Head Teacher`s Message - Mr Jonathan Moore
Head Teacher`s Message - Mr Jonathan Moore
Values in action—Responsibility for others School Term Dates This term we have shown great responsibility for others by raising funds for those who are not as well off as us. Easter holiday 2nd - 13th April 2012 I S S U E 1 1 D A T E 3 0 T H M A R C H 2 0 1 2 Summer Term 16th April—20th July 2012 Half-term Holiday Head Teacher’s Message - Mr Jonathan Moore 4th June—8th June Monday 16th April—Nursery closed Thursday 3rd May—school open for Y6 only closed for elections for all other years May Day Holiday— Monday 7th May We have come to the end of another busy half-term. I am pleased to say that Parents’ Evening was well attended—thank you for your support. This term we had a very successful Book Fair which raised over £300 to buy books for school. Fundraising has also been well supported with the children raising £317 for the Lord Mayor’s Dress Down Day and £323.08 for Sports Relief. We have welcomed back Alison Hannington from maternity leave and are saying goodbye to Helen Muneyi-Cargill who is leaving us after working at Aston Tower for 8 years, we wish her well for the future. We wish those of you who are celebrating a Happy Easter and all of you a lovely holiday. What’s on 18th April—Y1 and Y2 visit from Animal Man 1st May—School Photographs 18th May—Year 6 visit to Star City 30th May to 1st June—Kingswood Residential—KS2 w/c 25th June— Sports Week including Health Caravan 26th June—Y5 visit to Space Centre 27th June—Y1 visit to Warwick Castle 29th June—Y6 and Nursery graduation 4th July—Y2 visit to Heart Park A message from Year 5 We have made films using the IPads and Puppet Pals HD and Hamilton Web Learner. We took pictures of our faces, cropped them and placed them onto the characters. Then we put them on Youtube. Please take a look at them by following this link http://www.youtube.com/user/astontowerschool/feed?filter=2 or via our website Amaan Wajid and Mohammed Sharif TREE PLANTING To celebrate Her Majesty The Queen's historic 2012 Diamond Jubilee, the Woodland Trust is helping millions of people across the UK to come together to plant 6 million trees. We were lucky enough to receive a free pack of 60 tree saplings which will make a hedgerow in the area between the playground and the expressway. We hope this hedgerow will become home to a variety of wildlife, including birds, butterflies and hedgehogs. This week some Year 3 children have started planting the trees, which are a mixture of dogwood, holly, hawthorn, rose and hazel. The children enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to seeing them grow. $%&'()' *'+,-./(0 123453 63737836 9:49 ;<= >4? 234@3 4 73554A3 8; >:<<5B?A C DE9B<? F G H:3? ;<= E:<?3 5>:<<2 9< 239 =5 I?<H 9:49 ;<=6 >:B2J B5 A<B?A 9< 83 4853?9K E-safety We have had a very successful E-safety week which included a briefing for parents. Here are some websites that we have been looking at with the children throughout the week. Please take some time over the holidays to look at them with your children. Childnet know it all http://www.childnet-int.org/kia/ Think you know http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ You can also follow the links from our school website Would you be interested in joining a fundraising group? If the answer is Yes please speak to Mrs Ward in the office. DINNER MONEY The cost of school meals is increasing on 1st April 2012 to: Nursery Main school Per day £1.60 £1.90 Per week £8.00 £9.50 Gentle Reminder We ask that you do not use playground doors to enter the school building at the beginning and end of the day. If you need to visit the office please enter the school building by the front entrance and wait in the secured lobby. This is for the safety of your children. After School Activities These are the activities that will be running after the holiday until further notice. Pease remember that the minimum age for picking up a primary school aged child is 14 ! " # Our website —please visit us at www.astontower.bham.sch.uk
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