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SUMMARY Sr. No 1 Particular Volume 1 Concession Agreement ,Schedules and SPV Details for DS Toll Road Limited - - .' National Highways Authority of India Consultancy Services for Feasibility study and Detailed Project Report for 416 Laning of Karur=Madurai section of NH.7 from Km 30518 to 42616 ' n the State of Tamil Nadu (Consultancy Package C-II MI) CONTRACT PACKAGE NS 81 (TN) VOLUME 11( A) : APPENDIX A HYDRAULIC & HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES January 2005 BCEOM -- joint venture With S lLI 2-s Y- L aarvee associates. 3 u--/ @. J . .. - . - Inf4ssQmtIWIwltl? ~ ? ~ C ~ E R A T I . T RESEARCH ION GROUP I- BCEOM .-+a .-L-r.(L- kalv*u~,n,,~ W,? 1. e* ~~n.~~..,..t. 4 16 Laning of Karur- Madurai Section of NH-7 Consuffancy Sewices for Feasibility study and Preparation of DPR Iw"....l*IUlh-.l VOL. II A : APPENDICES List of Appendix Appendix A : Hydraulic & Hydrological Studies Appendix B : Geo-Technical Investigation Report Appendix C : Bridge Design Calculation Report Appendix D : Repair & Rehabilitation Report tlnal Uetalled Project Report Contract Package -NS 81 (TN) Vol. II A : ~ p ~ e n d i c e s I fi Table of Contents , ,. ,,.,.,I:. CkIVn*crrWdu BCCOM * Cluaolr.-aur+ - . 4 /6 Laning of Kerur - Madurai Section of NH-7 Consuitancy Services for Feasibility study and Prepamtion of DPR TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX A S. No Description Hydrologicaland Hydraulic Study Flood Estimation by Improved Rational Method Discharge calculation by Synthetic U ~ iHydrograph t Method Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.345+900 Discharge'Calculation for Bridge at Ch.346+800 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.347+400 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.348+400 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.349+600 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.350+650 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.352+300 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.352+700 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.353+500 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.354+200 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.354+950 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.358+450 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.359+350 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.362+250 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.363+500 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.367+250 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.369+550 Discharge Calculation for Bridge at Ch.372+200 - contract Package NS 81 (TN) Volume I1 A I: Appendix A - Hydraulic 8 Hydrdogical Studies 7 r\ - n Hydrological and Hydraulic Study HYDROLOGICAL AND HYDRAULIC STUDY I.I Main Objective The main objective of the hydrological and hydraulic study is to determine the required size of drainage structures to allow the estimated design flow of the streams to cross the road safely, and to check whether waterways of existing structures are sufficient to transmit the flow without risk so that appropriate decisions could be taken concerning their rehabilitation. The hydrological and hydraulic study for the project has been based on: Topographic survey data of uvss drainage sttuctures T o ~ o m ~ h i cdata a l and mam dstreams, upstream and downslream ~ainl;dlpatfern d the site 0 Site study d the characietisb%s of the catchment areas, HFL from local enquiries and telltale marks, and hydraulic conditions at the existing drainage structures. 0 * 1.2 General Description of the Project Site The bridge sites lie in Karur to Madurai section of NH-7, from km 306.0 to km. 427.0, in the state of Tamilnadu. The road alignment on which the bridges under consideration come lies in the hydro meteorological sub zone of Kaveri River Basins (sub zone 3i) between longitudes 77' 45' to 78' 15' East and latitudes 10' 15' to 11' 00' North. There are numerous rivers and streams crossing the road, which are generally flowing from right to left in the direction of increasing Chainage. The main river crossing the project alignment is Kodavana River, which is crossing at two points at Ch. 318.400 and at Ch. 367.250. The alignment in which these bridges lie runs almost parallel to the Kodavana River for some length and in between Kodavana River crosses the alignment twice. Besides Kodavana River, many small local streams1 rivulets also cross the project road. The elevation in the region varies from 150m to 300m and the soil in the area is mainly red sandy soils. Land use is mainly arable land. The sub-zone experiences rainfall by both southwest and northwest monsoon during June to September and October to December respectively. The normal annual rainfall variation in the sub zone is generally in the range from about 600 mm to 4000 mm but at the project site, it is in the range of 600mm to 800rnm. The mean annual temperature near the site is more than 27.5%. 1.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis Requirements for Hydrological and Hydraulic Design The hydrological study aims at estimating the peak discharge of the flood generated by the run-off of rainfall within the catchment area. The hydrological study requires: e Knowledge of the charactenktics dpeak rainfall in the regions: e Knowledge ofthe characteristics d the catchment areas: --. _/ Topographic data about the stream, upstreirfn and downgtream: / -., I I - , , , e Survey of India tqposheets maps to a scale of 1:50,000 for identification of catchment area and its characteristics. Data Collection Topographic surveys have been done at all the major and minor river crossings with a view to obtain the cross section of the rivers at the centre line of the road and up to a reasonable distance at upstream and downstream. The High Flood Levels (HFL)have been obtained from existing flood marks or ascertained from enquiry with local knowledgeable persons. The characteristics of the catchment areas have been ascertained from Survey of lndia toposheets, to a scale of 1:50,000 and 1: 2.50,000 from which, catchment area at the proposed bridge site, length of the stream and fall in elevation from originating point to the point of crossing, could be determined. Slope of the stream has been determined from the contours on the toposheets. For riverslstreams having catchment area more than 25 sq krn, CWC Report No. CB11111985 Flood Estimation Report for sub zone 3(i) in which the project site lies has been obtained. n i s Report has been referred for determining the , characteristics of peak rainfall regimes. The report has been jointly prepared by CWC, MOST, Ministry of Railways and IMD and contains all the rainialt data required for estimation of design discharge of 25.50 and 100 year returns periods by applying the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph approach, the parameters of which have been indicated in the above report. - The streams having catchment area less than 25 sq km, IRGSP-13 and RBF-I6 has been referred. 1.4 Hydrological and Hydraulic Study for Bridges W i n engineers essentially need the design flood of a specific return period for fixing the waterway vis-his the design HFL of bridges depending upon their size and importance to ensure safety as well as economy. The committee of engineers headed by Dr. AN. Khosla had recommended that design discharge should be the maximum flood on record for a period not less than 50 years. This was accepted by IRC. IRC 51970Section I General Features of Design specify that the waterway of a bridge is to be designed for a maximum Rood of 50 years return period. The following methods have been used to estimate the peak discharge for bridge sites on major and minor streams: Lj * Lj Rational Method Synthetic Unit Uydqciph Method Area-Velocity Method (Y Slope Area Method These methods have been discussed in detail as indicated below .in subhead of Hydrological Aspect and Hydraulic Aspect. Hydrological Aspect Discharge Estimation for the Catchment Areas Less than 25 Sq. Km (Rational Methodl (Ref.: IRC-SP-I3 and BRIDGES AND FLOODS WING This is a well-known method as given in IRC: SP-13 and has been suitably improved as per report RBF-16 and has been in use for many years. Here, 50 year Peak Discharge is calculated by following formula Q, = 0.278fCIA Where, Q, = design flood (m3/s)for 50 year return period Areal Distribution Factor f C runoff coefficient between 0 and 1.0 A = catchment area (sq krn) I mean intensity of rainfall in mmlh during the time of concentration (the time required for the most distant part of the catchment to Contribute to the oufflow at bridge site) - Time of concentration has been taken from Bransby- Williams formula as suggested in RBF-16: tc 0.61 5 L 1 (!4°90.1S O'. 1 Where, tc = time of concentration (h) -mainstream length (km) L S = mean slope of mainstream (%) A = catchment area (Km2) Intensity of rainfall has been determined from formula I = 2* RI (tc+l) The value of runoff coefficient (C) depends on the nature of soil, soil-cover and location of the catchment and may be taken from the formula given in following Table. Formula to obtain value of Runoff Coefficient 'C' alluviumlwltivated plainshall crops/ wooded areas 4. Black cottonlclayey soiVlightly covered. Lightly wooded / plain and barren1 submontane and plateau Where, R F = 50 year 24 hour point rainfall (cm.) Areal reduction factor depending upon catchment area and duration of rainfall from table below; 1 Catchment I area (Km) ' Table: Value of F Duration of rainfall - 1 e30 min I 30 to 60 &$o / / - ;. . I to 100 .\ , . '*\ Note: Rainfall duratlon shall be equal to the calculated tc for Ule catchment As the project area contains mainly red sandy soil, The value of Coefficient of Runoff 'C' has been taken from formula C = 0.415 (R.F) O.'. The value of areal distribution factor depends on catchment area as shown in graph given in IRGSP-13 and the value has been taken as under: Thus after calculating the above parameters, the 50-year return period peak discharge has been calculated for all the bridges using the formula as given above and have been presented in Annexure 1. The summary of the discharge has been presented in Table 1. Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (SUH) Approach for Bridges having Catchment Area More than 25 Sq. Km (Ref. FLOOD ESTIMATION REPORT No. C W l 111985) This method has been used for those bridges, which cater for more than 25 sq km of catchment area. In this method 1 hour Synthetic Unit Hydrograph is determined for an ungauged catchment Following steps have been followed as suggested in CWC report for determination of discharge by this method. a) Physiographic parameters of the ungauged catchment viz. A, L and S have been determined from toposheets or field observations. b) SUH parameters have been computed using the following equations: (ii) g (basin lag) - 0.553(L* Ld(SEY).5))"(0.405) (i) q, (DischargeISq km) -- 2.043 ~(tp)~.'~' (iii) W5o iv) w75 2.197 ~(q,)'.~~ 1.325 1(q,)'.088 (vii) TB = 5.083 x (t,,)0.733 (viii) t, - $I t,=l hr + u2, c) The estimated parameters of unit hydrograph in (b) have been plotted and the plotted points were joined to draw synthetic unit hydrograph. The discharge ordinates of SUH at interval of unit hour duration were found out from the equation of the plotted graph. The obtained value of the ordinates is adjusted in order to get proper unit hydrograph shape and area under the unit hydrograph. The unit hydrograph ordinates are summed up and multiplied by the unit hour duration and compared with the volume of 1 cm direct ~ n o f f depth over catchment computed by the formula as given below: Q = (A X d) / (tr x 0.36) d) The design storm .duration has been taken as equal to base p e r i d of unitgraph (TB=1.1' tp). e) Point rainfall is read from the given plate in CWC report for 50 year 24 hr rainfall and has been converted to areal rainfall of 50 years and design storm duration. f) The areal rainfall of design storm duration is split into I-hour rainfall increments using time distribution coeffiients. g) Estimation of effective rainfall excess unit has been done after taking design loss rate into account. h) Base flow has been estimated based upon the catchment area. i) Finally, for 50 year peak discharge, the effective rainfall excess after removing the losses from rainfall increments are arranged against unit hydrograph ordinates such that the maximum of effective rainfall is placed against the maximum UG ordinate, next lower value of effective rainfall against next lower value of UG ordinate and so on. Sum of the product of the above two added together with base Row gives peak discharge. Discharge by this method has been calculated for bridge at Chainage Km 367.250 and has been given in Annexure 2. Hydraulic Aspect Area Velocity MethodlSlope Area Method This method has been utilised to calculate the discharge from the stream crosssection and stream slopelbed slope at the proposed bridge sites, for both major and minor bridges. After plotting the cross section of the river, and marking the observed HFL, the cross sectional area (A) and wetted perimeter (P) have been computed. In the absence of the flood slope of the stream, the bed slope of the river has been estimated along its length. The velocity and Discharge have been calculated us@ V = I l n R~ Sin , the Manning's formula: i -. ' i . . _ Q = AxV Where, V R S n Q A = = = = = = Velocity in mlsec Hydraulic mean depth in m Flood slope/bed slope Co-efficient of rugosity Peak Discharge Area of cross section The value of 'n' has been adopted as per soil criteria and river bed characteristics, observed at site and are based on Table 3 in IRC SP-13 Which has been tabulated below. This Slope area method has also been used to determine the design HFL afflw corresponding to the design discharge. Afflux Calculation Since some of the bridges in the alignment have less clear waterway as compared to natural stream width and also velocities at bridge sites are high due to steep bed slopes, this combined effect causes afflux at bridge sites during flood. Afflux for the bridges has been calculated using Weir and Orifice formulae as described in IRC SP-13. The calculations of discharge by Slope Area Method and afflux calculation showing WeirIOrifm formulae for all bridges have been given in Annexure 3 to Annexure 20. 1.5 Summary and Recommendations The design discharge has been calculated for 50-year return period flood by the following methods: The Rainfall corresponding to 50-year return period has been taken from CWC report and is equal to 160mm. HFL has been established by: 6 L o c d e n g u i i y a m l ~ h dMs. where available. Aw-Velodly mdhod (taking i h acoountdR~ds0). The catchment areas have been calculated on Survey of India Map on scale of 1:50,000 and also on a scale of 1:250000. After extensive study of catchments, it has been found that there exist a number of small as well large water storage areas within the catchment. These water storage areas influences the peak discharge at the bridge site since runoff gets stored in these areas and discharge at the bridge site gets considerably reduced. Hence effective contributing areas are much lesser and to affect this, catchment has been reduced depending upon the number and sizes of storage areas within the individual catchment. In general, the desigr; discharge is taken as highest of the discharges obtaini horn various methods. However, the general condition laid down in IRC SP-I3 has been used to fix the design discharge, that is, if the discharge obtained by one method is greater than 1.5 times the discharge obtained form the other, the design discharge shoukl be limited to 1.5 times of the smaller one. In the case where Average discharge obtained by Area Velocity method is higher than 1.5 times the discharge obtained by the other method, design discharge has been taken as that of from previous method. Accordingly, the design discharge has been established for all the bridges. Also in the case where area velocity method is governing case (i.e. discharge by catchment area method is lesser than the area velocity method) and the average discharge by area vebcii method has been found lesser as compared to discharge by same at proposed bridge site, the discharge calculated at proposed bridge site has been considered as design discharge. There are total 18 bridges, which include 1 major bridge and remaining 17 minor bridges. There is 1 bridge at Ch. 367.250 which have catchment area more than 25 sq km for which Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method has been used. Slope Area Method has been used for all the bridges. The two bridges at Chainage 358.450 and 359.350 are coming is realignment portion and for these, discharge has been calculated by Rational Method and HFL has been calculated by Slope Area Method. Discharge calculation by Rational method, Synthetic Unit hydrograph Method and Slope Area Method has been shown in Annexure 1 to Annexure 20 as mentioned above. HFL has been calculated by Slope Area method, corresponding to the design discharge. Orifice formulae given in IRC SP-I3 have been used to find out the afflux. Afflux has been added to the calculated HFL to arrive at design HFL. The calculation of afflux and design HFL has been shown in final sheet of all Annexures from Annexure 3 to Annexure 20. All the calculated parameters have been have been presented in Table 2. Flood Estimation bv Imwoved Ratlonal Methw Reference 1 :Plood EstimaUonMethods For Catchments Less Than 25 sq km In Area-, Bridges And Flood WnS Report No. RBF-14 Ynh 19W and IRC-SP-13 - Qstall of the Brida~ PWD NoJ Name ofthe Bridge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: 345.900 - km km . A cz&hnent pbn Dhcwing the riverlslmam contous and spot levels was prepared for determining the ~h~siographic parametersas Wkw. i) il) il) iv) V) vi) -- (A) Length of the longest stream (L) Helght d t h e farlhe91polo( above the point of intereot along the river (H) 50 y. 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) Ram d lhr rainfall b 24 k rainfall So.SOyr.lhrrainFaa,R50(1) 1.656 sq km 3.300 km 225 m 16.00 cm 0.380 60.8 nun (Ref:3.15(a), R e m e I) (Refsigww 4, Refemm9 1) Time dconcentra(ion, tc, Is obtained by Bransby William Formula ~a?)) b [0.615*U(~~' = 1.314 whece L = Length d tha stream S = Skpein%age=Hn i.8. hr 3.30 km 6.82 Forw-,Runwrf-tc.Isghranby C = 0.415(RFpO2 vhere R = SO yr. 24 hr raiMall. RSO(24) F = Areal RedvctionFa& Therefore = C Rainfal i 0.70 Note: Here R Is in cm mccmspondingto the time of concantrath I = 2%Eqly(tc + 1) Design Rood discharge Q50 a, Q50 = 0.28.f C.IA = 16.99 Cunec = 16.99 cumecs Note:HerelishmrvlvandAishsqYm f = Areal Dkbibutionfactor = 0.99 for A 4 0 0 0 Ha 0.98iorA~l000Ha Flood Estimation by Improved Rational Method Flood Estimationbv lm~roved Rational Metha Reference 1:Tlood EsUrnaUonMethods For Catchments Less Than 25 aq km in Area", Bridgea And Floock Wng R . p a l N a RBF-16, Yanh 1990 ;md RC*-13 - PWD NoJ Name of the Bridge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: 346.800 - km km preoaratlon of Catchment Area P b A calchment pbn ahowlng the fiverlsbwn. contous and spot levels was prepared for determiniw the physiographic parameters as f o k Detetmlnaum o -fhP i) fi) iii) Iv) V) vl) Area (A) Len@h of the longest s h a m (L) Hdght ofthe fatihest point above the pdnt of interest abng the river (H) 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) Ratio of Ihr rainfall to 24 hr ralnfal So. 50 yr. 1 hr rainfall. RSO(1) -- 2.218 sq km 3.600 km - 170 in 18.00 an 0.380 60.8 mm (Ref :Figwe 3. f5(a),Reference i ) (Ref :Figm4, Rei) Time ofconcentration. tc, is obtained by Bransby William Formula i.e. t o [0.615'~(~~.' 'sW)] = 1A99 where L = Length of the stream S = Slopein%age=HiL hr (Ref Eq. 52.2 d m f e r e m 1) 3.60 km 4.72 For Hilly areas. Runoff Coefliceint,C. is by C = 0.415(RF)"OI where R = 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall, R50(24) F = Areal Reduction Factor Therefore C = (Ref: ArdWe 21.1 dm-e - 16.00 0.88 - un (Ref: Art& 2 1. i dmference 1) Note: Here R is h cm 0.70 Ralnfal intensity comtsponding to the timed uncentratlon = 2 T q 1y(k + 1) I Step4 &tIrnatlon of Deslan Flood Discharw DesignRood discharge Q50 or, QSO = 0.28.f C.IA = 21.07 cumec = 21.07 cvmecs I) Note: Here 1is in m m k and A is in sq km f = Areal Distribuliw,factor = 0.99 for A 4000 Ha 0.98forA.1000Ha 1 :Tlood Estimation Methods For Catchments Less Than 2 . 5 sq km In Area.. BrldgaaAnd Flood. Wlng Report M a RBF-16, Ynh 1990 and IRC-SP-13 Rob- - PWD NoJ Name of the Mdge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: 347.400 - km km P r e ~ a r a of h Catchment Area Plgn . A catchment plan showing the riverlstream con(arrs and spot levels was pcspared for determining UM phpiqmphic parametemas f o l k if if) ii) iv) v) vi) Step1 Area (A) Lenglh dthe longest stream (L) Height ofthe fadhest point above the point d interest along the river (H) 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. w 2 4 ) Ratio d Ihrainfall to 24 hr rainfall So. 50 yr, Ihr rahfall. w 1 ) - 1.781 sqkm 4.300 km 178 m 16.00 an 0.380 60.8 mm [Ref :Figuw 3.1Wa). R e W 1) [Ref : f i g m 4. R & m 1) D.termlnaWonofm8 ofConT h e of ,- tc, is obtained by BransbyWilllam Fonnula 1.e. tc= [ 0 . 6 1 5 * ~ ('~so2)] ~~' = 1.879 wbm L = Lengthdthesbegm S = Slope in % age = H/L hc (Ret Eq. 5.22 ofmfemnm 1) 4.30 krn 4.14 For Hilly areas. Rundf ccdbht, C. Ls given by C = 0.415 (R.FW2 where R = 50 yr. 24 hrainfal. R50(24) F = Areal Reductiw, Factor (Ref &la - 16.00 0.88 - 2. L 1 dreference I ) cm [Rat A?wa 21.1 of referem 1) Rainfal intensity cwresponding to Ihe time of concentraticn I = 2W50(1y(tc + I ) sm-4 ESiblation of Deslan Flood Dischams DesignRood d i i Q50 or. a50 = 0.281 C.IA = 14.69 cwnec = 14.69 cumecs Note: Here IIs In nmTr and A is in sq km f = Areal Distribution factor = 0.99 for A ~ 1 0 0 Ha 0 0.98 for A >I000 Ha Flood Estimation bv Imoroved Rational Metho4 Rdmncs 1 :"Flood Estimation Methods For Catchments Less Than 25 sq km in Area; Brldg.rAnd Floods Wing RBF-16, Yash 1990 ond IRCSP-I3 - NO. petail of the PWD NoJ Name of the Bridge : Old Chainage: 348.400 - New Chainage: km km PmaranpD of Catchment Area Plarl I . A caWwnent plan showing the riverlslmam conlours and spot levels was prepared for determiing the physiographic parameters as follow Area (A) Length ofthe bngest stream (L) W h t d the fatihest point above the point of interest akmg the river (H) 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) Ratio of Ihr rainfdl to 24 hr rainfall So, 50 yr, I hrainfal. R50(1) 1) ii) in) Iv) v) vi) Time of wnwntratbn, tc,is obtained by -by -- 1.125 sq km 1.600 km 20 m 16.00 an 0.380 60.8 mm (Ref :Figure 3.IWa), Re(Ref :Figure 4, Refemme I) Wibm Formula 1.e. to: [ 0 . 6 1 5 * ~ ( ' ~ so2)] ~' = 0.930 where L = Lerglhofthestream S = Slope in % age = HIL (Ref: Eq. 5622 drefmwnce 1) hr 1.60 km 125 For Hilly areas, Rudf CoeiR8bt C. is g i m by C = 0.415 (RFp.2 (Ref:m k ,21.1 ofreference I) Wbm R = 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. RYJ(24) F = Areal Reduction Factor Therefore C = o 0.69 n d Rainfall la$arltr fll Ladtw@ tc hr D Slap3 w Step4 ~WD&!LO d Deslan Flood Oischamg Design h o d discharge Q50 a, a50 m = 0.28.f C.IA = 13.61 cum = 13.61 cumecs Note: Hen, I Is in rmVhr and A is in sq km f = Areal Dirtribdim factor = 0.99 for A ~ 1 0 0 0 Ha 0.98 for A >I000 Ha I) R e f e m 1 :"Flood Estimation Whda For Cahhmentr L e u Than 25 sq hIn Area'. Brldgea And FloodsWng Report Na RBF-16, Ward, 1990 nd IRCSP-13 - Detail dthe Brldpp PWD No/ Name of the Bridge : Old Chainage: New ulaiige: 349.600 km km pre~arationof Catchment Area Plan . A caWvnent plan showing lhe herlstream contours and spot levels was prepared for determining lhe physioglilphic parametem as fdlow: Area (A) Lengthof the lcngest ISW III (L) HebM of the facthest pdnt above the point of lntew along lhe river (H) 50 rur. 24 hr r;linfaH, R50(24) Ratk d 1hr rainfal to 24 hr rainfal So. 50 yr, Ihr rainfall, R50(1) i) ii) ii) iv) v) vi) - 16.200 sg km 7.050 km 182 m 16.120 un 0.380 60.8 mm (Ref :F$ue 3.16(a), Refemme I) (Ref :Flgum 4. Refetvnc.3 1) Time ofamsnbalion, tc, ia oMalned by BransbyWilliam Fcmda i.e. to [o.~Isu(A~~ s")] = 2.715 hr where L= Lmgthdthestmam S = Slope in % age = M (Ref Eq. 5 22 ofreference I) 7.05 km 2.58 For Hilly amas. Runoff.CoefficeLq C, is given by C = 0.415(RF)lo2 where R = 50 yr. 24 hr rainfan. R50(24) F = Areal Red& Fador Therefore C = 0.70 Rainfall inteMHy conesponding to the timed concentration I =~ I ) / ( t c + l ) Step4 Estimation of Deslan Flood D k m Design Rood discharge Q50 Or. a50 = 028.f C.1A = 101.54 c u m = 101.54 curnew Nole:HereIishmtvhrandAisinspkm f = Areal Distribution factor = 0.99 for A el000 Ha 0.98 for A >I000 Ha Reference 1 :"Flood Estlmatlon Methods For Catchments Less Than 25 sq km In h a ' , BddgesAnd FloodsHling Report No. RBF-16. March 1990 and RC-SP-13 - PWD NoJ Name d the Bridge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: 350.650 - km km . A catchment plan showing the riverlstream contours and spot levels was prepared for determining the physiographic parameters as fo(low: i) 9) iii) iv) v) vi) (A) Length of the kngest stream (L) W i t ofthe farvlest point above the pdnlof interest along the river (H) 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) Ratio of 1hr ralnfall to 24 hr rainfall So. 50 yr, 1 hr rainfall, R50(1) ---- 0.975 sq km 1.950 km 25 m 16.00 em 0.380 60.8 mm (Ref :Figure 3.15(a). ReFemce I ) (Ref :Figure 4, Refemme 1) llme ofc.oncwhlion, tc, is Wried by BrwbyWWam Formula 1.e. tc= [ 0 . 6 1 5 I J ( ~ ~''SO')] = 1.144 where L = Lengthofthestream hr (Ref: Eq. 5 2 2 afmference I) 1.95 km 128 S = Slcpein%age=H/L For Hly areas, Ruroff Coefficeint C, k given by C = 0.415 (RFp.2 where R = 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall, R50(24) F = Areal Reductkn Factor Note: Here R is in cm Rainfall Intensily uwresponding to the time d m n b a t i o n I = TRSO(1Y(tc + I ) Step4 !&~&QI of Desian - lF Desmflood discharge QYI Or, = 028.f C.IA = 10.80 aw, = 10.80 CUTRC ~umea Note: H e m l i s i n M a n d A i s i n s p k m f = Areal DisMbutbn Factor = 0.99 for A ~ 1 0 0 Ha 0 0.98 for A >I000 Ha Annexun 1 Sheet 7 of 17 Fbod Estimation bv lm~rovedRational Reference 1 :"Flood Ettlnutlon Methodr For Catchnwnb Less Than 25 sq km in Area': Bridges And FloodsHllng ReportNo. RBF-16, March 1990 and IRC-SP-13 - PWD Nol Name of the Bridge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: 352.300 km km . A catchment plan showing the heliverlstream contoun and spot levels was prepared for determining the physkgrsphic parameters as Wolkw. 1) 11) ili) Area (A) Length ofthe longest stream (1) HeigMd the fallhest polnt a b m the pow of htemst a m the rive, (HI 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. m 2 4 ) RaUo of Ihr rainfall to 24 hr fainfall Soo50~lhr~ahfdl.R5o(I) iv) v) vi) --- 6.250 sq km 9.000 km - 190 m 16.00 cm 0.380 60.8 mm = = - (Ref :F&m 3.15(8). Refet8nce I) (Ref:Rgua4, Refarence I) Timed concentratkn. te,is obtained by Bransby WiUbm Famula 1.e. tcr [o.~IBu(A~''sW)1 = 3.969 hr (Ret Eq. 5.22 ofreference I) MW.0 L = Length of the stream S = Slope In %age = HI1 9.00 km 2.11 For Hlly areas, Rundf CoefficelntC, is given by C = 0.415 (Rm2 where R = 50 yr, 24 hr rainfan, R50(24) F = Areal Reduclion Factor pel: Ankle 2 I. 1ofreference 1) - 16.00 0.W cm (Ref Arfkle 21.1 ofrafereme 1) Note: Here R is h cm Rainfall intensityconespondingto the time of concenbaticn I = 2.R50(1y(lc+ I ) Oesign Rood discharge Q50 a. QJO = 0.28.f C.IA = 29.73 uynec = 29.73 cl~mecs Note: Here I is in rinvlw andA is in sq km f = Areal W b u t k n factor = 0.99 for A 4 0 0 0 Ha 0.98 for A a1WO Ha t 4 Flood Estimation bv lmorovedRational M e w Reference 1 :'Flood Estimatkm UethOda For CaWunents Leas Than 25 sq km in h., BrMg..And Fl00ds m g R.port NO. REF-16, Yvch 1990 and IRCSP-13 - Petal of the Brldoa PWD NoJ Nam of the Bridge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: km Irm 352.700 - A catchment pbn showing the river/the physiographic parameters as follow. . contours and spot levels was prepared for determining Area (A) Leogth dthe longest stream (L) Height d the fatthest point above the point d interest alone the (HI 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall, Rso(24) Ratio of 1hr rainfallto 24 hr rainfal So. 50 yr. 1 hr ninfau. Rso(1) i) ii) iii) iv) V) vi) - 0.390 sq km 0.550 km - 3 rn 16.00 cm 0.380 60.8 mn - (Ref :Figrre 6i5(a), Rehmce i ) (Ref:Figrre 4, Refemce i ) Tim d amentratian, tc, is obtained by BrambyWiUiam Formula 1.8. tc= [ 0 . 8 1 5 * ~ ( ~s")] ~" = 0.420 hr where L = Lengthofhstream S = Slope in % age = HA (Ref Eq. 5.220fmferenc8 i ) 0.56 km 0.55 For Hily areas., Runoff Coefficeint, C, is gtven by C = 0.415(R.F)L0.2 where R = 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall, R50(24) F = Areal Redtdon Factor Therefore = C (Ref: Artkk 2i.l dmfw8me 1) - 16.M) 0.72 an (RefAttkk,21.1dmfw8mei) Note: liere R is h an' 0.68 Ralnfal intewity conespmding to the timedccmentmtion I = PR50(1Y(tc + 1) Step-l Wrnation of D - 85.66 mm/hr flood Olschalgg Designflwddiie Q50 a, Q50 = 0.28.1 C.IA = 6.27 cunec = 6.27 cumecs Nole:HerelisinnmT~andAisinspkm f = Areal DistribuGonfactor = 0.99 for A 4000 Ha 0.98 for A >10(10 Ha Reference I :Plood Estimation Methods For Catchmnta Less Than 25 sq km in Area', Bridgea And Floods Wing Report No. RBF-16, March 1990and IRCSP-13 - petail dthe Bri- PWD NoJ Name ofthe Bridge : Old Chainage: New C h a i i e : 353.500 km km . A catchment pian showing he tivdstream contars and spd levels was prepad for determining the physiographicparamelen as follow Area (A) L e M of the longest sbeam (L) HeQM dthe fapoint above the point d*re& slow river (HI 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall. Rso(24) RaUo of Ihr rainfall to 24 hr rainfall so. 50 Y. Ihr ra~an.W)I i) 11) iii) iv) V) VI) - 4.125 sg km 6.250 km 73 m 16.00 cm 0.380 60.8 mm i (Ref:(Ref:- 915(a), Refemme 1) 4, Refenme 4 T i i d ooncentraam, tc, is obtained by Bransby William Fcimula i.e. tc= [ 0 . 6 1 5 * ~ ( ~'~ so2)] ' = 3234 where L = Lengthofthestream S = Slope in K age = Hn hr 6.25 km 1.17 For Hilly areas. Ruwff CoeRiceint. C, Is given by C = 0.415(RF)W2 here R = 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall, R50(24) F = ArealRedJctlonFacta (Ref: .4iick, 2 I. I of reference 1) - 16.00 - 0.87 cm (Ref Attick 2 I. 1 draference 1) Rainfall intensity correspondingto the time ofooncentratkn I = TR50(1Y(k+l) Step4 &timatla d Deslan Flood M s m Design Rood discharge Q50 a. 950 = 028.f C.IA = 23.08 = 23.08 cumec cum^ Note:Here/lsmmrvhrandAis~spkm f = Areal Disbiiution factor = 0.99 for A <I000 Ha 0.98 for A >I000 Ha R e f m u 1 :"Flood Estlmatlon Methodr For Catchmmb Lesa Thn 25 sq km In Am': REF-16, Yuch 1990 dIRCSP-13 - PWD NoJ Name d the BrMge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: 354200 - A catchment plan M n g the river/stntam the phydogmphicpafametersas follow: 1 ~ ) v) vi) And Flooda Wng R q m I No. km km .contous and spot levels was prepared for determining - Area (A) Leogthdthebngests$eam(L) HelgM of the farthert point above the ~OIW d abng the river (H) 50 yr, 24 hr dmr. ~ 2 4 ) Ratio of 1hr rainfal to 24 hr rainfan So. yr. 1 hr dnldl. m i ) i) I) iii) Erl* - 1.2wqkm 3 . w km - 29 m 16.00 cm 0.380 W.6 mn - (Ref : ~ i g u 3.lb(aJ, e Re(Ref :Figum 4, Refemma fJ Time of concentation, bz, is obtained by Bransby W i h F - i.e. to [ 0 . 6 1 5 * ~ ( ~ ~so2)] -' = 1.824 lw where L=Lwgthofthes$eam S = Sbpein%age=HI1 C (Ref Eq. 5 2 2 d r e h c e IJ 3.00 km 0.97 M l y areas. Runoff CoefficelnL C, k @WI = 0.415(RF)Y1.2 by where R = 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) F = Areal Reduction Factor (Ref - 16.00 0.88 Ar&k 2 1.1 dreferena, cm (Ref Ar&k 2. I . 1 ofre- Therefore C = Rainfall int- 0.70 mrrespondhg to the lime d mmmtdon I = PR50(lY(tC + I) Designh o d discharge Q50 Or. a50 = 0.28.f C.IA = 10.09 cumec = 10.09 wme~ 1) N&e:HerelisinmMwendAisinsqkm f = Areal Distributionfactor = 0.99 for A cl000 ~a 0.98 for A >I000 Ha 1) I) Flood Estimation bv Imwoved Rational Method Bridges And FloodsWing Repotl No. Reference 1 :-Flood EsUmaUon kthorb For Catchmonta Lesa Than 25 sq lar inh", RBF-16, March -1990 and IRCRCSP-13 Detail of the Bridqp PWD NoJ Name d the Bridge : OM Chainage: New Chainage: 354.950 - km km A catchmni plan showing the &ar/stream. conlounr and spot levels was prepared for detemrining the physiographic parameten as fdbw: i) fi) iii) iv) V) vi) Area (A) Lensthofthehngeststream(L) Heightd~farthestpoint~tha~of*nerest along the river (H) 50 yr, 24 hr binfall. R50(24) Ratio of Ihr rainfall to 24 hr aMdl SO,50 yr, 1 hr rainfall, R50(1) -- 5.578 sq km 9.150 km 395 m 18.00 WI 0.380 60.8 Mn (fFef:[email protected] 3.15(a), Reference 1) (R.9f:Figue 4, Reference 1) Time of wncentfatkn, tc, is obtainsd by BransbyWilliam Formula 1.e. tc= [O.~ISU(A~' = 3.537 s~)] hr whers L = Length of the stream S = Slope in K age = Hn (Ref Eq. P.22 o f m k w m I ) 9.15 km 4.32 FortiiH~arsas.~~~c,isgivenby C = 0.415 ( R m . 2 *re I R = 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) = F = Areal Reduction Fador Therefore C = 16.00 0.86 an (Ref: Artkk, 2 f . 1 of reference 1) 0.70 Rainfallintensity conespondine to the time ofmmanldm I = 27wO(l)'(tc + 1) Desifiooddii Q50 = 028.f C.IA = 28.76 cunec or, Q50 28.76 1 cumeul Nole:Hen,lisinrmYhrandAishspkm f = Areal Mstributionfadm = 0.99 h r A clOOO Ha 0.98forA >1OOO Ha Annexun I Sheet l Z o f l 7 Flood Estimationbv lmlwoved Rational M e w 1 :- F h d Estimation Uethodr For Catdunants Lass Than 25 sq km In Area; Brklg# And Flood.Wng Repod No. REF-I4 Y.rrh 1996 and IRCSP-13 Ref- - PWD NoJ Name of the Bridge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: 358.150 - km km Area Plan A catchment Plan showing the riwIstmam the physiographic parametars as follow .contwo and spot levels was prepared for determining nation 1) ii) la) iv) v) vi) ~ h a (A) Length d the longest stream (L) Hebht of the fapoint above the point of interest skng tJl0r k (H) 50 yr. 24 hr ninfall. w 2 4 ) Ratio d Ihr rainfall to 24 hr rainfan so,soy, I hr raintall, -1) ~ 24.000 sq km 13.300 km = 115 m 16.00 cm - 0.380 60.8 mm = ~ isobtainedtyEransbyWil~am~wrmb ~ t C 1.e. t F [ 0 . 6 1 5 * ~ ( ~ ~so2)] " = 6.128 (Ref:- 3.f6(a), Reference I) IW:ngve 4, RehWdas I) . hr where L = Lengthofthestream S = Slopein%age=M (Ref Eq. 622dtwfwmcw f ) 13.30 km 0.86 For Hi& are-. RvDff Coefficeint. C, is given by C = 0.415 ( R F p . 2 where R = 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) F = Areal ReductknFactor Therefore C = - = (Ref Atricle 2 I. Iof reference I) - 16.00 0.64 0.70 cm ( ~ e~f / 2 1.1e ~~~e I) Note: Here R is in cm W i l l intensity comespondingto the time of concentratkn 1 = TR50(1V(tc+l) Design Rood discharge Q50 or. QSO = 0.28.1 C.IA = 78.39 cumec = 78.39 cumeca No(e:Herellsh~randAisinsqkm 0.99 for A <I000 Ha f = Areal DisbibutM factor = 0.98 for A >I000 Ha .. > . . ,, ,. ~ a-' ., -: .-./'>C< \'- uL Flood Estimation bv l m ~ r o ~ Rational ed Methoe Refaronce 1 :Wood EslimationMethods Fw Catchnnmta Less Than 25 rq km In Area': Erldgar And Floods Whg Report No. REF-16, Yacch 1990 nd IRCSP-13 - PWD No1 Name of the Bridge : Old Chainage: New Chainage: Pmmntion dCat- 359.950 - km km Area P l q . A catchment plan s M g the riwedsfmam conlous and spot levels was prepared for detarrnining the physiographic parameters as f d k i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) (A) Length of the longest stream (L) Height of h a fapoint above the pdnt of intenst slang the rhrec (H) 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. R W 4 ) Ratio of lhr rainfall to 24 hr rainfall So. 50 yr, 1 hr rainfan. R50(1) = - 3.813 sq km 3.650 km 25 m 16.00 an 0.380 60.8 mm (Ref:Rgwe 3 f5(a), Refm?nm I ) (Ref:Fwm 4. Ref'mms 1) Time of concentration, tc, is obtained by Bansby WBim F o r d tc= [0.615'U(~~''sW)] = 2.118 whece L = Lengthofthestream S=skpein%~=Hn 1.e. hr 3.65 km 0.68 ForWlyareas.FhndfCo&bintC,isgivenby C = 0.415(RFw.2 where R = 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall, RSO(24) F = Areal ReductionFactor Therefore C = (Ref M l e 2f.f ofrefweme f) - 16.00 = 0.87 0.70 cm (Ref kdick, 2L f ofmfe-eme 1) NOWHere R is in un Rainfallintensity w m p c d i n g to the Litm dconcenbatkn I = 2.R50(1Y(tC + I ) Design Rood discharge 050 = 0.28.lC.IA = 28.96 cum = 28.96 cmees Or, QSO We: Here Iis in nnvhr and A is in sq km f = Areal Distributionfactor = 0.99 for A <lOW Ha 0.98 for A Ha Flood EsHmaHon bv Itn~rO~ed Ratlonal Method Reference I :Plood EstlnutionMethods For Catchnwnb Lesa Than 25 sq km in Am., Bridg8a And Roods Wing Report No. RBF-16. Yvch 1990 a d IRC-SP-I3 - Detail of the B r i a PWD NoJ Name of the Mdga : Old Chai~ge: New Chainage: 362250 - h km A catchment plan showing the rivefIstn?am,contoun and spat levels was prepared kr determining the physicgraphic paramelm as follow: i) Area (A) ii) in) Length d the bged stream (L) Height d the failhest point above the point of interest abng the r i w (H) 50 yr, 24 hr mkdal, m 2 4 ) N) V) vi) RatkdIhrrahfaWto24hrralnfall So.50yr.lhrra~.Rso(l) For Hilly areas. Runoff C, k givm by C = 0.415(RF)"O2 where R = 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) F = Are4 Reduction Fador = - 2.250 sq km 2.000 km 8m 16.00 m 0.380 60.8 mm (Ref:Figve 3.15(a), Refemma 1) (Ref:Figve 4. Rekwm 1) (Refkllde 21.1 drefemnce 1) - 18.00 0.88 an (Ref M k , 2.1. Idreference 1) Design Aocd d i i r g e 050 Or. Q50 = 0.28.f C.IA = 22.61 cunec = 2261 cumeca Note:HerelisinMandAisinsqkm f = Areal Dislributlonfactor = 0.99 for A 4000 Ha 0.98 for A >I000 Ha Ffood Estimation bv lmwoved Rational Metha Reference 1 :"Flood Estimation Methods For Catchmmtr Less Than 2 . 5 sq km in h a " . Bridges And Floods Wng Report No. RBF-16. kbrch 1990uwl IRC-SP-13 - PWD NoJ Name d ltm Bridge : Old Chainage: NEW Chai~ge: 363.500 - A Gatchment plan showing the Mstream the Physlogrsphicm w s as fdkw. i) ii) iii) k) v) vii km km .contanand spot levels was prepared for determining Area (A) Length d the longest s m m (L) HeigM of the farthest pdnt above the point of interest along the river (H) 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall R50(24) Ratio d lhr rainfall b 24 hr rainfal So. 50 yr, 1 hr rainfar. R W ) Time of lion,tc,is c&lned by B m b y WiIEam FomrJa 1.e. t o [0.615*~/(~~' s")] = 6.853 where L = Lengthofthesbwm hr - - 24.500 sq km 15.200 km -- 145 m 16.00 cm 0.380 60.8 mn (Ref :ngUe 3.15(a), R&mnce I) (Ref :Figwe 4, Refemme 11 (Ref Eq. 52.2 ofrebfwce 1) 1520 km 0.95 S= Sbpein%age=WL FaHilyareaaRunoffCoe&eintC. Isgivenby = 0.415 (RFpl2 where R = 50 yr. 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) F = Areal Reduction Factor C - RainfailIntensity cocresponding to tJm time dcmcmtmtion I = TR50(1y(lc + I ) Designh d discharge Ct50 or. Q50 = 0.28.f C.IA = 72.64 1 7264 CUmeC cumeca Nc4e:HerelisinnnvlwandAismspIvn f = Areal Mstribution factor = 0.99 for A 4000 Ha 0.98 for A 21000 Ha Flood Estlmatlon bv Im~rovedR a w 4 Method Reference 1 :Wood EstimationMethods F w Catchmanta L e u Than 25 sq kin in Areal:Br-s RBF-14 Ywch 1990 md IRCSP-13 And floods Wng R q m l No. - Detail d the ~ r i h PWD NoJ Name of the Bridge : MChainage: New Chainage: 369.550 - km km A cakhment pbn showing the hwlstream , contours and qmt spotveis was prepared tor detenninlcg Ihe ~Wographkparameters as fdbw: Area (A) Lengmdthekngestslraam(L) N g M of the farthest point above the point d interest along the river (H) 50 yr. 24 hr rainMI. Rso(24) Ratk of lhr rainfall to 24 hr rainfall So. 50 yr, 1 hr rainfall, RSO(1) i) 1) li) iv) V) vi) Time of -ntraUon. -- lmsqkn - 3250 km -- = 2160 t15(a), R&mw 0.380 (Ref :F- 4. Relivem 1) 60.8 m )] hr (Ref:Eq. 6 2 2 ofrefamme I) when, L = Lengmdthestmam S = Slope in K age = WL For (Ref:- tc,is obtained by Bransby William Fonnuh i.e. tc= [ 0 . 6 1 5 ~ ( ~s~ ~' C where 18 m 16.00 cm 3.25 km 0.55 areas, RvDff Coemce'i C, b given by = 0.415 fRn"0.2 . , - (Ret Article 2.1. Idm- R = 50 yr. 24 hr ninfal. R50(24) F = Areal Reduction Factor - 16.00 0.88 cm (Rat Article 2.1.1 d m l i v e m I) Note: Hem R is in cm Rainfallintensity conespondihgto the Ume of concentration I = TR50(1Y(lc + 1) Design flood discharge Q50 or. 450 = 028.f C.IA = 1127 cum =11.27 cumecs 1) Note:HereIishmandAisinsqkm f = Areal -factor = 0.99 fa A C I Ha~ 0.98 fw A >1M)O Ha I) Flood EstimaHon bv l m ~ r o ~ Rational ed MethM 1:Tlood Estimation Methods For Catchments L e u Than 25 sq km I n Am': Brldgr And Flood. Wlng Report No. RBF-16, Yarch 1990 and IRC-SP-13 Refe- - PWD Nol Name dthe Bridge : Old Chainage: 372200 - NewChaiMge: km km A caWMent plan showing the W s t r s a m ,contovs and spot levels was prepared for d d a m M q the physbgraphk parameters as follow: 1) Area (A) ii) Length ofthe bngaslstrsam (L) Heightof the farthest pdnt above the pdnt d Interest I) akname*(H) V) 50 yr, 24 hr rainfall. R50(24) Ratio d Ihr rainfall to 24 hrainfall vi) So,50yr.lhrrahfaU.Rso(l) N) --- 2.275 sq km 4.300 km 30 m 16.00 an 0.380 60.8 mm (Ref:Fgrrs 3.fqa). Refemme 1) ( R e f : F m 4. Rerbme 1) (Ref: Eq. 5.22dreference 1) For Hlly areas. Runoff Coefficeint. C, is given by C = 0.415 ( R m . 2 where R = 50 yr, 24 INrainfall. R50(24) F = Areal Redudkn Faclar Therefore C = (RefAtWa21.f ofreference f) - 16.00 - 0.88 crn (Ref: ktick, 2. I. I drefemma 1) 0.70 Rainfall intensity conespadingto the Dime d concentration I = r~so(~y(ac + 1) Design Rood discharge Q50 Or, Q50 = 0.28.f C.IA = 14.93 cumec = 14.93 cumecs Elde:HereIisinmnhrandA&insglun f = Areal DimBWon fador = 0.99 for A <I000 Ha 0.98 for A >I000 Ha m h Discharge calculations by Synthetic Unit Annexure 2 Sheet 1 of 5 Discharge calculation by Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method - (Refer: FloodEstimation Repti for Kaven' Basin Subzone3i) - 1 Description Name and Number of Subzone Name of Site Name of Place Name of Stream Shape of the Catchment To~ography h A h h h A 4- 2 Design data Catchment Area (A) Length of Longest Stream (L) Length of Stream from cg to the bridge Unit Duration ot Unitgraph (c) 3 Computation of Equivalent Stream Slope (S) - A Slope (S) = C -- - Loss Rate . - LilDi-1+Di) L~ Kaveri Subzone -3i Major Bridge at Ch. 367+250 Agaram Kodavanar River long Moderate Steep Slope 342.50 sqkrn 63.40 km 33.00 km 1 hr 3\ 3 Annexure2 Sheet 2 of 5 4 Determination of Synthetic 1-hr Unitgraph Parameters (Table 3.3 d the Rep* L'Lc I JS 686.97 t t,, = 0.553*(L* Lcl qp= 2.043/(tp) wm= 2.1971(qp)1.067 1 hr 7.79 hrs 0.34 cumeclsqkm 4.27 hrs Wwo= 0.7991 (qP)'.l3' WW5= 0.538 1 (qp)1.109 TB= 5.083 ' (tp)0.733 2.72 hrs 1.77 hrs 22.89 hrs Tm=tp+(W) Q,=qpxA 8.00 hrs 116.78 cumec UG Cosrdinates from above formulaes I X-value I 0.00 1 Y-value 0 I 0.00 - y = 1.02282 + 6.6736~ 0.264 Graph plotted with above known values 125 - U 1 0 5 7.50 hrs mY 6.92 hrs W75= 1.3251 (qp)1.088 0 - 10 Time (hts) 15 20 25 y = -1 10.53Ln(x) + 343.89 23.00 say Annextire2 Sheet 3 of 5 UG Ordinates from graph (from equation of rising and recession limb) (d) = (0.36fSQ*t)lA) 3% Annexure 2 Sheet 4 of 5 - Storm Point Rainfall Reading the value of =year 24 hour point rainfall fmm plate 10 of CWC publication for Kaveri Submne -3i - h 50-year 24 hour point rainfall '4 Ratio of 24 hr to 9 hr point rainfall from fig. 10 of section 4.2 -h A A 50 year 9 Hour Point Rainfall 16 cm 0.78 12.48 Cm Storm Areal Rainfall From fig Il(a) or from Table A-3 of CWC Publication for Kaveri Subzone -3i = Areal to Point Rainfall Ratio 0.79 -9.86 Areal Rainfall Time Distributionof input storm cm 3y Annexure 2 Sheet 5 of 5 The areal rainfall was distributed to give one hourly gross rainfall units by using the distribution co-efficient for duration of 9hrs from Table A.2. I I Distribution I heal storm I 1-h binfall I Design loss rate of 0.5 cmlhr is subtracted from 1 hr rainfall increment to obtain 1 hr rainfall excess Time (hrs) U.G. ordinate (cumec) I-hr.rainfall excess (cm) Direct runoff (cumec) 7 8 9 95.m 116.78 108.00 0.39 4.92 0.98 36.80 574.87 105.72 - Adding base flow @ O.OScumec/sqkm. Peak Discharge 628.79 cumec 96 Sheet Iof 1 Table I Disl;harge Calcvlation By Rstional Method for Rridg~s Time of Concentm = [O.61 5'U(AU" 'SU4)] Discharge, Q = O.OZ~PTA*I, where L= Distance from CriticaJ POlnt to the Bridge (km) S = Slope in % age = UH H= Fall in level from Critical Point to Bridge - (m) . . P= Percentage C08ffident of run- gff fgr m m e n t ~ fa Areal distribution factor A=area of catchment ( ha) Ic=CriticalIntensity of rainfall (cmlhr) Ic=lorl(&+l) I,=50-yr, Ih r Rainfall (cm) - @ a r i ~ - IO=0.38'F(for Cauveri Sub Zone 3i) ~ F=5O-yr, ~ ~ 24hr Rainfall (cm) tc= Concentration time (hr) h Y Discharge calcula#un by Slope Area method Dischame Calculation for Bridae at Ch.345+900 IBv Slow Area Method L Clous.ction8t25GnDR - *am1195 - 119 - I 3 "8.5m 117 U 1 U (-) U IU a8 chin* -Ohem4 HFL (21W4 I) 1 Discharae Calculation for Bridae at Ch.345+900 IBv Slow Area Methodl C~soctbn*50111U19 CJsu*(d HFL I IW Obumd HFL - 2l9m m - Discharoe Calculation for Bridae at Ch.W+900 fBv Slom Area Method 1 + .4 4 t C m u S . d k n a t brldg.rW. HFL and Afflux Calculation for Bridaeat ChM!MOO Rlcamud.lbn&brldgl* CI*ul*rd HFL -wlrwsy Q - m 2fR074 11.200 m. In, - 0b.mdIKL I wlamm- H9.034 m 12.554 m Discharae Calculation for Bridae at Ch.346+800 IBv Slooe Area Method I CmuJ.ctbn* 15hDfii Dischame Calculation for Bridae at Ch.346+800 IBv Slow Area Method 1 CrouSIctlon* 250mUIS Discharge Calculatkm for Brlkre at Ch.348+800 IBv Slom Area Method b cmrsbcnoll*brldg.* J-IFLand Afflux Calculation for Bridcleat Ch.346+800 bridgesib Dischame Calculation for Bridae at Ch.347+400 /Bv Slow Area Method Cmrr5.ctbn*SRnUIS a a s = = =' m. 9287 17.061 0.W 0.0044 1.481 13.76 obswvedliFL Sqm m m nJIs (Wmhg%W..n = n'k . aain m 0.W ) h Mscharae Calculation for Bridae at Ch.347+400IBv Slow Area Method L L A 4 A clm8Jruonatbfidpl*. HFL and Afflux Cakulalion for Brldaeat Ch.347+400 Rlconmnd.tiond - s i b Mscharae Calculation for Bridae at Ch.348+400 (BY Slow Area Method CmuSwYol.t I r W Dlschame Calculation for Bridae ai Ch.348+400 (BY S l o ~ e Area Method CmrS.+(kn*brldg.ti(. am- - ;a 21, 117 i M U -- IM CLirCl (l) mnlmn~) 158 . 2U HFL and Afflux Calculation for Bridaeat Ch348+400 - R c-HR -w-=Y WFomwh 8= Q= So. H -- sa C%+u'm Nar. + u'ng Ah* ( h) H* qu- - (inckrdhg al bridg..i(. Dischame Calculation for Bridae at Ch.34!+600 IBv Slow Area Method 1 Cmu3.*bn* c.*ullbd HFL t 25QnUIS Dischame Calculation for Bridae at Ch349+600 (Bv S l o ~ e Area Method L ~srclon.1brldp.b HFL and AfRux Calculation for Btldqeat Ch.349+600 R.Canmd*knrlbridg.tih Discharae Calculation for Brickm at Ch.350+650 IBv S l o ~ Area e Method L Crou~atOrldpJ* NFL and A f h x Calculation for Bridaeat Ch.350+6a R.umn*nd.tbn k0ad-A wdld Pahletw, P HvaurLb.nOsp(hR=ARS L0rPLmslSope.S VmdSbanSV -Q-AxV GaWhbd HFL WWPbnwy W1FmnJ. Q= scs &+u=no= m + U R 'O * h) u- ( = Daien HFL (Inckdhg nS -- m. o* ~Qfl.7Wc.lP 0.781 rrdQ= 0.882 I... u. 10.m scsH= Na. zt- I O= -.1 %Dl= 4-0, = Amn)= 0.71 0.243 2l&m d brldg. rth Discham Calculation for Brklae at Ch.352+300 /BY S l w Area Method L C m u S r t k n * 15olnWs Dischame Calculation for Brickre at Ch.352+300 /Bv Slow Ares Method L Cmrrs.cllon.l~UR Dischame Calculation for Bridcn at Ch.352+300 (BY Slow Area Method CmssSr(kn.t brldg..k L HFL and Afilux Calculation for Brickmat Ch.352+300 R.onn*nd.tkn at Mdg..I& Discharm Calculationfor BrMae at Ch.352+700 IBv Slam Area Method ) croasdlm.1bddga* pischame Calculation for Brldae at Ch.352+700IBv SioDe Area Method ClouSr(bn*brldg.J HFL and AfRux Calculation for Brkiaeat Ch.352+700 R.eoamnduonl(w* Discharm Calculationfor Bridaa at Ch.353+500 (BV S - s u t b n * ~ * I Ama ~ 1 HFL and AfRux Cdculation for BM- ch.353+54 Discbrae Calculation for Bridae at Ch354+200IBv Slo~e Arsa Mahod L ~ - * ~ * HFL and AfRux Calculation for Bridaeat Ch.354+200 Rronnwnd*kn ;at brldg. t*. 209.838 8.000 nC m. Ow- -1 . (on.meUP = 0.844 0.474 s0.D~- *a= 4-04 = 1:- - 1.0. u 0.83 0383 210m HFL and AMux Calculationfor Bridaeat Ch.354+950 R K a m w n d a k n at bridg.alto ksadCroes-SsdlaS~ Ws(BdPehe&r,P HY~~&M~~D~~~.R=AIP= Lmsrund Slope. S VwdSbsamV MPchetpaQ-AxV HFL and Amux Calculation for Brike at Ch.358+450 (on b v ~ a s s l 213.100 18.000 m, m, Obsuvod HFL Umaburad rn Widlh(W)- m 22.121 m HFL and Afflux Calculation for Bridae at Ch.359+350 (on bvnass) R.cmmndatlollal b** = = = = -- 16.443 10.385 0.894 0.0011 1.761) 29.072 Sqm m m nrheo m'kc (hmim$smdl.. n- Dischame Calculation for Bridae at Ch.362+250 IBv S l o ~ Area e Method L cmrSctknalbddga.It. , _.,. C_..-___ . . .. . .-. -.-... . . . ,. ~.:.:.:,;. -. ,< . .., i:. .; # .- . -. % \ ""1 j;;.,,,. ,..,-:. b y:.<-. .. . -. . .> ~. ; , ' -- ~- ., , , . ' , (": . r",: ':: ., ,\; ."': , 8. \..,.'' , '. . . 9 -~ *;'y--,oi ..\ Cross--rmm for B - Ch 362252 Discharcw Calculation for Bridae at Ch.363+500 fBv S l o ~ Area e Method ) Crorrs.ct&l*4hDR C m - for B u CL 3&35OQ Dischame Calculation for Bridrre at Ch.363+500 (BvSlo~e Area Method L ~s.c(bn*1WnWS Discharae Calculation for Bridae at Ch.363+500 (Bv S b Area Method L crwrsamnabrldp.ik weaed Pamb.P - ~ D ~ P ~ ~ R = A I P . A -Slope.s " VebdtydSrem,~ Mkhage.Q-Axv C~W~WHFL A h - 35.241 = = = = = 0993 00058 211s 74.684 m. I Obammd H R -Sq m an m m?9 mldn$*msn..n= 21- OW) m 216s- * A 2155 - 114.5 - A I h h 4 I* A -m A 213.5. 0.0 4.0 8.8 IU nr 16e -w -0bmed 24.e 28.r 32.0 36.0 (r) HFL (215.663 r ) 1 HFL and Amux Calculation for Bridaeat Ch.383+500 RuoMnend*lon at brldg. rl* (L) - I Q= so.H= so.M / 2 g = qu- -wM R.qulndF I m Board = 218.675 m 0.90 m Dischame Calculationfor Blidae at Ch.367+250 IBv Slooe Area Method ~S.dionU50QnUS Dischame Calculation for Brklae at Ch.367+250 IBv Slom Area Method L CmuSrt&ll300nW Dischame Calculation for B r i h at Ch.387+250 IBv Slo~e Area Method cross~*tO(knDR c - 0 226- ~ ~ 3 6 Z E 7 Q R m. 2l4. -a m . 3 ". DL a1 . PI. 2u. 211 + U 1U XI a@ --den U1 a d n w (-1 w n -1 IU 9Lb l a llbm a&m. n4. $ m. m. 5 PI. no. 119. 218 r U 1 U I &a 3U Q;liqr (l) -obs-edmaUU(r) U) N Dischame Calculation for B e e at Ch.367+2~0(BV s CmassdDnatbridg..lh h &a L ~ ~ t h ~ , j HFL and Affiux Cakubtion for BridaeaCh367+2SQ R.camwndabon * bridge a h Discharm CalculaUon for Bridae at Ck369+550 iBv Slow Area Method 1 Crous.ction* 150nDIS Dischame CalculaUon for Bridqe at Ch.369+550 IBv S l o ~ eArea Method L Cmrrs.Qlon1ZOanUR C*nw.d HFL - m. obsavd HFL - 230.33 m A Dischame Calculation for Bridae at Ck369+550 (Bv Slooe Area Method 1 6 CrouSctlon~Mdg0.i(. HFL and AfAux Calculation for Blldaeat Ch.369+550 R.cammstbn~bridp* - An*ofcI=?adh~ Weued Perlnu(a, P HyaslllebDap(hR=~-slopas VslodlydSCea,V D19hsrg.,Q=AxV T 7 a = I - 2a.m 7.000 8- T ~F~ 0 qzsmd m, - 4 = *(h) ('YWumd h= (-urn = Widlho* 0 35 om5 Be= i.e.~(upSbwm~). 0186 m D..lgnHR(kKMha~nm)= 4 I Umbdu6sd , so.In(a+l~&t= ((Y~.CKJD# .ado= W@r+h)u T O b r m d HFL m, (In(a+lwnilY. Sqm 20.55~ m 0m 0.0010 0"' 14.617 m J k = = C.*UILd H R -wata*y I704 054 (MamL.lgtooeR., n= ZtLSE7 m P265 m 1050 .a= om nb'a ~ l b i nm = -RoadR.qulNdFrwBowd 7.31 280 m OWm %x 4 - 4 U- e -- 4 w- A .... .- ..-...- ... ......................... .................................. _.__ .... a 2 -4 s 7.28. 4 4 4 m. -_ U 54 4 \ T \ T ? 4 -c I@.@ -..o a w HFL ( 15.0 m.0 (1.1 25d ~ 1 . m) ~ 7 ' - 'D e S b c d H W r M i q amu) 229.172 I Dlscharoe Calculation for B - at Ch.372+200 fBv Slorn, Alea Method cmsasumnam* HFL and AfAux Calculationfor Bridaeat Ch.372+200 R.connnnlakn al bridg. sit. --= -6 -r 7.46 2.a I IJ 6.8 - LI IU It@ Caknbicd HFL (UU61 m) I4 17.615 27.362 0.643 0.0012 0.652 Isaos Sqm m m mh& malm @[email protected]= 0.m )