girl scout gold award - Girl Scouts of Greater New York


girl scout gold award - Girl Scouts of Greater New York
2012 Gold Award Recipients
Lydia Agopian
Alessandra Allen
Tiffany Au
Alyssa Audette
Onycha Banton
Milena Battaglia
Annemarie Beckmann
Kayla Bedeau
Jaslynn Bell
Diamond Bridges
Nicole Canaii
Lauren Carter
Tiffany Carter
Kiera Cavalleri
Victoria Choy
Alexia Codrington
Taylor Crawford
Stefania D'Andrea
Monisha Dadlani
Tyiesha DeJesus
Amber Edwards
Lucretia Edwards
Dominique Etienne
Alicia Fobbs
Mary Gallagher
Makeda Griffith
Maria Hatzipetros
Janae Headly
Destiny Henry
Shanell Henry
Anisa James
Imani James
Eileen Jin
Alyssia King
Katherine Kurre
Ivana Uen Wai Lee
Annie Lee
Rachel Malken
Christine Marten
Katherine Masters
Maya Matheson
Jillian May
Melissa McEvoy
Brittany Moore
Shannon Moore
Catherine Morrison
Chineke Njideka
Lesego Pearl Nkosi
Colleen O'Brien
Denise O'Leary
Josephine O'Malley
Kristen O'Sullivan
Natasha Rene
Letreece Rhodie
Danielle Sang
Victoria Santos
Sabrina Simpkins
Victoria Sinopoulos
April Tsang
Eleni Vallas
Abigail Vasquez
Priscilla Vazquez
Caterina Velazquez
Gabrielle Viso
Tinneesia White-Flores
Asha Wills
Sara Wojtowicz
Lauren Yesko
Lydia Agopian
Alessandra Allen
Troop 4435 – Queens
Troop 1350 –Bronx
Years in Scouting: 14
Her Interests:
Softball; Students Against
Drunk Driving Club; her
afterschool jobs at Key
Food and CitiField
Her Plans After High School: To attend Siena
College in the fall and then medical school for
a career as an OB/GYN
Her Project: Lydia conducted a yarn-andneedle drive to get materials to run knitting
classes for youth, then donated the finished
products to those less fortunate.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: To have an
amazing time coming together with Girl Scouts
from all over the country at Rock The Mall in
Washington D.C.
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Softball;
knitting scarves that she
never finishes;
brainstorming ideas
for her New York Times Bestseller
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Suffolk University, majoring in English with a
double minor in German and psychology
Her Project: Alessandra conducted workshops for teen girls exposing the exploitation
and discouragement social media pushes on
young girls, while running activities to instill
confidence in those same girls.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl
Scouts makes as much a difference in the
next 100 years as they have in the past 100.
“We’ve proven girls are strong; now let’s show
them we mean business.”
Tiffany Au
Alyssa Audette
Troop 4570 – Queens
Troop 4027 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests:
Cross-country; yoga;
bicycling; baking
Her Plans After High
School: To attend NYU
Stern School of Business in the fall.
Her Project: To inspire others to make
healthy choices in their lives, Tiffany and her
partner taught classes about learning to read
nutrition labels; raising awareness about
organic eating; and cooking simple, healthy
meals to prevent diabetes and hypertension.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Scouting to
remain a strong community where girls can
develop life-long skills and friends.
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests: Karate;
varsity badminton; volunteering at the animal
shelter; Photography
Her Plans After High
School: To attend Queens College and
travel around Asia.
Her Project: Alyssa collected toys, towels,
blankets, and food for three animal shelters in
New York City and educated her community
about the needs of animals in shelters.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That scouting
will continue to be strong for at least 100
more years.
Onycha Banton
Troop 2018 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 6
Her Interests:
Community service clubs
in her school; shopping;
traveling; Archon National
Honor Society
Her Plans After High School: To attend a
4–year university, majoring in Nursing or
African-American Studies
Her Project: Onycha addressed the
importance of intergenerational engagement
in recreational activities. She held a
board-game drive and recruited youth to
play games with the residents of a community
nursing home.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to grow exponentially across the world.
Milena Battaglia
Juliette – Staten Island
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests:
Photography; videography; cinematography
Her Plans After High
School: To pursue a
career in film and television production.
Her Project: Milena collected costumes and
fabric to donate to the Staten Island
Children’s Museum. Her desire is to help
children expand their imaginations by
enabling them to think creatively and
resourcefully through the medium of theater.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That the
legacy of leadership and confidence will
continue on for the next 100 years. Milena
hopes that she can instill the wonderful and
fulfilling experiences that she has had in
scouting in her younger cousin’s brownie
troop so that they can be the leaders
of tomorrow.
Annemarie Beckmann
Kayla Shannon Bedeau
Troop 2036 – Brooklyn
Troop 2203 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests: Marching
band; Self Image Club;
68th Precinct Community
Her Plans After High
School: To attend college and study
accounting, and potentially pursue a career
as an attorney.
Her Project: “In My Own Backyard” was a
yearlong project designed to bring awareness
to wildlife in Annemarie’s community,
including feral cats, raccoons, and opossums.
She worked with a partner to create a
pamphlet and a website as resources for her
community, and to arrange several park cleanups and a complete park refurbishment.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That leaders
continue to volunteer to create troops that
help girls grow into young women and
future leaders!
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Serving as
president and dancer for
St. Augustine’s Vessels of
Praise; serving as the
secretary of Goddess
(a young women’s empowerment group);
interning at an OB/GYN office.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Howard University in the fall and earn a
Bachelor’s degree in biology.
Her Project: Kayla’s project focused on diet
and nutrition. She ran three workshops;two
were interactive lectures on the long-term
effects of poor diet and lack of exercise, and
one was an exercise workshop.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl
Scouts continues to empower women the
same way she has been empowered as a Girl
Scout: gaining leadership skills, learning the
importance of doing service for the community, and improving her ability to set realistic and
achievable goals.
Jaslynn Bell
Troop 2018 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 8
Her Interests: High
School Leadership
Committee; reciting her
poetry on the WBAI radio
program, Perspective;
participating in Off-Broadway student
playwrights’ workshops
Her Plans After High School: To attend a
university to study journalism and media arts.
Her Project: Jaslynn’s project focused on
encouraging teens to think before making
lifetime choices through education and
awareness about teen pregnancy prevention.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl
Scouts continues to uplift young girls into
strong young women for years to come, as it
has done for her.
Diamond Bridges
Troop 2087 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 8
Her Interests: Softball;
music; Honor roll
Her Plans After High
School: To attend college
and study music, forensic
anthropology, or child psychology.
Her Project: Diamond developed an early
childhood tutoring and arts program for
students in Pre-K through 1st grade.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to go on for 100 more years of keeping girls on
a straight path to their future.
Nicole Canaii
Lauren Carter
Troop 2087 – Brooklyn
Troop 4253 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Yearbook
committee; Leo Club;
cheerleading; drawing
Her Plans After High
School: To attend Medgar
Evers College.
Her Project: Nicole created workshops
focused on helping individuals victimized by
bullying to cope and overcome it.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl
Scouts to go on for many more years and to
continue helping Gold Awardees with their
career choices.
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Managing
the tennis team; playing violin, guitar, and piano; participating in the High School
Law Institute at NYU.
Her Plans After High School: To earn a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and/or
Actuarial Science. Upon graduation she plans
to begin her career as an actuary.
Her Project: Lauren was disturbed by the
increasing problem of musical illiteracy due to
underfunding of the arts. She chose to tackle
this issue by setting up a series of workshops
to teach youth about classical music.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl
Scouts will continue to thrive and develop
girls into respectable young women for
generations to come.
Tiffany Carter
Kiera Cavalleri
Troop 4253 – Queens
Troop 2036 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Stage craft;
symphonic orchestra;
school newspaper;
Thurgood Marshall Summer
Internship Program
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Bryant University.
Her Project: Tiffany worked with her sister
Lauren to share her passion for classical
music with children by facilitating a series of
workshops exposing them to composers,
musical periods, and musical instruments,
and giving them the opportunity to attend a
concert at Carnegie Hall.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl
Scouts will become recognized for more than
just cookies and continue to grow in size for
many years to come.
Niamani Charran
Troop 2696 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Pre-occupational development
with the Fresh Air Fund,
dance, community
service, and step team.
Her Plans After High School: To obtain a
college degree and eventually a PhD in forensic science.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to grow and support girls of all
ages, and for every older girl to represent Girl
Scouts everywhere they go.
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests:
Extemporaneous speaking on the forensics team;
marching band; NASA
Science Research
Mentoring Program; Metropolitan Equestrian
Team; being a New York Aquarium docent.
Her Plans After High School: Kiera is currently attending Sweet Briar College as a double
major in mechanical engineering and religion.
Her Project: Kiera worked with her partner to
make New Yorkers more aware of local wildlife
by creating a pamphlet and distributing it to
local political offices, and by organizing a
series of park clean-ups.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl
Scouting continues to provide girls and young
women with opportunities to discover
themselves and the world around them.
Victoria Ann Choy
Troop 1350 – Bronx
Years in Scouting: 11
Her Interests: Swimming;
track; Girl Scouts
Her Plans After High
School: To attend a
4-year university.
Her Project: Victoria’s aim was to increase the
quality of life of seniors in nursing homes by
organizing groups of youth to play games
and do activities with the residents on a
consistent basis.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more
and more girls will join and continue with
Girl Scouts.
Alexia Codrington
Taylor A. Crawford
Troop 2665 – Brooklyn
Troop 2665 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 6
Her Interests: Advanced
art; dance; tutoring
younger children;
National Honor Society
Her Plans After High
School: To major in architecture.
Her Project: Disturbed by the fact that at a
very young age girls are brainwashed by the
media into believing stereotypes about
beauty, Alexia focused her project on
combating low self-esteem in young girls
through self-healing art. She led a series of
workshops where each participant worked on
art projects and listened to presentations on
self-esteem improvement.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to make a difference in the lives of
girls worldwide.
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Girl
Scouts; soccer; Goddess
Club; PWC Impact Scholar
Her Plans After High
School: To attend
Hampton University where she was awarded
the Academic Achievement Scholarship and
to major in accounting.
Her Project: “Teens Exercise Your Right:
Occupy the Ballot,” reached new voters
through peer outreach and providing voter
education materials on voter registration and
absentee balloting. She conducted voter registration drives and created a Public Service
Announcement (PSA) about voter registration
that was posted on YouTube.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That girl
scouts continues beyond another 100 years
to inspire girls to grow, discover, and lead.
Stefania Rose D’Andrea
Monisha Dadlani
Troop 4215 – Queens
Troop 3047 – Manhattan
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Glee Club;
writing for the school
newspaper; National
Honor Society; Italian
National Honor Society
Her Plans After High School: To attend
college to pursue a degree in english and psychology or english and humanitarian studies
and eventually pursue a career as a writer.
Her Project: Stefania raised awareness and
regarding soldiers’ needs, and the importance
of giving back to our veterans. She held a collection of necessary items and sent them to
soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: To wish for 100
more years! This organization has done so
much to help girls improve the environment,
the lives of the less fortunate, each other, and
themselves. “I can only dream of girls to be so
lucky to have the opportunity to become a
Girl Scout 100 years from now.”
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Volunteering
at the American Museum of
Natural History and Galli
Theater; being a board
member of the
Environmental Club; participating in National
Novel Writing Month; acting in school and
community theatrical productions.
Her Plans After High School: To attend the
University of Southern California and obtain a
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting with a minor in
film studies.
Her Project: Monisha produced a short documentary concerning environmentalism in New
York City through the eyes of teenagers. Her goal
is to spread environmental awareness among
teenagers, and she encourage them to take on
environmentally healthy habits now so they can
be passed on to future generations.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: To have more
former Girl Scouts continue their scouting journeys as they grow older and find additional passions in their lives.
Tyiesha DeJesus
Amber Edwards
Troop 6148 – Bronx
Troop 2696 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Vice
president of school
gospel choir; tae kwan do;
starring as Tracy Turnblad
in her school’s production
of Hairspray.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Her Project: Tyiesha, along with two of her
sister Girl Scouts, organized Midnight Run,
where she organized an event and collection
of food and clothing for over 250
homeless people.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to inspire and help girls to grow.
Years in Scouting: 5
Her Interests: Running
track; performing in the
church choir; performing
gospel dance
Her Plans After High
School: To attend University of Albany as a
pre-med student, and run track.
Her Project: Amber worked to educate children, teens, and adults about the significance
of learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) and how to use an automated external
defibrillator (AED).
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to have 100 more years. “What would the
world do without Girl Scouts?”
Dominique D. Etienne
Alicia Veronica Fobbs
Troop 2811 – Brooklyn
Troop 2811 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 11
Her Interests: Being a
docent at the Prospect Park
Zoo; participant in the
Architecture, Construction
and Engineering Mentoring
Program; student advisor for the Urban
Assembly Institute’s Robotics Team.
Her Plans After High School: To attend college
to study architecture and math.
Her Project: Dominique encouraged people to
recycle their old eyeglasses so that they can be
used to help people around the world to see
better. She also educated her community about
various vision problems and the importance of
regular eye exams. She collected over 270 pairs
of eyeglasses.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That girls who
become Girl Scouts will have respect for the
Promise and the Law and not just believe we are
only about selling cookies. Girl Scouts is about
helping the community and becoming a
better person.
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Piano;
being the top cookie seller
in her troop; earning the
Bronze and Silver Awards.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend college to study sign
language, and to one day teach sign language
to parents of deaf children.
Her Project: Alicia worked at the Quaker
House preparing food and serving needy
people, collecting and sorting clothing, and
preparing and distributing food in the
food pantry.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That we
double the amount of Girl Scouts.
Mary Gallagher
Makeda Griffith
Troop 2018 – Queens
Troop 2018 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests: Singing,
writing, reading, and
volunteering with the
mentally handicapped.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend Stony Brook University and
explore the fields of Health Science as well as
begin my career as an English major.
Her Project: “Media Savvy,” was conducted
to inform girls of how distorted the media can
be. It seeks to educate, inspire, and reform the
way girls take in all different aspects of media
in the 21st century.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That girls can
find a way to respect themselves and their fellow women through empowerment in the
business world and in their own person lives.
Years in Scouting: 8
Her Interests: Etiquette
classes; swimming;
Her Plans After High
School: To attend college
to study dance, and eventually join a dance
Her Project: Makeda created a dance program for children in daycare centers in her
community. She was inspired by the knowledge that arts education programs are being
cut from public schools in her community.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl
Scouts to keep teaching girls how important
self-respect and helping others when needed
is important.
Maria Hatzipetros
Janae Headly
Troop 2873 – Brooklyn
Troop 2087 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Being a
member of the Blue Key
Society; Greek language;
junior varsity softball;
dance; volunteering for
the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Her Project: Maria arranged an art drive in her
community to help support the art program
of the Guild For Exceptional Children, so that
children with disabilities can continue to pursue art and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl
Scouts continues to offer young women the
opportunity to better themselves and support their communities.
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Playing
varsity lacrosse; participating in the NYU High
School Fellows Program;
being a church youth
representative and acolyte.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
college and study biology while taking
electives in political science.
Her Project: Janae targeted unhealthy eating
habits and lack of exercise in children. She
held three seminars in which she discussed
food groups, healthy eating, serving size, and
the importance of physical activity.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: To continue to
provide girls with the tools and opportunities
needed to break the glass ceiling.
Destiny Henry
Troop 2696 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 11
Her Interests: Modern
dance; Lasallian Youth;
playing the clarinet, tenor
saxophone, and piano;
student government.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Her Project: Destiny created a block association on the block where her Girl Scout troop
is located. She wanted to unify and improve
the community.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to have a huge national event!
Shanell Nicole Henry
Troop 2203 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 11
Her Interests: Girl
Scouts; travelling; shopping; working in her school
flower shop.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend a culinary arts school and
become a chef.
Her Project: Shannell’s project raised awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). After
losing a friend to SCA, she wanted to offer free
CPR/AED training and educate others
about the importance of early detection
and defibrillation.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to teach girls the importance
of service.
Anisa James
Imani Ashanti James
Troop 2018 – Brooklyn
Juliette – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Singing;,
dancing; drawing; reading.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend Morgan
State College and major
in vocal music.
Her Project: Anisa’s project focused on promoting literacy amongst very young children.
After meeting 5- and 6-year-old children who
could not read, she decided that this was the
ideal age group to start with.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl
Scouts to continue to grow girls into
wonderful women.
Years in Scouting: 8
Her Interests: Swim
team; fashion club; the
Martha Graham Dance
Her Plans After High
School: To attend a performing arts college
and major in dance.
Her Project: For her project, Imani gave free
dance classes for community members of all
ages. Attendees learned about choreography
and basic dance techniques.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: To get the opportunity to meet other Girl Scout sisters
from around the world.
Eileen Jin
Troop 4773 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 8
Her Interests: Ultimate
Frisbee; badminton;
Christian Youth Fellowship
Club; decorating;
Her Plans After High School: To make her
parents proud, live life to the fullest, and work
hard while having fun!
Her Project: Eileen chose to inspire more
young people to read by reading books to
young children at her local library and hosting
a children’s book drive for patients at
local hospitals.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more and
more girls will discover the opportunity of
being a Girl Scout. A girl can find true friends,
her potential as a person and a leader of this
world, and most of all, herself, by taking the
Girl Scout journey.
Alyssia King
Troop 2696 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Being a
peer mediator; honor roll;
participating in the Legal
Outreach program;
cheerleading; softball;
Double Dutch Club.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Boston University or Penn State University
and eventually attend law school.
Her Project: Alyssia created a neighborhood
block association to help her community
come together, have a good time, deal with
community issues, and bring the youth and
senior citizens together.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For a
record number of girls to receive their Gold
Award, and make our founder Juliette Low,
very proud.
Katherine Kurre
Annie Lee
Troop 4027 – Queens
Troop 4570 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests: Serving as
editor-in-chief of her
school newspaper; being
a cheerleading coach;
reading; writing; enjoying
the great outdoors.
Her Plans After High School: To attend college and double major in environmental and
marine sciences, and in communications with
a track in journalism.
Her Project: Katherine organized a park
clean-up and trail restoration day in which a
team of volunteers worked to beautify the
pond area of PFC Lawrence Strack Memorial
Pond. She also built a floating turtle island for
turtles to sunbathe on.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue on for another century of inspiring
girls to reach for their dreams.
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Girls
Varsity Volleyball; Girl
Scouts; Lunar New Year
Production Club
Her Plans After High
School: Annie plans to attend St. John’s
University’s pharmacy program.
Her Project: To raise awareness about the
environment, Annie gave workshops to children on creating art from recycled materials
at local libraries, and gave informational presentations to teens and adults about Wasteto-Energy (WTE) technologies.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more Girl
Scouts recognize their obligation to protect
the environment and “go green.”
Ivana Uen Wai Lee
Rachel Malken
Troop 4570 – Queens
Troop 4121 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Playing the
piano; working as a
Chinese school teacher’s
assistant; participating in
her school’s Lunar New
Year Production Club.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Babson College in the fall.
Her Project: Along with her partner, Ivana set
up various programs at the local community
center on healthy eating and nutritional planning. Licensed dieticians gave presentations to
promote the importance of healthy eating.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For everyone
to prosper and to spread the word of the
importance of sisterhood.
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Vocal music;
playing the French horn;
fencing team; serving as
vice president of the debate
team; tutoring in math and
science at LaGuardia High School.
Her Plans After High School: To attend college
and continue to be active in her community
through volunteer service.
Her Project: Rachel started the “Teen
Community Connection” project as a way for
teens, particularly those involved in the arts, to
volunteer by performing at senior centers in her
community. Rachel scheduled and planned
shows, recruited performers, and directed the
shows. To reach a larger audience of volunteers,
she created the “Teen Community Connection”
website, inviting others to join via Facebook
groups and Twitter.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts to
continue to raise girls who develop into strong
leaders who make an impact on their communities.
Christine Marten
Katherine Masters
Juliette – Staten Island
Troop 2766 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests:
Volunteering for Habitat
for Humanity and the
Transplant Support
Organization of Staten
Island; playing violin; participating in
stage crew.
Her Plans After High School: To attend Drew
University in the fall as a member of the civic
scholars program.
Her Project: Due to the economic downturn,
the number of Staten Islanders that go hungry
every year has increased. Christine wanted to
help these people by creating a food pantry.
She also wanted to make the community
more aware of the issue by involving them
in making food donations and having
them volunteer.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That the Girl
Scout organization will continue to grow and
help girls transform into independent and selfconfident leaders.
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests:
Participating in marching
band; Thespian National
Honor Society; Tri-M
Music Honor Society;
choir; community theater.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
college to study vocal performance.
Her Project: Katherine went to local churches
and schools to bring awareness to the issue of
poverty in local communities, and collected
over 250 new and used winter coats that were
donated to the Interfaith Nutrition Network.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For scouting to
be around for another 100 years so that thousands more girls can benefit from all that
scouting has to offer.
Maya Matheson
Jillian May
Troop 2696 – Brooklyn
Troop 4888 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 8.5
Her Interests: Singing;
dancing; acting; musical
theater; writing poetry.
Her Plans After High
School: To go to college
and eventually go to medical school to
become a doctor.
Her Project: To get young people thinking about
the potential future careers available to them
through hard work and determination, she held a
“Recipe for Success” event, where a multitude of
career speakers discussed their careers and how
they have accomplished their goals.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: Maya hopes that
Girl Scouts will continue to be fresh and new to
each new generation of girls. She believes that
there will be many young girls who will need
direction and good role models, and if Girl
Scouts can maintain a strong legacy while remaining current, they will provide this for the
next generation.
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests:
Being co-captain of the
girls’ track team at her
school; baking; achieving
all 3 of the highest awards
in Girl Scouts.
Her Plans After High School: To attend the
Honors Program at the University of Scranton
on a merit scholarship in the fall, and to major
in environmental science.
Her Project: Jillian addressed the issue of low
self-esteem in girls as a result of the media.
She developed a program to rebuild girls’ confidence and encourage girls to choose positive influences and make decisions that
overpower negative messages and influences.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For the
younger girls in scouting to build as many
memories as she has in her 13 years as a
Girl Scout.
Melissa McEvoy
Brittany Moore
Troop 1350 – Bronx
Troop 2530 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Volunteering
as a Sunday school teacher
and youth group leader at
her church; JV cheerleading
and softball; Tae Kwon Do;
Girl Scout activities like
being a CIT at Camp Kaufmann and a delegate
for the Girl Scout National Convention.
Her Plans After High School: To attend college
to pursue a career in Parks and Recreation so
that she can run Girl Scout Camp one day.
Her Project: Melissa’s project started out as a
“Need To Read” literacy event for underprivileged children, and took a drastic change when
she was researching a global link to her project in
Tanzania. She learned that 19 girls per minute
were being sold as child brides in Africa so that
their families could eat, so she decided that
she needed to raise awareness to stop child
marriages throughout the world through social
media and print.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That even more
women volunteer as Girl Scout Leaders and give
more girls the opportunity to be a part of an
amazing opportunity that has given her countless benefits. She vows to be a Leader soon!
Years in Scouting: 8
Her Interests: Being a
part of Mid-Bedford Leos;
making handbags from recycled jeans; cooking.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend Spellman College and focus
on her goal of becoming a medical doctor or
respiratory therapist.
Her Project: Brittany raised awareness
around the need for eyeglasses in low-income
communities, and held a drive for the Helen
Keller Foundation to distribute recycled eyeglasses to those who need them most.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more girls
join Girl Scouts and are interested in what the
movement is all about.
Shannon M. Moore
Troop 2177 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests: Tennis;
swimming; gardening;
stamp collecting; reading.
She has also never missed
a Girl Scout meeting in 10
years and has been going to Camp Kaufmann
for 7 years.
Her Plans After High School: To attend college
and focus on zoology or biology and take part in
writing opportunities. She also hopes to join a
college swim team and/or tennis team.
Her Project: Shannon was disturbed by the
statistics of pet overpopulation and learned that
the numbers of unwanted animals could be decreased by spaying and neutering more animals.
She held an awareness campaign and hosted the
ASPCA spay/neuter van, resulting in the spaying
and neutering of 40 animals.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That Girl Scouts
will continue to grow, especially in her community,
so that the 200th anniversary will be even better
than this one!
Catherine Morrison
Troop 3047 – Manhattan
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Serving as
the founder and leader of
an immersion program for
incoming students at her
school; volleyball; being a
foodie; serving as the Girl Scouts of Greater New
York 2011 Future Woman of Distinction.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Princeton University in the fall as an
engineering major.
Her Project: SAP: Sugar Awareness Project is an
animated public service announcement video
targeted at children and young teens about
avoiding sugary drinks and choosing more
healthful alternatives. She has presented the
video to groups of children and young teens,
young adults, and parents. It is available on
YouTube and on DVD at the Girl Scout Council
of Greater New York.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For more older
girls to join and stay in Girl Scouts. With a greater
number of older Girl Scouts, the community
would benefit from more Gold Award Take
Action Projects and more girls acquiring leadership skills and experience.
Chineke Njideka
Lesego Pearl Nkosi
Troop 2665 – Brooklyn
Troop 2665 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Community
service with NOLA – helping
to re-build homes in New
Orleans; attending the
National Youth Leadership
Conference; participating in the MiddleburyMonterrey Language Academy; creating a book
bag and school supply drive.
Her Plans After High School: To attend Pitzer
College in Claremont, California.
Her Project: Chineke created a group centered
upon creating and sustaining healthy and strong
relationships among girls at the Brooklyn Friends
Upper School. By creating a safe space for the
empowerment of young women in her school
community, she increased communication, education, and stressed the importance of helping
each other up instead of holding each other
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts to
continue enhancing the lives of girls in a positive
and strengthening way.
Years in Scouting: 3
Her Interests: Volleyball;
church youth choir;
National Honor Society;
chess club; reading.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend a top college, go to law school,
and become an entrepreneur.
Her Project: “Living My Life FREE!” is a program
Pearl developed to help young girls at
Soshangaan Primary School in her hometown
of Pretoria, South Africa grasp their full potential.
She did this primarily through math, science, and
english education, and by teaching the girls to
play volleyball (a new sport for them) and life
application skills.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: Pearl wishes only
the best for Girl Scouts for all of the work it has
done and continues to do locally, nationally,
and globally.
Colleen O’Brien
Denise Prado O’Leary
Troop 4501 – Queens
Troop 6148 – Bronx
Years in Scouting: 13
Her Interests: Being a
hospitality volunteer at
New York Hospital; serving
as secretary of homeroom on student council; volunteering as a
catechist and CCD teacher; taking part in the
Irish Club.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Adelphi or St. John’s and major in speech
pathology or education.
Her Project: Colleen collected disinfectant
products, clothing, writing utensils, and duffel
bags for Debre Berhan Zonai hospital in
Ethiopia. She also educated her community
on the needs of the hospital. There are only
120 beds for 2.4 million patients, many stricken with HIV/AIDS.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more girls
will take advantage of all of the opportunities
Girl Scouts has to offer, empowering girls and
molding bright futures for young women.
Josephine O’Malley
Troop 4215 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Bowling;
singing; writing; reading;
volunteering at school and
in her parish.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend Emerson College in Boston
and pursue a career as an author and a
guidance counselor.
Her Project: Josephine held a blood drive
aimed at young people who were first-time
donors, to encourage them to be longterm donors.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to grow and expand and provide
girls with opportunities to experience their
dream careers.
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Being a
musician who plays piano,
cello, mandolin, and bass,
reading; taking part in the
Internet community
“Nerdfighters of New York”
Her Plans After High School: To attend
college and study biology.
Her Project: For her Gold Award project,
Denise focused on organizing others to feed
homeless people in her community. By joining
her friends together along with her two partners on this project, she exceeded her goal of
feeing 250 homeless people.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to train girls to do their best with
courage, confidence, and character for the
next hundreds, even thousands, of years
to come.
Kristen O’Sullivan
Troop 4121 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Irish step
dancing; swimming;
serving as a member of
the Ranger Reservation
Corporation and the
American Red Cross club.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Her Project: Kristen worked to brighten the
days and quality of life for the elderly, disadvantaged, and homebound in her community.
She put together gifts , visited people in their
homes, and worked at a food bank.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That all girls
have the opportunity to go camping, make
new friends, and spread the message of
Girl Scouting.
Natasha Rene
Letreece K. Rhodie
Troop 2203 – Brooklyn
Troop 2530 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Traveling;
Girl Scouting; Sunday
Her Plans After High
School: To attend college
to pursue a career in the fashion industry.
Her Project: Natasha educated the community about the needs of underprivileged
children in an elementary school in St. Lucia
after learning about how many students stop
attending school because they do not have
shoes. She rallied her community to take
action and collect shoes for these children
so that they can further their education.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For each Girl
Scout to make her community a better place.
Years in Scouting: 11
Her Interests: Being a
member of the MidBedford Heights Leos club
and a cast member of The
Possibility Project; singing
in the Gospel for Teens choir.
Her Plans After High School: To attend a 4year college and major in social work and
minor in early childhood development.
Her Project: Letreece’s project aimed at
bridging the gap between the youth and
elderly in her community through the arts.
Youth and elderly talked and shared stories
while creating art together.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more
older girls remain in Girl Scouts. Girls that
remain are empowered and become the
leaders of tomorrow.
Danielle Sang
Victoria Santos
Troop 2018 – Brooklyn
Troop 4121 – Queens
Years in Scouting: 7
Her Interests: Working in
her school’s anti-bullying
program; running on her
high school track team.
Her Plans After High
School: Danielle hopes to attend Yale
University and eventually medical school.
Her Project: Danielle’s project addressed
self-esteem and positive social interaction
between girls ages 3-12. She provided manners and etiquette workshops which culminated in a “self-esteem tea party.” She
achieved her goal of helping girls to realize
their full potential while having fun.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to grow and encourage other girls,
just like Girl Scouting has encouraged her.
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Playing
volleyball; arts and crafts;
participating in an afterschool writing program
and a park program.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
college and then medical school to become
a pediatrician.
Her Project: Victoria was inspired to change
the bad reputation teenagers had in her community in regards to helping and caring for elderly and homebound people. She organized
other youth to work with the elderly and
homebound to change the community’s
views, and let them know that teens care.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: To continue
Girl Scout traditions for at least another
100 years.
Sabrina Simpkins
Troop 2018 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Student
government, YWCA, mentoring, knitting, dancing,
and Girl Scouts.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend college and become a
singer or a computer engineer.
Her Project: Sabrina held awareness workshops around the impact of eating out on
obesity. She educated her community on how
to prepare healthy meals at home, and how to
select restaurants that have healthier
dining options.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to grow young women of courage,
confidence, and character who make the
world a better place.
Victoria Eleni Sinopoulos
Troop 2873 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 10
Her Interests:
Participating in the
archdiocesan youth choir,
Hellenic club, and school
art squad.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
college and pursue a career in Education.
Her Project: Victoria decided to help kids
who were in need close to home in NYC. After
discovering that a high percentage of the
students at PS 114X in the Bronx were living
in homeless shelters, she organized her community to provide these students with good
winter clothing.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to create positive environments
and programming for girls locally and globally.
April Tsang
Eleni Vallas
Troop 4772 – Queens
Troop 2873 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 7
Her Interests: Playing
tennis; telling funny stories; completing all three
highest awards.
Her Plans After High
School: To attend Massachusetts Institute of
Technology for science engineering. She hopes
to pursue a career as an astrophysicist and
work in an observatory.
Her Project: April collected school supplies
and donated them to a center where teachers
and students who cannot afford them can get
free supplies.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to let the experience of Girl Scouts and the sisters she meets there stay with each girl forever.
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests:
Participating in activities
at Holy Cross Greek
Orthodox Church;
student teaching at
Holy Cross Parochial School.
Her Plans After High School: Eleni currently
attends St. Francis College as a freshman majoring in communications. She plans to go on
to obtain her master’s degree after achieving
her bachelor’s degree.
Her Project: Eleni collected food for the
Bowery Mission. The Bowery Mission provides
shelter and feeds hungry and needy people.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue for many more years.
Abigail Vasquez
Priscilla Marie Vazquez
Troop 1350 – Bronx
Troop 1350 – Bronx
Years in Scouting: 11
Her Interests:
Compassion Club;
Metropolitan Club; helping
out with Girl Scout
troop 1351.
Her Plans After High School: To attend
Her Project: After being inspired by all of the
current media attention surrounding bullying,
Abigail designed anti-bullying workshops for
kids in grades 4-8, at St. Theresa’s School.
Through the activities children learned about
the different types of bullying and bullying prevention and intervention.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to help as many girls change the world as
they can.
Years in Scouting: 7
Her Interests:
Participating as a chorus
member and dancer in
her school play and the
College Bound Achievers
College Prep course; track team.
Her Plans After High School: To attend a 4year university and pursue a degree in broadcast journalism.
Her Project: Priscilla organized a community
health fair to educate participants on the importance of good health and disease prevention and awareness. She also offered
opportunities for people to stay fit and eat
healthy by providing a Zumba session and
tasty and healthy food samples.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more
people will get the message of how big an impact Girl Scouts can have on a girl’s life, and
that there is way more to the movement
than cookies!
Caterina Velazquez
Tinneesia White-Flores
Troop 6148 – Bronx
Troop 2218 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Marching
band, jazz band, and concert band; serving as a
senator on student government; photography
club; playing sports like soccer.
Her Plans After High School: To attend college and study law, criminology, and forensics.
She would like to become a police officer and
eventually a homicide detective.
Her Project: For her Gold Award project,
Caterina focused on organizing others to feed
homeless people in her community. By joining
her friends together along with her two partners on this project, she exceeded her goal of
feeing 250 homeless people.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl
Scouts to continue to build strong and
independent women.
Years in Scouting: 6
Her Interests: Dance
school; track and field;
peer mediation; shopping.
Her Plans After High
School: To continue as a
dancer and attend either Juilliard, UCLA,
Lincoln University, or Duke University to pursue a degree in forensic science and the arts.
Her Project: Tinneesia’s love of dance
inspired her to focus on the importance of
physical and mental fitness. She educated
her community on the benefits of exercise
and fitness.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts
to continue to build a strong sisterhood
among girls.
Asha Alexandra Wills
Troop 2696 – Brooklyn
Years in Scouting: 12
Her Interests: Lacrosse;
swimming; playing the clarinet; editing her high school
literary magazine; being an
honor roll student and a top
cookie seller for her troop.
Her Plans After High School: To attend a
university and pursue a science or medicine
related degree.
Her Project: Asha decided to address the lack of
enthusiasm around higher education in her community by taking a multi-faceted approach. Asha
developed a mentoring program joining community leaders in her church and children in the community, got four non-Girl Scout girls to enroll in the
Girl Scout Scholars Program to learn about the potentials of higher education, and personally developed a tutoring curriculum for one 2nd grader who
after meeting with Asha weekly was nominated for
“Most Improved Student” in her district.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouting to
continue to be instrumental in empowering young
girls all over the world to be courageous and confident leaders.
Sara Wojtowicz
Troop 1350 – Westchester
Years in Scouting: 11
Her Interests: Singing;
acting; musical theater;
being a part of the
Honors Program.
Her Plans After High
School: To be accepted into the Swanson
Engineering School at the University of Pittsburgh
to study chemical engineering, and eventually
obtain a master’s degree in cosmetic engineering.
Her Project: Sara provided information to the
general public and to teenage girls in particular
about the severity and incidence of teenage rape
and incest and ways for girls to protect themselves. She created an informational Facebook
page, and held a presentation dinner on the important work that the organization RAINN (Rape
Abuse Incest National Network) is doing.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: To continue to
promote leadership in young women.
Lauren Yesko
Gabrielle Ann Viso
Troop 4358 – Queens
Troop 5393 – Staten Island
Years in Scouting: 6
Her Interests: Varsity
tennis and track; National
Honor Society; serving as
the Hugh O’Brien Youth
Leadership Representative;
attending Camp GOALS aboard the Intrepid;
attending Youth About Business at
Columbia University.
Her Plans After High School: To attend a fouryear college and pursue a career in law.
Her Project: Lauren’s project was two-fold; she
addressed the historical importance of documenting the first-hand accounts of World War II
Veterans. Videotaping her interviews with
veterans who reside at the Atria Senior Living
Residence in Kew Gardens, NY, Lauren generated
hours of footage of soldiers’ stories, some of
which will be included in the Library of Congress’
Veterans History Project. She also held a blood
drive to help meet the need for blood in her
local community.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: That more girls will
join Girl Scouts and take on leadership roles in
their local communities.
Years in Scouting: 9
Her Interests: Member of
Joseph Hill Academy
Singers, Junior Legion of
Mary and the National
Honor Society for Language.
Her Plans After High School: To go to
college and work in the entertainment field.
Her Project: To help unwed mothers, Gabrielle
spearheaded a campaign to donate baby items
to the Cross Road Foundation.
Her 100th Anniversary Wish: For Girl Scouts to
continue for another 100 years