IAI and Gulfstream Aerospace Rolled Out All-New Super Mid


IAI and Gulfstream Aerospace Rolled Out All-New Super Mid
Israel Aerospace
Industries Ltd.
Information on Israel’s Largest Aerospace Concern • November 2009 • Issue 28
IAI and Gulfstream Aerospace
Rolled Out All-New Super Mid-Size
Gulfstream G250
Large-Cabin, Mid-Range
Business Jet On Track For
Customer Deliveries in 2011
Inside This Edition:
IAI’s Financial Figures for the Second Quarter of 2009
 IAI Unveiled Robotic Platform Designed for Ground Forces
 The 3rd Annual Latrun Conference
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I s r ael Aerospace Industries Ltd.
IAI’s Financial Figures for the Second Quarter of 2009:
An increase of 16% in the net profit
In the second quarter of 2009 Israel Aerospace
Industries (IAI) reported a net profit of $22
million, compared to $19 million during the
second quarter of 2008, an increase of 16%.
IAI’s backlog stood at a healthy $8 billion as of
30.6.2009, which is equivalent to approximately
2.6 years worth of sales.
Company sales for the second quarter of 2009
reached $667 million, compared to sales of $891
million during the same period last year. This
decrease of 25% is a result of the financial crisis
in the global civilian market. It is important to
note that sales in the military market increased
by 4% compared to the same quarter in 2008.
In response to the approval and publication of
IAI’s financial statements for the second quarter
of 2009, IAI’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Yair Shamir, said: “The global financial
crisis has affected our activity in the civilian
market. The severity of the crisis is reflected in
the 68% decrease in sales to the civilian market
compared to the same quarter in 2008. It is important to note that IAI’s commercial civilian
market is characterized by a high level of value
added content, which provides employment
for a large number of households, contributing
significantly to the Israeli economy. IAI’s equity
capital stands at $667 million, after a dividend
payment of 87 million shekel ($22.5 million) to
the State of Israel.”
The President and CEO of IAI, Mr. Itzhak Nissan, said: “In the first half of 2009, IAI booked
new orders worth approximately $3 billion,
including a significant contract for the sale of air
defense systems to an overseas customer, driving
the company backlog to a record $8 billion.
Approximately 80% of IAI’s sales are composed
of a wide variety of technologies produced for
customers worldwide. Despite the worldwide
economic downturn, IAI not only maintained but
increased its sales within its military markets.
The company continues to achieve increased
operating efficiencies in all its current activities,
Itzhak Nissan: “Despite the
worldwide economic downturn, IAI
not only maintained but increased
its sales within its military markets.
The company continues to achieve
increased operating efficiencies in all
its current activities, leading to a gross
profit of 16% in sales in the first half of
2009, compared to a 14% gross profit
in sales in the first half of 2008”
Yair Shamir
Itzhak Nissan
President & CEO
Second quarter net profit is $22 million, an increase of 16% compared to
the same quarter in 2008
lSecond quarter sales reached $667
million, a decrease of 25% compared to
the same quarter in 2008
lBacklog is $8.0 billion, equivalent to
approximately 2.6 years worth of sales
lPositive cash flow of $203 million
Yair Shamir: “The global financial crisis
has affected our activity in the civilian
market. The severity of the crisis is
reflected in the 68% decrease in sales
to the civilian market compared to the
same quarter in 2008. It is important
to note that IAI’s commercial civilian
market is characterized by a high level
of value added content, which provides
employment for a large number of
households, contributing significantly to
the Israeli economy”
leading to a gross profit of 16% in sales in the
first half of 2009, compared to a 14% gross profit
in sales in the first half of 2008.
Chief Financial Officer of IAI, Mr. Menashe
Sagiv, said: “Positive cash flow, an indicator of
a company’s financial strength, grew to a total
of $203 million.
During the second quarter the company earned
$12 million in interest income, compared to
$31 million in financial expenses in the same
quarter in 2008. In the first half of 2009, interest
income reached $2 million, compared to $38
million in financial expenses during the first
half of 2008.
IAI has a current ratio of 1.11, which reflects
its financial strength in comparison to similar
companies both in Israel and worldwide.
The company has a large cash and cash equivalent surplus of $1.25 billion.”
The Seoul International Aerospace
and Defense Exhibition:
IAI Unveiled Robotic Platform
Designed for Ground Forces
REX platform
IAI displayed for the first time REX, a small
robotic platform designed to accompany ground
forces on operations, carrying up to 200 kilograms
of weight. IAI unveiled the REX platform at the
2009 Seoul International Aerospace and Defense
Exhibition, that took place in Seoul, Korea on
October 20th, 2009. REX is designed to assist
groups of 3-10 ground soldiers on operational
and logistical missions for up to 72 hours without
refueling, and acts as a robotic “beast of burden”
for the modern soldier.
Experts at IAI estimate that the demand for such
a product could amount to tens of thousands of
orders, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, in
both the local and the international market, for a
wide variety of military and civil applications.
“The REX platform is unique in its state-of-the-art
operational capabilities and its user-friendly interface, both of which are central to the platform’s
superior performance,” explained Ofer Glazer,
head of the innovation team at IAI’s Military Aircraft Group. “The robotic vehicle follows the lead
soldier from a given distance, utilizing technology
developed and patented by IAI. Using simple
commands, including ‘stop’, ‘fetch’, and ‘heel’,
the lead soldier controls the robot without being
distracted from the mission at hand. Controlling
the robot in this way allows for intuitive interaction and rapid integration of the product on the
field within a short time frame,” Glazer added.
The development of the system is a result of
IAI’s awareness of the urgent operational need
for such a device. It integrates various already
existent robotic capabilities, ensuring a low target
price, a short development period, and low-risk
REX was developed in the innovation department
of the LAHAV Division, a part of IAI’s Military
Aircraft Group. This is a diverse department, composed of a team of young, dynamic entrepreneurs
responsible for developing products in the newest
fields of interest, with particular emphasis placed
on business and technology innovation.
The team utilizes creative thinking and academic
and industry-based joint projects, both in Israel
and worldwide, to lead IAI in the achievement
of many important milestones. One such joint
project has resulted in the Guardium - a robotic
patrol vehicle (produced by the company GNIUS);
another example is the Taxibot, a semi-robotic
aircraft towing system (developed as part of a
cooperative endeavor with Airbus).
A number of products and technologies produced
by IAI were displayed at the Seoul exhibition,
including multiple radar applications - fire control radar, maritime patrol radar, artillery radar,
The Korean President Mr. Lee Myung-Bak visited
IAI’s chalet and was impressed by the array
of advanced air, land, and maritime systems.
IAI’s President and CEO, Itzhak Nissan, who
greeted President Lee Myung-Bak at IAI’s chalet,
emphasized the fruitful collaboration between IAI
and Korea. Most recently, IAI signed a contract with
Korea to supply an air defense radar system. Mr.
Nissan also expressed his confidence in the future of
the relationship between IAI and the Korean defense
industry. “Our display reflects the vision, singularity,
and innovation for which IAI is known,” said Mr.
Nissan. “IAI is at the frontline of technology.”
and others. In addition, unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) were displayed, carrying a variety of
payloads for ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance) missions.The Plug-In Optronic
Payload (POP) family - POP300LR Observer,
POP 300D Designator, Mini-POP,
and Micro-POP
and Navigation &
Inertial Measuring
Units (NIMU) for
both land and aerial
missions were also
I s r ael Aerospace Industries Ltd.
The Next Generation of Executive
Business Jets is Already Here
IAI and Gulfstream Aerospace,
a wholly owned subsidiary of
General Dynamics (NYSE:
GD), rolled out the all-new,
super mid-size Gulfstream
G250 at Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel. First
announced in October 2008,
the large-cabin, mid-range
G250 remains on schedule for
Gulfstream G250 aircraft.
“The Gulfstream and IAI
teams have done an outstanding job not only designing this
all-new aircraft but overseeing
the building of it as well,”
said Joe Lombardo, president,
Gulfstream Aerospace. “I want
to thank everyone involved
for their continued coopera-
skills,” said Itzhak Nissan,
President and CEO of IAI.
“The teams have produced
the best mid-size aircraft of
its kind, and I want to join
Joe in thanking everyone who
worked on the G250. They
have proven that such collaboration leads to great success
and achievement.”
In the picture from left to right: Mr. Yair Shamir, IAI’s Chairman of the Board; Mr. Itzhak Nissan, IAI’s
President and CEO; Mr. Pres Henne, Gulfstream’s Sr. VP Programs, Eng & Test; Mr. David Dagan, IAI’s
Corp. VP and GM of Commercial Aircraft Group; Mr. Dan Nale, Gulfstream’s VP, Mid-Cabin Programs
customer deliveries in 2011.
Some 600 people gathered
at the manufacturing facility
for the aircraft’s debut. The
audience included certifying
authorities, supplier representatives and members of the
Gulfstream G250 development
team, many of whom worked
in Tel Aviv with IAI to oversee
the building of the all-new
tion and collaboration. As you
can see, they have created a
true Gulfstream, and we’re
delighted to welcome it into
the family.”
“The G250 presents another
example of what is possible
when two great companies
collaborate, combining their
state of the art engineering
with cutting edge production
The G250 offers the largest
cabin and the longest range at
the fastest speed in its class.
It is capable of traveling
3,400 nautical miles at 0.80
Mach and has a maximum
operating speed of 0.85 Mach.
With an initial cruise altitude
of 41,000 feet, the G250 can
climb to a maximum altitude
of 45,000 feet.
“Our customers played a significant role in the design of
this aircraft,” said Pres Henne,
senior vice president, Programs, Engineering and Test,
Gulfstream. “Because of their
input, this aircraft features
increased speed and range,
excellent takeoff performance, an all-new Gulfstream
wing, the signature Gulfstream
T tail, best-in-class Honeywell engines and the PlaneView 250TM cockpit based on
Rockwell Collins Pro Line
Fusion avionics. Together,
these elements make the G250
a best-in-class aircraft and one
its owners can appreciate and
fly with pride.”
David Dagan, Corporate VP
& General Manager of Commercial Aircraft Group in IAI,
said: “The collaboration of the
manufacturing with the design
using the IPT (Integrated
Product Teams) approach
made one and one equal three,
and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this
In terms of passenger comfort,
the G250 features the largest cabin in its class, with 17
percent to 35 percent more
floor area than any other super
mid-size business jet. The additional space provides for a
larger lavatory, an improved
galley and increased storage.
The aircraft also features 19
panoramic windows, industryleading sound levels, a vacuum
toilet system and in-flight
access to 120 cubic feet of
usable volume in the baggage
The Israeli Minister of Transport & Road Safety,
Israel Katz, at the rollout ceremony
Gulfstream announced the
G250 on Oct. 5, 2008, at the
National Business Aviation
Association (NBAA) Annual
Meeting and Convention in
Orlando, Fla. The aircraft is
on schedule for first flight later
this year and is expected to be
certified in 2011. Entry-intoservice of the G250 is also
planned for 2011.
Itzhak Nissan: “The G250 presents another
example of what is possible when two great
companies collaborate, combining their state of
the art engineering with cutting edge production
skills. The teams have produced the best mid-size
aircraft of its kind, and I want to join Joe in
thanking everyone who worked on the G250.
They have proven that such collaboration leads to
great success and achievement”
I s r ael Aerospace Industries Ltd.
The 3rd Annual Latrun Conference:
IAI Introduced various New
Land-Based Products & Technologies
Introduction of the “Jumper” - Autonomous Artillery
for Ground Forces n The Micro-UAV Mosquito was
demonstrated in flight for the first time
IAI introduced various land-
based products and technologies at the third annual Latrun
Conference in Israel. The
conference was organized
by The Institute for Land
Warfare Studies, the Israeli
Ground Forces, and the Armored Corps Memorial Site
and Museum Association at
IAI’s VP of Marketing, Yair
Ramati, noted that “IAI,
continuing its long-standing
tradition of delivering solutions for scenarios in a
variety of different arenas,
has displayed some of the
most advanced tactical intelligence gathering systems in
the world - radar systems,
signal intelligence (SIGINT),
electro-optic systems, satellite communications, and
These systems operate on
the ground, in the air, and in
space. In addition, various offensive systems were exhibited, including laser-guided
weapons and the “Jumper”
- an autonomous artillery
Robotic MTL & D9T
system for ground forces,
which was displayed for
the first time. The Jumper
is a new member of IAI’s
surface-to-surface missiles
family, which also includes
the Long-Range Artillery
The JUMPER includes 8
canistered missiles and an
integrated command and control unit. The system requires
During the Latrun Conference, IAI gave the first
flight demonstration of its micro Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV), the Mosquito. This UAV is used by a
battalion/company. Its small size and capabilities
allow for its use in a variety of scenarios and in
challenging battlefield conditions, including urban
warfare and Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) situations
NEXT PAGE The Mosquito Micro UAV
Latrun Conference
Harop Advanced Loitering Munition
no special launcher platform,
and can vertically launch missiles to engage targets in all
During the Latrun Conference, IAI gave the first flight
demonstration of its micro
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Yair Ramati: “IAI, continuing its long-standing
tradition of delivering solutions for scenarios
in a variety of different arenas, has displayed
some of the most advanced tactical intelligence
gathering systems in the world - radar systems,
signal intelligence (SIGINT), electro-optic
systems, satellite communications, and more”
(UAV), the Mosquito. This
UAV is used by a battalion/
company. Its small size and
capabilities allow for its use
in a variety of scenarios and
in challenging battlefield
conditions, including urban
warfare and Low Intensity
Conflict (LIC) situations.
In addition, IAI presented
advanced tactical UAVs for
use by ground troops of every
rank. These tactical UAVs
can search, identify and pinpoint targets for precision
The I-View 50, part of a
new generation of UAVs,
launched from the battlefield,
was presented, as was the
Heron, a strategic UAV carrying multiple payloads, which
can remain airborne for an
extended period of time and
is in use by the Israeli Air
Force and other air forces
“Jumper”: Autonomous
Artillery for Ground Forces
I s r ael Aerospace Industries Ltd.
Successful Demonstration of IAI’s
Heron UAV in Brazil, El Salvador
and the USA
Heron UAV in Brazil during the demonstration
Demonstration In Brazil: A successful demonstration of Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI)
Heron Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) System
took place recently in Brazil. The demonstration was done at the request of the Brazilian
federal police, which is testing UAV use for
several purposes, including border security,
smuggling, natural resource theft and drug trafficking concerns.
The demonstration took place under challenging,
unpredictable weather conditions in one of the
most difficult areas of Brazil to fly in: the state of
Parana, and the region of San Miguel de Iguacu.
Despite this, the system performed flawlessly in
all its tasks, and was able to fulfill the customer’s
requests. It is especially important to note that
the Heron was the first UAV system in the world
to fly in this region of southern Brazil. The Heron
was easily integrated into the demonstration
airspace, which sees a lot of commercial air
traffic, and was fully coordinated with the local
Air Traffic Control.
The IAI’s Heron UAV is best suited to the needs
of the Brazilian federal police: relaying data and
intelligence in real time, carrying a number of
sensors simultaneously, and employing satellite
communications and Automatic Takeoff and
Landing (ATOL).
Several ministers of the Brazilian government
and Brazilian armed forces officials, as well as
high-ranking military and civilian representatives from a number of Latin American countries
who were invited by the Brazilian federal police,
were in attendance at the demonstration.
IAI recently founded a joint venture with the
Brazilian corporation Synergy Group, EAE,
which will be active in the Brazilian market
as well as in other potential Latin American
Demonstration in El Salvador: IAI’s Heron
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) recently successfully displayed its capabilities in El Salvador as part of “Proyecto Monitoreo” - a joint
project between the United States Southern
Command (SOUTHCOM) and the El Salvadorian government, to fight the war on illicit drug
This is the first time that a Medium Altitude
Long Endurance (MALE) UAV has been used
in El Salvador. The maritime configuration of
the Heron UAS was smoothly integrated into El
Salvador’s civilian airspace, conducting several
missions jointly with manned aircrafts.
During a press conference held at Comalapa, El
Salvador Lieutenant General Glenn F. Spears,
Deputy Commander, U.S. Southern Command,
said: “This is the first time that sophisticated,
advanced technology and equipment such as
UAVs that operates day/night electro-optic
payloads and satellite communication have
been used in El Salvador to cover a wide stretch
and to patrol areas in which it is normally not
feasible to do so…The UAV can fly for over 20
consecutive hours without needing to refuel,
providing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR).”
Demonstration in USA: As part of the
Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems
International’s Exhibition in Washington DC,
IAI’s Maritime Heron Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(UAV) system performed in a demonstration of
the Heron UAV. The demonstration was led by
Stark Aerospace based in Stark, Mississippi, a
subsidiary of the IAI-owned American company,
IAI North America. The Heron UAV was the
largest UAV to participate in the demonstration, and was carrying a number of IAI-made
payloads, including a Maritime Patrol Radar
(MPR) and an electro-optic Multi-Purpose Optical Stabilized Payload (MOSP).
Heron UAV at the dual airport in El Salvador
Super Dvora Mk III fast patrol boat
IAI Completed Deliveries of
Super Dvora Mk III Fast Patrol
Boat to Israel Navy
IAI delivered the Super Dvora Mk III Fast Patrol
Boat to the Israel Navy. This is the last boat in a
batch of deliveries, all part of a contract between
IAI’s Ramta Division and the Israel Ministry
of Defense (IMOD) in 2002. This contract was
designed to provide newer, more advanced
loitering vessels for the Israel Navy. The Super
Dvora Mk III were developed in cooperation
with the Israel Navy, and include various technological improvements which were chosen for
their operational superiority.
The boat that was delivered utilizes advanced
Articulating Surface Drive (ASD) propulsion
technology, as do the other delivered boats
which are in operational use. Some of the already operational boats are being used to fight
terrorism in areas where the Navy is involved
in such activities.
Itzhak Nissan, President and CEO of
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI):
“We are proud to be supplying the
Israel Navy with the high-quality,
advanced Super Dvora Mk III. Hard
work, knowledge, and experience
went into the design and production of
this boat, and the result is an excellent
asset for the defense of Israel’s
maritime borders”
President Nissan, said that IAI’s
advanced technological capabilities,
combined with its products and
systems provide solutions for the most
challenging battlefield scenarios
Yair Gilboa, General Manager of Ramta, said
that the Super Dvora is considered to be one
of the most advanced of its kind, as part of the
new generation of fast patrol boats. The boat
has proven battle capabilities, and can complete
maritime surveillance and search and rescue
missions under any weather conditions, defend
against a variety of threats, and coordinate
operations with other air, maritime, and land
systems. The boat has excellent maneuvering
capabilities, even under adverse sea conditions,
and includes various precise stabilized weapon
systems and the most advanced command, control, and detection technologies. Ramta is one of
the few divisions in the world which can offer
the choice between ASD propulsion systems and
the water jet, which allows for fast maneuvering
and more parts than previous models.
Mr. Gilboa added that Ramta has recently been
awarded a contract worth tens of millions of
dollars to deliver 6 Super Dvora Mk III boats
to a customer in Asia.
I s r ael Aerospace Industries Ltd.
IAI Exhibited Its Products and
Technologies at the International
Aviation & Space Salon MAKS 2009
IAI participated in the International Aviation
and Space Salon MAKS 2009, that was held
in Zhukovsky, near Moscow. IAI featured a
broad range of products and technologies that
demonstrate the company’s leadership in developing solutions to meet current and future
aerospace requirements.
Itzhak Nissan, President and CEO of IAI said:
“We see a lot of potential in the Russian and
Eastern European markets. The integration of
our wide range of technologies and products
creates complex, cutting-edge systems, enabling us to provide our customers with the best
solutions available. We look forward to further
strengthening our ties in the region.”
MALAT Division presented its globally recognized UAVs, including the mini UAV Bird Eye
400 and the Searcher.
ELTA Systems Ltd., a group and IAI subsidiary
exhibited some of its core activities in various
technologies, such as the Surveillance and Threat
Alert Radar (STAR), which provides surveillance and automatic air threat alerts aboard naval
vessels ranging in size from corvettes to frigates
(EL/M 2238). ELTA also presented its airborne
Missile Approach Warning System- Flight
Guard (EL/M-2160) which ensures reliable
warning of missile attack for timely activation
of the chaff/flare dispenser to protect airborne
platforms, its satellite communication network
mobile station (EL/K-1891) and its movement detection & security radar (EL/M-2129).
TAMAM Division presented some of its Plug-In
Optronic Payload (POP) family, including the
Mini- POP and the Micro-POP.
About MAKS 2009
MAKS is primarily a demonstration of
advantages and development trends of
Russian science and industry in high-tech
areas such as aviation, space and missile engineering. MAKS shows domestic
market openness to joint ventures with the
use of foreign partners’ cutting-edge advances. MAKS provides participants with
the most comprehensive understanding of
the Russian aerospace industry’s priorities
and advances.
IAI and Airbus to Develop Environmentally
Conscious Taxiing System
MoU signed between the companies at the 2009 International Paris Air Show
IAI and Airbus have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) at the 2009 International
Paris Air Show to jointly develop and test an
innovative environmentally friendly pilot-controlled towing semi-robotic system. The Taxibot
Mr. Christian Scherer (left), Airbus’ Executive Vice
President, Strategy & Future Programs with Mr. Shuki
Eldar, IAI’s Corporate VP, Business Development and
Dispatch Towing system, designed by IAI, allows both wide and narrow body commercial
airplanes to taxi to and from the gate and the
runway without the use of their jet engines.
The revolutionary Taxibot Dispatch Towing
concept represents a potential to reduce annual
fuel costs from $8 billion to less than $2 billion,
CO2 emissions from 18 billion tons to less than
2 million tons per year, and noise emissions by
a significant margin.
Yehushua (Shuki) Eldar, IAI’s Corporate VP,
Business Development and Subsidiaries said:
“We are excited to work on the development of
this eco-efficient taxiing dispatch system. The
project demonstrates our commitment to the environment and utilizes IAI’s robotics capabilities
IAI’s Presentation at the Association
of Unmanned Vehicle Systems
International (AUVSI) Exhibition
IAI presented various platforms, technologies,
and developments pertaining to UAV systems
at the AUVSI exhibition. In addition, IAI presented, for the first time, a concept of integrated
UAS solutions, including operational solutions,
trainings, and superior control over UAV tasks.
This integration includes an advanced ground
control station (the iUCS - Innovative Unified
Control Segment), a command and control
system for multi-sensor operations (TWISTER)
with Service-Oriented Architecture, and a UAV
Mission Trainer (UMT).
The iUCS ground control station meets the
standards of NATO’s STANAG 4586. This
standard allows for joint military support operations, which increases interoperability and
allows data and information to be shared in
real time.
The iUCS is in the advanced stages of integration and offers the user modular use of various
kinds of UAVs, which IAI provides for its
customers in Israel and abroad.
The TWISTER system is based on the modern idea of Network Centric Warfare (NCW).
NCW allows for more effective management
of simultaneous missions, using information
gathered from a unified situation picture based
on platforms, sensors and effectors, and a collective operational environment to support
divisions, managers, and decision-makers. The
UMT system provides training for operational
flights, use of payloads, and completion of complex scenarios by UAVs, using High Fidelity
simulations, which allow for training, drills,
and accreditment at all levels, and replaces
flight hours.
IAI’s concept of integrated UAS solutions
exhibited at the show is based on operational
experience, an advanced systematic understanding and new technological improvements.
These improvements are made possible by field
knowledge, superior control, and training, and
are based on the customers’ requests. They allow
the customer to leverage the extensive capabilities provided by
the aerial platforms through
the advanced
user experience
and the effective
between the various aspects of
any mission.
and technological experience.”
IAI and Airbus are studying the performance,
operational, commercial, and safety aspects of
the system on a series of ground taxiing tests
on Airbus’ A-340-600 airplane in Toulouse.
The companies have agreed that following
successful test period results, they may establish a Joint Venture (JV) to develop and
certify the Taxibot and market the program.
According to plans, the Taxibot operational
system is expected to be ready for first deliveries
by the third quarter of 2011.
The special design of the Taxibot gives the pilot
full control of the system during the taxiing process, and uses the existing airplane controls in
the same way that the
pilot is accustomed to
when taxiing using the
airplane’s engines. The
use of the Taxibot system requires no modifi-
cation to the airplane and minimal modifications
to the airport infrastructure which will not affect
existing taxiways and runways.
For the last three years, IAI has invested R&D
resources in environmentally conscious programs, including the development of renewable
energy technologies, as part of a strategic plan
to increase its civilian activities. Taxibot is a
significant step forward that can modify the
taxiing process in airports to save fuel, decrease
noise levels and air pollution in comparison with
today’s ground operational processes.
I s r ael Aerospace Industries Ltd.
IAI Worldwide
Israel Aerospace In­dus­tries Ltd.
Ben-Gurion In­ter­na­tion​al Airport 70100
(972)3-935-3343, 935-3000
Fax: (972)3-935-8278
E-mail: [email protected]
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EAT - European Advanced
Technologies S.A.
Fax: (33)1-46404748
E-mail: [email protected]
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.
CIS & Baltics
Fax: (7)495-258-2838
E-mail: [email protected]
IAI North America
Arlington, VA
Fax: (1)703-875-3740, 875-3760
E-mail: [email protected]
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.
Fax: (91)11-2-614-0177
E-mail: [email protected]
Bangalore Office:
Fax: (91)80-4-115-1441
E-mail: [email protected]
IAI - Oficina en Chile
Fax: (56)2-231-6157
E-mail: [email protected]
South Korea
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.
Fax: (82)2-757-0431
E-mail: [email protected]
IAI - Sucursal Colombia
Fax: (57)1-623-2952
E-mail: [email protected]
IAI Lahav - Oficina en Ecuador
Fax: (593)2-252-0967
E-mail: [email protected]