ISMETT PERFORMANCE: EFFICIENT USE OF RESOURCES ISMETT: GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ISMETT • • Public-private partnership between the Region of Sicily and UPMC. Limited liability company: 55% Civico Hospital of Palermo (representing the Sicilian Public Health Care System); 45% UPMC. The facility belongs to Civico Hospital; UPMC has full responsibility for professional and administrative management of ISMETT. UPMC selects, hires and retains physicians, management and some technical staff. ISMETT selects, hires and retains nurses and other clinical and technical staff. Hospital operations are funded by the region on the basis of clinical, educational and research activities performed UPMC receives a fixed management fee and a fee based on clinical activity volumes. • • • • • 2 SECOND ”FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT" BETWEEN REGION OF SICILY, CIVICO AND CERVELLO HOSPITALS, AND UPMC INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS "The financial commitment herein defined and accepted by the Region of Sicily is also motivated and finalized for the development and promotion of ISMETT’s role as: (i) center of excellence and high clinical specialization; (ii) support to other centers of the regional health system and academic and research institutions for projects and collaborations focusing on the development of new procedures and technology solutions, and medical and scientific training; (iii) means for transfer and dissemination in Sicily, with the projects referred to above, of UPMC's know-how and technology throughout the duration of the collaboration with UPMC; (iv) consultant to the Region of Sicily for the development and implementation of these projects and related research." December 2003 With the Second Framework ISMETT is entrusted not only to provide patient care of excellence, but also in an expanded role to improve the regional health system, research and training. The mandate further distinguishes Ismett from other acute care hospitals in Sicily and Italy. 3 ISMETT: CLINICAL, EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH PERFORMANCE ISMETT MILESTONES OVER 15 YEARS SINCE INCEPTION developed multiorgan transplantation, cardiothoracic and abdominal surgery programs with outcomes among the best at national and international levels. deduced the passive migration of patients outside of Sicily and treated patients from other Italian regions and abroad. attracted over €40 million in research grants. attained research hospital status from the Ministry of Health trained thousands of health care professionals using advanced methods (i.e. medical simulation and telemedicine) attracted to Sicily young highly educated italian health care professional and scientists. attained JCI Accreditation 4 ISMETT: THE COST ISSUE The quality of care provided by ISMETT is well recognized and appreciated. The cost of ISMETT is perceived and represented as “too high” with respect to the number of beds. ISMETT cost efficiency, when measured in terms of the complexity of the clinical care provided, outpaces nearly all other hospitals in Italy across various measures. 5 METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY “ DRG-weighted admissions seemed a more appropriate approach versus the number of admissions or the total days of hospital stay, as more akin to the idea of care that a hospital should provide. Also, this is more coherent with the current fees of acute care hospitals that provide for a remuneration based on admissions and only partially on the number of days of hospital stay. DRG weighting allows to take into account the relative complexity of admissions and therefore the degree of cost absorption for each homogeneous diagnostic related group.” From: Technical Efficiency of Italian Public Hospitals”Economy and Finance Issues-Occasional Papers; Bank of Italy-Eurosystem, 2008 Evaluating the efficiency is crucial to objectively assess the use and allocation of resources. In order to compare the efficiency of ISMETT with other acute care hospitals we used the same method of a recent study performed by the Bank of Italy to assess the technical efficiency of Italian public hospitals. This method uses DRG weighting as a tool to assess the complexity of performance. 6 DRG, COMPLEXITY AND REIMBURSEMENT The DRG system classifies all patients discharged by a hospital in homogeneous groups in terms of resource consumption. Different diseases and procedures are grouped together when they use the same amount of resources. This allows economic quantification of the use of resources and reimbursements from each single care event. One of the purposes of the system is to monitor and contain health care expenditure. Each DRG has a numeric "weight" that represents the amount reimbursed to the hospital by the health system. Diseases or services are "weighted" based on the amount of the required resources (staff, medications, etc.). Higher levels of complexity are associated with higher reimbursements. 7 ad essere fra loro coerenti per classi omogenee, nelle analisi di secondo stadio verranno comunque adoperate le stime del campione unico inserendo tra i fattori di controllo variabili SIZE OF12HOSPITALS ANDcheCOMPLEXITY OF ADMISSIONS possano tenere conto della composizione dell’output e in particolare della complessità delle prestazioni. Fig. 2 Fig. 1 SCALE PROFITS BASED ON NUMBER OF BEDS I RENDI M ENTI DI SCALA I N BASE AI POSTI LETTO (percentage variance compared minimum efficiency scale) (scostamenti percentuali rispettotoalla scala minima efficiente) OPTIMUM SCALE BASED ON COMPLEXITY OF ADMISSIONS SCALA OTTI M ALE I N BASE ALLA COM PLESSI TÀ DEI RI COVERI (beds) (posti letto) .5 500 450 400 0 350 scale_ 300 250 -.5 200 150 100 -1 50 0 500 1000 1500 0 letti q1 q2 q3 q4 Un ulteriore aspetto del processo produttivo suscettibile di influire sulla stima La dimensione ottimale non è però un parametro fisso e può risentire della specificità dell’efficienza è rappresentato dall’ampiezza nella gamma delle prestazioni fornite dalle Complexity el processo produttivo. Un fattore rilevante a tale riguardo è rappresentato dal modello di strutture ospedaliere. Un on indicatore tipicamente per of misurare By dividing the hospital sample in four groups the basis of theutilizzato amount highlyil grado di pecializzazione dei ricoveri e quindi dall’output mix (Cfr. Banker et al, 1986). 11 diversificazione rappresentato dal cd. indiceincreases di entropia . Sul legame efficienza tecnica complex admissions, the optimal scale è(chart on the right) with thefraincrease of Suddividendo il campione in quattro gruppi in base alla quota di ricoveri ad alta complessità, complex admissions. The hospitals moredei specialized in high complexity an optimum e diversificazione ricoveri influisce la presenza da un latohave di economie di scopo e a scala ottimale10 risulta crescente all’aumentare della quota di ricoveri complessi: le size of approximately 500 beds. dall’altro di economie di specializzazione. Naturalmente l’approfondimento di questo trutture più specializzate nell’alta complessità presentano una dimensione ottimale legame richiederebbe di analizzare in maniera più specifica le interrelazioni fra le diverse It is tende interesting to note athat in the Bank of Italy study: ll’incirca di 500 posti letto mentre questa progressivamente ridursi per tutte le altre sampled hospitals have from less thandi100 to over beds tipologie ricovero. Nel1,000 presente studio ci limiteremo ad utilizzare l’indice suddetto per fig. 2). the ideal size to maximize the efficiency of acute care hospitals with high inferire l’impatto sull’efficienza che scaturisce dalcomplexity modello di admissions produzione siaisquesto approx. 500 beds Un esercizio di robustezza è consistito nel confrontare le stime dell’efficienza di scala orientato a fornire una gamma diversificata di prestazioni oppure comunque specializzato. el campione 8 unico con quelle che si ottengono separatamente per ciascun quartile, stimando 11 Si tratta di un indice assoluto elaborato dal Ministero della Salute che “misura l’eterogeneità della n questo modo la frontiera di produzione per sottocampioni più omogenei al loro interno. ripartizione dei dimessi nei vari DRG”. ALTEMS PERFORMANCE STUDY “Based on the assumption that every public choice or decision should balance economic rationality and political discretion, the analysis of the most appropriate and objective indicators able to demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and appropriateness, should be the main information underlining such decisions. This however is not always easy, especially when the goal is to measure not so much the productivity and efficiency, but the efficacy and outcomes of the procedures.” From: Comparison among the main Lazio hospitals and some national hospitals: Economic and Financial Performance” – High School of Economics and Managements of Health Care Systems, Working Paper 2/2013 In 2013, a working paper was published by the High School of Economics and Management of Health Systems (ALTEMS) of the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome, with the goal to study the efficiency of some hospitals in the Region of Lazio and in other Italian regions. 9 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The outcomes of the ALTEMS study cover the following areas: • Performance indicators • Management indicators • Reclassified profit and loss statements • Economical-financial indicators Performance of the hospitals (# beds) and staff (in its various categories) was measured taking as reference the admissionrelated hospital activity. The following indicators were calculated: •Discharges per bed = Number of discharged patients (inpatients + DH/DS) / Total average active beds in the period •Discharges weighted for bed = Number of discharged patients (inpatients + DH/DS) * CMI (case mix index) / Total average active beds in the period •Discharges per physician = Number of discharged patients (inpatients + DH/DS) / Total physicians •Discharges per nurse = Number of discharged patients (inpatients + DH/DS) / Total nurses The management indicators considered mainly concern the hospital staff. The indicator selected for the analysis is the cost of one full-time equivalent (FTE) obtained from the ratio between P&L statement cost items for salaries and wages, contributions, and regional tax for productive activities (IRAP), and the number of hospital employees on term contracts. This analysis uses performance indicators that, as in the Bank of Italy study, weigh the operational, management, and economical-financial parameters according to the average DRG weight. By virtue of the weighting by average DRG weight, these indicators allow to assess the hospitals' performance based on the ratio between (human and economical-financial) resources and "production of care" and not, as often occurs, simply taking into account the ratio between hospital management costs and the number of beds. 10 2010 BALANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS A.O. San Indicatore Average DRG weight Performance Giovanni San Filippo A. O. * Molinette ˄ Neri S.Camillo Umberto A. O. 1,03 1,18 1,07 1,10 1,14 1,03 45,50 45,50 48,00 53,60 60,70 55,00 46,80 53,70 51,30 59,00 69,20 56,60 61,20 54,10 58,30 95,50 62,10 104,70 63,00 63,80 62,40 105,10 107,70 28,50 23,00 38,70 33,30 70,70 38,6 0 S.Andrea * Vergata * Policl. * Primo * Policl. Tor * * Gemelli 2,74 1,03 65,58 41,10 179,64 42,30 65,58 59,80 179,64 61,60 Discharges per nurse 18,10 27,60 Discharges weighted by nurse 49,58 28,40 29,40 27,20 41,40 36,60 44,00 49,00 Cost of goods and services / Weighted discharges € 2.805 € 2.589 € 3.771 € 2.942 € 4.093 € 4.243 € 4.957 € 2.076 Cost of staff + IRAP / Weighted discharges € 2.988 € 4.549 € 4.523 € 4.963 € 2.456 € 3.831 € 1.841 € 2.518 € 1.148.903 € 328.642 € 414.820 € 477.409 € 390.307 € 526.074 € 520.150 € 336.770 € 419.462 € 319.070 € 402.738 € 404.584 € 364.773 € 478.249 € 456.272 € 326.961 € 7.512 € 5.940 Discharges per bed Economic-Financial ISMETT Discharges weighted by bed Discharges per physician Discharges weighted by physician Internal cost of production (ICP) / Beds Internal cost of production (ICP) / Weighted beds Internal cost of production (ICP) Weighted discharges (Inpt + DH) Reddito Operativo Netto (RON) / Posti Letto * € 6.396 43,10 52,60 24,20 € 509.271 € 7.761 -€ 117.035,00 -€ 7.967,00 Lazio Region (Center Italy) Public Hospital ˄ Piemonte Region (North Italy) Public Hospital For ISMETT: - cost of staff includes all UPMC personnel - cost of goods and services includes the full cost for UPMC services € 8.861 € 8.886 € 7.602 € 8.921 -€ 156.421,00 -€ 177.548,00 -€ 82.561,00 -€ 130.704,00 47,60 -€ 153.097,00 -€ 23.779,00 Note: - "weighted" indicators are normalized to the hospital's average DRG weight - the average DRG weight includes all categories: • Regular Admissions: 4.08 average weight (ISMETT) • Day Hospital: 1.28 average weight (ISMETT) To assess ISMETT's performance we used the ALTEMS study indicators referred to the 2010 balances of ISMETT and of the ALTEMS study hospitals. It is important to note that the ALTEMS study hospitals have between 433 and 1893 beds and therefore with economies of scale much more favorable than ISMETT that, in 2010, had 70 beds. This analysis shows: • ISMETT has an average DRG weight (inpatients + DH) 230% higher than the most complex facility included in the study (S. Camillo Hospital) • the number of discharged patients weighted by DRG, bed, and physician is higher by 150% and 65% respectively compared to the two most complex hospitals. The discharged patients per nurse are higher by 1.2% 11 • weighted costs of staff and goods & services fall within the low-end range of the other hospitals, as also does the cost of production weighted by bed and discharged patients. AVERAGE DRG WEIGHT: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Average DRG weight Italian public hospitals in black The average DRG weight is the indicator of the complexity of the clinical conditions treated and patient care provided. 12 NUMBER OF DISCHARGED PATIENTS PER BED: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Discharges per bed Discharges weighted by bed The number of discharged patients per bed (green) is an indicator of an efficient use of beds and resources associated with the hospital stay (work of physicians, nurses, general management costs, etc.) Overall, ISMETT has the highest number of discharged patients per bed. When this datum is weighted by patient and treatment complexity (purple), ISMETT shows extraordinarily higher levels of efficiency. 13 NUMBER OF DISCHARGED PATIENTS PER PHYSICIAN AND NURSE: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Discharges per physician Discharges per nurse The number of discharged patients per physician (green) and nurse (purple) reflects the medical and nursing workload and the facility's commitment to these resources. ISMETT has a number of discharged patients per physician in line with the larger hospitals included in the study. The number of discharged patients per nurse is instead lower because, given the high level of specialization and the need to ensure safe and quality care 24/7, ISMETT invests considerable resources on the nursing staff and on their work. 14 NUMBER OF DISCHARGED PATIENTS WEIGHTED FOR PHYSICIAN AND NURSE: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Discharges weighted by physician Discharges weighted by nurse When the number of discharged patients per physician is weighted by complexity (green) ISMETT once more proves much more efficient than the other hospitals. A higher number of discharged patients means shorter hospital stays which in turn express the quality of the clinical outcomes. A shorter hospital stay is in fact a result of lesser complications, one of the main causes of prolonged hospitalizations. The number of discharged patients per nurse weighted by complexity (purple) at ISMETT is also better, albeit only slightly, than the other hospitals. This difference is not so evident also because ISMETT’s ICU beds are 20% of the total beds. Other hospitals have a percentage of ICU beds of less than 10%. In the ICU the nurse-to-bed ratio is 1:1, 1:2 . This ratio is 15 considerably higher than in the inpatient units. COST OF GOODS & SERVICES AND STAFF PER WEIGHTED DISCHARGES: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Cost of goods and services / Weighted discharges Cost of staff + IRAP / Weighted discharges Costs of goods and services in € (green) include all costs to purchase medications, biomedical devices, utilities (electricity, telephone, etc.), services, etc. for ISMETT. These costs include the UPMC management contract. Costs of staff + taxes in € (purple) includes cost of all personnel (physicians, nurses, technicians and administrative staff).For ISMETT this includes all staff employed by ISMETT and UPMC. The two cost categories are weighted by discharged patients; at ISMETT these are among the lowest. 16 INTERNAL COST OF PRODUCTION (CPI) / BED: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Internal cost of production (ICP) / Beds The internal cost of production is the cost paid by a hospital to provide care to its patients. This includes costs for goods and services, personnel, depreciation, write-downs, accruals, etc. The cost divided by the number of beds does not take into account the complexity of the patients treated and provided care. Moreover, it fails to take into account the number of patients treated with respect to the number of beds, i.e. the occupation rate. This chart would indicate has ISMETT a cost/bed ratio that is much higher than the other hospitals. 17 INTERNAL COST OF PRODUCTION (CPI) / WEIGHTED BEDS: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Internal cost of production (ICP) / Beds If we appropriately assess the costs per bed, i.e. weighting them by complexity, it is clear how ISMETT's costs are in line with those of the other hospitals. This indicator, however, still does not take into account the occupation rate, or the overall quality of outcomes. It takes into account the complexity of the cases, but not the number of treated patients, or outcomes. 18 INTERNAL COST OF PRODUCTION (CPI) PER WEIGHTED DISCHARGES: ALTEMS STUDY + ISMETT Internal cost of production (ICP) / Weighted discharges (Inpt + DH) The cost per weighted discharges reflects both the complexity and the number of patients and therapeutic procedures performed. This is the indicator of the utilized resources that better reflects the efficiency of an acute care hospital. ISMETT has the lowest internal cost of production per weighted discharges among the hospitals included in the sample, after Policlinico Gemelli in Rome, which is slightly lower. It should however be noted that Policlinico Gemelli has over 1,800 beds, 19 therefore a much more favorable economy of scale than ISMETT. FINANCING FOR FACILITY: 2013 Source: Economic data published on the facilities' institutional web sites Note: Data reclassified for accounting homogeneity from 2013 balance of the single facilities. E.g. Main P&L statement items reclassified in: Ref. 6 - Other revenues A.4.C) Revenues for clinical services and social services of clinical relevance provided to private patients A.4.D) Revenues for clinical services provided with in-hospital private medical practice Production percentage DRG on total financing Acute care hospitals are financed with the reimbursement of their DRG production, to which funding for their "functions" is added to remunerate the activity (e.g., emergency rooms not providing DRG-related services) and cover additional costs. Is often stated that ISMETT has excessive differential between its DRG production and the total financing it receives from the Regional Health Fund. By comparing 2013 balance data it is evident how ISMETT, much smaller in size than other hospitals to which it is compared, has a DRG production of 36.5% of the total financing, i.e. slightly less than the much larger Sicilian hospitals. 20 PRODUCTION / TOTAL FSR FUNDING RATIO Data of previous table is shown in this chart. FSR = Regional Health Fund 21 COMPARED REGION OF SICILY HOSPITALS: The medical, nursing and overall ISMETT staff is compared with that of other Sicilian clinical hospitals in relation to the number of beds and average DRG weight. 2012 Indicators Data ISMETT Civico- Di Cristina Palermo Villa SofiaCervello Palermo P.Giaccone Palermo S. Giovanni Di Dio Agrigento Cannizzaro Catania S. Antonio Abate Trapani PapardoPiemonte Messina Beds 78 688 621 478 237 508 223 434 ICU beds 16 38 42 16 14 30 8 24 20,5% 5,5% 6,8% 3,3% 5,9% 5,9% 3,6% 5,5% Medical staff 92 674 532 478 139 409 167 390 Nursing staff 299 1.319 966 687 274 690 358 699 Total staff 753 2.792 2.401 1.937 596 1.380 792 1.543 Average DRG weight 3,03 1,05 1,21 1,17 0,87 1,16 0,96 1,19 Physicians / Beds 1,18 0,98 0,86 1,00 0,59 0,81 0,75 0,90 Physicians / Weighted beds 0,39 0,94 0,71 0,86 0,68 0,69 0,78 0,76 Nurses / Beds 3,83 1,92 1,56 1,44 1,16 1,36 1,61 1,61 Nurses / Weighted beds 1,27 1,83 1,28 1,23 1,33 1,17 1,68 1,35 Total staff / Beds 9,65 4,06 3,87 4,05 2,51 2,72 3,55 3,56 Total staff / Weighted beds 3,19 3,88 3,19 3,47 2,90 2,34 3,72 2,99 ICU beds / Total beds Source: Ministry of Health - Database archive (updated 2012) - Region of Sicily - Assessorato alla Salute – Department of Strategic Planning - area 4 - Note: Regular admissions. The number of intensive care beds includes ICU and Neonatal ICU. NHS and university personnel (for ISMETT this includes ISMETT and UPMC staff) The comparison with other Sicilian hospitals confirms ISMETT's high level of specialization (average weight almost three times higher and percentage of ICU beds over three times higher). The total number of physicians, nurses and staff per weighted bed is either lower or in line with that of the other compared hospitals. Once again this data confirms the 22 extremely high level of efficiency of ISMETT that would be even higher if the number of beds were not so limited, and thus associated with totally unfavorable economies of scale. The table's data is reported in the charts in following slides (20-23). COMPARED SICILIAN HOSPITALS: AVERAGE DRG WEIGHT 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 23 COMPARED SICILIAN HOSPITALS: NUMBER OF PHYSICIANS PER BED AND WEIGHTED BEDS 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 24 Physicians / Beds Physicians / Weighted beds COMPARED SICILIAN HOSPITALS: NUMBER OF NURSES PER BED AND WEIGHTED BEDS 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 25 Nurses / Beds Nurses / Weighted beds COMPARED SICILIAN HOSPITALS: TOTAL STAFF PER BED AND WEIGHTED BEDS 10 8 6 Total staff / Beds Total staff / Weighted beds 4 2 0 26 CONSIDERATIONS ON PERFORMANCE DATA Data show how ISMETT’s costs, evalued in terms of clinical complexity, volume of patients treated and levels of provided care, are lower than those of large acute care public hospitals. These results are obtained by a small-size facility, with adverse economies of scale, and delivering high-quality services. Additional significant efficiency improvements could be achieved by increasing its size. ISMETT has high levels of internal efficiency and should be considered a management model for the regional and national health system. ISMETT performance indicates that public-private partnership, in which a private partner has extensive know-how in health care, can provide high quality patient care at lower costs Appropriate methodology needs to be used to properly evaluate health care organization performance 27