Barbara Sulignano
Barbara Sulignano
S3 : Super Separator Spectrometer Physics Cases Proton ProtonDripline: Dripline: Heavy Heavyand andSuperheavy Superheavynuclei nuclei Single Singleparticle particlestructure structure Development Developmentofofcollectivity collectivity Ground Groundstate stateproperties properties Fusion evaporation reaction: 58Ni + 46Ti 100Sn + 4n N=Z N=Znuclei nuclei Test Testofofshell shellmodel model Shape Shapecoexistence coexistence on t o Pr lin p i dr e Synthesis Synthesis Spectroscopy Spectroscopyand andstructure structure Ground state properties Ground state properties Chemistry Chemistry Uranium Fusion evaporation reaction: 48Ca + 248Cm 292116 + 4n But Butalso…… also…… Neutron Neutronreach reachnuclei nuclei Single Singleparticle particle structure structure Quenching Quenching ofofshell shellgaps gaps Ground Groundstate stateproperties properties Transfer & Deep inelastic Reactions 12C(13C,2p)11Be 82Se(64Ni,X)78Ni and around Summary of Technical Challenges High Beam intensity High power target : 10pµA ( = 6.1014pps) or more Rejection of the beam : >1013 Low Energy (fusion-evaporation residues) Large angular acceptance : +/- 60 mrad X and Y Large Charge state acceptance : Bρ acceptance: +/- 10% Many reaction channels (evaporation channels) M/q selection : 1/350 resolution Identification when possible Transfer/Deep inelastic Reactions (non 0°) Beam Sweeper for incident beam at 10° Specific Target chamber and beam dump How do we fulfil them? S3 Spectrometer Groups of 4 (or 3) Multipoles (warm or SC) (combined quadrupole and sextupole) Magnetic dipole Target Low energy Branch Heavy ion beams from LINAG from C to U 2 to 14 MeV/u up to 1015ions/sec up to 50kW Intermidiate FP Mass Spectrometer Momentum achromat Electric dipole Detection Large Largeangular angularacceptance acceptance: :+/+/-60 60mrad mradXXand andYY Large LargeCharge Chargestate stateacceptance acceptance: :Bρ Bρacceptance: acceptance:+/+/-10% 10% M/q M/qselection selection: :1/350 1/350resolution resolution 13 Rejection Rejectionof ofthe thebeam beam: :>10 >1013 Optical characteristics Detection plane dM/M ~1/350 10% First bend TraceWin - CEA/DSM/IRFU/SACM 50 y (mm) Q=24+ M=99,100,101 45 40 ) 35 %30 ( se ss 25 oL 20 20% Suppressors 15 10 5 0 2 4 6 Position ( m ) 8 10 12 x (mm) All order transmission ~ 52% for 58Ni+46Ti100Sn ~ 57% for 48Ca+248Cm292116 Argonne National Laboratory CEA Saclay Irfu Detection system for delayed spectroscopy Germanium detector e.x. Exogam2 Σ ~ 900 channels Number of channels = 32 Counting rate = 1kHz/core 2.3 keV @ 1.3 MeV Energy, Time Stamp, PSA Sampling 100 MHz, 14 bits Triggerless Time of flight + tracking detector Number of channels = 200 Counting rate = 1kHz/channel Time Resolution = 300 ps Position resolution = 1mm Tunnel detector for escaped e- and α Number of channels = 40 •High gain pour α •Low gain pour HI Implantation detector (HI, α and e- decay) Number of channels ~300 - 650 Counting rate < 1kHz/channel 20 keV@ 5 MeV α 5-10 MeV Heavy ions 2 gains High gain for α low gain for HI No Dead time Energy, Time Stamp, PSA Sampling 100 MHz 14 bits Existing detectors: Best Box for Electron Spectroscopy after Tagging – DSSD for implantation + Alpha decay – Tunnel for electrons + escaped alphas – Exogam Ge clovers Double side stripped detector • 48x48 strips • 5x5 cm • Cooled to -15° • Resolution ~ 35 keV TUNNEL • 4-fold segmented Si • 1 mm thick • α veto; resolution < 20 keV (hot) • Electron spectroscopy : • resolution 7-8 keV (cold) MUSETT (Mur de Silicium pour l’Etude des Transfermiums par Tagging) Si Si det: det: 2 •Si •SiWall Wall: :40x10 40x10cm cm2 FRONT FRONT END END ELECTRONICS: ELECTRONICS: ASIC ASICelectronics electronics: :ATHED ATHED(based (basedon onMUST2) MUST2) 16 channels preamps (E,T)+TAC, 16 channels preamps (E,T)+TAC, multiplexed multiplexedreadout readout Total Dead Time Total Dead Timeofofthe theelectronic electronicchain chain isis30 µs 30 µs Cofee front-end Cofee front-endelectronics electronics I2C I2Cslow slowcontrol control threshold thresholdvalue, value,channel channelenable, enable, channel test, shaping time, readout channel test, shaping time, readoutmode mode Mufee-like Mufee-like“Cofee” “Cofee”mother motherboards boards(IPNO) (IPNO) MUVI MUVIVXI VXIreadout readout&&slow-control slow-control(GANIL) (GANIL) 10 cm Window-less Window-lessSiSidetectors detectors –No Al window, B –No Al window,2 Bimplantation implantation0.25 0.25µm µm –Size 10x10 cm 2 –Size 10x10 cm –128+128 –128+128strips strips(step (step0.7 0.7mm) mm) -Time resolution ~ 1 ns -Time resolution ~ 1 ns -Energy -Energyresolution resolution30 30keV keVfor forααparticle particle@5 @5MeV MeV –Design based on MUST II –Design based on MUST II 10 c m Front End Electronique Trigger-Less System. No dead time. Digital electronics and time stamping are needed; Time resolution 10 ns (100 MHz); Discrimination e- - alpha - ions Events will be correlated by the time stamp information over a month which means a large dynamic for the time stamping system. Decay tagging over days The basic requirement is a common electronic architecture for all type of detectors (Si, Ge, Beam Tracker and ionization chamber). Time Synchronisation between the different detectors. (EXOGAM2,PARIS, AGATA, GASPARD,FAZIA) Which electronics for the digitizer ? Commercial ?GRETINA Like ? AIDA ? TIGRESS like ? EXOGAM2 like ? New ? Detection :: Detection Heavyelement(1 element(1GeV); GeV);ααdecay decay(<20MeV) (<20MeV) Heavy Timeand andspace spacecorrelation correlation Time E.X of developpment at SACLAY MUSETT 10 cm •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• DoubleSide SideMicrostrip MicrostripDetector Detector Double 1024strips strips(steps:0.7 (steps:0.7mm) mm) 1024 Windowless Windowless Smalldead deadtime: time:max max50µs 50µs Small implantationjunction junctionside: side:0.25 0.25µm µm BBimplantation Spaceresolution resolution1mm 1mm22 Space Energyresolution resolution~~30 30keV keVfor forαα Energy Timeresoluution resoluution~~11ns ns Time 10 c m ASIC ATHED (Asic for Time & High Energy Deposit) • 4 Energy ranges: • • • 16 channels (Energy + Time) Total Dead Time of the electronic chain is 30 µs Slow Control via bus I2C allows: threshold value, ± 10 MeV, ± 45 MeV(Alpha) ± 225 MeV (Heavy ion and beam) ± 1GeV (Fragmentation, HE beam) channel enable, channel test, shaping time, readout mode • • Multiplex output : analogue differential bus 2 MHz Energy resolution : 16 keV for Cdet = 65 pF The ASIC does not satisfied the high counting rate and energy resolution Today Today CAEN SY 2527 Electronics for one MUSETT detector Analogue Bus 4 COFEE (x4) LV MUVI or CVM (x4) Readout ATHED Trigger Slow Control HV I2C 64 128 + 128 strips Slow Control Slow Control Silicium Cooling LAUDA Proline RP 845 C • • • • • • • 0.8 µm BiCMOS AMS 6×6mm2 16 channels (Energy + Time) Dynamics : +/-10MeV; +/-45MeV; +/-225MeV; +/-1GeV Shaping : 1 or 3 µs Energy resolution : 16 keV for Cdet = 65 pF Multiplex output : analogue differential bus 2 MHz Slow Control: serial I2C; DAC, channel enable, channel test, shaping time, readout mode, … Hold 16Channels Channels 16 Idet1 Energy Energy Energy Energy E1 Idet16 ATHED ATHED E16 V.I.C Analogue Data C.S.A C.S.A In Time Time Time Time T1 start16 start1 Stop OR OR start start Slow Slow Control Control DAC DAC Discri Discri thresh thresh Test T16 Start Reset Request I2C Front-end electronics : COFEE (IPNO design) • COulex Front-End Electronics • Based on MUST II MUFEE • • • • • 4 ASICs / board 1 analogue bus / ASIC Size 12 x 5 cm2 Slow control : I2C Provides HV to detectors (daughter boards) CVM VME card (Saclay design) • • • • • • • Multipurpose card for ASICs readout 4 analogue bus input = 4 ASICs with COFEE = 64 channels USB slow control through STUC probe (Cypress micro controller, Virtex II FPGA). VME or USB readout Possibility to correlate VME cards (front panel trigger signals and clock). 14 bits ADCs 48 bits timestamp (100 MHz) Status: • Two prototypes tested • VME readout in progress • Waiting for Cofee front-end electronics before production. MUVI (Ganil design) • MUST VXI • 4x4 analogue bus input. – For 4 Cofee cards (16 ASICs) = 128 strips = 1 MUSETT detector (for 4 MUST II detectors since 1 bus/Mufee) • CAS mezzanine converter • Free running mode : all bus running independently and trigger-less • Time stamp with ATOM / GAMER / CENTRUM cards (48 bits, 10 ns resolution). • Full integration into the GANIL DAQ – DAS GUI MUVI CAS ATOM m Co e pl ly te t no ed er t s gi re Beam optics 58 46 100 Ni + Ti → Sn + 4n Charge state distribution 30 25 100Sn % 20 58Ni (beam) 15 10 5 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Beam dump in dipole & Qpoles Beam suppressors in the dispersive plane (not for asymmetric reactions) Bro (T.m) Momentum Achromat x (m) Simulations CEA Saclay – Irfu Jacques Payet Didier Uriot s (m) Beam Dump configurations Beam stopped in extended chamber Vacuum chamber Lateral Beam stop Side view Optics Simulations :first and second order optimization 0 Mass spectrometer 5 Momentum spectrometer 10 √βx ED 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 √βy Dx s (m) 101Sn 24+ trajectory Horizontal •L=27.905 m •24 multipoles (QP+SX), l=0.4 m, Ø= 0.3 m Vertical •2 magnetic bend, l=1 m, θ=27°, B=0.94 T •1 electrostatic bend, l=1.3 m, θ=21.27°, E=2.1 MV/m •1 magnetic bend, l=1.3 m, θ=37.75°, B=1.02 T •Mass separation 5.5mm / % 100Sn 24+ beam envelope Optics Simulations : All order raytracing 58Ni + 46Ti → 104Sn* → 100Sn + 4n y (mm) x (mm) Detection plane dM/M ~1/350 Realistic magnet field maps (achromat momentum only) Argonne National Laboratory CEA Saclay Irfu
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