15, 2013 PDF - Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine
15, 2013 PDF - Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine
Joanne Quinn-Smith http://pplmag.com Joanne Quinn-Smith is the CEO of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a full service marketing company specializing in Web 2.0 Gorilla Branding™. Known as the Techno Granny she offers her clients unique, creative and energetic marketing and management plans. Marketing and consulting clients include individuals and entrepreneurs, non profit agencies and organizations, restaurants, small businesses with locations across the US and international organizations. Lauded for her energetic and enthusiastic style of marketing, Ms. Quinn-Smith is frequently in demand as a speaker. She spoke in 2007, 2008 and 2009 at the NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) Annual Convention in Atlanta Georgia, and Phoenix, Arizona and Chicago, Illinois and is a regular speaker on Social and New Media at the Pennsylvania Business Technology Conference. Joanne has won national acclaim and international fans for her four internet radio shows, four supplemental blogs and an on line, multi media Community magazine. In the professional sector, she has served on several committees and boards including: Girls Going Places, NAWBO National Committees, and Women’s Economic Development Outreach, WEDO. She has been an active board member of NAWBO for many years and was the 2007-2008 President of the Greater Pittsburgh Chapter. She was also the chair of the Second Annual NAWBO Day at the Greater Pittsburgh Chapter. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 2 http://pplmag.com Always on the cutting edge of social media, Joanne is the host of a weekly talkcast called Techno Granny Show™which airs each Monday at 7am on Talkshoe. The talkcast helps entrepreneurs learn how to negotiate and make the most of today’s technology. She is also the host of three other pod casts including Positively Pittsburgh Live™, The Monday Morning Marketeer™, and Professionals with Impact™. All Talkcasts are recorded live and can be found at: www.positivelypittsburghlivemagazine.com. Her current niche is Web 2.0 Gorilla Branding Training™ and PositivelyPittsburghLiveMagazine.com a multi media resource for and about Pittsburgh. Website: www.positivelypittsburghlivemagazine.com which is also a syndicated Pittsburgh Internet Radio and TV network. Joanne Quinn-Smith has been designated nationally, 2009 Small Business Journalist of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration for her advocacy and reporting on smallbusiness using social and New Media. Joanne is much in demand as a speaker instructing businesses and organizations in internet branding and visibility. Joanne’s internet radio shows have accumulated listeners internationally of over 200,000. http://www.PositivelyPittsburghLiveMagazine.com 412.628.5048 Joanne Quinn-Smith, 2009 U.S. Small Business Administration Small Business Journalist of the Year Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 3 http://pplmag.com Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine December 9 - 15, 2013 Table of Contents Techno Granny, TG From Wacky to Wonderful, TechnoGranny 14 Tech Gift Ideas ................................... 6 EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! STUPID MISTAKES BIZ OWNERS MAKE! ................................. 7 Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine December 2 - 8, 2013 .. 9 Doomsday!!!! ....................................... 11 New Year Resolutions You Should Never Make ........... 12 New Year’s Resolution: Never be a Patsy ................ 14 TG From Wacky to Wonderful, TechnoGranny 14 Tech Gift Ideas ............................................. 15 Body Beautiful’s HOLIDAY SAVINGS! -Don’t Miss this - Click on the Ad to print it out. ............................. 26 EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Stupid Mistakes Biz Owners Make ................................... 28 Atkins as The Chief at the O’Reilly ..................... 29 Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 Event Schedule .... 32 Christ Church Anglican Hosts 18th C Service ............ 41 SRU Beats Pitt Johnstown ............................ 45 Pgh Cultural Trust Announces New Shows in 2014 ....... 49 SBA Award Nominations Sought ....................... 55 Tickets on Sale for 3 Broadway Shows in 2014 ........... 58 Four SRU Players Named to First Team All Region ........ 64 Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 4 http://pplmag.com Point Park Alum Directs Sound of Music Live Performance.. Programming Highlights for First Night ................ John Gorka at The Roots Cellar ........................ Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings Tickets Available ........ Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 5 69 72 82 88 http://pplmag.com Techno Granny, updates 21st Century Tech Techno Granny, TG From Wacky to Wonderful, TechnoGranny 14 Tech Gift Ideas This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ Dec 9, 2013 09:05AM Click here to view or listen to the audio/video. Lat minute shoppers want to wow your techie friends? Here are 14 Tech Gift Ideas from the Techno Granny from an alarm clock that rolls off the nite stand so you can’t hit the snooze button to convertible top gloves that keep your hands war, while you are texting waiting for the bus. There are USB heating gloves that hook Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 6 http://pplmag.com to your computer for warehouse workers and your loved ones who work in drafty offices. Also there is a nifty phone sanitizer because you know that cell phones get more germs than a toilet seat, another reason you should not use them in a restaurant…..Also neat tech gifts under $50.00 and stocking stuffers uner $20.00, even under $10.00……. TechnoGranny does not have time to do your shopping for you but she has done your research and from Wacky to Wonderful she has found 14 Tech Gift Ideas for the techies in your life. Also some hints for what to buy the TechnoGranny. EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! STUPID MISTAKES BIZ OWNERS MAKE! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ Dec 12, 2013 08:01AM Click here to view or listen to the audio/video. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 7 http://pplmag.com Mistakes happen in business. Some minor..some major. Some you recover from…others not . Today we discuss the TEN STUPID MISTAKES you can AVOID that will SINK your business. Today’s show on the EMPRESS OF BIZ is VITAL to all business owners….. Knowledge is POWER and can Prevent DISASTER if you use it. Join me today as I share from my 30 plus years experience as a business owner, business growth specialist, teacher, mentor and MISTAKE MAKER. My lessons could be the difference between SUCCESS, HEARTBREAK, FAILURE and Bankruptcy Court . Listen, Learn and Prosper with the Empress of biz…JoAnn R. Forrester. Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine PDF & Turning Page Formats Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine December 2 - 8, 2013 Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 8 http://pplmag.com Dec 9, 2013 05:16PM If you’ve missed some of the audios, videos or articles on Positively Pittsburgh Live Magazine over the past week, you don’t have to worry. Every week, we are creating a PDF version (a magazine that can be opened like an ebook on your computer or even your smartphone), and an online version that lets you actually turn the pages (and hear the page turning sound!). Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 9 http://pplmag.com In both versions, when you click the link for the multimedia, you can download and listen to the audio shows, or watch the videos. To view (and save) the PDF/Ebook version of Positively Pittsburgh’s anthology of content from last week, just click http://positivelypittsburghlivemagazine.com/PPLM-2013-1202_08/PPLM-2013-12-02_08.pdf. To view the online, turning page version of Positively Pittsburgh’s content for last week, just click http://www.PositivelyPittsburghLiveMagazine.com/PPLM-2013-1202_08/. If you’d like to have an article, audio show or video shared with the rest of Pittsburgh, click here to cont act me. Have a positive and successful week! Joanne Quinn-Smith, Publisher http://www.positivelypittsburghlivemagazine.com/ Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 10 http://pplmag.com LegalShoe Doomsday!!!! Dec 9, 2013 08:58AM Be prepared for a series of brief, but still well-written posts. If you’re operating off of Bryan Gardner’s Garner on Language & Writing paradigm (affiliate link), these are more madman than carpenter or judge. I have a number of reasons for this warning: 39 to be exact. That’s 18 + 21. I’ve just finished the remarkable book “18 Minutes Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done (affiliate link),” by Peter Bregman. It’s part of my end of year study of the best and most recommended books of 2013. Bergman recommends prioritizing the things that will bring you closer to your objectives for the year. One of my objectives for 2014 is to write more. I wanted to get the habit started before the new year. Getting started on your new year’s resolutions in the 21 days left in the year is a great way to make sure those resolutions get done in 2014. It takes 21 days to make a habit stick. Want to lose weight? Start exercising now. Stop eating so much sugar. Drink 1 less soda each day. By January 1, you’ll have the habit that will get you in shape by the end of the year. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 11 http://pplmag.com Want to watch less TV? Stop watching 1 hour at night, and read a book or plan a vacation. Want to get better grades or impress your client? Listen for one new thing. Want to love your to do list? Pick one thing you absolutely WANT to get done; write it down. Do it. Every single day. If you find yourself writing the same thing dow every day, evaluate if this is a new habit and treat it as such. The other advantage? I just spent the last week taking inventory of my objectives for 2014, and I’ll continue to do that through December. As I hone those objectives to the 4 or 5 I really really want to do, I also explore why they are important to me. That gives me ownership of the objectives. What happens if I own them? Research shows I’m about 100% more likely to get them accomplished when I do. What are your objectives for 2014? LegalShoe New Year Resolutions You Should Never Make Dec 10, 2013 09:44AM So, I’m on day two. I came close to ignoring my new resolve to write every day but realized I would be grumpy and sad if I didn’t. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 12 http://pplmag.com Thanks to some great encouragement from Jonathan Malkin, I’m going to keep going and possibly build some discipline. BTW, Jonathan posted a wonderful discussion of entrepreneurial depression here. I’ve been suffering from something of an identity crisis. Today’s post is evidence of that. I’m over fifty, but still feel like I just graduated from law school. In many ways, I wish I’d had me for a mentor those long years ago (wait, I did have me as a mentor those long years ago - his name was Keith Jergensen and he was my dad - probably why I didn’t ask him for advice). At any rate, since we’re focusing on ways to increase our chances of keeping our New Year’s Resolutions, I offer this brief discussion. Kudos to Ann Brenoff, who wrote the post. It’s directed to the “over 50 crowd” but buried between the lines are some important insights about meeting objectives. Never make resolutions you cannot keep. Objectives, goals, resolutions, whatever you call them must be amenable to accomplishment. Some you simply cannot keep because they might require a third party’s decision to accomplish it (get a job) or are simply beyond your remarkable abilities (win a Nobel Prize in Literature). Make resolutions that only require one person for success: you. LegalShoe Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 13 http://pplmag.com New Year’s Resolution: Never be a Patsy Dec 12, 2013 06:42PM For those of you keeping track, I posted yesterday. I have a tumblr account, too, and I’m learning to use it. Yay tech! I write over at tumblr.com, under the nom de guerre The BlueBook of Happiness. I did that yesterday. Trust me, or click over and look. With 2014 mere weeks away, it’s time to seriously consider what kind of NYRs will make it onto my list. I posted Tuesday on NYRs one shouldn’t make. Here’s ONE resolution I intend to make, and keep: I resolve never to work for free. But wait, whines the little lawyer voice inside my head, I’m in a service industry. I’m obligated to give people access to justice. Also insistent is the mentor voice, which says that I have to practice on people for nothing if I want to get them to pay for my services later on. That is so stupid. But I get that idea from the medieval roots of my profession. From the monks who wandered England with their vows of poverty and the pockets in their hoods to catch the money Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 14 http://pplmag.com “clients” might donate to the cause. So, in 2014, I resolve to throw off the shackles of my medieval past and serve like the knights errant. Somebody is bound to cough up a manor or a new suit of armor, right? I’d settle for a nice meal or a plate of cookies. Really. At some point, I’ll have to work for free. Fortunately, always remarkable Jessica Hische has done all the dirty work for me (and for FREE) to help me make a clear, objective decision. You can find the HTML version here. And don’t be cheap. Buy a letterpress copy of the flow chart, frame it, and refer to it often. Don’t work for free. Don’t lend your time. You’re worth it. Techno Granny Talks TG From Wacky to Wonderful, TechnoGranny 14 Tech Gift Ideas Dec 12, 2013 07:00PM Listen to the show online here. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 15 http://pplmag.com Last minute shoppers want to wow your techie friends? Here are 14 Tech Gift Ideas from the Techno Granny. She does not have time to do your shopping for you, but she has done your research and from Wacky to Wonderful she has found 14 Tech Gift Ideas for the techies in your life. Also some hints for what to buy the TechnoGranny. Fitbit Force Wireless Activity + Sleep Wristband Fitbit’s new Force tracker is one of the best fitness gadgets we’ve seen and sure to make a great stocking-stuffer for you or someone you care about. Tracks steps, distance, calories burned, stairs climbed, and active minutes Monitor how long and how well you sleep Wake up with a silent, vibrating alarm (that won’t disturb your partner) Get instant access to your stats with a real-time digital OLED display Sync stats automatically to your computer and leading smartphones 4.0 stars Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 16 http://pplmag.com CNET Editors’ Rating Average User Review 4 stars out of 4 user reviews Starting at: $129.95 thru $176.00 so do comparison shopping The good: The Fitbit Force makes it easy to track steps, sleep, and calories. Its wrist strap design is lightweight, comfortable to wear, and also functions as a watch.The Force syncs wirelessly over Bluetooth, and Fitbit’s solution provides plenty of ways to sift through fitness data. The bad: Closing the Fitbit Force’s strap shut is a challenge. Direct syncing is only available with newer iPhones, the Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, and Note 2 handsets. The bottom line: The Fitbit Force leaps to the top of the fitness tracker heap, with a bright screen, comfortable fit, and a bevy of slick features. Tocky Runaway Alarm Clock with MP3 - Kiwi The $69 Tocky by Nanda Home will never let you sleep through a meeting again. This alarm clock not only wakes you on time, but it also rolls off the bedside table and across the floor so you can’t hit the snooze button. The device also lets you record custom sounds or Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 17 http://pplmag.com upload MP3s. USB Heating Gloves It can get cold in offices on those windswept winter days. Keep the special someone on your list warm at all times with these toasty USB-powered heated mittens. ($25, Perpetualkid.com) Violight Cell Phone Sanitizer Cell phones can collect more bacteria than a toilet seat, studies show. An ultraviolet sanitizing dock will zap those germs into the ether and preserve your health through the holiday season. Available from Brookstone for $49.95. [via AOL] LP-2020A+ Lepai Tripath Class-T Hi-Fi Audio Mini Amplifier Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 18 http://pplmag.com with Power Supplyby Lepai Who said a stereo amplifier had to be expensive? If you want a “cheap but good” stereo for the a bedroom or den, just add a pair of speakers to this little digital amp — which costs less than $25. Given the bargain-basement price, it actually sounds pretty good, too. 3.5 stars CNET Editors’ Rating 4.0 stars Average User Review out of 17 user reviews Starting at: $14.55 The good: The Lepai LP-2020A+ is an ultracheap mini amplifier that offers 20 watts per channel, two inputs, and bass and treble controls. The bad: There’s no remote control, and the blue illuminated ring surrounding the volume control is glaringly bright in a dark room. The amp is so light (if not fastened down) that it slides around when the controls are used. The bottom line: As long as you’re realistic about the capabilities and limited features set of the Lepai LP-2020A+, you can’t go wrong Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 19 http://pplmag.com with this little $25 Lepai Tripath-based mini audio amplifier is ideal for both home and car audio applications. The TA2020 is a 20W/ch continuous average two-channel Class-T Digital Audio Power Amplifier IC using Tripath’s proprietary technology. Freehands Gloves Keep your hands toasty while you text with Freehands gloves for men and women. From $16 Panasonic RP-HTX7-W1 Stereo Headphones For whatever reason, Panasonic seems to have become the go-to choice for cheap-but-good headphones. The full-size but lightweight RP-HTX7s do a good job of blocking out external sounds, and they sound great for the price. They’re available in at least three colors (black, white, and green) for as little as $25.00 Shop around a bit Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 20 http://pplmag.com Headphones 4.0 stars Average User Review out of 1 user reviews Starting at: $34.68 The good: The Panasonic RP-HTX7s are affordable entry-level over-the ear headphones that fit comfortably, are relatively lightweight, and sound very good for the money. They also don’t leak sound, and their retro styling is more hit than miss. The bad: They’re slightly brash; there’s no integrated microphone for making cell phone calls. The bottom line: While their sound and design may not appeal to everyone, the Panasonic RP-HTX7s are excellent entry-level over-the-ear headphones that are a good bargain. The lightweight Pivothead Durango eyewear puts a video camera in between your eyes Pivothead 1080 HD 8MP Video Recording Camera Polarized Hand-Free Sunglasses, Durango Chameleon Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 21 http://pplmag.com $349.00 $299.00 Google Glass may still be $1,500, but if you’re just looking for sunglasses that have a discreet embedded video camera, the $299 Pivothead Durango is arguably a better alternative. 3.5 stars CNET Editors’ Rating 5.0 stars Average User Review out of 1 user reviews Starting at: $299.00 The good: The lightweight Pivothead Durango eyewear puts a video camera right between your eyes for easy and reasonably discreet hands-free capture of full HD video. The bad: The Durango design isn’t for everyone and while the video quality is very good for this type of device, it might not be good enough for some considering its $350 price. The bottom line: Pivothead’s pricey Durango video-recording eyewear is a fast, easy way to shoot Web-friendly POV movies. Kingston DataTraveler SE9 Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 22 http://pplmag.com Everyone can use a spare USB flash drive, and the Kingston DataTraveler SE9 is rugged enough to live on your keychain while storing a whopping 16GB of data (almost two DVDs’ worth). The 16GB model costs only about $11, the 32GB around $21. Starting at: $10.98 Lacie Petite Key USB drive You’ll pay a bit extra for the Lacie Petite Key compared to other USB drives, but it’s worth it for the metal design, which is said to be waterproof to 100 meters. The 16GB model will run you about $20, the 32GB about $10 more. AmazonBasics HDMI cable Whether you’re unwrapping a new game console, Blu-ray player, Apple TV, Roku, or pretty much any other home video gift, you’ll need one of these to connect it to your TV. Rather than pay $50 or more at your local Best Buy for a so-called “premium” cable, get the AmazonBasics two-pack for just $9 — they’ll work just as well, and you’ll have a spare, too. Anker USB Car Charger Chances are that you’ll need to charge more than one gadget in your car — and the Anker USB Charger can handle two at once, including a tablet. Not bad for under $12. 4.5 stars CNET Editors’ Rating The good: The unobtrusive Anker USB 24W / 2.4A + 2.4A (4.8A max) Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 23 http://pplmag.com Car Charger packs two high-speed USB charging ports into a device the size of a standard single-port charger. Dedicated Android and Apple charging ports ensure maximum charging speed for tablets and large smartphones and can be used simultaneously. The bad: Users who want to, for example, charge two iPhones will be stuck trickle-charging one of them. The white color scheme stands out in most cars’ interiors. The bottom line: If you find it at a discount, the Anker 24W USB charger is an excellent option for powering multiple smartphones or tablets while on the road. Gboard, The Gmail Keypad Your life could be so much easier if you were to master Gmail’s time saving shortcuts. Luckily, ThinkGeek is offering a $19.99 USB keypad designed to execute 19 of Gmail’s common shortcut functions at the press of a single button. [via Switched] ‘Cooking For Geeks’ With O’Reilly Media’s Cooking for Geeks recipe book, aspiring chefs and scientists alike can learn how to create great-tasting dishes while exploring the chemical changes that food undergoes in the process. From $27.99. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 24 http://pplmag.com ‘Flirtexting: How To Text Your Way To His Heart’ Flirtexting, the woman’s guide to sending flirty text messages, is available at Amazon from $7.50 (new and used). This blog post can be reproduced in its entirety with the following information: © Joanne Quinn-Smith, Techno Granny Show™ 2013, Dreamweaver Marketing Associates, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230, 412-444-5197 Listen at: http://tinyurl.com/TechnoGrannyShow Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 25 http://pplmag.com Or on its unique radio channel at: http://tinyurl.com/pospittlivemag Additional blog posts at: http://technogrannyshow.com Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and an expert on Web 2.0 Branding.2009 National SBA Small Business Journalist of the Year, Author “Folly of Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101 Compelling Reasons to Write One.” Available at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DHKVJOG Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa Body Beautiful’s HOLIDAY SAVINGS! -Don’t Miss this Click on the Ad to print it out. Dec 11, 2013 10:07AM Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 26 http://pplmag.com LIKE us on FaceBook! Text the word “BODY” to 91944. You will instantly recieve secret discounts and special offers! Bring your phone in and show us to redeem it. Log on to www.BBLMspa.com to schedule an appointment or call 724 987 3221 . Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 27 http://pplmag.com Empress of Biz, Biz Tips EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Stupid Mistakes Biz Owners Make Dec 12, 2013 09:12AM EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes: Mistakes happen in business. Some minor..some major. Some you recover from…others you do not! Today we discuss the TEN STUPID MISTAKES you can AVOID that will SINK your business. Today’s show on the EMPRESS OF BIZ is VITAL to all business owners….. Knowledge is POWER and can Prevent DISASTER if you use it. Join me today as I share from my 30 plus years experience as a business owner, business growth specialist, teacher, mentor and MISTAKE MAKER. My lessons could be the difference between SUCCESS, HEARTBREAK, FAILURE and Bankruptcy Court . Listen, Learn and Prosper with the Empress of biz…JoAnn R. Forrester. One mistake I wish I did NOT make: 1. Start a business without any idea what I was doing. I was Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 28 http://pplmag.com so frustrated with my job and personal life.. I was looking for anything that would get me out. So of course, when that opportunity came to start a business with two others who I looked up to…I JUMPED. I thought everything would be perfect. Nope! Not the best decision in the world. While I had some skills I did not know anything about business structure, costs or taxes etc. I just trusted the older members and did what they said. Sometimes it worked out…other times it did not. It took me years to gain their respect and not be treated like a kid. Lesson Learned: Think before you leap….Learn as much as you can BEFORE you start…and KEEP on learning…and do not allow yourself to be patronized and treated like the “kid” on the block. For more got to the EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! Live & Recorded Episodes: Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Atkins as The Chief at the O’Reilly Dec 12, 2013 01:37PM Contact Margie Romero, Communications Manager at Pittsburgh Public Theater 412.316.8200 ext. 707 or [email protected] Pittsburgh Public Theater Presents The Chief Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 29 http://pplmag.com The last chance at The O’Reilly to see Tom Atkins in the performance of a lifetime as Pittsburgh Steelers founder Arthur J. Rooney, Sr. PITTSBURGH (Dec. 9, 2013) New audiences this fall were introduced to stellar actor Tom Atkins when he starred as the Stage Manager in Our Town, which began Pittsburgh Public Theater’s MASTERPIECE SEASON. This Jan. 2 – 5 will be the final opportunities to see him at The O’Reilly in the performance of a lifetime as Pittsburgh Steelers founder Arthur J. Rooney, Sr. in The Chief. Written by Rob Zellers & Gene Collier and directed by Ted Pappas, The Chief is the best-selling show inPittsburgh Public Theater history. The Chief returns to the O’Reilly Theater, Pittsburgh Public Theater’s home in the heart of Downtown’s Cultural District, for six Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 30 http://pplmag.com performances only. For tickets call 412.316.1600 or visit ppt.org. The Chief is generously supported by the Pittsburgh Steelers. Set in Mr. Rooney’s office at Three Rivers Stadium in 1976, this will be the play’s ninth production at The O’Reilly, where it premiered in 2003. “A triumph of the show is that it’s a Pittsburgh history lesson of growing up Irish on the North Side, insider politics, and sports fandom disguised as entertainment,” said the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last year. “It’s mind-boggling to watch such a hugely talented man work the crowd as brilliantly as Atkins does here,” said Pittsburgh City Paper. The design team for The Chief is Anne Mundell (Scenic & Costumes), Phil Monat (Lighting), and Zach Moore (Sound). Fred Noel is the Production Stage Manager and Adrienne Wells is the Assistant Stage Manager. The Chief Performance Schedule Thurs., Jan. 2 at 8 pm. Fri., Jan. 3 at 8 pm. Sat., Jan. 4 at 2 & 8 pm and Sun., Jan. 5 at 2 & 7 pm. Ticket prices: $48 & $65. Students and age 26 and younger $15.75 with valid ID. For tickets call 412.316.1600 or visit ppt.org Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 31 http://pplmag.com support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 Event Schedule Dec 12, 2013 01:53PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Jessica Warchall, Visual Art Publicist, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 847-477-8714/[email protected] Shaunda Miles, Director of Public Relations, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 412-471-1578/[email protected] Diana Roth, Communications Manager, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 412-471-8717/[email protected] Images available: http://TrustArts.org/press Search: FirstNightPGH 2014 Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 32 http://pplmag.com PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST ANNOUNCES HIGHMARK® FIRST NIGHT® PITTSBURGH 2014 VISUAL ART EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS Cultural District | December 31, 2013 | 6 – 11 p.m. Pittsburgh, PA—The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust announces the visual art exhibitions and events that are part of the twentieth anniversary celebration of Highmark First Night Pittsburgh in the heart of downtown’s Cultural District. Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 is produced by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust with generous support from Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, the event’s long time supporter and returning presenting sponsor. Highmark First Night Pittsburgh provides the city with a chance to ring in the new year while celebrating the arts: dance, music, theater, comedy, magic, visual art, and film, plus hands-on activities for children and adults. “Highmark First Night Pittsburgh is the region’s largest showcase of family-friendly visual art,” says Sonja Sweterlitsch Pittsburgh Cultural Trust’s Manager of Community Art. “Visitors will enjoy a wide range of visual media and expression, from film, to installation art, to painting and sculpture, to inspire and delight.” Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 33 http://pplmag.com PGH Zombie Apocalypse (Courtesy of Artist) Among the fourteen visual art venues participating in Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 is the Trust Arts Education Center (805/807 Liberty Avenue), which transforms into an exhibition space for the event. The Center’s third floor features the exhibition Memory Terrains, which includes artwork by artists working in a range of media. Don Jones presents Cycle Sam, a child-size, energetic animated robot. Alternate Histories by Matthew Bucholtz features old prints of the Pittsburgh area, seemingly familiar, yet utterly surprising, as UFOs hover in the skyline and sea monsters rise from the Monongahela River. Also presented is a selection of artist Mia Tarducci Henry’s vibrant and colorful abstract paintings recalling her experiences in Grenada 30 years ago. A screening of the 1959 animated film “Rhapsody in Steel” by former Disney staffer John Sutherland rounds out the third floor Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 34 http://pplmag.com exhibition space. Commissioned by U.S. Steel, this 23-minute industrial cartoon (with full orchestration by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) tells the story of the history of steel, from the first meteor hitting the earth, to ancient Egypt, to space flight. Other notable contributors to the film include Academy Award-winning composer Dimitri Tiomkin, art director and former Disney illustrator Eyvind Earle, director Carl Urbano, and narrator Gary Merrill. The Center’s fourth floor features the Second Saturday Workshops: Instructors’ Showcase, highlighting outstanding work by thirteen local artists, who are also instructors of the Second Saturday Art Workshop Series at the Trust Arts Education Center. Among the artists included are internationally honored fiber artist Tina Brewer and Tom Scioli, comic book artist and illustrator of the epic sci-fi comic book Gødland. The following is a complete schedule of the visual art exhibitions and events that are part of the Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 New Year’s Eve celebration. HIGHMARK FIRST NIGHT PITTSBURGH 2014 VISUAL ARTS Mia Tarducci Henry (Courtesy of the Artist) Trust Arts Education Center, 805/807 Liberty Avenue Third Floor: Memory Terrains Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 35 http://pplmag.com Presenting paintings by Mia Tarducci Henry; Alternate Histories by Matthew Bucholtz; Cycle Sam by Don Jones; and Rhapsody in Steel, a 1959 animation by John Sutherland, re-mastered by Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area. Fourth Floor: Second Saturday Workshops: Instructors’ Showcase Artist-instructors include Rick Antolic, Alison Babusci, Michael Bestwick, Tina Brewer, Cheryl Capezzuti, Erin Carlson, Joshua Hogan, Laverne Kemp, Emily McMahon, Olga Mihaylova, Thomas Scioli, Sonja Sweterlitsch, and Linda Wallen. Highmark Direct Truck, 9th Street Steel Making: A Symphony of Industry This 1936 film re-mastered by Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area illuminates the steel-making process from start to finish with cinematic flourish rarely seen in films of this genre. Fraley’s Robot Repair Shop, Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel, 107 6th Street The Lonely Robot Returns Artist Toby Atticus Fraley brings back the Lonely Robot from his previous Cultural District installation. The robot and his friends appear in a swanky room window display at street level. Associated Artists of Pittsburgh, 937 Liberty Avenue, 2nd floor Welcoming the Future, Honoring the Present: New and Established AAP Member Works This exhibition features a salon-style hanging of works by current AAP artists alongside a showcase of 21 new AAP members, who became part of the organization in 2013. Toonseum, 945 Liberty Avenue Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 36 http://pplmag.com The year 2014 is the 100th anniversary of Gertie the Dinosaur, the first animated cartoon character. To celebrate, ToonSeum is showing animated cartoons inside and outside of the building. Special live performances by cartoonist and ToonSeum Director Joe Wos are also featured. PNC Legacy Project, 600 Liberty Avenue A multimedia exhibition highlights the story of Pittsburgh’s transformation into one of the country’s most livable cities. Edinboro University, 820 Liberty Avenue Chimera Curated by Edinboro University’s Bruce Gallery, this pop-up project is part of the larger gallery project titled Transpose. Acting as a conduit of art between Pittsburgh, Erie, and Edinboro, the installation features student artwork. Harris Theater, 809 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh Filmmakers presents a series of short films. Future Tenant, 819 Penn Avenue Shame of the City: Deconstructing and Reconstructing Comic Narratives Twenty-three artists each present a deconstruction of a different page from the 1984 comic book The Invincible Iron Man, (volume 01, issue 178), effectively creating a new work inspired by the original comic. Wood Street Galleries, 601 Wood Street HIVE Kurt Hentschläger created this 3D-animated audiovisual installation in which visitors encounter swirling amorphous human figures Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 37 http://pplmag.com appearing as a mass, or hive, rather than as individual beings. SPACE, 812 Liberty Avenue Behind Our Scenes Guest curated by Jen Saffron, this exhibition features works by five photographic artists exploring the relationship between the two-dimensional form and physical space. The artists include Nancy Andrews, Leo Hsu, Dennis Marsico, Annie O’Neill, and Barbara Weissberger. 707 Penn Gallery, 707 Penn Gallery threaded color // drawing lines Nicole Czapinski constructs wooden frames enclosed by sheer fabric, creating semi-transparent, two-sided screens. Varicolored thread is woven between the two fabric panels, effectively creating three-dimensional drawings of polygons that appear to float in space. 709 Penn Gallery, 709 Penn Gallery Craftsmen’s Guild of Pittsburgh Holiday Artist Market This juried show and artist market features works of art handcrafted by members of the Craftsmen’s Guild of Pittsburgh in a diverse range of media, including jewelry, clay, glass, wood, textiles, paper, among others. August Wilson Center, 980 Liberty Avenue, BNY Mellon Gallery, first floor Pittsburgh: Reclaim, Renew, Remix This multimedia exhibition is designed to herald the contributions of artists, musicians, dancers, sports figures, and literary figures to Western Pennsylvania’s rich African America heritage. An Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 38 http://pplmag.com interactive tool allows visitors to create unique video collages. Please note that all exhibitions open at 6 p.m., and close at 11 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. The Highmark First Night Pittsburgh website provides event details and allows users to sort through the schedule of events and customize plans. TrustArts.org/FirstNightPGH is mobile-friendly and allows smartphone users to plan on-the-go during New Year’s Eve. SPONSORS & MEDIA PARTNERS Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 sponsors as of release date include: Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield as the presenting sponsor, Equitable Gas Company, Dollar Bank, First National Bank, Giant Eagle, PNC, and Bobby Rahal Motor Company. New this year, FedEx Ground serves as the sponsor for the annual parade with special puppets designed by Studio Capezzuti. First Night Pittsburgh 2013 Parade (Pittsburgh Cultural Trust) Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 community supporters include The Buhl Foundation, The Fine Foundation, and The Grable Foundation. Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 media partners include KDKA TV, Trib Total Media, and WYEP 91.3 FM/WESA 90.5FM. ABOUT HIGHMARK FIRST NIGHT PITTSBURGH Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 39 http://pplmag.com Highmark First Night Pittsburgh, a production of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, is an arts-focused and family-friendly New Year’s Eve celebration in downtown Pittsburgh’s Cultural District. It is the largest single-day celebration in the region offering around 150 events at nearly 50 indoor and outdoor locations within the 14-block Cultural District. The celebration offers something for everyone. ABOUT THE PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has overseen one of Pittsburgh’s most historic transformations: turning a seedy red-light district into a magnet destination for arts lovers, residents, visitors, and business owners. Founded in 1984, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a non-profit arts organization whose mission is the cultural and economic revitalization of a 14-block arts and entertainment/residential neighborhood called the Cultural District. A major catalytic force in the city, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a unique model of how public-private partnerships can reinvent a city with authenticity, innovation and creativity. Using the arts as an economic catalyst, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has holistically created a world-renowned Cultural District that is revitalizing the city, improving the regional economy and enhancing Pittsburgh’s quality of life. Thanks to the support of foundations, corporations, government agencies and thousands of private citizens, the Trust stands as a national model of urban redevelopment through the arts. ### Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 40 http://pplmag.com Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Christ Church Anglican Hosts 18th C Service Dec 12, 2013 02:03PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Dec. 9, 2013 Brownsville’s Christ Church Anglican Plans 18th Century Christmas Service Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 41 http://pplmag.com BROWNSVILLE, PA – To celebrate the holiday season, Christ Church Anglican will present an 18th century Christmas service in the tradition of Brownsville’s early settlers, including historical impersonations of its prominent leader, Jacob Bowman, and his family. The free one-hour service, beginning at 6 p.m., will be held Dec. 21 in the 154-year-old church at 319 Church St. Immediately following the service, the “Bowman family” will retire to their homestead, Nemacolin Castle, to perform Christmas Carols as an added attraction for the Brownsville Historical Society’s candlelight tours. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 42 http://pplmag.com The Koscek Family portray the Bowmans The Kovscek family of Brownsville will portray the Bowmans. The service will be set in 1805, creating several similarities between the families, including the age of Mark Kovscek who is portraying 43-year-old Jacob. Kovscek has appeared at several area events as Jacob, employing an English accent. This time, he will perform in Jacob’s native tongue, German, with his seven-year-old daughter providing the English translation for an opening German hymn. The prelude also will focus on the church’s history, architecture, liturgy and decorations. Kovscek’s wife, Heidi, will play Isabel Bowman, the Irish wife of the esteemed businessman. Portraying the Bowman children is the Kovscek clan: Hannah, 17, as Mary Sterling; Olivia, 15, as Annie Elliott; Emma, 13, as Harriet Elizabeth; Nathanael, 11, as James L.; Ava, 7, as Matilda; and Gloria, 3, as Louisa. Ironically, all but two of Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 43 http://pplmag.com their ages match those of the Bowman children in 1805. “The parallels are fascinating,” says Kovscek who, like Bowman, is Senior Warden of the church, the highest lay position. The Kovsceks and members of the congregation will be dressed in period clothing for the solemn, meditative service, which is taken from the 1789 prayer book of the Anglican Church. The service, led by the Rev. Deacon Don Bowers, will include Christmas carols, the only deviation from the original worship. Jerry Gearhart, Kovscek’s father-in-law, is the church organist. “As a church, we want to do things that are meaningful for the community,” Kovscek says. “We want to share the history of our church, spread Christmas cheer and create a memorable celebration of the season.” To further engage the community, Christ Anglican Church is partnering with the Brownsville Historical Society to mark this special event in their shared history. Bowman built the original wing of Nemacolin Castle in 1789 as a trading post. Through the years, his family expanded the structure to 22 rooms as their family and wealth increased. Christ Church Anglican seats approximately 200. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. for the free service. Brownsville Historical Society is conducting guided candlelight tours at Nemacolin Castle, 136 Front St., through Dec. 29 on Fridays from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tours are $8 for adults; $4, for children 12 years old and under. ### FOR AN INTERVIEW: Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 44 http://pplmag.com Mark Kovscek, 724-208-1962 CUTLINE INFORMATION: Kovscek family of Brownsville, taken at 2011 Arts Festival Christ Church Anglican Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views SRU Beats Pitt Johnstown Dec 12, 2013 02:08PM SRU men’s basketball team records 66-56 win at Pitt-Johnstown Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 45 http://pplmag.com JOHNSTOWN, Pa. – Senior forward Tabari Perry recorded a 19-point, 13-rebound “double-double” Saturday afternoon to lead Slippery Rock University to a 66-56 win over hosting Pitt-Johnstown in Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference-Western Division men’s basketball action at the Sports Center. The win improved SRU’s season records to 7-2 overall and 3-1 in division action while Pitt-Johnstown saw its season records fall to 5-3, 2-2 with the loss. SRU has a quick turnaround for its next game as the Green and White host Penn State New Kensington in a 7 p.m. game Monday in Morrow Field House before taking a seven-day break for fall-semester final exams. Perry, who recorded his second double-double of the season, was Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 46 http://pplmag.com one of three Rock players to finish Saturday’s game with a double-digit scoring total. Senior guard Sa’Quan Davis added 12 points and five assists to the winning cause, while junior forward Kelvin Dixon contributed 11 points and five rebounds. Senior guard Josh Martin also handed out five assists for SRU. Bill Luther took game-high scoring honors with 22 points and grabbed 10 rebounds for Pitt-Johnstown, while Jake LaRavie added 11 points and seven rebounds. Behind the lead of Perry and Dixon, The Rock held a 41-38 rebounding advantage to offset a 10-8 turnover comparison that saw SRU on the high side. The Rock finished with game with a respectable 42% (23 of 55) shooting percentage on their field-goal attempts with an 8-for-20 (40%) showing from 3-point range. The Rock made 12 of 20 (60%) free throws. Pitt-Johnstown made 30% (16 of 54) of its field-goal tries, hit seven of 22 (31%) long-range shots and sank 17 of 21 (81%) free throws. The teams traded scoring spurts throughout the opening half of action, which ended with the teams deadlocked at 29-29. The stalemate at the intermission was the second in the opening 20 minutes, during which the lead changed hands on six occasions. Neither team shot the ball particularly well in the first half as The Rock made only 38% (11 of 29) of their shots and Pitt-Johnstown hit an even colder 32% (8 of 25). The Rock made five of 10 shots from 3-point range, but were an icy 2-of-7 (29%) from the foul line, compared to Pitt-Johnstown’s 36% (4 Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 47 http://pplmag.com of 11) effort from 3-point range and red-hot 9-of-10 showing from the charity stripe. Both teams grabbed 20 rebounds and took good care of the basketball, as evidenced by six turnovers for SRU and four for UP-J. The Rock opened the second half with a 10-2 run to take a 39-31 lead with 16:30 left to play and held an 11-point, 50-39, lead with 12 minutes remaining. Three and a half minutes later, The Rock lead was only four points, 50-46, as SRU’s shooting touch went ice cold. Just as quickly, though, The Rock responded with seven unanswered points to put the margin back to 11 points, 57-46. Luther, who scored 12 of the Mountain Cats’ 29 first-half points, kept the hosts in the game early in the second half as he scored their first eight final-half points. The Rock never led by less than seven points in the final eight and a half minutes of action and held their largest lead of the game, a 12-point, 62-50, advantage with 2:44 remaining. Bob McComas Sports Information Director Slippery Rock University Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 48 http://pplmag.com 1 Morrow Way - Room 201 Old Main Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057 Office: 724.738.2777 Fax: 724.738.4761 Cell: 724.421.5658 Email: [email protected] www.sru.edu A ROCK SOLID Education Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Pgh Cultural Trust Announces New Shows in 2014 Dec 12, 2013 02:21PM Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 49 http://pplmag.com For Immediate Release Media Contacts Shaunda Miles/Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 412-471-1578/ [email protected] Diana Roth/Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 412-471-8717/ [email protected] Images available: TrustArts.org/press Search Name: New Shows 2014 THE PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST ANNOUNCES NEW SHOWS ADDED IN 2014! BENEDUM CENTER & BYHAM THEATER PITTSBURGH, PA: The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust announces new shows have been added to the 2014 performance schedule at the Benedum Center and Byham Theater. Tickets are on sale now for some shows and throughout the month of December. For tickets and information, online at www.TrustArts.org, call 412-456-6666, or in person: Box Office at Theater Square, 655 Penn Avenue. Groups: 10+ tickets, call 412-471-6930. Theresa Caputo Live!: The Experience, Sunday, January 12, 2014, at 3PM, Benedum Center. Presented by Mills Entertainment. Psychic medium and star of the hit TLC reality series, “Long Island Medium” Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 50 http://pplmag.com will be on stage at the Benedum. Public on-sale starts Monday, December 16, at 10AM. Tickets start at $43.50. All You Need is Love, Wednesday, February 19, 2014, at 7:30PM, Byham Theater. Rich Engler Presents. Tickets are on sale now. Tickets start at $43.75. On February 9, 1964, history was made when The Beatles first appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show! Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of The Beatles coming to America, All You Need Is Love, a Beatles tribute concert will feature over 20 musicians performing live, note for note, all 26 tracks from the Love release, with elements from over 130 songs. Richard Thompson with special guest Teddy Thompson, Saturday, March 1, 2014, at 8PM, Byham Theater. Presented by Opus One and Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. Public on-sale starts Monday, December 9 at 9AM. Tickets start at $37.75. The venerated and prolific British singer-songwriter and guitarist Richard Thompson is touring in support of his latest release, “Electric.” Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 51 http://pplmag.com Brit Floyd, Friday, March 7, 2014, at 8PM, Benedum Center. Cohen & Grigsby Trust Presents. Public on-sale starts Friday, December 20 at 9AM. Tickets start at $37.25. The world’s greatest Pink Floyd tribute brilliantly celebrates the band’s amazing musical legacy. Jillian Michaels “Maximize Your Life” Tour, Wednesday, March 19, 2014, at 8PM, Benedum Center. Trust Presents. Public on-sale starts Monday, December 16 at 9AM. Tickets start at $24.50. The world’s leading health and wellness expert, Jillian Michaels, is live on stage across the country in her “Maximize Your Life” Tour for an evening of inspiration, information, and motivation. In this intimate and uniquely personal experience, Jillian shows how to harness your potential, accomplish your goals and live an exceptional life – sharing her keys to health, success and happiness. No hype, no false promises: Just results. BandFuse: Rock Legends presents Experience Hendrix, Thursday, Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 52 http://pplmag.com March 20, 2014, at 7:30PM, Benedum Center. This tour is a Steve Litman presentation. Tickets are on sale now. Tickets start at $62.50. This special performance features an all-star line-up in celebration of the music and legacy of Jimi Hendrix. Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings, Sunday, April 13, 2014, at 8PM, Byham Theater Presented by WYEP and Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. Tickets are on sale now. Tickets start at $32.25. The standout American funk soul band has led the funk/soul music revivalist movement to capture the essence of this genre in its heydey from the mid-1960s to mid-1970s. This special performance is in celebration of 91.3fm WYEP’s 40th Anniversary. Scooby-Doo Live! Musical Mysteries, Saturday, April 19, 2014, at 3PM & 6PM, Benedum Center. Cohen & Grigsby Trust Presents. Public on-sale starts Friday, December 13 at 9AM. Scooby-Doo and the gang seek to solve the mystery of a troublemaking ghost that is haunting a theater. The show features the classic theme song, “Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?” and original show tunes. John Prine, Friday, May 16, 2014 at 8PM, Benedum Center. Presented by NS2. Tickets are on sale now. Tickets start at $49.50. The poignant and prolific American country/folk singer-songwriter Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 53 http://pplmag.com John Prine masterfully captures the human condition through beautifully crafted songs. IL Divo, Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 7:30PM, Benedum Center. Presented by Live Nation. Tickets are on sale now. Tickets start at $52.00. The UK based, multinational operatic pop, vocal group created by reality TV star Simon Cowell has sold more than 26 million albums worldwide. ABOUT THE PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has overseen one of Pittsburgh’s most historic transformations: turning a seedy red-light district into a magnet destination for arts lovers, residents, visitors, and business owners. Founded in 1984, The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a non-profit arts organization whose mission is the cultural and economic revitalization of a 14-block arts and entertainment/residential neighborhood called the Cultural District. The District is one of the country’s largest land masses “curated” by a single nonprofit arts organization. A major catalytic force in the city, The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a unique model of how public-private partnerships can reinvent a city with authenticity, innovation and creativity. Using the arts as an economic catalyst, The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has holistically created a world-renowned Cultural District that is revitalizing the city, improving the regional economy and enhancing Pittsburgh’s quality of life. Thanks to the support of foundations, corporations, government agencies and thousands of private citizens, the Trust stands as a national model of urban redevelopment through the arts. ### Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 54 http://pplmag.com Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views SBA Award Nominations Sought Dec 12, 2013 02:27PM PITTSBURGH DISTRICT OFFICE Release Date: December 2, 2013 Contact: Janet Heyl (412) 395-6560, ext. 103 Release Number: PGH14-03 [email protected] Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Blogs Make a Big Deal out of Small Business Nominations being accepted for local and national Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 55 http://pplmag.com Small Business Administration awards PITTSBURGH – It’s time for community leaders to make a big deal out of local small business owners and perhaps catapult them to center stage in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) annual awards program designed to honor entrepreneurial excellence. “We know small businesses are the backbone of the economy and employ approximately 50 percent of the nation’s workforce, said Carl Knoblock, Western Pennsylvania SBA district director. “Additionally, successful small businesses help spur economic activity and civic pride through charitable donations of both time and money to assist their neighbors and better their community.” According to Knoblock, an SBA nomination is the ideal platform to recognize an entrepreneur who exemplifies success in both the business and community sectors. “We all know that small business owner that goes the extra mile to not only provide good jobs to area residents, but continually steps up to the plate to improve the neighborhood, because it’s their neighborhood too” he added. “Now is your chance to recognize that individual.” This spring, the SBA will set aside a day — National Small Business Day – to honor the nation’s top small business owners. In Western Pennsylvania, the SBA will set aside three days to laud the region’s Small Business Person of the Year, Young Entrepreneur of the Year and Exporter of the Year. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 56 http://pplmag.com For more information on the nomination process, including all necessary forms, please contact the Janet Heyl of the Western Pennsylvania SBA District Office at 412-395-6560, ext. 103 or email [email protected] or learn more online at: http://nationalsmallbusinessweek.sba.gov/user -30The U.S. Small Business Administration – helping small businesses start, grow and succeed. Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Tickets on Sale for 3 Broadway Shows in 2014 Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 57 http://pplmag.com Dec 12, 2013 02:38PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: PNC Broadway Across America-Pittsburgh Shaunda Miles/Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 412-471-1578/ [email protected] Diana Roth/Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 412-471-8717/ [email protected] Electronic Images are available: TrustArts.org/press Search Name: Broadway Tickets December 6 THE PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST ANNOUNCES SINGLE TICKETS ON SALE FOR THREE BROADWAY SHOWS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2013 MAMMA MIA! February 11-16, 2014 │Heinz Hall The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS February 25-March 2, 2014 │Benedum Center ONCE Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 58 http://pplmag.com March 11-16, 2014 │Benedum Center PITTSBURGH, PA: The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust announces single tickets go on sale Friday, December 6, 2013 at 9:00am forMAMMA MIA!, The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS and ONCE. Part of the 2013-2014 PNC Broadway Across America-Pittsburgh series, presented by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh Symphony and Broadway Across America, The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS and ONCE will premiere in Pittsburgh in 2014 and returning Broadway favorite MAMMA MIA!, is a season special. TICKETS Single tickets for MAMMA MIA! start at $23, Heinz Hall, February 11-16, 2014. Tickets are available by calling 412-392-4900. Single tickets for The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS start at $20, Benedum Center, February 25-March 2, 2014. Single ticketsfor ONCE start at $23, Benedum Center, March 11-16, 2014. Tickets are available by calling 412-456-4800. Groups of 10 or more, call 412-471-6930 or visit TrustArts.org/groupsales. In-Person or Online Tickets for all three shows are available at the Box Office at Theater Square, 655 Penn Avenue, or by visiting www.TrustArts.org. The performance schedule for MAMMA MIA!, The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS and ONCE is Tuesday-Thursday at 7:30 p.m.; Friday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m.; Sunday at 1:00 and 6:30 p.m. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 59 http://pplmag.com Credit: Kevin Thomas Garcia About MAMMA MIA! A mother. A daughter. 3 possible dads. And a trip down the aisle you’ll never forget! Over 50 million people all around the world have fallen in love with the characters, the story and the music that make MAMMA MIA! the ultimate feel-good show! Writer Catherine Johnson’s sunny, funny tale unfolds on a Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding, a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings 3 men from her mother’s past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago. The story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless songs propels this enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship, and every night everyone’s having the time of their lives! With more productions playing internationally than any other musical, MAMMA MIA! is the World’s No.1 Show! MAMMA MIA! has premiered in more major cities worldwide faster than any other musical in history, opening in over 400 major cities. MAMMA MIA! is currently in its 15th year since the first production opened in London’s West End on April 6, 1999. MAMMA MIA! is now into its thirteenth year on Broadway where it has played over 4,938 performances at the Winger Garden Theatre. The show remains one of Broadway’s top-grossing shows and is the 10th longest running show in Broadway history. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 60 http://pplmag.com Credit: Michael J Lutch About The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS See what Time Magazine exclaims is “a don’t miss theater event! The #1 Broadway musical of the year.” Winner of the 2012 Tony Award® for Best Revival of a Musical, The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS is hitting the road in a stunning and stirring new staging, including such legendary songs as “Summertime,” “It Ain’t Necessarily So” and “I Got Plenty of Nothing.” The Gershwins’ PORGY AND BESS features one of Broadway’s most accomplished creative teams, led by Tony-nominated director Diane Paulus (HAIR), Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks (TOPDOG/UNDERDOG), and two-time Obie Award-winning composer Diedre L. Murray (RUNNING MAN), bringing George and Ira Gershwin’s legendary masterwork to the Broadway stage for the first time in more than 35 years. Credit: Joan Marcus Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 61 http://pplmag.com About ONCE Winner of eight 2012 Tony® Awards, including best musical, ONCE is a truly original Broadway experience. Featuring an impressive ensemble of actor/musicians who play their own instruments on stage, ONCE tells the enchanting tale of a Dublin street musician who’s about to give up on his dream when a beautiful young woman takes a sudden interest in his haunting love songs. As the chemistry between them grows, his music soars to powerful new heights…but their unlikely connection turns out to be deeper and more complex than your everyday romance. Emotionally captivating and theatrically breathtaking, ONCE draws you in from the very first note and never lets go. It’s an unforgettable story about going for your dreams…not living in fear…and the power of music to connect all of us. ABOUT BROADWAY ACROSS AMERICA Broadway Across America is a leading Broadway producer and the foremost presenter of first-class touring productions in North America. BAA operates in 40 cities, bringing first-class touring musicals and plays to audiences across the US and Canada in markets such as Costa Mesa, Fort Lauderdale, Tempe, Boston, Minneapolis and New Orleans. As a producer, current and upcoming productions include Million Dollar Quartet, Pippin, Big Fish, Betrayal, Bullets Over Broadway, Little Miss Sunshine and Bull Durham. BroadwayAcrossAmerica.com ABOUT THE PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has overseen one of Pittsburgh’s most historic transformations: turning a seedy red-light district into a magnet destination for arts lovers, residents, visitors, and business owners. Founded in 1984, The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 62 http://pplmag.com non-profit arts organization whose mission is the cultural and economic revitalization of a 14-block arts and entertainment/residential neighborhood called the Cultural District. The District is one of the country’s largest land masses “curated” by a single nonprofit arts organization. A major catalytic force in the city, The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a unique model of how public-private partnerships can reinvent a city with authenticity, innovation and creativity. Using the arts as an economic catalyst, The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has holistically created a world-renowned Cultural District that is revitalizing the city, improving the regional economy and enhancing Pittsburgh’s quality of life. Thanks to the support of foundations, corporations, government agencies and thousands of private citizens, the Trust stands as a national model of urban redevelopment through the arts. ### Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 63 http://pplmag.com Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Four SRU Players Named to First Team All Region Dec 12, 2013 02:46PM Rock place 4 on Daktronics football first-team all-region list WEST CHESTER, Pa. – Five members of Slippery Rock University’s Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference runner-up football team were named Thursday as Daktronics All-Super Region 1 performers. Selected as first-team all-region performers by sports information directors at the 49 NCAA Division II schools that comprise Super Region 1 were Rock senior quarterback Nigel Barksdale, senior punter James McCombie, redshirt sophomore offensive tackle Cory Tucker and senior wide receiver John Schademan. Rock senior linebacker Quindell Dean earned second-team honors. All five Rock players named to all-region status had previously received first-team All-Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference-Western Division honors. The four first-team all-region selections are now eligible for Daktronics All-America honors that will be awarded later this month. Barksdale, who earned the PSAC-West Offensive Athlete of the Year honor and was one of seven Super Region 1 finalists for the Harlon Hill Trophy awarded annually to the top NCAA Division II player in Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 64 http://pplmag.com the nation, rewrote the SRU single-season offensive record book this fall. A native of San Jacinto, Calif., Barksdale set new SRU records for single-season passing yards (3,736), passing touchdowns (30), pass attempts (427) and pass completions (247) as well as total offense (4,199). Barksdale also set a Rock record with six touchdown passes in the season-opening win Sept. 7 at Northwood (Mich.) and recorded four of the top five and five of the top seven single-game passing yardage totals in school history. Barksdale led the PSAC in passing yards and total offense, ranked second in pass completions and attempts and fourth in TD passes. A former standout at Mount San Jacinto College in California, Barksdale threw for 400 or more yards in three games this season, headlined by a 465-yard performance at Northwood. Barksdale ended the regular season ranked in the top 10 nationally in three categories. He was fifth in passing yards, sixth in total offense (349.9 yards per game) and seventh in passing yards per game (318.2). Barksdale also ranked 13th in touchdown passes. A four-time PSAC-West Offensive Athlete of the Week and the only player to earn that honor more than once, Barksdale ranks fourth on the PSAC’s all-time, single-season total offense chart and fifth on the passing yards list. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 65 http://pplmag.com Barksdale’s favorite receiver this fall, Schademan set new school records for single-season pass receiving yards (1,484), single-season pass receiving touchdowns (15) and single-game pass receiving yards (229, Sept. 28 vs. Mercyhurst). Schademan, who was one of The Rock team captains this fall, ranked second among PSAC receivers in receptions (77), receiving yards and receiving TDs and was third in yards per catch with a 19.3 mark and. A native of Pittsburgh and graduate of Bethel Park High School, Schademan finished the regular season ranked fifth nationally in receiving TDs, sixth in total receiving yards and 11th in receiving yards per game (123.7). Schademan, a third-year member of The Rock program after starting his collegiate career at Division I Colgate University, ended the season ranked fourth on SRU’s single-season pass receptions chart. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 66 http://pplmag.com Dean ranked second on the team in total tackles with 76 (43 solo, 33 assisted) in 11 games played and started at strongside linebacker. Dean ranked ninth in the PSAC in tackles for loss with a team-high 14.5 for -47 yards. A native of Uniontown and graduate of Uniontown High School, Dean also intercepted two passes, one of which he returned for a touchdown in the NCAA first-round game at Winston-Salem State, batted down six passes and recorded two quarterback hurries. Dean ended the regular season ranked 24th on SRU’s career tackles list with 239. He ranked 18th in career solo tackles with 125 solo and was 14th in career tackles for loss with 32 for -155 yards. A fourth-year member of The Rock program after being redshirted as a true freshman at Division I Toledo, Dean has recorded nine quarterback sacks, one shy of being included in the school’s top 25 in that category. McCombie, The Rock’s starting punter for the last four seasons, led the PSAC this fall with a career-best 43.2 yards per punt average to finish his career with a 40.3 yards per punt average. A native of Nicktown and graduate of Bishop Carroll High School in Ebensburg, McCombie had 14 punts that traveled 50 or more yards this fall, headlined by a career-best 74-yarder in the season opener at Northwood. McCombie also had 16 of his 62 punts land inside the opponents’ 20-yard line this fall and only nine result in touchbacks. Tucker, a second-year starter from South Park (South Park High School), anchored a young, no-senior, Rock offensive line that paved the road to a school-record 500 points. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 67 http://pplmag.com Behind the Tucker-led frontline, The Rock offense led the PSAC in total offense (536.5 yards per game), passing offense (354.3 ypg) and scoring offense (43.3 points per game). Those marks ranked fourth, sixth and seventh, respectively, among all 168 NCAA Division II football-playing institutions. The Rock also ranked sixth in in the 16-team PSAC in rushing offense with a 182.3 ypg average SRU, one of six teams that earned a berth in this year’s NCAA Super Region 1 playoffs, was one of four schools that had four student-athletes named to first-team honors. Shepherd and West Chester, the two teams that will meet in Saturday’s regional championship game, also had four first-team all-region performers, as did Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference champion Bloomsburg. Bloomsburg senior running back Franklyn Quiteh was selected as the Daktronics Super Region 1 Offensive Player of the Year, while Shippensburg senior defensive end Jake Metz won the Defensive Player of the Year award. Bob McComas Sports Information Director Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 68 http://pplmag.com Slippery Rock University 1 Morrow Way - Room 201 Old Main Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057 Office: 724.738.2777 Fax: 724.738.4761 Cell: 724.421.5658 Email: [email protected] www.sru.edu A ROCK SOLID Education Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Point Park Alum Directs Sound of Music Live Performance Dec 12, 2013 03:00PM Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 69 http://pplmag.com For Immediate Release Dec. 4, 2013 Tony Award-winning Point Park alum Rob Ashford to direct ‘The Sound of Music,’ starring Carrie Underwood, Stephen Moyer live on NBC PITTSBURGH – Point Park alumnus and Tony Award-winner Rob Ashford will direct the classic musical,The Sound of Music, live on NBC at 8 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, Dec. 5. The three-hour live telecast, directed by Ashford and Beth McCarthy-Miller, stars six-time Grammy Award-winner Carrie Underwood as Maria von Trapp, Stephen Moyer, star of HBO’s hit series True Blood, as Captain von Trapp, and five-time Tony Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 70 http://pplmag.com Award-winner and two-time Grammy Award-winner Audra McDonald as Mother Abbess. This will be a faithful adaptation of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s beloved musical and include all the favorite musical numbers performed by the cast in the live broadcast. Ashford won a Tony Award in 2002 for choreographing Thoroughly Modern Millie. He has been nominated for a Tony Award eight times and for several Laurence Olivier awards, the British equivalent of the Tony. He won the Drama Desk, Fred Astaire Award, and Outer Critics Circle awards for Cry-Baby(2008). Ashford made his directorial debut with Parade (2008) on London’s West End. On Broadway, he directed revivals of the musicals Promises, Promises, starring Sean Hayes and Kristin Chenoweth, and How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Daniel Radcliff. Earlier this year, Ashford directed his first non-musical on Broadway, a revival of Tennessee Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, starring Scarlett Johansson. Ashford also directed the musical numbers for the film, Beyond the Sea, Kevin Spacey’s Bobby Darin biopic, and won a 2009 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Choreography for the 81st Annual Academy Awards. NBC’s live version of The Sound of Music also features another Pittsburgh native – Michael Campayno, a Carnegie Mellon University Drama School senior. -30Contact: Ramesh Santanam | Director of Marketing & Public Relations Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 71 http://pplmag.com [email protected] |412.392.8106 Laura Greenawalt | Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator [email protected] | 412.392.3175 Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Programming Highlights for First Night Dec 12, 2013 03:51PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 4, 2013 Media Contacts: Shaunda Miles, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust / (412) 608-9767 / [email protected] Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 72 http://pplmag.com Saul Markowitz, Markowitz Communications / (412) 977-8517 / [email protected] Electronic art is available for download: TrustArts.org/press Search: FirstNightPGH 2014 PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST ANNOUNCES PROGRAMMING HIGHLIGHTS FOR HIGHMARK® FIRST NIGHT® PITTSBURGH 2014 CHARLES BRADLEY HEADLINES the 20TH ANNIVERSARY arts-focused celebration Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. midnight Cultural District | Downtown Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH, PA: The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust announced the vibrant programming planned for this year’s New Year’s Eve celebration, scheduled to take place in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh’s Cultural District on Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Perennial Pittsburgh favorites, in addition to a few new and exciting events, are intended to highlight the history of Highmark First Night Pittsburgh and commemorate 20 years of the family-friendly community celebration. “We are proud to support Highmark First Night Pittsburgh as a Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 73 http://pplmag.com family-friendly, community event,” said Dan Onorato, executive vice president, Highmark. “Our support is focused on ensuring that the event is accessible to the entire community and offers a great experience to the young and young at heart of our region.” Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 is produced by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust with generous support from Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, the event’s longtime supporter and returning presenting sponsor. Highmark First Night Pittsburgh provides the city with a chance to ring in the new year while celebrating the arts: dance, music, theater, comedy, magic, visual art and film, plus hands-on activities for children and adults. “Through this year’s exciting programming, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is able to illuminate how relevant the event was, and continues to be, to the cultural fabric of our city,” says Darcy Kucenic, Director of Highmark First Night Pittsburgh for the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. “The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is grateful to the vision of former Mayor Tom Murphy and to Jamee Todd, the founders of First Night Pittsburgh. The Trust is also grateful to Highmark for its third consecutive year as the presenting sponsor of the region’s largest New Year’s event.” Soul/R&B and Funk sensation CHARLES BRADLEY AND HIS EXTRAORDINAIRES will headline the 20th anniversary celebration, performing on the Highmark Stage in downtown Pittsburgh’s Cultural District. Bradley transcended a bleak life on the streets and struggled through a series of ill-fitting jobs — most famously as a James Brown impersonator at Brooklyn clubs — before finally being discovered by Daptone’s Gabe Roth. “Sometimes performances are that special, where words can’t re-create them…a classic Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 74 http://pplmag.com showman…he sells every syllable, dropping to his knees, outstretching his arms, shaking his hips. And that voice [is] both pleading and plaintive, anguished and extraordinary.” – Los Angeles Times, SXSW review. This can’t-miss performance will be accompanied by the Future of Pittsburgh Grand Finale: the countdown to midnight, raising of the 1,000 lbs. ball 150 feet in the air above Penn Avenue Place, and a spectacular Zambelli fireworks finale! New attractions include a special one-time ICE LABYRINTH. Visitors can experience a fully immersive 5 ft. high and 40 ft. x 40 ft. walk-through maze of giant ice blocks, specially designed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Highmark First Night Pittsburgh with LED lighting, carved and designed by Ice Creations’ Rich Bubin. The ice labyrinth will be located next to Fire & Ice Plaza at the 8th Street parking lot, which will again feature Ice Creations and Steel Town Fire. Playwright FJ Hartland and his award-winning play Funeral in the Rain will be presented as well as a new visual art exhibition by Edinboro University curated by Bruce Gallery. The exhibit will act as a conduit of art between Pittsburgh, Erie, and Edinboro. By working with the community, TRANSPOSE will install a short-term Pop-up gallery installation at 820 Liberty Avenue. iQ Kids Radio, a commercial-free, family-friendly educational radio station developed by WQED Multimedia and SLB Radio Productions, Inc., will host a dance party in EQT Plaza to celebrate one year of the web radio station! Attendees can enjoy a DJ dance party and a make-and-take craft. It Was the Coldest Winter Ever, a special variety show by Miniature Curiosa will create a miniature city from medicine cabinets, desk lamps, Victorian dollhouses, and repurposed junk. Inside, amongst Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 75 http://pplmag.com the tiny copper-wire trees and within the cramped bedrooms of the pocket-sized residents, puppeteer Zach Dorn reveals the miniature city’s hidden stories. Equipped with video technology, Dorn sends digital cameras through the cardboard streets, projecting puppet performances for children and adults alike. Also new this year, Bricolage Production Company will present First Look First Night: an immersive urban adventurewhere audiences will be invited to embark on a personal 30–40 minute journey interacting with the world of art. Part game and part performance, First Look: First Night is an experience unlike any found on a stage, taking its audience on an actual journey through various city locations. The WYEP Music Station on the 4th floor of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Education Center (805/807 Liberty Avenue) will feature Joy Ike and Broken Fences. In the Pierce Studio of the Trust Arts Education building, Sean Jones will lead the Mission Statement 2014 Reunion Band in a 10th anniversary performance. The Pittsburgh jazz group was founded in 2004 and played regularly at Dowe’s on 9th, the former Cultural District jazz club. The FedEx Ground Parade at 8:00 p.m. is themed “Special Delivery” and features Grand Marshals Mr. McFeeley, First Night Pittsburgh founders, Former Mayor Tom Murphy and Jamee Todd, giant puppets, art cars, marching bands, and a bicycle parade. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 76 http://pplmag.com Johnny Angel and the Halos Included within the nearly 150 arts-focused and family-friendly events being held in nearly 50 indoor and outdoor venues throughout the Cultural District is the Country Rock band sensation NOMaD on Dollar Bank Stage kicking things off at 6:00 p.m. along with the Dollar Bank Children’s Fireworks Display. Equitable Gas Marquee Performances will include Pittsburgh favorite Johnny Angel & the Halos at the Benedum Center and the River City Brass at the Byham Theater. Other vouchered performances include magician Jason Hudy at CAPA’s Auditorium, juggler and yo-yoer Mark Hayward at the Highmark Auditorium, First Night Comedy Club at the Cabaret at Theater Square, and the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School performing in the August Wilson Center Theater. Korbanic-Morrison Duo NoMAD Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 77 http://pplmag.com Noel Quintana Joy Ike Attack Theatre will also perform in the August Wilson Center Theater during the evening. Attack Theatre’s public debut was on December 31, 1994, at the inaugural First Night Pittsburgh celebration. Founders Peter Kope and Michele de la Reza choreographed and produced five different performances throughout downtown Pittsburgh, working with over 25 artists that one evening. With the then First Night Pittsburgh directors Jamee Todd and Donna Goyak, Peter and Michele served as First Night programming associates. This 20th anniversary celebration marks Attack Theatre’s 12th year of participation in First Night Pittsburgh. Over the past 19 years, Attack Theatre has created original performances and installations for First Night Pittsburgh including a world premiere of Resolution Café, the ever-popular Bag Attack Boogaloo, a 5,000-person kazoo concert in Market Square, a 2,000-person game of musical chairs on Liberty Avenue, and more. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 78 http://pplmag.com First National Bank Family Tent with hands-on activities for kids and adults. The First National Bank Family Tent hosts activities for all ages, led by community groups like the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, Citiparks,Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh International Children’s Theater, and more, including everyone’s favorite hometown sports mascots! First Night Food Trucks will return at a new location in the parking lot at 9th Street and Penn Avenue, as will the enormous Penn Avenue Big Screen located at 6th Street and Penn Avenue, full of surprises and throwback images celebrating the past 20 years of First Night Pittsburgh! All programming is subject to change. Updates will be posted online at TrustArts.org/FirstNightPGH. The Highmark First Night Pittsburgh website provides even more event details and allows users to sort through the schedule of events and customize plans. TrustArts.org/FirstNightPGH is mobile-friendly and will allow smartphone users to plan on-the-go during New Year’s Eve. ADMISSION All-Access Highmark First Night Pittsburgh buttons (worn by attendees) are available beginning December 5, 2013 at participating Giant Eagle locations; online at TrustArts.org/FirstNightPGH; by phone at 412-456-6666; or at The Box Office at Theater Square, located at 655 Penn Avenue. Buttons cost $8 in advance or $10 night-of-event. Children age 5 and under are admitted FREE. Some indoor performances also require seating vouchers, which are free tickets. They must be reserved to ensure theaters do not fill Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 79 http://pplmag.com beyond capacity. Vouchers can be reserved starting December 5th by phone or at The Box Office at Theater Square only. Events requiring vouchers are listed at TrustArts.org/FirstNightPGH. Want your vouchers sooner? Our VIP package, entitled “First Night Friends,” allows members to purchase vouchers beginning December 5th for priority seating, access, parking, and more! For more information on becoming a part of this special sponsorship opportunity, please call 412-471-6086. SPONSORS & MEDIA PARTNERS Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 sponsors as of release date include: Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield as the presenting sponsor, Equitable Gas Company, Dollar Bank, First National Bank, Giant Eagle, PNC, and Bobby Rahal Motor Company. New this year, FedEx Ground will serve as the sponsor for the annual parade with special puppets designed by Studio Capezzuti. Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 community supporters include The Buhl Foundation, The Fine Foundation, and The Grable Foundation. Highmark First Night Pittsburgh 2014 media partners include KDKA TV, Trib Total Media, and WYEP 91.3 FM/WESA 90.5FM. ABOUT HIGHMARK FIRST NIGHT PITTSBURGH Highmark First Night Pittsburgh, a production of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, is an arts-focused and family-friendly New Year’s Eve celebration in downtown Pittsburgh’s Cultural District. It is the largest single-day celebration in the region offering around 150 events at nearly 50 indoor and outdoor locations within the 14-block Cultural District. The celebration offers something for everyone. Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 80 http://pplmag.com ABOUT THE PITTSBURGH CULTURAL TRUST The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has overseen one of Pittsburgh’s most historic transformations: turning a seedy red-light district into a magnet destination for arts lovers, residents, visitors, and business owners. Founded in 1984, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a non-profit arts organization whose mission is the cultural and economic revitalization of a 14-block arts and entertainment/residential neighborhood called the Cultural District. A major catalytic force in the city, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is a unique model of how public-private partnerships can reinvent a city with authenticity, innovation and creativity. Using the arts as an economic catalyst, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has holistically created a world-renowned Cultural District that is revitalizing the city, improving the regional economy and enhancing Pittsburgh’s quality of life. Thanks to the support of foundations, corporations, government agencies and thousands of private citizens, the Trust stands as a national model of urban redevelopment through the arts. ### Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 81 http://pplmag.com to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views John Gorka at The Roots Cellar Dec 12, 2013 04:02PM For Immediate Release Contact: Lisa Alexander, PR Coordinator Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society (412) 361-1915, [email protected] CALLIOPE PRESENTS JOHN GORKA (Pittsburgh, PA)- Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society welcomes John Gorka to THE ROOTS CELLAR, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Shadyside, on Thursday, January 30, 2014, 7:30 PM. More information is available online at www.calliopehouse.org or by contacting the Calliope office at (412) 361-1915. Tickets are $28 / Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 82 http://pplmag.com $12 (w/ student ID) *handling fees included. From New Jersey, John Gorka is a world-renowned singer-songwriter who got his start at a neighborhood coffeehouse in eastern Pennsylvania. Though small, Godfrey Daniels was and is one of the oldest and most venerable music institutions and has long been a hangout for music lovers and aspiring musicians. In the late 1970’s, John was one of these aspiring musicians. Although his academic coursework at Moravian College lay in Philosophy and History, music began to offer paramount enticements. Soon he found himself living in the club’s basement and acting as resident MC and sound man, encountering legendary folk troubadours like Canadian singer-songwriter Stan Rogers, Eric Andersen, Tom Paxton and Claudia Schmidt. Their brand of folk-inspired acoustic music inspired him, and before long he was performing his own songs – mostly as an opener for visiting acts. Soon he started traveling to Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 83 http://pplmag.com New York City, where Jack Hardy’s legendary Fast Folk circle (a breeding ground for many a major singer-songwriter) became a powerful source of education and encouragement. Folk meccas like Texas’ Kerrville Folk Festival (where he won the New Folk Award in 1984) and Boston followed, and his stunningly soulful baritone voice and original songwriting began turning heads. Those who had at one time inspired him – Suzanne Vega, Bill Morrissey, Nanci Griffith, Christine Lavin, Shawn Colvin – had become his peers. In 1987, the young Minnesota-based Red House Records caught wind of John’s talents and released his first album, I Know, to popular and critical acclaim. With unusual drive and focus, John hit the ground running and, when an offer came from Windham Hill’s Will Ackerman in 1989, he signed with that label’s imprint, High Street Records. He proceeded to record five albums with High Street over the next seven years: Land of the Bottom Line, Jack’s Crows, Temporary Road, Out of the Valley and Between Five and Seven. His albums and his touring (over 150 nights a year at times) brought new accolades for his craft. His rich multifaceted songs full Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 84 http://pplmag.com of depth, beauty and emotion gained increasing attention from critics and audiences across the country, as well as in Europe where his tours led him through Italy, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Switzerland and Germany. He also started sharing tours with many notable friends—Nanci Griffith and Mary Chapin Carpenter among them. All this brought his music to an ever-widening audience. His video for the single “When She Kisses Me” found a long-term rotation on VH-1’s “Current Country,” as well as on CMT and the Nashville Network. In 1998, after five successful recordings and seven years at Windham Hill/High Street, John felt the need for a change and decided to return to his musical roots at Red House Records. The choice was driven, in part, by the artistic integrity that the label represents in an industry where the business of music too often takes precedence. The 1998 release After Yesterday marked a decidedly different attitude towards making music for John, and his next release The Company You Keep held fast to his tradition of fine songwriting, yet moved forward down new avenues. Its fourteen songs displays John’s creative use of lyrics and attention to detail. Andy Stochansky played drums and shared production credits with John and Rob Genadek. Ani DiFranco, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Lucy Kaplansky and Patty Larkin contributed stellar guitar work and vocals to this fan favorite. Old Futures Gone was informed by his life as husband and father of two young children and also contained the colorful experience of many hard years on the road. Writing in the Margins followed in 2006 and was an engaging collection of sweet and serious songs that spanned many musical genres—folk, pop, country and soul—and featured guest vocalists Nanci Griffith, Lucy Kaplansky and Alice Peacock. Now with this, his 11th studio album, Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 85 http://pplmag.com he returns to his roots with So Dark You See, his most compelling and traditional album to date. In addition to his 11 critically acclaimed albums, John released a collector’s edition box featuring a hi-definition DVD and companion CD called The Gypsy Life. Windham Hill also released a collection of John’s greatest hits from the label called Pure John Gorka. In 2010, he also released an album with his friends and Red House label-mates Lucy Kaplansky and Eliza Gilkyson under the name Red Horse. Getting high praise from critics and fans alike, it landed on the Billboard Folk Charts and was one of the most played albums on folk radio. Many well-known artists have recorded and/or performed John Gorka songs, including Mary Chapin Carpenter, Nanci Griffith, Mary Black and Maura O’Connell. John has graced the stage of Austin City Limits, Mountain Stage, etown and has appeared on CNN. His new song “Where No Monuments Stand” is featured in the upcoming documentary Every War Has Two Losers, about activist and Oregon Poet Laureate William Stafford (1914-1993). Check out his website: http://johngorka.com/ ______________________________________________________________________ ___ Founded in 1976, Calliope is a non-profit music organization that organizes and administers a variety of concert series, a folk music school, and educational outreach programs. As the premier promoter of roots music in southwestern Pennsylvania, Calliope’s mission is to promote and preserve traditional and contemporary heritage-based music and its allied arts. Calliope programs are supported in part by the A.W. Mellon Education and Charitable Trust Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation, The Allegheny County sales tax Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 86 http://pplmag.com revenues awarded by the Allegheny Regional Asset District, The Heinz endowments, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, University of Pittsburgh Library System, and an anonymous donor. Calliope also thanks the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and Chatham University. — Lisa Alexander, MFA PR Coordinator Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society 6300 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15232 412-361-1915 www.calliopehouse.org Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Dreamweaver Marketing Associates News and Views Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 87 http://pplmag.com Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings Tickets Available Dec 12, 2013 04:10PM April 13, 2014 • 8pm Byham Theater Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 88 http://pplmag.com Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings Are Back…with a new record, a new video, and a monumental show! For over a decade, the band has traveled the world, blowing minds with their explosive live performances and their raw, hand-crafted studio recordings. While other artists have ridden the crests and troughs of passing fads, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings have bypassed the hype-and-hit superhighway and taken a detour straight to the hearts and bodies of their listeners, transcending fleeting trends and demographics and delivering a visceral rhythm and soul sound to an ever-expanding base of deeply loyal fans. Give the People What They Want is poised to become not only an iconic album from a prolific band, but a fixture in the canon of Soul Music. Enter promo code DAPKINGS to purchase tickets before they go on sale to the public on Wednesday, November 27. To Purchase Tickets: • Online at TrustArts.org • Call 412-456-6666 • Box Office at Theater Square 10+ tickets Call 412-471-6930 Posted on behalf of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates. Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary Pittsburgh, a Virtual Administrative support company, providing virtual office support, personal and Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 89 http://pplmag.com executive assistance, creative design services and light bookkeeping. Cybertary works with businesses and busy individuals to help them work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. www.Cybertary.com/Pittsburgh Positively Pittsburgh Live Page 90 http://pplmag.com