Turlelrgr Fe ffi6 qrepft - Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
Turlelrgr Fe ffi6 qrepft - Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
Turlelrgr F-e ffi6 qrepft - ec qr d,arta wqrtet q.zd1klrwfro,ear wapftq ec eu fraza aqriat fu@ Ay qrrffi, eoyz ry6q _rsffi Ma, ?H ffiamt staronasrrqfrfudwwqLd *orrg srrB. qt igqrtana re""i i" i eozo-ee)q7 elalpp aqfcr qEfr # ffi@r qn vqraqiffi qEfr/qEqm,rcrrud qEfr uqtutqxr{{A ga-{zfeq, ;aarz.,arstgfu ffio, wepft qiA ara ii-AWa ffidz Eq$ gool- (Es-Setqet wr-) ar fr-ors gzrytrsrd Aw/ emfrq qt{z-d s#fy*w eJryfl-d ffia qgderzzfidBrd fd. az ffiss, eoe?v{a wuerr.qgqr srd gmafua EMtdqm f.rqffiq t-aa a-orge W a-. .ntq 6r e, nr fuarfrld #+'a-u*roo (httpp:II mkv2.mah.nic iin; q" 3-q-a-Gsr srB, qr wtaoffi qrTfl pq4 sool- eJmrgrgfdffd q galrm srd (rgil-d ffi err&a q ti faia -a+rterFowa, aqd€rd rez-acrdrrra"arrm Fq-A 2."1- ef Mota a-qr &'sr+eg /rM.agr qtqflfr urqifu-a qetq cr{d qftalqr aqf{rdrcrd f{dl-€ 8o ,"{\^e $laaftzeiil 6*ara wad- eqtt€rd rrg Fdf,r-En ?ard@futfusril{* grqd grtff- qrt€.c-.en q.ru wq et"n-qr etqtqt frazr clw4m d.nr qr&. gcqr sfu Ffid wfr. trd i'zameotaz ar frdGFzqrqq uw eqfrut d6trd"errd^*a @?,fraza wqIrtsn. 7Tmqr arrd ag erd-{ eJaoarXa s-&€ e,qIaufu eol- ar16r |*ad slr€rrrd qffid. /) drsF :uues1fi-2, ftarlo : e.?2.eose r'r ( /6(2' {7 gantfua ve[: 2 2 3 (wranw qetraar-), gdafuq wret.rv, atgft,waruft fl &iaq) gT. wt.ad. ,YyQ stfEtwrfr,qeqqfl tia'uro ;ttd, vrpfu, waufr (qrfr{ dd fugrrfrd vrdas€rarosrfue( @?.?raq) wi. gaaga qA wmafr ttfuE, Wfu, qtergft ?r6IEr@ MarathwadaKrishi Vidyapeetfu Convocation to be held in/on : Result checkedby : ReadBy SeenBy. Degree Certificate Read By Seen Deqree Written by : ReceiptNo. Degreecertificate sent by post on : Date Convocation No.- To, The Registrar, Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani-431,402. Receipt No. Photographof the Candidateto be fxed here & Attested Date: I, the undersigned, request admission to the convocation to in Person / in Absentia. My degree of given below : L. Nameof the Candidate( in Blockletters)which is basedon TC/XII Std./ PDCcertificate(Copyenclosed) Surname : Name : Father's Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Registration No. 4. Sex : 5. a) Degreefor which the application is made : b) Discipline in caseof PG Degree. : 6. Details of the degree certificate to be received a) CGPA: b) Division of Passing: c) Month & Year of passing : PTO from which the degree was completed addresswith PIN code A g ;s $ 9.7 10. No./Mobile No. ils of prescribed fee paid (IPO No./Receipt No./DD No.) Yours faith{ully, Signature: Name :