We`ve got a nose for everyday low prices
We`ve got a nose for everyday low prices
BACK AA AA COVER Fido ADVANTAGE Monthly plans This is how we’re taking care of you We’re taking care of you with savings and more NEW Fido Check-In Long distance to the U.S.20 55¢ per minute Directory assistance $2.50 per call Book an appointment with a representative who’s familiar with your account. That’s customer service tailored to your needs.17 Long Distance 20 LiveANSWERS U.S. and International Preferred Rate15,16 TM $5 per month Save up to 85% on calls from Canada to over 180 destinations. Plus, no additional charge for calling to the U.S. after 240 minutes. Skip the machine and speak to a real person in practically no time. U.S. Unlimited15 $15 per month Unlimited calls from Canada to the U.S. FidoDOLLARS Get back 4% of your eligible spend in FidoDOLLARS and save on your next phone.18 TM Travelling to the U.S. Fido has you covered with new U.S. Travel Packs. Now, you can use your phone just like you would at home with more minutes, texts and data for less! Tab24 Text TRAVEL to 7626 to purchase one before you leave. › Save now on your phone. › See your balance cleared in 24 months. › Upgrade anytime by paying off your Tab24 balance.19 Taking a short trip? Stay connected with our worry-free U.S. Data Roaming Rate—$7.99 per day for up to 50 MB of data.21 No need to sign up; just turn on data roaming to activate. 02-2014 275F051-51-09 RW413732 Visit fido.ca/roaming for more roaming offers and destinations. It’s time to switch. Shop on fido.ca or call 1-888-481-3436 Applies to all plans: Additional airtime, long distance, roaming, data, add-ons, provincial 9-1-1 fees (if applicable) and taxes are extra and billed monthly. Local airtime excludes calls made through Call Forwarding, Video Calling or similar services. Value Pack and Long Distance Add-on require a subscription and must be added to a monthly plan. Information on provincial 9-1-1 fees; fido.ca/911. Subject to the Fido Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy; fido.ca/terms. Device savings recovery fees and/or service deactivation fee apply according to the terms of your agreement if, for any reason, your service is terminated prior to the end of the Fido Agreement. Device Savings Recovery Fee (applicable to Term Services only). A Device Savings Recovery Fee (DSRF) applies if you were given an economic inducement when you agreed to your new term, and if, for any reason, your service or your new term is terminated prior to the end of the term of your Agreement (Fido Agreement Term). The DSRF is equal to the economic inducement multiplied by the number of months remaining in your Fido Agreement Term divided by the total number of months of your Fido Agreement Term (plus applicable taxes). In other words, DSRF = Economic Inducement x # months left in your Fido Agreement Term ÷ Total # months in your Fido Agreement Term + applicable taxes. An Additional Device Savings Recovery Fee (ADSRF) also applies if, for any reason, your data option, or your data option’s commitment term (Data Term), is terminated prior to the end of your Data Term. The ADSRF is based on the additional economic inducement you received for subscribing to your data option, is calculated using the same formula used to calculate the DSRF (but substituting Economic Inducement with Additional Economic Inducement and Fido Agreement Term with Data Term), and applies in addition to the DSRF for termination of your Agreement. If you subscribe to a plan combining both voice and data services, both the DSRF and the ADSRF apply. Produced with great care for the environment. CYAN MAGENTA DIE CYAN YELLOW BLACK CYAN CYAN Approbation Bien que tous les efforts aient été mis en œuvre pour éviter toute erreur, S.V.P., bien vérifier cette épreuve. Notre responsabilité se limite au remplacement des fichiers finaux. Dépliant 3,75" x 8,5" Mécanique à 100% du format final RECTO GRAPHIQUES M&H 87, RUE PRINCE, BUREAU 310 MONTRÉAL QC H3C 2M7 T. 514 866-6736 | [email protected] B110544_DEP_FLYER_POSTPAID_EN 2014-02-28 AR/YM/AR Épreuve #10 Page 1 SORTIE FINALE à 100% 100% 50% 0% ROG14-Q1 078 FINAL-LIVRÉ We’ve got a nose for everyday low prices Offers subject to change without notice. 1. Standard plans available monthly or with a 2-year Tab24 agreement. Data is a monthly service with Standard plans. 2. Smart and Max plans available with a 2-year Tab24 agreement. Data is a 2-year term service with these plans. If you subscribe to a Smart or a Max plan and switch to a Standard plan before the end of your Tab24 agreement, the Additional Device Savings Recovery Fee described in your agreement will apply. 3. Airtime includes calls from Canada to Canadian numbers only, billed by the minute. Each additional minute costs 45¢ (20¢ for Call Forwarding). 4. Visit fido.ca/roaming to learn more about data roaming pay-per-use rates. 5. Additional data in $5 or $10 increments (as indicated). Data overage protection feature will prevent overage fees over $50, unless you choose to continue incurring charges. 6. Offer available to customers who bring in an unlocked phone with new activation of Fido service on any in-market Standard plan. Credit of 10% applied each month, before taxes and applies only to monthly service fee of plan. 7. Weeknights from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. and from Friday 5 p.m. to Monday 7 a.m. 8. Includes messages sent from Canada to email addresses or Canadian, U.S. and international wireless numbers. Sent/received premium messages (alerts, messages related to content and promotions) and messages sent while roaming not included and charged at applicable rates. 9. Compatible phone required; not all numbers can be identified. 10. Service includes up to 3 messages, each 3 minutes in length that can be saved up to 3 days. 11. By subscribing, user accepts messages being processed outside Canada. Not compatible with iPhone, BlackBerry or Android Visual Voicemail apps. 12. Service includes up to 35 messages, each 5 minutes in length that can be saved up to 10 days. 13. Local airtime minutes only. Each additional minute costs 10¢. 14. One-time offer. Applies to new Value Pack subscriptions only. 15. Applies to calls from Canada and terminating outside of Canada in the applicable countries. 16. Rates vary by country; fido.ca/longdistance. 17. Not offered with Prepaid service. Only the Fido account holder is authorized to book an appointment. Schedule varies; visit fido.ca/check-in. 18. Accumulate FidoDOLLARS based on eligible fees & charges incurred & paid on your account. FidoDOLLARS cannot be exchanged for money, refunded or credited back to your account. Subject to FidoREWARDS Program Terms and Conditions; fido.ca/terms. 19. A one-time hardware upgrade administration fee of $25 applies. Tab24 balance corresponds to sum of Device savings recovery fees and/or service deactivation fee stated in your agreement. 20. Long-distance calls are billed by the minute and airtime charges apply. 21. Rate available while roaming in the U.S. for data usage within a 24-hour period starting with the first byte of usage. If usage exceeds the initial 50 MB within the same 24-hour period, additional charges of $7.99 will apply for access to each additional 50 MB of data usage during the same 24-hour period. Customers in Québec and Newfoundland and Labrador who subscribed to a Fido or Tab24 agreement (between June 30, 2010 and May 7, 2013 for Québec customers and between September 27, 2012 and May 7, 2013 for Newfoundland and Labrador customers) must complete a one-time set-up to subscribe to this pay-per-use rate. Customers with a pre-purchased data roaming option on their account are excluded from this rate. NEW Valid as of March 13, 2014 Pay-per-use Fido Check-In, another Fido ADVANTAGE. BB BB Choose your plan CC Standard plans Max plans SAVE UP TO $200 on a new phone SAVE UP TO $450 on a new phone with 2-year Tab24 agreement with 2-year Tab24 agreement Available on select phones 1 2 CC Must-Have Plan Value Packs $4 › Premium Voicemail-To-Text 11 Get a text and audio version of your voicemails per month › 35 voice messages12 › Name Display 9 and WhoCalledTM › 2,500 Call Forwarding minutes13 First month free14 MUST-HAVE PLAN $ Monthly fees 34 $ 39 $ 44 54 $ 64 $ $ 80 $ 85 200 300 500 1,000 Unlimited Data4 50 MB 300 MB 500 MB 750 MB 1 GB 500 MB 1 GB Additional Data5 $5/50 MB $5/100 MB $5/100 MB $5/100 MB $5/250 MB $10/500 MB $10/500 MB Canada-wide anytime minutes3 Smart plans 2 Unlimited Unlimited $6 You get all the features of the $4 Value Pack, plus › U.S. and International Preferred Long Distance Rate15,16 per month First month free14 39 $ per month with 2-year Tab24 agreement. $ 39 $ 44 $ 49 $ 59 69 $ Bring your own phone Activate your unlocked phone and save 10% on the monthly service fee of any Standard plan.6 $ 30 60 $ 35 10 › Unlimited evenings and weekends from 5 p.m.3,7, Canada-wide $ 39 60 $ 48 60 $ 57 60 Fido Check-In 17 › Circle Calling TM Canada-wide calls between subscribers on the same account › Unlimited international text, picture and video messages8 › No activation fee › The Fido ADVANTAGE › Call Display9 and Voicemail10 NEW Customer service tailored to your needs › Book a Fido Check-In appointment on fido.ca/myaccount. › Select the subject you’d like to discuss. For more details, visit fido.ca or call 1-888-481-3436, our representatives are always happy to help. CYAN MAGENTA DIE CYAN YELLOW BLACK CYAN CYAN Approbation Bien que tous les efforts aient été mis en œuvre pour éviter toute erreur, S.V.P., bien vérifier cette épreuve. Notre responsabilité se limite au remplacement des fichiers finaux. Dépliant 3,75" x 8,5" Mécanique à 100% du format final (international text, picture and video messages)8 3,7 5 SAVE UP TO $350 on a new phone by adding $5 to any Standard plan lans All plude inc › Messaging › Weekends & evenings from 5 p.m., Canada-wide ADD $ Unlimited VERSO GRAPHIQUES M&H 87, RUE PRINCE, BUREAU 310 MONTRÉAL QC H3C 2M7 T. 514 866-6736 | [email protected] B110544_DEP_FLYER_POSTPAID_EN 2014-02-28 AR/YM/AR Épreuve #10 Page 2 SORTIE FINALE à 100% 100% 50% 0% ROG14-Q1 078 FINAL-LIVRÉ › We’ll call you on a day and time that suits you. + 300 daytime minutes3 + 300 MB of data4 + Call Display9 and Voicemail10
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