Phylogenetic relationships among Boleosoma darter species
Phylogenetic relationships among Boleosoma darter species
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution journal homepage: Phylogenetic relationships among Boleosoma darter species (Percidae: Etheostoma) K.L. Heckman a, T.J. Near a,b, S.H. Alonzo a,* a b Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, 165 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, USA Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 12 February 2009 Revised 26 May 2009 Accepted 27 May 2009 Available online 31 May 2009 Keywords: Hybridization Molecular phylogeny Breeding color a b s t r a c t Darters represent a species rich group of North American freshwater fishes studied in the context of their diverse morphology, behavior, and geographic distribution. We report the first molecular phylogenetic analyses of the Boleosoma darter clade that includes complete species sampling. We estimated the relationship among the species of Boleosoma using DNA sequence data from a mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and a nuclear gene (S7 ribosomal protein intron 1). Our analyses discovered that the two Boleosoma species with large geographic distributions (E. nigrum and E. olmstedi) do not form reciprocally monophyletic groups in either gene trees. Etheostoma susanae and E. perlongum were phylogenetically nested in E. nigrum and E. olmstedi, respectively. While analysis of the nuclear gene resulted in a phylogeny where E. longimanum and E. podostemone were sister species, the mitochondrial gene tree did not support this relationship. Etheostoma vitreum was phylogenetically nested within Boleosoma in the mitochondrial DNA and nuclear gene trees. Our analyses suggest that current concepts of species diversity underestimate phylogenetic diversity in Boleosoma and that Boleosoma species likely provide another example of the growing number of discovered instances of mitochondrial genome transfer between darter species. Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Darters are a species rich clade of North American freshwater fishes. Extensive work on the taxonomy of darters has produced a classification that comprises 17 or 18 subgenera and as many as five genera (Keck and Near, 2008; Near and Keck, 2005; Page, 2000). Over the past several years, DNA sequence data have been used to investigate species-level relationships within darter clades (Keck and Near, 2008; Lang and Mayden, 2007; Near, 2002; Near et al., 2000; Porter et al., 2002; Porterfield et al., 1999). In some cases, relationships estimated in molecular phylogenies are incongruent with traditional taxonomic arrangements that are based on overall morphological similarities (Lang and Mayden, 2007; Near, 2002). While a growing number of molecular studies have investigated the evolutionary relationships among darters, there are no published studies that provide molecular phylogenies of Boleosoma that sample all the species in the clade. Boleosoma is an interesting darter clade for molecular phylogenetic analysis, because a clear consensus does not exist regarding species level diversity in the clade (e.g., Cole, 1965; Cole, 1967; Shute, 1984; Starnes and Starnes, 1979). In addition, there are striking differences among these species in male nuptial coloration, a character routinely used in the diagnosis and differentiation of darter taxa (Page, 1983). Etheostoma nigrum, E. susanae, and E. olms* Corresponding author. Fax: +1 203 432 3854. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K.L. Heckman), thomas.near@ (T.J. Near), [email protected] (S.H. Alonzo). 1055-7903/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.05.027 tedi males darken during the reproductive season, while in E. perlongum, E. longimanum, and E. podostemone reproductive males exhibit bright nuptial coloration (Lindquist et al., 1981; Page, 1983 pp. 89, 92). Boleosoma species also vary in the sizes of their geographic ranges. Etheostoma nigrum and E. olmstedi are found throughout a large portion of eastern North America (Figs. 1 and 2), while the other four Boleosoma species have relatively restricted geographic distributions (Figs. 1 and 2). A phylogenetic analysis using discretely coded morphological characters resulted in monophyly of the five sampled Boleosoma species; and within this clade were two monophyletic groups, a clade containing E. longimanum and E. podostemone, and a clade containing E. nigrum, E. olmstedi, and E. perlongum (Simons, 1992). There have been various opinions regarding the species level diversity in Boleosoma (Bailey and Gosline, 1955; Cole, 1957; Collette, 1965; Winn, 1958). Five species were recognized in an evaluation of variation in external morphological characters (e.g., scale row and fin element counts, patterns of squamation), and these species were distributed among three species groups: (1) Etheostoma olmstedi and E. nigrum, (2) E. longimanum and E. podostemone, and (3) E. perlongum (Cole, 1957). Based on the analysis of allozyme data and external morphological characters, E. perlongum has been argued to represent an ecomorph of E. olmstedi and not a distinct species (Shute, 1984); however, E. perlongum does exhibit disparate male breeding coloration and life history characteristics when compared to E. olmstedi (Lindquist et al., 1981; Shute, 1984). Etheostoma susanae is another Boleosoma species with a complicated taxonomic history. Jordan and Swain (1883) described 250 K.L. Heckman et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 E. nigrum E. susanae E. perlongum 25 50 100 Scale of Kilometers Fig. 1. Sampling locations of E. nigrum, E. susanae, and E. perlongum specimens. Species distributions are shaded and each circle represents a sampled location. Boleosoma susanae from the Cumberland River drainage above the Cumberland Falls in Kentucky. The species was later considered a subspecies of Etheostoma nigrum (Kuhne, 1939). The subspecific status of E. susanae was supported by some systematists (Burr and Warren, 1986, p. 310; Cole, 1967, 1972; Etnier and Starnes, 1993, pp. 510–512; Page, 1983, pp. 84–85), but others did not accept that E. susanae was sufficiently divergent from E. nigrum to warrant subspecific status (Clay, 1975, p. 350; Jenkins et al., 1972, p. 102). Examination of external morphological characters led to the observation that relative to E. nigrum populations in the Ohio River drainage, E. susanae was more similar to E. nigrum populations in the upper Kentucky River system that is geographically adjacent to the upper Cumberland River (Starnes and Starnes, 1979). This morphological similarity was interpreted as evidence of ‘‘intergradation” resulting from hybridization between E. susanae and E. nigrum, and used to support the subspecific classification of the former (Starnes and Starnes, 1979). A study of mitochondrial DNA haplotype variation concluded that Etheostoma susanae is a distinct species when compared to E. nigrum (Strange, 1998). Complicating the systematics of Boleosoma further is the reported hybridization and introgression between E. nigrum and E. olmstedi in areas where the two species are sympatric (Chapleau and Pageau, 1985; Cole, 1965; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994, p. 846; McAllister et al., 1972; Stone, 1947). The two species are morphologically similar with differentiation requiring close inspection of the number of pores of the infraorbital and preoperculomandibular canals, completeness of infraorbital canal, degree of squamation of the cheek, nape and breast, number of rays in the second dorsal fin, and qualitative assessment of the shape of the pectoral and pelvic fins (Chapleau and Pageau, 1985; Cole, 1965, 1967; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994, p. 846; McAllister et al., 1972; Menhinick, 1991, p. 172; Stone, 1947). While the frequency of hybrid specimens is generally low (Chapleau and Pageau, 1985; Cole, 1965; McAllister et al., 1972), intermediacy of external morphological traits has been the basis for the hypothesis that E. nigrum and E. olmstedi are hybridizing in the middle portions of the James and Roanoke River systems (Clark, 1978; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994, p. 846); however, analyses of allozyme variation did not find evidence of introgression between these two species in the James River system (Falls, 1982). The darter species Etheostoma vitreum has long been classified in the monotypic subgenus Ioa (Bailey and Etnier, 1988; Bailey and Gosline, 1955; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994; Page, 1983). Evidence from the distribution of breeding tubercles (Collette, 1965), allozyme variation (Wood and Mayden, 1997), and external morphology (Bailey and Etnier, 1988) has hinted at a close relationship between E. vitreum and Boleosoma. Phylogenetic analyses of both mitochondrial DNA and nuclear gene sequences that sampled a single Boleosoma species and E. vitreum resulted in a strongly supported monophyletic group relative to the other sampled darter species (Lang and Mayden, 2007; Sloss et al., 2004; Song et al., 1998). Phylogenetic analyses that sampled two Boleosoma species and E. vitreum discovered that Boleosoma was paraphyletic with respect to E. vitreum (Mayden et al., 2006; Shaw et al., 1999). In this study, we present a molecular phylogenetic analysis based on a mitochondrial and a nuclear gene to investigate the phylogenetic relationship among species of Boleosoma. We focused specifically on determining (1) the status and phylogenetic affinities of E. susanae and E. perlongum, (2) whether the widely distrib- K.L. Heckman et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 85 80 75 70 15 10 35 30 85 80 75 Fig. 2. Sampling locations of Etheostoma olmstedi, E. podostemone, and E. longimanum specimens. Species distributions are shaded and each circle represents a sampled location. uted species E. olmstedi and E. nigrum form reciprocally monophyletic groups, (3) the phylogenetic relationships of E. longimanum and E. podostemone, and (4) the monophyly of Boleosoma, relative to E. vitreum. We sampled all six Boleosoma species, multiple populations of E. nigrum and E. olmstedi throughout their large geographic distributions, and E. vitreum. In addition, we sampled gene sequences from species in other darter clades to serve as outgroups in the phylogenetic analyses. 2. Materials and methods Specimens of all Boleosoma species and Etheostoma vitreum were sampled throughout their respective geographic ranges (Figs. 1 and 2, Table 1). Multiple collection sites were sampled for E. nigrum (23 sites) and E. olmstedi (13 sites). Specimens were anesthetized using MS-222 and tissues for DNA isolation were collected as pectoral fin clips and stored in 95–100% ethanol. After tissue biopsy, specimens were fixed in 10% formalin for approximately 10 days, rinsed in distilled water for five days, and transferred to 70% ethanol for long-term preservation. Voucher specimens were deposited in the Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History fish collection (Moore and Boardman, 1991). In regions where 251 species identification has proven difficult, especially between E. nigrum and E. olmstedi, completeness of the infraorbital canal, number of second dorsal fin rays, and the number of infraorbital pores were examined for species identification (Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994, p. 846; Menhinick, 1991, p. 172; Page, 1983; Stone, 1947). DNA was extracted from tissues using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit. Targeted genes were amplified from isolated template DNA using PCR. The mitochondrial encoded cytochrome b (cytb) and nuclear encoded ribosomal protein S7 ribosomal protein intron 1 (S7) were amplified using previously published primer sequences and thermal cycling conditions (Chow and Hazama, 1998; Near et al., 2000). Amplified PCR products were prepared for cycle sequencing using Qiagen PCR Purification kit. Sequencing was performed at the DNA Analysis Facility on Science Hill at Yale University. Sequence fragments were edited in Sequencher 4.6 and aligned manually in MacClade 4.05 (Maddison and Maddison, 2000). Individuals that exhibited heterozygous nucleotide sites in the nuclear encoded S7 intron were analyzed with PHASE software that implements a Bayesian algorithm for haplotype reconstruction (Stephens and Donnelly, 2003; Stephens et al., 2001), and the two haplotypes identified in heterozygous individuals were treated as distinct operational taxonomic units in the phylogenetic analyses. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on aligned gene sequences sampled from Boleosoma species and Etheostoma vitreum. Additional gene sequences from other darter species in the clades Ammocrypta, Etheostoma and Percina were collated from the Genbank NCBI database and used as outgroup taxa (Table 1). A Bayesian method that implements a Metropolis-coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm was used to estimate phylogenetic relationships using the computer program Mr. Bayes version 3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). Models of substitution were chosen using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), as implemented in the computer program Modeltest 3.7 (Posada and Crandall, 1998). The model of nucleotide substitution used for each analysis was general-time-reversible with a proportion of sites that are invariable and among site rate variation (GTR+I+G). Each codon position was treated as a separate partition in the cytb phylogenetic analysis. There were no partitions applied to the S7 intron alignment. MrBayes was run for three million generations, excluding the initial 100,000 generations as burnin as assessed by Markov chain convergence. Optimal Bayesian phylogenies were inferred for each of the two genes. Posterior trees were visualized using FigTree 1.1 (Drummond and Rambaut, 2007). 3. Results Nucleotide sequences were generated for two genes, cytb (1119bp) and S7 (527bp) for 78 specimens (Table 1). The two genes differed in the number of phylogenetically informative sites; with the mitochondrial cytb containing more than four times more than nuclear encoded S7 (218 vs. 35 within Boleosoma). In both the cytb and S7 Bayesian phylogenies (Figs. 3 and 4), all Boleosoma species formed a clade and E. vitreum was nested within Boleosoma. The nodes representing the most recent common ancestor of Boleosoma and E. vitreum were supported with significant Bayesian posterior probabilities. The placement of E. vitreum differed in the cytb and S7 phylogenies. In the cytb tree, E. vitreum shared a common ancestor with a clade containing specimens sampled from northern E. olmstedi populations, E. longimanum, and E. nigrum sampled from the Upper James River Drainage; however, this node was not supported with a significant Bayesian posterior probability (Fig. 3). In the S7 phylogeny, E. vitreum shared a common ancestor with E. nigrum and E. olmstedi sampled from the James River Drainage, and E. olmstedi sampled from the Savannah and Waccamaw River sys- 252 K.L. Heckman et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 Table 1 Specimen information including specimen code, tissue collection catalogue numbers (YFTC, Yale Fish Tissue Collection; KU University of Kansas), museum voucher catalogue numbers (YPM, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University; UT, University of Tennessee Research Collection of Fishes; MCZ, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; INHS, Illinois Natural History; KU, University of Kansas), sampling locations, Peabody Natural History Museum and NCBI Genbank accession numbers. For four specimens only nuclear data was available while for six other specimens only mitochondrial data was available. Their exclusion has no qualitative effect on the results. Species Specimen code Tissue catalogue Museum voucher Stream, county, state Genbank cytb Genbank S7 intron E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. 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longimanum longimanum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum nigrum olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi olmstedi perlongum perlongum perlongum podostemone podostemone podostemone susanae susanae 253 K.L. Heckman et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 Table 1 (continued) Species Specimen code Tissue catalogue Museum voucher Stream, county, state Genbank cytb Genbank S7 intron E. E. E. E. E. E C D E F YFTC 8358 KUI 833 KUI 834 YFTC 8678 YFTC 8682 YPM 15843 KU 24389 KU 23144 YPM 16372 YPM 16372 Laurel Creek, McCreary, KY Little Dan River, Patrick, VA Blackwater River, Franklin, VA Blackwater River, Franklin, VA Blackwater River, Franklin, VA GQ183637 GQ183706 GQ183707 GQ183708 GQ183709 GQ183796 GQ183797 GQ183798 GQ183799-00 GQ183801 AF412536 AY374272 AY964706 AF386535 AF183940 AF183941 AF183943 – – AF412570 EF035538 EF035553 AY573272 EF035491 EF035492 EU094725 EF035497 AY517756 susanae vitreum vitreum vitreum vitreum Outgroup species E. virgatum E. punctatum E. zonale Ammocrypta beanii Ammocrypta bifascia Ammocrypta clara Ammocrypta pellucida Percina aurantiaca Percina. maculata tems, and this node was supported with a significant Bayesian posterior probability (Fig. 4). Sampled individuals of E. olmstedi and E. nigrum were not reciprocally monophyletic in either the cytb or the S7 Bayesian phylogenies. Monophyly of sampled E. nigrum haplotypes was confounded by the nesting of E. podostemone and E. susanae haplotypes in a large clade containing all E. nigrum haplotypes sampled from the Mississippi, Mobile, and Great Lakes Drainages (Fig. 3). Individuals of E. nigrum sampled from the Kentucky River system grouped in two clades. Those from the lower Kentucky River were more closely related to specimens sampled from other Ohio River drainage tributaries; however, specimens from the upper Kentucky River system shared common ancestry with the upper Cumberland endemic E. susanae (Fig. 3). Haplotypes sampled from E. nigrum in the upper portions of the James and Roanoke rivers systems were closely related to E. olmstedi from northern Atlantic Ocean tributaries. Etheostoma nigrum sampled from the Great Lakes Drainage in the Genesee River system contained mitochondrial haplotypes that were phylogenetically disparate, with five of seven haplotypes closely related to other E. nigrum populations sampled from the Ohio River drainage (Fig. 3). The other two Great Lakes E. nigrum haplotypes were nested within a clade of E. olmstedi haplotypes sampled from northern Atlantic Ocean tributaries (Fig. 3). Sampled E. olmstedi haplotypes were distributed in two major clades, one containing specimens sampled from northern Atlantic Ocean tributaries that extend from the Connecticut River system south to the lower James Rivers system. The other clade E. olmstedi clade was paraphyletic, relative to E. perlongum, and contained haplotypes sampled from specimens collected in Atlantic Ocean tributaries south of the James River in Virginia that extended from the Waccamaw River in North Carolina, south to the St. Johns River in Florida (Fig. 3). Haplotypes sampled from Waccamaw River E. olmstedi shared common ancestry with those sampled from E. perlongum in Lake Waccamaw, and uncorrected pairwise sequence divergence at cytb was approximately 2.3% between Waccamaw River E. olmstedi and Lake Waccamaw E. perlongum. The S7 Bayesian phylogeny was much less resolved than the cytb tree, but like the cytb phylogeny the sampled alleles from E. nigrum or E. olmstedi were not reciprocally monophyletic (Fig. 4). Despite lacking resolution when compared to the mitochondrial phylogeny, the S7 nuclear gene tree provides several interesting insights on Boleosoma relationships. The phylogenetic relationships of E. longimanum and E. podostemone were discordant between the cytb and S7 Bayesian phylogenies. In the cytb phylogeny E. podostemone was nested in a clade containing E. nigrum haplotypes, and E. longimanum was closely related to the southern E. olmstedi clade and E. nigrum sampled from the upper James River system (Fig. 3). In the S7 phylogeny E. podostemone and E. longimanum were sister species, as predicted in previous morphological and allozyme analyses (Fig. 4, Cole, 1957, 1972; Shute, 1984; Simons, 1992). In addition, the S7 alleles sampled from E. nigrum in the Great Lakes all clustered together in the nuclear gene tree, but the node was not supported with a significant Bayesian posterior probability. 4. Discussion Molecular phylogenetics has the potential to provide novel insights into species relationships within and among darter lineages that differ dramatically from inferences based on overall similarity of external morphological traits (Mayden et al., 2006; Near, 2002). This is especially true for darter lineages containing species with subtle morphological distinctions (Hollingsworth and Near, 2009; Page et al., 2003). In this study, the phylogenies estimated from mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees provided unique insights and novel hypotheses regarding the relationships among Boleosoma species. These inferences include strong support for the monophyly of Boleosoma and E. vitreum, lack of reciprocal monophyly in both E. nigrum and E. olmstedi, resolution of the phylogenetic relationships of E. perlongum and E. susanae, and support for the sister species relationship of E. podostemone and E. longimanum. In addition to the specific inferences regarding relationships among Boleosoma species, the phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial and nuclear genes highlight problems of species delimitation and identify patterns consistent with introgression resulting from hybridization between Boleosoma species. Incongruence between gene trees can occur for a number of reasons, including lineage sorting, hybridization, and introgression. Incongruence due to lineage sorting is more likely when lineages diversify within a short period of time or when the ancestral species has a large effective population size (Maddison, 1997; Nei, 1987). Hybridization produces a pattern where alleles are shared between species that may not be each other’s closest relative, while introgression results when there is a permanent incorporation of alleles into a population that originate from another species. Differentiating between ancestral polymorphism and introgression can be difficult (Holder et al., 2001). This issue is exacerbated when lineage sorting is incomplete and species share ancestral polymorphisms, which is likely for nuclear genes that have an effective population size that is four times larger than mtDNA genes (Hudson and Coyne, 2002; Hudson and Turelli, 2003). In this study, it appears that the S7 phylogeny lacks resolution due to ancestral polymorphism, because the backbone of the tree is poorly sup- 254 K.L. Heckman et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 Fig. 3. Fifty percent majority rule consensus tree of Bayesian posterior distribution generated using cytochrome b (mtDNA), estimated using substitution model GTR+I+G partitioned by codon position in Mr. Bayes 3.1.2 (mean ln likelihood = 8271). Nodes with a Bayesian posterior probability value P0.95 are marked with an asterisk. ported and relationships among some of the species are poorly resolved (Fig. 4). Phylogenetic analyses of both the mitochondrial and nuclear genes produce trees consistent with previous hypotheses that Boleosoma and E. vitreum are closely related (Cole, 1972; Lang and Mayden, 2007; Near et al., 2000; Shaw et al., 1999; Sloss et al., 2004; Song et al., 1998; Wood and Mayden, 1997). Etheostoma vitreum was nested within Boleosoma in both gene trees, but relationships of E. vitreum were less resolved in the mitochondrial gene tree (Figs. 3 and 4). Our taxon sampling included only a few other darter species as outgroups (Table 1), perhaps casting a degree of uncertainty on this result. However, the most recent common ancestor of the Boleosoma–E. vitreum clade was supported with significant Bayesian posterior probabilities in both gene trees (Figs. 3 and 4), indicating that increased taxon sampling of more darter species is unlikely to change this result. In the James and Roanoke River systems, E. nigrum is distributed in the upper reaches that are at higher elevation with a piedmont topography, and E. olmstedi is distributed in the lower reaches of these systems (Cole, 1957, 1972; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994; Zorach, 1971). Jenkins and Burkhead (1994 pp. 846–847) identify regions in these two river systems where E. nigrum and E. olmstedi are indistinguishable, because morphological characters appear intermediate between the two species. It is possible that populations classified as E. nigrum in the upper James, Roanoke, Tar, and Neuse rivers systems (the last two were not sampled in our analy- K.L. Heckman et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 255 Fig. 4. Fifty percent majority rule consensus tree of Bayesian posterior distribution generated using S7 ribosomal protein intron 1 (nDNA), estimated using substitution model GTR+I+G in Mr. Bayes 3.1.2 (mean ln likelihood = 2398.97). Nodes with a Bayesian posterior probability value P0.95 are marked with an asterisk. When two alleles were sampled from a single specimen, the second allele is differentiated with a ‘‘b”. ses) are closely related to E. olmstedi (populations from the lower James River system and north), and not related to E. nigrum. The only characters that can distinguish E. nigrum and E. olmstedi are the morphology of the infraorbital canal, the modal count of second dorsal fin rays, and a qualitative assessment of pectoral and pelvic fin shape (Chapleau and Pageau, 1985; Cole, 1965, 1967; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994, p. 846; McAllister et al., 1972; Menhinick, 1991, p. 172; Stone, 1947). In addition, lateral line scale counts have been used as evidence to assign populations in the upper James, Roanoke, Tar, and Neuse rivers systems (Atlantic Slope) as E. nigrum. In a study of 63 populations, the mean lateral line scale count in E. olmstedi ranged from 37.9 to 55.5, but most values were between 48 and 50 (Cole, 1967), Mississippi River drainage E. nigrum exhibited slightly lower counts with mean values ranging between 45.1 and 52.4 (Cole, 1972), and Atlantic Slope E. nigrum mean lateral line scale counts were the lowest and ranged between 39.2 and 43.8 (Cole, 1972). Etheostoma nigrum from the Mississippi Drainage and E. nigrum from the Atlantic Slope were considered conspecific, because they both exhibit interrupted infraorbital canals and lower lateral line scale counts, relative to 256 K.L. Heckman et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2009) 249–257 E. olmstedi. Based on the patterns present in our phylogenetic analyses (Figs. 3 and 4), it is quite possible that these morphological traits do not accurately delimit species diversity currently recognized as E. nigrum and E. olmstedi. The issue of incongruence between morphological characters and delimited species is also germane to the phylogenetic relationships of E. susanae discovered in the mitochondrial gene tree (Fig. 3). Previous analyses revealed substantial morphological similarity between E. susanae and E. nigrum populations in the upper Kentucky River system, relative to E. nigrum in other Ohio River drainage tributaries that included the lower Kentucky River system (Starnes and Starnes, 1979). Our phylogenetic analyses are consistent with this observation. In the mitochondrial phylogeny, E. susanae is resolved as the sister species of E. nigrum sampled in the upper Kentucky River system, and this clade is the sister lineage of all other sampled E. nigrum from the Mississippi River drainage, Great Lakes, and Mobile drainage (Fig. 3). Etheostoma nigrum sampled from the lower Kentucky River were distantly related to E. susanae and E. nigrum from the upper Kentucky River system. The results from morphological analyses and the mitochondrial phylogeny leads to the possibility that E. susanae may include the E. nigrum populations in the upper Kentucky River system, or these upper Kentucky River E. nigrum populations may represent a new and undescribed species. Future analyses of molecular phylogenies and morphological variation should shed light on this important problem in Boleosoma species delimitation. The molecular phylogenies are consistent with a hypothesis that E. perlongum shares common ancestry with E. olmstedi in the Waccamaw River (Shute, 1984). This result indicates that speciation of E. perlongum was relatively recent and in this short time it has diverged substantially in ecology, reproductive behavior, and male nuptial coloration (Lindquist et al., 1981; Shute, 1984; Shute et al., 1982). In the process of diversification, E. perlongum may have been subjected to a novel set of selective pressures associated with the lacustrine habitat of Lake Waccamaw that resulted in subsequent speciation. Previous studies have suggested that predation pressures, population bottlenecks due to climate change, and ecological specialization were factors in evolution of E. perlongum (Hubbs and Raney, 1946; Shute, 1984). The mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees reveal patterns of introgression that appear both ancient and contemporaneous. Ancient mitochondrial transfer between species appears to partially explain the substantial incongruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees with regard to relationships of E. podostemone and E. longimanum. Assessment of overall morphological similarity (Cole, 1972), phylogenetic analysis of discretely coded morphological characters (Simons, 1992), and allopatric distribution in adjacent river systems all support the hypothesis that E. podostemone and E. longimanum are sister species. This is also supported in the nuclear S7 gene tree (Fig. 4), but the mitochondrial haplotypes observed in E. podostemone are phylogenetically nested in a clade of E. nigrum haplotypes sampled from the Mississippi River drainage, Great Lakes, and Mobile Basin (Fig. 3). This appears to be another case of mitochondrial DNA transfer between darter species resulting from hybridization (Bossu and Near, 2009; Piller et al., 2008; Ray et al., 2008; Williams et al., 2007). In all of the discovered cases of mitochondrial transfer between darter species, the recipient species is fixed for the mitochondrial genome of the donor species, and the recipient and donor species are sympatric (Bossu and Near, 2009; Ray et al., 2008). Based on our limited sampling of E. podostemone, we assume that the species is fixed for a mitochondrial genome originating from E. nigrum; however, what is unique is that the Mississippi–Great Lakes–Mobile E. nigrum donor lineage is not sympatric with E. podostemone, and populations of E. nigrum in sympatry with E. podostemone in the upper Roanoke system are distantly related to E. podostemone and the Mississippi– Great Lakes–Mobile E. nigrum donor lineage (Figs. 3 and 4). Thus, the pattern in the gene trees is consistent with mitochondrial introgression from E. nigrum into E. podostemone from a lineage of E. nigrum that was previously distributed in tributaries of the Atlantic Ocean and sympatric with E. podostemone, but are no longer distributed in this area. The other example of mitochondrial transfer between Boleosoma species involves E. nigrum and E. olmstedi in the Genesee River system (Great Lakes drainage). Hybrid specimens of E. nigrum and E. olmstedi have been reported in this area, and in other Great Lakes tributaries (Chapleau and Pageau, 1985; Cole, 1965; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994, p. 846; McAllister et al., 1972; Stone, 1947). Our samples of specimens from this area were morphologically consistent with E. nigrum; however, mitochondrial haplotypes observed in these specimens were phylogenetically disparate. Most were phylogenetically nested in the Mississippi–Great Lakes–Mobile E. nigrum clade, as expected. Haplotypes from two of the seven specimens were phylogenetically nested in the northern E. olmstedi clade (Fig. 3). There was no observed introgression of S7 alleles, because in the nuclear gene tree all of the sampled alleles were closely related (Fig. 4). This result substantiates previous assessments of hybridization between these two species that were based on observations of intermediacy of external morphological traits and is consistent with observations in other darter clades of mitochondrial introgression with no observed introgression of nuclear alleles (Bossu and Near, 2009; Piller et al., 2008; Ray et al., 2008). The phylogenetic analyses presented in this study provide several important insights on phylogenetic relationships within Boleosoma. In particular, the gene trees strongly support the inclusion of E. vitreum in Boleosoma, provide molecular phylogenetic evidence for the sister species relationship of E. longimanum and E. podostemone, and illuminate the phylogenetic affinities of E. susanae and E. perlongum. The gene trees also provide a guide to future species delimitation in Boleosoma, as the molecular phylogenies highlight various inconsistencies between morphological variation, clades present in the phylogenies, and recognized taxonomic species. The information obtained from our molecular phylogenetic analysis of Boleosoma is not limited to issues of phylogeny and species diversity, but also includes important observations that hybridization between species has been a factor in the evolutionary history of this very interesting clade of darter species. Acknowledgments The University of Kansas Ichthyology Collection supplied tissue samples for a number of specimens. 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