2012 Annual Report - North Texas Food Bank
2012 Annual Report - North Texas Food Bank
FILLING TABLES Improving s e v li The North Texas Food Bank is a Member of Feeding America 2012 Annual Report Our hope is that within these pages you see not only our mission in action, but the passion with which it was accomplished. We’re proud of what we’ve done this year - our 30th since our founding in 1982. But most importantly, we are so thankful for each and every one of you whose support made 47.1 million nutritious meals a reality. A message to you from... Our Board President Thank you for your generosity. With our first year of the ReThink Hunger campaign behind us, it would be easy to sail into Year Two without stopping to reflect on our impact. Fiscal Year 2012 meant 47.1 million nutritious meals for hungry North Texans – that’s about 5 million meals more than our goal. This number was only possible because of the dedication of donors, volunteers and partners like you. Our 30th anniversary year was certainly one to be proud of. What a privilege it is to be part of an organization that is so deeply supported by the community it serves. On the following pages you’ll see the names of thousands of companies, community groups and individuals who made a decision to give of themselves in support of the North Texas Food Bank’s mission. I am humbled by each and every name – because every dollar or can of food mattered in our journey to 47.1 million meals. As we embark on Year Two together, let’s not forget that it took all of us to get this far. We ask that you continue your commitment to ending hunger in North Texas by making this year as successful as the last. Gratefully, Stephen Chase Chairman of the Board The North Texas Food Bank 2012 Annual Report 3 A message to you from... OUR PRESIDENT & CEO What a sweet feeling it will be... Friends, Have you ever had one of those “to do” lists so long that you thought you’d never check everything off? As daunting as they seem, it’s always those lists that leave me with the biggest feeling of accomplishment at the end. Perhaps it’s the uncertainty of success that makes us so grateful once we’ve achieved it. Looking back at Year One of our ReThink Hunger campaign, I am amazed at the “to do” list we tackled together. Not only did we meet our goals, but we surpassed them – and I truly believe that today the North Texas Food Bank is healthier, smarter and stronger than we were a year ago. The issue of hunger is a big one, and we know that it’s going to take the entire community at the table to solve it. One in six local families are struggling with hunger– these are your neighbors, your coworkers, and your friends. Luckily, the North Texas community is second to none. Thank you for supporting us with your time, your hearts, your gifts and your words. You made our 30th year truly special. We ask for your continued support because of the simple truth that we need it. We’ll get that list checked off together - and what a sweet feeling it will be. Jan Pruitt NTFB President & CEO The North Texas Food Bank 2012 Annual Report 4 WHO WE ARE mission, values, impact and effectiveness Our Mission NTFB passionately pursues a hunger-free community. Our Five Core Values 1. Do what needs to be done. 2. Do what is right with urgency. 3. Steward and leverage resources with integrity in an authentic transparent way. 4. Respect diversity of individuals, thoughts and viewpoints. 5. Celebrate passion for our world and the people who live in it. Our Impact In FY12 we provided access to 47.1 million nutritious meals in our service area. Our Effectiveness Every dollar donated to NTFB provides three meals to hungry North Texans. Out of every dollar, 93 cents goes directly to hunger relief programs. The North Texas Food Bank 2012 Annual Report 5 RETHINK HUNGER: ONE YEAR IN Here at the North Texas Food Bank, we’ve spent the last year rethinking what we do. We’re keeping an eye on nutrition, building our knowledge about the issue of hunger, and expanding our capacity for distribution. And after just one year of our three-year ReThink Hunger campaign – we’re pretty proud of the results. FY12 GOAL FY12 ACTUAL 42.5 million 47.1 million Lbs. Fresh Produce Sourced 12 million 13 million Lbs. Retail Donations 6 million 8.3 million 32.1 million 36.8 million Total Nutritious Meals (includes distributed & *SNAP meals) Nutritious Lbs. Distributed The North Texas Food Bank 2012 Annual Report 6 Food & Funds Are Donated Food and funds are donated from local supporters like individuals, faith groups, foundations, corporations, organizations and retailers. National supporters like Feeding America and the USDA also provide food items and funds, and some healthy food items are purchased by NTFB. NOT JUST A WAREHOUSE: HOW IT ALL WORKS Product is Sorted and Packed Product is sorted and packed by hundreds of volunteers each week at our two Distribution Centers. Families & Individuals in Need Families and individuals in need receive nutritious meals and groceries throughout our 13-county service area! $ The North Texas Food Bank $$ $ 2012 Annual Report 7 NTFB By The Numbers Last year, the North Texas Food Bank distributed 52 million pounds of food. That’s a million pounds a week! WHeRe ouR FunDInG CoMeS FRoM Individual donors 27% Foundations 19% Corporations 17% Government grants and fees 15% Agency handling fees 13% Organizations 9% 100% HoW We uSe ouR ReSouRCeS Food Bank operations Fundraising Management and general 93% 5% 2% 100% WHeRe ouR FooD CoMeS FRoM Donated 62% Government hunger relief programs 20% Purchased 18% 100% The North Texas Food Bank Individual donors 27% Foundations Corporations 19% 13% 17% Government grants and fees 9% Organizations 15% Agency handling fees Food Bank operations Fundraising 5% 93% 2% Management and general 62% Donated Government hunger relief s program 18% Purchased Data represents the North Texas Food Bank from July 2011 - June 2012. 20% 2012 Annual Report 8 NTFB By The Numbers WHeRe ouR FooD GoeS Member Agencies Other food banks Senior programs Children’s programs 79% 11% 5% 5% 100% 79% Member Agencies Other food banks 11% 13% Senior programs Children’s programs ...continued 9% 5% 5% 66% Shelf stable and other core items Fresh produce 11% Protein 23% The North Texas Food Bank Data represents the North Texas Food Bank from July 2011 - June 2012. 2012 Annual Report 9 a peek into NTFB... OUR Year AT a Glance The Hunger Center: Summer of 2012 saw the official launch of The Hunger Center of North Texas, a collaborative research initiative that will build a base of knowledge to support the development of more effective nutrition assistance programs and policies. A key part of the food bank’s ReThink Hunger campaign, The Hunger Center will partner with UNT and SMU to study the role that communities play in food security. UNT’s research study will be complete in September 2013, and SMU’s research study will be complete in March 2014. Disaster Relief: In early 2012, C.C. Boyce Ministries in Lancaster, TX became one of NTFB’s newest Member Agencies. When an outbreak of tornadoes affected local families in April, C.C. Boyce Ministries joined the food bank to distribute supplies to the Texas Baptist Men’s Association & the American Red Cross. The agency also served hot meals provided by our community kitchen to displaced families as well as volunteers that came from across the country to offer support. In addition to the disaster relief work by our Member Agencies, the North Texas Food Bank continued its collaboration locally with the members of the Mass Care Task Force - the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army and the Volunteer Center of North Texas. NTFB 30th Anniversary: In 2012, the North Texas Food Bank commemorated 30 years of fighting hunger. It was a yearlong celebration of the community that helped shape us. Board members, city officials, Member Agencies, corporate leaders, individuals, foundations, organizations, volunteers, families and friends all joined in. Co-chaired by Ambassador Kathryn Hall and Liz Minyard, our 30th Anniversary Committee led fundraising and awareness efforts that profoundly impacted the year’s success. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate! The North Texas Food Bank 2012 Annual Report 10 a peek into NTFB... OUR Year AT a Glance ...continued School Pantry Program: The School Pantry program is the newest initiative by the North Texas Food Bank to fight the issue of childhood hunger. Launched in spring of 2011 at a local elementary campus, the program has since expanded to three elementary and middle school campuses. Each school pantry provides an average of 20 pounds of shelf stable items and 10 pounds of fresh produce on a monthly basis to all enrolled students at each school. In FY12 the program served more than 298,000 nutritious meals to 1,120 students. The School Pantry program has the ability to reach a large number of both children and families in a short period of time, creating opportunities to cook and eat together at home. Corporate Support: In March of 2012, the Dallas Mavericks and Kroger teamed up to raise funds for the North Texas Food Bank’s Food 4 Kids program through an online auction through Heritage Auctions. More than $47,000 was raised, providing nearly 9,400 backpacks of kid-friendly, nutritious food to chronically hungry children in North Texas. NTFB is proud to call Dirk Nowitzki a new friend and supporter in our fight against hunger! The North Texas Food Bank 2012 Annual Report 11 NORTH TEXAS FOOD BANK STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FINANCIALS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES Support and revenue Public Support Public contributions Donated food and commodities Total public support Government grants and cost reimbursements 2012 2011 $16,883,891 62,274,387 79,158,278 3,387,489 $12,875,347 57,202,126 70,077,473 3,938,123 Revenue Handling fee Investment income (loss) and other revenue Total revenue Total public support and revenue before net assets released from restrictions Net assets released from restrictions 2,905,521 (90,219) 2,815,302 2,786,123 958,391 3,744,514 85,361,069 - 77,760,110 - Total support and revenue 85,361,06977,760,110 Functional expenses Program Management & general Fundraising Loss on sale of fixed asset Total expenses Increase (decrease) in net assets Net assets, Beginning of the Year Net Assets, End of Year 77,737,888 1,559,738 3,845,528 173,297 72,562,677 1,684,698 2,783,378 109,133 Total current assets Noncurrent Assets Pledges receivable (net of allowance of $44,850 in 2012 and $0 in 2011) Property and equipment, net Total assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Note payable to bank Total current liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted 2,044,618620,224 Total Net assets 16,624,21016,003,986 $18,668,828$16,624,210 Total liabilities and net assets 83,316,45177,139,886 Please see full Audited Financial Statements on www.ntfb.org for notes and other supplementary information that is integral to the financial statements. An estimated wholesale value of the donated food and commodities is included in both the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activities. Donated inventory is valued at an average of the national wholesale prices as determined by an independent study provided by Feeding America. The North Texas Food Bank Assets 20122011 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $448,228 $350,708 Handling fees receivable (net of allowance of $63,232 in 2012 and $45,885 in 2011)143,309136,672 Pledges receivable 809,309 366,500 Other receivables 465,970 603,823 Investments 8,426,788 8,159,390 Inventory of food and commodities 4,307,460 1,917,068 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 169,668 201,288 14,770,732 11,735,449 723,950315,000 6,708,209 5,772,535 $22,202,891 $17,822,984 $1,534,063 2,000,000 3,534,063 $1,198,774 12,035,950 6,632,878 18,668,828 13,776,327 2,847,883 16,624,210 $22,202,891 $17,822,984 1,198,774 Please see full Audited Financial Statements on www.ntfb.org for notes and other supplementary information that is integral to the financial statements. An estimated wholesale value of the donated food and commodities is included in both the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activities. Donated inventory is valued at an average of the national wholesale prices as determined by an independent study provided by Feeding America. 2012 Annual Report 12 NORTH TEXAS FOOD BANK FINANCIALS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Direct analysis of cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from contributors, grants and cost reimbursements Cash received from member agencies for handling fees Investment income & other Cash paid to employees and suppliers Net cash provided by operating activities: 2012 2011 $19,557,474 $17,404,005 2,898,884 2,851,327 241,302 222,858 (22,248,589) (18,053,386) $449,071$2,424,804 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchase of fixed assets Proceeds from sale of fixed assets Proceeds from sale of investments Purchases of investments Total cash flows (used in) investing activities (1,753,268) 700 4,249,133 (4,848,116) (2,351,551) (456,635) 5,305,930 (8,446,977) (3,597,682) Cash flows from financing activities: Net proceeds of Note payable Bank Total cash flows (used in) financing activities 2,000,000 2,000,000 - Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year 97,520(1,172,878) 350,7081,523,586 $448,228$350,708 Supplemental schedules: Non-cash activity Donated food received $62,274,387 $57,202,126 Donated food distributed $59,883,986 $58,050,898 Please see full Audited Financial Statements on www.ntfb.org for notes and other supplementary information that is integral to the financial statements. An estimated wholesale value of the donated food and commodities is included in both the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activities. Donated inventory is valued at an average of the national wholesale prices as determined by an independent study provided by Feeding America. The North Texas Food Bank 2012 Annual Report 13 GRATITUDE TO OUR FOUNDERS’ TRIBUTE WALL HEROES On behalf of the NTFB Board, leadership, staff, 300 Member Agencies and client families – we thank you for your generous 30th Anniversary gifts which support healthier, smarter and stronger solutions to hunger relief. Every week as hundreds of volunteers sort food for distribution, they will gaze upon the Founders’ Tribute Wall and realize that you have provided hope to many a table. THANK YOU. The North Texas Food Bank Founders’ Champions Members ($100,000 and above) Beaumont Foundation of America Tom and Bridget Black Communities Foundation of Texas Dean Foods Foundation Louise Gartner Ambassador Kathryn Hall and Craig Hall Harold Simmons Foundation J.L. Williams Foundation Lockheed Martin Rent-A-Center VAN Oriental Food, Inc. Sustainers’ Society Members ($30,000 - $99,999) Bill and Patti Alcorn Alerian Alliance Data Mike and Danya Anderson Bank of America John and Pam Beckert Brad and Suely Cecil Steve and Lydia Chase The Dallas Foundation Dallas Morning News Charities The David M. Crowley Foundation The Eugene McDermott Foundation Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation Grant Thornton LLP Susie and T. Hardie H-E-B/Central Market Ray and Ruth Hemmig Keith and Keeley Hennington Lyda Hill The Hirsch Family Foundation The Hoglund Foundation Gunjan and Anurag Jain Ashlee, Chris, Connie, Tyler and TJ Kleinert Lesley Family Foundation The Astrid and Pat Merriman Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas MetLife Foundation Liz Minyard NGP Energy Capital Management Our NTFB Employees One Technologies ORIX Foundation Ruthie and Jay Pack Elizabeth and Martin Price PwC/PricewaterhouseCoopers The Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation Jan and Charles Pruitt Matthew Rinker Pat and Pete Schenkel In Memory of J. Stephen Simon Amy Simmons Texas Trust Credit Union Jim & Angela Thompson Foundation Transamerica Walmart Foundation Patrick and Pamela Waters Wells Fargo In Memory of Our Parents Isidro and Rita Arrambide & Bob and Helen Wastmann 2012 Annual Report 14 THEY MAKE US GREAT OUR LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Stephen Chase, KPMG, LLP (Chairman) Tom Black, Black, Mann and Graham, LLP John A. Cuellar, Las Tres C’s, Inc., of Dallas Mitch Fadel, Rent-A-Center Debra Tippett, Cardinal Company Jon A. Wolkenstein, Grant Thornton, LLP MEMBERS AT LARGE Eric Bushnell, Walmart Stores, Inc. W. Lee Coleman Jr., Coleman Realty Services, Inc. Serena Connelly, Harold Simmons Foundation Christina Durovich, Community Volunteer David Franklin, Franklin Properties Gary Huddleston, Kroger Food Stores Anurag Jain, Anavo Global LLC Karen Lukin, Whole Foods Market Charlie Morrison, Wingstop Restaurants, Inc. Robert Price, Rev. Robert E. Price Sr., New Mount Zion Church Katherine Perot Reeves, Community Volunteer Chris Sliva, TreeHouse Foods Cynthia Wenban, Lockheed Martin Connie Yates, Tom Thumb Food and Pharmacy The North Texas Food Bank GENERAL COUNSEL James R. Nelson, DLA Piper US LLP Nicole Figueroa, DLA Piper US LLP LIFE BOARD MEMBERS John Beckert Jerry Ellis, Community Volunteer Louise Gartner, Community Volunteer Bette Perot, Perot Foundation Teresa Phillips, TPHD, LLC Stephan Pyles, Stephan Pyles Concepts FOUNDERS Jo Curtis Ambassador Kathryn Hall Lorraine Griffin Kircher Liz Minyard 2012 Annual Report 15 a big thank you to our FINANCIAL donors $250,000 + Communities Foundation of Texas Feeding America North Texas Super Bowl XLV Host Committee, Inc. $100,000 - $249,999 Beaumont Foundation of America Community Health Charities Dean Foods Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund J. L. Williams Foundation John Perry Kroger The Harold Simmons Foundation The Houston J. & Florence A. Doswell Foundation Whole Foods Market $50,000 - $99,999 Anonymous Emergency Food and Shelter Program EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. Estate of Mary Maddock Gunjan & Anurag Jain Jain Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation Missiles & Fire Control Meadows Foundation Inc. MetLife Foundation ORIX USA, LP Rent-A-Center Richard & Janese Deitch Roger & Rosemary Enrico Run On! - Racing Systems Share Our Strength Target The Dallas Foundation The David M. Crowley Foundation The George & Fay Young Foundation The Hirsch Family Foundation Transamerica Life and Protection United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc. $10,000 - $49,999 Aaron & Catie Enrico Aaron’s Inc. Abacus Al Biernat’s Restaurant Albertsons Store Support Center Alliance Data America’s Charities Amerisource Bergen Services Corporation Amy Simmons Andy McCarthy Ann J. Folz Averille Dawson AVNET B. B. Owen Trust Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bank of America Foundation Baron & Budd P.C. BB&T BBVA Compass Bank Bill & Alice Barnett Bottega Veneta C.E. Doolin Foundation Capital Grille at the Shops at Legacy Carl B. and Florence E. King Foundation Carolyn & Karl Rathjen Chamberlain’s Steak And Chop House Charles & Candace Priest Christopher Barrett and Deborah Young C-III Asset Management Cisco Systems Cisco Systems Foundation Citi Cards Citigroup The North Texas Food Bank Clay & Nancy Mulford ConAgra Corey & Sharla Gottschalk Craig & Pamela Wohlers Credera Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Dallas Mavericks Dallas Theater Center Dallas Women’s Foundation Danna L. Orr David & Mary Clark David W. Carlson Dean Foods Company Dehan Family Foundation Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House Denbury Resources Desperados INC. Diageo Chateau & Estate Wines Diageo North America Foundation Dirk Nowitzki Foundation Donald R. Luntey & Madge Cruse DSE Hockey Club, LP Edward W. Rose III Family Fund of the Dallas Foundation Elizabeth & Martin Price Emily Tubb Eric and Katherine Reeves Evelyn P. & Edward W. Rose III ExxonMobil Foundation ExxonMobil/HQ Farris Children’s Trust II FedEx Office Five Sixty By Wolfgang Puck Fluor Foundation Matching Funds Fogo De Chao Holding Freddie Mac Foundation Employee Giving Program Frito Lay, Inc. GE Capital Corporation Give With Liberty Employee Donations Giving Productively Inc. Grand Texas Homes, Inc. Greystone Foundation Haise and Kevin Borgmann Harry W. Bass, Jr. Foundation Harvey E. Najim Family Foundation Hawn Foundation, Inc. H-E-B Heritage Auction Galleries Hibiscus Hoblitzelle Foundation IBM Employee Services Center IFCO Systems III Forks Dallas, LP James Hendricks James M. Spelling Jasper’s Jean H. and John T. Walter, Jr. Fund Jeff & Laurie Burgher Jerry & Gay Brinkerhoff Joanne & Charles Teichman John S. Sawyer Joseph M. Gavigan Joyce & Tim Goss Junior League of Dallas, Inc. JustGive.org Kalman and Ida Wolens Foundation Karen & Marshall Warren, Jr. Kathy Cloud Katie Cline & Scott Turner Kenny Feng Kirk Grimes Leah L. Pollman Len W. Allen Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation Linda J. Davis Lloyd D. Freeman Louise Heder Marie Garrison Foundation Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas Matthew Luth Matthew M. Rinker Maverick Capital Foundation MetroPCS Microsoft Matching Gifts Program MillerCoors Mitchell Fadel and Jennifer Reason Moody Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kleinert Mr. Tom E. Black and Mrs. Bridget Black Nancy T. Richards Neiman Marcus Neiman Marcus Group Matching Gift Program Network For Good NGP Energy Capital Management, LLC. NOBU Dallas Associates, L.P. NRO Charitable Giving One Technologies, L.P. Panera Bread Pappas Restaurants, Inc. Drs. Patrick and Pamela Waters Patti & Bill Alcorn Perry’s Steakhouse & Grill Pete & Pat Schenkel Peter & Lael Brodsky Phoebe S. Perry Pioneer Natural Resources REDO, INC. Research In Motion Robbie & Bill Moore Ross & Margot Perot Roy & Christine Sturgis Charitable And Educational Trust Rupe Foundation Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Safeway Inc. Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church Sally Posey Samara Kline Sarah and Ross Perot Jr. Sayeed & Casey Attar Shawn Slywka & Kenneth Roe Shelia McAdams South Texas Outreach Foundation Stacy & Gary Mading Suzanne & Patrick McGee Tammy & Steven K. Dewolf Temple Shalom Terry Cahill Texas Instruments Foundation Texas Trust Credit Union The Aaron and Catie Enrico Family Foundation The Barnabas Fund The Boone Family Foundation The Capital Grille The Catholic Foundation The Elizabeth Born Linz Foundation The First Preston Management Inc. Fund at Dallas Women’s Foundation The Hoglund Foundation The Horchow Family Fund of the Dallas Foundation The Horizon Foundation The Keith Beers & Helen Laughlin Beers Foundation The Lightner Sams Foundation, Inc. The Lupe Murchison Foundation The Mansion on Turtle Creek The Mavs Foundation The National Christian Foundation The Perot Foundation The Philippians 234 Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas The Pollock Foundation The Prudential Foundation The Rosewood Foundation The USAA Foundation, Inc. Dr. Thomas V. Ripp and Mrs. Hazel Ripp Thornton Hardie Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program TOSA Foundation Triumph Aerostructures Truist 2012 Annual Report 16 Urology Associates of North Texas, LLP Vester T. Hughes VHA, Inc. Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc. Walder Intellectual Property Law, P.C Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Foothill White’s Chapel, United Methodist Church Women of Saint Michael and All Angels Church $5,000 - $9,999 7-Eleven Inc. Adam Miller Albertsons, LLC Allison Jones Andrews Kurth, L.L.P. Angela McQuien Anna Ardinger Annandale Capital, LLC Arlene & Louis Navias AT&T AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign. Award Solutions AWWA North Central Texas Chapter Bailey’s Prime Plus, LLC Bank of America United Way Campaign Bank of Texas Baptist Foundation of Texas Baylor Health Care System Behringer Harvard Ben Lange Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lange Bijoux Black, Mann & Graham, LLP. Brew Solution, LLC Brinker International Bruce Shilcutt Bruce Stachenfeld Carolyn L. & Chris A. Johnson Catherine & Will Rose Cecilia & Garrett Boone Cecilia & Garrett Boone Family Fund at the Dallas Women’s Foundation Central 214 Chamberlain’s Fish Market Grill Charlie Palmer At the Joule ClickMotive Charities Comerica Comerica Bank - Texas Mr. A. Compton Broders & Ms. Maureen Murry Condé Nast Connie & Kamal Daya CoServ Charitable Foundation Craft Dallas Cynthia & Thai Hoang Daniel & Lucy Polter Daniel Klein Darden Foundation David & Joanna Greenstone David & Kathryn McCabe David & Patsy Holder Dawn & John G. Gibbs Deloitte United Way Dorothy & David Kennington Mr. & Mrs. Duane C. Standlee Eddie Miller Eddie V’s Prime Seafood Edie and Bo Lycke Edward & Sharon Troy Edward A. Pechar Ms. Ellen Barry & Mr. Larry Herold Nancy A. Hunt Entact Eugene And Barbara Mcmullen EZCORP Foundation Fearing’s At the Ritz-Carlton Feeding America-The Pampered Chef Food Industry Crusade Against Hunger Glenda E. Smith Grant Thornton LLP Halliburton Giving Choices Haseena Enu HCC Life Insurance Company Heather Greene-Leichtag Family Foundation Fund of the Jewish Community Henri & Sharon Bromberg Herb and Mary Barnard Hillcrest Foundation Hotel Palomar HP The North Texas Food Bank HP Company Foundation Hunger Related Events Taste of the NFL Jack & Jo Willa Morton James & Jean Barton James & Jeanne McCullor Jan S. Showers Jean Ann & Carson Brock Jeff Dougan Jerald & Debra Merriman Jesse & Amanda Hibbard Jim & Brenda Perkins John Hendry Joyce Sellars JPMorgan Chase Judy & Cullen Cullers Julia Sands Kane, Russell, Colman & Logan, P. C. Karen & Nasser Sobhani Kar’s Nuts Keith & Keeley Hennington Kenny’s Wood Fired Grill Kent Thele Kessler Cookie Company Krewe de Roux Leslie & J. Robert Beatty Lisa Browning Lois & B. W. Lawson Lone Star Champion Windows, LLC. Luck Family Foundation Lynda Lawler Lynn & Micheal O’Neil M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation Macy’s Foundation Marcia & John Mares Marcia D. Tittle Marcy & James O’ Hickey Marian and Raggon Mayer Mark and Eileen Cason Marriott International, Inc. Mason & Barbara Brown Maxim Integrated Products MDM Family Partners LP Michael & Kathi Benoit Michael & Keri Brookshire Michael Cocanougher Michael Cousins Michael Young National Christian Foundation North Texas Nationwide Insurance Navias Family Foundation Nick & Sam’s Steak House Northern Trust Oak Cliff Gateway Fellowship Ocean Prime Paige Bingham Pam and John Beckert Patterson KIA of Arlington Peggy L. Smith PepsiCo Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Max Post Rabobank America Rabobank International Randolph S. Smith Rathbun’s Blue Plate Kitchen Reliant Energy Charitable Foundation Richard & Camille Jefferson Richard Leach Mr. Richards and Mrs. Richards Robert B. Allen & Cynthia A. Hennessy Ron & Sheryl Knight Rosemary Haggar Vaughan Family Foundation Rosen Systems, Inc. Roxanne Brust Russell Weaver & Cherie Zalstein Sabre Holdings Matching Gifts Sarah P. Murray Savor Dallas Schwab Charitable Fund Serena & Thomas Connelly Sheila Gerhauser Sheldon Hall Sherry Boone Sheryl & Robert Cole Sodexo Foundation, Inc Softlayer Technologies, Inc. Srinivas Rallapalli Stanley Korshak - Dallas Stephanie & Jeff Moore Steven V. Foster Stuart Smith Suely & Brad Cecil Susan Dominy Susie Janssen Susman Godfrey L.L.P Texas Chefs Association Texas Health Gives Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation TexasCarsDirect.com, Ltd. The Bryant & Nancy Hanley Foundation Inc. The Duda Family Foundation The French Room The Grape Restaurant The John Patrick & Sandra Lee Polewski Family The Joule The Mercury Grill The Old Monk The Pamela & John Beckert Family Foundation The Place At Perry’s The Post Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas The Reny Company The Saxton Group The Ward Family Foundation Thomas Noble Thomas Smith Tim A. Helmers Timothy & Mary Rooney Todd & Jamie Upson TXU Energy Vanberg Family Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Venture Commercial Management, LLC. Caruth/Preston Road Associates, Ltd. Vetter Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Vinay Jain Wal-Dot Foundation Wayne & Donna Kern William & Brenda Bogart Wilson Sands Woodforest Charitable Foundation Ylang23 $2,500 - $4,999 Albert Berriz Alice & Fred Sklar Alison A. & Thomas L. Weinberg Alison Khanana American Airlines Credit Union Amy & Lee Fikes Andrea B. & Jonathan B. Bard Andrew Gellman Anita Schjerven Applied Materials Arcodoro & Pomodoro Arlene Betancourt AT&T Services, Inc. Audrey Pinkerton B. Thomas Family Foundation Mr. Beau LaMothe and Krista LaMothe Bennigans Bill & Ann O’Neill Bobby K. Steveson Bolla Restaurant at the Stoneleigh Hotel Brad and Amy Lawrence C. Albert Tatum III Fund of the Dallas Foundation Caddo Uptown, LP Cadot Restaurant Cafe Pacific, Inc. Calvin Robinson Candee & Matt Fleeger Capps Van & Car Rental Cargill, Inc. C/O Feeding Americ Carol & Mark McClung Chamberlain’s Steak And Chop House Charles Becker Charles Gummer Charles Mitchell Charles Young Cherine Hamid Cheryl & Ron Schaller Cheryl C. Bazzle Chris Buri Christine & Robert Morris Christopher Grant Clifford Fisher Clifford L. Friedman Colliers International Constance S. Ritter Coppermark Bank Courtney Van Zandt Craig Anglemier Credit Protection Association, LP. Cyd and Cliff Friedman Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report 17 Cynthia Osborne D&G Investment Group D.C.A.S., Inc. Dakota’s Restaurant Daniel and Carol Hoffman Darren H. Weirich David & Betty Givens David & Denise Pollack David & Linda Duhon David & Nancy Aboulafia David & Rosemary Cousin David Bernstein David Mason David Rathkamp Dean Foods Matching Gift Program Debbie & Mike Perry Debra Hodges DeGolyer Elementary School Dennis W. Peters Deno Barroga Diana & Richard Strauss Foundation Dimont & Associates Donald & Lisa Schwarz Dorothy Hoak Dwala Kuhn DynaTen Corporation Edith and Herbert Stehberg Charitable Trust Electronic Check Clearing House Organization (ECCHO) Elisabeth Reeves Elizabeth L. McClain Ellen Boozer Erin Bryant Erin Howard Estech Systems Exco Resources, Inc. Facial Techniques Fiberbond Corporation Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Ft Worth Food Catering, Inc. Fossil Inc. Frank Neidig Furr’s Buffet Partners Gail Marie & Michael Keith Davis Gary Edd & Nancy J. Fish Gaynelle & Miles Schulze GE Foundation Gena Tadewald General Mills, Inc. George Bright Georges Astie Gerald P. Gallagher Gibbs Family Fund Global Impact GMRI, INC Greg Burrows Grill on the Alley-Dallas Half Price Books Harmon Foundation Incorporated Harriet Crews Helen E. Wolford Henry & Daryl Gelender Hewlett-Packard Highland Park Independent School District Hoak Foundation Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, LP Honda Honda Financial Hotel ZaZa Ilse Sternberg Memorial Philanthropic Fund Insight Wealth Partners Integrated Financial Solutions Group Inx Inc. Isaac Perez Jack Rogers LLC James & Nancy Riddle Jan & Charles Pruitt Janell & Joe A. Marek Janice & Athol Ware Jay Courtright JCPenney Home Office Jean White Jeff & Theresa Davis Jeff Lohman Jennifer & Jon Mosle, III Jennifer Stribling Jerry Kammer Jill & Greg Fearing John & Gwendolyn Sunderson John M. Kalb John Persons John Phillips John R. & Sandi T. Holzgraefe Josh L. Bryant Joyce & James Slider Judd, Thomas, Smith & Company Julia Keith The North Texas Food Bank Julie & Douglas Logan Karen & David Spika Karen Dixon Katharine Elliott Katharine Trumble Kathryn A. Kreider Kelly Saxton Ken & Ruth Altshuler Kenichi Dallas LP. Kevin W. Parke Kimberly Clark Foundation The Matching Gift Center Kirby’s Wood Fired Grill Kirkpatrick Kline Mathis Krystal Schlegel Larry H. LaFontaine Larry Sauls Laura Churchill Laurie Jackson Lawry’s Restaurants, Inc. Legacy Texas Leodis & Elneeta Sharpe Lillian N. Gregory Lisa & Peter Kraus Lone Star Champion Dallas Window Co., LLC Lu F. Yarbrough Lyle & Debora Livingston Lynn & Carl Koenen Macedonia Ministries Mammen Glass & Mirror, Inc. Marcia & Mark Kawalek Margie Newtown Frank Marie & Russell Siebert Mark & Sandy Singer Mark Gribbin Mark Stalzer Marlene & Sid Arrambide Marlene Arrambide Martha & Pete Barrera Martin W. & Bettie J. Halsell Foundation Trust Mary & Dale Cox Mary and Robert Irion Mary S. Jackson Mary Wagner-Wilkins McAfee Melanie Spriggs Melissa Gombert Melissa Lukens Merit Energy Company Michael A. McClelland Michael E. & Marcia L. Flowers Michael L. McCoy Michelle & Kevin Olmscheid Morgan Stanley C/O Cybergrants, Inc. Myrna and Bob Schlegel Nancy L. Munn Natalie Pruitt Naveed Zaheer NBSC, LLC Neuberger Berman LLC Nichole & Shane Tucker Noel Barrick Nokia, Inc. North Central Surgical Center North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church North Texas Infectious Disease Consultants, PA Northrop Grumman Corporation Oncor Electric Delivery Patricia & Robert Lium Perimeter International Peter C. Sandmore Plano Data Plymouth Park United Methodist Women Promotion Network Purcell and Susan Smith Rachel & Russell DeFriend Rapid Power Management Raytheon Charitable Giving RDL II, LTD. Rebecca Smith Mr. Relyea Mr. Rob Strauss and Mrs. Whitney Strauss Robert Dorsey Robert M. Patton Robert Miller Rosario R. Brusniak Rosewood Ruth Gluck Ruth J. Lang S.H. & Myrtle Griffin Trust Salum Restaurant Sandra Cram Seasons 52 Seegers Foundation Sheila E. Gallagher Sheri & Jon Wolkenstein Sherry Smith Silver Fox Steakhouse Skin Technology Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes Sprint St. Andrew United Methodist Church St. Ann Catholic Parish St. Monica Catholic School Stanley Iola, LLP. Starbucks Foundation Steel Restaurant Stephan Pyles Concepts, LTD. Steve & Margaret Griffin Steve Fields Steak and Lobster Lounge Steven P. Hagemann Subway Franchise World Headquarters, LLC Sunwest Real Estate Group Susan & Bruce Stephens Target Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Groesbeck Telios Temple Emanu-El Terri Higgins Texas Instruments Texas Riders Helping Texans Texo The Bassett Firm, PC The Edward Henry Family The Jeffrey A. Carter Foundation The Justin Dart Family Foundation The Legacy at Willow Bend The Oceanaire Seafood Room The Palm The Petco Foundation The Potter’s House The Ranch at Las Colinas The Warwick Melrose Hotel Theodora & Howard Morgan Thomas S. Yoder Thomson Reuters Tillman’s Roadhouse Tillman’s Roadhouse Fort Worth, LLC. T-Mobile USA, Inc Tobias Williams Trenton Waterhouse Truluck’s Addison, LTD. Truluck’s Steak and Stone Crab UBS Wealth Mangement Employee Giving Universal Display & Fixture Company UNT Class - Dr. McCoy Verizon Victoria & Jack Tutterrow Virginia & Roger Perry Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Women’s Council of Dallas Co. Woodroe Thomas Young Boozer Family Foundation YourCause, LLC Paying Agent for CVS Caremark Annual Giving Campaign $1,000 - $2,499 A. Earl Ziegler A+Reliable Pool Service Abernathy, Roeder Boyd & Joplin, P.C. Abha Singh & Brian Kasper Ace Cash Express Advancial Federal Credit Union Ahch Inc Aileen J. Trollinger Alan & Sherry Grimes Alan L. Folz Alan Richardson Albert Lucio ALDI Inc. Alexander Pantazis Alfred Schram Alicia Akins Alison Engel Allen Tubb Allison Esenwine Ally Alton & Chris Parkes Amelia C. Martin American Airlines/James Zackey American Beacon Advisors American Giving Charitable Fund/ United Way American Muslim Women Physicians Association 2012 Annual Report 18 Ameriprise Adviser Amy Lefforge Amy Titus Andra Humes Andrew A. Dunigan Andrews Distributing Company of North Texas Andy & James Lau Andy Nagel Angela & Alan Kenney Angela Averitte Anjana Vellingiri Anjuman-E-Najmi, Dallas, Inc. Ann & David Drumm Ann C. Robison Ann Davis Ann Kraus Ann Vincent Ann W Stachenfeld The Sweetie Pig Foundation Ann Z. Kieschnick Anna Nguyen Anna Schwietz Annadele H. Ross Anne & Andrew Mattson Anne & Larry Angelili Anne Turney Annette C. Rivera Anonymous Anritsu Company Anthea Wrinkle Anthony Doti & Deana Gendron Anthony Soares Ardeshir & Dana Shahraki Mr. Art Holguin and Mrs. Jennifer Holguin Arunachalam Venkatraman Asador - Renaissance Dallas Hotel Asher Media Inc Aspire HR, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. B.H. Estess Jr. Barbara & John Hedrick Sr. Barbara & Walter Simmons Barbara A. Davis Barbara Hunter Barbara S. Sonn Baron and Darlene Cass Family Foundation Barry Saadallah Becky Goza Belinda & Chris Sliva Ben Browder Ben Heineman Ben Pickering Benedict Voit Bennie & Terri Jeter Bent Tree Country Club WGA Bernbaum Magadini Architects Best Buy Beth & Bob Verdon Beth Debebe Betty & Rodney Bryan Betty K. Armstrong Betty Lovell Betty Peck Betty S. Boyd-Meis & Chris A. Meis Beulah M. White Beverly Bradshaw Bill & Melora Leiser Bill Evans Billie Bedsole Bill’s Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas Billy J. Claybourn Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Blue Goose International BMC Software Bob & Betty Ploger Bobby Goldstein Productions Inc. Bonnie & Robert Thiebaud Bonnie E. Cobb Bonnie J. Caldwell Bonnie Peter Bonnie Pitman Brad Phillips Brad Wines Bradford Companies Bradley Thomas Brandon Toombs Brenda Mogilnicki Brent E. Sonntag Brian & Janis Alton Brian Carlton Brian Erickson Brian Holiman Brian Selberg Brian Westgate Brian Yarborough Brice, Vander Linden & Wernick, P.C. Bridget Russell Bridget Schechter The North Texas Food Bank Bruce and Mary Alice Wittrig Bruce Singleton Bryan Hinsey Bryan Hyatt Burberry Buz & Patricia Allen C. Darrow Hooper C. R. & L. A. Williams Callie Kostelich Capital Distributing Capstead Mortgage Corporation Career Brokers, Inc. Carie Waldron Carissa & Matthew Meyer Carl Schulze Carol ann johnson Carol Barry Carol G. Reinert Carol Loban Carol Riley Carol Uhl Carolyn & Barney Auton Carolyn A. Winkler Carolyn B. Tilley Carolyn Cheatum Carolyn M. Perryman Casa View Christian Church Cathedral of Light Church Catherine Maxey Cathy & Cynthia Hageman Cathy & David Schweitzer Cathy A. Elkins CB Richard Ellis Inc. Foundation CCRD Partners Cedar Elm Fund of the Dallas Foundation Celia Poole Central Market Chadler Barber Chaparral Foundation Charles Walker Charles & Julie Irsch Charles & Susan Behn Charles Clayton Hendrix Charles D. Mead Charles F. Smith Charles Schwab Charles Sonsteby Charles Thorpe Charles Williams Charles Zody Charlotte & James R. Nelson Cherlyn Wise Cheryl Engelmann Cheryl Moore Chief Oil & Gas, LLC, Matching Program Chris Moulas Christiane Schurrer Christie Cox Christine & George Buchanan Christine & Jimmy Taylor Christine A. Galloway Christine M. Pearson Christopher & Kellie Parrick Christopher Davis Christy Doering Cindy Ferris Cindy Stasinski Claire Taitte Claude B. Sisson Clay & Lara Jenkins Foundation Clay R. Bradfield Cliff & Ralene Pauling Clint and Nancy Carlson Clinton Quattlebaum Clothes Circuit CN Staffing, Inc. CNA Foundation Codel, Inc. Cody Milhills Colby McWilliams Colin Denvir Colleen & Barney Brinkmann Colleen Barrett Community Foundation of North Texas Concrete Results Inc Cooper McGregor Cornell Record Cory & Charlie Martin Create the Memories Photobooth Rentals Cristie & Rodney Schlosser Cristin Adam Cub Scout Pack 425 Culpepper Steak House Curtis Harshaw Cynthia Anthony Cynthia Faust Cynthia S. Anderson D. E. Olenzek D. G. Seal D.T. Shields Elementary School Third Grade Dail A. Mengelkoch Dallas - Ft. Worth Hospital Council c/o Human Resources Department Dallas Bar Association Dallas Chop House Dallas Fish Market Dan & Kieve Guerra Dan Easley Dan Farley Dan Hawe Dana Browne Daniel Geyser Daniel L. Rech Danis Humphrey D-Ann & Thomas Kelly Danna Jensen Danny Mayeux Darrell W. Simmerman Dave D. Allen Dave McNaughton Dave Wagner David & Joanne Bryan David & Melissa Rosales David Blaylock Mr. and Mrs. David Brunson David Burrows David C. Sieber David D. Heard David Fortune David G. Lemire David K. & Cynthia M. Farr David Koepke David Lowenthal David Mondeel David Moon David R. Ruffin David Rosenthal David Shanahan David Steib David Stelter David W. Hart David Westfere Dawn Knight Dawn Springer Dean & Charlotte Knuth Debjyoti Goswami Deborah & Douglas Wilson Deborah & Fred Duewall Deborah & Jeffrey Kittleson Deborah & Robert Dove Deborah Hankinson Deborah V. Greer Debra A. & J. Robert Brown Debra L. Tippett Dee Lincoln’s Dining Room Delia Duson-Investment Delia Solis Dell-Direct Giving Campaign Delores & Robert Jajtner DeMesy & Company, Ltd. Dennis Ippolito Dennis M. Healy, Certified Public Accountant Dennis McTighe Denton H.S. Jazz Band Deutsche Bank America’s Foundation DFW Harley Owners Group DFW NCDA DFW Retail Executive Association Diageo Diane Buchanan & Rick Andrew Diane Taylor Dina Dixon Direct Energy Dirk Garza Disabled American Veterans - Chapter 42 Dish Restaurant Don & Stacey Kivowitz Dona J. McArron Donald and Susan Jarzemsky Donald Berg Donald Ms. Eileen Hall & Ms. Brenda McCoy G Gilliland Mr. Donald Iglehart Donald McKinney Donald Shannon Donna & Kutsi Onur Dorian Buferd Dorothy Sipe Double Diamond Companies Doug Bruess Douglas Kessler Doyle & Margaret Hartman Drue Townsend Dustin & Jennifer Key 2012 Annual Report 19 Dwayne Pedigo Dyann Slosar Dyck-O-Neal, Inc. E. M. Chang E. W. Adams Eashwaran Pallipuram Eason Petroleum, Inc. Edward & Pamela Carnevale Edward Mcbride Edward Moulthrop Eileen & Denny Kranzberg Eileen Vogel Elaine P. Jones Elaynne Cothran Elizabeth & Timothy Wood Elizabeth C. & Thomas S. Halsey Elizabeth Hozheimer Elizabeth M. Clement Elizabeth Merrill Elizabeth Schartz Elizabeth Showers, Inc. Elizabeth Yancey Ellen Jackosfsky Ellen & Gene Thornton Ellen & John McStay Elva G. Morgan Emilio Chua Emma Slaughter Enmark Services, Inc. Erhard M. Bruhns Foundation Eric Cotter Eric Eisenbrandt Mr. and Mrs. Eric Affeldt Erickson Living Highland Springs Ericsson Ericsson Matching Gifts & Volunteer Grant Program Erin Miller Erin Pokrifcsak Erin Pryor Estate of Margaret Kennedy Kutner - Executor Randy Engstrom Mr. & Mrs. Ethan A. Schrader Evelyn B. simmons Event Source Professionals, Inc. EVS Supply EWMCS, USA Fabulous Z Inc. Fannie Mae SERVE Matching Gift Donations Farhad Niroomand Fast Cuts Edits, Inc. Fay & Brian Lidji Feeding America-Groupon Feeding America-The Cheescake Factory Financial Services First Community Church First United Methodist Men Florence Beard Flower Mound United Methodist Church Fluor Employee Giving Campaign Food Sales Association Force 3 Foundation, Inc. Forms Management Fort Worth Restoration Branch Forum Financial Services, Inc. Francys Ballenger Frank Miragliotta Frank Stephenson Fred Holland Frederick Lippman Frisco Heart & Vascular Institute Furniture Consultants, Inc. G. Houston Folkes G. W. Bradstock G.V. Collins Galleria Dallas Garden Manor of Grapevine Mr. Gardner and Mrs. Gardner Gary & Debbie Dulgar Gary and Deborah Hepler Gary Herman Gary Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gary Taraba Geico Philanthropic Foundation Gene C. Gerard Genecov Plastic Surgery Group General Information Services, Inc. General Reinsurance Corporation Geoff & Natalie Osborn Mr. & Mrs. George Bramblett, Jr. Mr. George & Mrs.Diana Luck Georgianna Heinke Geraldine Lacy Germaine O’Donnell Gerry Mecca Gilt City Ginette Herum Glenn & Gail Tobleman Goldstein and Scopellite PC The North Texas Food Bank Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Deline Gordon Keith Gregory & Christie Schmitt Gregory Edelbrook Haag Engineering, Co. Hal Coon Harley Davidson Financial Services Harold Wood Harriet Halsell Harry & Rene Donavon Harry S. Shields Harry Tatelbaum and Bonnie Balick Hattie’s Restaurant, Inc. Haynesboone Hazel Schoenberg The Renee Malca Corn Charitable Fund Heather E. McClure Heinz K. Simon Helen Sons Helga A. Feldman Helping Hands Hudson Henry C. Coke Henry Neuhoff Hewlett Packard Highland Park ISD Highland Park United Methodist Church Highland Park United Methodist Church Holy Spirit Church Homer & Georgia Miller Honeywell International, Inc. Hossley Lighting Associates Houston Food Bank Howard & Karen Weiner Howard L. Nycum HP Employee Charitable Giving Program Hunton & Williams IFaith Golf Illes Seasonings & Flavors Innogive Foundation Interstate Hotels & Resorts IPC National Charity Foundation Isabella Collection LP J.R. Wood Jack & Joanne Owen Jack & Suzanne Seidel Jack Pew, Jr. Jacqueline Barrett Mr. James Bowden & Mr. Douglas Bellatti Mr. James D. Brown, Jr. Dr. James Brodsky & Dr. Cynthia Schneidler James Koehling James & Becky McCulley James & Connie Grube James & Michelle E. Hiller James & Ynette Hogue James and Andrene Hull James And Barbara Coates James and Linda Wilson James and Mary Stone James and Sandra Durr James Coe James Coleman James E. Calloway James Epstein James Epstein Charitable Fund James M. Collins Foundation James Mattingly and Judith Shure James Parsons Jamie D. Schultz Jan & Gresgory S. Crespi Jane & Charles Pak Jane & Chris Rowley Janelle & Neal Hail Janet & Thomas Keckeisen Janet H. Hollimon Janette & J. R. Foster Jasmine & Patrick McCormick Jason Devening Jay Hartnett Jay & Cynthia Tenney Jay W. & Maria A. Turnage JBDM Jewelry, LLC. Jean & Andrew Raub Jean & Gordon Yates Jean Beasley Jeanne & Robert Larson Jeff and Risa Grace Jeff Bergren Jeff Kittleson Jeff Maughmer Jeff Pickering Jeff R. Straetker Jeffery Chern Jeffrey Dodson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Walter Jeffrey L. Zwiebel Jenna Unell Jennifer & Jake Trousdale Jennifer & Michael Wimbish Jennifer K. Pierce Jennifer McComb Jennifer Stagen Jenny & Steve Zimmerly Jere & Margaret Thompson Jerome S. Farrington Mr. & Mrs. Jerome M. Fullinwider Jerry & Patsy Russell Jerry and Gene Jones Jerry Frankel Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Jones Jerry King Jerry Van Loh Jesse R Hooks-Properties Jessica & Chuck Griege Jill E. Peterson Jim & Sharon Hirsch Jim Gee Jim Jaryszak Brick Fund Jim Minge Jim Valentine Jo Anne Burgess Joan & Stephen R. Steinbrink Joan Hilbert Joan Mendoza Joanna & Charles McCallum Joanne Parker Jodi Dashe Jodie Robinson Jody Gilbertson Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Burnes Joe & Doris M. Dujka Joe & Lee Ann Norville Joe Funk Joe Greenslade Joe O. Luby Joe Veltri Joelle Camp John & Carmen Lowell John & Diane Lister John & Gloria Hammack John & Janet Eickmeyer John & Jennifer Funk John & Kristin Dyer John & Tracey Shirey John And Pam Borders John Bailey John Barrett John Bowen John Carulli John Crandall John Dixon John Goss John Gudgel John Harrison John J. & Clare P. Hickey John Jackson John Kacinski John King John Kirtley John Leikert John M. Prather John MacPete John Mooney John Porter John R. & Marcae O. Lee Mr. John C. Springer and Mr. Marvin R. Springer John R. Woodward John Redfern Mr. & Mrs. John D. Solana John T. Winham John Thrailkill Johnson Control Blue Sky Inc. Johnson Controls, Inc./Ericsson Johnson Controls, Inc./JC Penney Jon & Pamela Reinke-Walter Jon Clements Jones Lang LaSalle Staubach Jonina & Chunchun Chan Jordan Zitoun Joseph A. Johnson Joseph Holland Joseph LaBate Joseph M. McQuillan Joseph P. Veltri Foundation Joseph Wilson Joshua Eason Joyce Peters Joyce Slocum JP Morgan Chase JR’s Demolition Excavating Judith G. Parker Judith Merrill Judy & Dennis Thomas Julia Verdon Julie & Richard Piatas Julie & Todd Nordeen Julie Nichols 2012 Annual Report 20 Julie Yarbrough June Wedding, Inc Junior & Marsha Aston K&L Gates, LLC Kahn Charitable Foundation Kara Van Duzee Karen & John Tegeler Karen Brustman Karen Coil Karen Slovak Drewek Karen Tavana Karen Tepera Karen Turner Katherine Sill Kathleen & Gregory Clute Kathleen A. Donahue Kathleen Kincheloe Kathleen Murphy Kathleen Ray Kathryn & Michael Jones Kathryn Howard Mrs. Kathy Fielder and Jeromy Fielder Kathy & Richard Lam Kathy Harper Katy Murray Kaveh Mansoorshahi KDC Real Estate Development & Investments Keith and Kim Zimmerman Keith Brownlee Keith Dunkin Keith Ely Kelle & Cary Buresh Kelly & Christopher M. Ayres Kelly & J.N. MacDowell Kelly Hart & Eric Christopher Neilson Kenner Phiffer Kenneth A. Parker Kenneth R. Remeur Kenneth W. Schulz Kerry B. Shaughnessy Kevin & Elizabeth Phillips Kevin C. McDonough Kevin Six Kevin Worley Kimberlie Story Kimberly & Bradley Thomas Kimberly Aaron Kimberly Lightfoot Kirk Scott Kirschner-Bookatz Family Foundation Kloe & Cyrus Barcus KPMG, LLP Kraig L. Korpela Kristen & Randy Lackner La Fiorentina Lakeview Apartment Homes Lane & Jodie Fletcher Larry & Anne Yearta Larry & Suzie Gille Larry and Ramona Boertje Larry Chretien Larry Parsons & Louise Weber Larry R. Byrd Laura & K. R. Higgins Laura and Walter Elcock Laura Palagyi Laura Slansky Laurence D. Henry Laurie Bauman Lavendou Bistro Law Offices of Ford & Harrison, LLP. Lee Ann R. Bailey Lee D. Arning Leonard Sloan Les Howard Leslie Berry Lester & Mary June Keesee Lewis & Virginia Brereton Lewis Karstadt Lincoln & Susan Eldredge Linda & Brian Watts Linda and Jeff Landsberg Linda Anthes Linda Baker Linda Honeycutt Linda Phillips Linda Wigington Lindy and Carla Clark Lisa & Ken Schnitzer Lisa K. Simmons Lisa Ryan Lisa Shirley Lisbeth F. Minyard-Lokey Living In Gratitude Photo Exhibit and Benefit Liza Gillespie Lizzie & Dan Routman LKS Foundation, Inc. The North Texas Food Bank Lockton Dunning Benefits Company Lola Slocum Lonestar Restaurant & Bar Cole Swanson, LLC Lonestar Restaurant & Supply Lori & David Watkins Louise Kent Kane Luke Hamm Luminator Holding LP Lumry Family Foundation Luna De Noche - NorthPark Luna De Noche-Forest LTD Luna De Noche-Jupiter LTD Luna De Noche-Preston LTD Luna De Noche-Spring Creek LTD Lydia O. Minnett Lynda Goodloe Lynette Piejak Lynn Corbin Lynn Moore Lynne & Ronald DeMoss M. Carolyn Raiser Macy’s South - Northpark Madeleine Crouch & Co., Inc. Majestic Realty Co. Foundation Malcolm and Karen Gudis Malinda Slagle Marci & Michael Meagher Marco Dellaria Margaret & David Lamb Margaret & William Smith Margaret Bayes Marilyn & Thomas Hagan Marion & Roy Wadsworth Marjorie Akin Marjorie Shynkaruk Mr. Mark E. Bengston Mark & Carolyn Speese Mark & Elizabeth Carter Mark & Ginny Fein Mark & Joyce Hiatt Mark Bayer Mark C. Gunnin Mark Dillard Mark Dodd Mark Ellis Mark L. Matos Mark Weibel Mark Weinzierl Marlon Stocking Marlys Thierry Marsha & Ronald Scott Marsha M. Miller Martha & Jose Villela Martha Blair Martha Squibb Mary & Michael Terry Mary & William Warrick Mary A. Burkhead Mary Babcock Mary E. Neidig Mary Ellen Hanna Mary G. O’Meara Mary L. Henderson Mary Lou & Roy Rastetter Mary Mann Mary Neuhoff Mary Pate Mary Rauschuber Mary Stewart Ramsey Family Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas Mary V. Whelan Matthew Kita Matthew Stammel Maura B. & Timothy P. Costello Max Wernick Mayha Truong McAfee Matching Gift Program McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant McQueary Henry Bowles Troy, L.L.P. MedAssets Inc Medora Monigold Meeting Alliance LLC Meeting Protocol, Inc. Megan & Casey McManemin Meridith Treen Methanex Services, Inc. Mi Piaci Michael & Beverly Campbell Michael & Madeleine Crouch Michael Barone Michael Chmielecki Michael Conway Michael Flecker Michael Harding Michael Hearne Michael J. Hart Michael L. Anthony Michael Malone Architects Michael Sharry Michael W. Dorman Michael Wahlig Michael Watson Michael Wisner Michael Wurst Michele Hernandez Michele Wood Michelle Hopper Mike & Vicki Eastland Mike Williamson Milan Ventures, Inc. Military Sales & Service Co. Mireille Buser Misty Barlow Mitchell Baddour Monica Barlow Monica Fehse Monique & Craig Goodhart Monitoring Data Services, Inc. Monitronics International, Inc. Moore Living Trust, James A. or Marion Moore, Trustees Mountain View Church of Christ Mullis, Newby, Hurst, LP Muriel Sims Murtaza Ali Nancy Hampton-Thompson Nancy & John Condit Nancy & Rick Usrey Nancy Cain Marcus Nancy J. Ellis Nancy S. Cook Nancy Smith Nathan Boe Nathan Moussa N’awlins Gumbo Kings NBS/BVW Neila & Thomas Petrick Neiman Marcus Neiman Marcus Direct Nelson Bunker NetIP Dallas Foundation Inc. New Zion Missionary Church Nexen Nexen Petroleum USA, Inc Nicholas Martin Nicole & Michael Bunger Nina Works Nina Schwartz Nirmal & Preethi Jayaseelan Noelle and Stephen Baranowski Fund Norbert L. Doligalski Norma Bowen North Texas Dermatology North Texas Relocation Professionals NorthPark Merchant’s Association Northwood Country Club Nosh Old Republican National Title Insurance Co. “Oncor Electric Delivery T & D Services Volunteers” One2One Restaurant & Bar Oscar Diaz Page P. Schreck Pam & Mark Fiechtner Pamela & Randall Vermillion Pamela Bartholomew Pamela Coffie Pamela E. & Richard M. Strickland Pamela Rafferty Park Land Hospital Pastor and Mrs. R. E. Price Mr. Paul Sheeran & Ms. Marita Thompson Pat & Gary Vandergriff Family Pat Butler Pat Crow Patricia & Scott Stone Patricia Fagadau Patricia Hall Patricia J. Bingham Patricia Mehal Patricia Sweeney & James W. Brozovic Patrick Bredehoft Patrick Collini Patrick Kercheville Patrick Pherson Patty A. Allen Paul Vernon Paul & Mindy Vinton Paul J. Marchetti Paul Salcido Paul Van Meter Paula & Scott Larsen Paula C. Biestek 2012 Annual Report 21 Paula Felps Peg & Bernard Jezercak Peggy Braecklein Perry Sook Peter Harris Peter R. Fenner Peter Schaar Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Phanisree Pasumarthi Phil and Bo Warnick Family Charitable Fund Philip & Jennifer Corley Dr. & Mrs. Philip Fischer Philip & Stacy Meadows Philip Huber Phyllis M. Shamoon Pick-n-Pull Pie Five Restaurants Inc Piper & Mike Wyatt Pitney Bowes Relief Fund Pizza Inn PNM Resources Pradeep Sethi Public Information Associates Purdy-McGuire, Inc. Quest Capital Management, Inc. Quickoffice, Inc. Quick-Way Manufacturing Quynh & Khai V. Nguyen R. Michael Russell R.T. Dry Racing to Stop Hunger Foundation Radhakrishnan G. Nair Rainwater Beverages, Inc. Raja Bhojwani Randall B. Isenberg Randall D. & Lynn M. Kurtz Randall E. Stebbins Randall K. Hulme Randy Daniel Randy Tigges Randy’s Steakhouse / R & D Food Services Ravi Gofhia Ray Raney Ray Sheeler Ray Tsai Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Rebecca and Jacob Goetz Rebecca Brady Rebecca Cobb & Neil Cobb Rebecca Hall Rebecca Walker Regina Derbin Renee A. & Alan Kailer Research Now Rexel Holdings USA Richard & Diane Brummell Richard and Shannon Schell Richard D. Kantrud Richard E. & Lou M. Delcamp Richard Eberhart Richard H. Litton Richard S. McKenzie Richardson Independent School District Richardson Independent School District - J.J. Pearce H.S. Rick Fiechtner Rick Mohr Rick Narramore Rick’s Chophouse Ristorante Nicola Rita L. Carlile Robbie & John Raphael Robert & Amy Schellhorn Robert & Sarah Hallam Robert B. Johnston Robert Battey Robert Bird Robert Brielmaier Robert Chilton Robert Davidson Robert Goldberg Robert Granoff Robert Newsom Robert O’Connell Robert Perkins Robert R. Pittana Robert Robinett Robert Sanders Robert Whitehead Roberta & William Glassberg Robin Hogan Robin Moses Rod & Teresa Harden Roll Giving Rolland Safe & Lock Company, LLC Ron Albers Dr. Ron & Mrs. Christine Overberg The North Texas Food Bank Ron Witten Ronald & Sylvia Meyer Ronald R. Cathey Ronda & Lewis Cook Roosevelt Smith Rose Baker Charitable Gift Fund Ross Avenue Baptist Church RSW Creative, Inc. Mr. Ruben L. Velez and Mrs. Melissa Velez Russell & Kathryn Blake Russell L. Speed Russell Reynolds Associates, Inc. Rusty and John Jaggers Ruth Edmondson Ryan & Company S. Marek Sallie A. Scanlan Sally King Sally O. Cassidy Sally S. Roberts Samantha L. Durst Sammons Corporation Sandi Price Sandra Erwin Sandra Hancock Sandy Nachman Sara C. Tarkington Sarah Flanagan SB Capital Group Schneider National Schnitzer Steel Schwob Building Company, Ltd. Scott & Erika Anderson Scott & Kimberley Sheffield Scott & Patty Drescher Scott & Rebecca Barrett Scott & Tracey Copeland Scott A. McGee Mr. & Mrs. Scott Moran Scott Bukhair Scott M. Schubert Scott Sanderson Shari & Bryan Campbell Sharon & Gary Hampton Sheldon King Shihchiu Hsia Shinsei Shirley and Ken Eason Shirley Larsen Shirley Speshock Shirley W. Cooper Shoreline Restaurant Corp. Sidley Austin LLP Silicon Valley Community Foundation Silver Fox Steakhouse Silverleaf Resort, Inc. Siroos & Vicky C. Teherani Mrs. Smartt Society of Design Administration Dallas Chapter Son Do Sonja Skaggs Southwest Financial Federal Credit Union Southwest kia Sprint St. Paul The Apostle Church Stacey and David Counce Stacey Lee Stacey White Stacy Sturgeon Stallings Foundation Stan Wojewodski, Jr. Staples Print Solutions Stephanie Shisler Stephen & Sandy Ho Stephen Curtis Stephen D. Lamendola Stephen Hancock Steve & Jan Davidson Steve & Lydia Chase Steve Bland Steve Lilley Steven & Lisa Block Steven Kotch Strasburger & Price, LLP Stuart and Jennie Reeves Sue Bayless Sue Maclay Sue Neuhoff Sunny Delight Beverages Company Susan & Bobby Harjo Susan & Joseph Henchal Susan & Robert Chitwood Susan A. Wetzel Susan and Allyn Kramer Susan and John Cuellar Susan Bagen Susan E. Strieter Susan Perkins Wittman Susan Rainey Susan Simon Susan Thompson Suzan Dick Suzanne Melton Swarupa Reddy Swati Awasthy Sydney Burton T. L. Washburn T2B Solutions Tammy Tousaint Tara Clayton Ted & Betty Treadaway TelecomPioneers Telect Connecting The Future Tellabs Giving Teresa & Larry Burgess Terry Thames Terry Thornton Texas Cars Direct.com Ltd. Texas de Brazil - Addison Texas de Brazil - Dallas Texas Energy Engineers, Inc. Texas Instruments Texas Wings Holdings, LLC. Textrol, Inc. The Aileen and Jack Pratt Foundation The Allstate Foundation The Andrew Family Foundation The Anne F. Lyster Foundation The Anonymous Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation The Brodsky Foundation The Chalon Corporation Rehab Management The Churchilll Downs The Crescent Club The Ewing Family Foundation The Fantasy Pack, LLC. The Hal and Diane Brierley Foundation The Hartford The Ike and Candy Brown Family Foundation The James D. & Kay Y. Moran Foundation The Lillian and Jon Pinkus Philanthropic Fund II The Men’s Downtown Bible Class The Mike and Mary Terry Family Foundation The Nancy and John Solana Advised Fund of The Dallas Foundation The Original Pancake House The Pyramid Grill at the Fairmont Hotel The Sandra And Henry Estess Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas The Society of Incentive & Travel The Stagen Family Trust The Susan Schwartz Family Foundation The Winifred & Will Mundinger Family Theodore A. & Mary E. Fredericks Theresa & Phillip Halff Thomas A. Hodge Thomas Arp Thomas Cooksey Thomas Doolin & Associates, LLC Thomas Hatley Thomas J. Lind Thomas P. Goranson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Toole Thomas Saine Thompson COE Thomson Reuters - My Community Program Tiffany Hesselberg Timothy & Rebecca Allen Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. McHugh Tish & Marvin Key TMW Systems TNMP Toby Loftin Todd & Laurie Platt Todd & Linda Smith Tom & Joan Stephens Tom Gray Tom Mueller & Sheryl Sunderman Tom Wofford Tonie Garza Tony & Kristen King Total Energy Corp Toulouse Cafe’ and Bar Tower Club TPW-North Central Branch Tracey Frattaroli 2012 Annual Report 22 Traci F. Owen Tracy & Bryan Ishman Tracy Elliott Tracy Johnston Tracy Martin Trailblazer Health Enterprises Transystems Corporation Travis Thompson Trevi’s at The Omni Mandalay Hotel Trish Rowe Troy McDougald Troy Morgan Troy Morgan T-Time Holdings, GP LLC Turner Construction Tycher Stein Family Tzedakah Fund U.S. Charitable Gift Trust UBS Financial Services, Inc. United Supermarkets,LTD. United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut UNT College of Public Affairs and Community Service UNT PACS Program USA Property Consulting Group, LLC. Usha Amble V. A. Alford Valerie & Robert Anderson Valley Ranch Elementary School Velma Daily Verizon Foundation/Cyber Grants, Inc Vicki Garcia Victoria & Thomas Gruben Viewpoint Bank Vijay Sirivore Vikrant & Yasmin Bhatia Vincenzo Mazzurco Virginia Houston Virginia Young Vonda Walgrave W. A. & P. A. Smith Dr. W. M. Hamilton Family Wade Muntz Walter Curry Warren L. Sippel Weathers Family Charitable Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas Webber & Patricia Beall Wells Fargo Wendy Patton Wesley Charles Otken Whiskey Cake Wilburn E. Rieves Willard H. Dow William E. Monroe William & Andrea Dunlevy William & Carol Schucany William & Jane Reule William Bowles William E. Zook William F. Carroll William G. Mays William Geren William H. Martin William Moore William O’Connor William Trotter Dr. Joseph T. Murphy & Mrs. Naomi Winick Wylie W McAnallen Xilinx Community Fund Ms. Vivian Brown Yahoo! Matching Gifts Program YourCause, LLC Paying Agent for Dell Giving YUM! Restaurants International Yvette & Brian LaCroix Yvonne Warner Zimmerman Family Fund $500 - $999 Abacus Jaspers Management LLC Abbygail Sly Abrahm Turner Accruent, LLC AchieveGlobal, Inc. Addison Foods, Inc. Adrian Norbury Adrienne & Dennis Drapkin Aetna Foundation Affirmative Insurance Holdings, Inc. Aileen Barr Air Liquide Alan Arabian Alan B. Stone Alan Tallis Albert S. Baines Albertsons Stores Charitable Foundation The North Texas Food Bank Alex Burdette Alexis & Robert G. Williams Alfred Leo Alice & David Wagoner Alice Adwan Alissa Puckett Allen & Belita Grider Allen High Noon Lions Club Allen Orchestra Booster Club Allergy & Asthma Center of Texas Alliance Data Allison McFadden Allison & Brad Cameron Allison & Daniel Longenberger, Jr. Allison Langston Allstate Allyn & Susan Kramer Alt-N Technologies Alvin & Jacquelyn Jackson Amanda Francis Amanda Vingren American Airlines Ameriprise Financial Gift Matching Program Ameri-Tech Temite and Pest Control Inc. Amy A. Ware Amy Hendrix Amy Lauten Amy Matthew Amy Stephenson Andrea Thomas Andrew Lin Andrew M. Trusevich Andrew S. Goldberg Andrew Soderlind Andrew Tarkington Angela & Robin Gaines Angela Caronia Angela Hall Angela Schlemmer Angelia Foster Angie Tade Anita Hobbs Anita J. Dunn Ann & Irwin Sentilles Ann & John Bruce Ann & Robert Steffler Ann P. Robarge Anna Andreen Anna M Curry Anne & Bernard DiFiore Anne C. Calhoun Anne Jones Anne Smith Anne Smith Annell Moore Annelle & Robert White Annette and Jack Corman Annex Manufacturing Inc, Annie M. Dutton Anthony E. & Shannon C. Martinez Anthony S. Norton Anthony Strupczewski Anthony W. Darwin Applied Materials April Ward Ariail Gores Aricka Marshall Arlene T. Isaminger Armand Charbonneau Arnold Guzman Arthur & Sharon Weinberg Arthur and Cindy Vaughn Arthur Kockritz Ashley Thomason Ashlyn M. Kelbly Assurant Foundation Matching Gifts AT&T Services, Inc. Atlas Service Link LLC Audrey Hogan Ayco Charitable Foundation B. Armstrong Barba Keene Barbara & Barry Hammond Barbara & Gerald Montgomery Barbara & Robert Richard Barbara A. Coleman Barbara A. Tudhope Barbara B. Chadderdon Barbara Beckham Barbara Buzzell Barbara Georgakis Barbara Ruhl Barbara Stickney Barnett Hammond Beatriz Azcuy-Diaz Beaudette Construction Service Becky & James Grant Belcan Tech Services Belinda Pierce Ben Mathew Benjamin Nale Bennett and Kathleen Cepak Berger Engineering Company Berly Berry Donor Advised Fund Bernadine McManus Bert & Terry Romberg Bertha R. Moore & Ms. Lisa Holmes Bertie & Brent Howell Beth I. Lundblade Betsy Hines Betty Epie Betty Hagen Bettye & Richard Slaven Beverly A. Brown Beverly K. Cunningham Beverly Mitchell BGRNR, LLC. Bidder zz419 Big “D” Little Birds Big D Asian Dental Association Bill & Frances McElvaney Bill & Nancy Short Bill Howard Bill Nagel Bill Vaden Billie & Leroy Lott Billy Cox Billy Shehee Bob and Nancy Bowen Bob Hallmark Bob Hutchins Bob Midyett Bobbie Loe Bonnie & Ernie McManus Bonnie & Richard Patterson Bonnie Thomson Boyd Builders Inc Boyle & Lowry, LLP Bracken Reece Brad Brown Bradley and Becky Visosky Brenda Cockerell Brenda Foster Brenda Yarbrough Brent Byers Consulting, LLC Brenton & Carrie Croley Brett Cohen Brett Fickey Brett Pope Brian & Mary Riley Brian & Rachel Dean Brian Bell Brian Cooper Brian Hochstein Brian J. Collett Brian Murphy Brice Family Charitable Fund II of Communities Foundation of Texas (Gail Griswold and Bill Brice Jr) Brinker Bruce & Betty Harlan Bruce & Elizabeth Hardy Bruce A. Meyer Bruce Landes Bruce Nunnally Bryan Chin Bryan Coleman Bryan Hlavaty Bryan Sonnier Bryan W. Kasperski Bryan Williams Bryant Wolf Bryon Latta Buck Farish Burrus & Matthews, Inc. C & M Marine Aviation Services, Inc. C. Fojtik Collins CA, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Calvin McCutchan Camron Ware Capital One Auto Finance Capital Title of Texas, LLC Cari Robinson Carl Klinke Carl W. Hoffmann Carla Burke Carlene Craft Carmen & Marty Roy Carol & John Linn Carol & Robert Collins Gibbons Carol A. Winkelmann Carol Dickerson Carol Fairchild Carol Hooks Carol Latimer Carol Rhodes Carole & Dale Rylander Caroline D. Harris Carolyn & Bryan Holland Carolyn & J. T. Rogers 2012 Annual Report 23 Carolyn & James H. Clark Carolyn & Ronald Thompson Carolyn Ennis Carolyn Follett Carolyn J. Carlson Carolyn Reindollar Carrie & Robert Ramsay Carrie D. Burnett Casey Family Programs Matching Gift program/HR Casey Murrell Cassidy Turley - Landmark Catherine E. Carr Catherine Heath Catherine M. Ekes Cathryn Berryman Cathryn Ignatin Cathy & Harold MacDowell, III Cathy Allen Catrina & Craig Dawson CBRE, IT Dept. Cecilia Packheiser Celeste Guttierrez Center For Spiritual Living Chandra North & Daniel Blaylock Charles & Barbara Hollweg Charles & Sara Freeny Charles Cooksey Charles E. Colvin Charles G. Wilmut Charles George Charles Gross Charles Livingston Charles Owens Charles P. Lamb Charles Rasor Charles Sheridan Charles Wieland Charles Wright Charlotte & Alan Noel Charlotte Baxendale-Knuth Charlotte Elkins Charlotte Y. Watson Chelsea Alexander Cher & David Jacobs Cherri Musser Cheryl Cerminara Cheryl Millet Cheryl Rider Cheryl Small Chris & Liz Erickson Chris Drazek Chris R. Robert Chris Slater Christian & Melanie Royer Christina M. Stark Christine Gelwick Christine Guldi Christine J. Escano Christine L. Koski Christopher McRorie Christopher Madrid Christy & Glenn West Cindy and Art Harding Charitable Fund Cindy Cosman Cindy Moor Cindy Ray CITIGROUP Claire K. Summers Mr. Clark and Mrs. Clark Clark & Ann Thurston Clark & Nancy Neill Claude Chistolini Clayton & Laura Devin Clemence Mumford Cleo & Douglas McLaughlin Cliff McDaniel Cliff Robbins Clifford & Joy Brott Clifford Hedrick Clifton & Magdalena Shoemake Clifton & Vernell Stribling Coburn A. Buxton Cockrell Hill United Methodist Church Colburn Peterson Williams Ray LLP CompuCom System, Inc. Con Am Mgmt-Corporate Congregation Beth Torah Conrad & Arlene Petersen Coppell Republican Club Corey Farrell Courtney & Cameron Weldon Covenant Presbyterian Church Craig & Martha Broadstock Craig Reynolds Craig Suhrbier Credera Crimson Wine Group Cross Financial Strategies, LLC Crystal Banks The North Texas Food Bank Cullen Davis Cumulus Cynthia Bemister Cynthia & T.W. Wilson Cynthia Jansky Cynthia Wenban D. K. Andrew D. S. Dewald Daisy Brand Dallas Chamber of Commerce Dallas Chapter of Web Inc. Dallas Hogue Dallas Independent School District Dallas Life Foundation Dan R. Cullum Daniel Gardner Daniel and Hazel Harris Daniel Andrew & Emma Jane North Daniel Garcia Daniel Miller Danni Daniels Danny G. Johnson Dante Lopez David & Barbara Kittrell David & Bettye Cejka David & Diane Leslie David & Sharon Pfaff David Abboud David and Karen Haft David Banks David Bardoff David Boerner David Gregory David Grier David H. Elder David Hein David J. Zehr David K. Brice David L. Banks David LaGassa David Martinez David P. Gray David Phillips David Reid David S. Stewart David Saba David Shewmaker David Sisler David Snyder David Stray David Tilley Dawn Moncrief Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc. Dean Lane Deanna Carrillo Debbie & Gary Dennis Debby & Bruce Robidou Debi & Byron Potter Deborah & Clark Harmon Deborah & Douglas Harris Deborah & Keith Johnson Deborah Bacon Deborah Johnson Deborah Singleton Debra K. Comstock Debra Martin Debra Richards Debra Rogers Debra S. Bentley Deniese Buchanan Denise & James Horner Denise & John Dunlap Denise Beeber Denman Family Foundation Dennis & Myra Parrott Dennis Lane Dennis Lutes Mr. Dennis Walo & Ms. Kathleen Irvin Mr. Dewey and Mrs. Dewey Department Of Education Mr. & Mrs. Derek Templeton Dermott Sullivan Diana & German Oliver Diana & Jack Addams Diana Robinson Diane & Chris Mims Diane Bielenberg Diane Carnahan Diane England Diane Farr Diane L. SNYDER Diane Rutherford Diane Wilkin Dianna C. Kestler Dianne Duke Dianne Haesley Dickey Johnson Diecast Fire Dion Jones DLA Piper LLP Dole Packaged Foods Don Herring Don Hicks Don J. Nebhan Don P. & Eleanor R. McMillan Donald and Jean Kennerly Donald Murphy Donald Wines Donna Distefano Donna Jones Donna Pierce Donna Purzycki Donna Sims Donna Sirbasku Dora M. Parker Doris O. Rountree Dorothy G. Estes Doug Brooks Doug Hoggard Douglas Bridges Douglas Kerr Douglas Prince Douglas Sinclair Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bolesta Druce & Marita Wellage-Reiley Dwayne & Amy Smith Dynal London, MD, PA E.R. Burkhalter East Texas Communities Foundation Ed & Compton Sylvest Ed Esquivel Ed Gainey Edith E. Cavanaugh Eduardo Sanchez Edward H. Perry Edward Higgins Edward Siegel Mr. Edwards and Mrs. Edwards Edwin Parker Eileen & Anthony Major Eileen Gergen Einstein Printing Elaine & Danell Crosby Elice W. Wong Eliot Landrum Elizabeth & Peter Myles Elizabeth & Ronald Taylor Elizabeth C. Yeager Elizabeth Farren Elizabeth Flatt Elizabeth Galvin Elizabeth Liser Elizabeth Picard Elizabeth S. Parrish Ellen & Gregory Hunter Ellen A. McKinney Ellen B. Ko Ellen Johnston Ellen K. Solender Ellen Keenan Ellen Leyrer Ellen Paul Ellen Simpson Elvis M. Brooks Emelio Mattorano Employee Resource Administration, L.P. ENaCode Inc Encana Oil & Gas Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. Eric Stout Eric Sweeney Eric Wilson Eric Wright Erica Hill Erin & Paul Tate Ernest Lowery Ernie L. Black Ervin West Eubank Family Fund Eugen Carr Eugene Barnes Eugene Vilfordi Eurpac Service Inc. Eva Mangas Evan Singer Evelyn & Robert Tippett Evelyn R Fox Evelyn Wilkins Expense Reduction Analysts Explo Oil, Inc. ExxonMobil Corporation Fagin B. Laurin Family Healthcare Associates Faye B. Smith Felix Merced-Davila Fernando Avila Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund/iCare FIG, LLC First Preston Management First United Methodist Church Dallas 2012 Annual Report 24 First United Methodist Church of Coppell “FJC A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds” Fletcher, Farley, Shipman & Salinas, LLP. Florence Chasey-Cohen Frances Dare Frank & Barbara Mead Frank Mccutchan Frank Stephenson Frank Wilson G & F Group, LLC Gail & Peter Loeb Gail Ewing Gail Weathers Gamtex Industries Garcia and Mr. Garcia Garnett Walker Garry Stackhouse Gary & Janet Fabian Gary Allen Gary and Judy Casebeer Gary Cunningham Gary S. Black Gary Spinell Gayle & Don Hurst Gayle Marshall GE United Way Giving Campaign Gemey Kaliff Gene & Sheralynn Stoutmeyer George & Karla Barber George E. Wilkin George Engelland George Greenway Georgia Brown Gerald Connor Gerald McLelland Gerrit Pronske Gigatt LLC Gina Gonzales Ginger Uhr Girl Scouts of Tejas Council Troop #694 Gladys W. Carr GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Glenda & Philip C. Elston Glenn & Charlene Kennedy Glenn Galton Glenn M. Kinzler Glenn Park Family Gloria Lewis Glynda Tischmacher “Goldman, Sachs & Co Matching Gifts” Goody Goody Liquor, Inc. Gordon Hunter Gordon McMillan Grand Bank Grand Lodge, Ancient Universal Mysteries Grant Thornton LLP - Dallas Greg Bridges Greg Rohan Gregory and Nicole Speer Gregory C. Crown Gregory Carlson Gregory G. Clarke Gregory P. Gleim Group & Pension Administrators, Inc. H. Campbell & Linda Zachry Ms. Haley and Mr. Haley Haley Harper Hamid Khaleghipour Hankinson Levinger, LLC. Hannah’s Harold Cashmore Harold Luedke Harriet B. Harvey and Mr. Richard L. Harvey Harry D. Hawn Mr. Harvey Gollman and Barbara Gollman Harvey R. Mitchell, III & Ms. Linda J. Helton Harvey W. Wiggins Health Care Service Corp. Heather Howerton Heather Smith Heather Todd Heidi Imhof Helen B. King Helen Matthews Helen N. Hensley Helen S. Gray Helen Sanchez Helen Wood Helena L. Cromwell Henry & Susan Albach Henry Gilchrist Henry Sermersheim The North Texas Food Bank Herbert and Michele Kesner Philanthropic Fund Heribert Muensterer Herman C. Specht Highlands Bank Highmark Matching Gifts Program Hillary Scheurich HM Insurance Group Hobart Kennedy Hockaday Neighborhood Association Holly Cusato Holmes Murphy - Texas Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Youth Group Hooper Group Consultants, LTD. Hossley Lighting Associates, Inc. Mrs. Houser and Mr. Houser Howard A. Roach Hubert Daniels Hudson Advisors Huron Consulting Services LLC Hyechong Ko I Am Communications, Inc. IAC Imagine Nation Books, Ltd Imelda and Clinton Haley India West Fine Dining & Lounge Ingeborg Vastola Intel Volunteer Grant Program Intuit Foundation Irfan & Marcia Farukhi Irwin Grossman Irwin Grossman Investments Properties, Inc. Isaac Varughese J .W. Sutherland J Benton Woodward J. C. Henderson J. Colby Ingram J. E. & Jan Powell J. Keith Hanchey J. Tim Moore J.D. Hix Jack and Paula Easter Jack Bankhead Jacqueline Monteilh Jacquelyn Taft & John S. Lowe Jaime Rogers James Adcock James & Janie Douglas James A. Moore James Couzelis James Harris James Heaberlin James Humphrey James Ketchersid James McElhaney James N. Howard James O. Hughey James Ross James Welch James Wilson Jams L. Poston Jan & Jim Harrison Jan Barnett Jan M. Casillas Jan Pearson Jan Vrielink Jane Chien Jane Phillips Janeen Young Janelle Bowling Janet Hume Janet M. & Henry H. Gruver Janet Mccune Janet Schott Janice Ciszewski Janie Bryant Janie McGarr Janis Hudson Janis K. Nichols Janis Pries Janita H. Wells Jay Graver Jay W. Oppenheimer Jean Boswell Jean Coffman Jean Deleon Jean Dunaway Jean McCombs Jean McIntosh Jean Ziglar Jeff Harvick Jeff Muhlenkamp Jeff Polack Jeffrey & Carol Heller Jeffrey & Lisa Genecov Jeffrey Goodman Jeffrey Jayson Jeffrey Jones Jennifer Huddleston Jennifer Nodwell Jennifer Waters Jen-Ren Dainel & Shan-Mei Chu Teng Jeremy and Sharon Boyd Jeremy Fielder Jeremy Morgan Jeremy Stoler Jerone & Pamela Albritton Jerry & Lucille Ellis Jerry Hammon Jerry W. Sewell Jesse Bomer Jill & Michael Nowell Jill Valachovic Jill Ward Jill Widmark Mr. & Mrs. Jim Andress Jim & Linda Willenborg Jim Striegel Jina McDaniel Jing Stautler Jo Besty & Dr. William Smith Joan & Steven Ehlers Joan & Tim G. Abrams Joan Longorio Claybourn & B.J. Claybourn Joanna M. Hutson Joanne & Melvyn A. Berke Joanne Stuckey Joe Adams Joe Dolcini Joe Pontrello Joel A. Hunton Joel Overall John Dietz John Wylie John & Amy Skoro John & Ann Bischoff John & Betty Taylor John & Corinne Nassen John & Peggy Hamm John & Sandra Cooley John Bozalis John Brown John C. Garvey John Clarke John Collins John Crowley John D. Leonard John David McFerrin John Engquist John F. Hooten John F. Psutka, M.D. John Heffley John Hurlbert Mr. and Mrs. John Landes John Landry John Little John N. Rowland John R. Sewell John Rimmer John Sanders John Underhill John Walton Johnnie Dillard Johnny Getum Johnny Williams Johnson & Johnson Jon & Kathleen Jacobson Jon Herber Jon Jones Jon Rockwood Jonathan & Jennifer Mullins Jonathan Crabb Jonathan Schultz Jonathan Sher Jonathan Toman Jonathan Witter Jordan Cliff Jose L. Rodriguez Joseph & Sharon Huffman Joseph Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guida Joseph Sendrowski Joseph Sulc Joseph T. Clark Joseph Weaver Joshua Blanco Joshua Comer Joshua Gertzen Joshua Miller Joshua Newton Josie Martinez Joy E. Adams Joy Weaver Joyce & Harvey R. Mitchell Joyce & Michael Ernst Joyce & Sherman Tsao JPMorgan Chase Judith Adams Judith Gardere Judith Hebb Judith Mccullough 2012 Annual Report 25 Judson Davis Judy & A.J. Shultz Judy & Andy Shaw Judy Williams Juli & Mac McGinnis Julia A. Bustos Julia Lamb Julie A. Work Julie Chronis Julie Farrow Julie Hardin June & Garland D. Ziegenhorn Mr. Justice and Mrs. Justice J-W Operation Company Karel Holloway Karen Metcalf Karen & Eric Bassett Karen Hensley Karen Hogan Karen Knudson Karen Levinski Karen M. Morin Karen Rogers Karen Shearrer Karen Spencer Karin B. Torgerson Karin Cattarulla Karla McKinley Kassandra McLaughlin Kate Emrich Katharine & William Begg Katherine & Michael Booth Kathleen & Henry Himmelberg Kathleen & Paul Stephenson Kathleen B. & Ronald J. Cooper Kathleen Gross Kathleen J. Soch Kathryn Brandt Kathy Wright Katy Barker Kay & Dennis Magill Kay & Joe Barton King Kay & Kerry Walbridge Kay L. Cosby Keith Bryan Keith Crandall Keith Hernandez Keith Herndon Keith Roach Keith Williams Kelby Hagar Kelle Fontenot Kellie Rasberry Kelly & Richard Erickson Kelly Clayton Kelly Michie Kelly Wrenn Kelvin Davis Ken and Lucy Johnston Ken Dickens Kendall & Kathryn Branch Kenneth C. Morton Kenneth Meixelsperger Kenneth Weaver Kerri McSween Dorsett Kevin & Amy Pollard Kevin & Cristi Ryan Kevin C. Miller Kevin Callaghan Kia Patterson Dealership Kim Burdick Kimberely Suter and Ian Stuart Kip & Danika Mendrygal Kip Brewer Kirk Coleman Kit K. Hughes Kitty & Emmett Marshall Kohl’s Kondos & Kondos Law Offices Krista & Craig Weinstein Krista Crews Kristine Brassil Kristine Keown Kurt & Cara Pilgrim Kurt & Cynthia Kreiselmaier L Kay K. Marker L.Sanders Thompson Lalonnie R. & J. Colin Clark Lamar E. Ozley Lana Ellis Lanetta F. Thompson Lara Kent Larry & JoAnn Cruise Larry & Linda Walker Larry & Marion Frayne Larry Morton LaShonda Walker Laura Waygood Laura and Paul Redmon Laura Bower Laura Churchill Laura Jewell The North Texas Food Bank Laura M. Hulett Lauri Newblom Laurie Gold Laurie Sweet Laurie Wilhite Lawrence & Kathy Wilson Lawrence Bunyard Lawrence Doherty Lee Haspel Lee Lampl LeeAnn & Peter Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Len Denby Lenore & Joshua Parens Leon Kaplan Leonard Kern Les Prater Lesley K. Butler Leslie & Dora Nichols Leslie MacLean Leslie O. Niemi Leslie Weinstein Lewis John Lewisville Independent School District Libby & Gregory Farris Linda & Dan Mulkey Linda and Steven Blasnik Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Linda S. Ramsey Linda Simpson Linda Sue Graham Linda Wilkins “Lindayhl Corporation DBA: Attorney’s Service Bureau of Texas” Lindsey Wright Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Lisa A. Millett Lisa and Steve Byrd Lisa B. Baron Lisa Barouh Lisa Beggs Lisa Belcher Lisa K. Davenport Lisa Kittredge Lisa Pinckard Lisa Pugh Lisa Scoggins Lisa Zahn Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, LLP. Lon Hays Lorenzo Davis Loretta A. Robison Lori & James Beckelman Lori & Richard Hubbard Lori & Robert Karol Lori Cameron Lorri & Harrald Kroeker Lou Ann Brookshire Louis & Matthew Harms Louise Bunnell Lovell Public Relations, Inc. Lubing Fang Lucy & Rusty Mahaffey Lugene Friedholm Lula M. Johnson Lydia Connor Lyle Ratner Lynn Ellen Martin Lynn R. Jacobs Lynn T. Fernandez Lynn Wisdom Lynne Morgan M E Garber Mack & Anita L. Maples Mack & Ladelle Good Macy’s at Stonebriar Macy’s Collin Creek Madeline Aponte Mae Ellis Magda Girgis & Connie Jenkins Mahesh Gehani Malcom & Beverly Cameron Malinda Passmore Malou & Owen Arnold Manfred Albers Manijeh Bergly Manjush Varghese Marc Fanning Marcela Villafranco Margaret & D. G. Watwood Margaret & William Richardson, Jr. Margaret M. Galligan Margaret Miller Margaret Plummer Marge and Clyde James Gift Fund Maria Vaquera Maria Vergara Calderon Marianne T. & Gary Hatsell Marilu Meredith Marilyn K Hicks Marilyn R. Cox Marjorie & Charles Hansen Mark & Janice Smith Mark Botello Mark C. Nyquist Mark E. Jacobs Mark Fugitt Mark G. Monse Mark Giambrone Mark Gibson Mark Hanby Mark Head Mark Kerins Mark Mersel Mark Phariss Mark Stamm Mark Stehling Mark Vandergrift Mark W. Warren Market Strategies International Markit WSO Corporation Marlene Smith Marlene Wise Marsha & Gene Foster Martha Adcock Martha Davis Martha G. Justice Martha L. Thompson Martha M. Kimmerling Martha S. Denson Martha Vaughan Mrs. Martin and Mr. Martin Martin Dalton Martin E. Abrams Martin Espinosa Marva E. DeVault Marvin J. Pautsch Mary & Daniel P. McVay Mary & John Blanchett Mary & Tom Walker Mary A. Miller Mary A. Thompson Mary Burdin Mary Burkett Mary Eschrich Mary Hursin Mary J. Brovont Mary Lee J. Virden Mary Lou & Brian Derksen Mrs. Mary Lou Hook and Andrew T. Hook Mary M. Cook Mary Murphy Mary R. & David Zarate Mary Rixford Mary Stark Mary Witherow Mathew W. Grynwald Matt Jones Matthew Bishop Matthew Braunstein Matthew D. Mabel Matthew Gambill Matthew Pool Matthew Scafidi Matthew Stine Maureen M. Kelly Maureen T. Luby Maurice Martin McKesson McKinstry Charitable Foundation Meadows Alpha Properties, L. P. Medcon Benefit Systems Group, Inc. Meena Jeanes MeiLing Chiu Melanie Larrabee Melinda McNutt Melissa Mertley Melissa Sandoval Mellany Lamb Melody and Rick Rogers Melva Thornton Melvin & Helen M. Ellis Meomi L. Butler Mercer (US) Inc. Metrocrest Democrats Metropolitan Baptist Church Benevolent Account Metropolitan Baptist Church of Dallas Michael & Anna Simon Michael A. Condon Michael Baker Michael Brennan Michael Carlozzi Michael D. Moline Michael D. Murphy Michael D. Snow Michael Galli Michael Guadarrama Michael J. Holck 2012 Annual Report 26 Michael J. Oujesky Michael J. Simons Michael Johnson Michael Kleppe Michael L. Crunk Michael Loehr Michael Muegel Michael Nikula Michael Picard Michael R. Seals Michael Reed Michael Schaefer Michael Springer Michael Trombello Michael Vick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walker Michael West Michael Williamson Michele Dunn Michelle Bruu Michelle Gabelmann Michelle Kopfer Miguel Gonzalez Mike Fenton Mike Lamkins Milligene & Ramon Womack Misty Das Mizuni, Inc. Mohouse Design Co. Monica Froebe Monica Marek Monique Holland Monna & Allan Dawson MPS Studios Dallas Muhammad Haroon Myrna & Jerry Knierim Nadine Givens Nancy Fincher Nancy L. Good Nancy Smith Nancy Thursby Nancy W. Marcus Nancy Watson Naser Nayeb Nathan Byars Nathan Smithson National Hockey League Foundation National Philanthropic Trust National Wholesale Supply Inc. Navarro Huff PLLC Neil Kocianic Neill P. Clayton, DDS Nelda & Travis Maxwell New Life In Christ Lutheran Church Nicole Small Nicole Dana Noel & Doris Harrison Norman & Nhi . M Wu Norman W. Baxter North Texas Nurse Practitioners NRO Charitable Giving Oak Cliff Artisans Mr. Ochoa and Ms. Ochoa Olympus America Inc. Omkar Gogna On Stop Credit Shop Oncor Electric NE Service Center Orlando O’Neill Orman Anderson Osama & Christina Ahmad Paige & Grant Yaney Paige Koch Paladin Marketing Resources, Inc. Pam D. Johnson Pamela & James Reaves Pamela Ann & Oscar C. Hollis Pamela Cogburn Pamela D. Hoffman Pamela Daley Pamela G. Elrod Pamela Retting & Michael Graham Paragon Parigi Park Cities Passport, LLC Pat S. Jones Pat Whatley Pati Salmon Patrice Alessandra Patricia & Charles Canfield Patricia & Rudolph Varney, Jr. Patricia Collins Patricia Hague Patricia Matula Patricia O. Alexander Patricia Scovel Patricia Van Buskirk Patrick & Mary Tiner Patrick Beal Patrick Houghton Patrick J. Foster Patty Young Paul & Janiece Hill The North Texas Food Bank Paul & Linda Zucconi Paul and Lee Michaels Paul Anderson Paul Greathouse Paul Herman Paul Hoelscher Mr. Paul Joseph Hooker and Mrs. Nadine Margo Hooker Paul MacAlevey Paul Passmore Paula & Fred O’Donley Paula & Rich Rosselet Paula L. Peppard Paulette Lyman Pedro Vidal Peggy Landenberger Performance Matters Associates Perkins-Prothro Foundation Peter and Ellen Townsend Peter Bressler Peter Kofoed Petrine Abrahams & Robert Yaquinto Phil Mitchell Phillip & Linda Glauben Phillip & Wendy Hansen Phyllis & James Adams, Jr. Phyllis B. Mckenzie Phyllis Meyerson Pizza Hut/Yum! Brands Polly Harder Polly Wilke Premier Network Group Pricewaterhouse Coopers Promotional Products Association SW Purvi Patel Questcare Pediatric Hospitalists R. C. Harvey Rachel & Gregory Walker Rachel Carr Rachel D. Keyes & Susan Rhames Rachel DeVey Rachel G. Korman Rachel Potter Rackspace Hosting Ragen & Roy Elterman Ralph Curl Ralph E. Borstmayer Ram Operation Company, Inc. Ramon Miguez Randall Dillman Randy Starns Ray & Sandy Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Falcon Mr. George Furqueron & Ms. Judith Reagan Rebecca & David Glover Rebecca A. Bell Rebecca Arndt Rebecca Bilbrey Rebecca Bullard Rebecca Cummings Rebecca F. Hunt Rebecca Waymack Rebeccah Sullivan Red Thread Productions, Inc. Regency Energy Partners Regina Eddleman Regina Uhl Rena Bauer Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Rene Freeman Renee Connell Restaurant St. Martin Inc. Retired Professional Football Players of Dallas Retta Miller Reule Family Fund RFab - Texas Instruments Rich Maddox Richard Martin Richard & Sandra Beckert Richard Bland Richard Cohn Richard Cudlipp Richard Erwin Richard G. Houweling Mr. Richard Goff & Ms. Deborah L. Mut Richard Grant Richard H. Crosby Richard Hughes Richard Hughey Richard J. Howell Richard Kimball Richard Kurjan Richard Layne Richard Marcel Richard Urquhart Richard Zinman Richardson Newcomers Club Richardson West Junior High Arts and Tech Magnet Rick & Helen Leonhardt Rick Hutton Ricky A. Cribbs Rilda & Kenneth Miller RISC Insurance Specialists Rita & Burt Root Rita Cavanaugh Rita Rhine River West Meeting Associates RJN Group, Inc. Robert & Kathleen Mennel Robert & Nancy Luxen Robert & Ruby Kittrell Robert A. Estrada Robert A. Parma Robert Bartzokas Robert Beard Robert Bland Robert C. Wilson Robert Dorough Robert Elkin Robert Eubank and Jennifer Barall Robert Folz Robert Graham Robert H. Eklund Robert Hyatt Robert Jordan Robert M. Bodziak Mr. Robert and Mrs. Geraldine Lynch Robert Maher Robert Mcguire Robert Monette Robert Montana Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Owen Robert Pope Mr. Roberts and Ms. Roberts Roberta Marshall Roberto Y. & Sandra R. Hernandez Robin Kosberg Robin Phelan Robyn Volpe Roger A. Shake Roger L. Bolen Rogers-O’Brien Construction Co., Ltd. Rong Zeng Roof Deck L.P. Roofing Supply Group Rosa & John Howell Roscoe C. Wilber Roseco Inc. Rosemary Domecki Rosemary Messineo Rosinda Castanon Royetta Walker Roy’s Hawaiian Fusion Roy’s/Outback Joint Venture RSI Russell Kovar Ruth Andres Ruth Hampton Ruth Ramsey Ruth Robinson S.A. & D.R. Burton Sakina Rasheed Sallie & Brown Plummer Sally Pierry Sally Storie Sam & Judy Coats Sam Wadsworth Samir Abbas Sam’s Furniture Samsung MetroPCS Samuel & Becky Moore Samuel P. Wenning Sandra & George Hallmark Sandra & Michael Luttrell Sandra and John Secor Sandra Dilworth Sandra Dudley Sandra Nesbitt Sandra Schulte Sandra Swanson Sandy Athey Sandy Bracy Sanford P. Fagadau SAP Matching Gift Program Sara A. Tangen Sara Campbell Sara E. Parker Sara Nabas Sara Wick Sarah Donch Sarah Henderson Sarah Kinder Scot & Anne O’Brien Scott Goodley Scott Lawton Scott Wells Scurry-Rosser I.S.D Sean Goodpasture 2012 Annual Report 27 Sean Johnson Sean Perkins Severance Global Investments Inc. Shana Moran Shane Humphries Shane Yaun Shanel Ferguson Sharla Cook Sharla Miller Sharon & Bernard Long Sharon Quarles Sharon Wallace Shawn Elder Shawn Stewart Shawn Turner Sheila C. Brookshire Sheldon Goldstein Shelia & Ross Simon Shelley & Mike Thomas Shelley Leftwich Sheralyn & John O’Connor Sherma S. Hott Sherrie Bennett Sherry & Raymond Siler Sherry Hensley Sheryl Lynn & David McAhren Shirley & John Lapicola Shirley & Richard Wunneburger Shirley Meurer Shirley Sloan Shoemaker Family Fund Shriram Moharil Siby Samuel Siemens-Caring hands Smokin Scooters SMU Meadows School of the Arts Sodexo Corporate Southwest Airlines Internal Audit Southwest Bank Specialized Marketing International SPI Services, Inc. Sprint Stacy J. Adams Stanley Szymanski State Farm Insurance Mr. Staubach and Ms. Staubach Stefany James Steffani Starry Stephanie D. & Paul L. Turney Stephanie George Stephanie J. Dickason Stephanie Merrifield Stephanie Schmidt Stephanie Stevens Stephany I. Chen Stephen & Charlene Seachord Stephen Dunn Stephen E. E. Schlarb Stephen Hadzima Stephen Hill Stephen Howard Stephen Hubbard Stephen J. Cross Stephen Jennings Stephen Johnston Steve Wiggins Steve & Denise Ring Steve Alaniz Steve Alford Steve Allcorn Steve Rush & Nancy O’Connor Steve Slattery Steve Wright Steven & Cathy Zwernemann Steven & Megan Calandra Steven and Cathy Fleming Steven Bednar Steven Betzen Steven Peskind MD and Associates Sue & Don Berry Sue Abshire Sue Ann Fucilla Sue Smith Sugar Wonders Cake Club Sullivan’s SteakHouse Superior Energy Systems, LTD. Surjit Binning Susan Jones Susan Stone Susan & Berine Prachyl Susan & Gerald Urbach Susan & Randy Wilhoit Susan & Stephen Spencer Susan & Tom Fogarty Susan Bondy Susan Cassidy Susan E. Slack Susan Franscini Davis Susan Hartman Susan Haynes Susan Iannaccone Susan McManus The North Texas Food Bank Susan Mooney Susan N. Seagraves Susan Seamans Susan Shelby Susan Stock Susan Tobin Susan Wilson Susanne Zavala Suzanne & Jim Gaberino Suzanne G. Milot Suzanne Gill Suzanne Johnson Suzanne Leach Suzanne Leslie Sylvan Ray Memorial Endowment Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Sylvester & Kaliah Atemkeng Sylvia Fontana Sylvia M. Demarest T. David Cowart Tamara O’Connor Tammy Hernandez Tango Management Consulting, LLC Tanya & Christopher Mooibroek Technomic, Inc. Telecore Tellabs Telvista, Inc. Teresa & Larry Phillips Teresa Welsh Teri & Stephen Yates Terri Anderson Terri Mckinney Terri Thornton Terrice Williams Terry & Kristi Dallas Terry Forrester Terry Gottberg Terry Stallcup Texas Air Systems, LLC Texas Airsystems, Inc. Texas Harley-Davidson Texas Rangers Women’s Club TexasCarsDirect.com-LTD The Adolphus The Burgess Family The Courtney & Michael Katzenstein Family Fund The Gaba Family The Hall Family Giving Fund The Herbert and Michele Kesner Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation The Hopkins Group The Kelly Clayton Agency The Landmark Restaurant The Mack Law Office, PLLC The Mar Thoma Church of Dallas “The McDowell Family Trust William M. McDowell Or Josephine McDowell, Trustees” The Morris Family The New Covenant Foundation The Paul and Margo Charitable Fund The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts The Richard Callicutt Family The RJN Foundation, Inc. The Roy Gene & Pamela Evans Foundation The Strickler Group The Vega Group, L.L.C. The Williams Companies, Inc. The Windhover Foundation Theresa Walston Thinkfind Corporation Thomas A Simpson thomas boback Thomas Goodwin Thomas Johns Thomas Lusk Thomas M. Osborne Thomas Mercer Thomas R. & Patricia A. Jefferies Thomas W. Mitchell Thomas Wendling Tigran Cholakyan Tillie Borchers Tim & Marsha Elms Timothy & Beth Ryan Timothy & Cara Nuna Timothy & Joyce Repa Timothy Meyer Timothy Shaffer Todd Dawson Tolleson Wealth Manangement Tom & Sarah Webster Tom Holleman Tom McCone Tom Upchurch Tom Younker Tomato Battle Tomkins Building Products Toni & Patrick McNutt Toni A. Evans Toni Bramley Tonya M. Gray Tousaint and Mrs. Tousaint Tracey & Aaron Kozmetsky Tracey R. Williams Tracy Kutch Trang T. Ma & Toi V. Le Trenton L. Finaldi & Kelli J. Finaldi Trini Garcia Trinity Industries, Inc. Trinity United Methodist Church Trudy L. Osborn Tyler Christian UHY Advisors United International Union Aerospace 848 United Natural Foods, Inc. United Way of New York City United Way of the Greater Triangle UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign UNT PACS 3000 Unum Matching Gifts Program Utility Systems Solutions Valuecube Unlistenable Podcast 75432 Vanessa & Alex Nestor Veronica Simes Vesta O. Jenson Veta D. Bailey VHA Vicki and John Wrona Vicki Stewart Vickie Bumpass Victor DeSouza Mr. Vincent Bush and Mrs. Gwendolyn Bush Vilma Y. Vanegas Virginia Debrow Virginia Snodgrass VirtualCFO Vivian Hassett W Blackstone W. Gray W. J. Meyer W. N. & R. M. Abraham W. T. Fogarty Walter and Susan Cowger Charitable Fund Walter L. Lloyd Wanda & Roger Horn Wanda Perkins Wanda Roy Warner Custom Homes L.C. Warren & Susan Ernst Watson and Mrs. Watson Wayne & Geneva Ranta Wayne F. Malecha WellPoint Foundation Wendi & Nyle Brandenburg Wendy Litman Ms. Wendy J. Meyer & Mr. George P. Rodrigue Mr. Wesley D. Kilmer Mr. Wentrcek and Mrs. Wentrcek Weston Musselman WFG Management Whitney Farley Wiggins Will Messer William & Anne Lesikar William & Maude Schell William & Miriam Harris William & Sunae Shelton William Benninghoff William Buchanan William Cantrell William Coggan William D. & Laurie Mcmillan William E. & Meribeth H. Stevens William Gayden William Griffith William Katz William L. Jernigan William Methenitis William Moore - Plano William N N Shaefer William Nuss William Nuzum William O. & Janet L. Zorka William R. Graham WPTAPL Yeshta Munngru Your Community Credit Union Mr. John C. Eichman & Ms. Victoria Zudak 2012 Annual Report 28 a big thank you to our Food donors 105.3 Radio Station 128 Produce 12MONLC 1ST Global 24 Hour Fitness 330th District Court 7-Eleven Inc A C F E /I I A A&T Distributing A.W Brown Leader A+T Distributing Aaron Arnold Aaron Dodd Aaron King Abbott Nutrition Abdul Samjoo Abraham Turner Abubakar Jeilania Abundio Chapa Ace Cash Express Adam Martinez Adam Staley ADC Enterprise Incoporated Adriana Perry Adrienne Rogers ADT ADT Security Advenir At Foxmoor Advenir At Highland Park AEGIS Aegis Communications Affirmative Insurance Air Products & Chemicals Aisha Manning Akkron Ragland Alaina Richards Alan Mathis Albert Sanchez Alberto Garza Albertsons LLC Alejandro Carrerses Alexander Elementery Alexander Johnson Alexander Mitchel Alexander Pruitt Aleyandar Mitchell Alfredo Cordero Aliance Skatepark Alice Lewis Alicia Venable Allegiance Title Allen Burke Allen Comm Outreach Allen Stein Alliance Data Alliance/AFT Allison King Allison Langston All-Star Diva Step Team Ally Financial Allyson Hopkins Alma Romero Alma Smith Alonzo Brown Alonzo Roberson Alonzo Scott Alph Coleman Alpha Landa Delta Alphagraphics Alt-n Technologies Altrusa Group - Pet Food Project Alvarez & Marsal Alyce Seligson Amanda Cooke Amanda Cruz Amanda Curry-Felix Amaranth Independent Senior Living Amber Lynch Amberly Hawkins Ambit Energy Amegy Bank America First Insurance American Airlines American Cancer Society American College Of Eduaction / Academic American Hotels Register Company American Messaging American Red Cross The North Texas Food Bank American Welding Society America’s Serviceline Amerigold Logistics Amerifreight Sys Ameriprise Financial Amos Euins AMS Pictures Andre Mason Andrea Simons Andrew B. Sommerman Andrew Nastri Andrew Scheizer Andrew Williams Anessa Roberts Angela Alexander Angela Boston Angela Savage Angelina Johnson Ann Francis Anna Maria Hernandez Anna Pizarro Anne Hudnall Anonymous Ansira Ansley at Park Central ANSSC Anthis Ray Anthony Escalona Anthony Ferror Anthony Fort Anthony Fulson Anthony G Wright Anthony Herron Anthony Johnson Anthony Jordan Anthony Thomas Antoine Peters Antonio A Cruz Antonio Leonides Buenaventura Antawn Wilson AP Food Sales Apple King of Yakima, Washington Arcmi/ Walmart Ardeal Pakvizasavri Ariana Arevalo Arica Freeman Ariel Williams Arizona Beverages USA Arlene M. Santos Armando Aguilar Armour-Eckrich Meats, LLC Aron Chauez ARS Rescue Rooter Art House Artalian Evans Arturo Gutierrez Arturo Solis Ascencion Alonzo Ashley Nessel Ashley Roundtree Ashley Samples Ashley Wilson Assess Systems Assurance Screening, LLC Assured Self Storage AT & T AT&T Performing Arts Center AT&T/ Treasury Athony Pinon ATI Career Training Center Atmos Energy Atrevia Washington Audner Mclave/Bryant Bott Audrey Peterson Audrianna Cabrera Austin Mc Kee Austin Mc Mahon Automatic Data Processing Ava Wilkins Jackson Aveolon Jackson AWG AZ Transport B. Valdez Baby Gourmet Foods, Inc. Bank Of America Bank Of America C/O Check Fraud Claims Bank of New York Barack Obama Leadership Academy Barbara Stevens Barbara Williams Barbra Williams Barry Howard Bartush-Schmitzius Foods Bay Valley Foods Baylor Health & Vascular Hospital Baylor Healthcare Baylor Medical Center At Uptown BDO Seidman,LLP Bean Brand Foods Bee Trucking Behmen Saqnjana Belcan Tech Services Bell Carter Bell Park Central Bell Partners Inc. Bella Vida at Coyote Ridge Ben Besst Ben Cook Jr. Ben E. Keith Ben Milam Elementary School Benjamin Walter Benny Valek Bent Tree Country Club WGA Bergandie Mermel Bernard Reed Best Western--Duncanville Beth Eden Baptist Church Beth Landsberg Betty Millican Betty Womack Beverly Hills Assn Bhakta Samaj Of Dallas Bhatia Yasmin Big Assets LLC Big D Sports Big Springs Elementry Billie Perkins Billie W Brent Billy Don Lynn Billy Fred Berry Billy G. Thompson Billy Perkins Birdie Alexander Elem. Bishop Dunne Black Gold Farms Inc. Blake Beyer Blake Taylor Long Block 5100 LLL Blue Bell Creameries Blue Goose Organization Blue Jeans Bar Blue Velvet Bob B. Bartosicwicz Bobby Stokes Bodycote Thermal Processing Inc. Bon Savor Food, LLC Bonerts Slice of Pie Borden Borders Boude Storey Middle School Boy Scouts Pack 2012 Boy Scouts Pack 4000 Boy Scouts Troop 263 Boy Scouts Troop 75 Brad Eldred Brad Kons - CARES Bradley Daniels Bradley J. Monaco Brandon Gonzalez Brandon Pickens Brandon Polk Brandon Rowlothan Brandon Wheeler Brandt Braudou Zackery Brennan Financial Services Bret Ackerman Breyana Monroe Brian Reddick Brian Reed Sr. Brian Shewski Briggs Equipment Bright Horizons Brinker International Brinks, Inc. Brittian Franks Brocks Solutions Broderick Roseman 2012 Annual Report 29 Brookshire Groceries Brothers Produce Brown Hand Center Brown McCarroll, LLD Bruce Carter Bruce Scott Bruce Valdez Bryan Duke Bryan Scott Bryan Vaughn Bryant Chapple Bryant Gosch Budd Van Lines Buddhist Youth Assoc. Bush Brothers, Inc. Byran Pipkins Byrone Johnson C H Guenther & Son C.A. Tatum Elementary C.B. Richard Ellis C.H. Robinson Calavo Growers Cambium Learning Group Cambridge Camden Cameion Clay Camille Thompson Campbell Soup Company Campbell Soup Supply Company Canaan Christian Of Garland Candelario Lira Candus Barnes Canstruction Canyon Creek Christian Academy Capital One Capital One Auto Finance Capital One Bank Capricia Larson Cargill Cargill Meat Solution Corp. Carl Adam Gillette Carl L. Thompson Carl Moore Carleta Federko Carlisle & Amp Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting Group Carlos Moore Carlos Simpson Carlos Soto Carlos Villa Carlton Ingram Carmen Almaguer Carnival Food Store Carol Sutherland Carolina Logistics Caroline Klaudt Carrie Stevenson Carrollton Elementary Caruthers Raisins Cary Efard CaseStack, Inc. Cassidy Turley Cassiopeia Internet Castle and Cook Cold Storage Castle Gap Jewelry Cathy Thornton CBRE CCSI Ceasar Chavez Learning Center Cedar Creek Village Apt. Cedar Hill ISD Cedric Carter Cedric Jemmerson Cedric Powell Cedric R Brown Cedrick Dixon Celeste Thompson Center Plate @ Dallas Con. Cnt Central Illinois Food Bank Central Refrigerated Service Centre of Physical Therapy Cesar Barragan Cesar Blanco Cesar G. Santos Cesar Martinez Ceslie Smith Ceva CF Chefs, Inc. CH Robinson Trucking Chad Offord Champion Windows Chanyere Echols Chapel Hill Apt Charles A Gill Elementary Charlie Kimbrough Charlotte K Chandler Charlton McNulty Chartis Chase Bank Chase Kearney Chelsea Johnson The North Texas Food Bank Cherisse Lewis Cheryl Howard Chester Henderson Chicago Title Insurnce Co. Chih Yun Yawg Children’s Medical Center Chiquita Brands International Chkovia Smith Chloe Johnson Choctaw Tribe of Coppell Chris Calhoon Chris Griffin Chris Mc Cleary Chris Shirey Christmas In July Christian Hernandez Christie Jones Christina Esters Christine Stanesic Christopher Curry Christopher German Christopher Griffen Christopher Matthews Christy Russo Christy Schleicher Church Brothers Cigarroa Elementary CIGNA Corporation Cindy Crisler Cintus Corp. Cisco Systems, Inc Citibank City Chiropractic City Credit Union City of Dallas City of Dallas - Water Claires Christian Day School Clara Egbim Clara Oliver Elementary School Clarion Partners Clark NHS Claude Dabney Claudia Garcia Clear Channel Radio Clyde Dolt Clyde Polk Coca-Cola North America Cody Domino Cody Miller Coleman Larry Colin Powell Elementry Collin County Community College Colonial Freight Columbia Packing Co. Combs Produce Co. Comerica Shred Day Comm. John Walley Price Office Community Supervision Dept. Compucom, Inc. ConAgra Foods Inc ConAgra Consolidated ConAgra Grocery Products, Inc. Concord Management Concorde Career College Consentino USA Consuela Jackson Consumer Credit Container Store Convention Center Convergys Conway Truckload Cooper Spa Coppell Curves for Women Coppell ISD Kids for Turkeys Coppermark Corey Lewis Corey Williams Corner Bakery Cafe Cornerstone Automation Systems Costco Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church Coyate Logistics CP&Y INC. CPS-CPD CR England Cracker Barrel Craig Davidson Crash Rescue Equipment Services Credora Crestone Group Baking Co. Cross Country Cargo Cross Fit Crown Relocations Cruz Villegas Crystal Caldwell- Bays Crystal Murry CSL Plasma Cumming Electrical Ave Curtis Anderson Curtisha Mc Gowan Curves CVS Caremar Cynthia Brackin Naylor Cynthia Martinez Cynthia Rodriguz Cythinia Walton D C Clark Daisy Brand Dakota Gourmet Dallas Ruff Ryders Dallas Athletic Club Dallas Bar Assocation Dallas Business Journal Dallas Chapter, Credit Unions Dallas Cocktail Society Dallas Convention Center Dallas Count Juvenile Depart. Dallas County Dallas County CSCD Dallas County CSCD, East Office Dallas County Health Center Dallas County Juvenile Dept. Dallas County Schools Dallas Court Reporters Assoc Dallas Depot Inc Dallas Diagnostic Association Dallas Envirromental Science Acadamy Dallas Federal Building Dallas Fire Department #25 Dallas Fire Departments Dallas Fire Rescue Department Dallas Hispanic Bar Ass. Dallas ISD Dallas Kids Expo Dallas Metro LIFE Music Club Dallas Metroplex Council Of Black Alumni Assc Dallas Producers Association Dallas Real Dallas Regional Chamber Dallas S A I Center Dallas Theater Center Dallas Vandals Dallas Zoo Damarcus A McCoy Damien Kennedy Damon Tricom Dan Newhard Dan Rudder Daniel Chapa Daniel Cooksey Daniel Escalante Daniel Farabaugh Daniel Waite Danielle Brown Danielle Cotton Danita King Dannon Company Danny Baker Danny James Danny Johnson Danny Richardson Darden Restaurants Darian Mabry Dario Herrera Daron Lee Darrien C Moore DaShaleaca Downing Daughters of Zion #5 Dausha Moseley Davenport Law David Reyes David Brazzeal David Lopez David Murphy David Plata David Villalpanlo Davis Thomas Davonda Coleman Dawn Food Products De Angelo Fite Dean Foods Deboer Deboer Transportation Deborah Backus Deborah Cannon DeBore Inc. Deerfield Apts. Deick Obovant Del Monte Foods Co. Del Monte Fresh Produce Delando Daniels Delicia Armstread Delicia Brunson Delinda Petuit Demarcus Beale Denario Trans DeNarius Clark Denisha Foster Denisha Whittle Dennis Sims Dennis Taylor Dental Professionals Of Texas 2012 Annual Report 30 Deondrey Smith Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Homeland Security Dequallian Munson Derek O’Brant Derek R Reed Derrick Griffins Derrick K. Wilcox Derrick Moore DeSean Lacy Desiree Alexander Desiree Nottingham Desoto East Middle School Desoto High School Desperados Mexican Restaurants Devcon Security Devin Allen Devin Kendrick Devin L Crowe Devin Mumphery Dewayne Jefferson DeWolf, Boberg DFW Ambassordor Program DFW Hosptial Council DFW NCDA DFW SEC Fans DHS/Texas Service Dignity Memorial L.I.F.T.Group Dillon Corington Dillon Gage Dimont & Associates Dining In Dio/Sio Dionta Jackson Direct Buy Dallas East Disney Store Disney/ The help/ Feeding America Campaign Dixie Distributors Dmikel Tratter Documation Inc. Dole Packaged Foods,LLC Dollar General Dollar True Alexis Dixon Domino’s Distribution Center Don Herring Mitsubasai. Don Johnson Don Miguel Foods Donald Smith Donald T Kworth Donald Titsworth Donavon Session Donnell Coleman Dorothy Abbott Dorothy Beumer Douglas Miles Douglass Miles Dr. Kracker Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Drew Morales Drivan Sollutions DRS Duncanville ISD Dyamond Parish Dyck-Oneal, Inc E A Sween E.D. Walker Middle School Earl Matlock Earnest Hardy Earnestine Hall Earth 1st Recycle Centers, Inc Earth Wind Inc Eastfield College Eastman Corporation Easton-Bell Sports Ebby Halliday Elementary Ebby Halliday Realtors Ebony Anderson Ebony Chukwusky Ebony Hail Edna Row Elementary Edson Leonides Eduardo Ozuna Education Station Learning Center Edvardo Ozuna Edward A. Stach Edy Holguin Efrain Mendez Eileen Dandy Einstine Noah Elan Financial Services Elie Tahari Elisa David Elisa Lara Elizabeth Downey Elizabeth Sanchez Elizabeth Taylor Ellery Lockett Elliot Baker Ellis Co. Embassy Suites The North Texas Food Bank Emeka Njoku Emily Clark Emmanuel Anderson Enrique Eshrads Epi Breads Episcopal School of Dallas Eres Stone Erian Jones Eric Gates Eric Goodwin Eric Richardson Eric Turner Erica Cazares Erica Martinez Erica Person Erica Sanchez Erick Alvarado Erikka Duran Erin Hannah Erin Rosenberg Esperanza Hope Medrano Elemetary Esther Darden Esurancee Eugene Mitchell Jr Eunice Stambaugh Europa Sports Products Inc. Eurpac Services Evans Foods Evenson Trucking Everett Fujii Evy Jennings Exchange Logistics Exeter Finance Express Scripts Exxon Mobil F.I.S. Facelogic/Spa Faim Economic Development Corp. Fair Oaks Day School Fairmeadows Elementary School Faith Family Academy Family Care Chiropractic and Wellness Family Medical Center at Garland Fantastic Moves Farley’s & Sather’s Candy Com. Farmers Insurance Claims Farmland Foods, Inc. FCC FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Fedex FedEx Freight Fedex Office FedEx Smart Post Feeding America Feliciano Rodriguez FFE Transportation Services Fidel Bamera Fidelity Investments Fire Station #49 Fireman’s Fund First Place Foods First United Methodist Church Fish City Grill Flooring Services Florilli Transportion Focus Focus Academy Focus Pointe Dallas FONDREN LIBRARY Food Bank Of Northwest Louisiana Food Source Inc. Forest Park Medical Center Forney Soccer Association Fossil FRANCES UPTON Francis Cornwall Francisco Garcia Franciso Segura Frank Seqara Fred Florence Middle School Freddie M Fagan Fredrick Clark Fredy Ramirez Freeman Co. Freeman Hyundai / Mazda Fresh Express Freshway Distributions Friends for Change Frisco Family Services Frisco ISD Frisco Rough Riders Night Frito Lay, Inc. Fritz C Beckworth Frymire Services FSMB Fuji Food Products, Inc. Furrs Fresh Buffet Fusion Performance Marketing Future Foam FWCC G.E. Gabriel Gonzales Gabriela Avalos Gaedeke Group LLC Gainsco Inc Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP Garey Gaston Gargiulo Inc. Garry Ammons Gary Skoblionok & Sabrina Maguire Gaston Middle School Gateway Charter Academy Gavina R Tamayo GE Capital Gemmy Industries Genband Gene E. Smith General Electric General Mills General Motors Genghis Grill George Chavez George Eddings George Hodges George W Bush Foundation George W. Truett Elementary Gerald Dyson Gerrell Moore Gessica DaSilna Gilbert Cuellar Elementary Gilberto Cipuentes Giles Golden Gilliam Collegiate Academy Girl Scout Troop #2775 Girl scout Troop #2005 Girl Scout Troop @2198 Girl Scouts #2759 Girl scouts #9448 Girl Scouts N E Tx #1097 Girl Scouts of NE Texas Girl Scouts Of NETX Troop #9448 Girl Scouts of Texas Girl Scouts Troop #9448 Girls Scouts Of Northeast Texas Glazier Foods Glenda Lane Gods Prescribed Place Of Worship Godwin Gruber, LLC. Going Bonkers Gold Auto Parts Recyclers Golden Living Goldie Long Goodies from Goodman Gourmet Foods, Inc. Grace Academy of Dallas Grace Dominion International Church Grand Lux Cafe Grawyler Parl Library Great Endings Greater Garth AME Greater Golden Gate Church Greater St. Mathew Youth Dept Greatwide Logistics Services Greenhill School Greg Mc Neal Gregory Johnson Griffin Partners, Inc. Grin Pediatric Dentistry & Evvebak Orthodontics Grocers Supply Group Dynamics Growers Express, LLC GSA/IRS Gustave Barbosa Gustavo Zamudio Guy Henry Gwen Baldwin H.W Long Middle School Half Price Books Hallmark Insurance Company Handle with Care Hard Rock Cafe Harmony School Of Innovation Dallas Harmony Science Academy Harrison Price Hartnett Company Hawaiian Falls Haywood Nefdy HDC Enterprise Inc. Head Start of Greater Dallas Healds Valley Farms Healthaxis Heart Place Heather Bawcum HEB Grocery Co. Hector Lomas Hector Natividad Rojas Heinz North America Helen Mack 2012 Annual Report 31 Herbert Marcus Elementary Heritage Dedicated Hermisha Montgomery Hewlett Packard HHSC & Dads Highland Park High School:Scots 4 Turkeys Highland Park Middle School Highland Springs Hilario Camacho Hilario Vargas Hillary Rose Hillwood Hilton Dallas Lincoin Centre Hilton Head Apts. Hilton Reservations Worldwide Hockaday Neighborhood Assoc. Holiday Fenoglio Fowler Holland Ent Hollis Morgan Holly Crider Holly Horak Holy Spirit Church Homar Trevino Home Depot Home Instead Senior Care Honda Financial Hooters Restaurant Hotels.com House Of Raeford Farms Inc. Houston Food Bank Howard and Brenda Deal Howard Hughes Medical HP Food Sales HUB Group Hugo R. Rebollar Humberto Martinez Humberto Pacheeo Humperdinks Tesxas LLC Hustin Perez Hyun Kwang Hyun Hyundai Capital America I.M.A. Employees Ibn Griffin Jr Ideal Sales Ignacio Salzar IHOP Restaurants PM Group Imprimis Group In Zone Brands Ms. Ina Joshua Index Skateboard Supply India Association of N. Texas Indiana University Alumni Assc DFW Insight Wealth Partners Instant Whip Foods Intechra Internal Revenue Service International Business Machine Interstate Batteries Intuit Inven Iran Williams IRMI Isabel Wright Isaul Salinas Islamic Association Of Collin County Isreal Escobar J C Penny, Inc. J M Swank JWI J. Mullins J.B.Hunt J.M. Smuckers Company Jack & Jill of america Inc Jack Johnsen Jacob York Jacobson Companies Jacquelyn McClinton Jacton Hoskins Jaguar Plano Jaime Rios Jaime Rodriguez Jain Society Of North Texas Jamba Juice Company James A Hicks Sr James A Morris James Byrd Sr James Campbell James Cantwwell James Cason James Dismuke James Duffey James E Hunter James Harrison James Hellner James Jones James Madison High School James Parham James R. Bilhartz Elementary Jamie Nesbitt Jana Mitchell Janet Labarba The North Texas Food Bank Janet Pedroza Jani-King International Jaquita Lofton Jaschar Fardl Jasmine Mitchell Jason Burrell Jason Cole Jason Edwards Jason Jennings Jason Wooldridge Javier Caballero Javier Laballero Javier R Rodriguez Javier Serrano Jay Bowman Jay Roberts JBS USA JCT JD & SR Trucking Jean Hopkins Jeannie Nix Davis Jeff Allen Jeff Hawkins Jeff Nash Ducati Dallas Jeffery Turan Jeffrey Allen Jeffrey Dorf Jeffrey Pepper Jeffrey S Lide DDS Jenni O Turkey Jennifer C Hudson Jennifer Cooper Smith Jennifer MacKenzio Jennifer Nolan Jennifer Salas Jennifer Uygur Jeraedo Cardenas Jeramie Jeffers Jered Lax Jeremiah Mora Jeremy Hanzlicek Jeremy Mays Jeremy Michael Brizendire Jerick Lee Mejia Jermaine Bernard Jermoine Thomas Jerome Busy Jerome Jones Jerry Clay Jerry D Love Jr Jerry Junkins Elementary Jerry W Ray Jr Jessalyn Whitehead Oneal Jessica Cook Jessica Enriquez Jessica Glass Jessica Romero Jessica Thomas Jessie Washington Jesus Castillo Jesus Rojas Jet Pay Jewel Bohanner Jewish Community Center Jhane Broadway-Early JJ. Pearce High School JM Swank Jo Johnson Jocton Hoskins Joe Arias Joe Arias III Joe Pickrel Joe Walker Joel Buenrostro Jr. John Allen Richards John Brown John Dodge John J. Reynolds John M Morgan II John Meaders John Morrell & Company John Neely Bryan Elementary School John O’Toole John Thibodeaux Johnny Lopez Johnny M Fair Johnny Moreno Johnny Rodriguez Jomes Parhm Jon Krasinski Jon Sustaita Jonathan Flores Jonathan Johnson Jonathan Knight Jonathan Pipes Jonathon Freiheit Jordan Mullner Jorge Alvarado Jose A Guzman Jose Aguirre Jose Barraza Jose Gamiar Jose Gamino Jose Luis Gierrero Joseph Ryan Osborne Josh Stovall Joshua Chandler Joy Lowry JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan-Private Juan Delgado Juan Garcia Juan Hernandez Juan Martinez Juan Ovalle Juan Queuedo Juan Segura Julian P Rodridguez Julio Fraire JulL Lowry Justin Jenkins Justin Rodgers Justin Turner Juwan Sims Juwon Culpepper Jyla Clayton K.B. Polk Elementary School Kacee Duffin Kadra Brown Kameron Lair Kaneshia Jones Kaplan College # 181 Karajacks Karlee Kathlean Miles Kathryn Vai Kathy Robinson Katrena Jones Katrina McCune/ Home Depot #6804 Katrina McCune/ Towngate HOA Kavrain Byers Kayla Gilmore Kaysun Alexis KBA North America Kchuyler Myers Ke Vista Sparkling Probotic Drink Keanz Keasha Anderson Kedir Ahmed Keefe Supply Company Keeton Park Golf Course KeHe Distributors Keith Herbert Keith A Stotts Keith Dotson Keith Jones Keith Walker Keitrik Savala Keivan Graham Kelberg Dallas County Kelley Lewis Kelley Sanders Kellogg Company Kelly Elp Kelly Pink Kelsey Schmitt Kemper Services Group Kendrick Marsh Kendrick Punch Kendrick Wafer Kennedy-Curry Middle School Kenneth Brock Kenny Thomison Kenric Washington Kenya Coleman Kerry Moore Kerry Owens Kerry Ray Kevin Alexander Kevin Brown Kevin Cleveland Kevin Harris Kevin Puestidge Kevin Ramundo Kevin Sullivan Keyland O Neal Keysha Godfrey Keystone Fruit Kia Media Moment Kids First Pediatric KidsCare Therapy Kikkoman Foods, Inc. Kim and Shay Entertainment Kimball Midwest Kimberly Hayes Kimberly Kelly Kimberly-Clark Corporation Kimbrough Fire Extingusher Co. Kimley-Horn & Assoc. Kingdom Harvest COGIC Kinwear Montesorri Academy Kionte Moore Kip Jackson 2012 Annual Report 32 KIPP Truth Academy Kiton Bradford Kizzy Green Kleberg Elementary K-Life Ministries of Dallas KLLM Trucking Knight Refrigerated Knights Of Columbus Kool Pac (nwrs) Korn/Ferry Kourhney Whitaker Kraft Foods Inc Kraft National Claim Center Kris Shaw Kristina Oviedo Kristopher Price KROGER COMPANY Kroger NALC Food Drive Krong Ybob Tree Buon Krystle Alexander Krysty Salerno-Wayne Kurt Gibson Kuveary H Jackson Kwang David Hyun Kyle Davis Kyra Koehl L. K. Hall La Bodega Meat and Produce La Bodega Produce La Dwuan Tanersley La Kindra Carter La Madeline La Mexicana Tortilla Factory La Salle Apartments LaBatt Food Service LabCorp Labinal, Inc. LaDarrell Roberson Lady Bird Johnson Middle School Lajoice Trail Lajonda Henry Lajoyce Trail Lake Highland Corporation Lake Highlands Junior High Lakewood Elementary School Lakewood Greens Lakewood Montessori School Lakisha Thomas Lamonira Anderson Lamont Henry Lamplighter School Lance Distribution Land-O-Lake Lane Gorman Lanieqna Smith Larkey Calloway Larkin Family United Larry G. Smith Elem. PTA LaSandra Williams LaShanda Garlin Latencia Spence Latisha Dunn Latonya Rodrijoez Latoya Walker Latressa Milburn Latricha Foffle Laura Wetselline Lauran Byers Lauren Downes Lavar Hurley Layered Tech Le daryn Goodson Leah Hunter Leander Parrish II LeDanell Roberson Lee B. Jones Lee D. Allen Lee Downs Legacy Learning Center Legendary Self Storage Lehigh Hanson Lenden Johnson Lenord Reynolds Lenore Kirk Hall Elementry Leonard Carley Leonardo Gomez Leo’s Foods Inc. Leroy Mathew Leticia Jaramillo Lewis McKnight Liane La Barba Lianne Flynn Liberty Mutual Lidia Rivera Life Blue Life School Lancaster Life School Oak Cliff Lifetime Fitness Lifestyle Wellnes Center Lin Pence Lincoln Property Services Inc. Linda & John Van Busaire The North Texas Food Bank Linda Bell Linda Brown Linda Gilpin Linda Ward Lindsey White Lions Club Lisa Delgado Lisa Henry Lisa McEachern Lisa Sheppard Landsberg Dallas Lone Star Credit Union Lonestar Restaurant Supple Lonnie White Lopez Foods Tortillas Lora Hackworth Lorenzo DeZavala Elementary School Louis Flores Jr Lowe’s LSG Sky Chefs LTI Warehouse -FFE Trans. Lucas King Luciano Martinez Lucis D Lugo Luis Mancilla Luis Martinez Luke Barr Lulac Luna De Noche Lydia Jimenez Macs Snacks Macys Macys 674 Maech Mertey Maegan Reaves Magan Davis Magncim Gibson Maid Rite Foods Major League Soccer Malcolm Taylor Manara Academy Mansfield High School Mansfield ISD Manuel Huerta Trucking, Inc. Marcellus A. Smith Marcos A. Sosa Martinez Marcus A Williams Marcus C Russell Marcus Sauseda Marcus Williams Marcus Yow Margaret Dory Maria L. Delgado Maria Rodriguez Maria White Marian Hamlett Mario Herrera Mario L. Love Mr. Mario Montoya Mario Munoz Marisela Obregon Mark Pruett Mark Saavedra Mark Sherrin Market Street Grocery Market Street Grocery C/O Humanity First Markit Markith Whittaker Marlon Cyrus Marquez Brothers of Texas Marriott DFW Mars Petcare Mars Snack Food U.S., LLC Marsalis Ave COC Marte A Smith Marten Transport Martha Torres Marthoma Church of Dallas/ Carrollton Martin Marquez Dr. Martin Mc Elya Family & Staff Marty Cohen Marvin Mc Neil Marvin McShane Mary Anne Crec Mary Cruz Mary E. Saldana Mary Figueroa Mary Gardner Mary Williams Masco Cabinetry Mastec Advanced Technologies Master’s Distribution Co Inc. Mathew Brown Mathew Wilmshorst Matthew Watrous Maui Foods Internation Maxim Integrated Products Mayolo Amador McAfee McAlister Deli McKesson McLane Medco Health Solutions Medical City Dallas Megan Jetter Megan Murphy Megan Nieves Mel Coleman Melissa Allred Melissa Medrano Melissa Morquecho Melissa Rozas Melissa Sanchez Mellinium Pacific Green Farms Mentor Tx LP. Meridian Business Centers Merrifield Elementary Methanex Methodist Health System, CBO MetLife Am Loans Metro PCS Metroplex Mini Mi Escuelita Michael Ann Cotherman Michael Birmingham Michael Brown Michael C. Byrom Michael Cure Michael Dollins Michael Gray Michael Johnson Michael K Morris Michael King Michael Mc Glothin Michael McGlothin Michael Medellin Michael Nichols Michael R King Michael Rogers Michael S Gray Michael Smith Michael Thomas Michael Varney Michael’s Stores, Inc. Micheal Favela Micheal Lewis Co. Michelle Alba Michelle Forbes Michelle Gillespie Hunt Michelle Rogers MIchez Lewis Co. Micro Forms Microsoft Corporation Miguel Perez Mike Cox Mike Loehr Mike Marek Mike Varney Mikko Samuel Milestone Electric Milovan Paz Minute Maid Foods Minyard Food Stores Mr. Mir Miriana Andreeus Missiah Lutheran Church -YAH Misty Von Kalon Mitchell Monglate Mitzi Harbert Mizkan America Inc. Mohamed Ozzie Molly Pieroni Monarch Dental Monica Baesa Monica Martinez Monica McKinley Monica Randon Monica Thomas Moni’s Natural Moore Lawn & Garden Morning Star ( Dean Foods ) Mosaic Sales Solutions Mosque Of Allah Mount Vernon Apartments Mountain View College Mt Pisgah MBC Matthew Camp Muya Abdulrahman MW Logistics Myllori Roberts Myrtle Cummings N. Central Distributors Nabisco Biscuit Co. # 4604 Naked Juice Natalie Costa Natalie Orr Nathan Adams Elementary Nathan Lacey National Association of Letter Carriers National Beef 2012 Annual Report 33 National Charity National Wholesale Supply Inc Nationwide Insurance Naturally Fresh Natures Best NCA NCL Richardson Area-Yah Nehemiah Williams Neil Aikinson Neiman Marcus NeoPost Nestle Prepared Foods-Solon Nestle Waters Nestles Foods, Inc. New Horizons Computer Learning Center New Sound Transportation Newark NGP Energy Capital Management Nicco Menza Nicole Horn Nicole Latting Nicolen Padayachee Nieman Printing Nike Factory Store Nikuil Patel Nina Dawson N’Neka Hill Noel Argueda Nordstrom Norris Carrington North Central Distributers North Dallas High School PTSA North Dallas Moving & Storage North Dallas Shared Ministries North Dallas Vandals North Hills Prepartory North Texas Derby Revolution North Texas Dermatology North Texas Mensa Northhaven Gardens NorthPark Holiday food Dr. Northpark Mall Northridge Express Notre Dame School of Dallas Novamex Nulife Alibalic Oak Cliff Woman’s Club Oak Farms Dairy Oak Park School Oaks Hackberry Creek Occidental Tower Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. Octavia Bennett ODAR/SSA Oege Jeppsan Ogletree Eye Care OHL Oldcastle Oliver Miles Olivia Risner Olivia Soliz OM Produce Omar Balderas Omar Reyes Oncor Oncor Electric Delivery Oneida Cold Storage Co. OnMessage Optimum Re Insurance Orisher Jones Oscar Pineda Otay Mesa Produce Otis Brown Elementary Owens Country Sausage, inc. P and K Services, LLC P. E. O. Sisterhood Chapters Pablo Maldondo Pam Mahmalji Pamela Coco Pamela Kackley Papa Murphy’s Mesquite Pappas Bros Steakhouse Pappasito’s Paradise Produce Paragon Global Resources Parish Episcopal School Park Forest Branch Library Park Place Lexus Parker College of Chiropractic Parkland Memorial Hospital Parkland Service /Patient Access Center PAT Team Pate Rehabilitation Patricia Caradine Patrick Mosley Patrick Peavy Patrick Vanegas Paul Ludden Paul Montgomery Paul Okeke The North Texas Food Bank Paul Wentzell Paula Riley Payment Systems PCI Pear Ridge Creek Apt Pearl Anderson Pegasus Logistics Group Pegasus Solutions Pei Wei Asian Diner Pepin Heights Orchard Pepperidge Farm PepsiCo Perair Hall Perdue Farms Perez Chiropractic and Wellness Performance Food Group Perry Taylor Peter Poulos Petrocco Inc. PFG PHCC of North Texas Philip Jones Philips Entertainment Phillip Coleman Pierre Gonzalez Pilgrim’s Pride Pillsbury Pillsbury /General Mills Pinnacle Foods Corp., LLC Pinnacle Foods Group LLC Plano Orthopedic Poly Trucking Transplace Poole Transportation Power Packaging of Texas Inc. PPs Produce Distributors LLc Prasad Thotakura Pratt & Whitney Pratt Industries Premier Management Co Premier Produce Services Premier Sales Solutions Premium Water Inc. Prescilliano Romero Prescription Solutions Presidents Corner Apts. Presto Products Prestonwood Christian PrestonWood Elementary RISD Prestonwood Hills Apartments Price-Watershouse- Cooper Pride Prime Distribution Serv. Prime INC Prime Lending Prime Therapeutics Prime Trucking Primrose School of Forest Primrose School of North Plano Private Holiday Party Pro- Health Procedure Area Unit Proctor and Gamble Productos Tosti Gar S.A. de C.V. Protrocco Farms Providence Mockingbird Apts. Pulte Group / PAP Quaker Oats Company Quaker Transportation Quaker-Tropicana-Gatorade Quality Packaging Quality Packing Quesa-D-Ya’s Quest Diagnostics QuikTrip Quincy Holmes Quintarus Whitaker Quiznos Master Quoc Tran R Zamorano Produce Co. Inc. Race Trac Rachel Buddrus Rachel Harris Rachell L Preuss Rack Daddys Radisson Hotel Dallas Love Field Raising Canes Ralcorp Holdings,Inc. Rama K Lavu Ramiro Perdono Ramiro Elizondo Ramiro Flores Ramiro Perbon Ramiro Perdomo Ramon Ruiz Rangel Young Womans Leadership Raquel Orneles Rashad McIntosh Rashard Jones Rasheed Adeyemi Raul Garcia Raushanah Shareet Raven Callahion Raven Catholic Ray Clark Ray Renorida Raymond C. Munoz Raymond Granados Raymond Ybon Razuri Williams RE/MAX DFW Association Reach Local Reagan MS/NJHS Rebal Johnson Refrigerated Transport Inc. Regan Powers Regency Beauty Institute Regency Energy Partners Reggie Griffin Reggie Hudson Jr Regina Lusk Reginald Delley Regunald Agnew Jr Rene Flores Renee Rubin Renner Middle School Rent A Center Research In Motion Residence Inn Dallas Park Central Resishia Wade Restaurant Depot Restaurant Depot (75081) Rheumatology Associates Ricardo Garcia Jr Rice Chapel Ame Rich Franklin Richard Carpenter Richard D White Richard Dunn Richard H.Daniel Richard Moreno Richard Moresteller Richard Slaughter Richard Stanley Richard Torres Richard Traylor Richard White Richardson Family YMCA Richemont North America Inc. Richland College Rick Franklin Rick Fuentes Rick Summers Rickey Remdrieks Ricos Products Rigoberlo Torres Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Rita M Garcces RLB Productions Robbie Currie Robbins Brothers Robert Balderas Robert Cox Robert Cross Robert Diggles Robert E. Murray Jr. Robert Gordon Robert Health Elliott Robert Heath Trucking Robert King Robert Loving Robert Moore Robert R Theus Robert Scott Robert Tripp Roberto Balderas Roberto Falval Roberto Galvan Roberto Medrano Jr Roberto Zarate Jr Robin Eddington Robledo Fam. Rock can Roll Inc. Rockbrook Montessori Academy Roderick Caraway Rodigo Salas Rodney Black Rodney Numez Rodolfo Bianchi Rodrick Bankston Roger Bower Rolando Horn Rolandra Johnson Roma of Dallas Romeo Freguson Ronnie Eckel Ronnie Kalenda Rosa Diaz Rosa Garcia Rosa Melchor Rosanna Cantu Rosemary Guzman Rosemary Hernandez Rosemont Farms 2012 Annual Report 34 Rostko Vasovic Rothstein Kass Rowshan Kimble Roxann Vyazmenshy Roy Evans Royal Lane Baptist Church Royce Hearne Royce West CFD RP Foods LLC Ruby Room Studio Rudolph Food Rudy’s Tortillas Ruffern Johnson Rufus Johnson Run on ! Richardson Run On! Rury Castillo Rusco Packaging Company Ryan Abunassar Ryan Bortolo Ryan Gunnon Ryan Inc. Ryann Armstrong S.G.P. 9TH Grade Center-Avid Safe Home Pest Control Safety Kleen Safeway Sage Point Apts. Sai Baba Center of Dallas Saigling Elementary Salazar Elementry Salon Pompeo@ the Palomar Hotel Salvador Martinez Samanatha Brown SaMecha Echols Samja Meador Sam’s Club Samsung Samuel B. Stewart Samuel Pereira San Jacinto Sanden International Sandra Ingram Thomas Sandra Martinez Rocha Sandra Rothwell Sandy Ivory SanMar Corporation Santander Consumer USA Santry Motor Freight Sara Lee Sarina Ponciano Sarita A Dudley Saul Castillo Scentsy Schepps Dairy Schneider Logistics Schneider National Inc. School Of Buisness Science Place II Scott Lawton Scott Smith Seafood Supply company Sean Kenesson Sean Mosley Sears Holdings Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans Sedgwick CMS Seneca Foods Septain Entertainment Group Sergio Alvarez Sergio Esquival Serigo Longoria Shamaine Adkins Shannon Crowder Shannon Dempsey Shannon Peters Sharon Jackson Shaterricka White Shaunta Johnson Shaw Industries Shawn Edwards Shawn Hagwood Shawn T. Moore Shawnta Anthony Shehryar Ahmad Sheila R. Biagas Shelden Silk Sheppers Shermco Industries Sherry Claxton Sherry Creel Sherry Freeland Shippers Warehouse Shirley Barbour Shirley Brown Shop 24 Global Shunta Lee Shurretta Metcalf SHW Group,LLP Sidney Lanier Elementary School Sidney R. Clayton The North Texas Food Bank Silverado Senior Living Silvestre Juarez SimplexGrinnell Sindy Gonzalez Siri Skyline DFW Exhibits & Events SMU Athletic SMU Delta Delta Delta SMU/MSA Program Snookies North Social Security Admin Society Bakery SHS Society of St. Andrew Sofpress Soft Layer Sol Kham Solo Solo Cups Solo Elementary Sommer Smith South Coast Produce South Texas Food Bank Southern Botanical Inc. Southern Cross Southwest Airlines Southwest Traders Spencer Shrum Spiritual Living Sprint Sprouts St. Ann Catholic Parish St. Mark’s School St. Marys Food Bank St. Monica Catholic School Stacey L. Harris Stacey Levey Stacey Rederick Staff One, Inc. Stampede Beverage Co, Stanley Black & Amp Stanley Korshak Staples Print Solution Starbucks Corporation State Fair of Texas State Farm Stein Mart Stephanie Beasley Stephanie Kendrick Stephanie Martin Stephanie Stern Stephen Sayins Stephon Jones Sterlin Butler Sterns Catering Steve Ferrer Steve Lamb Steve McMillian Steven Bailey Steven Barragan Steven Enriquez Stevens Park / Thriving Minds Stevens Transport Stewart & Stevenson Stewpot Stoneyfield Farms Strayer University Stream Realty Stryker STS Produce Subaru Of America Sudie Williams Elementary School Sumer Richardson Sun Yan Li Sunco Carriers Sunflower Farmers Market Sunny Delight Bev. Company Sunsweet Growers, Inc. Super Target SuRonda Rochelle Keys Susan Sinnott Susie Osagie Susie Watkins SWS Co. Sygma Network Sysco T Nance Trucking T. J. Waygor T.W. Browne M.S. Taft Butcher Jr. TAG Magnet Talmadge Jacpnes Tamdria Boozer Tameka Jackson Tamekia Johnson Tametra Thomas Tamiko M Hickman Tammy Pratt Tamra Cooper Tanesha Patterson Tango Transport Target Tarsha Stewart Tastefully Simple Taurus Sanders Taylor Conant Taylor Farms Taylr J Lyons TDL-JHS Telect Telesfora Garrcia Telley Foods Telvista Inc Temeka Jefferson Temple Emanuel Teressa Moore Teri Crunk Terry Bailey Terry Marilis Tetley Harris Foods Tetra Pak Teucrace Washington Texas Cartage Texas Dept. Of Emergency Mgmt Texas DPS Crime Labortory Texas Food Bank Network Texas Occupational Therapy Assoc. Texas Small Fries Playgroup Texas Specialty Beverage LLC Texas Trust Credit Union Texas Twist Texo TGI Fridays The Adolphus The Blue Jean Bar The Children’s Center The Coca Cola Company The Cole Legal Group The Crossing DFW The Eagle Express LLC The Fathers House The Flying Saucer The Giving Concept The Hall Family The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano The Hershey Company The Lamplighters School The Lee Family The Plaza At Preston Center The Polyphone Spree The Round Table Happy Hour Theo Hamilton IV Thomas Jefferson HS Thomas Reprographics Thompson Coe Cousins & Irons: Thomson Reuters Thor R Overly Thriving Minds Summer Camp @ Henry Gonzales Thurman Patterson Tianna Brown Tien Pham Tiffany Case Tiger Direct TIGI Linea, LLP Tim Bleeker Tim Dawson Tim Dierkes Time Definite Services, Inc. Timmothy L Hankins Tina Evans Tina Grogan Tisha King Titiana Rosemond Title Resources Guaranty Co TNT Dental Tod Suthherland Todd Christian Tom Thumb DC Tomkins Building Products Tommy Duke Tony Cross Tony Elliott Tora Vincent Greene Toya Buggs Tracey Price Tracy R. Glover Tracy Locke Trader Joes Traionne Bates Trancito Hernandez Transit Bicycle Co Transwestern Mgnt Transwestern/ The Berkshire Travelocity Travis Blanton Treca Taylor Tree’s Treuton Thomas Trina Vickerson Trinh Nguyen/ ICM Trinity Basin Prep. Trinity Christian School Trinity Industries Tris Redder 2012 Annual Report 35 Tristar Risk Management Tropical Foods Tropicana Tropicana Dura-Freight Troy Skeen Truco Enterprises TSA Tsada Yogg Tucker Hill Development Tuesday Morning, Inc. Tuh - Chuh Wang Tunisha Uppal Tyler McDonald Tyrone McCarver Tyson Foods, Inc Tyson Hollywood Tzu Chi U S Department of Labor U.C.S. Group U.S. Bond Trucking U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Food Show U.S. Secret Service/DHS UBS Ufunkshen Umphrey Lee School UNFI Unilever Union Gospel Mission United Fresh 2012 Convention United Fresh Produce Association United Health Care United States Navy United Way Unity Church of Dallas Universal Technical University Meadows N A University of Dallas University Of N. Texas of Dallas University of Texas at Dallas University Park Elementary School University Park Tree Lighting Upper School Drive UPS Supply Chain Solutions Uraldo Dillion Montelongo urban Leage Of Dallas Urban Park Elementary Ursula Parson US Cold Storage US Dept.Education Office Civil US DOL- BLS US First Bank Of America US Fish & Wildlife US Food Service USDA Dept of Agriculture USDA for NTFB USDA/ FSIS/ Dallas DO USDA/FSA USDA-CSFP Commodity USDA-Food Nurition Services UT Southwestern UTD UTD SIFE UTI Logistics V.E.Y.S.D.E-G.S. Valerie D Perez Valor Brands Vandervoort Dairy Varel International Velvet Snout Venetta Johnson Verizon Vernon Curd Vernon D. Woods Jr. Veronica Gibson Viawest Inc. Vickery Place Neighborhood Assoc. Vickie R. Reed Vickie Smith-Henderson Vickisia Boston Vicky Thomas Victor Moreno Victoria Gaizza Victoria Morton Victory Packaging Viewpoint Apartments Viewpoint Bank Village Farms Vincentt Jackson Vista Academy Coppell Vista Del Mar Vistar of Dallas W. S. Packing Group Inc W.A. Blair Elementary Wade A. Loucks Walgreens Wal-Mart Walnut Hill Elementary Walter Bandfet The North Texas Food Bank Warner Enterprises Warren Harding Waterview Apartments Wayneonise Mims We Pac Weaver Popcorn Weight Watchers Weiner Schnitzel Wel Companies Welch Foods, Inc. Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Women Team Member Network Wendy W Smith Wendy’s Werner Enterprises Inc. Wes Stevens West Central Texas Food Bank Westec Itelligent Surveillance WHAM ( Working Hard At Motherhood) Whatacharity White Rock North School WhiteWave Foods Company Whitney Boyer Whitney McKinney Whitney Williams Whitt Elementary Whole Foods Wholesale Payment Solution William D Carter William D. Hill William Hardy William Huckaby William Ingram Jr. William M. Sale William Mathews William Prep William Richardson William Vison Williamburg Village/Lifetime Wellness Willie Castle Willie Davis Willie Glenn Willie Winter Willis Winters Wilshire Baptist Church Winfree Academy Wingspan Portfolio Advisors Wisconsin’s Finest, Inc. Wisteria WNC First Insurance Services Womens Council of Dallas county Wood Forest Nat’l Bank Woodland Ridge Apartments Workforce Solution Greater Dallas World Venture Wptapl Wright Ginsberg Brusilow P.C. Wycliff Xavier O. Gonzalez Xavier Phillips Xochitl Inc. Yajarira Rios Yanika Hill Yardi Systems Yogurtland Frankford Your Community Credit Union Yunika Hill Zabada Hendrix Zach Ryder Zacharey Griffin Zachery Hudson Zale Corporation Zamel Bryant Zebedee Higginbotham Zero Gravity Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc Zoe Perry Zurich North America Zury Anzmendi a big thank you to our IN-KIND donors Asher Media Inc Bachendorf’s Bread Winners Cafe & Bakery, Inc. Brown-Forman Southwest Division CE-DFW Central 214 Central Market - Dallas Chad Hennings Charles Powell City Color Cooper Fitness Center Crumbzz Dallas Mavericks Danya and Mike Anderson Dining at the Meyerson Dr. Delphinium Designs & Events E & J Gallo Elie Tahari Empire Baking Co. Four Seasons Resort & Club-Dallas at Las Colinas Frosted Art Bakery Gold Crown Valet Parking, Inc. Grant Thornton LLP Gregory’s Gunjan & Anurag Jain Hilton Anatole Inwood Security Vault Jim Moler John O’Brien KImberly Clark Media West Michael Joe Milestone Culinary Arts Center Moving Memories Video & Photo Nana Restaurant (at Hilton Anatole) Nick & Sam’s Steak House Pappas Bros. Steakhouse Restaurant Pepsi Beverages Company Place at Perry’s Private Social Rent-A-Center Rob Jackson Robbins Brothers, The Engagement Ring Store Ross Perot Royal Cup Coffee Sheri & Jon Wolkenstein Shinsei Skin Technology Skintastic Southwest Airlines Steve & Lydia Chase Suzanne Roberts Gifts Technology Media Group Ted Baker London The Omni Dallas Hotel The Plant Concierge, LLC The Ritz-Carlton Tiffany & Co. Northpark Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program Truluck’s Steak and Stone Crab Valpak VIP Booths Virginia Marsh W. Lee Coleman & Susan Hubbard Wingstop Restaurants, Inc. Woodfire by Kirby’s 2012 Annual Report 36
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