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Auburn Fashion’s
Night Out
A night celebrating fashion and the arts in Auburn
Proceeds Benefiting The Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine
February 8, 2013 6-9pm
Sponsors ..............................................................................................
Flier ...............................................................................................
Budget ..............................................................................................................
Social Media.............................................................................................................
Appendices .............................................................................................................
Executive Summary (S.M.)
The primary goal of Auburn Fashionʼs Night Out was to create awareness of the
arts located in the Auburn community in order to raise money for the Jule Collins Smith
Museum of Fine Arts. We illustrated the connection between art and the community
through our fashion show even held at the museum.
Larger cities, such as New York City and Paris, participate in a worldwide
fashionʼs night out. The purpose of these events are to raise money for the
retailers as well as a specific charity. For example, a portion of the proceeds from the New
York City Fashionʼs Night Out goes toward the New York AIDS Fund. We wanted our
event to produce the same excitement and hype as these larger scale events, but we
wanted to keep the objectives close to home.
We informed various targeted publics that included Auburn University
Panhellenic, sororities located within the Black Student Union, Auburn University art
department, Auburn University fashion department, Auburn retail businesses, Jule Collins
Museum of Fine Arts stakeholders and donors and Auburn residents interested in the arts.
These are the groups and organizations in the Auburn community that possess a strong
connection to either art or fashion.
By connecting to our audiences through methods like print and social media, we
were able to inform them of our goal. The most vital factor of our campaign was to
illustrate the role the Jule Collins Smith museum plays in the connection between art and
the Auburn community. We monitored our success through the traffic on our social media
outlets and the number of attendees the night of the fashion show.
Our public relations campaign focus was to benefit the Jule Collins Smith
Museum. Our fashion show event was held at the museum on Friday, Feb. 8, 2012, from
6 to 9 p.m.
***The sponsors who donated the modelsʼ looks for the event were U&I Boutique and
Behind the Glass. These are two fashion retail boutiques in the Auburn area. The actual
models were volunteers from AU Modeling Board and the two boutiques.
***Food sponsors included GiGiʼs and Amsterdamʼs Café.
Art is a form of self-expression and the Jule Collins Smith Museum celebrates this
expression. We decided to focus on fashion because it was the form of art we felt
connected with the most people. By bringing together the fashion retail stores and the
museum we were able to attract a larger audience.
The museumʼs goal is “to engage Auburn University students, staff, members and visitors
in a unique imaginative experience” (***) The museum opened in 2003 and continues to
present exhibition galleries to the Auburn community (***).
The campaign served to educate our targeted public of the museumsʼ purpose and why
art is such a critical part of society. We strived to illustrate the museumʼs benefits so that
the attendees were more inclined to help us reach the campaignʼs purpose.
Situational Analysis (L.P.)
The Jule Collins Smith Museum of Art at Auburn University, one of the leading art
museums in the state and the center of visual arts for the Auburn community, commits itself to
advancing the arts. To raise funds and awareness of the arts, the museum is sponsoring
Auburn Fashion's Night Out, a fashion show featuring clothing and accessories from local
boutiques, on Feb. 8, 2013. Members of the Auburn Modeling Board and other volunteer models
will showcase fashions from Behind the Glass and U & I Boutique, both located in downtown
The Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Arts houses a permanent collection of more than 1,500
works of art from varying genres as well as frequently changing exhibitions from around
the world. Part of JCSM's mission is to support Auburn University's mission in instruction,
research and outreach. The museum also offers educational programming including
lectures, films, tours and extended hours to enhance visitors' experience and
understanding of exhibitions.
JCSM relies heavily on donations to maintain its exhibitions, educational programs and outreach
activities, all of which are privately funded. Helpful donations are not solely monetary.
JCSM relies on members and visitors to support it through participation and promotion as
well. Without the help of donors, JCSM can not continue to serve and enrich the Auburn
community. Visitors' donations and support invest not only in the museum's future but also
in the community's future by allowing the museum to change lives through the power of
Facilities (E.S.)
We chose the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, located at 901 S. College Street in
Auburn, Ala., to host Auburn Fashionʼs Night Out. The Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art is
one of Alabamaʼs leading art museums, housing approximately 2,000 works of art ranging from
traditional to contemporary.
As a part of Auburn University, the museum represents the commitment and dedication Auburn
has to advancing the arts community.
We want to create awareness and raise money for the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art
with our event. Auburn Fashionʼs Night Out will create business for our sponsors including
the boutiques and restaurants and show the connection between art and fashion.
The Jule Collins Smith Museum relies heavily on donations to bring a wide range of visual art
programs and exhibitions to the Auburn community. All exhibitions, educational programs
and outreach activities are also supported by donations.
Facility Photos (E.S.)
We will open the terrace for the
cocktail hour. The outdoor terrace
overlooks the lake. It is surrounded
by flowers and has an elegant
fountain. The terrace has enough
space to seat 140 guests with
standing room for 300.
The fashion show will be held in
the Grand Gallery. The Grand
Gallery provides seating for 140
guests and standing room for 400
Map of Museum (A.B.)
Entertainment (E.S.)
The fashion show will feature spring clothing from u&i and Behind the Glass, two boutiques in
Auburn. Members of the Auburn University Modeling Board and boutique employees will model
the clothes.
There will be giveaways and raffles with items donated by the local boutiques. Each admission
ticket will come with one raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase.
Music will be provided by a DJ.
We will serve hors dʼoeuvres from Amsterdam Café and cupcakes from GiGiʼs. There will be a
cash bar featuring our signature drink open to guests until 8:30
Activities and Entertainment (E.S.)
Auburn Fashion Night Out will be Friday, Feb. 8, 2013 from 6-10 p.m. There will be plenty going
on to keep guests entertained.
6-7 p.m.
Guests will arrive
Music provided by a DJ
They will receive 5 raffle tickets with admission and have the opportunity to buy more
Guests will enter raffles for gift baskets and other items donated by our sponsors
Hors dʼoeuvres will be served
Cash bar will be open
7-8:30 p.m.
Fashion show
Cash bar will be open
8:30-9:15 p.m.
Announce raffle winners
Announce door prizes
9:15-10 p.m.
Serve GiGiʼs cupcakes
Serve coffee
Music provided by a DJ
Guests leave with goody bags
Sponsors (C.T.)
The following businesses in the community
sponsored our event through monetary,
supplies, venue, and other donations.
Promotion (C.T.)
We used multiple outlets to promote our event in Auburn and the greater area. We used
multiple social media outlets including a Facebook event page, Twitter handle
@AU_FNO with hastag #AUFNO, Pinterest page and a Tumbler blog. We posted a flier
in many key locations on campus, in Auburn and in Opelika. Targeted locations on
campus were the Student Center, Haley Center, Foy, Tichenor, the theater, art and
fashion department buildings as well as other campus locations. Off campus we
targeted all the downtown stores and restaurants posting fliers and asking them to
spread the word, we also posted fliers at Auburn High School and Lee Scoot Academy.
We also promoted our event in numerous publications and radio stations on and off
campus. The publications we used were: The Auburn Family blog, The Auburn
Plainsmen, The Odyessy, Her Campus Auburn Magazine, Auburn Villager, OpelikaAuburn News, Corner, The Circle, and The Montgomery Advertiser. Radio and
television stations we used were: WEGL, Eagle Eye TV, WKKR 97.7 (Opelika/Auburn),
WTSU 89.9 (Montgomery/Troy), WANI 98.7 (Auburn News/Talk). We also gave out
promotional small bags of personalized M&Mʼs on campus and around town in Auburn
with the flier.
Flier (C.T.)
Promotion T-shirt (C.T.)
Target Audience (C.T)
❷Auburn University students, particularly women, though all are welcome
❷Local high school girls
❷Local women
❷Fashion, Art and Music Departments
❷Auburn and Opelika local businesses
Key Messages (L.P.) (C.T.)
community involvement in the arts: This message reflect the primary objective of Auburn
Fashion's Night Out: to get the community active and interested in the arts. Jule Collins
Smith Museum of Fine Art already works toward a goal of engaging the Auburn
community in the arts. With proceeds benefitting JCSM, we hope to help the museum
work toward its goal of advancing the arts and to rally the community together in support
of local models and businesses.
awareness and financial support of JCSM: This message ties closely into the previous
message as JCSM's foremost goal is a commitment to supporting the arts. JCSM is a
privately funded museum. We hope to increase interest in and donations to the museum
so that it may continue to serve the Auburn community as a leader in appreciation of the
promotion of Behind the Glass and U & I Boutique: This message addresses actual and
potential customers as well as staff of the two boutiques. We chose to showcase
fashions from local, downtown stores in order to promote local business while also
promoting the arts. We hope that featuring clothing and accessories from stores easily
accessible to the community will make the event more enjoyable and relatable
Challenges and Opportunities (S.M.)
Challenge 1: Since the museum was our client, they put forth a specific budget. It was
difficult trying to stay within the budget to ensure we made a high return on
Challenge 2: The two boutiques we are highlighting are primarily womenʼs fashion, so
we had a difficult time attracting men to our event.
Challenge 3: We had to find 15 volunteers to act as models in our fashion show. Each
model was required to have three looks. Models usually need to be paid, but we
didnʼt have room in our budget to pay them.
Challenge 4: We had trouble figuring out where to fit the catwalk in the museum.
Additionally, we wanted to make sure we had enough room for the seating and the
cocktail hour without detracting from the flow of the event.
Challenge 5: Since the event began promptly at 6 p.m., we needed to figure out the
schedule of events. We began by asking ourselves, “should we do the cocktail
hour before or after the fashion show?”
Challenge 6: A portion of our audience is older museum stakeholders and donors.
Generally, these individuals are not social media savvy. We had to find different
mediums to connect to these publics.
Challenge 7: We needed extra hands to actually build a catwalk and then run the
fashion show. That included
Objective Strategies (A.B.)
Objective 1:
o To raise $10,000 or more for Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art
by February 8, 2013
Objective 2:
o To raise awareness of the unique fashions found at Behind the
Class and U&I Boutique in Auburn
Objective 3:
o To encourage art appreciation throughout the Auburn community
o Objective 1: To raise $10,000 or more for Jule Collins Smith
Museum of Fine Art by February 8, 2013. We hope to accomplish
this objective through ticket sales, a raffle and cash bar sales at the
event. Sponsors, donations and participation fees for the event will
help us to accomplish this objective. We have strategies in place for
raising donations as well as attracting as many event-goers as
Promoting the fashion show throughout the community
Promoting a signature drink at the cash bar in order to increase sales
Promoting the event as the perfect date night in order to increase male attendance
Objective 2: To raise awareness of the unique fashions found at Behind the
Glass and U&I Boutique in Auburn. We hope to raise awareness of the types of
clothing found at fashion boutiques in Auburn by creating an atmosphere and
event that will encourage the Auburn community to gain a greater understanding of
fashion as an art. We have several strategies planned to generate a greater
awareness of unique fashion in Auburn.
1. Placing the event during the same week as New York Fashion
Week and promoting accordingly
2. Creating hype and promoting through facebook, twitter, tumblr and
pinterest in order to reach our target audience
3. Placing fliers throughout the Auburn/Opelika community in order to
generate attendance at the event and better business for the
4. Promoting the event through local publications (Corner News, The
War Eagle Reader, The Auburn Plainsman, Auburn Villager,
Opelika-Auburn News and Montgomery Advertiser) and local radio
stations (WCGQ 107.3 FM, WKKR 97.7 FM, WHHY 101.9 FM and
Objective 3: To encourage art appreciation throughout the Auburn
1. Holding the fashion show at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine
Art in the hopes that it will generate a greater interest in other art-
Tactics (A.B.)
❷ Wednesday October 17, 2012
o Set up sponsorship with the museum and start asking boutiques
around Auburn for sponsorship
o Coordinate the date with New York Fashion Week
o Sign contract with Jule Collins Museum of Fine Art as the official
Wednesday November 7, 2012
o Finalize sponsorship with U&I and Behind the Glass
o Talk with caterers such as Terracotta, Gigiʼs and Amsterdam Café
o Contact radio stations to set up promotion space beginning midJanuary
o Create all social media outlets for promotion
o Tour the museum and choose the location within the museum for
the fashion show
Wednesday December 5, 2012
o Finalize menu with Gigiʼs and Amsterdam Café
o Begin designing flier and advertisements
o Order promotional m&mʼs and items for goodie bags
o Begin working with Behind the Glass and U&I to select possible
pieces for the fashion show
o Create signature drink with Amsterdam Café
o Talk with local shops and companies for donations for raffle
Timeline (H.K.)
Monday, November 26, 2012
Call local boutiques to ask for sponsorships/clothes for the fashion show
Call Jule Collins Museum to ask for possible dates for this event (Desired date of ...”
Discuss their financial needs and goals for donations.
Call local food businesses to ask for food sponsors for the event
Research New York Fashion week upcoming trends and themes.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sponsorships with boutiques including U&I and Behind the Glass will be finalized.
Discuss a possible meeting time with these boutiques to discuss clothing to be provided
for the event fashion show.
Sponsorships for GiGiʼs Cupcakes and Amsterdamʼs will be finalized.
Discuss menu for each location and the exact food they will provide. Ask whether any of
the locations can provide a cash bar and bar tender.
After estimating the amount of people, confirm with all food and beverage sponsors for
that number or greater.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Set official date with Jule Collins Museum and inform all sponsors.
Contact local businesses to see if a fashion show has been done in the past. If so, get
contacts that may be interested in attending.
Have all promotional items finalized by Friday, January 4, 2013.
Start working on a complete media kit.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Design flier and social media networks for this event.
Design logo for event.
Design goody bags for event
Sign contract with all sponsors and Jule Collins Museum.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Order goody bags for event
Discuss with Jule Collins Museum if they provide tables, table clothes and cutlery. If not,
find a vendor for all necessary equipment.
Discuss SWOT analysis with all coordinators for the event.
Book police and EMT
Contact Auburn University to make event announcement in This Week at AU
Timeline (H.K.)
Friday, January 4, 2013
Make official announcement of the Event. Contact local businesses in Auburn as well as
Auburn University.
Contact Corner Stone News, the Auburn Family, War Eagle Reader, Plainsmen and any
other local newspapers for an advertisement in their paper. Provide with finalized media
Open online ticket registration for event.
Contact teachers in departments such as interior design, art and graphic design to
discuss possibly giving extra credit to those who attend the event.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Contact sororities and fraternities to discuss providing spirit points for attending this
Send fliers to local businesses as well as using direct mail from contact list.
Activate social media networks.
Provide all sponsor, especially U&I and Behind the Glass with fliers.
Friday, January 18, 2013 and Saturday, January 19, 2013
Pass out fliers in Down Town Auburn and around campus, focusing on buildings
dedicated to art and design.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Begin radio announcements with WEGL and other local radio stations. In the
announcement include where to buy tickets and the location of the event.
Using social media networks, promote the event on a regular basis. Include all details
and links where to get tickets.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Book models for the event and ask sponsors for clothing.
Begin to fit models with outfits in order to make fitting adjustments.
Ask local newspapers or tv stations to cover the event on the night of.
Contact WEGL radio, Eagle Eye, and other local radio stations.
Monday, February 4, 2012
Confirm reservations with:
Jule Collins Museum
U & I Boutique
Behind the Glass
GiGiʼs Cupcakes
Cash Bar and Bar Tender
Timeline (H.K.)
Friday, February 8, 2012
Day Of
2:00 Begin set up including runway, tables, chairs, table clothes, food tables and cash
3:00 Begin set up of decorations for the event.
4:00 Have models arrive and begin make up and hair. Outfit fittings should be finalized,
but give time for last minute adjustments. Have seamstress on staff.
5:00 All models should be ready. Have models do a walk through so they are familiar
with the flow of the event.
5:00 Food from all sponsors arrive. Help all sponsors with set up. Set up should be done
by 5:30 pm.
6:00 Event starts.
6:00 Guests will arrive
Music Provided by DJ
Hors dʼoeuvres and cash bar available
Raffle tickets available at the door
6:15 Director of Museum addresses the audience (Director Marilyn Laufer)
6:30 U & I Fashion Show
7:00 15 min Intermission (Hors dʼoeuvres and cash bar available)
7:15 Behind the Glass Fashion Show
7:45 Fashion Show Ends
8:00 Announcement of raffle winners and door prices
8:15 GiGiʼs cupcakes served; music by DJ
8:15-9 Hors dʼoeuvres, GiGiʼs cupcakes and cash bar available; purchase clothing
9-930 Event wraps up
10:00 Take down of stage, clean up, talk with sponsors for initial thoughts on events
Friday, February 8, 2013 after event
Stage take down
Clean up
Monday, February 11, 2013
Meet with Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art to present profits
Send thank you letters to U&I Boutique and Behind the Glass
Gather assessments from surveys and evaluate success of the event
Send surveys to all participants for follow up
Budget (H.K.)
Total Budget Breakdown
Venue- Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art
Food + 20% Service charge + 8% Sales Tax
Dessert + 8% Sales Tax
Cash Bar Bartender
Stage Rental and Set Up/Tear Down
Outfits For Fashion Show
T-shirts with Logo
$1,578.85 (200 shirts)
Goody Bags for Raffle
-$90+ $500
-$120 (3 hrs)
Services Donated by DJ Andy B Free
-$150 (3 bags)
+$20 per person
Raffle Ticket Donations
Cash Bar Donations
+$5/wine $6/other $1/soda
Outfits Sold at Fashion Show
10% Markdown of price
Donations (varied)
Total Revenue
Min $13,300
Max $15,300
Total Profits (Revenue - Expenditures)
Objectives/Evaluations (A.B.)
❷ Objective 1: We plan to assess the success of our first objective by raising
money through tickets to the event, cash bar, donations and raffle ticket
sales. We hope to target students and members of the community who
enjoy fashion and art and would be willing to participate in raffles for
fashion and art-related items. Strategically, we plan on targeting Auburn
students, local high school girls, local women Au fashion, art and music
departments and Auburn local businesses. The success of this objective
depends on the number of tickets sold and the amount of raffle and cash
bar purchases at the event.
Objective 2: We plan to assess the success of our second objective by
measuring the quantity of the fashion items shown in the fashion show
purchased at Behind the Glass and U&I. We hope to create a better
awareness of the types of unique fashions found in Auburn, and the
success of our objective would depend on an increase of traffic to these
Objective 3: We plan to assess the success of our third objective by
asking participants and event goers to conduct a survey. The survey
would ask general questions about art and fashion interest, knowledge
and impact on the local community.
Conclusion (S.M.)
Overall, Auburn Fashionʼs Night Out was a success thanks to our sponsors and
volunteers. With their help, we were able to seamlessly host a fashion show and
cocktail hour in order to raise money for the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine
The museum celebrates self-expression and fashion was a form of expression that
we utilized to connect with the community. This form of self-expression is integral
part of our society and without museums like Jule Collins Smith they would be
Surveys (L.P.)
Social Media (H.K.)
Food/Dessert (H.K)
9 dozen minis cupcakes: $1.25 each
Amsterdamʼs appetizers 10 orders of each:
Lobster Egg Rolls ($10/order) - $100
Shrimp Cocktail ($8/order) -$80
Cheese Display ($7/order) -$70
Turkey Wrap Platter ($8/order) -$80
Chicken Salad Bites ($8/order) -$80
Mini Crab Cakes ($8/order) -$80
Total: $245 (Sponsored by Amsterdamʼs)