nobela - aaronjohnalmeda


nobela - aaronjohnalmeda
Bachelor of Science in Information System
Submitted to:
Sir Paul Pajo
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - The Writer’s Point of View About The law
Chapter 2 - Sexual Desire
Chapter 3 - Bully
Chapter 4 - Real World
Chapter 5 - Plagiarism
Chapter 6 - The Day Without Cybercrime Law
Chapter 7 - Janina
Chapter 8 - Computer Stupidity
Chapter 9 – Thank you!
About the author
My name is Aaron John C. Almeda, a student of the De La Salle College of Saint
I will write a simple novel about how cyber crime law exists in this year
2012. Being an Information System student, I learned a lot of things through the
use of internet. Uhum, by the way let us skip on that coz I’m not on the part or in
the body of this novel. Anyway let’s go to my family background: My mother is a
businesswoman while my father is a retired policeman. I am the youngest in our
family, and I have one brother and one sister. I know for myself that I am writing
this novel because of them, my family, who are my inspiration. Well this is not for
the sake of passing IT Ethics, so let’s get started, enough for this.
CHAPTER 1 - The writer’s Point of View About The Law
What is cybercrime law? Well according to Wikipedia, Cybercrime Prevention Act
of 2012 - The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, officially recorded as Republic Act
No. 10175, is a law in the Philippines approved on 12 September 2012. It aims to
address legal issues concerning online interactions and the Internet in the
Philippines. Among the cybercrime offenses included in the bill are cyber squatting,
cybersex, child pornography, identity theft, illegal access to data and libel. This the
meaning of cyber crime law - thanks for Wikipedia help. So, I guess the law is now
clear to you because as you can see, the meaning is very clear and obvious which you
can easily understand by looking on it. Now, let us start the real novel, as a writer of
this novel, I will tell you straight that there are two (2) kinds of people in the world
who think about cyber crime law? One is the pro-cybercrime and second is the
anti-cybercrime law. So, I will tell you now at this point that I am not in favour of
this law. You want to know why? Because it‘s simple, I will tell you the answer:
cybercrime is unhealthy because it rules what to do. By means of what to do here is
my simple explanation for that, uhm... we all know that some people are
pro-cybercrime; and we cannot judge them because that‘s what they think about
the law. Now, let‘s go to the other side; the anti-cybercrime law side uhm.. well
there‘s a lot of things we can do over the internet right? And we really all know
that internet is a very useful thing in our days because we can communicate, we
make exchange of ideas, or we can fight by using the internet. For me this
practicality of the cybercrime law is just a pain in the ass because many people suffer
hard time to this law. For example, I‘m using the internet now but I‘m not aware
of this law, therefore I don‘t have any idea that I already violated something and I
will get arrested and suffer 12 years in the jail? See! that one is pathetic but other
people think differently about this law: for them this law is good. Now let me go to
the good side of the law.
I think there are few things that the law has first no one
will get fight to the internet uhm second no one can be allowed to speak bad words
or harassing using networking and blogs, they will become more serious in using
internet and by means of that oh wait I forgot something to tell I think one of the
good reasons why cybercrime law was enacted as a law was because of the politics
sake. Imagine if I am one of the activists how can I fight against the government? I
will use gun or sword or anything if I want to fight them? I will rather use tank and
destroy them. Oh! I‘m just kidding... I‘m just relaxing myself while writing this
novel. Ok, back to serious mode so as a good thinker tell me how to fight with the
people in the government? Do you have an idea? Well, this days cybercrime is
really approved but what are the consequences? - that people need to suffer? Here‘s
one example: one senator did bad thing, how will you tell your feelings with that
senator if you know that cybercrime law is there? I think I will call you crazy if you go
to the Senate and will shout at there that you’re not in the right track Mr. Senator!
But if you do it online maybe you‘ll be in prison 12 years. So as a normal citizen you
just need to quiet and sit down and wait for them to do such thing that will destroy
the country. See... that one is really bad to think of, but here‘s one thing, by this time
maybe some people who can attack the government are the hackers but not all
people can hack a system. There are few of them who can do it. So at this point I‘m
really pieced off why did they enacted this kind of law? I really need a time now to
relax. I will end the first chapter here and while thinking for the next chapter I
want to thank the Wikipedia about the meaning of cybercrimeshit oh i mean law.
Chapter 2 - Sexual Desire
I don‘t know why I made this chapter, but one thing is for sure this is part of the law.
Because we all know with the use of internet we can have a sexual desire but I know
there is a different part of law that scope this one and it is called the cyber sex. I
choose this chapter because using cyber sex is also violating the cybercrime law. Oh..
wait let me elaborate what is cyber sex. I need to search on that for further
understanding. Let me use the internet for getting the source of cyber sex. Ok here
we go Cybersex, also called computer sex, Internet sex, netsex, mudsex, TinySex and,
colloquially, cybering or conversex is a virtual sex encounter in which two or more
persons connected remotely via computer network send each other sexually explicit
messages describing a sexual experience. In one form, this fantasy sex is
accomplished by the participants describing their actions and responding to their
chat partners in a mostly written form designed to stimulate their own sexual
feelings and fantasies.
[1] Cybersex sometimes includes real life masturbation.[2] The quality of a cybersex
encounter typically depends upon the participants' abilities to evoke a vivid, visceral
mental picture in the minds of their partners. Imagination and suspension of
disbelief are also critically important. Cybersex can occur either within the context of
existing or intimate relationships, e.g. among lovers who are geographically
separated, or among individuals who have no prior knowledge of one another and
meet in virtual spaces or cyberspaces and may even remain anonymous to one
another. In some contexts cybersex is enhanced by the use of a webcam to transmit
real-time video of the partners.
Channels used to initiate cybersex are not necessarily exclusively devoted to that
subject, and participants in any Internet chat may suddenly receive a message with
any possible variation of the text "Wanna cyber?", "Wanna cam?" or a request for
"C2C"/"C4C" ("cam to cam" and "cam for cam", respectively).
Cybersex is commonly performed in Internet chat rooms (such as IRC, talkers or web
chats) and on instant messaging systems. It can also be performed using webcams,
voice chat systems like Skype, or online games and/or virtual worlds like Second Life.
The exact definition of cybersex―specifically, whether real-life masturbation must
be taking place for the online sex act to count as cybersex―is up for debate.[3] It is
also fairly frequent in online role-playing games, such as MUDs and MMORPGs,
though approval of this activity varies greatly from game to game. Some online social
games like Red Light Center are dedicated to cybersex and other adult behaviours.
These online games are often called AMMORPGs. In other games of the wider
MMORPG genre, it ranges from widely accepted to the point of game
masters/moderators taking part, such as in Final Fantasy Online[citation needed], to
moderated based on player reports, as in World of Warcraft[citation needed], to
grounds for a suspension from play or a permanent banishment, as in EVE Online
and Anarchy Online[citation needed].
[4]Cybersex may also be accomplished through the use of avatars in a multiuser
software environment. It is often called mudsex or netsex in MUDs. In TinyMUD
variants, particularly MUCKs, the term TinySex (TS) is very common [5] Though
text-based cybersex has been in practice for decades,[6] the increased popularity of
webcams has raised the number of online partners using two-way video connections
to "expose" themselves to each other online―giving the act of cybersex a more
visual aspect. There are a number of popular, commercial webcam websites that
allow people to openly masturbate on camera while others watch them.[7] Using
similar sites, couples can also perform on camera for the enjoyment of others.
Cybersex differs from phone sex in that it offers a greater degree of anonymity and
allows participants to meet partners more easily. A good deal of cybersex takes place
between partners who have just met online.[citation needed] Unlike phone sex,
cybersex in chat rooms is rarely commercial. In online worlds like Second Life and via
webcam-focused chat services, however, Internet sex workers engage in cybersex in
exchange for both virtual and real-life currency.[8]
Now it‘s pretty clear you know now what is cyber sex. Let me thank again my
friendly internet for giving this answer, thanks again Wikipedia.
Let me make a story about these two laws. I will unite these two laws into one.
In this kind of scenario there are bad things and good things on it. You wanna
know why?
Ok, we will start with the scenario of the bad side. For example, we have three
characters, two girls and a guy ages 20 and above. Let me think what will I call
the game. I‘m talking with character names uhm ok I decided the guy‘s name is
Bong and he is a college student in one of the best universities in Manila. His
hobbies are to play basket ball and hang out with friends. I‘m ok with the guy
name Bong. Now let‘s go on to one of the girls. What is the best name that suits
for this girl? Let me think about it ahm.. I will make it the girl friend of Bong so
what name suits for her. Ok I decided already that I will call her Beng. Beng is one
of the best volleyball player and she loves basketball player boyfriend that‘s make
suit to each other, they are both same player in the university. Now I have one
more character left and still a girl and her job in the story is for the bad side. So let
us focus with these two, namely Bong and the unknown girl. I don‘t have a name
for her but mean while I will think about it so let‘s start the bad thing in this chapter.
Bong is a happy man and he wants to be friends with those people who have a night
life. In short, he wants to meet girls or friends in the club or party or anywhere. One
night Bong went to a party with his friends and all of the guys in the group have their
respective partner. I‘m not saying Bong is ugly on the story, but he is not
interested in just simple beauty, he likes a sure pretty girl who will suit his tastes.
Now while in the club their group is having fun with their respective partners, but
Bong seems out of place because he is alone. He doesn‘t have a partner. Some
of the girls in the group is interested in him, but Bong refuses them because he
respects friendship, he doesn‘t want to destroy the friendship by means of girls, so
the group continues in having fun. After an hour, someone noticed Bong drinking
alone in a round table, and he is so messed up with the girl to his place and told,
―hey you‘re not with somebody? Aren‘t you?‖ the girl ask. Bong is really surprised
with what he has seen on his two tipsy eyes, he got stunned for at least two seconds
and realizing that this one is the type of girl he wanted, to be with her all the night
Bong said to himself. Now the girl said, ―hey handsome with tipsy eyes can I sit
beside you? I want to accompany you.‖ Bong was really surprised hearing that chick
wants to stay in his side. Bong said, ―sure why not!‖, and he smiled. Bong threw
a joke, ―hey maybe your boyfriend will get angry, maybe he will shoot me when he
sees you sitting beside me.‖ And the girl laughed and said, ―you‘re so funny, I‘m
not supposed to be here if I have a boyfriend accompany me right? Bong smiled
and said, ―by the way who is with you tonight? are you with a group or are all alone
in this kind of place?‖ The girl answered, ―I‘m alone, just having fun in here. I
always do this, hoping to find someone like you.‖, and the girl smiled to Bong.
Bong replied to her, ― you‘re making me "bola" ah and laugh, so can I offer you a
drink? what do you want?‖ bong ask. The girl replied, ― what do you have there?‖
Bong answered, ―I have here 6 bottles of beer, do you drink beer?‖ he asked the
girl. ―Yes I drink beer,‖ said the girl with a smile. And that night they started talking
to each other for 3 hours, and Bong is enjoying the night with that girl. And before
they will leave the place she asked about the number. Bong said, ―wait before you
go, can I ask your name and can you please tell me your number.‖ The girl did not
hesitate and say ok sure I think you‘re trustworthy, and I‘m going to make you my
chatmate or textmate‖, said the girl. Bong replied, ―ok here is my cellphone,
save your name and your number and also your email address as in save everything
you have.‖ Girl said, ―ok ill do it.‖ After that when the two newly found friends
getting to know each other‘s contact number, the girl left the place immediately.
While Bong is checking to his cellphone to tex the girl. While texting he realized that
the name of the girl is very sweet, the name is Candy. Bong smiled and texted Candy
hey got your number and please save mine i want you to text me if you received this
message. And the two friends doing together text messages. After several weeks
they are still texting each other.
Still after one month of knowing each other texting and texting to one another. And
the points come that their not satisfied with the text of each other Candy asks Bong
to call her on skype so then can see each other while talking . Bong replied ok candy i
will call you when they got to speak to each other and also see each other faces bong
said hey you look cute with your pajamas and candy fire back and you look more a
man with that sando. That night their relationship to one another has been getting
stronger. But Candy told, ― hey Bong can we be just like this all the time, no
commitment and no love because I‘m afraid to loose you, so please grant my
request. Bong said ok Candy if that‘s what you want.
In that scenario of the story where now close to the bad thing of the cybercrime law
and also with cybersex so let me continue this story of Bong and Candy. But wait it‘s
already 2:00 AM, I feel sleepy to make the story and I want to still continue but
my mind don‘t response, so let me cut the story in here, maybe I will continue
tomorrow when I wake up. So you readers you need to sleep early, ok, goodnight.
Stop reading the next part just rest or sleep... lol....
The bad things about this chapter start here. Before you go here let me refresh my
memories about what I wrote last night. Well they promised each other by without
leaving anyone. And here the story goes... after a week, both of them still calling
each other and they didn‘t waste the time for talking and staring one another. Bong
notice that candy is more prettier, and he is so attracted to her. Bong admitted to
Candy that he maybe fall in love with her. Candy said, ‗‘hey you already forgot our
promised.‖ Bong said, ― no, I am just telling the truth Candy.‖ Candy asked Bong this
question and she said hey bong can ask you something and this is serious ahm Candy
said do you ever feel horny when we are speaking and staring to each other? And
Bong is shocked he felt shame on himself, but after a minute he decided to answer
Candy‘s question. Bong said to her, ―ok I admit it my answer is yes.‖ Bong
explained what he felt and said, ―hey Candy I‘m just a man and for me you are so
perfect, every time I look at you I felt something my body is getting hotter and I
really want to hug you and to kiss you. Candy smiled, so ―Bong you have a sexual
desire over me?‖ Bong answered ―yes I have but that is impossible to happen.
Candy laughed, that is what you think hahahah i think we can have pleasure of sex
tonight. Bong said how Candy how? Candy answered his question, ― it‘s simple,
let‘s do it over the internet.‖ ―Oh can we do it by that?‖asked Bonng. Candy
replied, ―yeah I usually do it with my ex boyfriend.‖ But Candy we are not in that
kind of relationship?‖, Bong replied. Candy smiled, it‘s ok to do with you because
I think I have a soft feelings to you. Bong said, ―Hey Candy I don‘t know how to do
this one can you teach me?‖ Oh its simple just take off our clothes and imagine each
other and let‘s play on our self, can you do that for me? said Candy. Bong replied,
I‘m ashamed but yes candy...
They do whatever it happened on that day. I think I will end the story with that
scenario because my novel is rated pg so I will not tackle sexual intercourse. Just let
me explain how this story become the bad side. For me as writer it‘s really obvious
the two characters of the story violated two rules of law, i.e. the cybersex and
cybercrime law. First is the cybersex because the two people doing this act without
relationship to one another has violated the law because Bong and Candy does not
have feeling of love to each other and they keep doing that action over the internet.
Now why the two violated the cybercrime? It‘s really obvious again because they
were doing a crime yeah that‘s a crime because it‘s wrong, it‘s like what I said in
the cybersex but here is much more exciting because here you can be arrested by
the police while doing the act its really violated the cybercrime law.
Now let me think about the second story and this one is the good side. I will make
a vice versa of the bad side of this chapter. Oh... I forgot the name of the first girl.
Ok upon reviewing my novel I remember the name of the girl is Beng. And still i will
be using the same guy for this story. Here the story goes... as I said earlier Bong is a
basketball player and he is so good in the game, he is so active with this sports.
While Beng is a volleyball player, she loves to play volleyball and she is pretty and
smart and always top of the class. One day in their college life, Bong and Beng
are already dating each other and they are good looking couple. Some of Bong‘s
friends are envy to him because he has a good girlfriend and it‘s really hot. Same
as scenario with Bong, Beng‘s friends are envious to her because Bong is a good
basketball player and handsome to. When the couple is walking in the campus lots of
people are staring at them because the two really suit to each other. So let me jump
the story hahaha as a writer no one can stop me what ever i will do to my story
that‘s one of the good points of being a writer. So after the couple graduated,
Beng is now going to Canada because of work while Bong will stay here in the
Philippines. Bong was very upset when she knows that Beng will leave her for 2
years. Bong confronted Beng about her job, and he tried to stop her, but Beng said
to Bong, ―hay honey this is not for me it‘s for us, for our future.‖ Bong is crying
while speaking to Beng and out of nowhere offered Beng something. ―Ok Beng
before you go to Canada next month can you please marry me?‖, Bong said, while
he holds a thing and that thing is a ring. Beng was shocked and cried and said to
Bong, ―that‘s what I am waiting for you to ask me honey so why can I reject that
offer which I know I will never regret it. Ok Bong let‘s get marry two weeks before I
go to canada.‖ Bong said ok but still you can see the sadness on his face for might
loosing a lover for two years. Writer side oh its me again the writer lol its such a
sweet thing happened to these two persons, it‘s really sweet i guess this two
characters will be having a good family someday. Ok enough for the writer side let
me go into the story so let‘s continue here at this point Bong and Beng are busy
preparing for their wedding because it‘s really out of nowhere when Bong proposed
to Beng. They decided to marry in the civil rite. Beng said ―after 2years when i get
back let‘s marry again in the church.‖ Bong replied, ― ok babe, i will wait for that
hope you still love me in that time‖, and Bong smiled. ―Oh sure hon my love for
you is endless, you will become the father of my children.‖ Beng said.
Now let‘s move on to the wedding - the start of a new chapter of life Bong and
Beng. After the wedding Beng still have two weeks for Bong before she will leave
for Canada. The couple spent time to each other. Oh I forgot to include the
honeymoon of the couple lol. As I said a while ago, this is rated pg no sexual abuse
or introduction hahaha. When the time goes by, Beng really needs to leave and
Bong cried and cried on Beng‘s shoulder hugging her tightly and kissing her sweetly
and lovingly. Bong said, ― take care darling I will surely miss you so much and
please don‘t look to those foreigners there ok honey just keep in touch i love you so
much Beng!‖ Beng laugh, ― hahah! Foreigner? I already have you, so all the boys
there are nothing compared to you honey. I love you more and i always will until i
breath! take care of yourself and don‘t look to other woman i have an eye on you
even i am not around ok,‖ She kissed Bong and hug him tightly while saying, ― i love
so until we met again honey i will call you always promise i love you.‖ After one
month Beng went to canada. Bong always speak to her and telling story about
each other. And now as a writer it‘s my turn to explain some things in here. I will
now enter the good side of this chapter so read carefully I will go straight to the
point. Bong and Beng doing sexual intercourse because when they horny to each
other they pleasure each other by doing in through internet they do this once a
month. I think nothing is bad with that as a married couple because being married
couple, sex is a must to express your feelings to your partner, but the problem is
here why if your partner is not around like Beng. How can Bong pleasure himself
in terms of sexual desire for his wife? If you are in Bong‘s shoe, are you going to
get a new girl just to satisfy your sexual urge to your wife? I think no because as a
married man you have promised that you will not hurt your wife, you only give her a
faithful and true love and pampered her. So I think the cybercrime law and the
cybersex law thing in the situation of a legally married couple is legal with this story
because as married couple they have the right to do it without hurting other feelings
because being couple is being one so I think I will end chapter two here because I
need to catch up things for another chapter of the story. Thanks reader! hope you
like this chapter!
Wow that‘s chapter is not bad, aren‘t it? So let me think now what story will be
next so here I am thinking again. What about if I will make about bullying. I will
name chapter 3 bully. Is that right with you? Oh i guess you cannot react with that ok
The thing is settled, let‘s make a chapter about bully.
Chapter 3- Bully
So what is bully? i think i need to ask my friendly neighborhood google for this
further information ok just wait a moment while searching on the internet just oh
wait before i start this chapter let me have a stick of cigarette ok thank you for
understanding my needs I know you think that I‘m a bad writer hahaha ok here we
go now.
What is bullying?
Four kinds of bullying
Who's bullying and who's being bullied?
Bullying is serious
Signs your child might be being bullied
Things you can do if your child is being bullied
Signs your child might be bullying others
Things you can do if your child is bullying others
Top tips for kids
Bullying is when someone or a group of people with more power repeatedly and
intentionally causes hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel
helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults and
will probably continue if no action is taken.
Bullying isn't:
single episodes of social rejection or dislike
single episode acts of nastiness or spite
random acts of aggression or intimidation
mutual arguments, disagreements or fights.
These actions can cause great distress. However, they're not examples of bullying
unless someone is deliberately and repeatedly doing them to you.
Ok thanks for making this explanation. It‘s really a big help to search for
the internet. I think if cybercrime law continue, searching in the net will be difficult.
Because it might be blocking the website for preventing plagiarism, but well let‘s
move on to the story about bullying. I will still use Bong for this story and don‘t
worry this will be a new story.
Story starts here, Bong is a college student and he is an industrious student. For me,
as a writer, Bong is a normal student and he did well in the school. So Bong was able
to get high grades for his every subject and he is one of the best students in their
classroom. I noticed that Bong is always alone. The reason is that he might has a
problem, he doesn‘t want to join any activities, and he doesn‘t have friends in
school, he is always alone and I‘m wondering that someone or something is
bothering Bong‘s mind. But here‘s one thing, Bong has a classmate that always
tease him and the name of his classmate is Jd. Jd is one of the bad example of
students, he used to smoke and he always copied the work of his other classmates.
Jd is always asking Bong to do his homework and even the projects in school. I was
wondering why Bong did not complain to Jd, it‘s been unthinkable for me. Well, I
want to focus on Jd because I really wanted to know him so that I can study and
explain to you what happened in this chapter. By the way, before I proceed to the
story I would like to tell I am having a hard time to write this chapter simply because
I‘m riding in a jeep hahaha... I just want to share it. It might be someone will snatch
my cellphone if I don‘t stop writing here. Well I better stop for now. I want to say
sorry if there is typographical error because I explained it earlier where‘s my
location and thanks for understanding.
Ok now let me continue the story. ok I said earlier that I will focus with Jd. Jd is
always doing these things before he always ask somebody to do the job for him I
mean the projects and assignments he doesn‘t show effort from his academic
studies, he wants to relax all the time chilling with friends. Jd is a kind of guy that
he thinks he is a boss, he can command someone to do the things for him. Well,
in that case Jd finds Bong to do his assignments and he threatened Bong that if Bong
will not do Jd‘s assignments or project Jd will punch or will shame Bong in front of
the class. Bong felt scared because he knows Jd is popular of being notorious in the
campus so he decided to get use to it. Whatever Jd told him he surely does it. Ok, as
a writer, bullying really need an attention because if you ignore this matter one of
the students willbe hurt and I know a case that due to bullying one of the students
get suicide, and I don‘t want it to happen again. So how can I continue my story
about this bullying?
Ok let‘s move on. Bong was so afraid of Jd, and he does all Jd's wants. Because
Bong does not have any friends in the class he is afraid that no one will help him
when Jd will try to shame him, and he knows that all his classmates are going to Jd‘s
side. That‘s why he is like a puppet for Jd. Oh I forgot to say about the background
of Bong‘s family in this story. His father is working in a government. Bong‘s dad
is pro-cybercrime law and he is one of the reasons why cybercrime law was enacted
in our country. Hey this line it‘s not true i just made this one to my mind. So as a
writer i have something to ask my mind what if Bong tell his problem to his dad?
Uhm ok lets continue the story I guess Bong doesn‘t want to bother his dad. And if
he tells it, maybe his dad will go to their school and make scandal on the school.
Bong is afraid if that will happen. So mean while Bong is currently using the internet
and he always log in to facebook because this is the source of entertainment for him.
He has so many friends in face book because i think you already know the reason.
Few minutes after, Bong noticed his chatbox, and he saw the message of Jd to his
chat box. Jd said, ―hey dickhead how is my homework going on?‖ Bong replied, ― i
have not started it yet.‖ Jd got angry on what he read and continue saying bad
words to Bong. And bong was so afraid to what he read and he said that he will be
doing his assignment later. And Jd said to him, ― that‘s what i wanna hear from you
faggot.‖ And Bong did and finished all the assignments of Jd. After a while Bong fell
asleep because of being tired of doing the home work of Jd. The following day Bong
is now preparing for school and he ate light breakfast. In the school, Jd is so
excited to get his home work from Bong, but Bong is vice versa since he is afraid to
see Jd but can‘t escape to Jd's presence because they are classmates so they will
surely meet and the bullying continue. One day Bong was really mad and he cannot
let the things happen all the time and he is decided to tell the truth to his professor
and he explain everything and all that Jd said from him. When Jd learned what Bong
did, Jd was messaging bad words on Bong‘s facebook and is really a very terrible and
bad words. At the house of Bong the only person left is his dad. Bong‘s dad wants to
use the computer and he opens the google chrome and type his own facebook the
page is already go straight to Bong‘s facebook this accident of seeing the facebook of
his son ends everything. His father sued Jd for violating the law. But Jd doesn‘t know
that he is already breaking a law. One day in the school Jd was arrested, and he is
afraid because he does not know what he did. The police said, ―boy you violated the
new law so let me invite you to the head quarters. If you don‘t come with us, i will
drag you with all my force‖, said the police officer. Jd responded, ―ok sir i‘ll go with
you.‖ And everything was done inside, they explained what is the reason of bringing
him there and the penalty about the crime that he did. Jd spent 12 years in prison.
That ends this story. Now, I want to explain something that is very meaningful.
Ok here‘s the lesson on this chapter, please respect people around you because you
don‘t really know what act did you do to others like Jd he doesn‘t know that he
already violated the law. I think in this chapter the law helps the lonely student
(Bong) which means the law is a good thing in this chapter. But the bad thing is
that Jd doesn‘t know that he already violated a law resulting toa warrant of arrest
and that‘s the bad side of the law. Well I am so thankful because the law saves
Bong out from bullying, and I hope Bong will become a normal student now. Also,
surely this scenario will serve as a lesson for those people like Jd. If I were you,
think first before you do something, you need to know first if what you will do is
good and right or is it bad.
Now as a writer again and again, I need to think another chapter for this. Well
maybe a few hours I can have a new one but I think I need to eat first before writing
the chapter 4 of my novel.
Chapter 4 - Real World
This chapter is about, in my own opinion, in the real world which means it really
happens, it is a fact and is realistic, so I decided to make this chapter to test myself if
I really understand the law of cybercrime. If I write many issues about it i think i am
ready to continue this novel.
In 2011, there is no rule about cybercrime, but I know there are some people who
knew that this law will be approved in this country. Those people who predicted that
cybercrime will be approved, I have a high salute to those people because it means
that they used their mind to think what happened in our country. So I am sure that
those people who know that this day is coming maybe they prepared for this tragedy
because at the first place even the cybercrime is not yet existed in our country, I
know that they made a solution how to prevent this law. And I think they are also in
no favor with this law because here is a one reason that the government will benefit
this one. For example the senator issue thing. I am sure you heard what Senator Tito
Sotto did? If you don‘t know, I will remind you what happened. Let me show
(below) to you the speech of Senator Sotto delivered... I mean plagiarize. Here is
the speech of Senator Sotto:
"Ilan ang magiging dakila sa pagbali ng kasaysayan, subalit bawat isa sa
atin ay maaaring kumilos, gaano man kaliit, para ibahin ang takbo ng mga
pangyayari. Kapag pinagsama-sama ang ating munting pagkilos,
makakalikha tayo ng totalidad na magmamarka sa kabuuan ng
kasaysayan ng henerasyong ito.
Ang mga hindi mabilang-bilang na iba't ibang galaw ng katapangan at
paninindigan ang humuhubog sa kasaysayan ng sangkatauhan.
Tuwing naninindigan tayo para sa isang paniniwala, tuwing kumikilos tayo
para mapabuti ang buhay ng iba, tuwing nilalabanan natin ang kawalan
ng katarungan, nakalilikha tayo ng maliliit na galaw. Kapag
nagkasama-sama ang mumunting galaw na mga ito, bubuo ito ng isang
malakas na puwersang kayang magpabagsak maging ng pinakamatatag
na dingding ng opresyon."
That was the speech he delivered and the original writer of this speech is
Mr. Kennedy.
So let me get the speech of Kennedy by this time, let‘s
compare it "Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us
can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all
these acts will be written the history of his generation.
It is from the numberless diverse acts of courage such as these that the
belief that the human history is thus shaped.
Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others,
or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and
crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring
those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of
oppression and resistance."
Ok i already got the speeches of both senators. As you can see, Senator Sotto
translated the word of Sen. Kennedy. How can I call that plagiarism or translation?
The bad thing here - Senator Sotto didn‘t even said that he got his speech to
someone. He said that this one is original. So it‘s already clear to us it‘s
plagiarism. Sorry for that mr. Kennedy i think this one is really shame against our
country. Pano kaya tayo gagalangin ng ibang bansa kung ang mga namumuno sa
atin ay gumagawa ng kalokohan? Sorry for speaking Tagalog, I just want it to be
cleared to my fellow Filipinos coz I really wanted to help our country.
And now this day, Senator Sotto is cleared. I don‘t know why or how. I think
because he has the connection heah for sure because he is one of our leaders. And
this is the question to all of you - did you notice that all people in the government is
celebrity its fun right maybe he shoots a movie inside the government. And this is
the worst even Manny Pacquiao is a congressman. What the hell is happening on this
earth? Why do people vote those candidates? Because they know that celebrity
is great. Yes they are great when they act but to serve us uhm i dont think so. Ok i
think I am getting too far to the topic hahaha. Did you notice that all the issues of
Senator Sotto are gone? I think this law has been used to cover the mistake of our
founder. Now some people in the country is focusing to the law they already forgot
the other issues about Sotto case. I think they want to cover it by this law. And by
using this law no one can fight them because they will be protected by the law. Well
that is my simple explanation about this chapter anyway it‘s up to you if you have
your own but i just want to share my feelings about it. I am not forcing you to believe
me because i know you have your own way to investigate things haha.
Ok i think that‘s it for chapter 4.
It‘s time to go now to chapter 5, but still i do not know how to start the story in this
chapter. So can you give me some time think. Oh it‘s already 3am in the morning
maybe tomorrow i will think a good story about the law. Maybe in my dream you
cant tell what happened right so good night for now let‘s continue it later when i
wake up. Thanks for reading chapter 4, and i would take time to apologize to my
worst grammar just understand it and you can follow what i want to say.
Chapter 5 - Plagiarism
The next chapter is about plagiarism. I know I already said a lot of things about
plagiarism but in this chapter I will focus on this one. I will make a scenario about
plagiarism and I will connect it to cybercrime law. So I hope I can do it because my
mind is really blank at this time I don‘t know how to start the story. Oh I think I need
to ask the internet about what plagiarism is all about so that my reader will easily
understand my topic. Ok let‘s start the story now.
So what is plagiarism? Do you have an idea what is it? I guess you heard it a lot of
times and I know that you knew that plagiarism is bad and you can be sued by doing
Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even
idea and passing it off as your own. This includes information from web pages,
books, songs, television shows, email messages, interviews, articles, artworks or any
other medium. Whenever you paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or
sentences from another person's work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the
information within your paper using an internal citation. It is not enough to just list
the source in a bibliography at the end of your paper. Failing to properly quote, cite
or acknowledge someone else's words or ideas with an internal citation is plagiarism.
For this understandable meaning of plagiarism, I would like to say thanks to
Ok since i got the meaning of plagiarism, I think the reader should
story by now and i want to create another story for this.
understand my
Let us start the story. In this story, i will still use Bong for this chapter. One day one
student uploaded his graduation speech in facebook and somebody noticed that
some words used in the speech came from the internet and the uploader did not
cited the source or the one who originally made it. And this one is example of
plagiarism. Even in the real life plagiarism is very known. In school plagiarism is
well known and I think even all around the world. So as a writer, I decided to make
a story about it. Well plagiarism is part of the law and some people used to violate
this law and i dont know if they intend to violate it or they are just getting lazy to
compose an original one.
For example, when cybercrime law is not approved, all people can download movies
and songs over the internet, without thanking the uploader. But now a days, when
cybercrime law was approved and enacted, I think if you downloaded something
over the internet, you are violating two laws. So what can we do about this?
How can we prevent this thing to happen? Well, for me, I guess you can prevent it
by simple citation so that the one that made the original version can get credits to
your work. And here’s one thing, if you try to copy other’s work, I think it is
allowed but don’t use copy and paste because if you continue doing that, you will
get used to it. So all you need to do is read the original copy of the sentence, then
make your opinion about what you read and for sure you will get your idea or
answer on your own without doing plagiarism.
And here’s one thing, if you based your answer to another answer, please don’t
forget to give credits from the original maker. By this, you will be safe against
anything. I think it’s just a simple thing that I need to say and impart to my readers
to prevent violating the law of Plagiarism.
At this point, let me show you how it’s done. So that you will learn from me here is
the right thing to do this. Go to the internet and I will ask the internet what is the
meaning of citation. Just only example for the story. And yes i will benefit this
example because it will be counted to my word count for this novel hahaha so i will
grab this opportunity.
What is citation? It is an internal, in-text, or parenthetical citation refers to the
practice of giving credit to an author, singer, or speaker by citing their words/ideas
within your paper. This internal citation is then referenced at the end of your paper
in your 'Works Cited' list (see below).
Internal citations are sometimes called parenthetical citations because they're
enclosed by parentheses. It's helpful to think of internal citations as a kind of "tag"
indicating what you've borrowed from an author. For every sentence, phrase or idea
you borrow you must "tag" it with an internal citation. Each internal citation is then
listed alphabetically in a 'Works Cited' page at the end of your paper.
Borrowing the work's structure, format or style without giving credit is also
considered plagiarism. It is important to remember that merely changing the
wording is not enough."" Ok i
already copy from the internet. Just you need to do is to get the link where do you
get the copy and cited it. So that the original copy was given a credit and this one is a
sign of respect to the original writer because you give credit on his work and you
download or based his work. So i will cite it now and i will put my citation after the
original copy, ok? I‘m done - cited it and i guess that‘s for chapter five. Thanks for
reading this chapter.
Now let‘s go to chapter 6 and i want to make a new character for this. I will make a
women character at this point and i will call this chapter 6 uhm. Wait i can‘t think for
the title of this chapter. Would you mind if i will smoke first and think after it. Sorry i
really need it please understand.
Chapter 6 - The Day Without Cybercrime Law
The chapter is really obvious. Here I can explain the old days without cybercrime.
Back in those days that all people in this country have a free will in using the
internet, and they can do whatever they want and some of them use internet to
fight our government .
It‘s simple to live without thinking anything because life is happier if you are relax
and peacefully living. But if there‘s something that happen in a society it will surely
affect our day of living. For example, there are people who enjoy being single in
life but if they saw a happy family, things will be different from them and after that
scenario they try to change the life that he or she used to enjoy. Some of the
people in our country are like that because, I think, we are an open country and the
people here is easily adapted to what is happening in our country. Example,
without cybercrime law it‘s really normal to us, but today with this law it‘s hard to
move over the internet. It‘s not like the old days that we don‘t mind anything over
the internet it‘s really happy with that old days because we can search anything that
we love to do. But now in our time it‘s hard. So please give back the old Philippines,
we want it and we don‘t want to limit ourselves into that law, give us freedom by
using the internet freely. Not like this. But I‘m not saying that the law is really
sucks, I know some good effect on it and I already explained it in my previous
chapter. And I divided it into two good and bad things. I really wanted to have
freedom on this. Can you please stop cybercrime law for our privacy and please
respect it this is what we have so don‘t be so advantageous to us please be
cooperative. We already live without that law so we can still continue that proper
way of living.
Chapter 7 - Janina
It was 1989 when Janina was born in the Philippines around 11pm. She was a cute
baby and she is big and pretty. When Janina comes to the age of seven, you can
notice from her that she is a kind of kid that loves computer. She spent half day in
front of the computer by playing games or read something in front of it. I think
Janina was inspired by her parents. Janina’s father is a system analyst in Saudi
Arabia and her mother is a Computer Engineer in IBM. Her mother taught her to
use computer at the age of three and that’s the start of the story.
When Janina goes to elementary you can notice different things from her. She is
different from other children because when she was grade 1 student in Good
University (the name of the famous school in the Philippines) she has already a cell
phone and a tablet. Janina is a very techie girl. Her teacher, Ms. Sonia, noticed
the different behaviour that Janina has. By the way, Ms. Sonia is one of the best
teachers in Good University. She has graduated from De LaTeneo Universty with a
degree of Bachelor of Science in Information System. She took master’s degree on
Education in San Letran College.
When the first week of school comes, Janina is very excited because she wants to
meet new classmates and new friends.
1st day of elementary days
Janina enters to the classroom. She is the early bird among all of the students. Janina
seats beside the teacher‘s table and her Yaya (Maid, Katulong) is outside the door
watching her actions inside the room. Her Yaya noticed that Janina was very excited
to see her teacher and classmates. Afterwards Janina called her yaya. ―yaya‖ and
yaya replies yes whats wrong, janina ask why does everybody was not here where
are they? Are they not excited to go to school and learn from our new teacher?
Yaya said , ―you know baby there are something to explain this 1st they don‘t want
to come this early because they are not too excited like you. And her yaya laugh,
Janina smiles too and ask, ―do I really look that excited yaya?‖ Yaya answer yes you
are and laugh again. After 10 minutes Ms. Sonia enters the room and Janina greets
Ms. Sonia, ― good morning miss, my name is Janina, what‘s your name? ― Her
teacher smiled and said, ―ow you‘re the early bird uhhmm my name is teacher Sonia
or you can call me Ms. Sonia, I‘m 22 years old. I am your adviser for the whole
school year. Janina smiled and get her cell phone. ―Ms. Sonia can I use my cell
phone while waiting for others to come? Teacher replies oh sure! Wow you
already know how to use a cell phone by that age. Yes teacher my mommy and
daddy influenced me to use technologies because they said that in the near future
we are going to be surrounded by gadgets and other technologies. They want me to
get use to it when that day comes. That‘s good to hear from a grade one student like
you? I think your classmates are coming. ―Children arrives and murmuring to one
another‖ student sits to their respective places and greet the teacher in front.
Gooooood Mooooorniiiingggggg Teeeeeaaaachhhheeeeerrrr? Good morning
children Ms. Sonia said, are you excited to learn class? Yeeeeesssss
teeeeeaaaccchhheerrr. Ok the lessons start and Janina is so active in class activity.
Everytime Janina goes home she always has star from her teacher. When she goes
home she always email her mother and father and tell story about what happen in
the school.
After 6 years Janina was already a high school student. By that time Janina has
enhanced her knowledge about computers, and she joined the computer activity
club. On this club you can learn how to make software or to use different types of
operating systems. It helps to enhance your skills and knowledge about computers.
One day Janina attended the computer club and she met Megan and Knox. These
two are bestfriends, and they meet Janina and they noticed that Janina was alone
inside the room. Megan said hey why are you alone?
Janina response I‘m new here in this club. The best friends answer oh same here.
Can we become your friends since you don‘t have anyone to talk too? Janina replied,
―sure‖. They talk a lot and the best friends were surprised about the knowledge of
Janina regarding computers. Janina can explain what specs, ram and rom means.
Meg and Knox were surprised because they learned a lot of things from Janina on
their first day of friendships. When the three friends separate to one another and
go to their respective homes Janina went to her yaya‘s room and tell the stories
about her new friends. Janina was very happy while making a story to her yaya and
she said that Knox and Meg are very approachable and she said that she wants to be
part of the group. When the next day come, Janina is preparing her self to go to
school and you can see the excitement and happiness to her face, it‘s because Janina
wants to see her new friends. Several hours past the three friends went to their
classrooms and chat to each other. Suddenly while talking to one another, the
doors open and Janina was so shock when she see Ms. sonia. Janina went to her
former teacher and she asks‘ ―how are you ms. sonia it‘s been a while?‖ Ms. Sonia
was surprised when she saw Janina. Ms. Sonia said, ―oh it‘s you again where gonna
be together in one school year but now it‘s different. Janina you‘ve grown a lot
and i know you have now see your talents when it comes to computer do you?‖
Janina said, ―uhhmm i guess so you'll see one of these days ms. sonia.‖ After the
conversation Janina went to her friends and told them that Ms. sonia was her
teacher in grade 1 and she said that she is a very good teacher and we are going to
learn a lot of things from her? Dingdong oh the bell ring the class starts now. Good
morning ladies and gentlemen, I am Ms. Sonia and I‘m your adviser.... ms. sonia is
introducing her self to her students and tell stories about her experience in teaching.
After 6 months Janina, Knox and Meg decided to join the competition called
Compute System Marathon. In this competition you will make a system for the
government and explain all the functions and what the system does. Meg and Knox
are inspired to Janina that’s why they had interests and knowlege into computers.
When the two friends met Janina, they started to love and explore what computer
can do and after that, they make a team that will fight to the other campus for the
competition. The competitors are Rich university and Nice university. These are
two popular universities here in the country, and the students who are studying here
are very knowledgeable and good in computers because they have the best gadgets
and high techs facilities. Janina and her friends are excited to start the application
for Compute System Marathon, and they are planning to make a system that
computes grades, but not only grades, the system is convertible to compute salary
and some other things when regards to computing. Janina will use ASP.Net for
coding while Meg and Knox will focus to the database and design. These two people
learned these things because of Janina. Janina is trusting her two friends to make a
better Data base and Design. By the way means a Web application
framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build
dynamic Web sites, Web applications and Web services. It was first released in
January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the successor to
Microsoft's Active Server Pages ASP technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common
Language Runtime CLR, allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any
supported .NET language. The ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET
RM/A/ASP_NET.html ).
Janina explained those to her friends and Meg and Knox study the to the
internet to understand what was Janina was trying to say. When the tournament
starts, Janina was ready to prepare their system and janina was happy to the result
of their hardwork. The first group to present is the rich university and the
application is simple calculator by using java or JSP. JSP means Short for Java Server
Pages. A server-side technology, Java Server Pages are an extension to the Java
servlet technology that was developed by Sun. JSPs have dynamic scripting capability
that works in tandem with HTML code, separating the page logic from the static
elements -- the actual design and display of the page to help make the HTML more
RM/B/JSP_NET.html ). A JSP is translated into Java servlet before being run, and it
processes HTTP requests and generates responses like any servlet. However, JSP
technology provides a more convenient way to code a servlet. Translation occurs the
first time the application is run. A JSP translator is triggered by the .jsp file name
extension in a URL. JSPs are fully interoperable with servlets. You can include output
from a servlet or forward the output to a servlet, and a servlet can include output
from a JSP or forward output to a JSP. JSPs are not restricted to any specific platform
or server. It was orignially created as an alternative to Microsoft's ASPs Active Server
Pages. Recently, however, Microsoft has countered JSP technology with its own
ASP.NET, part of the .NET initiative.
Janina knows java, but she does not try to code using JSP, but when she saw the
codes she said to her self that she wanted to try to code in java as soon as possible.
Janina's group is the second presentor. When the system was presented to the
audience, the judges were amazed because of the design of the system is very
unique and they were so amazed because they don’t believe that a highschool
student can make a better application like that. Janina was so impressed because she
saw the reaction of the people. She said to herself that she is so proud by the work
of her groupmates. Now the judges checked the code and they said it to janina's
group how to run the application. Janina made the demo. She explained what the
application does and what is the use of it. One of the judges called the attention of
Miss Sonia. He said, “I want to talk to the group in person, can you schedule it for
me? Miss Sonia thinks that he is impressed to the work of her students and she was
really proud of them for their job well done. After the presentation of Janina's
group the last group to present is the Nice university and they are going to present
an application using PHP language. PHP means is a server-side scripting language,
especially suited for the creation of dynamic web pages. This programming language
offers web developers a large selection of instruments. PHP, which has become the
basis for many web applications, allows easy insertion in HTML code and connection
The application is almost the same to application of the first group, is a simple
calculator. After the presentation the judges decide who is the winner and it is
very obvious Janina's group wins the battle because of their idea and concept and
also the design of the user interface. Janina and friends won the first place and the
faces of happiness is really seen in their faces. After the awarding Janina and Miss
Sonia talks, told what the judges said to her. Janina said that they will think of it and
that she wanted to ask permission from her friends.
Time goes by... Janina has a job now.
She is a system analyst and also a lawyer.
In these days, there's something happen about the society.. it's been terrible to use
internet because one of the problems is the government which passed a law
violating the use of internet will be arrested. Many people got angry with that law.
Janina side as a lawyer and being a system analyst she is in favor with this law
because her reason are some people fight with the internet without seeing their
faces and this the only battle that this person can do or fight to the highest people in
the politics. By this cyber crime law, they cannot fight anymore and they will
rather keep quiet and listen to the rule of the government. Janina wants to fight
the rights of these people and she made a study about the constitution, Law of the
Philippines and USA. Let me show you the Philippine Constitution. Here it is and
let’s study it. By the way, it’s the 1987 Constitution Law of the Republic of the
Chapter 8 – Computer Stupidity
Him: "I can download games like Quake and play them during lunch, you know."
Me: "We're only allowed 10 megs in our accounts, and the system administrators
would notice you downloading a large file."
Him: "Nah, I could hack it so he couldn't."
Me: "Ah, so you are into hacking. By the way do you know any programming
Him: "Yeah, of course."
Me: "Which ones?"
Him: "I can't tell you or else you'll use them."
Me: "Just by mentioning C++ or Pascal or whatever will not instantly make me a
genius with those languages."
Him: "Oh sorry, I didn't understand you. Yeah, I know C++ and Pascal."
Me: "What compiler do you use?"
Him: "Well, QBasic is my favorite."
Me: "Nobody over the age of eight uses QBasic for serious purposes."
Him: "But they made Windows with QBasic."
I almost cried laughing.
One day I was in a public park, reading "C++ For Dummies" when someone came up
and asked me what I was reading. I told him I was reading a book about C++. He
responded, "Oh, HTML kicks C++'s @$$."
• Teacher: "You can't do spaces in HTML. If you see spaces on web pages, then
they must be using java to override basic HTML. Java saved the Internet,
because it removes limitations of HTML, but it's beyond the scope of this
course to show you how to do it."
• My Friend: "Yesterday, I reprogrammed my computer."
Me: "Okay...."
My Friend: "Not my Mac, but my PC. It has Windows Vista."
Me: "Yes, and what language did you use?"
My Friend: (pause) "English."
Me: "English?"
• My Friend: "Yeah, English."
I was the night-time operator for a university in the northern part of the state. We
ran our administrative jobs locally, and the students submitted their jobs to us. We
read their card decks into our IBM 370/115 which transmitted them to the IBM
370/165 at the capital which sent the results back to be printed. We then wrapped
the listing around the kiddies' card decks and put them out for them to pick up.
One evening a student was in the pickup area, looking at her listing, and crying. We
operators were not required to help students, but if we had some extra time, we
always did. I asked her what was wrong, and she said her program wasn't working
right. I took the listing and looked it over. It was the first exercise given to first
semester COBOL students. I saw nothing wrong with it. No compiler errors, no JCL
errors, and the printout from the run even looked correct. So I said, "I don't see any
At that point she let out a great wail and sob. "I know!" she cried. "That's the
"Huh?" I said.
It turned out the instructor told the class what all instructors tell their classes for the
first computer program they ever write. "Don't worry about errors the first time you
submit your deck. People always get errors the first time."
Well, through some fluke of improbability, this girl managed to write a flawless
program and key it into the key punch flawlessly and got a flawless run the very first
time she tried it. The instructor told her to expect errors. She didn't get them, so she
thought she was doing something wrong.
I once worked for the IT department of a small manufacturing company. The new
Vice President of IT claimed that he had been a programmer for more than twenty
years prior. One time we were in a meeting with a software company we hired to
build our web site for us. As they explained that the web pages would be written in
HTML and Javascript, this VP stops them cold and says, "None of my guys here work
with any of that Javascript stuff! This is a SQL shop! I only want these web pages
written in SQL so we can support it ourselves!"
Rather than correct a man who'd been a programmer for twenty years, I sat there
with an amused look on my face for the remainder of the meeting. So did the people
from the software company.
Someone else's shell script I saw at work today was extensively commented,
including this gem of non-information.
export PATH # Export path
• User: "Hey, can you help me? My program doesn't work."
Consultant: "What is the problem? Are you using Turbo Pascal?"
User: "Yes, the program just blocks the machine."
Consultant: "Well, does it compile?"
User: "I don't know -- it just doesn't run. You see? There's the EXE file. If you run it, it
blocks the machine."
Consultant: "And where is your source, the PAS file??"
• User: "I wrote it and renamed it to EXE so it could run."
One thing that many will run into in the computer industry, is employers who are
rather clueless and yet don't necessarily realize this. In 1996, a friend told me about
a boss he had that needed a C program written for him. After a week, the boss
complained that the program wasn't done, and he asked my friend what was taking
so long.
• Friend: "The program is written, and I'm debugging it."
• Boss: "What's wrong with you people? You make programming more difficult
than it needs to be. I have Frontpage Express to write web pages with, and
when I write code with it, I never need to debug it. If you were as good of a
programmer as me, you'd never need to debug either."
I was making my way through MSDN, looking at Win32 API console functions to
make my own gotoxy() function in Visual C++ 6.0. My C++ programming teacher
looked at my screen and asked:
• Teacher: "What are you doing?"
Me: "I'm trying to find out how to make a gotoxy() in Visual C++. I'll have to use
Win32 API functions."
Teacher: "No you don't have to use API functions! Just take Borland C++ 3.1 headers
and put them in Visual C++ 6.0 include directory."
• Me: "Heuh......."
Unfortunately, Borland C++ 3.1 was designed for DOS and Win16. Visual C++ works
on Win32. Worse, headers only contain types and class declarations, defines, and
function prototypes. I don't know how my teacher thought this would work.
• Programmer: "What do you mean, I can't initialize things in an assert()?"
During a code review, when I asked why (besides the source control file headers)
there was not a comment in 240,000 lines of code which was getting handed over to
me for maintenance, the programmer replied, "I'm terse."
I found this comment in a program I was given to edit:
if x then
#if condition is true
[do something]
end if.
It literally said "if condition is true;" it wasn't an expansion on the significance of x.
I was helping a friend with some code. In the code, I found the line:
x = x;
and removed it. I made some further changes and send the code back to him. He
told me he still had errors. So he sent me his code again, and again I found the same
line. I asked him why he kept putting that in there, and he replied, "So x doesn't lose
its value."
One time a girl in my introduction to programming class told me that she hated
Microsoft and started using UNIX to compile her programs. Later on, she emailed me
and said she hated UNIX now, too, because it would compile her program but not
allow her to retrieve her data. So I asked her to send her code to me, and I would
take a look at it. I stumbled upon this:
int addandsubtract (int a, int b)
return (a + b);
return (b - a);
I asked her the purpose of this function, and she told me she wanted to first get the
sum of a and b and then get the difference. She didn't understand why this wouldn't
work, and it took me an hour or so to explain why.
I teach a C programming course. For one of the assignments, somebody once copied
a program verbatim from a fellow student who did the course two years before. He
did pay attention, though: following the updated course material, which said that
'main' should return an error code, he changed:
void main (...) { ... }
int void main (...) { ... }
Needless to say, the program didn't even compile.
In college, I worked as a teaching assistant for an introductory programming
language. For most of the people in the class, this was probably their first and only
programming class.
One day, I was doing program code reviews with a handful of students. This one girl
gave me her code, and, after looking at it, I asked why she had repeated a certain
line twice:
let x = 7;
let x = 7;
She said, "Just in case it didn't get set right the first time."
When a computer professor asked his students to comment all their programs, he
got remarks like:
• "This program is very nice."
"This program is very difficult."
• "This program is very interesting."
I found this comment in some code I had to maintain:
/* This function is BOOL but actually returns TRUE,
FALSE and -2 because I've no time to change it
to int */
Didn't it take more time to write the comment?
When I was studying programming, one of my classmates was having serious
troubles with his program. When he asked me for help, I leaned over his screen and
saw all of his code in comments. The reason: "Well, it compiles much faster that
In college I worked as a consultant. One day this grad student was having trouble
with his Fortran program and brought the printout to me. He said he kept changing
things but couldn't get it to run correctly. His analysis: "I get the feeling that the
computer just skips over all the comments."
I tutored college students who were taking a computer programming course. A few
of them didn't understand that computers are not sentient. More than one person
used comments in their Pascal programs to put detailed explanations such as, "Now I
need you to put these letters on the screen." I asked one of them what the deal was
with those comments. The reply: "How else is the computer going to understand
what I want it to do?" Apparently they would assume that since they couldn't make
sense of Pascal, neither could the computer.
I was taking an introductory programming course. One assignment was to do a little
payroll program, including some data validation. The program was supposed to
accept terminal input and send output back to either the console or a printer.
Suddenly the printer began spewing out paper like crazy. One of the students (a
particularly mouthy woman) had programmed a less-than-helpful error message
("YOU ARE WRONG") and then not provided any exit from the error-checking logic -the program just re-read the last (failing) input and re-tested it. All in all, it was a
very nice infinite loop.
After spitting through about fifty pages of "YOU ARE WRONG," somebody cut power
to the printer, and the instructor had to flush the print queue manually. He went
back to the student and asked if she had tested the program by sending the output
to the console before trying to print it, and she said, yes, she had tested it on the
console and ended up with a screen full of "YOU ARE WRONG" messages. Why, then,
had she sent her output to the printer? "I thought I would be daring!"
A colleague wrote the documentation for the return codes from a set of functions in
one of his DLLs. Among the documentation was this:
/* Return code=1: generic error condition
Return code=2: all other error conditions */
I was taking a C programming class once, and the class was divided up into two
programming teams. On my team we had a woman who was totally out of her
league. What earned her legendary status was doing a global search and replace,
swapping out asterisks for ampersands, because she felt the asterisks weren't
I was just teaching an optional class on C programming; in the first class meeting, I
asked, "Does anybody know anything about programming?"
To which one of my students gleefully replied, "I know how to use a chat program!"
I was asked to maintain a shell script that was taking too long to run and wasn't
reliable. Among other horrors, the one that gave me the best mix of laughter and
fear was a repeated construct like this:
display=`env | grep DISPLAY | sed 's/[^=]*=//g'`
export DISPLAY
This made me scratch my head for a moment, until I realized that this was a
complete no-op. It's equal to DISPLAY=$DISPLAY (except when thegrep command
pulls out the wrong thing). This was repeated for something like a dozen
environment variables. I still cannot fathom the logic of it. I ended up doing a
complete rewrite.
I was asked about taking on a contract to maintain a piece of software. Something
about the way it was presented made me wary. I asked to look over it first. What a
sight! I use it as an example of why not to use global variables. Among other things,
there were files with suites of functions on the following order:
alpha = gamma + offset * 3;
beta = gamma + offset * 3;
Dozens of functions that differed only by the global variable they modified. Just
picture it: a multi-thousand line program with a graphical interface and a database
that never used function parameters.
The original programmer painted himself into a corner with his variable names.
Clearly if you need variables "up," "down," "left," and "right," you name them as
such. When he found himself needing those direction names in different parts of his
program but was stuck because global variable names had to be unique, his solution
was to use names like:
up, _up, up_, Up, uP, UP, _Up, _UP
down, _down, down_, Down, dOWN, DOWN, _Down, _DOWN
...and so on. Even the densest of my students comprehended immediately why that
was bad. Needless to say, I turned down the job.
While working on a programming project in highschool with a friend, I mentioned to
him that if he really wants to name his variables things like x, xx, andxx2, he should
at least put comments saying what they're used for.
The next time I looked over his shoulder, I saw this:
int x; // x is an int
Some years ago, a friend and I were jointly writing a game in C++. We were
repeatedly getting inexplicable access violation errors in a piece of code which
should have been rock solid. Eventually we found something like this, obviously left
over from a past debugging hack:
((class CNetwork *) 0x05af12b0)->Initialise();
It had gone unnoticed for a while because, out of sheer luck, all the builds we'd done
since that hack hadn't changed the address in memory of that particular instance of
CNetwork. Obviously we had eventually changed something which caused it to be
allocated elsewhere: cue major chaos. If anyone has heard of a dumber
programming practice than hardcoding a pointer, I'd like to see it!
This was found in code written by an ex-employee.
My friend is a programming teacher at a local high school, where there are two
programming classes -- one taught by him and one by another teacher. Recently he
spent WEEKS preparing the major assessment that both classes would do, a large
assignment that the students would work on for the next few months.
As well as making the question sheet for the students, he also made an answer sheet
for the other teacher, so that she could familiarize herself with the assignment
before giving it to her class.
But this other teacher knows NOTHING about programming and wasn't able to tell
the difference between the question sheet and answer sheet, and so she wound up
photocopying the answer sheet and handing it out to every student in her class.
She no longer teaches programming.
This little bit of Java was written as part of a group project at university. The friend
who passed it to me has been bouncing off the walls about the quality of the guilty
party's code (silly things like defining error and success codes with the same value so
you don't know what the return code means and stuff like that), but this is the most
obviously stupid bit.
public int convertItoi(Integer v)
if (v.intValue()==1) return 1;
if (v.intValue()==2) return 2;
if (v.intValue()==3) return 3;
if (v.intValue()==4) return 4;
if (v.intValue()==5) return 5;
if (v.intValue()==6) return 6;
if (v.intValue()==7) return 7;
return 0;
Days ago I had to fix a bug into our software. The person that originally wrote the
module quit, so I had total control of the source code. I totally rewrote half of the
code when I found things like:
int i;
memset(&i, 0, sizeof(int));
switch (k) {
case 9: printf("9\n");
case 8: if (k==8) printf("8\n");
case 7: if (k==7) printf("7\n");
// and so on...
I wondered why he put the "if" clauses, but then I noticed that none of the cases has
its "break" statement, so if he found that if k was 9, the program printed 9, 8, 7, etc.
So I think he added the "if" clauses to fix that behavior.
The masterpiece, however, was the following, where two consecutive errors actually
caused the program to work fine:
char msg[40];
unsigned char k,j;
memset(msg, 0, 41); /* to set the terminator */
j = k;
Of course the "memset" was supposed to reset the msg variable, but it actually also
reset k, for which no initialization was provided; could be a deliberate if hackish and
unreliable solution, but that "set the terminator" comment gives it away. In fact, all
over his code he managed to add one for the "terminator," one byte past the end of
the character array he was working on.
About four years ago, I was working on a project that, among other things, involved
porting several million lines of code. While not technically real-time, the code
needed to be reasonably fast. At one point, I found the following gem:
unsigned long reverse(unsigned long theWord)
unsigned long result = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
if (theWord & (unsigned long) pow(2.0, (double) i))
result += (unsigned long) pow(2.0, (double) (31 - i));
return result;
Obviously, the purpose was to reverse the bits in a word. Naturally, I called all of my
colleagues over to see this, and we all marvelled at how someone would think that a
conversion to floating-point, a function call, and a conversion to integer could be
faster than one shift operation. To say nothing of the possibility of rounding errors
completely screwing up the, um, algorithm.
Not wanting to leave an exercise for the reader, here's the replacement:
unsigned long reverse(unsigned long theWord)
unsigned long result = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
if (theWord & (1 << i))
result += 1 << (31 - i);
return result;
An introductory programming student once asked me to look at his program and
figure out why it was always churning out zeroes as the result of a simple
computation. I looked at the program, and it was pretty obvious:
readln("Number of Apples", apples);
readln("Number of Carrots", carrots);
readln("Price for 1 Apple", a_price);
readln("Price for 1 Carrot", c_price);
writeln("Total for Apples", a_total);
writeln("Total for Carrots", c_total);
writeln("Total", total);
total := a_total + c_total;
a_total := apples * a_price;
c_total := carrots + c_price;
• Me: "Well, your program can't print correct results before they're
• Him: "Huh? It's logical what the right solution is, and the computer should
reorder the instructions the right way."
At my previous job, we were porting a UNIX system to Windows NT using Microsoft
VC++. A colleague of mine, that was in the process of porting his portion of the code,
came to me, looking really upset.
• Colleague: "Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only
accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"
I ran across this gem while debugging someone else's old code once:
if (value == 0)
return value;
return 0;
I found this buried in our code somewhere:
if (a)
/* do something */
return x;
else if (!a)
/* do something else */
return y;
/* do something entirely different */
return z;
I had a probationary programmer working for me. Needless to say, he never got to
be permanent. One day I was inspecting his C code and found this:
if ( a = 1 ) {
...some code...
} else {
...some other code...
I told him the "else" clause will never get executed because of his "if" statement. I
asked him to figure out why. He said he'd "investigate" it first. I allowed him to
"investigate," since it had not been a critical task.
A day later, he told me he figured out the problem. He said he used an incorrect
operand in the "if" statement -- it should have been == instead of =, which was
absolutely correct. But then he emailed me his revised code.
a = 1;
if ( a == 1 ) {
...some code...
} else {
...some other code...
What the...?
I asked him if the "a = 1" part was necessary and not just a fragment of debug code
he forgot to remove. He said it was necessary. So I asked him if the "else" statement
would ever be executed. He said yes. I asked him to give me a situation when such
would occur. He said he'd get back to me with the explanation.
I kicked him out of the project that same afternoon.
Once I ran across code that did this to test the i-th bit in a byte-wide value:
if (value && (int)pow(2,i))
Digging in the code a colleague wrote years ago, I found the following:
EndWhile = 0;
while (EndWhile == 0)
if (index < MAX)
EndWhile = 0;
EndWhile = 1;
index = index + 1;
Years ago, I put a simple, fortune cookie style program out on an FTP site. It was too
simplistic to look at environment variables or configuration files to look for the
location of the fortune cookie database file; the path was compiled into the
executable. I provided the source, so if you wanted to change the path it was
installed in, you had to change it in the source file and recompile.
Since I put it out, every so often I'll get an email message commenting on it.
Recently, I received a message asking for help trying to get the thing to work. He
couldn't get the executable to find the database file properly. I answered him, and
he mailed back saying nothing helped. I mailed him again, saying that the readme file
which was included in the archive should have very detailed instructions. He mailed
me back saying the readme file didn't help him. So he mailed me the source code
file, asked me to change it to the way it should be, then mail it back to him. I told
him, but as I was typing in my final reply, a horrific thought occurred to me. So I
• Me: "I assume you have a C compiler, right?"
• User: "What's a C compiler??????/ I've been editing it using the DOS editor."
I was working for a consulting firm that was called in to help another firm that was
doing some fairly important UNIX work for a large Wall Street firm. They were all
Mac programmers that had taken a week long course in UNIX, C programming, and
UI programming for this particular workstation. I took a look at their C code and it
was littered with the following code statement:
I asked why they were doing this. The reply was, in a "don't you know?" tone of
voice: "All strings in C must end in a null zero!"
Trying to explain that strcat wouldn't work unless the null terminator was there
already just got me blank stares.
I've seen this code excerpt in a lot of freeware gaming programs for UNIX:
* Bit values.
#define BIT_0 1
#define BIT_1 2
#define BIT_2 4
#define BIT_3 8
#define BIT_4 16
#define BIT_5 32
#define BIT_6 64
#define BIT_7 128
#define BIT_8 256
#define BIT_9 512
#define BIT_10 1024
#define BIT_11 2048
#define BIT_12 4096
#define BIT_13 8192
#define BIT_14 16384
#define BIT_15 32768
#define BIT_16 65536
#define BIT_17 131072
#define BIT_18 262144
#define BIT_19 524288
#define BIT_20 1048576
#define BIT_21 2097152
#define BIT_22 4194304
#define BIT_23 8388608
#define BIT_24 16777216
#define BIT_25 33554432
#define BIT_26 67108864
#define BIT_27 134217728
#define BIT_28 268435456
#define BIT_29 536870912
#define BIT_30 1073741824
#define BIT_31 2147483648
A much easier way of achieving this is:
#define BIT_0 0x00000001
#define BIT_1 0x00000002
#define BIT_2 0x00000004
#define BIT_3 0x00000008
#define BIT_4 0x00000010
#define BIT_28 0x10000000
#define BIT_29 0x20000000
#define BIT_30 0x40000000
#define BIT_31 0x80000000
An easier way still is to let the compiler do the calculations:
#define BIT_0 (1)
#define BIT_1 (1 << 1)
#define BIT_2 (1 << 2)
#define BIT_3 (1 << 3)
#define BIT_4 (1 << 4)
#define BIT_28 (1 << 28)
#define BIT_29 (1 << 29)
#define BIT_30 (1 << 30)
#define BIT_31 (1 << 31)
But why go to all the trouble of defining 32 constants? The C language also has
parameterized macros. All you really need is:
#define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
Anyway, I wonder if guy who wrote the original code used a calculator or just
computed it all out on paper.
When I was still a student, I worked as an admin for the university CS dept. Part of
this job involved time in the student labs. Our network was a conglomeration of Suns
and SGIs and was generally confusing for novice users who don't understand the
concept of multiuser, multitasking, networked computers.
Around the room are large signs explaining how to log in, along with big warnings
about not removing power unless you like the idea of having a grad student running
a several million variable modeling project he's been working on for several years
show up and beat you death with research papers.
You would be amazed how many people try to type in a program at the "Login:"
prompt, and then turn the machine off when they are done. The worst of the bunch
then complain about not being able to find the program they just typed in at the
login prompt.
I was looking through a shell script I had written recently, and I almost died when I
saw some of the code. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but here's one thing I had done:
if ($var = value) then
# do something
# do the exact same thing as in the other code
While in college, I used to tutor in the school's math lab. A student came in because
his BASIC program would not run. He was taking a beginner course, and his
assignment was to write a program that would calculate the recipe for oatmeal
cookies, depending upon the number of people you're baking for. I looked at his
program, and it went something like this:
10 Preheat oven to 350
20 Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl
30 Mix until smooth
A "software engineer" I used to work with once had a problem with his code that
looked something like this:
It caused a General Protection error. He knew C, but not C++ -- I did, so he asked me
for help. I told him to check to see if the pointer was NULL before making the call. A
couple of hours later he came back; the problem was still happening.
if (a_pointer == NULL)
I said, "You need a return statement after the LogError call."
He said, thoughtfully, "Where does it return to?"
A friend of mine wanted to keep track of the other users on the UNIX systems of our
university. There is a nice command "last" on UNIX which will list the last users to
have logged in. So he wrote a script that'd log in to all workstations of the
department by remote shell and run the "last" command, with the results sent back
to the originating host, to be collected in aggregate form.
He called this little script "last" -- same name as the UNIX system command -- and
put it in his home directory. His path was set up so his home directory had a higher
precedence than the UNIX bin directories. So when he ran the "last" command, it
would use his own script instead of the system command.
So he ran the script. It logged in to all the other workstations just fine. Then it ran the
"last" command -- the one in his home directory, of course, not the system
command. You can guess what happened. It got in an infinite loop that tried to log
into every workstation an infinite number of times. This very effectively nuked off
the whole department, and all workstations had to be shut down for it to stop.
One of our customers, a major non-US defense contractor, complained that their
code ran too slowly. It was a comedy of errors.
Act I
• Contractor: "Can you make our code run faster?"
Tech Support: "Yes, but we have to take a look at it."
Contractor: "We can't, the code is classified."
Tech Support: "Can you explain to me what your code is doing?"
Contractor: "No, that's classified."
Tech Support: "Can you tell us what functions you use?"
• Contractor: "No that's classified."
Act II
So, on a hunch, we sent them the latest version of our software for Windows NT.
• Contractor: "Why is this running faster on our 800MHz Pentium than on our
Tech Support: "When did you buy that VAX?"
• Contractor: "Some time in the late 1980s."
Chapter 9 - Thank You
I would like to say thank you to all my readers.
better and fully express my feelings.
Let me speak in Tagalog so that I can
Salamat sa lahat ng bumasa ng simpleng nobela na ito. Pasensya na rin sa mga
maling grammar sa ingles pero ginawa ko na ang lahat ng makakaya ko para isulat yun
wikang ingles. Nagpapasalamat din ako sa internet dahil binigyan nya ako ng sapat na
impormasyon para makompleto ang nobelang ito. At syempre sa aking profesor na si Sir
Paul Pajo dahil sa ginawa nyang pag tulis sa aking kaalaman tungkol sa etika at marami
pang iba sa mga bagay na napaintindi nya sa aming mga estudyante. Ginagalang ko sya
dahil maraming estudyante ang natuto sa kanya hindi naman sa pag sip sip sa prof ko.
Para sakin pag dating sa mga aral sa gobyerno sa loob ng silid aralan ang masasabi ko
lang ay talagang napakahusay nya... maraming salamat Sir Paul.
Syempre para din sa mga tao sa paligid ko at sa mga kaklase ko na nag bigay ng ideya
kung pano ko uumpisahan ang nobelang ito salamat sa mga brainstorming nyo dahil
naging mabuting simula un nang pag gawa ng isang nobela. Sa girlfriend ko salamat
sa lahat ng tulong at sa pag iintindi sa akin. Marami kang bagay na nagawa para
matapos ang nobelang ito. Sa totoo lang sumuko na talaga ko sa pag gawa ng librong
ito pero nan dahil sa kanya ginanahan ako at sya ay isa sa aking inspirasyon.
Maraming salamat mahal kong Janina.
Sa mga magulang ko salamat din po dahil kayo ang nag hubog sa akin at salamat din sa
pagpapaaral sa akin sa magandang eskuwelahan. At sorry kung minsan
nagkakabagsak ako na grado. Hindi naman ako nag kukulang, sadyang ganun lang
talaga siguro kaya ng utak ko. Salamat din po sa pagbigay ng pang print sa nobelang
ito. Naging malaking tulong po iyon hahaha.
Syempre gusto ko din pasalamatan sarili ko. Salamat Aaron, sa effort at isang
malaking karangalan ang binigay mo sa pag susulat ng nobelang ito.
Nais ko din magpasalamat sayo cybercrime law dahil kung hindi dahil sa batas na ito
hindi ako magiging interesadong magsulat ang “Nobelang” ito. Salamat po. Pero
anti cybercrime po ako ah. Hahaha...
At higit sa lahat nais kong pasalamatan si God dahil si God ang dahilan kaya ako
nabubuhay sa mundong ito, pero God alam mo namang madasalin ako sa Inyo, hindi
ako nagkukulang na bumulong sa Inyo, actually nga po gabi gabi ako tumatawag eh.
Maraming salamat po.
Thanks for reading my story.
Tunkol sa Author
Ang pangalan ko ay Aaron John C. Almeda, ang isang mag-aaral ng De La Salle College
of Saint Benilde. Ako ay sumulat ng isang simpleng nobelang tungkol sa kung paano
cyber krimen batas ay umiiral sa ito taon 2012. Pagiging isang mag-aaral ng
Impormasyon ng System, natutunan ko ng maraming mga bagay sa pamamagitan ng
paggamit ng internet. Uhum, sa pamamagitan ng ang paraan ipaalam sa amin laktawan
sa na pinsan Hindi ako sa bahagi o sa katawan ng nobelang ito. Pa Rin sabihin pumunta
sa aking pamilya background: aking ina ay isang negosyante habang ang aking ama ay
isang retiradong pulis. Ako ang bunso sa aming pamilya, at mayroon akong isang
kapatid na lalaki at isang kapatid na babae. Alam ko para sa aking sarili na ako
sumusulat ang nobelang ito dahil sa kanila, ang aking pamilya, na aking inspirasyon.
Well, ito ay hindi para sa kapakanan ng pagpasa IT Etika, kaya sabihin makapagsimula,
sapat na para sa.
Tagalized Version
Chapter 1
Ano ang cybercrime batas? Well ayon sa Wikipedia, Cybercrime Prevention Act ng 2012
- Ang Cybercrime Prevention Act ng 2012, opisyal na naitala bilang Republic Act No.
10,175, ay isang batas sa Pilipinas naaprubahan sa 12 Setyembre 2012. Naglalayong
matugunan ang mga legal na isyu tungkol sa mga online na pakikipag-ugnayan at ang
Internet sa Pilipinas. Kabilang sa mga pagkakasala ng cybercrime kasama sa kuwenta
cyber pag-squat, cybersex, child pornography, pagnanakaw ng pagkakakilanlan, ilegal
na pag-access sa data at libelo. Ito ang kahulugan ng cyber krimen batas - salamat para
sa tulong ng Wikipedia. Kaya, hulaan ko ang batas ay malinaw na ngayon sa iyo dahil
bilang maaari mong makita, ang kahulugan ay lubos na malinaw at kitang-kita na
maaari mong madaling maunawaan sa pamamagitan ng pagtingin dito. Ngayon, ipaalam
sa amin simulan ang tunay na nobelang, bilang isang manunulat ng nobelang ito, ako
sabihin sa iyo tuwid na may dalawang (2) uri ng mga tao sa mundo na nag-iisip tungkol
sa cyber krimen batas? Ay isa sa pro-cybercrime at pangalawang ang anti-cybercrime
batas. Kaya, ako sabihin sa iyo ngayon sa puntong ito na hindi ako sa pabor ng batas na
ito. Gusto mong malaman kung bakit? Dahil ito ay simple, ako sabihin sa iyo ang
kasagutan: cybercrime ay masama sa katawan dahil ito ay mga panuntunan kung ano
ang gagawin. Sa pamamagitan ng kung ano ang gagawin dito ay aking simpleng
paliwanag para sa na, uhm ... namin ang lahat ng malaman na ang ilang mga tao ay
pro-cybercrime, at hindi namin maaaring hatulan sa kanila dahil na kung ano ang sa
tingin nila tungkol sa batas. Ngayon, sabihin pumunta sa iba pang mga bahagi, ang
anti-cybercrime uhm sa gilid ng batas .. na rin doon ng maraming mga bagay na maaari
naming gawin sa internet sa? At talaga namin lahat alam na internet ay isang
napaka-kapaki-pakinabang na bagay sa aming mga araw dahil maaari naming
makipag-usap, ginawa namin exchange ng mga ideya, o maaari naming labanan sa
pamamagitan ng paggamit ng internet. Para sa akin ang pagiging praktiko ng batas ng
cybercrime ay lamang ng isang sakit sa asno dahil maraming mga tao ang magdusa
mahirap na oras sa batas na ito. Halimbawa, ako gamit sa internet ngayon ngunit Hindi
ako malaman ng batas na ito, samakatuwid hindi ko anumang mga ideya na lumabag ko
na isang bagay at ako naaresto at magdusa ng 12 taon sa bilangguan? Tingnan! na ang
isa ay kalunus-lunos ngunit ang iba pang mga tao sa tingin naiiba tungkol sa batas: para
sa kanila ang batas na ito ay mabuti. Ngayon hayaan mo akong pumunta sa mahusay na
bahagi ng batas. Tingin ko may mga ilang mga bagay na ang batas ay unang walang
makakakuha ng paglaban sa uhm internet pangalawang walang pinapayagang magsalita
ng masamang salita o panliligalig gamit ang networking at blog, sila ay maging mas
malubhang in gamit ang internet at sa pamamagitan ng na oh maghintay Nakalimutan ko
ang isang bagay na upang sabihin sa tingin ko isa ng magandang dahilan kung bakit
cybercrime na batas ay pagsasabatas bilang isang batas ay dahil sa kapakanan pulitika.
Isipin kung ako ay isa ng ang mga aktibista paano ko labanan laban sa pamahalaan? Ay
ko bang gamitin ang baril o tabak o anumang kung gusto ko upang labanan ang mga ito?
Ko sa halip gamitin ang tangke at sirain ang mga ito. Oh! Ako kidding ... Lang ako sa
mga nakakarelaks aking sarili habang pagsulat ito nobelang. Ok, bumalik sa malubhang
mode ito bilang isang mahusay na palaisip sabihin sa akin kung paano upang labanan sa
mga tao sa gobyerno? Mayroon ba kayong ng ideya? Well, ito araw cybercrime ay
talagang naaprubahan ngunit ano ang mga kahihinatnan? - Na ang mga tao ay
kailangang magdusa? Narito ang isang halimbawa: isang senador ay masamang bagay,
kung paano sabihin mo sa iyong mga damdamin sa senador na kung alam mo na ang
cybercrime batas ay doon? Tingin ko ako ay tumawag sa iyo ng mabaliw sa kung kang
pumunta sa Senado at sigawan doon na hindi ka sa tamang track Mr Senator! Ngunit
kung gagawin mo ito online siguro makikita mo sa bilangguan 12 taon. Kaya bilang
isang normal na mamamayan kailangan mo lamang sa tahimik at umupo at maghintay
para sa kanila na gawin ang naturang bagay na sirain ang bansa. Tingnan ang ... na ang
isa ay talagang masamang mag-isip ng, ngunit narito ang isang bagay, sa pamamagitan
ng oras na ito marahil ilang mga tao na maaaring pag-atake sa pamahalaan ang mga
hacker ngunit hindi lahat ng mga tao ay maaaring Hack isang sistema. May ilan sa mga
ito na maaaring gawin ito. Kaya sa puntong ito talagang ako pieced off bakit
pagsasabatas nila ito uri ng batas? Kailangan ko talagang isang pagkakataon ngayon
upang makapagpahinga. Ako tapusin ang unang kabanata dito at habang nag-iisip para
sa susunod na kabanata Gusto kong pasalamatan ang Wikipedia tungkol sa kahulugan
ng cybercrimeshit oh ibig sabihin ng i batas.
Tagalized version
Chapter 2
Hindi ko alam kung bakit ko ginawa ito kabanata, ngunit ang isang bagay ay para
siguraduhin na ito ay bahagi ng batas. Dahil alam namin ang lahat ng na ang paggamit
ng internet, maaari kaming magkaroon ng sekswal na pagnanais ngunit alam ko may
ibang bahagi ng batas na saklaw ang isang ito at ito ay tinatawag na cyber sex. Pinili ko
ang kabanata na ito dahil gamit ang cyber sex din ang lumalabag sa batas ng
cybercrime. Oh ... maghintay hayaan mo akong magdagdag ng mga paliwanag ano ang
cyber sex. Kailangan ko upang maghanap sa na para sa higit pang-unawa. Hayaan
akong gamitin ang internet para sa pagkuha ng pinagmulan ng cyber sex. Ok dito kami
Cybersex, tinatawag din na computer na kasarian, kasarian ng Internet, netsex, mudsex,
TinySex at, colloquially, cybering o conversex ay isang virtual na makaharap ng sex
kung saan ang dalawa o higit pang mga tao na nakakonekta sa malayuan sa
pamamagitan ng computer na network magpadala ng bawat iba pang tahasang sekswal
na mensahe na naglalarawan ng sekswal na karanasan. Sa isang paraan, ito pantasiya
sex ay nagagawa sa pamamagitan ng mga kalahok na naglalarawan ng kanilang mga
pagkilos at pagtugon sa kanilang mga chat kasosyo sa karamihan nakasulat sa form na
dinisenyo upang pasiglahin ang kanilang sariling mga sekswal na mga damdamin at
[1] Cybersex minsan may kasamang tunay na buhay masturbesyon. [2] Ang kalidad ng
isang makaharap ng cybersex karaniwang depende kapag mga kalahok 'kakayahan
upang pukawin ang isang matingkad, visceral larawang-diwa sa isip ng kanilang mga
kasosyo. Din critically mahalaga ang imahinasyon at suspensyon ng kawalang-paniwala.
Cybersex maaaring maganap sa loob ng konteksto ng mga umiiral na o kilalang-kilala
na relasyon, halimbawa kabilang sa mga mahilig na heograpiya ng kuwit, o kabilang sa
mga indibidwal na walang paunang kaalaman ng isa't isa at matugunan sa virtual na
espasyo o cyberspaces at maaaring kahit na mananatiling anonymous na sa isa't isa. Sa
ilang cybersex konteksto ay pinahusay sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng isang webcam
upang magpadala ng real-time na video ng kasosyo.
Mga Channel na ginagamit upang pasimulan cybersex hindi kinakailangang
eksklusibong nakatuon sa paksa na, at kalahok sa anumang Internet chat ay maaaring
biglang makatanggap ng mensahe sa anumang posibleng variation ng teksto "Gusto
cyber?", "Gusto cam?" o ng isang kahilingan para sa "C2C" / "C4C" ("cam sa cam" at
"cam para sa cam", ayon sa pagkakasunud-sunod).
Cybersex ay karaniwang gumanap sa mga kuwarto ng chat sa Internet (tulad ng IRC,
talkers o web chat) at sa instant messaging system. Maaari rin itong maisagawa gamit
ang webcam, voice chat system tulad ng Skype, o online na laro at / o virtual mundo
tulad ng Second Life. Ang eksaktong kahulugan ng cybersex-partikular, kung ang
real-buhay masturbesyon ay dapat na nagaganap para sa online sex gawa upang
mabilang bilang cybersex-up para sa debate. [3] Ito rin ay medyo madalas sa mga online
na papel-paglalaro ng mga laro, tulad ng MUDs at MMORPGs, bagaman sa pag-apruba
ng aktibidad na ito ay nag-iiba-iba lubos na mula sa laro sa laro. Ilan sa mga online na
panlipunan mga laro tulad ng Red Banayad Center ay nakatuon sa cybersex at iba pang
mga pag-uugali ng pang-adulto. Mga online na laro ay madalas na tinatawag na
AMMORPGs. Sa iba pang mga laro ng mas malawak na MMORPG genre, ng Sanayan
sa mula sa malawak na tinanggap sa punto ng mga Masters ng laro / moderator pagkuha
bahagi, tulad ng sa Final Fantasy Online [pagsipi kailangan], moderated batay sa mga
ulat ng manlalaro, bilang sa World ng Warcraft [pagsipi kinakailangan], sa kapaligiran
para sa isang suspensyon mula sa pag-play o isang permanenteng pagkakatapon, sa Eba
Online at anarkya Online [pagsipi kailangan].
[4] Cybersex ay maaari ring nagagawa sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng mga avatar sa
isang kapaligiran ng multiuser software. Madalas Ito ay tinatawag na mudsex o netsex sa
MUDs. Sa TinyMUD variant, lalo MUCKs, ang salitang TinySex (TS) ay
napaka-karaniwang [5] Kahit na ang text-based cybersex sa kasanayan para sa mga
dekada, [6] ang mas mataas na popularidad ng mga webcam ay itinaas ang bilang ng
mga kasosyo sa online gamit ang two-way koneksyon video sa "ilantad" ang kanilang
mga sarili sa bawat isa online-pagbibigay gawa ng cybersex ng isang mas visual na
aspeto. Mayroong isang bilang ng mga tanyag, komersyal na mga website sa webcam na
nagbibigay-daan sa mga tao sa lantaran magsalsal sa camera habang ang iba ay
panoorin ang mga ito. [7] Paggamit ng mga katulad na site, mag-asawa ay maaari ring
isagawa sa camera para sa kasiyahan ng iba.
Cybersex naiiba mula sa kasarian ng telepono na ito ay nag-aalok ng isang mas mataas
na antas ng pagkawala ng lagda at nagbibigay-daan mga kalahok upang matugunan ang
mga kasosyo mas madali. Isang magandang deal ng cybersex maganap sa pagitan ng
mga kasosyo na lamang matugunan online. [Pagsipi kailangan] Hindi tulad ng telepono
sex, cybersex sa chat room bihira komersyal. Sa online na mundo tulad ng Second Life at
sa pamamagitan ng webcam-nakatuon serbisyo chat, gayunpaman, Internet sex
manggagawa-ugnayan sa cybersex sa exchange para sa parehong virtual at real-buhay
pera. [8]
Ngayon medyo malinaw alam mo na ngayon kung ano ang cyber sex. Ipaalam sa akin
salamat muli ang aking friendly na internet para sa pagbibigay ng sagot na ito, Salamat
muli Wikipedia.
Hayaan akong gumawa ng isang kuwento tungkol sa dalawang mga batas. Ako ay
magkaisa ang dalawang mga batas sa isa. Sa ganitong uri ng mga sitwasyon may
masamang bagay at mahusay na mga bagay na ito. Mong Gusto mo bang malaman kung
Ok, magsisimula kami na ang sitwasyon ng masamang bahagi. Halimbawa, mayroon
kaming tatlong character, dalawang batang babae at lalaki edad 20 at sa itaas. Hayaan
ang tingin sa akin kung ano ang kong tumawag sa laro. Ako pakikipag-usap na may mga
pangalan nang karakter uhm ok nagpasya kong ang pangalan ng tao ay Bong at siya ay
isang mag-aaral sa kolehiyo sa isa ng ang pinakamahusay na mga unibersidad sa
Maynila. Kanyang libangan ay maglaro ng basket ball at mag-hang out kasama ang mga
kaibigan. Ako ok na ang pangalan ng tao Bong. Ngayon sabihin pumunta sa isa ng ang
mga batang babae. Ano ang pinakamahusay na pangalan na demanda para sa batang
babae? Hayaan ang tingin sa akin tungkol dito ahm .. Ko ito batang babae kaibigan ng
Bong kaya kung ano pangalan demanda para sa kanya. Ok ako nagpasya na na ako ay
tumawag ang kanyang Beng. Beng ay isa ng ang pinakamahusay na player ng volleyball
at nagmamahal siya basketball player na kasintahan na suit sa bawat isa, ang mga ito ay
parehong parehong player sa unibersidad. Ngayon ay mayroon akong isa pang karakter
kaliwa at pa rin ang isang batang babae at ang kanyang trabaho sa kuwento para sa
masamang bahagi. Kaya ipaalam sa amin tumutok sa mga dalawang, lalo Bong at ang
hindi kilalang babae. Hindi ko magkaroon ng isang pangalan para sa kanyang ngunit
ibig sabihin habang ako ay isipin ang tungkol dito kaya sabihin simulan ang masamang
bagay sa kabanata na ito.
Bong ay isang masaya tao at nais niya na ang mga kaibigan sa mga tao na may night
life. Sa maikli, siya gustong upang matugunan ang mga batang babae o mga kaibigan sa
club o party o kahit saan. Isang gabi Bong napunta sa isang partido sa kanyang mga
kaibigan at lahat ng guys sa grupo kani-kanilang mga kasosyo. Hindi ako sinasabi Bong
pangit sa kuwento, ngunit siya ay hindi interesado sa lamang simpleng kagandahan, siya
ang may gusto bang medyo batang babae na ay angkop sa kanyang panlasa. Ngayon
habang nasa club ang kanilang grupo pagkakaroon ng masaya sa kani-kanilang mga
kasosyo, ngunit Bong tila wala sa lugar dahil siya ay nag-iisa. Hindi siya kasosyo. Ang
ilan ng mga batang babae sa grupo ay interesado sa kanya, ngunit Bong tumangging sa
kanila dahil siya nirerespeto ng pagkakaibigan, hindi siya ay nais upang sirain ang
pagkakaibigan sa pamamagitan ng mga batang babae, kaya ang grupo ay patuloy sa
pagkakaroon ng masaya. Pagkatapos ng isang oras, may napansin Bong pag-inom
mag-isa sa isang ikot talahanayan, at siya ay kaya messed sa mga batang babae sa
kanyang lugar at sinabi, "hey ikaw ay hindi sa isang tao? Ay hindi mo? "Batang babae
ang magtanong. Bong ay talagang magulat sa kung ano siya ay nakikita sa kanyang
dalawang lasing nang bahagya mata, siya Nakakuha masindak para sa hindi bababa sa
dalawang segundo at napagtatanto na ito ay ang uri ng batang babae na gusto niya, na
sa kanya ang lahat ng gabi Bong sinabi sa kanyang sarili. Ngayon babae sinabi, "hey
guwapo may lasing nang bahagya mata ang maaari kong umupo sa tabi mo? Gusto kong
samahan ka. "Bong ay talagang magulat pagdinig na sisiw nais upang manatili sa
kanyang tagiliran. Bong sinabi, "sigurado kung bakit hindi!", At siya smiled. Bong threw
isang magsisti, "hey marahil ang iyong kasintahan ay makakakuha ng galit, siguro siya
kukunan ako kapag siya nakikita mo sitting sa tabi akin." At ang babae ang laughed at
sinabi, "hindi mo ito nakakatawa, hindi ako dapat na dito kung mayroon akong
kasintahan ng samahan sa akin kanan? Bong smiled at sinabi, "sa pamamagitan ng ang
paraan na sa iyo ngayong gabi? ikaw ay may isang pangkat o lahat ng nag-iisa sa
ganitong uri ng lugar? "babae Ang sumagot," ako nag-iisa, lamang pagkakaroon ng
masaya in dito. Palagi kong gawin ito, umaasa upang mahanap ang isang tao na tulad
mo. ", At babae ang smiled Bong. Bong tumugon sa kanya, "nagsasagawa ka sa akin"
bola "ah at maririnig na tumawa, upang maaari kong mag-alok sa iyo ng isang inumin?
kung ano ang gusto mo? "Bong magtanong. Batang babae ang tumugon, "kung ano ang
mayroon ka doon?" Bong sumagot, "Mayroon akong dito 6 na bote ng beer, huwag ka
uminom ng beer?" Tinanong siya sa batang babae. "Oo uminom ako ng beer," sinabi ang
mga batang babae na may isang ngiti. At sa gabing iyon na sinimulan nila ang
pakikipag-usap sa bawat isa para sa 3 oras, at Bong ay tinatangkilik ang gabi na may na
batang babae. At bago sila umalis sa lugar nagtanong siya tungkol sa bilang. Bong
sinabi, "maghintay bago pumunta ka, maaari kong tanungin ang iyong pangalan at
maaari mong sabihin sa akin ang iyong numero." Batang babae ay hindi mag-atubiling
at sabihin ok bang tingin ko hindi mo mapagkakatiwalaan, at ako pagpunta upang
gumawa ka ng aking chatmate o textmate ", sinabi babae. Bong tumugon, "ok dito ang
aking cellphone, i-save ang iyong pangalan at ang iyong numero at din ang iyong email
address sa i-save ang lahat ng mayroon ka." Pambabae sinabi, "ok masamang gawin
ito." Pagkatapos nito kapag ang dalawang bagong nahanap na mga kaibigan sa pagkuha
ng malaman ng bawat isa na numero ng contact, batang babae ay umalis agad sa lugar.
Habang Bong ay check sa kanyang cellphone sa Tex sa batang babae. Habang texting
maisasakatuparan niya na ang pangalan ng babae ay napaka matamis, ang pangalan ay
Candy. Bong smiled at texted Candy hey nakuha ang iyong numero at paki-save ang
minahan gusto mo i teksto akin kung natanggap mo ang mensaheng ito. At ang dalawang
kaibigan paggawa ng sama-sama ng mga text na mensahe. Pagkatapos ng ilang linggo
pa sila ay texting bawat isa.
Pa rin pagkatapos ng isang buwan ng pag-alam sa bawat iba pang mga texting at texting
sa isa't isa. At ang mga puntos ay dumating na ang kanilang hindi nasiyahan sa teksto ng
bawat isa Candy Humihingi Bong na tumawag sa kanya sa Skype kaya pagkatapos
makita ang bawat isa habang pakikipag-usap. Bong tumugon ok kendi ay i tawagan ka
kapag nakakuha sila upang makipag-usap sa bawat isa at ring makita ang bawat iba
pang mga mukha Bong sinabi hey tiningnan mo maganda sa iyong mga pajama at kendi
sunog bumalik at tumingin ka ng higit pa sa isang tao na sando. Sa gabing iyon ang
kanilang kaugnayan sa isa't-isa ay nakakakuha ng mas malakas. Ngunit Candy sinabi,
"hey Bong maaari naming tulad ng ito sa lahat ng oras, walang commitment at walang
pag-ibig dahil ako matakot na hindi kabit-kabit sa iyo, kaya mangyaring bigyan ang
aking kahilingan. Bong sinabi ok Candy kung ano ang gusto mong.
Sa na sitwasyon ng kuwento kung saan na magsara ngayon sa masamang bagay ng
kautusan ng cybercrime at may cybersex din upang ipaalam sa akin na ipagpatuloy ang
kwentong ito ng Bong at Candy. Ngunit maghintay nang 02:00, pakiramdam ko inaantok
ang kuwento at gusto ko pa rin patuloy ngunit ang aking isip ay hindi pagtugon, kaya
hayaan mo akong kunin ang mga kuwento in dito, siguro ay ako patuloy bukas kapag
gisingin ko up. Kaya mga mambabasa na kailangan mong matulog ng maaga, ok,
goodnight. Ihinto ang pagbabasa sa susunod na bahagi lang pahinga o pagtulog ... lol ....
Ang masamang bagay tungkol sa kabanata simulan dito. Bago pumunta ka dito
ipagbigay-refresh sa akin ang aking mga alaala tungkol sa kung ano ang ko sinulat ni
kagabi. Na rin sila ipinangako sa bawat isa sa pamamagitan nang hindi umaalis sa
sinuman. At dito ang kuwento naging ... pagkatapos ng isang linggo, parehong sa kanila
pa rin ang pagtawag sa bawat isa at hindi sila nag-aaksaya ng oras para sa
pakikipag-usap at nakapako isa't isa. Bong mapansin kendi na mas prettier, at kaya siya
ay naaakit sa kanya. Bong pinapapasok sa Candy na siya maaaring mahulog sa pag-ibig
sa kanya. Kendi sinabi,'' hey mayroon ka nang nakalimutan aming ipinangakong. "Bong
sinabing," hindi, ako na nagsasabi sa katotohanan Candy. "Candy nagtanong Bong ang
tanong na ito at sinabi niya hey Bong Maaaring hilingin sa iyo ng isang bagay at ito ay
malubhang ahm Candy sinabi gawin ka kailanman pakiramdam makalyo kapag kami ay
nagsasalita at nakapako sa bawat isa? At Bong ay shocked Nadama niya ang kahihiyan
sa kanyang sarili, ngunit pagkatapos ng isang minuto siya ay nagpasyang sagutin ang
tanong Candy. Bong sinabi sa kanya, "ok aminin ko ang aking sagot ay oo." Bong
ipinaliwanag kung ano ang kanyang nadama at sinabing, "hey Candy ako lamang ng
isang tao at para sa akin mo ito perpekto, bawat oras na tumingin ako sa iyo nadama ko
ng isang bagay aking katawan ay nakakakuha ng mas mainit at gusto ko talagang
yakapin mo at halik mo. Candy smiled, kaya "Bong mayroon kang isang sekswal na
pagnanais sa paglipas ng sa akin?" Bong sumagot ng "oo Mayroon akong ngunit na
imposibleng mangyari. Candy laughed, na kung ano ang sa tingin mo hahahah sa tingin i
maaari kaming magkaroon ng kasiyahan ng kasarian ngayong gabi. Bong sinabi kung
paano Candy kung paano? Candy ang kanyang tanong, "ito ay simple, sabihin gawin ito
sa internet." "Oh ang maaari naming gawin ito sa pamamagitan ng na?" Tinanong
Bonng. Candy tumugon, "oo ko karaniwang gawin ito sa aking dating kasintahan."
Ngunit Candy wala kami sa na uri ng relasyon? ", Bong tumugon. Candy smiled, ok na
gawin sa iyo dahil sa tingin ko ay mayroon akong isang malambot na damdamin sa iyo.
Bong sinabing, "Uy Candy hindi ko alam kung paano gawin ito maaari mong magturo sa
akin?" Oh simpleng nito lang ang dadalhin off ang aming mga damit at isipin ang bawat
isa at sabihin-play sa aming sarili, maaari mong gawin iyon para sa akin? sinabi Candy.
Bong tumugon, ako nahihiya ngunit oo kendi ...
Gawin nila anumang nangyari ito sa araw na iyon. Tingin ko ko tapusin ang kuwento na
may na sitwasyon dahil ang aking nobelang ay na-rate PG kaya hindi ko na matugunan
ang pakikipagtalik. Lamang na ipaalam sa akin kung paano ang kuwento na ito maging
ang masamang bahagi. Para sa akin bilang manunulat talaga halata sa dalawang mga
character ng kuwento ay lumabag sa dalawang panuntunan ng batas, ie ang cybersex at
batas ng cybercrime. Una ay ang cybersex dahil ang dalawang tao ginagawa ito gawa
na walang kaugnayan sa isa't isa ay lumabag sa batas dahil Bong at Candy ay hindi
pakiramdam ng pag-ibig sa bawat isa at panatilihin ang mga ito ang paggawa ng
pagkilos na iyon sa internet. Ngayon kung bakit ang dalawang lumabag sa cybercrime?
Ito ang talagang halata muli dahil sila ay paggawa ng krimen oo na ang isang krimen
dahil ito ang mali, ito ang tulad ng kung ano ang ko sinabi sa ang cybersex ngunit dito
ay magkano ang mas kapana-panabik dahil dito ka na naaresto ng pulisya habang
ginagawa ang gawa nito talagang lumabag ang cybercrime batas.
Ngayon ipaalam sa akin na sa tingin tungkol sa ikalawang kuwento at ito ay ang
mabuting bahagi. Ako gumawa ng isang vice versa ng masamang bahagi ng kabanata na
ito. Oh ... Nakalimutan ko ang pangalan ng unang babae. Ok kapag sinusuri ang aking
nobelang natatandaan ko ang pangalan ng babae ay Beng. At pa rin ay i gamit ang
parehong tao para sa kuwentong ito. Narito kuwento naging ... tulad ng sinabi ko mas
maaga Bong ay isang basketball player at siya ay kaya magandang sa laro, siya ay
aktibo sa mga ito sports. Habang Beng ng volleyball player, siya nagnanais upang
maglaro ng volleyball at siya ay medyo at smart at laging tuktok ng klase. Isang araw sa
kanilang buhay sa kolehiyo, Bong at Beng ay nakikipag-date sa bawat isa at ang mga ito
ay mahusay na naghahanap ng ilang. Ilan sa Bong sa mga kaibigan inggit sa kanya dahil
siya ay may magandang girlfriend at talagang mainit. Parehong bilang sitwasyong may
Bong, Beng sa mga kaibigan mainggitin sa kanya dahil Bong ay isang mahusay na
manlalaro ng basketball at guwapo sa. Kapag ang ilang sa paglalakad sa maraming ng
campus ng mga tao ay nakapako sa mga ito sapagkat ang dalawa ay talagang angkop sa
sa bawat isa. Kaya hayaan mo akong tumalon sa kuwento hahaha bilang isang
manunulat walang maaaring itigil sa akin kung ano man ay i gawin sa aking kuwento na
ang isa sa mga mahusay na punto ng pagiging isang manunulat. Kaya matapos ang ilang
nagtapos, Beng ngayon ng pagpunta sa Canada dahil sa trabaho habang Bong rito sa
Pilipinas. Bong ay napaka taob kapag alam niya na Beng mag-iiwan sa kanya para sa 2
taon. Bong confronted Beng tungkol sa kanyang trabaho, at siya sinubukan upang ihinto
ang kanyang, ngunit Beng sinabi sa Bong, "hay honey ito ay hindi para sa akin ito ang
para sa atin, para sa aming hinaharap." Bong ay umiiyak habang nagsasalita sa Beng at
ang ng wala saanman Inaalok Beng isang bagay. "Ok Beng bago ka pumunta sa Canada
susunod na buwan maaari mong mangyaring magpakasal sa akin?", Bong sinabi,
habang siya ay hold isang bagay at bagay na isang ring. Beng ay shocked at sumigaw at
sinabi sa Bong, "na kung ano ako naghihintay para sa iyo upang hilingin sa akin honey
kaya bakit ko tanggihan na alok na alam kong hindi ko ikinalulungkot ito. Ok Bong
sabihin makapag-asawa ng dalawang linggo bago pumunta ko sa Canada. "Bong sinabi
ok ngunit pa rin maaari mong makita ang kalungkutan sa kanyang mukha para sa
maaaring loosing ng kalaguyo para sa dalawang taon. Manunulat gilid oh nito sa akin
muli ang manunulat lol nito tulad ng matamis na bagay na nangyari sa mga dalawang
tao, talagang matamis i hulaan ang mga ito ng dalawang character ay pagkakaroon ng
mabuting pamilya sa ibang araw. Ok sapat na para sa gilid ng manunulat hayaan mo
akong pumunta sa ang kuwento kaya sabihin magpatuloy dito sa puntong ito Bong at
Beng ay abala paghahanda para sa kanilang kasal dahil ito ay talagang out ng wala
kahit saan kapag Bong iminungkahi sa Beng. Nagpasya sila mag-asawa sa sibil
seremonya. Beng sinabi "pagkatapos 2years kapag nakakuha i bumalik sabihin asawa
muli sa simbahan." Bong tumugon, "ok Babe, i maghintay para sa na umaasa
gustung-gusto mo pa rin sa akin sa oras na iyon", at Bong smiled. "Oh sigurado hon ang
aking pag-ibig para sa iyo ay walang hanggang, ikaw ay magiging ama ng aking mga
anak." Beng sinabi.
Ngayon sabihin magpatuloy sa kasal - ang simula ng isang bagong kabanata ng buhay
Bong at Beng. Pagkatapos ng kasal Beng pa rin ay may dalawang linggo para Bong
bago siya umalis para sa Canada. Ilang ang ginugol ng oras sa bawat isa. Oh
Nakalimutan ko ang upang isama ang hanimun ng ang ilang lol. Tulad ng sinabi ko
kani-kanina, na ito ay na-rate ng PG hindi sekswal na pang-aabuso o pagpapakilala
hahaha. Kapag ang oras ang napupunta sa pamamagitan ng, Beng talagang kailangang
umalis at Bong sumigaw at sumigaw sa Beng sa balikat hugging kanyang mahigpit at
halik kanyang matamis at buong pagmamahal. Bong sinabing, "alagaan sinta ko tiyak
miss ka kaya magkano at mangyaring huwag tumingin sa mga dayuhan OK honey lang
panatilihing-ugnay Mahal kita kaya magkano Beng!" Beng maririnig na tumawa,
"hahah! Dayuhan? Ko na mayroon kang, kaya ang lahat ng mga lalaki may mga walang
kumpara sa iyo honey. Mahal kita higit pa at i palaging ay hanggang sa i hininga!
-aalaga ng iyong sarili at hindi tumingin sa ibang babae mayroon i isang mata sa iyo
kahit i am hindi sa paligid ok, "Siya kissed Bong at yakapin siya nang mahigpit habang
sinasabi," ibigin i kaya hanggang nakilala namin muli honey ay i tumawag palagi kang
nangangako Mahal kita. "Pagkatapos ng isang buwan Beng nagpunta sa Canada. Bong
palaging makipag-usap sa kanya at nagsasabi sa kuwento tungkol sa bawat isa. At
ngayon bilang isang manunulat na ito ang aking pagliko upang ipaliwanag ang ilang
mga bagay in dito. Ako ngayon ipasok ang magandang bahagi ng kabanata na ito kaya
basahin nang maingat ako dumiretso sa punto. Bong at Beng ginagawa pakikipagtalik
dahil kapag sila makalyo sa bawat isa sila kasiyahan sa bawat isa sa pamamagitan ng
paggawa sa pamamagitan ng internet na gawin nila ito nang isang beses sa isang
buwan. Tingin ko walang masama sa bilang isang kasal ilang dahil na asawa ilang, sex
ay isang ay dapat upang ipahayag ang iyong mga damdamin sa iyong partner, ngunit
ang problema dito ay kung bakit kung ang iyong mga kasosyo ay hindi sa paligid tulad
ng Beng. Paano Bong kasiyahan ang kanyang sarili sa mga tuntunin ng sekswal na
pagnanais para sa kanyang asawa? Kung ikaw ay nasa Bong ng sapatos, ang iyong
pagpunta upang makakuha ng isang bagong babae lamang upang masiyahan ang iyong
sekswal gumiit sa iyong asawa? Tingin ko hindi dahil bilang isang kasal tao na iyong
ipinangako na hindi mo saktan ang iyong asawa, magbibigay lamang sa kanya ng tapat
at tunay na pag-ibig at layaw sa kanya. Kaya sa tingin ko ang cybercrime batas at
cybersex bagay batas sa sitwasyon ng isang legal na may-asawa ilang ay legal sa
kuwentong ito dahil bilang asawa ilang mayroon silang karapatan na gawin ito nang
walang pagyurak ng iba pang mga damdamin dahil ang pagiging ilang pagiging isa kaya
sa tingin ko ay ko magtapos ang kabanata dalawang dito dahil kailangan ko upang
abutin ang mga bagay para sa ibang kabanata ng kuwento. Salamat reader! umaasa na
gusto mo ito kabanata!
Wow na kabanata ay hindi masama, ay hindi ito? Kaya ipaalam sa tingin sa akin ngayon
kung ano ang kuwento ay susunod kaya dito ako nag-iisip muli. Paano kung ako tungkol
sa pananakot. Ako pangalanan ang mga maton sa kabanata 3. Ay na karapatan sa iyo?
Oh hulaan i hindi mo maaaring tumauli na ok Ang bagay ay binayaran, sabihin gumawa
ng isang kabanata tungkol sa mapang-api.
Tagalized version
Chapter - 3
Kaya kung ano ay mapang-api? tingin i kailangan i upang hilingin ang aking mga
friendly na kapitbahayan ng google para sa karagdagang impormasyon ok lang
maghintay ng ilang sandali habang naghahanap sa internet oh maghintay bago simulan i
kabanata na ito sabihin ako ng isang stick ng sigarilyo ok salamat sa iyo para sa
pag-unawa ng aking mga pangangailangan Alam ko sa tingin mo na ako ng masamang
manunulat hahaha ok dito kami ngayon.
Ano ang pananakot?
Apat na uri ng pananakot
Sino ang pananakot at kung sino ang bullied?
Pananakot ay malala
Mga Palatandaan ang inyong anak ay maaaring na bullied
Mga bagay na maaari mong gawin kung ang inyong anak ay bullied
Mga Palatandaan ang inyong anak ay maaaring pananakot iba
Mga bagay na maaari mong gawin kung ang iyong anak ay pananakot ng mga iba
Nangungunang mga tip para sa mga bata
Pananakot ay kapag ang isang tao o isang grupo ng mga tao na may higit pang lakas
paulit-ulit at nagiging sanhi sinasadya saktan o makapinsala sa isa pang tao o pangkat
ng mga tao na sa tingin mahina upang tumugon. Pananakot ay maaaring magpatuloy sa
paglipas ng panahon, ay madalas na maitago mula sa matanda at marahil patuloy kung
walang ginawang pagkilos.
Pananakot ay hindi:
single episode ng panlipunan pagtanggi o hindi gusto
single episode kilos ng nastiness o kulob
random na gawa ng pagsalakay o pananakot
mutual argumento, disagreements o fights.
Ang mga pagkilos na ito ay maaaring maging sanhi ng mahusay na pagkabalisa.
Gayunpaman, hindi sila mga halimbawa ng pananakot maliban kung ang isang tao ay
sadya at paulit-ulit na paggawa ng mga ito sa iyo.
Ok mga salamat para sa paggawa ng paliwanag na ito. Ito ay talagang isang
malaking tulong upang maghanap para sa internet. Tingin ko kung cybercrime batas
Magpatuloy, naghahanap sa net ay mahirap. Dahil maaaring bina-block ang website
para sa pagpigil sa panunulad, ngunit mahusay na sabihin ilipat sa sa kuwento tungkol
sa pananakot. Ko pa ring gamitin ang Bong para sa kuwentong ito at huwag mag-alala
na ito ay isang bagong kuwento.
Kuwento nagsisimula dito, Bong ay isang mag-aaral sa kolehiyo at siya ay isang
masipag na mag-aaral. Para sa akin, bilang isang manunulat, Bong ay isang normal na
mag-aaral at ginawa niya rin sa paaralan. Kaya Bong ay upang makakuha ng mga
mataas na marka para sa kanyang bawat paksa at siya ay isa sa mga pinakamahusay na
mga mag-aaral sa kanilang silid-aralan. Napansin ko na Bong ay laging nag-iisa. Ang
dahilan dito ay na maaaring siya ay may problema, hindi siya ay nais na sumali sa
anumang mga gawain, at hindi siya magkaroon ng mga kaibigan sa paaralan, siya ay
laging nag-iisa at ako nagtataka na ang isang tao o isang bagay ay Iniistorbo Bong ng
isip. Ngunit narito ang isang bagay, Bong ay may kaklase na laging manunudyo kanya at
ang pangalan ng kanyang mga kaklase ay JD. JD ay isa ng masamang halimbawa ng
mga mag-aaral, siya ay ginagamit upang manigarilyo at laging siya kinopya ang gawain
ng kanyang iba pang mga kaklase. JD ay palaging humihiling sa Bong upang gawin ang
kanyang homework at kahit na ang mga proyekto sa paaralan. Ako ay nagtataka kung
bakit Bong ay hindi magreklamo sa JD, ito ay hindi maiisip para sa akin. Well, gusto
kong mag-focus sa JD dahil gusto ko talagang malaman sa kanya sa gayon na maaari
kong pag-aralan at ipaliwanag sa iyo kung ano ang nangyari sa kabanata. Sa
pamamagitan ng paraan, bago ako magpatuloy sa kuwento Gusto kong sabihin sa
nagkakaroon ako ng isang hard oras na magsulat lamang ang kabanata na ito dahil ako
riding sa isang jeep hahaha ... Gusto ko lang upang ibahagi ang mga ito. Maaari itong
maging isang tao ay kapitang na bigla ang aking cellphone kung hindi ko ihinto ang
pagsusulat dito. Na rin ang mas mahusay na ako huminto sa ngayon. Gusto ko na sabihin
ng paumanhin kung may typographical error dahil ipinaliwanag ko ito nang mas maaga
kung saan ang aking lokasyon at salamat sa pang-unawa.
Ok ngayon hayaan mo akong ipagpatuloy ang kuwento. ok sinabi ko mas maaga na ko
tumuon may JD. JD ay palaging ginagawa ang mga bagay bago siya palaging hilingin
ang isang tao na gawin ang trabaho para sa kanya ibig sabihin ko ang mga proyekto at
asignatura na hindi siya magpakita pagsusumikap mula sa kanyang mga akademikong
pag-aaral, siya gustong mamahinga ang mga bisita sa lahat ng oras Chilling sa mga
kaibigan. JD ay isang uri ng tao na siya palagay ni siya ay isang boss, maaari siya
Command ng isang tao upang gawin ang mga bagay para sa kanya. Well, sa kasong iyon
JD hinahanap Bong upang gawin ang kanyang mga asignatura at siya threatened Bong
na kung Bong ay hindi gawin JD ng asignatura o proyekto JD Punch o kahihiyan Bong
sa harap ng klase. Bong nadama natatakot dahil alam niya JD tanyag ng pagiging kilala
sa ang campus kaya nagpasya siya upang makakuha ng paggamit nito. Anuman JD
sinabi sa kanya siya tiyak ito. Ok, bilang isang manunulat, pananakot talagang
kailangan ng pansin dahil kung balewalain mo ang bagay na ito isa sa mga mag-aaral
willbe nasaktan at alam ko ang isang kaso na dahil sa pananakot isa sa mga mag-aaral
makakuha ng pagpapakamatay, at hindi ko nais na ito mangyari muli. Kaya kung paano
ang maaari kong ipagpatuloy ang aking kuwento tungkol sa pananakot?
Ok sabihin lumipat sa. Bong ay takot sa JD, at ginagawa niya lahat ng JD ng nais. Dahil
Bong ay hindi magkakaroon ng anumang mga kaibigan sa klase siya ay takot na walang
ay makakatulong sa kanya kapag JD ay subukang kahihiyan sa kanya, at alam niya na
ang lahat ng kanyang mga kaklase ay pagpunta sa JD sa gilid. Iyon ay kung bakit siya ay
tulad ng isang manika para sa JD. Oh Nakalimutan ko ang upang sabihin tungkol sa
background ng Bong pamilya sa kuwentong ito. Ang kanyang ama ay nagtatrabaho sa
isang gobyerno. Bong sa ama pro-cybercrime batas at siya ay isa sa mga dahilan kung
bakit ang cybercrime batas ay pagsasabatas sa ating bansa. Uy ang line na ito ay hindi
totoo lang i ginawa ang isang ito sa aking isip. Kaya bilang isang manunulat mayroon i
isang bagay na hilingin sa aking isip paano kung Bong sabihin ang kanyang problema sa
kanyang ama? Uhm ok ay nagbibigay-daan sa ipagpatuloy ang kuwento hulaan ko Bong
ay hindi nais na abala ang kanyang ama. At kung siya ay nagsasabi sa ito, marahil ang
kanyang ama ay pumunta sa kanilang paaralan at gumawa ng iskandalo sa paaralan.
Bong ay takot kung iyon ang mangyayari. Kaya ibig sabihin habang Bong ay
kasalukuyang gumagamit ng internet at siya palaging mag-log in sa facebook dahil ito ay
ang source ng entertainment para sa kanya. Siya ay may maraming mga kaibigan sa
mukha aklat dahil sa tingin i alam mo na ang dahilan. Ilang minuto pagkatapos, Bong
napansin kanyang chatbox, at nakita niya ang mensahe ng JD sa kanyang chat box.
Sinabi JD, "hey tanga paano aking homework pagpunta sa?" Bong tumugon, "hindi ako
makapagsimula pa ito." JD Nakakuha galit sa kung ano siya basahin at ipagpatuloy ang
sinasabi ng mga masamang salita sa Bong. At Bong kaya takot sa kung ano siya basahin
at sinabi niya na siya ay ang paggawa ng kanyang pagtatalaga sa ibang pagkakataon. At
JD sinabi sa kanya, "na ang i Gusto mo bang makarinig mula sa iyo bading." At Bong
ginawa at natapos ang lahat ng mga asignatura ng JD. Pagkatapos ng isang habang
Bong nahulog tulog dahil sa na pagod ng paggawa ng home gawain ng JD. Ang mga
sumusunod na araw Bong ngayon paghahanda para sa paaralan at siya kumain liwanag
almusal. Sa paaralan, ay ang JD kaya nasasabik upang makakuha ng kanyang tahanan
mula Bong, ngunit Bong kabaligtaran dahil siya ay takot upang makita JD ngunit hindi
maaaring makatakas sa JD presensya dahil ang mga ito ng mga kaklase upang sila ay
tiyak matugunan at ang pananakot Magpatuloy. Isang araw Bong ay talagang baliw at
hindi siya maaaring hayaan ang mga bagay na mangyayari sa lahat ng oras at siya ay
nagpasya upang sabihin ang katotohanan sa kanyang propesor at ipaliwanag niya ang
lahat at sinabi ang lahat ng JD mula sa kanya. Kapag natutunan JD kung ano Bong
ginawa, JD ay messaging masamang salita sa Bong sa facebook at ay talagang isang
napaka kahila-hilakbot at masamang salita. Sa bahay ng Bong ang tanging tao sa kaliwa
ay ang kanyang ama. Bong ng ama ay gustong gamitin ang computer at siya ay bubukas
ang google chrome at i-type ang kanyang sariling facebook pahina na dumiretso sa Bong
sa facebook sa aksidente ng nakikita ang facebook ng kanyang anak na nagtatapos ang
lahat. Kanyang ama mademanda JD para sa paglabag ng batas. Ngunit JD ay hindi
alam na siya ay paglabag ng batas. Isang araw sa paaralan JD ay naaresto, at siya ay
natatakot dahil hindi siya alam kung ano ang ginawa niya. Ang mga pulis sinabi,
"batang lalaki lumabag ka sa bagong batas upang ipaalam sa akin mag-anyaya sa iyo
upang ang quarters ng ulo. Kung hindi mo darating sa amin, ay i-drag sa lahat ng
puwersa ang aking ", sinabi ng pulis. Tumugon JD, "ok ginoo makikita ako sa iyo." At
lahat ay tapos na sa loob, ipinaliwanag nila kung ano ang dahilan ng nagdadala sa
kanya doon at ang parusa tungkol sa mga krimen na ginawa niya. JD na ginugol ng 12
taon sa bilangguan. Na nagtatapos sa kuwentong ito. Ngayon, nais kong ipaliwanag ang
isang bagay na napaka makahulugang.
Ok narito ang aralin sa kabanata na ito, mangyaring paggalang tao sa paligid mo dahil
hindi mo talaga alam kung ano ang gawa ginawa gagawin mo sa mga iba tulad ng JD
hindi siya alam na siya ay lumabag sa batas. Tingin ko sa kabanata ng batas ay
tumutulong sa malungkot na mag-aaral (Bong) na nangangahulugan ng batas ay isang
magandang bagay sa kabanata na ito. Ngunit ang masamang bagay ay na ang JD ay
hindi alam na siya ay lumabag sa isang batas na nagreresulta toa mandamyento de
aresto at na ang masamang bahagi ng batas. Well Ako kaya nagpapasalamat dahil ang
sine-save ng batas Bong out mula sa pananakot, at inaasahan kong Bong ay maging
isang normal na mag-aaral ngayon. Gayundin, tiyak ang sitwasyong ito ay magsilbi
bilang isang aralin para sa mga taong tulad ng JD. Kung ako ay mo, mag-isip muna
bago ka ng isang bagay, kailangan mong malaman muna kung ano ang mong gawin ay
mabuti at kanang o masamang.
Ngayon bilang isang manunulat muli at muli, kailangan kong mag-isip ng isa pang
kabanata para sa. Na rin siguro ng ilang oras ba akong magkaroon ng isang bagong
ngunit sa tingin ko na kailangan kong kumain muna bago magsulat ang kabanata 4 ng
aking mga nobelang.
Tagalized version
Chapter - 4
Kabanata na ito ay tungkol sa, sa aking sariling opinyon, sa tunay na mundo na
nangangahulugang ito talaga ang mangyayari, ay isang katotohanan at
makatotohanang, kaya nagpasya kong kabanata na ito upang subukan ang aking sarili
kung ko talagang maunawaan ang batas ng cybercrime. Kung isulat ko ang maraming
mga isyu tungkol dito tingin i am i handa upang magpatuloy ito nobelang.
Noong 2011, walang patakaran tungkol sa cybercrime, ngunit alam ko may mga ilang
mga tao na alam na ang batas na ito ay maaprubahan sa bansang ito. Mga taong iyon na
hinulaang cybercrime na maaprubahan, Mayroon akong mataas na saludo sa mga tao
dahil nangangahulugan ito na ginamit nila ang kanilang mga isip mag-isip kung ano ang
nangyari sa ating bansa. Kaya Ako ba na ang mga taong may alam na ang araw na ito
ay darating na siguro sila handa para sa trahedya na ito dahil sa unang lugar kahit
cybercrime ay hindi pa umiiral sa ating bansa, alam ko na sila ay gumawa ng solusyon
kung paano upang maiwasan ito batas. At sa tingin ko din sila sa hindi pabor sa batas na
ito dahil dito ay isang kadahilanan na pamahalaan ay makikinabang ang isang ito. Para
sa halimbawa ng senador isyu bagay. Ako ba narinig mo kung ano Senator Tito Sotto
ginawa? Kung hindi mo alam, ako ipaalala sa iyo kung ano ang nangyari. Hayaan ang
ipakita sa akin (sa ibaba) mo ang pagsasalita ng Senator Sotto naihatid ... Ibig kong
sabihin mamlahiyo. Narito ang pagsasalita ng Senator Sotto:
"Ilan ang magiging dakila Sa pagbali Ng kasaysayan, subalit bawat Isa Sa atin ay
maaaring kumilos, gaano tao kaliit, Para ibahin ang takbo Ng mga pangyayari Kapag
pinagsama-sama ang ating munting pagkilos, makakalikha tayo Ng totalidad na
magmamarka Sa kabuuan Ng kasaysayan Ng henerasyong Ito.
Ang mga Hindi mabilang-bilang na iba't ibang galaw Ng katapangan sa paninindigan
ang humuhubog Sa kasaysayan Ng sangkatauhan.
Tuwing naninindigan tayo Para Sa isang paniniwala, tuwing kumikilos tayo Para
mapabuti ang buhay Ng IBA, tuwing nilalabanan natin ang kawalan Ng katarungan,
nakalilikha tayo Ng maliliit na galaw. Kapag nagkasama-sama ang mumunting galaw na
mga Ito, bubuo Ito Ng isang malakas na puwersang kayang magpabagsak maging Ng
pinakamatatag na dingding Ng opresyon. "
Na ang pagsasalita na siya ang naghatid at ang orihinal na manunulat ng speech na ito
ay Mr Kennedy. Kaya ipaalam sa akin makakuha ang pagsasalita ng Kennedy ng oras na
ito, ipaalam sa ihambing ito "Ilang ay may ang kadakilaan sa yumuko kasaysayan;
ngunit sa bawat isa sa atin ay maaaring gumana baguhin ang isang maliit na bahagi ng
mga kaganapan, at sa ang kabuuang ng lahat ng mga kilos ay hindi nakasulat ang
kasaysayan ng kanyang henerasyon.
Ito ay mula sa napakakapal magkakaibang kilos ng tapang tulad ng mga ito na ang
paniniwala na ang tao kasaysayan ay sa gayon hugis.
Sa bawat oras na ang isang tao ay nakatayo up para sa isang perpektong, o gumaganap
upang mapabuti ang maraming ng iba, o naaabot laban sa kawalan ng katarungan, siya
nagpapadala balik isang maliit na malit na alon ng pag-asa, at tumatawid bawat isa
mula sa isang milyong iba't ibang mga sentro ng enerhiya at walang takot mga Ripples
bumuo isang kasalukuyang na maaaring walisin ang mightiest pader ng pang-aapi at
paglaban. "
Ok na i nakuha ang mga speeches ng parehong senators. Tulad ng iyong nakikita,
Senator Sotto isinalin ang salita ng Sen. Kennedy. Paano ko tumawag na plahiyo o
translation? Ang masamang bagay dito - Senator Sotto ay hindi kahit sinabi na nakuha
niya ang kanyang pananalita sa isang tao. Sinabi niya na ito ay orihinal. Kaya na ito
i-clear sa amin ito ay panunulad. Paumanhin para sa mr. Kennedy tingin i isa na ito ay
talagang kahihiyan laban sa ating bansa. Pano Kaya tayo gagalangin Ng ibang bansa
kung ang mga namumuno Sa atin ay gumagawa Ng kalokohan? Paumanhin para sa
pagsasalita Tagalog, gusto ko lang ito sa-clear sa aking kapwa Pilipino pinsan ko
talagang gusto upang makatulong sa ating bansa.
At ngayon araw na ito, Senator Sotto clear. Hindi ko alam kung bakit o kung paano.
Tingin ko dahil siya ay may koneksyon heah para bang dahil siya ay isa ng aming mga
lider. At ito ay ang tanong sa lahat ng iyong - mo mapansin na ang lahat ng mga tao sa
gobyerno ay celebrity nito kasiyahan siguro siya shoots ng pelikula sa loob ng gobyerno.
At ito ay ang pinakamasamang kahit Manny Pacquiao ay isang diputado. Ano ang
nangyayari sa impiyerno sa lupa? Bakit mga tao na bumoto sa mga kandidato? Dahil sa
alam nila na celebrity ay mahusay. Oo ang mga ito ay mahusay na kapag sila ay kumilos
ngunit upang maghatid sa amin uhm wala i tingin kaya. Ok tingin i nakakakuha ako ng
masyadong malayo sa hahaha paksa. Ibig mong mapansin na ang lahat ng mga isyu ng
Senator Sotto ay nawala? Tingin ko ang batas na ito ay ginagamit upang masaklawan
ang mga pagkakamali ng aming mga founder. Ngayon ang ilang mga tao sa bansa ay
nakatuon sa batas nakalimutan nila na ang iba pang mga isyu tungkol Sotto kaso. Tingin
ko gusto nila upang masaklawan ang mga ito sa pamamagitan ng batas na ito. At sa
pamamagitan ng paggamit ng batas na ito ay hindi isang labanan ang mga ito dahil ang
mga ito ay protektado ng batas. Na rin na ang aking simpleng paliwanag tungkol sa
kabanata pa rin ito sa iyo kung mayroon kang ang iyong sariling ngunit lamang i nais
upang ibahagi ang aking mga damdamin tungkol dito. Hindi ako pagpilit mong
naniniwala sa akin dahil alam i mayroon kang iyong sariling paraan upang siyasatin ang
mga bagay haha.
Ok tingin i na para sa kabanata 4.
Ito ay oras upang pumunta ngayon sa kabanata 5, ngunit pa rin hindi ko alam kung
paano simulan ang kuwento sa kabanata na ito. Kaya maaari mong ibigay sa akin ang
ilang oras sa tingin. Oh nang 3am sa umaga bukas siguro ay i tingin ng isang mahusay
na kuwento tungkol sa batas. Siguro sa aking panaginip CANT mong sabihin sa kung ano
ang nangyari sa kanan kaya magandang gabi para sa ngayon sabihin patuloy ito sa
ibang pagkakataon kapag gisingin i up. Salamat para sa pagbabasa ng kabanata 4, at i
tumagal ng oras upang humihingi ng paumanhin sa aking pinakamasama grammar
unawain na lang ang mga ito at maaari mong sundin kung ano ang nais i upang sabihin.
Tagalized version
Chapter 5
Ang susunod na kabanata ay tungkol sa panunulad. Alam ko sinabi ko na ng maraming
bagay tungkol sa panunulad ngunit sa kabanata na ito ay kong tumuon sa isang ito. Ako
gumawa ng isang sitwasyon tungkol sa panunulad at ako kumonekta ito sa cybercrime
batas. Kaya Umaasa ako na maaari kong gawin ito dahil ang aking isip ay talagang
blangko sa oras na ito hindi ko alam kung paano simulan ang kuwento. Oh tingin ko
kailangan ko upang hilingin sa internet tungkol sa kung ano panunulad ay lahat tungkol
sa gayon na ang aking reader ay madaling maunawaan ang aking paksa. Ok sabihin
simulan ang kuwento ngayon.
Kaya kung ano ay plahiyo? Mayroon ba kayong ng ideya kung ano ito? Hulaan ko
narinig mo ito ng maraming beses at alam ko na alam mo ang panunulad na ay
masamang at maaari kang mademanda sa pamamagitan ng paggawa nito.
Panunulad ay gawa ng paglalaan pagsulat ibang tao, pag-uusap, kanta, o kahit ideya at
pagpasa ito bilang iyong sariling. Kabilang dito ang impormasyon mula sa mga web
page, mga libro, mga kanta, palabas sa telebisyon, mga mensaheng email, panayam,
artikulo, likhang sining o anumang iba pang mga medium. Tuwing pagpapakahulugan sa
ibang pangungusap mo, ibuod, o ng mga salita, parirala, o mga pangungusap mula sa
gawa ng ibang tao, ito ay kinakailangan upang ipahiwatig ang pinagmulan ng
impormasyon sa loob ng iyong papel gamit ang isang panloob na pagsipi. Ito ay hindi
sapat upang ilista ang source ng bibliograpiya sa dulo ng iyong papel. Bagsak maayos
quote, sipiin o kilalanin ang mga salita o mga ideya ng ibang tao na may isang panloob
na pagsipi ay plahiyo. Para sa nauunawaan ang kahulugan ng panunulad, Gusto kong
sabihin salamat sa
Ok dahil i nakuha ang kahulugan ng panunulad, tingin ko reader dapat maunawaan ang
aking kuwento sa ngayon at nais i upang lumikha ng isa pang kuwento para sa.
Ipaalam sa amin simulan ang kuwento. Sa kuwentong ito, i pa ring gamitin ang Bong
para sa kabanata. Isang araw ang isang mag-aaral na-upload sa pagsasalita ng kanyang
pagtatapos sa facebook at may napansin na ang ilang mga salita na ginamit sa
pagsasalita ay dumating mula sa internet at uploader ay hindi binanggit ang source o
ang isa na orihinal na ginawa ito. At ito ay halimbawa ng panunulad. Kahit sa tunay na
buhay panunulad ay lubos na kilala. Sa paaralan panunulad ay kilala at tingin ko kahit
sa buong mundo. Kaya bilang isang manunulat, nagpasya kong gumawa ng isang
kuwento tungkol dito. Well plahiyo ay bahagi ng batas at ang ilang mga tao na ginamit
upang labagin ang batas na ito at wala i malaman kung nilalayon nilang lumalabag ang
mga ito o lamang sila ay nakakakuha ng mga tamad upang bumuo ng isang orihinal na.
Halimbawa, kapag hindi naaprubahan ang cybercrime batas, lahat ng tao ay
maaaring-download ng mga pelikula at kanta sa internet, walang thanking ang uploader.
Ngunit ngayon isang araw, kapag ang cybercrime batas ay naaprubahan at
pagsasabatas, tingin ko kung nag-download ka ng isang bagay sa internet, ikaw ay
lumalabag sa dalawang batas. Kaya kung ano ang maaari naming gawin tungkol dito?
Paano maaari naming mapigilan ang bagay na ito mangyari? Well, para sa akin, hulaan
ko maaari mong maiwasan ang mga ito sa pamamagitan ng simpleng pagsipi sa gayon
na ang isa na ginawa sa orihinal na bersyon ay maaaring makakuha ng mga kredito sa
iyong trabaho. At narito ang isang bagay, kung susubukan mo upang kopyahin ang iba
pang mga gawa ni, tingin ko ito ay pinapayagan ngunit hindi gumagamit ng kopyahin at
i-paste ang dahil kung patuloy kang ginagawa na, ikaw ay masanay dito. Kaya lahat ng
kailangan mong gawin ay basahin ang orihinal na kopya ng pangungusap, pagkatapos
ay gawin ang iyong opinyon tungkol sa kung ano ang iyong basahin at para bang ikaw
ay makakuha ng iyong ideya o sagot sa iyong sariling nang hindi ginagawa panunulad.
At narito ang isang bagay, kung sa iyo batay sa iyong sagot sa isa pang sagot,
mangyaring huwag kalimutan upang bigyan ng mga kredito mula sa orihinal na maker.
Sa pamamagitan ng ito, ikaw ay maging ligtas laban sa anumang. Tingin ko ito ay isang
simpleng bagay na kailangan kong sabihin at magbigay sa aking mga mambabasa upang
maiwasan ang paglabag sa batas ng panunulad.
Sa puntong ito, hayaan mo akong ipakita sa iyo kung paano ito gawin. Kaya na ikaw ay
matuto mula sa akin dito ay ang tamang bagay na gawin ito. Pumunta sa internet at ko
bang hilingin sa internet kung ano ang kahulugan ng pagsipi. Lamang lamang
halimbawa para sa kuwento. At oo ay i makinabang halimbawang ito dahil ito ay
mabibilang sa aking bilang ng salita para sa nobelang hahaha kaya ay i-grab ang
pagkakataong ito.
Ano ang pagsipi? Ito ay isang panloob na, sa teksto, o parenthetical pagsipi ay
tumutukoy sa pagsasanay ng pagbibigay ng credit sa may-akda, mang-aawit, o speaker
sa pamamagitan ng sumisipi sa kanilang mga salita / ideya sa loob ng iyong papel.
Panloob pagsipi na ito ay pagkatapos reference sa dulo ng iyong papel sa iyong
'gumagana Binanggit' listahan (tingnan sa ibaba).
Panloob na pagsipi minsan ay tinatawag na mga mga parenthetical pagsipi dahil sila ay
nakapaloob sa mga panaklong. Kapaki-pakinabang na mag-isip ng mga panloob na
pagsipi bilang isang uri ng "tag" na nagsasaad kung ano ang iyong hiniram mula sa
isang may-akda. Para sa bawat pangungusap ng parirala, o ideya humiram mong dapat
kang "tag ang" ito na may panloob na pagsipi. Bawat panloob pagsipi ay nakalista ayon
sa alpabeto sa isang 'Works Binanggit' sa dulo ng iyong papel.
Paghiram istraktura sa trabaho, format o style na walang ibinigay na credit
isinasaalang-alang din panunulad. Ito ay mahalaga na tandaan na ang lamang na
pagbabago sa paggamit ng mga salita ay hindi sapat.
"Http://" Ok na i kopyahin mula sa internet.
Lang kailangan mong gawin ay upang makuha ang link kung saan mo makuha ang kopya
at binanggit ito. Kaya na ang mga orihinal na kopya ay ibinigay na credit at ang isang
ito ay tanda ng paggalang sa orihinal na manunulat dahil magbibigay sa iyo ng kredito
sa kanyang trabaho at nai-download mo o batay sa kanyang trabaho. Kaya ay i
banggitin ito ngayon at i ilagay ang aking mga pagsipi pagkatapos ng orihinal na kopya,
ok? Tapos ako na - Nabanggit ito at hulaan i na para sa kabanata limang. Salamat para
sa pagbabasa na ito kabanata.
Ngayon sabihin pumunta sa kabanata 6 at nais i upang gumawa ng bagong character
para sa. Ako gumawa ng isang babae na character sa puntong ito at i call na ito
kabanata 6 uhm. Maghintay hindi i-isip para sa pamagat ng kabanata na ito. Gusto mo
isipan kung i manigarilyo unang at sa tingin ito pagkatapos na ito. Paumanhin i talagang
kailangan ito mangyaring maunawaan.
Tagalized version
Chapter 6
Kabanata ay talagang halata. Narito ang maaari kong ipaliwanag ang lumang araw
nang walang cybercrime. Bumalik sa mga araw na iyon na ang lahat ng mga tao sa
bansang ito ay may libreng kalooban sa paggamit ng internet, at maaari nilang gawin
ang anumang gusto nila at ang ilan sa mga ito ang gumagamit ng internet upang
labanan ang aming pamahalaan.
Ito ay simpleng upang mabuhay nang hindi iniisip anumang dahil ang buhay ay mas
masaya kung ikaw ay mamahinga ang mga bisita at patiwasay nakatira. Ngunit kung
may isang bagay na mangyayari sa isang lipunan ay tiyak na ito nakakaapekto sa aming
araw ng pamumuhay. Halimbawa, may mga tao na mga bisita single sa buhay ngunit
kung sila ay nakakita ng isang masaya pamilya, ang mga bagay ay naiiba mula sa kanila
at pagkatapos na sitwasyon subukan nilang baguhin ang buhay na siya ginamit upang
ma-enjoy. Ang ilan ng mga tao sa ating bansa ay tulad na dahil, sa tingin ko, kami ay
isang bukas na bansa at ang mga tao dito ay madaling inangkop sa kung ano ang
nangyayari sa ating bansa. Halimbawa, walang cybercrime batas talaga normal sa amin,
ngunit ngayon na may ganitong batas mahirap upang ilipat sa internet. Hindi ito tulad
ng sa lumang mga araw na hindi kami tututol kahit ano sa internet ito ay talagang
masaya sa na lumang araw dahil maaari naming hanapin ang anumang bagay na gusto
naming gawin. Ngunit ngayon sa aming oras mahirap. Kaya mangyaring bigyan pabalik
sa lumang Pilipinas, gusto naming ito at hindi namin nais upang limitahan ang ating
sarili sa batas na, bigyan kami ng kalayaan sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng internet
malayang. Hindi tulad nito. Ngunit hindi ako nagsasabi na ang kautusan ay talagang
sucks, alam ko ang ilang mga mahusay na epekto dito at ipinaliwanag ko na ito sa aking
nakaraang kabanata. At hinati ko ito sa dalawang mabuti at masamang bagay. Ko
talagang nais na magkaroon ng kalayaan sa. Maaari mong mangyaring itigil ang
cybercrime batas para sa aming privacy at mangyaring igalang ito ito ay kung ano ang
kaya namin ay hindi kaya makabubuti sa amin mangyaring kooperatiba. Namin na
mabuhay nang hindi na batas upang maaari naming pa ring patuloy na tamang paraan
ng pamumuhay.
Tagalized version
Chapter 7
Ito ay 1989 kapag Janina ay ipinanganak sa Pilipinas sa paligid 23:00. Siya ay isang
maganda sanggol at siya ay malaki at medyo. Kapag Janina pagdating sa edad ng
pitong, maaari mong mapansin mula sa kanya na siya ay isang uri ng kid na nagnanais
ng computer na. Ginugol niya kalahati araw sa harap ng computer sa pamamagitan ng
paglalaro ng mga laro o magbasa ng isang bagay sa harap nito. Tingin ko Janina ay
inspirasyon sa pamamagitan ng kanyang mga magulang. Janina ng ama ay isang system
analyst sa Saudi Arabia at ang kanyang ina ay isang Computer Engineer sa IBM. Itinuro
sa kanya ng kanyang ina upang gamitin ang computer sa edad na tatlong at na ang
simula ng kuwento.
Kapag Janina napupunta sa elementarya maaari mong mapansin ng iba't ibang mga
bagay mula sa kanyang. Siya ay naiiba mula sa ibang mga bata dahil kapag siya ay
grade 1 mag-aaral sa Magandang University (ang pangalan ng sikat na paaralan sa
Pilipinas) na siya ay may isang cell phone at isang tablet. Janina techie babae. Kanyang
guro, Ms Sonia, napansin ang iba't ibang pag-uugali na Janina May. Sa pamamagitan ng
ang paraan, Ms Sonia ay isa ng ang pinakamahusay na guro sa Magandang University.
Siya ay nagtapos mula sa De LaTeneo Universty na may isang antas ng Bachelor of
Science sa Impormasyon System. Kinuha niya ang master degree sa Edukasyon sa San
Letran College.
Kapag ang unang linggo ng paaralan ay, Janina napaka nabigla dahil siya gustong
upang matugunan ang mga bagong kaklase at bagong kaibigan.
Ika-1 araw ng elementarya araw
Janina nagpasok sa silid-aralan. Siya ang ang maagang ibon sa lahat ng mga
mag-aaral. Janina upuan sa tabi ng talahanayan ng guro at ang kanyang Yaya
(Katulong, Katulong) sa labas ng pinto sa panonood ng kanyang mga pagkilos sa loob
ng room. Kanyang Yaya napansin na Janina ay napaka nabigla upang makita ang
kanyang guro at mga kaklase. Pagkatapos tinatawag Janina ang kanyang Yaya. "Yaya"
at Yaya tugon oo kung ano ang mali, janina magtanong kung bakit ang lahat ay hindi
dito kung saan ang mga ito? Ay hindi nagaganyak upang pumunta sa paaralan at matuto
mula sa aming bagong guro? Yaya sinabing, "alam mo sanggol mayroong isang bagay
upang ipaliwanag ito 1st ayaw nila sa darating na ito maagang dahil hindi ito
masyadong nasasabik na tulad mo. At ang kanyang Yaya maririnig na tumawa, Janina
smiles masyadong at tanungin, "ko ba talagang magmukhang na nabigla Yaya?" Sa Yaya
sagot oo ikaw ay at tumawa muli. Pagkatapos ng 10 minuto Ms Sonia pumasok sa room
at Janina sa greets Ms Sonia, "magandang umaga Miss, ang aking pangalan Janina,
kung ano ang iyong pangalan? "Ang kanyang guro smiled at sinabi," kita ikaw ang
maagang ibon uhhmm ang aking pangalan ay guro Sonia o maaari kang tumawag sa
akin Ms Sonia, ako 22 taong gulang. Ako iyong tagapayo para sa buong taon ng
paaralan. Janina smiled at kumuha ng kanyang cell phone. "Ms Sonia ang maaari kong
gamitin ang aking cell phone habang naghihintay para sa iba sa darating? Guro tugon
oh bang! Wow alam mo na kung paano gamitin ang isang cell phone sa pamamagitan ng
edad na. Oo guro ng aking mommy at tatay ay naiimpluwensyahan sa akin upang
gamitin ang mga teknolohiya dahil sinabi nila na sa malapit na hinaharap namin na
napapalibutan ng mga gadget at iba pang mga teknolohiya. Gusto nila sa akin upang
makakuha ng paggamit dito kapag na nauuna ang araw. Iyon ay mabuti upang marinig
mula sa isang grado isang mag-aaral na tulad mo? Tingin ko ang iyong mga kaklase ay
darating. "Bata dumating at murmuring sa isa't isa" mag-aaral ay makikita sa
kani-kanilang mga lugar at batiin ang guro sa harap. Gooooood Mooooorniiiingggggg
Teeeeeaaaachhhheeeeerrrr? Magandang umaga mga bata sinabi Ms Sonia, ikaw ay
tuwang-tuwa upang matuto nang klase? Yeeeeesssss teeeeeaaaccchhheerrr. Ok
magsimula ng aralin at Janina ay aktibo sa klase aktibidad. Tuwina Janina pupunta
bahay niya laging may star mula sa kanyang guro. Kapag pupunta siya bahay siya
laging email ng kanyang ina at ama at sabihin ang kuwento tungkol sa kung ano ang
mangyayari sa paaralan.
Matapos ang 6 na taon Janina ay isang mataas na paaralan ng mag-aaral. Sa
pamamagitan ng oras na iyon Janina ay pinahusay kanyang kaalaman tungkol sa mga
computer, at sumali siya sa computer na aktibidad club. Sa club na ito maaari mong
malaman kung paano gumawa ng software o upang gamitin ang mga iba't ibang mga uri
ng mga operating system. Tumutulong upang mapahusay ang iyong mga kasanayan at
kaalaman tungkol sa mga computer. Isang araw Janina pumasok sa computer club at
siya nakilala Megan at Knox. Ang dalawang ay bestfriends, at matugunan nila Janina at
nila napansin na Janina ay mag-isa sa loob ng kuwarto. Megan sinabi hey kung bakit
ikaw ay nag-iisa?
Janina tugon ako ng mga bagong dito sa club na ito. Ang pinakamahusay na sagutin ang
mga kaibigan sa oh parehong dito. Maaari naming maging sa iyong mga kaibigan dahil
wala kang sinuman na makipag-usap masyadong? Tumugon Janina, "bang".
Makipag-usap sila ng maraming at ang pinakamahusay na mga kaibigan ay nagulat
tungkol sa kaalaman ng Janina tungkol sa computer. Janina maaaring ipaliwanag kung
ano ang mga paraan specs, ram at ROM. Meg at Knox ay magulat dahil natutunan nila
ng maraming ng mga bagay mula sa Janina sa kanilang unang araw ng pagkakaibigan.
Kapag ang tatlong mga kaibigan hiwalay na sa isa't isa at pumunta sa kani-kanilang
mga tahanan Janina nagpunta sa room ng kanyang Yaya at sabihin sa mga kuwento
tungkol sa kanyang mga bagong kaibigan. Janina ay napaka-masaya habang paggawa
ng isang kuwento sa kanyang Yaya at kanyang sinabi na Knox at Meg ay napaka
mararating at sinabi niya na siya nais na maging bahagi ng pangkat. Kapag ang susunod
na araw ay, Janina ay naghahanda ang kanyang sarili upang pumunta sa paaralan at
maaari mong makita ang mga kaguluhan at kaligayahan sa kanyang mukha, dahil Janina
nais upang makita ang kanyang mga bagong kaibigan. Ilang oras nakaraan ang tatlong
mga kaibigan nagpunta sa kanilang silid-aralan at makipag-chat sa bawat isa. Biglang
habang pakikipag-usap sa isa't-isa, ang mga pintuan bukas at Janina kaya shock kapag
nakikita niya ang Ms Sonia. Janina nagpunta sa kanyang dating guro at siya
nagtatanong '"kung paano ikaw ay ms. Sonia ito habang ang isang? "Ms Sonia ay
magulat kapag nakita niya Janina. Ms Sonia sinabing, "oh ito muli sa iyo kung saan
gonna maging sama-sama sa isang paaralan taon ngunit ngayon iba. Janina mo na
lumaki maraming at alam i ngayon mo na makita ang iyong mga talento pagdating sa
computer mo? "Janina sinabi," uhhmm hulaan i kaya makikita mo ang isa sa mga araw
na ito ms. Sonia. "Pagkatapos ng pag-uusap Janina napunta sa kanyang mga kaibigan at
sinabi sa kanila na Ms Sonia ang kanyang guro sa grade 1 at sinabi niya na siya ay isang
mabuting guro at kami ay pagpunta sa malaman ng maraming bagay mula sa kanyang?
Dingdong oh ang bell ring klase magsimula ngayon. Magandang umaga mga
kababaihan at kaginoohan, Ako Ms Sonia at ako ang iyong tagapayo .... ms. Sonia ay
nagpapakilala ang kanyang sarili sa kanyang mga mag-aaral at sabihin sa mga kuwento
tungkol sa kanyang karanasan sa pagtuturo.
Matapos ang 6 na buwan Janina, Knox at Meg nagpasya upang sumali sa kumpetisyon
na tinatawag na Compute System Marathon. Sa sa kumpetisyon na ito ay gumawa ng
isang sistema para sa pamahalaan at ipaliwanag ang lahat ng mga function at kung ano
ang sistema ang ginagawa. Meg at Knox ay inspirasyon sa Janina na ang dahilan kung
bakit sila ay nagkaroon ng interes at knowlege sa mga computer. Kapag ang dalawang
mga kaibigan nakilala Janina, sinimulan nila upang ibigin at tuklasin kung ano ang
computer ay maaaring gawin at pagkatapos na, gumawa sila ng isang koponan na
labanan sa iba pang mga campus para sa kumpetisyon. Ang mga kakumpitensya ay Rich
unibersidad at Nice unibersidad. Ito ang dalawang sikat na unibersidad dito sa bansa, at
ang mga mag-aaral na pag-aaral dito ay napaka-kaalaman at mahusay na sa computer
dahil mayroon silang ang pinakamahusay na gadget at high techs facility. Janina at ang
kanyang mga kaibigan ay nasasabik upang simulan ang application para sa Compute
System Marathon, at sila ay pagpaplano upang gumawa ng isang system na computes
mga grado, ngunit hindi lamang grado, ang sistema ay magagawa upang makalkula ang
suweldo at ilang iba pang mga bagay kapag sa computing. Janina ay gamitin ASP.Net
para sa coding habang Meg at Knox ay tumutok sa database at disenyo. Ang dalawang
tao ay natutunan ng mga bagay na ito dahil sa Janina. Janina ay nagtitiwala sa kanyang
dalawang kaibigan upang gumawa ng isang mas mahusay na base Data at Disenyo. Sa
pamamagitan ng paraan ay nangangahulugan na ang Web application
framework na binuo at marketed sa pamamagitan ng Microsoft upang payagan ang mga
programmer upang bumuo ng mga dynamic na mga Web site, Web application at mga
serbisyo ng Web. Ito ay unang inilabas noong Enero 2002 na may bersyon 1.0 ng NET
Framework, at ang kahalili sa Active Server ng Microsoft ASP Mga Pahina teknolohiya.
ASP.NET ay binuo sa Karaniwang Wika Runtime CLR, na nagbibigay-daan sa mga
programmer na magsulat ng ASP.NET code gamit ang anumang suportadong. NET wika.
Ang balangkas ng extension ng ASP.NET SOAP ay nagbibigay-daan sa ASP.NET bahagi
upang iproseso ang mga mensahe ng SOAP (Mga pinagmumulan:
/ASP_NET . html).
Janina ay ipinaliwanag ng mga sa kanyang mga kaibigan at Meg at Knox pag-aaral sa sa internet upang maunawaan kung ano ang Janina ay sinusubukan upang
sabihin. Kapag magsimula ang paligsahan, Janina ay handa upang maghanda ng
kanilang system at janina ay masaya sa resulta ng kanilang hardwork. Ang unang
pangkat ipakita ang mayaman na unibersidad at ang application ay simple calculator sa
pamamagitan ng paggamit ng java o JSP. JSP ay nangangahulugan Maikling para sa
Java Server Pages na. Ang isang server-side na teknolohiya, Java Server Pages ay isang
extension sa ang teknolohiya ng Java servlet na binuo ng mga sun. Mga JSPs dynamic
scripting kakayahan na gumagana sa magkasunod sa HTML code, na naghihiwalay sa
pahina ng logic mula sa mga static na elemento - ang aktwal na disenyo at pagpapakita
ng pahina upang matulungan ang HTML na mas functional (sourcess TERM / B / JSP_NET.htmlhttp :/ / /
TERM / B / JSP_NET.html). Ang isang JSP isinalin sa Java servlet bago patakbuhin ang,
at maproseso HTTP kahilingan at bumubuo ng mga tugon tulad ng anumang servlet.
Gayunpaman, JSP teknolohiya ay nagbibigay ng isang mas maginhawang paraan upang
code ng servlet. Translation nangyayari ang unang pagkakataon na application
patakbuhin ang. Ang isang JSP tagasalin na ito ay nag-trigger sa pamamagitan ng ang
extension na. Jsp pangalan ng file sa isang URL. Interoperable JSPs ay ganap na may
servlets. Maaari mong isama ang output mula sa isang servlet o ipasa ang output sa
isang servlet, at servlet maaaring isama ang output mula sa isang JSP output o forward
sa isang JSP. JSPs ay hindi pinaghigpitan sa anumang partikular na platform o server.
Orignially ito ay nilikha bilang isang kahalili sa Microsoft ASPs Active Server Pages na.
Kamakailan, gayunman, Microsoft ay countered JSP teknolohiya may sariling ASP.NET,
bahagi ng. NET hakbangin.
Janina alam java, ngunit hindi niya subukang code gamit JSP, ngunit kapag nakita niya
ang mga code na sinabi niya sa kanyang sarili na siya nais upang subukang code sa java
sa lalong madaling panahon. Janina group ay ang pangalawang presentor. Kapag ang
system ang ay ipinakita sa madla, ang mga hukom ay namangha dahil sa disenyo ng
system ay napaka-natatanging at kaya sila ay namangha dahil hindi sila naniniwala na
ang isang mag-aaral ng highschool ay maaaring gumawa ng isang mas mahusay na
application tulad na. Janina ay kaya impressed dahil nakita niya ang reaksyon ng mga
tao. Sinabi niya sa kanyang sarili na siya ay mapagmataas sa pamamagitan ng ang
gawain ng kanyang mga groupmates. Ngayon ang mga hukom ay naka-check ang code at
sinabi nila ito sa group ng janina kung paano patakbuhin ang application. Janina
ginawa ang demo. Niya ipinaliwanag kung ano ang ginagawa ng application at kung ano
ang paggamit nito. Isa ng ang hukom na tinatawag na ang pansin ng Miss Sonia. Sinabi
niya, "gusto kong makipag-usap sa pangkat sa tao, maaari mong i-iskedyul ang mga ito
para sa akin? Miss Sonia sa palagay na siya ay impressed sa gawain ng kanyang mga
mag-aaral at siya ay talagang maipagmamalaki ng mga ito para sa kanilang mga
trabaho na magaling. Matapos ang pagtatanghal ng group Janina ang huling group
upang ipakita ang Nice unibersidad at sila ay pagpunta upang magpakita ng isang
application gamit ang PHP wika. PHP ay nangangahulugan ay isang server-side na
wika scripting, lalo na angkop para sa paglikha ng mga dynamic na pahina ng web.
Programming language na ito ay nag-aalok ng mga web developer ng malaking
seleksyon ng mga instrumento. PHP, na kung saan ay naging ang batayan para sa
maraming mga application sa web, ay nagbibigay-daan sa madaling pagpapasok ng sa
HTML code at koneksyon sa MySQL at PgSQL Database (Mga pinagmumulan: php /).
Application ay halos ang parehong sa application ng unang pangkat, ay isang simpleng
calculator. Pagkatapos ng pagtatanghal ang mga hukom ay nagpasya na ang nagwagi at
ito ay lubos na halata Janina group na panalo ang labanan dahil sa ang kanilang mga
ideya at konsepto at din ang disenyo ng interface ng user. Janina at mga kaibigan won
unang lugar at ang mga mukha ng kaligayahan sa inyo ay talagang nakikita sa kanilang
mga mukha. Matapos ang awarding Janina at Miss Sonia-uusap, sinabi sa kung ano ang
mga hukom ay sinabi sa kanya. Janina sinabi na sila isipin ng ito at na gusto niya upang
humingi ng pahintulot mula sa kanyang mga kaibigan.
Time napupunta sa pamamagitan ng ... Janina ng trabaho ngayon. Siya ay isang system
analyst at ding isang abogado.
Sa mga araw na ito, mayroong isang bagay na mangyayari tungkol sa lipunan .. ito
kahila-hilakbot na gamitin ang internet dahil ang isa sa mga problema ng pamahalaan
kung saan ang pumasa sa isang batas na lumalabag sa ang paggamit ng internet ay
naaresto. Maraming tao ang nakakuha galit na may batas na. Janina bahagi bilang
isang abogado at isang system analyst siya ay sa pabor sa batas na ito dahil ang
kanyang dahilan ang ilang mga tao na paglaban sa internet nang hindi nakikita ang
kanilang mga mukha at ito lamang ang labanan na ang taong ito ay maaaring gawin o
labanan sa ang pinakamataas na tao sa pulitika . Sa pamamagitan ng sa cyber krimen
batas na ito, hindi sila maaaring labanan ito at sila ay sa halip panatilihing tahimik at
makinig sa panuntunan ng pamahalaan. Janina nais upang labanan ang mga karapatan
ng mga taong ito at ginawa niya ang isang pag-aaral tungkol sa saligang batas ng Batas,
ng Pilipinas at USA. Hayaan akong ipakita sa iyo ang Philippine Konstitusyon. Narito
ito ay at sabihin pag-aralan ito. Sa pamamagitan ng ang paraan, ang 1987 Batas ng
Konstitusyon ng Republika ng Pilipinas.
Tagalized version
Chapter 8
Sa kanya: "ang maaari kong i-download ang mga laro tulad ng lumindol at i-play ang
mga ito sa panahon ng tanghalian, alam mo."
Akin: "lamang kami pinapayagan 10 megs sa aming mga account, at ang mga
administrator ng system ay maaaring napansin mo-download ng isang malaking file."
Kanya: "Nah, maaari ko Hack ito kaya hindi niya magagawa."
Akin: "Ah, kaya ikaw ay sa pag-hack Sa pamamagitan ng ang paraan kilala mo ang
anumang mga wika programming.?"
Sa kanya: ". Oo, siyempre"
Sa akin: "Aling mga?"
Sa kanya: "Hindi ko masasabi sa iyo o sa ibang tao mong gamitin ang mga ito."
Sa akin: "lamang sa pamamagitan ng pagbanggit C + + o Pascal o anumang ay hindi
agad gumawa ako ng henyo sa mga wikang iyon."
Sa kanya: "Oh Paumanhin, hindi ko nauunawaan mo Oo, alam ko C + + at Pascal."
Sa akin: "Anong tagatala mong gamitin?"
Sa kanya: "Well, QBasic aking paboritong."
Sa akin: "Walang sinuman sa ibabaw ng edad ng walong paggamit QBasic para sa
malubhang mga layunin"
Sa kanya: "Pero ginawa nila ang Windows sa QBasic."
Ko halos sumigaw tumatawa.
Isang araw na ako ay sa isang pampublikong parke, pagbabasa ng "C + + Para sa
Dummies" kapag may isang taong dumating at nagtanong sa akin kung ano ang ako
pagbabasa. Ko sinabi sa kanya ako ay nagbabasa ng isang libro tungkol sa C + +.
Tumugon siya, "Oh, HTML kicks C + + 's @ $ $."
• Guro:. "Hindi mo maaaring gawin ang mga puwang sa HTML Kung makita mo ang
mga puwang sa mga pahina ng web, pagkatapos ay dapat silang gumagamit java upang
i-override ang basic HTML Java save ang Internet, dahil ito ay aalis ng mga limitasyon
ng HTML, ngunit ito ay hindi na saklaw ng. ang kursong ito upang ipakita sa iyo kung
paano gawin ito. "
• Aking Friend: "Kahapon, reprogrammed ko ang aking computer."
Sa akin: "Okay ...."
Aking Kaibigan: "Hindi aking Mac, ngunit ang aking PC ay may Windows Vista."
Sa akin: "Oo, at kung ano ang wika mo gamitin?"
Aking Friend: (i-pause) "Ingles."
Sa akin: "Ingles?"
• Aking Friend: "Oo, Ingles."
Ako ay ang gabi-time na operator para sa isang unibersidad sa hilagang bahagi ng
estado. Tumakbo namin ang aming-administratibo trabaho sa lokal, at ang mga
mag-aaral isinumite ang kanilang mga trabaho sa amin. Namin basahin ang kanilang
mga deck ng card sa aming IBM 370/115 na ipinadala sa kanila sa IBM 370/165 sa
kabisera na nagpadala ng mga resulta pabalik sa ipi-print. Balot pagkatapos namin ang
listahan sa paligid ng mga kiddies 'card deck at ilagay ang mga ito para sa kanila upang
kunin ang.
Isa gabi mag-aaral ay sa lugar ng pickup, pagtingin sa kanyang listahan, at umiiyak.
Kami operator ay hindi kinakailangan upang matulungan ang mga mag-aaral, ngunit
kung nagkaroon kami ng ilang labis na oras, palagi naming ginawa. Tinanong ko sa
kanya kung ano ang mali, at sinabi niya ang kanyang programa ay hindi gumagana nang
tama. Kinuha ko ang listahan at tumingin ito sa. Ito ay ang unang ehersisyo na ibinigay
sa unang semestre COBOL mga mag-aaral. Nakita ko walang mali dito. Walang mga
error sa tagatala, walang JCL error, at ang printout mula sa run kahit mukhang tama.
Kaya ko sinabi, "hindi ko makita ang anumang mga error."
Sa puntong iyon siya ipaalam ang isang mahusay na managhoy at hikbi. "Alam ko!" siya
sumigaw. "Iyon ang problema!"
"Huh?" Ko sinabi.
Ito naka magtuturo sa sinabi ng klase kung ano ang lahat ng mga instructor sabihin ang
kanilang mga klase para sa unang computer program sila kailanman isulat ang. "Huwag
mag-alala tungkol sa mga error sa unang pagkakataon mong isumite ang iyong deck.
Tao palaging makakuha ng mga error sa unang pagkakataon."
Well, sa pamamagitan ng ilang mga parasitiko ng improbabilidad, ang batang babae na
ito ng mga pinamamahalaang upang magsulat ng isang walang kamali-mali programa at
key na ito sa pangunahing manuntok walang aberya at Mayroon walang kamali-mali run
ang unang pagkakataon na siya sinubukan ito. Tagapagturo ang sinabi sa kanya sa
inaasahan error. Hindi niya ang mga ito, kaya inisip niya siya ay paggawa ng isang
bagay mali.
Isang beses ko nagtrabaho para sa IT department ng isang maliit na kumpanya ng
pagmamanupaktura. Ang bagong Vice President ng IT ay inaangkin na siya ay naging
isang programmer para sa higit sa dalawampung taon bago. Isang beses kami sa isang
pulong na may isang kumpanya ng software na tinanggap namin upang bumuo ng aming
web site para sa atin. Tulad ng ipinaliwanag nila na ang mga web page ay nakasulat sa
HTML at Javascript, VP na ito hinto ang mga ito malamig at nagsasabing, "Wala sa
aking mga guys dito gumana sa anumang ng Javascript na mga bagay-bagay! Ito ay
isang SQL shop! Gusto ko lang ang mga web page na nakasulat sa SQL upang maaari
naming sinusuportahan ito ating sarili! "
Sa halip na itama ang isang tao na gusto ng programmer para sa dalawampung taon,
ako nakaupo doon na may isang nilibang hitsura sa aking mukha para sa natitira ng
pulong. Kaya ginawa ang mga tao mula sa kumpanya ng software.
Ng iba shell script na nakita ko sa trabaho ngayon ay malawakan Nagkomento, kabilang
ang ang pinakahiyas ito ng hindi-impormasyon.
i-export PATH # I-export ang landas
• User: "Hey, maaari mo ng tulong sa akin aking programa ay hindi gumagana."
Consultant: "Ano ang problema ka ba gumagamit ng Turbo Pascal?"
User: "Oo, ang programa Haharangan ang machine."
Consultant: "Well, makatipon ito?"
User: "Hindi ko alam - ito lamang ay hindi tumatakbo mong makita ang EXE file Kung
nagpapatakbo ka, Haharangan ang machine.?."
Consultant: "At kung saan ay ang iyong mapagkukunan, ang pas file??"
• User: "ko sinulat ni ito at Pinalitan ang pangalan ito sa EXE sa gayon ay maaari itong
Isang bagay na maraming tatakbo sa sa computer industriya, mga employer na sa halip
clueless at pa ay hindi kinakailangang Napagtanto ito. Noong 1996, ang isang kaibigan
sinabi sa akin tungkol sa isang boss niya na kinakailangan ng isang C programa na
nakasulat para sa kanya. Pagkatapos ng isang linggo, ang boss inireklamo na programa
ay hindi nagawa, at tinanong siya ang aking kaibigan kung ano ang pagkuha kaya
• Friend: "Ang programa ay nakasulat, at ako pag-debug ito."
• Boss:?.. "Ano ang mali sa mo tao mong ginagawa programa mas mahirap kaysa ito ay
kailangang maging ko may frontpage Express sa sumulat sa mga web page na may, at
kapag sumulat ako code dito, ako ay hindi kailanman kailangan upang i-debug ito Kung
ka ay bilang mabuti ng isang programmer bilang sa akin, hindi mo gusto kailangan
upang i-debug ang alinman. "
Ako ay paggawa ng aking paraan sa pamamagitan ng MSDN, pagtingin sa Win32 API
console function upang gumawa ng aking sariling gotoxy () function na sa Visual C + +
6.0. Aking C + + programming guro ay tumingin sa aking screen at tinanong:
• Guro: "Ano ang iyong ginagawa?"
Sa akin: "ako sinusubukan upang malaman kung paano gumawa ng gotoxy () sa Visual C
+ + kong gamitin Win32 API function."
Guro: "!. Walang hindi mo kailangang upang gamitin ang API function lamang tumagal
ng Borland C + + 3.1 header at ilagay ang mga ito sa Visual C + + 6.0 isama
• Me: "Heuh ......."
Sa kasamaang palad, ang Borland C + + 3.1 ay dinisenyo para sa DOS at Win16. Visual
C + + ay gumagana sa Win32. Mas masahol pa, header lamang maglaman ng uri at
klase pagdeklara, tumutukoy, at mga function na modelo. Hindi ko alam kung paano
gumaganap ang aking mga guro naisip na gagana.
• programmer: "Ano ang ibig mong sabihin, Hindi ko ma-initialize bagay sa isang igiit
Sa panahon ng pagsusuri ng code, kapag Tinanong ko kung bakit (bukod sa header ng
file ng kontrol ang pinagmulan) nagkaroon hindi isang komento sa 240.000 linya ng code
na nagsisimula ipinasa sa akin para sa maintenance, ang programmer ang tumugon,
"ako malaman."
Nakita ko ang komentong ito sa isang programa ay ibinigay ko i-edit:
kung x pagkatapos
# Kung ang kondisyon ay totoo
[Gawin ang isang bagay]
magtapos kung.
Ito literal sinabi "kung kondisyon ay totoo;" ito ay hindi isang Pagpapalawak sa
kabuluhan ng x.
Ako ay pagtulong sa isang kaibigan na may ilang mga code. Sa code, nakita ko ang
x = x;
at inalis ito. Ginawa ko ilang karagdagang mga pagbabago at ipadala ang code sa
kanya. Sinabi niya sa akin siya pa rin ay may mga error. Kaya't siya ay nagpadala sa
akin ang kanyang code muli, at muli kong natagpuan ang parehong linya. Tinanong ko
siya kung bakit siya iningatan ng paglalagay na sa doon, at siya ay tumugon, "Kaya x ay
hindi mawalan ng halaga nito."
Isang beses sa isang batang babae sa aking panimula sa programming klase Sinabi sa
akin na kinasusuklaman niya ang Microsoft at nagsimulang paggamit ng UNIX upang
ipunin ang kanyang mga programa. Sa paglaon, siya ay nag-email sa akin at sinabi siya
kinasusuklaman UNIX ngayon, masyadong, dahil ito ay magdudulot makatipon ang
kanyang programa ngunit hindi pinapayagan sa kanya upang makuha ang kanyang data.
Kaya't tinanong ko sa kanya upang ipadala ang kanyang code sa akin, at Gusto ko
tingnan ito. Ko stumbled kapag ito:
int addandsubtract (int a, int b)
return (a + b);
bumalik (b - a);
Tinanong ko sa kanya ang layunin ng function na ito, at sinabi niya sa akin gusto niya
munang makuha ang kabuuan ng isang at b at pagkatapos ay kunin ang pagkakaiba.
Hindi niya naintindihan kung bakit ito hindi gagana, at kinuha ito sa akin ng isang oras
o higit pa upang ipaliwanag kung bakit.
Turuan ko ng C programming kurso. Para sa isa ng ang asignatura, may isang beses
kinopya sa isang programa na eksaktong kopya mula sa isang kapwa mag-aaral na
ginawa ang kurso sa dalawang taon bago. Niya bigyang-pansin, bagaman: ng pagsunod
sa mga na-update na materyal Siyempre, kung saan sinabi na 'pangunahing' ay dapat
magbalik ng isang error code, siya ay nagbago:
walang bisa pangunahing (...) {... }
int walang bisa pangunahing (...) {... }
Hindi na kailangang sabihin, ang programa ay hindi kahit makatipon.
Sa kolehiyo, nagtrabaho ako bilang isang katulong sa pagtuturo para sa isang
panimulang wika ng programming. Para sa karamihan ng mga tao sa klase, ito ay
marahil kanilang unang at lamang na klase ng programming.
Isang araw, ako ay paggawa ng mga review ng programa code na may maliit na bilang
ng mga mag-aaral. Ito isang babae ang ibinigay sa akin ang kanyang code, at,
pagkatapos ng pagtingin sa ito, Tinanong ko kung bakit siya ay paulit-ulit sa isang tiyak
na linya nang dalawang beses:
ipaalam x = 7;
ipaalam x = 7;
Sinabi niya, "lamang sa kaso hindi ito ay makapag-set karapatan sa unang
Kapag ang isang propesor ng computer na nagtanong ang kanyang mga mag-aaral
magkomento ang lahat ng kanilang mga programa, nakuha niya ang mga remarks tulad
• "Ang program na ito ay napakabuti."
"Ang program na ito ay mahirap."
• "Ang program na ito ay lubhang kawili-wili."
Nakita ko ang komentong ito sa ilang mga code Mayroon akong upang mapanatili:
/ * Function na ito ay BOOL pero sa totoo ay nagbalik TRUE,
FALSE at -2 dahil nag ko walang oras upang baguhin ito
int * /
Hindi tumagal ng mas maraming oras upang isulat ang komento?
Kapag ako ay pag-aaral ng programming, isa sa aking mga kaklase ay pagkakaroon ng
malubhang problema kasama ng kanyang mga programa. Kapag nagtanong siya sa akin
para sa tulong, ako leaned sa kanyang screen at nakita ang lahat ng kanyang code sa
mga komento. Ang dahilan: "Well, ito compiles mas mabilis na paraan."
Sa kolehiyo ko nagtrabaho bilang isang consultant. Isang araw Grad mag-aaral na ito ay
nagkakaroon ng problema sa kanyang Fortran program at nagdala sa printout sa akin.
Sinabi niya siya iningatan pagbabago bagay ngunit hindi maaaring makakuha ng ito
upang patakbuhin ang tama. Kanyang pagtatasa: "nakukuha ko ang pakiramdam na ang
computer skips sa lahat ng mga komento."
Ko tutored mga mag-aaral sa kolehiyo na paglalaan isang computer course
programming. Ang ilan sa mga ito ay hindi maunawaan na ang mga computer ay hindi
nararamdaman. Higit sa isang tao ay ginamit ng mga komento sa kanilang mga
programa sa Pascal upang ilagay ang mga detalyadong paliwanag tulad ng, "Ngayon ay
kailangan ko mong ilagay ang mga titik sa screen." Tinanong ko ang isa sa mga ito kung
ano ang deal na may mga komento. Ang tugon: "Paano ibang computer upang
maunawaan kung ano ang gusto kong gawin ito sa?" Tila sila ay ipinapalagay na dahil
hindi nila kabuluhan ng Pascal, ni maaari computer.
Ako ay pagkuha ng isang panimulang kurso ng programming. Isa pagtatalaga ay upang
gawin ang isang maliit na programa ng Payroll, kabilang ang ilang data sa
pagpapatunay. Ang programa ay dapat tanggapin terminal input at ipadala ang output
sa alinman sa console o isang printer.
Biglang printer nagsimulang spewing ang papel tulad ng mabaliw. Isa ng mga
mag-aaral (isang partikular na mouthy babae) ay program ng mas
mababa-kaysa-kapaki-pakinabang na mensahe ng error ("Kayo ay mali") at hindi
nagbigay ng anumang lumabas mula sa error checking logic - sa programa muling
i-basahin ang huling ( bagsak) input at muling nasubok ito. Lahat sa lahat, ito ay
napakabuti walang-katapusang loop.
Pagkatapos pagsigam sa pamamagitan ng tungkol sa limampung pahina ng "Kayo ay
mali," may cut kapangyarihan sa printer, at tagapagturo ay manu-manong mapera
naka-print queue. Pumunta siya pabalik sa ang mag-aaral at tinanong kung siya ay
nasubok ang programa sa pamamagitan ng pagpapadala ng output sa console bago
sinusubukan upang i-print ito, at sinabi niya, oo, siya ay nasubok ito sa console at
natapos na may isang screen na puno ng "MO mali ang "mensahe. Bakit, pagkatapos, ay
siya ay nagpadala ng kanyang output sa printer? "Akala ko Gusto ko matapang!"
Kasamahan Isang sinulat ni ang dokumentasyon para sa mga code ng return mula sa
isang hanay ng mga function sa isa ng kanyang mga DLLs. Kabilang sa mga
dokumentasyon ay ito:
/ * Return code = 1: generic na kundisyon ng error
Bumalik ang code = 2: lahat ng iba pang mga kondisyon ng error * /
Ako ay pagkuha ng isang klase ng C programming sabay-sabay, at ang klase ay hinati sa
dalawang koponan ng programming. Sa aking koponan namin ay isang babae na
talagang out ng kanyang liga. Ano kinita ang kanyang maalamat na katayuan ang
paggawa ng isang pandaigdigang paghahanap at palitan, pagpapalit ng mga asterisk
para sa mga ampersand, dahil siya nadama ang mga asterisk ay hindi "nagtatrabaho."
Lang ako nagtuturo ng opsyonal na klase sa C programming, sa unang pulong ng klase,
Tinanong ko, "ba ang sinuman malaman kahit ano tungkol sa programming?"
Na kung saan ang isa sa aking mga mag-aaral tuwang-tuwa tumugon, "Alam ko kung
paano gumamit ng isang programa ng chat!"
Ako ay hilingin sa iyo na mapanatili ang isang shell script na pagkuha masyadong
mahaba upang tumakbo at hindi maaasahan. Bukod sa iba pang mga horrors, na
ibinigay sa akin ang pinakamahusay na halo ng tawa at takot ay isang paulit-ulit na
bumuo ng tulad nito:
display = `env | grep DISPLAY | ni / [^ =] * = / / g 'SED`
DISPLAY = $ display
i-export DISPLAY
Ito ginawa scratch sa akin ang aking ulo para sa isang sandali, hanggang ko natanto na
ito ay isang kumpletong walang-op. Katumbas ng DISPLAY = $ DISPLAY (maliban
kapag ang thegrep utos pulls maling bagay). Ito ay paulit-ulit na para sa isang bagay
tulad ng isang dosenang kapaligiran variable. Hindi ko pa rin umarok ng lalim ang logic
nito. Napunta ako paggawa ng isang kumpletong muling pagsulat.
Ako tanungin tungkol sa pagkuha sa isang kontrata upang mapanatili ang isang piraso
ng software. Isang bagay tungkol sa mga paraan na ito ay ipinakita sa akin ingat.
Tinanong ko tingnan muna ito. Ano ng paningin! Gamitin ko ito bilang isang halimbawa
ng kung bakit hindi gamitin ang global variable. Sa iba pang mga bagay, may mga file
na may mga suite ng mga function sa sumusunod na pagkakasunod-sunod:
adjust_alpha ()
alpha = gamma + offset * 3;
adjust_beta ()
beta = gamma + offset * 3;
Dose-dosenang ng mga function na differed lamang ng global variable na sila binagong.
Lamang ang larawan ito: multi-thousand programa sa linya na may graphical interface
at isang database na hindi kailanman gumamit ng mga parameter ng function na.
Ang orihinal na programmer pininturahan ang kanyang sarili sa isang sulok sa kanyang
variable pangalan. Malinaw kung kailangan mo ng mga variable na "up," "down," "sa
kaliwa," at "karapatan," ikaw pangalanan sila bilang tulad. Kapag nahanap na niya ang
kanyang sarili nangangailangan ng mga pangalan ng direksyon sa iba't ibang bahagi ng
kanyang programa ngunit ay natigil dahil sa global variable pangalan ay maging
natatangi, ang kanyang solusyon ay upang gamitin ang mga pangalan tulad ng:
up, _up, up_, Up, up, UP, _Up, _UP
pababa, _down, down_, Down, Down, DOWN, _Down, _DOWN
... At iba pa. Kahit ang pinakasiksik ng aking mga mag-aaral comprehended agad kung
bakit ay hindi maganda. Hindi na kailangang sabihin, naka ko sa trabaho.
Habang nagtatrabaho sa isang proyekto ng programming sa highschool kasama ang
isang kaibigan, nabanggit ko sa kanya na kung siya ay talagang gustong pangalanan ang
kanyang mga bagay ng mga variable tulad ng x, xx, andxx2, dapat siya ng hindi bababa
sa ilagay ang mga komento na nagsasabi kung ano ang kanilang ginagamit para sa.
Ang susunod na oras na ako ay tumingin higit sa kanyang balikat, Nakita ko na ito:
int x; / / x ay isang int
Ilang taon na ang nakalipas, ang isang kaibigan at ako ay sama-sama pagsusulat ng
isang laro sa C + +. Paulit-ulit namin ay nakakakuha ng error sa paglabag sa mahiwaga
access sa isang piraso ng code na dapat rock solid. Kalaunan nakita namin ang isang
bagay tulad nito, malinaw naman natira mula sa isang nakaraang pag-debug paupahang
((Klase CNetwork *) 0x05af12b0) -> Initialise ();
Ito ay nawala hindi napapansin para sa isang habang dahil, sa labas ng nanganganinag
swerte, ang lahat ng mga bumubuo naming nais gawin dahil na paupahang karomata ay
hindi nagbago address sa memorya ng na partikular na halimbawa ng CNetwork.
Malinaw kalaunan namin nagbago ng isang bagay na nagdulot nito ay inilalaan sa ibang
lugar: cue pangunahing kaguluhan. Kung ang sinuman ay narinig ng dumber kasanayan
sa programming kaysa hardcoding ng pointer, Gusto ko upang makita ito!
Ito ay matatagpuan sa code na nakasulat sa pamamagitan ng isang dating empleyado.
strcpy (vl_name, "00000000000000000");
strcpy (vl_volume, "000000");
strncpy (temp1, vl_lud, 4);
temp1 [4] = '\ 0';
strncpy (temp2, vl_name +4,13);
temp2 [13] = '\ 0';
strcat (temp1, temp2);
strcpy (temp2, "");
sprintf (temp2, "% d", vl_serial_num);
temp1 [7] = '\ 0';
strcat (temp1, temp2);
strcat (temp1, "000,000,000");
temp1 [8] = '.';
strncpy (temp1, temp1, 9);
temp1 [9] = '\ 0';
strcat (temp1, vl_data_set_name);
temp1 [17] = '\ 0';
strcpy (vl_name, temp1);
strcpy (vl_volume, "1");
Ang aking kaibigan ay isang programa na guro sa isang lokal na mataas na paaralan,
kung saan may dalawang klase ng programming - itinuro niya at isa sa pamamagitan ng
isa pang guro. Kamakailang ginugol niya WEEKS paghahanda ang pangunahing
pagtatasa ang parehong mga klase ay gawin, isang malaking pagtatalaga na ang mga
mag-aaral ay gumana sa para sa susunod na ilang buwan.
Pati na rin ang tanong sheet para sa mga mag-aaral, siya din ginawa ng isang sagot
sheet para sa iba pang mga guro, sa gayon na maaaring maging pamilyar siya sa
kanyang sarili ang pagtatalaga bago ng pagbibigay ito sa kanyang klase.
Subalit ang iba pang mga guro na ito alam WALA tungkol sa programming at ay hindi
magagawang upang sabihin ang pagkakaiba sa pagitan ng mga tanong sheet at sagot
sheet, at kaya siya sugat photocopying ang sagot sheet at handing ito sa bawat
mag-aaral sa kanyang klase.
Siya hindi na nagtuturo sa programming.
Ito kaunti ng Java ay isinulat bilang bahagi ng isang proyekto ng grupo sa unibersidad.
Ang kaibigan na nakapasa ito sa akin ay nagba-bounce off ang mga pader tungkol sa
kalidad ng code ng nagkasala party (ulok mga bagay tulad ng pagtukoy ng error at
tagumpay code na may parehong halaga kaya hindi mo alam kung ano ang return ay
nangangahulugan code at mga bagay tulad na) , ngunit ito ay ang pinaka-malinaw
naman bobo bit.
pampublikong int convertItoi (Integer v)
kung (v.intValue () == 1) return 1;
kung (v.intValue () == 2) return 2;
kung (v.intValue () == 3) return 3;
kung (v.intValue () == 4) return 4;
kung (v.intValue () == 5) return 5;
kung (v.intValue () == 6) return 6;
kung (v.intValue () == 7) return 7;
bumalik 0;
Araw na nakalipas ako ay upang ayusin ang isang bug sa aming software. Ang tao na
orihinal na sinulat ni sa module ng mag-quit, kaya ako ay may kabuuang control ng
source code. Rewrote ko lubos kalahati ng code kapag nakita ko ang mga bagay tulad
int i;
memset (& i, 0, sizeof (int));
switch (k) {
kaso 9: printf ("9 \ n");
kaso 8: kung (k == 8) printf ("8 \ n");
kaso 7: kung (k == 7) printf ("7 \ n");
/ / At iba pa ...
Nagtaka ko kung bakit siya ilagay ang "kung" clause, ngunit pagkatapos Napansin ko na
wala ng mga kaso ay ang mga pahayag na "break", kaya kung siya ay natagpuan na
kung k ay 9, ang programa naka-print 9, 8, 7, atbp. Kaya ko tingin idinagdag niya ang
"kung" clause sa maayos na pag-uugali.
Obra maestra ang, gayunpaman, ay ang mga sumusunod, kung saan ang dalawang
magkakasunod na error sa aktwal na sanhi ng programa upang gumana pinong:
magpasinda msg [40];
unsigned magpasinda k, j;
memset (msg, 0, 41); / * upang itakda ang Terminator * /
j = k;
Siyempre ang "memset" ay dapat i-reset ang msg variable, ngunit ito aktwal na din
i-reset ang k, kung saan walang ay ibinigay ang Pinasimulan; maaaring maging isang
sinadya kung solusyon hackish at maaasahan, ngunit na "itakda ang Terminator"
komento nagbibigay ito ang layo. Sa katunayan, sa buong kanyang code pinamahalaan
niya upang magdagdag ng isa para sa "Terminator," isang byte nakaraan ang
pagtatapos ng character array na siya ay nagtatrabaho sa.
Tungkol sa apat na taon na ang nakakaraan, ako ay nagtatrabaho sa isang proyekto na,
bukod sa iba pang mga bagay, kasangkot port ang ilang milyong mga linya ng code.
Habang hindi technically real-time, ang code na kinakailangan upang makatwirang
mabilis. Sa isang punto, nakita ko ang mga sumusunod na pinakahiyas:
unsigned mahaba reverse (unsigned mahaba theWord)
unsigned mahabang resulta = 0;
int i;
para sa (i = 0; i <32; + + i) {
kung (theWord & (unsigned mahaba) yukod (2.0, (double) i))
resulta + = (unsigned mahaba) yukod (2.0, (double) (31 - i));
bumalik resulta;
Malinaw, ang layunin ay upang baliktarin ang mga piraso sa isang salita. Natural,
tinatawag ko ang lahat ng aking mga kasamahan upang makita ito, at marveled namin
ang lahat ng sa kung paano ang isang tao ay iniisip na ang isang conversion sa
lumulutang-point, isang function na tawag, at isang conversion sa integer ay maaaring
maging mas mabilis kaysa sa isang operasyon ng shift. Upang sabihin wala ng
posibilidad ng mga rounding error sa ganap screwing, Um, algorithm.
Hindi nagkukulang upang mag-iwan ng isang ehersisyo para sa reader, narito ang
unsigned mahaba reverse (unsigned mahaba theWord)
unsigned mahabang resulta = 0;
int i;
para sa (i = 0; i <32; + + i) {
kung (theWord & (1 << i))
resulta + = 1 << (31 - i);
bumalik resulta;
Isang panimulang mag-aaral ng programming nang isang beses nagtanong sa akin
upang tumingin sa kanyang programa at malaman kung bakit palagi itong ay churning
out zeroes bilang resulta ng isang simpleng compute. Tiningnan ko sa programa, at ito
ay medyo halata:
readln ("Bilang ng mga mansanas", mansanas);
readln ("Bilang ng mga karot", karot);
readln ("Presyo para sa 1 Apple", a_price);
readln ("Presyo para sa 1 karot", c_price);
writeln ("Kabuuan para sa apples", a_total);
writeln ("Kabuuan para sa karot", c_total);
writeln ("Kabuuan", kabuuan);
kabuuan: = a_total + c_total;
a_total: = mansanas * a_price;
c_total: = karot + c_price;
• Me: "Well, ang iyong programa ay hindi maaaring i-print ang mga tamang resulta
bago sila ay nakalkula."
• Siya: ". Huh Ito ay lohikal na kung ano ang tamang solusyon, at ang computer ay dapat
baguhin ang pagkakaayos ng mga tagubilin ang tamang paraan"
Sa aking nakaraang trabaho, tayo ay port ng UNIX sistema sa Windows NT gamit ang
Microsoft VC + +. Ang isang kasamahan ng minahan, na sa proseso ng port ng kanyang
bahagi ng code, ay dumating sa akin, hinahanap talagang taob.
• kasamahan: "!! Hey mapoot ko mga guys Microsoft Ano ang isang bulok na tagatala ay
tumatanggap lamang ng 16,384 lokal na mga variable sa isang function!!"
Ko tumakbo sa buong ang pinakahiyas na ito habang ang pag-debug ng ibang tao ng
lumang code nang isang beses:
kung (halaga == 0)
bumalik halaga;
bumalik 0;
Nakita ko ito buried sa aming code sa isang lugar:
kung (a)
/ * Gawin ang isang bagay * /
bumalik x;
iba pa kung (! isang)
/ * Gawin ibang bagay * /
bumalik y;
/ * Gawin ng isang bagay na ganap na magkaibang * /
bumalik z;
Ako ay isang nasa pagsubok programmer na nagtatrabaho para sa akin. Hindi na
kailangang sabihin, hindi siya nakuha na permanenteng. Isang araw na ako ay
inspecting ang kanyang C code at natagpuan na ito:
kung (a = 1) {
... Ilang code ...
} Iba pa {
... Ilang iba pang mga code ...
Ko sinabi sa kanya ang sugnay na "pang tao" ay hindi kailanman ay makapag-pinaandar
dahil sa kanyang "kung" na statement. Tinanong ko sa kanya upang malaman kung bakit.
Sinabi niya na gusto niya "siyasatin" muna ito. Pinapayagan ko siya sa "siyasatin," dahil
hindi ito ay isang kritikal na gawain.
Isang araw mamaya, sinabi niya sa akin niya naisip ang problema. Sinabi niya ginamit
niya ang isang maling operand sa "kung" pahayag - dapat ito == sa halip na =, na kung
saan ay ganap na tamang. Ngunit pagkatapos siya ay nag-email sa akin ang kanyang
binagong code.
ng = 1;
kung (a == 1) {
... Ilang code ...
} Iba pa {
... Ilang iba pang mga code ...
Ano ang ...?
Tinanong ko siya kung ang "isang = 1" ay kailangan at hindi lamang ng isang fragment
ng debug code siya nakalimutan upang alisin ang bahagi ng. Sinabi niya ito ay
kinakailangan. Kaya tinanong ko siya kung ang "pang tao" na statement kailanman ay
pinaandar. Sinabi niya yes. Tinanong ko sa kanya upang ibigay sa akin ang sitwasyon
kapag tulad magaganap. Sinabi niya gusto niya makakuha ng bumalik sa akin na may
Kicked ako sa kanya ng proyekto na parehong hapon.
Kapag ako tumakbo sa buong code na ginawa ito upang subukan ang i-ika-bit sa isang
byte malawak na halaga:
kung (halaga && (int) yukod (2, i))
Paglalagay sa lupa ang code na kasamahan ng sinulat ni taon na ang nakakaraan,
nakita ko ang mga sumusunod:
EndWhile = 0;
habang (EndWhile == 0)
kung (index <MAX)
EndWhile = 0;
EndWhile = 1;
index = index + 1;
Taon na ang nakakaraan, ko bang ilagay ang isang simple, kapalaran cookie style
programa sa isang FTP site. Ito ay masyadong simplistic upang tumingin sa mga
variable sa kapaligiran o mga file ng configuration upang tumingin para sa mga
lokasyon ng kapalaran cookie database file; landas ay pinagsama-sama sa executable.
Ibinigay ko ang pinagmulan, kaya kung gusto mong baguhin ang landas na ito ay
naka-install sa, mayroon kang upang baguhin ang mga ito sa source file at
Dahil ko bang ilagay ito, ang bawat kaya madalas ako makakakuha ng isang email na
mensahe sa pagkomento sa dito. Kamakailan, Nakatanggap ako ng isang mensahe na
humihingi ng tulong sa pagsubok upang makuha ang mga bagay sa trabaho. Hindi siya
maaaring makuha ang executable upang mahanap ang file ng database maayos. Sumagot
ako sa kanya, at siya mailed pabalik nagsasabing walang nakatulong. Mailed ko sa
kanya muli, na nagsasabi na ang Readme file na kasama sa archive ay dapat magkaroon
ng napaka detalyadong mga tagubilin. Mailed niya sa akin pabalik sinasabi na ang
Readme file ay hindi makakatulong sa kanya. Kaya siya mailed sa akin ang source file
code, nagtanong sa akin upang baguhin ito sa paraan na ito ay dapat, pagkatapos ay
ipadala sa koreo pabalik sa kanya. Ko sinabi sa kanya, ngunit ako mag-type sa aking
huling tugon, isang kasuklam-suklam na pag-iisip na naganap sa akin. Kaya Tinanong
• Me: "ipinapalagay ko na mayroon ka ng isang C tagatala, tama?"
• User: "???? Ano ang isang C tagatala / ko ang Ini-edit ito gamit ang DOS editor"
Ako ay nagtatrabaho para sa isang pagkonsulta firm na tinatawag na upang matulungan
ang iba pang kompanya na paggawa ng ilang medyo mahalaga UNIX trabaho para sa
isang malaking kompanya sa Wall Street. Sila ay ang lahat ng mga Mac programmer na
ay kinuha sa isang linggo mahabang kurso sa UNIX, C programming, at UI
programming para sa partikular na workstation. Kinuha ko ang isang pagtingin sa
kanilang C code at ito ay littered na may mga sumusunod na pahayag ng code:
strcat (string, "\ 0");
Tinanong ko kung bakit sila ay ginagawa ito. Tugon ay, sa isang "hindi mo alam?" tono
ng boses: "Ang lahat ng mga string sa C ay dapat magtapos sa isang null zero!"
Sinusubukang upang ipaliwanag na strcat hindi gagana maliban kung ang null
Terminator ay doon na Nakakuha ako ng mga blangko stares.
Nakita ko na ang code na ito sipi sa isang maraming mga Freeware programa ng
paglalaro para sa UNIX:
* Bit halaga.
# Tukuyin ang BIT_0 1
# Tukuyin ang BIT_1 2
# Tukuyin ang BIT_2 4
# Tukuyin ang BIT_3 8
# Tukuyin ang BIT_4 16
# Tukuyin ang BIT_5 32
# Tukuyin ang BIT_6 64
# Tukuyin ang BIT_7 128
# Tukuyin ang BIT_8 256
# Tukuyin ang BIT_9 512
# Tukuyin ang BIT_10 1024
# Tukuyin ang BIT_11 2048
# Tukuyin ang BIT_12 4096
# Tukuyin ang BIT_13 8192
# Tukuyin ang BIT_14 16,384
# Tukuyin ang BIT_15 32,768
# Tukuyin ang BIT_16 65536
# Tukuyin ang BIT_17 131,072
# Tukuyin ang BIT_18 262,144
# Tukuyin ang BIT_19 524,288
# Tukuyin ang BIT_20 1,048,576
# Tukuyin ang BIT_21 2,097,152
# Tukuyin ang BIT_22 4,194,304
# Tukuyin ang BIT_23 8,388,608
# Tukuyin ang BIT_24 16,777,216
# Tukuyin ang BIT_25 33,554,432
# Tukuyin ang BIT_26 67,108,864
# Tukuyin ang BIT_27 134,217,728
# Tukuyin ang BIT_28 268,435,456
# Tukuyin ang BIT_29 536,870,912
# Tukuyin ang BIT_30 1073741824
# Tukuyin ang BIT_31 2147483648
Ang isang mas mas madaling paraan ng pagkamit na ito ay:
# Tukuyin ang BIT_0 0x00000001
# Tukuyin ang BIT_1 0x00000002
# Tukuyin ang BIT_2 0x00000004
# Tukuyin ang BIT_3 0x00000008
# Tukuyin ang BIT_4 0x00000010
# Tukuyin ang BIT_28 0x10000000
# Tukuyin ang BIT_29 0x20000000
# Tukuyin ang BIT_30 0x40000000
# Tukuyin ang BIT_31 0x80000000
Ay pa rin ang isang mas madaling paraan upang ipaalam sa tagatala gawin ang mga
# Tukuyin ang BIT_0 (1)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_1 (1 << 1)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_2 (1 << 2)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_3 (1 << 3)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_4 (1 << 4)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_28 (1 << 28)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_29 (1 << 29)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_30 (1 << 30)
# Tukuyin ang BIT_31 (1 << 31)
Ngunit bakit pumunta sa lahat ng mga problema ng pagtukoy ng 32 constants? Ang C
wika din parameterized macros. Ang mo ba talagang kailangan ay:
# Tukuyin ang bit (x) (1 << (x))
Pa Rin, Siguro kung ang taong sinulat ni ang orihinal na code ginamit ng calculator o
compute ang lahat ng ito sa papel.
Kapag ako ay pa rin ng isang mag-aaral, nagtrabaho ako bilang isang admin para sa
unibersidad CS Dept. Bahagi ng trabaho na ito kasangkot oras sa labs ng mag-aaral.
Aming network ay isang koleksyon ng iba at ibang bagay ng Suns at SGIs at
pangkalahatang nakakalito para sa mga baguhan mga gumagamit na hindi maintindihan
ang konsepto ng multiuser, multitasking, network computer.
Sa paligid kuwarto ay malaking palatandaan na nagpapaliwanag kung paano mag-log
in, kasama na may malaking babala tungkol sa hindi pag-alis ng kapangyarihan maliban
kung gusto mo ang ideya ng pagkakaroon ng Grad mag-aaral pagpapatakbo ng ilang
milyong variable modeling proyekto siya ang ay nagtatrabaho sa para sa ilang taon
magpapakita at matalo ka kamatayan sa pananaliksik mga papeles.
Ka namangha kung gaano karaming mga tao ang subukan i-type sa isang programa sa
"Pag-login:" prompt, at pagkatapos ay i-on ang machine kapag ito ay tapos na. Ang
pinakamasama ng bungkos pagkatapos ay magreklamo tungkol sa hindi upang mahanap
ang programa lang nila na nai-type sa sa login prompt.
Ako ay naghahanap sa pamamagitan ng isang shell script ko ay nakasulat kamakailan, at
halos ko namatay kapag Nakita ko ang ilan ng code. Ako napahiya sa aminin ito, ngunit
narito ang isang bagay na ako ay tapos na:
kung ($ var = halaga) pagkatapos
# Gawin ang isang bagay
# Gawin ang eksaktong parehong bagay tulad ng sa iba pang mga code
Habang sa kolehiyo, na ginamit ko upang turuan nang sarilinan sa matematika lab ng
paaralan. Mag-aaral Ang isang dumating sa dahil sa kanyang BATAYANG programa
hindi tatakbo. Siya ay pagkuha ng isang baguhan kurso, at ang kanyang pagtatalaga ay
magsulat ng isang programa na kalkulahin ang recipe para sa oatmeal cookies, depende
sa bilang ng mga tao na ka sa pagbe-bake. Ako ay tumingin sa kanyang programa, at ito
nagpunta ang isang bagay tulad nito:
10 painitin muna oven sa 350
20 Pagsamahin ang lahat ng sangkap sa isang malaking paghahalo mangkok
30 Mix hanggang makinis
Isang "software engineer" na ginamit ko upang gumana sa isang beses ay nagkaroon ng
isang problema sa kanyang code na tumingin ng isang bagay tulad nito:
a_pointer-> fn ();
Sanhi ng Pangkalahatang Proteksyon ng error. Alam niya C, ngunit hindi C + + ginawa ko, kaya nagtanong siya sa akin para sa tulong. Ko sinabi sa kanya upang suriin
upang makita kung ang pointer ang null bago magsagawa ng tawag. Ang ilang mga oras
sa ibang pagkakataon dumating siya pabalik, ang problema ay pa rin nangyayari.
kung (a_pointer == null)
LogError ();
a_pointer-> fn ();
Sinabi ko, "Kailangan mong return pahayag pagkatapos ng LogError na tawag."
Sinabi niya, thoughtfully, "Saan ang bumalik sa?"
Isang kaibigan ng minahan nais upang subaybayan ng iba pang mga gumagamit sa
UNIX system ng aming unibersidad. May ay isang magaling na utos "huling" sa UNIX na
ilista ang huling user na naka-log in Kaya siya nagsulat ng script na nais mag-log in sa
lahat ng workstation ng kagawaran ng remote shell at patakbuhin ang "huling" utos, na
may resulta ibabalik sa nagmumula host, na nakolekta sa pinagsama-samang anyo.
Tinatawag siya ng maliit na script na ito "huling" - parehong pangalan bilang UNIX
command na sistema - at ilagay ang mga ito sa kanyang home directory. Kanyang landas
ay set up upang ang kanyang home directory ay may isang mas mataas na
mangingibabaw kaysa sa bin direktoryo ng UNIX. Kaya kapag tumakbo siya sa "huling"
utos, gamitin ang kanyang sariling script sa halip ng utos ng sistema.
Kaya siya tumakbo ang script. Log in sa lahat ng iba pang mga workstation lamang fine.
Pagkatapos tumakbo ang utos na "huling" - ang isa sa kanyang home directory,
siyempre, hindi ang utos ng sistema. Maaari mong hulaan kung ano ang nangyari.
Nakuha sa isang walang-katapusang loop na sinubukan na mag-log in sa bawat
workstation sa isang walang-katapusang bilang ng beses. Napaka-epektibo nuked off ang
buong kagawaran, at ang lahat ng mga workstation ay na-shut down ito upang tumigil.
Isa ng aming mga customer, ang isang pangunahing non-US pagtatanggol kontratista,
nagreklamo na ang kanilang code tumakbo masyadong mabagal. Ito ay isang komedya
ng mga error.
Kumilos ko
• Kontratista: "Maaari kang gumawa ng aming code patakbuhin nang mas mabilis?"
Suporta sa tech: "Oo, ngunit mayroon kaming upang tingnan ito."
Kontratista: "Hindi namin maaaring, ang code ay nauuri."
Suporta sa tech: "Maaari mo bang ipaliwanag sa akin kung ano ang iyong code ay
Kontratista: "Hindi, na naiuri"
Suporta sa tech: "Maaari mo bang sabihin sa amin kung anong mga function mong
• Kontratista: "Hindi na naiuri."
Act II
Kaya, sa isang kutob ng loob, na ipinadala namin sa kanila ang pinakabagong bersyon
ng aming software para sa Windows NT.
• Kontratista: "Bakit ito tumatakbo nang mas mabilis sa aming 800MHz Pentium kaysa
sa aming VAX?"
Tech Support: "Kailan mo bumili na VAX?"
• Kontratista: "Ang ilang mga oras sa huli 1980s."
Republic Act No. 10175
S. No. 2796
H. No. 5808
Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Fifteenth Congress
Second Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday the Twenty-fifth day of July two thousand
[ Republic Act No. 10175 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known as the ―Cybercrime Prevention Act of
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. — The State recognizes the vital role of information and
communications industries such as content production, telecommunications, broadcasting
electronic commerce, and data processing, in the nation‘s overall social and economic
development. The State also recognizes the importance of providing an environment
conducive to the development, acceleration, and rational application and exploitation of
information and communications technology (ICT) to attain free, easy, and intelligible
access to exchange and/or delivery of information; and the need to protect and safeguard
the integrity of computer, computer and communications systems, networks, and
databases, and the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and data
stored therein, from all forms of misuse, abuse, and illegal access by making punishable
under the law such conduct or conducts. In this light, the State shall adopt sufficient
powers to effectively prevent and combat such offenses by facilitating their detection,
investigation, and prosecution at both the domestic and international levels, and by
providing arrangements for fast and reliable international cooperation.
SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. — For purposes of this Act, the following terms are hereby
defined as follows:
(a) Access refers to the instruction, communication with, storing data in, retrieving data
from, or otherwise making use of any resources of a computer system or communication
(b) Alteration refers to the modification or change, in form or substance, of an existing
computer data or program.
(c) Communication refers to the transmission of information through ICT media,
including voice, video and other forms of data.
(d) Computer refers to an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other data
processing or communications device, or grouping of such devices, capable of
performing logical, arithmetic, routing, or storage functions and which includes any
storage facility or equipment or communications facility or equipment directly related to
or operating in conjunction with such device. It covers any type of computer device
including devices with data processing capabilities like mobile phones, smart phones,
computer networks and other devices connected to the internet.
(e) Computer data refers to any representation of facts, information, or concepts in a form
suitable for processing in a computer system including a program suitable to cause a
computer system to perform a function and includes electronic documents and/or
electronic data messages whether stored in local computer systems or online.
(f) Computer program refers to a set of instructions executed by the computer to achieve
intended results.
(g) Computer system refers to any device or group of interconnected or related devices,
one or more of which, pursuant to a program, performs automated processing of data. It
covers any type of device with data processing capabilities including, but not limited to,
computers and mobile phones. The device consisting of hardware and software may
include input, output and storage components which may stand alone or be connected in a
network or other similar devices. It also includes computer data storage devices or media.
(h) Without right refers to either: (i) conduct undertaken without or in excess of authority;
or (ii) conduct not covered by established legal defenses, excuses, court orders,
justifications, or relevant principles under the law.
(i) Cyber refers to a computer or a computer network, the electronic medium in which
online communication takes place.
(j) Critical infrastructure refers to the computer systems, and/or networks, whether
physical or virtual, and/or the computer programs, computer data and/or traffic data so
vital to this country that the incapacity or destruction of or interference with such system
and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national or economic security,
national public health and safety, or any combination of those matters.
(k) Cybersecurity refers to the collection of tools, policies, risk management approaches,
actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the
cyber environment and organization and user‘s assets.
(l) Database refers to a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or
instructions which are being prepared, processed or stored or have been prepared,
processed or stored in a formalized manner and which are intended for use in a computer
(m) Interception refers to listening to, recording, monitoring or surveillance of the
content of communications, including procuring of the content of data, either directly,
through access and use of a computer system or indirectly, through the use of electronic
eavesdropping or tapping devices, at the same time that the communication is occurring.
(n) Service provider refers to:
(1) Any public or private entity that provides to users of its service the ability to
communicate by means of a computer system; and
(2) Any other entity that processes or stores computer data on behalf of such
communication service or users of such service.
(o) Subscriber’s information refers to any information contained in the form of computer
data or any other form that is held by a service provider, relating to subscribers of its
services other than traffic or content data and by which identity can be established:
(1) The type of communication service used, the technical provisions taken thereto and
the period of service;
(2) The subscriber‘s identity, postal or geographic address, telephone and other access
numbers, any assigned network address, billing and payment information, available on
the basis of the service agreement or arrangement; and
(3) Any other available information on the site of the installation of communication
equipment, available on the basis of the service agreement or arrangement.
(p) Traffic data or non-content data refers to any computer data other than the content of
the communication including, but not limited to, the communication‘s origin, destination,
route, time, date, size, duration, or type of underlying service.
SEC. 4. Cybercrime Offenses. — The following acts constitute the offense of cybercrime
punishable under this Act:
(a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and
(1) Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without
(2) Illegal Interception. – The interception made by technical means without right of any
non-public transmission of computer data to, from, or within a computer system
including electromagnetic emissions from a computer system carrying such computer
(3) Data Interference. — The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or
deterioration of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data message, without
right, including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
(4) System Interference. — The intentional alteration or reckless hindering or
interference with the functioning of a computer or computer network by inputting,
transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data or
program, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right or authority,
including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
(5) Misuse of Devices.
(i) The use, production, sale, procurement, importation, distribution, or otherwise making
available, without right, of:
(aa) A device, including a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the
purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act; or
(bb) A computer password, access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of
a computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that it be used for the purpose
of committing any of the offenses under this Act.
(ii) The possession of an item referred to in paragraphs 5(i)(aa) or (bb) above with intent
to use said devices for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this section.
(6) Cyber-squatting. – The acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad faith to
profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others from registering the same, if such a
domain name is:
(i) Similar, identical, or confusingly similar to an existing trademark registered with the
appropriate government agency at the time of the domain name registration:
(ii) Identical or in any way similar with the name of a person other than the registrant, in
case of a personal name; and
(iii) Acquired without right or with intellectual property interests in it.
(b) Computer-related Offenses:
(1) Computer-related Forgery. —
(i) The input, alteration, or deletion of any computer data without right resulting in
inauthentic data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if
it were authentic, regardless whether or not the data is directly readable and intelligible;
(ii) The act of knowingly using computer data which is the product of computer-related
forgery as defined herein, for the purpose of perpetuating a fraudulent or dishonest
(2) Computer-related Fraud. — The unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of
computer data or program or interference in the functioning of a computer system,
causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent: Provided, That if no
damage has yet been caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower.
(3) Computer-related Identity Theft. – The intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer,
possession, alteration or deletion of identifying information belonging to another,
whether natural or juridical, without right: Provided, That if no damage has yet been
caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower.
(c) Content-related Offenses:
(1) Cybersex. — The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or
indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of
a computer system, for favor or consideration.
(2) Child Pornography. — The unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable by
Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009, committed through a
computer system: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be (1) one degree
higher than that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775.
(3) Unsolicited Commercial Communications. — The transmission of commercial
electronic communication with the use of computer system which seek to advertise, sell,
or offer for sale products and services are prohibited unless:
(i) There is prior affirmative consent from the recipient; or
(ii) The primary intent of the communication is for service and/or administrative
announcements from the sender to its existing users, subscribers or customers; or
(iii) The following conditions are present:
(aa) The commercial electronic communication contains a simple, valid, and reliable way
for the recipient to reject. receipt of further commercial electronic messages (opt-out)
from the same source;
(bb) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely disguise the source of
the electronic message; and
(cc) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely include misleading
information in any part of the message in order to induce the recipients to read the
(4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other
similar means which may be devised in the future.
SEC. 5. Other Offenses. — The following acts shall also constitute an offense:
(a) Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully
abets or aids in the commission of any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be
held liable.
(b) Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime. — Any person who willfully attempts to
commit any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable.
SEC. 6. All crimes defined and penalized by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and
special laws, if committed by, through and with the use of information and
communications technologies shall be covered by the relevant provisions of this Act:
Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree higher than that
provided for by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special laws, as the case may
SEC. 7. Liability under Other Laws. — A prosecution under this Act shall be without
prejudice to any liability for violation of any provision of the Revised Penal Code, as
amended, or special laws.
SEC. 8. Penalties. — Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated
in Sections 4(a) and 4(b) of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment of prision
mayor or a fine of at least Two hundred thousand pesos (PhP200,000.00) up to a
maximum amount commensurate to the damage incurred or both.
Any person found guilty of the punishable act under Section 4(a)(5) shall be punished
with imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of not more than Five hundred thousand
pesos (PhP500,000.00) or both.
If punishable acts in Section 4(a) are committed against critical infrastructure, the penalty
of reclusion temporal or a fine of at least Five hundred thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00)
up to maximum amount commensurate to the damage incurred or both, shall be imposed.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(1) of
this Act shall be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of at least Two
hundred thousand pesos (PhP200,000.00) but not exceeding One million pesos
(PhP1,000,000.00) or both.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(2) of
this Act shall be punished with the penalties as enumerated in Republic Act No. 9775 or
the ―Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009″: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed
shall be one (1) degree higher than that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775, if
committed through a computer system.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(3) shall
be punished with imprisonment of arresto mayor or a fine of at least Fifty thousand pesos
(PhP50,000.00) but not exceeding Two hundred fifty thousand pesos (PhP250,000.00) or
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 5 shall be
punished with imprisonment one (1) degree lower than that of the prescribed penalty for
the offense or a fine of at least One hundred thousand pesos (PhP100,000.00) but not
exceeding Five hundred thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00) or both.
SEC. 9. Corporate Liability. — When any of the punishable acts herein defined are
knowingly committed on behalf of or for the benefit of a juridical person, by a natural
person acting either individually or as part of an organ of the juridical person, who has a
leading position within, based on: (a) a power of representation of the juridical person
provided the act committed falls within the scope of such authority; (b) an authority to
take decisions on behalf of the juridical person: Provided, That the act committed falls
within the scope of such authority; or (c) an authority to exercise control within the
juridical person, the juridical person shall be held liable for a fine equivalent to at least
double the fines imposable in Section 7 up to a maximum of Ten million pesos
If the commission of any of the punishable acts herein defined was made possible due to
the lack of supervision or control by a natural person referred to and described in the
preceding paragraph, for the benefit of that juridical person by a natural person acting
under its authority, the juridical person shall be held liable for a fine equivalent to at least
double the fines imposable in Section 7 up to a maximum of Five million pesos
The liability imposed on the juridical person shall be without prejudice to the criminal
liability of the natural person who has committed the offense.
SEC. 10. Law Enforcement Authorities. — The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
and the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall be responsible for the efficient and
effective law enforcement of the provisions of this Act. The NBI and the PNP shall
organize a cybercrime unit or center manned by special investigators to exclusively
handle cases involving violations of this Act.
SEC. 11. Duties of Law Enforcement Authorities. — To ensure that the technical nature
of cybercrime and its prevention is given focus and considering the procedures involved
for international cooperation, law enforcement authorities specifically the computer or
technology crime divisions or units responsible for the investigation of cybercrimes are
required to submit timely and regular reports including pre-operation, post-operation and
investigation results and such other documents as may be required to the Department of
Justice (DOJ) for review and monitoring.
SEC. 12. Real-Time Collection of Traffic Data. — Law enforcement authorities, with due
cause, shall be authorized to collect or record by technical or electronic means traffic data
in real-time associated with specified communications transmitted by means of a
computer system.
Traffic data refer only to the communication‘s origin, destination, route, time, date, size,
duration, or type of underlying service, but not content, nor identities.
All other data to be collected or seized or disclosed will require a court warrant.
Service providers are required to cooperate and assist law enforcement authorities in the
collection or recording of the above-stated information.
The court warrant required under this section shall only be issued or granted upon written
application and the examination under oath or affirmation of the applicant and the
witnesses he may produce and the showing: (1) that there are reasonable grounds to
believe that any of the crimes enumerated hereinabove has been committed, or is being
committed, or is about to be committed: (2) that there are reasonable grounds to believe
that evidence that will be obtained is essential to the conviction of any person for, or to
the solution of, or to the prevention of, any such crimes; and (3) that there are no other
means readily available for obtaining such evidence.
SEC. 13. Preservation of Computer Data. — The integrity of traffic data and subscriber
information relating to communication services provided by a service provider shall be
preserved for a minimum period of six (6) months from the date of the transaction.
Content data shall be similarly preserved for six (6) months from the date of receipt of the
order from law enforcement authorities requiring its preservation.
Law enforcement authorities may order a one-time extension for another six (6) months:
Provided, That once computer data preserved, transmitted or stored by a service provider
is used as evidence in a case, the mere furnishing to such service provider of the
transmittal document to the Office of the Prosecutor shall be deemed a notification to
preserve the computer data until the termination of the case.
The service provider ordered to preserve computer data shall keep confidential the order
and its compliance.
SEC. 14. Disclosure of Computer Data. — Law enforcement authorities, upon securing a
court warrant, shall issue an order requiring any person or service provider to disclose or
submit subscriber‘s information, traffic data or relevant data in his/its possession or
control within seventy-two (72) hours from receipt of the order in relation to a valid
complaint officially docketed and assigned for investigation and the disclosure is
necessary and relevant for the purpose of investigation.
SEC. 15. Search, Seizure and Examination of Computer Data. — Where a search and
seizure warrant is properly issued, the law enforcement authorities shall likewise have the
following powers and duties.
Within the time period specified in the warrant, to conduct interception, as defined in this
Act, and:
(a) To secure a computer system or a computer data storage medium;
(b) To make and retain a copy of those computer data secured;
(c) To maintain the integrity of the relevant stored computer data;
(d) To conduct forensic analysis or examination of the computer data storage medium;
(e) To render inaccessible or remove those computer data in the accessed computer or
computer and communications network.
Pursuant thereof, the law enforcement authorities may order any person who has
knowledge about the functioning of the computer system and the measures to protect and
preserve the computer data therein to provide, as is reasonable, the necessary
information, to enable the undertaking of the search, seizure and examination.
Law enforcement authorities may request for an extension of time to complete the
examination of the computer data storage medium and to make a return thereon but in no
case for a period longer than thirty (30) days from date of approval by the court.
SEC. 16. Custody of Computer Data. — All computer data, including content and traffic
data, examined under a proper warrant shall, within forty-eight (48) hours after the
expiration of the period fixed therein, be deposited with the court in a sealed package,
and shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the law enforcement authority executing it
stating the dates and times covered by the examination, and the law enforcement
authority who may access the deposit, among other relevant data. The law enforcement
authority shall also certify that no duplicates or copies of the whole or any part thereof
have been made, or if made, that all such duplicates or copies are included in the package
deposited with the court. The package so deposited shall not be opened, or the recordings
replayed, or used in evidence, or then contents revealed, except upon order of the court,
which shall not be granted except upon motion, with due notice and opportunity to be
heard to the person or persons whose conversation or communications have been
SEC. 17. Destruction of Computer Data. — Upon expiration of the periods as provided
in Sections 13 and 15, service providers and law enforcement authorities, as the case may
be, shall immediately and completely destroy the computer data subject of a preservation
and examination.
SEC. 18. Exclusionary Rule. — Any evidence procured without a valid warrant or beyond
the authority of the same shall be inadmissible for any proceeding before any court or
SEC. 19. Restricting or Blocking Access to Computer Data. — When a computer data is
prima facie found to be in violation of the provisions of this Act, the DOJ shall issue an
order to restrict or block access to such computer data.
SEC. 20. Noncompliance. — Failure to comply with the provisions of Chapter IV hereof
specifically the orders from law enforcement authorities shall be punished as a violation
of Presidential Decree No. 1829 with imprisonment of prision correctional in its
maximum period or a fine of One hundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) or both, for
each and every noncompliance with an order issued by law enforcement authorities.
SEC. 21. Jurisdiction. — The Regional Trial Court shall have jurisdiction over any
violation of the provisions of this Act. including any violation committed by a Filipino
national regardless of the place of commission. Jurisdiction shall lie if any of the
elements was committed within the Philippines or committed with the use of any
computer system wholly or partly situated in the country, or when by such commission
any damage is caused to a natural or juridical person who, at the time the offense was
committed, was in the Philippines.
There shall be designated special cybercrime courts manned by specially trained judges
to handle cybercrime cases.
Sec. 22. General Principles Relating to International Cooperation — All relevant
international instruments on international cooperation in criminal matters, arrangements
agreed on the basis of uniform or reciprocal legislation, and domestic laws, to the widest
extent possible for the purposes of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal
offenses related to computer systems and data, or for the collection of evidence in
electronic form of a criminal, offense shall be given full force and effect.
SEC 23. Department of Justice (DOJ). — There is hereby created an Office of
Cybercrime within the DOJ designated as the central authority in all matters related to
international mutual assistance and extradition.
SEC. 24. Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center. — There is hereby created,
within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of this Act, an inter-agency body to be known
as the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC), under the
administrative supervision of the Office of the President, for policy coordination among
concerned agencies and for the formulation and enforcement of the national cybersecurity
SEC. 25. Composition. — The CICC shall be headed by the Executive Director of the
Information and Communications Technology Office under the Department of Science
and Technology (ICTO-DOST) as Chairperson with the Director of the NBI as Vice
Chairperson; the Chief of the PNP; Head of the DOJ Office of Cybercrime; and one (1)
representative from the private sector and academe, as members. The CICC shall be
manned by a secretariat of selected existing personnel and representatives from the
different participating agencies.
SEC. 26. Powers and Functions. — The CICC shall have the following powers and
(a) To formulate a national cybersecurity plan and extend immediate assistance for the
suppression of real-time commission of cybercrime offenses through a computer
emergency response team (CERT);
(b) To coordinate the preparation of appropriate and effective measures to prevent and
suppress cybercrime activities as provided for in this Act;
(c) To monitor cybercrime cases being bandied by participating law enforcement and
prosecution agencies;
(d) To facilitate international cooperation on intelligence, investigations, training and
capacity building related to cybercrime prevention, suppression and prosecution;
(e) To coordinate the support and participation of the business sector, local government
units and nongovernment organizations in cybercrime prevention programs and other
related projects;
(f) To recommend the enactment of appropriate laws, issuances, measures and policies;
(g) To call upon any government agency to render assistance in the accomplishment of
the CICC‘s mandated tasks and functions; and
(h) To perform all other matters related to cybercrime prevention and suppression,
including capacity building and such other functions and duties as may be necessary for
the proper implementation of this Act.
SEC. 27. Appropriations. — The amount of Fifty million pesos (PhP50,000,000.00) shall
be appropriated annually for the implementation of this Act.
SEC. 28. Implementing Rules and Regulations. — The ICTO-DOST, the DOJ and the
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall jointly formulate the
necessary rules and regulations within ninety (90) days from approval of this Act, for its
effective implementation.
SEC. 29. Separability Clause — If any provision of this Act is held invalid, the other
provisions not affected shall remain in full force and effect.
SEC. 30. Repealing Clause. — All laws, decrees or rules inconsistent with this Act are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly. Section 33(a) of Republic Act No. 8792 or the
―Electronic Commerce Act‖ is hereby modified accordingly.
SEC. 31. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after the completion of
its publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general
Speaker of the House
of Representatives
President of the Senate
This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 2796 and House Bill No. 5808 was
finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on June 5, 2012 and June
4, 2012, respectively.
Secretary General
House of Representatives
Secretary of the Senate
Approved: SEP 12 2012
President of the Philippines
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, officially recorded as Republic Act No.
10175, is a in the approved on 12 September 2012. It aims to address legal issues
concerning online interactions and the . Among the cybercrime offenses included in the
bill are , , , , illegal access to data and .[1]
Screenshot of the social networking site , as the Filipinos changed their profile pictures
into black in protest against the Cybercrime Prevention Law of 2012
While hailed for penalizing illegal acts done via the internet that were not covered by old
laws, the act has been criticized for its provision on criminalizing libel, which is
perceived to be a curtailment in freedom of expression.
• 1 History
2 Provisions
3 Reactions
4 Petitions to the Supreme Court
5 See also
6 References
• 7 External links
[] History
The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is the first law in the Philippines which
specifically criminalizes , which prior to the passage of the law had no strong legal
precedent in Philippine jurisprudence. While laws such as the (Republic Act No.
8792[2] ) regulated certain computer-related activities, these laws did not provide a legal
basis for criminalizing crimes committed on a computer in general: for example, Onel de
Guzman, the computer programmer charged with purportedly writing the computer
worm, was ultimately not prosecuted by Philippine authorities due to a lack of legal basis
for him to be charged under existing Philippine laws at the time of his arrest.[3]
Although several cybercrime-related bills were filed in the and , the Cybercrime
Prevention Act in its current form is the product of House Bill No. 5808, authored by
Representative of the and 36 other co-authors, and Senate Bill No. 2976, proposed by
Senator . Both bills were passed by their respective chambers within one day of each
other on June 5 and 4, 2012, respectively, shortly after the , and the final version of the
Act was later signed into law by President on September 12, 2012.
[] Provisions
The Act, divided into 31 sections split across eight chapters, criminalizes several types of
offenses, including (hacking), , device misuse, , computer-related offenses such as ,
content-related offenses such as and , and other offenses. The law also reaffirms
existing laws against , an offense under Republic Act No. 9779 (the Anti-Child
Pornography Act of 2009), and , an offense under Section 355 of the , also criminalizing
them when committed using a computer system. Finally, the Act provides for a
"catch-all" clause, wherein all offenses currently punishable under the Revised Penal
Code are likewise punishable under the Act when committed using a computer, with
corresponding stricter penalties than if the crimes were punishable under the Revised
Penal Code alone.
The Act has : its provisions apply to all Filipino nationals regardless of the place of
commission. Jurisdiction also lies when a punishable act is either committed within the
Philippines, whether the erring device is wholly or partly situated in the Philippines, or
whether damage was done to any natural or juridical person who at the time of
commission was within the Philippines. shall have jurisdiction over cases involving
violations of the Act.
A takedown clause is included in the Act, empowering the to restrict and/or demand the
removal of content found to be contrary to the provisions of the Act, without the need for
a court order. This provision, originally not included in earlier iterations of the Act as it
was being deliberated through Congress, was inserted during deliberations on May 31,
2012.[4] Complementary to the takedown clause is a clause mandating the retention of
data on computer servers for six months after the date of transaction, which may be
extended for another six months should law enforcement authorities request it.
The Act also mandates the and the to organize a cybercrime unit, staffed by special
investigators whose responsibility will be to exclusively handle cases pertaining to
violations of the Act, under the supervision of the Department of Justice. The unit is
empowered to, among others, collect real-time traffic data from Internet service providers
with due cause, require the disclosure of computer data within 72 hours after receipt of a
court warrant from a service provider, and conduct searches and seizures of computer
data and equipment. It also mandates the establishment of special "cybercrime courts"
which will handle cases involving cybercrime offenses (offenses enumerated in Section
4(a) of the Act).
[] Reactions
The new Act received mixed reactions from several sectors upon its enactment,
particularly with how its provisions could potentially affect freedom of expression, and
in the Philippines.
The has received the new law well, citing an increase in the confidence of investors due
to measures for the protection of electronic devices and online data.[5] Media
organizations and legal institutions though have criticized the Act for extending the
definition of libel as defined in the , which has been criticized by international
organizations as being outdated:[6] the United Nations for one has remarked that the
current definition of libel as defined in the Revised Penal Code is inconsistent with the ,
and therefore violates the respect of freedom of expression.[7]
Senator , the main proponent of the Act, defended the law by saying that it is a legal
framework to protect freedoms such as the freedom of expression. He asked the Act's
critics to wait for the bill's implementing rules and regulations to see if the issues were
addressed.[8] He also added that the new law is unlike the controversial and .[9]
However, Senator criticized the bill, calling it a prior restraint to the freedom of speech
and freedom of expression.[10]
The has also expressed concern about the Act,[11] supporting local media and
journalist groups which are opposed to it.
[] Petitions to the Supreme Court
Several petitions have been submitted to the questioning the constitutionality of the
Act.[12] However, on October 2, the Supreme Court deferred on acting on the petitions,
citing the absence of justices which prevented the Court from sitting en banc.[13] The
lack of a temporary restraining order meant that the law went into effect as scheduled on
October 3. In protest, Filipino netizens reacted by blacking out their profile pictures and
trending the hashtag #notocybercrimelaw on . also defaced government websites,
including those of the , the and the .
On October 9, 2012, the issued a , stopping implementation of the Act for 120 days.[14]
Date of Filling
1 Sen. Teofisto Guingona III
2 Group of lawyers from the Ateneo School of Law
3 Journalists led by Alab ng Mamahayag (ALAM)
September 24,
4 Kabataan party-list Rep. Raymond Palatino
5 National Artist Bienvenido Lumbera et al.
6 Technology law experts led by UP Law professor JJ Disini
7 Louis Biraogo
September 25,
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines and the Center for
Media Freedom and Responsibility
Bloggers and Netizens for Democracy (BAND) led by Tonyo Cruz,
October 4, 2012
"The Professional Heckler‖ and 18 more bloggers
Philippine Bar Association
Paul Cornelius Castillo and Ryan Andres
October 3, 2012
Bayan Muna. Rep. Neri Colmenares
National Press Club
Philippine Internet Freedom Alliance
Harry Roque et al.
See also
1. ^ Gonzales, JR Lopez (1 October 2012). "Cybercrime Prevention Act of
2012: A Cyber 'Martial Law'?" . PoliTikalon: The Official Weblog of JR Lopez
Gonzales. .
Retrieved 2 October 2012.
Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (Republic Act No. 8792)
^ Arnold, Wayne (22 August 2000). "Technology; Philippines to Drop Charges on
E-Mail Virus" . .
-e-mail-virus.html . Retrieved 3 October 2012.
^ Reyes, Karl John C. (2 October 2012). "Senate inserted Section 19: How the
'take-down' clause emerged in Cybercrime Law" . . . Retrieved 3 October 2012.
^ Agcaoili, Lawrence (20 September 2012). "IT-BPO industry welcomes passage
of Cybercrime Prevention Act" . . .
Retrieved 24 September 2012.
^ Panela, Shaira (19 September 2012). "Cybercrime Act extends reach of
'draconian', outdated libel laws" . . . Retrieved 24 September 2012.
^ Tiongson, Frank Lloyd (30 January 2012). "Libel law violates freedom of
expression – UN rights panel" . .
-of-expression--un-rights-panel . Retrieved 24 September 2012.
^ Sy, Marvin (23 September 2012). "'Give Cybercrime Prevention Act a chance'"
. . .
Retrieved 24 September 2012.
^ Angara, Edgardo. "Protecting our Cyberspace - The Cybercrime Prevention
Act of 2012" .
t-of-2012-angara . Retrieved 24 September 2012.
^ Mendes, Christina (22 September 2012). "Guingona criticizes Cybercrime
Prevention Act" . . .
Retrieved 25 September 2012.
^ "Philippines' New Cybercrime Prevention Act Troubling for Free Expression" .
ing-free-expression . Retrieved 1 October 2012.
^ Canlas, Jonas (27 September 2012). "Suits pile up assailing anti-cybercrime
law" . .
bercrime-law . Retrieved 27 September 2012.
^ Torres, Tetch (2 October 2012). "SC defers action on petitions vs cybercrime
law" . . .
Retrieved 2 October 2012.
2. ^ Torres, Tetch (9 October 2012). "SC issues TRO vs cyber law" .
(Philippine Daily Inquirer, Inc.). . Retrieved 9 October