Guide - CA Technologies Global Search Results
Guide - CA Technologies Global Search Results
Unicenter Asset Intelligence Implementation Guide r11 J01902-1E This documentation and related computer software program (hereinafter referred to as the “Documentation”) is for the end user’s informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by Computer Associates International, Inc. (“CA”) at any time. This documentation may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA. This documentation is proprietary information of CA and protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, licensed users may print a reasonable number of copies of this documentation for their own internal use, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy. Only authorized employees, consultants, or agents of the user who are bound by the confidentiality provisions of the license for the software are permitted to have access to such copies. This right to print copies is limited to the period during which the license for the product remains in full force and effect. Should the license terminate for any reason, it shall be the user’s responsibility to return to CA the reproduced copies or to certify to CA that same have been destroyed. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this documentation “as is” without warranty of any kind, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement. In no event will CA be liable to the end user or any third party for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this documentation, including without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, goodwill, or lost data, even if CA is expressly advised of such loss or damage. The use of any product referenced in this documentation and this documentation is governed by the end user’s applicable license agreement. The manufacturer of this documentation is Computer Associates International, Inc. Provided with “Restricted Rights” as set forth in 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212, 48 C.F.R. Sections 52.227-19(c)(1) and (2) or DFARS Section 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) or applicable successor provisions. 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Getting Started ............................................................................... 1-2 Chapter 2: Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence Before You Begin ............................................................................. Understanding the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Architecture .................................. Component Placement .................................................................... Security Access ........................................................................... Prerequisites.............................................................................. PHP Post Install Configurations ............................................................ Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence .......................................................... Verifying Functionality ........................................................................ 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 Chapter 3: Populating the Database Defining Data Sources ......................................................................... 3-1 Linked-server Connections ................................................................. 3-1 Defining Data Sources ..................................................................... 3-4 Populating the Database ...................................................................... 3-10 Importing Asset Information from Data Sources ............................................ 3-10 Importing LDAP Data .................................................................... 3-11 Managing Organizational Entities ............................................................. 3-13 Verifying Asset and Organizational Initialization ............................................... 3-15 Chapter 4: Navigating the Public User Interface Level 1 — Home Pages ........................................................................ 4-1 Level 2 — Views .............................................................................. 4-5 Level 3 — Asset List .......................................................................... 4-7 Contents iii Level 4 — Asset Detail ......................................................................... 4-8 Defining Views ............................................................................... 4-9 Chapter 5: Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence Customize Global Views ....................................................................... 5-1 Customizing Graphs ....................................................................... 5-3 Customizing Displayed Links............................................................... 5-7 Implementing Changes to Global Views .................................................... 5-10 Schedule Database Updates ................................................................... 5-11 Select Debug Settings ......................................................................... 5-11 Log Level ................................................................................ 5-12 Event Console Processing ..................................................................... 5-13 Index iv Implementation Guide Chapter 1 Introduction Unicenter® Asset Intelligence works with your existing Unicenter Asset Management solution to provide real-time access to the information you need to manage your IT assets in a proactive and decisive manner. Its intuitive presentation interface is designed for time-challenged management. Both asset and organizational information is quickly viewable and easily customized. Unicenter Asset Intelligence provides the right information in the right context to facilitate effective management and consolidation of assets. With minimal configuration, Unicenter Asset Intelligence can help you determine the following: ■ How many servers do we have? ■ Are they being managed? ■ Who owns them? ■ Where are they located? ■ How many servers do not have anti-virus software? ■ Which servers do not have a critical hot fix applied? ■ Do we need to buy another server or another desktop? ■ Do we need to buy more licenses? ■ Is it time to update the machines? ■ What infrastructure needs to move when an office moves? ■ Do we update to the latest patch? ■ Do we upgrade to the next release? ■ What are the right maintenance policies? ■ How many Dell servers do we have? ■ Which servers are running unsupported operating systems? Introduction 1–1 Getting Started Unicenter Asset Intelligences provides you with information in context, enabling you to do the following: ■ ■ ■ ■ Manage the Full Life Cycle of IT Assets. By understanding which user has which IT asset and where those assets are located, you can accurately determine how your resources are deployed and plan for IT asset acquisition, deployment, and retirement. This lets you budget, plan, and conduct vendor negotiations based on accurate and up-to-date information. Plan for Resource Migration. Accurate hardware and software assessments enable you to simplify project planning and budgeting for IT projects. Prepare for Mergers and Acquisitions. Automated aggregation of IT asset data provides rapid access to an accurate and true inventory of software and hardware assets, letting you rapidly standardize on vendors and polices, and rationalize software licenses across geographies, business units, and department. Through up-to-date compliance monitoring, you can standardize configurations and reduce support costs. Plan for Technology Rollouts. With a few simple clicks, you can quickly determine the availability of all prerequisite software and hardware and determine if further equipment or software acquisitions is needed. Further, you can coordinate the deployment and configurations of every computer resource affected by a rollout, and monitor the configuration to ensure that it is correct and remains correct. Getting Started Unicenter Asset Intelligence is as easy to install and to configure, as it is to use. This guide walk you through the steps you need to do the following: ■ Satisfy prerequisites and complete the installation (Chapter 2) ■ Select data sources and populate the database (Chapter 3) ■ Navigate the Public User Interface (Chapter 4) Additional information for customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence is provided in Chapter 5, “Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence.” This includes customizing the Global Views for the Public User Interface, specifying alternate update schedules for database repopulation, and setting debug options. 1–2 Implementation Guide Chapter 2 Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence This chapter documents the steps required to install Unicenter Asset Intelligence, including planning, prerequisites, and verification testing. Procedures for identifying data sources and populating the database can be found in the next chapter. Before You Begin As with any software package, before you install Unicenter Asset Intelligence, you must understand the following: ■ ■ Basic architecture as well as the default configuration and acceptable variations on that configuration Ideal component placement based on your current environment requirements ■ Required access rights for both users and services ■ Necessary hardware and software prerequisites Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 2–1 Before You Begin Understanding the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Architecture Unicenter Asset Intelligence is comprised of a database management component and a web server component. Unicenter Asset Intelligence Database Server UAM DBs DB Management Component LDAP Admin Clients MDB Interface Unicenter Asset Intelligence Web Server Admin Interface Public Interface Web Clients The Unicenter Asset Intelligence database management component collects information from one or more Unicenter Asset Management Domain databases and from LDAP and uses those data sources to populate its database (commonly referred to as the MDB). Unicenter Asset Management provides user and asset information while LDAP provides the information needed to map users to the organizational structure. The Unicenter Asset Intelligence web server component provides the means through which that data is then accessed. The web server component includes both Public and Admin User Interfaces. Gathered data is viewed through the Public User Interface, while the Admin User Interface is used to set installation defaults, maintain Unicenter Asset Management sources, configure organization trees, apply history to view filters, specify primary level chart displays, and customize links. 2–2 Implementation Guide Before You Begin Although the software for both components is installed on a single machine, the actual database may be located on a remote machine. In this case, Unicenter Asset Intelligence will use an ODBC connection to link to it. Component Placement Before you install any of the Unicenter Asset Intelligence components, you need to examine your current environment to determine the best network placement for those components. Keep in mind both network traffic constraints and firewall requirements. The Unicenter Asset Intelligence database component needs to regularly connect to those Unicenter Asset Management databases that serve as data sources. Security Access Access rights for Unicenter Asset Intelligence are as follows: ■ Logged-on user—The user performing the installation must have authority to create the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database on the selected Microsoft SQL Server. During the installation, you will be prompted to supply a Microsoft SQL user ID and password to create and initialize the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. Alternatively, you can use a Trusted Connection. Regardless of which method is selected, the user ID provided must have the authority to create a database in the designated Microsoft SQL Server instance. That user will become the default owner of both the database and all subordinate objects in that database. Note: We recommend that you create a new SQL login to serve as owner of the database as opposed to using the logged-on user or SQL system administrator’s (“sa”) credentials. ■ Unicenter Asset Intelligence Service, which is created as part of the installation, periodically launches a procedure to contact the designated Unicenter Asset Management domain databases to refresh the data in the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. This service must authenticate those data sources (with a minimum of read only access), and the user ID launching the process must be authorized to execute the collection process at the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. The user account must also have Trusted Connection access to the data sources or be mapped to a database login residing on the database server hosting each of those data sources. Two new user groups are created during the install: UAIADMIN and UAIPUBLIC. Each group is configured with the access they need to use the Admin User Interface (UAIADMIN) or the Public User Interface (UAIPUBLIC). The user ID that is used to perform the installation is automatically placed in both of these groups. Other users can be added, as needed, after the installation completes using standard Windows procedures. Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 2–3 Before You Begin Prerequisites Unicenter Asset Intelligence supports the following operating systems: ■ Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with any later maintenance ■ Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server with any later maintenance ■ Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter with any later maintenance ■ Microsoft Windows 2003 Server with any later maintenance You need the following hardware: Hardware Minimum CPU P4 (1.2 GHz minimum, 2 GHz preferred) RAM 1 GB – 2 GB Hard drive Minimum of 500 MB. Database size will vary depending on the size of the organization and number of assets. An additional 2 GB (10 GB preferred) of SQL workspace is required in the database on the Unicenter Asset Management database server or in a separate Microsoft SQL database. You need the following software: ■ Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) release 5.1. ■ Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with the latest service pack installed. ■ ■ Unicenter Asset Management, r4. If you are currently using an earlier release, you must upgrade to r4 prior to installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence. Further, although Unicenter Asset Management supports both Ingres and Microsoft SQL Server database, Unicenter Asset Intelligence requires the Unicenter Asset Management database to reside on a Microsoft SQL Server. The Unicenter Asset Management database can be located locally to Unicenter Asset Intelligence or it can be located remotely. PHP, release 5.0.x . PHP is an open source general purpose scripting language that must already be installed on the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Web Server. PHP can be downloaded for free from the PHP site: 2–4 Implementation Guide Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence PHP Post-Install Configurations PHP provides a Windows Installer option, which requires minimal configuration and is available for users who are not familiar with PHP. You must make the following configuration changes to your existing PHP release 5.0.x installation. 1. Extract the php_gd2.dll and php.exe files from the PHP zip package and copy to the PHP installation folder (by default C:\PHP). 2. Move the php.ini file from the %windir% folder to the PHP installation folder. Note: Step 2 is not required; however, it may be helpful to keep the PHP files in a single folder. 3. Edit the php.ini file to enable support for the gd2 extension by uncommenting the gd2 definition line. 4. Verify that the extension_path parameter in the php.ini file points to the location of the php_gd2.dll file. If it does not, update the parameter to point to the correct location. If the php_gd2.dll file is extracted to the default PHP installation folder (C:\PHP), this step is not necessary. 5. Add the PHP installation folder to the Windows system path. 6. If you are running Windows 2003 Server, update the Web Service Extension to allow access to PHP-CGI.exe. By default, PHP is an unknown application and access to the PHP extension would, otherwise, be denied. Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence During the install, you are prompted to supply the following: ■ ■ ■ ■ Target installation drive and path where Unicenter Asset Intelligence program files reside. (Default is C:\Program Files\CA\Unicenter Asset Intelligence.) Target installation drive and path where the Unicenter Asset Intelligence virtual directories will reside. (Default is C:\CA\AssetIntelligence.) Domain and user ID of the user performing the installation. By default, the installation creates two user groups that are permitted to access the Admin and Public User Interface. This user ID is automatically added to those groups. Name or IP address of the database server where the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database component is to be installed. The default is local host; however, you can supply a valid host name or IP address if the database is to be located remotely. Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 2–5 Verifying Functionality ■ ■ Microsoft SQL login ID and password to be used to create and own the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database (CAAIDB). Target drive and path for the database device files. The default path is install_path_for_MSSQL\MSSQL\Data. To begin the installation, follow these steps: 1. Insert the installation media in the drive of the machine where setup is to be run. If the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Product Explorer does not launch automatically, select SETUP.BAT from the installation media. 2. Expand the Windows folder in the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Product Explorer and select Unicenter Asset Intelligence. 3. Select Install. Unicenter Asset Intelligence automatically verifies that all prerequisites have been met. Note: Any errors incurred during the installation process are logged to the AssetIntelligenceR11Setup.log file in the system %TEMP% folder. 4. Follow the installation prompts. Important! When you are prompted to specify the location for the SQL database, if you intend to use a Trusted Connection, the credentials of the logged-on user must have sufficient privileges to create a database. That user will become the default owner for the database. 5. Once setup completes, all necessary files are copied to your machine. Depending on your specific configuration, you may need to restart the machine after the installation completes before you can use the product. Verifying Functionality To verify that installation is successful, launch the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Public User and Admin User Interfaces. ■ To launch the Admin User Interface, open any web browser to the following: http://local host/CAAIAdmin If installed correctly, this redirects the web browser to the following: http://local host/CAAIAdmin/enu/aiadm_main.php ■ To launch the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Public User Interface, open any web browser to the following: http://local host/CAAI 2–6 Implementation Guide Verifying Functionality If installed correctly, this redirects the web browser to the following: http://local host/CAAI/enu/avixhome.php Tip: Even though both the Public and Admin User Interfaces should launch, at this point, the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database has not yet been populated with Unicenter Asset Management information or LDAP organizational information. Selecting most links will likely result in displayed errors in the web browser. Procedures for populating the database are provided in the next chapter. Installing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 2–7 Chapter 3 Populating the Database Once you have installed Unicenter Asset Intelligence, you are ready to prepare and populate the database. This process has three steps: 1. Define which Unicenter Assets Management databases will be used as data sources. Data sources provide asset and user information. 2. Populate the database through the Command Line Interface (CLI). 3. Import LDAP organizational data. Defining Data Sources Unicenter Asset Intelligence collects, reconciles, and aggregates data from one or more Unicenter Asset Management databases that will act as data sources. To enable this communication, you need to do the following: ■ Establish a linked-server connection to the Microsoft SQL server hosting the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database for each Microsoft SQL server hosting a Unicenter Asset Management database that is used as a data source. ■ Map the local login to those remote Unicenter Asset Management databases. ■ Define those data sources through the Admin User Interface. Linked-server Connections Linked-server configurations let you issue distributed queries, updates, commands and transactions between the Microsoft SQL Server- based Unicenter Asset Intelligence and Unicenter Asset Management databases. You can establish these links by executing the following stored procedures: ■ sp_addlinkedserver— to define the link. ■ sp_addlinkedsrvlogin— to create login mapping between the linked-servers. Populating the Database 3–1 Defining Data Sources To execute these procedures, the user must be a member of the sysadmin and setupadmin fixed server roles (see Microsoft SQL Server Books Online for details). Defining a Linked-server To create the necessary links through stored procedures, follow these steps: 1. Open the Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer. 2. Connect to the Microsoft SQL Server hosting the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. 3. When prompted, log in as a user with the required privileges as noted above. 4. Execute the following: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'UAM Host SQL Server Name' For example if the Unicenter Asset Management database is located on the UAM01 server, the command is as follows: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'UAM01' Tip: If this stored procedure is executed using the name of the local machine or the name of a server that has already been defined as a linked-server, you may receive a SQL error similar to the following: Server: Msg15028, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addlinkedserver, Line 79 The Server servername already exists This does not indicate an error that requires attention. Defining Link Server Access In addition to establishing a link between database servers, you must ensure that any user designated to use the Admin User Interface or manually launch the collection process is trusted by the Unicenter Asset Management data source or mapped to a Microsoft SQL login with a minimum of read-only access to that database. 3–2 Implementation Guide Defining Data Sources During a linked-server connection, the sending server (in this case, the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database server) provides a login name and password to connect to the receiving server (in this case, the Unicenter Asset Management database server) on its behalf. For this connection to work, you must create a login mapping between the linked-servers using the sp_addlinkedsrvogin stored procedure. This step establishes a remote login and remote password for a given linked-server and local login. To create the login mapping, do the following: 1. Open the Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer. 2. Connect to the Microsoft SQL Server hosting the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. 3. When prompted, log in as a user with the required privileges as noted above. You can then map a specific user or all users defined to the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database to a remote login. ■ To map a specific user only, execute the following: EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ‘RemoteServer’, ‘false’, ‘LocalUser’, ‘Remote SQL Login’, ‘Remote SQL Login Password’ For example, if the user designated to execute the collection procedure is MyDomain\MyUserID and the remote server is UAM01 with a Microsoft SQL login of UAIUser and password of UAIpassword the syntax would be: EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ‘UAM01’, ‘false’, ‘MyDomain\MyUserID’, ‘UAIUser’, ‘UAIpassword’ ■ To map all users defined to the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database server to the remote login, execute following: EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ‘RemoteServer’, ‘false’, NULL, ‘Remote SQL Login’, ‘Remote SQL Login Password’ Tip: The second option, mapping all defined users, is the simplest approach from an administrative standpoint because any user that can authenticate to the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database server will have access through the remote login to the source data. The risk involved with this approach depends on the privileges of the remote login on the remote server. To accommodate the Unicenter Asset Intelligence service, which, by default, runs under the local system account, you must also run this procedure to authorize [NT Authority\SYSTEM]: EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ‘RemoteServer’, ‘false’, ‘NTAuthority\SYSTEM’, ‘Remote SQL Login’, ‘Remote SQL Login Password’ Populating the Database 3–3 Defining Data Sources This command lets the Unicenter Asset Intelligence service perform periodic updates to the database. Verifying Linked-server Connectivity To verify that the servers were linked correctly and have connectivity, log in as a user previously designated to execute the collection procedure and execute the following query in the Microsoft SQL query analyzer: SELECT COUNT (*) FROM [REMOTE SERVER].[DBNAME].dbo.sysobjects For example, if the remote server name is UAM01 and the Unicenter Asset Management database name is CAAMDB, then the syntax is as follows: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UAM01.CAAMDB.dbo.sysobjects If the remote server name contains a dash (-), you must enclose that server name in square brackets ([]). For example, if the server name is CURGE01-SV1W2, the syntax would be as follows: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [CURGE01-SV1W2].CAAMDB.dbo.sysobjects The result should be a count of the objects found in the remote linked-server’s Unicenter Asset Management database. You can also verify connectivity through the SQL Enterprise Manager Explorer window. Select Microsoft SQL Server\SQL Server Group \ (local) (Windows NT)\Security\Linked Servers. The linked server icon should appear. Defining Data Sources Once the linked-server definitions have been established and verified, you must identify those data sources to Unicenter Asset Intelligence. To do this, first launch a web browser and point to the following: http://local host/CAAIAdmin 3–4 Implementation Guide Defining Data Sources This accesses the Admin User Interface home page. Confirm ODBC Settings Unicenter Asset Intelligence interfaces require ODBC connections to access the database. During the installation, a default ODBC SysDSN, named CAAISQL, is created and this default is used to connect to the database. If the default ODBC SysDSN name is changed, you must correct it before continuing. Populating the Database 3–5 Defining Data Sources To verify the value, select Start, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC) and select the System DSN tab: Select the CAAISQL data source name and click Configure. 3–6 Implementation Guide Defining Data Sources Verify that the correct server name is provided and click Next. Specify how the login will be verified and click Next. By default, this should point to the CAAIDB database. Click Next and click Finish to run a connectivity test. Populating the Database 3–7 Defining Data Sources Verify that the value matches the name specified in the ODBC SysDSN field under the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Database setting section and click Save. Until this is done, the Admin User Interface home page will display only the Database Configuration and Debug sections. Adding Data Sources To add data sources, do the following: 1. In the Server Name field in the Add Data Sources section, provide the name of the server on which the data source (that is, the Unicenter Asset Management domain database) is located. 2. Click Connect. If the connection is successful, the Database Name drop-down box is populated and enabled. Note: If this server name is not added as a linked-server, you will encounter an error. 3. Select the Unicenter Asset Management 4.0 database you would like to add as a data source and click Save. Important! Although other databases may be populated to the drop-down list, be sure to select only Unicenter Asset Management databases. 3–8 Implementation Guide Defining Data Sources If the data source is recognized as a valid Unicenter Asset Management 4.0 database, it is added to the Active Data Sources list. Data sources in this list use the following naming convention: ServerName:Database name The columns are represented as follows: Type Indicates the Unicenter Asset Management release level. Enabled Indicates whether the database is enabled (green) or disabled (blue). You can also select the icon in the column to change the current selection from enabled to disabled and back again. Delete Is used to permanently delete a data source from Unicenter Asset Intelligence. Although this unlinks the data source from Unicenter Asset Intelligence, it does not affect the linked-server definition. Tip: If no other application requires this linked-server, you can manually unlink it using the following command: EXEC sp_dropserver ‘datasourcename’ ‘droplogins’ Status Represents the status of each data source. green checkmark indicates the status is OK. A red X indicates that there is an error in the status. If you hover the mouse pointer above the icon, it provides the status and an explanation in clear text. The status is provided for information only. If the data source is enabled, the collection engine tries to collect data from it— even if the status is error. Populating the Database 3–9 Populating the Database Important! Unicenter Asset Intelligence does not collect data from data sources that are disabled or deleted. As a result, all assets connected to those data sources are disconnected from Unicenter Asset Intelligence. This also affects any history or statistic that is based, in any part, on the information derived from disconnected or disabled data sources. Populating the Database Once you have identified your data sources, the next step is to populate the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database with the information from those sources. This is done through the Command Line Interface (CLI) which is also referred to as Batch Mode. In this mode, the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database is updated with data extracted from Unicenter Asset Management sources and LDAP. Importing Asset Information from Data Sources To populate asset information from your data sources into the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database first execute the following command: Cd /d %UAIHOME%\admin\enu By default, this brings you to the C:\CA\AssetIntelligence\admin\enu folder. Next, execute the following: aig_cliphp aig_dbextract This command executes the aip_buildall stored procedure that collects data from defined Unicenter Asset Management sources and promotes it to the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. Once the aig_dbExtract job is completed, it launches aig_clibatch. This process does the following: ■ Refreshes database counts for Unicenter Asset Intelligence displays ■ Refreshes view data for history and Level 1 graphs ■ Updates history information ■ Generates Level 1 graphs When this process completes, asset information (from all linked Unicenter Asset Management data sources) is populated into the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. 3–10 Implementation Guide Populating the Database The aig_history command, which updates the history information, is included in the aig_clibatch run; however, you can also run the command separately if you need to view previous history information. To reprocess an old database copy, specify the effective date of that data as follows: Aig_cliphp aig_history –rYYYYMMDD Importing LDAP Data Unicenter Asset Intelligence uses the LDAP interface to identify the organizational context in which to place the asset information it retrieves from Unicenter Asset Management. Any organization owners, as well as their complete organizational structure, must be imported into the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database from the client LDAP register. To do this, you must identify the name of the Windows Active Directory Server that is queried and you need an Active Directory account with sufficient privileges (read) to obtain the LDAP information from that server. You also need the LDAP interface tools (DSQuery.exe and DSGet.exe). These tools are native to the Windows 20003 operating system and their location must be placed in the system path. If you are running an earlier Windows release, contact Microsoft to obtain the LDAP command-line tools. Note: If you are running Windows 2003, update the Web Service Extension to allow Active Server Pages. To populate LDAP information into the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database, execute the following: Aig_cliphp aig_gencontact –s Active Directory Server -u user ID -p password -I 0 –i new|rebuild where: Active Directory Server Specifies the server from which LDAP information is extracted. If the -s option is not specified, the default value, which is the local host, is used. User ID Specifies the user ID that should be used to query LDAP. Password Specifies the password for the user ID specified above. -I Specifies the number of records extracted from LDAP. If the –I option is not specified, it defaults to 10. A value of 0 (as used in the example) means that no limit is specified. This causes the utility to extract all records. Populating the Database 3–11 Populating the Database -i new|rebuild Specifies that the new data is to be imported. If you have issued this command before, any new entries are added or inserted. If you specify rebuild instead of new, the command will refresh the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database organizational tree table by dropping it, then importing all entries. Any previously gathered data is deleted. Select new if you must import data from different Active Directory Servers. This prevents data from being lost. When this process completes, organizational information obtained from LDAP is populated in to the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. Run this job again to import new LDAP data every time your Active Directory Server updates. For example, if Active Directory Server updates are carried out once a week, you should schedule the LDAP import update to run shortly thereafter. Extract Only Mode If neither rebuild or new is specified by the –i parameter, the LDAP interface defaults to NoImport, in which case, the data extracted by the query is copied to an intermediary file, which can then be reviewed and edited. Because the file is not imported into the database, this is sometimes referred to as “Extract Only” mode. In this mode, the data is extracted into the ldapout.csv file. By default, this file is located in the %UAIHome%\Admin\enu folder. Note: If you run this command again, the previous ldapout.csv file is overwritten. To save the earlier copy, rename the file before executing the command again. Import Only Mode When you have made any necessary modifications, use the –n option to import the updated ldapout.csv file into the database without re-running the query. Aig_cliphp aig_gencontact –i new –n This is also referred to as “Import Only” mode. In this mode, server name and user credentials are not required. However, you must specify whether the data should replace the existing data (rebuild) or supplement that data (new). If you have renamed the CSV file, you must specify the new file name with the -o switch. For example: Aig_cliphp aig_gencontact –i –o newname.csv new –n 3–12 Implementation Guide Managing Organizational Entities Managing Organizational Entities Unicenter Asset Intelligence defines an organization as one or multiple owners and all their reports (direct and indirect). Once the LDAP details have been imported to the database, owner and organization information can be modified through the Admin User Interface Home Page. To add organizational information, do the following: 1. In the Owner field, select the user ID for a user who is an owner of the organization. 2. Click the drop-down box next to the Owner field to choose from a list of LDAP owners (sorted by owner name) or click the binoculars icon to search for a specific user ID. 3. Enter search criteria and select Search. A list of all owner ID’s that fit the criteria is returned. 4. Select the applicable owner ID and click Pick. 5. Unicenter Asset Intelligence automatically populate the LDAP Name and Organization fields with the organization the user is connected to. By default, this value is based on the LDAP company field. To base that selection on an alternate field, select the edit icon (pencil) to the right of the LDAP Name field. Populating the Database 3–13 Managing Organizational Entities 6. Select the radio button that indicates the LDAP field you would prefer to use as the default organization. (The example lists the two most common entities of each LDAP field.) 7. Click OK. 8. Although Unicenter Asset Intelligence automatically populates the LDAP Name and Organization fields based on the value specified for Owner, you can overwrite the Organization value by clicking on the pencil icon. This does not affect the LDAP value; however, it will change the organization name provided in the Monitored Organizations table. 9. Click Save. Repeat these steps if another owner should be connected to this or another organization. If the Save is successful, the information is added to the Monitored Organizations table. This table lists all owners and organizations identified to Unicenter Asset Intelligence. If an existing organization was specified, only the new owner is added; otherwise, both the new organization and owner is added. A folder icon indicates that the name provided is an organization. A “stylized person” icon indicates that the name is that of the owner. The owner’s LDAP user ID is provided in parentheses after the name. To remove a user from an organization or to remove an entire organization from Unicenter Asset Intelligence, click the icon in the corresponding Delete column. 3–14 Implementation Guide Verifying Asset and Organizational Initialization A green checkmark in the Status column indicates that the owner still exists in the Unicenter Asset Intelligence user register. If an owner is removed from LDAP, when the LDAP list is rebuilt, a red X appears in the Status column for that user. If there are multiple owners for a specific organization, a red X is placed in the Status column for that organization only if all of the identified owners have been removed. Otherwise, only the affected owner’s status is changed. If a change is made to this list, assets are reallocated after the next dbExtract is run. To refresh this data without having to wait for dbExtract, click Commit. Verifying Asset and Organizational Initialization To verify that asset and organizational information is populated, launch the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Public User Interface and check to see if this information is represented. To do this, open a web browser to the following: http://local host/CAAI When the web page opens, verify that each of the inventory asset types has a corresponding number of found objects. To verify that LDAP organizational information was populated successfully, select any of the asset type links listed under Asset Type. When the following Hardware View page is displayed, the user should see information displayed in the Organization and Location sections of the window. Populating the Database 3–15 Verifying Asset and Organizational Initialization To ensure data integrity, Unicenter Asset Intelligence continues to interface with the existing data until new data has been collected and promoted to the database. New data is collected on a regular basis through the Unicenter Asset Intelligence service; however, you can also manually refresh the data by executing the aig cliphp aig_dbextract command. Now that the asset and organizational information has been populated to the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database, you can launch the Public User Interface and see asset and organizational information. The following chapter provides an overview of navigating the Public User Interface. Details on customizing this interface can be found later in this guide. 3–16 Implementation Guide Chapter 4 Navigating the Public User Interface The Public User Interface is intended for end users and does not require update access to the Unicenter Asset Intelligence database. As part of the installation process, a separate virtual directory is set up for this mode. This mode requires limited access but does require write access to the PHP\sessiondata folder, Unicenter Asset Intelligence cache, and View sub directories. All other directories can be defined as read only. The Public user interface has four levels of information. These are Home Pages, Views (which display types of asset objects as counts), Asset Summary List, and Asset Detail pages. Level 1 — Home Pages Level 1 consists of several home pages each displaying a particular type of data or user-defined views, accessed by selecting the corresponding tab. Navigating the Public User Interface 4–1 Level 1 — Home Pages Consider the following sample Home Page: Each Home Page is further divided into several horizontal bands. Each band has three boxes. These contain summary counts (left box), a chart (middle box), and links (right box). The main Asset View Home Page contains a summary of the hardware and software inventory. The corresponding graphs and links are designed to provide an overview of asset data inventory, right out of the box. This page should not need to be customized beyond selection of information to chart. Note: Public User Interface users can customize displays for Levels 2 through 4 to filter out data that is not relevant to their current business need. Public User Interface users, however, cannot change the Level 1 contents or displays. The Hardware View Home Page summarizes hardware inventory and has more detailed counts for types of computer hardware and utilization details for metrics such as storage. 4–2 Implementation Guide Level 1 — Home Pages The Software View Home Page summarizes the software inventory and has more detailed counts for types of software. You can use the Admin User Interface to customize the graphs and links to match your specific areas of focus for both pages. The Reports Home Page lists user defined views and contains user-configured utilization and procurement links and summary counts. Navigating the Public User Interface 4–3 Level 1 — Home Pages Every chart and most links are user configurable—you can add, remove, or define your own custom graphs and links for a fully customized reports page. The Hot Spots Home Page lists metrics that CA-defined best practices indicate are of current interest. 4–4 Implementation Guide Level 2 — Views Level 2 — Views Every Home Page metric and most Home Page links drill down to a Level 2 View. Navigating the Public User Interface 4–5 Level 2 — Views For desktops, the default Level 2 View displays the Operating Systems tab. This tab, which is displayed in the example, is active when you open the Desktops View. As you can see, the Level 2 View for the Desktops inventory item displays a count of operating systems deployed on desktop computers. Other Level 2 tabs for hardware items include Vendor, Location, Organization, Type, and Critical Fix. You can display various summary counts by selecting these Level 2 tabs. When you save a view, the current Level 2 tab selection is saved. When you later re-open that saved view, this current tab value determines which counts are initially seen. Of course, you can simply select any Level 2 tab to change the current display. You can filter any items by using the checkbox associated with each line and update the counts by clicking Include or Exclude in the box header. Any active filters are also remembered when you save a view. Although you can perform additional filtering on a saved view those subsequent changes are not saved unless you edit the saved view and re-save it. The counts listed generally represent the total number of machines meeting the filter criteria. One exception is software counts, which reflect the number of copies of a given software item that were detected by Unicenter Asset Management. Because it is possible to install several versions of a software package on a single machine, the application counts may not exactly match the number of machines. Another exception is disk storage, where the numbers displayed reflect the size of the disk storage area. For disk storage counts, total storage is measured in gigabytes (GB). The industry standard for disk storage is that a GB is equal to one thousand million (or 1000x1000x1000) bytes. For Home Page summary displays, very large amounts of disk storage are displayed as terabytes (TB) where 1 TB is equal to one thousand GB. Disk storage numbers are generally suffixed with GB or TB to indicate the storage unit being used. Memory sizes (RAM) are displayed in megabytes (MB). The industry standard for memory is that 1 MB is 1024x1024. This standard is different from the basis used for disk storage. Unicenter Asset Intelligence follows the standard industry usage for disk storage and memory sizes. 4–6 Implementation Guide Level 3 — Asset List Level 3 — Asset List If you select any line item, you can drill down to a Level 3 Asset Summary List. To minimize the wait time to display details for all hardware assets, only the first 100 assets matching the search criteria are initially displayed. Unicenter Asset Intelligence displays machines and computers at this level. When you drill down to Level 3 from a software summary view (as in the above example), you are presented with an asset list of computers that have the designated software installed and that match your filter criteria. You can select most of the column headers to sort the asset list based on that metric. For example, selecting the Memory Size column sorts the list of computers based upon observed RAM. Although most displays, including Organization, Location, and Owner (User ID), are listed in ascending sequence, Memory sorts in descending order (the assumption being that you are most interested in the largest machines). Navigating the Public User Interface 4–7 Level 4 — Asset Detail Level 3 Views also contain an Export button at the top of the page. Select this button to export all assets matching your selection as a CSV. For very large selections, this can take a long time so a warning box is displayed if you click Export for more than 500 computers. To proceed with the full export anyway, click Continue. Otherwise, click Cancel. Exports of 10,000 computers can often take five minutes or longer. This depends less on your network connection to the browser than it does on the amount of database access required. When the database and web server are on the same system export performance is improved. Level 4 — Asset Detail You can select any machine name in an asset list to display detail for that machine. For example, selecting the 00TEST1 link in the previous Level 3 example produces the following detail page: This detail display is divided into four sections: ■ ■ 4–8 The first section augments the Asset summary data from the Asset Summary List. The second section lists the file systems (inventoried disk space). The usual unit for this display is gigabytes (GB). Implementation Guide Defining Views ■ ■ The third section lists hot fixes installed on the machine. Each hot fix may have an associated hyper link. When present, the link launches a separate browser instance with the vendor’s web site information for the specific fix. If there are no associated hot fixes, this section does not appear. The fourth section (which is not viewable in the above sample) lists the software installed on the machine (in sequence by Publisher then Software title). This list does not include all software inventoried by Unicenter Asset Management. Unicenter Asset Intelligence removes much of the detail about specific files for the operating system and large packages such as Microsoft Office. If you need to see file specifics not included in the Unicenter Asset Intelligence summary, you can use the Unicenter Asset Management interface, which gives you access to the folder structure details for each asset. Defining Views Filters are used to customize your view, letting you focus on only that information that is of interest to you. For example, you may want to customize a view that includes only Windows-based desktops or Solaris-based servers. To save these filter settings for future use, you can define a view by doing the following: 1. From the Home Page, select the relevant tab to select the view you are interested in defining the filter for: Asset View, Software View, Hardware View, Reports, or Hot Spots. 2. Select any item, such as Desktops or Laptops. This takes you to a Level 2 display. Navigating the Public User Interface 4–9 Defining Views 4–10 3. Click Filter View. 4. Select any desired filter items and select Include or Exclude. As you select each item and select Include or Exclude, review the Filter Display on the top. This shows the filter currently built based on selections. 5. Once all desired Includes and Excludes have been selected, select Define Report. Implementation Guide Defining Views 6. Enter a meaningful name and click Save Report. This report is now viewable and accessible from the Reports Home Page. Tip: Views are saved to the Public\enu\views subfolders under the virtual directory created for the Public User Interface (for example, C:\CA\AssetIntelligence\Public\enu\views). Two files are created: one with the extension of VAR.VIEW and one with the extension of VAR.VIEWDATA. For example, the MYVIEWS View created in the above example creates the following two files: MYVIEWS.VAR.VIEW and MYVIEWS.VAR.VIEWDATA. If you create a new view using the same name as an existing view, the previous view is overwritten. No warning message is issued. Therefore, to preserve existing views, you must use a unique name for each new view. Navigating the Public User Interface 4–11 Chapter 5 Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence Once the database has been populated, your asset and organizational information is viewable through the Public User Interface, providing immediate value. Unicenter Asset Intelligence; however, also provides several customization options that let you do the following: ■ ■ Customize the graphs and links that are displayed on all Level 1 Home Pages (called Global Views). Schedule how frequently the database population command is run to refresh the data being viewed. ■ Collect debug information in the event you experience errors. ■ Customize event processing. Customizing Global Views Although all users can manipulate the data on their Level 2, 3, and 4 Views to some extent by using Include and Exclude filters, the Level 1 Home Pages can only be customized through the Admin User Interface. Because Level 1 Views are the same for all users, they are called Global Views. Changes made to the Global Views through this interface apply to all users accessing Unicenter Asset Intelligence through the Public User Interface. Using the Admin User Interface, you can customize Global Views to do the following: ■ Display selected graphs. ■ Display non-default links for the Level 1 Views. If custom filters are required, they should be added using the Public User Interface. Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 5–1 Customizing Global Views To begin customizing Global Views, open the Admin User Interface and select Customize Global Views: The tabs provided on the initial Customize Global Views page correspond to those tabs provided on the Public User Interface Level 1 Home Page: To edit any of the Public User Interface Home Page Views, select the corresponding tab on the Global View dialog. For example, to edit the Hardware Home Page View, select the Hardware tab. The View Info section displays the following information regarding the last changed filter: Graph Legend Identifies the graph by name. 5–2 Implementation Guide Customizing Global Views Group Identifies the group or view that this filter is attached to. For example, Servers, Desktops, All Computers, or All Software. Filter Identifies the filter that further limits the mentioned group. A filter can be created for each one of the types associated with this group. For example, hardware can be filtered on one or more of the following categories: operating system, vendor, location, type, or critical fix. Each category can have a positive (Include) or negative (Exclude) filter, and each category is listed in a separate row. This lets you verify the filter that is used for a specific view before saving it. Customize Graphs Level 1 graphs provide overview summary and these graphs are customizable through the Admin User Interface. Level 2 graphs are dynamically generated based on the specific item selected from Level 1 display. For each of five tabbed views (Asset Views, Hardware Views, Software Views, Reports and Hot Spots), there are four rows of graphs: Inventory, Performance and Utilization, Procurement/Retirement, and Risk. Each of these four rows can have different graphs with maximum of two values per graph. This permits 40 different graphs to be displayed. Consider the following sample Asset View display: Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 5–3 Customizing Global Views Below the View Info section on the Customize Global Views window is a section called “Display These Charts.” It is here that you identify which graphs to display in the various Level 1 Home Pages. The table consists of four groups (one for each row in a Level 1 display), and each one of these groups can have one or two graphs definitions.The groups have the following related columns: Section Title Identifies the title that is displayed in the section header for this specific graph. This can be edited to display the header that describes the graphs in this section. Row Specifies the row number (1, 2, 3, or 4) that this group affects. The row numbers represent the four sections in a Level 1 page. Values in this column cannot be edited. History Identifies how long Unicenter Asset Intelligence should collect and store history information for the metrics used in the graphs. Valid values include 18 Months or None. If the value is None, Unicenter Asset Intelligence displays a bar graph with real-time counters rather than collect history for the graphs in this section (that is, the graph represents the current count). Graph/Type Indicates what type of graph to use (line graph or bar graph) if the History field is set to collect historic data. If History is set to None, this field is used to choose what template to use for the real-time bar graph. Graph items are individually customizable for those sections where historic data is collected. Click the folder icon to the left of the Section Title to view the applicable Level 2 graphs. 5–4 Implementation Guide Customizing Global Views These items have the following related columns: Graph Legend Identifies the legend that is attached to this specific graph. This field can be modified. Type Indicates what kind of counter should be used to calculate this graph. When the active filter is changed, it displays the settings for the new filter in the View Info section on top of the screen and updates the Valuetype options that are available for that filter. Unicenter Asset Intelligence includes, by default, a number of predefined filters in the hardware, software and storage categories. In addition, you can also use customized filters that have been created through the Public User Interface. Valuetype Specifies the counter that should be used in the graph. The available alternative depends on what filter is used. Calculation Specifies if the graph should be based on a summary (default), standard deviation, or average of the available values. Edit Activates the item for editing. The item remains open for editing until another action, such as Save, Delete, or Edit, is taken. Add/Delete Deletes the row (trashcan icon) or adds a new graph item (+) at the bottom of this group. A group can never have more than two graphs attached to it. To edit any group or graph item, click the Edit button or click directly on any one of the editable fields. This activates the entire row for editing. Once you select the edit icon for that row, the items in the row remain open for editing until another action, such as a Save, Delete, or Edit, is taken. Important! If a graph definition is changed (and committed with a Save) in a way that its history collection definition is changed, it purges the old history and starts to collect according to the new definition. Changes that affect this include the following: changing the History value from 18 Months to None, changing the Type or Valuetype fields, or calculations, and deleting the graph. Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 5–5 Customizing Global Views Sections where history is not collected take this information directly from the templates. In this case, the individual graph objects are not customizable. Important! Changes made to a specific View are not committed until the Save button is clicked. If you make changes to another View or return back to the Home Page without committing your changes, you will need to enter them again. Level 1 Graph Periods Level 1 graphs are generated from the history information and automatically categorized to a period of time (graph period). The graph period varies depending on the number days of history information available for that specific graph. Days Graph Period <21 Day 20 – 70 Weekly >71 Monthly Level 1 Graphs Hierarchy Level 1 graphs use the following priority sequence for the selection of graphs: a. If History has been defined through the Admin User Interface, that definition is used for the contents of the graphs. b. If the History is set to None and no template is activated, a default graph is generated. 5–6 History Settings Graph Selection History = 18 months Create history tables and use the contents of the history table for Level 1 graph. History information for all pre-defined queries is stored and available regardless of whether history is requested. History = None and a template is activated The contents of the graph are based on the realtime values in the specified template. Implementation Guide Customizing Global Views History Settings Graph Selection History = None but a template has never been activated by saving a Global View. The system generates an installation default graph. No definition exists The system generates an installation default graph. Customize Displayed Links Home Page links can be modified through the “Display These Links” section, which is accessed by clicking the Links tab: This section is used to manage and customize the links that are displayed in the rightmost sections in the various Level 1 displays. To select which Level 1 Home Page to customize (Asset View, Hardware View, Software View, Reports, or Hot Spots), select the appropriate tab. As with graph definitions, four groups are connected to each Area. Each one of the groups symbolizes a row in a Level 1 display. Unlike graphs, which are limited to two per item, you can specify up to ten links. Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 5–7 Customizing Global Views Link groups have the following related columns (properties): Section Title This is the title that is displayed in the section header. This can be edited to display the header that describes the group of links in this section. Row The values in this column identify the row number – 1, 2, 3, or 4 – that this group affects. Row numbers represent the four sections on a Level 1 page. Values in this column cannot be edited. Link Type This drop-down box lets you enable (default) or disable (activate custom) this group of links, derived from predefined links in the template. Unicenter Asset Intelligence ignores all links in this group if the type is set as Disabled (Use Default). Note: You must enable the links for the specific row before your changes take effect. By default, all settings are set to “Disabled (Use Default). The individual link items have the following related columns (properties): Link Legend This is the title that describes this individual link. It can be edited as needed. Link Type Lists a number of predefined link types that can be used. Each link has a suffix that indicates what kind of display or report they open. The suffixes currently in use include the following: • HW —indicates that this link opens a hardware-related Level 2 View. • SW — indicates that this link opens a software-related Level 2 View. • STG —indicates that this link opens a storage-related Level 2 View. • Detail — indicates that this link opens a Level 3 type display (Asset List). Area Indicates which area (tab) should be opened by default in the Level 2 display. Options are as follows: 5–8 • Operating System (ALL) • Vendor (SW, STG) • Location (ALL) • Organization (HW, SW) • Type (HW, STG) • Publisher (SW) • Application (SW) • Storage (STG) Implementation Guide Customizing Global Views Parameter A free-text field that allows you to add an additional parameter to a link to a detailed report. This field is ignored if the report does not have a matching wildcard position. The links that currently use this and the value they expect are as follows: • Detail: Top Free Disk Space —expects an integer value equal to or less than 50, indicating how many machines should be listed. • Detail: Low Free Disk Space — expects an integer equal to or less than 50 that indicates how many machines should be listed. • Hardware/User —expects a user ID (samid) for the person who owns the organization that should be listed. All machines owned by that user and any reports of that user are summarized in the associated display. Edit Select the icon in this column to activate the item for editing. The item remains open for editing until another action, such as Save, Delete, or Edit, is taken. Add/Delete Select the trashcan icon to delete the row, or the plus (+) sign icon to add a new graph item to the bottom of this group. A group can never have more than two graph items attached to it. Important! As with graph changes, link changes made to a specific View are not committed until the Save button is clicked. If you make changes to another View or return back to the Home Page without committing your changes, you will need to enter them again. Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 5–9 Customizing Global Views Implement Changes to Global Views To implement these changes for all Public User Interfaces, do the following: 1. Select Customize Global Views on the Admin User Interface Home Page. 2. Edit graphs and links as needed and click Save View. This updates the Global View information for those graphs and links. 3. Repeat as necessary for any other views. 4. Switch to CLI mode and execute the aig_clibatch command to pick up the current data. Note: If you using customized views as a base for customized graphs, you must first define those views through the Public User Interface. Details on how to do this can be found in the previous chapter. 5–10 Implementation Guide Scheduling Database Updates Scheduling Database Updates The Unicenter Asset Intelligence service (uaiService) periodically triggers the database extract command to repopulate the database. This service is installed automatically. By default, the Unicenter Asset Intelligence service runs every weekday (Monday through Friday) at 3:00 a.m. If you need to specify an alternate schedule, edit the JobStart and JobRunDays parameters in the Unicenter Asset Intelligence global initialization (uai.dat) file. This file can be found in the %UAIHOME%\Public\Common directory. JobStart Specifies the time the dbExtract command should run, based on a 24-hour clock. For example, midnight is represented as 00:00, while 3:00 p.m. is represented as 15:00.J JobRundays Specifies the days of the week on which the dbExtract command should run. Days are represented by the numbers 0 through 6, with 0 representing Sunday and 6 representing Saturday. For example, to run job at 4:00 a.m. every Monday to Friday, use the following values: Set JobStart option to JobStart=04:00 Set JobRundays option to JobRundays:1,2,3,4,5 The default values should be appropriate in most installations; however, if you do need to change them, you should take network impact into account, especially if the Unicenter Asset Management database is located at a remote site. Further, if you intend to reduce the frequency, you must take into consideration the integrity of the data. If you make any changes to the uai.dat file, you must recycle the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Service for those changes to take effect. Selecting Debug Settings Debug logs can help provide guidance if you encounter an error while using the product. Debug settings for Unicenter Asset Intelligence are managed from the Admin User Interface Home Page: Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 5–11 Selecting Debug Settings Details for managing these settings follows. SQL Debug Mode Logs all SQL queries and query times. However, the overall log level must minimally be set to Debug to log this information. Debug Mode Enables and disables debugging for Unicenter Asset Intelligence interfaces. If an error is written, an alert box appears on both the Admin and Public User Interfaces, notifying the user of the error and, in most cases, the root cause of the error. If debug mode is enabled, this is also written to a log file. If debug mode is disabled, no log files are generated, regardless of the level of error. Log Level Specifies the type of information that is logged. To activate changes to any of these settings, click Save. If you click Reset, the values revert to the last saved setting. These changes are effective immediately. Note: These settings are maintained in the uai.dat file. However, changes should be made only through the Admin User Interface. Log Level Log level settings are as follows: 5–12 Setting Events Logged Fatal Fatal errors only Critical Critical and Fatal errors Warning Warnings, Critical, and Fatal errors Info Warning, Critical, Fatal, and Informational errors DEBUG Basic information for diagnosis posted to log file only Implementation Guide Event Console Processing Setting Events Logged DEBUG1 Warning: trace messages appear on all users’ screens DEBUG2 Warning: Extensive Trace messages appear on all users’ screens Tip: By default, the log Level is set to Debug, and we highly recommend that you not change this setting unless directed by Computer Associates Technical Support. Event Console Processing If Unicenter NSM Event Management r3.1 is installed and active on the Unicenter Asset Intelligence machine, all messages regarding the Unicenter Asset Intelligence service and scheduled execution of the database refresh (dbExtract) command is automatically sent to the Event Management Console. All standard Unicenter NSM Event Management message processing rules then apply. If Unicenter NSM Event Management is not installed, the Unicenter Asset Intelligence service logs those messages to its own log file and sends them to the Windows Event Application log file. Although integration is the default behavior, if Unicenter NSM Event Management is subsequently installed, you must recycle the Unicenter Asset Intelligence Service for integration to occur. To send a message to the Unicenter Event Console, the user ID (active logged in user) must be authorized to issue commands from the Event Management Console. See the Unicenter NSM documentation for details. The following options pertain to Event message processing and can be set in the uai.dat file. Keep in mind that changes to the uai.dat file do not take effect until the Unicenter Asset Intelligence service is recycled: nsmEventConsole=[Yes|No] Indicates whether the Event Console is present and integration should occur. By default, this value is set to Yes. If you change this value to No, integration does not occur, even if the Event Console is detected. nsmEventNode= [nodename|localhost] Specifies the Event Management target node if the Event Management interface is enabled. If this option is not specified, it defaults to localhost. If UniEventConsole is set to No, this option is ignored. Customizing Unicenter Asset Intelligence 5–13 Event Console Processing nsmEventPrefix=[prefix] Specifies the prefix that is used to identify Unicenter Asset Intelligence messages. If the first character is to be a percent (%) sign, you must specify %%. This option defaults to %%CAUAI if not specified. Following is a sample message that is generated when database refresh job is scheduled to run at a specific period. Tip: You should define an Event Management message rule to drop off the first two message tokens if the first token is CA-UAI_2000*. The first two tokens are generated by PHP and cannot be changed. 5–14 Implementation Guide Index dbextract, 3-10 A aig cliphp, 3-10 architecture, 2-1, 2-2 debug settings, 5-11 E Asset Details, 4-9 Asset Lists, 4-7, 4-8 Asset Views, 4-5, 4-6 B batch mode, 3-10 C Command Line Interface (CLI), 3-1, 3-10 customizing Global View, 5-4 graphs, 5-3, 5-8 links, 5-7 public interface, 5-1, 5-3, 5-7 Event Management, 5-13 extract only mode, 3-12 F filters, 4-6 G gencontact, 3-11 graphs, 5-8 H history, 5-6 D home pages, 4-1, 4-2, 4-4 data sources, 3-1, 3-4 database component, 2-2 population, 3-10 population, 3-1 repopulation, 5-10 Index–1 I P installation, 2-5, 2-6 PHP configuration, 2-5 integration, 5-13 placement, 2-3 interface admin, 2-2, 2-6, 3-5 command line, 3-1 customizing, 5-1, 5-3, 5-7 launching, 2-6 public, 2-2, 2-6, 4-1 populating the database, 3-1 L requirements access, 2-3 LDAP, 3-1, 3-10 to 3-14 linked servers, 3-1 log settings, 5-11 login, 3-1, 3-2 M prerequisites, 2-4 R S scheduling database updates, 5-10 security requirements, 2-3 sp_addlinkedserver, 3-1 sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, 3-1, 3-3 metrics, 4-6 SQL requirements, 2-3 N U nsmEventNode, 5-13 UAIADMIN, 2-3 UAIPUBLIC, 2-3 O uaiService, 5-10 ODBC settings, 3-5 operating system support, 2-4 organizational information, 3-11, 3-13 owners defining, 3-14 removing, 3-15 Index–2 Implementation Guide Unicenter Asset Intelligence Service, 2-3, 3-3 customize, 5-10 user groups, 2-3 V verifying connectivity, 3-4 database population, 3-15 functionality, 2-6 Views Level 1, 4-1, 4-2, 4-4 Level 2, 4-5, 4-6 Level 3, 4-7, 4-8 Level 4, 4-9 W web server component, 2-2 Index–3