2012 - Missionary Movement "Jesus in thy Neighbour"
2012 - Missionary Movement "Jesus in thy Neighbour"
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” 103, Charity Street, Victoria, Gozo VCT 1204 Tel: (+ 356) 21556453 Fax: (+ 356) 21560110 Website: [email protected] Email: www.maltamission.com ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” Annual Report 2012 Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” To be 'bread for others'.......... “Give us today the daily bread......”, this is the way we pray and we know what we are asking for, as every human being needs to fill his stomach and that's why he looks for bread. Bread is not luxury but a necessity every day. I am sure that when we say these six words to our Lord Jesus we pray with an open heart and we mean and know exactly what we are saying in our mind. But how many people are there who pray for “the daily bread...” and seems that nobody is hearing them! There are many reasons why the poor remains with an open mouth and without bread in their empty stomach. The poor most often fill up their stomach when they get drowned......or when they acquire a piece of land to be buried.........and only moves forward when hit by the foot in order to be get ridden off! All this is happening when there is supply of food three times much more than what is needed by mankind! What is actually happening! There is the need that we are happy by being BREAD FOR OTHERS... and when we say this it does not only apply when we give a piece of bread made of flour, but each time we z give charity; z hear the cry of a sad person and see how to relieve him and help him out; z give good advise; z be honest with all those around us; z be just with both those who are poor as well with those who are well off; z give a glass of water; z dress up those who are naked; z and every other kind deed that we can do. PAGE 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” I give you the advise that Daniel gave to King Nabukadonasor: “ Take up my advise and clean up from sin by giving charity”. BE BREAD FOR OTHERS and Jesus will forgive all your sins. FROM WHERE DID WE RECEIVE ALL THE FUNDS THAT WE HANDED OUT DURING THE YEAR 2012. A. Thousands and thousands of people from Malta and Gozo, from Gibraltar and the United States as well from Italy and Australia continued to give us donations to help out the poor. B. First and foremost we continued to provide food, medicine and education to more than 36,000 children spread in Brazil, Kenya and Ethiopia. C. At St. Anthony Hall in B'Kara, the council members of the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” met and held regular meetings. On 13th September a seminar for council members was held at Targa Gap, Mosta. D. Fr. George visited Ethiopia and Kenya where there are a good number of projects that are backed, supported and helped by the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour”. E. Various activities were held in order to maintain the missionary Homes open and thus continue to give shelter for thousands of orphans, sick or abandoned children. As well children with special needs and others who came to us to learn and / or to receive a daily plate of food. FUNDS RECEIVED FROM ITALY. Fr. George Grima went to Naples Italy between the 10th and 16th January where he received donations for the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour”. People were generous despite the current financial crises they are passing through. TALK GIVEN TO CBM WORKERS. The manager at the Central Bank of Malta invited the director Fr. George Grima to give a talk to staff members during the lunch break. Those who attended showed great interest in the talk given and many were those who accepted to take up the adoption scheme offered by the Movement. INVIO - SENT FOR MISSIONARY WORK. On 8th January in Mellieha, ten volunteers were blessed by Fr. George Grima during the celebration of Mass organized specifically for them before they were sent to work as volunteers in the missionary field of Ethiopia. During PAGE 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” this special ceremony Fr. George gave to each volunteer the Bible and the Missionary Cross. FUND RAISING ACTIVITY – BUFFET LUNCH. On the 15th January organized the first fund raising event were a buffet lunch was held at San Antonio Hotel in Qawra with proceeds generated going towards the mission fund. SIGNIFICANT DONATION TO THE MISSION FUND BY THE CASINO DRAGONARA. Fr. George together with the General Secretary Mario Psaila, received a generous donation by the management of the Casino Dragonara for the Ethiopia mission. BOTTLE PARTY MGARR. On the 28th January Fr. George Grima celebrated Mass at the Parish Church Mgarr during which a commemorative plaque for the inauguration of Wayne's Clinic which was later opened in February in Ethiopia was blessed. After mass a bottle party with proceeds to the mission in Africa was held at the underground parish hall in Mgarr. KNIGHTS OF ST LAZZARUS. On 4th February the Order of the Knights of Saint Lazzarus invited Fr. George for their annual meeting were they donated € 8,000 for the building of 8 new Homes for the family lepers. In his appreciation speech Fr. George pointed out how useful these Homes were for our brothers and sisters and that even today these lepers are still considered as outsiders by society. EASTER PIE FOR THE MISSION. During the Lent, Domenic Cutajar and Irene Callejja together with a number of active volunteers within the Missionary Movement prepared more than two thousand and five hundred Easter pies with all the proceeds generted going towards the mission fund in Ethiopia. This was held at St Anthony Hall in B'Kara and was the eight consecutive year this event was organized. MISSION TRIP TO ETHIOPIA. From the 1st until the 29th February Fr. George Grima together with ten volunteers visited a good number of Homes in Ethiopia. Fr. George had numerous meetings with the Administrators of these Homes which fall under the responsibility of the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour”. Also meetings were held with the Bishops where the Missionary Movement Homes fall under their diocese amongst others with Archbishop Berhaneyesus, Archbishop of Addis Abeba and President of the Episcopal Conference of Ethiopia and Eritrea. PAGE 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” BAZAAR IN SLIEMA. With the initiative of Kathleen Baldacchino and Saviour Galea a one day Bazaar was held on the Sliema sea front. Response by passers by was quite encouraging. DONATION BY THE ROYAL MALTA GOLF CLUB AND SLIEMA LION CLUB On 18th March Fr. George attended the annual golf event in Qormi were after the games he was presented with a significant sum for the mission fund in Africa. TRIP TO GIBRALTAR. Between the 21st and the 27th March, Fr. George Grima visited Gibraltar with the ultimate aim to meet the subsidiary of the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” known as ‘GIBMISSIONAFRICA”. Fr. George was also the guest of the Parish Priest of Saint Paul where during all the Masses the collections held were passed on for the mission fund. During his stay, “GIBMISSIONAFRICA” organized various activities with the specific purpose to raise funds for the mission fund. There was also good coverage both on the television and the local journal media. Apart from that, during Fr. George's stay, the Franciscan Confraternity also organized a grand dinner with proceeds raised passed on to the mission fund in Africa. TV PROGRAM ON ONE TV. TV presenter Simone Pace invited Fr. George Grima on her program “Ieqaf ghal 20 minuta” (Stop for 20 minutes) where it was highlighted that even today in Ethiopia there still reigns severe hunger. An interesting program that from feedback received had positive impact (or repercussions). MARATHON ON SMASH TV. On the 12th April a TV Marathon was held with proceeds going towards the mission fund in Ethiopia. This Marathon which was repeated twice on the SMASH TV station was held on the invitation of Mr. Silvio Parnis and with the assistance of Mr. Vince Debono. The Maltese and Gozitan people were truly generous during said Marathon. PAGE 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” BUFFET LUNCH AT THE SUNCREST HOTEL. On the 15th April a buffet lunch with proceeds towards the Mission in Africa was held at the Suncrest Hotel, Qawra were over 250 people attended this activity. ANOTHER TRIP TO ITALY. Between the 19th April and 1st May, Fr. George went to Prato to collect donations for the missions of Brazil and Africa. DANISH VILLAGE BUFFET LUNCH – On 1st May a buffet lunch was held at the Danish Village, Mellieha towards the mission in Africa. Over 250 people attended this event. VISIT BY BISHOP ABRAHAM DESTA FROM ETHIOPIA. Bishop Abraham Desta from the diocese of Mekki visited Malta on the invitation of Notary John Debono and the Missionary Movement and took part in a number of events that were held by the movement during his stay. Together with Fr. George Grima, Bishop Abraham visited the Lady of Ta' Pinu Sanctuary in Gozo and also had a cordial meeting with the Gozo Bishop Mario Grech. VISIT BY BISHOP MARKUS G/MEDHIN FROM ETHIOPIA. Bishop Markus G/Medhin from the diocese of Jimma visited Malta on the invitation of the Missionary Movement and during his stay took part in a number of events held by the Movement. Together with Fr. George Grima he visited the Lady of Ta' Pinu Sanctuary in Gozo where Fr. Gerald Buhagiar, Rector of the Sanctuary presented a picture 'fac simile' to that of the Lady of Ta' Pinu painting for the project that is due to start in his Jimma Diocese for disabled children. Bishop Markus held also a meeting with the President of Malta Dr. George Abela. In addition had an interview on the national TV station. Moreover Bishop Markus was special guest for the Missionary Movement Council Meeting wherein he spoke on the new project that will be built in his diocese. PAGE 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” NOTTE GOZITANA 'LEJLIET LAPSI'. The missionary movement was invited by the organizers of the Notte Gozitana to set up a 'gazebo' during this event in Victoria Square. This 'gazebo' was visited by numerous people amongst others by the Prime Minister of Malta Dr. Lawrence Gonzi. PROGRAM ON ONE TV, KALAMITA – Fr. George Grima as Director of the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' took part on the program 'Kalamita' on ONE TV which was held on 4th June. This program by presenter Alfred Zammit was in preparation to the TV Marathon that was due to be held on the 17th June 2012. The main theme of the program was to give a general overview of the main functions undertaken by the Missionary Movement. THE PRESENTATION OF THE 'CITY OF VICTORIA HONORIS CAUSA'. On the 7th June 2012, in the Public Library of the Civic Council of the City of Victoria Fr. George Grima was presented with the 'Honoris Causa' of the 'City of Victoria' by the Mayor and the Council Members of the Victoria Rabat Gozo Local Council for his missionary work within the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour'. 'BLA AGENDA' POGRAM ON ONE TV, AND, FUND RAISING ACTIVITY 'MAJJALATA'. On Saturday Fr. George Grima was one of those invited on the popular TV program 'Bla Agenda' presented by Norman Hamilton. During said program appeals were made for donations during the marathon that was going to be held the next day on ONE TV. Fr. George had to leave early during said program to attend a fund raising activity by four volunteers who organized a 'majjalata' at Siggiewi to raise funds for Ethiopia where they were going to do missionary work as from the beginning of July. MARATHON ON ONE TV. The annual marathon on One TV was held again. The appeal this year was for funds to be raised to build a special Home for children with special needs and severe disability in Jimma Bonga, Africa. The organization of this marathon was in the hands of presenters Rennie Vella and his wife Pauline. PAGE 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” COLLECTION OF FUNDS ON THE GOZO CHANNEL. On the occasion of the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (Mnarja), the Gozo Channel management authorized for another year and gave permission for members of the Missionary Movement to collect and raise funds for the missions on the Gozo ferries. TRIP TO KENYA. On the 23rd July Fr. George Grima together with four volunteers went for missionary work in Kenya. They visited a number of Homes under the responsibility of the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour'. During the stay, Fr. George inaugurated a project for the Holy Family in Bondo, archdiocese of Kisumu together with Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth, diocese of Kisumu. LOTTERY FOR THE MISSION. Similar to previous years thousands and thousands of people took part in the lottery organized by the Missionary Movement. Winning tickets were announced on 1st July. All prizes were presented with the revenue generated from this lottery exceeding the encouraging sum of € 78,180. BBQ AT SPLASH AND FUN IN THE MEMORY OF WAYNE. The family members of the deceased Wayne organized a BBQ at Splash & Fun Park to raise funds for the administration of Wayne's Clinic in the diocese of Nekemte. CELEBRATION OF MASS AT ARMIER BAY TO RAISE FUNDS. Fr. George on 11th August celebrated Mass at Armier, and during said Mass, those attending contributed more than € 1,700 for the mission fund in Africa. MORE VOLUNTIERS TO KENYA. In the beginning of August and also later in the same month many more volunteers went to Kenya to help those in need and decorate different rooms with children’s designs. TRIP TO PHILADELPHIA. From the 3rd until the 22nd August Fr. George Grima went to Philadelphia were he held various meetings and a number of activities were organized to raise and collect funds. The most important meeting was that held with Rasbock Foundation, which affiliated the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' with their foundation. Fr. Grima had also programs on local Radios. PAGE 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” MARATHON ON NET TELEVISION. On the 1st September the last television marathon was held on Net Tv. It started at noon and finished at 11pm. The program was packed with information about the missions, entertained with singers , interviews and the so many experiences of those who visited and worked along this year in any of the orphanages run by the “Missionary Movement Jesus in Thy Neighbour’. Along and even after the marathon ended the collection reached the nice sum of 80,000 Euros which reflects the generosity of the people and the trust they have in the Missionary Movement. A GROUP OF TEENS VISIT KENYA TO DO VOLUNTARY WORK. Teen Members from the Charismatic group Y4J (Youths For Jesus) and another group of 5 university students visited Kenya on voluntary work. A group went to Kakamega where they did general works ,while the other group went to Nyabondo Home for the disabled where they white washed the dormitories . Moreover they helped the children with physical exercises .They had also time to visit other homes in the region run by the Missionary Movement. HALF DAY COUNCIL SEMINAR Thursday 13th September. HOLY MASS TO COMMEMORATE THE SILVER JUBILEE OF THE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” Scriptures say that “There is a time to sow and there is a time to reap”. This is what happened for the last 25 years from the foundation of the Missionary Movement “Jesus in Thy Neighbour”. While he was seriously ill in hospital ,Fr. George Grima felt God encouraging him to do something for the poorest of the poor. This burning desire to help the poor in the missions was so strong in him that it soon poured out and spread like wild fire in the islands of Malta and Gozo .This flame burning within Fr. George paved the way for the foundation of the Missionary Movement “Jesus in Thy Neighbour” 25 years ago. Thank God this tiny seed of faith sprouted, grew and now is bearing many fruit. PAGE 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” Holy Mass was held at Targa Gap limits of Mosta as a thanks giving to God for the sterling work being done. Many helpers and coordinators were present for the celebration of the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. George Grima himself. A meditative PowerPoint was later presented for those present about the work being done in the missions. The evening concluded with a meal which served as an opportunity to get helpers together and thank them for their work within the Missionary Movement. TRIP TO POLAND. Between the 24th and 31st August Fr. George Grima led a pilgrimage to Poland. All revenue generated from this trip went to the missions fund. ARCHBISHOP PETER KAIRO VISITED THE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT IN MALTA. Archbishop Peter Kairo, from the Archdiocese of Nyeri in Kenya, visited Malta for the consecration of the newly proclaimed bishop Mons. Joseph Alessandro. Before Mons. Peter Kairo was proclaimed Archbishop ,he served as bishop in the Diocese of Nakuru, where the Missionary Movement holds various projects. On his visit in Malta he spent some days at Fr. Grima’s house in Gozo. While there he took the opportunity to celebrate Holy Mass at the Cathedral in Victoria Gozo, St. George’s Basilica and at Ta’ Pinu Shrine. SOCIAL NIGHT BY KISS AFRICA The silence of “Ir- Razzett L- Abjad” a big farmhouse in the middle of nowhere ,was broken by music and the festive atmosphere present on the occasion of a social night held on the 12th of October held by a group of youths . The activity was in fact held by the group Kiss Africa which works hand in hand with the Missionary Movement. All the funds obtained from the activity were handed to Fr George Grima for the continuation of Pinkyo Project in the diocese of Gambella in Ethiopia. BAZAAR IN B’KARA IN AID OF THE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT. On the 29th of October till the 2nd of November were hectic days for a group of volunteers who held a bazaar in the Franciscan Friars Convent in B’Kara in aid of the Missionary Movement. One can imagine the silence of the convent broken by the many noisy people who come and buy from different stalls. A Big Thanks goes to all the helpers who work during the year to collect items for the bazaar. And the result of all this effort is the nice sum of € 7,000. PAGE 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” 48 HOUR MARATHON HELD AT L’ISLE ADAM BAND CLUD IN AID OF THE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT. Three volunteers from Rabat were chosen to do voluntary work in homes run by the Missionary Movement “Jesus in Thy Neighbour” in Kenya. For this purpose the L’isle Adam Band Club held a 48 hour Marathon to raise funds. Along the Marathon there were various other activities going on at the same time in the club. To close the activity Fr. George Grima celebrated Mass at St. Joseph Church just next to the Band Club. The activity raised the sum of € 12,000. Thanks to all who participants and organizers. ANOTHER IMPORTANT VISIT IN KENYA. From the 1st till the 17th of November, Fr. George Grima and some Maltese volunteers visited once again Kenya along with a group of volunteers from America who came to inaugurate a new project financed by St. Mary Magdalene in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia BUFFET LUNCH HELD AT THE DANISH VILLAGE HOTEL IN GHADIRA. On the 25th November more than 280 people were present for a Buffet Lunch held by the Missionary Movement at the Danish Village Hotel in Ghadira in aid of the missions. MASS ON TVM. 2nd December On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Missionary Movement Fr. George Grima celebrated a thanksgiving Mass at the Our Lady of Loreto Chapel in G’Mangia. The Mass was shown live on TVM , one of the main television stations in Malta. Later on the day Fr. George was asked to celebrate a second thanksgiving Mass in the Parish of St.Gregory in Sliema . DAILY MESSEGES ON RADIO MALTA. For the month of December Fr.George Grima was given the opportunity to give a daily thought on the missions on Radio Malta. PAGE 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” BISHOPS FROM THE MISSIONS SEND THEIR REGARDS DURING THESE FESTIVE DAYS. For the occasion of the Silver Jubilee ,Archbishops and Bishops from Kenya ,Ethiopia and Brasil sent their regards to the Missionary Movement on these festive days. They sent their appreciation for the good work being done in their dioceses and most important they promised us their humble prayers. One can see them on our website: www.maltamission.com MEETING YOUTHS WITHIN THE 'REACHING OUT GROUP'. On the 13th December Fr.George Grima met the youths of 'Reaching Out Group' directed by Keith Marshal who founded the group and discussed with them the upcoming event organized by the group. Mr. Keith Marshall founder of the 'Reaching Out Group', and all the group of twenty four other youths heared where the money for the fund raising will go: 'Awassi Project'. A home for disabled children in Kenya which will be supported by funds raised by the group and in the meantimechallenge once again Mount Kilimangaro in October 2013. Fr.George concluded the meeting with his blessing for the event. EVENTS AND PROJECTS IN BRAZIL HOME FOR FAMILY THAT USED TO LIVE IN DUNGHILL. In the city of Custodia, diocese of Floresta, Pernambuco, there was a widow mother without a home and with three children, the youngest seven years old, searching the rubbish. We felt it our duty to build at least a small house with a bedroom, small kitchen and a toilet. Today this house is ready and Dona Nega the mother of three started living in this house for the first time! HOUSE FOR A POOR FAMILY IN AXIXA. A poor family in Axixa, diocese of Tocantinopolis, urgently needed assistance. The unmarried mother with five children, sick with heart disease who was awaiting another baby had been living for a very long time under the shade of the trees. The movement together with the Holy Family Sisters decided to build a decent house for this poor woman and children. At last the house is ready and at least this family now have a roof on their heads where to live. PAGE 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” STRUCTURAL REFURBISHING AT THE JESUS AMPARADO CHILDRENS' HOME. Two of the Sisters from the 'Servas de Jesus no Proximo' in the diocese of Tocantinopolis, together with the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' are taking responsibility for the care of over 200 boys and girls under the tender age of five years. This Home needed urgent structural refurbishing and these two sisters worked hard with the Movement and managed to find new benefactors to help out for this Home to have a far better image. SIGNING OF LEGAL CONTRACT AND STRUCTURAL REFURBISHING AT THE CHILDREN'S HOME IN SAO MATHEUS – MARANHAO. In the diocese of Coroata another structural refurbishing was undertaken during this year at the childrens' 'Cruz de Malta' Home that the Missionary Movement is responsible. Apart from the structural refurbishing, an educational reform project was also implemented. Last April, Fr. George Grima together with the Superiors of this Home went to meet the Prefect of the town and signed a legal contract for teachers to start to be provided by the Government. After the teachers were selected, Fr. George Grima gave them a religious course. The religious formation of these children falls under the responsibility of the Sisters. ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS IN ETHIOPIA DIOCESE OF JIMMA MEETING FOR ALL THE DIRECTORS OF THE DIOCESE OF JIMMA. On the 14th February, during his visit to Ethiopia Fr. George Grima held a meeting with all those involved and responsible in the administration of the various projects undertaken by the diocese of Jimma. For this meeting Bishop Markus G/Medhin, Bishop of the diocese of Jimma was present. Fr. George insisted how modern evangilization operates in a country like Ethiopia. PAGE 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” ANOTHER SCHOOL IN BOBA GECHA. On the 15th February another village at Boba Gecha started to benefit from the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour', where in collaboration with a local Maltese company Gasan & Mamo a new school for the poor children was built. For the last two years these children had been studying in a hut made of grass, until at last we found the support of the Gasan & Mamo company which enabled us to build this school. The Bishop of the diocese of Jimma together with Fr. George Grima blessed the school. Now the local company is continuing with its support through the purchase of chairs and desks for these children. BASKI DARI DAY CENTER. When the blessing of the Boba Gecha school took place there was a good number of people from another village. It was impressive not only to see the joy on the faces of the children that were going to start learning at this school and to have a daily plate of food, but the numerous number of people that came from very far away. The village of Baska Diri is around two and a half hours by walk. To arrive where we were opening this school, they had to cross together with their own children the river not on a boat, but had to swim whilst carrying their young ones on their shoulders. They came to ask us to build a school for them as well. Fr. George committed immediatly to provide them with a daily plate of food and for basic education to be given to these children. Although by now food and teaching lessons have been provided they are still learning under a shabby hut made of grass. BLESSING OF WATER SPRING. After not even a drop of rain had fallen for a number of years, on the 15th February thanks to the help of the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour', this water spring was repaired and blessed by Bishop Markus G/Medhin. This water spring is now being used by the children's home that there is nearby, as well as by the big school and the thousands of families that in the past did not even had a drop of water in their vicinity. PAGE 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” A NEW HOME FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITY AND SPECIAL NEEDS IN THE DIOCESE OF JIMMA. In Africa, a person with any form of disability do not benefit from any rights. The Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour who is celebrating its 25 years since its foundation will be commemorating this anniversary by donating a special gift to children with special needs. As there are hundreds and hundreds of children that have some form of disability, there is the urgent need that everybody gives his due contribution so that this home is built as soon as possible. In Africa a person with any type of disability is isolated both from the family and even from society. Our main aim is to give these disabled children an adequate and proper place in society where to live. These children all under the age of fifteen years will be given the right for education like all other children. In this way they will be provided individually with the basic tools necessary so that each one of them can develop his talents and capabilities. This will enable them in the future to live independently without the need to depend on others. We strongly believe that “disability is not inability”. We do not consider these children as “having no scope of living” but for us they are “angels”, “diamonds” and “very precious treasures”. With this aim on our mind we do our utmost to help them out the best we can so that in the very near future they will have their own Home where to live with dignity. Land was given by the Government of Ethiopia and blessed by Bishop Markus on the 15th February 2012. BLESSING OF NEW HOMES AMONGST OTHERS TO A FAMILY WHO HAD THEIR HOME BURNED DOWN. Like any othe place the good hearted and the evildoer are found everywhere. In the city of Jimma a poor family was asleep when all of a sudden smoke started to creep in their hut. A drunken man, and this was learned later, PAGE 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” had burned their hut. They came out running as fast as they could but did not manage to save anything of their goods not even their only sheep that they had received from us. When this happened and we went to visit them with the Bishop of Jimma we had nothing to give them but promised them that in a very short time we will send them some clothes and blankets. What impressed us most was that although we gave them nothing at that time, they kept thanking us that we had gone to visit them and to share with them the misfortune that they had suffered. Thanks to God we managed to find beneficiaries from Malta to rebuild another two room hut where they could live. When this was ready they asked Bishop Markus so that when Fr. George come over to Ethiopia he bless their new hut. The day arrived and we went together to fufill their wish. During this same period more homes for the ill and the leprosy people were blessed as well. HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE OPERATED IN THEIR EYES. Though up to now we have not as yet started the building of the new Home which will cater for the disabled children, our Sisters are continuously striving to give their utmost to all those who needs help. During the months of February and March a number of people who had problems in their eyesight were operated. Lately a number of ophthalmic opticians came from the United States and they operated 92 people within a few days. No one can describe the joy of those operated as they started to see again after a number of years living in a world of darkness and sadness. What a crying scene but at the same time happy moments when a mother saw once again the face of her husband, and, the beauty of her children she had given birth though she had never seen them before. What an experience for a number of mothers as well as for children who were born almost blind to live and pass from a state of “darkness” to one of “brightness”. This project with the contribution by one and all is a blessing by God where Jesus reigns in a special way through the presence of the ill, poor and disabled child. BLESSING OF THE FIRST SCHOOL IN DEDA. The day of the 17th February will definitly be remembered by the people of the town of Deda in Ethiopia. On this day a new children school was opened sponsored by the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' together with Mr. Tony Zahra of Alpine Travel. We started the day by travelling uphill to the village of Deda PAGE 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” on mules together with Bishop Markus and four volunteers that came from Malta. To arrive there was not easy but at slow pace and with great attention the mules brought us near the school that was going to be blessed in name of Ersilja Zahra, the mother of Mr. Tony Zahra. The welcome joy of the people was tremendous with their songs and dancing together with the flags of Malta, the Vatican and that of Ethiopia being quite noticeable. Whilst Fr. Markus did the blessing Fr. George inaugurated the school. It was really an amazing scene to see those children which numbered over 120 boys and girls that had left their 'classrooms' built with grass to a new school built with bricks and fully furnished with chairs and desks. The happiness on their faces peaked when they were served with their first plate of food. BLESSING OF ANGELO PAULI KINDERGARTEN IN CHEENA. Last year we had blessed the foundation stone and the land where the first school for Kindergarten was going to be built in the village of Chenna in the diocese of Jimma. On the 18th February Fr. George Grima inaugurated the school whilst Bishop Markus blessed this new project. As a rememberance for this special occassion the volunteers accompaning Fr. George offerred necklaces with crucifixes to those present. YALLA DAY CENTRE. The Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” was asked by Bishop Markus G/Medhin to build another day centre in the village of Yalla. These people of which 99 percent do not even know how to write their name will be given this opportunity to learn once this school is built. PAGE 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” YILIYO DAY CENTER. The people of Manjo, in the vicinity of Yiliyo are not allowed to mingle with the rest of the residents as they are considered as contaminated by disease. However for these last ten years Fr. George Grima has been inisisting and tried to create consciousness that as God did not create any difference between one human being and another, Priests and Sisters should likewise make no discrimination between anyone and should treat others with the same sentimental eyes of love showered by our Lord Jesus. Fr. George always insisted that man in his nature may be cruel and cause pain to his neighbour, but we must all imitate and follow Christ who is strong with all those who are weak and with those who needs comfort. For this reason a school will be built this year for these children so that they will have all the opportunities for a better life. Although the building is still in its early stage, the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” has already provided teaching and daily food. YARA AMANUEL DAY CENTER. In this village the first educational program and the provision of food for children under five years old has also just started. One is filled with joy seeing children wearing just a few pieces of clothes on them all longing for little food without themselves realizing how much necessary and fruitful this project will be for their future. Though up to now these kids are having lessons in huts there are already over one hundred and twenty boys and girls attending. TCHATA KINDERGARTEN. Under the supervision of Abba Aklilu Assefa the building of the first Kindergarten in the city of Tchata that will cater for one hundred and fifty boys and girls has started. These people nicknamed 'Manjo' are discarded and are not considered to be part of society. However, the missionary movement looks at them differently and showers them with love and hope. PAGE 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” FIDE BEATA MARIAM FEEDING PROGRAMME. The misery in Ethiopia is still rampant and in urgent need of help. Places which suffer the most are those areas where they lack all the basics for one to survive . such areas lack water ,electricity and roads. 99% of the population are illiterate and farming is the only source of living. But rain is scarce and crops suffer. Consequently the death rate in infants is very high due to lack of food. The Missionary Movement is working hard to help these people in these poor areas of Ethiopia. Commemorating the Silver Jubilee Year from its foundation the Missionary Movement is building a school in the village of Fide Beata Mariam. The school will be not only to teach children but also to give food daily to poor children of the village. The aim is to give a better future to these children and their families. The Project is already under construction. Roads don’t exist so the village people have to carry themselves all the material used for the construction. Thanks to this joint effort from the people the project is proceeding at a fast pace and hopefully will be finished, blessed and inaugurated on next February . BOGA DAY CENTRE. The Diocese of Jimma has one of the lowest rates in education. So the Missionary Movement is stepping in, building the first centre in the region and giving food to the poor children in Boqa. KIKA DAY CENTRE in the village of Shuba. The cry for help in primitive areas in Africa is constant. Modernisation is just a far away dream. Only the missionaries visit these remote and forgotten villages. The parish priest of the remote village of Shuba has long been asking Fr.George Grima to build for them a Day Centre for children under five. The project was approved and the building is in an advanced state .We hope that till February 2013 the project will be completed and children will be given for the first time an opportunity to study. The project which is being funded by Maltese benefactors will be given the name of Kika Day Centre. Project sponsored by Seabank Hotel, Għadira, Malta. PAGE 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” NEKEMTE DIOCESE AMBO WATER PROJECT. After waiting for many years and with great sacrifice the population of the city of Ambo at last have water at their disposal thanks to a bore-hole sponsored by three entities, one of them being the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour'. The blessing of the bore-hole was held on the 2nd February 2012. KETO CAMP. This place fills one with tremendous pity because of the unimaginable hunger and the injustices that these miserable people are suffering. Though the Ethiopian Government brought these people from the vicinity of Harar so as not to die with hunger they are still suffering a lot of pain. In large fields with scorching sun, without water and with no food, hundreds of miserable children roam these fields without any hope of a better life. The volunteers of the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' which saw this crude scene with their own eyes and heard the severe groan of these thousands of people donated a substantial sum of money to cover for the cost of food and blankets. On the other hand the Missionary Movement appealed the Ethiopian Government to do its best so that these people are given their dignity that they duly deserve. The latter promised to do its best to alleviate the situation. MORE HOMES FOR LEPROSY FAMILIES. Another eight homes were blessed and given over to families who have members suffering leprosy thanks to the Knights of Lazzarus. The latter are to be commended for their commitment to these brothers and sisters in Ethiopia who are considered as second class citizens. Other homes were built in the town of Sacco. PAGE 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” BUBUKA KINDERGARTEN. Fr. George Grima inaugurated the first Kindergarten and afterwards Bishop Theo from the diocese of Nekemte blessed the project. The joy was overwhelming amongst these families as for the first time ever they will see their children starting to attend school. Tomorrow, these new students will be themselves the first teachers for their own parents. WAYNE'S CLINIC. On the 7th February 2012 Wayne's Clinic was blessed and officially opened. Another great deed by the numerous generous hearts of the Maltese and Gozitan people. This clinic will serve daily to hundreds and hundreds of very poor families in the vicinity of Dembi Dollo, in the town of Karro. A good number of volunteers and members of Wayne's family were present for the opening of this clinic which was blessed by bishop Theo V. Rayven, Bishop of Nekemte. The function started with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Theo and afterwards the people attending walked in procession towards the Clinic. Noticeable were the three flags, one of Ethiopia, the other of the Vatican together with the Maltese flag. The clinic was inagurated by Wayne’s father, Mr. Twanny Vella. Bishop Theo blessed the building followed with a number of speeches amongst others by Keith Marshall, director of Reaching Out and Wayne’s sister Sharon. Present was also the Ethiopian regional Minister of Health. There was truly a warm emotion when the commemorative plaque with Wayne’s photo was revealed. PAGE 21 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” The decision to build this clinic was taken after the Ethiopian Government had moved thousands of families away from Harar. Similar to certain other places in Ethiopia, Harar had not even a drop of rain for many long months. The arid fields and the severe pityful drought situation forced the Ethiopian Government to move these people far away from certain death. The place where these people were taken is called Sacco. In their vicinity there is the presence of the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighour'. Thanks to the great heart of the four Sisters of the Helpers of Mary from India, the movement assisted with various entities and of the deceased Wayne's family enabled us to finalize this clinic. Now that Wayne's Clinic started functioning thousand of families in this neighbourhood have the medical assistance that they urgently need. MEETING WITH ALL THE DIRECTORS. On the 11th February, during his visit, Fr. George Grima had a meeting with all the directors of the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neigbour' who are responsible for the various current projects. During this meeting there was present Bishop Theo from the diocese of Nekemte. TULOGOMBO DAY CENTRE. On 12th February through the financial help of the Government of Malta together with the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' another school for the children of the village of Tulogombo in the diocese of Nekemte was inaugurated and blessed. Bishop Theo celebrated Mass and blessed this school whilst Fr. George Grima inaugurated it. There was great joy not only because on this day these children had their first school but also for the first time food for all those present was handed out. A number of sheep was also donated to various families. PAGE 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” LAGA MARA DAY CENTRE Here in Laga Mara one cannot stop admiring the enthusiasm and love with which the local priests work with the people. Children are given education in a hut built from leaves. Seeing all this enthusiasm, the Missionary Movement is building a new centre giving these poor children food and education. DIOCESE OF MEKI SEGURE CONVENT. When Fr. George had visited the United States he had met with the Director of Das Distributors, Mr. David Abel and the former had asked him if he could help out in the building of a convent for the Sisters in the vicinity of Segure so that they could start doing pastoral work in this area. The Directors of this Home accepted Fr. George's request and now the building for this convent is currently in progress. At a later stage, the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neigbour' will take the administration of this place so that teaching will start thereafter in the nearby school which at present is closed. GAMBELLA DIOCESE PINKYO DAY CENTER. The building for the first new school in the village of Pinkyo which has been awaited for so long has now started. In the meantime Fr. Petrus with the help of the community built temporary huts so that children could start learning fortwith. The movement promised to build and finish this school by the end of this year and to provide for the food and to pay for the teachers so that what Fr. Petrus began will continue and even improve. PAGE 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” BONGA DAY CENTRE. The last phase of the building of the first school of its type for children under the age of five years in the diocese of Gambela is about to be completed. Fr. George Grima together with a number of volunteers visited this project on the 5th February and spoke with the local chaplain. This project is being supported by the Kiss Africa group. MATAR DAY CENTER. Learning is of great necessity and though we cannot teach the adults, the Missionary Movement has a program which caters for the young generation. With God's providence we will continue to keep on building new homes for teaching purposes whilst at the same time provide daily food for these children. Matar's turn to have at last its first Day Centre thus became a reality as well. AWASSA DIOCESE KONGA KINDERGARTEN. On the 23rd February Fr. George Grima inaugurated the first Kindergarten in the village of Konda whilst the Vigar General Abba Isac from the Awassa diocese blessed the project. In his speech Fr. George said that the missionary work do not only involve teaching about Jesus to others but also to ensure that one see Jesus in each and every human being. Before the blessings, Fr. George together with a number of local priests celerated Mass. PAGE 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” INFANT SOS PROGRAM. The urgency to save babies from certain death is crucial in the poor city of Aramo. In his last visit, Fr. George experienced a personal testimony of the grave situation seeing with his very own eyes children dying because they were born underweight due to lack of milk. In these prevailing circumstances, the Sisters of the Helpers of Mary requested Fr. George to open a centre specifically to cater for these eventualities. Thanks to God and to the Movement's benefactors this centre is already functioning and a good number of babies have already been saved from the brink of death. ACTIVITIES & PROJECTS IN KENYA NAIROBI DIOCESE BORE HOLE IN GATINA. Last January, the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' accepted a request by the Frangiscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus in Gatina, Nairobi to dig a water bore hole. In Gatina a large complex is going to be built which will include amongst others a school for those children who are at present roaming in the streets and coming from very poor families. Without this bore hole no other work could start as this is the crux of the whole project. PAGE 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” KISUMU ARCHDIOCESE SACRED FAMILY HOME – BONDO. During this year we started the building of the Sisters Convent. These sisters will be responsible for the whole complex which will cater for those children with various disabilities and special needs. On the request of the Provincial Mother Sr. Benigna, Fr. George accepted that a good sized chapel be built within the confines of the convent for the personal use of the Sisters. This chapel where the sisters can pray will be dedicated to the Divine Mercy, whilst the convent will be named 'Betania'. Construction work is at an advanced stage. On the 1st July 2012 Mons. Zacchaeus Okot, Archbishop of Kisumu together with Bishop Linos Okok and Fr. George Grima blessed the project. On the same date the Archbishop blessed all the pavilions and blessed as well the chapel foundation stone which will be dedicated to the Holy Family. Afterwards the Archbishop concelebrated Mass whilst Fr. George Grima gave the oration speech. MORE OPERATIONS AT NYABONOD CENTER. As from the start of January until the end of the year at the Nyabondo Home there were two operations every month. This Home is equipped with an operation hall. During his visit at this Home Fr. George met the founder of AMREF, Mrs Leonora Semler. She was really proud with the excellent and professional work done particularly during the medical operations. AMREF offers free doctors to work at this Home whilst the Movement is responsible for all the operation expenses. Every month there are two types of operations, one which involve plastic surgery and the other pertaining to bone surgery. The main operation so far this year was on a boy from the Pokot tribe who needed to be operated on his lips. One cannot but rejoice when seeing the physical change after one is operated. During this year there were over 348 operations. PAGE 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” AUTOCLAVE DONATION. The Sanitary Centre of Kenya came to examine the Operation Hall and in their analysis they concluded that the quite old Autoclave that was being used was not up to standard and condemned it. They ordered to be replaced with a new one within one month. With the immediate financial support of the Missionary Movement a new Autoclave was ordered and the monthly operations could thus continue regularly. THE WALL PAINTING FOR THE DORMITORY COMMENCED. A Group of five people travelled from Malta to Kenya to do voluntary work. They started to paint the four dormitories and so we hope that in a short period of time these dormitories will be ready and the children will have a suitable place where to sleep. THE PAINTING FOR THE WALLS OF THE DORMITORY AND THE OPERATION THEATRES F'NYABONDO IS READY. Two Maltese workers had been working for the past days to paint the walls in the new dormitory and also in the whole block of the operating room. Work was done with utmost care and goodwill. ADDITIONAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE NYAMONGE OASIS OF PEACE. The construction building of the new orphanage that the Missionary Movement together with a parish from Philadelphia are building continued with a good pace. An ambitious project that will cater for children sick with AIDS whose parents had died with AIDS. On 13th November, this project was inaugurated and blessed by Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth with Fr. George Grima and members from St. Mary Magdalene Parish directed by Mgr. Cheffo, Parish Priest in USA. On the same day the foundation stone of the convent was blessed. PAGE 27 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” SOS RANGALA. On the request of the new Superior Sr. Esther that is responsible for the School Children at Rangala, we started with an emergency feeding program for children that come to this school. All these children which are under the age of six come from very poor families and very often whilst at school they used to get sick because of the extreme hunger they suffered. NEW HOMES IN RANGALA. The great suffering in the town of Rangala can be clearly seen where mothers are quite often sick with very severe illness. Faced with this grave situation we wanted to help out particularly a number of those with large families by building two room homes where they can live. Up to now we have built four new homes. TWO PLASMA TELEVISIONS FOR NYABONDO. It had long been felt the need for these children to have a television set. These children who are all disabled spend most of their time in the same place doing nothing. Their time will thus be used much better after we bought two television sets one for the boys and the other for the girls. AWASI NEW HOME. To help those that are in need is an act of love. A year ago Fr. George Grima visited the blind children and the mentally and physically disabled children Home. He was impressed at the poor state of the infrastructure of this Home that had no adequate means for normal people to live in, and more so for children with great disabilities. In this regard the Missionary Movement approved the building of a new Home for these children in a far better place where they can have the dignity that they duly deserve. This project is coordinated between the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour', the Reaching Out Group and the GIBMissionAfrica. PAGE 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” LWACK DORMITORJU ĠIE RESTAWRAT. F’Awwissu 2011 xi studenti taw in-nar lil wieħed middormitorji fejn jorqdu 80 student firraħal ta’ Lwack, . Minħabba l-ħruq tiegħu, l-istudenti kellhom jorqdu għal bosta xhur fil-klassijiet fejn jitgħalmu. Dan il-post hu mmexxi mis-sorijiet Franġiskani ta’ Sant’Anna. B’xorti tajba ħadd ma weġġa f’dan l-inċident ġravi. Saret kampanja kbira biex dan iddormitorju jerġa jibda jaħdem. IlMoviment Missjunarju kien lbenefattur ewlieni biex dan iddormitorju reġa beda jilqa’ fih dawn listudenti. NAKURU DIOCESE DONYASUS DAY CENTER. The will to learn in the heart of the Pokot tribe is quite encouraging. During these last years, two schools have already been built and this year construction started on a new school in the town of Donyasus. We are hoping that by the end of the year teaching will start here as well. At present these children are being given their lessons from a room built from twigs of trees. However the willingness to learn, is increasing the number of those children attending daily. REFORMS IN THE PARISH OF KOSITEI AND IN THE OUT STATION OF THE SAME PARISH. As the number of Christians is increasing amongst the tribe of Kositei, it was felt the need to built another church on top of a mountain. The Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour' found benefactors that were ready to support financially to finish in the PAGE 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” building of this church. We also managed to find a renowned artist from Malta, Gorg Apap who painted two titular pictures for these two churches. TITULAR PAINTINGS FOR THE TWO PARISHES IN KOSITEI. Artist Gorg Apap on the request of Director Fr. George Grima painted with great skill two titular pictures for the two parishes in Kositei. One of them is dedicated to the 'Nativity of Baby Jesus' and of great interest is the fact that the people introduced in the painting are dressed in the local costume from the tribe of Pokot. The other painting , for the other parish is dedicated to the titular of 'Christ the King'. CHEMONGOLOT BORE HOLE. In this village there was a bore hole that was given fifteen years ago by the Missionary Movement. During this span of time little to none was there any maintenance and consequently this bore hole did not continue to generate any water. Lately the necessary maintenance were made and at last water started once again to be provided to the villagers. TUYAPEI NURSERY SCHOOL. Because of different tribe clash many families had left their land and fled to Tupayei area. As they were homeless, the Nakuru Diocese had given them a big land to live there. Many are the needs for these families, among them education. The Missionary Movement Jesus in thy neighbour accepted the petition of their local Parish Priest, Fr. Peter to built the first school for the little ones. The school was opened for the first time last September. PAGE 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” MORE HOMES FOR SICK AND POOR FAMILIES. In the neighbourhood of Rangala, Eunice Auma Rangala is one of the many families that is really poor and to whom it was decided that an adequate home to live in be given. This family was living in an animal sty until Sr. Esther introduced this family to Fr. George Grima. The widowed mother with a big family is seriously sick. TWO WATER TANKS FOR KIPTANGUANY. In the diocese of Nakuru, most of the Homes that cater for disabled students are very small. These small houses that are built near the school each cater for not more than 15 disabled students. Thus they give easier access for these disabled children to go to school. The Kiptanguany Home needed two water tanks as in this neighbourhood there is lack of rain. Unless water is stored the educational project for these children will not be able to be maintained. TELEVISION PLASMA FOR KOSITEI. It was long felt that the children in the remote village of Kositei to have for the first time a television set. These children had never seen a television set before. This set was given by Maltese benefactors. MOMBASA ARCHDIOCESE TWO NEW OVENS. In the city of Mombasa, there is a Home which was built a number of years ago by the Missionary Movement 'Jesus in thy Neighbour that caters for children that used to roam along the streets. Just a few months ago all the food used to be cooked in a very primitive way on just three stones. Lately there was a request for the Missionary Movement to organize their kitchen moreso since now there are more than 150 people living in this Home. PAGE 31 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” HOMA BAY DIOCESE PLASMA TELEVISION. It was long felt the need for these children to have a television set for their free time. But as there was no electricity in this Home we could not do anything. Last year electricity was installed and it was Fr. George's Grima wish to provide this Home for the first time with a plasma TV set so that these children could be able to start watching films on the life of Jesus and other recreational films. One can just only imagine the joy and amazement of these children when they saw for the first time a television set functioning in front of their eyes. This TV set was donated by Maltese benefactors. KAKAMEGA DIOCESE NEW DORMITORIES FOR BOYS. In this Orphanage Home led by the Sisters from the Benedicts Providence there was the urgent need to build a new dormitory for the children. Due respect must be given to everybody. These orphans deserve to be given love by everybody together with adequate comfort. TELEVISION PLASMA FOR KAKAMEGA HOME. It was long felt the need that these children be provided with a television set for their free time. It was Fr. George's Grima wish to give a TV set for the first time to this Home so that these children could be able to start watching films on the life of Jesus and other recreational films. One can just only imagine the joy and amazement of these children when they saw for the first time a television set functioning in front of their eyes. This TV was donated by Maltese benefactors. PAGE 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” YOUTH FROM Y4J ENTHUSIASTICALLY WENT TO KENYA. After a request from Mons George Grima, nine young people from the Youth for Jesus Charismatic group went to do voluntary work in a home for children, in Kakamega, with the aim to embellish their environment with colours and images. They succeeded to leave a beautiful environment and gave new life to the place. This group was very different from all others, because they not only managed to do their work but also succeeded to entertain the children with their music and psalm singing, thus making them very happy. CONSTRUCTION OF KITCHEN STARTED IN KAKAMEGA. The need for a new kitchen in Kakamega children's home was felt. The current kitchen is very small and is not adequate to feed more than 170 children daily. The Missionary Movement is trying to construct a modern kitchen to meet the requirements for these children. They are without a family but have the right like all to live a life with dignity. There is also the thinking to build a recreation hall where these children can have their meal properly, in the same house. CONSEGRATION OF THE CHAPEL OF THE DIVINE MERCY AT THE CHILDRENS PROVIDENCE HOME, KAKAMEGA. Bishop Philip Salumeti, of the diocese of Kakamega delegated to Mons. George Grima the consegration of the new altar of the chapel of the Benedictine nuns, in the chapel dedicated to the Divine Mercy. The whole ceremony was celebrated only by candlelight which created a beautiful atmosphere during this special occassion. The next morning seven infants who were found after being abandoned in the streets of Kakamega, were baptised and today they found a family and a home in this house. PAGE 33