Appendix A - Lisa Marie Rhody
Appendix A - Lisa Marie Rhody
id fc-000001 fc-000002 fc-000003 fc-000004 fc-000005 fc-000006 fc-000007 fc-000008 fc-000009 fc-000010 fc-000011 fc-000012 fc-000013 fc-000014 fc-000015 fc-000016 fc-000017 fc-000018 fc-000019 fc-000020 fc-000021 fc-000022 fc-000023 fc-000024 fc-000025 fc-000026 fc-000027 fc-000028 fc-000029 fc-000030 fc-000031 fc-000032 fc-000033 fc-000034 fc-000035 fc-000036 fc-000037 fc-000038 fc-000039 fc-000040 fc-000041 fc-000042 fc-000043 fc-000044 fc-000045 fc-000046 fc-000047 fc-000048 fc-000049 fc-000050 fc-000051 fc-000052 fc-000053 Appendix A: Metadata for "Revising Ekphrasis" title "Nighthawks" After Viewing The Bowling Match at Castlemary, Cloyne (1847) "American Flamingo" American Gothic after the painting by Grant Wood, 1930 "A Midnight Diner by Edward Hopper" "Archaic Figure" "Before the Mirror" The Bronze David of Donatello Brueghel's Harvesters Brueghel's Winter Cezanne's Ports Children's Games Classic Scene Courtyards in Delft -Pieter de Hooch, 1659 (for Gordon Woods) "Cycladic Figure: The Harp Player" (ca. 3000 B. C. E.) Early Sunday Morning "Edgar Degas: The Millinery Shop" Edward Hopper and the House by the Railroad (1925) "Fosterling" John Montague "Four cut Sunflowers, One Upside Down" Girl at Sewing Machine (after a painting by Edward Hopper) Girl Powdering Her Neck Girls on the Bridge "Guernica" Haymaking Hunters in the Snow: Brueghel "In the Realm of Pure Color" after Gauguin's The Loss of Virginity Musee des Beaux Arts Landscape with the Fall of Icarus Love in the Museum "Matisse: Blue Interior with Two Girls -- 1947" "Matisse's Dance" Matisse: "The Red Studio" "Mule Team and Poster" Not my Best Side Nude Descending a Staircase Number 1 by Jackson Pollock (1948) Oi yoi yoi (for Roger Hilton) On Seeing Larry Rivers' "Washington Crossing the Delaware" at the Museum of Modern Art Girl and Friends View Naked Goddess: After Gilardi's "A Visit to the Gallery" Peasant Wedding "Picture of a 23-Year-Old Painted by His Friend of the Same Age, an Amateur" "Guernica" "Realism" St. Eustace The Adoration of the Kings The Corn Harvest The Cross of Snow The Dance "The Disquieting Muses" The Forest Fire "The Geographer" From the painting by Vermeer The Great Figure author Samuel Yellen Greg Delanty Greg Pape John Stone David Ray Amy Clampitt John Updike Randall Jarrell Richard Foerster Walter de la Mare Allen Ginsberg William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams Derek Mahon Jane Hirshfield John Stone Adam Zagajewski (1994) Edward Hirsch Seamus Heaney Mark Doty Mary Leader from a ukiyo-e print by Utamaro Derek Mahon Lorna Goodison William Carlos Williams Joseph Langland Linda Pastan W. H. Auden William Carlos Williams Adrienne Rich Anthony Hecht Natalie Safir W. D. Snodgrass Donald Justice U. A. Fanthorpe X. J. Kennedy Nancy Sullivan Vicki Fever Frank O'Hara Molly Peacock William Carlos Williams C. P. Cavafy Lorna Goodison Czeslaw Milosz Derek Mahon William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams Henry Wadsworth Longfellow William Carlos Williams Sylvia Plath John Stone Linda Bierds William Carlos Williams gender M M M M M F M M M M M M M M F M M M M M F U M F M M F M M F M F M M M M F F M F M M F M M M M M M F M F M category ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic fc-000054 fc-000055 fc-000056 fc-000057 fc-000058 fc-000059 fc-000060 fc-000061 fc-000062 fc-000063 fc-000064 fc-000065 fc-000066 fc-000067 fc-000068 fc-000069 fc-000070 fc-000071 fc-000072 fc-000073 fc-000074 fc-000075 fc-000076 fc-000077 fc-000078 fc-000079 gs-000001 gs-000002 gs-000003 gs-000004 gs-000005 gs-000006 gs-000007 gs-000008 gs-000009 gs-000010 gs-000011 gs-000012 gs-000013 gs-000014 gs-000015 gs-000016 gs-000017 gs-000018 gs-000019 gs-000020 gs-000021 gs-000022 gs-000023 gs-000024 gs-000025 gs-000026 gs-000027 gs-000028 gs-000029 The Great Wave: Hokusai "The Guitar Lesson" (from The Balthus Poems) The Hunt by Night --Uccello, 1465 The Hunter in the Snow The Knight, Death, and the Devil "The Lady and the Unicorn and Other Tapestries" The Man with the Blue Guitar The Man with the Hoe The Parable of the Blind The Servant-Girl at Emmaus (A Painting by Velaquez) The Starry Night The Street The Tall Figures of Giacometti Paul Delvaux: The Village of the Mermaids Oil on canvas, 1942 The Wedding Dance in the Open Air [The wounded wilderness of Morris Graves] Three for the Mona Lisa Tiepolo's Hound Two Monkeys by Brueghel (trans. from the Polish by Magnus Kryski) "Utopia Parkway" after Joseph Cornell's Penny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacall, 1945 - 46 "Van Gogh's Bed" Venus and the Lute Player (Tiziano Vecellio, 1477- 1576) "Vermeer" Winter Landscape "Woman Before an Aquarium" "Wormwood: The Penitents" The Poem of Jacobus Sadoletus on the Statue of Laocoon Nadar for Rosalind Krauss For Venetian Pastoral By Giorgone (In the Louvre) To my Worthy Friend Mr. Peter Lilly: on that Excellent Picture of His majesty, and the Duke of York, drawne by him at Hampton-Court At the Frick Before the Mirror (Verses written under a Picture)Inscribed to J. A. Whistler Brueghel's Winter From Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, canto 4 The City of Dreadful Night Death's Valley To accompany a picture; by request. "The Valley of the Shadow of Death," from the painting by George Inness Elegiac Stanzas Suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle, in a Storm, Painted by Sir George Beaumont The Mind of the Frontispiece to a Book The Poem of Jacobus Sadoletus on the Statue of Laocoon Hiram Powers' Greek Slave The Knight, Death, and the Devil For "Our Lady of the Rocks" By Leonardo da Vinci The Last of England Mona Lisa The "Moses" of Michael Angelo Mus??e des Beaux Arts The National Painting The New Colossus On the Medusa of Leonardo da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery Sonnet Sonnet To a Portrait of Hart Crane For Spring By Sandro Botticelli (In the Academia of Florence) The Temeraire (Supposed to Have Been Suggested to an Englishman of the Old Order by the Flight of the Monitor and Merrimac) From The Testament of Beauty, Book III The Man with the Hoe Written after Seeing the Painting by Millet Donald Finkel Stephen Dobyns Derek Mahon William Carlos Williams Randall Jarrell Jorie Graham Wallace Stevens Edwin Markham William Carlos Williams Denise Levertov By Anne Sexton Stephen Dobyns May Swenson Lisel Mueller William Carlos Williams Lawrence Ferlinghetti John Stone Derek Walcott Wislawa Szymborska Lynda Hull Jane Flanders Paul Engle Tomas Transtromer John Berryman Patricia Hampl Ellen Bryant Voigt Jacopo Sadoleto Richard Howard Dante Gabriel Rosetti Sir Richard Lovelace Anthony Hecht Algernon Charles Swinburne Walter de la Mare George Gordon, Lord Byron James Thomson Walt Whitman William Wordsworth Ben Jonson Jacopo Sadoleto Elizabeth Barrett Browning Randall Jarrell Dante Gabriel Rosetti Ford Maddox Brown Edith Wharton Robert Browning W.H. Auden Joseph Rodman Drake Emma Lazarus Percy Bysshe Shelley Pietro Aretino Allen Tate Dante Gabriel Rosetti Herman Melville Robert Bridges Edwin Markham M M M M M F M M M F F M F F M M M M M F F M M M F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M F M M M F M M M M M M M ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic gs-000030 gs-000031 gs-000032 gs-000033 gs-000034 pd-000001 pd-000002 pd-000003 pd-000004 pd-000005 pd-000006 pd-000007 pd-000008 pd-000009 pd-000010 pd-000011 pd-000012 pd-000013 pd-000014 pd-000015 pd-000016 pd-000017 pd-000018 pd-000019 pd-000020 pd-000021 pd-000022 pd-000023 pd-000024 pd-000025 pd-000026 pd-000027 pd-000028 pd-000029 pd-000030 pd-000031 pd-000032 pd-000033 pd-000034 pd-000035 pd-000036 pd-000037 pd-000038 pd-000039 pd-000040 pd-000041 pd-000042 pd-000043 pd-000044 pd-000045 pd-000046 pd-000047 pd-000048 pd-000049 pd-000050 On the Group of the Three Angels Before the Tent of Abraham, by Rafaelle, in the Vatican To the Fragment of a Statue of Hercules, Commonly Called the Torso To the Statue on the Capitol: Looking Eastward at Dawn Venus de Milo Winter Landscape ���A Rose Tree Whack Report The End of It Dhaka Dust Hagar before the Occupation,Hagar after the Occupation (excerpts) Root Ball, Root Cellar Chorus Two Poems The Christening A Rose Tree Whack Report The End of It Dhaka Dust Hagar before the Occupation,Hagar after the Occupation (excerpts) Root Ball, Root Cellar Chorus Two Poems The Christening ���Caledonia The Vacationers What the Mapmaker Knows Kessler's Coffin Factory Looking at the Romans Galilee Hem Stitch Hemi Stichs Poem Two Poems In a Station of the Metro Taper, or Mary Tells All She Knows Only Something The Book of the Dead Man (Vertigo) Two Poems Blackouts Tally That Problem in the Family The Long View Man on Horseback Everywhere I Went That Spring, I Was Alone The Worm Those visits home, the way the young First Woods Now Via Dolorosa Leaf at the End Elegance A Little about Not Knowing Very Much This Morning The Man ���1986: The Court On the Wards Washington Allston Samuel Rogers John James Piatt Charles-Rene Marie Leconte de Lisle John Berryman Fleur Adcock Kim Addonizio Kim Addonizio Dilruba Ahmed Amal al-Jubouri John M. Anderson Antonella Anedda Rae Armantrout Simon Armitage Fleur Adcock Kim Addonizio Kim Addonizio Dilruba Ahmed Amal al-Jubouri John M. Anderson Antonella Anedda Rae Armantrout Simon Armitage Ken Babstock David Baker Mary Jo Bang John Bargowski Rick Barot Quan Barry Judith Baumel Dan Beachy-Quick Dan Beachy-Quick Dan Beachy-Quick Jeanne Marie Beaumont Priscilla Becker Marvin Bell Gottfried Benn Margo Berdeshevsky Adrian Blevins Robert Bly Rachael Boast Paula Bohince Paula Bohince Roberto Bola?�o Marianne Boruch David Bottoms Tim Bowling Traci Brimhall Lily Brown Fleda Brown Christopher Buckley David Budbill Michael Burkard Peter Campion Rafael Campo M M M M M F F F U M M F F M F F F U M M F F M M M F M M U F M M M F F M M F M M F F F F M M F F F M M M M M ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic pd-000051 pd-000052 pd-000053 pd-000054 pd-000055 pd-000056 pd-000057 pd-000058 pd-000059 pd-000060 pd-000061 pd-000062 pd-000063 pd-000064 pd-000065 pd-000066 pd-000067 pd-000068 pd-000069 pd-000070 pd-000071 pd-000072 pd-000073 pd-000074 pd-000075 pd-000076 pd-000077 pd-000078 pd-000079 pd-000080 pd-000081 pd-000082 pd-000083 pd-000084 pd-000085 pd-000086 pd-000087 pd-000088 pd-000089 pd-000090 pd-000091 pd-000092 pd-000093 pd-000094 pd-000095 pd-000096 pd-000097 pd-000098 pd-000099 pd-000100 pd-000101 pd-000102 pd-000103 pd-000104 pd-000105 A Question Prayer Narrative Poem Flowers of Space How We Got to Be This Way Naked I Come, Naked I Go The Stairs On Lacking the Killer Instinct Counter-Amores 1.3 The Perfect Stranger Mosquito Mother Two Poems Detroit Left at the Moon Two Poems A Word About Transitions Maybe One of the Saints Three Documentaries On a Drop of Rain ���Dogtown, 1957 Ode to the Reel Mower Oil Is a Sign of Generosity Roland Barthes Villanelle on a Line from Macbeth Today's Word: �??Procumbent�?� The Promise The Chicano Manifesto In a Dark Wood Two Poems Patriarch Sky My dad & sardines Lemon Autumn and I Can't Breathe Clarinet Dead Brother Superhero The Soldier on Routine Passage Two Poems Underworld Our Year Again Taken Unawares Ewigkeit To the New World Here and Now Landscape with Friends Graceline Human Anatomy ���Seawall The Bodies Two Poems Two Poems The Trouble Ball Even the Smallest Paradise They were Too Poor for Buttons ���Moving Xochiquetzal Candelaria David Caplan Julie Carr Amy Catanzano Richard Cecil Marilyn Chin Michael Chitwood Eil??an N?? Chuillean?�in Jennifer Clarvoe David Clewell Henri Cole Henri Cole Wanda Coleman Billy Collins Billy Collins Mark Conway Nicole Cooley Robert Cording Kate Daniels Jim Daniels Chad Davidson Carol Ann Davis Michael Davis Mark Dawson Ale�� Debeljak Abelardo Delgado Chard deNiord Carl Dennis Shira Dentz Toi Derricotte Danielle Cadena Deulen W.S. Di Piero Joanne Diaz Michael Dickman Katy Didden Alex Dimitrov Geri Doran Mark Doty Charles Douthat Norman Dubie Eugene Dubnov Kevin Ducey Valerie Duff Stephen Dunn Stephen Dunn Jane Duran Quinton Duval Joshua Edwards Andrew Elliott Elaine Equi Mart??n Espada Mart??n Espada CJ Evans Ellie Evans Ruth Fainlight U M F F M F M F M M M F M M M F M F M M F M M U M M F F F M F M F M F M M M M M F M M F M M M F M F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic pd-000106 pd-000107 pd-000108 pd-000109 pd-000110 pd-000111 pd-000112 pd-000113 pd-000114 pd-000115 pd-000116 pd-000117 pd-000118 pd-000119 pd-000120 pd-000121 pd-000122 pd-000123 pd-000124 pd-000125 pd-000126 pd-000127 pd-000128 pd-000129 pd-000130 pd-000131 pd-000132 pd-000133 pd-000134 pd-000135 pd-000136 pd-000137 pd-000138 pd-000139 pd-000140 pd-000141 pd-000142 pd-000143 pd-000144 pd-000145 pd-000146 pd-000147 pd-000148 pd-000149 pd-000150 pd-000151 pd-000152 pd-000153 pd-000154 pd-000155 pd-000156 pd-000157 pd-000158 pd-000159 pd-000160 En Route to Bangladesh, Another Crisis of Faith Tall Boys In My Reading Regarding Rain How Big? The Beheaded Brown Girl Levitation, 1962-1989 Portrait of Adamine Savasana The Green Pinecone Two Poems Aspirin and Shadow Rondeau for Plotinus Nemesis My Daughter�??s Body Two Poems Shallot Working in Flour Two Poems Time Was . . . Happiness ���Another Fable Tramore Strand Overheard My Hypochondria: A Soliloquy Prologue, Epilogue My Father's Drums The Lost One Ode to the Little �??r�?� Bottoming Out The Point at Which My Wife Enters a Poem about theNational Geographic Cover Story (November 2009) "Are We Alone?" Liquid Two Poems Songs of the Strange Woman The First Solitude (excerpt) It Was Raining At Summer's End, Persephone A Walk Through the Ice Age Is It Time? Sunrise in Cassis Snowflakes ���Fado: Black Boat Two Poems Basis The zebra stood in the night Rooted To Be Continued: A Parable Two Poems What Should We Do? Usk River Crossing Fear and Logic The Elephant Whose Sturgeon-like Blood In the Room of Glass Breasts Tarfia Faizullah Gerard Fanning Gerard Fanning Lucas Farrell Alan Feldman Gary Fincke Nikky Finney Ryan Flaherty Richard Foerster CB Follett Gabe Foreman Chris Forhan Brett Foster Emily Fragos 7 Niels Frank Jennifer Franklin Philip Fried Jeff Friedman Jeff Friedman Alice Friman Alice Friman Elisabeth Frost James Galvin Miriam Gamble Ross Gay Steve Gehrke Steve Gehrke Pamela Gemin Sandra M. Gilbert Aracelis Girmay Elton Glaser Albert Goldbarth Albert Goldbarth Albert Goldbarth Leah Goldberg Luis de G??ngora Janice Gould Debora Greger Debora Greger Vona Groarke Jennifer Grotz Jennifer Grotz Marilyn Hacker Donald Hall Julie Hanson Kerry Hardie Janice N. Harrington Samuel Hazo Anthony Hecht Michael Heffernan Paul Henry Brian Henry David Hernandez Selima Hill Brenda Hillman F M M M M M F M M U M M M F M F M M M F F F M F M M M F F U M M M M F F F F F F F F M F F F M M M M M M U F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic pd-000161 pd-000162 pd-000163 pd-000164 pd-000165 pd-000166 pd-000167 pd-000168 pd-000169 pd-000170 pd-000171 pd-000172 pd-000173 pd-000174 pd-000175 pd-000176 pd-000177 pd-000178 pd-000179 pd-000180 pd-000181 pd-000182 pd-000183 pd-000184 pd-000185 pd-000186 pd-000187 pd-000188 pd-000189 pd-000190 pd-000191 pd-000192 pd-000193 pd-000194 pd-000195 pd-000196 pd-000197 pd-000198 pd-000199 pd-000200 pd-000201 pd-000202 pd-000203 pd-000204 pd-000205 pd-000206 pd-000207 pd-000208 pd-000209 pd-000210 pd-000211 pd-000212 pd-000213 pd-000214 pd-000215 Two Poems Still Life High Tide Apologia at Clinchfield Yards The Iliad: Book 22 (excerpt) Waimea-of-the-Dead O, the Sadness Immaculate The Grotto Tiny Bees Clung to Us Piano Summer Is Still Very Far Away Ephemeron Terrorism The Sleep Division (excerpt) ���Bone Fires Three Poems A Shaker Speaks to the Invisible Traveler The Previous Tenants Tenor Three Poems Jubilate Goat The Guys in the Band Talking about Jesus with Little Richard My Favorite Foreign Language Two Poems Where My Sunflower Wishes to Go Blue Dementia Reading Sappho in a Wine Bar Whereof the Gift Is Small ���The Rock in Mid-Lake Disappears & I Who Might Grandfather Outside Staff Sgt. Metz Young of the Year The Formula Tick Tick Tick Yours Alone Advice from the Predecessor's Wife In Honor of Xipe Counting Change Three Poems Goodbye in Slow Motion with Those Trees Waving Back Two Poems Letter from a Mental Hospital Lexicon Book II (excerpt) His Purgations ���Epiphany The Contents May Have Shifted While in Flight I Have Passed Too Many Years Among CoolDesigning Beings Hysserlik Ghazal Casino The human palimpsest's prayer Two Poems Jane Hirshfield Tony Hoagland John Hodgen Angie Hogan Homer Garrett Hongo Jay Hopler Fanny Howe Christopher Howell Dan Howell Bai Hua T. R. Hummer T. R. Hummer Mina Ishikawa Mark Jarman Richard Jarrette Roxane Beth Johnson Devin Johnston Rodney Jones Fady Joudah Laura Kasischke Galway Kinnell John Kinsella David Kirby David Kirby David Kirby Karl Kirchwey L. S. Klatt Yusef Komunyakaa Keetje Kuipers Maxine Kumin Jeanne Larsen Katherine Larson Dorianne Laux Sydney Lea David Lehman Alex Lemon Eleanor Lerman Shara Lessley Dana Levin Lisa Lewis Gian Lombardo Alexander Long Michael Longley Kim Lozano Dave Lucas Lucretius Thomas Lynch Joanie Mackowski Sarah Maclay Anthony Madrid Amit Majmudar Osip Mandelstam Matt Mauch Glyn Maxwell F M M F M M M F M M U M M F M M F M M U F M M M M M M U M U F F F F U M M F F F F M M M F M M M F F M M M M F non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown pd-000216 pd-000217 pd-000218 pd-000219 pd-000220 pd-000221 pd-000222 pd-000223 pd-000224 pd-000225 pd-000226 pd-000227 pd-000228 pd-000229 pd-000230 pd-000231 pd-000232 pd-000233 pd-000234 pd-000235 pd-000236 pd-000237 pd-000238 pd-000239 pd-000240 pd-000241 pd-000242 pd-000243 pd-000244 pd-000245 pd-000246 pd-000247 pd-000248 pd-000249 pd-000250 pd-000251 pd-000252 pd-000253 pd-000254 pd-000255 pd-000256 pd-000257 pd-000258 pd-000259 pd-000260 pd-000261 pd-000262 pd-000263 pd-000264 pd-000265 pd-000266 pd-000267 pd-000268 pd-000269 pd-000270 The Exile Hermit Father Damien of Molokai Forecast History is a Room Wedding Unsound Ship Blue Window Campaign Speech Sapo Dorado�??A Recent Extinction Sorrow, with Some Eye Contact The Space of the Mandarin Duck Late December Club Icarus Post-Elegy Y Silence in the City Sometimes the Air Surrounding Me Is Sudden with Flowers Bring me the sunflower Two Poems Blood in Our Headlights, Car Wrecked, the Boar Dead In the Shadow of the Rod and Reel Club Two Poems Red Herring Island Required Fields Bride of the New Dawn Two Poems Camilla Two Poems ���Poem (We file like pilgrims...) Prometheus at Fenway Ruins in Sunlight Delphinium Two Poems Undone Novembrists Sea Life in St. Mark's Square Snow How to Clean Practically Anything Little Arithmetic Two Poems Leaf Watching, for Landor Paestum Thunderstorm, Twenty Years On Four Poems Ridiculous ���I Remember Lost Things Tanda con Cortes Seneca on the Lesson to be Drawn from the Burning of Lyon The House of Lazarus Three Poems Counting Sheep Sticks and Stones Two Poems Margin of Error Ben Mazer Gail Mazur Timothy McBride Melanie McCabe Shara McCallum Michael McClure Medbh McGuckian James Meetze Erika Meitner Maria Melendez Lynn Melnick Christopher Middleton Joseph Millar Matt W. Miller Wayne Miller Leslie Adrienne Miller Wayne Miller Ander Monson Eugenio Montale Jacob McArthur Mooney Jim Moore Jim Moore Patrick Moran Tom?�s Q. Mor??n Valzhyna Mort Paul Muldoon Laura Mullen Les Murray Carol Muske-Dukes Jack Myers Chris Nealon Charles North Kate Northrop Kate Northrop Alice Notley Naomi Shihab Nye Sean O'Brien Mary O'Donnell Dennis O'Driscoll Jennifer O'Grady Timothy O'Keefe Meghan O'Rourke William Olsen Jacqueline Osherow Alicia Ostriker Alicia Ostriker Ron Padgett Julie Sophia Paegle Benjamin Paloff Eric Pankey Linda Pastan Linda Pastan Oliver de la Paz Nathaniel Perry Joyce Peseroff M F M F F M F M F F F M M M M F M M M M M M M U M F M F M M M F F F U M F M F M F M F F F M F M M F F M M F non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic pd-000271 pd-000272 pd-000273 pd-000274 pd-000275 pd-000276 pd-000277 pd-000278 pd-000279 pd-000280 pd-000281 pd-000282 pd-000283 pd-000284 pd-000285 pd-000286 pd-000287 pd-000288 pd-000289 pd-000290 pd-000291 pd-000292 pd-000293 pd-000294 pd-000295 pd-000296 pd-000297 pd-000298 pd-000299 pd-000300 pd-000301 pd-000302 pd-000303 pd-000304 pd-000305 pd-000306 pd-000307 pd-000308 pd-000309 pd-000310 pd-000311 pd-000312 pd-000313 pd-000314 pd-000315 pd-000316 pd-000317 pd-000318 pd-000319 pd-000320 pd-000321 pd-000322 pd-000323 pd-000324 pd-000325 Like a Lion Rhyme The Best Years of Our Lives Perfect Season Eastern State Penitentiary The Illustrated Edge A Partridge�??A Pear Tree Earthmover Citizen Noosphere ���Gun Moose Snow Damages Apples Within the Great Wave of Kanagawa Happiness Tonight No Poetry Will Serve Barbarian Three Poems Flock Life Leaving St Kilda Pastoral Daylight Second Row at the Ballet On the Rooftops of Iran Curtain The Nitro Splitting Ice ���Final Jeopardy Visiting the Dentist Vice The Light-Gray Soil At the Beach This Morning The Soul as Kaczynski Co-ordinates What I Disliked about the Pleistocene Era Primitives The Crew Change Wuyi Mountain Cave My Mother Was No White Dove Two Poems Yannis Keats New Dress I'll Remember This Autumn What the Seed Knows Ahihi Bay Party at Marquis de Sade's Place What I Staked What Was Left of My Life On Bourbon Devotion: Fly Cathedral Kitsch Two Poems Engagement Ghost Laundry Morning Edition Queen, you are fathomed Carl Phillips Robert Pinsky Stanley Plumly Elizabeth Poliner Iain Haley Pollock Marsha Pomerantz Kate Potts Chris Preddle Kevin Prufer Lia Purpura Anna Rabinowitz Ruby Rahman Doug Ramspeck Julia Reckless Paisley Rekdal Adrienne Rich Arthur Rimbaud Tadeusz R??��ewicz Ed Roberson Robin Robertson David Roderick Bobby C. Rogers Bobby C. Rogers Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna Mira Rosenthal Clare Rossini Kay Ryan David Salner Terry Savoie Maxine Scates Gjertrud Schnackenberg Philip Schultz Jeffrey Schultz David Sergeant Patty Seyburn Ravi Shankar Don Share Neil Shepard Reginald Shepherd Evie Shockley Angelos Sikelianos Anya Silver Leonardo Sinisgalli Anita Skeen Floyd Skloot Tom Sleigh Arthur Smith R. T. Smith Bruce Smith Tracy K. Smith Dave Smith Adam Sol Katherine Soniat Andrzej Sosnowski Joseph Spece M M M F U F F M M F F F M F F F M M F M M M M F F F M U F F M M M F U M M M F M F M F M M M U M F M M F U M unknown ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic pd-000326 pd-000327 pd-000328 pd-000329 pd-000330 pd-000331 pd-000332 pd-000333 pd-000334 pd-000335 pd-000336 pd-000337 pd-000338 pd-000339 pd-000340 pd-000341 pd-000342 pd-000343 pd-000344 pd-000345 pd-000346 pd-000347 pd-000348 pd-000349 pd-000350 pd-000351 pd-000352 pd-000353 pd-000354 pd-000355 pd-000356 pd-000357 pd-000358 pd-000359 pd-000360 pd-000361 pd-000362 pd-000363 pd-000364 pd-000365 pd-000366 pd-000367 pd-000368 pd-000369 pd-000370 pd-000371 pd-000372 pd-000373 po-000001 po-000002 po-000003 po-000004 po-000005 po-000006 po-000007 Pretty As You Please How It Is Subsidence Impetus Two Poems The Night Is Full of Us Girls Overheard While Assembling a Puzzle ���Pulse Crazy Quilt Squirrel From the Forest Comes the Call The Floating Man Like Being a Child Rotation Welcoming Party ���Two Poems Army of Another Transatlantic, 3:00 AM Budding Roses After Pavese's Grappa in September ���Below the Raven's Nest Internal Monument Two Poems The Winter's Tale Infant Father Love Visiting the Wise Men in Cologne Single Thread I Don't Think I Trust That Corn Genealogy Valet of the Shadow of Death Coxswain It Was a Pretty Good Book Shiba Onko Freshwater Bay Demeter's Scottish Lament The Soul Bone Singing Lesson The Window Medusa in San Francisco ���Two Poems Two Poems Madrigal Three Poems Lost 3 Arkonska Street Beirut, August 1982 Weather is Whether ���Skills Renewal [Excerpt] Ruin The Woods in Concord Letter to Dr. B-Our flag The solitude of an apricot Jane Springer Anne Stevenson Ida Stewart Alison Stine Mark Strand Julie Suk Mary Szybist Grete Tartler Tess Taylor Ece Temelkuran Jim Tilley Katharine Towers Tomas Transtr??mer Natasha Trethewey Joshua Trotter Nance Van Winckel Nance Van Winckel Greg Vargo Virgil Judith Vollmer David Wagoner G. C. Waldrep Rosanna Warren Joshua Weiner William Wenthe Mike White J. P. White Helen Wickes Dara Wier Caki Wilkinson Elizabeth Willis Nance Van Winckel Terri Witek John Witte David Wojahn Dawn Wood Susan Wood Charles Wright Franz Wright William Winfield Wright Dean Young C. Dale Young Dean Young Kevin Young Adam Zagajewski Adam Zagajewski Ghassan Zaqtan Harriet Zinnes Jonathan Aaron Chris Abani Seth Abramson Seth Abramson Diane Ackerman Carl Adamshick Carl Adamshick F F F F M F F U F U M F M M U U M M F M U F M M M U F F U F U F M M F F M M M M M M M M M U F M M M M F M M non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000008 po-000009 po-000010 po-000011 po-000012 po-000013 po-000014 po-000015 po-000016 po-000017 po-000018 po-000019 po-000020 po-000021 po-000022 po-000023 po-000024 po-000025 po-000026 po-000027 po-000028 po-000029 po-000030 po-000031 po-000032 po-000033 po-000034 po-000035 po-000036 po-000037 po-000038 po-000039 po-000040 po-000041 po-000042 po-000043 po-000044 po-000045 po-000046 po-000047 po-000048 po-000049 po-000050 po-000051 po-000052 po-000053 po-000054 po-000055 po-000056 po-000057 po-000058 po-000059 po-000060 po-000061 po-000062 New years' morning Benevolence Correction New years' morning January The Spacious Firmament on high Salmon Half-Hearted Sonnet Mermaid Song Salmon My Heart The Edge of the World [excerpt] Sonnet Substantially Like the Words of F Rodriguez One Position Ahead of Me on the Unemployment Line Primogeniture Secrets in the Sand [And the night was a precipice] Motherhood, 1951 Grandfather Says The Vampire Discordants [Dead Cleopatra lies in a crystal casket] The Dance Lot's Wife In Memory of M. B. Among the Things He Does Not Deserve Fushigi na Chicharr??n Worms Hats Sweat Michael's Wine Images Rain With All Due Respect [excerpt] The Dead Haircut Ladders Praise Song for the Day Blues Muse Central Park, Carousel Letter Home Thought as Philosophical Torment On Anti-Biography Passage Heroine Sleeping at The Plaza Botanica Girl The Drowned Girl Dangerous Astronomy Good Hair Grief Calls Us to the Things of This World The Wolf's Postcript to 'Little Red Riding Hood' I See Chile in My Rearview Mirror Even the Rain Marble Hill Carl Adamshick Carl Adamshick Carl Adamshick Carl Adamshick Betty Adcock Joseph Addison Kim Addonizio Kim Addonizio Kim Addonizio Kim Addonizio Kim Addonizio Adonis Jack Agueros Julie Agoos 1939 Marjorie Agos??n Marjorie Agos??n Ai Ai Conrad Aiken Conrad Aiken Humberto Ak'Abal Anna Akhmatova Anna Akhmatova Dan Albergotti Rosa Alcal?� Sandra Alcosser Sandra Alcosser Sandra Alcosser Sandra Alcosser Richard Aldington Claribel Alegr??a Vincent Aleixandre Joan Aleshire Elizabeth Alexander Elizabeth Alexander Elizabeth Alexander Elizabeth Alexander Meena Alexander Meena Alexander Pamela Alexander Will Alexander Will Alexander Eve Alexandra Eve Alexandra Eve Alexandra Eve Alexandra Eve Alexandra Eve Alexandra Sherman Alexie Sherman Alexie Sherman Alexie Agha Shahid Ali Agha Shahid Ali Agha Shahid Ali Kazim Ali M M M M F M F F F F F M F F F M M M F F M F F F F M M F F F F F F F F M M F F F F F F M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000063 po-000064 po-000065 po-000066 po-000067 po-000068 po-000069 po-000070 po-000071 po-000072 po-000073 po-000074 po-000075 po-000076 po-000077 po-000078 po-000079 po-000080 po-000081 po-000082 po-000083 po-000084 po-000085 po-000086 po-000087 po-000088 po-000089 po-000090 po-000091 po-000092 po-000093 po-000094 po-000095 po-000096 po-000097 po-000098 po-000099 po-000100 po-000101 po-000102 po-000103 po-000104 po-000105 po-000106 po-000107 po-000108 po-000109 po-000110 po-000111 po-000112 po-000113 po-000114 po-000115 po-000116 po-000117 Bright Felon DVD Extra/Alternate Ending Sleep Door Inferno, Canto XIV Inferno, Canto XIV Inferno, Canto I Purgatorio, Canto X If You Get There Before I Do The Witch-Bride So Playgrounds Without Discussion Memorial Day for the War Dead Called into Play Still In Memoriam Mae Noblitt In View of the Fact Continuity The City Limits You Must Womanhood A Fear of Old Age Beyond Even This Evening Song Cleanliness is next to godliness At Burt Lake Sampling In Every Direction Still I Rise Alone The Body Is the Victory and the Defeat of Dreams Old English riddle Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 The Creation of the Moon Adam Lay Ibounden Hymn to Dionysos The Cruel Mother Lord Randall Earth Took of Earth The Creation of the Moon Eadwacer The Lady That Loved a Swine the second hundred: for sid luft spring love noise and all [excerpt] the theory and practice of postmodernism �?? a manifesto [excerpt] 6th separation meditation what it means to be avant-garde [excerpt] Mirabeau Bridge Zone Arts & Sciences Leaving Things Unfinished Five Easy Prayers for Pagans Last Night We Saw South Pacific Interstate Highway Jugglers Grandfather's Song Kazim Ali Kazim Ali Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri Dick Allen William Allingham John Allman Laurence Alma-Tadema Samuel Amadon Yehuda Amichai A. R. Ammons A. R. Ammons A. R. Ammons A. R. Ammons A. R. Ammons A. R. Ammons Jon Andersen Catherine Anderson Jack Anderson Maggie Anderson Sherwood Anderson Nin Andrews Tom Andrews Ralph Angel Ralph Angel Maya Angelou Maya Angelou Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous David Antin David Antin David Antin David Antin David Antin Guillaume Apollinaire Guillaume Apollinaire Philip Appleman Philip Appleman Philip Appleman James Applewhite James Applewhite Francisco Arag??n Nan Arbuckle M M M M M M M M M M M U M M M M M M M F M F M U M M M F F F U U U U U U U U U U U M M M M M M M M M M M M F unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000118 po-000119 po-000120 po-000121 po-000122 po-000123 po-000124 po-000125 po-000126 po-000127 po-000128 po-000129 po-000130 po-000131 po-000132 po-000133 po-000134 po-000135 po-000136 po-000137 po-000138 po-000139 po-000140 po-000141 po-000142 po-000143 po-000144 po-000145 po-000146 po-000147 po-000148 po-000149 po-000150 po-000151 po-000152 po-000153 po-000154 po-000155 po-000156 po-000157 po-000158 po-000159 po-000160 po-000161 po-000162 po-000163 po-000164 po-000165 po-000166 po-000167 po-000168 po-000169 po-000170 po-000171 po-000172 Meeting with My Father in the Orchard El Poema / The Poem Custom Two, Three Thing Scumble Unbidden Exact Upper World Yonder Gooseberry Season At Sea September Autobiography of the Body The Buried Life Dover Beach Isolation: To Marguerite Requiescat Flying The Widows of Gravesend Alcove Farm Implements and Rutabagas in a Landscape Instead of Losing Meaningful Love The New Higher For John Clare Into the Dusk-Charged Air Syringa Daffy Duck In Hollywood Mottled Tuesday My Philosophy of Life Variation on the Word Sleep Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing This Is a Photograph of Me Morning in the Burned House You Begin As I Walked Out One Evening In Memory of Sigmund Freud The Shield of Achilles The Unknown Citizen On the Circuit Lullaby In Memory of W. B. Yeats The Fall of Rome Epitaph on a Tyrant The More Loving One Donal ??g My Daughter's First Week Mirrors Putting on My Face A Spray of Water: Tanka [one narcissus] A Spray of Water: Tanka [the hot water in] Person of the Playful Star: Tanka [there is a hole at] From a Woman of a Distant Land Homero Aridjis Homero Aridjis Rae Armantrout Rae Armantrout Rae Armantrout Rae Armantrout Rae Armantrout Rae Armantrout Rae Armantrout Rae Armantrout Simon Armitage Simon Armitage James Armstrong Elizabeth Arnold Matthew Arnold Matthew Arnold Matthew Arnold Matthew Arnold Sarah Arvio L. S. Asekoff John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery John Ashbery Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood W. H. Auden W. H. Auden 1-Sep-39 W. H. Auden W. H. Auden W. H. Auden W. H. Auden W. H. Auden W. H. Auden W. H. Auden W. H. Auden W. H. Auden Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory Gennady Aygi Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako M M F F F F F F F F M M M F M M M M F U M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M F U F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000173 po-000174 po-000175 po-000176 po-000177 po-000178 po-000179 po-000180 po-000181 po-000182 po-000183 po-000184 po-000185 po-000186 po-000187 po-000188 po-000189 po-000190 po-000191 po-000192 po-000193 po-000194 po-000195 po-000196 po-000197 po-000198 po-000199 po-000200 po-000201 po-000202 po-000203 po-000204 po-000205 po-000206 po-000207 po-000208 po-000209 po-000210 po-000211 po-000212 po-000213 po-000214 po-000215 po-000216 po-000217 po-000218 po-000219 po-000220 po-000221 po-000222 po-000223 po-000224 po-000225 po-000226 po-000227 A Spray of Water: Tanka [the round spoon] Person of the Playful Star: Tanka [I listen to songs] Bangladesh II You Tell Us What to Do Before You Came Antique ���Regenerative What is Broken is What God Blesses Listening to jazz now This Day Temper Between the Beating Clocks Old Photographs Q and A: Do you have any tips? Answer #2 We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths Forced Bloom The Feast HyperThe City of God Patriotics Passing Through Albuquerque The Painting Eddie Karawane Inside the Stove First Probe Night School Definitely Catastrophe Theory II You Know The Role of Elegy Catastrophe Theory III The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity Hibiscus on the Lake To the Trespasser Raising the Devil: A Legend of Cornelius Agrippa The Hand of Glory: The Nurse's Story Example and Admonition Living Room Altar Pocket Vampire Sunrise, Grand Canyon Basket of Figs Eating The Bones Distinction Invitation to the Voyage The Fountain of Blood Be Drunk Posthumous Remorse Spleen Voyage to Cythera I Too Was Loved By Daphne Exoskeletal Gesture The sisters of the broken candle This Nest, Swift Passerine [excerpt] Heroisms, 4, 5 Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Faiz Ahmed Faiz Faiz Ahmed Faiz Faiz Ahmed Faiz Arthur Rimbaud Ken Babstock Jimmy Santiago Baca Jimmy Santiago Baca Jimmy Santiago Baca Beth Bachmann Crystal Bacon Gabeba Baderoon Julianna Baggott Philip James Bailey David Baker David Baker David Baker David Baker David Baker John Balaban John Balaban John Balaban Hugo Ball Jesse Ball Barry Ballard Micah Ballard Mary Jo Bang Mary Jo Bang Mary Jo Bang Mary Jo Bang Mary Jo Bang Mary Jo Bang Chavali Bangaramma David Barber Richard Harris Barham Richard Harris Barham Dick Barnes Catherine Barnett Dorothy Barresi John Barton Ellen Bass Ellen Bass Claire Bateman Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Judith Baumel Eric Baus Eric Baus Dan Beachy-Quick Dan Beachy-Quick F F M M M M M M M M F M U F M M M M M M M M M M U M M F F F F F F U M M M M F F M F F F M M M M M M F M M M M unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown ekphrastic unknown unknown ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown po-000228 po-000229 po-000230 po-000231 po-000232 po-000233 po-000234 po-000235 po-000236 po-000237 po-000238 po-000239 po-000240 po-000241 po-000242 po-000243 po-000244 po-000245 po-000246 po-000247 po-000248 po-000249 po-000250 po-000251 po-000252 po-000253 po-000254 po-000255 po-000256 po-000257 po-000258 po-000259 po-000260 po-000261 po-000262 po-000263 po-000264 po-000265 po-000266 po-000267 po-000268 po-000269 po-000270 po-000271 po-000272 po-000273 po-000274 po-000275 po-000276 po-000277 po-000278 po-000279 po-000280 po-000281 po-000282 Hariot's Round On Becoming a Poet in the 1950s Unbehold White Hart Vocation Cherry Tomatoes Sitting Nude Report from the Skinhouse I'll Write the Girl Burning of the Three Fires When I Am in the Kitchen R.S.V.P. more shadow Man of the Year Great Sleeps I Have Known Against Pleasure Angel Supporting St. Sebastian [In Colorado, In Oregon, upon] They'll spend the summer Oh, atlas Ode to the Air Traffic Controller The going. The letters. The staying. Untitled Poem [Unslide the door] Seagulls beside ferry boat Dirge A Crocodile Going Down Hill on a Bicycle Interlude: Still Still Against Writing about Children Naming the land Flags There are things this poem would rather not say: Letter to Jerusalem Letter to Arafat Our Bed Is Also Green The Book of the Dead Man (Fungi) To an Adolescent Weeping Willow White Clover The Book of the Dead Man (Your Hands) Mars Being Red Instructions to Be Left Behind The Book of the Dead Man (Food) The Book of the Dead Man (The Foundry) To Dorothy Bagram, Afghanistan, 2002 The Book of the Dead Man (Nothing) Around Us The Vulnerability of Order Russian Birch The Love-Hat Relationship Sail Little Stones at My Window To Persuade a Lady The Beef Epitaph Of Seals, and Our Smiles Dan Beachy-Quick Stephen Beal Bruce Beasley Liz Beasley Sandra Beasley Sandra Beasley Jan Beatty Jan Beatty Jan Beatty Jeanne Marie Beaumont Jeanne Marie Beaumont Jeanne Marie Beaumont Priscilla Becker Robin Becker Robin Becker Robin Becker Robin Becker Joshua Beckman Joshua Beckman Joshua Beckman Joshua Beckman Joshua Beckman Joshua Beckman Joshua Beckman Thomas Lovell Beddoes Thomas Lovell Beddoes Henry Charles Beeching Robin Behn Erin Belieu Elana Bell Elana Bell Elana Bell Elana Bell Elana Bell Joshua Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Marvin Bell Martine Bellen Nathaniel Bellows Aaron Belz Molly Bendall Mario Benedetti M M M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M U F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M U M M F M Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000283 po-000284 po-000285 po-000286 po-000287 po-000288 po-000289 po-000290 po-000291 po-000292 po-000293 po-000294 po-000295 po-000296 po-000297 po-000298 po-000299 po-000300 po-000301 po-000302 po-000303 po-000304 po-000305 po-000306 po-000307 po-000308 po-000309 po-000310 po-000311 po-000312 po-000313 po-000314 po-000315 po-000316 po-000317 po-000318 po-000319 po-000320 po-000321 po-000322 po-000323 po-000324 po-000325 po-000326 po-000327 po-000328 po-000329 po-000330 po-000331 po-000332 po-000333 po-000334 po-000335 po-000336 po-000337 The European Shoe Portland Taxis Metropolitan Nightmare John Brown's Body [There were three stout pillars that held up all] Daniel Boone American Names Zulu Fellow Creatures Sonnet 1 Fantasy Quatrains Sonnet 2 The Not Tale (Funeral) About Foam Traffic The Going English as a Second Language Song of Yes and No [Coffee & Dolls] Beagle or Something Roy Orbison and John Milton Are Still Dreaming Four Winds Diary Poem All the Whiskey in Heaven My/My/My April frigging 6 Zero Star Hotel [At the Smith and Jones] Easter Monday [excerpt] A Certain Slant of Sunlight A Nest Full of Stars Kentucky River Junction Dream Song 1 Dream Song 29 Dream Song 4 Red Quiet, Section 3 Concordance [Our conversation is a wing] Audience Ideal Concordance [Working backward in sleep] Shahid Reads His Own Palm The Shark Fathers in the Snow The Anxiety of Coincidence And You Thought You Were the Only One The Yoke Love Incarnate Song For the Twentieth Century California Plush Flight Burning the Fields The Fish Windows For the Fallen Suicide of a Moderate Dictator Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt Stephen Vincent Ben??t Stephen Vincent Ben??t Stephen Vincent Ben??t Stephen Vincent Ben??t Jen Benka Bruce Bennett Gwendolyn Bennett Gwendolyn Bennett Gwendolyn Bennett Gwendolyn Bennett Caroline Bergvall Caroline Bergvall Bill Berkson April Bernard April Bernard April Bernard April Bernard April Bernard April Bernard Deborah Bernhardt Charles Bernstein Charles Bernstein Charles Bernstein Anselm Berrigan Anselm Berrigan Ted Berrigan Ted Berrigan James Berry Wendell Berry John Berryman John Berryman John Berryman Mei-mei Berssenbrugge Mei-mei Berssenbrugge Mei-mei Berssenbrugge Mei-mei Berssenbrugge Mei-mei Berssenbrugge Reginald Dwayne Betts Judith Beveridge Jill Bialosky Mark Bibbins Mark Bibbins Frank Bidart Frank Bidart Frank Bidart Frank Bidart Frank Bidart Linda Bierds Linda Bierds Linda Bierds Linda Bierds Laurence Binyon Elizabeth Bishop M M F M F F F F F F M F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F M F F M M M M M M M F F F F M F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000338 po-000339 po-000340 po-000341 po-000342 po-000343 po-000344 po-000345 po-000346 po-000347 po-000348 po-000349 po-000350 po-000351 po-000352 po-000353 po-000354 po-000355 po-000356 po-000357 po-000358 po-000359 po-000360 po-000361 po-000362 po-000363 po-000364 po-000365 po-000366 po-000367 po-000368 po-000369 po-000370 po-000371 po-000372 po-000373 po-000374 po-000375 po-000376 po-000377 po-000378 po-000379 po-000380 po-000381 po-000382 po-000383 po-000384 po-000385 po-000386 po-000387 po-000388 po-000389 po-000390 po-000391 po-000392 Visits to St. Elizabeths One Art The Armadillo The Fish At the Fishhouses In the Waiting Room The Moose Filling Station Elegant Shrimp in Champagne Sauce My Father Told Us Stories. . . Atlas Blankets of Bark Apparition Trickster Cicada Eternity To Autumn Holy Thursday Love's Secret The Lamb A Poison Tree London A Divine Image Infant Joy Milton [excerpt] Auguries of Innocence The Question answerd The Angel that presided 'oer my birth Ah! Sunflower The Sick Rose The Fly America, a Prophecy, Plates 3 and 4 Cradle Song The Chimney-Sweeper The Tyger The Divine Image Proverbs of Hell One First Try and then Another The Parakeets Misconceptions of Childhood Hey You a woman had placed The Nurse Stones The Difference between a Child and a Poem Night Baseball Manners Be Kind Jew United Jewish Appeal Fish Fucking Suburban The Sympathies of the Long Married Theodore and Honoria Tears in Sleep Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Suzette Marie Bishop Eula Biss Sherwin Bitsui Sherwin Bitsui Sherwin Bitsui Sherwin Bitsui John Blair William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake William Blake Brian Blanchfield Alberto Blanco Celia Bland Adrian Blevins Anne Blonstein Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Michael Blumenthal Robert Bly Giovanni Boccaccio Louise Bogan F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F M M M M M M M M M M M M F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000393 po-000394 po-000395 po-000396 po-000397 po-000398 po-000399 po-000400 po-000401 po-000402 po-000403 po-000404 po-000405 po-000406 po-000407 po-000408 po-000409 po-000410 po-000411 po-000412 po-000413 po-000414 po-000415 po-000416 po-000417 po-000418 po-000419 po-000420 po-000421 po-000422 po-000423 po-000424 po-000425 po-000426 po-000427 po-000428 po-000429 po-000430 po-000431 po-000432 po-000433 po-000434 po-000435 po-000436 po-000437 po-000438 po-000439 po-000440 po-000441 po-000442 po-000443 po-000444 po-000445 po-000446 po-000447 The Art of Poetry [excerpt] Atlantis�??A Lost Sonnet Quarantine The Pomegranate Death Barged In Passerby, These are Words How to See Deer Nightsong Saying It Still Life Snowfall in G Minor Little Fugue Human Atlas What God Knew Stillbirth Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump The more Alice reaches out, the more her dream-rushes For Louis Pasteur The Mountain Cemetery John Provisional Heart The Place Where in the End / We Find Our Happiness Coat The Lullaby of History Death, Is All The Allure of Forms Why They Went To Her Father with Some Verses To My Dear and Loving Husband Verses upon the Burning of our House The Author to Her Book Letter From Kathmandu from Mesongs Guanahani, 11 Private Eye Lettuce Haiku Ambulance The First Winter Snow Your Catfish Friend Horse�??s Adventure The Poems I Have Not Written The Real Enough World It Was Going on Five in the Morning Choose Life The Forest in the Axe Today I Went Down October 14�??The Dow Closes Up 10015 Sacred Heart James Lewis's Hands No?�l: Christmas Eve 1913 Low Barometer London Snow Trip Hop A Meadow Did Not Come Back Nicolas Boileau-Despr??aux Eavan Boland Eavan Boland Eavan Boland Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno Yves Bonnefoy Philip Booth Philip Booth Philip Booth Marianne Boruch Marianne Boruch Marianne Boruch Marianne Boruch Marianne Boruch Laure-Anne Bosselaar David Bottoms Jenny Boully Edgar Bowers Edgar Bowers Edgar Bowers Catherine Bowman Catherine Bowman Anne Boyer Peg Boyers Kevin Boyle Ana Bo�?i��evi�? Coral Bracho Elizabeth Bradfield Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet John Brandi Kamau Brathwaite Kamau Brathwaite Richard Brautigan Richard Brautigan Richard Brautigan Richard Brautigan Jason Bredle John Brehm Karen Brennan Andr?? Breton Andr?? Breton Andr?? Breton Breyten Breytenbach Susan Briante Lee Briccetti Constance Quarterman Bridges Robert Bridges Robert Bridges Robert Bridges Geoffrey Brock Lucie Brock-Broido Lucie Brock-Broido F F F F U M M M F F F F F F M F M M M F F F F M U F F F F F M U U M M M M M M F U F U F M M M M F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000448 po-000449 po-000450 po-000451 po-000452 po-000453 po-000454 po-000455 po-000456 po-000457 po-000458 po-000459 po-000460 po-000461 po-000462 po-000463 po-000464 po-000465 po-000466 po-000467 po-000468 po-000469 po-000470 po-000471 po-000472 po-000473 po-000474 po-000475 po-000476 po-000477 po-000478 po-000479 po-000480 po-000481 po-000482 po-000483 po-000484 po-000485 po-000486 po-000487 po-000488 po-000489 po-000490 po-000491 po-000492 po-000493 po-000494 po-000495 po-000496 po-000497 po-000498 po-000499 po-000500 po-000501 po-000502 Real Life After the Grand Perhaps Carrowmore How Can It Be I Am No Longer I Domestic Mysticism Odysseus to Telemachus elegy for kari edwards if s/one is mocking let it be tender last swan of avon Spellbound Stanzas The Visionary Remembrance Pink Diapers Tiare Tahiti Libido The Soldier The Great Lover We Real Cool The Mother the sonnet-ballad The Lovers of the Poor The Bean Eaters Plums Coffee and Oranges Vodka Dignity in the Home Reprise A Few Lines from Rehoboth Beach Another Elegy Langston Blue Heart Condition Odd Jobs Road Trip Fisherman Sustain Petal Black bird, red wing Slim Greer in Hell Southern Road Riverbank Blues You Envelop Me [Excerpt] The Emergence of Memory, 1 Beloved, my Beloved... (Sonnet 20) If thou must love me... (Sonnet 14) Say over again... (Sonnet 21) A Musical Instrument To George Sand: A Desire A Musical Instrument My Letters! all dead paper... (Sonnet 28) How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) The Soul's Expression Love The Face of All the World (Sonnet 7) The Sleep When our two souls... (Sonnet 22) Lucie Brock-Broido Lucie Brock-Broido Lucie Brock-Broido Lucie Brock-Broido Lucie Brock-Broido Joseph Brodsky Julian T. Brolaski Julian T. Brolaski Julian T. Brolaski Emily Bront?� Emily Bront?� Emily Bront?� Emily Bront?� Donna Brook Rupert Brooke Rupert Brooke Rupert Brooke Rupert Brooke Gwendolyn Brooks Gwendolyn Brooks Gwendolyn Brooks Gwendolyn Brooks Gwendolyn Brooks Catherine Savage Brosman Joel Brouwer Joel Brouwer Betsy Brown Deborah Brown Fleda Brown Jericho Brown Jericho Brown Jericho Brown Jericho Brown Kurt Brown Kurt Brown Lee Ann Brown Nickole Brown Sterling A. Brown Sterling A. Brown Sterling A. Brown Laynie Browne Laynie Browne Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning F F F F F M M M M F M M M M F F F F F F M M F F F M M M M M M F F M M M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000503 po-000504 po-000505 po-000506 po-000507 po-000508 po-000509 po-000510 po-000511 po-000512 po-000513 po-000514 po-000515 po-000516 po-000517 po-000518 po-000519 po-000520 po-000521 po-000522 po-000523 po-000524 po-000525 po-000526 po-000527 po-000528 po-000529 po-000530 po-000531 po-000532 po-000533 po-000534 po-000535 po-000536 po-000537 po-000538 po-000539 po-000540 po-000541 po-000542 po-000543 po-000544 po-000545 po-000546 po-000547 po-000548 po-000549 po-000550 po-000551 po-000552 po-000553 po-000554 po-000555 po-000556 po-000557 Two in the Campagna Love in a Life Meeting at Night Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister My Last Duchess My Star Life in a Love Song from Paracelsus The Pied Piper of Hamelin Rabbi Ben Ezra Queen Maeve Sawdust Midsummer The Planting of the Apple-Tree The Gladness of Nature To a Waterfowl A Song for New Year's Eve Prayer To Escape The East Tomorrow 1990 special this kind of fire so you want to be a writer? the suicide kid What the Chairman Told Tom The Goops The Purple Cow Amends Unappreciated Butterfly Ejo In the Bathroom Mirror Barbed Wire Ghost Notes [excerpt] A Boat Is a Lever Stella And Leave Show Business? Fishing in Winter Epigram on Rough Woods A Red, Red Rose Auld Lang Syne [O were my love yon Lilac fair] Anna, Thy Charms Halloween Afton Water My love is as a fever, longing still Your Father Sunbathing Why Latin Should Still Be Taught in High School The Aerodynamics At the Providence Zoo The light of a candle Ars Poetica Diamonds Wildwood Flower Coastal Plain Vanity Mountain Time [excerpt] Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Robert Browning Eloise Bruce Sharon Bryan William Cullen Bryant William Cullen Bryant William Cullen Bryant William Cullen Bryant William Cullen Bryant Christopher Buckley David Budbill Charles Bukowski Charles Bukowski Charles Bukowski Charles Bukowski Basil Bunting Gelett Burgess Gelett Burgess Michael Burkard Michael Burkard Derick Burleson Ralph Burns Ralph Burns Ralph Burns Ralph Burns Ralph Burns Ralph Burns Ralph Burns Robert Burns Robert Burns Robert Burns Robert Burns Robert Burns Robert Burns Robert Burns Christopher Bursk Christopher Bursk Christopher Bursk Rick Bursky Stephen Burt Yosa Buson Anthony Butts Kathryn Stripling Byer Kathryn Stripling Byer Kathryn Stripling Byer Kathryn Stripling Byer Kathryn Stripling Byer M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000558 po-000559 po-000560 po-000561 po-000562 po-000563 po-000564 po-000565 po-000566 po-000567 po-000568 po-000569 po-000570 po-000571 po-000572 po-000573 po-000574 po-000575 po-000576 po-000577 po-000578 po-000579 po-000580 po-000581 po-000582 po-000583 po-000584 po-000585 po-000586 po-000587 po-000588 po-000589 po-000590 po-000591 po-000592 po-000593 po-000594 po-000595 po-000596 po-000597 po-000598 po-000599 po-000600 po-000601 po-000602 po-000603 po-000604 po-000605 po-000606 po-000607 po-000608 po-000609 po-000610 po-000611 po-000612 The Giaour [Unquenched, unquenchable] Darkness Childe Harold's Pilgrimage [I stood in Venice] When We Two Parted The Giaour [Unquenched, unquenchable] The Destruction Of Sennacherib Childe Harold's Pilgrimage [There is a pleasure in the pathless woods] Don Juan [If from great nature's or our own abyss] She Walks in Beauty Mother The Snowfall Is So Silent Lullaby of the Onion Little Night Prayer Little Night Prayer Untitled [I talk to my inner lover] Gacela of the Dark Death City That Does Not Sleep Nothing But Death Ancestors Jangling Monkeys Jangling Outskirts After a Death Black Stone Lying On A White Stone Black Stone Lying On A White Stone ���Inferno, Canto XIV Inferno, Canto XIV Confetti Allegiance: Love Letter to Jim Brodey History of Hurricanes Rocket Fantastic [excerpt] Graves We Filled Before the Fire A Word From the Fat Lady Navigating in the Dark Now Winter Nights Enlarge The Distant Moon Health The Empty Quarter Song of Myself Exotic Some Kinds of Fire Butterfly Catcher Reality Series Crann??g The Wooden Trap Gobbo Remembers His Youth from Erotic Victor Sedatives Vision from the Blue Plane-Window Ask me no more The Steel Rippers Cement Guitar House/Boat Think Tank [excerpts] Lines of Refusal Jabberwocky George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron George Gordon Byron Herman de Coninck Miguel de Unamuno Miguel Hern?�ndez P??ter K?�ntor P??ter K?�ntor Kabir Federico Garc??a Lorca Federico Garc??a Lorca Pablo Neruda Cesare Pavese Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Tomas Transtr??mer Tomas Transtr??mer C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri CAConrad Teresa Cader Gabrielle Calvocoressi Gabrielle Calvocoressi Gabrielle Calvocoressi Erik Campbell Thomas Campion Rafael Campo Rafael Campo John Canaday John Canaday John Canaday Tina Cane Tina Cane Tina Cane Moya Cannon Kevin Cantwell David Cappella Macgregor Card Ernesto Cardenal Thomas Carew Patricia Carlin Michael Carlson Julie Carr Julie Carr Julie Carr Lewis Carroll M M M M M M M M M M M U M M M M M M M U F F F F M M M M M M M F F F U M M U M M F M F F F M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000613 po-000614 po-000615 po-000616 po-000617 po-000618 po-000619 po-000620 po-000621 po-000622 po-000623 po-000624 po-000625 po-000626 po-000627 po-000628 po-000629 po-000630 po-000631 po-000632 po-000633 po-000634 po-000635 po-000636 po-000637 po-000638 po-000639 po-000640 po-000641 po-000642 po-000643 po-000644 po-000645 po-000646 po-000647 po-000648 po-000649 po-000650 po-000651 po-000652 po-000653 po-000654 po-000655 po-000656 po-000657 po-000658 po-000659 po-000660 po-000661 po-000662 po-000663 po-000664 po-000665 po-000666 po-000667 The Crocodile The Walrus and the Carpenter A Boat, Beneath a Sunny Sky Endnote The Cows At Night Of Distress Being Humiliated by the Classical Chinese Poets Scrambled Eggs and Whiskey Letter to Denise Emergency Haying Regarding Chainsaws Nox [Excerpts] The Assignation Home Let Us Go Then Fear The Keeper's Voice To My Mother Waiting on 10/01/54 To Chloe: Who for his sake wished herself younger No Platonic Love Falsehood Goldfish Are Ordinary The Bargain Summer X-Rays The Sound of One Immigrant Clapping To me that man seems like a god in heaven (51) Driven across many nations (101) Sparrow, the Special Delight of My Girl Aurelius & Furius, true comrades (11) Him rival to the gods I place (51) By ways remote and distant waters sped (101) Let Us Live and Love (5) The Afternoon Sun Ionian Craftsman of Wine Bowls Remember, Body ... Remember, Body ... The Afternoon Sun The Next Table Caesarion Of Many Worlds in This World The Vampire Hands Fugue of Death Fugue of Death Death Fugue Potentially Interesting & Secretly Devastating View #45 Ho Ho Ho Caribou Ho Ho Ho Caribou Once More, with Feeling Birds in the Night Once More, with Feeling Desolation of the Chimera Freeway 280 Notebook of a Return to the Native Land [excerpt] Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll Hayden Carruth Hayden Carruth Hayden Carruth Hayden Carruth Hayden Carruth Hayden Carruth Hayden Carruth Anne Carson Ciaran Carson Ciaran Carson Ciaran Carson Ciaran Carson Mike Carson Teresa Carson William Cartwright William Cartwright William Cartwright Stacie Cassarino Cyrus Cassells Nina Cassian Adrian Castro Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus C. P. Cavafy C. P. Cavafy C. P. Cavafy C. P. Cavafy C. P. Cavafy C. P. Cavafy C. P. Cavafy C. P. Cavafy Margaret Cavendish Madison Julius Cawein Siv Cedering Paul Celan Paul Celan Paul Celan Tina Brown Celona Thomas Centolella Joseph Ceravolo Joseph Ceravolo Luis Cernuda Luis Cernuda Luis Cernuda Luis Cernuda Lorna Dee Cervantes Aim?? C??saire M M M M M M M M M M F U U U U M F M M M F M F U M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M F M M M M M M M F unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000668 po-000669 po-000670 po-000671 po-000672 po-000673 po-000674 po-000675 po-000676 po-000677 po-000678 po-000679 po-000680 po-000681 po-000682 po-000683 po-000684 po-000685 po-000686 po-000687 po-000688 po-000689 po-000690 po-000691 po-000692 po-000693 po-000694 po-000695 po-000696 po-000697 po-000698 po-000699 po-000700 po-000701 po-000702 po-000703 po-000704 po-000705 po-000706 po-000707 po-000708 po-000709 po-000710 po-000711 po-000712 po-000713 po-000714 po-000715 po-000716 po-000717 po-000718 po-000719 po-000720 po-000721 po-000722 The Woman and the Flame An Excuse For Not Returning the Visit of a Friend To the Tune of "Telling My Most Intimate Feelings" Jerimoth Hill Sonogram The Skin's Broken Aria Again a Solstice Pastoral Duality Duality Evolution of Danger Celestial Fireflies To. . . Jam To Rosemounde Merciles Beaute An ABC (The Prayer of Our Lady) Canterbury Tales, The Knight's Tale, Book I [Excerpt] To Rosemounde The Love Unfeigned Canterbury Tales, Wife of Bath's Prologue [Excerpt] Canterbury Tales, The Nun's Priest's Tale [Excerpt] Simulacra My Father and My Mother Decide My Future, and How Could We Forget Wang Wei? Brief Lives [excerpt] Snowman Miss Congeniality [without a listener] Sappho in Her Study Thread Thanksgiving Day Mirrors From a Woman of a Distant Land A Spray of Water: Tanka [the round spoon] Person of the Playful Star: Tanka [I listen to songs] Putting on My Face A Spray of Water: Tanka [one narcissus] A Spray of Water: Tanka [the hot water in] Person of the Playful Star: Tanka [there is a hole at] How I Got That Name One Child Has Brown Eyes Basement Barber Untitled [1950 June 27] alphabet [excerpt] I, Up they soar My Pentagon Lake Como the great american yellow poem Untitled [Sitting across from me on the bus a Chinese] Page 22 / oh lucky me Untitled [Sitting across from me on the bus a Chinese] Birthplace Easter Morning The Sun Underfoot Among the Sundews Aim?? C??saire Mei-Yao Ch'en Li Ch'ing-chao Tom Chandler Jennifer Chang Jennifer Chang Jennifer Chang Jennifer Chang Tina Chang Tina Chang Tina Chang Tina Chang Fred Chappell Rene Char Karen Chase Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Ching-In Chen Ken Chen Ken Chen Gu Cheng Maxine Chernoff Maxine Chernoff Kelly Cherry Dan Chiasson Lydia Maria Child Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Tada Chimako Marilyn Chin Marilyn Chin Michael Chitwood Don Mee Choi Inger Christensen Inger Christensen Heather Christle Nicholas Christopher Frances Chung Frances Chung Frances Chung Frances Chung Michael Cirelli Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt U U M F F F F F F F F M U F M M M M M M M M U M M U F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F M M U U F M M M M M M F F unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000723 po-000724 po-000725 po-000726 po-000727 po-000728 po-000729 po-000730 po-000731 po-000732 po-000733 po-000734 po-000735 po-000736 po-000737 po-000738 po-000739 po-000740 po-000741 po-000742 po-000743 po-000744 po-000745 po-000746 po-000747 po-000748 po-000749 po-000750 po-000751 po-000752 po-000753 po-000754 po-000755 po-000756 po-000757 po-000758 po-000759 po-000760 po-000761 po-000762 po-000763 po-000764 po-000765 po-000766 po-000767 po-000768 po-000769 po-000770 po-000771 po-000772 po-000773 po-000774 po-000775 po-000776 po-000777 Exmoor A Silence Beach Glass Nothing Stays Put On the Disadvantages of Central Heating Salvage A Hermit Thrush A Hedge of Rubber Trees Syrinx Vacant Lot with Pokeweed Fog Summer Images The Old Year Farewell Haymaking I Am! Missing Is a Stimulant The Ghost Has No Home Parallel Paths Hazard Response Untitled [Into the land of youth] Not to Mention Love: A Heart for Patricia cutting greens wishes for sons sorrows sisters the lost women miss rosie blessing the boats my dream about being white it was a dream Ceriserie The map room The Pleasures of Fear A Newborn Girl at Passover Song of the Trees Olympia Beach Walk Gravity and Center Homosexuality Cherry Blossom Storm Oil & Steel To Sleep Poppies Green Shade We Address Improvisation on Lines by Isaac the Blind The Ghazal of What Hurt American Sonnet (10) Bedtime Story American Sonnet (35) American Sonnet (10) Bedtime Story Sonnet VII The Witch Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt Amy Clampitt John Clare John Clare John Clare John Clare John Clare Jeff Clark Jeff Clark Kevin Clark Tom Clark Killarney Clary David Clewell Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton Joshua Clover Joshua Clover Judith Ortiz Cofer Nan Cohen Mary Colborne-Veel Henri Cole Henri Cole Henri Cole Henri Cole Henri Cole Henri Cole Henri Cole Henri Cole Henri Cole Norma Cole Peter Cole Peter Cole Wanda Coleman Wanda Coleman Wanda Coleman Wanda Coleman Wanda Coleman Hartley Coleridge Mary Elizabeth Coleridge F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F F M M F F F M M M M M M M M M F M M F F F F F U F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000778 po-000779 po-000780 po-000781 po-000782 po-000783 po-000784 po-000785 po-000786 po-000787 po-000788 po-000789 po-000790 po-000791 po-000792 po-000793 po-000794 po-000795 po-000796 po-000797 po-000798 po-000799 po-000800 po-000801 po-000802 po-000803 po-000804 po-000805 po-000806 po-000807 po-000808 po-000809 po-000810 po-000811 po-000812 po-000813 po-000814 po-000815 po-000816 po-000817 po-000818 po-000819 po-000820 po-000821 po-000822 po-000823 po-000824 po-000825 po-000826 po-000827 po-000828 po-000829 po-000830 po-000831 po-000832 Christabel [excerpt] This Lime Tree Bower My Prison Work Without Hope What Is an Epigram? Kubla Khan Love The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Answer to a Child's Question Frost at Midnight Ne Plus Ultra The Garden Year Birds Appearing In A Dream Forgetfulness The First Night Some Days Workshop Litany Introduction to Poetry The Golden Years Fishing on the Susquehanna in July The Good Gray Wolf [white paper #28] Borrowed Dress Back in Seaside Aftermath Elegy for Alfred Hubbard The Summer House It Was The Beginning Of Joy And The End Of Pain The Patient The Thanksgivings in the ruins Compendium of Lost Objects NIGHTMORNINGSKY Rent Seventeen Questions About KING KONG Clementene The Blue Anchor What the Seer Said Postcard from Searsburg Chaos is the New Calm Thumping Severance Songs, 2.1 Cognitive Deficit Market A Note on Absence The Bridge, Palm Sunday, 1973 Naskeag Seeing All the Vermeers The Three Times Promised Land Valley, June '73 Lighthouse Restoration Jazz Fan Looks Back Talking About New Orleans An Inventory of an Elaborate Pile of Garbage at 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. on June 1, 2000 At Shark Reef Sanctuary Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Sara Coleridge Michael Collier Billy Collins Billy Collins Billy Collins Billy Collins Billy Collins Billy Collins Billy Collins Billy Collins Martha Collins Martha Collins Cathy Colman Shanna Compton Tony Connor Tony Connor Tony Connor Gillian Conoley Gillian Conoley Harriet Maxwell Converse Mark Conway Nicole Cooley Peter Cooley Jane Cooper Jane Cooper Jane Cooper Jane Cooper Jane Cooper Wyn Cooper Wyn Cooper William Corbett Joshua Corey Joshua Corey Martin Corless-Smith Alfred Corn Alfred Corn Alfred Corn Alfred Corn Alfred Corn Alfred Corn Mary Cornish Jayne Cortez Jayne Cortez Brenda Coultas Eva Alice Counsell M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M F F F F M M M F F F M F M F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000833 po-000834 po-000835 po-000836 po-000837 po-000838 po-000839 po-000840 po-000841 po-000842 po-000843 po-000844 po-000845 po-000846 po-000847 po-000848 po-000849 po-000850 po-000851 po-000852 po-000853 po-000854 po-000855 po-000856 po-000857 po-000858 po-000859 po-000860 po-000861 po-000862 po-000863 po-000864 po-000865 po-000866 po-000867 po-000868 po-000869 po-000870 po-000871 po-000872 po-000873 po-000874 po-000875 po-000876 po-000877 po-000878 po-000879 po-000880 po-000881 po-000882 po-000883 po-000884 po-000885 po-000886 po-000887 Cut Off the Ears of Winter Lettuce The Heart Breaking Water-Lily The Request Written in Juice of Lemon The Castaway Hatred and vengeance, my eternal portion Olney Hymns, XLVIII [Joy and Peace in Believing] Olney Hymns, XXXII [The Shining Light] The Task, Book I, The Sofa [excerpt] Epitaph on a Hare The Task, Book II, A Time-Piece [excerpt] Olney Hymns, I, [Walking with God] Olney Hymns, IX [The Contrite Heart] The Snail Natural Causes The Lady of the Manor [Next died the Lady] At Melville's Tomb At Melville's Tomb My Grandma's Love Letters Chaplinesque Voyages II War Is Kind [excerpt] War Is Kind [excerpt] Amaze The Guarded Wound Triad To the Dead in the Grave-Yard Under My Window The Sun-Dial To the Dead in the Grave-Yard Under My Window But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light Footfalls America A Wicker Basket A Poem Age Water Music Kore To market, to market War and Hell, XVI [I am a great inventor] [Girl] ?�[Eyes] ?�[Foreigner] The Uses of Distortion Final Performance Vigo Martin Latin & Soul The Lower East Side of Manhattan Problems with Hurricanes Side 19 August Evening Monument Alice at Seventeen: Like a Blind Child r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r why must itself up every of a park maggie and milly and molly and may Peter Covino Abraham Cowley Abraham Cowley Abraham Cowley Abraham Cowley Abraham Cowley William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper William Cowper Mark Cox George Crabbe Hart Crane Hart Crane Hart Crane Hart Crane Hart Crane Stephen Crane Stephen Crane Adelaide Crapsey Adelaide Crapsey Adelaide Crapsey Adelaide Crapsey Adelaide Crapsey Adelaide Crapsey Richard Crashaw Sharon Creech Robert Creeley Robert Creeley Robert Creeley Robert Creeley Robert Creeley Robert Creeley Nina Crews Ernest Crosby Caroline Crumpacker Caroline Crumpacker Cynthia Cruz Victor Hern?�ndez Cruz Victor Hern?�ndez Cruz Victor Hern?�ndez Cruz Victor Hern?�ndez Cruz Victor Hern?�ndez Cruz Sandor Csoori Brian Culhane Darcy Cummings E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F M F M M M M M M F M F F F M M F M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000888 po-000889 po-000890 po-000891 po-000892 po-000893 po-000894 po-000895 po-000896 po-000897 po-000898 po-000899 po-000900 po-000901 po-000902 po-000903 po-000904 po-000905 po-000906 po-000907 po-000908 po-000909 po-000910 po-000911 po-000912 po-000913 po-000914 po-000915 po-000916 po-000917 po-000918 po-000919 po-000920 po-000921 po-000922 po-000923 po-000924 po-000925 po-000926 po-000927 po-000928 po-000929 po-000930 po-000931 po-000932 po-000933 po-000934 po-000935 po-000936 po-000937 po-000938 po-000939 po-000940 po-000941 po-000942 anyone lived in a pretty how town Chansons Innocentes: I the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls anyone lived in a pretty how town my father moved through dooms of love Spring is like a perhaps hand Buffalo Bill?�'s somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond Freud Lupine Ridge No Place Like Home The Midnight Court [Twas my custom to stroll] Sonnet 102 [If no love is, O God, what fele I so?] ���Theodore and Honoria The Art of Poetry [excerpt] The Allure of Forms Canterbury Tales, The Knight's Tale, Book I [Excerpt] Stars Wheel in Purple At Baia Helen in Egypt, Eidolon, Book III: 4 Pear Tree Song Moonrise Oread Helen Heat Sitalkas Orchard The Helmsman Prayer Bomb Crater Sky Los Angeles Another Song [Are they shadows that we see?] Strip Short-Order Cook War Photograph Ramallah To Roosevelt [Snow White] I Didn't Apologize to the Well I Belong There In Jerusalem Sonnet V A Noun Sentence "Now, I know you remember so and so" The Pear Cockroaches: Ars Poetica This is the Cow The Match Consolation Miracle On A Pair of Garters The Primer Preliminary Report from the Committee on Appropriate Postures for the Suffering In Darkness E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings 9 E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings James Cummins Peggy Simson Curry Stephen Cushman Brian Merriman Petrarch Giovanni Boccaccio Nicolas Boileau-Despr??aux Coral Bracho Geoffrey Chaucer H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. Lam Thi My Da Kamau Da?�ood Samuel Daniel Jim Daniels Jim Daniels Kate Daniels Bei Dao Rub??n Dar??o Lightsey Darst Mahmoud Darwish Mahmoud Darwish Mahmoud Darwish Mahmoud Darwish Mahmoud Darwish Doris Davenport Chad Davidson Chad Davidson Chad Davidson Chad Davidson Chad Davidson Sir John Davies Christina Davis Jon Davis Jon Davis M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M U M F F F F F F F F F F F F F U M M M F F U M M M M M F M M M M M U F M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000943 po-000944 po-000945 po-000946 po-000947 po-000948 po-000949 po-000950 po-000951 po-000952 po-000953 po-000954 po-000955 po-000956 po-000957 po-000958 po-000959 po-000960 po-000961 po-000962 po-000963 po-000964 po-000965 po-000966 po-000967 po-000968 po-000969 po-000970 po-000971 po-000972 po-000973 po-000974 po-000975 po-000976 po-000977 po-000978 po-000979 po-000980 po-000981 po-000982 po-000983 po-000984 po-000985 po-000986 po-000987 po-000988 po-000989 po-000990 po-000991 po-000992 po-000993 po-000994 po-000995 po-000996 po-000997 A Boat With My Back to City Hall, On Yom Kippur Amber Alert Text Messages Hero and Leander On a Door Mostly Read The Luna Moth Toothpaste Kids Sunburn Least Said Talk Souvenir of the Ancient World Mother Since I'm Condemned Love Opened a Mortal Wound / Con el dolor de la mortal herida Suspend, Singer Swan You Foolish Men Winter Dear Empire [these are your temples] Demolition Derby On Translation Migrating Birds The Script Driven by a Strange Desire Sonnets on Love XIII It is Night, in My Study The Snowfall Is So Silent The Family Group At sunrise I arose�?? Juvenile Hall Teacher The Alien A New Law Frog The Double Truth Goddess of Maple at Evening Thanksgiving Letter from Harry In Paris How the mind works still to be sure Untitled [The more I go, the harder it becomes to return] R.I.P., My Love Palea The Pressure Sysiphusina Woman at the Window The Weakness In Knowledge of Young Boys Elegy for my husband Identity of Images No, Love Is Not Dead The Voice of Robert Desnos Photo of Home From Home Love Poem from South China, 1999 Smoke Hunting Civil War Relics at Nimblewill Creek Falling The Shark's Parlor Jordan Davis Jordan Davis Jordan Davis Jordan Davis Jordan Davis Jordan Davis Jordan Davis Jordan Davis Olena Kalytiak Davis Kwame Dawes Carlos Drummond de Andrade Herman de Coninck Sor Juana In??s de la Cruz Sor Juana In??s de la Cruz Sor Juana In??s de la Cruz Sor Juana In??s de la Cruz Walter De La Mare Oliver de la Paz M??nica de la Torre M??nica de la Torre M??nica de la Torre M??nica de la Torre M??nica de la Torre Jean de Sponde Miguel de Unamuno Miguel de Unamuno Madeline DeFrees Michel Deguy Timothy Dekin Greg Delanty Greg Delanty Chard deNiord Chard deNiord Chard deNiord Carl Dennis Carl Dennis Jennifer Denrow Jennifer Denrow Tory Dent Tory Dent Tory Dent Shira Dentz Theodore Deppe Toi Derricotte Toi Derricotte Toi Derricotte Robert Desnos Robert Desnos Robert Desnos Richard Deutch Rachel DeWoskin W. S. Di Piero James Dickey James Dickey James Dickey M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M F F M M M F M F F F M M M M F M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-000998 po-000999 po-001000 po-001001 po-001002 po-001003 po-001004 po-001005 po-001006 po-001007 po-001008 po-001009 po-001010 po-001011 po-001012 po-001013 po-001014 po-001015 po-001016 po-001017 po-001018 po-001019 po-001020 po-001021 po-001022 po-001023 po-001024 po-001025 po-001026 po-001027 po-001028 po-001029 po-001030 po-001031 po-001032 po-001033 po-001034 po-001035 po-001036 po-001037 po-001038 po-001039 po-001040 po-001041 po-001042 po-001043 po-001044 po-001045 po-001046 po-001047 po-001048 po-001049 po-001050 po-001051 po-001052 The Dusk of Horses Like Brooms of Steel (1252) We never know how high we are (1176) I cannot live with You (640) Hope is the thing with feathers (254) Come Slowly�??Eden (211) I tie my Hat�??I crease my Shawl (443) The Soul selects her own Society (303) Safe in their Alabaster Chambers (216) A Bird came down the Walk (328) Luck is not chance (1350) Knows how to forget! (433) It's all I have to bring today (26) There's a certain Slant of light (258) I'm Nobody! Who are you? (260) I measure every Grief I meet (561) Fame is a fickle food (1659) One day is there of the series A lane of Yellow led the eye (1650) Color - Caste - Denomination - (970) It sifts from Leaden Sieves - (311) A Drop fell on the Apple Tree (794) Two Butterflies went out at Noon�?? (533) There is no frigate like a book (1263) The Soul unto itself (683) A Man may make a Remark (952) My life closed twice before its close (96) One Sister have I in our house (14) Wild Nights �?? Wild Nights! (249) I taste a liquor never brewed (214) I felt a Funeral, in my Brain (280) I heard a Fly buzz (465) Because I could not stop for Death (712) To make a prairie (1755) The Savior must have been a docile Gentleman (1487) I heard a Fly buzz (465) I like to see it lap the Miles (43) The Outlet (162) It was not Death, for I stood up (510) Breathing Ghost Story Killing Flies Shaving Your Father's Face Dead Brother Super Hero Killing Flies Translations From the Lives of My Friends Emily Dickinson to the Rescue I Might Have Dreamed This Greeter of Souls The Leaves My Life's Calling Trapeze Darwin's Finches Telling the Bees James Dickey Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Josephine Dickinson Matthew Dickman Michael Dickman Michael Dickman Michael Dickman Michael Dickman Michael Dickman Michael Dickman Michael Dickman Kirsten Dierking Deborah Digges Deborah Digges Deborah Digges Deborah Digges Deborah Digges Deborah Digges M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001053 po-001054 po-001055 po-001056 po-001057 po-001058 po-001059 po-001060 po-001061 po-001062 po-001063 po-001064 po-001065 po-001066 po-001067 po-001068 po-001069 po-001070 po-001071 po-001072 po-001073 po-001074 po-001075 po-001076 po-001077 po-001078 po-001079 po-001080 po-001081 po-001082 po-001083 po-001084 po-001085 po-001086 po-001087 po-001088 po-001089 po-001090 po-001091 po-001092 po-001093 po-001094 po-001095 po-001096 po-001097 po-001098 po-001099 po-001100 po-001101 po-001102 po-001103 po-001104 po-001105 po-001106 po-001107 The Wind Blows Through the Doors of My Heart A Reactionary Tale Proclamation Days of Me Wail of the Arab Beggars of the Casbah [excerpt] Yellow Beak Lost Unnatural Selections: A Meditation upon Witnessing a Bullfrog Fucking a Rock Satellite Convulsions Radio, Radio Single Vision & Newton's Sleep Obviously Tug Chita Ground A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning The Anniversary Death, be not proud (Holy Sonnet 10) Lovers' Infiniteness Air and Angels Break of Day The Good-Morrow Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness The Apparition To His Mistress Going to Bed To His Mistress Going to Bed At the round earth's imagined corners (Holy Sonnet 7) Batter my heart, three person'd God (Holy Sonnet 14) The Sun Rising The Driver of the Car Is Unconscious By Night with Torch and Spear The Night Ship Self-Portrait as Miranda Knot iii.VII Momentum A Green Crab's Shell Couture Couture Robert Harms Paints the Surfaceof Little Fresh Pond Broadway The Embrace At the Gym Heaven for Helen Dear Tiara Stars Two Loves The Shark In Praise of Shame The Bistro Styx Persephone, Falling Ludwig Van Beethoven's Return to Vienna Vacation Adolescence II Hades' Pitch from Crossing State Lines [Shirtsleeved afternoons] The Road into Cuyabeno Deborah Digges Linh Dinh Stuart Dischell Stuart Dischell Ishmael Ait Djafer Stephen Dobyns Stephen Dobyns Jim Dodge Ben Doller Ben Doller Ben Doller Ben Doller Ben Doller Sandra Doller John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne John Donne Timothy Donnelly Timothy Donnelly Timothy Donnelly Geri Doran Stacy Doris Catherine Doty Mark Doty Mark Doty Mark Doty Mark Doty Mark Doty Mark Doty Mark Doty Mark Doty Sean Thomas Dougherty Keith Douglas Lord Alfred Douglas Lord Alfred Douglas Lord Alfred Douglas Rita Dove Rita Dove Rita Dove Rita Dove Rita Dove Rita Dove Rita Dove Michael Dowdy F U M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001108 po-001109 po-001110 po-001111 po-001112 po-001113 po-001114 po-001115 po-001116 po-001117 po-001118 po-001119 po-001120 po-001121 po-001122 po-001123 po-001124 po-001125 po-001126 po-001127 po-001128 po-001129 po-001130 po-001131 po-001132 po-001133 po-001134 po-001135 po-001136 po-001137 po-001138 po-001139 po-001140 po-001141 po-001142 po-001143 po-001144 po-001145 po-001146 po-001147 po-001148 po-001149 po-001150 po-001151 po-001152 po-001153 po-001154 po-001155 po-001156 po-001157 po-001158 po-001159 po-001160 po-001161 po-001162 Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Nos Vetat Incohare Longam To His Coy Love Why should a foolish marriage vow Astraea Redux A Song for St. Cecilia's Day Heroic Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell Aureng-Zebe, Prologue Alexander's Feast; or, the Power of Music The Novel as Manuscript The Czar's Last Christmas Letter: A Barn in the Urals Of Politics, & Art February: The Boy Breughel Stateside Before the Deployment Penelope Considers a New Do Solstice Harbor at Old Saybrook History On Looking for Models Plague of Dead Sharks Exquisite Politics Sex with a Famous Poet Kinky The Threat Exquisite Candidate Delta Flight 659 Lawless Pantoum Buying Stock Yes Buddhist Barbie The Bottom Joseph Cornell, with Box Prayer for Sleep We Wear the Mask A Negro Love Song Ships That Pass in the Night Phyllis Summer in the South Frederick Douglass When Malindy Sings Sympathy Signs of the Times In Summer The Debt Beyond the Years Lament for the Makaris Sonnet I Sit and Sew Picking Up Every Infant's Blood Such Is the Sickness of Many a Good Thing My Mother Would Be a Falconress Achilles' Song Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow Ernest Dowson Michael Drayton John Dryden John Dryden John Dryden John Dryden John Dryden John Dryden 79 Joachim du Bellay Norman Dubie Norman Dubie Norman Dubie Norman Dubie Jehanne Dubrow Jehanne Dubrow Jehanne Dubrow Ellen Dudley K. E. Duffin Carol Ann Duffy Alan Dugan Alan Dugan Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Denise Duhamel Michael Dumanis Cheryl Dumesnil Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar William Dunbar Alice Dunbar-Nelson Alice Dunbar-Nelson Evelyn Duncan Graham Duncan Robert Duncan Robert Duncan Robert Duncan Robert Duncan M M M M M M M M U M M M M U U U F U F M M F F F F F F F F F F F M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001163 po-001164 po-001165 po-001166 po-001167 po-001168 po-001169 po-001170 po-001171 po-001172 po-001173 po-001174 po-001175 po-001176 po-001177 po-001178 po-001179 po-001180 po-001181 po-001182 po-001183 po-001184 po-001185 po-001186 po-001187 po-001188 po-001189 po-001190 po-001191 po-001192 po-001193 po-001194 po-001195 po-001196 po-001197 po-001198 po-001199 po-001200 po-001201 po-001202 po-001203 po-001204 po-001205 po-001206 po-001207 po-001208 po-001209 po-001210 po-001211 po-001212 po-001213 po-001214 po-001215 po-001216 po-001217 The Ripple Effect Charlotte Bront?� in Leeds Point Here and Now The Kiss What Goes On The Routine Things Around the House The Hills, 5 The Aeneid, Book I, [Arms and the man I sing] ���The Woman and the Flame Notebook of a Return to the Native Land [excerpt] The Gardenia I'm A Fool To Love You One Side of the World Murray Dreaming Of Memory and Distance The Life of Man The Choir Invisible The Waste Land The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Hysteria Portrait of a Lady Morning at the Window Cousin Nancy Rhapsody on a Windy Night Outside Abilene Sticks Item: Inventing Father In Las Vegas inside gertrude stein The Politics of Narrative: Why I Am A Poet Dream In Which I Meet Myself inside gertrude stein Homage to Sharon Stone Bone Days Water Brahma Fable A Nation's Strength The Sphinx Song of Nature Concord Hymn Days Water Heading Home The Libraries Didn't Burn Bent Orbit Bent Orbit Dot Placements I: "The New Wilderness" Dot Notes on a Visit to Le Tuc D'Audoubert Alabanza: In Praise of Local 100 The Trouble Ball [excerpt] Niggerlips Jamey Dunham Stephen Dunn Stephen Dunn Stephen Dunn Stephen Dunn Stephen Dunn Kate Durbin Virgil Aim?? C??saire Aim?? C??saire Cornelius Eady Cornelius Eady Gwen Ebert Stephen Edgar Russell Edson Russell Edson George Eliot T.S. Eliot T.S. Eliot T.S. Eliot T.S. Eliot T.S. Eliot T.S. Eliot T.S. Eliot Harley Elliott Thomas Sayers Ellis Lynn Emanuel Lynn Emanuel Lynn Emanuel Lynn Emanuel Lynn Emanuel Lynn Emanuel Lynn Emanuel Claudia Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Daniel Mark Epstein Elaine Equi Elaine Equi Elaine Equi Clayton Eshleman Clayton Eshleman Clayton Eshleman Clayton Eshleman Mart??n Espada Mart??n Espada Mart??n Espada M M M M M M F M M M F M M M F M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001218 po-001219 po-001220 po-001221 po-001222 po-001223 po-001224 po-001225 po-001226 po-001227 po-001228 po-001229 po-001230 po-001231 po-001232 po-001233 po-001234 po-001235 po-001236 po-001237 po-001238 po-001239 po-001240 po-001241 po-001242 po-001243 po-001244 po-001245 po-001246 po-001247 po-001248 po-001249 po-001250 po-001251 po-001252 po-001253 po-001254 po-001255 po-001256 po-001257 po-001258 po-001259 po-001260 po-001261 po-001262 po-001263 po-001264 po-001265 po-001266 po-001267 po-001268 po-001269 po-001270 po-001271 po-001272 Inheritance of Waterfalls and Sharks Apostrophe Gloss Rhapsody In Praise of Scribble Chronicle of the Rain Henry Lichenwalner: Living in the Middle Amo Amas Amat On the Terrace At the Playground, Singing for Psychiatric Outpatients See How the Roses Burn! The Phoenix Unity Weary Rings XIII Dregs LXI ���1939 I Belong There Dialect of a Skirt Battle of Will & Exhaustion, Mother & Child On the Waterfront Blackout Be Near Me Bangladesh II When Autumn Came You Tell Us What to Do Before You Came Baudelaire's Ablutions Quotidian Poem Dependants People in the Wind La Vie C'est La Vie Dead Fires Beating his lead Lunch With the Sole Survivor My Century Episode Souvenir The Kudzu Chronicles - Oxford, Mississippi [excerpt] To the Oracle at Delphi Poetry as Insurgent Art [I am signaling you through the flames] Americus, Book I [excerpt] The Changing Light Rime Riche The Soldier That Evening at Dinner Curse of the Cat Woman The Sugar-Plum Tree The Duel Wynken, Blynken, and Nod Japanese Lullaby Intensities of Emphasis and Wonder ARNICA / ABSOLUTION / AMBIEN Parting [/Beachfront/] Mart??n Espada Angie Estes Angie Estes Angie Estes Orlando Gonz?�lez Esteva Rafael P??rez Estrada Dave Etter Bernardine Evaristo Landis Everson Peter Everwine Hafiz Hafiz Pablo Neruda C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo Marjorie Agos??n Mahmoud Darwish Erica Miriam Fabri Jenny Factor B. H. Fairchild Faiz Ahmed Faiz Faiz Ahmed Faiz Faiz Ahmed Faiz Faiz Ahmed Faiz Faiz Ahmed Faiz Faiz Ahmed Faiz Roger Fanning Patricia Fargnoli Paul Farley Margot Farrington Jessie Redmon Fauset Jessie Redmon Fauset Hans Faverey Kenneth Fearing Alan Feldman Irving Feldman Beth Ann Fennelly Beth Ann Fennelly Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Ferlinghetti Monica Ferrell David Ferry David Ferry Edward Field Eugene Field Eugene Field Eugene Field Eugene Field Farrah Field Miranda Field Thalia Field F F F M F M M U U M M F F U M M M M M M M F M F U U M M M M F F M M M M F M M M M M M M F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001273 po-001274 po-001275 po-001276 po-001277 po-001278 po-001279 po-001280 po-001281 po-001282 po-001283 po-001284 po-001285 po-001286 po-001287 po-001288 po-001289 po-001290 po-001291 po-001292 po-001293 po-001294 po-001295 po-001296 po-001297 po-001298 po-001299 po-001300 po-001301 po-001302 po-001303 po-001304 po-001305 po-001306 po-001307 po-001308 po-001309 po-001310 po-001311 po-001312 po-001313 po-001314 po-001315 po-001316 po-001317 po-001318 po-001319 po-001320 po-001321 po-001322 po-001323 po-001324 po-001325 po-001326 po-001327 Riding In Gulf War and Child: A Curse Wild Yeasts Landing Under Water, I See Roots The History of Silk Orkney Interior Left Paraphrases from "A Hemingway Reader": The Sun Also Also Rises National Laureate from This Window Makes Me Feel The Rub?�iy?�t of Omar Khayy?�m [excerpt] Bone & Silence Wooing Song All Souls' Night, 1917 Early Cutting Swarm forgetting something Father Outside Dead Center Yellow Bowl Artichoke What Was Given The Riddle of Flat Circles [excerpt] Shore Counter The Man Who Never Heard of Frank Sinatra People The Goat Speech Alone The Good Moolly Cow [excerpt] Homing Sequestered Writing [I Failed Him and He Failed Me] Colosseum Koi Breaking Across Us Now Twenty Twenty Vision Psalm Panty Raid The Calf-Path How Everything Was in the End Resolved in California Everybody Loves Eric Dolphy The Path How to Get Riches The Busy-Man's Picture A Political Litany Occasioned by General Washington's Arrival in Philadelphia, On His Way to His Residence in Virginia The Wild Honeysuckle American Liberty This Deepening Takes Place Again Seven Years The Part of the Bee's Body Embedded in the Flesh Telling An Old Man's Winter Night The Death of the Hired Man Elliot Figman Annie Finch Annie Finch Annie Finch Gary Fincke Ian Hamilton Finlay Nikky Finney Roy Fisher Robert Fitterman Robert Fitterman Robert Fitterman Edward Fitzgerald Gerald Fleming Giles Fletcher Hortense King Flexner Roland Flint Nick Flynn Nick Flynn Nick Flynn Rachel Contreni Flynn Rachel Contreni Flynn Richard Foerster Richard Foerster Aaron Fogel Aaron Fogel Aaron Fogel Aaron Fogel Aaron Fogel Jean Follain Eliza Lee Follen Calvin Forbes Carolyn Forch?? Katie Ford Katie Ford Katie Ford Katie Ford Mark Ford Terri Ford Terri Ford Sam Foss Charles Foster Sarah Fox Emily Fragos Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau Philip Freneau Philip Freneau Philip Freneau Emily Kendal Frey Daisy Fried Carol Frost Elisabeth Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost M F F F M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M F F M F F F F M U U M M F F M M M M M M F F F F M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001328 po-001329 po-001330 po-001331 po-001332 po-001333 po-001334 po-001335 po-001336 po-001337 po-001338 po-001339 po-001340 po-001341 po-001342 po-001343 po-001344 po-001345 po-001346 po-001347 po-001348 po-001349 po-001350 po-001351 po-001352 po-001353 po-001354 po-001355 po-001356 po-001357 po-001358 po-001359 po-001360 po-001361 po-001362 po-001363 po-001364 po-001365 po-001366 po-001367 po-001368 po-001369 po-001370 po-001371 po-001372 po-001373 po-001374 po-001375 po-001376 po-001377 po-001378 po-001379 po-001380 po-001381 po-001382 Bond and Free "Out, Out�??" Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Directive For Once, Then, Something Mowing Blueberries Home Burial Home Burial The Pasture Acquainted with the Night Christmas Trees A Line-storm Song After Apple-Picking Nothing Gold Can Stay Carpe Diem Going for Water October The Road Not Taken Mending Wall Birches To Earthward The Sound of the Trees Trigger Guard Architecture Moraine About Face The Women Who Clean Fish Tenderness Vision The Guitar First Georgic [excerpt] ���Detail of Paradise Red Poppy Advice to Passengers In the Little Book of Guesses Hummer Two Horses and a Dog To the Republic Blue or Green Art Class Station Post-Modernism Dear Miss Emily Letter Spoken in Wind Village of Pulleys and Locomotion The Good Provider Hunger Holiday Toro The Tinajera Notebook Eye Against Eye [excerpt] The Ark Upon His Shoulders Eye Against Eye [excerpt] Autumn On the Mississippi Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Robert Frost Joanna Fuhrman Joanna Fuhrman Alice Fulton Erica Funkhouser Erica Funkhouser Erica Funkhouser Federico Garc??a Lorca Virgil Jean Gallagher Tess Gallagher John Gallaher John Gallaher Brendan Galvin James Galvin James Galvin James Galvin James Galvin James Galvin James Galvin James Galvin Rachel Galvin Rachel Galvin Sarah Gambito Sarah Gambito Sarah Gambito Sarah Gambito Forrest Gander Forrest Gander Forrest Gander Forrest Gander Richard Garcia Hamlin Garland M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F M F F M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001383 po-001384 po-001385 po-001386 po-001387 po-001388 po-001389 po-001390 po-001391 po-001392 po-001393 po-001394 po-001395 po-001396 po-001397 po-001398 po-001399 po-001400 po-001401 po-001402 po-001403 po-001404 po-001405 po-001406 po-001407 po-001408 po-001409 po-001410 po-001411 po-001412 po-001413 po-001414 po-001415 po-001416 po-001417 po-001418 po-001419 po-001420 po-001421 po-001422 po-001423 po-001424 po-001425 po-001426 po-001427 po-001428 po-001429 po-001430 po-001431 po-001432 po-001433 po-001434 po-001435 po-001436 po-001437 The One God Is Mysterious Three Airs for the Beggar�??s Opera, Air XXII Prayer for My Unborn Niece or Nephew For Some Slight I Can't Quite Recall The Dream of the Just Questions In The Mind Of A Poet While She Washes Her Floors The Rain Poured Down Hymn to the Neck The Wash Channel 2: Horowitz Playing Mozart Presbyopia Deer, 6:00 AM That Woman Orion Magdalena Remembering In cold spring air The Black Bite The World as Seen Through a Glass of Ice Water Upon Discovering My Entire Solution to the Attainment of Immortality Erased from the Blackboard Except the Word 'Save' Autumn Grasses True Love Summer at Blue Creek, North Carolina Failing and Flying Tear It Down South Going There Moving Out Dung Beetle The Anti-Suffragists Kaddish, Part I A Supermarket in California Howl, Parts I & II Words An Unemployed Machinist Possum Crossing My First Memory (of Librarians) Quilts Consider the Hands that Write This Letter It Was Raining In Delft Chateau If Bolshevescent Beam Wherein space is constructed that matter may reside in. . . Boabdil's Eviction October (section I) Persephone the Wanderer Vespers A Myth of Devotion The Myth of Innocence The Myth of Innocence Self-portrait as Thousandfurs The Reading Club The Bride of Corinth [From my grave to wander] Counting Counting Frank X. Gaspar John Gay Ross Gay Ross Gay Dana Gelinas Elena Georgiou Dan Gerber Amy Gerstler Sarah Getty Sarah Getty Sarah Getty Sarah Getty Sarah Getty Susan Gevirtz Maureen Gibbon Reginald Gibbons Becky Gould Gibson Dobby Gibson Dobby Gibson Margaret Gibson Barry Gifford Jack Gilbert Jack Gilbert Jack Gilbert Jack Gilbert Jack Gilbert Sandra M. Gilbert Doreen Gildroy Charlotte Perkins Gilman Allen Ginsberg Allen Ginsberg Allen Ginsberg Dana Gioia John Giorno Nikki Giovanni Nikki Giovanni Nikki Giovanni Aracelis Girmay Peter Gizzi Peter Gizzi Peter Gizzi Jody Gladding Michele Glazer Eugene Gloria Louise Gl?�ck Louise Gl?�ck Louise Gl?�ck Louise Gl?�ck Louise Gl?�ck Louise Gl?�ck Stacy Gnall Patricia Goedicke Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Douglas Goetsch Douglas Goetsch M M M M F F M F F F F F F F F M F U U F M M M M M M F F F M M M M M F F F U M M M F F M F F M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001438 po-001439 po-001440 po-001441 po-001442 po-001443 po-001444 po-001445 po-001446 po-001447 po-001448 po-001449 po-001450 po-001451 po-001452 po-001453 po-001454 po-001455 po-001456 po-001457 po-001458 po-001459 po-001460 po-001461 po-001462 po-001463 po-001464 po-001465 po-001466 po-001467 po-001468 po-001469 po-001470 po-001471 po-001472 po-001473 po-001474 po-001475 po-001476 po-001477 po-001478 po-001479 po-001480 po-001481 po-001482 po-001483 po-001484 po-001485 po-001486 po-001487 po-001488 po-001489 po-001490 po-001491 po-001492 Conversion How Simile Works The Sciences Sing a Lullabye The Sciences Sing a Lullabye 27,000 Miles Shawl Lullabye Back Soliloquy, Act 6 [excerpt] Day [excerpt] Poem for Larry Craig Death in the Afternoon Tiny Clay Doll with No Arms Let Me Disappear Beginning with Two Lines from Rexroth Untitled [Toward night] Gretel Wave S??ance at Tennis Jaywalking the Is: "First Dream" [excerpt] Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. An exact comprehension of the composer�??s intent Yourself the Sun Spoken From the Hedgerows Sundown Just Before San Sepolcro Embodies Prayer Nearing Dawn The Caterpillar I Wonder What It Feels Like to be Drowned? Not Dead The Shivering Beggar Babylon Summer Past Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Ode on the death of a favorite cat Honey Harriet Tubman In the Land of Words Schema The Spirit of the Staircase The Last 4 Things [That hard thread] The War After the War The Vacant Lot at the End of the Street Bicameral Narrow Flame An Arbor Let Birds The Weight The Apparent The Secrets of Poetry Asking for Directions Lise Goett Albert Goldbarth Albert Goldbarth Albert Goldbarth Albert Goldbarth Albert Goldbarth Albert Goldbarth Beckian Fritz Goldberg Kenneth Goldsmith Kenneth Goldsmith Kenneth Goldsmith ?�ngel Gonz?�lez Ray Gonzalez Ray Gonzalez Ray Gonzalez Kevin Goodan Henrietta Goodman Joanna Goodman Dana Goodyear Noah Eli Gordon Noah Eli Gordon Noah Eli Gordon Arthur Gorges Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Robert Graves Robert Graves Robert Graves Robert Graves Robert Graves John Gray Thomas Gray Thomas Gray Arielle Greenberg Eloise Greenfield Eloise Greenfield Richard Greenfield Lavinia Greenlaw Kate Greenstreet 619 Kate Greenstreet Debora Greger Debora Greger Linda Gregerson Linda Gregerson Linda Gregerson Linda Gregg Linda Gregg Linda Gregg Linda Gregg Linda Gregg F M M M M M M U M M M M M M M F F F M M M M F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001493 po-001494 po-001495 po-001496 po-001497 po-001498 po-001499 po-001500 po-001501 po-001502 po-001503 po-001504 po-001505 po-001506 po-001507 po-001508 po-001509 po-001510 po-001511 po-001512 po-001513 po-001514 po-001515 po-001516 po-001517 po-001518 po-001519 po-001520 po-001521 po-001522 po-001523 po-001524 po-001525 po-001526 po-001527 po-001528 po-001529 po-001530 po-001531 po-001532 po-001533 po-001534 po-001535 po-001536 po-001537 po-001538 po-001539 po-001540 po-001541 po-001542 po-001543 po-001544 po-001545 po-001546 po-001547 Surrounded by Sheep and Low Ground We Manage Most When We Manage Small The Wind and the Other Moon Things I Found and Left Where They Were Untitled [Back they sputter] Cold Morning Memento Sonnet 100 William James, Henry James Weather Eye Open Verguenza The Miner's Family Flood The Family Photograph Milton White Sales The Needle Memorandum One Petition Lofted into the Ginkos Scryer's Bridge Echoes Noisetone Red Lilies The Blue Stairs The Past Sound and Structure Father On Quitting Only a Dad Bulb Planting Time See It Through A Toast to the Men Thanksgiving A Boy and His Dad User's Guide to Physical Debilitation On the Persistence of the Letter as a Form My Grandmother's White Cat I Hardly Remember Hallowe'en Charm The Man with Night Sweats The Hug Black Jackets The Yellow Bittern (An Bunnan Bui) Fons Aurora [excerpt] Bullfight critics ranked in rows [excerpt] Matters About Which Unfortunately I Have No Brilliant Opinion to Offer Readers ���The Fountain of Blood Spleen Voyage to Cythera Gladdening Untitled [You did say, need me less and I'll want you more] For K. J., Leaving and Coming Back Untitled [You did say, need me less and I'll want you more] Iva's Pantoum Linda Gregg Linda Gregg Robert Gregory Robert Gregory Eamon Grennan Eamon Grennan Eamon Grennan Lord Brooke Fulke Greville Sarah Gridley Sarah Gridley Rachel Eliza Griffiths Yosl Grinshpan Eliza Griswold Vona Groarke David Groff Allen Grossman Jennifer Grotz Durs Gr?�nbein Gabriel Gudding Carol Guess Barbara Guest Barbara Guest Barbara Guest Barbara Guest Barbara Guest Barbara Guest Edgar Guest Edgar Guest Edgar Guest Edgar Guest Edgar Guest Edgar Guest Edgar Guest Edgar Guest Paul Guest Paul Guest Maurice Kilwein Guevara Rafael Guill??n Arthur Guiterman Thom Gunn Thom Gunn Thom Gunn Cathal Bui Mac Giolla Gunna Pura L??pez-Colom?? Pura L??pez-Colom?? Domingo Ortega Sandra Santana Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Jessie Haas Marilyn Hacker Marilyn Hacker Marilyn Hacker Marilyn Hacker F F M M M M M M F F F M F F M M F M F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M U M F M M M U F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001548 po-001549 po-001550 po-001551 po-001552 po-001553 po-001554 po-001555 po-001556 po-001557 po-001558 po-001559 po-001560 po-001561 po-001562 po-001563 po-001564 po-001565 po-001566 po-001567 po-001568 po-001569 po-001570 po-001571 po-001572 po-001573 po-001574 po-001575 po-001576 po-001577 po-001578 po-001579 po-001580 po-001581 po-001582 po-001583 po-001584 po-001585 po-001586 po-001587 po-001588 po-001589 po-001590 po-001591 po-001592 po-001593 po-001594 po-001595 po-001596 po-001597 po-001598 po-001599 po-001600 po-001601 po-001602 Coda Nearly a Valediction Dawn Dreams The Phoenix The Woman I Love See How the Roses Burn! Cycle of Sounds The Scarlet Ibis, Section VII Fairbanks Under the Solstice Fairbanks Under the Solstice Mary's Lamb My Father Remembers Blue Zebras The Things The Painted Bed The Painted Bed Ox Cart Man Ox Cart Man Affirmation Safe Sex Tubes Psalm Poem for the Wheat Penny (1909-1958) Aerialist Journey's End The Escape Daybreak Ode on Dictionaries Discourse The Orchid Flower Inside The Song in the Dream An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ, with Penitential Cries An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ, with Penitential Cries White Trees Fallen Apples At Lumen-Empty Monastery, Visiting the Hermitage of Master Jung, My Departed Friend Night on the Great River [three translations] Mosquito To A Sea-Cliff The Glimpse The Convergence of the Twain The Subalterns Hap To A Sea-Cliff The Glimpse In the Garden How Great My Grief At the Entering of the New Year The Oxen The Voice The Darkling Thrush Channel Firing Afterwards The Convergence of the Twain During Wind and Rain Marilyn Hacker Marilyn Hacker Rachel Hadas Hafiz Hafiz Hafiz Susan Hahn Susan Hahn John Haines John Haines Sarah Josepha Hale Judy Halebsky Donald Hall Donald Hall Donald Hall Donald Hall Donald Hall Donald Hall Donald Hall Donald Hall Judith Hall Judith Hall Victoria Hallerman J??nas Hallgr??msson Mark Halperin Daniel Halpern Barbara Hamby Forrest Hamer Sam Hamill Saskia Hamilton Saskia Hamilton Jupitor Hammon Jupitor Hammon Nathalie Handal Tom Hansen Meng Hao-jan Meng Hao-jan Myronn Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy F F F U U U F F M M F F M M M M M M M M F F F M M F M M U U U U F M M M U M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001603 po-001604 po-001605 po-001606 po-001607 po-001608 po-001609 po-001610 po-001611 po-001612 po-001613 po-001614 po-001615 po-001616 po-001617 po-001618 po-001619 po-001620 po-001621 po-001622 po-001623 po-001624 po-001625 po-001626 po-001627 po-001628 po-001629 po-001630 po-001631 po-001632 po-001633 po-001634 po-001635 po-001636 po-001637 po-001638 po-001639 po-001640 po-001641 po-001642 po-001643 po-001644 po-001645 po-001646 po-001647 po-001648 po-001649 po-001650 po-001651 po-001652 po-001653 po-001654 po-001655 po-001656 po-001657 The Interloper At the Piano Deer Dancer Equinox Songs for the People Learning to Read The Slave Mother Bury Me in a Free Land Bible Defence of Slavery American History Shaking the Grass Things Come On: An Amneoir [my mother lives under the ground] The Discipline of Craft, Easter Morning Enough Birds Again Long Distance II Her Name was Name Electron Face Fishmonger Fascination I May After Leaving You Walk Quickly or Even Run The Backyard Mermaid Introduction to the World The Radio Animals Mary's Duties Patsy Sees a Ghost Heroic Simile The Apple Trees at Olema Raven's Last Dream Slow Waltz Through Inflatable Landscape Hour with One Hand Inserted in a Time of War [American Journal] Those Winter Sundays The Blue Terrance At Pegasus Shafro Lighthead's Guide to the Galaxy Liner Notes to an Imaginary Playlist What I Am Shakur Derrick Poem (The Lost World) The Witch Has Told You a Story (some of) The Adventures of Carlyle, My Imaginary Friend [excerpt] Bolivia A Possum Entering the Argument Living on Someone Else's Money A Kite for Aibh??n In April The Poet of Bray The Dover Bitch Chorus from Oedipus at Colonos The Transparent Man Street Confetti Angel Saint Constellations Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Joy Harjo Joy Harjo Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Michael S. Harper Janice N. Harrington Joseph Harrington Judith Harris Jeffrey Harrison Jim Harrison Tony Harrison Matt Hart Matt Hart Marsden Hartley Charles O. Hartman Matthea Harvey Matthea Harvey Matthea Harvey Matthea Harvey Lola Haskins Lola Haskins Robert Hass Robert Hass Red Hawk Christian Hawkey Christian Hawkey Robert Hayden Robert Hayden Terrance Hayes Terrance Hayes Terrance Hayes Terrance Hayes Terrance Hayes Terrance Hayes Terrance Hayes Terrance Hayes Ava Leavell Haymon Dainis Hazners Gwen Head Tom Healy Tom Healy Seamus Heaney James Hearst John Heath-Stubbs Anthony Hecht Anthony Hecht Anthony Hecht Allison Adelle Hedge Coke Lilah Hegnauer Steven Heighton M M F F F F F F F M F M F M M M M M M M F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F U F M M M M M M M M F F M non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001658 po-001659 po-001660 po-001661 po-001662 po-001663 po-001664 po-001665 po-001666 po-001667 po-001668 po-001669 po-001670 po-001671 po-001672 po-001673 po-001674 po-001675 po-001676 po-001677 po-001678 po-001679 po-001680 po-001681 po-001682 po-001683 po-001684 po-001685 po-001686 po-001687 po-001688 po-001689 po-001690 po-001691 po-001692 po-001693 po-001694 po-001695 po-001696 po-001697 po-001698 po-001699 po-001700 po-001701 po-001702 po-001703 po-001704 po-001705 po-001706 po-001707 po-001708 po-001709 po-001710 po-001711 po-001712 Epitaph X Happily [excerpt] Along with Youth We'll Go No More a-Roving O, Gather Me the Rose Invictus The Bus through Jonesboro, Arkansas The World The Pulley The Collar Love (III) I Would Like to Describe Museum Guard Mosul Lullaby of the Onion Everyday We Get More Illegal tomorrow I leave to El Paso, Texas To Blossoms To Sylvia, To Wed To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time To Anthea Who May Command Him Any Thing Upon Julia's Clothes Delight in Disorder To Electra The Argument of His Book Grace For a Child To Sylvia, To Wed To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time To Anthea Who May Command Him Any Thing The Huron So If You Love Me International Incidents Beyond the Pane It's obvious Nocturne: Georgia Coast Epithalamium In Michael Robins�??s class minus one Go Greyhound Song for the Clatter-Bones Apocalypse Soliloquy My Father Some Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time in Prison On Living Things I Didn't Know I Loved Ashore Star Quilt The Hour Until We See You String Theory Sutra The Hour Until We See You Wood's Edge Wood's Edge Air In The Epic The Hour Until We See You Repairwork Lion and Gin Thomas Heise Lyn Hejinian Ernest Hemingway William Ernest Henley William Ernest Henley William Ernest Henley Matthew Henriksen George Herbert George Herbert George Herbert George Herbert Zbigniew Herbert David Hernandez David Hernandez Miguel Hern?�ndez Juan Felipe Herrera Juan Felipe Herrera Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Robert Herrick Ruth Herschberger Ruth Herschberger Robert Hershon Greg Hewett Greg Hewett Daniel Whitehead Hicky Bob Hicok Bob Hicok Bob Hicok F. R. Higgins Scott Hightower Scott Hightower Nazim Hikmet Nazim Hikmet Nazim Hikmet Ernest Hilbert Roberta J. Hill Brenda Hillman Brenda Hillman Brenda Hillman Brenda Hillman Brenda Hillman Brenda Hillman Brenda Hillman Dennis Hinrichsen Dennis Hinrichsen M F M M M M M M M M M U M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M U M M M M M M F F F F F F F F M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001713 po-001714 po-001715 po-001716 po-001717 po-001718 po-001719 po-001720 po-001721 po-001722 po-001723 po-001724 po-001725 po-001726 po-001727 po-001728 po-001729 po-001730 po-001731 po-001732 po-001733 po-001734 po-001735 po-001736 po-001737 po-001738 po-001739 po-001740 po-001741 po-001742 po-001743 po-001744 po-001745 po-001746 po-001747 po-001748 po-001749 po-001750 po-001751 po-001752 po-001753 po-001754 po-001755 po-001756 po-001757 po-001758 po-001759 po-001760 po-001761 po-001762 po-001763 po-001764 po-001765 po-001766 po-001767 Varieties of Flight Creation In Memoriam Paul Celan Wild Gratitude Lay Back the Darkness Fall The Widening Sky I'm Going to Start Living Like a Mystic What the Last Evening Will Be Like Poets Eleven Poem The Happiness All That's Left Waking the Morning Dreamless After Long Sleep Many-Roofed Building in Moonlight A Hand This Was Once a Love Poem Late Self-Portrait by Rembrandt First Light Edging Cirrus Dawn Lucky I Have News for You The Change Jet Reading Moby-Dick at 30,000 Feet In Praise of Their Divorce Late Autumn Wasp For the Man with the Erection Lasting More than Four Hours The Poem The Poem At the Lookout Identities Handshake Histories i am witness to the threshing of the grain The Heron The Changeling The Mad Potter An Old-Fashioned Song 5&7&5 Lost Original i.m. Hannes Hollo, 1959-1999 Born Today J. S. Bach: F# Minor Toccata Rondo The Chambered Nautilus The Odyssey, Book XXIII, [The Trunk of the Olive Tree] The Iliad, Book I, Lines 1-15 The Iliad, Book I, [A Friend Consigned to Death] The Iliad, Book I, Lines 1-16 The Odyssey, Book I, Lines 1-20 The Iliad, Book I, Lines 1-14 The Iliad, Book XVIII, [The Shield of Achilles] The Hula Hooper�??s Taunt Ontology of Chang and Eng, the Original Siamese Twins Year of the Amateur Something Whispered in the Shakuhachi Ellen Hinsey Kendel Hippolyte Edward Hirsch Edward Hirsch Edward Hirsch Edward Hirsch Edward Hirsch Edward Hirsch Edward Hirsch Jack Hirschman Jack Hirschman Jack Hirschman Jane Hirshfield Jane Hirshfield Jane Hirshfield Jane Hirshfield Jane Hirshfield Jane Hirshfield George Hitchcock Tony Hoagland Tony Hoagland Tony Hoagland Tony Hoagland Tony Hoagland Tony Hoagland James Hoch John Hodgen Daniel Hoffman Daniel Hoffman Daniel Hoffman Daniel Hoffman Jeff Hoffman John Hoffman Linda Hogan Cynthia Hogue John Hollander John Hollander Anselm Hollo Anselm Hollo Anselm Hollo Anselm Hollo Bill Holm Janet Holmes Oliver Wendell Holmes Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Cathy Park Hong Cathy Park Hong Cathy Park Hong Garrett Hongo F F M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M F F F M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001768 po-001769 po-001770 po-001771 po-001772 po-001773 po-001774 po-001775 po-001776 po-001777 po-001778 po-001779 po-001780 po-001781 po-001782 po-001783 po-001784 po-001785 po-001786 po-001787 po-001788 po-001789 po-001790 po-001791 po-001792 po-001793 po-001794 po-001795 po-001796 po-001797 po-001798 po-001799 po-001800 po-001801 po-001802 po-001803 po-001804 po-001805 po-001806 po-001807 po-001808 po-001809 po-001810 po-001811 po-001812 po-001813 po-001814 po-001815 po-001816 po-001817 po-001818 po-001819 po-001820 po-001821 po-001822 The Legend Silence Carrion Comfort Pied Beauty The times are nightfall, look, their light grows less As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies dr?�w fl?�me I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day God's Grandeur Spring and Fall The Windhover Peace Spring Spring and Fall Book 1, Ode 5, [To Pyrrha] Book 4, Ode 1, [To Venus] The Slave's Complaint George Moses Horton, Myself On Summer On Hearing of the Intention of a Gentleman to Purchase the Poet's Freedom On Liberty and Slavery Early Affection Travelling Against H. Antecessor Turn of a Year A Shropshire Lad XL A Shropshire Lad, II Loveliest of Trees He would not stay for me, and who can wonder To An Athlete Dying Young A Shropshire Lad, XIII A Shropshire Lad, XXXVI Oh Who Is That Young Sinner Oh stay at home, my lad, and plough Like Most Revelations Nikolaus Mardruz to his Master Ferdinand, Count of Tyrol, 1565 Far and Away [excerpt] Unday The Battle Hymn of the Republic What the Angels Left The Moment After the Movie Part of Eve's Discussion What the Living Do The Midnight [For here we are here] That This R?�ckenfigur Pythagorean Silence [excerpt] Saign??e In Steppingstone Day Job and Night Job Blur Medusa Madam and the Phone Bill Po' Boy Blues Garrett Hongo Thomas Hood Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins Horace Horace George Moses Horton George Moses Horton George Moses Horton George Moses Horton George Moses Horton George Moses Horton Karen Houle Joan Houlihan Joan Houlihan A. E. Housman A. E. Housman A. E. Housman A. E. Housman A. E. Housman A. E. Housman A. E. Housman A. E. Housman A. E. Housman Richard Howard Richard Howard Fanny Howe Fanny Howe Julia Ward Howe Marie Howe Marie Howe Marie Howe Marie Howe Marie Howe Susan Howe Susan Howe Susan Howe Susan Howe Tung-Hui Hu Andrew Hudgins Andrew Hudgins Andrew Hudgins Andrew Hudgins Frieda Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F F F F F U M M M M F M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001823 po-001824 po-001825 po-001826 po-001827 po-001828 po-001829 po-001830 po-001831 po-001832 po-001833 po-001834 po-001835 po-001836 po-001837 po-001838 po-001839 po-001840 po-001841 po-001842 po-001843 po-001844 po-001845 po-001846 po-001847 po-001848 po-001849 po-001850 po-001851 po-001852 po-001853 po-001854 po-001855 po-001856 po-001857 po-001858 po-001859 po-001860 po-001861 po-001862 po-001863 po-001864 po-001865 po-001866 po-001867 po-001868 po-001869 po-001870 po-001871 po-001872 po-001873 po-001874 po-001875 po-001876 po-001877 Dream Variations The Weary Blues Theme for English B The Negro Speaks of Rivers Dreams Madam and Her Madam Let America Be America Again Life is Fine Night Funeral in Harlem I, Too, Sing America Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too? Glen Uig Letter Boaz Asleep Lost Fugue for Chet Insect Life of Florida Ornithology Fiat Lux Red Velvet Jacket At Thirty The Truth About Northern Lights After Jenny Kiss'd Me Curse One: The Wraith The Question of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Widow [Where do words come from?] Visiting Pai-an Pavilion Apricots Died Young [excerpt] Epithalamium, [Happy Bridegroom] Farewell to Yang, Who's Leaving for Kuo-chou ���Death in the Afternoon I Can Afford Neither the Rain Untitled [I grew up in North Adams] My Father's Hat So as Not to Distort Postpartum ���Book 4, Ode 1, [To Venus] New Year's Morning Summer Rice Designer Kisses Skylab Striding the Bones of the Coastal Range Striding the Bones of the Coastal Range Mummy of a Lady Named JemutesonekhXXI Dynasty The Wishing Tree The Sandman The Supremes My Parents Have Come Home Laughing Spell for Encanto Creek Dispatches from Devereux Slough Ground Swell Jeffers Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Richard Hugo Victor Hugo Victor Hugo Lynda Hull Lynda Hull Lynda Hull 1933 Lynda Hull Lynda Hull Lynda Hull Lynda Hull Christine Hume T. R. Hummer Leigh Hunt Cynthia Huntington Barbara Hurd V??nus Khoury-Ghata V??nus Khoury-Ghata Hsieh Ling-yun Chiao Meng Sappho 67 Han Shan Wang Wei ?�ngel Gonz?�lez Holly Iglesias Brenda Iijima Mark Irwin Hiromi It�� Hiromi It�� Horace Helen Hunt Jackson Linda Susan Jackson Major Jackson Rolf Jacobsen Joyce James Joyce James Thomas James Kathleen Jamie Margaret Thomson Janvier Mark Jarman Mark Jarman Mark Jarman Mark Jarman Mark Jarman Mark Jarman M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F M F F F U U F U M F F M M F F M M M M M F F M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001878 po-001879 po-001880 po-001881 po-001882 po-001883 po-001884 po-001885 po-001886 po-001887 po-001888 po-001889 po-001890 po-001891 po-001892 po-001893 po-001894 po-001895 po-001896 po-001897 po-001898 po-001899 po-001900 po-001901 po-001902 po-001903 po-001904 po-001905 po-001906 po-001907 po-001908 po-001909 po-001910 po-001911 po-001912 po-001913 po-001914 po-001915 po-001916 po-001917 po-001918 po-001919 po-001920 po-001921 po-001922 po-001923 po-001924 po-001925 po-001926 po-001927 po-001928 po-001929 po-001930 po-001931 po-001932 If I Were Paul If I Were Paul Transfiguration The Black Riviera After Catullus Brooklyn Anchorage Eighth Air Force The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner A Man Meets a Woman in the Street Well Water Next Day The Woman at the Washington Zoo The Saddest Muse, a Lady Cautioning Portrait of Dido Elizabeth Belle Lindsay, Great-Niece of Lord Mansfield, and Her Cousin, Lady Elizabeth Murray, c. 1779 (by unknown artist) Carmel Point Summer Holiday Rock and Hawk The Rising of the Ashes [Before] Heavy Snowfall in A Year Gone Past Yes, it can be admitted now Inheritance Heat The White Fires of Venus Surreptitious Kissing Old Black Men The Heart of a Woman Black Woman I Want to Die While You Love Me Mother Night The White Witch Listen, Lord: A Prayer The Creation The White Witch Go Down, Death Lift Every Voice and Sing Parker's Mountain Ode on My Episiotomy How it comes to pass One of the Monkeys Just Listen Aubade On The Origins Of Things Weather The Teacher Jim Cherries in the Snow Cherries in the Snow The Language of Love Song to Celia On My First Son Third Charm from Masque of Queens On Poet-Ape His Excuse for Loving A Hymn on the Nativity of My Savior Mark Jarman Mark Jarman Mark Jarman Mark Jarman Lisa Jarnot Lisa Jarnot Randall Jarrell Randall Jarrell Randall Jarrell Randall Jarrell Randall Jarrell Randall Jarrell Eugen Jebeleanu Honor??e Fanonne Jeffers Honor??e Fanonne Jeffers Robinson Jeffers Robinson Jeffers Robinson Jeffers Tahar Ben Jelloun Laura Jensen Kathleen Jesme Daniel Johnson Denis Johnson Denis Johnson Denis Johnson Georgia Douglas Johnson Georgia Douglas Johnson Georgia Douglas Johnson Georgia Douglas Johnson James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson Kate Knapp Johnson Kimberly Johnson Megan Johnson Nicholas Johnson Peter Johnson Devin Johnston Troy Jollimore Hettie Jones Hilarie Jones Patricia Spears Jones Richard Jones Richard Jones Rodney Jones Ben Jonson Ben Jonson Ben Jonson Ben Jonson Ben Jonson Ben Jonson M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M M U F F M M M M U U U U M M M M M M M F F F M M M M F F F M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001933 po-001934 po-001935 po-001936 po-001937 po-001938 po-001939 po-001940 po-001941 po-001942 po-001943 po-001944 po-001945 po-001946 po-001947 po-001948 po-001949 po-001950 po-001951 po-001952 po-001953 po-001954 po-001955 po-001956 po-001957 po-001958 po-001959 po-001960 po-001961 po-001962 po-001963 po-001964 po-001965 po-001966 po-001967 po-001968 po-001969 po-001970 po-001971 po-001972 po-001973 po-001974 po-001975 po-001976 po-001977 po-001978 po-001979 po-001980 po-001981 po-001982 po-001983 po-001984 po-001985 po-001986 po-001987 An Ode to Himself Epigrams: On my First Son My Picture Left in Scotland Einstein Defining Special Relativity Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) Prologue Help Me to Salt, Help Me to Sorrow The Talking Back of Miss Valentine Jones: Poem # one Altars of Light Spine to Spin, Spoke to Speak Boreal Sand Nigger Stones in the Air Ecce Puer Ulysses [excerpt] I Hear an Army The Dead [excerpt] A Memory Of the Players In a Mirror at Midnight The Seventh (A hetedik) Ode to a Dressmaker's Dummy ���Lot's Wife Lot's Wife Once More, with Feeling Birds in the Night Musical Instrument Desolation of the Chimera Little Night Prayer Moonlight Monologue for the New Kitten Untitled [I talk to my inner lover] Terzanelle: Manzanar Riot After Bombardment, Sonya Humanimal [I want to make a dark mirror out of writing] Humanimal [Feral children are fatty] Sinners Welcome Mennonites First Gestures A Family History Kitchen Song Near misses Unfinished Poem To Fanny I cry your mercy�??pity�??love!�??ay, love Bright Star In drear nighted December Endymion, Book I, [A thing of beauty is a joy for ever] To Haydon with a Sonnet Written on Seeing the Elgin Marbles To Fanny Ode on a Grecian Urn This Living Hand The Eve of St. Agnes, XXIII, [Out went the taper as she hurried in] The day is gone, and all its sweets are gone Lamia [Left to herself] On First Looking into Chapman's Homer On the Grasshopper and the Cricket When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be Ben Jonson Ben Jonson Ben Jonson A. Van Jordan A. Van Jordan Judy Jordan Judy Jordan June Jordan Pierre Joris Andrew Joron Andrew Joron Lawrence Joseph Anna Journey James Joyce James Joyce James Joyce James Joyce James Joyce Attila J??zsef Donald Justice Anna Akhmatova Anna Akhmatova Luis Cernuda Luis Cernuda Luis Cernuda Luis Cernuda P??ter K?�ntor P??ter K?�ntor Kabir Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan Ilya Kaminsky Bhanu Kapil Bhanu Kapil Mary Karr Julia Spicher Kasdorf Julia Spicher Kasdorf Julia Spicher Kasdorf Laura Kasischke Laura Kasischke Shirley Kaufman John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats M M M U U F F F M M M M F M M M M M M F F M M M M U F F M M F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-001988 po-001989 po-001990 po-001991 po-001992 po-001993 po-001994 po-001995 po-001996 po-001997 po-001998 po-001999 po-002000 po-002001 po-002002 po-002003 po-002004 po-002005 po-002006 po-002007 po-002008 po-002009 po-002010 po-002011 po-002012 po-002013 po-002014 po-002015 po-002016 po-002017 po-002018 po-002019 po-002020 po-002021 po-002022 po-002023 po-002024 po-002025 po-002026 po-002027 po-002028 po-002029 po-002030 po-002031 po-002032 po-002033 po-002034 po-002035 po-002036 po-002037 po-002038 po-002039 po-002040 po-002041 po-002042 On Seeing the Elgin Marbles La Belle Dame Sans Merci Ode to a Nightingale To Autumn Untitled [Drunken boaters who land] Apology Maybe He�??s Grateful but Get Out of His Way Authority [excerpt] The Satyr's Heart The Leaving Song Rome The Visitation Prefix: Finding the measure Orpheus Looking To Her Body, Against Time Science Flood Ghost in the Land of Skeletons Illumination: Mary Pearson's Recipe Book, 1755 A Pot of Tea Notes from the Other Side Having it Out with Melancholy Let Evening Come The Suitor Dutch Interiors Happiness Briefly It Enters, and Briefly Speaks At the Public Market Museum: Charleston, South Carolina What Came to Me Happiness View from Outside "An Insistent and Eager Harmoniousness to Things" Blue Plate Mexico City Blues [182nd Chorus] Orlanda Blues [45th Chorus] Cerrada Medellin Blues (First Solo) [1st Chorus] In Vain Mexico City Blues [113th Chorus] Orlanda Blues [1st Chorus] Cerrada Medellin Blues (First Solo) [1st Chorus] The Star-Spangled Banner Widow [Where do words come from?] Trees Monologue for an Onion My Psychic Making the Bed The Marble Faun Digging Potatoes, Sebago, Maine Saint Francis and the Sow After Making Love We Hear Footsteps Why Regret? Saint Francis and the Sow John Keats John Keats John Keats John Keats W.B. Keckler Claudia Keelan Deborah Keenan George Keithley Brigit Pegeen Kelly Brigit Pegeen Kelly Brigit Pegeen Kelly Brigit Pegeen Kelly Brigit Pegeen Kelly Robert Kelly Robert Kelly Robert Kelly Robert Kelly Robert Kelly Miyazawa Kenji Christopher Kennedy Sarah Kennedy Richard Kenney Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon Jane Kenyon David Keplinger David Keplinger Jesse Lee Kercheval Jack Kerouac Jack Kerouac Jack Kerouac Jack Kerouac Jack Kerouac Jack Kerouac Jack Kerouac Francis Scott Key V??nus Khoury-Ghata V??nus Khoury-Ghata Joyce Kilmer Suji Kwock Kim James Kimbrell Burt Kimmelman Amy King Amy E. King Galway Kinnell Galway Kinnell Galway Kinnell Galway Kinnell M M M M U F F M F F F F F M M M M M U M F M F F F F F F F F F F M M F M M M M M M M M F U M M F F M M M M unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002043 po-002044 po-002045 po-002046 po-002047 po-002048 po-002049 po-002050 po-002051 po-002052 po-002053 po-002054 po-002055 po-002056 po-002057 po-002058 po-002059 po-002060 po-002061 po-002062 po-002063 po-002064 po-002065 po-002066 po-002067 po-002068 po-002069 po-002070 po-002071 po-002072 po-002073 po-002074 po-002075 po-002076 po-002077 po-002078 po-002079 po-002080 po-002081 po-002082 po-002083 po-002084 po-002085 po-002086 po-002087 po-002088 po-002089 po-002090 po-002091 po-002092 po-002093 po-002094 po-002095 po-002096 po-002097 Redneck Refutation Drowsing over The Arabian Nights Night Songs A Walk Along the Old Tracks Untitled [You mustn't swim till you're six weeks old] The Vampire The Conundrum of the Workshops Seal Lullaby Gunga Din Tomlinson Mother o' Mine If�?? The Little Sisters of the Sacred Heart Now that no one looking On a Line from Val??ry (The Gulf War) Parent's Pantoum Iowa Meat The Strange Hours Travelers Keep Green Sees Things in Waves Pericardium Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane The Idea of Ancestry Canzone Delle Preposizioni His Heart Line Poem The Decorative Airport Fern Is Not What It Pretends to Be One Train May Hide Another Talking to Patrizia He Dreams of Falling While Writing While Writing Talk I am Like a Desert Owl, an Owl Among the Ruins Possessiveness National Nudist Club Newsletter Fear of the Future A Perfume This is Lagos Creation Myths Chester The Yacht Clubs Hackett Avenue Sally's Hair Facing It Believing in Iron Cape Coast Castle Blue Dementia The Whistle Jasmine The Day I Saw Barack Obama Reading Derek Walcott's Collected Poems Silverswords Dishwater Flying at Night Untitled [Each time I go outside] John Kinsella Thomas Kinsella Thomas Kinsella Robert Kinsley Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling David Kirby Adam Kirsch Carolyn Kizer Carolyn Kizer Robbie Klein August Kleinzahler August Kleinzahler August Kleinzahler Joanna Klink Etheridge Knight Etheridge Knight Caroline Knox Caroline Knox Caroline Knox Jennifer L. Knox Kenneth Koch Kenneth Koch Ruth Ellen Kocher Noelle Kocot Noelle Kocot Noelle Kocot Noelle Kocot Wayne Koestenbaum Wayne Koestenbaum John Koethe John Koethe John Koethe John Koethe John Koethe John Koethe John Koethe John Koethe Yusef Komunyakaa Yusef Komunyakaa Yusef Komunyakaa Yusef Komunyakaa Yusef Komunyakaa Yusef Komunyakaa Yusef Komunyakaa Juliet S. Kono Ted Kooser Ted Kooser Ted Kooser M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M F M M F F F F M M F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002098 po-002099 po-002100 po-002101 po-002102 po-002103 po-002104 po-002105 po-002106 po-002107 po-002108 po-002109 po-002110 po-002111 po-002112 po-002113 po-002114 po-002115 po-002116 po-002117 po-002118 po-002119 po-002120 po-002121 po-002122 po-002123 po-002124 po-002125 po-002126 po-002127 po-002128 po-002129 po-002130 po-002131 po-002132 po-002133 po-002134 po-002135 po-002136 po-002137 po-002138 po-002139 po-002140 po-002141 po-002142 po-002143 po-002144 po-002145 po-002146 po-002147 po-002148 po-002149 po-002150 po-002151 po-002152 A Happy Birthday Porch Swing in September Little Gold Canoe Crocus To W.C.W. M.D. C??zanne The Tree The Last Evening Sutra Across a Great Wilderness without You In the Park Purgatory Where I Live Looking Back in My Eighty-First Year Woodchucks The Hermit Goes Up Attic Jack The Abduction The Testing-Tree An Old Cracked Tune The Layers The Portrait Write About a Radish.?�.?�. Reading Novalis in Montana September Poems for Blok, 1 Ballade [I die of thirst beside the fountain] Ballade [The goat scratches so much it can't sleep] ���Inferno, Canto XXXIV Purgatorio, Canto X Inferno, Canto I Love Opened a Mortal Wound / Con el dolor de la mortal herida The Earth Opens and Welcomes You What My Friend Says When She Gives Me a Persimmon Poem With Wisteria Growing Along its Margin Untitled [Mother and Dad are up] The Bearhug Forbidden Fruit Untitled [To see this evil from its core] Look How Far You've Come from Blue Dark Rose Aylmer On His Seventy-fifth Birthday The Truth About the Present The Marshes of Glynn The Song Of The Chattahoochee Ancient Theories Fork with Two Tines Pushed Together Afterlife Flesh Flesh Home is so Sad Me and the Otters Tornado Ever Read a Book Called Awe Ted Kooser Ted Kooser Douglas Korb Alfred Kreymborg Alfred Kreymborg Alfred Kreymborg Alfred Kreymborg Steven Kronen Marilyn Krysl Keetje Kuipers Maxine Kumin Maxine Kumin Maxine Kumin Maxine Kumin Maxine Kumin Maxine Kumin Maxine Kumin Stanley Kunitz Stanley Kunitz Stanley Kunitz Stanley Kunitz Stanley Kunitz Karla Kuskin Melissa Kwasny Joanne Kyger Marina Tsvetaeva Fran??ois Villon Fran??ois Villon Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri Sor Juana In??s de la Cruz Abdellatif La?�bi Melody Lacina Gerry LaFemina Nancy Lagomarsino Nick Laird Michael Lally Philip Lamantia Laurie Lamon Deborah Landau Walter Savage Landor Walter Savage Landor John Lane Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier Nick Lantz Nick Lantz Joan Larkin Joan Larkin Joan Larkin Philip Larkin Dorothea Lasky Dorothea Lasky Dorothea Lasky M M M M M M M M F U F F F F F F F M M M M M F F F F M M M F U F M F M F F M M M U U M M F F F M F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002153 po-002154 po-002155 po-002156 po-002157 po-002158 po-002159 po-002160 po-002161 po-002162 po-002163 po-002164 po-002165 po-002166 po-002167 po-002168 po-002169 po-002170 po-002171 po-002172 po-002173 po-002174 po-002175 po-002176 po-002177 po-002178 po-002179 po-002180 po-002181 po-002182 po-002183 po-002184 po-002185 po-002186 po-002187 po-002188 po-002189 po-002190 po-002191 po-002192 po-002193 po-002194 po-002195 po-002196 po-002197 po-002198 po-002199 po-002200 po-002201 po-002202 po-002203 po-002204 po-002205 po-002206 po-002207 To be the thing Incantation Jelly���sh Dawn Hum Elegy for Sol LeWitt On a Hanging Scroll By Shih K'ofa A Short History of the Apple Bone Song Green The Enkindled Spring How Beastly the Bourgeois Is Trees in the Garden The White Horse In a Boat Last Words to Miriam Letter from Town: The Almond Tree Baby Tortoise The Elephant is Slow to Mate Nothing to Save Whales Weep Not! Piano Voir Dire The Feast of Lights Long Island Sound Age and Death The New Colossus Recession Evening Walk as the School Year Starts Madrigal The Jumblies Nonsense Alphabet Alphabet Poem Book of Nonsense, 1, 10 & 11 The Owl and the Pussy-Cat The Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo Free Again [excerpt] America [Try saying wren] Love That Everything's Inevitable Psalm of Home Redux Loading a Boar Driving and Drinking [North to Parowan Gap] Parowan Canyon Born Late In the Black Kitchen The Black Bass What Will You Be? Thinking in Bed Bloody Bill The Children's Hour Black Petal The Cleaving Pillow A Table in the Wilderness Dorothea Lasky George Parsons Lathrop David Lau James Laughlin Ann Lauterbach Ann Lauterbach Steve Lautermilch Dorianne Laux Tom Lavazzi D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence Denise Liddell Lawson Emma Lazarus Emma Lazarus Emma Lazarus Emma Lazarus Sydney Lea Sydney Lea Mary Leader Edward Lear Edward Lear Edward Lear Edward Lear Edward Lear Edward Lear Joseph Lease Joseph Lease Katy Lederer Katy Lederer David Lee David Lee David Lee David Lee David Dodd Lee David Dodd Lee David Dodd Lee Dennis Lee Dennis Lee Dennis Lee Li-Young Lee Li-Young Lee Li-Young Lee Li-Young Lee Li-Young Lee F M M M F F M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F U U F M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002208 po-002209 po-002210 po-002211 po-002212 po-002213 po-002214 po-002215 po-002216 po-002217 po-002218 po-002219 po-002220 po-002221 po-002222 po-002223 po-002224 po-002225 po-002226 po-002227 po-002228 po-002229 po-002230 po-002231 po-002232 po-002233 po-002234 po-002235 po-002236 po-002237 po-002238 po-002239 po-002240 po-002241 po-002242 po-002243 po-002244 po-002245 po-002246 po-002247 po-002248 po-002249 po-002250 po-002251 po-002252 po-002253 po-002254 po-002255 po-002256 po-002257 po-002258 po-002259 po-002260 po-002261 po-002262 Immigrant Blues The Hour and What Is Dead Caribbean Marsh The Difference Between Pepsi and Coke With Tenure A Little History When a Woman Loves a Man French Movie Autumn Evening Shake the Superflux! Operation Memory Sexism To the Author of Glare A Quick One Before I Go North-Looking Room Tiger Shark Angel Shark operation: get down Footprint on Your Heart from Canti That Sure is My Little Dog Our Post-Soviet History Unfolds The Mystery of Meteors Small Talk Starfish Mean Free Path [excerpt] Arthur's Anthology of English Poetry Hallow-E'en, 1915 Hallow-E'en, 1914 Lullaby The M??tier of Blossoming The Great Black Heron Ikon: The Harrowing of Hell Losing Track The Secret The Broken Sandal Sojourns in the Parallel World In California During the Gulf War St. Peter and the Angel The Mutes When We Look Up Mass for the Day of St. Thomas Didymus [excerpt] The Sharks Ghosts That Need Reminding Ars Poetica (cocoons) Ars Poetica (cocoons) Letter to GC In the Surgical Theatre Bardo Zozo-ji May Day Part Ontario A Story Our Valley Li-Young Lee Li-Young Lee Muna Lee David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman David Lehman Brad Leithauser Hailey Leithauser Hailey Leithauser Alex Lemon Gary Lenhart Giacomo Leopardi Eleanor Lerman Eleanor Lerman Eleanor Lerman Eleanor Lerman Eleanor Lerman Ben Lerner Laurence Lerner Winifred M. Letts Winifred M. Letts Lyubomir Levchev Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Denise Levertov Dana Levin Dana Levin Dana Levin Dana Levin Dana Levin Dana Levin Dana Levin Phillis Levin Phillis Levin Mark Levine Philip Levine Philip Levine M M U M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M F F F F F M M F F U F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002263 po-002264 po-002265 po-002266 po-002267 po-002268 po-002269 po-002270 po-002271 po-002272 po-002273 po-002274 po-002275 po-002276 po-002277 po-002278 po-002279 po-002280 po-002281 po-002282 po-002283 po-002284 po-002285 po-002286 po-002287 po-002288 po-002289 po-002290 po-002291 po-002292 po-002293 po-002294 po-002295 po-002296 po-002297 po-002298 po-002299 po-002300 po-002301 po-002302 po-002303 po-002304 po-002305 po-002306 po-002307 po-002308 po-002309 po-002310 po-002311 po-002312 po-002313 po-002314 po-002315 po-002316 po-002317 On 52nd Street Drum Gospel The Two Coming Close Readings in French The Widening Spell of the Leaves Those Graves in Rome Anastasia & Sandman The Clearing of the Land: An Epitaph In a Country Leaving Seoul: 1953 Red Bank The Menders and the Breakers Change in the Grove of Chickadees The Vampire Bride [I am come�??I am come!] My Sin Being Jewish in a Small Town Alpha Zulu Unmarked Grave An Obscure Meadow Lures Me Sharks in the Rivers RPT MC-60 00.27 8 Abraham Lincoln Postcard from Rockport The Correction Mound Digger Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight The Horrid Voice of Science Friends, I Will Not Cease The Dandelion Visiting Pai-an Pavilion Screening Desire 3 Men: Portraits Without the Human Figure Surf Buddha On Halloween An Evening Train Hard Evidence Almost There Exsultate Jubilate Absence Three Moves Complaint The Ship All Day Permanent Red [To welcome Hector to his death] War Music [Down on your knees, Achilles] Tell Me Daphnis and Chloe Lake on the Hill Orion Second Draft Today We Make the Poet's Words Our Own The Cross of Snow My Lost Youth Philip Levine Philip Levine Philip Levine Philip Levine Philip Levine Larry Levis Larry Levis Larry Levis Larry Levis Larry Levis Larry Levis Walter K. Lew 4/7/1985 Walter K. Lew Lesle Lewis Lesle Lewis Lesle Lewis Henry Thomas Liddell M. L. Liebler Lyn Lifshin Gary Copeland Lilley Gary Copeland Lilley Jos?? Lezama Lima Ada Lim??n Tan Lin Abraham Lincoln April Lindner Frannie Lindsay Sarah Lindsay Vachel Lindsay Vachel Lindsay Vachel Lindsay Vachel Lindsay Hsieh Ling-yun R. Zamora Linmark Deena Linnett Matthew Lippman Janet Little Timothy Liu Timothy Liu Timothy Liu Timothy Liu Luljeta Lleshanaku John Logan William Logan William Logan Christopher Logue Christopher Logue Sara London Haniel Long James Longenbach James Longenbach James Longenbach Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M U F M M U M F F F M M M M U U F M F M M M M U M M M M M F U M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002318 po-002319 po-002320 po-002321 po-002322 po-002323 po-002324 po-002325 po-002326 po-002327 po-002328 po-002329 po-002330 po-002331 po-002332 po-002333 po-002334 po-002335 po-002336 po-002337 po-002338 po-002339 po-002340 po-002341 po-002342 po-002343 po-002344 po-002345 po-002346 po-002347 po-002348 po-002349 po-002350 po-002351 po-002352 po-002353 po-002354 po-002355 po-002356 po-002357 po-002358 po-002359 po-002360 po-002361 po-002362 po-002363 po-002364 po-002365 po-002366 po-002367 po-002368 po-002369 po-002370 po-002371 po-002372 The Children's Hour Snow-Flakes Hymn to the Night Woods in Winter Song of the Owl Christmas Bells The Song of Hiawatha [excerpt] Paul Revere's Ride Haunted Houses The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls The Harvest Moon Introduction to Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie A Psalm of Life The Day Is Done Heron Wheatear Deer Hit Allende Numbness Indigestible The Last Slow Days of Summer We Who Are Your Closest Friends Snowball Journal The Ecstasy Fons Aurora [excerpt] The Old Lizard Arbol??, Arbol???�.?�.?�. City That Does Not Sleep The Guitar The Little Mute Boy Romance Sonambulo Gacela of the Dark Death Dressmaker The Reservation If the Delta Was the Sea To Althea, from Prison To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars Carrefour Summer Autumn A Lover The Taxi A London Thoroughfare. 2 A.M. Astigmatism Red Slippers Opal The Letter Spring Day [Bath] The Congressional Library [excerpt] from The Vision of Sir Launfal The Sirens The First Snowfall The Present Crisis The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Michael Longley Michael Longley Jon Loomis Phillip Lopate Phillip Lopate Phillip Lopate Phillip Lopate Phillip Lopate Phillip Lopate Phillip Lopate Pura L??pez-Colom?? Pura L??pez-Colom?? Federico Garc??a Lorca Federico Garc??a Lorca Federico Garc??a Lorca Federico Garc??a Lorca Federico Garc??a Lorca Federico Garc??a Lorca Federico Garc??a Lorca ??ireann Lorsung Adrian C. Louis Dick Lourie Richard Lovelace Richard Lovelace Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Amy Lowell James Russell Lowell James Russell Lowell James Russell Lowell James Russell Lowell Robert Lowell M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown po-002373 po-002374 po-002375 po-002376 po-002377 po-002378 po-002379 po-002380 po-002381 po-002382 po-002383 po-002384 po-002385 po-002386 po-002387 po-002388 po-002389 po-002390 po-002391 po-002392 po-002393 po-002394 po-002395 po-002396 po-002397 po-002398 po-002399 po-002400 po-002401 po-002402 po-002403 po-002404 po-002405 po-002406 po-002407 po-002408 po-002409 po-002410 po-002411 po-002412 po-002413 po-002414 po-002415 po-002416 po-002417 po-002418 po-002419 po-002420 po-002421 po-002422 po-002423 po-002424 po-002425 po-002426 po-002427 Skunk Hour Memories of West Street and Lepke Man and Wife Home After Three Months Away History Epilogue The Drunken Fisherman For the Union Dead "To Speak of Woe That Is in Marriage" Waking in the Blue Dolphin Homecoming The Black Virginity Lunar Baedeker The Dead Moreover, the Moon --Dead Horse A Little Tooth Render, Render Your Brain Is Yours Refusing at Fifty-Two to Write Sonnets Ret��epile, Ausi oa ka ���The Creation of the Moon The Parakeets To me that man seems like a god in heaven (51) Aurelius & Furius, true comrades (11) Driven across many nations (101) O Little Root of a Dream Speech Alone Book 1, Ode 5, [To Pyrrha] The Little Mute Boy Forties 30: Troelstrup Nightmare Flare Competition Call Me Ishmael Stein 100: A Feather Likeness of the Justice Chair Twenties 26 Insect Assassins The Changing Coat The Wind and the Moon Christmas: 1915 Irritable Mystic Song of the Andoumboulou: 50 Song of the Andoumboulou: 21 View from a Temporary Window Ants [excerpt] Soul-Sight You, Andrew Marvell Charity Ars Poetica After Us Achill Naming Release Days of Rome Each year Reminiscence Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Robert Lowell Mina Loy Mina Loy Mina Loy Mina Loy Thomas Lux Thomas Lux Thomas Lux Natalie Lyalin Thomas Lynch Jacqueline Lyons Anonymous Alberto Blanco Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus Paul Celan Jean Follain Horace Federico Garc??a Lorca Jackson Mac Low Jackson Mac Low Jackson Mac Low Jackson Mac Low Jackson Mac Low Anne Marie Macari George Macdonald Percy MacKaye Nathaniel Mackey Nathaniel Mackey Nathaniel Mackey Joanie Mackowski Joanie Mackowski Archibald MacLeish Archibald MacLeish Archibald MacLeish Archibald MacLeish Nikola Madzirov Derek Mahon Nancy Mairs Peter Makuck Gerard Malanga Dora Malech St??phane Mallarm?? M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F M M M F M F U M M M M M F M M M M M M F M M M M M F F M M M M F M F M M F unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002428 po-002429 po-002430 po-002431 po-002432 po-002433 po-002434 po-002435 po-002436 po-002437 po-002438 po-002439 po-002440 po-002441 po-002442 po-002443 po-002444 po-002445 po-002446 po-002447 po-002448 po-002449 po-002450 po-002451 po-002452 po-002453 po-002454 po-002455 po-002456 po-002457 po-002458 po-002459 po-002460 po-002461 po-002462 po-002463 po-002464 po-002465 po-002466 po-002467 po-002468 po-002469 po-002470 po-002471 po-002472 po-002473 po-002474 po-002475 po-002476 po-002477 po-002478 po-002479 po-002480 po-002481 po-002482 A Tomb for Anatole, 1 A Throw of the Dice [excerpt] The Stalin Epigram Household Mechanics Oblivion Speaks The Movement of a Caravan over the Landscape Poem Beginning with a Line by John Ashbery September Elegies ? Bucolics [LIX] Mambo The Drum Room Checkmate Quid Pro Quo The Republic Voyager Ghost The Gods Who Come Among Us in the Guise of?�Strangers The Great Wheel The Very Nervous Family The Man with the Hoe Notes from the Forest The Split Ends of My Beard Have Split Ends The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Shampoo & Sponge Bath Happy Ending for the Lost Children Taken Up Easter Sunday, 1985 The Tongue Becoming Weather, 21 Disciplines [This is how much fortuitiveness weighs] "Also Birds" [excerpt] Disciplines [If there is prayer, there is a mother kneeling] Disciplines [Near adust. Caves. Closings] [Untitled] White Meister Eckhart's Sermon on Flowers and the Philosopher's Reply White To His Coy Mistress The Definition of Love Bermudas The Garden The Mower's Song The Picture of Little T. C. in a Prospect of Flowers A Windmill Makes A Statement Lying My Head Off Why I Am Afraid of Turning the Page Scenes From the Battle of Us The Process Fiddler Jones George Gray Alexander Throckmorton Lucinda Matlock Anne Rutledge Fletcher McGee St??phane Mallarm?? St??phane Mallarm?? Osip Mandelstam Sarah Mangold Sarah Manguso Sarah Manguso Randall Mann Randall Mann Randall Mann Maurice Manning Jaime Manrique Fred Marchant Lucio Mariani Paul Mariani Paul Mariani Paul Mariani Paul Mariani Paul Mariani Paul Mariani Sabrina Orah Mark Edwin Markham Malinda Markham Justin Marks Christopher Marlowe J. W. Marshall Charles Martin Charles Martin Charles Martin Chris Martin Chris Martin Dawn Lundy Martin Dawn Lundy Martin Dawn Lundy Martin Dawn Lundy Martin J. Michael Martinez J. Michael Martinez J. Michael Martinez J. Michael Martinez Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell Cate Marvin Cate Marvin Cate Marvin Cate Marvin Joseph Massey Edgar Lee Masters Edgar Lee Masters Edgar Lee Masters Edgar Lee Masters Edgar Lee Masters Edgar Lee Masters M F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F M M M M M M M M F F F F M M M M M M M M M M F F F F M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002483 po-002484 po-002485 po-002486 po-002487 po-002488 po-002489 po-002490 po-002491 po-002492 po-002493 po-002494 po-002495 po-002496 po-002497 po-002498 po-002499 po-002500 po-002501 po-002502 po-002503 po-002504 po-002505 po-002506 po-002507 po-002508 po-002509 po-002510 po-002511 po-002512 po-002513 po-002514 po-002515 po-002516 po-002517 po-002518 po-002519 po-002520 po-002521 po-002522 po-002523 po-002524 po-002525 po-002526 po-002527 po-002528 po-002529 po-002530 po-002531 po-002532 po-002533 po-002534 po-002535 po-002536 po-002537 Minerva Jones Quandary The National Interest Lyric Tocqueville [excerpt] Airporter Ecclesiastes Die Muhle Brennt--Richard The Bear at the Dump Man in Clown Outfit My Daughter Among the Names Sometimes one of us stands near the sea Bog Myrtle V Museum Joey Awake Now The Only Work Aerialist Poem [song birds take a bath in our elephant pool] Kristin's Dream In November Video: "Eve of Easter" on Public Access Poetry First Turn to Me... First Turn to Me... On Gifts For Grace Ode on Periods Dear Migraine, Evening What I'm telling you [excerpt] Miss Sally on Love Los Lectores Pueden Poner El T??tulo Que Quieran a Este Poema La Coursier de Jeanne D'Arc A Winter Without Snow Mercury Dressing Late Night Ode Poem Poem Poem Cameo One Mr. Macklin's Jack O'Lantern In Flanders Fields Whose Story of Us We Is Told Is Us Compulsively Allergic to the Truth Assault to Abjury Gardens of Sand and Cactus My Father on His Shield Jogging with Oscar The Waltz We Were Born For Red Foxes [excerpt] Idaho Requiem The Prose Poem Hemingway Dines on Boiled Shrimp and Beer Garden Homage Love Affair with Firearms Painting by Moonlight The Father of the Predicaments Etymological Dirge Edgar Lee Masters Louise Mathias Ted Mathys Khaled Mattawa Khaled Mattawa Khaled Mattawa Khaled Mattawa Richard Matthews William Matthews Gretchen Mattox Farid Matuk Jean-Michel Maulpoix Pansy Maurer-Alvarez Glyn Maxwell Glyn Maxwell Glyn Maxwell Susan Maxwell Bernadette Mayer Bernadette Mayer Bernadette Mayer Bernadette Mayer Bernadette Mayer Bernadette Mayer Bernadette Mayer Gail Mazur Gail Mazur Shara McCallum Shara McCallum Anthony McCann Linda McCarriston J. D. McClatchy J. D. McClatchy J. D. McClatchy Michael McClure Michael McClure Michael McClure Michael McClure David McCord John McCrae Shane McCrae Jeffrey McDaniel Raymond McDaniel Walt McDonald Walt McDonald Walt McDonald Walt McDonald Robert McDowell Ron McFarland Campbell McGrath Campbell McGrath Medbh McGuckian Medbh McGuckian Medbh McGuckian Heather McHugh Heather McHugh M F M M M M M M M F U M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002538 po-002539 po-002540 po-002541 po-002542 po-002543 po-002544 po-002545 po-002546 po-002547 po-002548 po-002549 po-002550 po-002551 po-002552 po-002553 po-002554 po-002555 po-002556 po-002557 po-002558 po-002559 po-002560 po-002561 po-002562 po-002563 po-002564 po-002565 po-002566 po-002567 po-002568 po-002569 po-002570 po-002571 po-002572 po-002573 po-002574 po-002575 po-002576 po-002577 po-002578 po-002579 po-002580 po-002581 po-002582 po-002583 po-002584 po-002585 po-002586 po-002587 po-002588 po-002589 po-002590 po-002591 po-002592 U-District Incident Report Ghazal of the Better-Unbegun What He Thought America The City's Love The Tropics of New York The Barrier Joy in the Woods Harlem Shadows Spring in New Hampshire The White House If We Must Die syntax Passage I Populating Heaven Horoscope The Bluefish The Shark Posited Dear Michael (2) Prayer to Shadows on My Wall Poppies Driving in Circles with the Blind A Peacock in Spring I Have Been Living The Origin Antigonish [I met a man who wasn't there] At the Blue Note Cityscape 1 The Snow and the Plum �?? II Untitled [The child thought it strange] What Wild-Eyed Murderer The First Marriage Untitled [and the moon once it stopped was sleeping] Untitled The Maldive Shark Song of the Paddlers [excerpt] Gettysburg America Shiloh: A Requiem Hair Apricots Died Young [excerpt] Winter Heavens Rhode Island Starlight Last Things Parents Envoi The Illiterate In Loving Memory of the Late Author of Dream Songs Catch a Little Rhyme Lullaby Weather A Boy Juggling a Soccer Ball The Midnight Court [Twas my custom to stroll] Heather McHugh Heather McHugh Heather McHugh Claude McKay Claude McKay Claude McKay Claude McKay Claude McKay Claude McKay Claude McKay Claude McKay Claude McKay Maureen N. McLane Maureen N. McLane Maureen N. McLane Maureen N. McLane Isaac McLellan Isaac McLellan James McMichael Mark McMorris Mark McMorris Sandra McPherson Sandra McPherson Joyelle McSweeney Jane Mead Jane Mead Hughes Mearns Pablo Medina Pablo Medina Lu Mei-P'o Richard Meier Peter Meinke Peter Meinke Erika Meitner David Meltzer Herman Melville Herman Melville Herman Melville Herman Melville Herman Melville Orlando Ricardo Menes Chiao Meng George Meredith William Meredith William Meredith William Meredith William Meredith William Meredith William Meredith William Meredith Eve Merriam Eve Merriam Eve Merriam Christopher Merrill Brian Merriman F F F M M M M M M M M M F F F F M M M M M F F F F F M M M U M M M F M M M M M M U U M M M M M M M M F F F M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002593 po-002594 po-002595 po-002596 po-002597 po-002598 po-002599 po-002600 po-002601 po-002602 po-002603 po-002604 po-002605 po-002606 po-002607 po-002608 po-002609 po-002610 po-002611 po-002612 po-002613 po-002614 po-002615 po-002616 po-002617 po-002618 po-002619 po-002620 po-002621 po-002622 po-002623 po-002624 po-002625 po-002626 po-002627 po-002628 po-002629 po-002630 po-002631 po-002632 po-002633 po-002634 po-002635 po-002636 po-002637 po-002638 po-002639 po-002640 po-002641 po-002642 po-002643 po-002644 po-002645 po-002646 po-002647 Family Reunion Aubade: Lake Erie On the Subject of Poetry For the Anniversary of My Death One of the Lives Yesterday Language Thanks My Friends Stupid University Job Etiquette Enemies Diary of a Wave Outside the Sea [The martyr couldn't believe his eyes] The War Works Hard Afternoon on a Hill Assault Thursday Untitled [I know I am but summer to your heart] The Plaid Dress Renascence The Suicide What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why (Sonnet XLIII) First Fig Recuerdo Travel God's World Witch-Wife Second Fig The Ear is an Organ Made for Love Looking for Omar What Does E Stand For? A Young Poet #4 Outliving the Lyric Moment Photograph of People Dancing in France osculation for easter flower Nocturne A Song On the End of the World Artificer Paradise Lost, Book IV, Lines 639�??652 On His Deceased Wife To the Same On Shakespeare Paradise Lost, Book I, Lines 221-270 Paradise Lost, Book VI, Lines 801-866 When I Consider How My Light Is Spent On the Morning of Christ�??s Nativity On the Morning of Christ�??s Nativity Lycidas To the Same Paradise Lost, Book IV, [The Argument] F15 Sonnet for Salvadore For a Daughter Who Leaves Automatic Teller Machine Jeredith Merrin Thomas Merton W. S. Merwin W. S. Merwin W. S. Merwin W. S. Merwin W. S. Merwin W. S. Merwin W. S. Merwin Sharon Mesmer Judson Micham Dante Micheaux Dunya Mikhail Dunya Mikhail Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay E. Ethelbert Miller E. Ethelbert Miller E. Ethelbert Miller Jane Miller Jane Miller Leslie Adrienne Miller Leslie Adrienne Miller Sandra Miller Wayne Miller Czeslaw Milosz Czeslaw Milosz John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton John Milton Carol Mirakove Gary Miranda Janice Mirikitani Ben Mirov U M M M M M M M M F M M U U F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002648 po-002649 po-002650 po-002651 po-002652 po-002653 po-002654 po-002655 po-002656 po-002657 po-002658 po-002659 po-002660 po-002661 po-002662 po-002663 po-002664 po-002665 po-002666 po-002667 po-002668 po-002669 po-002670 po-002671 po-002672 po-002673 po-002674 po-002675 po-002676 po-002677 po-002678 po-002679 po-002680 po-002681 po-002682 po-002683 po-002684 po-002685 po-002686 po-002687 po-002688 po-002689 po-002690 po-002691 po-002692 po-002693 po-002694 po-002695 po-002696 po-002697 po-002698 po-002699 po-002700 po-002701 po-002702 Far Edge Migrant Stet Stet Stet In the Girls' Room The Lightning Field, 6 Detail of My Sort of Light Salt Epistle from Mrs. Yonge to Her Husband White Water There are Days The Lemon Trees In the Greenhouse Salt Completely Friday A Visit from St. Nicholas Old Santeclaus New Shoes Terrace Wallace Stevens Red Shoes Almost Sixty Sojourn in the Whale Poetry He "Digesteth Harde Yron" Baseball and Writing Feed Me, Also, River God To a Steam Roller The Fish The Paper Nautilus Spenser's Ireland A Grave Utensils Piazza Gimma Without a Philosophy Quiet Mourning The Helmet Prologue of the Earthly Paradise Love Is Enough in the decision of a beginning [3] please advise stop [the rustle of a Sunday bundle of newspapers tucked under my father's arm stop] please advise stop [my father's dying makes stairs of every line of text seeming neither to go up or down stop] please advise stop [I was dragging a ladder slowly over stones stop] please advise stop [I might travel his death a creaking and swaying beneath me stop] Void and Compensation (Stephon Marbury) Void and Compensation (Pug-nosed Dream) Belarusian I crossword Death as a Way of Life [We wonder at our shifting capacities, keep] Death as a Way of Life [It began:] ninth: a conversation between Annabot and the Human Machine on the subject of overpowering emotion The Inn Lessons from a Mirror The Culture of Glass Georgette Curriculum Vitae Nancy Mitchell Ange Mlinko Ange Mlinko Wendy Mnookin Carol Moldaw Ander Monson Ander Monson Lady Mary Wortley Montagu John Montague John Montague Eugenio Montale Eugenio Montale Eugenio Montale Luis Garc??a Montero Clement Clark Moore Clement Clark Moore Honor Moore Honor Moore Honor Moore Honor Moore Jim Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Marianne Moore Richard O. Moore Fabio M??rabito Elizabeth Morgan Laura Moriarty A. F. Moritz William Morris William Morris Rusty Morrison Rusty Morrison Rusty Morrison Rusty Morrison Rusty Morrison Michael Morse Michael Morse Valzhyna Mort Valzhyna Mort Anna Moschovakis Anna Moschovakis Anna Moschovakis Emmanuel Moses Thylias Moss Thylias Moss Er??n Moure Lisel Mueller F U U F F M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F F F M F F U M M M M M M M M M U U F F F M U U F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002703 po-002704 po-002705 po-002706 po-002707 po-002708 po-002709 po-002710 po-002711 po-002712 po-002713 po-002714 po-002715 po-002716 po-002717 po-002718 po-002719 po-002720 po-002721 po-002722 po-002723 po-002724 po-002725 po-002726 po-002727 po-002728 po-002729 po-002730 po-002731 po-002732 po-002733 po-002734 po-002735 po-002736 po-002737 po-002738 po-002739 po-002740 po-002741 po-002742 po-002743 po-002744 po-002745 po-002746 po-002747 po-002748 po-002749 po-002750 po-002751 po-002752 po-002753 po-002754 po-002755 po-002756 po-002757 Wolf Cento Orange Girl Suite [excerpt] Extraordinary Rendition from Tanka Diary [Hiking up Topanga Canyon] Muse & Drudge [why these blues come from us] Black Nikes Page 5 / sun goes on shining Page 39 / arrives early for the date Page 34 / if your complexion is a mess Muse & Drudge [just as I am I come] Shedding Skin [My Visitor from Nebraska] All She Wrote Page 1 / Sapphire's lyre styles Page 35 / the essence lady Page 72 / mister arty martyr White Box (notes) Empty Demon and The Dove Seals at High Island Survivors--Found Chrysalis The New Hieroglyphics Photographing Aspirations Like This An Octave Above Thunder Dark Matter Fifty-Three Good Night Traveling The Song of Despair The Rape of Proserpina Aphorisms Archaic Torso of Apollo ���Swimming in the Presence of Lurid Opposition A Litany in Time of Plague Her Father Must Be a Skywriter Spirit Dusting The House on Moscow Street Churchgoing Daughters, 1900 Dusting Mama's Promise Minor Miracle Found Poem Because You Asked about the Line Between Prose and Poetry Pockets A Primer of the Daily Round The Song of Despair Still Another Day: XVII/Men Unity Love For This Book Still Another Day: I Simone Muench Simone Muench Paul Muldoon Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Harryette Mullen Laura Mullen Laura Mullen Miguel Murphy Richard Murphy Joan Murray Joan Murray Les Murray Les Murray Carol Muske-Dukes Carol Muske-Dukes Jack Myers Eileen Myles Wilhelm M?�ller Malena M??rling Pablo Neruda Ovid Antonio Porchia Rainer Maria Rilke Sawako Nakayasu Thomas Nashe Mary Jane Nealon Maggie Nelson Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson Howard Nemerov Howard Nemerov Howard Nemerov Howard Nemerov Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M F F M M F F M F M M M M U M F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002758 po-002759 po-002760 po-002761 po-002762 po-002763 po-002764 po-002765 po-002766 po-002767 po-002768 po-002769 po-002770 po-002771 po-002772 po-002773 po-002774 po-002775 po-002776 po-002777 po-002778 po-002779 po-002780 po-002781 po-002782 po-002783 po-002784 po-002785 po-002786 po-002787 po-002788 po-002789 po-002790 po-002791 po-002792 po-002793 po-002794 po-002795 po-002796 po-002797 po-002798 po-002799 po-002800 po-002801 po-002802 po-002803 po-002804 po-002805 po-002806 po-002807 po-002808 po-002809 po-002810 po-002811 po-002812 Curse Nothing But Death The Book of Questions, III The Prophet's Song A Bedtime Story For Mr. Lamb Wrap Swell Wild Is The Wind Poet's Work In the great snowfall before the bomb My Friend Tree When Ecstasy is Inconvenient I rose from marsh mud She Leaves Me Again, Six Months Later A Purchase of Porcelain Romantic Note The Baby Iowa Love Not The Undying One, Canto I I Do Not Love Thee We Have Been Friends Together No world is intact World's Bliss The Descent of Alette ["Presently"] The Descent of Alette ["I stood waiting"] Poem At Night the States The Descent of Alette ["The water" "of the river"] The Descent of Alette ["I walked into"] Woman in Front of Poster of Herself Poem Poem About a Field Parole Hearing The Highwayman Searchers Nights On The Peninsula Electricity San Antonio Fuel Famous Negotiations with a Volcano Streets Making a Fist Blood Snow The Man Whose Voice Has Been Taken From His Throat The Words Under the Words Two Countries Floater Wound ���Mixed Mode Vague Cadence Three Seasons Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda Daniel Nester Arthur Nevis Aimee Nezhukumatathil Hoa Nguyen Travis Nichols Lorine Niedecker Lorine Niedecker Lorine Niedecker Lorine Niedecker Lorine Niedecker Collier Nogues Jean Nordhaus Charles North Kate Northrop Kate Northrop Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Alice Notley Idra Novey Idra Novey Alfred Noyes D. Nurkse D. Nurkse Geoffrey Nutter Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Naomi Shihab Nye Debra Nystrom Inge Pederson Geoffrey G. O'Brien Geoffrey G. O'Brien Geoffrey G. O'Brien M M M M M F U M F F F F F M F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M U U M F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002813 po-002814 po-002815 po-002816 po-002817 po-002818 po-002819 po-002820 po-002821 po-002822 po-002823 po-002824 po-002825 po-002826 po-002827 po-002828 po-002829 po-002830 po-002831 po-002832 po-002833 po-002834 po-002835 po-002836 po-002837 po-002838 po-002839 po-002840 po-002841 po-002842 po-002843 po-002844 po-002845 po-002846 po-002847 po-002848 po-002849 po-002850 po-002851 po-002852 po-002853 po-002854 po-002855 po-002856 po-002857 po-002858 po-002859 po-002860 po-002861 po-002862 po-002863 po-002864 po-002865 po-002866 po-002867 The Present Writer Shoal of Sharks Someone Panther Vegetable-Life Peace, after Long Madness Meditations in an Emergency To the Film Industry in Crisis The Day Lady Died Poem [Lana Turner has collapsed!] Video: Having a Coke with You On Seeing Larry Rivers' Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art Ave Maria Personal Poem Why I Am Not a Painter Stonemason The Rosetta Stone for Birdcalls Early Memory Passover Portrait of Madame Monet on Her Deathbed Speaking In Tongues The White Rose Distance Ophelia to the Court Troy My Life as a Subject My Aunts For-The-Spirits-Who-Have-Rounded-The-Bend IIVAQSAAT Voices Take the I Out Everyone Gasps with Anxiety A Good Year Down In Aporia Bedside Video: The Librarian The First Place(somewhere outside Eden) [white spring] Weather Is Good Leviathan If It All Went Up in Smoke Of Being Numerous, 13 Of Being Numerous, 24 Of Being Numerous, 33 Myself I Sing Psalm The Forms of Love Leviathan Of Being Numerous, 12 Of Being Numerous, 15 Of Being Numerous, 32 Of Being Numerous, 40 Who Shall Doubt Some Part of the Lyric Untitled [This is what was bequeathed us] Conor O'Callaghan Richard O'Connell Dennis O'Driscoll Ned O'Gorman Ned O'Gorman Ned O'Gorman Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara Frank O'Hara James O'Hern Peter O'Leary January Gill O'Neil Mary Rose O'Reilley Mary Rose O'Reilley Mary Rose O'Reilley John Boyle O'Reilly John Boyle O'Reilly Meghan O'Rourke Meghan O'Rourke Meghan O'Rourke Meghan O'Rourke 27-Oct-89 Ed Ochester dg nanouk okpik Sharon Olds Sharon Olds Jeni Olin Jeni Olin Akilah Oliver William Olsen Charles Olson Kurt S. Olsson Lisa Olstein Anne-Marie Oomen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen George Oppen Gregory Orr Gregory Orr M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M U F F F M M F F F F M U F F F F F M M M F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002868 po-002869 po-002870 po-002871 po-002872 po-002873 po-002874 po-002875 po-002876 po-002877 po-002878 po-002879 po-002880 po-002881 po-002882 po-002883 po-002884 po-002885 po-002886 po-002887 po-002888 po-002889 po-002890 po-002891 po-002892 po-002893 po-002894 po-002895 po-002896 po-002897 po-002898 po-002899 po-002900 po-002901 po-002902 po-002903 po-002904 po-002905 po-002906 po-002907 po-002908 po-002909 po-002910 po-002911 po-002912 po-002913 po-002914 po-002915 po-002916 po-002917 po-002918 po-002919 po-002920 po-002921 po-002922 Love Poem In Concert Bullfight critics ranked in rows [excerpt] The Cold War [excerpt] Exile Insomnia Birdcall Demeter to Persephone psalm Weaving The Rape of Proserpina Elegy 5 Tristia, Book III, Section 2 Metamorphosis VIII, 611-724 A group of girls from Minnesota or black mascara The Philosophy of Pitchforks Greater Love Anthem for Doomed Youth Strange Meeting The Parable of the Old Man and the Young Dulce et Decorum Est Futility Shadwell Stair ���The Iliad, Book I, Lines 1-14 The Iliad, Book XVIII, [The Shield of Achilles] Fairy Tale Rialto Nothing in That Drawer Grasshopper Poet as Immortal Bird Words from the Front The Dead Girls Speak in Unison Six Persimmons In Louisiana Sun The Republic of Dreams Eighth Sky Dearest Reader Company of Moths Who Is to Say Study for Salome Dancing Before Herod Field Note Restless Ghost Light By Which I Read Field Note Lament of the Middle Man The God of Draperies What was he saying and to whom The Passionate Freudian to His Love On Snow Acrobat Ode to a Flower in Casarsa Traveling Light I Married You Vertical Gregory Orr Giorgianna Orsini Domingo Ortega Kathleen Ossip Alicia Suskin Ostriker Alicia Suskin Ostriker Alicia Suskin Ostriker Alicia Suskin Ostriker Alicia Suskin Ostriker Paul Otremba Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Maureen Owen Sue Owen Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Homer Homer Ron Padgett Ron Padgett Ron Padgett Ron Padgett Ron Padgett Ron Padgett Danielle Pafunda Shin Yu Pai Albert Bigelow Paine Michael Palmer Michael Palmer Michael Palmer Michael Palmer Michael Palmer Michael Palmer Eric Pankey Eric Pankey Eric Pankey Eric Pankey Eric Pankey Jay Parini Alan Michael Parker Alan Michael Parker Dorothy Parker James Parton Elise Paschen Pier Paolo Pasolini Linda Pastan Linda Pastan Linda Pastan M F M F F F F F F M M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F U M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F M F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002923 po-002924 po-002925 po-002926 po-002927 po-002928 po-002929 po-002930 po-002931 po-002932 po-002933 po-002934 po-002935 po-002936 po-002937 po-002938 po-002939 po-002940 po-002941 po-002942 po-002943 po-002944 po-002945 po-002946 po-002947 po-002948 po-002949 po-002950 po-002951 po-002952 po-002953 po-002954 po-002955 po-002956 po-002957 po-002958 po-002959 po-002960 po-002961 po-002962 po-002963 po-002964 po-002965 po-002966 po-002967 po-002968 po-002969 po-002970 po-002971 po-002972 po-002973 po-002974 po-002975 po-002976 po-002977 The Cossacks The Orange Bears WHERE? Rain The Thread The Responsibility of Love Anybody Can Write a Poem Instructions on Damaging the Monster's Cloak of Invisibility Ancestors If There Is Something to Desire, 9, 17, 18 Credible Information, 1999 - 2003 Proem Couple Sharing a Peach Chance Parable with Broken Frame Wound White Shells What�??s Written on the Body SPAM's carbon footprint Pica Egg Candling Lasting Impressions Halloween At the Very Beginning Sonnet 7 [The soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings] Sonnet 101 [Ways apt and new to sing of love I'd find] Sonnet 131 [I'd sing of Love in such a novel fashion] Sonnet 102 [If no love is, O God, what fele I so?] Sonnet 12 [Alas, so all things now do hold their peace] Sonnet 8 [Set me where as the sun doth parch the green] Outside the Church Father Listens to the Artists Virginia Evening Ferrum [excerpt] Leda, After the Swan Aubade: Some Peaches, After Storm Leda, After the Swan Civilization If a Wilderness Porcelain Seeing As [excerpt] Night Train Through Inner Mongolia Samurai Song First Things to Hand Shirt Street Music The Refinery Archeology, p. 28 from Dies: A Sentence Psalm Miss Scarlett Lady Lazarus Daddy Morning Song My Brother's Mirror Linda Pastan Kenneth Patchen Kenneth Patchen Don Paterson Don Paterson G. E. Patterson Bradley Paul Bradley Paul Cesare Pavese Vera Pavlova Mark Pawlak Octavio Paz Molly Peacock Molly Peacock John Peck Inge Pederson Kathleen Peirce Peter Pereira Craig Santos Perez Jennifer Perrine Joyce Peseroff Allan Peterson Arthur Peterson Katie Peterson Petrarch Petrarch Petrarch Petrarch Petrarch Petrarch Annie Petrie-Sauter David Petruzelli Michael Pettit M. Nourbese Philip Carl Phillips Carl Phillips Carl Phillips Carl Phillips Carl Phillips Carl Phillips Lance Phillips Anthony Piccione Robert Pinsky Robert Pinsky Robert Pinsky Robert Pinsky Robert Pinsky Vanessa Place Vanessa Place Vanessa Place Vanessa Place Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath Donald Platt F M M M M M M M M F M M F F M F F M M F F M M F M M M M M M F M M U M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-002978 po-002979 po-002980 po-002981 po-002982 po-002983 po-002984 po-002985 po-002986 po-002987 po-002988 po-002989 po-002990 po-002991 po-002992 po-002993 po-002994 po-002995 po-002996 po-002997 po-002998 po-002999 po-003000 po-003001 po-003002 po-003003 po-003004 po-003005 po-003006 po-003007 po-003008 po-003009 po-003010 po-003011 po-003012 po-003013 po-003014 po-003015 po-003016 po-003017 po-003018 po-003019 po-003020 po-003021 po-003022 po-003023 po-003024 po-003025 po-003026 po-003027 po-003028 po-003029 po-003030 po-003031 po-003032 Out-of-the-Body Travel In Passing Woman on Twenty-Second Eating Berries Wildflower Spirit Birds Infidelity Horse in the Cage In the Mountains on a Summer Day The Raven The Bells A Dream Within a Dream To Helen An Acrostic Ulalume To My Mother Spirits of the Dead The Valley of Unrest Annabel Lee Lenore Sonnet�??Silence El Dorado Alone The Haunted Palace Dream-Land Sky Imagining Starry Springing Essay on Man, Epistle I [excerpt] Essay on Man, Epistle II Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot [Shut, shut the door] Eloisa to Abelard Essay on Criticism [But most by numbers] Aphorisms Winter Twilight A Short Testament A List of Praises No?�l Just One of Those Things The Return Hugh Selwyn Mauberly [excerpt] Ballad of the Goodly Fere Canto I Portrait d'une Femme The Coming of War: Act??on Canto XIV In a Station of the Metro Sestina: Altaforte The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter Notes for Canto CXX Abandonment Under the Walnut Tree corydon & alexis, redux [the cocktail hour finally arrives: whether ending a day at the office] Pledge Walking Back Up Depot Street The Blue Cup Stanley Plumly Stanley Plumly Stanley Plumly Stanley Plumly Stanley Plumly Stanley Plumly Stanley Plumly Li Po Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Anzhelina Polonskaya Marie Ponsot Marie Ponsot Alexander Pope Alexander Pope Alexander Pope Alexander Pope Alexander Pope Antonio Porchia Anne Porter Anne Porter Anne Porter Anne Porter Cole Porter Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound Ezra Pound D. A. Powell D. A. Powell D. A. Powell Elizabeth Powell Minnie Bruce Pratt Minnie Bruce Pratt M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M M M F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M U U U F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003033 po-003034 po-003035 po-003036 po-003037 po-003038 po-003039 po-003040 po-003041 po-003042 po-003043 po-003044 po-003045 po-003046 po-003047 po-003048 po-003049 po-003050 po-003051 po-003052 po-003053 po-003054 po-003055 po-003056 po-003057 po-003058 po-003059 po-003060 po-003061 po-003062 po-003063 po-003064 po-003065 po-003066 po-003067 po-003068 po-003069 po-003070 po-003071 po-003072 po-003073 po-003074 po-003075 po-003076 po-003077 po-003078 po-003079 po-003080 po-003081 po-003082 po-003083 po-003084 po-003085 po-003086 po-003087 The Subway Entrance Red String At Deep Midnight The Great Migration Breakfast Bleezer's Ice Cream Dora Diller As Soon as Fred Gets Out of Bed Super Samson Simpson Bleezer's Ice Cream Dora Diller Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens Dear George Bush Forever War Nothing Is Lost In a Beautiful Country A Story About Dying There Is No Audience for Poetry Two Views Two Views Mole ���Balance, onslaught Written With a Diamond on Her Window at Woodstock Poem for Pancho Gonzales ���Mirabeau Bridge Zone Death Fugue An Excuse For Not Returning the Visit of a Friend Night on the Great River [three translations] Why It Often Rains in the Movies I am Raftery the Poet The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd Into Bad Weather Bounding Whose Mouth Do I Speak With Don�??t Let Me Be Lonely [On the bus two women argue] Don't Let Me Be Lonely [There was a time] A Path Between Houses A Book Said Dream and I Do You Can't Have It All Hovering at a Low Altitude This City Disgust The Remarkable Objectivity of Your Old Friends Hans Reading, Hans Smoking Now Fat Southern Men in Summer Suits Old Coat Age Moves Burial Practice Untitled [Is is] Untranslatable Song Gods Phases Then Homosexuality Minnie Bruce Pratt Minnie Bruce Pratt Minnie Bruce Pratt Minnie Bruce Pratt Minnie Bruce Pratt Jack Prelutsky Jack Prelutsky Jack Prelutsky Jack Prelutsky Jack Prelutsky Jack Prelutsky Jack Prelutsky Kristin Prevallet Nate Pritts Lucyna Prostko Kevin Prufer Kevin Prufer Kevin Prufer Wyatt Prunty Wyatt Prunty Wyatt Prunty Khadijah Queen Queen Elizabeth I Leroy V. Quintana Guillaume Apollinaire Guillaume Apollinaire Paul Celan Mei-Yao Ch'en Meng Hao-jan Lawrence Raab Anthony Raftery Sir Walter Ralegh Bin Ramke Suzanne Rancourt Claudia Rankine Claudia Rankine Greg Rappleye Barbara Ras Barbara Ras Dahlia Ravikovitch Liam Rector Liam Rector Liam Rector Liam Rector Liam Rector Liam Rector Liam Rector Liam Rector Srikanth Reddy Srikanth Reddy Claudia Reder Michael Redhill Michael Redhill Spencer Reece Spencer Reece F F F F F M M M M M M M F M F M M M M M M U F M M M M U M M M M U F F F M F F F M M M M M M M M U U F M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003088 po-003089 po-003090 po-003091 po-003092 po-003093 po-003094 po-003095 po-003096 po-003097 po-003098 po-003099 po-003100 po-003101 po-003102 po-003103 po-003104 po-003105 po-003106 po-003107 po-003108 po-003109 po-003110 po-003111 po-003112 po-003113 po-003114 po-003115 po-003116 po-003117 po-003118 po-003119 po-003120 po-003121 po-003122 po-003123 po-003124 po-003125 po-003126 po-003127 po-003128 po-003129 po-003130 po-003131 po-003132 po-003133 po-003134 po-003135 po-003136 po-003137 po-003138 po-003139 po-003140 po-003141 po-003142 The Clerk's Tale Ponies I Am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra All Hallows Night He Foretells His Passing Identity Crisis Bats My Mojave Election Year Virgil Watched Them Vietnam Epic Treatment Gic to Har Again, She Tells the First Story calles de los dolores y trastorno de tensi??n postraum?�tica [state of emergency] Fears The Idiot Notes on the Spring Holidays, III, [Hanukkah] Romance Te Deum Te Deum Beggar Woman Tides Submarine Mountains Haunted Seas The Immanent God Diving into the Wreck Tonight No Poetry Will Serve Eletelephony Letters The Return What are the consequences of silence? Wall Street at Night Celia Sun-Up Coach Losing His Daughter Little Orphant Annie Archaic Torso of Apollo Sonnet 6 I Am Much Too Alone in This World, Yet Not Alone A Season in Hell Novel Antique The Seekers of Lice Hellish Night Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses Day of the Refugios Refugio's Hair The Chair She Sits In The Cities Inside Us About Death and Other Things The Moon in Time Lapse God the Broken Lock Plural Happiness the gate Spencer Reece Spencer Reece Ishmael Reed Lizette Woodworth Reese F. D. Reeve F. D. Reeve Paisley Rekdal Donald Revell Donald Revell Donald Revell Donald Revell Kenneth Rexroth Barbara Jane Reyes Barbara Jane Reyes Barbara Jane Reyes Felipe Benitez Reyes Charles Reznikoff Charles Reznikoff Charles Reznikoff Charles Reznikoff Charles Reznikoff Charles Reznikoff Lisa Rhoades Cale Young Rice Cale Young Rice Cale Young Rice Adrienne Rich Adrienne Rich Laura Elizabeth Richards Frances Richey Frances Richey Bhanu Kapil Rider Lola Ridge Lola Ridge Lola Ridge Jack Ridl James Whitcomb Riley Rainer Maria Rilke Rainer Maria Rilke Rainer Maria Rilke Arthur Rimbaud Arthur Rimbaud Arthur Rimbaud Arthur Rimbaud Arthur Rimbaud Alberto R??os Alberto R??os Alberto R??os Alberto R??os Alberto R??os Aleksandar Ristovic David Rivard David Rivard David Rivard Tadeusz R??��ewicz M M M F U U F M M M M M F F F U M M M M M M F M M M F F F U U U F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003143 po-003144 po-003145 po-003146 po-003147 po-003148 po-003149 po-003150 po-003151 po-003152 po-003153 po-003154 po-003155 po-003156 po-003157 po-003158 po-003159 po-003160 po-003161 po-003162 po-003163 po-003164 po-003165 po-003166 po-003167 po-003168 po-003169 po-003170 po-003171 po-003172 po-003173 po-003174 po-003175 po-003176 po-003177 po-003178 po-003179 po-003180 po-003181 po-003182 po-003183 po-003184 po-003185 po-003186 po-003187 po-003188 po-003189 po-003190 po-003191 po-003192 po-003193 po-003194 po-003195 po-003196 po-003197 Here Nolan, On the Sparrow: No Blame The Pilaster The Silent Singer driving to Vegas The Present/ Albatross in Co. Antrim Leavings Wedding the Locksmith's Daughter Sculptures of Virginia Woolf Karma Miniver Cheevy Richard Cory Mr. Flood's Party The House on the Hill The Concrete River I Am! Said the Lamb [excerpt] The Storm Pickle Belt Book Loaned to Tom Andrews Nearing Autobiography Stone Bird Counting What the Cactus Contains In General Monkeys Moss Retains Moisture Poem The Emperor will the red hand throw me? Credo Jangling Ski Lift to Death! venus waning/apollo waxing his car Garden of Bees Epithalamium Buddha with a Cell Phone Why knowing is (& Matisse's Woman with a Hat) Invisibility Gold River Neck Riddle Mostly Mick Jagger Winter in Gold River Gold River Miss Peach the Novel God Learning to Speak Trees Need Not Walk the Earth Raw Goods Inventory Mother Ann Tells Lucy What Gave Her Joy Packet Goblin Market Monna Innominata [I dream of you, to wake] Monna Innominata [I loved you first] Monna Innominata [I wish I could remember] An Apple Gathering Ed Roberson Ed Roberson Ed Roberson Elizabeth Madox Roberts Len Roberts Kirk Robertson Lisa Robertson Robin Robertson Robin Robertson Robin Robertson Michael Robins Edwin Arlington Robinson Edwin Arlington Robinson Edwin Arlington Robinson Edwin Arlington Robinson Edwin Arlington Robinson Luis J. Rodr??guez Theodore Roethke Theodore Roethke Theodore Roethke Bobby C. Rogers Pattiann Rogers Pattiann Rogers Pattiann Rogers Pattiann Rogers Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer Matthew Rohrer David Romtvedt Martha Ronk Renato Rosaldo Catie Rosemurgy Catie Rosemurgy Catie Rosemurgy Catie Rosemurgy Catie Rosemurgy Isaac Rosenberg Liz Rosenberg David Rosenthal Emily Rosko Arra Lynn Ross Jamie Ross Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti M M M F M M F F F F M M M M M M M M M M F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F F F F F M F M F F U F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003198 po-003199 po-003200 po-003201 po-003202 po-003203 po-003204 po-003205 po-003206 po-003207 po-003208 po-003209 po-003210 po-003211 po-003212 po-003213 po-003214 po-003215 po-003216 po-003217 po-003218 po-003219 po-003220 po-003221 po-003222 po-003223 po-003224 po-003225 po-003226 po-003227 po-003228 po-003229 po-003230 po-003231 po-003232 po-003233 po-003234 po-003235 po-003236 po-003237 po-003238 po-003239 po-003240 po-003241 po-003242 po-003243 po-003244 po-003245 po-003246 po-003247 po-003248 po-003249 po-003250 po-003251 po-003252 A Christmas Carol The Thread of Life A Birthday Monna Innominata [I wish I could remember] [Sonnets are full of love, and this my tome] Who Has Seen the Wind? Up-Hill Holy Innocents Remember Clouds The Woodspurge Autobiography 1997 The First One Hundred The Lorca Variations (I) "Lorca's Spain: A Homage" The Chicago Poem 45 I Give Up My Identity The Case for Memory Lorca Variation 34 A Book of Hours The Lorca Variations (XXVIII) "For Turtles" That Dada Strain Blake's Babes: A Prophecy Ants and Sharks Back Stairwell Sentimental Education The Hand The Letter The Daze The Poem as Mask The Conjugation of the Paramecium Elegy in Joy [excerpt] Painters What Was Told, That Story II. The Oilman and his Parrot Story XI. The Lion who Hunted with the Wolf and the Fox MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE DESIGN OF CITIES WILL BE THE DESIGN OF THEIR DECAY Blue Tango Good Guests Song of the Deathless Voice The Niagara River Patience Home to Roost Nothing Ventured Sharks' Teeth Sex Reminder Outside Poem at Thirty The Past Her Body Like a Lantern Next to Me God Went to Beauty School Everyone Is Asleep It is the time of rain and snow ���Be Drunk To the Tune of "Telling My Most Intimate Feelings" Souvenir of the Ancient World Sonnets on Love XIII Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti Dante Gabriel Rossetti Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Jerome Rothenberg Tomasz R??zycki Mark Rudman Mary Ruefle Mary Ruefle Mary Ruefle Mary Ruefle Muriel Rukeyser Muriel Rukeyser Muriel Rukeyser Muriel Rukeyser Jalal al-Din Rumi Jalal al-Din Rumi Jalal al-Din Rumi Tessa Rumsey Frazier Russell Vern Rutsala Abram Joseph Ryan Kay Ryan Kay Ryan Kay Ryan Kay Ryan Kay Ryan Michael Ryan Michael Ryan Michael Ryan Michael Ryan Michael Ryan John Rybicki Cynthia Rylant Enomoto Seifu-jo Izumi Shikibu Charles Baudelaire Li Ch'ing-chao Carlos Drummond de Andrade Jean de Sponde F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F F M M M F M M M F F F F F M M M M M M F U U M U M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003253 po-003254 po-003255 po-003256 po-003257 po-003258 po-003259 po-003260 po-003261 po-003262 po-003263 po-003264 po-003265 po-003266 po-003267 po-003268 po-003269 po-003270 po-003271 po-003272 po-003273 po-003274 po-003275 po-003276 po-003277 po-003278 po-003279 po-003280 po-003281 po-003282 po-003283 po-003284 po-003285 po-003286 po-003287 po-003288 po-003289 po-003290 po-003291 po-003292 po-003293 po-003294 po-003295 po-003296 po-003297 po-003298 po-003299 po-003300 po-003301 po-003302 po-003303 po-003304 po-003305 po-003306 po-003307 It is Night, in My Study Identity of Images Night on the Great River [three translations] Sonnet 6 About Death and Other Things Above the Fire My Mother's Funeral My Father's Leaving Once I Could Say The Soul Seurat On the Day of Nixon's Funeral Oklahoma City: The Aftermath February My First Roses The Fifth Dream: Bullets and Deserts and Borders Confessions: My Father, Hummingbirds, and Franz Fanon Teenage Caveman Or, A B-Class Movie Containing History You Can't Survive on Salt Water in the silence the young indian orderly danaught Beneath Speech Ballad Chicago Summer Stars Wilderness Grass Caboose Thoughts Loam Languages Fog Honky Tonk in Cleveland, Ohio At a Window Fire Dreams Back Yard Theme in Yellow How Much? Autumn Movement Under the Harvest Moon Poems Done on a Late Night Car Four Preludes on Playthings of the Wind Autumn Movement Poems Done on a Late Night Car Prayers of Steel Testament I am the People, the Mob Window Quick Black Hole Spin-Change Night Drafts Solitude Parking Lot Matters About Which Unfortunately I Have No Brilliant Opinion to Offer Readers A Woman Named Thucydides The Anactoria Poem [Like the very gods] Epithalamium, [Happy Bridegroom] Miguel de Unamuno Robert Desnos Meng Hao-jan Rainer Maria Rilke Aleksandar Ristovic Peter Sacks Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Ira Sadoff Benjamin Alire S?�enz Benjamin Alire S?�enz Jerome Sala Kalamu ya Salaam Dennis Sampson Mary Ann Samyn Sonia Sanchez Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg Edward Sanders Tony Sanders Stephen Sandy Stephen Sandy Sandra Santana Sherod Santos Sappho Sappho Sappho M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M U M F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003308 po-003309 po-003310 po-003311 po-003312 po-003313 po-003314 po-003315 po-003316 po-003317 po-003318 po-003319 po-003320 po-003321 po-003322 po-003323 po-003324 po-003325 po-003326 po-003327 po-003328 po-003329 po-003330 po-003331 po-003332 po-003333 po-003334 po-003335 po-003336 po-003337 po-003338 po-003339 po-003340 po-003341 po-003342 po-003343 po-003344 po-003345 po-003346 po-003347 po-003348 po-003349 po-003350 po-003351 po-003352 po-003353 po-003354 po-003355 po-003356 po-003357 po-003358 po-003359 po-003360 po-003361 po-003362 The Anactoria Poem [In my eyes he matches the gods] Idyll Strip Show Something New Under the Sun Piet?� A Sequence way [excerpts] that they were at the beach [excerpt] A Sock Is a Pocket for Your Toes [excerpt] Tenantry Last I Pack Her Suitcase with Sticks, Light the Tinder, and Shut the Lid Fusiturricula Lullaby Testy Pony Leadbelly Copperheads The Nursing Home After Reading Lao Tzu Steps Apples Grandma Climbs The Silence April The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me The Ballad of the Children of the Czar A True Poem Six Words Leaves Bodyweight Mime X Lay of the Last Minstrel, Canto VI, [My Native Land] Patriotism Coronach Lullaby of an Infant Chief Three American Women and a German Bayonet I Have a Rendezvous with Death Ode to My Hands Ode to Spring Thinking of Warsaw Everyone Is Asleep Dead Straight I'll Try to Tell You What I Know The Cremation of Sam McGee The Passing of the Year Survivor The Descent of Man Letter from a Haunted Room Letters to a Young Poet, 1987 Middlemarch, 2009 Her Kind Wanting to Die The Truth the Dead Know Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Public Transportation Sappho Sappho Siegfried Sassoon Zach Savich Steve Scafidi Steve Scafidi Leslie Scalapino Leslie Scalapino Leslie Scalapino Elizabeth Garton Scanlon George Scarbrough Maxine Scates Rob Schlegel Gjertrud Schnackenberg Zachary Schomburg E. M. Schorb E. M. Schorb E. M. Schorb Amy Newlove Schroeder Grace Schulman Grace Schulman Philip Schultz Philip Schultz James Schuyler Delmore Schwartz Delmore Schwartz Lloyd Schwartz Lloyd Schwartz Lloyd Schwartz Matthew Schwartz Charles Schwob Sir Walter Scott Sir Walter Scott Sir Walter Scott Sir Walter Scott Winfield Townley Scott Alan Seeger Tim Seibles Frederick Seidel Hugh Seidman Enomoto Seifu-jo Olive Senior Martha Serpas Robert W. Service Robert W. Service Vijay Seshadri Vijay Seshadri Lisa Sewell Lisa Sewell Lisa Sewell Anne Sexton Anne Sexton Anne Sexton Anne Sexton Elaine Sexton F F M M M M F F F F M F M F M U U U F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M U M M M M U F F M M M M F F F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003363 po-003364 po-003365 po-003366 po-003367 po-003368 po-003369 po-003370 po-003371 po-003372 po-003373 po-003374 po-003375 po-003376 po-003377 po-003378 po-003379 po-003380 po-003381 po-003382 po-003383 po-003384 po-003385 po-003386 po-003387 po-003388 po-003389 po-003390 po-003391 po-003392 po-003393 po-003394 po-003395 po-003396 po-003397 po-003398 po-003399 po-003400 po-003401 po-003402 po-003403 po-003404 po-003405 po-003406 po-003407 po-003408 po-003409 po-003410 po-003411 po-003412 po-003413 po-003414 po-003415 po-003416 po-003417 What I Disliked about the Pleistocene Era Culture Song of Devils Dear Pretty Youth From you have I been absent in the spring... (Sonnet 98) Not marble nor the guilded monuments (Sonnet 55) As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII [Blow, blow, thou winter wind] Hamlet, Act I, Scene I [Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes] When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes (Sonnet 29) From you have I been absent in the spring... (Sonnet 98) Venus and Adonis [But, lo! from forth a copse] When to the sessions of sweet silent thought (Sonnet 30) Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Sonnet 116) Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene II Hamlet, Act IV, Scene IV [How all occasions do inform against me] When I consider every thing that grows (Sonnet 15) King Lear, Act III, Scene II [Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks!] The Merchant of Venice, Act IV, Scene I [The quality of mercy is not strained] Tired with all these, for restful death I cry (Sonnet 66) Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea (Sonnet 65) When that I was and a little tiny boy How like a winter hath my absence been (Sonnet 97) Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck (Sonnet 14) Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (Sonnet 18) My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun (Sonnet 130) Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Sonnet 116) When to the sessions of sweet silent thought (Sonnet 30) Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene II Hamlet, Act IV, Scene IV [How all occasions do inform against me] When I consider every thing that grows (Sonnet 15) King Lear, Act III, Scene II [Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks!] The Merchant of Venice, Act IV, Scene I [The quality of mercy is not strained] The expense of spirit in a waste of shame (Sonnet 129) Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Sonnet 116) Orpheus Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea (Sonnet 65) Tempest, Act V, Scene I [Where the bee sucks, there suck I] My Father Is a Retired Magician Crossings Ants Sunday The Haunting Sleet Just Nights New York Notes Poetry Anonymous What Happened at the Service? A Situation for Mrs. Biswas I'm Over the Moon Me in Paradise Why is the Color of Snow? Children in a Field And water lies plainly Patty Seyburn Aharon Shabtai Thomas Shadwell Thomas Shadwell William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare 67 Han Shan Ntozake Shange Ravi Shankar Ravi Shankar Angela Shannon Alan Shapiro Alan Shapiro Alan Shapiro Harvey Shapiro Harvey Shapiro Prageeta Sharma Prageeta Sharma Prageeta Sharma Brenda Shaughnessy Brenda Shaughnessy Brenda Shaughnessy Angela Shaw Laurie Sheck F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M U F U U F M M M M M F F F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003418 po-003419 po-003420 po-003421 po-003422 po-003423 po-003424 po-003425 po-003426 po-003427 po-003428 po-003429 po-003430 po-003431 po-003432 po-003433 po-003434 po-003435 po-003436 po-003437 po-003438 po-003439 po-003440 po-003441 po-003442 po-003443 po-003444 po-003445 po-003446 po-003447 po-003448 po-003449 po-003450 po-003451 po-003452 po-003453 po-003454 po-003455 po-003456 po-003457 po-003458 po-003459 po-003460 po-003461 po-003462 po-003463 po-003464 po-003465 po-003466 po-003467 po-003468 po-003469 po-003470 po-003471 po-003472 Cracked Ice Ozymandias Ode to the West Wind Adonais, 49-52, [Go thou to Rome] Love's Philosophy To a Skylark Stanzas Written in Dejection, Near Naples To Night Mutability To the Moon [fragment] On the Medusa of Leonardo Da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery The Mask of Anarchy [Excerpt] Lines: 'When the Lamp is Shattered' Politics Last Summer Somewhere Else Donkey Carts and Desolation Blustery Roman Year Occurrences across the Chromatic Scale A Muse Drawing from Life Syntax My Mother Was No White Dove Snow Song Untitled [There, by the crescent moon, the shark] It is the time of rain and snow Little America The Visit The One Secret That Has Carried Jacksonville, Vermont How I Am What To Do About Sharks Portrait of God on Work Release Regarding the Future The Donkey I Have Never Been Anything Like Pink April 15th The Fare-well Letters [excerpt] playing with fire canvas and mirror Back with the Quakers Lullaby in Blue The Floating Bridge Next Door The Twenty-Third Psalm A Ditty The Nightingale Speedway In the Airport Thus, Speak the Chromograph Anyway Detail of the Woods The Shadows of Words Maiden Lane Albany What [The flower sermon] Julie Sheehan Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley Richard Shelton Matthew Shenoda Matthew Shenoda Neil Shepard Reginald Shepherd Reginald Shepherd Reginald Shepherd Reginald Shepherd Reginald Shepherd Reginald Shepherd Frank Dempster Sherman Shido Izumi Shikibu Jason Shinder Jason Shinder Jason Shinder Jason Shinder Jason Shinder Vivian Shipley Peter Jay Shippy Kazuko Shiraishi Kazuko Shiraishi Aleda Shirley Evie Shockley Evie Shockley Evie Shockley Betsy Sholl Betsy Sholl David Shumate Joan Selinger Sidney Sir Philip Sidney Sir Philip Sidney Sir Philip Sidney Cedar Sigo Eleni Sik??lian?�s Eleni Sik??lian?�s Richard Siken Richard Siken Edgar Gabriel Silex Louise Morgan Sill Ron Silliman Ron Silliman F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M U U M M M M M F M U U F F F F F F M F M M M U M M M F M M non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003473 po-003474 po-003475 po-003476 po-003477 po-003478 po-003479 po-003480 po-003481 po-003482 po-003483 po-003484 po-003485 po-003486 po-003487 po-003488 po-003489 po-003490 po-003491 po-003492 po-003493 po-003494 po-003495 po-003496 po-003497 po-003498 po-003499 po-003500 po-003501 po-003502 po-003503 po-003504 po-003505 po-003506 po-003507 po-003508 po-003509 po-003510 po-003511 po-003512 po-003513 po-003514 po-003515 po-003516 po-003517 po-003518 po-003519 po-003520 po-003521 po-003522 po-003523 po-003524 po-003525 po-003526 po-003527 Terezin Where the Sidewalk Ends Sick Mr. Grumpledump's Song If the World Was Crazy Six a.m. Halfway Tree, Kingston 10 Pigeons at Dawn The White Room Country Fair Read Your Fate Eyes Fastened With Pins Secret History Late September This Morning The Something The Something Watermelons My Shoes In the Library The Eternal City N The Fishermen at?�Guasti?�Park Carentan O Carentan Honeymoon Working Late Apart (Les S??par??s) Ken Burns poem Interlude To Mistress Margaret Hussey Fetch O'Connor at Andalusia The Intruder The Valve One-Word Poem Oracle Blueprint Round Space Station On the Platform A Wedding at Cana, Lebanon, 2007 Jubilate Agno, Fragment B, [For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry] Song to David [Sublime�??invention ever young] Boston Brad Pitt for yam sir: elevated blues Untitled [I closed the book and changed my life] Redaction Evasive Action Written on the Banks of the Arun Lot's Wife The News from M�?? Medusa Hardware Sparrows Not Waving but Drowning Sci-Fi Taije Silverman Shel Silverstein Shel Silverstein Shel Silverstein Shel Silverstein Adziko Simba Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Charles Simic Jim Simmerman Maurya Simon Maurya Simon Louis Simpson Louis Simpson Louis Simpson Louis Simpson Sean Singer Edith Sitwell John Skelton Jeffrey Skinner Floyd Skloot David R. Slavitt David R. Slavitt David R. Slavitt Tom Sleigh Tom Sleigh Tom Sleigh Tom Sleigh Tom Sleigh Tom Sleigh Christopher Smart Christopher Smart Aaron Smith Aaron Smith Abraham Smith Bruce Smith Carmen Gim??nez Smith Charlie Smith Charlotte Smith Dana Littlepage Smith Lytton Smith Patricia Smith R. T. Smith Stevie Smith Tracy K. Smith F M M M M U M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M F U U F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003528 po-003529 po-003530 po-003531 po-003532 po-003533 po-003534 po-003535 po-003536 po-003537 po-003538 po-003539 po-003540 po-003541 po-003542 po-003543 po-003544 po-003545 po-003546 po-003547 po-003548 po-003549 po-003550 po-003551 po-003552 po-003553 po-003554 po-003555 po-003556 po-003557 po-003558 po-003559 po-003560 po-003561 po-003562 po-003563 po-003564 po-003565 po-003566 po-003567 po-003568 po-003569 po-003570 po-003571 po-003572 po-003573 po-003574 po-003575 po-003576 po-003577 po-003578 po-003579 po-003580 po-003581 po-003582 Duende American Primitive Mr. Smith The World Below the Window Winter Morning Another Attempt at Rescue Can You Feel the Native American in Me April Inventory Heart's Needle Sitting Outside Bit Four Poems for Robin Hay for the Horses The Fire Stays in Red Continued Afternoon Memory Looking Around, Believing Reading Biographies A Red Palm Who Will Know Us? Nelson, My Dog After John Donne's "To his Mistress Going to Bed" VII. Man in the Street Alamogordo 1945 Majakovskiiiiiiij Secret Last Year (A Calendar Twelve-tone) [4. April, maybe] The Composition of the Text The Abolition of Reality [Georges Seurat] After Vallejo At the Carnival At the Carnival Epithalamion Poem 1 Shepheardes Calendar [October] Improvisations On A Sentence By Poe A Book Of Music Psychoanalysis: An Elegy Orfeo Caged Bird On Upnor Road How to Read a Poem: Beginner's Manual Angel of Duluth [excerpt] Iris Francesco and Clare Los Angeles, 1954 Ars Poetica Once in the 40's The Vampyre Sea Girls Artificial Horizon Done With Freedom, Revolt, and Love Things Between Themselves Translating Garc??a Lorca Tracy K. Smith William Jay Smith William Jay Smith William Jay Smith William Jay Smith M. L. Smoker M. L. Smoker W. D. Snodgrass W. D. Snodgrass W. D. Snodgrass Carol Snow Gary Snyder Gary Snyder Ronny Someck Piotr Sommer Gary Soto Gary Soto Gary Soto Gary Soto Gary Soto Gary Soto Lisa Russ Spaar 2-Dec-02 Juliana Spahr Muriel Spark Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola A. B. Spellman Anne Spencer Anne Spencer Edmund Spenser Edmund Spenser Edmund Spenser Jack Spicer Jack Spicer Jack Spicer Jack Spicer Matthew J. Spireng Elizabeth Spires Pamela Spiro Wagner Madelon Sprengnether David St. John David St. John David St. John Primus St. John William Stafford John Stagg A. E. Stallings Sue Standing Ann Stanford Frank Stanford Heidi Lynn Staples Mark Statman F M M M M U U M M M F M M M U M M M M M M F F F M M M M M U F F M M M M M M M M F F U M M M M M M U F F M F M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003583 po-003584 po-003585 po-003586 po-003587 po-003588 po-003589 po-003590 po-003591 po-003592 po-003593 po-003594 po-003595 po-003596 po-003597 po-003598 po-003599 po-003600 po-003601 po-003602 po-003603 po-003604 po-003605 po-003606 po-003607 po-003608 po-003609 po-003610 po-003611 po-003612 po-003613 po-003614 po-003615 po-003616 po-003617 po-003618 po-003619 po-003620 po-003621 po-003622 po-003623 po-003624 po-003625 po-003626 po-003627 po-003628 po-003629 po-003630 po-003631 po-003632 po-003633 po-003634 po-003635 po-003636 po-003637 Toward the Winter Solstice In the Memphis Airport Herb Garden The Undertow How I Changed My Name, Felice Tales from Gizzard's Grill [excerpt] Stanzas in Meditation Tender Buttons [Objects] Tender Buttons [A Light in the Moon] Tender Buttons [A Plate] Tender Buttons [Apple] Guillaume Apollinaire Tender Buttons [A Box] Tender Buttons [A Chair] Tender Buttons [Chicken] A Glass of Beer A Grin The Dancing Apocalypse Kissing Stieglitz Good-Bye The Preacher [As if the one tree you love] Magnolia My Sister's Funeral Glut Books Anecdote of the Jar The Snow Man Bantams in Pine-Woods The Idea of Order at Key West Earthy Anecdote Fabliau of Florida Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour Man Carrying Thing Not Ideas About the Thing But the Thing Itself Not Ideas About the Thing But the Thing Itself Nomad Exquisite The Emperor of Ice-Cream Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird Metaphors of a Magnifico The High-Toned Old Christian Woman Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock Le Monocle de Mon Oncle Sunday Morning Poetry Is a Destructive Force The Plain Sense of Things On Reflection Drench All those Attempts in the Changing Room! To People I Hear Talking Loudly on Their Cell Phones Christmas at Sea The Land of Nod My House, I Say After Reading "Antony and Cleopatra" Bed in Summer 27-Apr-37 Timothy Steele Timothy Steele Timothy Steele Timothy Steele Sasha Steensen Felix Stefanile Jeanne Steig Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein James Stephens Shelby Stephenson Gerald Stern Gerald Stern Gerald Stern Gerald Stern Gerald Stern Gerald Stern Gerald Stern Gerald Stern Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Wallace Stevens Anne Stevenson Anne Stevenson Anne Stevenson James Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson M M M M U M F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003638 po-003639 po-003640 po-003641 po-003642 po-003643 po-003644 po-003645 po-003646 po-003647 po-003648 po-003649 po-003650 po-003651 po-003652 po-003653 po-003654 po-003655 po-003656 po-003657 po-003658 po-003659 po-003660 po-003661 po-003662 po-003663 po-003664 po-003665 po-003666 po-003667 po-003668 po-003669 po-003670 po-003671 po-003672 po-003673 po-003674 po-003675 po-003676 po-003677 po-003678 po-003679 po-003680 po-003681 po-003682 po-003683 po-003684 po-003685 po-003686 po-003687 po-003688 po-003689 po-003690 po-003691 po-003692 My Shadow Envoy The Sick Child Summer Sun The Land of Story-books Windy Nights Pirate Story Winter-Time The Dumb Soldier Requiem My Wife To My Mother Picture-books in Winter The Land of Counterpane The Swing The Celestial Surgeon Block City Travel Where Go the Boats? Underwoods: Epigram The Forest Four Lack Songs Yellow Stars and Ice On Some Shells Found Inland Mnemosyne Live Blindly and Upon the Hour They Lived Enamoured of the Lovely Moon Loneliness In the Next Galaxy Curtains Always on the Train The Cabbage Flying Fish: An Ode [excerpt] My Mother on an Evening in Late Summer The Coming of Light From the Long Sad Party Man and Camel Eating Poetry Like Me Purgatorio pleiades choreographic [excerpt] The Potato The Dirt Eaters Encouragements to a Lover Untitled [Tis now since I sate down before] Loving and Beloved Ballad of a Wedding Against Fruition The Mower at the VA Hospital Crossroads The Starlings Body Mostly Flown Jamaican Idol Hope Wanted Alive Countess Lethargy Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson Susan Stewart Susan Stewart Susan Stewart Trumbull Stickney Trumbull Stickney Trumbull Stickney Trumbull Stickney Trumbull Stickney Ruth Stone Ruth Stone Ruth Stone Ruth Stone Charles Wharton Stork Mark Strand Mark Strand Mark Strand Mark Strand Mark Strand Marc J. Straus Peter Streckfus Meredith Stricker Joseph Stroud Virgil Su?�rez Sir John Suckling Sir John Suckling Sir John Suckling Sir John Suckling Sir John Suckling John Surowiecki Joyce Sutphen Jesper Svenbro Terese Svoboda Terese Svoboda Terese Svoboda Terese Svoboda M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M M F F F F M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M F M F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003693 po-003694 po-003695 po-003696 po-003697 po-003698 po-003699 po-003700 po-003701 po-003702 po-003703 po-003704 po-003705 po-003706 po-003707 po-003708 po-003709 po-003710 po-003711 po-003712 po-003713 po-003714 po-003715 po-003716 po-003717 po-003718 po-003719 po-003720 po-003721 po-003722 po-003723 po-003724 po-003725 po-003726 po-003727 po-003728 po-003729 po-003730 po-003731 po-003732 po-003733 po-003734 po-003735 po-003736 po-003737 po-003738 po-003739 po-003740 po-003741 po-003742 po-003743 po-003744 po-003745 po-003746 po-003747 Canon 501 How to Uproot a Tree Fragments for the End of the Year In Flight How to Make a Game of Waiting The Invention of Streetlights Question Blue That the Soul May Wax Plump Water Picture Little Lion Face The Triumph of Time If My Voice Is Not Reaching You At the Equinox Spring Snow Looking back on the Muckleshoot Reservation from Galisteo Street, Santa Fe Comet Hyakutake Slanting Light The Shapes of Leaves All Times and All Tenses in this Moment In Tennessee I Found a Firefly Nothing Twice Some People Under a Certain Little Star Miracle Fair Children of Our Era Conversation (I) The Young Fools (Les Ing??nus) ���Evolution Conversation (I) Magdalene Poem Poems Foreign Wife Elegy Woman Waving to Trees Artist, Once Artspeak No Palms Coming to That Zero Thinking, It's Ok to Discuss NINE, 40 Before the Snake The Mediterranean Ode to the Confederate Dead Success Comes to Cow Creek Teaching the Ape to Write Poems My Great Great Etc. Uncle Patrick Henry It Happens Like This Father's Day The List of Famous Hats The Lost Pilot Siberian Life A Crosstown Breeze The Violet The Violet Brian Swann Jennifer K. Sweeney Jennifer K. Sweeney Jennifer K. Sweeney Jennifer K. Sweeney Cole Swensen May Swenson May Swenson May Swenson May Swenson May Swenson Algernon Charles Swinburne Afzal Ahmed Syed Arthur Sze Arthur Sze Arthur Sze Arthur Sze Arthur Sze Arthur Sze Mary Szybist Mary Szybist Wislawa Szymborska Wislawa Szymborska Wislawa Szymborska Wislawa Szymborska Wislawa Szymborska Novica Tadi�? Paul Verlaine John Banister Tabb Novica Tadi�? John Taggart Rabindranath Tagore Yuko Taniguchi Dorothea Tanning Dorothea Tanning Dorothea Tanning Dorothea Tanning Dorothea Tanning Dorothea Tanning Michelle Taransky Anne Tardos Nathaniel Tarn Allen Tate Allen Tate James Tate James Tate James Tate James Tate James Tate James Tate James Tate Herman Taube Henry Taylor Jane Taylor Jane Taylor M F F F F F F F F F F M U M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M U F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003748 po-003749 po-003750 po-003751 po-003752 po-003753 po-003754 po-003755 po-003756 po-003757 po-003758 po-003759 po-003760 po-003761 po-003762 po-003763 po-003764 po-003765 po-003766 po-003767 po-003768 po-003769 po-003770 po-003771 po-003772 po-003773 po-003774 po-003775 po-003776 po-003777 po-003778 po-003779 po-003780 po-003781 po-003782 po-003783 po-003784 po-003785 po-003786 po-003787 po-003788 po-003789 po-003790 po-003791 po-003792 po-003793 po-003794 po-003795 po-003796 po-003797 po-003798 po-003799 po-003800 po-003801 po-003802 Arms Adjectives of Order Long after Hopkins Eden Incunabulum Perceiving is the same as receiving and it is the same as responding. The Gift Four Winds I Love You The Kiss The Falling Star Moonlight There Will Come Soft Rains The Look Faults After Love I Am Not Yours Barter What Do I Care Summer Night, Riverside Excluded from Frescoes Directory of Obsolete Securities On a Night Like This The Charge of the Light Brigade Tithonus Break, Break, Break The Hesperides The Lady of Shalott In Memoriam, [Ring out, wild bells] In Memoriam, [To Sleep I give my powers away] Crossing the Bar The Eagle In Memoriam, Epilogue, [O true and tried, so well and long] Ulysses The Splendor Falls Tears, Idle Tears The Kraken Mint The Anniversary Hummingbird Shells Return to Winter The Mahogany Tree At the Zoo Casey at the Bat Jigsaw: Second Narrows Bridge at Rush Hour Winter Letter Your Journey (4:111) Design for a Silver Box in the Shape of a Melon, 1918 Abend (10:101) A Bird in Hand Harm or Home You Can Only Make One I see the boys of summer Our eunuch dreams Do not go gentle into that good night The force that through the green fuse drives the flower Richard Tayson Alexandra Teague Brian Teare Brian Teare Brian Teare Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Sara Teasdale Michael Teig Michael Teig Michael Teig Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson Elaine Terranova Elaine Terranova Elaine Terranova Elaine Terranova Elaine Terranova William Makepeace Thackeray William Makepeace Thackeray Ernest Lawrence Thayer Sharon Thesen Huu Thinh Jonathan Thirkield Jonathan Thirkield Jonathan Thirkield Amber Flora Thomas Cammy Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas M F M M M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F M M M F U M M M F F M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003803 po-003804 po-003805 po-003806 po-003807 po-003808 po-003809 po-003810 po-003811 po-003812 po-003813 po-003814 po-003815 po-003816 po-003817 po-003818 po-003819 po-003820 po-003821 po-003822 po-003823 po-003824 po-003825 po-003826 po-003827 po-003828 po-003829 po-003830 po-003831 po-003832 po-003833 po-003834 po-003835 po-003836 po-003837 po-003838 po-003839 po-003840 po-003841 po-003842 po-003843 po-003844 po-003845 po-003846 po-003847 po-003848 po-003849 po-003850 po-003851 po-003852 po-003853 po-003854 po-003855 po-003856 po-003857 A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London Poem [Your breath was shed] Our eunuch dreams Fern Hill Light breaks where no sun shines My hero bares his nerves Winter Sleep Lights Out I Never Saw That Land Before Adlestrop The Lane The Kite and The Hawk Crowds Surround Us A fillip. A fandango. Summer [excerpt] Smoke Great God, I Ask Thee for No Meaner Pelf Inspiration The Forest of My Hair The Happy Place Reapers Song of the Son Portrait in Georgia Storm Ending Water Red Pens Radio Love Poem The Coronary Garden, section 6 Shadows in the Water After a Death Outskirts Theories of Time and Space Pilgrimage Letter Home Providence Vespertina Cognitio 9773 Comanche Ave. Past Light The Day Duke Raised: May 24th, 1974 Sonnet 58 Untitled [Whence cometh such tender rapture?] Untitled [Whence cometh such tender rapture?] And This Just In Burn Phantom Noise Warm Summer Sun Road Tar Stirred Up By Rain To the Reader: If You Asked Me Inland The Blade of Nostalgia Stirred Up By Rain To the Reader: Polaroids To the Reader: Twilight After tagging the dust your body is made of Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Edith Matilda Thomas Edward Thomas Edward Thomas Edward Thomas Edward Thomas Lorenzo Thomas Tom Thompson Tom Thompson James Thomson Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau James Tolan Rawdon Tomlinson Jean Toomer Jean Toomer Jean Toomer Jean Toomer Edwin Torres Tony Towle Alison Townsend Ann Townsend Thomas Traherne Tomas Transtr??mer Tomas Transtr??mer Natasha Trethewey Natasha Trethewey Natasha Trethewey Natasha Trethewey Natasha Trethewey David Trinidad Pimone Triplett Quincy Troupe Sam Truitt Marina Tsvetaeva Marina Tsvetaeva David Tucker Mark Turcotte Brian Turner Mark Twain Chase Twichell Chase Twichell Chase Twichell Chase Twichell Chase Twichell Chase Twichell Chase Twichell Chase Twichell Jen Tynes M M M M M M F M M M M U M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M F F F F F M U U M F F M M M M M M M M M M M M F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003858 po-003859 po-003860 po-003861 po-003862 po-003863 po-003864 po-003865 po-003866 po-003867 po-003868 po-003869 po-003870 po-003871 po-003872 po-003873 po-003874 po-003875 po-003876 po-003877 po-003878 po-003879 po-003880 po-003881 po-003882 po-003883 po-003884 po-003885 po-003886 po-003887 po-003888 po-003889 po-003890 po-003891 po-003892 po-003893 po-003894 po-003895 po-003896 po-003897 po-003898 po-003899 po-003900 po-003901 po-003902 po-003903 po-003904 po-003905 po-003906 po-003907 po-003908 po-003909 po-003910 po-003911 po-003912 ���Peace Majung Village In the old days a poet once said Evening Concert, Sainte-Chapelle Rape May The Meaning of Zero: A Love Poem ���The Composition of the Text The Abolition of Reality [Georges Seurat] Alamogordo 1945 Majakovskiiiiiiij Secret Last Year (A Calendar Twelve-tone) [4. April, maybe] Poems for Blok, 1 Annunciation La Chalupa, the Boat The Branches Eleventh Brother I have lived in your face To the Black Madonna of Chartres Hospital: strange lights To the Black Madonna of Chartres The Branches Eleventh Brother I have lived in your face To My Brother Miguel in memoriam LXI XIII Weary Rings XIII To My Brother Miguel in memoriam Transit of Venus RR Lyrae: Matter Challenger The Hills of Little Cornwall April Endings Earth Tremors Felt in Missouri Letters from a Father Record who knows how long this way Solar system bedsheets Peace The Retreat The Lover Daughter-Mother-Maya-Seeta Independence Dream of the Evil Servant The Shark The Young Fools (Les Ing??nus) Three Fragments of Instan What's New 1941 Piece Ballade [I die of thirst beside the fountain] Ballade [The goat scratches so much it can't sleep] Appeal to the Grammarians Leslie Ullman Ko Un Ko Un John Updike Sondra Upham Kirmen Uribe Amy Uyematsu Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola Adriano Spatola Marina Tsvetaeva Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine Jean Valentine C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo C??sar Vallejo Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon Mark Van Doren Sally Van Doren Mona Van Duyn Mona Van Duyn Mona Van Duyn Katrina Vandenberg Sarah Vap Sarah Vap Henry Vaughan Henry Vaughan Reetika Vazirani Reetika Vazirani Reetika Vazirani Reetika Vazirani William Henry Venable Paul Verlaine Cecilia Vicu?�a Emilio Villa Emilio Villa Fran??ois Villon Fran??ois Villon Paul Violi F U U M F U F M M M M M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M F F F F F F F M M U U U U M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003913 po-003914 po-003915 po-003916 po-003917 po-003918 po-003919 po-003920 po-003921 po-003922 po-003923 po-003924 po-003925 po-003926 po-003927 po-003928 po-003929 po-003930 po-003931 po-003932 po-003933 po-003934 po-003935 po-003936 po-003937 po-003938 po-003939 po-003940 po-003941 po-003942 po-003943 po-003944 po-003945 po-003946 po-003947 po-003948 po-003949 po-003950 po-003951 po-003952 po-003953 po-003954 po-003955 po-003956 po-003957 po-003958 po-003959 po-003960 po-003961 po-003962 po-003963 po-003964 po-003965 po-003966 po-003967 Fifteen, Maybe Sixteen Things to Worry About Mother Doesn't Want a Dog Learning Since Hannah Moved Away Some Things Don't Make Any Sense at All The Aeneid, Book VI, [First, the sky and the earth] The Aeneid, Book I, [A grove stood in the city] First Georgic [excerpt] The Aeneid, Book IV, [So, you traitor] The Aeneid, Book I, [Arms and the man I sing] Practice Dangerous for Girls Sonnet [Nothing was ever what it claimed to be,] Sonnet [Laughing below, the unimagined room] A Light Says Why House Spiders For Aaron Sheon ���El Poema / The Poem Invitation to the Voyage Posthumous Remorse Ramallah Night on the Great River [three translations] In the Greenhouse Belarusian I The Inn Proem Air Envelope Everyone in the room is a representative of the world at large The Shooting of John Dillinger Outside the Biograph Theater, July 22, 1934 This is a Wonderful Poem The Junior High School Band Concert The Sea is History The Fist A Lesson for This Sunday A Far Cry From Africa In the Village Alphabet of Mother Language Matriot Acts, Act I [History of Mankind] Where, Broken (the darkness Witness Adjunct On Moving Again A Calculus of Readiness Behind Perfume, Only Solitude Prayer Es/chew What Is a Soprano Below the Earth The Real Subject [Whir] The Luxury of Hesitation [excerpt from The Proof from Motion] Light Travels from genesis Red and Blue Planets Literature in the 21st Century [excerpt] Go, lovely rose! Judith Viorst Judith Viorst Judith Viorst Judith Viorst Judith Viorst Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil Ellen Bryant Voigt Connie Voisine Karen Volkman Karen Volkman Karen Volkman Judith Vollmer Judith Vollmer Homero Aridjis Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Bei Dao Meng Hao-jan Eugenio Montale Valzhyna Mort Emmanuel Moses Octavio Paz Catherine Wagner Catherine Wagner David Wagoner David Wagoner David Wagoner Derek Walcott Derek Walcott Derek Walcott Derek Walcott Derek Walcott Anne Waldman Anne Waldman Liz Waldner Liz Waldner Liz Waldner Liz Waldner Liz Waldner Liz Waldner Liz Waldner Liz Waldner G. C. Waldrep Keith Waldrop Keith Waldrop Keith Waldrop Keith Waldrop Laura Walker Joni Wallace Ronald Wallace Edmund Waller F F F F F M M M M M F F F F F F F M M M F M M U M M F F M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F F F U M M M M F F M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-003968 po-003969 po-003970 po-003971 po-003972 po-003973 po-003974 po-003975 po-003976 po-003977 po-003978 po-003979 po-003980 po-003981 po-003982 po-003983 po-003984 po-003985 po-003986 po-003987 po-003988 po-003989 po-003990 po-003991 po-003992 po-003993 po-003994 po-003995 po-003996 po-003997 po-003998 po-003999 po-004000 po-004001 po-004002 po-004003 po-004004 po-004005 po-004006 po-004007 po-004008 po-004009 po-004010 po-004011 po-004012 po-004013 po-004014 po-004015 po-004016 po-004017 po-004018 po-004019 po-004020 po-004021 po-004022 My Soul San Francisco Night Windows Evening Hawk Mortal Limit A Way to Love God True Love Tell Me a Story Day Lilies Song Man in Stream E.W. From New Hampshire Tide Pickers Hawk White Stork Wedding Dress How Doth the Little Busy Bee What Elizabeth Bishop Could Not Know Rambling My Father's Geography Loving a House Prayer for the Man Who Mugged My Father, 72 In Antigua Uncertain Grace Appalachian Front Farewell to Yang, Who's Leaving for Kuo-chou Home Dead Man, Thinking Psalm Art Pepper The Not-Yet Child Mongrel Death Blues Ordinary Landscape The Basic Con Less Music Barrio with Sketchy Detail The Army of Truth The Tapeworm Foundry [excerpt] At the Zen Mountain Monastery At the Zen Mountain Monastery Sakura Park Further Notice On Being Brought from Africa to America To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth To S.M., A Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works A Farewell to America Meeting Again, After Heine Meeting Again, After Heine Roanoke and Wampumpeag Poem Meeting Again, After Heine Charity Must Abide Call for Ancient Occupation The Green Stamp Book That Been to Me My Lives Light and Saviour Ember Ward Robert Penn Warren Robert Penn Warren Robert Penn Warren Robert Penn Warren Robert Penn Warren Robert Penn Warren Rosanna Warren Rosanna Warren Rosanna Warren Rosanna Warren Rosanna Warren Rosanna Warren Daniel Waters Michael Waters Michael Waters Isaac Watts Afaa M. Weaver Afaa M. Weaver Afaa M. Weaver Charles Harper Webb Charles Harper Webb Kerri Webster Rebecca Wee Robert Lewis Weeks Wang Wei Bruce Weigl Bruce Weigl Joshua Weiner Joshua Weiner Joshua Weiner Joshua Weiner Jonathan Weinert Lew Welch Marjorie Welish Andrea Werblin Henrik Wergeland Darren Wershler-Henry Rachel Wetzsteon Rachel Wetzsteon Rachel Wetzsteon Philip Whalen Phillis Wheatley Phillis Wheatley Phillis Wheatley Phillis Wheatley Phillis Wheatley Susan Wheeler Susan Wheeler Susan Wheeler Susan Wheeler Susan Wheeler Susan Wheeler Susan Wheeler Susan Wheeler U M M M M M M F F F F F F M M M M U U U M M F F M M M M M M M M M M F F M M F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-004023 po-004024 po-004025 po-004026 po-004027 po-004028 po-004029 po-004030 po-004031 po-004032 po-004033 po-004034 po-004035 po-004036 po-004037 po-004038 po-004039 po-004040 po-004041 po-004042 po-004043 po-004044 po-004045 po-004046 po-004047 po-004048 po-004049 po-004050 po-004051 po-004052 po-004053 po-004054 po-004055 po-004056 po-004057 po-004058 po-004059 po-004060 po-004061 po-004062 po-004063 po-004064 po-004065 po-004066 po-004067 po-004068 po-004069 po-004070 po-004071 po-004072 po-004073 po-004074 po-004075 po-004076 po-004077 Concerning the Angel at 5th & 53rd America Washington's Monument, February, 1885 The Indications [excerpt] Song of Myself, X Passage to India The Sleepers Spirit that Form'd this Scene A child said, What is the grass? As I Walk These Broad Majestic Days Mannahatta Crossing Brooklyn Ferry Song of Myself, XI When I Heard the Learned Astronomer Miracles So Long Song of Myself, III Song of Myself, III Come Up From the Fields Father Whoever You Are Holding Me Now in Hand Delicate Cluster To a Locomotive in Winter The Indications [excerpt] Come, said my Soul Calamus [In Paths Untrodden] When I Heard at the Close of Day The Untold Want I Hear America Singing So Long O Captain! My Captain! Among the Multitude A Clear Midnight To You A Woman Waits for Me O Me! O Life! Song of Myself, X Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking The Sleepers The Sleepers Spirit that Form'd this Scene Unfolded Out of the Folds To Think of Time On the Beach at Night Alone On the Beach at Night Alone The Mystic's Christmas Among the Hills: Prelude [excerpt] Brown of Ossawatomie Snow-Bound [The sun that brief December day] Among the Hills: Prelude [excerpt] The Mystic's Christmas The Pressure of the Moment Who Is God? So Asked Our Dog Incident on the Road to the Capital Blue Oxen Mica Schist J. P. White James Monroe Whitfield Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Walt Whitman John Greenleaf Whittier John Greenleaf Whittier John Greenleaf Whittier John Greenleaf Whittier John Greenleaf Whittier John Greenleaf Whittier Dara Wier Dara Wier Dara Wier Dara Wier Anne Pierson Wiese U M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic po-004078 po-004079 po-004080 po-004081 po-004082 po-004083 po-004084 po-004085 po-004086 po-004087 po-004088 po-004089 po-004090 po-004091 po-004092 po-004093 po-004094 po-004095 po-004096 po-004097 po-004098 po-004099 po-004100 po-004101 po-004102 po-004103 po-004104 po-004105 po-004106 po-004107 po-004108 po-004109 po-004110 po-004111 po-004112 po-004113 po-004114 po-004115 po-004116 po-004117 po-004118 po-004119 po-004120 po-004121 po-004122 po-004123 po-004124 po-004125 po-004126 po-004127 po-004128 po-004129 po-004130 po-004131 po-004132 Profile of the Night Heron In the Beginning The House Advice to a Prophet The Writer The Reader June Light The Prisoner of Zenda The Ballad of Reading Gaol from The Dogs deer & salt block A Moth in the Projectorlight [excerpt] The Gaffe Tar from People Close To You Coming Up Into the Light The Fish The Wine-Drinkers Summer Song Approach of Winter Complete Destruction Tract Details for Paterson The Descent Spring and All [By the road to the contagious hospital] This Is Just To Say The Red Wheelbarrow Danse Russe Marriage Queen-Anne's-Lace The Widow's Lament in Springtime For the Poem Paterson [3. St. Valentine] Winter Trees Spring and All, XIV Poem [Daniel Boone] For the Poem Paterson [3. St. Valentine] Summer Song The Hurricane This Is Just To Say The Red Wheelbarrow Danse Russe Asphodel, That Greeny Flower [excerpt] Landscape With The Fall of Icarus For the Poem Paterson [1. Detail] Details for Paterson Poem [on getting a card] The Steam Engine Return Moon Gathering Ars Poetica Red-Legged Kittiwake Pastoral Small Study from One Time Hard Night Anne Pierson Wiese Anne Pierson Wiese Richard Wilbur Richard Wilbur Richard Wilbur Richard Wilbur Richard Wilbur Richard Wilbur Oscar Wilde Joshua Marie Wilkinson Joshua Marie Wilkinson Joshua Marie Wilkinson C. K. Williams C. K. Williams Crystal Williams Julie Williams Lisa Williams Tennessee Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams Elizabeth Willis John Wilmot Eleanor Wilner Eleanor Wilner Emily Wilson Emily Wilson Emily Wilson Christian Wiman Christian Wiman F F M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F F F F F M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-004133 po-004134 po-004135 po-004136 po-004137 po-004138 po-004139 po-004140 po-004141 po-004142 po-004143 po-004144 po-004145 po-004146 po-004147 po-004148 po-004149 po-004150 po-004151 po-004152 po-004153 po-004154 po-004155 po-004156 po-004157 po-004158 po-004159 po-004160 po-004161 po-004162 po-004163 po-004164 po-004165 po-004166 po-004167 po-004168 po-004169 po-004170 po-004171 po-004172 po-004173 po-004174 po-004175 po-004176 po-004177 po-004178 po-004179 po-004180 po-004181 po-004182 po-004183 po-004184 po-004185 po-004186 po-004187 Q&A Grace Psalm A Christmas Carol Gas Star At Dusk, the Catbird Sawdust Spirit Cabinet [excerpt] August, 1953 Mamma didn't raise no fools Visions of Never Being Heard from Again Lost in thought, the baby Lost in thought, the baby Postcard to I. Kaminsky from a Dream at the Edge of the Sea Mama, Come Back Eden Daily Life The Reservoir Tintern Abbey The World is Too Much With Us The Daffodils from The Kitten and Falling Leaves We Are Seven The Solitary Reaper She dwelt among the untrodden ways Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 Lines Written in Early Spring A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 The World is Too Much With Us She dwelt among the untrodden ways My Heart Leaps Up Surprised By Joy The Poetry Life: Ten Stories [I rise before the sun does] The Poetry Life: Ten Stories [I rise before the sun does] Gnosis The Character of a Happy Life One With Others [Not the mental lethargy in which the days enveloped her] One With Others [It was hotter then] Tours Personals One With Others [Not the mental lethargy in which the days enveloped her] One With Others [It was hotter then] Last Supper After Reading Tu Fu, I Go Outside to the Dwarf Orchard Littlefoot, 19, [This is the bird hour] Body and Soul II Little Ending Words and the Diminution of All Things Lines on Retirement, after Reading Lear Wheeling Motel To the Saguaro Cactus Tree in the Desert Rain Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio Northern Pike Terence Winch Terence Winch Jonah Winter George Wither George Witte George Witte David Wojahn David Wojahn David Wojahn Rebecca Wolff Rebecca Wolff Rebecca Wolff Rebecca Wolff Cecilia Woloch Nellie Wong David Woo Susan Wood Marc Woodworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth Baron Wormser Baron Wormser Theodore Worozbyt Sir Henry Wotton C. D. Wright C. D. Wright C. D. Wright C. D. Wright C. D. Wright C. D. Wright Charles Wright Charles Wright Charles Wright Charles Wright Charles Wright Charles Wright David Wright Franz Wright James Wright James Wright James Wright James Wright M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-004188 po-004189 po-004190 po-004191 po-004192 po-004193 po-004194 po-004195 po-004196 po-004197 po-004198 po-004199 po-004200 po-004201 po-004202 po-004203 po-004204 po-004205 po-004206 po-004207 po-004208 po-004209 po-004210 po-004211 po-004212 po-004213 po-004214 po-004215 po-004216 po-004217 po-004218 po-004219 po-004220 po-004221 po-004222 po-004223 po-004224 po-004225 po-004226 po-004227 po-004228 po-004229 po-004230 po-004231 po-004232 po-004233 po-004234 po-004235 po-004236 po-004237 po-004238 po-004239 po-004240 po-004241 po-004242 On the Skeleton of a Hound A Blessing The Healing Improvisation of Hair Difficult Body They flee from me My Galley Charged with Forgetfulness ���Sonnet 131 [I'd sing of Love in such a novel fashion] You Are Not a Statue Kelp Russian Letter Leda and the Swan The Second Coming The Lake Isle of Innisfree The Young Man's Song An Irish Airman Foresees His Death The Sorrow of Love The Song of Wandering Aengus Sailing to Byzantium The Player Queen Adam's Curse The Tower The Magi The Player Queen Adam's Curse The Tower The Magi Leda and the Swan The Second Coming The Lake Isle of Innisfree The Young Man's Song An Irish Airman Foresees His Death The Sorrow of Love The Song of Wandering Aengus Vertumnal [excerpt] Unjust Praise Letter Already Broadcast into Space The Death of Ignatz Stealing The Scream Ignatz Oasis Ignatz, Pop Quiz The Vista The Philosopher in Florida Night Air Blood Poem for Adlai Stevenson and Yellow Jackets Mother's Day One A.M. [excerpt] Ash Ode Scarecrow on Fire This Living Hand [excerpt] Thrown as if Fierce & Wild Urgent Telegram to Jean-Michel Basquiat For the Confederate Dead Eulogy The Dry Spell James Wright James Wright Jay Wright Mark Wunderlich Thomas Wyatt Thomas Wyatt Petrarch Mark Yakich Jeffrey Yang John Yau W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats W. B. Yeats Stephen Yenser Ghirmai Yohannes Jake Adam York Monica Youn Monica Youn Monica Youn Monica Youn C. Dale Young C. Dale Young C. Dale Young C. Dale Young David Young David Young David Young Dean Young Dean Young Dean Young Dean Young Kevin Young Kevin Young Kevin Young Kevin Young M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M U M F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic unknown non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic po-004243 po-004244 po-004245 po-004246 po-004247 po-004248 po-004249 po-004250 po-004251 po-004252 po-004253 po-004254 po-004255 po-004256 po-004257 po-004258 po-004259 po-004260 po-004261 po-004262 po-004263 po-004264 po-004265 po-004266 sg-000001 sg-000002 sg-000003 sg-000004 sg-000005 sg-000006 sg-000007 sg-000008 sg-000009 sg-000010 sg-000011 sg-000012 sg-000013 sg-000014 sg-000015 sg-000016 sg-000017 sg-000018 sg-000019 Get Used To It Ruin and Beauty The Aura of the Blue Flower That is a Goddess The Telephonist ���Choose Life The Forest in the Axe It Was Going on Five in the Morning My Aunts Self-Portrait Balance Poem for Wisconsin Poem for Jack Spicer Birch Skating in Harlem, Christmas Day Credo Zerogarden Where Man Is in His Whole Hey Allen Ginsberg Where Have You Gone and What Would You Think of My Drugs? After Baby After Baby Poem Diary [Surface] Letter [Persephone to Demeter] I'd Like a Little Flashlight This Work Artist and Model II Artist and Model III Positions of the Body Angels for Cezanne Drawing Wildflowers Le Manteau de Pascal Manteau San Sepolcro Still Life Two Paintings by Gustav Klimt The Guardian Angel of the Swarm The Lady and the Unicorn and Other Tapestries Artist and Model I Artist and Model IV Artist and Model V Artist and Model VI Bridge Le Dejeuner Living in Venice Margaret Young Patricia Young Ray A. Young Bear Susan Yuzna Andr?? Breton Andr?? Breton Andr?? Breton Adam Zagajewski Adam Zagajewski Adam Zagajewski Matthew Zapruder Matthew Zapruder Cynthia Zarin Cynthia Zarin Andrew Zawacki Andrew Zawacki Hannah Zeavin Rachel Zucker Rachel Zucker Rachel Zucker Rachel Zucker Rachel Zucker Rachel Zucker Martha Zweig Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Jorie Graham Carol Snow Carol Snow Carol Snow Carol Snow Carol Snow Carol Snow Carol Snow F F M F M M M M M F F M M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic non-ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic ekphrastic