Ringier Axel Springer Poland
Ringier Axel Springer Poland
The path from traditional media company to digital media company Jovan Protic- Group Publishing Director Jun 23 2014 Ringier Axel Springer was born out of two leading media companies with strong boulevard expertise History & Background Ringier Axel Springer Media AG is a joint venture founded by Ringier AG and Axel Springer AG to bundle their international activities in CEE The company started operations in July 2010 and is based in Zurich The two parent companies are each holding 50% of the joint venture CEE The company comes with a long experience and an excellent network in CEE, successful business has been made since the early 1990s The company comprises activities in PL, SK, RS and HU(activities in CZ have been sold) With more than 100 online and print offerings RASMAG is the region’s market leader in the segment of widely circulated tabloid dailies and one of the biggest magazine publishers 2 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG The JV benefits from boulevard expertise of both mother companies Ringier AG Print Online 720’000 readers Mobile Apps 3.822 mio unique clients/month 1.778 mio unique users/month 848’000 readers 779’000 readers Blick News app (iOS): 137’000 clients/month Blick mobile site: 1.189 mio unique clients/month Overall Blick reaches approx. 3 mio people per week 3 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG MACH Basic 2013-2 Gesamt-CH, Net-Metrix Profile 2013-2, Net-Metrix Audit Jan/Feb 2014 The JV benefits from boulevard expertise of both mother companies Axel Springer SE (1/2) 4 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG The JV benefits from boulevard expertise of both mother companies Axel Springer SE (2/2) 5 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Ringier Axel Springer Poland Portfolio Overview 3 newspapers & their supplements Newspapers 12 magazines Magazines Over 10 online sites & a growing number of apps Online & Apps 6 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Ringier Axel Springer Slovakia Portfolio Overview 2 newspapers & their supplements Newspapers 9 magazines Magazines Over 40 online sites & a growing number of apps Online & Apps 7 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Portfolio Overview 3 newspapers Newspapers 8 magazines Magazines Over 10 online sites & a growing number of apps Online & Apps 8 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Market leader in print boulevard in all 3 joint venture-countries Poland ♯1 Reach 1’550’000 PL SK Serbia Slovakia SC 110‘000 Reach 812‘000 Reach 812‘000 Data from 1-12 / 2013 October 2014 ♯1 SC 120‘000 ♯1 9 SC 339’000 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG RS Our vision founded in 2012: Becoming the leading digital media company. Our vision founded in 2012: New vision brought cultural shock: • • • • • • All our journalist needed to start thinking about digital channel, Our management teams needed to dedicate more budgets and time to digital, We needed to hire digital natives, We needed to educate existing employees, We needed to position ourselves as a good investor in digital field, We needed to establish true digital culture… Our approach: Establishing the digital culture Digitizing print portfolio 12 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Acquiring/d eveloping reach leaders Acquiring/d eveloping digital classifieds and lead generation business Our approach: Step 1: digitizing print portfolio Establishing the digital culture Digitizing print portfolio 13 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG The best(established) cases in Europe(2012): Brand in online world Strong Strong Strong Strong Habit Strong Strong Strong Strong Amount of content Large Large Very large Large Time to market(news) Fast Very fast Very fast Fast Variety of content/services Large Very large Moderate Very large Quality of content High Very high Very high Moderate SEO Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Facebook Bad Bad Bad Good Web layout/estethics Good Bad Bad Good Web layout/functionality Good Very good Very good Good Advertising Moderate Moderate Low Low 14 August 2011 The raising stars(from not existing to some of the most important): - Unique content - Network of contributors - Functional layout - Total integration with Social networks(Reddit, twitter, Facebook) - Quality content - Speed - Large production - Facebook integration - Massive Facebook promotion - Quality content - Speed - Unique content - Facebook integration - Massive Facebook promotion Social networks are in center of attention both as content source and content distribution channel. 15 August 2011 Key Success Factors for growth: High importance Habit/ Online Brand Build first Amount of content/ variety Web layout Content Time to market Content distribution Quality of content Build second SEO 16 August 2011 Social media Technology Advertising Digital journalism evolution within RAS Media AG 2012 - Newsroom ver 1.0. - Integrated newsroom 2013 – Newsroom 2.0. – Video/Social/Mobile newsroom All newsrooms start with video production, Strong push towards social, Strong mobile presence, 2014- date - Newsroom 3.0.- Digital first newsroom 17 Print and online editorial combined in one Reverse the news production flow August 2011 Newsroom ver 1.0 (2 years ago) Challenge # 1. The physical integration of newsrooms Rebuild the office, forget the walls, so people don’t hide in small rooms Dismount the online and print structure, make editors equal Mix print and online forming new departments responsible cross channel Fakt old editorial office 18 August 2011 Fakt Newsroom Newsroom ver 1.0 (2 years ago) Challenge # 2. Technical unity Removal of any tech obstacles Creation of one text input tool, a single print/online cms/interface from CMS to Woodwing Leave just few channel specialists with designated tools Challenge # 3. A mental change Reestablish the role of the department chief Empower the online content manager/the online chief editor Make your “old” online staff introduce internet to the “old” print editors The chiefs of departments came under big preassure. Not only they had to cope with print needs but were also responsible to provide manpower for online needs! 19 August 2011 Newsroom ver 1.0 (2 years ago) Challenge nr 4. Constant coaching Give everybody a chance to be a digital journalist Remind from the start that online has no deadlines Give easy ways to see how your site performs Statistics shown in easy way Key Principles: Not everybody will be able to work in news environment but, everybody deserves a chance The first and biggest mindset change is the need to work on Saturdays and early morning From the start teach people to understand how their articles perform on the web, give simple tools before telling them to use Google Analytics 20 August 2011 Blic/Blic.rs( ver 1.0.) after the integration 21 August 2011 22 August 2011 11.2011 Source: Megapanel 02.2013 01.2013 12.2012 11.2012 10.2012 09.2012 08.2012 07.2012 06.2012 05.2012 04.2012 03.2012 02.2012 01.2012 12.2011 02.2014 01.2014 12.2013 11.2013 10.2013 09.2013 08.2013 07.2013 06.2013 05.2013 04.2013 3 000 000 03.2013 0 01.2011 02.2011 03.2011 04.2011 05.2011 06.2011 07.2011 08.2011 09.2011 10.2011 RU Fakt.pl 3 500 000 Newsroom integration – April 2012 2 500 000 2 000 000 1 500 000 1 000 000 500 000 23 August 2011 Source: Interanl data 04.2014 03.2014 02.2014 01.2014 12.2013 11.2013 10.2013 09.2013 08.2013 07.2013 06.2013 05.2013 04.2013 03.2013 02.2013 01.2013 12.2012 11.2012 10.2012 09.2012 08.2012 400 000 07.2012 06.2012 05.2012 04.2012 03.2012 02.2012 01.2012 FAKT - sold circulation 450 000 Newsroom integration – April 2012 350 000 300 000 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 0 Newsroom ver 2.0 (just now) Challenge # 1. Premium content in online Create a publishing policy, start 1000 800 the flow with online topic 600 presentation 400 Make online content – premium 200 content – unique Weekly content production - fakt.pl Make more content for online needs 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 Newsroom ver2 (2014) Newsroom ver1 (2013) No Newsroom (2009) Poc count weekly showing the difference of the old world and the two newsroom stages 24 August 2011 Newsroom ver 2.0 (just now) Challenge nr 2. Do digital only (when needed) ▪ A newsroom reporter is a video reporter ▪ Live coverage not known in print journalism is a must nowadays ▪ Thinking mobile, enriching our mobile presence The old style „light” mobile site 25 August 2011 The new „rich” mobile experience Change of layouts and development of mobile in RAS Slovakia Čas.sk 26 August 2011 Mobile version Čas.sk Application Čas.sk Newsroom ver 2.0 (just now) Challenge # 3. Get social Ringier Axel Springer Poland FB fans ▪ Involve all into the social world 1200000 ▪ Use Facebook as a distribution 1100000 channel, but obey with its rules 1000000 ▪ 1185980 900000 Some journalist should become 800000 Social Ninjas, but hire social 700000 natives also 600000 606958 500000 4.14 3.14 2.14 1.14 12.13 11.13 10.13 9.13 8.13 7.13 6.13 5.13 4.13 3.13 2.13 1.13 400000 Social strategy effect. Arytmetic sum of all RASP profiles, doubled YOY • • 27 Not everybody will be a webTV star, but most of our journalists can be a social journalist stars. Social gives a big chance for our journalists to become „journalist as a brand” . August 2011 Newsroom ver 2.0 (just now) Challenge # 4. Enrich the offer ▪ Use the chances, teach and learn SEO ▪ Make viral pieces, curate content ▪ Involve contributors Main principles: - SEO is not an enemy - Constantly search the web for inspiration - Make articles that you would share yourself - Open up to crowd-journalism, put nonnewsroom content on your site 28 August 2011 Content curation and search for the viral stuff Group wide social initiative : Cross country curation team Analyzing content and pushing newsletters to the country teams Lead curators: 3 social media specialists Discovering content and shouting Curation team RASP: 3 content managers Curation team Onet: 3 journalists Curation team Serbia: 4 web editors Curation team Slovakia: 2 online EIC WHY? • Every country already performs curation tasks on daily bases(english sites), • By having unified team we significantly speeded up content time to market, • We freed more time for curation of local content 29 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Group wide initiative 1: Cross country curation team The process flow and tool used 2 1 3 1. When team members in countries discovers a good piece of content they just needs to click on the bookmarklet and a popup will show on the right. 2. Use of the bookmarklet will easily show the stats of the links and give simple way to “shout” about good content. 30 October 2014 9. Newsroom Development & Editorial 3. Country teams can “shout” with this link directly from the bookmarklet (using the megaphone icon) Group wide initiative 1: Cross country curation team The process flow and tool used Faceme tool Newlsetters Curation team 6 5 4 5. The team of curators uses the tools to analyse the best “shouts” and content automatically discovered as viral on selected web sites. 6. The team creates the newsletters for our teams in the countries. 4. All “shouts” are structured in the right bar of October 9. Newsroom Development & Editorial the 31Face2014me tool Social media initiatives and growth: 18000000,00 16000000,00 14000000,00 12000000,00 Onet.pl 8X Onet.pl_social 10000000,00 Fakt.pl_social Cas.sk social 8000000,00 Aktuality.sk social Blic.rs 2.5X Blic.rs social 6000000,00 4000000,00 Cas.sk 4X 2000000,00 Fakt.pl 2X 0,00 32 October 2014 9. Newsroom Development & Editorial Our approach: Step 2 M&A Acquiring/d eveloping reach leaders 33 October 2014 9. Newsroom Development & Editorial Acquiring/d eveloping digital classifieds and lead generation business Acceleration of digitization through acquisition of Onet.pl Leading Polish online portal with strong user engagement, highest brand awareness and best-in-class monetization Unique user: 13.5m / Visits: 157m / Reach: 70,2% 2nd largest web property in Poland after Google Most users… Editoral Content News, Sport, Business, Movies, etc. 34 October 2014 …little traffic UGC eMail Blogging platform eMail service Classifieds/ Directories Dating VoD Zumi #2 Sympatia Premium maps service biggest online video platform dating Ringier Axel Springer Media AG other Games eCommerce Other Portfolio of 80+ online games Partnership with allegro Hosting Acquisition of Azet.sk number 1 on the Slovak Internet The portals of Azet Group are visited by more than 851.000¹ Internet users daily (in average) and more than 2.876.000¹ users monthly, representing more than 80,5% of users of the Slovak Internet. Unique user: 2,86m / Visits: 82m / Reach: 81,1%* The largest Internet operator in Slovakia Portfolio Community portals News and Magazines Pokec.sk Aktuality.sk Cas.sk Sport.sk Diva.sk Lesk.sk Najmama.sk Zivot.sk Cestovanie.sk Badman.sk Adam.sk Zive.sk Mobilmania.sk Dobruchut.sk Fotoalbumy.sk Videoalbumy.sk 35 October 2014 Advertising and Business Products l Zoznamka.sk Azet Katalog Autobazar.sk Bazar.sk Nehnutelnosti.sk Byty.sk Novostavby.sk Nawebe.sk Zlavy.sk Services Azet E-mail Slovnik.sk Azet Mapy Minihry.sk Tahaky-referaty Vtipy.sk Kalendar.sk Horoskopy.sk Tivi.sk Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Did we fulfill our vision? 36 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Our portfolio: Poland Market leadership in main segments 9. Newsroom Development & Editorial Category Position Market share Reach (RU) share News #1 47% 9,1 mln Sport #1 47% 6,0 mln Technology #1 35% 6,0 mln Business #1 34% 4,8 mln Travel #1 24% 2,5 mln Lifestyle #2 46% 9,1 mln Entertainment #2 41% 9,3 mln Automotive #2 40% 3,6 mln Our portfolio: Serbia RAS as Market leader in All segments Category Position Market share* Reach (RU) share* News #1 58% 1,8 mio Sport #1 19% 0,6 mlo Travel #1 5% 0,9mlo Women #1 28% 0,2 mlo People #1 11% 0,3 mlo Youth #1 18% 0,6 mio 10% na Classifieds Source: Gemius Audience, August 2014 38 Oct 2014 9. Newsroom Development & Editorial #1 Company heavily transformed within 18 months through portfolio transformation JV pro forma JV pro forma 10 / 2012 5 / 2014 Portfolio Transformation + Acquisition in Nov 2012 Portfolio Sold in 04/2014 + 8% Revenue Share Print vs. Digital 92% 33% Revenue 67% Print Print Digital Digital 6% EBITDA EBITDA 52% 94% 48% Print Print 39 October 2014 Digital Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Digital Market leader in online reach in all 3 joint venture-countries Poland ♯1 Real user 14m Market reach 70% PL SK Serbia Real user 1.9m Market reach 57% Data from 1/2014 October 2014 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Slovakia Real user 3.0m ♯1 40 ♯1 RS Market reach 81%