A Cultural and Educational Treasure ANNUAL REPORT 2012–2013


A Cultural and Educational Treasure ANNUAL REPORT 2012–2013
A Cultural and Educational Treasure
Stamford Museum & Nature Center is a 501 (c)
(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to the
preservation and interpretation of art and popular
culture, the natural and agricultural sciences,
and history. The Museum is a vital cultural and
educational resource for the community and a
focal point for family activity and interaction,
seeking to inspire creativity, foster self-discovery,
promote environmental stewardship, and nurture
an appreciation for lifelong learning through
exhibitions, educational programs, and special
events that enhance the visitor’s experience of
our unique site.
William M. Aron*
Bruce Silverstone*
First Vice President
Merle Spiegel*
Second Vice President
Mary Flounders Green*
Gerard Hopkins*
Meredith Black
Scott Bounty
Lynn Villency Cohen
Gabrielle S. Cweklinski
Harry Day*
Carole Dell’Aquila
Gerald M. Fox, III
Connie Hubbard
Karen M. Kelly*
Howard P. Malloy*
Darren Metzger
Robert M. Phillips
Marianne E. Pollak
Pauline Rauh
Daniel L. Schwartz*
Arthur Selkowitz
Claudia Silver
Roberto Vannucchi
Melissa H. Mulrooney
Executive Director
*Executive Committee
Advisory Council
Lynn Villency Cohen
We are grateful to Purdue Pharma L.P. for their generous pro bono printing of our 2012 – 2013 Annual Report.
Cover photo by: Dan Tual Photographic Memories
2 • Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Our Mission and core values are driven by several
key themes:
• We seek to get our children outside, involved and
connected to science and the natural world around
them utilizing our extraordinary Heckscher Farm,
hardwood forest trail system, and astronomy program.
We will continue to expand our SM&NC-Aligned-withthe-Schools program in order to bring natural science
education into area classrooms and students on-site
for an immersion into nature.
• We strive every day to be a “safe haven” for our visitors
and to instill a sense of wonder through our preschool,
summer camp, and after-school programming. We
will continue to respond to the changing educational
needs and interests of our community.
• We are committed to enhancing our unique position
as Stamford’s fine arts museum and the region’s most
diverse nature-based organization. We will continue
to engage multi-cultural and multi-generational
audiences with a growing variety of art exhibitions,
educational programming, and events designed to
teach, inspire, and entertain.
Celebrating Achievements &
Building Our Future
We are pleased to report that the Stamford Museum &
Nature Center finished 2012 – 13 with solid operating
performance on all levels. Despite a soft economy and
competitive funding landscape, our institution continues
to thrive and serve our regional community well. Once
again, we have been able to expand programming, increase membership, and offer new and exciting events —
all while achieving a balanced budget. Such results could
not come without the hard work, leadership, and vision of
our Executive Director, our Board, and our staff. A special
thanks to all.
While an annual report is a look back, it is our job to
look towards the future and to ensure that the SM&NC
has the capacity, the resources, and the tools needed to
achieve its strategic goals. Over the past several years, we
have built a solid foundation based on best practices and
a commitment to excellence. It is upon this groundwork
that we will enter our next phase of growth. Our goal
is nothing short of being the premier regional center
for environmental, natural science, and agricultural
education. With this vision, we are guided by our
exceptional Master Plan which touches all aspects of
our institution and challenges us to reach new heights
and horizons. It is truly transformative.
William M. Aron
• We are proud of our reputation for social engagement
and recognize the vital role our facility and festivals
play in building family and community ties and values.
The Stamford Museum & Nature Center is indeed a
complex place with a broad range of operations and
programming spanning art, history, astronomy,
agriculture, and the natural sciences. Balancing all of
these in an organization and property as diverse as ours
is no easy task. As we work together to expand our vision
and regional outreach, we wish to thank the City of
Stamford for their continued public-private partnership
with us — assisting us with capital and operating support
with the clear understanding of our value to quality of life
and our economic development impact.
The Stamford Museum & Nature Center is a beloved
destination and through the continued commitment of
our partners, donors, corporate sponsors, and devoted
Membership we will achieve our vision. In the following
pages you will see solid outcomes from our collective
work together this 2012 – 13 year. As we look back, we
celebrate great accomplishments and take pride in all
we have achieved. By all accounts, we had a terrific year.
We begin the 2013 – 14 season with energy, enthusiasm,
and momentum. Melissa and I hope all of you will join us
for another year of wonder and engagement. Thank you to
our membership, donors, and community for bringing the
SM&NC to life each season. Here’s to another great year
of achievement and wonder ahead.
Melissa H. Mulrooney
Executive Director
Annual Report 2012–2013 • 3
New lighting fixtures and paving along Bendel Pond
16th Annual Wine Tasting Committee
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Electrifying Progress in 2012 - 2013.
We are pleased to have gone through a long-needed electrical upgrade to the Bendel Mansion and Meadow.
New lighting fixtures on the south side of the Meadow illuminate the space for evening events and provide power
outlets. New paving was installed along the walkway by Bendel Pond. These improvements assist in the access for
event vehicles and other necessary equipment, as well as making the overall space more flexible and functional.
We are grateful to the City of Stamford for their continued partnership on pressing infrastructure repairs.
Electrical upgrades to our campus also include street lights around the perimeter of the Bendel Mansion for
added security, and power upgrades to the interior of the Mansion serving the growing needs of corporate and
private events.
Neighborhood Assistance Act funding brought critical overall repairs and roof replacement to the beautiful
Heckscher Barn. The Overbrook Nature Center building will be sporting complete window replacement with
energy-efficient windows this fall. Both of these projects greatly enhance energy conservation for these popular
and widely used programmatic spaces. We are deeply grateful to Purdue Pharma, Nestle Waters and CL&P for
championing these profoundly important capital initiatives.
VOLUNTEERISM – Engaging Companies & the Community.
For yet another year, the SM&NC is grateful for the time and talents of our 736 volunteers providing more
than 8,665 hours of support. Our volunteers, who range in age from 9 to 75, assist with every aspect of the
organization and are an invaluable asset to the Museum’s staff.
Our Wine Tasting Committee was comprised entirely of volunteers. Their dedication to planning a celebratory
and entertaining evening made our 16th Annual Wine Tasting a resounding success.
We also welcomed our Business Affiliates members for their employee service days. Thanks to companies like
Digitas, General Electric, UBS, Ernst & Young, and Altria, who assisted over the past year in beautifying our
grounds and making improvements on Heckscher Farm.
Our heartfelt thanks to all the corporate groups, students, families, and individuals who assist in making our
festivals, programs, events, and overall mission continue to thrive.
4 • Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Our 2012 –2013 Exhibitions
OUR EDUCATIONAL FOOTPRINT – Connecting Students and Families to Nature.
SM&NC Aligned-With-the-Schools continues to be one of our most successful programs. The 2012 – 2013 was one
of our busiest years, with more than 22,000 students participating in our school programming, and with more than
13,000 of those students coming onto the site to enjoy the many diverse programs we offer including: Waterworks,
Apple Cidering, Maple Sugaring, Native American Life, Animal Adaptations, and Fresh from the Farm.
Generous funding from area foundations allows us to provide transportation for some schools that don’t have the
budget for field trips. This year the SM&NC secured 33 buses bringing more than 1,100 students to our site for
programs — students who otherwise might not have been able to enjoy this valuable experience. This year marked
an increase of 44% in overall participation from last year, and we expect this growth to continue. We are proud to
be able to promote environmental stewardship among our young audiences and offer the rich pallet of experiences
through our exhibitions, Heckscher Farm activities, and recreational learning opportunities in all that we do.
The Stamford Museum Galleries were “crawling” with visitors who came to see Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close,
a natural history exhibition that drew more than 14,000 visitors during the summer. Pop culture buffs and Sci-fi
enthusiasts were thrilled to learn about Stamford’s own Alex Raymond, creator of the comic strip hero, at our
Flash Gordon and the Heroes of the Universe exhibition, co-curated by Stamford cartoonist Brian Walker.
The holiday season brought over 19,000 gallery visitors to the Visions of Gingerbread: The Sweetest Architects and All
Aboard with Bill Probert and Friends III exhibition. Probert’s extraordinary LEGO® landscape included vignettes from
major motion picture and comic book franchises including Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Bat Man, the X-Men and
Pirates of the Caribbean. Visitors of all ages were thrilled by the exacting details and complex train systems.
Springtime brought stargazers to the galleries to enjoy Two Artists Look at the Sky: Nightwatch: The Art of Greg
Mort in the Leonhardt Gallery and The Prints of Etienne Trouvelot with a selection of the telescopes from the
SM&NC collection in the Main Gallery. A highlight of the exhibition was a presentation by the artist Greg Mort,
followed by a public viewing through the 22” Maksutov telescope at the Stamford Observatory.
Arbor Day was celebrated with the second annual Art of the Bonsai exhibition in partnership with the Yama Ki
Bonsai Society in the Bendel Gallery and Great Hall. Sponsored by Fujifilm Medical Systems of America, the
Annual Report 2012–2013 • 5
Dakota, our Clydesdale, on Heckscher Farm
exhibition featured seventy-five bonsai trees, a traditional
Japanese Tea Ceremony, and a hands-on demonstrations of
Bonsai techniques.
Overall, visitation in the Museum galleries increased by 28%
over FY 2011 – 2012. Donations to the SM&NC collections included
“Heritage” a signed print by Greg Mort; a collection of vintage
postcards depicting the SM&NC; a photogravure of work by Gutzon
Borglum; and a mounted mink for the Education Department.
HECKSCHER FARM – A Favorite Destination.
During the spring and summer months, 56 animals were born on
the Farm — 12 lambs, 5 kids, 30 chicks and 9 piglets — and we
built three additional pastures.
These new animals lead us toward our goal of becoming a farm
LEGO® holiday train exhibition
comprised entirely of heritage breeds — traditional breeds that were
raised by farmers in the past. Many of these breeds are now close to
extinction due to the industrialization of farming. Monty and Moose, the Randall calves; our Jacob sheep; and our
Guinea Hogs — Lulu, Pippa, and Dexter — are some examples of the breeds we will be maintaining on the farm.
We are proud to announce that Nigerian Dwarf goats have made it to the American Livestock Breed Conservatory
list of endangered farm animals. This initiative will not only help to save threatened breeds, but will also make
our site an even more powerful learning destination as a living representation of historic farm life of the past.
Walking through Heckscher Farm will reveal some sparkling new improvements. In the winter, the historic Heckscher Barn received a much needed new roof and siding. Throughout the spring and summer months,
improved erosion control measures were added. With the assistance of a number of volunteer groups from
GE and Altria, new shade trees were planted throughout the farm and new fencing was installed to replace
the aging pasture fences.
6 • Stamford Museum & Nature Center
177,000 Visitors
enjoyed the wonders of our
extraordinary site last year
22,223 Students participated
in our SM&NC AlignedWith-The-Schools program
23 Companies are
now Members of our
Business Affiliates
Membership program
736 Volunteers
contributing 8,665
hours supported every
department within SM&NC
42,194 Visitors enjoyed our
diverse exhibitions
SM&NC “kids” appear on the TODAY Show with Hoda and Kathie Lee
2,583 Member
Households enjoyed
the exceptional benefits of
Membership. They belong!
7,221 Individuals receive
our e-news blast
1,904 Friends like us on
1,460 Followers follow us
on Twitter
56 Baby Animals
were born on the Farm
813 Children took part
in our summer camp
24 Volunteer Members
of the 16th Annual Wine Tasting
Committee dazzled the SM&NC
118 Preschoolers
attended our Art, Nature &
Me Preschool
1,109 Programs were led
by our SM&NC Nature
Education staff
16,400 Visitors to our
seasonal festival weekends
and public events
Annual Report 2012–2013 • 7
In the spring of 2012, the Stamford Museum & Nature Center launched an exciting new
initiative aimed at reaching local businesses and corporations that care deeply about social
responsibility and want the opportunity to share their generosity with the community.
Business Affiliates is a robust, committed, and engaged
group of more than 23 business leaders aligned with
our success in the environmental education of our
children and our service as a vital cultural resource for
the community. They show strong economic value in
doing good, while doing well. Members of this exclusive
group, and their employees, enjoy exciting membership
and facility-use discounts, volunteer, and sponsorship
opportunities, and much more.
In November, Business Affiliates members gathered
together, in the midst of a new Business Affiliates
membership campaign — Stand With Great Leaders.
This group was comprised of individuals from
companies large and small, regional and international,
who personally lead their companies in corporate
citizenship. These leaders are decision makers who
have positive, far reaching impact on so many people
in our community, and stand with Stamford Museum
& Nature Center as a vital resource.
Bill Aron, president of the SM&NC’s Board, spoke about
our supplemental role in the Stamford school system,
Volunteers from Altria plant trees on Heckscher Farm
8 • Stamford Museum & Nature Center
stressing the importance of environmental awareness
in children at an early age. Merle Spiegel, of Purdue
Pharma, spoke about their premier partnership with
the SM&NC, and how our Aligned-With-the-Schools
program reflects their corporation’s core values.
Rey Giallongo, First County Bank’s Chairman of the
Board and Chief Executive Officer, spoke practically
about the value of their SM&NC partnership and the
synergy of collaboration, by highlighting First County
Bank’s sponsorship of the Maple Sugar Festival
Weekend. Rey pointed out the positive visibility for
FCB in the extensive marketing of this popular
festival, the benefits of getting their employees
“on the ground” at the SM&NC, and the benefit of
supporting an educational experience for visitors.
We are proud of these companies and their leaders
who are aligned with our success. We look forward
to reaching others in the business community and
making this affinity group grow. We extend a hearty
welcome to our new Business Affiliates Members
and our devoted Premier Partners.
Volunteers from GE Asset Management build garden beds
Great Leaders in the
SM&NC Business Affiliates
Membership Program
Aquarion Water Company
First County Bank
Purdue Pharma
GE Asset Management
Nestle Waters
Xerox Foundation
Day Pitney LLP
Ernst & Young
F.D. Rich Company
First Niagara Bank
FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA Inc
Pitney Bowes
Reckson, A Division of SL Green
General Reinsurance Corporation
King Features Syndicate
O’Connors Davies LLP
Creative Partners, LLC
Shore & Country Properties
Stamford Ford
William Pitt Sotheby’s International Realty
Crystal Rock
RMS Companies
Stamford Toys
For more information about the
Business Affiliates Membership program,
contact the Development Department
at 203.977.6548.
Annual Report 2012–2013 • 9
Director’s Circle Members event at the Model Ts to Mustangs Antique and Classic Car show
The Director’s Circle is a distinguished group of individuals whose generosity and commitment
to the Stamford Museum & Nature Center support our holistic mission to bring the wonders of
art, nature, astronomy and early childhood education to our community and the public. We thank
all of our Director’s Circle members for their enduring support and encourage more individuals
in the community to join this fun and vital group.
Katherine and William Aron
Meredith and Jason Black
Suzy and Lincoln Boehm
Scott Bounty
Kathleen and John Brady
Marilyn Clements
Lynn and Stephen Cohen
Carol Collins
Linda and R. Cremin
Gabrielle and Scott Cweklinski
Harry Day
Roxana and Andrew Davidoff
Carole and Joseph Dell’Aquila
Denise and Nicola Doria
Clare and James Duffy
Carol and Michael Fedele
Fred Flynn
Kathleen and Gerald Fox
Naomi and Joel Freedman
Jennifer and Edward Gannon
Mary and Mike Green
Darrell Harvey
Dale and Stephen Hoffman
Mary Jo and Gerry Hopkins
Connie and Bruce Hubbard
Juanita T. James and
Dudley Williams, Jr.
Lisa and Arnold Karp
Laura and Daniel Katz
Karen Kelly
Stefanie and Bill Kies III
Susan and John Kirby
Gail Kirhoffer
Holly and Noah Lapine
Diana and Steven Lenkowsky
Eleanor and Morton Lowenthal
Babette and Gary Lubben
Brenda and Gerrit Lydecker
Isabel and Peter Malkin
Barbara and Howard Malloy
Joe Massoud
Melissa H. Mulrooney
Susan and Marc Peyser
Pat and Bob Phillips
Marianne and Edward Pollak
Pauline Rauh
June and Rolf Rosenthal
Kathy and Peter Sachs
Betsey and Arthur Selkowitz
Marsha Shendell
Claudia and Keith Silver
Pamela and Bruce Silverstone
Merle Spiegel
Shelley A. Taylor and
David Swerdloff
Eunice and Joseph Thomas
Karen and Warren Tom
Randi and Roberto Vannucchi
Beth and Stephen Weiss
Lisa and Paul Welch
For more information about becoming a member of the Director’s Circle, contact Joann Walsh at 203.977.6545.
10 • Stamford Museum & Nature Center
As always, the Wine Tasting, our major
fundraiser, celebrates the generous
support of many distinguished people
and businesses. Our heartfelt thanks to
the following sponsors and contributors
to our 16th Annual Wine Tasting:
2013 Wine Tasting Honoree, Purdue Pharma
The Best Party On-Foot
Honoring Purdue Pharma L.P.
The Wine Tasting is always a celebratory evening, and
this year was no exception. In addition to excellent wine,
the night included a silent auction, a giving vine, live
music, and exceptional food provided by 21 of the area’s
top restaurants and caterers. We were happy to share
the night with 320 members and friends, and we were
delighted with the chance to introduce the SM&NC to
new guests.
The event honored Purdue Pharma L.P., one of Stamford
Museum & Nature Center’s exceptional Premier
Partners. Purdue Pharma embodies great corporate
citizenry by holistically supporting the SM&NC and the
signature Aligned-With-The-Schools program. Merle
Spiegel, a marvelous Purdue Pharma representative has
served on our Board of Directors for the last twelve years,
guiding us with warmth and best practice governance.
Purdue Pharma also supports SM&NC’s brand marketing
through in-kind printing of key promotional materials
including the Wine Tasting Commemorative Journal
and this very Annual Report. We are privileged to be in
partnership with this exemplary corporate citizen and
business leader.
We are grateful to a devoted Wine Tasting Committee
who have gone above and beyond the call of duty, and
we recognize with deep appreciation, the Committee
Chairs: Lynn Villency Cohen, 16th Annual Wine Tasting
Co-Chair and Diamond Celebration Chair; Connie Hubbard,
16th Annual Wine Tasting Co-Chair, Leslie Bruzik, Silent
Auction Co-Chair; Cynthia Mammone, Silent Auction
Co-Chair; Nicola Nieburg-Boxall, Revenue Enhancers
Chair; Darlene Negbenebor, Event Production Chair;
and Cristina Romero, Logistics Chair.
Aquarion Water Company
Gigi & Richard Aron
Katherine & William Aron
Karen & Graham Beatty
Lisa & Donald Brownstein
Nancy & Frank Carlucci
Lynn & Stephen Cohen
Carol Collins
Linda & R. Cremin
Harry Day
Ernst & Young
The Honorable Michael Fedele & Carol Fedele
Howard Finkelstein
First County Bank
First Niagara Foundation
GE Asset Management
Darrell Harvey Family Foundation Inc
Dale & Stephen Hoffman
Melvin & Sylvia Kafka Foundation, Inc.
Jennifer & Mark Lapine
Eleanor & Morton Lowenthal
Babette & Gary Lubben
Barbara & Howard Malloy
O’Connor, Davies LLP
Harley & Steve Osman
Patricia & Robert Phillips
Day Pitney
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Diane & William Plummer
Marianne & Edward Pollak
F.D. Rich Company
June & Rolf Rosenthal
Betsey & Arthur Selkowitz
Jami Sherwood
Vivienne & Richard Silver
SL Green Management LLC
Merle Spiegel
Erna Szekeres
William Pitt Sotheby’s International Realty
Juanita T. James & Dudley Williams, Jr.
Annual Report 2012–2013 • 11
Projected Statement of Financial Activities
2012 – 13 Operating Year Ending June 30, 2013
Sources of Support
Pre-School Program
The Stamford Museum & Nature Center has finished
the 2012 – 13 fiscal year on sound footing. We continue
to work diligently to build the capacity of this vibrant
institution in a challenging economy with creativity,
resourcefulness, and optimism.
Camp, School Group &
Education Programs
Admission, Events & Facility Use
City of Stamford
Total Revenues
Annually, we must raise at least 64% of our funds to
operate this remarkable 118-acre property. Corporate,
foundation, and individual support is so meaningful
and critical to our success. We thank all of our
supporters, Members, and participants for your
generous, ongoing contributions.
Compensation & Benefits
Professional Services
Equipment & Supplies
Exhibitions, Education Programs
& Site Operations
Net Reserve
Total Expenses
Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Sources of Support
City of Stamford
Admission, Events
& Facility Use
Camp, School Group &
Education Programs
12 • Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Pre-School Program
The Stamford Museum & Nature Center is eternally grateful to those individuals and companies that support
our mission through all of our sponsor and donor opportunities, making it possible for us to provide a fun-filled
educational resource throughout the year.
$10,000 and above
Aquarion Water Company
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen
GE Asset Management
The Heimbold Foundation
Mabel Burchard Fischer Grant
Nestle Waters North America, Inc.
Oaklawn Foundation
Purdue Pharma
Xerox Foundation
$1,000 to $9,999
Joan Buzzalino
Marilyn T. Clements
Lynn and Stephen Cohen
Betsy and Stephen Corman
Nancy and Richard Freedman
Naomi and Joel Freedman
GE Capital
General Reinsurance Corporation
Mary and Michael Green
The Kaufmann Foundation
Karen and John Krumpelbeck
Leon N. Lapine Charitable Residuary Trust
David Long
Valerie and Richard Mead
New Canaan Community Foundation
Pat and Robert Phillips
Marianne and Edward Pollak
Betsey and Arthur Selkowitz
Susan and Fred Sievert
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Phil Strassburger
Summer Hill Foundation
Eileen and James Thomas
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
Yankee Gas Services Company
$100 to $999
Juliana and David Abbott
Angela and Hamin Abdullah
Acme Sealcoat LLC
Juliet Forrester and Gilbert Alexandre
All Glass Company
Jane and Stephen Alpert
Jim L. Arata
Laure Aubuchon
Elizabeth and Gerald Baruno
Lisa and Timothy Bazemore
Karen and Eric Beiley
Carol and George Bello
Nancy and Bradford Benjamin
Jayne and Tom Benton
Claudia Anne and Joseph Bilotti
Patricia and Paul Bisset
Virginia Boorom
Mary and Philip Borba
Laura and Daniel Botoff
Nancy Loube and Jelle Breanis
Beth and Marc Brickel
Karen and John Cammarota
Samantha and Robert Carroll
Amanda and Sean Cassidy
Sandra B. Chen
Carol Caswell and Donald Cohen
Cathy and Stephen Cole
Carol Collins
Candace W. Cushing
Gabrielle and Scott Cweklinski
Marylou and Leonard D’Andrea
Carole and Joseph Dell’Aquila
Susan and Ernest DiMattia
Mary and Brian Donovan
Rosemary Durkin
Erica and Michael D’Urso
Barbara and John Erdmann
Nancy Erskin
Arlene and Irwin Ettinger
Diane and R. Lindwood Faxon
Ayse Porter and David Fellah
Marcia and Lawrence Ferranto
Julia and Michael Frank
Carolyn Surgent and Jacques Friedman
Jennifer and Gregory Fuchs
Ricki and Peter Fuchs
Susan and Joseph Geraci
Ellen and James Glynn
Laura and Dean Godown
Risa and Jeffrey Goldblum
Barbara Miller and Jody L. Graff
Alissa and Peter Gray
Cathy and David Greenberg
Ellen and Paul Harvey
Margot and David Heap
Cathy and Lloyd Heller
Estate of Robert P. Herzog
Michelle McComb and Stephen Hewitt
Gail and Richard Hofmann
Mary Jo and Gerry Hopkins
Christina and John Horner
Jeanne and Peter Hosinski
Annual Report 2012–2013 • 13
$100 to $999 (cont.)
Connie and Bruce Hubbard
James Hubbert Charitable Gift Fund
Margery B. Irish
Susan and Jed Isaacs
Alexis and Patrick Jackman
Vicki Wray and Ron Jaco
Charles Judd
Melvin & Sylvia Kafka Foundation, Inc.
Kayak for a Cause, Inc
Karen Kelly
Stefanie and William Kies III
Bonnie and Henry Klaassens
Cathy J Klein
Emily and Kristopher Konrad
Patricia and Patricia Kravetz
Lorraine Labate
Rebecca and Nick Lai
Eve and Seth Lapine
Jennifer and Mark Lapine
Claire and Kirk Lehneis
Mary Ellen and Edward Leonard
Gerald F. Lewis
Enid and Steven Lieberman
Nina and Norman Lotstein
Eleanor and Morton Lowenthal
Robert Malin Memorial Fund
Norma and Milton Mann
Judith and David Martin
Ekaterina Yarmolovich and Michael Mehan
Ellen and Joel Mellis
Anita and Nicholas Mercede
Metro Guard
Jane and Philip Molstre
Polly and Robert Morrow
Mary and Garry Morton
Melissa H. Mulrooney
Tami and Stephen Murray
Helene and Benjamin Napolitano
Neomi and Reuben Negron
Quan Feng and Lars Nielsen
Donna Brace Ogilvie
Stephanie and Anthony O’Shea
Harley and Steve Osman
Olivia and Tim Parton
Jennifer Benedict and Harry Pedlow
Kim and Art Petrone
Joanne Sirotkin and Robert Pflieger
Pitney Bowes
Mary Jo and Luke Pittoni
Betsy and Bill Raftery
Sheilah and Paul Ramber
Pauline S. Rauh
Robin and Richard Redniss
Joyce and Jay Riemer
Diane Riffelmacher
Carol and Erwin Riven
Betty and Daniel Roberts
June and Rolf Rosenthal
14 • Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Katharine and Chris Roth
Linda and Joe Rothman
Jennifer and Rob Ruckman
Allison and David Sachs
Claire and Randall Salvatore
Adrienne and Steven Santiago
S. G. Schimenti
Naomi S Schreiber
Renee and Reid Schwandt
Molly and Scott Seegers
Eugene and Frieda Shapiro
M. Catherine Lynch and Douglas Sharp
Marsha Shendell
Jami Sherwood
Shippan Point Garden Club
Shore & Country Properties, Inc.
Amy and Andy Silberfein
Claudia and Keith Silver
Jane Silverman
Merle A. Spiegel
Stamford Garden Club
Marlene and Shepard Stone
Helen A. Sudol
Rachel Sulkin
Bala and Pavur Sundaresan
Shelley A. Taylor and David Swerdloff
Corinna and James Taubner
Eunice and Joseph Thomas III
Tresa and Daniel Toscano
Diane and Peter Tryhane
Joan and Jan Unger
Randi and Roberto Vannucchi
Barbara B. Wood and Jay Vivian
Rosa Portell and Louis Weinstock
Eva and Charles Weller
Beth and Paul White
Tamara Duhov and Lance Wright
Susan and Nels Ylitalo
Georgia and Peter Young
$1 to $99
Annette and Carlos Aspillaga
Whitney and Stephen Barbera
Stephen D. Blazey
Irving M. Blum
Robert Boehringer
Eileen and John Boland
Katherine and Charlie Boulier
Mary and Alison Calabrese
Shannon Campana
Janet and Erwin Chark
Rosemary and Marc Cheylus
Gail C. Citrin
Dorothy A. Coffey
Moira Collins
Francis Connolly
Judy and Arthur Copeland
$1 to $99 (cont.)
Randie Katz and Larry Cryer
Karen and Joseph DeBartolo
Diane and Dominic DeMain
Anthony M. Devito III
Sofia and Anthony Domini
Marion and Milton Drexler
Maria and Philip Fecher
Jennifer and Robert Gallois Gartner
Tracy Nelson and Tina Gaspane
Barbara Gerardi
Linda L Libby and John Griese
Dina and Anuj Gupta
Michael Haecker
Regina Haecker
D.E. Harrington & Company Inc.
Carol and Patrick Hurley
Dorothy and Leon Jaiven
Meryl and Ronald Japha
Amy Hertzberg Keane
Carol and John Kennedy
Kathryn M. Kraut
Cindy Turcott and Mark Ledermann
Eva and Robert Levine
Sondra and Louis Levine
M.A.S. Construction Inc.
Justine and John Macurdy
Audrey and William Magruder
Steve Mainzer
Jacquelyn Marumoto
Elaine and Christopher McLeod
Joseph Melfi
Kirstin and Stefan Mohr
Barbara and Arthur Morris
Rosemarie and Arthur Morse
Paul Moverley
Joan and Michael Nicholson
Mary Tobin and Dan Paige
Stanton E. Parrish
Elaine Parruccini
Monica C. Pastore
Svetlana and Yevgeniy Printsev
Hilde and Arthur Ratzel
Wendy S. Rosenblum
Douglas Ryan
David Schiff
Meryl and Hank Silverstein
Teresa and Vinod Sinha
Sally and Robert Sluga
Alan Sosnowitz
Sandy and Morris Speter
Stamford Capital LLC
Louise B. Stern
Christine and Kevin Stone
Bonnie and Robert Tuite
Joanne and Joseph Vasta
Christine and Alan Walters
Valerie and Daniel Willey
The SM&NC would also like to thank those people and
businesses who made meaningful in-kind contributions
to the site and organizaiton.
95.9 THE FOX/STAR 99.9
A&E Networks
The Agriscience and Technology Program
at Westhill High School
Alladin Painting
Angela Mia Italian Pastry
Aquarion Water Company
AS Fine Foods
Bite Me Desserts
build on
Cake Suite
California Pizza Kitchen
Catering by Christine
Chiappetta Olive Oil
David’s Soundview Catering
DiMare Pastry Shop
Donut Delight
Eat For Equity
The Fez
The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County
The Handwright Gallery
Harlan Social
illy caffe’
Izzi B’s
Susan Kane Catering
King Features Syndicate, a unit of Hearst Corporation
The Labriola Gallery
Le Pain Quotidien
Luncheria Valencia
Moffly Media
Greg Mort Family Foundation “The Art of Stewardship Project”
Napa & Co
plum plums
Purdue Pharma L.P.
Ross’s Bread
Marcia Selden Catering
Stamford Ford
Station Eats
Summer Rain Sprinkler Systems, Inc.
Sweet Lisa’s Exquisite Cakes
Swept Away, Inc.
Tabouli Grill
Tap my Trees
John Videler Photography
The Volunteer Center of United Way of Western Connecticut
Wave Hill Breads Bakery & Café
Yama Ki Bonsai Society
This list reflects contributions made between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. Every effort is made to ensure the accurate
recognition of our donors. If you find that your name appears incorrectly or if you were omitted from this year’s list, please
call Development Office at 203.977.6548.
Annual Report 2012–2013 • 15