Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport


Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public
Transport Services – Options for
improvement at Karup Airport
(draft, excerpt from the
report about strategic
options for the improvement
of interconnectivity of four
airports in the framework of
the Baltic Bird project)
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
On behalf of
Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia
Kampusranta 9 C
Box 109
FI-60101 Seinäjoki
Fonden Midtjysk Turisme
Central Denmark Tourism Foundation
Vejlsøvej 51
DK-8600 Silkeborg
Elinkeinot & kehitys Nordica
Inari Municipal Business & Development Nordica
Sairaalantie 3b
FI-99800 Ivalo
Pohjois-Karjalan maakuntaliitto
Regional Council of North Karelia
Siltakatu 2
FI-80100 Joensuu
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Published by
UNICONSULT Universal Transport Consulting GmbH
Burchardkai 1
21129 Hamburg – Germany
+49-40-32 27 64
[email protected]
Dr. Olaf Zeike
Hamburg, 20 September 2013
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Introduction, Baltic Bird project ......................................................................1
Interconnectivity at Karup Airport: Summary of SWOTS (excerpt from SWOTreport) ............................................................................................................4
Improvement of public transport to and from Karup Airport ...........................5
Options for improvement ...............................................................................6
Overview ...................................................................................................................... 6
Improvement of the timetable of existing bus routes ..................................................... 6
New dedicated bus services to and from different cities in the catchment area of Karup
Airport .......................................................................................................................... 7
Extended Teletaxi operations ........................................................................................ 7
Re-routing of existing bus services ................................................................................. 7
Re-routing of Midttrafik bus route no. 53, 953 X and 980X ..............................9
Timetable of flights and number of bus connections to and from Karup Airport .............. 9
Calculation of costs for re-routing (bus operations costs) ............................................. 10
Estimation of the number of travelers ......................................................................... 11
Calculation of expected revenues ................................................................................ 11
Revenue-cost-ratio ...................................................................................................... 12
Comparison with current costs to support Teletaxi operations ..................................... 12
Supporting measures and outlook ............................................................................... 12
Summary ...................................................................................................... 12
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
List of Figures
Figure 1
BALTIC BIRD support measures to utilize potentials ........................................................... 2
Figure 2
Location of Karup Airport .................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3
Midttrafik network map ...................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4
Possible train connections via Herning and Viborg ............................................................. 8
Figure 5
Distance between route 12 and Karup Airport ................................................................. 10
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Introduction, Baltic Bird project
BALTIC BIRD is an EU INTERREG project part-financed by the European Union within the
IV B Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 (ERDF/ENPI/Norwegian National Fund). The
project was developed by the Lead Partner Ministry of Economics and European Affairs of
the State of Brandenburg with the support of UNICONSULT. Major objective is the
improvement of accessibility of the peripheral Baltic Sea Regions (BSR) by air transport.
BALTIC BIRD aims at establishing new flight connections to and from BSR airports,
improving accessibility of peripheral regions in the BSR and interconnectivity between
airports and public transport systems. The project shall create more jobs in the tourism
industry in the partner regions, lead to higher GDP in the involved peripheral regions,
improve the regional competitiveness as well as, territorial and social cohesion in the BSR.
Considering the principles of transnational co-operation and partnership of the INTERREG
IV B BSR Programme, 21 project partners (airports, regional authorities, economic
development companies, tourism foundations, universities) and 14 associated
organizations (airlines, airports, regional councils, cities) work jointly on the objectives of
BALTIC BIRD. The project started in June 2011 and will end in June 2014. Midtjysk Turisme
is project partner and Karup Airport is associated organization in the Baltic Bird project.
In work package (WP) 4 of the BALTIC BIRD project as a first step is an analysis of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats together with the elaboration of possible strategic
options for public transport systems. It aims at enabling regions and their airports to
improve sustainable intermodal connectivity. Together with the tools elaborated in other
work packages (passenger market potential analysis, PSO/RDF-application guidelines,
tourism destination development and airport/airline marketing) the analyses in WP 4 shall
support regional airports to generate more total more traffic, especially having in mind
that regular market analysis and data are not sufficiently encouraging for an airline to start
a new flight connection.
The transnational development and application of those tools will offer better skills and
knowledge for the involved partners to improve regional accessibility to the highest
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Figure 1
BALTIC BIRD support measures to utilize potentials
Very High
Regional Passenger Potential
No Support
No Support
Necessary for
IRDD ddeevveelop
lopss “S
x” to
to im
ibililitityy bbyy Air provvee
Air TTra
PSO / Route
Development Fund
PSO / Route
Development Fund
Support Measures to Utilize Potentials
Very Low
Public* Air
* e. g.:
Private** Air
in Plymouth, UK
* *e. g.: Sverigeflyg Holding, Sweden
WP 3
WP 4
WP 5.1
WP 5.2
WP 5.3
WP 3
The SWOT-analyses and elaboration of strategic options for enhancing interconnectivity
between airports and public transport systems is embedded in work package 4 of the
BALTIC BIRD project1.
Work package (WP) 4 of the BALTIC BIRD project shall give project partners a precise and
transparent look on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)
regarding current and future linkage of their airports with public transport services (PTS).
With the help of the WP the usage of PTS for accessing BSR airports shall be increased and
individual traffic to and from air airports lowered. In doing so reductions of emissions of
greenhouse gases per departing/arriving passenger shall be achieved. Ecological
sustainability of developed and implemented services will be shown. Furthermore, pilotinvestments will be jointly elaborated to give all BALTIC BIRD project partners the
opportunity to trans-nationally benefit from findings.
Those objectives will be achieved by elaborating different packages which are
interdependent. First, package A will analyze the SWOTs and elaborate strategic options
for innovative public transport services. Based on the results of package A, pre-investment
studies and support services for pilot demonstrations for City Air Terminals as well as
further partner-specific investment options (package B) will follow up.
Beside the fact that air travel needs at BSR airports have to be identified in order to
strengthen accessibility, a focus in this BALTIC BIRD project will be set on improving
interconnectivity. Missing interconnectivity between air and public transport can be a
reason for lacking accessibility of regions or cities. Thus, interaction between airports and
public transport shall be strengthened. Peripheral airport regions receive a better
accessibility. Interconnectivity begins with the departure of the passengers. Information
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
about the local public transport operators within the destination region can already be
provided here. In work package 4 of the BALTIC BIRD project, the focus is on identifying
potential demand for public transport services (PTS) and other linkage services, e. g.,
improvement of information services of public transport at the interfaces of air and public
transport (airports, railway stations and public places) might be an option for activating
potentials and opportunities. First of all, an evaluation of gaps between status quo and
potentials of PTS connecting BSR airports with the surrounding areas (SWOT analysis) in
partner regions is necessary.
The WP 4 started with an initializing workshop on 18th September 2012 in Aarhus,
organized and documented by UNICONSULT on behalf of the BALTIC BIRD Lead Partner and
the work package leader Central Denmark Tourism Foundation.
The external service provider will be responsible for the elaboration of the following tasks
and outputs that can be split into two parts with regard to their contents:
Part I
Task: Execution of four SWOT-Analyses of interconnectivity between regional
airports and public transport services
Output: Study report on public transport service analysis.
Part II
Task: Elaboration of strategic options (at least one for more agglomerated BSR and
one for more peripheral BSR; maximum five strategic options, i. e. one option per
involved airport) for innovative public transport services
Output: Feasibility study including the strategic options.
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Interconnectivity at Karup Airport: Summary of
SWOTS (excerpt from SWOT-report)
Up to four daily flights between Karup Airport and Copenhagen Kastrup Airport
(summer 2013)
No direct public transport to important places in the catchment area of Karup
Airport, e. g. Herning, Silkeborg and Struer
In several cases no suitable times of existing bus routes (Midttrafik route No. 29)
Insufficient online information about existing public transport. Information about
the Teletaxi and the combination of taxi + regular bus between Herning, Viborg
and Karup city is missing.
The Teletaxi is a well working example for public transport services. It could also
work as a connection to other cities.
There are several existing bus transport routes serving Karup city. They could be
re-routed via the airport and provide a connection to Herning and Viborg.
Missing information could be added to the websites of Midttrafik and
Karup Airport could get a higher awareness in the general public when all
stakeholders (airport shareholder, airline, public transport institutions, tourism
associations, …) put more emphasis on promotion of the airport.
Public funding for existing public transport services could be reduced.
Karup Airport is not well known – neither in Denmark nor international.
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Improvement of public transport to and from Karup
Options for improvement of the bus transport to and from Karup Airport were discussed
several times at Partnership Meetings of the Baltic Bird project:
Aarhus (September 2012)
Poznan (February 2013)
Silkeborg (March 2013, workshop with UNICONSULT)
Joensuu (June 2013)
A representative of Midttrafik participated in the meetings in Aarhus and in the workshop
in Silkeborg.
Figure 2
Location of Karup Airport
Source: Google Maps / UNICONSULT
Public transport is a precondition for the success of an airport. Air transport passengers
arriving at Karup Airport need onward transport in order to get to their final destination.
Local residents often use their own cars or get picked up by relatives or friends. Visitors
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
from other places rely on rental cars or public transport. As long as public transport
doesn’t have a sufficient quality, the airport and the airlines have a significant
disadvantage within the competition among airports. In the case of Karup Airport the
airports of Aarhus and Billund are relevant competitors as well as land-based transport
means (car and railways).
For the development of new air transport routes - the attraction of new airlines to serve an
airport – high quality public transport is a precondition in order to gain profit from the
passenger potential of the airport’s catchment area.
Options for improvement
Several options for improvement were discussed during the meetings mentioned above.
Each option has specific advantages and disadvantages. In general, a conclusion is possible:
The more kilometers and hours a public transport vehicle drives from a place solely to the
airport, the more extensive is the solution. Solutions including the extension of an existing
transport route or the re-routing of an existing transport route are always less expensive.
Improvement of the timetable of existing bus routes
With the help of Midttrafik bus route 29 Holstebro is connected with Karup Airport.
Unfortunately the timetable of busses does not fit very well to the timetable of busses.
This leads to a low number of users. The timetable should be modified, so that the timing
fits to departing and arriving flights. In the case of a longer waiting time of the bus after
arrival from Holstebro at Karup Airport, before leaving back to Holstebro after the arrival
of a flight, the bus route could be extended to Karup village in order to gain additional
If a modification is not possible at all due to the needs of other travelers (e.g. students) it
should be analyzed if Midttrafik should continue to serve Karup Airport. If a new
connection from Karup Airport to Herning and Herning should be established (see chapter
5) a connection to Holstebro via these places (bus + train) would be possible).
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
New dedicated bus services to and from different cities in the
catchment area of Karup Airport
A dedicated bus between an airport and an important place in the catchment area of an
airport with a timetable that fits the arrival and departure times of flights is always a
preferable solution. A dedicated bus could drive without intermediate stops between
airport and the next city in order to offer fast travel times.
In the case of Karup Airport, such a solution is difficult to establish as the airport has
several important cities in the catchment areas. The relevant cities are not very large (all
below 100,000). Therefore, the demand for public transport to and from Karup Airport is
limited. A dedicated bus solution would rely on large co-funding needs from public sources
as the income from bus tickets would not generate sufficient amounts.
Extended Teletaxi operations
A Teletaxi service could also be offered to other cities in the catchment area of Karup
Airport. The disadvantage of pre-ordering could be reduced if other ways of pre-ordering
would be possible, e.g. by filling in a form on a website, by e-mail or assisted by a
smartphone application.
Major disadvantages are the operation costs and the likely need for co-funding from public
sources. As well as in the case of services between Viborg and Karup Airport, the number
of users per vehicle will be limited. The current price level of tickets is not sufficient to
cover costs. On the other hand, higher prices could prevent travelers from using the
Re-routing of existing bus services
The re-routing of existing bus routes via Karup Airport is a rather simple solution in order
to provide public transport services. The closer the airport is located to an existing public
transport route, the easier is the establishment of such a solution. The additional costs for
bus operations are low compared to completely new bus routes between an airport and a
city in the catchment area of the airport. Another advantage is that other travelers use the
bus route and contribute to ticket income. A disadvantage is that these other travelers
have a longer traveling time due to the re-routing via an airport.
In the case of Karup Airport the existing Midttrafik bus routes no. 53, 953X and 980X run
only 2.4 kilometers away from the airport. They are served very frequently: From Monday
to Friday more than 30 busses operate in each direction between Herning and Viborg.
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Figure 3
Midttrafik network map
Source: Midttrafik
Via Herning and Viborg train connections to other important places in the catchment area
of Karup Airport are possible (see picture below):
Figure 4
Via Herning: To Holstebro, Silkeborg and Struer
Via Viborg: To Skive and Struer.
Possible train connections via Herning and Viborg
Source: Banedanmark / UNICONSULT
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Re-routing of selected busses of Midttrafik bus route
no. 53, 953 X and 980X
Timetable of flights and number of bus connections to and from
Karup Airport
The basic timetable of flights from Karup to Copenhagen is:
Monday to Friday:
6 flights in each direction
1 flights in each direction
2 flights in each direction.
During holiday seasons in summer and winter (in total approx. 10 weeks) the number of
flights Monday to Friday is limited to 4 flights in each direction. In total, the number of
yearly flight departures from Karup to Copenhagen is approx. 1,600.
For the following calculation of re-routing costs we assume that in total 6,400 busses per
year serve Karup Airport:
1,600 busses from Viborg to Herning for departing flights
1,600 busses from Herning to Viborg after arrivals of flights
1,600 busses from Herning to Viborg for departing flights
1,600 busses from Viborg to Herning after arrivals of flights.
This means that only a selection of busses operating on the Midttrafik routes 53, 953X and
980X should be re-routed via Karup Airport. Preferably those busses should be re-routed
via Karup Airport which arrive there approx. 60 to 80 minutes before a scheduled
departure of a flight and those busses that would depart from Karup Airport approx. 20
minutes after the scheduled arrival time of a flight. UNICONSULT studied the timetable and
came to the conclusion that – despite re-routing via Karup Airport – in nearly all cases train
connections at Herning and Viborg will not be affected.
A solution is necessary for the bus timetable during holiday periods when certain flights do
not operate. A simple solution would be that the relevant busses do not serve Karup
Airport and instead wait ten minutes at Karup village in order to avoid frequent timetable
changes at the other stops of the route. Alternatively, the timetable has to be changed.
In the case of a longer delay of an arriving flight a solution should be established in a way
that passengers are brought with a local taxi to Karup village in order to reach one of the
frequent busses from Karup village to Herning or Viborg.
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Calculation of costs for re-routing (bus operations costs)
Additional costs for the re-routing occur due to additional fuel and oil consumptions,
longer working hours of bus drivers and maintenance needs due to a longer distance that
vehicles drive.
Figure 5
Distance between route 12 and Karup Airport
Source: Google Earth / UNICONSULT
The re-routing from the junction of route 12 and 467, via route 467 (Hessellundvej) and
N.O. Hansens Vej to Karup Airport is 2.4 km long. The needed additional driving time is 4
minutes. In total the needed time for re-routing of one bus is 10 minutes: 4 minutes drive
in each direction and two minutes stop at Karup Airport to drop-off and pick-up passengers
at Karup Airport. Note: Midttrafik also assumes 10 minutes.
In total, the busses have to run 64,000 additional minutes (1066.67 hours) per year.
The calculation of additional bus operation costs is based on data provided by Midttrafik.
The kilometers are not a relevant factor, only the additional time. The costs per hour are:
DKK 497.
The total costs for re-routing of 6.400 busses per year are DKK 530,000.
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
Estimation of the number of travelers
We suggest to assume two different cases:
1) Rather optimistic case: average number of bus users:
4 per bus
2) Rather pessimistic case: average number of bus users:
2.5 per bus.
In total the number of bus passengers is 16,000 in the pessimistic case and 25,600 in the
optimistic case.
Calculation of expected revenues
For a simple fare calculation several assumptions are necessary:
There is no loss of passengers using bus route 53 / 953X / 980X due to longer
traveling time. This assumption is plausible when the majority of current users are
There is no loss of passengers using bus route 53 / 953X / 980X and a train
connection in Viborg or Herning. We assume that for all busses train connections
No passenger leaves the bus before reaching Herning or Viborg.
No passenger enters the bus between Herning or Viborg and Karup Airport.
80% of bus users are adults and 20% are children.
The price for a child ticket is 50% of a ticket for adults.
All passenger use single tickets - no use of Klippekort and Periodekort.
The price level for bus ticket equals the regular ticket price of Midttrafik.
Ticket price, single trip, adult Herning – Karup Airport or Karup Airport – Herning:
DKK 48.
Ticket price, single trip, adult Viborg – Karup Airport or Karup Airport – Viborg:
DKK 37.
Under consideration of all assumption the total revenues per year are:
Pessimistic case:
DKK 612,000
Optimistic case:
DKK 979,000.
Interconnectivity of Airports and Public Transport Services – Solutions for Karup Airport
The cost-revenue ratio is a simple division of annual additional revenues and annual
additional costs:
Pessimistic case:
Optimistic case:
In the pessimistic case with the assumed average user number of 2.5 passengers per bus,
the revenues are higher than the costs, so that a positive ratio of 1.15 is possible. In the
optimistic case, the ratio is much better.
Note: Costs for marketing and public relations for the new bus connection to and from
Karup Airport are not considered.
Comparison with current costs to support Teletaxi operations
In 2011 the co-funding need from public sources for the Teletaxi operation was DKK
460.000 (source Midttrafik). The calculated yearly operation costs for re-routing of existing
busses via Karup Airport are approx. 70.000 DKK higher, but could be covered from
additional fare revenues.
Supporting measures and outlook
Information is crucial for the success of public transport. Today, Karup Airport provides
good information. Midttrafik and plan to provide more information via
their websites in the future. In addition, the possibility to purchase tickets online is
planned. Today, the timeline for the improvements is not fixed. A further valuable
improvement is the incorporation of air transport timetables into the database of online
timetables in order to provide all necessary information for the entire trip from an origin to
a destination.
The improvement of the timetable for the Midttrafik route 29 and the re-routing of
selected busses of the Midttrafik route 53 / 953X and 980X is an easy to implement and
cost-efficient measure to improve public transport to and from Karup Airport.
The calculation (see chapter 5) shows that a low average number of bus passengers could
cover the extra operation costs for the re-routing of 24 busses per day (Monday to Friday)
via Karup Airport.