I798 JACKSON Jackson, Phil, 1349 Jackson, Thomas Penfield, ro3


I798 JACKSON Jackson, Phil, 1349 Jackson, Thomas Penfield, ro3
798, I2oI, I266, I52I, i601; Thrille~
r520; "Thrille1;" Io92
Jackson, Phil, 1349
Jackson, Reggie, 148r, I482
Jackson, Thomas Penfield, ro3 8
Jackson & Perkins, 1673
Jacksonville Jaguars, 3 3 5
Jackson Wain Agency, 107 1 144, 238, I437
Jack Tinker & Partners. See under Tinker
Jacob Ruppert, Inc. See under Ruppert
Jacobs, Alan, 197
Jacobs, Morris, 196, 197, 199
Jacobs, Nate, 196
Jacobs, Susie, 197
Jacobs, Walter L., 734, 737
Jacobs Suchard, 1379
Jacoby, Jacob: Misco1nprehension of Televised
Communications, 53
Jacoby, Konstantin, I477, 1478-79, r478
Jacoby, Robert, r43, 499
]ads Salts, 54
].A. Folger & Company. See under Folger
Jager, Durk, 821, i277, i278
Jagermeister, 666
Jaguar, i13, 610, 612, 959
jahan, Pierre, 32I
"j'ai attrapC le schnac," 4I5
Jaisohn, Phillip, 1461
Jake and the Patman, 1426
JAL. See Japan Air Lines
Jamaica, L572
James I (English king), rr8r
James VI (English king), II8r
James, Harry, 221, 903
James, Robert L., 989, 1013
Jan1es Loverick, Ltd. See under Lovcrick
James S. !(irk & Company. See under Kirk
James Thomas Chirurg Company. See under
Jan and Dean, 339
J&B whiskey, r4rr
Jane Parker. See under Parker
Jane Trahey Associates, Inc. See under Trahcy
Janitor-in-a-Drum, 731
Jantzen swimsuits, 841, 1098
Japan, 877-79; and China, 1298; coffee in,
345; comparative advertising in, 362;
diamond rings in, 4 5 6; ecolabeling in,
53I; environmental movement in, 528;
feminine hygiene and intimacy
products in, 582; feminism in, 586;
fihn and camera companies in, 5 IO,
5 r r; General Motors Corporation in,
656; and global advertising, 679, 680;
government regulation in, 692; and
Korea, 764, 1461; Levi Strauss &
Company in, 940; magazine
advertising in, 757; in 19th century,
757; package design in, rr83;
Pepsi-Cola Company in, Ir99;
Procter & Gamble Company in, 1277;
propaganda in, 1298; public relations
in, 466; radio in, 466, 1296, 1338;
representations of foreigners in, 28, 30;
television in, 466, 1338, l5r3, 1515,
1517, 1518, 1521; women in, 1666,
1667; during World War II, 88, 1048
Japan Advertising Agency Association, 466,
469, 878
Japan Advertising Council, 468
Japan Air Lines, 898, 900, 1462
Japan Audit Bureau of Circulation
Association, 466
japan Marketing Association, 466
Japan Newspaper Advertising Agency
Association, 466
Jardine Matheson & Company, 301
Jarreau, Al, 1395
Jartran, 1126
Javelin cars, 1648
Javex Bleach, 3 52
Javits, Jacob, ll9I
] .A. Wilson Meatpacking Con1pany.
See under Wilson
jaws 2, 1082
Jay Advertising, 1007
Jay Chiat & Associates. See under Chiat
Jay Cooke and Company. See under Cooke
jay's potato chips, 1110
Jay Ward Studios, See under Ward
jazz, 27
Jazz Singei; 1079
J. Bamberger & Company. See under
JBL speakers, 804
JBR Mc Cann, I I 51
J. Brown/LMC Group. See under Brown
JCA, 32
J.C. Penney Company. See under Penney
J.D. Tarcher & Company, Inc. See under
Jean, Gerard, 331
Jean & Montmarin, 33re
Jean Paton, Inc. See under Paton
Jeep, 309, 1260; BBDO Worldwide, Inc., and,
x177; Bozell Group and, 115;
Campbell Mithun Esty and, 257;
International Advertising Association's
InterAd competition and, 8 57;
Norman, Craig & I<ummel, Inc., and,
113; "Only in a jeep," 308; "Snowcovered," 115; on television, r52I
Jefferson, Thomas, 372, 500
Jefferson, Will, 5 3 5
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
Committee, 44 3
]cffel'sons, 570
Jeffersonville (Indiana), 3 50
Jeffrey cars, 110
Jell-0: Jack Benny and, 634, 643, 718, 771,
824, 846, 1326; and blacklisting, 182;
Bill Cosby and, 522, 914, 12I4, 1269;
General Foods Corporation and, 644,
645, 1326, 1686; and Kewpies, 431;
Kraft Foods, Inc., and, 908, 914; origin
of, 642; Irving Penn and, 474; Postum
Company and, 1686; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, 643, 824, 914,
"Jell-0 again ... ," 634, 643, 846
]el!-0 Program Starring jack Benny, 634,
643, 846. See also Jack Benny Show
. Jenkins, M.W., 96
Jenner, Bruce, 1472
Jennings, Peter, 95, 523
Jenny Craig International. See under Craig
Jeno's Pizza, 623, 1234, 1235
Jensen, Thomas, 525
Jenson, Nicolas, 1580, 1583
Jenson typefaces, 1580, 1583, 1584
Jeopardy!, 1426. See also color plate in
volume one
Jep et Carre, 618
]e Reviens, 1202
Andrew Jergens Company: Cunningham &
Walsh and, 433; Deutsch, Inc., and,
477; and green advertising, 531;
Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners and,
906; Robert W. Orr Agency and, 630.
See also Woodbury's Facial Soap
jerry & Ketchum, 457
jerry Goodis, Inc. See under Goodis
Jerry, Inc., 457
Jerry's & Dave's Guide to the World Wide
Web, I68r. See also Yahoo!
Jersey City (New jersey), 3 50
Jerusalem Post, 869
Jet, 27, 28, 410, 1065
Jets. See Sugar Jets
Jetsons, 67
Jetta cars, 112, IIlO, I611
Jeunesse-Informations, 1307
jewel Companies, 700, 703
Jewish Americans, 450, 697, 1064,
Jewish Canadians, r6r8
J. Fred Muggs, Ioo4, 1642
Jherri Redding. Sec under Redding
]icky, 1202
Jidosha-Seizo Kabushiki-Kaisha, 1143.
See also Nissan Motor Company
Jiffy toothache drops, 27 5
Jif peanut butter, 698, I275
]. Ilott Advertising. See under Ilott
Jim Beam whiskey, 170, 172, 562
Jimmy Stewart Show, 1648
jingles, II03-I2, 1599, 1603; Alica-Seltzer
and, 922; as executional variables,
558; Kellogg Company and, 892;
Mojo Partners and, 1075; in 19th
century, 756; for Oscar Mayer
Wieners, I177-78; Wheaties thought
to be first, 648
Jingle Workshop, rro7
Jinro Soju, 286
J.J. Newberry. See under Newberry
J .L. Stack. See under Stack
"J'M," 414
J.M. Gidding & Company. See under Gidding
J.M. Mathes, Inc. See under Mathes
J.M. Smucker Company. See under Smucker
J.M. Webb & Associates. See undel'Webb
Joanou, Phil, 53
"Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in
Private Industry" (United States Equal
Employment Opportunity
Com1nission), 1054
Jobs, Steve, 85, 86, 372, 374
Jockey Club (Argentina), 90
"Jockey for her," 863, 1665
Jockey International, Inc., 863, 1266, r66 5
Joe Camel, 311, 316, 336, 539, 690, 760,
1212, 1369, 1694
Joe Chemo, 336
Joe Isuzu, 114, II4, 457, 475, 522
foe Palooka, 729
Joe Robbie Stadiun1, 335
"Jogger," 940
John, W.A.P., 791
"John and Marsha" (Freberg), 623, 824
John Birch Society, 1676
John Brown & Partners. See under Brown
John B. Stetson Company. Sec under Stetson
John C. Dowd, Inc. See under Dowd
John Cleghorn Agency. See under Cleghorn
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation. See under MacArthur
John Deere. See under Deere
John F. Murray Advertising Agency. See under
John I-Iaddon & Company. See under
John Hancock Building (Chicago), 1263
John Hancock Financial Services. See under
John Hobson & Partners. See under Hobson
John H. Tinker & Partners. See under Tinker
John Labatt Classic. See under Labatt
John Labatt's Brewery. See under Labatt
John Malmo Advertising. See under Malmo
Johnnie Walker whiskey: in Australia, 10506; Bartle Bogle Hegarty and, 138; in
Thailand, 96, 1358
John Nuveen & Company. See under Nuveen
Johnny Appetite (Kraft character), 909
johnny Dolla1; 494
Johnny Presents, 178
John Orr Young Company. See under Young
John Player. See under Player
Johns, Willian1 H., 51, 149, 150, 151, 781,
john Singleton Advertising. See under
John Smith's Bitter, 191, 879-80, 1593
John Smith's Draught, 880
John Smith's Extra Smooth, 879, 880
Johnson, Arno, 1533
Johnson, Ben, 526
Johnson, Betty, 126 5
Johnson, Beverly, 1664
Johnson, Dick, 114
Johnson, Earvin "Magic," 526-27
Johnson, Edward Mead, 880
Johnson, F. Ross, 1482
Johnson, George, 409
Johnson, H. Fisk, 888
Johnson, Henrietta Louis, 884
Johnson, Herbert F.,Jr., 884, 886
Johnson, Herbert F., Sr., 884
Johnson, Hira1n, 920
Johnson, James Wood, 880
Johnson, Joan B., 409
Johnson, Joseph French, 517
Johnson, Keith E., 519
Johnson, Lady Bird, 1180
Johnson, Lawrence, 182-83, 184
Johnson, Lyndon B., 450, 543, 788, 1049,
Johnson, Ray, 77
Johnson, Robert Wood, Jr., 880, 881, 882
Johnson, Robert Wood, Sr., 880
Johnson, Samuel, 749
Johnson, Samuel Curtis, 884, 886, 888
Johnson, William H., 139
Johnson, William R., 730
Mead Johnson & Co1npany, 57, 210, 880
Johnson & Johnson, 582, 880-83; Ammirati
Puris Lintas and, 967; Batten Barton
Durstine & Osborn and, 267; in
Commonwealth of Independent States,
1375; Con1pton Advertising, Inc., and,
3 66; D' Arey Masi us Benton & Bowles
and, 447; DDB Needham Worldwide
and, 454; and disposable contact
lenses, 1442; and disposable diapers,
1275; DPZ and, 496; and feminine
hygiene and intimacy products, 577,
579-80, 582; Lintas and, 947;
McCann-Erickson, Inc., and, 1011;
and radio, r688; and Tylenol Cold
products, 42, 1312; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, 1687, 1688.
Sec also Aveeno; Modess; Motrin;
Neutrogena; Nicotrol NS; Oentrax;
Rhuli; Tylenol; and color plate in
volume tivo
Johnson & Johnson-Merck Consumer
Pharmaceuticals Co1npany, 883
S.C. johnson & Son, Inc., 822, 824, 884-88,
1123, 1124; Foote, Cone & Belding
and, 83, 603, 604, 816, 817; and Kao
Corporation, 823; Needham, Louis &
Brorby, Inc., and, 771, lI2I, 1283;
and radio, 771, 1283; soap brands
acquired by Colgate-Palmolive
Company, 354; Armando Testa and,
1523. See also Drackett Company;
Glass Plus; Raid; Shout; Spray 'N'
Wash; Windex; and color plate in
volume two
Johnson Products Company, Inc., 409, 410,
426, 427, 708
Johnson Publishing Company, 410, 778.
See also Ebony
B.J. Johnson Soap Company, 350-51, 920.
Sec also Palmolive Co1npany;
Palmolive soap
Johnson Reels, 886
Howard Johnson's, 1183
Johnson's baby oil, 882
Johnson's baby powder, 880, 882
Johnson's Liquid Wax. See color plate in
volume two
Johnson's Prepared Wax, 884. See also
Johnson's Wax
Johnson's Wax, 771, 822, 884, 1123
Johnson's Wax Program ivith Fibber McGee
and Molly. Sec Fibber McGee and
John's Other Wife, 54, 1326
Johnston, Allan, 107, 1075, 1077
Johnston, Don, 1534-35
Johnstone, Inc., 988
John W. Hartman Center for Sales,
Advertising, and Marketing History
(Durham, North Carolina). See under
John W. Shaw Advertising. See under Shaw
John Wanamaker & Company. See under
"Join the Dodge rebellion," 305
"Join the people who've joined the Army,"
Joint Policy Com1nittee for Broadcast Talent
Union Relations, 99
"Join up ... join in," 59
Jolliffe, Gray, 358
Jollyco .Family, 3 66
Jolly Green Giant. See Green Giant
Jolly Rancher, 734
Jolly Time Popcorn, 384
Jolson, Al, 911, 947, 1172, I382, 1533
Jo Malone. See under Malone
Jonason,Joakim, 1153, 1193, 1194
Jones, Billy, 866, 1104
Jones, Candy, 1265
Jones, Caroline, 1054, 1659-60
Jones, Christopher, 159, 1535
Jones, Chuck, 305
1ones, David, 360
Jones, Deacon, 1472
Jones, Duane, 139, 778, 79I, 888, 889
Jones, Grace, 321
Jones, Howard A., 1261
Jones, James Earl, l 506
Jones, John F., 722
Jones, Larry, 742
Jones, Lewis Burnell, 507, 508
Jones, Mick, 1093
Jones, Orlando, 1431
Jones, Shirley, 525
Caroline Jones Advertising, Inc., 1660
Ralph Jones Agency, 700
Jones & Laughlin Steel, 898
Duane Jones Company, Inc., 778, 888-89
Jontue perfume, 1205
Jonze, Spike, 484
]oong-Ang Ilbo, 286
Joplin, Janis, I106, 1108
Jar, Jorge Ben, 1640
Jordache Jeans, 567
"Jordache Look," 567
Jordan, 1038-39, 1040-41, 1042, 1043
Jordan, Edward "Ned," lIO
Jordan, Jim, 150, 884, 937, 1123
Jordan, Marian, 1123
Jordan, Michael, 485; "Air Jordan," 1141; as
cultural symbol, 432, Io59; and
endorsements, 524, 525; and Gatorade
148, 175, l32I; and McDonald's
Corporation, 484, 525, 1317, 1473;
and Nike, Inc., 522, 526, 800, lr41,
1266,1268,1317, r473,1653;and
perfume, 1205; and Rayovac batteries,
147; and Wheaties, 649, 1472; and
WorldCom, Inc., 1506
Jordan, Case & McGrath, 526
Jordan Company, 230
Jordan McGrath Case & Partners, 5 50, 5 5 l,
1265, I657
Jordan McGrath Case & Taylor, Inc., 821,
Jordan Motor Car Company, 110, 111
Joseph & Feiss, 566
Joseph Campbell and Company. See under
Joseph Campbell Preserve Company. See
under Campbell
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, See under
Josephine the Plumber {Comet detergent
character), 366, 82x. Sec also color
plate in volume tivo
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company, 1402.
See also Schlitz Brewing Company
Josiah Bent Bakery. See under Bent
Journal {New York City), 725
Journalism/Aiass Communications Educato~
journal of Adyertising, 519
journal of Advertising Education, 519
Journal of Advertising Research, 986
Journal of lvlarkcting Research, 986
Journal of Minist1y Marketing &
A1anagement, 1348
Journal typeface, 1583
Jovan, Inc., I204, I205
Joy, Henry B., II86, r187
Joy, John, I26
Joy, Leonard, 443
Joyce Julius & Associates. See under Julius
Joyce, James, Io83
Joyce, Timothy, Io22
Joy, Coe & Sharpe, I26
Joy perfume, I202, 1203
Joy Radio, 825
]PC. See Joint Policy Committee for Broadcast
Talent Union Relations
J. Peterman. See under Peterman
J.R. Freeman. See under Freeman
J.S. Fry & Sons. See under Fry
J. Stirling Getchell, Inc. Sec under Getchell
J.T.H. Mitchell. Sec under Mitchell
Juan Valdez, 345, 346
jubilee (radio program), I328
judge (magazine), I34
]udyand]ane, I326
Juicy Fruit chewing gum, 1670, 167I, I672
Julia, I255
Joyce Julius & Associates, 553
Julius Kayser, Inc. See under Kayser
Julius Kessler Distilling Company. See under
Julius Wiles Sons & Company. See under
Jumbo \Vatches, I 53 7
Jump, Gordon, 1004, Ioo5
"Jumping Man," 8I4
"Jump, Jive an' Wail" (Prima), 1107, IIIO
"Jump Start," 1646
Jung, Carl Gustav, 761
jungle (U. Sinclair), 383, 694
Jung/eland Funny Moving Pict11res Book
(Kellogg Company), 891
Jung van Matt (agency), I406
junk bonds, 397
junk mail, 48I
"Junto a las mejores cosas de la vida," 90
Jupiter Media Metrix, 5I4, 516
Jupiter rockets, 304
Jurassic Park, 1560
"Just," I142
"Just add ice," 78
"Just another Avon lady," 119, II9
"Just being the best is enough," 727
"Just do it." See under Nike, Inc.
Just for Feet, 828, 928
Just for Men, 707, 707
"Just for the taste of it," 339, 948
"Just how green are you about nuclear
power?," 530
"Justify My Love" (Madonna)) Io93
"Just like money in your pocket/' 8I4
]11stPlainBill, 54, 71, 438, 1326, I445, I446,
1619, 1658
"Just plane smart," 38
"Just say no/' I300
Just Squirt & Mop, 5 54
"Just what the doctor ordered)' (Dr Pepper),
"Just what the doctor ordered" (L&M Filter
cigarettes), 94 5
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back
in the \Yater," Io82
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, 5 52
Juyenile ]111y, 64 3
JVC Industries, 3 80
J. Walter Thompson Archive/Collection;
J. Walter Thompson Company.
See under Tho1npson
JWT. See J, Walter Thompson Company
JWT Europe, 205
JWT Group, I535; WPP Group and, 808,
.r453, 1593, 1668
JWT Spain. See J. Walter Thompson, S.A.
JWT Specialized Co1nmunications, l 5 3 5
]WT Worldwide, 205
I(affee Hag Coffee, 664, 895
Kahn/Weber/Harris, l 3 70
Kaiser Aluminum, 623, 702
Kaiser-Jeep Corporation, 308, 366. See also
Kaiser Permanente, I5I2
Kai Kan Foods, Inc., 445, 993, 995, I217.
See also Pedigree
Kalles Kaviar, 6I3
Kallet, Arthur, 3 89
Kallir, Philps, Ross, I223, I223
Kalman, Maira, 84I
Kaltenborn, H.V., 233, 234, 649, II72
[(altenborn Edits the Nc1vs, 233
Kalter, Alan, 49I
Kalydor skin oil, I586
Kamen, Nick, I 3 7
I<&E. See Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc.
Kandinsky, Vassily, 471
Kang & Lee, 281, 1056
Kanin, Garson, Io86
Kant, Imn1anuel, 542
Kao Corporation, 681, 823. See also l(ao
Kao soap, 878
Kaplan, B. David, II53
. I(aplan, Morris, 39I
I<arlsson, Linus, 563
Kaplan Thaler Group, 60, 708, 850, 1650
Karmann Ghia cars, 1610, 16II
Karp, Dieter, 376
Karsh, Youseff, I352
Kasdan, Lawrence, 49I
Kasem, Casey, 13 31
H.W. Kastor & Sons: acquired by Wade
Advertising Agency, I620; and Lewis
Howe Co1npany, 775; and Procter &
Gan1ble Company, 776, 778; and
Zenith Radio Corporation, 378
Kastor, Hilton, Chesley, Clifford & Atherton,
690, I643-44
Kataya1na Yutaka, II43, II45, II46
[(ate Sn1ith Shonr, 1689
Katz, Elihu, 998-99, looo
Katz, Emmanuel, I022
Katz, Eugene, I339
Katz, Stanley, 603
E. J(atz Special Advertising Agency, Io22
l(atz Station Representative Co1npany, I339
J(auffe1; McKnight, 840
Kaufman, Elkin, II53
Kaufman, George S., Io84, 108 5
Kaufman, Van, I l 3
Kaufman, Wendy, I77, 477, I32I
Kaye, Danny, 1638
Kaye, Tony, 483
Julius J(ayser, Inc., 1567
Kaytee, I2I 5
Kazakhstan, I3 76
Kazan, Elia, Io85, Io86
K-cars, 307, 308
I<CRC. See Kowloon-Canton Railway
"KCR makes the New Territories an integral
part of Hong Kong," 907
KdF-Wagen, III, I6Io
KDI<A, 333, 767, 1325, I599
Keach, Stacey, 523
Keating, Kenneth, 1192
Keating, Mary, 233
Keaton, Diane, Io86
!(eds, 1232
l(eebler Elves, 237, I469
l(eenan,John, I81
Keene Corporation, 446
Keen soft drinks, II29
Keep America Beautiful, Inc., r4, 15, 430,
"l(eep cool with Coolidge," 2 53
"l(eep 'em fighting," 1298
"Keeping everlastingly at it brings success,"
Keepsake Ornaments, 356, 357
"Keep that schoolgirl co1nplexion," 954, 9 5 5,
"Keep Those Bullets Flying," I63I
"Keep up the struggle until victory is ours!,"
keian, 877
Keim, Robert, 15
Kelleher, Herb, 3 8
Keller, Don, 2 3 7
l(elley, Gary, 84I
I<elley, James, Io83
Kelley, Russell, 262
Kellogg, John Harvey, 89I
Kellogg, Willia1n l(eith, 758, 891, 892
Kellogg Company, 89I-93, I597; and
African-Americans, I06 5; and
American Heart Association, IIIo; in
Argentina, 92; N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc.,
and, I28; "Best to you each morning,"
1419; D.L. Blair, Inc., and, I86; Leo
Burnett Company, Inc., and, 234, 236,
896, I469, I6oo; in Co1nmonwealth of
Independent States, I375; Michael
Conrad & Leo Burnett and, 377; and
cultural imperialism, 429; Gallup &
Robinson, Inc., and, 635; General
Foods Corporation and, 652, 653;
General Mills and, 6 52; Kenyon &
Eckhardt, Inc., and, 895, 896; and
Lassie, II30; and oat bran, 800;
Postum Cereal Company and, 642;
and senior citizens market, 1423; and
Starcom Motive Partnership, 138;
J, Walter Thompson Company and,
I535; and United States Federal Trade
Commission, 644. See also Eggo
Waffles; Kaffee Hag coffee; Mrs.
Smith's; Raisin Bran; Rice Krispies;
Shredded Wheat; Sugar Frosted Flakes;
and color plate in volume t1vo
I(ellogg Food Con1pany, 89I. See also Kellogg
I(elly, Gene, 570
Kelly, Grace, 526, 712
Kelly, Joe, l6I9
Kelly A\vards, l 5 2 5
I<elly Girl, 829
l(elly, Nason, Inc., 903, 723
l(elly Springfield Tire Company, Inc., 471;
Compton Advertising, Inc., and, I549;
]. Stirling Getchell, Inc., and, 669,
l(ehnenson, Ben, 896
Keln1enson, Leo Arthur, I99, 307, 6Io, 896,
Kelsey-Hayes Company, 1375
Kelton watches, 1539
Kemper Insurance, 420
Ken·dolls, 296, 297) 356
Kendall, Don, II99
Kendall-Jackson, I72
Ken-L Ration, 702, II23, I2I5
Kenn1ore appliances, 1003, I4I3, I4I3
Kenmuir Brickendon Jones, 414
Ken Murray Shon-; 75, 444
Kennard, William E., I332
l(ennedy, David, II4I, I652-53
J(ennedy, Edward, I7I
I(ennedy, Jacqueline. See Onassis, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John E.: and hard-sell advertising,
7I6-I7; at Lord & Thomas, 953,
I597; and "reason-why" copy, I40,
"salesmanship in print," 1346
Kennedy, John F.: Chester Bo\vles and, 165;
on consumer rights, 3 86-87; and Paul
Dixon, 403; Doyle Dane Bernbach,
Inc., and) 4 50; and milk contaminated
with strontium-90, 504; on television,
Kennedy, Robert F., 964, II92
Ken11edy Me1norial Hospital for Children,
Kenner Products, 647, 698, I556, 1558
Kenneth Cole Productions. See under Cole
Kenosha Klosed Krotch, 863
Kent, Alan, II05
Kent, H.A., 963
Kent, Rock\vcll, 126, 840, I062
Kent cigarettes, 962, 963, 964, 965; Brown &
Williamson Tobacco Corporation and,
223, I226; Vince Cullers Advertising,
Inc., and, 426; filtered variant of, 3 I 5,
1228; low-nicotine clain1s for, 65;
"Smoke Kent ... ," x107-08
Kentoku, Ltd., 866
"Kent satisfies best," 964
"I(ent Sports Business," 965
"l(ent takes more nicotine and tars than any
other cigarette-the difference is
priceless," 962
Kentucky, University of. See under University
Kentucky Derby, I474; Brown & Williamson
Tobacco Company and, 772; Gillette
Company and, 676, IooI
Kentucky Fried Chicken, I 3 5 5, See also KFC
Kentucky Tavern, 443
Kenya, 23, 695
Kenyon, Otis A., 781, 893) 895
I(enyon & Eckhardt, Inc., I99, 893-97; and
blacklisting, I8I; and Bristol-Myers
Company, 21 l; and Chrysler
Corporation, 307, 308, 610, x649;
client base in I960, 197; and Dr
Pepper Company, 696; and Equitable
Life Insurance Corporation, II91; and
Ford Motor Co1npany, IIJ, 606) 608,
609, 610, 780, 973, I649; and I<ellogg
Company, 892; and Magnavox
Company, 3 79; and Max Factor &
Company, 4IIj and Nabisco, Inc.,
III5, III7; and Pepperidge Farm,
Inc., II94; and Pepsi-Cola Company,
180, 1191, 1198, II99; and Prince
spaghetti, 824; and Radio Corporation
of America, 378; and television, 780
Keough, Donald, 3 3 9
Otto l(ern, 667
Kerner Commission {United States), 27,
Kerouac, Jack, 505
Kerrigan, Nancy, 527, 1268
Kershaw, Andrew, II64, II66
Kersha>v, David, I389
Julius I(essler Distilling Company, I638
Kessel Motor Con1pany, 419
KesselsKramer, 113 5
Ketchum, Carleton, 898
l(etchuin, George, 898, 900
J(etchum (public relations agency), 900
I(etchum Advertising, 457, 900
Ketchum Communications, Inc., 900
Ketchun1 Directory Services, 900
Ketchu1n-MacLeod Advertising, 898. See also
Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc.
Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc., 897-900;
and global advertising, 793; and H.J.
Heinz Con1pany, 730; Joe Pytka and,
1317; and Urban Coalition/Crisis in
the Cities Campaign, I5; and
Westinghouse Electric Corporation,
630. See also Ketchum Advertising;
J(etchum Com1nunications, Inc.
Ketchum Public Relations, I3II, I3I2
Ketchum Publicity, 898. Sec also Ketchun1,
MacLeod & Grove, Inc.
"Ketchup With Attitude," 730
ketoprofen, 57
Kettering, Charles F., 654, I238
Ketterlinus Lithograph Company, 892
Kevlar, 505
I(ewpies, 4 3 I
Key, Wilson Bryan, 424, 795, I432, I492
Keye/Donna/Pearlstein, 58I, Io33, Io34
Keyes, Freeman, 222, 1261
Keyes, Madden &Jones Advertising, 439, 673;
and Brown & Williamson Tobacco
Corporation, 222; Donahue & Coe,
Inc., and, 487, l26I; merger with Post,
Morr & Gardner, Inc., Io27, I26I. See
also Post-Keyes-Gardner, Inc.
"key outlet marketing," 520, 52I
KFC Corporation, I357; Leo Burnett
Con1pany, Inc., and, 234; and
endorsements, 527; "Get a Bucket of
Chicken," 1107; Mingo-Jones and,
1660; Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide,
Inc., and, 159; and Colonel Sanders,
1268, I355; Singleton Ogilvy &
Mather and, I439; temporarily o\vned
by PepsiCo, Inc., I20I; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, 1669
Khabargozari-ye Jomhuri-yc Eslami, 1040
"l(hakis S\ving," 570
Khaleejiah Advertising & Public Relations,
Al-, I039
KHBB, 257
Khrushchev, Nikita, 1298
Ki am, Victor, 522
Kia Motors Corporation, 61 o
I(ibbles 'n' Bits, 73I
Kibon Fruttare: Almap/BBDO and, I459
Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co1npany, Io26.
Sec also Kickapoo Indian Sagwa
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa, 754, 1026
Kickback Corporation, 687
Kidd, H.E., 34I-42
Kidd, Jason, I476
I<idd, Jemma, 248
Kid 'n' Play. See color plate in volume one
Kids Marketing Task Force, 9I4
Kids' WB!, 73I
J(ilbourn, Orrin, 668
Kilbourne, Jean, 586, 587
Kilby, Jack, 370
Killing UsSoftly(Kilbourne), 586
Killing Us Softly 3 (Kilbourne), 586
"I(ills germs that cause bad breath," 9I9
Kilmer, Val, 1617
William S. Kimball & Company, 961
Kimberly, John A., 900
Kimberly, Clark & Company, 900, See also
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Kimberly-Clark Argentina S.A., 582
Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 576, 577,
900-05; D' Arcy-MacManus & Masius
and, 446; Foote, Cone & Belding and,
603; Lord & Thomas and, 437, 92I,
955; Charles F.W. Nichols Company
and, 903; Shirley Polykoff & Bctuel,
Inc., and, I254i and sanitary towels,
580, 580, I275, I278; and senior
citizens market, I424; and J. Walter
Thompson Company, I272. See also
Depend; GoodNites; Kleenex; Kleenex
Cottonelle; Kotex
Kimbies, 905
Kindness Instant Hair Curlers, I 2 53
King, B.B., IJ29
King, Billie Jean, 526
King, Dave, 9I3
King, Larry, r330
King, Stephen, 595
Lee King & Partners, Inc., r482
King Cobra beer, 78
King Features Syndicate, 72 5, l 670
King Kullen supermarkets, 700
"King of beers," 78
"King of beverages," 174
"King of bottled beers," 7 4
"Kings of Africa," 78, 446
King Zingers, 226
Kinki Advertising Con1pany, 877. See also
Daiko Advertising
F.S. Kinney Company, 62, 310, 96r. See also
Sweet Caporal
Kino Glaz, Io8o
Kinsbury, O.S., 487
Kiosque amusique Persil, 618
Kiplinger Neivsletter, 846
Kirby, David, 160
Kirby, Jane, 1652
Albert Kircher Company, 1088
Kirk, Jeremy, 108 5
James S. Kirk & Company, 933, I449
ICirkpatrick, Ted, 181
Kirn, W.I., 54
Kirshenbaum, Richard, 905-06
I<irshenbaum & Bond, 177, 477, 906.
See also Kirshenbau1n Bond & Partners
Kirshenbaun1 Bond & Partners, 905-07,
"Kiss,'' 467
Kisses, 732, 733, 734
"Kiss me. I got Signal," 938
Kiss Me Kate, 712
"Kiss of the Hops," 1402
Kit Carson, 444
ICitchenAid, l 29
Kitchen Klenzer, 821
"Kitchen of Tomorrow," 1628-29
Kitchens of Sara Lee. See Sara Lee
"Kitchen-tested," 647, 648
Kite tobacco, 223
Kit Kat, 734
Kitten Chow, 1334
"ICitty," l 5
Kitty Litter, 1215
ICiwi Shoe Polish, 487
Kix. See Corn I(ix
KKBR Conquest, lI32
KKR. See Kohlberg ICravis Roberts &
Klea1; 886
Klee, Paul, 4 7 4
Kleenex (tissues) , 602, 900, 90.r, 903, 904,
I<leenex Boutique (toilet paper), 904
Kleenex Cottonelle {toilet paper), 904
"Kleenex says bless you," 904
Klein, Calvin, 567, 1568
Klein, Steve, 906
Calvin Klein fragrances, 328, 938, 1205
Calvin Klein, Inc.: and apparel, 564, 567,
570, 818; CRK Advertising as house
agency of, 567, 865, I205; and ethics,
542; fragrances acquired by Lever
Brothers Company, 938; and music,
lIIo; and Obsession, 328; sex in
advertising for, I432, 1434; and
Warnaco, 865; Wieden & Kennedy,
Inc., and, 1205. See also Calvin Klein
Calvin Klein jeans: "August Campaign,"
I521; as rival to Levi's jeans, 940; sex
in advertising for, 1432, I434, 1521;
"Want to know what comes bet,veen
me and my Calvins? Nothing!," 567,
818, I432
Philip Klein, Inc., 174
Klemtner Advertising, 368
Paul Klemtner & Company, 2I3
I<letter, Edward, 661, 662
Edward Kletter Associates, 660
Klimt, Gustav, 839
Kline, Harry, 1673
KLM, I36, lI32, lI35
Klondike ice cream, 938, lilO
Kluge, John, 1096
Klugman, Jack, 652
Klutsis, Gustav, 1377
Kmart Corporation: advertising spending of,
1363, I62I; Campbell Mithun Esty
and, 46; rivalry with Sears, Roebuck &
Company, 1414, 1416; Ross Roy, Inc.,
and, I 37 5; and toys and games, I 5 60
KMP/Compton, 219
KMP Partnership, 368
Knee, Bernie, 1106
Knight, Phil, 1140, l14I, 1652
B.B. & R. Knight, Inc., 628
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, 445
Knisper, Knaspe1; and Knusper (Rice Krispies
characters), 892
"Knit Your Bit: Our Boys Need Sox," 58
Knoll Pharmaceuticals, 1646
Knots Landing, 199, 897, 1448
Knowledge Base Marketing, 1674. See also
Knowles, Russell, 915
Knowlton, Don, 7 40
"Know when to say when," 78, I7I
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Company, 8 9 5
Knox Reeves Advertising, Inc. See under
Knudsen Dairy, 447
Knutson, Gunilla, 1432
KNUZ (radio station), I340
"Koalas against Qantas," I06
KOBACO. See Korea Broadcasting
Advertising Corporation
Kobe (Japan), 1277
Kobin Enterprises, 1634
Kobs, Jim, 498, 499
Kobs & Brady Advertising, 143, 498, 499.
See also Draft Worldwide
Kobs & Draft, 144, 499
Kobs Gregory Passavant, 499
Kodacolor Gold loo, 5 57
Kodak. See Eastman Kodak Company
"Kodak," 507
"Kodak: America's storyteller," 5I1
Kodak Chorus, 3 3 3
Kodak Girl, 507-08, 508, 509
Kodak Instant camera, 5Io, 5II
Kodak 3 5 camera, 509
ICoenig, Julian, I12, 166, 1191, 1192, 1610,
Koenig Pilscner, I404
I<ohkoku, 709
ICohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company, lI5,
I95, 796, 1482
Kohnstamn1, Abby, 836, 924
Kohodo, 757, 877. See also Nihon
Kojak, 1552
Kojima Law Offices, 930
I<okanee, 915
Kokoku-sha, 757
Kolinska, 54 7
Kolkey, Gene, 2 37
Koloc, Bonnie, Illl
Kol Yisrael (radio station), 869
Kolynos Company, 54; Blackett-SampleHun1mert, Inc., and, 771, 1210, I658;
oral care business in Latin America
acquired by Colgate-Palmolive
Company, 354; toothpaste, 141, 77I
Kombi cars, 4 7
Kana Coffee, 1261
Kondo Michitaka, 709
Koninklijke Brinkers. See also Wajang
Koogle, Timothy A., 1681, I683
ICookal, 330, 332
Kool-Aid, 175, 643, 644, 646, 908, l47I
Kool cigarettes, 221, 222, 223; Ted Bates &
Company, Inc., and, 64, I4o; Batten
Barton Durstine & Osborn and, 64,
I40, 1261; Brown & Willian1son
Tobacco Corporation and, 3I3, 1368;
and event sponsorship, 3I 5; "No need
for Nyquil," 313; Post-Keyes-Gardner,
Inc., and, 1263; Saatchi & Saatchi
Advertising and, 316; sales of, 315
Kool Jazz Festival, 222
Koop, C. Everett, 522
Kopecky, Ladislav, 548
Kopp, Jack, 238, 1015, 1124
Koppel, Ted, 9 5
Korad (agency), I463
!Corbel wines, I562
Korda, Reva, 213, 1165, I432, 1657
Korea (before 1945), 764, I46o-6r. See also
Korean War; South Korea
Korea Audit Bureau of Circulations, 1464
Korea Broadcast Commission, 1463
Korea Broadcasting Advertising Corporation,
Korea Consumer Protection Board, 1463
Korea Daily News, 1461
Korea Fair Trade Com1nission, 1463
Korean War, I46I-62; American Red Cross
and, 58; IBM Corporation during,
3 69; Liggett & Myers Tobacco
Company during, 945; military
advertising during, 1048; steel
companies in United States and, 740.
See also color plate in volume three
Korea Public Relations Institute, 1462
Korinna typeface, I 58 3
Kors, Michael, 1205
Kosovo, 60
Kostecki, Michel, I238, 1242
Kotex, 437, 576, 577, 579, 580, 9or, 903,
904, 921, 955, 1275. See also color
plate in volume ovo
"Kotex fits. Period!," 903
Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation,
907-08. See also color plate in volume
Kowloon Wholesale Seafood Company, 1Io8
KPMG, 926, I535
KPN Holding Den Haag, I132
I<PO (radio station), I444
Kraft, James L., 908, 909, 913, 1603
Kraft All-Star Revue, 911
I<raft Cheese Company, 908-09. See also;
Kraft Foods, Inc.; Kraft-Phenix Cheese
Kraft Cheese Dinner, 911, 913
Kraft cheeses, 908, 9Io, 9.r1
Kraftco Corporation, 909. See also Kraft
Foods, Inc.
Kraft Dairy Fann Hour, 913
"Kraft durch Freude," III
Kraft durch Freude-Wagen. See KdF-Wagen
Kraft Five Star Newscast, 9 I I
Kraft Foods Equity, 914
I<raft Foods, Inc., 908-14; D.L. Blair, Inc.,
and, I86; Leo Burnett Company, Inc.,
and, 234; Burrell Co1nmunications
Group, Inc., and, 240; D'Arcy Masius
Benton & Bowles and, 447, 448;
Foote, Cone & Belding and, 603; and
green advertising, 53I; Grey
Advertising Agency, Inc., and, 699;
Needham, Harper & Steers
Advertising, Inc., and, I123; Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide, Inc., and, 175;
Oscar Mayer Foods Corporation
within, I178; Philip Morris Companies
and, 348, 796, 1230; Starcom
Media Vest Worldwide and, I35;
targeting by, 1495; J. Walter
Thompson Company and, 1178;
J. Walter Thompson, S.A., and, 205;
and Women's Tennis Association,
1230. See also Altoids; General Foods
Corporation; Gevalia Kaffe; Good
Seasons; Jell-0; Kool-Aid; Maxwell
House coffee; Oscar Mayer Foods
Corporation; Miracle Whip; Parkay;
C.W. Post cereals; Tang; Tombstone;
a11d color plate in volume tivo
Kraft General Foods, 909, 938. See also Kraft
Foods, Inc.
Kraft, Inc.: acquired by Philip Morris
Companies, 908, 909; Foote, Cone &
Belding and, 913, 1393· See also Kraft
Foods, Inc.
Kraft Interactive Kitchen, 914
Kraft Kids Brands, 914
Kraft Kitchens, 909, 911, 914
Kraft macaroni, 911, 913
Kraft mayonnaise, 912
](raft Musical Revue, 911
Kraft Music I-lall: on radio, 769, 911, 9I2,
1533, 1534; on television, 9I3, 914
Kraft Mystery Theatre, 913
Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation, 908-09,
J, Walter Thompson Company and,
I178, I533• 1534· See also Miracle
Whip; Parkay
Kraft Premier Movie, 914
Kraftrays, 9II
](raft ?5th A1111iversa1y Special, 913
ICraft Singles, 9I4
Kraft Sum1ner Music Hall, 913
Kraft Suspense Theatre~ 913
Kraft Television Theatre, 780, 784, 912, 9I2,
Kraft-Walker Cheese Company (Australia),
Kramer vs. Kramer, Io86
Krasny, Jacques, 342
Krasselt, William, 418, 419
Kravitz, Shelly, 38
Krech Productions, 84
Krentl, 537, 537
Kresge Company, I253
Michael de Krestser Consultants, 14 5
Kritik der praktischen Vernunfi-(Kant), 542
Krizia, I237, 1237
Kroc, Ray, 1014, 1015, r355
Kroger Company, 700, 702, 703, 796, l2I7,
Kroll, Alex, 51, 68, 543, 1690, 1691
Krone, Helmut, 112, 117, I66, 473, ll9I,
1610, l61I
Krug, August, 1402
Krumblcs, 892
Kruming, Paul, I09 5
I(rupp van Bohlen und Halbach, Gustav, 66 5
"I(-sentials," 893
KSL Media, 1576
Ku Klux Klan, I75
kuchiireya, 877
Kudner, Arthur, 231, 536, 78I
Kadner Agency, Inc., I12, 253, 770, 780,
786, 846, lOIO, 1172, 1283, I499;
and Benson & Hedges Company, 3 14;
and blacklisting, I 8 2; and General
Motors Corporation, 656, 657; and
I 803
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company,
i549; and Republican Party, I31-52,
1249; and Schick Dry Shaver
Company, Inc., I400. See also
Tatham-Laird & Kudner, Inc.
Kudos bars, 558, 993, 995
Kufrin, Joan, 233
Kuhler, Otto, 473
Kuiper & Schouten, lI34
Kukido-kumi, 877
I(ummel, Eugene, 51, lI53, 1154, 1156,
"Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen
Reproduzierbarkeit" (Benjamin), 392
Kunz, Willi, 4 7 5
Kuperman, Bob, 4 5
Kurt't: & Tarlow, 567. See also Tarlow
Klister, Klaus, 3 77
Kuwait, 742, 1039, 1041, 1042
Kuyf, Jacques, 588
ICvamme, Mark, 322-23
Kyak, Mary, 1498
Kyodo Oil Company, 526
Kyrgyzstan, I376
Labatt, John Kinder, 915
Labatt, John S., 915
Labatt Blue, 9I5, 916, 916
Labatt Brewing Company, 915-17; Ammirati
Puris Lintas and, I68; Rapp Collins
Communicaide and, 1336; rivalry with
Molson, Inc., 1077
John Labatt Classic, 9I5
Labatt Fiftieth Anniversary Ale, 915
Labatt 50, 915
Labatt Genuine Draft, 915
Labatt Ice, 9 I 5
Labatt Importers of Canada: Tracy-Locke
Company, Inc., and, 1563
John Labatt's Brewery, 9I 5. See also Labatt
Brewing Company
Labatt Wildcat, 915
L.A. Beer, 78
labeling, 385, 386, 644, 694
labor unions, 740-41
"Labour isn't working," 1252, 13 86, 13 88,
x389, I592
Labour Party (New Zealand): Colenso and,
Labour Party (United Kingdo1n), 1386, 1388
Labruna, Angel, 90
Lachappelle, David, 1232
La Choy Food Products, I263
Lackawanna Railroad, 250, 760
Laclede Gas, 44 3
La Creole Laboratories, 706
N. Lee Lacy Associates, 483, 1545
Ladd, Cheryl, 523
Ladies' Home journal, 75 5, 977, 978, 1597,
l66I; Calkins & Holden and, 250; and
deceptive advertising, 689; ICellogg
Company's pioneeering color
advertisen1ent in, 89I; and patent
medicines, 762
Lady and the Tramp, 623
Lady Care, 5 82
Lady Esther, 487
Ladysan, 58 2
"Lady's not dressed until her legs are, too,"
Lafayette (Colorado), I32r
LaFayette Motors, 23r, 672
La Fen1me cars, I I I
Lafley, A.G., 1274, 1277, 1278, 1279
La France bleach, 1686
Lahr, Bert, 1429
Laing, Jennife1; 744
Laing I-Ienry Hill Holliday, 744
Laird, John Kenneth, 1498, 1499, 1500
Lake, Arthur, 1004
Lake, Veronica, 652
Lake Central Airlines, 1374
Laker, Freddie, 1607
Lakeside Press, 1061-62
Lan1ar Advertising Company, 1180
Laman; Hedy, 410, 1083
La1nbert, Christophe, 3 3 2
Lambert, Gerard B., 674, 917, 919
Lambert, Jordan Wheat, 917
Lambert & Peasley, Inc., 919, 1172, 1208,
Lambert Phannaceutical, 917-.r9, 1208,
1632. See also Warncr-La1nbert
Lamborghini, 308
La1nont, Corliss & Co1npany, 2 7 4, 27 5
Lamota, 90
Lancaster Caramel Company, 73 2
Lancia, I 524
LancOme, I205
Land, EdwinH., 5Io, I245, r246
Land, Jennifer, I245
Land Automatic 100 ca1neras, 1246
Martin Landey, Arlow Advertising, Inc., 3, 5
L&M. See Liggett & Myers Tobacco
L&M Filter cigarettes, 439, 945, 946, 1059,
"Landing," 505
Landis, Marty, l 8 5
Land O'Lakes, Inc., 1062
Landon, Alfred M., 649, 774, 1248
Landon & Associates, 1184
Landor Associates, I690
Land Rover, 68 6
Lands' End, 273, 480, 5I6. See also color
plate in volume one
L&M tobacco, 942
Lane, Bill, 1107
Lane, Mildred, 1651
Lane, Robert H., 1548
Lane Furniture Company, 5 57
Lang, Jack, 428
Langbo, Arnold, 893
Langdon, Ben, 3 60
Langer, Andrew J., 989
Langn1uir, Irving, 6 3 8
Langtry, Lillie, 407
Lanham Trademark Act (I946, United States),
Lanin, Lester, IIII
Lansdowne, Helen. See Resor, Helen
Lanston, Tolbert, 1580, 1582
Lantz, Walter, 79
Lanvin, Jeanne, 1202
Laos, 680
Lapeiia, Jose Marfa, 394, 395
Larabee (Borden, Inc., character), r93
Laramie, 213, 1045
Lark cars, 1488, 1490
Lark cigarettes, 946, 964, 1230
Larmon, Sigurd, 51, 1688, I689, 1690
LaRoche, Chester J. ("Chet"), 1006, I689; at
C.]. LaRoche & Company, 778; and
radio, 1282; and War Advertising
Council, 14, 1314, I627, I631; and
Wendell Willkie, I249; at Young &
Rubica1n, Inc., 770, 778, 1282, 1688
Laroche, Guy, 1204
C.]. LaRoche & Co1npany, 778, Ioo6, I689;
and Rolls-Royce, roo6; and Towle
Manufacturing, 971
LaRoche, McCaffrey & McCall, Inc., Ioo6.
See also McCaffrey and McCall, Inc.
LaRosa, Julius, 1106
V. La Rosa & Sons, Inc., 922
Larroquette, John, 523
Larry the Crash Du1nn1y, 13
Larsen, Ralph, 883
Larson, Gustaf, I6r4
LaSalle cars, 6 5 6
Lascaris, Reg, 828, 829, 830
Lascelles, David, 1239
LaserDisc, 3 82
Lasker, Albert D., 778, 919-21, 955; and
A1nerican Tobacco Company, 62, 3 r2,
769; and Warren G. I-larding, 1248;
and hard-sell advertising, 7r6, 717;
and Hertz Corporation, 734;
Jewishness of, Io54; and ICotex, 576,
603, 903; and Lord & Thomas, 535,
576, 600, 603, 903, 953, 955, 957,
958,I3I9, 1575,1596, 1597-98,
I6oo; and Palmolive soap, 350, 955;
and Quaker Oats Co1npany, 77 4,
1319; and Radio Corporation of
America, 378; and "reason-why" copy,
76I, 769, 953, 957> I517; 011
Woodbury's Facial Soap advertising,
Lasorda, Ton1my, 163 5
"Lassen Sie nicht mit gewOhnlichen
Han1burgen abspeisen," 228
Lassie, 261, 1130
Lasswell, Harold D., I297
Last Angry' Nlan (Green), Io83
Last Hu1Tal1~ 1084
Lastminute.com, 1I93
"Lasts as long as the other guys for less," I47
Latin America, 581-82, 583, 1095, I277,
I278; Ford Motor Company and, 609;
International Advertising Association
and, 8 57; McCann-Erickson, Inc., in,
1010; Nokia Corporation in, 1148;
Young & Rubicam, Inc., in, 1690.
See also South America
Latinos. See Hispanic An1ericans
Latrobe (Pennsylvania), 168
Latvala, W.K., 1I5I
Latvia, 1376
Lauder, Josephine Esther ("Estee"), 412
EstCe Lauder Companies, 412, 1204, 1205,
1268; Galbraith-Hoffmann
Advertising and, 1202; and
photography, 1232
Laugh at Mice Vernlin Extern1inator, 1060
Laughing Cow. See Vache qui rit
Laughlin, Tom, 1080
Laugh Trax, 214
Laugh lvith Ken lviurray, 93 5
LAUNCH (Intel Corporation), 8 5 5
Laundry O\vners Association, 1003
Laura Secord. See under Secord
Lauren, Ralph, 567
Laurence, Charles & Free, 4 3 5, 808
Laurence, Charles, Free & Lawson, Inc., 966
Laurie, Hugh, 220
Laurie, Piper, Io86
Lautrec (agency), 93
Lautrec NAZCA Saatchi & Saatchi, 93, 94
Laux, E.F. ("Gar"), 609
Lavasoap,236,1274,1277, 1450
Lavazza coffee, I522, I523, 1524
Lavenson Bureau of Advertising, r554
Laverne and Shirley, lllo
Law, Andy, 1390, 1391
Law Merchant, 688
"Lawnmo\ver," 78
Lawrence, Carol, 347
Lawrence, Harding, 922, I648
Lawrence, Jacob, 968
Lawrence, Mary Wells, 922-23, 160I, I657;
at Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc., I373>
1647, 1657; at Jack Tinker & Partners,
1543, 1545, I647, r659; at Wells,
Rich, Greene, Inc., 42, 157, 452, 790;
Lawrence C. Gu1nbinner Advertising. See
under Gun1binner
Lawrence Fertig & Company. See under Fertig
Lawrence Graha111, 9 3 o
La1vrence Welk Shoiv, 305, 660, I422
Lawry's foods, 938
Law 72. See Loi 72
Lawson, Thoinas, 398
layout of print advertising, 634, 665
Lay's potato chips, 1690
Lazard Freres, l l 5
Lazarsfeld, Paul F., 998-99, lOOo, I529, 1659
Lazarsfeld-Stanton Program Analyzer, 16 59
Lazarus, Rochelle ("Shelly"), 924-25, I657;
and American Association of
Advertising Agencies, 5 l; and IBM
Corporation, 836, 838; and Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide, Inc., 89, 159, 587,
627, Il66-67
La-Z-Boy Chair Company, 489, r375
Lazer, Williain, 1303
Lazier-Smith, Linda, 586, 587
L.C. Cole. See under Cole
Lea &Perrins, 1382, 1585
Leach, William, 392
Leaf North America, 734
Leagas, Ron, l, 926
Leagas Delaney Group, Ltd., 926
Leagas Delaney Partnership, Ltd., l, 809,
League of Advertising Wo1nen, I657. See also
Advertising Wo111en of New York
League of Nations, 920
League of Women Voters, 3 8 5
Lean Cuisine, 1130, 1I3I
Learning Channel, I426
Learning Company, 1560
learning theory, I2I4, 1441
Lears, T.J. Jackson, 392, 393
Learson, Vincent, 834
"Leaving now for Trenton, Philadelphia and
Cucamonga!," 697
"Leaving on a Jet Plane" (John Denver), 1111
Lebanon, 1038-39, 1040, Io42
LeBaron cars, 306, 308
Leber, Lester, 603
Leber Advertising, 603
Leber & Katz, 603
Leber, Katz & Paccione, 603
Leber Katz Partners, Inc., 15, 603, 1368,
LeBlanc, Dudley]., 1024
Le Car, 996, 997
Lecazon Associates, 803
Leche Pascual, 1468
E. Leclerc, 33I, 331~ 332
Le Debut, 1182
Lcderle, I124
Ledesma, Ainanda, 90
Lee, Archie, 3 3 7
Lee, Don, 774
Lee, Ivy Ledbetter, 774, 1309-10
Lee, Peggy, 1107
Lee, Spike, 484, 485; Levi Strauss &
Con1pany and, 940; Nike, Inc., and,
1141, 1653; Telecom Italia and, 927
Lee, Stan, 450
Lee Anderson Advertising Company, 303
Lee & Young Co1nmunications, I30I
Lee Byung Chul, 285, 287
Thomas Lee Company, 147
Sara Lee Corporation; Sara Lee/Cruz
Verde-Legrain. See under Sara
Lee Jeans, 562, 564, 940, 1260
Lee King & Partners, Inc. Sec under King
Leeds, Peter, 623
Thomas Leeming & Company, 540
Le Forestier, Jean-Loup, 329, 330
LeftField Advertising, 516
legal issues, 927-30. See also color plate in
volun1e tivo
Legend cars, 813
Legett, 238, 1590
"Leggo my Eggo," I441
I:cggs Products. See color plate in volume one
Legler, Henry, 274, 1638, I639
Lego, 1560
!egos.com, 294
Lehigh Acres (Florida), 520
Lehman, Ernest, 1086
Lehn & Fink Products Corporation, 673, 931,
1208. Sec also Lysol
Lehn & Fink Riveris, 149
Leichty, Greg, 587
Leigh, Dorian, 410, 881
Leigh, Douglas, 79
Leigh, Mitch, 1372-73
Leighton Ford Ministries, I3 50
Leisure, David, I14
Leland, Henry, 60 5
Le Mans racing (France), r229
Lemira, Fanny, 673
"Lenunings," 85, 292-93
Lemn1on, Jack, 1086
"Lemon." See 1111der Beetle
lemon-lime beverages, 174
Lender's Bagel Bakery, 893
lending, 3 8 5
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, I295, 1297-98, 1299
Lennen, Philip W., 931
Lennen & Mitchell, Inc., 780, 931, 962; and
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, I40;
and Lehn & Fink Products
Corporation, 93I, 1208; and Lorillard
Tobacco Company, 780, 931, 957,
961, 962; and Pebeco, 1210. See also
Lennen & Newell, Inc.
Lennen & Ne\vell, Inc., 922, 93I-32, 16I9;
and American Airlines, 1383; and
Beatrice Foods Con1pany, 1263;
Buchanan & Company acquired by,
1027; and Den1ocratic Party, 4 50; and
Geyer-Oswald, 673; and Lorillard
'fobacco Company, 672, 840, 896,
932, 962, 964, 965, 1191; and Schlitz
Brewing Company, 1402; and
television, 780
Lenox Collections, 356, 357
Lenox, Inc., 3 56
Lenox laundry soap, 1270
Lenska, Rula, 249
Lentheric Perfumes, 1094
Lenz, Robert, l 3 I
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.; Leo Burnett
Deutschland; Leo Burnett
International; Leo Burnett Worldwide.
See unde1· Burnett
Leo Film (Norway), 1I51
Leo Group, 129, I3 8, 15 5, 469, 809. See also
Bcom3 Group; Leo Burnett Company,
Leokum, Arkady, 1083
Leonard, Sheldon, 199, 897
Leonard M. Sive & Associates. See 1111de1· Sive
Leonardo <la Vinci, 667
Leon Livingston. See unde1· Livingston
Leslie's Illustrated, 470
Lessard, Claude, 413, 414-15
Lesser, Michael S., 989
"Less flowe1: More power," II2
Lester Harrison Advertising. See under
Lestoil, 63 1, 82I, 1499
"Lest you forget, we say it yet, Uneeda
Biscuit," 760
"Let a s1nilc be your u1nbrella and a Maytag
your washer," 1004
Lethal Weapon 2, 128 5
"Let Hertz put you in the driver's seat," 257,
I153, II54
"Let Me Be the One" (Nichols), I107
"Let's Dance" (Good1nan), 1114
Let's Dance (radio program), 1008, llI4
"Let's Face the Chicken Gumbo and Dance"
(Freberg), 730
"Let's get America rolling," 6 5 8
"Let's talk," I2o
Letterman, David, 523
"Let the journey begin," l05I
"Let them know you're Jockey," 8-63
"Let Us Be the One," 1107
"Let your fingers do the walking," 433
"Let yourself go," 305
Leuenroth, Cicero, 206
Levant, 1042
Levant, Oscar, 911
Levenson, Bob, 112, 166
Lever, Willian1 Hesketh. Sec Leverhuln1e,
William Hesketh Lever, Viscount
Lever Brothers Company, 793, 933-39; and
African-Americans, 27; in Argentina,
90; Batten Barton Durstine & Osborn
"B.O.," 1600; in Canada, 262; Cecil &
Presbrey and, 275; Cockfield, Brown
& Company, Ltd., and, 342; Doyle
Dane Bernbach, Inc., and, 450, 452,
I451; Foote, Cone & Belding and,
602, 1383; in France, 6I8; Hewitt,
Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc., and,
1162, 1383; and household cleansers,
821; Lintas as house agency of, 69,
818; Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc.,
and, I162, I163; Ogilvy & Mather
Worldwide, Inc., and, 924; and
Pepsodent, 602; and radio, 770, 776,
947, 1283; rivalry with Procter &
Gamble Company, 438, 821, 1274,
1451; Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., and,
770, 776, 947, 1208, 1382, 1383,
1451; and soap operas, I445; and soap
products, 1449, 1450; Sullivan,
Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, Inc., and,
779, 947, 949, 1383; targeting by,
1497; and television, 1284, 15I5;
]. Walter Thompson Company and,
538-39, 776, 947, I272, 1283, I532,
1533, 1534, 1535; and Unilever
Health & Personal Care, 290; in
United Kingdom, 947, 1450, r587;
and Vimms, 781; women and, 89;
Young & Rubicam, Inc., and, 1498.
See also Elizabeth Arden Company;
Aziza; Bestfoods; Birdseye Foods;
Brisk; Clear Solutions; Helene Curtis
Industries; Dove soap; Faberge; Good
Luck; Health-tex; Impulse; Calvin
Klein fragrances; Klondike; Lawry's
foods; Lever 2000; Lifebuoy; Lipton
tea; Lux toilet soap; Mazola;
Mentadent; Organics; Pears' soap;
Pepsodent Company; Pertussin; Pond's
cleansing cream; Pond's cold cream;
Pond's Cream & Cocoa; Pond's
Extract; Pond's vanishing cream;
Prince Matchabelli; Q-Tips; Rinso;
Salon Selectives; Sealtest; Spry; Suave;
Swan Soap; Theme; Thermasilk;
Unilever; Vim1ns; Wisk; and color plate
in volume two
Leverhulme, William I-Iesketh Lever,
Viscount, 933, 934, I624
Lever International Advertising Services.
See Lintas
Lever Pond's Canada, 263, 263
Lever 2000 soap, 939, I45I. See also color
plate in volume two
Levin, Gerald, I 578
Levine, David, 841
Levine, Joan, 1657
Levine, Huntley, Schmidt & Beaver, 86 5
"Levi's 501 Blues," 940
Levi's 501 jeans, 483, 940, 1213, 1521; Bartle
Bogle Hegarty and, 1593; Foote, Cone
& Belding and, 940, 1062
Levi Strauss & Company, 330, 566, 940-41,
rrro; Agulla & Baccetti and, 32;
Bartle Bogle Hegarty and, 137, 484,
1593; CKS Group and, 323;
commercials for, 483, 484; Foote,
Cone & Belding and, 566, 603, 682,
816, 1062; and Gap, Inc., 569; and
Internet, 516, 1098; logo of, 952;
outdoor advertising for, rror; and
photography, I232; Joe Pytka and,
I3I7; and senior citizens market,
I424; targeting by, 1495; and
television, I52I
Levitan furniture, 1306
Levitt, Herschel, 4 73
Levitt, William, 782
Levittown (New York), 782
Levy, David, I690
Levy, Maurice, 603, 604, I308, 1576
Henry S. Levy & Sons, Inc., I65, 449, 450,
1058, lI68, 1372. See also color plate
in volume one
Lewinsky, Monica, I644
Lewis, Byron, 1054
Lewis, E. St. Elmo, 98
Lewis, Jerry, 351, 1540
Le\vis, Tom, I688
Lewis, William, l8I, 895, 896
Lewis Howe Company. See under Howe
Lew, Lara (agency), 1641
Lexmark International, 699
Lexus cars, 114, 813
Leyden, Bill, 1004
Leyendecker, Joseph Christian, 250, 470) 760,
Io62; and United States Cominittee,,on
Public Information, 471, 839, l3I4
LH cars, 309
LIAA. See London International Advertising
liability for payment, 932
"Liar," 457
Libbey Glass, l 3 7 5
Libbey-Owens-Ford, I628-29
Libby, McNeill & Libby, 446, 702, lI82,
I393> 1530, 1533
Liberal Party (Canada), 341-42, 976, 1606
Liberation Daily (Shanghai), 301
Libero & Libresse, 6I4, r149
Hipermercado Libertad, 9r
Libertel, 590
Libert~ 633
Liberty aircraft engine, II88
Liberty Bonds, 492, 1047, 1598, 1629, 1670.
See also war bonds
Liberty Mutual Insurance, 16 50
Libra 1-Iearts, 58I
Libresse. See Libero & Libresse
License to Kill, 1230
Lichfield, Patrick, 358
Licko, Zuzana, l 58 3
Liebig Extract of Meat Company, 753, 871
Liebowitz, Annie, 570
"Life," 7I6
Life, 23I, 309, 968-69; D.L. Blair, Inc., and,
I85; Clairol, Inc., and, I253i Nestle
S.A. insert in, lI28; Phillips Oil
Company insert in, II73; Ohrbach's
featured in, II68; and photography,
1232; and "plastic bag war," 505;
poster for, 978; publication suspended,
790; and television, 1690; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, I686, I690
Life Advice (Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company), 850
Lifebuoy, 933, 935, 936, 947, 1070, r450;
package design for, II82; Ruthrauff &
Ryan, Inc., and, 935, 947, I2o8, I382,
I383, 1451; William Steig and, 84I;
Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles,
Inc., and, 779, 947, 1383
Lifebuoy P1ngram with Al Jolson, 947,
Life Can Be Beautiful, 875, 1274
Life cereal, Io99, I3I9-20
Lifeminders.con1, 514
Life of Riley, I274, 1638
Lifesavers, 1634
"Life-Stage,'' 81 5
lifestyle clusters, 983, Io23, I294, I697
"Life Style Concepts and Marketing)' (Lazer),
Lifestyle Ma1kct Analyst (Standard Rate and
Data Service), 461, I305
lifestyle research, I303, I304-05
LifeStyles condoms, 457, 578
Life Style studies (DDB Needham
Worldwide), 986
Life with Mother Superior (Trahey), 1568
Lifton, Robert Jay, 505
"Lift up your eyes," 3 6
Liga de Prensa (Spain), 1464
Liggett, John Edmund, 941
Liggett & Dausman Tobacco Company, 941.
See also Liggett & Myers Tobacco
Liggett & Myers, Inc., 946. See also Liggett &
Myers Tobacco Company
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company, 3 lo,
3II, 312, 3I5, 94I-46, I226, I228,
I364, 1365, I366; and An1erican
Tobacco Company, 6I, 96I; brands
acquired by Philip Morris Companies,
I230; Cunningham & Walsh and, 433;
Dancer, Fitzgerald, Sample and, 439;
Newell-Emmett Company, Inc., and,
64; and stereotypes of Hispanic
Americans, Io59; J. Walter Thompson
Company and, 204, I 5 3 4; and
Tobacco Trust, 62, 96r. See also Allen
& Ginter Company; Chesterfield
Liggett Drugstore, 1127
Liggett Group, 691, 94r, 946, I482. See also
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company
lightbulbs, 638, 639
Lighthouse Global Network, 8Io
Light 'n' Luscious, 1393, r394
Light Style bakery products, II96
"Light up a I(ent and you've got a good thing
going," 964
Liiketaloudellinen Neuvontatoimisto, II5 l
Like {soft drink), 143I
"Like a doctor's prescription,'' 71, 72
"Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm Is There,"
852, Il07, I213
"Like a Prayer)' (Madonna), 526
"Like a Rocle' (Seger), 113, 256, II07, II08
"Li'l Abner" (Capp), I026
"Lilacs in the snow," 697
Lili dolls, 296
Lilith Fair (music festival), l 110
Liller Neal, 624
Lil-lets, 58I
Lillian Vernon. See under Vernon
Lillibridge, Ray D., 89 5
Ray D. Lillibridge Cotnpany, 893, 89 5. See
also I(enyon & Eckhardt, Inc.
Lilt Home Permanent, 705, 779, r275
Lily of France, 865
Limbaugh, Rush, 1268, r33r
Lime Twisted gin, 170
Limited (retailer), 273, 865
"Limo,'' 78
Lincoln, Abraham, ro84
Lincoln automobiles, 1I2, 473, 605-06, 608,
609, 6I2, I106; Kenyon & Eckhardt,
Inc., and, II3, l8I, 307, 606, 608,
609, 6Io, 89 5, 896, 973; Maxon, Inc.,
and, 605, IOOI, Ioo2; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, 305, 606, 6Io,
612, 929. See also Ford Motor
Company; Lincoln-Mercury division of
Ford Motor Company
Lincoln Center (New York City), lioo, 1657
Lincoln Logs, 1554
Lincoln-Mercury division of Ford Motor
Company, 1Io6; and blacklisting, r8I;
and television, 305, 780, I265. See
also Ford Motor Company; Lincoln
automobiles; Mercury automobiles
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company,
Linda S ~First Love, 700
Lindbergh, Charles, 35, 36, 3I9, 524, lI70
Lindbergh, Peter, I56
Lindeberg, Florence, r66I
Lindex, 6I3
Lindmark, Lars, 3
Lindsay Smithers, I576
line rates, 7 4 8
Ling, C.P., 299
Ling-McCann-Erickson, 86I
Ling-Temco-Vought, I648. See also Braniff
International Airways
Linkletter, Art: and All detergent, 27; CBS
and, 494; Green Giant Company and,
236; and health insurance, 3I; Mars,
Inc., and, 991; McDonald's
Corporation and, IOI4; Pillsbury
Company and, I235
Lino Palacio, 90
Linotype machines, 1580, 1582
Lintas, 69, 105, 818, 933, 938, 947, 949,
Io95, I465
Lintas: Campbell-Ewald, 256) 949; and
Eastern Airlines, I423; and Geo cars,
658; and Hughes Communications,
382; Interpublic Group of Companies
and, 808, 861, 949; and Princess
Cruises, 949, 1573
Lintas India Limited, 842
Lintas: USA, 949, 1395
Lintas: Worldwide, 98, 947-50, IISI; and
Ammirati & Puris, Inc., 69, 7I; in
Argentina) 89; and Coca-Cola
Company, 69, 966; in Germany, 665;
and Heineken, 727; and IBM
Corporation, 83 6, 960; in India, 842,
843; Interpublic Group of Con1panies
MacLaren Advertising, 263; and
Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles,
Inc., 69, 793. See also Ammirati Puris
Linten, Jo, 1465
Linz Award, 1563
Lion (Caterpillar dealer), 47
Lion awards. See Cannes Lion awards
Lionel Satellite Train, IS 56
Lion King, I56o
Lion Match, II59
Lion Nathan, 1439
Lionni, Leo, 126, 1580
Lipitor, 57, l2I9, 1220, 1635, 1637
Lipman, Maureen, 2I9, 2r9
lip rouge, 407) 408
"Lipsmackin' thirstquenchin' ... Pepsi,"
lipstick, 408
Lipton, Thomas, 760
Lipton Foods, 138, 445, 780
Thomas j. Lipton, Inc., 934, 938, 949.
See also Brisk; Lipton's instant tea;
Lipton tea
Lipton Open, 534
Lipton's instant tea, II28, lI29
Lipton tea, 933, 938; Young & Rubicam, Inc.,
and,780, 1265, 1689
"Lipton tea lover," 938
Liqua-Zone, 82I
liqueurs, I70
Liquid Tide. See under Tide
liquo1: See beverages, alcoholic
Liquozone: Lord & Thomas and, 920, 921
Lisa computers, 292
"Listen to it fizz!," 41, 1620
Lister, Joseph, 917
Listerine, 917-19, 1070, 1208, 1632-33,
r633, I637; Micrin as rival to, 882;
Pfizer, Inc., and, I219; sex in
advertising for, I432, I663;
j. Walter Thompson Company and,
57, 9I9, I633; and United States
Federal Trade Commission, 403, 690,
795, 1601, 1632
Lite Line, I95
Literary Digest, 633
liter·ature, representations of advertising in)
237,600, 6oI, Io83, Io84, Io85,
1085, 1086
Litfass-Saule, 662
lithography, 469, 75I, 756; in France, 616,
838; and outdoor advertising, 1179
Lit hos typeface, I 584
Lithuania, 1376
Little, Edward, I4l, 35I
Little, Henry, 2 55
Little Albie (Grape Nuts character), 472
"Little bigger car from Honda," 813
"Little blue jug,'' 446
Little Bright Eye (I(ickapoo Indian Medicine
Company character), Io26
Little Caesar Enterprises, Inc., 624, 625, 803,
l 3 5 7. See also Little Caesars Pizza
Little Caesars Pizza, 624, 625, 803, IIlI,
Little Country Docto1; I 554
Little Green Sprout (Green Giant Company
character), 237
Little Hans the Chocolate Maker (Quik
character), II29
Little King (Burger King Corporation
character), 226
Little Men, I93
Little Miss Coppertone, 412
Little Nick (Pillsbury Company character),
Little Orphan Annie, 438
Little Oscar (Oscar Mayer Foods Corporation
character), II77
Littlest Angel, 713
"Little Tramp,') 372-73, 430, 959
Littlewoods, 73 9
"Live for the moment,'' I247
"Live the adventure," 1050
Livingston, Harold, 1083
Livingston, Mary, I 3 26
Leon Livingston Advertising, 566, 600, 1127
Livre Atual, 582
"Lizard," 79
L.L. Bean. See under Bean
LL Cool J, II Io
Lloyds Bank, 94
Lloyd's Barbeque, 6 53
Lloyd's Euxesis, 229
Llusa Ciuret, Javier, 1640, I641
lobby cards, 1079
Lobelia (Borden, Inc., character), I93
Loblaw Companies, 703
Loblaw supern1arkets, r6o6
Locke, John, 688
Locke, Raymond, l 56 l
Locklear, Heather, 705
Locum Brand Communications, Io77
Loeb, Phillip, I82
Loeb & Loeb, LLP, 930
Loews Corporation, II90
Loews Theaters, Inc., 964
Loewy, Raymond, 473, 491, lI82
Lofaro, Ray, 484
Lofaro & Associates, 484
Loft Candy Store, II97
Logan, Thomas, 9 5 5
Thomas Logan, Inc., 9 5 5
Log Cabin syrup, I64, 470, 642, 643, 644,
Logistics Data Systems, II
logos, 224, 474, 950-53, Io89,I582; of
General Electric Corporation, 639; of
Microsoft Corporation, 1034; of
Motorola, Inc., Io88, 1089; of
National Biscuit Company/Nabisco,
Inc., III3i of oil companies, Ir70;
of Pepperidge Farm, Inc., II96; of
Pepsi-Cola Company, 952, II98,
l 199; of Pillsbury Company and
predecessors, I234i of Prudential
Insurance Company, r30I, r427; of
Quaker Oats Company, l3I9; of
Ralston Purina Company, I333; of
Schlitz Brewing Company, I402.
See also trademarks
Lohmiller, Chip, I473
Loi Evin (I99I, France), 549, 622, 692, 1308
Lois, George, 166, 475, II9I, II92
Loi Sapin (I992, France), 549, 622, 692,
1308, 1468
Lois/EJL, 71, 973
Lois Holland Callaway, 1192
Lois Pitts Gershon, II92
Loi 72 (I980, Quebec Province), 265
Lois/USA, II92
Loi Toubon (I994, France), 549, 622, I3o8
Loma Linda Food Company, 696
Lombard, Carole, III
Lombardo, Guy, 151, 1670
London Country Gentfen1an's Courant, 748
London Eye, 739
London Gazette, 747
London Hackney Carriage Act (l 8 5 3, United
Kingdom), 1589
London International Advertising Awards,
London Press Exchange, 238, Io95
London Television Service, I396
London Underground, 840
"Lone Asian Traveler," 909
Lonely Croivd (Ricsman, Glazer, and
Denney), Io83
Lonely George; Lonely Maytag Repairman.
See Maytag Repainnan
"Lonely uphill struggle ... ," 593
Lonely Women, 1446
Lone Ranger, 6 52
Long, Shelley, 523
Long, William H., 492, 493
Long-Costello, Inc., 605
Long Haymes Carr, Inc., I368, 1369
Long John Silver's, Inc., 13 56
Longs Drug Stores Corporation, 3 57
Long Voyage cigarettes, 942
Long Wind pocket watches, I 5 3 7
Look, 790, I232
look~alike models, 929
"Look at all three," III, 669, II25, I601
"Look for the big one on the package," 1044
"Look for the Golden Arches,'' IOI4, 1017
"Looking after number one," I?O
"Look into our Master's program," I349
"Look, Mom-no cavities!," 164, 420, 1440.
Sec also color plate in volume one
"Look, mom, these suits made with Acrilan
go right into the wash," 449
"Look sharp, feel sharp, be sharp," 676,
IOOJ, 1472
"Look Sharp March" (Merrick), 676
"Look up America," 340
"Look who's using Geritol," 662
Loony Tunes, 623
"Loose lips sink ships," 13, 1098
Loose Moose, Ltd., 83
Lopez, Massimo, r523, 1524
Chocolates y Dukes Matias Lopez, 1466
Lopez Negrete Communications, 1622
Lord, Daniel M., 535, 774, 920, 953, 1596,
1 597
Lord, Richard J. ("Dick"), 958, 959, 960,
Lord, Walter, r 5 3 3
Lord & Brewster & Company, 9 53. See also
Lord & Thomas
Lord & Taylor, 566, LI68
Lord & Thomas, 31I, 756, 9I9, 920, 953-58,
I533, I596, I597-98; and Ad Council,
I4; and American Dairy Association,
256; and American Home Products
Corporation, 437; and American
Tobacco Company, 62, 64, 275, 3I2,
600, 769, 771, 776, 921, 1599; and
Cities Service, II70; and ColgatePalmolive-Peet Company, 351, 1597;
and coupons, I598; and Erwin, Wasey
& Company, 5 3 5-3 6; Foote, Cone &
Belding cxeated out of, 378, 600, 717,
778, 921, 1575; and Fxigidaire
Corporation, 770; and hard-sell
advertising, 7I6-I7, 76I; and B.j.
Johnson Soap Company, 3 50-5 l, 920;
and Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 437,
903, 904, 921; and Levi Strauss &
Company, 940; and Nestle S.A., 1127;
and Pabst Brewing Company, 1638;
and Pepsi-Cola Company, 1105, 1197;
and Pepsodent Company, 602, 761,
769, 770, 771, 921, 935, I210, I281,
I283; and press circulation ratings,
772; and Quaker Oats Company, 7I7,
774, 920, 921, 1319, 1598; and radio,
1281, I283, I688; and Radio
Corporation of America, 378, 921;
and RI<O Radio Pictures, Inc., 1079;
and Schlitz Brewing Con1pany, 76I,
920, I 598; and Southern California
Fruit Exchange, 408; and Southern
Pacific Railroad, 600; and Sterling
Remedy Company, 437; and Sunkist,
603, 761; testing methods at, 1524-25;
and Van Camp soups, 761; and War
Advertising Council, I4; and Wilson
Ear Drum Company, 920. See also
Foote, Cone & Belding; and color plate
in volume two
Lord Dentsu, 960. See also Lord Group
Lord, Einstein, O'Neill & Partners, 45, 836,
889, 960, 1454
Lord, Gelle1; Federico & Partners, Inc., 958.
See also Lord, Geller, Federico,
Einstein, Inc.
Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein, Inc., 958-60;
and Dean Witter, 1424; and IBM
Corporation, 372-73, 836;
J. Walter Thompson Company and,
796, I454, I535· See also Lord,
Einstein, O'Neill & Partners
Lord, Geller, Federico, Peterson, Inc., 958.
See also Lord, Gelle1; Federico,
Einstein, Inc.
Lord Group, 960
Phillips H. Lord, Inc., I81
Lord, Southard, Federico, Inc., 958. See also
Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein, Inc.
L'Oreal, 544; Euro RSCG and, 724; and
global advertising, 68r; in Italy, 873;
McCann-Erickson, Inc., and, 705, 708,
1657; motion pictures and, 618;
Publicis and, I88, 817; and senior
citizens market, I42 3
Lorenti, Tomas, 1460
Lorenzo ]ones, 438, 1326
Loretta Young Show, l 64
Lorillard, Pierre and George, 96r
P. Lorillard Company, 96I. See also Lorillard
Tobacco Company
Lorillard Corporation, 964. See also Lorillard
Tobacco Company
Lorillard Tobacco Company, 62, 65, 310,
960-65, I226, 1228, 1365, 1366,
1368; Ally & Gargano and, 46; Vince
Cullers Advertising, Inc., and, 426;
Geyer, Newell & Ganger and, 672;
Lennen & Mitchell, Inc., and, 780,
93 r; Lennen & Newell, Inc., and, 672,
840, 896, I19r. See also Kent
cigarettes; Muriel cigars; Old Gold
cigarettes; True Cigarettes; and color
plate i11 volume two
Lorimar Pictures, 199, 897
Lorna Doane shortbread, l 1r7
Los Angeles, 276
Los Angeles Dodgers, 1096
Los Angeles Herald Examiner, 276
Los Angeles Lakers, 526
Lost in Space (motion picture), I356
Lost World: Jurassic Park, 111
Loterija Slovenije, 547
Lotrimin, I223
"Lots," 1553
Lotta chewing gun1, I670
Lotte Confectionery, 286
Lotte Group, r462. See also Lotte
lotteries, 694, 927, 1258-59, I585. See also
"Lot to Give," 1201
Lotus Development Corporation, 745, 1034,
Lou Dorfsman Design. See under Dorfsman
· Loughrane, Barry, 154, 453, II24
Louis XV cigarettes, 496
Louis, Joe, 676
Louis, John J., 1121, Ir23
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 705
Louis-Dreyfus, Robert, 1388-89
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 1652
Louisville (Kentucky), 772
Louis Vuitton. See under Vuitton
Loussier, Jac{iues, 3 59
Louys, Pierre, 3 I 8
Love Boat, 1426, r 573
"Love life again," I220
"Love Lock," 532
Love of Life, 1446
Lover Come Back, 1086
Loverick, James, 262
James Loverick, Ltd., 262, 263
"Love your hair," 708
Loving, 1446
Loving Care, 586, 705, I253
Lovin' Spoonful, r ro7
Lowe, Arthur, 248
Lowe, Dick, 483
Lowe, Frank, 966-67; and Aguila & Baccetti,
32; at Collett Dickenson Pearce, 3 58,
359; at Lowe Group, 862; at Lowe
Lintas & Partners Worldwide, 949
Lowe & Partners, 966, 989; and Coca-Cola
Company, 340, 989; and MercedesBenz, 11I; Scali, McCabe, Sloves
1nerged into, 966, I400, 1669. See also
Lowe & Partners/SMS
Lowe & Partners/SMS, 966, I400; and
American Home Products
Corporation, 57; and Coca-Cola
Company, 84, 966; and Daimler-Benz,
309; and Heineken, 727; and
Mercedes-Benz, 967; and Prudential
Insurance Company, 966, 1302.
See also Lowe & Partners Worldwide
Lowe & Partners Worldwide, 862, 967, 123 8.
See also Lo\ve Lintas & Partners
Lowe Bull Calvert Pace, 966
Lowe Consumer Healthcare, 1225
Lowe Direct, 966
Lowe GGI<, 547, 548
Lowe Group: and Aguila & Baccetti, 31, 32,
14 59; Ammirati Puris Lintas merged
with, 71, 862, 949; and Interpublic
Group of Con1panies, 71, 862,
1237-38; and Estee Lauder
Companies, 1205; and Mullen, 966;
Pirella GOttsche acquired by, I237-38;
Scali, McCabe, Slaves acquired by,
I400; in South America, I459·
See also Lo,ve Lintas & Partners
Lowe Howard-Spink, 359, 360, 966, I518
Lowe Howard-Spink & Bell pie, 966
Lowe Lintas & Partners Worldwide, 71, 949,
967, I238; in Africa, 24; Hans
Brindfors Annonsbyri acquired by,
II51; and Burger King Corporation,
228; and General Motors Corporation,
660, 967; Interpublic Group of
Companies and, 477, 862, 949, 967;
and Kuiper & Schouten, lI34; in
Netherlands, 1132, 1134; in Spain,
r467; in Sweden, Il5I
Lowe Lintas Pirella GOttsche & Partners,
Lowell, James Russell, 224
Lowe, Llirzer, 376
Lowe Marschalk, Inc., 989
Lowe Marschalk Worldwide, 966, 989, 1301,
1302. See also Lowe & Partners
Lowenbrau bee1; 131
Lowe Porta & Partners, I459
Lowe's, Inc., 487
Lowe Tucker Metcalf, 966. See also Lowe &
"low-fare airline," 37
LPE. Sec London Press Exchange
LPE Nederland, 1134
LSD (hallucinogenic drug}, 505
"LS/MFf-Lucky Strike means fine tobacco,"
313, 1599
LTD (cars), 6ro
L3, 1057
Lubalin, Herbert F., 49 5, 1582
Lubalin, Peter, 5
Lubanski, Ed, 657
Lubin, Charles, 1392, r395
Lubin, Sara Lee. See Schupf, Sara Lee
Lubriderm, r636, I637
Lucas, Williain, 480
Lucasfilm, 483
Luce, Henry R., 231, 765, 968-69, I686,
Lucena, Bill, 46
Lucent Technologies, 102, 397, r323
Lucite, 502
Luckey Bowman, lI8
Luckinan, Charles, 602, 947
Lucky Charn1s, 8 3. See also color plate in
volume tlvo
Lucky Dog Phone Co1npany, ro2
Lucky Group, 1462
Lucky Stores, 703
Lucky Strike cigarettes, 3I3, 314, 771, 963,
1283; American Tobacco Con1pany
and, 61, 66, r82, 311, 1226, 1366,
r367; N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc., and, 64,
I28; Batten Barton Durstine & Osborn
and, 64, I40, r5I, 222, 602, 824; "Be
Happy, Go Lucky" (Rayn1ond Scott),
1107, l599;Jack Benny and, 64, 151,
r52, 314, 601, 824, 1383; Brown &
Williamson Tobacco Corporation and,
66, 223; Poote, Cone & Belding and,
64, 197, 222, I383; "Gone to War,"
64, 1367; "It's toasted," 62, 311, 955,
1367; Lord & Thon1as and, 62, 64,
312,600,771,921,955,957, 1084,
1599; "LS/MI<T-Lucky Strike means
fine tobacco," 3I3, I599; "Reach for a
Lucky instead of a sweet," 64, 312,
"Reach for a Lucky when ten1pted to
indulge," 1366; rivalry with Camels,
Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., and, 65, 824,
1383; "So round, so firm, so fully
packed," 313, 769; and sponsorship of
broadcasting, 64, 183, 221, 314, 601,
771, 785; toasting of, 65, 3II, 945,
955, I366, 1367; and women, 64, 312,
Lucky Strike Dance Orcl1estra, 64, 957,
I366, 1599
Lucky Strike Hit Parade, 64, 151, 785, 1366,
1694. See also Hit Parade; Your Hit
Lucky Strike Progra1n 1vith]ack Benny, 64
Lucky Strike Radio Show, 824
Lucky Strike Sho1v, 769
Lucky the Leprechaun (Lucky Charms
character), 83, 652. See also color plate
in volume tivo
Ludden, Allen 64 l
Earle Ludgin & Company, 378
Ludlow Massacre, I310
Lufthansa, 3 3, 3 77, 14 77, I4 78
Lumet, Sidney, 1084, 108 5
Lum 'n' Abnc1; 41, I6I9
Lunchables, lr78
"Lunch Box," 798
"Lunch time treat," IOIO
Lunden, Joan, I225. See also color plate in
volume three
Lundy, Ed, 608
Lunt, Alfred, 7r3
Lury, Adam, 738, 739
Ltirzer, Walter, 3 76, 666
Liirzer, Conrad {agency), 376. See also
Michael Conrad & Leo Burnett
Luscious Jackson, r r ro
Lustigman Firm, P.C., 930
Lustre-Creme, 932
Lustucru, 722
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1349
Luvs, 905
Luxe, 1582
Luxembourg, 621
Lux liquid, 9 3 6
Luxor soap. See Lux toilet soap
"Lux Presents Hollywood," 9 3 5
Lux Radio Theatre, 539, 935, 936, 947,
1283, r326, 1533, 1534
Lux toilet soap, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937,
ro70, ro7r, 1450, r451; in Argentina,
90; endorsements of, 5 2 5, 5 26; in
Germany, 666, 1451; "Nine out of ten
screen stars care for their skin with
Lux toilet soap," 1532; package design
for, r182; and radio, 935, 1283, 1326,
l533;J. Walter Thompson Company
and,205, 539,666,934,935,947,
153 5. Sec also color plate in volu1ne
luxury goods, 969--'73
Lux Video Tl1eater, 936
LVMH Moet Hennesy Louis Vuitton, 570
Lycra, 505
Lydia Pinkham. See under Pinkham
"Lydia Shum," 8I4
Lynch, David, 484
Lynch, Peter, 522, 596
Lyne, Adrian, 483, 484
Lyon, Al, 1227
Lyon, Alfred, I78
Lyon Corporation, 887
Lyons, William, 610
Lysol, 576, 577, 819, I208
Lythgoe, Nigel, 739
Lytle, Robert, 898
MAA Bozell, 84 3
MAA Group, 843
Ma'ariv, 869
MacArthur, Douglas, 6 5 6
MacArthur, John D., 355, 498
MacArthur, John R., 7 42
MacArthur, Rod, 3 5 5
MacArthur Enterprises, 498
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation, 355, 498
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 712
Macbeth Lamp Chimney Con1pany, I49
MacClarence, Bill, 670
MacDonnell, Roger, 348, 349
MacDougall, Malcolm, 744
Macedonia, 54 5
Macey Con1pany, 98
MacFarland, Hays, 437
MacFarland Aveyard, 3 78
Machado, Caio de Alcantara, 46-47, I458
Machado, Jose de Alcantara, 46-47, 48, 1458
"Mach mal Pause-trink Coca-Cola," 665
Mach 3, 675, 678
Macintosh computers, 85, 86, l2I, 292, 373,
and typography, 1582
Mack, Ted, 896
Mack, Walter, 1105, 1197, lI98
MacKenzie, Hugh, 9I5
MacKenzie, Len, Io59, 1108
Mackenzie Marketing, 809
Mackey, Willard C., 989, 1013
Mackley, Hilton, 348, 349
Macklin, M. Carole, 29 5
Mack Trucks, Inc., 1008
MacLaren, John Aiken ("Jack"), 262, 263,
MacLaren Advertising, 262, 263, 341, 342,
MacLaren: Lintas, 263, 976
MacLaren McCann Canada, Inc., 263,
975-76, Io78
MacLaren's Cheese, 912
MacLeish, Archibald, 1627
Macleod, Chris, 3 60
MacLeod, Gavin, I573
MacLeod, Norman, 898
MacManus, Theodore F., 155, 231, 774, 78I;
"Penalty of Leadership," TIO, 448,
MacManus Company, 605
MacManus Group: and N.W. Ayer & Son,
Inc., 125, 129, lo2r; Bcom3 Group
and, 155, 239, 469, 809; and Leo
Burnett Company, Inc., 138; and
D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles, 448
MacManus, John & Adams, Inc., 155, 445;
and Cadillac Motor Car Company,
717, 973; D'Arcy Advertising
Company, Inc., and, 444, 445, 793;
and General Motors Corporation, r ro,
II2, 253, 445, 654, 656, 657, 660,
7r7; and Heineken, 726; and United
States Navy, ro49; and West, Weir &
Bartel, Inc., 488. See also D'Arcy
Masius Benton & Bowles
MacMurray, Fred, 6 52.
MacNamee, Graham, 772
Macquarie Radio Network, r439
MacRae, Gordon, 305
Mac the Mouse {Raid Mouse Killer
character), 886
Macy, R.H., 7 53
R.H. Macy Department Store, 8r8, rr68;
Casadevall Pedrefio & PRG and, 272;
feminist protest at, r664; radio
advertising by, 768; Thanksgiving Day
1355, 1554
Mme. Turner's Mystic Face Bleach, 409
Madame Walker Products Company. See
under Walker
MADD. See Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Madden, Edward, 673, 1261
Mad Dogs & Englishmen, 8
Made in Brasil (design agency), 1641
Maderia, Jose Luiz, 48
Madge (Palmolive liquid character), 353, 822
Madison, Guy, 892
Madison Avenue (motion picture), 108 5
Madison cigars, 96 3, 964
Madonna, 526, 1093, 1108, 1266
Madrid {Spain), 1467
magazine advertising, 444, 749, 755, 790,
1596-97, 1600, 1602; for Chrysler
Corporation, 276-77; for condoms,
800; and coupons, 702-03; in
Gern1any, 1513; for groceries and
supermarkets, 704; by hotels, l 573; in
India, 844; and infomercials, 845; for
Ivory soap, 874; in Japan, 757, 878;
for Johnson & Johnson, 882, 883; for
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., 884; for
Lever Brothers Company, 884, 936;
for Listerine, 919; market research
on, 633, 635, 986, 987; in Mexico,
1032; in Netherlands, 1132; for
Procter & Gamble Company, 884,
1270, 1272; and self-regulation, 1421;
W.R. Simmons & Associates Research,
Inc., and, 1436; in South Korea, 1464;
in Spain, 1464-65, 1466-67; Daniel
Starch and Staff Research Company
and, 1485; for Studebaker, 1488;
J. Walter Thompson Company and,
1530, 1533; for toys and games, 1554,
l 5 5 6, l 5 5 8; in United Kingdom, 7 56,
1586, 1587; for Warner-Lambert,
1637; for Xerox Corporation, 1676,
1678; Yellow Pages compared to, 1684
Magazine Publishers of America, 1525
Magazine Repeating Razor, 1400
Magazine Repeating Razor Company, 1400
Magazine Research, Inc., 1022. See also
Mediamark Research, Inc.
Magazines Canada, 26 5
Magazine Semanal, 92
Magellan fund, 596
Magician's Handbook of Cigarette Tricks
{R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company),
"magic number," 520, 521
Magic Toivn, 1086, 1087
Magnafax, 1676
Magna Global, 1021
Magnavox Company, 132, 379; infomercial
for, 847; Philips Consumer Electronics
and, 3 82, 1266; and senior citizens
market, 1424; Xerox Corporation and,
"Magnificent obsession that produced the
coffee favored by kings," 671
Magnificent Seven, 790
Magnum (photographic agency), 321
Magnuson, Warren G., 964
Magnuson-Moss Warranty/FTC Improvement
Act {1975, United States}, 386, 685
Mahir (agency), 1379
Mahler, Ernest, 576, 903
Mahoney, David, 117, 1007
Maidenform, 786, 863, 865, 1153, 1154,
II5 5, 1666. See also color plate in
volume two
Maidenform Woman, 786, 863, 86 5
Maiden's Rock (Minnesota), 1210
Mail (Toronto), 262
Mail Advertising Agency, 262
Mailer, Norman, 505
mail order. See direct marketing and direct
Mail Pouch tobacco, 1598
Maine Department of Economic
Development, 7 4 3
Oy Mainos Taucher Reklam. See under
MAIP. See AAAA Multicultural Advertising
Intern Progra1n
Majestic Radio: Tatham-Laird, Inc., and,
Major, John, 1386
Major Botves Original Amateur Hour, I 11,
1382, 1481
Major League Baseball, 340, 851, r451,
«Make a date with a Rocket 8," 656
"Make a Wish," 5 26
"Make every day count. Do what you really
want to do," 662
"Make it a Bud Light,'' 78
"Makes anybody a perfect biscuit maker,"
"Makes delicious munching," 6 5l
"Make 7UP yours," 174, 1431
"Makes your husband feel younger, too, just
to look at you," 705
"Make the most of your free time," 1608
"Make your house a home," 639
"Make yourself heard,'' 534
Makin, Roger, 1159
"Making cellular work for you," 1091
"Making friends is our business,'' 73
"Making it all make sense," 1034
"Making it easier," 1034
"Making life a little sweeter-Mars," 994
Making of a Public Relations Man (J.W. Hill),
Making of the President, l 5 40
"Makin' Whooppee," r52
Malaya. See Malaysia
Malayalam language, 844
Malaysia, 96, 97, 756-57, 764
Malaysia-Singapore Airlines, 144, 1437
Malden, Karl, 595, lr64, 1266
Malibu cars, 3 64
Malibu cigarettes, 22 3
Mallomars, 11r3
P.R. Mallory Company, 146
Mallory hats, 149
John Malmo Advertising, 572
Malmstrom, Paul, 563
Malone, Dudley Field, 909
Malone, John, ro97
Jo Malone, 1205
Maloney, Thomas J ., 27 5
Maltese Falcon, 3 l 3
Malt Nutrine, 441
"Mama n1ia," 42
Mamie Nova, 330
Man Against Crime, 539, 1283
Management Today, I 564
Managing Advertising Expenditures for
Financial Performance.
See MAX Project
A1an and Superman (Shaw), 713
Manbosa Advertising, 1462
Man Called Ironside, 644
Man Called X, 606
Mancebo, Juan Mariano, 394, 395
Manchester United Football Club, 14 76
A1anchete, 208
Manchevski, Milcho, 548
Manchurian Candidate, 129 5
Mandarina Duck, 1193
M&C Saatchi. See under Saatchi
Mandela, Nelson, 927
Mander, Jerry, 687
M&M, Ltd., 141, r42, 990, 990, 99I.
See also Mars, Inc.
M&M/Mars division of Mars, Inc., 993, 995.
See also Mars, Inc.
M&Ms, 990, 993, 994-95, 128 5; Bates
Worldwide and, 396; D.L. Blair, Inc.,
and, r86; FHV/BBDO and, 590;
"Melts in your mouth, not in your
hand," 141, 142, 396, 717, 990, 1346,
1600--01; product placement rejected,
993, 1285. Seealsocolorplatein
volume three
Mancloveg, Herb, 1020
Manet, :Edouard, 616
Manfredi, Nino, 1523
"Man from Cunningham & Walsh," 433
"Man from Schweppes." See color plate in
volume three
Manhandler soups, 261
"Manhattan Landing," 1592
Manhattan Soap Company, 888, 889
Manhattan Transfer, 1395
"Manifesto," 86
Manikin cigars, 71 5
Manilow, Barry, 104, 852, 1107, 1111; "You
Deserve a Break Today," 453, 1014,
1015, 1017, 1107, llll
Man I Married, 1274
"Man in Black," 248
"Man in the Arena" (T. Roosevelt), 852
Man in the Gray .f1annel Suit (Wilson novel/
motion picture), 1084-8 5
"Man in the Hathaway shirt,'' 475, 567, 786,
816, 1161, 1579. See also color plate
in volume two
"Man may be down but he is never out," 150
Mannen-sha, 757
Manning, Burt, 1535
Manning Gottlieb Media, 1607
Manning's Continental coffee, 970
Manning, Selvage & Lee, Inc., 447
Man Nobody Knows (Barton), 150
"Man of Distinction," 1410
Manoir aux Quat' Saisons, 1609
Manor House, l l 23
Man Ray, I23 l
Mansfield, Jayne, 1087
Mansion House Scotch whiskey, l l 3 3
"Man the guns," 1298
Mantle, Mickey, 525, 1539
Manufacture Fram;;aise d'Armes et de Cycles
de Saint-Etienne, 616
manufacturers' coupons, 415-16
Manufacturers Railway Company, 73
Manutius, Aldus, 480, 1580, 1583
Manwich, 1442
Manzoni, Attilio, 871
"Mao is the red, red sun in our hearts," 1300
Mao Zedong, 299, 1296, 1298, 1299
lv1a Perkins. See Oxydol's Own !vfa Perkins
Mapes & Ross, 983, 1344, 1528
Maple Leaf Gardens (Toronto), 975
Mappin Stores, 47
MAP Promotions & Incentives, 810
MlAJRIC. See Marketing and Research
Counselors, Inc.
Marantz stereo receivers. See color plate in
volume two
March, Frederic, 1085
March, Hal, 1154
Marchand, Roland, 584
March Chait Advertising, 1606
MarchFirst, Inc., 322, 324. See also
CKS Group
March of Dimes, 480, 1310
March of Time, 151, 968
Marciano, Rocky, l 53 9
Marcoa DR Group, 1336. See also
Rapp Collins Worldwide
Marconi, Guglielmo, 1395. I396
Marcos, Ferdinand, 567
Marcos, Imelda, 567
Marcos, Te6filo, 394, 394
Marcus, Claude, 621, 1307
Marcus Welby, M.D., 644
Margaret Astor. See under Astor
margarine, 7 40
Margarine Union, 934-35, 947. See also
Lever Brothers Company; Lever
Brothers Company; Unilever
margaritas, 170
Margeotes/Fertitta & Partners, 809
Marie of Romania {Queen), 1352
Marie Claire, 6r8, 738
Marie-France, 621
Marie-Rose antiflea powder, 722
Marine Midland Bank, 814
Marinetti, Filippo, 1580
Marinho, Roberto, 1456, 1458, 1459-60
Marinho family, 1456
Marion Merrell Dow, l 224
Maris, Roger, 15 56
Markenwerbung International, 66 5
Marketel, 976
Marketer, 99
market geography research, 983
Market Growth Resources, 1577
Marketing {magazine, Canada), 265
Marketing and Distribution Research
(Brown), 439
Marketing and Research Counselors, Inc.,
Marketing at t11e Point of Change (HHCL and
Partners), 73 8
Marketing Awards (Canada), 265
lvlarketing/Communication, 418
Marketing Communications Associates, 347
Marketing Corporation of America, 45-46
Marketing Drive Direct, l 576
Marketing for Congregations (Shawchuck},
Marketing Lab, 1674
A1arketing News, 1563
marketing public relations, 1312
Ma1keting Research, 986
Marketing Science Institute, 53
Marketing the Church (Barna), 1348
Marketing to and through Kids (Guber and
Berry), 296, 297
market penetration, 1289
market research, 633-35, 761-62, 791,
983-88, 1071, 1072; and account
planning, 6; ACNielsen Corporation
and, 8-13; in Canada, 341; and
censuses, 279, 280; in Eastern Europe,
546; in France, 622, 1307; in
Germany, 663; J. Walter Thompson
Company and, 1353, 1533; in United
Kingdom, 1589; and youth market,
Market Research Council, 984
market segmentation, 1303
Marketworks: and Schick, 1401
Markey, Edward, 284
"Mark of excellence," 446
A1ark of Zorro, 1429
Markowitz, Mitch, 1086
Mark Trail, 892
Marlboro cigarettes, 312, 314, 315, 546,
1183, 1213, 1226, 1228, 1260; Biow
Company, Inc., and, 178, 1183, 1232;
Leo Burnett Company, Inc., and, 231,
236, 312, 790, 1183, 1228, 1232,
1469, l5I8, 1601; Burrell
Communications Group, Inc., and,
240; Cecil & Presbrey and, 275;
Michael Conrad & Leo Burnett and,
377; Light variant, 313, 965, 1229;
logo of, 9 52; Philip Morris Con1panies
and, 64, 312, 313, 1183, 1226, 1230,
1232, 1368; and photography, 1232;
product placement in Superman II,
313, 1230; "Theme from The
Magnificent Seven" (E. Bernstein) used
for, 1111; Warsaw Collection of
Business A1nericana and, 1101;
"Western,'' 1581; and women, 64,
312, 1226, 1260. See also Marlboro
"Marlboro Country," 312, 1228, 1440, 1518,
Marlboro Man, 155, 240, 475, 718, 786; Leo
Burnett Co1npany, Inc., and, 231, 236,
Marley Tiles, 44 5
Marlin Advertising, l 556
Marmite, r603
Mar-0-Bar Company, 990. See also
Mars, Inc.
Marovitz, Abraham Lincoln, 1383
Marplan, 807, 861, 1659
Marquand, John P., 1083, r533
Marquardt Aircraft Company, 696
Marriage for Two, 911
"Married in 1932, got Maytag in 193 3,''
"Married Life of Helen & Warren," 4 3 8
Married ... with Children, 1096, 1304, 1519
Marriott, Bill, 1573, r573
Marriott, J.W., 721
Marriott Hotels, 1573, r573
Mars, Ethel, 993
Mars, Forrest, Ji:, 993
Mars, Forrest, Sr., 990, 991, 993
Mars, Frank C., 990, 991
Mars, Jacqueline, 993
Mars, John, 993
Marsalis, Branford, 59
Mars bars, 990, 993, 995
Marschalk, Harry C., 988
Marschalk & Pratt, Inc., 720, 807, 848,
860---61,988, lOIO, 1027
Marschalk Campbell-Ewald Worldwide, 255,
989. See also Lowe Marschalk, Inc.
Marschalk Company, Inc., 966, 988-89. See
also Lowe Marschalk Worldwide
Marshall, E.G., 523, 737
Marshall, Penny, 484
Marshall, Scott, 1370, 1371
Marshall Field & Company. See under Field
Marshall John Advertising, 3 55
Marshall John & Associates, 498
Marshall Plan, 619, 1095
Mars, Inc., 159, 990--95; in Africa, 24; Bates
Worldwide and, 144, 396; Leo Burnett
Company, Inc., and, 23 6; Dancer,
Fitzgerald, Sample and, 625;
D'Arcy-MacManus & Masius and,
445; D'Arcy MacManus Masius
Worldwide and, 446; D' Arey Masius
Benton & Bowles and, 447, 448;
FHV/BBDO and, 590; and global
advertising, 681; Grant Advertising,
Inc., and, 696; Grey Worldwide and,
1812 MARS, LTD.
697; HI-ICL and Partners and, 739; in
Poland, 546; Joe Pytka and, 1317;
Ratto Agency and, 1343; rivalry with
Hershey Foods Corporation, 732, 734;
in Russia, 1376; M&C Saatchi and,
1386, 1593; Scholz & Friends and,
1404; and youth market, 1693.
See also Almond Joy; Kudos bars;
M&Ms; Uncle Ben's
Mars, Ltd.(United I(ingdom), 990
Marsteller, Willian1 A., 996, 13 II
Marsteller, Gebhardt & Reed, Inc., 996. Sec
also Marsteller, Rickard, Gebhardt &
Recd, Inc.
Marsteller, Inc., 995-98; and Beatrice Foods
Company, 401; Eurocom and, 808;
and I-Iavas-Conseil, 544; and l(eep
Ainerica Beautiful, Inc., r4, 15; and
IBM Corporation, 834; and Rickard &
Company, 631; Young & Rubicam,
Inc., and, 544, 723, 808, .r690.
See also Havas Conseil Marsteller
Marsteller, Rickard, Gebhardt & Reed, Inc.:
and IBM Corporation, 834. Sec also
Marsteller, Inc.
Martell Cognac, 240
Martex, 969-70, 970
Martha Washington powdered sugar, 1661
"Martians," 191, r9.r, _r593
Martin, Dean, 351, 1310, 1540
Martin, George H., 1348
Martin, James, 525
Martin, John, 742
Martin, Juan Carlos, 90
Martin, Marc, 618
Martin, Mary: Ford Motor Company and,
608, 896; General Foods Corporation
and, 644; on Kraft Music Hall, 911; in
Peter Pan, 261; Rave 1-Iomc Pennanent
sha1npoo and, 936
Martin, Tony, 1172
Martin Agency, 561, 660, 893, 1399, 1400
Martin & Woltz, Inc., l 57T
Martinez, Arthur C., 1416
Martinez-Cabrera, Carlos, 395
Martini, 738, 1464, 1522
Martin Landey, Arlow Advertising, Inc., 3, 5
Martin Marietta, 473, 1620
Martin/Williams Advertising, 1176
Marx, Groucho, 152, 304, 305, 644, 1470,
Marx, I<arl, 424
Marx toys, l 5 5 6
Maryland Coffee Club, 1562
lvlary Noble, 4 3 8
lvlary Poppins, 1357
inascara, 408
Maserati, 308
A1''A ~'S*H (television progra1n), 1301
Masius, Leonard M., 791
Masius, Michael, 445
Masius & Ferguson, l4I
Masius, Wynne-Williams, 444, 445, 965
Mason, Bruce, 604, l 576
Mason, L. Le\vis, 299
Masonite Corporation, 1263
Masonry Repair Digest, 1563
Mason Warner Company, Inc., 175
Massachusetts, 317, 688, 692, 694, 1252
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 369
Massachusetts Lottery, 1259
n1ass con1munications theory, 998-Ioor,
Masse, Bob, 841
Massengale Agency, 3 3 7
Massey-Harris Company, 341
Massimi, Gabe, 189, 19I
mass media, Ior7-I8
Paul Masson Vineyards, r69, 686, 1268,
MasterCard International, Inc., 595, 818;
Amn1irati & Puris, Inc., and, 69, 949;
William Esty Company, Inc., and, 541;
Lintas: Worldwide and, 949;
"Priceless," 805; Ratto Agency and,
1343; Sears, Roebuck & Company
and, 1416; and Symmetrical
Resources, Inc.) 1436
Master Charge. See MasterCard
International, Inc,
Master Foods USA, 995. See also Mars, Inc.
Master Lock, 419
Master Washer, 1003
MATAV, 546
Match, 617-I8
Princess Matchabelli, 412
matchbooks, 311
Mather, E.C., 1161
Mathe1; H.L., 1161
Mather & Company, 1161. See also Mather
& Crowther, Ltd.
Mather & Crowthe1; Ltd., 751, I157, 1158,
I161, 1162, 1164, 1587, 1592. See
also Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Inc.
Mathers, Jerry, 1644
J.M. Mathes, Inc., 68, 1249, 1400, 1610
Matheson, Tim, 523
Mathieu, Gerfen & Bresner, I 206
Mathisson & Associates, Inc., 1052
Mathur, Ike, 525
Mathur, Lynette, 525
Matisse, Henri, 471, 940
lvfatlock, 1426
Matrix, 215
Matson Line, 968
Matsushita Electric Industrial Company, 378,
379, 466, 1089. See also Panasonic;
Matte, Herbert, 1583
Mattel, Inc., 356, 357, 1495, 1560;
Carson/Roberts, Inc., and, 296, 1554,
1556; and children, 296, 297; feminist
protest against, 1664. See also Barbie
Matthe\vs, John, 237, 23 8
Matthews) Leonard S., 51
Mattress Giant, 5 58
lvlatty's F11nday Funnies, 1556
Mature Outlook, 1424
Mancher, Helmut, 1130
Mauchley, John, 369
Maude, 56-57, 277, 1426
Maughan, Sharon, 1594
Maupeou, Anne de, 331
-Maurer, Sasha, 473
Mauro Salles Publicidade. See under Salles
Maverick cars, 610, 1269
Maverick cigarettes, 96 5
Max, Peter, 475, 84I, 1080, 1108, 1145
Max cigarettes, 964
"Max Drumme1;" 940
Maxell Corporation, 738, 1398, 1399
Max Factor. See under Factor
Max Flash camera, 5 r 3
Max I-Ieadroom, 340
Maxim, 978
Maxima cars, r146
Maxim coffee, 644, 64 5
M1xiA1arkcting(Rapp and Collins), 1336
Maximise Singapore, 145
"Maximu1n Powe1: Maximum Value," x46,
Maxon, Lou Russell, 152, 1001, 1002
Maxon, Inc., 152, IOOI-02, 1261; and
Benson & Hedges Company, 314; and
Ford Motor Con1pany, 605, 606; and
General Electric Con1pany, 639, 1628;
Geyer, Morey, Madden & Ballard, Inc.,
and, 673; and Gillette Co1npany, 676,
772, 780, 1472; and H.J. Heinz
Company, 729, 730; and Hires root
beer, 173; and Packard Motor Car
Company, 1188; and Rea Motor Car
Company, 112; and television, 780,
1472; and war bonds, 1628
Max-Pax coffee, 645
MAX Project, 53
Maxwell-Chalmers Company, 303
Maxwell coffee, 34 5
Maxwell Dane, Inc. See under Dane
Maxwell House coffee, 343-44, 642, 1352;
and Academy A\vards, 348; ADC
variant, 347; Benton & Bowles, Inc.,
and, 164, 344, 446, 643; D'Arcy
Masius Benton & Bo\vles and, 447;
General Foods Corporation and, 343,
344, 345, 643, 644, 645, 646, 1686;
"Good to the last drop," 337, 343-44,
347, 1440, x44r; Kraft Foods) Inc.,
and, 908; Ogilvy, Benson & Mather,
Inc., and, 643, 1163; Ogilvy & Mather
Worldwide, Inc., and, 345, 347, 645,
816; Postum Company and, I686;
rivalry with Nescafe, r 128; senior
citizens market and, 1062, 1424
Maxwell House Hotel (Nashville, Tennessee),
344, 642
M·vavell House Sholv Boat, 164, 344, 824
Max\vell Motor Company/Maxwell Motor
Corporation, 303. See also Chrysler
MaX\vell Sakheim & Company. Sec under
Max\vell Scroge Agency. Sec under Scroge
Maxxcom, 809
May, Billy, 62 3
Maybelline, 410, 411, 411, 448, 1254, 1263
May Company, .r631
May Depart1nent Stores, 43 l
Maye1; Bob, 45
Mayer, Carl G., lI77
Mayer, Gottfried, 1177
Mayer, Max, l 177
Maye1; Oscar F., l I77
Oscar Mayer Foods Corporation, See under
Henry Mayers Advertising, 1414
Mayflower Stations, 669
Mayle, Pete1; l
Maypole Dairy Company, 1589
Mays, Willie, 676
Maytag, Frederick Louis, 774, 1002, Ioo3,
Maytag, Frederick, II, 1004
Maytag Corporation, 231, 558, 1002-05,
1260; Leo Burnett Company, Inc., and,
234, 1469; Cramer-Krasselt and,
"Maytag effect," l 002
Maytag Happiness Hour, 1004
"Maytagisn1s," 1004
Maytag Orchestra, Ioo4
Maytag Radio Program, 1004
Maytag Ramblers, 1004
Maytag Repairman, 155, 788, 1002, 1004,
Ioo5, 1266,1469
Maytag Troubadours, 1004
Mazda Canada, 526
Mazda lightbulbs, 638
Mazda Motor Corporation, 156, 603, 6.r2,
Mazola oil, 526, 932
MBC. See Middle East Broadcasting
MB Communications, 1558
M.B.O. Difusi6n, S.A., 394-95
MBS. See Mutual Broadcasting Systen1
MBS Media, 1576
M.B. Walton, Inc. See under Walton
MC (periodical), i563
MCA. See Marketing Corporation of
A1nerica; MCA Advertising; MCA
Corporation; MCA Marketing; Music
Corporation of America
MCA Advertising, 45
MCA Corporation, 1411, 1689. See also
Revue Productions; Universal Pictures
Willia111 Douglas McAdams, 966, 1219
McAllister, Matthew, 4 3 I
MCA Marketing, 499
McBain, Emmett, 240, 1056
McBlimp, 1015
McCabe, Ed\vard A., 45, 1399
McCabe & Company, 1399
McCaffrey, James J.) lOo6, 1050
Mccaffrey and McCall, Inc., 778, 1006-07;
and Avis RentA Car, Inc,) 117; Saatchi
& Saatchi Advertising and, 796, 1388,
1 593
McCall, Bruce, 1163
McCall, C. W., 3 80
McCall, David B., 117, 1006, 1007, To50
McCall's, 250, 977, 1661
McCann, Dorothy Barstow, 1008
McCann, Harrison King, 51, 818, Ioo8,
lOIO, 1170
H.K. McCann Company, 860, 1008, 1094,
1170. See also Mccann-Erickson, Inc.
McCann-Erickson/A&L, 1037
Mccann-Erickson Advertising, 1007, 101r.
See also McCann-Erickson, Inc.;
McCann-Erickson Worldwide
McCann-Erickson Corporation, 1011.
See also McCann-Erickson Worldwide
Mccann-Erickson Hakuhodo Company, 709.
Sec also McCann-Erickson Japan
McCann-Erickson, Inc., 790-91, 796, 860,
861, 1008, 1009, IOIO, lOll, 1013,
1027, 1094, 1172, 1600; and AlkaSeltzer, 42, 1046; and Anacin, 71; and
AT&T Corporation, 102, I 507; and
Avis Rent A Cai; Inc., Ir7, 450; and
blacklisting, 183; in Brazil, 1456; and
Buick Motor Company, 112, 113, 305,
657, 658, 660, 720, 1010, 1544; and
Bulova, 275, 720; and Burger King
Corporation, 228; and business-tobusiness advertising, 241; and
Campbell Soup Company, 261; in
Canada, 263; and CBS, 495; and
Chesebrough Manufacturing
Company, 288) 1008; and
Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc., 412; in
China, 301, lOro; and China Airlines,
696; and Chrysler Corporation, 303,
304, 305, 472, 657, 1010; and Clarion
Advertising, 842; and Coca-Cola
Con1pany, 131, 207, 339, 444, 474,
604, 720, 787, 802, 807, 896, lOIO,
TOTI, 1013, 1095, II9I, 1198, 1201,
1379, 1456, 1472, 1518, l544;and
drugstore.com, 516; and E.I. du Pont
de Nemours & Company, 505, 1011;
and Erwin, Wasey, Inc., 538; and
FedEx Corporation, 573; and financial
services, 593; and Ford Motor
Company, 605, 1008; and Foster
Advertising, 263, 976; and Fuller
paints, 861; and General Electric
Co1npany, 639; and General Motors
Corporation, 112, 113, 657, 658, 660,
720, 1010, 1134, 1379; and Dorothy
Gray cosmetics, 1191; and Hartford
Fire Insurance Company, 848; and
Heile1nan Brewing Company, 1052;
and holding company concept, 779,
806, 807, 861; in India, 842, 843; and
International Silver Company, 922;
and Interpublic Group of Companies,
861, 949, 1544; andJardine Matheson
& Co1npany, 301; and Lever Brothers
Company, 938, 949; and Liggett &
Myers Tobacco Company, 945, 946;
and L'Oreal, 705, 708, 1657; and
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 16 52;
and MacLarcn McCann Canada, Inc.,
263; and Magnavox Company, 379;
and Marschalk & Pratt, Inc., 720, 807,
860-61, 988, lore, 1027; and Maytag·
Corporation, 1003, 1004; and Mennen
Co1npany, Inc., 275; and Miles
Laboratories, Inc., 1046; and lvliller
Bre\ving Co1npany, 1052, 1053; and
National Biscuit Company/Nabisco,
Inc., 770, 1008, 1114, 1115, lil6,
1191, 1379; and NCR Corporation,
1544; and Nestle S.A., 275, 345, 347,
720, 1128, 1129; in Netherlands,
1134; and Pepsodent, 602; and
Pillsbury Company/Pillsbury Mills,
Inc., 1008, I235; and PowerAde, 175;
psychological research at, 16 59; and
public relations, 13 11; and radio, 770,
1008, 1281-82; and R.J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company, 316, 1013, 1369;
and Sears, Roebuck & Company,
1416; and Ruescas, 1465; and Selvage
& Lee, Inc., and, 804; and Sony
Corporation, 382; and Standard
Brands, 1481; and Standard Oil
Company/ies, 206, 818, 1008, 1170,
1456, 1544; and Talon, Inc., 922; and
Jack Tinker & Partners, 1543-44,
1659; and United States Equal
Employ1nent Opportunity
Commission, 1054; Sylvester L.
("Pat") Weaver and, 1641, 1642; and
Westinghouse Electric Corporation,
630, 720, 1004, 1011. See also
Interpublic Group of Companies;
McCann-Erickson Worldwide
Mccann-Erickson Japan, 709, 878
McCann-Erickson Mexico, 1029
McCann-Erickson Publicidade, 210, 582
McCann-Erickson WorldGroup, Too7, 1013.
See also McCann-Erickson Worldwide
McCann-Erickson Worldwide Advertising,
537, 680, 697, 1007-13, 1027; in
Africa, 23, 24; in Argentina, 89, 94,
1343, 1459; in Brazil, 206, 207, 210;
and direct marketing, I 3 3 6; in Egypt,
21; in Eastern Europe, 547, 548; in
Gennany, 665; Interpublic Group of
Companies and, 71, 477, 604, 720,
862, ro21, 1095, l6or; in Israel, 869;
in Italy, 873; and Lufthansa, T4?8; and
Microsoft Corporation, 375, 1037)
1038; and Miller Brewing Con1pany,
1440, 1472; and Mitsubishi Motor
Sales of America, 477; and Motorola,
Inc., l09I; and Nestle S.A, 113 l,
1593-94; and Novosti, 1379; in
Philippines, 98; ROnnberg & Company
acquired by, 1151; in Russia, 1379;
and Scott Paper Company, 901; in
South I(orea, 1463; in Spain, 1465,
1467; and Sprint Corporation, 1517;
in Sweden, 1151; and Texas, 1571; and
Universal McCann, 803, 1021; Young
& Rubicam, Inc., as rival to, 1690
McCann-Marschalk, 538, 988, 989, lOll.
See also Marschalk Campbell-Ewald
McCann Relationship Marketing Worldwide,
McCardell, Michael Francis ("Three Fingered
Abe"), 915
McCarthy, Cal, 1382
McCarthy, Joseph, 165, 181, 623, 630, 1492
McCarthyism, r 52
McCartney, Paul, rro6
McCarty Company, 900, 996
McCaskill, Ian, 220
McCaw Cellular Communications, 102
McClelland, Thoinas M., 472
McCiune, William J., Jr., 1246
McClure's, 250, 383
McColhun-Spielman, 983, 1343-44, 1529
McComas, Oliver, 1227, 1228
McCombs, Maxwell, 999
McConnaughy, Tom, 1500---01
McConnaughy Stein Schmidt Brown, 1500,
McConnell, David H., rr8
McConnell Advertising, 440
McCord Company, Inc., 1383
McCorkell, Sidaway & Wright, 1336
McCracken, Grant, 430, 523, 524
McCracken Brooks, 199, 1577
McCrae, Gordon, 1172
Mccullin, Don, 3 5 8
McDLT, 240
McDonald, Dick. See McDonald, Richard
McDonald, Maurice ("Mac"), 1014
McDonald, Myron, 1544, 1545
McDonald, Ray, I560
McDonald, Richard ("Dick"), 10I4
McDonald Charities, IOI4
McDonaldland, 1015
McDonald's Corporation, 157, 240, 4I3,
414, 4I5, 432, 454, 484, 681, 80I,
IOI4-I7, Io62, I124, 1I83, r355,
1356, 1357, I358, 1359, 1360, I362,
1363; and African-Americans, 240;
BDDP Group and, I56; and Burger
King Corporation, 226, 228; Leo
Burnett Company, Inc., and, 238, 238,
I124, 1269, I473i Burrell
Co1nmunications Group, Inc., and,
240, Io66; CKS Group and, 323; and
Coca-Cola Company, 339; DPZ and,
496; Duffy Design and, 56I; and
endorsements, 5 2 5; and Environmental
Defense Fund, 529; Fallon McElligott
and, 562-63; Frankel & Company
and, 853, I356; green advertising by,
530; "Have You Had Your Break
Today?," lIIIj and Hispanic
Americans, 1058, Io66; and Jack in
the Box, 3 64, r 126; Laurence, Charles,
Free & Lawson, Inc., and, 966; logo
of, 4 7 4, 9 52; Needham, Harper &
Steers Advertising, Inc., and, 23 8, 453,
II24, I3 5 5; Joe Pytka and, 1317; and
Sears, Roebuck & Company, 1414;
and Starcom Motive Partnership, 13 8;
and Super Bowl, I473i and
sweepstakes, 18 5; and Thorn Birds,
277; and Ty, Inc., 356, I356; Vickers
& Benson and, l 606; and Wendy's
International, Inc., 1125, I65I, 1652;
"You Deserve a Break Today," 453,
II07, II24. See also color plate in
volume two
"McDonald's is your kind of place," Io14,
"McDonald's sure is good to have around,"
Io15, 1017
"McDonald's-the closest thing to ho1ne,"
lOI4, IOI?
"McDonald's-Where quality starts fresh
every day," lOI4, IOI?
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, 4 3 I.
See also McDonnell Douglas
McDonnell Douglas, I 53 5
McDougall, Don, 3 4 3
McElligott, Thomas, I99• 293, 56I, 562
McElroy, Neil, I273
McElroy Comn1unications, 1576
McEnroe, John, I473
McFerrin, Bobby, 940
McGlynn Bakeries, 1236
McGowan, William, 44
McGrath, Nedda, I6 5 5
McGrath, Rory, 220
McGraw, James H., 78I
McGraw, John, 676
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 149,
630-3 I, 900, 997
McGruff the Crime Dog, l 3, l 5
McGuire Sisters, 1010
McGwire, Mark, 1476
McHale's Navy, I368
MCI Communications Corporation, 1266,
r281, 1504, I505-06, 1507; Carl Ally,
Inc., and, 43, 44, 45; and American
Red Cross, 60; AT&T Corporation as
rival to, I02, 364, II25, 1505, I505,
1506; Benton & Bowles, Inc., and,
164; and British Telecom, 2I9, 220;
CKS Group and, 323; and
environmental n1ovement, 529; Euro
RSCG Worldwide and, 551, 1264;
HotWired and, 804, 858; and Internet,
67; News Corporation and, 1096; and
tele1narketing, I512. See also MCI
Mcllhenny Company, 453, I359
Mcintyre, David, I431
MCI One, 323
MCI WorldCon1, 1506, I507
Mcjunkin Advertising, I402
McKay, Jim, I540
McKeachie, William E., 988
McKendrick, Neil, 393
McKenna, Regis, 8 54
McKenzie, Bob and Doug, 168
McKern, Leo, 524
McKernan, John, 72I
McKim, Anson, 262
A. McKim & Company, 262
McKinney, Henry N., 1597
McKinney & Silver, 3 23
McKinney, Marsh & Cushing, Inc., 605
McLamore, James, 226
McLane Co1npany, 1622
McLaughlin, .Michael, 976
McLendon, Gordon, I 3 29
McLuhan, Marshall, 686, 998, 999, 1300
McMahon, Ed, 31, 523, 689--90, 929, 1424;
Budweiser and, 77, 444, 445, 1266
McManus Elliott Communications, 809
McMein, Neysa, 650
McMullan, James, 841
McNamara, Robert, 608
McNa1nee, Graham, 674
McNeil Consumer Products, 1316
McNeil Laboratories, 882. See also Johnson
& Johnson
McNelis, Catherine, 775
McQuade, Donald, 25, 27
McQuien, Ron, I562
McSpadden, Peter, 440
McWorld Ninja-Zord, IOI6
MDA. See Monahan Dayman Ada1ns
MDC Comn1unications, 809
lvlDR fitness tablets, 845
"ME," 743
Mead, Peter, l , 2
Mead Davies and Vickers, r. See also Abbott
Mead Vickers/BBDO
Meade, Julia, 1265
Mead Johnson & Company. See under
Meadowgold Dairies, 824
Meadow Lea margarine, Io7, 1075
"Mean Joe Greene," I2I, 339, 1013, 1472,
Mean Mary Jean, 306
Measuring Advertising Readership and
Results (Starch), 984, I487
Meat Inspection Act (1906, United States),
meat-packing industry, 399
Meaty Cheese Boys, 1Io8
Mecca cigarettes, 3 ro
Mechanics Bank of New Haven
(Connecticut), 593
Medcalf, Graham, 829
media, 978-79, 980, 982, IOI7-20, I565; in
Japan, 878. See also specific 1nedia
Media Access Project, 400
Media-Advertising Partnership for a DrugFree America, l 5; American
Association of Advertising Agencies
and, 53; N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc., and,
128; public service advertising by,
l3r6;Joe Pytka and, I3I?; Phyllis K.
Robinson and, 1373; "Who Wants?,"
media agency, Io20-22
Media Are American (Tunstall), 428
media brokers in France, 622
MediaCom Worldwide, 265, 698, 699, 803
Media Edge, 261, 803, Io2r, 1692
Media Ethics (Patterson and Wilkins), 541,
Media Italia, 1523
Mediamark Research, Inc., 46I, 987, 1018,
1022-24, 1340
Media Metrix, 12, 13
media model research, 984
Media Monitoring Services, I2
MediaNatura, 529
MediaOne Group, 1506
Media Palace, 252
Media Partnership (Spain), 1468
Media Planning (Spain), 1468
Media Planning Group, 102I, I264. See also
Media Rating Council, Inc., 1022
media relations, 13 12
media research, 983, 984, 986
Media Service Korea, 1464
Media Services, S.A., 395
Mediaset, r 5 24
Media Sexploitation (Key), 1492
Mediatude, 5 3 5
media usage ratings. See ratings
Media Vest, 120, 448, 995, Io21. See also
Starcom MediaVest Worldwide
Medialveek, I563, 1564
Medical Nelvs (Miles Laboratories, Inc.),
Medicare (United States), 526
"Medicine Head," 1635
medicines, patent. See patent medicines
medicine show, 1024-26
Medicus lntercon International, 447
Medium Is the Message (McLuhan),
Meek, Sam, 1532, 1533
"Meeting Japan's challenge," 1091
"Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable
Development," 5 29
Meet john Doe, 1083, 1085
Meet the Press, 1174, 1304, 1426
Megacom (agency), 1575
Megalomedia, I386
Megargel, Roy, I197
"Me Generation," 4 3 I
"Me Gotta Have You," I106
Mei Foo, 299
Meijer, Paul, I135
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 1298
MeisterBrau, 1052
Melachrino cigarettes, I226
Mela1ned-Hobbs, 1383
Meldrum & Fe\vsmith, Inc., 606
"Mellowed with chicory," 1130
Melody and Madness, 962
Melrose Place, 1448
"Melts in your mouth, not in your hand," I4I,
Richard N. Meltzer Advertising, 305
Memorex tape, 1062
Memories of Yesterday, 355
Memory Lane, 1444
Memory of Solferino (Dunant), 58
Men1phis (Tennessee), 571
men: careers in advertising of, 165 5; in
demographic research, 4 58; purchasing
habits of, 759; sex in advertising and,
14 3 5; in television commercials,
Men at Work, 1604
Mendes-France, Pierre, 1307
Mendez Mosquera, Carlos, 90
Mendonca, Duda, 485, 486, 1458
Mendoza Fur Dyeing Works, Inc., 699
Menier chocolate, 722
Menjibar, Raiil, I459
Menjou, Adolphe, 600, 1084
Mennen Company, Inc., 275, 352, 698.
See also color plate in volume three
Mennen shaving cream, 471
Menotti, Gian Carlo, 712
Men's Choice, 707
Men's Health, 978
Men's]ournal, 978
Mentadent, 288, 288
menthol cigarettes, 22I, 3I3, 314, 964
Mentzer, Josephine Esther Lauder ("Estee"),
Menzel, Michael, 1404, 1405, 1406
"Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow," 1218
Meow Mix, 457, 1215, I2I6, I2I8, I334
M-E Productions, 1642
Mercado Con1iin de! Sur/Mercado Comum do
Sul. See Mercosur/Mercosul
Mercedes-Benz, III, 113, 309; Batey Group
and, 14 5; Campbell Mithun and, 257;
Colnaghi & Manciani and, I478;
Contrapunto and, 395; logo of, 952;
Lowe & Partners and, III, 967;
Martin Agency and, 1400; McCaffrey
and McCall, Inc., and, Ioo7; Merkley
Newman Harty and, 1176; music and
jingles used by, 1106, 1108; Ogilvy,
Benson & Mather, Inc., and, 1163;
Studebaker and, 257; rivalry with
BMW, 830; Scali, McCabe, Slaves and,
46, 1399-1400; and sports, I4?4;
Springer & Jacoby and, 1477, I478,
I479• I479i and upscale consumers,
459; W/Brasil Publicidade and, 1459,
Mercer, Johnny, 1366
merchandising. See promotions and
Merck & Co1npany, Inc., 214, 883, 1223,
I223, I225. See also DuPont-Merck
Pharmaceutical Company
Mercosur/Mercosul, 210, 1458
Mercuri us Britannicus, 3 25
Mercuri us Politicus, 3 25
Mercury automobiles, II2, 784; Kenyon &
Eckhardt, Inc., and, I13, 18I, 307,
609, 610, 895, 896; Maxon, Inc., and,
605, roor, 1002; J. Walter Thompson
Company and, 112, 605-06, 609, 6I2;
Young & Rubicam, Inc., and, 610,
612, 929. See also Ford Motor
Company; Lincoln-Mercury division of
Ford Motor Co1npany
Mercury Communications, 219
Mercury Theater on the Ail; 259, I283, 1534
Mergenthaler, Ottmar, l 5 So, I 5 8 2
mergers, 790, 793, 796-97, 801, Io26-28
Merideth, Don, 938
Meridia, 1646
Merit cigarettes, 3 I 5, 946, 96 5, 1229
Merkley Newman Harty, 309, 836, 967,
I176, 1220
Merlin aircraft engines, 1I88
Merman, Ethel, 608, 896
Merrick, Mahlon, 676
Merrick, Robert F., 208
Merrill, Charlie, 593
Merrill Lynch & Company, 596, 8 57; "Breed
Apart," r303, 1304; Kenyon &
Eckhardt, Inc., and, r99; Ogilvy
8I 5
Group and, 816; J. Walter Thompson
Company and, r 5 3 5
Merrill, Lynch, E.A. Pierce & Cassat, 593.
Sec also Merrill, Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Beane
"Merrill Lynch is bullish on America," 593,
Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane, 342,
Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.,
593, 594. See also Merrill Lynch &
message derogation, 1303
Message Learning Theo1y (Hovland), I2I2
message research, 983
Messing, Debra, 705
Messmer, Otto, 79, 82
Messner, Tom, 4 5
Messner, Vetere, Berger, 4 5
Messner Vetere Berger Carey Schmetterer,
5 5 r. See also Messner Vetere Berger
McNamee Schmetterer
Messner Vetere Berger McNamee Schmetterer,
Messner Vetere Berger McNamee
Schmetterer/Euro RSCG, 549, 724,
809; and commercials, I281; and
Everlast, 17 5; and Intel Corporation,
855, I281; and MCI Communications
Corporation, I281, 1504, 1505-06;
and MCI World Com, I 507; and Nestle
S.A., 1131; and Philips N.V., 382,
I 503; and Schering-Plough
Corporation, 1224-25; and Volvo,
Metamucil, I275, I500
Metcalf, Gordon M., I4I4
Meter Miser, 955
Metheringham, Richard, 984
Metlife. See Metropolitan Life Insurance
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 83, Io79; Donahue
& Coe, Inc., and, 487, Io79, 1080;
and Hucksters, 600, 1084; West, Weir
& Bartel, Inc, and, 488. See also
MGM!UA Entertainment Company
Metro Manila Bible Community (Philippines),
Metromedia, 1096. See also Twentieth
Century Fox Film Corporation
Metron1edia v. City of San Diego, 691
Metropolitan Advertising Agency, r l 97
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 592,
596, 597, 848, 850, 1057, I469;
and blacklisting, I 8 l; radio advertising
for, 768; and senior citizens market,
Metropolitan Opera (New York City), 598,
1172, 1310
Metropolitan Paving Act (1817, United
Kingdom), I589
Metropolitan Police Act {I839, United
Kingdom), 751, 1589
Metrotone News, 725
Metz, 738
Meulendyke, S.L., 988
Mexicana Airlines, 44 7
Mexican Association of Advertising Agencies,
Mexican Association of Direct Marketing,
Mexicans: stereotypes of, 87, 1059
Mexico, 362, 461, 679, 1028-32; Colgate-
Pahnolive Company in, 8 22, I I 56;
fashion and apparel in, 570; feminine
hygiene and intimacy products in, 583;
Volkswagen in, 1612; won1en in, 1666
Mexico City, 1028, 103 2
Mexico Directorate General of Radio,
Television and Cine1natography, 1029
Mexico Secretariat de Salubridad, 1029
Meyer, Ed, 698, 809
Meyer, Wallace C., 576, 903
Edward Meyer & Company, 1460-61, r461
Meyer Associates, 230
Fred Meyer, Inc., 703
Arthur Meyerhoff Associates, 154, r263,
Meythaler, R.G., 1554
Mezhduvedomstvennyi Soviet Po Reklame,
Mezzina, John, I369
Mezzina/Brown, Inc., 1369
M. Glen Miller & Company. See under Miller
MGM. See Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
MG1v1/UA Entertainment Company, III,
M.H. Hackett Company. See under Hackett
Miami Dolphins, 335
Michael Conrad & Leo Burnett. See under
Michael de Krestser Consultants. See under
Michael Jordan the Fragrance, I205
Michaels, John Gallaher, 715
Michel, Philippe, 329, 330, 33 r
Michel-Cather, 380
Michelin, 555, r546-48; BDDP Group and,
156; and Citroen, 3I9, 32I, 6I7.
See also Bib end um; and color plate in
volume three
Michelin, AndrC, 1546, I547
Michelin, Edouard, I546, I547
Michelin Man. See Bibendun1
Michelin North Ainerica, Inc., 454, 1547-48,
I547, I549
Michelob, 73, 77, 78, 444, 445, 446, rr23,
Michclob Light, 77, 445, 446
Michel Picard wines. See under Picard
Michener, James, I266
Michigan Bell Telephone, 1375
Michigan Chandelier Company, 489
Michigan Tourist Commission, I375
Mickelberry Corporation, 435, 808
Mickey Mouse, 432, 522, 1539, I546
Mickey Mouse Club, 990, I 5 54
Micrin: Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles,
Inc., 882
microbre\veries, 727, 915, Io78
Micro Machines, 699
micromarketing, Io68
microphotographs, 668, 669
microprocessors, 372, 854
Microsoft Corporation, 372, 373, 374, 375,
678, 952, 1033-38; Anderson &
Len1bke and, 374, 802; in Argentina,
90; CKS Group and, 3 2 3; Deutsch,
Inc., and, 4 77; Grey Advertising
Agency, Inc., and, 697; and Internet,
67, 68, 1303; planned obsolescence at,
1239; public relations for, I3 II, I3 I2;
Joe Pytka and, I317; and Rolling
Stones, 374, lio6; and senior citizens
market, 1424; and telemarketing,
I512; and Unilever, 939, 1453; Xerox
Corporation and, 1679
Microsoft Home, 1034-3 5
Microsoft Investor, 1037
Microsoft Network. See MSN
Microsoft Office, 1034
Microsoft University, I034
Microsoft Word, 1034
Microsoft Works, I034
MicroStrategy, 5 14
Micro-Trac, 677
Microwave Communications, Inc, See MCI
Communications Corporation
Mid-America Marketing on the lvfarch, I620
Midas, Inc., 792, 923, 1649
Middle East, 679, 1038-43. Sec also Africa,
Middle East Broadcasting Corporation, Io42
Midland Bank, 738, 8I4, 1388
Midler, Bette, 929
Midway Chemical Company, 54
Miedinger, Max, I 58 3
Miele, 1477
Mighty Dog, 1217
Mighty Morphin' Po\ver Rangers, 284, IoI6,
Mikes, Jiri, 548
Milady Decollette, 67 4
Milan (Italy), 873
Milano cookies, 1I96
"Mild as May," 64, 314, I226
Miles, Charles Foster, Io43
Miles, Franklin L., 41, I043, I619
"Miles Ahead" (Miles Laboratories, Inc.),
Miles Canada, Inc., 1047
Dr. Miles Medical Company, Io43. See also
Miles Laboratories, Inc.
Miles Laboratories, Inc., 41-42, 452, 790,
922, 923, Io43-47, I544-45, 1620,
r620, I62I; planned obsolescence and,
1239; and radio, 41, I326, See also
color plate in volun1e tlvo
nlllitary advertising, 1047-51. Sec also color
plates in volumes one and t1vo
milk: condensed, 192-93; container design
for, I184; "Got Milk?," 7-8, 556, 683,
I58I; inotivational research and, 478;
psychographics and, I302; strontium
90 in, 504. See also color plate in
volume one
Milka chocolate, 666
Milk Duds, 734
Milk PEP, 857
"Milk's the one," 446
Milk Tray, 248
Milky Way, 445, 990, 99I, 993-94, 994, 995
Mill, John Stuart, 542
Millais,John Everett, 407, 756, I587, I588
Milland, Ray, I689
Millar, Victor E., I388, 1389
Millennium Consolidated Investments: Hunt
Lascaris and, 829, 830
Miller, Ann, 730, 825
Miller, Arjay, 608
Miller, Arthur, l5I, I8I, 502
Mille1; Frederick, Io52
Mille1; Glenn, 221, 944, T282, 1283, 1694
Millet; J.P., Io86
Miller, Mitch, 9I1
Miller, Robert, 1639
M. Glen Miller & Company, I 177
I. Miller & Sons, 84I
Miller Brewing Company, I32, 563-64,
1052-54; acquired by Philip Morris
Companies, 13I, I230; AnheuserBusch, Inc., as rival, 77, 78; Backer &
Spielvogel, Inc., and, I3 r, 1473; Bates
Worldwide and, 396; D.L. Blair, Inc.,
and, I86; Cran1er-l(rasselt and, 419;
McCann-Erickson Worldwide
Advertising and, I440, 1472; and
n1oderate drinking, I71; Joe Pytka
and, I3I7; Rainey Kelly Campbell
Roalfe and, I593; Hal Riney &
Partners, Inc., and, I370; Schlitz
Brewing Co1npany as rival, 236, I403;
and sports, 78; targeting ho111osexuals,
I059, 1062; and TeleVest, 448;
J. Walter Thompson Company and,
I59; Wieden & Kennedy, Inc., and,
1370, I6 53. See also color plate in
volu1ne t1vo
C.L. Miller Con1pany, 93I
Miller Genuine Draft, 132, 159, 396, 1053,
Miller Genuine Draft Light, I32
Miller High Life, 131, 419, Io52, 1052,
Io53, I66o, See also color plate in
yolmne tivo
Miller Lite, I31, I32, 563-64, 1052, 1053,
I440, I472-73; Bud Light as rival, 77,
78, I32, 454, Io53; targeting
homosexuals, Io59, Io62
Miller Lite Ice, I32
"Miller Time," I3I, Io52, 1053, 1053.
See also color plate in volun1c t1vo
Millers' International Exhibition {I880), 647
Millington's Advertising Company, 299
"Millions of satisfied o\vners are our best
testin1onial," 996
"Millions prefer this fresher, flakier cracker,"
"Millions use Pearline," 1449
Nlilliyet, 1041
Mills, Ben, 608
Mills, Dwight, 895
Mills, Juliet, 882
Mills, Peter, l 3 7 5
Mills & Allen International, Io22
Bryan Mills & Associates, 809
Millstone, 348
Millward, Colin, 358, 359
Milo Violet cigarettes, 64
Milton Bradley, I556, I558
Milton the Toaster (Pop Tarts character), 892
Milwaukee (Wisconsin), 1052, 1402, I403
Milwaukee Gas Light, 4I9
"Milwaukee Polka," 1I06
Mimeograph, 777
Min1s, Stewart, I533
Mina, I35
"lv1ind is a terrible thing to waste," I 3, I 5,
MindShare, 803, I02I, I160, 1358, I454
"Mine," 852
Mingo, Frank, 1054, 1659
Mingo-Jones (agency), I6 59-60
Mingo Jones Guilmenot, 1054
Miniature Heroes, 249
mini-dubs, 703
Minion typeface, I584
Minit-Rub, 2I3
Minneapolis {Minnesota), 646, 647, 648,
990, I234
Minneapolis Millers (baseball team), 649
Minneapolis Millers Association, 1234
Minneapolis Milling Co1npany, 646-47.
See also General Mills
Minnesota, University of, See under
Minnesota Cooperative Creaineries
Association, Io62. See also Land
O'Lakes, Inc.
Minnesota Valley Canning Company, 23 I,
233, 236, 475, 537, 770. See also
Green Giant
Minnetonka Corporation, 352, 1451
Minolta Corporation, 30I, 5II
minorities: census in United States and, 280;
employment in advertising of, 49, 795,
I054-57, I058-59, I656;
representations in advertising of,
87-89, 543, ro57-63; as targets of
advertising, 49, r68, 1064-68
Minow, Newton, 494, 15I7
"Minute brewNescafe," 1129
Minute Maid Company, I40, 141, 604, 120I
Minute rice, 908
Minute tapioca, 642, I686
Miracle Grow, I424
"Miracle of the lox that flies," 450
Miracle scent, 1205
"Miracles of science," 504, 505, 10I2
Miracle Whip salad dressing, 908, 909;
J. Walter Thompson Company and,
Mirage Resorts Bellagio Casino, I107, II.Io
Miranda, Carmen, Io59
Mir6, Joan, 474
Mirren, Helen, I6o8
Mirro Aluminum, 419
misappropriation of name or image, 928-29
Nfiscompreliension of Televised
Co1111nu11ications (].Jacoby), 53
misrepresentation, law of, 688, 689, 692, 694
Miss America canned vegetables, I661
Miss A1nerica Pageant, 676
Miss Clairol, I4, 2r2, 2I4, 602, 705, 718,
Miss Dior, l 202
Miss Hatti, 630
Miss Ideal, I 5 5 6
"Mission Bell," II06
MissiOn: Impossible (1notion picture), 1285
Nlission: In1possible 2, 128 5
Missouri, University of. See under University
Missouri Departtnent of Corrections, I62
!vlissouri Pacific Lines, 441
Mr. Aristocrat, 729, 730
lvlr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
(Hodgins), Io85, 1086
Mr. Blandings B11ilds His Drean1 House
(1notion picture), 1086
Mr. Bubble, ro99
Mr. Clean, 8I9, I469; D.L. Blair, Inc., and,
r85; Euro RSCG Tatham and, I5oo; in
Israel, 869; Tatham-Laird, Inc., and,
83, 82I, I499; on television, 1517.
See also color plate in volume tl1ree
Mr. Coffee, 347, 1269, I424
Mr. Dirt (Mobil Corporation character), II74
lvfr. District Attorney, 2rI, I689
Mr. Ed, 652
Mister Frisky typeface, 1584
Mr. Goodbar, 734
Mr. Goodwrench (General Motors
Corporation character), 44 5
Mr. I( (Nissan Motor Company character),
J\1j_; Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons, 54
Mr. J(otter dolls, I 55 8
"Mr. Lonely" {Vinton), II07
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol, I 540
Mr. Peanut (M&Ms character), 990,
Mi: Peanut (Planters Nuts character), 760,
1469,r475, t480,I482
Mr. Plain (M&Ms character), 990
Mr. Potato Head, 228
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, 284
Mr. Saturday Night, I84
Mi: S111it11 Goes to Wasl1i11gton, 1083
Mr. Whipple (Charmin character), I55• r63,
Mistol, Io94
Misty cigarettes, 22 3
Mitchell, Charles, 1586
Mitchell, J.T.H., 774, 931
Mitchell, Stewart, I562
J.T.H. Mitchell (agency), 93I. SeealsoLennen
& Mitchell, Inc.
C. Mitchell & Co1npany, 7 5 I
Mitchell-Faust Advertising, I3I9
Mitford, Jessica, 790
Mithun, Raymond, I50, 256, 257
Mitsubishi: Chiat/Day, Inc., and, 292; in
China, 301; environmental movement
and, 528; Maxon, Inc., and, Ioo1;
Results Advertising and, 1359;
television sets, 382
Mitsubishi Dealers Advertising Association,
and, 698
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America, 477, 699
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, 305, 308,
Mitsui, r2
Mitsunaga Hoshiro, 46 5
Mitterrand, Frarn;ois, 32I, 33I, 545
Mix, Tom, I333
"Mm, Mm, Better," IIIO-Il
"1vln1, Mm, Good," I52, 261, lilO
"Mm, Mm, Groovy," 788
MMLB. See Montfort, Moline, Lorente,
MMSekt, 666
MMX Pentium, 8 5 5
mnen1onic devices, I429, r44I
Mobifon, 547
Mobil Corporation, II72, II73, 1174, II75;
advocacy advertising by, 17, r8, 1r73;
Australian Mobil Gas Trial, II43; Ted
Bates & Company, Inc., and, 143;
corporate advertising by, 399-400;
Paul Davis and, 84I; Doyle Dane
Bernbach, Inc., and, 400, 450, II74;
Erwin, Wasey & Co1npany and, 87I;
J. Stirling Getchell, Inc., and, 669;
green advertising by, 530; logo of,
I582; and New York Ti1nes, 400; in
Romania, 547; Standard Oil Company
of New York as predecessor of, 1169;
Wells, Rich, Greene, Inc., and, 1649
MobileAdvantage, 534
mobile phones. See cellular phones
"Mobilize for Defense," 58
Mobius Advertising Awards Collection, 1099
Mockle1; Colman, 677
lvloda Elcgante (Spain), 1464
Model 95 Land Camera, I245
Model A cars, II.O, 605
Model A photocopiers, I675
Model B cars, l 10
Model C cars, IIO
Model F cars, IIo
Model L cars, I186, I188
Model T cars, lIO, 605, 607, I598
Moden1Media, 858, Io68, 1069, I576
Modem Media Poppe Tyson, 1068-69, I 576
"lvloderation," I4IO
"Modern design makes the difference," 6 5
Modernista, 660
modernity, Io70-75
"Modernizing Mother," 88r
Modern M--iturit)~ 977, 978, 980, 1426
Modern Style fonts, r580
Modern Times (motion picture), 373, 430,
Modess, 202, 577, 579, 88I, 88I
Modess Method, 4I2
Modfilm (Sweden), I151
lvlod Squad, IIIO
Modula typeface, I584
Moet & Chandon Chan1pagne, 906
Moge1; Stanley, 1020
Mogul, Williams & Saylor, .r556
Moholy-Nagy, L<lszl6, 473, 840, 1231
Moist 'n' Chunky, I2.r8
Moisture Whip, 4 ro
Mojo Group, 1077
Mojo MDA Group, Ltd., 293, Io75, I575
Mojo Partners, 107, 1075-77, I604.
Moland Film Denmark, lI5I
Moldova, I376
Mollison, James, I62
Molnlycke (company), 580
Molson, John, 1077
Molson Breweries. See Molson, Inc.
Molson Canadian, 976, 1078
Molson Ex/Molson Export, 738, 1078
Molson Golden, 168, 1078
Molson, Inc., 976, 1077--]"9; and Canadian
beer market, 915; Cockfield, Brown &
Company, Ltd., and, 341, 343;
Cossette Communication-Marketing
and, 415; and Hockey Night in
Canada, 262; Hoi.vell Henry
Chaldecott Lury and, 738; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, 168
Molson Youth Posse, 1078
Moltz, Sandy, 498
Mon1cntum Worldwide, 1007
Monaco, 621
Monaghan, Tom, 1356
Monahan Dayman Adams, 107 5. Sec also
Mojo MDA Group, Ltd.
Monarch Wine Company, 696
Mondale, Walter, 440
Monday Night Football, 94, 533, 1052, 1117,
Mondrian, Piet, 4 73
Monet Jewelry, 647
Monet watches, l 542
Money, 969
"Monk," II22, I676
Howard H. Monk Advertising, 1I77
Monkees, II07
Mono, Anis de!, 146 5
Monogram electrical appliances, 6 3 6
Monogram (motion picture studio), Io8o
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices
Commission of India, 844
monopoly. See antitrust actions
Monopoly (board game), I553, r555
Monotype machines, I58o, I582
Monroe, Marilyn, 940, I205
Monroe, 204
Monroe F. Dreher, Inc. Sec under Dreher
Monroney, A.S., IO
Monsanto Chemical Company, 57, 936,
Monsavon, 6I8
Monster.com, 514
Montalban, Ricardo, 303, 306, 308, 309,
Montalban, Victor, 306
Montclair cigarettes, 66, 223, 3I4
Monterrey (Mexico), Io32
Montfort, Moline, Lorente, Borsten, 2 70,
Montgomery, Elizabeth, Io87
Montgomery, Garth, 1059, 1108
Montgomery, Robert, 884
Montgomery Ward & Company. See under
Monthly Hakuhodo, 709
Montreal Canadians, Io77
Montreal Forum, Io77
Montreal General Hospital, Io77
mood/imagery advertising, 5 56-57
Moody Blues, 339
Mooky the Cow (Mars, Inc., character), 991
"Moonbeams," 914
Claude Mooney, Io5
Moonlighting, 3 40
Moor (Sarotti trademark), 25
Moore, Dudley, Io86
Moore, Garry: Atka-Seltzer and, Io45; Camel
cigarettes and, 539; Ipana toothpaste
and, 21I, 867; Johnson & Johnson
and, 882; S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.,
and, 886
Moore, George, 608
Moore, Gordon, 8 54
Moore, Roger, I615, 1617
Moore, William, III3
Moosehead beer, I48o
Moran, Jim, Io8o
Moran, Nick, 926
"More Bounce to the Ounce," x79, 180, 1198
"More convenient than any excuses," l 5 4 3
"More doctors smoke Camels than any other
cigarette," 539
"More goods for more people at less cost,"
"More miles per gallon than anybody," 812
Moreno, Jose M., 90
"More people by far . , . use Hertz rent a car,"
"More Pontiac excitement to the gallon," 6 5 8
"More power to ya," .r75
"More reliable/less money," 737
"More smart women wear Timex than any
other watch in the world," I540, IJ4I
"More than the price is right ... ," I6o6
"More to enjoy," 1089
Moretrench v. FTC, 689
Morey, Humm & Warwick, 672, 931
Morgan, Henry, I 8 3
Morgan, J.P., Ioo, 383
Morgan, Jaqui, 84I
Enoch Morgan's Sons, 8I9, 933, I2o8
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Company,
Morgan Stanley Group, 492, 493
Morgens, Howard, I275, 1498-99
Morgenthau, Henry, I631
Morison, Stanley, l 58 3
Morkels, 1159
Morley, Robert, 2I5
Mormons. See Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints
"Morning After," 1142
Morning Herald (London), 3 26
Morning Herald (New York City), 326
Morningstar Farms, Io46. See also color plate
in volume three
Moro, Jose Luis, I465
Moro, Santiago, 146 5
Morocco, 20, 2I, 22, 23, 1038
Morr, Frank E, I26I
Morris, Allan, I07, I075, Io77
Morris, Gilbert, 63I
Morris, Philip, 1226
Morris, William, 470, 839, I583
William Morris (talent agency), 780
Philip Morris cigarettes; Philip Morris
Companies. See undel' Philip
E. Morris Communications, r622
Morrison, Dale r1., II96
Morrison, James, 75I
Morrison's (restaurant chain), 1425
Morrissey, John J ., 609
Morris the Cat (Nine Lives character), 23I,
Mortein (pest repcllant), 107
Mortensen, Jim, I690
Mortimer, Bob, 249
Mortimer, Charles, 644
Mortola, Manuel Marcelino, 89
Morton Salt, 760, 895, rr23, r440
Mosaic Communications Corporation, 1069.
See also Netscape Communications
Moschitta, John, 44, 572
Moscoso, Victor, 789, I582
Moscow cigarettes, 3 IO
Moses & Son, I586
Moslin Machine Company, 3 I l
Mosmans, Andy, 58 8
Moss, Charlie, I648
Moss, Chris, I6o8
Moss, Frank, 379
Moss, Kate, I205
Moss/Dragoti Advertising, 737
Mosse, Rudolf, 665, 764
Annoncen-Expedition Rudolf Masse, 665,
Mosse Gruppe, 665
"Most glamorous cars in a generation," 305
"Most Original Soft Drink Ever" (Manilow),
"Most Wonderful Time of the Year," l l IO
motels, I57I, r574
Motel 6, I574
"Mother Country," IIII
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, I7I, I300
Mother's Cookies, 906
Motion Associates, 483
motion pictures, Io79-87; audience research
and, 635; and cosmetics, 408-09, 4II;
Donahue & Coe, Inc., and, 487;
Eastman Kodak Co1npany and, 509,
1285; product placement in, I285-88;
propaganda in, 1296, 1298-99;
representations of advertising in,
Io83-87; restrictions on foreign, 430;
in Spain, 1465, I467; and youth
market of, 30-3r; and World War II,
l048, I298-99
motion picture theaters, advertising in: in
France, 6I8, 692; in India, 844; in
Israel, 869, 871; McCann-Erickson,
Inc., and, IOo8; in United Arab
Emirates, 1042; in United Kingdo1n,
motivational research, 477, 478, 479, 786,
Motive, 138
Motol' (magazine), I163
Motorama, 657
Motorola, Inc., 86, 95I, 1088-91; Bayer Bess
Vanderwarker and, I48; in China, 532;
and Ericsson, Inc., 534; Ruthrauff &
Ryan, Inc., and, 378, I383; and
television sets, 379; J. Walter
Tho1npson Company and, 94; and
Timex Corporation, I543
"Motorola to You," ro89
Motorola TV Hou1; I09I
Morrin, 883, I223
Mottled German (soap brand), I270
Mounds,624, 625,993
Mountain Dew, 802, Iro8, II99, I20I
"Mountain-grown Folgers. It's the richest
kind," I277
Mouser, Les, 257
"Move," II42
"Move up to quality; move up to Schlitz,"
"Move your family westward ... ," I 103
Movie Advertising Bureau, 1081
Movierecord, I465
movies. See motion pictures
Eric Mower & Associates, 72I
Mozambique, 60
MPG {media agency), 724
MPO (production house), 482
MRB Group, Inc., 1453-54, I535
MRI. See MediaMark Research, Inc.
Mrs Baird's Bread, I56I
Mrs. Butterworth syrup, 933, 937
Mrs. Field's, 800
Mrs. Olson (Folgers coffee character), 34 5,
4 33, 645, I2I2, 1277. See also colol'
plate in volume one
Mrs. Percival Folderol, 366
Mrs. Smith's Frozen Foods, 893, I395
Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, I326
Ms., 276, 587-88
MSA. See Malaysia-Singapore Airlines
MS-DOS, 373, Io33, 1034
MSN, 860, 1033, I037
MSNBC, 636, 973, 1033
MSN Expedia, 477, Io33
MSW Rapp & Collins, I336
MTel, 1033. See also SkyTel
MTN (South Africa), 24
MTV, 317, 484, 914, 1519-20, I694-95,
I696; Fallon McElligott and, 562;
influence of, Io92-94, 1280; Pirella
GOttsche and, I237i public service
advertising on, 13I6; and virtual
advertising, 335
MTV Europe Music Awards, 534
MTV Music Video Awards, lIIO
Mucha, Alfons (or Alphonse), 470, 6I6, 756,
1nuckrakcrs, 383, 385, 398
Mudra Communications, 842, 843
Muegge, Lyn, 137I
Mueller, Barbara, 428-29
Mueller's macaroni, 888
Muir, Frank, 248
Muir, Jean, 182
Muir Glen, 6 53
Muirhead, Bill, 1387, I389
Mukerji, Chandra, 393
Mulan, 1356
H.C. Mulberger, Inc., 1052
Mulcahy, Anne M., 1679
O.J. Mulfurd Advertising Company, 605
Mulher Atual, 582
Mulino Bianco, I35-36, 873, 1524
Mullen, 966
Muller yogurt, l 2 3 8
Mullins, Barbara, 1280
Multi-Allergen Removal Carpet Powder, 1442
Multi-Choice, 24
Multicultural Advertising Intern Program.
See AAAA Multicultural Advertising
Intern Program
multinational campaigns, 697, Io94-95.
See also global advertising
multinational corporations, 429, 678-82
Multi-National Partners, 444
multivitamins, 284, 794, Io43, 1044-45,
Io46, 15 58. See also color plate in
volu1ne two
Mum, 2II, 2I3, 1123, I208
G.H. Mumm, I4IO
"Mum's the word," 213
Munger, Reithmiller & Associates, 165I
Mungo Park, ro33
Munising Paper Company, I498
munitions industry, 502
Mufi.oz, Ric, I141, 1473
Munsey's, 3 3 2
Munsingwear, Inc., 446, 628, 89 5
Muppets, 6 52
Murad cigarettes, 3II, 312, 96I
Murder She Wrote, I426
Murdoch, Elisabeth, 1096
Murdoch, James, 1096-97
Murdoch, Keith, Io96
Murdoch, Lachlan, Io96
Murdoch, Rupert, 1096-97, I386
Muriel cigars, 82, 964
Murphy, Richard, 1500
Murphy's Oil Soap, 352, 554
Murphy's varnish, l 596
Murray, Al, 880
Murray, Anne, lI07
Murray, I<el, 1114
Murray, l(en, 75, 444, 935
John F. Murray Advertising Agency, 55, 56,
Arthur Murray Dance School, 1382
Murrie, R. Bruce, 990
Murrie, William, 990
Murrow, Edward R.: Alcoa Corporation and,
182; CBS Radio and, 895, II89-90;
Ford Motor Company and, 608; and
Ne\vs 'TI"! Now, 259; and See It Now,
Muse, Latnar, 3 7
Muse, Norman, 2 3 8
Musee de la Publicite (Paris), Io99
Museum of Beverage Containers and
Advertising (Millersville, Tennessee),
Museum of Broadcast Communications
(Chicago), 1098-99
Museum of Broadcasting (New York City),
495, II90
Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles),
Museum of Modern Art (New York City),
491,495, 1190
Museu1n of Science and Industry (Chicago),
Museum of Science and Industry (New York
City), 502
Museun1 of Television and Radio (New York
City and Beverly Hills, California),
museums and archives, 1097-II03
Musial, Stan, 1472
music and jingles, 1103-12; interaction with
images of, Io92, Io93; Labatt Brewing
Company and, 916; on radio, I328,
I329-30, I33I, r332, I694. See also
Music Corporation of America, 641
music houses, I Ill
Music Makers, I372
"Music Teacher," 715
Music Television. See MTV
"Music to Watch Girls By," llo6, I20I
music videos, 3I7, 1093, I288
musk oil, 1204, 1205
"Muskrat Ramble" (Gilbert and others),
Mussolini, Benito, I298
Mustang cars, 306, 609, 610, 896, 1535·
See also color plate in volume two
mustard, 224, 6 r 8
"Must be the shoes," 1473
Musterole Company, 53 6
Muthesius, Hermann, 663
Mutual Broadcasting System, 770, I328,
I33I, r382
mutual funds, 596
Mutual Insurance Company of New York,
592, 989
Mutual Life Insurance Co1npany, 592
Mutual Life Insurance Corporation, 398-99,
Mutual Network. See Mutual Broadcasting
Mutual of Omaha Companies, I96, 848, 850
Mutual of On1aha 's Wild Kingdom, 848
Muy Interesante, I467
Myanmar. See Burn1a
Myers, Gary, 248
Myers, George, 941
Myers, John R., 2Io
Myers, Philip, 999
Myers, Sid, 450, 483
Myers, Sin1on, 360
Myfamily.con1, 477
My .Favorite Husband, 178, 643
"My favorite personal radio," Io88
My First Game, 699
My Friend Inna, 539, 936
"My hero, the piinp," 292
My Life in Advertising (Hopkins), 204
My Little Margie, I78
"My McDonald's," IOI?
"My mom's a modern," 579
"My wife, I think I'll keep her," 662
Mylar, 503-04
Myres (agency), 1151
Myres-Lintas, II 51
Myriad typeface, 1584
Myrt and Marge, l 64, I44 5
lvlystery Playlio11se, 275
Mystic Cliffs Premiun1 Wines, J 69
Mystic Hand Cream, 54
NAACP. See National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
Nabisco Brands, I482
Nabisco Chocolate Chip Cookies.
See Chips Ahoy!
Nabisco Group, JTI9
Nabisco Holdings Corporation, III9
Nabisco, Inc., 8I8, 1113-19; N.W. Ayer &
Son, Inc., and, 125; and Bates
Worldwide, 14 3; Benton & Bowles,
Inc., and, 164; and Chicago Tribune~
702; Dancer, Fitzgerald, Sample and,
1388; William Esty & Con1pany, Inc.,
and, 540; FCB \Vorldwide and, 1576;
McCann-Erickson, Inc., and, 770,
1008, 1191, 1379; and oat bran, 800;
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
merged with, 646, 1369, 1482; in
Russia, 1379; Standard Brands merged
with, 796, 1480, 1482; and
J.B. Williams Company, 662
Nabscan National Scanning Services, Io22-23
Nacho Man (Old El Paso character), 1236
Naci611, 9 2, 14 5 6
NAD. Sec National Advertising Division
(Council of Better Business Bureaus)
Nader, Ralph, 17, 383, 385, 610, 694, 790,
"Nader's Raiders," 3 8 5
Nadler & Larimer, 435, 707, 808
NAFTA. See North American Free Trade
Naigai Tsushinsha, 709. See also
l-Iakuhodo, Inc.
Naigai Tsushinsha Hakuhodo, Inc., 708.
Sec also Hakuhodo, Inc,
Nair, 269
Naisbitt, John, 72r
Naked City, 213, 1045
Naked Society (V. Packard), ll 86
Naldecon Senior, 14 24
NAM. See National Association of
Namath, Joe, Jo99, 1268, 1269
"name-calling," 1297
Na1ne's the Same, 18:1, 1498
"Name the t\vins," r93
Nan1ibia, 23
Nana, 6I4
Nance, James]., 1188
Nando's, 24
Nanny and tl1e Professor, 882
napalm, 505
Napoleon I, 1298
Napoleon III, 408
Naproxyn1, 1223
NARB. See National Advertising Review
Narbonne (France), 1265
NARC. See National Advertising Revie\.v
Narcisse Noir, 1202
Nardelli Tamen, 1571
NASA. See United States National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASCAR. See National Association for Stock
Car Auto Racing
Nash-Kelvinator Corporation, 672, 1628
Nash/Lafayette auto1nobiles, l r2, 672
Nashua, 829
Nashville cigarettes, 22I
Nasser, Jacques, 612
Nast, Conde, 781, 1119-21
Conde Nast Publications, 1120-21
Nast, Thomas, 443
National Adopt-a-Cat Month, 1218
National Advertising Division (Council of
Better Business Bureaus), 927, 938,
1418, I420; American Advertising
Federation and, 49; An1erican
Association of Advertising Agencies
and, 52-53; and American Home
Products Corporation, 57; and British
Ainvays, 2I8; and children, 297-98;
and corrective advertising, 406; and
Johnson & Johnson, 882; and Maytag
Corporation, Ioo2-03; and Virgin
Atlantic Airlines, 2I8
National Advertising Federation (Italy), 871
National Advertising Revie\V Board, 49,
1r25, 1418, 1601; and A1nerican
1-Iome Products Corporation, 57; and
AT&T Corporation, .x504; BMW
protest about Volvo to, 1617; and
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 1622
National Advertising Review Council, 49,
388, 1418
National Advertising Service Private, Ltd.,
National Airlines, Inc., 584, 586, lT9T
National Association for Stock Car Auto
Racing, 533, 1229, 1474
National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, 27, 426, 1058, 1066
National Association of Attorneys General,
National Association of Broadcasters, 846,
1419-20; and Anacin, 56, 141; and
birth control, 580; and children, 284,
1556, 1558; and cigarettes, 66, 315,
946, 1229, 1368
National Association of Elementary School
Principals, 283
National Association of Legal Secretaries,
National Association of Manufacturers, 772
National Association of Securities Dealers,
National Association of Teachers of
Advertising, 519. See also An1erican
Marketing Association
National Association of Teachers of
Advertising and Marketing, 5I9.
See also American Marketing
National Basketball Association, 340, 917,
1401, 1474
National Better Business Bureau, 762. Sec also
Council of Better Business Bureaus
National Biscuit Company, 7 56, 760, l 113-14,
1597· See also Nabisco, Inc.
National Black Net\vork, 1330
National Brewing, 490
National Broadcasting Corporation. See NBC
National Bureau of Economic Research, 53
National Car Rental, 73 5
National Carbon Company, 1326
National Cash Register Corporation.
Sec NCR Corporation
National Cat Health Month, 1218
National Cellulose Corporation, 95 5
National Coffee Association, 344
National Committee for Prevention of Child
Abuse, 14
National Conunittee on Racism in Children's
Books (United Kingdom), 28
National Computer Analysts, Inc., 370
National Congress of Parents and Teachers,
National Consu1ner League, 387
National Consumers League, 384
National Cooperative Milk Producers
Federation, 740
National Council of Senior Citizens, 3 87
National Council on Alcoholism, 14
National Crean1eries Association, 740
National Crime Prevention Council, 15, 1315
National Dairy Association, 82
National Dairy Products Corporation, 908-09.
See also Kraft Foods, Inc.
National Distillers, 896, 932
National Education Association, 598
National Environment Policy Act (1969,
United States), 386
National Export Advertising Service, 109 5
National Fatherhood Initiative, 1316
National Federation of Business and
Professional Women's Clubs, 385
National Federation of Coffee Growers
(Colombia), 345, 346, 445
National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion
Board, 7, T99, 556, 683, 1581
National Football League, 94, 95, 818, 964,
1016, 1229, 1474; Esso/Exxon and,
r174; FedEx Corporation and, 572;
Fox Television and, 1096; Labatt
Bre\ving Company and, 917;
Motorola, Inc., and, l09L Sec :tlso
Super Bo-\vl
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis,
480, I3l0
National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.),
National Gas Pipeline Act (1968, United
States), 385
National Geographic, 977, 978; and
l-Ialln1ark Cards, Inc., 712, 714;
place1nent in It's a \Vonde1i11! Life,
1285; and senior citizens market, 1426
National Hockey League, 340, 574, 917,
National Industrial Advertisers Association,
41 7
National Inquirer, 980
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 14
National Lan' Rcvic\V, 978
National Lead Company, 98
National Media Group, I401
National Museum of An1erican History
(Washington, D.C.), 623, lIOl
National Negro Business League, 27
National Organization for Women, 584, 586,
I664; and American Home Products
Corporation, 56-57; and Procter &
Gamble Con1pany, 1212; Jane Trahey
and, 1568
National Outdoor Advertising Bureau, Inc.,
National Party {Ne\v Zealand), 349
National Pepsi-Cola Company, l 197. See also
Pepsi-Cola Company
National Pork Producers Council, r98, .r99
National Public Radio, 169, 1330
National radios, 466
National Rifle Association, 1300
National Se1niconducto1; 372
National Sha"vmut Bank, 1061
National Society for Controlling the Abuses
of Public Advertising {United
Kingdom), 1587
National Stigma Clearinghouse, 387
National Student Advertising Competition,
50, 122
National Student Marketing, 1436
National Surety Company, 768
National Tea supern1arkets, 700
National Television Standards Committee,
National Tire & Battery, l4J6
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
(1966, United States), 694
National Traffic and Safety Act (1958, United
States), 3 8 5
National Urban League, 14, 426, Io66
National Westminster Bank. See Nat\Vest
National Woman's Party, I352
N1tio11 of Strangers (V. Packard), lT86
"Nation's breakfast," 892
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc., 8 51, 8 52
Nationwide Insurance Co1npany, 824, l3I7.
See also Nationwide Financial Services,
"Nation\vide is on your side," 852
Native An1ericans, 1064; representations in
advertising of, r4, r 5, 4 30, 528, 99 5,
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty
Natural Instincts for Men, 707
"natural" labeling, 644
Nature Conservancy, 529
Nature's Remedy, 441
"Nature's spelled backwards," 660
NatWest Bank, I593
Natwick, Grim, 82
Nautica Apparel Co1npany, l 542
Nautica watches, 1542
Navarro, Fanny, 90
Navy fragrance, 1205
Nay, 929
Nayfack, Bertram S., 487
Nazis and Nazis1n, 665, 1296, I298-99, 1307
Nazi Strike, 1299
NBA. See National Basketball Association
NBC, 472, 8I8, 950; A1nerican Ho1ne
Products Corporation and, 56, 57; and
blacklisting, 183; and Borden, Inc.,
195; Leo Burnett Company, Inc., and,
233; General Electric Company and,
636, 1331; Lennen & Ne\vell, Inc.,
and, 93 2; lvlicrosoft Corporation and,
1033. See also MSNBC; NBC Radio;
NBC Television
NBC Radio, loo, 768, 770, 1283, 1325,
1326, .r328, 1331; Firestone Tire &
Rubber Con1pany and, 598; and
political campaigns, 772; Radio
Corporation of America and, .r396;
and ratings, 13 38; David Sarnoff and,
1395i and self-regulation, 1421; soap
operas on, .r444, 1445, .r446; Daniel
Starch and, 1485; United States
Federal Co1nmunications Con1mission
and, 776; Sylvester L. ("Pat") Weaver
and, 164.r
NBC Studios (New York City), 472
NBC Television, 277, 1395, 1396;
and American Home Products
Corporation, 56; and ColgatePa!molive-Peet Company, 3 51; and
color television, 15T7; Firestone Tire
& Rubber Company and, 598-99,
78 5; and General Motors Corporation,
351, 658; and Halhnarlc Cards, Inc.,
712; and n1ultiple sponsors, 1600,
T641; political party conventions on,
1690; public service advertising on,
I315; and self-regulation, 1420; soap
operas on, I446, .r448; subliminal
advertising banned by, 1490; and
virtual advertising, 335; Sylvester L.
("Pat") Weaver and, T4J, 351, 7I2,
785,I284,164I-42, 1690
NBC \Vhite Paper, 1540
NCA. See National Coffee Association
NCK. Sec Nonnan, Craig & l(un1mel, Inc.
NCK Organization, II56. Sec also Foote,
Cone & Belding Communications,
Inc.; Norman, Craig & Kun1mel, Inc,
NCI.. See National Consu1ners League
NCR Corporation, I32, 370, 372, 678,
NDPC. See National Dairy Products
Nebraska Power Company, 196
NEC Electronics, 48, 360, 528
Neckermann Mail Order, 1477
Nederland l (television station), .r.r32
Nederland 2 (television station), 1132
Nederlands Boekenclub, .x134
Needhan1, Maurice H., 772, lI2I, r123
Maurice H. Needhan1 Company, .r.I2I.
See also Needha1n, Louis & Brorby, Inc.
Needha1n, 1-Iarper & Steers Advertising, Inc.,
21.r,233,452, l027,I121-25;and
Benson, Needha1n, Univas, 793; and
Bud\veiser, 78; and Continental
Airlines, 36; and Duracell batteries,
146; in Egypt, 2J; and Eurocom, 808;
T82 I
and Honda Motor Co1npany, 4 5 3,
810-11, 813; and S.C. Johnson & Son,
Inc., 886, 887; and Kraft, Inc., 913;
and Mars, Inc., 993; and McDonald's
Corporation, 238, 10I4, 1015, 1355;
Omnicon1 Group and, 796, 808, TJ76,
1602; and Univas, 723; and Xerox
Corporation, 1676. See also Needha1n
Harper World\vide
Needham Harper World\vide: 1nerger with
Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc., 452-53,
.r124-25; and On1nicom Group, 143,
154, 813, Io95, 1336; and origin of
Rubin Postaer & Associates, 8T3; and
Sears, Roebuck & Company, I416;
and Xerox Corporation, 1678. See also
DDB Needham World,vide; Needhan1,
Harper & Steers Advertising, Inc.
Needham, Louis & Brorby, Inc., 113, 211,
453, 771, 822, 824, lI2l, 1123, I283;
and General Mills, 651; and KraftPhenix Cheese Corporation, 911,
1123; and Mars, Inc., 991, 993;
1nerger with Doherty, Clifford &
Shenfield, Inc., 779, 868, 1027; and
Quaker Oats Company, IT23, 1319.
See also Needham, Harper & Steers
Advertising, Inc.
Neet depilatory, 54
negative advertising, .I125-26, l25I. See also
comparative advertising
Negativeland, 1653
Negro World, 409
Nehi Corporation, 173. Sec also Royal Cro\vn
Nehru, Ja>vaharlal, 842
Neighborhood Stores, .r623
Neiman Marcus, 273, 480, 1567
Neisser-Meyerhoff, Inc., l67r. See also
Arthur Meyerhoff Associates
Nelson, Barry, 539
Nelson, Bob, I280
Nelson, Donald M., 53
Nelson, Lawrence R., 255
Nelson Doubleday, Inc., I382, 1383
Ne0Gan1a (agency), 48
Neolite, 3 66
Neoprene, 503
Neosporin, 57, I32, 1220, .r634-35, 1637
Nervine, 41, 1043, 1044, 1545, 1619
Nescafe, 344, 345, 775, 952, J106, 1128,
II28, TT29, l.r3o;J. WalterThomson,
S.A., and, 204, 205, 1465
Nesquik, 1131
Nestea, 1127, .r128, 1129, 1130, II31
"Nestea is the largest selling instant tea!,"
"Nestea Plunge," II30, 1131
Nestle, Henri, 753, 1127
Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk
Co1npany, T1-27. See also Nestle S.A.
Nestle Beverage Company. See Nestle S.A.
Nestle chocolate bars, TT27, l.r30
Nestle chocolate morsels, IT28, l.I29
Nestle Cokoladovny, 546
Nestle Company. See Nestle S.A.
Nestle Purina Pet Care, 1334
Nestle S.A., 275, 347, 397, 527, 648, 8oI,
952, 994, II26-32; in Africa, 24; in
Argentina, 9 2; brands acquired from
RJR Nabisco by, I483; in Brazil, 496;
CLM/BBDO and, 330; and coffee,
343, 344, 345, 347, 463, 557; Collett
Dickenson Pearce and, 358; DPZ and,
496; William Esty & Company, Inc.,
and, 540; Euro RSCG and, 724; Foote,
Cone & Belding and, 603; and global
advertising, 680, 68I; in Hungary,
546; in India, 843; and infant formula,
425; Lord & Thomas and, 1127;
Maclaren McCann Canada, Inc. and,
263; McCann-Erickson, and, 275, 345,
347, 720, I593-94; in Mexico, 1029;
in Netherlands, 1132; Perrier acquired
by, 1207; Publicis and, r88, 603, 817,
1307, 1308; Ralston Purina Company
acquired by, 1334; in Spain, 1464,
I465, I468; Armando Testa and,
I523i J. Walter Thompson Company
and, 94; J. Walter Thomson S.A. and,
204, 205; in United Kingdom, I594
Nestle's Crunch, II30
«Nestle's makes the very best chocolate,"
Nestle's Milk Food, II27
Sociedad Nestle A.E.P.A., z.72, I465
Nestle USA. See Nestle S.A.
Netanyahu, Benja1nin, r252
Netgrocer, 939
Netherlands, 362, 393, II32-35; agencies in,
589; alcoholic beverages in, I]l;
Cadbury Schweppes plc in, l l 56; and
colonies, 757; design and designets in,
475; and global advertising, 680; radio
in, 765; Norman, Craig & Kummel,
Inc., in, 1156; telemarketing in, 1511;
television in, I 5 I 3
Netherlands Advertisers Association, II3 3
Netherlands Advertising Code Committee,
Netherlands Advertising Code, lI33
Netherlands Advertising Tripartite, 1133-34
Netherlands Code of Advertising, 1133
Netherlands Council of Advertising, r133
Netherlands Rules of Advertising, II33
NetRatings, Inc., 12, 5I6, 1529
Netscape Communications Corporation, 68,
NetValue, 13
NetWare, 3 73
NetWatch, IJ
Network, Io85
Network for Professional Women, 1657
Neutrality Act (I935, United States), 502
Neutrogena, 4I2, 883, I45l
"Never had it. Never will," I43I
Nevin, John J., 599
New, Ken, l
"New Age" beverages, I]5, 176
New America Strategies Group, I577
NelV and Improved (Tedlow), 1693
"New and softest ever. New Kotex with
Wondersoft covering," 579
New Bauhaus, 473
New Beetle. See under Beetle
J.J. Newberry, 1414
New Century cigarettes, 964
"New Chrysler Corporation," 307
New Coke, 339
New College Panda, 591
New Confidets, 579
New Deal DOB/Norway, 1I5I
"New Dodge," 114, 309
Newell, Clarence D., 433, 945
Newell, Herman W {"Hike"), 672, 931, 932,
Newell and Sorrell, 218
Newell-Emmett Company, Inc., z.75, 433; and
Fred Allen, 1084; and AT&T
Corporation, Ioo; and Liggett &
Myers Tobacco Company, 64, 942,
943, 944-45, 1283; and Pepsi-Cola
Company, 7B1, 1Io5, I197, II9B; and
Squibb Corporation, z.10; survey on
personal care products, 12Io; and
Texaco, Inc., 1I72. See also
Cunningham & Walsh
New England Watch Company, 1537
New Freedom, I254
"New Frock," 933
"New Generation," 798, 152.l
New Hampshire, 125I
Newhart, Bob, 523, 644, 1084
New Haven Railroad, I57o
"New Jenny Craig: it's your choice," I646
New Jersey Chilcott Laboratories, I632, 1635
"New kind of car that bores a hole through
the air," 669
Newlands, David, I 3 8 8
New Line Cinema, 1578
"New little car in town," BIZ
Newman, Jane, 191
Newman, Lissy, 1505
Newman, Paul, 523, I3lO
NewPHD, l
Newport cars, 303
Newport cigarettes, 932, 964, 965, I490
News (Adelaide, Australia), 1096
New Saatchi Agency. See M&C Saatchi
news agencies: in France, 544, 7z3; in Middle
East, 1040, 1041; in Norway, II5I
News America Marketing, 703
newsbooks, 7 4 7
News Canada, Bo9
News Corporation, 703, Io96-97, 1696.
See also Fox, Inc.; Fox Sports
Network; Fox Television
New Seekers, 1013, IIo6, 12.0I, I5IB
newsletters, 746, 1594
News Limited, 252
Neivs of the World (radio program), 1044
Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 1022-23
Newspaper Proprietors Association (New
Zealand), IO?
Newspaper Proprietors Association (United
Kingdom), 1589. See also Newspaper
Publishers Association
Newspaper Publishers Association (United
Kingdon1), I589, I593
newspapers, 634, 746-47, 749, 750, 752,
772,796, IOI9, II36-40, I594-95,
I596, l6oz; advocacy advertising in,
I9; American Association of
Advertising Agencies and, 52; in
Argentina, 92; Audit Bureau of
Circulations and, 104; and censorship
by advertisers, z.76; and children, 295;
circulations of, 103-04, Ior7-I8;
classified advertising in, 3z5-28, 332;
and coupons, 4I6, 7oz-03; and
demographic research, 460; and
e-commerce, 5r 3, 5 l 5; in Egypt, 22,
Io40, Io42; in Eastern Europe, 545,
546; in France, 6I6, 6I7, 6z1; in
Gennany, 662, I5I3; grocery and
supennarket advertisers in, 703; hotels
and, 1573; in India, B43-44; and
infomercials, B4 5; in Israel, B69, B71;
in Japan, 87B; Johnson & Johnson
and, 882; in Korea, I461, 1462, I463,
1464; Lever Brothers Company and,
936; Listerine and, 919; in Los Angeles
area, z.76; in Mexico, Io32; in Middle
East, 1040, 1041, Io42, 1043; Miles
Laboratories, Inc., and, 1044; in
Netherlands, Ir3z, II34, II3 5; patent
medicines in, I221; Procter & Gamble
Company and, 1272; and radio, 767;
reader recognition studies and, 63 3;
restaurants and fast food and, r354,
I3 55; retail advertising in, 1363; and
self-regulation, I42Ij in Soviet Union,
12.97; in Spain, I464, 1465, I466,
I467; sports in, 147z; Daniel Starch
and Staff Research Company and,
I48 5; Three Sigma Research and,
1436; in United Kingdom, I5I3, I585,
1586, l5B7, 1589; in World War I,
1297; Xerox Corporation and, 1676
"New spirit of Dodge," 309
News 'Til Now, 259
News-i.veek, 977, 9Bz
New Territories (Hong Kong), 907
Newton, William, I586
Newton & Company, I586
Newton MessagePad, B6, 3 z.3
New West, 1096
Neiv Woman, 583-B4
New World Symphony (Dvorak), 3 59
New World through Chemistry (E.T. Du Pont
de Nemours & Company), 503
Nelv York (magazine), 1096, 1579
New York Ad Club, 78I
New York AMA. See u11de1· American
Marketing Association
New York & Ohio Company, IIB6
New York Biscuit Company, 1Il3. See also
National Biscuit Company
New York City Fire Department, 494
New York City Mayor's Committee on Job
Advancement, 1066
New York Condensed Milk Company, I92.·
See also Borden, Inc.
Neiv Yorker (magazine), 134, 95B, 960; and
C.F. Hathaway Shirt Contpany, 475,
567, 72I; and Heineken, 726; I-Iewitt,
Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc., and,
II62; illustrations in, 840, B41
Neiv York Evening Post, I63 8
New York Festivals awards, 12.3
Neiv York Gazette, 325
Neiv York Herald, 326, 751
New York I-Jerald Tribune, 44, 48B
New York Institute of Technology, 495
"New York is eating it up," 449
New York Jazz Festival, 222
New York Life Insurance Corporation, 366,
Neiv York Magazine, Io96, I 579
Neiv York Post, 1096, Io97
New York State, 317, 530, 688, 694, I5lO;
legislature, 816, 929
New York State Public Service Conunission,
New York Subways Advertising Company,
New York Sun, 326, I595
New York Telephone Company, z.7, 1058
New York Times: and America Online, Inc.,
67; "Beetle" coined in, III; and census
data, 2Bo; and Citizens for a Free
Kuwait, 742; and e-commerce, 513;
hotels and resorts advertising in, I569;
Magazine, 77B, I558; and Mobil
Corporation, 400; nytimes.com, B6o
New York University, 51B, 76I
New York World's Fair (1939), 774, II82,
1396; E.I. Du Pont de Nemours &
Company and, 502; General Electric
Company and, 639, 64I; Heineken
and, 726; Kraft-Phenix Cheese
Corporation and, 91 I
New York Yankees, 224
New Zealand, Io4-0B, 362, I 573; feminine
hygiene and intimacy products in, 58I,
583; General Motors Corporation in,
656; United Kingdom and, 764
New Zealand Association of Advertisers, IO?
Nexo, 90
Next (computer company), 86, I582
"Next big thing from Saturn," I 3 70
Nexxus, 707
Ney, Ed: and American Association of
Advertising Agencies, 51; and
Ammirati Puris AvRutick, Inc., 68; at
Batten Barton Durstine & Osborn,
150; at Young & Rubicam, Inc., 469,
1690, I69I
NFL. See National Football League
NFO Worldwide, B6z
NHI. See Nielsen Homevideo Index
NHL. See National Hockey League
Nhongshim Group, I462
Niagara starches, 932
Niblets, 23I, z.33, 537
Nice 'n' Easy Shampoo-In Hair Color, z.14,
602, I253, I65B
"Nice packet," z.48
"Nice Pants," 940
niche media, 10I7, IOlB
niche periodicals, 9Bo
Nicholas, Paul, 249
Nichols, Carl W., 433, 435
Nichols, Lynn, I154
Nichols, Roger, II07
Charles F.W. Nichols Company, 576, 903
Nicholson, H.B., 339
Nicholson, Willian1, 756, 839
Nickelodeon (company), 914, 1560
Nickelodeon (magazine), 294. See also color
plate in volume one
nickelodeons, Io79
Nicklaus, Jack, 446
Nicoderm, I2z4, 1316
Nicollet Park (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 649
Nicotrol NS, 8B3, I632
Nidetch, Jean, 1644
ACNielsen Corporation. See under AC
Nielsen, Arthur Charles, Jr., II
Nielsen, Arthur Charles, Sr., B-9, 9, IO, II,
984, 9B6, II57
Nielsen Clearing House, 7oz
Nielsen Food and Drug Index, 9
Nielsen Homevideo Index, IO
Nielsen Media Research 8, II, 12, I3, 986,
987, IOI8
Nielsen Media Service, IO
Nielsen Monitor-Plus, 987
Nielsen//NetRatings, 13, 987
Nielsen People Meter, 9B7, loIB, I337, 13 3B;
in South Korea, 1463-64
Nielsen Radio Index, 9
Nielsen Solution Partners, II
Nielsen Station Index, Io, I340
Nielsen Syndicated Service, IO
Nielsen Television Index, 10, 1340, I422
Niemann, Christoph, 84 l
"Nigel, pick me," 739
Nigeria, z.3, 680
Nigger I-lair tobacco, 62
"Night belongs to Michelob," 1123, I124
Nightline, 9 5
"Night to Remember," 9Iz
Nihon Kokokusha, B77
Nike, Inc., 432, 4B2, 484, 4B5, IIIO,
1653; Adbusters Media Foundation
satire of, 423; ambush marketing by,
552; BDDP Group and, 156;
Chiat/Day, Inc., and, 290, 29z, 1473;
and e-commerce, 513; and
endorse1nents, 5zz, 525, 526, 5z7,
800, 1476; in France, 622; Goodby,
Silverstein & Partners and, 6B3, II76;
"Just do it," 482, 622, 95I, 1440,
1443, I473, 1584, 1652,I653;logo
of, 95I, 952; I473i in Netherlands,
1135; presenters for, IZ.66, I268;
Joe Pytka and, I3I7i Ratto Agency
and, I343i as represented in What
Women Want, loB7; "Revolution"
(Beatles) used by, II06, lIOB, I653;
Spanish-language advertising by, 1060;
"Ta vie est a toi," 622; on television,
l52I; Warsaw Collection of Business
Americana and, II01; "We haven't
forgotten why they're called sweats,"
292; Wieden & Kennedy, Inc., and,
6B3, Io35, 1I06, 1440, I4]3, I476,
I65z-53, I654; and women, I666,
1667; "You Are So Beautiful" (Cocker)
used by, II06, 1107
Nikkeisha, 87B
Nikon, Inc., 5II, 561, 1399
S.R. Niles, 566
NileSat (Egypt), Io40
Nilsson, Harry, 1107
Nilsson, Torbjorn, 534
Nimlo 3-D cameras, 1540
900 numbers. See under telemarketing
Nine Lives, 231, 237, 7I8, 730, I2I5, I2I8,
"Nine out of ten screen stars care for their
skin with Lux toilet soap," 153 z
"1906 will be a Ford year," 605
"I949 Auto Show," I6II-Iz
"I984,'' 85, I2I, 292, 373, 482, 483, Boo,
B34, Io72, 1074, 1300, I473-74,
1501,I520,I601, 1659
"95 calories never tasted so good," 727
"99 and 44-Iooo/o pure." See under Ivory
Nintendo of America, Inc., 527, I3I2, r560.
See also color plate in volume three
Nintendo Power, 294
Nipper (Radio Corporation of America
character), 37B, 378, 760, 774, 1469
Nippon Denpo Tsushin Sha. See Dentsu, Inc.
Nippon Electric Corporation. See NEC
Nippon Koukoku KK, 465
NiSource, 397
Nissan Motor Company, 364, 68I, 9B4,
1106, 1108, II42-47; Chiat/Day, Inc.,
and, 293; D'Arcy-MacManus &
Masius and, 446; disabled people
represented in advertising for, 1061,
ro6z; William Esty & Company, Inc.,
and, 540, 540, 541; Gr Worldwide
and, 7Io; Hill, Holliday, Connors,
Cosmopulos, Inc., and, 744-45;
Honda Motor Company as rival to,
8I3; in Japan, 878; luxury cars made
by, II4; in Spain, 1468; Standard
Advertising News Agency and, rI3;
Starch, Inc., and, 1484; in Thailand,
Nissan North America. See Nissan Motor
Nissan 300ZX, II47
Nitschke, Ray, I472
Nixdorf Computers, 14 77
Nixon, Agnes, 1446, I448
Nixon, Richard M., 152, 403, I249, lz.51,
N.K. Fairbank Company. See under Fairbank
N. Lee Lacy/Associates. See unde1·Lacy
NLRB. See United States National Labor
Relations Board
"No additives, no bull," I369
"No better cigarette can be made," I26
Noble, Edward J., 776, 1328, I396
Noble, L. Clarence, 7zB
Noble & Asociados, Io28
Noble Savage brand, 1060
"Nobody better lay a finger on my
Butterfinger," l l 3 I
"Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald's Can,"
1015, lOIJ. See also color plate in
volume two
r 824
"Nobody den1ands n1ore from a Datsun than
Datsun," 540, 540
"Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee," I393, r393,
"Nobody n1akes your day like McDonald's
Nobody's Angel, 1248
NoDoz, 213
Noel, Robert, 237, 1469
No Excuses jeans, 906
Noguchi Isamu, 473
Nokia Corporation, 532, 534, 697, 1147-48.
See also color plate in volu1ne t\VO
Nokia Sugar Bo>vl, 335, 1147, 1148
No Kink (hair straightener), 409
"No n1atter what shape your ston1ach's in,''
NoMcdia (media agency), 48
Nomex, 505
"No n1ore arguments at breakfast," 649
"No need for Nyquil," 314
No-Nonsense Man, 880
nonprofit organizations, 1313-14, 1315,
"No one comes close," 1051
"No one docs color like Dockers," 940
"No one else has the punch," I7 5
"Noon on Doo1nsday" (Serling), I5I5
N.V. Reclame-Adviesbureau Noordervliet,
"No other ketchup tastes like Heinz," 729
No Place of Grace (Lears), 392
Norby, 509
Nordica, Lillian, 337
Nordic countries, 53I, 587, II49-53, I5I3
Nordic Swan ecolabel, 53r
Nordin, Leon, rr49
Nordskar & Thorkildsen, II5I
Nordstrom, 56I, 564
"No regular battery looks like it or lasts like
it," I46
Norelco, 362, r433, T434
Noren, Carl, 229
Norforms, 579
Norman, Greg, 432
Norman, Norman B., 1153, 1154, 1156
Norman, Craig & Kummel, Inc., 449,
Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc., 288; and
Democratic Party, I249i and Hertz
Corporation, 735, 73 6, 737; and Jeep,
II3; and Johnson &Johnson, 882;
and Liggett & Myers Tobacco
Company, 946; and Maidenfonn, 863;
and Jacob Ruppert, Inc., I638
Normann, Rolf, 419
Norplant System, 69I
Norris, Frank, 383
Norris-Patterson, 975
Norte (Mexico), 1032
Nortel Net\vorks, l 106
North Advertising, 1027, 393, I545· See also
Grey Advertising Agency, Inc.
North An1erican Free Trade Agreen1ent, 679,
1032, I695
North American Systems, 347
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, IIoo
North by North1vest, Io86
Northeast Airlines, 215
Northern Exposure, I304
Northern Ireland, 279. See also United
Northern Pacific Railroad, l 569
Northern Paper Mills, r687
Northern Telecon1, 94
Northstar Research Partners, 809
North,vest Airlines, 40, 316, 3r6; Campbell
Mithun and, 257; Fallon McElligott
and, 563; FCB Worldwide and, I576;
Saatchi & Saatchi DFS Compton and,
Nortlnveste1'!1 Miller (trade publication), 648,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Company, 850, 85I
Northwestern University, 5I9, 76I; George
Gallup at, 1687; integrated marketing
con1munications taught at, 753;
research on Palmolive soap at, I}46;
Walter Dill Scott at, 1408, I409
Norton Publicidade, 209, r460
Norton Sin1on, Inc. See under Simon
Norvasc, 1219
Norway, 1151, l5I1, 15I9
Norwegian Cruise Lines, I232
Norwich (England), 224
Norwich-Eaton Pharmaceuticals, I275, I277,
Nostalgia Network, 1426
"No-stoop, no-bend, self-wringing mop," 521
"Not a cough in a carload," 3I3, 840, 931,
945, 96I, I367
"Nothing beats a Bud," 78
"Nothing but Net," 1317
"Nothing fills a hole like a Double Decker,"
"Nothing moves you like a Citroen," 32I
"Nothing says lovin' ... ," 237, 1235
"Nothing works like a Polaroid," 1247
No-To-Bae, 62
Notorious Jeans, 43 I
"Not your father's Oldsmobile," 658
Nous Deux, I307
Nouvel, Jean, 33I
Nova cars, 658
Nova computers, 3 72
Novak, Adolph, I29I
Novartis, 405, 55I
Novell Corporation, 373, I323, I679
Novosti, 1379
NOW. Sec National Organization for Women
Now cigarettes, 3I5, I368
"Now everyone can afford this ne\.V
entertainn1ent for the entire family,"
"No\.v go tell your ma1na \vhat the big boys
eat!," 649
"No\v-100% pure tea that dissolves
instantly-even in cold tap water!,"
"No\V, that's more like it," 658
"No\V thousands O\.Vll two fine cars!," 784
. "No,v you can get customized protection for
all of these ... ," 852
"Now you're cooking with gas," I259
Noxell, 1277. See also Cover Girl; Noxzen1a
Noxzen1a, 411, 1277, 1382, 1383, 1432,
"Noxzema inakes it, so I trust it," 4II
Noyce, Robert, 854
Noyes & Sproul, 213
NPD Group, II
NPD/Nielsen, I l
NRA. See National Rifle Association; United
States National Recovery
NRI. See Nielsen Radio Index
NSAC. See National Student Advertising
NSI. See Nielsen Station Index
NTL See Nielsen Television Index
NTL (cable television company), 739
NTSC forn1at, 779
NTI Co1nmunications, 467
NUcleo de Investigaci6n, S.A., 394
N11estra {magazine), 92
Nucva (magazine), 92
Nugget shoe polish, Io5
Nuit des Publivores {France), 62I
Nujol: Mccann-Erickson, Inc., and, 1094
"Number one to the sun," 1690
"Numbers speak louder than \.Yards," Io34
"Nunc est bibendu111," I546
"Nuns," 272
Nuprin, 57, 2I}, 2I4
Nureyev, Rudolf, 101
Nutcracker Suite (Tchaikovsky), 248
NutraSweet, I 500
Nutri-Syste111, 1643, I644, I646
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (I990,
United States), 3 86
John Nuveen & Company, 564
Nuvenia, 614
N.V. Reclame-Adviesbureau Noordervliet. See
under Noordervliet
N.W. Ayer ABH International; N.W. Ayer &
Partners; N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc; N.W.
Ayer Collection. See under Ayer
Nylofoam, 82I
nylon, 500, 50I, 502-03, 782
Nynex Corporation, I5o6, I685
NYPD Blue, 277, 1448
nytimes.com, 860
OAAA. See Outdoor Advertising Association
of A111erica
Oak Hall Clothing Bazaar, I623
Oakland Invaders, 683
Oakland Motor Car Company, 253, 654
Oasis cigarettes, 942
oat bran, 800
oatmeal, II8I-82, 1}2I
O'Barr, Willian1, 422
Oberlander, Bill, 906
Obcrwinder, J. Ferd, 443
"Obey your thirst," 84, 340
Obici, Amedeo, .i480
Obie Awards, T180
OBM. See Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc.
O'Brien, Catherine Haynie, I45I
O'Brien, Wally, 7 44, 8 5 6
O'Brien (agency), Io5
Obsession fragrance, 328, I205
obsolescence. Sec dynamic obsolescence;
planned obsolescence
o.b. tampons, 882
Occupied Territories (West Bank and Gaza
Strip), 1039
Ocean Pacific, 97
Ocean Spray, 450
O-Cell-0, 539
Ockerisn1, 107
O'Connell, Gerald M., 1069
O'Connor, Carroll, l 190
O'Connor, Des, 9I3
O'Connor, Donald, 35I
O'Connor, Richard, 255, 256
Octagon (agency), 862, 966
Octopus (Norris), 383
Octopus Agency, 8 6 3
O'Dea, Sheldon & Canaday, Inc., 173
Odell, Allan G ., 229
Odell, Clinton, 229, 408
Odell, Leonard, 229, 1104
Odell, Robert Ransom, 229
Odiorne, Wilde, Narra\vay & Partners, 5I5
O'Donnell, John, 768
O'Donnell, Joseph, 228, 54I
O'Donnell, Rosie, I633
Odorono, 1208, r209, 1532
O'Doul's bec1; 78
Oentrax, 887
Oeste (agency), r464, 1465
"Of course I ren1ember you, Mr. Addison
Sinuns of Seattle," I382
Off! insect repellent, 885, 886, 887
Offatinewat (trade character) , l06I
OfficeDepot, Inc., 5I6, I469
OfficeMax, Inc., 516
"Official car of Santa Claus," 1553
Oficina de la Justificaci6n de la Difusi6n
(Spain), I465
"Often a bridesmaid but never a bride," 918,
9I9, I2o8, I632
O'Galop. See Rossillon, Marius
Ogden, Robert C., 1624
Ogilvy, David, 50, 166, 1072, 1157-59; and
Audience Research Institute, 635, 986;
Confessions of an Advertising A1an,
788, 790, 955, I164; on consumers,
543; and creativity, 924; and design,
475; and Dove soap, I442; and ethics,
790; on Howard Luck Gossage, 685,
686; and hard-sell and soft-sell
advertising, 718, 719; and Hathaway
Man, 475, 566-67, 721; on humor,
824; and Israel, 869; and Walter
Liirzer, 3 76 and Ogilvy & Mather
World,vide, Inc., 165, 575, 796, lL6I,
II62-63, II63, II64, I165, 1166,
1167, 1601; Ogilvy 011 Advertising,
1455; on Rosser Reeves, I346; on
Helen Lansdowne Resor, 13 50; on 1-Ial
Riney, I370; and Schweppes, I4o6,
I407; on slogans, 1444; on Martin
Sorrell, 796, 1I66; and typography,
1579; and WPP Group, 796, 8I6,
Ogilvy, Francis F., 791, 1I57, II6I, II62,
Ogilvy, Adan1s & Rinehart, I 3 T2
Ogilvy & Mather (Canada), 2I3-14
Ogilvy & Mather Africa, 23, 24
Ogilvy & Mather Asia/Pacific, I}58
Ogilvy & Mather Direct U.S., 924, 1336
Ogilvy & Mather Direct/West, Io35
Ogilvy & Mather, Inc. See Ogilvy & Mather
World\vide, Inc.
Ogilvy & Mather International (parent
company), II58, II64, II66. See also
Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Inc.;
Ogilvy Group
Ogilvy & Mather Rightford, 22, 1I59-61
Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Inc., 1027,
1151, I16r-67, I601; and Amazin'
Software, 683; and American Express
Co1npany, 595, 810, 836, 924, I669;
and A111erican International Group,
Inc., 8 52; in Argentina, 94, 1343; in
Asia, 627; and A'T&T Corporation,
816, 924; and Avon Products, Inc.,
119; and awards, .r20; and Bassat y
Asociados, 1465-66; and S.H. Benson,
Ltd., 842; and BP Amoco, .i175; and
"brand image" approach, i153; in
Brazil, 209; and Bristol-Myers
Con1pany, 2I4; and business-tobusiness advertising, 241; in Canada,
263; and Carnation Co111pany, I13I;
in China, 301; and conunercials, I28o;
and Confessions of an Advertising
A1an (D. Ogilvy), 788; and Denison
Bates Advertising, 209; and design,
474, 494; and Duracell Products, 147;
and Eastman I<odak Co1npany, 5I1;
and A. Eicoff & Company, 521; and
Electronic Arts, 683; in Eastern
Europe, 547, 548; and Eye-Patch,
I28o; and fee system, 575; and Ford
Motor Company, 609, 610, 612, 807,
1669; and General Foods Corporation,
345, 347, 645, 8I6; in Germany, 665;
and Hallmark Cards, Inc., 7I3, 714;
and hard-sell and soft-sell advertising,
718, 719; and C.F. Hatha,vay Shirt
Company, 475, 721, 816, I158, I579;
and Hershey Foods Corporation, 733,
734; and IBM Corporation, 375, 834,
836, 838, 924, I503; and India, 842,
843; and S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.,
886; and I(i111berly-Clark Corporation,
901, 903, 904; and Kool-Aid, 175; and
Kraft Foods, Inc., 914; and Lever
Brothers Company, 924, 937, 938; and
lvfaidenform, 865; and mapping
technologies, I699; and Marriott
Hotels, I 573; and Mars, Inc., 99I; and
Mattel, Inc., 3 56, I56o; and MerccdesBenz, l L 3; and Merrill Lynch &
Company, 816; in Mexico, Io29; and
Microsoft Corporation, Io34, Io35;
and Miller Brewing Company, 564,
1053; and MindShare, 1021; and
Nabisco, Inc., III7; and Nation\vide
Financial Services, Inc., 852; and
Nationwide Insurance Company, 824;
in Netherlands, 589, II32; and Ogilvy
& Mather Rightford, 1159, II6o;
Ogilvy Group and, 796; and Ogilvy
Interactive, 1207; and OgilvyOne,
I207; and Panamer/Graficoncepto,
Io29; and Perrier, 619, 1207; and
Polaroid, 816, I247; and Procter &
Gamble Company, 905; and public
relations, 1312; and Paco Rabanne,
I204, I4 3 2; and Royal Crown Cola,
.r73; and Reebok International, 744;
and Rightford, Searle-Tripp & Makin,
II59; and Rolls-Royce, 475, 686;
Scali, McCabe, Slaves acquired by,
I59, 793, 1399; and Schweppes, 1406,
L407; and Sears, Roebuck &
Company, r4I6; and Shell Oil
Company, 84, .t59, 40I, 575, II7273, II74; John Singleton Advertising
acquired by, I439i and Sn1ith Barney,
524, 595, 1269; and South African
Brc\veries, .rI6o; in South Korea,
r463; in Soviet Union, I379i in Spain,
r468; and Standard Propaganda, 209,
496; and Tang, 175; in Thailand, 98;
and typography, l 579; and Van Zijl &
Schultze, Lund & Tredoux, II59;
women employed at, 89, 549, 587,
924-25; WPP Group and, 521, 680,
796,807,809,925,960,1021, 1}12,
1399,1454,i593,I602, T669
Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc., II62, I163,
I164, rr64; and Bristol-Myers
Company, 213, 1163, 1432; and
Mather & Crowther, Ltd., 1592; and
General Foods Corpora~ion, 34 5, 643,
L163, I440; and Lever Brothers
Company, 936, II62, II63; and
Pepperidge Farm, Inc., II94, II96,
I469; and Scars, Roebuck &
Company, I164, 1416
Ogilvy Group, 796, 808, 8r6, 1027, II66,
_r454, 1593, 1669
Ogilvy Interactive, I207
"Ogilvyisn1s," II58
Ogilvy on Adve1·tisi11g (D. Ogilvy), 14 5 5
OgilvyOne, 1207
O'Hara, Maureen, 313
"Oh! cl1e pizza moltc bcne . .. " (Roy Eaton),
Ohio Automobile Company. Sec Packard
Motor Car Company
Ohlsson's bee1; 30
Ohrbach, Nathan M., .II67, I168-69
Ohrbach's, 165, 449, 473, 474, 475, 790,
1I67-69, 1372
"Oh what a feeling," II}, 155i, .t552,
"Oh, what those oats can do," I}2I
oil companies, .ro39, 1169-76; advocacy
advertising by, I7, I8, I9; corporate
advertising by, 399-400; public service
advertising by, I 3 T6
Oil of Olay, I57• 4I2, 875, 1278, 1451, 1650
O.J. Mulfurd Advertising Con1pany.
See under Mulfurd
"O.I<. as Inserted," 243
O'Keefe, Georgia, r26, 473
O'Keefe, Paul, r556
Oki, Scott, ro34
O'Kicffe, DeWitt, 233, 236
Olbermann, Keith, r476
Old Bull, 224
Old Chicago beers, r263
Old Crow, 9 3 2
Old Dutch cleanser, 696, 760, 82I, r326.
See also color plate in volume tivo
Old El Paso, 653, r234. See also Nacho Man
Olden, Georg, ro54
Oldenburg, Claus, 293
Old English floor wax, 54, 1326
Oldfield, Mike, r607
Old Gold cigarettes, 313, 931, 961-62, 963,
964, 1226; dancing boxes, 785, 896,
962; Lennen & Mitchell, Inc., and,
780, 957, 961, 962; Lennen &Newell,
Inc" and, 840, 896, 93 2, 962, 963;
"Not a cough in a carload," 313, 840,
931, 945, 961, 1367; sponsorship and,
221, 780, 957, 1326
Old Gold Hou1; 962
Oldham, Todd, 1248
Old Honesty tobacco, 62
Old Milwaukee beer, 433, I263, I402, 1403
Old Navy, 570, II07
"Old No. 7 Brand," 170
Olds, Ransom Eli, 108, 110
Olds Cutlass, 237
Olds1nobile cars, Io8, IIO, II5, 305, 654,
655, 656, 658, 659, 776, 784; D.P.
Brother, Inc., and, II2, I13, 237, 253,
656, 770; Leo Burnett Con1pany, Inc.,
and, 237, 656, 659; Campbell-Ewald
and, 253; "In My Merry Oldsmobile,''
lI03. See also Oldsmobile Dealer
Oldsmobile Dealer Association, 257
Olds Motor Vehicle Company, 108, 110, 6 54,
65 5. See also General Motors
Corporation; Oldsmobile
Old Spice, 408, 1202, 1205, 1277, 1500
Old Style beer, 491
Old Style serifs, 1580
Old Thompson, 443
Olestra, I277
Olian, Irv, lIIO
Olin, Ken, 523, I087
Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, 2II.
See also Bristol-Myers Squibb
Olio Sasso, 1522
Olive Garden restaurants, 648
Olive Tablet Company, 536
Olivetti & Company, 32I, 1464, 1568, 1678
Olivetto, Washington, 486, 496, 1458-59,
I640, 1640, I64I
Olivier, Laurence, Lord, 432, 1246
Ollila, Jorma, 1147
Ol' Lonely. See Maytag Repairman
Olmsted-Hewitt, Inc., 230
Olsen, Fed, l 5 40
Olshan, Ken, 1649, 1650
Olson, John, 233
Olson, Merlin, 446
Olson, Sidney, 608
OLW snacks, 1193
Olympia (motion picture), 1298
Olympic Games, 1474; ABC Sports and, 95;
Anheuser-Busch, Inc., and, 79; AT&T
Corporation and, 1507; Coca-Cola
Company and, 337, 1313; Dentsu,
Inc., and, 468; Eastman Kodak
Cotnpanyand, 510, 5I1; endorsements
and, 526; General Electric Company
and, 641; Labatt Brewing Co1npany
and, 9I7; McDonald's Corporation
and, 1015, 1017; Miles Laboratories,
Inc., and, 1045, 1620; Miller Brewing
Company and, 1052; Nazi propaganda
and, 1298; Nike, Inc., and, lI42;
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Company and, 85I; Perrier and, 1206;
poster fo1; 1581; on radio, 772;
Samsung Electronics and, 287; in Seoul
{South Korea), 1463; sponsorship and,
552; Texaco, Inc., and, 1175; Vegemite
and, 1603; Xerox Corporation and,
I678-79. See also color plate in
volun1e one
01naha & Council Bluffs Street Railway, 196
Omaha Steaks, 273
O'Malley, Damian, 1659
O'Malley, Terry, 1605, 1606
Oman, 1041
Omar cigarettes, 62, 310, 1365
OMD. See Optimum Media Direction
Omega cigars, 963, 964
Omega Watches, 1667
OMI. See Ogilvy & Mather International
Omnibus Corporation, 73 5. See also Hertz
Omni cars, 307
Omnicom Group, 143, 540, 803, 807, 808,
813, lI76-77, I336; and Abbott
Mead Vickers/BBDO, 1, 2; and
Anheuser-Busch Companies, 727; and
Batten Barton Durstine & Osborn,
154, 796; and BBDO Worldwide, Inc.,
143,349,808, 1021, 1095, 1125,
I602; and Boase Massimi Pollit, 69,
189, 191; and Chiat/Day, Inc., 808,
1390; and Cline, Davis & !vfann, Inc.,
1225; Davis & Gilbert, LLP, and, 930;
and DDB Needham Worldwide, 453,
796, 1021, I125; and Dieste &
Partners, l2oI; and Doyle Dane
Bernbach, Inc., r43, 154, 796,' 808,
1095, 1602; and Doremus &
Company, 493; and GGT-BDDP, 157,
158; and global advertising, 682; and
Goodby, Berlin & Silverstein, 683; and
Ketchum Communications, Inc., 900;
and Manning Gottlieb Media, 1607;
and Merkley Newman Harty, 309,
967; and Needham, Harper & Steers
Advertising, Inc., 796, 808, 1095,
1602; and ODM Media, 1021; and
Pepsi-Cola Company, l 7 5; and public
relations, 1311, I3I2; and Quaker
Oats Company, 1321; and ReichfeldAltschiller, 744; and Ross Roy
Cotnmunications, 1375; and TBWA
Chiat/Day, 5, 293, 808, l021; and
Wells BDDP, 727, 1650; WPP Group
compared to, I668, 1692
On1nicom Media Group, 1176
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 929, 930
ONCE. See Organizaci6n de Ciegos
"Once you pop, you can't stop," 1277
O.N.E. (Purina brand), 1217
One (magazine), 122
One-A-Day Vitamins, 1043, 1044-45, 1047,
O'Neal, Shaquille, 1268
"One and only Cheerios," 1442
One Club, 122, 1657, 1658
"One company, a world of solutions," 1506
1-800-Flowers, 274
roo Paintings, 846
ro1 Dalmatians, 313
roo,000,000 Guinea Pigs (Schlink and
Kallet), 3 89
looo/o Natural (cereal frotn Quaker Oats
Company), 652
"1ooo/o natural" (Snapple), 906
"Ioo% natural cereal" {Grape Nuts), 164
"100% pure New Zealand," 1573
Oneida silverware, 6 50
O'Neill, Jennifer, 411
O'Neill, Kevin, 1639
O'Neill, Rose, 4 3 l
O'Neills, 1451
"One in eighty-nine, in fact," 593
"One (Is the Loneliest Number)" (Nilsson),
One Life to Live, 1446, 1448
One Man's Family, 41, 1044, Io45, 1533
One Man's Opinion, 1227
"One-quarter cleansing cream," 1442
"One sharp picture is \Vorth a thousand
words," 380
One Show awards, 122, 122
"one sight, one sound" campaigns, 1095
One-Ten cars, 1188
"r,ooo Chips Challenge," 1117
"1,000 Chips Delicious," 1117
One-Twenty cars, II88
Oneworld, 40
Oni Jussoku, 466
Onitsuka (Shoe) Company, Ltd., 1140
Online Privacy Alliance, 49
"Only FM brings you these artists in glorious
natural color,'' 776
"Only in a Jeep," 308
"Only Oreo," 1119
"Only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola
itself. It's the real thing," 340
"Only You" {Platters), 1Io6
Ontario (Canada), 1410, 1518, r6o6
Ontex, 581
"On the road of life ... ," I612
"On the Trail" {Grafe), 178
"On the Wings of Goodyear," I549
"On Top of Old Smokey" (Freberg}, 623
"On top of the world," 39
Oompas, 1131
Opel, John, 834, 836
Adam Opel AG, 656. See also General
Motors Corporation; Opel cars
Opel cars, 657, lOIO, 1134, 1468
"Open me first," 510
Open Mind, 79
Open Minds (Law), 1391
Open Skies agreement (Canada-United
States), 33, 266
"Open up and smile," 421
operant conditioning, 1214
Operation Breadbasket, 426. See also People
United to Save Humanity
Operation Rescue, 17 5
Opinion Research Corporation, 63 5
Opium perfume, 1204
Oppenheimer, Henry, 4 5 5
Oppenheimer Investor Services, 596
"Opportunity is waiting for you,"
Oprah, 1426
Optadragon, 1388
Optima Card, 1674
Optima Direct {agency), 1336
Opthnedia, 1021, 1077
Optin1um Fusion, 413-14
Optimum Media Direction Worldwide, 803,
1021, 1176
Optimum Public Relations, 413
Optimum Washington, 414
Oracle Corporation, 697, 1679
Orange Crush Company, 3 4 l
Orange Juice Design, 24
Orbit chewing gum, l67I, 1672
Orbitz, 40
ORC International, 1411
Orchard, Bill, 267
Orchard Hardware Supply, 1416
Agencia de Orci & Asociados, 84
Ore-Ida, 730, 731, 1442
Oreos, 316, 1113, 1r14, 1115, 1117, 1119
Organic (agency), 1176
Organics, 707
Organizaci6n de Ciegos Espafioles, 394
Organization Man (Whyte), Io83
Organon, 589
Oricom (agency), 1462
Oriental Brewery, 1462
Orientalism in medicine shows, 1024
"Original and best," 892
Original Double Blades, 674
"Original plain chocolate," 248
Orkin, Dick, 824-25
Orkin Exterminating Company, I427
Orlon, 50I
Robert W. Orr Agency, 630
Ortho (pesticides and herbicides), 84
Or tho Tri-Cyden, 8 83
Orthwein, Percy J., 443
Orvis catalogs, 480
Osborn, Alex, 149, 151
Osborne Group, 394
Osborne's Magno, 270
"Oscar like you've never seen before," 1178
Oscar Mayer & Company. See Oscar Mayer
Foods Corporation
Oscar Mayer Foods Corporation, 644, 908,
1177-78, 1 535
Oscars. See Academy Awards
O'Shaughnessy,James, 51
O'Shea, Daniel, 183
O.S. Industrial Advertising, 1068-69
Ossie Davis/Ruby Dee Story Hou1; 9II
"Ostalgia," 667
6str61n, Stefan, 1193, 1194
OS/2, 836, 1033, 1035
OS/2 Warp, 838
O.S. Tyson & Company, Inc. See under Tyson
Oswald, George, 673
Otard Dupuy, 90
"Other computer co1npany," 3 70
"Other White Meat," 198, 199
Otis Elevator Company, 244, 398, 678, Io69
Otis Steel, 7 40
O'Toole, John E., 16, 51, 543
O'Toole Awards, 53
Ott, Mel, 1367
Otto Kern. See under l(ern
"Our American Heritage," I5
"Our best to you in '57 from the 57
Varieties," 729
Our Endangered Children (V. Packard), 1186
Our Gal Sunday, 54, 643, 1326
"Our grandfathers drank it,'' 248
"Our jeans solve two major problems.
Inhaling and exhaling," 562
Our Miss Brooks, 882
"Our Mr. Sun," ror
Outcault, Richard F., 431, 725, 1060, 1471
outdoor advertising, 759, 772, 796, 1018,
1042, 1178-80, 1598, 1599, 1602; in
Northern Africa, 22; archive of, IIOij
in Argentina, 92-93; in Brazil, 206; for
Burma-Shave, 229, 230, 230, 408,
I104; by Chevrolet Motor Car
Company, 255; and children, 297; in
China, 301; of cigarettes, 3II, 316,
965, I230; D'Arcy Advertising
Con1pany, Inc., and, 444; and
demographic research, 460; dot-com
companies advertising via, 51 5; for
Eastman Kodak Company, 509; in East
Hampton {New York), 457; in France,
692; in Germany, 663; grocery and
supermarket use of, 704; Highway
Beautification Acts and, 691; Howard
Luck Gossage on, 687; government
regulation of, 278, 336; in India, 844;
interactive, 33 5; in Israel, 871; in
Japan, 878; for Kellogg Company, 891;
for Levi Strauss & Company, 940; for
Mars, Inc., 991; for Maytag
Corporation, 1003; McCann-Erickson,
Inc., and, 1008; in Mexico, Io32; in
Netherlands, l I 3 2; Procter & Gamble
Company and, 1270; for retailers,
I363; for Sara Lee Corporation, 1392;
in South Korea, 1463; in Spain, 1465;
at sports venues, 1474; for Standard
Oil Company/ies, 1008; Armando
Testa and, I524; in United Kingdom,
1586, 1589-90, 1592; for Win. Wrigley
Jr. Company, I67r. See also posters
Outdoor Advertising Association of America,
1099, 1180
Outdoor Systems, Inc., 1180
Outerbridge, Paul, 1232
Out-of-Home Archive, 1Io1
"Out of the Blue," 916
Outpost.com, 514, 626
Ovalmaltine, 6 l 8
Ovaltine, 4 3 8
"Over There" (Cohan), Io48
Overton, Anthony, 409
Overton Hygienic Manufacturing Company,
Ovid, 407
Ovitz, Mike, 340
Owen, Forrest, 1620
Owens, Jesse, 59 5
Owens Corning, 1469
Owens-Illinois, Inc, 1375
OWi. See United States Office of War
"Own a Datsun Original," lI45
Oxford Blue cigarettes, 1226
Oxo, 262
Oxydol, 438, 1183, I272, 1274, 1277, 1599,
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, 438, 1272, 1274,
Oxy Metal Industries, 1069
Oy Mainos Taucher Reklam. See under
Oy Sek. See under Sek
Ozark, Andy, 115
Ozarka, 1207
Ozark Air Lines, 444
Ozzie and Harriet. See Adventures of Ozzie
and Harriet
Paar, Jack: Alka-Scltzer and, 41, Io45, 1619;
Biow Company, Inc., and, 178; Hertz
Corporation and, 735; Lorillard
Tobacco Company and, 964; Polaroid
and, 1246
Pabst Blue Ribbon, 236, 236, I104, 1638
Pabst Brewing Company, Io52, 1638; Leo
Burnett Company, Inc., and, 236; at
Chicago World's Fair (1893), 1402;
Cramer-Krasselt and, 4I9; rivalry with
Budweiser, 75; Schlitz Brewing
Company acquired by, I404· See also
Schlitz Brewing Company
PAC. See political action committees
PACB. See Pan-American Coffee Bureau
Paccione, Onofrio, 603
Pace, 262
Pacific Bell, l 506
Pacific Coast Borax Company, l008
Pacific Dunlop, 252
Pacific Group, 1462
Pacific International Exposition {San Diego,
California, 1935), 909, 911
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, 8 51
Pacific Telesis Group, l 506. See also
Pacific Bell
Pacina, Michal, 548
package design, 470, 755, 758, 759,
I181-84; and children, 295;
governn1ent regulation of, 3 8 5; Kellogg
Company and, 89I; for Kotex, 903;
Labatt Brewing Con1pany and, 916;
Oscar Mayer & Company and, r 177;
and promotions and merchandising,
1293. Sec also design
Packard, J.W., rro, 1186
Packard, Vance, II85-86; Hidden
Persuaders, 424, 478, 786, I492,
.I517, 160I
Packard, W.D., rr86
Packard Bell Electronics Company, 370, 696
Packard Motor Car Co1npany, 634, I186-89,
1383-84; "Ask the n1an who owns
one," 110, 1095; Maxon, Inc., and,
1002; Studebaker merged with, 1488;
vehicles in Volkswagen's "1949 Auto
Sho•v" con1mercial, 1612; Young &
Rubica1n, Inc., and, 112, 634, I687.
Sec also color plate in Yolume three
Packard Motors Export Corporation, 856,
Packard Thirty cars, 1188
Paco (L&M Filter character), 1059
Pacquin hand crean1, s40
Paddington Corporation, 131
Pae Chong Yeul, 287
Page, Arthur, r310
Page, Patti, 30s, 1106
Ann Page brand, 700
Arthur Page Society, 1310
pagers, Io88-89
Paine, Thomas, i309
PaineWebber, S95, 596
Painted Dreams, 1446
Painted Outdoor Advertising Association,
Palance, Jack, 1I7
Palatino typeface, l 58 3
"Pale Rider," _1_062
Palestine. See Occupied Territories
Palestine Post, 869
Paley, Willia1n, I78, 233, 495, 768, 1I89-90,
132S, 1396
Pall Mall cigarettes, 65, 6oI, 602, 779, I3 83,
1687; American Tobacco Co1npany
and, 61, 62, 65, 3I4, I227; Bro•vn &
Williamson Tobacco Corporation and,
66, 223; snob appeal of, 310, 943
Pahner, Arnold, 737, 1414, 1424
Paln1er, Dewey, 389, 390
Paln1er, Fred, 409
Palme1; Jin1, 863, I266
Pahner, Robert, 1093
Pahner, Volney B., l2s-26, 752, I596
R.J. Pahner (1nedia agency), 8Io
Palmer House Hotel, Is 69
Palmer Jarvis, 264, 265, 454
Palmolive Automatic dislnvashing liquid, 3 52
Palinofiye Beauty Box, 164
Pahnolive Building (Chicago), 957
Pahnolive Con1pany, 299, 351, 87I, I449·
See also Colgate-Paln1olive Con1pany
Palmolive Dislnvashing Liquid, 3s1-s2, 353
Pahnolive-Peet Company, 3 sr. See also
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Paln1olive shaving products, 140
Pahnolive soap, 106, 3so--51, 352, 407, 409,
920, 954, 955, 1346, 1450, 1597.
1662. See also color plate in volume one
Pahnolive Spring Sensations, 822-23
Palo Alto Research Center {California), 373
Paltemaa Huttunen Santala TBWA, II 51
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 570
Pampers, s58, 904, 905, I273, 1275, I278,
Pan-African Media Research Organization,
Panamer/Graficoncepto, 1029
Pan American Airways, 35, 36, 36; Della
Fe1nina, Travisano & Partners and,
4s7; and fare \Var, 217; and television,
l 5 l 5; J. Walter Thompson Co1npany
and, 204, l535Wells, Rich, Greene,
Inc., and, 1649
Pan An1erican Cargo, 1499
Pan-American Coffee Bureau, 344
Pan American Wireless Company, 14S6
pan-Arab media, Io42. See also Middle East
Pan-Arab Research Center, 1039
Panasonic, 379, 379, 457; DDB Needhan1
Worldwide, Inc., and, 3 80; Grey
Advertising Agency, Inc., and, 699;
Springer & Jacoby and, 1477;
Warwick, Baker & O'Neill and, I639
Pan-Cake, 41r. Sec also color plate in
volu1ne one
Panda. See Fiat Panda
"Panda. If it didn't exist, you'd have to invent
it," 59I
"Panda, the freedom car," 590
P&G. See Procter & Gamble Con1pany
P&R. See Pedlar & Ryan
Pannartz, Arnold, 1S83
Panora1nic Com1nunications, 8Io, 1639
Pan-Stik, 4II
Pantano, Dick, 744
Pantene shan1poo, 699, 708, 1275, 1278,
r279. Sec also color plate in 1rolun1e
Panter, Gary, 841
panty liners, 580, 581
Panzani, I264
Papa John's Pizza, 364, 1357
paperback books, 96s
paper bags, lr81
Paper Chase, 1269
Paper-Mate, 589, 602
Papert, Diane, Il9I
Pa pert, Frederic, I19I, 1192
Papert & Free, .t191. See also Papert, I(oenig,
Lois, Inc.
Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc., 1191-92; going
public, 4so, 602, 790, Io27, lS7s; and
Peugeot, 43; and Wolfschn1idt vodka,
79I; and Xerox Corporation, 1399,
l67s, 1676
Parade, 977, 980
Parade of Progress (General Motors
Corporation), 6s7
Paradiset, 1I49, I192-94. See also Paradiset
l?aradiset DDB, 1149, I152
Paraguay, 582, l4S8
parallelism, 1442
Paran1ount Pictures, 1080, IS42, 16.t7
Pare! dog food, r21 s
Parents (n1agazine), I554
Parent-Teachers' Congress, 385
Parfun1s International, 1204
Paris & Peart, 3 I4, 700, 1027
Paris-Dakar Rally, 3I9
Paris-Match, 617, 621, 1232
Paris-Soi1; 617
parity in co1nparative advertising, s56
parity products, 786
Park, Shelley M., 575
Parkay n1argarinc, 9II, 913, lill, II23
Parke, Davis & Company, I 3 7 s, I 6 3 2,
Parker, Alan, 358, 359, 483
Parker, Dorothy, II20
Parker, john, r:t43, 1145
Parker, Lore, I657
Parke1; Susie, 410, 881
Jane Parker (brand), 700
Parker Advertising, r143, 1145
Parker Bros., 647, I555, I5S6
Parker Pen Company, 973; China Conunercial
Advertising Agency and, 299; Collett
Dickenson Pearce and, 358; and
Dwight D. Eisenho•ver, 524; "Finishing
School," 3s9; Neil French and, 627;
and FSB/Young & Rubican1, 32
Park Ridge Corporation, 73 7
Parkson Advertising, 661, 662, 1117
Parlia1nent cigarettes, 221, 314, 452, 1228,
Parn1acotto ha1n, l 524
Parn1alat, r23 7, I459· See also Poml
Parrack, Edward T., 898, 900
Parra e Associados, 1641
Parrish, Maxfield, 407, 470, 760, 839
Parsons, Frank Alvah, 4s8
Parsons, Richard, I 578
participating sponsorship. Sec under
Partners & Shevack, 57, 71
Partners, Gothenburg, 613
"Partnership," 814, 815
Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
See lvledia-Advertising Partnership for
a Drug-Free Arnerica
Partners in Environ1nental Education
Progra1n, 5 31
Parts An1erica, I4T6
"Parts is parts,'' l65r
Party Curl, 70 5
Parwill, 1603. See also Vegemite
Pasleyv. Frcen1a11, 688
"Passing of the horse," 654
Passion (perfume), 1204
"Pass It On,'' 572
"Pass the Vege1nite, Mum,'' 1603
Pastin1e Washer, Ioo3
Pat Boone's Chevy Sholvroom, 2s 5
patent 1nedicines, 268, 269, 4 70, 576, 688-89,
754, 762, 1221, I222, 159s-96, IS98;
in China, 299; in France, 617;
Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., and, r451; sex
in advertising for, 1432; in United
Kingdo111, 751, 762, IS8s, IS86, 1589, I590.
See also medicine sho•v
patents: Eastn1an Kodak Con1pany vs.
Polaroid, 510, 5I1, I246; General
Foods Corporation vs. Nestle S.A.,
1129; in Germany, 663; for packaging,
Il8I; for Pepsi-Cola formula, 1197;
for phannaceuticals, I223, 1224; for
riveted pants, 940
Paterno Imports, 1263
Paterson, Joseph Medill, 781
Pathe cine111as, 722
Pathfinder Model lIO cameras, l24S
Pathmark stores, 702
Patio (beverage), 1199
Hugh Paton (agency), lOS
Paton, Jean, I202
Jean Paton, Inc., I102, 1203
Patrician towels, 970, 970
Patrick, Dan, 1476
Patrol vehicles, 1143, .t14s
"Patterns" (Serling), 912
Patterns, Io8 5
Patterson, George, 105, ro6
Patterson, Philip, 54I, 542
George Patterson Advertising, 252
George Patterson Bates (agency), IOS,
Patti, Adelina, 407
Pattie, Geoffrey, 3S9
Pattison I-Iorswell Durden, l
Paul, Les, I105
Paul E. Derrick Advertising Agency. See under
Pauli, Max, 1008, IOIO
Paulista coffee, 1523
Paul Jones cigarettes, 1227
Paul Klemtner & Company. See under
Paul L. Cornell Co111pany. See under Cornell
Paul Masson Vineyards. See under Masson
Paulucci, Jeno, 623
Paul Whiteman's lvlusical Hall, 911, 1533
"Pause that refreshes." See undc1· Coca-Cola;
and color plate in voh11ne one
Pavesi, I36
Pay-Day, 734
payola, 1285, r329-30
PBS, l426,1s19,1676
PC Data, 13
PC-DOS, 372
PC A1agazine, 372, 977, 979
PDP-8 computer, 370
PDS Media, 1463
Peabody, Stuart, 150, 193
Peace, John, 540
Peak/Biety, 1148
Peanut J<"'arn1e1; 978
"Peanuts,'' 596, 597, 848, 8 50, r469
Peapod (online grocery service), 703
Pea1; T.H., 1659
Pearce, John, 221, 358, 359
Pearl Beer, I562
Pearl cocoa, 24 7
Pearle Vision, 44 7
Pearl Harbor {Ha\vaii), Io48
Pearline. See under Pyle's
A.&F. Pears, 8I8, 933, 1587. See also Pears'
Pearson's Bakery, 1113. See also New York
Biscuit Company
Pears''soap, 407, 43I, 7s6, 818, 933, 934,
1208, 1449, 1587, 1588; black boy in
advertisement for, 2s; in Canada, 262
Peary, Robert, 7 s3
Pebeco, I2Io
Pechiney Group, 723
Peck, Gregory, 108 s
Peck, Priscilla, 473
Peck Advertising, 489, 1253· See also Doner
peddlers, 1103, I22I, 1595
Pedigree Foods, _1_2.I7, I386
Pedlar & Ryan, 211, 409, 776, 779, 866, 868,
Pedreiio, Salvador, 270, 271, 272, 1466
Feebler, Charles, I96, 197, 199, 897
Peet, Alfred, 347
Peet Brothers, 3so, 35L See also ColgatePalmolive-Peet Company
Peet's Coffee & Tea, 347
Pegler, Don, 83, 602, 886
Pegran1, Albert, 9IS
Pei, I.M., 398
Pr8oo cars, 1615
Peiss, Kathy, 392
Pelican (production company), 483
Peller, Clara, 31, 440, 475, 483, 625, 800,
1357> 1424, I65T
Pelletier, E. Leroy, I10
Pemberton, John, 3 3 6
Penagos, Rafael, 146 5
"Penalty of leadership,'' ixo, 201, 448, 605,
654,717,76r, 1S98
Pendergrast, Bob, rs26
Penfield, Edgar, 7 5 6
Penfield, Edward, 470, 839
Peng Chen, 1299
penicillin, 1219
Penn, Irving, 126, 474, 482, I534
Penn, William, r594
J.C. Penney Co1npany, 273, 759, 1362; Bozell
Jacobs Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., and,
I99; jeans, 940; Modem Media and,
1069; rivalry with Sears, Roebuck &
Company, I4I4; Temerlin McClain
and, lS76; and toys and ga1nes, I56o;
"\Ve kno\V what you're looking for,''
Penn Mutual Insurance Company, 593
Pennsylvania, University of, See under
Pennsylvania Depart1nent of Con1merce, 900
Pennsylirania E1rening Post, 325
Pennsylyania GazetteJ 32s, 749, I59S
Pennsylvania K4S, l l 8 2
Pennsylvania Railroad, 399, 1624
Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company, 1169
Penny Press, 3 26
Pennzoil Co1npany, 1174, 1424
Pensions & Invest1nents, 418
PentaCon1, 309
Pentagon Papers, 450
PentaMark Worldwide, 309
Pentastar Transportation Group, Inc., 308
Pentiun1, 550--5I, 854, 85s, 1239
Penton Media, 95I
People Are Funny, 99I
"People Do," s28, 529, 530
People Look at Television (Steiner), I517
"People magnet," 249
People Meter. See Nielsen People Meter
PeoplePC, I242
People's Cl1oice, I93
People's Litera1y Con1panion, l 596
People United to Save Hu1nanity, 27, 426,
People Weekly, 309, 969, 977, 978, 980
Pep cereal, 892, 89s
Pepcid AC, 883
Pepper, John, 1277, 1278
Pepperidge Fann, Inc., I194-96, I395i
acquired by Campbell Soup Con1pany,
262; Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., and,
895; Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc.,
and, .r163, I469; senior citizens
1narket and, 1062. See also color plate
in volurne three
"Pepperidge Farm remembers," rI94, 1196
Pepper Yonng's Famil)~ 1274, 1446
Pepsi and Pete (Pepsi-Cola characters), 1197,
Pepsi Center (Denve1; Colorado), 5s2
"Pepsi Challenge," 339, .r518
PepsiCo, Inc., 67, 1196-I202; Quaker Oats
Company acquired by, 175, 1321;
Seven-Up Company international
assets acquired by, 1431; and Snack
Ventures Europe, 648. See also
Frito-Lay, Inc.; Pepsi-Cola; Pepsi-Cola
Company; Quaker Oats Con1pany;
Seven Up; Tropicana
Pepsi-Cola, 107, I79, 180, 191, 474, 78I,
79I, 894, 896, IIOS, r196-98, .1199,
1260; African-An1ericans and, 28;
Batten Barton Durstine & Osborn and,
68, r52, 153, 798, I518, I693; BBDO
World\vide, Inc., and, 1266, l52I;
"Chase," 28; Coca-Cola as rival to,
1286, ISI8; "Feelin' Free," 1107,
r20.r; Hallie Eisenberg and, l r ro;
Michael Jackson and, 28, 152, 483,
"Make a Wish," 526; "Ne\V
Generation," 798, _1_52I; "Pepsi
Challenge," 339, 1518; "Pepsi
Generation,'' 30, 3I, 1S2, lS3, 339,
43I, 1I99, 1260, ISIS, r692, r693;
presenters for, I266, I268; in Russia,
1379; 7UP as rival to, I43I; "Think
Young," r52, 787, 1I98, 1199;
Warsaw Collection of Business
Ainericana and, 1101; and won1en,
.r666; and youth market, 30, r693
Pepsi-Cola Con1pany, 173, I7S, 1196-1202;
and animation, 83; Batten Barton
Durstine & Osborn and, 787, 1693;
BBDO Worldwide, Inc., and, I266,
1280, 152I; Biow Co1npany, Inc., and,
179, 180, 474, 781; and blacklisting,
181; Boase Massimi Pollitt and, 191;
bottlers for, 487; CLM/BBDO and,
332; and Coca-Cola Company, 339,
364, .ro10, 1125; commercials for,
483, 485; DDB Needham Worldwide
and, 454; Donahue & Coe, Inc., and,
487; and endorsements, 527; and event
advertising, 552; Foote, Cone &
Belding and, 604; and General Mills,
648; Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., and,
180, 896; logo of, 952; Lord &
Thomas and, 1105; and "New Age"
beverages, 177; Newell-Emmett
Company, Inc., and, 781, 1105; in
Poland, 546; Rapp Collins USA and,
1336; Ratto Agency and, 1343; in
South Korea, 1462; in Spain, 1468;
and sponsorship of broadcasting, 179,
780; J. Walter Thompson Company
Company, Inc., and, 1563; whimsical
demonstrations by, 554; and youth
market, 30. See also PepsiCo, Inc.;
"Pepsi-Cola hits the spot ... ," 79I, II05,
II05, 1197-98
Pepsi-Cola International, l, 589, 1593
«Pepsi Generation." See under Pepsi-Cola
Pepsi Light, 1563
"Pepsi, Please," 896, lI99
Pepsodent Company, 601, 602, 935, 936,
938, 947, 1070, 15 l7i and Amos 'u'
And~ 769, 921, 935, 1281, 1599;
Lord & Thomas and, 602, 761, 769,
770, 771, 921, 935, 955, 956, 957,
I2Io, I281, 1283; Needham, Louis &
Brorby, Inc., and, I123; and
promotions, 957; and radio, 770, 77I,
Pepsodent Show Starring Bob Hope, 93 5
Pepto-Bismol, I275
Percy, Larry, 719
Perdue, Frank, IJ99
Perdue Foods, Inc, 1399, 1399
Perez, Rudy, 83
Perez, Valeriano, 1464
Ricardo Perez (agency), 1466
Valeriano Perez & Sons, I465
"Perfecting the art of coIIllnunication," 1091
Perfection {food flavorings and household
cleaning products), lI8
Perfection (oil filters), 471
Editorial Perfil, 92
Performance-Conseil, 544
perfume, I202-05. See also color plate in
volu1ne tlvo
Periscinoto, Alex, 47, 48, 1458
Peritrate, 1635
Perkins, Edwin, 642
Perkins, Marlin, 848
Perkins Product Company, I7 5
Perlman, Itzhak, 59 5
Perme, Bruno, 299
Pernod liqueur, I480
Pernod Ricard, 1411
Perpetual Times (Timex Corporation), I542
Perrier, 619, 1131, 1199, 1206-07
Perrier-Jouet, l4IO
Perrier with a Twist, 1206
Perrin gloves, 472
Perry, David, I28o
Perry, Harold, 911
Perry Como Show, 903
Per1y Coma's Kraft Music Hall, 913
Perry Ellis, 4 5 7
Perry M'l.son, 1273-74
Persatuan Perusahaan Periklanan Indonesia,
Pershing, John J., 3 l l
Persichetti, Ronald, 208, 496
Persil, 618
personal care products, l207-1I. See also
color plate in volume three
Pe1-sonal Influence (Katz and Lazarsfeld),
"Personalities" (campaign), 42
Personalities and Products (Applegate), 717
Personal Touch Razor for Women, I40l
Personna razor blades, 922
persuasion tests, 1524, 1528-29
persuasion theory, I2II-I5; and function of
advertising, 422, 478; Lever Brothers
Con1pany and, 934; and mass
communications theory, Iooo; and
slogans, 1440
Pert, 708, 887, 1107, 1278
Pert Plus, 708
Pertussin, 28 8
Peruzzi, Mario, 1480
Perz, Rudy, 23 7
Pesci, Joe, 1110
Pestelli, Gino, 590
"Pet Adoptathon," 1218
pet care products, r2I5-I8
Petco, 1217, 1218
Pet condensed milk, I657
Peter Hand Brewing Company. See under
]. Peterman Company, 273, 566
Peter Pan, 261
Peter Paul/Cadbury, 734
Peter Paul Mounds, 734
Peter Pick-Up, I175
Peter Rogers Associates. See under Rogers
Peters, Tom, 801
Petersen Group, 1577
Peterson, Nadeen, 958
Pete's Wicked Ale, 72 7
petfood,646, 1215-18
Petfoods, Ltd., 990
Pethick, Bob, 3 59
Pet, Inc., 447, 1236. See also Progresso
Petit, Francese, 208, 496, I458
Petit, Jean-Pierre, 156, I57, 158
Petit Echo de la Mode, 6I8
Petit parisien, 616
Petopia.com, 1217, 1218
Petplanet.com, 1218
Pet Pride, I2I7
Pet-Ritz, I236
Pets.com, 514, 1217, 12I8
Pets for People, 1218
PetSmart, I2I7
PetSmart.com, 1217, I2I8
Petstore.com, 1218
Pet Supply Depot, l 217
Petticoat Junction, 1517
Pettingill agency, 757
Pettis, Chuck, 244-45
Petty, George, 473, 775, 840-41
Petty, Richard E., I212, 1434
Petty Girls, 470, 473, 775
Pet Value International, 12I7
Peugeot, 113, 617, 723, 1264; and Citroen,
32I; Euro RSCG Worldwide and, 157,
724; Lautrec and, 93; Papert, I(oenig,
Lois, Inc., and, 43; parody of Heineken
comn1ercial, 329; in Spain, 1464, 1468
Pfanni foods, 666
Pfizer, Charles, 1219
Charles Pfizer & Company, 1219.
Pfizer, Inc., 540, 1218-21, I602; Ally &
Gargano and, 46; Ted Bates &
Company, Inc., and, 1223; Cline,
Davis & Mann, Inc., and, 1225;
Deutsch, Inc., and, 477, I225; and
Schick, I400; J. Walter Thompson
Company and, I535; Warner-Lan1bert
acquired by, 1401, I637. See also
Barbasol; Benadryl; Certs; Coty, Inc.;
Lipitor; Listerine; Neosporin; Rolaids;
Schick; Trident; Viagra; WarnerLambert
PGA of America, 1091
PG Tips, l9I
pharmaceuticals, 1221-25; ACNielsen
Corporation and, 9, IO-II; in China,
299; Eastman Kodak Company and,
5Ir; in France, 617, 6I9; government
regulation and, 2I4, 278, 691, 866,
163 5; in Italy, 87I; planned
obsolescence and, 1239; and radio,
935; and weight-loss plans, I646.
See also color plate in volume three
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 660, 661
Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc., 551, 1223, 1224
Pharmaco, 1066
Pharmacraft Laboratories, II9I
Phase V gasoline, lI75
Phase III soap, 937
PhD Network, 803, 1176
Phelps, Harry, 909
Phenix Cheese Con1pany, 909. See also Kraft
Foods, Inc.; !(raft-Phenix Cheese
Corporation; Philadelphia Brand
phentermine, 57
phenylpropanolamine, 42
Philadelphia, 977, I595
Philadelphia Brand cheese, 908, 909, 9I1
Philadelphia College of Art, 473
Philadelphia Museun1 School of Industrial
Design, 473
Philadelphia News Bureau Advertising
Agency, 492
Pl1iladelphia Public Ledger, 326
Philbin, Regis, I644
Philco Corporation: Batten Barton Durstine
& Osborn and, 378; D'Arcy
Advertising Company, Inc., and, 443;
Erwin, Wasey & Company and, 53 7;
and television, 779, 780, I283
Philip Klein, Inc. See under Klein
Philip Marlowe, 606
Philip Morris Companies, 64, 1226-3 I, 1602,
1673; and African-Americans, 240;
and American Tobacco Company, 6I;
and arts sponsorship, 552; N.W. Ayer
& Son, Inc., and, 128, 1431; Backer &
Spielvogel, Inc., and, 132; and Benson
& Hedges Company, 314; Biow
Company, Inc., and 178, 180, 1183,
I198, I232; in Bulgaria, 547; and
Burma-Shave/Burma-Vita Company,
230, 922, 1104; Leo Burnett Company,
Inc., and, I55• 230, 231, 236, 312,
790, II83, I232, 160I, I669; Burrell
Communications Group, Inc., and,
240; Cecil & Presbrey and, 275;
cigarettes, 64, 178, 310, 312, 314,
315, 941, 946, 962, 1198, 1368; in
Commonwealth of Independent States,
1375; Michael Conrad & Leo Burnett
and, 377; D'Arcy Masius Benton &
Bowles and, 155; Doyle Dane
Bernbach, Inc., and, 4 52; and
endorsements, 522; and General Foods
global advertising, 68I; and Grand
Canyon Suite (Grafe), I11I; in
Hungary, 546; and Kraft, Inc., 348,
646, 796, 908, 909; MeisterBrau
acquired by, ro52; Miller Brewing
Company acquired and managed by,
131, Io52, Io53, I230; minorities
represented in advertising for, ro66;
and photography, 1232; Seven-Up
Con1pany owned by, r3I, 174, l43I;
and Starbucks Coffee Company, 348;
and United States Bill of Rights, 40I;
and Virginia Slims Tennis Tournament,
315; and women, 64, 946; Wells, Rich,
Greene, Inc., and, 157, 922, 923,
1647-48. See also Benson & Hedges
cigarettes; Benson & Hedges
Company; Bunna-Shave; Chesterfield
cigarettes; Kraft Foods, Inc.; L&M
Filter cigarettes; Marlboro cigarettes;
Miller Brewing Company; Parliament
cigarettes; Seven-Up Company
Philip Mo1ris Playhouse, I78, 312
Philippine Publicity Service, Inc., 96
Philippines, 96, 97, 98; United States and,
757, 764
Philips Consutner Electronics, 132, 382, 447,
1106. See also Magnavox Company;
Royal Philips Electronics
Philips N.V., 392, I132, I503; in Argentina,
90; in France, 6I8; Havas Conseil
Marsteller and, 723, I264; I.M.A. and,
871; Intermarco, N.V., and, 1308
Phillips, Coles, 840
Phillips, Irna, r444-46
Phillips & Cherbo, 498
Phillips H. Lord, Inc. See under Lord
Phillips Oil Company, 1170, 1172, 1173,
1174, 1562
Phillips-Van Heusen, 566
"Phill-up and fly," 1170
"Philosophy of Advertising" (C. Mitchell),
"Phoebe Snow," 250
Phoenix Communications, 1463
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Con1pany, 267
Phoenix Securities, II97
Phone Center Stores, 44 5
PhoneWorks, 810
"Photobooth," 715
photography and photographers, 444, 469,
472-73,474,840,84I, 1231-34;
J. Stirling Getchell, Inc., and, 669.
See also color plate in volume three
Photoshop, I234
phototypography, I582
Physicians Weight Loss Centers of America,
physiological tests, 1524, 1526, 1528
Piaf, Edith, 187, 1306
Piaget, Jean, 294, 29 5
PIA Merchandising Services, 809
Pica Antique typeface, I583
Picard, Bradner & Brown, 1226
Michel Picard wines, 169
Picasso, Pablo: Annory Show and, 471;
Citroen car nan1ed for, 32I, 32I;
DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Inc.,
Picco, Julio, 90
"Pick-A-Pair," 77
Pickens, William, I63I
Pickett Advertising, 3 57
"Pickle-less Nicholas," 226
"Pickles to pursuit planes," 729
Pictorial Publicity, 358. See also Collett
Dickenson Pearce
"Picture ahead! Kodak as you go," 509
Picture CD, 5I3
PictureMaker, 5 l 3
Pict11re Post, 1232
Picture Sort, l 5 26
"Picture yourself at Christmas with a Polaroid
Land Camera," I246
"Picture yourself-Pronto," I246
"Piece of the rock," 562, 1301
Pied1nont cigarettes, 3x3, 942, 943, 943
Piel's Beer, 83, 785, 824
Piels Bros., 896
Piera, Jose Marfa, 271, 272
Pierce-Arrow Motor Company, I Io, 112,
47I; Calkins & Holden and, 250, 760;
Henry R. Luce and, 968
Piff, Paff, and Puff (Rice Krispies characters),
Pig American, 978
"Pigeons," 114
Piggly Wiggly Company, 700, 701, 1183
Pihl, Ove, 1149
Pillsbury, Charles A., 1234
C.A. Pillsbury & Company, I234-3 5
Pillsbury Bake-Off, 1235, I236, I3I3
Pillsbury Con1pany, I134-36, I395i acquired
by Grand Metropolitan, 796; Leo
Burnett Company, Inc., and, 234, 237;
Burger King Corporation acquired by,
226, 228; Campbell Mithun and, 256,
257; and Chicago Tribune, 702;
D' Arey Masi us Benton & Bowles and,
447; and General Mills, 648, 653;
McCann-Erickson, Inc., and, 1008;
and soap operas, I446. See also Burger
King Corporation; Green Giant
Company; Haagen-Dazs Company,
Inc.; Jeno's; Pet, Inc.; Pillsbury
Doughboy; Progresso
Pillsbury Doughboy, 788, I234, 1235, 1236;
Leo Burnett Company, Inc., and, 83,
Pillsbury Flour Mills Co1npany, 123 5
Pillsbury Mills, Inc., 123 5. See also Pillsbury
"Pillsbury's best," 648
Pillsbury Washburn Flour Mills Company,
Ltd., 1235
Pini, Pam, and Furn (Rice l(rispies characters),
Pinchot, Bronson, 52 3
Pinch Scotch whisky, 970
Pine Sol, 82I
Pingel, John S., 1374
Pinkham, Arthur, 791
Pinkham, Lydia, 754, 791, 1221, 1596
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 668,
669, 754, I103, I22I, I596; Donahue
& Coe, Inc., and, 487; J. Walter
Thompson Company and, I 597
Pink Panther, 836, I469
Pink perfume, I205
Pinkster, Cap, 1673
"Pink Toothbrush," 211, 866
Pinto cars, 305, 610, 1552, l6I1
Pinza, Ezio, 644
Pioneer Electronics, Inc., 292, I240
piracy suits. See account piracy suits
Pirella, Emanuele, 1237
Pirella GOttsche, r237. See also Pirella
GOttsche Lowe
Pirella GOttsche Lowe, r237-38. See also
Lowe Lintas Pirella GOttsche &
PIRGs. See Public Interest Research Groups
Pi Sheng, l 5 80
Pit (Norris), 383
"Pitch In," 446
pitchmen, 520, 1024
Pitney Bowes, 446, 744
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), 728, 898
Pittsburgh Brewing Company, 898
Pittsburgh National Bank, I3I7
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 100I
Pittsb11rgh Press Company v. Pittsburgh
Comn1ission on Human Relations,
Pixar (animation studio), 86
Pixel Envy (animation studio), 84
"Pizza!,'' 413, 415
Pizza Hut, 67, 952, l20I, I268, I357, 1476;
Abbott Mead Vickers/BBDO and, I,
I593; Cheil Com1nunications, Inc.,
and, 287; Chiat/Day, Inc., and, 292;
and Papa John's Pizza, 3 64; Rapp
Collins USA and, 1336; Singleton
Ogilvy & Mather and, I439i and space
station, 335
"Pizza! Pizza!," 624, 625, IIII, I357
PKG. See Post-Keyes-Gardnc1; Inc.
PKL. See Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc.
"plain folks," I297
Plakatstil, 1580
Plana, Eduardo, 93
PlanetRx.com, 516
Plank-Road Bre\very, 1052. See also Miller
Brewing Company
planned obsolescence, 4Io, 784, I238-43
Planned Parenthood Association, 92I, I3 52
Planters Nut & Chocolate Company, I480.
See also Planters Nuts; Standard
Planters Nuts, r64; and .Mr. Peanut, 760,
l469,I475, 1480,I482,1483
de Plas (agency), 6I8
"plastic bag \Var," 504-05
plastics, 503, 505, 530, 599, 782
Plastone Cotnpany, 489
Plato, I295
Platt, John, 909, 911-12
Platters {tnusical group), I106
Plax, 46, 352
"Play," II42
Play Bingo for Cash, I174
PlayboJ\ 977
Playboy cars, IIo, IIl
Play-Doh, 647, 699
John Player, 445, 1226, I587
Playhouse 90, 1284, 1689
Playland, 264
Playmobil, 1558-59
Play Nurse, 1554
Play Safe, Il74
Playskool Manufacturing Company, _r554,
1 559
Playtex Apparel, 401, 579, 863, 1253
Playthings (magazine), I 5 56
"Play your part," 59
Plaza Hotel (New York City}, 1573-74
"Plaza San Jose" (1-Iern<lndez Acevedo}, 280
"Pleasant people in pleasant places doing
pleasant things as a pleasant nation
\Vent pleasantly on its course," 337
"Please don't squeeze the Charmin," 155,
"Please , , , let your wife come into the living
room!," 782
Please Send l\1c, Absolutely Free (Leokum),
"Pleasure is back," 222
Pleasures fragrance, i205
Pledge, 822, 886
"Pledge and a promise," 77
Pledge Grab-It, 823, 887
Plexo cream, 1120
"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz," 1046, I223, I648.
See also color plate in volume one
P. Lorillard Con1pany. See Lorillard Tobacco
Plover Hains & Bacon, 44I
Plymouth automobiles, _r11, lI2, II3, rI5,
I28, 303, 304, 305, 306, 306, 307,
308, 309, 472, 478, 600, 668-69, 696,
784; and blacklisting, I8 3; John
Housen1an and, I269; "I.oak at all
three," III, 669, II25, I601; Ross
Roy, Inc., and, l 37 4. See also Chrysler
"Ply1nouth builds great cars," 304
"Plymouth is out to \Vin you ove1;" 305
"Plymouth sets the pace for all three," 472,
PMI. See product nlarketing index
PMS&vW/Y&R, 1132, II35
PN (trade publication), 207
Pneumatic Press, 4I8
Pneumovax, 1223, r223
Pocahontas, Io6r
"Pocketpiece" reports, ro
Podclko, Stanislaw, I 580
"Poetical Selections" (Procter & Gamble
Company), 874
Poetica typeface, 1584
Poindexter, Buste1; lI07
Point (magazine), 621
Point Cotnmunications, I562
Pointer Sisters, 248
"Point of Order" (Freberg), 623
point-of-purchase advertising, 1243-45,
Poiree, Alain, 33I-32
Poise, 905
Poison perfume, J 204
Pokemon,I357, 1560
Polacolor film, 1246
Polan, Lou, 183
Poland, 545, 546, 547, Io35
Polanski, Roman, 1082
"Polar Bears," 798
Polaris, 544, 723
Polaroid, I245-48; and African-Americans,
28; Ally & Gargano and, 45; A!map
and, 48; Bartle Bogle Hegarty and,
138; Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc., and,
449, 1269, I372, 1675; and Eastman
Kodak Company, 510, 51T; and IBM
Corporation, 1675; Ogilvy & Mather
World-..vide, Inc., and, 8I6; presenters
for, 432, 1269; Joe Pytka and, 1317;
"Stnall wonders, big dreams," 28; and
Ti1nex Corporation, I540; and
women, 1664
Polaroid Land Ca111era, 1245, 1246
"Polaroid's passport-25o/o off TWA's
world," I247
Polident, 27 5
Poli-Grip, 275
Polish Americans, 1297
Polish language in Israel, 869
political action collllnittees, 1252
political advertising, 543, i126, 1248-52,
Alfred Politz Research Company, I4II, _r436
Politz-Simmons -..veighting, I436
Polk, James, 1248
Polk, Sol, I397
Pollay, Richard, 422
Pollitt, Stanley, I89, 191, 987
Polly Pocket, I 5 60
Polo fragrance, l 20 5
Polo Ralph Lauren, 567, 865, 952, 1205,
polyester, 503
polyethylene film, 504-05
Polygram NV, I4ll. See also Universal Music
Polykoff, Shirley, 2I4, 602, 705, 1252-54,
r432, 1657, I658
Shirle)' Polykoff Advertising, Inc., 1254
Shirley Polykoff & Betuel, Inc., I254
Polymerland, 636
polystyrene, 530
Poml tomato sauce, r237
Pompeian Bloo1n, 408, 409
Pompeii (Italy), 746
Pond, Horace B., 96
Pond, Theron T., 407
Pondimin, 5 7
Pond's cleansing cream, 407
Pond's cold crean1, 289, 412, I35I-52, 1353
, Pond's Crean1 & Cocoa, 288
Pond's Extract, 407
Pond's Extract Company, 288, 407,
Io94, 1351-52, 1353. Sec also
Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc.; Pond's cold
cream; Pond's vanishing cream
Pond's Girl, 407
Pond's Institute (fictional), 288
Pond's vanishing crea1n, 407, I3 52
Pontiac Motor Company, Iro, II2, 113, 253,
446, 483, 654, 656, 657, 658, 659,
660, 784; MacLaren Advertising and,
976; Van Brunt Advertising and, 1613.
Sec also General Motors Corporation
Pontins, 926
Pontoklene, 50I
Pantoni, Rene, 90
"Pool Hall/Classic TV," 78
Pools Advertising Service, 762
Poor Richard {Franklin}, 480
POP. See point-of-purchase advertising
Pop, Iggy, l 6 5 3
Pop Com, r64I
Popcorn Experiment, 1492
Poppe, l<'red, 1069
Poppe Tyson Advertising, I99, 323, 446, 447,
I068, 1069, 1576
Poppin' Fresh. See Pillsbury Doughboy
Poppin' Fresh restaurants, 1235
Pop Secret, 648
PopShots cameras, .r24 7
Popsicle Industries, 9 3 8
Popstars, 739
Pop Tarts, 891, 892
popular culture, 1254-59
Popular Electronics, 372
Popular Mechanics, 97 8
Popula1· Photograpl1y~ 978
Population and Its Distribution (J. Walter
Tho1npson Company), 762, 984, 1533
pop-up ads, 333, 804, 860
"Por Ioo pesetas Ioo millones," 394
Porla, 6i3
Poro Company, 409
Porsche, Ferdinand, .r610
Porsche (Europe), 926
Porsche Cars North A1nerica, Inc, 562, 683,
Porta (agency), I459
Port Charles, 1448
Porter, Willian1 Trotter, I4 72
Porter Novelli, rT24, r3I2
Portia Faces Life, 643
Poft Sunlight (England), 933
Portugal, I7I, 430, l5I9
Posadas de Puerto Rico Associates v. Tourism
Company of Puerto Rico, 694
Positano Restaurant, 906
positioning, 792, r260-61, r44r. See also
color plate in volu111e three
Positioning (A. Ries and J. Trout), I26o, 1441
Post, Carl M., r26I, I263
Post, Charles William, 343, 642
Post, Marjorie Merriwether, 642
C.W. Post cereals, 643, 644-45, 908, I597;
Benton & Bowles, Inc., and, I64, 643;
Grey Advertising Agency, Inc., and,
698, 914; and oat bran, 800
C.\V. Post Company, 4I6, 1686. See also
General Foods Corporation; Grape
Nuts; Postum Cereal Company
Postabank Takarekpenztar, 546
Postaer, Larry, 8 l 3
Post & Morr, 4 39
Postbank (Germany), I477
Post bran flakes, I64
posters, 470, 1598; in France, 616, 6I7, 620,
622, 756, 838; in Germany) 662, 666,
667, 756; in Italy, 756; for inotion
pictures, I08o; for Nike, Inc., I473i in
United Kingdom) 756, 1586, _r589;
during World War I, 1297; during
World War II, Io48, .r298
Post· Grape Nuts. See Grape Nuts
Post Honeycon1b, 9I4
Post-I(e)'es-Gardner, Inc., 433, 487, I26i-63;
and Brown & Williamson Tobacco
Corporation, 222, 433, 439, I027.
See also Cunninghatn & Walsh
post1nodenlisn1, 1072, Io74, I6.r2
Post, Morr & Gardner, Inc., 222, 439, 487,
1027, r26r. See also
Post-Keyes-Gardner, Inc.
Postscript program1ning language, IS83-84
posttesting, 9 8 3
Post Toasties, I64, 642, 84I
Postum (beverage), 343, 642-43, 1686, T687
Postum Cereal Company, 343, 642. See also
General Foods Corporation; Postum
Postum Company, 642-43, 1686. See also
General Foods Corporation; Jell-0; Log
Cabin syrup; Maxwell 1-Iouse coffee
Post Waffle Crisp, 914
Potato Buds, 647
potential rating index by zip markets. See
Pot Noodles, 739
Poto' Gold (motion picture), 776
Poto' Gold (radio show), 775
Pottasch, Alan, 1199
Potter, Charles E., I492
Potts, Marvin, 175
Pounce, 73 I
Pouzilhac, Alain de, 554, 549, 551, 723, 724,
"Powders her nose in the sand," I382
Powell, Dick, l I I
Powell, John B., 5I8
Powell, William, Io8 5
Poiver, .Io84
PowerAde, 175, 604, I20I
PowerBa1; l I 3 I
PowerBook, 86
Po\vcr Elite (Mills), .ro83
Powerhouse Museum (Sydney), r604
Power of the Press, 1084
Po•verPC, 86
Po•ver Wheels, r 560
Powers,JohnE., 566, 756, 1596, 1624
Powers, Alexander & Jenkins, 605
Power-X, II72
Powhatan, lo6r
P.P. Adams. See under Adan1s
PPGH, 1132
P.P. Willis, Inc. Sec under Willis
"Practically noiseless and impossible to
explode," Io8
Prad (agency), II34
Pragma PCB Puhlicidad, 94
Prat, Pedro, I464
Pratt, Matthe-..v, 1595
Pratt & Whitney, 77 8
Pravachol, 2I4
J>ravda~ I297
llrax Holding, Ltda., 1641
"Pray for Rose1nary's baby," io82
Preakness (horseracing), .r474
Precious N1oments, 3 5 5
"Precision crafted automobiles-fro1n a new
division of American Honda," 8.r3
preemptive claims, 76I, 955
Preference, 705, 1657
preferred positions in niagazines, 979, 982
"Pregnant Man," I388, i592
Prell shampoo, 707, 779, 1274, 1275, 1277
Prelude to \Var, 1299
Premarin, 57
Premium Saltine crackers, rrI3, III 5, 1117
Pretnium Source Merchandising, 810
l'r6natal: Publicis and, I307
Prensa (Arge!1tina), 92
Prensa (MexiCo); +032
Prentice-Hall, 505
Preparation H, 54, 56,
"Prepare to fly," 1038
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 839
Presha-Fellers-Presha, Inc., 1643
Presbrey, Charles, 27 5
Presbrey, Frank, SI, 274, 774
Frank Presbrey & Company, 274-75, 831,
163 8. See also Cecil & Presbrey
presenters, r265-69. See also spokescharacters
"Presenting a ne-..v way of going places in the
Rocket age ... Oldsmobility!," 656
Preservation Hall Jazz, 3 82
Presidencia de la Naci6n (Argentina), 92
President's Environmental Youth Awards, 53I
Presley, Elvis, 1540, I693, .r695
Pressman Toy Corporation, I556
Preston, Ivan L., 69 5
Prestone, 1107
preteens. See boys; children; girls
pretesting, 983
Pretty Polly Tights, 3 5 8
Prevention, 1426
previews. See trailers
Price, Leontyne, I568
Price, Robin, 738
"Priceless," 805
"Priceless ingredient," 2II, I223, 1686
Priceline.co1n, 5 I 5
price fixing by General Electric, 6 3 8
prices: governn1ent regulation of, 386; retail
stores and strategy for, I289-90
price skinuning, 1289-90
Pride, Charlie, II73
Pride (polish), 884
Pride of Durham, 224
Prieve, Michael, 1037
Prima, Louis, 1107, IIIO
Primatene Mist, 57
Prllne cigarettes, 223
Prime Life Advisory Network, I426
Prime Time Live~ 9 5
Primo Beer, I26.r
Prince Albert tobacco, 539, 942, 1365
Prince cigarettes, 613
Prince Edward Island (Canada}, 1410
Prince Matchabelli, 288, 1204, .r204
Prince racquets, I268
Prince spaghetti, 824
Princess Cruises, 949, 1573
Princess Queen, 12 70
Principal, Victoria, 5 23
Principles and Practices of Classified
Advertising (Harrington), 3 27
Principles of Advertising (Starch), 984, I483
Pringles, I57, I277, _t278, 1650
Printetnps, 156
Printers' Ink, 134, 418, 689, 772, 1596, x598
printing, 746, 749, 1295
P.ripps, 1149
PRISA (media conglon1eratc), 1468
Pristop (Slovenia), 547
Pritchard Wood & Partners, I89, I90, 191,
86I, I.t30, 1545
privacy law, 928-29
Private Stock cigarettes, 223
PRIZM,983,ro23,I305, 1340,1699
P.R. Mallory Con1pany. Sec under Mallory
Procare, 491
Pro-Comm awards, 122
Procter, Harley T., 874, 933, I270, 1597
Procter, William, 1270, I449· See also color
plate in voh11ne one
Procter, William Cooper, 1272, 1273
Procter & Collier Company, 8I8, 874, 1270,
Procter & Gamble Company, 526, 644, 874,
.r270-79, 1601, r602; in Africa, 24;
African-An1ericans and, 240;
Alka-Seltzer competing >vith products
of, 42; and American Advertising
Federation, 49; in Argentina, 92;
N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc., and, I29,
347, 348; before-after tests by,
554; S.H. Benson, Ltd., and, i587;
Benton & Bowles, Inc., and, I64, 420,
Biow-Beirn-Toigo and, r8o; Biow
Co1npany, Inc., and, 705; BlackettSample-Hummert, Inc., and, 438, 439,
776; Blackman Advertising and, 3 66,
367, 874-75;D.L. Blair, Inc., and, 185;
branding by, 4 70; budget allocations
of, 8 53; Leo Burnett Company, Inc.,
Burrell Com1nunications Group, Inc.,
and, 240; in Canada, 263; Steve Case
and, 67; Colgate-Palmolive Company
as rival of, 350, 354, 1154, rx56; in
Commonwealth of Independent States,
1375, 1380; Coinpton Advertising,
Inc., and, 366, 367, 368, 478, 776,
821, 875, 1451, 1602, 1648; Michael
Conrad & Leo Burnett and, 377; and
Crest, 420-2I; Cunningha1n & Walsh
and, 345, 433, 645; Dancer, F_itzgerald,
Sample and, 439, 440, I388, I498,
I602; D'Arcy Masius Benton &
Bowles and, 155, 239, 347, 421, 447,
448, 823; demonstrations by, 462,
463; Deutsch, Inc., and, 477; and
Dick Van Dyke Show, I99, 897; in
Eastern Europe, 546-47; Euro RSCG
and, 549, 551, 724; Euro RSCG
Tatham and, 1500; and Max Factor &
Company, 411; fear appeals by, 556;
feelings-based appeals by, 5 5 8; Fletcher
Richards, Calkins & Holden and, 344;
and J.A. Folger & Company, 344-45,
645; and Folgers coffee, 344-45, 347,
348, 645, 1212; formulaic advertising
by, 328; Garland-Compton, Ltd., and,
1388; in Germany, 666; and global
advertising, 680, 681, I451; and green
advertising, 530, 531; Grey
Advertising Agency, Inc., and, 697,
698, 698, 699, 705, 708, 823, 875,
1650; and hair care products, 705,
707, 708, 779; and Hawaiian Punch,
I75; and household cleansers, 819,
821, 822, 822, 823; and International
Advertising Association's Catnpaign
for Advertising, 8 57; and Ivory Soap,
874-75, l597;Jordan McGrath Case
& Partners and, 551; Jordan McGrath
Case & Taylor, Inc., and, 82I;
H.W. Kastor & Sons and, 776, 778;
in Latin America, 581-82, 583;
Kimberly-Clark Corporation as rival
of, 904, 905; Lever Brothers Company
as rival of, 438, 821, 933, 935, 936,
937, 938, 939, 1382, 1451; Listerine
campaigned against by, 1632; in
Mexico, 583, Io29; and Millstone,
348; and Mr. Clean, 869; and
motivational research, 478; National
Advertising Division and, 938; in
Netherlands, II32, II33; Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide, Inc., and, 905; Old
Spice acquired by, I202; packaging for,
1182, I183; Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc.,
and, I191; Pedlar & Ryan and, 409,
776; in Philippines, 96; Procter &
Collier Company as house agency of,
818, 874, I351, I450, 1530; Publicis
and, I308; and radio, 643, 776, 884,
935, 1326, r533, 1599-1600; Peter
Rogers Associates and, r500; RSCG
Tatham and, 545, 549; in Russia,
I3 80; Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising
and, r47-48, 808,875,Io28, I390,
1650; and soap operas, 35r, I445,
I446, I447, I451; and soap products,
schools in United States, 421; in Spain,
1468; spending on advertising by, 644;
Starcom Motive Partnership and, r38;
and sweepstakes, I85, r86; and
tampons, 580, 800; targeting by, r497;
Tathan1-Laird & Kudner, Inc., and,
1499, 1500; Tatham-Laird, Inc., and,
83, 707, 821, 1498-99; and television,
790 1 I284, r45r, 1453, 1648;Temp
Productions and, 82; Armando Testa
and, I 52 3; J. Walter Thompson
Company and, 1351, I530; in United
Kingdom, 1590, 1594; and United
States Federal Trade Commission, 345;
and United States Food and Drug
Administration, 387; Wells BDDP and,
I650; Wells, Rich, Greene, Inc., and,
r57, 923, 1648; and wo1nen, 89, 586.
See also Always; Bold; Bounce; Camay;
Charmin tissue; Cheer detergent;
Clorox Company; Comet detergent;
Cover Girl; Crest; Crisco; Dash; Dawn;
Enviro-pak; Max Factor & Company;
Febreze; Folgers coffee; Lilt Home
Permanent; Mi: Clean; Noxzema; Oil
of Olay; Pampers; Vidal Sassoon;
Scope; Tide; and color plate in volume
Procter & Gamble Cosmetics Company, 411
Prodigy (online services), 67, 483, 858, 1236,
production, 1279-85; of con1mercials,
I279-81; of programming, r281-85
product marketing index, 520, 521
product market research, 983
Product 19, 892
Productos Sanitarios SA Chile, 582
product placement, I285-88; of auto1nobiles
in motion pictures, III; by cigarette
co1npanies, 313-14, 1229-30; by
Ericsson, Inc., 5 34; of Maytag
Corporation washers in motion
pictures, 1004; by Philip Morris
Companies, I229-30; of Reese's Pieces
in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 734, 800,
product publicity, 1312
product tests, 46r
product usage, IOI9
Proetz, Erma Perham, I6 57
Professor Quiz, 343, 672, 1273-74, I638
Profile appliances, 636
Profile Performance appliances, 636
profiling, 1302-03, I305
Profitable Direct Marketing (Kobs), 498
"Progress is our most important product,"
Progressive Era, 584
Progressive _Fanner, 978
Progressive Grocer, 978
Progresso, 653, 1236
Prohibition in United States, 36, 74-75, 167,
44 3, IO 52; airlines during, 3 6; coffee
during, 343; impact on Canada, 14ro;
Labatt Brewing Con1pany during, 915;
Schlitz Brewing Company during,
Pro-Higiene, 582
Project Chess, 8 3 4
Projections (production facility), I605
Project Know Fraud, 1510
Prokofiev, Sergei, I450
Prom, 705
"Pro1nise her anything, but give her Arpege,"
Promise margarine, 933, 938
Pl'omo, 1563
Promo Seven, Io39
pro1notions and tnerchandising, 1243, 853,
1260, 1288-94, 136I; D.L. Blair, Inc.,
and, 185-87; and children, 295; by
Hoover Europe, 1005; by Kellogg
Company, 89r; Ketchum, MacLeod &
Grove, Inc., and, 898; by Kraft Foods,
Inc., 914; by Lorillard Tobacco
Company, 962; by Microsoft
Corporation, Io34; by oil companies,
1174; by Pepsodent Company, 957; by
Procter & Gamble Company, 874,
I272, I277; by Ralston Purina
Company, 1217; by Schultz Soap
Company, 874; and senior citizens
market, 1426; for Vegen1ite, I603
Promstroy Bank, 1379
Pron-tito, I620
Pronto ca1neras, 1246
propaganda, 998, 1295-1300. See also color
plate in volume three
Propaganda (journal, Brazil), 207
Propaganda (co1nmercial production house),
Propaganda Registrada, 1641
Propecia, I22 5
Pro Player Stadium, 335
Proprietary Association of America, 268
Proprietary Association of Great Britain,
proprietary market research, 9 8 3
Prosan SA Argentina, 582
Pro Set, 148
prospectuses, 593
ProStep, I224
Protas, Judith, I657
Protestantism, I 29 5
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 606
"Proud to be your Bud," 78
Provigo, Inc., 4r5
Provoust, Jean, 617
Proximity BBDO, l
PRSA. See Public Relations Society of
Prucher, Ferd, 841
Prucher Studios, 841
Prudential Assurance Company (United
I<ingdom), 1301
Prudential-Bache Securities, 1301
Prudential Building {Newark, New Jersey),
Prudential Family Theater, 130I
Prudential Financial, Inc., 130I, I302
Prudential Friendly Society, 13or. See also
Prudential Insurance Company
Prudential Insurance Company, 399, 562,
818, 966, I30I-02; Backer Spielvogel
Bates Worldwide, Inc., and, I32, 966;
Bates Worldwide and, 498; Benton &
Bowles, Inc., and, r64; CKS Group
and, 323; logo of, 952, 1427; "One in
eighty-nine, in fact," 593; "Prudential
has the strength of Gibraltar," 592,
I597; and sports, 1474; J. Walter
Thompson Company and, 1530
Prudential Securities, l30I-02
Prussia, 662
Pryde, James, 756, 839
Pryor, Arthur, 151, 957
Przybora, Kot, 548
PSA Peugeot-Citroen, 307, 68I. See also
Citroen; Peugeot
Pschitt, I206
pseudosubversion, 1612
PS/2, 836
psychics, 84 7
psychographics, 458, 460, 1019, 1302-06;
Backer Spielvogel Bates Worldwide
and, 144; Grey Advertising Agency,
Inc., and, 698. See also color plate in
volume three
psychology, 984, 986
Psychology of Advertising (W.D. Scott), 761,
Psychology of Advertising in Theory and
Practice (W.D. Scott), I408
PT Cruiser, 308
P-38 fighter planes, 656
PTT Post, 589
public affairs counseling, I312
Public Broadcasting System. See PBS
Public Health Smoking Act (I97I, United
States), 315
Publicidad D'Arcy {Mexico), 443
Publicidade (trade publication), 207
Publicidad~Etnpresa de Anuncios, I464
Publicidad Racional (Prat), I464
Publicidad Rasgo, I465
Public Interest Research Groups, 3 8 5
Publicis. See Publicis Group
Publicis & Hal Riney, 516, 660
Publicis-Bloom, 946, II3I, 1207
Publicis Casadevall Pedreiio & PRG, 272
Publicis Consultants, 1077
Publicis Digital, Io77
Publicis Europe, I576
Publicis-PCB, 604, I575, 1576. See also
Publicis Europe
Publicis Group, 187, I88, 616, 618, 62I, 622,
in Brazil, 1460; and Burrell
Communications Group, Inc., 240-41,
Io56; and Casadevall Pedrefio & PRG,
272; in Canada, 263; and D&M
Comunicai;iio, 1460; and Ericsson,
Inc., 534; in Eastern Europe, 547, 548;
and Fallon Worldwide, 5 64; and
Groupe FCA, 604; and Foote, Cone &
Belding Communications, Inc., 188,
603, 604, 68o-8I, 808, 816, I028,
1306, 1308, I575, I576; and Agence
Havas, 544, 545, 549; and Intel
Corporation, 855; and L'Oreal, 817;
and Nestle S.A., 817, 1131; in
Netherlands, II32; and Norton
Publicidade, 209, I460; and Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide, Inc., I166;
and Optimedia, 1021, 1077; and
Publicis/Bloom, 1207; and Hal Riney
& Partners, Inc., I371; and Saatchi &
Saatchi Advertising, 1390; in Spain,
1467; and True North
Comtnunications, Inc., 604, 816-17,
Io77, I576; and Young & Rubicam,
Inc., 809, 1692
Publicis International, 1077
Publicis Norton, 1460
Publicis S.A. See Publicis Group
Publicis Zip, Io77
Publicitas (agency), I464, 1465
Publicite en action (Cossette), 414
publicity, right of, 928, 929-30
public radio (United States). See California
Public Radio; National Public Radio
public relations, 466, 1295, 309-13;
Burson-Marsteller, Inc., and, 99 5, 996;
integrated marketing and, 853;
Interpublic Group of Companies and,
862; Ketchum, Macleod & Grove,
Inc., and, 898, 900; Kirshenbaum &
Bond and, 906; Needham, Harper &
Steers Advertising, Inc., and, 1124;
Vickers & Benson and, 1606. See also
color plate in volun1e two
Public Relations Society of America, I3I3
Public Relations Tactics, l 313
public service advertising, I313-17, 1625,
1627, 1629; Ad Council and, 13-16,
1629; on television, I420, 1520;
Vickers & Benson and, l 606
Public Synthese, 1388
Public Works of Art Project, 4 7 3
Publi-Graphics (United Arab Emirates), 1039
Publishers Clearinghouse, 480
Publix Supermarkets, 703
Puck, Wolfgang, 476
Puckett, Thomas, 699
Puech, Claude, 321
Puente, Tito, 60
Puerto Rico, 694
Pueyrredon, Ricardo, 89
Pueyrredon (agency), 90
Puffed Rice, 1319, 1597
Puffed Wheat, 7I7, 920, 1319, I597
Puffs facial tissue, 1275
Pulitzer, Joseph, 383, 725, 1472, 1661
Pullman Company, 26, 840
Pulmuone Foods, 28 5, 287
Pulsar Time, 69
Pulse Marketing, 414
Pulse ratings, I339
pulsing, 1019
Puma, 526
Punchy, 175
pupil dilation response tests, 1528
Puppy Chow, I217
Pura-Laxa, 1044
Purcl1asing lvfagazine, 1564
Purdon, Roger, 1128
Pure Creative DMB&B. See Pure D'Arcy
Pure D' Arey, l 55
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906, United
States), 384, 389, 408, 689, 729, 762,
Pure Oil Company, 233, 234, r172
Purex Corporation, 44 5
Purina. See Ralston Purina Company
Puris, Martin, 45, 68, 69, 71, 1518
Puritan oil, 526
"Purity," 1402
Purple Moon, 1560
Puschkin vodka, 666
PUSH. See People United to Save Humanity
Push Pin Studios, 475, 84I, 1582
"Push, pull, click, click. Change blades that
quick," 1400
Puss 'n' Boots, I215
"Put a little weekend in your week," 446
"Put a tiger in your tank," 477, 788, lOll,
1172, 1469
"Put it in writing," 102, I504
Putney Slvope, 1086
Putter, Robyn, I160
Puttermans (Duracell characters), 146-4 7
"Putting customers first," 219
Puttnami David, 3 58
PV444 cars, I6r4, 1615
Pyle, Howard, 839
Pyle's Pearline soap, 1449
Pyraline, 502
Pytka, Joe, 484-85, 744, 1280, 1317-18,
Pytka, John, I3 I7
Pytka (production company), 1317
Qantas Airways, Ltd., 106, Io7, 252, 685,
Io76, I390; Cunningham & Walsh
and, 433, 434, Jackson Wain Agency
and, I44; Monahan Dayman Adams
and, 1075; Singleton Ogilvy & Mather
Qatar, 1041, 1042-43
Q-Bert, I560
Q-Link, 66-67
Q-ratings, 525
Q-Tips, 288
Quaker Oats, I319, I424, 1597
Quaker Oats Company, 83, I97, 474, 604,
793, 120I, 1319-21, I587; AdCom as
house agency of, 440, 8I8; Backer &
Spielvogel, Inc., and, 132; Bayer Bess
Vanderwarker and, I47, I48-49, 175;
China Commercial Advertising Agency
and, 299; Compton Advertising, Inc.,
and, 366; Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc.,
and, 4 52; and endorsements, 52 5; FCB
World1vide and, I576; and General
Mills, 6 5 2; Grey Advertising Agency,
Inc., and, 697; Lord & Thon1as and,
minorities represented in advertising
for, Io66; Needhan1, Louis & Brorby,
Inc., and, 1123; and oat bran, 800;
packaging design for, i182; Pirella
GOttsche and, 1237; and Snapple
Beverage Corporation, 177; in South
A1nerica, 14 56; Annando Testa and,
r 524; J. Walter Thon1pson Co1npany
and, 159, 1534; trademark of, 443,
470, 756. See also AuntJcmi1na;
Gatorade; Quaker Oats; Tropicana
Quakers, 1024, 13 19
Quaker State Oil Refining Company, 895,
Qualcomm, 5 64
qualified circulation, 979
qualitative research, 479. Sec also
quantitative/qualitative research
Quality Bakers, 82
Quality Food Stores, 489
"Quality is job one," 400, 800
"Quality, not pren1iums," I365
Quanterra, 57, I635
quantitative/qualitative research, I32I-24
Quantum Computer Services, 66
Quantum Group, I 22 5
Quantum Leap, 277
Quarter Pounders, I473
Quasar television sets, 379, 380, Io89
Quayle, Dan, I692
Quebec Province (Canada), 4I3, 4I5, 9I5,
io78; alcoholic beverages in, I4Io;
children's television in, 265;
sovereignty issue in, 1520
Queen Bess cigarettes, 22I
Queen Elizabeth Hotel (Montreal), I605
Queen for a Day, 4I, 9II, I227, 1273-74
Queens (New York), 700
Queensboro Corporation, 768, 846
Quest (deodorizing po\vder, 577
Quest (telecomnn1nications), 1507
Quick as a Flasl1, 275
QuickDra1v, 370
"Quicker picker upper," 82I, I277, 1469
"Quick, Henry, the Flit," Ioo8
Quickle Wipe1; 823
"Quiet Company," 850, 851
"Quiet, please. Our computer is talking," 370
Quik, I129, II29, I130, 1131
Cervecerfa Quihnes SA, 32, 93
Quincy Steakhouse, 732
Quinlan, Mary Lou, I29
Quinn, T.K., 1001
Quinto Centenario, 39 5
Quintonine, 6I8
"Quite possibly the world's perfect food,"
"Quit using our cans to sell your cans," 1666
Quiz Kids, 41, Io44, I6I9
quiz shows, 152, 660-61, 780, 786, 1284,
15I5, I6oo, I639, I642
QVC Network, 273, 355, 564, 798
Qwest Communications, 159, 1535
Rabanne, Paco, I202, 1204, 1432
Rabbit cars, I6II, I6I2
Rabl, Preston, r668, I669
Rabobank, 589
"race records," 27
Racine {Wisconsin), 8 84
Racine Hard\vare Company, 884. See also
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc,
Racing Champions, 356
Racism in Advertising (video), 28
Radcliffe College, I352
Radiation Control for I-:lealth and Safety Act
{1968, United States), 385
radio, 9, I3, i64, 333, 362, 438, 444, 537,
I481, I533, I549, I599-1600, I602,
I637, I63 8, I6 58, I688-89; in Africa,
22; Alka-Scltzer and, 4I, I6I9;
A1nerican Association of Advertising
Agencies and, 52; in Argentina, 92;
AT&T Corporation and, 100, IOI-02;
in Australia, Io6; blacklisting and,
I689; in Brazil, 206, 208;
Bristol-Myers Co1npany and, 1688; in
Canada, 262, 265, 767; cigarette
advertising on, 66, 315, 946, 965;
distilled liquor on, I67; dot-com
companies advertising on, 5I5; in
Eastern Europe, 545; Firestone Tire &
Rubber Co1npany and, 598, 785,
I549, I642; in France, 187, I88, 6I8,
621, 692, 765, 767, I307; General
Electric Company and, 639; General
Foods Corporation and, 643, 770,
776, 935, 1383, I688, I689; General
Mills and, 649; in Gennany, 665, 765,
767; grocery and supermarket
advertisers on, 704; hotels and, I573;
hun1or on, 824-25; in India, 844;
info1nercials on, 845, 846; in India,
1338; International Silver Company
and, 1689; in Israel, 869; in Italy, 871;
in Japan, 466, 878, 1296, I338; jingles
on, 1Io4-05; S.C. Johnson & Son,
Inc., and, 77I, 822, 824, 884, I283;
Kellogg Company and, 891; Kenyon &
Eckhardt, Inc., and, 895; Kraft-Phenix
Cheese Corporation and, 909, 9I1,
912, 1283; Labatt Brewing Company
and, 915; Lennen & Mitchell, Inc.,
and, 962; Lever Brothers Company
and, 884, 935, 947, 1283; Liggett &
Myers Tobacco Company and, 944; in
Luxe1nbourg, 62I, I589; Mars, Inc.,
and, 99I; Maytag Corporation and,
1004; McCann-Erickson, Inc., and,
770, Ioo8, 1114; in Mexico, Io29; in
the lvliddle East, Io40, 1041, Io42,
Io43; lvliles Laboratories, Inc., and,
4I, Io44, I045, I619, I620; in
Monaco, 621; National Biscuit
Con1pany/Nabisco, Inc., and, III4,
1II5; Needham, Louis & Brorby, Inc,,
and,77I,822,824,1I23, 1283;in
Netherlands, 765, I132, II34, 1135;
Norman, Craig & Kununel, Inc., and,
II53; Pepsi-Cola Con1pany and, I198;
Pepsodent Co1npany and, 824, 935,
936, 957, I283; pharmaceuticals on,
935, 1224; Philip Morris Co1npanies
and, 1227; Pillsbury Flour Mills
Con1pany and, 1235; political
advertising on, I248, 1251; Procter &
Gan1blc Company and, 643, 776, 884,
propaganda on, l 296; psychology and,
I6 59; public service advertising on,
I 3 I 5; retail advertising on, 13 6 3;
R.]. Reynolds Tobacco Company and,
1368; Schlitz Bre\ving Co1npany and,
I402; and self-regulation, I4I9, 1420,
142I; Seven-Up Company and, I429;
in South America, 1456; in South
Korea, 1462, I463; in Spain, 1465,
1467; sports on, I472; Standard
Brands and, r481, I533; Daniel Starch
and Staff Research Con1pany and,
I485; television as rival to, I693,
I694; in United Kingdon1, 765, 767,
I5I3, I589, 1592; United States
Federal Co1nmunications Com1nission
and, 278, I3I5; United States Food
and Drug Administration and, 1224;
Wade Advertising Agency and, 1619,
1620; and World War II, Io48;
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co1npany and, 770,
I445, I670, 167I; Young & Rubicam,
Inc., and, 438, 634, 635, 770-7I,
Ioo6, I28I-82, 1641, 1688-89; and
youth market, 1693-94. See also ABC;
CBS Rad.io; NBC Radio; quiz shows;
ratings; soap operas
Radio AAH5~ 294
Radio Act (I927, United States), 524
Radio Advertising Archive, IIOI
Radio Advertising Bureau, 265, 824, I330
Radio & lvfedia, I563
Radio Caroline, I694
Radio-Cite, I87, I88, 6I8, 1306
Radio City Music Hall (New York City),
Radio Corporation of An1erica, 3 78, 3 82,
I 397; Leo Burnett Con1pany, Inc., and,
380; and FM radio, 776, 1330;
General Electric Company and, 800,
950, 1325, 1396, I397; and Hertz
Corporation, 737; Kenyon &
Eckhardt, Inc., and, 378, 895; Lord &
Thomas and, 378, 92I; and NBC, 472,
768, 800, 950, T.395, 1396; Ross Roy,
Inc., and, 1374; and senior citizens
ri1arket, I424; and television, 779-80,
1395, I397;]. Walter Thompson
Co1npany and, 377, 378, 379, 380,
I533, I534, 1535; and United States
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 379; Westinghouse
Electric Corporation and, 630, I325
Radio Crochet, 1306
Radio Free Europe, 1296
Radio Frekvence, 546
Radio Fiousel1old Institute, 770
Radiola, 767, 769
Radiolandia, 92
Radio Liberty, I296
Radiolite, I537, I539
Radio Luxe1nbourg, 621, I589, 1694
Radio Marketing Research, .r339
Radio Mexico Internacional, Io29
Radion1ovil Dipsa, Io29
Radio Nonnandy, 1589
Radio Radio! 825
Radio Ranch Productions, 8 24
Radio Rentals, I52I
radio sets, 378, 380, Io88
Radio Shack, 372, 373, 794
Radio Veronica, 1134
Christopher Radko, 3 57
Rado watches, 30I
Radway's Ready Relief, 754
Raffles Hotel, I4 5
Rafsanjani, Akbar Hashemi, Io40
Raft, George, 1545
Raid House & Garden Bug Killer, 83, 602,
Raiders of the Lost Ark, Io82
"Raid kills bugs dead," 83, 886
Raid Mouse Killer, 886
railroads, 1569, 1571, .r595, 1597
Rain Barrel fabric softener, 886
Rainbow Crafts, 64 7
Rainey, Marie Theresa, 1 6 59
Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe, I593, I607,
1608, I659
RainCy Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Young &
Rubicam, 1607
Rainforest Cafe: Duffy Design and, 56I
Rainier beer, 686, II06
"Rainier Waltz," IIo6
Raisin Bran, 646, 892, 89 5
Ralcorp, 65 3, I333· See also Ralston Purina
Raleigh, Henry, 866
Raleigh Cigarette Progran1, 1261
Raleigh cigarettes, I40, 22I, 222, 223, 1226,
I26I, 1263
Raleigh Extra cigarettes, 22 3
Raleigh-Kool Program, 22I
Ralph Glendinning. See under Glendinning
Ralph Jones Agency. Sec under Jones
Ralphs (grocery chain), 276
Ralston Purina Co1npany, 146, 445, 818,
1333-35; acquired by Nestle S.A.,
I13I; Avrett, Free & Ginsberg and,
I2I8; Della Femina, Travisano &
Partners and, 457; Fallon !vlcElligott
and, 563; Gardner Advertising, Inc.,
and, 1649; \Velis, Rich, Greene, Inc.,
and, 923. See also Chex; Continental
Baking Company; Dog Chow;
Energizer Holdings Corporation;
Eveready batteries; Jack in the Box;
Meow Mix
Ralston Wheat, I333
Ramada Inns, II07, 1573
Ra1nadan, 1042
Ramaphosa, Cyril, 829
Rambler auton1obiles, 110
Ran1iro, Manuel, 146 5
Ramsay Crain, Gertrude. See under Crain
Ramses condo1ns, 128 5
"Rain tough," 307, 308
Rain trucks, 3 09
Rand, A. Barry, 1056
Rand, John B., 713
Rand, Paul, 166, 473, 475, t582
Randall, Tony, 3I5, 523, Io86, 1087
Randall's stores, 703
R&R. See Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc,
Rangan, Nanda, 525
Rank Organization, 1675, 1679
Rank-Xerox, I675, I679
"Rant," 1078
Rapid Motor Vehicle Con1pany, 654. See also
General Motors Corporation
Rapid Shave Crea1n, 141, 352, 540, 668, 669,
928, 14I7
Rapp, Stanley, .r335, I336
Rapp & Collins, 1335. See also Rapp,
Collins, Stone & Adler
Rapp Collins Co1nmunicaide, I336
Rapp Collins Netherlands, 1.132
Rapp, Collins, Stone & Adler, 452, 1336.
See also Rapp & Collins;
Stone & Adler
Rapp Collins USA, .r336. See also Rapp
Collins Worldwide
Rapp Collins Worldwide, 496, I335-37
Rapp Digital, IJ36
Rastus, 1057
rate cards, 982
ratings, I337-42; radio, 9, I3, 634-35, 774,
987, 1018; in South I(orea, I464;
television, 8, ro, 11-12, 987, IOI8; in
United ICingdo1n, 1590
Ratner, Lee, 520
Ratny, Ruth L., I20-2I
Ratto, Carlos, 1342, 1343
Ratto, David, 90, 1342-43
Ratto Agency, 589, 1342-43. See also Ratto/
BBDO; and color plate in volu1ne three
Ratto/BBDO, 94, I343· See also color plate in
volu111e tl1ree
Ravaze, Maurice-Jacques, JI9
Ravenscroft, Juan, 89
Raivhidc, 213, 1115
Rawles, L.J., 1175
Rawlings, Mike, I 5 6 3
Rawlings Sporting Goods Company, 44 5
Ra\vls, John, 542
Ray, Johnny, 623
Ray, Man. Sec Man Ray
Ray Anthony Sho1v, 696
Ray-Ban sunglasses, I28 5
Ray D. Lillibridge Company. Sec under
Ray Gun, I583
Raymond, Charles E., I532
Rayovac Corporation, .r46, I47
R..o1.ytheon Corporation, 370, 487, 589
Rayve shampoos, 275, 933, 936
Raz6n, 92
Razorfish (agency), 1I76
R.B. Selmer. See under Selmer
RCA. See Radio Corporation of America
RCA Victor television sets, 775
RC cola. See Royal Crown cola
RCP. Sec Rilova, Casadevall, Pedrefio
RCP/Saatchi & Saatchi, 27I
Reach, McClinton, 1027
"Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet," 64,
312,769,944,955,I226, 1,3)6, t643
"Reach for a Lucky when ten1pted to
indulge," 1366
"Reach out and touch someone," IOI, 102,
129, 328, I504
Read, Ethel, 4 70
reader recognition studies, 633, I343
Reader'.<> Digest, 977, 982; Batten Barton
Durstine & Osborn and, 267; in India,
844; on cigarettes, 314, 94 5, 962, 963;
and senior citizens market, 1426
Reader's Digest Company, 67
Readex, Inc., I525, 1526
"Ready to Go" (Republica), IIIO
Reagan, Nancy, 64I
Reagan, Ronald, 15I2; Batten Barton
Durstine & Osborn and, 1249; and
children's television, 283, 284; and
Death Valley Days, 1008; and
deregulation, 796, 846; "feel good"
advertising for, I251; and General
Electric Con1pany, I52, 399, 64I,
1266; and Lux Video Theate1; 936;
and Maytag Corporation, Ioo4; and
McCann-Erickson, Inc., IoI3; and
1nedia policy, 800; and n1ilitary
advertising, Io50
ReaLemon, I95
Real Folks ofThon1pkins Corners, 1008,
Reality in Advertising(Reeves), I4I, I43,
"Real life, real answers," 596, 744, IJI7
"Real Taste of Life." See color plate in volu111e
"Really, really comfortable underwear," 628,
Realsilk Hosiery Mills, Inc, 231, 233, 537
"Real thing," 43I
"reason-why" copy, 760, 1464, 1517, I518,
1596, 1598, I599; John E. Kennedy
and,140,76.r,774,920,953, 15I7i
Albert D. Lasker and, 76I, 769, 953,
957, I517; Walter Dill Scott on, 1408
Reast, Richard, 830
Rebel cigarettes, 965
Rebel lvitho11t a Cause, 30-3I
Reber, John, 153 3
"Reborn," 1553
rebuttal advertising, II25
recall, 1343-45, I524, I526
Rechnitzer, Eina1; 975-76
Reckitt & Colman, 24, 107, 1343
Recla1ne Exploitate Maatschappij, .r.r34
recognition tests, I524, I525-26
"Reco1nmended by Dr. Mo1n," 57
Rectigraph Con1pany, .r675. See also Xerox
recycling and recyclability, 53 o, 531
Red (agency), I465
Red and Yellow School (advertising school,
South Africa), Ir6o
Red Can coffee, 343
Red Cell, 809, 1593
Red Channels, 181, IBI, 182, 1283
Red Cloud chewing tobacco, ro6r
Red Cross. See American Red Cross;
International Red Cross; Spanish Red
Red Cross Improved Bandage, 8 8 I
Red Cross Shoes, 566, 1351
Red Crown logo (Standard Oil Company of
Indiana), 1170
Red Crown tobacco, 221
Jherri Redding, 707
Reddington, Marcus, 1366
Reddington Company, 539
Reddy Kilowatt, 79, Bo
Redeker Schon Dahs & Sellne1; 930
Red Goose (character), 444
Red Goose Shoes, 444
Redgrave, Lynn, r 64 5
Red Horse Market, 4 57
Red Hot Chili Peppers, rro8
Rediffusion (agency), 842, 843
Rediffusion/DY&R, 843
"Rediscover America," 309
"Rediscover Canada," 266
Red Juice tobacco, 22I, 223
Red Kamel cigarettes, I365, I369
Redken, 707
Red Lobster Inns of America, 445, 446, 648
"Red Lobster, where America goes for
seafood," 446
"Red Magic," 730
Red Nacional de Ferrocarriles Espaiioles,
Redpath, W. Stanley, 900
Red Skelton Show, 884, 886, I274, I5I7
Red Sky Interactive, II76
Red Square (Moscow), I298
Red Tab Device, 94z
Redux, 57, I646
"Red, white, and you," 340
Red Wing (Minnesota}, 229
Redwood Publishing, I
Reebok International, 744, 745: Ammirati &
Puris, Inc., and, 69; and Asian
Americans, Io57; Bartle Bogle Hegarty
and, I38; Chiat/Day, Inc., and, 290;
and endorsements, 526, I476; Grey
Advertising Agency, Inc., and, 698; and
Olympic Games, 552
Reece, Gordon, T3 86
Reed, Donna, 26I
Reed, Rodney, 996
Reed, Virgil, I 5 3 3
Reefer Madness, T296
reel-to-reel recorders, 3 So
Reemstma Cigarettenfabrik, lOIO, I405,
Reese, Pee Wee, l 5 I 5
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, 732, 733, 734
Reese's Pieces, 734, 800, 993, 1285
Reeve, Christophe.t; 1268
Reeves, Knox, 649
Reeves, Rosser, l40-4I, I43. 786, 8oI,
I345-47; and Anacin, 56, 71, I223;
and Ted Bates & Company, T39, 140,
l4I, I43. 7I7, I223, 1600; and Brown
& Williamson Tobacco Corporation,
22T-22; and Carter's Little Liver Pills,
269; and hard-sell advertising, 474,
7r7, 718, 1600; and M&Ms, I4I,
990; and David Ogilvy, TI57, rr6I,
II62; and pharmaceuticals, T223; and
Republican Party, I40-4r, 152, 7I7,
786, I249i and unique selling
proposition, 257, 717, 786, I223,
I590, I592, I6oo
Reeves, Vic, 249
Knox Reeves Advertising, Inc., I97, 438, 649,
Reflect.com, 477, I20S
"Refreshes," 727, I5I8
"Refreshing as springtime itself," I 3 68
refrigerators, 639
Regal shoes, I49
Regan, Pete, 62s
Regency cars, 6 s8
Reggie! candy bars, r480, z48z, 1482
RCgie-Presse, I307
Regimen weight-loss pills, 690, r643-44
regulation. See deregulation; government
regulation; self-regulation
Reichfeld-Altschille.t; 7 44
Reider, David, 112
Reimers, Ed, 8sr-52
Reinhard, Keith, 5I, 154, 4 s2-s 3, 454, IOIS,
I016, II23, Il24, lI25, I35S
Reinhold, Judge, s23
Reiser, Paul, I266
Reiser Williams DeYong, 435
Reiss Advertising, 494
Reith, Jack, 608
Reklame (magazine), T582
relationship marketing, 481
"Relax. Horizon can handle it," 307
"Relentless pursuit of perfection," II4
Reliant cars, 307
"Relief is just a swallow away," I620
religion, advertising of, T347-50. See also
color plates in volumes tivo and three
Relpax, I 220
Rely (tampons), 387, 580, Boo, 1275, 1277
"Rely. It even absorbs the worry,'' s8o
R.E.M., 484
Rembrandt Tobacco, ITS9
Remco, r5s6
Re1nick, Lee, 1086
"Reminders,'' 573
Remington, Frederic, 407, 470, 756, 839,
Remington, Mortimer, 8I8, I30l
Remington Rand Corporation, 3 69, 3 70, 8 3 I,
83 3; Batten Barton Durstine & Osborn
and, 151; and television, 78s, 833,
1284; Warwick & Legler, Inc., and,
1638. See also Univac
Remington shavers, 362, s22, 78s
Remsen Advertising Agency, I4I6
Remy Martin, I?O
Renau, Josep, 146 5
Renaudot, Theophraste, 6I6, 747
Renault Argentina SA, 31, 32, 92, 93, 1459
Automobiles Renault Canada, 415
Renault, Inc. (United States): and American
Motors Corporation, 308; Foote, Cone
& Belding and, 603; Fuller & Smith &
Ross, Inc., and, 6 3 I; Grey Advertising
Worldwide and, 3 2; Marsteller, Inc.,
and, 996; Needham, Louis & Brorby,
Inc., and, lI3
Renault S.A., 622, 68I; Citroen and, 3T9;
CLM/BBDO and, 332; Publicis and,
I88, 603, 1307, 1308; in Spain, 1464,
RENFE. See Red Nacional de Ferrocarriles
Rengo, 1643
Renier, Leon, 722
Renner, Paul, IS83
Rent-a-Ford, 734. See also Hertz Corporation
Rentina camera, so9
Re-Nutriv, 412
Reo Motor Car Company, TIO, lI2, roor,
"Reo the Fifth," TIO
"Report Card," 714
Reporter of Direct Mail, l 673, See also Direct
"Report on Blacklisting" (Cogley}, I82
Report on Civil Disorders (Kerner
Commission),- 2 7
"Report on the Information and
Communication Policy of the
European Community," 20 5
Repplier, Theodore S., 14
Repsol, 32
Repubblica, I 2 37
Republica, I108, IIIo
Republic Airlines, 37
Republican Party, l40-4I, 150, T51-52, 237,
253, 450, 4S2, 538, 7I7, IIS4, 1248,
1249, r33r, I346-47; Thomas Bell
and, I692; Blackett-Sample-Hummert
and, 649, 772, 774; and census, 280;
convention, 426, r690; Fuller & Smith
& Ross, Inc., and, 63I; "It's morning
again in America," 800, r25I; Albert
D. Lasker and, 920, 1248; "Willie
Horton," 543, 1251-52, 1520; Young
& Rubicam, Inc., and, I689
Republic Pictures, 487
Republic Steel, 431, 740
reputation management, 1309
Research International, 14 54
Research Systems Corporation, 983, IS29
Reshet Bet (radio station), 869
Resistab, 211, 89s
Resolve, 4 52
Resor, Helen Lansdowne, 407, 418, 472, 759,
761, 79r, 818, Io94, 1350-52, I3S3o
I449,Is32,1534,I599,r6s7, 1658
Resor, Stanley B., 4I8, 79r, Io83, 1353-54;
and American Association of
Advertising Agencies, 5I; at Procter &
Collier Company, 818, Is30, r6s8; at
J. Walter Thompson Company, 407,
4T8, 472, s66, 769, 984, 1094, I3SI,
I530, 1532, 1533, TS34, lS99, l6S8
Reser, Walter, I3ST, I353, T658
resorts, 1569, TS?I
Resource Marketing, 865
restaurants/fast food, 1354-58, 1362; and
coupons, 416; design and layout of,
lI83; Quaker Oats Co1npany and,
Restorative Nervine, See Nervine
Results Advertising, 1358-59
Results DDB, 1133
Resume, Ir49
retail advertising, 416, 1288-94, 1359-64
Retevision, 1468
Retton, Mary Lou, I46, 649, 1472, I476
Reuben H. Donnelly. See under Donnelly
Reuters, T9I
Revco Discount Drug Centers, 490
Reveal lightbulbs, 641
Revenue Act (1942, United States), T63 l
Revere Copper and Brass, 1628
Revlon Consumer Products Corporation,
410-lI,697,708, 818, IIS3o
I204, I205, I4SI, I664;and
African-Americans, 708; Batten Barton
Durstine & Osborn and, rs2, II53i
and Charlie perfume, 412, 585, s86;
Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos,
Inc., and, 744; presenters £01; 1266,
T268; and television, 152, 786, II53,
ls15, 1619, 1639; Warwick & Legler,
Inc., and, 1191, 1639; during World
War II, I628. See also color plates in
volumes two and three
Revlon Girl, 410, 4T1
Revlon, Inc. See Revlon Consumer Products
"Revolution" (Beatles), Iro6, rio8, Ir42,
Revolv, 564
Revoz, 547
Revson, Charles, 410, lI53, 1204, ISIS
Revue Productions, 641, 9I3, 1689
Reyner, Kehrt, s48
Reyno cigarettes, I 3 6 s
Reynolds, Dick. See Reynolds, Richard
Joshua ("Dick")
Reynolds, Quentin, I198
Reynolds, Richard Joshua {"Dick"), 3 II,
1364, l36s
Reynolds, Warren, 262
Reynolds Aluminum, 785
R.J. Reynolds Industries, 646, III?, 1482.
See also RJR Nabisco
Reynolds Metal Company, 623
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, 6T, 62,
126,223, 3ro-I5, 539, 540-4I,690,
943, 944, 96I, I2I2, 1226, 1228,
1230, 1343, I364-69, I497;
acquired by Heublein, Inc., 96 5; and
African-A1nericans, 1259; Almap and,
48; and Bates Worldwide, 143; and
blacklisting, T8I; comparative
advertising by, 5 s4; and coupons, 22Ij
Dancer, Fitzgerald, Sample and, 439,
440, s40; Erwin, Wasey & Company
and, S3 6-3 7; William Esty &
Company, Inc., and, 183, 439, s36,
539, 540-41, 1228, 1283; Caroline
Jones Advertising, Inc., and, T66o;
Leber, Katz and Paccione and, 603;
Mccann-Erickson, Inc., and, 3 I6,
IoI3; Tatham-Laird & Kudner, Inc.,
and, l soo. See also Camel cigarettes;
Marlboro cigarettes; R.J. Reynolds
Rezulin, 1637
R.E White. See under White
RIGA Interactive, Is76, 1577
RIGA Media Group, l 57 5
RIGA Studios, l 577
"Rhapsody in Blue" (Gershwin), 39, lI07,
Rhea, Madame, 61, 225
Rhead, Louis, 470
"Rhinestones, a girl's next best friend," 1252
R.H. Macy Department Store. See unde1· Macy
Rhodes, Cecil, 4 s5
Rhodia, 496
Rhone-Poulenc, 48, 496
Rhuli, 887
"Rhymes of a Red Cross Man,'' s8
Rhys-Jones, Griff, 249
Riazor, 394
Ribas, Federico, 146 5
Ribeiro, Julio, I458, I46o
Riboud, Marc, 32I
Ricardo De Luca. See under De Luca
Ricardo Perez. See under Perez
Rice, Donna, 431, 906
Rice, Nancy, I99, 561
Rice, Nick, s6 T
Rice & Rice Advertising, 561
Rice-a-Roni, IIII
Rice Chex. See Chex
Rice Krispies, 475, IIII, z4I9, I535i
Leo Burnett Company, Inc., and, 892,
1268, I6oo; Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc.,
and, 892, 89 5. See also color plate in
volume two
Rice Krispie Treats, 89I
Rich, Dick. See Rich, Richard {"Dick")
Rich, Lee, I64, I99, 897
Rich, Richard ("Dick"), 922, I545. 1647,
1649, r65I
Richard Hudnut. See under Hudnut
Richard N. Meltzer Advertising. See under
Richard Saunders International. See under
Richards, Bob, 649
Richards, Thomas, 392
Richards Group, 168, 825, I148, 1574
Richardson, Jean, 1034
Richardson & Hance, 9 3 r
Richardson-Vicks, I64, 447, I2?S, 1277, 1278
Richelieu, Duchesse de, I 3 52
"Richest in cream," r l 2 7
Richie, Lionel, I20I
Richland cigarettes, 22 3
Richman, Harry, I382
Rich Man's Darling, s4, T326
"rich media," 860
Richmond Straight Cut cigarettes, 94 3
"Rich, rich, mild, mild Camel cigarettes ... , "
Rickard & Company, 63 I, 996. See also
Marsteller, Rickard, Gebhardt & Reed,
Ricoh Corporation, 446, l676,T678. See also
Savin Corporation
Ricardi, Giulio, 87I
Ricotta, Ed, 1673
Ridgway, Edmund G., 1429
Riefenstahl, Leni, 1298
Ries, Al, l 260, l 44 T
Ries1nan, David, 1083
Rietz, BjOrn, II93, II94
Rifleman, lo4s, 1619
Riganti, Raul, 90
"Rigatoni" (Barilla campaign), 136
Riggio, Vincent, 64, 6oI, 79T, I383
Riggs, Robert, r128
"Right choice," 102
Righteous Brothers, 1107
Rightford, Bob, I159, 1160
Rightford, Searle-Tripp & Makin, llS9
Right Guard, 589
Right to Happiness, 1274, I445, 1446
Rilova, Ernesto, 270, 271
Rilova, Casadevall, Pedreiio, 270, I466.
See also Casadevall Pedrefio & SPR
Rimmer, Ron, 1388
Rindlaub,Jean Wade, 1657
Riney, Hal, 150, 682, IT66, T25r, I370,
Hal Riney & Partners, I69, I370-72;
acquired by Publicis, 808, I308; and
General Motors Corporation, 6s8; and
Perrier, 1206, I207
"Ring around the collar," 27-28, r52, 788,
Rink Wells & Associates, T28
Rinso, 933, 935, 936, 937, Ir62, I383, rs99;
"Rinso white, Rinso bright," rrrI;
rivalry with Oxydol, 43 8; Ruthrauff &
Ryan, Inc., and, 935, 947, 1382, 1383
Rin Tin Tin, 1115, I2I8
Rio de la Plata, 90
Riopan, s40
Riopan Plus, 540
Ripley's Believe It or Not, 164
Rise, 269
Rise and Decline of the Great Adantic &
Pacific Tea Co. {Walsh), 700
"Rising," 39
Risk, IS6o
Riskin, Robert, 1086
Risky B11siness, 128 5
Ritter, John, 5:i,3
Ritts, Herb, 570, 940, I232
Ritz Crackers, 472, 795, 1113, IT14, Trr5,
Rives gin, 2 70
Riviera cars, 1544
Riviera cigarettes, 223
R.J. Palmer. See under Palmer
RJR. See R.J. Reynolds Industries; R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco Company; RJR
R.J. Reynolds Industries; R.J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company. See under
RJR Nabisco, 3x4, 316, 796, 1482, I483;
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company as
subsidiary of, x369; in Romania, 547.
Sec also Nabisco, Inc.; R.J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company
RKO Radio Networks, x331
RICO Radio Pictures, Inc., 36, 635, ro79-80
RI< Swa111y; RK Swamy BBDO Advertising.
See Ullder Swainy
Road Ahead (Gates), 103 5
Road of Life, .r274, 1446
Road Runner (character), 305
Road Runner cars, 305
Road to Reality, 1446
Road West, 913
Roanoke Island (North Carolina), 1595
Roast Almond, 249, 249
Roh Roy Shirts for Boys, I 5 67
robber barons, 3 83
Robbie, Joe, 335
Robbin, Jonathan, 983, 1697, T698
Roberson, Abigail, 929
Robert Abel & Associates. See under Abel
Robert/Boisen & Like-minded, II5l
Robert Carter & Associates. See under Carter
Robert F. Wilson, Inc. See under Wilson
Robert Hall. See under 1-Iall
Robert Montgo1nery Presents) 884
Roberts, Cokie, 9 5
Roberts, Kevin, 1390
Robertson, Andrew, 2
Robertson, Charlie, 1659
Robertson, Cliff, IOI, 102, ro86
Robertson, David, 1586
Robertson, Jaines, 28
Robertson, Thomas S., r502
Robertson's marmalade, 28
Robert W. Orr Agency. See under Orr
Robie, Richard, I 1 5
Robin I--Iood flour, 239
A.H. Robins Con1pany, Inc., 55
Robinson, Claude, 635, 986, 1485
Robinson, I-Iubble, I282, 1642, I688
Robinson, Jackie, 8 52
Robinson, Phyllis K., 166, 1372-73, 1657
Robinson, Williain, 339
Robinson & Cleaver, I 5 87
Robinson-Danforth Coinmission, I333
Robinson, Fen\vick & Haynes, 696
Robinson-Patman Act (1936, United States),
)85, 774
Robitussin, 55, 57, 57
Robot Commando, 1556
"Robust West loves its vigorous drink," 343
Roca, Julio A., 90
Roche (drug company}, 524
Roche, J.P., r488
Roche Macaulay & Partners Advertising,
Roche, Rickard & Cleary, Inc., i13, l4I4
Rochester (Ne\V York), 507, 511
Roche, Williains & Cleary, Inc., 1488
Roche, Williams & Cunnyngham, Inc., 112,
Rockapdla, 347
Rockefeller, John D., 383, lI69, 1309-10
Rockefeller, Nelson, 207, 958, 1545
"Rocket Man," 1108
Rocket V-8 engine, 656
Rock Hill (South Carolina}, 27, I064
Rockport Company, 1266
"Rock solid," I30l
"Rock the Casbah" (Strummer/jones), 1093
Rock the Vote Education Fund, 1250, r316
Rockwell, AL See Rockwell, W.F. ("Al")
Rockwell, Norman, 431, 471, 472, 474, 760,
840; and An1erican Red Cross, 58; and
Coca-Cola, 337; and Crest, 420; and
Del Monte Foods, 1009; "Four
Freedoms," Io48; and motion pictures,
1080; J. Walter Thompson Company
and, I352i and War Advertising
Council, 1314; and war bonds, 163r.
See also color plate in volume one
Rockwell, W.F. ("Al"), 996
Rock\vell International, 255, 1444
Rock,vell Manufacturing Company, 996.
See also Rockwell International
Rocky and His Friends, 83, 652
Roda, Ram6n, 271, 272
Rodchenko, Aleksandr, 1080
Roddick, Anita, 528
Rodgers, To\vnsend, 79
Rodier, I56
Rodn1an, Dennis, 1268, .r476
Roe v. Wade, 692
Roebuck, Alvah Curtis, 273, 480, r4T2, I4l3
Rogaine, I224
Roger Maris Honie Run Trainer, 1556
Rogers, Bruce, 4 71
Rogers, F. Theo, 9 6
Rogers, Ginger, 63 5
Rogers, Henry C., I3IO
Rogers, Peter, 567, 1567, 1568
Rogers, Robert B., I339
Rogers, Roy, I143, 1145, 1619
Rogers, Tom, 237
Rogers, Will, lI72, 1600
Rogers & Cowan, l3IO, l3I2
Peter Rogers Associates, 1500
Rogowsky, Wolf, 666
Roi Tan cigars, 62
ROkfri Generation, 613
Rolaids, 141, I219, 1223, 1224, 1635, 1637
Rold Gold pretzels, 454
Rold6s, Ruperto, 1464
Rold6s (agency), I464
Rold6s, SA, 1464, 1465
Rold6s-Tiroleses, 1464. See also Rold6s, SA
Rolexwatches, 94, 204, 205, 459, 1535
Rolfe, B.A., 9 57
Rolling Rock beer, I 68
Rollings, Gordon, 8 80
Rolling Stone, 561-62, 563, 682, 978, 1612
Rolling Stones, 374, 570, Io35-36, 1106,
Roll-0-Matic, 520-21
Rolls-Royce, 475, 686, 1158, 1163, _r_r65;
N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc., and, 128;
Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather,
Inc., and, II62; Roclnvell ICent and,
840; C.J. LaRoche & Company and,
1006; McCaffrey and McCaU, Inc.,
and, Ioo7; Raymond Rubicain and,
761; Young & Rubicam, Inc., and,
"Roll up your sleeves," 59
Rolphe, John, 1061
Rolston, Matthew, 1232. See also color plate
in volun1c three
Roma (soccer team), I36
Roman, Kenneth, I166, I669
Romance of Helen Trent, 54, 438, 643, I326,
Ron1an du Roi typeface, I58o, 1583
Ro1nan empire, 746, 1179, r295
Ro1nan fonts, I 5 8 3
Ron1ania, 545, 546, 547, 548
Romanian language in Israel, 869
' romanticism, 407
Roma Wines, 178
Rome (Italy), 873
Rome Wire Company, 24 3
Romer, John Irving, 781
Romper Room, 282
Ronald McDonald, 788, Io14, .ro16,.10I6,
Ronald McDonald Houses, ro14, lOI5
Ronalda, II42
Ronalds-Reynolds, 263, 696, 976
Roncorn Productions, 9 l 3
Rondos, 993
ROnnberg, Bo, I151
ROnnberg & Company, I149, I151
Ronson Art Metal Works, 2 7 5, 1I5 3
Ronson lighters, 1106
Ronson shavers, 362
Rooney, Mickey, 196
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 524, 1471, 1657
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 921, 1048; and Ad
CounciVWar Advertising Council, r4,
Io48; and Atlantic Charter, 1298; on
Bruce Barton and others, I50i William
Randolph I-Iearst versus, 725; and
National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis, l3IO; in 1936 election
cainpaign, 772, 774, I248, 1249; on
radio, I329; and self-regulation, I4J:?;
and World War II, I627
Roosevelt, James, 776
Roosevelt, Theodore, 344, 384, 642, 852,
Roosevelt Raceway, 82
root beers, 173-74
ROP. Sec run-of-paper positions/rates
Roper, Elmo, 1487
Roper Organization, 1487. See a/so Roper
Starch Worldwide, Inc.
Roper Ranges, 196
Roper Starch Worldwide, Inc., 685, 1483,
1486, I487, 1525, 1526
Roper Youth Repo1·t, 294
Rose, Pete, 863
Rose, Reginald, 1283-84
L. Rose & Company, 1406
Roselius, Ludwig, 642
Rosenlal)j 1446
Rosemary's Baby; 1082
Rosen, Charles, 489, 490
Rosenberg, Milton, 12I2
Rosengren, Karl Erik, 999
Rosenshine, Allen, 2, I52, 154, I176
Rosenwald, Julius, 1413
"Rose of No Man's Land," 58
Roses chocolates, 248
"Roses grow on you," 248
Rose's Lime Juice, 1406
Rosie the Riveter, 13, 1048, 1314, 1663.
See also color plate in volume tivo
Rosie the Waitress (Bounty paper towels
character), 821, _r276, 1277
Ross, Billy I., 519
Ross, Bob, 238
Ross, Frederick Jeffery, 630
Ross, Wallace A., 120
Ross, William, 1500
F.J. Ross Advertising Agency, 630. See also
Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc.
Rossi, Dominick, 1431
Rossi, GiO, 1 3 6
Rossillon, Marius, 1546
Rossini, Gioacchino, 359
Rossiter, John, 719
Rossiter-Percy Grid, ?I9
Ross Roy Commwiications; Ross Roy, Inc.
See under Roy
Rossville Union Distilleries, 1410
Rostorgreklama, I378
Roth, Dave Lee, 1093
Roth, Tim, 926
Rothenberg, Randall, 853
Rothman's cigarettes, IO?
Roth Memory Course, .r 3 8 2
Rothrock, Gordon, 238
Rotkappchen-Sekt, 667
Rota-Rooter, Inc., 1684
Rotterdam, 1132
RotzeJl, Kim, 542
Rough on Rats Vermin Exterminator, 1058,
"Round for a reason," T613
"Round the clock protection," 14 51
Roush Products, 1236
Roux, Michel, 5
Roux, Seguela, Cayzac & Goudard: and
Eurocom, 723, 808, 1264; and Delpire
Publicite, 321; Havas Advertising and,
.r500; Tatham-Laird & Kudner, Inc.,
acquired by, T499· See also
Roventini, Johnny, I78, 311, T227
Rover Group, 813
Rover Motor Company, 113
Ro1van and M--irtin's Laugh-!11, 964
Rowell, George P., 103, 754, 1596
Rowland & Company, I586
Rowland Company (public relations),
Rowland Institute for Science, Inc., 1246
Rowland's Macassar Oil, 750-5r. See also
color plate in volume t1vo
Rowntree Mackintosh, TT 3 o, l 5 3 3. See also
Rowntree's Elect cocoa
Rowntree's Elect cocoa, 1587
Roy, Ross, 1373, 1374, r375
Ross Roy Con1munications, 1375
Ross Roy, Inc., I373-75; and Borden, Inc.,
195; and Chrysler Canada, 696; and
Chrysler Corporation, 303, 304, 305,
Royal baking powder, 23, 470, 8I8, 1480,
1481, 1483. See also Standard Brands
Royal Baking Powder Company, 1480.
See also Royal baking powder;
Standard Brands
Royal Bank of Canada, 263, 341
Royal College of Surgeons (United Kingdo111),
Royal Crown cola, 445, 586, 744, 1198
Royal Crown Cola Company, 173, 1648,
Royal Desserts, r40, I48I, 1483
Royal Dutch Con1pany, 1170
Royal Dutch Petroleun1 Company, 1170
Royal Dutch Shell. See Shell Oil Company
Royal Nestor cigarettes, 62
Royal Philips Electronics, 448
Royal puddings, 1481, I688
Royal Silk, 273
Royal Tailors, 931
Royal Touring Sedan, III
Royal typewriters, 1693
Royal Viking Cruise Line, 683
Royal Worcester American Corsets, 1587
Rozelle, Pete, I 5 34
R.R. Bowker Company. See under Bowker
R.R. Donnelly & Sons. See under Donnelly
RSCG. See Roux, SCguela, Cayzac &
RSCG Tatha111, 545, 549
RTC. See Mexico Directorate General of
Radio, Television and Cinen1atography
RTL 4 (broadcasting company), 1I32, ll35
RTL 5 (broadcasting company), 1135
R28oLX telephones, 534
Rubicam, Raymond, 718, 76I, 1686; and
Ainerican Association of Advertising
Agencies, 5I; and Campbell Soup
Company, 261; and Chester J.
LaRoche, IOo6; David Ogilvy on,
l r 57; and Postum Cereal Company,
643; and radio, 770, I282, 1688; and
E.R. Squibb & Sons, 2x1, 1221, 1686;
and Young & Rubicam, Inc., 1498,
I526, r600,I686-87,I688,I689
Rubik's Cube, I559
Rubin, Gerry, 813
Rubin Postaer & Associates, 813
Helena Rubinstein, I162
Ruder, William, 1311
Ruder Finn (public relations), l3II, 13 12
Rudkin, Margaret, .r194
Rudolph, Harold, 721
Ruescas (agency), 146 5
Rufen, 1223-24
Ruff and Redd)j 193
Ruffins, Reynold, 4 7 5
Rugby League (United Kingdom), 880
Ruggiero, Vincent, 542
Charles L. Rumrill & Company, 509
Rumrill-Hoyt, 368
Runabout, 110
Running Out, 640
run-of-paper positions in tnagazines, 982
run-of-paper rates in newspapers, lI38
Ruppert Beer, 180, 1638
Jacob Ruppert, Inc., 1638
"Rush at East 30th and Euclid. We don't have
a Hell Week," 1349
Rush Media, 4 77
Rushton, Willy, 249
Russell, Bill, 11:73
Russell, Ed, 112
Russell, Jane, 863, 1168
Russell, Lillian, 61, 408, 1644
Russell, Rosalind, 94 5
Russell M. Seeds Company, Inc. See unde1·
Russia, 1375-81; illustration and design in,
1231; television in, I5I9, typography
in 1582
Russian Americans, 1066, .r297
Russian language in Israel, 869
Rust-Oleum, 445
Ruth, Babe, 523, 649, 1472, I556
Ruthrauff, Bourne, 1382, I383
Ruthrauff, Wilbur, 781, 138I, I382
Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., 378, 770, 776,
1381-84; and A1nerican Tobacco
Company, 65, 601, 824; and Chrysler
Corporation, 112, 151, 303; and
Dr Pt<ppei; 174; and Dodge Brothers,
Inc., I12; and fonnation of Sullivan,
Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, Inc., 779;
and Gillette Co1npany, 674, IOoI; and
B.F. Goodrich Company, l 549; and
Lever Brothers Company, 770, 776,
935, 947, 1208, 1451; and Packard
Motor Car Company, 1188; and
patent medicines, 145 I) and Quaker
Oats Company, I319; and United
States Air Force, 1049; and U.S. School
of Music, 267; David B. Williams
Company and, 537. See also Erwin,
Wasey, Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc.
Rutland (public relations agency), 1388
Ruttan, Susan, 1644
Ruxton Hansom autoinobilcs, 472
RVD Holding Den Haag, 1132
R.W Eggert. See under Eggert
R.W. Sears Watch Company. See under Sears
Ryan, Barry, 1383, 1384
Ryan, Frederick ("Fritz"), 1381-82, 1383,
Ryan, Nolan, 1424
Ryan, Quincy, I383
Ryan, Rosemarie, 906
Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 942
Ryan's Hope, 1446
Rydelle Laboratories, 887. See also
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Ryder System, Inc., 696
Rydhohn, Ralph, 1500
Rylander, Jane, 41I
Saab, 45, 113, 659, 660, 960, 966, r260
SAARF. See South African Advertising
Research Foundation
Saarinen, Eero, 474, 494
Saatchi, Charles, 358, I252, I385-87; and
Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising, I44,
368, 396, I388-89, I5I8, I592,
Saatchi, Maurice, 368, r252, r385-87, r390,
1593; and Cordiant Communications
Group, 499; and Saatchi & Saatchi
Advertising, r44, 368, 396, 440,
M&C Saatchi, 217-18, 396, i386, 1389-90,
1573, 1593
Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising, 144, 316, 368,
1592, 1593; acquired by Publicis, 808,
1308; in Africa, 23-24; Backer &
Spielvogel, Inc., acquired by, 132, 143,
796, 808, 1592; Ted Bates &
Company, Inc., acquired by, 257, 540,
796, 1386; Bates Worldwide acquired
by, 143, 396, 499, 808, 1095, 1592;
and Bell Atlantic, I5o6; and British
Airways, 2I7, 396, 1592; and British
Telecom, 220; and Burger King
Corporation, 228; and Campbell
Mithun Esty, 538; in China, 302; and
Colgate-Palmolive Company, Io28;
and commercials, 484; Compton
Advertising, Inc., acquired by, 396,
808, 875, I592, I602; and Compton
Partners, 883; Dancer, Fitzgerald,
Sample acquired by, 440, 796, 808,
1592, 1602; and Delta Air Lines, Inc.,
39, 40; and Eastman Kodak Company,
5IIj in Egypt, 21; and Cliff Freeman
& Partners, 624, 625, 626; and
General Mills, 83; and global
advertising, 680; and green advertising,
529; and Guinness, 2; and F.H.
Hayhurst Company, 263, 976; and
Healthcare Connection, 883; in
Indonesia, 98; and Johnson &
Johnson, 582, 883; and Just for Feet,
828, 928; and Estee Lauder
Companies, 1205; and Lucky Charms,
83; McCaffrey & McCall, Inc.,
acquired by, 796, Ioo7, I593i and
National Crime Prevention Council,
I5, 1315; in Netherlands, 1132; in
New Zealand, Io8; Omnicom Group
formed as rival to, 1176; and
Pepperidge Farm, Inc., lI96; and
Procter & Gamble Company, I47-48,
representations of African-Americans,
28; and Rilova, Casadevall, Pedrefio,
27I; Rowland Company acquired by,
I3I2; and Schweppes, I407; and
Sista's Saatchi & Saatchi, 843; Martin
S. Sorrell and, 808, 8I6, I453, I535,
I592, I593, 1668; in South America,
I459-60; in South Korea, I463; and
Toyota Motor Corporation, 1I4,
1551, 1553· See also Cordiant
Communications Group
Saatchi & Saatchi Company, 1592. See also
Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising
Saatchi & Saatchi Compton Worldwide, 3 68,
440, 1027
Saatchi & Saatchi DFS Co1npton, 440
Saatchi & Saatchi Garland Compton, 368
Saatchi & Saatchi Kid Connection, 5I3
Sabah, Nayira al-, 742
Sabah, Sheik Saud Nasir al-, 742
Saban, Haim, Io96
Saban Entertainment, Io16
"Sabor argentino," 92
"Sabor de verdad," 90, 92
Sabre Awards, I3I3
Sackler, Arthur, I2I9
Sadia, 496, 1459, 1640
Safe Embrace, 386
Safeguard, 55I, 822
"Safe. Swift. Clean. Comfortable," 36
safety razor blades, 408
Safeway Stores, 644, 700, 703, 790, I118
SAG. See Screen Actors Guild
Saga Furs of Scandinavia. See Scandinavian
Mink Association
Sage Information Consultants, 809
"Said Juliet/To Romeo ... ," 1104
Sailor Jack (Cracker Jack character), 760
J, Sainsbury, 2
Saint(motion picture), 16I7
Saint(television program), 16I5, I617
St. Charles Hotel, I 569
St. Ivel, 739
St. Jacob's Oil, 1596
St. Jean Baptiste Festival (Quebec), I4IO
St. Kitts and Nevis, I57l
St. Laurent, Yves, I204
Saint Laurie, 906
St. Louis {Missouri), 44I, 443
St. Louis Cardinals, 168
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 278
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 633, II39
St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company, 73
St. Luke's, I390-91
St. Paul Federal Bank for Savings, 148
St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church,
Plymouth (Minnesota), I348
St. Pierre et Miquelon, I4lO
Sakan, Dragan, 548
Maxwell Sakheim & Company, I 673
Saks Fifth Avenue, 273
Sale of Goods Act (I894, United Kingdom),
Salem cigarettes, 222, 3I4, 315, 539, 540,
I368, 1369
Sales and Sales Management, 978
Sales Builders, Inc., 4Io
sales promotions. See promotions and
sales resistance, 520, 52I
sales response, I 5 2 5
Sal Hepatica, 2IO, 2II, 2I3, 77I, 866-68,
Sal Hepatica Revue, 866
Salk, Robert, l 33 9
Salles, Mauro, 209
Salles, Raul, 93
Salles/D' Arey Publicidade, 209
S~tlles/Inter-Americana de Publicidade, 209
Mauro Salles Publicidade, 208, 209
Salmeron, Guillermo, 92
Salmon, John, 358, 359
Salon.com, 5 I 5
Salon Selectives, 707, 9 38
Salubridad, Secretariat de. See Mexico
Secretariat de Salubridad
"Salute to the worker," 78
Saluto Foods Corporation, 445, 446
Salvation Army, 150, 6I4
Salvo detergent, ll9I
Sam and Henry, I444
Samba (Sando character), 28
"Same bold taste since the days when body
piercing meant cutting off an ear,"
SAMI. See Selling Areas-Marketing, Inc.
Samish, Arthur, I78
Sample, John Glen, 437, 438, 439
, samples: of Alka-Seltzer, I6I9; Erwin, Wascy
& Company and, 536; Kimberly-Clark
Corporation and, 904, 905; Estee
Lauder Companies and, 4I2; Lord &
Thomas and, 955; Lorillard Tobacco
Company and, 964, 965;
Warner-Lambert and, 1633
Sam's Club, I622
Samsonite, 40I
Samsung Business Group, 28 5, I462
Samsung Electronics, 48, 286, 287, 287, 929
Samsung Sang Hoe, 285-86
Samuel Adams Boston Lager, 727
Samuel Goldwyn Studios. See under Goldwyn
San Bernadino {California), I355
Sancella SA Pty., Ltd., 58I, 583
Sandbank, Henry, 482, 483
Sander, Jil, I404, 1405
Sanders, Clarence, I 18 3
Sanders, Harland (Colonel), 800, 1268, I3 55,
San Diego (California), 426, 1180
S&J. See Springer & Jacoby
S&J Espafia Barcelona, I478
Sandler, Dennis, 525
Sandler, Tony, 9I3
Sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a
meal," 1442
"sandwich men," 751
Sanex, 272
Sanford and Son, 644, l 55 2
San Francisco (California), 682, II8o
San Francisco Examiner, 683, 725, 1022
San Francisco Firehouse No. I, 623, 685
San Francisco 49ers, 33 5
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, 1582-83
Sanger, Margaret, 576, 577
Sanitas Nut Food Company, 89I. See also
Kellogg Company
Sanka coffee, 642, 643, 644, 645, 1128, I687
San Miguel Fiibricas de Cervezas y Malta,
Sann, Ted, I20I
Sanna, Gavino, I36, 590
Vina San Pedro, I69
Sanrio, 28
San Simeon (California), 725
Sansolo,Jack, 743
Santa Ana, Manuel Maria, I464
Santa Claus, 3 37, 33 8, 443. See also color
plate in volume one
Santa Fe Railroad, 234, I469
Sanyo Electric Company, Ltd., 32, 252, JOI,
Sao Paulo Advertising Association, 207
Sapin Law. See Loi Sapin
Sapolio soap, 752, 756, 760, 8I8, 8I9, 820,
Sara Lee Cake Bites, I395
Sara Lee Corporation, 347, 589, 793, 865,
IJ92-95; Bozell Worldwide and, l 576;
Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc., and, 4 52;
and endorsements, 5 2 5
Sara Lee/Cruz Verde-Legrain, 272
Saratoga cigarettes, 3l 5
Sarge and Large (Pepsi-Cola characters), II98
Sarmento, Armando de Moraes, 206, I4 56
Sarnoff, David, 378, 767, 774, 776, I307,
Sarnoff, Robert, 1397, 1642
Sarotti Moor (trade character), 25
Sarr6, Rafael, 394, 395
Sassoon, Vidal, 707
Vidal Sassoon, 96, 707, 708, 1500
Satellite News Channel, 9I4
satellite television, 382, Io40, 1041, 1042,
Satin cigarettes, 96 5
"Satisfaction" (Rolling Stones), Io36
"Satisfaction guaranteed," 162I
"Satisfaction is just one bite away," 1196
"Satisfaction or your money back," 273
"Satisfy your second most basic instinct," 493
SA Tourism. See South Africa Tourism
Satterthwaite, Chris, 738
Satterthwaite, Jim, I6o6
Saturday Evening Post, 311, 431, 633, 755,
790, I597; Calkins & Holden and,
250; and deceptive advertising, 689
Saturday Night Barn Dance, 4I, Io44, I6I9
Saturday Night Fever, 432
Saturday Night Live, 78, II30
Saturday Night Revue, 884, 1284, I642
Saturn Corporation, 658, 659, 660, 959,
I308,1370,1371, 1442
Saudi Arabia, 171, Io39, Io40, 1042, 1247
Saudi Research and Publishing Company,
xo39, xo40
Richard Saunders International, I278
SAUs. See standard advertising units
"savagallonagasaweek," 446
Savage, Arthur, 1062
Savage Arms, Io6o, Io62
Savatar, I454
"Save your happy memories with a l(odak,"
Savignac, Raymond, 32I
Saville, Peter, 1546
Savin Corporation, 554, I676, I678
Savings Bank of Baltimore, 595
Sawdon, Frank, lI05
Sawyer, Diane, 95, 523
Sawyer, Howard G. ("Scotty"), 243
Sawyer-Ferguson-Walker Coinpany, 609
"Say hello to Max," 964
"SayNotoNoSay," 191
Sayre, Judson, I498
"Say Seagrams and be sure," I4IO
SBC Connnunications Corporation, I02I,
·I336, I506, 1507. SeealsoAmeritech
Corporation; Southwestern Bell
SBS 6 (broadcasting company), l 13 2, 1135
SCA Hygiene Products, 6I4
Scali, Sam, I399
Scali, McCabe, Sloves, 966, II9I,
I397-I400, 1615, I669; acquired by
Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Inc.,
I59, 793, I166; and Abbott Mead
Vickers, l; and Fallon McElligott, 562;
and Hertz Corporation, 737; and
Mercedes-Benz, 46; and Volvo, 1615;
and Xerox Corporation, 1676. See also
Lowe & Partners/SMS
ScanAmerica, I340, I525
Scandinavian Air Services. See SAS
Scandinavian countries. See Nordic countries
Scandinavian Mink Association, 971, 97I
scanners. See Universal Product Code
ScanTrak, II, Io23, I525
Scarborough Research, 987
scent strips, I204
Schafer, Frank, 493
Schaff, Philip, 237, 238
Schama, Simon, 393
Schaper Toys, I558-59
Scheideler, Beck &Werner, Inc., 888-89
Schell/Mullaney, Inc., 323
Schenectady Savings Bank, 592
Schenley Corporation, I4IO
Schenley Distillers Corporation, 669, IOIO
Schenley Industries, I78
Schenley Reserve Whiskey, lOIO
Scher, Paula, 1583
Scher, Lenoir & Lafarge, 549
Schering Corporation, I125. See also
Schering-Plough Corporation; and
color plate in volume three
Schering-Plough Corporation, I22o, I22425, 1254, 1263. SeealsoMaybelline
"Schhh you know who," I407
Schick, Jacob, 1400
Schick, 57, 362, I220, I121, I400-0I,
1638-39; Warner-Lambert and, 9I9,
Schick Dry Shaver Company, Inc., 1400
Schick Protector, 1401
Schick Rookie Game, I40I
Schick Shaving Products Group, I400
Schieffelin & Company, 4 57
Schieffelin & Somerset, 906, 958, 960
Schiffer, Claudia, 321
Schiller, Herbert, 428
Schiphol Group, 590
Schirner, Michael, 666
Schlesinger, John, 484
Schlesinger, Laura, 1331
Schlesinger, Paul, 1499
Schlink, Frederick]., IJ4, 385, 389, 390,
Schlitz, Joseph, I402
Schlitz beer, 1402, 1403, x403
Schlitz Brewing Company, Io52, 1402-04;
Biow-Beirn-Toigo and, I8o; Leo
Burnett Company, Inc., and, 236;
Cunningham & Walsh and, 4 33;
Lord & Thomas and, 76I, 920, 1598;
Post-Keyes-Gardner, Inc., and, I261,
I163; rivalry with Budweiser, 75
Schlitz Lite, I403
"Schlitz makes it great," I403
Schlitz Malt Liquor, 1403
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars, I402
Schlitz Special Brew, I402
"Schlitz taste test," 1403
"Schlitzwords," 1403
Schmetterer, Bob, 4 5, 55 l
Schmidt-Cannon International, 8Io
Schnapps Kicking Machine, I3 64~6 5
Schnapps tobacco, I365
Schnering, Otto, I480
Schoenfeld, Reese, I578
Schoening, Peter, I406
Schofield, Leo, IO?
Dr. Scholl's, 288, 690
Scholtes, Rusty, 1621
Scholz, Jiirgen, 665, 1404, x404, 1405, 1406
Scholz & Friends, 665, I404-06
Schoolhouse Rock, Ioo7
schools: N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc., and, I26;
Channel One and, 297; Procter &
Gamble Company and, 42I, 583;
Warner-Lambert and, 1632; Xerox
Corporation and, I676
Schramm, Wilbur, I2I2
Schrempp, Juergen, 309
SchrOter, Heimar, 377
Schudson, Michael, 328, 424, 1295
Schuhhaus Goertz. See under Goertz
Schulberg, Jay, I99
Schultz, Arthur, 603
Schultz, William, I202
Schultz Soap Company, 874, I272
Schulz, Charles M., 850, 991
Schumacher, Ferdinand, l 3 l 9
Schumann, Olaf, 1406
Schupf, Sara Lee, I392, IJ95
Schwab, Charles, 596
Schwab & Beatty, 997
Charles Schwab & Company, 5I6, 596
FAO Schwarz, 324
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 523, 1521
Schwengel, Frank, I4IO
"Schweppervescence," I4o6, I407
Schweppes, Jacob, I406
Schweppes, 69, 70, 174, I406-07, 1585,
I591; Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson &
Mather, Inc., and, II6I, 1I62; Ogilvy
& Mather Worldwide, Inc., and, II58;
and Pepsi-Cola Company, Il99·
See also color plate in volume three
Schweppes table waters, I59I
"Schweppshire," I4o6
Schwerin, Horace, I 5 29
Schwimmer & Scott Advertising Agency,
Science Diet, I2I7
"Science of seeing," 639
Scientific Advertising (Hopkins), 204, 9 5 5
Scientific Advertising, a Nciv Technique
{Prat), 1464
Scientific An1erican, 686
Scientific Certification Systems, 53r
Scientific Data Systen1s, I676. See also Xerox
Data Systems
Scientology. See Church of Scientology
Scitcx Company, I232
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Sec under Johnson
Scoop, 821
Scope1nouth\vash, 1275, I632, 1633
ScorePlus, I I
Scorsese, Martin, 484
Scotch tape, 1260
Scotland, 279, 1586. See also United l(ingdom
Scott, Charlie, 1389
Scott, Raymond, rro7, 1599
Scott, Ridley, 220, 358, 1593; and Apple
Computer/"r984," 85, 292, 373, 483,
1473-74, 1601; and inotion pictures,
484; "Share the fantasy," 1202
Scott, Tony, 483, 484, 926, 927
Scott, \Valter Dill, 634, 761, 984, 1407-09,
Scotti Automobile Mufflers, 792
Scottish & Newcastle PLC, 879
Scottish Courage, Ltd., 879
ScotTissue Towels, 902
Scott Paper Company, 199, 90I, 902, 904,
Scott's Emulsion, I595
Scout vehicles, 68, I690
Scovil Manufacturing Company, 408
SCPF (agency), 1468
SCP/Rapp Collins Media, 1336
Scrabble, I560
Screaming Media, 293
Screen Actors Guild, 99
Screen Gems, 483
Screen Stars apparel, 628
Screenvision Cine1na Networks, I323
Scribne1·'s, I49
Maxwell Scroge Agency, 498
"Scrubbing bubbles," 49I, I469
SCTV (Indonesia), 1439
Scudder, Billy, 372-73, 836
Sculley, John, 85, 86
Sea Breeze, 2r5
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, r410. See also
Distillers Corporation-Seagrams, Ltd.
Seagra1n Company, Ltd., 170, I?I, T72,
I409-Irj and Absolut vodka, 5, 172;
beer, I68; Compton Advertising, Inc.,
and, 366; and E.I. Du Pont de
Nemours & Company, 505; and
endorsements, 52 7; Grey Advertising
Agency, Inc., and, 699; Leber Katz
Partners, Inc., and, 603; Ratto Agency
and, I343; and television, r72, r418;
\vine coolers, 169, I268. Sec also
Distillers Corporation-Seagrams, Ltd;
Grolsch; Vivendi Universal
Seagrove, Gordon, 9I7, II57
Sealtest, 912, 938
Frank Seaman Agency, 943
Sean1less Rubber, 487
Search for Tomo1TOH'; r446, r45.r
Searle-Tripp, Brian, 1159, II6o
Sears, Richard Warren, 273, 480, I4T2-_r3,
Sears Auto Centers, l4r6
Sears Financial Network, J.4I4
Sears Merchandise Group, 1414
Sears Mortgage Banking Group, I4I6
Scars Paint & Hard\varc, I4I4
Sears, Roebuck & Company, 754, I293,
T362, 1411-16, I621; and Backstreet
Boys, I248; and Benetton Group, 162,
40I, 569; catalogs, 273, 1597; and
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 164; and
feminine hygiene and intimacy
products, 576; Foote, Cone & Belding
and, 462; and Hispanic An1ericans,
I067; Maytag Corporation rivalry
with I(en1nore appliances of, 1003;
and niotivational research, 479;
Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc., and,
rI64; and Prodigy, 67; Rapp Collins
Con1municaidc and, r336; and retail
advertising, I360; and senior citizens
market, r424; "Softer side of Scars,"
5 5 8; spending on advertising by, 644;
television sets sold at, T600; J. Walter
Thon1pson Company and, l 59, 8r6,
I669; torture tests by, 5 54; and United
States Federal Trade Commission, 689;
"Where An1erica Shops," I36I; and
Yellow Pages, I684; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, 569. See also color
plates in volumes one and three
Scars, Roeb11ckv. J<TC, 689
Sears Tower (Chicago), 1414, I4I6
R.W. Sears Watch Company, l4I2. See also
Sears, Roebuck & Company
Sears World Trade, 14I4
SEAT, 272, I468
Seattle World's Fair (T969), 686
SEC. Sec United States Securities & Exchange
Sechang Yanghaeng. See Edward Meyer &
Second Front(MacArthur), 742
Second Husband, I326
Second A1rs. Burton, I689
Laura Secord, 262
Secret (TV movie), 914
Secret (deodorant), 377, II83
Secretariat de Salubridad. See Mexico
Secretariat de Salubridad
Secret Storm, r446
Securicor, 739
Securities and Exchange Board of India, 844
Sedeln1aier, Joe, 44, 440, 483, 483, 573, 800,
825, r6I3, I65r
Russell M. Seeds Co1npany, Inc., 222, 126r.
See also Post-I(eyes-Gardner, Inc.
Seeger, Pete, I 84
Sec It Non~ 369, 630, 1284
Seekers, 339. See also Ne\V Seekers
See1nore soap, 44_r
"See the difference that pride 1nakes," 36
"See the USA in Your Chevrolet," li2, 255,
657, 785, IIII
"See \vhat develops," I247
"Segal," 683
Segall, Ken, 86
Sega of America, Inc., 683, r503, I560
Segarra, Toni, 272
Segel, Fred, 3 5 5
Seger, Bob, 113, 256, 1107, rio8
seguela, Jacques, 32r, 549, 724
Segura, Carlos, r 5 84
S8o cars, r6I7
Seiko watches, 466, T540
Seiler, A. Walter, 419
Seinfeld, 5 52
Seinfeld, Jerry, I266
Seixas and Seixasv. \Voods, 688, 694
Oy Sek, T151
Sek & Grey (agency), II5r. See also Sek Grey
Sek Grey Oy, Ir47, 1148
Seki Hironao, 709
Selden, Rita, 1657
Selden Group, r 644
SClection du Reader's Digest, 621
Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator, 369
Selective Service Act (1917, United States),
Selective Service and Training Act (I940,
United States), ro48
Selectric typewriters, 834, I676
Selezione Oro (pasta product), 136
self-persuasion theory, l212-I3
self-regulation, 77I, 856, 1417-22, I590,
r592, 1598, I60I
Selfridges department store, l 5 87
Sclko\vitz, Arthur, 155
Selling Areas-Marketing, Inc., I 525
R.B. Selmer, 537, 537
Selvage & Lee, Inc., 804
Selznick, David 0., 635
Selznick International Pictures, Inc., 274,
Seine!, Terry, r683
sen1iotics, 622
Sen1per, 6I3, 6J4
Senator \\'las Indiscreet, ro84, 108 5
Senegal, 23
senior citizens 1narket, 31, 690, 1062-63,
Senior Network, Inc., r426
Senn, Fred, 561
Sennott, Michael, 862
"Sensitive snickers get real health protection
with ne\v I(ent," 962
Sensor razors, 677-78
Sentra cars, TT45
Seoul (South Korea), I463
Sephora.co1n, I205
Sequence (copy-testing method), 1344
Sequoia Capital, 323, 168.r
SER. See Socicdad Espafiola de Radiodifusi6n
Serbia, 545, 548
Sercnisi1na, 93
Sergio Tacchini Panda, 59I
Seriously Vodka, II93
Serling, Rod, 912, I283, I515
Serpa, Marcello, 48, 2Io
Serra, Affonso, 486
Serra, Ana Lucfa, I460
Serutan Company, 660. See also Geritol;
J.R. Willia1ns Company
Service, Robert W., 58
Service Bureau Corporation, 834
Service Partners, 1077
services, 1427-29
Se1Yicc Station Ne\vs, 888
"Serving all A1nerica's needs for family, ho1ne,
car, and fann," I4r6
Serzone, 2I4
Sesame Street (1nagazine), 978
Sesame Street (television progra1n), 284
SET Electronique, I 679
Sethi, S. Prakash, r7
Seven Crown whiskey, _1_410
Seven-Eleven, 1535
Seventeen, 978, I693, I695
Seventh Day Adventists, 696
Seventh on Sixth fashion show (Ne\v York
City), r542
$70 Billion in the Black (Gibson), 27
Seven Up (company), I3I, r74, 792, 1089,
T230, I429-31, 1498, 1535; Cadbury
Sch\veppes and, J406; J. Walter
Thompson, S.A., and, 204
Seven-Up Bottling, r620
"Seven Up changes your thirst for a smile,"
"7UP for seven hangovers," 1429
Seven Up Ice cola, 589
Seven-Up International, 14 3 r
Sevigny, Chloe, 570
SeviHe cars, 1376
sewing machines, 566
sex in advertising, r255, I257, 1432-35; in
Northern Africa, 21-22; alcoholic
beverages and, 169, 170, I?2;
censorship of, 278; in France, 622;
Norman, Craig & Kumn1el, Inc., and,
I154; Wilson Bryan Key on, 795; for
perfume) r204, I205; for Woodbury's
facial soap, r351, 1598. See also color
plate in volume three
"Sex, Lies and Advertising" (Steinem), 587-88
Sexual Wilderness (V. Packard), rI86
SeycheHes Tourism, 830
Seymour, Dan, r534, I648
Seym,our, Jane, 4II, 523
SFM Media, ro20, ro2i. See also SFM
SFM M~dia/MPG, To2r
SGA. See Societe Generale des Annonces
SGAR. See Sociedad General de Anuncios de
Shackleton, Ernest, J471
Shade Tree Corporation, 687
Shado\V, 13 8 2
Shaeffer Pens, 4 7
Shafer & Shafer; 854
Shaffer, Paul, 59
Shahid & Company, 570
Shahn, Ben, T298, I628
Shain Colavito Pensabene Direct, J336
Shake 'n' Bake, 9_r4
Shakers, r92
Shakespeare, Willia1n, 7I2, 7I3, ro84
Shakey's Pizza, 226
Shakira, rI48
shaky can1era technique, 483, T3I8
Shalin1ar, l 202
Shamus Culhane Productions. See under
Shand\vick International, 862, 1312. See also
Weber Shandwick World\vide
Shanghai (China), 298, 299, 30I, 302, 757,
Shanghai Advertising Corporation, 299, 30I
Shanghai Fine Arts Company, 30I
Shanghai Hakuhodo Advertising, 7Io
Shanghai TV, 301
Shangrila Hotels, 830
Shani, David, 5 2 5
Shansby Group, 822. See also Spic and Span
Sharbutt, Del, 259
shared sponsorship, 790
"Share the fantasy," 483, 1202
"Share the love, not the germs," 904
Sharif, Omar, 865
Sharp & Lord, 9 53. See also Lord & Thomas
Sharp Electronics Corporation, 380, 1678,
Sharper Image, 273
Sharpie the Parrot (Gillette Co1npany·
character), 676, lOOI, r4 72
Shary, Dore, l l 54
Shatner, William, 959, r6o6
Shattuck, Frank C., 900
Shaver, Dorothy, 566
"Shave the modern way ... ," TT04
"Shaving brush ... ," 1104
Shaw, Artie, 181, 22T, 962
Shaw, Donald L., 999
Sha\v, Elizabeth) r65r
Shaw, G.B., 7I3
Shaw, John W, 606
Sha\v, Robert, 3 23-24
John W Sha\V Advertising, 606
Shawchuck, Nonnan, I348
Shaw Company, 3 69-70
Shaw-LeVally, Inc., 606
S.H. Benson. See under Benson
Shea, Richard A., 1194
W.A. Sheaffer Pen Company, I26I, r263
Shearer, Norma, 4II
Shearson, Ha1n1nill & Con1pany, .r.r20
Shearson Lehman, 293
Shearson Lehman Hutton, 46
Shearson Loeb Rhoades, 59 5
Shedd's Country Crock, 938
Sheeler; Charles, r26, I132
Sheen, Martin, r 5 53
Shell Chateau, II72
Shell Conoco, 84
Shell Oil Company, lT63, II64, II70, II74,
rI75; and African-A1nericans, 89; and
D.L. Blair, Inc., I85, 186; D'Arcy
Advertising Company, Inc., and, 443;
and design, 1183; E.I. Du Pont de
Nemours & Con1pany and 505; Foote,
Cone & Belding and, 603; Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide, Inc., and, 159,
4or, 575, I172-73, TT74; Publicis
and, r88, 603, T307; and radio, Ir72;
in South Korea, 1462; in Spain, 1464;
Standard Propaganda and, 206;
]. Walter Tho1npson Company and,
Shenfield, Lawrence, 1123
Shepard, Otis, 4 73
Shepherd, Cybill, 4II, 526, 705, I266, i268.
See also color plate in volume t1vo
Sheraton Corporation, 1510, I573
Shereshewsky, Jerry, 670
Sheridan Broadcasting, I 3 3 o
Sherman & Ellis, r3I9
Sherman & Marquette, Inc., J40, 821, Ir77,
Sherman Antitrust Act (I890, United States),
Sherman K. Ellis & Co1npany. Sec under Ellis
Sherwin, John, Sr., 740
Sherwin-Wi!liams Company, 98, 445, 47I,
Sherwood Medical Group, 5 5
"She's all you expect Japan to be," 898, 900
"She's engaged. She's lovely. She uses Pond's,"
Shevlo, Inc., 113
Shield soap, 937
Shields, Brooke, 567, I432, r559
"Shine your smile with Carefree," i442
Ship 'n' Shore, 647
Shirer, William L., 181
Shirley Polykoff Advertising, Inc.; Shirley
Polykoff & Betuel, Inc. See under
Shirley Temple's Storybook, 912
Shiseido, I5r7
Shockley, William, 3 70
"Shock the Monkey" (Gabriel), Io93
"Shop at Scars and save," I4I6
Shoppinglist.com, I699
Shop Publicis, ro77
Shoprite Checkers, 24
Shore, Dinah, 1689; Chevrolet Motor Car
Company and, rr2, 255, 657, 785,
1265, 1600; Ford Motor Co1npany
and, 606; Procter & Gamble Compani
Shore Leave (Wakeman novel/play/motion
picture), Jo84
Shoub, Mac, 1605
"Shouldn't your brand be True?," 964
"Should we also flood the Sistine Chapel so
that tourists can get nearer the
ceiling?," 686
Shout (stain remover), 939, II24
Sho\ver Shine, 887
Sho1-v Goes On, IOII
Showtiine, I5I9
Shredded Wheat, 892, III4, III?
Shredded Wheat Company, 274-75, 1114.
See also Shredded Wheat; Triscuit
Shriner, Herb, 896, 1619
Shrum, Robert, 1252
Shto Dyelat? (Lenin), r297
Shue, Elizabeth, r6I7
Shulton, 408, I202. Sec also Old Spice
Shun Pao (newspaper, China), 299
SIA. See Singapore Airlines
Siano, Jerry, 3, I29
Siboney USA, 1056
Frank Siddall's soap, I449
Sidebotham, Jack, 2Ir
Sidjakov, Berman, Gomez & Partners, 1668
Sidley & Austin, 930
Sieg des Glaubens (film), 1298
Siegel, David, 1583
Siegel & Gale, 396, 68 5
Siem, Martin, I 540
Sien1bra (pension fund), 92
Siemens, r 53 5
Sierra Club, 686
signage. See outdoor advertising
Signal mouthwash, 9 3 8
"Signature Series," 534
"Significantly less tars and nicotine than any
other filtered brand," 963
"Sign of good taste," 336, 340
"Silent Persuasion," Io62
Silent Scream, 1296
Silent Spring (Carson), 3 8 5, 527
"Silent Sufferer," 1517
Silicon Graphics, 1069
Silk Effects Razors, 1401, 1632
Silkience, 707, 887
"Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids," 652
Silph chewing gum, l 64 3
Silva Thin cigarettes, 66, 223, 314, I229
Silver Bullets, 168
Silver Dust, 933, 937, 1383
Silverman, John, 457
Silvers, Phil, 351
Silverstein, Rich, 682, 683
Silverstein-Goldstein, 1027, See also North
Silverstone (coating), 505
Silvertown Safety League, 668
Silvertown Tires, 668, 1382
Simca, 305, 544
Simmenthal meats, r 522
Simmons, Russell, 477
Simmons, Willard R., 14 3 6
W.R. Simmons & Associates Research, Inc.,
I436. See also Simmons Market
Research Bureau
Simmons Market Research Bureau, 461, 987,
1018, 1022,1340,1436-37
Frank Simoes Advertising, 842
Simon, Carly, 59, 730, 1106
Simon, Paul, I268
Simon & Garfunkel, 6 52
Simon con1puters: Berkeley Enterprises and,
37 2
Simonds-Gooding, Anthony, 1388
George Shnon, Inc., 1106
Norton Simon, Inc., 115, Ir7, 1007
Simoniz floor wax, 841
Simons Palmer, 219, 1608. See also TEWA
Simons Palmer
"Simple Ways to Deal with Car Trouble on
the Road" (Shell Oil Company), 1174
Sitnplicity Freedom, 58 I
"Simply Irresistible" (Palmer), 1093
Simpson, O.J., 95, 527, 737, 1268
Simpson Paper, 1582
Simpsons, 855, 1096, 1131, 15I9
Sinatra, Frank, 936, 957; Anheuser-Busch,
Inc., and, 77, 445; Chrysler
Corporation and, 307; Ford Motor
Company and, 608; Old Gold
cigarettes and, 962; Rogers & Cowan
and, I3Io; Standard Brands and,
r48I; U.S. Time Corporation and,
490, 1540, r542
Sinbad, 1247
Sinclair, George, 976
Sinclair, Jeremy, I3 89
Sinclair, John, 422, 425
Sinclair, Upton, 383, 694, rrI9
Sinclair Oil Company, 399
Sinclair lOOO co1nputers, 1540
Sind, Robert, I614
Sind & Sullivan, Inc., r614
Sindicato, 272
Sindlinger, Albert, I 3 40
Sindlinger and Company, Inc., ro
Sine!, Joseph, 1182
Singapore, 96, 431, 627, 757, 764
Singapore Airlines, 144, r45, I45, 156,
r437-38, 1665
"Singapore Girl," 144, 1437, r438, I665
Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, 145
Singer, Al, 5
Singer Sewing Machine Company, 871, r284
"Singin' Sam, the Barbasol Man," 536,
single-source data research, 987, r344-45
Singleton, John, ro7, 349, Io75, I438-39
Singleton, Penny, 1004
John Singleton Advertising, Io75, I438, r439
Singleton Group, Ltd., 1438
Singleton Ogilvy & Mather, 1438, I439
Singleton Palmer Strauss McAllan, 1438,
"Sing, oh sing of Lydia Pinkham ... ," 1ro3
"Sing, Sing, Sing" (Prima), 1I07
Sinutab, r 3 2
Sioux, 1061
Siow Choon Leng, 764
siqui notices, 7 46
Sirius Satellite Radio, 683
Sirva-se, 47
Sir Walter Raleigh tobacco, 223
Sisal lotteries, l 5 24
Sista's (agency), 842. See also Sista's Saatchi
& Saatchi
Sista's Saatchi & Saatchi, 843
SiteSpecific, Inc., 323
Sittig, Dick, l l 08
Sitting Bull Durham, 224
Leonard M. Sive & Associates, 1556
Six Continents, 3 60
"Six million a day," 340
Six Million Dollar Man, 1558
"$64 question," 178
$64,000 Question, I52, 178, 4Io, 786, 1153,
1154, 1515, I6r9, 1639
60 Minutes, 1189, 1426
Skandia, 615
SIK Associates, I462
Miss Skeel, 628
~kelton, Red, 490, 884, 886, 1261, 1274,
Skim American Slices, 19 5
skin lighteners, 27, 409
Skinne1; John Stuart, I472
"Skin Science Updates," 288
Skin watches, 145
Skin Whitener, 409
"Skin you love to touch," 407, 76I, 955,
I351, l449,r532,I598
Skippy (H.J. Heinz Company brand), 731
Skippy (Wheaties character), 648, 649
Skippy Secret Service Society, 648
Skittles, 993, 995
Sklaver, David, 1649
Skrine & Company, 930
Skunkworks, I577
Skutt, V.J., 848
skyscraper ads, 860
Skytel, 362, 364, 1033
Sky Television, 33, 1096, 1519. See also
Skytrain, 1607
Skywriter, 362, 364
"SlapaJap,'' 1631
Slate.com, 860
Slates dress pants, 940
slavery in United States, 25, 749
Slice (beverage), 228, 527
slice-of-life advertising, 566, 798, 938
Slimbach, Robert, 1584
Slim-Fast Foods Company, I643, 1646
Slim Twin razors, I40l
Slinea, 582
Slinky, 1106, 1553
Sloan, Alfred P., 654, .r598
Sloan Kettering Institute, 1227
Sloan's Liniment, 1638
slogans, 558, 1439-44
Slough (England), 990
Slovakia, 545, 546, 547
Slovenia, 545, 546, 547
Slaves, Marvin, 967, 119r, 1399, 1400
Sly and the Family Stone, 1553
SMA (infant formula), 57
Srnackout, 1121
Smale, John, 659, 1275, I278
Small, Edward Featherston, 225
Small & Seiffer, Inc., 269
"Small car specialists for 40 years," 1551,
Small Planet Foods, 653
Small Soldiers, 1356
"Sn1all wonders, big dreams," 28
Small World of Music, 3 5 5
Smart cars, 309, 1478
Smartgroups, I39l
"Smart people go to Ohrbach's for Mother's
Day gifts,'' 449
"Smart to be seen in , . , smarter to buy,"
Stnash (instant potatoes), 189, I9l, r9.r, I593
"Smile and Bite," I370
Smirnoff vodka, I4II
Smith, A. Craig, 676
Smith, Adam, 688
Smith, Bubba, 737, 1053, 1472
Smith, C.R., 36
Smith, Courtland, 59, 1627
Smith, Craig, roar, roo2
Sn1ith, Darwin E., 900-oI
Smith, Frederick W., 571, 572
Smith, Harry, 630
Smith, Jack, 1274
Smith, Jaclyn, 41 l
Smith, Jeanne Kennedy, 1191
Smith, Jessie Wilcox, 470, 756, 839
Smith, John (brewer), 879
Smith, Kate, 643, 700, 1631, I689
Smith, Mamie, 27
Smith, Mel, 249
Smith, Roger, 6 58
Smith, Steven, 1.r91-92
George G. Smith (agency), 1388
Smith & Drum, 411
Smith & Nephew, 581
S1nith & Wesson, 756, 1497
Smith & Wollensky Restaurant Group, Inc.,
Smith Barney, 524, 595, I062, 1269
Smith Bros. cough drops, 1106
Smith-Corona Marchant, 4 3 3
Smith/Greenland Company, Inc.: and
Transogram Company, 1558
Smith Kline, 882. See also SmithKline
SmithKline Beecham, 5 5l; and American
Cancer Society, l 3 16; American Home
Products Corporation seeks merger
with, 57; Ally & Gargano and, 45;
Batey Kazoo Communications and,
145; Grey Advertising Agency, Inc.,
and, 698; Grey Worldwide and, 697;
Johnson & Johnson sued by, 883
Fletcher Smith Studios, 82
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.),
Smit's, II34
"Smoke Dreams" (Brown), 944
"Smoke Dreams" (Chesterfield cigarettes), 944
"Smoke Kent ... "(Roy Eaton), 1107-08
"Smoke Rings," 944
Smokey Bear, 13, 15, 432, 600, 603, 778,
I300, 1315,1469, I471
"Smooth Character," 316
"Smoothest car afloat,'' 304
Smooth 'N' Easy, 1482
"Sn1oothness of an eight, economy of a four,"
"Smooth Sippin' Tennessee Whiskey," 170
Smothers Brothers, I84
SMRB. See Simmons Market Research Bureau
SMS. See Scali, McCabe, Sloves
J.M. Smucker Company, 893
Smyth, Jim, I2I
Smythe, Conn, 262, 97 5
Snack Ventures Europe, 648
SnackWell's cookies, rir3, III?
Snap, Crackle, and Pop (Rice Krispies
characters), 892, 1268, 1469, I6oo.
See also color plate in volume tlvo
"Snap! Crackle! Pop!," IIII, 1535. See also
color plate in volume two
Snapple, I77• 477, 906, 1321
Snapple Beverage Corporation, 148, I73,
Snapple Lady, 477, 1321
"Snapshots you'll want tomorrow, you must
make today," 509
Snark Products, 4 52
SNCF. See Societe Nationale des Chemins de
Snell, Matt, 1053, I472
Snickers, 990, 992, 993; BBDO Worldwide,
Inc., and, 994, 995; FHV/BBDO and,
590; in Russia, 1376; "Satisfaction,"
Snider, Duke, 1472
SNIP, 156. See also BDDP Group
Snoopy, 1218
Snow, Carn1el, lI2I
SnowballCollege.com, II3I
Snowboard World Cup. See World Cup
Snowdrift, Ir82
Snowflake, 248
Snolv White, 292-93
Snugglers, 44 5
Snyder, Gary, 505
Snyder, Marty, 5 24
Snyder, Robert, 392
Snyder Communications, 724, 809, I264
Soap and Detergent Association, I2II
"Soap Fishennan," 824
"Soap from trees-nature's gift to beauty,"
Soap Opera (Swasy), 1278
soap operas, I444-48, 1599, 1600; American
Home Products Corporation and, 54,
77I; Blackett-Sample-Hummert, Inc.,
and, 437, 438, 77I, I599; in Brazil,
209; Compton Advertising, Inc., and,
366; Dancer, Fitzgerald, Sample and,
439, I602; Lord & Thomas and, 957;
in mass communications theory, 999;
in Philippines, 96; Pillsbury Flour Mills
Company and, I23 5; Procter &
Gamble Company and, 1272, 1274,
I45l; soap companies and, 351, 846,
14 51; Young & Rubicam, Inc., and,
soap products, 1449-53. See also color plate
in volume three
Sobol Brothers Service Stations, 669
"So chunky you could eat it with a fork," 261
social marketing, r 3 l 6
Social Policy (Green), 3 83
Sociedad Espaiiola de Radiodifusi6n, 1465
Sociedad General de Anuncios de Espafia,
Societe Europeenne, 764
SociCte Generate des Annonces, 616, 722
Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer
(France), 549, 840
Society of Plastics Industry, 505
Soconyla11d Sketches, l 5 I
Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, 366, 669
Sodima, 648, 652. See also Yoplait
sodium, 262
"So easy," II?
"So easy to use, no wonder it's #1," 67
"So easy you can do it with one hand,'' 8I4
Sofia Frans Auto, 547
Sofres, 12, 1467
Softasilk, 647, 650
soft drinks. See beverages, nonalcoholic
Soft Drinks Industry (Wartime) Association
(United Kingdom), 1406
"Softer side of Sears," 558, I4I6
Soft Impressions, 903
Softlan, 3 54
soft-sell advertising, 7I6-I9, 1598; Earnest
Elmo Calkins and, 251, 760; in 19th
century, 755; on radio, 333
Soft Sense skin lotion, 887
Soft Sheen Products, 410, 708
Softsoap, 352, 1451, r452, 1453
"Soft, strong, pops up, too," 903
"Soft Whiskey," I41 l
Sofy, 582
Sohio, 491, I170. See also BP Amoco
Sokolsky, Melvin, 482
Solanas y Ortiz Scopesi, 90
"Sold American" (G. Miller), 1283
Soldier of Fortune, 978
Sole Bianco detergent, I523
Solenghi, Tullio, 1524
"Solid as Sears," 1416
Solucion Diagonal, 156
"Solutions for a small planet," 837
Somalia, 60
"Somebody still cares about quality ...
Budweiser,'' 77
"Some businesses are too sn1all to use
electronic data processing," 370
"Some Enchanted Evening," 644
"Someone you know sells Avon," r 19
Somers, Suzanne, 445, 523
"Something more than beer is back," 75, 443
"Son1ething new has been added," 962
"Something special in the air,'' 39
"Some thoughts on 'Should I sleep with it ...
or not?'" 582
"Sometimes you feel like a nut," 624, 625
"Somewhere west of Laramie,'' ITO, rrr
Son1mers, Joannie, 152, 1199
Sonata cars, 1107
song-and-dance spectaculars, 5 56-57
Songs by Sinatra, 936, 957
Songs of Home Sweet Home, 1619
songwriters, IIII
Sonnenberg, Benjamin, 1228, I3IO
Sonny and Cher, r 5 58
Sonny the Cuckoo Bird (Cocoa Puffs
character), 652. See also color plate in
volume tlVO
"Son of a Preacher Man,'' Iro8
Sony Corporation, 380, 380, 382, 818, 952;
in Argentina, 90; in China, 30I; and
digital cameras, 12 3 2; Doyle Dane
Bernbach, Inc., and, 379; DDB
Needham Worldwide and, 4 54; Ellis
Advertising and, 378; and global
advertising, 68I; house agency of, 818;
Lautrec Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi and,
93; Lowe & Partners/SM$ and, 966;
PMS&vW/Y&R and, 1135; in Russia,
1379; TBWA Chiat/Day and, I56o;
and toys, 1560; Young & Rubicam,
Inc., and, 382, x379, x69r. See also
Sony Music; Walkman
"Sony for sun-lovers," 379
Sony Music, 1106
"Sony. No baloney," 379
"Sooner or later, you'll own Generals," 446
Soratana, Rook, r359
Sorel, Edward, 4 7 5
"So round, so firm, so fully packed," 3r3,
Sorrell, Martin S., 796, 808, 8r6, 959, r166,
r388, r453-55, r535, 1592, 1593,
r668, 1669
S.O.S. {soap pads), ro46
Sosa, Aguilar, Noble & Associates, ro28
Sosa & Associates, 447
Sosa, Bro1nley, Aguilar & Associates, 1028
"So sensuous, we can't show it on television,"
"So simple, a child could do it/' roo3
"So small, it will change your perspective,"
Sothern, Ann, 1329
Soule, Aileen Riggin, rr9
Soul Train, 409, 426
sound-alike singers, 929
"Sound off for Chesterfields," 945
SOUP. See Students Opposing Unfair Practices
"Soup is good food," I3 I, 26I
Source (online service), 67
Sourcebook of Zip Code Demographics
(CACI Marketing Systems), I305,
Source Marketing, 809
source of 1nessage, 5 5 8
Compagnic de la Source Perrier. See Perrier
Souter, Peter, I
South Africa, 22-23, 23, 24, 829; as base for
agency networks across Africa, 1160;
black majority in, 30; comparative
advertising banned in, 830; Microsoft
Corporation in, 1035; United Kingdom
South Africa Advertising Standards Authority,
South African Advertising Research
Foundation, 24
South African Breweries, 24; Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide, Inc., and, II6o
South Africa Tourism: 1-Iunt Lascaris and,
Southall's sanitary towels, 575
South America, I43 5, 1455-60, See also Latin
Southard, John, 9 58
South Beach Beverage Company, 1201
South Carolina Railroad, 1569
South Dakota, I06l
Southeast Asia. See under Asia
Southern Airways, 483
Southern Association of Advertising Agents,
5I. See also American Association of
Advertising .Agencies
Southern Baptist Convention, 1349-50
Southern California Fruit Exchange, 408,
See also Sunkist
Southern Comfort, 170
Southern Cone Com1non Market.
See Mercosur/Mercosul
Southern Pacific Railroad, 600 1 I569
South Korea, 3 62, 430, 679. See also Korea
Southland, l 5 3 5
South of the Border, 296
South Pacific, 644
Southwest Airlines, 37-38, 40, I26o
Southwestern Advertising Con1pany, I561.
See also Tracy-Locke Company, Inc.
Southwestern Bell, 446, 1506
Souza Cruz, 496
Soviet Interdepartmental Council on
See Mezhduvedon1stvennyi Soviet Po
Soviet Union, 278, 1296, x375, I376-78,
I38o; and China, 299; and I<orea,
I46I, 1462; and nuclear freeze
1novcment, 1300; Pepsi-Cola Con1pany
in, 1199; propaganda in, 1297-98;
Young & Rubicam, Inc., in, l 690
"So why rent from anyone but an owner?,"
Soyuztorgreklama, 1378, I379
Sozodont, I2IO
Space Cadet, 892
Spaceman software, I I
Space Network (Dubai), 1041
Space Shuttle, 15 48
SpaghettiO's, 148, 26I
Spain, 203-04, 1464-68; Civil War in, 649;
feminine hygiene and intimacy
products in, 581; and global
advertising, 679; television in, IjI3,
I5I9; videocassettes in, 430; wine
from, 169. See also color plate in
volume three
Spalding, 1687
"spam," 333
Spandex, 505
Spang, Joseph P., Jr., 676
Spanish Advertising Marketing Services, 446
Spanish-American War, 725
Spanish Association of Advertising Agencies,
Spanish chocolate, 247
Spanish International Network, 1330
Spanish Public Adn1inistration, 394
Spanish Red Cross, 271, 272
"Spanking Gorgeous," 739
SPAR Group, 809-10
Sparkle City, 42I
Sparky Alka-Seltzer, Io45
SPASM. See Singleton Palmer Strauss
Spearman, John, 359
Speannan (Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
character), I670
Spears, Britney, 1248
Specht, Ilon, 1657
Special Export, 491
"Specialists in You," 271
Special Ten cigarettes, 223
Spectra caineras, 1247
Speedee (McDonald's Corporation character),
"Speedmarque," 2I8
Speed Stick, 352
"Speed up success," Ila
Speedway Petroleum: Fink & Doner and, 489
"Speedwing," 2I8
Speedy Alka-Seltzer, 41, 42, 784, Io45, Io45,
Io46,1099, I600,1620,I620
Speedy Gonzales, 87
Speidel Corporation, 275
Spelling, Aaron, I448
Spencer Gifts, 273
Spencer-Stewart, 1535
Spendrups breweries, II93
Spic and Span, 82I, 822, 1274, 1499
Spice Girls, I247
Spic, Inc., 822. Sec also Spic and Span
"Spicy Meatball," I2I, 452, 482, 825, 1223,
Spiegel, 273, 480
Spiegel, 377, I477
Spielberg, Steven, III, 220, 734
Spielvogel, Carl, 13 l, I32, I44• 440, I472
Spiess, Ermisch, Abels, I405
"Spike and Mike," II4I
Spill, 92
Spindler, Michael, 86
Spindletop (Texas), 1170
Spinney Manufacturing Co1npany, 821
"Spirit of America: Join Now," 58
Spirit of Dentsu, 466
Spirit of the Times, 1472
Spitalny, Phil, 151
Spivak, Helayne, 4 5
split cable method, 983
split runs, 762, 979
spokes-character, 1469-71. Sec also color
plate in volume three
Sponsor, Io64, r283
sponsorship: alternating, 785, 790, I284;
censorship by advertisers and, 277; by
cigarette companies, 3I4, 317; and
endorsement, 524-25; Ericsson, Inc.,
and, 533-34; of events, 551-53;
and infomercials, 846; on Internet,
804, 860; Kraft, Inc., and, 9I4;
Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation and,
909, 91I-I3; Labatt Brewing
Company and, 916-17; Levi Strauss &
Company and, l I lo; and naming of
stadiums, 335; Nokia Corporation
and, 1148; participating, 780, 785,
790, 1284, I64I-42; of radio
progran1s, 769-70, 1283; shared, 790;
of television programs, 784, 1283;
Texaco, Inc., and, 1175· See also
events; sports
Sport Bladet (Sweden): Paradiset DDB and,
Sport Coat, 5 57
"Sporting Girl" cards, 225, 310
Sportna I.oterija, 547
sports, 78, 772, 952, Io52, Io53, 1471-77;
Roane Arledge and, 94; cigarettes and,
964; in Denmark, 692; Gillette
Company and 676, 677, 772, IOOl,
13 I3; John S1nith's Bitter and, 880;
Labatt Brewing Company and,
9I6-17; Motorola, Inc., and, I09I;
Nokia Corporation and, II48; Philip
Morris Companies and, 1053, 1229; in
United I<ingdom, 692, 880. See also
events; sponsorship; and color plate in
volume three
SportsCenter, 1476, I653
sports drinks, 175
Sports Illustrated, Io4, 969, 977, I5 58
Sports Illustrated for Kids, Io4, 294
Sports Illustrated Won1cn, 978
Sports ln1pressions, 3 55
SportsLine.com, Inc., 859
Sportsman cologne, II54
Sportsman Drugstore, 92
Sportsmen Quartet, 824
Sports Specialities, l 140
Sportswagon, 1521
"Spot," 1431
Spotless Town, 756, 8I9, 820, 1208
Spotlight, II
"Spray cleaner with guts," 2I4
Spray Net, 705
Spray 'N' Starch, 887
Spray 'N' Wash, 732, 887
spreads, 979
"Spread the good taste all over the place,"
Spring cigarettes, 964
Springer, Reinhard, I477> I478-79, r478
Springer (agency), I477· See also Springer &
Springer &Jacoby, 666, 1477-79, 1576
Springer &Jacoby International, 1478
Springer &Jacoby Paris, x478
Springfield {Massachusetts), 643
Springmaid Fabrics, 8I8, I432
Springs, Elliott, I432
Springs Mills, I432. Sec also Springmaid
Springsteen, Bruce, 26r
"Springtime is Kodak time," 508
Sprint Corporation, Io2, I266, 1504-05,
1506, Io57; and environmental
move111ent, 529; and HotWired, 858;
and telen1arketing, l 5I2. See also
Sprint Spectrum
Sprint PCS, 1506
Sprint Spectrum, I370, I506
Sprite, 84, 90, I74, 340, 97 l, I69 5-96.
See also color plate in volu1ne one
Sproul & Associates, 2r3
Spry, 947, I382, 1383
SPT Telecom, 546
Spud cigarettes, 22I
Spuds McKenzie (Budweiser character), 78,
Spud smoking tobacco, 89 5
Squanderbug, I590
Squibb, Edward Robinson, 210, 1223
E.R. Squibb & Sons, 2rr, 526, 761, 1221,
I223, 1686; Calkins & Holden and,
250; Geyer, Cornell & Newell, Inc.,
and, 2Io, 672, 1210; H.K. McCann
Company and, 1094
Squibb Corporation, 2IO-II. See also
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Squirt, I74
Squirt Company, 487
SRDS. See Standard Rate and Data Service
SRDS B11siness Publication Advertising
Source (Standard Rate and Data
Service), 979, I564
Srelluc Productions, Inc., 426
SRG/Nielsen, 1305
SRI International, 458, 1305, 1698, 1699
S.R. Niles. See under Niles
SRPC. See Saudi Research and Publishing
SSC&B. Sec Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell &
Bayles, Inc.
SSC&B-Lintas International, 947, 948, 949.
See also SSC&B: Lintas Worldwide
SSC&B: Lintas Worldwide, 793, 949; and
Coca-Cola Company, 339, 340; and
Hakuhodo, Inc., 709; and Lever
Brothers Co1npany, 93 8. See also
Lintas: World,vide
SSEC. See Selective Sequence Electronic
Staab, Walte1; 1020
J.L. Stack, 1402
Stack-Goble Advertising, II2
Stafford, Edwin, 525
Stafford, Jack, 236
Stafford, Jo, 944
Stainmaster, 505, I3I7
Stalin, Josef, I298
Stallone, Sylvester, 523
Stam1ns, 78I
Sta1np, Terence, I6o8
stamps, trading. See trading stamps
Stanco, Inc., Ioo8
Standard (agency), 206--07, 209
Standard Advertising News Agency, 113,
standard advertising units, I140
Standard Bank (South Africa), 24
Standard Brands, 344, 446, 77I, 776,
1480-83, 1533; acquired by Nabisco,
Inc., 796; Ted Bates & Company, Inc.,
and, 140; and Stamms, 78I; Tempo
Productions and, 82; United States
Federal Trade Conunission and, I4I7.
See also Blue Bonnet; Chase &
Sanborn coffee; Planters Nuts; Royal
baking powder
Standard Milling, 233
Standard O&M, 209
"Standard of Good Taste," r59r
"Standard of the world," 654
Standard Oil Company, 818, ioo8, 1169,
II70, 1I72; in China, 299; labor
practices at, 3 8 3; in South America,
Standard Oil Company of California, 530,
Ioo8, 116910. See also Chevron
Standard Oil Company of Indiana, II70,
II73, II74, II83. See also
Standard Oil Company of Louisiana, Ioo8,
Standard Oil Company of Nebraska, 1170
Standard Oil Company of Ne\v Jersey, Ioo8,
1094, I169, I170, I544· Sec also
Standard Oil Company of New York, Ioo8.
See also Mobil Corporation
Standard Oil Company of Ohio, II70.
See also Sohio
Standard Oil Company of Pennsylvania, 1170
Standard Periodicals Director)~ 979, I565
Standard Propaganda, 206, 209, 496
Standard Rate and Data Service, 46I, 979-80,
982, I30j, I564
Standen, Charles, I499, I500
Standish, Miles, 1061
Stanford, Alfred, 366
Stan Freberg Sl101v, 62 3
Stanley Cup, 574
Stanton, Frank, 494, 1190, I436, 1642
Pub1icidad Stanton, 861
Stanwyck, Barbara, 945
Stanza cars, 364, I06I, Io62, I484
Staphcillin, 2I3; Burdick & Becker and, 2I3;
Sproul & Associates and, 213; Sudler
& Hennessey and, 213
Staples, Inc., 516, lIIo
Star (agency), I465
Star Alliance, 33, 35, 40
Starbucks Coffee Company, 347, 348, 564
"Starbucks, purveyor of coffee, tea and
sanity," 347
Starburst Fruit Chews, 993, 995
Starch, Daniel, 984, I338, I483, I485, I487,
Starch Advertising and Media Research,
Daniel Starch and Staff Research Company,
1483, I485, I487. See also Starch/
INRA/Hooper, Inc.
Starch, Inc., 1483-87. See also Roper Starch
Worldwide, Inc.
Starch/INRA/Hooper, Inc., I343, I487
Starch Readership Reports, 720, 987, 1343,
I48j, I487, Ij25
Starcom, 448, 803,1021, 1463, 1699. See also
Starcom Media Vest Worldwide
Starcom Media Vest Worldwide, l 5 5, 2 3 9,
Starcom Motive Partnership, I 3 8
"Star is born," 96 5
Star-I(ist: Leo Burnett Company, Inc., and, 82,
1600; and dolphin-safe fishing
practices, 387; H.J. Heinz Company
and, 730, 731.
Starlac, I93, I95
Star logo (of Texaco, Inc.), II70
StarMarts, 1175
StarMedia, 1460
"Star of the American Road," 1174, 1175
Starting Linc-up, 3 56, 3 57
"Start Me Up" (Rolling Stones), 374,
I035-36, II06
Star Trek, 573; watches, I542
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 652
Star TV, 844, Io96
Star Wars, 356, 357, 698, 1082, 1357, r558,
I559> I560
State Fann Insurance Companies, 8 5I, 8 52,
State of the Union, 1084
Statler, Ellsworth, 1571
Statler hotels, 1571
Statoil, 1149
Statue of Liberty, 1316
Status of Advertising Edncation (Ross), 519
Status Seekers (V. Packard), 1186
Stauffer, Bill, 1282
Stauffer, Donald ("Don"), 947, 1383, 1688
Stay Free! 333
Stayfree Minipads, 579-80
"Stay in the pink," 1644
"Stay in touch," 220
STB (agency), 1151
Steak &Ale, 1235, 1236
S Team Bates Saatchi & Saatchi, 547, 548
Frederick Stearns & Company, 98
Stedem, Joseph, 735
Stedman Graham & Partners, 1056
Steel, Alfred, 180, 1198, x199
steel con1panies (U.S.), 740-41
Steele, Richard, 325
Steere, William, 1219
Steers, William, 1123
Steichen, Edward, 126, 472, 840, 1232, I233,
r657; J. Walter Thompson Company
Steiff, 356
Steig, William, 840, 84 r
Steilen, Th.-A., rr27
Stein, Bill, l 50I
Stein, Edward de, 7r 5
Steinbeck, John, 1534
Steinem, Gloria, 276, 587-88
Steiner, Gary, l5I7
Steinhauser, Bert, 483
Steinlen, Theophile-Alexandre, 470, 839
Steinway & Sons, r26, 127, 761, 840, 958,
Stella Dallas (soap opera), 438, 1326, 1446
Step-by-Step Guide to Church Marketing
(Barna), r348
Stephens, Edward, ro83
Stephenson, Nancy, 1352, 1532
Step Saver floor wax, 886, r124
Steps 'n' Slides, r554
stereo, 3 80
stereotypes, 86-89; of African-Americans,
25-27, 28, 543; of Hispanic
Americans, 543; and pyschographics,
1303; of senior citizens, 31, 1422-23;
of women, 586
Sterling Advertising, 626
Sterling Drug Company, 56, 433, 796, 882,
Sterling Products Company, 54, 536, 776
Sterling Remedy Company, 437
Sterling Winthrop, ro47
Stern, Howard, r321, r331
Stern, Walters & Simmons, l4r6. See also
Stern Walters/Earle Ludgin, Inc.
Stern WaltersJEarle Ludgin, Inc., r43, 1416
John B. Stetson Company, 89 5
Steve Allen Show, 886, 1246
Stevens, Margaret, 23 3
Stevens, Ray, 446
Stevens-Duryea (cars), r49
Stevenson, Adlai E., r65, 786, r154, 1248,
Stewardesses for Women's Rights, 584, 586
Stewart, James, r18, 776, 911, ro86
Stewart, Potter, l 9 5
A.T. Stewart & Company, 753, 1624
Steyr-Daimler-Puch, 308
S.T. Garland Advertising Service, Ltd.
See under Garland
S3 60 cars, 8r2
Stick!, 92
"Stick 'em up, Santa Claus," 593
Stickler, John C., 1462
Stig Arbman Annonsbyr:'i. See under Arb1nan
Stijl, 839, 840
Still Court Price Twivy DeSouza: and Virgin,
Still Killing Us Softly (Kilbourne), 586, 587
"Still-that schoolgirl complexion," 407
Stimorol, 547
stimulus-response theory, 1297
Stine, Charles M.A., 502
Stinnes, Hugo, 66 5
Stockholm, lI49
stocks, 593
Stockton, West, Burkhart, Inc., r65r
Stokely-Van Camp, 932, l32I. See also
Stolychnaya, 5
"Stomach,'' 41, 482, 1046
Stone, Marshall, 1539
Stone, Robert, I 3 3 6
Stone & Adler, 498, 1335-36, r416. See also
Rapp, Collins, Stone & Adler
Stoney's beer, l3I7
"Stop baking risk, use Bisquick," 65r
Stopette deodorant, 785, 1284
Stop the Music, 780
Storage Instantaneous Audimete1; IO
Storch, Otto, 473, r582
Storebrand, 6I5
Storer Broadcasting Company, 1020, r375
Storozuk, Walter, r547
Story of Dr. Lister (Warner-Lambert), r632
Story of Mary Marlin, 1446
Story of tl1e Christmas Card, 768
Story of the Hay11es, America's First Ca1;
Storz, Todd, I329
Stouffer's Foods Corporation, 7, 1I30, 1393
Stoughton's Drops, ll8I
Stove Top Stuffing, 240, 698
Stowell, Esty, rr63, 1164
Stoyanovich, Pete, r473
STP motor oil, 49r
Strada cars, 359, 360
Straight, Beatrice, 108 5
Straightaway, 609
Straight Cut cigarettes, 3 ro
Straits Times, 627
Strang & Prosser, I 3 8 3
"Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays," IOI
Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, r326
Strasser, Susan, 392
Strategic Mapping, r305, 1699
Strategic Radio Research, 1339· See also
Strategies International, 809
Strategist, l3I3
Strauf, Hubert, 665
Strauss, Levi, 940
Stravinsky, Igor, 1581
Strawberry Frogs, lI35
Strawberry Shortcake, 284
streamlining, 473
Strecker, Kurt, I 5 8 3
Streep, Meryl, r268
Street, Picabo, r106
G. Street & Company, 75r
Street & Finney, Inc., 140, 269
Street Railways Advertising Company, _13 5r
"Street Song," 240
Streisand, Barbra, 567, r568
Strickland, Denny, rr41
Stridsberg, Albert, r6
Stroh Brewery, 49r, 989, r403-04, 1432
Stromberger, LaVene, McI<inzie, 63I, 1027.
See also Fuller & Smith & Ross
Strong, Henry A., 507
"Stronger than dirt" (Ajax products), 821,
"Stronger than dirt" (Volvo l22S), r615
Strong Museum (Rochester, New York), ro99
strontium 90, 504
Strouse, Norman, r534
structural equations estimation of new copy
effectiveness. See Sequence
Strug, Kerri, 1476
Strummer, Joe, ro93
Stuart, R. Douglas, l3I9
Stuart, Robert, 1319
"Stuck in the Middle with You," 628
Studebaker, Clement, 1487
Studebaker, Henry, 1487
Studebaker, John, 1487
Studebaker, r487-90; D'Arcy Advertising
Company, Inc., and, r13; Doner and,
491; Lord & Thomas and, 668; and
Mercedes-Benz, 257; merger with
Packard Motor Car Company, rr88;
Roche, Williams & Cunnyngham, Inc.,
and, II2. See also color plate in
volume three
Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing
Company, r487-88. See also
Studebaker-Packard Corporation, 1188,
"Studebaker-the great independent," 1488
Student (magazine), r607
Students Opposing Unfair Practices, 403
Studio (cable television station), 739
Studio 57, 729
Studio Marketing, 547
Studio Mousse, 708
Studio One. See Westinghouse Studio One
Studio Testa. See under Testa
Stuhler, William ("Bill"), r28r, 1688
Stutz automobiles, I l 2
Peter Stuyvesant (German brand), 666
Styleline cars, 656
Stymie typeface, I 58 I
Styrofoa1n, 782
Suave (brand), r48, 556, 7 05 , 707 , 93 3
Subaru America: "Beauty of all-wheel drive,"
16 54; Temerlin McClain and, 16 54;
Wieden & Kennedy, Inc., and, r654
subcultures, 1254, r258
subli1ninal advertising, r49o- 92, r 517
Sublin1inal Seduction (Key), r432, 1492
Subscription Television, Inc., r642
Suburban Joe (Grape Nuts character), 63 3
suburbs, 782
"subvertising," 336
Subway Sandwiches and Salads, r370
Success cornhusker, roo3
Successful Farming, 978
Suchard. See Jacobs Suchard
Sucharittanonta, Suthisak, r359
Sudafed, r32, r220, 1635, r6 37
Sudan, 23
Sudar, Josip, 548
"Suddenly-it's 1960!,'' 30 5
Sudler & Hennessey, 68, rr3, i.13, 495, r690
Suez (industrial group), I56
Sugar Bowl. See Nokia Sugar Bowl
Sugar Frosted Flakes, 82-83, 236, 892, 1268,
r469, 1470. See also Tony the Tiger
sugar industry, 1417
Sugar Information, 40 5
Sugar Jets, 539, 647, 652
Sugarless Cherry Trident. See under Trident
Sugar Pops, 892
Sugar Pops Pete, 892
Sugar Smacks, 892
Sugar Wafers, II13, LII4
Sugiura I<ohei, r581
Suissa Miller, 8r3, r646
"Suit," 814
Suiter, Tom, 3 22
"Suivez le boeuf," 1307
Sullivan, Barry, 9r3
Sullivan, David, 27
Sullivan, Ed, 351, 825; and blacklisting, 181;
and Eastn1an Kodak Company, 509;
and Ford Motor Company LincolnMercury division, 305, 606, 608, 780,
895; and Lorillard Tobacco Company,
Sullivan, Kathleen, r644
Sullivan, Raymond, 94 7 , 13 3 3
David Sullivan (agency), 27
Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, Inc., 779,
1383; and American Red Cross 58·
and American Tobacco Compa~y, ~5.
602, 779; and Cover Girl, 4rr;
Interpublic Group of Companies and,
779, 808, 861, 949; and Johnson &
Johnson, 882; and Lever Brothers
Company, 779, 947, 949; and Lintas,
Sully, Gil, 360
Sulpher Bitters, 25
Sultana cigarettes, 3ro
Sumitomo Rubber Industry, Ltd., r549
Summary Trends and Developments Exposing
the Communist Conspiracy, l8r
Summerfield Band Concert, 91r
Su1nmers, Mark, 841
Summer's Eve, 579, 58I
"Summer Smoke," 962
"Summer storm," r14
"Summertime and religion is easy," 1349
Sun1mit bars, 4 45
Summit cigarettes, 223
Sun America, 4 77
Sunbeam Bread, 82
Sunbeam Corporation, r 59 , 52 6
Sunbeam razors, 362
Sun Cured tobacco, 22 3
Sunday Express (London), 445
Sunday Mail (Adelaide, Australia), ro96
Sunday Night Co1nedy Hour. See Colgate
Comedy Hour
Sunday Times (London), 1096
Sunday Times Magazine (London), 3 59
Sundblom, Haddon, 3 37, 33 8, 443
Sunderland, John, 249
"Sunflowers," 161
Sunkist, 174, 408, r108; Cadbury Schweppes
and, I407; Foote, Cone & Belding
and, 603; Lord & Thomas and, 408,
602, 76r, 955
Sunlight detergent, 976
Sunlight dishwashing liquid, 938
Sunlight soap, 262, 93 3, 934, 947 , r 5 87,
Sun-Maid, 329, 1533
Sun Microsystems, 68, 966, 1535 , 16 79
Sun Myung Moon, 1632
Sunny Delight, r2 77
Sunny Ji1n (Force cereal character), 250
"Sunny Side of the Street," r106
Sunoco, Inc., 528
Sun Oil Company, 923, ll6r, 1162, 1170
Sunrise instant coffee, r130
"Sunscreen for french fries," 73I
Sunset Beach, 1448
Sunset House, 273
Sunset Limited, r569
Sunshine cigarettes, 3 II
Sunsilk, 205
Sunsweet prunes, 623, 824
Sun System cameras, 1246
suntan products, 412
Suntory, 878
Suomen Ilmoituskeskus Oy, rr5r. See also
Suomen Reklaamitoimisto, r l 5 l
Super Beetle. See under Beetle
Super Blue blade, 676
Super Bowl, 335, 552, 825, 828, 1099, 1472,
r601, 1602, r68r; Anheuser-Busch
Inc., and, 78, 79; Apple Con1puter a~d,
85, 292, 373, 5r4, 800, 834, r300,
1473, r50I, 1520, l6or; Chrysler
Corporation and, 306; dot-com
companies and, 3 7 5, 5 r4; Ford Motor
Company and, 6r2; Gillette Company
and, 677; Haggar Clothing Company
and, 5 58; hotjobs.com and, 84; Intel
Corporation and, 551; Just for Feet
and, 828, 928; McDonald's
Corporation and, r355, 1473; Nike,
Inc., and, rrro; Nokia Corporation
and, 1148; Oscar Mayer Foods
Corporation and, 1178; Pets.com and,
r218; public service advertising during,
1~16; !imex Corporation and, r542;
V1ctona's Secret and, 865; Wang
Laboratories and, 743; Xerox
Corporation and, r676
supercenters, 703
Super Circus, 99 r
Superdisc, 381
Superfortress, 304
Superfund sites, 530
Superga shoes, r237, r521
Superior Steel, 1628
Superman, 891, 892, r63r
Supc1man II (motion picture), 3r3, 1230
supermarkets, 416, 700-o4 , 790 , 3 73
supermarket scanners. See Universal Product
Code scanners
Supennatic washer-dryers, 1004
Super Pro, rr74
superstores, 703
Super Suds, 164, 539, 1445
Supervalu (grocery), 703
Super Value Meal, r651
super warehouse stores, 703
Supra cars, l 5 5 3
Supreme Beauty Products: Johnson Publishing
Company and, 410
"Supreme Court,'' rr4r
Supremes, 339
Sure deodorant, r275
Surf, 933, 936, 937, 938, 939, 1274
"Surfer," 2, 2
"Surpr~se people ... serve Michelob," 77
surrealism, 473
Survey Research Indonesia, 1338
Survivor, 534
"Survivors," r6r7
Suspense, 178, 275, 494
"Suspicions," 1196
Susskind, David, 1284, r 534
"Sustentae o fogo que a victoria e nossa!,"
Sutton, Tom, r534
Tom Sutton International Exchange Program,
Suyling, Karel, 3 21
Suzari puppets, l 556
Suzuki Motors Corporation, 658
Suzy Homemaker toys, z665
Svoboda cigarettes, 62
Swallow Sidecar Company, 610. See also
RK Swamy, 842. See also RK Swamy BBDO
RK Swamy BBDO Advertising, 843
Swankyswig glass containers, 9r1
Swans Down, 642, 644, 1686
Swan soap, r5r, 775, 933, 936, 947
Swanson, Gloria, 1202
C.A. Swanson & Sons, 262, 1183, r392,
Swasy, Alecia, 1278
Swatch, r45, 272, rrro, r542, r583, I696
Swayze, John Cameron: and Can1el cigarettes,
3r4, 539, 785; and Timex watches,
490, 1539, r542
Swayze, Patrick, 523
Sweden, 3, 692, 764, II49, 1511, 1519
Sweeney &James, 598, 785, 1549
sweepstakes, 18 5-87
Sweet Caporal ("Sweet Cap") cigarettes, 62,
65, 185, 310, 311, 314
Sweetheart of the Corn {Corn Flakes
character), 892, 892
Sweetheart soap, 1326
Sweet Honesty, 118, 119
Sweet Moments cigarettes, 942
"Sweet news for you from 1870," 314
Sweets, William, 181
Sweet Success, 1646
Swensen's Ice Cream Co1npany, 445
Sweyndeym, Conrad, 1583
Swiffer electrostatic duster brands, 462, 823,
Swift, Gustavus, 753
Swift & Company, 399, 1106, 112.3, 1215
Swing-A-Ling watches, 1540
Swinger cameras, 1246, 1247
Swissair, 1673
Swiss Cheese crackers, 1117
Swit, Loretta, 6 52
Switzerland, 4 7 5, I 5I 3
Swoopes, Sheryl, I667
"Sword Man," 814
Sword Press Award (Saudi Arabia), 1040
"Swords," 1050
SX-70 cameras and color film, 1246
SX-60 Receiver, 1240
Sydney (Australia), 1035, 1437
Sydney Gazette and New South Wales
Advertiser, Io5
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., 275
Sylvester, 1218
"Symbol of e-freedom," 40
"Symbol of freedom," 40
"Symbol of service. The initials of a friend,"
Symmetrical Resources, Inc., 1436. See also
Simmons Market Research Bureau
Symons, John, 677
synaesthesia, 1093
syndicated market research, 983
Synergie-D'Arcy, 444
Synergie Publicite, 444, 723, 1308
synthetic fibers, JOI, 502
Syracuse (New York), I82
Syria, 1042
Tab (beverage), 339, 989, 1239
Tabasco, 453
Tabby cat food, 964
tabloid newspapers, I136
Tabu perfume, 1202
Tabulating Machine Company, 83I. See also
IBM Corporation
Tacchini, Sergio, 591
tachistoscopy, 1528
Taco Bell Corporation, 1355, 1356, I357•
1673; Bozell Jacobs Kenyon &
Eckhardt, Inc. and, l99i "Dinky,"
1059; Singleton Ogilvy & Mather and,
1439; TBWA Chiat/Day and, 86, 1059,
1356; temporarily owned by PepsiCo,
Inc., 1201; Tracy-Locke Company,
Inc., and, 1563; and typography, 1584;
"Yo quiero Taco Bell," I258, 1354,
1356, I362
Tadcaster (England), 879
Taft, Robert, I52, 1515
Taft, William I-Ioward, 1396
Tagamet HB, 883, 1223
TAG Heuer, 156, 157, 830, 1650
Tahama (agency), Io39
Taivas {agency), 1151
Taiwan, 469
Tajikistan, I376
"Take a bite out of crime," 15, 13 l 5
Take It or Leave It~ 178, 780
"Take me along," 37
"Take pictures, Further," 51I, 5I3
"Takes the ouch out of grouch," 174
"Take the wheel-try the feel of the Ford,"
Tai, Eliyahu, 869
Tal Arieli (agency), 869
Talbot's, 273, 647
talcum powder, 407
Talens, 272
Talent Associates, Ltd., 913, 1284
Talent Biz, 1460
Talent Comunica~ao, 1458, 1460
"Tale of Two Salesmen," 716
"Talking Cars," 1175
Talking OneStep cameras, 1247
Talking Tiles, l 55 6
Tall cigarettes, 223
Talley, Thomas, Io79
Talman, William, 1229
Talon, Inc., 922
Talon zippers, 4 57
Tambrands, Inc., 46~ 582, I275, 1277·
See also Tan1pax
"Tambrands. Women know," 582
Tame cream rinse, 705
Tamir Cohen {agency), 1535
Tampax, Inc., 577, 579, 580, 581, 562, 882;
acquired by Procter & Gamble
Company, 1275, 1277
"Tampax is a challenge to all women," 577
Tan, Io65
Tan, Michael, 1437
Tanaka Misako, 58 2
Tandem (agency), 394. See also Tandem DDB
Tandem (company), 1033
Tiindem Campany Guasch, I466
Tiindem DDB, 1468
Tandy Corporation, 67, Io33. See also Radio
Tango, 738, 739
Tangpanitansook, Decha, I 3 59
Tanner Electronic Survey Tabulation, 1340
Tanzania, 23, 680
tape recording, 380, 382, 1695
Tarbell, Ida, 383
Tarcher, Jack, 275
J.D. Tarcher & Company, Inc., 275
Tarek Nour Communications, 2I, 1039
·Herbert Tareyton cigarettes, I5Ii Brown &
Williamson Tobacco Corporation and,
22 3; M.H. Hackett Company and, 64,
6oI; filtered versus unfiltered, 6 5, 3 l 5;
"Unswitchable," 66
TargetCom, 809
Target Corporation, 347, 906, 1362, 1495·
See also color plate in volume three
Target Group Index, 1022, 1436. See also
Simmons Market Research Bureau
targeting, 1019, 1493-97
Target Stores. See Target Corporation
Tarleton) Jack, 668
Tarlow Advertising, 567, 708, 818, 865
Taronga Zoo, 252
Tarsem. See Dhandwal; Tarsem Singh
Tartar Control Listerine. See under Listerine
Tashlin, Frank, 1087
"Task," 532
"Taste as good as they crunch," l 562
"Taste Buds," 78
"Taste is gonna move you," 1672
"Taste people hate twice a day," 919, 1632
Taster's Choice, 345, 347, 463, 557, 1129,
1130,1131, I434
"Tastes as good as its name," 433
"Tastes bad but it's good for you," 9I9
"Tastes exactly like no other whiskey,"
"Tastes great ... less filling," 131, 1053,
1440, 1472
"Taste so much like Swiss cheese they even
have holes," 1117
"Tastes so good cats ask for it by name,"
taste tests, 461, 556
"Taste why it's Dannon," 698
Tata Chemicals, 843
Tate, 9I3
Tatham, Arthur E., 1498, 1499
Tatham Euro RSCG, 1500. See also Euro
Tatham-Laird & Kudner, Inc., 159, 1279,
Tatham-Laird, Inc., 83, 707, 775, 8I9,
l497-15or. See also Tatham-Laird &
Kudner, Inc.; and color plate in volume
Tatham/RSCG, 1500
Tatler, 325, 748
Tau, Bronislaw, 869
Taubman Paints: Colenso and, 349
Oy Maines Taucher Reklam, II 51
Taurus cars, 612, 1535
Tavern Pale, 489
"Ta vie est a toi," 622
taxation, 778
"Taxi," 940
Taylor, Deems, 911
Taylor, Elizabeth, 1204, 1266
Taylor, Niki, 29
Taylor, William, I586
Ann Taylor, I205
Taylor & Newton, 1586
Taylor Nelson Sofres, 1464
Taylor v. Ashto11~ 68 8
T.B. Browne, Ltd. See under Browne
T-Bird. See Thunderbird
TBS Superstation, l 578
TEWA Advertising, I48; and Barilla Pasta,
136; Chiat/Day, Inc., and, 293; in
Finland, 1151; in Germany, 376; and
Hakuhodo, Inc., 7Io; and Hunt
Lascaris, 829; in Spain, I46 5, 1467
TEWA/Campaign Company, II35
TEWA Chiat/Day: and Absolut vodka, 5; and
America Online, Inc., 67; and Apple
Computer, 86, 1503; Bridgestone/
Firestone, 1549; and Eveready, I46;
and C.R Hathaway Shirt Company,
721; and Levi Strauss & Con1pany,
940; and Nissan Motor Company,
lI4, 1106; and ODM Media, l02Ij
Omnicom Group and, 5, 293, 808,
l02Ij and Orbitz, 40; and Pets.com,
1218; and Sony Corporation, 1560;
and Taco Bell Corporation, 86, Io59,
I 3 56. See also Chiat/Day, Inc.
TBWA/Chiat/Day, 170, 293, 566. See also
Chiat/Day, Inc; TEWA Chiat/Day
TBWA!France, 158
TBWA GGT Simons Palmer, 248, 249, 879
TBWAIH Europe, 1I32
TBWA Hunt Lascaris, 22, 829-30. See also
Hunt Lascaris
TBWA International, 157-58
TBWA!Paris. See BDDP Group
TEWA Simons Palmer, 86 5
TEWA Worldwide, 24, 808, 1132, lI34,
Tchibo coffee, 666, 1404-05
TCI. See Tele-Communications, Inc.;
Telecomn1unications International
TDS. See Transactional Data Solutions
"Teacher," 6I4
Teague, Walter Dorwin, 472, 473, 79I, 1182,
Agency Team, 589, 665, 666, 1404-05. See
also Team/BBDO
Team/BBDO, 330, 1404
Team France, 330
Team One, 114
Teapot Dome scandal, 920-21
Tearing Down the Spanish Flag, 1296
"Tease 'em, please 'em, and seize 'em," 520
Tecate beer, 168
Techmatic, 1002, l 54 5
Technique for Producing Ideas (James Webb
Young), 204
TechnoBrands (Pettis), 244-45
technology, introduction of, 1501-03
"Technology Quest," 855
Techpack, 723
Tech Razor, lOOl
Techsetter (BBDO Worldwide, Inc.), 986
Techtron, 1175
Ticnica de la Publiddad (Prat), 1464
TCcnicas Reunidas, 204
Ted Barash & Company. See under Barash
Ted Bates & Company. See under Bates
Ted Colangelo Associates, Inc, See under
Ted. H. Factor Agency. See under Factor
Tedlow, Richard, 1693
Ted Mack's Amateur Hour, 896
Teel, 1273, 1274
Teem, r199
teenagers. See youth market
Teen Choice Awards, lI48
"Teen Date," 102
Teflon, 504
Tekton typeface, 1583
Tektronix, 1679
Tel Aviv University, 869
Telecom Argentina, 31, 32
Telecom Entertainment, 447
Telecom Italia, 873, 926-27, I523, 1524,
1 535
telecommunications: in Eastern Europe, 546;
in United Kingdom, 218-19; in United
States, IS04-09. See also color plate in
volume three
Tele-Communications, Inc., l 506
Telecommunications International, 93, Io2,
914, 1507
Telecommunications Reform Act (1996,
United States), 1506
Telecom SA (Argentina),,93, 94
Teledyne, 682
Telef6nica de Espafia, 93, 1468
Telef6nica Internacional SA, 93, 681
Telegrambyr:in, l 149
Telekomunikacja Polska, 546
telemarketing, r509-13; 800 numbers,
I5l0-12; 900 numbers, r512-I3;
overview, 1509-10; targeting and,
1495; United States Federal
Communications Commission and,
Telemarketing, I5lO. See also Call Center
Telemundo Television Group, Io2, I447,
telephone-coincidental research, 986
Telephone Company, Ltd., 219
Telephone Hou4 IOI
telephones, cellular/mobile. See cellular
Tele-Pulse, I340
Telerad, 1340
Telesistema Mexico, S.A., lJI6
Telesphere, 1512
Tele Test, r344
Tele-Varieties, 1689
Tele Vest, 448, 1021. See also Media Vest
Televicentro (Mexico), 1029
Grupo Televisa, S.A. (Mexico), 1029, ro3r
television, 333, 351, 433, 444, 580-81,
1513-22, 1600, r602;
advocacy advertising on, l9i and
African-Americans, 27, 1066, 1255;
Alcoa Corporation and, 1283, I284;
alcoholic beverages on, 167, 168,
171-72; Alka-Seltzer and, I619;
American Association of Advertising
Agencies and, 52; in Argentina, 92;
AT&T Corporation and, 101-02; in
Australia, 107, 298; in Bahrain, 1041,
1042; Batten Barton Durstine &
Osborn and, 151, I52, 780, 784,
I283; beer on, I68; Bendix Home
r 8 53
Appliances, Inc., and, 1498; Borden,
Inc., and, 780-81, 1265; in Brazil, 208,
496, 1458; Bristol-Myers Company
and, 1689; cable, 382, 797, 798, 846,
9r4, 993, IOI8, 1021, l420-2I; in
Canada, 262-63, 265; and children,
282-85, 294-95, 297, 298, 998, 1558;
cigarette advertising on, 66, 313, 314,
3I5, 7r6, 946) 964, 965, 1230;
Colgate-Palmolive Company and, 399,
785, 1265, 1284; color introduced,
1396; comparative advertising on, 362;
comparison to magazines, 980;
condoms on, 278, 1420; in Denmark,
lI51; deodorant on, 2I3; design and
designers in, 474, 475; and direct
marketing, 481; in Eastern Europe,
54 5, 546; in Egypt, 22, Io40, 1042;
Esso/Exxon and, 1174; European
Union and, 278, 298; in Finland, 1I5I;
Firestone Tire & Rubber Company
and, 785, 1549, 1642; Ford Motor
Company Lincoln-Mercury division
and, 305, 780, 1265; in France, 430,
621, 622, 692, I307i General Electric
Company and, 399, 640, 641, 1265,
I689; General Foods Corporation and,
644, 1689; General Motors
Corporation and, 786; Geritol and,
660-61; in Germany, 666, 667; Gillette
Company and, 780, 1472; Goodyear
Tire & Rubber Company and, r283,
I689; government regulation of, 282,
283, 284, 298; grocery and
supermarket advertisers on, 704; hotels
and, I573; humor on, 825, 827, 828;
in India, 844, I252; in Indonesia,
1439; infomercials on, 84 5, 846-47;
integrated marketing and, 8 5 3; in Iran,
1040; in Israel, 869, 870, 871; in Italy,
873, 1338; in Japan, 466, 878, 1338;
jingles on, 1105-06; Johnson &
Johnson and, 882, 883; S.C. Johnson
& Son, Inc., and, 884, 886;
in Jordan, 1041, 1042, 1043; Kellogg
Company and, 892; I<enyon &
Eckhardt, Inc., and, 780, 895-96, 897;
Kimberly-Clark Corporation and, 903;
Kraft, Inc., and, 914, I482;
Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation and,
9I2-13, 1283; Kudner Agency, Inc.,
and, 780, 786, lI72; in Kuwait, 104I,
1042; in Lebanon, 1040, Io42; Lennen
& Mitchell, Inc., and, 780, 962;
Lennen & Newell, Inc., and, 780;
Lever Brothers Company and, 936,
1284; Life and, 1690; Liggett & Myers
Tobacco Company and, 94 5;
Mars, Inc., and, 991, 993;
mass communications theory and, 998,
999-1000; Maxon, Inc., and, 780;
Maytag Corporation and, 1004;
McCann-Erickson, Inc., and, 1010-11;
McDonald's Corporation and, 1355;
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
and, 8 50; in Mexico, 1029, 1032;
Miles Laboratories, Inc., and, 1045,
1619; Miller Brewing Company and,
Io52; Nabisco, Inc., and, 1115;
National Football League and, 94, 9 5,
964, 1016, 1229; NBC Television as
pioneer in, 1395, 1396; and Nestle
S.A., 1128; in Netherlands, 1132,
1134, 1135; in New Zealand, xo8; in
1940s, 779-80; in 1950s, 784-86;
in 1960s, 790; in 1970s, 791, 792,
793-94; in 1980s, 796, 797, 798;
Norman, Craig & Kummel, Inc., and,
1153; in Norway, 1151; in Oman,
1041; Oscar Mayer & Company and,
1177; Pcpperidge Farm, Inc., and,
1194; pharmaceuticals on, 1224;
Philco Corporation and, 779, 780,
1283; Philip Morris Companies and,
1227; Polaroid Corporation and,
1246; political advertising on, 1251,
1252; political party conventions on,
r 690; presidential campaigns and
debates on, 152, 1248, 1249, 1251,
1251; Procter & Gamble Company
and,790,1270,1272, 1273-74, 1277,
1284, 1451, 1453, 1648; production
of programs for, 1281, 1283-84;
product placement and, 1285, 1286,
1287; Prudential Insurance Company
and, 1301; public service advertising
on, 1315, 1316, 1420; in Qatar, 1041,
1042, 1043; quiz shows on, 152,
660-61, 780, 786, 1284; and radio,
1329, 1693, 1694; religion advertised
on, 1349; Remington Rand
Corporation and, 785, 833, 1284;
representations of advertising on,
1086, 1087; retail advertising on,
l 3 6 3; Revlon Consumer Products
Corporation and, 786, 1153, 1619;
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and,
315, 1368; satellite, 382, 1040, 1041,
1042, 1043; in Saudi Arabia, 1040,
1042; Schlitz Brewing Company and,
1402; Seagram Con1pany, Ltd., and,
172, 1418; and self-regulation, 1418,
1419, 1420-21; and senior citizens
market, 1426; Seven-Up Company
and, 1429; soap operas on, 1446,
1448; soap products on, 1451; in
South Africa, 22; in South I(orea,
1462, 1463, 1464; in Spain, 205,
1465, 1466, 1467, 1468; sports on,
1472, 1474; Standard Brands and,
1481-82, 153 3; subliminal advertising
and, 1490; in Sweden, 1151; in Syria,
1042; Tatham-Laird, Inc., and, 1498;
Texaco, Inc., and, 399, 780, 1172;
J. Walter Thompson Company and,
780, 1283, 1481, 1482, 1533. l534i
Timex watches on, 1539-40; Toyota
Motor Corporation and, l 5 5 2; toys
and ga1nes and, 1554, 1556, 1558; in
Turkey, 1041; in United Arab Emirates,
1041, 1042; in United Kingdom, 298,
United States Federal Communications
Commission and, 278, 282, 278, 283,
284, 298, 776, 780, 1315; United
States Federal Trade Commission and,
283, 284, 295, 297; United States Food
and Drug Administration and, 1224;
U.S. Steel Corporation and, 1283;
variety shows on, 169 5; Volvo and,
1614; Wade Advertising Agency and,
1619; Warner-Lambert and, 1637;
Wells, Rich, Greene, Inc., and, 1648;
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
and, 784, 1265, 1283, 1284; women
and, 1663, 1665-66; Xerox
Corporation and, 1675-76, 1678;
Yahoo! and, 1681; Yellow Pages
compared to, 1684; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, 780, 1283, 1689,
1690; and youth market, 31, 1694-95.
See also commercials; presenters;
Television Act (1954, United Kingdon1), 1592
Television Audience Measurement, Ltd., 1590
Television Bureau of Advertising, 1303-04
Television Bureau of Canada, 265
television commercials. See commercials
Televisi6n Espafiola, 1465, 1467;
Contrapunto and, 394, 395
Television Ne\VS Archive (Nashville Archive),
1098, 1100
television sets, 378-79, 380, 382, 775, 784,
Television without Frontiers Directive
(European Union), 298
Telia Mobile, lI93, 1391
Telling, Edward R., I414
Tellis, Gerard, 523, 800
"Tell someone," 220
Telmex, Io29
Tel-Save Holdings, I5o6
Telstra, 145, 252
Telsun Foundation, I675-76
Temerlin, J. Liener, I97
Temerlin McClain, 1576; and American
Airlines, 38, 39, 1576; Bozell & Jacobs
and, 197; and Nationwide Financial
Services, Inc., 852; and Nortel
Networks, I106; and Subaru America,
I654; True North Communications,
Inc., and, 199, 1576
Ten1pest cars, 657
Temple, Shirley, 912
Templeton, Alec, Io44
Tempo Pen, 589
Tempo Productions, 82
Tempos (media-buying group), 1455
Tender Leaf Tea, 366, 1480, 1481, 1533
"Tender to your taste," 963
Tender Vittles, 1333
Ten Group, 1438
Tennant, Charles, 1043
Tennant, Don, z.36
Tennessee, 1510
Tennessee, University of. See under University
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 61
Tequila (marketing agency), 830
Tequila Asia Pacific, 14 5
Te!-"cel cars, l 5 5 3
Tercuman, 1041
Terramycin, 1219
Terrazas, Eduardo, 1581
Terry, Luther, 65, 946, 1228, 1368
Terry, Shannon, 1582
Tesh, John, 1110
Tessier, Alain, 1022
Testa, Antonella, 1523
Testa, Armando, 1522, 1523, 1524
Testa, Lidia, 1522
Testa, Marco, 1523, 1524
Armando Testa (agency), 873, 1132, 1522-24
Gruppo Testa, 1523, 1524
In Testa, 1523-24. See also Gruppo Testa
Testa International, 1524
Studio Testa, I522
Tested Advertising Methods (Caples), 268,
testimonials, 554, 774, 1297; American
Medical Association and, 1480;
Stanley B. Resor and, 1353, l354i
J. Walter Thompson Company and,
1532; Wendy's International, Inc., and,
1652. See also endorsement
testing methods, 1524-29
Testino, Mario, 567
Tetley tea, 888
Tetra Fish Food, 1215
Texaco Hour, 1104
Texaco, Inc., lI70, 1172, 1174, 1175, I310j
Almap/BBDO and, 48; McClelland
Barclay and, 840; Benton & Bowles,
Inc., and, 164; Collett Dickenson
Pearce and, 359; Cunningham &
Walsh and, 433, 435, 1172; D'Arcy
Masi us Benton & Bowles and, 44 7,
448; and design, 1183; DM9/DDB
and, 1458; Kudner Agency, Inc., and,
780, 786, 846; racism at, Io56; and
radio, 1172, 1283; and television, 399,
780, 1172; "Your friendly Texaco
dealer," 433. See also color plate in
volume one
Texaco Star Theater, 399, 780, 784, 786, 825,
846, 1172, 1283
Texas, 1349, 1571
Texas, University of. See under University
Texas Centennial Exposition, 502
Texas Instruments, 372, 959, 1013, 1540,
1 543
Texas International Airlines, Inc., l 562
Texas Pacific, 1410
Texas Tech University, 518
Texize Chemicals, Inc., 73 l
Tex Sun Citrus Exchange, 1562
Textron, 779
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 224
Thai Airways, 1462
Thaidumrong, Jureeporn, I3 59
Thai International, 3 3
Thailand, 96, 97, 98, 354, 695, 1358-59
Thale1; Linda Kaplan, 1650
"Thank Crunchie it's Friday," 248
"Thank goodness for Kleenex," 904
"Thanks, Max," 411
Thanks to the Yanks, 5 39
"Thank you for your support," 482, 485,
"Thank you HongkongBank," 814
"Thank you, PaineWebbe1;" 595, 596
"Thank you very much," 248
"That Day ls Here Again!," 577
Thatche1; Margaret, 396, 1252, 1385, I386
"That's Bud-that's beer," 77
That's Incredible! 572
"That's what I've been waiting for," 1004
Thau (agency), 1151
theater, representations of advertising in,
1087. See also Wisconsin Center for
Film and Theater Research
Tl1eater in America, 1174
Theiitrc illustre dupneu (Michelin), 1547
Theatre Royal (Montreal), 1077
The des Families, 722
theglobe.com, 1248
Theme, 929
"Theme from The Magnificent Seven/' 1111
Theo Brugiere. See under Brugiere
Theo. Hamm Brewing Company. See under
Theory and Practice of Selling the Aga
Cooker(D. Ogilvy), 1157
Theo1y of Advertising (W.D. Scott), 984,
1408, 1408
Theory of the Leisure Class {Veblen), 392
Theragran M, 526
"There are shapes you simply can't improve
on," 112
"There is no finish line," I141, 16 53
"There is no good reason against good
insurance," 399
"There is no spit in Creamo," 1189
"There's a Ford in your future," 112, r53r,
"There's just one word for beer: Schlitz-and
you know it," 1403
"There's more for your life at Sears," 1416
"There's more than a touch of to1norrow in
the Rockets of today," 6 56
"There's no such thing as a small disaster," 59
"There's no way like the American way," 772
"There's something magnetic about you,
Computape," 370
Thermasilk, 708
Thermolite, 505
"These are those pants," 940
Theumim, Moshe, 869
"They don't talk behind her back!," 577
"They do satisfy," 311, 945
"They Laughed When I Sat down at the
Piano, ... " 267, 1382
"They'll never guess what you've got up your
sleeve," 581
"They're Dewars," 170
"They're young ... They're in love ... And
they kill people," 1082
"Thick, Rich One," 730
Thiele, Ed, 234
Thimus {strategic planning company), 1641
Thin Blade: Maxon, Inc., and, 1001
"Things go better with Coke," 339, 340,
"Think," 375
"Think cheese-think Borden," 19 5
"Think Dark," 3 2
"Think different," 86, 336, 1072, 1503
"Think doomed," 3 3 6
"Thinking Americans today ... are not too
free with free speech," 7 5
ThinkPad, 838
"Think small," 112, 165, 362, 788, 1191,
1601, 1612
"Think when you drink," l7I
"Think Young," 152, 787, 1198, 1199
"Thirst knows no season," 340, 44 3
$Jo Billion Negro (Gibson), 27
thirtysomething, 1087
"This ad insults women," 1664
"This Bud's for you," 76, 78, 155, 164
"This calls for Budweiser," 77
"This Happy Land," 1201
"This is it," 444
"This is Nazi brutality" (Shahn), I298, 1628
"This is the worst commercial on the Super
Bowl," 514
Tl1is ls Your FBI, 1638
"This is your future. Don't leave it blank,"
This Is Your Life, 178
"This Magic Moment" (Drifters), 1107
"This way in," 8 5 5
This Week With David Brinkley, 9 5
"This wonderful power washer makes
\Vashing day a joy," 1003
Thoman, Richard, l 679
Thon1as, Ambrose, 535, 920, 953
Thomas, Danny, I 64
Thomas, Dave, 131, 1356, 1357, 1651, 1651,
16 52. See also color plate in volume one
Thomas, John, 1005
Thomas, Lowell, 73 5
Thomas A. Edison Industries. See under
Thomas Cook Travel. See under Cook
Thomas Dixon. See under Dixon
Thomas Hedley & Company. See under
Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. See under Lipton
Thomas Lee Company. See under Lee
Thomas Lee1ning & Company. See under
Thomas Logan, Inc. See under Logan
Thompson, Herbert, 1043
Thompson, James Walter, 1351, I530, 1531,
1533; and Advertising Hall of Fame,
50; and Johnson &Johnson, 880, 88I;
and magazine advertising, 7 5 5
]. Walter Thompson Archive/Collection,
1098, 1099,1100
J. Walter Thon1pson Company, 89, 159, 472,
473, 537, 587, 718, 756, 757, 775,
781-82, 791, 792, 816, lOlo, lOI1,
1027, 1352, 1480, 1530-37, 1599.
1600; and account planning, 6, 1592;
and Ad Council, 14; in Africa, 24; and
African-Americans, 28; and Alas,
1465; and Alberto-Culver Company,
159, 1500; and Fred Allen, 1084; and
American Express Company, 1669;
and American Home Products
Corporation, 5 5; and American Red
Cross, 58-59; and Elizabeth Arden
Company, l 59; in Argentina, 89, 94,
I459; in Australia, 105, 1603, 1604;
and Benetton, l 593; and blacklisting,
183; boardroom of, 1182; in Brazil,
206, 207, 209, 210, 1456; British
Market Research Bureau subsidiary,
1022; and British Telecom, 219; and
Burger King Corporation, 128, 226,
228, 800, 1669; in Canada, 262, 263;
and Chase & Sanborn coffee, 366,
770, 1283; and Chesebrough-Pond's,
Inc., 288; and Chevron Corporation,
682; in China, 302, 570; Consumer
Panel established by, 984; and
Continental Airlines, 3 6; and Helene
Curtis Industries, 707, 708; and Cutex,
1352; and DeBeers Consolidated
Mines, Inc., 456; and DirecTV Latin
America, 3 3; and Eastman Kodak
Company, 28, 94, 507, 509, 510, 511,
816, 959, Io58, 1107, 1233, 1669; in
Egypt, 21, 21; employment of
minorities at, 1056; in Eastern Europe,
547; and financial services, 593; and
Fleischmann's yeast, 769, 771, 1326,
1480; and Flintstones vitamins, 1046;
and Ford Motor Company, 94, I12,
II3, 114, 605--06, 608-09, 610, 612,
807, 816, 959, 1669; in France, 6I9;
and General Foods Corporation, 343,
344; and General Motors Corporation,
105, 656, 680, I456, 1464; in
Germany, 66 5; and Gillette Company,
159; and global advertising, 680; and
B.R Goodrich Company, 668; and
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company,
816, 1549, 1669; and green
advertising, 529; and hard-sell
advertising, 717; Hill and Knowlton,
Inc., acquired by, 793, 816, 1311;
and Hindustan Thompson Associates,
842-43; and Holiday Inns Worldwide,
l57Ii and Hyatt International, 1573;
and IBM Corporation, 816, 836;
in India, 842, 843; in Indonesia, 98;
in Italy, 873; and S.C. Johnson & Son,
Inc., 886, 887, 887; and Kellogg
Company, 892, 893; and
Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 576,
577, 901, 904, 1272; and Kraft Foods,
Inc., 914, 1178; and Kraft, Inc., 914;
and Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation,
and Kraft-Walker Cheese Company,
1603, 1604; and Labatt Brewing
Company, 916; and Lever Brothers
Company, 83, 538-39, 776, 934, 935,
936, 937, 938, 939, 947, I272, 1283,
I352, 1450; and Liggett & Myers
Tobacco Company, 946; and Thomas
J. Lipton, Inc., 83; and Listerine, 57,
919, 1633; Lord, Geller, Federico &
Partners, Inc., acquired by, 9 5 8; and
Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein, Inc.,
796, 958, 959; and Lorillard Tobacco
Company, 961-62; and Lux toilet
soap, 539, 666, 934, 935, 947, 1283,
I352; magazine catalog published by,
981, 1597; and mapping technologies,
r699; and market research, 984, 985,
r353; and Maxwell House coffee,
343-44, 13 52; and Miles Laboratories,
Inc., ro46, 1545; and Miller Brewing
Company, 159; and MindShare, ro2r;
and motivational research, 984; and
Motorola, Inc., 94; and multinational
campaigns, ro94; and multivitamins
targeted at children, 1046; and
Nash/Lafayette auton1obiles, rr2;
1352; and Nestle S.A., 94, 1129, rr3r,
1465; in Netherlands, 1132; and
Northern Telecom, 94; and
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Company, 851; Ogilvy & Mather
World-..vide, Inc., in failed merger talks
with, 1166; and One-A-Day Vitamins,
1545; and Oscar Mayer Foods
Corporation, II77, II78; and
Palmolive soap, 407; and Pepsi-Cola
Co1npany, 83, 228, 1343; and Pfizer,
Inc., 1221; in Philippines, 98; and
Phillips Oil Company, rI73; and Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
r 597; and Pond's Extract Company,
288, 289, 407, 1351-52, r353;
Population and Its Distribution, 762,
984; and PPGH, II32; and Prince
Matchabclli, I204, I204; and Procter
& Gamble Company, 1272, I35I; and
Prudential Insurance Company, r301,
1302; psychology at, r687; and public
relations, 793, I3rr; and Quaker Oats
Company, .r59, I3I9; and Qwest
Communications, x59; and radio, 438,
Radio Corporation of America, 3 77,
378, 379, 380; and Red Cross Shoes,
566; Helen Lansdowne and Stanley B.
Resor at, I350, r35I, x352, 1353,
I599, 1657; and Rolex, 94; and
Scandinavian Mink Association, 971,
971; and Schick, r40I; and Schlitz
Brewing Company, r403; and Scott
Paper Company, 901, 902; and Sears,
Roebuck & Company, 159, 8r6, 1416,
1669; and Seven-Up Company, 174,
I429, T431; and Shakey's Pizza, 226;
and Shell Oil Con1pany, 159, r172;
and soft-sell advertising, 718; in South
Korea, 1463; in Spain, 203-04, 1464,
r465; and Sprint Corporation, 1505,
l 507; and Standard Brands, 344, 769,
Sunbeam, 159; and Swift & Company,
1215; and Sylvania Electric Products,
Inc., 275; and Talent Associates, Ltd.,
1284; and Teledyne, 682; and
television, 780, 1283, 148.I, r482,
1514; and Timex Corporation, 1540;
and Uncle Ben's, 1659; and Unicharm,
582; and Unilever, 94, ro5, 1272; and
Union Central Life Insurance
Company, 593; in United Kingdom,
r592, I593; and United States Anny,
1049; and United States Marine Corps,
1050; and Vegemite, r603, 1604; and
Warner-Lambert, 57, 9I9, 1633, 1634,
I635, 1636; and Warner-Wellcon1e
Consumer Products, 132; women at,
1352, r656, 1657; and Woodbury's
facial soap, 407, 472, 761, 955, 1351,
I449, I450, 1598; and Wool
Secretariat, 570; WPP Group and, 6Io,
680,796,807,809,8r6,959, Io21,
1166, I453, 1454, 1593, I602, 1668;
and Wni. Wrigley Jr. Co1npany, r671;
Young & Rubicam, Inc., as rival to,
1690, I69r. See also J. Walter
Thompson Archive/Collection; and
color plate in volu1ne t\VO
J. Walter Tho111pson, S.A. (Spain), 204, 205,
I465, I468
ThompsonConnect, 1535
Thompson Digital (South Korea), I535
Thompson-Koch, 776
Thompson Medical Company, 581
Tho1npson Total Branding, I535
"Thompson T-square," 1353, 1532
"Thompson Way," 205
Thomson, William, r226
Thomson Consumer Electronics, 382
Thomson-Houston Company, 636. See also
General Electric Company
Thomson Sverige, 1193
Thomson Travel Group, 1193, II93
Thorn Birds, 277
Thornton, Charles "Tex," 608
Thothmic machines, r582
3Com, 287
3Com Park, 335, 553
"Three-Dollar Shoe Man," 566
Three-in-I Oil, 54
Three Little Kittens, 964
Three Little Pigs watches, 1539
3M Company, 292, 445, 446, 697
"Three 1nillion a day," 337, 340
Three-Minute Oats, 44I
3 Musketeers, 990, 99 5
Three Sig1na Research, I436. See also
Sim1nons Market Research Bureau
365 Corporation, 739
"Three Stages of Man," 1603
thrift institutions, 59 5
Thrifty car rental, 308
Thriller (video; Jackson), 1092, (album) 1520
Throneberry, Marv, r473
Through lvfany Windo1vs (Woodward), r34
Thunderbird cars, 608, 609
Thunderbolt cars, 303
"Thunder on Sycan1ore Street" (Rose),
Thurber, Hal H., I6I9
Thurbe1; James, 841
Thurman, Uma, 1205
Thurmond, Strom, I7I
Thyssen, August, 665
Thyssen, Fritz, 665
Tia, Robert, and Anna, x205
Tianjin (China), 299
Tick Tock Toys, 868
Tide detergent, 522, 821, 822, 875, 939,
1154, 1274, 1278; Benton & Bowles,
Inc., and, 446, 1274; Burrell
Comn1unications Group, Inc., and,
240; "Cleanest clean under the sun,"
1517; Compton Advertising, Inc., and,
366, 1274; package design for, r182,
lr83; rivalry with Colgate-Palmolive
Company products, 354, r274; rivalry
with Lever Brothers Company
products, 936, 1274; Ten1po
Productions and, 82
Tidewater Oil, 768
Tidy Cat, r334
Tiegs, Cheryl, 4I1, 523, 1414
Tiempo (agency), I465
Tiempo BBDO, r467, 1468
Tierney & Partners, 57, I576
Tiffany & Con1pany, 480, 958, r205
Tigerama, r174
Tigerino, l 17 4
Tigert, Doug, l 3 04
Tilden, Bill, I 3 67
Tilden, Samuel Jones, 224
Tile-Tex, 861
Tilton, Elizabeth, 4 3 l
Tilton, Theodore, 4 3 l
Timberland Company: Leagas Delaney
Partnership, Ltd., and, 926
Tin1e, 765, 968, 977, 978, 980; Batten Barton
Durstine & Osborn and, r5I; Buick
Motor Company and, Ir2; and
demographic research, 459; Fallon
McElligott and, 562; international
editions of, 982; Radio Ranch
Productions and, 824
Tiine Advertising, 1066
time banking, 1020
Time Computers, 739
"Time for a Pentium II processor?," 855
time franchises, 1283, l64I
Time, Inc., 772, 800, 968, 969, 1686. See also
AOL Time Warner; Fortune; Life;
Time; Time-Life; Ti1ne Warner
Tin1e-Life, 68, 1336, 1673. See also
Time, Inc.; Time Warner
Times New Roman typeface, I583
Tilnes of London, 325-26; acquired by News
Corporation, ro96; Rainey Kelly
Ca1npbell Roalfe and, I593
"Times of Your Life," 5 IO, 5 Io, r107, IS 3 5
Time to Live, 1446
Time Warner, Inc., 67, 68, 309, 800, I4ll,
r578. See also AOL Time Warner
"Time wasted in healthcare," 5 r4
Timex Corporation, 1537-43. See also color
plate in volume one
Timex watches, 463, 490, 562, 784, 785,
I259. See also Timex Corporation
Tim Horton's, r652
Timonen, Mikko, 6.I3
Tinker, John H. ("Jack"), Sor, r543-44,
1545. 1546
Jack Tinker & Partners, 922, ro46, 1047,
1543-46, I62Ij and Alka-Seltzer, 41,
452, 79I, 922, I045, I046, I223,
1647, 1648, 1659; and design, 494;
Interpublic, Inc., and, 538, .I659; and
Miles Laboratories, Inc., 104 5, 1046,
1223, 1620, 1621
John H. Tinker & Partners, I 544. See also
Jack Tinker & Partners
Tinker, Campbell-Ewald, Inc., 2r5, 2I7, 1546
Tinker, Dodge & Delano, 255, 1545-46. See
also Tinker, Campbell-Ewald, Inc.
Tinker-Pritchard Wood Associates, 1545. See
also Tinker, Dodge & Delano
Tintair, 27 5
Tio Pepe dry sherry. Sec color plate in volume
Tip Corporation, lI99· Sec also Mountain
Tipper, Harry, II70
Tippett, W. Paul, Jr., 6.to
TIRC. See Tobacco Industry Research
tires, I546-49. See also color plates in
volu1nes t1VO and three
Tiroleses (agency), I464, r465. See also
Tisch, Laurence, r190
Tish, 82I
Titus Moody, 1194, II96
TiVo, 683
TMI (agency), I535
TMP Worldwide, l l 3 2
TlvIX watches, i543
TN Media, 803, 102I, I 576
TNT (TV network), 1578
TN Technologies, 323, 1069, 1575, r576
Toaster Bus, 1604
Toaster Strudel, I236
"Toast of the town" (tag line), IIl4
Toast of the Toivn, I81, 305, 606, 780, 825,
tobacco: An1erican Tobacco Company and,
61, 62, 942; Bro\vn & Willia1nson
Tobacco Corporation and, 221, 223;
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company
and, 942; in r9th century, 754-55; in
United Kingdo1n, T592. See also
Tobacco Industry Research Committee, 315,
10bacco Institute, 66, 946, I229, I368
"Tobacco is Whacko," 965. See also color
plate in volu1ne t1-vo
Tobacco Products Corporation, 1226
Tobacco Trust, 61, 3Io, 942, 943, 961, 1226,
Tobata Casting Company, Ltd., I 143· See also
Nissan Motor Company
Tobler, 618
"To bring the \valves out ... ," 449
Today {TV sho\v), 525, 785, 1004, 1246,
Today contraceptive sponge, 581
Today ls Ours, 1446
Today's Children, I235, 1446
todaysmilitary.com, Io51
"Today the pits, tomorrow the wrinkles," 623
Tod1nan, Bill, I83
Todolandia, 92
"To Do List for the Planet," 504
"To get/Away fron1'Hairy apes ... , " lI04
"Together, McDonald's and you," 1015,
Toigo, Adolph, 93I, 932
Toigo, John, 180, 1198
Taiga, Oliver, 930
Toksvig, Frithjof, 1151
Tokyo PR Service, 900
Tokyo Rose, 1296
Tokyu Agency, 878
toll broadcasting, 1325
"tolle Kiste," 376
Toll I-louse Morsels, I 584
"Toll of water," 592
Toma, Alberto, 136
To1n and Jerry, 83
to1nbstone ads, 492, 493, 593
Tombstone pizza, 908
Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, 9I3
"To men who want to quit work some day,"
To1n Mix Ralston Straight Shooters, I333
Tom Mix watches, r539
Ton1n1y Hilfige1: See under Hilfiger
Tomorro1v Never Dies, 534
Tom Sutton International Exchange Program.
See under Sutton
Tone Brothers, 1520
Tonette, 705
Tongnip Shinnn1n, I461
Tongyang Confectionery Corporation, 286
Toni Co1npany, 239, 602, 676, 705, 779
Tonic 360, 1535
TonightSho1v, 77, 444, 785, 1045, 1246,
1515, r552, 1642
Tonka Corporation, l 560. See also Tonka
Tonka Trucks, 1556
Tony the Tiger, 155, 785, 1099, 1268, r470;
Leo Burnett Company, Inc., and,
82-83, 231, 236, 237, 475, 892,
Tooheys bee1; 1075
Tool (rock band), 1092
"Tool for n1odern times," 373, 836
tools, 1239
Tootsie Roll, 491
"Top Guns," 5 3
Topic chocolate, 739
Top Job, 180, 82I
Top Tunes and Ne\v Talent, 696
Topolewski, Gary, lI5
Toppe1; 32
Torasso, 92
"Torches of Freedom March," 64, 312, 584
Torme, Mel, _i108
Toronto, 1606
Toronto Blue Jays, 916, 9I7
10ronto Maple Leafs, 262, 975
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre, 1606
Toronto Raptors, 917
"Torpid liver," 268-69
Torre Lazur McCann Healthcare Worldwide,
Tortoise (rock band), 1110
torture tests, 46r, 463, 490, 554, 784,
I8 57
Toscani, Oliviero, 17, I9, I6o, r6I, I62, 402,
567, 569, 569. See also color plate in
volinne one
Toshiba, 282, 526; in Argentina, 90; and
computers, 373, 374; and digital
videodiscs, 38I, 382; Results
Advertising and, r359
Tostitos Fiesta Bo\vl, 335
Tostitos salsa, 5 57
Total Auto1natic Color, 378
Total cereal, 647, 65I
TotalFinaElf, 33I, 332
totalitarianism, 1298
totaljobs,com, 360
"Totally organic experience," 708
Total toothpaste. See Colgate Total
To TeJl the Truth, 660
Toten1 Pole brand, ro61
Totino's Finer Foods, 653, I234, 1235
T02, I248
Toubon La\v, See Loi Toubon
Toucan Sam (Froot Loops character), 892,
Touched by an Angel, r84
Touch-10ne, ro2
"Toughest job you'll ever love," r 5
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 470, 616, 620,
756, 839
Tour de France, Io91
tourism. Sec travel and tourism
Tourist camera, 509
Tourneau, Inc., 973
To\ve1; John, 1692
Towel Girl, 970
Tower Magazines, 775
"To\ver of strength," 1301
Towle, Patrick J., 470, 642
Towle Manufacturing, 970-71
To\vn & Country {autoinobiles), 303, 304,
To1v11 & Co1111try(1nagazine), 726, 943
To1vn ffall Tonight, r64, 2II, 866, 1641,
Townsend, Lynn A., 305
Townsend, Robert, 117, 452
To1vnscnd & Townsend, 774, 9 57
Town Talk, I270
toxic shock syndro1ne, 387, 580, 800, 1275
Toy Manufacturers of the United States, l 5 54,
Toyopet cars, r13, i550
"Toyota juinps," x55I
10yota Motor Corporation, 1r3-14, 1107,
I146, 1550-53; Colcnso and, 349;
Dance1; Fitzgerald, Sample and,
lI3-14, I388; and General Motors
Corporation, 364, 658; and global
advertising, 68I; Honda Motor
Company as rival to, 813; in japan,
878; Publicis and, 1308; targeting
hon1osexuals, 1062; in Thailand, 96
Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc., 1r3, 122,
"Toys," Il4
Toy Safety Act (1984, United States), 386
toys and games, i553-6I; burger companies
and, 226; and children, 296-97;
cigarette companies and, 317; Citroen
and, 319; as collectibles, 355-57; and
ethics, 543; government regulation of,
385, 386, 692; in Greece, 692; oil
companies and, rr74; Quaker Oats
Company and, I 3 20. See also color
plate in volume three
Toys & Novelties (magazine), 1556
Toys 'R' Us, 15 54, 1560, 1650; Deutsch, Inc.,
and, 477; and Juvenile Diabetes
Foundation, 552; Scali, McCabe,
Slaves and, 1399; and Trident for Kids
chewing gum, 1634
Toy Yearbook (Toy Manufacturers of the
United States), 1554
TPI, 1340
T Plan, 204
TPS. See "Tease 'em, please 'cm, and seize
Tracer Razors, 1401
tracking research, 983-84
Traction cars, 3 21
Trac II, 676, 989
Tracy, Shelley, I 5 6 r
Tracy, Spencer, 196
Tracy-Locke/BBDO, I562, I563
Tracy-Locke Con1pany, Inc., I56I-63; and
Borden, Inc., I95; and Frito-Lay, Inc.,
929; Geyer, Cornell & Newell, Inc.,
and, 672; and Princess Cruises, I 573
Tracy-Locke-Dawson Advertising, I74,
trade cards, 747, 862-63, 963, I596. See also
color plate in volu1ne 011e
Trademark Act (1905, United States), 431
Trade1nark Act (1946, United States).
See Lanham Trademark Act
trademarks, 3 8 5; and cultural symbols, 43 lj
design and, 470, 756; Intel
Corporation policy on, 8 54; legal
issues around, 928, 929, I270; of Levi
Strauss & Company, 941; and
packaging, II81; of Pepsi-Cola
Company, II97i of Pillsbury Company
and predecessors, 1234; of Procter &
Gamble Company, I270; of
Schweppes, 1406; of Travelers
Insurance Company, 1427.
See also logos
Trade Mart, Inc., 452
trade publications, 1563-67
trading cards, 224, 225
trading stamps, 702
Traffic Audit Bureau, 99
traffic flow analysis in retail stores, 1291
Tragos, Bill, 5, l 5 8
Tragos, Bonnange, Wiesendanger, Ajroldi,
I37· See also under TBWA
Trahey, Jane, 567, I567-69, 1657
Jane Trahey Associates, Inc., I567, 1657
Trahey Advertising, Inc., 1567, 1568. See also
Trahey/Wolf Advertising, Inc.
Trahey Associates/Advertising, l 567
Trahey/Cadwell, 1567
Trahey/Rogers Advertising, I567
Trahey/Wolf Advertising, Inc., 567, I567,
Trailblazer vehicles, 68, 1690
trailers for motion pictures, Io79
"Train," 136
"Training Camp," 803
Trajan typeface, 1584
Traktor {production company), Il5I
Trane Company, 1498
Transactional Data Solutions, I436
Trans-Canada Air Lines, 33. See also
Air Canada
transference, 1297
transfonnational advertising, 1213-14
Trans-Lux, 494
Transogram Company, 1554, 1556, 1558
Transportation Display, Inc., 1180
Transtar (radio network), 133I
Trans World Airlines, Inc., 35, 37, 38, 40,
239, 923, 1648; and fare war, 2I7; and
Hertz Corporation, 735; and Hilton
Hotels Corporation, I574; and
Polaroid Corporation, I247
Trasoff, Victor, 473
Travelall, 68
travel and tourism, I569--75; in Australia,
448; in Canada, 265-66; in Seychelles,
830; in South Africa, 829.
See also airlines
Travel Channel, 273
Travelers Aid Society, 1352
Travelers Insurance Company, 45, I427,
Travel Weekly, 978, lI20
Travis, Peter, 360
Travis, Randy, 59
Travisano, Ron, 457
travissully, 360
Trea & STB, II5I
Treacher, Arthur, I 3 57
Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips, 1357
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 87, 1059
Treasury Men in Action, lOII
Treasury of Christmas Ornaments, 3 5 5
"Treat instead of a treatment," 93I
Trebeck, Alex. See color plate in volume one
Treidlc1; Adolph, IIO
Trembath, Gordon, 252
Trendex, lo, 1339
"Trend Today Is to Du Maurier," 1605
Trenet, Charles, 722
Trevino, Lee, I09I
Triangle Publications, 1693.
See also Seventeen
triangulation, I3 23
Triarc Beverage Companies, Inc., 173, I77,
477. See also Royal Crown Cola;
Triathlon watches, 1542
Agencia Tributaria, 39 5
Tricon Global Restaurants, I357, I363.
See also I<FC Corporation; Pizza Hut;
Taco Bell Corporation
Trident chewing gum, 57, I220, I221,
1633-34, I634, I637
Trigere, Pauline, 1567
Trikaya (agency), 842. See also Trikaya Grey
Tr:ikaya Grey, 84 3
Tri-Module, 1558
Trinaranjus, 2 70, 394
Trinh Thi Ngo, 1049-50
Trinity Motors, 1375-76
Tripp, Carolyn, 525
Trippe, Juan, 35, 36
Triscuit wafers, 1113, I1I4, 1117
Triumph cigarettes, 965
Triumph des Willens, 1298-99
Trix, 83, 647, 6 51, 652. See also color plate in
vol11me two
Trix Rabbit, 6 52. See also color plate in
volume two
Trois Suissess, 332
Trojan condoms, 270, 577
Trone Advertising Agency, 169, I369
Trooper II, II4
Troost, Hubert, 66 5
Troost Campbell-Ewald, 136, 665, 666
,Trop-Artic motor oil, II73
Tropicana, 164, 401, 447,604, I20I
Trotman, Alexander, 612
Trotter, John Scott, 911
Trout, Jack, 1260, I44I
Trout, Robert, 259, 672, 1189, 1190, I329
Troy typeface, 1583
TRS-80 computer, 372, 373, 794, 1033
TRT. See Turkiye Radio & Televizyon
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, 1606
"True," Io2, I505
True cigarettes, 446, 602, 932, 964, 965,
"True colors," 511, 5I2, 557
"True Milwaukee beer flavor," I403
True North Communications, Inc., 199, 323,
604, 649, 808, 1056, I069, 1575--77;
and Bayer Bess Vanderwarker, I4 7,
148, 175, 1321; and Bozell Jacobs
Kenyon & Eckhardt, 604, 808, 817,
897; and Bozell Sawyer Miller Group,
I311; and Campbell Soup Company,
261; and Chiat/Day/Mojo, Io75; and
DaimlerChrysler, 807; FCB Worldwide
and, 287, 807, 862; and global
advertising, 682; Interpublic Group of
Companies and, I99, 477, 604, 807,
862, 897, I013, 1021, I028, 1201,
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., 887; and
Publicis, 604, 8I6-17, 1077, 1306,
1308; and Springer & Jacoby, 1478;
and TN Media, 803, 1021
True Stories, 408
Trun1an, Harry S: William Burnett Benton
and, I65; and defense spending, 778;
on impact of political advertising,
I249, 1251; and n1argarine, 740; and
steel industry, 741; Warwick & Legler,
Inc., and, I638
Trump, Donald, 1268, I66o
Trump City, 1660
Trushay, 213
Truth fragrance, I205
truth in advertising, 541
Truth in Lending Act (1968, United States),
385, 699
Truth or Co115equences, 1274
Truth Well Told (Stewart Alter/McCannErickson World,vide Advertising), 86I,
1008, 1010
"Try it, you'll like it," 42, 1046, 1648
Ts'ai Lun, 1580
"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Wisk, Wisk, Wisk," 938
TSS. See toxic shock syndrome
T360 trucks, 812
T 28 telephones, 5 3 4
T-26 Type Foundry, 1584
Tube Rose tobacco, 223
Tubular Bells (Oldfield), 1607
Tucker, Bill, 966
Tucker, Geoffrey, I237
Tuesday Team, 1251
Tulsa (Oklahoma), 27
Tums, 775, 1382
Tune, Tommy, 567, 1568
Tungli, Marta, 548
Tunisia, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1038
Tunstall, Jeremy, 428
TV Tupi, 208
Turkey, 60, 1038, Io41
Turkish Elegantes cigarettes, 3Io
Turkiye Radio & Televizyon Kurumu, 1041
Turkmenistan, I376
Turn and Pull watches, I543
Turnbo-Malone, Annie M., 409
Turner, Fred, 1015
Turner, Graham, 5
Turner, Hawley, 63 3
Turner, Kathleen, 228
Turner, Lana, 525
Turner, Robert Edward ("Ted"), 72I, Io97,
1190, 1577-79, 1657
Turner, Sebastian, 1406
Turner, Tina, 1201, 1349
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., 847, 113 l.
See also Cartoon Network; CNN;
Time Warner; TNT; WTBS
Turner Foundation, I578
Turner Network Television. See TNT
"Turning Milk into a Meal," 404
Turnoff Week, 334, 336
Turn of the Screlv {television production), 895
Turnure, Arthur B., Il20
Turtle Wax, 489
TV Azteca S.A. de C.V. See under Azteca
TV dinners, 1183, 1392, I498
TVE. See Televisi6n Espaiiola
TV Gazeta. See under Gazeta
TV Globo. See under Globo
TV Guide, 977, 980, 1426, 1432
"TV Is Good," 292
TV North Sea, I 13 4
TV Tupi, 208
TWA. See Trans World Airlines, Inc.
"Twelve Days of Christmas," lilO
Twentietl1 Century, l30I
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation,
1016, 1079, 1085, I096. See also
Fox, Inc.
7\venty Ads tl1at Shook the World (Twitchell),
Tiventy-First Century, r30I
"25 to 49 percent fewer cavities with Crest,"
20 Mule Team Borax, 1008
Twenty-One, 660, 786, 1515
Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing, I638
2ol2_0, 95, 1426
"Twice as much for a nickel," lI98, I260
"Twice as much for a penny more," l l 9 8
Twice as Nice shan1poo, 937
Twilight Zone (television program), 1689
Twinkies. See Hostess Twinkies
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," 727
Twin Six cars, lI88
Twist ofLe1non (Stephens), 1083
Twitchell, James B., 336
Twix, 445, 993, 995
Twizzlers, 734
"Two all-beef patties special sauce lettuce
cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed
bun," Io15, 13 5 5. Sec also color plate
in volu1ne two
"Two Fords are even better than one!," 783
Two Horse Brand, 94I
Twombly, Carol, 1584
"Two, two, two mints in one," 1634
Tydol-Veedol, I85
Ty, Inc., 3 5 5, 3 56, 357, I3 56. See also
Beanie Babies
Tylenol, 42, 73, 3 64, 792, 800, 882-83, I3 I2.
See also color plate in volume tivo
Tyler, Bill, 236
Tyler Taxi, lI75
Type A cars, 318
typography, IS79-84. See also color plate in
volume three
Tyson, Irwin, 1069
Tyson, Mike, 1268
O.S. Tyson & Company, Inc., 1069
"T-zone," 539
UAE. See United Arab Emirates
UAL, Inc., 737, 1574. See also United Airlines
UAP, 549
ubiquity of advertising. See clutter and ad
Uecker, Bob, 1473
UFC. See United Fruit Company
Uganda, 23
"Ugly," 112, 788
U-Haul International, 1I26, i684
UI-Il<~ 780
"Uh-Huh," I200, I317
"Uh-oh, SpaghettiOs," 26I
Uilot Media, 1623
Ukraine, I3 76
Ukrtorgreklama, I378
Ulka (agency), 842
Ullman, Tracy, 523
Ullmark, Hans, 1037
"Ultimate driving machine," 69, 558, 949,
"Ultimate Wave." See "Surfer"
Ultra Brite, 352, 540
ultra-high frequency. See UHF
Ultra Sheen, 409
Ultra Silk, 28 8
Ultra Softlan, 354
Ultra Tide. See under Tide
Ulysses (Joyce), 1083
I8 59
"Unbelievable world of Panda," 590
"Unchained Goddess," IOI
"Unchained Melody" (Righteous Brothers),
Uncle Ben's rice, 159; African-Americans and,
1057; D'Arcy-MacManus & Masius
and, 445; Mars, Inc., and, 990, 991,
993, 995; J. Walter Thompson
Company and, 1659
Uncle Sam, 431, 839, 1297, 1580, 1598.
See also color plates in volumes one
and three
"Uncle Sam is calling you ... ," I198
"Uncola," 74, 792, 1535
Underdog, 6 5 2
Under the Radar (Kirshenbaum and Bond),
Undenvire, Io33
Uneeda biscuits, 756, 760, 1113, I597·
See also color plate in volume two
UNESCO. See United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization
unfairness in advertising, 690
"Unfinished lunch," 41
Unibanco, 1459, 1640
Unicall, 3 70
Unicef. See United Nations Children's Fund
Unicharm, 582
Unification Church, 163 2
Uniform Commercial Code {United States),
Uniform Sales Act {United States), 694
Unilever, 933-39, 947, 967, 1453i in
Africa, 24; in Argentina, 92;
Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc., acquired by,
288, 290; in Eastern Europe, 546-47;
formulaic advertising by, 328; and
global advertising, 680, 68I, 145I;
and Hindustan Lever, 843; Interpublic
Group of Companies and, 808; in Italy,
873; in Latin America, 1278; Lintas as
house agency of, 105, 808, 947, 949,
Io95, I465; McCann-Erickson, Inc.,
and, Io11; in Netherlands, 1132,
1133; Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide,
Inc., and, 159, 924, 1166, 1669;
Results Advertising and, 1358; in
Spain, 1465; SSC&B-Lintas
International part-owned by, 949;
J. Walter Tho1npson Co1npany and,
94, 105, I272, I533, 1535> 1669; in
United Kingdom, I594; WPP Group
and, I669. See also All detergent;
Elizabeth Arden Company; Bestfoods;
Birdseye Foods; Close-up toothpaste;
Helene Curtis Industries; Dove soap;
Faberge; Calvin Klein fragrances;
Klondike ice crea1n; Lux toilet soap;
Pears' soap; Pepsodent Company;
Prince Matchabelli; Rayve shampoos;
Rinso; Dr. Scholl's; Spry; Suave;
Sunlight soap; and color plate in
vol111ne tlVO
Unilever Health & Personal Care, 290
Union Carbide, 146, Io69, I518, 1567
Union Central Life Insurance Company, 59 3
Union Dime Savings Bank, 2 7 5
Union Hotel (New York City), IS69
Union Oil Company, 234
Union Publishing Company, II8
Uni6n Radio (Spain), 1465
Union Trust Con1pany, 740
unique selling proposition, 257, 717, 1260,
1291; of Anacin, 72, 73, 1345; Ted
Bates & Company, Inc., and, 1153,
_(345; Rosser Reeves and, 257, 717,
786, 1223, 1345-46, 1590; in United
Kingdom, 1590, 1592
Uniroyal-Goodrich Tire Company, 1549
Uniroyal, Inc., 452, 1375, 1549
Uniroyal Tires, 1549
Unistar (radio network), 1331
Unisys, 1576
unit audit reports, 979
United Airlines, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, rrr:t;
N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc., and, 125; Leo
Burnett Compahy, Inc., and, 37, 39,
Chicago Bulls, 553; CKS Group and,
3 2 3; Vince Cullers Advertising, Inc.,
426; Fallon McElligott and, 39, 563;
"Friendly Skies," 37, 37, 39, IIII,
1440, I442i Joe Pytka and, x317;
"Rhapsody in Blue" {Gerslnvin) used
by, 39, II07, IIIlj and Starbucks
Coffee Company, 347; UAL, Inc., and,
United Alloy Steel, 740
United Arab Emirates, 1039, ro41, Io42
United Artists, 776, ro8o. See also MGM!UA
Entertainment Company
United Auto Group, r32
United Biscuits (Holdings) pk., 926
United Brands, 490, 49r. See also
Chiquita Banana
United Business Media, 1022
United Center (Chicago), 553
"United Colors/Colours," 28, 567, 569.
See also color plate in volume one
United Distillers & Vintners, r3 58. See also
Johnnie Walker whiskey
United Fruit Co1npany, loo, ro59. See also
Chiquita Brands International, Inc.
United Independent Broadcasters, II89.
See also CBS
United Kingdom, r585-94; alcoholic
beverages in, 17I; candy and chocolate
in, 478; censuses in, 279; cigarette sales
to children in, 3 xo; coffee in, 344;
comparative advertising in, 362, 365;
cos1netics in, 407; diamond rings in,
4 5 5; Eastman I(odak Company in
patent dispute in, 5ro; and empire,
756-57, 764; feminine hygiene and
intimacy products in, 581, 582, 583;
Ford Motor Con1pany in, 609, Io63;
France compared to, 6I6, 617, 6I8;
General Motors Corporation in, 6 5 6;
and global advertising, 679, 680;
humor in, 825, 827; and India, 842;
legal issues in, 930; 1nagazine
advertising in, 980; military advertising
in, 1047, Io48, 1051; in r9th century,
750-51; nonalcoholic beverages in, 8;
patent medicines in, 75I, 762; posters
in, 756; propaganda by, 1296; radio in,
765, 767, 1325, ISI3i regulation of
sexism in, 5 87; sports in, 692;
telecommunications in, 218-19;
telemarketing in, Isl l; television in,
298, 430, S82, 7I6, 774, I328, I396,
I5I3, ISIS, I517, ISI8, r52I;
women in, I666; in World War I,
1297; in World War II, Io48. See also
England; Northern Ireland; Scotland;
United l(ingdom Air Transport Licensing
Board, 2I5
United Kingdon1 Central Office of
Information, r39r
United l(ingdo1n Enen1y Propaganda
Departn1ent, 1047
United I(ingdon1 General Post Office, 2I9
United Kingdon1 Health Education Authority,
United Kingdom Health Education Council,
I388, r592. Sec also United Kingdom
Health Education Authority
United Kingdom Ministry of Inforn1ation,
United Methodist Church, 28
United Methodist Communications, 28
United Motors Corporation, 654. See also
General Motors Corporation
United Nations, 478, 586-87, r46I-62,
r578, r675-76
United Nations Children's Fund, 552
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization, I65, s86-87
United Nations Security Council, 742
United Negro College Fund, I3, 15, I3I5
United Parcel Service, Inc., 69, 967, r336
United Presbyterian Church, 824
United Press, 46 5
United Press International, 465
United Productions of America, 82, 83
United Service Organizations, 895
United States, IS94-I602. See also under
United States Advertising, 112
United States Air Force, 445, 672, 990, 99I,
Io49, roso, l05I
United States Armed Forces, Io50, rosr.
See also Armed Forces Radio Service
United States Army, I28, x29, 439, 900, 99r,
1048, 1049, ro50, lOSI; American
Association of Advertising Agencies
and, S3i "Arn1y of one," I5 5, ro49,
Io5I; Committee on the Classification
of Personnel, 1409; George
Washington Coffee Refining Con1pany
and, 343; and Gillette Con1pany, 674;
"I Want You for U.S. Army" (Flagg),
47I, 47r,. 839, 1047, Io48, r297,
_r_580, I599• r627; and Maytag
Corporation, roo3; motor convoy
from Washington, D.C., to San
Francisco (1919), II70; Procter &
Gan1ble Company and, r449;
wristwatches for, 1537; Young &
Rubicam, Inc., and, l05r, I669; and
youth market, r693. See also color
plate in volun1e one
United States Army Air Force. See United
States Air Force
United States Army Signal Corps, 1048
United States Bicentennial, 1045, r620
United States Bill of Rights, 401, 692. Sec also
First An1endment; Fourteenth
United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms, 691, I472
United States Bureau of Consumer Protection,
United States Bureau of the Census, 279-8r,
369, 831
United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 59, 800, r646
United States Chamber of Commerce, r49
United States Civil Aeronautics Board, 2I7
United States Coast Guard, 99r. See also
color plate in volume tivo
United States Committee on Public
Infonnation, 53, 58, 431, 47I, 762,
839, Io47, r297, I3IO, l3I4, r62s,
United States Congress, 283, 284
United States Constitution, 277. See also First
Amendment; United States Bill of
United States Consumer Product Safety
Com1nission, 386
United States Council on Environmental
Quality, 3 8 6
United States Declaration of Independence,
United States Department of Agriculture, 19 5,
385, 387, 68s
United States Department of Comn1erce, 5r6
United States Department of Defense, 28, 804
United States Department of Housing and
Urban Develop1nent, 69r
United States Department of Justice: and
American Association of Advertising
Agencies, I4I7; and commission
system, 36r; and General Electric
Company, I396; and IBM
Corporation, 834; and MCI
WorldCom, 1507; and Microsoft
Corporation, 1033, ro34, 1035, 1037;
and National Association of
Broadcasters, 846, 1420; and outdoor
advertising for cigarettes, r230; and
tele1narketing, I 5Io
United States Departn1ent of Transportation,
2I5, 2I8, 1145
United States Department of Wai; Io48
United States Division of Pictorial Publicity,
47r, 762, 839, Io47, r3I4, 1625,
United States Environ1nental Protection
Agency, I4, 387, 530, 812
United States Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, Io54
United States Farm Security Ad1ninistration,
United States Federal Bureau of Investigation,
I8o-8_r, 882-83
United States Federal Conununications
Commission, 2I3, 278, 927; and
cigarettes, 66, 315, 946, r229, I368;
and 800 numbers, Io2; Fairness
Doctrine of, 586, 946, r229, I368,
Is 20; and maxin1um length of
commercial breaks, s20, 846; and
newspapers, 77s; and NTSC format,
779; and product placement, I28 s;
and public service broadcasting, I3r5;
and quiz shows, I284, ISIS; and
radio, 278, 775, 776, 780, I328,
I329-30, I331, r332; and stereotypes
of women, 586; and subliminal
advertising, I490, 1492; and
tcle1narketing, rs13; and television,
278, 282, 283, 284, 298, 494, 712,
776, 780, I284, I396, 1490, rs1s,
IS58, 1600
United States Federal Interagency Forum on
Aging-Related Statistics, Io63
United States Hederal Trade Commission, 384,
385, 386, 400, 688, 689, 690-91, 694,
927,9s5,993, l4I7, r6oo;and
Acne-Statin, I269; and Alka-Seltzer,
41, Io44; and Ainerican Advertising
Federation, 3 8 8; and A1nerican I-Io me
Products Corporation, 56, 73, 795;
and American Tobacco Co1npany, 95 5;
and America Online, Inc.'s merger with
Ti1ne-Warner, Inc., 68; and Anahist
Co1npany, Inc., 211; and analgesics,
56, 795; and Ted Bates & Company,
Inc., I4I, 214, 928, _r346; and Batten
Barton Durstine & Osborn, 154, 403;
and Pat Boone, 1269; and Borden, Inc.,
r95; and Bristol-Myers Company, 56,
2II, 214, 866, 868; and Campbell
Soup Company, 261-62, 403, 730,
14I7; and cannakers, 6Io, 699, I399,
l61s; and Carter's Little Liver Pills,
269, 1346, r417; and cereal
companies, s43, 644; and children's
television, 283, 284, 295, 297, 1558;
and cigarette companies, 66, 222, 223,
3I5, S39, 542, 690, 69I, 945, 946,
96I, 963, 1228-29, 1367; and coffee
companies, 64 5; and ColgatePalmolive Company, 689, 928; and
comparative advertising, 44, 3 62,
792-93, II25; and comparative sales
figures, 963; and consumer movement,
387; and cosmetics, 408; and
corrective advertising, 403; and
demonstrations, 463-64; and W.B.
Doner & Company, 490; and
European Union, 692; and fe1ninine
hygiene sprays, s86; and Firestone Tire
& Rubber Con1pany, 599; and
Fleischmann's yeast, 14I7, r481; and
General Foods Corporation, 644, 64 5;
and Geritol, 661, 662; and Good
Housekeeping Seal, 774; and green
advertising, S3 o; and Grey Advertising
Agency, Inc., 699; and he1norrhoid
remedies, 56; and infomercials, 84s;
and Lever Brothers Company, 936,
937; and Listerine, 690, 795, l6or,
I632; and Microsoft Corporation,
Io33, 1034; and Miles Laboratories,
Inc., 41, 1044; and multivitan1ins
advertised to children, 284; and
Novartis, 405; and Panasonic
televisions, 379; and Procter &
Gan1ble Company, 345, r275; and
product placement, I287; and Rapid
Shave Crcatn, r41, 689, 928, I4l7i
and Scali, McCabe, Slaves, 1399,
r6IS; and Scars, Roebuck &
Co1npany, 689; and self-regulation,
14I7, r418, I42lj and soap products,
14Sii and Standard Brands, I4I7,
r48r; and Standard Oil of California,
530; and stereotypes of wo1nen, 586;
and sweepstakes, I8 s-86; and
telemarketing, 15Io, ISl1j and
Warner-Lambert, 403, 405, 690, 1632;
and weight-loss products and plans,
I646; and J.B. Williams Company,
66I, 662; and Xerox Corporation,
I676; and Young··& Rubica1n, Inc.,
United States Food and Drug Administration,
269, s25-26, 927, l22I, 1600; and
Alka-Seltzer, 42; and An1erican I'Io1ne
Products Corporation, s6, 73; and
Benylin, I632; and Boots
Pharmaceuticals, 1223-24; and
Carnation Co1npany infant formulas,
r13r; and Celebrex, 12I9; and
cigarettes, 316, 691; and cosmetics,
408; herbal remedies not regulated by,
I635; and Listerine, I633; and Miles
Laboratories, Inc., 42; and 1v1onsanto
Che1nical Company, r2r9; and
oattneal, 132I; and Olestra, I277; and
Peritrate; and Perrier, I206-07; and
Pfize1; Inc., 12I9; and pharmaceuticals,
2I4, 69I, r223, r224, 1225, 1635;
and Procter & Gan1ble Company, 387,
r277; and Quaker Oats Co1npany,
132Ij and Rezulin, 1637; and Rufen,
1223; and self-regulation, r417;
tests for drug effectiveness, 56; and
Warner-La1nbert, I632, 1633, 1635,
United States Forest Service, rs, 600, 603,
1300, I315. See also S1nokey Bear
United States Health Care Financing
Administration, 526
United States House of Representatives
Un-American Activities Co1nmittee,
r80-81, 39I
United States Information Service, 165
United States Internal Revenue Service, 778,
r429, r631
United States Library of Congress, IlOl
United States Marine Corps, 1050, I535
United States National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, r75, 379, r633
United States National Co1nmission on
Consumer Finance, 3 8 s
United States National Endowment for
Children's Educational Television, 284
United States National Guard, Io49
United States National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, I4, 15, 599
United States National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
United States National Labor Relations
Board, 389, 390
United States National Park Service, 432
United States National Recovery
Administration, r28, 38 5, 473, 772
United States National Register of Historic
Places, 884
United States Navy, ro50, ros1; A1nerican
Association of Advertising Agencies
and, 53; Bates Worldwide and, 498;
Batten Barton Durstine & Osborn and,
267; Christy Girls and, Io47-48; and
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company,
1S48; MacManus, John & Adams,
Inc., and, 1049. See also color plate in
volume tlvo
United States Office of Consumer Affairs, s30
United States Office of Facts and Figures,
United States Office of National Drug Control
Policy, 49, l3I5-16
United States Office of Price Administration,
23 l, 779, I63I
United States Office of Price Stabilization, 740
United States Office of the Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs, 207, 958, x456
United States Office of War Information, 399,
United States Peace Corps, 14, IS
United States Postal Service: and Black-NoMore, 409; and Esq11ire, 77s; FCB
Direct World\vide and, I 576; and legal
issues, 927; and telemarketing, ISIO;
Wunderman, Ricotta & Kline and,
I673; and zip codes, 1673, I697, r698
United States Presidential Advisory
Co1nmittee on Public Interest of Digital
Television Broadcasters, 284
United States Railroad Test Con1mission, 893
United States Rural Electrification
Ad1ninistration, 473
United States Securities and Exchange
Comn1ission, 387; and Robert
Louis-Dreyfus, I389; and Prudential
Securities, 130I-02; and Marty Snyder,
524; and securities advertising, 69I;
and tombstone ads, 492, S93i and
Warner-La1nbert, 1632; and Young &
Rubicam, Inc., I686
United States Shipping Board, 920, 921
United States Social Security Administration,
United States Supreme Court, 69I-92; and
American Tobacco Company, 942; and
Ted Bates & Company, Inc., 928; and
Carter's Little Liver Pills, 269; and
caveat e1nptor principle, 688; and
Colgate-Palmolive Company, 928; and
color television standards, I396; and
co1nmercial speech, 277-78, 692, 694,
795, 927; and corporate advertising,
400; and E.I. Du Pont de Nen1ours &
Company, 502; and Esquire, 775; and
General Motors Corporation, 654; and
lotteries, 694; and outdoor advertising,
69I, Ir8o; and Procter & Gamble
Company, 1275; and Standard Oil
Company, 818; and steel companies,
74r; and Tobacco Trust, 942, 1365;
and United States Federal Trade
Commission, 689, 928
United States Surgeon General, 65, 689, 963,
United States Treasury, 426, 1631
United States v. Edge Broadcasting, 694
United States Wage Stabilization Board,
United States War Manpower Commission,
United States Won1en's Army Corps, 53
United Stations, r 3 3 I. See also Unistar
United Way of America, 14, 15, 1606
"United we win," 1298
Univac, 369, 63I, 83I, 833
Univas, 435, 544, 723, 793, I124
Universal (Mexico), I032
Universal Automatic Computer. See Univac
Universal McCann, 803, I02I
Universal McCann Korea, I463
Universal Music Group, 1411
Universal Pictures, 220, 734, 739, I411, I696
"Universal Pill" (patent medicine), 75 I
Universal Product Code scanners, I1-12, 987,
universities: and education in advertising,
5I7-I9; and education in integrated
marketing communications, 853;
International Advertising Association
and, 856, 857; and Internet, 858; in
Israel, 869
University of Advertising (J. Walter
Thompson Company), 1353
University of Chicago, I 64
University of Colorado, 519
University of Florida, I7 5
University of Illinois, 443, 518
University of Iowa, Ioo4
University of Kentucky, 51 8
University of Minnesota, I234
University of Missouri, 517, 5I8, 761
University of Pennsylvania, 5I 7
University of Tennessee, 518
University of Texas, 518, 1098, IlOl
University ofWiscon~in, Io99-1100
Univers typeface, 1583
Univision, 1448
UniWorld Group, Inc., 28, 119, 1054; and
Burger King Corporation, 228; and
Eastman Kodak Company, 511; and
Mars, Inc., 995
Grupo Uno, 93
Unocal, 1175
Uno Mas Uno (Mexico), Io32
Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 383, 385, 694
Unsell campaign, 1050
"Unswitchables," 66
Untermeyer, Louis, 183
Untisal, 90
"Unusual uses of Ivory soap" (Procter &
Gamble Co1npany), 874
UP. See United Press
UPA. See United Productions of America
UPC. See Universal Product Code scanners
Updike, Daniel Berkeley, 471
UPI. See United Press International
Upjohn. See Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.
UPN Network, Io96
Upper Deck reports (Mediamark Research,
Inc.), 1024
UPS. See United Parcel Service, Inc.
Upson, Stuart, 51, 440
"Up There Cazaly," 252
Uptown cigarettes, 1259, 1497, I66o
"Up, up, and away," I648
Urban Coalition/Crisis in the Cities
Campaign, 15
Urban League. See National Urban League
Ure, Midge, IllO
"Urgent," II08
Urich, Robert, 44 5
Ursuline Sisters, 1349
Uruguay, 582, 1458
U.S.; USA. See also under United States
USA Basketball, 574
USA Cable Network, 58I
US Airways, 40
USA Today, 1I36, 1474
USA Weeekend, 977
U.S. Catholic Conference, 56, 742
U.S. Communications Company, I 3 3 6
"USDA Choice," I95, 385
"Use Ajax the foaming cleanser/' IIII
"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do
without," 5 3
User Friendly Churches (Barna), I348
uses-and-gratification model, 999-Iooo
"Use Sapolio," 752
"Use 3 lights at the old cost of one," 6 38
U.S. Football League, 683
USO. See United Service Organizations
U.S. Olympic Committee, 526, 658-59.
See also Olympic Games
USP. See unique selling proposition
U.S. Rubber Company, 253, 450, 759, I549
U.S. School of Music, 267, I382
U.S. Soccer Federation, 526
U.S. Sprint. See Sprint Corporation
U.S.S.R. See Soviet Union
U.S. Steel Corporation: Batten Barton
Durstine & Osborn and, 267, 1515;
Compton Advertising, Inc., and, 366;
corporate advertising by, 399; and
television, I52, 1283, I515; "We're
involved," 1444
U.S. Steel Hour, I 5 2, 15 15
"Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than
switch," 151
U.S. Telecom Association, 1507
U.S. Telephone Association: "Call them on
it," I5o6. See also U.S. Telecom
U.S. Time Corporation, 490, 696, I539-40,
I639. See also Timex Corporation
U.S. Tobacco Company, 487
U.S. Trust, 3 80
USWeb/CKS, 322, 323~24, 1028
US West, 56I, 1506
U.S. World Cup team (soccer), 526
U.S. Youth Soccer Organization, I148
Utica Club beer, 922
utilitarianism, 542
Uzbekistan, I3 76
"Vacation excursion that is larger than life,"
Vache qui rit, 618
vacuum cleaners, 638
Vagrancy Act (1824, United Kingdom), 1589
Vail, Theodore, 100
Vaisse Lardin et Associes, 930
Valencia (Spain), I465, I468
Valenstein, Lawrence, 697, 1054
Valentine's Day, 1293
Valentine v. Chrestensen, 171, 692
Valentino, 1237
Valeriano Perez & Sons. See undei· Perez
Valet Company, IOOI. See also Gillette
Valiant cars, I52, 305, 306
Valiant Lady, 1446
"Valis," I640
Vallee, Rudy: Fleischmann's yeast and, 769,
77I, I326, 1481, 1533; on Kraft
Music Hall, 911
VALS geodemographic models, 458, Io23,
1305, I699
"value engineering." See planned
ValueFlash.com, I674
Values and Lifestyles Segmentation. See VALS
geodemographic models
Value Television, 273
Van Brunt Advertising, 1613
Van Camp Seafood Company, I 3 3 3
Van Camp soups, 761, 955, 1182
Vance Pidgeon & Associates, 230
Vancouver Grizzlies, 9I7
V&B. See Vickers & Benson
Van de Kamp frozen fish, 1235, 1236
Vanderberg, Arthur, 772, 774, 1I48
Vanderbilt, Mrs. Reginald, I 3 52
Vanderbilt, William I-Ienry, 3 8 3
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee),
Vanderbyl, Michael, 1582
VanderLans, Rudy, I 58 3
Vanderwarker, Anthony, I47, I48
Van Doren, Charles, 786, I515
Van Doren, Harold, 473
V&S Vin & Sprit AB, 3, 5. See also Absolut
vodka; and colol'plate in volume one
Van Dyke, Dick, 164, I99, 790, 897, 964
Van Dyck cigars, 715
Van Ess Laboratories, 7I, 73
Vangelis, I36
Van Gogh, :Vincent, 168-69, 470
Van Halen, I106, 1Io8
Van Houten, 24 7
Vaniqa cream, 214
"Vanishing American," 23 4
Vanity Fair, 1I20
Van Maanen, 1I34
Van Munching, Leo, Jr., 726, 727
Van Munching, Leo, Sr., 726
Van Munching Company, Inc., 727
Vano, 82I
Vantage cigarettes, I229, 1368
Van Zijl & Schultze, Lund & Tredoux, I159
Varig (airline), 33
Vasata, Vilim, 665
Vaseline hair tonic, Ioo8, I444
Vaseline Intensive Care, 288
Vaseline petroleum jelly, 288, 407, 412, 1008
Vassar chewing gum, I670
Vaughan, Denny, I605
Vaughan, J. Bryan, 1605
Vaughan, Norman, 248
Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 6 56. See also General
Motors Corporation
V-chip, 284
Veblen, Thorstein, 392
Vega cars, 305, I552, I6II
Vegemite, I603-04
Vegetable Co1npound. See under Pinkham
Vehil, Luisa, 90
V-8 (beverage), 26I, 262
V-8 engines, 304, 656
Vel, 539, 540, 932
Veln1ans, Loet, 741
Veltman, Martin, 588
Velveeta, 914
Velvet Joe (Velvet Tobacco character), 942
Velvet Tobacco, 942, 1661
Venable, Willis, 3 3 6
Vendre, 618
Venezuela, 679, 1458, I666
"Venga del aire o del Sol., , ," 9r
Ventura, Ray, 722
Verified Audit Circulation Corporation, 104,
979, I565
Veritas (agency), 1464, 1465
Veritas Communications, 809
Verizon Communications, 1506, 1507
Verklin, David, 1370
Vernel fabric softener, 589
Lillian Vernon, 274, 480
Versace (apparel), 1434
C. Verson & Sons, Ltd., 756
Vertov, Dziga, ro8o
Verve, IlIO
very high frequency. See VHF
Vesp're Silhouette, 582
Vetere, Barry, 4 5
Veto deodorant, 1I5 4
VF Corporation, 865, 940
VHF, 780
VHS, 380
Viacom, I096, 1696. See also CBS; Comedy
Central; Infinity Broadcasting; MTV
Via Digital (Spain), I468
Viagra, I2I9-20, I225, 1521
Via Rail (Canada), 266
Via Voice 98, 1503
Vibrancy, 707
Vicary, James McDonald, 1492, 1517
Viceroy cigarettes: Ted Bates & Co1npany
and, I40, 221-22; Brown &
Williamson Tobacco Corporation and,
221-22, 223, 946, 1228; Vince Cullers
Advertising, Inc., and, 426; filters on,
6 5, 94 5; health claims for, 962;
Post-Keyes-Gardner, Inc., and, I263
Vick, Ed, 69
Vickers, Adrian, 1
Vickers, Rex, 1605
Vickers & Benson, 342, 1605-07; and
Bristol-Myers of Canada, 214; and
Distillers Corporation-Seagrams, Ltd.,
I410; and Dominion Seven-Up
Company, 143I
Vickers & Benson Arnold, Inc., I6o6
Vickers & Benson Direct, 1606-07
Vicks, 42, 668
Victoria, 726
Victorian Butter Creams, 990
Victoria's Secret, 276, 569, 862, 865, I476;
perfume by, I205; sex in advertising
for, I434
Victor Talking Machine Company, 378, 378
Victor Th. Engwall & Company KB. See
under Engwall
Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands, 339
Victrola, 378, 378
VIC-20 computers, 372
Vidal Sassoon. See under Sassoon
videocassettes and video recorders, 380, 796,
797, 798; in Middle East, Io42, 1043.
See also digital videodiscs; music
Videodex, 1340
video news releases, I520
Video Research, I338
Video Storyboard tests, 52 5, I 528
Videotown USA, 4 3 3
Viele, Peter G., 146
Vietna1n, 680, 692. See also Vietnan1 War
Vietnam Wa1; 58, 505, Io47, 1049, 1050,
I300. See also color plate in volu1ne
Viewpoint (Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide,
Inc.), II62, I166
vignettes, 5 5 6
Vileda, 271
Villa Charla, 102
Village Voice, 1096
Villante, Richard, 989
Vimms, 781
Vina San Pedro. See under San Pedro
Vince Cullers Advertising, Inc. See under
Vinci, Leonardo da. See under Leonardo
Vincit, 90
Vintage Airlines, 1607
Vintners International, 1268. See also Paul
Masson Vineyards
Vinton, Bobby, 1107
Vinton, Wil, 83
Wil Vinton Studios, 8 3
Vioxx, I225
Viper cars, II4, 309
VirDen, Ray, 931
Virgin, 157, 951, 1593, 1607-09. See also
Virgin Atlantic Airlines
Virgin Active, 1608, 1609
Virgin Atlantic Airlines, 218, 1062, 1607-08,
I6o8, r609
Virgin clothing, 1608
Virgin cola, I607, 1608
Virgin Direct, I6o8
Virgin Group, r 608
Virginia, 692, I 571
Virginia Gazette, 3 2 5
Virginian, 213
Virginia Rounds, 314. See also Virginia Slims
Virginia Slims, 236, 312, 3I4, 946, 1213,
1229, 1260, 1368
Virginia Slims Tennis Tournament, 5 52, I229,
Virgin Islands, I571
Virgin Megastores, 1607
Virgin Mobile, 1607, I6o8
Virgin Net, I 608
Virgin Records, I 607
Virgin Trains, 1607, 1608
virtual advertising, 335
Visa (credit cards): Bank.Americard
relaunched as, 59 5; BBDO Worldwide,
Inc., and, I28o; in Com1nonwealth of
Independent States, r375; Frankel &
Company and, 853; Hongkong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation and,
8r4; "Identity," 328; negative
advertising aimed at American Express
Company by, I125; and Olympic
Games, 5 52; Scars, Roebuck &
Company and, I4I 6; and sports, 14 7 4;
Young & Rubicam, Inc., and, 3 2.
See also color plate in volume two
"Visability," 8I4
Visa GTI cars, 3 2I
Visa USA. See Visa (credit cards)
Visine, 1219
Vision geodemographic model, 1023
visual merchandising, I290-91
Vitabath, 1451
Vitale, Dick, 822
Vitalis, 213, 214, I123
vitamins. See multivitamins
"Vita-tone," Io88
Vitos cereal, I234-35
Vittel, 330, 1207
Vitulli, Peter, I32I
Viva, 92
"Viva Espafia," 27 I
Vivendi, S.A., I41L See also Vivendi
Vivendi Universal, 551, 724, 1411, I696.
See also Havas Advertising; Universal
"Vladimir," 848
V. La Rosa & Sons, Inc. See under La Rosa
Vlasic Foods International, 262, 491
VLI Corporation, 581
Vneshtorgreklan1a, I3 78
VNR. See video news releases
VNU. Sec Dutch Association of
Communication Agencies
V.O. {whiskey), I410
Vodafone Group, 681, 873
vodka, 3, 1411
Vogue: in France, 6I8; in United Kingdom,
r667; in United States, r120, 1204,
Voice, 50
Voice of America, 165
Voice of Firestone, 598, 785, 1549, 1642
Voice of Firestone Tclcvucs, 598-99, r 549,
voice response analysis, I 5 28
Voices of the lvlillen11i11m, 1148
"Voice with a smile," 129
Voicllo, 135
Volare cars, 306
Volkswagen, 111-12, 454, 790, 1610-14,
1615; "Affordability," 191; Almap
and, 47, 48, 1458; Arnold
Communications, Inc., and, 1179,
124r; Boase Massimi Pollit and, 189,
191; and Chrysler Corporation, 307;
"Da Da Da" (Trio) used by, 1110;
"Day Tripper" (Beatles) used by, 1106;
Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc., and, 112,
113, 165, 166,362,449-50,451,454,
665, 666, 680, 681, 718, 788, 790,
II68, II9I, I5I8, I60Ij "Funeral,"
482; and prelaunch publicity, I3 I2;
Ratto Agency and, I343; Rightford,
Searle-Tripp & Makin and, II59; in
Spain, r468; "Start Mc Up," Io35-36;
on television, I52I; Tracy-Locke
Company, Inc., and, I562; and United
States Federal Trade Cotnmission, 6Io;
"Volks\vagen does it again," I440;
"VW-IGifer. Er liiuft und liiuft und
1auft ... , " 666. See also color plate in
irolume three
Volks\vagen de Mexico S.A., 1612
Volkswagen of America. See Volkswagen
Volkswagenwerk AG. See Volkswagen
Voltaren, 5 2 5
Voltron, 84
Volvo, 6r4, I6I4-I7; Abbott Mead Vickers/
BBDO and, 2; Ally & Gargano and,
45, 79I; Carl Ally, Inc., and, 43, 44;
com1nercials for, 483; and ethics, 543;
Euro RSCG Worldwide and, 2; Ford
Motor Company and, 44, 610, 737,
807; Forsman & Bodenfors and, 613,
6I4, 6I5, 6I5, II49; "HotWired and,
804; Messner Vetere Berger McNamee
Sch1netterer/Euro RSCG and, 614,
807, 1281; and Park Ridge
Corporation, 737; Partners,
Gothenburg and, 6I3; and
photography, 1232; Joe Pytka and,
I3I7; reputation for safety of, 2, 554,
r260; Scali, McCabe, Slaves and,
1397, 1399; and seat belts, 113; United
States Federal Trade Commission and,
Volvo 850 GLT cars, 1617
"Volvo for life," 1617
Volvo I22S cars, I6I5
Volvo 769 cars, I6I5
Vo mack Advertising, 2 7
Vons stores, 703
Voorhees, Donald, 399
"Vorsprung durch Technik," l 3 7-3 8
Vorwerk, Wolfgang, 66 5
Vos & Reichberg, 1335
Voyager minivans, 3 08
V2, 738
Louis Vuitton, 570
VW. See Volkswagen
"VW-Kiifer. Er lauft und Jauft und lauft ... ,"
"VW runs-and runs-and runs," l l 2
VZ. See Van Zijl & Schultze, Lund &
WAC. See War Advertising Council
Wackerbarth, Horst, 667
WACS. See United States Women's Army
Wade, Albert G., 1619
Wade, Albert G., II, 1046
Wade, Albert G., III ("Jeff"), 4I, 1545, l6i9,
1620, I62I
Wade, Walte1; i619
Wade Advertising Agency, 239, 1619-2I; and
Miles Laboratories, Inc., 41, Io44,
1045, 1046, 1544, I545
Waggener Edstrotn, 13I2
Wagner, Honus, 676
W'.-1gon Train, III5
Wahlstrom & Company, r577
"Waist Deep in the Big Muddy"{Seeger), 184
Wait, Pearl, 642
"Wait reducing machine," 596
Waits, Tom, 929
Wajang margarine, 589
Wakeman, Frederic, 237, 600-01, Io84, I449
"Wake up, England!," 1589
"Wakeup flavor! But no caffeine," rr29
Waldie, Alan, 3 5 8
Waldo, Ruth, 1352, I532
Waldron, Allen, Henry & Thompson, I56
Wales, 279. Sec also United Kingdo1n
Wales Rugby League Team, 880
Walgreen Company, 14I4, 1501
Walker, C.J. Breedlove, 409
Walker, Henry, 7 4 7
Walker, Nancy, 821, 1276, I277, 1469
Walkc1; Robert "Barney," 65, 66, 3I4
W.S. Walker Advertising, 538
Fred Walker & Company Pty., Ltd., r603.
See also Kraft-Walker Cheese
Co1npany; Vegemite
Hiram Walker & Sons, 1007
Walker Group/CNI, 1668
Madame Walker Products Company, 409
Walker's Deluxe Bourbon, 84 l
Walking the Tightrope (H. Rogers), 1310
Walkn1an, 380, 382, 799, I69r, 1696
Wall, Michael, 348, 349
Wallace, DeWitt, 800
Wallace, John, 269
Wallace, Mike, 314, 1266
Wallace &Draeger, 318
\Vall Street journal, II36, 1564; Batten
Barton Durstine & Osborn and, 267;
"Daily diary of the Atnerican dream,"
i442; Fallon McElligott Rice and, 561;
Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein, Inc.,
and, 960; Marsteller, Inc., and, 997;
support for I(astor, I-Iilton, Chesley,
Clifford & Atherton in Regimen fraud
case, 1644
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 1416, I62I-23;
advertising spending of, 1362; and
average-income consumers, 4 59; and
e-commerce, 5 r 6; and fashion and
apparel, 570; green advertising by,
5 30; and grocery industry sales, 703; in
Mexico, 1029; and retail advertising,
1360; and White Cloud, I277
Wal-Mart Superstores, 703
Walmsley, Willia1n, 610
Walpole, Jim, 1075
Walrath, Willian1 B., Jr., 1I77
Walsh, Frederick H., 433, 435, 79I
Walsh, J.T., 1086
Walsh, William I., 700
George Walsh Con1pany, 53 6
Walt Disney Company; Walt Disney World.
Sec unde1· Disney
\Valt Disney's Wonderful World of Color,
1 397
Walter, John, 3 2 5
Walter Baker's. See under Baker's
Walters, Barbara, 9 5, 16 57
Walters, Julie, 249
Walter Wei1: Sec under Weir
Walton, Rob, 1622
Walton, Sam, 1621
M.B. Walton, Inc., 520-21
Waltons, I99, 897, r558
"Waltzing Matilda," 105
Wan1pum canned food, ro6I
Wanadoo, 395
Wanamaker, John, 566, 753, 781, 1596,
Wanan1aker & Brown, 1623
John Wanamaker & Co1npany, I28, 1596,
Wander Company, 438, 439
W&L. See Waring & LaRosa, Inc.
Wang Laboratories, 7 4 3, 7 44, 7 44
"Wanted! For 1nunler. I-Ier careless talk costs
lives," 1048
"Wanted: Men of Character," 735
"Want to come up for a drink sotnetime?,"
"Want to know \vhat comes between n1e and
my Calvins? Nothing!," 567, 8I8,
"Wantu Wasuri," 426, 427
war, impact on advertising of, I625-29.
See also Civil War; Korean War;
Spanish-American War; Vietnatn War;
War Advertising Council; war bonds;
World War I; World War II
War Advertising Council, 231, 600, 778,
Io48, I6oo, 1629; American Red
Cross and, 58; Association of National
Advertisers, Inc., and, 99, 1048;
D'Arcy Advertising Company, Inc.,
and, 443; Chester J. LaRoche and, I4,
1006, 13I4, 1627, 163I, 1689;and
public service advertising, 13r4, 1315;
and United States Office of War
Information, 399; "Use it up, wear it
out, 1nake it do, or do without," 53;
and war bonds, 1048, r63r. See also
Ad Council
war bonds, 53, 88, 99, 503, 778, II98, I628,
I629-3I; Borden, Inc., and, I93; IBM
Corporation and, 83 r; in United
Kingdom, I589; War Advertising
Council and, ro48; Wm. Wrigley Jr.
Cotnpany and, r 670. See also Liberty
War Con1es to .Ainerica, I299
Ward, Aaron Montgo1nery, 273, 755, 1597
Ward, Artemus, 819
Ward, Jay, 148, 652
Montgon1ery Ward & Company:' and AfricanAn1ericans, 27; and N.W. Ayer & Son,
Inc., 128; catalogs, 273, 755, I413;
D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles and,
44 7; DDB Needham Worldwide and,
454; and direct 1narketing, 480, 754;
Maxon, Inc., and, rooI; rivalry with
Sears, Roebuck & Company, I413,
Jay Ward Studios, 83
Ward Wheelock Company, 140, 259, 26I
Ware, Chris, 841
Warhol, Andy, 473, 788; and Absolut vodka,
5, I256; and Campbell Soup Company
cans, 259, 788, 841, I259; illustrations
for I. Miller & Sons, 841
Waring, Fred, I51, 944, 1366
Waring & LaRosa, Inc., I206, 1207,
1 559
"Warms you, heart and soul," 1321
Warnaco, 72r, 863, 865
Warne, Colston, 390, 391
Warner, I. De Ver, 863
Warner, Lucien, 863
William R. Warner & Co1npany, 1632, 1638.
See also Warner-Hudnut, Inc.
Warner & Swasey Con1pany, I?
Warner Bros., 87, 111, 896, ro79; America
Online, Inc., and, 68; anin1ation, 623;
Blain-Tho1npson Company and, 1080;
collectibles, 3 57. See also AOL Time
Warner; Time Warner, Inc.; WB
Network; Warner Bros. Seven Arts;
Warner Communications, Inc.
Warner Bros. Company (intimate apparel),
863. See also Warnaco
Warner Bros, Seven Arts, 305
Warner Communications, Inc., 474, 800
Warner Home Video, 382
Warner-Hudnut, Inc., 919, i632. See also
Warner-Lambert, 57, 1219, 1220-2i, 140I,
1632-37; Ted Bates & Company, Inc.,
and, 57, I43, 919, 1223; William Esty
& Company, Inc., and, 540, 93I;
McCann-Erickson, Inc., and, 1008;
and United States Federal Trade
Commission, 403, 405, 690. Sec also
Warner Music, 68
Warner Simpson Advertising, r 3 5 5-5 6
Warner-Wcllcome Consumer Products, 132
"Warning! Our homes arc in danger no\vl,"
_co48, 1298
Warnock, C. Gayle, 608
"War of the Worlds" (radio production), 259,
1283, 1534
"War on Drugs," r28
\Var Plotters of\Vall Street, 1297
warranties, 694
Warrener, Ian, 71 5
Warren's shoe blacking, 750, r585-86
War Savings Progran1, r63I. Sec also war
Warsaw Collection of Business Americana,
"War to end all wars," 1297
Warwick, H. Paul, 274, I638, 1639
Warwick, Joe, 1606
Warwick, John P., 1639
Warwick, JR., 274, I638
Warwick Advertising, Inc., 727, 1638, 1639.
Sec also Warwick, Baker & Fiore
Wanvick & Associates, 1606
Warwick & Legler, Inc., 274, 1637-39; and
Revlon Consu1ner Products
Corporation, 1191; and U.S. Time
Corporation, 490, I539
Warwick, Baker & Fiore, 685, 1638, 1639.
See also Warwick, Baker & O'Neill
Wanvick, Baker & O'Neill, 629, 1638, 1639
Warwick International Partners, 1639
Warwick Public Relations, 1607
Warwick, Welsh & Miller, Inc., 1638, 1639.
See also Warwick Advertising, Inc,
Wasey, George, 536, 537
Wasey, Louis R., 535, 536, 537, 538, 953,
Wascy &Jefferson & Company, 535. Sec also
Erwin, Wasey & Company
Wasey, Pritchard, Wood & Quadrant, Ltd.,
Washburn, Cadwallader C., 646, 647
Washburn Crosby Co1npany, 438, 647, 648,
649-50; and C.A. Pillsbury &
Company, 1234, 1235; and women,
r66I. See also General Mills
Washburn Crosby Cooking School, 64 9
W.A. Sheaffer Pen Company. See nnder
washing machine companies, TOO}
Washington, George, 1595
\Vashington Post, 19
Washington Redskins Stadiu1n/FedEx Field,
W'.-1shingto11 Ti"n1es, 19
"Was ist neue Typgraphie?," (Dexcl), .r580
"Wassup?," 79, 860
\Vaste lvlakers (V. Packard), 118 5, 1186
Was Tl1ere a Pepsi Generation before Pepsi
Jnyented It? (I-Iollander and Germain),
watches, 1540
"Watch for falling prices," r62I-22
"Watch 'n' Win," 186-87
"Watch the Fords go by," 110
Waterbury Clock Company, 1537, 1539.
See also Ingersoll-Waterbury
Company; U.S. Time Corporation
Waterbury Watch Cotnpany, 1537
Watercolors watches, 1542
Waterford cigarettes, 65
Waterman, Dennis, 249
Watennan, Nonnan, 379
Waterman, Willard, 9 I I
Waterman Advertising, 379
Watkins, Robert, 4r, 1620
W. Atlee Burpee. Sec 11nder Burpee
Watson, Bob, 1384
Watson,JohnB.,984, I353, 1533, 1687
Watson, Stuart, 988
Watson, Thomas]., Jr., lo, 834
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., 83I, 833, 834
Wausau Insurance, 419
Wave ca1neras, I247
Waverly blankets, 446
"Waves of Green" (Deaborn Motor
Corporation), 606
Wayagmack Wood Pulp, 1062
"Way Ahead," 908
Waylon Company, 79
Wayne, John, 940
Wayne and Shuster, r 60 5
"Way the world works," 574
Way \Ve Were, I84
W.B. Doner & Co1npany. See under Doner
WB Network, r695, I696
W/Brasil Publicidade, 486, 496, 14 59,
WBRZ-TV, 460
wcco, 648, 650
WCFL, 767
WCRS. See Wight Collins Rutherford Scott
W.D. & I-I.O. Wills. Sec 11nder Wills
WD-40, 827
W. Duke Sons and Cotnpany. Sec 11nde1· Duke
WEAF, 786-69, 776, I396; AT&T
Corporation and, 100, 768-69, I28r,
I325, 1396; pioneering radio
advertisements on, 333, 768, 846,
lI04, 1599; Procter & Gamble
Company and, I272; and ratings,
"We all have our \Vinning points. Let Weight
Watchers show you yours," 1644
WealthWise, rr
"Wealthy," 970
"We ans\ver to a higher authority," 1399
"We arc Dodge. An An1erican revolution,"
W. Earle Bothwell, Inc. See under Bothwell
Weaver, Sigourney, 5 2 3
Weaver, Sylvester L. ("Pat"), Jr., 785, 1641-42;
Best Seat in the I-louse, 770; at NBC
Television, r4r, 351, 712, 785, 1284,
I 690; and magazine forn1at for
programming, 1284, r515; and
television specials, 712; at Young &
Rubicam, Inc., 351, 78 5, r282, 1688,
WebAdEx, 13
WebAudit, 13
Webb, Sidney, 763
Webb, Todd, 1154
J.M. Webb & Associates, 1556
Webber, Andrew Lloyd, I386
Weber, Carl Maria von, r I 14
Weber, Larry, 862
Weber & S0rensen, rr5r
Weber Public Relations Worldwide, 862.
See also Weber Shandwick Worldwide
Weber Shandwick Worldwide, 862, r3rr,
WebMD.com, 514
Web net, Ir 3 5
Web Price Index, 1566
"We bring good things to life," 640, 641,
Webster, John, 1593
"Web the way you want it," 1037
Web TV, 1033
"We build excitement," 6 5 8
Webvan, 703, 1371
"We came in peace," r 3 oo
"We change lives," 1646
"Wedding Night," 452, 1223
Wedgwood, 393
Wednesday Night Fights, 1045
"We do chicken right," 1357
"We do it all for you," 1015, 1017
"We do it like you do it," 228
"Weekends were n1ade for Michelob," 78,
"Weekly Illustrated Food Guide" (Chicago
Tribune), 700
Weekly Mercury (Philadelphia), 977
Weekly Reader, I676
Weekly Relations of Newes, I 58 5
Weeks, Allan, 1603
Weetabix Company, 1593
"We hand it on with pride," 444
"We haven't forgotten why they're called
sweats," 292, r.r4.r
Weidemann, Kurt, I 58 3
Weidemann typeface, I 58 3
Weidenmueller, Hans, 665
weight-loss products and plans, 57, I643-47
Weight Watchers International, 1643, 1644,
I645, I646
Weigl, Henry, 1482
Weiland, Paul, 3 58
Weilbacher, William, 440, I545
Weill, Biow & Weill, 177
Weinberg, Sidney J., ll20-2I
Weinberger, Caspar, 403
Weine1; J. Joseph, 623, 685
Weiner & Gossage, 623-24, 685, 686
Weintraub, William H., Sr., 775, lI53
William H. Weintraub & Company, 378, 449,
I153. See also Norman, Craig &
I(ummcl, Inc.
Weir, Walter, 487
Walter Weir, 487
Weiser, Marty, 1080
Edward H. Weiss & Company, I393
Weissman, George, 1228
Weissmuller, Johnny, 649
Weiss Stagliano Partners, 84
"We know what you're looking fo1;" 1444
"We know you have better things to do," 976
Welch, Charlie, II94
Welch, Jack, 641
Welch's Grape Juice Company, 299, 34I, 758.
See also Welch's Grape Soda
Welch's Grape Soda, I584
"Welcome her \Vhen she calls," l l 8
Weld, Louis, Ioio
"We learned to use the Bendix G-I5 computer
in just four hours," 370
Welfare (agency), 1077
"We listen better," 610
Welk, Lawrence, 305, 660, 696, Io88, 1422
"We'll be there," 60
Well Done (Dave Thomas), I652
Welles, Orson, 181, 7I3, 895; Citizen Kane,
725; and Shadow, I382; and Vintners
International, 1268; and "War of the
Worlds," 259, 1283, I534
Wellman, William, 1086
Wells, Burt, 922
Wells, Darius, l 5 80
Wells, George, I326
Wells, Mary. See Lawrence, Mary Wells
Wells, William, 1304
Wells BDDP, 923, 1650
Wells Rich Greene BDDP Co1nmunications,
Inc., 705, 727, 923, 1649. Sec also
Wells, Rich, Greene, Inc., I57, 790, 791, 920,
922, 923, I263, 1545, 1647-50, 1657;
and Alka-Seltzer, 42, 452, 790, 922,
923, Io46, 1223, 1545; and American
Motors Corporation, 793; BDDP
Group and, 157, 681, 923; and Braniff
International Airways, 790, 922, I647,
I648; and Hertz Corporation, 737;
and IBM Corporation, 157, 836, 960;
and MCI Communications
Corporation, I504; and Miles
Laboratories, Inc., 42, 452, 790, 922,
923, Io46, I223, 1545; and Nehi
Corporation, 173; and Philip Morris
Companies, I57, 314, 788, 922, 923;
and Polo Ralph Lauren, 567. See also
color plate in volume one
Wells, Rich, Greene/Worldwide, 46
"Well, we have just wasted two million bucks.
What are you doing with your
1noney?," 5I4
"We love to fly," 39, 39
"We love to see you smile," l 3 58
Welsh, John, I639
Weltzien, Robert, I540
"We 1nade a mistake," 674
"We make it simple," 811, 813, 1124
"We make money the old-fashioned way. We
earn it," 524, 595, 1269
"We make the things that make
communications work," 397
"We may be the only phone company in
town, but we try not to act like it,"
"We mean clean," I442
Wenders, Wim, I524
Wendy's International, Inc., 228, 475, I357•
l65I-52; and Backer & Spielvogel,
Inc., I31; Dancer, Fitzgerald, Sample
and, 31, 440, 624, 625, 800, I388,
I440; negative advertising by, lr25;
and senior citizens n1arket, I424;
"Where's the beef?," 31, 431, 440,
I125, 1259, I354> I357> I388, 1424,
1440. See also color plate in volume
"Wendy's kind of people," 165I
Wendy's Old-Fashioned Hamburgers, l65I,
I652. See also Wendy's International,
Wendy Wagon, II? 5
Wenig, Philip, Io22
WEO. See "Where Economy Originates"
"We on Death Row," 161
Werbe, 665
"We're aiming at zero cavities," 938
"We're a 3-generation Maytag family," 1004
"We're changing everything," 309
"We're changing everything again," 309
"We're changing our name but not our
stripes," 1172
"We're going to win you ove1;" 554
"We're involved," I444
"We're making Nescafe more like you make
fresh ground coffee," I130
"We're not giving in. We're going on." 400
"We're No. 2," 117, 736
"We're paying attention," 1606
"We're quality oriented," I5 5 l
"We're the Other Guys," 1549
"We're the Pepsi People Feelin' Free"
(Manilow), I107
Werkbund. See Deutscher Werkbund
Werkstatt fiir neue deutsche Wortkunst, 665
Wertheim department store (Berlin), 663
"We run the tightest ship in the shipping
business," 69
"We Seethe Lightof7uP," 174
"We sell for less," l62I
Wesley, John, I207
Wesley Associates, 408, 821, 1202
Wesray Capital Corporation, 115
Wesson Oil & Snowdrift Sales Company, 47I,
West, Donald, 487
West, Mae, I540
West Bank. See Occupied Territories
Westbrook, Bill, 562
West cigarettes, 1405
Westco Advertising Agency, 649
West End Brewing Company, 922
"Western," l58I
Western Advertising Company, 44I
Western Auto Supply, I414, I4l6
Western Electric Company, loo, 678, I325
Western Harness Racing, 290
Western International, I5?3-74
"Western Jingle for Nescaf6," 1Io6
Western Union, loo, 448
West Germany. See under Germany
Westheimer, Ruth, l 3 3 o
"We still build the Levi's jeans that helped
build America," 940
Westin, David, 9 5
Westin, Helena, 1193, 1194
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 630,
I33l; D'Arcy-MacManus & Masius
and, 44 5; Gallup & Robinson, Inc.,
and, 63 5; Ketchum, MacLeod &
Grove, Inc., and, 630, 898; logo of,
1582; McCann-Erickson, Inc., and,
630, 720, 1004, IOlI; Mingo-Jones
and, 1660; and NBC Radio, loo; and
radio, 767; and Radio Corporation of
America, 630, 1325; and Radiola, 769;
and television, 784, 1265, 1283, I284,
I515; Wells, Rich, Greene, Inc., and,
923; "You can be sure if it's
Westinghouse," 1440
Westinghouse Studio One, 630, 784,
lOIO-ll, 1283-84
Westin Hotels, l 573-74
Weston, Edward, 1232
Weston Company (agency), I05
Weston Foods, 1606
Westpac, 252, 1075
West Rail (Hong Kong), 907, 908
West Virginia industrial and travel
development departments, 900
West, Weir & Bartel, Inc., 487, 488
Westwood One, I 3 3 l
"We try harder," 362, 452, 718, 736, 737,
"We take your pictures seriously," I 24 7
"Wet and wild," 1431
We, the People, 1534
Wetherald, James T., 757
"We think it is a good beer, but you try it and
decide for yourself," I68
Wet Seal, l 69 5
Wetzler, Sally, ro6.r, 1062
"We've got a taste for you," 340
"We've Only Just Begun" (Nichols and
Williams), lI07
"We want the cup!," 574
"We want you to live," rr73, II74
"We will seU no wine before its time," 169,
Wexler Reynolds, 74I
Wexner, Leslie, 86 5
WFMT (radio station), I330
W/GGK, 1459, 1640. See also W/Brasil
WGN (radio station), 767, 1325, 1328, 1444,
Wham-0, I556
Wharton School of Business (University of
Pennsylvania), 517
"What a Day for a Daydrean1" (Lovin'
Spoonful), 1107
"What a Man Won't Do for an Edelweiss
Brew" (Olian), I1Io
"What becomes a legend most?," 567, 788,
"What beer's all about," 976
"What breakfast was meant to be," 892
"What do you want fro1n your gas station:
dancing cars or something a bit more
useful?," II75
"What everybody ought to know ... about
this stock and bond business," 593
"What good hotel is near the depot?," 1569
"What idiot changed the Chivas Regal
package?," l41I
What Is to Be Done? (Lenin). SeeShto Delyat
What Kids Buy and Why {Acuff), 29 5
"What'll you have? Pabst Blue Ribbon," 236,
1104, 1638
Wl1at's My Line?, 183, 785, 1284
What-S Nelv, 962
Whatsoever a Man Solveth, I296
"What the world is coming to," 8I3
"What the World Needs Now," lI08
"What this country needs is more women in
business," 59 5
"What will he think of next?," Il3I
What Women Want, Io86-87
"What Would You Do for a Klondike Bar?,"
"What you want is a Coke," 340
"What you want is what you get at
McDonald's today," 1016, .ro.r6, 1017
"What Young People Think" (E. Gilbert),
"What you're looking for," 1369
Wheat Berries, 717, 920, l3I9, lJ20. See also
Puffed Wheat
Wheat Chex, See Chex
Wheat Hearts, 6 52
Wheaties, 438, 647, 648-49, 1104, 1440,
1472, 1600. See also color plate in
volume three
Wheaties Quartet, 648
Wheeler, Dennis, 978
Wheeler-Lea Act (1938, United States), 269,
362, 385, 689, 694, 774, 866, 1481
Wheelman, 418
Wheel of Fortune, 929, 1426
Whelan, George, I226
"When a businessman wants a computer
system, he wants things kept simple,"
When a Girl Marries~ 643, I689, I446
"When all you want is taste," 78
"When better automobiles are built-Buick
will build them," II2, 254, 654
"When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen," 164,
"When gentlemen agree," 7 5
"When he grows up, that's what he wants,"
"When it absolutely, positively has to be there
overnight," 44, 572
"When it rains, it pours," 1440
"When it says Ore-Ida, it's all-righta," 1442
"When it's right, you know it," I403
"When Swiffer's the one, consider it done,"
"When the going gets tough, the tough get
comfortable," 144 2
"When the iron man begins to rust . , . , "
"When the Nylons Bloom Again," 503
"When the question is money ... the answer
is Shearson," 595
"When the U.S. wins, you win," 1015
"When the values go up, up, up.,," (Wilcher
and Sawdon), I105
"When to Take My Name Off the Door"
(Burnett), 231
r 8 67
"When victory is won, you may expect even
better GE electric servants," 639
"When you care enough to send the very
best," 602, 710, 711, 712, 7I4
"When you find this on the back, you know
you've got a seal of approval," 714
"When you're done kidding aroundHeineken," 727
"When you're out of Schlitz, you're out of
beer," I403
"When You're Smiling," 916
"When your nerves are shot, Catnels set you
right," 314
"When you say Budweiser .. , you've said it
all," 77
"When you've got a widget, you don't need
gimmicks," 8 80
"When you've got it, flaunt it," 37
"Where America Shops," r36r, I416
"Where Barilla is, there is your home," l 3 6
"Where do you want to go today?," 375,
"Where Economy Originates," 702
"Where is everybody?," 2I 8
"Where kids are king," 226
"Where purity is paramount," l 3 3 3
"Where science gets down to business," 1444
Where Shall I Go to College to Study
Advertising? (Ross and Hileman/Ross/
Ross and Johnson), 5I9
Where Shall I Go to Study Advertising and
Public Relatio11s? (Ross and Johnson),
"Where's the beef?," See under Wendy's
International, Inc.
"Where there's Coke, there's hospitality,"
"Where there's life, there's Bud," 77, 444
"Where the rubber meets the road," I546,
Where the Suckers Moon (Rothenberg), 8 5 3
"Wherever you are, whatever you do,
wherever you may be, when you think
of refreshment, think of ice-cold
Coca-Cola," 340
"Where will you stick it?," 1248
"Which SportsCenterDo You Watch?," r653
"Which twin has the Toni?," 779
Whiffs, 715
whiinsical demonstrations, 461, 5 54
Whirlpool Corporation, 445, 448, 452, 793,
Whirlpool International, 44 5
Whirlwind computers, 3 69
Whiskas, 1404
whiskey, I70, 301, 1410-11
Whiskey Distillers of.Ireland, 686
Whistle (beverage), 1429
Whitbread, 137, 138, 358, 359
Whitbread Pale Ale, 3 59
White, James, I586
White, Jesse, 1004, 1005, 1469
White, Kevin, 7 4 3
White, Vanna, 929, 930
R.F. White (agency), lIOI
White Album (Beatles), 1106
White Castle, 1183, 1354-56
White Chantilly perfume, 5 56
White Cloud, I275, I277
White Collar (Mills), Io83
White Diamonds fragrance, I266
Whitehall Laboratories, 71, .roo2, 1326.
See also American Home Products
Corporation; Anacin; Dristan
Whitehead, Edward (Commander), 1158,
1161-62. See also Schweppes; and
color plate in volume three
Whitehead & Hoag, 1248
White Horse Scotch whisky, 170
Whitehouse, Mark, 613
White House Cook Book (Lemira), 673
"Whitel(night," 257, 718, 819, 821, 1153,
Whiteman, Paul, 957, 1107; and his
Orchestra, 962; Paul Whiteman's
Musical Hall, 911, 1533
White Motor Company, 44.r
White Naphtha, 1272, 1274
White Papers, 490
White Rain shan1poo, 705, 1498
White Russian laundry soap, 933
White soap, 874, i207, I270, I597· See also
Ivory soap
"White Tornado," 821
White-Westinghouse Electric Company. See
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Whitiker, Otto, 237
Whitman, Albert, 256
Whittnore, James, .r424
Whitmore, Kay, 5 l l
Whitney, Eli, 1595
Whitted, John, 224
Whittle Communications, 297
Whittman-Hart, Inc., 322, 324
"Who could ask for anything more?," .r550
"Whoever said underwear had to be white
anyway?," 863
"whole egg" approach, 809, 853, r690, .r69r
"Whole new way to fly," 3 7
Wholenut, 248
wholesale clubs, 703
Wholesome Meat Act (1967, United States),
Whopper {Burger I(ing Corporation), 226,
Whoppers (Hershey Foods Corporation/Leaf
North America), 734
\Vho Said That?, 234
"Who says a good newspaper has to be
dull?," 44
"Who says length doesn't 111atter?," 946
"Whose side are you on?," r 5
"Whose underwear is under there?," 863
"Who's that behind those Foster Grants?,"
"Who's worn Levi's jeans?," 940
"Who Wants?," 240
\Vho Wants to Be a lvlillionaire, r259
"Who wears khakis?," 570
"Who won the con1puter battle last night?
You did," 834
"Who Won? You Did," 369
"Why dodge this question: afraid to fly?," 36
"Why do you think they call it dope?," 368
"Why I love my PC," 1037
"Why men crack ... ," 643, 1686
"Why Sport?," 1142
Whyte, William H., 1083
"Why wait when you don't have to?," 44
"Why wear more than you have to?," 579
Why We Fight, 1048, r299
Wibroe, Peter, l I 5 l
Wibroe, Duckert & Partners, II51
Wicker, Ireene, l 8 3
Wickes Lumber, r5or
Wideframe, 1606, 1607
Wide Leg: "I Think I Love You," 1108
"Wider is better," 657
Wide World of Sports, 94, 1368
Wide World Photos, I693
Widlar Food Products Company, 1480,
See also Standard Brands
width of assortment, 1289
Wieden, Dan, II4I, 1652, 1653, 1654
Wieden, Duke, 1652
Wieden & I(ennedy, Inc., 83, 485, 56r,
1652-54; and ESPN, 83, 1476; and
Gap, 8 l 8; and Calvin Klein, Inc.,
1205; and Microsoft Corporation,
374,375,Io35, lo36,ro37;and
Miller Brewing Company, 1370; and
Nestle S.A., I13r; in Netherlands,
I132, Ir35; and Nike, Inc., 683, 1035,
1106, ll4I,I142,1440,1473,1476
Wiedersei1n, Grace, 259
Wienermobile, 1177, 1178
Wienerwhistles, rr77
Wiesen, Max, 1167
Wiescndanger, Kobi, 1237
Wight Collins Rutherford Scott, 2, 457, 544,
627, 723, 808
Wilcher, Jack, 1104-05
Wilcox, Harlow, 824, 884, lI23
\Vild Bill Hickock, 892
Wild Brain, 84
Wild Kingdom, 196
Wild One, 30
Wildroot hair tonic, 149, 182, 778
Julius Wiles Sons & Co1npany, 1480. See also
Standard Brands
Wiley, Harvey W., 3 84
Wiley, john E., 630
Wiley, John J., 606
Wilhehn II (Kaiser). Sec William II
Wilkens International European Net\vork,
Wilkie, Wendell L., 92I, 1084, i249, r689
Wilkins, Lee, 541, 542
Clive Wilkinson Architects, 293
Wilkinson Sword Shaving Products, 3 5 2,
Willard Hotel, 1569
Willhight Research, I339
Willia111 II (Emperor), 1:297
Willian1 Cain, Inc, See under Cain
William Douglas McAda1ns. See 1111der
Willian1 Esty & Company, Inc, See under Esty
William Esty Co1npany. See under Esty
William H. Weintraub & Company. See under
William Morris. See under Morris
William R. Warner & Company. See 11nder
Williams, Andy, 913, 1045, l6I9
Williams, Cyndi, 1644
Williams, David B., 537, 538, 1384
Williams, Herberton, 258-59
Willian1s, Howard, 536, 537, 538
Williams, Murial, I265
Williams, Nat D., I329
Williams, Paul, 1107
Williams, Ted, 1414
Williams, Vanessa, 1059
Williams & Johnson, 342
David Williams & Partners, 900
David B. Williams Co111pany, 537, 538, 1384
J.B. Willia1ns Company, 661-62. See also
Geritol; Serutan Company
Willia1ns Hispania, 204
William S. Kimball & Company. See under
Williamson, Judith, 424, 4 31
Williamson, Robert F., 22I
Willia111s-Sonoma, 273, 274, 323
«Willie Horton," 543, 1251-52, 1520
Willis, Bruce, 527, 940, 1268
Willis, Peter P., r382, r383
P.P. Willis, Inc., 112, I382
Will1not (agency), ro5
Wills, Graeme, 1075, 1077
W.D. & H.O. Wills, 715, 1587
Will S11ccess Spoil Rock Hunter? (Axelrod),
Willys-Overland Co111pany, 112, II3, 303,
Willy Wonk a, l l 3 l
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
{motion picture), ll3I
Wilson, Brian, 1093, 1106, .r108
Wilson, Charles E., 657
Wilson, Dick, I275
Wilson, George, l 3 26
Wilson, Harold, 219
Wilson, Ke1111nons, l57I
Wilson, Sloan, 1084-8 5
Wilson, Woodro\v, 920, 1047, r297, 1625
Wilson (apparel), 628
Wilson & Company, Inc., r562
Wilson Company, 1123
Wilson Ear Drun1 Company, 920
Wilson, Haight & Welch, Inc., 249
Robert F. Wilson, Inc., 2r3
J.A. Wilson Meatpacking Con1pany, r182
Wil Vinton Studios. Sec 1111der Vinton
Windex, 2I4, 822, 887
Windows software, 85, 373, 374, 678, 836,
1033, 1034, ro35-36, Io35, Io36,
1037, 1038, r239; prelaunch publicity
for, 1311, 1312
Wind Song, r204, 1204
Windsor Canadian Supreme whiskey, 826,
Windstar cars, 266
wine, r67, 169
Wine & Spirits Corporation {Sweden). See
V&S Vin & Sprit AB
wine coolers, l 69
Wing, Ted, 4r9
Wings cigarettes, 221, r261
"Wings of man," 37, r690
"Wink Day," 891
Winn-Dixie supermarkets, 700, 703, 1060
"Winn-Dixie tiene el sabor de mi pals," 1060
Winning B®ands, I2
Winning Line, 1174
Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 9I6
Winona Fabric Gloves, 1062
"Wins its favor through its flavor," 892
Winski, Joseph M., Io55, Io56
WinSta1; I506
Winston (North Carolina), 1364
Winston cigarettes, 3I5, 1369: and
blacklisting, 183; comparative
advertising for, 5 54; Dance1;
Fitzgerald, Sample and, 439; William
Esty & Company and, 539, 1228;
Ja1nes Garner and, 1269; as leading
filtered brand, 65, 946; Light variant,
965; R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
and, 1364, I367-68; "Winston tastes
good like a cigarette should," 3 I4,
Winterfresh chewing gum, 1672
Winters, O.B., 78r
Winter X Games, 8 3
Winton, Alexander, lI86
"Win Yourself a I(angaroo," 685
WIP (radio station), r325
Wire & Plastic Products, Ltd., I453> 1668.
See also WPP Group
Wired, 858
Wireless Advertising Industry Association,
Wisconsin, University of. See under University
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater
Research, ro99-1100
Wisconsin Historical Society, 1099
Wisconsin Telephone, 419
Wishbone salad dressing, 933
Wisk, 27-28, 152, 788, 936, 937, 937, 938,
Wis111er, Harry, I002
Wispa, 249
Wisser & Sanchez, 380
"With Barilla it is always Sunday," 135
Withers, Jane, 366, 82I
"Within the Curve of a Woman's Ann," r209,
"With I<ellogg's, a healthier life is within your
reach. So to111orrow morning, help
yourself," 893
\Vizard Oil. Sec Han1lin's Wizard Oil
WJRJ-TV, l 577. See also Turner Broadcasting
Syste111, Inc.; WTBS
WJSV, 536, 78I
WJZ (radio station), 768, 776, 1325, 1396
WLS (radio station), 1619
WLW (radio station), 1328
WMAQ, r326, 1397
Wn1. Wrigley Jr. Company. See under Wrigley
WNBC-TV, 960
WNBQ (television station), 1397
WNBT, 912
WNEW, 1106
WNYC (radio station), 1660
Wolf, Henry, I567
Wolfe, Tom, 431
Wolff Olins, 739
Wolfman Jack, 1329
Wolfsburg (Gennany), 1610
Wolfschmidt vodka, 791, 1192, l4Il
\Vo1nan in White, 1446
WomanS Day, 977, 1426, 1582
Woman's Ho1ne Companion, 250, 1661
Woman's Magazine Ho111; 909
Woman's World (1notion picture), 108 5
women, 1655-68; Cadillac Motor Car
Company and, 973; careers in
advertising of, 586, 587, 795, 1054,
r6 5 5-60, r661; and cigarettes, 64,
955, 961, 962, r226, l-229, 1366; and
consumer movement in United States,
384-85; as consumers, 584; and
cosmetics, 410, 412, 1253; and culture
of consu111ption, 6; in den1ographic
research, 458; and direct mail, 480;
and financial services, 595-96; in
France, 618, 622; in Gennany, 667;
Gillette Company and, 674, 677-78;
Honda Motor Company and, 812;
hygiene and intimacy products for,
575-83; Kraft Foods, Inc., and, 9I4;
Maidenform advertising and, 1154;
and motivational research, 478; Nike,
Inc., and, 1142; in r9th century, 753;
and perfume, 1204; purchasing habits
of, 458, 759; in radio, _r329; reader
recognition studies and, 633;
representations in advertising of, 89,
999-1000, l058, r257, l66o-68;sex
in advertising and, r435; Smith &
Wesson and, I497i and soap operas,
1444, 1445, 1448; in Spain, I465; at
J. Walter Thompson Company, I352,
l 53 2; Timex Corporation and, l 540;
and underwea1; 629; weight-loss
products and plans and, I643; in
World War I, 408, 759; in World War
II, I3 52. See also color plate ii1 volu1ne
Wo1nen against Pornography, r665
Women in Advertising and Marketing, 1657
Women in the lvledia {United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization), 586-87
"Women must work to win this wa1;" I352,
"Women of Achievement," lI8
Won1en of Earth perfume, I205
Women's Advertising Club of Chicago, 1657
Women's Christian Temperance Union, r208
Women's Tennis Association, 1230
Wonder, Stevie: "Higher Ground," 1108
Wonderbra: "Hello, boys!," 864, 865; Hunt
Lascaris and, 829, 829; in Mexico,
570; sex in advertising fo1; 1434;
TBWA Sin1ons Pahner and, 865
Wonder Bread, 139; and Chicago Tribune,
702; and radio, 1326; United States
Federal Trade Commission and, 690,
694; "Wonder Bread helps build strong
bodies 12 ways," 1346. See also color
plate in volu1ne two
Wonderful World of Disney, 644, lI77
Wonderful World of Trains (Lionel Satellite
Train), 1556
Wondersoft, 579
Wonder Woman, l 5 58
"Wonder World of Chemistry (E.I. Du Pont
de Ne111ours & Company), 502
Wons, Tony, 710
Wood, Arthur M., 14 14
Wood, Douglas, 1083
Wood, Jarvis, 126
Wood, Robert E., 1413, I4I4
Wood, Victoria, 249
Woodbury, John H., 407, 1449
Woodbury's facial soap, 407, 409, 472, 76I,
771, 955, l35I, r449, 1450, I532,
1598; Facial Purity League, 1208; sex
in advertising fo1; 1432, 1598, 1663
Woodell, Shirley, 8 56
Wooden, Ruth, I 5
Albert Woodley Company, 1202
Woodruff, Ernest, 3 3 7
Woodruff, Robert, 3 3 7
Woods, Nan, 58
Woods, Tiger, 522, 659, 1059, 1472
Woodward, Helen Rosen, 134, 759
Woodward, Joanne, I5~-5Woodward, Orator Francis, 642
WOOK (radio station), 1329
Wool Board {Australia), 107
Woolite, 54
Woolmark, 570
Wool Secretariat, 570
Wool Soap, 1208
F.W. Woolworth, 759, 775
WOR (radio station), 13 28
"Word Pictures," 15
"Work Days," Io34
"Work hard. Fly right," 3 8
"Working Man," 940
"Working to 111ake a difference," r230
Wo1king Wonwn, 978
"Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical
Reproduction" (Benjamin), 392
WorkRite radio sets, 766
Works, Robert, 1686
Worl, Henry, 473
World {Ne-..v York City), 725
"World at your fingertips," 1148
Worldcom, Inc., 67, 2I9, 1506; Euro RSCG
and, 5 5 r. See also MCI WorldCon1
World Cup (ice hockey), 1606
World Cup (snowboarding), 1148
World Cup (soccer), 676, 677, 1474
World Cup USA. See U.S. World Cup team
World Health Organization, 3r6, 1130
"Worldly,'' 970
WorldNet, Io2
World Ne1vs Tonight, 9 5
World No-Tobacco Day, 316
World of Coca-Cola (Atlanta, Georgia), ro97,
Io98, 1099
"World of baking in a box," 65I
"World of Energy," r175
World Passport, I I? 4
"World peace through world trade," 8 3 I
World Science Exposition (Tsukuba, Japan),
World's Colun1bian Exposition. See Chicago
World's Fair (I893)
World Series, 676, 772, Ioor, 1052, 1472,
World's Fairs. See under Brussels; Chicago;
New York City; Seattle
"World's favourite airline," 215, 218, 1592
"World's most exciting sports car buy," 1145
"World's worst job ended by Kleenex. No
more handkerchief washing," 903
World Trade Corporation, 834
World Trade Organization, 511
World War I, 762, 764, 1296-97, 1352,
1598-99, 1625-27; alcoholic
beverages during, 1402; American
Association of Advertising Agencies
and, 53; American Red Cross and, 58,
13 52; Bethlehem Steel during, 399;
Bull Durham during, 225-26;
cigarettes during, 311, 943, I366;
Joseph Campbell Preserve Company
and, 259; coffee during, 343; E.I. Du
Pont de Nemours & Company during,
I50--51, 502; Eastman Kodak
Company during, 509; Germany in,
663, I297; Gillette Company during,
674; military advertising during, 1047;
National Biscuit Company during,
I l 14; Packard Motor Car Company
during, 1188; posters during, 1231;
public service advertising during, I314;
Russian empire in, 1296, 1297; Sears,
Roebuck & Company during, 1413;
South America during, 14 5 6; United
Kingdom in, 1297, 1589; women in,
408, 7 59; Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
during, l 670; wristwatches during,
1537, I539· See also Liberty Bonds;
United States Committee on Public
Information; and color plates in
volumes one and two
World War II, 776-78, 1627-29; Ad Council
during, 14; African-Americans during,
25, 27; airlines during, 36; American
Association of Advertising Agencies
during, 53; American Home Products
Corporation during, 1095; American
Red Cross during, 5 8; American
Tobacco Company and, 64; AnheuserBusch, Inc., during, 75; Australia in,
1603, 1604, r604; automobile
industry during, 112; N.W. Ayer &
Son, Inc., during, 128, 1628; Brazil
during, 207; Leo Burnett Company,
Inc., during, 233-34; car-rental
business during, 735; Carter-Wallace,
Inc., and, 269; chocolate in United
Kingdom during, 248; Chrysler
Corporation and, 303-04; cigarettes in
United States during, 64, 94 5, l 226;
classified advertising during, 3 27;
Coca-Cola Company during, 337, 339,
109 5; coffee during, 344; Consumers
Union during, 391; D'Arcy Advertising
Company, Inc., during, 44 3; diamonds
during, 455; E.I. Du Pont de Nemours
& Company during, 503; Eastman
Kodak Company during, 509; Elsie the
Cow during, 193; Esso/Exxon during,
109 5; fashion and apparel during, 566;
feminine hygiene and intimacy
products during, 577; Foote, Cone &
Belding during, 600; Ford Motor
Company during, 606; France during,
619; Galvin Manufacturing
Corporation during, 1088, Io89;
General Electric Company during, 639,
1628; General Mills during, 647;
General Motors Corporation during,
656; Heineken during, 726; H.J. Heinz
Company during, 729; IBM
Corporation during, 831; Italy during,
871; Japan during, 1048; Maxon, Inc.,
during, 1628; Maytag Corporation
during, 1004; Mccann-Erickson, Inc.,
during, 1008; Miller Brewing
Company during, 1052; motion
pictures and, 1048; Nash-Kelvinator
Corporation during, 672, 1628; Nestle
S.A. during, 1127; New Zealand
during, 107-08; oil companies during,
1172; Packard Motor Car Company
during, I188; Pepsi-Cola Company
during, 1198; perfume during, 1202;
Pillsbury Flour Mills Company during,
I235; posters during, 1048; Procter &
Gamble Company during, 12]3;
propaganda during, 1296, 1298, 1299;
public service advertising during,
1314-15, 1314; radio during, 233-34,
1048, 1328, 1329; Revlon Consumer
Products Corporation during, 1628;
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
during, 1367; Ross Roy, Inc., during,
1374; Schlitz Brewing Company
during, 1402; scrap metal during, 231;
stereotypes of Japanese during, 88;
Unilever during, 936; United Kingdom
in, 1048, 1590; Vegemite during, 1603,
1604, r604; Volvo during, I614;
women during, 1352, 1663; Wm.
Wrigley Jr. Company during, I671.
See also United States Office of War
Information; War Advertising Council;
war bonds; and color plate in volume
Worldwide Partners, 681
World Wide Web, 858. See also Internet/
World Wide Web
World Wildlife Fund, 529, 590
Worth, 1202
Worthington Foods, Iq.c., 1046
Wouk, Herman, Io83
"Wouldn't you rather have a Buick?," 658
"Wow! I could have had a V-8!," 261
Wozniak, Steve, 8 5, 3 22, 3 70, 3 72
WPIX, 780
WPP_ Group, 807, 808, 809, 862, 959, 960,
and Abbott Mead Vickers, lj and
Batey Group, 145, 809; British Market
Research Bureau as subsidiary of,
1022; and Burger King Corporation,
228; and Burson-Marsteller, Inc., 998,
l31I, 1312; and Chime
Communications PLC, 738; and
CommonHealth, 1225; Davis &
Gilbert, LLP, and, 930; and A. Eicoff
& Company, 521; and global
advertising, 682; and Lord, Einstein,
O'Neill & Partners, 889, 960; and
MindShare, 803, 1021, 1358, 1454;
and Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Inc.,
521, 680, 796, 809, 960, 1021, 1158,
ll66, 1399, 1454, 1593, 1602, 1692;
and Ogilvy Group, 796, 808, 1312,
1454, 1593; and Quantum Group,
1225; and Results Advertising, I358;
Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising
overtures to, 1388; and Scali, McCabe,
Sloves, 966, 1399, 1400; Martin S.
Sorrell and, 796, 808, 8I6, 959, I166,
Tempus, 1455; andJ. Walter
Thompson Company, 610, 680, 796,
809, 816, 959, 1021, ll66, 1311,
1312, 1453, 1454, 1535, 1593, 1602,
1692; and Young & Rubicam, Inc.,
807, 809,998, 1021, ro28, 1455,
1593. 1602, 1692
WPP v. Lord, Einstein, O'Neill & Partners,
Wranglers, 1, 940
Wren, John, .r58, 183, 683, 1176
WRG. See Wells, Rich, Greene, Inc.
W.R. Grace & Company. See under Grace
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 884
Wright, John Inglis, 107
Wright, John W., 27
Wright, William, 1061
Wright's Coal Tar soap, 1590
Wrigley, Bill, Jr., 1672
Wrigley, Philip, 1670, 1671
Wrigley, William, Jr., 774, 1669-70
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, r669--]2; Batten
Barton Durstine & Osborn and, 151,
770; Arthur Meyerhoff Associates and,
154; and radio, 770, 1445; in Russia,
1380; Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., and,
1382; in Slovakia, 547
Wrigley Building (Chicago), 1671
Wrigley Review, 1670
Wrigley's Extra chewing gum, 1633, 1672
Wrigley's Spearmint chewing gum, l 670,
1671, 1672
"Wrinkle-Free Days," 558
W.R. Simmons & Associates Research, Inc.
See under Simmons
W.S. Crawford, Ltd. See under Crawford
W.S. Walker Advertising. See under Walker
WTA. See Women's Tennis Association
WTOP, 781
WTrv, 1490
WTWO (television station), 1490
Wunderman, Irving, 1673
Wunderman, Lester, 1673, 1674, 1690
Wunderman, 1673-74
Wunderman Cato Johnson, 86, 467, 1336,
Wunderman, Ricotta & Kline, 1335, 1673,
1690. See also Wunderman Worldwide
Wunderman Worldwide, r674. See also
Wunderman Cato Johnson
WWAV (direct marketing agency), 1336
WWOR-TV, 1660
WXYZ (radio station), 1328
Wyatt, Dunagan & Williams, 93 l
Wyeth, Andrew, 8 3 9
Wyeth, N.C., 126, 471, 760, 839; and
American Red Cross, 58
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, 57, 524
Wyeth Chemical Con1pany, 54
Wyler soups, 19 5
Wylie, John, 1439
Wyman, Lance, 1581
Wyman, Thomas, 1190
Wynder, Ernst, 65, 945, 1227, 1367
Wynn, Dan, 1154
Wynn, Ed, 1172
Wyse Agency, 4 5 2
Xantia cars, 321
X-Bra, 865
Xenical, 1225, 1646
xerography, 1675
Xerox Connect, 1679
Xerox Corporation, 1122, 1123-24, 1260,
1673, 1675-79; Almap and, 48; in
Argentina, 90; Backer Spielvogel Bates
Worldwide and, 132; business-tobusiness advertising by, 244; and
Canon, Inc., 3 64; employ1nent of
minorities at, 1056; logo of, 1582; Palo
Alto Research Center, 373; Papert,
Koenig, Lois, Inc., and, 119I, 1192,
1 399
Xerox Data Systems, 1676
Xerox Document Centers, 1679
X Files, Io96
XL Connect, 1679
XO beer, 627
Xoom.com, 636
XPAT.net, 590
Xsara cars, 321
Yahoo!, 1681-83; and e-cotnmerce, 516;
HHCL and Partners and, 739; and
Internet, 858, 860; logo of, 951, 952
Yahoo! Sports, I682
Yale Daily Neivs, 968
Yamaha, 292
Yamato Keian, 877
Y&R. See Young & Rubicam, Inc.
Y&R Advertising, 1602, 1669, 1692; and
AT&T Corporation, l 507; and
Kellogg Company, 893; and
Wunderman Cato Johnson, I674;
Young & Rubicam, Inc., and, 809.
See also Young & Rubicam, Inc.
Yang, Jerry, 1681
Yankee watches, 1537
Yankelovich, Skelly & White/Clancy
Shulman, 1388
Yearwood, Trisha, 1110
Yediot Aharonot, 869
Yell, 220
Yellen, Manuel, 964
Yellow Cab and Yellow Truck and Coach
Manufacturing Company, 734, 735
yellow journalism, 725
"Yellow Kid" (Outcault), 725, 1060
Yellow Pages, 327, 433, 1602, 1684-85
Yellowstone National Park, 1569
Yellowstone Park Line, 1569
Yellow Submarine, 1080
Yeltsin, Boris, 1376
Yemen, ro39
yenpon, 709
"Yes you can," ro38
Yiddish language in Israel, 869
YMCA. See Young Men's Christian
Yoell, Willian1A.,1664
Yoemans & Foote, 600
yogurt, 652, 698
Yomiko Advertising, 878
Yoo-hoo, 8
Yoplait, 648, 652, 653, 1234, 1236
"Yo quiero Taco Bell," r258, 1354, 1356,
York, Sarah, Duchess of, 1644
York Imperial cigarettes, 964
York Peppermint Patties, 734
Yosemite National Park, 1569
Yoshida Hideo, 466
Yost, Charles, 1418
"You and the Navy: Full speed ahead,"
"You are everywhere," 534
"You Are So Beautiful" (Cocker), 1106, 1107
"You Belong in the Zoo," 252
"You Belong to My Heart" (R. Gilbert), 1105
You Bet Your Life, 152, 183, 304, 1329
"You can be a rich brunette [the kind men
marry]," 1253
"You can be sure if it's Westinghouse," 1440
"You can call me Ray or you can call me Jay,"
"You can count on Sears," 1416
"You can put your confidence in General
Electric," 639
"You can trust your car to the men who wear
the star," 164, 1172
"You Deserve a Break Today," 453, 1107,
"You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's,"
"You expect more from Standard , .. and you
get it," 1173
"You get a lot to like," 1228
"You got peanut butter in my chocolate , . ,
You got chocolate in my peanut
butter!," 733
"You got the right one, baby," r200
"You have to drive it to believe it," 813
"You know the Minuteman ... now meet the
missus," 75
"You like it. It likes you," 1429, 143 l
"You'll be amazed at the results you get. , ,
with QuickDraw," 3 70
"You'll like our low commissions, our
convenience, and our quality service.
That's a promise," 596
"You'll love the way we fly," 39
"You'll wonder where the yellow went, when
you brush your teeth with Pepsodent,"
936, 1517
"You look like you just heard fro1n Dean
Witter," 595
"You meet the nicest people on a Honda,"
8II, 811
"You never looked so good," 119
Young, James Webb, 204, 1532-33; and Ad
Council, 14; Advertising Agency
Compensation in Relation to the Total
Costs of Advertising, 772; and
A1nerican Association of Advertising
Agencies, 51; and J. Walter Thompson
Cotnpany, 1530, 1532-33; and United
States War Manpower Commission,
Young, John On; 1686, 1687, 1688;
Adventures in Advertising, 1687
Young, Loretta, lI8, 164, 1631
Young, Miles, 1358
Young, Owen D., 1325
Young, Ralph, 913
Young, Robert, 644, 1083, 1424
Young, William, 236
Young & Rubicam, Inc., 452, 537, 792, 796,
Il32, lI35, 1151, 1498, 1534, 1599,
Council, 14, 15; in Africa, 24; and
Fred Allen, 1084; and American Home
Products Corporation, 5 5, 57; and
American Tobacco Company, 65; and
Ammirati Puris AvRutick, 68, 69; and
Anacin, 71; in Argentina, 94, 1459;
and Armour Food Products, 1177; and
Southeast Asia, 96; and AT&T
Corporation, 102, 713, 1673; and
Barilla pasta, 135, 136; and BDDP
Group, 156; and blacklisting, 181,
182, I83, 1283; and H&R Block,
1669; and Borden, Inc., 193, 195, 770;
and Brand Assets, 986; and Bravo
Bristol-Myers Company, 83, 211, 213,
214, 866, 868, 1518, 1641;
Burson-Marsteller, Inc., acquired by,
1311; and Cadbury, 249; and
Campbell Soup Company, 261; in
Canada, 263; and Chevron
Corporation, 1175; in China, 301; and
Chrysler Corporation, 68, I13, 305,
306, 307, 610, 897, 971, 973; and
Citibank, Io95, 1669; and Clairol,
Inc., 707; and Cluett, Peabody &
Co1npany, Inc., 566; and
Colgate-Palmolive Company, 352,
commercials, 483; and Creswell,
Munsell, Fultz & Zirbel, 533; and
Dentsu Inc., 96, 469; and Dr Pepper/
Seven Up, Inc., 174, 1407, 1431, 1498;
and Eastman Kodak Company, 5I1;
employment of minorities at, 1054,
io56; and Ericsson, Inc., 533, 534,
535, 1669; and Euroco1n, 549, 808,
997, 1264; in Eastern Europe, 547;
Euro RSCG Worldwide and, 724; and
Ford Motor Con1pany, 606, 610, 612,
929, 1673; George Gallup at, 1485,
x 526, 1600; and General Foods
Corporation, 343, 537, 633, 643, 670,
in Gennany, 376, 665, 666; and
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Con1pany,
1518, 1549; and Gulf Oil Company,
xr70-71; and Halln1ark Cards, Inc.,
713; in Indonesia, 98; and
International 1-Iarvester, 68; in Israel,
869; and Havas Conseil Marsteller,
997, 1264; and Holiday Inns
Worldwide, 1571; in Italy, 873, x237;
and Jacobs Suchard, 1379; and
Johnson & Johnson, 881, 882; and
Kang & Lee, 281, 1056; and I<FC
Corporation, I669; and Kraft Foods,
Inc., 914, _r669; and Lipton, 780,
l 26 5; and Lord, Einstein, O'Neill &
Partners, 960; and Lorillard Tobacco
Co1npany, 962, 963; and market
research, 633, 634, 986; Marsteller,
Inc., acquired by, 544, 723, 808, 997;
and Media Edge, 803, 1021; and
Merck & Company, Inc., 1225; and
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company,
8 50; in Mexico, .lo29; and Milton
Bradley, 1558; and Molson, Inc., :r68;
and Motorola, Inc., 1091; and Packard
Motor Car Company, 112, 634, 1188;
and Pepsi-Cola Company, 1198; and
Piel's, 83; and Postu1n Company, 343,
642-43; and product "personality,"
718; Publicis and, 809; and public
relations, 793, 1311; and radio, 438,
634, 635, 770-71, 1006, 1281-82,
1326, I327J 1641; Rainey Kelly
Campbell Roalfe acquired by, 1593;
and RayovaC Corporation, I47; and
Repsol, 32; and Republican Party, 152;
and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,
1369; and Rose1nary's Bab~ 1082; in
Russia, 1378J 1379; and Sal Hepatica,
866, 868; and Schlitz Brewing
Company, 1402; and Schtveppes,
1407; and Sears, Roebuck &
Co1npany, 569, 14I6; and Sony
Corporation, 382, I379i in Spain,
1465; and Sudler & Hennessey, 495;
and Tang, 17 5; and television, 780,
1283, I344; and Trans World Airlines,
Inc., 38; and Union Carbide, I5I8; and
United Airlines, 39; and United
Brands, 491; in United Kingdom,
l 593; and United Negro College Fund,
15, 13I5; and United States Army,
1051, 1669; and United States Bureau
of the Census, 280-81; and United
States Federal Trade Commission, 214;
and Ursuline Sisters, 1349; and
Warner-Wellcome Consumer Products,
132; "whole egg" approach of, 809,
853; WPP Group buy-out of, 807, 809,
1669; and Wundennan Cato Johnson,
I 3 3 6, l 67 4; and Xerox Corporation,
1673, I678, 1679
Young & Rubicam/Sovero, 1379
Young and the Restless, 1446, 1448
EW. Young Company, 536
John Orr Young Company, I686
Young Dr. J(ildare, 214
Young D1: .Nfalone, 164, 643, 1274, 1446
Young, Henri & Hurst, 1686
Young Men's Christian Association, 768,
Youngs Rubber Corporation, Inc., 577
Yo11ngs Rubber CorporationJ Inc, v. C.I. Lee
&Co., 577
Young Travelers Club, 9 5I
Young Widder B1·01vnJ 1 3 26
"You Ought to Be Congratulated," 107, Io75
"You press the button, we do the rest," 507,
"You protect your child, but who protects
you?," 1057
"Your broker is now obsolete," 596
"Your car is obsolete. Again," 1615
"Your car kno\vs," 1173
Your Creative Po1ver (Osborn), 149
"You Really Got Me" (Van Halen), 1106,
"You're in good hands," 848, 851-52, 851,
"You're out of date without an eight;" 1488
"You're safer smoking Philip Morris," 1227
"Your fresh approach to toilet pape1;" 904
"Your friendly Texaco dealer," 433
"Your future is great in a gro\ving Americaremember to drive with care and buy
Sinclair," 399
"Your future is our future," 814, 8i5
"Your Hertz car. One less thing to worry
about,'' 737
You1·HitParadeJ I52, 183, 22I, 314, 769,
771, 957, 1284, 1366, 1600. See also
Hit Parade; Lucky Strike Hit Parade
"Your Hit Parade" (Ray1nond Scott), 1107
"Your masterpiece-yourself," 409
Your Money's Worth (Chase and Schlink),
134. 385, 389
"Your Money's Worth and a Whole Lot
More," 1293, 1416
"Your night is about to take an unexpected
twist," 170
"Your right to choose/' 8 57
Yo11rSho1vofSho1vs, 785, 130I, 1600, 1642
"Your thrifty one in '5I," I488
"YourWare," 1242
"You see the1n wherever you go," l ro
"You see them every\vhere you go," 108, 110
Youth Dew, I202
youth market, 30-31, 1692-96; cigarette
companies and, JI7, 965, 1230; design
and designers and, 474; Eastman
Kodak Co1npany and, 5 I 3;
Mediamark Research, Inc., and, Io24;
MTV and, 1092; Polaroid Corporation
and, 1247; Procter & Gamble
Company and, 1277; and radio, 1329,
1330; and soft drinks, 8; Sprite and,
97I; Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co1npany and,
1672. See also color plate in 1ro/ume
Youth Posse. See Molson Youth Posse
"You've ahvays had the will. Let us show you
the way," 1646
"You've come a long way, baby, to get where
you got to today,'' 236, 312, 946,
"You've Got Pictures," 5I3
"You've got the look," 567
"You've never tasted a freeze-dried coffee
with this kind of dark, rich flavor,"
"You want me to put that, .. tvhere?,'' 582
"You Will," 102, 1505. See also color plate in
l'Olun1e three
"You won't light your nose," I648
"You, you're the one,'' 1015, 1017
YPF, 32
Yu, Albert, I239
Yuban coffee, 645, 1352
Yu1nmies, 73 9
Yuste, 90
Zagorka Pivovaren Zavod, 547
Zaharias, Babe Didrikson, 1539
Zamorano, JosC Luis, 394
Zantac, 1635, x635, L637
ZanyBrainy.com, 5 l 3
Zapf, Hern1ann, 1583
Zapf Chancery typeface, 1583
ZapMail, 573
Zaragoza, Jose, 208, 496, 14 58
Zatuszek, Carlos, 90
ZDNet, 516
Zebra Associates, 1246, _r659
Zeder-Talbot, 1374
Zeen, 82I
Zegna, 1237
Zeisel, Hanz, 1010
Zellmeister, Gabriel, 1640, 1641
Zenith Electronics Corporation, 420. See also
Zenith Radio Corporation
Zenith hearing aids, 5 24
Zenith Media Services, 396, 533, 803, 1021,
Zenith Radio Corporation, 377, 378, 380,
3 82, 602, 779, 780. See also Zenith
Electronics Corporation
Zcntropy Partners, 862, 1007
Zephyrills, 1207
Zernisch, 66 5
Zeroids, 1 5 58
Zest Soap, 447, 551
Zeta Publicidad: DPZ and, 496
Zieff, Howard, 482, 484
Ziff-Davis Publishing, 133 6
Zilg, Gerald C., 50 5
Zhna, 170, 804, 858, 1068
Zimbabwe, 23
Zimmer, I<eller & Calvert, 13 7 4
Zimmerman, Morris, 178
Zi1nmerman, Richard, 734
"Zip-a-de-doo-dah" (R. Gilbert), 1105
zip codes, 983, 1305, I673, 1697-99;
Wunderman, Ricotta & Kline and,
Zip Industries, 349
Ziploc, 887
Zithromax, 1219
Zlowe Co1npany, 997
Zocor, 214
Zoloft, 477, 1219, 1225
zone improven1ent plan codes. See zip codes
Zonite, 576, 576, 579
Zonite Products Corporation, 579. See also
Zonitors, 579
Zoo Parade ivith lvlarlin Perkins, 848
Zorabin, Eliezer, 869
Z3 automobile, i11
Zubelda cigarettes, 62, 1365
Zucchero. See Fornaciari, Zucchero
Zuckcrt, Donald M., I43) 498, 499
Zwart) Pict, 123 l
Zwitsal, 589
Zyrtec, 477, 1220, 1225
Zytcl, 503

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