H. Alexander Dumble Suite Two Musical Sound
H. Alexander Dumble Suite Two Musical Sound
H. Alexander Dumble Musical Sound Consulting Services & Products .... Suite Two 6375 North Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90042 213+258-7167 voice mail & F X February 2S REA: 1992 0 request for info mation Thank you very much for your etter and your expressed interest in my products and services. In response to your request, I am enclosing copies of the (1) Overdrive Special data sheet, (2) Schedule of Pric'ng & Ter s, (3) Order Form/Agreement, and (4) Secu ity Agreement. These documents provide an outline of the basic ordering st ucture and procedures. However, if you have any questions, please wrlte me at the above address; nd I will espond as best I can to your questlons. I still custom manufacture all of my pro ucts "one-at-a time" lf~i th extreme care and at ention. So each ampl' fier and speaker enclosure can much be considered a "prototype devloe" suitable as model for mass man fact ring prooedures, hence the neoessity for the Security Agreement. The mphasis here as always is making the highest quality produot capable of resplendent, impressive performance. Presently, the STANDARD ORDER system is "closed", and no orders a e being accepted for this syst ffi. The EXPRESS-ISO mechanism 's ~. ited as to the number of orders tha ca be acoepted. So before you plan to use this order system, please oheck with me concerning the status and availability of the system. f af er reading all the en losed data, and you've made a decision that you w uld definitely like to place an order; you are invited to contact me at the above number & address. Yours very tru y, H. Alexander Dumble • AMPLIFIERS "OVERDRIVE SPEC ;', - " Enjoy the expressi e, creative free dom of switching fron ~ oarm but glassy clean uitar presentatio to a lucious, sustaining tone rich in ~armonics. The "Overdrive Special" pruvides the guitar player with an almost enoless selection of tones making it an ex remely valuable instrument for the succecsful presenta tion of solo and accompaniment music~ the "COIYlBO" ~~= SPECIFICATIONS Power Output: 100 watts or 50 watts true power Dimensions: 20"H x 20.75"W x 10.2£:""0 Weight: 67 pounds with EVIYl-12L spe"ker Power Consumption: 120VAC, 50 Herz, 324VA at full output Output Impedance: 4 ohms Input Impedances: NOR=11Yl ohm, and FET=3.3 ohms TUBE CDinPLIIYlENT 3 x 7025 high-mu twin triodes 4 x 6L6-GC beam power tubes or 4 x 6CA7 power pen 0 es CONTROLS AND EQ SWITCHES Preamp Controls: volume, treble, rni le, Jnd bas"" Preamp Switches: bright, deep, rOLl/jazz, 3 d pr Overdrive Controls: level, ratio, v.ith il Lernal t: Overdrive Switch: manual/pedal se ~ct master ~ection: master volume, and presence - •.:. .J :2 t 0..!l • r-. tap e r SIGNAL CONNECTIONS Inputs: NOR, and FET Access Ports: preamp out, and power amp input (2.5V, 50 OK ohms) Outputs: main speaker, and extension speaker POWER SWITCHES A.C. mains on/off A.C. mains grounding operate/standby 100 watt or 50 watt output select REIYlOTE SWITCHING overdrive on/off preamp boost on/off _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HIGHLANO PARK. CA.SCC42 •• H. Alexander Dumble Musical Sound Consulting SerVlces & Products Los Angeles, California 90042 *** Schedule of Pricing & Te ms of Business Effective April IS, 1990 CUSTOM FABRICATED AMPLIFICATION PRODUCTS: *** Device(120 volt operation only)EXPRESS-60 ... EXPRESS-180 ... STANDARD Overdrive Special amplifier .... Overdrive Special-Combo/no spkr Steel St ing Singer amplifier .. Manzamp amp ifier . Dumbleland amplifier . Overdrive preamplifier . . Manzamp preampli fier Dumblelator effeots driver . Dilmb elatQr effects diver .. rack mountable power amps . $5,150.00 $3,650.00 $2,135.00 $5,460.00 $2,265. 0 $3,825.00 $3,65. $8,500.00 $6,025.00 $6,025.00 $3, ~ $8,500.00 $7,085.00 .00 $9,995.00 5.00 $2,750.00 $3,875.00 $3,025.00 90 00 $4,260.00 $1,160.00 $595.00 $1,640.00 $l,cnO.Oo $1,355.00 $725.00 (priced as per application) CUSTOM FABRICATED SPEAKER ENCLOSURES (unloaded): Device MS-S12, PI-D 2, SS-Q12. MS-Q12, EXPRESS-60 tuned for lx12 driver .. rear ported for 2x12 infinite baffle 4x12 tuned for 4x12 drivers. $1,025.00 $1,145.00 $1,470.00 $2,225.00 EXPRESS-ISO STANDARD $725.00 $810.00 $1,045.90 $1,580.00 OUST OM SERVICES: ... Consu 1 ting/Engi neeri ngjAdmi nistra ti ve COST. Telephone consulta ion for 10 minu as or less is $200.00 Telephone oonsultation above 10 minutes per mnute is $15.00 Technical prooedures tlme for slmple service per hour is .. $55.00 Engineering level procedures time per hour rate is $235.00 Ergineering level prooedures 1me per day rate is $1,250.00 Special adminlstrative handling ra e per hour 1S • . • • • • • • • • $185.00 Retainer fee for new product development is $50,000.00 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. BASIC TERMS Pro ucts & servioes must be prepald in full in U.S. dollars. Express-60 is for sixty-day completion time guaranteed. Express-180 is for six-month completion time guaranteed. Standard listing is for 24 to 36 month completion time. Completion time is defined as the time it takes to manufacture and oompletely test the equipment to be ready for shipment. Cl"ent is responsible fa all matters regarding shipments. Or er is deemed accepted by client upon transfer of the equipment to c1 ent or client's carrier or client's agent. In cases of special b" 1ng, a1 amounts are payable within ten calendar days. A 1 oid qu'r xeoution of 0 der & Seourity Agreements. All pricing and specifioa ions are subject to change. All transactions re California venue Musica H. Alexander Dumble Soun Consulting Services & Products Los Angeles, California 90042 *** SECURITY AGREEMENT *** I, __________________________ , hereby agree to use the quipment bu'lt Lor me by H. Alexander Dumble for my own personal use in the live performing and ecording of my guitar. I understand that the equipment uses circuitry and techniques unique to H. Alexander Dumble; and I romise to never allow the equipmen to be opened, ana ized, an lor inspected by any individual, group of individuals, and/or commer ial entity other than H. Ale ander Dumble. I also agree and promi e that I will always maintain the strict supervision over the equipment; and to never leave it vulnerable to hef and/or inspec ion/analization by any individual, group of ind! iduals, and/or commercial entity. I promi e hat I will not sell the equipment built for me by H. Alexander Dumble any individual, group of individuals, 0 and/or commercial en ity secrec further agree a d hat will invade and/or compromise the of H. Alexander Dumble's cir uitry and techniques used in the manufac u ng f h' eq ipment. SIGNED: _ DATE: _ SEAL OF PUBLIC NOTARY BY: ----------------------DATE: _ H. Alexander Dumble Musical Sound Consulting Services' Products .... ._..__.. *** [ SOLD TO: Sui te Two 6375 North Figueroa Street Los Angeles} CA 90042 213+258-7167 ORDER FORM ***-:-][ SHIP TO: [ [ ] [ ] [ [ ] [ [ [- _ ] ] ] [ ] ] [ ] .._ ... ._--_.. _-_.. - - - - - - - - - - - ] [ - - . . . . . - - - - - .... _ - - - - - ] [Order No. [] Order Type: [] Paid By: [] Complet on D te [] Date: ] ._ __ [ [] [] [] [J] [] _ . _ - - - - - [ ] - - : - - - - [ ] - - _.._----=-=[] --_. __.. ] [_.- [Line] [Quantity] [ [ 01 ] [ ] [ [ [ [ [ [ 02 ] [ 03 ] ( ] [ ] [ 04 ] [ ] [ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ ] [ ] [ [ 07 [ 08 ][*** ****] [ [********] [ ] [********] [ ][********][ ] (********J[ [ 09 ] [ 10 [ 11 [ 12 [ - - _ . _ - _..... _ •.... Product/Service ][ Cost Ea.][ ] [ ][ TOTAL: J ] [ ] [ [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ PARTS/SERVICES TOTAL: APPL CABLE FEES/SURCHARGES: GRAND TO AL: DEPOSIT AMOUN PAID: BALANCE DUE: _---- *** ] ] ] J[ J [+ _... __.... _.. ] ] ] . .._J ][ ] [-_. _ _.. _ . _-_.. ][ ] _._----- *** ] ORDER AGREEMENT I, , as customer agree to the following terms and to accept Dumble's pricing and terms as listed on the Schedule of Pricing & Terms of Business all as a legal contract: 01. to order and receive without failure the above custom products and/or servi es as lis ed on lines 1 hough 7 on Order Form; 02. 0 prepay in full the U.S. Dol ar amount listed on line 10 of the Order Form; 03. t be responsible and provide for all ma·ters 'n the transpor a ion of the comp1e ed equipmen ordered b me 'ncluding but no e elusive to he e oice of rier nd 11 h'pping fees; 04. to supply to Dumble prior to any shipping date all needed flight ases/shipping containers and packing materials to properly pack and transport the completed equipment to me; 05. I un er tand ha all manufa u ing and administrative proce dures used by Dumble require ex reme, can inuous effor from Dumble, and I will wait patien ly without dis urbing Dumble and will not in any manner interrupt and/or impede Dumble that ould 'n the slightest degree de ract form his ability to perform attendance to his responsibilities and activities; 06. I also understand that the equipment ordered by me will be manufactured by Dumble on a custom basis exclusive to me, and that all deposi amoun s paid by me are not refundable in the vent of my ov rl and/or inciden al default of this contrac . AGREED BY: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DATE: _ / SEAL OF PUBLIC NOTARY: ------------------
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