March - Portland Sky Knights
March - Portland Sky Knights
President: Gene Kelly 503-501-1167 Vice President: Mike McKay 503-630-7112 “THE FLIGHTLINE” NEWSLETTER – March 2013 WWW.SKY-KNIGHTS.ORG Secretary: Dale McDonald 503-761-3109 Treasurer: Gregg Marshall 503-789-5488 Lead Trainer: Glen Thorton 503-668-9704 Librarian: Sam Bacon 503-663-3282 Club Meetings October 2012 thru April 2013, club meetings will be held the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm at the Mountainview Christian Church - 1890 N.E. Cleveland Avenue, Gresham, OR. 97030 Everyone is welcome! Membership/Webmaster: Ken Manske 503-666-4220 Club Breakfast: 7:00am Saturdays - Tollgate Inn, 38100 Highway 26, Sandy OR. 97055 Flightline Editors: Scott & Cindy Etlinger 503-761-4033 Contest Director: Dale McDonald 503-761-3109 Safety Officers: Russ Redmond 541-948-1092 Corey Parson 503-558-1884 Club Trainers: Glen Thornton 503-668-9704 Dale McDonald 503-475-3319 Gregg Marshall 503-789-5488 Bryan Watts 971-563-4728 Mike McKay 503-630-7112 Jim Leissler 541-490-3239 (Get your morning started and enjoy good fellowship) Sky Knights Club Dues It is Membership Renewal time. Sky Knights yearly membership runs April 1 through March 31 each year. Membership renewals are due by April 1, 2013 – Contact Ken Manske or bring your membership dues to the club general meeting. Prices are as follows: Single member: $90.00 Family membership: $140.00 Under 18 yrs old: $45.00 You must post your AMA card on the Frequency Board when flying at the club field. If your card is not on the board, please do not plan on flying that day. Please Welcome Our New Members: Tom Juul Edward Hare Thomas Hare Georgia Santos Total Members: 102 A library list of, “Sky Knights Library of Hansen Scale Aviation Videos” can be found in the February newsletter. If you are interested in checking out a video, please come to a club meeting which are held the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm at the Mountainview Christian Church 1890 N.E. Cleveland Avenue, Gresham, OR. 97030 1 Flying Notices: Thursdays from November thru March, we will have indoor flying from 6pm-9pm at Mountainview Christian Church - 1890 N.E. Cleveland Avenue, Gresham, OR. 97030 – Cost: $5.00 per night of flying. Indoor Season Pass is available: If you are interested in a Season Pass instead of paying each Thursday night, please contact Gregg Marshall at [email protected] or 503-789-5488. Sky Knights Treasurers Report by Gregg Marshall: Transaction Description Ken Manske United Site Services Indoor fees/Member Badges Date Revenue 2/4/13 2/8/13 2/21/13 $241.00 2/22/13 Checking Balance $793.05 2/22/13 Savings Balance $4,000.15 Indoor (Totals through 2/7/13) Pilots 130 Expense $12.00 $50.00 Notes Revenue $664.00 2 If you have an article or thought, that you would like to see in the clubs Newsletter; please submit it to Scott & Cindy Etlinger at [email protected] – Thank you! Upcoming Events March 3: Grants Pass, 16TH ANNUAL SWAP SHOP - Site: Josephine Co Fairgrounds. Len Barker CD PH: 541-761-8698 Sponsor: ROGUE VALLEY FLYERS March 9: McMinnville Aircraft Modelers Annual Swap Meet – Fairgrounds, 2070 NE Lafayette Ave. McMinnville, Oregon 97128 (Opens at 9:00AM) March 22 &23: Rock Creek Indoor Fun Fly, Electric Only – PCC Rock Creek Campus, Building #5 April 19, 20, & 21: Portland, OR (AA) JIM WALKER MEMORIAL - Site: East Delta Park. David Royer CD PH: 503.946.6824 Email: [email protected]. Visit: Events 301-309, 319-321, 322-326, 328, 330 (o) Sponsor: NORTHWEST FIREBALLS May 19: Sky Knight’s – FUN FLY, Field location: 10780 SE Orient Dr, Boring, Oregon 45º 26' 44N, 122º 20' 20W June 14, 15, & 16: Sutherlin, OR (C) 29TH ANNUAL PLATT I FLOAT FLY - Site: Platt I Reservoir. Alan Rader CD PH: 541-672-0491 Email: [email protected]. FLOAT PLANE FUN FLY, CAMPING ON SITE. Sponsor: UMPQUA VALLEY MODELERS July 12, 13 & 14: Northwest R/C Seaplane Championships – Pine Hollow in Wamic, Oregon Executive Board Meeting Dates and Locations for 2013 March 4th: Abby's Pizza - 21255 SE Stark St, Gresham, OR 97030 April 1st: TBA May 6th: Dale McDonald June 3rd: Gregg Marshall July 1st: Earl “Skip” Collingwood - 3634 NE 218th Ave, Fairview, Oregon 97024 August 5th: Mike & Kathy McKay’s September 2nd (Labor Day): Russ Redmond October 7th: TBA November 4th: TBA December 2nd: Sam Bacon - 3 Please Support These Fine Hobby Stores that Support Our Club P ro ct o r En t er p r i s es 35900 Industrial Way, Suite 401, Sandy, OR 97055 USA Phone: (503) 668-8612 Fax: (503) 826-1918 [email protected] Mad Dogz Hobby 38250 Proctor Blvd. Sandy, OR 97055 503-482-0340 4