Plant-like Protists - Napa Valley College
Plant-like Protists - Napa Valley College
Plant-like Protists Nancy Tran & Priscila Gugol BIO 241 - Kingdom: Protista - Eukaryotic microorganisms Organisms include: amoeba, red algae, dinoflagellates, diatoms, euglena, & slime molds. - Little tissue organization. (includes: Animals, some algae/protists) 1. Zygote divides develops into multicellular diploid sporophyte. 2. Cells derived from sporophyte undergo meiosis = gametes (n). 3. Gametes (n) will fertilize one another to make new zygote (2n). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Phylum Dinophyta Phylum Euglenophyta Phylum Cryptophyta Phylum Haptophyta Phylum Oomycota Phylum Bacillariophyta Phylum Chrysophyta Phylum Phaeophyta Phylum Rodophyta Phylum Chlorophyta -Flagellate -Marine/fresh H2O -Population distrubution -Photosynthetic & Mixotrophic -Large group -Parasitic -Algal bloom -Bioluminescence -Flagellates -Fresh water -Unicellular -Chloroplasts -Contractile Vacoule -Striations -locomotion- metaboly -Biflagellates -Cell size/shape -Photosynthetic membranes -Marine & freshwater environments -Plastids- secondary endosymbiont -Unique features -Division of Algae -Photosynthetic -Secondary Endosymbiosis -Coccolithopore -Sexual reproduction & Alternation of Generation. -Not photosynthetic -Asexual & sexual -”Late Blight of Potato” -”Sudden Oak Death” -Water molds -Cellulose LATE BLIGHT OF POTATO SUDDEN OAK DEATH -Phytoplankton -Unicellular -Colonies -Silica -Some have flagella -Mostly asexual, in need they’re sexual -use for monitoring environmental conditions -Large group of algae – fresh water -”Golden Algae” -Unicellular flagellates -Pigment fucoxanthin -Locomotion -Food producing organisms -Ingest large particles -Produce asexually