2008 HPS Yearbook - Humphrey Public School
2008 HPS Yearbook - Humphrey Public School
. . . .. - .. •' . .' .. ·- J, ~ J.. - 4 !, - ... ~- - lt•s uever too late to becoae the persou you atght have lieeu. Tori, Each a11..:i twetyc..~ay we thank Goj for givi11g you to us. Your kitdness, intelligence, L1 eauty, se11se of hun1or, atd love have L'eetl blessings itl our lives. Always reme111L'er....we love you i11 big ways, we love you i11 small ways, we love you this mit lute, we'll love you always!! Love you Ot.Ylles, Da~.-1, Mo111, Ashley atd Mat'k Heatl1et~, Your dad a11j I are so prout..i of you all~.-1 we wish o11ly the best for you i11 the futut~e. Tit11e has really flow11l'7y, the caboose is het·e. Goo"1 Luck a11d Love Always, Mo111, Dac.-1, •.Jere111y, Nicole, Lisa, Clara, Kaitly11, a11d Lyric •..lorc..1atl, We are so prouc..i of you! I shoul~..~ be better ~1 repat·et..i but this c..1ay came so l-1uickly. I F'lannec.-1 to have L.,ettet· worc..is of ac..1vice, or mot·e gui~..1allce to give. Gueool...iL1t1't thi11k you' c..i grow up so t1UidJy... Mayl'e that's the lesst.,n: Be grateful for each t..iay, laugh oft·en, statl.~ strDilg, love UtlCOtlc..iitiollally, forgive easily, pray c..1aily, atd re111e111ber your way home. You're the gift l'n1 thankful for. Love, Mom Ashley, It's l7ee11 a lo11g roa~.-1, but you ma"'1e it so easy 011 me. I couU11't ask for a better daughter. I k11ow your goil1g to succeed i11 anythi11g you jo. I've always l7ee11 so prou"'1 to say that you're tny "-laughter. Love, Mom Aust~in, To OUI" fir·st- bol"l1 son - may all your drea111s come tr·ue. Love, Mom and Dad ,..Je1111y, It's time to fly out of the 11est alk-l we hope that the wod~.-1 ca11 hant-ile it. Congratulatio11s! You have ma'-'-le us very ~-wouv1. 1 Kee~ working ha1~d in yoU!~ 11ew e11deavo1~s. Love, Mom, Dad, Katie, ..Joey, RobL1y, all:i Bria11 Melissa, .ongratulatio11s! We are ve1-y p1~ou"1 of your accomplishme11ts. You have leal'l1et..1 that with ha1·~..1 work alk1 c--ietem1i11atiot1 you can succee"1 at-anythi11g. As you move 011, re111e111ber nothing r.omes easy, you will always have your fa111ily to su~l?ort you, alk1-al"ove all- stop anc-1 give tha11ks. Love, Mom, Dat.1, Be11, Tyler, a1d Aa1·on Cong1:atulatio11s, Brielle, in con1pleting this leg of your life's journey. s you gea1~ up for future steps always ren1en1ber ''In the struggle lies the joy". Love, Mon1 Dillon, Congratulations! We are prouj of youl You've grow11 up to b a s111art, imaginative, creat~ve, an"~ carit1g perso11. Who kt1ew... you coulj "~o math AND "~raw awe.some pictures! We will miss you as you heaj out for college, but we woul"~n't have it any other way. Hope you go far atk~ catch your "~reams! Go for a11j Get-R-Do11e! Love., Mom atl.~ Daj Sara, You're so very special to us. We love you! Never cha11ge the way you are. We coul~..:"i have never asked Go~..-1 for anything more. Love you, Mom an'-1 Da"'1 A"~a111, It seems like yesterday you were start111g kin.1ergardtetl. Now our time with you is about ovet·. You've grow11 it1to a fine you11g ma11 that we. are very prouj of. We wish you the be.st of luck i11 all your future goals. Kt1ow that you'll h:~ 111iooe.~.~ greatly a11j our love goe-5 with you. 1l1a11k you for the 111e.111ories atk~ the laughter. Love, Mom, Mikala, and Alexis Ethan, Live your life like there's 110 tomot·t·ow. Set acheivaL.,Ie goals atd you will go far. We are so proud of you. You always put a smile 011 people's faces a11d that is a gift. 1l1ere. are. choices i111ife. to make whether they are. gooj or ba~.-~ . Le.ar11 atd live fro111 the111 both You are a joy it1 our live-5. Love you, Mo111 atk~ Daj Keith (SLu111y, l111de BoBo), ~ ou a1·e growi11g i11to a11 awesot11e you11g 111a11. We have watchec.1 you ovcwcon1e ol1stacles i11 your life. We've see11 these ol.,st,acles make you as bett-er perso11. Keith, co11tinue to kee~, Go~.-1 at the ce11ter of you1·1ife alk1 you will go fad 1l1a11k you, Keith, f(."lr 111aking ou1·lives complete-WE LOVE YOU!! Da~.-1 a11d Mo111, Sa1·a, Pau! alki Ca1·so11 o11gratulatio11S as you 1·each this 111ilesto11e i11 yoUI" ife. We a1·e ve1·y ~1 1·ou"1 of you. The1·e have bee11111a11y bstacles fo1· you to overcome, l.,ut with each one you 1ave become a strot1ge1· pe1·so11. OUI" futu1·e looks bdght, so 1·each fo1· the stars. ove you always, om a11d Da'-1 I I'IC, e a1·e so Ve1·y ~1 I"OL~t.1 of you a11"1 the pe1"SOI1 you are "ecomillg. Nevel· fo1·get to follow yoLw d1·ea111s a11d ·each fot· the sta1·s. ll1ere is11't a11ythi11g that you .a11't achieve if you wa11t it bad e11ough. e love you ve1·y much, 0111 a11"1 Dad ell, As VCLI•l~,lllt(., thif> Wt1J'k i.l fclt"l Vc'Lill<"<"~1 a ta~e the" :~.i\ IC<" til.~t lu~ l·<"elt \)lvin t c, c'U, llL~t c'llly frc'llllll<" htt ft·cm otht"t·,;; ;i~ISO. arn an..:t oo with it. ) cu 111.1Y tk't <Jiways .Jr<'e wtth t1t.~ny, l·ut r•t."'llt<"tlln<".._, YL'U tli'c.i o just try 1t l•efc1 1'c' YL'LIIIl,.lKe jll.idelllc>tlt '11 tlletllc'l' "'hat they ktk'W. My lave atd 'r~yer::. (Jc' out t~' y(.'ll. I herr YL'll ~1rt t l1 here yc'Ll Wl1 UI,i hkr t c' [y f'-...'llle,by. Had L1 ti:: allJ U6ill~l Y~'LII' he.d wll oct Yl'LI thel'e. '111 here f (.'!' y L'U . l?c10.1 Luck, a.i Ben, I a111 so prou,:i of you an...i love you with alll,f 111y he.::wt. Yt1 Uare a w1-y loving an •.:i cal'lll!J so11, a1d have h·ought so llluch joy t(1 111y life. "Believe in your0elf. Belive 111 goo.::l thill(lS. Believe 111 yl.,ur heart, a11.::l you will accOillFlish your .-keallls." Love you always a11Li forever, ML,Ill . &niors 12 Keith and Dillon Seniors "Vfrt fJnf~ wa~ a%6un£ it. tft%6u'!fr. • (RfJ /, t% -t;:J\H -t " l wonder if wha t she's saying is true. It can't be, cant it?" " I just love English, can' t you tell?" Lyndon Junior Top: Casey works on a test. Left: Derrick and Quinten show how much they know. Above, Left to Right: Amber has a sneaky look, Ashley was surpri sed by the camera, Cole doesn' t know if he should smile or not, Lacy is excited about being in class, Ben is shocked by the the class discussion. Chase shows his Kelei is trying to love for English get her homework by working dong before the dilligently on his Dylan s~arches bell rings. assignment. through hts papers to find the right answer. want anyone to bother him while diagrams. 26 English Marcus has a good work ethic. Mitche ll is trying to find the answer to his problem. Mikalah takes time to smile for the camera while Morgan concentrates. Jared is working hard. on tile projects - this one shows Gulliver tied down by the little people. Laura and Lacey flash a smile before taking a seat in English class. the camera to show his deep Emily and Paige concentratio n. show their whites. Dylan, Marcus and Mitchell. Sophomores ~::D 'rtcJ.mt. a'rt f6Ja~ 't. ant.wt'rt. f6 f6m<9'r'r<9w 't.~.l.adi.,nt.· eJfja'r Ca~ct The boys have so much love to share. Molly isn't happy about having her picture taken by her sister. Molly, Sophomore Top: Ceiria and Taylor have mixed feelings about Spanish. Left: Katie and Terin have a love for Spanish. Above, Left to Right: Dennis looks at his homework, Morgan is tring to hide her eyes, Mikala and Becky take time to smile, Brandon hopes to miss the camera, Sabrina concentrates on her work. Tori concentrates her homework and keeps busy Luke is working with her Spanish. incredibly hard so that he can score well on the assignment. waits for a student to ask questions before responding. Dennis can' t wait for lunch. Emily doesn't know someones taking a pciture of her. Here are your foreign excahnge students, Marco and Paco. (Marcus and Dylan) Hannah just loves speaking Spanish. t is "Muy bien!" Good Morning, Aaron! Kristen studies her vocabulary before she has to take her test. Molly attempts to say the Spanish word for library: "Biblioteca." Katie's busy reading her book and trying to bone up on her Spanish. Spanish is Heather's favorite class. Foreign Language 27 "Can't you tel l I'm angry? You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Lacey, Junior V~e~e a~e ffrin~l. w~ic~ I.e em inc~e£1/,fe f6 m~1."t men w~~ ~aut M"fl."tl).£ie£ matfremafiu•. • "Please just let me work on y math ... and let me get all the answers right!" Tori, Senior Top: Mrs. Lovercheck teaches class. Left: Cole checks his math and he's getting most of them right! Above, Left to Right: I don't think that Laura wants me to take pictures of her. Emily has to get up close to read her handwriting. Leann is checking to see if her answers are right. Nick seems to be having problems getting comf01table. Emily has time to work while Aaron shows total relaxation. better than one. Right? At least Jenny appears to that is what I have be having a blast heard. doing homework. .....__,......_ ...... ~'--"' Leann needed a little help from Mrs. Lovercheck. 28 Math What does Justin want? Paige is getting impatient whi le the advanced working at school... Tim and Brittni sit math students arc Brittni has actually, she's just a hard time checking their paper and wait for the always working. believing what in class. Mrs. Lovercheck Mrs. Lovercheck to write new assigned! notes. is always busy teaching students. Emily and Karlie are friends. Jake is busy trying to figure out the problems. These boys always know the answer. Why did so much have to happen? lt'sjust too much for me ! Derrrick, Junior v~( (Jflf~ tf,;nrg. we ~CJ.ue t-(J CeCJ.'r i/; CeCJ.'r it-t.d!. N J'rCJ.n~fin :J) efCJ.nrJ (J(fJrJ/;eueft " ... And then they put all the tea into the ocean! Isn' t that hilarious?" Top: Jacob is posing for the camera and Casey is happy to see me. Left: Mr. McEvoy is teaching the attentive eighth graders. Above, Left to Right: Alex studies his book. Derrick doesn't agree with what Mr. McEvoy said. Zac is getting lost in history. Ashley is concentrating. Cameron doesn' t want to look at the camera. camera but I can Travis is busy still see him. working in social studies. Aaron is trying checking her notes to learn the rest to make sure she of our American Chantel just can't has the right answer Mr. McEvoy poses History notes. seem to focus on the notes with a camera in the room. Karlie is looking at life from a diffemt angle. ly and Laura arc all jazzed up about being in history. Joe is thinking about his notes. Jesse is doing his homework. to the question. Amber gives me a funny face. a question to the American History class and waits for an answer. Ashley is busy taking notes. History 29 'V~. (f.~ .. 'J~ro.f" rurn"tlo.R, f-. &rc6nJ. ,"fie/, Mr. Bender o. c ~i< V< o.n~tf,;,'J W6~tf, w~d. o.~r . [1uf ~o.~J W6~/,; f-. ;"tivrnrU ; t1.1~J. c 6mm6n ""''· • -'J~6mO.' e £i4on Mr. Bender is such a good teacher and this is how hi .............,....,. Adatn, Karlie, and Molly Accounting Students ~-......._ Top: Zeb shows off his modeling talents. Above, Left to Right: Leann snickers, Keith shows off his intellegent side, Cieria loves computers, Quintin is busy spacing off, Dwight just found out something super cool. Left: Derrick and Dalton work on their assignment Zach is smiling because he likes the project his class is doing in Terin is happy she is done with computers. her homework. Now she has time to talk. Jenny is so happy she has an " A" in Web Design. 30 Terin just cant srop smiling. Let's hope Jacob is working on his accounting and not his Algebra. This is Keegan's mean face. Grrrrr. Austin is busy working on his accounting so he Brittni loves can get it turned Taylor takes a break from her accounting. in on time .. work on the Can ' t you tell by computer to the look on her give a smile. face? John is busy with his homework. his love for computers. Joey loves to get pictures. ·w~en ~6U '~te f"~t6u.~~ c~a n~in~ . ~6u '~te f"~t6u. ~~: " I just love ironing!" Sara, Senior -Ma~rf"a Sfewa'rf" "Could this day possibly get any better?" Heather, Senior Top: Everyone loves Mrs. Bruening. Left: Chase wants to break Sabrina and Melissa's human chain. Above: Amber and Chantel learn how to knit. Ashley is hard at work, Derrick always pays attention during class, and Dennis is always smiling. Kelei just completed her assignment. Adam takes ttme to pose for the camera. He' s proud of hi s muscles. Kristen is tntently listening to instructions. Brandon is in a staring game. As you can tell LaDora loves her FCS class! Morgan is concentrating o everything that m ts very Travis, being Mrs. Bruening is helpful when it the sweet boy saying. comes to dealing he is, helps Mrs. with computers. Bruening out with the laptop. Lacy is always working on something. This is Autumn's serious face . Oh my gosh! Luke just found out how many calories are in the cookie he just ate! Best Friends! 31 v;,,_ A~ JififJen"tCa'rme'r ffanfi. -t-Jreel! , ~c Wf,icf, ;,,_ f,im4efg wiff neue'r 4ee ff,,_ C'rui"t.H ~ Cice'r~ you want?" Keith, Senior "I have to sharpen my n:ind, as well as my pencil!" ....--....... Jacob, Junior Top: Ben smiles for the camera. Above, Left to Right: Lyndon found out his weld wasn't as good as he wanted it to be. Autumn proves she can weld better than the guys. Dylan prepares to weld. Heather shows off the latest in welding fashion. Cody is working on his Ag homework. Left: Casey fi les down metal. Taylor has fun making cookies ana decorating them. Kelei and Emily are checking their papers. Is As hley teaching the kids or are the kids teaching Ashely? Ethan digs around while Eric observes. 32 Jesse is busy orgamzmg his papers for class. im-'~rn Cole always needs attention when there is a camera around. As you sec, J oc is having a hard time believing what he's hearing. Dillon is in the doghouse again. Ohmy goodness! Dylan is on fire! Josh really needs to cool down. Making cookies is an artform for Joey. Dwight needs help fixing his cookie. Science My mind is about ready to explode! Cameron, Eighth Grade "See kids, science is fun." Mr. Kriz Top: Mr. Kriz is teaching his class. Above: Amber is just a lillie bit camera shy. Staring at the book doesn't get you anywhere Jake. Dexter is making a face. Janelle, is that face really necessary? Taking a liule catnap, Travis? Left: Zach is ready to do a science project. reading is full of knowledge, and she wants bit of it. w much Austin wants to be in this class. My thoughts exactly, Brett. Science IS the best class. is the last few minutes in It is very Can 't you school you have exciting in the work any faster to work. classroom when LaDora? Gosh. Megan is there. is working hard in science test. Tasha takes notes in class. this class. Keegan is studing hard. Zach is all business when it coems to tests. 33 "[am the dodge ball champion." George, Junior " If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." Ben, Top: Britni blocks the ball. Above, Left to Right: Derrick is trying to find out what game they will play today. Cody smacks a ball over the net. Cry~ tal is standing right in the way of a dodge ball. Tasha and Zeb run forward to get a ball. Nick gets ready to show off his serving ski ll ~. Left: Nice dodge Montana and Keagen! Quintin has his Dwight is showing eyes set on a tarus the proper way get. I think it's ..._,..""-!_,..-.:!J to throw a dodge Quinten is bragging you ...Run!! to all the other students that he is finally working together as a team. 34 ball. about disturbing Champion Tori George stares down when she is focused Luke needs to hit someone now the competition with on the game. his dodge ball skills. because he is the ·nten have fun rowing balls at There goes a fastball the their opponents. Ashley is ready to from Cody. play the game. I am king. Says Tim: Junior "Why does John get to hammer? I wanted to hammer the nai l in." Derrick H. about John Piper: Juniors Far Above: Nick needs some help. Above, Left to Right: John seems to be enjoying his job in a project. Dillon waits his turn to cut wood. Cole seems to looking for something to do. Josh walks into class just like any other day. Nick is help build the shed. Left: It takes four people to hammer in one nail. working on a .c....~-/:'~,.._,.....,_...,. project to help Di llon out. Nick, Dillon, and Mr. Brandl at work. never turned around. Iways standing around Kendal hasn't The window seems supervising. seen a better to be stuck. project. 35 or 55-23 72-25 51·10 50-351 CC 49-421 SD 31-28 53-47 61-41 47·37 56-20 57-SO 73-45 70-SS Sl Francis Pope John Meridian Arapahoe 43-25 54-33 57-29 57-33 CC 23-48 I 33-34 SD 39-491 Stale 42-55 Stale 53-45 Third Place at State Tourney Final Record 21-4 Elkhorn Valley Clarkson Newman Grove Wynot Palmer Shelby Leigh St. Edward Dodge Leigh Saint Franics St. Francis High Plams Lindsay Elgin Cedar Rapids Howells Clarkson Sl. Edward Shelby Newman Grove North Loup Scotia Spalding I Academy C'laruon Wheeler Cenlral Elkhorn Valley Lindsay Dodge Cedar Rapids Howells S0-68 38-54 49-65 ICC 57-64 59-49 35-59 52-47 52-27 36-49 S0-58 64-SO 30-48 S0-73 62-57 38-66 cc 41-73129-71 57-66 SD45·57 3·1 3-2 2-0 2-0 3-1/2-0 2-3/2-3/2-3 2-1 2-0/3-0 3-0 2-1 dog tball Casey Wallin Dyla n Paczosa Dwight Hanzel off with wins, close experiences that lp us in the years to en Left: In one of the greatest of the year, Jared appears g toward the basket. Right: Casey tries to line up Eagle defense. is teasing the other to make the crowd go wild. get the ball. Right: Dwight the ball from the oppotaking the ball back. The team football team had season. They started off well by defeating alley. The boys later beat Wynot and Leigh. ogs tried very hard this their opponents. every game." .. u ...,u;:,. boys, on a good best of luck next year! runnin~ high deep in Needing JUSt one point Saint Francis had scored, ending the Lady Bulldogs. Dog team was pasgreatest volleyball history. It would, bt, be fair to say that Bul Took it to •~~;·~~"''-r•~~;•, Tori Bender, Hellbusch, Brittini Sara Macken, Jordan cheering her team aiming for an ace. and Han R1ght: The girb discu-.s their the ir coaches a gift for such a is ready and waiting. Right: a l way~ i~ i~ Terin Wemhoff Laura Lovercheck season was the best Lady Bulldogs have had rs. At the end of it all, amazing record of 21-4. regular season against Humphrey St. e other two losses were b-districts and at r seasons with a win . one of them. " ions to the Lady Dawgs ible journey to the ment. Autumn Hackett, . Front Row: Jenny Melissa Hellbusch, , Paige Frauendorfer. Paige Frauendorfer 1600 Meter Relay Team them in pract1ce a highlight of the season meet where many of the placed or earned personal Tift, a freshman, qualified in the high jump. With numbers and a strong work athletics will continue on the Cody Christensen jared Kallweit Justim Meyer several meets, with three mbers medaling at the Christensen improved finish in 2007 to win the Justin Meyer and h also medaled at Osceola. ous yer's scores. Kelly was the help teach other and advice to on Benkendorf, Meyer, Coach Kelly. VI RAPUATIOM c~(Jf20o8 Above: The graduating class of 2008. Back Row: Austin, Eric, Dillon, Adam, Ben, Keith , Ethan. Middle: Tori, Sara, Melissa, Brittni, Brielle, Jenny. Front: Heather, Ashley, Jordan. Below Left: The girls. Below Right: The boys. Sg.n ior Vro'Pt)g.cig.:; and Sct)ola:;Tic Act)ig.\Jg.~g.nT:; Tori Bender will be attending Creighton University. Heather Brachle plans on attending Northeast Community College. Jordan Costello will attend the University of Nebraska at Kearney with a double major in Music Composition and Music Education. Ashley Cummings plans on attending Central Community College and later the University of Nebraska Kearney to major in Criminal Justice. Austin Harding will be going into the military. Jennifer Heesacker is planning to attend Central Community Co1lege and then transferring to Wayne State College to pursue a degree in Business Education. Melissa Hellbusch plans on attending Northeast Community College then transferring to the University of Nebraska at Kearny with a major in Criminal Justice or Juvinile Counseling. Brielle Leger will enter the workforce. Dillon Lloyd's future plans are to go to the University of Nebraska Lincoln for Architecture. Sara Macken plans to attend College of St. Marys and major in Business. Adam Philips will go to Metropolitan Community College in Omaha and major in General Construction. Ethan Priester plans on majoring in Automotive Technology at Northeast Community Colcge. Keith Sunderman will attend the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and major in General Con truction. Brittni Temus will plan to get her CNA this summer and then go on to the Omaha School of Massage Therapy. Eric Ternus will be attending Northeast Community College and major in Architechtural Drafting. Ben Wemhoff plans to be a Welding Technician. 70 Band-Zack Brandt!. Zeb Braun, LaDora Dohmen, Molly Goodwater. Joey Heesacker, Molly Brandt. Leann Osten. Lacey Brandt, Laura Lovercheck. Jordan Costello. Melissa Hellbusch. and Brium Tern us. Chorus-Crystal Meyer, Kaitlyn Roan, Ao.,hley Bruhn, Amebr Finkral, Aaron Hellbusch. Lindsay Priester. Jordan Costello, Brielle Leger. Ethan Priester, and Eric Ternus. FCS-Travis Classen. LaDora Dohmen. Camron Gronke, Alex Wallin, Brenna Bender, Alyssa Frauendorfer. Eric Wemhoff, Chantel Bernder, !leather Brachle. Amber Finkral, and Sara Macken. Biology-Hannah Bender. Molly Brandt. Leann 0'>ten, and Casey Wallin. Advanced Biology-Cody Christen\en. Earth Science-Travis Classen. Carnron Groenke, Dexter Hanzel, Erika Roan, and Taylor Roan. Life Science-Mark Bender, Alys~a Frauendorfer, Megan Schrant, and Eric Wemhoff. Environmental Science-Jordan Costello. Physical Science-Zeb Braun. Junior High Social Studie'>-Biake S. Alyssa F, Mark B, Sam G, Eric W. Camron G. Travi' C, Dexter H, Megan K, Carnron K. Ashley N. Phthp 0, Austan P. Erika R. Taylor R. Alex W, Zac W, and AlexY. Ag Classes-Zack Brandl, Zeb Braun. Joey Heesacker, Quinton Harding, Tre Nolan. Dalton lift. Hannah Bender, Jared Kallweit. Molly Brandt, Kaue Heesacker. Heather Brachle. A'>hley Cummangs. and Eric Tern us. English-Laura Loverched.. Patge Fmuendorfer. Hannah Bender. Molly Bmndt, Becky Dohmen, Leann Osten. Heather Bmchle, Sara Macken, Zad. Brandl, Zeb Braun. LaDora Dohmen, Luke McPhllips, and Ceira Morvac. Journalism-Ashley Cumming'>. American History-Paige Fraundorfer, Leann Osten. Hannah Bender, Laura Lovercheck, and Casey Wallin. Sociology-Paige Fraundorfer, Leann Osten, and Tori Bender. World History-Molly Brandt, Katie l leesacker, and terin Wemhoff. Geography-Zeb Braun. 7~1ck Brandl. and Ceiria Morvac. Pre Algebra-Dexter Hanzel. Amber Meyer. Ashley Neeley, Austin Preisler. and Erica Roan. Advanced Math-Paige Frauendorfer. and Laura Lovercheck. Chemistry-Paige Frauendorfer. and Laura Lovercheck. Applied Math-Heather Brachle. Algebra 1-Zeb Braun, Tra\is C las<,en. Camron Groenke, and Alex Wallin. Algebra II- Leann Osten. Geometry-Molly Brandt. 7th Grade Math-A lyssa Fraundorfe r Spanish Classes-Cetra Moravec. Casey Wallin, Terin Wemhoff, Molly Brandt, Karlie Klassen, Brandon Benkendorf. Paige Frauendorfer, Laura Lovercheck, and Tori Bender. Government-Tori Bender. and Sara Macken. Careers-Tori Bender, Paige Frauendorfer, and Allysen Korn. Building Construction-Cole Bender, Aaron Hellbusch, and Josh Priester. Woods-Zack Brandl, Zeb Braun, Joey Heesacker. Dwight Hanzel. Paige Frauendorfer, Dillon Lloyd. Keith Sundennan. and Eric Temus. Small Engines-Lyndon Klassen, Keith Sundennan, Mitchell Widhalm, and Josh Prie'>ter. Drafting-Jared Kallwell. and Casey Wallin. JH English-Eric Wemhoff. Megan Schrant. Alyssa Frauendorfer, Mark Bender, Camron Groenke, Ashley Neeley, Erika Roan, Taylor Roan, Alex Wallin. 71 Facnlty Mr. Bender, Business Mrs. Bender, Library Jr. High English Mr. Brandl, Industrial Artis Mrs. Bruening, German I FCS Mrs. Fischer, Resource Mrs. Graham, Agriculture Mrs. Hanzel, Physical Education Mrs. Hogancamp, Language Arts Ms. Kelly, ====== Government Counselor Mr. Kriz, Science Mrs. Landauer, Spanish Jr. High Math Mrs. Liekhaus, Music Mrs. Lovercheck, Math Science Mrs. Luedtke, ~~~~~~ Technology Coordinator Mr. McEvoy, Social Sciences 72 Mr. Greg Sjuts, Superintendent Mr. Marty Moser, Principal Mrs. Michelle Wemhoff, Bookkeeper Mrs. Theresa Frauendorfer, Secretary Chri~ten~c n. Cody 16. 17, 28. llanz('l. Dexter 1, 22, .'3.3 32, .'3-t:, .37, .'38. 39.-+8. -t9. 5-t:, I [anz<'l. Dwight t .S, 15,20. •) <:}f'l ':1•) •.) ' '38 6 2,65 ~ 1' ')-l - · · •>I..J, . , ..... , •rt. • ,-t 1. -+ 7.. Cla..,~en. Travi.:; 1. 5, 22. 25. 5-+.5.S. 6:-3 29, 3 1. 3.3 I l arding. Austin 1, 6. 10, 12~ Costello, Jorda n 1. 6.10, 12, 1:3.:-30.55, 6:2,6:3, 6.5. 66, 6?. 13. 25..37. 50, 5 1,53, 55, 57 ' 68. 69. 66,67. 68,69 [larding. Quintin 1. 1-+,:20. 2 1. Arlt. Brett 1. 22, 32 Costello, K Pegan 1, 2 0, 2 1, 30. 30, 3-t, -t? , Bahl. A nclrcw 23 [lannon, Tin1 1. 15. 17, 2 -t, 33, 3-t, -+ 1 Bellar. DPvin 5, 23, 56 28, 3.5.50, .52, 6-t Cumming::;, Ashley 1, Bendt'r, Brenna 1, 23 -+,6, 10, 12, 1.'3. 32..'3-t:. 5 1, 52, l [ w-it reitcr. Mcrisn 1, 1-+~20, Bender, Ch an1 el 5. 15, 16, 17, 2 1, 5-t:, 6 1,62 5-1:,6-+,65,66.67,68,69 25, 29, :31, -+7. 6:3 l Lastreiter. Sabrina 1, 15, 19. Bender, Cole l, 17, 26. 28, 32, Cumming::;. T asha 1, 2 0. 21. •)7 07.. -t.). ~ c::() f.') f. 3 25. 3.3, .'3-t:. -+6, 62 . . . , . . .31..) ·) - ~)-.t) 35. S-t. Dohmen, Bt'cky 19, 27, 3 1, lleesack<·r, .knny 1. 6 , 10. 12. Bender. [ la nnah 1. 18. 19. 27, ·r ·)8 '30 '37 "' -it). " -+7. ' 37. -+7. 5-+. 60,()1. 6-t. 65 1•3• _ ;::>_ - ' • •• • • -t;), :28. 29. -+ 7. 5 1. .5-t. 62 Dohuw n. Derrick 1. 5. 16. 17. .5-+.60. 6-t. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. Bender. Jacob 1. 15.16, 17. ·)')6 ')C) 30 31 36 37 1 _:=>_ - .. - • -f: ., lleesacker. Jo<'Y 1. .). 1-+.:20. 2-t, 2:1. :28. 29, :30. 3:2. 5 1. 5-t:. ') 00• ,)......,.-+ ·:1·) 1• -+ 7. . ;)-t ~ -:::.r:. - 1 • ,) , ,JI.), -+7. 5-+.60.63. 6-t 6:2,6-t Dohmen. LaDora 20. 21 .31. lleesack<'r. Ka tie 1. 15, 19, Bender, Luke 1. .5. 18. 19, 27, ') 37 f. 7 -, ..... -+, 2 .-'), q7 £., • •• • ' -tt). -+ .. ,) . .:rt. 3.3. -i?. 53, 60 ' 63 31, 37. 5 1. 58. -+9. S-t. 60 Dohnw n, Taylor 1, 5.1-+.20. 59,62.,6:3. 65 Bender, Mark 1, 23, 51, 56 2 1. 27, 30. 32, -+7, 5-+. 6 1 llellhusch, Aa ron 17 , 27. 29. Bender, Tori 5,6. 10, 12, 13, 35. 5 1,53. 5-+,56,57.62. 6-t Elle r. Lacy 12, 1.3. 26, 3 1. .'3-t. 2-t, 27. 28, .'3-+,37, 50, 55, 63. 68, LLeiUJusch, Melissa 6. 10. 12. 6-t, 65, 66, 6 7' 68. 69, Finkral. Amber 16. 17. 26. 13. 2-t. :-31,:-36.:P, -t.S. -+?. 5 1. Benkendorf, Brandon 1. 19. 29,31.57,60. 65 5:2. 5-t. 59. 6 -t. 65,66. 67.68. 26. 27. :31.-+8, -+9 Frau endorfer. Alyssa 1. 23 69 Bort'r, Jordyn 1. 23, 56 Fraucndorfer. P aige t 15. 1 [ube nka. Derrick 17. 29. 3-t. Brachle. ll c'ather 1. 6.10, 12. 17,2-t. 26, 28. 29. 31.36, -+-+. 3.5. t 3. 2-t. :27. :3 1. 32. 5 1, 5.3. 5-t:. -+6. -+7. 5 1. ~5,63. 6-t ll ube nka. Marcus 1. 18. 19, 5.5. 6-t. 66. 6 7. 68, 69. :25. :26. 27.6:2 BruucU, Zacll 1. :20. 2 1, 30. 3.3,-tO.-+ 1, -+6. -+ 7, .5-t. 56. 6 1.62 Bra ndt, Lucey 5.15. 17. 25. Geilenkirchen, Chase 1. -+, 18. 26, 28. 5 1, 52, 5:3. 5-t:, 56, 6-t, Ka llwc it , Jured 18, 19, 26, 36. Brandt, Molly 1. 15,18, 19. 27, 19, 25., 26, 3 1.5 1, Geyer, Joe 1, -+, 15, 16. 17. 26. 37. :38. :39,-tO,-t 1,-+8,-+9, .5-t, 63, 30, .S-t, .s.s, 56, 6 1 29. 32, -+ 7 . .S-t. 6-t. 65 Braun, Zc--h 1, 20. 2 1, 25, 30, Goodwater. Molly 1, 5.20, 25, Kallweit. Megn n 1. 22. 33, 5 1. 3-t, -+7,.5-+,61 56 Bruhn, \ ~ hley 16, 17, 26, 29. 2 1.6 1 Groenke, Cam ron 1. 22. 3 1 Klassen, Kurlie 1. .5. 15. 18. 19. 50,.5 l, 37. 62 Groenke. Sam 1. 15. 23, 56 :25, 28. :29, :30.:37. -t.S Gronenthal. Devon 15. 23, 56 Klassen. Kellie 1. :23 Ilac ket1 . Autumn l, 15, 19, Klassen, Ly ndon 1. 16. 17. 25. 3 1. 32. 3.3.37. -+5.63. 6-t 26. 3:2, .5-+,60.65 Campbell. Kris ten 1, 5. 19. 25. I Ianzel, Dennis 18. 19. 27 . 3 1. Korn, Allp;en 1. -+.1.5. 16. 17 . .37. 39,-tO. -+6, -+7, 5-t: 28. 5 1. 60.6:2. 65,55 27, 3 1,37. -+5. 59 INDEX A-B t • t ., t • f • .. K-M C-F 74 Index Walsworth. Krings, Janelle 1, 22. 3.3, 61 Krumwiede, Cameron 1. -t 22, 29..33 Labenz, Jacob 1, 22, 28, 3.3, 51 Leger. Brielle 1,6, 10, 12, 13, 57, 66, 67. 68, Lloyd Dillon 1, -+,8. 11, 12. 13, 26. 32. 3.5. 5-±,65,67,68, Lovercheck. Laura 1., 15.16, 1?, 2-t, 26. 28, 29, 31,36, 37. -H. 50, 51.53..55,62, 65 Vlacken. Sara 1. 8.11.12. 13, .31. 55, 6-t. 65, 66, 67. 68, 69, Vlc Phillips, T_,uk e 1, 1-+,20, 21, 30. 33, 3-t, 36, -+0.,-t 1. -+6. -+ 7 ' 51. 53, 60,62 VIcPhillips. Nick 1, 5, 16. 17. 25. 28. :3-t. 35, 38, -+ 7' 50, 51. 53. 62 VI eyer, Amber 1. 22, 3:3,61 \!{eyer, Justin 1. 15.16.17, 28. 29. 36, .38, 55, 65 'v'1oravec, c,c1na . . 1. ?0 - , ') - 1, ?7 .... , 30, .3.l-t7. 59 Vlyers. C1ystal 1, 15, 19, 3-t, ~7 u.' N-R ~eeley, Ashley 5, 22, 29, 31 Nolan. Tre 1. 20, 21. -+1. -+7, Nutter. Raymond 23 Osten, Leann 1, 5.15, 18. 19, 25. 28, 29, 30, 31,37, +t-+5, -±6, -f: 7' 53. 55. 56, 59,63 Osten, Philip 1. 15, 22, 56 Paczosa, Dylan 1, -+, 18. 19, 26. 27. 32, 38, 39' -f: 1, -+7' 6.3 PhiUips, Adam 8, 11.12, 13, 30. 31, -+7. 50,65, 66, 67, 68. 69 Phillip·;. Mikalu 5, 19, 26. 27.. 31.63, 65 Piper. John l, 17, 2-t, 30, 32, 35,51 Prei.ster. Austin 1, 15, 22. 33 Preister, Ethan -+,8, 11, 12, 13. 25, 32. 39,37, -tO,-t 1, 50, 5-t, 57. 62, 6-t. 65, 67,68,69 Preister, Jo::Jh 1. 5.1-t, 17. 32. 35, 53, 5-t, 65, Prelliter. Kelei 1. 19, 26. 31, 32. 5-t, Preister, Lindsay 25, -+7. 57, 62.6-t Preister , Mikalah 19, 53. 5-f: Radke, Montana 1, 20, 21, 3-t, -t0,-+1. -+7, 62 Roan, Erika 1. 22, .33, 56, 61 Roan, Kaitlin 25, 57 Roan, Taylor 1. 22, 51 Roelle, H.aley 1. 5, 2.3, 55 Rowley. Quinten 1. 15.16, 17, 25. 26.3-+,65 S-Z Schilousky, Morgan 1, 18, 19, 27, 31, 53, 61 Schmitz, \1arriah 1, 15, 22, 33, 50, 61 Schrant, Emily 1, 5, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28,29,32,5-f:, 59.65 Schrant, M egan 1, 23 Simonsen, Dw;tin 1, 23, 56 Stokes, Danielle 23 Srreblow. George 1, 1-+, 17, 2-t, 3-+,51,6-t Strehlow, Meli::J::Ja 1. 23 Strecker., Blake 1-t, 23 Sunderman, Ke ith 1. -±,9.11.12, 13. 2-t, 26,30, 32,37. -+ 1,51, 63, 6-t, 67. 68, 69, 'T'aylor, Randy 1. 23. 56 'f ernus, Brittni -t,9, 11, 12, 13, 28, 30. 3-t. 37, -±5, -+7, 56,63, 65, 67, 68, 69, Terus. Eric -+.9, 11 , 12, 13, 25, 32,37 , -tO, 57. 63, 6-t, 67, 68, 69, Tift, Dalton 1, 5,20. 21, 25, 30, -+6. -+7' Wall in, Alex 1. 5, 22. 29 Wallin. Casey 1. -+.18. 19, 26, 28. 29,32,38,39,-+7,55, 62 Wemhoff, Ben 9. 11. 12, 13. 26, 32. 3-t..'36, -+ 1. 50, 5-f:, 60, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, \V e mhoff. Eric 1-t, 23 \V e mhoff, T erin 1. 15, 19. 27, 30.36. 37' -t-t.,-+5, -+6, -+7' 50, 59,55, 63 Widhalm. Mi1chell 1, 18, 19. 26,27,37, -±1, -+6, -+7,62 Widhalm. Zac 1. .5., 22~ 29. 33 Wiehn. Jes::Je l. 5, 17. 25. 29. 32. 3-t. 63~ 65 Young, Alex 1, 5. 22 Zach, Elliot 1. 1-t. 23 2008 Yearbook SpoNsors Newman GrtWC Bowl 447-6032 Marjorie Trent, Store Manager WAL*MART SUPERCENTER 402-564-1688 818 E 23rd, Columbus, NE 68601 Lindsay Oil Company Lindsay, NE Index 75 70 1 S. 13th St. Norfolk, NE 37 1-9492 R u 26803 467 St. P.O. Box 188 Hwnplvey, NE 68642 402-923-0606 ,. ----- ----=------- Central Valley Ag 203 Oak Street P.O. Box 187 NE 68642·0187 .._:!!f!!_ Toll Free: 877-282-7475 Cell: 402-920-1223 Phone: 402-923-1455 CODA Lindsay, NE 68644 402.428.2305 100 S. 3rd St. Humphrey, NE 402.923. 17 17 Zimmatic lrri ation Lindsay Manufacturing 214 2nd Street Lindsay, NE 68644 76 ' qjmllf.c/~~d~ 1st & PINE, P.O BOX 67 LINDSAY, NEBRASKA 68644·0067 NORFOLK TRUCK CENTER manufacturers of ideas JILL KRUGER BOB SOBOTKA General Manager 402 '379 8669 2801 S 131h Slreet 888/ SOS-:1696 P 0 Box 766 fox: -402/ 379 -8718 Norfolk. NE 6870:1-0 766 cell: -402/ 750-1033 bsobotko@norlolktruck com .....--_.... A FAX 1402) 371 6831 \ ·800-894-4066 www loves QTlt!'tC com Jllk loves1gngroup coT Xpress Salcn & Tannlnf Located at the .Jaectloe of ttlpways 81 aod 91 .Joi for pi food and apeat tllel 402.923.0106 77 Loup Power District HUSKER COOP 1 08 1ST ST • TAR NOV, NE 68642 TintS/ira Serving you Electrically PHONE (402) 246-3115 800-870-201 s FAX: (402) 2 46-2 61 1 www.loup.com Hqlftt. 316 4TH ST. PO BOX 157 PLATTE CENTER, NE 681110oQliet4 Mike Basch Store Director PAUL GRUBAUGH COREY GRUBAUGH CAREY GRUBAUGH TOM GRUBAUGH Hy-Vee, Inc. - Employee - Owned 2107 Taylor Avenue, Norfolk, Nebraska 68701 Phone: (402) 371 -7071 e-mail: mbasch 0 hy-vee.com ~ Pinnacle Bank ~ 1hs WilT B•nking ShiUitl Bl P.O. Box 490 201 Miller Avenue Norfolk. Nll8701 Pllone: C402) 371e2218 Toll Free: 1-877•371e9921 108 Mum Sl. Madison , NE 68748 <402> 454-6515 ~ i iii · - - [)oft4JonoSmtth.~ners DiamonQ L_yg 1137 R1VUS1de Boufevord Norfolk. NE 68701 ~u11 1293 It'sa'treat" to ~ave you as acustomer! e e i e e e e e e e i ve e i e e 78 , . . , 1 ~age V' ~ 212 Norrolk Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701 Phone: 402-371-0493 Fax~ 402-371-6123 www.diamondvogel.com Steve Wiedeman Service Cenler Manager Serving Northern Platte County Since 1886 Humphrey Democrat Don and Irene Zavadi l, Publishers (402) 923-1400 P.O. Box 158 3 10 Main Street I"" I Rhino Unings' Z1cbart: (402) 562-6999 3910 23rd St. Columbus: NE 68601 Humphrey, NE 68642 Melvin Knapp Insurance Agency 112 W. 3rd Street • P.O. Box 542 MaJts.•n. NH 6!1748 Phunc/Fu: r402J <454 - :1~09 State Farm Providing Insurance and Financial Services 1570 38th Avenue Columbus, NE 6860 I (402) 564-5512 Shelley Stempek, Agent she [email protected] 9(alnstreet fBrida( (402) 371-0313 (402) 371-0419 79 PT. ATC. QC.Q. CQCQ. Cert. MDT- Partner. Doug .Junge VVa cara abou~ your cara. Qhelly Koehler. PT. QC.Q - Partner Trfa.t Fdnon PT Lynn~ PT Amy ~hec PT Anctre. ~ PT / ATQ Qpe ciallzing in: • OtKpa~fan~ Phy~fcal Therapy • A~hla~fc Training Qarvl~ • Q~rang~h a C.Ondlt:lonfng Program~ • Fundlonal Capaclqf ~valua~lon~ • On-~~~ Job ~valua~lo~ • Aqua~fc Therapy Program~ • Qpork Phy~fcal Therapy • Padfa~rfc Phy~lcal Therapy Vici~ Uc A~ One Of Our Four Loca~ionc: Norfol<. I I 0 Nor1h 37th St. Surte #I I 0 <402) 37 I - 7 407 Piarca 116 ~ N\afn Q~raat (402) CJ29-629! u- Wa drfva ~o provfda. bad profaccfonal. a.Hlfcal and axparfancad ouq,a~fan~ rahabflfb~fon ~arvfca ~o paHanu Tflda.n J.lumphray Jn Northaad Nabnadca. ~ 2nd Q~raat 109 207 N\afn Q~raa~ (402) 92CJ-1011 80 1402) CJ6S-7SfC