Resident Magazine : Hotel Quintessence is Canada`s Best Kept Secret
Resident Magazine : Hotel Quintessence is Canada`s Best Kept Secret
HOTELQUINTESSENCE QUINTESSENCEISISCANADA’S CANADA’SBEST BESTKEPT KEPTSECRET SECRET HOTEL ByNorah NorahBradford Bradford By ocatedatatthe thebase baseofofMont MontTremblant Tremblant ocated and directly directly onon the the shore shore ofof Lake Lake and Tremblant, Hotel Hotel Quintessence Quintessence isis anan Tremblant, exquisitelylocated locatedluxury luxuryboutique boutiquehotel. hotel. exquisitely SeanO’Donnell O’Donnelland andSteve SteveCourey, Courey,the the Sean duobehind behindthis thisrare raregem gemexecuted executedtheir their duo visiontotocreate createa afive fivestar starhotel hotelthat thatexudes exudes vision extravagance while while managing managing toto flying flying extravagance under the the radar, radar, ensuring ensuring unparalleled unparalleled under opulencewithin withinananintimate intimatesetting. setting. opulence fullcable cableand andpay paytelevision televisionaccess. access. full The hotel hotel features features 30 30 elegant, elegant, estateestateThe sized suites suites ranging ranging inin size size from from 700 700 sized squarefeet feettoto1,200 1,200square squarefeet. feet.Guests Guests square areable abletotowalk walkonto ontothe theterraces terracesand and are balconies, accessed accessed byby grand grand French French balconies, doors,totoenjoy enjoythe thespectacular spectacularviews views doors, thelake. lake.Each Eachsuite suitehas hasitsitsown own ofofthe wood-burning fireplace, fireplace, creating creating a a wood-burning lovely,warm warmambiance. ambiance.Plush Plushfurniture, furniture, lovely, upholsteredwith withthe thefinest finestfabrics, fabrics,fills fills upholstered therooms roomswith withstyle styleand andease. ease.The The the oversized washrooms washrooms feature feature heated heated oversized floorswith withmosaic mosaicdetailing, detailing,grandiose grandiose floors therapeutic spa spa bathtubs, bathtubs, separate separate therapeutic rainshowers showersand andprivate privatewater waterclosets. closets. rain therooms roomsfeature featurebeds bedsthat thatoffer offer AllAllthe theguests guestscocoons cocoonsofofcomfort—with comfort—with the deluxe down down mattress mattress covers, covers, triple triple deluxe sheeted300-plus 300-plusthread threadcount countcotton cotton sheeted sheets,and andlush lushduvet duvetcovers. covers.Also, Also,allall sheets, suitesfeature featurefree freehigh-speed high-speedinternet internet suites overa aLAN LANconnection, connection,two twophone phone over lines,a awireless wirelesstelephone, telephone,asaswell wellasas lines, Hotel Quintessence Quintessence isis ideal ideal year year round round Hotel forguests guestswho whoappreciate appreciaterelaxation relaxationasas for wellasasguests guestswho whodive diveinto intotheir theirstay staywith with well activities.InInthe thewintertime, wintertime,Mont MontTremblant Tremblant activities. hasconsistently consistentlybeen beenvoted votedthe thebest bestresort resort has 98 • Resident January 2015 Hotel Quintessence Quintessence has has redefined redefined the the Hotel standardfor forrelaxation relaxationand andtranquility. tranquility.The The standard peacefulSans SansSabots SabotsSpa Spapampers pampersguests guests peaceful withananamazing amazinginfinity-edge infinity-edgepool pooland and with relaxinghot hottub. tub.Outdoors, Outdoors,a aboardwalk boardwalk relaxing leadstotoa aquay quaywhere wherethe thehotel’s hotel’smotorboat motorboat leads whisksguests guestsaway awayfor forprivate privatecruises cruisesonon whisks LakeTremblant. Tremblant. Lake the east east byby Ski Ski Canada Canada Magazine, Magazine, inin the offering fantastic fantastic downhill downhill skiing skiing and and offering snowboarding.Miles Milesofofcross-country cross-countrytrails trails snowboarding. windaround aroundthe thescenic sceniccountryside. countryside.For For wind family-funoriented orientedguests, guests,the themountain mountain family-fun offerssnowshoeing, snowshoeing,dog dogsledding, sledding,tubing tubing offers andhorse horsedrawn drawnsleigh sleighrides. rides.Spring Springand and and summeroffer offerequally equallyexciting excitingadventures. adventures. summer Hotelguests guestscan canchoose choosefrom fromfour fourawardawardHotel winninggolf golfcourses. courses.For Forthe theoutdoorsy outdoorsy winning types, the the grounds grounds offer offer anan enjoyable enjoyable types, hikingpath, path,road roadbiking, biking,water waterskiing, skiing,and and hiking equestrianrides. rides.Autumn Autumnisisarguably arguablythe the equestrian mostbeautiful beautifultime timetotovisit visitMont MontTremblant, Tremblant, most thevibrant vibrantfall fallcolors colorsblanket blanketthe thearea. area. asasthe Afterananexploratory exploratoryday dayofofflyflyfishing, fishing, After boat tours, tours, oror biking, biking, guests guests can can boat take refuge refuge inin the the Restaurant Restaurant LaLa take Quintessence.The Therestaurant restaurantfeatures features Quintessence. pureculinary culinaryexperience, experience,earning earning a apure Four Diamond Diamond rating, rating, anan honor honor a a Four presentedtotoonly only30 30restaurants restaurantsinin presented theentire entireProvince ProvinceofofQuébec. Québec.Wine Wine the connoisseurscan cantrust trustthe theadjacent adjacent connoisseurs winebar, bar,shelving shelving5,000 5,000bottles bottlesininthe the wine cellar.The Thecomfortable comfortableand andrelaxing relaxing cellar. atmospherepaired pairedwith withthe theexcellent excellent atmosphere service and and refined refined fare fare provides provides service guests with with anan adventure adventure for for the the guests senses. senses. Formore moreinformation: information: For