Lexile Levels Leveled Books in StoryTown
Lexile Levels Leveled Books in StoryTown
Lexile Levels Leveled Books in StoryTown Text Complexity Grade Bands and Associated Lexile Ranges Text Complexity Grade Band in the Utah Core Standards K-1 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 11-College and Career Ready Old Lexile Ranges Lexile Ranges Aligned to UCS Expectations N/A 450-725 645-845 860-1010 960-1115 1070-1220 N/A 450-790 770-980 955-1155 1080-1305 1215-1355 The Standards’ Grade-Specific Text Complexity Demands As illustrated in the figure above, text complexity in the Standards is defined in grade bands: grades 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, 9–10, and 11– CCR.5 Students in the first year(s) of a given band are expected by the end of the year to read and comprehend proficiently within the band, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Students in the last year of a band are expected by the end of the year to read and comprehend independently and proficiently within the band. The Progression of Reading Standard 10 Grade(s) Grade(s) Reading Standard 10 (individual text types omitted) K Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. 1 With prompting and support, read prose and poetry [informational texts] of appropriate complexity for grade 1. 2 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature [informational texts] in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. 3 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature [informational texts] at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently. 4 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature [informational texts] in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. 5 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature [informational texts] at the high end of the grades 4–5 text complexity band independently and proficiently. 6 6 7 7 8 8 9–10 9-10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature [informational texts, history/social studies texts, science/technical texts] in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature [informational texts, history/social studies texts, science/technical texts] in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature [informational texts, history/social studies texts, science/technical texts] at the high end of the grades 6–8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature [informational texts, history/social studies texts, science/technical texts] in the grades 9–10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literature [informational texts, history/social studies texts, science/technical texts] at the high end of the grades 9–10 text complexity band independently and proficiently. 11–12 11-12 By the end of grade 11, read and comprehend literature [informational texts, history/social studies texts, science/technical texts] in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend literature [informational texts, history/social studies texts, science/technical texts] at the high end of the grades 11–CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As noted above in “Key Considerations in Implementing Text Complexity,” K–1 texts are not amenable to quantitative measure. Furthermore, students in those grades are acquiring the code at varied rates. Hence, the Standards’ text complexity requirements begin formally with grade 2. 5 An excerpt from The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (“the Standards”), Appendix A, page 10. Below-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Letters and Sounds Mm, Ss A 1 NP BL Letters and Sounds Rr A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Tt A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Nn, Pp A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Cc A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Aa A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -am/ -at/ -ap A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Dd A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -am, -an A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Ii A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Gg, Ff A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -it/ -ip/ -in A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Bb, Kk A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -in/ -ig/ -it A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Oo A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Ll, Hh A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -ot, -op A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Ww, Xx A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -ox/ -ix/ -ax A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Ee A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -ed, -en A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Vv, Jj A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -et/ -eg/ -en A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Yy, Zz A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Uu A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -un/ -ut/ -up A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds Qq A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds -ug, -up A 1 NP K BL Letters and Sounds, Review 1 B 2-3 BR K BL Letters and Sounds, Review 2 B 2-3 BR Grade Level K BL K Title Lexile Below-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA B 2-3 BR B 2-3 BR Dad Can Tap C-D 6 230 BL Look Out, Mack! B-D 4-6 BR 1 BL Tom and Jill C-D 6 10 1 BL My Home Map C-D 8 BR 1 BL Fox Gets Help C-D 8-10 110 1 BL Jim’s Job C-D 8 190 1 BL Dogs Can’t Kick C-D 10 80 1 BL Use Your Feet D-E 11 190 1 BL The Pond D-E 11 150 1 BL The Gold Eggs D-E 12 150 1 BL From Chick to Hen D-E 12 80 1 BL Carl Can Run D-E 12 320 1 BL Susan L. Roth E-F 13 340 1 BL Room for a Friend D-E 12 110 1 BL The Animal Painter E-F 13 270 1 BL Muffin Surprise E-F 13 240 1 BL Duck Starts a Story E-F 13 170 1 BL In the Desert E-F 15 220 1 BL Kate’s Missing Frog E-F 15 NP 1 BL We’re Going to Make a Hut E-F 14 220 1 BL On My Street E-F 15 210 1 BL The Mystery of the Green Apples E-F 15 330 1 BL Let’s Look at Animals G-I 17 310 1 BL Dog Goes to the Sea E-F 15 240 1 BL The Family and the Baby Whale G-I 17 270 1 BL I Am a Pot H-I 19 260 1 BL The Great House G-I 17 300 1 BL Hedgehog and Beaver Have a Picnic G-I 16 330 Grade Level 1 BL 1 BL 1 BL 1 Title Let's Go Where Are You, Max? Lexile Below-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Better Than A.J. G-I 17 370 BL A Surprise for Squirrel and Rabbit H-I 18 350 2 BL Ben and Sooty G-I 16 380 2 BL Cats H-I 18 360 2 BL News from the Market H-I 19 NP 2 BL Nancy Lopez – Super Golfer H-I 19 550 2 BL Grandma's Rain Song H-I 18 450 2 BL Why Raven Is Black H-I 19 470 2 BL Apples for Sheep and Goat H-I 18 450 2 BL At the Police Station K 20 NP 2 BL Lucia's Gift J-K 20 460 2 BL Having Fun: Long Ago and Today J-L 20-24 580 2 BL The Hamster Escape J-L 20-24 420 2 BL Mountain Babies J-L 20-24 530 2 BL A Going Away Present J-L 20-24 NP 2 BL A New Painting K 20 450 2 BL Hannah’s Dance J-K 20 430 2 BL Music Is About Sounds J-L 20-24 340 2 BL Thomas Alva Edison: A Great Inventor L-M 24-28 630 2 BL What's My Pet? J-L 20-24 NP 2 BL The Book Sale J-L 20-24 560 2 BL No More Fish! J-L 20-24 580 2 BL The Penguin J-L 20-24 480 2 BL Mountain Gorillas J-L 20-24 650 2 BL At the Library J-L 20-24 NP 2 BL Just Like the Moon J-L 20-24 530 2 BL A Writer Named Jean J-L 20-24 460 2 BL Let's Look at Gems L-M 24-28 540 2 BL Abalone and the Sea J-L 20-24 650 2 BL The Family Trip J-L 20-24 NP Grade Level 2 BL 2 Title Lexile Below-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Lia Leads J-L 20-24 240 BL The Hero L-M 24-28 560 3 BL School Long Ago L-M 24-28 400 3 BL Julia Morgan: Castle Builder L-M 24-28 300 3 BL News Today! N-O 30-34 NP 3 BL Nuna Gets a Chance L-M 24-28 160 3 BL Pigeons: Birds Bringing Words L-M 24-28 320 3 BL Talking Senses L-M 24-28 570 3 BL How Bear Lost His Tail L-M 24-28 450 3 BL The Case of the Missing Glass Slipper L-M 24-28 NP 3 BL Felix's Turn L-M 24-28 480 3 BL Andrew's Boring Life N-O 30-34 470 3 BL Daffodil Spring L-M 24-28 490 3 BL One Hickory Tree in a Forest N-O 30-34 610 3 BL Ask Pet Friends! N-O 30-34 NP 3 BL Mano and the Children L-M 24-28 320 3 BL The Boy and the Bears–A Native American Pawnee Tale L-M 24-28 NP 3 BL Uncle Henry's New Orleans L-M 24-28 320 3 BL Favorite Fables N-O 30-34 810 3 BL Listening in on the Orchestra O-P 34-38 NP 3 BL The Everglades N-O 30-34 620 3 BL Song of the Cicada O-P 34-38 550 3 BL Fearless Freddy N-O 30-34 540 3 BL The Cursive Crisis L-M 24-28 480 3 BL Cooking with Zork N-O 30-34 NP 3 BL The Musical Barn O-P 34-38 720 3 BL Caterpillars and Their Cocoons N-O 30-34 640 3 BL Bettina and the Talent Show O-P 34-38 570 3 BL Earth's Moon N-O 30-34 690 3 BL Heart Wise O-P 34-38 NP Grade Level 3 BL 3 Title Below-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile The Secret Word N-O 30-34 690 BL Annika Sorenstam: A Big Day O-P 34-38 530 4 BL Our Car Is Not a Star! N-O 30-34 650 4 BL Chun Teng Comes to America O-P 34-38 770 4 BL Sonia's Extra-Special Dish O-P 34-38 NP 4 BL On the Shore of the River O-P 34-38 740 4 BL Kianna and the Stubborn Cow Q 40 800 4 BL The King's Computer L-M 24-28 NP 4 BL Chain Saw Carving: From Log to Art O-P 34-38 760 4 BL Star Power O-P 34-38 NP 4 BL Unlikely Partners Q 40 680 4 BL Rivers Q 40 750 4 BL Hurricane on the Way! Q 40 690 4 BL Finky's Mysterious Spots O-P 34-38 810 4 BL The Gardeners Q 40 NP 4 BL Totally Unnecessary Inventions Q 40 670 4 BL Just Like Beverly Cleary Q 40 470 4 BL The World's Greatest Singer Q 40 680 4 BL The Mirror: A Korean Folktale Q 40 820 4 BL Luke Lightning Bolt! Q 40 NP 4 BL Mateo Fits In O-P 34-38 760 4 BL From Texas to New York Q 40 830 4 BL The Nightingale O-P 34-38 740 4 BL A Forest Wilderness Q 40 800 4 BL Ramon Lends a Hand O-P 34-38 NP 4 BL Dinosaur National Monument Q 40 860 4 BL Hawaii: Visiting a Volcano O-P 34-38 730 4 BL Rio Rob and the Runaway Calf Q 40 770 4 BL James Beckwourth, Mountain Man Q 40 820 4 BL The Tomb of King Tut Q 40 NP Grade Level 4 BL 4 Title Below-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Wrong Way! R 42 430 BL Last at Bat R 42 230 5 BL Hector's Talent R 42 580 5 BL Harriett Tubman: American Hero R 42 680 5 BL Show Me How Day R 42 NP 5 BL Friday the Juneteenth T 44 760 5 BL The Absent-minded Performer R 42 680 5 BL Daughters of the Revolution S 44 810 5 BL Leonardo da Vinci and the City of Florence S 44 700 5 BL In the Fish Kitchen R 42 NP 5 BL Rescue! Grace Darling's Story S 44 430 5 BL The Arctic Ocean: A Changing Sea R 42 460 5 BL Mississippi Marvis Barnes R 42 340 5 BL Wheels on the Water S 44 770 5 BL Coyote and the Volcano, A Shasta Tale R 42 NP 5 BL A Change of Heart R 42 490 5 BL Boring Old Duffield Street R 42 480 5 BL The Class Carnival S 44 450 5 BL Marie Curie: Against All Odds S 44 800 5 BL The Grand Taskmaster S 44 NP 5 BL Marvelous Marine Mammals S 44 1010 5 BL Nina Wows KWOW S 44 NP 5 BL Incredible Eddie S 44 670 5 BL Jar of Wings T 44 580 5 BL The Clean Machine S 44 NP 5 BL The Corps of Discovery S 44 820 5 BL Calamity Jane: Adventurer and Leader S 44 900 5 BL The Sensational Seven Summits S 44 810 5 BL A Scrapbook from the Moon S 44 960 5 BL Exploring Redwood National Park S 44 NP Grade Level 5 BL 5 Title Below-Level Readers Grades K-6 Title Guided Reading Grade Level DRA 6 BL Carla's Triumph 6 BL Rafael's Gift T 44 890 6 BL Harriet Quimby: A Woman of Firsts T 44 740 6 BL Babe Didrikson Zaharias: The World's Greatest Athlete T 44 880 6 BL School Talk 6 BL The Gift of Humor T 44 760 6 BL Hoop Heartbreak T 44 650 6 BL Junior Iditarod Racers T 44 820 6 BL Oil Well Firefighters T 44 760 6 BL The Case of the Missing Purse T 44 NP 6 BL Ice, Ice, and More Ice! T 44 560 6 BL A New Trick 6 BL Flash to the Rescue T 44 670 6 BL The Raging River S 44 690 6 BL The Empty Pot: A Chinese Legend T 44 NP 6 BL It's About Time, Einstein 6 BL Pip Preston and the Pizza Pie Predicament T 44 910 6 BL The Boy Who Invented Epsicles?! T 44 970 6 BL Working in a Basket T 44 540 6 BL They Saw It Differently U-V NP 6 BL The Ancient Romans U-V 930 6 BL The Great Wall of China U-V 610 6 BL A Race for the Chinese Calendar 6 BL The Colossus of Rhodes U-V 580 6 BL Ancient China, Here We Come! U-V NP 6 BL Our Solar System 6 BL Famous Shipwrecks of the Twentieth Century U-V 950 6 BL The Idea Robot U-V 370 6 BL The Power of Television W-X NP 6 BL Ask the Sharks U-V NP U-V 780 U-V NP U-V 520 U-V T T Lexile 730 44 44 940 920 On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Get Ready A 1 NP OL A Kitchen A 1 NP K OL My Body A 1 NP K OL The Party A 1 NP K OL The City B 2 NP K OL I Can Nap B 2 NP K OL The Bus B 2 NP K OL I Like School B 2 NP K OL Sam Can B 2 NP K OL Come in the Barn B 2 NP K OL This Pig B 2 NP K OL The Pit B 2-3 70 K OL It Is for Kip B 2-3 BR K OL Where Do I Go? B 2 NP K OL You Can Go, Ron B 2-3 NP K OL Where Is My Hat? B 2-3 BR K OL One, Two, Pop, Pop, Pop! B 2-3 BR K OL Go, Max, Go! B 2-3 BR K OL The Box B 2-3 BR K OL We Want a Pet B 2-3 40 K OL Get the Hen! B 2-3 20 K OL Where Will They Go? B 2-3 BR K OL They Do a Good Job B-C 4 BR K OL Will Zig Get Well? B-C 4 70 K OL In the Tub B-C 4 50 K OL The Big Bun B-C 4 BR K OL What Do I Have? B-C 4 BR K OL Pup on the Go B-C 5 60 K OL Tim Will Go B 2-3 60 K OL To the Top B-C 4 100 Grade Level K OL K Title Lexile On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Let's Help! B 2-3 20 OL In the Van B-D 4 BR 1 OL Jill Can Dig C-D 8 200 1 OL Mack Can Tap! B-D 4-6 50 1 OL Jack and Mom C-D 6 40 1 OL The Pond Map C-D 8 120 1 OL Who Will Help? C-D 8-10 240 1 OL Liz Can Mix C-D 8-10 270 1 OL A Puppy Can’t Clap D-E 11 300 1 OL Cliff’s Feet D-E 11 400 1 OL Hidden in the Forest D-E 12 210 1 OL The Bag of Gold E-F 13 200 1 OL A Kitten Grows E-F 13 130 1 OL A Card for Mark D-E 12 310 1 OL Amy Hest E-F 13 400 1 OL Always Room for More E-F 13 250 1 OL Can Animals Paint? E-F 14 420 1 OL Sand Surprise E-F 14 300 1 OL An Insect Tale E-F 14 360 1 OL In the Snow G-I 16 410 1 OL Jake Runs Away E-F 15 NP 1 OL Let’s Play Ball E-F 14 270 1 OL On the Way to the Park G-I 16 320 1 OL The Mystery of the Missing Cat G-I 16 350 1 OL Animals of the Forest H-I 18 500 1 OL Little Pup Goes Down the Road G-I 17 330 1 OL Edmund and Drum and the Baby Turtles H-I 18 520 1 OL Apple Pie J-K 20 490 1 OL The Camping Trip H-I 18 510 1 OL Duck’s Visit G-I 17 310 Grade Level 1 OL 1 Title On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile The Vegetable Garden H-I 18 420 OL Bump! H-I 19 480 2 OL Lucy and Billy G-I 17 500 2 OL Ponies H-I 19 400 2 OL Morning News from the Fair J-K 20 NP 2 OL Michael Jordan – No Quitter L-M 24-28 560 2 OL Swimming with Pops J-K 20 540 2 OL Hummingbird and Heron J-K 20 630 2 OL The Country Show J-K 20 480 2 OL Ski Patrol J-L 20-24 NP 2 OL Measuring Max J-K 20 630 2 OL Riding Bicycles: Long Ago and Today L-M 24-28 590 2 OL The Rabbit Suit Rescue J-L 20-24 570 2 OL Desert Babies J-L 20-24 540 2 OL A Surprise for Mom J-L 20-24 NP 2 OL The Best Birthday J-L 20-24 520 2 OL Joshua and the Tigers K 20 560 2 OL Playing in an Orchestra J-L 20-24 460 2 OL Madame C.J. Walker: Making Dreams Happen L-M 24-28 720 2 OL What's My Sport? J-L 20-24 NP 2 OL Jackson's Tree J-L 20-24 490 2 OL Monkey Business J-L 20-24 530 2 OL The Ant L-M 24-28 630 2 OL Orangutans L-M 24-28 680 2 OL A Chat with the Principal L-M 24-28 NP 2 OL Wishing for Star Fruit L-M 24-28 700 2 OL Who Is Dr. Suess? L-M 24-28 620 2 OL Let's Discover Gold L-M 24-28 640 2 OL How the Tortoise Got Its Shell L-M 24-28 630 2 OL An Interesting Trip J-L 20-24 NP Grade Level 2 OL 2 Title On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Trust Rey J-L 20-24 490 OL Music to My Ears N-O 30-34 670 3 OL A School in a Garden N-O 30-34 650 3 OL Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter O-P 34-38 330 3 OL Special Report: The Kicker Cup O-P 34-38 NP 3 OL The Great Race N-O 30-34 540 3 OL Monkeys: Making a Difference N-O 30-34 660 3 OL How Do You Say Hello? N-O 30-34 440 3 OL The Coat of Patches N-O 30-34 730 3 OL Sherry Holmes and the Case of the Missing Necklace N-O 30-34 NP 3 OL The Battle for Aunt Jane N-O 30-34 720 3 OL An Ocean Away N-O 30-34 660 3 OL Wind in the Pines O-P 34-38 680 3 OL The Life Story of a Barn N-O 30-34 560 3 OL Special Issue--Brothers and Sisters! O-P 34-38 NP 3 OL A Polar Bear Tale O-P 34-38 590 3 OL How Platypus Came to Be O-P 34-38 NP 3 OL Aunt Morgan and Her Murals O-P 34-38 700 3 OL Coyote and Rabbit, A Tale from the Southwest O-P 34-38 790 3 OL Lights! Camera! Action! O-P 34-38 NP 3 OL Desert Lives O-P 34-38 740 3 OL Flight of the Monarch O-P 34-38 740 3 OL Arthur's Summer O-P 34-38 480 3 OL Where the River Begins O-P 34-38 540 3 OL Family 3000 O-P 34-38 NP 3 OL Oh, to Spin a Web Q 40 640 3 OL Busy Beaver O-P 34-38 750 3 OL Darlene and the Art Show O-P 34-38 800 3 OL Star Patterns in the Sky O-P 34-38 740 3 OL In the Land of Dinosaurs O-P 34-38 NP Grade Level 3 OL 3 Title On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile The Backpacking Trip Q 40 740 OL Bart Starr: Star of the Ice Bowl Q 40 710 4 OL Jen Is Gone O-P 34-38 840 4 OL Two Brothers from Italy Q 40 700 4 OL A Day in the Life of Oakdale Q 40 NP 4 OL A New Home on the Prairie Q 40 820 4 OL Maya and the Everglades Alligator Q 40 880 4 OL Once Upon a Time in Cyberspace O-P 34-38 NP 4 OL The Pottery Tradition R 42 810 4 OL Weather Station Q 40 NP 4 OL Animals on the Move Q 40 820 4 OL Sand Dunes R 42 920 4 OL Tornado! Q 40 760 4 OL The Wisdom of the Wind Q 40 750 4 OL The Mountaineers Q 40 NP 4 OL Women Inventors R 42 690 4 OL Just Like Arnold Lobel R 42 740 4 OL The Three Wishes R 42 540 4 OL Little Brave, A Traditional Sioux Folktale R 42 830 4 OL The Case of the Moving Statue Q 40 NP 4 OL The Dog Without a Home R 42 790 4 OL From Missouri to California R 42 990 4 OL A Firefly in Florida R 42 750 4 OL A Tundra Wilderness R 42 870 4 OL Little Italy: Yesterday and Today R 42 NP 4 OL When Mammoths Roamed the Earth R 42 770 4 OL Yellowstone: A Blast from the Past R 42 830 4 OL Babe's Big Blue Vacation R 42 950 4 OL John Wesley Powell and the Mighty Colorado R 42 850 4 OL The Forty-Niners R 42 NP Grade Level 4 OL 4 Title On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Catarina Speaks S 44 560 OL For the Love of the Game S 44 630 5 OL A Dog's Life S 44 650 5 OL James Pittar: Swimming the Continents T 44 880 5 OL A Winning Attitude T 44 NP 5 OL My Abuelita T 44 800 5 OL What a Circus! S 44 750 5 OL Walk the Freedom Trail T 44 850 5 OL The Search for the Trojan Horse S 44 800 5 OL There Is No I in Team S 44 NP 5 OL Sailing Boy: William Fish William's Story S 44 600 5 OL Sea Trip: Exploring a Coral Reef T 44 450 5 OL Balina T 44 530 5 OL Water on the Rise T 44 920 5 OL The Story of Prairie Rose, Based on a Sioux Myth S 44 NP 5 OL Juan's Story T 44 490 5 OL Nothing Ever Happens on the Farm S 44 620 5 OL Dyeing to Win T 44 530 5 OL Benjamin Banneker: A Man Ahead of His Time T 44 1020 5 OL Trivia Trails T 44 NP 5 OL The Gentle Lions of the Sea T 44 960 5 OL A Friendly Field Trip T 44 NP 5 OL The Spy Next Door T 44 730 5 OL George to the Rescue 5 OL Are We Recycling? A Video Investigation 5 OL Friends Along the Way 5 OL Amelia Earhart: Pilot and Adventurer T 44 880 5 OL Meet the Sherpas T 44 820 5 OL High Fashion: Out of this World! U-V 890 5 OL Exploring Big Bend U-V NP Grade Level 5 OL 5 Title U-V T 740 44 U-V NP 930 On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Title Guided Reading Grade Level DRA Lexile 6 OL Zack's Promise U-V 900 6 OL Where There's a Will W-X 1040 6 OL Bessie Coleman: The Sky's the Limit U-V 740 6 OL Roberto Clemente: The Great One U-V 830 6 OL Book Talk U-V NP 6 OL Speechless U-V 890 6 OL Winners and Losers U-V 590 6 OL Susan Butcher's Great Race U-V 750 6 OL Community Firefighters U-V 780 6 OL The Case of the Vanishing Video Camera U-V NP 6 OL A Tale of Two Lands: The Arctic and the Antarctic W-X 770 6 OL Mystery in the Air U-V 530 6 OL A Quake to Remember U-V 560 6 OL Desert Danger W-X 690 6 OL Coyote Places the Stars: A Native American Legend U-V NP 6 OL Newton, You're a Genius W-X 830 6 OL Sal Trippi Saves the Day W-X 1000 6 OL The Boy Behind the Television W-X 1080 6 OL Buildings Good Enough to Eat W-X 620 6 OL Seasons and Reasons W-X NP 6 OL Everyday Life in Ancient China W-X 960 6 OL The Wisdom of China W-X 640 6 OL King of the Cranes U-V 680 6 OL The World's Greatest Lighthouse U-V 660 6 OL Welcome to the Olympics! W-X NP 6 OL Working in Space W-X 960 6 OL The Lusitania: A Shipwreck of the Deep U-V 1050 6 OL The Problem with Thomas U-V 820 6 OL Toby's Moment of Truth U-V NP 6 OL Swimming with Sharks U-V NP On-Level Readers Grades K-6 Advanced-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA I Sit B 2-3 BR AL Jen B 2-3 BR K AL My Fan B 2-3 BR K AL I Help B 2-3 BR K AL Where Is Cam? B 2-3 BR K AL To the Top B 2-3 40 K AL The Mat B 2-3 60 K AL I Like to Go Out B 2-3 BR K AL See What He Can Do B 2-3 210 K AL I Like What I See B 2-3 BR K AL The Fox B-C 4 190 K AL A Bit for Pip B-C 4 120 K AL Fun in the Snow B-C 4 30 K AL Where Can We Go? B-C 4 30 K AL The Fog B-C 4 BR K AL Where Did They Go? B-C 4 BR K AL I Want to Win One B-C 4 30 K AL Fun for Six B-D 5 360 K AL Down the Hill B-C 4 40 K AL The Pet for Us B-C 4 30 K AL The Box B-D 5 BR K AL A Big Job B-D 5 60 K AL What Is the Job? B-D 5 30 K AL Zim and Zan B-D 5 90 K AL The Animal Quiz B-D 5 100 K AL The Little Egg B-D 5 80 K AL What a Race! B-D 5 130 K AL The Party B-D 5 200 K AL The Map B-C 4 50 K AL Ben Has to Go! C-D 6 300 Grade Level K AL K Title Lexile Advanced-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile A Hat for Pat B-D 4 60 AL The Bag B-D 4-6 190 1 AL The Milk Van C-D 8 250 1 AL The Backpack C-D 6 BR 1 AL Ron and Kim C-D 8-10 140 1 AL The Store Map C-D 8-10 210 1 AL Help for Yak C-D 10 310 1 AL Helping Mr. Ross C-D 10 340 1 AL Trees Can’t Run D-E 12 240 1 AL Home Run D-E 12 200 1 AL Under the Warm Sea E-F 13 370 1 AL The Three Wishes E-F 13 350 1 AL A Frog’s Life E-F 13 160 1 AL Scarlet’s Muffins E-F 13 400 1 AL Joseph Bruchac E-F 14 390 1 AL A New Friend E-F 14 470 1 AL Congo the Painter E-F 15 320 1 AL Boat Surprise G-I 16 280 1 AL Bobcat Tells a Tale E-F 15 410 1 AL In the Tropics G-I 17 480 1 AL The Missing Bird G-I 16 NP 1 AL The Flower Hunt E-F 15 480 1 AL On a Hot Day G-I 16 420 1 AL The Light on the Water G-I 16 390 1 AL How Animals Survive H-I 19 550 1 AL Going Places with Rosy Rabbit H-I 18 530 1 AL Tess Finds a Seabird H-I 19 500 1 AL Billy's Birthday Card J-K 20 460 1 AL The Flying Fish H-I 19 500 1 AL Raccoon and Otter Make Muffins H-I 18 510 Grade Level 1 AL 1 Title Advanced-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Wendy's Great Catch H-I 19 550 AL The Surprise by the Stream H-I 19 570 2 AL A Pet That Fits H-I 19 690 2 AL Hamsters J-K 20 690 2 AL Book Week News K 20 NP 2 AL Pelé – Soccer Legend N-O 30-34 740 2 AL A Present for Charlie J-K 20 690 2 AL Peacock and Crane K 20 770 2 AL Rooster's Sore Throat J-K 20 430 2 AL Rescue Helicopter L-M 24-28 NP 2 AL On Stage! K 20 670 2 AL Board Riding: Long Ago and Today L-M 24-28 690 2 AL The Dinosaur Drawing Delivery L-M 24-28 610 2 AL Prairie Babies L-M 24-28 680 2 AL Clues for Grandma J-L 20-24 NP 2 AL First Prize L-M 24-28 800 2 AL Hunter’s Secret N-O 30-34 660 2 AL Music for Everyone N-O 30-34 640 2 AL Cyrus McCormick: Friend to Farmers L-M 24-28 700 2 AL What's My Hobby? N-O 30-34 NP 2 AL Happy Again L-M 24-28 730 2 AL Puppy Tricks L-M 24-28 700 2 AL The Prairie Dog N-O 30-34 690 2 AL Watching Arctic Wolves N-O 30-34 780 2 AL At the Museum N-O 30-34 540 2 AL Have You Seen Grandma's Panpipe? N-O 30-34 710 2 AL An Artist Named Tomie N-O 30-34 810 2 AL Let's Look for Fossils N-O 30-34 810 2 AL Why Tree Frogs Sing at Night L-M 24-28 810 2 AL What a Trip! L-M 24-28 NP Grade Level 2 AL 2 Title Advanced-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile I Am Paige Bridges N-O 30-34 600 AL Jana's Eyes O-P 34-38 630 3 AL Guide Dog School O-P 34-38 800 3 AL Clara Barton: The Angel of the Battlefield O-P 34-38 610 3 AL Science Fair Live! O-P 34-38 NP 3 AL Talking Pictures O-P 34-38 660 3 AL Amazing Animal Tales O-P 34-38 590 3 AL Code Talkers O-P 34-38 660 3 AL The Stonecutter O-P 34-38 750 3 AL The Mother Goose Detective Agency O-P 34-38 NP 3 AL Choosing Sides Q 40 820 3 AL Trading Places O-P 34-38 720 3 AL The Power of Corn Q 40 750 3 AL Livingston Hill O-P 34-38 610 3 AL Sport Kid Answers Back! O-P 34-38 NP 3 AL A Tiger at the Door Q 40 630 3 AL How Stories Came to Earth: An Ashanti Tale Q 40 NP 3 AL Mr. Finnegan and Me Q 40 620 3 AL Groundhog's New Home Q 40 820 3 AL At the Restaurant Q 40 NP 3 AL The Life of a Pond Q 40 670 3 AL Falcons in the Sky R 42 780 3 AL Saving Castle Clover Q 40 580 3 AL Jackson's Book Report Q 40 600 3 AL The Anywhere Anytime Travel Agency Q 40 NP 3 AL When Pigs Fly R 42 790 3 AL Birds and Their Nests R 40 880 3 AL Walter and the Food Fair R 42 920 3 AL The Sun and the Stars Q 40 760 3 AL Busy Bees and the Buzz Q 40 NP Grade Level 3 AL 3 Title Advanced-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile A Laugh a Minute Q 40 790 AL Miki Gorman: The Amazing Runner R 42 770 4 AL See You Soon, June N-O 30-34 NP 4 AL In My Own Country Q 40 840 4 AL A House Is a Home Q 40 NP 4 AL At the Edge of the Forest R 42 810 4 AL Benito and the Redwood Trees R 42 850 4 AL The Princess in Cyberspace Q 40 NP 4 AL An Expert Navajo Weaver R 42 850 4 AL Feathered Friends R 42 NP 4 AL The Sleepy Way to Survive R 42 770 4 AL Plateaus R 42 860 4 AL The Calm After the Storm R 42 870 4 AL The Mysterious Growing Moon R 42 830 4 AL Young Archaeologists S 44 NP 4 AL Mold, Dogs & Scientists S 44 910 4 AL Just Like Patricia McKissack S 44 860 4 AL Tucker Bradley and the Special Baseball S 44 630 4 AL Grandpa's Folktales S 44 860 4 AL Detective Bob and the Case of the Scream Machine R 42 NP 4 AL A Star for Jen R 42 830 4 AL Rose Comes to America R 42 810 4 AL Natasha the Cat's Big Adventure S 44 810 4 AL Life in Death Valley S 44 810 4 AL Celebrate Harlem! S 44 NP 4 AL The Animals of the La Brea Tar Pits S 44 960 4 AL Great Barrier Reef: A Colorful World S 44 850 4 AL The World's Greatest Pumpkin Ever T 44 800 4 AL John White's Lost Colony T 44 830 4 AL The Whydah S 44 NP Grade Level 4 AL 4 Title Advanced-Level Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Giggles and Squiggles T 44 750 AL Lazu's Game T 44 860 5 AL My Dancing Shoes T 44 810 5 AL John Hockenberry: Reporter on Wheels T 44 750 5 AL Break a Leg! T 44 NP 5 AL Braided Bread and Bathtub Fish 5 AL Violin Lessons 5 AL The Attack of the Turtle U-V 840 5 AL Lost Wax: Making Great Works in Bronze U-V 850 5 AL The Egg Drop Egg-speriment T 44 NP 5 AL Taking the Wheel: The Story of Mary Patten T 44 620 5 AL Diving into Ocean Exploration T 44 720 5 AL Whisper T 44 610 5 AL Full Steam Ahead! The Power of Fire and Water 5 AL Let the River Flow, A Native American Tale 5 AL Perfect Pen Pals U-V 560 5 AL The Dog Days of Summer U-V 630 5 AL A Magical Night 5 AL Benjamin Franklin: A Man of Many Talents U-V 950 5 AL The Wackiest Word Game U-V NP 5 AL Whales of the World U-V 1030 5 AL A.L.L. to the Rescue U-V NP 5 AL Just Visiting 5 AL Best Bugs W-X 790 5 AL Kids Cleaning Up U-V NP 5 AL Sacagawea: A Token of Peace U-V 970 5 AL A Poppy in the Tundra: The Story of Isobel Wylie Hutchinson U-V 930 5 AL Watch Your Altitude! U-V 850 5 AL The Lunar Module: Engineered to Serve U-V 810 5 AL Exploring Volcanoes National Park W-X NP Grade Level 5 AL 5 Title U-V T 730 44 U-V T T S 700 1090 44 44 44 NP 600 790 Advanced-Level Readers Grades K-6 Title Guided Reading Grade Level DRA Lexile 6 AL The King of Mirth W-X 810 6 AL The New Storyteller W-X 1180 6 AL Otto Lilienthal: Aviation Pioneer W-X 900 6 AL Althea Gibson: Pioneer of the Tennis Courts W-X 920 6 AL Community Is W-X NP 6 AL The Audition W-X 760 6 AL Just a Game W-X 710 6 AL The Endurance Race W-X 890 6 AL Rescue Workers W-X 880 6 AL The Case of the Stolen Statue W-X NP 6 AL Emperors on Ice W-X 860 6 AL On the Beach U-V 600 6 AL Trapped Below! Y 720 6 AL Lost in the Woods W-X 760 6 AL The Moon Dragon: A Chinese Legend Y NP 6 AL The Man Who Built Blood Banks Y 710 6 AL Sailor Boy W-X 930 6 AL Thinking Big: A Boy and His Ideas Y 1030 6 AL You're Staying in a What?! W-X 670 6 AL The Great State Debate Y NP 6 AL Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Y 990 6 AL Machu Picchu: Ancient City of the Inca Y 640 6 AL The Fourth Question Y 860 6 AL The Statue of Zeus Y 730 6 AL It's Not Just Ancient History Y NP 6 AL Going to Extremes: A Journey to Mars Y 940 6 AL Sunken Treasures: Famous Shipwrecks of the Past Y 1180 6 AL Magpie's First Day Y 890 6 AL Wishful Thinking Y NP 6 AL High Adventure Y NP ELL Leveled Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA How Do You Feel? A 1 NP ELL My Body A 1 NP K ELL I Like Clothes! A 1 NP K ELL A Family A 1 NP K ELL A Home B 2 NP K ELL What Do Families Do? A 1 NP K ELL Colors at School A 1 NP K ELL Shapes B 2 NP K ELL Numbers A 1 NP K ELL Farm Animals A 1 NP K ELL Food from a Farm A 1 NP K ELL Tools to Grow…/Garden Tools B 2 NP K ELL The Weather B 2 NP K ELL Dress for the Weather B 2 NP K ELL The Seasons B 2 NP K ELL At the Playground B 2 NP K ELL Toys A 1 NP K ELL Let’s Play A 1 NP K ELL At the Market A 1 NP K ELL A Neighborhood B 2 NP K ELL At the Park B 2 NP K ELL People Have Jobs B 2-3 NP K ELL School Workers B 2-3 NP K ELL Jobs at Home A 1 NP K ELL Zoo Animals A 1 NP K ELL Insects A 1 NP K ELL At the Pond A 1 NP K ELL Let’s Go! A 1 NP K ELL Places to Go B 2-3 NP K ELL Be Safe B 2-3 NP Grade Level K ELL K Title Lexile ELL Leveled Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile We Can Help B 2-3 BR ELL Lots of Vans B-D 4 BR 1 ELL Dad Drives B-D 4-6 BR 1 ELL Jack's Day C-D 6 30 1 ELL My Garden C-D 6 BR 1 ELL Up the Hill C-D 8 BR 1 ELL Let's Eat! C-D 6 60 1 ELL I Help Clean C-D 8 BR 1 ELL Animals Eat Plants C-D 10 270 1 ELL What Game Is It? D-E 11 BR 1 ELL A Cold Land D-E 11 130 1 ELL Gold D-E 12 30 1 ELL A Child Grows D-E 12 10 1 ELL The Play E-F 13 BR 1 ELL Grandparents D-E 11 300 1 ELL The Big Picture D-E 11 140 1 ELL What Is This Animal? C-D 10 BR 1 ELL Snow Play C-D 8-10 BR 1 ELL The Weather D-E 12 150 1 ELL In Joan's City E-F 13 150 1 ELL Our Pet Hamster E-F 13 90 1 ELL Inside Outside D-E 11 100 1 ELL A Weekend of Fun D-E 12 130 1 ELL Where Is Albert? E-F 13 140 1 ELL Special Animals E-F 13 190 1 ELL Out in Space E-F 14 120 1 ELL At the Beach D-E 12 270 1 ELL At the Car Factory E-F 14 190 1 ELL The Town Garden E-F 14 320 1 ELL Going Shopping E-F 14 430 Grade Level 1 ELL 1 Title ELL Leveled Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Signs All Around Us E-F 14 350 ELL The Fall G-I 16 430 2 ELL Lots of Dogs E-F 14 320 2 ELL Puppy School E-F 15 440 2 ELL I Read the TV News H-I 18 260 2 ELL Let's Play Sports E-F 15 430 2 ELL All About Bikes G-I 17 440 2 ELL Many Kinds of Birds G-I 16 490 2 ELL Down on the Farm H-I 18 250 2 ELL The Firefighter H-I 19 460 2 ELL Art in the Subway H-I 18 380 2 ELL Toys: Long Ago and Today J-K 20 520 2 ELL Just Like Olivia H-I 18 510 2 ELL Rain Forest Homes J-K 20 520 2 ELL A Birthday Surprise H-I 18 NP 2 ELL Katie's Book K 20 400 2 ELL Guitar Lessons J-K 20 480 2 ELL It's Fun to Dance L-M 24-28 520 2 ELL Peanuts L-M 24-28 550 2 ELL The Art of Sculpture K 20 480 2 ELL In Our Neighborhood J-L 20-24 400 2 ELL Farmer Bert J-K 20 530 2 ELL Insects L-M 24-28 420 2 ELL A Wild Animal Tour L-M 24-28 310 2 ELL My Community L-M 24-28 330 2 ELL Food Around the World N-O 30-34 570 2 ELL I Love to Write L-M 24-28 440 2 ELL Collecting Seashells L-M 24-28 460 2 ELL Reptiles L-M 24-28 490 2 ELL My Travel Journal N-O 30-34 470 Grade Level 2 ELL 2 Title ELL Leveled Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Friends L-M 24-28 300 ELL Nathan and His Favorite Author J-L 20-24 470 3 ELL A New School for Chris L-M 24-28 290 3 ELL Astronauts L-M 24-28 340 3 ELL Today's News L-M 24-28 NP 3 ELL Let's Play L-M 24-28 430 3 ELL Helping Out L-M 24-28 350 3 ELL Animals All Around Us L-M 24-28 370 3 ELL Alex Bakes a Cake L-M 24-28 420 3 ELL The Most Important Meal of the Day L-M 24-28 520 3 ELL Baby Brother L-M 24-28 420 3 ELL The Country of Chile N-O 30-34 510 3 ELL Our Backyard L-M 24-28 480 3 ELL The Parts of a Tree N-O 30-34 660 3 ELL Answer This! L-M 24-28 NP 3 ELL The Three Little Pigs L-M 24-28 510 3 ELL Bears Everywhere N-O 30-34 550 3 ELL Mark's Memories L-M 24-28 450 3 ELL The Deer and the Quail O-P 34-38 630 3 ELL Let's Put on a Play N-O 30-34 520 3 ELL Water, Ice, and Snow N-O 30-34 550 3 ELL Animals at Night L-M 24-28 540 3 ELL How a City Works N-O 30-34 610 3 ELL School Rules! N-O 30-34 480 3 ELL Rory the Robot L-M 24-28 NP 3 ELL Pigs in Our World L-M 24-28 620 3 ELL Patterns in Our World N-O 30-34 590 3 ELL How Scientists Work N-O 30-34 650 3 ELL Our Planet Earth O-P 34-38 680 3 ELL Star Light, Star Bright O-P 34-38 720 Grade Level 3 ELL 3 Title ELL Leveled Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Summer in Austin N-O 30-34 560 ELL The Sport of Baseball N-O 30-34 690 4 ELL The Greco Family Reunion N-O 30-34 600 4 ELL San Francisco: A City of Hills O-P 34-38 550 4 ELL Manny's Homework Assignment O-P 34-38 470 4 ELL Pioneer Life N-O 30-34 570 4 ELL Grandpa and I, All Year Long O-P 34-38 620 4 ELL Computers O-P 34-38 500 4 ELL Family Traditions O-P 34-38 510 4 ELL Junior Ranger O-P 34-38 710 4 ELL How Animals Stay Alive O-P 34-38 610 4 ELL Mountain Ranges O-P 34-38 580 4 ELL Forest Fires O-P 34-38 620 4 ELL All Through the Year O-P 34-38 640 4 ELL Exploring Coral Q 40 630 4 ELL Ned's Invention O-P 34-38 730 4 ELL Kate the Illustrator Q 40 630 4 ELL What People Can Do O-P 34-38 610 4 ELL Ranches and Farms Across America Q 40 680 4 ELL Science Detective Q 40 NP 4 ELL Taking Care of Pets Q 40 680 4 ELL Where People Live Q 40 630 4 ELL All About Money O-P 34-38 700 4 ELL The Sunshine State Q 40 800 4 ELL Historic Williamsburg: A Place from Our Past O-P 34-38 NP 4 ELL Let's Visit a Museum Q 40 780 4 ELL A Trip Through the United States O-P 34-38 700 4 ELL It's Vacation Time O-P 34-38 580 4 ELL The Great Land of Alaska Q 40 770 4 ELL Under the Sea R 42 760 Grade Level 4 ELL 4 Title ELL Leveled Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile Move It! Q 40 650 ELL The Rules Q 40 100 5 ELL A Letter from China R 42 490 5 ELL A Reporter's Day R 42 550 5 ELL Putting on a Play R 42 NP 5 ELL Meeting José Manuel R 42 440 5 ELL The Great Dolphin Rescue S 44 400 5 ELL The Truth About George R 42 560 5 ELL The Dream They Shared R 42 440 5 ELL Ten-Story Soup R 42 NP 5 ELL Houseboat on the Everglades R 42 320 5 ELL Visiting an Aquarium R 42 820 5 ELL American Tall Tales R 42 540 5 ELL Water, Water Everywhere S 44 560 5 ELL Road Trip S 44 470 5 ELL An Idea Becomes a Book S 44 740 5 ELL The Domino Effect S 44 480 5 ELL The Circle of Life S 44 550 5 ELL Great Ideas and Inventions S 44 740 5 ELL A Toasty Problem S 44 620 5 ELL Turtles of the Sea S 44 730 5 ELL A Play for Everyone S 44 540 5 ELL Lost and Found R 42 490 5 ELL Calling All Crickets S 44 730 5 ELL M.A.C. in Action S 44 540 5 ELL Just Like Lewis and Clark S 44 590 5 ELL Gold Stampede S 44 730 5 ELL Now That's Cold! S 44 710 5 ELL The Race to the Moon S 44 730 5 ELL Exploring Florida's Habitats S 44 610 Grade Level 5 ELL 5 Title ELL Leveled Readers Grades K-6 Guided Reading DRA Lexile The Fourth Street Garage Band T 44 500 ELL A Time for Hope T 44 500 6 ELL Octave Chanute: America's Expert on Flight T 44 600 6 ELL Jesse Owens: The Fastest Man Alive T 44 680 6 ELL Movie Talk T 44 NP 6 ELL Songs of Summer T 44 500 6 ELL Soccer Stars T 44 540 6 ELL Alaska, the Coolest State T 44 720 6 ELL Wildfire! T 44 670 6 ELL Holiday Feast T 44 610 6 ELL Saving Antarctica T 44 510 6 ELL All About Sea Lions T 44 600 6 ELL Waters Gone Wild 6 ELL Safety First! T 44 750 6 ELL The Indian Paintbrush: A Native American Legend T 44 NP 6 ELL Getting Your Sea Legs 6 ELL The Lemonade Stand T 44 710 6 ELL They Lived on Mount Olympus T 44 630 6 ELL Visiting History U-V 860 6 ELL Celebrate Around the Year U-V 750 6 ELL Greece Today U-V 710 6 ELL The Mystery of Archaeology U-V 770 6 ELL The Ten Suns and the Moon U-V 680 6 ELL Pyramids of Egypt U-V 730 6 ELL A Walk Along the Rock U-V 500 6 ELL Finding Pictures in the Sky U-V 820 6 ELL All About Ships and Boats T 44 750 6 ELL Duffy the Robot T 44 410 6 ELL Playtime U-V 630 6 ELL Light Up the Sea U-V 410 Grade Level Title 6 ELL 6 U-V 500 U-V 740