Compatibility List
Compatibility List
Doc. Code Huawei FusionAccess 2.1&3.0 Compatibility List Issue 2.1 Date 2014-03-07 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List About This Document About This Document Purpose This document describes softwares and peripherals’s compatibility of Huawei FusionAccess 2.1&3.0. 1. 2. Virtual machine (VM) specifications and operating system types are as follows: 1) Windows XP SP2 2) Windows XP SP3 3) Windows 7 32Bit 4) Windows 7 64Bit Software Type Description 1) Graphics & Image: software for processing images, such as Photoshop CS and nEO iMAGING. 2) Input method: character input software, such as Sogou pinyin and The pole five. 3) Browser: software for viewing web pages, such Internet Explorer, 360se, and TheWorld browser. 4) Decompression: software for compressing and decompressing documents and folders, such as 7z920 and wrar380. 5) Design & Programming: software for programming, and designing and commissioning projects and techniques, such as VC and VB. 6) Translation: software for helping personnel translate, such as Kingsoft fast, YoudaoDictFull, and Lingoes. 7) Reader: software for reading texts and documents, such as Apabi_Reader, SSReader, and UltraEdit. 8) Drive: software for writing virtual drives and CDs, and editing ISO files, such as UltraISO and Nero. 9) OA management: software for managing OA and application scenarios, such as Office 2003 and Office 2007. 10) Security: anti-virus software, such as, Kingsoft Anti-Virus and 360safe. 11) Player: software for playing audio and video, such as TTPlayer and QQ player. 12) Transfer monitoring: software for monitoring and downloading, such as Thunder Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List About This Document and BT. 13) System tool: system patches, software/hardware drives, system optimization tools, such as Wopti Utilities and Driver Genius. 14) Others: applications, such as desktop calendars and games. 3. 4. Test Result Description 1) √: compatible 2) X: incompatible 3) Blank: not tested TC and OS Style Description 1) Gi945 + OS: Linux X86 2) Gi945 + OS: Windows XP Embedded X86 3) Ei945-3(x2) + OS: Linux X86 4) Ei945-3(x2) + OS: Windows Embedded Standard 7 X86 5) CT2000 + OS: Linux Arm 6) CT3000 + OS: Linux Arm 7) CT5000 + OS: Linux X86 8) CT5000 + OS: Windows Embedded Standard 7 X86 9) CT6000 + OS: Linux X86 10) CT6000 + OS: Windows Embedded Standard 7 X86 5. The meaning of the abbreviation in text fields 1) 2) VM’s OS Type: WinXPSP2:Windows XP SP2。 WinXPSP3: Windows XP SP3。 Win7_32: Windows 7 32Bit。 Win7_64: Windows 7 64Bit。 TC&OS Type:TC’s OS Type。 Linux:Linux X86。 Arm:Linux Arm。 Xpe:Windows XP Embedded X86。 Wes7:Windows Embedded Standard 7 X86。 Intended Audience This document is intended for: Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Policy planning engineers Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List About This Document Installation and commissioning engineers NM configuration engineers Technical support engineers Symbol Conventions The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Symbol Description Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or unanticipated results. NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury. Calls attention to important information, best practices and tips. NOTE is used to address information not related to personal injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration. Change History Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the changes made in earlier issues. Issue 2.1 (2014-03-0) This issue is used for third office application. Issue 1.6 (2013-04-28) This issue is used for second office application. Issue 1.0 (2012-08-15) This issue is used for first office application (FOA). Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iv Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List Contents Contents About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test ................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Compatible Software .................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 Graphics & Image ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 Design & Programming ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1.3 Input Methods ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 1.1.4 Browsers .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 1.1.5 Decompression ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 1.1.6 Players ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.1.7 Translation Software ................................................................................................................................................ 12 1.1.8 Readers .................................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.1.9 CD-ROM/Drive recorders ....................................................................................................................................... 14 1.1.10 OA Management .................................................................................................................................................... 14 1.1.11 Security .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 1.1.12 Transfer Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................... 18 1.1.13 System Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 1.1.14 Others..................................................................................................................................................................... 20 1.2 Compatible Peripherals ............................................................................................................................................... 24 1.2.1 Camera ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24 1.2.2 Printers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24 1.2.3 Scanners ................................................................................................................................................................... 27 1.2.4 Handed-held Laser Scanner ..................................................................................................................................... 27 1.2.5 High Speed Portable Doc Scanner ........................................................................................................................... 27 1.2.6 Barcode Scanner ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 1.2.7 Finger Sensor ........................................................................................................................................................... 28 1.2.8 Card Readers............................................................................................................................................................ 29 1.2.9 Controller ................................................................................................................................................................. 29 1.2.10 UKeys .................................................................................................................................................................... 30 1.2.11 USB drive .............................................................................................................................................................. 30 1.2.12 USB Storage .......................................................................................................................................................... 31 1.2.13 POSes..................................................................................................................................................................... 31 1.2.14 Stylus/Tablet .......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. v Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List Contents 1.2.15 All-in-One Printer .................................................................................................................................................. 31 1.2.16 ID Card Reader ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 1.2.17 Mobile Terminals ................................................................................................................................................... 32 1.2.18 Others..................................................................................................................................................................... 33 1.3 Incompatibility List .................................................................................................................................................... 34 1.3.1 Incompatible Software ............................................................................................................................................. 34 1.3.2 Incompatible Peripherals ......................................................................................................................................... 41 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test ......................................................................................................... 42 2.1 Compatible Software .................................................................................................................................................. 42 2.1.1 Graphics & Image .................................................................................................................................................... 42 2.1.2 Design & Programming ........................................................................................................................................... 44 2.1.3 Input Methods .......................................................................................................................................................... 50 2.1.4 Browsers .................................................................................................................................................................. 51 2.1.5 Decompression ........................................................................................................................................................ 52 2.1.6 Players ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53 2.1.7 Translation Software ................................................................................................................................................ 54 2.1.8 Readers .................................................................................................................................................................... 54 2.1.9 CD-ROM/Drive recorders ....................................................................................................................................... 55 2.1.10 OA Management .................................................................................................................................................... 56 2.1.11 Security .................................................................................................................................................................. 58 2.1.12 Transfer Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................... 59 2.1.13 System Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 60 2.1.14 Others..................................................................................................................................................................... 62 2.2 Compatible Peripherals ............................................................................................................................................... 66 2.2.1 Camera ..................................................................................................................................................................... 66 2.2.2 Printers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 67 2.2.3 Scanners ................................................................................................................................................................... 69 2.2.4 Handed-held Laser Scanner ..................................................................................................................................... 70 2.2.5 High Speed Portable Doc Scanner ........................................................................................................................... 70 2.2.6 Barcode Scanner ...................................................................................................................................................... 70 2.2.7 Finger Sensor ........................................................................................................................................................... 71 2.2.8 Card Readers............................................................................................................................................................ 71 2.2.9 Controller ................................................................................................................................................................. 72 2.2.10 UKeys .................................................................................................................................................................... 73 2.2.11 USB drive .............................................................................................................................................................. 74 2.2.12 USB Storage .......................................................................................................................................................... 74 2.2.13 POSes..................................................................................................................................................................... 74 2.2.14 Stylus/Tablet .......................................................................................................................................................... 74 2.2.15 All-in-One Printer .................................................................................................................................................. 75 2.2.16 ID Card Reader ...................................................................................................................................................... 75 2.2.17 Mobile Terminals ................................................................................................................................................... 76 Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vi Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List Contents 2.2.18 Others..................................................................................................................................................................... 76 2.3 Incompatibility List .................................................................................................................................................... 77 2.3.1 Incompatibility Software ......................................................................................................................................... 77 2.3.2 Incompatible Peripherals ......................................................................................................................................... 79 Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vii Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.1 Compatible Software 1.1.1 Graphics & Image ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 ACDSee 4.0.1 Standard √ √ √ NT - 2 AutoCAD 2010 √ √ √ NT - 3 HyperSnap Screenshot tool √ √ √ NT - 4 NeoImaging v3.2.2.1 √ √ √ NT - 5 nEOiMAGING v3.1.2.104 √ √ √ NT - 6 Meitukankan v2.0 NT NT √ NT - 7 XiuXiu_360Setup_3.1.6 NT NT √ NT - 8 picasa 3.8 NT NT √ NT - 9 HyperSnap-DX v7.16.03 NT NT √ NT - 10 PfcPick v3.1.6 NT NT √ NT - 11 Photoshop cs4 NT NT √ NT - 12 Adobe Illustrator cs3 NT NT √ NT - 13 Snagit v11.0.1 NT NT √ NT - 14 Flashfxp v4.1 NT NT √ NT - 15 Global Mapper v10.00 NT NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 16 Map of china v2009 NT NT √ NT - 17 CorelDraw v4 NT NT √ NT - 18 CorelDRAW12 NT NT √ NT 19 Premiere Pro CS3 NT NT √ NT 20 solidworks2010 NT NT √ NT 21 AUTOCAD2013 NT NT √ √ Ordinary virtual machine with general user experience; Best experience in GPU virtual machine 22 AUTO Revit2013 NT NT √ √ Only in GPU virtual machine 23 Pro/E 5.0 NT NT √ √ Ordinary virtual machine with general user experience; Best experience in GPU virtual machine 24 CREO2.0 NT NT √ √ Ordinary virtual machine with general user experience; Best experience in GPU virtual machine 25 Illustrator v9.0 NT √ √ NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 26 e-Picture_pro NT √ X NT Win7 not compatible 27 AutoCAD 2012 NT NT √ √ GPU virtual machine, Ordinary experience 28 Altium Designer NT NT √ √ GPU virtual machine, Ordinary experience 29 allegro_free viewer NT NT √ √ GPU virtual machine, Ordinary experience 30 PADS NT NT √ √ GPU virtual machine, Ordinary experience 31 NI_LabVIEW NT NT √ √ GPU virtual machine, Ordinary experience 1.1.2 Design & Programming ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 ActivePython-v2.611 Python Debugging tools √ √ √ NT - 2 apache_2.2.4-win32-x86-no _ssl Server √ √ √ NT - 3 checkstyle Code Snippet Inserter √ √ √ NT - 4 Cygwin Linux Tools √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 5 eclipse JAVA The compiler √ √ √ NT - 6 apache-tomcat Webpage server √ √ √ NT - 7 Eclipse SDK 3.5.2 √ √ √ NT - 8 epesetup(emma) v1.3.9 Code coverage checking √ √ √ NT - 9 FindBugs Code checking tool √ √ √ NT - 10 Java 1.5.9 √ √ √ NT - 11 jdk JAVA plug-in √ √ √ NT - 12 jre-6u20-windows-i586 Java plug-in √ √ √ NT - 13 junit-4.4 Java development tools √ √ √ NT - 14 MySQL-Front_Setup MYSQL Tools √ √ √ NT - 15 netbeans-4_1-windows.exe Java development tools √ √ √ NT - 16 pgadmin3-1.8.4 Database client √ √ √ NT - 17 python-2.5.1 python Compilation tools √ √ √ NT - 18 quartusii_51_pc Logic software √ √ √ NT - 19 QuickVCD.exe Code compilation tools √ √ √ NT - 20 SecureCRT-v6.58H Embedded debugging tools √ √ √ NT - 21 SourceMonitor v2.6.8.123 Code testing tools √ √ √ NT - 22 Spider Testing Tools √ √ √ NT - 23 Visual C++ Enterprise √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 version 6.0 The compiler 24 Visual Studio 2008 √ √ √ NT - 26 Visual_Assist_X Visual v10.6.1845.0 Plug-ins tools √ √ √ NT - 27 VS2008ProEdition90DayTri alCHSX1435983.iso Code compilers √ √ √ NT - 28 Win32 SSL security protocol development tools √ √ √ NT - 29 DbVisualizer5 Database management tools √ √ √ NT - 30 eclipse-SDK- 3.6.2-win32 √ √ √ NT - 31 netbeans Java v6.9.1 Development tools √ √ √ NT - 32 pclint v8.0 Static code testing tools √ √ √ NT - 33 pgAdmin Connections database management software √ √ √ NT - 34 Protel 99 SE √ √ √ NT - 35 python-2.5.1 python Compilation tools √ √ √ NT - 36 python-3.1.3 NT NT √ NT - 37 Source Insight 3.5 NT NT √ NT - 38 SourceMonitorb Code checking tool NT NT √ NT - 39 Staruml 5.0 UML modeling tool NT NT √ NT - 40 Visio 2010 NT NT √ NT - 41 Visio2003_Eng NT NT √ NT - 42 Microsoft Visual Studio NT NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 2008 Standard 43 EDraw Max v6.3 NT NT √ NT - 44 Dreamweaver v8.0 NT NT √ NT - 45 ZimoPro III NT NT √ NT - 46 IconWorkshop_6.7.0.0 NT NT √ NT - 47 ImagXpressDotNet v11 NT NT √ NT - 48 MathType 6.7 NT NT √ NT - 49 Microsoft Visual Basic6.0 NT NT √ NT - 50 Microsoft VM for Java NT NT √ NT - 51 MicrosoftSQL Server2008 NT NT √ NT - 52 Microsoft XML Parser NT NT √ NT - 53 jbuilder4.0 NT NT √ NT - 54 msxml6.msi Parser NT NT √ NT - 55 Mathcad v15.0.0.436 NT NT √ NT - 56 MindMapper v2009 NT NT √ NT - 57 winddk_1830_usa_ddk Microsoft Windows drivers Development kits NT NT √ NT - 58 Relex 2011 Evaluation NT NT √ NT - 59 RFSim99 NT NT √ NT - 60 SharpDevelop_4.1.0.8000 NT NT √ NT - 61 Reflector NT NT √ NT - 62 SetupFactory 9.0 NT NT √ NT - 63 ADIsimPLL v3.4.1.08 NT NT √ NT - 64 Visual DSP++ 5.0 NT NT √ NT - 65 Website Analyzer 4.0.6 NT NT √ NT - 66 ActiveTcl v8. NT NT √ NT - 67 PowerDesigner v15.1 NT NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 68 Sscom v32T NT NT √ NT - 69 Keil v6.12 NT NT √ NT - 70 KeilADS v1.2 NT NT √ NT - 71 MindManager_10.1.459_E N NT NT √ NT - 72 SourceformatX v2.5.6 NT NT √ NT - 73 Smartdraw v2009 NT NT √ NT - 74 PL/SQL Developer v8.0.1.1502 NT NT √ NT - 75 Visual_Paradigm_for_UML v10.0.20120731 NT NT √ NT - 76 navicat101_premium_en v10.1.1 NT NT √ NT - 77 BCGControlBar_Pro _v9.2_Evaluation NT NT √ NT - 78 VA_X_Setup v1.8.2.7 NT NT √ NT - 79 Filter solution2009 v2.1.4 NT NT √ NT - 80 oracle11gR1_database v11g R1 NT NT √ NT - 81 oracle11gR1_client v11g R1 NT NT √ NT - 82 Visual Assist X v10.7.1906.0 NT NT √ NT - 83 Polar Si8000 v3.0.0 NT NT √ NT - 84 Simics v3.0.4 NT NT √ NT - 85 AVR Studio v1.0.0.9 NT NT √ NT - 86 Quartus II 9.0 (32-Bit) v9.0 NT NT √ NT - 87 Nios II 9.0 IDE NT NT √ NT - 88 ModelSim-Altera v6.4a NT NT √ NT - 89 JPSRJ v3.0 Water supply and drainage calculations software NT NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 90 FilterLab v2.0 NT NT √ NT - 91 FilterPro Desktop v3.1.0.23446 NT NT √ NT - 92 wave for windows 6000 NT NT √ NT - 93 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional NT NT √ NT - 94 Eclipse v3.2.0 NT NT √ NT - 95 Enterprise Architect v7.1 NT NT √ NT - 96 ISE v 12.3 NT NT √ NT - 97 Python v 2.7.2 NT NT √ NT - 98 SecureCRT v6.1.4.489 NT NT √ NT - 99 SQL Server 2008R2 NT NT √ NT - 100 ANRS Memory Profiler NT NT √ NT - 101 Visual Paradigm For UML v7.2 NT NT √ NT - 102 Borland C++ builder v6.0 NT NT √ NT - 103 Compuware Boundschecker v7.2/8.2 NT NT √ NT - 104 Expression Blend v3 NT NT √ NT - 105 IntelliJ IDEA v11.1 NT NT √ NT - 106 Jprobe v8.1 NT NT √ NT - 107 RapidMiner v5.0 NT NT √ NT - 108 RapidNet v1.0 NT NT √ NT - 109 Mercury LoadRunner v8.0 NT NT √ NT - 110 GME v4.3.17 Modeling tools NT NT √ NT - 111 pRTI v1.5.16 NT NT √ NT - 112 Origin v8.0 Data analysis tools NT NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 113 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe v2005 NT NT √ NT - 114 Matlab v2010a NT NT √ NT - 115 Proteus v7.10SP1 NT NT √ NT - 116 Source Insight NT NT √ NT 117 Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 NT √ NT NT 118 Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 NT √ NT NT 1.1.3 Input Methods ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 QQ pinyin v3.5 √ √ √ NT - 2 The pole five v7.13 √ √ √ NT - 3 Acura wubi input method v2011 √ √ √ NT - 4 Sogou pinyin input method v √ √ √ NT - 5 Sogou pinyin input method v5.2 √ √ √ NT - 6 Sogou wubi input method v2.0d _Official √ √ √ NT - 7 Universal wubi input method v8.0 √ √ √ NT - 8 Microsoft wangma wubi 98 version √ √ √ NT - 9 The pole five v5.2 √ √ √ NT - 10 Sogou pinyin input method √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 v2.0 11 Gaga pinyin √ √ √ NT - 12 Google pinyin input method √ √ √ NT - 13 Sogou pinyin input method v2010 √ √ √ NT - 14 Sogou wubi input method v2.0 √ √ √ NT - 15 Thunisoft input method v6.6.038 NT NT √ NT - 16 Thunisoft input method 4.0 NT NT √ NT A very small probability of occurrence of a blue screen, can solve the problem through uninstall it in safe mode. 17 Thunisoft input method 4.3 NT √ √ NT 1.1.4 Browsers ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 CHROME v9.0.597.94 √ √ √ NT - 2 ChromePortable √ √ √ NT - 3 Firefox_ cn v3.6.6 √ √ √ NT - 4 Firefox v9.0.1 √ √ √ NT - 5 FoXmail v5.0 √ √ √ NT - 6 FoxMail_en v5.0 √ √ √ NT - 7 IE8-WindowsXP-x86-CHS_Offic √ ial √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 8 Mozilla FirefoX Setup v3.0 √ √ √ NT - 9 Maxthon browser v3.3.2.2000 √ √ √ NT - 10 Google Chrome v16.0.912.63 √ √ √ NT - 11 360se_3.6 360 √ √ √ NT - 12 Theworld browser √ √ √ NT - 13 Maxthon3 v3 √ √ √ NT - 14 Mozilla Firefox v3.6.13 √ √ √ NT - 15 MyIE9_Setup_CN √ √ √ NT - 16 safari for windows 5.12 √ √ √ NT - 17 Opera 11.60 √ √ √ NT - 18 FoXmail v7.0 √ √ √ NT - 1.1.5 Decompression ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 StuffIt EXpander v7.5 √ √ √ NT - 2 WinRAR v3.3 √ √ √ NT - 3 WinRAR v3.8 √ √ √ NT - 4 WinRAR v3.93 √ √ √ NT - 5 Winzip v11 √ √ √ NT - 6 Winzip v8.0 √ √ √ NT - 7 7z v9.2.0 √ √ √ NT - 8 WinRAR v3.2 √ √ √ NT - 9 WinZip A full range of √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.1.6 Players ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 Adobe Flash Player 9 √ √ √ NT - 2 Adobe Flash Player 10 √ √ √ NT - 3 QQ Music √ √ √ NT - 4 Windows Media Player 9 √ √ √ NT - 5 Storm video 2009 √ √ √ NT - 6 QQ2010 SP2.1 √ √ √ NT - 7 QQ2010 SP3.1 √ √ √ NT - 8 Ttplayer v5.7 √ √ √ NT - 9 QQPlayer_Setup_28_787 √ √ √ NT - 10 Windows Movie Maker v2.6 √ √ √ NT - 11 3DVIAComposerPlayer-V6R2 012-SP1 √ √ √ NT - 12 Kmplayer v 2.9.1436 √ √ √ NT - 13 Storm video v2007 √ √ √ NT - 14 Macromedia Shockwave Player11.6 NT NT NT 1.1.7 Translation Software ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 Kingsoft powerword 2009 Enterprise plate v2009 √ √ √ NT - 2 Kingsoft powerword 2003 √ √ √ NT - 3 Kingsoft fast AIT v1.0 √ √ √ NT - 4 lingoes_2.8.1_zh √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 5 YoudaoDictFull v4.0 √ √ √ NT - 6 eRevealer-eRevealer- √ √ √ NT - 1.1.8 Readers ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05 √ √ √ NT - 2 Adobe Reader 9 √ √ √ NT - 3 fd3beta(Feed Demon) RSS v3.0.0.39 √ √ √ NT - 4 Filters PDF √ √ √ NT - 5 UltraEdit32 v9.0 √ √ √ NT - 6 Apabi_Reader v4.4.1.1681 NT NT √ NT - 7 Foxit Reader v5.1.0.117 NT NT √ NT - 8 Ultra star reader v4.1 NT NT √ NT - 9 EditPlus v3.4.1.966 NT NT √ NT - 10 Autodesk DWF Viewer v7 NT NT √ NT - 11 CAJViewer v7.0.2 NT NT √ NT - 12 Office&PDFEncrypted v3.1 core files NT NT √ NT - Protection tools 13 China digital library book readerv3.1.5 NT NT √ NT - 14 STDU Viewer v1.6.180.0 NT NT √ NT - 15 PDF-Creator 2.0 NT NT √ NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.1.9 CD-ROM/Drive recorders ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 DAEMON tools v4.40.2 √ √ NT NT - 2 Ultraiso v9.3.2.2656 √ √ √ NT - 3 Winiso NT NT √ NT - 4 WinMount v3.4.1020 NT NT √ NT - 5 dongfangguangqumoshushi v2003 NT NT √ NT - 1.1.10 OA Management ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 CPM √ √ √ NT - 2 ClearCase Configuration management tools √ √ √ NT - 3 DbVisualizer5 √ √ √ NT - 4 JTAGStudio V300R003C02B015 Huawei √ √ √ NT - Mobile maintenance platforms 5 Project2003CHN √ √ √ NT - 6 TortoiseSVN v1.6.6.17493 √ √ √ NT - 7 WinCvs13b17-2 CVS Client tools √ √ √ NT - 8 WinSetAclQuery √ √ √ NT - 9 IT operation and maintenance channel √ √ √ NT - 10 downbank0801 dnsyg.rar Banking plugin √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 11 Evernote v3.5.5.2567 Document editing tools √ √ √ NT - 12 Lotus Notes IBM Notes v6.5.3 √ √ √ NT - 13 Lotus Notes v8.5.1 √ √ √ NT - 14 Lotus SmartSuite2000 √ √ √ NT - 15 Microsoft Office 2003 √ √ √ NT - 16 Microsoft Office 2003-Chinese Version √ √ √ NT - 17 Microsoft Office 2007 √ √ √ NT - 18 Microsoft Office 2007-Chinese Version √ √ √ NT - 19 Microsoft Office 2010-Chinese Version √ √ √ NT - 20 Openproj v1.4 √ √ √ NT - 21 tftpd v32.329 √ √ √ NT - 22 total_commander_702a-prozXs.eXe √ √ √ NT - 23 Visual_SourceSafe_6.0 √ √ √ NT - 24 Xmind-win v3.1.1.200912022330 √ √ √ NT - 25 Office_Visio_Pro_2007 NT NT √ NT - 26 Microsoft Visio 2010 NT NT √ NT - 27 Office_Visio_Pro_2003 NT NT √ NT - 28 WinHex_14.2_SR-3_SC NT NT √ NT - 29 communicator 2007R2 NT NT √ NT - 30 National Defense Science and technology information management system v5.01 NT NT √ NT - 31 UltraEdit-32 v18 NT NT √ √ - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 32 Microsoft Office 2010_Eng NT √ √ √ 33 Forefront document security management platform NT √ √ NT - 34 Beijing VRV Software NT √ √ NT - 35 Tencent Real Time eXchange NT √ √ NT - 36 Lotus Notes v7.01 zh-CN NT √ √ NT - 1.1.11 Security ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 KAV100623_DOWN v10.16 √ √ √ NT - 2 Kaspersky Anti-virus security v9.0.0.736 √ √ √ NT - 3 LiveUpdate v3.3.0.85 (Symantec Corporation) √ √ √ NT - 4 SEP11 v11.0.6 √ NT √ NT - 5 Win32 OpenSSL SSL √ √ √ NT - 6 Security services Assistant √ √ √ NT - 7 Jiangmin antivirus security v15.0.0.100 √ √ √ NT - 8 Kingsoft Anti-Virus 2011.sp7.2.063022 √ √ √ NT - 9 Jiangmin antivirus security KV2011 √ √ √ NT - 10 Kaspersky Anti-virus security v11.0.2.556 √ √ √ NT - 11 Bovine virus security v1.0.2.1009 √ √ √ NT - 12 Trend antivirus security √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 v3.1.1109 13 Little red umbrella to HIV safety v10.0.0.51 √ √ √ NT - 14 Kaspersky Anti-virus security 2012 √ √ √ NT - 15 Fingerprint software √ √ √ NT - 16 ATNotes v7.4 √ √ √ NT - 17 atnsetup Documentation software √ √ √ NT - 18 cctray v1.5.0.0 File diagnostic tool √ √ √ NT - 19 IrmTool v4.2.2.0 office Document rights management system client √ √ √ NT - 20 McAfee VirusScan Plus v9.11 Chinese Version √ √ √ NT - 21 Rights management tools √ √ √ NT - 22 Symantec-Endpoint-Protecti on-v11 NT NT √ √ - 23 McAfee 2008 NT NT √ √ - 24 avest v6.0.1125 NT √ √ NT 25 KingSoft Anti-Virus online v7.0 (Trial Version) NT √ √ NT 26 McAfee 8.5i NT √ NT NT 27 Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 NT √ NT NT 28 SophosAntivirus-v4.15 NT NT √ NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.1.12 Transfer Monitoring ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 ICP √ √ √ NT - 2 SOFTETHER VPNTools √ √ √ NT - 3 filezilla FTPTools √ √ √ NT - 4 Pandion_2.6.90 √ √ √ NT - 5 ServUSetup FTPTools √ √ √ NT - 6 SGD √ √ √ NT - 7 TSM Agent √ √ √ NT - 8 ultravnc Client/server software √ √ √ NT - 9 Cisco IP Communicator-Cisco- √ √ √ NT - 10 Net -SNMP v5.5.0 √ √ √ NT - 11 putty 2006 √ √ √ NT - 12 ServUSetup FTPTools √ √ √ NT - 13 Snape v1.22 √ √ √ NT - 14 Snmp Informant Agent (Stand Edition) √ √ √ NT - 15 TeamViewer- 6.0.11656.0 √ √ √ NT - 16 ultravnc v1.0.8 Client/server software √ √ √ NT - 17 WinSCP v3.0 √ √ √ NT - 18 WinSCP v4.13 √ √ √ NT - 19 Winscp v4.1.7 √ √ √ NT - 20 Xmanager LinuX √ √ √ NT - 21 NetEase POPO 2011 v1.0.5 experience Edition √ √ √ NT - 22 Thunder v7.2.4.3312 official version √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.1.13 System Tools ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP2 Windows XP SP3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 windows JDK Java plug-in √ √ √ NT - 2 .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 √ √ √ NT - 3 ccsetup233(CCleaner) √ √ √ NT - 4 Easychm CHM v3.78 √ √ √ NT - 5 FileFormatConverters √ √ √ NT - 6 jre-6u20-windows-i586 Java plug-in √ √ √ NT - 7 junit-4.4 Java development tools √ √ √ NT - 8 killnotes Notes closing the tool √ √ √ NT - 9 Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 Serivce Pack √ √ √ NT - 10 proceXp 2003 √ √ √ NT - 11 SaveAsPDFandXPS √ √ √ NT - 12 SecureCRT-v6.58H √ √ √ NT - 13 shutdown v2.1 √ √ √ NT - 14 Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5 √ √ √ NT - 15 Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 6 √ √ √ NT - 16 windows Xp Service Pack3 √ √ √ NT - 17 Virtual serial port driver v6.0 NT NT √ NT - 18 Master Lu v2.99.12.111 NT NT √ NT - 19 ProXy √ NT NT NT - 20 Xencenter Citrix v5.6 NT √ √ √ 21 MS ConfigMgrTools2007 NT NT √ NT 22 .net Framework 4.5 NT NT √ NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.1.14 Others ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 NOD32 v4.7.71.2 √ √ √ NT - 2 RMS √ √ √ NT - 3 CCT_v2.3 √ √ √ NT - 4 EA √ √ √ NT - 5 easychm.bz2 CHM documentation tools √ √ √ NT - 6 NSFSsan √ √ √ NT - 7 SetupRegexBuddy3GerardBux edaGomez √ √ √ NT - 8 ssPDdq5A √ √ √ NT - 9 staruml-5.0-with-cm √ √ √ NT - UML modeling tool 10 httpd-2.2.15-win32-x86-opens sl-0.9.8m-r2 √ √ √ NT - 11 VMWare WorkStation √ √ √ NT - 12 ATnotes v9.5 √ √ √ NT - 13 Beyond Compare v1.8d √ √ √ NT - 14 BeyondCompare v2.4 √ √ √ NT - 15 BeyondCompare v3 √ √ √ NT - 16 Clock √ √ √ NT - 17 CRM-Siebel-8.1 √ √ √ NT - 18 CTI Toolkit Agent Desktop-Cisco-8.0.10142 √ √ √ NT - 19 eSpaceSetup v1.1.3.17 √ √ √ NT - 20 httpd-2.2.15-win32-X86-opens sl-0.9.8m-r2.msi √ √ √ NT - 21 I2000-HUAWEI-V300R001C05 √ √ √ NT - 22 inno_setup v1.0.8 √ √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 23 IT operation and maintenance channel √ √ √ NT - 24 ludashisetup √ √ √ NT - 25 mx_2.5.14.277cn √ √ √ NT - 26 openoffice 3.2_Win32Intel_install_cn √ √ √ NT - 27 OTOE Client OTET √ √ √ NT - 28 U2000-HUAWEI-V100R002C01 SPC004 √ √ √ NT - 29 Unlocker v1.9.0 √ √ √ NT - 30 Wallpaper Calendar V3.0.2 √ √ √ NT - 31 Meeting reminder √ √ √ NT - 32 zhuomianxiu √ √ √ NT - 33 fences_public NT NT √ NT - 34 FXCalendar_setup v1.0 NT NT √ NT - 35 BajieDesktop gadgets v1.3.1.0123 NT NT √ NT - 36 Everything v1.2.1.371 NT NT √ NT - 37 BaiduDS_setup v2.7.3.1 NT NT √ NT - 38 HprSnap7 NT NT √ NT - 39 Microsoft DirectX SKD 2006 NT NT √ NT - 40 WildPackets_OmniPeek_ Personal v4.1 NT NT √ NT - 41 Setup Factory v7.0 NT NT √ NT - 42 DTLite v4454-0314 NT NT √ NT - 43 TextPad v4.7.3 NT NT √ NT - 44 TortoiseSVN- NT NT √ NT - 45 Total Commander v8.0 NT NT √ NT - 46 Hott Notes 4.1 NT NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 47 PacketTracer v5.3 NT NT √ NT - 48 TCP&UDP v1.02 NT NT √ NT - 49 Xmanager Enterprise 3 NT NT √ NT - 50 Cuteftp pro8 NT NT √ NT - 51 Keil u v3 NT NT √ NT - 52 DoubleKiller v1.6.2.82 NT NT √ NT - 53 Divx v7.1.0 NT NT √ NT - 54 Ethereal v0.10.13 NT NT √ NT - 55 Google Desktop NT NT √ NT - 56 WZWY NT NT √ NT - 57 Windows search v4.0 NT NT √ NT - 58 Wireshark v1.6.2 NT NT √ NT - 59 CAM350 v8.6 NT NT √ NT - 60 PDF Password Remover v3.1.0 NT NT √ NT - 61 Winpcap v4.1.2 NT NT √ NT - 62 Clip X v1.0.3.9 Clipboard tools NT NT √ NT - 63 Web Log Expert v7.5 NT NT √ NT - 64 Xmanager Enterprise 3 NT NT √ NT - 65 EndNote X4 Specialized documentation software NT NT √ NT - 66 Erwin v4.1.4 Database modeling software NT NT √ NT - 67 FlASH2X for cs3.1 NT NT √ NT - 68 HDTune v5.00 NT NT √ NT - 69 IExif v1.2 NT NT √ NT - 70 MapX v5 NT NT √ NT - 71 Nova for windows v2.2b NT NT √ NT - 72 Word to CHM v2.0 NT NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 73 InterSoft International Inc v5.4.3.0 NT NT √ √ - 74 LeapFTP v3.0.1.46 NT NT √ √ - 75 Fiddler v2.2.9.1 NT NT √ √ - 76 OCVX v10.0(Peak)Card management system NT NT √ NT 77 Google Earth_Chn v6.1.0.5001 √ √ √ NT 78 Driver Genius v6.1.7600.16385 NT √ √ NT 79 Drive Life 2010_beta v2.3 NT √ √ NT 80 Sticker v1.71 NT √ √ NT 81 Tftpd32 NT √ √ NT 82 VMEncoder v9.0 NT √ √ NT 83 WoptiFree NT √ √ NT 84 Allegro NT √ √ NT 85 LPC2000_ISP NT √ √ NT 86 HFSS v9 NT √ √ NT 87 QQ Music NT √ √ NT 88 Clock NT √ √ NT 89 Fidder NT √ √ NT 90 Killnotes notes NT √ √ NT 91 proceXp NT √ √ NT 92 Protel 99SE NT √ √ NT 93 ANRS Memory Profiler NT √ √ NT 94 Oracle Client NT √ √ NT 95 Windows services for unix ver 3.5 NT √ NT NT 96 File format converter 3.5 NT √ NT NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 97 fonts shelley andante BT NT √ NT NT 98 SAP System Client(Sale & Query Gas Etc.) V7.10 NT √ X NT 1.2 Compatible Peripherals 1.2.1 Camera ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Logitech C270 USB NT √ √ NT 2 HIKVISION DS-2CD892PF Network NT √ 3 Logitech HD720P USB √ √ √ √ 4 Microsoft Microsoft LifeCam VX-800 USB NT √ NT √ 5 Logitech Logitech C110 USB NT √ NT √ 6 Logitech Logitech C210 USB NT √ NT √ 7 Logitech Logitech C600 USB NT √ NT √ See remark 1. NT Test on Win7 32Bit VM Remark 1: R2C00 version can only use the USB channel, network bandwidth is about 20Mb-40Mb, the requirements of TC's performance and network bandwidth are high, not commercial; R2C01 version use Webcamera channel, network bandwidth can be reduced to 2Mb, even less then 500Kb, but requires application’s support, for video dialogue scenes. When use the application of Logitech’s to preview images on Windows XP, it may appear “green screen”. For photographs, the application should support TWAIN, default it supports 480P size, generally used by Windows TC. 1.2.2 Printers ID Manufactu rer Name Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Remarks ARM Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Wes7 24 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Epson LQ-630K Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 2 Epson LQ-680K USB&Para llel port NT √ NT NT - 3 Epson LQ-730K Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 4 Epson LQ-635K Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 5 Epson TM/U220B Serial port NT √ NT NT - 6 OKI OKI 6500F Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 7 OKI OKI 5530sc Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 8 OKI OKI 6300F Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 9 OKI OKI 5560sc Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 10 OKI OKI 5200F Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 11 HP HP LaserJet 1160 USB NT √ NT NT - 12 HP HP LaserJet 1150 USB NT √ NT NT - 13 HP HP LaserJet 1152 USB NT √ NT NT - 14 HP HP LaserJet p2035 USB NT √ NT NT - 15 HP HP LaserJet 2015 USB NT √ NT NT - 16 HP HP 5200N USB NT √ NT NT - 17 HP HP LaserJet 1300 USB NT √ NT NT - 18 HP HP LaserJet 1200 USB NT √ NT NT - 19 HP HP LaserJet 1100 USB NT √ NT NT - 20 HP HP LaserJet 2605 USB NT √ NT NT - 21 HP HP LaserJet 2055d USB NT √ NT NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 22 HP HP LJ M1522NJ USB NT √ NT NT - 23 HP HP LaserJet 1110 USB NT √ NT NT - 24 HP HP 620N USB NT √ NT NT - 25 HP HP LaserJet 2100 USB NT √ NT NT - 26 HP HP LaserJet 2420 USB NT √ NT NT - 27 HP HP LaserJet P1007 USB NT √ NT NT - 28 Jolimark FP-730K USB NT √ NT NT - 29 Stone OKI 6100F Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 30 Shandong New Beiyang BTP-6200I Parallel port NT √ NT NT - 31 Nantian PR2E Serial port NT √ NT NT 32 HP HP LaserJet P1606dn USB √ √ √ NT 33 HP HP Officejet Pro 8000 USB NT NT NT NT 34 Fujitsu DPK750 USB NT √ NT NT 35 Star NX-350 Serial port & Parallel port NT √ NT NT GI945 36 EPSON TM-T58 Serial port √ NT NT √ Test VM: Win7 32Bit 37 DS DS5400H USB& Parallel port √ NT NT √ Test VM: WinXPSP3 38 HP HP LaserJet P1800 USB √ NT NT √ Test VM: WinXPSP3 39 Fujitsu DPK880 Parallel port NT NT NT √ Test VM: WinXPSP2&SP3 40 Fujitsu DPK770 Parallel port NT NT NT √ Test VM: WinXPSP2&SP3 Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. - 26 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 41 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 OKI OKI5560SC Parallel port NT NT NT √ Test VM: WinXPSP2&SP3 1.2.3 Scanners ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Canon Canon D210 USB NT √ NT NT - 2 Canon LiDE_100 USB NT √ NT NT - 3 Canon LiDE_100 USB NT √ NT NT - 4 HP HP Scanjet G2710 USB NT √ NT NT - 5 HP Scanjet SN6350 USB NT √ NT NT - 1.2.4 Handed-held Laser Scanner ID 1 Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 Honeywell MS5145 USB NT √ √ NT - 1.2.5 High Speed Portable Doc Scanner ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Digital China JYP A4-200 USB NT √ NT NT - 2 Eloam eloam S300A USB NT √ NT NT - 3 Jetion JET-DBG005 USB NT √ NT NT - 4 Shandong Synthesis MS 300 WJ1004 USB NT √ NT NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 5 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 DINGYI X300 Serial Port NT √ NT NT - 1.2.6 Barcode Scanner ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Symbol L82208-SR20007 R USB NT √ NT NT 2 Nantian BP8902VA-A(ZH) NW230ZH Serial port NT √ NT NT - 1.2.7 Finger Sensor ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Biocome TCR4 USB NT √ NT NT - 2 Biocome TCR4K USB √ X √ X "Password filled by" Login WI (WI brush fingerprint + directly login the VM by clicking the VM list), no WI plug required for WES7 or XPE TC when fingerprint logon, CT2000/CT300 0 only support Biocome Fingerprint 3 ZKSoftware ZK4000 USB √ √ √ √ Fingerprint scanner Test VM:Win7 32Bit 4 Unknow Optical fingerprint Device USB √ √ √ √ "Two-factor Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) authentication" Login VM (WI Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 28 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Remarks ARM Wes7 (FRO500) domain user / password + VM fingerprint) 1.2.8 Card Readers ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 SCM SCR3310 USB NT √ NT NT - 2 ACS (HK) ACR38 USB NT √ NT NT - 3 Feitian Rockey 200 USB NT √ NT NT - 4 Castles Technology EZUsb PC/SC SmartCardReade r USB NT √ NT NT - 5 Shenzhen Ming Aohan Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. Gas Read Card and IC Card USB& Serial port NT √ NT NT Test by SC 6 OMNIKEY OMNIKEY1021 USB √ √ √ Test VM: WinXPSP3 Wes7’s test VM: WinXPSP2&SP3 1.2.9 Controller ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Peak PK-C398 Network NT √ NT NT - 2 Peak PK-CB1090 Network NT √ NT NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.2.10 UKeys ID 1 Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM SaftNet eToken Pro 72K USB NT √ NT Wes7 USBKey Single Sign-OnVM (Just input PIN once login VM) – only support xpe and Wes7 USBKey login(WI login and login VM by click VM list both need input PIN) ---support Linux/XPe/Wes 7 2 Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 / .NET v2+ bundle USB NT √ NT - 3 Beijing Haitai Fangyuan CMZJ Haikey USB NT √ NT See remark 1. 4 FEITIAN Technologie s Co., Ltd USBKey Token 3000 USB NT √ NT Remark 1: The latest drive is required. The key drive is possibly dedicated to Zhejiang Mobile while the vendor says it can be universally used. 1.2.11 USB drive ID 1 Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 IBM IBM HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GT30N USB NT √ NT NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. - 30 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.2.12 USB Storage ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Hitachi 500G USB NT √ NT NT - 2 Kingston DT101 16G USB NT √ NT NT - 3 Kingston DT101 4G USB NT √ NT NT - 4 Kingston Kingston G3 USB √ √ √ NT 1.2.13 POSes ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Epson TM-T88IV Serial port NT √ NT NT - 2 Shande PS100-T Serial port NT √ NT NT - 3 Peak PK-859W Network NT √ NT NT - 1.2.14 Stylus/Tablet ID 1 Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 Penpower WP4030 USB NT √ NT NT - 1.2.15 All-in-One Printer ID 1 Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 HP HP LaserJet 3015 USB NT √ NT NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. - 31 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.2.16 ID Card Reader ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm 1 Shanghai Liangbiao DTI-12S USB NT √ NT - 2 D&C IC Card Reader T6-ULD-I USB NT √ √ - 3 PUTIAN CPIDMR-02/TG USB NT √ NT - 4 GoldTel GTICR100 USB NT √ √ - 5 China Television Media,Ltd. CVR-100U 2 USB NT NT √ 6 zhongdun ICR100 USB √ √ Test VM: WinXPSP3 7 Jinglun IDR200 USB √ √ Test VM: WinXPSP3 8 weierxun VER3100B USB √ √ ID Scanners, Test VM: WinXPSP3 Wes7 √ 1.2.17 Mobile Terminals ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Samsung GT-s5570 USB NT √ NT NT See remark 1. 2 Samsung 9001 USB NT √ NT NT See remark 2. 3 Samsung 5368 USB NT √ NT NT See remark 3. 4 Apple Iphone 4s USB √ √ 见备注(4) Remark 1: Samsung Kies and Samsung-91 can be used, and the registry must be modified. Remark 2: Samsung Kies and Samsung-91 can be used, and the registry must be modified. Remark 3: Only Samsung Kies can be used, and the registry must be modified. Remark 4: apple itunes and Samsung-91 can be used,but XPE TC need to install itune. Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 32 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.2.18 Others ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Nantian BP8901_VKZ_NB 045 USB NT √ NT NT Commutator Box 2 Nantian BP8904KV-ZH(3D ES) Serial port NT √ NT NT Smart keyboard 3 yoo-e All - √ √ √ NT Dynamic secret security 4 DynamiCode All - √ √ √ NT Dynamic secret security 5 Wyse Wyse KU-8933 USB USB √ √ √ NT USB Mouse and keyboard, free drive, test VM: Win7 32 bit 6 Gaocheng Customer Satisfaction evaluator Other NT √ NT NT 7 Guangdong Yiye Science And Technology Co., Ltd. USB softdog USB NT √ NT NT 8 Unknow DTECH USB √ √ √ √ USB to serial cable, free drive, test VM: Win7 32 bit 9 Unknow ThinPrint USB √ √ √ √ USB Hub, free drive, test VM: Win7 32 bit 10 Logitech ML138 USB √ √ √ √ Headsets, test VM: Win7 32 bit Remark 1:Dynamic secret security authentication lowest matching version is R2C01 SPC201; Remark 2:DynamiCode Dynamic linking need Dynamic secret security authentication system v2.9 (Now it’s v3.0 Incompatible with FussionAccess). Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 33 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test 1.3 Incompatibility List 1.3.1 Incompatible Software ID Software Style Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 Design & Programming Aqua Data Studio 8.0 X X X NT It may cause network interface card (NIC) failure. 2 Design & Programming MSAgent NT NT X NT It causes Agentsvr.exe failure. 3 Design & Programming PostgreSQL v8.3 NT NT X NT It is not supported by Windows 7. 4 Design & Programming Purify White Box Testing X X NT NT It cannot be used if the PV Driver is installed on a VM. 5 Design & Programming SQL Server 2000 standard_cn NT NT X NT It is not supported by Windows 7. 6 Design & Programming Allegro v16.5 X X X NT It is a tool for PCB wiring. It consumes high bandwidth and requires large video memory. When Allegro is used, VMs cannot support multi-layer image display. 7 Design & Programming WinDriver NT NT X X It is not supported by Windows 7. It is supported by Windows 98/Me/NT/2000 /XP/XP Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 Embedded/Serve r 2003, Windows CE, Linux, Solaris, and VxWorks. 8 Design & Programming Libero IDE NT NT X NT An error occurs when selecting the installation path, resulting in installation failure. 9 Design & Programming Visual Fortran NT NT X NT It is not supported by Windows 7. 10 Design & Programming MapInfo MapXP NT NT X NT The specified installation directory cannot be found, resulting in installation failure. 11 Design & Programming NX4 NT NT X X It is not supported by Windows 7. 12 Graphics & Image Illustrator v9.0 X X X NT Edited documents cannot be saved. 13 Graphics & Image Animation screensaver X X X NT It is not supported. The static screensaver is supported. 14 Graphics & Image e-Picture_Pro √ √ X NT It is supported only on Windows NT/XP/2000. 15 Graphics & Image AutoCAD 2006 NT NT X X It is not supported by Windows 7. Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Remarks Windows XP SP 2 Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 16 Player WMEncoder √ √ NT NT The specified file cannot be found when adjusting the audio mixer. It is supported by . 17 OA management Cvsnt-2.0.58d .exe X X X X Its running causes the VM VDA registration failure. 18 Others JTAGStudio V300R003C02 B015 √ √ X X The parallel port drive installation fails. It is supported by . 19 OA management Microsoft SourceSafe 6.0 √ √ X X It is occasionally installed successfully. It is supported by . 20 Translation software HFSS X X NT X It cannot be started. 21 Drive DAEMON tools v3.47 NT NT X NT Installation fails. 22 Transfer monitoring IPOP.exe X X X NT The username is displayed as garbled characters when viewing host information in a specified IP address segment. 23 Transfer monitoring IPSwitchProV 1.25 IP X X NT NT The system displays that an error occurs and the program has to be stopped when you Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 36 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 attempt to exit using the short-cut menu. It is supported by . 24 Transfer monitoring Microsoft iSCSI Initiator iscsi v2.08 √ √ NT NT It is not supported by Windows 7 32bit. It is supported by . 25 Transfer monitoring tftpd32 X X X NT An interruption occurs when you upload a file whose size is greater than 3 GB. 26 Browser Internet Explorer 6 SP3 √ √ X X Earlier versions of Internet Explorer are not supported by Windows 7. It is supported by . 27 Browser Internet Explorer 9 X √ √ √ It is not supported by Windows XP. It is supported by . 28 Browser Windows Internet Explorer 7 √ X √ √ Internet Explorer 7 is supported by Windows XP SP3 only after the Windows XP SP3 patch is installed. It is supported by . 29 Security 360Safe X X X NT The traffic monitoring function of Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 360Safe causes the TC login failure. 30 Security Office Rights Management System X X X NT The solution is only compatible with Office Rights Management System 3.1.2 or a later version. 31 Security Kingsoft Anti-Virus web trial v7.0 NT NT X NT Online anti-virus function cannot be used. 32 Security avest v6.0.1125 X X X NT When it attempts to remove viruses, VM blue screen of death (BOSD) occurs. 33 Input method Thunisoft input method editor 5.0 X X NT NT Its running causes the Microsoft Office failure on VMs. 34 System tool Driver Genius_2010 v6.1.7600.16 385 X X X NT Drive backup restoration damages VMs, resulting in VM login failure. 35 System tool drivethelife20 10 2010 beta v2.3 X X X NT It cannot detect hardware information and some drive information. 36 System tool WinCvs13b17 -2.exe CVS client tool NT NT X NT Help is not available. 37 System tool Wopti Free √ √ X X It is incompatible with the Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 compmgtlaunch er.exe progress. If WoptiFree is used, the CPU usage will reach 100% all the time. It is supported by . 38 Other Acer Projector Gateway NT X NT NT When the software is enabled to project a VM desktop onto the screen, VM performance deteriorates dramatically. The monitoring result indicates that the VM performs well but data is transmitted slowly from the VM to the screen. Therefore, we infer that the projector protocol is incompatible with ICA. 39 Other EPD 2005 SP1 X X X NT Installation fails if the EPD2005SP1 installation path contains a Chinese directory. 40 Other M2000-HUA WEI-V200R01 NT NT X NT VM performance deteriorates Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 after the software runs for a long time. 0C00SPC240 41 Other NetIQ X X X NT Its running causes the VM BSOD. 42 Other NTSwincash NT X NT NT It moves VM drive files, resulting in VM start failure. 43 Other Sticker-v1.71 X X X X It is incompatible with OSs. 44 Other VMWare WorkStation v6.5 or a later version X X X X VMWare WorkStation v6.5 or a later version is not supported. 45 Other DriverStudio X X X X It causes VM start failure. 46 Other LPC2000_ISP NT NT X NT The specified installation directory cannot be found, resulting in installation failure. 47 Security Rising antivirus security 2010 Network Edition v23.00.23.25 X X X X When running, CPU occupancy rate is too high. 48 Security Rising antivirus security sky professional v23.00.61.52 X X X X When running, CPU occupancy rate is too high. Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 40 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 1 R2C00/C01 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Window s XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 49 Browser FoXmail v7.1 X X R2C01 SPC300, Win7 4U3G/2U2G VM, FoxMail7.1 happens Splash screen when test. 50 Browser Google Earth_Chn v6.1.0.5001 X X To use Google Earth, you need Citrix’s OptimizationPac kforGoogleEarth, else earth model can’t be display properly. 1.3.2 Incompatible Peripherals ID Manufacturer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Feitian Rockey 200 USB X X X X Program can be installed correctly, but application hangs and can’t be used. 2 Jinglun IDR210 USB X X X X Free drive, Manufacturers confirm it can not be used. Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 41 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2.1 Compatible Software 2.1.1 Graphics & Image ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 ACDSee 4.0.1 Standard √ √ NT - 2 AutoCAD 2010 √ √ NT - 3 HyperSnap Screenshot tool √ √ NT - 4 NeoImaging v3.2.2.1 √ √ NT - 5 nEOiMAGING v3.1.2.104 √ √ NT - 6 Meitukankan v2.0 NT √ NT - 7 XiuXiu_360Setup_3.1.6 NT √ NT - 8 picasa 3.8 NT √ NT - 9 HyperSnap-DX v7.16.03 NT √ NT - 10 PfcPick v3.1.6 NT √ NT - 11 Photoshop cs4 NT √ NT - 12 Adobe Illustrator cs3 NT √ NT - 13 Snagit v11.0.1 NT √ NT - 14 Flashfxp v4.1 NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 42 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 15 Global Mapper v10.00 NT √ NT - 16 Map of china v2009 NT √ NT - 17 CorelDraw v4 NT √ NT - 18 CorelDRAW12 NT √ NT 19 Premiere Pro CS3 NT √ NT 20 solidworks2010 NT √ NT 21 AUTOCAD2013 NT √ √ Ordinary virtual machine with general user experience; Best experience in GPU virtual machine 22 AUTO Revit2013 NT √ √ Only in GPU virtual machine 23 Pro/E 5.0 NT √ √ Ordinary virtual machine with general user experience; Best experience in GPU virtual machine 24 CREO2.0 NT √ √ Ordinary virtual machine with general user experience; Best experience in GPU virtual machine 25 Illustrator v9.0 √ √ NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 43 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 26 e-Picture_pro √ X NT 27 NeoImaging v3.1.2.101 √ √ NT 28 HyperSnap DX ver. √ √ NT 29 TOPIDE √ √ Win7 not compatible 2.1.2 Design & Programming ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 ActivePython-v2.611 Python Debugging tools √ √ NT - 2 apache_2.2.4-win32-x86no_ssl Server √ √ NT - 3 checkstyle Code Snippet Inserter √ √ NT - 4 Cygwin Linux Tools √ X NT It isn’t compatible for win7 VM 5 eclipse JAVA The compiler √ √ NT - 6 apache-tomcat Webpage server √ √ NT - 7 Eclipse SDK 3.5.2 √ √ NT - 8 epesetup(emma) Code coverage checking √ √ NT - 9 FindBugs v1.3.9 Code checking tool √ √ NT - 10 Java 1.5.9 √ √ NT - 11 jdk JAVA plug-in √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 44 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 12 jre-6u20-windows-i586 Java plug-in √ √ NT - 13 junit-4.4 Java development tools √ √ NT - 14 MySQL-Front_Setup MYSQL Tools √ √ NT - 15 netbeans-4_1-windows.ex e Java development tools √ √ NT - 16 pgadmin3-1.8.4 Database client √ √ NT - 17 python-2.5.1 python Compilation tools √ √ NT - 18 quartusii_51_pc Logic software √ √ NT - 19 QuickVCD.exe Code compilation tools √ √ NT - 20 SecureCRT-v6.58H Embedded debugging tools √ √ NT - 21 Spider Testing Tools √ √ NT - 22 Visual C++ Enterprise version 6.0 The compiler √ √ NT - 23 Visual Studio 2008 √ √ NT - 24 Visual_Assist_X Visual v10.6.1845.0 Plug-ins tools √ √ NT - 25 VS2008ProEdition90DayTr ialCHSX1435983.iso Code compilers √ √ NT - 26 Win32 SSL security protocol development tools √ √ NT - 27 DbVisualizer5 Database √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 45 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 management tools 38 eclipse-SDK- 3.6.2-win32 √ √ NT - 29 netbeans Java v6.9.1 Development tools √ √ NT - 30 pclint v8.0 Static code testing tools √ √ NT - 31 pgAdmin Connections database management software √ √ NT - 32 Protel 99 SE √ √ NT - 33 Python v3.1.3 NT √ NT - 34 Source Insight 3.5 NT √ NT - 35 SourceMonitorb Code checking tool NT √ NT - 36 Staruml 5.0 UML modeling tool NT √ NT - 37 Visio 2010_Chn NT √ NT - 38 Visio2003_Eng NT √ NT - 39 Microsoft Visio2003_Chn NT √ NT - 40 Microsoft Visio_Pro_2007_Chn NT √ NT - 41 Microsoft Visio_Pro_2007_Eng NT √ NT - 42 EDraw Max v6.3 NT √ NT - 43 Dreamweaver v8.0 NT √ NT - 44 ZimoPro III NT √ NT - 45 IconWorkshop_6.7.0.0 NT √ NT - 46 ImagXpressDotNet v11 NT √ NT - 47 MathType 6.7 NT √ NT - 48 Microsoft Visual Basic6.0 NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 46 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 49 Microsoft VM for Java NT √ NT - 50 MicrosoftSQL Server2008 NT √ NT - 51 Microsoft XML Parser NT √ NT - 52 jbuilder4.0 NT √ NT - 53 msxml6.msi Parser NT √ NT - 54 Mathcad v15.0.0.436 NT √ NT - 55 MindMapper v2009 NT √ NT - 56 winddk_1830_usa_ddk Microsoft Windows drivers Development kits NT √ NT - 57 Relex 2011 Evaluation NT √ NT - 58 RFSim99 NT √ NT - 59 SharpDevelop_4.1.0.8000 NT √ NT - 60 Reflector NT √ NT - 61 SetupFactory 9.0 NT √ NT - 62 ADIsimPLL v3.4.1.08 NT √ NT - 63 Visual DSP++ 5.0 NT √ NT - 64 Website Analyzer 4.0.6 NT √ NT - 65 ActiveTcl v8. NT √ NT - 66 PowerDesigner v15.1 NT √ NT - 67 Sscom v32T NT √ NT - 68 Keil v6.12 NT √ NT - 69 KeilADS v1.2 NT √ NT - 70 MindManager_10.1.459_ EN NT √ NT - 71 SourceformatX v2.5.6 NT √ NT - 72 Smartdraw v2009 NT √ NT - 73 PL/SQL Developer NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 47 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 v8.0.1.1502 74 Visual_Paradigm_for_UM L v10.0.20120731 NT √ NT - 75 navicat101_premium_en v10.1.1 NT √ NT - 76 BCGControlBar_Pro _v9.2_Evaluation NT √ NT - 77 VA_X_Setup v1.8.2.7 NT √ NT - 78 Filter solution2009 v2.1.4 NT √ NT - 79 oracle11gR1_database v11g R1 NT √ NT - 80 oracle11gR1_client v11g R1 NT √ NT - 81 Visual Assist X v10.7.1906.0 NT √ NT - 82 Polar Si8000 v3.0.0 NT √ NT - 83 Simics v3.0.4 NT √ NT - 84 AVR Studio v1.0.0.9 NT √ NT - 85 Quartus II 9.0 (32-Bit) v9.0 NT √ NT - 86 Nios II 9.0 IDE NT √ NT - 87 ModelSim-Altera v6.4a NT √ NT - 88 JPSRJ v3.0 Water supply and drainage calculations software NT √ NT - 89 FilterLab v2.0 NT √ NT - 90 FilterPro Desktop v3.1.0.23446 NT √ NT - 91 wave for windows 6000 NT √ NT - 92 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional NT √ NT Install VM CD-ROM iso file before installing iso Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 48 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 software 93 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Standard √ √ NT 94 Eclipse v3.2.0 NT √ NT - 95 Enterprise Architect v7.1 NT √ NT - 96 ISE v 12.3 NT √ NT - 97 Python v 2.7.2 NT √ NT - 98 SecureCRT v6.1.4.489 NT √ NT - 99 SQL Server 2008R2 NT √ NT - 100 ANRS Memory Profiler NT √ NT - 101 Visual Paradigm For UML v7.2 NT √ NT - 102 Borland C++ builder v6.0 NT √ NT - 103 Compuware Boundschecker v7.2/8.2 NT √ NT - 104 Expression Blend v3 NT √ NT - 105 IntelliJ IDEA v11.1 NT √ NT - 106 Jprobe v8.1 NT √ NT - 107 RapidMiner v5.0 NT √ NT - 108 RapidNet v1.0 NT √ NT - 109 Mercury LoadRunner v8.0 NT √ NT - 110 GME v4.3.17 Modeling tools NT √ NT - 111 pRTI v1.5.16 NT √ NT - 112 Origin v8.0 Data analysis tools NT √ NT - 113 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe v2005 NT √ NT - 114 Matlab v2010a NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 49 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Name (Version) 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 115 Proteus v7.10SP1 NT √ NT 116 Source Insight NT √ NT 117 Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 √ NT NT 118 Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 √ NT NT 119 PowerBuilder 11.5 √ 120 Visual studio 2012 - √ 2.1.3 Input Methods ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 QQ pinyin v3.5 √ √ NT - 2 The pole five v7.13 √ √ NT - 3 Acura wubi input method v2011 √ √ NT - 4 Sogou pinyin input method v √ √ NT - 5 Sogou pinyin input method v5.2 √ √ NT - 6 Sogou wubi input method v2.0d _Official √ √ NT - 7 Universal wubi input method v8.0 √ √ NT - 8 Microsoft wangma wubi 98 version √ √ NT - 9 The pole five v5.2 √ √ NT - 10 Sogou pinyin input method v2.0 √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 50 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 11 Gaga pinyin √ √ NT - 12 Google pinyin input method √ √ NT - 13 Sogou pinyin input method v2010 √ √ NT - 14 Sogou wubi input method v2.0 √ √ NT - 15 Thunisoft input method v6.6.038 NT √ NT - 16 Thunisoft input method 4.0 NT √ NT A very small probability of occurrence of a blue screen, can solve the problem through uninstall it in safe mode. 17 Thunisoft input method 4.3 √ √ NT - 18 Thunisoft input method 6.8 √ √ NT - 2.1.4 Browsers ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 CHROME v9.0.597.94 √ √ NT - 2 ChromePortable √ √ NT - 3 Firefox_ cn v3.6.6 √ √ NT - 4 Firefox v9.0.1 √ √ NT - 5 FoXmail v5.0 √ √ NT - 6 FoxMail_en v5.0 √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 51 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 7 IE8-WindowsXP-x86-CHS_Off icial √ √ NT - 8 Mozilla FirefoX Setup v3.0 √ √ NT - 9 Maxthon browser v3.3.2.2000 √ √ NT - 10 Google Chrome v16.0.912.63 √ √ NT - 11 360se_3.6 360 √ √ NT - 12 The window of world browser √ √ NT - 13 Maxthon3 v3 √ √ NT - 14 Mozilla Firefox v3.6.13 √ √ NT - 15 MyIE9_Setup_CN √ √ NT - 16 safari for windows 5.12 √ √ NT - 17 Opera 11.60 √ √ NT - 18 FoXmail v7.0 √ √ √ - 2.1.5 Decompression ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 StuffIt EXpander v7.5 √ √ NT - 2 WinRAR v3.3 √ √ NT - 3 WinRAR v3.8 √ √ NT - 4 WinRAR v3.93 √ √ NT - 5 Winzip v11 √ √ NT - 6 Winzip v8.0 √ √ NT - 7 7z v9.2.0 √ √ NT - 8 WinRAR v3.2 √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 52 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 NT 9 WinZip A full range of √ √ 10 360 压缩 √ √ - 2.1.6 Players ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 Adobe Flash Player 9 √ √ NT - 2 Adobe Flash Player 10 √ √ NT - 3 QQ Music √ √ NT - 4 Windows Media Player 9 √ √ NT - 5 Storm video 2009 √ √ NT - 6 QQ2010 SP2.1 √ √ NT - 7 QQ2010 SP3.1 √ √ NT - 8 Ttplayer v5.7 √ √ NT - 9 QQPlayer_Setup_28_787 √ √ NT - 10 Windows Movie Maker v2.6 √ √ NT - 11 3DVIAComposerPlayer-V6R 2012-SP1 √ √ NT - 12 Kmplayer v 2.9.1436 √ √ NT - 13 Storm video v2007 √ √ NT - 14 Macromedia Shockwave Player11.6 √ NT NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 53 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2.1.7 Translation Software ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windo ws 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 Kingsoft powerword 2009 Enterprise plate v2009 √ √ NT - 2 Kingsoft powerword 2003 √ √ NT - 3 Kingsoft fast AIT v1.0 √ √ NT - 4 lingoes_2.8.1_zh √ √ NT - 5 YoudaoDictFull v4.0 √ √ NT - 6 eRevealer-eRevealer-1.1. 1.0 √ √ NT - 2.1.8 Readers ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05 √ √ NT - 2 Adobe Reader 9 √ √ NT - 3 fd3beta(Feed Demon) RSS v3.0.0.39 √ √ NT - 4 Filters PDF √ √ NT - 5 UltraEdit32 v9.0 √ √ NT - 6 Apabi_Reader v4.4.1.1681 NT √ NT - 7 Foxit Reader v5.1.0.117 NT √ NT - 8 Ultra star reader v4.1 NT √ NT - 9 EditPlus v3.4.1.966 NT √ NT - 10 Autodesk DWF Viewer v7 NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 54 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 11 CAJViewer v7.0.2 NT √ NT - 12 Office&PDFEncrypted v3.1 core files NT √ NT - Protection tools 13 China digital library book readerv3.1.5 NT √ NT - 14 STDU Viewer v1.6.180.0 NT √ NT - 15 PDF-Creator 2.0 NT √ NT 16 UltraEdit-32 V18 NT √ NT 17 EditPlus v3.10 √ √ Restart this software when Garble appears 2.1.9 CD-ROM/Drive recorders ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 DAEMON tools v4.40.2 √ NT NT - 2 Ultraiso v9.3.2.2656 √ X NT It can’t work after you open the mounting iso file in win7 VM 3 Winiso NT √ NT - 4 WinMount v3.4.1020 NT √ NT - 5 dongfangguangqumoshu shi v2003 NT √ NT - 6 DAEMON tools v3.47 √ √ - 7 Virtual Drive Manager √ √ - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 55 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2.1.10 OA Management ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 CPM √ √ NT - 2 ClearCase Configuration management tools √ √ NT - 3 DbVisualizer5 √ √ NT - 4 JTAGStudio V300R003C02B015 Huawei √ X NT - Mobile maintenance platforms 5 Microsoft Project 2003_Chn √ √ NT - 6 Microsoft Project 2007_Chn √ √ NT - 7 TortoiseSVN v1.6.6.17493 √ √ NT - 8 WinCvs13b17-2 CVS Client tools √ √ NT - 9 WinSetAclQuery √ √ NT - 10 IT operation and maintenance channel √ √ NT - 11 downbank0801 dnsyg.rar Banking plugin √ √ NT - 12 Evernote v3.5.5.2567 Document editing tools √ √ NT - 13 Lotus Notes IBM Notes v6.5.3 √ √ NT - 14 Lotus Notes v8.5.1 √ √ NT - 15 Lotus SmartSuite2000 √ √ NT - 16 Microsoft Office 2003_Eng √ √ NT - 17 Microsoft Office 2003-Chinese Version √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 56 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 18 Microsoft Office 2007_Eng √ √ NT - 19 Microsoft Office 2007-Chinese Version √ √ NT - 20 Microsoft Office 2010-Chinese Version √ √ NT - 21 Openproj v1.4 √ √ NT - 22 tftpd v32.329 √ √ NT - 23 total_commander_702apro-zXs.eXe √ √ NT - 24 Visual_SourceSafe_6.0 √ √ NT - 25 Xmind-win v3.1.1.200912022330 √ √ NT - 26 WinHex_14.2_SR-3_SC NT √ NT - 27 communicator 2007R2 NT √ NT - 28 National Defense Science and technology information management system v5.01 NT √ NT - 29 Microsoft Office 2010_Eng √ √ NT 30 Forefront document security management platform √ √ NT - 31 Beijing VRV Software √ √ NT - 32 Tencent Real Time eXchange √ √ NT - 33 Lotus Notes v7.01 zh-CN √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 57 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2.1.11 Security ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 KAV100623_DOWN v10.16 √ √ NT - 2 Kaspersky Anti-virus security v9.0.0.736 √ √ NT - 3 LiveUpdate v3.3.0.85 (Symantec Corporation) √ √ NT - 4 SEP11 v11.0.6 NT √ NT - 5 Win32 OpenSSL SSL √ √ NT - 6 Security services Assistant √ X NT There is a error in win7 VM 7 Jiangmin antivirus security v15.0.0.100 √ √ NT - 8 Kingsoft Anti-Virus 2011.sp7.2.063022 √ √ NT - 9 Jiangmin antivirus security KV2011 √ √ NT - 10 Kaspersky Anti-virus security v11.0.2.556 √ √ NT - 11 Bovine virus security v1.0.2.1009 √ √ NT - 12 Trend antivirus security v3.1.1109 √ √ NT - 13 Little red umbrella to HIV safety v10.0.0.51 √ √ NT - 14 Kaspersky Anti-virus security 2012 √ √ NT - 15 Fingerprint software √ √ NT - 16 ATNotes v7.4 √ √ NT - 17 atnsetup Documentation software √ √ NT - 18 cctray v1.5.0.0 File diagnostic tool √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 58 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 19 IrmTool v4.2.2.0 office Document rights management system client √ √ NT - 20 McAfee VirusScan Plus v9.11 Chinese Version √ √ NT - 21 Rights management tools √ √ NT - 22 Symantec-Endpoint-Prote ction-v11 NT √ NT - 23 McAfee 2008 NT √ NT - 24 avest v6.0.1125 √ √ NT 25 KingSoft Anti-Virus online v7.0 (Trial Version) √ √ NT 26 McAfee 8.5i √ NT NT 27 Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 √ NT NT 28 ATNotes v9.5 √ √ NT 29 PC-cillin2011 X √ NT 30 Rising antivirus v23.00.23.25 √ √ NT 2.1.12 Transfer Monitoring ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windo ws 7_64 1 ICP √ √ NT - 2 SOFTETHER VPNTools √ √ NT - 3 filezilla FTPTools √ √ NT - 4 Pandion_2.6.90 √ √ NT - 5 ServUSetup FTPTools √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 59 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windo ws 7_64 6 SGD √ √ NT - 7 TSM Agent √ √ NT - 8 ultravnc Client/server software √ √ NT - 9 Cisco IP Communicator-Cisco-8.6. 1.0 √ √ NT - 10 Net -SNMP v5.5.0 √ √ NT - 11 putty 2006 √ √ NT - 12 Snape v1.22 √ √ NT - 13 Snmp Informant Agent (Stand Edition) √ √ NT - 14 TeamViewer6.0.11656.0 √ √ NT - 15 ultravnc v1.0.8 Client/server software √ √ NT - 16 WinSCP v3.0 √ √ NT - 17 WinSCP v4.13 √ √ NT - 18 Winscp v4.1.7 √ √ NT - 19 Xmanager LinuX √ √ NT - 20 NetEase POPO 2011 v1.0.5 experience Edition √ √ NT - 21 Thunder v7.2.4.3312 official version √ √ NT - 22 NetAPPSoft v4.1 √ √ NT - 23 putty v0.60 √ √ NT - 2.1.13 System Tools ID Software Name (Version) Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Windows 7_64 60 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windows 7_32 Windows 7_64 1 windows JDK Java plug-in √ √ NT - 2 .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 √ √ NT - 3 ccsetup233(CCleaner) √ √ NT - 4 Easychm CHM v3.78 √ √ NT - 5 FileFormatConverters √ √ NT - 6 jre-6u20-windows-i586 Java plug-in √ √ NT - 7 junit-4.4 Java development tools √ √ NT - 8 killnotes Notes closing the tool √ √ NT - 9 proceXp 2003 √ √ NT - 10 SaveAsPDFandXPS √ √ NT - 11 SecureCRT-v6.58H √ √ NT - 12 shutdown v2.1 √ √ NT - 13 Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5 √ √ NT - 14 Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 6 √ √ NT - 15 windows Xp Service Pack3 √ √ NT - 16 Virtual serial port driver v6.0 NT √ NT - 17 Master Lu v2.99.12.111 NT √ NT - 18 ProXy NT NT NT - 19 Xencenter Citrix v6.5 √ √ NT 20 ludashi v2.6.2 √ √ NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 61 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2.1.14 Others ID Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 1 NOD32 v4.7.71.2 √ √ NT - 2 RMS √ √ NT - 3 CCT_v2.3 √ √ NT - 4 EA √ √ NT - 5 easychm.bz2 CHM documentation tools √ √ NT - 6 NSFSsan √ √ NT - 7 SetupRegexBuddy3Gera rdBuxedaGomez √ √ NT - 8 ssPDdq5A √ √ NT - 9 staruml-5.0-with-cm √ √ NT - UML modeling tool 10 httpd-2.2.15-win32-x86openssl-0.9.8m-r2 √ √ NT - 11 VMWare WorkStation √ √ NT - 12 ATnotes v9.5 √ √ NT - 13 Beyond Compare v1.8d √ √ NT - 14 BeyondCompare v2.4 √ √ NT - 15 BeyondCompare v3 √ √ NT - 16 Clock √ √ NT - 17 CRM-Siebel-8.1 √ √ NT - 18 CTI Toolkit Agent Desktop-Cisco-8.0.1014 2 √ √ NT - 19 eSpaceSetup v1.1.3.17 √ √ NT - 20 httpd-2.2.15-win32-X86 -openssl-0.9.8m-r2.msi √ √ NT - 21 I2000-HUAWEI-V300R 001C05 √ √ NT - 22 inno_setup v1.0.8 √ √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 62 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 23 IT operation and maintenance channel √ √ NT - 24 ludashisetup √ √ NT - 25 mx_2.5.14.277cn √ √ NT - 26 openoffice 3.2_Win32Intel_install_ cn √ √ NT - 27 OTOE Client OTET √ √ NT - 28 U2000-HUAWEI-V100 R002C01SPC004 √ √ NT - 29 Unlocker v1.9.0 √ √ NT - 30 Wallpaper Calendar V3.0.2 √ √ NT - 31 Meeting reminder √ √ NT - 32 zhuomianxiu √ √ NT - 33 fences_public NT √ NT - 34 FXCalendar_setup v1.0 NT √ NT - 35 BajieDesktop gadgets v1.3.1.0123 NT √ NT - 36 Everything v1.2.1.371 √ √ NT - 37 BaiduDS_setup v2.7.3.1 NT √ NT - 38 HprSnap7 NT √ NT - 39 Microsoft DirectX SKD 2006 NT √ NT - 40 WildPackets_OmniPeek _ Personal v4.1 NT √ NT - 41 Setup Factory v7.0 NT √ NT - 42 TextPad v4.7.3 NT √ NT - 43 TortoiseSVN- 8 NT √ NT - 44 Total Commander v8.0 NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 63 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 45 Hott Notes 4.1 NT √ NT - 46 PacketTracer v5.3 NT √ NT - 47 TCP&UDP v1.02 √ √ NT - 48 Xmanager Enterprise 3 NT √ NT - 49 Cuteftp pro8 NT √ NT - 50 Keil u v3 NT √ NT - 51 DoubleKiller v1.6.2.82 NT √ NT - 52 Divx v7.1.0 NT √ NT - 53 Ethereal v0.99.0 √ √ NT - 54 Google Desktop NT √ NT - 55 WZWY NT √ NT - 56 Windows search v4.0 NT √ NT - 57 Wireshark v1.6.2 √ √ NT Divulge problem- 58 CAM350 v8.6 NT √ NT - 59 PDF Password Remover v3.1.0 NT √ NT - 60 Winpcap v4.1.2 NT √ NT - 61 Clip X v1.0.3.9 Clipboard tools NT √ NT - 62 Web Log Expert v7.5 NT √ NT - 63 Xmanager Enterprise 3 NT √ NT - 64 EndNote X4 Specialized documentation software NT √ NT - 65 Erwin v4.1.4 Database modeling software NT √ NT - 66 FlASH2X for cs3.1 NT √ NT - 67 HDTune v5.00 NT √ NT - 68 IExif v1.2 NT √ NT - 69 MapX v5 NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 64 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 70 Nova for windows v2.2b NT √ NT - 71 Word to CHM v2.0 NT √ NT - 72 InterSoft International Inc v5.4.3.0 NT √ NT - 73 LeapFTP v3.0.1.46 NT √ NT - 74 Fiddler v2.2.9.1 NT √ NT - 75 OCVX v10.0(Peak) NT √ NT Card management system 76 Google Earth_Chn v6.1.0.5001 √ √ NT 77 Drive Life 2010_beta v2.3 √ √ NT 78 Sticker v1.71 √ √ NT 79 Tftpd32 √ √ NT 80 VMEncoder v9.0 √ √ NT 81 WoptiFree √ √ NT 82 Dynamic effects screensaver software √ √ NT 83 Allegro √ √ NT 84 LPC2000_ISP √ √ NT 85 MapInfo MapXP √ √ NT 86 HFSS v9 √ √ NT 87 QQ Music √ √ NT 88 Clock √ √ NT 89 Killnotes notes √ √ NT 90 proceXp √ √ NT 91 Protel 99SE √ √ NT 92 Meeting reminder √ √ NT 93 desktop show √ √ NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Support v5.2.30.200 65 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Window s 7_32 Window s 7_64 94 ANRS Memory Profiler √ √ NT 95 Oracle Client √ √ NT 96 Windows services for unix ver 3.5 √ NT NT 97 File format converter 3.5 √ NT NT 98 fonts shelley andante BT √ NT NT 99 Visio Viewer 2003 √ √ NT 100 SAP system clint (sale gas, query etc.) V7.10 √ X 101 FeiQ √ √ 102 coolEdit √ √ 2.2 Compatible Peripherals 2.2.1 Camera ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Logitech C270 USB NT √ √ NT 2 HIKVISION DS-2CD892PF Network NT √ 3 Logitech HD720P USB √ √ √ √ 4 Microsoft Microsoft LifeCam VX-800 USB NT √ NT √ 5 Logitech Logitech C110 USB NT √ NT √ 6 Logitech Logitech C210 USB NT √ NT √ 7 Logitech Logitech C600 USB NT √ NT √ Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks See remark 1. NT Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Test on Win7 32Bit VM 66 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Remark 1: R2C00 version can only use the USB channel, network bandwidth is about 20Mb-40Mb, the requirements of TC's performance and network bandwidth are high, not commercial; R2C01 version use Webcamera channel, network bandwidth can be reduced to 2Mb, even less then 500Kb, but requires application’s support, for video dialogue scenes. When use the application of Logitech’s to preview images on Windows XP, it may appear “green screen”. For photographs, the application should support TWAIN, default it supports 480P size, generally used by Windows TC. 2.2.2 Printers ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Arm 1 Epson LQ-630K Parallel port NT √ NT - 2 Epson LQ-680K Parallel port NT √ NT - 3 Epson LQ-730K Parallel port NT √ NT - 4 Epson LQ-635K Parallel port NT √ NT - 5 Epson TM/U220B Serial port NT √ NT - 6 OKI OKI 6500F Parallel port NT √ NT - 7 OKI OKI 5530sc Parallel port NT √ NT - 8 OKI OKI 6300F Parallel port NT √ NT - 9 OKI OKI 5560sc Parallel port NT √ NT - 10 OKI OKI 5200F Parallel port NT √ NT 11 HP HP LaserJet 1160 USB NT √ NT - 12 HP HP LaserJet 1150 USB NT √ NT - 13 HP HP LaserJet 1152 USB NT √ NT - 14 HP HP LaserJet p2035 USB NT √ NT - 15 HP HP LaserJet 2015 USB NT √ NT - 16 HP HP 5200N USB NT √ NT - 17 HP HP LaserJet 1300 USB NT √ NT - 18 HP HP LaserJet 1200 USB NT √ NT - Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Wes7 √ - 67 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Arm 19 HP HP LaserJet 1100 USB NT √ NT - 20 HP HP LaserJet 2605 USB NT √ NT - 21 HP HP LaserJet 2055d USB NT √ NT - 22 HP HP LJ M1522NJ USB NT √ NT - 23 HP HP LaserJet 1110 USB NT √ NT - 24 HP HP 620N USB NT √ NT - 25 HP HP LaserJet 2100 USB NT √ NT - 26 HP HP LaserJet 2420 USB NT √ NT - 27 HP HP LaserJet P1007 USB NT √ NT - 28 HP HP LaserJet P1606dn USB √ √ √ Linux TC need avoid method 29 Jolimark FP-730K USB NT √ NT - 30 Stone OKI 6100F Parallel port NT √ NT - 31 Shandong New Beiyang BTP-6200I Parallel port NT √ NT - 32 Nantian PR2E Serial port NT √ NT 33 HP HP Officejet Pro 8000 USB NT NT NT 34 Fujitsu DPK750 USB NT √ NT 35 Star NX-350 Serial port & Parallel port NT √ NT 36 EPSON TM-T58 Serial port √ 37 FUJITSU DPK3600E + Parallel port Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Wes7 GI945 √ Test VM: in7 32 位 √ Test VM: PSP3 68 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style 38 Nantian PR2E/P Serial port 39 Brother Brother HL-5450D N USB √ Test VM: P 40 Lenovo Lenovo LJ3600D USB √ Test VM:XP 41 HP hp LaserJet 1010 USB √ Test VM:XP 42 Fujitsu DKP880 Parallel port &SB √ Linux Xpe Remarks Arm Wes7 √ Test VM: PSP3 2.2.3 Scanners ID Manufacturer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm 1 Canon Canon D210 USB NT √ NT - 2 Canon LiDE_100 USB NT √ NT - 3 Canon LiDE_100 USB NT √ NT - 4 HP HP Scanjet G2710 USB NT √ NT - 5 HP Scanjet SN6350 USB NT √ NT - 6 FUJITSU fi-6230 and fi-6230Z USB Wes7 √ Test VM : XPSP3, Disble TWAIN, Use USB Redirect. 8 FUJITSU FUJITSU fi-6130Z USB √ 9 Hongguang Sheetfed Scanner AV212 USB √ 10 Jingyi Smartoffice PS356 USB √ Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. SC, Test VM:XP_SP3 69 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Manufacturer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style 11 Founder Founder Z806 USB √ 12 Founder Founder Anyscan i25 USB √ Linux Xpe Remarks Arm Wes7 2.2.4 Handed-held Laser Scanner ID 1 Manufacturer Name Equipment Model Interface Style Honeywell MS5145 USB TC&OS Style Linux Remarks Xpe Arm Wes7 NT √ √ - 2.2.5 High Speed Portable Doc Scanner ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Digital China JYP A4-200 USB NT √ NT NT - 2 Eloam eloam S300A USB NT √ NT NT - 3 Jetion JET-DBG005 USB NT √ NT NT - 4 Shandong Synthesis MS 300 WJ1004 USB NT √ NT NT - 5 DINGYI X300 Serial Port NT √ NT NT - 6 Nantian BP8913MF200-E 200 USB NT NT NT √ Test VM: XP_SP3 2.2.6 Barcode Scanner ID 1 Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 Symbol L82208-SR20007 R USB NT √ NT NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 70 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 Nantian BP8902VA-A(ZH) NW230ZH Serial port NT √ NT NT 2.2.7 Finger Sensor ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 1 Biocome TCR4 USB NT √ NT NT - 2 Biocome TCR4K USB √ X √ X "Password filled by" Login WI (WI brush fingerprint + directly login the VM by clicking the VM list), no WI plug required for WES7 or XPE TC when fingerprint logon, CT2000/CT300 0 only support Biocome Fingerprint 3 ZKSoftware ZK4000 USB √ √ √ √ Fingerprint scanner Test VM:Win7 32Bit 4 Unknow Optical fingerprint Device USB √ √ √ √ "Two-factor authentication" Login VM (WI domain user / password + VM fingerprint) (FRO500) 2.2.8 Card Readers ID 1 Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 SCM SCR3310 USB NT √ NT NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 71 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe ARM Wes7 2 ACS (HK) ACR38 USB NT √ NT NT - 3 Feitian Rockey 200 USB NT √ NT NT - 4 Castles Technology EZUsb PC/SC SmartCardReade r USB NT √ NT NT - 5 Shenzhen Ming Aohan Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. Gas Read Card and IC Card USB& Serial port NT √ NT NT Test by SC 6 Nantian BP8902VA NW84001 B60A77V1 Serial port √ Test VM: XPSP3 7 Nantian 8902 Serial port √ SC,Test VM: XP_SP3 8 newland newland -BMAG_NL2805 W/0/0/CT Serial port √ SC,Test VM: XP_SP3 9 Nantian BP8903 Serial port √ SC,Test VM: XP_SP3 10 GuoGuang Electric Company Ltd. CJ201 Serial port √ SC,Test VM: XP_SP3 11 Nantian BP89031RA-N Serial port √ SC,Test VM: XP_SP3 12 Huaxu Huaxu ID Card Reader 2 USB √ SC,Test VM: XP_SP3 13 Aisino AiSino IC Card Reader,JK100D √ 2.2.9 Controller ID Manufactu rer Name Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Remarks Arm Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Wes7 72 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Peak PK-C398 Network NT √ NT NT - 2 Peak PK-CB1090 Network NT √ NT NT - Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe ARM SaftNet eToken Pro 72K USB NT √ NT 2.2.10 UKeys ID 1 Remarks Wes7 USBKey Single Sign-OnVM (Just input PIN once login VM) – only support xpe and Wes7 USBKey login(WI login and login VM by click VM list both need input PIN) ---support Linux/XPe/Wes 7 2 Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 / .NET v2+ bundle USB NT √ NT - 3 Beijing Haitai Fangyuan CMZJ Haikey USB NT √ NT See remark 1. 4 FEITIAN Technologie s Co., Ltd USBKey Token 3000 USB NT √ NT Remark 1: The latest drive is required. The key drive is possibly dedicated to Zhejiang Mobile while the vendor says it can be universally used. Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 73 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2.2.11 USB drive ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 IBM IBM HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GT30N USB NT √ NT NT 2 HUZO HGU-40T USB USB - √ Test TC:CT5000 2.2.12 USB Storage ID Manufactu rer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Hitachi 500G USB NT √ NT NT - 2 Kingston DT101 16G USB NT √ NT NT - 3 Kingston DT101 4G USB NT √ NT NT - 4 Kingston Kingston G3 USB √ √ √ NT 2.2.13 POSes ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Epson TM-T88IV Serial port NT √ NT NT - 2 Shande PS100-T Serial port NT √ NT NT - 3 Peak PK-859W Network NT √ NT NT - Interfac e Style TC&OS Style 2.2.14 Stylus/Tablet ID Manufacture r Name Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Equipment Model Linu x Xpe Remarks Arm Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Wes7 74 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Penpower WP4030 USB NT √ NT NT 2 HWpen HWpen-DXS0403 USB √ Test TC:CT6000 2.2.15 All-in-One Printer ID 1 Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 HP HP LaserJet 3015 USB NT √ NT NT - 2.2.16 ID Card Reader ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linu x Xpe Arm 1 Shanghai Liangbiao DTI-12S USB NT √ NT - 2 D&C IC Card Reader T6-ULD-I USB NT √ √ - 3 PUTIAN CPIDMR-02/TG USB NT √ NT - 4 GoldTel GTICR100 USB NT √ √ - 5 China Television Media,Ltd. CVR-100U 2 USB NT NT √ 6 sdses Model: SS628(100) USB Wes7 √ √ Test VM : XP_SP3 Version : U010 7 ZheWei Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) ZWIC-100 USB √ Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. SC, Test VM : XP_SP3 75 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test 2.2.17 Mobile Terminals ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Samsung GT-s5570 USB NT √ NT NT See remark 1. 2 Samsung 9001 USB NT √ NT NT See remark 2. 3 Samsung 5368 USB NT √ NT NT See remark 3. 4 Apple Iphone 4s USB √ √ 见备注(4) Remark 1: Samsung Kies and Samsung-91 can be used, and the registry must be modified. Remark 2: Samsung Kies and Samsung-91 can be used, and the registry must be modified. Remark 3: Only Samsung Kies can be used, and the registry must be modified. Remark 4: apple itunes and Samsung-91 can be used,but XPE TC need to install itune. 2.2.18 Others ID Manufacture r Name Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Nantian BP8901_VKZ_NB 045 USB NT √ NT NT Commutator Box 2 Nantian BP8904KV-ZH(3D ES) Serial port NT √ NT NT Smart keyboard 3 yoo-e All - √ √ √ NT Dynamic secret security 4 DynamiCode All - √ √ √ NT Dynamic secret security 5 Wyse Wyse KU-8933 USB USB √ √ √ NT USB Mouse and keyboard, free drive, test VM: Win7 32 bit 6 Gaocheng Customer Satisfaction evaluator Other NT √ NT NT 7 Guangdong Yiye Science And USB softdog USB NT √ NT NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Remarks Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 76 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Manufacture r Name 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Equipment Model Interfac e Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linu x Xpe Arm Wes7 Technology Co., Ltd. 8 Unknow DTECH USB √ √ √ √ USB to serial cable, free drive, test VM: Win7 32 bit 9 Unknow ThinPrint USB √ √ √ √ USB Hub, free drive, test VM: Win7 32 bit 10 Logitech ML138 USB √ √ √ √ Headsets, test VM: Win7 32 bit 11 IRiiiCH RC528III Serial port √ Test VM : XPSP3, Match Bank System Core Software V4.0.0.0 Remark 1:Dynamic secret security authentication lowest matching version is R2C01 SPC201; Remark 2:DynamiCode Dynamic linking need Dynamic secret security authentication system v2.9 (Now it’s v3.0 Incompatible with FussionAccess). 2.3 Incompatibility List 2.3.1 Incompatibility Software ID Software Style Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windo ws 7_32 Windo ws 7_64 1 Design & Programming MSAgent NT X NT 2 Design & Programming PostgreSQL v8.3 NT X NT 3 Others JTAGStudio V300R003C0 2B015 √ X NT 4 Others Chinese X X NT Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Blue screen 77 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windo ws 7_32 Windo ws 7_64 surfing software 5 System tool Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 Serivce Pack NT X NT 6 Security Rising antivirus security sky professional v23.00.61.52 X X X When running, CPU occupancy rate is too high. 7 IE Plugin Bank of China online IE plugin X X X Cause keyboard sticky, numeric keys can not be used. 8 Browser Google Earth_Chn v6.1.0.5001 X X Google Earth need OptimizationPac kforGoogleEarth. 9 other 飞信 X X 10 Security 360 杀毒软件 X X 11 other macfree X X 12 middleware Apache HTTP Server 2.0 X X memory leak 13 Security Kaspersky Anti-VirusWi ndows server 6.0 Enhanced (Version: X X memory leak 14 firewall software COMODO Firewall X X memory leak 15 firewall software Rising firewall X X memory leak 16 Communicatio QQ2012 ns software (Version: X X memory leak Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 78 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Software Style 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Software Name (Version) Test Result Windows XP SP 2 Remarks Windows XP SP 3 Windo ws 7_32 Windo ws 7_64 X X 1.88.5119.0) 17 Security Kingsoft Duba 2013.SP1.032 700 memory leak 2.3.2 Incompatible Peripherals ID Manufacturer Name Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Remarks Linux Xpe Arm Wes7 1 Feitian Rockey 200 USB X X X X Program can be installed correctly, but application hangs and can’t be used. 2 Jinglun IDR210 USB X X X X Free drive, Manufacturers confirm it can not be used. 2 kedak kedak i220 USB X SC, Test VM : XP_SP3 Local scan 15 second, VM scan 50 second. Reason: The bandwidth used when scanning reached 2300Kb, almost used the all bandwidth. 3 centerm Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) GKB-12S Serial port X Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. SC, Test VM : XP_SP3, need Citrix customize 79 Huawei FusionAccess Compatibility List ID Manufacturer Name 2 R3C00 Compatibility Test Equipment Model Interface Style TC&OS Style Linux Xpe Remarks Arm Wes7 driver, and must select “Virtual desktop password keyboard driver”. 4 Nantian BP8904 Serial port X SC, Test VM : XP_SP3, need Citrix customize driver, and must select “Virtual desktop password keyboard driver”. 5 newland NL-820V/2/1 Serial port X SC, Test VM : XP_SP3, need Citrix customize driver, and must select “Virtual desktop password keyboard driver”. Issue 2.1 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 80
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