VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 HENDRICKS COUNTY ARES The HAM’ER April–June 2016 Inside This Issue 1 MESSAGE FROM THE E.C. 2 LIGHTNING 3 JOTA EVENT 4 FIELD DAY 2016 5 MAP OF FIELD DAY 6 CONTACT US 7 UPCOMING EVENTS & Front Page News : The Scout troop #306 took part in the annual JOTA (Jamboree-On-The-Air) event 2015 in Avon. The antennas shown below, are each a 2-meter yagi antenna which the scouts made. These plans, materials, and training support were provided by Chris Harrison KD9BIX. TRAINING UPDATES L-R: Cody, Kate, Tyler, Solomon Photo: Wayne Michael AC9HP Message from the Emergency Coordinator JOTA. What a great idea to interact with our youth. Inside this edition you’ll see photos of last years event. Check out page #2 of this edition to see one attraction that you will want to miss and stay indoors when it comes to a tree near you. 73 PAGE 2 HENDRICKS COUNTY ARES NEWSLETTER What generates as much power as all the electric power plants in the U.S., but can only power one light bulb for a month ? Answer: Lightning ! In the instant it flashes, lightning produces as much energy as every power plant in the U.S. does in that same instant. The lightning is over so fast that a single light bulb would use up all the energy in just one month ! Lightning strikes about three million times a day on earth. In addition to its electric charge, a bolt of lightning can reach a temperature of 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. THAT IS HOTTER THAN THE SURFACE OF THE SUN ! What looks like one bolt of lightning is actually many flashes, up to 20. About 80 people are killed by lightning in average per year in the U.S. This makes it one of the most dangerous natural hazards. Every five seconds you can count between a lightning bolt and its thunder equals one mile between you and the lightning. Lightning can strike miles away from its cloud. Its best to take shelter in a building, or enclosed metal vehicle such as a car. (Not a convertible…) Stay there for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard. If you are on water, try to find shelter nearby. If you have to take shelter outside, stay away from large metal objects like golf carts, golf clubs, bicycles, or metal fences. Avoid trees by themselves in open areas. If in a forest, take shelter in a clump of shorter trees. If nowhere else is available, go to a low spot and crouch down. (DON’T LIE DOWN.) Beware of standing water. If your hair stands on end, a lightning strike may be about to happen. Crouch down as low as you can. Put your hands over your ears and head between your knees. This makes you a smaller target while minimizing your contact with the ground. If someone has been struck by lightning, CALL 911… If they are not breathing or do not have a pulse administer CPR. Check for burns. CAUTION…. Make sure they are not electrically charged before you touch the victim. TRUE STORY : In 2008, eight firefighters taking a break from a wildfire were struck by a single bolt of lightning. With the clear skies overhead and calm, lightning traveled from a distant storm, hit a tree, traveled down through its roots to where the firefighters were sitting. It threw each of them about ten feet in the air. They all required hospitalization but survived. If you hear thunder, take precautions ! (This page for reference only) PAGE 3 HENDRICKS COUNTY ARES NEWSLETTER Amateur Radio + Scouts = JOTA Boy Scout Troop 306 in Avon Indiana, has started a radio program to help scouts get the Radio Merit Badge. Newly ham licensed Scout-Master Chris Jackson KD9EJQ who lead the class and HCARES AEC Barry Palencer KC9WMS teamed up to put together a program to start participate in JOTA. (Jamboree On The Air) Many youths were contacted including an extended welcome to the troops outside of the district to join in. Troop 306 has a scout hut in Avon that was chosen to operate the radios for this year’s event. Steve Chandler N9UIB (W9THR) helped out by putting up (2) G5RV antennas. Steve loves this kind of work and is the founder of the Indiana Elmer Network on Facebook. One radio station was running PSK-31 with Ham Radio Deluxe. Another station using a Alinco DX-SR8T was used for SSB only with a paper log. The digital station was provided by Chris Harrison KD9BIX with an Icom 7200 with a LDG auto tuner. A Motorola XPR-4550 DMR radio was used using a home made J-pole. Over 50% of our contacts were confirmed and many paper QSL cards showed up afterwards. Assistant Scout-Master Matt Weidig KD9EJR and Wayne Michael AC9HP helped the scouts solder the antennas to the coax. Chris KD9BIX had an antenna analyzer to check and test each antenna that the scouts made. PHOTOS : Wayne Michael AC9HP FIELD DAY 2015 Thanks goes to the many hams who with their assistance made this event possible. They are: Wayne Michael AC9HP, Chris Harrison KD9BIX, Barry Palencer KC9WMS, Steve Chandler N9UIB, Wayne Fox KE9P, Steve Wendt KB9RDS, Tabb Adams W9TTW, Tony Tolbert W9AMT, Terry Cashion KC9VWT, Tom Hansen WA9YI, Chris Jackson KD9EJQ, and Matt Weidig KD9EJR. Also the scouts: for their determination to experiment and operate the amateur radios and one day become licensed PAGE 4 HENDRICKS COUNTY ARES NEWSLETTER Come and see your local amateur radio group in action in this annual radio event called Field Day. In Hendricks County this event is held by the Hendricks County Amateur Radio Society at the Grandstands located at the North end of the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds in Danville. Every year the Amateur Radio Relay League holds an event “Field Day” that is nationwide and it’s main objective is to work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur radio bands, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations (temporary power and antennas) in less than optimal conditions. This 24 hr event starts at 2 p.m. on Saturday June 25th. (Last year over 40,000 participated in the event.) Your ARES team will be at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairground Grandstands from the hours of 2 p.m. till 7 p.m. on Saturday 25th. Map and directions are on page five. ( Enter on 200 East.) Hendricks County Amateur Radio Society hcars.org Hendricks County Amateur Radio Emergency Service hendricksares.org PAGE 5 HENDRICKS COUNTY ARES NEWSLETTER FIELD DAY 2016 : June 25-26 FIELD DAY… This years Field Day will be held on June 25-26. Come out and try your hand in radio contesting. All of this radio contesting, will make you hungry to try out some of our fine selection of food that awaits downstairs. ARRL HCARS FIELD DAY SITE Hendricks County Fairgrounds PAGE 6 HENDRICKS COUNTY ARES NEWSLETTER Every THIRD Thursday of each month, we have a monthly radio test of the Amateur Radio Stations located at each hospital. These tests are at 9:30am. The purposes for these tests are to check the radio’s output and audio signal from the radio at each hospital and get a signal check from anyone located outside of the hospital. The radio operators from the hospitals change monthly and are practicing their skills on how to handle net protocols and message handling. Operating frequency is 147.570. Please show your support by checking in and give them a signal check. LIKE US ON : Facebook Hendricks County ARES FOLLOW US : Twitter Hendrickscoares * FOR A COPY OF OUR E-PLAN AND OTHER INFORMATION * VISIT US ON : www.hendricksares.org Hendricks County ARES Personnel : EMERGENCY COORDINATOR : Ron Burke KB9DJA… [email protected] OPERATIONS : Gordon Cotton KD0EWM… [email protected] ADMINISTRATION : Ken Kayler KC9SQD... [email protected] LIAISON : Jay Wright KK9L… [email protected] LIAISON: Jake Stellmack [email protected] LOGISTICS : Chris Harrison KD9BIX...charris5gmail.com TRAINING : Tom Hansen WA9YI… [email protected] PUBLIC RELATIONS: Barry Palencer KC9WMS… [email protected] ARES WEEKLY NET ON EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 7:30pm on 147.015 PAGE 7 HENDRICKS COUNTY ARES NEWSLETTER Upcoming Events: Year 2016 Dayton Hamvention 2016. MAY 20-22 APRIL 2016 ADVANCE Admission Ticket $20 At the door $25 Su M Tu W 3 4 5 6 Th Fri Sa 7 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY 2016 DAYTON HAMVENTION, DAYTON OHIO (AERIAL VIEW.) For a complete listing of hamfest in our area visit our website: www.hendricksares.org Su M Tu W Th Fri Sa 1 2 3 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 6 7 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2016 CLASS SCHEDULE INFORMATION 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (These classes will be held at the Hendricks Co. Senior Center) 1201 Sycamore Lane in Danville. Check for date & times. 29 30 31 ***Advanced Digital Mode Workshop… Part two of this class. ***Messaging in NTS & ICS...Learn about these two valuable message tools in a disaster. *** SKYWARN Spotter Class… This annual severe weather spotter class will be held at the Govt. Building, 355 S. Washington St. Danville. Conf 5-6 1-3pm, March 19th ***When You’re Deployed… This new training class will give you some ideas and county maps to use. 1-3pm, March 12th ***Intro to Damage Assessment… Overview of damage reports you might be asked when you’re deployed. JUNE 2016 Su M Tu W 5 6 7 Th Fri Sa 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30