properties of the yellow organic acids of natural waters
properties of the yellow organic acids of natural waters
PROPERTIES OF THE YELLOW ORGANIC NATURAL WATERS’ ACIDS OF Masood Ghassemi and R. F. Christman Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle 98105 ABSTRACT Gel filtration profiles obtained from a variety of naturally colored waters indicate that color producing molecules are mostly in the apparent molecular weight range of 700-10,000 relative to dextrans. One fraction seems to have a molecular weight in excess of 50,000. The apparent size of the color molecules was found to be pH dependent, increasing as pH increases. Size increases are attributed to increased functional group ionization and a decrease in the adsorbability on Sephadex. The degree of association of color molecules with iron was also found to bc pH dependent, being greater at both high and low pH than in the range of 7-8. An understanding of the organic substances present in a body of water is essential to properly assessing their role in productivity. The so-called yellow organic acids, comprising a broad class of polyhydroxy-methoxy-carboxylic acids and quiare common nones of plant origin, constituents of almost all surface waters. Bccausc of their absorption of light cncrgy and interference with photosynthesis, high concentrations of color acids may reduce In lower concentrations, productivity. color acids are considered beneficial by virtue of their association with metal nutrients. Iron, for example, has been shown to remain in solution in the prescncc of color acids even under conditions of high pH and rcdox potential (Shapiro 1966). This paper presents some recent findings on the physical and optical properties of the yellow organic acids and on their mode of association with iron in the aquatic environment, The chemical naturc of these acids and its uniformity in different waters was discussed by Christman and Ghasscmi (1966). graphic and climatic conditions, The six waters on which most of the analysts were performed are listed in Table 1 with symbolic designations for referencing convenicncc. The waters from Alaska were flown to Seattle in glass bottles. The local waters and those from British Columbia were brought to the laboratory in 19-liter polyAll samples were ethylene containers. filtered through a slow filter paper (Eaton-Dikeman No. 613) and concentrated by vacuum evaporation at a tcmperature of less than 40C. Except that large amounts of salts, mostly inorganic, precipitated during concentration from the Alaska waters, the quantity of precipitate observed was small. All concentrates were filtered through 450-rnp Millipore filters and stored at 5C. Some samples developed a precipitate upon long standing which was removed by filtration, The authors are indebted to Dr. V. A. Dugdale and Mr. S. Wishart for their assistance in obtaining water samples. Size fractionation METHOD OF STUDY on Sephadex Scphadcx gel filtration was used for the fractionation of organic color (Table 2). The beds were prepared in 25- or 28-mmdiam Pyrex tubes, 50 to 60 cm long. Five ml of the sample to be fractionated was applied to the top of the bed with a ’ This work was supported by Federal Water bent-tip pipette. The elution was perPollution Control Administration Research Grant formed under a slight head using Clark WF EF 01031. 583 Sample collection and concentration The waters used came from several streams in western Washington and from other locations representing different gco- 584 rrABLE MASOOD 1. Sources Water M.G. PI. P.H. B.H. S.L. V.L. Source and designations waters and GIIASSEMI of R. analysis and instrumental methods Total iron was measured as follows: An approximate volume of the sample was evaporated to dryness in a Kjcldahl flask and the organic matter destroyed by the addition of 5 ml of concentrated nitric acid and 5 ml of 30% hydrogen pcroxidc. The residue was picked up in 4 N IICl and its pH raised to about 5 with concentrated ammonium hydroxide. The bathophenanthroline procedure as described by Lee and Stumm (1960) was then followed. Total organic carbon was determined in the apparatus described by Christman and Ghasscmi ( 1966). All quantitative fluorescence measurcmcnts were made with a Turner model CIIRISTMAN G-10 G-25 ( coarse ) G-50 ( fine ) G-75 G-100 be * Molecular separated of Sephadex gel Properties Approx limit for complete exclusion (mol wt) Sephadex type location and Lubs buffers or solutions of 0.01 N NaCl with pH adjustment made with HCl or NaOH. Convenient volumes of the eluent leaving the column were collected with an automatic fraction collector ( Model 1250 series, Warner-Chilcott Lab. Instr. Div., Richmond, Calif. ) . Some or all of the following determinations were made on the collected fractions: carbon content, absorption at 350 rnp, fluorescence, and total iron. Blue Dextran 2000 and Dextran 10 (both manufactured by Pharmacia Fine Chcm. ) and glucose were used for column calibration. Blue Dextran 2000 has an average molecular weight of 2,000,OOO and is cxeluded by all types of Sephadcx. The weight average and number average molccular weights for Dextran 10 were 11,200 and 5,700, respectively. F. TABLE 2. colored Creek in Skagit Co., Washington Pilchuck Creek, Skagit Co., Washington Keogh River, Port Hardy, British Columbia Earth Impoundment, Bull Harbour, British Columbia Smith Lake, Collcgc, Alaska Vad Lake, Goldstream Valley, Fairbanks, Alaska Chemical AND by weight size, Fractionation range* (mol wt) 700 5,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 limits within with respect up to 700 1004,000 50%10,000 l,OOO-50,000 5,000-100,000 to which molecules polysaccharides. can 110 fluorometer. The instrument was equipped with a primary filter peaking at 360 mp and a secondary filter with a sharp cut at 415 rnp. All fluorescence spectra were obtained on Fluorospec model SF-l ( Baird-Atomic, Cambridge, Mass. ) . Color absorption measurements were made at 350 rnp using a Beckman model DU quartz spcctrophotome ter. The ultraviolet and visible spectra were determined on a Beckman DK-2A ratio recording spectrophotometer. A Beckman Zeromatic II pH meter was used for all pH measurements. Color determinations were made with a Lumetron model 402-E photoclectric calorimeter (Photovolt Corp., New York), using a 420-rnp filter. A color standard was prepared in accordance with the standard procedure of the American Public IIcalth Association ( 1965). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Raw water analysis Partial chemical analyses of waters used in this study are given in Table 3. The samples from Alaska (V.L. and S.L. ) were taken during winter from beneath the ice cover. This could have increased their high mineral content. The data in Table 3 show that, although iron is present in all colored waters, there is no linear relationship between color intensity and iron content-a fact noted by several other investigators. An interesting property of the yellow All organic acids is their fluorescence. waters investigated showed a broad band of fluorescence centering between 450 and 460 rnp with the wavelength of maximum YELLOW ORGANIC TABLE 3. Water at ‘PI-1 7 at ~11 7 Dissolved organic carbon, ppm iron, ppm Specific conductance, pmhos/cm Total P.I. alkalinity, ppm as CRC03 Hardness, Ckl*+ Mg”+ Total IN NATURAL 585 WATEH analyses of colored waters B.I-I. P.H. S.L. V.L. 7.1 5.4 5.0 6.9 7.4 117 41 237 298 200 260 124 25 85 93 141 372 14 7 18 18 41 69 6.G Fluorescence Total chemical KG. sample PH Color Partial ACIDS 0.11 0.05 0.31 0.28 0.14 1.57 40 24 24 33 182 523 9 11 4 6 48 306 10 4 14 6 6 12 5 1 6 5 3 8 48 22 70 240 140 380 ppm as CaC03 excitation located in the region of 360-370 rnp, The intensities of both color and fluorescence were affected by pH, although not to the same extent. At low color values and at a fixed pH, the intensity of fluorescence varied linearly with Table 3 indicates color conccn tration. that the fluorescence-to-carbon and fluorescence-to-color ratios are not the same for all waters. This can be cxplaincd in terms of differences in the chemical nature of their yellow organic acids or the nonuniformity of their mineral composition, or both. In other studies (Ghasscmi and Christman, unpublished ) , the interaction of iron and aluminum with yellow organic acids resulted in the enhancement or quenching of the fluorescence, dcpcnding on the pH and the relative concentrations of the reacting species. Sephadex gel filtration experiments The size distribution and its uniformity among different waters Several workers have applied Sephadcx gel filtration to the fractionation of color. Gjessing ( 1965) worked with the organic substances of a typical moorland water in Norway and found two main fractions: one with a molecular weight between 100,000 and 200,000 and one in the 10,000 range. Shapiro ( 1964) recognized four distinct elution patterns for the 22 Minncsota lakes he studied. The majority of organic acids in these lakes were reported to have a :molecular weight greater than or close to 10,000. Recent data by Gjessing and Lee (1967) also indicate that the yellow organic acids from different waters may have different elution profiles and that, in general, low-colored waters have most of their color in the low molecular weight fraction; whereas in modcratcly or highly colored waters, more color is found in the high molecular weight fraction. Fig. 1 shows the elution profiles on G-25 Sephadex for the six waters used. With the possible exception of V.L., all waters appear to contain the same components, although in different proportions. Waters M.G., B.H., and P.H. contain higher ratios of larger molecular weight compounds, while in waters P.I., V.L., and SL., the smaller molecular weight fractions prcdominate. (In these experiments a buffer solution was used as eluent to ensure a constant @H. ) In Fig. 2, the exclusion and inclusion limits, as determined with a mixture of Blue Dextran 2000 and glucose, are superimposed on a typical G-25 profile. In this case, for maximum sensitivity, the fluorescence intensity of the column effluent was monitored. The data clearly indicate that although a fraction of organic color was 586 MASOOD GISASSEMI AND (j F. CIIRISTMAN SEPHADEX G-25 ELUENT : pH 6 CIARK AND LUBS BUFFER BED DIMENSIONS: 2.3CM DIA. 46 CM LONG 0.35 d R. 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 % 0.15 8 ;: 4 0.10 d 6 0.05 80 120 100 140 180 160 ELUTION FIG. 1. Elution profiles 200 240 260 280 VOLUME , ml for six different cxcludcd from the column most was dctained, with some being reversibly adsorbed. The G-25 data, thcrcforc, were not used to make any estimate of the actual molecular size distributions except to compare profiles. 220 colored waters. All color molecules were excluded G-10 Scphadex. With the exception small fraction that was even cxcludcd G-75, most of the coloring material included by G-50. The Sephaclex data thus indicate from of a from was that: YELLOW ORGANIC ACIDS IN NATURAL 587 WATER GLUCOSE 100 ELUENT : pII CLARK AND LUBS BUFFER BED DIMENSIONS : 2.3 CM DIA 46 CM LONG B B s t: 80 -160 60 -120 E i 2 k2 = d E ELUTION FIG. 2. Adsorption VOLUME, a) color molecules are of various sizes and b ) with respect to dextrans, practically all color molecules are in the 700 and 10,000 mol wt range with one small fraction cxceeding 50,000. The proportion of this SEF’HADEX ELUENTS: color on Sephadex 0.01 N N&l, BED DIMENSIONS pH ADJUSTMENT OR NaOII : 46 CM LONG 2. 3 CM DIA M. G. : ELUTION FIG. 3. Effect G-25. fraction can be estimated on the basis of its relative area under the profile curve. Such a figure, however, would not be very significant unless the pH of the sample is also specified since, as will be shown, G-75 BY MCI WATER ml of organic VOL \ I , ml of pI1 on molecular size. MASOOD GIIASSEMI AND R. F. CHRISTMAN SEPHADEX G-50 FINE ELUENTS : CLARK & LUB BUFFERS BED DIMENSIONS : 50 CM LONG 2.3 CM DIA WATER F’.I. ELUTION FIG, 4. Effect VOL , ml of pH and ionic composition the molecular size of the coloring matter, as determined by Sephadex, is affcctcd by pH. The effect of pH on molecular : 2.3 size. solutions of 0.01 N NaCl with pH adjustmcnts made by addition of NaOH or HCI. Fig. 3 shows that the size distribution of organic color, as determined by Sephadex, is pH dependent (see also Figs. 8 and 9), that is, the molecules appear to become larger as the pH is raised. To investigate this phenomenon over a wide size To establish the effect of pH on molecular size, elutions were performed with Clark and Lubs buffer solutions and with SEPHADEX G-75 .BED DIMENSIONS on molecular CM DIA 46 CM LONG 0.8 - f?\pI-I :1. E z c? 7,0 NaOH/I<lI$04 BUFFER P 0.6- 8, - pH 7.0 BORAX/BORIC ACID BJFFER P P d FIG. 5. Effect of borate on the molecular size distribution of color. YELLOW BLUE DEXTRAN ORGANIC ACIDS IN NATURAL 2000 P 0.8 - 589 WATER SEPHADEX G-50 BED DIMENSIONS I ’ FINE : 2.3 CM DIA 50 CM LONG I\ 0.6 - 0.0 50 70 +BLUE 4 I\ 0.4 90 DEXTRAN 110 130 150 170 2000 SEPHADEX G-100 BED DIMENSIONS : 2.3 CM DIA 40 CM LONG 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 40 60 80 EIlJTION FIG. 6. Elution 100 VOLUME, analysis with ml 120 0.01 N 140 NaOH. 160 590 MASOOD GIIASSEMI AND R. F. CIIRISTMAN 80 60 u E 2 40 20 0 0.3-L P\ g 0.6- 0.8 i BID-E DEXTRAN 2000 I 40 80 I 1 120 I ELUTION I 160 -- I I 200 VOLUME I 240 , ml SEPHADEX G- 75 MADE WITH NaOH AND HCl ELUENTS : 0.01 N NaCl WITH pH ADJUSTMENTS -o-dpH 3.85, o--o--opH 5.5, -e-a-o pH 7.5 FIG. 7. Effect of pH on color-carbon-iron relationships (water M.G.). I I 280 I YELLOW ORGANIC ACIDS IN ELUTION SEPHADEX G -75 ELUENTS : 0.01 N NaOH -me FIG. 7. NATURAL WATITR VOLUME, AND 0.01 N HC:I ( Continued. ) range of accurately controlled pH levels, elution profiles were performed with Clark and Lubs buffer solutions (Fig. 4). The buffers of pH 4.0 and 5.0 contained NaOII and potassium acid phthalate. The pH 7.0 ml - buffer was made of KIIJ’04 and NaOH. Buffers of PI-I 8, 9, and 10 contained NaOH and decreasing amounts of boric acid. As the pH was increased in the 4.0-7.0 region, there was a slight increase in MASOOD 50 70 90 GHASSEMI 110 AND 130 150 ELUTION SEPHADEX EL.UENTS IL F. CHRISTMAK 170 VOLUME, 210 190 230 ml G- 75 : 0.01 -h--A BED DIMENSIONS FIG. 8. N NaCl WITH pH ADJUSTMENTS pH S. 5 AND - pH 7.5 > -O--Q: 2.3 Effect CM DIA AND MADE -o-c+ WITH NaOli pH 3.85 AND HCl 46 CM LONG of pH on color-carbon-iron-fluorescence relationships (water P.H.). 250 YELLOW ORGANIC ACIDS molecular size as previously noted. At pH 8.0-10.0, the molecules were much larger -the majority being excluded from the column. This increase in size, however, is related to the presence of borate ions as shown by the gradual decrease in molecu1ar size at pH 9.0 and 10.0 where the eluents contained less boric acid. This was also confirmed when elutions were pcrformed at the same pH in the absence and presence of this acid ( Fig. 5). The increase in size of organic color molecules in the presence of boric acid is understandable, considering the polyhydroxy-polycarboxylic nature of these molecules and the ability of borate ion to form chelates with such structures. To establish that the observed increase in molecular size with increased pH was not associated with changes in Sephadex properties, a mixture of Blue Dextran 2000, Dextran 10, and glucose was fractionated on a G-75 column using different buffer solutions. The profiles had identical patterns. Similar results were obtained when simple phenolic compounds such as quercetin were eluted from a G-75 column at two different pH values. In the case of color, however, the extent of adsorption on Sephadex gel at different pH values could not bc determined. When a solution of 0.01 N HCl was used as cluent, the volume required to elute the sample from the column was greater than that required for elution of glucose, indicating that under highly acidic conditions color is reversibly adsorbed on the gel. If the extent of adsorption of color on Sephadex decreases as the pH is raised, this may account for the apparent increase in molecular size of color with pII. This increase in molecular size may also be attributed to changes in molecular shape brought about by an increase in ionization of the functional groups at higher pH levels, As shown in Fig. 6, when a solution of 0.01 N NaOH was used as eluent, the profile was similar to that obtained with buffers containing boric acid. One fraction was excluded by G-100. When elution was performed with 0.5 M NHdOH, some of IN NATURA:L WATER 593 the color precipitated at the top of the bed and could bc washed down by the addition of strong chelating agents, such as triethanolamine or Vcrsenex 80. Iron-color association The above observations led us to conclude that the large increase in molecular size at high pH was probably related to the degree of metal-organic association, which woulld vary with changes in the “pH. In such an association, iron would be the clcmcnt most likely to be involved because of its relatively high concentration in the samples and because of its low solubility at high PII. Since elucidation of the nature of iron-color association and its relation to molecular weight and “pH were additional objectives of this study, Sephadex experiments were designed to determine the iron, color, and carbon content of the effluents. The quantitative recovery of iron was not possible due to the low precision of the test and the large number of samples. In some cases, total iron detected in the cfflucnt was higher than that originally prcscnt in the sample. A study of Figs. 7 and 8 reveals that the cxtcnt of association of iron with color, in color concentrates with ratios that are nearly the same as those for the raw waters, depends on pH. As the pH is raised from 5.5 to 7.5 (or per,haps to values not much greater than this), iron appears to dissociate itself from color. This iron appeared in the effluent much later than predicted by the column inclusion limit, presumably being retarded by adsorption on the gel. This is especially clear in Fig. 7 and noticeable in Fig. 8. We prepared a ferric chloride solution containing the same concentration of iron as the color concentrate and applied a sample of it to the column. Practically all of the iron became irreversibly bound and could not be eluted. The same result was. obtained when ferrous sulfate was used instead of ferric chloride. This indicates, that the iron in natural waters is chemically bound to organic color or is corn-. plexed with other chemical species that: 594 MASOOD GHASSEMI SEPIIADEX G-25 ELUL’NT : 0.5% AQUEOUS SAMPLE : 1:l DILUTION AND SOLIJTION OF WATER R. F. Or VERSENEX M. G. CHRISTMAN 80 (ld i 11) .0.9 CONCENTRATE 0. a -0.6 -0.4 E 2 I -0.3 $ -3.2 -0.1 ---o--.c-.-c---o--o--~o-‘- ELUTION FIG. 9. Iron-color relationship VOLUME, -4 ml in the presence prevent reaction with the Sephadex. Even at pH 7.5, iron may still be bound to some color, the concentration of which is too small to be detected by the carbon analysis. Although the quantitative relationship between iron and color as affected by pH could not be determined, it was established that iron and color can associate to a greater degree when the pH is slightly acidic or lower. The dissociation of iron from color at higher pH values (but not under very alkaline conditions-see below ) can be explained in terms of a chelation model in which hydroxide ions can successfully compete with the functional groups on the colored material for the coordination sites of iron. This can also explain why the optimum pH of color coagulation with ferric chloride is in the range of 4.5-5.5 for most natural waters. Some of the iron present in the high molecular weight fractions is probably bound by a mechanism different from chelation, as this iron could not be removed even by strong chelating agents. Under highly alkaline conditions, soluble iron-hydroxo complexes become associated with color again, probably through simple adsorption. Even at such a high pH, most of the iron could be pulled away from the of strong chelating agents. color by a strong chelator. This is indicated in Fig. 9 where a 0.5% solution of Versenex 80 is used as clucnt. The fraction of iron that is not removed, however, can still account for the apparent large molecular size of color at this pH. The nature of iron-color association has been extensively invcstigatcd by Shapiro ( 1964). I-Ie reported that the “iron-holding” capacity of color increases with I~>H up to a value of 10, after which it dccreases rather abruptly. This finding is inconsistent with the Scphadcx fractionation data reported here, which indicate that the color-iron association is greatest at intermediate pH values. Shapiro assumed the mode of association to be primarily one of pcptization [i.e., the adsorption of color on Fe ( OH) 3 sols] rather than chelation. Recent investigations (Ghassemi and Christman, unpublished), however, indicate that the color-metal ion interaction proceeds on a purely chemical basis. Optical properties and molecular sixe Although there are a few references in the literature concerning the relation of optical properties to molecular size, the conclusions have not been backed by adequate cxperimcntal data. YELLOW ORGANIC ACIDS 0.8 IN NATURAL A C b A A 0.7 595 WATER A n 0 CARBON CONTENT ABSORBANCE OF EFF. ABSORBANCE IN BASE ABSORBANCE IN ACID SAMPLES b a. 0.6 0.5 % 53 ;-" 4 d 6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.c ELUTION SEPH ADEX ELUENT: WATER VOLUME, ml G-75 0.01 N NaCl M. G. FIG. 10. Light absorption properties Fig. 10 shows elution profiles for water M.G. The optical density, carbon content, and color-to-carbon ratio are plotted against clution volume. The absorption data for effluent samples made acidic or of various color fractions. basic by addition of acid or base arc also1 presented; these are designated as A, and Ah. The data indicate that a) the optical density per unit organic carbon content is. 596 MASOOD 0.4 1 HUMIC GIIASSEMI AND R. F. CHRISTMAN C MYMATOMELAh’IC ACIDS 0.3 0.0 FLU’I‘ION FIG. 11. water Sephadex G-25 elution profiles VOI.UE*Il: for , ml fulvic and humic and hymatomelanic fractions of M.G. lowest for molecules in the intermediate size range and highest for large molecular weight fractions, b) the optical density of all fractions decreases by addition of acid and increases with “pII, and c) there appears to be no strict correlation between the change in absorptivity with “pII and molecular size. Some fractions were sclected at random and their fluorescence and UV spectra determined. The spectra were identical with those of raw colored water, In accordance with the classic solubility fractionation scheme for soil organic matter, color can be fractionated into humic acids (soluble in alkali, precipitated by acid, and insoluble in alcohol), hymatomelanic acids ( soluble in alkali, precipitated by acid, and soluble in alcohol), and fulvic acids (soluble in alkali and not precipitated by acid). The fulvic acid fraction has been reported to account for up to 90% of the weight of color solids. Fig. 11 compares elution profiles of fulvic acid and humic and hymatomelanic fractions and indicates that humic and hymatomelanic acids contain a larger proportion of high molecular weight compounds than fulvic acid, This is in agreement with the findings of Packham (1964) that, per unit weight, humic acids produce more color than fulvic acids. SUMMARY Sephadex gel filtration has been used to investigate the molecular size distribution of the yellow organic acids of natural waters. The six waters studied were obtained from four streams in western Washington British Columbia, and and Vancouver, from two lakes in Alaska. Sephadex data indicate that, with the exception of a fraction having a molecular weight in excess of 50,000, color molecules are apparently in the 700-10,000 mol wt range, as comsince the pared to dextrans. IIowever, interaction of color acids with the gel could not be determined, elution profiles obtained on Sephadex cannot be regarded as true representation of molecular size distribution until their validity is confirmed by other methods of molecular size analysis. Furthermore, the effect of sample concentration on molecular size distribution is as yet unknown, and it is entirely possible that the actual distribution of color acids in natural waters is quite different from that indicated by Sephadex. YELLOW ORGANIC ACIDS Sephadex was also used to study the effect of pH on molecular size, using eluents of different pH and ionic composition. In the acidic to slightly alkaline pI1 range, the size of the color molecule showed a slight increase with increase in pH. This can be attributed to an increase in the molecular radius due to an increase in the ionization of the functional groups, or a decrease in the extent of adsorption on Sephadex, or both. Under highly alkaline conditions, the color molecules appear much larger, presumably due to adsorption on or complex formation with iron or other metal-hydroxo complexes. Similarly, boratcs were found to effect a large increase in molecular size probably by forming complexes with organic color molecules. The degree of association of iron with color was also studied and found to be pH dependent, being highest in the lower pH regions and under highly alkaline conditions, and lowest in the vicinity of pH 7-8. The nature of the iron-color association and its variation with pI1 can bc cxplaincd in terms of a chelation model in which the functional groups on color and the hydroxide ions compete for the coordination sites of iron, The data, however, contradict the finding of Shapiro (1964) that the iron-holding capacity of color increases with pH to a maximum IN NATURAL WATER 597 value at pH 10 and then decreases rather sharply. Sephadex experiments using solutions of strong chelating agents as eluents indicated that, with the exception of a small amount of iron bound to large molecular weigh.t fractions, most of the iron could be pulled away from the color. REFERENCES AMERICAN PUBLIC HEXLTFI ASSOCIATION. 1965. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 12th ed. APHA, New York. 592 p. CIIIILTSTLMAN,R. F., AND M. GHASSEMI. 1966. Chemical nature of organic color in water. J. Am. Water Works Assoc., 58: 723-741. GJESSING,E. T. 1965. Use of sephadex gel for the estimation of molecular weight of humic substances in natural waters. Nature, 208: 1091-1092. -, AND G. F. LEE. 1967. Fractionation of organic matter in natural waters on sephadex columns. Environ. Sci. Technol., 1: 631638. LEE, G. F., AND W. STUMM. 1960. Determination of ferrous iron in the presence of ferric iron with bathophenanthroline. J. Am. Water Works ASSOC., 52: 1567-1574. PACKIIAM, R. F. 1964. Studies of organic color in natural water. Proc. Sot. Water Treat. Exam., 113: 316-334. SEIAPIRO, J. 1964. Effect of yellow organic acids on iron and other metals in water. J. Am. Water Works Assoc., 56: 1062-1082. -. 1966. Yellow organic acids of lake water: differences in their composition and behavior. Paper, Symp. Hungarian Hydrol. Sot., Budapest-Tihany, Sept. 25-28, 1966.