In the Position as
In the Position as
NBOARD O S T A E S SPARE as... n io it s o P e h t In Nurse e pt it, is to mak ould you acce sh , on si is m Your e and sadvantaged. quire your driv e weak and di ents, which re th m r gn fo si up as d d an u st t varie As a nurse, yo A-Team. ork is all abou ort the social . Your daily w er pp tt su be d t bi an , tle rs d othe the world a lit for yourself an responsibility ke Ta . sm ia enthus N TH E P O S IT IO Nurse TI O N S IT E TH E O P ER A Lichtenberg A S S IG N M EN Immediate TE T S TA R T D A ch has over 25 e Stiftung Mün th , ts en m gn ent and ss assi N D ER social involvem ns and countle TH E C O M M A to tio es ca m lo co ne it ni n whe specialists at ur insider tip With over 500 ople, and is yo pe ith w g in al nce in de care. years’ experie e field of aged ractions in th te in e bl si on resp as possible independent as n ai m re sic sure they IO N ministering ba d strive to en Y O U R M IS S will include ad ntentment, an ts co en lfm se gn s’ si d nt ur as el, an reside l nursing mod -based care. Yo You boost the ika Krohwinke tic and activity on lis M ho e , th ed g is tin al tin -opera g with implemen through person standards. Co nursing plan, ity e al th qu r pe ed ifi as rt r ce tic care rdance with ou and therapeu tation in acco en m cu do g u. in rs for yo managing nu atter of course doctors is a m d an rs re ca , relatives EN TS ous work T R EQ U IR EM d advanced training/previ nt va le re h A S S IG N M EN ug d education an ro ue th in re nt ca co ed ve ehensi dge of ag nt and compr Basic knowle ur own consta yo e ak rt de un Willingness to ent training ity managem ledge of qual ow kn e iv ns Exte to work shifts l willingness Unconditiona nce mental resilie ills Physical and t-resolution sk and interns s and conflic ants, trainees st si as g in Assertivenes rs work of nu assessing the Leading and NBOARD O S T A E S SPARE as... n io it s o P e h t In EN EF IT specialists H O W YO U B s in a team of sk ta g in ng le al Varied and ch allowances) se wage (plus ou -h in on d aining Pay base d advanced tr r continued an fo s tie ni tu or Opp ion scheme Company pens the sts covered references to Child-care co tes and work ca ifi rt ce ol , scho ring letter, CV ion with cove at ic pl ap t en uitm . Send your recr email or post ’s A-Team by ch Stiftung Mün MANT Y O U R IN FO R ac hm an n M s S yl vi a B HR Manager h 10-11 Rauschenbac usen 09544 Neuha 037327 8770 rekrut[at]ateam K ol de M r C hr is to ph er ag Fa ci lit y M an Lichtenberg Pflegeheime GmbH gemeinnützige nberg geheim Lichte Senioren-Pfle Knebel Ms Manuela ager Nursing Man Lichtenberg Pflegeheime GmbH gemeinnützige nberg geheim Lichte Senioren-Pfle ww w. -pflege.d e eam at ww w F O T AR P E B -pflege. de eam .at ths after red of two mon the legal perio so in th wi ts en ments can al cum lope. The docu destroy the do dressed enve e the right to ad rv d se pe re am we , st a essful ease enclose tion is unsucc in this case, pl If your applica on request – up em th rn tu n re jection. We ca tion. n administra from the mai be collected E .D E AT E A M -P F L E G MUENCH G N U T IF T /S E FAC E B O O K .D
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