited’s newest plants in Gangaikondan, Tamil Nadu
gave an overview of the new mission
statement and its important elements.
He expanded upon the “motivation”,
“objective”, “strategic focal points”,
“strengths” and “values”. On “
shaping change”, one of the strategic
focal points, Berns stressed that “We
must drive and shape change and not
be driven by changes.” The Bosch
India Vision Statement’s alignment
with the new mission statement
elements was also highlighted.
In his concluding remarks Berns said,
“I think that “We are Bosch” is an
excellent summary of what we are,
what drives us and what we have to do.
Let’s use it to become even stronger.”
The launch event also included a
number of cultural activities and
audience interaction sessions. One of
the highlights of the event was the
unveiling of the “We are Bosch” 3D
letters by senior management and
specially invited associates. The
blocks, painted and signed by
representatives from eight
different Bosch India legal entities
were revealed to loud cheers and
applause. Following this, a skit
contest, quizzes and an
entertainment program put on by
associates brought the event to a
A separate event was held for the
night shift associates, where a shorter
version of the morning program was
Events at other locations
Bosch Automotive Electronics India
Private Limited (RBAI) and Robert
Bosch Engineering and Business
Solutions Limited (RBEI) held their
launch events in March as well with a
mix of senior management
presentations and employee
engagement activities. Other Bosch
India locations held their launch
events in the months that followed.
Very often, a local flavor was given to
the We are Bosch launches –while
RBAI sang a We are Bosch song in
Kannada and the video was published
on the intranet, the new Bosch
Gangaikondan Plant put on a show
heavily influenced by Tamil cinema.
As part of the sustained activities to
further propagate the We are Bosch
message, Bosch associates and
department heads were encouraged to
discuss and debate what the
statement meant to their department
and division. Workshops and dialog
events were also held in plants across
the country, to communicate the
content of the statement and ensure
6 | Cover Story
Bosch India News | December 2015
Associates at Bosch Automotive Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd. gather together for a group photograph during the We are Bosch launch event.
that all associates understood it and
were able to adapt it to their
daily work.
The letter blocks unveiled at the
Bengaluru launch are now
making their way around Bosch India
locations – their journey across the
country is expected to finish by
mid-December. Ultimately, the aim
behind the launches and these
activities is to ensure that associates
like Jyoti Modi are able to comprehend
the key messages in We are
Bosch – that we are able to meet and
overcome the challenges that a
constantly changing business
environment brings and that as an
organization we are ready for the
future today and in the days and years
to come.
Bosch associates gather together at Bosch Limited’s Jaipur Plant to celebrate the new mission statement.
Lead Story | 7
Bosch India News | December 2015
Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister
Modi visit Bosch in Bengaluru
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chancellor Angela Merkel pose with Bosch Vocational Center apprentices Sneha B and Sunil Kumar, while
holding replica Make in India lions crafted and presented to them by BVC apprentices and staff.
The Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and the German
Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel
visited the facilities of Bosch in
Bangalore on October 6, 2015. The
visit was part of the chancellor’s
three-day state visit to India, which
focuses on innovation and technology,
as well as skill development.
At Bosch, the high-level
delegation found out about the
company’s research, engineering,
and vocational education activities in
India. “Our commitment to developing
talent and the competence of our
local engineers are part of our success
story in India,” said Peter Tyroller,
the member of the Bosch board of
management responsible for Asia
He emphasized the significant
contribution that Indian engineers
have made to Bosch’s success story
in India, as well as to their current
importance for the company’s
worldwide activities in many strategic
areas such as data mining and smart
manufacturing. “India is a key location
in our global innovation network.
To further strengthen our presence
in the country, we plan to invest
INR 650 crores (over 100 million
euros) in 2015,” Tyroller added. The
company recently opened a new site
for the manufacturing of automotive
components in Bidadi. Over the
medium and long-term, the company
expects to see positive development
in India. “The Indian government
is systematically addressing key
issues. We are confident that this
will positively impact the country’s
development,” said Dr. Steffen Berns,
president of the Bosch Group in India.
“Especially in areas such as mobility,
infrastructure, industry, energy and
security, there are many opportunities
for our products and solutions,” Berns
8 | Lead Story
Bosch India News | December 2015
Steffen Berns (RBIN/P) addresses the media after the visit of PM Modi and Chancellor Merkel
Bosch implements smart
manufacturing in India
The company also sees possibilities in
India in the field of connected
industry, or “Industry 4.0”. Bosch is a
leading global provider and exponent
of connected industry. The company
offers a broad range of solutions such
as drives, automation, sensors,
software, and predictive
maintenance. “By 2018, we aim to
implement connected production in
all our 14 manufacturing locations
across the country,” Berns said during
the delegation’s visit.
Industry 4.0 is already reality at
several Bosch plants in India: In
Bangalore, the company uses
real-time data to shorten throughput
times for the calibration of pumps for
tractors. The location also provides
associates with smartwatches that
promptly notify them of a machine
malfunction. Thanks to real-time
monitoring, manufacturing
downtimes can be prevented and
productivity improved.
Successes with data mining and skill
training programs
Bosch’s largest development center
outside Germany is located in
Bangalore and Coimbatore in southern
India, and has over 12,000 research
and development associates. One
of the center’s areas of focus is on
developing solutions for connected
industry. Since 2014, the development
center in Bangalore has also been
focusing on big data analytics.
One application example of data
analytics is the “e-call modeling.” This
estimates the probability of injury
severity based on real-time vehicle,
accident, and environment
information. This information can be
used by emergency service providers
to prioritize the type of ambulance
service needed to reach an accident
location. To develop the solution,
data-mining techniques were used to
analyze automobile accident data
collected by various government
The VIP guests also visited the
Bosch Vocational Center (BVC) at
Adugodi and were taken through the
award winning institution’s training
program. They interacted with BVC
apprentices, both girls and boys, and
were also given an overview of the
company’s CSR activities.
Event | 9
Bosch India News | December 2015
New Bosch Diesel Systems manufacturing
plant at Bidadi inaugurated
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah lights the lamp during the inauguration of the Bidadi Plant.
The skies might have been laden with
late monsoon clouds in Bengaluru, but
inside the new Bosch Diesel Systems
plant in Bidadi that was inaugurated
on August 27, 2015, the festive spirit
was high and colorful enough to dispel
any sign of gloom.
The Chief Minister of Karnataka state,
Siddaramaiah, was the chief guest
at the inauguration which was also
presided over by senior Bosch
management representatives
including Peter Tyroller, Member of
the Board of Management, Robert
Bosch GmbH, Steffen Berns,
Managing Director, Bosch Limited,
Soumitra Bhattacharya, Joint
Managing Director, Bosch Limited,
and Andreas Wolf, Executive Vice
President, Manufacturing &
Quality, Bosch Limited. The Karnataka
government was also represented
by Karnataka Industries Minister RV
“With the inauguration of our 14th
manufacturing plant, we are
strengthening our ties with India,”
said Berns in his address to the
audience comprising Bosch
associates, customers and business
partners. The state of Karnataka was
the region where Bosch established
its first manufacturing operations
in India. The company now has five
manufacturing locations across
Karnataka – all of which are state of
the art units which are comparable to
10 | Event
Bosch India News | December 2015
The new Bosch plant at Bidadi.
facilities in developed countries. “We
see a lot of growth potential in India,
therefore continue to invest heavily
in infrastructure, technology and also
in the development of people,” said
Berns. The Bidadi plant will produce
new generation technologies that will
help in meeting the upcoming Bharat
Stage IV emission legislation
requirements and in future the BS V
and BS VI legislations.
“Bosch is a trusted friend of India
and also Karnataka”
Siddaramaiah, Deshpande and the
Bosch senior management together
unveiled a plaque to mark the formal
inauguration of the plant. In his
remarks, Deshpande stressed the
positive contributions Bosch had
made to the development of the
manufacturing sector in the state.
“Bosch is a trusted friend of India and
also Karnataka,” he said. The
minister also promised to leave no
stone unturned in bringing in more
transparency and enabling ease of
business in the state.
“I was part of the groundbreaking
ceremony for this plant in September
2013,” the Chief Minister said. “I am
really impressed with the facility that
has come up in the short span of two
years.” Siddaramaiah also spoke of
Bosch’s (then Mico) long ties with the
state and the affection people
continue to have for the brand.
A tryst with India that only grows
Tyroller in his address to the audience
spoke about Bosch’s positive outlook
for the Asian market – and India in
particular. “India is a key part of the
company’s growth strategy in Asia.
India offers promising opportunities
in mobility, infrastructure, security,
energy, manufacturing and
healthcare,” he said. “It’s a market
with tremendous potential.”
“We at Bosch strive to bring more
products and services to India and are
looking for ways to increase
opportunities and delivering in an
effective manner,” said Berns. And it
is clear that the Bidadi Plant will help
Bosch India achieve these goals in the
immediate and long-term future.
Event | 11
Bosch India News | December 2015
Bosch Limited inaugurates its new Gasoline
Systems plant at Gangaikondan
The new Gasoline Systems plant at Gangaikondan, Tamil Nadu
Bosch inaugurated its sixth
manufacturing unit in India at State
Industries Promotion Corporation of
Tamil Nadu (SIPCOT) Gangaikondan,
Tamil Nadu on January 22, 2015. Built
with an investment of around 500
million INR (6.2 million euro) and
spread across 6,500 square meters of
built up area, this new facility of Bosch
Limited in India will facilitate the
company’s Gasoline Systems business
to further localize manufacturing and
increase cost-competitiveness.
“It is important for our Gasoline
Systems business division to have a
strong manufacturing foot-print in an
important and growing market like
India. The extended local production
capabilities in this new state-of-the art
location will help Gasoline
Systems to further grow its market
share with a competitive product
portfolio,” commented Steffen Berns,
Managing Director of Bosch Limited
on the inauguration of the plant.
The plant was officially inaugurated
by Stefan Kampmann, Executive Vice
President, Gasoline Systems, Franz
Hauber, the former Executive Vice
President, Manufacturing and
Quality, Bosch Limited and Sandeep N,
Regional President, Gasoline Systems,
Bosch Limited. “The new plant is an
important part of Bosch’s strategy to
enter the competitive two-wheeler
market in India with Electronic Fuel
Injection systems,” added Sandeep N.
The facility will produce power train
sensors, fuel delivery modules and air
management components for
automotive and two-wheeler systems.
Prior to the inauguration of this new
manufacturing facility, Gasoline
Systems division shared the Bosch
Naganathapura manufacturing facility
for its local production.
12 | Senior Management
Bosch India News | December 2015
Andreas Wolf: “For Bosch, India offers
great opportunities”
Andreas Wolf took over the role of Executive Vice President Manufacturing and Quality, Bosch Limited, earlier this year. Wolf has
had a long and varied career with Bosch and as he takes on his new
responsibilities at Bosch India, the Bosch India News editorial team sat
down for an interview with him to talk about his experiences in India,
challenges and opportunities the country offers, his impressions of RBIN
and his plans for his tenure here and his interests outside of work.
BI News: To begin with, could you
tell us about your background,
education and career so far?
Wolf: Sure! I was born in Plauen in
East Germany. I studied Mechanical
Engineering at the TU Dresden in
Germany and in Leningrad in the
Soviet Union.
I’ve been working for Bosch since
1990. I’ve lived in various countries
as part of my career here. I’ve worked
in Schwieberdingen and Homburg
(both in Germany), in Jihlava (the
Czech Republic), in Bursa (Turkey)
and in Feuerbach (Germany). Before I
came to India I was the technical plant
manager at the Feuerbach Plant and
IPN-leader, Common Rail Pumps.
I have been married for almost 27
years and I have one son who is also a
mechanical engineer.
BI News: In the time you’ve spent
so far in Bengaluru and India, what
has made the greatest impression on
Wolf: As someone who grew up in East
Germany, India has loomed large in
my consciousness. I was aware about
the non-violent, Gandhian way that
helped the country win freedom in
1947. These were important lessons
for Germans like me who experienced
the peaceful re-unification of our
country in 1989.
Now that I’m here, I can appreciate
the country even more. India in
general is impressive – and true to
its slogan “Incredible India”. The
three most interesting facts from my
perspective are its history, diversity
and the way it tries to balance
the traditional and modern. The
thousands of years of Indian history
has meant that this country has made
unparalleled contributions to the
progress of mankind in fields such as
mathematics, architecture, literature
and so on. I find the diversity of this,
the world’s largest democracy, to be
unique. People following various
religions, speaking different
languages and from a variety of
economic classes co-exist. They follow
their own traditions and manage to be
respectful of each other.
When I look at the “modern” aspect of
India, I remember my first visit to the
country in 2008. At the time,
Bengaluru’s roads were mainly
crowded by three-wheelers. A Maruti
Suzuki Swift looked like a premium
car. Now that I am back here in 2015,
I have noticed that the size of the
cars have gone up and many new
roads have been constructed – for
example, the new highway between
Mumbai and Nashik. In Bengaluru, the
progress is more visible: taller
buildings are being erected, new
businesses are being developed.
Overall, like most emerging
economies, millions of people have
been leaving poverty and entering the
middle class. This is good for Bosch
– after all, they will be our potential
customers. Also, the fact that India’s
population is so young – the median
age here is 25 – makes it a unique
market, one with promising
opportunities for companies like ours.
As for Bengaluru – my perception is
that it is a beautiful city, a green city
with impressive architecture and
interesting surroundings (I hope
to explore these in due time!). The
climate also makes it very appealing.
The only downside would be the daily
traffic jams!
BI News: Now that you’ve spent
almost a month at Bosch India, what
about RBIN has impressed you?
What are the areas for improvement?
Wolf: Bosch in India is unique from
many perspectives. With more than
26,000 associates it covers almost 10
percent of Bosch’s global employee
strength in total. In line with our new
mission statement “We are Bosch”
and our slogan “Invented for Life”, we
develop, produce and sell products
that help people in India to improve
their lives. During my orientation I
have had the opportunity to visit some
plants. I have seen many production
Senior Management | 13
Bosch India News | December 2015
sites, which surely belong to best class
performers within the Bosch
International Production Network, but
honestly speaking, I have seen also
areas for improvement in workplace
safety, quality and productivity. What
has really impressed me and I find
extremely encouraging is the
enthusiasm of many people to drive
the daily improvement process.
Wolf: For Bosch, India offers great
opportunities – the greatest being the
opportunity to contribute and benefit
from the country’s growth. However,
this will only happen if succeed in
developing the right products at the
right time. This requires accurate and
continuous monitoring of the market
requirements, agility and operational
RBIN is a quite complex organization,
working in a kind of a matrix structure
and by more or less defined processes.
And, to tell the truth, I am still learning
the meanings of all the abbreviations
and acronyms!
From my perspective and based on my
role here at RBIN, operational
excellence in manufacturing and
quality is the biggest challenge.
Improving productivity and quality
is decisive in order for Bosch to stay
competitive in India. We need
significant improvements, pretty fast.
Here, innovations like Bosch
Production System (BPS) and those
arising from connected industry will
help us.
BI News: You’ve worked at Bosch
for more than two decades and
in various countries – what, in
your mind, sets it apart from its
Wolf: Indeed, this year I’m going to
celebrate my 25th anniversary with
Bosch. India is the sixth milestone in
my career here. I’ve never
regretted my decision to work for
Bosch. There is something special
about it that makes it a great Company.
Our slogan “Invented for Life” I’ve
already mentioned – but there is much
more to this. Bosch is a global player,
offering people unique
opportunities in terms of work
experience in an international
environment and the chance to
develop their careers across the
world. The Company has been
predicting and shaping the future with
disruptive technologies and products
– for example, Diesel and Gasoline
Direct Injection, the Connected Car,
the pioneering ESP and so on. Its
attitude of looking for sustainability
and long-term success, not
shareholder value makes it really
unique. Its fair treatment of associates
and its accountability towards society
and the environment sets it apart.
Most of all, I think the Company’s
adherence to its Values – the
foundation of the new We are Bosch
mission statement – makes it stand
head and shoulders above the rest.
BI News: What do you see as the
greatest opportunity and the biggest
challenge for Bosch in India?
Government legislations are also an
opportunity for Bosch to provide the
right product for the Indian market.
Take for example the upcoming Bharat
Stage V norms – if the government
decides to enact this, then we need to
manage the ramp-up of our new
Common Rail System.
The infrastructure issues here,
especially those related to the road
networks, are a challenge for the
manufacturing sector, too. The new
government at the centre has
announced plans to spend on
upgrading these networks and that
is cause for hope. I hope with better
roads and urban infrastructure the
traffic gridlock one faces daily in
Bengaluru will be a thing of the past!
As you can see, there are many
challenging tasks ahead. I’m really
looking forward to drive these
activities with the RBIN team in the
coming years.
BI News: How would you describe
your leadership style?
Wolf: I would describe it as
cooperative, transparent,
respectful – but direct. To be more
specific, I believe working
relationships should be based on
mutual trust, but with clear targets
and success orientation. I expect
my team members to come up with
proposals and activities instead of
excuses. Mistakes must be
admitted, corrected and lessons
learned to be implemented. After
discussion and agreement I also
expect that timelines and due dates
are kept.
But, finally we should enjoy our work,
or at least, the results of our work.
BI News: What are your interests
outside of work? What do you do to
Wolf: I do have a life outside of Bosch!
Among my hobbies are travelling and
photography. And as India is surely
a photographer’s paradise, I will
definitely be making time to do more
I am also a runner – I usually run three
to four times per week. And I usually
participate in half marathons around
four times a year. I’ve already
discovered my preferred my running
track in Bengaluru – Lalbagh! You can
usually find me there on Saturdays and
Sundays early in the morning,
running. I know the city has an
enthusiastic runners’ community and
a number of running events – so I am
looking forward to participating in
some half marathons here too.
BI News: You have made a career as
an engineer – but if you had a chance
to have an alternate career, what
would it be?
Wolf: I would want nothing
else – engineering is my passion. It is
an occupation dedicated to making
real things and the transformation of
concepts into tangible objects.
Engineers are vital for economic
progress. Our marketing colleagues
are of course important in
evaluating the business success or
viability of ideas, but at the end of
the day, the benefits to the customer
validates the efforts of engineers and
And in my experience, nowhere can
one have more joy than in production!
So I don’t wish to have an alternate
career – I don’t regret even one day
I’ve worked as an engineer!
14 | History
Bosch India News | December 2015
#VintageBosch campaign reveals little
known stories from Bosch India history
Associates at BanP reminisce together during the Historical Communications campaign roll -out
For the great French writer Marcel
Proust, just tasting a tea biscuit was
enough to be transported to a
childhood memory.
Sometimes the most ordinary of
objects – a keychain, a calendar,
a certificate or a pen – can act as a
portal to bygone times. In May 2015,
the Bosch India Historical
Communications team issued a call
to all Bosch associates (both current
and past) to send in their pictures
of objects that were #VintageBosch.
The entries were soon pouring
in: old ID cards, events, drawings,
posters, bags, newsletters. These
are not mere knickknacks. Each of
these items presents a treasured,
highly individual story that is an
unbreakable bond between an
associate and the
company. A watch given on
completion of a personal milestone. A
poster that awakened the associate’s
concern for the environment.
The objective of the campaign was
to introduce and create awareness
about the Historical Communications
Center in the BanP campus and
communicate the importance of
archival to the
Deena Jacob from the Corporate
Communications team, who was
handling the campaign, said, “The
historical communications team was
definitely overwhelmed by the
response to the campaign. We
expected only senior associates who
had been with Mico to relate more
with the initiative, but the enthusiasm
of the younger employees has
definitely acted as encouragement
and inspired us to take these
initiatives forward.”
The roll-out of the campaign:
A 1966 letter sent to Mr. V. Guru asking him to attend the written test for employement with
Bosch (then Mico)
The Bosch Historical Communications
team communicated the history and
the legacy of Bosch India through
posters and flex banners which were
sent to all locations across India. The
team also published stories from
Bosch India (then Mico) history on
History | 15
Bosch India News | December 2015
the intranet – many of these stories
resulted in associates sharing their
own memories of the company from
years ago.
The History Quiz
As part of the campaign, the team
organized a quiz contest across
locations. The questions were mainly
about the founders, establishment of
the company and Bosch technologies.
The team leveraged both the
enterprise 2.0 platform, Bosch
Connect, and on ground quiz stations
to reach the maximum possible
audience. The questions and posters
were also translated into Kannada,
Marathi, Hindi and Tamil.
The contest proved to be quite
popular – more than 100 entries were
received and the top five associates
who’d given the most number of
correct answers were given Bosch
goodies as prizes.
In order to disseminate more
historical communication, the team
also created a special community
on Bosch Connect which has since
become a popular channel for
associates to trade stories and share
information about the company’s
#VintageBosch on external channels
The team ensured that the special
history of the company was not
confined to an internal audience –web
banners went live on the Bosch India
website during the campaign and the
online version of the history
publication, “A Short Memoir of Bosch
India” was also launched.
On social media, the campaign was run
for threeweeks. On Facebook, page
likes increased from by almost two
hundred and considerable audience
The evolution of the ID badge at Bosch over the decades, contributed by associate Ramesh R
engagement and impressions were
also generated on Twitter. It was also
observed that Bosch’s social media
channels generated more engagement
when historical photos and facts were
Historical archives are a vital business
necessity for a global corporation like
Bosch that has been in existence for
more than a century. They are also
important to increase and engender
stronger bonds among associates as
well – after all, the past is key to
understanding what makes the
company special and gives it its
unique identity.
16 | Feature
Bosch India News | December 2015
Bosch Rexroth notches up historic success
with NMDC project
pneumatically pressurized manifold
covers for key areas, special high
voltage electric motors for one of
the systems and riveted tags for all
labels on the system. Bosch Rexroth
India initiated the RFQ review of the
project using its standard Project
Management phase gate process
review system. This ensured that all
stakeholders were involved at theright
stage and the correct decisions were
made while offering thesolution to the
customers and mitigating all possible
risk factors.
The Bosch Rexroth India project for NMDC was an excellent example of cooperation and
Global cooperation, collaboration and
technical expertise – key Bosch
strengths – were critical in ensuring
that Bosch Rexroth India’s recently
completed project for the National
Mineral Development Corporation
was a stellar success.
NMDC is a Government of India fully
owned public enterprise and is the
country’s largest iron ore producer
and exporter. NMDC is presently
setting up a new greenfield 3 million
tons per annum (MTPA) integrated
steel plant in Nagarnar under the
technical and project consultancy
of Mecon Ltd., a public sector
undertaking under the Ministry of
Steel, Government of India. The plant
is part of NMDC’s expansion, value
addition and forward integration
One of the single largest hydraulic
systems manufactured in India
The project required drive and
controls for casters, hot strip mills,
coke ovens and so on. Danieli India
Limited won the order for installing
major packages of casters and the
hot strip mill for this project. Bhilai
Engineering Corporation (BEC) won
the order for installing the coke oven.
For the casters and hot strip mill
project, Danieli India in turn entrusted
Bosch Rexroth with the manufacturing
of the package – the project was
one of the single largest hydraulic
systems ever manufactured in India.
The package manufactured by Bosch
Rexroth India included oil reservoir
units, recirculation units, main
pump-motor stations, accumulator
units, assembled manifold blocks for
onboard machine mounting, valve
stands, servo and high response
valves, integrated test benches to test
different hydraulic component and
a set of auxiliary items like portable
oil filling units, contamination
monitoring units, electro static
cleaners, vacuum dehydrators etc.
For Bosch Rexroth in India, the
manufacture of the high response and
servo valves to be used for different
applications like mould oscillation,
segment control, automatic gauge
controlhas been a key success. This
is arguably the biggest reference for
Bosch Rexroth globally against a very
strong competitor in this market.
Bosch Rexroth made this success
possible by agreeing to develop and
match all special features,
characteristics, interfaces and
parameters to fulfill the requirements
of the project.
Among other technical requirements,
the project also demanded
special coating on the manifolds,
The success in this project acquisition
was initiated at a very earlystage.
Prior to the finalization of the order, a
delegation from Danieli India and Italy
came to visit Bosch Rexroth’s stateof-the-art plant at Sanand and the
impressions of the plant capacity, size
and facilities ensured that company
was the first preference for the
An excellent example of cooperation
and coordination
This project is also an excellent
example of global cooperation
and coordination as Bosch Rexroth
India coordinated with its units
in Germany and Italy to make the case
stronger. In the final stage of the
acquisition, top management of both
Bosch Rexroth and Danieli were
involved and an agreement for the
order was reached. Bosch Rexroth
India worked in close cooperation
with the OEM Bhilai Engineering
Corporation for bagging the order
for the various hydraulic systems and
over 500 cylinders for the coke oven
application for the same project.
The successful acquisition of these
orders was supported by the close
collaboration between various
Bosch Rexroth technical, project
management and quality departments.
The effective and efficient execution
of these projects will only help in
strengthening Bosch Rexroth India’s
position for upcoming projects.
Feature | 17
Bosch India News | December 2015
Being genuine, buying genuine- Bosch
K4000 Rally educates customers pan- India
The K4000 rally was flagged off at Kanyakumari
Spearheaded by the Automotive
Aftermarket division, the Bosch
K4000 Rally was an initiative that
aimed to generate awareness among
customers about Bosch’s extensive
offerings. The three-week long
customer engagement drive across
India was flagged off on February 02,
2015. The rally aimed to reach over
40,000 customers across 680 locations
in India. The rally brought together
the division’s key stakeholders to
communicate a unified message and
introduce their core strategy of ‘Parts,
Bytes & Services’. There was also a
presentation of a complete range of
innovative technologies and solutions.
Asserting Bosch’s leadership in the
Indian automotive aftermarket
Taking the rally across the nation, the
initiative comprised more than 2,000
customer activities. These included
mechanic, retailer and fleet owner
meets, merchandising drives as well
as product demonstrations. With
over 1,000 authorized distribution
partners on one hand, and over
3,000 authorized workshops that
are engaged in unit repairs as well as
vehicle service on the other, Bosch’s
AA has a dominant presence in all the
key markets of the country. The event
asserted Bosch’s leadership status in
the Indian automotive aftermarket.
Positioning Bosch as customers’ first
The Bosch K4000 Rally emphasized
working towards enabling greener
mobility through its ‘Genuine Parts’
drive, which aimed to educate
the AA division’s stakeholders
on the environmental effects of
using spurious parts in vehicles.
Speaking about this initiative, AA
Sales Manager Suryanarayana Rao
Srinivasa said, “We were able to
give 58,600 customers at 680 sites a
better understanding of the diversity
and quality of our products.” These
figures came from a micro site that
allowed participants to report on
their campaigns. “We really left our
mark all over the country,” said
Srinivasa. He believes that K4000
could be used as a model for other
emerging markets “such as Thailand
or China, where the markets are a
similar size and fragmented in the
same way.”
18 | Feature
Bosch India News | December 2015
Power Tools conducts the “Try Bosch –
Change Your Life” campaign
This July, Power Tools India kicked off
the first leg of the “Try Bosch – Change
Your Life” campaign in several areas
of Bengaluru city such as NR Road,
SJP Road, and SP Road. The main aim
of the campaign was to demonstrate
the efficiency, ease of use and safety of
Bosch power tools to dealers, industry
professionals and consumers through
roadshows across India.
The campaign involved on-ground
activations to drive footfalls to dealer
points and centres. It took Bosch
Power Tools to the relevant audience
through hands-on demonstrations of
the brand’s professional tools.
The kick-off activities were focused
on giving customers a touch and feel
experience of Bosch tools in a
pre-fabricated trial unit. Participants
were invited to try the tools and
special discounts were given for
customers who purchased the tools.
The campaign reinforced Bosch’s
commitment to providing professional
tool users with a comprehensive
portfolio of power tools that are
durable, convenient and easy to
operate. The program is being
executed not just in Bengaluru but
across India. Try Bosch also took place
in Rajasthan in August through a retail
campaign and dealer meets with some
newly launched products such as the
GWS-750 (angle grinder) and the GDC120 (marble cutter).
“The ‘Try Bosch-Change Your
Life’ Campaign provides a unique
opportunity for us to showcase
the widest range of quality Bosch
solutions for the most demanding
projects. The campaign features
the finest of Bosch innovative tools,
and will highlight key features that
are applicable to professionals in
highly demanding sectors. The
Power Tool market is evolving and
Bosch undoubtedly has the highest
market share and being a leader in the
market we need to encompass more
users. Our focus at all times is to get
users to convert from hand tools to
power tools besides exploring new
applications being made possible
by Bosch innovations such as the
cordless range of tools,” said Maneesh
Sharma, Head of Marketing for Blue
Professional Tools.
The “Try Bosch – Change Your Life”
initiative highlights Bosch’s expertise
in a wide range of product groups,
including products for construction,
metal and wood working such as
hammers, grinders, marble cutters,
cordless screw drivers and
Feature | 19
Bosch India News | December 2015
Bosch Novotel project is a role model for
Indian hospitality industry
In December 2014, Bosch’s
Thermotechnology business
commissioned a first-of-its-kind solar
water heating project for the Novotel
Bengaluru Techpark.
With this project, guests at the Novotel
Bengaluru Techpark can be assured
that when they take a hot shower or
have their laundry done, these actions
will have a minimal impact on the
environment. The systems help the
hotel save 30 to 35 liters of diesel per
day on average. The hotel’s emissions
will reduce by 46.41 tons per year
– that’s equivalent to growing 1,080
seedlings over 10 years.
At the formal inauguration of the
project, Jörn Rohde, the Consul
General of Germany at the formal
inauguration of the project said,
“Climate change is a big reality and we
can’t undo the damage done. We can,
however, save energy and limit any
further impact on the environment.
But this requires a collective response
and innovation.” Joining him in
inaugurating the project were Puneet
Dhawan, General Manager Delegate,
ibis and Novotel Bengaluru Techpark,
Soumitra Bhattacharya, Joint
Managing Director, Bosch Limited
and Venugopalan C M, Head of Bosch
India’s Energy Business. Rohde said
that he was glad to see Bosch India
and Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH
(DENA), the German Energy Agency
join together to undertake the project
– the very kind of collective response
needed to mitigate the impact of
climate change and reduce
dependency on fossil fuels.
A first of its kind project in India
Initially, the boilers at Novotel were
being fuelled by diesel to heat 34,000
liters of water per day. With the
installation of the 12,000 liters
(capacity) Bosch solar water heating
system, Novotel will now reduce its
dependence on diesel, thus allowing
the hotel to cut down its annual diesel
consumption by 55 percent. In the six
months since the installation, the hotel
had managed to reduce more than
hour of running the hot water boiler.
Installed on the roof of the hotel
at Marathahalli, the project is the
first of its kind in India. The system
makes use of the efficient Bosch solar
thermal Flat Plate collectors that have
been developed using the company’s
own innovative full absorber sheet
technology. These collectors absorb
heat from the sun’s rays and use
it to heat the water which is then
accumulated in a storage tank.
The system is designed to provide hot
water at a temperature of 60 °C which
is then supplied to the guest and
laundry rooms and the kitchens of
the hotel as well. The installation of
the system itself was carried out in a
way so as to not disturb the existing
utilities on the hotel rooftop. A
completely automated system, it is
hoped that the project will act as an
example for the hospitality industry
as a whole in India as there is low
penetration of renewable energy in
the sector.
It is projects like this, said
Bhattacharya, which would address
the big ticket items for India such
as energy and infrastructure. Given
that almost 35 to 40 percent power
is lost due to transmission, theft and
distribution in the country, there
are great chances for improving the
erratic power supply. “What we are
seeing here today is change,” he said,
“and the Accor group shows the way
for other hotel chains in India.”
A successful partnership
In his remarks to the assembled
journalists and project stakeholders at
the inauguration, Venugopalan spoke
about the successful partnership
between Bosch, DENA and the Accor
group that helped in the successful
execution of the project. “This is a
historic project for the hospitality
industry in India. Given the hotel’s
location on what I believe is the largest
IT corridor in the world, it will also
act as a great reference project for the
residents of this city.”
Commenting on the initiative Dhawan
said, “To harness solar energy is in
line with Accor’s Planet 21 program,
which is a comprehensive sustainable
development program. We are
delighted to partner with Bosch
who is helping us reduce our carbon
footprint. Novotel’s initiative
underscores the urgency that is
needed for us to direct our efforts, to
change our production and
consumption patterns in line with the
goal of protecting our planet.”
20 | Profile
Bosch India News | December 2015
Turning a passion for motorcycles
into a vocation
Shreyansh Srivastava with Onishi Yoshitsuna of Chassis Systems Japan.
Thirty year old Shreyansh Srivastava
is the living epitome of the Confucian
dictum, “Choose a job you love,
and you never have to work a day
in your life.” After all, how many
passionate motorcycle enthusiasts
can legitimately claim to be working
on technologies that make the twowheeler riding experience safer and
more enjoyable?
An engineer with Robert Bosch
Chassis Systems Limited, Srivastava
considers himself truly lucky to be
working every day on advanced
two wheeler technologies. “I am
an automotive engineering postgraduate from the Vellore Institute of
Technology,” says Srivastava. “I got an
internship at Chassis Systems through
a campus placement.” During his
internship period at Chassis Systems,
Srivastava submitted a project on
vehicle dynamics, one where he
researched technologies that allowed
proportional load sensing on the
vehicle to ensure proper safety. “I got
very good guidance on the project and
I was inspired to learn more about the
technologies that Chassis Systems was
working on.” Not long afterwards, he
was given an engineering role in the
company, working initially on
foundation brakes and testing
projects. After a period of settling
in and familiarizing himself with the
technology, he opted to join the
Chassis Systems’ ABS (Anti-Lock
Braking System) application division.
“I initially worked on passenger car
applications – and that was great
learning experience to get a proper
grip on the basics. But my passion has
always been for two-wheelers.” He
chose to work on ABS technology for
two-wheelers and as part of this, he
got the opportunity to go to Japan in
“I got to learn how things should be
For Srivastava, getting to Japan and
working on ABS development for
two-wheelers is pretty much the major
highlight of his career so far.
“It was truly an eye-opener,” he says.
“Japan is home to the world’s most
advanced two-wheeler technologies.
There are some amazing bike
companies and so to get the chance
to go there and work on cutting edge
technologies – that was living the
dream for me! In Japan, I got to work
on the Bajaj front-wheel ABS project.”
This year, two bikes equipped with the
front-wheel ABS - the Bajaj Pulsar RS
200 with optional front-wheel ABS and
KTM RC 390 - have been launched in
the Indian market.
“I got to learn how things should be
done from the development and
engineering perspective. Now, of
course, I am getting to see the fruits
of the work I did in Japan on Indian
roads – for any engineer, it’s an
incredible personal achievement to
see the technologies you work on in
action in real life.” As someone who
is a keen biker and has experienced
Profile | 21
Bosch India News | December 2015
some bad falls on his bike, Srivastava
is keenly aware of the need for safety
technologies like ABS on Indian
roads. “I know how bad the injuries
can be – you would not wish that on
anyone else. So technologies like ABS
are necessary to ensure no one has
to go through the pain of such bad
“A unique culture”
Srivastava loves working with Bosch.
“The technologies that you get to work
on are cutting-edge and ahead of their
time, especially in a market like India.
Plus, you get the opportunity to work
with international teams and projects.
The company has such a unique
culture – one that encourages you to
broaden your horizons and learn as
much as possible.”
When asked about how he managed to
adjust to the cultural differences
during his stay in Japan, Srivastava
says, “I was born in Allahabad and did
my schooling in Mumbai and Pune. I
went off to Tamil Nadu to do my
Masters in Technology. So in a way I
was used to moving around a lot and
experiencing different cultures at a
local level here in India. My colleagues
here at Bosch are also a diverse bunch
from different regions and you also
get to interact with international
colleagues. So I think the lessons
I learned through my experiences
served me well when I had to go to
Japan. The colleagues there were
warm and welcoming and there was
no question of there being any kind of
roadblocks or hurdles while working
with them.”
Onishi Yoshitsuna of the Chassis
Systems in Japan, part of the team
that worked on the ABS for both the
Bajaj and KTM bike models released
this year, was an inspiring mentor
to Srivastava. “He was another in a
line of technology experts here at
Bosch who helped me understand the
basics of the technology and helped
deepen the understanding of the
processes involved in bringing it to
implementation stage.”
During his time in Japan, Srivastava
got plenty of time to bond with the
team – one of the more memorable
experiences he had definitely was a
motorcycle tour with them through
Japan and its remarkable landscapes.
“I had biked across various regions in
India prior to that – and the experience
was wonderful. You got to experience
the diversity of the country, the people
and the open road – but Japan was
different. I was riding with a group
of the best two wheeler experts
in the world and that naturally
gave a whole different color to the
experience, ” he says. Right now,
Srivastava is continuing to work on
ABS technology projects but he wants
Srivastava got to tour Japan with his colleagues from Bosch - on motorbikes, of course!
to learn and master the intricacies of
other two wheeler technologies as
well like Bosch’s Motorcycle Stability
Control (MSC). “The long-term goal
here would be to get to work on all
the different Bosch technologies
we develop at Chassis Systems,” he
explains. “While Japan is a center of
competence for technologies like ABS
and it can be a superlative experience
to work there for any young engineer,
the larger and more challenging
market is here in India.”
The country’s unique market
requirements and infrastructure
challenges means that engineers like
Srivastava and his colleagues have
to find ways to localize technologies
like ABS. “A large part of my job –
and that of my colleagues – involves
understanding user behavior here,
the road conditions, research into
accidents and how Bosch technologies
can act as a differentiating factor.”
At present Srivastava and his team
– headed by Antonio Baptista – are
working hard to increase safety of all
vehicles on Indian roads. Ultimately,
says Srivastava, their goal is clear: safe
Indian roads with minimum accidents
and happier customers. “What,” he
asks, “could be a more satisfying
achievement than that?”
22 | Social Media
Bosch India News | December 2015
Work life balance, women power and safety
showcased on Bosch social media
“Our main aim this year was to
increase audience engagement and
showcase key Bosch brand strengths,”
says Somtirtha Das, who handles
Bosch India’s social media
Here’s a round-up of what campaigns
were conducted on Bosch India social
media so far this year:
Work-life balance campaign
Bosch has always believed that
for associates to give their best,
proper work life balance has to be
achieved. The campaign certainly
struck a chord with Bosch associates
themselves – they were asked to pick
eight important keywords which best
exemplified the goal to achieve perfect
“work life balance”. The campaign
generated high engagement on
Facebook among associates – most of
the posts, which showcased associates
who excelled at work and outside the
workplace – received on average 60
In March, coinciding with the
celebrations of International Women’s
Day, Bosch India social media
channels too championed the
advantages of gender diversity in the
workplace. The theme of this year’s
Women’s Day was “#Makeithappen”
and the campaign proved to be quite
a hit with Bosch India Facebook page
likes increasing by 700 in just one day!
#Makeithappen – International
Women’s Day
Bosch’s commitment to safety on
the roads was the theme of this June
campaign. Bosch safety technologies
Bosch India News | December 2015
such as ABS and MSC were
showcased – the aim behind
the campaign was to spread
awareness amongst the
audience about these features and
how they could potentially reduce
accidents and fatalities on Indian
roads. The campaign proved to be
quite popular, generating more
than 3,000 likes on Facebook
#VintageBosch – a look back at
Bosch history
Aimed at shining more light on
forgotten stories and little known
facts about Bosch’s long and
storied history in India, this
campaign which took place over
three weeks in May led to an
astonishing amount of
information sharing on social
media. Associates past and
present as well as their children
shared incredible stories and
pictures on Facebook and through
Social Media | 23
24 | Environment
Bosch India News | December 2015
Bosch reinforces its commitment to
protecting the environment
World Environment Day is observed
every year on June 5, a day designated
by the UN to raise awareness of
environmental issues.
Responsibility and sustainability is
one of the key Bosch values – we act
responsibly in the interest of our
company, also taking the social and
ecological impact of our actions into
consideration. This is why Bosch takes
every opportunity to create awareness
and to promote policies that safeguard
the environment and the company.
This year’s World Environment Day
theme was “Seven billion dreams.
One planet. Consume with care.” In
keeping with this theme, Bosch India
held activities aimed at increasing
associate awareness across various
locations about the fragility of
earth’s ecosystem and the need for
sustainable consumption and green
practices throughout the month.
World Environment Day at Bengaluru
Bosch employees’ vehicles was also
On the occasion of World Environment
Day, the BanP/HSE and CP/TSC
departments jointly arranged for a
supplier’s workshop to promote green
supply chain management and also
create awareness on Bosch’s
environmental and legal
requirements. The three hour
workshop at the BVC Hall was
attended by 30 of our key suppliers,
including KTCPL, INDCARB, and
Hightemp Furnaces. The highlight of
the session was the address by K.M
Nagaraj, Senior Environmental Officer
(SEO), Karnataka State Pollution
Control Board (KSPCB).
Along with this, the Corporate
Communications team organized a
five-day challenge for Bosch India
associates where they were asked to
track and monitor their consumption
patterns. The goal of the challenge was
to enable the associates to monitor
their consumption of precious
natural resources and consciously
look at positive changes and best
practices they could adopt for
“greener” living.
Following this, a tree was planted by
K.M. Nagaraj, Senior Environment
Officer (SEO), Karnataka State
Pollution Control Board (KSPCB).
An emission check campaign for
Nashik Plant
The World Environment Day
celebrations at Nashik included a tree
planting by Andreas Wolf, Executive
Vice President, Manufacturing &
Quality, Bosch Limited and Chintawar
AR (NaP/PT), inauguration of the
Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant, and
Bosch India News | December 2015
Environment | 25
Bosch Rexroth India (DCIN)
DCIN conducted a number of events
on World Environment Day, all tied in
with the theme of sustainable
consumption. At the Ahmedabad
Plant, trees were planted by associates
– 56 in total by management and HSE
team members, an environmental
awareness program was held for
associates and their children, a
workshop on hazardous waste
reduction and saving energy was
conducted, an e-waste collection
campaign run and tulsi and neem
saplings distributed to all.
distribution of saplings by the NaP
Women Network.
Jaipur Plant
At the Jaipur Plant, a slogan/poster/
model/craft competition was held for
associates and 50 trees planted as part
of the plant’s greening efforts. Jute
bags were also distributed to
associates as part of the “Say no to
plastic” campaign.
Naganathapura Plant
At the Naganathapura Plant, an
environmental compliance workshop
for electroplating vendors was held
at the plant premises. This workshop
was meant to address the legal
compliance requirements that the
vendors had to adhere to.
Gangaikondan Plant
At one of our newest plants,
Gangaikondan, environmental posters
and a message from Andreas Wolf on
World Environment Day were
displayed on the premises. A
crossword puzzle contest was also
conducted for associates and
employees worked for one hour in
natural light and ventilation – this
measure saved 74 KWh Electrical
energy which is equal to 0.07 tons of
Robert Bosch Engineering and
Business Solutions (RBEI)
RBEI conducted an online
environmental awareness quiz for all
associates and in association with the
NGO, “Clean Hives”, had organized
stalls that displayed information and
products that would help in
composting organic domestic waste.
RBEI also partnered with Hero
Electric and test rides were organized
on eco bikes and battery operated
bicycles. At RBEI’s Coimbatore
location, art and rangoli contests were
held while tree saplings were planted.
At DCIN’s Andrahalli location, banners
to raise awareness were displayed,
badam, mango, jamun and neem
saplings were distributed, and
information shared on eco-friendly
actions that would help in reducing
carbon footprint. Considering the
positive impact of “planting a sapling”
on the environment, Hejjala Plant
(Rexroth Group) planted few saplings
in the premises. Awareness on the
theme of World Environment Day
2015 was spread to the associates
through banners and short speeches.
Bosch Chassis Systems India Limited
At RBIC’s Chakan Plant, “green
food” was supplied at the canteen,
stalls displayed energy saving LED
products and soil-less agriculture
techniques, free saplings distributed
to all associates, eco-friendly tips
shared among associates and
posters on water and environmental
conservation were also displayed.
26 | Diversity
Bosch India News | December 2015
Bosch celebrates Second Diversity Day
Scenes from the Diversity Day celebrations at Bangalore Plant (left) and Nashik Plant (right).
Bosch celebrated the second Diversity
Day on May 21, 2015. While various
activities brought out the different
dimensions of diversity, it also helped
associates learn more about diversity,
one of the seven values of the new
mission statement “We are Bosch”.
Unveiling the Diversity model
India is a country where “Our unity
lies in our diversity” is an article of
faith among its citizens – and Bosch’s
belief that “Diversity is an advantage”
harmonizes with this fundamental
principle. To convert this belief into
practice, a “diversity model” was
unveiled as a part of the event by
Steffen Berns, Managing Director,
Bosch Limited and President and
Country Head, Bosch Group in India
and Andreas Wolf, Executive Vice
President, Manufacturing & Quality,
Bosch Limited and other members of
the senior management. This model
concentrates on four major types
of diversity: Gender, Generation,
Internationality and Culture.
Diversity fuels our success
“I was quite surprised about the
demographic statistics of RBIN which
has 50 percent of associates who are
below 25 years (Gen Y) and 9 percent
of associates who are below 50 years,”
said Berns. “The energy and
enthusiasm of this population always
keeps Bosch India a young company,”
he added. “Diversity is a way for
sustainable success at Bosch India.
Here, we are one, from the
management to the shop floor,” said
Wolf. This essential concept of the
“Diversity Model” was the key element
and theme of the event. There were
various activities that brought out the
gender, generation, Internationality
and work culture dimensions.
A short play, the highlight of the
event, titled “When the engine met the
pump” was performed. This role-play
portrayed diversity in a humorous and
conceptual way. The characters were
based on various products of Bosch
like A-pump, spark plugs and chassis,
portraying diversity in products.
The play’s participants represented
diversity in gender and generations,
yet again bringing out the core
principles of the diversity model.
The internationality and cultural
aspects of diversity was best
exemplified by Indian and German
associates taking to the stage to dance
to the German song, “Das Rote Pferde
(The Red Horse)”.In the run-up to the
Diversity Day event at RBIN, poetry
and photography contests had been
organized based on the concept of
diversity and the We are Bosch values
respectively. The winners of these
contests were also felicitated at the
end of the event.
Celebrating Diversity across all
Apart from ecstatic celebrations at the
Adugodi location, Boschlers from all
the other locations and entities in
India, also showcased diversity at
their best, portraying the strength
of “We are Bosch” through various
At the Nashik Plant, a three day
extravaganza that began on May 19
and ended on May 21 was held. On
the first day,BVC students performed
the traditional Maharashtrian dance
form “Lazim” on the beats of dhols
and drums to loud acclaim from
the attendees. Following this, the
plant management inaugurated the
“Happy Hour” theme. A live band
comprising Bosch associates and one
minute games were part of the first
day program. The “Happy Hour” on
the second day began with a beautiful
Garba performance (traditional
Gujrati dance form) followed by a
fusion dance by BVC students.
The three-day celebrations ended
with a grand finale on Diversity Day
during which plant management
stressed the importance of diversity
and the need to celebrate it. There
were several stage programs done by
employees, BVC students and even
employees’ children – all stressing the
theme of diversity. The highlights of
the program included a group song
by employees and a flash mob that
proved to be a fitting end to what had
been a truly memorable celebration
at the plant. At Jaipur Plant, activities
such as a Diversity RADAR (in which
maps of India and Germany were
displayed and associates had to mark
their locations of origin), a treasure
hunt, flag hoisting and balloon
ceremony were conducted.
Impact | 27
Bosch India News | December 2015
Bosch lends helping hand to Nepal
earthquake victims
On April 25, one of the most
devastating earthquakes in history
had struck Nepal, the epicenter of
the quake located in the heart of the
Himalayan kingdom. For Siddharth
Jha, Ishu Singhania and Niraw Nishant,
the days that followed were to prove
a definitive experience in their Bosch
Soon after hearing about the
earthquake, Jha – who’d served in the
Indian Air Force and who works now
with Bosch Limited’s Security
Technologies division – was
immediately concerned about the
situation in the country. The company
has a strong presence in Nepal –
with dealer networks under the
Automotive Aftermarket, Power Tools
and Security Systems divisions. He
contacted Steffen Berns, Managing
Director and Country Head, Bosch,
and the senior management came up
with a relief package for the country,
including financial assistance for
partners, five tons of relief supplies,
and three volunteers sent to oversee
distribution. They were also taking
along Bosch Power Tools to help in
clearing debris and rescue efforts.
Strategic and effective deployment
of relief materials
Jha and Singhania – who were to do the
initial ground assessment – travelled
by road to Kathmandu and reached
the city on May 3. Nishant – who
works with the company’s Power
Tools division - was tasked with
procuring additional relief materials
like tarpaulins, medicines and other
materials from New Delhi. While in
Kathmandu, Jha and Singhania caught
up with the Bosch business partners
and assessed the ground damage that
had occurred to them. The partners
themselves were involved in relief
operations, so equipped with more
local knowledge, the Bosch India
team were able to plan strategic and
effective deployment of relief material
in the country.
It was not easy for the three Bosch
associates – first there was the shock
of seeing so much human suffering up
close. Jha says, “Almost every family
was missing loved ones.” Bosch’s
business partners were adversely
affected as well. Then there was the
additional challenge of getting relief
material through. Kathmandu airport
was practically clogged because of the
huge incoming tons of relief supplies
from around the world. The relief
materials procured by Nishant were
packed in a Power Tools warehouse in
the city with the help of the division’s
Sales and Logistics staff.
Nishant was able to convince Jet
Airways to transport a part of the
relief supplies to Nepal free of charge.
The rest of the supplies were sent by
road to Kathmandu.
In Kathmandu, Jha and Singhania
were informed about a badly affected
village that had not yet received any
help. Jha trekked to the village and
found a scene of destruction – no
houses were left standing. However,
the kindness of the villagers was
apparent even in such an event. “Their
hospitality shone through,” says Jha.
“There were no structures left after
the quake and yet, they offered me
rice milk.” As the relief supplies from
India were yet to be cleared through
into Nepal, Jha and Singhania bought
emergency supplies from the local
market with funds provided by Bosch
28 | Impact
for this purpose. Jha also used his contacts in the Indian Air
Force to air drop relief supplies in the village.
All this while, aftershocks continued to affect the
earthquake zone. Jha was in Nuakot district on May 12,
helping in distribution of relief materials to villagers
through the Nepal Army Wives’ Association (NAWA) when a
second major earthquake struck the country. “Two houses
collapsed near us, but luckily no one was injured,” Jha
says. Around 320 families received aid through this relief
Compassion and community spirit
The final consignment of relief materials were sent by road
to Nepal and reached Kathmandu by May 27 – the Rotary
Club there, which was heavily involved in relief operations,
would oversee distribution of these supplies.
The three volunteers returned to India and resumed their
work – but the experience of what they’d witnessed in the
country and the best aspects of community and kindness
is something they won’t forget anytime soon. “I think
that Bosch showcased its true character and values in
helping Nepal,” says Jha. “When the situation demanded
compassion and untiring support, the company offered a
helping hand.”
Bosch India News | December 2015
CSR | 29
Bosch India News | December 2015
Bosch India celebrates first ever Social
Engagement Day
Bosch senior management and CSR committee members during the Social Engagement Day
Bosch has always taken its
responsibility to society seriously.
Bosch India’s has always upheld this
commitment to social engagement
and everyone – from the junior most
associate to senior management –
have done their bit over the years
to improve the conditions of the
locations where the company
In continuation to this long-standing
commitment to CSR activities, Bosch
India celebrated its first ever Social
Engagement Day on February 15, 2015
at the Bosch’s Bengaluru Plant. Aimed
at raising funds for the Primavera
India Trust and encouraging the spirit
of volunteerism among employees, the
event showcased CSR success stories
and emphasized the need to do more
to help the underprivileged in the
Happy to help
On the day itself, volunteers –
associates from Bengaluru locations
and beyond – in their green t-shirts
and smiley badges guided visitors
young and old to the various stalls that
presented the CSR activities
supported by the Bosch Group in
Apart from the joy of volunteering, the
employees and their families got to
see the successes of the Child Health
Development Program, Bosch’s joint
effort with the Agastya Foundation to
make science learning engaging and
exciting in Government Schools with
the Lab-in-a-Box program, the various
initiatives of the Bosch India
Foundation and the work of the trusts
that Primavera India supports in the
Showcasing success stories and
After the walkthrough of stalls, the
visitors made their way to the BanP
canteen, which had been transformed
into an auditorium for the day.
Steffen Berns, President and Country
Head, Bosch India and Managing
30 | CSR
Director, Bosch Limited, Soumitra
Bhattacharya, Joint Managing
Director, Bosch Limited, Franz
Hauber, the former Executive Vice
President, Manufacturing & Quality,
Bosch Limited and Chairman of the
Board of Directors, VK Viswanathan
formally inaugurated the event
with the traditional lighting of the
lamp. Berns and Bhattacharya gave a
global overview of Bosch’s CSR work
and India-specific CSR activities
respectively. Associates were asked
for their contributions generously to
the Primavera India Trust and also
volunteer for the various social causes
that the Bosch Group supports.
Considering the huge gathering for the
special day, Bosch India had used its
creativity in order to make the event a
memorable one for its associates. The
entertainment portion of the evening
got underway with heartwarming
performances by children from the
charitable trusts that Primavera India
Bosch India News | December 2015
The program was interspersed with
success stories from these trusts and
other CSR initiatives, intended to
inspire the watching audience and
underscore the fact that is only
through dedication and compassion
that positive social change can be
stories of social change that the
Company and its associates were
instrumental in realizing. And this had
inspired many to contribute and sign
up to volunteer for the various CSR
Associate talent was also on display
during the event – the young,
enthusiastic employees of RBEI took
to the stage with energetic dances that
showcased the diverse cultures of
India. The RBIN CSR Committee also
took the opportunity to thank the true
heroes of the day – the army of
volunteers who made the event
The principle of social commitment,
both for its employees and for the
underprivileged sections of society,
underlies the corporate policy of
Bosch. It is said that great things
emerge from small beginnings. In the
years ahead, Bosch India intends to
take social engagement to a higher and
deeper level and make a greater
difference in the lives of the
communities and the people it
A magic show and a lucky dip brought
the program to an end. As they
walked out of the BanP canteen into
the Bengaluru dusk, it was clear that
the overall message of the day had
clearly resonated with the employees
and their families. For those who’d
hitherto been unaware of these CSR
programs, it was good to hear the
The first-ever Bosch India Social
Engagement Day is just the steppingstone to creating more awareness
about CSR and the ways in which
employees can contribute. The CSR
team aims to take the event to the
various other Company locations in
India and continue in its efforts to
share smiles and spread happiness!
Bosch India News | December 2015
Crossword | 31
Bosch India News December 2015
Crossword Puzzle
6. This was the theme of the International Women’s Day this year
1. This organization dedicated to helping children in need and founded by Bosch employees celebrated 25 years in 2015
2. The historical campaign run by Corporate Communications India this year
3. The new Gasoline Systems plant is located in this Tamil Nadu town
4. In which country did Shreyansh Srivastava spend time working on ABS technologies?
5. Andreas Wolf (RBIN/EM, DS/MG-IN) was the technical plant manager at this plant before coming to RBIN
Send your answers to [email protected] – the first three winners will get exciting We are Bosch goodies!
The following errors appeared in the December 2014 edition of BI News:
On page 5, the caption below the top photographs said, “Need for more localizes innovations such as the NBT eye care
solution was emphasized”. This should have instead been “Need for more localized innovations such as the NBT eye care
solution was emphasized”
On page 14, the following text appeared: “Harsha Ramesh Angeri (RBEI/BUD RBIN/ BUD), (right in the picture above)
head of the New Business Teams (NBT), gave a detailed presentation on the benefits and functionalities of the device. This
should have instead read as: “Harsha Ramesh Angeri (RBEI/BUD RBIN/ BUD), (left in the picture above) head of the New
Business Teams (NBT), gave a detailed presentation on the benefits and functionalities of the device.”
On page 20, the caption below the top photographs said “The old Vatva plant (L) and the new plant at Sanand (R)”. It
should instead have said “The new plant at Sanand”.
The editorial team regrets the publication of the above errors.
Bosch India News invites news, views, stories, comments and suggestions with appropriate photos and captions from all
of you. Please send your articles to [email protected] before January 31, 2016 for the next issue.
Edited and published by Sujit Nayak on behalf of Bosch Limited, Hosur Road, Adugodi, Bengaluru 560 030. Reproduction of any article from
Bosch India News without express permission of the editorial team is a violation of copyright.