2009 Annual Report - The College of New Rochelle
2009 Annual Report - The College of New Rochelle
UARTERLY Wisdom Winter 2010 | Volume 80 | No.for 4 Life WISDOM FOR LIFE ISDOM FOR LIFE The College of New Rochelle Alumnae/i Magazine Wisdom for Life ife WISDOM FO WISDOM FOR LI WISDOM FOR LIFE Wisdom for Life The College of New Rochelle 2009 Annual Report LIFE Wisdom for Life o m fo r L i f e WISDOM FOR LIFE WISDOM FOR LIFE Wi s d o m fo r L i f e Wisdom for Wi s d o m fo r L i f e Wi s d o m fo r L i f e WISDOM FOR LIFE T The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. he College of New Rochelle was founded in 1904 by the Ursuline Order as the first Catholic college for women in New York State. Today, the College serves a student population of more than 5,000 students. In addition to the School of Arts and Sciences, which remains all-women, the College has three co-educational schools: the Graduate School, established in 1969; the School of New Resources, in 1972; and the School of Nursing, in 1976. The College’s main campus is in New Rochelle, with five branch campuses of the School of New Resources located throughout the New York metropolitan area. The College offers strong reasons for seeking private support. The importance of the life of the spirit and a reverence for the individual are hallmarks of an Ursuline value- based education. These characteristics are manifest in a College of New Rochelle education today. The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. From this tradition, the College derives its dedication to the education of women and men in the liberal arts and in professional studies. The College reaches out to those who have not previously had access to higher education and places particular emphasis on the concept of lifelong learning. Private support allows the College to build upon its commitment and mission as an educational institution by providing academic scholarships, grants, financial aid, and technology enhancements. Similarly, funding is needed for physical plant renovations, special programs, and curriculum development. Gifts to the College include cash, appreciated securities, capital donations, real estate, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, endowed funds, and bequests. When The College of New Rochelle is included in estate plans through a planned gift or a bequest, thoughtful donors reduce their taxes, protect their assets, and generate income. By reaching beyond their own lives to assure opportunities for future generations, generous donors shape the future and make a critical difference in the College’s ability to fulfill its mission. For additional information about making a gift to The College of New Rochelle, please call the Office of College Advancement at (914) 654-5917. UARTERLY EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS’89 Graphic Design UARTERLY The College of New Rochelle Alumnae/i Magazine Volume 80 | No. 4 Kim Barron 2009 Annual Report Contributing Writer John Coyne Photographs Peter Finger PAGE 2 PRESIDENT’S LETTER 6 THE YEAR IN REVIEW G. Steve Jordan Rob Morgan 14 John Vecchiolla FINANCIAL STATEMENT Summary Statement of Changes in Net Assets Analysis of Net Assets 2005-2009 2009 Unrestricted Revenues 2009 Expenses I I 2008-2009 ADMINISTRATION 15 I I Stephen J. Sweeny President 16 LETTER FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 17 2009 GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs 18 I. THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE Judith Huntington 21 II. PARTNERS FOR EXCELLENCE GIFT SOCIETIES St. Angela Society Mother Irene Gill Society The President’s Circle President’s Circle Associates Annual Fund Gift Societies Fidelis Society 2009 Senior Class Giving 40 III. ALUMNAE/I GIFTS School of Arts & Sciences 1931-1979 School of Arts & Sciences/School of Nursing 1980-2009 Graduate School School of New Resources Parents, Past Parents and Friends Current and Former Faculty and Staff 68 IV. OTHER GIFTS Memorial/Commemorative Other Restricted Gifts Golf and Tennis Outing Ellen R. Curry Damato Executive Vice President Dorothy Escribano Vice President for Financial Affairs Joan E. Bristol Vice President for Student Services Brenna Sheenan Mayer Vice President for College Advancement Richard Thompson Dean, School of Arts & Sciences Guy Lometti Dean, Graduate School Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Dean, School of New Resources Mary Alice Donius Dean, School of Nursing Ana Fontoura Dean, Gill Library Corporations, Foundations and Organizations Matching Gift Companies 73 V. PLANNED GIVING The Heritage Society 75 VI. CLASS OFFICERS 77 VII. TRUSTEES, VOLUNTARY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES, ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT DEAR MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGE FAMILY, My annual report to the College Community is one way for me to pause, reflect, and make available to the entire College Community an accounting of our health as an institution, and to make you aware of the changes, challenges, and opportunities anticipated by the College in the coming year. As many of you know, Moody’s Investors Service performs financial research and analysis on corporations, banks, and educational institutions. The company ranks the credit-worthiness, for example, of borrowers using a standardized ratings scale. Last August, Moody’s again affirmed that the long-term outlook of CNR remains stable, that our College has “strong financial and operational management oversight” and that our “flexible financial base and liquidity of investments allow the College to adapt quickly to changing economic and student market conditions.” They summed up their report by saying that positive investment results for the College were because of “conservative investment allocation.” As College, we continue to find our educational “center” in the College’s core elements: commitment to the education of women, honoring of rich Catholic intellectual heritage, and the primacy of the liberal arts in a community composed of diverse students who are being educated for service and professional careers. A T E AC H I N G M O M E N T While we have weathered the storm and are safely on the side of recovery, we had, as is said in the current vernacular, “a teaching moment.” Why was The College of New Rochelle able to weather this “perfect storm” of financial turmoil that affected so many other institutions? It is obvious, in hindsight, that the lack of liquidity sent our financial institutions and investment firms into a tailspin. It drove banks into insolvency and giant corporations to Chapter 11. As we know, the past 18 months have been economically challenging to families, to careers and employment, and to institutions of every size and purpose, from banks to bakeries, from Boston to Berkeley. It has been one of the most economically challenging periods in our history, rivaling the Great Depression. The global recession has had an impact on all segments of society. Colleges and universities were not immune. In fact, as an industry, higher education has been hit harder than others given the collision of real estate, credit and equity markets, that created what has been defined as the perfect storm. Unlike some other well known schools, The College of New Rochelle was prepared to handle the financial crisis. Educational institutions were forced to increase institutional funded financial aid and limit increases in tuitions and fees both to enable students to remain in school and attract students. To achieve this, administrations had to freeze salaries and lay off faculty and staff as endowments shrank, contributions decreased, and state and federal funding evaporated. F I N A N C I A L H O R I ZO N S Many of us might ask the question, a question which certainly has been asked around the world: “How can this happen in a country where so much intelligence and information exist?” Many of you have read about noted academic institutions in serious financial peril. That is not the case at CNR. But before reviewing the recent tumultuous times the U.S. economy experienced—the worst financial situation in 75 years—let me first quote from a report I received in late August 2009 from Moody’s Investors Service addressing CNR’s financial health. The financial culprit appears to have been the way endowment funds are used by colleges and universities. Propelled by “irrational exuberance,” favorable tax laws, and a propensity by Americans to give to higher education, many U.S. colleges and universities had significant endowment growth over the past seven years. While While challenges do still confront us, we are not unduly concerned. 2 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E own challenges. However, the College has a wise and thoughtful Board of Trustees who exercised due diligence. O nly two percent of the operating budget is derived from endowment earnings, and that is all that is used to support operations. Spending in a lim ited m anner for operational purposes, and investing only in secure investm ents, maintained the financial integrity of the College. Some schools with huge endowments invested in hedge funds and other risky financial instruments suddenly experienced in late 2008 a contracting of the global markets, saw the mortgage market falter, and watched helplessly as banks, financial institutions, and companies closed. In November 2008 and March 2009, the stock market endured two cataclysmic sell-offs causing business and government leaders to worry about potential systemic collapse. Moody’s again affirmed that the long-term outlook of CNR remains stable, that our College has “strong financial and operational management oversight” and that our “flexible financial base and liquidity of investments allow the College to adapt quickly to changing economic and student market conditions.” Our government, and others, responded with economic stimulus packages, spending that now appears to have stabilized the marketplace and reassured the general public. That said, we have not yet turned the tide on employment or eased the housing mortgage crisis. most colleges and universities follow the traditional practice of using only the earnings on the invested funds (typically five percent) for operational or one-time strategic purposes, that amount of money can be, as in private institutions like Harvard University, vast. We are pleased with Moody’s commendation, and we achieved this financial stability because we made prudent decisions. We did it by fiscally conservative practices. We did not seek the quick profit at the expense of our financial health or your charitable contributions. We remained stable in the midst of this significant national financial decline. These institutions were “used to” depending on, some to a significant extent, large endowment earnings funding annual operations. Going into this recession, endowment earnings represented as much as forty-five percent of some institutional operating budgets. Additionally, with substantial money being contributed to some colleges and universities, these funds were placed in non-traditional and alternative investments, such as hedge funds. What happened to this endowment stream of revenue when there was a rapid decline of income? The funds evaporated, dried up, so to speak, like a riverbed during a summer drought. STA B I L I T Y A N D G R OW T H I N A N I M P R OV I N G ECO N O MY Moody’s, as well as other academic advisors, have noted that CNR’s “unique urban niche, serving a diverse student market through a variety of program offerings and structures…buffers the College from the effect of volatility of demand in any given market segment.” Our diverse undergraduate and graduate academic programs, across four Schools and six campuses, provide equilibrium when enrollment challenges follow an economic downturn. CO N S E R VAT I V E P O L I C Y AT C N R Admittedly, CNR doesn’t have the vast endowment of a Harvard or a Wellesley, and that presents its 3 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT Securing funding for “unmet needs”—books, transportation, and living expenses—is a bigger challenge. Students rely on financial aid, scholarships, jobs on and off campus, and private loans. We have experienced an increased number of requests for additional financial aid from them because of job layoffs—theirs or their parents—and a much more constrained loan market. This has a significant impact on student retention, as you can imagine. For thirty years the College has operated in the black. To achieve this, we depend on student enrollment and tuition. We attract students by keeping our tuition competitively affordable which impacts both recruitment and retention. Our mandate is always to continue to balance our budget. For thirty years the College has operated in the black. To achieve this, we depend on student enrollment and tuition. We attract students by keeping our tuition competitively affordable which impacts both recruitment and retention. The Stratford Advisory Group recently stated that stocks “continued their upward trajectory in September, marking a seventh straight month of gains.” All of this bodes well for CNR and its investment strategies. Our solid, stock investments have benefited from the rebound of the market. Fortunately, our students benefit considerably from CNR’s status in the Federal Direct Lending Program. We issue federal Stafford loans directly to them on behalf of the United States government. CNR students do not have to look to financial institutions to secure their college loans, so they have not been adversely affected by the disruption in these markets. Loans for our students are more easily accessible and provided at a fixed rate. We are not, of course, out of the woods. We know that 70 percent of the U.S. economy depends on consumer spending. And consumers still face considerable headwinds with rising unemployment, a lack of accessible credit, declining wages, and the psychological effect of the loss of net worth experienced as a result of the fall in global equity and real estate values. Creating jobs and stabilizing home prices will be vital to restoring consumer health. 4 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E G R AT I T U D E F O R YO U R PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H C N R We have come through two of the most difficult years since the Great Depression. Your support during this time is even more meaningful and significant than ever. Many of you not only stayed the course with us, but stepped up your giving to be included in our new gift societies or to participate in the Trustees Challenge. How grateful I am to our Board of Trustees for providing the Challenge, and to you for responding! Together, an additional quarter million dollars was raised last year for student financial aid. We are committed to an enrollment in all of the Schools of the College that will stabilize and grow in the coming years. We are initiating new programs and policies to attract students; we are supporting them in their academic careers; and we are seeing that they successfully graduate from The College of New Rochelle. That said, the consensus from our banks and advisors is that the worst of this economic downturn is behind us and that we will begin to see positive economic signs over the course of the next two quarters. It is also important to note that in our first year of the new Partners for Excellence donor recognition program, 222 members contributed $1,500 (new President’s Circle membership level) or more, vs. 178 a year ago. The success of this program is heartening in a year as challenging as 2009. I recently read an analysis of what the 2010 census will show in a study done by Peter Francese, a demographic trends analyst at Oglivy & Mather. He sees four major trends emerging in 2010. The general consensus is that the turnaround in the economy will be longer and slower—and last through much of calendar year 2010. We will continue to involve the Board of Trustees in our pursuit of new funding, as we strive to broaden the scope of corporate and foundation funding opportunities. The first trend is what he calls “the absolute rocketing ascendancy of women in America.” He predicts that within six months to a year women will comprise the majority of the workforce. The 2009 report by the Census Bureau also shows that, for the first time ever, more women had graduated from college than men. As a college that traditionally has taught from a women’s perspective, we are well placed to continue to attract women to CNR in the upcoming years and decades. We will market our planned giving program and communicate with our constituencies via e-mail and our online community (mycnr.com). An army of 400 volunteers from all four Schools will help us expand and enhance programming and events, communication, and participation in the Annual Fund. We will need every one of them, and we will need you, too. We are avoiding—as we have historically—quick-fix responses. We continue to manage our investments for the long term. Having invested wisely, we benefit when the stock market improves. We are committed to an enrollment in all of the Schools of the College that will stabilize and grow in the coming years. We are initiating new programs and policies to attract students; we are supporting them in their academic careers; and we are seeing that they successfully graduate from The College of New Rochelle. We are 106 years in the business of transforming lives, and we continue to purposefully expand our legacy and strengthen our mission. The challenges we face are eased by the magnitude of your support. With profound gratitude, I acknowledge how essential you are to us. Your ongoing support has made—and will continue to make—all the difference. Sincerely, Stephen J. Sweeny, Ph.D. President 5 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 / T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW 2008–2009 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW The Year in Review… In September, students, faculty and staff of the College participate in the 1st annual CNR Fun Run and Walk, part of Fitness for Life! Day 2008. This new college event encourages participants to strive for lifelong fitness by engaging in enjoyable physical activity. Bienal de Arte – Latinoamericano del Bronx 2008 (Bronx Latin American Art Biennial 2008) is on view in the fall at the Gordon Parks Gallery at the John Cardinal O’Connor Campus. I New CNR students starting at the School of Arts & Sciences and School of Nursing attend two-day Summer Orientation on the Main Campus. They register for classes, complete health forms, finish their housing application forms, and meet faculty, staff, and other new students. I Adrienne Wald, Director, Wellness Education & Programming, receives national certification as a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) from the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. I I Valerie Salembier SNR’73, Senior Vice President and Publisher of Harper’s Bazaar, hosts the second CNR Women’s Networking Breakfast Forum at the Hearst Tower in New York City. The Castle Gallery opens its fall exhibition Beyond Bio: Clay Bodies. The exhibition is part of Clay Art Center’s All Fired Up: A Celebration of Clay in Westchester County. I As the fall semester gets underway, Campus Ministry coordinates the first in a series of Monthly Service Events for the College Community. Staff and students facilitate Casino Night at United Hebrew Geriatric Center on Pelham Road, spending time with the residents playing Blackjack, Horseracing, and Roulette. I The National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis features Dr. Robert Wolf, an Art Studio Professor in the Graduate School, in their quarterly newsletter. The article describes Professor Wolf as a diverse professional who is an internationally known fine art photographer and sculptor. I Students, faculty, and staff fill Romita Auditorium on an October afternoon to hear author Immaculée Ilibagiza, who survived the Rwandan holocaust of 1994 and later wrote Left To Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. 6 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW Martha Counihan, OSU, Associate Professor of the Library/Archivist, publishes “Simeon Leland, Merchant Prince, and His Splendid Castle” in the winter 2008 issue of The Westchester Historian. The article is about Simeon Leland, a Vermont native who came to NYC in the 1830’s with his brothers and became well known for innovations in creating successful and “modern” hotels. 7 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008–2009 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW I Alumnae/i and students travel to NYC to see the Tony Award-winning production of In The Heights, starring CNR’s own Doreen Montalvo SAS’85. I In celebration of Italian Heritage Month, the College hosts a return visit of the Bersaglieri, a marching band visiting from Abruzzi, Italy. I I The Co-op City Campus sponsors the Labyrinth Prayer Walk, a unique prayer experience. A labyrinth is a marked path on the floor on which people may walk in a slow, contemplative manner for prayer and reflection. Dr. Teri Kwal Gamble, Professor of Communication Studies in the Graduate School, speaks to the College Community on “The Media Generation,” at the annual Fall Town Meeting in November. During her talk, she describes the attitudes, abilities, and outlook of today’s college age students. I The work of photographer Toni Parks, daughter of legendary artist Gordon Parks, is displayed in “Images of Life,” an exhibit at the Gordon Parks Gallery at the John Cardinal O’Connor Campus. I Dr. Maxine Greene, founder of the Maxine Greene Foundation for Social Imagination, the Arts, and Education, addresses students and faculty. I Dr. Diane Quandt, Associate Professor of Education, and Dr. Faith Kostel-Hughes, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of the Environmental Studies Program, both of the School of Arts & Sciences, co-teach an interdisciplinary course “Environmental Studies of the Hudson Valley.” Students attend classes on campus, as well as a day-long field trip to Black Rock Forest in Cornwall, NY. I The Veronica O’Day Leadership Award by Sigma Theta Tau, the National Honor Society in Nursing is presented to Lisa Gressett for her participation in The Nurses’ Network program, Project CHILDD. Lisa is a registered nurse earning a bachelor’s degree at CNR. Project CHILDD is a monthly program held at the Pelham Art Center for children with developmental disabilities. The College celebrates Founder’s Day on October 22. At a luncheon, the College Community gathers to honor four students for their community service with Serviam awards. That evening New York Times religion correspondent Peter Steinfels (pictured with CNR President Stephen Sweeny and Vice President for Mission & Identity Joan Bailey) speaks on the moral and social justice considerations in the upcoming presidential election. Students, faculty and staff of CNR stage a “Sleep Out” in support of the homeless. 8 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW The College of New Rochelle hosts an alumnae/i–students basketball game in The Wellness Center. Prior to the game, CNR President Stephen J. Sweeny honors beloved former physical education professor Kathleen LeVache with the unveiling of her portrait. Professor LeVache’s portrait is now permanently installed in the main entranceway to The Wellness Center’s gymnasium. Left: The 15th Annual High School Women Artists Exhibition attracts 119 artists from 35 high schools in six states. Above: SAS students attend a briefing and discussion at the United Nations in November on the Millennium Development Goal that targets the elimination of extreme poverty around the world. I I I I Dr. Walter Sullivan, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership in the Graduate School, is appointed by the Board of Regents to serve on the New York State Panel to Revise Learning Standards. Deborah Hunt, Instructor in the School of Nursing, is appointed by Adolfo Carrion, Borough President of the Bronx, to serve as a member of Community Board #10. She also serves as a member of the Health and Human Services Committee to promote health and wellness in the community. I CNR students take time out to send Christmas cards to U.S. Troops. The College of New Rochelle launches their redesigned website, www.cnr.edu. I CNR students travel to Albany in February and join over 1,000 students from more than 70 colleges and universities to meet with lawmakers to seek restoration of student and institutional aid programs. I Dr. Amy Bass, Associate Professor History and Director of the SAS Honors Program, publishes “Exploring the Wide World of Sports: Taking a Class to the (Virtual) Olympics” in Teaching American History. Dr. Barbara F. McManus, Professor Emerita of Classics, receives the Distinguished Service Award from the American Philological Association at the plenary session of their annual meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. McManus is cited for her “generosity, vision, commitment, and numerous important contributions throughout her career.” 9 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008–2009 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW The College’s Office of Mission & Identity sponsors a four-part lecture series “Finding God In All The Galleries” by the Reverend Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., president emeritus of Georgetown University and past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Father Leo’s lectures show how art and faith enlighten, challenge, and/or correct each other using the framework of the liturgical year – Advent, Ordinary Time, Lent, and Eastertide. One of the works highlighted during the lecture series, this small painting, Breezing Up, by Winslow Homer, depicts a father and three boys sailing off the coast of Gloucester, MA. The wind is high, the mast tilts from the wind on the sail, and the water is beautifully painted. It was painted, Father Leo said, “for the centennial of the United States in 1876, and beautiful as it is in its own, it is also a sign of Homer’s hope for our country and the hope that he offers us.” I As part of the AngelaFest celebration, CNR President Stephen J. Sweeny presents certificates to four students who are the 2009 recipients of the Student Service Recognition Program. This program is a national award sponsored by Ursuline Educational Services. I The College of New Rochelle School of Nursing presents its Third Annual Wellness Lecture and Panel Discussion. Holistic nursing pioneer and noted author Barbara Dossey, Ph.D., RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, delivers the keynote address, “Integral Nursing: Healing Body, Mind, Spirit.” I The CNR Gospel Choir sings at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate Black History Month. I The College of New Rochelle is honored for its commitment to environmental health by the New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV). CNR is one of five colleges in Westchester County presented with the League’s 2009 Environmental Champion Award for efforts to expand environmental education and “green” their campuses. Above: The Castle Gallery Tales of Wonder and Woe: Fable and Fairy Tale in Contemporary Art runs from December to February in the Castle Gallery. Right: The College Community celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany in Holy Family Chapel. This Mass is followed by a reception for the College Community in Maura Hall. 10 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW The second annual Sonia Kovalevsky High School Mathematics Day for Girls at CNR sponsored by Con Edison draws students and teachers from six local high schools to participate in math and science problem solving contests and hear a career panel. Mathematics Days for High School Girls are intended to encourage young women to continue their study of mathematics as they move from high school to college. This day is named in honor of Sonia Kovalevsky, a widely known Russian mathematician of the late 19th century who was a distinguished writer and advocate for women’s rights. CNR Plunge participants spend their Plunge week in March refurbishing two homes damaged by winds and 10 feet of floodwaters in New Orleans. The students work with the St. Bernard Project, a New Orleans organization that is coordinating the rebuilding of homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina. I I Hundreds gather at the College to bid a final farewell to Sr. Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU, 11th President of the College and Provincial Superior of the Ursulines of the Eastern Province. Among those in attendance are the Prioress General of the Ursulines Cecilia Wang, who came from Rome for the funeral Mass, as well as the Provincial Superiors of the Central and Western Provinces, dozens of Ursuline sisters, local dignitaries, including Westchester County Executive Andy Spano and New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson, numerous members of the College of New Rochelle Community, family, and friends. “She touched thousands of lives,” says CNR President Stephen J. Sweeny. “She took the legacy of the Ursulines and the College and moved it to new heights in her presidency. Many of us called her our second foundress.” The Verizon Foundation presents a two-year, $50,000 grant to the College’s School of Nursing for a telenursing pilot program. I Dr. Joan Bailey of the Office of Mission & Identity and Student Services personnel members of the Consortium of Lower Hudson Valley Catholic Colleges meet at CNR to discuss how Catholic institutions educate students about their Catholic identity and how their Catholicity is embedded in their practices. I Several Dutch nurse practitioner students are officially welcomed to CNR by School of Nursing Dean Mary Alice Donius, who speaks to the group about the future of healthcare in America. This is the third trip for the NP students from the Netherlands to study Advanced Practice nursing education, regulation, and practice in New York State. 11 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008–2009 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW The Wellness Center wins one of the highest awards given by the New York City American Institute of Architects, one of only three awards given. The City of New Rochelle’s Huguenot Park and Jack’s Friendship Garden Park receive a spring cleaning thanks to a team of volunteers from The College of New Rochelle at an event coordinated by CNR’s Office of Campus Ministry. I The School of New Resources DC-37 Campus launches the Second Distinguished Adjunct Faculty’s Tertulia/ Round-table Series in March. Students and faculty explore the growing impact the world’s great religions on culture, politics, and society. I On Good Friday, The College of New Rochelle participates in New York City’s 27th consecutive Good Friday Way of the Cross. I The Co-op City Campus holds an African “Rite of Passage” event. I Megan Showell SAS’09, a major in Chemistry and Mathematics, and the fourth generation in her family to graduate from CNR, presents her paper, “The Freedom of Invisibility: Merleau-Ponty and Ellison’s Invisible Man,” at the Fifth Annual New England Undergraduate Philosophy Conference at Providence College in Rhode Island. I SAS Honors students present their research at the annual conference of the Northeast Regional Honors Council in Annapolis, MD. The conference attracts more than 400 students and faculty from 68 colleges and universities. 12 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW I The annual Earth Day Game Show is held. Established by students in the WILDE Club (Women in Lasting Defense of the Environment) a number of years ago, the goal is to get students to think and learn about the environment in a fun and entertaining way. Dr. Nick Smart, Associate Professor of English in the School of Arts & Sciences, serves as the game show host. I Dr. Constance Iervolino, Associate Professor of Education in the Graduate School, is the featured guest on the onehour radio show Pathways to Learning sponsored by the NY Archdiocese. I Meri Weiss, Instructional Staff at the John Cardinal O’Connor Campus of the School of New Resources, publishes her first novel: Closer to Fine. I On May 5, a New York City Networking Breakfast for CNR alumnae/i is hosted by Jane Canner, Ph.D., SAS’72. Jane serves as the President of Classroom Inc. and speaks about Classroom Inc., a nonprofit that helps kids learn through real life computer-generated simulations. I CNR celebrates its 71st annual Alumnae/i College Reunion, honoring classes ending in 4s and 9s. The College celebrates its 102nd Commencement and graduates the Class of 2009. The College awards approximately 1,350 baccalaureate and master’s degrees during Commencement exercises at Radio City Music Hall. The College also confers honorary degrees on three distinguished recipients. Michael J. Brescia, Executive Medical Director of Calvary Hospital; Joan E. McVetty Bristol, Vice President for Student Services, The College of New Rochelle; and Brother Tyrone Davis, CFC, Executive Director, Office of Black Ministry of the Archdiocese of New York. I Dr. Elena Bront de Avila, New Rochelle Campus Director, makes a presentation at the Gordon Conference in Maine on “Developing Chemical Thinking: A Constructivist Approach.” I Dr. Stephen Sweeny, Dr. Ellen Curry-Damato, Dr. Dorothy Escribano, and Judith Huntington, with Board of Trustees member Anne Vitale, attend the fifth annual Rome Seminar of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU). The seminar, “U.S. Catholic Higher Education in a Global Context,” explores the intellectual and spiritual legacy of the Catholic Church in order to strengthen and promote the mission of Catholic higher education in the United States. The annual Strawberry Festival features a wealth of activities for all ages. 13 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E FINANCIAL STATEMENT Th e f i n a n c i a l i n f o r m a t i o n b e l o w s u m m a r i z e s t h e c h a n g e s i n n e t a s s e t s a s o f a n d f o r t h e y e a r e n d e d J u n e 30 , 20 0 9 w i t h c o m p a r a t i v e a m o u n t s f o r f i s c a l 20 0 8 . S U M M A RY STAT E M E N T O F C H A N G ES I N N ET ASS ETS (in thousands) Unrestricted Revenues, Gains and Other Support: Expenses: 2009 2008 2009 2008 $45,415 $46,315 $18,676 $19,086 Contributions 1,706 3,467 Academic Support 14,166 15,312 Grants and Contracts 6,611 3,331 Student Services 6,546 5,396 (2,519) (429) Institutional Support 14,260 14,017 5,731 4,945 Auxiliary Enterprises 6,363 5,278 Total Unrestricted Revenues and Gains $56,944 $57,629 $60,011 $59,089 (2,205) (15) 32 (113) Tuition and Fees, net of scholarships Investment Return Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises Net Assets Released from Restriction Total Unrestricted Revenues, Gains and Other Support 862 $57,806 Instruction Total Expenses 1,445 Increase (Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets Amount not yet recognized as a component of net periodic benefit cost $59,074 Loss on advance refunding of bonds Change in value of interest rate swap agreement (688) — (1,602) — Increase (Decrease) in Temporary Restricted Net Assets 423 12 Increase (Decrease) in Permanently Restricted Net Assets (77) 1 Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets ($4,117) ($115) A N A LYS I S O F N ET ASS ETS 20 0 5 - 20 0 9 (in thousands) 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Unrestricted: Operations Capital $19,805 $6,864 $18,025 $13,107 $16,508 14,752 $15,648 12,849 $15,495 11,776 Total Unrestricted $26,669 $31,132 $31,260 $28,497 $27,271 Temporarily Restricted 1,533 1,110 1098 1,433 961 Permanently Restricted 4,387 4,465 4,464 4,374 3,926 $32,589 $36,707 $36,822 $34,304 $32,158 Total Net Assets 14 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2009 Unrestricted Revenues Tuition and Fees, net of scholarships Contributions 10% Grants and Contracts 11% Investment Return 2009 Expenses 31% Academic Support 24% Institutional Support 24% Auxiliary Enterprises 10% Student Support 11% 15 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF 3% Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises Net Assets Released from Restrictions Instruction 79% N EW RO C H E L L E 1% <4%> L E T T E R F RO M B OA R D O F T RU S T E E S D EV E LO P M E N T CO M M I T T E E D E A R G R A D UAT ES A N D F R I E N D S , On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for embracing Partners for Excellence, the College’s initiative to engage and connect each of you more closely to CNR. Although we instituted new giving societies as part of this initiative during one of the most challenging financial periods in our nation’s history, I am pleased to acknowledge your continued participation in events, your devoted service as volunteers, and your generous contributions—many at one of the new gift levels or in response to our successful Trustees Challenge. Your financial support is especially critical during difficult times to ensure the College stays financially sound while it provides the full array of programs, exceptional faculty, and facilities essential to a CNR education. We thank each of you who gave part of the $7.4 million raised in 2008-2009. Of this total, CNR received $3.2 million from 3,725 donors—our graduates of all four Schools, current and former faculty and staff, parents, friends, foundations, and corporations. An additional $4.9 million was received through government grants, including $4.2 million from New York State Higher Education Capital Matching Grant Program. I I I I Annual Fund unrestricted gifts totaled over $2 million, slightly ahead of 2008; CNR graduates gave $1.3 million of this total. 222 President’s Circle donors made leadership gifts of $1,500 or more to the Annual Fund; they gave over $1 million as part of the new President’s Circle giving societies. Estate gifts from our faithful alumnae provided $514,000. We celebrated the loyalty of more than 1,600 alumnae who have given every year for 10 or more consecutive years. Among them are 468 devoted graduates who have given every year for more than 20 years and within that group many for more than 30 years. For the first time, the College is recognizing and celebrating its most generous donors for their lifetime giving through the new St. Angela’s Society and Mother Irene Gill Society, and its most loyal donors through the new Fidelis Society. We are especially grateful to each of these donors. Special thanks to all who contributed to the Annual Fund for the first time, particularly our most recent graduates of the Class of 2009! More than half of our new donors to the Annual Fund continue to be graduates of the last decade and graduates of the School of New Resources. Friends often ask me how I came to be involved with The College of New Rochelle. It was a “household word,” I often reply. The daughter of Mary Fischer Bell SAS’34 would certainly be aware of her mother’s alma mater! Even more than that, I feel that my involvement is a natural extension of my mother’s legacy to the College. Mom was dedicated to helping CNR students in any way possible. When I was asked to be a member of the Board of Trustees, I readily accepted. And, through my service as a Trustee, I have come to know what my mother knew so well: that CNR is making the world a better place; it is changing the lives of its students, finding and nurturing the gifts each has to offer. CNR provides individual attention and prepares well-educated women and men of conscience who, in turn, change their families and their communities, their workplaces and the nation. As Trustees, we know the significance of your unwavering support, and we look forward to thanking you again in 2010 for another year of participation in the life of CNR—for the good of all CNR students. Sincerely, Elizabeth LeVaca Chair, Development Committee, Board of Trustees 16 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2009 GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE 20 0 9 G I F T S U M M A RY A N N UA L G I F TS F R O M I N D I V I D UA LS ( E x c l u d e s c a p i t a l g i f t s ) Dollars Donors Alumnae/i and Students Parents, Friends, Faculty & Staff TOTAL FROM INDIVIDUALS $1,392,000 $305,000 $1,697,000 3,329 268 3,597 OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS Golf and Gala (gross) Corporations & Foundations Bequests Government TOTAL OTHER GIFTS $75,000 $121,000 $514,000 $4,254,000 $4,964,000 42 20 13 1 76 TOTAL ANNUAL GIVING $6,661,000 3,673 $811,000 $12,000 $5,000 $828,000 41 8 4 53 $7,489,000 3,726 Dollars $2,088,000 $34,000 $54,000 $25,000 Donors 2,313 316 543 172 C A P I TA L G I F TS A N D P L E D G ES Alumnae/i and Students Friends, Faculty & Staff Corporations & Foundations TOTAL CAPITAL GIVING GRAND TOTAL G I V I N G BY SC H O O L ( A l l F u n d s ) School of Arts & Sciences Graduate School School of New Resources School of Nursing G I F TS F R O M I N D I V I D UA LS – Pa r t n e r s f o r E x c e l l e n c e G i f t S o c i e t i e s ( U n r e s t r i c t e d A n n u a l F u n d ) T H E P R ES I D E N T ’ S C I R C L E Cornerstone Society Leadership Society Adrian Iselin Society Ursuline Society Brescia Society Castle Society 1904 Society Blue & White Society TOTAL PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Gift Level $50,000+ $25,000+ $15,000+ $10,00+ $5,000+ $3,000+ $1,904+ $1,500+ Dollars $205,000 $87,000 $75,000 $167,000 $162,00 $94,000 $112,000 $133,000 $1,035,000 Donors 3 3 4 16 29 28 52 87 222 Gift Level $1,000+ $750+ $500+ $250+ $1–$249 Dollars $120,000 $16,000 $71,000 $90,000 $182,000 $479,000 Donors 118 21 139 327 2,700 3,305 $1,511,000 3,525 OT H E R G I F T SO C I ET I ES Deans’ Circle Scholars’ Circle Magna Cum Laude Associates Cum Laude Associates Donors TOTAL OTHER GIFT SOCIETIES GRAND TOTAL A N N UA L G I V I N G H I STO RY 20 0 5 - 20 0 9 (excludes capital gifts) Alumnae/i Parents & Friends Corporations & Foundations Bequests TOTAL DOLLARS 2009 $1,405,000 $313,000 $171,000 $514,000 $2,403,000 2008 $1,700,000 $288,000 $117,000 $311,000 $2,416,000 2007 $1,404,000 $433,000 $286,000 $520,000 $2,643,000 17 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2006 $1,499,000 $334,000 $91,000 $1,222,000 $3,146,000 2005 $1,317,000 $326,000 $80,000 $624,000 $2,347,000 1 THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE The Campaign for The College of New Rochelle was implemented to strengthen financial resources in order for CNR to continue to fulfill its mission. Included in this Campaign, in addition to donations to The Wellness Center construction and programs, are gifts to restore Holy Family Chapel, to strengthen CNR’s Endowment Fund, and all gifts to the Annual Fund. There are still many naming opportunities available in The Wellness Center, and your continued support of this vital facility will be gratefully received. Our heartfelt appreciation is extended to each of the following donors to The Campaign for The College of New Rochelle. Donors to the Annual Fund are listed in the sections that follow. AETNA, Inc. Theresa Agliardo SAS’77 GS’97 Tara Alfano SAS’02 GS’04 Kelley Allen SAS’98 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. – Omicron Eta Chapter Naomi Boyd GS’02 Chimere Clark SAS’03 Sharon Robinson Clayton Kadiatu Conteh SAS’04 GS’06 Roxanne Conteh-Hurtado SAS’07 Estela Garcia SAS’02 Cheryl Watson Harris Tamara Gloster Jinkins Melissa Martyn SAS’02 Shalima McCants SAS’01 Margaret McKnight Alicia Meeks-Thomas SAS’01 C. Isabelle Sarrazin SAS’00 Reshma Sinanan SAS’99 Jennifer Smith SAS’05 Launette Woolford SN’03 Kareen Jump Young Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend The Ambler Family Foundation Marie Donahue Anderson SAS’75 Margaret & Joseph C. Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS’59) Cecilia Aponte SNR’92 Mary Ann Kokoszyna Arlt SAS’75 Joan Arnold Friend Jason Arrington SNR’80 Sara Arthur SAS’59 Joan Bailey Friend Florence Fay Balderston SAS’65 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR’89 GS’91 ’97 Archie M. Bankston Friend Rosa & LeRoy Barksdale (Rosa Davis SNR’75) Walter Barnes SNR’98 Jean & James Barrow (Jean Shanaphy SAS’68) Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS’50 Dolores Battalia SNR’75 Beach Point Camp New York City Parents, Inc. * Deceased Ann Marie McGovern Beal SAS’53 Alma Beer GS’74 Theresa Behrle-Mohs SAS’80 Vincentia Belbruno SAS’53 Estate of Mary Fischer Bell SAS’34 Vera Bellejambe SNR’05 Ana Benitez SNR’01 Patricia Bennett SN’98 Berkshire Alumnae Club Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS’88 Dorothy Biscornet Friend James K. Bishop* Friend Ann Black* SAS’55 GS’90 Janet Sarrantonio Blair SAS’74 GS’77 Rosemary Miles Blair SAS’51 Tiffani Blake SAS’03 Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley SAS’53 Gabriella Veleba Bondy SAS’59 Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti SAS’51 Rory Brady GS’06 Jeanne Brennan, OSU SAS’45 Barbara & John* Bresnan Friend Elizabeth Breton SAS’39 Elisabeth Brinkmann Friend Joan Bristol Past Parent Elena Bront de Avila Friend Nancy Bragger Brown SAS’53 David Brunt Friend Carol Buckingham SNR’79, Past Parent Marlene Buckingham SNR’82 Diana & George Buffum Friend Anne Bunting, OSU SAS’49 Eileen Egan Burke SAS’59 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS’54 Elizabeth Cahill SAS’84 Jennifer Cahill Friend Cynthia Caione SAS’85 Kathryn McMahon Campbell SAS’43 Jane Canner SAS’72 Susan Canning Friend Carmela Carillo SNR’83 Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS’69) Patrick Carney Foundation Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS’89 Joan Carson SAS’43 Tenaya Carter SN’01 Margaret Casey SAS’60 Elinor Castillo Friend Mary Catalano Friend Monique Caubere Friend Carolinda Cavalluzzo GS’79 Mary Lavery Cavanagh SAS’44 Anne Giesler Chappell SAS’48 Joan & Joseph Chisholm Past Parent (Joan Rombach SAS’59) Rose Mary Seifert Clair SAS’50 Terry A. Clark* SAS’72 Class of 1973 Manuelita Clemente SNR’90 Ingrid Climis GS’82 Joan Close SAS’69 Barbara DiSalvo Cole SAS’76 Muriel McGough Cole SAS’44 Jean Barrett Colligan SAS’50 William Collins* Friend Robin & Alan Colner Friend Margaret Comaskey SAS’61 Christine Zywiak Conroy SAS’69 Consolidated Edison Company of NY Susan Conte, OSU SAS’73 Joan & James* Cook (Joan Henderson SAS’51) Corini Insurance Agency Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan SAS’43 Teresa Cotterall-Lagana SNR’89 Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS’41 Angela Cozzi Friend Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS’72 Emory Craig Friend Charles Critchlow Friend Katharine Critchlow Friend Nancy Carolan Cusack SAS’50 Marcelle McCormack Daly SAS’44 Ellen Curry & William Damato Friend (William Damato GS’99) Mary Anne Borrego Danguillecourt SAS’81 Linda David Friend Theresa Davis SAS’73 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS’64 Dianne Ramirez Dejesus SAS’73 Dana Deravin Carr GS’86 Maureen C. Didier SAS’43 Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Friend Samantha DiPalo Friend District Council 37 Myrtle Dixon SNR’83 Barbara Rice Doggett SAS’49 Mary Alice Donius Dolores Morris Donnelly SAS’45 Janet Donnelly SAS’44 Frances Quilter Donovan SAS’41 Brenna Sheenan Mayer, Vice President for College Advancement, and Claire Waterbury Philips SAS’54. 18 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E C A M PA I G N F O R T H E CO L L E G E O F N EW RO C H E L L E Marylou* & Warren Hayford (Marylou Meyer SAS’52) Mary & Doug Hearle (Mary Hogan SAS’56 GS’87) Helen Hebert Friend Joan Henry SNR’90 Marie DePan Herlihy SAS’41 Jill Kaplan Herz Friend Erica Heymann GS’88 Marianne Hickey SAS’71 Charles Houghton Friend Patricia Rogers Huang SAS’73 Rosalie Pedalino Jacobs SAS’50 Suzanne & Jonathan Jacoby Friend Michele Marotta Jaworski SAS’76 JCC of Mid-Westchester Vivian Johnson SNR’84 Ethel Jones SNR’91 Jones Apparel Group Jane Grzymski Kahl SAS’71 Barbara Piano Keber SAS’76 Mary Keegan SAS’69 Patricia Keegan SAS’73 Regina Kehoe, OSU SAS’56 GS’85 Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Friend Delores Jackson Kelly SNR’93 Joan Cunniff Kennedy SAS’54 Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judy Kenny SNR’82) Susan McElduff Kiernan SAS’72 John & Laura Killian Friend Elizabeth* & John Kilsheimer (Elizabeth Carraher SAS’46) Susan Kimmel SN’87 Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS’49 Nancy Kloczko SAS’73 Nancy Kotonias SAS’76 Jane Seidel Kresser SAS’59 Kathleen Kuczkowski, OSU SAS’56 Mary Elizabeth Lacerenza SAS’72 Anne Schreck LaRoche SAS’74 Trustee Reverend Leo O’Donovan, SJ with Joan Bristol, Vice President for Student Services. Jean & Wallace Doud Friend Eugenie Brunings Douglass SAS’52 Carole Saunders Doyle SAS’54 Nancy Doyle GS’76 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS’60 Mary Eckert SAS’72 Margaret Edmonston SNR’82 Richard Ehrhardt Friend Isaac Elegbe Friend Kathryn Erat SAS’56 Joan Eskenazi Friend Beatrice Putnam Fairbanks SAS’38 Joseph C. Farina & Angela Koutoulakis Friend Alphonsus Farry Friend Ann Battaglia Feldman SAS’65 Michael Ferrara Friend Katherine Johnston Ferrari SAS’59 Kathleen A. Finnerty, OSU SAS’60 Margaret Mary Fischer SAS’53 Sarah O’Hagan Fisher SAS’43 Nancy Elizabeth Fitch Friend Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS’50 Marylou Mele Fitzpatrick SAS’54 Ann* & Patrick* Foley (Ann Tubman SAS’55) Ana Maria Eugenio Fontoura SAS’90 Margaret Fonzo* SAS’42 Claire Fordrung SAS’55 Roberta Flippo Frank SAS’78 Flavia Frati-Spagnola SAS’60 Joan & Sanford Freilich Friend Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS’37 Catherine Gadarowski SAS’45 Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume SAS’73 Philip & Gaylene Gasparini Friend Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS’60 Mary Roslyn Walsh Gilligan SAS’45 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS’52 Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 Graphic Management Partners Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS’61 Angela Griffiths SAS’69 Gail O’Neill Gunther SAS’67 Ann & Luke Halley Friend Ellen & W. Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS’65) Lorraine Handal SNR’79 Nancy Harkins SAS’75 Betsy Lofink Harrington SAS’84 Katherine Hart* SAS’70 Maurice & Anne Hartigan Friend Katheryn Hathaway Friend Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS’59 Christine LaSala SAS’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Friend Mary Doherty Layden SAS’60 Marion & Joseph Lechowicz (Marion Carbery SAS’59) Sadie Lee SNR’02 Eileen Leonard & Dale Hagstrom (Eileen Leonard SAS’72) Elizabeth Bell LeVaca Friend Josie Lindau* SNR’80 Estate of Jean Little SAS’50 Christine Loomie SAS’73 Dorothy Lundy SNR’78 Frances Lyle,OSU SAS’46 Marion Lynch, OSU SAS’63 Michael MacNeil Friend Mary Magee SN’84 Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern SAS’47 Karen Olney Maidenbaum SAS’91 Mary Delehanty Mandeville SAS’63 Kathleen Mannino SNR’04 GS’09 Claire & Anthony Manto Past Parent (Claire Colangelo SAS’69) Theresa M. Fazioli Marino SAS’49 & Christine A. Marino, MD, SAS’75 Marco Martelli Friend Marilyn Masiero GS’90 Mary Massimo SAS’67 Mathis Pfohl Foundation Max Bermuda Ltd. William Maxwell Friend Brenna Sheenan Mayer & George Mayer Friend Marjorie McCoy SAS’72 Claudette McCree SNR’00 Kristin Krause McDonough SAS’68 Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 Kathleen McEntegart SAS’56 Valerie McEwen SAS’73 Virginia Malankowski McFadden SAS’58 Vida McGlone SNR’88 TH E CAM PAIGN FOR TH E COLLEGE OF N EW ROCH ELLE Sources as of 6/30/09 Trustees (current and former) Alumnae/i and Friends Government Annual Fund (including bequests) Total * Deceased 19 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E in millions $14.5 $10.3 $8.0 $23.9 $56.7 T H E C A M PA I G N F O R T H E CO L L E G E O F N EW RO C H E L L E THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE Margret Baxter McHugh SAS’50 Nancy & Paul McKenna (Nancy Collins SAS’51) Ann Donovan McKeon SAS’48 Anne Mead SAS’45 Phyllis VandeCar Meader SAS’57 Jill Herndon Merrick SAS’64 Mary Meyer SAS’70 Elvira Mezzaucella SNR’89 Marianne Milzoff SN’97, Past Parent Fay Mitchell Friend Barbara Calandra Moore SAS’73 Denise Deldin Moore SAS’73 GS’78 Catherine Morgan SNR’02 Robert Morgan Friend Rowena Larkin Morris SAS’59 Christine Morrison SAS’72 Judy Mauser Morriss SAS’59 Rita & Robert Muccino Friend Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy SAS’59 Mary Sue Murphy SAS’73 Shirley Murray-Govia SNR’83 GS’85 Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75 Mary Jane & George Neumann Friend Elise Nichols-Powell GS’77 Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS’59) Margaret Nicholson Friend Anne-Marie Nolin SAS’75 Francine Nolin-Rogers SAS’72 Patricia Noone SAS’60 Mary-Louise O’Brien Northgraves SAS’73 Mary Carpenter Nunz SAS’54 Marge O’Connor SAS’66 Elizabeth O’Donnell SAS’62 Florence O’Donovan SAS’39 Leo J. O’Donovan, SJ Friend Annette & Peter O’Malley Friend Catherine Chojnacki O’Neill SAS’67 Soeurette Obas SNR’86 James Pasternak GS’91 Patricia Moore Peirano SAS’69 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Jane Perkinson SAS’63 Judith Perry SAS’64 Ann Peterson, OSU SAS’62 Claire & Norman Philips (Claire Waterbury SAS’54) Martha Miles Plamp SAS’50 Terry & Roland* Seidler (Terry O’Malley SAS’54) Loretta Mengel Shirey SAS’68 Mary Rycenga Shukie SAS’71 Alice Siegel Friend Sisters of St. Ursula Jane Slagle Friend Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS’62) Carolyn Murphy Smith SAS’73 Mary Lenore Smith Friend Patricia Smith SAS’57 Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SN’83 Margaret Snyder SAS’50 Mary Sommer Sandak & Jay Sandak (Mary Sommer SAS’71) Diana Stano,OSU Friend Frances & John Strachan (Frances Weir SAS’45) Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS’68 Raquel M. Suarez SAS’73 Marilouise Sullivan SAS’62 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Mary Supple Dailey SAS’66 Anita Sutton GS’84 Mary Egan Swartz SAS’69 Mary Geer Sweeney SAS’56 Barbara & Stephen J. Sweeny Friend Errol Thompson Friend Odell Thompson SNR’76 Alice Timothy SAS’52 Marian Trotta Tobin SNR’79 Susan & Leslie Tolchin Friend Alice Elizabeth Carroll Tortora SAS’45 Helen Kelleher Treml SAS’48 Margaret & Alain Tripeau Friend Ruth Ann Tully SAS’73 Eleanor Fyall Turner SAS’73 Paul Tyrl Friend Jo-Ann Keller Ullrich SAS’65 Susan & Sydney Unger Friend United Way of Dutchess County Angela & James Plowden-Wardlaw Friend Mary Uhrich Pobieglo SAS’75 Larry Pobiner Friend Elaine Podszus SN’94 Sandra Priest Rose GS’77 The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order Marie-Helene Raho GS’77 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS’45, Past Parent Jacob Reed SNR’04 Therese Carusone Reichert SAS’57 Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Susan Brown Reitz SAS’72 Maryann Renzi SAS’73 Margaret Schoenemann Ribaudo SN’89 Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS’86 Christianne Russo Ricchi SAS’73 Elizabeth Riddle SAS’72 Marguerite Sisca Riposanu SAS’40* Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 & Richard Menaker Harriette Gillem Robinet SAS’53 Rhonda Robinson-Hill SNR’93 Kathleen Bieger Roche SAS’67 Ramona Rodriguez SNR’79 Marie T. Rofhok SNR’84 GS’87, ’97 Carolyn Keyes Rohlf SNR’85 Kassandra Loucas Romas SAS’67 Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR’77, GS’88) The Frederick P. and Sandra P. Rose Foundation The Roslyn Savings Foundation Elaine Rubinson & Irving Levine Friend Barbara Russell Friend Elizabeth Donoghue Russell SN’83 Noreen Siragusa Ryan SAS’62 Catherine Perkinson Sabol SAS’59 Marilyn Hesser Saulle Friend Mary Ann Runkle Savard SAS’59 Margaret Seifert Schiffer SAS’52 Lauren Schorr & Alan Genachowski Ursuline Community/Liberty Avenue Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Anthony & Yvonne Vallace Friend Cassandra Rogers Van Derslice SNR’89 Jean McEvoy VanDelft SAS’38* Elizabeth VanderPutten SAS’65 Joan Varrone SAS’72 Jane D’Apice Vergari SAS’71 Lillian Viacava SAS’51* Margaret Lew Gogol Victors SAS’73 Anne T. Vitale Friend Mary Lawler Vogt SAS’73 Mary Lou* & Peter Vogt (Mary Lou Koessler SAS’53 ) Rose Marie Bizzoco Volpe SAS’56 GS’80 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS’49 GS’84 Sandra Giannoni Wainman SAS’67 Aida Badran Wakefield SAS’69 Donna Matthews Walcott SAS’52 Marue English Walizer SAS’59 Anne Marie Weiler SAS’52 Edwina Weisheit SAS’46 Mary McEntegart Welch SAS’49 Marianne Slysz Welna SAS’55 Myles Whalen Friend Patricia Wiley SAS’72 Agnes Neill Williams SAS’51 Helen Williams SNR’86 Roberta Williamson Friend Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 Carol Mungan Wingertzahn SAS’53 Kathy & Perry Winter Friend Deborah Jeffrey Wisoff Friend Helen Wolf Friend Robert Wolf Friend XL Reinsurance America, Inc. Maria Angello Zambelli SAS’44 Paul Zapatka GS’97 Louise Glover Zollicoffer SNR’89 Anonymous (3) Friend Linda Hall Schuch GS’85 Nicole Schwarz GS’06 Kathleen Brod Scully SAS’49 Samantha Segarra SNR’06 THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have made contributions between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at [email protected]. * Deceased 20 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 11 PARTNERS FOR EXCELLENCE GIFT SOCIETIES Starting July 1, 2008, as part of the Partners for Excellence initiative, new Annual Fund donor recognition gift societies replaced those that had been in effect for more than 40 years. In addition, three new donor societies were created to express our deep appreciation to our most generous donors and our most loyal donors through membership in the St. Angela Society, Mother Irene Gill Society and the Fidelis Society. We thank all graduates and friends who are our partners for excellence, who so generously and consistently support the College, its mission and most importantly its students. ST. ANGELA SOCIETY With profound gratitude, we recognize donors whose cumulative lifetime giving to all funds totals $1 million or more. St. Angela Merici was the foundress of the Ursuline Order. CNR was originally named the College of St. Angela in 1906 by its Ursuline foundresses. Over the past century, St. Angela’s history and legacy have been kept alive through the vitality of the College’s mission, and on campus in the naming of Angela Residence Hall, the celebration of the Feast of St. Angela annually in January, and in the bronze statue of St. Angela Merici on the New Rochelle campus. MOTHER IRENE GILL SOCIETY Donors whose cumulative lifetime giving to all funds totals $500,000-$999,999 are gratefully recognized here. Mother Irene Gill (1860-1935) was a religious leader, academic administrator, and founder of The College of New Rochelle. Against the odds, she created the College of Saint Angela (the name changed in 1910 to The College of New Rochelle). Under her leadership, the College became the fifth Catholic women's college in the country, the first in New York State and is now the largest Catholic college for women in the nation. We deeply appreciate the following donors who have provided truly foundational support for the growth and development of The College of New Rochelle. ST. A N G E L A SO C I ET Y ($1,000,000+ LIFETIME GIVING) Constance & Maurice Bissonnette (Constance Doorley SAS’49) Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS’69) Patrick Carney Foundation Joan & James* Cook (Joan Henderson SAS’51) Beth & Tom Donovan (Elizabeth Sculley SAS’56) Ellen & W. Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS’65) Marylou* & Warren Hayford (Marylou Meyer SAS’52) Elizabeth Bell LeVaca & Joseph LeVaca Friend Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS’59) Terry & Roland* Seidler (Terry O’Malley SAS’54) Frances & John Strachan (Frances Weir SAS’45) Agnes & Edward B.* Williams (Agnes Neill SAS’51) Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 Anonymous M OT H E R I R E N E G I L L SO C I ET Y ( $ 50 0 , 0 0 0 TO $ 9 9 9 , 9 9 9 L I F ET I M E G I V I N G ) Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend Mary* & Ralph* Bell (Mary Fischer SAS’34) Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judy Kenny SNR’82) Christine LaSala SAS’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Friend Sandra Priest Rose GS’77 The Frederick P. and Sandra P. Rose Foundation Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR’77 GS’88) Mary Lou* & Peter Vogt (Mary Lou Koessler SAS’53) Jane Reichle SAS’67 (third from left) with CNR students and staff. * Deceased 21 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 Rita* & Milton* Lewis (Rita McAuliffe SAS’36) Jean Little SAS’50* Estate of Jean Little SAS’50 Los Angeles Dodgers, Inc. Margaret & Edward* Lyons (Margaret Whyte SAS’59) Estate of Joan Heverin MacNaughten SAS’49 Gail and Al J. Maiolo Friend Mary & Robert* McCooey Friend Leah Brooks McDonough SAS’44 Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 Estate of Ruth Murphy McGuire SAS’42 Irene Murphy McInerney SAS’45 Maria Luisa* & Charles W. V.* Meares Friend (Maria Luisa Cisneros SAS’39) Estate of Charles W.V. Meares Estate of Maria Luisa Cisneros Meares SAS’39 Estate of Marie Tracy Murphy SAS’17 Joan & Robert Nestor (Joan Grattan SAS’47) New York State HECAP The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation NYNEX Corporation Marge O’Connor SAS’66 Peter O’Malley Friend Estate of Muriel Paige SAS’36 Pepsi-Cola Albany Bottling Co. Aulana & Bruce Peters (Aulana Pharis SAS’63) Estate of Eileen Marion Hevey Petersen Estate of Margaret M. Reilly SAS’33 Margaret Reilly-Antalec SAS’59 and Joseph C. Antalec. EXTR AOR DI NARY GIVI NG ($100,000+ LI F ETI M E GIVI NG) The Aaron Diamond Foundation AETNA, Inc. Estate of Anne Ahern SAS’38 Altman Foundation Estate of George J. Ames Marion* and George J.* Ames Friend Camille & Albert*Casling (Camille Andrea SAS’42) Kathleen* & Edward Baran (Kathleen Foley SAS’60) Estate of Mary Fischer Bell SAS’34 Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS’88 Estate of Virginia Mitchell Blissert SAS’41 Estate of Genevieve Voss Bossard SAS’29 Estate of Emily P. Brazell SAS’25 Barbara & John* Bresnan Friend Estate of Catherine M. Buckley SAS’33 Estate of Margaret J. Carey SAS’30 The Castle Foundation Castle Oil Corporation Anne Giesler Chappell SAS’48 Estate of Mary Louise Charles SAS’32 Joan & Joseph Chisholm Past Parent (Joan Rombach SAS’59) Estate of Consetta Ciliberti SAS’31 Colburn Home Estate of Marguerite Collins SAS’14 Estate of Mary J. Comyns SAS’43 Connelly Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of NY Foundation Estate of Marilyn T. Conway SAS’51 Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS’41 Estate of Marion Hagerty Covolo SAS’30 Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo SAS’72 * Deceased Estate of Amelia Currie SAS’23 Estate of Muriel B. D’Amico SAS’35 Estate of Thomas Denaouley Patricia & Daniel Derbes (Patricia Maloney SAS’52) Maureen Didier SAS’43 Estate of Margaret Slattery Dowd SAS’61 and Joseph Dowd Regina Duffy SAS’41* Patricia & Frank* Dunn (Patricia McGinnis SAS’60) Margaret & George Dyroff (Margaret Svac SAS’43) Kathryn Erat SAS’56 Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS’57) Alphonsus Farry Friend Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS’50 The Flaherty Family Foundation William Flynn Friend Ann* & Patrick* Foley (Ann Tubman SAS’55) Joan & Sanford Freilich Friend Jane Roberts Garvey SAS’38* Estate of Madeline Breckenridge Grogan SAS’42 Lillian Kroepke Healy SAS’46* Rita Buckley Higgins SAS’39* Margaret McNamara Hill SAS’27 Kathrene Blish Houlihan Friend Independent College Fund of NY IBM Corporation Johnson & Johnson Corporation Joan Canfield Kennedy SAS’53* Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS’49 Rosemary Gerard Klemann SAS’39 Estate of Mary Graham Knapp SAS’42 Theresa* & Eugene M. Lang Friend Patricia Lanza Friend Lanza Family Foundation Christine LaSala SAS’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Friend The Leeds Foundation, Inc. Margaret & Joseph C. Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS’59) Estate of Marguerite Reinhardt SAS’28 Isabel Reithebuch SAS’46 Doris & Daniel Robinson Friend Betty & Michael Romita Friend Estate of Edith V. Rooney SAS’21 Phyllis Schreiber SNR’74 Estate of Rhea F. Schreier SAS’24 Estate of William Sharwell Friend Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS’62) Estate of Josephine Roccuglia Spence SAS’35 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Mary Supple Dailey SAS’66 Debbie* & Russel Taylor Friend Deborah and Russel Taylor Foundation Margo & Lee Terwilliger (Margo Marabon SAS’68) Texaco Foundation Estate of Mary Reardon Tuttle SAS’34 Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Ursuline Provincialate Donna Matthews Walcott SAS’52 Edwina Weisheit SAS’46 Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Friend Patricia & Ronald Williams Past Parent (Patricia Barnum SAS’56) Roberta Williamson Friend Estate of Geraldine Young SAS ’42 Estate of Helen V. Zaremba SAS’17 Estate of Edith Zierer Anonymous (6) Ron and Pat Barnum Williams SAS’56 with James and Elaine Donovan Blair SAS’64, GS’92. 22 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S THE PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE A N N UA L F U N D L E A D E R S H I P G I F T SO C I ET Y Membership in one of The President’s Circle Gift Societies is granted to any donor whose unrestricted giving to the Annual Fund totals $1,500 or more between July 1 and June 30 each year. Matching gifts are included in the donor’s total gift. Giving to the 2009 Annual Fund by members of The President’s Circle provided up to 70% of total Annual Fund support from individual donors. This group of leadership donors gave more than $1 million, unrestricted funds which are critical to the financial health of the College and provide for things not covered by tuition. Much of it goes to financial aid for our students. With great appreciation, we thank the members of The President’s Circle and welcome them into one of the new societies. CO R N E R STO N E SO C I ET Y B R ESC I A SO C I ET Y ( $ 50 , 0 0 0 + ) ( $ 5 , 0 0 0 TO $ 9 , 9 9 9 ) Anonymous Lillian Kroepke Healy SAS’46* Rosemary Maniscalco Baczewski SAS’80 Margaret Baine SAS’67 Barbara M. Bresnan Friend Barbara McGrath Candee SAS’49 Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS’60 Mary Mosser Falvo SAS’54 Ann* & Patrick* Foley (Ann Tubman SAS’55) Bridget Foley SAS’78 Pat Quattrochi Gorman SAS’64 Nancy Harkins SAS’75 Kathleen Duffy Henry SAS’54 Michele Marotta Jaworski SAS’76 Mary Corcoran Jigarjian SAS’69 Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Jean Wilson Kirby SAS’61 James Knickman Friend Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS’59 Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern SAS’47 Leah Brooks McDonough SAS’44 Rosa & George Napoleone (Rosa Puleo SAS’75) Marge O’Connor SAS’66 Janice Dickerson Reilly SAS’69 Margaret & Joseph C. Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS ’59) Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR ’77, GS ’88) Allison Rubeli SAS’67 Andree Lejeune Scanlon SAS’57 Saddie and Lowery Smith Friend Ann Fenlon Strauss SAS’59 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Barbara & Stephen J. Sweeny Friend Edwina Weisheit SAS’46 Margaret McCarthy Willis SAS’41 L E A D E R S H I P SO C I ET Y ( $ 25 , 0 0 0 TO $ 4 9 , 9 9 9 ) Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS’69) Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS’41 Agnes Neill Williams SAS’51 ADR IAN ISELI N SOCI ET Y ( $ 15 , 0 0 0 TO $ 24 , 9 9 9 ) Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend Elizabeth Bell LeVaca Friend Joan & Robert Nestor (Joan Grattan SAS’47) Terry O’Malley Seidler SAS’54 U R S U L I N E SO C I ET Y ( $ 10 , 0 0 0 TO $ 14 , 9 9 9 ) Eileen Egan Burke SAS’59 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS’60 Joan & Sanford Freilich Friend Jane Roberts Garvey SAS’38* Ellen & W. Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS’65) Joan Fee Kelly SAS’59 Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS’59) Lesley & John Nicholson Friend Vera Farmer Penrod SAS’52 Aulana & Bruce Peters (Aulana Pharis SAS’63) Sandra Priest Rose GS’77 Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Patricia Trainor SAS’59 Anne T. Vitale Friend Patricia & Ronald Williams Past Parent (Patricia Barnum SAS’56) Elaine & James Blair (Elaine Donovan SAS’64 GS’92) Joan Fiori Blanchfield SAS’64 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS’54 Nancy Carey Cassidy SAS’79 Harriette & Martin Chelnik (Harriette Chelnik SNR’73) Mary Ann Dolan SAS’56 Janet Donnelly SAS’44 Claire Donohue Friend Beth & Tom Donovan (Elizabeth Sculley SAS’56) Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS’57) Dorothy Escribano Friend Joseph C. Farina & Angela Koutoulakis Friend Florence Covino Friedlander SAS’48* Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS’37 Hugh Johnston Friend Marie Karl SAS’75 Mary Costello Karl SAS’45 Christiane Keck SAS’61 Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judy Kenny SNR’82) Christine Piliponis Lenehan SAS’72 Mary Ann Geraci Marriott SAS’59 Christine Morrison SAS’72 Isabel Reithebuch SAS’46 Carla Romita Friend Anonymous (1) Victor Cimino Friend Carolyn Grant Clarke SAS’51 Alisann Alexander Collins SAS’63 Joy Kober Cowan SAS’64, Past Parent Joan Gafney Crowley SAS’52 Ellen Curry & William Damato Friend (William Damato GS’99) Patricia & Daniel Derbes (Patricia Maloney SAS’52) Sarah O’Hagan Fisher SAS’43 Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS’50 M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney SAS’40 Teri Kwal Gamble Friend Carol Gourlie SAS’55 Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 Marianne Birch Gumbs SAS’63 Mary Ann* & Charles Hagelin Friend (Mary Ann Garrity SAS’56) Eleanor Donlon Hannigan SAS’54 Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS’63 GS’81 Judith & Bradley Huntington Friend Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS’71 19 0 4 SO C I ET Y ( $ 1 , 9 0 4 TO $ 2 , 9 9 9 ) Michelle Whitford Altilio GS’95 Isabelle Healey Bacon SAS’53 Rosa & LeRoy Barksdale (Rosa Davis SNR’75) Dolores Battalia SNR’75 Ann Black* SAS’55 GS’90 Rosemary Miles Blair SAS’51 Eleanor Shea Buckley SAS’60 Anne Giesler Chappell SAS’48 Joan & Joseph Chisholm Past Parent (Joan Rombach SAS’59) C AST L E SO C I ET Y ( $ 3 , 0 0 0 TO $ 4 , 9 9 9 ) Kelley Allen SAS’98 Andrea & Renato Berzolla (Andrea Mazzari SAS’63) * Deceased 23 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Trustee Lillian Brennan Carney SAS’69 with SAS student Jaclyn Reynolds. PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S Maurice & Anne Hartigan Friend Michele Heffernan SAS’71 Margaret Pasquariello Holtman SAS’69 Patricia Byrne Kelleher SAS’46 Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS’49 Jane Seidel Kresser SAS’59 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS’48 GS’87 Eileen Leonard & Dale Hagstrom (Eileen Leonard SAS’72) Margaret Kuntz Lessing SAS’62 Kathleen LeVache Friend Christina Hoffman Lucey SAS’70 Kwanghee Lyew Friend Anne Hunter MacArtney SAS’76 Josephine Mandeville GS’76 Patricia Martin SAS’45 Dian Jennings Mayo SAS’53 Mary Jane McPartland McCann SAS’68 Alicia Murphy McCormick SAS’61 Dorothy McElroy SAS’55 Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy SAS’59 Noranne Mulcahy SAS’66 Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS’59 Jan VanValkenburgh Murphy SAS’58 Mary Sue Murphy SAS’73 Catherine & Paul Nagy (Catherine Tyburski SAS’62) Jean Closter O’Brien SAS’48 Maureen O’Rourke SAS’51 Anne Owens SAS’56 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS’55, former faculty, with Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75, President, Alumnae/i Association. Rosemary Gerard Klemann SAS’39 Helen Collins Krumsiek SAS’57 Barbara Kunkel SAS’45 Marion & Joseph Lechowicz (Marion Carbery SAS ’59) Ellen Lockamy Friend Christine Loomie SAS’73 Claire & Anthony Manto Past Parent (Claire Colangelo SAS ’69) Brenna Sheenan Mayer & George Mayer Friend Kristin Krause McDonough SAS’68 Margaret Mary McQuillan SAS’45 Ann Pepek Morrison SAS’67 Judy Mauser Morriss SAS’59 Cecelia Mruk SNR’78 Carrol and Margo Muccia Friend Lela Keough Negri SAS’56 Florence O’Donovan SAS’39 Jeannette Carry Parshall SAS’55 Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS’51 Joan Connors Roberts SAS’64 Claire Schnell Rooney SAS’51 Ethel Ankner Shafter SAS’56 Mary Egan Swartz SAS’69 Barbara D’Arcy White SAS’49 Roberta Williamson Friend Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 B LU E & W H I T E SO C I ET Y ( $ 1 , 50 0 TO $ 19 0 3 ) Rosemary Vasas Abbott SAS’65 Frances McKillop Ambrose SAS’59 Angela Loveman Armitage SAS’66 Joan Bailey Friend Barbara Brosnan Baisley SAS’56 Theresa Behrle-Mohs SAS’80 Lorraine Ouellette Berner SAS’67 Joseph Blank Friend Lynn O’Rourke Bride SAS’69 Joan Bristol Past Parent Frances & Raymond Broderick * Deceased (Frances Choquette SAS’57) Jane Canner SAS’72 Ann Bergassi Chiodini SAS’69 Margaret Comaskey SAS’61 Julie Connelly SAS’65 Diane Lee Conner SAS’56 Margaret & Thomas Conniff Friend Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS’72 June Langran Crabtree SAS’49 Kathleen Meyer Curtin SAS’70 Linda David Friend Regina Degnan-Steinborn SAS’76 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS’55 Kenneth Doka Friend Mary Alice Donius Friend Michael Finnerty Friend Emily St. Clair Fogarty SAS’59 Alice Murphy Gillespie SAS’37 Gloria Greco SAS’52 Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS’61 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Julie Pifer SAS’60 Eileen Short Quigley SAS’88 GS’03 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS’45 Barbara Koeppen Reilly SAS’65 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 & Richard Menaker Patricia O’Hare Rosen SAS’73 GS’76 Catherine Perkinson Sabol SAS’59 Mary Ann Runkle Savard SAS’59 Eileen Case Sibson SAS’60 Nancy Miller Skibbie SAS’54 Kathleen Smith SAS’71 Mary Sommer Sandak & Jay Sandak (Mary Sommer SAS’71) Rose Ann and Vincenzo Sperandio Friend Jane Crabtree Stark SAS’51 Ann Kasprzak Sterbenz SAS’67 Walter Sullivan Friend Mary Supple Dailey SAS’66 Alice Timothy SAS’52 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS’71 Mildred Middlemiss Veltri SAS’49 Adrienne Wald Friend Lizabeth Beauregard Weaver SAS’72 Deirdre Dunne Winters SAS’59 Ellen Toal Wry SAS’64 Catherine Young SAS’61 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Special recognition as a President’s Circle Associate Member is extended to any recent graduate (1 to 12 years since graduation) whose total unrestricted Annual Fund giving, including corporate matches, meets the following criteria: for graduates 1-4 years from graduation, a total gift of $250+; for graduates 5-9 years from graduation, a total gift of $500+. For graduates 10-12 years from graduation, a total gift of $750+. At any time a President’s Circle Associate may join The President’s Circle with a gift of $1,500 or more. CNR is grateful for these recent graduates who are our leadership donors. P R ES I D E N T ’ S C I R C L E ASSO C I AT E P R ES I D E N T ’ S C I R C L E ASSO C I AT E P R ES I D E N T ’ S C I R C L E ASSO C I AT E 1- 4 Y E A R S $ 250 + 5 - 9 Y E A R S $ 50 0 + 10 - 12 Y E A R S $ 750 + Gail Greene SNR’05 Susanne Pino Lebrija SNR’05 Jennifer Padilla SNR’06 Nancy Zephirin SN’06 Kenneth Lemon SNR’02 Colleen Maher Bimbo SNR’03 Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR’03 Faye Bennett-Lord SNR’00 Kelley Allen SAS’98 † William Damato GS’99 † Also a member of The President’s Circle 24 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S ANNUAL FUND GIFT SOCIETIES Gifts to the Annual Fund are used to meet the College’s greatest current needs—things not covered by tuition. Much of it goes to financial aid for our students. Giving to the Annual Fund is one direct way you can help the College and its students as a “partner for excellence.” Your partnership at any level of giving will ensure the tradition of excellence in education that is the hallmark of CNR. We are particularly grateful to the members of our new donor recognition societies. Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson SAS’76 Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee SAS’74 GS’76 Diana Fava Lucca SAS’48 Margaret Alberti Lynch SAS’52 Beatrice Mackenzie SAS’53 Cecelia Stevens Mackey SAS’64 Janet F. Mackin Friend Anne and James Magee (Anne Magee GS’79) Cornelia Mahon SAS’54 Mary Delehanty Mandeville SAS’63 Richard B. Marrin Friend Diana & Roland Marshall (Diana Ruffolo SAS’47) Mary Massimo SAS’67 Marilyn Dempsey Mc Gill SAS’68 Orlando McAllister Friend Cecelia McCarton SAS’65 Irene McConnell SNR’86 Muriel Flaherty McGinnis SAS’39 Geraldine Larkin McGrath SAS’50 Jayne & James McKee Friend Christine Marino McKeever SAS’75 Nancy & Paul McKenna (Nancy Collins SAS’51) Julie Siard McMahon SN’88 Mary McNamara SAS’77 Joyce Celentano Moran SAS’61 Susan Morrison Friend Miriam Stapleton Moynihan SAS’71 Mary Jo Dwyer Murnane SAS’69 Margaret Nolan SAS’71 Kathleen Quinlan Norman SAS’64 Marcia Moynihan Norton SAS’59 Marion Cotter O’Brien SAS’40* Mary McKiernan O’Brien SAS’47 Leo O’Donovan, SJ Friend B. Nelson Ong Friend Mary O’Brien Pawloski SAS’73 Mary Pepe SAS’71 Jane Perkinson SAS’63 Mary Jo Rocque Pittoni SAS’69 Anne Pooler SAS’64 Elizabeth Rohrer Reddy SAS’49 Susan Brown Reitz SAS’72 Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS’86 Christianne Russo Ricchi SAS’73 Noel Petri Robinson SAS’69 Debra Cummiskey Ruel SAS’75 Michael Lyew, Kwanghee Lyew, Assistant Professor of Nursing, and Mary Alice Donius, Dean of the School of Nursing. D E A N S ’ SO C I ET Y ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 TO $ 1 , 4 9 9 ) Patricia Charles Begley SAS’48 Diane Guest Biondi SAS’60 Mary Joan Bodensteiner SAS’73 Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti SAS’51 Woodrow Bovell Friend Ellen Longden Breyer SAS’70 Mary Ellen Burns SAS’74 Andrea & Dick Cain (Andrea Gallagher SAS ’55) Elizabeth Stanton Colleran SAS’50 Janet Maroney Connolly SAS’61 Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS’65 Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo SAS’72 Joan Crawford Daly SAS’52 Mary Del Monte SAS’63 C. J. Denne Friend Anna-Karin Dillard SNR’80 Jeanne Bouchard Dorian SAS’50 Mary Dugan SAS’74 Maureen Costello Durkin SAS’52 Timothy Ebsworth Past Parent Elizabeth Evers SAS’58 Gertrude Hanley Farrington SAS’35 Jean Protzmann Frese SAS’43 Patricia Reilly Gamache SAS’65 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS’52 Lillian Dordan Gray SAS’44 Dana Greene SAS’63 Mary & Roger Grimm Friend Gertrude Kelly Hamilton SAS’57 Eileen Gallagher Harrington SAS’62 Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS’59 Mary & Doug Hearle (Mary Hogan SAS’56) Ann Heck SAS’69 Patricia Scully Henry SAS’59 Margot & Stephen Holland Friend Alexander Hood Friend Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson SAS’53 Sue Borncamp Jayes SAS’49 Mary Kane SAS’41 Regina Kehoe, OSU SAS’56 GS’88 Wendy Ilett Keryk SAS’75 Nancy Kloczko SAS’73 Mary McAniff Kresky SAS’58 * Deceased 25 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Judy SNR’85 & Dennis Ryan GS’94 Past Parent Gertrude Quinlan Ryan SAS’50 Marie Sayegh Shack SAS’68 Ruth Daley Sharkey SAS’55 Mary Sheahan SAS’31 Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley SAS’55 Margaret Malloy Slyngstad SAS’53 Ann Cuomo Smith SAS’47 Carolyn Murphy Smith SAS’73 Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SN’83 Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS’68 Elizabeth Lynch Sullivan SAS’40 Marilouise Sullivan SAS’62 Mary Emmons Tergesen SAS’59 Richard Thompson Friend Germaine Keogh Trabert SAS’58 Connie Vance Friend JoEllen Vavasour SAS’76 Rose Marie Murray Verrilli SAS’52 Faith Rieg Victory SAS’56 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS’49 GS’84 Marue English Walizer SAS’59 Susan Grant Walsh SAS’72 Margaret Casey Walz SAS’56 Dolores McKeon Weber SAS’49 Sarah Rudis Weiss SAS’59 Madeline White SAS’65 Stephanie Wilson, OSU SAS’54 SC H O L A R S ’ C I R C L E ( $ 750 TO $ 9 9 9 ) Sharon Sneider Arnold SN’84 Sara Arthur SAS’59 Marie Nigro Berggren SAS’67 Cynthia Caione SAS’85 Mary Anne Borrego Danguillecourt SAS’81 Mary Kieran Fitzgerald SAS’59 GS’82 Beverly Harris Friend Mary Plitsas Hesdorffer SN’95 Marianne Hickey SAS’71 Maryann Padula Mading SAS’65 Marilyn Masiero GS’90 Kathleen O’Connor SAS’64 Janet O’Meara Friend Anne Meyer Pollard SAS’59 Dorothy Huisking Rebak SAS’40 PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S ANNUAL FUND GIFT SOCIETIES Trustees Carla Romita and Sr. Regina Kehoe SAS’56 Rodney Samuels SNR’95 Kathy Westelinck Silver SAS’70 Kristine D’Onofrio Southard Friend Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR’03 Mary Kathrynn Vavasour SAS’72 Anne Marie Weiler SAS’52 Madeline Hamilton Whalen SAS’62 M AG N A C U M L A U D E ASSO C I AT ES ( $ 50 0 TO $ 74 9 ) Maureen Hanley Abrahamson SAS’70 Lois Scarpino Amend SAS’57 Ellen Riccobono Anderson SAS’58 Carol Nelson Andrews SAS’62 Margaret Giegengack Ayling SAS’47 Frances LoCicero Bailie SAS’65 Donna Silvia Batch SAS’65 Fay Bennett-Lord SNR’00 Colleen Maher Bimbo SNR’03 Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley SAS’53 Elizabeth Bourgeois SAS’67 Jean Stevens Brennan SAS’77 Linda Liotti Breving SAS’58 Doris Daily Brough SAS’63 Helen Fitzgerald Butler SAS’40 Anne Yorke Cannon SN’81 Margaret Starr Casey SAS’69 Ellen Brady Colasurdo SAS’65 Joan Familetti Connor SAS’57 Joan Cornell Friend Ellen Courtien SAS’69 Patricia Colahan Cunningham SAS’59 Anna Hansek Cyr SAS’47 Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio SAS’64 Maura Dausey SAS’59 Theresa Davis SAS’73 Helen Clegg Delaney SAS’49 Nancy Cooney Deutsch Friend Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Friend Eileen Bertsch Donahue SAS’75 Margaret Dore SAS’45 Ann Grady Doyle SAS’59 Mary Harvey Doyle SAS’57 Patricia Gafney Draper SAS’49 Carol Carnes Dwyer SAS’57 Margaret Edmonston SNR’82 Grace Eubanks SNR’86 Elizabeth Dubois Faricy SAS’69 Agatha Kelly Fay SAS’44 Mary Brown Fee SAS’73 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS’61 GS’80 Mary Ellen Flaherty SAS’58 Glenna Faller Follmer SAS’59 Ronald Garfunkel Friend Rosemary Swords Gatti SAS’64 Sally Fernet Geloso SAS’68 Margaret George SAS’72 Anne Gevlin SAS’66 Marie Trombacco Gianzero SAS’59 Marilyn Picardi Giglia SAS’61 Catherine Yodice Giles SAS’61 Clara Louise Malone Gould SAS’48 Nancy Guillet Gravina SAS’79 Angela Griffiths SAS’69 Amy Hagerty SAS’95 Marion Halbritter SAS’39 Nancy MacNeil Hall SAS’61 Joanne Kuhl Halscheid SAS’69 Margaret Sweeney Hartnett SAS’67 Angela Bannan Healey SAS’59 Margaret Lewis Hilton SAS’59 Barbara Bachstetter Johnsen SAS’65 Margaret Heinchon Johnson SAS’49 Susan Johnson SAS’69 Theresa Cardinale Johnson SAS’61 Vera Lally Jordan SAS’43* Joan Kelley SAS’47 Deborah Kelly Friend Carol Mele Kennedy SAS’68 Virginia Curren Kenney SAS’47 John Killian Friend Theresa Kubis SAS’61 Johanna Ferry Laadt Friend Marie-Denise Johnson Lane SAS’56 Christine LaSala SAS’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Friend Barbara Kearns Lautenschlager SAS’57 Margaret Doyle Lawler SAS’63, Past Parent Kenneth Lemon SNR’02 Ann Hines Lo Voi SAS’55 Patricia Casey Looby SAS’59 Ellen Lunny-Olenick SAS’65 Carol Mahoney SAS’61 Theresa Mary Fazioli Marino SAS’49 Marianne Carrig Mazan SAS’52 Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey SAS’72 Edna McCallion Friend Nancy Babacz McCloskey SAS’68 Valerie McEwen SAS’73 Anne Peters McGeady SAS’43 Carol deSantis McGough SAS’51 Dorothy Elling Meehan-Ripa SAS’56 Anne Butkovsky Messina SAS’60 Marianne Milzoff SN’97, Past Parent Suzanne Groark Morgan SAS’57 Jane Rako Morrissey SAS’59 Ruth Holthouse O’Dowd SAS’51 Teresita Dwyer O’Leary SAS’63 Mary Dillon O’Neil SAS’58 Rosalina Maio Palladino SNR’82 Kathryn Peterson SAS’61 Marjory Peterson Friend Michael Quinn Friend Sheila Reilly SAS’62 Mary Creeden Risio SAS’68 Martha Roberge SAS’69 Irmina Bestard Rodriguez SAS’67 Marie Rofhok SNR’84 GS’87 Marie Porco Rossi SAS’60 GS’71 Janice Ruggiero SAS’60 Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS’58, Past Parent Mary Semple SAS’61 Elizabeth Bosco Serra SAS’55 Nancy Packert Shashaty SAS’63 Paula Farrell Shea SAS’59 Mary Moran Shoffner SAS’49 Margaret Savage Siewert SAS’64 Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS’62) Marilyn Roth Smith SAS’59 * Deceased 26 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Ginger & Leon Smith (Virginia Smith SNR’83) Margaret Snyder SAS’50 Marita Schellings Spooner SAS’66 Jean Stoddart SAS’65 Jeanne Gagnier Stone SAS’47 Jean Lilly Sweeney SAS’59 Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS’56 Ann TenEyck SAS’57 Errol Thompson Friend Beverly Cipollo Tobin SAS’59 Celestine Quinn Trainor SAS’49 Barbara Sisk Troxell SAS’69 Jaqueline Butler Vacheron SAS’59 Kathryn Shanley Vavasour* SAS’44, Past Parent Catherine Halpin Walker SAS’75 Nancy Shannon Walsh SAS’62 Judith Murray Webdale SAS’65 Gladys Haile Weinberg SAS’49 Rosemarie Affatato Wenick SAS’65 Julia Whalen SAS’55 Patricia Connelly Wilson SAS’68 Dale Zola SAS’71 CU M L AU DE ASSOCIATES ( $ 250 TO $ 4 9 9 ) Antoinette Abraham SAS’57 Lena DiVincenzo Abruzzi SAS’40 Seton Caulfield Ahearn SAS’79 Mary Allen SAS’38 Joyce Trainor Altieri SAS’63 Maria Rodriguez Anaya SAS’74 Dolores Lausberg Andrew SAS’63 Marianne Sangiovanni Archey SAS’61 Jason Arrington SNR’80 Joellyn Ausanka SAS’65 Mary Heising Ausman SAS’48 Josephine Zehner Bab SAS’53 Anne Serzan Babineau SAS’73 Mary Riley Bagnulo SAS’64 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR’89 GS’91,’97 Cathleen Cahill Barber SAS’57 Nancy Glennan Barry SAS’58 Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS’50 Carolyn Chadbourne Barton SAS’38 Andre Beauzethier Friend Mary Jayne Becht McKay SAS’69 Valerie Burke Beeson SAS’62 Florence Bell SAS’54 Edwardyne Cowan Bennett SAS’90 Doreene Berger SAS’81 PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S Vivian Farley Black SAS’47 Janet Sarrantonio Blair SAS’74 GS’77 Tiffani Blake SAS’03 Julita Carrione Blasi SAS’61 Patricia Murray Blessington SAS’56 Rosemary Kirby Bloem SAS’64 Georgette Rosenberg Bloom SAS’48 Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura SAS’49 Mary Maloney Bonney SAS’52 Keith R. Borge Friend Alexandra Liddy Bourne SN’81 Maureen Boyland SAS’48* Tara O’Neill Brant SAS’98 Michelle Braun Merriweather Friend Maree Brennan* Friend Mary Mylod Brockway SAS’57 Mary Louise Healey Brown SAS’50 Nancy Nouss Brown SAS’69 David Brunt Friend Joan Bray Burke SAS’57 Virginia Hackett Burns SAS’64 Regina Roche Butt SAS’60 Helen Weber Buzaid SAS’50 Kathleen McTighe Cahill SAS’72 Frances Sternhagen Carlin Friend Maryanne Carney SAS’74 Elizabeth Griffin Casarino SAS’64 Laurie Peterson Castaldo SNR’94 Lisa Cesare SAS’81 Margaret Croake Cherico SAS’53 Patricia Looby Clary SAS’59 Joan Close SAS’69 Margaret McGorty Colavita SAS’58 Mary Creedon Connelly SAS’72 Ann Dowd Connolly SAS’52 Jacqueline Corcoran SAS’86 Catherine Corgan SAS’57 Carol Bodensteiner Corliss SAS’75 Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan SAS’43 Elizabeth Greaves Crawford SAS’63 Rosita Creamer SAS’65 Audrey Roberts Creary SAS’52 Harold Crocker GS’78 Marion Purdy Crombie SAS’71 Mollie McLaughlin Crumrine SAS’62 Ellen Kochan Cuddy SAS’63 Michael Cuomo Friend Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah SAS’49 Mary Jo Jordan Cutty SAS’69 Elizabeth Bonavita D’Angelo SAS’50 Barbara Hadlock Dacey SAS’52 Jane McKeon Dalton SAS’89 Louise Feldhaus Danylevich SAS’72 Clare Davis SAS’79 Aymara de Cardenas Friend Ann Gruendl Decker SAS’71 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS’64 Dorothy Gromann Delaney SAS’47 Mary Jayne Hernandez Delbridge SAS’67 Donna Demarest SAS’71 Mikell Gallagher Deptula SAS’64 Jeanne Tolle Devlin SAS’50 Virginia Leyden deWolf SAS’73 Nancy Dillon SAS’74 Margaret McGrath DiScipio SAS’87 Sheila Dolan-Manner SAS’85 Celeste Messina Dominioni SAS’74 Susan Fauerbach Downes SAS’67 Joan Scully Duffy SAS’51 Mary Maguire Dunne SAS’63 Ann Marie Killen DuPlessis SAS’56, Rita Moriarty Gorman SAS’62 Linda Grande SNR’09, Past Parent Gail Greene SNR’05 Sylvia Barzak Gunderson SAS’59 Claire Habib SAS’50 Mary Hagerty GS’79 Patricia Haggerty SAS’54 Marie Gudicello Halloran SAS’59 Florence Congiolosi Hansen SAS’55 Gloria Lucchesi Hanson SAS’59 Mary Keenan Hart SAS’58 Edwina Kearney Hassi SAS’58 Winifred Hajla Hespe SAS’54 Jacqueline Quinones Hughes SAS’72 Rosemarie Hurley SAS’74 John F. Hyland Friend Ada Isasi-Diaz SAS’71 Eileen McGirr Johnston SAS’44 Jean Joseph SNR’04 Jane Grzymski Kahl SAS’71 Carol Kane SAS’68 Betty Ann Kelly Keane SAS’52 Kevin B. Keefe Friend Patricia Keegan SAS’73 Janet Keenan SAS’61 Anne Gilmartin Kelleher SAS’71 Jane Moynihan Kelley SAS’45 Patricia Reilly Kenney SAS’65 Beatrice Close Kerr SAS’66 Nancy Kiehnle SAS’50 Kathleen Rees Klein SAS’51 Constance Partridge Knoebel SAS’60 Isola Kokumo Friend Mary Jane McGovern Kreiger SAS’64 Joan Foley Kreimer SAS’67 Past Parent Mary Eckert SAS’72 M. Patricia O’Neill Egan SAS’66 Catherine Gardner Falvey SAS’48 Jo Ann Schilling Fannon SAS’72 Anne Bright Farnsworth SAS’50 Martha Coleman Farquhar SAS’58 Winifred Sieger Farrell SAS’47 Ann Savino Farrelly SAS’60 Helen Felitto SAS’38 Katherine Johnston Ferrari SAS’59 Kathleen A. Finnerty, OSU SAS’60 Carol Jacunski Fiore SAS’64 Nancy Elizabeth Fitch Friend Marie Flanagan SAS’64 Joan Morgan Flatley SAS’64 Joan Jacquart Fleming SAS’50 Brigidanne Flynn SAS’87 Naomi Roche Fonseca SAS’56 Edith Jameson Forbes SAS’42 Claire Fordrung SAS’55 Margaret Forte Friend Maryjane Hurley Fromm SAS’66 Catherine Muccini Frosina SAS’75 SN’83 Mary Burger Frost SAS’64 Joseph Furgiuele SNR’75 Patricia Furman SNR’82 GS’84 Susan Karutis Gaffney SAS’64 Jeanne Hunter Galick SAS’54 Maureen Gallagher SAS’75 Susan Ryan Gannon SAS’55 Joan Palmera Giordano SAS’57 Kathryn Gleeson SAS’61 Betsy Bonauto Kuhns SAS’69 Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr SAS’63 Barbara O’Connor Kullmann SN’89 Grace Otto Kurak SN’84 Jennifer Crowhurst Lakin SAS’03 Nieli Langer GS’85 Joann Hawkes Langston SAS’53 Mary Goldsmith Larkin SAS’69 GS’74 Anne Schreck LaRoche SAS’74 Susanne Pino Lebrija SNR’05 Frances Purcell Liddy* SAS’54 Marie Londrigan Friend Joan Conti Lonergan SAS’76 Christopher Lovergine Friend Barbara Lutz SAS’73 Claire Madden SAS’75 Janet Rossi Maffucci SAS’68 Susan Regan Maloney SAS’69 Kathleen Ryan Mangan SAS’61 Jane Garbarino Manning SAS’61 Mary Hipp Marquis GS’75 Marilyn Giannelli Martin SAS’56 Mary Beth Martin SAS’74 Gloria Gregory McDermott SAS’48 Mary Ellen Foster McEvily SAS’65 Joan Whalen McGauley SAS’59 Constance & John* McGillicuddy Friend Rita Howard McGoldrick SAS’57 Jane & Richard McGrath (Jane Murphy SAS’64) Una Hinchcliffe McHugh SAS’87 Kay O’Connor McKenna SAS’59 Natalie Hastings McMahon SAS’54 Gloria Greco SAS’52, Elizabeth Donovan Nolan SAS’79, and Claire Colangelo Manto ’69 * Deceased 27 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S ANNUAL FUND GIFT SOCIETIES Maureen Duffy Schaffer SAS’51 Virginia Funk Schneider SAS’46 Jane May Schonfeld SAS’71 Rita Hertzog Schultze SAS’46 Marie Serpe Friend Catherine Shannon SAS’68 J. Patricia Carew Shannon SAS’52 Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace SAS’49 Susan Shoulet GS’82 Pearl Tong Shum SAS’67 Margaret Kilroy Sill SAS’63 Stephen Small SNR’91 Barbara Smith SAS’58 Claire Smith, OSU SAS’58 Joanne Hartnett Smith SAS’49 Patricia Smith SAS’57 Edisnerky C. Soto Friend Barbara Reish Spangler SAS’64 Margaret Stanislaus SAS’57 Carmen Trueba Stanley SAS’56 Elizabeth Brown Stento SAS’84 Judith Casey Stephenson SAS’71 Louise McDonnell Stevens SAS’48, Alexandra Sarmiento SN’11, a recipient of the McEntegart Sisters Endowed Scholarship, joined sisters Kathleen McEntegart SAS’56, Mary McEntegart Welch SAS’49, and Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 at The President’s Circle Reception. Suzanne Lukaswitz McMahon SAS’54 Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae SAS’65 Evelyn Mechler SAS’54 Lorraine Riley Meenan SAS’59 Ana D’Andrade Mernick SAS’70 Celeste Dowicz Miller SAS’78 Mary Sasseen Miller SAS’49 Alice Milot SAS’56 Angela Cadigan Mooney SAS’55 Loretta Gaffney Moore* SAS’41 Margaret Brennan Moore SAS’51 Jean Mulhern Mulhern SAS’48 Maureen Mitchley Mullarkey SAS’64 Olga Antignani Nespole SAS’59 Daryl Thompson Neubecker SAS’63 Lilleth Newby Friend Geraldine Noble-Martocci SAS’79 Elizabeth Donovan Nolan SAS’79 Mary Carpenter Nunz SAS’54 Adrienne O’Brien SAS’57 Janet Griffin O’Connell SAS’41 Sheila Madigan O’Connell SAS’54 Elizabeth O’Donnell SAS’62 Mary Killian O’Donnell SAS’55 Patricia O’Connor O’Malley SAS’54 June Swantko Olszewski SAS’52 Jennifer Padilla SNR’06 Judith Perry SAS’64 Martha Miles Plamp SAS’50 Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS’83 Constance Martin O’Hearne Prud’homme SAS’53 Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli SAS’56 Ruth Ann Fitch Quah SAS’74 Margaret Mary Corcoran Quinn SAS’37 Esther Schoffelen Rada SAS’75 Lucy Cuomo Rafferty SAS’39 Mary Stevens Rafferty SAS’75 Anne Donohue Reid SAS’53 Maryann Renzi SAS’73 Nilda Bayron Resnick SAS’77 Lisa Riccio SAS’82 Mariya Rivera SAS’82 Kathleen Bieger Roche SAS’67 Elsa Boger Rogers SAS’53 Joanne Smith Romalewski SAS’69 Ann Magrum Rowland SAS’58 Aline Harwood Rubin SAS’60 Blanche Dickinson Ryan SAS’48 Joan Gaynor Ryan SAS’50 Marilyn Hesser Saulle Friend Margaret Boyle Savage SAS’56 Charlotte Molleur Schaefer SAS’59 Jane Gallagher Schaefer SAS’45 Past Parent Rosamond Dausey Stott SAS’56 Patricia Quinn Straub SAS’44 Mary McGarry Stuart SAS’63 Mary Martin Stump SAS’66 Constance Turner Sullivan SAS’58 Jill Ganey Sullivan SAS’59 Patricia Sullivan SAS’48 Rosanne Firlit Sullivan SAS’70 Mary Sorrentino Summo SAS’50 Helen Boyce Sweeters SAS’44 Elinor Tanck SAS’57 Ann Marie Parrillo Thomas SN’85 Margaret Lannon Thorne SAS’67 Linda O’Leary Titterington SAS’71 Walter & Joan Tolley Past Parents Elaine Tolley-Andrews SAS’90 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS’48 Joan Spitaleri Tykot SAS’57 Susan Ugliarolo GS’96 Louise Wiswall Unger SAS’59 Angela Valitutto SAS’00 GS’04 Donna VanAlst SAS’85 Jean McEvoy VanDelft SAS’38* Lisa Velazquez-Denapoli SNR’03 Catherine Langellotti Vigilante SAS’52 Marguerite Marino VillaSanta SAS’51 Joan Virgin SNR’76 GS’77 Dorothy Wade GS’84 Suzette Walker-Vega SAS’00 Mary Anne Finnerty Walldorf SAS’66 Sue Waszkiewicz SAS’69 Elizabeth Ashley Watson SAS’51 Carole M. Weaver Friend Marguerite Crowley Weibel SAS’68 Marianne Slysz Welna SAS’55 Jacqueline Berean Westa SAS’57 Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Friend Catherine White SAS’45 Susan Reid Wilke SAS’66 Bonny Willett GS’92 June Williams-Blain SNR’04 Suzanne Siegert Williamson SAS’74 Guye E. Wiltshire SNR’01 Maura Meehan Winkler SAS’61 Barbara Chang Wong SAS’49 Anne Murphy Yankoupe SAS’63 Evelyn Yenson SAS’67 Sue Ann Oetting Zaccagnino SAS’68 Joan Zagrobelny SAS’68 Robin Zaleski SAS’89 Nancy Zephirin SN’06 Joan Gavenda Zummo SAS’63 Anonymous (1) THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have made contributions between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at [email protected]. * Deceased 28 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S FIDELIS SOCIETY F I D E L I S : L AT I N F O R FA I T H F U L St. Angela Merici counsels us to “Carry on steadfastly and faithfully the work you have undertaken.” —Introduction to the Counsels For the first time, The College of New Rochelle proudly recognizes its faithful donors who have contributed to one of the College’s funds every year for the last nine out of 10 years, or more. (In the spirit of fairness, we include those whose records are unbroken, save one year in the past ten.) Membership in the Fidelis Society is renewed with each subsequent year of continued support. FOUNDING MEMBERS The following group of dedicated and committed alumnae/i and friends ensure CNR’s continued success. We are ever grateful to these founding members because they raise the bar high and set an example for others through their loyal giving. LIFETIME MEMBERS We also recognize a very special group within the Fidelis Society who have given every year for 20 years or more. We celebrate them with lifetime membership in the Fidelis Society. They are noted in this report by a special symbol ( † ). Note: The Fidelis Society was created as part of the Partners for Excellence campaign launched in 2008. Every effort is made to accurately identify and list all Fidelis Society members. If you believe we have overlooked you, please contact the Office of Annual Giving at 1-800-474-4232. SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES SAS Classes of the 1930s Mary Sheahan SAS’31 † Margaret Klinkhammer Douglas SAS’33 Alice McCollester, GNSH SAS’33 Marjorie Stiehl Tonsmeire SAS’34 Anne Yedowitz SAS’34 † Gertrude Hanley Farrington SAS’35 † Dorothy Boyce Koster SAS’35 June Guncheon Vajda SAS’35 Mary Norton Guterl SAS’36 Alys Savage Krisman SAS’36 Rosemarie Martocci Cohn SAS’37 Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS’37 † Alice Murphy Gillespie SAS’37 Margaret Mary Corcoran Quinn SAS’37 † Mary Allen SAS’38 † Carolyn Chadbourne Barton SAS’38 † Helen Felitto SAS’38 † Mary Lavelle Kane SAS’38 † Marie Anne Kergaravat SAS’38 † Eileen O’Connell O’Reilly SAS’38 Marion O’Reilly Weldon SAS’38 Mary Endrich Whelan SAS’38 Marion Halbritter SAS’39 † Natalie O’Brien Jones SAS’39 Rosemary Gerard Klemann SAS’39 † Muriel Flaherty McGinnis SAS’39 * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Elizabeth Coyle Nelson SAS’39 Florence O’Donovan SAS’39 † Lucy Cuomo Rafferty SAS’39 † Margaret Green Hackett SAS’42 Mary Coughlin Hughes SAS’42 † Ruth McCooey O’Neill SAS’42 † Therese Martino Orzano SAS’42 † Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS’42 Bernadette Scully Weir SAS’42 Lorraine Liebler Anson SAS’43 Mary Ayres Boyer SAS’43 Kathryn McMahon Campbell SAS’43 † Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan SAS’43 Helen Haye Cort SAS’43 † Maureen C. Didier SAS’43 † Jean McKiernan Dolan SAS’43 Marie-Louise Mitchell Duffy SAS’43 Sarah O’Hagan Fisher SAS’43 † Jean Protzmann Frese SAS’43 † Margaret Mulhearn Grenga SAS’43 † Lucille Grow SAS’43 Jenny Goris Hackett SAS’43 Rose Mary Abel Horn SAS’43 † Eileen Crawford Kelmer SAS’43 † Nancy Duffy Kirkpatrick SAS’43 Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield SAS’43* Eileen Mahoney Kristofik SAS’43 Rose Scoca Leon SAS’43 † Mary Donohue McCarren SAS’43 Jean Mahoney McCarthy SAS’43 † Anne Peters McGeady SAS’43 Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy SAS’43 Veronica Kunkel Warren SAS’43 Muriel McGough Cole SAS’44 † Elinor Collins SAS’44 SAS Classes of the 1940s Lena DiVincenzo Abruzzi SAS’40 Marion O’Keeffe Bowles SAS’40 † Helen Fitzgerald Butler SAS’40 Martha Creamer SAS’40 M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney SAS’40 † Mary Gillen Gatter SAS’40 † Alice O’Donnell Melcher SAS’40 Elizabeth Lynch Sullivan SAS’40 † Geraldine Smith Swiney SAS’40 † Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS’41 † Frances Quilter Donovan SAS’41 † Ruth O’Connor Finn SAS’41 Jane Mahoney Fritz SAS’41 Marie DePan Herlihy SAS’41 † Nora Eileen Higgins SAS’41 † Mary Kane SAS’41 Frances Mehr Kelleher SAS’41 Past Parent † Frances Doyle Lane SAS’41 Catherine Ryan McKiernan SAS’41 Janet Griffin O’Connell SAS’41 Virginia Hyland Peel SAS’41 † Eleanore Boettigheimer Rose SAS’41 Ann Britton Sweeney SAS’41 Mary Carvalho SAS’42 † Rita Cardone Delaurier SAS’42 † Edith Jameson Forbes SAS’42 † 29 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Marcelle McCormack Daly SAS’44 † Janet Donnelly SAS’44 † Agatha Kelly Fay SAS’44 † Mary Gardner SAS’44 Lillian Dordan Gray SAS’44 Clare Dowd Hayes SAS’44 † Eileen McGirr Johnston SAS’44 † Clara Stanfield Kolarsick SAS’44 † Josephine Macek SAS’44 Elizabeth Behan Marcy SAS’44 † Joan Coyne Martin SAS’44 Ruth Dobbins McCaffrey SAS’44 † Leah Brooks McDonough SAS’44 Patricia Carey Moran SAS’44 Irene Treffeisen Payne SAS’44 Gloria Ruzzo SAS’44 † Maureen Ferry Slattery SAS’44 † Patricia Quinn Straub SAS’44 Helen Boyce Sweeters SAS’44 † Maria Angello Zambelli SAS’44 † Rosalie Lenahan Bradley SAS’45 Jeanne Brennan, OSU SAS’45 † Dolores Morris Donnelly SAS’45 † Margaret Dore SAS’45 † Catherine Gadarowski SAS’45 † Mary Roslyn Walsh Gilligan SAS’45 Mary Costello Karl SAS’45 † Eileen M. Kelleher, OSU SAS’45 † Jane Moynihan Kelley SAS’45 Eileen Lawlor Kennedy SAS’45 † Madelene Costin Kenny SAS’45 † Barbara Kunkel SAS’45 † PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S FIDELIS SOCIETY Patricia Martin SAS’45 † Lillie Smith McKenna SAS’45 † Margaret Mary McQuillan SAS’45 † Anne Mead SAS’45 † Claire Cudmore Mileto SAS’45 Joan Mosher Nelligan SAS’45 † Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS’45 Past Parent † Jane Gallagher Schaefer SAS’45 Mary Elizabeth O’Shea Schippereit SAS’45 † Teresa FitzGerald Shannon SAS’45 † Nancy Gorman Sisto SAS’45 Catherine White SAS’45 Rita Scott Willard SAS’45 † Mary Boyan, OSU SAS’46 † Roselyn Kelly Dearing SAS’46 Doris Fingerhut Dolan SAS’46 Mary Houlihan Guilfoyle SAS’46 Margery Hunter Hardy SAS’46 Patricia Byrne Kelleher SAS’46 Florence Goldberg Lieberman SAS’46 † Frances Lyle, OSU SAS’46 † Carlota Trueba Marraro SAS’46 Catherine May SAS’46 Anne Carroll McGann SAS’46 Ann Goodwin McGovern SAS’46 † Lorraine Ducharme Noone SAS’46 Cecilia Donohue Paulmann SAS’46 Isabel Reithebuch SAS’46 † Marion Shaw Sanger SAS’46 Jane McMahon Staff SAS’46 † Edwina Weisheit SAS’46 † Margaret Flynn White SAS’46 Margaret Giegengack Ayling SAS’47 † Alice Bouchard, OSU SAS’47 Miriam Cleary, OSU SAS’47 Anna Hansek Cyr SAS’47 † Dorothy Gromann Delaney SAS’47 Winifred Sieger Farrell SAS’47 † Elizabeth Haug French SAS’47 Mary Ann Clines Gallagher SAS’47 Patrice McAllister Guiney SAS’47 Adelaide Heckler SAS’47 † Joan Kelley SAS’47 Virginia Curren Kenney SAS’47 † Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern SAS’47 Therese Cardinal Mallon SAS’47 Diana Ruffolo Marshall SAS’47 † Jane Hyde McLean SAS’47 † Joanne McCarthy Miller SAS’47 * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Ginny Hartcorn Fortney SAS’40 with her grandson and President Stephen Sweeny Joan Grattan Nestor SAS’47 Mary McKiernan O’Brien SAS’47 † Corinne Sloane Philbin SAS’47 Marguerite VanArsdale Pohlmann SAS’47 Helen Shubik SAS’47 Ann Cuomo Smith SAS’47 † Rita Horan Specht SAS’47 Jeanne Gagnier Stone SAS’47 † Yolanda Fargnoli Talamo SAS’47 † M. Patricia Braun White SAS’47 Lorraine Hoskins Amberg SAS’48 † Marian Pinto Barnette SAS’48 Georgette Rosenberg Bloom SAS’48 † Maureen Boyland SAS’48* † Mary Baldwin Brady SAS’48 † Anne Giesler Chappell SAS’48 † Anne Moynihan Creedon SAS’48 JoAnn McCarthy Donnelly SAS’48 Catherine Gardner Falvey SAS’48 † Florence Covino Friedlander SAS’48* † Patricia Carey Gareri SAS’48 † Irene Murphy Gilles SAS’48 † Mary Alice Guinee SAS’48 † Theresa Maher Harris SAS’48 Doris Rehm Hartnett SAS’48 † Isabel Nahan Harvey SAS’48 Nancy Finan Hogan SAS’48 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS’48 GS’87† Gloria Gregory McDermott SAS’48 Ann Donovan McKeon SAS’48 Jean Mulhern Mulhern SAS’48 Elizabeth Blake O’Connell SAS’48 Blanche Dickinson Ryan SAS’48 † Elizabeth Wasilik Sereni SAS’48 Gertrude Brodine Spence SAS’48 Louise McDonnell Stevens SAS’48 Past Parent † Patricia Sullivan SAS’48 † Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS’48 † June Cerchiara Torrisi SAS’48 Betty Sliney Trapasso SAS’48 † Helen Kelleher Treml SAS’48 Jessica Wassmer Barrett SAS’49 † Josephine Sheehan Barry SAS’49 † Estelle Harper Brocks SAS’49 Barbara McGrath Candee SAS’49 Marie Linehan Chiappetta SAS’49 Lorraine Paoli Colangelo SAS’49 June Langran Crabtree SAS’49 Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah SAS’49 Pat Craig Dorsey SAS’49 Patricia Gafney Draper SAS’49 Petey Keyser Fischer SAS’49 Rose Franco SAS’49 Ann Erisman Garrahan SAS’49 Barbara Farley Gilroy SAS’49 Jean Smith Hackett SAS’49 † Sue Borncamp Jayes SAS’49 † 30 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Janet Houlihan Kain SAS’49 Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS’49 † Marjorie Zecher Lepore SAS’49 Olive Traynor Marcinkowski SAS’49 † Theresa Mary Fazioli Marino SAS’49 † Marion Cashion Moriarty SAS’49 Mildred Aiello Panny SAS’49 † Elizabeth Rohrer Reddy SAS’49 Eileen Reilley SAS’49 Mary McCarthy Rynn Gataletto SAS’49 Kathleen Brod Scully SAS’49 Joanne Hartnett Smith SAS’49 Mary Ellen Mangeot Stewart SAS’49 Mildred Middlemiss Veltri SAS’49 † Patricia Vergara SAS’49 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS’49 GS’84 Gladys Haile Weinberg SAS’49 Mary McEntegart Welch SAS’49 † Barbara D’Arcy White SAS’49 SAS Classes of the 1950s Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS’50 Joan Molanphy Bassett SAS’50 Past Parent Frances Delisle Bianculli SAS’50 Mary Louise Healey Brown SAS’50 † Mary Digby Brussell SAS’50 Barbara Alliegro Burke SAS’50 † Helen Weber Buzaid SAS’50 PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S Margaret Hilly Byrnes SAS’50 † Barbara Wise Chapin SAS’50 Rose Mary Seifert Clair SAS’50 † Elizabeth Stanton Colleran SAS’50 † Jean Barrett Colligan SAS’50 † Nancy Carolan Cusack SAS’50 † Elizabeth Bonavita D’Angelo SAS’50 † Jeanne Tolle Devlin SAS’50 Jeanne Bouchard Dorian SAS’50 Lois Stone Dwyer SAS’50 Anne Bright Farnsworth SAS’50 † Madeleine Rice Finnerty SAS’50 † Helen Higgins Fitzgerald SAS’50 Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS’50 Joan Jacquart Fleming SAS’50 † Jacqueline French SAS’50 † M. Joan Fraser Gately SAS’50 Mary Kervick Hammond SAS’50 Claire Thompson Harty SAS’50 Elizabeth Happy Homa SAS’50 Rosalie Pedalino Jacobs SAS’50 † Joan McGowan Keating SAS’50 Georgia Smith Keefe SAS’50 Marie Kilbourn SAS’50 Mary Jo Casson Lee SAS’50 Anne Stenach Lopatto SAS’50 Mary Kearns McCarthy SAS’50 Geraldine Larkin McGrath SAS’50 Marian Maney McLellan SAS’50 Jean Kilcoyne McSharry SAS’50 Alice Dooling Mellen SAS’50 † Gertrude Quinlan Ryan SAS’50 † Joan Gaynor Ryan SAS’50 † Joan Ireland Schubert SAS’50 Carol Naumann Shallenberger SAS’50 † Therese Elliot Snow SAS’50 Margaret Snyder SAS’50 Mary Sorrentino Summo SAS’50 † Patricia Murphy Ayres SAS’51 † Dorothy Lynch Babis SAS’51 Rosemary Miles Blair SAS’51 Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti SAS’51 † Mary McDonald Boulin SAS’51 Patricia Kelly Bratches SAS’51 Margaret Reynolds Charles SAS’51 Carolyn Grant Clarke SAS’51 Ann Gilligan DiDiego SAS’51 † Marilyn Grimm Doherty SAS’51 † Joan Scully Duffy SAS’51 † Kathryn English SAS’51 * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Florence Horgan SAS’52 Kathleen Neary Howard SAS’52 Helen Phelan Howe SAS’52 Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes SAS’52 Betty Ann Kelly Keane SAS’52 Elizabeth Borden Lalor SAS’52 † Dolores Lauritano SAS’52 Joan Hembrooke Livornese SAS’52 † Margaret Alberti Lynch SAS’52 † Claire Lebel Lyons SAS’52 Elizabeth Farrell MacBlane SAS’52 † Mary Ann Ebeling MacPherson SAS’52 Dolores Duffy Martin SAS’52 † Joan Hennessey Matulis SAS’52 Marianne Carrig Mazan SAS’52 † Jane N. Mennis, OSU SAS’52 Helen Donovan Nightingale SAS’52 June Swantko Olszewski SAS’52 † Patricia O’Neil SAS’52 Vera Farmer Penrod SAS’52 Virginia Gorman Raship SAS’52 † Sarah Ryan SAS’52 Caryl Corbetta Schiess SAS’52 † Margaret Seifert Schiffer SAS’52 Helen Doherty Shannahan SAS’52 Helene Moore Sinclair SAS’52 Dorothy Costello Smith SAS’52 Georgia Smith Tanner SAS’52 † Anne Mitchell Thiel SAS’52 Joan Foley SAS’51 Gloria Angello Gallagher SAS’51 † Catherine Gotti SAS’51 Elizabeth Broe Green SAS’51 Kathleen Rees Klein SAS’51 Maureen Baldwin Lambert SAS’51 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 † Andrea Eomme MacBurney SAS’51 Virginia Leary McElroy SAS’51 Past Parent Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 † Carol deSantis McGough SAS’51 † Nancy Collins McKenna SAS’51 Dorothy Meeker Mela SAS’51 † Cecilia McGowan Michalak SAS’51 Margaret Brennan Moore SAS’51 Ruth Holthouse O’Dowd SAS’51 Maureen O’Rourke SAS’51 † Dorothy Harlan Parlatore SAS’51 Ann Hoeffer Pax SAS’51 Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS’51 † Mary Jane Robertshaw, OSU SAS’51 Claire Schnell Rooney SAS’51 Jane Crabtree Stark SAS’51 † Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 † Kathryn Stirn Supple SAS’51 † Marguerite Marino VillaSanta SAS’51 Patricia Lace Voorhees SAS’51 Elizabeth Ashley Watson SAS’51 Genevieve Madison West SAS’51 † Agnes Neill Williams SAS’51 Madeleine Martyn Anglim SAS’52 Margaret Scholz Bartsch SAS’52 † Julie Bennett SAS’52 † Mary Maloney Bonney SAS’52 Phyllis McCullough Brown SAS’52 Teresa M. Byrne, OSU SAS’52 † Anne Shea Cagnina SAS’52 † AnnMarie Del Bello Carlo SAS’52 † Rosemary Murphy Chesterman SAS’52 Ann Dowd Connolly SAS’52 † Audrey Roberts Creary SAS’52 Joan Gafney Crowley SAS’52 Barbara Hadlock Dacey SAS’52 Joan Crawford Daly SAS’52 Mary Shreve Dennen SAS’52 Patricia Maloney Derbes SAS’52 Maureen Costello Durkin SAS’52 † Elizabeth Madden Dybas SAS’52 † Mary Ellen Roche Fagan SAS’52 † Betty Ann Wymbs Finneran SAS’52 Jean Tobin Galletta SAS’52 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS’52 † Gloria Greco SAS’52 † Alice Timothy SAS’52 Elizabeth Tucker Treacy SAS’52 Rose Marie Murray Verrilli SAS’52 Catherine Langellotti Vigilante SAS’52 † Donna Matthews Walcott SAS’52 † Anne Marie Weiler SAS’52 † Patricia Pini Welch SAS’52 Marlyn Kilgannon Zalud SAS’52 Romayne Parlanti Agliotta SAS’53 Josephine Zehner Bab SAS’53 † Isabelle Healey Bacon SAS’53 † Ann Marie McGovern Beal SAS’53 Vincentia Belbruno SAS’53 † Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley SAS’53 † Joan McAndrews Brown SAS’53 † Nancy Bragger Brown SAS’53 Claire Garvey Butler SAS’53 Margaret Croake Cherico SAS’53 Joan Montgomery Coughlin SAS’53 Norma Fazia Elser SAS’53 Margaret Mary Fischer SAS’53 Diane Buschen Golden SAS’53 Louise DiSanto Greer SAS’53 † Patricia Peterson Hoffmann SAS’53 Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson SAS’53 † Mary Jane Bergeron Janick SAS’53 † Mary Martin Kaletta SAS’53 † Julia Broderick Keane SAS’53 Patricia Byrnes Lammers SAS’53 Florence (Beau) Lang Erbe SAS’57, Judith Huntington, Vice President for Financial Affairs and President Elect, and Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS’51. 31 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S FIDELIS SOCIETY Sheila Desmond Landon SAS’53 † Joann Hawkes Langston SAS’53 Grace Carmody Loesel SAS’53 Beatrice Mackenzie SAS’53 † E. Irene Herald Matthews SAS’53 Barbara Ryan Meara SAS’53 Ann Borstelmann Miele SAS’53 Margaret Moroney SAS’53 Jane Mackenzie Morosky SAS’53 † Barbara Guilfoyle Morpurgo SAS’53 Anne Gallagher Moynihan SAS’53 Joan D’Angelo Musci SAS’53 † Mary Walsh Nunes SAS’53 Mary Mitchell O’Sullivan SAS’53 † Ann Hald Palmer SAS’53 Constance Martin O’Hearne Prud’homme SAS’53 Carole Quinn SAS’53 Anne Donohue Reid SAS’53 Nancy King Reilly SAS’53 Harriette Gillem Robinet SAS’53 † Margaret Malloy Slyngstad SAS’53 Rosemary Marrone Smith SAS’53 Teresa Sorrentino SAS’53 † Joan Rossy Wood SAS’53 Florence Bell SAS’54 Anne Boyce SAS’54 Madeleine Quenneville Brooks SAS’54 † Mary Geaney Brown SAS’54 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS’54 † Dawn Camadella Cardone SAS’54 † Marianne De Mott SAS’54 Tesse Hartigan Donnelly SAS’54 Mary Mosser Falvo SAS’54 Mary Alyce Farrell Fields SAS’54 Margaret Slagsvol Flavia SAS’54 Jeanne Hunter Galick SAS’54 Mary Finnegan Gibbons SAS’54 Patricia Haggerty SAS’54 † Eleanor Donlon Hannigan SAS’54 Kathleen Duffy Henry SAS’54 Winifred Hajla Hespe SAS’54 Catherine Schott Hoffman SAS’54 Kathleen Desmond Hughes SAS’54 Joan Cunniff Kennedy SAS’54 † Caryl Doherty Lennon SAS’54 † Cornelia Mahon SAS’54 † Natalie Hastings McMahon SAS’54 Suzanne Lukaswitz McMahon SAS’54 Inez DeLucia Migliore SAS’54 † Jean Glokner Moran SAS’54 † * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Constance Wong Mow SAS’54 Mary Carpenter Nunz SAS’54 † Elizabeth Shalloe O’Gorman SAS’54 Claire Waterbury Philips SAS’54 M. Dorothy Gossard Rolincik SAS’54 Iva Short Schulz SAS’54 † Terry O’Malley Seidler SAS’54 † Marlene Lauria Sullivan SAS’54 Maureen Cunningham Tensfeldt SAS’54 Mary Helen Wang, OCD SAS’54 Ingrid Schubert Bolke SAS’55 Elaine Dehan Burger SAS’55 Andrea Gallagher Cain SAS’55 Rita Creagh SAS’55 † Margaret Gormley Detko SAS’55 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS’55 † Lucy DiSanto Egan SAS’55 Claire Fordrung SAS’55 M. Joan Callahan Gilbert SAS’55 Anne McSheehy Giroux SAS’55 Carol Gourlie SAS’55 † Cecelia Hanley Greco SAS’55 Janine Vier Grogan SAS’55 † Mary Shaughnessy Haney SAS’55 Florence Congiolosi Hansen SAS’55 † Ellen Erisman Harrington SAS’55 † Margaret Moran Jordan SAS’55 Patricia Beal Kelleher SAS’55 Frances E. Bohmert Kelly SAS’55 Eleanore Leary SAS’55 Ann Hines Lo Voi SAS’55 † Nina Iannotti Maguire SAS’55 Dorothy McElroy SAS’55 Angela Cadigan Mooney SAS’55 † Jean Gibney Morrissey SAS’55 † Ann Waters Murphy SAS’55 Mary Killian O’Donnell SAS’55 † Ann Martin Olson SAS’55 Jacquelyn Burns O’Neil SAS’55 Jeannette Carry Parshall SAS’55 † Frances Fitzgerald Ryan SAS’55 Elizabeth Bosco Serra SAS’55 † Ruth Daley Sharkey SAS’55 Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley SAS’55 Nina Sheehan Strattner SAS’55 † Margaret Rabbitt Swearingen SAS’55 Yvonne Abraham Taylor SAS’55 † Doris Gardella Toohill SAS’55 Julia Whalen SAS’55 † Elizabeth Barnes Zahn SAS’55 Patricia Murray Blessington SAS’56 † Catherine Savarese Brinker SAS’56 Diane Lee Conner SAS’56 Mary Hubbard Coogan SAS’56 Louise DiModica SAS’56 Mary Ann Carroll Dolan SAS’56 Elizabeth Sculley Donovan SAS’56 † Jane Cooney Dowling SAS’56 Cecilia Stahl Eberle SAS’56 Mary Doyle Eglin SAS’56 † Mary Ruth Willmann Foglino SAS’56 Mary Ahearn Foley SAS’56 Carrol Varley Gutta SAS’56 Mary Hogan Hearle SAS’56 GS’87 Sara Carey Hull SAS’56 Francis Kearney, OSU SAS’56 Claire Senger Kingsley SAS’56 Grace Barnett Knechtel SAS’56 † Mary Ellen Flynn Loveless SAS’56 Joan Meister Luecke SAS’56 Katherine Mylod Mainzer SAS’56 Claire McCrudden SAS’56 Kathleen McEntegart SAS’56 † Dorothy Elling Meehan-Ripa SAS’56 † Alice Milot SAS’56 Carol Donlon Nealon SAS’56 Lela Keough Negri SAS’56 † Mary Casey O’Grady SAS’56 Anne Owens SAS’56 Lorraine Esposito Petricone SAS’56 Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli SAS’56 Josephine Montanile Ronan SAS’56 Kathryn Swift Sarrides SAS’56 Ethel Ankner Shafter SAS’56 Carmen Trueba Stanley SAS’56 † Marta Uriarte Steffan SAS’56 Rosamond Dausey Stott SAS’56 Flavia Kinney Sullivan SAS’56 Mary Greer Sweeney SAS’56 † Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS’56 † Joan Storin Thurston SAS’56 Faith Rieg Victory SAS’56 † Ann Krecek Vier SAS’56 † Margaret Casey Walz SAS’56 † Mary Louise Foradora Webber SAS’56 Ann Tutrinoli Weber SAS’56 † Kathryn Sansone Wells SAS’56 Patricia Barnum Williams SAS’56 Past Parent † Antoinette Abraham SAS’57 † Virginia Ketterson Aller SAS’57 Lois Scarpino Amend SAS’57 Katherine Kane Anderson SAS’57 † Margaret Pruner Boehling SAS’57 Ina Creagh Boyd SAS’57 Frances Choquette Broderick SAS’57 32 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Joan Bray Burke SAS’57 † Alice Marie Connors Callo SAS’57 Gail Brough Chapman SAS’57 Marie Valluzzo Convertito SAS’57 Catherine Corgan SAS’57 Barbara Parker Corr SAS’57 † Gretchen Russell Craffey SAS’57 Mary Harvey Doyle SAS’57 † Carol Carnes Dwyer SAS’57 Francine Corcoran Edwards SAS’57 Florence Lang Erbe SAS’57 † Jacqueline Com Francois SAS’57 Jacqueline Vitucci Gfeller SAS’57 † Joan Palmera Giordano SAS’57 † Clara Halloran SAS’57 Barbara Klein Hamill SAS’57 Gertrude Kelly Hamilton SAS’57 † Catherine Murray Harrington SAS’57 † Joanne Incerto SAS’57 Helen Collins Krumsiek SAS’57 Barbara Kearns Lautenschlager SAS’57 Madeleine Bourre McDermott SAS’57 Rita Howard McGoldrick SAS’57 Mary Ann Walker McGrath SAS’57 † Elizabeth Seidel Messler SAS’57 Suzanne Groark Morgan SAS’57 Adrienne O’Brien SAS’57 Bridget Puzon, OSU SAS’57 Mary Sayers SAS’57 Loretta D’Agostino Schmitz SAS’57 Rosanne Riordon Seitz SAS’57 † Joan Meeker Skrobala SAS’57 † Patricia Smith SAS’57 † Margaret Stanislaus SAS’57 Grace Miller Stillwell SAS’57 Elinor Tanck SAS’57 † Ann TenEyck SAS’57 † Cynthia Scaiano Walsh SAS’57 Jacqueline Berean Westa SAS’57 Marilyn McCormack Wickel SAS’57 † Frances Battaglia Altman SAS’58 † Ellen Riccobono Anderson SAS’58 † Nancy Glennan Barry SAS’58 † Linda Liotti Breving SAS’58 Felicia Prekeris Brown SAS’58 Barbara Calamari, OSU SAS’58 † Margaret Horrigan Connolly SAS’58 † Anne Therese Dillen, OSU SAS’58 Beatrice Cunningham Easton SAS’58 † Kathryn Hourin Faber SAS’58 Martha Coleman Farquhar SAS’58 † Pauline Blank Fearn SAS’58 Elizabeth Marra Feuerstein SAS’58 † PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman SAS’58 Mary Keenan Hart SAS’58 † Donna McAuley Kelly SAS’58 Mary McAniff Kresky SAS’58 Barbara Mackinnon Kuttner SAS’58 † Mary Baker Maus SAS’58 Jane Reiss McAniff SAS’58 Virginia Malankowski McFadden SAS’58 Janet Hendrick Megna SAS’58 Carol Fabiani Mueller SAS’58 Ann Brough Mullin Phillips SAS’58 Martha Callaghan Neiro SAS’58 Mary Dillon O’Neil SAS’58 † Carol Whelan Pasquantonio SAS’58 Roberta Arrigoni Pickett SAS’58 Margaret Smith Rejto SAS’58 Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso SAS’58 Ann Magrum Rowland SAS’58 † Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS’58 Past Parent † Denise Delaney Smith SAS’58 Gabrielle Ceriale Smith SAS’58 † Joan Steinbrecher SAS’58 † Barbara Hawthorne Stiles SAS’58 Constance Turner Sullivan SAS’58 Germaine Keogh Trabert SAS’58 Lillian Koenig von Brockdorff SAS’58 Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas SAS’58 Past Parent † Georgiana Donase White SAS’58 Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 † Frances McKillop Ambrose SAS’59 Sara Arthur SAS’59 Mary Rendich Behringer SAS’59 Eileen Egan Burke SAS’59 Patricia Looby Clary SAS’59 † Katherine Johnston Ferrari SAS’59 † Mary Kieran Fitzgerald SAS’59 GS’82 Emily St. Clair Fogarty SAS’59 Glenna Faller Follmer SAS’59 † Kathleen Fredrick SAS’59 † Marie Trombacco Gianzero SAS’59 Francesca Marshall Giegengack SAS’59 Marie Gormley Tarleton SAS’59 † Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS’59 Patricia Hoch Hendricks SAS’59 Patricia Scully Henry SAS’59 Margaret Lewis Hilton SAS’59 Stephanie Peterman Iachetta SAS’59 GS’94 Joan Fee Kelly SAS’59 * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Bob and Ethel Anker Shafter SAS’56 with President Stephen Sweeny Mary Adikes Kortvelesy SAS’59 Marilyn Kowalcyk SAS’59 Katherine Jane Seidel Kresser SAS’59 Marion Carbery Lechowicz SAS’59 Janet Spence Lowery SAS’59 Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS’59 Mary Ann Geraci Marriott SAS’59 † Joan Whalen McGauley SAS’59 Kay O’Connor McKenna SAS’59 Carolyn Quinn McNamara SAS’59 Lorraine Riley Meenan SAS’59 † Rowena Larkin Morris SAS’59 † Judy Mauser Morriss SAS’59 Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS’59 † Olga Antignani Nespole SAS’59 Carole McCarthy Nicholson SAS’59 † Anne Meyer Pollard SAS’59 Margaret Reilly Antalec SAS’59 Justine Nerrow Ryan SAS’59 † Mary Pajer Ryan SAS’59 Catherine Perkinson Sabol SAS’59 † Charlotte Molleur Schaefer SAS’59 † Paula Farrell Shea SAS’59 Marilyn Roth Smith SAS’59 Jean Lilly Sweeney SAS’59 Lucie Giegengack Teegarden SAS’59 Mary Emmons Tergesen SAS’59 Jaqueline Butler Vacheron SAS’59 Marue English Walizer SAS’59 Eleanor Shea Buckley SAS’60 † Regina Roche Butt SAS’60 Catharine Smith Conley SAS’60 Shirley Smith Conway SAS’60 † Stephanie Syze Cordes SAS’60 † Margaret Crahan SAS’60 † Joanne Colavita Cuoco SAS’60 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS’60 † Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS’60 Mary Fogarty Flad SAS’60 Mary Barry Gallagher SAS’60 † Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS’60 Carol O’Connell Heinze SAS’60 † Rose Ann Keane SAS’60 Constance Partridge Knoebel SAS’60 Margaret Kelly Kummerer SAS’60 June Evangelist McCann SAS’60 Elizabeth Shea McDermott SAS’60 Therese J. McMahon, OSU SAS’60 SN’93 Ursula Kehoe McMahon SAS’60 Anne Butkovsky Messina SAS’60 † Mary Cronin Miller SAS’60 † Mary Ellen Moynihan Morin SAS’60 Joan Roxby Mostica SAS’60 Carol Kennedy Mylod SAS’60 † Patricia Noone, SC SAS’60 Dorothea Henderer O’Brien SAS’60 Cornelia DeSantis Pratt SAS’60 Theresa Riccio SAS’60 GS’75 Marie Porco Rossi SAS’60 GS’71† Aline Harwood Rubin SAS’60 Claire Pacia Santoro SAS’60 † Eileen Sanzo SAS’60 Eileen Case Sibson SAS’60 † SAS Classes of the 1960s Mary Donegan Acunto SAS’60* Maureen Clifford Albers SAS’60 † Diane Guest Biondi SAS’60 † Lois Forster Boston SAS’60 33 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Kathryn Ziegler Tatlow SAS’60 Diana Ramasco Woods SAS’60 Anne Klueber Yorke SAS’60 Barbara Faltz Barbieri SAS’61 † Kathleen Kay Bosco SAS’61 Helen Casey SAS’61 Elizabeth Vaglio Cassero SAS’61 Jean Gallagher Chen SAS’61 Dorothy Schrieber Codd SAS’61 Eileen Murphy Collins SAS’61 Margaret Comaskey SAS’61 † Janet Maroney Connolly SAS’61 † Sheila Conway SAS’61 JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri SAS’61 Suzette McKiernan Davis SAS’61 † Mary Alice McMahon DiSalvo SAS’61 Bonnie M. Driscoll SAS’61 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS’61 GS’80 Joan Pagano Formisano SAS’61 Marilyn Picardi Giglia SAS’61 † Kathryn Gleeson SAS’61 Marguerite Gormley Gomes SAS’61 Claudia Barnett Gordon SAS’61 † Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS’61 † Letitia Fagan Holleran SAS’61 Theresa Cardinale Johnson SAS’61 † Kathleen Juan SAS’61 Mary Giegengack-Jureller SAS’61 Christiane Keck SAS’61 † Janet Keenan SAS’61 † Catherine Elder Kelly SAS’61 Gail Manss Kelly SAS’61 Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Theresa Kubis SAS’61 PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S FIDELIS SOCIETY Carol Mahoney SAS’61 † Jane Garbarino Manning SAS’61 Alicia Murphy McCormick SAS’61 † Susan Spencer McElroy SAS’61 Mary Krackeler McLean SAS’61 Margaret Badum Melady SAS’61 Kathleen Daly Mirabile SAS’61 Margaret Shalloe Mitchell SAS’61 Filomena Russo Mohr SAS’61 Joyce Celentano Moran SAS’61 Kathryn Peterson SAS’61 Mary O’Connell Regan SAS’61 † Maureen Cassidy Rounds SAS’61 Marie Williams Scalia SAS’61 Mary Semple SAS’61 † Patricia Ahearn Sheerin SAS’61 † Maura Meehan Winkler SAS’61 † Catherine Young SAS’61 † Lucille Nicolais Andersen SAS’62 Carol Nelson Andrews SAS’62 † Carole Fabrizzi Angelino SAS’62 † Rae Condon SAS’62 † Jane Spillane Courtney SAS’62 Patricia O’Connor Cowan SAS’62 † Joan Donovan SAS’62 Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick SAS’62 Gertrude Tully Girod SAS’62 Rita Moriarty Gorman SAS’62 Patricia McKeown Graham SAS’62 † Agnes Gennatasio Harris SAS’62 GS’79† Mattia Musci Healy SAS’62 Margaret Parmelee Hummel SAS’62 † Eileen McNiff Hussey SAS’62 † Carole Schmidt Jennings SAS’62 Adrienne Kanach, SHCJ SAS’62 Mary Lou Smith Kanach SAS’62 Ann Keegan, RGS SAS’62 Marcia Goffa Ketchum SAS’62 † Margaret Kuntz Lessing SAS’62 Camille Marchetta SAS’62 † Agnes McNamee SAS’62 Judith Allen Mugovero SAS’62 Catherine Tyburski Nagy SAS’62 Joanne Megivern Nelson SAS’62 Margaret Wallace O’Brien SAS’62 Elizabeth O’Donnell SAS’62 † Ann Peterson, OSU SAS’62 Elizabeth Quinn SAS’62 Noreen Siragusa Ryan SAS’62 † Catherine Whittle Shaw SAS’62 † Sabina Sprague Slavin SAS’62 † * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Marilouise Sullivan SAS’62 † Alice Walsh Sweeney SAS’62 Suzanne Sayegh Thomas SAS’62 Nancy Shannon Walsh SAS’62 Madeline Hamilton Whalen SAS’62 Joan Woodcome, OSU SAS’62 Dolores Lausberg Andrew SAS’63 Marie O’Malley Armstrong SAS’63 † Anna Mancino Ascione SAS’63 † Jane Barbiasz SAS’63 Anne Doherty Bottner SAS’63 Elizabeth Ryan Bowler SAS’63 Doris Daily Brough SAS’63 Darby Callahan SAS’63 † Judith Mallegol Cardanha SAS’63 Sheila McCrudden Cherico SAS’63 † Carol Meighan Chiappa SAS’63 Mary Gail Bigos Cokkinias SAS’63 Alisann Alexander Collins SAS’63 Carol Jennings Collins SAS’63 Elizabeth Greaves Crawford SAS’63 Ellen Kochan Cuddy SAS’63 Dale Tristany Davis Starenko SAS’63 Mary Del Monte SAS’63 † Joan Rost Figlozzi SAS’63 Mary Jane Hepinstall Flanigan SAS’63 † Kathryn Gallagher Golden SAS’63 Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 Dana Greene Roesel SAS’63 † Mary Lou Zanca Griffin SAS’63 † Marianne Birch Gumbs SAS’63 † Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS’63 GS’81† Susan Alexander Hogan SAS’63 † Helene Douglas Holohan SAS’63 Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr SAS’63 Marion Lynch, OSU SAS’63 Mary Delehanty Mandeville SAS’63 Kathleen Hooks Merrifield SAS’63 Marianne Meyer Mundy SAS’63 Mary Ann Delinski Nowell SAS’63 Teresita Dwyer O’Leary SAS’63 Jane Perkinson SAS’63 † Aulana Pharis Peters SAS’63 Marie Donovan Potter SAS’63 Mary Purcell SAS’63 Patricia Maher Rickman SAS’63 † Marcia Tierney Salko SAS’63 Janet Kearns Scavo SAS’63 Nancy Packert Shashaty SAS’63 † Mary McGarry Stuart SAS’63 Kathryn Bell Walter SAS’63 Elizabeth Bues Wittemann SAS’63 Anne Murphy Yankoupe SAS’63 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS’64 GS’92 Joan Fiori Blanchfield SAS’64 † Rosemary Kirby Bloem SAS’64 † Eileen Maher Browning SAS’64 † Virginia Hackett Burns SAS’64 Elizabeth Griffin Casarino SAS’64 Marie Cucuzzella Cote SAS’64 Joy Kober Cowan SAS’64 Past Parent † Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio SAS’64 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS’64 Eileen Denver SAS’64 Mikell Gallagher Deptula SAS’64 Regina Killeen Dietz SAS’64 Marie Flanagan SAS’64 † Mary Burger Frost SAS’64 Susan Karutis Gaffney SAS’64 Sandra Smith Gangle SAS’64 † Rosemary Swords Gatti SAS’64 Pat Quattrochi Gorman SAS’64 Paula Guerin SAS’64 Carolyn Miller Jordan SAS’64 Mary Jane McGovern Kreiger SAS’64 Cecelia Stevens Mackey SAS’64 Joan Lucas McDermott SAS’64 † Mary Ann Zimmermann McKinney SAS’64 Melody Pontell Nista SAS’64 † Kathleen Quinlan Norman SAS’64 Julia Looser O’Grady SAS’64 Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill SAS’64 Judith Perry SAS’64 † Barbara Sansone Peterson SAS’64 Elizabeth Souppa Remlin SAS’64 Mary Shea, OSU SAS’64 Margaret Savage Siewert SAS’64 Patricia Smith Treanor SAS’64 Ellen Toal Wry SAS’64 Rosemary Vasas Abbott SAS’65 Joellyn Ausanka SAS’65 Lynne Borra Baikal SAS’65 Frances LoCicero Bailie SAS’65 † Donna Silvia Batch SAS’65 Margaret Buckley SAS’65 Ann Carew Cahill SAS’65 Julie Connelly SAS’65 † Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS’65 † Rosita Creamer SAS’65 Carol Cooke Derrenbacher SAS’65 † Mary Donahue-Aveni SAS’65 Teresa Zakrzewski Duggan SAS’65 MaryKate Riordan Federman SAS’65 † Ann Battaglia Feldman SAS’65 Nancy Tomedy Forsberg SAS’65 Patricia Reilly Gamache SAS’65 Geraldine White Gildea SAS’65 34 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Ellen Mooney Hancock SAS’65 † Margaret McGonegal Harbin SAS’65 Barbara Higgins SAS’65 † Barbara Bachstetter Johnsen SAS’65 † Patricia Reilly Kenney SAS’65 Francine Napoliello Lampidis SAS’65 † Ellen Lunny-Olenick SAS’65 Maryann Padula Mading SAS’65 Mary Ellen Foster McEvily SAS’65 Mary Lawrence McManus SAS’65 † Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae SAS’65 Patricia Lechner Nahas SAS’65 † Valerie Niosi SAS’65 Nancy Peavy O’Neil SAS’65 † Sally Smith SAS’65 Paulette Sorg SAS’65 Elizabeth VanderPutten SAS’65 Judith Hughes Watson SAS’65 Judith Murray Webdale SAS’65 Rosemarie Affatato Wenick SAS’65 † Madeline White SAS’65 † Angela Martin Wilkens SAS’65 Regina Feeks Anderson SAS’66 Angela Loveman Armitage SAS’66 † Rita Bundschuh Fitzpatrick SAS’66 GS’85 Anne Gevlin SAS’66 † Linda Maheu Gilberto SAS’66 Marjorie Stone Hagenah SAS’66 Jean Reardon Kellogg SAS’66 Beatrice Close Kerr SAS’66 Susan Miner Lyons SAS’66 Dorothy Fitzgerald Mazaitis SAS’66 Noranne Mulcahy SAS’66 † Ingrid Poschmann O’Grady SAS’66 Juanita Torres Saco SAS’66 Carolyn Donohue Schuchardt SAS’66 Mary Supple Dailey SAS’66 † Mary Anne Finnerty Walldorf SAS’66 Susan Reid Wilke SAS’66 † Margaret Baine SAS’67 Geraldine Larkin Brick SAS’67 Joyce Rondino Clark SAS’67 Martha Counihan, OSU SAS’67 Margaret Baylock Dean SAS’67 Mary Jayne Hernandez Delbridge SAS’67 † Susan Fauerbach Downes SAS’67 Ann Dwyer SAS’67 Joanne Fortune SAS’67 Audrey Gaquin Buck SAS’67 Joan Hobson Ginnetti SAS’67 Clara Interlandi Grande SAS’67 Gail O’Neill Gunther SAS’67 Mary Johnston Hansen SAS’67 PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S Margaret Sweeney Hartnett SAS’67 † Maureen Sullivan Hawkins SAS’67 Susan Rutecki Hoehler SAS’67 † Anne-Marie Wilchek Iozzo SAS’67 Linda Mastrangelo Kennedy SAS’67 Joan Foley Kreimer SAS’67 Danielle DunLany Langford SAS’67 GS’84 Judith Petricone Lynch SAS’67 Anne Dorr Markowski SAS’67 Susan Grein Maroney SAS’67 Mary Massimo SAS’67 Eleanor Moretta SAS’67 Denise Rocheleau Nordberg SAS’67 Margaret Smith Norris SAS’67 Eileen Potkay Olynciw SAS’67 Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 † Kathleen Bieger Roche SAS’67 † Irmina Bestard Rodriguez SAS’67 Mary Creagh Rondeau-Kiley SAS’67 Pearl Tong Shum SAS’67 † Ann Kasprzak Sterbenz SAS’67 † Joan Ryan Thowsen SAS’67 Adele Costa Whalen SAS’67 † Jean Shanaphy Barrow SAS’68 Ellen Greene Borzelli SAS’68 Mary Catherine Sheldrick Boyle SAS’68 Kathleen Conroy SAS’68 Catherine Riley Daignault SAS’68 Sally Fernet Geloso SAS’68 † Noel McNamara Grimm SAS’68 Madonna Wells Hart SAS’68 Carol Mele Kennedy SAS’68 Janet Rossi Maffucci SAS’68 † Marilyn Dempsey Mc Gill SAS’68 Mary Jane McPartland McCann SAS’68 Nancy Babacz McCloskey SAS’68 † Kristin Krause McDonough SAS’68 Catherine Frank Murtha SAS’68 Elizabeth Sayre Oldendorp SAS’68 Margaret Maher Pierce SAS’68 † Barbara Murphy Piontkowski SAS’68 † Judith Morin Prisco SAS’68 GS’72 Mary Beth Read, OSU SAS’68 Kathleen Colangelo Record SAS’68 † Ethel McKeon Reese SAS’68 Mary Kirby Rhodes SAS’68 Penelope Moscoe Risher SAS’68 Mary Creeden Risio SAS’68 Barbara Schlapp SAS’68 Marie Sayegh Shack SAS’68 SAS Classes of the 1970s Loretta Mengel Shirey SAS’68 † Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS’68 Margo Marabon Terwilliger SAS’68 Barbara Hunihan Tully SAS’68 Beatrice Ott Ukraincik SAS’68 Mary Watson-Stribula SAS’68 Marguerite Crowley Weibel SAS’68 † Mary Ann Nicolais Wiedmont SAS’68 † Patricia Connelly Wilson SAS’68 Donna McMahon Anderson SAS’69 Diane Bente SAS’69 Sheila Lane Booth SAS’69 † Lynn O’Rourke Bride SAS’69 Mary Hennelly Burke SAS’69 Lillian Brennan Carney SAS’69 Linda Zuffelato Chakar SAS’69 Ann Bergassi Chiodini SAS’69 Patricia Connelly Chirles SAS’69 Nancy Allain Clark SAS’69 † Joan Close SAS’69 Christine Zywiak Conroy SAS’69 Mary Jo Jordan Cutty SAS’69 Anne Peel DeShields SAS’69 Susanna Donnelly Duffy SAS’69 Elizabeth Dubois Faricy SAS’69 June Carey Haberbusch SAS’69 Andi Byrne Halcott SAS’69 Margaret Pasquariello Holtman SAS’69 M. Patricia Diesing Hurleigh SAS’69 Mary Corcoran Jigarjian SAS’69 Susan Johnson SAS’69 Ann Marie Wentworth Kettler SAS’69 Christine Van Ullen Lemberg SAS’69 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS’69 Claire Colangelo Manto SAS’69 Past Parent † Mary Ann Johnston McSparran SAS’69 Mary Jo Dwyer Murnane SAS’69 Ann Neidhart SAS’69 † Roberta Glowacki Palmisano SAS’69 Patricia Moore Peirano SAS’69 Janice Powalski SAS’69 Faith Ritchie SAS’69 † Noel Petri Robinson SAS’69 † Joanne Smith Romalewski SAS’69 Mary Studeny SAS’69 GS’82† Mary Egan Swartz SAS’69 Louise Taylor SAS’69 Aida Badran Wakefield SAS’69 Maureen Hanley Abrahamson SAS’70 Kathleen Mannix Flynn SAS’70 Mary Frey Bennett SAS’70 Ann Foley Hoban SAS’70 Patricia Bennett Kahl SAS’70 Margaret Rohn Lazlo SAS’70 Mary Meyer SAS’70 Margaret Midgley SAS’70 Catherine Novak-Viviano SAS’70 Maryliz Volin O’Brien SAS’70 Celine Matula Phillips SAS’70 Rebecca Rhinehart SAS’70 Mary Robinson Ridgway SAS’70 Barbara Schmitt SAS’70 † Kathy Westelinck Silver SAS’70 Barbara Burke Smith SAS’70 Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair SAS’70 † Marian Yarmas SAS’70 Patricia Borgognoni Catchpole SAS’71 Kathleen McDonough Conway SAS’71 Linda Yando Cunningham SAS’71 Mary Tracy Gamble SAS’71 Ann Broady Gardiner SAS’71 Michelle Wheeler Gill SAS’71 Maryann Daroska Hardwicke SAS’71 Anne Power Hayden SAS’71 Trudy Triolo Higgins SAS’71 Ada Isasi-Diaz SAS’71 Catherine O’Reilly Jaundrill SAS’71 * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Jane Grzymski Kahl SAS’71 Anne Gilmartin Kelleher SAS’71 Joan Moynihan Langlais SAS’71 Mary-Elizabeth Learnard Carriuolo SAS’71 Patricia Gill Leveque SAS’71 GS’76 Ellen Mannix Lynch SAS’71 † Linda Ryan Lynch SAS’71 † Anne McGlinchy Merrick SAS’71 Miriam Stapleton Moynihan SAS’71 Margaret Nolan SAS’71 † Ellen Bingo O’Malley SAS’71 Mary Pepe SAS’71 Joan Kelleher Salinger SAS’71 Mary Sommer Sandak SAS’71 Joanne Fiaschetti Shimko SAS’71 Mary Rycenga Shukie SAS’71 † Kathleen Smith SAS’71 Judith Casey Stephenson SAS’71 Linda O’Leary Titterington SAS’71 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS’71 Margaret McCormack Urban SAS’71 Brenda Sullivan Wooding SAS’71 † Dale Zola SAS’71 † Frances deGrandpre Baroody SAS’72 † Stefanie Beninato SAS’72 Florence Brown SAS’72 GS’76 Angela O’Loughlin Calabrese SAS’72 Jane Canner SAS’72 † Mary Creedon Connelly SAS’72 Beth Ball Hofstetter SAS’63, Trustee Judy Kenny SNR’82, Marlene Melone Tutera SAS’71 and Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 35 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S FIDELIS SOCIETY Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS’72 Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo SAS’72 Louise Feldhaus Danylevich SAS’72 † Mary L. Dolan, SU SAS’72 Mary Eckert SAS’72 † Jo Ann Schilling Fannon SAS’72 † Margaret George SAS’72 Barbara Grcevic SAS’72 † Mary Jane Walsh Hanlon SAS’72 Jacqueline Quinones Hughes SAS’72 † Christine LaSala SAS’72 Christine Piliponis Lenehan SAS’72 Eileen Leonard SAS’72 † Patricia Glocheski Maguire SAS’72 Patricia Rowe McCarthy SAS’72 Kathleen Scott McGrath SAS’72 † Christine Morrison SAS’72 Eileen Stavinsky Niedzwiecki SAS’72 Francine Nolin-Rogers SAS’72 † Patricia O’Connell Pearson SAS’72 Eleanor Hickey Pomeroy SAS’72 Susan Brown Reitz SAS’72 Virginia Shuford-Brown SAS’72 Susan Grant Walsh SAS’72 Patricia Wiley SAS’72 Loraine Ciardullo Wolynic SAS’72 Mary Bodensteiner SAS’73 † Theresa Davis SAS’73 Virginia Leyden deWolf SAS’73 Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume SAS’73 Nancy Kloczko SAS’73 † Patricia M. Rosenkranz Levins SAS’73 Christine Loomie SAS’73 Barbara Lutz SAS’73 Valerie McEwen SAS’73 Mary Sue Murphy SAS’73 Christianne Russo Ricchi SAS’73 Eleanor Fyall Turner SAS’73 Mary Pat Lawler Vogt SAS’73 † Noreen Brady SAS’74 Mary Ellen Burns SAS’74 Elizabeth Trach Capurso SAS’74 Maryanne Carney SAS’74 Beverly Clendening SAS’74 Karen Sell Cornetz SAS’74 Nancy Dillon SAS’74 Anne Dubois SAS’74 Mary Dugan SAS’74 Joan Hartmann SAS’74 Donna Balducci Hughes SAS’74 Rosemarie Hurley SAS’74 † * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Alexandra Forgiel Jasinski SAS’74 Geraldine Curtin Jordan SAS’74 Anne Schreck LaRoche SAS’74 Mary Alice O’Hare Lee SAS’74 Lynda Magrath SAS’74 Mary Beth Martin SAS’74 Stephanie Weston Morris SAS’74 Angela Parker SAS’74 Marjorie Rende SAS’74 Cynthia Willemain Salvesen SAS’74 Alouise Doern Skehan SAS’74 GS’80 Katherine Ronan SooHoo SAS’74 Denise Gleason Taylor SAS’74 Suzanne Siegert Williamson SAS’74 Carol Bodensteiner Corliss SAS’75 † Nancy Harkins SAS’75 Lorrin Levine Johnson SAS’75 Rosemary Joyce-Petrovich SAS’75 Marie Karl SAS’75 Wendy Ilett Keryk SAS’75 Alice Luzzi SAS’75 Christine Marino McKeever SAS’75 † Susan Munroe Milne SAS’75 Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75 Jill O’Brien SAS’75 Aida Karabatzakian Pisani SAS’75 Debra Cummiskey Ruel SAS’75 Lynn Murray Slonaker SAS’75 Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot SAS’75 GS’79 Margaret Reese Williamson SAS’75 Jacqueline Gura Alferman SAS’76 Margaret Meskill Borchert SAS’76 Michele Marotta Jaworski SAS’76 Joan Kelly SAS’76 GS’77 Margaret Scully Kennedy SAS’76 Nancy Kotonias SAS’76 † Patricia Hunter MacArtney SAS’76 Patricia Grumblatt Pelle SAS’76 Martha Reddington SAS’76 Elizabeth Hebb Sweney SAS’76 Lynn Travers SAS’76 GS’83 JoEllen Vavasour SAS’76 † Dorothy Powers Walsh SAS’76 † Theresa Agliardo SAS’77 GS’97 Kathryn Gambino Arntzen SAS’77 Jean Stevens Brennan SAS’77 † Sharon Fornaciari SAS’77 Jeanne Rafferty Franz SAS’77 † Marie Visnauskas Loehmann SAS’77 GS’81 Patricia Oakley Mathieu SAS’77 Mary Fernandes Michunovich SAS’77 Nilda Bayron Resnick SAS’77 Mary Mullen Schuellein SAS’77 † Lynn Tasco Bertsch SAS’78 Joanne Harmon Bryant SAS’78 Sandra Camishion Carella SAS’78 Babette Caraccio Centofanti SAS’78 † Jane Morgan Cerone SAS’78 Anne Monahan Griffiths SAS’78 Diane Spinale Horner SAS’78 Julie Carey Jackson SAS’78 Theresa Martin Mattina SAS’78 Nancy McCormick SAS’78 Dorann O’Brien Sheehan SAS’78 Kathleen McCloskey Zanger SAS’78 Nancy Carey Cassidy SAS’79 Mary Frances Gambino Rotondi SAS’79 Kathleen Smith Toner SAS’79 Nancy Humphreys Zelem SAS’79 SAS Classes of the 1980s Noreen O’Donnell Carroll SAS’80 Maureen Connors SAS’80 † Mary Ann Kaiser SAS’80 Susan Ball Miles SAS’80 † Barbara St. Mary Niss SAS’80 Marianne Smith Sullivan SAS’80 Randy Goguen Balano SAS’81 Doreene Berger SAS’81 † Lisa Cesare SAS’81 Georgina Ennis SAS’81 GS’84 ’93 Diane D’Isidori Hack SAS’81 Diane Johnson Jason SAS’81 Elizabeth Feiner LaCasse SAS’81 Cynthia Bucci Lyons SAS’81 GS’00 Annette Marsella SAS’81 Joan Lamberti McGrath SAS’81 † Wendy Griffin O’Keefe SAS’81 Deborah Moore Abner SAS’82 Ellen Brooks-Kelly SAS’82 Patricia Ayan DeMarinis SAS’82 Elizabeth Lydon Flynn SAS’82 Elizabeth Roche Hatcher SAS’82 Maeve Nolan Hipius SAS’82 Lisa Riccio SAS’82 Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS’82 GS’85 Catherine Hyland Zavorskas SAS’82 Pat Riccio Czako SAS’83 Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS’83 Linda Leong Sutter SAS’83 Carolyn Beaulieu Dunn SAS’84 Laura Martelle Gucwa SAS’84 Eileen Turner Warner SAS’84 Maureen Glynn Crowley SAS’85 Katrina Hayward Kummer SAS’85 36 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Maureen Clifford Tuohy SAS’85 Teresa Feil Hoppe SAS’86 GS’89 Christine Englot Mash SAS’86 Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS’86 Ellen Rafferty Sorge SAS’86 † Brigidanne Flynn SAS’87 Christine Skelly Lynskey SAS’87 Laura Dooley Perry SAS’87 Maureen Patton Phillips SAS’87 Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS’88 Alison Frede SAS’88 † Pamela Gorman Mannion SAS’88 Juliana Kelley McLaughlin SAS’88 Jane McKeon Dalton SAS’89 † Phebe Flaherty Fallon SAS’89 Tara Ambery Patterson SAS’89 † SAS Classes of the 1990s Regina Ambery Beechert SAS’90 Victoria Cassara SAS’90 Catherine Abate Palumbo SAS’90 Linda Smith SAS’90 Karen Olney Maidenbaum SAS’91 Jennie Jaklitsch SAS’92 Herminia McKernan SAS’93 GS’98 Danielle Devine SAS’94 Brenda Kibler Aversano SAS’97 Kelley Allen SAS’98 Nicole Totans SAS’99 SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G SN Classes of the 1980s Betty Anne Burns Bancroft SN’80 Alice Canner Garnanez SN’81 Marjorie Schmidt Russo SN’81 † Anita Stanziale Cohen SN’82 Denise Zito Michaelis SN’82 Ann Marie Johnson Murray SN’82 Stephanie Musso SN’82 Theresa Vinci Caracciolo SN’83 Rachel Gambardello McGonigle SN’83 Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SN’83 † Catherine Collins Donohoe SN’84 Ann Marie Gallacher Foley SN’86 Margaret Reilly Murtagh SN’87 Regina Collins Thomson SN’87 SN Classes of the 1990s Virginia McMath SN’91 Heather Ashfield SN’96 Marianne Milzoff SN’97 ’03 Past Parent Marie Derenzis SN’98 PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S Marie Tormey DeSalvo SNR’82 Margaret Edmonston SNR’82 Patricia Furman SNR’82 GS’84 Sandra Thomas Horsman SNR’82 Judith Preble Kenny SNR’82 Virginia Martin SNR’82 Anne McKenna SNR’82 Carolyn Walsh SNR’82 GS’85 Gertrude Edzant SNR’83 Mary Pfeiffer SNR’83 Margaret Ryan SNR’83 † Virginia Smith SNR’83 † Joanne Spitaliere SNR’83 Joan Gardner SNR’84 Arlene Minella SNR’84 Marie Rofhok SNR’84 GS’87 ’97 Bernice Cabey SNR’85 Ellen Carney SNR’85 Past Parent Ethel Gorman SNR’85 GS’89 Carolyn Keyes Rohlf SNR’85 † Jewell Sutler SNR’85 Barbara Connelly SNR’86 Eileen DiNiscia SNR’86 Ruth Gonnello SNR’86 Jeanette Hoff SNR’86 Nubia Imani-Beazer SNR’86 Irene McConnell SNR’86 Curley Spires Potter SNR’86 Oscar Roberts SNR’86 Dolores Robinson SNR’86 Doris Schneible SNR’86 Wilma Williams SNR’86 Jimmy Arnold SNR’87 † Diane Giorgi SNR’87 Delores Jacobs SNR’87 Jeanne Perlman SNR’87 Barbara Epstein SNR’88 Doris Fraser SNR’88 Vida McGlone SNR’88 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR’89 GS’91 ’97 Sedrick Goldbeck SNR’89 Liz Horvitz SNR’89 Charlene Jordan SNR’89 Winifred Kahl SNR’89 † Teresa Cotterall-Lagana SNR’89 Evelyn Wigfall SNR’89 Stephen and Anne Pelak SNR’90, GS’96 with Fr. Joseph Flynn OFM Cap. SC H O O L O F N E W R ESO U R C ES SNR Classes of the 1970s Harriette Chelnik SNR’73 † Isaac Levine SNR’73 † Anne Golub SNR’74 † Corinne Mastruzzi SNR’74 Rita Stewart SNR’74 Rosa Davis Barksdale SNR’75 Dolores Battalia SNR’75 Doris Benjamin SNR’75 GS’79 Norman Davis SNR’75 Viola Fisher Dyce SNR’75 Janice Johnson SNR’75 Linda Lefkowitz SNR’75 † Kathleen McHugh, SC SNR’75 Louise Pomerantz SNR’75 Marie Abel SNR’76 † Marc Anders SNR’76 Judith Dean SNR’76 Marcia Kawer SNR’76 Mary Leacock SNR’76 Irving Margulies SNR’76 Theresia Perna SNR’76 Ann Rothstein SNR’76 James Davidson SNR’77 * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years Coula Farris SNR’77 Gloria Richards SNR’77 Dorothy Robinson SNR’77 † Nora Hutchinson SNR’78 † Naomi Ingram SNR’78 Lynda Tepperman SNR’78 John Toto SNR’78 Danielle Wattel SNR’78 Madeline Zevon SNR’78 Carol Alterman SNR’79 Denise Feighery SNR’79 Lorraine Handal SNR’79 Alvin Murrell SNR’79 Ramona Rodriguez SNR’79 Dorothy Siegel SNR’79 SNR Classes of the 1980s Doris Fleishman SNR’80 † Charlotte Frede SNR’80 GS’91 Past Parent † Kathryn Gruby SNR’80 Ruth Keisner SNR’80 Barbara Levy SNR’80 Rosa Myrick* SNR’80 Julie Davis Carran SNR’81 Sarah Vincent Crum SNR’81 GS’89 Edna Jenkins SNR’81 † Frances Mallardi Miceli SNR’81 GS’84 Margie Rogers SNR’81 Ida Williams SNR’81 SNR Classes of the 1990s Angelina Carforo SNR’90 Joan Henry SNR’90 Rose Ann Minnerly SNR’90 GS’93 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Sarah Smith SNR’90 Ann Zeppieri SNR’90 37 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Charles Lercara SNR’91 Judith LoSecco SNR’91 Theresa Kelly SNR’92 Catherine McElroy SNR’92 GS’94 Joan Neary SNR’92 Mary Strawter-Merritt SNR’92 Dorothy Thompson SNR’92 Ronald Bascombe SNR’93 Michelle Bordonaro SNR’93 Eunice Claire Clarke SNR’93 Eva Flamm SNR’93 Delores Jackson Kelly SNR’93 Maria Marrero SNR’93 GS’95 Geraldine Pelliccio SNR’93 Ellen Hebard SNR’94 GS’99 Barbara Lane SNR’94 Inge Lowenstein SNR’94 Sandra Bilbo-Dent SNR’95 Mary Jones SNR’95 Helen Curran SNR’96 Deborah Terrell SNR’96 Gail Davis SNR’97 Sarah Newcombe Sullo SNR’97 Pamala Kuch SNR’99 GS’02 Mary Whalen SNR’99 GS’01 SNR Classes of the 2000s Guye E. Wiltshire SNR’01 Faculty Staff Linda Grande SNR’09 Faculty Staff, Past Parent G R A D UAT E SC H O O L GS Classes of the 70s Ida Ayres GS’72 Libby Grasso GS’72 † Nancy Steng GS’72 Patricia Straus GS’73 † Alma Beer GS’74 † Joan Caputo GS’74 Deborah Hellman GS’74 Linda Botton GS’75 Grace Johnson GS’75 Claire Kubasik GS’75 Barbara Schmitt GS’75 Rosemarie Scutero GS’75 Diana Taylor GS’75 Maureen DiLello GS’76 Gail Checco Fiorelli GS’76 Jeanne Kennedy GS’76 Cheryl Malcolm-Borrelli GS’76 Regina Setikas GS’76 Jane Snerson GS’76 † Helen Verdicchio GS’76 † Audrey Chatzky GS’77 PA RT N E R S F O R E XC E L L E N C E G I F T S O C I E T I E S FIDELIS SOCIETY Barbara Cohen GS’77 † Margaret Mahoney GS’77 Sandra Priest Rose GS’77 Marie-Helene Raho GS’77 † Carol Stark GS’77 Harold Crocker GS’78 Marie Mackey GS’78 † Barbara Milon GS’78 Janie Horowitz GS’79 Peter Soans GS’79 Phyllis Tarlow GS’79 GS Classes of the 80s Susan Flower GS’80 Marie Grassi GS’80 Gloria Saed GS’80 Paul Siragusa GS’80 Christine Fitzpatrick Byram GS’81 Laura Heiss GS’81 Susan Morgenstern GS’81 Kenneth Schaaf GS’81 Monica Schaefer GS’81 Denise Taylor GS’81 † Silvia White GS’81 Joan Napoli GS’82 Katherine Studwell GS’82 Teresa Van Slyck GS’82 Miriam Murray GS’83 Margaret Trahar GS’83 Margaret Bennett GS’84 Phyllis Bocian GS’84 Sylvia Nissen GS’84 Lorraine Stratis GS’84 Dorothy Wade GS’84 † Kathryn Almquist GS’85 Arlene Falk GS’85 Linda Schuch GS’85 Ellen Wentworth GS’85 Susan Bauman GS’86 Dana Deravin Carr GS’86 Ann Timmons GS’86 † Eileen Diano GS’87 Kathleen Gil-Zuzulo GS’87 Mimi Ivy GS’87 Dorothy Moore GS’87 Victoria Bea GS’88 Claire Bradner GS’88 Barbara Hatcher GS’88 Janet Hotchkiss GS’88 Connie Ward Iervolino GS’88 Arlene Leitner GS’88 Carol Solanto GS’88 † Enid Topchik GS’88 Nancy Casey GS’89 Suzanne Daly GS’89 Adrienne Harris GS’89 Mary Zini GS’89 F R I E N D S I N C LU D I N G FAC U LT Y A N D STA F F A N D PAST PA R E N TS Michael Ambler Friend Joan Arnold Former Faculty & Staff Joan Bailey Faculty & Staff Dorothy Biscornet Faculty & Staff Keith R. Borge Faculty & Staff Joan Bristol Faculty & Staff, Past Parent Frances Sternhagen Carlin Friend Margaret & Thomas Conniff, Esq. Friend † Margaret & William Cuttle Friend Ellen R. Curry Damato Faculty & Staff Linda David Faculty & Staff † C. J. Denne, Jr. Former Faculty & Staff Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Faculty & Staff Kenneth Doka Faculty & Staff Eugenie Doyle Friend Timothy Ebsworth Faculty & Staff, GS Classes of the 90s Marilyn Masiero GS’90 Jean Anthony GS’91 Eileen Bagge GS’91 Gail Kestenbaum GS’91 Juliana Leach GS’91 James Pasternak GS’91 Lorraine Greene-Elshot GS’92 Bonny Willett GS’92 Marjorie Gold GS’93 Ronald Mineo GS’93 Fred Peck GS’93 Carole Risi GS’93 Lucia De Rosa GS’94 Carol Finkelstein Masone GS’94 Jane Kowaleski GS’96 Stephanie Senulis GS’97 Claudia Sullivan GS’97 Janice Wernock GS’97 Past Parent Rudolph Eckhardt Friend David Eisenberg Friend Isaac Elegbe Friend Laura Ellis Former Faculty & Staff Hilda Farmer Past Parent Nancy Gonchar Friend Melanie Harasym Friend Stephen Holland Friend Alexander Hood Friend Frank & Mary Iaquinta Past Parent Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Friend Isola Kokumo Friend Faith Kostel-Hughes Faculty & Staff Anne & James Magee Former Faculty & Staff, Past Parents (Anne Magee GS’79) Joseph Marsh Past Parent Brenna Sheenan Mayer Faculty & Staff Edna McCallion Friend James McKee Friend Susan Morrison Friend David & Mary Ann Munroe Past Parent † George Neumann Friend John C. Nicholson Friend Margaret Nicholson Friend † B. Nelson Ong Faculty & Staff Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Diane Quandt Faculty & Staff Ann Raia Colaneri Faculty & Staff Joseph Roberge Past Parent † Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR’77, GS’88)† James Schleifer Former Faculty & Staff Rhoda Smith Past Parent † Stephanie Squires Friend Lambros Stamoulis Faculty & Staff Ann Summo Faculty & Staff, Past Parent Stephen J. Sweeny Faculty & Staff Amie Taney Friend † Robert Tate Friend Russel R. Taylor Faculty & Staff Walter & Joan Tolley Past Parent Paul Tyrl Friend Gilda Zalaznick Friend GS Classes of the 2000s Robin Jordan-Marshall GS’05 Faculty & Staff THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have made contributions between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at [email protected]. * Deceased † 20 years or more consecutive years 38 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2009 SENIOR CLASS GIVING We are very grateful to the following alumnae/i, Class of 2009, who made their first gift to the Annual Fund during their senior year. We thank them for taking the lead in giving, and hope their example will encourage others in their class to support their Alma Mater each year as well. SNR students at the School of New Resources Class of 2009 Celebration. Students Alexandra Sarmiento SN, Angela De Marta SAS, and Jaclyn Reynolds SAS attended The President’s Circle Reception as special guests. SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES Blanca Casillas Erin M. Daley Kerry M. Deas Merin George Jennifer Hatalla Natasha Hill Natasha T. Reid Megan Showell Kriselly Urena SC H O O L O F N E W R ESO U R C ES John Cardinal O’Connor Rosa Parks Sharon J. Allen Ryushique Bodrick Gary De Vore Dana L Fuller Beverly Thomas Celestine Trent Sharon R. Cooper Kisha M Edwards Yolanda S Gregory Deborah Madison SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G Samantha L. Bach Roxsand Lewis Margaret S Pierre Brenda M. White DC-37 Coop City Alice E. Davis Jocelyn A Dorsey Maria George Sheila D. Hunter Maria L. Nix-Miller Rosalind Myers Pierce Valli Rosario Cheryl-Ann Ryan New Rochelle Elunda Parker Abdullah Chaye O. Billups Donna Gardner SNR Linda Grande Past Parent Haydee Guevara Khiva Ransom Janet L Rohan Mary Vergara Julius J Walker Vennesa Winstead Williams Tracy Brock-Calhoun Adrainer Coleman Anita Evans Mary E Figueroa Natasha Oliver Joyclyn E. Richards Frances Rodriguez Diana Rodriguez 39 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 111 ALUMNAE/I GIFTS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 The alumnae/i of The College of New Rochelle are among its most important assets, for it is their support each year that makes new programs, equipment, and scholarships possible. The College is grateful for the generosity and loyalty of its many School of Arts and Sciences and School of Nursing alumnae/i donors listed here. 19 31 19 37 19 4 0 F U N D AG E N T : Mary Hollister Redgate TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 5 , 0 9 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 29 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 5 , 0 9 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 29 % F U N D AG E N T : Elizabeth McMahon TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 0 0 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 0 0 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Mary Sheahan 19 33 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 125 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 125 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Margaret Klinkhammer Douglas Alice McCollester, GNSH TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 6 , 875 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 30 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 6 , 875 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 30 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Rita Hamm Arnstein Rosemarie Martocci Cohn Miriam Treffeisen Friend Alice Murphy Gillespie Ann Keery Hogan Margaret Mary Corcoran Quinn Heritage Society Members: 3 Lena DiVincenzo Abruzzi Marion O’Keeffe Bowles Helen Fitzgerald Butler Martha Creamer M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney Mary Gillen Gatter Rosemary Reen Martell Alice O’Donnell Melcher Marion Cotter O’Brien* Marie Bottino Petrone Dorothy Huisking Rebak Elizabeth Lynch Sullivan Geraldine Smith Swiney Jean Healion Woods 19 38 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 11 , 8 29 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 11 , 8 29 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % Heritage Society Members: 5 19 34 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 150 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 150 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Marjorie Stiehl Tonsmeire Anne Yedowitz 19 35 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 550 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 22 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 550 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 22 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Marie Fitzsimmons Connors Gertrude Hanley Farrington Dorothy Boyce Koster Mary Russo, OSU* June Guncheon Vajda 19 36 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 75 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 75 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% Heritage Society Members: 2 Mary Norton Guterl Alys Savage Krisman Mary Allen Carolyn Chadbourne Barton Helen Felitto Jane Roberts Garvey* Mary Lavelle Kane Marie Anne Kergaravat Eileen O’Connell O’Reilly Jean McEvoy VanDelft* Marion O’Reilly Weldon 19 41 F U N D AG E N T : Rose Cuomo Coviello TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 4 4 , 227 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 33 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 4 , 227 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 33 % 19 39 Heritage Society Members: 2 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 7,725 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 23 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 7, 225 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 23 % Helene Beauchemin Ethel Madden Bonneville Rose Cuomo Coviello Heritage Society Members: 2 Rita Murphy Bundschuh Margaret Madden Granger Marion Halbritter Natalie O’Brien Jones Rosemary Gerard Klemann Muriel Flaherty McGinnis Elizabeth Coyle Nelson Florence O’Donovan Lucy Cuomo Rafferty Eileen Welch Ward * Deceased 40 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Frances Quilter Donovan Ruth O’Connor Finn Jane Mahoney Fritz Marie DePan Herlihy Nora Eileen Higgins Mary Kane Frances Mehr Kelleher Frances Doyle Lane Catherine Ryan McKiernan Loretta Gaffney Moore* Janet Griffin O’Connell Virginia Hyland Peel Eleanore Boettigheimer Rose Maryclaire Boyce Sherwin Ann Britton Sweeney Margaret McCarthy Willis 19 4 2 F U N D AG E N T : Ruth McCooey O’Neill TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 330 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 21% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 330 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 21% Heritage Society Members: 4 Mary Carvalho Rita Cardone Delaurier Edith Jameson Forbes Mary Meany Hallinan Mary Coughlin Hughes Ruth McCooey O’Neill Therese Martino Orzano Mary Quinn Quinn A LU M N A E / I G I F TS Celeste Boland Sundermann Margaret Norton Tracy Bernadette Scully Weir 19 4 3 F U N D AG E N T S : Mary FitzMaurice Jean Mahoney McCarthy TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 12 , 24 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 39 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 9 , 14 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 38 % Heritage Society Members: 9 Lorraine Liebler Anson Mary Ayres Boyer Elizabeth Braddin Boyle Kathryn McMahon Campbell Blanche Thurston Clark Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan Helen Haye Cort Maureen Didier Jean McKiernan Dolan Marie-Louise Mitchell Duffy Sarah O’Hagan Fisher Jean Protzmann Frese Margaret Mulhearn Grenga Jenny Goris Hackett Rose Mary Abel Horn Vera Lally Jordan Eileen Crawford Kelmer Nancy Duffy Kirkpatrick Eileen Mahoney Kristofik Rose Scoca Leon Mary Donohue McCarren Jean Mahoney McCarthy Anne Peters McGeady Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy Margaret Mitchell Reaves Margaret Thomas Anonymous (1) Cecilia Maguire Coleman Elinor Collins Virginia Burgette Conlin Frances Leinen Costello Marcelle McCormack Daly Janet Donnelly Phyllis Andrea Falino Agatha Kelly Fay Alyce Frattarola Fisher Frances Torpy Gardner Lillian Dordan Gray Catherine Minnock Hanlon Irene Domser Haracz Clare Dowd Hayes Rita Anne Houlihan, RC Eileen McGirr Johnston Clara Stanfield Kolarsick Margaret Lawrence Josephine Macek Elizabeth Behan Marcy Mary Braca Martocci Ruth Dobbins McCaffrey Leah Brooks McDonough Patricia Carey Moran Dorothy Lynch O’Brien Irene Treffeisen Payne Margaret Moore Rendich* E. Sheila Murray Russo Gloria Ruzzo Maryrose Baechle Scheutzow Mary Lynch Schneider Maureen Ferry Slattery Patricia Quinn Straub Helen Boyce Sweeters Louise Mazzuchelli Vaccaro Kathryn Shanley Vavasour* Claire Walsh, OSU Maria Angello Zambelli 19 4 5 19 4 4 F U N D AG E N T : Marcelle McCormack Daly TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 14 , 0 25 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 13 , 36 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 3 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Joan Holland Byrne Mary Lavery Cavanagh Cathleen Charles Muriel McGough Cole * Deceased Dolores Morris Donnelly Margaret Dore Eligia DelGuercio Dundee Catherine Gadarowski Mary Costello Karl Eileen Kelleher, OSU Jane Moynihan Kelley Eileen Lawlor Kennedy Madelene Costin Kenny Norma Gleeson Kerr Lillian Wass Koegler Barbara Kunkel Mary Ann Luth, OSU Rosemary Keenan Marra Patricia Martin Lillie Smith McKenna Margaret Mary McQuillan Anne Mead Claire Cudmore Mileto Joan Mosher Nelligan Mary Pigott Ottavino TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 114 , 4 35 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 27 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 114 , 315 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 26 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Mary Boyan, OSU Elizabeth Edwards Crawford Roselyn Kelly Dearing Doris Fingerhut Dolan Mary Houlihan Guilfoyle Mary O’Connor Haggerty Maeve Carmody Hartmann TOP CL ASSES FOR ALL GIVI NG 2009 1931-1979 CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1946 1969 1959 1968 1951 1967 1954 1958 1941 1956 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 13 , 330 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 38 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 13 , 330 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 38 % Top Ten Classes Anna Ambriola Ajemian Rosalie Lenahan Bradley Jeanne Brennan, OSU Barbara Canny Briggs Elizabeth Cuff Dalzell Miriam Monsour Donnellon 19 4 6 TOP CL ASSES FOR AN N UAL F U N D 2009 1931-1979 F U N D AG E N T : Margaret Dore Heritage Society Members: 6 Mary Louise Qualey, HHS Mary Jane Kann Reddington Jane Gallagher Schaefer Mary Elizabeth O’Shea Schippereit Teresa FitzGerald Shannon Nancy Gorman Sisto Catherine White Rita Scott Willard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1954 1959 1950 1953 1956 1951 1957 1969 1952 1949 Top Ten Classes $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 114,315 104,803 99,256 63,560 58,355 49,793 48,251 44,535 44,226 39,403 OF 1969 1952 1959 1946 1967 1968 1951 1954 1971 1958 $ 672,828 $ 302,010 $ 237,106 $ 114,435 $ 79,893 $ 66,585 $ 58,355 $ 52,420 $ 50,435 $ 44,535 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes 58% 57% 52% 50% 47% 46% 46% 46% 45% 45% 41 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N EW RO C H E L L E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1954 1959 1950 1953 1957 1956 1951 1969 1952 1960 58% 58% 53% 50% 48% 47% 46% 46% 46% 45% A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 Lillian Kroepke Healy* Florence Mullen Indiveri Patricia Byrne Kelleher Elizabeth Carraher Kilsheimer* Florence Goldberg Lieberman Frances Lyle, OSU Columbia Pica Marcantonio Catherine May Anne Carroll McGann Ann Goodwin McGovern Lorraine Ducharme Noone Cecilia Donohue Paulmann Isabel Reithebuch Frances Tymann Sampogna Marion Shaw Sanger Virginia Funk Schneider Rita Hertzog Schultze Jane McMahon Staff Edwina Weisheit Margaret Flynn White 19 47 F U N D AG E N T : Diana Ruffolo Marshall TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 23 , 30 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 23 , 30 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% Heritage Society Members: 8 Margaret Giegengack Ayling Peggy Judge Berger Vivian Farley Black Alice Bouchard, OSU Kathleen Collins Patricia Braun Crinigan Anna Hansek Cyr Dorothy Gromann Delaney Winifred Sieger Farrell Regina McCrimlisk Fitzgerald Antonia Callo Fontana Marie Pulda Fox Elizabeth Haug French Mary Ann Clines Gallagher Patrice McAllister Guiney Adelaide Heckler Joan Kelley Virginia Curren Kenney Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern Therese Cardinal Mallon Irene Crimmins Marsh Diana Ruffolo Marshall Joan McCarthy, OSU * Deceased Jane Hyde McLean Elizabeth Regan Michaels Joan Grattan Nestor Mary McKiernan O’Brien Corinne Sloane Philbin Marguerite VanArsdale Pohlmann Joan Sweeney Ruffing Helen Shubik Nancy Fischer Slagle Ann Cuomo Smith Rita Horan Specht Jeanne Gagnier Stone Yolanda Fargnoli Talamo M. Patricia Braun White 19 4 8 F U N D AG E N T S : Marie Baldassare Kridos D i a n a Fa v a L u c c a TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 15 , 9 8 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 39 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 15 , 9 8 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 39 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Lorraine Hoskins Amberg Mary Heising Ausman Marian Pinto Barnette Janet Smith Beer Patricia Charles Begley Georgette Rosenberg Bloom Maureen Boyland* Mary Baldwin Brady Anne Giesler Chappell Aveline Dillon Christie Virginia Nuvolini Couture Anne Moynihan Creedon JoAnn McCarthy Donnelly Doris Tracy Driscoll Catherine Gardner Falvey Paula Kramer Fellows Florence Covino Friedlander* Patricia Carey Gareri Irene Murphy Gilles Clara Louise Malone Gould Mary Alice Guinee Theresa Maher Harris Doris Rehm Hartnett Isabel Nahan Harvey Nancy Finan Hogan Marie Baldassare Kridos Joan Connolly Laporte GS’87 Diana Fava Lucca Gloria Gregory McDermott Mary Patricia Deignan McElroy Betty Estlinbaum McInerney Joan Bottelli Mersch Jean Mulhern Mulhern Jean Closter O’Brien Mary Flynn O’Brien Elizabeth Blake O’Connell Elizabeth O’Hare, RSM Mary Ricketson Payson Blanche Dickinson Ryan Gertrude Brodine Spence Louise McDonnell Stevens Patricia Sullivan Anne Barry Tillotson Marjorie McAllister Toner June Cerchiara Torrisi Betty Sliney Trapasso Helen Kelleher Treml Mary Alice Hitzelberger Vienneau Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak 42 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 19 4 9 F U N D AG E N T : M i l d r e d M i d d l e m i s s Ve l t r i TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 25 , 875 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 5 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 25 , 6 25 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 5 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 12 Mary Boyce Anderson Jane Bacon Barrett Jessica Wassmer Barrett Josephine Sheehan Barry Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura Nancy Grady Bradbury Estelle Harper Brocks Anne Bunting, OSU Barbara McGrath Candee Marie Linehan Chiappetta Lorraine Paoli Colangelo Mary Enders Courtney June Langran Crabtree Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah Dorothea Schatzlein De Lannoy Maria Rosa Deiso, OSU Helen Clegg Delaney A LU M N A E / I G I F TS Justine Brophy Desmond Pat Craig Dorsey Mary Dowd, OSU Patricia Gafney Draper Petey Keyser Fischer Rose Franco Ann Erisman Garrahan Barbara Farley Gilroy Jean Smith Hackett Barbara Nugent Hahn Terri Heveran Phyllis Hinchcliffe, OSU Sue Borncamp Jayes Margaret Heinchon Johnson Joan Molloy Josif Ann Pfohl Kirby Marjorie Zecher Lepore Eleanor Maloney, OSU Olive Traynor Marcinkowski Theresa Mary Fazioli Marino Jean Wetzel McKernan Rosemary Brittingham Menk Jane Comisky Mesereau Mary Sasseen Miller Rita Brown Moreland* Jean Davenport Moretti Marion Cashion Moriarty Celestine Siconolfi Padilla Mildred Aiello Panny Irene Stern Pastarnack Yvonne Lokensgard Percival Barbara Curran Philbrick Elizabeth Rohrer Reddy Eileen Reilley Mary McCarthy Rynn Gataletto Kathleen Brod Scully Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace Mary Moran Shoffner Joanne Hartnett Smith Joan Steans, CSJP Mary Ellen Mangeot Stewart Bernadine Prinzivalli Townsend Celestine Quinn Trainor Mildred Middlemiss Veltri Anne Traynor Vonick GS’84 Dolores McKeon Weber Gladys Haile Weinberg Mary McEntegart Welch Barbara D’Arcy White Barbara Chang Wong Mary Digby Brussell Barbara Alliegro Burke Helen Weber Buzaid Margaret Hilly Byrnes Patricia Crawford Cassidy Rose Mary Seifert Clair Elizabeth Stanton Colleran Jean Barrett Colligan Joan Baily Coughlan Frances Senger Coyle Nancy Carolan Cusack Elizabeth Bonavita D’Angelo Helen Burchetta Davis Jeanne Tolle Devlin Jeanne Bouchard Dorian Mary Ahern Dunn* Lois Stone Dwyer Anne Bright Farnsworth Mary Selby Ferrari Linda Ambrosiano Finelli Madeleine Rice Finnerty Helen Higgins Fitzgerald Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick Joan Jacquart Fleming Jacqueline French M. Joan Fraser Gately Margaret Phelan Gavin Carol Markle Grabko Eileen Walsh Grennan Claire Habib Mary Kervick Hammond Claire Thompson Harty Elizabeth Happy Homa Rosalie Pedalino Jacobs Mary Jeram Joan McGowan Keating Georgia Smith Keefe Nancy Cusick Kesseli Nancy Kiehnle Marie Kilbourn Ann Kirby Patricia Davis Lawless Mary Jo Casson Lee Mary Kearns McCarthy Jacqueline Busch McCracken Geraldine Larkin McGrath Marian Maney McLellan Patricia McNally McLoughlin Alice Dooling Mellen Eleanor Fiorillo Melley Elaine O’Keefe Morrissey 19 50 F U N D AG E N T : Jean Barrett Colligan TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 16 , 9 8 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 53 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 15 , 9 8 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 52 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Joan Cushwa Baer Claire Kennedy Bartlett Joan Molanphy Bassett Frances Delisle Bianculli Yolanda Lacagnina Bouffard Marianne Charles Brannigan Mary Louise Healey Brown * Deceased 43 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Anne Emmerson Oller Martha Miles Plamp Audrey Reis Prescott Claire Walbridge Pushkal Joan Swallow Regan Kathleen Sullivan Robinson Marianne Palme Rutan Gertrude Quinlan Ryan Joan Gaynor Ryan Joan Ireland Schubert Carol Naumann Shallenberger Therese Elliot Snow Margaret Snyder Mary Sorrentino Summo Marcella Pfeiffer Syracuse Patricia Ryan Tully Judith Heffernan Wack Catherine McKenna Wooters Catherine Leone Zambernardi 19 51 F U N D AG E N T : Agnes Claire Reithebuch TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 58 , 355 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 58 , 355 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % Heritage Society Members: 9 Patricia Murphy Ayres Dorothy Lynch Babis Marilyn Moehringer Birklund Rosemary Miles Blair Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti Mary McDonald Boulin Patricia Kelly Bratches Patricia Crawford Brown Margaret Reynolds Charles Carolyn Grant Clarke Ann Gilligan DiDiego Irene Conlon Doherty Marilyn Grimm Doherty Joan Scully Duffy Kathryn English Gloria Angello Gallagher Catherine Gotti Elizabeth Broe Green Ann Hetherman Johnson Dolores DePalmer Karl Anne Morrison Keller Patricia Kelly Kenney Kathleen Rees Klein Dolores Murnane Lentz Sarah Niles Leonard A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 Verona Gobeo McCarthy Nancy Ford McDermott Eileen McEntegart Carol deSantis McGough Nancy Collins McKenna Dorothy Meeker Mela Patricia Pelletier Michaud Margaret Brennan Moore Maureen White Nesbitt Margaret Gillis O’Brien Ruth Holthouse O’Dowd Stephanie Fitzpatrick O’Keefe Maureen O’Rourke Dorothy Harlan Parlatore Ann Hoeffer Pax Agnes Claire Reithebuch Mary Jane Robertshaw, OSU Claire Schnell Rooney Maureen Duffy Schaffer Jane Crabtree Stark Oona Burke Sullivan Kathryn Stirn Supple Marguerite Marino VillaSanta Patricia Lace Voorhees Elizabeth Ashley Watson Genevieve Madison West Agnes Neill Williams Dolores Yanshak, OSU 19 52 F U N D AG E N T : Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 30 2 , 010 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 30 ,710 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 5 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Margaret Scholz Bartsch Julie Bennett Ann Koenig Biancheri Mary Maloney Bonney Ellin Smith Boyd Phyllis McCullough Brown Claire Carolan Burnell Teresa Byrne, OSU Anne Shea Cagnina Marie Calderazzo AnnMarie Del Bello Carlo Rosemary Murphy Chesterman Ann Dowd Connolly Audrey Roberts Creary Joan Gafney Crowley * Deceased Barbara Hadlock Dacey Joan Crawford Daly Patricia Maloney Derbes Anne Crapser Doyle Maureen Costello Durkin Elizabeth Madden Dybas Mary Ellen Roche Fagan Betty Ann Wymbs Finneran Jean Tobin Galletta Patricia Ahearn Gillin Gloria Greco Cecile-Marie Daoust Hoover Florence Horgan Kathleen Neary Howard Helen Phelan Howe Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes Betty Ann Kelly Keane Marcia Kimball, OSU Ellen Wigle Krause Elizabeth Borden Lalor Patricia Mead Lang Joan Hembrooke Livornese Margaret Alberti Lynch Claire Lebel Lyons Elizabeth Farrell MacBlane Mary Ann Ebeling MacPherson Dolores Duffy Martin Joan Hennessey Matulis Marianne Carrig Mazan Jane Mennis, OSU Helen Donovan Nightingale Patricia O’Neil June Swantko Olszewski Vera Farmer Penrod Janie Crawford Prue Virginia Gorman Raship Sarah Ryan Caryl Corbetta Schiess Helen Doherty Shannahan J. Patricia Carew Shannon Helene Moore Sinclair Dorothy Costello Smith Georgia Smith Tanner Anne Mitchell Thiel Alice Timothy Elizabeth Tucker Treacy Rose Marie Murray Verrilli Catherine Langellotti Vigilante Donna Matthews Walcott Mary Lee Jones Waldron Anne Marie Weiler Patricia Pini Welch Marlyn Kilgannon Zalud 19 53 F U N D AG E N T : Joann Hawkes Langston TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 13 ,78 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 50 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 13 , 239 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 50 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Romayne Parlanti Agliotta Josephine Zehner Bab Isabelle Healey Bacon Ann Marie McGovern Beal Vincentia Belbruno Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley Joan McAndrews Brown Nancy Bragger Brown Claire Garvey Butler Eileen Titterton Carbery Margaret Croake Cherico Joan Montgomery Coughlin Jean Carmel Daley Mary Pat Whalen Devane Mary Faith Parker Donaldson Isabelle Ludes Donohue Norma Fazia Elser Elizabeth Staab Emery Diane Buschen Golden Elizabeth Gorman Louise DiSanto Greer Gloria Nichols Grune Rose Saccoman Hansen Patricia Peterson Hoffmann Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson Mary Jane Bergeron Janick* Mary Martin Kaletta Julia Broderick Keane Marijane Lambert Kearney GS’79 Patricia Byrnes Lammers Marlene Lamont Sheila Desmond Landon Joann Hawkes Langston Grace Carmody Loesel Beatrice Mackenzie E. Irene Herald Matthews Dian Jennings Mayo Barbara Ryan Meara Ann Borstelmann Miele Marie-Celine Miranda, OSU Madeleine Barry Mitchell Margaret Moroney Jane Mackenzie Morosky Barbara Guilfoyle Morpurgo Frances Morris Anne Gallagher Moynihan Angela Murray Joan D’Angelo Musci Mary Walsh Nunes SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES A N D SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G 2009 GIFTS FROM REUNION CLASSES / ANNUAL FUND Class 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 TOTAL Donors 2 10 39 66 63 87 83 95 46 21 17 18 4 7 4 13 575 44 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Participation 10% 23% 43% 45% 58% 57% 43% 46% 31% 14% 10% 15% 2% 4% 2% 7% 25% Dollars $150 $7,225 $13,365 $25,625 $48,251 $99,256 $32,061 $104,803 $11,140 $7,190 $1,925 $1,307 $125 $344 $1,815 $145 $354,728 A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES A N D SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G 2009 GIFTS FROM REUNION CLASSES / ALL GIVING Class 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 TOTAL Donors 2 10 40 66 63 88 83 96 46 21 19 18 4 7 4 13 580 Mary Mitchell O’Sullivan Ann Hald Palmer Patricia Tarantino Passaro Constance Martin O’Hearne Prud’homme Carole Quinn Anne Donohue Reid Nancy King Reilly Harriette Gillem Robinet Elsa Boger Rogers Joan Horgan Rogers Dolores Searles Roy Margaret Malloy Slyngstad Rosemary Marrone Smith Teresa Sorrentino Anita Esler Tuoti Mary O’Connor Wald Carol Mungan Wingertzahn Joan Rossy Wood 19 54 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 52 , 4 20 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 58 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 8 , 251 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 58 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Dolores Liggero Anostario Anne Coniglio Anzola Participation 10% 23% 44% 45% 58% 58% 43% 46% 31% 14% 11% 14% 2% 4% 2% 7% 25% Dollars $150 $7,725 $14,025 $25,875 $52,420 $237,106 $34,065 $672,828 $11,140 $7,190 $2,062 $1,407 $125 $344 $1,815 $145 $1,068,423 Anne Boyce Madeleine Quenneville Brooks Mary Geaney Brown Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes Dawn Camadella Cardone Eleanor Clary Joan Herald Comey Nancy Gould Davis Marianne De Mott Alice Dinneen Tesse Hartigan Donnelly Carole Saunders Doyle Marlene Rossbach Dube Ann Barry Durbin Mary Mosser Falvo Mary Alyce Farrell Fields Margaret Slagsvol Flavia Jeanne Hunter Galick Mary Finnegan Gibbons Patricia Haggerty Mary Lou Bartholomew Hallatt Eleanor Donlon Hannigan Kathleen Duffy Henry Winifred Hajla Hespe Catherine Schott Hoffman Kathleen Desmond Hughes Susan Duggan Kane Joan Cunniff Kennedy Patricia Brunetto Kiernan Rita Mulligan Knowles Caryl Doherty Lennon Frances Purcell Liddy* Cornelia Mahon Ruth McLaughlin McBride Eva Ormon McKay Natalie Hastings McMahon Suzanne Lukaswitz McMahon Evelyn Mechler Inez DeLucia Migliore Betsy Jones Molloy Jean Glokner Moran Constance Wong Mow Joanne Hall Norbert Mary Carpenter Nunz Sheila Madigan O’Connell Elizabeth Shalloe O’Gorman Patricia O’Connor O’Malley M. Dorothy Gossard Rolincik Janice Roes Salter Iva Short Schulz Terry O’Malley Seidler Nancy Miller Skibbie Marlene Lauria Sullivan Maureen Cunningham Tensfeldt Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson Cecilia Grebenstein Volpati Anne Selby VonOehsen Mary Helen Wang, OCD Marteve Trivett Williamson Stephanie Wilson, OSU Anonymous (1) 19 55 F U N D AG E N T : J e a n n e t t e C a r r y Pa r s h a l l TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 35 , 16 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 35 , 16 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 2 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Kathryn Heck Begley Ann Black* GS’90 Ingrid Schubert Bolke Barbara Lawrence Bridgers Elaine Dehan Burger Andrea Gallagher Cain Virginia Hameline Clough Patricia Foley Conaghan Rita Creagh Margaret Gormley Detko * Deceased 45 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Joan Campana Diaferia Joan McGrath Donahue Judith McEnroe Dorgan Lucy DiSanto Egan Barbara Mullin Fettig Ann Tubman Foley* Claire Fordrung Susan Ryan Gannon M. Joan Callahan Gilbert Anne McSheehy Giroux Rosemarie Mauro Gogarty Carol Gourlie Janine Vier Grogan Mary Shaughnessy Haney Joan Marschall Hanley Florence Congiolosi Hansen Ellen Erisman Harrington Joan Gaine Hutchison Margaret Moran Jordan Patricia Beal Kelleher Frances Bohmert Kelly Eleanore Leary Nancy Bisio Leary Marylin Carey Lescher Ann Hines Lo Voi Nina Iannotti Maguire Dorothy McElroy Angela Cadigan Mooney Jean Gibney Morrissey Ann Waters Murphy Mary Killian O’Donnell Jacquelyn Burns O’Neil Ann Martin Olson Jeannette Carry Parshall Joan Newlove Priest Mary Feehan Ribaudo Frances Fitzgerald Ryan Patricia O’Driscoll Schulder Elizabeth Bosco Serra Ruth Daley Sharkey Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley Nina Sheehan Strattner Margaret Rabbitt Swearingen Margaret Toohy Sweeney Yvonne Abraham Taylor Doris Gardella Toohill Anne Walsh, OSU Ann Foley Walters Betty Ward Marianne Slysz Welna Julia Whalen Janet Swanson Wiedenhoft A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 19 56 F U N D AG E N T : Pa t r i c i a B a r n u m Wi l l i a m s TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 41 , 9 0 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 47 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 39 , 4 0 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 47 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Cecelia Falcone Andretta GS’85 Helen Curtin Ashe Barbara Brosnan Baisley Margaret Gleeson Becker Patricia Murray Blessington Catherine Savarese Brinker Doris Koerner Cafiero Diane Lee Conner Mary Hubbard Coogan Mary Buschen Cooper Eleanor Flynn Daly Louise DiModica Mary Ann Carroll Dolan Elizabeth Sculley Donovan Ann Marie Killen DuPlessis Mary Doyle Eglin Mary Ruth Willmann Foglino Mary Ahearn Foley Naomi Roche Fonseca Alice Giordano, OSU Gretchen Staff Goethner Marie Higgins Grady Carrol Varley Gutta Mary Ann Garrity Hagelin* Mary Hogan Hearle GS’87 Marguerite Raia Henigman Sarah White Hoblitzell Sara Carey Hull Francis Kearney, OSU Regina Kehoe, OSU GS’85 Barbara Kelley Claire Senger Kingsley Grace Barnett Knechtel Kathleen Kuczkowski, OSU Marie-Denise Johnson Lane Mary Ellen Flynn Loveless Joan Meister Luecke Katherine Mylod Mainzer Marilyn Giannelli Martin Claire McCrudden Kathleen McEntegart Dorothy Elling Meehan-Ripa Donna Walsh Milne Alice Milot * Deceased Carol Donlon Nealon Lela Keough Negri Patricia Gould O’Brien Mary Casey O’Grady Anne Owens Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli Josephine Montanile Ronan Mary Price Ruland Claudia Chiappano Sangiuolo Kathryn Swift Sarrides Margaret Boyle Savage Ethel Ankner Shafter Elizabeth West Shine Carmen Trueba Stanley Marta Uriarte Steffan Rosamond Dausey Stott Ann Marie Kenny Sullivan Flavia Kinney Sullivan Mary Greer Sweeney Patricia McGovern Sweeting Mary Waterman Thompson Joan Storin Thurston Faith Rieg Victory Ann Krecek Vier Rose Marie Bizzoco Volpe GS’80 Clare Keefe Walsh Margaret Casey Walz Mary Louise Foradora Webber Ann Tutrinoli Weber Kathryn Sansone Wells Patricia Barnum Williams Ann O’Shaughnessy Burke Joan Bray Burke Alice Marie Connors Callo Gail Brough Chapman Patricia Doherty Clancy Mary Ann Lynch Clune Joan Familetti Connor Marie Valluzzo Convertito Catherine Corgan Barbara Parker Corr Gretchen Russell Craffey Mary Harvey Doyle Carol Carnes Dwyer Francine Corcoran Edwards Florence Lang Erbe Jane Walsh Foster Jacqueline Com Francois Jacqueline Vitucci Gfeller Joan Palmera Giordano Rose Marie Zaffino Grosso Barbara Klein Hamill Gertrude Kelly Hamilton Catherine Murray Harrington Margaret Sullivan Hooley Joanne Incerto Helen Collins Krumsiek Cynthia Edwards Kusa Barbara Kearns Lautenschlager 19 57 F U N D AG E N T : M a r i e Va l l u z z o C o n v e r t i t o TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 28 , 6 20 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 23 , 470 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Antoinette Abraham Virginia Ketterson Aller Lois Scarpino Amend Katherine Kane Anderson Agnes Carrozzella Barba Cathleen Cahill Barber M. Joyce Derrick Beauchamp Rosemary Fisher Bertolotti Margaret Pruner Boehling Ina Creagh Boyd Mary Mylod Brockway Frances Choquette Broderick 46 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Margaret Houlihan Lynch Madeleine Bourre McDermott Rita Howard McGoldrick Mary Ann Walker McGrath Phyllis VandeCar Meader Elizabeth Seidel Messler Suzanne Groark Morgan Joan Alpi Napolitano Adrienne O’Brien Gloria Pedalino Bridget Puzon, OSU Betsy Roesgen Rider Mary Sayers Andree Lejeune Scanlon Loretta D’Agostino Schmitz Rosanne Riordon Seitz Barbara Weis Sheehan Joan Meeker Skrobala Patricia Smith Margaret Stanislaus Grace Miller Stillwell Elinor Tanck Ann TenEyck Joan Spitaleri Tykot Cynthia Scaiano Walsh Jacqueline Berean Westa Marilyn McCormack Wickel Valerie Roberts Wilcox A LU M N A E / I G I F TS 19 58 F U N D AG E N T : M a r c e l l e M . Wi l l o c k TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 4 4 , 536 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 41% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 4 , 536 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 41% Heritage Society Members: 5 Frances Battaglia Altman Adelaide Amend Ellen Riccobono Anderson Nancy Glennan Barry Ann Summa Bradley Linda Liotti Breving Felicia Prekeris Brown Marie Cafferty Barbara Calamari, OSU Margaret McGorty Colavita Margaret Horrigan Connolly Patricia Gallagher Cuff Roberta Tolle DeBaldo Anne Therese Dillen, OSU Helen Doherty Beatrice Cunningham Easton Elizabeth Evers Kathryn Hourin Faber Martha Coleman Farquhar Pauline Blank Fearn Elizabeth Marra Feuerstein Mary Ellen Flaherty Elizabeth Flynn Martha Gleason, OSU L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman Rosanne Hoffmann Hanrahan Mary Keenan Hart Edwina Kearney Hassi Mary Schrade Heubel Maryellen Keefe, OSU Donna McAuley Kelly Geraldine Sansone Klein-Robbenhaar Mary McAniff Kresky Barbara Mackinnon Kuttner Eileen Roche Loughran Katherine McHugh Maria GS’72 Mary Baker Maus Jane Reiss McAniff Eileen Ferren McCulley Virginia Malankowski McFadden Janet Hendrick Megna Ann Brough Mullin Phillips Jan VanValkenburgh Murphy Martha Callaghan Neiro * Deceased Ellen Welch O’Bryan Mary Dillon O’Neil Nancy Philie Roberta Arrigoni Pickett Margaret Smith Rejto Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso Ann Magrum Rowland Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier Barbara Smith Claire Smith, OSU Denise Delaney Smith Gabrielle Ceriale Smith Joan Steinbrecher Barbara Hawthorne Stiles Constance Turner Sullivan Mary Ann DeMetsenaere Taylor Germaine Keogh Trabert Carol Kloss Traynor Bernice Maynard Veckerelli Lillian Koenig von Brockdorff Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas Mary Burke Wall Marcelle M. Willock Joyce Zibro 19 59 F U N D AG E N T S : Sara Arthur Eileen Egan Burke Eileen Mylod Hayden Rowena Larkin Morris TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 237, 10 6 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 58 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 9 9 , 256 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 57 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 16 Juliette Ahearn Frances McKillop Ambrose Sara Arthur Mary Rendich Behringer Gabriella Veleba Bondy Eileen Egan Burke Mary Kiley Carroll Mary Eddy Carroll Joan Rombach Chisholm Ellen Masi Chretien Patricia Looby Clary Jane Russell Coates Patricia Colahan Cunningham Maura Dausey Ann Grady Doyle Katherine Johnston Ferrari Mary Kieran Fitzgerald GS’82 Emily St. Clair Fogarty Glenna Faller Follmer Kathleen Fredrick Marie Trombacco Gianzero Francesca Marshall Giegengack Marie Gormley Tarleton Class of 1959 at their 50th Reunion. 47 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Sylvia Barzak Gunderson Marie Gudicello Halloran Gloria Lucchesi Hanson Eileen Mylod Hayden Angela Bannan Healey Patricia Hoch Hendricks Patricia Scully Henry Mary Heald Herlihy Margaret Lewis Hilton Susan Huvane Stephanie Peterman Iachetta GS’94 Joan Fee Kelly Marilyn Kowalcyk Katherine Jane Seidel Kresser Regina Steinlein Lanzarone Marion Carbery Lechowicz Jacqueline Falcier Livermore Patricia Casey Looby Janet Spence Lowery Margaret Whyte Lyons Nancy Walsh Manning Janet Conlon Manyan Mary Ann Geraci Marriott Catherine Rance May Susan McCallum Joan Whalen McGauley Kay O’Connor McKenna Carolyn Quinn McNamara Sara Hyde McNeil Lorraine Riley Meenan Joanne Zeiner Millerick Rowena Larkin Morris Judy Mauser Morriss A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 Jane Rako Morrissey Juliann Heye Mueller Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy Grace Tubman Mullaney Olga Antignani Nespole Carole McCarthy Nicholson Marcia Moynihan Norton Marianne Ouellette Parker Mary-Ellen Murray Christiansen Photiades Anne Meyer Pollard Margaret Reilly-Antalec Justine Nerrow Ryan Mary Pajer Ryan Catherine Perkinson Sabol Mary Ann Runkle Savard Charlotte Molleur Schaefer Paula Farrell Shea Marilyn Roth Smith Joan Feeney Spaulding Ann Fenlon Strauss Jill Ganey Sullivan Jean Lilly Sweeney Lucie Giegengack Teegarden Mary Emmons Tergesen Beverly Cipollo Tobin Patricia Trainor Louise Wiswall Unger Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marue English Walizer Sarah Rudis Weiss V. Jane Adamowicz Williams Deirdre Dunne Winters Joan Jurgenson Wolter 19 6 0 F U N D AG E N T : Eileen Case Sibson TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 28 , 59 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 5 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 28 , 4 6 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 4 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 14 Mary Donegan Acunto* Maureen Clifford Albers Christina Leary Amabile Patricia Abbott Barden Diane Guest Biondi Frances Minetti Biscoglio Lois Forster Boston Eleanor Shea Buckley Regina Roche Butt * Deceased M. JoAnne Buecker Collins Catharine Smith Conley Shirley Smith Conway Stephanie Syze Cordes Moira Lynch Crabtree Margaret Crahan Carolyn Bucheri Daigle Rochelle Moccio De Angelis-Kilmart Clare Rooney Decker Patricia McGinnis Dunn Susan Yaeger Dyke Rosemary Cummins Edwards Ann Savino Farrelly Kathleen Finnerty, OSU Marion Mylod Fitzgerald June Toretta Fuentes Mary Barry Gallagher Angela Dawn Mestier George Mary Domingue Guerin Carol O’Connell Heinze Elizabeth Murphy Joseph Rose Ann Rizzo Keane Ellen Pacia Kehoe Elaine Schramm Kenyon Isabel Wilkinson Kimmel Constance Partridge Knoebel Mary Doherty Layden Alice Faughnan Lowe Jean-Marie LaPlant Lyne June Evangelist McCann Elizabeth Shea McDermott Therese McMahon, OSU SN’93 Ursula Kehoe McMahon Isolina Rodriguez Meeks Anne Butkovsky Messina Mary Cronin Miller Mary Ellen Moynihan Morin Joan Roxby Mostica Mary Muldoon Carol Kennedy Mylod Patricia Noone, SC Dorothea Henderer O’Brien Julie Pifer Cornelia DeSantis Pratt Mary Beth Meaney Quigley Ann Tucker Rogers Marie Porco Rossi GS’71 Betty Hall Roveda Aline Harwood Rubin Janice Ruggiero Claire Pacia Santoro Eileen Sanzo Regina Sasseen Eileen Case Sibson Margaret Stearns Katherine Learson Sullivan Kathryn Ziegler Tatlow Sally Furlong Thompson Anne Tierney Thureson Marya Dull-Washington Diana Ramasco Woods Anne Klueber Yorke 19 61 F U N D AG E N T S : Joan McInerney Hallowell Th e r e s a C a r d i n a l e J o h n s o n Judith O’Neill O’Gorman TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 9 3 , 4 9 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 39 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 38 , 4 9 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 39 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 11 Marianne Sangiovanni Archey Eileen Murray Arens Barbara Faltz Barbieri Julita Carrione Blasi Elaine Crandall Borrelli GS’86 Kathleen Kay Bosco Maura Nestor Bullock Helen Casey Jean Gallagher Chen Dorothy Schrieber Codd Eileen Murphy Collins Margaret Comaskey Janet Maroney Connolly Sheila Conway Helen Trelewicz Costigan JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri Charlotte Neilan Darling Suzette McKiernan Davis Rosalie Procaccino Delillo Mary Alice McMahon DiSalvo Bonnie M. Driscoll Maureen Reynolds Estes Mary-Alice Fitzgerald GS’80 Joan Pagano Formisano Sheila Fitzpatrick Geoghegan Mary Giegengack-Jureller Marilyn Picardi Giglia Catherine Yodice Giles Kathryn Gleeson Claudia Barnett Gordon Audrey Pistilli Grieco Nancy MacNeil Hall 48 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Joan McInerney Hallowell Letitia Fagan Holleran Lauretta Sotak Jenkins Theresa Cardinale Johnson Jean McCue Jones Kathleen Juan Christiane Keck Janet Keenan Sandra Kelley Catherine Elder Kelly Dolores Castellano King Jean Wilson Kirby Theresa Kubis Isabel Torras Loader Carol Mahoney Kathleen Ryan Mangan Jane Garbarino Manning Alicia Murphy McCormick Susan Spencer McElroy Claire McIntee Mary Krackeler McLean Margaret Badum Melady Patricia Yetman Melville Kathleen Daly Mirabile Mary Donovan Moeller Filomena Russo Mohr Joyce Celentano Moran Valerie Trivisonno Moreno Ann Marie Reisert Nolan Kathryn Peterson Mary O’Connell Regan Maureen Cassidy Rounds Marie Williams Scalia Mary Semple Patricia Ahearn Sheerin Marie Uhrich Alycia O’Brien Vivona Maura Meehan Winkler Catherine Young Marcia Young Anonymous (1) 19 6 2 F U N D AG E N T : C a t h e r i n e Ty b u r s k i N a g y TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 13 , 075 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 0 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 13 , 075 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 0 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Carol Nelson Andrews Carole Fabrizzi Angelino Catherine Bagley A LU M N A E / I G I F TS Alice Walsh Sweeney Suzanne Sayegh Thomas Barbara Brennan Van Hook Karen O’Brien Vetrone Anne Cullinan Walsh Nancy Shannon Walsh Madeline Hamilton Whalen Joan Woodcome, OSU 19 6 3 F U N D AG E N T S : Andrea Mazzari Berzolla Pa t r i c i a S o b i e r a j s k i Ku h r TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 36 , 8 0 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 35 ,752 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 2 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Kathleen Schwartz Barrett Valerie Burke Beeson Susan Herald Clarke Carol Gill Clifford Rae Condon Joan Rafferty Coon Kathleen Corrigan Fuhs Jane Spillane Courtney Patricia O’Connor Cowan Mary Lou Kelley Crane Mollie McLaughlin Crumrine Kathryn Golden Delaney Joan Donovan Suzanne Draghi Doris Sieck Dubac Judith Travers Dugan Imelda Maloney Farrell Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick Barbara Gorr Foley Maureen Furlong Sandra Forbes Gerhard Gertrude Tully Girod Rita Moriarty Gorman Patricia McKeown Graham Janice Barry Grzesinski Eileen Gallagher Harrington Agnes Gennatasio Harris GS’79 Mattia Musci Healy Margaret Parmelee Hummel Eileen McNiff Hussey Carole Schmidt Jennings Joyce Trainor Altieri Dolores Lausberg Andrew Marie O’Malley Armstrong Anna Mancino Ascione Jane Barbiasz Andrea Mazzari Berzolla Anne Doherty Bottner Elizabeth Ryan Bowler Doris Daily Brough Dorothy Girasek Bruley Darby Callahan Judith Mallegol Cardanha Sheila McCrudden Cherico Mary Gail Bigos Cokkinias Alisann Alexander Collins Carol Jennings Collins Elizabeth Greaves Crawford Ellen Kochan Cuddy Dale Tristany Davis Starenko Mary Del Monte Mary Maguire Dunne Joan Rost Figlozzi Mary Jane Hepinstall Flanigan Monica Dumser Frizzell Anne Chapman Gardiner Dolores Catania Genovese GS’80 Irene Dellano Ghiorzi Alice Duffy Grant Dana Greene Roesel Mary Lou Zanca Griffin Marianne Birch Gumbs Ruth Brown Hamilton Kathryn Bouvier Heck Mary Ball Hofstetter GS’81 Susan Alexander Hogan Arlene Whited Kalinowski Adrienne Kanach, SHCJ Mary Lou Smith Kanach Ann Keegan, RGS Marcia Goffa Ketchum Grace Hourigan Lattanzio Margaret Kuntz Lessing Angeline Giammalvo Long Mary Joanne Raymond MahonDeBernardis Camille Marchetta Mary Ann McGrath Martin Elizabeth Lombardi McCullough Agnes McNamee Anne Vogel Miller Judith Allen Mugovero Catherine Tyburski Nagy Joanne Megivern Nelson Margaret Wallace O’Brien Elizabeth O’Donnell Cathleen O’Donnell Paprocki Ann Peterson, OSU Ellen Belcher Petrisko Emily Ford Price Eleanor Kenneke Quinn Elizabeth Quinn Sheila Reilly Theresa Edwards Romeo Noreen Siragusa Ryan Catherine Whittle Shaw Sabina Sprague Slavin Marilouise Sullivan * Deceased 49 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Carol O’Neil Hyatt Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr Deirdre La Porte Margaret Doyle Lawler Verna Pappalardo Lofaro Marion Lynch, OSU Mary Delehanty Mandeville Anne McAuliffe-O’Donnell Leslie Johnson McDonald Sheila White McMahon Barbara Runkle McNamara Kathleen Hooks Merrifield Gail Engels Mon Pere Barbara Mulligan-Rado Marianne Meyer Mundy Daryl Thompson Neubecker Mary Ann Delinski Nowell Sheila Coughlin O’Connor Teresita Dwyer O’Leary Rosemary Ceruzzi Paglia Jane Perkinson Aulana Pharis Peters Marie Donovan Potter Mary Purcell Mary Ryan Redmond Patricia Maher Rickman Marcia Tierney Salko Janet Kearns Scavo Nancy Packert Shashaty Jacqueline Russillo Shea Margaret Kilroy Sill Mary McGarry Stuart Marion Kettling Torchia Kathryn Bell Walter Sandra Crupi Wicina Elizabeth Bues Wittemann Anne Murphy Yankoupe Joan Gavenda Zummo 19 6 4 F U N D AG E N T : Joan Fiori Blanchfield TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 34 , 0 6 6 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 3 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 32 , 0 6 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 3 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Marie Gleeson Amoroso Mary Riley Bagnulo Elaine Donovan Blair GS’92 Joan Fiori Blanchfield Rosemary Kirby Bloem Eileen Maher Browning A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 Virginia Hackett Burns Patricia Kerwin Butler Elizabeth Griffin Casarino Eileen Keegan Chiaramonte Kathleen Cinnater Jeanne Calamari Coburn Bernardine Puricelli Compton Marie Cucuzzella Cote Joy Kober Cowan Rosemary Keefe Cyr Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio Mary Gibbons Deegan Anne Beaver Dempsey Eileen Denver Mikell Gallagher Deptula Marjorie Devery Regina Killeen Dietz Elise Guthrie Donahue Mary Clare Freaney Dooley Patricia O’Connor Duncan Carol Jacunski Fiore Marie Flanagan Mary Kehoe Flannery Joan Morgan Flatley Mary Burger Frost Susan Karutis Gaffney Sandra Smith Gangle Rosemary Swords Gatti Pat Quattrochi Gorman Margaret Guinan Grigalonis Paula Guerin Margaret Lohan Healy Marjorie Meszaros Hendrickson GS’89 Joy Canazon Howe Marianne Cunilio Jackson Carolyn Miller Jordan Carol Bertani Joyce Joanne Kane Maureen Langham Koehl Mary Jane McGovern Kreiger Carol Shannon Leonard Cecelia Stevens Mackey Cicily Sorbello McCarthy Joan Lucas McDermott Jane Murphy McGrath Kathleen Sullivan McKenna Mary Ann Zimmermann McKinney Dorothy McManus Jill Herndon Merrick Maureen Mitchley Mullarkey * Deceased Nan Lawson Munck Maureen Kavanaugh Murray M. Cecilia McNamara Murtagh Melody Pontell Nista Kathleen Quinlan Norman Kathleen O’Connor Julia Looser O’Grady Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill Judith Perry Barbara Sansone Peterson Anne Pooler Claire McGuire Porter Elizabeth Souppa Remlin Janice Pacifico Ridgeway Joan Connors Roberts Judith Shannon Mary Shea, OSU Margaret Savage Siewert Julie Skurdenis Barbara Reish Spangler Carolyn Harnett Spitz Danielle DeVincentis Stanley Maryann Ryan Thompson Patricia Smith Treanor Teri Wilkinson Ellen Toal Wry Barbara Krawchuk Zimmerman Cynthia Hricko David Margaret Davis Carol Cooke Derrenbacher Patricia Rice Devereaux Mary Donahue-Aveni Teresa Zakrzewski Duggan Patricia Tongue Edraos Karen Fairbrother MaryKate Riordan Federman Ann Battaglia Feldman Kathleen Madden Flack Nancy Tomedy Forsberg Martha Furlong GS’76 Patricia Reilly Gamache Geraldine White Gildea Nancy Donnelly Greaney Ellen Mooney Hancock Margaret McGonegal Harbin JoAnn Harper Hardy Barbara Higgins Lucia Dunn Hill Patricia Shannon Hinchey Patricia Murphy Howley Barbara Bachstetter Johnsen Kit Frohne Johnson Mary Beth Bayle Kelligrew Patricia Reilly Kenney Mary Kraetzer Francine Napoliello Lampidis Elizabeth Barry Lange Blakeslee Benjamin Lloyd Ellen Lunny-Olenick Maryann Padula Mading Patricia Ahearn Mastellon Cecelia McCarton Mary Ellen Foster McEvily Mary Lawrence McManus Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae Margaret O’Rourke Meggesto Dorothy Ronan Meneghin Mary Moran GS’82 Janet Barelli Murphy Patricia Lechner Nahas Valerie Niosi Mary Santangelo Nocero Nancy Peavy O’Neil Mariann Perseo Barbara Koeppen Reilly Lenore Cronin Riccio Arleen Jacaruso Sheridan Joanne Godley Smith Sally Smith 19 6 5 F U N D AG E N T : M a r y D o n a h u e - Av e n i TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 31 , 370 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 0 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 31 , 34 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 0 % Heritage Society Members: 7 Rosemary Vasas Abbott Joellyn Ausanka Lynne Borra Baikal Frances LoCicero Bailie Florence Fay Balderston Donna Silvia Batch Joann Romanello Borchetta Margaret Buckley Mary Buschman-Kelly Ann Carew Cahill Joan Bourdeau Callanan Joan Galletta Casler Ellen Brady Colasurdo Julie Connelly Ellen Connor-Stahl Mary Ellen Morin Cox Rosita Creamer 50 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Paulette Sorg Jean Stoddart Judith Sheehan Tully Kathleen Shay Tully Elizabeth VanderPutten Mary Nolan Wakeford Judith Murray Webdale Rosemarie Affatato Wenick Madeline White Angela Martin Wilkens 19 6 6 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 32 , 475 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 18 , 975 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 30 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Angela Loveman Armitage Carol Beebe Dowley Louise Driscoll M. Patricia O’Neill Egan Joan Ericsson Rita Bundschuh Fitzpatrick GS’85 Maryjane Hurley Fromm Anne Gevlin Linda Maheu Gilberto Marjorie Stone Hagenah Catherine Kilian Haney Susan Doyle Holahan Kathleen Manion Hughes Margaret Brennan Keating Patricia Keating Jean Reardon Kellogg Beatrice Close Kerr Margaret Murray Kiernan Mary McKeon Klein Marilyn Puchli Lorenz Susan Miner Lyons Rosemary McGinn Stack Joanne McGovern, RGS Virginia DeCicco Minicucci Regina McGrory Monte Noranne Mulcahy Marge O’Connor Ingrid Poschmann O’Grady Juanita Torres Saco Carolyn Donohue Schuchardt Karen Schwane, OSU Marita Schellings Spooner Mary Martin Stump Mary Supple Dailey Jeanne Urciolo A LU M N A E / I G I F TS Mary Anne Finnerty Walldorf Bernadette Socorso Watson Susan Reid Wilke Mary Tapogna Wysocki Maureen Phelan Youngs 19 67 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 79 , 8 9 3 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 33 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 9 ,79 3 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 33 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Christl Heinzeller Anastasio Margaret Baine Marie Nigro Berggren Lorraine Ouellette Berner Elizabeth Bourgeois Geraldine Larkin Brick Martha Counihan, OSU Margaret Baylock Dean Mary Jayne Hernandez Delbridge Joan Griffin Donaldson Virginia Downer GS’76 Susan Fauerbach Downes Ann Dwyer Joanne Fortune Pamela Frasca Audrey Gaquin Buck Marie Zoller Gardner Lorraine Cyr Germain M. Sharon O’Sullivan Gilbert Joan Hobson Ginnetti Clara Interlandi Grande Gail O’Neill Gunther Margaret Sweeney Hartnett Susan Rutecki Hoehler Lynn Ambrose Holmes Anne-Marie Wilchek Iozzo Linda Mastrangelo Kennedy Joan Foley Kreimer Danielle DunLany Langford GS’84 Jane Vought Lascala Darcy Sloggatt Lawson Judith Petricone Lynch Susan Grein Maroney Mary Massimo Eleanor Moretta Ann Pepek Morrison Denise Rocheleau Nordberg Margaret Smith Norris Julie O’Keefe Catherine Chojnacki O’Neill Eileen Potkay Olynciw Pamela Barogin Otruba Ruth Stahl Outwater Patricia Zellner Peck Jane Scully Reichle Kathleen Bieger Roche Irmina Bestard Rodriguez Mary Creagh Rondeau-Kiley Allison Rubeli Anne-Patricia Rufino Pearl Tong Shum Denise Soebbing Soares Ann Kasprzak Sterbenz Virginia O’Brien Stoeffel Margaret Lannon Thorne Nancy DeGennaro Turner Sandra Giannoni Wainman Adele Costa Whalen Karen Walker Wright Evelyn Yenson Suzanne Bouthillier Zarcaro Katherine McNamara Menard Catherine Frank Murtha Maura McCauley O’Brien Elizabeth Sayre Oldendorp Margaret Maher Pierce Barbara Murphy Piontkowski Judith Morin Prisco GS’72 Mary Beth Read, OSU Kathleen Colangelo Record Ethel McKeon Reese Carroll Reid Mary Kirby Rhodes Penelope Moscoe Risher Mary Creeden Risio Barbara Schlapp Marie Sayegh Shack Catherine Shannon Loretta Mengel Shirey Rosemary Tomczak Strekel Joan Hardeman Taylor Barbara Hunihan Tully Myra Turley Beatrice Ott Ukraincik Mary Watson-Stribula Marguerite Crowley Weibel Mary Ann Nicolais Wiedmont Patricia Connelly Wilson Sue Ann Oetting Zaccagnino Joan Zagrobelny Grace Raziano Zychal 19 6 8 F U N D AG E N T : Kristin Krause McDonough TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 6 6 , 58 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 32 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 6 3 , 56 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 32 % Heritage Society Members: 7 Jean Shanaphy Barrow Ellen Greene Borzelli Mary Catherine Sheldrick Boyle Sheila Campbell, OSU GS’93 Susan Consoimagno Cianflone Catherine Riley Daignault Susan Bundschuh Davidson Virginia de Wolf Ann Marie Eagan Patricia DeAngelis Fife Sally Fernet Geloso Christina Shea Geraghty Noel McNamara Grimm Madonna Wells Hart Carol Kane Carol Mele Kennedy Barbara Ramsey Kiley Janet Rossi Maffucci Marilyn Dempsey Mc Gill Mary Jane McPartland McCann Nancy Babacz McCloskey Kristin Krause McDonough 19 6 9 F U N D AG E N T : B e t s y B o n a u t o Ku h n s TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 672 , 8 28 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 10 4 , 8 0 3 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 11 Yvonne Rabdau Alexander Donna McMahon Anderson Mary Jayne Becht McKay Patricia Beers Diane Bente Barbara Canavan Berkowitz Mary Digiusto Bertolini Sheila Lane Booth Anne McGinnis Breen Lynn O’Rourke Bride Nancy Nouss Brown Patricia Doherty Bruckert Mary Hennelly Burke * Deceased 51 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Lillian Brennan Carney Margaret Starr Casey Linda Zuffelato Chakar Ann Bergassi Chiodini Patricia Connelly Chirles Nancy Allain Clark Joan Close Janice Conlon Collins Christine Zywiak Conroy Ellen Courtien Joan DeLalio Creely Mary Jo Jordan Cutty Anne Peel DeShields Barbara Farrell Dingee Kathleen Downey Susanna Donnelly Duffy Candace Soukup Fagan Elizabeth Dubois Faricy Barbara Cort Gaerlan Linda Maffey Garofalo Linda Georgianna Linda Reichman Gilmartin Angela Griffiths June Carey Haberbusch Andi Byrne Halcott Joanne Kuhl Halscheid Maria Garofalo Hargus Ann Heck Eileen Kelly Henning Margaret Pasquariello Holtman Jacqueline Hyzynski Misuzu Sugiura Ishino Mary Corcoran Jigarjian Susan Johnson Margaret Russell Keefe Ann Marie Wentworth Kettler Betsy Bonauto Kuhns Mary Goldsmith Larkin GS’74 Christine Van Ullen Lemberg Margaret Mount Lynn Susan Regan Maloney Claire Colangelo Manto Nancy Padlon McKinley* Mary Ann Johnston McSparran Mary Stronk Merryman Pauline Boulanger Meyer Nancy Mullin Mary Jo Dwyer Murnane Carol Murphy Margaret McCarthy Murphy Ann Neidhart Jeanne Rocheleau Palermo A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 Roberta Glowacki Palmisano Patricia Moore Peirano Mary Jane Perry Patricia Phelan Mary Jo Rocque Pittoni Janice Powalski Janice Dickerson Reilly Faith Ritchie Martha Roberge Noel Petri Robinson Mary Hayes Rollauer Joanne Smith Romalewski Rosina Romano Kathleen Shea Sarosy Rosemary McGovern Schwartz Claudia Maher Serviss Margaret Hogan Sheehan Joanne Messina Sheffler GS’71 Mary Studeny GS’82 Mary Egan Swartz Louise Taylor Doreen Cassidy Thibadeau Barbara Sisk Troxell Margaret Valentine Turano Christine Caprio Vaccarella Aida Badran Wakefield Anne Hannaway Walker Maureen Mendres Ward Sue Waszkiewicz Melany Carballeira Wuersig Frances Gardner Youssef Anonymous (1) 1970 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 8 , 6 47 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 23 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 8 , 6 47 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 23 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Maureen Hanley Abrahamson Ellen Phillips Ahrenholz Elizabeth Beves Maureen McCann Boulton Ellen Longden Breyer Joanna Burke Cheryl Colangelo Martha Heffernan Cordova Suzanne Flak Crisman Kathleen Meyer Curtin Kathleen Mannix Flynn Mary Frey Bennett Ann Foley Hoban * Deceased Jane Bride Johnson Patricia Bennett Kahl Suzanne Hennessy Lipsky Janet Rozumalski Lucas Christina Hoffman Lucey Lin Januska May Ana D’Andrade Mernick Suzann Messer Mockovak Margaret Midgley Paula Alice Mitchell Patricia Mooney GS’75 Catherine Novak-Viviano Maryliz Volin O’Brien Mary Ellen Brennan Offer Celine Matula Phillips Rebecca Rhinehart Mary Robinson Ridgway Barbara Schmitt Kathy Westelinck Silver Barbara Burke Smith Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair Rosanne Firlit Sullivan Nancy Davidson Urell Margaret Ward Norma Rhodes White Marian Yarmas Joan Jenkins Zlotkowski Anonymous (1) 1971 F U N D AG E N T S : Miriam Stapleton Moynihan Mary Sommer Sandak Christine Meany Hauser Anne Power Hayden Michele Heffernan Marianne Hickey Trudy Triolo Higgins Anne Marie Nichol Hynes Ada Isasi-Diaz Catherine O’Reilly Jaundrill Jane Grzymski Kahl Anne Gilmartin Kelleher Joan Moynihan Langlais Mary-Elizabeth Learnard Carriuolo Patricia Gill Leveque Ellen Mannix Lynch Linda Ryan Lynch Anne McGlinchy Merrick Karin Shales Miltsch Marguerite Byrnes Moynahan Miriam Stapleton Moynihan Margaret Nolan TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 50 , 4 35 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 33 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 20 , 4 35 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 33 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Paula Rittenhouse Beales Mary Jane Wilson Bilik Maura McTague Boyle Ann McKeon Brass Patricia Borgognoni Catchpole Kathleen McDonough Conway Marion Purdy Crombie Linda Yando Cunningham Ann Gruendl Decker Donna Demarest Gail Mondani Edmonds Mary Tracy Gamble Ann Broady Gardiner Michelle Wheeler Gill Patricia Hagan 52 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Loretta Seery Nugent Ellen Bingo O’Malley Mary Pepe Kathleen Kellet Rechis Joan Kelleher Salinger Jane May Schonfeld Joanne Fiaschetti Shimko Mary Rycenga Shukie Kathleen Smith Mary Sommer Sandak Judith Casey Stephenson Sheila Hayes Strother Linda O’Leary Titterington Marlene Melone Tutera Margaret McCormack Urban Jane D’Apice Vergari Ruth Weyland GS’77 Brenda Sullivan Wooding Dale Zola A LU M N A E / I G I F TS 1972 F U N D AG E N T : Rosalie Duffy Crabbe TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 31 , 8 20 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 29 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 24 , 070 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 29 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Frances deGrandpre Baroody Stefanie Beninato Florence Brown GS’76 Kathleen McTighe Cahill Angela O’Loughlin Calabrese Jane Canner Barbara Sweeney Carey GS’93 Christine Collins Mary Creedon Connelly Margaret Coughlin Rosalie Duffy Crabbe Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo Louise Feldhaus Danylevich Mary L. Dolan, SU Mary Eckert Jo Ann Schilling Fannon Christine Starr Fetzer Margaret George Barbara Grcevic Michele Mazzola Hess Jacqueline Quinones Hughes Linda Kapurch Susan McElduff Kiernan Mary Elizabeth Lacerenza Christine LaSala Christine Piliponis Lenehan Eileen Leonard Patricia Glocheski Maguire Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey Patricia Rowe McCarthy Kathleen Scott McGrath Christine Morrison Eileen Stavinsky Niedzwiecki Francine Nolin-Rogers Maria Rodriguez O’Neill Catherine Lari Overton Patricia O’Connell Pearson Linda Pescarmona Eleanor Hickey Pomeroy Catherine Foa Rankel Susan Brown Reitz Barbara Nicholson Romeo Mary Beth Seminario Virginia Shuford-Brown Elizabeth Rocque Tennyson Mary Kathrynn Vavasour Penelope White Ventura GS’78 Susan Grant Walsh Lizabeth Beauregard Weaver Patricia Wiley Loraine Ciardullo Wolynic 1974 F U N D AG E N T : Mary Ellen Burns TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 11 , 14 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 11 , 14 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% Heritage Society Members: 2 Maria Rodriguez Anaya Barbara Harmonay Armiento Janet Sarrantonio Blair GS’77 Jeanne Schilling Boetig Noreen Brady Mary Ellen Burns Elizabeth Trach Capurso Maryanne Carney Beverly Clendening Karen Sell Cornetz Irene Dabrowski Nancy Dillon Celeste Messina Dominioni Anne Dubois Mary Dugan Barbara Loperfido Gavosto Donna Balducci Hughes Rosemarie Hurley Alexandra Forgiel Jasinski Geraldine Curtin Jordan Virginia Magner Knoblauch Anne Schreck LaRoche Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee GS’76 Mary Alice O’Hare Lee Maura Lockwood Lynda Magrath Christine Konobeev Marasca Mary Beth Martin Mary Christine McGahan Deborah Laurence Milne Stephanie Weston Morris Angela Parker Rachel Pinette Ruth Ann Fitch Quah Joan Quilty Annalinda Pandolfi Ragazzo Janice Ramsey Marjorie Rende Janice Toterhi Ritter GS’81 Bartlene Sages Cynthia Willemain Salvesen Alouise Doern Skehan GS’80 Katherine Ronan SooHoo Denise Gleason Taylor 1973 F U N D AG E N T : Denise Grenier TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 15 , 010 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 21% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 14 , 010 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 21% Heritage Society Members: 6 Victoria Arango Priscilla Frederick Arnott Anne Serzan Babineau Mary Bodensteiner Margaret Lucey Coughlin Ellen Creede Theresa Davis Virginia Leyden deWolf Lois May Dieter Mary Brown Fee Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume Patricia Keegan Nancy Kloczko Sue Guinn Lauro GS’91 Louise Lessard Patricia M. Rosenkranz Levins Christine Loomie Barbara Lutz Valerie McEwen Mary Sue Murphy Susan Blanchette Oleson Mary O’Brien Pawloski Maryann Renzi Christianne Russo Ricchi Patricia O’Hare Rosen GS’76 Kathleen O’Neill Schuler Carolyn Murphy Smith Bonita Damato Takeuchi Eleanor Fyall Turner Margaret Lew Gogol Victors Mary Pat Lawler Vogt * Deceased 53 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Kathleen Dragone Wick Suzanne Siegert Williamson 1975 F U N D AG E N T : Rosa Puleo Napoleone TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 22 , 9 4 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 26 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 22 ,76 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 26 % Heritage Society Members: 0 MaryBeth Broderick Carol Bodensteiner Corliss Wendy Rome Courtney Jane Lipinski Derasadourian Eileen Bertsch Donahue Robbie Davis Edmonds Linda Fallo-Mitchell Gayle Kingsbury Ferencz Catherine Muccini Frosina SN’83 Maureen Gallagher Susan La Magna Grasso Nancy Harkins Kathleen Kuroski Helhoski Rosemary Joyce-Petrovich Marie Karl Wendy Ilett Keryk Catherine Holden Landy GS’89 Michele Luciano-Carbone Alice Luzzi Claire Madden Carol Lieberman Mansdorf GS’76 Veronica Buhl Masterson Christine Marino McKeever Susan Munroe Milne Rosa Puleo Napoleone Jill O’Brien Aida Karabatzakian Pisani Denise Hanlon Powell Esther Schoffelen Rada Mary Stevens Rafferty Lea Ann Szurek Rosenthal Debra Cummiskey Ruel Elizabeth Reynolds Ruggiero Mary Ann Davila Scotese Kathleen McGrath Scott Lynn Murray Slonaker S. Celeste Rosario Steele Monica Cavalluzzi Virgilio GS’80 Catherine Halpin Walker Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot GS’79 Margaret Reese Williamson A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 1931-1979 Jill Griffin Diane Spinale Horner Julie Carey Jackson Rhonda Brown Jacobius Elvira Longordo Nancy McCormick Celeste Dowicz Miller Deborah Gillies O’Malley Patricia Morrissey Repko Clare Piderit Rubin Maria Nicolais Vailonis Kathleen McCloskey Zanger 1979 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 7, 19 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 7, 19 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % Heritage Society Members: 2 1976 F U N D AG E N T : Michele Marotta Jaworski TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 18 , 150 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 17, 550 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Jacqueline Gura Alferman Margaret Meskill Borchert Beverly Fasick Dalrymple Regina Degnan-Steinborn Catherine Gilbride Foley Michele Marotta Jaworski Barbara Paino Keber Joan Kelly GS’77 Margaret Scully Kennedy Nancy Kotonias Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson Joan Conti Lonergan Patricia Hunter MacArtney Virginia Alcide McKeon Suzanne Sinatro O’Hearn Patricia Grumblatt Pelle Rosalie Giuliani Puskar Martha Reddington Joanne Guido Schirone GS’81 Sally Smith Suzanne Smith Catherine Carino Stube Johanna Noguera Suarez * Deceased Lynn Travers GS’83 JoEllen Vavasour Carol Tirpak Vergara Dorothy Powers Walsh Mary Mullen Schuellein Maria Sedotti 1978 F U N D AG E N T : E l i z a b e t h Wh a l e n 1977 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 6 ,78 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 6 ,78 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % F U N D AG E N T : J u l i a Va r g a s L a r i n o TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 3 , 8 0 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 18 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 3 , 8 0 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 18 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Mary Riddle Armiento Marianne Barton Lynn Tasco Bertsch Joanne Harmon Bryant Sandra Camishion Carella Sharon Davis Carter Babette Caraccio Centofanti Jane Morgan Cerone Bridget Foley Roberta Filippo Frank Heritage Society Members: 0 Theresa Agliardo GS’97 Kathryn Gambino Arntzen Mary Fitzgerald Best Jean Stevens Brennan Clare McDonnell Burnett Diane Davidson Conklin Maria Rose D’Onofrio Claire Cashman Flatley Sharon Fornaciari Jeanne Rafferty Franz Karen Hahn GS’79 JoAnn Krupa Marie Visnauskas Loehmann GS’81 Patricia Oakley Mathieu Mary McNamara Mary Fernandes Michunovich Nilda Bayron Resnick Marie Ouchakof Ringquist Seton Caulfield Ahearn Nancy Carey Cassidy Francine Gallello Chattin Sharon Carroll Dabrusco Clare Davis Carol Esposito Lynn Gangone Sheryll Grady GS’80* Nancy Guillet Gravina Joan Kiley Barbara Taylor Misicka Carolina Bolivar Murphy Geraldine Noble-Martocci Elizabeth Donovan Nolan Deborah Coupe Rios Mary Frances Gambino Rotondi Mary Frances Schnorr Donna Strudwick Regina McCormack Tomlinson Kathleen Smith Toner Susannah Crego Violino Nancy Humphreys Zelem THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have made contributions between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at [email protected]. 54 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES / SCHOOL OF NURSING 1980-2009 19 8 0 F U N D AG E N T : Marianne Smith Sullivan SAS TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 9 , 6 8 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 8 , 18 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% Heritage Society Members: 2 Rosemary Maniscalco Baczewski SAS Betty Anne Burns Bancroft SN Theresa Behrle-Mohs SAS Tara Wood Casey SAS Maureen Connors SAS Marybeth Keefe Crone SAS Nancy D’Alessandro SN Linda Serino DeBourbon SAS Kimberly Gilmour SAS Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS Theresa Sobieski Hedding SAS Jean DeFeo Herman SN Mary Ann Kaiser SAS Sheila Knapp SAS Susan Ball Miles SAS Jo Deanne Groth Mitchell SAS Barbara St. Mary Niss SAS Mary Ringkamp O’Connell SN Laura Reden SAS Theresa Moylan Samot SN Lucy Elliot Squires SN Nina Anderson Sutton SN 19 81 F U N D AG E N T S : M i c h e l l e Wo n g S A S Alexandra Liddy Bourne SN TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 3 ,730 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 17 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 3 , 370 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 17 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Doreene Berger SAS Regina Brennan-Maresco SAS Anne Yorke Cannon SN Lisa Cesare SAS Susan Kohl Child SN Alexandra Clarke Melograno SAS Mary Ellen Colangelo SAS Margaret Crawford SAS Mary Anne Borrego Danguillecourt SAS Suzanne Guillet Dodge SN Theresa Johnson Gallin SAS Alice Canner Garnanez SN Diane D’Isidori Hack SAS * Deceased Tracey McGlinchey Huttick SN Elayne Woodridge Jackson SAS Theresa Jones-Francois SAS Elizabeth Feiner LaCasse SAS Annette Marsella SAS Joan Lamberti McGrath SAS Wendy Griffin O’Keefe SAS Melissa Hayes Otten SAS Gabrielle Woh Pastores SAS Sybil Houser Preski SAS Andrea Girardi Rogati SAS Marjorie Schmidt Russo SN Ming Chan Samalot SAS Kelly Albanese Schwabe SAS Donna Smith SAS Sherri Spalter SN Mary Judith Tierney SAS Kathleen Ward SAS Susan Stansfield Williams SAS Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS GS’85 Catherine Hyland Zavorskas SAS 19 8 3 F U N D AG E N T : Th e r e s e F i t z M a u r i c e Po w d e r l y S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 12 , 975 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 12 , 975 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Theresa Vinci Caracciolo SN Lauralee Briante Chambers SAS GS’90 Claire Chiappetta SAS Loretta Covington Claye SN Gwendolyn Schiavone Cristiano SN Evelyn Newman Cucchiara SAS Pat Riccio Czako SAS Jeanne Whelan DeMarzo SN Susan Tucker Elcock SAS Patricia Gast SAS Joanne Spinelli Gerardi SAS Renee Hudak SAS Ann Marie Gavigan Huzinec SN Rachel Gambardello McGonigle SN Mary Elizabeth Kurak Merenda SN Barbara Lawn Nadolny SN Elizabeth Green Nunez SAS Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS Diane Patierno Powell SN Teresa Reiches-Schacher SAS Shelly Laub Rubin SAS Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SN Jayne Connors Travers SAS Elaine Rice Watts SN 19 8 2 F U N D AG E N T : Margaret Beal Abel SAS TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 2 , 615 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 2 , 615 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Deborah Moore Abner SAS Kathleen Moran Amundsen SN Jean Marie Jordan Bancher SN Ellen Brooks-Kelly SAS Karenann Gilbride Carty SAS Anita Stanziale Cohen SN Patricia Ayan DeMarinis SAS Elizabeth Lydon Flynn SAS Faith Plastini Gilpin SAS Claudia Besser Hierro SAS Gina Carmignani Malin SAS Denise Zito Michaelis SN Ann Marie Johnson Murray SN Stephanie Musso SN Maeve Nolan Hipius SAS Lisa Riccio SAS Mariya Rivera SAS Catherine Scardaci SAS Patricia M. Schifini, OSU SAS GS’94, ’00 Martha Hancock Schultz SAS Cindy Shufelt-Boyce SAS Marie Balthazar Sylvestre SAS Mary Donovan Western SN Deborah Williams SAS TOP CL ASSES FOR AN N UAL F U N D 2009 1980-2009 TOP CL ASSES FOR ALL GIVI NG 2009 1980-2009 CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes Top Ten Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1983 1980 1998 1981 1988 1982 1986 1985 1984 1987 $ 12,975 $ 9,689 $ 3,875 $ 3,730 $ 8,230 $ 2,615 $ 2,355 $ 2,145 $ 2,062 $ 1,897 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S 1981 1989 1983 1986 1988 1982 1987 1980 1984 1990 55 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 1983 1980 1988 1998 1981 1982 1986 1985 1984 1987 $ 12,975 $ 8,189 $ 3,230 $ 3,875 $ 3,730 $ 2,615 $ 2,355 $ 2,145 $ 1,925 $ 1,897 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Top Ten Classes 17% 15% 13% 13% 13% 13% 11% 11% 11% 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1981 1989 1983 1986 1988 1982 1987 1984 1980 1990 17% 15% 13% 13% 13% 13% 11% 10% 11% 10% A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES / SCHOOL OF NURSING 1980-2009 19 8 4 19 8 6 19 8 8 19 9 0 F U N D AG E N T S : Sharon Regan Masciovecchio SAS D i a n e Po l c h l o p e k S a r n a S A S F U N D AG E N T S : L i s a B e s s e g h i n i - Wi n j u m S A S Nancy Colihan Edwards SAS TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 2 , 0 6 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 9 25 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 2 , 355 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 2 , 355 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 8 , 230 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 3 , 230 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 310 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 310 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Heritage Society Members: 0 Heritage Society Members: 1 Heritage Society Members: 0 Sharon Sneider Arnold SN Angela Occhiuto Ballantyne SAS Monica Brennan SAS Doreen Davis SN Carolyn Beaulieu Dunn SAS Laura Martelle Gucwa SAS Betsy Lofink Harrington SAS Elizabeth Hopkins Horgan SN Carol Priore Houseknedht SAS Grace Otto Kurak SN Mary Magee SN Kathleen Fitzgerald Murphy SN Maria Prainito Pedersen SAS Diane Polchlopek Sarna SAS Elizabeth Brown Stento SAS Eileen Turner Warner SAS Dawn Wile SAS Elaine Yusko SN Mary Ellen Saltsman Brous SN Susan Stosch Cohen SN Jacqueline Corcoran SAS Michelle DeBeauvernet SN Meredith Molloy Englebert SAS GS’91 Cheryl Boyer Foelker SN Patricia Crichton Harris SAS Amy Bush Highsmith SAS Teresa Feil Hoppe SAS GS’89 Grace Jackson SAS Elizabeth Hickey Johnson SN Catherine Butler Leitao SAS Margaret Lynch Marchini SN Christine Englot Mash SAS Regina Nardone SN Ita O’Sullivan SN Nadine Moroch Reicher SAS Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS Mary K O’Brien Siciliano SAS Ellen Rafferty Sorge SAS Margaret Reynolds Stapleton SN Deborah Swanson-Guth SAS Jane Stephens Weckesser SN Tonya Weeks Williams SAS Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS Theresa McEvoy Colgan SN Mary Jo Daly SAS Holly McMahon Frankel SN Alison Frede SAS April-Anne Gavin SAS Pamela Gorman Mannion SAS Juliana Kelley McLaughlin SAS Julie Siard McMahon SN Mara Blackwell Mooney SAS Eileen Short Quigley SAS GS’03 Sheila Toner SAS Susan Voll-Arturi SAS Kristin Walsh SN Erin Orr White SN Edwardyne Cowan Bennett SAS Victoria Cassara SAS Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago SAS Ana Maria Eugenio Fontoura SAS Eileen Byrne Kennedy SN Meghan Mastellon Mahon SAS Ellen McMahon SN Emily Reveron O’Neill SN Catherine Abate Palumbo SAS Linda Smith SAS Elaine Tolley-Andrews SAS 19 8 5 F U N D AG E N T : Pa u l a C a p u t o C u r t i s s S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 2 , 14 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 2 , 14 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Silvana Bajana SAS Cynthia Caione SAS Michele Brooks Carr SN Deborah Giandana Chalifoux SAS Maureen Glynn Crowley SAS Sheila Dolan-Manner SAS Rosemary Kuhn-Steuber SAS Katrina Hayward Kummer SAS Margaret McConney Mirabella SN Cecilia Torres Roos SAS GS’95 Patricia Fagan Ryan SAS Ann Marie Parrillo Thomas SN Lisa Tordo SAS Maureen Clifford Tuohy SAS Donna VanAlst SAS * Deceased 19 8 9 F U N D AG E N T : Ta r a A m b e r y Pa t t e r s o n S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 4 07 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 15 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 307 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 15 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Leonilda Iaconangelo Bara SAS Marianne Brady SN Helen Funck Bueti SN Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS Jane McKeon Dalton SAS Phebe Flaherty Fallon SAS Barbara O’Connor Kullmann SN Eileen Sutton Malin SAS Jane Wiedenhoft McGrath SAS GS’92 Mary Mendes SN Carolyn Simmonds Nenart SAS Cristina Oliveira SAS Pamela Bodine Pargen SAS Tara Ambery Patterson SAS Margreta Rathbauer SN Margaret Schoenemann Ribaudo SN Valerie Sopher SN Lisa Vesperman Still SAS Robin Zaleski SAS 19 87 F U N D AG E N T : H o l l y I n g e l f i n g e r L o p ez S N TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 8 97 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 8 97 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% Heritage Society Members: 0 Anne Keefe Carucci SAS Margaret McGrath DiScipio SAS Pauline Liquori Festa SAS Brigidanne Flynn SAS Suann Ingle SAS Christine Skelly Lynskey SAS Janet Marx Goldberg SAS Una Hinchcliffe McHugh SAS Margaret Reilly Murtagh SN Karen Williams Nichols SAS Laura Dooley Perry SAS Maureen Patton Phillips SAS Debra Lyn Ebinger Psanis SN 56 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 19 91 F U N D AG E N T : N a n c y Pa n i a g u a S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 575 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 575 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Claire McPartland Abenante SN Diane Aponte-Durando SAS Hyacinth Charles SN Amy McCann Keary SN Karen Olney Maidenbaum SAS Virginia McMath SN Audrey Schechter SN Kathy Jackson Van Buren SN 19 9 2 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 39 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 39 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Carole Boucher SN Melinda Cade Brockwell SN Antoinette Cantone Denning SAS GS’96 Jennie Jaklitsch SAS Evelyn Keyser SAS Linnette Markland SN Carole Stathis SN A LU M N A E / I G I F TS 19 97 20 0 0 F U N D AG E N T : Pa m e l a M a n t a l v a n o s S A S F U N D AG E N T : Griselda Kim SAS D i a n a Va l d e s S N TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 775 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 6 9 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Megan Burt SN Marcie Seidel Cobelli SN Sarah Mendez SN Marianne Milzoff SN Candice Greenidge Ward SAS 19 9 8 F U N D AG E N T : Heidi Muhleman SAS TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 3 , 875 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 3 , 875 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 9 0 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 9 0 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Jennifer Liuzza Ahmemulic SAS Kerida Barnes SAS Tanya Dell SN Andrea Hindmarsh Fagon SAS GS’09 Catherine Nettey-Tamakloe SAS Renuka Rajani SAS GS’07 Gloria Romero SAS Zainabu Sesay-Harrell SN Ram Sethi SN Angela Valitutto SAS GS’04 Suzette Walker-Vega SAS Heritage Society Members: 0 Laura Cerva Abrams SAS Kelley Allen SAS Patricia Bennett SN Tara O’Neill Brant SAS Marie Derenzis SN Rebecca Eller SAS Aileen Ferrick SN Juanita Fryar SN Barbara Krajewski SN JoEllen Revell Mellone SAS Maria Prainito Pederson SAS’84 and Catherine Collins Donohoe SN’84 enjoying their 25th class reunion. 19 9 3 19 9 5 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 275 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 275 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % F U N D AG E N T : Jennifer Oetzel SAS Heritage Society Members: 0 Susan Clark Amlicke SN Eileen Buckley SN Herminia McKernan SAS GS’98 Rachel Peck Szalkowski SAS Suzanne McGauley Vide SN Cynthia Wade SN 19 9 4 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 125 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 125 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Jackie DeCarvalho Jahosky SAS Yvonne Mason SN Dawn Stephenson Pechette SAS GS’97 Elaine Podszus SN TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 6 6 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 5 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 6 6 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 5 % Heritage Society Members: 0 19 9 9 Mary Ellen Beitel SN Yolanda Becerril Calderon SAS Ernestine Denegall SN Amy Hagerty SAS Mary Plitsas Hesdorffer SN Colette Prophete SAS Hope Ntim-Addae Richards SN Pardella Spencer Scott SN F U N D AG E N T : R y a n Wr i g h t S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 34 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 34 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Gloria Bull SN Christine Grande SAS GS’02 Mary Joseph SN Jacqueline Levin SN Tracey Pawlak SAS Nicole Totans SAS Roney Vaniyapurakal SN 19 9 6 F U N D AG E N T : J o a n n a Ti e r n e y C u s a c k S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 225 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 225 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % Heritage Society Members: 0 * Deceased Brenda Kibler Aversano SAS Wen Chen SAS Tracee Borrelli Panzarella SN Valerie Rhoden SN 57 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 20 01 F U N D AG E N T : M a r i a n n e We s t o n S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 36 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 36 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Tenaya Carter SN Elaine Cooper SN Orlean Dixon SN Mary Job SAS Ruth Micari SN Rebecca Teetsel SAS Patricia Griffin Thakkar SN Veronica Thomas SN 20 0 2 F U N D AG E N T : Dawn Bridges SAS TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 75 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 75 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Kathleen Cino SN Julie Rivera SN Valsamma Thomas SN A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES / SCHOOL OF NURSING 1980-2009 20 0 6 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 34 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 34 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Nisha Feliz SAS Diana Rodriguez SAS Jamie Schwarzfeld SN Geneva Shears-Maynard SN Nancy Zephirin SN 20 07 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 4 20 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 20 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Lissette Candelario SN Karon Duff SN Stefanie Ferraro SAS Melissa Gormley SAS Fatou Jaiteh SN Densy Johnson SN Bridget Maley SN Sandra Mitchell-Morris SAS Kissah Mwakalinga SN Maureen O’Neill SN Lindsey Pinto SN Nadege Rihan SN Martha Rodriguez SN Veronica Udo SN Karina Veach SN Christine Zafra SN 20 0 3 20 0 5 F U N D AG E N T : Ay a n a M i t c h e l l S A S F U N D AG E N T : Ti a r a S i m m o n s S A S TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 0 29 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 8 29 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 4 29 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 29 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Heritage Society Members: 0 20 0 8 Justina Anusionwu-Bellamy SN Tiffani Blake SAS Yvonne Boothe SN Erin Churchill SAS GS’05 Malka Gross SN Jennifer Crowhurst Lakin SAS Gloria Akainda SN Samantha Young Dube SAS Francine Massiah SN Charmaine McDermoth SN Allyssandra Pane-Berrios SAS Lauren Malzone Ruckel SAS Veronica Ruffin-Ellis SN Jennifer Smith SAS Sovannary Tan SN Angela Taylor SN F U N D AG E N T : Sandy Cayo SN Va l e r i e S i r a n i S N 20 0 4 TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 815 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 815 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 70 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 70 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Wennie Advincula SN Justine Bonet SAS Radha Busjit SN Sandy Cayo SN Lindsey Christie SN Celeta Clarke SN Ruth Collura SN Nancy Giandana SN Dannieth Gray SN Raymond Herbst SN Heritage Society Members: 0 Mary Alice Donius SN Marie Faulknor SN Lisa Joseph SN Erin Yarrobino SAS * Deceased 58 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Hertzog SN Princess Jackson SN Paule Joseph SN Ellen Lamonoff SN Ericka Mills SAS Grace Milzoff SAS Jennifer Moniz SN Carolyn Olumese SN Aisha Osman SN Lydia Owusu SN Petrena Russell SN Daun Scott-Wright SN Letitia Smiley SN Christopher Tower SN 20 0 9 The College thanks the members of the Class of 2009 who, as students, made their first gift to the Annual Fund. We celebrate their status as new alumnae. TOTA L 20 0 9 G I V I N G : $ 14 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 14 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Samantha Bach SN Blanca Casillas SAS Erin Daley SAS Kerry Deas SAS Merin George SAS Jennifer Hatalla SAS Natasha Hill SAS Roxsand Lewis SN Margaret Pierre SN Natasha Reid SAS Megan Showell SAS Kriselly Urena SAS Brenda White SN A LU M N A E / I G I F TS GRADUATE SCHOOL Rita Aber ’88 Michael Abraham ’07 Constance Addabbo ’95 Theresa Agliardo SAS’77 GS’97 Nancy Burke Allard ’02 Ellen Alleyne ’03 Kathryn Almquist ’85 Nadine Alperin ’90 Michelle Whitford Altilio ’95 Mark Anderson ’88 Cecelia Falcone Andretta SAS’56 GS’85 Janet Angelillo ’75 Jean Anthony ’91 Patricia Astwood ’85 Eileen Bagge ’91 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR’89 GS’91, ’97 Carol Baron ’75 Elvira Barone ’74 Thelma Bauer ’91 Susan Bauman ’86 Sue Bays ’76 Victoria Bea ’88 Alma Beer ’74 Doris Benjamin SNR’75 GS’79 Margaret Bennett ’84 Kristin Berman ’95 * Deceased Linda Bern ’77 Ann Black* SAS’55 GS’90 Kari Black ’04 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS’64 GS’92 Janet Sarrantonio Blair SAS’74 GS’77 Trudee Blank ’83 Helen Blood ’89 Keria Blue ’04 Phyllis Bocian ’84 Elaine Crandall Borrelli SAS’61 GS’86 Linda Botton ’75 Beth Brandes ’82 Peggy Richardot Brizzolara ’84 Florence Brown SAS’72 GS’76 Joseph Brunner ’78 Alexey Bulokhov ’06 Elizabeth Buonamici ’04 Joan Burbage, SC ’96 Christine Fitzpatrick Byram ’81 Lisa Byrd-Watkins ’00 Sheila T. Campbell, OSU SAS’68 GS’93 Barbara Caplan ’88 Joan Caputo ’74 Barbara Sweeney Carey SAS’72 GS’93 Elise Carreras ’08 Jose Carrion ’00 Kevin Carroll ’94 Nancy Casey ’89 Margaret Cashman ’89 Carolann Castellano ’78 JoAnne Catalanotte-Braem SNR’84 GS’90 Ella Cermanski ’07 Lauralee Briante Chambers SAS’83 GS’90 Audrey Chatzky ’77 Erin Churchill SAS’03 GS’05 Linda Cimillo ’74 Ingrid Climis ’82 Barbara Cohen ’77 Elizabeth Cohen ’87 Christina Colucci ’01 Eileen Connelly ’90 Susan Connors ’04 Roseclare Coombs SNR’99 GS’06 Elisa Correa-Soto ’01 Barbara Costello ’83 Cheryl Croce ’88 Harold Crocker ’78 Sarah Vincent Crum SNR’81 GS’89 Rosemarie D’Iorio ’73 Suzanne Daly ’89 59 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E William Damato ’99 Lillie Daniels SNR’94 GS’07 Ann De Freitas ’86 Patricia De Meo SNR’85 GS’89 Janice De Nave ’81 Lucia De Rosa ’94 Karen Dejesus ’06 Carol Del Grosso ’77 Antoinette Cantone Denning SAS’92 GS’96 Dana Deravin Carr ’86 Eileen Diano ’87 Maureen DiLello ’76 Fortunata Lardo DiMarco ’99 Gilda DiMarco SNR’75 GS’79 Mary Beth Dinoto ’79 Erin Dohn ’80 Denise Domato-Borducci ’01 Lucille Domini ’75 Mary Ellen Doremus ’96 Julia Dougherty ’90 Virginia Downer SAS’67 GS’76 Joellen Doyle ’90 Nancy Doyle ’76 Anne Marie Duignan ’95 Chalice Duncan ’89 John Engels SNR’93 GS’96 Maria Engemann ’74 Meredith Molloy Englebert SAS’86 GS’91 Adele Fagon ’80 Andrea Hindmarsh Fagon SAS’00 GS’09 Virginia Falcone ’04 Arlene Falk ’85 Jeanne Farruggio ’80 June Fink ’73 Cassandra Fiore ’79 Gail Fiorelli ’76 Mary Kieran Fitzgerald SAS’59 GS’82 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS’61 GS’80 Rita Bundschuh Fitzpatrick SAS’66 GS’85 Susan Flower ’80 Katherine Ford SNR’96 GS’00 Valerie Foster ’99 Lois Franco ’79 Charlotte Frede SNR’80 GS’91 Jasmin Frey ’08 Jill Friedman ’07 Martha Furlong SAS’65 GS’76 Patricia Furman SNR’82 GS’84 Blondena Furtick ’84 A LU M N A E / I G I F TS GRADUATE SCHOOL Carol Gaskill ’78 Dolores Catania Genovese SAS’63 GS’80 Felicia Geraldi ’78 Mildred Gersh ’73 Jane Giard ’96 Kathleen Gil-Zuzulo ’87 Marella Gilchrist ’90 Marjorie Gold ’93 Rona Goldberger-Hecker ’84 Susan Goodman ’84 Ethel Gorman SNR’85 GS’89 Sheryll Grady* SAS’79 GS’80 Kelly Graham ’02 Christine Grande SAS’99 GS’02 Marie Grassi ’80 Libby Grasso ’72 Molly Greece ’02 Lorraine Greene-Elshot ’92 Marygrace Grisanti SNR’00 GS’02 Jamie Guglielmo ’07 Maria Guzman ’96 Susan Hackel ’97 Mary Hagerty ’79 Karen Hahn SAS’77 GS’79 Robert Hanley ’90 Adrienne Harris ’89 Agnes Gennatasio Harris SAS’62 GS’79 Barbara Hatcher ’88 Victoria Hayes ’07 Mary Hogan Hearle SAS’56 GS’87 Ellen Hebard SNR’94 GS’99 Laura Heiss ’81 Deborah Hellman ’74 Doris Henderson ’07 Marjorie Meszaros Hendrickson SAS’64 GS’89 Erica Heymann ’88 Rana Hobson ’00 Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS’63 GS’81 Teresa Feil Hoppe SAS’86 GS’89 Andrea Horowitz ’02 Janie Horowitz ’79 Janet Hotchkiss ’88 Alana Howell SNR’87 GS’99 Marie Huffman SNR’78 GS’83 Stephanie Peterman Iachetta SAS’59 GS’94 Connie Ward Iervolino ’88 Marianne Irwin SNR’77 GS’84 Mimi Ivy ’87 Jaclyn Jeselnik ’08 Geraldine Johnson ’94 Grace Johnson ’75 Charlie Mae Jones SNR’81 GS’89 Evelyn Jones ’00 Renee Jones ’75 Annette Jones-Williams ’07 Susan Katz ’08 Olivia Kaufman ’88 Jocelyn Kaye ’97 Marijane Lambert Kearney SAS’53 GS’79 Regina F. Kehoe, OSU SAS’56 GS’85 Diane Keller ’94 Joan Kelly SAS’76 GS’77 Jeanne Kennedy ’76 Loretta Kennedy ’08 Marlene Kern SNR’77 GS’84 Alisa Kesten ’90 Gail Kestenbaum ’91 Siobhan Kilcoyne ’07 Ruth Kirk ’84 Michael Kollmer ’03 Fern Kossak ’89 Claire Kubasik ’75 Julie Kubaska SNR’79 GS’82 Pamala Kuch SNR’99 GS’02 Victoria Ladeveze ’08 Catherine Holden Landy SAS’75 GS’89 Nancy Landy ’89 Nieli Langer ’85 Danielle DunLany Langford SAS’67 GS’84 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS’48 GS’87 Mary Goldsmith Larkin SAS’69 GS’74 Sue Guinn Lauro SAS’73 GS’91 Juliana Leach ’91 Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee SAS’74 GS’76 Arlene Leitner ’88 Carole Lempert ’77 Donna Lennane ’77 Helene Lennon ’79 Steven Leunig ’88 Mary Levine ’85 Martha Levites ’78 Barbara Lewin ’79 Frances Litvin ’83 Ai Yueh Christine Liu ’89 Marie Visnauskas Loehmann SAS’77 GS’81 Leonora Loney ’03 Elaine Ludwig ’73 Marie Mackey ’78 Alma Maffucci SNR’82 GS’84 Anne Magee ’79 Margaret Mahoney ’77 Loretta Malaspina ’73 Cheryl Malcolm-Borrelli ’76 Diana Mancini ’08 Josephine Mandeville ’76 Kathleen Mannino SNR’04 GS’06 Carol Lieberman Mansdorf SAS’75 GS’76 Katherine McHugh Maria SAS’58 GS’72 * Deceased 60 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Claire Marino ’99 Mary Hipp Marquis ’75 Maria Marrero SNR’93 GS’95 Robin Jordan Marshall ’05 Gail Martin ’92 Marilyn Masiero ’90 Carol Finkelstein Masone ’94 Gina Mastrogiovanni ’98 Marie Mays-Gee ’75 Mary McAllister ’00 Mary Ann McCusker ’87 Catherine McElroy SNR’92 GS’94 Lauraine McGinnis ’85 Jane Wiedenhoft McGrath SAS’89 GS’92 Marsha McGuinness ’77 Herminia McKernan SAS’93 GS’98 Kathleen McKnight ’96 Barbara McPhillips ’79 Stephanie Mecca ’95 Dale Douglas Meier ’81 Catherine Dempsey Mendrzycki SNR’75 GS’80 Frances Mallardi Miceli SNR’81 GS’84 Barbara Milon ’78 Ronald Mineo ’93 Rose Ann Minnerly SNR’90 GS’93 Maria Minor ’08 Satsuki Miyamoto ’95 Deborah Mizrahi ’80 Patricia Mooney SAS’70 GS’75 Dorothy Moore ’87 Mary Moran SAS’65 GS’82 Christiane Smith Morejon SNR’02 GS’04 Susan Morgenstern ’81 Arlene Mullusky ’81 Cordia Murphy ’06 Miriam Murray ’83 Anne Myers ’80 John Naclerio ’72 Joan Napoli ’82 Angela Nardone ’88 Nora M. Naughton SNR’01 GS’03 Philip Navarrete ’77 Arthur Nechamkin ’99 Vicki Ahiyon Nieter ’00 Soledad Nieves ’01 Sylvia Nissen ’84 Joanne O’Beirne ’82 Jo-Ann O’Brien ’75 Monica O’Brien ’82 Barbara O’Hagan ’83 A LU M N A E / I G I F TS Megan O’Mealia ’08 Suzanne O’Rourke ’87 Anna Oncia, OP ’75 Madelyn Ortiz ’00 Ledora Orvieto ’84 Gladys Osborne SNR’92 GS’95 Elizabeth Oxley ’08 Susan Palmer ’74 James Pasternak ’91 Dawn Stephenson Pechette SAS’94 GS’97 Fred Peck ’93 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Dawnette Phelps ’07 Caroline Pisani ’81 Ellen Porcaro ’02 Sandra Priest Rose ’77 Judith Morin Prisco SAS’68 GS’72 Conniee Quick-Lovell ’08 Eileen Short Quigley SAS’88 GS’03 Patricia Quinn ’89 Marie-Helene Raho ’77 Renuka Rajani SAS’00 GS’07 Sylvia Ramos-Gonzalez ’88 Catherine Regenhard ’92 Jeanne Reilly ’86 Anne Walsh Rhodes SNR’75 GS’82 Maria Riccobono ’73 Carole Risi ’93 Janice Toterhi Ritter SAS’74 GS’81 Dorothy Robertson SNR’79 GS’87 Barbara Robinson SNR’83 GS’87 Ann Rodriguez ’07 Marie Rofhok SNR’84 GS’87 Cathy Rogers-Ganns ’82 William Rolon ’06 Annemarie Romagnoli ’76 Camille Gervino Romita SNR’77 GS’88 Cecilia Torres Roos SAS’85 GS’95 Jane Cohen Rose ’78 Patricia O’Hare Rosen SAS’73 GS’76 Marie Porco Rossi SAS’60 GS’71 Sarah Rothbaum ’08 Wayne Rubin ’89 Virginia Lang Ruder ’01 Jerseydis Ruiz ’08 Dennis Ryan ’94 Angela Saavedra SNR’80 GS’82 Carlene Sabb SNR’85 GS’92 Gloria Saed ’80 Amy Salazar ’08 * Deceased Susan Salmeri ’07 Marta Carneiro Sandoval ’05 Adair Santoro ’86 Pablo Sanz ’00 Sharon Sawler ’84 Kenneth Schaaf ’81 Monica Schaefer ’81 Patricia M. Schifini, OSU SAS’82 GS’94, ’04 Joanne Guido Schirone SAS’76 GS’81 Barbara Schmitt ’75 Linda Schuch ’85 Anne Schultz ’85 Rosemarie Scutero ’75 Linda Seekatz ’74 Stephanie Senulis ’97 Regina Setikas ’76 Phyllis Shankman ’82 Howard A. Shapiro ’03 Joanne Messina Sheffler SAS’69 GS’71 Susan Shoulet ’82 Beverly Thomas ’85 Charlotte Washington ’08 Gloria Simmons ’85 Maria Thomas ’02 Rita Waterman ’92 John Singleton ’02 Janet Thompson ’89 Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot SAS’75 Paul Siragusa ’80 Ann Timmons ’86 GS’79 Alouise Doern Skehan SAS’74 GS’80 Enid Topchik ’88 Ellen Wentworth ’85 Barbara Skokos ’99 Margaret Trahar ’83 Janice Wernock ’97 Kathleen Smith ’83 Theresa Travalino ’75 Diana Westbrook ’85 Virginia Smith ’78 Lynn Travers SAS’76 GS’83 Ruth Weyland SAS’71 GS’77 Yvonne Smith SNR’90 GS’97 Patricia Tubridy ’02 Lisa Whelan ’87 Jane Snerson ’76 Helen Turley ’74 Silvia White ’81 Peter Soans ’79 Susan Ugliarolo ’96 Lisa Wigutow ’86 Carol Solanto ’88 Lawrence Urban ’78 Bonny Willett ’92 Gilbert Spears ’90 Angela Valitutto SAS’00 GS’04 Jennie Wirth ’88 Carol Stark ’77 Teresa Van Slyck ’82 Ellen Woodruff ’78 Ernest Stedge ’95 Penelope White Ventura SAS’72 GS’78 Audrey Woods SNR’96 GS’05 Carole Stein ’75 Helen Verdicchio ’76 Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS’82 GS’85 Laverne Stevens SNR’92 GS’96, ’02 Monica Cavalluzzi Virgilio SAS’75 Hope Young ’89 Merrill Stone ’04 GS’80 Nancy Zadravec ’94 Lorraine Stratis ’84 Joan Virgin SNR’76 GS’77 Sharon Zaffino SNR’86 GS’03 Patricia Straus ’73 Mitchell Visoky ’86 Patricia Zahniser ’75 Jane Strobel ’82 Rose Marie Bizzoco Volpe SAS’56 GS’80 Mary Zini ’89 Mary Studeny SAS’69 GS’82 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS’49 GS’84 Barbara Zucrow ’89 Karen Sturzenbecker ’90 Dorothy Wade ’84 Joann Zwolski ’74 Claudia Sullivan ’97 Carolyn Walsh SNR’82 GS’85 Cecile Swallow ’81 Kathleen Tafur ’75 Phyllis Tarlow ’79 THANK YOU! Brooke Tave ’07 The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have Denise Taylor ’81 made contributions between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If we have inadverDiana Taylor ’75 tently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our Suzanne Tether ’99 apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the Nancy Thevenet ’80 correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at [email protected]. 61 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF NEW RESOURCES The College’s alumnae/i are among its most important assets, for it is their support each year that makes new programs, equipment, scholarships and financial aid, including the SNR Retention Fund, possible. The College is grateful for the generosity and loyalty of its many School of New Resources alumnae/i donors. The College also wishes to recognize by campus those members of the 2009 senior class who made their first gift to the College’s Annual Fund while still students. We celebrate them for beginning their status as alumnae/i in this special way. B R O O K LY N C A M P U S Grace Aytes ’92 Janet Baron-Bowen ’99 Fay Bennett-Lord ’00 Clara Blue ’00 Ulyth Boodoo ’99 Carolyn Bynoe ’06 Renae Carr ’07 Minnie Dash ’05 Sophia DuRall ’04 Brenda Eley ’07 Diane Fosten Esnard ’97 Inez Felder-Austin ’08 Leslie Feliciano ’07 Roslyn Footman ’99 Charles Gilchrist ’04 Seigbert Granger ’04 Gail Greene ’05 Geraldine Hailey ’93 Loretta Hall ’99 Felecia Harris-King ’08 Thelma Harry ’03 Ida Hinton ’94 Monica Holvey ’90 Veronica Jacob ’05 Marcia Coleman Lewis ’99 Dolores Lofton ’90 Jessie Martin ’91 Ebony Miley ’05 Linda Morgan ’08 Janice Moscoso ’00 Magdalena Oliver ’05 Ruby Oliver ’94 Steve Owens ’07 Yolanda Phillip ’03 Delores Phillips ’97 Etelina Pinder ’07 Cordell Robinson ’07 Yvette Rose ’04 Evelyne Sagnan ’07 Rodney Samuels ’95 Debra Spencer ’08 Marvin Springer ’07 Felicia Tavera ’99 Joanne Thorne ’01 Gloria White ’08 Guye E. Wiltshire ’01 Monica Parris ’04 Bernice B. Pires ’01 Curley Spires Potter ’86 Pierrette Rameau ’00 Hazel Rivers ’86 Dorothy Robinson ’77 Angelica Rodriguez ’86 Margie Rogers ’81 Juliette Roserie James ’07 Donnielle Ruffin ’08 Jeanette Rufino ’08 Barbara Salahuddin-Grant ’98 Annette Sterling ’06 Laverne Stevens ’92 GS’02 Pearl Hayes Sullivan ’03 Melvin Tann ’87 Darlene Taylor ’06 Jessie Thomas ’87 Marie Thomason ’83 Norma Piazza Toscano ’98 Wilhelmina Varner ’85 Wilma Jean Washington ’98 Judith Wexler ’75 Carol Whittaker ’06 Hiloreen Woods ’08 Sagrario Zacariaz ’94 CO - O P C I T Y C A M P U S S E N I O R S 20 0 9 Alice Davis ’09 Jocelyn Dorsey ’09 Maria George ’09 Sheila Hunter ’09 Maria Nix-Miller ’09 Rosalind Myers Pierce ’09 Valli Rosario ’09 Cheryl-Ann Ryan ’09 CO - O P C I T Y C A M P U S Rosa Bell ’90 Cheryl Birdsall ’08 Cora Caballero ’08 Vivian Campbell ’84 Viola Cholmondeley ’83 Linda Collins ’06 Wanda Collins ’07 Barbara Crowe ’77 Sarah Vincent Crum ’81 GS’89 Veronica Davis ’07 Debra Garland-Tirado ’03 Arthur Gelman ’77 Lorraine Gillum ’86 Lynette Hartfield ’08 Alana Howell ’87 GS’99 Delores Jacobs ’87 Collette Johnson ’03 Charlene Jordan ’89 Hazel Joshua ’86 Harriet Karmazin ’83 Lorraine Koiner ’08 Sharon Lattimer ’08 Kenneth Lemon ’02 Glendina Lewis ’07 Donald Logan ’08 Irving Margulies ’76 Maria Marrero ’93 GS’95 Catherine Dempsey Mendrzycki ’75 GS’85 Margaret Miggins-Austin ’07 Carmen Molina ’04 Maxwell Momoh ’95 Elsa Navas ’82 Miriam Negron ’05 Soeurette Obas ’86 Gladys Osborne ’92 GS’95 D C 37 C A M P U S S E N I O R S 20 0 9 Tracy Brock-Calhoun ’09 Adrainer Coleman ’09 Anita Evans ’09 Mary Figueroa ’09 Natasha Oliver ’09 Joyclyn Richards ’09 Diana Rodriguez ’09 Frances Rodriguez ’09 D C 37 C A M P U S John Ansah ’93 Nancy Aragon ’08 Maria Arcila-Howeil ’92 Jimmy Arnold ’87 Jason Arrington ’80 Jennifer Austin ’03 Olympia Beatty ’07 Theresa Bell-Garcia ’07 Paul Bennett ’91 62 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Sandra Bilbo-Dent ’95 Sharonn Bradford ’07 Bernice Cabey ’85 Frances Clark ’97 Alphean Clarke ’01 Carolyn Crawford ’07 Eleanor Cyrus ’75 Judith Daniels ’07 Lillie Daniels ’94 GS’94 Paulette Davids ’05 James Davidson ’77 Norman Davis ’75 Genevieve De Chalus ’00 Theresa Dennis-Butler ’03 Zaida Diaz ’03 Myrtle Weinglass Dixon ’83 Viola Fisher Dyce ’75 Theresa Cararo Eckstein ’82 Sondra Edouards ’77 Barbara Epstein ’88 Grace Eubanks ’86 Coula Farris ’77 Doris Fraser ’88 Sonja Freeman ’07 Susan Gatson ’93 Diane Giorgi ’87 Ruth Gonnello ’86 Sylvia Gore ’85 Katherine T. Gray ’00 Kathryn Gruby ’80 Yetta Guy ’82 Arthur Haddock ’76 Lorraine Handal ’79 JoAnn Harris ’84 Letitia Hepburn ’99 Jeanette Hoff ’86 Therese Manley Holder ’85 Nora Hutchinson ’78 Nubia Imani-Beazer ’86 Sharon Jackson ’08 Edna Jenkins ’81 Yvette Jenkins ’86 Constance Jichetti ’98 Gladys Jones ’93 Mary Jones ’95 Joyce Julian ’84 Ruth Keisner ’80 Jenaline Kellier ’86 A LU M N A E / I G I F TS Theresa Kelly ’92 Katherine Kwok ’04 Frances Lam ’08 Douglas Layne ’89 Mary Leacock ’76 Charles Lercara ’91 Isaac Levine ’73 Anthony Lewis ’07 Noemi Lopez ’89 Hastie Lowther ’76 Barbara McDowell ’88 Vida McGlone ’88 Lucille McLaughlin ’94 Leona Montagnino ’91 Geraldine Sykes Moore ’99 Gertrude Moore ’90 Alvin Murrell ’79 Rosa Myrick* ’80 Jon Ng ’97 Marian Payne ’76 Josephine Pittari ’00 James Plaza ’07 Terry Pouncey ’07 Bessie Pratt ’08 Ann Progler ’79 Pazzy Quiroz ’06 Jannie Reddick ’08 Ramona Reid ’91 Gloria Richards ’77 Latisha Richardson ’08 Violet Richardson ’93 Ramona Rodriguez ’79 Allan Rose ’76 Jacqueline Ross ’99 Esther Rubin* ’81 Renee Ryals ’86 Margaret Ryan ’83 Winifred Saltus ’75 Aneth Samuels ’07 Ana Sanchez ’03 Dorothy Siegel ’79 Roslyn Slucker ’79 Stephen Small ’91 Mary Strawter-Merritt ’92 Cathryn Sullivan ’06 Jewell Sutler ’85 Linda Thomas ’01 John Toto ’78 Alexandra Ulon ’04 Dionne Vincent ’08 Eleanore Sealey Walker ’76 Evelyn Watkins ’81 Lucy West ’81 Sandra Whitchett ’00 Evelyn Wigfall ’89 Astrud Williams ’03 Ruth Williams ’08 Wilma Williams ’86 JOHN CARDINAL O ’ CO N N O R C A M P U S S E N I O R S 20 0 9 Sharon Allen ’09 Ryushique Bodrick ’09 Gary De Vore ’09 Dana Fuller ’09 Beverly Thomas ’09 Celestine Trent ’09 Sharon Stevenson ’08 Ana Tavarez ’05 Deborah Terrell ’96 Nicole Tyson ’08 Patricia Wanzer ’83 NEW ROCHELLE C A M P U S S E N I O R S 20 0 9 Elunda Parker Abdullah ’09 Chaye Billups ’09 Donna Gardner ’09 Linda Grande ’09, Past Parent Haydee Guevara ’09 Khiva Ransom ’09 Mary Vergara ’09 Julius Walker ’09 Vennesa Winstead-Williams ’09 JOHN CARDINAL O ’ CO N N O R C A M P U S Troy Branch ’07 Felena Burgess ’08 Margarita Cardenas ’87 Eunice Claire Clarke ’93 Sandra Davis ’08 Denise Forde ’88 Noemi Forty ’92 Rosalina Garcia ’07 Sheila Glenn ’05 Shirley Greene-Hines ’96 Deborah Grenald ’08 Floydine Hardy ’95 Helen Holden-Wingate ’06 Saikou Jagana ’99 Vivian Johnson ’84 Sadie Lee ’02 Melvin Macedon ’03 Sherrod Miggins ’07 Jane Mitchell ’85 Sadie Ortiz ’00 Ruth Paredes ’84 Linda Paul ’83 Deborah Randall ’88 Jacob Reed ’04 Clara Ricks ’84 Barbara Robinson ’83 GS’87 Carlene Sabb ’85 GS’92 Mayra Sanchez-Estupinan ’04 Constance Scarlett ’85 Yvette Singleton ’89 Mozell Steplight ’98 N EW ROCH ELLE CAM P US Marie Abel ’76 Carol Alterman ’79 Olga Ambert ’03 Marc Anders ’76 Carole Anzisi ’90 Cecilia Aponte ’92 Roberta Apuzzo ’92 Andrea Arscott ’06 Hiltrud Aubert ’81 Mary Ann Haigh Austin ’93 Judith O’Hara Balfe ’89 GS’91 ’97 Rosa Davis Barksdale ’75 Dolores Battalia ’75 Cynthia Bell ’76 Barbara Bellamy ’87 Doris Benjamin ’75 GS’79 Yvonne Heyes Billera ’73 Colleen Maher Bimbo ’03 Elnorah Boone ’01 Michelle Bordonaro ’93 Edna Bourne ’82 Susan Bradlau ’77 Duffy Brodsky ’76 * Deceased 63 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Carol Buckingham ’79 Marlene Buckingham ’82 Gertrude Bunke ’82 Renee Burch ’98 Susan Canada ’89 Angelina Carforo ’90 Ellen Carney ’85 Julie Davis Carran ’81 Carole Cassetta ’79 Laurie Peterson Castaldo ’94 JoAnne Catalanotte-Braem ’84 GS’90 Susan Chadwick ’81 Harriette Chelnik ’73 Angelo Chusan ’08 Joan Cohen ’85 Barbara Connelly ’86 Mario Conte ’07 Nora Crampton ’07 Helen Curran ’96 Veronica Darcy ’98 Charlesanna Davis ’83 Elouise Davis ’79 Alexander Daza ’00 Patricia De Meo ’85 GS’89 Judith Dean ’76 Marie Tormey DeSalvo ’82 Anna-Karin Dillard ’80 Gilda DiMarco ’75 GS’79 Eileen DiNiscia ’86 Sarah Dodd ’83 Alejandrina Douglass ’80 Norma Downer ’82 Suzanne Applebaum Drachman ’86 Vera Dunk ’74 Denise Dunlea ’80 Margaret Edmonston ’82 John Engels ’93 GS’96 Gale Etra ’83 Denise Feighery ’79 Maria Felix ’06 Mary Ferrandi ’06 Eva Flamm ’93 A LU M N A E / I G I F TS SCHOOL OF NEW RESOURCES Doris Fleishman ’80 Katherine Ford ’96 GS’00 Jerilyn D’Agostino Francis ’04 Charlotte Frede ’80 GS’91 Joseph Furgiuele ’75 Patricia Furman ’82 GS’84 Doreen Gallagher ’78 Susan Genicevitch ’00 Anne Golub ’74 Paulette Gordon ’91 Ethel Gorman ’85 GS’89 Marlene Gouraige ’92 Ida Grieco ’82 Marygrace Grisanti ’00 GS’02 Ellen Hebard ’94 GS’99 Fannie Hill-King ’81 Kathleen Histon ’73 Shirley Holland ’74 Liz Horvitz ’89 Marie Huffman ’78 GS’83 Lola Hunter ’74 Naomi Ingram ’78 Marianne Irwin ’77 GS’84 Audrey Isaacs ’92 Mariette Izold ’94 Janice Johnson ’75 Charlie Mae Jones ’81 GS’89 Jean Joseph ’04 Winifred Kahl ’89 Marcia Kawer ’76 Judith Preble Kenny ’82 Marlene Kern ’77 GS’84 Monica King ’89 Julie Kubaska ’79 GS’82 Pamala Kuch ’99 GS’02 Teresa Cotterall Lagana ’89 Sylvia Laguna ’83 James Lampasso ’75 Barbara Lane ’94 Cecile Lasis ’80 Susanne Pino Lebrija ’05 Geraldine Lee ’93 Linda Lefkowitz ’75 Jennifer Lentini ’08 Gloria Levine ’83 Barbara Levy ’80 Judith LoSecco ’91 Inge Lowenstein ’94 Betty Lyon ’74 Alma Maffucci ’82 GS’84 Kathleen Mannino ’04 GS’09 * Deceased Regina Manto ’99 Helen Marble ’87 Virginia Martin ’82 Corinne Mastruzzi ’74 Irene McConnell ’86 Catherine McElroy ’92 GS’94 Kevin McGill ’07 Kathleen McHugh, SC ’75 Anne McKenna ’82 Frances Mallardi Miceli ’81 GS’84 Helen Miley ’94 Arlene Minella ’84 Rose Ann Minnerly ’90 GS’93 Christiane Smith Morejon ’02 GS’04 Cecelia Mruk ’78 Nora Naughton ’01 GS’03 Joan Neary ’92 Doris Nelson ’07 Dana Nicholas ’97 Anna Ortiz ’06 Sandra Overton ’79 Jennifer Padilla ’06 Rosalina Maio Palladino ’82 Jeanette Pandolfo ’77 Anne Dennison Pelak ’90 GS’96 Geraldine Pelliccio ’93 Jeanne Perlman ’87 Theresia Perna ’76 Mary Pfeiffer ’83 Kathleen Philp ’97 Louise Pomerantz ’75 Sally Raniolo ’06 Barbara Reilly ’82 Diane Rende ’05 Alphonse Restivo ’84 Anne Walsh Rhodes ’75 GS’82 Maria Rios ’89 Dorothy Robertson ’79 GS’87 Ruth McCollester Robins ’83 Marie Rofhok ’84 GS’87 Ralph Rogers ’81 Carolyn Keyes Rohlf ’85 Camille Gervino Romita ’77 GS’88 Reta Rooney ’07 Ann Rothstein ’76 Judy Ryan ’85 Angela Saavedra ’80 GS’82 Barbara Saavedra-Grigsby ’03 Teresa Salzo ’00 Ellen Gromer Schiavone ’00 Doris Schneible ’86 Thelma Schreibman ’84 Deanna Schwam ’99 Concetta Secchiano ’98 Martha Sipser ’74 Virginia Smith ’83 Yvonne Smith ’90 GS’90 Joanne Spitaliere ’83 Evelyn Stewart ’97 Kisha Stewart ’08 Rita Stewart ’74 Virginia Saalfrank Stonesifer ’76 Sarah Newcombe Sullo ’97 Lynda Tepperman ’78 Marian Trotta Tobin ’79 Elizabeth Tyropolis ’83 Annette Van Ness ’85 Lisa Velazquez-Denapoli ’03 Joan Virgin ’76 GS’77 Mollie Vogel ’74 Carolyn Walsh ’82 GS’85 Danielle Wattel ’78 Judith Wellins ’90 Doris Wheeler ’75 Helen Williams ’86 Rachel Williams ’77 June Williams-Blain ’04 Audrey Woods ’96 GS’05 Sharon Zaffino ’86 GS’03 Ann Zeppieri ’90 Madeline Zevon ’78 NEW YORK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CAMPUS Ronald Bascombe ’93 Gloria Becco ’85 Sondra Boozebailey ’87 Roseclare Coombs ’99 GS’06 Gail Davis ’97 Linda Douglas ’00 Nelson Dukes ’88 Charles Ellington ’89 Ruthie Fowler ’88 Geraldine Gilliam ’85 Antonia Green ’88 Michael Greene ’96 Hilda Hamlett ’89 Job Hamlett ’83 Ethel Jones ’91 Adelina Mingo ’84 Ida Miranda ’00 Carolyn Moorhead ’83 Clara Morris ’99 64 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Gloria Peters-Wynn ’86 Olive Richardson ’93 Oscar Roberts ’86 Joan Strawder ’03 Gwendolyn White ’95 R O SA PA R KS C A M P U S S E N I O R S 20 0 9 Sharon Cooper ’09 Kisha Edwards ’09 Yolanda Gregory ’09 Deborah Madison ’09 R O SA PA R KS C A M P U S Laureal Anderson ’07 Helen Austin ’05 Cynthia Smith Bellinger ’07 James Boyd ’06 Mushander Brown ’08 Deborah Buntin-Lassiter ’00 Kingsley Burnett ’04 Oslyn-Claire Campbell ’06 Mark Fauntleroy ’99 Willie Gamble ’01 Joan Gardner ’84 Kenneth Gibson ’04 Casilda Hiciano-Hidalgo ’96 Cecelia Johnson ’08 James Manning ’99 Kay Peck-Maxwell ’93 Genevieve Peters ’99 Wanda Phillips ’07 Alvin Rivera ’07 Patricia Royall ’08 Katina Roye ’08 Johnny Russ ’03 Sheila Sessoms ’99 Regina Sherman ’99 Sarah Smith ’90 Edna Spencer ’07 LaTonya Simpson Tenorio ’05 Cynthia R. Thompson ’01 Kimba Underwood ’07 Carmen Williams ’07 Jeanette Williams ’06 A LU M N A E / I G I F TS PARENTS, PAST PARENTS and FRIENDS PA R E N TS & PAST PA R E N TS Ellen Phillips Ahrenholz SAS’70 Marie Ambery Joan Molanphy Bassett SAS’50 Joan Bristol Carol Buckingham SNR’79 Ellen Carney SNR’85 Carole Cassetta SNR’79 Joan & Joseph Chisholm (Joan Rombach SAS’59) Joy Kober Cowan SAS ’64 Ann Marie Killen DuPlessis SAS’56 Timothy Ebsworth Hilda Farmer Mark Fauntleroy SNR’99 Mickey & Joseph Fosina Charlotte Frede SNR’80 GS’91 Marie Higgins Grady SAS’56 Linda Grande SNR’09 Virginia & George Harnischfeger Mary & Frank Iaquinta Harriet Karmazin SNR’83 Frances Mehr Kelleher SAS’41 James Lampasso SNR’75 Margaret Doyle Lawler SAS’63 John Lukens Anne and James Magee (Anne Magee GS’79) Claire & Anthony Manto (Claire Colangelo SAS’69) Joseph Marsh Patricia Ahearn Mastellon SAS’65 Marianne Milzoff SN’97 Mary Ann & David Munroe Patricia Zellner Peck SAS’67 Mary Feehan Ribaudo SAS’55 Joseph Roberge Judy SNR’85 & Dennis GS’94 Ryan Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS’58 Elizabeth West Shine SAS’56 Rhoda Smith Louise McDonnell Stevens SAS’48 Ann Summo Walter & Joan Tolley Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas SAS’58 Janet Swanson Wiedenhoft SAS’55 Karen & Mark Williams Patricia & Ronald Williams (Patricia Barnum SAS’56) * Deceased FRIENDS Mariann Abbaticola Susan Allen Marsha & Michael Ambler Victor Anaya Jeanne Anselmo Joseph Antalec Cynthia Anthony Marilyn Bastardi Charles Bates John Becker Ann Berger Irwin Birnbaum Patricia Bland Joseph Blank Richard Blessing Kathleen Bloom Janet Boudreau Robert Branizza Maree Brennan* Barbara Bresnan Vera Broderick Adelinda Busante Lorraine Caramella Frances Sternhagen Carlin Eileen Caruso Elinor Castillo Joseph Chisholm Victor Cimino Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Cipicchio Mary Ann Clayton Kathleen Cleary Catherine Collins Margaret & Thomas Conniff Leonard Cooper Joan Cornell Mary Ann Cotting Angela Cozzi Charles Critchlow Michael Cuomo Mr. & Mrs. William Cuttle Kerri Daniel Candy Dato Aymara de Cardenas Theresa Dember-Neal Nancy Cooney Deutsch Lisa Kolligian Dorian Eugenie Doyle Anna Eckland Althea Eisler Ronald Elliott Robert Englehart Joseph C. Farina & Angela Koutoulakis Francis Fields Richard Fielitz Michael Finnerty Patrick Foley* 65 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Gerard Forlenza Ronald Garfunkel Rashmi George Antonetta Gibson Linda Girardi Mary & Eugene Gormley Virginia Gray Mary & Roger Grimm Charles Hagelin Jonette Hahn Richard Hahn Robert Hall Janet Hand Claire Harding-McGrath Beverly Harris Maurice & Anne Hartigan Margaret Healy Helen Dennison Hebert Karen Anne Helfenstein, SC Jennifer Henrichs Margot & Stephen Holland Alexander Hood Philip Hoskins Kathrene Blish Houlihan John Hyland Meredith Jason Hugh Johnston Margo Jones Kevin B. Keefe A LU M N A E / I G I F TS PARENTS, PAST PARENTS and FRIENDS Patricia Keepnews Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Ellen Kennedy John Killian James Knickman Johanna Ferry Laadt Patricia Lanza Nancy Lenihan Elizabeth Bell LeVaca John Lukens Ian K. MacDonald Eileen L. MacDougall Janet F. Mackin James Maisano Christian B. Malone James Mariano Patricia Mariano Suzanne Mariano Diane Markarian Richard Marrin Marco Martelli Edna McCallion Barbara McCarthy John McCloud Constance & John* McGillicuddy James & Jayne McKee Ann Marie Metzger Mary Mitchell Eileen Moran Susan Morrison Carrol and Margo Muccia James Murphy Kay C. Murray George Napoleone Lesley & John Nicholson Margaret Nicholson Wendy Nielsen Carolyn Noble Leo O'Donovan, SJ Valerie O'Keeffe Lorraine Paplin Toni Parks Heather Perkins Gerard Plante Rosemary Pusateri Rita Retzlaff Elizabeth M. Riccardi Frank Roa Carole & Timothy Roche Doreen C. Rodetis Carla Romita Mauro C. and Camille Romita Anne Ronan Frank Ronan Joan Ronan Kathleen Gordon Ronan Mary Ronan Robert Ronan Susan Rydwin Stephen Salup Elisa Schwartz Marie Serpe Martin Siroka Kathleen Sladky Saddie and Lowery Smith Betty Soto Betty Spera Rose Ann and Vincenzo Sperandio Margaret Stack Diana Stano, OSU Paula Steffan Amie Taney Pierre Toussaint Eugene Tozzi Joseph Valerio Anne T. Vitale Margaret Walsh Mary Anne Wassenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ron Weinstein Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Roberta Williamson Lester Wolfson David Yetter Gilda Zalaznick THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have made contributions between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at [email protected]. * Deceased 66 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A LU M N A E / I G I F TS CURRENT AND FORMER FACULTY and STAFF C U R R E N T FAC U LT Y & STA F F Susan Acampora Nibaldo Aguilera Joan Bailey Silvana Bajana SAS '85 Judith Balfe SNR '89 GS'91, '97 Andre Beauzethier Linda Bellmare Fay Bennett-Lord SNR'00 Kristin Berman GS'95 Colleen Maher Bimbo SNR'03 Joseph Biscoglio Dorothy Biscornet Kari Black GS'04 Tiffani Blake SAS'03 Keith R. Borge Woodrow Bovell Michelle Braun Merriweather Kelly Brennan Daniel Bresnahan* Elisabeth Brinkmann Joan Bristol Past Parent Elena Bront de Avila David Brunt Jennifer Cahill Ellen Carney SNR'85 Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS'89 Lorraine Grace Caruso Laurie Peterson Castaldo SNR'94 Erin Churchill SAS'03 GS'05 Roseclare Coombs SNR'99 GS’06 Martha Counihan, OSU SAS'67 John Coyne Emory Craig Harold Crocker GS'78 Ellen R. Curry Damato Linda David Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Kenneth Doka Mary Alice Donius Laurie DuBos Louise Dunbar Timothy Ebsworth Past Parent Margaret Edmonston SNR'82 Isaac Elegbe Dorothy Escribano Andrea Hindmarsh Fagon SAS'00 GS'09 Mark Fauntleroy SNR'99 Parent Michael Ferrara * Deceased Anne Ferrari Nancy-Elizabeth Fitch Joseph Flynn, OFM Cap Ana Maria Eugenio Fontoura SAS'90 Anne Frost Patricia Furman SNR'82 GS'84 Teri Gamble Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS'80 Nancy Gonchar Linda Grande SNR'09 Past Parent Gail Greene SNR'05 Amy Hagerty SAS'95 Melanie Harasym Nilda Hernandez Deborah Hunt Judith Huntington Connie Ward Iervolino GS'88 Jean Rosaire Joseph SNR'04 Deborah Kelly Isola Kokumo Faith Kostel-Hughes Pamala Kuch SNR'99 GS'02 Nieli Langer GS'85 Dorothy Larkin Claire Lavin Kenneth Lemon SNR'02 Patricia M. Rosenkranz Levins SAS'73 Ellen Lockamy Marie Londrigan Elvira Longordo SAS '78 Christopher Lovergine Greisi Luciano Kwanghee Lyew Marion Lynch, OSU SAS'63 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS'69 Lynda Magrath SAS'74 Violet Malinski Kathy Mannino SNR'04 Claire Colangelo Manto SAS '69 Allyssandra Pane-Berrios SAS'05 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR'90 GS'96 Dorothy Perri Marjory Peterson Diane Quandt Michael Quinn Pierrette Rameau SNR'00 Roblyn Rawlins Frank Rizza Marie Rofhok SNR'84 GS'87, '97 Janet Rohan Johnny Russ SNR'03 Barbara Russell Dennis Ryan GS'94 Past Parent Rodney Samuels SNR'95 Marilyn Hesser Saulle Norma J. Seabury Linda Shand Jane C. Slagle Edisnerky C. Soto Kristine D'Onofrio Southard Stephanie Squires Lambros G. Stamoulis Mozell Steplight SNR'98 Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR'03 Walter Sullivan Fred Sullo Ann Summo Past Parent Stephen J. Sweeny Robert Tate Cynthia R. Thompson SNR'01 Errol Thompson Richard Thompson Paul Tyrl Connie Vance JoEllen Vavasour SAS'76 Adrienne Wald Suzette Walker-Vega SAS'00 Charlotte Washington GS'08 Carole M. Weaver Vennesa Winstead-Williams SNR'09 Guye E. Wiltshire SNR'01 Robert I. Wolf Sagrario F. Zacariaz SNR'94 Past Parent Robin Jordan-Marshall GS'05 Brenna Sheenan Mayer Orlando McAllister Anne McKernan Marianne Milzoff SN'97 Past Parent Robert Morgan Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS'59 Miyada M. Musharbash Lilleth C. Newby Susan B. Oluwasanmi B. Nelson Ong F O R M E R FAC U LT Y & STA F F Lois Scarpino Amend SAS’57 Yvonne Heyes Billera SNR’73 Mary Boyan, OSU SAS’46 Jeanne Brennan, OSU SAS’45 67 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Carol Buckingham SNR’79 Anne M. Bunting, OSU SAS’49 Barbara Calamari, OSU SAS’58 Sheila T. Campbell, OSU SAS’68 GS’93 Karenann Gilbride Carty SAS’82 Margaret Croake Cherico SAS’53 Kathleen Cinnater SAS’64 Kathleen Cino SN’02 Donna Demarest SAS’71 Marie Tormey DeSalvo SNR’82 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS’55 John Engels SNR’93 GS’96 Charlotte Frede SNR’80 GS’91 Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS’60 Catherine Yodice Giles SAS’61 Kelly Graham GS’02 Gloria Greco SAS’52 Phyllis Hinchcliffe, OSU SAS’49 Mary Job SAS’01 Judith Preble Kenny SNR’82 Nancy Kotonias SAS’76 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS’48 GS’87 Jennifer Lentini SNR’08 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 Frances Lyle, OSU SAS’46 Anne Magee GS’79 Katherine McHugh Maria SAS’58 GS’72 Frances Mallardi Miceli SNR’81 GS’84 Marie-Celine Miranda, OSU SAS’53 Eileen Stavinsky Niedzwiecki SAS’72 Jo-Ann O’Brien GS’75 Gladys Osborne SNR’92 GS’95 Jennifer Padilla SNR’06 Margaret Reilly Antalec SAS’59 Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS’51 Mary Jane Robertshaw, OSU SAS’51 Gloria Romero SAS’00 Marie Porco Rossi SAS’60 GS’71 Mary Russo, OSU SAS’35* Concetta Secchiano SNR’98 Susan Shoulet GS’82 Eileen Case Sibson SAS’60 Jennifer Smith SAS’05 Virginia Smith SNR’83 Lucie Giegengack Teegarden SAS’59 Nicole Totans SAS’99 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS’71 Angela Valitutto SAS’00 GS’04 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS’49 GS’84 Sandra Giannoni Wainman SAS’67 IVOTHER GIFTS In addition to gifts to the Annual Fund, the generosity of our alumnae/i and friends is expressed through other kinds of gifts to the College: gifts in memory or in honor of an alumna or alumnus, faculty, family member or friend; restricted gifts for special purposes or programs; gifts in-kind; endowed gifts, estate gifts and contributions through the Golf and Tennis Outing. Corporate matching gifts provide an additional significant source of revenue. We are ever grateful to our donors who take advantage of them to benefit the College. Local and federal government, along with corporations and foundations support the College as well, providing funding for new initiatives and ongoing programs. We are ever grateful to them. M E M O R I A L G I F TS I N M E M O RY O F … Elizabeth Wheeler Ashley SAS’17 Elizabeth Ashley Watson SAS’51 Margaret Bedard Friend Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson SAS’76 Blanche Blank Friend Joseph Blank Friend Muriel Carangelo Friend Mary Alice Donius Friend Dorothy Perri Friend Edward and Gloria Carry Past Parent Jeannette Carry Parshall SAS’55 Terry Clark SAS’72 James Knickman Friend Class of 1959 Deceased Class of 1959 Andrew Cravero Friend Eileen Moran Friend Mary Ellen Donnelly Critchlow SAS’69 Charles Critchlow Friend Eugenia & Thomas Dennison Friend Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Rita Doughty Friend Jill Ganey Sullivan SAS’59 Henrietta Conlan Fernstrom SAS’37 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bastardi Friend Janet Mackin Friend Wendy Nielsen Friend Kathleen Sladky Friend Somerset Hills YMCA Lester Wolfson Friend Joan Curley Ferry SAS’44 Johanna Ferry Laadt Friend Grace Caskin Forlenza SAS’46 Gerard Forlenza Friend Sarah Landrigan Gamble SAS’71 Ellen Mannix Lynch SAS’71 Claire Meany Gray SAS’51 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Anaya Friend Ann Berger Friend Kathleen Bloom Friend Robert Branizza Friend Mary Ann Clayton Friend Anna Eckland Friend Francis Fields Friend Virginia Gray Friend Jonette Hahn Friend Claire Harding-McGrath Friend Jennifer Henrichs & Randell Beck Friend Christian Malone Friend Diane Markarian Friend Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP Maugham Home School Association Ann Marie Metzger Friend Nixon Peabody LLP Pembroke Asset Management, LLC Elizabeth Riccardi Friend Doreen Rodetis Friend Stephen Salup Friend Elisa Schwartz Friend Martin Siroka Friend Paula Steffan Friend Mary Tapogna Wysocki SAS’66 David Yetter Friend Virginia Donahue Griffin SAS’45 John Becker Friend Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bland Friend Janet Boudreau Friend Eileen Caruso Friend Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Cipicchio Friend Computer Sciences Corporation Robert Englehart Friend Antonetta Gibson Friend Meredith Jason Friend J D Hardy Elementary School Sunshine Fund Eileen MacDougall Friend NLRB Enforcement Division Sunshine Fund Gerard Plante Friend Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Roche Friend Dr. & Mrs. Chester Rydwin Friend The MacDonald and Flanagan Families Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wassenberg Friend Mr. & Mrs. Ron Weinstein Friend Mary Ann Garrity Hagelin SAS’56 Charles Hagelin Friend Margaret Casey Walz SAS’56 Shelia Sullivan Hartmann SAS’61 JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri SAS’61 Roland Hauer Friend Margaret Walsh Friend Marylou Meyer Hayford Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 Gael Donoghue Hyland SAS’57 John Hyland Friend Nancy Quirk Keefe SAS’56 Kevin Keefe Friend Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU SAS’51 Mary Riley Bagnulo SAS’64 Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS’88 Rosemary Kirby Bloem SAS’64 Elizabeth Bourgeois SAS’67 68 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E OT H E R G I F TS Nancy Carey-Cassidy SAS’79 Lisa Cesare SAS’81 Wen Chen SAS’96 Ann Gruendl Decker SAS’71 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS’64 Anne Beaver Dempsey SAS’64 Eileen Denver SAS’64 Marjorie Devery SAS’64 Elsie Guthrie Donahue SAS’64 Carol Jacunski Fiore SAS’64 Mary Engel Flannery SAS’43 Joan Morgan Flatley SAS’64 The Gellin-Zalaznick Foundation, Inc. Barbara Higgins SAS’65 Patricia Hunter MacArtney SAS’76 Claire Colangelo Manto SAS’69, Past Parent Katherine McNamara Menard SAS’68 Francis Mallardi Miceli SNR’81 Margaret Nicholson Friend Leo O’Donovan, OJ Friend Toni Parks Friend Rita Retzlaff Friend Blanche Dickinson Ryan SAS’48 Marilyn Hesser Saulle Friend Terry O’Malley Seidler SAS’54 Susan Shoulet GS’82 Patricia Smith Treanor SAS’64 Teri Wilkinson SAS’64 Gilda Zalaznick Friend Jean Kennedy SAS’39 Ellen Kennedy Friend Elizabeth Carraher Kilsheimer SAS’46 John Kilsheimer Friend Irene Kutsky, OSU SAS’42 Mary Mylod Brockway SAS’57 Aileen Hanlon Lyons SAS’44 Denise Hanlon Powell SAS’75 Susan Malley SAS’70 Suzanne Hennessy Lipsky SAS’70 Gail Cooper Marrin SAS’68 Richard Marrin Friend Margaret Jaynes Morrison SAS’29 Susan Morrison Friend Dorothy Noto SNR’75 Richard Blessing, Jr. Friend Mary Ann Cotting Friend Adele Fagon GS’80 James Maisano Friend Valerie O’Keeffe Friend * Deceased Kathleen Gordon Ronan Friend Betty Spera Friend Mary O’Hagan SAS’43 Maureen Clifford Albers SAS’60 Kathryn McMahon Campbell SAS’43 Richard Fielitz Friend Jean Mahoney McCarthy SAS’43 Anne Mead SAS’45 Vicky Pena SAS’69 Anonymous John Reddington Past Parent Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS’45, Past Parent Margaret Smith Reiches SAS’39, Past Parent Teresa Reiches-Schacher SAS’83 Mary Reynolds SAS’47 Kathleen Cleary Friend Anne Ronan Friend Frank Ronan Friend Joan Ronan Friend Mary Ronan Friend Robert Ronan Friend Katherine Ronan SooHoo SAS’74 Margaret Ronan Stack Friend Thomas Seery Friend Loretta Seery Nugent SAS’71 Ellen Shanaphy Friend Cynthia Anthony Friend Mary K. Shea SAS’28 Philip Hoskins Friend Eldon Talley Friend Eileen Case Sibson SAS’60 Eric Tutera Friend Beach Point Camp New York City Parents, Inc. Nancy Harkins SAS’75 Mr. & Mrs. George Hebert Friend JCC of Mid-Westchester Mr. & Mrs. Marco Martelli Friend Max Bermuda Ltd. Sandra Giannoni Wainman SAS’67 Kathryn Shanley Vavasour SAS’44 Marcelle McCormack Daly SAS’44 Althea Eisler Friend Joan Kelly SAS’76 Nancy Kotonias SAS’76 Martha Reddington SAS’76 Sally Smith SAS’76 Suzanne Smith SAS’76 Joseph Valerio Friend Mary Kathryn Vavasour SAS’72 Cloatta Farrell Vesely SAS’69 Mary Digiusto Bertolini SAS’69 Kristen Wensel SAS’61 Marie-Celine Miranda, OSU SAS’53 Miriam Sweeney Wilcox SAS’40 Nancy Deutsch Friend Salvatore Yodice Friend Catherine Yodice Giles SAS’61 CO M M E M O R AT I V E G I F TS I N H O N O R O F … Sara Arthur SAS’59 Charles Bates Friend Joan Bailey Friend Nancy Brown Friend Dorothy Biscornet Friend Nicole Totans SAS’99 Sandra Salvana Clinger SAS’65 Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS’65 Kenneth Doka Friend Rita Ortiga Waterman GS’92 Eleanor Drury Friend Mary Carpenter Nunz SAS’54 ELI Classes Summer & Fall 2005 Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR’03 Linda Grande SNR’09 69 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Dorothy Biscornet Friend RosaMaria Guardascione GS’09 Dorothy Biscornet Friend Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU SAS’51* Suzanne Hennessy Lipsky SAS’70 Mary Elizabeth Lacerenza SAS’72 Christine LaSala SAS’72 Elizabeth McMahon SAS’40 Nancy Lenihan Friend Diane Quandt Friend Rosemary Pusateri Friend Lucie Teegarden SAS’59 Class of 1959 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS’71 Elinor Castillo Friend Angela Cozzi Friend Robert Morgan Friend Mercedes Videria Friend Mary Creeden Risio SAS’68 Vennesa Winstead-Williams SNR’09 Dorothy Biscornet Friend Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 Irwin Birnbaum Friend OT H E R G I F TS OTHER GIFTS G I F TS - I N - K I N D AbelCineTech, Inc. Kelley Allen SAS'98 IBM Corporation Toni Parks Friend Ann Raia Friend Gianna McCarthy Friend (Dorothy Paretti McCarthy SAS’42) E N D OW M E N T G I F TS Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS’69) Ann*& Patrick* Foley (Ann Tubman SAS’55) The Gellin-Zalaznick Foundation, Inc. Kathrene Blish Houlihan Friend Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 Kathleen McEntegart SAS’56 Margaret Nicholson Friend Mary McEntegart Welch SAS’49 Gilda Zalaznick Friend SC H O L A R S H I P G I F TS Estate of Anne Ahern SAS’38 Michelle Whitford Altilio GS’95 Helen Curtin Ashe SAS’56 Alexey Bulokhov GS’06 Dorothy Escribano Friend The Gellin-Zalaznick Foundation, Inc. Antoinette & Lawrence Iannotti Foundation, Inc. Donna McAuley Kelly SAS’58 Nina Iannotti Maguire SAS’55 Oak Foundation Schlang Foundation, Inc. Gilda Zalaznick Friend C H A P E L G I F TS Dorothy Biscornet Friend Ann Black* SAS'55 GS'90 Patricia Doherty Bruckert SAS'69 Mickey & Joseph Fosina Past Parent Catherine Yodice Giles SAS'61 Robert Hall Friend Patricia Keepnews Friend Marie Anne Kergaravat SAS'38 Ian K. MacDonald Friend John McCloud Friend Lillie Smith McKenna SAS'45 James Murphy Friend Margaret Nicholson Friend Eileen & Michael Niedzwiecki (Eileen Stavinsky SAS'72) Carolyn Noble Friend Theresia Perna SNR'76 Terry O'Malley Seidler SAS'54 Amie Taney Friend Jane D'Apice Vergari SAS'71 Dorothy Powers Walsh SAS'76 Greisi Luciano Friend Kwanghee Lyew Friend James & Anne Magee Past Parent (Anne Magee GS’79) Lynda Magrath SAS’74 James Mariano Friend Patricia Mariano Friend Suzanne Mariano Friend John McCloud Friend Marianne Milzoff SN’97 Past Parent Mary Mitchell Friend Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’97 Heather Perkins Friend Dorothy Perri Friend Diane Quandt Friend Frank Rizza Friend Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR’77 GS’88) Judy SNR’85 & Dennis GS’94 Ryan C A M P U S M I N I ST RY G I F TS Susan Acampora Friend Susan Allen Friend Justina Anusionwu-Bellamy SN’03 Archdiocese of New York Joan Bailey Friend Silvana Bajana SAS’85 Dorothy Biscornet Friend Barbara M. Bresnan Friend Joan Bristol Past Parent Adelinda Busante Friend Frances Sternhagen Carlin Friend Lorraine Grace Caruso Friend Christian Brothers Institute Catherine Collins Friend Joan Cornell Friend Emory Craig Friend Mary Alice Donius Friend Lisa Kolligian Dorian Friend Ronald Elliott Friend Michael Ferrara Friend Anne Lalli Ferrari Friend Joseph Flynn, OFM Cap Friend Anne Frost Friend Patricia Furman SNR’82 GS’84 Merin George SAS’09 Rashmi George Friend Linda Girardi Friend Gloria Greco SAS’52 Barbara Nugent Hahn SAS’49 Richard Hahn Friend Margaret Healy Friend Nilda Hernandez Friend Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS’63 GS’81 Deborah Hunt Friend Kevin B. Keefe Friend Nieli Langer GS’85 Claire Lavin Friend Past Parent Claire Smith, OSU SAS’58 Richard Thompson Friend Pierre Toussaint Friend Eugene Tozzi Friend Ursuline Community/Liberty Avenue Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s JoEllen Vavasour SAS’76 Dolores F. Yanshak, OSU SAS’51 OT H E R R EST R I C T E D A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Association for Women in Mathematics John Becker Friend Patricia Bland Friend Janet Boudreau Friend Eileen Caruso Friend Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Cipicchio Friend Computer Sciences Corporation Consolidated Edison Company of NY Foundation Kerri Daniel Friend Mary Alice Donius Friend Louise Dunbar Friend Robert Englehart Friend Antonetta Gibson Friend J D Hardy Elementary School Sunshine Fund Meredith Jason Friend Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson SAS'76 Patricia Lanza Friend Lanza Family Foundation Sarah Niles Leonard SAS'51 Christina Hoffman Lucey SAS'70 Ellen & Daniel Lynch (Ellen Mannix SAS'71) Margaret Mount Lynn SAS'69 Eileen MacDougall Friend Rachel Gambardello McGonigle SN'83 NLRB Enforcement Division Sunshine Fund Oak Foundation Dorothy Perri Friend Gerard Plante Friend Carol & Timothy Roche Friend Susan & Chester Rydwin Friend Russel and Deborah Taylor Foundation Russel Taylor Friend Lynda Tepperman SNR'78 The Mac Donald and Flanagan Families Friend Verizon Communications Mary Anne Wassenberg Friend Denise & Ron Weinstein Friend THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have made contributions between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at [email protected]. * Deceased 70 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E OT H E R G I F TS GOLF and TENNIS OUTING More than $77,000 was raised at the October 6, 2008 event held to benefit CNR students through the Annual Fund. Many thanks to committee chairs Florence “Beau” Lang Erbe SAS’57, Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 and Camille Romita SNR’77, GS’88. Andron Construction Company Anixter-Ohm International,Inc. Benenati Coffee Company, Inc. Joan Bristol Past Parent Broadview Networks Castle Oil Corporation Victor Cimino Friend Commercial Kitchens Cullen & Dykman, LLP Michael Cuomo Friend D.P. Wolff, Inc. DB Systems Corporation Dell Computers Dennis Rowan Services, Inc. Environmental Control Florence Lang Erbe SAS’57 Ronald Garfunkel Friend Gavin Cabling Systems Gerard B. Tracy Associates Judith Huntington Friend Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS’71 ikon.5 architects Joseph Tetro Inc. Key Bank, N.A. Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 KPMG LLP Midlantic Restoration Corporation Carrol A. Muccia Friend Power Communication Services, Inc. Anthony Pucillo Friend RA Security Systems, Inc. RBC Capital Markets Frank Roa Friend Camille Gervino Romita SNR’77 GS’88 Sebtek Contracting Corporation Paula & Louis Sheinbaum Friend Sodexho, Inc. & Affiliates Sound Shore Medical Center Sovereign Bank Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS’48 Waldorf & Associates Wise Components, Inc. Photos, counter-clockwise from top left: Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS’71 and guests. Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 (right) and guest.. Tennis players pose on the court. Representatives from Gerard B. Tracy Associates. 71 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E OT H E R G I F TS CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS and ORGANIZATION GIFTS MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES AbelCineTech, Inc. Archdiocese of New York Association for Women in Mathematics Beach Point Camp New York City Parents, Inc. Patrick Carney Foundation Castle Oil Corporation Christian Brothers Institute Class of 1959 Class of 1964 Collins Electric Company Computer Sciences Corporation Consolidated Edison Company of NY Foundation The Delaney Memorial Foundation, Inc. The Donohue Family Foundation John Gallin & Son, Inc. The Gellin-Zalaznick Foundation, Inc. Holland Family Philanthropic Fund Antoinette & Lawrence Iannotti Foundation, Inc. JCC of Mid-Westchester J D Hardy Elementary School Sunshine Fund Kirby Family Foundation 234 Moonachie Corporation 3M Aetna, Inc. Allmerica Financial Corporation American Express Company, Inc. American International Group, Inc. AT&T Corporation Avery Dennison Company AXA Financial Companies Bank of America Corporation The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership The Boeing Company Bristol-Myers Fund Capital One Carpenter Technology Corporation Castle Oil Corporation ChevronTexaco CNA Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company Connelly Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Dow Jones and Company Eli Lilly and Company Ernst & Young, LLP ExxonMobil Foundation Fair Isaac Corporation Federated Department Stores, Inc. General Electric Company GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Hershey's Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Houghton Mifflin Company IMS Health Intel Foundation International Business Machines Corporation ITW Foundation Johnson & Johnson Lanza Family Foundation Edward P. & Margaret R. Lyons Foundation Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP Maugham Home School Association Max Bermuda Ltd. Nixon Peabody LLP NLRB Enforcement Division Sunshine Fund Novo Nordisk Oak Foundation Pembroke Asset Management, LLC The Richard and Angela Armitage Family Foundation The Frederick P. and Sandra P. Rose Foundation Russel and Deborah Taylor Foundation Schlang Foundation, Inc. Somerset Hills YMCA Ursuline Community of Mount Vernon Ursuline Community/Liberty Avenue Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa's Ursuline Provincialate Verizon Communications 72 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Johnson Controls, Inc. Lincoln National Corporation Lockheed Martin Corporation Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. MasterCard International, Inc. MBIA Insurance Corporation The McGraw-Hill Companies Medarex Matching Gifts Program The Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. MetLife Foundation Mobil Foundation, Inc. Mutual of America Foundation New York Life Insurance Company The New York Times Company, Inc. Northrop Grumman Foundation Northwestern Mutual Olin Corporation PB Capital Corporation PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Procter & Gamble Co., Inc. The Prudential Insurance Company of America Quest Diagnostics Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Saint-Gobain Corporation Sony Electronics, Inc. Time Warner, Inc. Unilever United States, Inc. United Technologies Corporation USAA Insurance USG Corporation Vanguard Group, Inc. Verizon W. W. Grainger, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank Western Union Foundation Wyeth Xerox Corporation V PLANNED GIVING THE HERITAGE SOCIETY The College of New Rochelle is deeply grateful to the following graduates and friends who have made plans to benefit future generations of students. As members of The Heritage Society, they have thoughtfully included the College in their estate plans through a planned gift or bequest. Rosemary Vasas Abbott SAS’65 Ann Andreykovic SAS’61 Donna Marie Miranda Anjos SAS’82 Joseph Antalec Friend Rita Hamm Arnstein SAS’37 Sara Arthur SAS’59 Frances LoCicero Bailie SAS’65 Margaret Baine SAS’67 Jean Shanaphy Barrow SAS’68 Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS’50 Joan Peerenboom Bartosic SAS’45 Dolores Greico Battalia SNR’75 Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS’88 Constance Doorley Bissonnette SAS’49 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS’64 GS’92 Mary Joan Bodensteiner SAS’73 Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura SAS’49 Catherine Degen Bond SAS’60 Pamela Merlino Borowiec SAS’80 GS’88 Anne Boyce Boyce SAS’54 Mary Quinn Bright SAS’52 Marjorie Porter Broun SAS’49 Rhonda Brunson SAS’88 Eleanor Shea Buckley SAS’60 Eileen Egan Burke SAS’59 Mary Ellen Burns SAS’74 Marie Cafferty SAS’58 Rory Carroll Canellis SAS’70 Hugh Carey Past Parent Lillian Brennan Carney SAS’69 Joan Carson SAS’43 Margaret Casey SAS’60 Madelyn Cassidy SAS’37 Mary Lou Cassotto SAS’71 Lisa Cesare SAS’81 Anne Giesler Chappell SAS’48 Harriette Chelnik SNR’73 Marie Linehan Chiappetta SAS’49 Joan Close SAS’69 Rosemarie Martocci Cohn SAS’37 Lorraine Paoli Colangelo SAS’49 Elizabeth Stanton Colleran SAS’50 Claire Keane Collins SAS’34 Alice McGuane Collins SAS’47 Margaret Comaskey SAS’61 Rae Condon SAS’62 Mary Jane Hanley Connelly SAS’43 Janet Maroney Connolly SAS’61 Marion Connor SAS’36 Jane Close Conoley SAS’69 Joan Henderson Cook SAS’51 Meighan Waterbury Corbett SAS’79 Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS’41 Joy Kober Cowan SAS’64, Past Parent * Deceased 73 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS’65 Moira Lynch Crabtree SAS’60 Elizabeth Greaves Crawford SAS’63 Eileen Toohey Crowley-Reed SAS’67 Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah SAS’49 Maura Dausey SAS’59 Suzette McKiernan Davis SAS’61 Clare Rooney Decker SAS’60 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS’64 Dorothy Gromann Delaney SAS’47 Patricia Maloney Derbes SAS’52 Joan Bryson Devin SAS’43 Virginia Leyden deWolf SAS’73 Maureen Didier SAS’43 Ellen Dolan SAS’48 Catherine Donnelly SAS’38 Mary Donnelly SAS’61 Elizabeth Sculley Donovan SAS’56 Mary Beth Wagner Dougherty SAS’62 Patricia O’Connor Duncan SAS’64 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS’60 Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS’60 Margaret Svack Dyroff SAS’43 Lee Elliott Brown SNR’73 Beatrice Putnam Fairbanks SAS’38 Margaret Fallon SAS’60 Louise Orto Famighetti SAS’52 Mary Comella Farnsworth SAS’72 Margaret Mary Fischer SAS’53 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS’61 GS’80 Mary FitzMaurice SAS’43 Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick SAS’62 Eleanor Fischer Flannery SAS’33* William Flynn Friend Phyllis Foisy SAS’51 Beatrice DiFazio Foley SAS’63 Joan Foley SAS’51 Margaret Fonzo* SAS’42 Claire Fordrung SAS’55 M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney SAS’40 Jane Walsh Foster SAS’57 Flavia Frati-Spagnola SAS’60 Clare Barrett Freaney SAS’38 Virginia Conway Fredricks SAS’42* Jacqueline French SAS’50 Anamarie Ferry Friberg SAS’47 PLANNED GIVING THE HERITAGE SOCIETY Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS’37 Maureen Furlong SAS’62 Catherine Gadarowski SAS’45 Linda Gademan SAS’70 Jane Roberts Garvey SAS’38* Lubomira Rydl Gary SAS’73 Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS’60 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS’52 Mary Louise Mona Gillis SAS’68 L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman SAS’58 Georgina Suarez Gonzalez SAS’53 Carol Gourlie SAS’55 Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS’61 Angela Griffiths SAS’69 Lucille Grow SAS’43 Paula Guerin SAS’64 Linda Barbero Guiod SAS’68 Mary Norton Guterl SAS’36 Patricia Hagan SAS’68 Ellen Mooney Hancock SAS’65 Florence Congiolosi Hansen SAS’55 Maryann Daroska Hardwicke SAS’71 Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS’59 Clare Dowd Hayes SAS’44 Victoria Richardson Heland SAS’69 Kathleen Duffy Henry SAS’54 Anne Rogan Herndon SAS’32 Terri Heveran SAS’49 Margaret McNamara Hill SAS’27 Margaret Lewis Hilton SAS’59 Carol Ann DeNicolo Howe SAS’82 Virginia Hughes SAS’35 Donna Balducci Hughes SAS’74 Maureen Cooper Hurlbut SAS’52 GS’73 Dorothy Hyde SAS’37 Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson SAS’53 Sue Borncamp Jayes SAS’49 Margaret Heinchon Johnson SAS’49 Anne Kane SAS’64 Mary Costello Karl SAS’45 Barbara Paino Keber SAS’76 Judith Preble Kenny SNR’82 Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield SAS’43* Jasperdean Kobes SAS’61 Audrey Kovacic SN’84 Katherine Seidel Kresser SAS’59 Theresa Kubis SAS’61 * Deceased Betsy Bonauto Kuhns SAS’69 Deirdre LaPorte SAS’63 Elizabeth Borden Lalor SAS’52 Marion Carbery Lechowicz SAS’59 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 Patricia M. Rosenkranz Levins SAS’73 Eileen Chew Logan SAS’88 Christine Loomie SAS’73 Mary Grace DelTorto Ludwig SAS’47 Margaret Alberti Lynch SAS’52 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS’69 Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS’59 Ursula Magagna SAS’32 Cornelia Mahon SAS’54 Mary Manifold SAS’27 Diana Ruffolo Marshall SAS’47 Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey SAS’72 Eileen Songer McCarthy SAS’91 Dorothy McElroy SAS’55 Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 Muriel Flaherty McGinnis SAS’39 Jean Hearn McGuire SAS’69 Barbara McMahon SAS’54 Anne Mead SAS’45 Anne Butkovsky Messina SAS’60 Susan Ball Miles SAS’80 Patricia Mooney SAS’70 GS’75 Loretta Gaffney Moore* SAS’41 Rowena Larkin Morris SAS’59 Ann Pepek Morrison SAS’67 Jane Rako Morrissey SAS’59 Cecelia Levesque Mruk SNR’78 Noranne Mulcahy SAS’66 Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy SAS’59 Mary Sue Murphy SAS’73 Catherine Tyburski Nagy SAS’62 Patricia Lechner Nahas SAS’65 Carole McCarthy Nicholson SAS’59 James O’Brien Friend Maryliz Volin O’Brien SAS’70 Florence O’Donovan SAS’39 Ruth McCooey O’Neill SAS’42 Electa Bachmann O’Toole SAS’46* Gladys Osborne SNR’92 GS’95 Lucy Schubmehl Palme SAS’47 Jane Perkinson SAS’63 Rita Perna SAS’38 Antonino Pesce Friend Marilyn Clarke Peterson SN’89 Jane Phelps Friend Julie Pifer SAS’60 Edward Poccia GS’94 Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS’83 Barbara Borra Pudlinski SAS’55 Henrietta Raymond SAS’58 Martha Reddington SAS’76 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS’45, Past Parent Mary O’Connell Regan SAS’61 Therese Carusone Reichert SAS’57 Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Margaret Reilly-Antalec SAS’59 Mary Reynolds SAS’47* Mary Creeden Risio SAS’68 Faith Ritchie SAS’69 Marie Porco Rossi SAS’60 GS’71 Jane Rundle SAS’73 Frances Fitzgerald Ryan SAS’55 Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS’58, Past Parent Mary Linda Sara SAS’70 Mary Ann Runkle Savard SAS’59 Vincenza Scaduto SNR’91 Jane Gallagher Schaefer SAS’45 Maureen Duffy Schaffer SAS’51 Janet Schneider SNR’83 Kathleen Brod Scully SAS’49 Mary Serbacki SAS’72 Helen Shubik SAS’47 Gaetana Sibilio SAS’69 Eileen Case Sibson SAS’60 Henrietta McDermott Simeone SAS’43 Sabina Sprague Slavin SAS’62 Margaret Snyder SAS’50 Barbara Reish Spangler SAS’64 Mary-Susan Dowling Spencer SAS’56 Joan Stapleton-Dwyer SAS’72 Jane Crabtree Stark SAS’51 Joan Steinbrecher SAS’58 Judith Casey Stephenson SAS’71 Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS’68 Patricia Sullivan SAS’48 Marilouise Sullivan SAS’62 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS’42 Anne Sweeney SAS’79 Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS’56 Geraldine Smith Swiney SAS’40 Marcella Pfeiffer Syracuse SAS’50 Thomas Taaffe Friend Russel Taylor Friend Margo Marabon Terwilliger SAS’68 Jean Wilson Tharp SAS’51 Doreen Cassidy Thibadeau SAS’69 Mary Jane Thompson SAS’59 Alice Timothy SAS’52 Linda O’Leary Titterington SAS’71 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS’48 Barbara Sisk Troxell SAS’69 Joan Spitaleri Tykot SAS’57 Mary Dehn Van Dessel SAS’56 Kathryn Shanley Vavasour SAS’44* Past Parent Patricia Vergara SAS’49 Jane D’Apice Vergari SAS’71 Mary Nolan Wakeford SAS’65 Marue English Walizer SAS’59 Edwina Weisheit SAS’46 Madeline White SAS’65 Barbara D’Arcy White SAS’49 Valerie Roberts Wilcox SAS’57 Miriam Sweeney Wilcox* SAS’40 Susan Reid Wilke SAS’66 Patricia Barnum Williams SAS’56, Past Parent Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 Bridget Roach Wilson SAS’72 Ellen Toal Wry SAS’64 Anne Yedowitz SAS’34 Evelyn Yenson SAS’67 Anonymous (1) THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many graduates and friends who have remembered the College in their estate plans. If you have done so and would like to be enrolled in our Heritage Society, please call Dr. Carole Weaver in the Office of College Advancement at 800-474-4232. 74 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 1 V CLASS OFFICERS CLASS 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 CLASS PRESIDENT Anne Yedowitz Mary MacDonagh Berberich* Rosemary Reen Martell Virginia Blewitt Schlotman Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy 1944 Janet Donnelly 1945 Dolores Morris Donnelly 1946 1947 Ann Goodwin McGovern Alice Bouchard, OSU Patrice McAllister Guiney 1948 1949 Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace 1950 Joan Gaynor Ryan 1951 1952 Kathleen Rees Klein Phyllis McCullough Brown 1953 1954 1955 Mary Martin Kaletta Irene Krumeich Duffy Carol Gourlie 1956 Ethel Ankner Shafter 1957 Francine Corcoran Edwards 1958 Maryellen V. Keefe, OSU 1959 Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marcia Moynihan Norton Jean Lilly Sweeney 1960 Patricia McGinnis Dunn 1961 Kathryn Gleeson Janet Keenan Dolores Castellano King Sabrina Sprague Slavin Alice Duffy Grant Teresita Dwyer O’Leary Mary Ball Hofstetter Joan Morgan Flatley 1965 1966 Jane Schneider Marge O’Connor Susan Miner Lyons 1967 Denise Soebbing Soares * Deceased Marie Howe Iaconetti Muriel Flaherty McGinnis 1943 1964 CLASS FUND AGENT Mary Hollister Redgate Eleanore Boettigheimer Rose Margaret Fonzo* 1963 CLASS NEWS AGENT Marie Quinn Connelly 1941 1942 1962 REUNION CHAIRPERSON Irene M. Kutsky, OSU* Camille Andrea-Casling Jean Mahoney McCarthy Rose Scoca Leon Patricia Quinn Straub Kathryn Shanley Vavasour* Maureen Ferry Slattery Mary Jane Kann Reddington Electa Bachmann O’Toole* Miriam Cleary, OSU Jean McEvoy VanDelft* Justine Burns Ogden M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney Elizabeth McMahon Eugenia Mortlock Flatow M. Paula Holdman, SC Rose Cuomo Coviello Ruth McCooey O’Neill Kathryn McMahon Campbell Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield* Cecilia Maguire Coleman Clare Dowd Hayes Mary FitzMaurice Jean Mahoney McCarthy Marcelle McCormack Daly Eileen M. Kelleher, OSU Jane Gallagher Schaefer Frances Lyle, OSU Mary Young Margaret Dore Diana Ruffolo Marshall Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak Rosemary Smith Burke Mary McEntegart Welch Mary McCarthy Rynn Gataletto Mary Louise Healey Brown Barbara Alliegro Burke Eileen McEntegart Patricia Ahearn Gillin Caryl Corbetta Schiess Ethelmarie Walsh Hunter Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson Julia Whalen Claire Fordrung Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli Jane Stock Thomas Ann TenEyck Jacqueline Berean Westa Geraldine Sansone Klein-Robbenhaar Jan VanValkenburgh Murphy Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marcia Moynihan Norton Jean Lilly Sweeney Lucie Giegengack Teegarden Stephanie Syze Cordes Anne Butkovsky Messina Marilyn Picardi Giglia Mary Alice McMahon DiSalvo Mary Patricia Deignan McElroy Margaret Mylod Farabaugh Nancy Shannon Walsh Daryl Thompson Neubecker Charlotte McNeil King Diane Barker Crehan Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio Mollie McLaughlin Crumrine Theresa Cardinale Johnson Judith O’Neill O’Gorman Joan McInerney Hallowell Catherine Tyburski Nagy Jane Perkinson Noreen Deane Moran Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr Andrea Mazzari Berzolla Patricia Smith Treanor Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill Mary Curran Folsom Kathy Brubaker Davies Susan Reid Wilke Marjorie Stone Hagenah Joan Fiori Blanchfield Joellyn Ausanka Jean Reardon Kellogg Dorothy Maun Boodaghian Beatrice Close Kerr Catherine Brown Gengel Mary Atala Lessard Margaret Baine Lorraine Cyr Germain Barbara McGrath Candee Diana Fava Lucca Marie Baldassare Kridos Mildred Middlemiss Veltri Joan Molanphy Bassett Jean Barrett Colligan Patricia Lace Voorhees Mary Lee Jones Waldron Agnes Claire Reithebuch Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes E. Irene Hearld Matthews Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson Marianne Bachand Geiger Joann Hawkes Langston Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes Jeannette Carry Parshall Mary Dehn Van Dessel Sara Carey Hull Joan Palmera Giordano Patricia Barnum Williams Marie Valluzzo Convertito Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier Marcelle M. Willock Kathleen Fredrick Rowena Larkin Morris Eileen Egan Burke Eileen Mylod Hayden Sara Arthur Eileen Case Sibson Moira Lynch Crabtree Maura Meehan Winkler Suzette McKiernan Davis Ellen Kiernan Fauerbach 75 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Donahue-Aveni Jane Scully Reichle CLASS OFFICERS CLASS CLASS PRESIDENT REUNION CHAIRPERSON CLASS NEWS AGENT CLASS FUND AGENT 1968 Roberta Walsh Zardecki Myra Turley Kristin Krause McDonough Mary Creeden Risio 1969 Margaret Pasquariello Holtman Sheleen Quish Ellen Donovan Manewal Mary Studeny Maureen Hanley Abrahamson Barbara Burke Smith Betsy Bonauto Kuhns 1970 1971 Susan Kelley 1972 Rachael Orsatti Hart Margaret Nolan Patricia O’Connell Pearson Mary Sommer Sandak Miriam Stapleton Moynihan Rosalie Duffy Crabbe 1973 Denise Deldin Moore Katherine McNamara Menard Maryanne Driscoll Johana Doyle Griffith Barbara Sisk Troxell Joanne Smith Romalewski Jacqueline Billings Briganti Helene Lutz Shea Maryliz Volin O’Brien Marie Turley Marlene Melone Tutera Susan Brown Reitz Kathleen Scott McGrath Susan A. Conte, OSU Leslie Cassidy Mary Sue Murphy 1974 Anne Schreck La Roche 1975 Nancy Harkins Esther Schoffelen Rada 1976 Sally Smith Michele McMahon Jeanne Rafferty Franz Genellen McGrath Rosemary Gorman McLaughlin Andrea Nevin Lynch Mary Fernandes Michunovich Patricia Oakley Mathieu Deborah Spafford Gordon Susan Weigele Fagan Maureen Connors Anne Yorke Cannon Wendy Griffin O’Keefe Randy Goguen Balano Catherine Hyland Zavorskas Karenann Gilbride Carty Elizabeth Donoghue Russell Theresa Vinci Caracciolo Jean Rusie Hutton Diane Patierno Powell MaryJo Morpurgo Gavigan 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Bridget Foley Ruth Dherty Mohr Susan Ball Miles Christine Meehan Virginia Curry 1982 Patricia M. Schifini, OSU 1983 Sharon Scanlan 1984 1986 Maria Prainito Pedersen Kathleen Mahoney Ferrari Lauren Chisholm Olga Conde Rella Diana Minotti-Mitrano 1987 Christine Skelly Lynskey 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Marita Friel Carolyn Simmonds Nenart Elaine Tolley-Andrews Katia Hale Mason 1985 Clare Cashman Silvernail Patricia Bilow Valerie McEwen Denise Grenier Mary Dugan Janice Ramsey Corrin Sorteberg Joan Kauffman JoEllen Vavasour Joyce Campman Keegan Mary Fernandes Michunovich Andrea Nevin Lynch Mary Ellen Burns Julia Vargas Larino Elizabeth Whalen Theresa Moylan Samot Randy Goguen Balano Marianne Smith Sullivan Michelle Wong Alexandra Liddy Bourne Anne Kinney O’Donnell Sandra Phipps Eileen Mainzer Church Margaret Beal Abel 1994 1995 Jennifer Oetzel 1996 1997 1998 Brenda Kibler Aversano Kelley Allen 1999 2000 Angela Valitutto Mary Kay Blanco Marie Patunas-Rubin Suzanne Rinaldi Crew Lisa Vesperman Still Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago Doreen Delage Napoli Jennie Jaklitsch Michele Accardo Sofo Jessica McCormack Blum Michele Wasko Hlewicki Heather Archibald Hope Ntim-Addae Richards Renee Blackwell Jacqueline Maxwell Christine Sumner-Percopo Tara O’Neill-Brant Kelley Allen Nicole Totans Suzette Walker-Vega Anne E. Rapalje Melissa Martyn Jessica Hamilton Monroe Tara Alfano Erin Churchill Tara Alfano Justine Bonet Janet Fanio 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Michele Marotta Jaworski Catherine Russell Wright Deborah Michalsky Mugridge Nancy McCarthy-Mangels Patricia Giorgio-Hebrank Daphne Dominguez Sullivan Patricia Crichton Harris Linda Creighton Wulforst Anne Keefe Carucci Patricia Pickering Patricia Fagan Ryan Margaret Prebish Sciommeri Rosa Puleo Napoleone Michele Kress DiCarlo Jane McKeon Dalton Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago Jennifer Yearwood Ginn Antoinette Cantone Denning Victoria McMullen Jennifer Carron Kathleen Rooney Paprota Melissa Varnavas Carlye Spataro Calo Cynthia Romualdo Michelle Tabi Cynthia Romualdo Jenna Sunderland-Barresi Cora Santaguida 2009 76 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Therese FitzMaurice Powderly Diane Polchlopek Sarna Sharon Regan Masciovecchio Paula Caputo Curtiss Nancy Colihan Edwards Lisa Besseghini-Winjum Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez Tara Ambery Patterson Nancy Paniagua Gina Kirchner Jennifer Oetzel Joanna Tierney Cusack Pamela Mantalvanos Heidi Muhleman Ryan Wright Griselda Kim Diana Valdes Marianne Weston Dawn Bridges Ayana Mitchell Kadiatu Conteh Tiara Simmons Valerie Sirani Sandy Cayo 11 V T RU S T E E S , A D M I N I S T R AT I O N , VO LU N TA RY B OA R D S , A N D CO M M I T T E E S CNR Board of Trustees 20 0 8 - 20 0 9 B OA R D O F T R U ST E ES Michael Ambler, Chair Dolores Battalia SNR’75 Lillian Brennan Carney SAS’69 Joseph C. Farina Kathleen Finnerty, OSU Joan Freilich Mary Hogan Hearle SAS’56 Hugh F. Johnston Regina F. Kehoe, OSU SAS’56 Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Elizabeth LeVaca Jean-Baptiste Nicholson, OSU SAS’60 Dedicated, hardworking and visionary John C. Nicholson Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J. James Plowden-Wardlaw Christianne Ricchi SAS ’73 Carla L. Romita Saddie L. Smith Diana Stano, OSU Stephen J. Sweeny Anne T. Vitale Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 Stephanie Wilson, OSU SAS’54 people have brought The College of New Rochelle through a century of excellence in education. For the College to continue as a vibrant, thriving institution, it is those whose generosity is identified in this report who will allow us to realize our hopes and aspirations for the future through their presence, wisdom and 20 0 8 - 20 0 9 B OA R D O F T R U ST E ES D E V E LO P M E N T CO M M I T T E E Elizabeth LeVaca, Chair partnership. Our alumnae/i and students are living examples of the mission of Michael Ambler Lillian Brennan Carney SAS’69 James Plowden-Wardlaw Christianne Ricchi SAS’73 Stephen J. Sweeny Marcelle Willock SAS’58 CNR and it is your investment in CNR that will ensure all students will have access to wisdom for life. 77 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T RU S T E E S , A D M I N I S T R AT I O N , VO LU N TA RY B OA R D S , A N D CO M M I T T E E S A LU M N A E / I ASSO C I AT I O N B OA R D 20 0 8 - 20 0 9 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS’71 President Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR’89, GS’91,’97 Vice President Brigidanne Flynn SAS’87 N O M I N AT I N G CO M M I T T E E Tara Nicole Alfano SAS’02, GS’04 Sandra Bartik SAS’67 Martha Counihan,OSU SAS’67 Marie-Helene Raho GS’76 Noel Petri Robinson SAS’69 Nicole Totans SAS’99 Suzette Walker Vega SAS’00 2nd Vice President Lela Keough Negri SAS’56 Corresponding Secretary Christiane Morejon SNR’02, GS’04 Recording Secretary S E N AT E R E P R ES E N TAT I V ES Nilda Bayron-Resnick SAS’77 Susan Ball Larson SAS’65 Mary Hogan Hearle SAS’56, GS’87 Trustee D I R EC TO R S David Asbery SNR’05 Patricia Bennett SN’98 Erin Churchill SAS’03 Ellen Carney SNR’85 Dana Deravin Carr GS’86 Joyce Gaston GS’89 Nancy Harkins SAS’75 Susan Ball Larson SAS’65 Patricia Ahearn Mastellon SAS’65 Marilyn Dempsey McGill SAS’68 Heidi Muhleman SAS’98 Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75 Marge O’Connor SAS’66 Tara O’Neill-Brant SAS’98 Ita O’Sullivan SN’86 David Patterson SNR’97 Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Alvin Rivera SNR’07 Theresa Moylan Samot SN’80 Rodney Samuels SNR’95 Virginia Shuford-Brown SAS’72 Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR’03 Tanya Thomas GS’06 Lisa Velazquez-Denapoli SNR’03 Valarie Williams GS’95 Robin Zaleski SAS’89 20 0 8 - 20 0 9 A N N UA L G I V I N G CO M M I T T E E O F T H E A LU M N A E / I ASSO C I AT I O N B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS ’75, Chair 20 0 8 - 20 0 9 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S , C AST L E G A L L E RY Barbara Adams Robert Antonik Kenise Barnes Lisa Besseghini-Winjum SAS ’86 Jessica Cioffoletti GS ’02 Kelly Clark-Moncure GS ’05 Cristina deGennaro Judith Duffy GS ’72 Patricia Furman SNR ’82 Michelle Jammes Guy Lometti Marion Lynch OSU SAS ’63 Robert Morgan Shervone Neckles SAS’02 Sa’dia Rehman SAS’02 Katrina Rhein SAS ’02 Mary Jane Robertshaw OSU SAS ’51 Larene Sanchez SNR ’96 Lynda Shand Robin Tedesco Richard Thompson Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Sandy Cayo SN’08 Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 Judy Kenny SNR ’82 Heidi Muhleman SAS’98 Mary Sue Murphy SAS ’73 Lela Keough Negri SAS ’56 Tara O’Neill Brant SAS ’98 Jane Scully Reichle SAS ’67 Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS’86 Jennifer M. Smith SAS’05 Pearl Sullivan SNR’03 Marian Trotta Tobin SNR ’79 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS ’71 O F F I C E O F CO L L EG E A DVA N C E M E N T Brenna Sheenan Mayer Vice President for College Advancement Linda David Executive Director of Capital Campaigns Kelly Brennan Director of Alumnae/i Relations Elisha Brewster Administrative Assistant to the Director of Annual Giving Carolyn M. Brown SNR’96, GS’00 Assistant Director of Alumnae/i Relations Monique Caubere Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Louise Dunbar Associate Director of Annual Giving Patricia Rosenkranz Levins SAS’73 Corporate Relations Officer Claire Colangelo Manto SAS’69 Director of Donor Relations Mynetta McCutcheon SNR’05 Administrative Assistant to the Director of Gift Planning Miyada Musharbash Assistant Director of Alumnae/i Relations Marilyn Saulle Director of Annual Giving Carole Weaver Director of Gift Planning 78 2009 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Partners for Excellence Gift Societies PARTNERS FOR EXCELLENCE GIFT SOCIETIES Annual Fund Gift Societies CNR’s Annual Fund Recognition Societies $250 Cum Laude Associates $500 Magna Cum Laude Associates $750 Scholars’ Circle $1,000 Deans’ Circle The President’s Circle Associates CNR’s Annual Fund Leadership Gift Society for Recent Graduates $250+ 1-4 years $500+ 5-9 years $750+ 10-12 years The President’s Circle CNR’s Annual Fund Leadership Gift Societies $1,500 Blue & White Society $1,904 1904 Society $3,000 Castle Society $5,000 Brescia Society $10,000 Ursuline Society $15,000 Adrian Iselin* Society $25,000 Leadership Society $50,000 Cornerstone Society Fidelis Society CNR’s recognition society to recognize loyal donors who have given regularly to the College for 10 or more years *Adrian Iselin, early supporter of Mother Irene Gill and president of the Board from 1904 to 1935. He forgave the mortgage on the Castle on the occasion of CNR’s Silver Jubilee in 1929. It was the first major gift to the College. The Heritage Society CNR’s recognition society for donors of planned and estate gifts Mother Irene Gill Society CNR’s recognition society for donors whose cumulative lifetime giving to all funds totals $500,000 – $999,999 St. Angela Society CNR’s recognition society for donors whose cumulative lifetime giving to all funds totals $1,000,000 or more Partners for Excellence Create Opportunity • Inspire Vision • Ensure Tradition Wisdom for Life WISDOM FOR LIFE W Wisdom for Life 29 CASTLE PLACE NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10805-2339 WISDOM FOR LIFE m for Life Wisdom for Li ISDOM FOR LIFE WISDOM FOR LIFE DOM FOR LIFE Wisdom for Life WISDOM FOR WISDOM FOR LIFE Wi s d o Wisdom for Life WISDOM FOR LIFE WISDOM FOR LIFE LIFE Wisdom for Life WISDOM FOR LIFE Wisdom for Life WISDOM FOR LIFE
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