2013 Annual Report - Central Wyoming Hospice Care
2013 Annual Report - Central Wyoming Hospice Care
www.cwhp.org Treasured Times and Memorable Moments Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions 2013 Annual Report Lasting Memories Dear Friends and Neighbors, In 2013, Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions Program remained the trusted non-profit hospice provider in Natrona County and Glenrock – a status we maintained because of you. We couldn’t continue our mission of providing comfort, compassion and end-of-life expertise without community support. We are distressed to report that more than half of our patients continue to come to us just days before their death. Distressed because we know that those who seek our services earlier allow us the opportunity fill their time with memorable moments. We know that hospice is not about one’s final breath, it is about the journey that brings us to that moment. The sooner we are able to walk beside the patient and family, the more we can help create memorable moments. The challenges placed in front of us by Medicare cuts and regulator demands have not weakened our commitment to our mission. Through the booms and the busts, our Board of Directors remain staunch in their commitment to provide the highest quality of end-of-life services to those entrusted to our care. Our goal is to make every individual’s time spent on hospice services filled with memorable moments and this goal couldn’t be reached without you. Whether you donated your time, your finances or your talents, we are thankful for your support and commitment to help people at a critical time – the last months of life. Sincerely, Kate Sarosy Board President Memorial Gifts Pavers are engraved bricks bearing messages that perpetuate the memory of an individual for decades to come. When Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions Program receives cumulative gifs totaling $1,000 in memory or in honor of an individual, the family of that person is notified that they qualify for a Paver. The patio of the Kloefkorn Home and the walkway to the Charles M. and Cara Lou Chapman Home have opportunities available. The Tree of Giving adorns the atrium of the Kloefkorn Home. This beautiful wall sculpture allows a donor to honor or memorialize someone special to them. Engraved leaves are available for a gift of $5,000 and up. Marilyn Connor Executive Director CREATING A LEGACY THROUGH PLANNED GIVING Planned giving enables philanthropic individuals or donors to make larger gifts than they normally could make from their current income. While some planned gifts provide a life-long income to the donor, others use estate and tax planning techniques to provide for charity in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on the donor’s estate. Your financial advisor can help you decide which method of gifting will be most advantageous for you. The benefits for any type of gift are the same – providing quality of life at a time when it is needed the most. Check out our website at www.cwhp.org or call (307) 577-4832 for more information on giving a planned gift. Introducing Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions Program Mission Statement 2013 Board of Directors Officers Russ Weller – President Kate Sarosy - Vice President Bill Rogers - Sec./Treasurer Members-at-Large Des Bennion Connie Coleman Keith Dodson Dr. A. Dunn Dusty Johnson Judith Kirk Brian Marvel Dr. J. Swedberg Medical Director - Dr. J. Schoeber Executive Director - Marilyn Connor Director of Administrative Services – Deanne Haymond Director of Clinical Services – Tera Gillett “To Companion the End-of-Life Journey with Skill and Compassion.” Vision Statement* “Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions Program envisions a community in which the end-of-life journey is embraced as a natural progression of the human life cycle; where individuals at the end-of-their lives are treated with dignity, respect and compassion; and where hospice expertise is the standard in the continuum of care.” Core Values INTEGRITY We promote ethical practice in all that we do. COMPASSION We value individual worth and dignity. COMPETENCE We strive for excellence and continually enhance our professional expertise. STEWARDSHIP We practice wise use of fiscal and human resources. Director of Development – Pam Walker Director of Nursing – Teresa Davis TEAMWORK Our mission is best met through collaboration with our patients, families and community partners. COMMITMENT We pride ourselves in being forward thinking to ensure sustainability. Financials and Funding Hospice Payer Sources for 2013 Central Wyoming Hospice & Transi5ons Program Balance Sheet Medicaid 8.30% For the Twelve Months Ending December 2013 Self Pay 0.40% ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents $568,212.00 Restricted Cash -‐ Building Campaign $0.00 Accounts Receivable, Net $298,450.00 Pledges Receivable, Net $304,798.00 Unrestricted Investments $52,010.00 Designated Investments $461,941.00 Restricted Investments $1,303,099.00 Property and Equipment $10,740,931.00 Accumulated Deprecia5on -‐$2,624,211.00 Other Assets Medicare 88% $23,079.00 TOTAL ASSETS $11,128,309.00 2013 Revenue Sources LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabili9ies: $64,280.00 Accounts Payable $134,394.00 Deferred Revenue $0.00 Short-‐Term Note Payable $0.00 Long-‐Term Note Payable $197,567.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES Fee for Service for Inpatient Services $396,241.00 Fee for Service For Services Outpatient 24.34% 36.67% Net Assets: Fund Balance $10,769,750.00 Net Income -‐$37,682.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS 38.99% $10,732,068.00 Fundraising/Contributions Putting the FUN into FUNdraising! Roaming Wyoming This event not only serves as a much needed means of filling the gap between the actual cost of providing services and third party reimbursement, it is a means of helping get the message out that hospice is all about making memorable moments and enjoying treasured times! This year’s event featured some very exciting opportunities ranging from deep sea fishing off a yacht at Cabo San Lucas to spending the day cooking with a gourmet chef in a restaurant kitchen. Our heartfelt thanks to the 400 attendees. We look forward to helping cross more items off bucket lists next year! When Life Hands You Lemons – Make Lemonade When some people are handed lemons they dwell on the sour taste. Not so for the amazing students at Manor Heights Elementary School. The students spent the 2013 school year selling lemonade to students and faculty and raised thousands of dollars to donate to the student’s two favorite charities. For the second time, Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions was privileged to be one of the recipients. Thank you Manor Heights Elementary students and staff! Pre-Hospice Transition's Program Helping people to live each day and not put their lives on hold by letting the disease “take over” is how Kristeen Terzich, Transitions Coordinator, sums up the program she oversees. Transitions is a “ pre-hospice” program designed to enhance the quality of life for individuals and their families facing life-limiting illness and who have a prognosis of one year or less. A case manager ensures that the client is referred to all appropriate community services, while volunteers provide companionship, respite, transportation, run errands and do light housekeeping. Unlike the hospice program, Transitions accepts clients who are still seeking curative treatment. The program was implemented in 2005 in response to a need for services to assist Individuals who are not yet ready for hospice. All Transitions volunteers are “cross trained” so if a patient declines and ultimately requires hospice services, their volunteer will continue to provide services. This continuity in personnel helps minimize the anxiety of making the transition to hospice care. It is the stories of the memorable moments experienced by individuals on this program that measure its success. Tami, a local artist who is receiving Transitions Services had never publicly shown her work. With the encouragement of the Transitions Case Manager, Tami made her debut at “ARTiculate Your Vision” at the Nicolaysen Art Museum’s Open Mic and Gallery night. The Transitions Program is offered to Natrona County and Glenrock residents at no charge thanks to the generosity of the Ruth R. Ellbogen Foundation. Holidays at Hospice Holidays are a time for joyful memories to be made and those celebrated at Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions are no exception! Thanksgiving and Christmas 2013 found tables lining the living room with guests ranging in age from one to 95! Traditional turkeys, ham and all the accompaniments were cooked and served to over 50 family members compliments of our Board of Directors, volunteers, staff and families! Meals were delivered to our patients and their families who opted to stay in their own homes. The grill was fired up on the Fourth of July for burgers and brats. Of course cake is always on the table when it’s someone’s birthday! While the weather may change for each occasion, laughter and friendship are always present. This year, an annual Easter egg hunt for the children of our patients, families, staff and neighbors has been added to our holiday repertoire! 2013 Transition’s Outcomes • Assisted 87 individuals and families • 13 families graduated off the program • 8 clients died on program • 32 clients transferred to hospice when the time was appropriate. Hospice Wherever an individual calls home… Inpatient Hospice Outpatient Hospice Individuals who are unable to stay in their own residence have the option of calling one of our two hospice facilities home. The Charles M. and Cara Lou Chapman Home opened in January 1997 and the Kloefkorn Home in May of 2009. These homes are state-of-the-art medical facilities that have been designed with a home-like atmosphere. Hospice was founded on the premise that death is part of the natural life cycle and as such, should be allowed to occur in the patient’s home where they can be surrounded by people and things they love. Our interdisciplinary team provides services wherever an individual calls home, whether it’s in a house, an apartment, an assisted living facility or a skilled nursing facility. In 2013: • We served 209 patients; • The average patient stayed in the hospice home for 20.2 days; In 2013: • We were able to support 124 patients who opted to spend their end-of-life journey in their own homes. • The average daily census was 9.1 patients and the median length of stay was 8 days; • The average patient stayed on outpatient hospice services for 44.3 days; • 89.7% of the patient days were covered by Medicare. 6.7% by Medicaid, and 2.5% by private insurance; • We had an average daily census of 13.5 patients and the median length of stay was 11 days; • 40 patients were 18 to 64 years old, 45 were 65 to 74 years old and 124 were 75 years and older; • 86.8% of the patient days were covered by Medicare. 9.4% by Medicaid and 3.6% by insurance; • 72 patients had cancer, 7 had strokes, 28 had heart disease and 102 had other illnesses including COPD. • 32 patients were 18 to 64 years old, 23 were 65 to 74 years old and 76 were 75 years and older; • 55 patients had cancer, 17 had strokes, 19 had heart disease, 21 had COPD and 12 had other Illnesses. Volunteer Bereavement Services Understanding that the grieving process is unique to every individual, Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions Program offers a multitude of bereavement services designed to meet each individual’s unique needs. In 2013, services included a variety of grief support groups, outreach services and supportive mailings. Support groups were held in partnership with local schools and senior living facilities. Tree of Love, a long-time tradition at Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions Program, is held the first Sunday each December as a community-wide memorial and ceremony. Attendees are provided biodegradable balloons on which they can write messages of love to the special people in their lives they have lost. The event also includes refreshments, live music, a tree lighting and a balloon release in which all of the messages of remembrance are sent simultaneously up to the skies. Volunteers are an integral part of the Hospice Interdisciplinary Team. In 2013, 104 volunteers gave 3,385 hours of their time and talents to assist Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions. Volunteer duties range from working directly with patients and families to assisting with bulk mailings and everything inbetween. Our direct patient care volunteers provide companionship, run errands, prepare light meals or provide respite for family members. Administrative volunteers assist in the office making copies, electronic data input, preparing packets, shopping and preparing bulk mailings. Of course we would be remiss if we did not thank our four legged volunteers who participate in our pet therapy program! Sundaes on Sunday were a big hit the past year as a result of our dedicated volunteers who show up every Sunday to offer ice cream sundaes to all of our patients and visitors. Lorrie Capasso, long-time hospice volunteer, recently reported how adorable the grandchildren visiting their grandmother were, standing in line waiting for their strawberry sundaes topped with sprinkles. Lorrie reported serving 17 sundaes that afternoon! VOLUNTEERS EXTRAORDINAIRE AT CWHTP “People touch us in ways that make fleeting moments carry us through a lifetime” CWHTP volunteer CWHTP volunteer Peg went the extra mile to find sheet music to a song that her patient used to dance to with her late husband. Peg played the song on the piano and it is reported that the smile on the patient’s face was priceless! Children’s Bereavement Services Dealing with loss is always difficult and at the holidays can be especially challenging. In December, author Casey Rislov partnered with Tisa Sucher, Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions Program Bereavement Coordinator, to make the holiday season less stressful for children experiencing loss. Rislov read her book “Love is Forever” to the children and followed the reading with discussion about losing someone you love but never losing the love or the memories. One nineyear-old who attended the event said he “liked the book because it showed you that even though they might not be with you now, like standing right there, their love still lives on forever.” Following the reading, the participants made memory ornaments and played with Kelly, a CWHTP therapy dog. In 2013, 22 children attended our 9th annual Kid’s Grief Camp. In their evaluations of their children’s experience, a grandparent shared that her grandchild smiled for the first time in a long time. Ninety percent of the children indicated that they learned they were not alone in their grief. When asked if their group leaders were helpful, one child indicated that “they showed me it’s okay to be sad.” Since 2006, Kid’s Camp and children’s support activities have been made possible due to the generosity of the Gertrude Kamps Memorial Foundation who has sponsored the camp since its inception. A Heartfelt Thank you to the Following 2013 Donors (Due to space restraints the donors listed gave $100 or more.) Companies & Organizations 2nd Street Liquor 71 Construction Absolute Fitness American Petroleum Institute Automation & Electronics Inc. Bar-D Signs Barnard Management Company Blackberry Mountain Gift Shoppe Blue Envelope Health Fund BP Fabric Of America Fund Bustard’s Funeral Home Caring Transitions Casper Antique & Collectors Club Casper Medical Imaging Casper Star-Tribune Communications Casper Surgical Center Central Wyoming Corvettes Central Wyoming Neurosurgery Central Wyoming Skin Clinic Inc. Christ Episcopal Church Christ United Methodist Church Church Of God Prophecy Church Of Jesus Christ Of LDS City Of Casper - Casper Events Center Comtronix Cost Plus Crum Electric Supply Co. CS Consulting LLC Custom Fiberglass, Inc. Daren Terpening Family Trust DHS Drilling Company Double 4 Foundation Double D Welding and Fabrication Doyle Surveying Inc. Dr. John C Logan Dr. Sean and Barbara Ellis Dsasumo’s Edelweiss Group Eggington’s Restaurant Elkhorn Valley Rehabilitation Hospital Fabrication Technologies (Fab-Tech, A Nalco Company First Interstate BancSystem Foundation First Interstate Bank - Montana First United Methodist Church Flanigan’s Furniture Outlet Floral Rhino Florence Richman Trust Foss Motors Fraternal Order Of Eagles Aux. #306 G. Paula Walter Revocable Trust G/C Building Supply Gertrude Kamps Memorial Foundation Glenrock Lodge No. 24 IOOF Goodstein Foundation Gordon Dennis Sommer Estate Grace Lutheran Church Grand Targhee Resort Grant Street Grocery Greiner/Schmidt Motor Co. Inc. Groathouse Construction GW Mechanical, Inc. Halliburton Harry T. Thorson Foundation Hilltop National Bank Individuals Hilltop National Bank - Lending Department Hoffman Monuments and StoneWorks Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation Hydro-Engineering, LLC Ideal You Weight Loss and Wellness J. Sore Photography Jackson Hole Mountain Resort John D. Traut Charitable Lead Trust Jonah Bank of Wyoming Juliette’s Flowers Kathleen Hemry Trust KCWY, Channel 13 Keyhole Outdoor Living LeAnn Harwood Trust Leo Riley and Co. Loadout, Inc. Local Union No. 322, International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers Long Building Technologies Lou Taubert Ranch Outfitters Lucille Magnuson Funeral Macy’s Manor Heights Elementary School Mansion House Inn Marjorie Haigh Revoc. Trust Masterson Family Foundation McCarrel Enterprises McJunkin Red Man Corp McMurry Foundation Mobile Concrete Inc. Modern Electric Mountain States Lithographing Mountain View Regional Hospital Muller Trust Murdochs Ranch & Home Supply Myra Fox Skelton Foundation Nagle Warren Mansion NAPA Auto Parts Nate’s Flowers & Gifts Natrona County Extension Office Newcomer Family Funeral Home & Crematory Nielsen Construction Nola Ptasynski Estate Okes Jewelers OSL Quilters Our Lady Of Fatima Catholic Church Outpatient Radiology LLC P Cubed Inc. Pat’s Meat Discounter Pepper Tank Peterbilt Of Wyoming Plated Catering Pope Construction Power Resources, Inc. R W Specialties Inc. - Casper Division Randall L. Griffith, D.D.S. Redwing Research, Inc. Reed Transportation Residence Hill Bed & Breakfast Rocky Mountain Family Medicine Rocky Mountain Oncology Rootz Ruth E. Dove Revocable Trust Ruth R. Elbogen Foundation Sams Quality Motors Satel-lite Industries Sheet Metal Specialties Shepherd Of The Hills Presbyterian Smith RV SNS Outfitter and Guide Service Soc. For Mining Metallurgy and Exploration Soroptimist International Of Central Wyoming St. Anthony’s Catholic Church Stafford Square Homeowners Association Stott Outdoor Advertising Sunrise Images Salon Super Suds Auto Wash Teton Springs Lodge and Spa The Bon Agency The Dora M. Jenkins Charitable Lead Trust The Edgeworth Real Estate Firm The Ink Spot The Merry Peddler The Wort Hotel Three Crowns Golf Club Thunderbird Ranch Thursday AM Brunch Bunch TIC - The Industrial Company, Wyoming Tin Shack, LLC Tommytools Consulting Services, Inc. Totally Benign Enterprises Town Of Evansville True Foundation Tuff Sketch Art Twin Pine Ranch United Methodist Thrift Shop Verdad Foundation VFW #9439 Casper Memorial Post VFW Post #10969 Ladies Auxilary Wal-Mart Foundation Wells Fargo Bank Western Medical Associates Wheeler Family Foundation White Stallion Ranch WIDC/Frontier CDC Wilkins, Reinicke & Company William D. Bush Rev. Trust Williams Porter Day and Neville Wind City Books Wold Foundation Wyoming Anglers Wyoming Behavioral Institute Wyoming Cardiopulmonary Services Wyoming Financial Insurance Wyoming Medical Center Wyoming Office Deliveries, Inc. Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Wyoming Symphony Orchestra Xanterra Parks and Resorts Zephyr Exploration Zimmerman Family Foundation Terence Abila Billie Lee Adams CK Adams Robert and Mary Adams Kay Aeschliman L. Raymond Allemand Kathy Allison-Wolter James Alm Sharon Amend Michael Anderson Percy and Doris Anderson Rocky Anderson Sonia Anderson Tom Anderson Warren Anderson Judy Anderson Anonymous Bill and Shirley Anthony Karen and Dick Appel Terry Armstrong Neeta Arner Jeffrey and Kristen Atkinson Mary Atkinson Judy Aurelius Kerri Avent Wesley Avent Dwayne and Betty Jean Axworthy Kelley Bacon Butch Bader Jimmie Ray and Catherine Bailey Ken and Peggy Ball Leann Barber Gordon Barnum Elizabeth Barrett Dean and Connie Barrick Robert Barrows Bruce Bartley Erle and Charlee Barto James and Judith Barton Roger and Jeanne Barton Donald Basko Aaron Bassham Ronald and Jeanneta Baugh Louise and Ron Beamer Polly Beebout Joyce and Leon Bell Des and Carrie Bennion Tammy Benshoof Barb Bentzin Kathryn Beppler Cathy Berens Lillian Berg Nell Bessette Darrel Bihr Mary Jane Billinger Christine and Leo Bingham Susan Bishop Merle Bittle Scott Blake Dusty and Krsity Bleizeffer Art and Lynette Boatright Edward Boehmer David Bolger Ruth and Bill Bon Bob Boner Individuals Jacque Booth Judy Booth Vaughn and Tabblie Bosch Jeremy and Kristin Bott Ryan and Laura Bowar Leslie Bower Thomas and Cynthia Bower Carol Bowers C.J. Box Lisa Boyles-Jamieson Alice Bradley Kenneth L. Bradley Judy and Bob Bradshaw Lee Brandt Joshua Brendle Tonya Brigance Bettye Brock Darlene Brown George and Marilyn Brown Regina Brown Shirley Brown Jerry Buckley Lonnie Bull Kathy and Bruce Bummer Harry L. and Barbara Burback Charlcia Burd Shawn Burgard Roy and Mary Burgess Steve and Ingrid Burnett Tim and Lisa Burridge Dan and Susan Bush John Bush John Butler Lane and Nancy Bywater Edwin Campbell James and Debra Campbell Lorrie and Kim Capasso Janet Caperton Donald Cardinal Mike Carey Pat and Sharon Carlson Paulette and Steven Carlson George and Susan Carmen Harry and Sandy Carnahan Lucas Carpenter Robert Carpenter Patty Carroll Jordin Carter Forrest and Debbie Chadwick Diane Chandler Charles Chapin Carol Chapman Jackie Chase Muljibhai and Sharda Chaudhari Nancy Clark Harold Clinch Dean and Chris Cline Val and Fred Clyncke Shirley Cockerham Marsha and Lee Coffman Connie Coleman Tod and Kathi Coleman Bob and Belva Coleman Gabriel Collier Matthew Collins Jim and Mira Collums Phil Colman Ruth Combs Marilyn and Hal Connor Bob and Sally Cook Frances Cook T. Douglas Cooper Frank Cordiner Dale and Patricia Corkill Margie Courtade Eric Couture Mark Couture Kira Cross Ted Cross Douglas and Timothea Crowe Bonnie Culver Janet and Don Cureton Sandra D’amico David and Laura Dandridge Jon Daniels Bob Davis Charles and Shirley Davis Jessica Davis Robert and Shari Davis Richard and Evelyn Day Geoffrey and Dawn Dean Jim and Rheva Dean Johnnie and Rita Dean Scott Degroot Marc and Patty Delgadillo Chris Denman Ken and Marsha Denman Raberta Despain Carolyn Deuel Carla DeVille Robert and Becky Dill Kenneth Dill GiGi Dobbs Charlie Dockham Mark and Mary Doss William Douglass Flint and Debbie Downing Jacob Duesing Larry Duncan Chuck and Joan Dunlap Dennis and Lindsea Eades J.B. Eccles Andrea and Jim Eckroth Jim and Bonnie Edgeworth Kathy Edwards Claudie Eitel Martin Ellbogen Ruth Ellbogen Thomas Ellbogen Nicole Ellis C. S. Engstrom Marcia Engum Arletta Erickson Alan and Lisa Esterline Brenda Evans Mary Evans Howard and Nina Ewart Karen and David Ewart Jeff and Mary Falkenburg Mike and Cara Fankhauser Bill and Gaye Farleigh Billy Don and Sue Ann Farmer James and Carol Farrell Bette and Ray Faust Jr John Ferguson Nancy Ferrell Laurie Fletcher Keith and Brandi Forgey Donna Fox Jared Foy Paul Franklin A.B. Fraser Pat and Ferne Freiberg Clinton Fuqua Patrick and Terry Gallagher Donald and Rita Galles Tom and Susie Galles Tammi Galloway Leonard Garcia Alan and Susan Garner Sharon Garner Edna Garrett Justin Gaspar Paul Genetti J.L. and Peg Gilbertson Gene and Ronna Gilleland Joan Gillett Tera Gillett Jeff and Cheryl Gillum Jimmy and Rosa Goolsby Scott and Christine Gordon Bob and Barbara Gosman Bette Gottfried Lee and Barbara Grace Ted and Vivian Graf James Gravitt Michael Green Karla Greenlee Pat Greiner Claudia Grigg Gretchen Griswold Justin and Loretta Groom Ted and Jennifer Grooms Jim and Susie Haden Randall Hall & Michelle Trost-Hall Kebin and Michelle Haller Paul Hallock Pat and Kathy Halverson Kent and Cheryl Hambrick Todd and Kara Hambrick Randall and Judith Hansen Jody Hardy Iris Harnagel Don and Nelda Harper Gerry and Terri Harper Carlotta and Neil Harrington Don and Hallie Harris Mike and Cecilia Harris Dorothy Harrison Judy and Richard Hawley Janet and Joseph Hayek Douglas and Debra Hayes Rich and Deanne Haymond Sandra Haynes Darwin Hedges Wayne and Stacie Heili Walter and Mary Hein Jodi Hemenway Bruce and Liane Hendrickson Marianne Henley Robert Hicks John and Janet Hilde James and Bette Hildebrand Brock and Regina Hileman Donald Hill Floyd and June Hill Neal and Gail Hilston Robert Hind James and Susan Hoag Jeff and Terrie Hockin Mary Hodges Denis and Debra Hoerle Jeff Holder Jim and Michelle Holder Justin Holder Amity Holland James Hollander Beverly Holt Ed and Judy Holthouse Jonathan Horton David Houseworth Ben Howard Debra Huber Kelvin and Heather Huber Helen Humiston Laura Hunsaker Darcy Hunter Justin and Jazzmin Hurless Jean Iglehart Clayton Ingram Anthony Ingram Mary Irby Sally and Forest Irons Frank and Judy Izzarelli Steve Jackson Kenneth Jacobs Douglas James Charles Jenkins Hugh Jenkins Bernard Jerding Ronald Johns Dusty and Vickie Johnson Jane Johnson Jason Johnson Jay Johnson Terry and Norma Johnson Steven Johnston Jeanine Jones Daniel Joseph Ronald and Marlene Juday Janice and Joe Kalasinsky Gus and Georgia Kamboris Mia Kamboris Jane Katherman Lyle Kaul Ron and Tammy Keeran Jerene Keller I. Kenyon John and Patricia Kerns Don Ketterlin Linda Kettl Dereck Keyworth Demetra Kidd Don Kihle Gary Kilwein Jim and Cindy King James Kington Tamra and Gregory Kinneberg Rodney Kinskey Joel Kirk Judith Kirk Cecilia and Robert Kirkwood Donald and Donna Klinker Lynn and Anne Klocksiem Larry and Linda Kloster Rob and Jolene Knaus Brad and Katie Knowlton Candie Koehn Nicholas Koenigs Rick Konn David Kramer Viola and Clyde Kranenberg Kammi Kumor Donna and Jack Laird Brandon Lamb Brendan and Whitney Lamb Sue Lambrix Dennis and Judy Langdon Dr. Jerry and Colleen Larsen Arlene Larson Gary and Peri Lathrop Steve Laughrey Individuals Steven Laver Shelly Lawing Dr. Eric and Karen Lawrence Gloria and James Lawrence Mike Layton Bob and Suzanne Leathers Quintin and Christy LeClercq Patricia Leger Miguel and Sandra Leotta Alex Lewis Jason Lewis Larry and Margaret Lewis Ron and Beverly Lewis Brian Lindgren Larry and Kara Linn Marc and Karen Littell Donald Little Jeff and Sherri Litzinger Lance Long Paul Lowham Christina Ludeman Marcia Lynch June Lythgoe Celisa Dowell and Stefan Maciech James Mackey Michael and Peggy Mahoney Dale and Lorie Malody Lisa Malody Laura and John Maloney Wade Manders Larry Markland Michael Marnell Robbie and Patricia Marnell Robert Marquiss Hope Marsh Jonathan and Melissa Marsh Mindy Marshall Metta Martin David and Melissa Martorano John and Susan Masterson Gregory and Lisa Mathiowetz Brian McClung Kelly McConnell Bradley McCoy Pat McCoy Bill McDowell Mary McGill Dr. Joseph and Diane McGinley Kelly and Karen McGowan Mary Lou McGuire Brett McIntyre Randy and Jennifer McIntyre Ruth, Alatia, Dean and Kathi McKee Al McKissick Clark McPherson and Rebecca Sedar Joe and Barbara McPherson Joan Means James Meckem Kerry Meek John and Tammy Michael Vern Michael Lee Miller Kari Miller Shawn and Shannon Miller Tim and Pam Miller Pamela Mills Rob Millum Ken Milne Lee Milner Tim and Kris Miskimins Allan Mitchell Stacey Mittelstedt Christina Moens Joe and Pamela Montee James Moody Reed and Thelma Moon Danny and Janel Moore Mary Moore Chris and Brenda Morgan Pete Morris Brian Morrison Doug Morton Joan Morton Katharine Morton Lee and Dennis Moser Dan Mull Cody and Laura Murray James and Alice Myers Ralph and Coralie Myers Pam Namenyi James Nelson Janie Nelson Paul and Carrie Nettles Hank and Annita Neubauer Paul and Betty Neuenschwander Don Neville Nick Nickerson Dave Nickerson H.N. Nickerson Petra Niegisch Charlie and Connie Norwood Kay Nuzum Dane Odde Michael and Denise Odde Doris Jean O’Dell Adam Oestreich Dan O’Hara Victor Ohman Phyllis Olson Tammi Onigkeit Dave Orndorff Alfred Orr Marty Jo Ortiz Sharon and Max Ortiz Helen Osterman Dale Otcheck Jerry Owens Russell and Janet Owens Robert Palmer Anthony Panchyshyn Christopher Panzner Margaret Parker Linda and Philip Parkinson Michael and Molly Parrish Mike and Jenean Patrick Don and Louise Patton Jon and Bonnie Peden Virginia Penn Benlee Pentecost David Perino Paul and Vicki Peters Shaun Peterson Sylvia Peterson Rebecca Phillips Deanna R. Pickering Jeanine Pickering Adrian and Christi Pilutik Barry and Cindy Poe Greg Pope Chad Post Christine and Don Potter Robert Potter Mary Pottorff Duane and Valarie Prather Peggy Price Jan Proper Zak Pullen Bill and Judy Rader Renee Radman Harriet Rands James Ratliff Bayard and Elizabeth Rea Skeeter Redding Brad and Paula Reece Kevin and Deanna Sadler Garth and Arlene Shanklin Kenneth and Hannah Sharp Lee and Nancy Shaw Steve Shellenberger Melissa Shelton William Shields Kelly Shipley John Shore Jason Short Bob Siebken Martin and Susan Siebken Dale Simmons Scott Sissman and Kate Sarosy Rick and Kim Skatula Holly and Glen Slabaugh Tim and Kathy Sleeger Bruce Smith Chris and Sharon Smith John Smith Lola and Thomas Smith Margot Smith W. H. Smith Gene Snider Sarah Snyder Richard Solberg Aaron Sorensen Robert and Isabel Sorensen Sally Sorensen Mary Lou and Jim Soukup Ralph and Carol Specht Carolyn Stanko Jamie Stein Claudia Steinke Bob and Liz Steinle Alan Stern Drs. Cory and Renee Stirling, PC Tony and Sylvia Stone Marita Stoneking Karen and Herman Strand Carroll Strohecker Raymond Stubberud Michael and Nikki Stucker Melvin Stuckey Lucy Sullivan Governor Michael and Jane Sullivan Dennis and Peggy Sun Ray and Bonny Sutter Harold Swartley Dr. Jay Swedberg Virginia and Roger Sybrant Kirk and Kay Talbot Kyle Talmadge Gordon Tamblyn Bob and Jane Tanner Henry and Kayla Tanner Carol and Robert Tarantola Bob Tarver Priscilla Tate Louis Taubert Larry Tauscher Dixie Taylor David and Betty Thiel Jim and Marolyn Thomas Delton Tinsley Please contact Central Wyoming Hospice and Transistions Program with any corrections. Terence Tovey Roy Trimmer Robert and Katheryn Tripeny Diemer and Susie True Sandra Turner Keith Tyler Rick and Michele Ullery Elaine Umbach Paul and Susan Underwood Cindy Unger Cisco and Darlene Valdez Julian Valdez Penny Van Hise NP Van Maren Judi and Art Van Rensselaer Dick Vandever Todd Vanett Lula and Melvin Vang Larry Vasquez Brian Veauthier Barry Venn Richard Wagner Barbara Walker Ric and Debbie Walker Tom and Pam Walker Atana Walker-Velasquez Mart Warren and Martha Wallace John Wallour Zach and Jamie Walsh Robert Walter Patricia Ward Jonathan Ward Paula Watson Donna Weaver Duane and Kathryn Weber Fae Weir Scott and Martha Weischedel Russ Weller Gregg and Christine Welton Barbara Werner Graham and Stephanie West Curtis Weston James Wetzel, Jr. D.D.S. David and Meredith Widiker Tom Wilkins Kent and Crystal Willett Rose Williams James Williamson Judith Williamson and Daniel Hauck Timothy Wilmott Charles Wilson Kelly Wilson Tamara Wilson Wayne Wilson William Wimbish Gary Winter Nancy Winters Vicki Winters Jacob Winterton Nathan Wipprecht Lyle Wirth Rich Wohlleben John and Jane Wold Jon and Betty Wolfe Patsy and Sam Wormus Ron and Lesli Wright Nicholas Wyatt Peter Zaharas Ralph Zauner Danielle and Brandon Zenisek Gail Zimmerman Dixie Zink Family Feedback “Would like to emphasis the fact that the care my uncle received was beyond wonderful. The whole journey was incredible. Thank you!” “Hospice was truly a blessing to our family.” “You all made the transition so much easier. We were given amazing care.” “It’s an amazing experience for the patient and the family.” To help ensure end-of-life care is available when your loved one is in need, explore the benefits of a planned gift on our website at www.cwhp.org or contact us at 307-577-4832 To keep up current on what’s happening at Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions, “Like”us on Facebook