Hear Ye. Hear Ye - Diabetic Society of Singapore
Hear Ye. Hear Ye - Diabetic Society of Singapore
vice president’s message diabetes singapore july - september 2009 HEAR YE, HEAR YE Dear friends and supporters, Recently, the Diabetic Society of Singapore (DSS) was adopted by Oli 96.8FM, a MediaCorp radio station which broadcasts Tamil programmes. We are grateful for the partnership as it provides DSS with the crucial opportunities to educate the man in the street on diabetes and its many preventable complications. Oli 96.8 has been kindly publicising our Society’s range of services, support group programmes, upcoming talks and health screening sessions. As a result, DSS has received a number of enquiries regarding its services which includes the mobile clinic, checks on blood sugar level, and professional counselling on diabetes management by DSS diabetes nurse educators. We hope that this will translate into action among Singaporeans to adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent diabetes and to actively control it, if one has the condition. Do take note that Oli 96.8 will be conducting a Blood Donation Drive on Sunday, 2 August 2009. Our society will be participating in the drive by running blood tests and presenting a talk on diabetes. As our country faces the growing spread of the H1N1 Virus, our government is taking all the necessary steps to prevent its escalation. We trust that you, too, are doing your part by adhering to the Ministry of Heath guidelines. For more information, please check out the following website and document: http://www.crisis.gov.sg/FLU/InfluenzaA/index.htm http://www.crisis.gov.sg/NR/rdonlyres/1A57AB39-73EF-4553-9C72-A5E46F6D2466/24021/H1N1_ what_u_need_to_know.pdf Hj P.M. Mohammad Moideen Vice President !" !#$ % ! "# )*+,-. /'01*234256--7+*4)+ !"#$%&"%' #-83)4984+:83)4+*-3-5 $ %&'(()) * %& 29-0850 DIABETES NWSLTR_Jul09.in5 5 5 7/9/09 11:57:24 AM