E-Newsletter 2013 Issue 6 - Christ Church Secondary School
E-Newsletter 2013 Issue 6 - Christ Church Secondary School
CHR Partnerships E-Newsletter Our Principal, Mrs Yeo Chin Nam, receiving the Excellence Award for the PA Community Spirit (PACS) Awards 2013 from Mr Lim Swee Say (Minister, PMO & Deputy Chairman, People's Association) at the awards presentation ceremony on Sat 18 May. Issue No. 6 Previous issues @ chr.edu.sg Christ Church Secondary School Should there be any contributions in cash, kind and/or service, 20 Woodlands Drive 17 Singapore 737924 Tel 6893 3297 Fax 6893 2789 www.chr.edu.sg Mr Hock Wai Yong <[email protected]> or Karen Terms Three and Four 2013 please contact : Desmond Chan <[email protected]>, Tan <[email protected]>. Volume 01 Issue 06 Dear CHR Partners, This is the last issue of CHR Partnerships E-Newsletter for this year and we would like to take this opportunity to highlight CHR partnership. The MISSION of CHR Partnership is to embrace the good will and tap on the resources of the stakeholders and community so as to enrich our provision of a holistic education for empowering CHR students to be ready for service to the Nation. The following shows the framework of our CHR Partnership (iPAC): G r a d u a t i o n i – Individuals, P - CHR Parent Support Group (PSG), A - CHR Alumni, C - Corporate Partners. Term Four Ceremony for Sec 4E /5NA and 4NA / NT 2013 15 Nov (Fri) Time : 3– 5 pm. Venue : School Hall Theme: Stepping into a New “Beginning” GOH : Mr Thomas Ting Honours Day (Partners) 22 Nov (Fri) 6.00 - 8.15 pm @CHR DIC. A Day to honour our partners who have been partnering with CHR in nurturing our students. Signing of LOI (Letter of Intent) with Republic Polytechnic on CHR Honours Day (Partners) 22 Nov 2013 P rom Ni te f or graduating students of 2013 on 25 Nov (Mon) Venue : Keppel Club Time : 6.30 pm-10.30pm Theme: Bella Notte Beautiful Night The Pride of Christ Church Secondary School 1. People’s Association Community Spirit Awards – EXCELLENCE Award 2. GOLD Award for the NWCDC Outstanding School Partner Award CHR was presented with the Excellence Award for the PA Community Spirit (PACS) Awards 2013, under the “Partners of Community Development Council (CDC)” category at the annual PA Awards and PACS Awards 2013 Presentation Ceremony on Saturday, 18 May 2013. The Guest-of-Honour was Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister (Prime Minister’s Office) and Deputy Chairman of PA. CHR also received the Gold Award for the North West CDC Outstanding School Partner Award on Monday, 20 May 2013. 1/4 TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL Inaugural CHR Honours Day (Partners)_22 Nov 2013 22 November 2013 (Friday) is set apart for Christ Church Secondary School to honour our partners who have helped us nurture our students and mould the future of nation. The objectives of Honours Day (Partners) 2013 are : . Christ Church Secondary School (CHR) Partnership General Criteria for Honours Day (Partners) AIM : To create an opportunity to show our appreciation for our partners who have helped enrich CHR AOP Curriculum. OBJECTIVES : To affirm our various partners for contributing to the development of our school and students; To connect with our partners and develop stronger relationships with them; To have a platform for networking 1. To affirm and appreciate our partners for their continuous support and contribution for Christ Church Secondary School; 2. To connect with our partners and develop stronger relationships with them; 3. To provide a platform for networking with and among our partners. The theme of the Honours Day (Partners) this year is Hand - In - Hand Towards A Sparkling Future. The certificates of affirmation recognize those who contributed in kind or cash and/ or those involved directly in our school AOP programmes. ‘A’ stands for Academic Achievement, ‘O’ stands for Outdoor Education and ‘P’ stands for PWDD, i.e., Pupil Well-Being and Developmental Discipline. In the Academic aspect, Love The Learning Of Maths Programme was conducted with the help of eight volunteers from Light of Christ Church Woodlands and Night Study Programme with the help of four ex-CHRians. They have helped in improving CHR students’ academic studies. As for Outdoor Education, volunteers from our ex-CHRians and the Chaplaincy have come forward to help in our CCA activities. Types of Awards Certificate of Appreciation for current years (year 1 & 2) No. of Awardees 88 Yearly Award (Current Year) Have served CHR over duration of 1 year, Have clocked in minimum of 10 hours of service to the school over the past one year. Individual and Corporate Donors/ Partners Significant contributions in cash and in kind that have positive impact to the school. 2 NPCC 2 Certificate of Appreciation for 5 years Certificate of Appreciation for 10 years 9 5 1 16 Green Club 1 GB 6 NCC 1 Badminton 2 CF 2 PSG 26 Alumni 12 Night Study Programme 2 Love the Learning of Maths Programme 6 Ace Programme Certificate of Appreciation for 3 years No. of Awardees NCDCC BB Certificate of Appreciation & Criteria 3/5/10/15 Years Award (Milestone Year) Have served CHR over a duration of 3/5/10/15 years, Have clocked in minimum 10 hours of service to the school per year served, Have made a positive impact to the school over the past 3/5/10/15 years. Voluntary Programme/CCA 10 NCDCC 2 GB 1 CF 1 PSG 3 Night Study Programme 2 NPCC 1 BB 2 Love the Learning of Maths Programme 2 BB 1 103 TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL 2/4 Inaugural CHR Honours Day (Partners)_22 Nov 2013 In the area of PWDD, Institutes of Higher Learning like Republic Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic and Innova Junior College, have collaborated with Christ Church Secondary School to conduct education and career talks for our Sec 3, 4 & 5 students to prepare them for their higher education and future careers. Open House 22 Nov 9 am - 3 pm 23 Nov 9 am - 12 pm CHR Basketball Team to Kuala Lumpur 2 - 6 Dec BB and GB @ Korat 6 - 10 Dec 2013 19 Dec (Thu) 2013 Release of N Level Examination Results (Tentative) 23 Dec (Mon) 2013 Reporting of 2014 Secondary One students. Certificates of Appreciation for 10 years: Eugene Awyong Certificate of Appreciation for 5 years : Vishnu Ram, Danny Poh, Oliver Kelly, Lau Chau King, Jocelyn Teo One million jobs coming up in aviation sector! Many Exciting Opportunities! You don’t have to be good in everything, but you have to be good at something! This year, we have also arranged Work Attachment for our Sec 3 students to have a foretaste of the world of work in Mandarin Oriental Hotel and Palm Beach Seafood Restaurant at The Fullerton. Many visits to work places conducted by Mr Roger Ong and his ACE team consisting of nine SJI JC1 students have also exposed our students in the area of work ethics and working life. We thank our school chaplaincy for providing spiritual guidance, conducting some morning reflections and prayers for the school. We would also like to thank our PSG prayer group for covering us in prayers. Special thanks to PSG Committee and members who brought much joy and warmth to the staff and students on 5 Sep (Thursday) Honours Day (Staff) through their handicraft works, singing and ‘hot’ dancing. In addition, the PSG even produced a CD of their performance for us. Special mention to Mr Husni Asmuni who has choreographed the dance for two consecutive years and to Paulin Chong and Angeline Ang who led the group of mothers to do the handicraft works. Certificate of Appreciation for 3 years : Kimberley Tung, Calvin Tang Jia Fai, Angela Chan En Zi, Tay Inchi, Joshua Lee, Paulene Ng, Michael Wong, Marie Teo Bee See, Benjamin Cheng Jin Shu Paullin Chong is teaching the mothers how to sew the petals. Certificate of Appreciation for the current year: CCA : Ann Jia Ying, Chong Hui Qin, Tan Ying Jun Jemimah, Simon Tan Sin Leong, Fiona Chin, Foo Jia Ming, Zoel Sek, Lim Chao Feng, Melvin Wong, Nicholas Tay, Daryl Sw, Nixon Tay, Ezra Eng Siak Tann, Daniel Chow, Warren Ang Shou Leong, Louis Lee Zhen Hong, Daniel Chang, Remy Tan, Jeff Ng, De Sheng, Mothers are enjoying the sewing session Parents’ Dedications To Staff Wow, all the mothers are so focused in their work !! Hey, see fathers can dance and swirl so gracefully, mothers also join in the fun !! Luqman Norhaziq B Hasnan, Loke Jee Kwun Judy, Claudia Ong Hui Yi, Parents presenting a song to the staff Students joining the parents in the singing to celebrate Honours Day (Staff) TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL 3/4 Certificate of Appreciation for the current year (cont’ fr. previous page) : Inaugural CHR Honours Day (Partners)_22 Nov 2013 We are grateful to our generous Individual donors, Corporate donors and CHR Chaplaincy who have helped build our new school facilities like CHR Drop-In-Centre, Instructional Area (Dance Jade Long Rui Yi, Joleen Studio) and Media Resource Library. Chew, Camarine Heng, Nga Pei Qi Yvonne, Nazirah Abdul Aziz, Goh Qiu Tong, Joan Ng, Tang Yam Ling, Chang Mong Shan, PSG: Lionel Chia, Joseph Cheu, Rosalind Ang, Sharon Chong, Angeline Ang, Husni Asmuni, Tan Yoke Meng, Vernon Song, Paulin Chong, Cyndy Tan, Franisca Ariani, U Sha, Lawrence Yip, Chong Siew Siew, Tiw Lee Peng, Isbahiyah, Moses Teh, Mark Teo, Sheila Lee, Amy Chua, Yoko Song, Angeline Tham, Chris Pua, Liang Ping, Jocelyn Cheu, Yvonne Wong-Lim, Alumni : Richard Tan, Thomas Ting, Patrick Koh, Stefanie Chua, Susan Ho, Lynn Tay, Siti Mariam, Francis Lau, Roger Yeo, Joseph Rappa, William Choo, Madeline Goh, Rebecca Quek, Night Study Programme : Low Bao Er, Yong Qian Wei, Love The Learning Of Maths Programme : Huang Sinong, Adelene Ho, Eng Kok Chye, Aldrich Leow, Toh Wan Xin, Tan Si Hui, ACE Programme : Roger Ong, Annabel Ng , Cheryl Ann Goh, Chen Shao Peng, Alexandria Wong, Lum Jia Jia Charita, Lee Ming Le, Hao Tian, Nathaniel Wong Kin Yew, Vimal Anandharaman. Individual and Corporate Partners : Tay Yeow Heng, Revd & Mrs Yee Ching Wah, Revd Tang Wai Lung, Revd Joseph You, Pastor Frederick Ang, RP, NYP, IJC, TOTE Board, The Shaw Foundation, Ngee Ann Kongsi, Sembcorp Marine, Keppel Corp Ltd, Christopher Chee, Alex Peck Chuan Yong & Partners, Lee Shee Keong, Danny Wong & Lena Soh, NWCDC, Admiralty CCC, Ann Lui, Andrew Tay, Sim Guan Seng, Chan Siew Cheng, Ken Tan, Lional Dharmaraj, Chew Boon Ann, Leung Mun Sum, Keith Chua, Chi Pin Han & Janice Chi, Ho Kum Seng & Lim Puay Cheng, Revd Steven (Christ Church Parish), St. Andrew Cathedral, Anglican Diocese & other Anglican Churches. Jamming Room Instruction Area en CHR Drop-In-C tre Thank God for the parent and her friend-in-Christ who contributed generously to the sound proofing system of CHR Jamming Room which is popular among our music lovers. We are grateful to have another generous donor who has contributed to the purchase of 40 iPads which are first used in our Maths Universal Programme for team based learning. Team-based Learning – We thank the SMC for collaborating with school key personnel to chart Deeply Engaged in Maths! the direction of the school. We thank SMC, Christ Church Parish, Anglican Diocese, CHR Alumni and PSG for sponsoring SMC Challenge Shield, Christ Church Parish Awards, Bishop’s Book Prize, AMS (Alumni Mustard Seed) AOP_All-Rounders’ Awards and PSG Award respectively that award our students for their outstanding academic performance and excellence in their AOP scores. These awards have continuously inspired our students to excel holistically. Programme For Inaugural CHR Honours Day (Partners) 22 Nov 2013 Hand-in-Hand Towards A Sparkling Future THANKS to Ashley Tan Ning (Sec 2E4) and Ashley Hikari Song (Sec 2E4) for their Duet Piano performance entitled ’Anitra’s Dance’, and also The 5HYPES !! CHRIST CHURCH SECONDARY SCHOOL The 5HYPES - CHR In-house Band Inaugural Honours Day (Partners) 2013 Date Time Venue Dress Code : Friday, 22 November 2013 : 6.00 – 8.15 pm : CHR Drop In Centre (CHR DIC) : Smart Casual Programme 6.00pm to 7.00pm Registration & Dinner 7.00pm to 7:30pm Principal’s Welcome 7:30pm to 8:15pm Signing of LOI with Republic Polytechnic Presentation of Awards 8.15pm End of Event McQuin (Sec 1E4), the singer & Fiona (Sec 2E2) on the keyboard, singing ‘The Climb’. CHRIST CHURCH SECONDARY SCHOOL http://chr.edu.sg Tel: 6893-3297 email: [email protected] TSLN • LCI • TLLM • SEL • CCAS • PETALS • Pray & Work • CPF/GOD • RAW • AOP • RICPF • TSLN Dennis (Sec 3T8 ) the guitarist, Kenneth (Sec 2E2) the drummer, Harist (Sec 2N7) the bassist and Fiona (Sec 2E2) the pianist. Most Importantly, we thank God for enabling us in our great mission of education in CHR. That’s All For The Year 2013 !! TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL CCAS PETALS Pray & Work CPF/GOD RAW AOP RICPF TSLN LCI TLLM SEL 4/4
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